#you certainly didn't make me uncomfortable at all! I definitely was moved seeing this in my inbox
borbygorlinbbqworld · 6 months
A weird dairy allergy.
That's what you had been told it was, ever since you were a kid. But after you had moved out from your parents' protective care, you found out the truth.
Even so, when you checked into the restaurant, you still told them to mind what was given to you. Disinterested, and barely glancing at your modest double D cups, the host raised an eyebrow.
"You mean a lactose intolerance?" he asked.
You shook your head. "No."
You only wish it were. "No, not exactly..."
"Whatever." With a roll of his eyes, he started walking toward a table. "Follow me."
You sat where he directed. Glancing at the menu, you waited for your date to arrive.
Tinder was often as cesspool of terrible choices--for both men and women--but you'd really gotten lucky finding this guy on there.
Aside from being extremely attractive (though that never really hurt, did it?), he was in his second year of residency at a children's hospital. With the looks, brains, and money all that would have entailed, he still managed to be humble, and quite charming.
He even seemed really understanding about your dairy allergy when you had told him about it during one of your late night chats.
'Wow, you must feel so uncomfortable!' he had said, genuinely sounding apologetic.
Uncomfortable had been the gentle way of putting it.
After a few minutes of waiting, your date finally appeared. He chatted with the host for a few moments, pointing at the table you were sitting at. Their conversation seemed a little longer than usual, but when he finally arrived at your table, he explained.
"Just wanted to make sure he was aware of your allergy." He flashed a brilliant smile that made your heart melt. "But we're doing a tasting. A few small servings of everything in the restaurant!"
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
But after eating a few bites of one of the appetizers, you start to feel a familiar tightness on your chest. Your boobs didn't seem overly larger, so you thought it must have been imagined.
After a few more bites though, the tightness doesn't let up. Your bra starts to creek. With another furtive glance downward, you can see you were right.
There's a crease where the bra was trying to contain the breasts and where they were starting to spill out.
"Was there dairy in this?" you ask.
Your date shook his head. "Shouldn't be. Why?"
Why? Maybe you were being too critical of yourself; if he couldn't tell they had gone up half a cup size, maybe it wasn't worth mentioning.
So the next appetizer was brought out. It was savoury, melt in your mouth...
..and made your breasts swell another size. It was very clear now that whatever you had eaten had to have had at least some dairy in it. Your bra now fit like a tiny bikini, your hard nipples rubbing against its edge teasingly as you spilled out the front of your low cut dress.
"There's definitely dairy in this food," you tell your date urgently. "I'm reacting."
He tilted his head to the side, looking at your chest. "Maybe a little bit, but nothing too uncomfortable I wouldn't say."
It certainly didn't feel that way, but maybe he was right. Maybe you were too worried about the stares you'd get.
So you continued to eat.
After the next course, you realized he had to be playing polite. Your mammaries swelled, tightening the top of your dress until there was no more give. Not only were you spilling out the front, but out the sides now too. The straps that had once been full coverage now strained with the weight of your expanding bust. You weren't sure when it had happened, but your bra had torn; it was too much for it to handle.
You jumped to your feet suddenly, your breasts bouncing back and forth as your nipples poked through the fabric of your dress. Stomping over to the host station, you tried to ignore just how good it felt when your breasts were sloshing around from the movement.
"Excuse me!" You waved your hand to get his attention, sniffling a groan as you felt your chest get even tighter.
The host looked up with a bored expression on his face until he spotted just what his food had done to your body.
The man could barely choke out a word, and he definitely couldn't help but stare. It burned a heat between your legs.
"Was there any dairy in the food?" you asked desperately.
He took a solid few minutes to answer, and only did so after adjusting a chub in his pants.
"A-A little bit," he confessed. "I didn't think it would... would..." He trailed off, keeping his stare on your breasts. Clearing his throat he finally looked away. "Your boyfriend over there asked that I put some in."
That little asshole...
You stormed back over to him, a little miffed at the fact that you enjoyed how he watched every sway.
Before you could say anything, he apologized. "I'm so sorry. I guess I didn't believe that it was true, which was wrong--but I had to see for myself."
"Well, have you seen enough?" You gestured to your swelling chest.
"I'm sorry! But how, uhh... " He swallowed, as if biting back more lewd words than what he went with. "How big can they get?"
You did your best to cross your arms indignantly, but the feeling of your arm brushing against your hard nipple made you squeak.
"I dunno, I've never been this big before."
Or this sensitive...
Your breasts felt so heavy, so incredibly full, yet every little bump or sway filled you with pleasure.
He nodded, keeping his eyes on them. "I felt guilty for kind of... trapping you into this, I guess. So I booked out the restaurant entirely, if that's any consolation..."
A quick look around proved there really weren't any other guests in the restaurant. It was a small token of sweetness.
The guy really couldn't stop staring at your breasts, and for the first time, you didn't want him to stop.
"Well, I guess if there's no one else here..." You wave your hand to grab the attention of the waiter. "Let's see how big I get."
His pupils dilated for a moment. "Yeah?"
The waiter arrived.
"A glass of milk please."
He paused, looking between you , your breasts, back to you, then your date. "B-But--"
"Whole milk, if you have it."
He didn't take very long filling your request. You raised the glass of milk up in toast, waiting for your date to meet it with his own.
You gulped down the milk, each swallow loud. Before that moment, any dairy you had had been in tiny, small amounts.
Right away, you felt the familiar tightening in your chest. The sound of ripping fabric told you your dress hadn't made it. As soon as the fabric gave way, your breasts burst forth like water breaking through a dam. They swayed from the sudden freedom, leaving you with that arousing sloshing sensation again...
They had never felt so full before! But full of what, exactly?
It wasn't long before your expanding mammaries forced your nipples against the edge of the table.
You let out a whimper.
"Are you okay? Is there anything I can do?"
So full, so full... How did your swelling masses make you feel so uncomfortable, yet so... aroused?
Whether it was to genuinely help, or so he could get a better look, your date move the table, giving you more room.
Finally, the tightness died down, and the swelling stopped. Your breasts filled up your lap, blocking your stomach completely as the heavy mounds rested on the tops of your thighs. Your puffy nipples stuck out, just aching.
In fact, your breasts in general were in need of something.
You look back to your date, wondering if the growth had been too much. But to your pleasant surprise, he was drooling over them. The thought of his saliva dripping off your engorged teets... were your panties always this wet?
He reached a hand out to touch. His fingertips gently grazed the skin near your nipple, and your breasts throbbed with need.
He took them both in his hands, gently kneading them in his fingers. But every movement hit against a gland, making you let out a soft moan.
Two pearl-like beads appeared at the tips of your nipples.
"Is that...?"
You really did feel full...
He squeezed your breasts gently, no doubt testing his suspicions.
Two streams of milk burst forth from your mammaries, spattering across the floor, the table, and his face as you let out a cry of pleasure.
Before you could even let out the demand that was on your lips, you felt your date's hot mouth on your breast. He sucked gently at first, then a hard suck that flooded his mouth with so much milk, it started dribbling down his chin.
He kept going though, suckling on the one breast while pulling the other nipple in an all too familiar fashion. He directed the spray into his empty cup of water, all while latched and guzzling from the other breast. You could hear each hungry gulp from him, which only made your panties even wetter. I rubbed my pelvis back and forth against the fabric.
He let go with his mouth momentarily, his gaze a little unfocused, like he was milk drunk. "Can't even imagine... what it's going to be like when I get you pregnant..."
And with a loud moan of pleasure from you, he latched on to the other breast, feasting greedily on your massive mommy milkers.
The feeling was pure ecstasy...
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hopeluna · 8 months
𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ — Barista!Izuku Midoriya
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♡! hope's notes: this is 50% unrealistic and 50% self indulgent. Tell me what u think lol <3
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It's 7 in the morning when you realise that you're truly, utterly fucked.
You try to convince yourself that it was really your alarm's fault for not waking you up. Because now you are desperately trying to shove everything in your bag, while chewing on the world's driest granola bar and make your way out of your apartment.
You do the calculation in your head as you make your way down the stairs, trying not to trip. Your class is supposed start at 7:15, so you have approximately 5 minutes to get a much needed cup of coffee. And then you need to make run for your class which is 15 minutes, hoping to whatever deity that you'll reach there in 10 minutes.
A groan of frustration escapes you on the sidewalk at the utter slow pace the lady is moving in front of you, talking animatedly on the phone.
You've been late to class enough times this entire week that you're convinced your professor is going to shoot you in the head today. The first thing you notice in front of the cafe is how cute and cozy it looked. Like something straight out of a rom-com set.
There were small little coffee shops like this scattered through almost every road corner outside the campus. Coffee shops, cheap diners and stationaries all looking out for their target customers, drained college students.
This particular coffee shop, you had realised one day talking with your friends, was new and untouched by your hands. You knew that logically it wasn't a great time right now to experiment newly opened shops, no matter how much your friends had been praising the place but you were already late, and the decor and smell of roasted coffee beans seemed too appetizing to pass up.
The gentle chime of the bell at the entrance almost made you forget that your life could possibly be on the line in less than 10 minutes. Your shoulders loose some tension at the faint but noticeable fragrance in the air, the smell of coffee and the muffled sounds of students clicking away on their computers, couples chatting away in excitement and the sound of the workers behind the counter.
Oh yeah, you were definitely forgetting about class for some minutes.
Tapping your fingers to a random rhythm, your eyes immediately go to the cheapest drink on the big menu overhead the counter. Being a college student, you weren't really raking up the big bucks and would rather like to be able to afford instant ramen in the future.
And that's when it happened.
You swore that you almost went blind for about 2 seconds at the absolute beaming, sunshine-filled smile the barista gave you. The simple words "what can I get for you today?" suddenly sounded like the most holiest piece of angel music coming out of his mouth. He was cute, like a lot, with lush green curls falling messily atop his head, freckles doted like stars across his cheeks. You briefly registered the small "Midoriya" name plate attached to his shirt.
"Um, e-excuse me?"
"I- what can I get you, ma'am?"
"Your number, hopefully"
Shit. The wide eyes and the full flush creeping up on his cheeks made you almost shriek in horror, you didn't mean to say that aloud. Suddenly, the once calming air felt stifling and uncomfortable.
"Uh! I mean- no!", wincing at your own volume, you suddenly wished that the earth would just open up and swallow you whole. "You see, um, that was- a joke! A bad joke!". It took all your strength to not bash your head on the counter under your sweaty palms, cringing at yourself.
The nervous laugh that "Midoriya" let out certainly didn't help the situation either.
You felt the tension lifting off your chest when a girl came up to the counter to ask for more creamer. The next course of action was probably not your proudest moment, definitely something you would look back at and curse yourself for. In your defence, your mind felt scrambled and fried at the whole interaction, so you did the only thing your brain managed to comprehend. You ran.
A few minutes later, already at your campus, you stopped for a second for breath. The frustrated whine you let out next was met with some questioning glances your way that you could not be bothered about right now, your mind only swirling with one thing.
You didn't even get your fucking coffee.
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© hopeluna. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work in this or any other site. Do not steal or modify my ideas/concepts either.
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dialovers-lover-xoxo · 6 months
❌ NSFW Warning: This post contains explicit sexual content. If you are a minor or that kind of content makes you uncomfortable please do not read under the cut! ❌
Yuma x Female Reader Smut
Handcuffs, teasing, begging, vulgar language, oral, fingering
The sound of the handcuffs snapping onto the bed's headboard went straight to your core, intensifying the aching in between your legs. Yuma trailed his hand down the valley of your breasts and stomach, chuckling. "I like seeing ya all tied up, Sow." You giggled. "You see this sight often enough." He kissed your breast and you let out a sigh of pleasure. He lifted his head again and said, "I won't ever be able to get enough of ya." Despite the fact you and Yuma have been together so long, you felt a blush form on your cheeks and your body filled with warmth.
