#you know he's got some serious anxiety problems at the least. no fucking wonder he looks so rough
waywardsalt · 4 months
linebeck is probably so god damn paranoid all of the time
#like not even just. oh he's probably an anxious guy. hes def at least jumpy and his way of living puts him at risk of monster attacks#hes got some other person on the sea just straight up gunning to kill him whenever she sees him#he probably spends a lot of time agonizing abt how he should act in front of people on islands and putting his stories in order#linebeck#phantom hourglass#he has a crate in his ship near the wheel that he uses to hide in he likely struggles with fighting hes completely alone#he clearly does all of his ship maintenance alone and knows how to do it- but he does all of it alone#you know he's got some serious anxiety problems at the least. no fucking wonder he looks so rough#i imagine he prefers people who help him feel at ease like people he could rely on to protect him and keep an eye out#having link around lets him relax for sure though i dont imagine his paranoia gets too much better#in post ph having something of a crew around is a big help to like. help him relax and deal with all of those other mental illnesses#i imagine linebeck is generally kind of nervous and needs a friend. like those cheetahs with support dogs#in the bellum x linebeck fic linebeck's paranoia and issues around being alone and at risk are p important?#linebeck finding out that bellum is following and protecting him gives him a fuckton of peace of mind#linebeck seems like hed really benefit from hanging out w/ someone who makes him feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable#hes likely introverted but god he needs a friend to keep him from being on edge all of the time#salty talks#hes probably a lil better on islands? or at least islands with people on them. at least then his ship is in less danger#i was just thinkin abt this recently. like the idea of a short fic abt him just being fucking paranoid pre-canon#like a scene of him mopping the deck and. thinking. and spiraling really easily and becoming paranoia very quickly#he has issues <3
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thebibliosphere · 3 years
So I'm currently unemployed because I got fired for taking too much sick leave (it was legally sketchy blah blah blah but in the end I just can't work and take care of myself and investigate my mystery health problems at the same time). So I've been spending more time writing!
I really admire your writing and loved Hunger Pangs. I'm looking forward to the poly elements developing and I'm wondering if you have any advice for writing about poly. I've made one of my projects a snarky take on "write what you know" ... Apparently what I know is southern gothic meets Pacific northwest gothic, chronic illness pandemic surrealism, and falling back-asswards into threesomes.
I know this is a very open-ended question and I don't expect an answer, I'm just curious about it if you have the energy. As a writer, trying to write honestly / realistically about polyamory/enm, I'm curious if you have any thoughts on what's different about portraying monogamy or nonmonogamy in books, romance or erotica or otherwise.
I'm trying to read examples but it's hard to find examples that fit the niche I'm looking at. Excuse me if this question is nonsense, it's the cluster headaches.
I'm sorry to hear you've been dealing with all that and solidarity on the cluster headaches. But I'm glad you're finding an outlet through writing! And I hope you're happy with an open-ended ramble in response because oh boy, there's a lot I could talk about and I could probably do a better job of answering this sort of thing with more specific questions, but let's see where we end up.
There's definitely a big difference between writing polyamory/ENM (ethical non-monogamy) and what people often expect from monogamous love stories.
Just even from a purely sales and marketing standpoint, the moment you write anything polyamorous (or even just straight up LGBTQIA+ without the ENM) you're going to get considered closer to being erotica/obscene than hetero romances. It's an unfair bias, but it's one that exists in our society. But also the Amazon algorithm and their shitty, shitty human censors. Especially the ones that work the weekends. (Talking to you, Carlos 🖕.)
So not only do you start out hyper-aware that you're writing something that is highly stigmatized or fetishized (at least I'm hyper-aware) but that you are also writing for a niche market that is starving for positive content because the content that exists is either limited, not what they want, or is problematic in some fashion i.e. highly stigmatized or fetishy. And even then, the wants, desires, and expectations of the community you're writing for are complex and wildly varied and hard to fit into an easy formula.
When writing monogamous love stories, there is a set expectation that’s really hard to fuck up once you know it. X person meets Y. Attraction happens, followed by some sort of minor conflict/resolution. Other plot may happen. A greater catalyst involving personal growth for both parties (hopefully) happens. Follow the equation to its ultimate resolution and achieve Happily Ever After. 
But writing ENM is... a lot more difficult, if only because of the pure scope of possibilities. You could try to follow the same equation and shove three (or more) people into it, but it rarely works well. Usually because if you’re doing it right, you won’t have enough room in a single character arc to allow for enough growth, and if ENM requires anything in abundance, it’s room to grow.
And this post is huge so I’m going to put the rest under a cut :)
There's also a common refrain in certain online polyam/ENM circles that triads and throuples are overrepresented in media and they may be right to some extent. Personally, I believe the issue isn't that triads and throuples are overrepresented, but that there is such minuscule positive rep of ethical non-monogamy in general, that the few tiny instances we have of triads in media make it seem like it's "everywhere" when in actuality, it's still quite rare and the media we do have often veers into Unicorn Hunter fetish porn. Which is its own problematic thing. And just to be clear, I’m not including this part to dissuade you from writing "falling back-asswards into threesomes." If anything, I need more of it and would hook it directly into my brain if I could. I'm just throwing it out there into the void in the hope that someone will take the thought and run with it, lol.
I’d love to see more polyfidelitous rep in fiction, just as much as I’d like to see more relationship anarchy too. More diversity in fiction is always good.
Another thing that differs in writing ENM romance vs conventional monogamy is the feeling like you need to justify yourself. There's a lot of pressure to be as healthy and non-problematic as possible because you are being held to a higher standard of criticism. Both from people from without the ENM communities, and from the people within. Granted, some people don't give a shit and just want to read some fantastic porn (valid) but there are those who will cheerfully read Fifty Shades of Bullshit and call it "spicy" and "romantic," then turn around and call the most tooth-rottingly-sweet-fluff about a queer platonic polycule heresy. That's just the way the world works.
(Pro-tip for author life in general: never read your own reviews; that way madness lies. I glimpsed one the other day that tagged Hunger Pangs as “ethical cheating” and just about had an aneurism.)
And while that feeling of needing to justify yourself comes from a valid place of being excluded from the table of socially accepted norms, it can also be to the detriment of both the story and the subject matter at hand. I've seen some authors bend so far over backward to avoid being problematic in their portrayal of ENM, they end up being problematic for entirely different reasons. Usually because they give such a skewed, rose-tinted perspective of how things work, it ends up coming off as well... a bit culty and obnoxious tbh.
“Look how enlightened we are, freed from the trappings of monogamy and jealousy! We’re all so honest and perfect and happy!”
Yeah, uhu, sure Jan. Except here’s the thing, not all jealousy is bad. How you act on it can be, but jealousy itself is an important tool in the junk drawer that is the range of human emotion. It can clue us in to when we’re feeling sad or neglected, which in turn means we should figure out why we’re feeling those things. Sometimes it’s because brains are just like that and anxiety is a thing. Other times it’s because our needs are actually being neglected and we are in an unhealthy situation we need to remedy. You gotta put the work in to figure it out. Which is the same as any style of relationship, whether it’s mono, polyam or whatever flavor of ENM you subscribe to* And sometimes you just gotta be messy, because that’s how humans are. Being afraid to show that mess makes it a dishonest portrayal, and it also robs you of some great cannon fodder for character development.
Which brings me in a roundabout way to my current pet peeve in how certain writers take monogamous ideals and apply them to ENM, sometimes without even realizing it. The “Find the Right Person and Settle Down” trope.
Often, in this case, ENM or polyamory is treated as a phase. Something you mature out of with age or until you meet “The One(tm).” This is, of course, an attempt to follow the mono style formula expected in most romances. And while it might appeal to many readers, it’s uh, actually quite insulting. 
To give an example, I am currently seeing this a lot in the Witcher fandom. 
Fanon Netflix!Jaskier is everyone's favorite ethical slut until he meets Geralt then woops, wouldn’t you know, he just needed to find The One(tm). Suddenly, all his other sexual and romantic exploits or attractions mean nothing to him. Let's watch as he throws away a core aspect of his personality in favor of a man. 
Yeah... that sure showed those societal norms... 
If I were being generous, I’d say it’s a poor attempt at showing New Relationship Euphoria and how wrapped up people can become in new relationships. But honestly, it’s monogamous bias eking its way in to validate how special and unique the relationship is. Because sometimes people really can’t think of any other way to show how important and valid a relationship is without defining it in terms of exclusivity. Which is a fundamental misunderstanding of how ENM works for a lot of people and invalidates a lot of loving, serious and long-term relationships.
This is not to say that some polyam/poly-leaning people can't be happy in monogamous relationships! I am! (I consider myself ambiamorous. I'm happy with either monogamy or polyamory, it really just depends on the relationship(s) I’m in.) But I also don't regard my relationship with a mono partner as "settling down" or "growing up." It's just a choice I made to be with a person I love, and it's a valid one. Just like choosing to never close yourself off to multiple relationships is valid. And I wish more people realized that, or rather, I wish the people writing these things knew that :P
Anyway, I think I’ve rambled enough. I hope this collection of incoherent thoughts actually makes some sense and might be useful. 
*A good resource book that doesn't pull any punches in this regard is Polysecure by Jessica Fern. It's a wonderfully insightful read that explores the messier side of consensual non-monogamy, especially with how it can be affected by trauma or inter-relationship conflicts. But it also shows how to take better steps toward healthy, ethical non-monogamy (a far better job than More Than Two**) and conflict resolution, making it a valuable resource both for someone who is a part of this relationship style***, but also for writers on the outside looking in who might have a very simple or misguided idea of what conflict within polyam/ENM relationships might look like, vs traditional monogamous ones.
** The author of More Than Two has been accused of multiple accounts of abuse within the polyamorous community, with many of his coauthors having spoken out about the gaslighting and emotional and psychological damage they experienced while in a relationship with him. A lot of their stories are documented here: https://www.itrippedonthepolystair.com/ (warning: it is not light material and deals with issues of abuse, gaslighting, and a whole other plethora of Yikes.) While some people still find More Than Two helpful reading, there are now, thankfully, much, much better resources out there.
*** Some people consider polyam/ENM to be part of their identity or orientation, while others view it as a relationship style.It largely depends on the individual. 
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glowingbadger · 3 years
Hey, strange ask, but that ask that compared Dimitri to a retriever inspired me to request either headcannons or a drabble of Dima magically being turned into a dog but his S/O doesn’t realize it’s him but he still follows them around and is super protective of them and hijinks ensues.
Y'know what, Friend Anon? This is fucking adorable.
This really ended up as more 'fluff' than 'hijinks' lol but I had fun with it, so there you are~
SFW - Gender Neutral Reader
What to make of this situation. Not only are you completely unable to track down Dimitri, but when you go to check his quarters, one of the monastery dogs has gotten into his room and is making an absolute scene. He's a lovely golden color, with blue eyes the likes of which you've never seen on a dog, and the moment you enter the room, he bounds up to you and circles around your feet until you're practically dizzy.
"Woah, hey there! How in the world did you get in here I wonder..." you mutter as you lower a hand to pat his head, "Have you seen Dimitri around, buddy? I can't seem to find him anywhere..."
Having only taken a moment to nudge his head into your touch, he rapidly becomes alert once more and begins an absolute fit of barking. At this rate, he'll disrupt the whole monastery.
"Hey, hey! No need for that, sshhhh, come on, everything's okay-" you try to soothe him, speaking softly as you kneel down to pat his head. He whines softly, but his tail is twitching back and forth just a little, so he must be at least a little comfortable with you. "Listen," you say, standing upright and straightening your clothes, "If you can behave, you can come with me while I look for Dimitri, okay?"
He barks once, and comes to stand directly beside you, almost throwing you off balance. You smile and scratch his ear for a moment, glad to have a companion on your quest.
And it quickly becomes evident that your companion took this quest very seriously indeed. On your way out of the dorms, you see a shock of red hair ahead, and wave down Sylvain to ask for any leads.
"Hey- I haven't been able to find Dimitri all day, have you seen him?"
"Hm? Not recently, sorry to say. Who's your friend?" he says with a smile at the dog beside you, "What a cutie! No comparison to you though, of course."
You slide past that last bit and say,
"Yeah, he was in Dimitri's room when I went to check for him, and he's just kind of... fond of me, I guess?"
"And who could blame him?" Sylvain says, smirking as he leans against the wall beside you, "Say, if you're still looking for Dimitri, why don't we go look for him together in town-"
He doesn't get to finish his suggestion- your canine ally is on him in a second. Up on his hind legs, he jumps against Sylvain, nearly winding him and sending him stumbling back a couple steps. The dog barks and snarls relentlessly, even as you do your best to calm him.
"Sorry, Sylvain! I- I think I should just keep going for now- thanks anyway!"
"Yup- yeah, no problem," he replies, doing his best to regain his easy smile, "Man, your new friend is a protective guy, huh. Take care of Y/N for me, alright?" he tells the dog as you two part.
It's not long before you run into Ingrid on her way out of the dining hall, an admittedly delicious looking meat skewer in hand. The dog trots ahead of you and barks to her- though not aggressively, so you figure she must have made a good impression on him somehow. Once again, you ask about Dimitri, and once again, you have no luck. Ingrid does slide a piece of beef off of the skewer in her hand and hold it out to the dog. He glances back at you. You nod, as if to tell him it's okay, and yet he looks hesitant. With some goading from both you and Ingrid, he very carefully takes the meat from her hand between his front teeth, then chews at it slowly.
"What a strange dog," Ingrid says with a furrowed brow, "I've never seen one so... reticent about food."
"Yeah, he's an odd one," you muse as he finishes his treat, "He's a good boy though, so it's nice having him along."
Maybe all he understood were the words "good boy," but regardless, his tail is now wagging so fast it seems to blur before your eyes.
You bid Ingrid farewell, and continue on your search.
By the time you think to check with Dedue, you've spent an embarrassingly large portion of your day aimlessly wandering and questioning guards and knights. Frankly, he should have been your first guess. Meanwhile, your canine friend has become a comfortable fixture in your day. You find yourself mindlessly chatting with him, and maybe it's just because he recognizes that you're speaking, but he tends to bark back in reply. But when you finally muse aloud that you ought to check in with Dedue, the dog circles you, letting out excited little yelps and barks.
"Okay, okay, I'm going!" you say with a laugh, and head towards the greenhouse side by side with your companion.
And yet, you're not expecting the darkened expression that crosses Dedue's face when you explain that you've lost Dimitri. Sure, you could understand a bit of concern- you're plenty concerned, and the longer this goes on, the more you worry that this could be a serious matter beyond a mere missed connection. But Dedue's voice and bearing are grave as he sets down a watering can and says,
"His highness had offered to help some of the magic students this morning. If anything has befallen him as a result of this..." he trails off, but the malice in his eyes is plain to see. Only the dog whimpering beside you breaks the uncomfortable silence that follows. He pads forward and nudges Dedue's hand with his snout. This small gesture seems to lighten his expression just the slightest bit- but it's something. Dedue sighs and looks to you again,
"I will help you search for him. You continue to look throughout the monastery grounds, and I will check likely classrooms and inquire among the mages. We will cover more ground this way."
You nod, but your canine friend seems agitated. Perhaps it's only Dedue's sullen mood- this does seem like a uniquely empathetic dog, after all. You pat his head gently and say,
"Well, let's try to think of anywhere we might've missed."
You say that, but reflecting on it, it's hard to imagine anywhere you haven't checked and re-checked. You'd done well to bolster your mood thus far, but the more time goes on, the more insidious anxiety starts to take root in your heart. Absently scratching at the dog's furry ears, you let out a sigh, which he seems to respond to by whining softly and nuzzling his face against you.
"I know, I'm sorry, I just... what if something's happened to him?" You say softly, barely more than a whisper.
You're merely wandering at this point, letting your feet aimlessly take you where they will. Eventually, you've found yourself at the training ground, and figure you may as well check here again. Unsurprisingly, Felix is here, among a small handful of other knights and soldiers. Careful to skirt around the edge of the grounds and not get in anyone's way, you approach him, and do your best to greet him cheerfully. Felix huffs and sheathes his sword, wiping sweat from his brow as he scrutinizes your expression.
"You look like a mess." he says, blunt as ever, though you know this is his way of expressing concern.
"Yeah, I- I can't find Dimitri anywhere- I feel like I've looked everywhere twice by now, and no one's seen him since morning, and-" you can't help rambling a bit, a hint of a crack in the back of your throat, "I just couldn't forgive myself if something happened to him- so..."
"I haven't seen him, if that's what you're getting at," Felix says with a hand on his hip. Then, he sighs at your crestfallen expression, "Cut it out, will you? You look ridiculous when you sulk like that. And if the Boar sees you like this, I'll have to watch him sulking too."
You manage an awkward half-smile,
"You're right- thanks, Felix."
You hear your name from across the plaza and turn to see Dedue with Annette in tow. As you turn to meet them, you could swear you hear Felix say something to the dog that trails a few feet behind you. While you're none the wiser, he mutters,
"If you're planning to hang around Y/N all day, you'd better look out for them, got it? They look more like a lost puppy than you do. That stupid Boar had better show up soon."
The dog gives a soft little whine, and gently nuzzles Felix's hand. With an exasperated sigh and a roll of his eyes, Felix in turn scratches at his neck, his expression softening just slightly.
Then, those golden ears perk up at your voice,
He turns and immediately bounds towards you, jumping up and licking at your face with his tail wagging at full speed. You laugh and ruffle his fuzzy head, then turn back to Annette and say,
"Well, he responds to it, so maybe you're right! But... you're sure the only thing we can do is wait for it to wear off?"
"I'm afraid so..." she replies, coming to stand beside you, "Say, Dimitri- if this is really you, could you please walk in a circle around me and then Dedue, then come back and stand in front of Y/N?"
He follows her request without question. Her instructions are far too complex to follow without extensive training, and with no gestures or encouragement to guide him, it seems almost certain that this dog is in fact your lovely Dimitri. You're eyes burn with the threat of tears, and it only now occurs to you how worried you'd been all day.
"Well, Dimitri, it seems we've had quite a day together," you say fondly, kneeling down to wrap your arms around him, "You make a really cute dog, but I think you'll be cuter when that magic wears off- so come back soon, okay?"
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oneletteredwondered · 4 years
One of the Boys
Virgil is a new tenant to an apartment complex and his landlord seems real nice. He told Virgil that should he ever need anything fixed to just give a call. He managed to get over the anxiety of calling someone for help, now he needs to get over the gay panic he experiences every time his landlord sends ‘one of the boys’ over.
Pairing: Everyone has a crush on Virgil who is also gay for everyone.
Warnings: panic descriptions from talking over the phone/to new people. Possible second hand embarrassment, swearing
Prompt pic at the end.
In all fairness, Virgil loves his new place. Way more than the old place he used to live at least. At least here the walls weren’t cracked and seemed sturdy enough that he wouldn’t be able to hear his neighbors through them. While he does his sweep of the place, writing down anything that might be wrong so the landlord can’t blame them on him, there’s barely anything broken or messed up. A clear step up from his old apartment.
“What you say Oogies?” Virgil nods to the black cat lounging on the cat tower after he’s finished his walk through. The cat stares at him, he stares back. They blink slowly at the same time and Virgil puffs out a breath. OogieBoogie wasn’t fond of the move. Complaining loudly at every jostle of the cat carrier. Virgil wanted to let her out but couldn’t until all his stuff was moved in for her safety. Seems like he’s forgiven.
