#you don't know how long ive tried to make my cat interested in him but in the end I needed to photoshop the kitty
i-n-e-a · 2 years
I'm sorry that is the first thing that I post after being silence for 3 months.... (especially if you don't follow kuro tag that much....)
But I've a @pain-in-the-butler ciel bug infestation that I cannot hide any longer.
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⬇️ this has made me unreasonably happy
I have a portfolio to make, finals to pass and blender to learn- that's why I'm being silence recently. But I promise to post sth soon😊
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vanderlesbian · 1 year
141 dating a civilian
hii!! this is a self indulgent belated bday gift to myself (im 20 now...) but i hope u guys enjoy it!! also feel free to leave requests in my asks bc i am so bad at thinking of prompts but ive been wanting to write so bad LOL
writing this had made me realize that i love writing gaz content........i am obsessed with him.........
gn reader! no warnings :)
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captain john price
- price loves being around you—you bring a sense of normalcy that relaxes him. when he's home, he enjoys doing domestic things around the home. he offers to do the laundry, he'll make you tea in the mornings, he feeds the dog and cat you two raise together and will go with you on any errands you need to run. when he's with you, he never thinks about work, which makes you happy because you hate to see him overworking himself.
- i feel like you two would meet through laswell. a mutual friend, you and price would meet one another at a pub or something of the sort. immediately, the two of you take an interest in one another, and laswell would catch onto that rather quickly and finds it endearing. when getting to know one another, you mention the fact that you live alone, which gives price the excuse to hand you his number. "in case you need anything", is what he told you, and you could've sworn you saw laswell snickering behind him. regardless, you ended up texting him a few days after that, asking him if he knew how to fix cars.
- loves going on vacations with you!! when price has a decent period of time off, he'll ask you if you want to go somewhere, to which you always answer yes. road trips are his favorite, because driving for long periods of time is something calming for him and he enjoys the fact that it's just the two of you traveling. maybe you'll go camping, or perhaps you'll drive a country over to spend a few days in a different city; whatever it is, you and price always have a nice time. while he gets to travel a lot, he recognizes that you don't have the same opportunity, so he loves to take you places as see your reactions to things. when he's deployed, he's always on the lookout for places to take you later.
- one of your favorite things to do is visit price while he's in the office. you usually bring him a meal, whether it be home made or take out because you know he's going to forget about grabbing himself something to eat. he always thanks you with a kiss, then you linger for a moment to speak to him, giving him time to eat and take a break from his work. while you're visiting price, all of his attention is on you, and if a soldier knocks on his door and asks to speak to him, he'll use his captain voice to tell them to come by later unless it's an emergency.
- price is very proud to call you his partner. although he tries not to bring you up too often at work because of privacy and professional reasons, he likes to mention you casually every now and then, especially with laswell or the other 141 members. he's proud of the work you do, no matter what your career is; he's just likes to brag about his amazing partner. he will do his signature v shaped smile whenever someone says in surprise,"oh, your partner is a/n [occupation]? how cool!"
simon "ghost" riley
- ghost is a listener, not a talker. and boy, does he love listening to you ramble on about your day. he finds it cute; the way you complain how expensive your coffee was that morning, or how you couldn't decide what to wear to simply go pick up a snack from the store. his responses include a lot of "oh really?", "i bet", and some snarky comments when you bring up a coworker that you don't particularly like. ghost is quiet, but his little responses show that he's well invested in your stories.
- just like everything else in his life, ghost keeps his relationship with you very private. it took him quite a while to even tell any of the other 141 members that he was in a relationship, simply because he didn't feel the need to tell them. he also wanted to protect you; not that he didn't trust the other members, but he was scared of your name accidentally being said to the wrong person. you were innocent, and ghost didn't want to ruin that innocence with the dark realities of his job and put you in danger.
- listen; meeting him at a music store. you would definitely be the one to initiate things, so when you saw a tall, handsome man flipping through records beside you, it made you look for an excuse to speak to him. "that's a good album", you would then finally speak up after watching him pull out a vinyl by the doors. ghost would honestly be taken aback; no one ever really strikes up conversation with him in public. "yeah" would be his response, but the dryness of it didn't stop you from continuing the conversation. after you two begin dating, ghost will often bring up how you were insistent on speaking to him, which never fails to bring a shy blush to your cheeks.
- you think it's amusing to have such a "scary" looking boyfriend. he tags along behind you whenever the two of you go out, and you often forget how large and intimidating he looks to others, especially because he always wears dark colored outfits and a face mask out in public. imagine ghost lingering behind you like a lost puppy while you mindlessly look through clothes at a store. when you're at the register, you notice the cashier glancing behind you, forgetting that ghost is looming over you like a bodyguard.
- speaking of others reactions, you love showing ghost off to people. you'll be spending time with friends, family, coworkers—whoever, and you get so excited whenever they ask if you have a boyfriend. you think it's funny to see their eyes widen when you pull up a photo saying "this is simon, he's deployed right now but (blah blah blah)". you had asked ghost for his permission to show photos of him to others while he wasn't around, and at first he was hesitant, but after hearing about the reactions he gives people, he doesn't care anymore. people think "that's their boyfriend?", which makes ghost smile to himself because yes, he's all yours.
kyle "gaz" garrick
- you two have this thing where the moment he opens the door after coming home from a mission, you'll sprint into his arms and he never fails to pick you up off your feet and squeeze you tight. gaz greets you like he hasn't seen you in years, covering your face and neck in kisses and spinning you around in his arms for what feels like forever.
- loves to facetime you when he's away. sometimes you'll be in different timezones, but both of you will be willing to stay up at 3 in the morning jusst to talk to one another. gaz always gives you room tours of whatever place he's staying at while deployed, or he'll call you while he's out shopping to ask what souvenir you'd like best. sometimes the other 141 boys will pop in to say hello, or gaz will shove the camera in their face to ask if they have anything to say to you.
- i feel that gaz would easily become jealous, especially because he can't be with you all the time. while he's away from you, you'll text or call him about an encounter at work or while you were out and about where someone tried hitting on you, earning a snarky remark from gaz. they always make you giggle because you're aware how protective he is of you, and they're often silly remarks like "they're lucky i wasn't there" or "should've told 'em your boyfriend is 6'5 and a wrestler"
- gaz is younger, so i feel that you would be a university student or something of the sort when you first met him. working part time at a local coffee shop at the time, you vividly remember gaz complimenting you the first time you served him. "you're very pretty/handsome, by the way" he said confidently, but quickly walked off before you could thank him. after that, gaz came in as often as he could, learning something new about you each time he came in, and it got to a point where you would simply give him a drink or pastry for free each time he came in. eventually he would ask you out, offering to take you somewhere after your shift, to which you immediately agreed to.
- when gaz visits your place, it's always like a silly little sleepover. the two of you will watch comically bad movies, make homemade pizza, play those couple's card games and he'll listen to you talk about any gossip you have. when gaz is with you, he takes it as his time to just be himself because he's so comfortable in your presence. he doesn't have to worry about being formal with you, and the two of you are equally as silly as you spend time with one another.
john "soap" mactavish
- soap doesn't like to bother you with his work. when he's with you, he'll always be so upbeat and playful, but you've learned to be able to notice when he's particularly stressed or tired. he insists that he's fine, telling you that you don't have to worry about him as he tries to play it off. he's a bit stubborn about it, so sometimes you have to bother him just a bit before he finally gives in and tells you what's up, or simply agrees to laying down and having a rest.
- okay, picture this. you meet soap at a dog park. i think he would have a german shepherd...which is besides the point, but when your dog and his both stop in their tracks to be friendly with one another, both of you feel that it's only natural to make conversation, right? the two of you quickly hit it off, to which you credit mostly to soap for being much more extroverted than you are, and the two of you talk about your dogs for a bit before the conversation focuses on yourselves. smoothly, soap would ask for you to join him on another trip to the dog park sometime, using the excuse that your dogs seemed to like each other.
- soap loves to text you while he's away, and other than gaz, he would be the one to text you the most out of any of the boys. he mostly sends a lot of random pictures of things he says reminds you of him, but will also update you on a bunch of random little things he's doing. "just shit in this french bathroom" "johnny i don't need to know that" "had to tell somebody"
- will leave plenty of his clothes for you to wear while he's gone, and it's practically all you wear during that time. you'll leave the house in an outfit completely made up of your boyfriend's clothes because they're just so comfortable, and it makes you feel less lonely having his scent lingering with you. even when soap is home, you still constantly wear his clothes, and 90% of his wardrobe is practically yours.
- soap would love to visit YOU at work. you forget your chapstick? he's on his way. you text him that you're hungry and forgot to pack a meal? he's bringing you your favorite fast food. although he's busy and can't stop by all the time, soap tries to stop by as often as he can, and all of your coworkers have learned to recognize him. "here comes johnny" one of them will point out, making you quickly whip your head around to look.
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shootingstarrfish · 6 months
Hi I wanted to ask one of my fav obey me artists this question: Least favorite to favorite characters? If you wanna say why, that'd be cool. If anything! Please have a nice day!
hii there!!! dearest anon stop being so nice you're going to make me cry AHSHDHD thank you,,, <33333
but what a fun question! for anyone who doesn't want to read my stupid long explanation for each character i will leave this tierlist here! all tiers (except the first tier) are organised by most to least liked within the tier from left to right
no i dont hate lucifer, it's just facebook relationship status (aka complicated <3)
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i have plenty of opinions though so i'll go ahead and give some explanations too!! >:D under the cut because there's a lot of rambling here LOL
some of the list is a bit boring because i cant really say i hate or even dislike any characters, and i don't wanna be mean about any characters just cause they're not necessarily my favourites so!