Yuma leaned down, pressing kiss after kiss on your breasts, trailing his tongue down your stomach. Reaching your core he flicked his tongue over your clit briefly. Your thighs jerked. He looked up at you and chuckled. "I can't get enough of your taste." "Taste me more, please." He grinned and obeyed, burying his face inside your thighs and began to eat you out. "Ohhhh...." you moaned, your legs already twitching at the delicious sensations his tongue gave you. "Mmm..." your legs jerked again and he held them down with his strong hands.
It felt amazing as his tongue stroked your folds expertly, loving every inch of you. He kissed the insides of your thigh and you giggled until he bit your flesh lightly and you yelled. He chuckled again. He pressed a kiss to your clit before circling his tongue with it. "Yuma!" You bucked your hips. "Fuck, I love your taste." "More." It was a demand, but your pleading tone took any force out of it. Nevertheless, Yuma complied with your wishes.
You felt yourself approaching release and you twisted and writhed on the bed, moaning as your body heated up and your sex pulsed. Normally you would've grabbed onto Yuma's hair, or maybe the bedsheets, but you were handcuffed to the bed and all you could do was thrash as your lover's tongue brought your closer to the edge. The inability to grab onto something was frustrating but it aroused you beyond words that you had to be entirely focused on the pleasure, with no way to alleviate your tension.
It built until you shattered, crying out. Yuma licked his lips. He kissed up your stomach and inserted one of his fingers. "Mm!" Yuma watched through half-lidded eyes as his finger pumped in and out of you. "Fuck, you're so goddamn wet." You giggled, even as the pleasure increased in intensity. "Well, you certainly made sure of that." You teased and Yuma grinned, still eyeing your womanhood. "Trust me, you were wet for me on your own, Sow." Heat flushed your cheeks.
Yuma climbed over you, naked, strong and tall. You admired his abs, his eyes, his broad shoulders and your toes curled in delight. "You like what you see, huh?" He asked in a deep voice. "Yeah." You breathed out the same time he kissed you. He settled in between your legs on his knees.
With a wicked grin, he began to rub his length against you, close enough to your entrance, but never penetrating you. "Yuma!" You whined in complaint. The aching down there was almost unbearable, you needed him to fill you. This time Yuma didn't cooperate. He kept rocking his hips, so close to your entrance, ghosting over it but never actually inserting himself. "Yuma!" You lifted your legs and wrapped them around his waist. He exhaled, definitely aroused by that. "Not yet, Sow." "Don't you want to be inside me?" You tried, making a pleading face and arching your back, making sure the movement would move your breasts. Yuma's eyes raked over you.
He stretched out, never breaking eye contact, guided himself to your entrance and slowly pushed in. Your jaw dropped and you couldn't help but moan as he filled you up. Yuma, too, couldn't hide his pleasure. His eyes closed and he let out a sexy groan. He filled you to the brim and began to thrust slowly. "Uhhh...Yuma..." you moaned. "Fuck." He breathed out and moaned your name, before dipping his head down and kissing you passionately. You kissed him back, whimpering against his mouth, which made him smile against yours.
He sped up a little and got off his forearms, holding himself up with his hands, his muscles flexing beautifully. "Fuck, you feel so goddamn good around my dick." You moaned in response, again your twisting was futile, the handcuffs making sure your wrists stayed put. Yuma got on his knees and wrapped his hands around your breasts. He went harder and faster and you kept crying out in ecstasy. He growled, fangs glinting. "Fuck, yeah, just like that. Take my cock inside you, Sow." Your legs fell open, now completely wide apart. And you bucked your hips to grind against him, loving as he rammed into you.
His shoulders tensed and his breathing quickened, you knew he was getting close, and so did he. He continued fondling your breasts with one hand and moved the other one down to flick your clit. The combination of his length pumping inside you and him circling your clit made you close to your release faster than normal. Yuma growled again before reaching releasing, cumming inside you and moaning loudly. You shattered as well. Yours lasted longer than his and his eyes closed as he enjoyed your walls clamping down on him. "Fuck..." he breathed out. "I love it when you cum on my dick." He caught his breath. "Feels so fuckin' good." He kissed you and you eagerly responded. He pulled out and stretched out next to you, wrapping in his arms and pressing a kiss to your neck. You smiled. "Yuma, didn't you forget something?" You nodded up to your arms. His gaze followed your nod. He looked back at you. "Nah."
Reblogs and feedback appreciated! ❤️
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rederiswrites · 7 months
Well, today I had the entertainment of having a dental hygienist schedule me for my next cleaning to make sure that she was the one doing the cleaning, so that she could hear "the end of the story". It was definitely a uniquely entertaining tooth cleaning.
You see, I got a message from Jacob while I was in the waiting room, telling me that... Well, the situation with my mom, who lives in our basement and is causing us problems I don't really need to get into, had deteriorated even further. So when the hygienist went to take my blood pressure, I was like, "oh actually, it might be really bad right now, cuz I just got upsetting news, don't worry about it." And then it was, in fact, fairly terrible. It's always been great before, and was great in their records, so we called that one a scratch.
But naturally she was curious to know what had my blood pressure through the roof. Presumably if I'd brushed it off she'd have respected that, but I was like, hell, why not, it's some pretty wild gossip. So I told her the basic outlines, and actually it was good for me, because at some point I'd really started to give my mom a little too much credit, trying to keep the situation peaceful. The hygienist gave me a fresh perspective of like, "wait so why is that even a problem for her?" And at a couple points there seemed to be surprising parallels with her life. So when I was done, and hopefully less likely to pop a blood vessel, I said, "Well I gave you the goods, I think you'll agree, so fill me in on your story!"
Because after all I was about to have her hands in my mouth for fifteen minutes, so my turn with the talking ball was definitely over.
She's like, "Alright, but fair warning, this might be more uncomfortable for you than me." And naturally I say something to the effect of, "Oh nah I'm cool with most things", and she gets to work.
"So ten years ago," she begins, "my husband died."
Me: *indistinct noises of shock and dismay* What's that one Twitter thread--"I know, classic start to a funny story."
Anyhow, short version, her husband died, she had a two year old to take care of, and she was working as a social worker and feeling like she couldn't take another day of it. So she quit her job, sold her house, moved back in with her parents (she got space in the unfinished basement, the baby got her old bedroom) and trained to become a hygienist. It certainly hadn't been her plan to still be there ten years later, but hey, she had help with the kid, he comes home to his grandparents every day instead of her scrambling to find a situation for him until she gets off work, and she feels spoiled to have her mom cooking for her. It's not perfect, but the way she sees it, it's been much better this way for her son.
So now she's gotta wait six months to find out if we get a mediator and how we settle the situation. Which I guess means I gotta actually settle it. God I hope.
As we were saying goodbye, I said, "Wait, I didn't get the punchline. Are you happier as a hygienist?"
"Oh. Oh yeah. Absolutely."
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hanasnx · 5 months
that's exactly what tf i'm talking about, BIG DICK ENERGY. and not toji fixing shit around the house during the party, imagine his cocky ass interrupting you mid-conversation, calling your mother by her first name and asking her which one of the outlets she needs him to fix? or asking your dad where he left the toolbox? and you're seething the entire fucking time, because you know he's showboating just to make your new fling uncomfortable, but just seeing how easy it is for him to do so and how much your family loves him makes you all the more agitated.
it absolutely would end in angry sex, you'd be ready to burst by the time you're finally able to get him alone to chew him out. it would most definitely have to be outside because you'd wake your parents up, and i doubt either of you would be able to wait long enough to drive back to your place either- so he's got you bent over the hood of his car at first, showing you how much he missed you, but quickly pulls you into his backseat when he hears the neighbors garage door open. yes, the old neighbor lady knows him too and loves him. but it gives you the chance to take control and release your frustrations, riding him as you curse at him, only for him to coo at you and tell you how cute you are when you're mad, not taking you seriously at all.
once the two of you finally finish making his car shake, you look around you and notice all the crap littering his back seat. when you ask him why there's baskets of clothes, he says
"What? You expect me to find my own place every time you dump me?"
his cocky ass didn't even bother finding somewhere to live, he's been couch surfing and living in hotels. of course he could afford his own place, but why go through all the trouble when he knew you'd take him back soon enough?
his confidence and the fact that he was right makes you pissed again, muttering and shaking your head at him as he helps you fasten your bra and find your shirt among the mess.
"So when am I moving back in, princess?
since i read this when you sent it in, i have been nonstop thinking about “what? you expect me to find my own place every time you dump me?” truly a banger of a fucking line bcos it was perfectly worded and executed.
calling your mother by her first name. the old lady neighbor knows him and loves him too. he tells you you’re cute when you’re mad. “making the car shake.”
my fucking god these are all great lines. i love this scenario so much.
the friends he couch surfs with are familiar with his situation bcos it’s like “you in the doghouse or something again, toj’?”
“yea, you know how it is. she’s just bein’ bitchy she’ll get over it.” meanwhile you fucking dumped his ass bcos he’s so frustratingly masculine. toxic masculinity like not taking you seriously, always thinking he knows what’s best, effortlessly manipulative etc etc. completely dismissing you acting like you’re gonna come running back one day—and in a way you do when you fuck him in his car. you certainly can’t go back to your skeevy bf after that, toji made sure to leave his mark.
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yellowroseswrites · 1 year
"That's my thing, right sweetheart?"
Soft!Rafe Cameron x depressed!reader
You want to try something new, Rafe definitely does not like that idea
TW- {SO many drug mentions I swear please skip this if that's a trigger for you, no actual drug use in this tho, it mentions reader smoking weed but it doesn't have an actual scene of it, I think its gn reader but it's not proofread, written on mobile, one use of y/n, reader is sensitive, on the edge of crybaby reader, reader is fairly skiddish, I really need to post things that people actually request instead of crappy 800 word drabbles but here we are! hope you enjoy, remember to drink water and eat a little smth lovelies}
Yesterday Rafe came back home from Barry's house, which usually meant he got stuff.
You were never one to join in his drug habits. You've never done anything stronger than weed, and even that was very rare for you. You wouldn't even call yourself a drinker, to be honest you were a goody two shoes compared to your boyfriend. 
But something about today just felt off. You had felt like that for awhile now actually, like something just wasn't right but you couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was. You just knew you didn't like the feeling, and you were willing to try something new to make it go away.
That's what led you to going through Rafe's pockets. He was in the shower, having thrown his clothes haphazardly on his bedroom floor. You knew he kept his little baggies in his shorts, and he wasn't watching you right now, certainly it wouldn't be hard to just look? Just take a peak, maybe just knowing you could would satisfy your mind.
 You found a small bag, you pulled it out to make sure it was what you wanted. Sure enough, it was filled with white powder, some that you were all too familiar with. You had seen Rafe do it a million times, it couldn't be that hard right? All you would have to do is sniff, at least that's what you thought. You were stuck in your mind, contemplating whether or not you actually wanted to do it, when a hand grabbed yours, earning a small yelp from you.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He sounded mad, he was really trying not to, but it certainly didn’t work.
You stepped back a bit, cowering, “N-nothing, sorry.” You choked up a little, regretting the decision to even look in the first place.
Rafe took the bag from your hand and put it in the bedside drawer, making a mental note to take it out after you talk. He looked back over at you, now seated on the edge of the bed, and he let out a sigh.
"I wasn't gonna do anything with it Rafe, I promise." You really wanted the uncomfortable feeling in the room to go away.