“Come on lazy bones,” He finagles the cat out of the tower and she curls over his shoulders, paws dipping into the hood of his hoodie, and purrs. He smiles and scratches at her chin. For the most part she blends into the patterned fabric, her grey stripes the only thing that pop out, and even then only barely.
Virgil locks the apartment door, cat on his shoulders, and walk-through papers in hand. They walk their way around the complex and to the main office building. Virgil almost hesitates, thinking maybe he should go tomorrow morning at a better time, but OggieBoogie nuzzles his head encouragingly.
“Yeah okay,” He whispers to the animal, knowing she’s smug as he opens the door. It’s fluorescently bright. There’s no one at the front desk. Virgil takes two steps, and nearly backs out, when a friendly face pops out of one of the offices.
“Oh Virgil!” Virgil lets out a sigh of relief. He recognizes the elderly face 
“Hey Mr Sanders,” He gives an awkward wave. The cheery man laughs.
“You may call me Thomas you know,” He says smiling at his cat and waving to the animal. She blinks at him.
“Right, yeah, course, Mr. Thomas yeah,” Virgil says. Thomas gives him a fond smile but doesn’t correct him. Thank god. Thomas helped him fill out lease papers when he first came to check out new apartments. Honestly a blessing as Virgil had no idea what he was doing. Bonus that Thomas professed the place to be queer friendly as well. Virgil hung up his rainbow flag in the window the moment he found it.
“Oh I brought the walk through papers back,” He hands them over and Thomas takes them happily. 
“Everything good so far?” He asks. Virgil nods, nothing on there that he thought needed fixing, at least right away.
“Oh,” Thomas says softly. Virgil tenses and Oogie starts purring on his shoulder to comfort him.
“Are you having problems with the lights?” Thomas asks, very sincerely. Virgil shrugs a little and Oogie shifts to accommodate his motions.
“Not really, nothing serious,” He tries to play it off. Thomas pouts at his papers.
“Some of the plugs not screwed in properly, not working, a light out in the laundry area,” Thomas ‘tsks’ as he reads off Virgil’s writing. He perks up and offers Virgil a bright smile.
“No worries at all! I’ll send one of the boys over to fix it.” He offers Virgil a wink and riffles through his pockets. He pulls out his wallet and inside it a business card for the office that he promptly hands over.
“You ever need anything fixed, do not be afraid to call ya hear?” Virgil just nods, taking the card with him.
“Wait the boys?” He finds himself questioning. Thomas smiles again with a flippant wave of his hand.
“It’s the name of the contractor company I have hired here for the apartments. Someone should be over in about an hour to help you with the lights.” And with that Thomas is walking away to his own office, leaving Virgil to go back to his new home.
“Shit,” He mutters as he now realizes. Company coming over, and his new home is a mess. He walks quicker than he normally does to try and clean a little before ‘one of the boys’ makes it over. Oogie is not as impressed.
Virgil does well distracting himself. He organizes the boxes and even rearranges the hazardously brought in furniture to his liking. Oogie is lounging in her cat tower again, watching him try not to be frantic. He’s in the middle of putting some tupperware containers in the cabinets when there’s a knock on the door.
He wipes his hands on his jeans to make sure they’re not sweaty, and opens the door. Somewhere in the back of his mind he debates slamming it shut but in the end remains frozen with the front door wide open. Cause there in front of him is an absolutely gorgeous guy, hair slicked back and a cunning smile.
“Good afternoon, my name is Damien. Mr. Sanders said you needed help with some of your lights?” His voice sounds like silk and though there’s a long scar across side of his face, it takes nothing away from his beauty.
“Uh yeah.” Virgil says awkwardly.
“Yeah, yeah,” He says even more awkwardly and moves to the side to let the guy in.
“Much appreciated,” The guy, Damien says. Virgil can’t tell if the dude is cheeky or not, but damn is he flustered trying not to stare at his arms and the way he moves in those white jeans. Who wears white jeans to fix things? Virgil should send them a thank you note.
“Which plugs were having issues?” Damien asks then and Virgil decides words are not needed just this moment and deigns to gesture as best he can. Damien smiles at him and sets to work straightening some of the plugs out and replacing one in the corner when he notices a crack in the casing.
“Excuse me, miss.” He hears Damien say and peeks over his kitchen counter to see Damien gently nudging Oogie away from some of his tools. Virgil whines.
“Oogies come on let the man do his job,” Virgil goes over and scoops the cat up, petting her head to keep her from getting annoyed that she couldn’t continue with her curiosity. Damien laughs though and stands, now taking out the walk through Virgil so diligently wrote not 2 hours ago.
“You said that some of the plugs don’t work and that some of the switches don’t lead to anything?” He glances at Virgil with just a hint of a smirk. Virgil hugs Oogie a little tighter to keep his gay panic from spiraling.
“Yeah just seemed weird? I didn’t know if it was something wrong or what,” He says with a shrug, trying to seem nonchalant. Damien lets out a small laugh and waves Virgil to follow. He pulls out a small plug in light and pushes into one of the sockets Virgil said wasn’t working. He flicks the switch on the wall and the light pops on.
“Oh,” Virgil says and wants to die of embarrassment. 
“Well now I feel stupid as fuck,” He says. Damien lets out another laugh, flicking the light twice more to demonstrate.
“It’s to save power that some of the switches lead to the plugs. Nothing broken there. You’re not stupid because you didn’t know.” He takes back his light and once more gives Virgil that sly smile. The worst is he smiles in a way that makes it seem like he knows what he’s doing to Virgil, which is just rude. Except he’s not, Damien is insanely polite which does not help Virgil in the slightest.
“Is there anything else I can help you with?” Damien asks as he puts the last of his tools back in the case.
“Nah. I’m good, thank you,” Virgil says, determined not to make a fool of himself this time. Damien nods his head.
“Have a good rest of your day then. It was a pleasure meeting you,” And this smug bastard winks at him and closes the door behind him. Virgil lets Oogie fall to the floor, picks up the nearest pillow, and screams into it. At least he can do it with proper working lights.
Virgil is freaking out. There’s no other way to put it. He is freaking out. So he got a little lazy and didn’t do his dishes. He’s been working so often and never found the energy to keep up. He decided he had a dishwasher for a reason, and even though he felt bad because the machine wasn’t even full, he ran it, and now there is water over the floor. Shit.
He sits on the couch, legs bouncing, with his phone in his hands. Thomas’s number is on the screen, ready to be dialed at the press of a button. Virgil still isn’t sure if this counts as a proper emergency. He managed to clean up most the water with some of his towels, but water is still coming out. Maybe if he just keeps rinsing out the towels and waits for the cycle to be done, he can pretend it never happened.
OogieBoogie jumps into his lap. She kneeds at his leg and is put out when he doesn’t move right away to pet her or give her proper access to his lap. She bumps her head against him and pushes her way to his chest, knocking his phone with her foot in the process.Virgil hisses at the action and ruffles her face in revenge.
“Hello?” A very faint voice calls out. Virgil swears softly and picks up his phone.
“Uh Mr Sanders Thomas?” He says into the receiver, then pulls it away to stare at the ceiling to briefly wonder what is wrong with himself.
“Yes?” Thomas says on the other line.
“It’s Virgil from Unit 16 B.”
“Virgil! How are you?” Thomas doesn’t sound put out that Virgil is calling him, which is a good sign so far. Virgil takes a deep breath, hands working methodically though Oogie’s fur.
“Doing okay yeah, how are you?” He says, it’s important to be polite. Thomas laughs.
“Doing good over here. What can I help you with?”
“Uhm, my dishwasher is leaking? And there’s water on the floor and I don’t know how to fix it. You said I could call if something is wrong and I just, yeah.” Virgil shrugs to himself. Thomas gasps on the other end.
“Oh no! That won’t do. I’ll send one of the boys over to help clean it up.” And Thomas hangs up. Virgil stares at the phone, then at his cat, then back at the dishwasher. He really doesn’t want Damien to see him embarrassed like this  again. He buries his face in Oogie’s side and lets her purr calm him down. He must be there for a while because soon enough there’s a knock on the door.
Thankfully, it’s not Damien on the other end. However, it’s another incredibly attractive guy with a wild smile and even wilder hair that makes Virgil tense up because how. This one wears a shirt with the sleeves ripped off to show how ripped their arms are, and again, white jeans, though this time, the jeans are not as white as they once were, evidence of the work that has been done in them.
“Afternoodle! I’m Remus. The Sander’s Man said something was wishy-washy with your dishy-washy?” His smile in untamed and Virgil stares at him dumbly trying to understand what the hell just came out of his mouth.
“Yes?” He ends up asking more than saying, and moves over so Remus can come inside.
“Much appreciated, now what is gong on here?” Remus smirks down at the mess of the kitchen with his hands on his hips.
“I just ran the dishwasher and water started coming out. I was in the kitchen when I felt it on my foot.” Virgil explains as Remus moves some of the soaked towels over. He finagles the machine to open, something Virgil was too scared to try.
“Oh boy, I see. Give me one hot second here hot tamale, and I’ll get this all cleaned up.” Virgil isn’t sure what he should be more flustered by. Being called hot by a hot guy, or the fact the dude flexed while talking and there is some serious definition in his arms. So Virgil just nods as Remus skips out to the maintenance golf cart outside the door, and brings back in a tool box.
Virgil watches from over the counter as Remus pulls out the racks and practically crawls his way into the dishwasher. Virgil decides it’s a good time to walk away so he doesn’t end up staring at Remus’s ass while he works. That’s not proper behavior for someone who is trying to help.
It’s a few minutes, one colorful yet not quite a swear, and a victory noise later that Virgil feels okay going back to the kitchen area.
“Oh! Hello~ pusspuss!” Virgil gets to watch the exact moment Remus looks up to see Oogie staring at him working. Virgil scoops the cat up.
“Sorry she’s really into strangers.” He says. Though really, she hides from everyone. Remus lets out a cackle of a laugh.
“That’s fine, I’m into strangers too. So I fixed the problem here, no more soggy floors for you. Make sure to run it every so often so it keeps things going clean and unclogged.” Remus says far too quickly for Virgil to respond properly. He picks up his tools and returns them to the case. Virgil does a half-assed job of not staring at his back which is now water soaked.
“Is there anything else I can help you with?” Remus asks at the door. Virgil shakes his head.
“As long as it works I think I’m good,” He says. Remus smiles openly.
“Have a good rest of your day then!” He says and closes the door behind him. There was really no reason for him to flex as he said that but Virgil enjoyed it and no one else has to know.
“Shit shit shit,” Virgil is fumbling. He had to go grocery shopping and get some cat food for OogieBoogieBaby. And no self respecting trash panda such as himself would dream of carrying it back inside in more than one trip. So he’s fumbling with his arms lined with bags that would be cutting into his skin if not for his hoodie sleeves, but even then, those are falling and he wishes it wasn't so hot out.
He manages to make it to his door, shift some bags around so he can get his key out, when the bag of cat food starts slipping. Virgil can see it now, cat food all over the front porch to either collect ants, or other cats, or any other large animal. He wouldn’t feed it to Oogie, to afraid of what is on the ground and if it’ll upset her stomach. He braces for impact and for another quick trip to the store.
“Whoa!” Virgil feels the weight leave him but not the crash. He blinks at the ground, then at a pair of white jeans, then at the bag of cat food in someone else’s arms, then up to the face of a bespectacled stranger with brilliant blue eyes.
“Are you alright?” Stranger asks calmly and takes another bag from Virgil that looks ready to topple at a second’s notice. Virgil snaps out of it once it’s out of his hands.
“Shit yeah thanks,” He breathes out in a rush, thankful as all hell as he manages to finally get the door open. He pushes it with his hip and Oogie is waiting at the door for him, meowing up at him. He coos a greeting to her and sets the bags down in the kitchen, the stranger follows only to the inside door and puts the bags down there to not intrude.
“Thank you so much,” Virgil says once he’s done pretending he can carry that much. The stranger just offers him a small smile, kneeling down to let Oogie sniff his gardening glove covered hands.
“It was my pleasure to help you. My name is Logan, I’m one of the workers on site.” He says and stands. His voice is low and calming, it would make for a great audio book, and Virgil is not going to spend the rest of the day thinking about that.
“Though I do apologize for suddenly grabbing your things, I know that can come across as ‘creepy’ and I do not wish for that to be my first impression.” He pries a glove off and holds out his hand. Virgil takes it and gives it a small shake.
“I’m Virgil, and this is OogieBoogie,” He introduces himself and his cat who has deigned to jump on the counter and sniff at the contraption on Logan’s back. He gently pushes the cat away with a soft look in his eyes.
“Pleasure to meet both of you. None for you I’m afraid,” He chides Oogie gently. Virgil swallows because damn, someone interacting gently with his cat more of a heart throb than originally intended. And Logan is nothing if not simply scholarly stunning.
“My apologies again, be sure to let someone know if there’s anything we can help you with. Have a wonderful rest of your day,” Logan nods his head softly and there is just the smallest crinkle around his eyes hidden under his glasses and Virgil is so weak as he closes the door to his apartment. He’s come into contact with one too many pretty people at this complex and it will be the death of him. Still, it is nice to wave to Logan every so often as he preens the landscaping around the buildings.
Virgil watches as water drips down the window. It started the other day after some rains. He put a towel under it to keep some of the water from ruining anything, but it’s still going the next day. Virgil sighs and looks at his phone, Thomas’s number on the screen. He takes a deep breath and presses call.
“Hello?” Thomas answers.
“Hey Mr. Thomas it’s Virgil, from Unit 16 B.” A practiced line. Thomas gives a happy gasp.
“Virgil how are you?” Thomas always sounds excited to speak to him. It helps.
“Doing okay, how are you?” He asks, absently petting Oogie’s back.
“Good good! How can I help you?” Thomas asks in turn. Virgil looks at the window.
“Something’s up with my window? It’s like.. leaking.” He explains but not really. Thomas hums.
“Did this start up with the rain?”
“Yeah, I’ve tried cleaning it with towels but it keeps going.” Virgil says. Thomas makes another hum noise.
“Sounds like a problem with the roof. I’ll send one of the boys over.” And Thomas hangs up. Virgil isn’t as put off with the abrupt ending, expecting it this time around. He glares at the window and goes to wait for ‘one of the boys’. Oogie follows over and demands pets. It a decent distraction till a loud knock comes from the door.
Virgil opens it and it's just unbelievable how down right beautiful this guy is. His hair in perfect waves and a charming smile on his face. His sleeves are also cut like Remus's were, but far less frayed.
"Wonderful morning, my name is Roman. Our dear Mr. Sanders told me there were some ill issues with the roof is that right?" He speaks with such confident flamboyance Virgil is a loss for words.
"Yeah," Is all he manages to say. He's pretty. Way too pretty for this.
"Yeah, sorry it's over here," He turns and leaves the door open for Roman to follow. Roman laughs loud and proud and does just that. Virgil shows him the window and does not bit his lip as Roman jostles the frame showing off muscles that are illegal.
"The panes seems closed but I'll check outside as well." He turns and heads out the door. Virgil follows.
"And the roof?" He asks. Roman offers him a dashing smile, checking his tools that he attaches to his belt, holding up pristine white jeans.
"You may hear some noises for a while as I'm up there, but fear not, I'll find the problem." He gives Virgil a wink and with ease, he finds a ledge on the building and hoists himself up. Virgil does not squeak. Certainly not cause he's scared that Roman will fall, and certainly not cause he rolls his shoulders and Virgil can see his body move and god damn it he’s so not straight.
So he goes inside and pretends there’s not a real attractive guy fixing his roof. The noises of fixing continue for an hour or so, Virgil keeping busy with cleaning and some mild work emails. Then the noises stop. Virgil glances at his ceiling curiously.
"Uh, Roman?" He calls from his front door, making sure the dude didn't fall off and die.
"Be down in a moment fair tenant!" He hears. Virgil rolls his eyes and barely turns when Roman suddenly lands in front of him.
"Roof is all set. There were a few shingles out of-"
"Did you just jump off the roof?!" Virgil interrupts. Roman blinks at him and has the nerve to smiling so dashingly again.
"I dare say I did," he says as if it's no big deal. Virgil sputters at the reckless, careless, brash attitude. Roman is far too entertained by it.
"I'm honored by the concern, dearest. Just one more moment to check the window from the other side." He winks again and is walking around the building before Virgil can say anything.
He grabs Oogie and plants his face in her fur. Too gay to function. He talks to her plainly about how unfair it is that pretty boys plague his life, only to find out he can absolutely be heard through the window by Roman asking in a muffled voice.
"You think I'm pretty?" Virgil screams and hides in his room, hearing Roman laugh through the wall. This is how he dies, he decides. This is even worse than the time Damien had to tell him his lights weren’t broken, he just didn’t know how to use them. This is so much worse.
He groans loud and dramatically when there’s a knock on his front door. He doesn’t want to open it. But he does, cause it’s rude other wise.Roman stands there, smug expression and a bright smile.
“Checked everything and cleaned up some water. A few shingles out of place and a loose vent, got those all patched down. If it continues to leak it might be a bigger issue so be sure to call if it does. Anything else I can help you with?” He asks. Virgil takes a steady breath to say no.
“I think I’ve dug my own grave enough for today,” He says, further digging his own embarrassment grave. Roman gives another laugh.
“Enchanted to meet you pretty boy, have an amazing rest of your day.” And then Roman honest to goodness bows and drives off in the golf cart. Virgil closes his door softly and looks at Oogie who stares back from her perch on the counter.
“Don’t even start,” He tells the cat. She looks away like she doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
“Boogs! No!” Virgil does not like shouting at his cat. He doesn’t like shouting in general. But it gets OogieBoogieBitchBaby away from the wall she is using as a scratching post. She scampers off as he approaches, fingers going over the claw marks in the wall. He groans to himself.
He moved her cat tower because she kept getting onto his work papers. In revenge for disposing her from her favorite perch and sights of the room, she clawed at the wall instead, leaving a few nasty scratches behind.
“How am I supposed to fix this?” He asks where she’s run off, hearing her run around. He bangs his head on the wall. This is not how he wanted his night to go. In the end, he has Thomas’s number on his phone and piece of paper he tore to shreds in worry over what he could possibly say.
“Hello?” Thomas answers.
“Hey Mr. Sanders, it’s Virgil. I-”
“Virgil! How are you?” Thomas asks. Virgil takes a deep breath.
“I’m- I’m so sorry Mr. Sanders. It was an accident I swear.” He needs to apologize, cause if Mr. Sanders kicks him out, he’ll have to go hunting for places to live again, and who is going to take him with a cat who destroys things, and then because no one will take him, he’ll die on the streets and Oogie will eat his toes.
“My cat Oogie she got upset with me and she clawed the wall and I’m so sorry,” He says in a rush.
“Hey, hey Virgil it’s okay. It happens, our furry friends do funny things. I’ll send one of the boys over to help fix it right up, okay?” Virgil swallows a lump in his throat at Thomas’s easy solution.
“Okay,” He croaks out and then hears the click of someone hanging up. He lets his phone drop and then puts his head in his hands. He doesn’t want to be kicked out his apartment, or to have Mr. Sanders think bad of him as a tenant, or as a bad pet owner. He throws himself back on his couch. He feels so dumb.
Thankfully, there’s a gentle knock to his door. Hopefully his savior in this mess. He opens it to bubbly boy in round glasses, giving him the most cheerful smile Virgil’s ever seen.
“Hey there, evening to you, my name is Patton. Mr. Sanders said we have some kitty claws on the walls?” He asks. Virgil lets his shoulders drop.
“Yeah, I’m so sorry about it.” He says Patton waves his hand.
