#you can't take it with you 1938
oscarupsets · 1 year
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This one was definitely a contentious match-up for me. Rom-com You Can't Take It with You won over the war drama La Grande Illusion, the first foreign language film to be nominated for Best Picture.
You Can't Take It with You was based off of a 1936 play of the same name. During the film's release in 1938, the play was STILL running on Broadway. It was an instant box office success. The Radio City Music Hall had to increase to 5 screenings a day to handle the demand.
It was clearly a play adaptation, and it was wonderful. I have a soft side for screwball comedies, and this one was definitely a riot. There are also way too many characters, but not in a bad way.
La Grande Illusion is listed as a war drama, but definitely has some light-hearted comedy to it. I struggled to find a solid review from its US release, but many considered it the best French film to date.
Honestly, there was something different about La Grande Illusion. I'm not sure if I'm just getting desensitized to 1930s films, but this one felt significantly more sophisticated. And I couldn't even tell you exactly why (and it was not just the fact that it was in French). There were nuances that did not need to be described. The film style was simple but effective. It's aggressively political in nature without being overbearing. All around a great film. Great job, France.
As for the Academy Awards, we may have ditched the categories of Dance Direction and Assistant Director, but we've still got the weirdly similar Original Story and Screenplay, AND we've added a new confusing duo: Original Score and Scoring!
There were also some brief changes to the voting system prior to the 11th Academy Awards, but each source seemed to just confuse me more on that.
Current reception for both films is solid. Some argue that You Can't Take It with You is one of Frank Capra's weaker films, but still praise the comedy and the casting. Critics consider La Grande Illusion to be a successful anti-war film on par with All Quiet on the Western Front (and even more so because both were banned in Germany for some time.)
Unofficial Review: Watch both!
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You Can't Take It with You (Frank Capra, 1938)
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jackbeauregards · 1 year
That scene in You Can't Take It With You where Jimmy dances the Big Apple with the kids is just so cute.
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uyuforu · 5 months
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Boda Persona Chart Analysis II
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Boda (1487) is an asteroid discovered in 1938 by Karl Willhelm Reinmuth in Germany. It was named this way after Karl Boda. Boda in Spanish means "wedding", so it was natural for this asteroid to represent that. Boda is an asteroid we look at when we want to know more about what kind of wedding one will have. The Boda Persona Chart also means the same thing, and it gives more details about one's special day.
Someone asked me to make more observations for Boda PC. Unfortunately I don't have many people around me who have been married already. So I'll take my Boda Persona Chart, despite that i'm not married yet. If I do get married, it will be an occasion to come back on it later lol!
All pictures were found on Pinterest
Other posts you could like:
જ⁀➴ Boda in Signs, Houses, Degrees
જ⁀➴ Boda Aspects
જ⁀➴ Boda Persona Chart Analysis I
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₊˚⊹♡ Sun conjunct Venus: Very romantic wedding, one of the main essence is romance. The wedding could be very pretty and beautiful looking.
₊˚⊹♡ Sun conjunct Mercury: Wedding will be talked about a lot, people could also talk about you a lot. And they can talk to you a lot too.
₊˚⊹♡ Sun Gemini could mean two weddings can happen, even with the same person.
₊˚⊹♡ Moon 8H could mean people don't show their emotions easily but feel things intensely during your wedding. People could cry of happiness and can't control their tears.
₊˚⊹♡ Moon square Briede could mean the bride will have hard time accepting she is showing her emotions.
₊˚⊹♡ Moon trine Venus means the romance will be top tier during the wedding! It can be considered a very romantic wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ DSC sextile Moon could mean the spouse will be open about their emotions during the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Venus 1H could make you be very intimate with your Spouse during the wedding. Meaning you can kiss a lot, hug a lot, share intimate conversations together.
₊˚⊹♡ Mars Gemini could mean there could be misunderstandings or miscommunication during the wedding. Gossips too.
₊˚⊹♡ Mercury Gemini 1H could mean people could talk and gossip a lot about your wedding but about you too. They could be very sneaky and curious about how you will dress and appear.
₊˚⊹♡ Jupiter 12H could indicate a non religious wedding, but this could also mean a spiritual wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Jupiter conjunct Saturn could mean the wedding promises a long term union.
₊˚⊹♡ Venus conjunct Saturn could also indicate a strong and long lasting love.
₊˚⊹♡ Venus conjunct Jupiter means the couple are happy in love and one of the best part of the wedding is their love/ bond.
₊˚⊹♡ Saturn conjunct Rising means you could have some struggles with your dress, you could also be stressed about your appearance or people looking at you during the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Venus conjunct Rising means you will look absolutely stunning.
₊˚⊹♡ Uranus 10H: a transformative wedding, the reputation of the wedding could be that it is unique, and it will change perspectives.
₊˚⊹♡ Uranus conjunct Juno could mean your union is something that is considered revolutionary by others. You could be seen as a unique couple, and your story & wedding could both change perspectives. It could also have a worldwide or historical influence if it is in the 10H.
₊˚⊹♡ MC Capricorn: Wedding will be remembered for how expensive and good looking it was, they can also really admire how fancy the wedding could be.
₊˚⊹♡ 1H Stellium means you will be very focused on the wedding itself, but also on you and your spouse as a couple. You will also feel as the main character, this is your day!
₊˚⊹♡ 3H Cancer means your guests will be mostly your family and loved one.
₊˚⊹♡ 3H Cancer could also mean a wedding that is near water or beach/ ocean.
₊˚⊹♡ Juno sextile Briede means Bride will feel very in love and very romantic.
₊˚⊹♡ Scorpio 7H means the marriage could be quite private, just loved ones are here.
₊˚⊹♡ 8H Sagittarius could mean the honeymoon will be abroad in a foreign country!
₊˚⊹♡ 9H Capricorn can mean the In-Laws will probably pay a lot for the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ 9H Capricorn can also mean In-Laws will not be emotional, but they can be proud.
₊˚⊹♡ 9H Capricorn can also mean a prenup can be signed!
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₊˚⊹♡ Jupiter conjuncts Saturn: indicates a minimalist wedding, or just a small wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Saturn 12H could mean you are stressed about the wedding being called off, or someone ruining your wedding. You are scared the wedding will not work out.
