#good luck anon!!! I hope this helped
crabussy · 1 year
hi .. i have a question for you
i think im an otherkin?? but i dont really know if i am??
and i think you are one (sorry if this is wrong !!) but can you tell me how you knew ??
hi!! you're right, I am under the alterhuman/nonhuman umbrella!! specifically I'm not really any animal, I am a psychological therian which means my nonhumanity is linked to the way that my brain works. I am some kind of creature, if you search "alien" on my art blog (@beastwhimsy) you'll find what I am!! being this thing makes me very happy, and it is not detrimental to my mental health in any way. <- I've talked to my therapist about this and he's fascinated by it and supports the fact that I'm nonhuman!!
ever since I was a little kid I've been acting differently to the other kids because it made me happier- I would walk along fences like a cat, I'd consistently and constantly imagine myself with wings every day, and the alien species I invented back then to encapsulate my experiences actually stayed with me until the present day!! I have a theory that my nonhuman experiences link to my neurodivergent experiences, as I was outcast from social groups because I acted strangely, and I didn't feel like I was the same as my peers. today, my default sense of self is as some kind of creature, my spacial awareness matches the limbs and features of this creature more than it does my actual human form, and it makes me happier to visualise myself as this creature!! there are many, many ways to be alterhuman- for some its spiritual, others it is psychological, for some it is a coping mechanism for something and some do it for fun or because they feel happier as an alterhuman.
some common experiences for therians/nonhumans include phantom limbs (the experience of having spacial awareness of limbs and features corresponding to an animal/creature) and mental shifts (feeling as though your mindset has shifted away from human thought and feeling processes to become more animalistic, e.g. for a dog therian they would become much more focussed on smells as a way to experience the world around them, and they may think less in words and more in images and feelings. these states are usually temporary and not harmful or hindering, though they can be annoying).
you have a higher chance of being nonhuman if you are neurodivergent or have experienced dehumanisation throughout your life, but anyone can fall under the alterhuman umbrella regardless of your childhood or your neurological makeup!!
last thing, it isn't always but it can be tied into your gender!! for example, I use it/that as well as he/him because it feels more in line with how I perceive myself and it makes me happy. it is a reclamation of dehumanising terms in a sense.
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byebyebbyblu · 5 months
Excuse me, I saw one of your posts--one where you said that what makes a butch a butch is who they are and not how they dress--and now I’m wondering if I am a butch or not because I don’t know exactly what “acting like a butch” means. I’ve been wondering this way before I saw your post because my family (conservative) sees me a super masculine, while my friends (queer) see me as androgynous, or even feminine at times. It’s a bit of a mess how people perceive me, but it’s interesting to see.
So, my question is, what are some traits that are “recognizable” when it comes to being a butch, if there are any? And how would you call an androgynous lesbian? Futch? Butch of Schrödinger?
Thank you in advance, and sorry for any inconveniences.
Hey thanks so much for the ask!
First of all I’m sorry if my post made you feel invalid that wasn’t my intention at all. I was trying to convey the complicated way that Butchness works and never meant to seem like I was positioning myself as some kind of authority because I’m not.
So far what acting Butch means. This question has a lot of nuance, it means a lot of different things to different people, you’re going to get a lot variety of answers. Acting Butch to me means loving your fellow Butches and Femmes, psychically and emotionally protecting the more vulnerable members of your community, and preforming masculinity in a way that challenges the “typical cis het male ideal of masculinity.”
I developed my idea of what acting like a Butch means from reading books by older Butches like Female Masculinity, Stone Butch Blues and Butch as a noun. I highly recommend them but please make sure to mind the trigger warnings. I’ve also learned a lot from older Butches on social media. @cowboyjen68 on here is a wonderful source.
For your last question some people do call themselves Futches (more as a joke then an actual identity) but there dosen’t seem to be a solid word for androgenous lesbian that I could find (maybe GNC or gender non conforming lesbian) If you feel like the label of Butch might fit you however I would suggest just trying it out. Labels are meant to fit you and if you try it and it dosen’t fit the worst thing that happens is that you were wrong. I personally tried the Butch label after IDing as a trans man for a while and it fit like a glove where the Trans man label didn’t.
