#you don't have to understand my experiences btw!! just keep your mind open and understand that the human(ish) experience is vast
crabussy · 1 year
hi .. i have a question for you
i think im an otherkin?? but i dont really know if i am??
and i think you are one (sorry if this is wrong !!) but can you tell me how you knew ??
hi!! you're right, I am under the alterhuman/nonhuman umbrella!! specifically I'm not really any animal, I am a psychological therian which means my nonhumanity is linked to the way that my brain works. I am some kind of creature, if you search "alien" on my art blog (@beastwhimsy) you'll find what I am!! being this thing makes me very happy, and it is not detrimental to my mental health in any way. <- I've talked to my therapist about this and he's fascinated by it and supports the fact that I'm nonhuman!!
ever since I was a little kid I've been acting differently to the other kids because it made me happier- I would walk along fences like a cat, I'd consistently and constantly imagine myself with wings every day, and the alien species I invented back then to encapsulate my experiences actually stayed with me until the present day!! I have a theory that my nonhuman experiences link to my neurodivergent experiences, as I was outcast from social groups because I acted strangely, and I didn't feel like I was the same as my peers. today, my default sense of self is as some kind of creature, my spacial awareness matches the limbs and features of this creature more than it does my actual human form, and it makes me happier to visualise myself as this creature!! there are many, many ways to be alterhuman- for some its spiritual, others it is psychological, for some it is a coping mechanism for something and some do it for fun or because they feel happier as an alterhuman.
some common experiences for therians/nonhumans include phantom limbs (the experience of having spacial awareness of limbs and features corresponding to an animal/creature) and mental shifts (feeling as though your mindset has shifted away from human thought and feeling processes to become more animalistic, e.g. for a dog therian they would become much more focussed on smells as a way to experience the world around them, and they may think less in words and more in images and feelings. these states are usually temporary and not harmful or hindering, though they can be annoying).
you have a higher chance of being nonhuman if you are neurodivergent or have experienced dehumanisation throughout your life, but anyone can fall under the alterhuman umbrella regardless of your childhood or your neurological makeup!!
last thing, it isn't always but it can be tied into your gender!! for example, I use it/that as well as he/him because it feels more in line with how I perceive myself and it makes me happy. it is a reclamation of dehumanising terms in a sense.
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thehappynewzo · 4 months
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I just want to give a heads up that I am no professional astrologer.. although it's funny cuz you see most users saying this here and their predictions seem pretty professional in the end no? Lol. Anyways, as I was saying, please don't plagiarise my content..but wait, no, I don't really have a problem actually cause astrology is astrology and if you wanna use it for your posts, fine...feel free to...I have no issue so please widen your knowledge and share it with others. Okay, I think it's best i begin now.
Also, I'll be talking about stuff that are meant only for adult eyes lol😂 so dear minor watching, i understand how curiosity fuels your engine but please don't interact with this, otherwise curiosity will also begin to kill minors along with cats.😂😂
If something here does not relate with your experience, please keep in mind that astrology is an insanely vast but such a beautiful topic so this varies based on other aspects and placements too.
☀️Sun in the 8th house🏠 -
•The sun person makes the house persons insecurities and past wounds exposed due the sun persons brightness, because of this it seems like the sun person hurts the house person unintentionally.
•The house person gets triggered a lot with certain actions of the sun person but keep in mind, the sun person has no intention of triggering the house person.
•These are the triggers that's developed because of the house persons past and it gets exposed to the sun's light.
•No matter how much the house person tries to stop those triggers, it won't stop in the beginning of the connection.
•The sun person might want to explore the house persons deepest parts that they hide from the world and as the dynamic gets closer to eachother in the connection, the sun persons heat either worsens the wounds or helps heal the house person heal them.
•The sun person pays a lot of attention to the house persons deepest wounds and desires.
•They notice every little detail of the house persons insecurities but you'll be happy to know that the sun person usually finds brightness in all your darkest parts.
•The house person will be someone who provides them a shadey place to relax from their own ego and shine. A place for them to dig deeper than surface level.
•The house person gets obsessed completely with their entire soul towards the sun person. It's usually possible that the house person felt an instant pull to the sun person on their first meeting.
•Here, usually along with the above points, manifests in such a way where the sun person wants the house person to be as open and comfortable with them as possible but the house person is too afraid to expose their sensitive hidden parts to the sun person.
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8th house synastry -
•i feel, according to my studies and observations that whatever planet sits in the 8th house becomes like a two sided coin or a opposite sort of thinking here most of the time.
•Usually the planet person thinks and feels some way about the house person but the house person feels like the planet person thinks the complete opposite of what the planet person actually thinks (lol I hope it made sense) and vice versa.
•It's like both the house person and the planet person may have similar feelings about eachother (planets depend as it can change this) but they both think that the other doesn't feel the same way about them.
• EX: VENUS in the 8th house - both of them (planet person and house person) love eachothers beauty and insecurities of eachother but they are insecure that the other person does not like it or will not like it sooner or later.
ANOTHER EX: SUN in the 8th house - both of them (planet person and house person) wants the other to open up to them but they think the other person does not want to or will not support them or understand them. Both of them want to open up abt their insecurities but they both are afraid and hence take a long time to open up but in the beginning are closed off.
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Btw, I'll be making a list of Eros in the houses and signs in synastry soon.
Eros (433) in 3rd house : Firstly, Eros is your turn ons. The Eros person is turned on / finds the house person voice very attractive. Also the house persons hands, how the house person speaks and their mind.
Eros (433) in 7th house : The Eros person is turned on / finds the house persons feminity attractive. Even the house persons ass lol. If the house person is a woman, then the Eros person finds her feminine body very beautiful.
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Kiss (8267) in the 4rth house :
•the house person can be comforted easily by the kisses of the kiss person.
•the kiss person's kisses feels like home for the house person.
•soft loving kisses.
•slow comforting kisses.
•The kiss person can love to kiss the house person's chest.
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Kiss (8267) in the 9th house :
• the house person gets very hyped up and excited when the kiss person kisses them.
•the house person feels protected and safe everytime the kiss person kisses them.
•since this is Jupiter's house, the house person may want more and more of the kiss person's kisses. They may also get a lot of kisses from the kiss person. The kiss person may have the urge to kiss the house person whenever they're around around them since Jupiter expands whatever he touches. This holds true if the house person's Jupiter is in conjunct with the kiss persons kiss Asteroid.
•the kiss person can give the house person kisses out of nowhere too.
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Vesta (4) is an asteroid that indicates what our soul is most devoted towards, where you're most dedicated, where you invest a lot of your energy. The conjunctions can make this asteroid very prominent in synastry.
= If you want to know if you are going to invest a lot of energy in a connection, check if Vesta conjuncts any of your inner planets, especially big 3 (ascendant, sun, moon) and ESPECIALLY JUPITER.
= Which planet Vesta conjuncts indicates the kind of dedication or the areas in which you or the other person is dedicated towards in the connection.
•Vesta conjunct Jupiter = Vesta person is dedication to guide and protect the Jupiter person.