that being said lucifer pisses me off to a comical degree and he absolutely doesn't belong at the bottom but my feelings about him are so ridiculously complicated i don't know where else he belongs? i wish so badly that i could hate him in an uncomplicated way and move on but as an eldest sibling he's such a personal attack on me and i hate it. he's me, i'm him it's horrible. every time i start to think "ahh he's not that bad" he opens his mouth and makes me regret thinking that. i still think about the time i chose to kiss him on the ferris wheel and he held his hand out after and i took it and he said it reminded him of his dead sister, i will never stop holding it against him. he deserves to be loved and taken care of and he also should be thrown off a cliff. im quite certain if i had to assign myself a sin i would pick pride and i hate it >:( (this is all very lighthearted lol)
diavolo used to viscerally annoy me for no good reason when i first started the game, but over time he's grown on me and i'd say now i'm neutral-positive on him!! no idea why i hated him, i was just very salty for no reason hahaha i've recently come to appreciate his character a lot more, im very :( about how lonely he must be and i want him to have more genuine friends please solmare
i think mephisto really is just the kind of character i need to see more of to like, he's very interesting to read character analyses of (and kinda relatable tbh?) but i just need more in game is all! i love his silly lil poses those are real fun, and he is pretty
levi is another i also used to hate out of nowhere? i was neutral on him initially and then i suddenly hated him with a burning passion until one of my friends told me she really loved him and im physically incapable of hating a character my friends love so we're chill again HAHA slowly beginning to like him though! what a pathetic sopping wet cat of a man, it's GREAT
OUUGHH i so badly wanna be able to love beel more, it hurts me to have to put him here but unfortunately this is the way it is... i think it's more accurate to say i love the idea of beel? and ive noticed i really like him everywhere that isnt the game, which again is unfortunate :,)))
LUKE IS MY SON he is babyyyyyyy that's all i have to say <333 my precious lil sonboy he deserves the whole entire world
everyone loves mammon, and i am no exception :D he's not necessarily my type hence why he's neatly placed right in the middle but ugh i love a guy who tries and fails miserably to act tough but is super sweet inside, what a guy <3 ok i flip flopped between putting satan and simeon in the love tier because i am so very fond of both of them, but that's too many characters up there so imagine they're both in a weird tier purgatory between the 2 LOL
i am in fact going to marry simeon and then we will raise luke together it's a fact simeon is everything he's pretty and beautiful and a very complex and interesting character ahhh
SATAN MY LOVE he's a very interesting case to me in that i feel on paper he should be the kind of character who would be on the top of the list! he's smart and kind and unhinged and would kill for you and he likes cats!!! truly husband material i adore him
im going to marry thirteen, thanks for listening to my ted talk <3 my darling beautiful wife who would laugh hysterically if i fell down the stairs i love u thirteen <3333333 we will be wed tomorrow and we will live the dream in her silly lil cave of pranks and curses
i dont know what it is about raphael but i adore him??? is it the wet kitten swag? the done with life expression? his ridiculous outfit? i couldnt tell you but i saw him for the first time and i was immediately obsessed everything i learn about him just makes me more obsessed, i love the fact that he enjoys solomons cooking, the way he's good at sewing and is kind but kinda scary, what a fun character
i could talk endlessly about solomon oh how i love this silly househusband wizard guy i was pretty neutral on him in the og game, and then he swiftly stole my heart in nightbringer and now i would eat his terrible cooking any day of the week just to see him smile <3 if i die seeing him happy that's probably the best way to go out all his calls and messages are sooo cute and they make me melt im in love please just one chance...
barbatos and solomon are typically equal on the list i'd say? but the barbatos brainrot is hitting harder now so he gets to be ever so slightly higher this once hahaha barbs is another that took a while to grow on me, not that i ever disliked him or anything but i definitely overlooked him at first! design wise i absolutely LOVE him, his demon form is definitely one of my absolute favourites. the unique but still put together suit?? the ruffles?? the bone wing horns?? ugh he's just very pretty, and SO interesting as well love a calm collected guy who totally has the potential to destroy you if he so wishes but has a soft spot for you
and of course, real shocker im sure, at the tippy top of the list would be asmo and belphie my beloveds <333 i love them both equally and i could never put one above the other i actually started playing obey me for belphie because one of my favourite character tropes is The Tired One TM, and im absolutely not immune to a cute emo boy either. i've grown to really love his sass and the way he hides his manipulative nature behind his sweet and innocent appearance hehe i also do love how ridiculously forward and blunt he is at times, what a silly guy while belphie was very predictable, asmo was a very out of nowhere character for me! i distinctly remember seeing him initially and thinking "avatar of lust?? i guess he's pretty but he'll probably just be the fuckboy character who makes nonstop innuendos and has no character beyond that, and i'm too asexual for this" so i avoided him a lot at first, but i'm very weak for how kind and gentle and charismatic he is, and the way he puts his all into everything and everyone <333 it didnt take long for me to realise that he's almost exactly the kind of person i aspire to be more like
also miura ayme gives me so much gender envy its not fair send tweet
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spinaroos-47 · 2 years
God, the last wish was so good
The story and characters were so interesting! All the little references and implications were SO GOOD, everything felt very in character for puss and kitty, this was a really great sequel. I like the previous movie, even though i don't really like quite a bit of the humpty dumpty bits, but this movie i loved everything (MINUS THE FUCKING SWORDS GOING INTO NAILS. WHY)
The reason why Puss did everything because of fear was very understandeable (though still very much not right, in the case of leaving Kitty at the altar. But he recognizes and tries to do better which is very nice), and death following him making it seem hard to know if it is him or Puss' mind making stuff up, so good. Honestly all the scenes with death were really good, especially with his voice, god, that was such a nice voice
(also i did scream a bit when i saw that Wagner Moura voiced him. It is still a bit surreal that he has been on a lot of big stuff outside of Brazil)
The reveal that he was death was really chilling. The space with all the past lives (which is really cool for another bit but that's another tangent for another time) was a perfect setting for this reveal, since he died so carelessly because of not fearing death and laughing in the face of it, the marks on the scythes (which were a pretty on the nose but hard to guess detail, love that), amazing scene
The animation is another bit that i really loved. I mean, what can i say that hasnt been said already? It looks like a painting, its energetic and fun, the colors are gorgeous, Ive been loving what has been done recently
The music was also really nice, i loved the details of how in every fight, the hits would match the music. Very nice
I really enjoyed how this movie bridged the gap between the first movie, and the Shrek universe. Because of how PIB is set up, theres not much of the magical aspect like the Shrek movies had, but PIB:TLW really did
All the little references for the old movie were really funny and well implemented, especially the "ooooh" cat and puss and kitty's gravity defying dance
Not to mention the whole Goldie and the bears stuff. I love that they chose Goldie because the original tale is about finding the "just right", so it was really fitting to extrapolate that there never would be a just right for her. But Im happy that she realized that she already had the just right. Theyre not a perfect family but you can see the love and care. Im sure they'll get better
The puns were really funny jfsjdjfkf hasta la muerte is my favorite
I feel like i could write an essay for a bunch of the small things in this movie, theres was so much that i could talk about and im having to contain myself a little to not make this 2k words long fnsndnfnd
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shirogane-oushirou · 7 months
🦎, 🎀 and ♟️ for the OC f/o ask game? :)
hello hi hi hi~ thank you so much for the ask!!! love having an excuse to talk endlessly about my beautiful boy <333 i'm just gonna stream of consciousness ramble about all three rens and hope it all makes sense in the end skdjfkjn ;; 💗
🦎 - does your oc f/o have any pets? if not, what pet(s) would they want? is there a reason why they don't have them?
not directly! ren never had pets growing up (strict family), and both doc! and v!ren are so busy, out of the apartment all of the time, that he knows it wouldn't be responsible to keep a pet, no matter how much he'd like one :( once i'm in the picture, though, and start living with him... i mean. i spend most of the day at home in bed KJNASKFJN so time for kibby~~ on one of his off-days we go to some cat cafes to see what we're both interested in cat-wise and how both of our energies play off of them. that way, once we decide to get one, we have SOME idea of the kind cat that would enjoy BOTH of our companies!! r!ren doesn't have pets of his own, but he DOES live with his sister who owns a small coop with a couple of hens! when he wants a quiet moment to think, he'll sit in the backyard and hold a hen and scritch around her wings while he listens to music. one of his niece's chores is to take care of the hens (as much as she can, at least), and he'll sometimes help her out with some of the more difficult things, like cleaning out and replacing the bedding.
🎀 - what aesthetic(s) do you associate with your oc f/o? bonus point if you make an aesthetic board for them!
may have gone... a little overboard with this one... KAJNSDKJN. to my credit, i decided it would be a good opportunity to make some "album covers" for my multiple in-the-works ren playlists teehee (so THANK YOU for choosing this q sjdkjnk i needed the kick in the butt). there's overlap in their aesthetics (especially doc! and v!ren) so i tried to divvy them up as best i could. i'll post these on their own over the next few days, but for now: [cw food, blood, trypophobia, open water, fungi, iv bags] 1: RenRo 2: General Ren 3: Retail!Ren 4: Doctor!Ren 5: Villain!Ren
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♟️- how smart is your oc f/o? is it academic smarts, emotional smarts, etc? where does your oc f/o thrive and where do they lack?
(this is so long. i apologize in advance. o7 ) ough. they're all very smart book-wise. trained from an early age and all that, plus doc! and v!ren went to med school and now work in a specialty unit at a university hospital, performing both as a clinical mycologist and doing research when not tending to patients. r!ren went no-contact with his parents before he went to college and went straight into the work force. he's just as intelligent, he just hasn't gone through several years of med school on top of what he already knew. (i am debating the possibility of community college for him, though. need to do some research and cost comparisons... so that's still up in the air!! ;;) emotionally... hmmmmmm. it's complicated. he's VERY observant and people-pleasing, but to a degree that can be off-putting. for doc! and v!ren, this manifests as insecurities due to past failed relationships, which either due to the partner not being Great OR ren over- or under-pleasing them. tl;dr he puts so much pressure on himself to Mask Perfectly to be the Perfect Partner so as to avoid past mistakes... that he'll end up doing things like over-analyzing small details about whether my facial expression indicates that i liked his silly joke instead of recognizing that like. i might like him back and just enjoy his company? KAJSNdKJn. so i think he has the POTENTIAL for good emotional intelligence, but he focuses too much on his own behavior in response to other peoples' feelings instead of properly processing what he observes. if that makes sense. r!ren's a little more realistic about all of this, so his observational skills are more refined, and we start dating MUCH faster because of that lol. he does still have that matching-other-peoples'-energy thing but. yknow. i can make him better LMAO. street smarts-wise, all three are baseline okay. ren grew up in small-town maine and wasn't really allowed a rich social life, so he wasn't very street smart when he first moved away. doc! and v!ren have lived in a big city for several years since then, and he spends a decent number of free evenings walking around the city, so he can take care of himself. r!ren's jumped around to different locations before settling with living with his sister and niece in a rural area, so i guess he has a more shallow but wider breadth of different kinds of street smarts. he's spent a decent amount of time out here, so he's probably more rural street smart. again, still bad about picking fights, though. so i've gotta dock points for that. so uhhhhhhhhhhh in summary doc! and v!ren have higher book smarts, lower emotional smarts. r!ren has higher emotional smarts, lower street smarts.
(ask game)
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1a-imagines · 4 years
Greetings! I just started using Tumblr and I stumbled across your account. Your works are really beautiful and amazing! I would like to request if it's okay? How would Todoroki, and Bakugo react to their s/o dressing up into a maid costume because Class 1-A opened a booth? Then some random guys started hitting on them? Idk it's up to you! I don't have an imaginative mind huhu. Ily! Stay safe!❤
A/n: ive tried to upload this 3 times already :)))
But thank you so much!! It means a lot to me! I put a lot of effort into all my works so i appreacite it!