He scratched at his forehead, "Then why were you holding it hm? What are you gonna do, throw it? Or hide it? It's my own personal business y/n you have no right deciding what I do with it."
Oh, You thought, He thinks I'm getting rid of it. You hated seeing him like this, so mad and paranoid. "No! No it wasn't like that I-"
"What was it like then? What other explanation is there for you going through my stuff?"
"I was gonna take it! I don't know I-" You weren't supposed to be crying, God, this is so stupid, "I don't know Rafe I wanted to do it but I knew you wouldn't let me so I just-"
"Oh honey-" His demeanor softened immediately at the sight of your tears, he quickly made his way to you, wrapping his arms around you while he spoke, "I'm sorry I got mad, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have assumed. I'm not angry at you."
You wiped your eyes, "I'm so tired Rafey"
"I know darling, I know. We're gonna get you help, something a bit better than coke tho alright? That's my thing, right sweetheart?" You giggled a bit at him, he was clearly trying to lighten the mood. 
You wordlessly moved yourself to your side of the bed, sliding your body under the covers. Moments of high-emotion made you so sleepy, it was second nature to nap after crying. Rafe slid into the spot next to you, throwing his arm over your body and pulling you in close. He would hid the bag tomorrow, and would keep a close eye on you until he knew how to help you. Having you in his arms was enough for him for now though as he let himself drift asleep to the sound of your steady breathing.
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rkivestation · 8 months
Those Eyes:Ch.1 ||KTH
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»chapter 1: Missed Meeting (Masterpost)
»ratings: Pg-13
➝genre: romance,fluff,angst,smut (might add smut if I ever get requested,else,it has none rn)
➝summary: it's a mystery how two pair of eyes finds solace in each other,when they are strangers and when they are not. can they solve the mystery their eyes behold and explore beyond the horizon of their workaholic life?
➝section warning: making out
➝wc: 4.6k
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"I'm sorry but you're being absolutely ridiculous right now sir," after getting out of the elevator you finally glared at the man before you who shifted uncomfortably underneath your piercing glares as all his smugness left his stupid self upon hearing you,"ms. kim I-I didn't intend to-"
tsk. what happened to that distasteful confidence of his.
“I hope you know sir how unprofessional you were being in the elevator as well as in the office this few past days with me.This time sir,” you exhaled, locking your eyes with his,“you have crossed the line. I do not intend to be unprofessional here, hence, I will not expose what unscrupulous remarks you were implying on me in this very elevator."
You stated loud and clear as everyone in the cafeteria was awestruck at your undaunted bravery, "i-its not like what y-your'e imagining-"
tsk. this guy doesn't even have some confidence.
"Even though I am quite a newbie here, I would like to express some of my prerogatives here sir. Along the lines of, you're not only aggravating the womenfolk working here but also you're constantly hampering your dignity, self respect , pride, poise, nobility & self worth here in this very company. Hence I strongly yet respectfully suggest you to fix your perverted bugs floating in your brain so you perhaps can achieve your career aspirations. This is certainly an easy forward task. Thus as you're the brain of this company if you work on it you absolutely will cut a good figure. Therefore, waste no time on scandalous activities; you're young. I suggest you make best use of your time."
You finish with your lips forming into a tight thin smile that only show cased how pissed you were.
The guy nodded clearing his throat to get some words out, "I apologize miss. I definitely will work on myself from now on" and with a polite bow he practically ran for his poor life.
You stand there proudly watching him leave as faint clapping soon grew into rounds of applause. Your eyes instantly roamed around the cafeteria to find each of them smiling proudly at you. You felt a little shy as you smiled at them bowing.
As everyone went back to what they were doing your eyes landed on the far corner of the cafeteria with pleasant view showcasing outside where a smirking Mirae and a gleeful eyed Auri sat there with a broad smile.
You had to roll your eyes seeing the way Mirae's smirk turned into a cocky grin as you neared to their table, “𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘳𝘦𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 out there Kim Y/N” her smirk grew only wider as you sat on the chair between their's.
"Oh please. Dating doesn't even make sense in the first place. He is a low class playboy" you spat as they both chuckle at your raging anger. "You were for a reason the school's heart breaker after all" Auri teased further but you ignored it stealing a strawberry from Mirae.
"Not funny" you roll your eyes throwing the natural sweet fruit into your mouth. "You know it's just 'that' human things. Don't give a damn bruh." Mirae scrunched her nose distastefully remembering that pervert guy's perverted moves towards her when she was a newbie. She never bought it and she threw his scrupulous remarks effortlessly but seems like you did the final touch sending him in the place where he belongs with your professional words that you're quite always famous for.
"Yes.That's the point.That bastard is a human. 'Human' yes this is the problem!" You spat taking a long sip of your coffee brows arching together in annoyance.
"Since high school you two talk like you're not human yourself tsk tsk." Auri dramatically face palmed.
"Well we stated the obvious bitch!" you both yell out in unison bursting into laughter followed by Auri's cute chuckle.
"Well well well look who is having fun without me" you scrunched your nose noticing two long hands with slender fingers snaking around Mirae's neck going further for a back hug. Your eyes roamed over her figure to her face; her pink painted lips pouted as she pressed her head with Mirae's,tightening the hug. Mirae went still when realization strucked her brain terrifically as her face went pale with half of the piece of strawberry out and half in her mouth. Her pleading eyes looked at both you & Auri in a manner that said,
save me y'all
tsk let our poor Mi breath at least Jae-ah, "you see there's a seat next to Mi on her left, why not take that seat instead of clinging on to her and join our 'Fun' chat" you sass with a thin smile plastered which you absolutely know Jae-ah will not get.
“So silly of me” her high pitched laughter echoed through the area as she took the seat letting go of Mirae. Mirae let a sigh of relief chewing the strawberry finally as the senior interpreter & translator of this company stared at her in awe.
Yes, Jae-ah thinks Mi is her 'that' friend since high school.
She finally averted her gaze to meet yours, "That was incredible right there yn-ah! I'm glad that I can see more of your savage remarks now that we work in the same company! I missed them since we graduated"she pouted as your lips curled up.
"Well I missed her a lot though we were in contact but virtual communication doesn't feel same like real life communication does," Auri dramatically hugged her, "We are so happy to be completed again after five years."
"Let's again work hard & have fun together babe" Mirae cooed feeding you a piece of carrot that you don't know how the hell appeared on the table all of a sudden. Mi and her carrots bruh.
You smile chewing,"Look at all of us being so successful, imma tear up" you fake cry as everyone chuckled.
"My my look who I meet just after my arrival?! Is that you Y/n?" You heard a somewhat familiar annoying voice from your back coming closer. Emphasizing each words of her last sentence.
"Oh Good afternoon Ms.Shina" the name leaving Auri's mouth in a polite way as she stood up and bowed made you almost choke. Bro? It's our popular queen Shina of the same high school you all went as well as our well..friend? Why is she being formal with her?
You dramatically stood up from your chair turning to meet a caked up woman, lips painted a thick shade of red, "It's been a while Shina?" you greet, lips pressed into a thin smile. Yes that was sarcasm. She seems to understand and widened her eyes in amusement,"Still the same Y/n I see"
"Of course, look at you? You haven't changed at all as well" you sass.
"By the way Shina is one of the video game testers here! And she is absolutely good at her job." Auri fake laughed trying to ease up the tension around.
That lit Shina's mood as you mentally eye roll. The only thing she is good at is being full of herself. "Our Y/N is the new game designer here. But along with her job she has shown perfect professionalism and gained trust of all the employees here within such a short time." you look at Mirae still sitting beside, not giving a fuck about Shina's presence as she admired her nails. That made you smile inside at how Mi has not change one bit.
"Yeah. It's only been one week and she is considered the best here. Shina might fail fawning her own charm to others" Jae ah added giggling making Mirae chuckle and grin at Shina.
Shina looked taken a back as her eyes inspected every one of you but her sweet smile didn't falter, "Oh my gosh. Jae ah what the hell are you saying? I'm obviously happy that Y/N gained popularity here.We are all friends after all,”she smirked,“I was in France for a week and I see a lot happening ,wow, and I must have a load of works waiting as well" Shina purred the last sentence with fake laughs coming from her.
"Don't worry Jihyo, Sana & Minnie did a great job covering up for you!" Jae-ah replied.
"As always" Mirae cooed smirking as Shina digged holes on her back. "Mira-"
" M'am! Mrs. Choi called for you immediately" a very slim woman came in a rush cutting the mad Shina from almost jumping at Mirae. The woman looked very familiar to you and in a second you recognized when Shina called her name, "Oh my. Is my mother waiting for too long Ae sook ah?" Ae sook nodded, fear written on her eyes scaring everything outta Shina. So her right hand is now her assistant? Not surprised.
Shina turned trying to gain her composure again but the beads of sweat said something else, "Anyways I need to attend a personal meeting now. I'm eagerly waiting for your presentations in the future meetings Y/N. Let's test your professionalism, shall we?"
Her stupid smirk made her look more distasting, "Well why not? I'll show you, not that I care about your 'test' but because it's fun seeing you getting frustrated?" she pretended to not hear you as she turned to her heels but her glare said it all.
Mirae jumped infront of all of you shoving a piece of carrot into each of your mouth, "well let's save our 'fun chat' for another time as it just got ruined and lunch time is almost over and also the new CEO will be arriving in any hour."
She practically yelled at the reminder of today's meeting for the new CEO. "New CEO?" You asked amazed not knowing anything about it.
"Holy shit. I almost forgot today our current CEO is going to hand his business over to his son" Auri panicked. "How did we forget this? I gotta go prepare a lot" ,Jae-ah waved at y'all quickly, practically running out from the cafeteria.
"How come I wasn't informed?" you wonder. "Well maybe you weren't there or something Y/n-ah it's okay now you know beforehand at least", Auri pats you as you nodded smiling.
"Just be sure to be there or I'm dead as I'm in charge of rechecking every employee's presence" Mirae chuckles ruffling your hair as you three step in the elevator ready for another several hours of work.
You head to your cubicle as a happy Tzuyu waves at you, "Good afternoon! Had a great time?" you smiled at your coworker, "Very much great I swear!"
Nayeon chuckled as you huff a tired sigh,"Seems like its gonna be greater."
Your head snapped at her giving her a confused look as your right brow arched upward. "Did you bring the file?" she grinned.
shit. Your confused gaze turned into a terrific one as millions of scenarios played into your head. Solar sure is the most generous,kind & sweet woman but when it comes to work she got no mercy. Strict as hell.
Solar is gonna kill me. You groaned running one hand through your hair. How could you forget something this important? Today is not really your day.
"Aigoo! stop scaring her nayeonnie~" Tzuyu chuckled throwing a piece of crumpled paper at nayeon as she laughed.
"Oh c'mon I'm telling the truth!'' she ruffled your hair enjoying your frustrated state. "Idiot!You can go and bring it.Right now?''
right now? how? its gonna take hours even if you leave now? Plus what if you take a lot of time? In one word 'impossible'
"Possible but hard." Tzuyu arched her brows together rubbing on her temple in a thinking manner. Did she just fight with your thoughts? Nayeon nodded, "You better leave right away sis."
"Leave?who?" a familiar voice asks wondering as your head snapped towards the top of your cubicle.
There stood Mirae ; your only ray of hope at the moment. "Yo! You look sick? shit lemme help!'' she panicked. You instantly get up taking her hands into yours with pleading eyes,
"i do need help"
"Bro how can you forget something so important to solar?" Mirae yelled for the nineteenth time. She's been panicking for the past ten minutes not caring how much she is cursing at work hours.