•This conjunction makes the Vesta person extremely, I mean superly duperly extremely excessively devote all the energy they have in them towards the Jupiter person.
•The Vesta person surrenders and devotes themselves to Jupiter person as if the Jupiter person were a god.
•Vesta conjunct Venus = the Vesta person has a romantic dedication towards the Venus person.
•The Vesta person is very much dedicated to showing the Venus person their love.
•This is a 100% loyalty placement in any romantic relationship. Other aspects matter too though but this tops the loyalty placement among many other.
• The Vesta person is usually the one very loyal in this connection but the Venus person loves the dedication that the Vesta person has towards them and this becomes the Venus person's fuel for loving the vesta person in return.
•The Vesta person is devoted romantically towards the Venus person.
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• Vesta conjunct Sun = the Vesta person has an overall dedication towards the sun person.
• This literally means that the Vesta person is dedicated to the sun persons soul.
This time I'll give an example of Vesta seated in _______ house.
• Vesta seated in the 8th house = The Vesta person has such a deep leveled soul digging devotion towards the house person, especially if Vesta conjuncts any planet here (esp. big 3).
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Yay! Special asteroid mention time!!
Vesta ☌ child (4580) -
The Asteroid Child is youthfulness, where your inner child never dies, where you feel a little lost, where you feel like a child.
•The Vesta persons devotion is aimed at making the child person feel like a child.
•The Vesta person invests HUGE amounts of their energy just to make the child person laugh like a child, smile like a child and feel like a child.
•The Vesta person is also devoted to make the child person's inner child never die, to keep their inner child alive.
•The child person can make the Vesta person feel lost at times.
•The child person is lost when it comes to the Vesta persons devotion towards them, especially if Vesta is also ☌ (conjunct) Sun/Jupiter.
•The child person wonders why the Vesta person is so devoted towards them.
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That's all for today my dear readers with amazingly curious minds. I hope you all enjoyed reading this post today and I hope I made somebody smile! Let me know in the comments if anything resonated and if you'd like me to cover anything in astrology!! Love you all so much ! Bye bye for now! Take care, be happy and healthy!😊❤️
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Asteroids mentioned above : 433,8267,4,4580
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swordfright · 2 months
What do you think is your most controversial dsmp take?
I got this ask a while ago and I've been wracking my brains trying to come up with something, but honestly...I don't think I really have many hot takes? At least, not ones that I'd consider controversial. Most of my controversial takes are about fanon/how the fandom interacts with the source material, which I assume isn't what you're looking for (but BOY DO I HAVE A LOT OF THOSE.) I also have likes and dislikes when it comes to duos and shipping stuff, but that's subjective obviously and more opinion than lore interpretation.
I guess if you put a gun to my head, I might say these are my most controversial Actual Lore Takes, but they're not all that interesting imo:
The experiments in the revival lab happened AFTER c!Dream's incarceration, not before it. My understanding is that most people interpret that sequence as occurring prior to the incarceration because...why would c!Dream let himself be locked up, relying on his knowledge of the book to be his life insurance, if he hadn't tested the damn thing out yet?! This logic tracks, but I think you could also flip it to argue the opposite: that he also could have conceivably waited to fully test the book until after escaping. During the run-up to the Disc Finale, c!Dream was incredibly busy with the fallout from Dethronement + Exile + Manburg related stuff etc, as well as busy preparing for the confrontation with c!Clingys, plus arranging the staged finale with Punz. The guy was busy as hell and he was also like...still kinda in the midst of a manic episode. Also, keep in mind that while the book was his life insurance for the finale and its immediate aftermath, he had no idea that c!Sam was going to betray him. Considering all that, I don't think it's inconceivable that c!Dream may not have had time to thoroughly test the limits of the revive book beforehand, and he likely didn't realize quite how vital his knowledge of revival would become during his incarceration period. So yeah. I'm open to either interpretation, but I am partial to the possibility that the Vikk and Lazar necromancy montage happened after the prison era. And the exact date/location of the lab are never specified either, which makes me even more open to the post-prison necromancy option. Not a hill I'd be willing to die on, but a hill I like to sit on and admire the view from.
End of Las Nevadas is the weakest stream of the Las Nevadas series. I found it narratively unsatisfying, and not in a clever way. I don't hate that stream, I think it had some really interesting moments, but overall I'd say its messaging was convoluted and the tension was pretty poorly mismanaged. I'd be willing to go on about this if you want, but I think a lot of other folks have probably already articulated it better than I can. Oh, I'll add that I also have complicated thoughts about c!Slime as a character. Don't hate him, don't love him...but I am puzzled about the role he was presumably meant to play in the story vs. the role he actually ends up playing. I could go on about this in detail but it's late and I'm sleepy.
c!Quackity has very simple goals and motives, but his pursuit of those goals is oftentimes way more convoluted than necessary, which ends up making him read as a more complex and dynamic character than he really is (I like this btw!) Another way to put it would be that Q is not a terribly complex character in terms of motivations and ambitions (dr3 has rly good meta on this btw), but he does tend to needlessly complicate his own life and the lives of the people around him in pursuit of simple goals. I think one of his big failings is that he sees violence as an easy solution to his problems but in reality it just creates more problems for him. It's like he keeps failing some sort of foresight check, over and over again. Take the formation of Las Nevadas, for instance. Most of the country's members were intimidated/threatened into joining, not because they're people Q particularly wants to hang around with, but because they're people Q sees as either strong (i.e. they are capable of contributing to LN) or directionless (i.e. they're in need of an owner a leader.) Quackity doesn't really forge alliances, he just...buys people, basically? And then he's shocked when this backfires. His relationship with Purpled is the most obvious example of this, but also LN as a whole: in LN5 (?), Quackity's angry and offended and hurt that only a tiny handful of people show up to the opening ceremony, even though by all accounts the reason the turn-out isn't bigger is because the server has by this point become a chaotic and violent place where anything can happen to anyone for any reason and most inhabitants feel safer sticking to their own turf...and that atmosphere of chaos and violence is something Q has ostensibly contributed to, even before Pandora. c!Quackity creates a country that no one is truly loyal to, inhabited by people who are closer to employees than allies...and then his solution, when he realizes nobody really gives a shit, isn't to try recruiting people in a more equitable way, it's to bioengineer a slime army. That is insane. That is an insane way to solve your problems. In no way is bioengineering a slime army a normal or well-adjusted solution to any conceivable problem. This is what I mean when I say he's a relatively uncomplicated character who complicates everything - he's constantly jumping through hoops of fire to avoid changing his behavior and taking any kind of accountability whatsoever.
I have tons more takes but they're mostly about silly subjective stuff and/or fanon, so I'll leave that for another day if anyone's interested.
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whimsicalpoet44 · 2 years
Just saw you enneagram and astrology placements. What about mbti? Which placements do you associate with each mbti? Btw what is your mbti if you don't mind asking?
I'm an INFJ. I'm also an enneagram 4.