₊˚⊹♡ Jupiter 12H could mean your wedding is a divine blessing, a sacred union. Something divine could happen during your wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Neptune 10H could be a sign people will be obsessed with your wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Neptune conjunct Juno: divine love and union
₊˚⊹♡ MC 29°: Reputation of the wedding is excellent, people will remember it for years. It could be a very popular wedding, perhaps celebrities could attend, or many people will talk about it.
₊˚⊹♡ Pluto 7H: a transformative union
₊˚⊹♡ Pluto conjunct Chiron: a union that will heal both of partners. Breaking a karmic cycle, entering a new chapter of their life.
₊˚⊹♡ Pluto sextile Juno: transformative love. Very similar to Uranus conjunct Juno.
₊˚⊹♡ Chiron trine Briede: Bride will heal through the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Union conjunct Part of Fortune: A very luck union! Their wedding will bring them a lot of luck.
₊˚⊹♡ Vertex conjunct Union: A destined and fated marriage.
₊˚⊹♡ Vertex Libra: same meaning.
₊˚⊹♡ Vertex Conjunct Part of Fortune: A very lucky and happy union that was destined to happen. The wedding and union could have indeed be part of the couple's fate in order to bring more luck and happiness in their life.
₊˚⊹♡ Groom Conjunct Part of Fortune: Groom feels more lucky because of the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Groom conjunct Vertex: Groom feels like the marriage is destined.
₊˚⊹♡ Groom 6H: Groom could feel like he heals during the wedding. He could also feels like he feels in harmony and stable. He could also feel very involved in the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Groom Libra: Groom will be very romantic during the wedding. Will also be very good looking and dress nice.
₊˚⊹♡ Groom sextile Chiron: Groom heals his wound during the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ 2H Gemini means the gifts will be unexpected and full of spontaneity! But also that the wedding could not be that expensive in the end.
₊˚⊹♡ 4H Cancer means your parents will be very emotional during your wedding and perhaps more your mother!
₊˚⊹♡ 5H Leo means the wedding party will be super fun! It also means people will dance a lot, just enjoy themselves a lot. It will feel like a night in a lifetime.
₊˚⊹♡ Groom trines Juno means Groom will feel very in love.
₊˚⊹♡ Asteroid DNA (55555) conjunct 8H could mean a baby could be made during the honeymoon...
₊˚⊹♡ Moon 8H could mean the same thing!
₊˚⊹♡ Capricorn 10H 29° can mean many people wish they could be invited to the wedding. The wedding will have the reputation of being a high class wedding or a wedding everyone will talk about. Even people who are not invited.
₊˚⊹♡ 11H Aquarius could mean the guests will be people the couple love very much, and they consider their friends. The guests could come from different area of the world, different work area, different social classes, etc.
₊˚⊹♡ 11H's Ruler in the 10H could mean some guests could be famous or well known to the public.
₊˚⊹♡ 10H's ruler in the 12H could mean the wedding will def be a private one.
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tahliafox · 9 months
Only you.
Natasha Romanoff x Reader.
Summary: “Oh, baby. It's only you. My special, little girl.” Natasha whispered into your ear, like a dirty secret. 
Warnings: Angst, Making out.
Word count: 1938 
This is an add on to Dirty Secret, my last published story.
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Your finger flitted gently over the F# a couple times before a light pressure caused a horrendous off-key sound coming from the G in front of it. Your eyes tightly closed shut at the mistake.
“It’s an F#, darling.” The deep voice that appeared beside you made you flinch into a pair of thin, delicate hands that came to rest on your  tender shoulders. A green-flecked gaze ran over Natasha’s perfectly polished nails. From instant perception, the older woman's voice seemed to be aroused with disappointment.
The hand that once rested on your shoulder came and grasped at your shaky hands to place them onto the right keys. “A, then F#, then back to A. The notes are in triplets, play it rhythmically and evenly. That may prevent you from slipping again.” You took in a quiet breath, drying out your wanting lips. 
“I'm sorry, I have been trying to play it for ages now. I just can't get it right.” Your voice came out shaky, the breath taken in did little to calm your nerves- further prevented by the divine presence behind you. Natasha ran her hand back over to your shoulder and comfortingly caressed the tiffany blue, cotton shirt. Nimble fingers played with the satin collar that had been folded neatly, framing your porcelain neck. It was unfolded and folded again in exactly the same way, however it seemed to look neater after Natasha’s touch. 
“Why don’t you take a break, sweetheart. Maybe we could clear your head a little.” Natasha looked into your eyes through the gold-framed mirror in front of you both. You blushed under her gaze, as always, and nodded your head. “Fancy a walk?”`
You found yourself thoughtlessly agreeing.
Dancing ballet through thin plaits and red ribbons, the wind seemed to cool your forever flushed cheeks. Golden shards of light peaked through the patterned skyline created by browning leaves. The tree's trunks were home to a blanket of moss that creeped its way up through the branches. Ruby red heels clicked along the stoney, concrete road - that had been framed roughly by brittle leaves fallen from adjacently-lined rows of tall autumn-stained trees. 
Your hand fiddled with the fur lining at the end of your coat, nimble fingers occasionally brushing against the coffee-coloured, plaid skirt you had on. Your eyes were trained on the floor, watching your every step, dear God don’t fall over. You were oh-so careful, trying not to trip over any loose stones that may have been in your way- after all, embarrassing yourself in front of Natasha any more that you already had was the only thing racing through your mind. 
Covered in a ebony-black trench coat, Natasha looked glamorous and rich as always, with a cherry cigarette hanging from her lips. Her hair was tucked neatly into a french beret, secured by two pure gold clips. Everything she owned was so expensive, so expensive that you started to feel worth something every time Natasha layed her gentle fingers against your scarred skin.
“The sunsets are always beautiful this time of year.” Natasha put forth. Her hand was gently intertwined with your own, repeatedly rubbing her thumb over the back of your hand. The unconscious movement managed to both calm and panic you at the same time. The overwhelming being of Natasha never ceased to leave your frame of mind, she was always there. 
Natasha was not expecting the silence she was met with after her remark. You clearly had not cleared your mind yet. “Please try to stop thinking, darling. You have been ever-so stressed recently and it's starting to worry me- and believe me I need nothing less than more worry lines on my forehead.” she chuckled. Your gaze whipped from the gravel path into Natasha’s eyes. 
“You are beautiful.” You spluttered. Natasha blushed softly and raised her eyebrows- making you choke on a dry throat. The soft cigarette smoking coming from Natasha’s mouth weaved its way through the air. “I- I mean that you shouldn't worry about getting lines on your face. You’re already so beautiful and I- well there's nothing that could happen to your face to erase that.” You un-methodically rambled.  
