#you know Dubois is sitting and pouting at home
Songbird: *walks into the roost in an absolutely killer outfit that has ALL the Fussa-chasers in the club turning their heads*
Smokes: Aaahh... Dubois is in the doghouse tonight, I see?
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xbadgerbearx · 3 years
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word count: 1.6k
Can’t Sleep: [4] … [6]
Not too long later, Gaius Grieves revealed himself. Your little trio watched as Robert discreetly put a gun to his back and started talking. You weren't close enough to decipher what he said. Once he started moving your team got the cue to follow. However, everyone stopped in their tracks once soldiers were spotted.
"I thought Milton was supposed to be our lookout," you muttered as the soldiers started speaking Spanish to the patrons in the club.
As the soldiers got more aggressive in their search for Americans, Robert turned to Cleo.
"All right," Robert motioned to Grieves. "Take him out through the back, all right? Find my coordinates in the pad and meet me in half an hour," he ordered while handing Abner a gun.
"Hey, did you hear what I said?"
"Yes, but-"
Cleo hesitated before grabbing Grieves.
"Let's go."
As you were leading your small group to the back entrance, you heard Robert yell out, "Hey, calm down! There's no need to disturb everyone's night."
You could faintly hear Flag speak up as you found a door marked Solo Empleados.
"This way."
Unfortunately the door you opened was the dressing room for the dancers. You heard Abner say, "Oh, God," before a stumbling sound and a gun being handled. You briefly looked back to see Abner holding Grieves at gun pointing and ordering him to "Move it!"
Damn. That was a little hot.
Pushing your way through the dancers and out the door, you let out a small gasp at the soldier standing in front of you. Cleo, ever the quick thinker, used her device to have a rat crawl down his throat.
"Remind me not to get on your bad side."
You eventually made your way outside in an alley. Milton jogged over once he caught sight of you four.
"Your equipment manipulates animal behavior, clever," Grieves spoke out. "I'm working on something similar with humans."
"Be quiet, please."
"You are perceivably panicked. I'm guessing that you are not the alphas of this battalion."
"Do you want a dozen angry rodents crawling up your ass?" Cleo snapped.
"My answer might not be what you expect."
"Disgusting," you commented as Abner ushered Grieves to move.
You quickly made your way into the van. Milton took the driver's seat, Abner sat in the middle across from Grieves who still had a gun pointed at him, and you and Cleo took a seat in the back by Nanaue.
"Hello, friends!"
"Hi, yes, hello to you too, Nanaue," you said before pointing at Grieves. "Nom nom this man if I give the word."
Cleo rummaged through DuBois bag before handing you the coordinate pad he spoke of earlier. Was that a picture of his daughter you saw? You couldn't get a good look since Cleo zipped up the bag. Coordinates in hand, you made your way back up the front to give Milton directions.
"Oh ho ho, what's this?" Grieves smuggly declared. You were too busy paying attention to the road to hear him.
"What's what?"
"I saw that little look you gave to your teammate."
"There was no look," Abner denied.
"Ah, but there was. How are you going to pretend you weren't just looking at their ass as they passed? You seem to have a school boy crush."
"Abner has a crush?" Cleo entered the conversation.
Grieves laughed before answering Cleo. "You seem to have forgotten that I study people for a living, and I am very good at my job."
"Pet pet and Polky?" Nanaue piped up from the back.
"No! No Pet pet and Polky," Abner said with exasperation. However, upon looking at you and seeing how captivating you looked under the flashing lights of the street lamps, he followed it up with defeated, "Okay, maybe Pet pet and Polky."
"Dios mío!" Cleo exclaimed before she was hurriedly shushed. They both looked over to see if you heard.
"Okay, now take a right onto this street."
You did not.
"I'm happy for you, Abner."
"You seem to have forgotten you are on a mission. This isn't some little girl's slumber party."
Cleo slapped Grieves over the back of the head as Abner seemed to remember that he had a gun in his hand.
"Be quiet."
"Is- is that them?"
The team all looked at you as they looked out the window. Following your gaze, it landed on an upside down armored vehicle in a ditch.
"Of course it is, who else would be dumb enough," you sighed.
Milton slowly approached the area and parked the van. As soon as it stopped you jumped out to see if they were still there. Turns out you didn't have to wait long; the back door unlocked to reveal your three teammates scuffed but otherwise unharmed.
You wouldn't admit it but you felt relieved.
"All right," Robert grunted. "Let's go to Jotunheim."
"Nope. There's somethin' we gotta take care of first."
Rick sighed out, "As much as it pains me to say, we gotta get Harley Quinn."
"Harley who?"
"Quinn. She was on Team 1 with me. Now that I know where she is, we gotta go get her."
"Fuck no."
"Come on, man." They made their way back into the van after you. "She's a valuable asset."
"I said no."
"Don't make me get Waller into this."
Robert thought for a moment. "Fuck, fine, alright. We'll go get 'er."
Everyone eventually got seated. This time you actually sat in a seat since you weren't planning on taking an impromptu nap—although that did sound nice. Flag filled Milton out on the details and directed him on where to go as you all got cozy. Robert and Chris were going at it again, Cleo was asleep, Nanaue was trying to get you to sit in his lap, and Abner was watching in amusement.
"I said no."
"Pet pet?"
"No, Nanaue."
Nanaue put on his best pout, "Please?"
You should not have turned around to look at him. Sighing, you stood up and made your way over to him.
"Hahaha!" He sounded like a giddy kid in a candy store. He gently picked you up and placed you on his lap. Immediately he started petting you again and hummed. Your legs were cramped and you felt like you were about to fall off his lap. Without saying anything, you sprawled your legs across Abner's lap. He just looked at you with a smile before adjusting himself to accommodate you. Resting his arms over your legs, he continued looking out the window.
"How fascinating."
"Hmm?" You looked at Grieves.
"You don't happen to also control animal behavior, do you?"
"Why would I tell you that?"
You heard a loud sigh from Chris. "Is this going to become a regular occurance?"
"What, you jealous? I'm calling it now, if we have another night during this mission I'm using him as my cuddle buddy."
Although you said you wouldn't, you were almost asleep before Robert made the call for everyone to gear up. While everyone was rushing to get their gear on, you just yawned and leaned over to handcuff Grieves to a seat before making yourself at home on Nanaue again. You weren't exactly trained to fight with weapons, although you did grab a nearby combat knife to carry.
"You gotta be kiddin' me. You're gonna risk the entire mission for a mental defective dressed as a court jester."
"This is coming from a guy that wears a toilet seat on his head."
"We don't leave our own behind," Rick reminded.
"You're okay with this?"
"No, but I've been around Flag when he's got a rag in his mouth. Best not to tug it."
Just as everyone seemed almost ready, you hopped off Nanaue and gently nudged Cleo.
"Come on, gotta wake up."
"All right, let's go."
Everyone—besides Grieves—exited the vehicle before Flag announced his plan.
"All right, we'll enter through the third floor, go to the inner staircase, and then down to the cellar where they usually keep their detainees. Hopefully, Harley's still alive."
Still butthurt about what Robert said, Chris stubbornly muttered, "It's not a toilet seat, it's a beacon of freedom!"
Everyone got into position; Peacemaker somehow scaled a building to get a vantage point, Abner was down the street looking for traffic, Rick and Robert were beside one of the walls ready to climb to the third floor, you turned into a bird (much to the amazement of your team) so you could quickly enter the window Robert would open, and Nanaue—who forgot you turned into a bird—stared at you.
"Ratatouille, what do you got?"
"Third floor hallway's clear. Abner?"
"There doesn't seem to be any incoming traffic."
"Nanaue, that's Mimic you meathead- and stay off the comm!"
"Colonel, I got a clean shot on the only one in the office. Just give the word."
"Fire on three, two..."
"What're you guys doing?"
Rick looked at Harley, then DuBois, then back to Harley. "I... you- we're here to save you."
"You were gonna... save me?" Harley visibly looked touched.
"It was a really good plan, too."
"Well I can go back inside and you can still do it."
"That's patronizing," Bloodsport commented.
You saw Harley drag a big stick thing over to Flag and hug him.
"Uh, what's with the javelin?"
"I'm waiting for God to tell me."
"Jesus Christ..."
"Yeah, or Him. Or any of them, really."
You and Nanaue watched as Harley and Bloodsport had an awkward introduction.
"Never mind everyone, Harley is secure."
"Meet me in the van so we can leave as quickly as possible."
Sighing, you morphed back into your original form. Nanaue made an audible gasp as he saw you sitting on the railing.
"Pet pet?
"Yes, Nanaue, it's me, Pet pet."
King Shark laughed as he started petting you immediately. Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you swatted his hand away and motioned for him to follow you.