Meyers-Briggs (MBTI) Types and the Astrology Placements I Associate With Each. (Part 1 of 4)
Re-take personality tests from time to time because as you heal and grow, your results can change. I find the mbti is less likely to change. But I went from an enneagram 6 to a 4 after a few years of introspection.
You'll notice a lot of the categories will have repeated signs. That's because they're similar.
This part contains the Analysts. I'll make the other parts separately. I just don't know when I'll finish it. So keep an eye out for them!
These are my depictions based on my own opinion and experience. If these don't apply to you, that's okay! It's all about interpretation. If you disagree, I'd love to hear why. I'd also love to hear other placements you all associate with each. 😄
INTJ - The Architect 📐
Introverted | Intuitive | Thinking | Judging
☀️Sun | Moon | Rising | Venus in Scorpio: They're very methodical and calculated. They can analyze quickly and act on their discernment with ease. They're also quiet because they're always observing.
☀️Virgo Mercury | Moon | Mars: They're great at categorizing emotions and thinking before acting. They can also be a little critical of themselves and others at times. However, this makes them great at acting on situations because they're a good at judging outcomes.
☀️Mercury Conjunct Neptune: Super in tune with their surroundings. They have great intuition and a lot of spiritual gifts, which can assist with discernment. They learn quickly how to handle conflict. (Others might not agree with this one, but I think once they manage their emotions and sensitivity, they can easily organize truth and fact in a situation. Great judges of character.)
☀️Capricorn Venus | Mercury | Mars | Rising: Excellent at making decisions. They aren't quick to act. They balance out all possibilities. They don't rush into commitment without first analyzing the pros/cons. Others view them as cold and detached, even though this is far from the truth.
☀️Aquarius Rising | Uranus: Unique sense of style. Super intellectual. Great judge of character. Quick witted and practical.
☀️Sagittarius Saturn: Honest and direct. They see things through and handle conflict swiftly. Very serious expression of self and always analyzing their morals/belief systems.
☀️Honorable Mentions: Leo Placements. They're quick to point out their observations and learn how to handle conflict quickly. They're direct, and to the point. The reason they're an honorable mention: Leos CAN be introverts, but I associate their persona to be more extroverted. Even if they don't feel like an extrovert, they appear that way to others.
INTP - The Logician ��
Introverted | Intuitive | Thinking | Perceiving
☀️8th House Placements: They spend time alone to reflect on things, which is important to an INTP. They're very much 'big picture' individuals. They're intuitive, but also logical. They see the world from a unique perspective. They're quiet, creative, and they're forced into independence from a young age.
☀️Virgo Sun | Moon | Rising: They tend to be observers. They're detail oriented and are used to completing tasks alone because they'd rather do it themselves. Others perceive them as quiet and detached, but they're usually really passionate. This has a big impact on their perception of the world. They can detach from their emotions, yet factor them into the equation if needed as well. They're also over-thinkers, always analyzing something.
☀️Jupiter in the 12th House: They're introspective and often prefer spending quality time with themselves. They have a need to understand how the world works and they spend a lot of time challenging their perception of the world. They're very intelligent.
☀️Aquarius Mercury: They're open minded and intelligent. They are always trying to figure out how to implement their ideas. They're logical and objective, always ensuring they're perceiving the world in a way that benefits everyone. They're always observing and processing information, trying to figure out what to do with it. Aquarius individuals also have a really unique path in life, meaning they're probably okay with being alone when thinking.
☀️Scorpio Midheaven: They're self-motivated and observant. They're forced into changing their perception of the world through transformation. They also usually pursue careers rooted in field that require logic, like the sciences and research.
☀️Gemini in the 12th House: They're quiet and always engaged in learning. They're intuitive and this ability helps them perceive the world as it is. They overthink and spend a lot of time introspecting. They also have a lot of issues communicating with others. They're abstract thinkers and really creative.
ENTJ - The Commander 📣
Extroverted | Intuitive | Thinking | Judging
☀️Leo Placements: This is where I see the Leo Placements shine. They're creative and excited about life. They usually have strong opinions and have a sense of confidence. They're super energetic, so it gives them the ability to see their goals through. They're driven. Most of all - they're natural leaders. But they can also end up stuck in their own ideals, making them critical of others at times.
☀️Aries Sun | Saturn: Hear me out...they might be known for being impulsive (which ENTJ is known for being pragmatic), but they embody all of the traits of ENTJ. This type is known for being impatient. Aries fits that. They're natural leaders, decisive in their actions (at least in the moment), stubborn, and they can be really inspiring to others. They often motivate others to make changes in their lives. They can also deliver harsh truths and be critical of others. With Aries in the Sun and Saturn, one of their lessons is to figure out how to balance these energies to become a calm and confident leader. I feel like Aries gets a lot of hate and people think they're going to explode at any moment. And for some that's true. But most don't live up to that stereotype.
☀️Cancer Mars: They're insanely intuitive and have natural leadership qualities. They're passionate and internalize their emotions, finding it hard to be vulnerable. They're critical of others when the people they love are threatened and are confident once they know what they want.
☀️Libra Sun | Mars | Rising: They can come off to others as extroverted and they're a good judge of character (usually). They're practical, intuitive, and think through the consequences of their actions before they act. They're curious and inspiring. They might not be overtly dominant, but they still have pretty good leadership skills because they care about fairness and equality for all involved. Injustice can bring out the dominant side of them.
☀️Moon Conjunct North Node: They withhold their feelings and can detach from them fairly easily (however, this might become an issue later). They're intuitive, extroverted, and decisive. Great capacity for leadership here.
☀️Uranus in Capricorn: They carve their own paths. They're skilled leaders and can appear extroverted if they need to be. They're emotionally closed off and stubborn at times.
ENTP - The Debater 🏆
Extroverted | Intuitive | Thinking | Perceiving
☀️Aquarius/11th House Placements: They don't conform. Their curiosity wins out and they will ask questions others are afraid to ask. They like being around people (most of the time) and they're skilled in multiple areas. They take untraditional routes in life and they have to get good at defending their choices. They will even question their own choices at times, but reassure themselves it's the right move.
☀️Sagittarius/9th House Placements : Sagittarius is known for being multi-faceted. They're hilarious. They're open-minded, super curious about life and learning and they like to go with the flow (hello mutable sign). They can be argumentative at times. If another person's opinion doesn't make sense to them, they'll question it out of curiosity. Others might misinterpret this as rudeness, and an argument will ensue. However, they also might go looking for an argument as well at times (looking at you Sag Mars 👀). They tend to be blunt, which can be perceived as insensitive. And they're all over the place all of the time. I feel like ENTP is raw and authentic chaotic Sag energy. And I love it so much.
☀️Gemini Rising | Mercury: They love learning. They ask questions and their energy can be perceived as intimidating to others. They enjoy talking to others and they're really witty. Gemini individuals know a little about a lot and they LOVE to debate with others. As a Sag Mercury, I love talking to Gemini Risings/Mercurys. They always have a really interesting perspective on life. Other signs could misunderstand Gemini's intentions though, and it can lead to conflict.