Natasha listened with a sweet smile on her face. Her eyelashes fluttered as she took in the wonder in your eyes as you spoke about her. “Well, thank you very much, sweetheart.” Natasha squeezed your hand tightly in hers with the intention of comfort. 
You smiled and looked back at the floor, the disorder of thoughts slowly clearing. “Did you talk to Darren about my sleeping arrangements? He asked me to clear out the guest room downstairs for whilst he is away- to keep you company.” You changed the subject. Natasha’s smile sunk a little at the mention of her husband. 
“Why don’t we take a trip away as well. Nobody is needing us here, we could go to Rome. I know you speak italian.” Natasha mumbled. You nodded your head at the option. Rome was always lovely at this time of the year, and your apartment there looked over the skyline perfectly.
“I have a place there.” You mentioned. Natasha looked at her, surprised.
“You do?”
“Well, it used to be my Nonno’s, but after he passed away I inherited it. It's completely paid off and everything.”
Natasha smiled at you as you both got to the end of the gravelled road, reaching a perfectly preserved fence. A bay horse lifted its head from the grass, looking over to see you and Natasha standing over the fence. Natasha clicked her tongue at her horse.
The horse came trotting over with its head held high. 
“How come I don't look after the horses as well as the house?” You asked.
“I assumed you were not trained with equine animals. If you had mentioned it in your resume I would have discussed it with you.” Natasha ran her hand along the stripe on the geldings head.
“Oh- I am not trained with horses, I just assumed I would take care of everything.” You hesitated for a second. “You have other maids?”
Natasha furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head a little at the tone of your question. “Well, yes. It's a rather large estate and it would be impossible for you to clean it yourself, especially because you're not a live-in maid.” 
The realisation that there were other people that could possibly be this close to Natasha shot its way through your stomach like a bullet. What if you weren’t special? What if Natasha was just overly kind, overly giving? What if she’d been with another woman? A concerned look settled onto your face and, unbeknownst to yourself, Natasha was watching every twitch, every little movement to try and read what you were thinking. So lost in thought, you didn't even realise that Natasha's hand had let go of your own hand, and was now reaching its way onto your cheek. 
The juxtaposing smells of Natasha’s cherry wrist and the horse's mane were able to pull you out of a trance. Natasha held your face ever-so delicately and lifted your chin so she could look directly into soft eyes. Like the scent of Natasha, a cherry shade flooded onto your cheeks- all the way to the tips of your ears. 
“Tell me what you’re thinking.” Natasha kindly demanded.
“Do you talk to everyone like this? Do you… well, are you with anyone as well as this?” The innocence of the question, followed with the despair that painted its way onto your face made Natasha pull you into her firm hold. You wrapped your arms around Natashas waist as one of her hands made its way into your hair, scratching at your scalp softly. 
“Oh, baby, only you. My special, little girl.” Natasha whispered into your ear, like a dirty secret. You burrowed your head into Natasha’s neck, allowing the sweet smell to dissipate your thoughts. Natasha rested her chin on top of combed hair and swayed you in her arms, whilst continuously stroking a line from the base of your neck to scalp.
After a long moment, you pulled away from Natasha’s neck, keeping the woman close in your arms. Your head turned away from Natasha’s gaze, scouting the area to see if anyone was with the two of you. 
“Kiss me.” You stated.
Natasha seemed to know everything, but at this moment she went foolish, you hadn't asked her for anything since that night. Often pervaded with words, she found herself speechless. She’d kissed you before, she’d fucked you before yet this was different, thought through- intimate, less impulsive. Sharply inhaling through her nose, (the sweet smell of you not helping her state of overwhelm) went blank, and opened her mouth.
“What?” The older woman's voice, unlike her face, was filled with emotion and expression.  It held a tone of something that you’d never heard before- disbelief maybe, so abnormal that your stomach started to curl. Her voice went- she tried to respond but all that happened was an opening of pretty, pink lips and the release of a cut breath. Natasha stared with shock for a few seconds, her mouth had dropped open the same. Her eyes flicked around the property they were on, after realising they were truly alone she nodded.
“Ask- ask me again and I'll give you anything. I’ll give you everything, just ask me.” Natasha’s voice was desperate. The young girl stole her thoughts and replaced them with images of what could happen. Breathing out of her nose, she closed her eyes and dropped so her forehead was resting against yours. “Please, baby. Ask me again.” The desperate voice dropped to a pleading whisper. 
“Kiss me.”
Despite the sheer desperation swimming within Natasha, she was gentle and kind. Soft, moisturised lips kissed themselves on your shaky mouth, pecking twice- why was she being so damn gentle-  until it got too much. You whined, feeling the older woman inhale against your mouth as the noise registered in her ears. Her legs subtly got closer, almost crossing.
Your eyes were closed, so tightly- as if you were making it up in your head and the permission of sight would cause a decay of the dream. But it was real, as real as Natasha’s nose brushing against yours, her lips intertwined, sucking on your lower lip. As real as her bold, undiscouraged hands gripping at your waist, forcing an arch in your back as she leaned into you.
Your slender arms draped over her neck, the crinkles in your shirt, the dip in her knees. Raphael couldn't paint a prettier picture than what was standing in broad daylight. 
“Please.” You begged, not knowing what you were actually asking for.
More, anything. 
“What, baby?” her mouth drew a millimetre away from yours. “Tell me what you need.”
You stuttered. Her, just her. 
“You, please.” so frail, so inexperienced. What were you supposed to ask for other than her? You just wanted her again.
Yet the world seemed so unkind, as the faint tapping of boots against cobbled stone started to get louder. Natasha withdrew herself from you completely, and in the matter of seconds you seemed to go through withdrawals. Your eyes widened, then welled.
The older woman had you at almost arms length, she consistently observed the surroundings. You begged that no one had seen the both of you together. Once so tender, she went cold, then started walking away from you. 
“Go back inside, finish your duties.” she ordered, as if she was talking to staff. You then realised she was, and that's what you were to her, an employee.
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nekropsii · 1 year
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Let this be a living example that knowing the beliefs of any individual who wrote any piece of text- be it literature, articles, or posts- can and should drastically alter your perception on what the text is actually communicating, even if that knowledge has, on its face, changed none of the actual printed words. This is how application of real-world context works, and this is how it applies to any recorded medium.
