#you gotta believe in your friends and trust them
polyamorousmood · 3 days
Hey there :)
So I have no problem with my bf dating other people, and recently hes started having sth with someone else. Good for them! Legit, no problem with that by itself
But.. now I'm being left on read a lot, like majority of the time it feels like, no matter the topic or time. I just feel.. forgotten, I think, or replaced idk. But it feels pretty bad.
I dont want them to think I'm jealous or mad, I just wish he would still show me the same attention/care as before. Ive talked about how left on read makes me very insecure, due to fake friends and person past experiences before so I dont want to bring it up again.. but it hurts. Idk what to do?
Bad news, babe. You're gonna have to say something again. The good news though is that you can productively procrastinate it, because there's some stuff I want you to do first.
But before I get into that, I let having a cool opening distract me from very important other things that need said: That sucks, and I'm really sorry, but you can make it through this.
Now then. Time to productively procrastinate a difficult conversation. Look, I'm procrastinating it more by making it a read more! (It, um, it is A Lot. I took "blogging platform" literally on this one😅)
It sucks. Believe me, it bothers me too when I can't hear from my partner📵📴 because they're with my meta. It has been A Problem I've had to work through, so I think I'm actually pretty qualified to give advice on this.
Some of what I have to say is going to smart (old-timey word for sting) a bit, so I want to make it clear that I understand where you're coming from, so you can trust the part that stings is necessary. I imagine its something like this:
You relationship with your boyfriend is great! So great, you're happy for him to have someone else to love! That's. That's so rare and incredible, its a love beyond what most will know. And then he takes that love and wads it up and throws it in the back seat to make room for this new schmuck. The love is still there, it's just... in the back seat. And you never thought that would happen, because the relationship is so good! And you already said something, so you worry you're being a nag, which you don't want, because you ARE happy for them, you're so happy for them... except when you're not because you can't be happy when he can't be bothered to text you back. Its not really so much to ask, and you EXPLAINED why its important to you, so why doesn't he seem to care? You communicated, you did your part, and it was hard and scary! Surely harder than texting you back would be! And you don't want to feel like this, but. There's this anxiety that... shouldn't he want to text you back? Isn't that how he would act if he really did still care about you just as much?
Any of that resonate? I don't know you, so maybe some of it was way off base🎯, I don't know. But I hope enough of it was close enough to right that you know I get it when I say:
This isn't just your boyfriend fucking it up. This is, in part, probably you asking something unreasonable. To give you the exact same level of time an energy as when it was just you too is a big ask. To be able to supercede his time with the other person any time you want is a big ask. If you're only okay with your boyfriend having someone else if it doesn't cut into your time at all, how okay with it are you actually?
So before you talk to him about it, you gotta step back. Its not that you're wrong for feeling sidelined. But a poly relationship just isn't going to be the exact same as a monogamous one. It it were, I wouldn't have bothered making a blog, and I wouldn't have needed to because I wouldn't have a trail of loving, wonderful, burnt to ashes monogamous relationships behind me. Let's take a deep breath together. Pause here if you need.
Now, there are some questions here that do affect what I think would be fair. For example, if you're living with your boyfriend, and he's taking you for granted, always texting the other person when he's with you, you don't have any special time with him anymore, and then when he goes out its radio silence. That's a very different situation from you being in a long distance relationship so texting is your main form of communication/bonding and now he's got a new person that lives near him so he's with them constantly and now, what are you, chopped liver? for example. I'm going to give a list of things you might be doing that's unfair, and I want you to take a minute and evaluate as honestly as you can where you fall on that. This is a self-reflection, not an accusation, so please resist any temptations to get defensive (if you even feel them). I recommend taking out a pad of paper and committing to an answer for each. Some you may not be doing at all! Some okay maybe a little. And some now that you think about it, yeah actually, you're doing a lot. That's okay. You not handling it perfectly is okay, and doesn't mean we can't ask the boyfriend for accommodations still.
Are you valuing 1:1 time with your boyfriend as much as you're valuing (negatively) the time he spends 1:1 (not texting you) with his partner? IE, are you more bothered by him not texting you than you are appreciative when he takes time for you?
Are you texting him compulsively out of anxiety instead of because you have something more important to discuss?
Are you accidentally infringing on his other partner's time?
Are you trying to infringe on his other partner's time to reassure yourself that you're important to him?
Are you texting him to "test" him?
When you communicated that you didn't like being left on read, did you properly convey how big of a problem it is for you and what your expectations were?
When you communicated, did you allow space for negotiation and to work on the problem, or was it more like a list of demands?
Are you misplacing your feelings somehow? Is there something else that's bothering you that you don't feel comfortable bringing up?
Are you letting your anxieties run you? Is there something you could be doing to address your feelings?
Are you forgetting to weigh other allocations or shows of love he's making or you?
Is there anything else internally you might be overlooking in regards to this?
Whew! Heavy stuff. But you made it!🎉 Now, we'll dig into how his actions are making you feel. That last set was about what you could be doing better, and this one will help determine he could be doing better. But just like we weren't making accusations about you, we aren't making accusations about him either. We are assuming good faith on your boyfriend's part. This is still ultimately about your feelings and what reasonable accommodations could be made for them.
Do you feel the time allocation for you vs his other partner is fair? Why?
Does he seem to text them back more than you?
Does it seem like he's not taking your concerns seriously enough?
Does this issue look like a larger pattern? If so, what? How will that look long-term?
Has he made specific promises he hasn't kept to you in regards to this? If so, what were they and how hasn't he lived up to them?
Do you feel he's made adequate time for you to discuss concerns, or do you feel like he tries to rush through them?
Do you think he gave you a reasonably clear expectation of what him dating someone else would look like (or did he make it seem "nothing will change")?
Has he not responded to something critical?
Is there anything else he's done in regards to this that doesn't sit right with you?
You did it! 🎉Now we can officially start working on problem-solving. I imagine that was a lot more than you bargained for, for such a simple problem as "I want a text back," but its important to get everything laid out. This helps in a lot of ways. It helps guard against striking on a "solution" that isn't actually sustainable. It makes sure you're starting a discussion in good faith. And hopefully, it will help minimize having to return to the issue.
For the sake of formatting, we're going to address the questions for you first, then the questions about him, then how to have the hard conversation, then workarounds that you may not have considered that aren't really your or his problem. I actually think that third group has some of the better "quick fixes", if you can find one that works.
Starting with the questions about what you could be doing better, in order, skip any that don't apply:
Re: valuing 1:1 time -- Make active efforts to appreciate the time you do have more. Use this time as a guard against negative thoughts when he is unable to respond ("We spent all day together yesterday, a few hours today without hearing from him is fine")
Re: texting compulsively -- Be more vigilant about self-soothing. I find self-talk to be most effective for me. I cannot possibly cover everything here, but it sounds like it stirs up fears you're losing your partner. Since you cannot guarantee that will never happen, I find it most helpful to reassure myself I will be okay even if I do lose them. Another option is to make a reassurance bank, where you can store and see evidence of his affection without asking it from him. Your mileage may vary. If you really struggle with this, there's always therapy.
Re: accidental infringing -- Be more mindful of what you send. Save things that are non-urgent to discuss later, when you have his attention anyway.
Re: deliberate infringing -- Stop it. It will only strain things and make the outcomes you don't want more likely. See self-soothing. Find something else to distract you that you can put energy into.
Re: "testing" him -- See above. I know, its easier said than done. Do the hard work. That shit can ruin your life.
Re: didn't adequately express importance -- Well, its a good thing we're about to talk about it anyway! Really think through how you can explain how badly it makes you feel. We'll get into that more when we discuss How To Have the Conversation
Re: list of demands -- Well, its a good thing we're going to talk about it anyway! This time, see it as a negotiation. Ask him if that's feasible, or if its too much. But open to trying alternate solutions.
Re: misplaced feelings -- Take the advice on How To Have a Conversation and apply it to the thing that's actually the problem.
Re: managing anxieties -- Again, you'll have to find a way to self-soothe somewhat. That's not to say your partner shouldn't meet you halfway, but you do have to do your half.
Re: forgetting other expressions of love -- Literally make a list of all the things he's done/is doing for you. As many as you can think of. Add to it often. Pick a couple and do a deep dive on why that mattered so much to you and how you felt. Tell him, too. You gotta be grateful consciously, bro. This applies to all of life
Re: anything else -- Take that into account. Work on that, too, however you can. Be honest with him about your shortcomings when you address it.
A lot of these will require upkeep on your part (kind of mirrors🪞how texting you back consistently requires upkeep on his, huh?). Be prepared to discuss the changing you're going to make and have an actionable plan for them. Okay, his turn, same as before:
Re: fair time allocation -- does he need to make more time for you? Do he need to make protected time that is only for you? You said you feel forgotten, replaced, so maybe this is part of it.
Re: unequal texting -- first, consider why. If he lives with you, he's probably going to have to text the other person in front of you sometimes. If you still think its too much, again, protected time for you may be appropriate, he may need to do a better job keeping his New Relationship Energy (NRE) in check. Be prepared to discuss this, possibly including him defending himself!
Re: not taking concerns seriously -- Well, its a good thing we're discussing this again! Make sure you have an actionable, measurable metric he can do to show you progress here. (IE ❌"I need you to care more" ❌ but ✅"When you're unable to respond, I need you to say that you're busy so I know you thought of my needs" ✅)
Re: bigger patterns -- You will have to tell him you're concerned about those too. If it could become untenable for you, this will probably be a recurring discussion. Consider scheduling check-ins where you say one thing you think is going well and one thing you're worried about, for example.
Re: unkept promises -- here, you are super justified in being mad. Try not to be anyway. Try to be curious and interested in addressing the root problem. Ask him what got in his way, what middle ground he's confident he can manage. It is you and him vs the problem, even here, not you vs him.
Re: inadequate room to discuss -- Set expectations before the talk, and remind him of them if he forgets. (IE "I know this isn't nice to hear, but I need you to let me say my piece and talk through solutions, even if it takes awhile." and "I said I needed to talk through the solution. This sounds nice, but I'm concerned about X. How can we make sure that doesn't happen?") Consider reserving specific time to discuss it, consider reserving recurring time to discuss any problem, if you need it.
Re: didn't set expectations appropriately -- ask. Ask what this would ideally look like to him. If he's having trouble getting started, point out some differences you've already noticed, and ask if he thinks those are the new norm.
Re: didn't respond to something critical -- Establish a way he can see what is critical and what isn't. This might be texting something that can wait, but calling for something important, for example.
Re: anything else -- address that too. Give him a chance to explain himself. etc.
Okay, you've done everything up to this point alone. You're prepped. Now How Do You Have The Conversation?
For this type of stuff, I recommend the WIBS format. That is, "When [something happens], I feel [feelings] Because [explanation] So could you please [change]". But of course, it can't be that simple either. Critically you CANNOT say "you" before the "so could you please". The example I'm about to give is going to use the texting issue specifically, but if you've done the soul searching and found there's a bigger problem you want to address (which ngl, sounds like there might be something bigger based on what you sent), adjust accordingly! This is good general advice for any tough conversation. Anyway, here's what that might look like on the texting thing:
"When I am left on read, I feel anxious and betrayed, because I've had a lot of friendships completely fall apart, and that's always how it started. So could you please make a point to text me something when you read my message, even if its just 'lol' or you saying you want to discuss it later."
But wait a minute! That doesn't include any of the bullshit I just made you do. What the hell am I trying to pull? Okay okay, so we have to modify this a bit. Our new format is going to be something more like this: "When [something happens], I feel [feelings and impact], because [explanation]. I have tried [things you've tried], and I am still struggling because [reason why that hasn't helped, including what you could do better]. So I was hoping to look at some more solutions, like, would you be willing to try [change]." Which might in practice look something like
"When I am left on read, I feel so anxious and betrayed I start spiraling thinking the relationship is doomed, because I've had a lot of friendships completely fall apart, and that's always how it started. I have tried dropping some hints and self soothing, and I'm still struggling because this is a really bad anxiety that I didn't have to deal with before recently and even with the hints I'm not getting the response rate I would like. So I wanted to talk about it and see if you'd be willing to try making a point to text me something when you read my message, even if its just 'lol' or you saying you want to discuss it later."
And then! The discussion continues. Maybe he says "oh my god, yeah, I didn't realize it was bothering you that much, absolutely I can do that" and maybe he says "I'm with you all the time how is this still a problem?" or maybe its "actually, [other partner] gets really anxious when I text, which is why I don't respond unless its important. I figured I could talk to you about dinner plans any time" and whatever the case is, you keep talking until you've set on clear goalposts and have reassurance they feel okay to all parties. So in order, your responses might be something like "are you sure you can manage that? I was really worried by my hints not being picked up on that that was the reason", "I know its a problem. That's why I'm talking to you about it. If that's not a good solution to you, let's come up with something else, because the way things are is really hard on me," and "okay. I don't want to make [other partner] anxious either, but this isn't working for me, can we find something else to try?"
Allow him to explain, be prepared to explain more yourself, and be willing to try a variety of solutions. Acknowledge
Is this my longest post yet? Maybe! Wild. Let's top it off with something easier: The Hack Solutions🧑‍💻. Sometimes, anxiety isn't logical, and goofy workarounds can be super helpful! Here are some off the top of my head, but feel free to get creative, too! Not all of these may be feasible, not all of them may help. But a lot less work than some other solutions so worth mentioning!
You said being "left on read" is what bothers you. Can you just... turn off read receipts? Or switch to a messaging app that doesn't have them? Can he just not read your texts until he has the time to respond?
A lot of phones have a driving mode, that will send an automated reply to texts. Can he turn that on when he's with his other partner so you get a reply like "hey I'm busy rn, but I'll text back later!" and would that help?
If you just want to feel more involved, maybe it would help if he just like, took a picture of his pizza to send to you. Reminds you you're thought of, doesn't require conversation.
Something that I've done with friends is write like, a dozen short affirmations/reassurances, and have them keep them in a special spot. When they need to feel loved, they can take one out to read. This has worked PHENOMENALLY for them, and still protects your partner's time away while allowing you to get love direct from your partner WHENEVER you want.
Can he just kick it with you both concurrently?
Can you have a friendship with your meta where you text THEM like "tell [bf] to text me back real quick" and then your bf doesn't feel bad about texting in front of the other partner because they're telling him to do it?
Classically condition yourself. Like, every time he leaves you on read, eat a chocolate. And then sometimes instead of it being "boyfriend won't text me :(((" it'll be "oooo! candy time!"
ai yai yai! That's all I have, though! Come back if you need help working through some specifics. I'm very happy to help however I can. Its not your fault you're struggling with this. Most polyam relationships have to deal with this to some extent, but with a little effort, you can make it through. Best of luck to you, friend. 💙💖🖤
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writtenbymoonflower · 3 months
how about
and hear me out
room mate! marauders who are obsessed with their shy roomate
oh trust me, hunny, i am hearing you. hope this is okay! shy gn!reader x poly!marauders
cw: nothing really, just fluff, reader is very flustered
1.1k words
Your eyes were blurry as you shuffled into the sunny kitchen. You weren’t used to waking up to the curtains open and breakfast on the stove. You’d lived with people before of course, but none as lively as this bunch. You weren’t complaining, though, you were quickly warming to them, even though you had probably spoken a total of 50 words to your new housemates in the three weeks you had lived with them. Most of these words likely consisting of sorry, excuse me, thank you. 