☀️Mars Square Jupiter: Their competitive nature can land them in some sticky situations. They can be embarrassed socially, but they're enthusiasm can be mistaken for aggression...landing them in debates. They likely blame themselves for negative interactions and put a lot of blame on themselves.
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 months
Hi! This might be a weird question and you don't have to answer it but I'm thinking about writing Lizzington but I am so nervous about it and don't feel like I can do them justice, so I'm looking for a bit of advice from the accomplished Lizzington writers.
Do you have any advice as to how write Red and Liz?
I mean, when you write them, do you have some... I don't know how to describe it, so it's gonna sound silly, but do you have some selfmade bullet points about what their characters are like? I mean, like vocabulary that feels authentic or mannerisms you picked up from the show or made up but that feels right, that sort of thing.
Sorry I'm so bad at explaining, but I would love to get a bit of behind-the-scenes of Lizzington fic writing.
Omg, hi, anon!! 👋 Not to worry, I don't find this a weird question at all & I'm more than happy to answer you!! 🥰 Firstly, I LOVE that you're considering writing Lizzington fic!! Although the show is over & our OTP never became canon, I know for a fact that there are still loyal shippers out there who will gladly read & comment on new Red & Liz fic!! And I know it probably doesn't help much to say it but... you don't need to be nervous, I promise, you will absolutely "do them justice"!! Fanfic is so individualized & subjective that I would go so far as to say there isn't a "wrong" way to do it... But of course I'm happy to share whatever experience I have & I must say that I'm flattered you consider me an "accomplished Lizzington writer", that's high praise, indeed 🥹
As far as advice goes, I think I should start by reiterating what I mentioned above: there's no "wrong" way to write fic. In fact, that's the beauty of it, imo. Every writer holds a unique blend of the characters/actors we see on screen & their own personal interpretation/headcanons for them. That's what makes everyone's fanworks so wonderfully different!! Of course, that also means that there will always be readers whose interpretation of the characters/ship don't align with yours, & they'll consider your interpretation "out of character"... but that's a simple difference of opinion that can be true of anything, tbh, & a good fandom member will understand this & simply click away without a negative interaction. And if they don't have enough respect to do that, then that's on THEM, & NOT your problem!! It's much more worth your time & energy to focus on the people who are open to or actively align with your interpretation of the ship/characters - they're your target audience who want to read what you have to write & share!! 😊 That all being said, what you ask is not silly at all, I think there definitely are specific vocabulary/mannerisms that are identifiable to every character & they can totally be different for everyone!! I can totally share with you some of mine, as long as you keep in mind that these are by no means Lizzington Laws™️ & you should feel free to accept or reject them, as well as come up with your own!! And you're not bad at explaining at all, my friend, & I just hope I'm answering your questions adequately, plus I'm always happy to share some behind-the-scenes of Lizzington fic writing (love that phrase btw LOL)!! I'll break down some of my go-to Red & Liz traits below the cut via bullet points for ease of reading 😁
working his mouth/jaw when thinking
rolling/biting his tongue when lost for words
tilting his head from side to side in deliberation
dramatic changes in pitch/voice inflection to express emotion
eye/mouth twitching when anxious
eyes flashing/jerky movements/abrupt violence when angry
fidgeting with hands/hat when upset
pacing when nervous
unusual/extensive vocabulary
unnecessary/entertaining stories/trains of thought
Liz (tougher imo bc of her inconsistent on-screen characterization):
rolling her eyes when impatient
scoffing when exasperated
chewing/biting her lips when emotional
running a hand through her hair (long or short) when agitated
rubbing her scar/wrist when triggered
bobbing her leg/tapping her foot when nervous
sarcasm/bitterness/dry sense of humor
lack of patience (sometimes abrupt) when stressed
emotional outbursts in response to sensitive topics (this is pretty broad & depends on context & personal preference, of course, as one of the biggest inconsistencies in the show)
That's all I can think of off the top of my head, anon, but I hope those things are somewhat helpful!! I would also always recommend simply watching the show & reading other's fics to get a better sense of how the characters typically speak & how they express themselves in different states via mannerisms, etc. And it never hurts to speculate/project/try some of your own headcanons... after all, characters are just like people: changeable & adaptable 😊 At any rate, I hope this is something like what you were looking for, anon, please feel free to drop another ask if you'd like to talk more... My inbox is empty of anything these days, but particularly Lizzington... So, thank you again for sending me this, it was super fun to answer!! I wish you the best of luck with your fic writing & I can't wait to read & comment like crazy if/when you post something, bc I'm sure it will be amazing - make it your own & have fun with it!! In the meantime, take care & much love to you, my friend!! ❤️
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lovebvni · 6 months
Hi, Abyss! Thank you so much for doing a reading game! I genuinely appreciate it when people do these readings since I know a lot of time and energy goes into them.
I don't want to delve too much into myself since I prefer to stay relatively private about my shifting journey, but I'm an adult shifter who has been skeptical, but open, to this phenomena. After having some very intriguing "mini-shift" experiences and a near full shift (to a place I wasn't in the mood for, haha) I now fully believe in this and I can do it. I've been honing in on something that works for me for about 3 years now (from what I've read, it always seems to be around 3 or 4 years for those who are a bit older/logical minded before a shift comes our way, haha), and I feel like I've finally onto something that works for me! I have two DRs at the moment; one derived from a video game, which is the main one I've put the bulk of my focus towards experiencing, and another that I've decided will be more up in the air, vibes-based, semi-blind shift related. All I know is that I want it to be oceanic based (mainly based upon my own "original" aquatic race).
That said, I would like to ask if I should stick with my current mindset and what I've been doing for myself in regards to shifting? Mainly, I'd like to see if there are things I haven't considered yet, or just hear a good solid reassurance I know what I need to know and I'm doing what I need to do. Thank you again!
hiii anon!!! it’s wonderful to hear ur story!! :D i have also been shifting for around 3 years n im getting goose to finally shifting to my wr <3
fromm my understanding you’re asking for advice on spirit of things you may need to change or keep doing.
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for your tips, i heard “keep your current mindset and really set yourself in it”
do kinda like make yourself grounded in those beliefs and don’t let anyone change it ever. know you’re right and in your right mindset! you’re on the right path, and shifting is soon coming. all you need to do is believe!
this is a very interesting song to get for shufflemancy!! the main thing that stands out to me is “i don’t wanna be controlled by the past” you need to let everything come to the surface and remove it from your soul.
what makes you angry? that’s the trigger. use that trigger and dig deeper.
pull it up. use that anger to pull out that anger. it may be something you’ve always wanted to say but you where never able to. pull it out, scream it in the shower — let it out.
maybe you witness you shouldn’t have, and it makes you angry that someone would even hurt someone else like that.
this is all to speed up the process btw
spirit also said you are very observant. you’re going to shift at about that 3 years and 7 months mark. they won’t give me the date or anything, but december and the winter months seem important!
well, anon, i hope this helps out!!
sending you love and peace. another tip, just from me w no spiritual guidance whatsoever, cleanse all your chakras! it helps!
and have a good one!! leave a review <3
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
God is a women
-Ariana grande
And that women is @theambitiouswoman , I MEAN IT
thanks the best advice ever, if u remember I was one asked you about jobs and interviews stuffs
That ask which I asked you was almost solved (because of your advice)
But I actually didn't narrate the whole situation because it's totally different now..