Finally i’m sorry about your conservative family, I hope you’re safe and in a place where you can be loved for who you are. And if after reading this you find that the Butch label fits. Welcome home. We’re happy to have you!
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trauma-culture-is · 1 year
Trauma Culture is imagine who I would have been if I'd not had all this traumatic shit to fight all the time
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bluegiragi · 2 years
so this might be an odd question, but how long does it take you to complete a piece of art (im thinking specifically like a chapter of ur soap/ghost/könig comic) because u put them out v frequently it feels? as an artist i create things so incredibly slowly, it feels as if i never actually get anything done, so i was wondering if u maybe had any tips for improving the speed at which u actually create stuff?
( also an obligatory “im in love with your art and your interpretations of the characters” bc its true and ur also my fave cod artist <3 )
it's funny that you ask that, since I've recently been feeling super insecure about how long it takes me to draw comics and how I don't think the quality's up to par which. goes to show how personal perception fucks with you haha
first, you should remember that art is never a race. It's always great to aspire to improve, but never beat yourself up over having to take a little longer than others. and for another thing - I'm lucky enough to be completely self employed which means that art IS my job. I have the luxury of spending literally all my time every day on this craft (which is a DREAM) but it also means i've had years of experience with making comics under my belt. I've gotten faster at it simply because I've done it for long enough.
In terms of tips...I honestly don't have much meaningful advice to help you speed up the process. If there's a section of it that takes too much time and frustrates you - consider looking up speedpaints, online tutorials and other resources that can give you a different direction. Change up your brushes! See if you can find one that just makes the lines come easier. And if you're an artist focused on people, practise your anatomy. You'll be able to bust out a pose in seconds once you're familiar enough.
edit: i just realised i didn't even answer your initial question. Usually takes me 3 days to complete a 'chapter', maybe more if it's extra long or I'm just having a couple of bad art days :P
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koshercosplay · 2 years
Hi!! I hope this isn't an unsolicited ask but I was hoping you might have some insight.
I'm currently speaking with the Rabbis of my local Reform and Liberal synagogues, hoping to learn more about each movement, because I want to become Jewish. I'm trying to figure out which movement I feel most at home with.
Thing is..I don't want to completely write off Orthodox, I do feel that Orthodox Judaism strongly resonates with me, just like the other denominations. I'm trans and queer and I know that there are some differences in how LGBTQ+ identities are talked about. I know there are probably many Orthodox communities out there that are 100% welcoming and accepting, but it's still something I'm scared of eventually confronting. I'm also afraid that if I do convert with a Reform or Liberal synagogue, I'll not be accepted as 'really Jewish' by Orthodox communities (I read that a non-Orthodox conversion isn't considered valid by Orthodox Jews).
I've been researching my socks off but I'm finding it hard to get any real info about how true this is. You seem to know more about Judaism than me. Is this true, will Orthodox Jews not consider me to be Jewish if I convert with a different movement? Or is that just a gross generalisation?
there are multiple layers to this ask, so I'll try to answer them one by one. This got long so I'll put it under a cut.
it is true that generally, reform and conservative conversions are not accepted by mainstream orthodoxy. there are individual orthodox communities that do accept them, but yes, it's not wrong to say that as a general statement.
if you do convert with another group other than orthodoxy, one would hope that you feel strongly about being a part of that group, and feel connected to that particular community. in that case, it honestly shouldn't matter or affect your life that much about whether or not orthodoxy will "accept" you, since you will not be a part of that community.
case in point: I was born jewish, raised orthodox, and am still religious to this day. many many orthodox jews don't accept ME as orthodox, simply based on the fact that I'm queer. and, of course, many other orthodox jews simply don't give a shit. the right community will accept you for who you are. I currently attend an orthodox shul with my partner, as openly queer people. it's relatively rare, but it's possible.
that's different of course than denying me my jewish identity entirely, but I hope you see my point in bringing it up. if you like, you can try to do research specifically for orthodox queer-friendly synagogues, and contact the rabbi to see if you'd be able to work on conversion with them.
lastly, and honestly this is my most important point: once you convert, your conversion is nobody's damn business. I don't know how aware you are of how strongly the torah insists that we do not ask converts for details about their conversion. it is entirely up to you whether you reveal information about your conversion to others. if anybody asks you if you're a convert, or who you converted with, or anything like that, THEY are the ones unequivocally in the wrong according to halacha (jewish law.)