They had been talking though. Ever since the day you met they had been treating you like their best friend. Not even that. They were all best friends. (Though you considered that wasn’t all, on more than one occasion you had caught Sirius with his head in James’ lap, or Remus’ legs swung over one of the other boys. You had also observed a fair number of kisses between the three boys). But rather, they treated you like something precious, like a porcelain doll they were begging to get a hold of.
That thought made you immediately think of the nickname Sirius (or ‘Pads’ as the boys occasionally called him) had stuck you with. 
“Hey, dollface! You sleep well?” The coal-haired boy looked like he was itching to beckon you under his arm, but resisted. You were thankful, not knowing if you could survive that.
“It was good.” You hummed, barely legible to James over the sound of his bacon sizzling. You padded over to the breakfast table, sitting one chair away from Sirius and his huge bowl of cereal. No sooner had you sat down when a steaming cup of coffee was placed in front of you by a spindly hand. 
“Here you go, dovey.” Remus sat in the chair between you and Sirius. 
“Oi, Moons. You’re blocking my view.” You turned in your chair to look behind you at the ‘view’ he was referring to, brows scrunching in confusion when all you saw was the archway. You heard a light chuckle from Remus and a snicker from Sirius as you whipped back around. The possible meaning dawned on you, making you his your heated face in your mug.
“Don’t torture the poor thing.” James scolded, giving a (what you were sure he believed was comforting) squeeze to your shoulder before he sat on your other side.
“I never tortured anyone.” Remus corrected from behind his morning paper, slowly eating a cup of berry-yogurt. “Collective punishment is a war crime, Prongs” 
“Leavin’ me to the wolves huh, Moons?” Sirius sassed, sipping on his coffee that was mostly just cream and sugar. 
“Oh trust me, I’m sure we all know how much you’d love to be left to the wolf.” James smirked, clearly in on a joke that you had no idea about. He abandoned his teasing to turn to you, fixing a horribly kind look that made your tummy turn to mush. “There is some bacon and eggs on the stove for breakfast, but I’m sure Sirius would let you into his cereal.” 
“There’s also yogurt.” Remus looked pointedly to his near-empty cup. 
“Oh no, I’m okay. I could never take your food. I’m not hungry anyway.” You muttered into your mug. 
“You’ve gotta eat somethin’ babydoll. Can’t have you skipping meals.” Sirius had a playful, if not protective tilt to his tone. 
“I’ll find somethin’ don’t worry.” You scrubbed your bleary eyes with irritated cadence, still on the brink of sleep despite the warm caffeine swirling in your system. Thick fingers wrapped around your wrist to pull your offending hand away. 
“Gentle, sweetheart.” James scolded lightly. “Gonna hurt yourself like that.” He squeezed your hand before letting it go but it felt oddly like your face and your lungs were being squeezed as well. If this was the boys normal, you weren’t sure if you were going to survive. 
You mumbled a sorry looking at the mahogany table like it held the meaning of life, or the extra hour of sleep you desperately craved. 
“What’ve we told you? You say sorry too much, sweet thing. It’s like, your favorite word or something.” Sirius laughed, slurping down his cereal milk and licking his chops. You bit back another apology and rubbed your eyes again, though much more gentle this time. James cooed in sympathy. 
“You still sleepy?” He rubbed your back again, which made you both more heated and more drowsy. 
“Yeah.” You hummed, shamefaced as you played with the hem of your oversized t-shirt. You were thankful that you were still too shy to not wear long pants around them, because they would definitely be able to tell how tensed your legs were. Remus set his paper down.
“Do you have work today, love?” 
“No, ‘s my day off.” James grinned at that, but Sirius spoke up. 
“Happy coincidence! It’s ours too.” He grinned. “How about we all watch something? We can put something on in the lounge room and you can catch a bit of sleep on the settee?” He suggested. You shrunk at the thought of sleeping in front of them, but weren’t opposed to the idea.
“We’ll make sure to wake you up so you don’t sleep the day away.” James added, still rubbing your back. You were easily convinced. 
“Okay, that does sound nice.” Barely above a whisper. 
“We can all have a big lunch when you get up, too. Maybe we could go out?” Remus suggested as he led you gently to the living room. You tried to make your way to the armchair, but you were tugged to the couch. 
“That won’t be comfy, dollface. Here you go.” Sirius sat on the settee close to one arm, Remus by the other. Sirius pulled you between them while James sat on the floor and you whined in protest. 
“No, I’ll move. You sit here, James.”
Remus swore that was the loudest he had ever heard you speak. 
“No, I’m good right here. Thanks though, sweetness.” James reassured. He was sat in the middle, though rather close to Remus so the mousy boy could reach out with one hand and scratch James’ scalp, roving his long fingers through the thick curls. You were so distracted that you were startled when Sirius tugged on you again, maneuvering your head onto a pillow that laid on his lap. You tensed before relaxing into his warmth. You tucked your legs into yourself as Remus covered you with a blanket before going back to loving on James. 
“There you go, baby. That feel nice?” Sirius said, unfamiliarly soft as he stroked your hair, hand a welcome warmth on your scalp. 
Baby. Baby. Baby.
It would surprise you if you woke up from this nap. Your heart had nearly stopped on the spot.
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love-bitesx · 11 months
HI MIAAA just have... Hobie brainrot... About little details in every day life like 😭😭 him nonchalantly pulling u by the waist so he's on the side of the street facing the road, him towering you in the bus or underground, blocking you from the big mass of bodies or any possible creeps (had my share when bus is too crowded 😭), or giving you the window seat because ita your favorite and that way he can block u from the aisle and protect u like with the street thing 🥹🥹 letting you fall asleep in his shoulder or hugging his arm. Sitting always in the chair facing the door when u go to a cafe or a pub, so he can watch out for any possible threats that could come in and be ready for them, so u can rest assured and enjoy ur time. Letting you play with his rings when you're bored or anxious, holding you tight when you hide a bit behind him if you're too shy when he first introduces you to his friends, his hand giving u a reassuring squeeze. !!! EXCHANGING BATTLE JACKETS <<333333 maybe yours fits him a little shorter but its so cute... Such a bonding act.... Making patches or diy badges for each other's jackets too!!! Painting each other nails and kissing the knuckles for every nail painted 😭❤️❤️ i could go on and on. I LOVE HIM!!!!
i’d like to elaborate, if you don’t mind—
his brain was so wired to protect you that half the things he did weren’t even consciously (cupping his hand around corner of tables or cupboards so you don’t hurt yourself/hit your head, steering you to the other side of the pavement, away from the road, etc.). of course, you knew having spider-man as a boyfriend, you’d be safer than most, but when the mask comes off and it’s just your hobie, dark eyes lidded, watching you through his lashes as he towers you at the packed bus stop, cuffed arm pressed above your head, you knew nothing bad could ever touch you.
something about him mindlessly towering you on the tube just. wow. it’d be packed, rush hour hitting and he swore he could’ve just swung you both to your location, but you refused. swinging made you nauseous, and the tube wasn’t all that bad. if you chose to sit down, his ringed hand would be glued to your thigh, not to be a flirt, but to ease your anxiety, know that you’re safe and that he was there. if it’s too busy, he’d let you play with each steel band, secretly calmed by the sensation.
standing up, however, he’d hold onto the railing on the roof, free hand on your hip to bring you flush against him, grip tightening at every bump and screech of the crooked underground carriages. you know it isn’t his intention to tease you, but the way his body moved around yours at every turn, his cologne and natural scent inescapable with how close he held you, and the incredibly nonchalant intimacy of it all. something about the smirk that sat on his pierced lips, however, made you believe that his intentions aren’t always mindless. anytime you questioned him about it, he’d brush off your accusations, simply saying;
“too many creeps around ‘ere, darlin’. gotta keep you safe.”
he trusts you with every part of him and more, but his trust for other people was non-existent at best. so, at the pub, he always liked to be able to feel you (within reason (or without, actually, he wasn’t fussy)). whether it’s simply your knees pressed together, or you playing with his hands from across the table, arm snaked around your waist or shoulders as you sat next to him. he’d like to keep you away from the door, sandwiched between himself and his mates.
although he insists his intentions are strictly safety-related, he’d be lying through his teeth if he said that the visible rush of blood to your cheeks and falter in your voice as his hand slides across the skin of your thigh under the table, wasn’t an added bonus. the smug prick.
he’d share everything with you, if it’s possible. clothes? yours. no question. jewellery? yours. badges, patches, safety pins with beaded designs? yours within a heartbeat. hell, you even had a collection of guitar picks on your bedroom dresser that he’d been dying to give you after special shows. you had no use for it, but the giddy smile he wore on his face as he kissed it between his lips and offered it to you, who are you to refuse that?
speaking of gifts; if he wasn’t the one and only spider-man (well, of his dimension) then his criminal record would be miles long, purely because of the sheer amount of stuff he steals for you. he’s like a cat. anytime he leaves you for the day, he’ll crawl back through your window with pockets full of tiny trinkets he’d robbed throughout the day. anything he sees that even remotely makes him think of you and he’s slyly sneaking it into his back pocket – and trust me, it’s a lot.
all in all, he’d go to insane lengths to keep you safe, and if he’s able to keep a smile on your face – and a blush on your cheeks – whilst he does it? then he’s a very happy man. loves you more than he could ever say, and hopes these little measures let you know that.
i’m violently in love with this man, i actually need to be sedated
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lovelyjj · 7 months
jj maybank x kook!reader
request: Heyyyy I really love your works, I kindly request if you can please write a tumblr story of how JJ maybank likes both kook reader (Sarah’s cousin she introduced to the group and treasure hunt) and Kiara at the same time and he has to choose between the two and ends up choosing reader and Kiara moves on soon too
wc: 4.7k
a/n: I kinda changed the plot a little bit where Kiara and Sarah already worked out their differences. sorry this took forever!!
Tumblr media
JJ watched her. He was captivated by her beauty. He watched as her long dark curls bounced as she walked. He admired her tan skin. He watched as she waited tables and rung up customers.
JJ was at the wreck while Kiara worked. He didn’t mind as he was mesmerized. Kiara didn’t seem to mind her visitor.
“Hey what are you doing here?” Kiara questioned.
“Just came to visit you,” JJ smiled.
“I’m working JJ.”
“I know I won’t bother you, promise.”
Kiara didn’t believe him when he said this however she still smiled and nodded back at him.
JJ stayed at the wreck for another hour before he decided to go home. When he got home he couldn’t stop thinking about Kiara. He thought about her smile and her laugh and her personality.
He loved hanging out with her even if it was to watch her work. JJ was confused as to how he can like someone so much.
You never been to this so called Midsummers. Sarah has been raving about it to you for so long you grew tired of hearing about it. You and Sarah were currently getting ready for the party.
“Do you want me to do your eyeliner?” Sarah asked.
“Yes please,” you responded.
Sarah sat down in the seat in front of you and got busy.
“So are you excited for Midsummers?” you asked Sarah.
“Yeah I guess so, I’m just a little bummed because I don’t think John B will be there.”
“And John B is the guy your leaving Topper for?”
“Correct. Now hold still and close your eye.” Sarah demanded.
After a little while the both of you were ready for Midsummers. You were wearing a baby blue silk dress that matched Sarah’s white dress perfectly.
You arrived at the country club right on time and you were a bundle of nerves. You never been to Midsummers before and you were nervous because you didn’t know what it would be like.
Of course Sarah told you everything about it but still it didn’t ease your nerves. When you stepped out of the car you were met with a ton of people all dressed very nicely.
After Ward made his entrance and after a while of socializing you and Sarah made it to the dance floor.
Sarah was hiding behind her friend and sneaking some champagne.
You were on the dance floor living it up. When a mysterious blonde boy came up behind Sarah.
“JJ?” she questioned.
“yep” He spoke
“I got a, uh, note from Vlad.” “Shh.”
“From Vlad?” Sarah confirmed.
“Yeah” JJ replied.
“Read the note.” JJ said walking backwards.
Sarah read the note and ran off. You were confused by the whole interaction by brushed it off. You continued dancing.
After a while Sarah came back to find you.
“Hey listen we gotta go to Rixon’s Cove,” Sarah exclaimed.
“What why?” you asked.
“You’ll see,” she smirked.
Sarah grabbed your hand and led you away from the party and towards Rixon’s Cove. When you arrived you were met with a group of people.
They all turned towards you and you gave them all a smile.
“Hi guys, This is my cousin y/n,” Sarah announced.
“Hi, nice to meet you all,” you spoke.
“You can trust her,” Sarah put forth.
“Hi y/n, I’m John B.”
“I’ve herd a lot about you,” you giggled as Sarah’s cheeks warmed.
“Hi I’m Kiara,” she got up and shook your hand. You smiled at her.
“I’m Pope,” Pope said.
You turned your gaze to the only person who hasn’t introduced themselves.
JJ was frozen in place. He couldn’t believe his eyes. There you were in your shiny silky blue dress looking like a goddess. JJ didn’t believe in love at first sight until now.
“JJ,” Pope coughed.
“What oh right sorry, I’m JJ, JJ Maybank, pleasure to meet you.”
You thought JJ was cute and you wondered if he had a girlfriend, probably you thought.
“Now that we are all acquainted. I have some news,” John B announced.
“You ready for this?”
“Yeah,” Kiara responded.
“So, the gold never went down with the Royal Merchant,” John B continued.
“Oh, my god. Here we go again with this.” Pope voiced.
“No. All right, wait. Hear him out, all right?” JJ spoke.
“It’s been here the whole time. It’s on the island.” John B added.
“Are you serious?” Kiara questioned.
“Oh my god.” Kiara exclaimed.
“I’d like to voice my skepticism.” Pope said.
“I’m sure you would, Pope, but can I please present you with my evidence, sir?” John B asked.
“Proceed.” Pope responded.
“All right. So, in my backpack, I have a letter from Denmark Tanny.” John B went on.
“Who the hell’s that?” Kiara asked.
“Denmark Tanny was a slave that survived the Royal Merchant wreck. Check this out,” John B explained.
“What?” Kiara voiced.
John B handed her the letter. “Here you go.”
“Okay, slaves weren’t mentioned as crew members on the ship, but my dad, he found the complete manifest. That was his big discovery. So Tanny used the gold from the Merchant to buy his freedom.” John B discussed.
Kiara whistled and gave Pope the letter.
“After that, he bought his farm.” John B continued.
“Drumroll, please, because that farm is… Tannyhill Plantation.”
“Tannyhill?” Kiara questioned.
“Yeah. So, after that, he used his money to free even more slaves, and then he sold a shit-ton of rice, which pisses off all the white planters, and then they decide to lynch him.”
“So on the day they were coming to get him, he writes a letter to his son as a farewell, and in the last line of that letter, he leaves a coded message about where to find the gold.”
“Where?” Kiara whispered.
“Harvest the wheat in parcel nine, near the water. Except… there’s no wheat. You see, wheat is code for gold. Check this out. The gold is in parcel nine, near the water.” John B shared.
“Holy shit,” Pope exclaimed.
“All we need is an original survey map of the property, and we’ve found the gold.” John B cheered.
“Which I can get,” Sarah added.
“Okay, so this might have a small chance of being actually true.” Pope acknowledged.
“Dude it’s like King Tut,” Kiara suggested.
“I am a genius,” John B announced.
JJ got up and walked over to John B and embraced him.
“Hey, whoa! Hello! Fire! You’re near the fire. You’re gonna burn.” John B stated.
“I’m so proud of you right now.” JJ commented.
“Thank you. That’s really sweet of you,” John B expressed.
“Okay, so, guys. What’s the plan?” Pope asked.
“Good question,” John B stated.
“Well I can bring the map soon it should only take a second,” Sarah spoke.
“How much in gold are we talking?” you asked.