PFT ha! He doesn't care about some dumb maid outfit and how it hugs your curves… or… how it shows off your soft looking thighs…
"So how do i look?"
"You look Stupid.."
What he means to say is that you look gorgeous.
He'll pretend not to care, but he does, my god he can barely take his eyes off you.
He loves it
But he also hates it.
Everytime you turn away from him or get distracted his eyes will automatically wander all around your body.
It was like a form of torture.
At one point you dropped your notepad and bent over to pick it up and he almost exploded on the spot.
He'll have to cool off for a bit, you really worked him up!
The worst part is you weren't even trying to!!
At least if you were doing it on purpose he could just yell at you to knock it off!
When he gets back to find two men hitting on you all hell breaks loose.
They were practically drooling over you, their hands slowly inching towards your body.
It's only a matter of seconds before he's in front of you, the table they were sitting at flipped over and the familiar smell of caramel hit your nose.
Both of his smoking hands reached out and grabbed fist fulls of their shirts pulling them forward as he towered over them.
"You so much as look at my girl again and I'll blow you up so hard you'll fly into the sun!" He seethed.
He won't hurt them much, but a good warning filled with some threats and glares will do.
Soon enough the two strangers are running for their lives and you're in his arms.
Of course everyone is looking at the two of you but he couldn't care less.
No one disrespects his girl.
For the rest of the day he'll stay at the cafe, watching over (and admiring you in that dress) like a hawk.
You ask him why he's not exploring the other stalls.
"It's just because there's no other interesting things in this shit fest! Now stop questioning me and get back to work!"
Like hell he's leaving you alone when you look like that!
You're too beautiful for your own good and all these extras are probably waiting for the chance to jump at you!
Consider him your personal bodyguard.
A bodyguard who's going to kiss the hell out of you when he gets you alone.
Honestly? He probably won't think much of it.
He can't deny you look beautiful in the dress, but you always look beautiful to him so it's not much difference.
Don't take offence when you ask him how you look and he replies. "The same as always."
He means it as a compliment.
He will spare you a few long glances, it's a nice sight for sure but he wont react or say much about it.
However, not everyone is withdrawn and stoic and he is.
He'll notice all the looks and comments others are making about you.
Most people are respectful towards you.
But then two males will show up, their eyes scanning your body up and down, and his possessive side will rear its head
Poor guy has no idea what he's feeling or what to do.
All he knows is that he wants to freeze those two males to their chairs and kick them over to leave them squirming on the floor like an overturned turtle.
He doesn't want to cause a scene and embarrass you when they were only staring.
But the second they begin to cat call you the air around him turns cold.
Ice spreads across the floor until the two unsuspecting men are stuck to their seats, which just so happen to topple over and leave them crushed on the ground.
Upon seeing your surprised face he'll turn away like he did nothing wrong.
But he knows what he did and he doesn't regret it one bit.
Since he isn't sure how to feel about this new emotion called jealousy, he doesn't approach you or talk to you about what happened.
That doesn't mean he isn't watching everyone in the room to make sure no one else pulls the same stunt.
He's noticeably a little angry, and so you get him alone to talk about what was going on.
"I'm… not sure what happened or why i feel so annoyed. But seeing those men disrespecting and flirting with you just-"
You could see his face scrunching up from the memory.
Give him some reassurance, tell him what he's feeling is normal, give him a small peck on his cheek.
He'll relax at your reassurance, and it'll save more people from getting frozen to the floor.
But that won't stop him from lingering around you all day and sending glares to anyone with wandering eyes.
After the event he may be a bit more affectionate than usual, he needs to relieve some of the stress from the day.
So expect plenty of cuddles, he'll keep you in his arms all night long.
It's where you belong after all.
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radiorenjun · 4 years
Hug. iv
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Pairing: Liu Yangyang x Reader
Genre: Angst, Comedy, Fluff
Warnings: Swearing, Bullying, Attempt Suicide and mentions of self degrading, insecurities, anxiety, negative thoughts, physical injuries.
Looking from the perspective of Liu Yangyang, the boy who bullied a girl to the point she had a scar to burden both of their lives. He lived on with a heavy heart until he finally enters college and bumps into a girl with a familiar scar and the same tattoo on her wrist as his.
Chapters: iii, iv, v
Tags: @wonho-ssi @chuu4you @fullsun-haechanie @you-cant-spell-slay-without-lay @carefreebubble @uglyratlmao @harleyblaze
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Yangyang walked down the halls of his school after he was finally dismissed from his class of the day. It had been a while since he came across his supposed soulmate, even then, his life didn't change much. The college life everyone was looking forward to didn't seem as interesting as Yangyang thought.
It was just like his life in high school. He saw a few of his old classmates around the halls and majoring in music didn't seem so exciting than his brother made it out to be. Speaking of his brother , he and Ten agreed that they both should start opening up more to each other just to spend more quality time.
"What?!" Ten exclaimed in the loudest voice possible. Yangyang flinched at the loud tone after confessing what's been on his mind lately. "You got into contact with Y/N L/N again?! That's great! What happened?! Did you two made up?" Ten slammed his palms on the table in excitement.
The bright smile stretched across his brothers face made the memory of his sad smile with bruised lip from back when he was still young flashed his mind. Yangyang winced at the memory before avoiding his brother's eyes.
Yangyang gulped down a chunk of egg yolk before continuing his story. "Nothing much happened, we just came across each other in the same building. And well..." Yangyang paused briefly, biting his lip anxiously as he tried not to eye the mark on his wrist.
"Well?" Ten waited for Yangyang to continue. Yangyang silently tugged on the sleeves of his baggy black hoodie down to reveal his soulmate tattoo, laying his wrist in the table. Ten's eyes darted from Yangyang's to his wrist in confusion before it all clicked.
"Holy. Fuck." Ten gasped, realizing what it meant. Yangyang shushed his brother loudly, putting a finger to his lips, making the sleeves of his hoodie fall down to hide the mark once again. "Ten, you idiot! Chenle's right down the hall!" Yangyang scolded.
"You two are soulmates?!" Ten squealed. Yangyang put his head in his palms in embarrassment, "dont remind me." he mumbled. "Thats-wow. I literally have no words, right now. So what was her reaction?" Ten asked eagerly.
"Well I- I didn't exactly tell her that. I don't think she knows. I don't want her to." Yangyang shook his head profusely, putting his hands in his hoodie pockets to clench his fists. "What? Why?" Ten whined. "Why? Why?! Oh I don't know, Ten, how would you feel if your soulmate is suddenly the kid who bullied you mercilessly back when you were 12?!" Yangyang snapped.
"Okay I get that part but this is your soulmate we're talking bout. They're supposed to love you no matter what!" Ten reasoned. "You dont understand!" Yangyang barked. "She's better off having no soulmate than having her old bully as a soulmate." Yangyang calmed down slightly.
"You don't understand, Ten. This isnt like your relationship with your soulmate. You didn't bully her when you were kids." Yangyang hissed harshly. Ten winced at the mention of his soulmate who had previously passed away.
"Dont bring her into this, Liu Yangyang." Ten snapped, glaring daggers into Yangyangs eyes. "She's your soulmate whether you both want it or not. Your her soulmate whether you feel guilty or not. When the time comes you two will eventually be together, that's how the world works. Okay, kid?" he lectured.
Yangyang felt the pain in his chest tighten. Sighing in defeat, he knew he couldn't battle with fate itself so he did nothing but nodded. "Okay." Yangyang sighed, unclenching his fists. Ten huffed grabbing his plate and walking towards the sink.
"Im sorry for bringing her into this." Yangyang muttered, he hated the thought of his family getting hurt.
"I was just-"
"It's fine. Just promise me you'll talk when something's bothering you." Ten said without giving his brother a single glance. "Okay, baby Yangyang?" Ten grinned, turning his head to his brother who gave him a frown. "Baby- Im not your baby. I'm going to college next month." Yangyang deadpanned.
Yangyang walked passed the crowded halls filled with students. His eyes focused on the ground to avoid eye contact, it seemed as if his ears had blurred out all the sounds around him. He felt numb. Yangyang decided that he would walk by the park to get some fresh air before picking up Chenle from his tuitions.
Yangyang walked down the park to see the oh-so-familiar siamese cat that he and Ten rescued months ago, which ran away the moment it saw that Ten was carrying a bucket full of water to bathe the dirty thing despite Yangyang's protests.
"Hey, I remember you." Yangyang spoke softly, kneeling down to brush his fingers against the cat's thin yet fluffy fur. The small creature purred in response as Yangyang gently caressed it's head with his thumb, scratching the underside of its chin.
"How are you, buddy?" Yangyang smiled as the cat stared up at him. "What are you doing here you little rascal?" he giggled to himself. He was too indulged in the cat's hypnotising blue eyes to realise that someone had been coming towards him.
The person kneeled down infront of him, the moment their eyes met with Yangyang. The boy jumped back in surprise, "oh, Y/n!" his body tense at the sight of the girl carrying a small package of cat food. Y/n blushed at the sight of Yangyang, waving shyly before kneeling down to squeeze out some food infront of the cat.
Yangyang avoided her gaze when she patted the small cat's head before pulling out a notebook from her saddlebag, quickly writing down on it before showing it to Yangyang. His eyes widened slightly at the gesture, slowly taking the book in his hands to read what's written.
'Is Yumyum yours?' it read.
"Yumyum?" Yangyang asked, furrowing his brows before looking at the cat, not noticing the flushed look that spread all over the girl's face. "Is that what you name him?" he chuckled, caressing his fingers over the small creature's messy fur as he handed over the girl's notebook back to her.
"No, he's not." he replied, a small smile stretching across his face. "My brother and I found him a couple months ago all wounded. When he got better, he just ran away before we could give him a proper bath." Yangyang chuckled at the memory.
Y/n started writing down quickly on her notebook, the sound of lead scratching on the surface of paper filling their ears as they ignored the people around them. Yangyang looked up, getting a moment to look at his soulmate's appearance as she writes.
The sunlight reflecting on her eyes made it seem as if he was seeing stars in the night sky. Her lips formed into a small pout as she wrote, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Her hair framing her face, exposing her features.
He was brought back to his senses when he realised that y/n was staring back at him in concern, her fingers snapping infront of his face. "Sorry, I was daydreaming." he mumbled, attempting to avoid her gaze by looking down at the cat which was finishing it's meal. He could feel heat taking over his face as Y/n brought her notebook to his line of vision, gesturing for him to read it.
'Not to be rude but, what are you doing here?'
Yangyang let out a soft sigh, sitting down on the concrete with his legs crossed after he put down his violin case carefully on the floor along with his bag. "I just wanted to take a walk before I pick up my cousin from school, then this little guy caught my eye" he replied with a smile. Y/n nodded slowly, her mouth forming a silent 'oh'.