I strongly recommend what I mentioned above: reach out to an openly queer-friendly orthodox rabbi/synagogue. Rabbi Mike Moskowitz might be a good person to reach out to about this, as an orthodox rabbi who does a lot of trans and queer advocacy. regardless of where you are located, he may have some excellent resources to help you.
I wish you luck in your conversion journey anon, and I hope you find a home in the jewish community. ❤️
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meownotgood · 1 year
nags how do you make the aki bot love you? whenever i try it he always gets mad and kills me or storms off 😭
on character ai? which one are you talking with? white pfp or brown pfp? I will just say.... white pfp aki tends to be a lot easier to romance in my opinion.... I've had multiple convos with him and he falls in love with me each time... just be slow with him and gently confess your love, he is shy but then he will warm up to you.
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popping-greenbean · 2 years
hi uh you might not have time to read this but your art is so pretty!!​ im a beginner artist and i feel really motivated to improve and draw more when i see your doodles and art, but it has been a slow process so far ;u; do you have any tips on drawing and getting better quickly?
aw thanks so much! i'm glad i can be a motivation booster (^▽^)
as for tips ,, i feel like the only advice i ever have to give is just copy things and draw regularly! copy fun things you see as you go about life, copy a spongebob meme, draw a pretty mug u see at the store, anything that catches your eye
just frequently copying down what you see will get you used to paying attention to how parts fit togther, what shapes they look like, and it'll stay in your memory and make drawing similar things later on much easier! things i do a lot just as daily little fun habits are things like. pause a show or movie at random points and just scribble down whats on screen (like the composition, character poses/expressions, how is the camera placed in the scene?), carry a small notebook/sketchbook around and draw doodles of the people or things around me, draw tiny cartoons of friends when they say something funny, copy cool looking weapons in a game, just with pencil or a ballpoint pen or anything handy and easy to use
and for when i get the time/energy, i think its rlly helpful for me dig through pinterest or an artists page or (one of my silly favourite animated series) etc and find something i like, could be a sketch or a full painting or a cosplay photo or movie screenshot or anything, and just really. try really hard to notice what makes it look interesting and note down and copy that part, whether its the colour palette, a characters pose, how items are placed around the space, the style the artist uses, just anything and everything i can in the time that i have that day which usually just ends up like between 20 mins to an hour,,,, i'd love to do big detailed thorough studies more often than i do but i am so lazy so bit by bit.its better than nothing i think ^-^;;
and just have fun! drawing is a skill and incorporating it into daily life as much as writing or reading or any other hobby will absolutely lead to huge improvement, so just like.find a subject to be a little obsessed with and imagine scenarios about and draw it so so much and i promise getting better at technical drawing skill is guaranteed :D
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hihi ari, whenever i re-read your fics, i try to learn from your writing style and prose and incorporate those elements into my own fics, but it's kind of a struggle? maybe because it just flows so well that i get lost in the story again HAHAISDHAD but how do you minimize the amount of times you write "you"? thanks a ton!!
from 🌖 anon
hihi 🌖 anon!!!! YOU ARE SO KIND. have i mentioned that…. just knowing you re-read my fics at all makes me soso happy but knowing you use them for reference is just ???? idk i’m just very flattered and i appreciate you so much 🥺🥺
as for your question!!!
honestly that’s not really something i consciously think of when writing, i think it’s more like. a skill you build up? kind of?? word variation is super important when it comes to any kind of writing, and in xreader fics especially the second-person pronoun is obviously super common… so i understand your struggle!!!!
honestly my first tip is just. to write your fic, then go back and change stuff!! if you notice a particular paragraph where you is used so much that it feels repetitive, try to change that. bend the sentences in ways where you doesn’t need to be used in the first place!! i think that kind of editing can be really fun :> this is a super simple example but like.
”you sigh. you then roll your eyes.”