“400 million.” The pogues said together.
“Woah,” you stated shocked.
“Alright we can meet up later and get the map and go from there,” John B suggested.
After the meeting at Rixon’s Cove you all went home and thought about what was said. When you finally got home you couldn’t stop thinking about JJ. It’s like you were drawn to him.
There has been a few meetings about the gold and you were grateful to be apart of it and apart of the group. You felt like you finally found a group of friends.
Today you were going surfing to celebrate finding the gold. There was also gonna be a party at the boneyard but that was tomorrow.
Once you got to the beach you felt like you should mention you don’t know how to surf.
You voiced your concern about not knowing how to surf and JJ jumped up.
“I could teach you,” JJ exclaimed.
“Really? You’d do that for me?”
“Yeah of course.”
While the other pogues went to hit the water you and JJ stayed on the sand. JJ wanted to get to know you and he thought the perfect opportunity to do that was teaching you how to surf.
“Alright before we hit the water we must practice on the sand. First i’m gonna teach you about paddling.” JJ went on.
JJ proceeded to show you how to paddle. Then JJ showed you how to stand on the board and maintain your balance.
“We will get you in the water another day,” JJ started.
“Ok sounds good.”
You and JJ sat in the sand watching the others surf. JJ was so proud of you for learning so fast. Now was his chance to learn about you.
“So what do you like to do if you don’t surf?” JJ asked.
“Well I like to read and ride my bike.”
“Really? Ya know i have a dirt bike. I could take you on it sometime.” JJ hoped his invitation wasn’t too forward.
“Yeah that sound fun,” you exclaimed.
“Do you believe in soulmates?” JJ asked next.
You paused for an moment to think then you smiled and JJ just about died at the sight.
“I mean yeah, I think everyone has a person made for them and someone who completely understands you and loves you unconditionally is important to have.”
“I agree I believe there’s an intense connection where both people feel deeply drawn together as if the affair was somehow destined to be.”
JJ’s eyes were sparkling and you felt mesmerized.
“What’s your love language?” You asked.
“Hmm probably physical touch, which is funny,” JJ replied.
“Yeah mine too. Why is it funny?”
“I just didn’t expect it to be physical touch.”
“What's the best gift you've ever received, and why?” JJ asked.
“Umm probably concert tickets because it was Lana Del Rey and I love her a lot.”
“Really that’s so cool. Personally I love concerts.” JJ exclaimed.
“Yeah there the best,” you stated.
“What kind of music do you like?” JJ questioned.
“Um I listen to pop, indie pop, modern rock, indie folk and Hollywood.” you explained.
“That’s some good stuff right there,” JJ commented.
“Will I see you at the boneyard party tomorrow?” JJ asked.
“Yes you will,” you smiled.
After everyone was done surfing you all went to John Bs house. Everyone decided to just relax and watch movies.
The boneyard parties are always fun. You had no idea because you’ve never been to one. Being a kook you never really branched out. Now you had a group of your friends that would be there.
You arrived with Sarah in a white sundress with yellow flowers on it. You were excited and nervous at the same time. The beach was buzzing with people. You were entranced by the energy of the people.
JJ was situated on a branch talking to Kiara.
“I haven’t seen you talk to any tourons lately,” Kiara stated.
“Yeah I’m growing tired of them. Their all the same,” JJ replied.
“JJ Maybank is passing up on sleeping with tourons, unheard of!” Kiara gasped in surprise.
Little did Kiara know that he liked her and didn’t see a point in filling his life with meaningless sex when all he really wanted was her.
Then JJ spotted you across the way and his whole face lit up. You looked hot. You were in a group of people with Sarah laughing at something someone said.
JJ wasn’t sure if he should approach you but he desperately wanted to hear your laugh.
You were mingling when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and were surprised to see JJ.
“You’re here!”
“I am,” you responded.
“Have you had something to drink,” JJ noticing your empty hands.
“No I haven’t.”
“Come on, let’s get you something to take the edge off.” JJ insisted.
JJ guided you to where the keg was. He poured you a drink and handed it to you. Then he proceeded to pour one for himself.
“You look nice,” JJ smiled.
You took a sip of your beer trying to hide your blush.
“Thank you,” you answered shyly.
“Do you want to go down to the water?” You asked JJ.
“Yeah sure,” JJ called.
The two of you made your way to the waves and you stuck your feet in the water. JJ was wearing boots so he just stepped near the water.
“Ya know I’ve always loved the water. I used to come down to the beach with Sarah. First we would watch for dolphins. Then we’d play in the waves til sunset. It was always so magical and fun we wouldn’t even care walking back wet.”
“That sounds perfect.” JJ commented.
“It was,” you smiled.
All of a sudden you got an idea. When the next wave came bringing in water that went up to your knees, you scooped up some water and flicked it towards JJ.
JJ scoffed but then he began to laugh and he said, “oh it’s on.”
JJ then proceeded to splash you and you splashed him back. This caused you to erupt in a fit of giggles.
JJ finally got to hear your laugh and it was music to his ears.
Soon the both of you were soaked and you were both smiling. Then horror struck you as you realized you were wearing white.
“Oh my god!” You shrieked and your hands flew up to cover your chest.
JJ tried to get the image out of his head he really tried but your dress stuck to you like glue and he could see the outline of your nipples pass your light blue bra.
He thought about what it be like to suck on them and he instantly felt ashamed.
You were panicking. But it could’ve been worse you could’ve not been wearing shorts underneath your dress. Thank god you did.
JJ quickly took off his shirt and gave it to you. “Here.”
You looked relieved and JJ smiled.
You took it from him and pulled the wet garment over your head. “Thanks.”
“Come on I know somewhere we can dry off,” JJ extended his hand out for you to take.
This gesture didn’t go unnoticed by you but you didn’t question it. You laced your fingers with JJ’s and made your way to the château.
“First I need another drink,” you stated.
“We’ve got beer at John B’s.” JJ whispered.
Once you arrived at the château, JJ led you through the hall into his room. He took out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt along with a towel to dry off.
“Thank you JJ.”
After you changed in the bathroom JJ was already ready dressed in sweats and no shirt.
“You look good in my clothes,” JJ smirked.
You blushed and hoped it wasn’t noticed by JJ.
“You really think so?” you questioned.
“Yep,” JJ remarked.
You opened your arms signaling you wanted to give JJ a hug. JJ was surprised but he would certainly not pass up a hug from you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and JJ circled his arms around the small of your back. JJ smelled your coconut shampoo and he declared it his new favorite smell.
You pulled away way to soon for JJ’s liking but he obliged none the less.
“Now you wanted another drink right?” JJ asked.
He walked over to the kitchen pulled open the fridge and took out a can of beer. Then he handed it to you. He also took one for himself.
“So do you want to watch a movie?” JJ asked.
With a movie on the TV and the two of you sharing a blanket you both sipped your beers and watched the film.
After the movie was over you guys stayed up til 3am talking about anything and everything. When Sarah walked into the château she was surprised to see you cuddled up with JJ on the pull out couch.
You were facing JJ and he was facing you. You were tucked under his chin and his arms were around you.
Sarah decided not to disturb the two of you but she will definitely bring it up later.
The next day you were over at Sarah’s house.
“So what the hell is going on with you and JJ?” Sarah asked.
“What do you mean, nothing is happening between us.” you replied confused.
“Well I saw the two of you cuddling at John Bs. It was kinda cute.”
“Oh that.” you flushed. “We just fell asleep really late and it sorta just happened unconsciously.”
“Yeah right,” Sarah laughed.
“I’m being serious nothing is happening,” you frowned.
“But you want something to happen,” Sarah smirked.
“What? No I don’t, What makes you think that?”
“Well I think you like him because you hang out a lot,” Sarah reasoned.
“So, jump his bones already.”
“What, come on I think you guys would be good together.” Sarah threw up her hands and tossed them back down.
“Well it’s not happening,” you crossed your arms.
You guys lost the gold. Everyone was pissed beyond belief. Loosing the gold to ward impacted everyone. Everyone seemed to be down in the dumps. A few months later the fuss seemed to have died down.
In those few months you and JJ got closer. Your relationship blossomed.
Everyone was out on the boat except you. You were busy and missed out on the boat day.
The pogues were gliding through the water, wind in their hair. Sarah was sitting next to JJ when she noticed JJ staring longingly at Kiara.
When they arrived back at the château, Sarah pulled JJ aside.
“Listen I see the way you look at her.” Sarah spoke.
“Look at who,” JJ questioned.
“Kiara. It’s the same way you look at y/n.” Sarah responded.
“What are you implying.”
“Look all I’m saying is you need to choose between them or I will tell them everything.” Sarah’s words cutting like knives.
JJ was conflicted. He didn’t know what to do. He for sure didn’t want Sarah to tell you and Kiara everything. He liked both of you and he didn’t know how he was going to choose.
The pogues were all outside the château chilling and drinking when you walked up to the action.
JJ immediately turned around and saw you. He was at a loss for words, you looked stunning and he felt something in his chest.
“Hey guys,” you started.
“Hi y/n!” John B responded.
Sarah gave you a wave and Kiara gave you a smile. Pope handed you a drink which you gladly accepted.
You sat down next to JJ and his heart fluttered. JJ seemed to always feel some type of way around you. These past months his feelings really grew stronger. He couldn’t help the floaty feeling he felt just by being in your presence.
“We were just talking about the fight at the bonfire.” John B announced.
“Oh yeah that was wild. I can’t believe that happened,” you stated.
“Really I thought it was pretty predictable.” Kiara reasoned.
Everyone laughed and continued to tell stories. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. You however thought JJ was unusually quiet.
Truth is JJ was at war with himself. He didn’t take what Sarah said lightly. He knew she would tell them everything if he didn’t make up his mind.
JJ laid awake at night wondering what to do. He just hoped he would come up with a solution soon.
JJ didn’t know what he did to piss off his dad so badly. It must of been something really bad because his dad was fuming.
“You are a worthless piece of shit!” Luke shouted.
JJ tried to run away but Luke tackled him to the ground. Luke got on top of him and started to choke him. JJ tried to choke Luke back.
JJ used his knee to knee Luke in the side. JJ got up but Luke used his hand to grab a hold of his foot and tripped him. Luke started kicking JJ in the stomach and then pulled him up by his hair. There he held him against the wall and punched the living daylights out of him.
JJ and Luke burst through the screen door and JJ came out on top. He started beating up his dad and finally he said, “I ain’t scared of you anymore.”
JJ was embarrassed. He didn’t want to be seen by any of his friends. He was all bruised up and he was hurting all over.
He slowly but surely made his way to the château, wincing with every step he took. Then he saw you laying in the hammock and he was scared of what you might think.
“Jayj,” you called.
He walked over to you and when he reached your spot you gasped. He was littered in bruises and it reminded you of Midsummers where his face was all beat up.
“What happened?” you asked very concerned.
JJ was hesitant with opening up to you. Not that he didn’t trust you he was just scared to be vulnerable. He also didn’t want your pity.
“Um it’s my dad,” JJ smiled weakly.
“JJ.” your voice broke.
In a haste you reached out and pulled JJ in a bone crushing hug. JJ winced causing you to pull back and apologize for hurting him.
“That son of a bitch, i’ll kill him.” You expressed angrily.
“No y/n don’t worry about it. This is not your battle.”
“Yes it is JJ. When it comes to you I’m always gonna fight for you.” you reasoned.
“I don’t deserve it or you.” JJ muttered.
“No what you don’t deserve is getting beaten by your own father.” You said sadly.
“I told you not to worry about it.” JJ responded.
“Well news flash JJ, I care about you a lot, and seeing you hurt breaks my heart.” Your voice wavering.
“Don’t be sad baby, I can’t stand to see you so sad.”
You cracked a small smile, and looked into his crystal blue eyes. You took ahold of his hand running your thumb over his knuckles.
Looking in to your eyes JJ realized something. He realized that it’s always been you. He thought back to Midsummers when he saw you for the first time in your dress. How you looked stunning and he fell in love right then and there.
He thought about all the times the two of you were together. All the lingering touches, the long nights filled with deep talks, all the fun you had together. He thought about how you cared about him and his well-being. He didn’t care that you were a kook at all.
JJ thought about all the times you were there for him. The times when you fell asleep cuddling. How you made him feel. You made his heart race and his palms sweat. You made him feel alive.
It was a no brainer he was picking you.
“I hate seeing you all bruised up, makes me wanna cry.” You responded.
“I’m ok, promise.”
“Come here,” JJ continued and outstretched his hand for you to take.
You gladly accepted his hand and he led you into the château. JJ made his way to his designated room and closed the door.
As soon as the door shut JJ slid his arms around your waist and engulfed you in a hug. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you buried your face in his shoulder.
After your hug of just holding each other, JJ placed his hand on your cheek.
“Can I kiss you?” JJ asked.
JJ didn’t hesitate, he quickly placed his lips on yours. The kiss was tender and JJ felt sparks, like little mini fireworks were going off in his body. Soon the kiss got heated. You were excited to be kissing JJ. Your lips were capturing each other in a fiery kiss.
Your stomach started to get tingly and JJ felt blood rush through his veins. JJ was still cupping your cheek. Your hands were tangling in JJ’s hair.
JJ moved his hands to go under your shirt and you let out a small moan. JJ warm hands sent shockwaves through your skin. You went to take off you shirt, lifting the garment over your head. JJ eyed you in your bra for a moment than went back to kissing you.
You were stunning and your tits were spilling over your bra and JJ was practically drooling.
“I want this off,” you tugged on JJ’s shirt.
JJ lifted his shirt over his head and you gasped. His stomach was littered in bruises and you wished you never saw it.
Tears filled your eyes as you clamped a hand over your mouth.
“Don’t cry angel, please don’t cry,” JJ begged.
“I’m sorry it’s just I can’t stand to see you hurt or in pain. It makes me so sad and then I get this rage because you deserve so much more than what you were given,” you shared.
“I’m ok, I have you,” JJ smiled.
“What? It’s fine,” JJ muttered.
“Get on the bed please,” you ordered.
JJ did what he was told and got on the bed. You moved to get on top of him. You were straddling his legs when you decided to kiss each one of his bruises on his stomach and ribs.
JJ let out a shaky breath as you kissed him. When you were done you looked up into his eyes and gave him a smile.
JJ flipped you over so that he was on top of you now.
“Let me make love to you please baby,” JJ requested.
“Ok J.”
So, JJ made you feel amazing and you had the best sex you ever had.
You were on a mission. You were very upset and you needed to find JJ and sort this out. You marched up the steps of the château and found JJ on the couch.
“We need to talk, now.” You demanded.
“Ok let’s go to my room,” JJ replied.
Once you were in the privacy of JJ’s room you let it rip.
“I can’t believe you. How could I be so stupid,” you started.
“What are you talking about?” JJ asked.
“I’m talking about you liking me and Kiara at the same time!” you shouted.
“Oh that,” JJ cringed.
“Yeah that,” you raised your eyebrows at him.
“But I chose you!” JJ exclaimed.
Tears formed in your eyes but you refused to let them fall.
“That doesn’t change the fact you liked her while we were hanging out together.”
“I mean I was falling in love with you and you were thinking about some other girl,” you continued.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry but I want to be with you,” JJ apologized.
“i’ll never forgive you if you break my heart.”
“I won’t.”
“If we’re together and you suddenly decide you want to be with Kiara, I don’t know if I can handle that,” you reasoned.
“I promise I won’t leave you. You’re just gonna have to trust me”
“I’m serious y/n, I’m committed to you and I love you,” JJ choked out.
“I love you too,” you smiled weakly.