It reminds me heavily of a quote from video essayist Jacob Geller, regarding the 1938 film Olympia- "It's different when Nazis do it". Olympia is a film that, on its face, simply depicts an artistic documentation of the 1936 Berlin Olympics. But within the context of its production taking place during the Nazi regime, with its director being a well known Nazi propagandist... The way the movie fixates on the power and elegance of the human form and Ancient Greek statues quickly shifts from being completely innocuous appreciation to the worship of what is perceived as the ideal forms of the "Aryan race". Suddenly, you understand the movie not to be a pretty inoffensive documentation of a historical event, but a propaganda piece.
Understanding the time period in which something was made, as well as the setting it was produced in/for, and whatever ideologies an artist may hold and experiences they've had is absolutely critical to getting a full understanding of anyone's work. There are some things that are near completely anodyne on their face, but the revelation of what the author thinks and feels about other people and the world around them totally redefines every word on the page.
This image is such a prime example of why context matters. This opinion, laid bare, stripped of context, is both inoffensive and nonsensical. No one's ever thought it to be lame to create your own nickname... But on its own, that's a harmless kind of wrong. ... But with the addition of them being marked as Anti-Trans (red) on Shinigami Eyes, a browser extension dedicated to crowdsourcing keeping track of Trans Friendly and Transphobic creators... Suddenly, "Nicknames" doesn't mean "Nicknames" anymore. Suddenly, you realize that "Nicknames" is code for "Chosen Names of Trans People". Suddenly this isn't about thinking choosing your own nickname is lame, this is about thinking that trans people shouldn't have the right to name themselves. Suddenly it's about invalidating identities, thinking they're worth mocking. Thinking that people who identify as trans are "just trying to be cool", and that they're not actually what they say they are, because you don't get to choose your gender nickname, that's something already decided for you.
Suddenly, you realize, it's not about "being lame".
It's about Transphobic Violence.
This is why you cannot ignore when an artist, author, essayist, developer, musician- so on and so forth- is bigoted. This is why you can't ignore the context behind their upbringing. This is why you can't ignore the context behind their lived experience, their ideals, their goals, their message. Yes, it may appear innocent on its face. Yes, it may look fine stripped from the context of it being written by an inevitably flawed human being. But what's really being said here? What do those words mean... To the one who wrote them?
Context redefines Text.
Even if the words didn't change.
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Hoodoo, Rootwork and Conjure sources by Black Authors
Because you should only ever be learning your ancestral ways from kinfolk. Here's a compilation of some books, videos and podcast episodes I recommend reading and listening to, on customs, traditions, folk tales, songs, spirits and history. As always, use your own critical thinking and spiritual discernment when approaching these sources as with any others.
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Hoodoo in America by Zora Neale Hurston (1931)
Mules and Men by Zora Neale Hurston (1936)
Tell my horse by Zora Neale Hurston (1938)
Let Nobody Turn Us Around: An African American Anthology by Manning Marable and Leith Mullings, editors (2003)
Black Magic: Religion and the African American Conjuring Tradition by Yvonne P. Chireau (2006)
African American Folk Healing by Stephanie Mitchem (2007)
Hoodoo Medicine: Gullah Herbal Remedies by Faith Mitchell (2011)
Mojo Workin': The Old African American Hoodoo System by Katrina Hazzard-Donald (2012)
Rootwork: Using the Folk Magick of Black America for Love, Money and Success by Tayannah Lee McQuillar (2012)
Talking to the Dead: Religion, Music, and Lived Memory among Gullah/Geechee Women by LeRhonda S. Manigault-Bryant (2014)
Working the Roots: Over 400 Years Of Traditional African American Healing by Michele Elizabeth Lee (2017)
Barracoon: The Story of the Last "Black Cargo" by Zora Neale Hurston (2018)
Jambalaya: The Natural Woman's Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals by Luisa Teish (2021)
African American Herbalism: A Practical Guide to Healing Plants and Folk Traditions by Lucretia VanDyke (2022)
These are just some suggestions but there's many many more!! This is by no means a complete list.
I recommend to avoid authors who downplay the importance of black history or straight out deny how blackness is central to hoodoo. The magic, power and ashé is in the culture and bloodline. You can't separate it from the people. I also recommend avoiding or at the very least taking with a huge grain of salt authors with ties to known appropriators and marketeers, and anyone who propagates revisionist history or rather denies historical facts and spreads harmful conspiracy theories. Sadly, that includes some black authors, particularly those who learnt from, and even praise, white appropriators undermining hoodoo and other african and african diasporic traditions. Be careful who you get your information from. Keeping things traditional means honoring real history and truth.
Let me also give you a last but very important reminder: the best teachings you'll ever get are going to come from the mouths of your own blood. Not a book or anything on the internet. They may choose to put certain people and things in your path to help you or point you in the right direction, but each lineage is different and you have to honor your own. Talk to your family members, to the Elders in your community, learn your genealogy, divine before moving forwards, talk to your dead, acknowledge your people and they'll acknowledge you and guide you to where you need to be.
May this be of service and may your ancestors and spirits bless you and yours 🕯️💀
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ilsolefiesta · 17 days
the unpleasant thing about asteroids
hello-hello, long time no see! this month has been crazy, but here we are again. today I want to talk about an important topic that might make some people disappointed or even angry with me. some might say that I don't understand astrology at all.  the issue I want to raise is the total madness surrounding various asteroids and their persona charts. take it easy, it's not more than a fun addition to "real" astrology. 
however, the fact that people have become suddenly obsessed with finding their Aphrodite asteroid in order to check if they are necessarily extremely beautiful... (note: guys, Aphrodite is simply the Greek name for Venus, which was already occupied...)
or Boda, for example. how will my wedding look? c'mon, Boda was only discovered in 1938. unlike the main planets and objects which have been observed since ancient times, and some for at least 200-400 years, modern asteroids discovered recently may not actually have any patterns yet. and the names are mostly given according to astronomical standards and the imagination of those who discovered them. sometimes, I come across really bizarre and far-fetched facts that are presented as genuine astrological observations. and many people become really disappointed when they don't find Fama in their 1st house/Leo/5 degree. do you want me to create a similar "100% true" fact right in front of your eyes? if asteroid Mr. Spock (2309) forms a conjunction with your Venus, then "Star Trek" is destined to be your favorite movie. (well, the asteroid actually gets its name from the discoverer's cat)  absurd, right? another example: there's an asteroid named Tomhanks (12818). oh. my. god. it falls to my 1st house! (I'm not kidding, btw) does it mean Tom Hanks has a great influence on my life or personality? I couldn't even remember his face until I looked up a photo...