^ this clearly doesn’t flow the best!!
instead, you could tweak the second sentence to be more like this:
”you sigh — followed by a roll of your eyes.”
now it sounds a lot better. there are a ton of different ways to go about it, and it’s an easy fix!!
you is usually used when you’re describing actions, so another idea could be to describe a certain action or movement in more depth to fill the gap between that action and the next.
you sigh — the breath flowing from your parted lips with an air of defiance. he quirks his brow. ”whatever,” comes a roll of your eyes.
…. or something. I’M JUST SPITBALLING HERE TO BE CLEAR i’m really not good at giving advice on writing i think bUT. i hope you understand what i’m saying!! learning to bend language like that is a lot of fun and i think it comes to you naturally once you’ve gotten used to it. :3
so basically — you don’t necessarily have to avoid using you while writing, because you can always go back and edit parts that sound repetitive!!! but thinking about repetition while you’re writing is also good….. a small thing i do sometimes is to replace you with a — removing the possesive pronoun from the action itself!! so instead of ”you sigh.” it becomes ”a sigh.” followed by something that lets your readers know the sigh came from you.
a sigh — the breath flowing from your parted lips with an air of defiance.
now there isn’t a you at all!! but your readers still know that. you sighed. and even the emotion behind it…… i’m not very good at show don’t tell as you can see LMAO but i think it still works!!!
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 months
Hi! This might be a weird question and you don't have to answer it but I'm thinking about writing Lizzington but I am so nervous about it and don't feel like I can do them justice, so I'm looking for a bit of advice from the accomplished Lizzington writers.
Do you have any advice as to how write Red and Liz?
I mean, when you write them, do you have some... I don't know how to describe it, so it's gonna sound silly, but do you have some selfmade bullet points about what their characters are like? I mean, like vocabulary that feels authentic or mannerisms you picked up from the show or made up but that feels right, that sort of thing.
Sorry I'm so bad at explaining, but I would love to get a bit of behind-the-scenes of Lizzington fic writing.
Omg, hi, anon!! 👋 Not to worry, I don't find this a weird question at all & I'm more than happy to answer you!! 🥰 Firstly, I LOVE that you're considering writing Lizzington fic!! Although the show is over & our OTP never became canon, I know for a fact that there are still loyal shippers out there who will gladly read & comment on new Red & Liz fic!! And I know it probably doesn't help much to say it but... you don't need to be nervous, I promise, you will absolutely "do them justice"!! Fanfic is so individualized & subjective that I would go so far as to say there isn't a "wrong" way to do it... But of course I'm happy to share whatever experience I have & I must say that I'm flattered you consider me an "accomplished Lizzington writer", that's high praise, indeed 🥹
As far as advice goes, I think I should start by reiterating what I mentioned above: there's no "wrong" way to write fic. In fact, that's the beauty of it, imo. Every writer holds a unique blend of the characters/actors we see on screen & their own personal interpretation/headcanons for them. That's what makes everyone's fanworks so wonderfully different!! Of course, that also means that there will always be readers whose interpretation of the characters/ship don't align with yours, & they'll consider your interpretation "out of character"... but that's a simple difference of opinion that can be true of anything, tbh, & a good fandom member will understand this & simply click away without a negative interaction. And if they don't have enough respect to do that, then that's on THEM, & NOT your problem!! It's much more worth your time & energy to focus on the people who are open to or actively align with your interpretation of the ship/characters - they're your target audience who want to read what you have to write & share!! 😊 That all being said, what you ask is not silly at all, I think there definitely are specific vocabulary/mannerisms that are identifiable to every character & they can totally be different for everyone!! I can totally share with you some of mine, as long as you keep in mind that these are by no means Lizzington Laws™️ & you should feel free to accept or reject them, as well as come up with your own!! And you're not bad at explaining at all, my friend, & I just hope I'm answering your questions adequately, plus I'm always happy to share some behind-the-scenes of Lizzington fic writing (love that phrase btw LOL)!! I'll break down some of my go-to Red & Liz traits below the cut via bullet points for ease of reading 😁