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rachelbethhines · 3 years
Robin Hood and His Merry Band
list of characters for an original series I’m working on 
Alan-a-Dale - the gloomy and cynical bard, the grumpy voice of reason who doesn’t give a fuck, wonders why he hangs out with these crazies, knows it’s cause they’re family to him but won’t admit it out loud, besties with Friar Tuck even though they never agree on anything, is clearly a bi disaster 
The Archdeacon of Canterbury - The aging head cleric of the church of England. He supports King Richard but is becoming increasingly impotent because of his failing health. Still holds a lot of political power because of his title though.
The Azure Assassin - A deadly mercenary and rival to Robin Hood. Orphaned at a young age Azure had to steal to survive. She stowed away on a pirate ship at the age of ten and has spent the pass eight years studying fighting techniques the world over. They call her the Azure Assassin because her blue eyes are the last thing you’ll see before dying. She’s gained a modest fortune and fame as a spy and assassin, however she can never stay in one play too long due to her reputation getting out. Prince John has offered her a pardon and a place in high society if she brings in Robin Hood’s head. Shame she’s fallen in love with his brother Will Scarlet, as that complicates matters.  
The Bishop of Hereford - Conservative asshole who supports Prince John’s rule and shares his beliefs on ‘bringing order to the kingdom’. Wants to usurp the Archdeacon as the head of the church. Is Friar Tuck’s and Sister Clara’s arch nemesis.
Dame Brianna DuBois - Also known as the The Black Knight, DuBois is loyal to the throne of England and whoever sits upon it. She’s Prince John’s personal bodyguard and unbeknownst to all a double agent for King Richard who is in hiding. However she is conflicted when her duty places her lover Yua in jeopardy. Yes, she’s totally a butch lesbian.   
The Duke of Essex - Prince John’s adviser and right hand man. He only cares for power for power’s sake but is sneaky and conniving and willing to play the long game to get it. He prefers poison to swords, but is surprisingly good at hand to hand combat when cornered. Has a pet snake. It’s the only living thing that he loves.    
Elenore of England - Prince John and King Richard’s sister and Maid Marian’s mother. She died when negotiations during a worker dispute turned violent. Unable to quell the people’s rage, she was stuck down during a riot. Richard, blaming himself for losing his temper and causing things to escalate has since tried to follow in her footsteps and become peacemaker. Prince John went the opposite route and blamed the ungrateful peasants (criminals in his mind) and resented Richard for even bothering to negotiating in the first place.   
Friar Tuck - The jovial and optimistic heart of the team. He tries to keep everyone’s spirits up and believes that helping people is the ultimate expression of god’s love. Is a hopeless romantic and also very, very gay. He butts heads with more traditional leaders of the church often. He also has a not so secret crush on his best friend Alan. 
Guy of Gisbourne - From pauper to nobleman, Guy is Robin’s opposite in everyway. He crawled up from the bottom rung by using and stepping on others and he’s always looking for the opportunity to climb the ranks. Don’t let his foppish ways fool you though, he is both a cunning and ruthless foe and isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. His latest scheme however is to marry Maid Maiden and become next in line for the throne as Prince John has no other heirs save his ward.  
King Richard - Good Richard the Lionhearted is no longer a bloodthirsty crusader in this alternate universe but a peacemaker. He wishes to end wars, not start them, however his more abrasive, uncouth, and impulsive nature can often clash with his loftier goals. Many feel the king would do better to stay at home and tend to domestic matters instead of concerning himself with the conflicts of other far off lands. At the start of the story he has disappeared on one of his diplomatic visits. In reality Prince John has stuck a deal with the king’s enemies and he is currently on the run. 
Lady Tiffany - Little John’s little wife and the daughter of the Sherriff of Nottingham. She acts as the gang’s ‘man on the inside’ helping Robin Hood sneak in and out of places and feeding the team needed information. She’s stubborn and spoiled but also very kind hearted. She usually can get her father to give into her demands with just a pout and when that doesn’t work a full on tantum will do. She a woman who knows what she wants and what she wants is her man. Unfortunately daddy dreariest would never approve of their union and so Friar Tuck marries them in secret.  
Little John - Robin’s best friend and right hand man. He’s a simple man who loves life’s simple pleasures, good food, good friends, and a good brawl from time to time. He adores his partner, Tiffany and would like nothing more than to marry her for real, in a real church, in front of the whole world. However their relationship must remained hidden from her father, the Sheriff, since the violent lawman would sooner see him hanged then have a thief for a son-in-law.  
Lord Locksley - Robin’s and Will’s father. He is arrested for ‘not paying taxes’ but in reality it’s for supporting King Richard and secretly helping the displaced monarch. His arrest leads to Robin and Will becoming outlaws and the series kicks off two years later.   
Maid Marian - Prince John’s ward and niece. Her mother died when she was young and her beloved uncle adopted her. Prince John is the only parent she’s ever known and she at first believes him to be a kind and just man. She’s completely oblivious of Prince’s John’s underhanded dealings and oppression of the poor and at first is skeptical of Robin Hood. However as the two grow closer, Marian learns how harsh the real world is and just how much her father figure has lied to her. 
Miss Yua - Maid Marian’s lady-in-waiting and best friend. She’s the daughter of Sir Ivanhoe and longs to be a knight as well. She’s a stickler for rules and doesn’t trust Robin Hood and his gang of thieves. At first anyways, over time she too learns of Prince John’s cruelty and even becomes a victim of the tyrant’s schemes. Which puts her in direct conflict with her love, Brianna DuBois.  
Much the Miller's Son - born as Midge the miller’s daughter, the young Much longs to be accepted as a boy. As such he’s ditched his dresses, cut his hair, and ran away to Sherwood Forrest in order to be free from society’s expectations. The rest of the merry band accepts Much for who he really is, but at only 13 won’t let him join their gang. He still winds up caught up in their misadventures anyways due to his refusal to listen to anybody, and his determination to get away from his overbearing mother. 
Nurse Agnes - Maid Marian’s wet nurse and the closest thing to a mother that she has. Agnes believes in the ‘old ways’ and is very superstitious. She’s also very critical of royalty in general, but is smart enough not to say so out loud. She’s tried to raise Marian into a better person than Prince John, but eventually was dismissed once Marian had come of age. Since leaving the court Agnes has become the witch of the woods and a healer for the poor. 
Prince John - The main antagonist. Prince John believes that he needs to bring order to the kingdom of England and feels like his brother King Richard has neglected his duties as ruler and placed the kingdom in danger. He'll do whatever it takes to protect the country including subjecting it’s undesirables.  
Robin Hood - Leader of the Merry Band and archer extraordinaire, Robin Hood had to go on the lam when his father was arrest for ‘treason’. While his first priority was to keep his baby brother, Will, safe, the two of them met other outcasts in need over the years have built up an underwound network of rebels who fight against Prince John’s rule. Seemingly suave and cool at first, Robin is actually a bundle of nerves as he tries desperately to keep his friends and family safe...even if it’s mostly from themselves. His world is turned upside down though when he meets the lovely Maid Marian. 
Sheriff of Nottingham - The spiteful and cruel sheriff tries to keep the small town of Nottingham under his thumb. He hates Robin Hood and his Merry Band with a passion and sees their continued exitance as a personal insult. The only thing that will deter him from his goal of putting those outlaws in their place is his devotion to his beloved daughters Tiffany. Who distracts him with her seemingly impulsive and shallow whims.   
Sir Ivanhoe - A respected knight who once served under King Richard has returned home only to find that his king has not made the journey back as planned. He suspects that Prince John is up to no good, but is afraid to make any risky moves so long as his daughter Yua lives among the court. Her safety is the most important thing in the world to him. 
Sister Clara - The resident nerd of Sherwood Forrest and the brains of the team. Clara had joined a convent in order to receive an education and to study science, however her experiments were frowned upon by more traditional leaders of the church, like the Bishop of Hereford. She’s since renounced her monastic vows and has joined Robin Hood’s Merry Band in the pursuit of science! She’s allowed free rein on the sole condition that she doesn’t blow up the camp.  She still manages to blow up the camp, at least once a month. Still her inventions are invaluable to the team and she’s absolutely feral with her chim-bombs.  
The Trapper - A mysterious hermit who sometimes visits the local pub. He’ll often corner patrons with crazy drunken ramblings and loves to give Robin cryptic prophecies and disjoined ‘clues’ whenever they run into each other. (turns out this is an act and he’s really a spy for King Richard)
Will Scarlett - Robin’s younger brother. Will was 15 when they lost their father and now at 17 wants revenge. He’s a hothead and is constantly picking fights with everyone and anyone. While he is dismissive of Robin’s overprotectiveness, he both loves and admires his brother. Even tries to emulate him in some ways. He also would like to think of himself as a smooth talking clever con artist and ladies man but more often then not his temper gets the better of him. Like most teens he’s obsessed with the latest fashion tends and loves to wear fancy clothes (that he’s usually stolen) He’s favorite article of clothing is his impractical red feathered hat. He’s in love with Azure and is best friends with Much. 