"What are you doing here?" Yangyang asked after a pregnant pause, intertwining his fingers together and laying them on his lap as he stared up at her curiously. Y/n bit her lip before writing down in her notebook once again.
'I started coming here every Friday to feed Yumyum. I like to have sometime after a long week of school.'
"Is being an art major that hard?" he asked, feeling his body relax as he continued to have a conversation with her. Everything felt as if it was meant to be. Y/n was surprisingly nice to talk to, even though she was slightly shy to talk to the person she hasn't seen in years.
Yangyang forgot all bout the tension between them. Her hand pushing against his shoulder when he let out a corny joke, his smile widens as she let's out a silent giggle against her palm. It felt so natural talking to her. As if they had been good friends their whole lives. As if he had never hurted her. As if it didn't feel like a punishment nor a curse to be bounded together by a mark.
Yangyang's eyes widened at the thought, his body tensed up immediately. "I-uh" he stuttered, grabbing his violin case and his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. His hand going over to his left sleeve, tugging it over his fingers behind his back as he stood up abruptly.
"I j-just remembered I gotta pick up my cousin." Yangyang stammered nervously, his heart felt heavy again as he avoided y/n's eyes laced with concern. "I-Im sorry. I h-have to go. I-I'll see you around c-campus," he bit his lip, avoiding her gaze before walking away as fast as he could.
He felt his heart ache as memories flooded his head. 'Shit,' he thought. Flashbacks of him pushing and kicking the young girl, his brother's bruised lip and the bullying he endured fluttered through his mind. He grabbed the waterbottle from his backpack, chugging down some water to calm down.
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Yangyang sat alone at the table of the cafeteria like always, mindlessly eating his food. His eyes wandered around the room, gaze falling at the innocent girl with the scar on her lips smiling happily in a table surrounded by her friends.
He sighed at the sight of her, leaning his face against his palm. The sunlight shining on her form making her aura brighter as she let out silent laughs and scribble quickly on her notebook. It felt nice to see the young girl get along with so many people.
Yangyang looked down at his food, playing with food once again. He pondered if this is what life would've been for y/n if he hadn't come into the picture. He wondered if he would be sitting in the same table as her if he hadn't kicked that ball towards her.
Yangyang's thoughts were interrupted when he heard someone pull the two chairs infront of him, two boys filling in the empty spaces. "Liu Yangyang right? The German violin kid who's also in Professor Zhou's class?" the boy who looks as if he came from the sports department.
Yangyang raised his brow, nodding hesitantly. "Great, I'm Guanheng. You can call me Hendery, if you like. This is Xuxi." the other boy introduced, his forearm laying on the table as his other hand pointed towards his friend who waved with a toothy smile in response.
"In case you didn't know. We, too, are also in the same class as you." Hendery smiled. Yangyang nodded in confusion, not seeing why they're sitting infront of him, eyes wandering from theirs to his soulmate's form. "Look, we know that the music project could be done solo and all. But-"
"We need your help!" Xuxi slammed his hands on the table, making Yangyang flinch in shock. Yangyang's eyes widened in surprise before sparing a glance at y/n who was still calmly communicating with her friends.
"What do you need my help for?" Yangyang spoke, raising his brow as he meet their nervous eyes and awkward smiles. "We wanted to do a duet for the project. Then our dumb asses realised we can't play instruments for shit." Xuxi explained.
"So you need my help to be your instrumentals?" Yangyang questioned, raising his brow. "Yes," the two boys said in unison, letting out similar cheeky grins. "Why should I help you guys exactly? I don't even know you guys that well." Yangyang went on.
"He's got a point." Xuxi mumbled to Hendery, only to get shoved by the shoulder. "Come on, we could be your friends! No offense, the table seems empty." Hendery smiled innocently. "I'm good," Yangyang mumbled, going back to his food with his eyes occasionally glancing back at the girl a couple tables away from them.
"Come on, we'll do anything!" Lucas nagged. "Yeah, what you want, Liu? Money? Cheat answers to the exams?" Hendery went on. Yangyang couldn't be bothered to even consider a word they were offering, for he was too busy gazing into the radiant beauty that is his soulmate.
"Yangyang? You listening?" Hendery asked once he realised Yangyang wasn't listening to a word he said. Both boys turned their backs, following Yangyang's eyes to the girl in sight. "Ooh," Xuxi grinned, giving Hendery a knowing smirk.
"Wow man. Didn't know you'd be the type to like someone other than your soulmate but I'll do the job for you-" Xuxi stood up from his chair, causing Yangyang's eyes to widen in panic. He stood up abruptly and reached out to grip his shoulder to stop Xuxi from taking a step further.
He watched as the girls began to stand up and leave the cafeteria. Yangyang let out a sigh of relief before glaring at the two boys, "dont you dare talk to her. I'll join your group, just-" he paused with a click of his tongue. "Just don't talk to her." Yangyang growled, pushing Xuxi's shoulder away before picking up his bag and gripped the case of his violin, leaving without another word.
He jogged out of the cafeteria, ignoring the two boy's loud voices of questioning when to meet up to practice for the project. Yangyang slowed down once he felt like he had gone far enough from the cafeteria, taking small breaths as he walked down the hall.
He stopped when he saw a familiar girl sitting all alone in a table with a pencil hanging on the top of her ears, a ruler in her hand and a piece of paper in their other. Brows furrowed in concentration, tongue slightly stuck out.
Yangyang smiled to himself at the sight of how cute she looked, leaning to get a better look of her expression. But he was soon interuppted by a male stepping into his line of vision, he looked around his age. "Who are you?" the male spoke in a rude tone.
Yangyang took a step back in surprise before stuttering out, "I-I just came here t-to talk to y/n." The male raised a brow in suspicion, frowning as he crossed his arms. "What? Are you like, her friend or something?" he asked.
Yangyang didn't know how to respond. Was he her friend? Or was he still that same bully in her eyes? "I-" he was cut off with a click of the male's tongue. "Thought so," the male then rudely shut the door to his face, leaving a baffled and flustered Yangyang standing in the hallway in confusion.
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Yangyang ran a hand through his hair in frustration. He couldn't get this note right for tomorrow's solo presentation, he took a long sip of his Americano, clearing his throat before starting to play once again.
The sound of his violin echoing through the small room, once again. Yangyang's tired eyes never wandering away from the music sheet displayed before him. His mind concentrated on the notes to realise that a girl had walked into the music room.
The sound of a chair grinding against the tile caused Yangyang to jump back in shock, looking back in relief to see y/n placing the chair back to its original place. "Y/n?" Yangyang raised his brow in confusion. "What are you doing here? Curfew's in half an hour." Yangyang asked.
The girl smiled, quickly writing in her notebook and shoving it to the distressed boy's face.
'I was done with my assignment for today, I was heading back to the dorms to hear the beautiful melody of a violin. What are you still doing here?'
Yangyang bit his lip slightly, smiling up at her shyly. "Same here, I just kept getting these notes wrong. I need to get them done before tomorrow," Yangyang explained, scratching the back of his neck with one hand and pointing at the music sheet displayed with his bow in the other.
Y/n nodded, looking around the music room to observe the instruments around them. Yangyang put his violin back in its case, trying to ease his heart rate as he felt his heartstrings being tugged with every movement the girl made.
His left wrist ached to touch hers, but occupied it with tidying up his things and putting them into his case and bag. "Um, I'm closing up soon. You wanna walk back to the dorms together?" Yangyang asked hesitantly, swinging his bag over his shoulder as his eyes wandered to his feet to avoid eye contact.
Y/n nodded, walking out of the room, clutching her notebook in her hands as she waited for Yangyang to lock up the room and walk down the halls together. There was an awkward tension in the atmosphere around them as they didn't know what to talk bout.
Yangyang gulped internally, putting down his violin case as he closed the door, turning the key twice and ensuring the door is locked. Yangyang didn't notice y/n's eyes wandering curiously down his tall form, how his hair was tussled and messy from his fingers running through it I'm frustration.
How his lips were plump and sucked in between his teeth nervously. His freshly dyed brown hair. The baggy sweater making him look casually aesthetic. Y/n knew it's wrong to be looking at her friend like this, especially if Yangyang had a soulmate.
Speaking of soul mates, y/n's eyes wandered down to Yangyang's wrist. The long sleeves of his sweater barely covering the black ink mark staining the skin of his left wrist. Her eyes widened as she spotted two balloons, similar to the ones on hers.
When Yangyang moved away, y/n look up at his eyes which were filled with nervousness. He coughed lightly to release the awkward tension, "let's go." he mumbled shyly, turning to walk to the direction of the dorms before he was held back by a small hand wrapped around his forearm.
Yangyang's eyes widened as he looked back, looking down at the fingers gripping his white sweater tightly as to not make him leave. His eyes hesitantly looked at her own. Yangyang felt like he was going to melt at the sight of her eyebrows furrowed cutely. "Y/n?"
The hand that was on his forearm went down the his wrist, right below his tattoo. She lifted it up, tugging down the sleeves which made Yangyang's eyes widen. "Wait, no-" he stuttered out, trying to tug his wrist out of her grip before she could see the mark.
Unfortunately, he didn't realise how hard he was pulling. With the sheer amount of force he applied to pulling back his wrist, he made the girl fall forwards to the floor, eliciting a small broken hoarse squeak from the girl. "Oh my God, Y/n," Yangyang gasped out, realising his mistake.
His heart clenched. Once again,that excruciating feeling in his chest appeared. He couldn't make himself move to help you get up and once you do, you were looking at him with such concerned eyes, his guilt increased tenfold.
"I-Im sorry, I have to go" were the last words Yangyang stuttered out before sprinting out of there. Trying to go somewhere to clear his clouded mind, leaving his soulmate standing there in confusion. Yangyang took a deep breath as he barged into his dorm room, not caring the questions his roommates bombarded him as he quickly went to his room.
'Life couldn't get any shittier'
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A/n: hey! This took me so long forgive me for the delay. I'll probably release the next chapter sooner than later so keep an eye out for that. Sorry for those who waited for so long for this lol. I realised its 12:40 AM and I'm on 10% and there's a chance that I have a quiz tomorrow that I have not studied for. Wml
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99 notes · View notes
Part One
An AU where All Might is dead and villains run wild, and heroes have gone into Hiding. Shigaraki finds a tiger running around causing problems and takes it back to the League only for it to turn into a little girl with no memories.
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Spinner Logs
September 1st
12 PM
Echo won't leave Boss’s side for any reason. I think she imprinted on him or something. Dabi thinks its funny because she literally follows him everywhere around the hideout. All For One thinks its bothersome i i think, he pulled them both into a room to talk to them about something. Don't know what.