"I mean I would say nothing if it was Soojin-", mirae's gaze softened when she meets your frustrated state. She pats your shoulder consoling you & herself, " Calm down! calm down! Its nothing to worry about." she chuckled nervously watching you scoff. "Okay,i mean it is. but it can be solved. you just go back & bring that file asap. simple."
simple? you look at her shocked as she shifts uncomfortably biting her lower lip.she knew what she was saying. 'you got no other choice.' she mouths fiddling with her finger.
"Listen." ,she barks suddenly gaining her confidence, "Trust me. I'll handle everything. Just some hours it is right? thats nothing for me." she said nonchalantly leaning closer to you, winking. Her reassuring tone calmed you down a bit.
you knew when Mirae meant to save anyone she really meant it with her life. "Also bet Solar is gonna be late as she's busy with the-" she stops and starts as realization hits the tip of her tongue,"shit what am I gonna do with the 'new CEO's arrival meeting" she facepalmed as your mouth went dry again.
"Don't worry, y/n is a newbie, she will not be asked for as its practically just the new CEO talking. We really need the file, else, the graphic designs might be postponed for another week.'' Tzuyu popped up almost like an angel.
Mi clapped her hands together smiling although you knew its gonna be a perilous step for her as she is the one assuring every stuffs presence, "Right y/n im gonna handle that too. Just go.'' she smiled at you as you stared at her with eyes full of guilt.
"No buts just go!"
You sat on your couch head hanging low, your long straight hair messed up, gaze weekly fixed on your smartphone's time. 4:35 it flashed right at your eyes as if its mocking you.
Today even the time is against you. You're not even surprised at this point. Stupid Traffic tsk. You let out a painful laugh,groaning afterwards.Universe showed you karma for no reason today. Why always me?
Even after leaving at 3:30 in hope of reaching within 30 minutes; time completely played with you with its favorite weapon, the traffic. It was hell of a long ride of a total one hour. And when you finally reached it took a solid ten minute to find the file in the dustbin. The dustbin? For real? Were you drunk? The last time you were this irresponsible was back in high school when you lost your attendance sheet.
Even if you leave now it will take another hour and you'll reach after the office closes. and if it takes half an hour for you to reach; someone for sure will approach you and ask where you were. You should've been in the boring meeting where the CEO would be giving some common speech of making more profits by working together like any other CEO but here you were counting your last days.
You tap on the contact logo as staring at the time is of no use. Your eyes guiltily roamed to the contact of your savior. Mirae.
You stressed her enough by dropping a thousand pounds of pressure. If you apologize to her she sure will slap you even if you knew you were at guilt,she would never make you feel that.
She must be at the meeting but still you make a call, though you know its no use as the other line said , "The number you've called is currently switched off; please try again later." Hope she's not in trouble.
Its 5:00. No use of going back neither sitting here. Letting out a long sigh you get yourself up to take a shower. Needa relax your stiff body and messed up mind.
You took longer than usual in the shower to kill the time. You already had thought of searching for some jobs as this one is clearly at risk. You sigh looking at the clock. 6:00pm. Soon everyone will end their shift. You pick up your phone to call Mirae praying to God.At least she shouldn't lose her job. On forth ring she picked up as your breath hitched slightly.
"I think I'm losing my job?" you exhale.
"What? no.'' she nervously chuckles from the other side of the line.
nervous & Mi? This is the first time of this day you felt her being slightly nervous. That's when you knew you are absolutely doomed.
"Did I messed up big? Are you in troub-"you stopped as you heard an unfamiliar tone scolding Mirae? Is he the CEO? If he is you already can say he is one of that stuck up, egoistic, jerky once.
"I'm sorry it's not like I did something wrong? Why are you coming at me?" she replied strictly to the man,trying to not show her nervousness.
You heard faint sounds of the man chuckling. Sarcastically?
"Hey I'll be talking on our gc.Later.And solar doesn't even remember.She's busy, don't worry." she hurriedly said through gritted teeth yet trying to sound cheerful as usual.And she hung up.
She sounded more mad than nervous. God knows what happened.
VIP Hoomans
Should I head back to the office? Is Mi in big trouble?
I'm so sorry guys. This is all my fault. I will do everything to save Mi's job istg.
Don't you dare blame yourself. Nobody's losing any job for a stupid reason tf-
I have it all covered up. Don't even think like that. You're all safe.
We are all human y/n.
We can forget dw.
and my Mirae handled everything professionally uwu
except one and very unprofessionally at that
she literally went hulk mode omg
Auri. Dont dare.
Shit.Did you mess up something sis?
It has nothing to do w you y/n I swear!
Its just something between me & that jerk.
perhaps you mean the CEO,right?
Nah,the ceo is very extraordinary & kind at heart.
Yeah he promised us he'll make this company a living paradise from now on lol
lol dramatic of him. Then who is it Mi is so mad at?
well well
Mirae is now enemy's w the new ceo's manager
Also my coworker. And his cubicle happened to be right beside mine. How sweet, right?
Wow so we finally found another competitive computer programmer aside of Mirae?
He is also an audio engineer.
Very genius and talented might I add.
Got his degree from Harvard.
genius. my foot. Jeon Jungkook,stuck up jerk.
Oh. And snaps w his words. Mr.Jeon found it inappropriate and unacceptble as he found the senior programmer aka mi dozing off & looking disturbed in the middle of the meeting.
Mirae found her match,finally.
Y'all dont needa make me remember -.- 
and he's no match to me pfft
Poor Mirae already was frustrated w all this fuss and now gave a bad first impression to him TT
idgaf to that
he also wanted to recheck if every employees were present..
And Mirae the trouble maker she is tried to block his way.Now he is suspecting more.
How funny,right? Shina only pops up to suck tea and throw some blames here and there.
Oh my, is it your way to thank me for distracting that awfully handsome guy, love?
you did nothing tho..?
he looked annoyed by you so he left lol
the way i love you Jae ah ;)
anyways he should start counting his days backwards from now on because I'm sure as hell not going to be easy on him.
he might be the player but im always the coach.
thats my Mirae 
here we go playing another round of 'Mi the fatal woman' XD
ok are we done w this drama?
you started it m'am x)
ok so who's up for hanging out!?
its been so long istg.
look who's talking lol
it sounds fun!
oh yeah why not? i need some fresh air anyways.
im totally up!~ but where ? 
Seoulmusement veshia! 
we are surely paying visit to the park of maze there as well ;)
You smiled to yourself keeping  your phone on the night stand as you head to your kitchen. Mirae will never stop recommending underrated places just because of their 'fancy' names. You've always felt lucky to have such helpful,supportive & selfless friend as Auri & Mirae by your side. Even if the world turns upside down you will be always their first priority. 
You take the pan to make your favourite half boiled noodles. After what happened today you mentally prepared yourself to add extra spice to feel the sadness. Everybody has their own way to mourn you know?  But after all of your friends saving you from this mess you're now beyond happy to do that. Instead you ended up adding extra mushrooms. After the noodles is done you turn off the stove and head to the drawing room. 
You jump on your comfy couch turning on the tv searching for your favourite cartoon 'shinchan' no matter how old you grow you're never gonna get bored of this cartoon. Shinchan has always been your role model for living life just the way you want to. You love how he doesnt care about anything and just goes on without any worry. After watching several episodes you watch some of your favourite vlogs & then continue a drama which you were watching lately. Tomorrow is your weekend so what could possibly go wrong if  you go to sleep late and over sleep? Nothing. You chuckle remembering your teenage days when you had no adult responsibilities and would sleep till afternoon & then Auri would wake you up when you were in the bathroom.
"Yah!" you tried escaping once more,  trying to turn to the left path but the strong hand pulled you once again to the small corner as both of your bodies almost collided together. Your breath hitched slightly at the sight before you but you tried to stay sane. The close proximity made both of you feel each others breaths on the lips. He trapped you between his arms staring at you with those eyes which always holds thousand of unspoken mystery,millions of truth untold. It always brought you into a totally different world. A world where only the two of you remained forever.
''You smell so sweet, I cant get enough of you.'' he inhaled the natural scent of your hair fondly which he does alot. Butterflies in your stomach told you just to feel this moment. Feel him close. His heart,his soul,him & those eyes. He loved playing with your hair. He placed a sweet kiss on your forehead  looking down at you  as he found you looking anywhere but him. He chuckles seeing you flustered as he lifts your chin to meet his gaze.
He takes your hand leading it to his bare chest as you grasped. He had his plain white shirt unbuttoned with his built chest on full display which you were trying to not look all this time. His hair was wet & messed up as his locks fell on his forehead. Too hot to handle. Your palm felt the warmth as it roamed around the area before he decided to place it on his heart,
"This.." he purred in a raspy voice leaning closer  his breath brushing on your lips making your heart stop,"it only keeps beating faster & faster everyday..what should I do Y/n -ah?" he exhaled.
''a-are y-you sick?..shouldn't you consult a doctor? instead of telling m-me?" you mentally curse for stuttering. You knew what he meant and could feel his heart beating fast against his chest but you couldn't prepare yourself yet. So you tried to joke. He chuckles seeing you uncontrollably blush, clear failed attempt of joking amusing him,
"What if you're the only doctor to my heart?" he smiled playing along as he caressed your cheeks. You struggled to let a word out. 
"Not gonna let you dodge this moment again Ms.Kim" he whispers biting slightly on your earlobe. You let out a unintentional moan which made him lose it completely.
"heal me.." with that two words said he crashed his lips with yours as your eyes widened not knowing what to do. He was moving his lips passionately not averting his gaze from you. You melted at his touch ; his hands roaming aggressively on your back and sides. The honey-like taste of his lips made your insides moan in pleasure. You looked at his  mesmerizing dreamy eyes before closing yours as both of your lips moved in sync. 
Just like both of your lips both souls connected like two last lost puzzles finally finding each others mate. The moment was intense,hot,passionate,needy yet the aura around you radiated true love & affection. As if he had no intention of letting you go. He waited for you,wanted you,needed you and now that you're here he wasn't letting you go any soon.
His hands slightly rose your shirt stroking the sides of your bare waist as you pulled him closer wrapping your arms around his neck feeling every bit of his lips. He moaned between the kiss as he took your upper lips biting it slightly,making you moan. He cupped your cheeks pulling your lower lips afterwards. The intensity made you lose it as you pulled his hair mouth leaving breathy moans. You were turning him on. So much.
Your back hit the wall as he pressed himself against you; lips finally leaving yours as you both breathed heavily on each other. He leaned close to your ear whispering, "Y/n-ah.." he purred;his usual soft voice getting deeper taking you to another realm as he breaths,"do you know..." he bit your earlobe as the touch of his lips trailed down to your jawline leaving open mouth kisses,
"..what is the strongest organ to fight with?" His gaze shifted to your confused face as  he left a soft peck on your lips chuckling.
 ''h-huh?'' finally you could utter something between this overpowering  heavily breaths. As you try to open your eyes your long eyelashes flatter leaving faint shadows of it; he didn't utter a word staring right through you as you did the same; gulping down his ethereal beauty. As he was drunk with your mesmerizing self; you.
"What do you mean ? What is it?" your eyes widened as his smirk widened as well followed by the next two words said,
"The tongue"  and suddenly with a thud it's all dark again.
“Wake the fuck up you dirty hoe.”