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charlettebffxiv · 3 years
Prompt #21 Feckless
Morning burns sometimes, does it not? Not in the way that has you fueled for the sun ahead, where motivation and ambition take hold and you can charge directly into the tasks that stand between you and falling into bed, satisfied and certain of your future. Sometimes it just burns, a true fiery kind of burn that wipes away everything. Desire, initiative, what little stockpile of energy you may have accrued during a night of fitful rest, filled with dreams, or nightmares. The kind that simply won’t allow you the calm darkness that makes for the sort of sleep-filled foundation one might need to face a full cycle of bells. Or perhaps Charlette was just being a feckless poet whose covers had become far too heavy to remove under the chill of an unwelcome dawn.
She wanted nothing else, but to pull those covers up over her head and remain in the comforting warmth. Not an unfamiliar feeling for her. No she often hated the first few suns of the colder seasons. Autumn and winter were hardly unwelcome, in fact they were her favourite seasons. Thick, comforting clothing, warm coffee, tea and hot chocolate by crackling hearths, an excuse to be cozy and comfortable in closeness with friends and strangers alike. Like anything else, warmth is precious when it is rare and hard to get. And she had so much of it right here, in bed. A knock at her door interrupted her morning musing. It was smart and short, oh good, Chloe still had those manners. Not much though, as the door swung open before she could answer. “You up?” Charlette glanced over the edge of her blankets, it was not a welcoming look. “Oh good! I’ve been up for bells already, there’s frost outside. I think we are in for a cold winter if the first week of autumn is already like this!” Chloe stepped into Charlette’s room, and dropped herself down on the edge of her bed. “Why so grumpy? You love the cold! Who knows? Maybe we might even get snow in the Shroud for once? I have heard of stranger things happening, hells I have seen stranger things happen out there, beyond the forest.” she waved a hand at the window. “Mmmmmhhfff…” It was the most eloquent groan she could muster. Chloe shifted closer to the head of the bed, and patted Charlette’s leg through her covers. “Having trouble getting up? It is chilly out there, but there is a whole sun ahead of us! You promised you would show me the Greenhouse, so stop being lazy and get up!” Chloe threw her hands into the air, raising her voice with them. Oh, it grated against Charlette’s ears. No, no she did not think she would get up. “Nnnh… Mm-m. No!” Like a child pouting at her parents, she shook her head and made the most petulant sounding grunt of disagreement. Chloe leaned down and pulled her slippers from her feet, then flopped next to Charlette. She laid on her belly and looked down at what she could see of her sisters head. Just her forehead and eyes peaked out, and they looked deeply insulted. “Want to do it later?” Chloe’s tone was gentle, placating, how rude! Charlette didn’t like the idea of that, of letting her lesser desires get the best of her this time. She rarely let that happen, as far as she is concerned at least. And the trouble is, you let it go once, then it gets easier the next time. Go with the flow, easy as a leaf on the wind was Chloe’s spirit. It’s her talent, being able to do that and still return with the same motivation the next sun. Her hesitation was read easily though, Chloe stroking a strand of her snow white hair behind a long, deep-black ear. She was darker than all of them, but certainly took after their father’s colouring. “How about… mmh.” Charlette could see Chloe’s verve tempering, turning down in the cold of the morning. She spied something on the shelf that hung just above Charlette’s bed. A bit of a hazard, really, if it ever came down it would dump several heavy books right onto her sleeping head. Chloe reached up, and plucked a tattered little tome from the lot. Nearly bringing three others with her, but she was quick like a magician pulling a tablecloth from under a tea set. “We lay in bed, you read me this for the… fourteenth time? Afterwards we can shout for dad and beg him to make us hot chocolate. Like we used to?” Charlette hesitated again, the descent into fecklessness leering at her. Chloe titled her head, widened her eyes, and pouted like a puppy begging for treats. Charlette grabbed a handful of blankets, and lifted them up, Chloe was quick to take the invitation and slipped right in, tightly next to her. They were adults, far from the young children they once were and this bed had not grown with them. But it was enough, and Gods was it cozy. Though… “Ah! Your feet are cold!” Charlette’s yelp rang around the house. Well at least their father would be up early. “Baby!” And Chloe shoved them right against Charlette’s leg, initiating a gentle kicking match. Adults, yes, but what is that but layers of age atop a child that sits at the core of it all? Chloe finally settled, with her chin on Charlette’s shoulder, an arm around her sister, looking up at the book she held. Kin of the Shroud and The Long Walk to a New Home - By Corentin Dubois An old childrens book, part of a set that had been popular across most of Gridania. Copies could be found on shelves in almost any home, but it was this one, the very first book in the series that Charlette had read over, and over again. Alone yes, but her favourite readings were when her sister had just grown old enough to appreciate the story. This was how she had read it to her, the tale of a group of animals from the Shroud, finding a new home after a great fire had decimated their section of the Shroud. A sweet little adventure, one they both loved, and were likely inspired by. “Chapter 1 - All Colours Make Ash in the Inferno.” It got a little dark sometimes...
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bowensbyrams · 4 years
the canada dream {02}
n/a: hey, guys! Here’s part 2 of TCD, as promised. I’m sorry it took me so long to update, my classes are back and last week was kinda hard, but here we go! Please let me know what you think <3 
Pairing: Pierre-Luc Dubois x reader
Warnings: a little bit of angst at the beginning, mentions of abusive/toxic relationship
Word counting: 2,1k
Ps: part 1 can be found here: https://royaltyofhockeylosers.tumblr.com/post/627737248109133824/the-canada-dream-01 
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I realize there's something wrong the moment I find myself opening the door to my old apartment in Boston. As far as I remember, I moved to Montreal and am living with my best friend Anna... Or was it just a dream? I wouldn't be surprised, I've been dreaming on moving to Canada for a while now. I enter the living room and drop my bag on the couch, heading to my room but a noise stops me. No, not a noise. A moan. A woman's moan. I live with my boyfriend, Thomas, and as far as I know, we don't share the apartment with another girl. My heart fasten with every step I take until I'm facing the white door that leads to my room. Our room. "Faster, Tommy" I hear the girl say and my boyfriend groans, making my skin shiver "Yes just like that" "God you're so hot, baby" Thomas' voice is like a fist to my stomach and the tears start rolling down my face. Not again, please. I open the door and the scene in front of me breaks my heart into a million pieces. My boyfriend is buried into a blonde's pussy and keeps thrusting in and out of her as he sees me. "Hello, princess. Do you want to join us?" his smile is almost wicked and I can't move, I can't breath as I watch him fucking her the way he used to make love to me. The tears never stop coming down and my sobbing seems to make him want to go deeper and faster until the girl screams his name.