Boss has not said anything to Echo about her following him. She grabs hold of his shirt when he walks away to do something, me and Dabi were dumbfounded when we saw it.
Mr Compress should be back soon, i think he was scoping out the Post All Might scene or something. I cant wait for him to meet Echo i think he will like her.
It's my turn to go get food I guess. I wonder what kids eat . That's all i've got for now. 🦎
Dabi Logs
September 1st
Lizard you really should learn to hide things better, this little log book you have of Echo is cute. I guess ill clue you in on what's going on while you get food, better have my ramen.
After you left Boss told me he was going to play some kind of online game or whatever as if I cared to know. The pipsqueak was going to follow him to his room but AFO grabbed her and she freaked out .
Something about needing to focus on the mission , i don't know of any mission. Boss told us to lay low for a while. Echo started crying, it was hard to listen if i'm being honest. Boss did not do anything, AFO told Boss to go do whatever he was going to do and he just left.
I can kind of hear AFO talking to Echo but its hard to hear over her sobbing. The hideout has never been this loud before.
Well imma go outside for a cigarette i guess , it's quiet outside. Till next time, Lizard🔥
Spinner Logs
September 1St
Dammit Dabi..
Well whatever , at least he logged about Echo. This was at 1pm? I just got back and she's still crying..where's Boss? His room? He can hear it right?
What does All For One want to talk about so bad? Shes a kid. I hope he's not planning to turn her into a weapon. I hope she calms down soon..im going to unpack this food.
Thats all ive got for now🦎
Spinner Logs
September 1st
Echo calmed down a half hour later when AFO finally let her go. I heard a door open and then slam shut it sounded like Boss’s door so Echo must have gone in there.
I got Dabis damn ramen he loves so much, my favorite snacks along with Mr Compress’s sushi and Boss’s foods he likes. I ended up getting cereal for Echo, i got the one with the bird on it. I never thought the hardest decision of my life would be between a bird and a caveman on a box of cereal.
AFO asked me if i liked going to get food and i was a little shocked he even talked to me. I was not sure how to answer him but i don't think he cared for my answer anyway because he said he was going out.
The hideout was calmer once he left, Dabi came back as well to scope out the food, he smelled like a pack of smokes. I like Dabi, hes easy to talk to , well for me he is.
Mr Compress came back around 6. I'm relieved he's okay. Boss emerged from his room finally to greet him, with Echo behind him peeking over his leg at Mr Compress. The look he had was priceless to everyone.
The first thing he asked was if Boss had a secret love child. Boss chuckled and Echo hid behind his leg while Boss explained the situation to his friend.
Dabi made ramen at some point at the bar, Boss and Mr Compress moved to the couches to talk , Echo right next to him. He explained AFO would be around a lot and Echos quirk, he called it Morph.
All we really know is Echo can turn into a tiger whenever she wants. Its an interesting quirk to say the least.
Mr Compress tried to make light of the conversation by showing Echo a card trick . She looked like she enjoyed it, Mr Compress always gave me the impression he was good with kids.
Echo was dozing off on Boss’s arm while he played his switch. She's so cute to me, it looked like she had never seen a Switch before too, her eyes were huge with interest, Boss even explained the game to her. Its nice seeing him so calm.
Mr Compress told me about the scene outside and I told him my food adventure. Mr Compress told me The Pro Heroes are in hiding, even Endeavour. The rank system for Heroes is no more, UA is locked down for who knows how long and Villains are running around free. My experience was about the same. No Pros, no Quirkless, only villains. Oh well, free food.
That's all ive got for now. Im sleepy 🦎
Shigaraki Logs
September 1ST
What am I going to do with you two idiots?
AFO took Echo away to talk to her I guess. I felt weird watching her cry. Why did i feel weird? AFO is great. I don't understand.
I could not focus on my game with her crying so i just stared at the screen listening. She follows me around constantly for whatever reason , even grabs onto my shirt like a lost puppy. I don't understand.
She's still crying and I want to go comfort her. What's wrong with me? I should be thinking about ruling the world. Its mine now. But all i can focus on right now is telling Echo everything will be okay. I don't understand.
The crying stopped and I heard my door open and slam shut. Echo ran over to me and before I could say anything she climbed onto my lap sobbing. My arm was around her before I even realized I did it. I don't understand.
She told me AFO was scary and she did not want to do jobs for him or train. It was confusing because AFO is not scary, hes great. I tried to tell her this and she shook her head disagreeing. I don't understand.
Mr Compress is back and Spinner got food. Of course Dabi is eating his ramen.
I was amused over Mr Compress’s little joke. Haha. Hes lucky hes a vital member of this League. It was good to catch up on how things were outside and with him. From what he said everything was up for grabs and those dirty Pros were all gone or hiding.
I wonder when AFO is coming back, Echo really likes my switch. Her eyes follow everything that moves like a cat. Her quirk is an interesting one that's for sure. Im curious if her tiger will get bigger as she grows.
Echo fell asleep on my arm so i brought her to my room to put her to sleep. She woke up though once i set her down on my bed asking me to stay and tell her a story. Do I look like I know a kids bedtime story?
I thought of something of course, after a minute of thinking. She looked like she enjoyed it. I decided to stay till she actually fell asleep. Only one up right now was Dabi anyway.
Echo called me father. I dont understand.
Till whenever, i guess. 🐯
@bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love @squeaky-ducky @thegirlwhoharnessedthelight
21 notes · View notes
thefandomlesbian · 4 years
you asked for prompts, so ive got two i guess, if you'd like - hotchreid, with insecure/jealous hotch and/or domestic jemily fluff
Okay, I’ll admit I... kinda missed the mark on this one, but I did try! D: 
Read it here on AO3! 
“All hearts float in their own deep oceans of no light, wetblack and glimmering, their four mouths gulping like fish. Hearts are said to pound: this is to be expected, the heart’s regular struggle against being drowned.” -Margaret Atwood
The first time Spencer says it, they're eating dinner together. Chicken mango pilaf over brown rice with chopped vegetables. Aaron is drinking apple juice. Spencer, who laughed at him for drinking apple juice, is drinking water. Aaron remembers these preceding moments with exact clarity, the brief silence that filled the room except for their forks scraping their plates, until...
"I think I'd like for you to choke me."
Aaron, ironically, chokes fairly immediately after this statement. He coughs a chunk of chicken, or is it mango? back into his plate and has inhaled some of the sauce that's now scalding the back of his throat, and he hacks, wondering if rice is going to come out of his nose, which is now streaming, and certainly because he started choking as Spencer spoke, he must've misheard. "You want me to what?" Poke me, toke me, broke me, woke me —
"Choke me."
The pit of Aaron's stomach flips in distress. The fork abruptly begins to tremble in his hand. "I—what?" He puts down the fork quickly to keep from dropping it and disguises his trembling hands by wiping around his mouth with his napkin. "I—Why? What? Who? Where?" He finds it impossible to form a coherent question, so he hopes Spencer will understand something from the noises he just produced and answer it.
Spencer's brows furrow. "You don't look too keen on the idea." Aaron makes another odd sound, something like clearing his throat passed off from choking on his food, and he's grimacing. "I dunno. JJ says she does it with Emily sometimes and it's fun. You know, during sex."
Aaron's whole body tightens up. "Yeah, I got that part." His face and knuckles blanche white. Even his lips lose color.
"I didn't know. You look kind of like I asked you cut my body up and pickle me into jars—"
"JJ told you to do this?"
"Yeah, JJ and Emily—"
"Stop, stop, I don't want to know." Aaron isn't sure of where this all came from, but with those clues, he is very sure he doesn't want to find out. "No."
Spencer frowns, not in an objectionable way, but in a thoughtful way. Clearly this conversation poked a whole bunch of needles into Aaron like bad acupuncture and then rolled him over on that side without taking the needles out. "Could we... Talk about it? You look pretty upset."
"No," Aaron says again. He tries to pick up his fork, but he fumbles with it and is unable to keep a grip on it. He's lost his appetite, anyway. He takes his plate to the kitchen, washes it off, and goes to shower with the door closed, like always—usually so Spencer won't see his upper body, but tonight so Spencer won't see the steam pour out of the room as he turns the water up all the way and scrubs himself until his skin is pink and raw.
Hours later, they're lying together in bed. Spencer drowses in a post-coital haze, his head on Aaron's clothed chest—besides Aaron's shirt, they're both naked. Aaron reads a book, or pretends to, but he hasn't turned a page in three and a half minutes, and Aaron usually reads about two hundred fifty words a minute, which means he's a minute and a half late to turn this page—
"Are you afraid of me?"
"Hm...?" Spencer blinks a few times to shake himself from his sleepy reverie. "What?"
"Do you—Do you think I would ever hurt you?"
"No, of course not. I would never think that." Aaron licks his lips and dog-ears the page (Spencer winces at this but doesn't remark on it) and puts the book to the side. "Are you okay?" Aaron was even more tender than usual tonight, and while ultimately it was for Spencer's benefit, he's concerned about its origins. Aaron has made it pretty clear he doesn't want to talk about the conversation earlier, but Spencer wonders how, exactly, a simple question got him so bent out of shape.
"Do you trust me?" Aaron presses.
"Yeah, of course. You licked my anus, like, ten minutes ago. I trust you not to give us E coli , which is the highest of compliments." Spencer tries to restore some levity to the conversation, since it's clear Aaron won't say what's actually bothering him, and Spencer doesn't particularly like to hold these long conversations completely in the dark.
His attempt doesn't assuage Aaron. "And you trust me not to hurt you? Or put my hands on you, ever?"
Spencer rolls over in his arms to look Aaron in the eyes. "Aaron," he says gently, "I trust you never to let any harm come to me, ever. That's why I asked you to do that." Aaron looks stricken. "You could put your hands on my throat, and I would be the safest man on this wide green earth. Do you think I would ever give that to someone else?" Aaron always knows what's best for him, is always gentle, always sensitive to his needs—he doesn't know where this anxiety came from, but it's not founded in the reality of the Aaron he knows. "You don't have to defend yourself. You don't want to do it. End of conversation." Spencer rubs soothing circles on Aaron's chest.
"I don't want you to think I would ever let anything hurt you."
"I don't think that."
"Even me."
"I don't think that, either." Spencer kisses him. "It's okay. I know better than to try to take sex advice from a couple that involves Emily. She's, like, the opposite of you."
Aaron's interest is piqued. "In what way?" Spencer opens his mouth. "No, wait, never mind, I don't—I don't want to know."
That night, Spencer rests easily, but Aaron squeezes him so tightly around the middle that he has to wiggle more than once to breathe, and very late, long after Aaron thinks he has fallen asleep, he feels Aaron cry silently, face buried between Spencer's shoulder blades.