So, you decided to trust JJ and it was the best decision you ever made. He treated you right he loved you unconditionally and he made you happy.
Your heart did break when you found out from Sarah that JJ liked you and Kiara at the same time but he did choose you in the end. So you forgave him and never looked back.
Kiara has been waiting for JJ to make a move for a while now. She thought he would’ve asked her out by now.
When she found out from Sarah that you and JJ were together she was shocked. But she didn’t let that get her down. She dusted herself off and decided she should start dating.
Her and Pope have grown rather close and she wondered if Pope would ever go for her. She wanted to try her luck because nothing with JJ will ever happen.
She knew JJ liked her all this time and she waited for him but he never acted on his feelings. So Kiara decided to move on.
You and JJ loved each other a lot and throughout your relationship you both discovered new sides to yourself. A little while after you and JJ got together, Pope and Kiara got together. Everyone was happy.
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Can we plz get hobie with a friend reader whose intuition is crazy strong? Like they at a concert or club and stuff and reader just taps hobbie on the arm and goes “we gotta go. Shits gonna go crazy soon” and not even 5 minutes after they leave cops have surrounded the place. Or she feels the “vibes” of a person and just goes “don’t trust that guy as far as I can throw him” and everyone like “Johnny? No he’s the nicest guy ever he never hurt a fly!” A week later Johnny does some bad shit. “Told you he was sus” just crazy intuition reader helping hobbie avoid trouble or getting out of sticky situations before it gets sticky.
(Hello! Sure I can! Enjoy!)
Hobie Brown x Intuitive!Reader
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He trusts you completely
You are his down bitch and he is willing to always put his life in your hands
He trusts you so much, and literally anything you could say
You have proved to him time and time again that you have intuition like crazy
And when shit goes down and you feel off, or you say run, Hobie and you are absolutely booking it
No questions fucking asked
"Something's off-"
Don't even finish babe, you're over his shoulder and you guys are outta there
At first he thought you were pulling pranks on him
Or that you had some sort of hidden spidey sense if you were a spider
Even if you did, he still thought you were pulling his arm
It had to take a few times, and even then he thought they were coincidences
But he finally believed you in the club incident
You guys were fine, everything was cool and he finished up a set, he was hanging out with you until you tapped his arm
You were like "Hey, Hobie. We gotta go. Cops are gonna pull up in like…five minutes."
Hobie was confused, but for some reason just thought to trust you and you guys left hand in hand
But he wanted to stay and watch from afar
And what the hell do you know, exactly five minutes later, cops pull up searching for two specific people
You guys were anarchists, and did your own stunts against governments and rebelled in your world, and obviously you guys had people after you two
So, Hobie couldn't help but laugh as you just saved both your asses
From then on he is always looking for you or at you in situations
Like, he's studying you and reading you to figure out if you think something is up
If something is, he's grabbing you and your guys' friends (like Pav, Miles or Gwen) and getting everyone out of there
Or sometimes he'll take your intuition and you guys will plan
He is sorta wary though at first hene it's about people or someone he knows
Is the one to say
"Don't worry, he's harmless!"
Until that mf is being dragged away or did some shit to the gang
You are able to read vibes very easily, and he is able to be in awe of that
When you guys meet new people, he'll be wary until you don't say anything, or you deem them not suspicious
Especially with Pavitr and Miles, you guys were pretty cool with them because for once, you didn't find bad vibes and you actually liked their vibes
You help keep him out of situations with people and anything
Please tell him "I told you so" when he doesn't believe you
You guys are always a duo planning something off your intuition
Especially when the whole thing with Miles went down
You told him that something was gonna happen, and he and you prepared to help Miles get out of there
Any situation you guys have, he trusts your judgment and you alwaye help him and your friends out of sticu situations
Plus, he brags about his partners skill
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erwinsvow · 2 months
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“i can’t believe you made out with sarah’s brother,” your friend comments. you choke on your water. 
it had been an hour or so since your friends had dragged you out of the bar, bringing you home with them for the pre-planned sleepover that you had been ready to ditch for rafe. in that time you and your friends had taken off your makeup and changed into pajamas, munching on pizza on the floor of your bedroom while discussing the night’s events like you always did. you wipe your mouth, looking up at them incredulously. 
“you didn’t know that was rafe cameron? shut up.”
“he’s a psycho, that’s what she always says-”
“he was really nice to me,” you defend, not liking the way your friends sound right now. the rest of the night goes like that—you trying to counter and justify everything rafe did for you last night with your friends telling you it’s a good thing they dragged you away. 
they fall asleep shortly after, but you lie awake, staring at the ceiling and wondering what time your friends will leave in the morning. you’re making plans to go to tannyhill. 
normally breakfast the morning after going out is a sacred ritual between you and your friends, which is why they’re extra surprised when you usher them out without any real reason. you hurry back to the kitchen after their car drives away, getting everything ready to make cookies and wondering which kind rafe likes best.
rafe sees it from inside tannyhill—the white bike with the wicker basket pulling up the driveway, the tiny figure dressed in pink parking it next to his truck. you climb off your bike and even from up here he can appreciate how short your dress is, how you almost gave the gardeners a show. he's gotta teach you to be more careful.
you reach into the basket to pull out a matching pink container, walking up to the front door. he’s down the stairs and opening the door before you’ve even had a chance to ring the doorbell. 
you beam at rafe, hoping he remembers you and wasn’t drunk during that entire encounter. you smile brightly, offering the pink box of cookies to him.
“sorry to just drop by like this. i made cookies for you. um, to say thank you.”
“yeah, kid? that’s real cute.”
“oh. thank you.” he looks down at you, leaning against the door frame.
your chest is heaving, material of your tight dress moving up and down while you keep your gaze fixed on him, eyes big and blinking fast. you don’t even realize how you look right now, trusting and innocent and staring up at rafe like you’d do whatever he asked. if you looked like prey yesterday night, you’re the definition of an offering today, walking straight into the predator’s den.
“i didn’t know what kind you liked, so i made a whole bunch.”
“yeah.” you stare back at rafe for another few seconds, then tear your eyes away. you think he wants you to go, and as much as you like him, as much as you feel a little brainless around him, you’re not stupid—you can tell when you’re not wanted. “well, i should go. thanks again for last night.”
“stop thankin’ me. it was nothin’.” rafe steps out of the house, just a foot from you on the porch now. his hand comes to rest on your shoulder and you nearly jump at the touch. “come inside. can’t eat all these myself.”
your pretty smile comes rushing back, following him inside just like you had followed him to the dance floor yesterday, looking around at the walls of tannyhill. you’d been once before, years ago for a party for sarah’s birthday that the entire class had been invited to,  but you hadn’t admired it then. nor did you realize what other treasures laid inside.
“want milk?” rafe questions, opening up the fridge while you rest your hands on the marble island in the kitchen. you nod your head, still looking around and taking in the new environment. rafe comes back to you with the jug of milk and two glasses, pouring you a cup first.
“how was the rest of your night?” you ask tentatively, breaking an oatmeal raisin cookie in half and offering rafe the other piece. he accepts it with a grin. you’re nervous—scared of the answer, wondering if another girl took your place after you left.
“boring. i left after you did.” he bites into the cookie, and then takes a sip of milk. if he thought you were beaming earlier, you’re radiant now—looking up at him like he’s hung the moon for you. your laugh—and even that’s pretty—fills the room.
“that’s not how you’re supposed to do it, rafe,” you giggle, dipping your own cookie into the milk first to demonstrate. “see?”
it’s quick. rafe takes your wrist into his hand, guiding it up to your mouth, making you take a bite. he doesn’t let go while he speaks, either.
“now it’s soggy. see?” you nod, watching where he’s touching you with big eyes. if you’re this reactive to a little skin contact, he’s dying to see what you’ll be like naked in his bed. he reminds himself to be patient.
“i didn’t realize i was doing it wrong,” you comment, picking up another cookie, this time snickerdoodle, to break in half. he’s half surprised at your compliance, half wondering what else he could convince you of with a little manhandling and kissing.
“don’t worry, kid. i’ll teach you right and wrong.”
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moonstruckme · 9 months
not sure if you’re taking requests buttttt poly!marauders but they’re kinda overprotective bfs and she sneaks out to go to a party with marlene or her girlfriends but they find out and show up at the party 💞
Hi don't worry, I am! I think it should show on the requests page linked in my pinned post, but please let me know if it doesn't, I'm still figuring tumblr out and often mess up! I hope this is alright honey, I tried to go for the angst but honestly the more I write the more suspicious I become of my inability to write our boys being anything other than soft with reader! I'll try to work on it but in the meantime I hope you enjoy this <33
cw: mention of concussion symptoms, including nausea, nothing intense or even very descriptive though
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 906 words
You’re aware that the internet had said you were supposed to avoid bright lights, loud sounds, and movement when Remus had looked it up after an unfortunate fall that morning. Just like you’re aware that when your boyfriends left you at your apartment a few hours ago, they’d been trusting you to follow those instructions. But you’re also aware that the internet had led you all to believe your concussion was mild, and that Marlene only has one birthday a year. Damned if you were going to miss it. 
So yeah, you feel a bit queasy as your eyes struggle to track the movement and voices around you, but that’s nothing compared to the contentment of being with your friends. Lily has assigned herself the role of your caretaker, checking that you’re alright every few minutes and shushing anyone who raises their voice too loud around you, and Marlene has attached herself to your side, telling you how much she appreciates you in between beer-scented hiccups. 
“And you’re so nice to come tonight,” she’s saying now, brushing her fingers clumsily but sweetly through your hair. “I can’t tell you how much—uh oh.” 
You have a premonition of ill fate even before the hair on the back of your neck stands up, and you follow Marelene’s unfocused gaze to the curly-haired boy coming towards you.
“Happy birthday, Marls,” he says, his smile only appearing slightly strained, before he turns to you. “Hey, sweetheart. Let’s go home, yeah?”
“Jamie,” you say quietly, and Lily and Marlene leave the couch to give you as much privacy as a party allows. “What are you doing here?”
“Everyone here’s been posting, and you’re in the background of half the pictures.” His smile slips as he crouches in front of you, disappointment in his eyes. “You know you’re supposed to be resting,” he says softly. “C’mon, let’s go.” 
You’re glad that he’s here instead of Remus or Sirius, who surely wouldn’t be as careful about not embarrassing you. James is less stern than the others, and though you feel a bit guilty for doing so, you press that to your advantage. 
“I haven’t drank anything but water,” you say. “That’s gotta count for something, right? And look.” You brush your hair behind your ear, showing him the earplugs you’d put in before arriving. “I’m being careful, see? I’m alright, Jamie, and it’s Marlene’s birthday. Let’s just stay, both of us, okay?”
James looks nearly apologetic. “Remus and Sirius are waiting in the car.” 
You groan, but allow James to pull you to your feet, waving goodbye to your friends with a pout. He supports more of your weight than you really need him to as he walks you outside, where Remus sits in the drivers’ seat of the idling car. Dread settles, along with dull resignation, in your stomach. 
Sirius is in the backseat and you hope James will get in first, but he lifts you in before him, placing you between two of your three upset boyfriends. You can’t look at any of them, allowing James to buckle your seatbelt for you as an oppressive silence, worse than the bass that had brutalized your head inside Marlene’s, stretches out between you. 
True to form, Sirius is the first to breach it. 
“What the hell were you thinking?”
You sigh. “I’m sorry.” 
“You have a concussion! All you had to do was stay home and rest. That website said that lights and loud music—say, the sort of things you’d find at a party—would only make things worse.” 
Normally, you’d argue with him. No matter how hopeless it seems, no matter how obvious it is that Sirius is going to win, you can always meet him head-on and at least make your point. But tonight, with your head throbbing and something about your very being feeling fundamentally wrong, you can’t muster up the energy. 
“I know,” you say. 
Sirius goes silent at the acquiescence in your voice, and he looks at Remus in the rear-view mirror, unsure of how to proceed. James puts a hand on your knee, a tiny gesture of comfort even though he’s upset with you too. The motivation that had driven you to Marlene’s and through the party is wearing off, and you feel suddenly, embarrassingly teary. 
“Do you feel sick?” Remus speaks for the first time, and though his voice is calm, the absence of his usual terms of endearment leave no doubt that you’re still in trouble. 
You clear your throat of the tears that are trying to clog it. “A little.” 
“We’re bringing you to our place to rest.” It’s not a question. “We can go get some things from your place tomorrow, but tonight you can just wear our stuff. Think you can eat something before bed?” 
It’s worse that he’s being kind to you. You’d been prepared for a lecture, but being taken care of is worse. It brings the vulnerability you’ve felt since the frightening pain and dizziness of that morning to the surface, and you keep your face turned towards your lap as your eyes become wet. “Yeah, I think so,” you say, and your voice cracks slightly when you add, “I’m sorry.” 
Sirius makes a sympathetic, pained sound from beside you, and James abandons all pretense of anger, tucking your head under his chin. 
“We’ll talk about it later,” Remus says, a bit more gently. “For now, just try to relax.” 
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jjmaybankswifeyx · 2 months
don’t play with me princess
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zach justice x fem!reader
warnings • smutty smut smut, zach : daddy, kissing, use of yn, pet names, oral sex, flirting, angst, jealous zach, swearing , 18+
summary: you went on dropouts after being friends for years and him begging you for ages to come the podcast , you finally give in and things kick off.
*zach has his own place in this*
you were messaging zach all last night about the podcast, what time to come etc he was being so sweet telling you he’s gunna be with you the whole time but knowing zach he will probably bully you for it tomorrow on the podcast “i’ll be fine” you mumbled before dozing off to sleep.
you wake up at 11:06 to zach phoning you making sure your awake as you always sleep in, unfortunately you had just woke up and had an hour to get ready and leave as you had to be there for 12:30 and it takes 20 minutes to get there “yea you just woke me up” you say rolling out of bed “good can’t have my star guest not come” he says, you hang up the phone starting to get ready doing a natural look as you didn’t have time nor effort to do a glam look, once you finished your makeup you chose your outfit then left.
you got there about 5 minutes before the pod started saying hi to everyone “omg yn” alyssa shouts across the room running towards you engulfing you in a big hug “alyssa ahh i missed you so much” you say with a massive smile “alright alyssa she’s mine calm down” zach says appearing around the corner with a smug little smirk on his face “oh shut up zach” turning around to face alyssa again and walking into the studio.