~~ I sit on my bed, tears running on my cheeks and my heart racing like a horse. My entire body hurts as I'm forced to remember every single scene from that damn day, unable to erase the overwhelming feeling for good. My phone pings and I reach out to check it. When my eyes catch the clock and I realize it's almost 1 p.m, my heart skips a beat. I've never woken up this late, but I guess the adventures from last night and the anxiety of moving to another country to restart my life got the best of me. Unlocking the screen, I check the message app before anything else. There are 2 texts from Tyler and 6 from Logan, so I decide to open the latter thread. L: Hey Y/N, it's Logan L: I'm sorry for last night, I hope Anna is okay L: Tyler said he invited you two to the barbecue, cool! L: Here's the address and don't worry about anything, just bring whatever you guys wanna drink L: We reeeeeally want you to come, Luc is excited to meet you two I smile at the last text which is formed by at least 10 different types of emojis. I reply saying I need to ask Anna if she wants to come and lock the screen again, leaving my bed and going to Anna's room. My best friend is sleeping like a baby, so I decide to go make something for us to eat. When I'm almost done with the spaghetti, Anna appears in the kitchen with a pout on the lips and her brows furrowed. "Good morning, sunshine" I sing and my friend groans, sitting on one of the benches by the marble island in the middle of the kitchen. “I’m not feeling sunshiny today. I feel like I’ve been ran over by a truck. Multiple times” “That’s called tequila hungover and I’m not saying I told you so...” “Nah shut up” she shushes me waiving her hand “Can you get me a pill that’ll make this go away?” Anna points at her own head and I hold back a laugh, opening one of the cabinets where she showed me the medicines were. Handing her an Aspirin and a cup of water, I go back to the stove and turn it down, taking the pan to the island. Anna takes the pill and sighs, looking at the food. "Is this a dream?" my best friend asks when I put a plate in front of her and lets out a small moan when she takes the first bite "Honestly, if I had known you could cook like this, I would've invited you to move in with me way earlier" "Oh, don't get to used to it. My cooking knowledge is resumed to spaghetti, lasagna and burgers" "Who said we need more than that to survive?" Anna looks at me with an offended look making me laugh. We're half way through our meal until I decided to tell her about the barbecue. "So Logan and the other boys are hosting a barbecue today and they want us to come. It'll be just us, them, Tyler's girlfriend and that other guy they were telling us about yesterday. You in?" "As long as Logan keeps his alcohol to himself, I see no problem" she replies and I can't hold back my laugh. "Hey you're the one who suggested you guys should see who could get more shots in less time" "I never thought he'd say yes! That guy is crazy!" she snaps back and I laugh even harder. "Okay so we're going?" "Yeah, I guess so..." "Cool, I'll let him know then" * "What's up?" Anna asks as we're getting ready to leave. She's in my room, laying down on my bed as I finish putting some make up on. I'm wearing a long sleeved shirt with a jeans skirt and snickers since the weather gods decided to send a chill night to break the living hell temperatures of the day. Me and An spent the entire day laying on the floor and drinking an absurd amount of water while watching the latest episodes from The 100. "What?" I ask and look at her through the mirror. "You have a worried look on your face. What's wrong?" "Nothing... I just have a weird feeling that I should know something but I don't" I reply and focus on applying my mascara. "You're weird, Y/N. Are all americans like this?" "Hey!" I throw a pillow at her, making her laugh. As I finish everything and grab the beer packs we're taking, we're all settle to go. On our way to go, I open my Instagram and start scrolling through my feed - which is the most diverse thing in the world. It’s the perfect balance of hockey, singers, food, friends and family. I look at some of the posts before heading to the Story part. I slide through a couple until one catches my attention. It’s the same bar I was yesterday and I can see Anna in her white and red dress in the corner. I check the user and my heart skips a beat when I realize who it is. Pierre-Luc Dubois, one of the few hockey players I follow on Instagram. He plays centre for the Columbus Blue Jackets, my ex's home team, and my heart aches a little when a memory gets me. "Hey, I just saw you follow PLD on Instagram" Thomas' voice reaches me before he appears on our room. "Yeah, I've been following him for a while now, Tom" I say and go back folding the clean clothes. "Why?" he asks, making me look at him a little confused. "Why what?" "Why are you following him?" "Why not? He's a hockey player and I like him. What's wrong?" "Oh you like him? What, do you think he's gonna fuck you if you ever meet?" his aggressive tone makes me blush and my heart fasten. "Why are you saying this? I'll never meet him, Thomas, he's like super famous and lives in Ohio" "Exactly, so stop following him. I don't approve it and I don't like the fact that you're following these hockey guys. They're all assholes" my boyfriend says before storming out of our apartment, leaving me to try and understand what the hell just happened. I never stopped following Pierre's profile, but that was never needed since I caught Thomas in bed with another girl just two weeks after his little scene. That was three months ago and now I was living in Montreal with my best friend, trying to rebuild my life after what he did to me. I look at Pierre's story again and can't help the weird feeling that takes over my body. I knew he was French-Canadian, but I definitely did not know he lived in Montreal during the off season. I guess I never took the time to check on any player's personal lives. I mean, expect for Mitch Marner's but that's just because I really wish we were best friends but anyways. "Hey, you're on Pierre-Luc Dubois' Insta Story" I says and Anna almost throws the car out of the road. "I'M WHAT?!" Definitely should've waited until we got to the house. "Yeah, he was at the same bar as we yesterday and posted a photo of the dance floor. You appeared in the corner" "Wait... You're telling me that that fucking greek god was at the same bar as we and none of us saw it? Are you kidding me?" she says and the annoyance in her voice makes me laugh. "Yep, that's what I'm saying. What are the odds?" "I mean, they're high since his parents live here, but still.. We weren't even at the best bar of the city" "Maybe he is low key and was trying to avoid the crowds" "Yeah, probably" she agrees and changes focus. I observe the streets, filled with big houses with even bigger yards. "I guess Pierre is not the only rich who prefers underground bars..." I comment and Anna snorts, looking at the mansions. “Should’ve guessed he had money when you told me the neighborhood we were heading to, but damn” Anna says and all I can do is nod in agreement.
I was worried we would be late, but when we get to the house, Tyler and his girlfriend, Kate, are the only ones waiting for us. "Hey, guys" Ty greets us and takes the beer packs from me "Logan went to buy more beer, Jesse backed down and Luc is late as always" he leads the path to the backyard and I have to keep myself from dropping my jaw. The house is huge but the backyard is unbelievable. There's a deck where the grill is, a pool with a pool house and a soccer court. "This is my girlfriend Kate. Kate, these are the girls we told you about, Anna and Y/N" "Hi!" the curly haired and green eyed girl says and we down by her side. A couple of minutes go by and we're all getting along pretty well until Anna looks at her phone and sees that it's dying. "I think i have a charger in the car, I'll be right back" She leaves and only two minutes later my phone pings. A: don't freak out and act normal but i just bumped into logan outside Y/N: so what? A: pierre is with him My eyes go wild and before I can process what I just read, Logan's voice reaches me. “Look who I just found outside!” I look up asking God for Anna to be messing with me, but she's not. Pierre-Luc fucking Dubois is standing between Logan and my best friend, how's acting like there's nothing wrong. I try my best to do the same and I guess it worked since no one is looking at me with funny looks. "Luc, this is Y/N and Y/N, this is Luc" Tyler introduces us and Pierre shakes my hand with a small smile. "Cool, now you two know each other. Can we eat? I'm starving!" Logan says heading to the grill. “We’ve known each other for less than a day and I’ve already noticed that’s a constant mood of yours” Anna snaps back following him with Pierre right after her, leaving me, Kate and Tyler behind. "You look like you just saw a ghost" Tyler says getting my attention. "I'm just thinking why none of you bothered to tell me that your friend looked like that" I snap back, making Kate laugh. I decide not to mention the fact that I'm a hockey fan and know the NHL player that has just walked past us. "Nah, the minute he opens his mouth you'll see he's a dork" Kate says and heads to the area where the rest is. I follow her with Tyler right by my side and asking God to help me out here.
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
Switching Things Up
Louis Tomlinson x Female!Reader 
University AU / Non-Famous AU
Summary: Five times Louis almost asked you out and the one time you asked him.
Warnings: cursing, fluffffff, bit of angst, misunderstandings, and Louis pining.
Word Count: 5k words
ERT: 20 minutes
A/N: i'm so in love with Louis it's not even funny anymore. also, it's finally out!!!!!!!
Inspired by: "Kiss You" "18" "Infinity" by One Direction, that one scene in the This Is Us movie. 
Masterlist | Taglist
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Louis's First
It was just another usual day for Louis. Wake up at six o'clock, drink his tea, go to class, pick up the girls from school, have lunch all together, and start his shift at Toys 'R' Us.
He genuinely liked working there. He loved kids, it was fun to be surrounded by toys, and they were quite respectful of his uni hours, so overall, it was quite a nice gig.
He was working on the floor today, greeting costumers, seeing if they need help with anything, trying to keep the shelves tidy. It was quite a slow day so since he was done with all his homework he took some time to play with the toys a bit. 
"Okay, they've got to be here somewhere. Don't worry, we'll find you one just like it."
He lifted his head from where it was bowed over one of the pianos in the lower shelves, giving up on trying to get it to be straight and cracking his knuckles a bit.
The woman sounded pretty young and her voice was very nice so he started playing a random tune on the piano that was a bit more level with him (and sounded better too), just waiting for her to round the corner and spot him.
"Auntie, look, it's right there!"
The girl that passed right by him was absolutely divine. He'd never seen anyone as gorgeous as her and if the way his heart stuttered in his chest was any indication, his body seemed to agree. He straightened his shirt and ran his hands through his hair before turning around, ready to offer his help and maybe get her number after.
And if he pouted when she walked right past him with not the smallest reaction, nobody will ever know.
Louis's Second
He sat on a wooden bench as he waited in front of his youngest sisters' primary school. He was among parents and nannies, waiting for the bell to go off and the children to leave. His fingers tapped a random beat on his thigh while he hummed a melody that's been floating in his brain for a few minutes, trying to match some words to it.
So tell me, girl, if every time we touch
You get this kind of rush
He was about to take out his phone to write it down when a girl sat on the other side of the bench, taking out her headphones and putting them neatly into her bag.
But it wasn't just any girl.
It was the one he'd dubbed 'Future Mrs. Tommo', the girl from Toys 'R' Us. He refused to let her go this time, but he had no idea how to start the conversation.
That is, until she took out a familiar-looking binder, flipping it until she reached her desired page and started filling it out. It had been a mere thirty seconds before she started frowning.
He's never been so grateful to have chosen music as his minor.
"Are you in Charlton's class?"
The girl looked at him and he momentarily froze in place as his blue eyes met her (y/e/c) ones.
"Yeah, are you in his class?"
"Not anymore, I had him last year, though, he's a prick."