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
wait, did the umbrella academy have a step sibling romance subplot?
under a cut for discussions of the above content and also mild comics spoilers if you care about that lol
yep, the comics are very textually about reactions to extreme trauma (familial trauma but with the extra layer of being famous and under scrutiny from the public eye since childhood - its own kind of isolation) and the characters are intentionally flawed and do fucked up things. the whole point is that it's a dark subversion of the superhero team genre, which was a lot more original/groundbreaking in 2007 than it appears now (definitely not the first one ofc - gerard was inspired by watchmen and doom patrol, and the boys came out not long before etc, but it did win an eisner back then for a reason). in the comics, rumor goes through a divorce and loses custody of her child, then reacquaints with her step-siblings who she hasn't seen in years after hargreeves's death. because she feels incapable of giving or receiving real love or human connection, has been taught from infancy that her power and her physical beauty are the only worthwhile things about her, and has nobody else in the world, she uses her power to make spaceboy fall in love with her. it's textually a non-consensual relationship right from the start and is acknowledged as a fucked up & harmful trauma response and treated as such. these aren't comics for kids lol.
imo the fundamental issue with the show that makes it unpalatable to me is that it tries to water down the content for a netflix (and preteen) audience, but then they still left in parts of the allison/luther plot, only they took out the whole 'rumor' aspect and ended up portraying as. romantic. and not tragic and disturbing lol. so the show had to backpedal and didn't textually denounce it as anything more than harmlessly cringey until like season 3. a similar thing happens to the seance's addiction storyline, which is a big deal and has very real consequences in the comics but kinda got played for laughs in later episodes of the show, and with portrayals of genuine disability, almost all of which are erased in the netflix adaptation (spaceboy requires a full-body mechanised assistive device to move, rumor is missing an arm and the kraken an eye, and vanya acquires a traumatic brain injury which impairs her motor and cognitive functioning etc.)
i'm certainly not saying the comics are perfect - their biggest issue is how white they are (which gerard has acknowledged and said he regrets) and some (presumably) unintentional racist imagery/stereotypes (e.g. the bodyguard abhijat who feels tokenised, and most other characters of colour being background non-speaking roles etc). those are things the comics can, should, and have been criticised for, but i don't see the step-sibling incest as it's portrayed in the comics as ~problematic - it's definitely supposed to be uncomfortable, at least in my reading of it. much more than it is in the show, in any case.
so overall like. the comics are super not for everyone, even beyond gerard's unconventional pacing/writing style that i know some people don't vibe with. they weren't meant for a wide audience. they're very dark and are primarily about fucked up trauma responses more than anything else - luther and allison's relationship is just one of these. i personally love the comics but it's totally understandable if other people find them unpalatable - but yk, dark media isn't immoral when it knows what it's doing. imo if the show was going to leave some of those darker plot points in they should have made the entire tone of the show darker and raised the rating; otherwise, they should have left out aspects like the step-sibling incest.
but yeah, tl;dr yes there's step-sibling incest in both versions, but it's treated very differently in both and imo is so much grosser in the show becuase they tried to make it palatable at first for some fkn reason lmao.
and beyond your question and just in general, the tv show being attributed to gerard when it's not his artistic content bothers me so so so much skdkffk. even if i totally loved the show, i can't staaaand things being miscredited, especially creative things. gerard's given steve blackman his blessing to make the show his own vision, and says he considers the comics and the netflix version entirely separate entities and has made a conscious effort to distance himself from the latter.
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chloearit · 11 months
// csa flashback, violence
I caught sight of him across the room. He was wearing a nice suit.
"There you are."
"Good evening."
"This is quite odd, isn't it? Everyone all dressed up."
"Certainly a new experience."
"For you, I'm sure. You really went all out for it."
"Of course. You've got a nice dress, too..." His gaze wandered down from my face. "Are... are you padding your chest?"
"N- no!"
"Come on, I know what you look like." He poked into the fabric. "Do you feel that at all?"
I sighed. "No..."
He smiled. "A little self-conscious, eh?"
"So what of it! You hide your beasts away. And you definitely don't have anything down there!" I grabbed at his crotch.
"Stop that!" He swatted my arm away. We both laughed.
We found a quiet place to talk.
"Everyone always thinks I'm a child..."
"But you are a child."
"I'm 15! I'm not a child! It's bad enough being short, but it's like my body hasn't started puberty at all..."
"Well, has it?"
"No! Maybe... I think what Father has done with me stopped it."
"What did he do, exactly?"
"He didn't do it himself. But he got a surgeon to basically just, go in there and rip everything out."
"I was conscious through all of it, too."
"Wow. Why did he do it?"
I shrugged. "Maybe he wanted me to keep looking like this. He was kind of..." ...into it. ...into me. ...a pedophile. I felt that uncomfortable feeling between my legs.
"Oh. I see."
"You know what I was going to say?"
"I can imagine."
I could feel him touching me.
"Are you okay?"
I shook my head.
I could feel him getting under my clothes.
Hands touching me.
Laying me on the ground.
I tried to fight back. I clawed at him. I got a hold of his neck.
He grabbed my wrists, he-
He never knew that name...
He let go. He moved away from me.
"It's okay."
Oh. Right.
"I- I'm sorry."
My heart was racing. I was lying on the floor. Breathing heavily. On my back. Wide open.
I turned over and pulled my legs to my chest.
"Is it okay if I come nearer?"
I looked up at him. He was holding a cup of water. I sat up and took it. I drank. Slowly, my heart calmed.
"I just attacked you, didn't I?"
He hesitated, but he knew lying would be pointless. "Yes."
"I'm sorry."
"You already said that."
"I'll say it as many times as I want."
I handed him back the empty cup.
"D'ya want something other than water?"
I nodded. "A tea? Lavender."
I'm immune to poison, silly.
"I'll see what I can find. Is it okay if I leave you alone for the moment?"
"Yes. Yes, it should be fine."
He gave a comforting smile, "Okay," and left.
Don't flashback again.
I pulled out the hidden blade from my dress, folded it open. I stared at it, then at my arm, then at it, back to my arm. There were already faint scars.
I pointed the blade at him.
It was hard to read the look in his eyes. Wordlessly, I put the knife away and took the cup of tea off of him.
We sat there in silence for a while.
"Not gonna lie, you're kind of fucking scary when you get like this."
"That's good."
"You're careful around scary things. You don't panic, but you make sure you don't get hurt. I don't want you to get hurt by me."
"Are you saying I'm careless when I'm not scared."
"I don't know, are you?" I smirked.
"I'm sorry I teased you."
"It's fine. I'm a broken wreck of a girl, that's not your fault."
"Don't say that."
"It's true."
"You wanna be an adult yet you call yourself a girl..."
"The only person who ever called me a woman sold my sex to a man who tried to kill me out of jealousy," I said as I stood up.
He seemed unsure what to make of that.
"Don't think about it." I pulled him with me out of the room.
// by Lúcia
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barkspawn · 2 years
Farmer’s first night sleeping over at Sam’s.
Sorry it took forever this one threw me through a loop (and idk whyyyy?) but I promise I tried™
I know I take forever but I LOVE doing these.
Amelia and Sam had been dating for a few weeks now and were practically inseparable. She didn't really know how she got so lucky to have someone as loving and attentive as Sam. He was always gentle with her, making sure she was okay with every touch, kiss, or even comments he'd make, worried he'd cross a line. He would do anything for her and she for him. 
She sat on his bed, his head resting in her lap as they watched some cheesy old horror movie. Absently, she brushed her fingers through his hair, her fingers grazing over his scalp. 
Amelia jumped, a small gasp escaping as thunder and a flash of lightning roared outside. Sam sat up quickly, looking her over, "hey, you okay?"
She laughed quietly, her hand on her chest, "oh, yeah. Sorry. I just didn't even know it was storming. Startled me.." she bit her bottom lip, thinking before she stood up, a clear pout playing at her lips, "that does mean I should go, though.. if it gets worse…"
"Ames, it's really bad already," Sam started, frowning as he glanced out the window. He turned to look at her, her lips curled down in a frown. Sam scanned her face carefully, "you could stay.. I certainly wouldn't mind having you here. But if you're uncomfortable, I don't want you to feel-"
"Yeah, I can stay.. if you're sure," she blurted, not even really thinking her answer through. Sam was standing in front of her, in no time flat. He brushed a strand of hair from her face, unable to conceal his excitement.
"I promise I won't cross any lines, alright?" He leaned in to kiss her forehead before moving quickly to his dresser to fish out his favorite pajamas before turning to offer them to her, "I can even step out while you change."
She took the clothes as she stood to press a kiss to the corner of his lips, "seems like you've thought about this before," she teased before shaking her head, "you don't need to leave. Just turn around."
He seemed to consider for a moment before turning around, allowing her time to change. The pure smell of him filled her as she pulled on his sweats and t-shirt, swimming in them despite him being a slender man to begin with. 
When finished, she moved forward and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind, "I'm all dressed. I should just steal all of your clothes and be this comfy forever."
He laughed, arching an eyebrow as he maneuvered in her grasp to turn and face her, "well I certainly can't fit in your clothes. What will I wear?"
She thought for a moment, trying and failing to appear to be genuinely considering, "you know, I didn't think of that," she smirked up at him, "I guess it's just an added bonus on my part." 
He laughed and bent to kiss her, his lips once more capturing hers as she hummed in surprise. Still, her arms moved up around his neck, holding him there for a long moment before he pulled away. 
"And what was that for?" She hummed, pressing a chaste kiss to his jaw. 
"You admitted it would be a win for me to be without clothes. There were a million and eight inappropriate comments, so instead I behaved."
She laughed aloud then before pulling away to steal his charger for a bit, just to top her battery off. After a moment, she heard an appreciative hum. 
"Yeah, I kind of love you in my clothes,'' he started, grinning as he saw her face fade to red. 
"Shut up.." she grumbled before turning back to him, "Alright. So, elephant in the room, how-"
"If you're trying to offer to sleep on the floor or something absurd like that, I'm going to need you to think again. You should definitely stay in my bed with me," a slow smile crept over her lips as he rambled. She could see he was nervous, and to be honest, so was she. They've cuddled before and of course they've made out more than a few times but they have been waiting to move forward with anything else. There was no way that he couldn't tell how inexperienced she was, and it would have to be a whole conversation. Yet, here they are, sleeping together in his bed, where she so often fantasized she'd be… She forced herself back to the moment, her eyebrow arching in response to his recommendation. As he saw, he continued, "Wait, you know I wouldn't try anything without.. or whatever.." His cheeks were tinged red as his hand moved to the back of his neck, a nervous habit of his, "I just really like the idea of holding you all night.. you know?"
Her smile reached her eyes as she gave a small nod in agreement, standing on her toes and wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight embrace. She felt his body relax as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Their bodies seemed to meld together perfectly, almost as if they were formed from the same mold. Not quite letting him go yet, she sighed, "and your mom won't freak out when I leave tomorrow in the same clothes?"
Sam chuckled and pulled back, his hands coming to rest on her waist as he pressed a kiss to her forehead, "she might not totally like the idea but she'll be fine. It's not like we're doing anything wrong," at the end, he smirked, his eyebrows raising ti warn her of the impending joke, "or anything too loud, of course. Which, let's be honest, is definitely what she thinks we'd be up to."
Despite the red tinging her cheeks, she rolled her eyes before meeting his gaze. His eyes were one of her favorite things about Sam. In the sunlight, they were almost the same blue as the sky or the clear blue ocean. They often brought her peace, just knowing how she could see herself staring into them until they were old and gray. 
Amelia reached up and touched his face for just a moment before chuckling quietly, "so, definitely off topic, but it is ridiculously unfair how long and full your eyelashes are."
Sam's eyebrows raised, slightly lost in the transition of conversation. He didn't want to push conversation anywhere she didn't want to go, but to be fair, there was something incredibly sexy about how his clothes looked on her body. He should likely be thankful for the change of subject. 