“hello welcome or welcome back to dropouts today we have an extra special guest, my girlfriend yn y/l/n” looking at u in shock “oh you wish” looking at the mic “i do i really do, so yn” your quick to answer as your nervous as what hes gunna say “yes zach” already dreading the question “how have you been” relieved with this you start to smile “yea it’s been great honestly i’ve started my own clothing line and makeup and it’s going great!” smiling knowing how far you’ve come “wow that’s great! any boys recently ?” jared says adding to the convo “oh jared you know” you say winking at him before you both start bursting into laughter, you look over at zach and he looks like he’s burning a hole into your brain, he looks mad ? you chime in “no guys i’m jk don’t clip that” you say with a nervous laugh zach still does not look impressed until he spits out “oh yn you wouldn’t even kiss jared on the cheek never mind do the devils tango with him” smirking you reply “oh and how would you know that” he stares at you for a second “okay guys if your not subscribed to the patreon you get a 7 day free trial, you get extra bits from these podcasts also you get them earlier plus extra videos like the drunk episodes when we get me and some other people drunk and try spill some secrets” you just look at him unimpressed as he carries on.
by now your on the subject of sex and relationships jared talking about this girl he is going out with tonight and how he would love to have something with her as theyd been speaking for months “yea jared i think you just gotta go for it, no woman wants a man who takes their time, and they don’t want to beg for it either ” you say giving him a woman’s perspective “oh yn you were begging for it last night” zach says smirking earning an oh and oh shit from jared and alyssa you just completely gobsmacked on what this man just said to you “oh please like i would go to you for that your probably not even as good as you make out zach, actually alyssa can you relate to this a man always says he knows what he’s doing yet he can’t get it in the right hole” jared and alyssa start laughing hesring a very quiet yes from alyssa as zach says “oh trust me i know what i’m doing” you didn’t look impressed “hm ye still don’t believe it sorry zach” he’d had enough at this point he wanted to throw you over his shoulder, take you upstairs and prove it while you were screaming out his name “don’t play with me princess”, jared just gasped and alyssa just started laughing you however just turned over and said “of course i’m gunna mess with you other wise your gunna wind me up so” looking over at him letting your eyes drop for a mere second you saw him readjusting himself seeing a massive bulge in his pants looking up with him smirking at you.
alyssa and jared start having a conversation about something i’m not sure what i was zoned out thinking about what zach said and his bulge until you were pulled out by zach coming closer to you wanting to whisper something “i’m gunna fuck you so hard after this your not gunna be able to even speak and say i didn’t know what u was doing, you understand me gorgeous?” you nod while backing away just smiling jared and alyssa obviously caught on “um guys what you saying over there” knowing you were caught until zach chimes in “oh i was just asking yn about something i heard about her clothing line and it’s true but not able to say sorry. it’s a secret” you sigh knowing zach just saved your ass and his.
after 1 hour of you and zachs glances you started you flirt with jared to get a reaction out of zach, must say he contained himself pretty well until the pod finished you said your goodbyes to jared and alyssa claiming you were gunna hang out with zach for a while as you haven’t seen eachother in months they believed it obviously as it is true you did miss him but you needed him now, as soon as they walked out that door you said “so you gunna prove it to me or what?” walking over to him looking up batting your eye lashes without a word he smashes his lips into yours quietly letting out little moans and gasps as he picks you up taking you to his room he throws you on the bed hovering over you “hm you look so good today” moaning while he’s kissing your neck “you too baby, wanted to have my way with you since i first met you” you moan against his touch not knowing this as you thought you guys were just friends with the occasional flirt “take your clothes off princess wanna see you” he says throwing his shirt some where across the room, after hearing those words you have never done something quicker you were lying there naked while zack still had his jeans on he slowly started kissing down your stomach reaching down to your bare dripping pussy “this wet already baby? hm someone’s needy” saying with a grin before you could answer he dived into your pussy sucking your clit making you scream out in pleasure “hm zach more baby please” he starts to pump his fingers in and out of you sucking and licking your clit, you could hear his tiny little moans and the vibrations coming off, “could jared eat your pretty pussy like this baby?” he says hint of jealousy in his voice you shake your head unable to focus “words princess” he says picking up his pace “no! daddy you do it better than anybody” you say about to come until he stops what he’s doing and looks up at you “what did you just call me?” you now are very embarrassed yet the words come out you couldn’t stop it “d-daddy” he smiles looking at you “fuck princess i cannot do this i need to be in you” you sigh then spreading your legs for him as he unbuckles his belt letting the cold air hit your core “fuck gorgeous such a good girl for daddy” he says slipping into you, he’s massive so much bigger than you thought “fuck daddy your huge” that just gives him a boost and he starts picking up the pace, “oh baby you don’t how long i’ve wanted to do this” he says moaning in your ear “me too daddy needed your cock for so long hmm” screaming without a care who heard you “your mine princess” you moan at the words nesrly making you cum alone “all yours daddy” you say trying to fight for breathe “what princess didn’t quite hear you?” ramming into harder and deeper “i’m yours daddy all yours!!” shouting even louder before he utters “good girl” as his thrusts get sloppy “where do you want me beautiful” without even thinking you say “in me daddy i’m on the pill” he does a couple more thrusts before you both are cumming the hardest you ever have, nobody has ever made you feel this way and you loved it, he pulls out of you now all cocky “that prove it to you huh” saying all confident “wasn’t even that good” you say smirking “hm i wish i could believe that but your moans and words say different gorgeous” he says before getting something to clean you both up.
as you were laying there he says “i meant it you know” you look up at him confused “your mine now, not letting you go” you just kiss him as you fall asleep tangled up together.
hope you guys like this, i am currently on the ganja writing this so i apologise if there’s any mistakes or anything❤️❤️
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papercorgiworld · 5 months
The Death Eater Drabbles:
Untie me
Mattheo, Theodore, Enzo, Draco and Blaise
A certain death eater ends up being your prisoner and he is being a bit difficult.
Warning: suggestiveness
A/N: Apparently drabbles are supposed to be exact 100 words long, so let’s call this the drabble+ version because you get extra words for free. Yey!
Also, like technically I wrote a part 2, but I don’t really like it cause it’s a tiny bit angsty and feels boring. But then again, I’m pretty sure there’s a braincell working on part 3. So I really have no idea where this is going. But for now this is just a short fun thingy on its own.
I added part 2: Cuts and bruised egos
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The war against Voldemort and his deatheaters was lasting longer than expected. Somehow you had ended up in charge of the top secret safehouse of the order of the phoenix. Only a select few members knew about it. It was a place of refuge in case of emergency, you had permanency there in case of medical emergencies and to study books to find out more about horcruxes.
You were brewing wiggenweld potions to be prepared for the next wounded person that might be brought in. Then suddenly you heard a lot of noise and grabbed your wand, pointing it towards the door. Thankfully you heard Harry say the password and the door swung open revealing the golden trio and someone else whose head was covered.
The mystery person struggled as Ron and Harry dragged them inside. It was then that you noticed their hands were tied behind their back. Hermoine saw your confused and worried expression. “Don’t worry I enchanted the ropes. It’s safe.” The mystery person snorted at Hermoine’s words. You nodded but that wasn’t on your mind at all. “Who is it?” You asked with urgency. Ron pushed the person into the guest room and pulled off the bag covering the mystery person’s face.
Your eyes widen.
“Mattheo Riddle.”
It takes a moment before you proces what Hermoine said and what you’re seeing, but it is true. The golden trio managed to capture the dark lord’s son. “Look (y/n), we gotta leave now. You have to watch him. But be careful. You can’t trust him.” You stare at Harry as he gives you your orders. You would much rather have an explanation. However there seems to be no time for that, because they’re already at the front door again. “Be safe.” You whisper and the three grimace before shutting the door.
You turn around and make your way to the guest room where, believe it or not, Mattheo Riddle is still standing with his hands tied behind his back. His face is bloody, clothes dirty and hair messy. Clearly he didn’t go down without a fight. But, apparently he wasn’t slapped around enough since his arrogant smirk was still ever present. “Aren’t you going to untie me?” He asks like you were being a little slow. You frown. “No. Of course not. I’m not stupid.” You say, annoyed with his attitude. He smiles wickedly and licks his lip taking a small step towards you. “So, does that mean you’re going to feed me? And wash me?” You’re baffled and your mouth falls open for a moment. “Looking forward to it, love.” Mattheo adds taking another step in your direction. You huff and turn around, closing the door behind you. Oh dear, this is going to be something.
“Theodore Nott.”
You turn to the trio with a questioning look. “Long story.” Is all Ron says. “We need to leave now.” Harry announces. Hermoine grabs you while Harry and Ron leave the room. “Be careful. He’s a death eater. You can’t trust him.” You nod and watch as she hurries to follow her friends. When you hear the front door close you turn to your prisoner. Some of the cuts on his face still bleed, but what is utmost worrying is the bloodstain on his shirt indicating he might have a serious injury. Theo just gives you a smug half smile that makes you feel like he’s in charge. “Mind helping me out?” Theo asks as he turns his head as a way of motioning to his tied hands.
You raise your eyebrows at his ridiculous question. “Oh yes. And shall I also offer you my wand.” You return sarcastically. He huffs like you're being childish and difficult. He takes a seat at the end of the bed and you turn around heading to the door to get rid of his demeaning presence. “Are you going to hold my dick when I have to pee then? Because in that case I might make some extra suggestions. I bet you’re real handy.” His grin shows how much he enjoys playing with you. You throw him a dirty look, but decide to leave it at that and close the door. He’s clearly not that hurt. I’m sure he can bleed for a little longer.
“Enzo Berkshire”
You frown confused. All his friends are death eaters but Enzo as well, that’s a bit surprising. “He attacked us.” Harry explained seeing as you were clearly surprised. “This is a big misunderstanding. I’m a peace negotiator.” Enzo quipped, taking a pleading step towards you. Ron pushes him back immediately. “The bloody worst one ever.” Hermoine shifts her gaze from Enzo to you. “Don’t believe a word he says and make sure he doesn’t escape.” With a dumbfounded expression you watch the trio leave. Zero explanation. It’s always the same with them.
As soon as Enzo hears the front door close he walks towards you. “This is all a big mistake. I’m innocent.” His sudden closeness startles you. For your own safety you have to assume the worst, that he just like his friends serves Voldemort. He ignores the fear in your eyes and pushes on. “(Y/n), please untie me. You can trust me.” You take a step back and shake your head. “Not happening, Enzo.” His face gets desperate as he continues pleading. “But what if I get an ich? Or other things?” He raises his eyebrows suggestively. “Will you come help me?” Not really realizing how dirty Enzo’s suggestion was, you nonchalantly answer: “Sure Enzo.”.
He’s a little surprised by your answer but he isn’t going to let the opportunity pass by. “I guess in that case I’m most definitely a dangerous man, you can never let me escape.” He winks at you and it is only then that you realize what you agreed to. His cheeky smile gets brighter as he sees your face fall when the realization hits you. “No. Whatever you’re thinking Enzo, no.” With that you quickly exit the room with a tomato red face. Great! I’m in charge of a horny death eater, just my luck.
“Draco Malfoy.”
All your curiosity was instantly replaced by annoyance. “You brought Malfoy here. What a blessing.” The words leave your mouth with a thick layer of sarcasm. Draco completely ignores you. “You will pay for this, Potter.” Harry looks at you and smiles while wiggling his eyebrows. “Have fun babysitting him. I would say be careful that he doesn’t escape, but I’m pretty sure the death eaters will bring him back.” A faint laugh escapes you and you walk the trio back to the front door to say your goodbyes.
When you turn around Draco is standing in the doorway of the guest room, now a prison room. “Fucking untie me.” Malfoy demands with venom in his voice. You push against his chest and make him take a few steps back into his new room. “Since you asked so nicely: no.” You answer with fake kindness. “Who do you think you are?” He snaps taking a step towards you. Though you’re slightly intimidated now that he’s towering over you, you manage to keep your cool. “Pretty sure I’m the one in charge here.” Draco huffs, but before he starts snapping again you push his side. He winces in pain and takes a step back.
Just as you thought, the dirt on his shirt indicates a bad fall on his side, probably some painful bruises. “How about you calm down and I will come back later to check your injuries.” He narrows his eyes at you in frustration. “You won’t untie me and now you’re planning on undressing me. Sounds like a bad date.” You roll your eyes and leave the room. A bad date is an understatement.
“Blaise Zabini.”
A small gasp escapes you as you make eye contact with the man under the hood. “You brought Zabini here?” You ask, not ready to process what your eyes are seeing. “We kinda stumbled into him. He was difficult to catch but having one less deatheater on the streets was well worth the work.” Harry explained. You scan over Blaise’s face, immediately noticing several bruises. When he looks up to you, you quickly look away. “Keep your distance. He’s no good.” Hermoine says as the trio leaves the room. Ron pats you on the shoulder as a way of wishing you luck. You watch your friends close the front door as you lean against the doorframe of the guest room.
You turn to Blaise and offer him an awkward smile. He’s the first one to break the silence. “I’m going to be honest. Normally I would find this all very kinky but right now I would really appreciate it if you untie me.” You roll your eyes at his playful tone. “How about: no. And I suggest you keep quiet or I'll tape your mouth shut.” Blaise looks frustrated with your lack of cooperation for a moment, but then his smirk returns. “Even kinkier. This should be fun.” You regret saying anything. “Nothing kinky is going to happen, since I’m leaving.” Blaise is annoyed that you don’t entertain him and go along with his joke. However as he watches you leave he panics. “Hey, I was being serious! You can’t leave me all tied up.” You ignore his frustrated voice and close the door. Seven years at Hogwarts and now I’m stuck with him again. Absolutely lovely.
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princessbrunette · 2 months
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thinking about being that one young mother that had a baby when she turned 20, and now walks around with the cutest toddler on her hip that looks just like her.
when it all went down you were isolated, abandoned by most of your friends and family. people talked about you, because that’s just how things were in the obx— word spreads and people judge. but never jj maybank, jj knew what it was like to be judged for his situation.
he’d always thought you were cute, and always defended you to those who had cruel words to say about your life, even thought he hadn’t really talked to you much since high school.
after the storm, he offers to do your groceries for you and deliver them. it was the least he could do, as everyone had taken a hit and you were already struggling. he was chatty, and to a girl who felt alone that was the best thing he could be. he’d swing by, carry all the bags up to the sixth floor of your apartment building when the elevator wasn’t working because no one around was paying generator money. your baby girl was always happy to see him, a giant toothless grin spreading on her face when he’d walk in, clumsily dropping whatever toy she was teething on and waving her fat fist in the air as greeting.
you’d smile from the sidelines as he’d gasp, elated each and every time — bending at the knees right infront of her. “there she is, the cutest toddler in the whole world. what we playing with today, huh? is that hello kitty? you know you’re just like your momma.”
he was charming, and you’d soften at the way he was with her. which is how you ended up looping him in to help you with just about anything else when he offered. complaining about car trouble? he’s telling you that he’ll take a look and fix things up for you. if he walks in and sees you struggling with some ikea furniture on the floor, best believe he’s staying an extra hour or so to set it up for you. he even uses his mastery in acting and manipulation for you on the landlord when the slight mould problem on the bathroom wall still hasn’t been fixed. it was nothing to him, he wanted to help. more so, wanted to be around you.
his favourite way to help you came later on in your ‘friendship’, on nights where your baby was allowed to stay with her dad. you’d always hated those nights, too used to her being around, too worried about her. it took you everything to not pick up your phone and text your babydaddy for the fifth time that evening just to check everything was okay. to stay occupied, you text jj — invite him over on a whim.
he turns up with a toolbox, thinking there’s something he needs to fix but instead finds you pacing your kitchen with a glass of red wine. jj being jj, knows just what to do upon hearing your predicament. you needs to relax, take your mind off things for a bit — which is how he ends up with his arms wrapped around your legs, with you naked and slightly tipsy sat on his face. after letting you grind your slippery cunt on his mouth he’s rolling you onto your back to finish the job, knowing you just need someone to take control to get you out your head.
“just gotta relax for me, mama. ‘think some you time is very much needed huh? want you to turn that brain off for once, okay. just… trust someone. let papa do the thinkin’, yeah?” he soothes you as he holds your thighs open, hole drooling and clenching around nothing.
“always look a—after me, jj.” you’re a little emotional, one mewl from crying but he understands. you must’ve had no idea how badly you needed this.
“i know. always will, uh— if you’ll let me.” he pulls his lips from you for a second to look up at you sincerely, backwards hat still shoved on his head.
“yeah.” you whisper and he grins, adjusting the cap in question before heading back down.
“well alright then. let’s get this pretty thing cummin’, how ‘bout that?”