She huffed out a laugh and leaned back on the bench.
"Tell me about it, we've been talking about the Renaissance Era for two months and he still hasn't gotten to the interesting part."
"I thanked every deity imaginable that I got Natalie this year, I don't think I could do another year of that old man."
She turned to him and cocked her head.
"I've never heard of a 'Natalie' before."
"Natalie Dubois, she's a new teacher from France. Got a bit of a weird accent but she's a hell of a good teacher, and fun too, she gives us a bit more freedom, nothing like Charlton."
"What year are you?"
"Third, you?"
He nodded and she tapped her pen against her binder.
"What're you studying?"
He was quite happy that she kept the conversation going.
"Drama major, music minor."
"Very artistic."
"I live to entertain. What about you?"
"Psychology major, music minor."
"Ooh, a brain doctor, I've always wondered if Psych majors could identify psychopaths from a single conversation."
She laughed at that and he felt his heart wanting to beat out of his chest. He wanted to record that sound so he could listen to it all the time. Use it as a ringtone, a melody for his next song, his alarm in the morning. He was positive he'd wake up in a much better mood if that's what brought him out of his slumber.
Unfortunately, he was interrupted before he could even ask for her number, or name, mind you, by the children's excited cheers.
Sooner than he would have liked, a little black-haired boy came running out and into her arms, Phoebe and Daisy only a couple steps behind.
"It was nice talking to you, I'll see you around!"
He could only wish her luck with that idiot teacher before she was gone and he had to care for his two little girls.
Louis's Third
The music room was quiet as he sat in front of the piano. He took out his notebook and started to play, following the notes messily scribbled on it.
I got a heart, and I got a soul, believe me, I will use them both
We made a start, be it a false one, I know
Baby I don't want to feel alone
He tried out, but something felt off. He tried a different note for the end, content with the way it sounded and scribbling it onto the notebook right after.
So kiss me where I lay down, my hands pressed to your cheeks
A long way from the playground
He frowned, changing a few notes here and there.
It sounded better, but there was still something missing.
"Try a key higher, it might sound better."
He heard her voice from the doorway, heart almost beating out of his chest for two entirely different reasons, though he chose to focus on the "I was startled" one instead of the "My dream girl is here" one.
He did as she told him though, and it did sound better.
"You're welcome."
She looked entirely too pretty when she smiled. He wondered if the sun was really necessary given that she smiled bright enough to light up this galaxy and the next. He busied himself with writing the changes in his notebook while she went from table to table, searching up and down for something he wasn't aware of. He secretly hoped she wouldn't find it, just so he could stare at her for a bit longer.
"How're classes with Charlton going? Still a prick?"
"The day that man stops being a prick, angels will be falling from the sky."
He didn't see her fall, but he was pretty sure she was an angel. 
He saw her lift a blue journal, the word 'Songs' beautifully calligraphed on it in gold. She put it back in her bag and approached him so she was standing right behind him, reading the words in his notebook. 
He felt her shoulder grazing his and smelled her perfume. It was fruity and sweet. Peaches, maybe?
"That's a beautiful song, you're very talented."
He felt his cheeks heat up at the praise.
He took a deep breath. This is it. He's gonna do it. He's gonna ask her out.
"Hey, I was wondering-"
She got up in a flash and took her backpack from where she had put it down next to the seat.
"I'm gonna be late for my appointment but hold that thought 'til we meet again?"
She looked so sorry that he couldn't bear to tell her no.
Louis's Fourth
"I'm telling you, Niall, she's the most perfect girl to have ever walked this Earth."
He sighed as he faceplanted onto the couch, the blonde still strumming his guitar as if Louis wasn't having an existential crisis a mere six inched away from him.
"You don't even know her name."
"I'll just call her mine."
The punch that landed on his arm was deserved, he'll admit it.
"The way I'm seeing it, you just need to find out who she is and ask her out, it's really not that hard."
"But I don't know where to find her."
"Wrong, you know that she picks up her nephew at midday. A nephew that goes to the same school as your little sisters. Just figure out the kid's name, find the school records, and trace it back to her. Easy."
He lifted his head from the pillow and glared at Niall.
"That's illegal."
He shrugged.
"Most importantly, though, I'm awful with computers so we'd need to find someone to do it for us."
"I know a guy."
He nodded, that would be plan B, assuming they find a plan A first.
The door opened to the sound of Harry's amazing rendition of Juice, and Louis smiled unconsciously.
"Nialler, you home?"
"Living room!"
The brunette walked into the room and fist-bumped them, lifting Louis's legs so he could slide under them and sit.
"Why do you look like a kicked puppy?"
"I met the girl of my dreams but I don't know her name and have no idea how to contact her."
Unlike Niall, Harry was much more the romantic type. He believed in fate, love at first sight, and all that stupid shit in the books he read his sisters every night. It was no surprise when he gave him the most poetic, love-filled piece of advice Louis had ever heard.
"You just need to have faith, Lou. If she's the one for you then the universe will find a way to get your paths to cross again. Before you know it you'll be married with four kids and a cat, living on a little farm with a giant trampoline in your backyard."
"How did I end up with you two as my best friends? I either get a 'break into a primary school' or 'trust the universe', there is no in-between."
Niall laughed loudly and Harry patted his calves reassuringly before they heard the door open and their friends' voices echoing in the small flat.
"Hey, boys?"
"Living room!"
Liam came in with a couple of packs of beer, followed by Zayn and a third person whose footsteps he didn't recognize.
(Because yes, he'd memorized the sound of his friends' footsteps, sue him.)
"Lou, stop sulking, it's time to drink beers and be happy."
"I'm deeply sorry if my existential crisis is bothering you, Zayn, I'll try to suffer silently."
The laugh he heard made his breath hitch and his heart stutter in his chest.
He knew that laugh.
That laugh had been playing on a loop in Louis' brain for two weeks now.
He tried (read: failed miserably) to sit up naturally, though it looked a bit more forced than he wanted it to.
"Mystery Boy!"
She pointed at him with a gleeful expression on his face and if his soul hadn't left his body before, it sure had now.
Really? 'Hey'? That's the best he can do?
"I never caught your name."
She cocked her head to the side adorably, arm stretched over her knee from her place on the floor, leaning against the armchair.
"I never threw it."
It was stronger than him, he didn't even register his comment until she started laughing and he felt his cheeks burn up, the overwhelming sense of having fucked everything up taking over him.
"Drama majors, always clowning around."
He let out a relieved breath and smiled when she didn't seem to take any offense to it.
"You guys know each other?"
Liam, lovely Liam, looking like a confused puppy but bless his soul for asking because it made her speak and Louis loved hearing her voice so much, it sounded better than any music the world could provide.
"We've kind of met. I'm (Y/n), by the way."
(Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n).
(Y/n) Tomlinson.
That had a nice ring to it.
A really nice ring to it.
Mrs. (Y/n) Tomlinson.
"Usually, this is the part where you tell me your name. I can't keep referring to you as 'Mystery Boy'."
She giggled and his cheeks heated up again, though he didn't mind embarrassing himself if it earned him a laugh from her every time.
"I'm Louis. Tomlinson. Louis Tomlinson."
"Nice to formally meet you, Louis."
He smiled and thanked the sun, moon, and stars for this opportunity. Because really, there wasn't a better opportunity than this one.
She's here.
With him.
(And his friends, but who cares about them?)
And he finally knew her name.
He could ask her out.
No fear.
No time-clock.
No hesitation.
"Here's your juice, love."
"Thanks, babe."
She threw Zayn a kiss and he felt his heart break.
Oh no.
"Guys, I have to tell you about this girl I met."
Louis sat down properly on the couch so he had a clear view of Zayn's face.
"Ooh, gossip."
The younger boy swatted him before letting out a dreamy sigh.
"She's just- She's so pretty and kind, and her laugh, she has the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard. She's a psych major so she always has something interesting to say and her friends are so cool. She's... She's just perfect."
Louis's Fifth
And perfect she is.
Louis left the flat right after he realized that the girl he'd been pining over was the same girl Zayn had been seeing, muttering about homework and essays and studying or whatever.
Now here he was, working the register at Toys 'R' Us, his usually bright and genuine smile replaced by an incredibly awkward and forced one, trying not to let the heartbreak eat him alive.
His coworker came over to him.
"Switch with me, James asked to see you."
Great, and now he was probably gonna get sacked from the only job he ever liked.
He walked with a frown on his face to his manager's office and sat down on the chair, waiting for him to finish what looked like a very intense phone call about... mechanical kittens?
He hung up a couple of minutes later and turned to Louis, resting his elbows on the desk.
"Louis. Louis, Louis, Louis. D'you mind telling me why my best worker's been sulking all day?"
He shrunk down a bit on the chair, suddenly feeling very small. Toys 'R' Us is a magical place, workers are supposed to be happy all the time.
"Just... Stuff."