“It’s not a cat-astrophe, it happens. Can you show me where it is?” He asks. Virgil nods and steps back to let the boy in white jeans in, then pauses.
“Did you just make a pun?” He deadpans. And Patton giggles.
“Sorry, sorry, just slipped out. I’m pawfully bad at them.” He says with a bright smile. Virgil stares at him, then snorts into his hand.
“That was really bad,” He says but Patton just beams at him.
“Got you to laugh though.” And Patton should not sound so proud of making a stranger laugh. Virgil coughs to cover his awkward and shows him where Oogie got to the wall and Patton ‘tuts’ in response, putting down a bag of tools on the floor.
“I have just the thing to get this back in purr-fect conditions.” Patton opens his bag and pulls out some paint and calking. Virgil steps back to let him do his job, very aware that Oogie is hiding somewhere away from him. It makes him nervous to not see his cat in the area. Sure Oogie isn’t a registered therapy animal, but she does a good job of keeping him calm.
“There, al-meow-st done!” Patton smiles at him over his shoulder and adds another coat of paint to the wall, looking good as new. Maybe it’s the puns or the cute, but Virgil does relax.
“Thanks for that.” Virgil says as Patton cleans up. He giggles once more and waves Virgil’s concern off again.
“It’s no big deal, it’s what we’re here for.” He reassures. Virgil sighs and turns to the small meow behind him. Oogie is on the table staring at him. Patton lets out a squeal of happiness.
“Oh she’s precious!” He says in syrupy sweet voice. Virgil snorts again and looks between the two.
“Wanna pet her?” He asks and before he finishes Patton is shaking his head.
“Un-fur-tunately I’m allergic. But she is paws-itively adorable.” Patton coos and waves to the cat, Oogie does nothing in return but that’s to be expected. Virgil rolls his eyes at the both of them.
“Thanks again for your help,” He says. Patton beams and there are freckles on his cheeks. Freckles, too cute, not allowed.
“Of course! Anything else I can help you with?” He asks. Virgil’s turn to shake his head.
“I think we’re good now,” He says. Patton giggles once more.
“Have a claw-some rest of your night,” And that shouldn’t be funny but Virgil snorts again and Patton is proudly walking off.
What the fuck, what the fuck. Virgil stares at the door knob in his hand. He just went for a late walk to get his mail, Oogie joining him on his shoulders. Something rattled in the door knob when he opened it, having to actually shove the door open to get back inside after unlocking it. When he went to close the door, the handle came off in his hand before he could close it proper.
What the fuck.
He stares at the space where the door knob was and his open door. His mind immediately races to all the creepy people who can break in and steal things or kidnap his cat. Or even all the bugs that will make home in his food and hair. Nope. None of that.
“Hey Mr Sanders?” Virgil says first, his anxiety over the open door he can not close for fear it won’t open again overriding his normal fear of calling his land lord.
“Virgil! How are you? It’s very late,” Thomas yawns on the other end. Virgil winces. He probably should have thought this through considering the time.
“I’m okay, so sorry to wake you, it’s just. My door handle uh, fell off?” There’s a pause.
“Well that’s not good.” Thomas says.
“I’ll send one of the boys over.” He hangs up plainly. Virgil has enough time to worry if he made Thomas upset by calling so late, and worry Oogie somehow got out only to find her cuddled in her tower, when the bad lights from the maintenance golf cart shine through the crack in the door.
There’s an awkward knock and Virgil pulls the door open. He’s not sure who in their right mind has sunglasses on this late, but at least this gorgeous person isn’t using them to hide their bright eyes. They give him a quirky smile.
“Well this isn’t something you see every day.” They remark and Virgil has to huff out a laugh, some of his panic subsiding.
“Evening babes, I’m Remy. What happened?” He asks and goes about unscrewing the rest of the door knob, kneeling down and scuffing his white jeans that nearly glow in the darkness. Virgil tells him the lead up and Remy scoffs out a laugh of their own, giving Virgil a glance, that turns into a once over, that shakes him to the core.
“No worries, I can see the broken piece. Easy fix.” He winks at Virgil and gets a spare doorknob from the golf cart. Virgil stand idly by as he fixes it, keeping Oogie from getting too close.
“Wassup cat?” Remy asks and gently puts his knuckles to her head in greeting. She makes a noise and then trots off, satisfied with the attention.
“What’s their name?” Remy asks while he screws things back together.
“That OogieBoogie, Oogie for short, though she’s been more of an OogieBoogieBastard lately.” She meows at Virgil from the top of her tower. He hisses back at her. Remy snorts.
“Nice, I have an orange cat named Pumpkin.”
“Nice,” Virgil says back. Remy smirks at his response and keeps working. Vigil pretends the look on Remy’s face didn’t give him reckless night vibes, that he would take Remy up on if he asked, cause damn, the dude’s hot.
“May I borrow your key for a second babes?” Remy twists the knob a few times and with Virgil’s borrowed key, closes, locks, and opens the door with no problems.
“All good to go, anything else I can help you with?” He asks as he hands back the key. Virgil shakes his head.
“Nah, I’m good, thanks for that,” He says. Remy gives him a wink.
“Have a good night babes.” Another wicked smirk and Virgil does his best to close his door at a proper speed. His heart is pounding and these pretty boys will be the end of him.
“Hi! Welcome in, how can I help you?” Cute, is all Virgil can think when he enters the office. Pastel, is second. There’s a new receptionist at the desk, freckles and a mega-watt smile.
“Hi uh, I got a notification I have a package?” He stammers out. Oogie purrs at his shoulder, reminding him it’s okay.
“Sure! What apartment number?” Virgil rattles off his numbers as the receptionist looks in the package closet.
“For Virgil?” They ask. He nods and takes his box, keeping it away from Oogie as it’s a surprise for her birthday.
“Oh! I’m Emile by the way. I’m working in the office now so if you need anything just give us a call okay?” They’re so earnest. Virgil ends up just nodding his head, only speaking when Oogie bumps her head to his.
“Yeah, thanks,” He says and before he can make an exit Thomas appears from inside one of the offices.
“I thought I head you! Virgil, how are you?” He asks. Virgil gives him a soft smile.
“Good, and you?” It’s only polite. Thomas lets out a laugh.
“Good here too. Say, the staff is hosting a tenant party here, some games and some food, you should join us if you’re not busy.” Thomas hands Virgil a flyer with some gaudy colors. Virgil does a good job of not letting his dislike of the idea show.
“You should totally come!” Emile beams at him and it does something gay to Virgil’s heart. Virgil glances at the two of them smiling at him.
“I could stop by?” He offers not waiting to make them mad at him. They cheer and turn back to their jobs. Virgil walks back to his apartment, petting Oogie as he does.
“What did I just get myself into?” He asks her. She bumps her head to his hand in response.
It’s not a bad turnout for an apartment complex party. Virgil does show up, Oogie situated on his shoulders. Even though its closer to summer, He’s still wearing his hoodie if not just to give her a place to put her paws should she wish to.
There’s those plastic cheap tables lining around the pool area, boxes of pizza and some crinkly plastic containers of mini sub sandwiches sit on top. There’s a section for drinks and cups right next to. Virgil gets himself a cup of lemonade.
He glances about. Some people are playing some bean bag toss game, others are playing on the mini putt putt area Virgil didn’t even know they had. Lots of people are in the pool, messing around and splashing water at each other. He sticks to the sidelines.
“Virgil!” Or maybe not. He looks to who called his name and though he’s happy Logan called for him so he doesn’t have to be alone, he’s lamenting the fact that not only is it Logan, he’s also with Patton, Damien, and Remy. Fuck. Virgil goes bug eyed, giving himself a pep talk, helped along by Oogie making a ‘mrrp’ noise in his ear, and walks to his doom.
“Hey Logan,” Virgil says once he’s close. Patton waves as best he can with hands full of pizza.
“Sup babes?” Remy asks with damn smirk, sunglasses appropriate now. Virgil rolls his eyes.
“Damien, if you don’t remember,” Damien holds out his hand. Virgil of course remembers embarrassing himself in front of freaking sleek attractive Damien, but he isn't about to say that. Virgil takes his hand to shake and Damien flips it to bring a kiss to the back of Virgil’s hand. Virgil’s jaw drops as Patton giggles helplessly.
“Dee don’t do that!” He says but there’s not force behind it. Damien just smiles like the cat that got the cream.
“I didn’t know you two were familiar?” Damien turns the attention to Logan now. Logan just pushes up his glasses.
“I admit to helping Virgil carry in groceries more than once.” Logan says, giving Damien a look that Virgil doesn’t have the power to decipher. Patton whines.
“Kiddo you could have asked for more help,” He says. Virgil shrugs.
“Two trips are for the weak.” He and Remy tap their glasses together in a cheers.
“Yes and I’m sure dropping your groceries is also for the weak.” Logan chides and it does hit a little harder, but still Virgil taps his glass to Remy’s again in a cheers.
“Virgil!” Someone calls and Virgil is blinded by the force of Emile’s smile so suddenly in his face.
“You came!” He’s excited. Virgil nods and takes a step back. Oogie murmurs upset on his shoulder.
“Yep, I said I would and hey, free food.” He ignores the looks the others give each other and Emile just bounces.
“Well I’m glad you’re here. Me and Patton were gunna play corn-hole later, you should join us!” Patton gives an equally excited gasp as Emile gestures to the bean bag toss.
“Uh sure,” Virgil says. Emile bounces and waves, and is off to say hi to other residents as soon as he came. Virgil is reeling from the interaction and it only gets worse.
“Is that pretty boy??” Virgil hears the splash before he sees anyone but then Remus is there in his face, shirtless and in swim trunks and dear god, he has a tramp stamp.
“Hello again stranger~” He coos. Virgil musters up a hi when suddenly another shirtless person is standing next to Remus.
“It is pretty boy! How are you darling?” Roman says. Virgil has officially hit gay panic mode. If the earlier mix of suave and cute wasn’t enough to do him in, the pure amount of muscle now is going to do him in.
“Fine,” He chokes out. Remus and Roman both laugh at his answer. Great. If he hoped for any kind of saving from the others, it’s surely a dashed hope by the amused looks on their faces.
“Are you joining us in the pool?” Remus asks excited. Oogie hisses from his shoulders. Vigil raises a hand to calm her and she nuzzles his knuckles.
“Uh not today.” He says, which is the wrong thing to say.
“But another day?” Remus asks all wild excited. Roman shoves him.
“Like he wants to spend time with your gross ass!” Roman shouts playfully. Patton huffs and calls him for his language but he is ignored. Remus gasps offended with a wild smirk on his face.
“Sure he does, can’t keep his eyes off these guns,” And Remus flexes. Virgil smacks a hand to his face. Oogie dips to hide in his hood. Roman lets out a laugh and firmly shoves Remus back into the pool.
“The only gun he needs is a glock to the face.” Roman puts a fist in his hand, flexing as well. The pun does get Patton to giggle though and Damien rolls his eyes.
“Virgil I am going to get some food, would you like to accompany me?” Logan asks finally done with the nonsense.
“How do you know his name!?” Roman screeches.
“I asked.” Roman let's out an outright offended gasp for whatever reason. He doesn’t get to say another word as Remus from out of no where, runs and tackles Roman back into the pool with no such boundaries.
“Food sounds good,” Virgil says. Logan smiles softly at him.
“I think I shall join you,” Damien says looking into his cup which doesn’t look empty but who is Virgil to judge. 
“Come find me and Emile when you’re done okay?” Patton interjects before they can leave. Virgil offers him a two finger salute, and then leaves Patton and Remy to go find Emile, while he finds food.
“Idiots,” Logan mutters once they are away from the pool. Damien hums in thought.
“But not wrong,” He says.
“They aren’t right either.” Logan snaps back.
“Should I go?” Virgil asks as they are clearly not talking to him. Both Damien and Logan look at him scandalized.
“Certainly not!” Damien says and gives him a slick smile. Virgil swallows down his lemonade to keep his throat from clogging up. He spends some time talking to the two of them, making sarcastic comments and opening up. Oogie pops out to lick his hair at one point.
At that, Virgil finds Emile somewhere, letting them know he’ll be right back, wanting to drop Oogie off at home. He’s comfortable enough here to not need her reassurances, besides, she’s tired from napping and needs to go home to sleep. With some ‘hurry back’ wishes, he’s off back to his place.
He makes sure Oogie is comfy and goes to leave, finding Thomas waiting in one of the golf carts outside his door.
“Need a ride?” He offers. Virgil laughs and joins him in the small vehicle.
“Virgil if I may, I have a favor to ask of you?” Thomas says seriously. Virgil nods his head as his lungs refuse to let him breathe for fear of the favor.
“Please be kind to my grand kids yeah?” Thomas asks, an earnest look in his eyes. Virgil isn’t sure what he’s talking about, but then he looks up. All of the boys who have been coming in and out of his life to fix his home are there staring and waiting for him to get back with the same look in their eyes.
Oh. Virgil thinks.
Oh no.
AN: Lol that multiship life
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Edit: now with a part 2
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Okokok here this: april, reader and casey try to prank the boys. How does it go. With who does it fails/success, what was the prank, do they get caught? Do the boys get revenge, and if so, how?
Also, splinter sees it all unfolds, does he just gets himself a snack and watch, or does he tries to subtly join in without getting caught? (We all know hes got a playful side cmon)
Bonus: they try to prank vern too, maybe the boys join in to prank him? What do they do? Does he retaliate?
Okay so I admit I let my brain go nuts on this one, so it's a little long but I was cackling the entire time I was writing it.
TMNT Headcanons
Prank Wars
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In your complete and utter defence, Leo had 100% started this
And also in your defence, you did tell him not to
But he tricked you into watching a horror movie and ended up dying your hair green
This meant war
You'd even wrapped up April and Casey into it
Their problems were your problems
Which meant that April was the one who convinced Splinter not to say anything to his sons
He was perfectly happy to oblige
Casey was just there to help set things up
And you liked the way his mind worked
The objective wasn't to go unnoticed, there would be no point in doing it and having no proof
You were doing this to prove that you could
Leo had emphasized that he couldn't be distracted
That you were to obvious and clumsy to prank him without him noticing
Challenge fucking accepted
And that's how you ended up at the kitchen table eating lunch with April and Casey when the boys were coming back from meditating with Splinter
April kept having to shove food in her mouth to hide her laughter
Casey just decided to wear sunglasses
And you kept overpowering the urge to smirk
"Hey guys, good to see you. Y/n have you seen my katanas?"
With the obstruction of water in your mouth you just nodded at him, pointing to the other room
He sauntered off, none the wiser to your victorious grin
When he came back in only a moment later his expression had done a complete 180
Leo made direct eye contact with you and you held that stare like a wolf cornered in its den
"does someone want to explain why my katanas are encased in blueberry jello?"
You raised your hand like a child in class
"hate to break it to you, but it's actually berry blue you uncultured bitch"
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Ohhhh you were so undeniably dead
A whole other level of six feet under
It wasn't a surprise that April and Casey had backed out on this one
It also wasn't a surprise that Splinter had offered to stand up for you if things went sideways
Donnie even gave you a sheet of paper with a list of hiding spots before hand
All of this went completely unnoticed by Raph, the target of your latest scheme.
And that was fine, you had only one objective here-
Make it out alive
But it was amazing what 1 person could do with some extra cash and internet access
So that's what led you to your current position.
Cross legged on the bench, watching the large red terrapin get ready for his first set, that in itself wasn't unusual, you always watched him lift just in case you needed to run and grab someone if something went wrong
Raph was none the wiser to your plan
At least that's what you thought
Your book was in your lap and you were calmly scanning your pages, somewhat comprehending the words but keeping a very close eye on the turtle across from you
"Hey y/n?"
You peeked over the edge of your book to meet his eyes
And your heart sank to your stomach
"Yeah Raph?"
He smirked at you, taking a lumbering step forward
"You ever seen that episode of the Office where Jim fills Dwight's phone with nickels so when he takes 'em out Dwight punches himself in the face?"
Shit shit shit shit shit shit-
"Uh... No, can't say that I have, why do you ask?"
That damn smile got even wider and all of your muscles tensed, you were ready to bolt
"I'm giving you a fifteen second headstart. Starting right now."
You flew to your feet and sprinted out of the weight room
Your lungs were ready to burst by the time you made it to your decided hiding spot. Heavy footsteps went right underneath you and you held your breath, you wouldn't dare move.
You didn't come down until hours later when Splinter came and coaxed to you out of hiding
But deep down you knew you'd started something you couldn't finish.
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Vern Fenwick
You didn't even have to convince the guys to partake in this
You didn't even get the chance to tell them what you were planning
They were already brainstorming
None of you let a word of it slip to April, she would've shut you down faster than you could blink
A complete buzz kill
But fake blood was relatively cheap and all of Vern's flooring was tile (meaning extremely easy to clean and bleach)
Donnie had really been the mastermind behind the execution, none of you had any idea how he'd rigged the apartment plumbing
But he'd assured you it would only affect Vern's suite and no one else's so you didn't concern yourself with it further
And after the fact you had to wonder what exactly the former cameraman was planning on the date he'd been in the middle of
All you knew was that you got a very frantic call from the falcon himself yelling about blood coming out of his tap and the sink wouldn't shut off and it was everywhere and what the fuck was happening?
You all knew that Splinter thought it was hilarious, he'd never been particularly fond of Vern
But he did make his sons assist in the clean up and bleaching of the victims apartment floor
You went too and offered moral support
Vern had hit on you one too many times, so there was no way you'd feel bad about this
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As far as pranking went, you and Mikey were partners in crime
He always had great ideas and you always came up with the best ways to execute those ideas without getting caught
But when you separated those two chaos was guaranteed
You weren't entirely sure how you had been pitted against each other but you weren't entirely mad about it
You couldn't say the same for anyone else though, the others had been on edge all week.
Pranking Mikey was a challenge, he knew how you worked and vice versa
You'd been brainstorming with April for weeks now, maybe a new perspective would help
That's what the two of you told yourselves anyways
Much to your dismay, Mikey and Casey had been plotting against you as well, the traitor.
And perhaps even more unfortunate was the fact that both of your pranks somehow overlapped and backfired on the rest of the family
Because Mikey and Casey may have replaced the family tea set with a edible sugar replica that looked identical to the original
So that when you were asked to make tea for Splinter and Leo it would dissolve the second you poured the hot tea
But they didn't tell anyone else so Leo was left with an impromptu anxiety attack when he made his own tea before sitting down to meditate and it melted into sugary leaf water
And you and April had planned the 'cutting off your finger in the kitchen' with the knife, fake finger, and fake blood
Which in theory should've worked because Mikey was in the kitchen the most, that was his territory
However once you'd started your plan you couldn't stop it
so when you 'cut your finger off' and screamed for Mikey you didn't have time to yell "wait it's a prank!" before Donnie caught a glimpse of the scene and fainted
In your defence you didn't know the purple turtle could move that fast
And to Mikey's relief he was going to throw that cutting board out anyways
Splinter explicitly banned the two of you from pranking each other after that incident
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Per your own common sense you had come to the conclusion that pranking the families resident genius was a horribly stupid idea
So for once, you'd practiced some self control and refrained from any pranks involving Donnie
Now that's not to say that the turtle vowed from aiming any pranks towards you
He had morals but messing with you walked the line separating adorable from batshit crazy
And he was all for it
April advised against it severely and even Splinter seemed to think it wasn't the best idea, but that was a lesson his son had to learn on his own
On the flip side, the second Casey heard about Donnie's plan he was all for it
So when you came over for dinner they both had to hide their excited smiles as Casey passed you your spaghetti
He knew it was your favorite
Everyone else was oblivious, which looking back on it was a very bad thing
April had her suspicions that Donnie was pulling something this evening, but she couldn't put her finger on it
That wasn't until you swirled a mouthful of noodles around your fork and shoved it into your mouth, you were starving
Here lies your predicament-
You swallowed thickly and blinked like you were in pain, your hand went to your throat and you reached for your water, ending up chugging almost the entire bottle.