Please help me
I already had my job which I already got placed at the college campus itself and the role is junior software developer .which will be starting by this august 1st
Yes it's pretty good that's very good role for every carrier bulider.
But the #1 problem is the company has 9 hours working shift ??? Like omggg that's so horrible timings for mee seriously ill be dead by that .. there's no time to breathe even
#2 salary is very less, why am I working at the first place? To have good money right and look at the timings . salary supposed to me good paying , but it's not
Which is so bad btw ..as my seniors said the company itself is very bad..they really suck
All the students who are literally dumb were got placed in sucha good companies,
Why not meee?
So that's the reason why I was desperately trying to jump on another good company from so many months since I got placed but I couldn't do it till now😭😭
Like girl I never imagined I would be going to this company ever..as I told you it's torturous to work there
My question is I need little more time to jump but company is starting at aug 1st ..how to survive there and jump to another one?? It's building trauma
The working hours , and obviously software developer has sooo muchh work , day and night coding, coding and coding
hahahaa! I am truly humbled, ✨thank you ✨
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, and I appreciate your honesty.
I understand that finding a job after college can be challenging, and sometimes the offered pay may not meet your expectations. You have options, though. You can explore other job opportunities that align better with your goals and aspirations, or you can choose to work your way up in the current job if it offers potential for growth.
It's not uncommon for people to realize that the job they studied for isn't what they want to do. If that's the case, take some time to figure out what truly interests you and where your passions lie. Knowing what you want will help you make informed decisions about your career path.
You haven't started working at the new company yet, so you never know; you might end up enjoying it once you get a feel for the company's culture and working environment. However, if you find that it's not the right fit, don't be afraid to use the experience as a stepping stone to seek opportunities elsewhere.
Regarding the working hours, they may seem overwhelming at first, especially compared to college life. But as you adjust to the real world, you'll learn how to manage your time efficiently. Also, keep in mind the possibility of negotiating your salary if you decide to stay.
Remember that you have the power to shape your own life and career. Don't settle for something that doesn't bring you fulfillment. Pursue what you truly desire and be open to making compromises along the way.
Take your time to assess your options and make choices that align with your aspirations. You have the capability to carve your own path and go after what you truly want. Keep that in mind as you navigate your career journey.
I really want to end this by emphasizing that YOU DO NOT JUST HAVE TO TAKE WHAT IS GIVEN TO YOU IN LIFE. You can make your own decisions and go after what you actually want. Keep in mind, that along the way you will always have to make some sort of compromise too.
Best of luck, and remember that you have the strength to create a fulfilling future for yourself!
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antisociallilbrat · 2 years
Okay, I'm coming clean, lol, I'm Kori– Hi, I'm your brainworms' unofficial feeder 😂 Feel free to keep calling me Kori or change to Allen <3
Sorry that I didn't come out sooner, I get so nervous asking people about the stuff going on in my brain that I just automatically go to Anon just to get them out. I just got the courage today.
I still mean it when I said I love your takes, they're freaking amazing and I never get tired of reading them. I wish I could think like you, honestly.
So I've been thinking of writing a long-term IT x Stranger Things crossover fic where the Losers Club are all numbered experiments like Eleven but managed to escaped. I haven't fleshed out the fine details yet but if you're interested, I'll be more than happy for suggestions!
Anyways, what I've been wanting to figure are their powers. What would they be and how does those powers suit and compliment the Losers' personalities. I've thought of giving them telekinetic abilities just like El but I thought that wouldn't be that complimentary to them except maybe to Richie? ( for some reason, the thought of Richie looking like El when she jerks her head to the side and breaks someone's bones spooks me lol ) then I thought of giving them the powers similar to their Neibolt selves; Beverly has pyrokinesis, Eddie has acid fluids, Stan can control spiders and detach his head to become a spider, Bill will probably have like sharp teeth and hunter like skills ( idk ), Richie will either have the ability to turn into a werewolf, be invisible ( connected to his fear of disappearing ), or something about being a doll. But if I go with that, it will leave out Mike and Ben. So now I'm conflicted.
Any suggestions?
AAAAAA Kori this makes me so happy you have no idea. And do you have a preference for what name I use?
Everytime you pop into my inbox I get so excited bc I know my brain worms are about get FED and you encourage my silliness and my takes. It's totally okay btw!! Trust me when I say I understand anxiety/nervousness 🥲
I can see where you'd want to pull from the Neilbolt versions and it works for them. Bev having pyrokinesis is so cool and Eddie being having acid fluids. For Bill maybe you could do shapeshifting? Like how he looks normal but then he shape shifts his teeth being sharper and can just shapeshift in general to have more monster like features when he needs it. I like Stan and the spider thing, VERY Henry Creel vibes and it's freaky. For Richie maybe you can incorporate the 'doll' aspect to him being physically mute- like how the doll's mouth is sewn shut. Then a fun power would be Richie being able to project into people's minds and talk to them that way. Poor Stan can't tune him out that way. Idk just a few suggestions! I really like what you've thought for these Losers already though
Ben and Mike are tricky if you're trying to stay on theme. Hmmm maybe relate it back to how It interacts with them? Like Pennywise tries to make Ben feel like his friends don't like him and with being the new kid maybe being able to turn invisible would be Ben? Then with Mike Pennywise calls him a 'mad man' so maybe super intelligence? But Mike is such an animal man and I've always thought him being able to communicate with animals would be cool.
I'm always done to talk about this with you, I really hoped I helped 😭 and my messages are also open as well! Got me all feeling all emotional that you sought my silly ole input on this fuckin dope idea 🥲
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Hi, so I'm very confused
For a while now I've had the idea that I'm somewhere on the ace spectrum, demisexual to be exact. Since I relate to things like love isn't everything, look away at kiss scenes since it's a private affair to me, sometimes I get confused in romantic or seggsual situations (also I have autism), need to know someone before I'll even think about liking them & also daydream about romantic scenarios from characters in a series that I watch.
I'd like to be in a relationship, but in a slow pace. Btw I haven't dated anyone, wasn't very interested at the time. I don't mind to date anyone? (of any gender?), bc I invest more on someone's personality than looks. Idk if I simply don't care or mind, bc yeah Idk anymore.
Also like the idea of a qpr? Like you can decide with your partner what you want and how (if I understand it correctly), it sounds amazing with no expectations!
I'm not like seggs repulsed or something, does that count? Idk, guess I'll see if I want it or not...?
Sooo yeah, can anyone give me advice or suggest something that can help me figure this shit out?