"It's okay to be sad, but we worry about you. I mean, some of our regular costumers asked if you were alright cause you weren't jumping and joking. Just tell me what's wrong so I can try to help."
He let out a breath and let his head fall onto the desk.
"I met this girl and she's amazing, and kind, and funny, and just overall perfect."
"So you're sulking because you met the love of your life?"
"No! I'm sulking because the love of my life is dating one of my best mates."
He froze for a while, definitely not expecting that.
"Zayn's dating her. I found out yesterday."
Jame took a deep breath and got up from his chair so he could get closer to Louis.
"Oh no."
"Oh yes."
"Not a Jimmy Hug."
"Shut up, you deserve one right now, no matter how much you like to pretend you hate them."
When he came out of his boss's office, more relaxed and with a small smile on his face, he immediately spotted you next to the pianos.
He took his break at that moment and only returned when he saw you leave through his place in the alleyway right next to the parking lot.
Your First
You took a deep breath and tightened your grip on your nephew's hand, steeling yourself before entering the store.
"We have to get one with brown fur, just like Summer!"
You promised little Lucas that if he behaved at the doctor's you'd get him get a new plushie, a German Shepherd, just like your parents' dog.
"Okay, they've got to be here somewhere. Don't worry, we'll find you one just like it."
You looked up and down aisles, trying to find the plushies but not knowing where to look. You could hear someone playing the piano a couple of feet away and let yourself be lulled by the sound of the song, you'd always loved Tchaikovsky.
"Auntie, look, it's right there!"
Your nephew pointed at the shelves just on the other side of the piano (and the beautiful pianist standing in front of it). You let Lucas pull you towards the shelves and search carefully for the perfect plushie while you tried to not let the man get to you.
He was gorgeous. Like, model tier, plaster his face on your walls gorgeous.
And you were shy.
So you dragged the time out and mentally asked him to approach you, pouting when you realized he couldn't read your thoughts and your nephew was asking to leave.
Your Second
You speed-walked to the school, still riled up because of your class with bloody Charlton.
You wanted nothing more than to sit down on the bench, listen to your music, and people-watch until your nephew got out.
But you weren't expecting him to be there.
You were still too shy to approach him so you just took out your headphones and sat on the other side of the bench, taking out your binder and filling out a few things before purposely stopping somewhere and tapping your pen on the paper, pouting and wishing that he'd 'save you' from your boredom.
"Are you in Charlton's class?"
You looked at him and were temporarily taken aback by just how blue his eyes were, but forced yourself to speak. You weren't gonna get anywhere by keeping quiet.
"Yeah, are you in his class?"
"Not anymore, I had him last year, though, he's a prick."
You huffed out a laugh and leaned back on the bench, trying to look nonchalant.
"Tell me about it, we've been talking about the Renaissance Era for two months and he still hasn't gotten to the interesting part."
"I thanked every deity imaginable that I got Natalie this year, I don't think I could do another year of that old man."
You turned to him and cocked your head.
"I've never heard of a 'Natalie' before."
That's a lie, you knew who she was, you'd even interacted with her.
"Natalie Dubois, she's a new teacher from France. Got a bit of a weird accent but she's a hell of a good teacher, and fun too, she gives us a bit more freedom, nothing like Charlton."
"What year are you?"
"Third, you?"
He nodded and you tapped your pen against your binder.
"What're you studying?"
"Drama major, music minor."
"Very artistic."
"I live to entertain. What about you?"
"Psychology major, music minor."
"Oh, a brain doctor, I've always wondered if Psych majors could identify psychopaths from a single conversation."
You laughed at that. Usually, you hated when people were that shallow about your job but when he said it, it didn't sound shallow or mock-ish. It sounded like a legitimate concern, like those things you think of at three in the morning when you can't sleep.
You were interrupted by the school bell and cursed mentally to not have gotten here earlier so you could talk to him more. Your nephew came running towards you and two little girls followed, walking towards Louis. He looked so good with children clinging to him that you had to physically extract yourself from that situation before you said or did something embarrassing.
"It was nice talking to you, I'll see you around!"
Your Third
You walked to the music room, praying that your song notebook was left behind there. You don't know what you'd do without it. It has every single one of your creations there.
You heard someone play the piano and groaned. You were way too sleep-deprived to deal with human interaction.
But this wasn't just any human interaction now, was it? Because Mystery Boy was there.
(He's been dubbed Mystery Boy in your head since you have no idea what his actual name is.)
You stood in the doorway for a while, notebook be damned, just watching him play, then frown, then play again, and light up like a happy little puppy once he found the right melody. Until he reached a complicated part and couldn't find the right combination.
"Try a key higher, it might sound better."
He jumped a bit and you felt bad for scaring him, but the way he blushed after was cute. He didn't answer, just did as you advised and smiled once he found that it sounded like he wanted it to.
"You're welcome."
You smiled and the blush on his face was entirely too adorable and you went from table to table, pretending you didn't remember exactly where you were sitting that morning just so you could spend a bit longer than necessary in his presence.
"How're classes with Charlton going? Still a prick?"
"The day that man stops being a prick, angels will be falling from the sky."
You couldn't stall anymore, it would just be awkward at this point.
You showed off your journal before putting it back in your bag and going down the stairs of the auditorium so you could stand right next to him.
Deciding to be subtle but a little more daring than usual, you stood next to him, shoulders grazing while you read the words on his journal.
He smelled heavenly, like cologne and deodorant, and something that had to be entirely him. You wanted to bury yourself in that scent.
"That's a beautiful song, you're very talented."
You'd never get tired of watching him blush.
You heard him take a deep breath just as your eyes went to the clock and you remembered your doctor's appointment with Lucas, he had to get the second dose for his shots and you were the only one who could get him to quiet down.
"Hey, I was wondering-"
You got up in a flash and took the backpack from where you had put it down next to the seat.
"I'm gonna be late for my appointment but hold that thought 'til we meet again?"
He answered a small yes and you dashed out of the room.
Your Fourth
You followed Zayn to his friend's flat off-campus. You had met him a couple of months ago through Gigi, your best friend. Those two had been flirting for ages and it honestly made you sick, but Zayn was an easy-going person and you got along great, so when you mentioned that you had plans of getting drunk alone tonight, he offered to take you to his friend's house so you could get drunk with some company.
You entered the flat with Zayn and who you now knew to be Liam, saying hello to the two men in the room and tilting your head in questioning at the man lying face down on the couch.
"Lou, stop sulking, it's time to drink beers and be happy."
"I'm deeply sorry if my existential crisis is bothering you, Zayn, I'll try to suffer silently."
You couldn't stop the laugh bubbling from your chest as you sat down next to the armrest.
He sat up way too quickly to be safe and you smiled brightly once you realized who it was.
"Mystery Boy!"
It was fate, it had to be. This was the universe's way of telling you that you belonged together.
You giggled at his awkward greeting.
"I never caught your name."
"I never threw it."
You started laughing at his sassiness. If you weren't completely smitten before you sure were now.
"Drama majors, always clowning around."
"You guys know each other?"
Liam asked and you jumped into an explanation.
"We've kind of met. I'm (Y/n), by the way."
He said nothing for a couple of seconds and you worried you were being too forward.
"Usually, this is the part where you tell me your name. I can't keep referring to you as 'Mystery Boy'."
He blushed again, he seemed to be doing that a lot and you wondered if that was as unusual for him as it was for you to be this confident.
"I'm Louis. Tomlinson. Louis Tomlinson."
(Y/n) Tomlinson.
That had a nice ring to it.
A really nice ring to it.
Mrs. (Y/n) Tomlinson.
"Nice to formally meet you, Louis."
He smiled and you wanted to yell at the sun to hide because it was stopping you from seeing the true brightness of Louis's eyes.
"Here's your juice, love."
"Thanks, babe."
You threw Zayn a kiss and he rolled his eyes, already used to the fact that you were kind of nickname-addicted and very endearing.
And also kind of drunk, which is why he brought you the juice.
On second thought, that might be why you were being this confident.
You thought everything was going well, but as suddenly as it started, the object of your affection was out the door, muttering about appointments, or homework, or something you didn't understand, but that sure made you frown for the rest of the evening.
Your Fifth
You walked into Toys 'R' Us for two reasons that day. 
The first is to get your nephew a birthday present.
The second is to (hopefully) see Louis.
You wanted to talk to him, the way he left the flat was strange, so you took advantage of the fact that you needed to get something from the store to try and see him.
You saw him go to the back as soon as you got here and decided to wait a bit for him to come back, looking at everything slower than you needed even though you knew exactly what to get. After fifteen minutes, you were pretty sure he wasn't going to come back. Maybe his shift ended already? 
You took your present and left the store, looking around to see if you found him, to no avail.
The One
You marched to the door with only one goal in mind: ask Louis Tomlinson out on a date. It's been a week of him ignoring you, running away as soon as he saw you, barely answering your greetings and you were more than done. 