The next evening, Spencer brews some stew on the stove using the very precise instructions Aaron laid out for him. So far, nothing is on fire, nothing has been blackened into coal, and nothing is melting, so Spencer is achieving expectations. The front door unlocks, and he turns to watch Aaron enter, carrying a boat load of groceries. "Hey, soup's brewing."
"It's stew," Aaron corrects as Spencer takes his bags.
"Yeah, whatever. It's not on fire, is my point."
"I've never been so proud," Aaron deadpans. Spencer kisses his cheek and rolls his eyes and goes to help Aaron put things away in the kitchen. "And, um, I got something—something for you." Aaron's cheeks flush unexpectedly, and Spencer raises his eyebrows in great interest as Aaron holds out a bag to him. "I, uh, I talked to Garcia, and she had some… suggestions."
Spencer wants to ask what kind of suggestions, but inside the bag, he finds a headband with pink cat ears, a pink lacy bralette, and a pink collar with a jingly bell and a small tag—the tag engraved: Spencer .
It's mortifying. It's sweet. It's the most adventurous thing Aaron has ever done (granted, the bar was low). Spencer kisses him hard. "Oh, I love it!"
"Oh, good, I thought maybe Garcia was way off base, but after yesterday, I was afraid to talk to JJ, I don't think I can look either of them in the eye ever again—"
"We could add to the tag property of Aaron Hotchner —"
Aaron shoots him a mild-tempered look. "Don't push your luck."
Spencer fidgets with the bell on the collar. "Say, uh, Garcia didn't say anything to you about, uh... cowboys, did she?"
Aaron frowns. "No, she didn't."
"Or horses, or... Assless chaps?"
"No... No. Should she have?"
"Nope!" Spencer says all too quickly. "Nope, she shouldn't have."
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rosesanthology · 4 years
Not as Bad as i thought | Matsukawa Issei x reader
Okay so i've been thinking about this scenario for a WHILE now and im,,,,,not mad at how it turned out ? Lmao y'all see for yourselves
- songs :  • savage remix by Megan Thee Stallion feat Beyonce
                 • kimi no nawa theme song
- weather association au : dusk (i dont even know if that's seen as a weather but oh well-)
[Tags] : @raevaioli asked sooooo👀 @haikoo
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- you weren't really sure how long you've been walking for
- you tried to recall the events from today with much difficulty as you strolled on the sideway at 4pm, still in school uniform but much messier than when you first got out of the house this morning, backpack lazily thrown over your left shoulder
- "and there goes a perfectly good weekend" you sighed, not talking to anyone in particular but yourself or maybe the occasional stray cat
- your house wasn't even close to the way you were going and you couldn't care less
- your phone had data anyway you could just search your way back in google maps (`ε´)
- plus it's not like you walked across the whole country and you already called your mom to make up some excuse
- "we'll talk when you get back." She had told you over the phone , you were pretty sure that the school had informed her of what happened
- thinking about it made you sick to your stomach so you opted on just focusing on how much of an anime MC vibe you were giving off right now instead !!!
- i mean, basically running away after school to go on unplanned walks with a messy uniform while listening to the new savage remix by Megan and Beyonce ???? Pretty badass ngl (◡︿◡✿)
- if only your balance wasn't -2/10 then maybe you could even skateboard and act like you were in an indie movie
- but back to the matter at hand
- the anger swelled up inside you as you started to think over what had happened
- you were in the midst of a chemistry class and you had been paired up with none other than your toxic ex who made you feel like crap for the most random stuff
- you were literally just vibing trying to adjust the microscope and he just HAD to shove you out of the way because, allegedly, you "didn't know how to do it", causing you to back into another girl's test tubes and bunsen burner !!!
- luckily the teacher was kind enough to aknowledge your apology and scold the girl for yelling but still !!! You were angry !! (⋋▂⋌)
- so angry that you may....have started crying in class just cause beating the living hell out of your ex was just not something you could do and not get at least detention for-
- the embarassment of it all had caused you to storm out of the school at the first chance you had, not wanting to murder your ex or anybody else if they made any comments
- you were taken out of your internal turmoil in the middle of the sidewalk by the smell of the sea and well,,,,,the sight that was literally right in front of you
- not to be sappy or basic or anything but a good sunset never failed to make your heart go doki doki from the pretty colors(●´ω`●)
- you didn't even notice time passing or the sky painting itself like that
- weird huh
- what a world we live in
- anyway you truly felt like things were meant to be at the moment you set foot on the soft sand (you'd have taken of your shoes if it wasn't for your socks preventing you from it)
- in this moment of awe you stuffed your phone and earbuds in your bag and made a run for the water !!!! Excited to see the cute riples of foam closer !!!
- and then you fell.
- and you would have been fine if it wasnt for the loud sound of someone SNORTING AND CACKLING BEHIND YOU LIKE ?????
- "Damn ive never seen anyone so eager to bite the dust !" And then laughed again !!
- ●︿●
- thats where it dawned upon you that this guy was one of the third years from your school's male volleyballl team !!!! If you remember correctly his name was Matsukawa Issei but did it really matter ???
- it was someone from school who was laughing at you ???? You Y/N L/N
- the embarassment came crashing onto you like the waves on the shore and in a second you were sobbing
 - the hot tears were rolling down your cheeks at high speed and you swore you heard Mattsun gulp when be realised what was going on
- "w-wait sorry...i didn't mean to make you cry" he didn't really know what to do so his hands were just hanging in the air as he knelt down in front of you
- ⋋_⋌ you mustered up the energy to glare at him thru your glossy eyes but really it looked as intimidating as a hamster- haha what no, the middle blocker's heart totally did NOT skip a beat with the pouty hamster + sunset color palette combination !!!! Not that you'd notice anyway
- instead of kneeling there awkwardly he opted for picking up your backpack before sitting next to you, putting his knees up to his chest and staring at anywhere but your very embarassed self
- "its not entirely your fault...." you managed to say between hiccups, "ive kinda had like....a really really bad day"
- ".....i see" i sEe HeAdAsS you should have thought about it before laughing at Y/N like that !!!
- after that you didn't really know what to do
- i mean yeah grabbing your bag, flipping him off and then going back home sounded like a tight plan but at the same time,,,,,the sound of the waves was calming and the sun was pretty   (●´ω`●)
- and little did you know that as you were too focused looking absolutly enamored with the sun itself Mattsun was looking at you trying to think about how the hell he was going to keep the conversation and the vibes going when you're just sitting there looking like THAT
- it was like that one scene in Kimi no Nawa when Taki and Mitsuba see each other for the first time sodjdisnakaka
- except that he was the only one staring but that didn't really phase him
- "you know-" ah here it comes
- he started talking so he'd have to go thru with it until the end
- he weirdly enough did NOT want you to turn to look at him because he knew that if you did the words would get caught up in his throat and- oh no you did
- oop the sand looks very interesting all of a sudden wow :0
- "you know when i have a bad day i usually come to sit here and watch the sunset"
- "okay and ?"
- "and it feels nice....like today for example, i just lost a volleyball match against some other school, Karasu-whatever you probably don't care but....after living such a hard loss it feels nice to look at the sky painted in all these colors you know ? Plus you don't have to talk so it's great it's as if you were on top of the world-"
- he was cut off by the sound of your laugh
- as you struggled to catch your breath you looked at him and smiled
- "you know you're not as bad as i thought !"
- huh
- you were definitely something :\
- spiking the ball right thru Matsukawa's chest and straight to his heart
- "My name's Y/N L/N im a 2nd year ! also don't worry i wasn't making fun of you at all i just can't believe that you exposed your simp card so proudly to someone you BARELY know"
- "well i felt bad because-"
- "it's cute (▰˘◡˘▰)"
- OH.
- you snapped him out of his daze by pointing out that your mom would be worried if you walked alone to your house at night
- "sooooo is it my cue to walk you home ?" smooth recovery from him, you must admit
- "should we get boba on the way ?" You said standing up and dusting your shirt
- "you bet."
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hiagainyou · 3 years
I gas breakfast thank you! Just finished a cup of water 😊,did some yoga before classes started so I did stretch today.
Hope you did the same!
Sure go ahead I'll be waiting, fight me 😤
Thank you, I'm proud of you too <3
He'll let you, anyone can touch his hair as long as he's sure you won't try and make it neat. Let him see your hands and he's yours lol
Hes a coral snake! He dyes his hair green cause he got teased for his red hair. I tried to use all the colors of the so he has faint yellow freckles
And has red eyes but look like a burgundy in the light!
I like books, music, dancing, singing and writing! Im loving this show in Netflix called Carmen Sandiego oh and Baki! As for anime I haven't found any I've gotten into lately though Inuyasha was my childhood ✨ not a comic book but my fav books are 'Sister light, sister dark’ and ‘White Jenna’ by Jane Yolen I haven't watched musicals since high school musical, that ended it for me
What about you, bee?
— 🍯
Ugh I'm such an idiot
When I saw coral I immediately thought of the color pink and was very confused when I looked up the actual snake
And he has freckles??? Can I kiss his freckles???
And oof I never know how to answer when someone asks me about my likes
So let's see
I've been trying to read books more and some I've been reading are A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson and Beetle and the Hollowbones, both really good books so far!
Just songs that I've had on repeat recently are Want U Around by Omar Apollo, She by Tyler the Creator, Naked by Doja Cat, and Online Class by Dev Lemons
Dancing, singing, and writing are all faves of mine too! Haven't written much lately tho except long ass thirsts to terrorize my moots with cough You can always find me just like singing to myself and doing stupid lil dances
The Netflix shows I really liked were Kid Cosmic and Love Death + Robots, they're both animated but are on complete ends of the spectrum lol
Also Oggy Oggy shut up I know it's a kids show but their lil :) faces fucking get me they're so cute
And ugh not Inuyasha I just got war flashbacks 😵😵
I grew up with it too and let's just say 13 year old me was very crazy and leave it at that😅
Some animes I'd recommend if you don't like the mainstream ones are Afro Samurai or Samurai Seven or Lupin the 3rd part IV, it's the animes I watched with my dad and really liked!
And I'll have to check those out! Sister Light Sister Dark sounds interesting
And as far as musicals go I sometimes listen to Heathers when it pops up on my playlist, sometimes, and some Hamilton songs try to repossess me but I refuse to listen to them
Chicago is a really good musical tho! I'd recommend!!
And that about covers it
You're probably sleep it is pretty late sorry heh
0 notes
fire-bear · 7 years
I'd like 6 and 8 with USUK! Also, I don't know why you think I would suggest sexy Santa for 17. It's funnier if Alfred is dressed up as old, fat Santa and Arthur still finds him incredibly sexy :D
This is #6. #8 is up next so I’ll get it written soon. Hopefully.