want more? my best friend has a slightly unusual internet nickname. she calls herself "Stasik", which is a diminutive of a Russian boy's name. she has her own funny story about how and why she chose this nickname, and it has become strongly associated with her personality. guess what? exactly. there is also an asteroid called Stasik (4131) and it makes me feel cringey even to write that I've checked it... well, this name is literally a part of who she is, so there must be some connection, right? it's just in her 9th house. that's all. NOTHING special. I want to emphasize one thing: I'm not against asteroids, and I use them myself often. however, there is a point where it can become a strange form of self-made astrology with even less evidence than traditional astrology. everyone has the right to believe what they want, but my opinion is like that:
some asteroids, such as "Starr" and "Glo", don't necessarily make you a star, even if they are in a harsh conjunction with your ASC. and the absence of these asteroids in "important" houses doesn't mean you lack star potential. btw, why is "Glo" associated with popularity, actually? why can't it simply represent the fact that you smoke a tobacco heater of the same name lmao? I hope you understand what I'm saying. astrology is more complex than people think, which is why it's easy to manipulate facts. that's okay, but please stay rational. I always say this, but astrology can help provide insights, but it shouldn't define or rule your life. 
take care and thank you for reading! Picture credits: mine
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thisapplepielife · 27 days
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Written for a @astrangersummer.
Of All the Gin Joints
Week #17 Prompt: "I can't believe you!" | Word Count: 1938 | Rating: T | POV: Nancy | Characters: Nancy, Robin, Steve, Eddie | Relationships: Ronance, Steddie, Past Mentions of Stancy, Fruity Four | CW: Language, Alcohol Consumption | Tags: Future Fic, Bisexual Nancy Wheeler, Old Friends, And Maybe New Love, Getting Together, First Kiss
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Nancy lets her eyes adjust to the darkness and flashing lights of the club. It's not exactly her comfort zone. But she watches as the men, and the women, move to the beat of the music that's bouncing the speakers, thumping so hard she can feel it in her chest. 
She's never been anywhere like this, not really. It's not exactly her scene, never has been. 
So, she finds a spot to stand in the corner, leaving a buffer, so she can take it all in. She always needs to study first, she never just dives face-first into anything. Unless it's an emergency. And this? Not an emergency.
This is just an unknown, an exploration of her sexuality that might be coming later than most. She thinks she should have done this sooner. Maybe not the club part, but the acting on her interest in women. But she didn't. Not the women, and definitely not the club, so now she'd like to know more before deciding to be all in on being a club-going person, especially at her age. 
Watching, it's clear that everyone seems to be having a really fucking good time, and aren't paying any attention to her clinging to the shadows, like a wallflower.
She's about to maybe make a move more towards the center of the action, when she catches a glimpse of a familiar smile, and she steps to the side to see better, to clear her sightline, to really make sure. And, yes, it is Robin, bouncing, laughing, dancing with a guy, seemingly having a hell of a good time. 
It's not Steve, this guy is far too short, and it isn't until he turns that she realizes it's Gareth. He's just chopped off all his curls, which she thinks is kind of a shame.
But, beyond that, she knows if Gareth's here, that means Eddie's here, and if Eddie's here, well...there he is. Steve Harrington, bouncing, hair flying, looking twenty instead of over forty. 
Looking free.
And happy. Really, really happy.
She hasn't seen any of them in person in years, only recently watching from afar on the new Facebook thing that she was bullied into joining by Dustin. She's not too mad about it, since it means she gets to see pictures of all her old friends, and gets to know that they're doing okay out in the world, living their lives. At least when she remembers to login and check.
Nancy hasn't decided if she's going to approach them or not. This is new to her, and while she knows they'd be supportive and fun and totally in her corner, she was really only looking to dip her toes in, not plunge headfirst.
But she doesn't get to decide, because Robin's caught sight of her and is waving frantically, with an enthusiasm only Robin can muster. She's missed her, she realizes. Missed all of them.
She sees Robin turn and yell in the other direction, hands flailing, nearly hitting those around her.
She hasn't changed a bit. 
So, Nancy waves back, and heads her way. She's kind of glad the decision was made for her. It's easier that way, and she gets to see Robin.
When Nancy approaches, Steve is suddenly there, picking her up and swinging her around so hard, she feels her back pop. She's not sixteen, not anymore, but he doesn't seem to have gotten that message as he squeezes her against him, before finally putting her back on her feet but still doesn't let go.
"I can't believe you! You're here!" Steve says, smiling wide and so fucking happy. 
He's glowing. 
There's a ring through his eyebrow, and tattoos crawling up his arm, and yet, he looks exactly the same, somehow. Just really, really happy and all grown up.
It's a good look on him. Honestly.
He giggles, squeezing both of her arms, "Nancy Wheeler."
She almost corrects him, but it is Wheeler again. Her divorce was finalized and she took her own name back, and she doesn't expect she'll ever give it up again. It's who she is, and she kind of hates that she ever forgot that. 
"Where's Eddie?" Nancy asks, leaning towards Steve's ear, trying to be heard over the music.
"The bar!" Steve screams back, and she looks that way, expecting to see him in line for drinks, but he's behind the bar. Putting on a show, as always.
It's a little mesmerizing. But Eddie Munson always was, for better or worse. He had an unique skill for capturing an audience and refusing to let them go.
Steve wraps his arms around her neck from behind, forcing her to walk in front of him, leading her right towards Eddie.
"Look who I found!" Steve shouts and Eddie grins, leaning up on and over the bar to cup her cheek, kissing the other one.
"Hey, Wheeler. What can I get you?" Eddie asks, waving his arm down the bar in a sweeping fashion.
She isn't sure, so she lets him pick, and he gets to work, sliding and twirling, dragging the bottle upwards as he pours, and she grins. He was made for this, she's pretty sure. Putting a show, holding an audience.
She hadn't realized he was a bartender, but she crawls up on an open bar stool, to watch him work. She expects that Steve will sit down next to her, but instead he walks around behind the bar, and kisses Eddie before he makes himself a drink. It's not as impressive as watching Eddie do it, but it's definitely not Steve's first time behind a bottle either, that's for sure. 