If he wanted to turn you down, then it at least he would do it to your face, none of this ghosting nonsense. You don't want to spend the rest of your life thinking what might have been if you'd just reached out.
So, you talked to Niall, who gave you Louis's address and his schedule. You knew he was home and he had no way to escape you. He was babysitting his sisters, after all, so there was no way he could just run away.
You rang the doorbell and nervously wrang your hands in front of you, taking deep breaths and mentally going over what you wanted to say.
"I'll be right there! No, Daisy!"
His voice rang through the door and you smiled fondly at the sound, imagining him taking care of his sisters did something to you for some reason.
"Hi, sorry for the-"
He froze when he saw you, eyes going wide and mouth hanging open.
You said, and that seemed to bring him out of his stupor.
It seemed like he couldn't quite believe you were here.
"That's my name. Don't wear it out, though."
He shook his head and started stuttering his way through a response, trying to ask what you were doing here, at his house.
"Um, Niall told me where you lived. I had something I wanted to ask you."
When he didn't answer, you went for it.
"So, um, you've kind of been avoiding me lately which is quite unfortunate because I happen to like you... a lot... and so I-"
"Does Zayn know that?"
You were cut off in the middle of your rant and tilted your head confusingly at him.
"Does Zayn know you 'like me a lot'?"
He looked angry, jaw clenched shut and arms crossed in front of his chest, which was no help to the attraction you felt towards him, that shirt did wonders for his biceps.
"Why should Zayn know about it?"
"Well, he's your boyfriend after all."
Wait, what?
"Well if he's my boyfriend then I should probably let Gigi know he's cheating."
He seemed to blanch at that.
"Yeah. Gigi. You know, the girl he's been pining over since the beginning of the semester, they got together officially two weeks ago."
Only his sisters' voices could be heard.
"So, um... you and Zayn... you're not..."
"Together? No."
You laughed and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear nervously.
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
You snapped your head up and grinned devilishly.
"I believe I asked you first."
He laughed and took a step forward.
"Then I will most certainly go out with you, as long as you let me pay. Take it as an apology for how stupid I was."
"I guess that could be arranged."
He was so close you could smell his cologne. Still so, so tasty. Still so, so wonderful.
"Do I have to wait until the end of our first date to kiss you?"
"I think you've done enough waiting already."
"I think so too."
And he kissed you.
And you were happy.
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here it is babes! finally out!
i hope you liked it and if you do, don’t forget to comment, reblog, like and stuff
have a nice day/morning/afternoon/night/whatever
-Love, Libby
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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seguinshands · 6 years
The Slightest Inconvenience
Pairing: Pierre Luc Dubois x Reader
Word Count: 1209
Warnings: Mentions of broken arm, pain, swearing, innuendo
Summary: The reader doesn’t want to go to the charity event that her boyfriend wants to go to, but he won’t take no for an answer.
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Reader’s POV
“I am not going with this thing on my arm.”
Pierre rolled his eyes. “You look fine. Besides, you’ve gone to the grocery store with it on. Why is this different?”
I turned from where I was one-handedly hanging up the dresses I had pulled out as possibilities to give him a scalding look. “Ah, yes. Fancy charity event, grocery store. Tomato, tomato.”
There was a huff from behind me before his arms encircled me, pulling me back against his chest. “Y/N, just because you broke your arm doesn’t mean that you can’t go to the charity event.”
Whining and squirming, I humphed. “Well, I don’t wanna,” I pouted, gently hitting his arm.
His arms tightened around me. “Quit acting like a two year old.” I really didn’t want to do what he wanted, but my arm was starting to hurt, the deep ache that returned every once in awhile. Grumbling under my breath, I leaned back into his embrace. “Thank you. Now.” He released me with one arm to grab one of the dresses I had put back into the closet, deep blue that swept to the floor elegantly, lace sleeves that were shockingly comfortable, sweetheart neckline. It probably cost a lot. He’d gotten it for me for what he claimed to be my birthday, even though it not only was months from my birthday, but he also got me another expensive gift that same birthday. I had been hesitant, but he had told me that he enjoyed pampering me.
I eyed the dress up and down nervously. “How am I supposed to get my arms through the sleeves?” I said skeptically.
Pierre frowned. “I’ll help you, of course.”
Scoffing, I reached instead for the one dress that didn’t have sleeves. “C’mon, don’t be ridiculous. There’s no way I’m gonna be able to get my arm in, even with your help.” Pierre turned me in his arms and tilted my chin up. I should’ve seen it coming, the irresistible puppy dog eyes. “No way, Dubois. Not gonna happen.” He kept it up, hand that remained on my hip drawing small circles. “Nuh uh. No.” He pouted. “Ugh, fine!” I snatched the dress from him.
Laughing now, he released his grip on me. “Baby, I’ll help you.”
“I’m fine,” I groaned, but it came out really as much more of a whine.
His face turned stern. “I. Am. Helping. You. Now, sit.”
I shot him a look before sitting on the bed, laying the dress out beside me. “Are you sure you want to try and get my arm in the sleeve? It’s gonna take, like, 20 minutes.”
Raising an eyebrow at me, he gestured for me to raise my arms. “You doubting me?” Yes. He could tell by the look on my face. “Well, don’t. I can do this. I promise.”
Just as he finished his statement, the shirt got caught on my arm. “Ow!” I squeaked, wriggling.
“Shit. Sorry, m sorry.” He concentrated on carefully removing my arm from the sleeve, eyebrows coming together and tongue pressed between his lips the slightest bit.
Finally, the shirt was off, but my arm was aching more profoundly now. “Pierre, just leave me at home. I’m hopeless,” I insisted.
He gave me a look again. “I’m not giving up after this much progress. Sorry I hurt you, though.” His voice softened at the last part, face turning regretful.
I reached out to gently touch his cheek. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean to. Now, I think I can get my pants off myself.”
At last, his face split in a grin as he pressed my good shoulder back to the bed, hovering over me. “You sure?”
Feeling my face heat up, I pushed at his bicep. “We do not have time for that. C’mon, if we’re gonna do this event, let’s at least be on time.” Knowing that he would be using his full puppy dog eyes, I got off the bed and wriggled awkwardly out of my sweatpants without looking at him. “Okay, now I need help.” I turned toward him, still blushing a bit.
Pierre beamed at me, crossing the room to me. “Okay, which way does this one go on?”
Snorting, I patted his head. “Same way it comes off, bud.”
He was batting away my hand, but his cheeks were reddening. “Grab my shoulders as best as you can.” I obeyed, still giggling at my own joke. Kneeling down, he pooled the dress on the ground, holding the collar. “Step in, please.” Again, I did as he asked, careful to not step on the slick fabric as he pulled it up my body. “Okay,” he said when we were face to face again. “Alright. Now for the tricky part. Please put your good arm into the sleeve?” I nodded, carefully slipping my arm in and thanking him quietly when he tugged it into place. Then his fingers skimmed my other arm. “Now for this.”
Grabbing my arm once I nodded in permission, he tried to maneuver my arm into the sleeve. But each attempt was more frustrating and brought a sharp bite of pain. I squirmed in his hold. Finally, just as impatient as me, he huffed. “Would you just hold still?”
I groaned. “It hurts. Can we please just stay home? Pretty plea-Ow! You asshole!” I yelped as he pulled my arm quickly and untactfully into the sleeve.
Unfortunately, he was out of reach before I could smack him, zipping up the back of the dress. “Sorry. You were complaining even when I was barely touching you. No choice.”
As he stepped back into view, I smacked at his head. “You fucking asshole, that hurt!” I snapped, reminding myself that I had just got the pain in check, and that I would not cry, I would not cry, I would not cry.
Pierre barely flinched at the hit. “Y/N, you know I was just trying to help you. I’m really sorry that I hurt you.” Even though I could hear the regret in his voice, I still refused to apologize, moving toward the closet to try and find some matching shoes. As I sat on the bed, trying like hell to put the heels on, he leaned against the wall in front of me. “You look beautiful. You really, really do.”
I paused, looking up at him. “Huh?”
He pushed off of the wall and strode over to me. “You look stunning. Absolutely incredible. I’ll be a lot more careful when I’m taking it off tonight, okay?” I hadn’t thought of the statement in the inappropriate sense until he winked at me.
Making a sound of exasperation, I lazily hit at his shoulder. “Why did you have to ruin our moment?”
“Wait, we were having a moment?” Pierre’s face was absolutely priceless, a bit panicked.
Laughing, I stood and grabbed his hand. “It’s okay. I forgive you. I think I overreacted a bit. It didn’t hurt that bad, honestly.” I shrugged sheepishly.
Grinning widely down at me, he wrapped his arms around my waist. “C’mon. Let’s go. We’ll be late.”