"Yeah? I can't say I've ever paid attention," he laughed, shaking his head a bit, "I kind of remember someone mentioning them back in high school?"
"Probably someone who had it bad for you," she hummed, her voice almost a tease, "I mean, how could anyone not?" 
"I hardly remember her so clearly I didn't 'have it bad' for her."
The teasing smirk he gave was something she'd never get tired of, "good," she hummed before standing on her toes once more to steal another kiss. Just as their lips brushed, his bedroom door creaked open and Jodi stepped in seemingly not having noticed the two of them enveloped in one another. They stood beside one another now, his hand resting on her opposite hip. 
"Oh! Amelia!" She smiled, her voice sugary sweet like it often was when she was putting on a front, "sorry, I thought I heard you head home a while ago!"
Amelia looked up at Sam, not entirely sure how to respond yet. She was always worried about sharing anything with Jodi or any of the group she shared as she knew the whole town would be gossiping by the following day. 
"Oh, with how bad the storm is, I offered to let her stay the night," Sam jumped in, smiling down at Amelia briefly before he looked over at his mother. When Amelia looked over toward Jodi, she caught a hint of a frown as Jodi took in the scene before her: her son's girlfriend standing there in his clothing while her own clothes sat by the end of the bed. 
"Oh Sam, that was very kind of you," her voice was a little more flat as she smiled before gesturing behind her, "Sam, could I speak with you for just a moment?"
"Sure, I'll be right back. Make yourself comfortable!" Sam smiled, kissing the top of her head as he used his most welcoming tone. Amelia couldn't help but laugh. 
They had closed his door behind them, so she wandered aimlessly, looking around his room curiously for the first time. Whenever she'd been there, he always had her full attention. She laughed to herself as she saw a half-empty bottle of hair product poking out of his dresser drawer. His look had always been dramatic, but Yoba, he wore it so well. 
His room was so neat. Everything was dusted, his trash empty, and everything seemingly had its own place. 
She caught a hint of Jodi's tone through the door and couldn't stop her curiosity. She moved closer, her steps as quiet as she could make them. She wanted to make out something of a hint as to what was wrong. She sounded stern and even a little frustrated. As she listened closely, she could barely make out Sam's response, "mom, I wouldn't… I really do think… I'm 24 and I pay… spend the night with my girlfriend, I'll invite her to do so. You know I'd never do anything disrespectful, mom. Vince's room is right there, for Yoba's sake," his voice grew clearer as she heard the two of them coming back to the room. Amelia moved, making herself look busy by looking over a poster on his wall. 
Quietly, she heard Jodi speak behind the door, likely believing that Amelia couldn't hear, "Sam, if you do decide to…" she paused, clearing her breath, "be safe, okay?"
"I'm just saying!" She paused, deciding to add in a final thought, "and quiet, Samson."
Jodi held her hand up in defeat, though Amelia had no idea if it was meant to be a joke. She poked her head in and smiled, "Goodnight, Amelia. I'll make breakfast for everyone in the morning. Let me know if you need anything."
Amelia offered a kind smile, "Thanks, Jodi."
As she closed the door behind her, Sam was quick to move and lock it. Amelia knew how frustrating it was for him to have a mom who loomed over him even as an adult. But he couldn't get mad at her for it with Kent being deployed with little to no updates. 
She walked forward and wrapped her arms around his waist in a tight hug, "everything okay?"
"Yeah, she's just doing that thing where she's pretending I'm in high school," he chuckled, moving to sit on the bed after she let go, "you know, the usual."
"I'm sorry, Sam. I can only imagine," she hummed, climbing onto the bed and sitting beside him, their backs to the wall, "we can lay down if you want. Get some sleep?"
He turned his head to look at her, his nod barely there as an almost devious look played at his lips. He shifted to lay down, his arm outstretched as he invited her into his arms, her head coming to rest on his shoulder. She traced small circles over his chest before turning to press lazy kisses to his jawline. She smirked to herself as she nipped his earlobe, resulting in a small, but sharp intake of air from him. He shifted so his eyes met hers, though barely inches apart. 
"That's not sleeping, you know."
"I couldn't help it. I can't just… lay here and not take a nibble," she pouted playfully before cutting off his response with another small kiss followed by another that she didn't pull back from. He exhaled through his nose as he let himself melt into the kiss, his arm that rest around her pulling her closer to the point of lying partially on top of him. 
Her hand had come to rest on his chest, moving up slowly and around to tangle her fingers in his hair, which resulted in an appreciative hum. She smiled a little against his lips, knowing that at the moment, he was pretty much putty in her hands. Agonizingly slowly, she moved, her tongue brushing along his lower lip. His response was hungry as his tongue met hers in a fight for control. Her light touch grew firm, her body reacting to his eagerness. Losing the fight, she allowed him control as their tongues danced in the kiss. 
Her free hand moved to his side, trying to be sneaky in sliding her hand under his shirt, wanting to feel each groove in his back and chest. Her hand glided over his surprisingly smooth skin all the way to his ribs before he pulled back from the kiss, his breathing labored as he laughed. 
"Are you trying to undress me?" He hummed, close enough that his breath was warm against her. He trailed his kisses down to meet her throat. She exhaled, any quip she might have had vanishing from thought. Before she even had a chance to speak, the sound of Vincent yelling for his mom as the little pats of his feet moved past Sam's door cut her off. 
Right. The walls here are thin and now was not the time for any other firsts. They seemed to share the thought as Sam pulled her back into a cuddle, purely affectionate. She pressed one more loving kiss to his lips before resting her head back on his shoulder. 
"Goodnight, Sam."
His chest shook lightly with his laugh, "g'night, Ames."
They lay there in silence for a while, Amelia almost having drifted to sleep before mumbling, "next time, you're sleeping over my house."
"Hmm?" Sam hummed, already mostly asleep. "For privacy," she yawned, her eyes falling closed again. He hummed in agreement and she smiled to herself, both excited and nervous to hear his thoughts on that implication when he's more awake and realizes what she said.
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vegalocity · 2 years
Hey, what’s Freenoodles and Ironbull like in the Tyrant Prince au? Since you seemed to put them under the fucked up ships (if my understanding is correct) in this au and we already know about all the other ships there.
Freenoodles is definitely the 'healthiest' couple on the 'monkey crew' side of the AU but that's also a very... relative term.... (Psst @unseelie-robynx)
See they hadn't been together before the events of the original Oblivion series. And in the five years between then and when we refocus on the Tyrant Prince timeline, they're married.
Now, it's not ENTIRELY fucked up because there WAS mutual affection there, but neither Pigsy nor Tang had been comfortable with making a first move. In our story Pigsy has a pretty long history of relationships that went bad. Real bad. He's got a lot of bad memories that made him for the longest time uncomfortable with the idea if pursuing anything with someone he actually is FRIENDS with. And Tang Meanwhile is also very well aware of Pigsy's long sordid past romances and it really kinda made him unwilling to make the first move himself, in part because of usual Tang-based insecurities, the sort of 'what can i offer without the drawbacks making everything worse and clearly i MUST be unappealing have you SEEN me?' kinda thing
Now, Xiaotian in a very kind of nosey way is very much aware of his two father figures clearly having feelings for eachother but both being unwilling to act upon them and... well he helped! He was trying to work on Mr Tang's confidence anyway and Pigsy's better off not really remembering all of those past bad relationships and any and all attached trauma.
They're not like, Unhealthy with a captial U, they're actually a fully functioning couple that still fully treat eachother as equals (there is a firm boundry between 'partners' and 'Husband and wife' as relationship setups, and Pigsy and Tang are the former while those like Xiaotian and Red, Xiaojao and Spindrax/Shuyin, and Sandy and Huntsman are all the Latter)
but they ARE pretty heavily codependant from how much Xiaotian screwed with either of their heads with the explicit endgoal of them getting together.
Tang's able to accept some p. fucked up shit because Pigsy got convinced of it first and signs off on it, while Pigsy is very easily manipulated into said fucked up shit if he's got Tang in mind at the time.
Meanwhile with Ironbull....
Okay here's the thing-
So when Xiaotian had been full 'not seeing Red Son like a person' he'd decided to better keep control of 'his plaything' he essentially forced Red to fully forget having parents at all, essentially beliving Xiaotian made him himself. So by the time he went Lucid that was something he kinda couldn't (Re: didn't want because he's afraid of the repercussions) take back.
So now that he's trying to use Oblivion for GOOD things, he's trying to REFORM evildoers, and... with their son seemingly abandoning them, there was always the looming threat of DBK and PIF going back to villainy. unless... Well unless they never had a son at all.
And it works, but not really. Because Red was FAR too far gone to really be able to fight the imposed memory blank, but his parents certainly weren't. and fighting off Oblivion effects can really fucking HURT so basically they both end up miserable missing someone their minds tell them never existed and in pain but not knowing why.
DBK has a bit of a breakdown that turns into a violent rampage through the city. Xiaotian fearing/knowing what's happening and long lucid already knows that this is his fault for doing a shoddy job, but there's no way he's going to be able to fix the bull king with him like this. He both has to save the city and cover his own tracks because if ANYONE close enough to this goes lucid and he can't deal with it then the whole thing unravels.
As far as anyone on the surface is aware, the Ox Demon King died that day. finally put down after such a short time being free from the mountain. There was nothing to be done. possessed by a great rage curse and mind eroded into nothing, blamed on some sort of echo of LBD that remained in him, there's a million explinations. Xiaotian considers it his greatest failure. But it was also the day people started calling him 'Prince' and meaning it.
PIF is is a real damn deep depression, the child she doesn't remember but misses terribly a hole in her heart, but her own mental anguish over it shorted back into nothing as the new greif settles in
As after five hundred years of barely held together hope had only paid off for five only to be dashed on the rocks and shattered into nothing. She currently lives on FFM with Wukong and Macaque, unable to go back to any of their former homes for the memories that haunt her.
Ironbull ain't doing too hot, because DBK is dead.
But that's just what everyone above ground believes.
DBK is alive, and it took every ounce of magic between Spider Queen and all the demons in the resistance to conjure a convicning illusion of the bull king's mangled corpse while also getting the man down below ground to calm him down.
He's in the resistance and was in fact part of the 'saving Huntsman' project when it became a thing. slowly trying to piece together memories of his son (and at times coming up with incorrect answers because he has no one to confer with that really knew how their relationship worked) and vowing to save his family and return their minds and memories to them.
But if he's being completely honest, he doesn't care all THAT much about the whole 'revolution' thing. he ONLY cares about his wife and his son. This revolution is personal for a lot of people, but it is PERSONAL for DBK.
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casspurrjoybell-26 · 5 months
💖Sweet Revenge💖 - Chapter 4
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*Warning Adult Content*
Blake Welling
I have a confession to make.
I have basically no tolerance for spicy food.
The truffle thing I ate was delicious... heavenly even but it was also really spicy and I need to get away from the cute candy-maker guy before I lose my shit.
I dash back across the street, not even bothering to look this time and take refuge in my shop, where I promptly chug half a liter of water.
It doesn't help at all but it's all I have on hand.
Ten uncomfortable minutes later, the burning subsides and I'm able to think of something other than pain.
Well, actually I think of high school, which is almost the same thing. What I told candy-guy, Aaron, was true.
I was an asshole in high school.
I was the star of the track team, friends with a bunch of dickhead jocks and so deep in the closet, I didn't even know it had a door.
But I don't remember being any worse than any other dumbass kid and I certainly don't remember doing anything that would make someone still hate me for it ten years down the road.
It makes me curious and nervous.
I've been assured that the accident didn't affect my memory in any way but I still worry that the doctors might be wrong.
If I'd done something terrible, how could I make up for it if I don't remember what it was?