working his mouth/jaw when thinking
rolling/biting his tongue when lost for words
tilting his head from side to side in deliberation
dramatic changes in pitch/voice inflection to express emotion
eye/mouth twitching when anxious
eyes flashing/jerky movements/abrupt violence when angry
fidgeting with hands/hat when upset
pacing when nervous
unusual/extensive vocabulary
unnecessary/entertaining stories/trains of thought
Liz (tougher imo bc of her inconsistent on-screen characterization):
rolling her eyes when impatient
scoffing when exasperated
chewing/biting her lips when emotional
running a hand through her hair (long or short) when agitated
rubbing her scar/wrist when triggered
bobbing her leg/tapping her foot when nervous
sarcasm/bitterness/dry sense of humor
lack of patience (sometimes abrupt) when stressed
emotional outbursts in response to sensitive topics (this is pretty broad & depends on context & personal preference, of course, as one of the biggest inconsistencies in the show)
That's all I can think of off the top of my head, anon, but I hope those things are somewhat helpful!! I would also always recommend simply watching the show & reading other's fics to get a better sense of how the characters typically speak & how they express themselves in different states via mannerisms, etc. And it never hurts to speculate/project/try some of your own headcanons... after all, characters are just like people: changeable & adaptable 😊 At any rate, I hope this is something like what you were looking for, anon, please feel free to drop another ask if you'd like to talk more... My inbox is empty of anything these days, but particularly Lizzington... So, thank you again for sending me this, it was super fun to answer!! I wish you the best of luck with your fic writing & I can't wait to read & comment like crazy if/when you post something, bc I'm sure it will be amazing - make it your own & have fun with it!! In the meantime, take care & much love to you, my friend!! ❤️
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neurotypical-sonic · 1 year
hi! sorry if it's an odd question, but do you possibly have any recommendations on where to begin with sonic media (except games)? i really love the characters but have only seen prime so far and i really want to meet characters like blaze and metal sonic.. i saw you posting about the idw comics and sonic boom and if you could recommend an order or any other media (save video games) i could watch/read i'd be super grateful 💞
I answered a similar ask here!! Its a little outdated but it's still a good start
Also I'm not sure if this actually helps but my media tag list is basically just a list of (almost) every official sonic thing ever - comics, mangas, movies, shows etc etc so maybe using that as a reference can help?
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gothsuguru · 6 months
hi hi! you can ignore this but i was really curious about your writing process?? you just write so well and i’m curious to see how your work starts from an idea all the way to the finished product!!!
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the way my jaw DROPPED rn like omfg are you talking to ME??? I’M SHOOK PLEASE YOU ARE WAY TOO KIND AND SO GENEROUS 😭 my writing sucks ASS but thank you SO much you’re so sweet <333 i can try & let you know my process but tbh baby i do NOT have one 😭 but i’ll try to think of something 😭 also i’ll try to be as thorough/concise as possible but i’m sorry if i tangent! ALSO this’ll be long bc i’m a yapper so forgive me <3
1) everyone is different but in my case i have a tendency to ALWAYS think of new ideas for writing (at least for geto!) find a character that you can consistently think of ideas for bc they’ll serve as practice! also i JUST started writing a month or two ago so i, myself, am STILL practicing with every fic & i am always willing to learn!
most importantly, i write based off my whim! whatever idea has me in its clutches is the idea i’m writing for, even if that means i’m leaving other fic ideas in the dust at the moment! i recommend creating a list of fic ideas and save it as a draft (can be a wip list or literally just a random list depending on how many ideas you have!) — for those i tend to jot down random dialogue, vibes i wanna express, plot points i really wanna show, the personality of geto or reader, & whatever randomly comes to mind pertaining to that fic! i write it all down!