Take things at your own pace and don't go into dating or being in a relationship with a lot of pressure. It's sometimes just good to enter dating with an open mind, don't have any expectations, and just do it for fun to see where it goes. It makes first dates and starting dating that much easier. You will not click with everyone. You will not be in a healthy relationship with everyone - sometimes it's just that you're not compatible and that's okay. It's good to explore what you like and don't like in a relationship.
I think any relationship is much easier if you do communicate. Communicate if you want sex, if you don't want sex. If you want to hold hands or have different forms of physical contact. Communicate if you don't want to be touched. Keep in mind that it might change, and that's okay. Open and constant communication is good and healthy. It can help you discuss problems you're having without it escalating to a fight.
I do find it's easier dating someone else that's queer, and maybe even easier dating someone that's on the ace/aro spectrum. It helps because you can relate with each other in the experiences you have. (Same thing can be true with dating a person that's trans if you're trans. Of course, you don't have to, but it's a common foundation)
I'm also (likely) autistic. So dating my now boyfriend was a bit of a shock at how different our minds work. It's not bad, but it was an oh shit, I'm autistic and my whole family is likely autistic - most people are not like this. It takes a lot of communication so your partner knows what behaviors are normal for you. I'm quiet and speak in monotone a lot, but it doesn't mean I'm mad. I also have a hard time telling if they're joking, so we limit that amount of teasing.
But a lot of this is also good advice for having a friendship. Communicate. Look for people with similar values to yourself. Have fun and be safe.
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artsiwych · 1 year
Hello, I'm C. If your free readings are open, may i ask for one please? I'm a bit old and I've been single for over a decade or two due to circumstances. However I do want to have a forever partner and get married to him, and have a life together. I'm also child free i.e. never had any children by choice. And even though I was very broody for just a couple of years, I've recently come to the conclusion that I don't want any children and this decision has made me feel very liberated! And I'm glad that i didn't go through any kind of process in the previous years to get a child. I love babies, but that's quite literally the only stage that I love of having a kid, nothing beyond that, lol. So I wanted to know, whether in future will I have a husband for me and will he be happily child free as well? I don't want to be a step-parent btw, whether of younger or older kids, nor do I want to adopt. I just want me and my husband and a dog or two, and our happy, cozy retired life (maybe babysitting our friends' kids once a while, lol). Thanks a lot for this opportunity! (I'm not really sure which option to go for for the reading. I think you'll be best to chose as per your expertise. Thank you again!)
I'm not sure about being able to predict your soulmate, I am doing this for practice so I'm not that far ahead yet lol but the best I can do is provide some advice so you can find your guy.
You/The Situation: King of Swords/The Hierophant (reversed) - I'm sensing that the King of Swords embodies your ideal partner. Someone who you can intellectually converse with and treats you with respect. The reversed Hierophant represents unconventionality, in that the type of relationship that's desired isn't typically common or expected in society.
Conscious/Subconscious: The Hanged Man/Death -  You realize that these things take time and are willing to be patient for the right person to come around. You've learned from your past experiences and you're ready for a new relationship. Transformation is a big theme with these cards too, so perhaps this new relationship may be a growing experience too.
Past: Two of Pentacles (reversed) - If you had been in a previous relationship, this card says you may have felt neglected. It could also indicate that you've been too busy or had different goals other than pursuing a relationship. 
Near Future: Three of Cups (reversed) - It is very possible you may meet someone in the future, but may not be "The One". It will start out fun and exciting but fizzle out quickly. Don't take it as a sign to give up though! Just have fun with dating and meeting new people lol 
Self-Perception/Advice: The Fool (reversed) - As much as you are ready for a new relationship, this card does advise to be careful with who you trust. Not everyone is going to have the same romantic goals as you, or even have your needs in mind. Much like what the 3 of Cups was referring to, it's probably not going to be the first person you meet, but there's bound to be someone for you out there. 
Environment: The Devil - I think this card supports the previous one in that you need to be cautious of who you trust. There are people out there who may take advantage of you and are only really in it for the physical stuff. Just keep it in mind.
Hopes and Fears: The Moon - While you desire a relationship, it's only natural to have doubts. Do you feel you're not worthy of love? Or that you'll fall into something toxic? Make sure you completely understand your own emotional boundaries first and ensure the intentions of your partner.
Outcome: Two of Swords - There will be obstacles ahead in pursuing your love life. You may be stuck between choosing your romantic life and other responsibilities. Or you meet someone but they're not what you had in mind, or you need to compromise to make the relationship work. Relationships are tricky and there's a lot to consider. The best thing you can do right now is stick to your truth and keep trying. All good things take time after all. :)
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satanfemme · 2 years
im really trying to find a place in my spirituality/religion/personal philosophy or whatever as an excatholique. idk. i get that it takes time and effort to find a new place in the world. but right now really i just wanna smoke a fat blunt with ol luci downstairs. any advice?
honestly? my advice is that if right now u wanna smoke a fat blunt with luci, you should literally go ahead and do that (u know, metaphorically speaking lol). try it out! see if it fits! it might, or it might not, or it might feel good now and then bad in a few weeks/months/years -- and if that happens you can just try something else out instead. nothing wrt ur personal spirituality needs to be inherent, permanent, or serious.
letting urself experiment with different beliefs/paths is hard when you're raised catholic, but ime it's the only way you're gonna find a comfortable niche! just keep it no-pressure, low-stakes. because it is. genuinely. I 100% promise. despite what the church sometimes teaches, an all loving g-d will always forgive you and welcome you back if you change your mind later or if you wanna go back at any point. and this is just my personal opinion: but most deities are like that in general too.
being a human is so hard and confusing if you get too focused on the big picture. so for now, focus on this moment. pursue however you feel in this exact moment. then stay mindful. and when the moment changes, you may notice the way you feel changes too, and then you should pursue that instead. this includes taking a break when you want to take a break, or analyzing your beliefs through a psychiatric lens if you ever notice a pattern of distress.
stay open, too. read and learn from as many varying sources as you can. different religions, sects, teachers, philosophers, etc. and be critical of those sources. ask yourself, "why do they believe this? why do they want others to believe this? who does this benefit? who might this hurt?", as well as "if I followed these teachings, who would I be? would I be the person I want to be? would I be someone else? how would I benefit? how would others benefit? could this hurt me in any way? could this hurt others in any way?" thirdly, pay attention to the other people involved in whatever you're looking at, and ask, "are these the kinds of people I want to surround myself with? are these the kinds of people I want my unaffiliated friends, s/o, or family to associate with? how do they treat people with different beliefs? how do they treat me? what do they have to gain or lose from me joining them? would they be ok if I left later on?"
and on a serious note: learn the BITE model. cults are real, and prey upon questioning people. scientology, mormonism, and jehovah's witnesses are all cults and dangerous. in the left hand path, joys of satan is a cult. the church of satan and satanic temple are not cults (afaik) but deeply flawed/harmful in fairly covert ways. individual churches/groups within an otherwise harmless religious sect can also be cults, so don't necessarily trust people based on the seemingly-safe labels they advertise. also, relatedly, please please go out of ur way to actively research antisemitism, dog whistles, and antisemitic appropriation. these prejudices are unavoidable no matter what path you look at (excluding judaism itself, I'm assuming), so you're inevitably going to encounter them again and again (and most likely already have). don't contribute to that harm.
anyways, that's a lot to process but I hope it helps. I understand how difficult this can be, myself being an excatholic occultist/devil worshiper (who still holds loose ties to catholicism anyway cause fr this shit isn't serious and it's fun to mix-n-match). and btw if ur ever really craving xtianity but don't wanna put up with the shittiness of most xtian churches, universal unitarianism is generally pretty ok and openly leftist (and not strictly xtian either, but that still kinda depends on the individual church imo).
wishing u the best of luck!