"Do you own this bar?" she yells, and they both nod.
Of all the gin joints in all the world, she happened to stumble into theirs.
It really is a small world after all. 
She hadn't heard they'd bought a bar. She must be more behind on that Facebook thing than she thought. Or they've owned longer than Facebook has been a thing, and it was old news she'd just missed out on hearing. She'll have to ask Dustin, or Mike. Get filled in on what they know.
"It's great!" she screams back, and it is. It's a little loud, a little overwhelming, but it seems like a really fun atmosphere. 
They both smile, and Steve is holding his own drink, and Eddie leans over putting the finishing touches on it. Then Steve's back across the bar, sitting next to her.
"You're here by accident?" Steve shouts to be heard, and she nods. She heard about the queer friendly bar, that wasn't really a club exclusively for young people, and it looked like something she might want to check out, now that she's open to exploring that side of herself.
She should have known she'd be drawn right to Steve, the only other bisexual person she really knows. That's just how these things work with them. There are no accidents. They've all been tied together for a long, long time, even as they've drifted and lived their own, separate lives.
They try to talk over the music, but it's impossible, and Steve takes her by the hand and leads her behind the bar, and into an office. He closes the door, and the sound is suddenly gone. Silenced. 
"Soundproofed?" she asks, sitting down on the couch.
Steve nods, "I still get headaches sometimes. It gives me a place to go to get away from the noise if I need to, without having to go all the way home."
"Smart. That's smart," she says, looking around. There are pictures lining the walls, filled with tons of familiar faces.
"It was Eddie's idea," Steve says, grinning, "he just wants me to be comfortable."
Then he smiles a different smile, a softer one, "And nearby."
Nancy smiles back at him, happy he's happy.
"He looks good, by the way," Nancy says, "really good. You both do. Robin, too."
Steve just smiles, because he knows that's true. Time has been kind to them, all of them, it seems.
"Gareth should have kept those curls, though," she teases.
"Don't tell him that, it's a sore spot," Steve says with a grin.
"Mum's the word," she promises.
Then the door opens and closes, Robin sliding inside. She bounces up and down, clapping her hands, "Nance! I can't believe you're here!"
Nancy stands up, and hugs her. Robin isn't as awkward as she was at eighteen. But she's still got that funky style that Nancy's always been a little jealous of, if she's totally honest. That innate ability to just be herself.
Steve is standing there smiling, and then says, "I'll let Robin show you around and catch you up. Eddie'll cry around if I skip out on helping him."
Nancy knows that's not true. Eddie Munson worships the ground Steve Harrington walks on, and has since 1986. At first it felt like Nancy was losing something that she might want again someday, and wanted to bristle up at Eddie. Claim her territory. 
But she quickly saw how Steve looked back at Eddie. She knew that look, and well, and she was happy for him, even if it was kind of hard to let that door close for good.
By the time they all went their separate ways, it was pretty obvious Steve and Eddie were in it for the long haul, and probably would always be. 
And here they are, still together, and they still look fucking happy.
She's not surprised one bit.
And good for them. She isn't sure what it would be like to pick right the first time. She's picked wrong twice now, and she's not excited to do it again.
Women. She might try women for a while. Forget all about men for a stretch and see how that feels, how it goes.
Robin is sitting next to her, and as soon as the door closes behind Steve, leaving them in quiet again, Robin's asking a million questions.
Always curious, Robin.
Nancy answers them. Mike's good. Three kids that act just like he did, which he definitely had coming. 
Robin catches her up on everybody she's still close with that Nancy hasn't seen in a while, and it's nice. Comfortable, like no time has passed.
"You want another drink? Dance? Some food? Anything?" Robin offers.
"Yes," Nancy says, and hell, she thinks she might want it all.
Another couple drinks in, they are bouncing around the dance floor as much as their middle-aged knees will allow, when Nancy reaches forward to brace herself against Robin's hip.
She didn't mean anything by it, but the sudden shift on Robin's face is telling another story. 
Oh shit.
Okay, yeah. That. 
She steps forward, and Robin meets her halfway. Lips pressing against hers in a way that she only barely let herself think about, in a time gone by. The curiosity was there, down deep, back when they were just getting close. But Nancy didn't know how to define it, how to understand it within herself.
She does now.
Robin's hand slides up her back, pressing between her shoulder blades, as she kisses her in a way Nancy's never been kissed. Not by anyone, maybe. 
She should have known. She should have realized that this is what she was looking for, missing, late to understanding.
When Robin pulls back, she smiles, and Nancy smiles back, her heart beating hard against her chest. 
She wants to do it again. 
So she does, leaning up, pressing her lips to Robin's one more time, eager to see where this can go from here.
Hopeful, and excited.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @astrangersummer and follow along with the fun!
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tagthescullion · 1 month
I feel like Nico being from Venice and the Argo II crew briefly stopping in Venice should have had more of a focus.
Like, all we get is Nico mentioning his mother used to tell him stories about the ghosts of Venice (do we get any details? No), that one time he and Bianca went on a weekend trip, and how they went to the US when World War II started. That's it.
First of all, how does Nico even remember Venice (where he apparently grew up, despite Hades saying he met Maria in Washington DC) and his mother? He and Bianca were dipped in the Lethe! A year earlier in TLO he didn't even remember her name! Suddenly he has childhood memories of her?
Him not remembering Venice and his mother could have been worked into the plot. Like him not remembering anything yet knowing he grew up here. Nico volunteering to go into the city with Frank and Hazel because he wants to see if anything jogs his memory. Wandering the streets looking at any old buildings wishing and hoping that anything seems familiar. Talking with Hazel about how he knows he's from here seventy years ago but doesn't remember a thing.
But since he does somehow remember, more attention should have been paid to that. Nico wandering the streets automatically heading toward his childhood home. Finding his way into the old di Angelo plot in a graveyard. Pointing out familiar landmarks, or, conversely, being confused because familiar landmarks no longer exist. Talking in Italian with passersby (don't even get me started on Nico knowing Italian in the later series, which seems to have been retconned from PJO. I think I might send in another ask sometime about that). Actually knowing what the katobleps are because, you know, he grew up here and would have seen them instead of just barely remembering what they are from Mythomagic. Talking with Hazel about his memories of Venice so long ago and how he feels about returning only a few years later for him but seventy years for everyone else. More talking with Hazel in general.
