#you can’t stay mad at him
mx-legend-of-faye · 6 months
Don’t piss off the person in charge of your meals.
Forget copious amounts of goron spice, if the chain really pisses off Wild they’re making either dubious food, rock hard food, or monster stew. What’s the rest of the chain going to do, cook a 5 star meal to avoid the purposefully icky food? No way, the most elaborate meal they can make is absolutely nothing compared to what Wild makes for them when he hasn’t been pissed off by them.
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elendsessor · 1 month
i may be crucified for this opinion but
one of the many reasons i think dds deserves a remake is just how little impact some of the characters have and it’s really fucking sad. unless they’re party members or antagonistic forces they don’t get nearly as much screen time as they deserve and i think that hurts them as characters???
jinana and lupa especially. i get the setting of the first game is a battle royale that turned into a cannibal battle royale so of course not everyone could live but they kinda didn’t get as much screen time as they deserved. i mean think about it they kinda just exist to introduce their tribe, interact with the embryon for a bit, disappear, reappear once or twice, then next time you see them they’ve succumbed to hunger, you beat the shit out of them, and they end up dying. what little they are given does make you like them don’t get me wrong but a lot of that rides on dialogue which, as someone who loves seeing people experience certain plot stuff of games i enjoy, i kinda noticed that it was a really mixed result. it’s either “oh no anyways” with maybe the player getting a little melancholic when they get brought up again or the player doesn’t care. considering how important their struggles and mini arcs are that’s not good??? the fact that they exist solely to develop argilla and gale is a shame since unless you like the exchanges they have their deaths don’t have that big of an impact. they do get mentions and all that in 2 yet it kinda just. makes me question it more from the standpoint of what could’ve been done with them or the giant emotional aftermath that should’ve happened. this isn’t to say they can’t die or whatever but considering the interesting conflicts dds introduces and how it already struggled to explore it as much as it could’ve, jinana and lupa really did have the potential to help remedy some of those issues.
and then there’s fred aka the smokey of dds. i still don’t know why he exists except to explain why lupa somewhat knows what a child is and to introduce the existence of tiny humans to the gang. i’m sorry i straight up forget he was a character at points.
qds fixed a lot of this yes yet i still think it’s important to point out on a game standpoint, since most people who play dds don’t end up reading qds, and i really don’t think actual important contextual stuff or major aspects of a game’s themes should be exclusive to books. it’s not as bad as something like fnaf or other mascot horrors—that shit was over a decade later—but it is a major writing issue and i don’t think the fact that the original lead writer got sick and had to leave means there wasn’t a writing decline. you can tell there was stuff that was going to be built upon only to be abandoned or underdeveloped.
it’s extra sad because this is straight up one of the best instances of world-building the series has ever had, and the whole cannibalistic character drama mixed with spiritual and buddhist + hindu themes is something so inherently interesting while also being in some ways taboo??? there’s not a lot of games out there at least not made by indie developers that get that risky since it’s not marketable, and something like that is next to nonexistent now in the mainstream market. we fuckin need games like the dds duology that challenge the status quo and goddammit if it got expanded upon and had more development for side characters that would be actually perfect.
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roseofcards90 · 5 months
Sighhh it’s starting again :/
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nightmareinfloral · 2 years
yes robin!jason is a sweet ‘robin gives me magic’ baby nerd but he’s also an audacious tire stealing little street rat and criminal fighting, trash talking vilgilante. my boy has layers.
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miametropolis · 4 months
ten in the journey’s end makes me so goddamn mad…rose punched through MULTIPLE dimensions, tracked you through all of time and space, single-handedly saved Donna while you were doing fuck all in a market, gave EVERYTHING to find you again and ALL. SHE. WANTS. IS. FOR. YOU. TO. LOOK AT HER!! WHY WON’T YOU LOOK AT HER ITS ROSE!! ITS THE HEART OF YOUR HEARTS!! YOU COULD EACH DIE ANY SECOND NOW HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU SPENT WISHING YOU ACTED SOONER HOW MANY YEARS HAS SHE WAITED FOR YOU, BURNED HOLES IN THE UNIVERSE FOR YOU AND YOU’RE STILL! LOOKING! AWAY!