Your eyes met Donnie's in a serious type of concern
"Is there hot sauce in this?"
April choked on her breadstick and quickly covered her mouth
Casey hadn't picked up on it yet
"Awh yeah- how'd you figure it out so quickly?"
You erupted in a coughing fit that sent April rushing to your side before you could tumble to the floor
"You fucking assholes! Y/N has a capsaicin allergy! Casey go start the car we need to get them to the hospital!"
On the bright side you were fine after you were rushed to the ER
But you didn't speak to Donnie or Casey for two weeks following the accident
You eventually forgave them for it and they haven't targeted you since
Sorry if it got a little dark at the end, but I felt like it was more realistic. Also that has actually happened to me but it was a nut allergy (and that's how I found out I was allergic to cashews) But I feel like the ending was a good example of how pranking someone can go horribly wrong, you should always consider the possibilities before doing something that could cause harm to a person. (Unless they really really deserve it)
I really enjoyed writing this one and I hope you guys like it as much as I do! 😁🧡👍
-Mars 🌠
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 11
Dabi x Reader , Bakugo x Reader
Words : 4125
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together.
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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The longer you sat in the car the more uncomfortable you got. You knew you looked like a mess, and by the way Dabi was trying really hard not to look at you, it must be really bad.
“I’ve had worse.”
“I’m sure you have… doesn’t make me okay with it.”
You would have rolled your eyes if you didn’t think the action would hurt your head. “I’m fine. You’ve literally stabbed and drowned me before.”
His grip tightened on the steering wheel. “How long are you going to throw that in my face? They were both in your best interest and I’m done apologizing for them.”
His anxiety and anger were written all over his features from his tense shoulders to his cold stare at the road in front of him. You reached over to run your fingers through his hair, knowing the simple action would help ease his nerves. However, your sore muscles and possibly bruised ribs throbbed in pain and made you hiss through your teeth and your hand ended up gripping his elbow instead.
“What was that about being fine?” His tone wasn’t as antagonistic as you had thought it would be. Instead it sounded a little distressed.
It finally clicked why he was so upset. He had told you before you left that he would keep you safe. In his head he failed. You knew he had a rough time coping with failure thanks to Endeavor’s less than ideal parenting. Dabi can pretend that his childhood doesn’t affect him anymore all he likes, but you saw through it.
“None of this was your fault. You know that, right?”
The car remained silent as he continued to stare ahead.
“I’m serious. I’m not just saying it to make you feel better. If anything, it’s my fault. I let go of your hand after you asked me more than once not to. I froze when he attacked me.” Now you were just working yourself up. “And holy shit was I rusty with my quirk. Like I may as well have not used it at all. He was able to shake out of my word binding like it was nothing.”
Back in your prime you would have been able to take a guy like that down with little to no effort. You looked down to your scraped hands and knees. Felt the pain in your ribs with every breath you took. And you knew there was a decent chance you had a concussion. “How did I manage to slip this far?”
Now it was his turn to reach out and put his hand on your thigh. It was almost humorous how quickly he could shift moods when he thought you needed him. “Just a small hiccup. It was your first real fight in years. That guy was a trained assassin, and you still managed to incapacitate him. Next time you won’t hesitate. We’ll work on it at home, if it makes you feel better.”
You intertwined your fingers with his and nodded. “I think I’d like that.”
The rest of the car ride was quiet as you both let yourself stew in your own thoughts. Your thoughts were a dangerous place to be. Not only where you having a minor melt down about your recent fight, but you were still trying to cope with the fact you just watched Dabi murder someone.
As a hero that was something that was a massive taboo. You only did it if you absolutely had to and even then, you were still scrutinized. The man was paralyzed and couldn’t mood. You could have called one of the guys to come pick him up. Dabi insisted that if you let them put the man in prison, it would just be handing him over to the same people who were looking for you. Right now, no one knows that you’re with Dabi. That kind of information would be invaluable to both heroes and villains who were currently looking for you.
There was a sick feeling of despair that was settling in your stomach as you started to realize that Dabi might have been right. You didn’t want to accept it though. Your whole life you were trained to value human life, even if that life belonged to a bad person. But at this point you couldn’t figure out how much of your life as a hero was even real. How much you still agreed with. You were finding it was hard to even differentiate who was bad and who was good. It was enough to make your head spin.
Closing your eyes, you leaned your head on the cold glass window as the spinning only seemed to increase.
“Hey… Hey don’t do that. Keep your eyes open and stay awake. You probably have a concussion.”
“If I keep my eyes open, I’m going to throw up. My head is spinning.” You put your head in your hands and rubbed your temples.
“Okay… so you definitely have a concussion. Hold on we’re almost home.” You didn’t open your eyes, but you could feel the car pick up speed. For a while the only sound in the car was the low hum of the engine as Dabi sped home. He knew it’d be easier to calm down once you were safe within it’s walls.
Before long the car slowed down as it approached the garage. You kept your eyes closed as you listened to Dabi’s quick steps around the car. He opened your door gently to keep you from falling out of the car. You heard his breath catch and you wondered if you really looked that bad.
“Let’s get you inside and cleaned up.” Out of instinct, you reached your arms up to him just like you did when he carried you everywhere. Without a moment’s hesitation he slotted his arms under your knees and behind your back and pulled you out of the car. It sent jolts of pain through your ribs, but you bit your lip to keep yourself from making a sound.
The trip from the garage to the bathroom was shorter than you would have liked. You were enjoying the feeling being caged in his strong arms, snuggling into his warm chest. He gently set you on the toilet, brushing some hair away from you face, careful to avoid any area that might be bruised or bleeding. “I’m going to turn the water on, but real quick, while the water heats up I’m going to go get the groceries out of the car.”
If your eyes were open, you would be narrowing them at him right now. “…You’re worried about the ice cream aren’t you?”
There was a moment of silence that just confirmed it. “Shut up…Don’t pretend you wouldn’t be sad if you couldn’t have ice cream after the shitty day you’ve had.”
You snorted, “I’d rather have a shot… but I have a feeling you won’t let me because of the whole mild head injury thing…. So…” You opened your eyes and waved towards the bathroom door. “Go get it before it melts. I can take it from here.”
He sprinted out of the bathroom yelling “Don’t fucking move until I get back!” as he left. He said not to move, but you could at least try to start undressing yourself. That shouldn’t be too hard.
You started with your shoes. Easy enough, just kicked them right off with no problem. Now it’s time for your dress. That was a whole different story. You tried several times, but you couldn’t seem to be able to pull past your chest without some part of you hurting.
You desperately wanted to get undressed and into the shower yourself. There was probably some part of you that was still feeling a little defeated and insecure after your fight. You had this weird need to prove you could do it by yourself even though realistically you couldn’t, and not only that you didn’t have too.
You knew Dabi would help, hell he would probably be pissed if you tried to do this without him. Just as much as you wanted to do this alone, he wanted to take care of you probably even more. He was also still feeling the sting of perceived failure. So, what were you going to do?
You surprised even yourself when you sighed and leaned back deciding to wait for Dabi. Logically you knew the only you were going to do this without hurting yourself further was to let him help. It was what was physically best for you. It also would help him get over his own pity party, so in a way it was what was best for him too.
“Oh wow… you actually listened.” Dabi was back and making his way towards you with a first aid kit that looked like it had seen some shit.
“Not on purpose. I tried to get my dress off… but it just hurt, so I gave up and decided I’d wait for you to do it for me.”
He placed the kit on the counter and squatted between your legs. “I’m about to say something that I know you’ll think is sarcastic, but I promise it’s not… Thank you for giving up.” He gently pulled the hem of your dress up until he could pull it over your front. If he was affected by the fact that you were sitting in front of him in only a pair of underwear, then he didn’t show it.
He quietly appraised your injuries with a serious face. “Other than your head and your ribs does anything stand out at overly painful? Can you rotate and bend all of your joints?”
One by one you checked your wrists, shoulders, ankles, knees, and lastly your neck. “I think they’re all fine. Sore in some spots, but nothing too bad.”
He nodded as he started to clean the dried blood off of your forehead. “You have a lot of scrapes, but those will be fine. I just want to get this nasty cut on your forehead cleaned up.” He bit his lip, “I don’t have a fucking clue what I’m supposed to do for your ribs though… or what you’re supposed to do for concussions.”
You winced as he pressed a little too hard onto the gash in your forehead, “It’s fine… that’s what Google’s for right?”
He apparently didn’t think that was very funny. He just grunted as he continued his dabbing. When he considered himself done, he put a bandage over it. “I was kinda hoping you could show off your surgical staple skills. We could be twins.”
“That’s not funny.” His blue eyes fixed on you, you could see something cracking in them. “Okay maybe it’s a little funny… I might laugh about it tomorrow… but right now… not funny.”
He reached a hand into the shower to test the temperature. “Alright, let’s get you cleaned up. We just need to try and keep your bandage dry, if that’s even possible.”
He was helping you stand up to get into the shower, but you stopped him right before you got in. “I’m sorry… I feel like ever since I got here all you’ve done nothing but take care of me.” You took a step into the shower. “I promise I’m capable of taking care of myself.”
He quickly stripped out of his clothes and got in behind you. “Stop with that shit. It’s like I said earlier today, just because you can doesn’t mean you should have to.” His fingers started massaging into your sore muscles in your back, “I promise I don’t mind. I know you’re a big girl, I know you’re capable, but you’re also mine. And I take care of what’s mine.”
His fingers moved to base of you scalp and started rubbing firm circles, and you practically purred at the action. It felt so damn good. He leaned over your shoulder and pressed a kiss just below your ear. “I know you got a little beat up today, and I know you’re a little disappointed, but at the end of the day you’re the one who walked away. I’m still proud of you. You fought hard against someone who has been trained to kill top ranked heroes. Next time I’m sure you won’t even need me.” He kissed your shoulder and his hands ghosted around to your hips. His fingers so soft you almost couldn’t feel them. “I’m going to start training with you.” His fingers brushed up your sides, his thumbs brushing the sides of your breasts. “We’re going to turn you into someone they wouldn’t dare fuck with again.”
His hands heated up slightly as they very gently hovered over your ribs. The warmth felt great against your aching bones. You closed your eyes and leaned back against him and let him take his time rinsing all the blood and dirt from your body. Every once in a while, his hands would linger, rubbing small circles or massaging your sore muscles.
When he turned the water off it felt like it had been hours since you stepped in and your limbs felt like jelly.
That’s how you ended up wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, lying on Dabi’s chest with his arms around you. You don’t know when you drifted off but thankfully there were no bad memories waiting for you when you did. You slept deeply and soundly, making up for the restless sleep you had last night. When your little mid-day nap ended you woke up still feeling sore, but well rested.
You stretched the best you could, before blinking your eyes open. You had expected to see Dabi curled up next to you, but was surprised to find an empty bed.
He better not have snuck out again to track people down. You weren’t in any shape to take care of him if he came back hurt again.
Something felt weird as you sat up, there was a weird pressure on your neck, almost like you were wearing a heavy necklace. Your fingers flew up to find a collar and your eyes immediately welled with tears as the memory of have having the medical collar on in the lab pushed to the front of your brain. Your fingers dug into it trying to rip it off, but you couldn’t. In your panic your nails dug into the skin of your neck. There was no latch that you could find, and it was leading to a gnawing fear in the pit of your stomach. “DABI!!”
Your voice sounded hysterical and terrified even to you. But you couldn’t help it.
The door to his room slammed open a few seconds later as he ran inside. His eyes assessed the situation and settled on the source of your panic. His hands replaced yours pulling your nails away from your neck. “Hey shhh, calm down. You’re safe. Just breath.”
You tried to do what he said, but your breathing was getting tighter. “I-I need it off! I cant- I cant breath!” You felt a tear slip down your cheek. “Please! Dabi get it off of me!”
His hands came up to cup your cheeks, forcing you to look at him. “No… no you are stronger than this. It’s just a glorified necklace. It can’t hurt you. Look at me y/n!” Your eyes met his cool blue ones. “It’s just a pretty collar for my pretty girl. I told you earlier today if you let go of my hand again, I’d put you in a collar. You did, and it ended up in you almost getting kidnapped.” His thumb rubbed your cheek, soaking up some stray tears you weren’t aware you had shed. “I don’t make idle threats… and besides if you let me show you, I think you’ll actually like it.”
Your breathing slowly started to even out as your eyes started to look more focused. “Good girl. See there’s no danger here.”
When you felt yourself come back to reality you slapped his chest. “Asshole! You had to have known that wasn’t going to go well! You should have asked first!”
He grabbed your hand before you could slap him again. “I mentioned it earlier and you didn’t say anything. If anything, you looked turned on… so sue me.” He took your hand and led you over to the bathroom.
He placed you in front of him so you could see. It was a pretty shade of pink with a metal heart looped in the front. From the heart hung a tiny Sakura flower. It really was pretty.
“It’s not just a fashion statement okay, it’s functional. Consider it support gear. It has a chip in it that can only be tracked if you turn it on and only by people that have the code. Don’t worry it’s currently turned off.” He pointed to a little metal button on the side. “There’s another button over here that lets you record something and then play it back louder so it reaches more people. It also acts like a communication device. You can connect with me, Minimight, Squirt, and the angry Pomeranian. It’s voice activated.” He tapped the button and held it down until you heard a beeping noise. “Call backup plan.”
You heard a ringing before an angry Katsuki answered the phone. “Who the fuck is this?”
“Hey! Lose the tude it’s just me!”
Before he could answer you, Dabi cut him off. “It’s her new com device. Save it.” Then he clicked the button ending the call.
He looked smug. You’d have to figure out how to reprogram the names later. “It also can track your vitals, but before you give me the look I know you’re going to give me. It only sends updates to the people you have programmed into it, and only if it registers that you are in critical or life-threatening conditions.”
Your fingers came up and touched the flower that dangled from it. “Ok… but how do I take it off?”
Happy you were warming up to the idea of it, “Voice command. Just push the button and say ‘naked’ and the latch will open. You can also say ‘attack’ and some pretty little spikes come out, keeping anyone from putting their hands around your neck. Pretty cool right?”
You sighed, “I can admit it’s cool… but can you please admit you should have asked first? I had to wear a collar for years in the lab… it’s what kept me under their control.”
He couldn’t take his eyes off the way you looked in the mirror. Totally naked other than the collar. His eyes looked practically feral. “I regret that it scared you. But I warned you and you didn’t tell me it was a limit. That is due to a lack of communication on your side.” His hands slid around to your front pulling your back against him so you could feel how hard he was through his pants. “God you look so fucking hot. Bruises and all.”
He began to grind against your ass, and you found yourself leaning over the sink and pushing back into him. You knew you were already wet, and you needed some friction to relieve the ache between your legs.
“Oh fuuuuck baby girl. You want it? You want me to bend you over this counter and take you?”
You whined and pushed back into him harder, “Please… but- but.” You groaned as his hand came up to tweak your nipple.
“What was that? Come on use your words.”
You arched your back, pushing your breast further into his hand. “Be gentle...”
His lips found your neck, “Of course baby. I’m not a monster.”
You felt him push his shorts down to his ankles and moments later you felt the head of his cock teasing your entrance. “You’re already so god damn wet.” He pushed into you slowly. Almost too slowly. It took everything in you not to shove yourself back onto him. You had asked him to be gentle, and that’s what he was trying to do.
You let out a moan of relief when he was fully inside you. His chest pressed tightly against your back his hands reaching out to yours and lacing your fingers together.
It was slow, it was slow and sweet. You thought at first it would drive you crazy, but you were eventually overwhelmed at the intimacy of it all. He wasn’t just fucking you. He wasn’t just chasing his own high. He was gentle, and loving, and every stroke felt like a promise. His lips were kissing every part of you he could reach. Your temple, your cheek, your neck, your shoulder.
“So perfect.” He groaned at the effort it took to keep his hips from picking up their pace. “Such a perfect girl for me. So fucking pretty and strong. Ahhhh” His hips stuttered just slightly. “Fuck baby, you have no idea what you do to me.”
You tried to control it, but it was almost impossible. Your quirk activated. Your feelings spilled over through your touch. His gasp got stuck in his throat. “I’m sorry I can’t control it right now. I just feel – ah- so fucking good.”
You were both sweaty messes at this point, practically glued together. “Shit don’t apologize. It’s crazy how much I love that. I love making you feel good, show me how good I make you feel.”
You hummed at the pleasure that was singing in your veins. You were so close and Dabi could feel it. Both through your quirk and the way your walls started to flutter around him. You were about to beg for him to let you come when a beeping sound came from your collar making him slow down nearly to a stop. “Fuck.. no no no. I was so close, please.”
Dabi chuckled. “Someone’s calling you, say hello.” Your eyes bulged open as he hit the button to answer the call.
“Uh.. hello?”
“Y/n? What the fuck was that earlier? Did staple dick get you a phone?” This was not good. You looked at Dabi’s devilish grin in the mirror as he slowly started thrusting into you again as he mouthed, ‘talk to him’
You bit a moan back absolutely mortified. “Hey Kats. Something like that.” Dabi’s hand wrapped your long hair around his hand and pulled to make you look at him through the mirror. His pace picking up. You could hear your breath begin to sound labored and you knew it wouldn’t be long before he pieced it together. “Now’s not the best time, can I call you later?”
“Y/n… are you okay? You sound like you’re out of breath?”
You coughed in an attempt to cover up one of your moans, “I’m fine, just tired. Dabi and I are… training.”
There was a beat of silence on his end as Dabi continued his hard, slow thrusts into you. “Training my ass. Call me when you guys are done fucking… The mic on whatever you’re using is really good. I’ve already heard more than I want too.”
You went to hit the button to end the call but Dabi grabbed your hand and put it back on the counter preventing it. “Ah- Sorry Kat-SUKI!” Dabi pinched your clit with his other hand causing you to moan in response. Your face turned a dark shade of red at the fact that Katsuki had just heard that.
“Dabi… I know you’re listening and you’re a fucking asshole.” You sighed in relief when you heard the sound signaling that he had hung up.
Dabi started laughing loudly as picked up his pace just slightly. “Teach him to want what’s mine.”
You felt tears start to leak from the corners of your eyes as your orgasm built to its breaking point. “DABI! I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum. AH!”
You felt your orgasm rip though you and it was intense. Dabi cooed praises in your ear that you couldn’t quite hear as he continued to ride you though it. “Good giiiiiirl!”
“I’m close doll, where do you want it?”
Your eyes almost rolled back, “Inside. Cum inside me please.”
“My baby girl want’s my cum. Of course, she does. What my girl want’s she gets!” He slammed into you a few more times before you felt his hot ropes coating your insides. “Gonna bread my pretty girl one of these days. Gonna put a fucking baby in you.”
He collapsed but managed to keep his weight off of you. After a few moments of the both of you panting he sat up, pulled out of you and kissed the back of your neck. “God I love this collar.”
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe@unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry@dabislittlemouse@aimee1602@pinkhatlizzy @kunaigirlx44 @nii-sanfucker@bestgirlb @silver-stardrop@bakubby99
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levi-ish · 3 years
Little Talks | 5
Pairing: Bartender!Levi X Reader
Genre: [+18] Slice of life, drama, romance, fluff, smut
Words: 3k
Warnings: Alcohol, cheating mentions, drugs, cussing
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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“Your taste in tea is shit” Levi scanned through the old teabags you had lingering in your cabinets.