I write myself a note to ask Dr. Patreski about it after physical therapy the following day.
The next morning, though, I get a nasty surprise when I walk down from my little apartment behind my store and go to start my truck.
The engine makes a grinding, grating noise, there's a muffled 'pop' and then... nothing.
"Shit... Shit, shit, shit..." I bang my fist on the steering wheel.
I've already missed the last two appointments and if I miss this one, Dr. Patreski's office has threatened to drop me as a patient.
It's not like she's the only physical therapist in the area but I trust her and I like her and I promised I wouldn't fuck things up for myself yet again.
I pop the hood and get out to see a cloud of steam rising from beneath it.
"Mother Hubbard, piece of shit," I swear, kicking the tire and instantly regret it.
I do it with my good leg but my bad one goes out on me and I lose my balance.
I catch myself on the side of the truck and a whole new flock of curses escapes my mouth on filthy wings.
"Hey, everything okay?" I turn and see Aaron the candy-guy looking at me with a curious expression, like I'm something strange and unexpected and not altogether welcome... an unknown substance or a weird stain maybe but even in my distressed state, I appreciate how trim and neat he looks in his black slacks, white shirt and candy-striped apron.
I tear my eyes away from the patch of smooth, honey skin revealed by his open collar.
"No. My God-damn truck just blew up and I have an appointment in Felton I can't miss," I say digging out my cell-phone.
"Does Uber work around here? Or is there a bus or something?"
He stands for a minute without moving or speaking and I begin to wonder if he's just going to watch me have my crisis like it's the local 5 o'clock news.
I'm just about to lose my temper when he speaks.
"I was planning to go into Felton this afternoon for supplies... but I can go now and give you a lift, if you want," he says, looking at my truck's steaming hood.
"Yes. Oh my God, yes, please. I'll give you gas money," I pull out my wallet.
I try to hand him a twenty but he just makes a face.
"I don't want your money. When's your appointment?"
"Alright. Let me get my stuff and we'll go. That's my car there," he points to a little grey Fiat further down the street.
"Here," he tosses me his set of keys.
"Make yourself comfortable. I'll be back in a minute."
He turns and walks back to his own store, vanishing inside.
I feel kind of weird but I go and unlock his car and get in on the passenger side.
It's compact, more than a few years old and definitely a base model.
On the other hand, it's clean and obviously well-cared for.
I like it and it seems to fit him somehow.
A minute later he returns.
He's changed into dark jeans and a black t-shirt and somehow the casual clothes make him look even younger than he already does.
When I first saw him in the store, I'd assumed he was an employee because I'd thought he was twenty-two at most.
Now he looks barely legal.
"What?" he snaps, frowning at me. I realize I was staring.
"Sorry. I'm just... er... upset about my truck. Is it really okay for you to leave your store like this? Won't it impact your business?"
"I've got someone coming in. At least, as long as no one dies, and all the alligators are accounted for."
I'm kind of lost but I forge on.
"Anyway, thanks for offering to drive me."
"Sure, don't mention it. Where are we going, anyway?"
I give him the address and he puts it into his phone's GPS.
"A doctor's office?" he asks, then blushes.
"Sorry. None of my business."
"No, it's okay. It's just physical therapy."
He doesn't press but after a few seconds, I'm compelled to tell him anyway.
"I got hit by a drunk driver about two years ago. I was riding my bike through this quiet little town... the kind of place you never expect anything bad to happen... and BOOM... out of nowhere, this guy just hits me coming off a side street. Shattered my left leg. I'm just glad they could save it... although from the X-Rays it looks like I've got more metal than bone in there at this point. That's kinda why I opened the shop. I'm not competing in any rides any time soon but at least I can provide some fuel for other people's dreams."
He keeps his eyes on the road but I can see from his profile that his expression is troubled.
"I'm sorry. That sounds... rough."
"Well, it ain't been smooth," I laugh.
"That's for sure but I know it could've been a hell of a lot worse and I've got a lot to be grateful for."
The corner of his mouth dips down in a little twitch of a frown.
"What about you?" I prompt.
He looks over and his crystal blue eyes are wide and bright.
"What about me?" he asks.
"What are you going into Felton for? Supplies, you said, right?"
I don't know what I said wrong but the iron curtain drops again and his face is suddenly as expressionless as a porcelain doll's.
"Oh, yeah," he says.
"That's right. Supplies."
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nicromancytarot · 5 months
Hello .^◡^. i am the 5th one✋ i'm here to give feedback for the game " Bloodied Bandaid " the thing is i don't remember half of my childhood and till the age of 12 to 13 that would be a bit too much to say but apart from moving houses and transferring schools i dont remember much😕 don't know how common that is aside from that my brain storage is full of absolute shit which i don't need at all💩 i don't even remember what i ate 2 days ago 🥲 so all this things i'm saying is bcoz when you mentioned about a masculine being brought up i couldn't remember anything specific it's not like that i didn't had any masculine figure in my life to disappoint me i had plenty. all of these men definitely didn't made a good impact on my childhood for whatever they did. but about not being accepted i remember that my parents used to dressed me up as a boy coz they were expecting me to be a boy when i was born i'm a girl btw and in our culture girls and boys have distinct clothing styles i always used to have boyish haircuts and then suddenly they wanted me to dress like a girl,be feminine coz i was growing up and i needed to behave like a girl😑 i was very uncomfortable by this sudden change. now they don't even let me cut my hair like let me live people😮‍💨 but i still do what i want to do if you die right now nothing of these unnecessary things will matter¯\(°_°)/¯. about being shut off to the idea of meeting people bro let me tell you i don't leave my house unless my family members drags me outside with them once a few months. i don't like human interactions 😭 my past experiences gave me social anxiety🥹 yes i have realized that i need to let go all my resentment coz it was only making my mental and emotional health worse. just like how you said it's not like i can do this in one day or night. i do need to improve my viewpoint sometimes i overthink a situation so much that i forget what was the actual problem even. coz i like to analysis everything and get caught up in tiny details my brain has to make sense of everything by connecting things and using whatever formulas it seems makes sense which at the end doesn't make sense at all (¯―¯٥) and the other things also resonated😄  thank you so much for this reading also for the advice☺ once i fix my issues i too think that it will make me more confident in myself✧ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ✧ as a natural procrastinator let me see when can i work on myself and make use of your words it's never too late to start now tho. thank you for your precious time and effort for doing these readings💖 love you bye lovely ٩(ˊᗜˋ)و♥
Hello number 5! I appreciate such detailed feedback, I am sorry that you don’t remember much of your childhood, I also have a terrible memory so I feel you. The masculine energy was certainly a strange one as it felt like it connected to you in a very disconnected way, I actually realised at the end that it could’ve been you emitting this energy, so that’s why I added in the acceptance part. I’m sorry that you went through that as a child however, it must’ve been very confusing and frustrating to have experienced at such a young age, and I hope that if you feel as though it affected you negatively, that you heal from it and find ways to part with your trauma.
Completely understand the next part, the outside is scary man, so I’m with you on the being afraid to leave. I’m glad that your family manage to drag you outside of the house every now and then, even if it is against your will, at least you get outside and within nature, it’s a great place to heal!
I absolutely believe that you can heal and grow over your past, it may appear to be hard at first, but once you make that first leap, the rest will be a walk in the park, you’ve got this, best of luck!
Side note: ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ - I really like this thing
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logicheartsoul · 3 years
Hey! I hope this is OK to ask but do you have any tips on completing multi chap works? I’m in a pickle, I tend to create large complex plots with tons of chapters, but falter to actually write anything past the first five chapters. I do oneshots now & then to finish s o m e t h i n g, but i would really like to finish a bigger fish so to speak (oh but no pressure on answering if this makes you uncomfortable! Have a nice day! :] )
On one hand, I'm quite flattered and honored that you asked me this question, on the other hand, I wish I could give you better concrete answers because I have: 1) a huge, chronic WIP pile problem (I have over 600+ wips I've accumulated since 2016); 2) I am one of those people who finishes oneshots and posts them or I have extremely huge wips just...sitting there, unfinished (I can definitely list you word counts on those, they range from 12K to like...over 70K. I know, it's a problem lmao!); 3) Before 2016, I had a problem finishing multi-chaptered stories, and I promised myself to not write any more and now, I have one I haven't...finished either though I know how the entire story goes (mostly because it's going to go into some extremely dark/heavy topics and the climate right now I don't have the mental energy to deal with it).
For the times I've been consistently on a writing roll (one time I wrote over 100K+ of words within a month-ish, but not all on the same project, some were snippets, some were oneshots), what helped me a bit on that was actually have cheer readers? I had friends where I would literally post the works and they would read all excited. Granted, it was shared on discord, but the principle applies. They were people who supported me but also whose writing opinions I respected, I think that's key.
Honestly though, the differing kinds of advice I could give, I've only heard from friends I know. Some of them love outlining or doing detailed notes. Some of them just like talking about it and having someone to soundboard off. And the thing with long stories though is to have some kind of patience -- unless you end up zipping off and finishing something from start to finish something lengthy in one long burst and also potentially losing sleep -- these things take time to develop and grow, and actual physical energy to create: the act of typing, the brain energy it takes to actually think about the worlds, the characterizations, the plots, etc.
Some people I know like to take time to dedicate at least a "little" bit to putting the words into the story, either through timed sprints, or a word count limit (ex. "write 500 words for this draft this week") or whatever. I have a friend whose been working on this fic for over 15 years and it's not finished, but real life has gone in the way. You gotta work with your mental and physical health reserves and try to work with your life's schedule. It's fun to create but don't do it at the expense of your wellbeing or treat it like a job or something that'll make you hurt because then it'll make it harder to finish.
Also, I do remember reading a post about working up to being able to churn out a lot of words very quickly. The thing is, that's as much a skill, as anything else. And most people do not start out being able to write fast. Back in 2016, after I came off a 10 year writing hiatus, I didn't know future me would be able to concoct a 20k-ish draft of something in a day if I was inspired. I wrote oneshots that some ended up becoming longer than others and worked my way up. Some of that had to do with having a writing partner for a short while but another was just... to try to finish a draft of a longfic that was completed, even if I never posted it.
I still consider that an accomplishment, even if the way I went about it was NOT healthy (and I do not advise anyone to do what I did but I also recently at the time was out of college and unemployed at the time so I could do this), but I had spent over 36? ish hours typing this 12K story just taking stops for food and bathroom breaks. It wasn't the most prettiest of drafts and it's hella hella rough, but for the first time I was able to look at something I did and go: "Hey, it's a longfic. It's completed. It's done. Wow." (And then I ended up passing out for 18 hours.)
Perhaps doing something like that might help, along with people who might be able to read your work while you're working on it to be like 'AHHHH THIS IS GREAT I CAN'T WAIT' or whatever. Slowly work your way up to the kind of really complex story you want to write. Or you could reward yourself with something when you got to certain milestones in the fic you wanna write. And there's no shame in working on more than one fic at a time, if you can handle that. (I have some friends who are one story at a time people and that's totally ok.) There's nothing wrong either with taking a step back to breathe and have a fresh set of eyes on your story either.
I dunno if you've posted the first five chapters or not on some of your stories, some friends of mine suggested I do that to motivate me. If you haven't done this, maybe that might work for you! (Sadly, it does not work for me. My track record sadly speaks for itself lmao)
I do know for certain though, I end up writing more and putting more into the stories when I actually feel ok. As in I feel I have enough physical and mental energy, that my physical and mental health and things going in my life are doing moderately "ok". I haven't written much in months and my actual desire/urge to do so without it feeling painful has been going on for awhile. But I know right now I need to focus on that, and it's been kinda good, coming back in bits and pieces in the last week or so, but it's not there yet. I know it will be though.