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cuddlyreader · 2 years
Hi! I saw that you're a TVD fan and was hoping you could help me analyze the differences between Bonnie and Elena? I feel like neither has as well-defined a personality as Caroline and they can seem really similar. Here's what I have so far, and please correct me if I'm off base! Elena is more forgiving and more apt to judge each person based on her individual experiences with them while Bonnie is less trusting/forgiving and more prone to being like 'I can tell this person is just bad so I'm staying away to protect myself and my loved ones.' (Neither one is wrong, btw!) Elena is used to being a leader and making decisions that others follow while Bonnie is used to being a helper/supporter even though sometimes she understandably resents it. Elena is a bit more practical, fact based and oriented in the present- she goes by what she sees and feels in the moment, and her becoming a doctor shows her regard for science, facts etc. While Bonnie is a little more spiritual (not sure this is the right way to put it!), getting in touch with nature, drawing strength from past ancestors and open to otherworldly phenomena. Also, even though her parents' death changed her perspective, Elena does generally care about excelling and achieving and can be a little competitive (she's like Caroline in that regard!) while Bonnie seems less traditionally achievement oriented and more into helping and keeping harmony than directly competing. Not sure any of this is right, but I would love to hear your thoughts!
Hello! I think you have great observations. I have covered my thoughts on Elena and Bonnie. I'm linking the ask here. :)
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skz317cb97 · 2 years
Hey, just wanted to let you know that I absolutely LOVE your writing! I really enjoy your thick reader stories, as it brings light to insecurities in life and makes you feel better about them. I was wondering if you would ever be open to write something about a reader with an insecurity for being too skinny/tall? I know it's not a super common thing but that's what I've experienced. I understand if you've already got stuff on your plate, but wanted to drop by and say I enjoy what you put out! 💚
First off thank you so much! This was such a nice thing to wake up to today! 🥺🥰 I'm so glad you have been enjoying the thick reader series and my writing in general! It means the world to me that people are finding solice in knowing others know how they feel and that they aren't alone!
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Now the skinny/tall fic question. First, everyone has body issues big or small so don't cut down your own feelings because they are 100% valid and there are lots of people that feel that way! 🫂 (My bestie has trouble putting and keeping on weight because of crohn's so I get it!) Writing wise I would definitely give it a shot, in Forever My Wedding Date I dabbled into Felix having an insecurity about his smaller/thinner size.
I would say if you'd like to be sure to see one by me specifically you can always submit a request for one and drop me some ideas of what you'd like to see (fluff, angst, smut all of the above) and some insecurities from personal experiences (yours or who ever) I could go off of I would definitely have a better shot at doing a good job on it!
Also if you do submit it please keep in mind I wouldn't be getting to it until after the thick reader series and pt 3 of the Not Like Me series but if you submit the request I will do it 100%! You can either shoot me a DM or another ask with a request if you decide to btw! Thank you so much again for reading and taking the time to send such kind words! 🖤
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moon4moonships · 3 months
I’m soooo fascinated abt your criteria for who’s the new moon vs the full moon. are the flags free for anyone to use btw? (like a dni or smth)
Helloooo, anon! I'm so sorry for how long it took me to answer this!
Yes, the flags are absolutely free to use! :) In my pinned post I should have the plain flags on their own, as well as the transparent icons! I don't really have a DNI, as long as they're not used for hateful stuff or anything like that, I love and encourage them to be used!
As for who I deem the new moon and full moon when it comes to couple ships, I would say it sort of follows similar guidelines to sun/moon, but for 'less conventional' couples? (Like a gothic aesthetic or vibe, or if neither of their personalities really would fit into a 'sunshine' type character, basically).
It's kind of hard to define solidly who would be the new moon vs the full moon, because I want to keep it vague enough to apply to lots of different relationships! But I would say it relies heavily on symbolism for the different moon cycles:
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Personally, I imagine the person in the role of the new moon as being the ‘reciever.’ Perhaps this person is more passive, they’re doing a lot of the planning and setting intentions in this relationship. Perhaps they’re more quiet, emotionally intuitive, introverted or calculating. Since the new moon is shadowed and faces the earth, I feel like this person is the more 'subtle’ one in the relationship, if that makes sense.
Applying this to a character for example, Morticia Addams is a good example of the new moon in my mind. She is literally shadowed whenever she appears on screen, she has an aura of mystery to her and I’d describe her as more subtle compared to the more outgoing Gomez, who is very open about showing his affection for her and doting over her.
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I see the person in the role of full moon as the 'giver.’ I noticed sources often bringing up that the full moon symbolises emotional abundance, so I imagine this person could be more showy with their feelings, more impulsive rather than planning like the new moon. I think they might be more interested in showing their affection through actions (show instead of tell), or maybe they're someone who better understands through lived experiences rather than trusting intuition. I guess to put it in another way, out of the two, the full moon is closer to being the 'sun’ in this dynamic, since the full moon is facing the sun and is illuminated by it. And maybe I should also add how light is synonymous with knowledge and understanding, maybe this person could also be experienced and wise, like how the full moon symbolises the end of the lunar cycle, the end of it's journey and reaching goals.
I think Gomez Addams would suit the full moon, because his personality is quite showy, and he likes to express his emotions very openly, especially when it comes to his love for Morticia.
But, to be honest... I think that if you have a different interpretation for the new moon vs full moon criteria, you should go with that! This is purely what I do to try and tell them apart.
I just want to add this at the end as well, in case anyone is wondering about the other phases of the moon. I like to think this is a nice place where polyamorous dynamics come in! Perhaps it would work a bit like a spectrum, in this case? Or for thruples, you could have new moon x crescent x full moon! There's honestly so much to play around with here, which is part of why I love this ship dynamic so much.
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tirfpikachu · 10 months
heyy wassup i'm lay :]
♡ 27yo
♡ soft butch dyke
♡ detrans tirf
♡ electriccenturies is my gf >///<
♡ crazy bunny lady (3 buns)
♡ wheelchair user & autistic
♡ french, living in ontario (gta)
(lmk if you're nearby! owo)
♡ feel free to send DMs/asks!