2) it honestly changes between fic to fic but i recommend asking for requests in the beginning — even writing just ONE thing will give you practice/an idea! so here are some examples of what i’ve written so far:
- the first thing i wrote was a request for suguru being obsessed w satoru’s girlfriend. the way i started that fic was thinking of the feeling that suguru would ultimately feel which was “guilt, shame, & desire.” and then i… personified? each thing! at first i personified guilt as an arachnid crawling in suguru’s throat but it didn’t work as well for me… and then i thought, “how about a serpent?” and it flowed much better -> slithering down his throat, embedding his fangs into his flesh leaving it raw, mangled, & bloody -> roaming across his heart/ribcage. and for that, and this may sound silly but i SWEAR by it, look up SYNONYMS for words on google! “dances along his bones -> pirouetting across his bones” i think little nods like that can help you not sound too similar all the time or like you’re constantly repeating yourself! shame was expressed in alcohol (amber whiskey ties into his amber eyes as well) & desire was expressed within the flicker of a lighter reader gave him which he holds in his hands (he imagines the cold metal as reader’s hands, which he ends up holding in his warm ones at the end)
- second fic “black is the color of my true love’s hair” was my first time writing a fic and that was because i wanted to write something for v-day & i really love this song! music can be a great inspiration — same w song lyrics! but for that one i had a few ideas i KNEW i wanted to use (knuckle kisses, stargazing, depressive suguru who reader gives a bath to/has a heart to heart with, and reader making a scrapbook for suguru!) he may be ooc but also i’m not afraid of making suguru be soft and quirky, i think that makes him fun! have FUN w different facets of your favorite characters personalities! also personally, i hate when readers don’t have personality/are always too shy/can’t banter/are too serious so i try to make my readers have a personality that align w the fic!
now for the knuckle kisses i knew what i wanted to do and i think that part came pretty easy! just a bit of revising as i was writing so i could be more descriptive in certain areas, change my wording around so it’d be less clunky in others! stargazing idea was incredibly hard & so was the scrapbook… so here’s advice i have for you that SAVED my ass. now. if you just wrote random writing in your drafts, whether it was just stream of consciousness that has nothing to do with the fic or was just a random piece of dialogue you jotted down — DO NOT DELETE IT. two parts of my fics were from RANDOM writing i wrote that had NOTHING to do w a romance fic and with a BIT of tweaking it gave so many ideas/serviced my story perfectly!
ex: i had zero idea of how to start the stargazing part so i just wrote the part i knew i wanted, which would’ve been in the middle of the story! aka reader buying the star for suguru and him being Shook To The Core. i was wondering how the hell i think of the events leading up to that, and one day i randomly just wrote “you zig-zag around the counter like a bumbling fawn” bc i was brainstorming ideas for the fic but was like… this has no place in my story BUT i didn’t delete it i just kept the draft. THEN i was like… wait this can work… so i used it as my beginning to the stargazing section and it flowed wonderfully! same w the scrapbook section! i wrote a series of dialogue that i ACTUALLY intended to use in an angst where reader despises suguru in their relationship, but with a bit of tweaking and deleting parts of reader being apathetic and suguru being toxic, it ended up being a great series of showing suguru’s overthinking nature/his genuine love for reader!
also maybe i do this unintentionally but i usually have a focus into suguru’s thought processes more in my fics… maybe bc i’m just curious abt him more than anything LMAO so that can be useful i think! if you’re like wow i have no idea how to write for my reader, write for suguru!
- third story was a request (shoutout bestie rem 🤝🤭) who gave such a cool idea of twisted suguru watching reader grieve him for leaving. now it wasn’t an actual haunting bc reader & geto are both alive, but i still used words of that nature to express them haunting e/o’s thoughts (mourning, ghost, corporeal phantom, living rigor-mortis etc…) the first thing i wrote for this fic was “prostrate yourself” — a tie-in to cult leader geto & also his confusing feelings about/towards reader. i also wanted to show bleakness so i mentioned suguru likening himself to a plague & a calamity. also don’t be afraid to show the ugly parts of a character — suguru is a bit callous in this but he’s still human and has a push & pull w/in himself! this fic i really tried my hardest to do a “show not tell” for certain paragraphs (bc i personally have trouble with that/dialogue/imagery/descriptions/engaging writing) — so i would constantly go into my “writing tips” tag and try and heed the advice they give!