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acowardinmordor · 8 months
You Left Me, You Miss Me - Five
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five
Continuing immediately from part Four. And I hear your screaming, and enjoy it, but I am pretty sure that I'm not going the direction you expect me to.
“I asked them to,” Eddie repeated, quieter.
It didn’t make more sense the second time.  His kids were stubborn. They were obnoxious, and someone asking them to do, or not do something had never once changed anything. Steve spent the last few years asking them not to leave crumbs in his car, and to call before coming over, and to please, just once, let him choose the movie on a movie night. Plus the part where everyone asked them not to put themselves in danger when monsters crawled out of the ground. 
Threats didn’t work on them, law enforcement didn’t work on them, like hell was something as delicate as asking going to do a damn thing. 
“Yeah, no, I heard you, but I don’t get it. So you, what? You sat them down and asked them to ice me out? And they said ‘sure why not!’ Man, even if you asked them to, they’re still the ones that did it. Shit, you’ve never liked me. There’s no way that you didn’t tell the boys to stop hanging out with me last year during your game meetings before everything happened.” Eddie shrank further into the seat, so Steve added, “So, it’s not your fault, but I guess I forgive you if that makes you feel better.”
Eddie gnawed on the inside of his cheek, wincing at what felt like every other word.
“Shit, Steve, it’s -- Shit,” he cursed as he sloshed some of his coffee over the brim. His eyes were clenched shut, and he was curled in on himself. “I didn’t sit them down and tell them to stop talking to you. That -- no way that would work. You’re right. They wouldn’t just -- Like I said, they’re crazy about you. It’s more, it’s all of the, I told them about how ever since -- shit. Look, it doesn’t matter why or how I did it, just trust me, I’m the reason. It’s my fault, and I fucked up, and I didn’t mean it to make -- but you left, and it’s killing them, and so you gotta forgive them, at least talk to them, cause its not their fault.”
“Yeah,” Steve stalled, “still don’t get why you think this is on you, dude.”
“At the beginning it -- shit, no. Doesn’t matter. Jesus Christ, Munson, don’t make this about that. Okay. I asked them not to invite you if I was around, cause I wasn’t -- I didn’t want to see you, and then I made sure they were always around me because -- because I wanted them to. And then I, you know, kept poking at them about it when they’d bring it up, reminding them that you don’t like D&D and that you wouldn’t want to watch the new Star Trek movie, and when they said anything I just kept telling them that -- Shit, just believe me. I’m the one that made them do this, it’s my fault, it’s not them.”
Okay, so Eddie was pushier since Spring Break than he was before it. Or the kids listened to him more. Or they were trying to take care of him. So Eddie was the prompt for them cutting him out of everything. Fine.
Still didn’t make it the guy’s fault. 
Steve got close with Robin after she found out about the Upside Down. But he didn’t get close to Jonathan. Dustin became, for a while at least, his brother. Steve would die for Mike, but they didn’t hang out if it wasn’t a group thing. All of them were tied together, and any one of them could make a call, and everyone would come to help, but that didn’t make them all automatically into friends. 
God, Eddie looked like he was on the edge of a breakdown in a booth in a diner. 
“Look, it’s,” Steve spun his coffee cup, “you’re real close with the guys in your club right? The ones in your band?”
Eddie went tense, then nodded awkwardly.
“You’re close because of that stuff, though. Not just cause you had some classes together or were next to each other on a bus. You got pushed together for some random reason, but  that happened with a lot of people. But you had shared interests, right? You like that game, and you got bullied at school and you like the same loud screaming music. So you got to know each other, and you had a bunch in common, and so you guys are friends. You’re close, so even though you graduated, and you don’t have class and lunch together anymore, you’re still friends.
“Christ, Steve, no,” he protested. 
Steve ignored that and kept going.
“I never had that with the kids, or any of them. Shit. Never had that with Nance either, but I didn’t know it back then.” His inner Robin glared, and he stayed on topic. “It wasn’t as simple as sharing some classes, there were monsters and all that, but that’s what kept me and them around each other. No more monsters now, so.”
His stomach twisted, like it always did if he got too close to thinking about this. 
He only barely managed to talk about this with Robin, because when it was Robin he was honest, and when he was honest, really honest, he ended the night quiet and hurting and picking apart the past year trying to find what he could have done differently. Shoving all of that back into the dark of his mind, he conjured up a casual shrug and a smile. 
“I get that they’re probably freaking out right now, but they’ll get over it. Give it another month or two and it’ll be fine. Start one of your campaign -- your big story things and distract them if they’re bugging you about it.” 
He wiped up the coffee Eddie spilled on instinct, and shoved the napkin in his now empty cup. 
Time to get home and get a nap before he went to the stockroom that night. He wouldn’t see Robin until he picked her up for work, but they were scheduled alone, so he could talk all of this through then. Trying to pretend this day didn’t happen would last all of eight seconds of contact with his best friend. Maybe she could make sense of how he was feeling. 
“Wait, stop, you can’t leave yet.”
“Munson, I’ve been here since before dawn, I wanna leave.”
“I know, and I’m sorry, but you have to talk to them. They miss you.”
“They didn’t six weeks ago, did they? Or for the holidays? Or for the months before that, huh?” Steve finally snapped, then took a breath. “Sorry. Answer’s still no.”
He bussed their cups and the creamer to the pass through and grabbed his coat and gloves. Steam rose off Hopper’s truck where he had the engine running to keep warm. They exchanged a single nod before Steve turned towards the road to walk home. 
It wasn’t a shock to hear, but Steve had hoped that Eddie wouldn’t follow. 
“Okay, I get that you’re not going to just forgive them, and that you don’t want to talk to them, but--”
“No. I don’t. And I know you think this is your fault, and I’m telling you it’s not, and I told you, I’m not mad at you about this. We weren’t friends. I’m not mad at you for not wanting me around or whatever. That’s fine. And? They’ll get over it, and everyone can just move on with their lives with the people they actually like.”
Steve’s stupid voice betrayed him, cracking, and he cut off the rest of what he might have said. Anger was the fastest way to shut down weakness, and it was easy for him to sink into it.  
Eddie had his hands in his hair, clutching at it near his temples, looking borderline hysterical. 
“Would you at least listen if they talked?”
“They don’t have my phone number, and if you tell them where I live, I’ll send Mrs Buckley after you. And Hopper.”
“You could call them.”
It wasn’t about who placed the call. If he heard them, if they said a fraction of what he wanted to hear, he’d cave, immediately and entirely, and then both the real life Robin, and the mini Robin in his brain would give him hell. 
“Steve come on, something, anything. Letters? If they write letters?”
“I’m not giving them my address, and Hopper already asked about mailing stuff through him instead. No.”
It was cold and he was tired. Just about the only person in the party that he didn’t care had abandoned him was trying to pull Steve back into the vat of slow simmering pain he was still climbing out of. 
“Look, Eddie --”
“I’ll drive them. The letters. You don’t even have to answer, or read them. Let me tell them that I can bring you letters, and I’ll drive them up here. If you do want to answer I’ll wait and then drive whatever it is back. As many times as you want.”
“Come on, man.”
“I won’t even -- I don’t have to know where you live, or your number, anything. I can come here. To the diner. Won’t even come inside, just drop them off and wait. You won’t have to talk to me, or see me. Just, come on. Even if you never forgive them, or answer them, let them have this. Even if you don’t read what they say, let them think they got to apologize.”
The wind shifted, and Steve tucked his chin into his coat to wait it out. 
Eddie was shivering two steps away, gloveless hands shoved under his arms, hair tangling into more of a mess than usual. 
“That’s a stupid idea, Munson,” he said when the gust stopped, “If they know that you know where I am, and you don’t tell them, they’re going to hate you. They’d drive you insane trying to get you to tell them, and they’d be horrible the whole time. They already ditched me for you, so, don’t make them hate you too.”
“They already hate me.” The response was immediate and defeated.
“Dude, they don’t.”
“They do. They figured it out a few weeks ago. That I was the reason. Just cause you don’t get it doesn’t mean they don’t. This is my fault. They already hate me. They won’t even talk to me long enough to yell. They act like I don’t exist.”
“Christ, Munson, is that why you’re up here, freezing your ass off in a parking lot and bitching at me? So you can get them to like you by getting me to talk to them?”
Eddie flinched. Didn’t say anything for a minute as he shivered with wide eyes. Then, without any of the dramatics the guy was known for, “Please, Steve. Even if you throw them out right after. Let them write to you, and let me tell them the truth when I say you got them. I think they can survive if they don’t hear back. They’ll blame me, but that’s fine, they should. The silence is what’s killing them. They need to say how -- they need to believe that you heard how sorry they are.”
It was so fucking cold it was making Steve’s eyes water. That was the only reason for it. The cold front that came in overnight.
“I’m not gonna promise to read them,” he caved.
The tension collapsed out of Eddie, and he slumped forward, hiding his face in his hands. 
“I work here in the mornings Monday through Wednesday every week. You should drop them off then. M’not saying I’ll read them, or write anything back, but if they want to write, fine.” 
Eddie nodded over and over, hiding behind his hands, and whisper-mumbling something that Steve couldn’t catch. He was shaking again. The kind of full body wracking that meant the cold was sinking deep.
“Christ, go get in Hop’s truck before your fingers freeze off or something.” 
Without waiting for a response, or checking that he listened, Steve turned and kept walking. Another gust of wind tore through him, loud enough that he wouldn’t have heard another call of his name. It was a good thing that John messed up the big combo that morning, and Steve had eaten it during the lull after breakfast. He wasn’t going to manage anything else until tomorrow at the earliest. 
That was assuming Robin didn’t kill him on the spot for his stupid, stupid decision. 
Ten steps down the road, and he already regretted it. Even if he didn’t read anything, even if they never sent anything, the choice would sit like a rock in his gut; a new ache, a new bruise, and Steve was dumb enough that he’d keep poking at it. 
I'm sad that this is two chapters without Robin. That's some kind of a crime. Can guarantee that Robin has Strong Opinions about this when she talks to Steve that night.
I don't do tag lists or regular updates, and I have no shame about that.
>>>>>Part Six
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soft-mafia · 8 months
Take Me With You [Buggy x Reader]
warnings: fem reader, oc insert, reader is around the same age as the straw hats, mentioned age gap, Buggy being kind of a perv, short drabble
a/n: Reader running off with Buggy is starting to live in my mind rent free. Also urrrgggg Buggy is so Salvatore Ultraviolence Born To Die coded
part 2
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“Sorry kiddos, I would love to stay and make things right, but it’s time to exit stage left.” Buggy said as soon as he got his body back, and ran off away from all of the conflict.. what was he gonna do now dammit? I mean it wouldn’t be long before his crew found him, it shouldn’t be that long right? He was sure they weren’t all a bunch of idiots—
“Buggy! Wait!!” He heard a voice call out from behind him, he paused and turned around, seeing Y/n there. He smiled sweetly at her, “Oh, hey hot stuff.” He grinned at her, “Listen.. it’s not you, it’s me, I really gotta-”
“-Take me with you.” Y/n said, slowly stepping closer to Buggy, looking at him with sadness in her eyes— oh shit. Maybe Buggy went a bit overboard with the sweet talk with this girl.. she was the only one that was gentle with his head, he wanted to stay on her good side but he never imagined that she would actually FALL for him. Why? Buggy took a few seconds to process what she said, “Huh?” He croaked out.
“Please take me with you!!” She said again.
Buggy’s mouth was slightly agape, he then sighed and stepped closer to her, putting his hands on her shoulders before eying her up, “Listen, baby, as much as I appreciate you for taking care of my head.. I think I’m a bit too old for you.”
Y/n furrowed her brows, then looked down at the ground, “I.. I don’t care.” She whispered. Buggy’s jaw clenched, he just couldn’t.. leave her. He had to admit she was cute, and when she had held his head close to her tits it felt like heaven.. he looked up and sighed heavily, “C’mon baby.. don’t-..” he sighed again, “Stop acting like that, stop it.” She was acting so sad.. the thought of how sad and lonely Y/n would be if he left her here was starting to creep into his mind, and it was making him feel like an asshole.
“What about your friends huh?” Buggy tried to reason with her, “And.. trust me you wouldn’t like it on my crew, you’re way too hot for that.” He moved his hands down to her arms.
“I only knew them for like.. a few days, I can’t really call them my friends.” Y/n mumbled, looking up at Buggy through her eyelashes.
Puppy dog eyes?! C’mon, she’s fucking killing me! Buggy sighed, “Well you don’t even know me at all!” He growled.
“Then let me get to know you! Please! Please take me with you..! I know I’d feel safer around you!” Y/n stepped closer to him, Buggy could see his ship in the horizon, thank god.
Why him of all people?! Safe?! He literally tried to kill the people she was with, AND her. He was confused, but he didn’t really have much time to think this through.
Buggy put his hands on Y/n’s waist and looked down at her, should he really do this? He exhaled, “Ok. Fine.” He grabbed her forearm and started heading for the shore, dragging her along with him, “It took those fuckers way too long to find me.” He grumbled under his breath.
Y/n felt her heart fluttering, he’s actually taking me with him!! She couldn’t believe this was happening.. the way he was holding her, the way he looked at her, she was swooning so hard..
She caught up with him, walking by his side.
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desperate-gay · 8 months
Alexia Putellas x fem!reader
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“Hi, I’m Kelley O'Hara, and this is one v one. Today I am joined by former NWSL player who now plays for Barcelona and the USWNT, Y/n Y/l/n!” Kelley does jazzy hands towards you while you smile and wave at one of the many cameras pointed at the two of you.
Both you and Alexia decided to take a trip to the states so you could see all of your friends and family and so Alexia could take a break from all the press who followed her around. You both share an apartment in New York in case you’re ever in the US and, obviously, a house in Spain. Kelley asked if you’d be okay with doing one of the interviews she conducts with Just Women’s Sports, and of course, you said yes. You’ve missed her since the World Cup ended, so who were you to say no? Alexia decided to stay back and rest for a bit while you went.
You’re now seated in front of multiple cameras with a few crew members and beside Kelley. The room you’re in is nice and calm, and the window behind you allows the natural light to peek its way in.
“Now, getting straight into it, I introduced you as Y/n Y/l/n, but soon you won’t have that name,” Kelley smirks with a teasing eyebrow while you blush and fiddle with the ring on your finger. “Seeing as your lover, aka the goat of soccer, aka la reina, aka Alexia Putellas, proposed to you a couple of months ago.”
You laugh at the multiple names the brunette presents your fiancé with. “First of all, Alexia is going to be mad at you for calling it soccer and her la reina. Second, yes, my name will very soon be legally changed.” Kelley starts applauding with a bright smile on her face.
“I can’t believe two of my teammates are going to be married to basically the two best female soccer players ever! Mrs. and Mrs. Putellas, then Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Mewis.” You nod excitedly, hoping for your wedding to approach sooner.
“I remember when you came up to me and Kristie, explaining to us how we couldn’t talk to our fiancé’s about our game plans.” The defender laughs and nods her head, remembering how offended both of you looked. “Me and Kristie are still mad at you for not trusting us.”
Kelley puts her hands in fake surrender before going on to explain. "Well, a couple of us were thinking about how you two are with the enemy, and one of us just had to make sure.”
“A couple of you?” You shout in disbelief, making her look at the camera with a worried face. “Nope, cut the cameras. Interview is off!” You joke as you make it look like you’re taking off your mic. The crew chuckles at your guy’s antics and shakes their heads.
After several minutes of talking about why you moved to Barca and how you’ve been over there, you are now down to the last discussion.