“You owe me so big after that,” I grumbled, cut off halfway as Pierre leaned down to capture my lips in his.
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whitecatgeek · 7 years
Remember that time I started a Game Grumps/egobangiplier fanfiction and never got further than three and a half pages?
‘I’m Sonic the Motherfucking Hedgehog,  or more like, the fuckin’, fuckin’, what even is a hedgehog do we even get those in America what the fuck why isn’t it like Sonic the Armadillo those shitheads can roll into a ball and probably move really fast maybe I mean I don’t even know.’
Those were the thoughts casually flowing through the brain of one Arin Hanson as he sat in class, the monotone of algebra a mere background noise as the lead of his pencil scratched furiously against squared paper. What should have been numbers was multiple, somewhat crude doodles and drawings of video game characters. A particularly sad and bewildered Tails ‘Miles’ Prower stood, arms a bit too long for his body, looking lost as Sonic flipped him the bird, and a sense of angry pride swelled in Arin’s head.
“Hahahaa!” His thoughts were broken by a pleasant, but to him incredibly disruptive, laugh coming from the back of the class.
“What the ffffFFFUCK.” He spat out involuntarily and entirely without thinking, the tip of his pencil breaking as though to echo his rage. Of course, that exclamation was supposed to be in his head, not bellowed out for his entire class to hear. Although actually quite shy, Arin was not known for his self control.
“Excuse me, Mr. Hanson?” Dread practically dripped down his neck as he heard those words from the authoritative figure that was his Maths tutor, hairs prickling up on his arms as he realised what he had just done. “Is something wrong?”
“I-... Uhhh.” He muttered, cheeks burning with embarrassment, yet still he could not stop himself from glancing around to the source of the laugh that caused his outburst. Why was he being punished when someone else was fooling around in class?
The merriment came from the lanky, long-legged boy who always sat out of reach and out of consequence, his chair tilted back as he looked at Arin, his gaze not seeming to actually reach the shorter, grumpy boy but instead always looking past him, as though something else ultimately took his interest.
Daniel Avidan, or Danny to his friends, was not your typical troublemaker. He never paid attention, never handed in homework, never really seemed to do... Anything. This infuriated Arin to no end, because despite his preference for other creative hobbies he always did his best to scrape by. Yet this other boy, this tall, big-haired, droopy-eyed, painfully charming student never seemed to have a care in the world.
“How about you think about it outside the class and let the rest of us get back to learning, Mr. Hanson?” Arin’s eyes quickly snapped back to his teacher at hearing those words, and he resisted his natural instinct to swear under his breath, or question if that was a request or a demand when he knew full well what it was.
He clumsily snatched up all of his belongings, jabbing pencils and notebooks into his backpack as he tried not to let the amused stares of his peer’s burn into the back of his head for too long, chin length strands of slightly greasy mahogany hair falling over his eyes and allowing him to hide his shame.
Just as he was about to reach the freedom of the corridor, he heard that laugh again. Girls liked that laugh; they thought it was “cute”. It made Arin freeze on the spot and his hands clenched into fists. In that moment he hated that laugh and everything that it stood for. To be fair, Arin was known for his melodramatic attitude.
He burst out of the classroom and closed the door behind him, swinging his backpack onto the floor and pressing his forehead against the wall of the hallway. ‘Stupid, stupid, stupid.’ His brain repeatedly battered away at him, being this close to escaping the prison that was high school and going to college meant that he didn’t have room to make mistakes like this.
Whilst he considered himself to be a loner, Arin was actually in a very happy place. All of the awkwardness of being bullied for being “nerdy” had settled as fellow students focused on their studies and the paths that would inevitably lead to college or other roads in life, and he had amassed a small but very loyal group of friends.
He groaned quietly, smooshing his face into the wall as he imagined what said friends would say when they found out that he managed to get kicked out of his class this late into the game. In fact he didn’t really need to imagine it because he knew exactly how they would react, one young man in particular whose maniacal, “HAH HAH HAAAH!” would no doubt soon be echoing throughout the corridors.
“Uh, hey man, are you... Alright?” He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sudden question and Arin flew backwards, almost bumping into the student who approached him out of the blue. He furiously brushed and swept at his hair with his hands before actually laying eyes on the kind stranger. “You looked pretty intimate with that wall there.”
“Oh, hey, dude! I’m fine! I’m great!” Arin bellowed in response before giving a clumsy, fairly pointless thumbs up.
Before him stood someone that he did not recognise, though he appeared to be of a similar age. He was just a tad shorter than Arin though with a broader build, with jet black hair draped across his forehead. His face was handsome but understated, and he appeared to be at least part East Asian in ethnicity.
“Uhhh, do I know you?” Arin continued, staring dumbly at the shorter boy.
“Oh, uh, no, I don’t think so! I’m Mark!” Mark Fischbach, as it turned out, quickly introduced himself whilst glancing around, an obvious sense of nervousness about him that wasn’t hidden by his surprisingly low voice that had an almost radio DJ quality to it. “Hey I don’t mean to bother you, but I am totally lost here, it’s my first day and I literally have no idea where I’m going.”
“Oh, bro! Yeah sure, I mean, I can probably help.” Arin involuntarily puffed his chest out, his natural desire to go into ‘show off’ mode kicking in. “Where do you need to get to? I know this whole place super well, almost like someone who comes here every day.”
“Oh, well, I’m trying to find Room 237; it’s for Chemistry with Ms Dubois..?” He sheepishly responded, searching Arin’s face for a response.
“Noooo problem!” The young man beamed, easily distracted from his previous woes. “I’ll show you how to get there, consider me your personal guide.” With that he snatched up his backpack, the dark colour of the fabric carrier decorated with little bursts of colour in the form of hand-made badges and key rings of his own artwork, along with bright candy packets littered in Japanese font sitting in the small netted pocket at the front.
He set off with long, proud strides and the meeker boy followed behind him, making sure to keep up with the slightly erratic youth that he had encountered. As they travelled across the school building, its halls ghostly quiet due to classes being in session, they made small talk.
As it turned out, Mark had just moved into the neighbourhood and was trying his best to catch up, but Arin got the impression that the other teenager was very bright and even more modest. Mark found Arin’s quirky, eager to please attitude strangely charming and enjoyed the boy’s constant outbursts of facts about the school, though sometimes he found it a little difficult to get any words of his own into the conversation.
“So, uh, like. Are you-... You know.” Arin suddenly stopped and stared at Mark, then at the floor, then back at Mark, and then pretty much everywhere he could possibly lay his eyes in an attempt to hide his embarrassment. “Nihonjin.”
“Ni-... Home gym..? Wha’?” Mark blinked, absolutely lost.
“You know, nihonjin, nippon, nihongo?” Arin muttered through his teeth, moving closer to the shorter student and now staring at him intensely with an expectant look.
“Is... Is this hazing?”
“WHAT. No. Man, you know! Japanese? Are you Japanese!?”
“Oh! .... Huh?”
“Oh my God, Arin, not every Asian person is Japanese.” The awkwardness was abruptly broken by two students appearing behind them having just walked around the corner, the taller of the two placing a hand upon Arin’s shoulder. “Are you harassing people again?”
“Barry!” Arin exclaimed and jumped back away from Mark, “I was just... No!” His bottom lip jutted out in a dramatic pout whilst his follower continued to look utterly confused. “...Wait, what are you doing out of class?”
“I had to walk this guy to the nurse’s office.” Barry responded, waving his thumb over at the grinning youth next to him.
“I got bitten by a crocodile!” Said youth exclaimed, strands of pale brown hair cascading over his eyebrows, beneath them his blue eyes were wide and bright despite the fact that one of his hands was wrapped around his knee whilst and he hopped awkwardly upon his other leg, obviously injured.
“No, you did not. Someone decided that it would be a good idea to try and play cricket whilst everyone else was running track, and the baseball he used bounced back and hit him.” Barry sighed, putting a palm upon his forehead in exasperation.
“Yeah, well, it’s not my fault that we don’t get to play real sports... Wait, why are YOU out of class?” The hobbling boy asked, his words all lifted by hints of an Australian accent.
“Oh, uhm...” Arin sighed before explaining the situation, and then it happened as expected.
“Shut up Ross! It wasn’t my fault! It was that guy, that... DAN. He thinks he’s so cool just because everyone likes him and he’s so handsome and like, ‘Oh look at me, I’m Dan, I’m so cool and everyone likes me and I’m so handsome!’ Yeah well you’re a loser and you suck.”
“Oh come on, he’s not that bad.” Barry interrupted, leaning against a pillar structure in the wall of the corridor. “So what’s your story?” He nodded over at Mark who was listening patiently to the three.
“Oh, uhm, hi! I’m Mark!” He plucked up and introduced himself, and with that they all started to head towards the new student’s classroom. “So who is this.. Dan?”
“Oh he’s just a guy that Arin is obsessed with.”
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