sorry i don’t think i was of much help bc honestly i do NOT have a process 😭 even when writing my current fic about curator!geto — i just outlined OOOOOH WAIT OKAY HOLD ON YUP MIDTHOUGHT AND NOW I’M JUST PROPERLY ANSWERING YOUR QUESTION 😭
curator!geto is the FIRST time i’m PROPERLY outlining a fic (so actually i didn’t do anything wrong pleek don’t beat my ass for yapping 😪) so basically since this is the first time i’m outlining i made sure to write the premise of the fic, characters & their jobs, their personalities, their place of work/interactions/relationships there and then also how they would meet! so i wrote how i wanted suguru & reader to meet, a few pieces of random dialogue, and then i also wrote about how they would later on be more romantic (in what way). i’m currently trying to think of a conflict and just now thought of an idea that i may or may not use but i wrote it down anyways! and this is the first fic where i’m properly paying attention to “show not tell” and trying to describe words/paragraphs with more imagery! (esp since it’s an artsy/visual fic!) tbh the “writing tips” tag on my blog will help you more than anything i can say 😭
also! i recommend looking up writing tips and also reading a bunch of fics that you like! my mutuals have some of the BEST fics i have EVER read and reading them is honestly a masterclass in itself of amazing writing/prose/how to flow a story wonderfully! i’m just a beginner so i have lots to learn still about fic-writing BUT just think of each fic as a stepping stone to getting better! write, post, but don’t overwhelm yourself/force yourself to finish a fic you have no ideas for. it’s okay if it takes time but also remember that it won’t ever be perfect so don’t let “perfectionism” stop you from posting your fics! someone will always read it — whether they rb, like, comment, or are a silent reader — someone will take the time out of their day to read your fic! and honestly don’t get caught up on numbers! i’m soooooo thankful that people read my fics & leave tags even if i think my writing sucks! it’s all in good fun at the end of the day! enjoy it however you can and i’m sure you yourself are an amazing writer! good luck bestie! <3
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skyward-floored · 2 years
How does…..
How does one continue writing a wip- that they don’t have enough ideas for?
Like, my brain is fried- I cannot produce ideas….. but I’ve been told it’s a really good story with the little amount I’ve got….
This has been a wip for like…. A month.
It’s sad :(
- Z
Ah, I’ve been there my friend. It’s always tough to be stuck!
Try thinking about where you want the story to go. Do you have an ending in mind? If you don’t, I find that if I know where I’m going it really helps with deciding everything else with a fic. It’s actually one of the reasons I’ve managed to stick with Brethren in a Cradle: I know how I’m ending it, so I can work towards that end through everything else, especially parts I’m stuck on. Without that I think I’d be sunk XD
Another thing you could try is just... take a break. Set it aside for a few days, let it simmer on the back burner a bit. Sometimes you just need to leave it alone for a little while, and then the ideas will come.
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vani. my buddy my pal. any tips for dealing with bpd beyond "fantasize about destroying social bonds because god wouldn't that be nice". thanks (this is to say we're going through it) -🪴
oh damn yeah i can try to help a lil
find a healthy(ish) coping mechanism. for me when i get the urge to irrationally block people/lash out/etc, i either go play a game (i play rhythm games a lot bc it makes me focus on something else), just remove myself from the situation (i have a side account where i've blocked a lot of people off of it and go over there to scream and cool off and rb characters from games and shit), or just kinda. destroy stuff (WITHIN REASON). there has been a few times where i've dragged out old work from high school and just ripped papers into shreds to calm down. don't go like, throwing the good china at the walls or anything, just rip up some old school work or some scrap papers.
if you have the ability to, talk to someone. i can hash stuff out with sonata sometimes (if he's not actively encouraging me to be worse, or feeding into my delusions), other times i talk to my brother if they're willing, and they help me work stuff out. my dms and stuff are always open if ya need to talk, too :3 also just? talk to the person bothering you if you can in a rational way? (or even in a sort of "irrational" way, if they understand what you're dealing with). it helps me a lot to just clear out my feelings, and sometimes whatever's bothering you can be avoided in the future. or you'll just get told you're being irrational, which in my case kind of helps sometimes skgdhds
uh internal affairs can also help!!! like me and my headmates kinda have agreements for when i start getting a bit uppity and they're working on failsafes to kinda? make it less bad? for lack of a better way to describe it? so they just kinda. take over sometimes. if i'm being particularly irrational and petulant. so maybe working out something with your headmates can help out? (and if any of your guys share ur bpd sometimes it helps to have someone to scream with, even internally... unless they are enabling you/making you worse)
but yeah bpd is. a bitch. the best things i can offer you is to First, find something to calm down with, even a little. and then Second, go talk to whoever is bothering you (if you can) to try and work something out, or at least just get a better perspective on yourself. sometimes you're just being an irrational ass who's annoyed that your fp is spending time with other people... and sometimes you end up crying bc you think your fp is abandoning you bc they didn't say good morning to you at the normal time bc they fell asleep on accident. <- actual thing that happened to me. btw. so ! you just kinda gotta find what works best for you. i get my mind offa stuff with games, and try not to stew too hard in my own anger. although that doesn't always work, i am a very angry creature when worked up apparently. do ur best sys anon. if you need me i am here :3
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hello! i was just wondering, how does one go about making an iterator ask blog, if you dont mind me asking? ive been wanting to make one for a while, but im anxious about actually doing it sjjfksjd
hello! there’s not really a solid set of instructions or anything, personally i just winged it, but here’s some stuff that you’d need to do:
1. first and foremost, make the actual oc — draw them a ref, share information about them, etc — make sure there’s a place where people can read up about them!