“Sorry if I don’t have enough money to buy those fancy blends you like” you rolled your eyes as you leaned further into the throw pillows you had on top of your old couch.
You turned around and watched the man tumble around with your mugs and you knew that he hated your unmatching sets, always making small comments about them. He then set for the most common ones you had and brought them to you after quickly making your drinks.
It had been a few weeks since the night when Levi comforted you after your ex-beloved’s visit. You two held hands and pretended that it was nothing while watching random cooking shows, then after you fell asleep he left but not before making you another cup of tea that you woke up to find inside your microwave, sitting there waiting for you.
You thanked him in person two days after and exchanged numbers because he claimed that he didn’t ‘trust’ your building’s security. Even when you told him that Zeke only got up because your concierge knew him.
But now things were better than you could expect. Levi would drive you home almost every night and wait for your ‘ok’ text when you took the elevator, to be sure you were safe and sound. He mostly made you tea at 4AM when the bar was closing and you had no classes the day after, and you two hung around at your apartment quite a lot, watching shitty movies and listening to him complain about how you were doing your laundry all wrong.
Whoever saw you two together would think you were a couple of elderlies married.
“I can’t believe he didn’t like how she plated it” you pointed at the TV, quite angry at the cooking show passing on. “She even put those fancy herbs.”
“It’s shit”
“Everything is ‘shit’ to you” you rolled your eyes.
“Only the things that are shit” Levi replied as he sipped on his tea.
You rolled eyes once more as you felt the shift on the sofa, not noticing his movements if it weren’t for it. Levi held his phone to his eyes and a sheer of light illuminated his strong features, highlighting that glorious jawline and the thin lips you—
Shaking your head, you quickly got rid of those thoughts, adjusting your own position and making your back fall more comfortably on the cushions. Levi let a small sigh and brought the teacup back to his mouth, drinking slowly.
“Hange again?” You asked, giving him the side of your eye as you stirred your own drink.
“Kirstein this time” Levi replied, letting out his signature ‘tch’. “I should’ve been there. Those idiots can’t do their jobs properly without supervision.”
“Hange forcing people to listen to their theories again?”
“No. Jean broke the sink and is trying to blame it on the weather somehow.”
“No fucking idea.” Levi put his phone back inside his pocket and drank the last of his tea, sighing after. It was a heavenly vision to see, you weren’t gonna lie.
With a small yawn, you stretched your legs and downed the tea in one gulp, earning a side eye from the man who wasn’t pleased you were appreciating one of his fancy blends. The minty taste lingered on your tongue as you licked your lips, and you could smell the hint of cinnamon wandering in the room, mixing with Levi’s cologne that you so much adored.
“I’m bored” you let out, pouting as you rested your face on the pillow closer to his shoulder.
“You wouldn’t be if you stayed quiet and watched the show.”
“Do you hate me or what” you scoffed, pouting even more.
Levi turned to you, watching your expression and that’s when you noticed how close you were to him. His breath fanned over your face and you swore you could see his lips twitching and him inching closer, clearing your throat, you looked down, completely breaking eye contact.
“Do you really wanna know?” He replied and you pushed him. “At least clean your hands before touching me.”
“You wish I was touching you” you bit your lip and rose your brows teasingly.
He turned to your face once more, eyes dead serious focusing on you and he licked his lips slowly, posture completely changing.
He caught you off guard with that comment, making a small shiver go down your spine, but you decided that brushing it off would be better than acknowledging new reasons to make the relationship you two had more uncomfortable. You knew Levi wasn’t very pushy about things and probably would forget about it as soon as you would, without giving it another thought.
Oh well.
“Uh…” you tried to say, licking your lips again after your mouth went full dry “… are you hungry?”
“No” he said, eyes still on you as you tried to get his attention away from you.
“Uhm… then do you wanna do something else or…?”
Levi inched closer now, his nose brushing against yours and breath warming your chin as you rubbed skin together, feeling each other scents and every little movement was big enough to make both bodies swarm under the tension in the room.
“Levi… what…”
But before you could continue, he closed the distance, lips colliding as you felt the dry specs of his chapped skin brushing against yours. Is this really happening? What…? It was, and he was still going, hand now holding your nape to have your face closer to his than before, as if he never wanted to let go. You turned to the side to allow his tongue inside, feeling it dancing with yours in a difficult and shy but intense tango that seemed too familiar but strange at the same time.
It was a sensation you never wanted to end.
But as soon as it started, it stopped; his hand left your neck and went back to his side, and his usually unfazed look now seemed more panicked, as if he was already regretting it.
Please, god, don’t regret it. Please…
You were abruptly cut off by him standing from the couch and grabbing his coat by the rack, quickly opening the door and leaving your apartment, leaving you by yourself and with empty lips but a full heart that felt too heavy for your shallow chest.
Things changed since that.
Levi completely disappeared. Hange and Jean would say that he would leave the key to them and only showed up in the mornings to rearrange things the way he liked them but left very quickly each time. He didn’t text and you didn’t try to, knowing it would be useless since we are talking about him, most emotionally unavailable person to exist. You still went to the bar every night, trying to catch him around and maybe clear things up, but failed miserably.
You didn’t regret it, not at all. In fact, you wished it would last longer, even though it was enough material for your mind to wander around the floor full of eggshells that were your memories from that night. You wanted more, you wanted him, and now you weren’t ashamed of admitting it to yourself.
And you were almost giving up seeing him again, if it weren’t for Sasha, who was livid over how he had reacted and insisted on dragging you back to the bar.
So there you were, Mikasa holding one of your arms and Sasha holding the other, both giving you pep talks on how you should go there and confront him. You knew he was working tonight for sure, that’s because Mikasa told you she’d texted him about it before and learned he was taking some weird shifts and closing on weirder times. Annie was busy with her two-year anniversary with Armin, so she couldn’t come, but she did text you to be brave. The way Annie would, I mean, sending a small “punch him” and a smiley face.
“C’mon (y/n), you look hot and he will regret leaving when you show up” Sasha’s grip on your arm tightened as she tried to drag you inside. “Tell her, Mikasa”
“You look hot” the other woman said, and you knew that she wasn’t putting much effort in because it made you uncomfortable, otherwise you’d have been inside already since Mikasa was stronger than you two combined. “Levi’s an idiot.”
“I don’t wanna go” you said, whining as they let go of you for a moment. “He did what he did and I was pretty much rejected. I don’t wanna push harder.”
“What’s even his problem?!” Sasha crossed her arms, her expression turning into a mad one. “Was he always an idiot, Mikasa?”
“He changed a lot since he was left at the altar.”
“What” you and Sasha said in unison, shocked by the new piece of information.
“Did I never mention it?”
“No?” You frowned, coming closer to her face. “What do you mean by ‘left at the altar’?”
“Exactly that.”
“Mikasa” Sasha pushed her lightly.
“I don’t know exactly, I was 15, but he was getting married to this girl and she left him the day of the wedding.” Mikasa said as if it was nothing. “Everyone was there to see, and he was devastated.”
That left you wondering… a lot. Why’d Levi never tell you about that? You two went into some deep discussions at times, talking about stuff that you never dared to share with others, and he did open up a little about some of his things, but this? You thought that would be something to tell someone you would think of kissing. Unless he wasn’t really thinking those things about you, then it would be a whole other topic that you were too much of a coward to consider.
Did anyone else know? You had so many questions and you really wish you had the answers because of the anxiety now growing in the pit of your stomach.
“You didn’t think that was important information to share?” You questioned and Mikasa shook her head.
“Not really.”
“Okay, we are getting in. You can deal with that later” Sasha pushed you through the door and now you couldn’t say anything else because your feet already touched the wooden floor.
It was a full house, everyone was dancing and singing along with the old jukebox and there were girls leaning on the counter flirting with Jean as your eyes wandered. Hange was mixing drinks and Levi was nowhere to see, what made you feel a lot more comfortable being there. Sasha and Mikasa pushed through the crowd and found you a place on the counter, sitting on stools and leaving you to sit in between them, so you did, and the blonde bartender was the first one to notice you there.
“Ah!” He chirped loudly, leaving the girls behind to come to you. “My favorite girl… and company, hi, hello.”
You noticed he was now flirting with Mikasa, but she just ignored his presence.
“Hot wings!” Sasha punched the counter and grabbed you by side shoulder, pointing at the shelves. “And shots, keep them coming, my friend here needs them.”
“I’m sure she does” Jean kept his gaze on Mikasa, trying to be subtle about it as you rolled your eyes at him. “Our short friend has been pretty hard to deal with lately, so without you around I already knew something went down.”
“They kissed” Mikasa let out.
“ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT LEVI?” Screamed Hange from where they were, coming right away and pushing Jean with their hip. “Also, hi, but answer me!”
“They kissed” Mikasa repeated, and you gave up on trying to stop them.
Hange’s hand fell on your shoulder as they approached the group further, inserting the ponytail-head in the middle and readjusting the glasses above their nose, “You and shorty? Are you kidding me?! Tell me everything!”
“I’ll leave you to deal with Hange now” Jean said as they leaned a little more into Mikasa’s side. “So… are you in college?”
She only gave him a side glance and ignored his question, making the man confused.
“Focus!” Hange slammed their fist, now sitting on your side. “You have to tell me about it!”
“Oh gosh, please let me breath!” You rose your hands and they all moved their attention to you, making you feel a little overwhelmed and guilty — they were simply curious creatures. A deep sigh left your mouth as you put your palms back on the wooden surface of the table, opening your eyes slowly. “We kissed… and he left.”
“Without saying anything?” Jean asked and you nodded. “Damn… he ghosted you.”
“He might just be too busy?” Hange suggested and you gave them the harsh glare. “Maybe not?”
“Can anyone bring me—us some wings?” Sasha pleaded, leaning onto the table.
“You two need to talk” Hange added, bumping onto you jokingly. “Kiss and make up.”
“That’s not happening.”
“C’mon, he’s in the back. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.”
You just lowered your head and that was enough for them to understand.
“Well, I’ll leave you be” they just gave you a slight nod and stood from the booth. “Good luck.”
You felt some warmth crawl into your belly and smiled at them, following by another glance onto the other two in front of you.
“Mikasa is such an exotic name, where did it come from?” Jean leaned further, trying his best to sound smooth but the girl’s reaction was too bothered to be working.
“We’ll leave you be” Hange said as they grabbed Jean by the nape and dragged him back to the bar.
Sasha was on her third plate of hot wings when caught the first glance of Levi.
He came from the back for a moment to grab the electric kettle from under the counter, turning around quickly as if he already knew you were around and was avoiding any type of contact. Being treated like a disease like that made you feel angry, it wasn’t like you’d done anything wrong, you just kissed him back — he was the one to initiate it! The nerve of him.
You gulped down the rest of your beer and threw yourself back on the cushions of the booth, earning a look from Mikasa, but she decided to ignore it knowing you were procrastinating the inevitable, now focusing on Sasha who was unbuttoning her pants to eat more.
“Hey, you’re (y/n), right?” Someone approached your table, hands filling the pockets of their letterman jacket and blonde hair neatly sitting on top of his head. A thin goatee painted his chin and a gentle look sat around his clear eyes.
“Yea” you shook your head, looking at his face, frowning slightly. “Sorry, I—”
“It’s fine, we have Latin together” you now recognized him as the boy who sat in front of you and occasionally borrowed a pen.
“Oh! Reiner, right? You want some hot wings?” Sasha was not pleased you offered, but you just ignored her growl.
“No, I’m fine, just came to say ‘hi’” he gave you a small smile. “See you around.”
You reciprocated the smile and watched as he left, and your eyes collided with cold, grey ones across the room, behind the wooden counter as you felt your heart rush again, as if it was the first time once more. Levi had his muscular arms crossed as he stared right into your soul, making cold chills run all over your spine, holding your body to make it stop.
He turned around to leave and as if a lightning had just struck in you, your body involuntarily stood from its place and rushed to the counter, running around it and pushing the backdoor open, revealing an annoyed short man holding a cup of tea.
“What the f—”
And before he could even complete his thoughts, you grabbed the cup and placed it on the table right next to you, all that before pining him roughly against the wall, staring quickly into his eyes, searching for the same flame you could see inside you now burning around grey specs. A small smile grew on your lips and you kissed him hard.
He hesitated though, leaning back quickly as if something had snapped in his mind, making him realize what was really happening there. But before you could react again, he turned you around, pining your hands above your head as he kissed you feverously, the other hand feeling the skin of your hips from under your shirt, making the chills go harder around your bloodstream.
Levi moved positions once more, taking the back of your thighs and sitting you on top of the same table, making the teacup fall to the floor, but he seemed unbothered by it. His tongue now made advances on your mouth, playing with yours in soft movements even when his own lips made harsh movements, combining everything like sugar and cinnamon, and the pine scent of his cologne invaded your clothes that were now too hot for your needy skin.
His hands clenched around the fat of your legs, holding it as if his life depended on it and he started to lower his lips to your neck, giving it open-mouthed kisses that made a small moan fall from your throat. Ashamed, you didn’t realize that your grip on his shoulders was a little too hard and he put a hand from under your chin, holding your face as he stared deeply into your soul. A satisfied scoff fell from his own plump lips and he came back to what he was doing.
That was somewhat a dream, something you had fantasized about too many times to count, and now that it was happening, you refused to pinch yourself in fear of waking up alone. But when his slim fingers rose your skirt to your hips, things felt too real for it to be just your mind playing tricks. Small whimpers escaped your mouth as Levi decided to explore around your navel, playing softly with the hem of the lacy panties you were wearing, and you thanked whatever god was up there for not wearing those comfortable ones you almost wore tonight.
He removed your panties and lowered himself now, a small breath fanned over your naked parts, making you shiver slightly, only to be held still by his own hands. He gave you a small glance before you nodded in consent, and it was all it took for him to devour you in the most amazing ways you had never experienced before.
Levi had experience — you could tell — and the passion he exhaled was enough for you to moan without caring about anything in the world. His fingers joined his tongue and played with your entrance, teasing slowly as his mouth did wonders around your sensitive bud, movements going from harsh hands to slow kisses that left you whimpering, needing everything, anything more from him, legs hooping around his shoulders while trying to make him come closer to your heat.
You whimpered, moaned, cried under his spell, and everything felt 1000x more sensitive against his touch. His fingers entered you and played around all the right places, hitting every beat to the song that played muffled inside the bar, making a small giggle fall from you and he noticed it, now fastening his pace as if he wanted to go back to shutting you up with his own mouth.
Repeatedly he hit your most sensitive spot, licking, and tasting all he could as he did his best to make you cum. It didn’t take long for you to feel the heat pooling around your stomach, throwing your head backwards and fisting his hair between your fingers as you felt his rush against your orgasm, taking everything from you simply with his mouth. You moaned loudly as you rode his face quickly, hips moving without your consent and he pulled your lips apart to clean the remnants of your pleasure, not leaving one spot untouched.
Your chest heaved from the rush as your eyes made contact with grey seas that now leveled with your height, watching you under spells of lust while he sucked slowly from his fingers, tasting every last bit of you, like you were mead for his tastebuds, and you could swear you saw his lips curl a little upwards.
“You surely know how to make a mess” he noted, a ‘tch’ leaving his mouth.
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@zeickv @thirstyforsometea​ @nalu-trashytrash​ @umheyasf​​
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disloopy · 4 years
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i wanted to write a college au but i was also horny so this came into existence.
tendou satori
word count: 6199
genre: smut but with a plot??
It was hard to study with your parents constantly bickering in the living room downstairs. Ever since you moved back in with them, you've found it hard to concentrate on virtually anything besides their frequent, yet petty, arguments. Sometimes you'd stay at college late into the evenings under the guise of classes and assignments but really you just hated being around them. The stress of school was already a mounting threat without the emotional toll of your parents' nearly shattered relationship.
Scraping your chair back as you stood up, you decided you'd had enough. You shoved your textbooks, notebooks, and some random clothing articles from the top of your drawer into a bag and ran down the stairs. Your mother twisted her body around to face you from the couch, an eyebrow raised.
"Where are you going, young lady?" 
You didn't look at her in the process of yanking on your shoes. "I'm going to Sam's house or am I not even allowed to visit her without you breathing down my neck?" you asked sharply, feeling your heart hammer in your chest. You were fed up. "I'm twenty and under no obligation to listen to the two of you arguing about whatever movie you want to watch just because you don't have the cajones to discuss the real issue!"
With finality, you slammed the door shut behind you and hopped onto your bike, pedaling as fast as legally possible out of the neighborhood. You always knew that the main reason your parents had urged you to move back in with them was to fill the empty void their failed marriage left in the house. At first, even you were convinced that your presence would revitalize their marriage and they'd remember why they loved each other from the start.
However, their own child wasn't enough to give them a reason to put aside their differences and love each other for what they were - a family; a family, you knew, should be willing to sacrifice a part of their individual lives for each other, that's what it meant to be married.
But your parents weren't even willing to confront the problem -- not being in love with each other anymore -- much less work it out. At your age, you were aware of the fact that love wasn't all a marriage needed, there was responsibility and sacrifice and with a little understanding, the love could be rekindled, not just once but multiple times throughout the life spent together. The last thing you'd want was for them to separate and you were quite certain that with a little communication this hellish nightmare could be put past them. They were immature, you concluded. Your parents wanted to ignore it altogether, which would only leave them stumped at this obstacle, growing angrier with each bland dinner and mismatched grocery.
You couldn't take it anymore. Stopping your bike at a nearby convenience store to pick up a few snacks, you texted your boyfriend, Tendo. He was usually around, and usually free -- plus, he lived in a dorm all by himself. It was the perfect escape from your exhausting household. Without waiting for a reply, you journeyed across a few streets to get to the college residence and parked your bike anywhere. It wasn't worth enough to get stolen and even if some desperate thief decided to have some fun, it would only serve as an excuse for your parents to finally get you a car.
After the long and silent elevator ride which seemed to compress you on all sides, you arrive at the seventh floor and felt your shoulders relax almost immediately. You'd been here so many times it was like a second home to you. Tendo's place always gave you the relief you wanted after a tiresome day of school, or your parents, or both.
Struggling to keep the strap of your heavy bag filled with books, clothes, and food on your shoulder, you lightly knocked on the front door. There were sounds of incomprehensible yelling and laughter coming from inside which you thought was strange but not enough to question it.
When there was no answer and you were fed up with waiting, you decided to try the knob which was surprisingly unlocked. So, you entered the house and called out loudly, "Tendo? It's Y/N". Not even a step later, a strong scent of weed hit your nose directly and you winced.
"Y/N?" said a voice, followed by Tendo rolling back in a computer chair, tugging his headset to his neck with the hand that wasn't latched onto the controller, his eyes wide in pleasant surprise. 
"Hey," you said quietly, smiling at the sight of him. "I texted you . . ."
"Oh, sorry. I was in a game so I didn't check my phone," Tendo murmured, throwing a distracted glance at his phone on the couch before immediately returning his attention to the screen, his headset back on his ears. "I SAID COVER ME!" 
"He's been yelling all match," someone said and you startled, looking back at the couch to see one of Tendo's friends, Semi, sitting cross-legged on the couch, a hoodie covering most of his head and a bong tucked between his thighs. It was unusual for Tendo to have friends over. Even at school, he rarely sat with a large group of friends for long. On weekends, it was mostly just you and him when it could be.