Someone had decorated the ER, Alfred noticed through hispain. There was tinsel on the walls, high enough to not cause ahazard. Small Christmas trees had been put on the reception desk. Thereceptionists themselves were wearing Santa hats: Alfred had a suddenvision of the decorator getting carried away and placing the hats ontheir heads without them noticing. He was unable to keep back a snortof laughter.
“Stop that,” said Matthew, jostling him byway of a reprimand. Alfred winced and Matthew grimaced. “Sor-”
“Not your fault,” Alfred said through grittedteeth. “Can we please just sit down somewhere?”
“Right.” Matthew deposited him onto one ofthe chairs in the little rows. “Let me just go talk to thereceptionists to find out how long we’ll have to wait.”
Matthew disappeared and Alfred finally let himself pullfaces at the pain which shot through him whenever he shifted. Hewasn’t sure he could feel his ankle – or his foot, for that matter.All that was there was a throbbing mess. Alfred was too scared tolook down at it but he hoped it wasn’t too bad. It was, after all,Christmas Day. He wanted to go home for dinner!
“Hey, Al,” said Matthew and Alfred satupright, surprised that he’d been drifting off, head resting againstthe back of the chair. Looking around, he found that his brother wasaccompanied by a nurse pushing a wheelchair.
“Aw, man!” said Alfred. “Do I reallyneed to?”
“Yup,” Matthew replied, unsympathetically.“I’ve filled in the form and the nurse has got you a bed. Comeon.”
With gentle hands and a lot of counts to three, Matthewmanaged to help Alfred onto one leg before he dropped him into thewheelchair. Alfred almost protested but the cheerful nurse spoke.“Great! Let’s get you fixed up, hm?”
“Thanks… uh?” said Alfred, leaning his headback so he could look up at the man. He seemed to be upside down fromhis vantage point.
“Feliciano,” said the nurse. “Pleased tomeet you. Have you been having a good Christmas? Before having tocome here, I mean.”
“Yeah! I mean, have you seen the snow?”
“From the windows, yes!” Feliciano said,excitedly.
“It’s awesome. A white Christmas, dude! How oftendo we get one of them?” He cut off with a hiss as the wheelchairbumped into a set of swinging doors.
“Oh, sorry!” exclaimed Feliciano. He didn’tsound contrite but Alfred didn’t mind since his bubbly personalitywas better than having some scary person looking after him. “I’llgive you something for that,” Feliciano continued, “when weget to the bed. Then Doctor Kirkland will come have a look at you.”
“Cool,” said Alfred.
Feliciano continued on his way through the hospital,passing by people with other broken limbs or people who seemed to beunconscious. Alfred shivered as he noticed them and hoped they’d beable to have a good Christmas once they’d gotten better. Finally,they arrived at a bed beside one whose curtains had been pulledaround it. There was voices from beyond it and Alfred tried not tolisten.
“Right,” Feliciano said once he’d pushed thewheelchair around until it was facing outwards. “Let’s get youonto the bed and get some painkillers into you.”
With some manoeuvring, they managed it, though Alfredjarred his leg at one point. He yelped in pain and screwed up hisface as his vision darkened briefly. Thankfully, he stayed consciousand his arm was soon hooked up to an IV. He watched the liquiddripping.
Once Feliciano had bustled away with a happy grin,Matthew sat down on the chair beside his bed. “I can’t believeI’m in the ER with you. Today.”
“Sorry, Mattie.”
“I hope you’ve learned your lesson.”
“Yup. Never doing that again,” Alfred assuredhim.
Matthew snorted. “I’ll believe that when I seeit,” he said. “I’m fairly sure I remember a younger versionof you doing the exact same thing with similar consequences.”
“Oh, come on,Mattie. Don’t go dredging up the past like that! Not cool!”
“It’s not my fault you’re doomed to repeateverything, whether it’s good for you or not.”
“Mattie,”Alfred whined, though not as loudly as normal. It took him a momentto work out what was wrong with his voice and realised that he wasfeeling… reallygood. The pain was completely gone. He kind of felt a little…floaty. Alfred tried not to grin and ended up grinning at his brotherregardless. Matthew raised an eyebrow; when Alfred didn’t respond orreact, he frowned.
“The painkillers are working,” Alfredinformed him, seeing as he seemed to be confused.
“Ah,” said Matthew, his own grin slowlyforming. “So it’s going to be just like last time.”
At that point, a doctor swept into their area andgrabbed the clipboard off the end of his bed. Alfred had to blink afew times to get his eyes to focus. It wasn’t that his vision hadgone blurry. Somehow, his vision had gone… wavy. As if he was lostat sea and bobbing around.
Finally, he was ableto make the man out – and almost fainted from shock. The doctor wasstraight up hot. Messyblond hair, like he’d been running his hand through it. Thickeyebrows. Legs which went on forever. Brilliant, bright green eyes.Like… like emeralds! Or very shiny parts of the ocean or water. Thebest bit, though, were the glasses.
A year or so ago, Alfred had gotten laser eye surgery.It meant that he could actually get lab goggles on his face withouthaving everything digging into him. He had rejoiced! But, since then,for some reason, people with glasses really did it for him. It wasstupid and strange – but the fact that this hot doctor was made allthe hotter with those specs had him gasping in surprise. The doctorlooked up at him and tilted his head before shrugging a shoulder andspeaking.
With an English accent, the hottest of all accents.
“Hello, MisterJones,” he said. “I’m Doctor Kirkland.” He glanced atAlfred’s ankle. “I see your Christmas has been a bit toomerry, hm?”
“It’s been awesome,” Alfred replied, still alittle awestruck. “And it just got more awesome.”
Kirkland raised an eyebrow. “I see.” Heglanced at Matthew and Alfred pouted at the loss of his attention.“Well, I’m just going to take a look at your ankle. How are thepainkillers treating you? If you start to feel ill, we’ll have tochange to a different kind, so let us know.”
“If I feel ill, you’ll come running?” askedAlfred, desperate to have Kirkland’s eyes on him.
He rejoiced as Kirkland glanced up, evidently bemused.“Or one of the nurses, most likely Feli.”
“Ah.” Why had Kirkland shortened Feliciano’sname? Were they dating? Maybe Alfred should flirt with Kirkland tokeep his attention. “Ah,” he repeated, thinking of theabsolute best way to flirt. “Doctor, doctor!”
Surprised, Kirkland blinked at him. “Yes?”
“If I go into cardiac arrest, will you give memouth-to-mouth?” Alfred grinned at Kirkland, hoping that madehis interest clear.
Frowning, Kirkland looked down at Alfred’s ankle,across the bed to Matthew who was stifling giggles, and back toAlfred. “It’s highly unlikely that you’ll go into cardiacarrest-”
“I will if you stay around for long!” Alfreddeclared.
“Oh…” Kirkland stared at him blankly for amoment before his cheeks suddenly turned pink. He shook his head. “Ishe always like this?” he asked Matthew.
“He gets a little… goofy, I suppose, when he’son strong enough painkillers,” Matthew told him.
“I see.”
“Didja not like that?” Alfred asked, feelingdownheartened as Kirkland resolutely went back to gently inspectingwhat he could see above Alfred’s boot. “I can tell you betterjokes, if you’d like?”
“Will that make you feel better?” Kirklandasked, absently.
“Yeah. Though, it’d make me feel better if I couldstare into those gorgeous eyes of yours.”
Matthew snorted. Kirkland straightened, keeping hiseyes down. “I’ll need to remove his boot and sock,” he saidto Matthew.
“Ah! No! Don’t ignore me!” Alfred cried witha pout.
Kirkland chuckled. “I can hardly do that, can I?Now, Mister Jones, you’ll have to keep as still as possible while Iremove this.”
“You can remove more than just the one, y'know,”said Alfred, winking at him.
Shaking his head, Kirkland began to untie the boot. “Ionly need to see this ankle, Mister Jones.”
“Dontcha wanna see more of me?”
Carefully, Kirkland began to slide the boot off,keeping Alfred’s foot as still as possible. “I’m not sure quitewhat you mean by that.” Setting the shoe aside, Kirkland peeledAlfred’s thermal sock away.
“Both what?” asked Kirkland, sending Alfred aconfused frown.
“Well, do you want to see me on a date with you?And do you want to see me, naked, on your be-”
“Al!” cried Matthew, knocking Alfred’s trainof thought completely off its tracks. “Stop!”
Blinking, Alfred looked between Matthew and Kirkland.“Huh?”
Cheeks pink, Kirkland continued prodding at Alfred’sankle. Little jolts of pain were quickly snuffed out by thepainkillers. “Well,” said Kirkland, “it’s swollenquite a bit so I’m of the opinion that it’s broken. We’ll have to getyou booked in for an x-ray to make sure before I can set it, ifthat’s the case.”
“Will it take long?” asked Matthew.
“No. Hopefully, it shouldn’t be too long.”Kirkland turned to Alfred. “I hope you’ve learnt to be a bitmore careful… Actually, how did you break your leg?”
“I was on the roof,” said Alfred, withoutthinking. Kirkland’s eyebrows raised, obviously incredulous. Alfredpaused, knowing how silly he’d been to end up in the ER. But hewanted Kirkland to be impressed… “There was a cat,” hesettled on saying.
“A cat?”
“A kitten, I think. It was on the roof while wewere playing in the snow. Mewing. It was so cute and I just hadto go rescue it. I’m always rescuing animals so I’m an expert-”
Matthew suddenly barked out a loud laugh. “Don’tlet him fool you, Doctor. He was playing in the snow with my son,making snowmen and having snowball fights but they left a large pileunder the roof-”
“Mattie!” Alfred cried, aghast.
“-and Al here decided that sledding off the roofwas a good idea.”
“Oh, dear,” said Kirkland, his lips twitchingas he tried to stop himself smiling.
“But, by that point, my son had gotten tired andwas more wary about the idea. So Al decided to show him there wasnothing to worry about. His friend, Ivan, told him that ‘snow issoft’.”
“Oh, no,” said Kirkland, grimacing. Hepursed his lips, as if to keep himself from laughing.
“To demonstrate, Al jumped – feet first – intothe snow drift. This is the end result.”
“Well, that’s unfortunate.”
“It’s not the first time he’s jumped off a roof,”Matthew continued, apparently warming up to his subject matter.Before Alfred could stop him, he forged on with the story when henoticed Kirkland’s interested expression. “When we were kids, hewanted to be a superhero so bad. He jumped off the roof of thislittle shed thing onto a trampoline so he could 'fly’. So, no, he’sprobably not learned his lesson.”
Kirkland finally cracked and laughed, his face lightingup completely. Alfred’s heart entirely melted and he almost didn’twant to stop it. But he couldn’t not say the most perfect line.