Instead, we get only a couple mentions. If there's anyone who deserves to have more of a focus on returning to his childhood homeland it's Nico, but he doesn't get it.
I'll start this by saying: rick's timeline is a wobbly bit of weak twine that's threading and creating other unexplainable plotholes
(adding a division bc it got long and not everybody has 'long post' filtered)
maria and hades meet in DC (implying nico and bianca are yanks)
maria and hades meet in venezia (implying nico and bianca are italian)
nico and bianca are born long before the war, that's why by the time they're 10 and 12 they left italy bc the war hadn't yet begun
nico and bianca were born in 30-32 so by 1938 nico was 6 when he went to croatia on holiday, implying they'd been 10-12 in 1942 the war had already started! italy was about to get divided north vs south
nico and bianca were born in 30-32 so by 1938 nico was 6 when he went to croatia, and they still went to the US before the war (<1940), so how in fuck's name does nico know of his venetian neighbour who came back PTSD-ed from the african campaign (1940-1943)????
nico and bianca have no memories bc they were bathed in the lethe, ergo no memories, ergo nico betrays percy to hades to learn about his mother
nico's memories, which shone for their absence for three years, start popping up like ants after rain in HoO?? just like that?? except the freaky cow-things, those ofc he can't remember despite them being a fucking pain in the arse and him having been annoyed/in danger for.. 10 years???
in the end, it's less about rick's subpar ability to keep up with his own characters, and his greedy need to keep writing books without a capable editor knowing he can't remember shite of any of his old stuff.. it's more about just picking whatever makes you happy
I like foreign nico and bianca, bc my country's culture's got a lot from italians, so I'll take HoO's (sort of) version. that and it fits better with my long and niche hcs of maria
nico and bianca being born in 30-32 (or 31 and 33 bc it fit better for my hcs) feels more legit to give nico that whole pre-war/beginning of the war background, but that's only bc wwii is interesting to me
I hc from PJO times that the underworld rivers don't affect children of hades too much, so nico and bianca did have some chunks of memory here and there, like islands of light in a dark ocean.. the speed with which nico gets back every single childhood thing? I don't vibe..
and as for nico being in his hometown.. god above it pains me to hell and back but rick is a white middle-upper class privileged yank boomer, I can't trust him to write his own compatriots, I simply cannot consider his foreigners as canon until people from those countries have given their thumbs-up
as a last comment in this eternal post: I truly, from the bottom of my judgy, bitchy heart, don't think rick even realised (originally) that italy wasn't on the US's side of WWII..
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blorb-el · 1 year
Calling golden age Clark an anticapitalist/socialist paragon is only true for prewar golden age Clark (1938-42). The instant the US entered the war and the character started to be used to sell war stamps, he couldn't act as anti-authoritarian; destroying a car factory for its use of unsafe, inferior materials (action 12), trapping a mine owner in his own mine to force him to improve conditions for his workers (action 3), or tearing down tenement housing in order to force the government to build better, safer apartments (action 8) are all actions that would be seen as actively traitorous in the wake of Pearl Harbor. The Superman office contributed enthusiastically to war propaganda in all the forms of media the character was appearing in (comics, newspaper strips, radio show, and the Fleischer animations). By the end of the war Superman the Character was firmly established as Establishment. Postwar golden age Superman is still devoted to doing the right thing, of course, but now he helps raise money for charity, donates his time and labor to build orphanages, that sort of thing. He's not trying to tear the system down... much as I wish DC would let him try.
Instead of Siegel's original justice cryptid, the furiously kinetic Champion of the Oppressed outsider Superman, postwar to modern day we get a Clark who shifts back and forth on the spectrum of establishmentarianism depending on the writer, but who is generally not allowed to act directly against institutions (Wolfman, Morrison, Waid, Byrne, and Maggin for example all have WILDLY different takes on the relationship between superman and Authority). My personal favorite Take is that Clark as a person is not establishmentarian, but the establishment of superheroes and their conduct codified (or calcified, if you prefer) itself around him and his personal conduct. Both in a Doylist sense and in the continuities where he's the First Superhero a Watsonian one. How does your behavior change when you know people are looking to you to determine what's right and what's allowed for themselves? How does that constrict you, when your actions are dissected and taken for justification? That's why I always think of him as a person whose natural inclination is to be chaotic good, but who restrains himself into being lawful good. Clark would sure LIKE to Solve Capitalism. But he both can't, and will never be allowed to... and that tension, far from being a bad thing, can fuel a good interpretation.
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saintarmand · 1 year
i'm sure i'm not the first one to notice this but i just identified an ldpdl book i don't remember seeing people talk about before so i had to share. in 1x06, louis seems to be reading jean-paul sartre's la nausée (1938)
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i just stared at shots of the scene until i was pretty sure the last letters were -ausée and then i ctrl+f searched that on a bunch of wikipedia pages on french literature until i found a match. i can't believe this dumb shit actually worked—the cover immediately looked familiar. louis's edition isn't exactly the same one pictured here but it's very similar.
wikipedia has this to say about the novel:
Nausea (French: La Nausée) is a philosophical novel by the existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, published in 1938. It is Sartre's first novel. The novel takes place in 'Bouville' (homophone of Boue-ville, literally, 'Mud town') a town similar to Le Havre. It comprises the thoughts and subjective experiences—in a personal diary format—of Antoine Roquentin, a melancholic and socially isolated intellectual who is residing in Bouville ostensibly for the purpose of completing a biography on a historical figure. Roquentin's growing alienation and disillusionment coincide with an increasingly intense experience of revulsion, which he calls "the nausea", in which the people and things around him seem to lose all their familiar and recognizable qualities. Sartre's original title for the novel before publication was Melancholia.
sounds like louis all right!
it also says the character "often resigns himself to eavesdropping on other people's conversations and examining their actions from a distance," which is pretty much what louis is doing in this scene.
la nausée being published in 1938 makes it brand new when louis picked it up (lestat's return to rue royale was in 1937.)
i haven't read this (yet) or any sartre at all but i'm sure some of you have so feel free to share anything that comes to mind about it :)
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You Can't Take It with You (Frank Capra, 1938)
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hard--headed--woman · 3 months
Annemarie Schwarzenbach
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(i am so glad i learned about her!)
Born in 1908 and died in 1942, she is a Swiss writer, poet, explorer, philosopher,  photographer, journalist and traveler (yeah that's impressive!).