"I swear I'm playing with 11 year olds," Tendo remarked as the screen flashed red, signaling his team's failure. He spun around in his chair and glanced between you and Semi. "Sit down, Y/N, what the fuck. Semi got kicked out of his parents house so he's gonna be here for a while."
You widened your eyes. "You got kicked out?"
The ashy-blonde haired boy nodded, seeming casual as he fiddled with the bong. "They caught me smoking in the basement and said they didn't want me back till I quit," he explained with a shrug. "I miss my drum set but I'd rather be free to smoke, if I'm being honest."
Tendo shook his head, amused. "Get a fucking job, Semi -- then you can pay for half of this place and we can live together."
"Really?" Semi's eyes lit up and he seemed attentive for the first time that night. "I totally should, huh? I can work at some government institute, you know? They'll see that I'm smart since I major in political science . . ." 
"Tendo, can I get in the shower?" you asked and Tendo nodded of course. As you were about to disappear down the hall before turning around and feeling blush creep onto your cheeks when Tendo gave you a questioning look. "Um . . . I also . . . Wanted to stay here for a bit. My parents are just really . . ."
"You can!" Tendo said with an enthusiasm that made your heart jump with pleasure. "It'll be fun with the three of us. I'm sorry about your parents though." 
The shower was warm and almost therapeutic with the muffled sounds of Tendo's frustration with his team and Semi teasing him about it. You even sat down on the porcelain for a bit, the soothing water sprinkling down on your bare body. When you had finally decided to come out, you found that Semi was eating the snacks you'd brought along with you. Although you were initially doubtful of him staying over with you and Tendo, you quickly grew more open about it. He was normally quiet and serious, but the weed seemed to open him up to being actually friendly and talkative, not failing to make you laugh several times that evening.
"Yo, if you make my girl laugh that much I'm gonna have to ask you to leave," Tendo said, throwing a cheeto at Semi's head. 
You eventually fell asleep on the couch, Tendo and Semi's voice almost serving as a lullaby. You'd rather hear their weed-inspired symposium in your sleepy stupors than the sound of your parents arguing. Some time that night, unknown to the dizzy you, Tendo had hauled you into his arms and transferred you to the warm security of his bed, wrapping his covers around you, and then wrapping his arms around you. 
The next morning, Semi was already gone for an 8am class. Despite sharing Tendo's major, he had registered very late and got the worst schedule a student could ask for. You and Tendo, however, were able to fool around in the bathroom (no, not like that. Tendo spit toothpaste on you), and eat lazy bowls of cereal before heading out, walking under the warm morning sun to get to campus.
When you'd arrived at your own class, Tendo let you know he'd wait for you at the college center after class. You checked your phone while the professor was setting up his stuff. Disappointment settled in your chest at the realization that your parents hadn't bothered to check up on you. You hadn't given them the heads-up that you would be staying over at "Sam's" house and although you declared that you weren't under their jurisdiction, you half-expected a "should we wait up for you?" text from either parent.
You tried to push your dejectedness and self-pity in order to pay attention to your lecture. The anger formed into a kind of resistance, telling you to stay as contactless from them as possible, waiting for one of them to care about your absence, or at least notice.
After class, you stopped by the vending machine to buy Tendo and yourself two bottles of juice before walking with your head down to the college center. You didn't want to see any of your friends or anyone for that matter. You wanted to be alone . . . With Tendo. He knew how to give you the reassurance and comfort you needed without uttering a single word. Sometimes you wondered if he was even aware of the effect he had on you. Did he know how his mere presence could reduce your anxiety? The man was like a remedy.
You spotted Tendo slumped on one of the couches, thumbs tapping away on his phone and you were almost certain he was engaged in a game of COD mobile. Then he seemed to notice you and he lifted his bright red-haired head up, shoving his phone in his pocket.
"Damn bay-bee!" Tendo whistled and you rolled your eyes as an instant reaction to his typical attention-drawing behaviour. "Hot girl alert," he announced, grinning at you.
"Shut up!" you yelled, chucking a juice bottle at him, which he caught with extraneous ease. You would've been surprised if you weren't already familiar with the fact that he, along with Semi, were on the volleyball team of a prestigious high school. He never failed to remind you and always talked about a mysterious "best friend" named Ushijima who he strongly believed would be famous one day.
Grateful that no one was staring at you two anymore, you collapsed next to Tendo, resting your head on his shoulder. He had produced his phone once again and you realized he had been texting Semi. You didn't want to intrude on his messages but you couldn't help catch parts of the conversation. He was going out drinking with Semi later because they had both received excellent grades on one of their tests. This also didn't come as a surprise because although you've never actually seen Tendo studying, he always did well on his tests.
Tendo turned to you. "You can go ahead back to my place," he suggested, twirling his dorm keys around his finger as he handed them to you. You gave him a small smile when he left you with a parting kiss on the lips as you separated for your next class.
You didn't see him again before leaving campus to return to Tendo's house. As you walked, you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach. Why hadn't Tendo ask you to join him? You shook your head, why were you even thinking of such a thing when you knew you hated drinking? But some uncomfortable tug in your chest left you questioning whether Tendo even wanted you at his place. Maybe he had accepted to be polite, or because he felt sorry for you . . . or because he didn't want to say no to you in front of Semi.
The biting thoughts bounced around your head, a reminder that Tendo loved you popping up every now and then to shoot those thoughts into a corner but not doing much to quell your worries.
You spent your evening studying, getting excited only at the occasional text from Tendo, making sure you got home fine, or that you knew you could eat anything in his fridge, or sleep in his bed if you were tired, or play on his PlayStation if you were bored. You did neither of those things, not touching a single thing in his kitchen even while your poor stomach cried with hungry grumbles.
You felt sick to your stomach, opting to switch on the television for background noise as you hugged your knees on the couch. There was an aching fear building up inside of you, fear that you were as unwanted to your boyfriend as you were to your own parents. You knew you shouldn't have been insecure, he'd always been there for you and never gave you a reason to doubt him.
But it had been quite a while since he'd last told that he loved you, sincerely, from the bottom of his heart. A lot could change within a person in that sort of time. And the last time the two of you had sex or even really made out was several months ago before you moved in with your parents. You could blame that on the chaos of school, both of you being in your second-years with exams and pressure to find jobs keeping your heads under water.
Nonetheless, the fear of Tendo falling out of love with you the same way your father fell out of love with your mother still existed and was still very real. You could always untangle this very confusing frustration with Tendo, he'd never shied away from important conversations. However, despite the many insecurities he'd helped you through, this just wasn't one you wanted him to hear.
And maybe you were like your parents in that way . . .
You dropped your head into your lap, feeling the burn of tears in your eyes, your chest tightening under the pressure of the worries you knew had no foundations but still pushed their way into your system. Eventually, your eyes had drooped and your brain was shifting in and out of focus with the screen before you.
Before you could really fall asleep though, you heard the sound of the door opening and Tendo's voice informing you of his presence. You hummed in response and Tendo furrowed his brows at you, jumping in next to you on the couch. You could tell he was still a little delirious from drinking but not enough to turn you away from him, as you usually did when he got completely wasted.
"Y/N, I went to the corner store on the way back and got you the cake you said you really liked," Tendo mumbled, putting his arms around you and pulling you closer. You wanted the cake, sure, but to be truthful, you wanted him more than anything.
"I just wanna fuck," you blurted out and Tendo's head instantly snapped up to look at you, a lazy grin pulling at the edges of his lips.
"Uh? You wanna what?"
You blushed, tugging your knees to your chest but Tendo's hands were already on them, pulling them apart. "I said I wanna fuck," you murmur.
"That's right, baby," said Tendo, settling himself between your thighs as he licked his lips. "I knew what you said, I wanted to hear you say it again."
"I got it, stupid," you told him, curling your fingers around the shoulders of Tendo's shirt and bringing his chest to yours before connecting your lips. The effect was immediate. You simultaneously relaxed and tensed up underneath the weight of his body, completely winded by the effortlessness with which his tongue moved past your lips and pressed to your own.
"You're right, I deserve this," Tendo breathed against your lips, a hand going to your thigh and guiding your leg around his waist. You hadn't said that but didn't care enough to point it out. "I can't call it a treat without wrecking this pretty body of yours." Your heart fluttered with his words and you watched him trail his lips down your chin, jaw, and neck toward the now exposed skin of your chest as he hooked a finger over the collar of your sweater and forced it down.
You shut your eyes, drowning in the anxious ecstasy of what was to come, the outcome of all this; him inside of you, filling you up, and fighting off all your worries with each sway of his hips against yours.
His teeth grazed against your skin and you pressed your lips together, knowing it was going to be followed by a bite and it did. Tendo bit and tugged at your sensitive skin, earning a pained gasp from your lips before smoothing over the sting with his tongue. It hurt but in that good way you never wanted it to stop, not until every inch of your body was covered in marks from him and only him.
Tendo had always liked to take his time. Even now, with you practically squirming and wordlessly begging for him. You could tell by the way he rubbed the seam of his jeans right against the very spot you craved him most, knocking the air out of your lungs and making your hips snap up against his, which caused you both to moan (Tendo's turned into choked laughter). He usually opted to wear sweatpants or, at best, trousers, but the roughness of his jeans really did amplify the feeling and although it made you throb almost everywhere, you were starting to get impatient.
"Jinx," Tendo groaned, dropping his head into the crook of your neck as your fingernails raked through his messy hair.
"Shut up, Tendo, just . . . Fuck . . . Get inside already," you said between shallow breaths. Tendo was already doing that, wedging a hand between both your bodies to unbutton his jeans. But between making jokes of your desperation and dry-humping you right on his couch, Tendo (and you) failed to realize that you had company.
The sound of the door swinging open almost completely shattered your preoccupation with each other. Tendo dragged himself off you and onto his knees while you propped yourself up, slightly embarrassed but more so disappointed when Semi walked into the living room, squinting at the two of you.
"Oh," he said, realizing what he had interrupted with a nod. High Semi was a lot different than this not-very-drunk or just-sober-enough Semi, who was stoic and didn't laugh the awkwardness off like you expected. "S-sorry about that," he stuttered and made to head towards his own room.
Tendo turned back to you with a smile that told you he didn't mind continuing what you two had already started. He didn't mind . . . But that probably didn't mean he wanted to. Neither did you with Semi in the next room. The heavy feeling from earlier took residence in your stomach once more, unwarranted and so quick you felt tears spring to your eyes.
Pushing Tendo off, you ran to his room in order to cry without his prying eyes, kind as they were. But you knew you wouldn't have the room for very long. The five minutes you really were alone, you were quite sure Tendo was trying to give you space or wonder what he'd done wrong. Then the door opened and he stepped in and you buried your head in your hands.
"Y/N, what the fuck is up with you?" He asked, but in a gentle tone before you felt his hand on your back, rubbing soothingly. "Why are you crying, hm? Look at me." Tendo tugged on your forearm and practically forced your head up. You stared at him through tear-blurry vision.
"Why didn't you invite me to come with you and Semi?" You stuttered dumbly and Tendo blinked in surprise.
"I-I didn't think you'd want to come," he answered with a shrug and a look of guilt marred the fond carelessness of his face. "Usually you say no . . . I'm sorry, I should've asked."
You shook your head quickly and realized you were doing exactly what you hated about your parents: avoiding the problem. But how could you not avoid the problem when the problem was questioning his love for you? Maybe you were the immature one, thinking talking about those things was so simple. It wasn't.
So you just said, "Sorry, I've been having a rough week . . . "
Tendo nodded, understanding. "Do you want Semi out of here?"
"W-What? No, no, no," you said quickly, wiping your wet eyes. "He needs somewhere to stay, I-I don't mind. It's mostly just . . . " you braced yourself to finally voice your fear out loud. Tendo's eyes on you, full of concern and attention. "I'm sick of my parents," you ended up saying and then cringed with your whole body.
"They fighting again?" Tendo asked, wrapping an arm around your waist and maneuvering the two of you against the bed frame to lean back. You leaned into his chest and relaxed in the comforting scent of him.
"They haven't checked up on me," you murmured, feeling slightly embarrassed for needing your parents attention this much. Tendo just stroked his fingers through your hair, intently listening. "I didn't tell them I'd be away from home and I usually never am. But they haven't even texted me to ask. I just feel like I'm not wanted there."
"They're probably just lost in their own issues to even think about dealing with you," Tendo said and he seemed to have the simplest answers to the complicated worries in your heart. "Stay here with me, just until they really get worried. Besides you're wanted here all the time."
You lifted your head and smiled. "Thanks Tendo, I-I love you," you mumbled shyly and Tendo grinned, shaking his head in amusement.
"I love you too," he replied without hesitating. The two of you soon fell asleep, Tendo changing out of his jeans first and yelling at you to get in your pajamas, before throwing a shirt at your head. You were too tired to get up now and Tendo knew that but it didn't stop him from trying. He gave up shortly and muttered something about you being a stubborn little bitch before sinking into the mattress next to you and shutting off the lights.
The next week flew by just like that. You were getting quite used to living with Tendo and he seemed to be happy with that. Most days were just busy with school and assignments, the slower days were spent in wondering if Semi would be home now or then to gauge how long the two of you had alone. But in that worry itself, you and Tendo would miss the opportunity Semi seemed to have intentionally been giving you each time. Dinners were nice since the three of you got along very well. Tendo would usually make the jokes, vulgar or downright shocking, causing you to almost choke up your food and Semi to roll his eyes yet smirk all the same.
Semi had found a job as a male receptionist at some package delivering company, which was a grounds for all three of you to celebrate. Tendo explained that they probably only wanted Semi because he was eye-candy  for anyone entering the building. You agreed that Semi was very pretty and Tendo pouted at you.
Friday night, the bong was reintroduced and you surrendered to the thought of really forgetting all your stress and just getting high. Which you did. And it was really relieving. So the next day, you decided it couldn't hurt to have another session. Semi had gone off to work and he wouldn't be back till very late, which gave you and Tendo time to smoke a little and fuck a lot.
But neither of you were really in the mood that evening and you could tell by the lack of foreplay Tendo usually invested in before putting it inside. He was out of focus and so were you, lying in his bed and occasionally moaning when he hit the right spot.
And when he'd pulled out so quick, you couldn't help lifting your head in confusion. "T-Tendo, what—" but the question was cut off with warm liquid spraying over your bare chest and splashing onto your mouth, droplets almost hitting your eyes before you shut them.
"Ah shit!" Tendo gasped, giggling breathlessly. "I'm s-sorry about that. I just wanted to cum on your tits."
"I'm gonna get pink-eye!" You complained, wiping your eyes and mouth with the back of your hand.
"Don't be dramatic," he said dismissively, hopping off the bed and disappearing into the closet. You blinked, heavy breaths living your lips and slightly disoriented. But Tendo had really just . . . Done that, without bothering to ask if you'd finished (he never really asked because it was quite obvious you had every time, but not tonight).
Before the worthlessness could settle in, a towel was thrown directly at your face and now you were just . . . Really angry. Your own boyfriend seemed to have used you and discarded you, you thought, furiously wiping yourself down with the towel and watching Tendo from the corner of your eye light up a joint and take a deep drag from it.
You slipped your shirt back over your bare chest and stared down at your lap as he breathed out, smoke filling the air and your nose. You just wanted to turn around and sleep.
"Y/N," said Tendo, prompting you to glance up at him. You shifted your gaze to him and saw that he was dangling a pair of handcuffs in one hand and a collar with a chain attached to it in another. Tendo grinned lazily, the joint hanging from his lips as he tossed both on the bed, you gazing at them in wonder.
"Do you wanna try these?" He asked, setting the joint aside and crawling onto the bed. "I ordered them a while ago, they're cheap as fuck but if we like them — if you like them — we can get something proper."
You licked your lips, excitement rising in your stomach. "I . . . Um . . . Yes! I'd like to try . . ."
"That's my girl," said Tendo eagerly, clicking the collar around your neck with a sly smile. "You look pretty fucking hot, if I'm being honest." He turned your head to the side so you could see yourself in the mirror. You couldn't help but agree with your boyfriend. The presence of the collar on your throat did wonderful things to your conscious.
Then there was a rough tug on the chain, squeezing the collar around your neck, and a whimper tumbled past your lips as Tendo forced you to face him. Tendo's eyes widened in wicked surprise as he stared at you and felt yourself blushing.
"This chain comes in handy then, I bet," he muttered with a smile.
Once your shirt was off and the handcuffs were locked around your wrists, both behind your back, Tendo pushed you to the ground in front of him and swung his feet off the bed. He reached one of his large hands towards you, fingers immediately tangling in your hair as you made quick work of him. The constant yanking on your hair and the choked grunts Tendo made was really adding to the rush of it all. Especially when he pushed your head down and forced himself deeper into your throat. 
"Take all of my cock," he hissed out the order, the chain of your collar wrapped around his free hand, tugging at it every now and then when he wanted you to look at him. You accepted every  praise that followed, tears forming at the edge of your vision with each thrust. "You look so pretty like this, baby. God, I love face-fucking you . . . You're so good . . . You're the best." 
After he'd shuddered and his cock twitched, sending a warm stream of cum down your throat, Tendo didn't stop there. He pulled the chain up, your head rising with it as the collar squeezed your neck. "Let me see," he whispered, gently gripping your jaw as you opened your mouth, feeling the liquid drip down your chin. "Good girl. Now swallow." The instruction was followed by the harsh slap of his palm against your ass, prompting you to obey.
"Ah!" you cried out, biting your lip. "Y-Yes, sir." 
Tendo smirked and yanked the chain again, bringing your lips down upon his and the saltiness from earlier was wiped away as he sucked on your lips, grasping your hips and sitting you down on top of him where you could feel his cock pressing right against your entrance. 
"Tell me what you want, baby," Tendo groaned as you moved your hips against him, your head buried in his neck along with your lips grazing his warm skin. Your wrists were sore and aching and all you wanted was to latch onto him but Tendo didn't seem to want to take them off just yet. 
"Fuck me," you whispered against his ear.
Tendo didn't waste time, moving back so he was lying down on the bed, shirt off and you, on top of him, wanted to touch the tanned skin of his bare chest so bad. He watched your every moment with a dizzying intrigue, allowing you to fuck yourself on his cock while his fingers pressed bruises into your hips. 
"Just like that, Y/N," he grunted through a clenched jaw, pushing you all the way down as he lifted his own hips and thrust up into you. 
"Tendo!" You gasped, your head falling back, eyes shut tightly as the pain and pleasure shot up your body, releasing breathless moans from the base of your throat. "Fuck . . ."
Tendo grinned. "You ride me so well, Y/N . . . Ugh, fuck!" He pulled the chain towards him, swallowing your moan with the careful, wet kisses of his mouth. "You look so hot on top of me." You could feel the tight knots in your stomach slowly unraveling, the new angle doing mind-shattering things to your insides. 
"I-I . . . Tendo . . ." You stuttered, blinking rapidly as the feeling overcame you. 
Tendo's hands went to your thighs immediately, throwing you off of him and the sudden feeling of emptiness shocked you. "What the fuck?!" You cried, shaking the hair off your face as your wrists were still faithfully behind you. 
"Let me fuck that pussy," Tendo muttered, shifting you onto your hands and knees before sinking into you from behind as your head pressed into the pillow beneath you. "You're so tight . . . I love this pussy . . ." Tendo bent over you, till his chest was pressed to your back, his hand still clamped around the chain of your collar, making sure you were being choked how he liked you. 
"Moan for me, Y/N . . ." he whispered, lips and teeth clashing against the skin under your ear, your neck, your shoulder. You should've been embarrassed with the sounds leaving your parted mouth but you really couldn't focus on much besides the feeling of his cock buried deep inside you. 