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messrsbyler · 1 year
this is my personal opinion on eddie’s character and you have been warned… it’s not a flattering one so if you love eddie don’t keep reading bc well you are probably not gonna like what i have to say under the cut
okay then…
gotta get something out of my chest: eddie is a boring, flat, and edging on obnoxious character that mostly has the pretty privilege going on for him which is just another standard white guy. yes, i teared up when his death scene came… because how it affected dustin. otherwise, couldn’t care less about him and his on the nose “i always run away/didnt run away this time” conflict
“oh, but eddie is a freak and treated as such, even hunted down and bullied. people can resonate with that” i mean… fine if you do, really, but also what about the Party? they are considered freaks, they are bullied, will even expresses even his closed ones make him feel like a freak. why about el? she was a freak too, the weirdo, the lab experiment that was hunted down and tortured. what about jonathan? he was the freak that probably killed his little brother in season one. we have seasons of these characters, characters who actually have depth to them with interesting conflicts and dynamics. and most importantly, characters who are freaks but that see each others as equals.
eddie? sure he’s a freak. a freak who likes to bee in power, sitting on his throne during DND sessions whit his group of sheep wearing all the same tees as if it was an uniform, going out of his way to jump on tables and yell in people’s faces bc he is not like other girls he is proud to be a freak and oppose to the status quo.
i mean, give me a break.
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ziracona · 1 year
It’s one of the most stressful moments of your life when you play Little Hope blind, but on replay value the scene where John is (determinately) like “Leave me and save yourselves!” at the house and Angela and Andrew are screaming at him and Daniel is in the background with his head literally in his hands is one of the funniest compositions of all time
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
air was telling me about that ultimatum reality dating show thing & that’s crazy. I know it’s probably mostly the aromanticism but I can’t imagine clinging to someone when you’re at the point of making an ultimatum. I’d just leave.
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flippedorbit · 6 months
do you want me to fucking go off on you? do you truly fucking want that mother?
#“oh you and your sister never listen to me and blah blah blah” we fucking do (or at the very least i do)#“you guys never help out” does me doing the litter and taking out the trash and on occasion hand washing the dishes mean#fucking nothing to you? does me sweeping the floor every once in a while because you chose to keep us in an area that is ALL SAND/DIRT ROAD#for whatever stupid ass reason also meaningless? does me doing my damn best to help out mean fucking nothing?#do you want me to kill my self. do you want to lose your eldest child to something YOU could have fucking prevented all because you can’t#stop being a bitch to him all the time? do you really fucking want that mom? because at this rate i am once again on the road to fucking#attempting it. i’m so god damn sick of how you treat me. the only time i can do anything i want is at night. i stay up super late playing#games with my friends because its the only time in the day when you aren’t bitching and whining for me to do something you don’t want to do#for the past several days i’ve been up until five in the damn morning just to do something that makes me happy.#you misgender me. you deadname me. you refuse to accept any aspect of my identity. you don’t treat me like a god damn person.#i have so many different ways i can consider attempting if i truly wanted to. the only thing keeping me alive is my friends. because they a#least show that they fucking care and actively want to do things with me. like group drawing or playing video games.#YOU on the other hand; mother; yell and get mad at me over the stupidest shit and never fucking apologize.#i cannot recall a singular time you’ve apologized for being a complete bitch to me over something so fucking unimportant.#and yet i’m expected to be completely fucking fine and happy all because you provide me with the bare fucking minimum.#”i clothe and feed and provide a place for you to live” THAT IS THE BARE FUCKING MINIMUM. sure you could argue over the fact i’m 18 and#should be out working somewhere. but you give me so few opportunities for going places and even considering getting a job or finally gettin#my driver’s license. plus i would rather fucking die than work any food service or customer service job. because i’d be going somewhere#where i’d mostly get talked down to or yelled and then come home and have the same shit done after working for hours and getting minimal#pay. i’d rather work on my own fucking terms with commissions than go into any job where i have to interact with others in public for any#reason. where i’d be treated just the same as at home. like someone who isn’t a person and doesn’t deserve anyone to be nice to them.#i constantly so desperately wish that maybe one day soon i’d find someone to be with romantically and that i could maybe live with them and#get out of this hell hole that i’m supposed to call home. to go somewhere and have my efforts appreciated. to go somewhere where i’d#actually fucking be loved. i shouldn’t have to wish so god damn hard for a better life all because my mother can’t fucking treat me like a#person with hopes and dreams and thoughts and feelings.#i’m ending this rant here before i get too angry and upset. see you all in maybe an hour.#suicide mention#ask to tag
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bbathsalts · 1 year
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(My image)
Rips open the bags and starts eating him like a bag full of chips
-> babe plz edit me eating Stan like Saturn eating his child thanks @roostertuftart
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Ah yes gentle parenting, or as some people seem to think “yell at your kid without reasoning with them/redirecting them/removing or limiting access to whatever is causing the issue.” Because it’s just the hitting that’s bad, yelling does no psychological damage.