Her family was a family of Swiss industrialists from the upper bourgeoisie and close to the far-right ; openly lesbian, she lives with difficulty with them and can't wait to leave.
From 1927, she studied history and literature in Zurich and Paris and then began writing articles for the Swiss press.
In 1930, she became friends with Klaus Mann (writer) and Erika Mann (writer, actress, singer) children of Thomas Mann (writer) and had a long affair with the latter. She supported them in their fight against Nazism. The three friends joined the anti-fascist magazine Die Sammlung.
In 1931, she obtained a doctorate. At the age of 23, she published her first novel, Les Amis de Bernhard. She became friends with Claude Bourdet, Catherine Pozzi's (poet and writer) son and a future member of the French Resistance.
In 1933, Annemarie Schwarzenbach made her first trip as a journalist, travelling to Spain with the photographer Marianne Breslauer.
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That same year, she travelled to Persia and decided to marry, in Tehran, Achille Clarac, the secretary of the French legation, who was openly homosexual. She did this so that she was no longer dependent on her parents. Thanks to her marriage, she was able to obtain a diplomatic passport, which facilitated her travels. Obviously, it wasn't a love marriage; the two of them did it to help each other and to be able to live free.
She later returned to Switzerland, then left for the Soviet Union and the United States. In 1938, she underwent several detox treatments for her morphine addiction. She fell in love with one of the women in charge of her treatment. During these stays at the clinic, she wrote "La Vallée Heureuse","Das glückliche Tal" (The Happy Valley).
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In 1939-1940, when Europe was once again embroiled in war, she travelled by Ford from Geneva to Kabul, via Iran, with the Swiss traveller, writer and photographer Ella Maillart, a journey marked by her addiction problems. The two women's epic journey is recounted by Ella Maillart in her book "La Voie cruelle". It was during this journey that Annemarie Schwarzenbach wrote "Un hiver au Proche-Orient". She also wrote various reports for Swiss newspapers.
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On her return, she went back to the United States, where her addiction to morphine, her depressive tendencies and her suicide attempts forced her to undergo several psychiatric treatments. She then became interested in the trade union movement. In New York, she befriended Carson McCullers, who fell madly in love with her and dedicated "Reflections in a Golden Eye" to her.
During a stay in the Belgian Congo, Annemarie Schwarzenbach joined the Free French forces in Brazzaville; she was mistaken for a Nazi spy. Disturbed by this comparison, she began writing a series of poems, including Les Rives du Congo-Tétouan. In 1942, having regained her serenity, she decided to return to Switzerland.
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On 7 September 1942, a fall from her bicycle seriously injured her head. She was treated in a psychiatric hospital in Prangins, with electric shocks. Her mother then had her taken back to the Engadine, where she died on 15 November, aged 34.
After her death, her mother chose to destroy a large part of her correspondence. However, the Annemarie Schwarzenbach fonds is preserved at the Swiss Literary Archives in Bern and was made freely accessible on Wikimedia Commons in 2017. She was nicknamed the "inconsolable angel" by the French writer Roger Martin du Gard.
She has created a number of novels, poems, photos and reports during her many travels, and I invite you to take a look at her work!!! She was such an interesting person!!!
I love women with a thirst for life and the world like that; she wanted to discover everything, and created such interesting things!!!
Do check her books, her poems and her photos!
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queer-cinephile · 3 months
Edit to my last ask: Were there any queer women nominated for Oscars in Classic Hollywood?
I know there were quite a few men including some of the actors you talked about during the 30 day challenge, but I'm curious whether there was any representation of LGBTQ+ women during the Oscars.
The answer is yes! There were several queer women nominated for Oscars in classic Hollywood. (Some are just widely suspected to be LGBTQIA+, which I note.) Here are the ones from pre-1960:
Marlene Dietrich was nominated for an Oscar for her performance in Morocco, which was also the first film to feature two women kissing.
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Janet Gaynor, widely believed to be bisexual and in a lavender marriage, was nominated for four Oscars. Here she is with her "gal pal" Margaret Lindsay.
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Ethel Waters was nominated for Best Supporting Actress in 1949 for her role in Pinky (1949). She was bisexual.
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Greta Garbo was nominated for 4 Oscars in the 1920s and 1930s. Historians attest that she was bisexual, enjoying relationships with men and women. Here she is kissing a woman in Queen Christina (1933).
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Katherine Hepburn, widely suspected to be lesbian or bisexual, won 3 Oscars and was nominated 7 more times.
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Spring Byington was nominated for her role in You Can't Take It With You (1938). Historians attest that she was a lesbian who was in a long-term relationship with actress Marjorie Main. When Main was asked about Byington's sexuality, she said, "It's true, she didn't have much use for men."
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Marjorie Main was nominated for an Oscar in 1947 for The Egg and I (1947). Main's biography revealed that she was bisexual and had been in a long-term relationship with actress Spring Byington.
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secular-jew · 3 months
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Judeans made wine for both internal distribution and for export, from the Richon area of Israel "Richon Le Zion, Palestine" which was a Jewish area of course. The label also says "Raisin de Canaan" - French for "Grapes of Canaan."
Naturally, the Arab Muslims can't drink and don't make wine.
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Another well known wine began being produced in late 1800s. The Palestine Wine Company (PalWin for short), was founded in 1898, one of which the first brands sold in export markets by the Israeli wine industry.
In other news which proves that the Israelis are those who were called Palestinians, and which the Arabs will ignore, is that the Anglo-Palestine Bank was founded and later renamed Bank Leumi, the quality newspaper for English speakers was The Palestine Post (later renamed The Jerusalem Post), the pre-1948 soccer team was jewish, the pre-1948 symphony orchestra was jewish, as was the Palestine Airways (founded 1934), which was based in Haifa and commenced flights from Lydda (Ben Gurion airport), but due to Arab unrest, was moved to an airport in Tel Aviv, taking 6,800 passengers in 1938 to destinations like Haifa and Beirut.
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The Palestine Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1936, well before the establishment of the modern state of Israel
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Then of course, you had the Israeli soccer teams which played national & international matches in the 1930s and 1940s. The teams names were "Maccabi Tel Aviv", "Maccabi Petah Tikva" & "Maccabi Haifa." The Palestine team (all Jews) played throughout the world, including Australia. The team famously played Lebanon in April 1940, in Maccabiah Stadium (Tel Aviv), beating the Phoenicians 5 to 1, with 10,000 in attendance.
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