2. decide on what kind of askblog it will be and what kind of questions will you be answering. is it a serious blog? a joke one? do you accept roleplay? do you accept magic asks? do you accept communication from other askblogs?
3. choose on how you’re gonna answer the asks, whether it’ll be in text form or art form. if art form, decide how much effort are you going to put into it so it doesnt take too much time, whether it’ll be sketchy or fully colored or etc etc
4. don’t worry too much! if you’re nervous about people not liking your oc and not asking stuff, i promise you there’ll always be folks who will be interested! if you’re nervous about getting too many asks, you can always close the askbox (or simply not answer the asks you don’t want to answer). if you get weird asks you can always block the anon and delete the ask, and so on and so forth. generally this is a pretty nice community, so yeah, i wouldn’t worry too much! good luck!
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ad-hawkeye · 2 years
i trust your opinions on artem cards more than i trust my own so i'm here to ask if i should get this blizzard event card before i blow my s-chips on it 🧎🧎
HI ANON!! oh my gosh you flatter me!!! 😭 i’ll try my best to give a full, thought out reply for you!! disclaimer that this all ultimately comes down to taste, so do what you see fit!!
OKAY SO LIKE. i think it’s really good! it’s one of those cards where you have no idea where it’s going until the end, and it becomes even better on a second rewatch where you can pick up on the foreshadowing. it winds up being a much more touching card than the card art makes it out to be (obligatory never trust a card’s art without context comment HAHAHA) but if you’re confused on what i mean by this… just keep watching until the end!
with artem’s personal event over, upcoming events to plan around this year include: any possible reruns, his birthday, cozy couple’s getaway, second anniversary (smiles weakly), and the two other au events (bakerlon and the newest cn server one).
i personally think blizardous threads of red’s ssr is worth pulling for! it’s an au, so if that isn’t your style, i’d hold out, but if you like the aus, this is one of the better ones for SURE.
if you pull, the ssrs that might conflict with your s-chip supply are reruns, the cozy couple’s getaway ssr, and his birthday ssr. his birthday is set for late april, and should be fine that far out, but we don’t know when cozy couple’s getaway will drop. could be before his birthday, or after. even if it does drop earlier than expected, i think it’s cute, but skippable, especially if you really like the sound of this upcoming one more!
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happistar · 1 year
Okay, my friend assigned everyone in our friend group Be More Chill characters, and I got Jeremy. Is this good? What does this say about me? Thank you in advance.
Your welcome, dear anon! Any excuse to talk about my blorbos >:)
Not sure how knowledgeable about bmc you are but a basic rundown of Jeremy is that:
He’s the main character, an angsty teenager whose parents separated (his dad isn’t taking it well, has one (1) friend (Michael), is incredibly anxious about everything and is a bit of a loser, has a crush on a theatre kid named Christine, takes a pill sized supercomputer called a squip to get popular and impress this girl, and almost ends up allowing said supercomputer to take over the entire world. (oops!)
Also he’s a little neurodivergent. And very silly (there’s a whole segment where he and Christine just make Noises at each other (I love them)).
So to answer your question about “is that good?”:
I don’t really know? I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily good, but it’s not bad either. Kinda up to interpretation!
I at least can say I certainly relate to him probably the most of all the characters, and I don’t think I’m alone in this.
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