Like please don’t hit your fucking kids, obviously. Don’t force laps or sit ups or hours long house cleaning sessions with no breaks. But sitting across the room, just yelling your kid’s name isn’t going to make them just magically stop pulling shit out of the cabinets or whatever. Especially if they’re young and/or you’ve never actually taught them any better
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cocogum · 1 year
my ass literally needs a zoldyck sugar daddy right about now.
fuck everything else I just want a hot billionaire pro assassin.
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ruggiethethuggie · 1 year
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somekindofloser · 1 year
i am once again replaying Cyberpunk 2077 for the third time this year
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johnbronze · 1 year
ok for real I know they were limited in their options for explaining Stiles’ actions because DOB didnt come back but like SERIOUSLY. I have so many questions and complaints and not even all of them are Stydia related….. spoilers obviously
Uhhh I can’t figure out how to add a read more on mobile sorry folks hopefully this is a good enough buffer !!!!!
Did…. Did anyone bother to tell Stiles that Allison is alive?  are we meant to believe that nobody did?? or what’s worse, that he was told and he just didn’t come to Beacon Hills or call or anything?
On that note, are we actually supposed to believe — and I am not a Sterek girlie by any means, love and light to y’all but it’s just not my cup of tea — that Derek fucking DIED and there was a whole ass memorial service that Stiles just didn’t bother to show up to???? HELLO????
I mean it’s also nearing levels of ‘spn finale Dean Winchester ending’ stupid that Derek died in the first place, given that his whooooole character arc (by my book, anyway) is springing from the place of his trauma, and the way that he has blamed himself, struggled with guilt and loneliness and has been atoning for all of the pain of what he perceives to be personal failures the ENTIRE TIME, never letting himself get too close to people, never asking for help, and instead sacrificing for and nurturing Scott as the ideal alpha that he feels he couldn’t be… I don’t know. It just feels like a needless sacrifice to me, like there are so many ways that you can restrain someone and prevent them from moving from the place where you need to. Oh I don’t know burn them alive ?maybe? Which don’t involve sacrificing yourself and burning alive yourself, right in front of your son and the rest of your loved ones. I know again there are production factors at play, maybe it’s likely that they knew damn well Tyler H wouldn’t or couldn’t come back for another movie so they decided to kill off his character?? but suffice to say I was not happy with that at all (and not in the way I think it was INTENDED to upset me.)