“As we all know, you’re with Alexia Putellas, as previously mentioned. A lot of fans want to know how the it couple met.” Kelley’s legs are crisscrossed on the chair while she faces you. “I mean, I already know the story, but gotta give the fans what they want.”
Thinking back, it was a cute little story. A couple of Spanish players were in the states for whatever reason, most likely for conferences, and you didn’t have anything to do that day.
“Well, we all know my bestest friend is the one and only Christen Press, and she’s also friends with the amazing Jenni Hermoso. So when word got around they were in town, everyone set plans to go to this nice club and essentially hang out. I specifically remember after Chris and Tobin dragged me with them when we got there and sat in the round booths, both Jenni and Chris forced me and Alexia in the middle to sit next to each other. We got to talking, and eventually, we went on a couple of dates until Jenni and Christen finally admitted they had been trying to set us up.”
Most of what you say is true, but you leave out some parts to keep it PG. After you both got extremely drunk, Alexia dragged you to her hotel room, where you both had an unrestful night. The next morning, she did explain how she’d love to take you on a date, to which you said yes, and now you’re happily engaged. After you two were together for around a year and a half, Barca had an offer for you, which you quickly accepted. Everyone adored how you moved to the club with your fiancé.
Kelley’s head rests on her hand as she stares at you in a complete trance. “Tell me more.”
You laugh at her words and say, “Umm, oh! Now Christen is my maid of honor for our wedding, and Jenni is Alexia’s. Mapi was not happy about being knocked down to just a bridesmaid or groomsman, whatever you want to call it.”
“I’m a little offended that I wasn't offered the position of maid of honor.” The brunette places a hand on her heart in fake hurt, making you roll your eyes.
“You’re literally one of my bridesmaids. I can just put you as a guest if you want."
“No! No, I’m cool with bridesmaids.”
Once the interview was done, you and Kelley hung out for a little bit to catch up. After a while, she offered you a ride back to your apartment, which you gladly accepted.
Alexia is sitting on the couch with Nala in her lap when she hears the fiddle of keys in the doorway. The pomeranian jumps up from her lap and over towards the place where you now stand. You crouch down and pet through her fur.
“Hey, baby.”
“Hola, mi amor.” Alexia makes her way over to you and pecks you on the lips.
“I was actually talking to this one.” You gesture to the dog that’s now panting in your arms. The taller girl glares at you and takes Nala from your arms before beginning to walk away. “No no no no no, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You say as you press multiple kisses on her lips.
“That’s what I thought.” She mumbles against you and sets the ball of fluff on the ground. Her hands grab onto your hips, pulling you in, and start to wrap around your waist. She nuzzles her face in the crook of your neck while placing feather-like kisses on your skin. “I’ve missed you.”
You wrap your arms back around her, feeling all of your tension go away. “Awe, I’ve missed you too, baby. I know I’ve only been gone for a few hours, but it felt like years.” Your voice is muffled by your face being pressed against her chest.
“I’m glad you decided to sleep with the enemy.” You pull back from the embrace and notice her little smirk.
“You saw the interview, huh?”
The Spanish player nods before hooking her arm behind your legs and lifting you up. “Now, I have been patiently waiting for you to get home so I can get my daily cuddles.”
She struts off into your bedroom and throws you, not so gently, on the bed. Cutting off your complaining, she jumps on top of you, hugging your body and resting her head on your stomach. You shake her head with a smile on your face and begin to run your fingers through her faded pink hair. Her head slowly rises and falls due to your breathing, but it still lulls her right to sleep. Nala jumps beside you and also rests her head on your chest, causing you to smile softly and run your other hand through her fur. There is no other place you’d rather be than with your two favorite girls sleeping on top of you.
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luvyeni · 11 months
GREED. ( b. chan )
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pairing. ceo!bang chan x fem!reader contains. 18+ mature content , exhibitionism , dirty talk , breeding kink wc. 0.4k author’s note. 7 deadly sins masterlist here !
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you're boyfriend is greedy , he has everything , but he just wants more. the two things he loves most in the world is money , and spending time with you — and if he has the chance to have more money and spend more time with you , trust and believe he's gonna take it.
"that's it baby , ride my cock." chan threw his head against his chair , groaning as you bounced up and down , your tits bouncing in his face , your poor cunt leaking of his cum from his past orgasms.
"fuck you're so perfect." he brought his mouth to your nipples sucking on them. "just want to eat you up." orgasm after orgasm , but he didn't stop , even when one of his associates came bursting through his office door.
"you fucking bastard , you sold me out." he was livid , his face was red , completely ignoring your presence , or the fact that you were naked , chan was annoyed , he ruined his orgasm. "ah so you heard."
he kept thrusting into your hole. "ch-chan." you moaned , but he just shushed you. "i was wondering when they'd break the news to you." he returned back to his conversation.
"we've been in this business together for how many years and you sold me out for money." chan pinched your nipples , you mewled , your head in his neck , sucking on the skin , small little hickies forming.
"almost 100 million dollars." chan said. "that's how much it cost , you mean to tell me you wouldn't do the same , be foreal." he hissed , your cunt squeezing around his cock , his orgasm creeping up on him.
"not to someone i considered a friend , how could you?" chan wanted this conversation to be over with , so he could get back to fucking you. "maybe that's why you're not getting further a head , sometimes you gotta step on a few toes." he said. "now , if you'll excuse me , i'm quite busy ,get the hell out of my office."
the guy stormed out of the office , he turned his attention back to you , who was about to cum for the 6th time. "im gonna cum?" you whined. "yeah , gonna cum for daddy?" you nodded.
"pl-please." you looked so cute begging to cum. "go a head princess cum for me." you squeezed tightly around his cock , cumming. he thrusted up into you , his cum filling your insides , but he didn't stop , he kept thrusting. "n-no more, i can't." you sobbed.
he kissed your wet cheeks. "you can do it princess , one more time , i know you can." he was greedy , he knew this , he couldn't help it , whether it was money , or filling up your sweet cunt — he always had to have more. "
just one more load , princess , just let me fill you up one more time."
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breeloveschris · 2 months
If Only You Knew 11
Pt 10 Pt 12
Pairing: Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Summary: Y/n has the biggest crush on Matthew Sturniolo but Matt doesn’t know she exists until Y/n’s video goes viral and everyone tags him in it
Warnings: cussing
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After I sent the video I put my phone on dnd and started packing my suitcase.
I’m not gonna be able to bring everything with me so I guess tomorrow I’m gonna have to buy a storage unit so I can put my stuff in there until I can bring it back home.
I packed a lot of my clothes and some of my shoes, and all of my necessities. Everything I use on a daily basis that isn’t a need, I’m just gonna have to get when I get home.
I went back down stairs to grab boxes from when we moved here. I walked past the living room fast trying to get by without being notice, but that’s when I saw something out of the corner of my eye.
I slowly walked backwards looking into the living room, my jaw falls slack. I roll my eyes and continue my way into the downstairs closet.
I grabbed 4 boxes and made my way back to the stairs. “Y/n/n!” You heard with foot steps behind you, “go away Matt” you whispered as a tear fell out of your eye.
“Why haven’t you been answering your phone?” He said as he continued to follow me, I didn’t say anything but open my door so that he could see inside.
“You’re not being serious right now, you can’t just move back home.” He raised his eyebrows as he walked in and looked around, “I can and I am Matt” I rolled my eyes and started building the boxes.
“Why tho? You could just move out of here and move into an apartment or something” he said putting his hands on top of mine to stop me from what I was doing, “Matt please” I whispered with a shaky breath.
He put his hand on my chin and made me look up at him, he frowned even more seeing my red and puffy face.
He grabbed my hands and pulled them behind him, forcing me into a hug. As soon as my head hit his chest I started crying again and hard.
My whole body shook, this was such a good day and everything fell apart so quickly. I blinked my eyes and everything was gone and taken away from me all because of Nia.
He wrapped his arms around my neck and placed his hand on the back of my head pulling me closer. “I’m sorry Matt, that was never my intention. I don’t care about money, I don’t care about fame” I sobbed. He rubbed my back and kissed my Head, “I know” he whispered.
“I’ve only ever wanted you, I only posted that TikTok for fun. I didn’t expect you or Nick to actually see it. I’m sorry.” I cried, “don’t apologize for that princess, you didn’t do anything wrong, and I’m sorry I didn’t believe you in the first place when I should’ve” he sighed.
There was a quiet knock on the door, we pulled away and I started working on the box again. Matt opened the door and said a quiet “come in”, I whipped my head around to make sure he didn’t let Nia in.
I turned around seeing Chris and Nick walk in, I rolled my eyes and turned back around and starting a new box.
“Oh so you were serious” Nick whispered, This made Matt turn and look at you with a sigh. I stayed silent even tho I know they were waiting for an answer, “I’m sorry for believing Nia over you” Chris whispered, “yea me too, you didn’t deserve that” Nick added.
I sighed and dropped my box, I turned around and looked at them while crossing my arms.
“I don’t know why you’d believe her, I mean thinking about it now.. she was always asking to film with y’all. And when did I ever ask you to besides that one time.” I tilted my head with a shaky voice, this whole thing stressing me out.
“I know, but you gotta see it through our perspective. We’ve had this happen before with even childhood friends.” Nick sighed as he walked a bit closer to me.
“I get that I really do, but I haven’t gave you a reason not to trust me. That’s why I’m so frustrated.” I whispered looking down, my hands were shaking and I felt as though the floor beneath me was gonna give out.
“I know, and we’re sorry, and I’m sorry for being so aggressive I shouldn’t have been so rude” Chris said with open arms for a hug, I looked between the three men standing in front of me.
Noticing they all had sympathy on their faces, I let out a big sigh and shook my head and practically ran into Chris’s arms hugging him tightly. He stumbled back a little from the impact, he laughed and hugged back.
Matt and Nick hug around us with laughter. “Please believe me, I’m sorry Nia was such a bitch” I whispered, Chris pulled away which broke the whole hug.
“Y/n baby, we believe you” Matt said as he put his hands on my face and wiped his thumb under my eye.
“Instead of moving across the country where we couldn’t see you much, come stay with us until you can get an apartment” Nick said with a big smile, “Where would she sleep?” Chris asked confused since they only have three rooms.
“My room? Duh” Matt smirked looking down at me, “gross” Nick said with a disgusted face.
We all laughed but stopped when we heard a knock on the door, my eyes widened and darted to the door. Matt let out a small laugh at my reaction and just pulled me into a hug and started rocking us side to side.
Chris opened the door, “what do you want?” He said with a bored tone, “can I talk to you.. alone” Nia said.
Nick laughed and went to the door, “dude can you just fuck off, we will be out of here soon.” He said as he shut the door in her face.
I giggled into Matt’s shirt, he grabbed my chin and made me look at him. He smiled brightly and kissed my forehead, “let’s get you home my love” he whispered.
After packing two of the big boxes, we put them and my suitcase into my car. I still didn’t have everything packed so I’m still gonna have to come get everything tomorrow and bring it to a storage unit.
Hopefully the boys will help me with that. We walk back out with Matt carrying my pillows, Matt throws it into his car and turns and looks at me.
“Follow me?” He whispered looking down at me, I just nodded and went to turn around.
But he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him leaving a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled into the kiss as he pulled away and kissed my forehead and walking back to his car.
I turned around seeing nick at my passenger door, “I’m riding with you by the way” he smiled big which made me giggle. “That’s good with me” I smiled as we got in, “pick the music” I said handing him my phone and shutting my door.
Breespeaks: Nia’s out of the picture???
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marvellous1917 · 2 months
Icarus Falling Far From.
(Part 4)
Pairing: mob!bucky x tattoo artist!female!reader
Summary: Bucky comes face to face with the ones fucking his shit up, he’s all stressed and the reader just wants to make out.
Warnings: mentions of crime (guns,drugs,murder [he’s a monster babes]), swearing, guns, reader being threatened with a gun (oops), threat of violence, talking about feelings (ew), think that’s it-if I’m missing any let me know.
Word count: 3.9k ish
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A/n: hey guys, hope you enjoy this shit lmao, I truly have absolutely no idea where I’m going with this.
(This is not beta’d we die like men.)
Part 3 : Icarus Falling Far
Bucky’s thoughts in italics
Readers thoughts in bold
“It’s you.” Bucky states, his voice steady, hiding the confusion running through his head.
“It’s us,” Frank responds, “gotta be honest, we’ve had a lot of fun fucking up your shit.”
Frank stood with a smug smirk on his face, while the man with the buzz cut, and with scars covering his face, the light outside casting a grim portrait, stands with a big grin - both completely unaffected by the gun being pointed at them.
“Does she know?” Bucky asks, years of being screwed by people he trusted rearing back and kicking his trust issues into his gear.
Please say no, please tell me she’s not a part of this.
No. Not her.
“Y/n? Bet it break your cold heart if we said yes, huh?” Billy quips, with that stupid grin now a permanent fixture on his face. “That sweet pretty girl you though actually liked you, was actually just getting us this in, see we have proposition for- ”
“DOES SHE KNOW?” Bucky lets his voice rise, tired of the games the other men were playing.
“No, and we are gonna keep it that way you hear me, don’t drag that kind girl into this cruel world.” Curtis states, stepping forward as if to cut Billy off from responding.
Shit, I can’t let you look down and see me waving a gun in your friends faces.
“She doesn’t need to know. She’s not made for this world, not like us. So how about you put the gun away before she starts looking out that window.” Frank says, eyes flicking to your window to make sure you’re not witnessing this tense conversation.
Bucky slowly lowers the gun into his pocket, but keeps his hand tight on the weapon, just as a precaution.
Please be true, to whatever bastard higher power up there, please be true.
“Not like us?” Bucky says, parroting the other man’s words, “in what world are we the same?”
“Well I mean you and Curtis probably share the most similar physicality,” Billy states, chuckling a little at his own joke.
Bucky’s eyes flit to the quiet man on the left, recalling his earlier thoughts.
“What Bill means to say is that I know what’s it’s like to loose a limb in combat-”
“I didn’t loose my arm in combat.” His voice was deep and unwavering, even while the horrid memories came to the front of his mind, “you have no idea what I went through.”
“We know some. Rumors fly in the military.” Franks states, “we were all Marines together, and after Curtis lost his leg, I became a Navy Seal and Bill here became a Scout Sniper for the Marine Corps Reconnaissance. We’ve had our fair share of being screwed over by those in authority.”
“Am I supposed to give a shit? All that crap is behind me, what I care about is my business now, the same business that you three have been fucking up for the past week. So what the fuck do you want and what the fuck does Y/n have to do with it?” Bucky growls out, his patience slipping.
“We mean no harm, not to you, and especially not to Y/n-”
“I’m supposed to believe that, you used her to get to me right? If you cared about her you wouldn’t have done that-” Bucky begins before he gets cut off.
“Don’t you dare say that we don’t care about her!” Billy almost shouts stepping forward before stopping when Bucky brings the gun out of his pocket and lets it rest by his side.
“Y/n is one of the few things in this world we care about, she’s family okay, and we would never hurt her-” Curtis says
“Really, then how would you say she’s gonna feel if I go back to her apartment and tell her all about this, huh?” Bucky calls back
“You’re not gonna do that though, are ya? Because you know if you did, it’d break her heart, and you don’t wanna do that do ya Buck? Not when ya like her so much?” The words come from Billy, the annoying grin back in his face.
“What make you think I care that much?” Bucky says, even though his thoughts state the opposite.
I do. I do care.
“If you didn’t you would have shot us already.” Frank responds with a very valid point.
That makes Bucky clench his jaw and tense his gun wielding hand.
“All we want is a business meeting okay, talk about a potential partnership.” Frank stars crossing his arms, staring unklinking at Bucky.