The mindless euphoria and muffled pain of it all drove every thought out of your head, the uncertainty and unease. You wanted to be as close to Tendo as possible and he wanted to be deep inside you. As your vision blurred and you were so close to completely losing it, Tendo pulled out of you again. Your jaw fell open but he'd flipped you around and frantically uncuffed your now throbbing wrists, tossing the handcuffs to the side, before sliding back into you. 
"Fuucckkk . . ." He moaned, eyes fluttering but he tried to keep them open to watch your flushed face, your back arching until your breasts were pressed right up against his chest. The sound of profanities leaving his swelling lips was smothered as he sucked on your neck, your arms finally able to loop around his neck, yanking at his hair as he slipped his fingers between your legs. "C-Cum on my cock . . ." Tendo stuttered.
But you'd begged him to come inside and Tendo had to pull his head back to look at you with surprise. After the painful edging and denial, those words were enough to snap every knot in your stomach completely. Tendo had grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. "I wanna see you when you cum," he managed to choke out as you tried your best to keep your eyes open, focused on his gaze and the way it sent goosebumps all over your sweat-glistening body. Tendo had sped up and groaned a string of curse words as he released inside of you, and you had given to defeat, throwing your head back, mouth open in a silent cry before Tendo's hips slowed down and the room was filled with shuddering breaths and occasional whimpers. 
"Holy fuck," Tendo whispered, unclipping the collar from around your neck and examining the red and almost bleeding skin before tossing the item to the side. "I'm so sorry . . . Did it hurt?" 
"K-Kinda," you squeaked as he kissed your neck softly. Truthfully, you hadn't noticed it then but the pain was coming back to you in short bursts as you trembled underneath Tendo. 
"I should've known considering it was like five bucks," he responded, dropping down next to you. You wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his chest. Tendo seemed surprised by this as you two normally cleaned yourselves up first before cuddling. 
"My parents are falling out of love," you blurted out. 
Tendo scoffed, pushing your hair out of your face. "I just fucked you like you were a bitch in heat and the first thing you say is 'my parents are falling out of love' . . . What the fuck am I doing?" he murmured, leaning down and kissing the top of your head. "I'm sorry to hear that, Y/N."
You licked your lips, trailing your fingers over Tendo's bare chest. "I-I'm scared that . . . That you don't love me anymore either."
"Oh . . . This fucking girl, you can't leave her alone with her thoughts for a second," Tendo teased. "I can tell you this, Y/N; sometimes it doesn't work between people and forcing it will just make it worse." 
You nodded, shifting into a seated position so you could look at him properly. Tendo smiled at you, the mere action causing your heart to jump into you throat. "You're right . . . I'll have to hope for the best between my parents."
"That being said," Tendo continued, tucking your hair behind your ear gently. "I fucking love you and I don't plan on stopping so you can get that silly thought out of your head." There was a distant sound of the front door opening and when you'd glanced at the clock, you knew Semi was home. He'd announced his arrival and said,
"Keep fucking if you guys are fucking! I don't wanna ruin your relationship!"
Tendo rolled his eyes and hugged you closer, putting his chin on your shoulder. "You were amazing and I'm sorry about before . . ." You giggled. It seemed sort of trivial now. "You're beautiful by the way," Tendo said and you blushed. "Your face and body but also on the inside . . . and I'm not talking about these sweet insides I just ruined . . ."
"I know," You laughed as Tendo tickled your thigh with his fingertips. 
"Y/N," said Tendo suddenly and you glanced at him. "D-Do you want to try something new?"
You raised an eyebrow. "Hey, I guess the handcuffs weren't enough, huh? Yeah, let's do something new!" But you weren't expecting Tendo to call for Semi. To your own surprise though, you didn't stop him and even smiled widely when the boy pushed the door open and froze, blush creeping onto his cheeks. 
Tendo hadn't said anything further but your heart was pounding furiously again, especially when Semi's eyes shifted from Tendo to meet your own. He opened his mouth to say something but then thought better of it.
A second later, he was tugging at his own hoodie, the only two words that left his lips "fuck it" completely forgotten once the door shut and Tendo dimmed the lights. 
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kimnjss · 4 years
if you asked me to | pjm
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⤑ series: less of you
⤑ pairing: fratboy!jimin x dancer!reader
⤑ genre: angst - a little bit of fluff.
⤑ rating: PG13
⤑ word count: 6.8K
⤑ warnings: cursing, hickeys, slight dry humping, groping, mention of blue balls.
⤑ chapter song: moonlight // ariana grande
⤑ A/N: this is soooo much later than i wanted. i had finished the entire thing around 6ish.. and my computer decided to shit the bed in the middle of editing and literally had only two sentences saved. so i had to write he whole thing again! i like this version better, though - nd i hope you guys do too!! let me know what you think x 
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DECEMBER 5TH, 2019 | 19:17
Heart pounding in your chest, comfortable in Jimin's arms but at the same time, not. It's a weird feeling, not entirely unfamiliar... but it is with him. Vividly you remember how it use to feel to be held by him. And you're not sure when that feeling had become a memory.
Actually, that was a lie. You've been doing a lot of that lately. Feelings for Jimin have not changed, instead, they've grown stronger and that was the problem. Completely impossible to be near him, see his smile, be held by him without feeling that pang of guilt in your chest. Heart starting to catch up with the fact that you and him?? were so deep in the wrong.
Now laying in his lap felt like a crime. As if you were stood in self-checkout, constantly glancing over your shoulder as you scanned an expensive pair of shoes as one of those 79 cent candy bars.
Barely able to concentrate on the intoxicating feeling of his lips trailing open mouth kisses against your heated skin. The not so discreet way he was sliding his hand underneath the hem of your shirt, toward your bra covered breasts. TV plays uselessly in the background, his pretty groans filling your ears instead.
Jeans unbuttoned and inched down to reveal the lace of your panties, body naturally reacting to the broad swipes of his thumb over your covered nipple. And your heart should be pounding with anticipation, eager to know how far he'd go – if he'd really fuck you in the middle of your living room.
But you can't shake the look on Miju's face you conjured, watching the two of you with that pouty frown of hers, arms crossed over her chest. Wondering how you, her best friend, could do something like this to her. Hurt he like this and lie about it, over and over again.
So lost in thought, you barely notice Jimin's lips lifting to cover yours. He kisses you sweetly, slowly while dragging his free hand down the length of your back, stopping once he's reached the swell of your ass. A playful slap landing on your jean covered bottom, followed by his firm grip, something that would have you letting out a giggled yelp, any other time.
You don't even notice, don't even budge. Jimin is pulling back from your lips upon noticing your lack of enthusiasm, furrowed brows searching your features. “You alright?” Inching his body up to rest his head on the armrest of the couch. Legs draped on either side of his hips, hands resting on his chest you nod. 
As if he'd let it go. As if he'd pick up on the slightest abnormality in your mood and just let it slip. Let you drive yourself mad with your racing thoughts and not let him in, not let him take on some of the weight. As if. 
“What are you thinking about?” He tries again, soothing fingers rubbing into your hips. “Do I stink?” His hand lifts from your body to pick at the front of his shirt, sniffing the inside of it. “Tae said this shirt had one more day in it,” You can't help but smile at his joking tone, an attempt to brighten the mood.
Quick to shake your head at his words, you're letting your body fall back against his. Chests pressed together as you had been before, arms wrapping around his torso to engulf him in a koala hug. “It smells like you, I like it.” At ease with the matched playful tone in your voice, Jimin allows himself to relax... a bit. He's smiling at your compliment, leaning down to press his lips against yours gently.
No idea what's wrong with you, but safely relieved that it's not him. That he could help you work through whatever it is. “So what is it?” 
 “I don't know... I just... keep thinking about Miju.” Jimin lets out a scoff, rolling his eyes in a really exaggerated way. “You're really thinking about a girl while I got my hand on your ass? Is there something I should know?” The playful smile sits prettily on his lips, the sight of it alone doing wonders for the anxiety creeping up your throat.
Arm hitting against his shoulder, you huff out a breath. “I'm being serious. I have this looming feeling that she's going to catch us before I get the chance to talk to her. It's driving me crazy.”
His face softens at the sound of your words, becoming serious for you. Obvious that you're really bothered right now and the least he could do is take the situation seriously. No matter how little cared about Miju finding out about the two of you. He knew that if it happened in an untimely fashion, you'd be really upset... that was something he cared very much about.
“You ready to talk to her then?” Fingers lacing with yours, he toys with your fingers gently while looking at you. Trying to get a good read at the emotions you've gotten a bit too good at hiding. 
With a huff, you're sitting up on his lap, shoulders shrugging. “I don't know! We should, right? It's been long enough...” It sounded more like you were convincing yourself than anything.
As much fun, Jimin was having sneaking around with you. And how cute he found your flustered expression each time you were close to being caught, he knew this was harder on you than it was for him. Keeping secrets, sneaking around, lying – they all had their expiration date and you were quickly realizing that.
Of course, he'd never ask you to lie – especially in this situation. If it were up to him, the two of you would be as out and loud as any other PDA loving couple out there. He knew, though, the courage that you needed to gain before you were ready to be like that – so he was willing to wait.
But it seemed that the guilt was starting to get to you, and it didn't take a genius to see that all of this lying and hiding was only going to make the outcome worse the longer you waited to say something. He knew it, and you knew it too. You just needed the proper push in the right direction.
“Let's tell her. I mean, you said yourself it's her loss if she can't find it in her heart to be okay with it. The longer we wait...” You're nodding at his words, agreeing before he's able to even fully finish his sentence.
The back and forth of this week with him and Gukkie were all of the same things. You just needed to get over the fear of losing her because of this. Have faith that she valued your friendship just as much as she did and will, hopefully, understand you. Or if not, be able to forgive you. With time, of course.
“You're right. It's only going to get worse. Tomorrow.” Declaring with a nod and Jimin is nodding his head, using his grip on your hand to pull your body back down onto his. He's easily setting your palm on the back of his neck while tilting his head up to look at you.
“Don't be nervous. You've known her your whole life. And I'll be there to back you up,” He assures you with a soft smile, you feel calmed by his promise to be there with you. Glad that you don't have to go through it on your own. Relaxed, knowing that he was willing to be there for you. With you.
His soft hand is trailing down the length of your back again, this time dipping into the open back of your jeans. “Now... before I was interrupted.” Movements slow as his palm closed around your lace-covered ass, watching your face for any telling signs. You don't stop the hum that falls from your lips.
Jimin lifts his head to press his mouth against your collarbone, plump lips sucking hickeys into your neck. Hips rolling against slightly, head tilting back allowing him as much as he needed to mark you. Sharp teeth nibble at your skin, pulling a whiny moan from your lips. “Fuck,” He groans, cock stiffening underneath your rocking hips.
The grip on your ass is used to guide you over his growing erections, panted breaths fanning over the clammy skin of your neck. And you should be enjoying yourself, should be teetering over the edge with how tightly wound you've been the past few days. Yet, you can't seem to clear your mind.
Although you loved Jimin's support, valued the way he was so quick to decide he'd do this with you. You couldn't help but wonder if that was the best way of going about it. If it wouldn't seem too much like an intervention if both of you were to show up at Miju's front steps ready to announce your relationship.
Relationship? That's what this was, right? You two weren't just having fun, right? Jimin said he liked you a lot and you liked him just as much... maybe more. You weren't throwing away your decade long friendship over a situationship, right!?
“Wait. Should we really do it like this?” Jimin stills the raise of his hips at the sound of your voice, head lifting from your neck so he can look you in the face. “Do you even want to do it at all?” He huffs, arms lifting to push the messy hair on his forehead back. He's sitting his body up into a seated position, reaching between you two to adjust the bulge at his crotch.
It's clear that the two of you are talking about two different things. With an apologetic smile, you lean up to press a soft kiss against his lips. “No, I mean... talking to Miju. The both of us? You sure that's a good idea?”
“That's a terrible idea.” The door slams behind the new voice, your body instantly lunging from Jimin's lap to the vacant space behind him. Gukkie lets out a laugh at your haste, shaking life into his hair he had just freed from his buck hat. “Relax, Yn. This is a safe space.” Just Gukkie. You repeat, trying to calm your guilty pounding heart.
Seok and Joonie are steps behind him, kicking their shoes off in the threshold. Jimin's brow is furrowing at the sight of his best friend entering your house, following the other two guys into the kitchen.
“What are you doing here, Joonie?” He asks as he stands, stalking into the kitchen. You're entering the room behind him, Gukkie crouched in front of the fridge while Seok pulls bowls from the cabinets. Joonie is comfortably on the island, thumbing through the messages on his phone.
“Jin's meeting us here in a bit.” His words are directed to Jimin, who's nodding his head and sinking into the seat beside him.
Moving toward Jeongguk, you're poking a finger into his bent back. He's slow to raise, clutching various snacks to his chest. “What?” He's dumping the food onto the counter, before moving to fill the bowls Seok had set out for him.
“You said it was a bad idea to talk to Miju, me, and Jimin... why?” His brows furrow, not bothering to look up at you as he plucks grapes from the vine filling the medium-sized glass bowl. “Isn't it obvious?” He peaks up at your silence, eyes widening slightly at your genuinely confused expression.
“Guess not,” He huffs, setting the grapes down. “What are you going to talk to the girl about in the first place?” He doesn't give you a chance to answer, nudging the bowl closer to Seok who had been trying to reach underneath his arm. “You're going to be telling her that you've been lying to her for about a month. You, her best friend. And now on top of that, you want her to be rejected... in front of you, by the guy she's been crushing on for the longest?” Yeah, that was a terrible idea.
He takes your blank expression as a sign that you're still not understanding what he is saying. “It's the equivalent of stabbing her in the heart.” Guk's lifted the fork, turning into toward himself before gently pressing the prongs into his shirt. “Then our boy, Min coming around and twisting the damn thing while looking her right in the eyes.”
Gukkie makes a dramatic show of twisting the fork in his chest, exaggerated grunts of pain leaving his lips while his knees bend as if he'd drop any moment. “That's dramatic,” Jimin speaks at the same time Seok decides to jump in.
“You're talking about the end of Trojan She-War. I knew you liked that one,” He grins triumphantly, his grin only growing as he chomps down on his grapes.
“What's Trojan She-War?” Joonie wonders.
Hoseok is perking up to explain one of his earlier video games set in Ancient Greece starring an all female team. They're at war, go figure, with a group of sexiest warriors. It was a pretty cool game on paper, except the ending was a bit predictable Gukkie was beating it in the first hour of testing... straight back to the drawing board.
Your mind is so far from their conversation, though. The in-depth explanation Seok was giving on his game and other ideas he had like that one, that he was oh so positive wouldn't flop. You couldn't engage in the impromptu beat that Gukkie would beat whatever game he was thinking up within thirty minutes because you couldn't shake the very vivid picture he had painted.
Stabbing her in the heart? And then twisting it!? You knew that finding out would hurt her, but didn't take into account to what extent until this moment. What if you broke her heart? What if she hated you for it? What if she never wanted to see you again?
You're quick to shake that thought from your mind. Of course, she'd still want to see you. She might need some type to get over it, but the two of you were best friends... always have been, there was no way she'd just drop you after finding out what's been going on. Especially once you explain how it happened and how hard you tried to stop it from getting to this point.
Surely, she'd understand and forgive you, right? Your friendship was strong enough to withstand this, right? There's a gentle tug on your waist, the moment the front door is being pushed open and Jin is stepping through. Jimin's trying to get your attention, trying to coax you to come to be alone with him – but you ignore it. Guilt way to high for anyone on one time, instead you focus your attention on Jin as he enters the kitchen with a large smile on his face.
“I brought booze!” He whoops, holding up the case of wine coolers he had carried in before setting it down on the island. Gukkie is rolling his eyes at the brightly colored cardboard, stabbing at his salad with a grumbled breath. “That's not booze.”
Jin is rolling his eyes right back, “Don't worry I got your oh so manly whiskey.” He sets the bottle down on the table beside the coolers. “Are you guys throwing a party?” You wonder, easily slipping from Jimin's grasp to move closer to Jin.
“We're seeing how long it takes drunk Jeongguk to go through the TOP 25 HARDEST GAME list. You wanna watch?” Jin's eyes flicker from you to Jimin behind you, inviting the both of you to their made up tournament.
“No, I don't think-” “Ooh, yeah! We'd love to!” Your words overlap, but your voice is louder and Jin is smiling wide as he reaches into the case to hand a bottle over to you. “Fantastic. You can help keep score.”
He's moving toward Joonie who hasn't stopped staring since the boy first entered the room. Draping a lazy arm over his shoulder, hand lifting to tug on Joon's earring covered lobe. “I don't think I'll be able to pay much attention,” His words, although directed to you, are delivered quietly to Joonie, who's cheeks flush as his head bows.
“Not on my couch,” Gukkie calls toward the couple, but his words are ignored. Much more interest found in each other's mouths than whatever nonsense Guk is spewing.
Jimin's attention is on you, a confused expression on his features. And you take your time with noticing it, concentrating on popping your bottle open, bringing it to your lips, and taking a long sip. He's still staring at you as you lower the glass. “What?” You wonder with a laugh and he shakes his head.
“Just... when you asked me to sleepover. I kind of had a different image of how the night would go,” He tried not to sound too disappointed in his words. Honestly enjoyed every moment spent with you, no matter what you were doing. Would totally be cool to ditch the fooling around to hang out with your friends, if it had been under other circumstance.
If he wasn't positive that you were pushing it off. Avoiding it. If two weeks hadn't passed since the last time you two had been together like that. If he wasn't convinced that you were trying to distance yourself.
And he couldn't even blame you for it, not like he was looking for someone to blame. You had a lot on your mind, and the situation the two of you were in wasn't exactly... sexy? He just wished you talked to him about it, to easier silence his insecure thoughts wondering if it was something that he did. Something that he wasn't doing.
Could keep himself from constantly reminding himself that it was only because you were feeling guilty, not because of him. That you still wanted to be around him, just not in that way. At least not fully.
It was hard. You were complicated and too quiet about the things that bothered you. Jimin would have to file that away, though. For now. Try his best to be there for you because he knew you needed it right now. He'd help you tackle your emotional barrier at a later time. Hopefully.
All he could do right now was be there for you. So he's nodding in agreement when you're asking if he's okay with a shift in plans. If he'd still have as much fun hanging out and playing video games then whatever you'd come up with in your room. He agrees, and it's a half-lie because come on, video games over sex?? who in their right mind?
Yet, it's not a lie because he'd sit around and pretend he knew what a LUPP was and laugh with your friends and ignore how badly he just wants to kiss you, ravish you. Because you asked him to.
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DECEMBER 6TH, 2019 | 00:43
Thankful that your silent 'no sex' rule didn't mean no physical contact, Jimin was pleased to have you sinking into his lap as everyone moved from the kitchen to the living room. It was fine, for a bit. Conversation coming easy with you and your friends as the six of you watch Jeongguk complete level after level.
They were an entertaining group of people and he was hardly thinking about the mean set of blue balls he's been sporting for the past two weeks. The mean set of blue balls he thought he'd be rid of by now. But, yeah, this was fine too. You were happy, comfortable – this was just fine.
Keyword, was. It had started being fine as the hours ticked by and around the five-hour mark it was starting to get hard for Jimin to mask his annoyance. Not annoyed with you, of course not. He got it, understood. Knew what you were going through and didn't want to push you, he was trying his best to be a good guy – honest.