Anyway, I know that Stiles needed to be absent because Dylan O’Brien was not a part of this movie, but if I’m being honest, I kind of would rather that Stiles had died ! Obviously I love Stiles’s character and it’s not that I want him dead at all!! it’s just. if they were going to fully send it, and they know he’s not coming back, and they knew that they were going to make up this premonition dream to break up Stydia and (poorly) explain his absence, then it would’ve done a lot better to make that separation as permanent as in life and death. The Stiles we know would never want to be separated from the people he loves as much as he has been now because of all of the external, real life factors. In fact, the season arc with the ghost riders proved to us just how far Stiles can and would go to be present! It was aaaactually a whole thing ! So, if I’m being honest… (1) the way that he and Lydia parted, (2) the way that he isn’t present or even mentioned in the light of his loved ones dying/being resurrected, and (3) again the fact that he wasn’t even at Derek’s memorial … it all feels like a silent character assassination to me. It feels like the mentioning of “Stiles” in this new canon contains less essence of Stiles than it would’ve if he had died. I know it’s easy to have a hater moment and make criticisms and piss and moan about how I would’ve done it better, and I know it’s not always as easy as it sounds… but JESUS CHRIST
Also congrats to the sterek girlies on your own personal y yo a ti moment……that jeep shit was CRAZY
#this is only like an iceberg tip of the things I have to say about this movie#like there’s a clear estrangement between some of the main characters that honestly..stiles feared! we know he did#and we know how hard he fought to hold onto everyone#like he was the glue between them and it would’ve been so sad to see that confirmed. he really WAS the glue#seriously. stiles dies. they all fall apart into little groups and fragments pieces of my HEART!!!! I would’ve bawled.#we could’ve had a closed casket funeral flashback! Scott tries to take Malia’s hand and she pulls away. boom Scali breakup explained!#*​scalia (obvi)#and I feel it would’ve been more evocative emotionally to see Lydia grapple with guilt#that stiles died (in her mind at least) because she was too selfish to heed her power’s warning and keep away from him#it would’ve made the moments where Eli is SOOO similar to stiles HURT more for us as an audience AND to the characters who would see it too#like. raise the stakes! heighten Derek’s (and all of their) fierce protectiveness for this baby !!#make us ACHE thinking about the cycle of it all. how this kid is Scott but he’s also stiles and he’s (literally) a little bit of Derek and—#also this is another thing but I’m also pissed that Liam and Mason had like ZERO interactions lmfao theyre fucking besties ??? or#if they’re not anymore then you should TELL US THAT!!!#I wanna know why Scalia broke up and why she’s fucking Parrish FR#for REALLLL it’s so left field and don’t get me started on what they did to her character and how it highlights Stiles’ absence further#also I miss Theo. to ME he’s under the Hale’s wings. to ME he’s a mechanic and an artist and him and Liam are boyfriends. haters stay mad#TAKES A DEEP BREATH.#okay I think I’m done for now#I can’t figure out how to add a read more on mobile so I hope tagging for spoilers will be good enough (!)#teen wolf#teen wolf movie#teen wolf movie spoilers#teen wolf spoilers#tw#…. I mentioned Dean so.#supernatural finale#supernatural spoilers#alright. bases covered?#long post
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tariah23 · 2 years
I can’t believe my auntie lied on me to my shitty uncle about me being disrespectful just because I told her that I didn’t like the obituary that she put together at the last minute for my cool Uncle’s funeral sjsnsms
#like what the fuck#she was big mad I guess I didn’t even know that there was a problem but she did sound like she had an attitude on the phone yesterday when i#answered it like I could tell but I didn’t think much of it because I literally didn’t do Anything#fake as pastor lmfao#she talks sm shit about how people look and how they live behind their backs but I was the one being rude just because I gave an honest#opinion on the obituary that she put together for my uncle like bro you lying ass dog#rambling#she called my uncle who cursed me out last year because I confronted him about disrespecting my mom and I told her about that too#but I guess she remembered that and called him up lying so that he could say something to mom about me like I hate you both you are nothings#the wrong uncle died he was too cool for you guys sorry#I don’t like how like in black families it’s seen as rude to have an opinion on things like no one is 5 years old anymore you can’t use the#‘stay out of grown folks business’ shit anymore either#it’s still stupid like#I was talking to her regularly like I thought it was just a casual convo to begine with I didn’t know that there was a problem#I swear I was just talking I was not being rude at all#if you’re black you know how older black folks always feel attacked and all of that bullshit just because someone younger than them#can actually have a conversation with them/ confront them on things etc etc like ohhh these old niggas hate that the most#they act like little brats#how it telling someone how you honestly feel about something/ telling them that you didn’t like a thing or how they behaved being#‘disrespectful’ like man
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