(i get a lot of them tho so pls be patient <3)
♡ if you use the r slur or c slur block me & die
♡ btw if i sound stupid i'm probably high ✌👅
my goofy youtube channel is @/pikatirf !! i'm still working on it but new vids that are actually edited will be up soon ^_^
follow my sideblog @pokegyns and send asks with your controversial opinions about both radblr and/or mainstream leftblr! if you DM me on this current blog i will also consider publishing a thinkpiece of yours! so long as the kings, queens and jesters in my tirf server see enough nuance in your words. a poll shall be made. if anything, i can rb your piece and boost it so you get more eyeballs on your nuance!
my radfem views are a work in progress. i'm learning everyday.
my general views as of 2024, in typical tra speak:
> cis/bio women are uniquely oppressed for their sex/agab, and for not identifying out of womanhood. outside of typically not facing transphobia, which is something they should keep in mind, they still may face more misogyny than some trans people in their day-to-day life and living as female makes you marginalized. it isn't a simple oppressor/oppressed dynamic.
> transmasc ppl are oppressed for being afab, and doubly so if they pass as women. they still don't have the unique cis/bio woman experience of 100% identifying as a woman AND being afab and should be respectful to cis/bio women & transfems. if they generally pass as male, they may be sheltered from some interpersonal misogyny. they still deserve to have a voice on female issues, and often have a longer history of misogyny than transfems.
> transfem ppl are oppressed for the fetishization of their transitioned bodies and the stigma against it, and face conditional misogyny that turns into homophobia/sexism (aka transmisogyny) if their sex/agab is found out. they have many unique struggles, but also have male privilege by being shielded from certain types of misogyny like those related to periods, pregnancy/abortions, medical misogyny, female genital mutilation, female generational trauma, and historically having had male rights that female/afab people didn't have like driving, owning bank accounts, owning a house, divorcing, travelling, forced marriage, forced impregnation, etc. these are a form of male privilege that transfem people need to acknowledge. they still have their own unique issues that afab people will never fully understand.
> currently writing a book about how to potentially bridge the gap between the radfem community and the trans community, and how some trans people are actually becoming radfem allies or even radfems! i'm still in the drafting stage, but i'm passionate about it.
CW: misgendering & outright transphobia in some posts i reblog!!
this is a research blog, i will be reblogging from various sources to find writing material and just generally know what issues radfems have against some trans folks and the concept of gender as a whole. i believe in knowing thy enemy, in building bridges, and in respectful discourse. some radfems use male/female instead of amab/afab, and misgender based on sex/agab, make negative generalizations, and mock looks. it can be disrespectful. but if they makes good points on their post, i will reblog. i don't believe in "omg op is xyz" bc it just creates echochambers. that's not how real activism works, you need to actually interact w the other group, especially if both groups are oppressed. feel free not to follow, and i'm open to polite debates
i try to gather as much good info about radfem & trans issues as i can even if i don't agree with all of it, so if you're trans pls be safe! i eventually want to make a blog without transphobic posts in it but as of now i'm still writing my book and i want to learn more. be careful!!
(psst… i'm also a wheelchair dyke barely surviving on disability aid, with bills, debt, and bunnies to feed! i do writing commissions and take in donations. my post about that is here thank youuu)
i'm a detransitioned butch lesbian who still loves the trans community dearly, and while their struggles and traumas are very real to me, i do believe that cis women also have unique generational worldwide traumas and experiences that trans people can never understand and have often mocked and downplayed; afab-specific misogyny is a unique form of oppression. a cis woman is hated for her birth sex since day 1 and still identifies as 100% a woman, or honestly it might not even feel like an identity, but simply being born with a body type and not feeling dysphoric enough to change it. if trans women are uniquely oppressed for identifying as women, and transmascs are oppressed for their bodies, then cis/bio women are also uniquely oppressed and deserve to have their voices heard too.
imo, transmisogyny and afab/female misogyny are two different issues, despite obvious overlaps, with unique experiences that the other camp just cannot understand. the afab misogyny experienced by both transmasc people and cis women is unique, and they need a voice too. even if sometimes transfems are mistaken for us they still do not fully understand our oppression, and vice-versa. each side, cis women and trans people, needs to consistently show up for the other and be good allies. and they need to listen to detrans ppl too.
i want to know where things went wrong. i'm looking for instances of misogyny and lesbophobia against afab women, and other ills within the trans community that only radfems seem to call out consistently. i also want to find detrans community.
posts about my trans history will be put under "my journey" or "detrans tag" -- i was on testosterone for a good while and got extremely close to top surgery, which thankfully i cancelled. i still go by a gender neutral-ish nickname, and i'm more on the masc side, but i've finally come to terms with being a female person.
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psychelis-new · 1 year
Hello! Thank you for opening your free readings 🫶🏻
My question is: “Is E a good person? Or not?”
I do not know how to word the question better, but I want to know if liking him is worth it because he’s a good person, or should I just stop because he’s not (I am having doubts about him because of the attitude of his friends, but there’s something in me that’s saying that he’s different from them)
I chose B as the tarot deck
The first word that came into my mind is YOLO because I want to make and live my best life while I am here living 🥹
The random emojis are 🎸📷
Thank you sooo much!
Hello :)
You know, out of any reading, we cannot always choose who we like. Liking someone is not always conditional (emotions cannot be controlled, but we can control our feelings cause they are emotions processed by our minds). If we have a set of values of our own (e.g. what does make a person good according to you?), we can know if the other person sticks up to them or not and therefore if we can eventually hope for (and actually would want) something more with them or not. Leave friends out of this and focus on your person of interest (we/many of us often behave differently when around others, for many different reasons. And if we don't know this person well, we cannot be aware of it). How does this person acts with you? Or with other people that are not his friends or when he's not around his friends? Your guts may be right about him or you may just be hoping he's different, but you know what they say: actions speak louder than words. And when it comes to these matters, it is often right. (Ofc, it doesn't mean that someone cannot change). BTW: are you in contact with this person or not? Cause I am having a doubt atm...
Please let me know, even just by adding a comment to this post, so I can be sure if I can actually provide your reading or not. If you have had no direct contact with them, I am sorry but I won't be able to help you any further than this.
Okay, here's your reading. It's pretty clear. (as I was mentioning) try and realize in your mind if he's someone that you may connect with according on your values, on what makes someone a good person, and then act accordingly. Find your way out of the doubts that are haunting you and just follow your guts. Give it a try. You know, sometimes we need to experience certain emotions to understand them. We need to live them on our skin. If you like him, keep liking him. It's gonna be worth it anyway, no matter the result: you're here to live not to worry if you're doing the right thing or not. We can like someone and then stop liking them because we find out they behave in a way we don't appreciate (or for any otehr reason: even liking someone else more). You're allowed to change your mind as things develop, as you grow, understand, know, change. For now I'm mostly getting that you really like him tbh. And he can be a good person if you think he is. But it's up to you to realize it, from how he treats you in particular. So yeah, just don't be scared of your emotions, feel them, get accostumed, and see yourself what else is in store for you. Get to know him better and then decide if it's okay to dream about something more with him or not. Or if you can only like him for some parts of who he is (we can do that too, and keep liking them for years too).
Best of lucks and take care!<3
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