“A partnership? It’s gonna take more than you fucking up a few things for me to even think about considering that. And what the hell would I get out of a partnership with you three?” Brucky responds, seriously considering just shooting the three men dead on the street.
“Well that’s something we can talk about later, but just so you know we have our hands in some business ourselves and more than enough bodies to keep our shit going, but we’d all be a hell of a lot richer if we worked together” Curtis states, shifting his weight onto his good leg.
“Plus just think about how happy our girl will be if we all got on.” Billy chimes in with a quick wink.
Our girl. OUR girl? God I wanna shoot these assholes.
Bucky keeps his calm facade up, unwilling to show the man that his words affected him.
“Fine. Be at the Comandos bar at 8 pm tomorrow, just you three, no weapons.” Bucky responds, wanting this conversation to be over.
The three men share quick look’s between themselves, and then Frank steps forward with his hand out towards Bucky and says “We’ll be there.”
Bucky doesn’t even look at them before turning quickly and walking back into the building, pulling out his phone to call Steve.
Frank chuckles, puts his hand down and turns to get in the car.
“Think he’ll tell her?” Curtis asks.
“Nah. He likes her too much.” Billy replies, while opening the door and getting in.
What the hell is taking him so long? God I hope the boys didn’t catch him and give the whole ‘if you hurt her we’ll kill you’ talk. The boys are scary but Bucky’s a damn mobster.
The heavy knock on the door stops your pacing, and cause you to run to the door and pull it open to see the aforementioned mobster.
He doesn’t even say anything before barging in, kicking the door closed behind him while his hands go straight to the sides of your face, pulling your lips to his. His grip is gentle, but his mouth is bruising, his teeth nipping your bottom lip.
You pull back to catch your breath, leaning your forehead on his and catching your breath.
“Not even a hello? You missed me that much?” You flirt quietly, whispering into his mouth, hand clutching his waist through his coat.
“More than you know darlin’ I needed to see you…and touch you,” Bucky responds, silently thinking I needed to make sure you were okay.
Oh please do.
“All I’m hearing is the big bad mobster saying he needs me” you tease, praying he didn’t take offence, yeah he’s sweet and lovely but I’ve only gotten a tiny glimpse at the other side of him.
“Is that how you see me?” He leans back to his full height, staring down into your eyes, dropping his hands to his sides.
Bucky grips your wrists and takes your hands off his body, moving them into his metal hand, the surface cold on your skin. You scramble to respond, wanting to tell him you thought the opposite, but his flesh hand moves to his pocket before you can talk.
“Big bad mobster huh? Oh doll you have no idea,” he says with an indiscernible look on his face, pulling out his glock.
Oh fuck, I was only teasing.
“Wait Buck-“ you start before he cuts you off.
“Y/n…Are you scared of me?” He asks, his grip on your wrists loose enough that you could get out of his grip if you wanted to.
You didn’t move. Looking into his eyes, an overwhelming feeling of calm takes over, the blue of his eyes the same as the sky after a storm.
“…no. I’m not.” I probably should be but apparently I’m crazy.
“Do you think I’m bad?” He asks.
All the stories, all the rumours, the memory of your first meeting, and the call he took in the shop come flooding to the forefront of your mind. That he’s a man with no mercy, cares for nothing and no one - except money, sex, and violence.
“…not to me.” You answer.
He pulls his arm up, holding the glock in between your faces, showing it to you. The bottom of his tattoo- your tattoo- sticks out from under his sleeve.
A normal person without a broken brain would take this as a threat. Why am I attracted to this?
He makes eye contact with you over the barrel, turning his hand and resting the muzzle on your cheek, but there is no fear in you, you can see his trigger finger resting on the side of the barrel.
“Do you trust me Y/N?” Bucky asks, his eyes not moving from yours.
You take a second to think about it.
The man is a fucking mobster for Christs’ sake. He’s a criminal, a gun runner, a drug trafficker, and not to mention a killer. His kills have hit the news before, no evidence proving it was his organisation, but everyone knows. It doesn’t matter if it was Bucky that pulled the trigger, held the knife, planted the bomb, nothing happened that wasn’t on his order. Can I really trust a man like that?
Your hesitation to answer has an effect on Bucky. He moves the gun, dragging it down your neck and resting the muzzle in the dip of your collar bone. You look down at his hand, finger still nowhere near he trigger.
“Y/n.” He calls quietly. Your eyes jump back to his and he speaks again, “do you think I would ever hurt you?”
That question has an answer you don’t have to think about.
“Not unless I did something to deserve it.” Your attempt at humour was immediately seen to be the wrong answer.
He sticks the gun back in your face, muzzle pushing between you lips, scratching your teeth. The movement causes your eyes to go wide, fear slipping onto your face.
“Did you do something to deserve it? Have you fucked me over Y/n?” His voice is tense, deadly serious, an unstable look in his eyes, his metal hand tightening on your wrists.
You lean back a little to answer, “…no, no of course not Buck. What’s going on? You’re freaking me out.”
He stares at you for what feels like hours, his face perfectly still, not giving anything away.
She doesn’t know. She truly has no idea. Thank fuck.
He drops the gun and lets go of your wrists, taking a few steps back, giving you space.
“I’m sorry doll, I’ve just had very hard day, some new information was given to me and it’s fucked me up a bit. I’m sorry Y/n, truly I am, I didn’t mean to freak you out.” His hands run through his hair, pulling at it harshly. “Shit darlin’, what the hell was I doing?” He mumbles the last bit to himself.
“Buck..Bucky, hey calm down, it’s okay-” you start before he talks again.
“It’s not okay! I just put a fucking gun in your face.” He keeps rambling, seeming like a whole other person than he was a minute ago.
“Buck! Stop, stop jabbering,” you grab his wrists, taking his hands from his hair and pulling him towards you.
He stops talking, and stares at your hands in his, the metal of his prosthetic shining a stark contrast against your skin.
You take a second to look at him, eyes studying his face. He looks worried, and a little scared.
Huh, didn’t know a mobster could get scared. Is he’s scared of me and what I’m gonna say… or is he scared of himself?
“You don’t scare me Buck…you probably should, but you don’t. ‘Cos you’ve been nothing but good to me, even a minute ago when you were acting weird, I knew you weren’t gonna do anything-”
“How? How did you trust me to not hurt you, when I was waving my glock in your face?”
“You had your finger on the barrel”
He’s silent for a few seconds, thinking over what you said. He takes a deep breath, meeting your eyes.
“I don’t know what to say,” Bucky responds.
“Then don’t say anything.” You say, the imagine of him with a gun in his hand fresh in your mind.
That whole episode should not have been as hot as it was. Shit I’m fucked up.
Bucky stares at you (he does that a-lot), unsure of his next move.
“Kiss me, dumbass.”
He moves before you can blink, his hands gently grabbing your face and pulling you to him. His kiss takes your breath away, gentle but firm. Your hands grip his elbows, encouraging him to keep going.
He takes the hint (thank fuck) and splits your lips with his tongue, his nose pressed hard against your cheek. He moves his hands down to your hips, gripping hard. Your hands grip the back of his head, fingers playing with his hair, tugging at it slightly when he completely deepens the kiss, your tongues tangling together. He lets out a quiet groan at the feeling, taking his left hand off your hip and tensing it by his side. You break the kiss when you feel the loss of his touch.
You take a second to catch your breath, Bucky leaning his head against yours.
“Why did you take your hand off me?” You ask.
“What?” He responds, the small dazed look on his face making you chuckle a little.
“Your hand, I liked it where it was.”
“Oh..that. It’s uh..it’s pretty strong, I can’t tell how hard I’m holding something, I can’t feel it so I tend to hold things a bit too hard… I broke like 5 cups in the past week-” he answers, stuttering his way through the sentence.
“Stop talking Buck, and you say I ramble,” You say, putting your finger to his lips. He stops talking, and you continue, “I trust you Buck, I’ll tell you if you’re holding me too hard. Plus I like it a little rough.” You finish with a wink at him, pulling his hand back to your waist.
He drops his head back, eyes closed and takes a deep breath in. He mumbles under his breath something that sounds like ‘god you’re perfect’, then he crashes his lips back into yours, both hands tightening on your hips.
He moves faster now, more intense with his kiss, his teeth scraping yours slightly and he presses you backwards, walking with you until you bump into the wall, his flesh hand stopping your head from hitting it.
Aww how sweet. The thought is thrown from your head when Bucky drops his head and presses kisses to your jaw, his hand curling in your hair to pull your head back, exposing your neck to him.
“Oh shit,” you whisper, as he licks a long stripe up your neck, nipping at the pulse points he finds. Your hands drop to his hips and pull him flush to you, groaning when you feel how much you’ve affected him. He kisses his way back to your lips, his metal hand moving to rest on the side of your neck, thumb resting in the front of your neck. Bucky gives you a long hard kiss then pulls back breathing hard.
“God girl, you are gonna be the death of me,” he whispers, lips brushing against yours as he talks.
“Fuck I hope not,” you respond, pulling his hips tighter against yours making him choke back a groan at the feeling.
His phone starts to ring.
Fuck off.
You pull him to you again, lips trailing across his jaw.
“Shit doll, wait a second baby-” he starts before you cut him off.
“Wait? Wait for what Buck, you don’t want me?” You tease, brushing your nose along his.
He crashes his lips against yours, his ringtone fading as his kiss overtakes your mind. Bucky pulls back after a few seconds, growling softly before stepping back to pull his phone out of his pocket.
“Are you seriously gonna answer that?” You ask, incredulous to his action.
“I have to darlin, could be an emergency,” he answers, taping the screen to answer. He puts the phone to his ear and says, “talk to me.”
You ignore his conversation, grabbing his metal hand to inspect it. The plates shift as you turn it over to look at the palm.
What an incredible feat of engineering, I wonder how it works. And how it feels-
Your dirty thoughts are cut short as he pulls his hand out of your grip, turning and taking a few steps away from you. His voice is quiet, probably to keep you from hearing whatever illegal shit they were discussing.
You jump when he shouts.
“THE FUCK? Rogers you get them to find more information on those shitheads, or I swear to fuck I will rip their fucking hearts out. I don’t care anymore, this shit needs to stop right the fuck now!” He stops his tirade and listens to ‘Rogers’ on the other side for a few second before he starts up again, “I know that asshole…one of the fuckers is married, find the wife… I have no idea if she’s involved man, I doubt it but she’d be good leverage… and get me some more information on their business so I’m not going into this shit show unprepared.”
That gets your full attention. Find the wife? Leverage? And do what? Threaten her? Hurt her? …kill her?
A shiver rips its way down your spine at that thought.
Would he do that? If she’s not a part of the issue, would he still hurt her? He already proved he’d hurt anyone that fucked him over, proved that when he stuck his gun in my mouth.
“Yeah…I know, get Stark on it, send Talia and Barton out too, see if they can get any news on the street… tell Barton to keep his cool, I don’t need anymore shit right now” Bucky says, switching the phone to his metal hand, using his flesh one to pull at his hair again.
His back is still turned to you, his coat stretches over his shoulder, the back rising with his hand in his hair.
He has a gun in his waistband.
Your eyes flit to the glock he drop on the floor earlier, and back to the one tucked in his waistband.
Is two guns really necessary?
Your answer comes with his next sentence.
“Fuck Steve I know that…you think I got this far without any personal protection? I’m good if anything happens man but I don’t think it will, they seemed pretty insistent on the fact they meant no harm..”
He continues to talk for a minute until he ends the call with a quick “get it done Steve, or we’re all fucked.” He places the phone back in his pocket, takes a few deep breaths and turns back to you with a tense look on his face. He takes another deep breath and steps towards you. Without meaning to you take a step back, hitting the wall behind you. Bucky stops as soon as he sees your movement.
“Sorry about that sweetheart, didn’t mean to upset ya.” He says, his voice quiet and calm, as if he was talking to a injured dog.
You let the silence linger for a second, deciding whether or not to ask the question that was begging to be said.
Fuck it.
“What are you going to do to her?”
He tilts his head at the question, unsure of what you’re talking about.
You take pity on his confusion.
“The wife? What are you going to do when you find her?”
Something settles in his eyes, his mouth twisting into a grim line.
“Nothing…unless I have to.” Bucky responds.
His answer does nothing to calm your pounding heart.
“You mean you won’t do anything unless you find out she’s involved?”
“So you won’t do anything if she’s not a part of …whatever it is?” You ask.
“That’s right.” He nods with his answer.
“Except use her as leverage?”
He’s silent for a moment, and sighs as he rolls his left shoulder. He doesn’t break eye contact, and he’s completely resigned to whatever his answer is about to be.
“If I have to.” There is no lie in his voice, no guilt or remorse in his eyes.
Holy fuck. There’s the soldier again, the man with no mercy, does whatever he needs to come out on top.
You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself.
He wouldn’t hurt me. Would he?
He answers like he heard your thought.
“It’s business doll, we do what we have to do. Sometimes it’s rough and bad and awful and yes, people get hurt. Sometimes even innocent people get hurt. But I will never apologise for being the one that does the hurting, me and mine have had our fair share of getting hurt, and I’d rather hurt and use some people I don’t care about, than watch my people, my family, get hurt. I will not allow that to happen, not when I can to something about it.” He stands straight, like a soldier. The conviction in his voice actually makes you feel calmer.
Assuming I’m someone he cares about, I should be fine, right?
It slips off your tongue before you can catch it.
“Do you care about me?” You shift your weight as you talk, unsure if you actually want to hear the answer.
“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.” He states, his tone steady.
“Say it properly,” you demand, crossing your arms over your chest, a subconscious way of protecting yourself, “I need you to say it properly Bucky.”
He shifts his weight now, seemingly uncomfortable.
“Yes… I do care about you,” he answers, clearing his throat in the middle of his statement, “do you care about me?”
You were unprepared for him to flip it back on you.
“I need you to answer truthfully Y/n. Do you care about me, as I am? The ‘big bad mobster’” he says, taking a step closer to you, and taking another when you don’t move away from him.
“The man who broke into your flat to threaten your roommate who owes me? The one who was going to shoot your friends dead on the street? The one who stuck a gun in your face? I’m a killer Y/n, a fucking mobster, and I’m not changing any time soon. Do you care about me as I am?” He asks, reminding you of the shit he’s done since you met him, not even counting the things you haven’t heard about.
You take a second to consider his questions.
I think I do, how fucked am I that I do?
You finally clock what he said.
“You were going to shoot who dead on the street?!”
hehehehe I feel like an evil mastermind.
If you are not tagged here- I either will tag you in a separate post- or I cannot tag you for some reason.
@shuriri4life @calwitch @goodkittyspost @iateall-yourcookies @miss-i-ship-it @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @anawhitethorn @radiator-hands @tripletstephaniescp @yeahimcrying @shifting2places @1-800-bxrnes @fandomsfallnomore @bushtail @ghostofwinter @missdarlingsb @amiets2 @leabunny @justmarlen3 @bofadeezs @jehduxi @grey107th @king-of-spades-aroace @sebismyhubby @princezzjasmine @sebastianswhore @cluckityduck
@sleepyghostygirl @starlightaurorab @where-the-river-bends @imagines-of-the-fandom @bigenargy @uraverageatiny @squeezyvalkyrie @mylifeispainandiloveit @mrvlxgrl @bopbeepboopbopbeep @yvessaintmuerte @thecubanator2 @flubblubbb @teambarnes72 @ria132love @rivthejellyfish @mybakubaby @blue-chup @goatsmcgee @facinated-lemon @daddylorianisastateofmind @buckybarnesb-tch
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