“Have you got a defibrillator? 'Cause I think youjust made my heart skip a beat.”
The laughter stopped with a surprised gasp. Kirklandstared at Alfred for a second, eyes wide, cheeks getting redder bythe second. Then he glanced at Matthew, gave them a weak smile andsaid, “I’ll get someone to take you to the radiologist.”
It was half an hour before Alfred was takenthere; they had splinted his ankle to keep it still but it began tothrob during the scan. Once he was returned to the bed, they gave himmore painkillers. He waited for someone to come tell him what washappening with nurses popping in to attach things to the clipboard ormake sure he was comfortable. At one point, Matthew got thirsty andwent away to find something to drink.
And that was when Kirkland reappeared.
“Hello again, Mister Jones. How are you feeling?”
“All the better for seeing you,” answeredAlfred with a wink. He still felt a little out of it; flirting withthe gorgeous man seemed like a great idea, especially when he gavehim a surprised and bemused smile.
“Let’s see what we need to do to get you home,Mister Jones.”
“Alfred,” he replied.
“Hm?” said Kirkland, looking a littleconcerned.
“You can call me Alfred.”
“I see.” Kirkland lifted the clipboard andquickly flipped through the pieces of paper. “Well, Alfred, itlooks as if it’s a pretty bad break. I’m going to have to realign thebones before I put a cast on it. Then you can go back to enjoyingyour Christmas day.”
“Aren’t you gonna tell me your name?” Alfredasked, pouting at the doctor.
Dr. Kirkland paused. “What do you mean? I alreadytold you that I’m Doctor Kirkland…” The doctor walked aroundthe bed, reaching up for his stethoscope. “Maybe thosepainkillers are too strong…” he murmured to himself.
“No,” Alfred insisted. “I knowyour doctor name. I wanna know your real name.”
Bemused again, Kirkland said, “And you don’t thinkmy 'doctor’ name is my 'real’ name?”
“Doc,” Alfred whined, pouting as muchas possible.
His doctor laughed. “My name is Arthur. And I’llbe right back. Don’t go anywhere.”
“’M'not stupid,” Alfred insisted.
“Says the man who jumped off a roof.”
Alfred grinned. When Arthur turned to walk off, Alfredquickly said, “Doctor, doctor!”
Pausing at the foot of the bed, Arthur turned his headto look over the top of his glasses at him. Alfred could tell that hewas trying to look unimpressed – but failing. His mouth had curvedup at one side so that he was half-smiling. Or smirking. Either way,he looked sexy as hell. “Hm?” he said.
“Do you have an inhaler? 'Cause you take my breathaway.”
Arthur rolled his eyes but his smile grew. “Getsome rest, Alfred. You’ve had a long day.”
Alfred thought about that and he suddenly realised howtired he was. He yawned and quickly nodded. “Sure thing, doc,”he mumbled and closed his eyes.
A little while later, he was woken by hisbrother. “Come on, Al,” he said. “The doctor has toset your bones.”
“I don’t want to wake you while I’m in the middleof this,” Arthur added from his other side.
“Okay,” Alfred said, tiredly. Hazy memoriescaught up with his brain and, with the befuddling drugs having mostlyrun their course, Alfred felt himself blushing. Had he really beenflirting with this sexy doctor? God, he must have sounded so stupid.But… He remembered Arthur’s smile and wondered if it had actuallyworked.
“I’m just going to give you something to numb yourankle. I’ll set the bones and then we’ll get the cast onto you.”Arthur gestured behind him and Alfred blinked, his eyes focussing onFeliciano who stood nearby with two halves of a huge, white boot. Thenurse gave him a cheery wave: Alfred waved back.
“Right,” he said, eyes lowering to look atArthur. The doctor was looking right at him and their eyes met. Theyheld each other’s gaze for a moment before Arthur wrenched his gazedownwards and to what he was doing.
It was amazing to watch Arthur work. His slim, delicatefingers danced across Alfred’s ankle. The needle of the syringedarted in and out with ease: Alfred barely felt the prick. ThenArthur was carefully, gently touching his ankle and foot, easing itaround until it was in the correct position. Never had Alfred sowished he’d never been giving the drugs to stop his pain – hewanted to be able to feel Arthur’s hands on him. Once that had allbeen done, Feliciano helped to put the cast on. Finally, they bothstepped away and Alfred now had a boot which he couldn’t take off. Hegrimaced as both he and Matthew listened to what Arthur had to sayabout his proper care, handing a prescription over to Matthew so hecould pick up more painkillers for him. Feliciano disappeared duringthe speech and returned with some crutches. He showed Alfred how towork them and handed them over.
“We’ll just get you discharged,” Arthur said,“and you can be on your way.”
“Wait! Doc. You can’t just cart me out like that,”Alfred pleaded.
“You needta sign my cast!”
Arthur stared at him in surprise. “I’m not goingto sign your cast,” he told him. “It’s only just set!”
“Al,” said Matthew, a warning in his tone.
“Oh, please! I wanna remember to send yousomething as a thank you,” Alfred added as he quickly racked hisbrain for something to say to encourage him to do it. He wanted to beable to look at it and remember the man; he may not know him verywell but he liked him a lot and didn’t want this last exchange to befinal.
“We don’t have a pen that will wor-” Arthurbegan.
“I do!” exclaimed Feliciano, bringing amarker out of his shirt pocket. Arthur stared at him.
“Why do you have that here? Those are supposed tobe-”
“I thought you could use it for something,Arthur,” said Feliciano, smiling wide.
Arthur’s eyes narrowed, clearly suspicious. “Feli…”
“Can you?” Alfred asked, practicallypleading.
Sighing, Arthur took the pen. “Oh, fine.” Hepopped the lid off the pen and, quick as a flash, bent over Alfred’scast. Alfred could barely contain his excitement, practicallyvibrating as Arthur’s hand curved over his ankle. When he finished,Arthur straightened, caught Alfred’s gaze, glanced away, looked back– and smiled at him. “Have a good Christmas, Alfred,” hesaid. And, after handing Feliciano the pen, he walked off at a briskpace.
Grinning, Feliciano said, “I’ll just get thedischarge papers sorted out.”
Once the nurse was gone, Alfred turned to Matthew, eyeswide. “I can’t see it – what’d he write!”
Matthew stood (he looked rather amused), scurriedaround the bed and stared down at it. He laughed again, eyesscrunching up behind his glasses from the force of it. “I can’tbelieve you!” he cried.
“What? What?!”
“It says, 'I do know CPR’ – and then he’swritten his number!”
Alfred was glad he was in the hospital because he felta little faint from the shock. Thankfully, that didn’t happen: hegrinned and searched his pocket for his phone, demanding Matthew readoff the number.
To Sexy Artie
Im definitly gonna need that when I get 2 c u again!
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ace--jace · 7 years
But don't just tease us like this! What's happening in your sims?
This ended up very long and im on mobile so no readmores oops!
Im basically just gonna copy paste what I messaged Cat the other day; Ive downloaded both the Pets and the Generations expansion packs because who doesnt want those packs?? So im having the time of my life, ok here goes~
-So I started out with AJ (me), my dog Hamlet, and my horse Keie; I'll start with the pets. Hamlet is amazing, and Keie was doing good at training for jumping and racing so I wanted to breed him so I bought Gatsby, a speckled grey, and they had a filly Seraf. Well at this point AJ had been collecting like 7 birds, three rodents, three reptiles, AND socializing with people; basically, she was stressed and decided to sell Gatsby and Seraf, Gatsby sold for 4k but I couldnt bring myself to part with Seraf just yet, so I got rid of the rodents, reptiles, and all but 3 birds. In total, the household was now: 3 birds, a dog, two horses, and AJ.
So while the animal drama was going on, AJ was attempting romance with various people cuz I want a lil baby ok? Mostly cuz there's new kid stuff in the expansion pack I downloaded; SO!! first dude she goes for isn't really her type, dont really get along, there's not a spark... and I got distracted by another more handsome dude, except this dude is married but idrc tbh I just want a baby, but he refuses my advances so FINE THEN actually good on you dude for being faithful but also HOW DARE YOU ahem....
Move on to guy #3, he's cute, he's a great kisser, we get along wonderfully~~~ who cares that he's got a gf, GIMME A BABY, except whenever we go to woohoo in the shower for some odd reason we argue??? Well come to find out that's a 'glitch' but before I knew that we'd basically gotten in so many arguments he refused to see me so my sink ends up breaking and I dont feel like fixing it so I call up a repairman and he walks in the door and immediately starts flirting with me so im like heck yeahh we'll show fucking idek his name BUT WE'LL SHOW HIM, ILL HAVE THE HANDYMAN'S BABY, plus we're both animal lovers and he's really charismatic and kind, so anyway I do a risky woohoo (from a mod) which has a 50/50 chance of getting you preggers, doesnt work, I think I tried twice with handyman cuz I remember once they did it in a pile of hay and once on the bed I think? NO BABY!!!!!!! Never saw the handyman again...........
Get back with the other dude, we end up spending a weekend at my ranch, risky woohooing all the damn time when I'm not running after the birds and horses, the dog is super self reliant he like dont care what im doing, AND SHE FINALLY IS PREGNANT!!!-
So, moving on from there we've had more updates!! Seraf's on fucking thin ice cuz she broke into my garden and trampled my one tomato plant, also she's just never happy???? So im considering selling her. AJ had a lovely baby boy, healthy and strong, named Lionel and she raises him up to a toddler without any help from his father Benjamin; she just wanted a baby to raise and take care of, but oh no what's this?????
Can it be???? Is she missing Benjamin???? Well that won't do so she brings toddler Lionel over to Benjamin's place where he lives with 3 other people, including his gf Hailey; so when they all come home, AJ does her damnedest to flirt and be as romantic with Benji as possible, in front of Hailey, to make her jealous
(Some bozo roommate mentioned being interested in pursuing a relationship, like, immediately and AJ was like dafuq is you I've got me a sexy baby daddy yo so that roommate hates me now)
Anywho, Hailey is an idiot and doesn't respond to AJ flirting with her bf and then they all get pissed cuz AJ starts making the bed like wow ok I know when im not welcome let's go Lionel
OHMYGOD and then!!!!! Benjamin came over for a visit and AJ left him in the house with the baby to go on a horse ride and well Benjamin's a fucking idiot; he left Lionel crying in his dirty highchair so I had to turn Keie around and go back home cuz Benji WAS PLAYING OUT ON THE WATER SLIDE the irresponsible idiot
Anywho, AJ still like him and she thinks they can work this out so Lionel has grown up into a young child and AJ has convinced Benjamin to break up with Hailey and Ive still gotta get rid of Seraf the Depressed Horse cuz I just cant handle her right now... Also, we've added a crow to our bird group
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