So, honestly, anon, I am in the same boat as you and I wish I could give you some tried and true tips. All I can give you is examples of other friends' who have worked on things and their process and methods -- and these are people who have finished multi-chaptered works. Sometimes having small goals helps. Sometimes organizing things helps (outlines or detailed notes or some infographic timeline or etc). Having cheer readers around is nice (and does kinda work for me). Sometimes doing timed sprints (whether they're 5 or 10 minute or longer) by yourself or with others helps.
If anyone has any better suggestions, feel free to let anon know!
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tetsutits · 2 years
cw ;; ab riding ushijima ... that is all. fem! reader. called baby one time. look away yall you dont see anything here
not proofread at all,, also HI HQ fandom im back - masterlist
nsfw minors dni.
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“i wanna try something new tonight,”
ushijima pauses from where he sits under you, eyes peeking up with interest--silently telling you to go on while his large hands knead the flesh of your hips.
you look away sheepishly, embarrassed of what you're about to ask him. there's a persistent urge crawling up your spine, and your core aches with need, "i... i wanna ride you,"
his brows furrow in confusion. why would you ask him? you both already know where this night is going, and you've definitely made it clear to him when you crawled into his lap and placed your lips square against his.
"okay," he says flatly, face void of any expression--it wouldn't be the first time you'd ride him. "you can if you'd like."
the grip you have on his shoulders tightens, nails digging into the muscled flesh.
"yeah, but..." you shake your head slightly, unable to meet his eyes, and instead choose to fiddle with your bottom lip before you utter your next words.
"i... wanna ride your abs."
you think you've fucked up--because he completely stops moving, mouth agape, and his eyes are wide with shock. what makes it even worse is that he doesn't say anything back, completely silent as he processes your words.
"or-or not!" you blurt. "we don't need to do that! really, you can just ignor-"
"okay." he cuts you off.
you're stunned into silence, completely thrown off by his answer, because no - you didn't expect him to be so okay with your dirty desires. and you certainly didn't expect him to agree to try something new--right in the heat of the moment.
when you first started dating - he had some experience with random hookups and one night stands; he's told you that it wasn't much of a priority for him to sleep with someone every weekend. and while you weren't much stunned by the news -being the freak you are- you definitely felt like you had to hide yourself while being intimate with him - not wanting to make him uncomfortable with your sexual fantasies.
but now you're being stripped of your clothes, quick hands ridding you of your top and bottoms - there isn't much more said between you two when you shove him so he's laying down on the couch and the top of his hoodie over and up to his chin.
he angles your bare pussy over his abdomen, already glistening with slick and need. your hands find purchase on his well-built chest, using him to control your movements as you slowly sink down.
"oh, fuck," you hum at the immediate contact. he watches you with eager eyes, hands resting atop your thighs.
and it's so hot seeing him like this - sweat beading at his forehead and at the skin of his chest. his abs -just like every other part of his body- look like they've been sculpted by the gods to perfection. you'd mistake him for a greek statue if you didn't know any better.
"toshi-" his large hands grip the back of your ass, pushing you and grinding you even further into him. "a-ah, shit,"
your eyes roll to the back of your head as you lose yourself completely to the pleasure--your mind numb, body moving over the thick ridges and indents of his muscled skin.
'...you look so good using me like this," he breathes, snapping you out of your hazy state.
you laugh softly, "can't believe we've never done this before,"
your clit nudges back and forth between the valleys of his abs--stimulating you perfectly, the built up wetness makes it even easier for you to slide over his skin.
you note that its not rough--nor is his skin soft, its the perfect texture for you to use. its not overbearing--rather soothing in someway. you think he was absolutely made for you to ride.
the little happy trail that leads from his bellybutton to his hard cock tickles your cunt, the small hairs shamelessly coated by your juice. it sends shocks of pleasure up your body, and it has you moaning his name over and over.
"that's it," he pants, greedily helping you move, he watches the way your face contorts in pleasure, how your mouth is open, how your tits slightly bounce with every nudge of your hips.
he thinks he's never seen you prettier than you are right now.
"use me, baby. use me all you want," he whispers, looking up at you, knowing that your dancing at the edge of the cliff of your orgasm.
"ah-! fuck there!" you whine, and at the last grind of your hips, you're cumming straight on his abs. thighs twitching, head thrown back as you see stars behind your eyes.
he guides you through your high, strong hands remain on your flesh as he moves you back and fourth repeatedly.
you let out a heaving sigh, and slump into his muscled form. "fuck...you remind me everyday why i love your abs,"
his arms wrap soothingly around your shuddering frame, petting your hair, "only my abs?" he teases.
you look up at him from where your head rests on his chest, "all of you," you giggle, hand traveling down to where his hard and aching cock sits in his sweats.
"mostly your cock, though."
this got me out of my writing block. just thought ya'll should know jdbxb reblogs and feedback always appreciated !!!! <3
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
i’m obsessed with the love bites verse! i loved jealous eddie but know all i can think of is jealous reader when she sees some girl hitting on eddie and then goes feral, just wearing his jacket and then riding him on his van to remind him that she might belong to him but he definitely belongs to her too 😌
You really, really wanted to like her. She seemed nice, she had great style, she just... she really needed to keep her hands to herself. Or, at least, off of your man.
Gale Penbrook made quite a splash at Hawkins High with her grunge look, dyed-black hair and smudged eyeliner and ripped tights. Even more than that, she got attention for her constant antics, getting dress coded just about daily and talking back to teachers.
She certainly got the attention of your boyfriend, who was always looking for kindred spirits and troublemakers to bond with. Still, did they have to bond like this?
"Oh my god!" she laughed loudly, grabbing his arm through the sleeve of his denim jacket. He was laughing, too, and looking at her-- fuck, it made your blood boil just as much as it made your heart sting. You weren't sure if he knew, but she was coming onto him... strongly, too.
He said something else, you couldn't hear exactly what, and she laughed even harder, tossing her head back. Jesus, she was laying it on thick, like she didn't even care that you were watching from across the cafeteria.
You hadn't even gotten all your food yet, but you darted out of the line with your tray just so you could storm over to the table. The one day you forget to pack your own lunch and it's the day you needed most not to leave those two alone at the Hellfire table...
You slammed your food down, seeming to startle them. "Hi!" you said sharply.
"Hey, babe," Eddie replied. "We were just talking about--"
"So, Gale," you turned to her, "must be hard at a new school and all, trying to adjust and meet all the new people. Maybe I should help you find a guy!"
A guy that isn't already taken, maybe...
Gale cleared her throat, leaning away from Eddie slightly. "Uh, honestly, I haven't thought about getting a boyfriend yet..."
"Well, maybe you should," you cooed, leaning forward onto the table and propping your chin up with your fists. "I mean, new school, new town-- lots of new boys to go out with!"
Eddie gave you a confused look.
And then there was the next day, when you told Eddie you were chilly while walking into school together, just to wear his jacket all day. You'd been hoping that would be enough to stake your claim, but when you exited into the hallway after class, you found her there with him by his locker, checking out his rings.
Feeling rage bubble up in the back of your throat, you stormed across the hall and grabbed him by his shirt, slamming him into a sudden kiss.
"H-hey," he mumbled into it, hesitating for just a second before resting his hands on your waist, pulling your body closer to his.
"Missed you," you replied, pulling back just enough to smirk as you looked up at him and his wide-eyed gaze before moving your lips with his once more.
You caught Gale in the corner of your eye, before you shut them, looking a little uncomfortable. Good! It's the least she deserved, after making you feel like a third wheel in your own relationship.
You licked across his tongue just before you broke away again, and fought the urge to smile when you saw him slowly blink his eyes open. He looked totally dumbfounded, spellbound, obsessed... just the way you liked him. "Can we... um, go somewhere?" you whispered to him, blinking up at him shyly and biting your lip.
"R-right now?" he stammered. "The bell's about to ring, and I was just talking to Gale--"
"Skip your next class," you instructed, "come talk to me... I need you, Ed."
He took in a breath before nodding, squeezing your waist a little. "Okay, let's... let's go to, uh... let's go somewhere."
As soon as he had you up on that bathroom counter, you couldn't stop pulling him closer, you couldn't stop kissing him deeper, you needed more-- you needed everything.
"Baby, baby," he soothed with a smile, "slow down--"
"Fuck me," you pleaded. "God, Ed, please? Please, right now-- need you right now--"
"Sweetheart," he sighed, holding your shoulders and stroking them gently. "What's gotten into you lately? I mean, I'm not exactly complaining, but... you've been all over me. And it's great, it just doesn't... I dunno, it doesn't feel right. Is something wrong?"
You bit your lip, sighing and looking away. "I... it's complicated."
"Are you sure it's complicated," he whispered, tilting his head to try to meet your gaze, "or are you just afraid to tell me? Because babe, I promise you can tell me anything."
You looked down, too afraid to look at him when you said it. "It's Gale."
"...Gale?" he repeated. "Gale makes you want to throw yourself all over me?"
"No! Well, yeah, kinda," you mumbled. "Uh, she's just been hanging around you a lot. And she's nice, but she's... she's so..."
"What?" he pressed.
"She's your type!" you blurted out, continuing when you caught his confused stare. "You know, the grunge stuff-- she wears shirts for the bands you like, she acts out just like you do. She's so cool and she's obviously into you--"
"Babe," he interjected, reaching up to hold your cheek in his hand and guide you to look at him. "Are you... jealous? Of Gale?"
You sighed shakily. "I'm just worried that... that since you and her have more in common--"
"Woah, hey," he soothed, leaning in to kiss your forehead. "I love you, but you sound insane right now."
You whined, rolling your eyes. "Eddie--"
"No, really listen to me," he demanded. "I'm not into cheerleaders."
You looked up at him, wrinkling your eyebrows together, feeling your heart sting. Could this be the beginning of the end?
"I'm not into punk chicks either," he replied. "I'm into you. You're my girl. Gale's cool, don't get me wrong, and I like her look-- but I love everything about you. I love that you listen to The Smiths and Madonna. I love your uniform and I love that when you're not wearing it, you look like you're going to Sunday school or something. And it's not because I've always dreamed of having a preppy girlfriend or something. I just want you!"
He shook your shoulders a little bit at the last part, for emphasis, and you couldn't help but smile.
"I can't believe I'm having to tell you this but--" he sighed, and got very serious-- "I have no interest in Gale, of... that variety. She's a friend. And if she makes you uncomfortable, she won't be a friend anymore. I love you, okay?"
You nodded shyly, looking down at your hands in your lap, swinging your legs where they dangled off the bathroom counter.
"Say it back," he pleaded gently.
"I love you too," you smiled, meeting his stare again. "It's okay if you're still friends with her-- but she needs to stop touching you, it drives me fucking crazy--"
"Okay, honey," he cooed, leaning in and kissing your temple. "You trust me, don't you? You know I only want you?"
You nodded again. "Yeah, Eddie, I know."
He kissed down the side of your face, stepping up closer to the counter to press himself up against you. "Aaaaand you know I'm really digging the way you look in my jacket, don't you?" he purred, and you bit your lip.
"Yeah," you smiled. "I think tonight you should come over and see how you dig seeing me in just your jacket."
He groaned through his teeth, his fingers digging into your waist. "That's... I like that idea, yeah."
"And, I was thinking," you continued, walking your fingers up his chest teasingly, "you could... take some pictures? You know, for safekeeping."
"God," he laughed thinly, grabbing your hips and pulling them to the edge of the counter so you could feel his erection pressed up to your core, "I can't believe you ever thought I could want anybody else, babe."
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