He just didn't account for how boring this would get. How redundant Jeongguk's level ups have become, no matter how many shots he guzzled down his thick throat. Seok still cheered him on, the only one still keeping score. Oh and you, but he was sure that you weren't all that interested in the game and more interested in keeping your mind off the fact you were correctly sitting on his dick and not doing a single thing about it.
Jin and Joonie had lost interest in the game a long while ago, taken to groping each other directly across for you and Jimin. The tips of Jin's fingers threatened to sneak underneath the hem of Joonie's sweats, broad hips bared as he dared him to do it. They were answering a lot of questions that Jimin didn't even know he had and when he was finding himself oddly turned on by the display – he was deciding it was time for bed.
“I'm going to head up,” His words are mumbled to you, slightly hopeful. Maybe you'd decide to come up with him? Fool around a bit, or even grant him a blowjob... a handjob, something to get rid of this dull ache between his legs.
You don't. Just nod that pretty head of yours, standing to make it easier for him to rise to his feet. Don't even offer him a parting kiss as he heads towards the stairs. He doesn't complain but doesn't hide the stomp in his feet as he makes his way up the steps.
Trying to be careful, not make you think that he's only in it for the sex. But hello, the sex? Where was it? Two weeks was a long time to make a guy wait without the slightest bit of reason why. Although, he could piece together your reasoning behind wanting to hold back... he thought you inviting him over was a sign you had loosen up a bit.
Not that you had planned to rile him up to the point he was all set and ready to go, only to get distracted by your friends (which were great, don't get him wrong) and forget the star guest of this slumber party. Allowing your Miju fueled guilt to steer the night, he had half the mind to walk over there himself and set things straight just so he didn't have to be deprived anymore.
Again. Not your fault. He understood. Supported you. He wasn't the upset one in this scenario, it was his greedy dick that had gotten a taste of you and hasn't been able to feel satiated since.
Downstairs, you're nursing your second wine cooler. Paying much more attention to Guk's score then you usually do. It had been ten minutes since Jimin had left and gone upstairs, and you were still sat there – pretending to be interested in this half baked competition.
“Did you two fight?” Seok is asking the question both him and Guk had been wondering. Maybe Jin and Joonie are wondering the same, but their mouths are a little preoccupied to say anything about it.
“No, we didn't fight.” Tone a bit harsher than you intended, but you can't help it. Wanted nothing more than to take a rifle to your conscience and enjoy the fact that you had Jimin, here with you for an entire night. 
Just every time you were getting too close, here came Jiminy Cricket with his clipboard of reasons you shouldn't be enjoying yourself – speaking louder each time you tried to shut him out.
“Why aren't you up there with him, then?” Seok pressed on, full attention on you now. Jeongguk's high score being set on the back burner. “I don't have to be everywhere he is.” You snap, causing Hoseok to lift his hands in mock defense. “Sorry for asking.” He mumbles, turning his attention back to the screen.
“You know. Shutting him out is not going to help your situation.” Gukkie is pointing out, not even bothering to look up from the TV screen. “You're probably making it worse, to be honest.”
With a roll of your eyes, you're standing from the couch – setting your half finished bottle on the coffee table. “I'm going to bed,” You grumble, following the same stomped footsteps Jimin had taken just before.
You find him sat upon your bed, shirt ditched at the foot of your bed. Back pressed against your headboard. He holds his phone in one hand, thumb flicking against the screen as his free hand rests above his head. His head lifting at the sound of you entering the room, offering a small smile in your direction.
Not able to find the words, you don't say anything. Acknowledging him with a nod of your head before heading across the room toward your hamper. Jimin watches as you undo the buttons on your jeans, tugging them down your long legs. Not letting his stare linger too long on the way your ass spills out from the bottom of your panties. And he definitely doesn't admire the dip in the middle of your back as you lift your shirt over your head.
His gaze is snapping back to his phone as you toss your worn clothes into the hamper, turning to face him again. Of course, he's seen your boobs before. Paid them a lot of attention after realizing he had been neglecting them. But he's not seen them while trying not to look at them.
For some reason, they seemed... bigger? Rounder? A bit of a bounce to them with each sway of your hips. You're reaching for his discarded shirt, pulling it over your head and he can't help but wonder if you're doing this one purpose. Teasing him. Or were you just naturally this enticing?
“Will you shut the light when you're done?” You speak after getting comfortable in the space beside him. Yup, naturally that enticing. 
Jimin nods at your words, despite the fact you're not looking at him. Blanket pulled up to your chin, back to him as you stared out the window. “You're just going to sleep?” He asks after flicking the light off, sinking down so he's laying beside you.
“Did you want to go for a run?” There's a snappiness to your tone and it reminds Jimin of the attitude you use to give him when you first met. He can't help the smile that pushes onto his lips at the memory, reaching to wrap his arm around your waist. “Are you upset with me?” He knows you're not... well, he kind of knows. Asking helped to calm his nerves, though.
Rolling onto your back, you look up at him. Taking in his soft eyes and that dimpled smile. Your hand is lifting to rest on his bicep, noticing the automatic way he flexes the muscle underneath your palm. “No. I'm just upset...”
“You don't have to talk to her if you don't want to.” He says, even though it's not true. Of course, you had to talk to her. She was your best friend for crying out loud and what you were doing was wrong. And you were starting to loathe yourself for going behind her back like this, you had to talk to her.
“I mean it. We'll just make it real clear for her. Could go amateur on Instagram or be simple and make out at a party... I'm sure she'll get the hint,” He's leaning down to bury his face in the crook of your neck, pressing soft feather-like kisses against your heated skin.
“Jimin-” The laugh slips past your lips, even though you don't want it to. Jimin is picking up his head from your neck, grinning wide down at you and the sight alone has a flutter settling in your chest. 
“You can relax, okay?” He's lifting his hand to smooth the furrow between your brows. “I already said I'm not going to let her get in the way of us. And we're good together, I'm sure she'll be happy for us.”
You're scoffing, rolling your eyes at the absurd thought. “Wishful thinking.” Huffing with a roll of your eyes. You shift underneath him until you've got a thigh pressed on either side of his torso – hands set on his bare chest. He's got one hand in your hair, the other resting on your thigh, as innocent as it can be.
“What's her deal, anyway?” The tips of his fingers draw random patterns against your skin as you shrug your shoulders. Of all the years you spent so close to her, you were never able to pinpoint exactly what her deal was. Of course, there were the issues with her dad, but at times you felt like there was something deeper that.
Yet, you never bothered to try and figure it out. Only summed it up as 'that's just who she was'. Gotten used to it and made the proper adjustments that you needed to in order to keep things running smoothly, it's what you've always done – without a second thought.
Shoulders lifting in a slight shrug, “Certain things just bother her... and she likes things a certain way.” The number of times she had given you the silent treatment when she wasn't getting her way, refusing to say a word to you until the problem was resolved. By you, of course. It seemed you were always the one taking the first step. Always the one ready to make amends even if you hadn't been the one in the wrong.
Never once thought about it, figured that's just the work you had to put in to maintain the friendship. It had been just the two of you for so long, you didn't know anything else. But now with the other friendships... relationships you had made in the past years, you were quickly realizing that that wasn't normal.
“You know we started ballet together?” Jimin, who had found himself growing distracted with the peaks your nipples created through the fabric of his shirt, was quickly lifting his head to look at you. You notice the tint in his cheeks as if he had just been caught, his brow lifting slightly. “Oh, yeah?” 
“Mhm. She was 13 and I was 12. And she had just found out that her dad's new daughter was in ballet and it kind of became her obsession to do it too. I was playing soccer at the time and really didn't care either way. So when she asked me to quit soccer and join ballet with her, I did. Soccer was my dad's sport, anyway.”
Jimin listens to your words, imagining a younger version of you running the field in your cute little soccer uniform. Of course, you were the best on the field, knew you well enough that you wouldn't settle for anything but the best.
“I fell in love after the first class. I mean, soccer was easy – but ballet? Well, you know what I mean.” He did, all too well. Remembered the moment he fell in love with dancing, nothing being able to compare to the feeling of it. Well, except...
“I liked it a lot so I tried hard to be real good at it. And eventually, I was one of the best in the class. I loved it so much, but Miju... she hated it. Never wanted to practice with me and got pissed every time she was behind in class. A few months in she was ready to quit. Begged me to quit with her.” In the moment, you had written it off as your best friend not wanting to quit alone. Another one of the best friend things you were starting to realize wasn't best friendly at all.
She saw how much you loved it. Saw how good you were at it. What if you had quit? Followed behind her like sheep? Of course, she had no idea that ballet would have become such a big part of your life then. But it had. And she wanted you to quit. What would you even be doing now if you had listened to her?
“I couldn't do it, obviously. Honestly can't believe that I actually thought about it when she asked. She told me she hated me when I refused, didn't talk to me for a whole month because I 'violated the friendship rule book'. She was my only friend so I was lonely for a bit, which just meant more ballet. I was sure she'd never talk to me again, to be honest – we only started hanging out again because my family was going to The Hampton's that summer and my mom invited her along.”
Jimin's got this sad look on his face, the same expression that he hated. But it's different coming for him, he's not trying to pity you. He genuinely feels bad for 12-year-old you having to put up with a toxic friendship like that. Couldn't keep himself from wishing his 14-year-old self had been there when you were left alone in the practice room, knew the feeling all too well. Maybe you could've been able to be alone together.
“Can't wait to fast forward past all this shit. Feel like I haven't seen you smile in a while.” The large smiles and hearty laughs you use to carelessly display were now being reigned in right before they reached their full peak. Many of your thoughts so clouded with your problems with Miju, that you hadn't even realized the shift in your mood.
No idea that your emotions were so loud on your features that Jimin would pick up on it. Surprised that he even cared about the difference, but he did. And there was no stopping the flutter in your heart from that small fact. Pushing a soft smile onto your lips, you're tilting your head up so he's able to see. He takes it, although it doesn't quite reach your eyes.
“Pretty girlfriend,” He compliments with a large grin, leaning down to cover your lips with his. Kissing you slowly, and sweetly – pouring out every ounce of warmth and security you had stolen away from you. You kiss him back with just as much intensity, fingers curling in his dark locks as you let your mouth fall open – welcoming his wanting tongue into your mouth.
It takes a moment for his words to dawn on you, for you to put together what he had said and what he might've meant. Your mouth falls from his as you pull your head back, Jimin not fully realizing and instead moving on to nibble at the skin on your neck. “Did you just call me your girlfriend?” Your words have his head lifting, so he's able to look at your face.
That pretty pink tint is back on his cheeks. Had been hoping you didn't catch on to what he's been calling you in his head for the past month. Didn't mean to let it slip right then, while your emotions were a mess. But, he wasn't one to back out once he's already dipped his toe in.
“You are my girlfriend, right?” Plump lip trapped between his teeth, he tries to hide the nervous look in his eyes. Tries not to give away to the fear of you possibly rejecting him. Yes, he knew you liked him a lot and he liked you a lot... but labels were scary. And there's usually a whole talk that came before this, right?
“Do you want me to be?” Duh, of course, he did. Why would bring it up if he didn't want that? It was all you could come up with right now, though. With the way your heart and brain were in the middle of a standoff, it was all you could manage.
“No.” There's an exaggerated roll of his eyes. “I've only been referring you like that in my head for the past month for fun,” Sarcasm drips from his words and you're lifting your hand to land a punch into his shoulder. “I'm serious!” Lower lip jutting out to create a slight pout.
Jimin's got his fingers wrapped around your wrist, lifting your hand to set on the back of his neck. “Me too.” Arms dropping to wrap around your waist, he uses his grip to pull your body closer to his. “I want you to be my girlfriend. So that I can be your boyfriend. And we can be boyfriend and girlfriend to each other, together.” You're laughing at his words, like a real loud genuine laugh that has your eyes closing.
“My God...” He sighs, admiring the way you look in the moment. Heartwarming just from the sound of your laughter. Even when it stops, you're still wearing that pretty smile on your lips and he can't help but stare. He's vaguely realizing that he's screwed. Figuring if he's that affected just from the sound of your laugh, there's no way he's getting out now. “Come on, you gonna be my girlfriend?” He's asking one more time, heart rate speeding at the nod of your head.
“Okay. I'll be your girlfriend. Only if you're my boyfriend.” A moment saved to cringe at your corny words. You can't help it, though. He brings out that side of you.
Jimin is smiling wide, leaning in to press a dozen quick pecks to your lips. Smiles growing and laughs slipping as the sounds of his kisses grow louder – sloppier until he's just pressing your smiling teeth together before pulling back to admire your face then repeating it. “I think you might be it.” He's repeating the words he had said to you on your first night together.
You remember how confused you had been then, but now... now you get it. Unsure how he was making that declaration after just one night, but he was just as sure then as he was now. And despite all the confusion buzzing in your head, you were sure of one thing.
“I like you so much.” A confession that he could've guessed, but hearing you say it was a thousand times better than guessing. You're shifting in his arms, back pressed against his chest. The night sky is visible through your large bedroom window, and you find yourself searching for the moon. “I'm not supposed to. Am I?”
Couldn't help the words from falling from your lips. Sure of the way they must put a damper on the mood. The smile doesn't fall from Jimin's lips, instead, he's leaning down to press a soft kiss to your covered shoulder. “Go ahead. I'll protect you.”
Your eyes go wide at his words, wondering if he knows the weight they hold. If he even realizes what he just said. How unbelievably comforting just three simple words were for you to here. Not realizing how badly you needed to hear them until now. He was going to protect you. He said it. Did he mean it?
Wishing a million times that he meant it. Sending every last hushed prayer straight to the moon shining down on the two of you. Quietly Jimin admires you, hoping that you know how serious he is about you. That he intends to keep every promise made to you because you deserve it. He lays there, watching you watch the moon.
“We should pack up and go there, just you and me.” A soft laugh falls from your lips, shaking off the loving tension that rises in your chest. Turning in his grip, you're easily circling your arms around his waist. “The whole thing for just us two? Won't it get boring?”
There's that playful smirk resting on his pretty lips, his shoulders lifting in a slight shrug. “I'm sure we can find a way or two to past the time,” Teeth scraping against his lower lip before he's leaning in to trail a line of wet kisses over the length of your neck.
His kisses tickle, pulling a string of giggles from your lips. You don't remember the last time your heart has been this happy, this content. Head leaning back to give his mouth more room to work, fingers knitting in the soft strands of his hair.
“I'd go with you... if you asked me to.”
Jimin is pulling back from your neck almost instantly. Eyes scanning over your features and smiling growing. You had laughed it off when he said it to you first when he said he'd get try to get the moon for you. Of course, it had been a joke – come on, it was the moon. He wasn't some super villain in an after school special, but to have you quoting him... looking at him with that sincerity in your eyes. It was all he needed to know that you were all in.
So was he.
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– girl code rule #1: never, ever, under any circumstances fall for your best friend’s crush. but what happens when your best friend’s crush checks all the boxes of your ideal guy… and to make matters worse… he’s crazy about you too.
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A/N: timestamps make sense throughout the fic. to be added to the taglist, send me an ask !! feedback is highly !! appreciated, it’s the motivation i need to keep the fic going nd fun for you guys!!<33
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ladyfogg · 3 years
First Date
First Date 
Fic Summary: The time has come for you and Colin to finally have your first official date. Love Exists Masterpost. The Evans Fics Masterpost.
Fic Rating: M
Pairing: Colin Zabel/Female Reader
Warnings: Language & some making out/suggestive language
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Last week when you flirted with Colin and followed him to his hotel room, it had been a quick, spontaneous decision. While it hadn’t worked out quite how you wanted it to, you got your chance a few days later when he slept over at your place.
You didn’t expect to spend the following day in bed with him, nor did you expect to feel so goddamn horny for the man the second he left. Even the quickie in your car wasn’t enough. You want more of Detective Colin Zabel and it’s driving you crazy.
You’ve never wanted someone this bad before. But your stomach is a jumble of nerves for an entirely different reason. Because tonight, you and Colin are having your first official date and you have no idea how to act.
Dating is new territory for you. It’s been a long time since you’ve been in a relationship and even then it wasn’t serious. When Colin asked you to join him for dinner at his friend’s restaurant, you said yes before you could overthink. Of course, now that means your anxiety has been building.
The case Colin and Mare are working has kept them busy over the last few days so you haven’t been able to spend much time with your…friend? You don’t know what to call him. Boyfriend sounds too formal. Lover is a weird word that never settles quite right. Potential romantic partner? Booty call? Really close friend?
See, this is why you never date. It gets too confusing and messy.
At least, that’s how you used to feel. Now, you’re not so sure. Because every time Colin catches your eye and smiles at you, those old thoughts aren’t as loud as they used to be.
You keep telling yourself to relax and go with the flow, but it’s easier said than done. Which is why you find yourself running around your room trying to find something to wear.
Currently, most of your clothes are piled up on your bed. Digging through them, you reject everything you see, almost to the point of tears. It’s not until you sit yourself down and take a few deep breaths that you realize just how nervous you are.
“It’s okay,” you tell yourself. “It’s Colin. You know him. You like him. And he likes you. He’s the sweetest man you’ve ever met and he’s not going to care what you wear as long as you have a great time.”
Bullshit. Dress to impress. Knock him dead. Take the beath out of him.
After several long minutes of internal debate, you manage to find something relatively dressy that fits and looks good on you. Shoving all your clothes back in the closet, you try to make your room mostly presentable on the off chance you and Colin end up back there after dinner. You’d like to assume you will but are trying not to put any pressure on him or yourself.
You just finish getting ready when there’s a knock on the door. Checking yourself over in the mirror one last time, you take a deep breath, before going to greet Colin.
Dear GOD, he looks amazing. While Colin tends to dress very well for work, it’s different seeing him in a suit jacket and tie.
“You look beautiful,” he says, eyes taking you in with appreciation. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yup. Just lead the way.”
Colin offers you his arm in an endearingly formal way and you can help but accept, letting him lead you to his car. The sweet man even opens the door for you. With a quiet word of thanks, you climb in, your heart fluttering with nervous energy.
As he drives away, you sense the nervous tension between you two.
“So…” Colin says. “I know I suggested my friend’s restaurant but if you’d rather go somewhere else that’s good too.”
“No, no, your friend’s place is fine.”
Colin nods, flipping on the radio to help fill the awkward silence. You don’t know what to do with your hands and find yourself fidgeting with your coat, seatbelt, purse, and whatever you can.
“How was your afternoon?” Colin asks. “You were gone by the time we got back from canvasing…”
“It was fine. Made some coffee runs and filed a bunch of stuff.”
More silence. As Colin pulls into a parking space at the restaurant, you feel the need to clear the air.
“I’m sorry I’m not very good company tonight,” you say. “The truth is, I’m really nervous.”
Colin smiles and puts the car in park. “Honestly, me too.”
You both laugh, partly from relief and partly by amusement. “Look, I don’t have any expectations,” Colin continues. “I asked you out because I really like you and I’ve never connected with someone like I’ve connected with you.”
“We have connected very well,” you tease.
Colin’s cheeks turn red and he ducks his head as he tries to hide his smile. “I meant emotionally but yeah, physically too.”
“I also meant emotionally,” you say. “Mostly.”
He laughs and looks at you again. “I’m really happy to hear you say that. Glad it’s not all in my head.”
Hearing the self-deprecation in his voice, you slide your hand into his hair and pull him into a kiss. He responds instantly, melting into your touch and kissing back with equal intensity. When he draws back, his eyes are hooded.
“It’s not all in your head,” you assure him. “There is something here. Why wouldn’t I feel something for you? You’re smart, considerate, fucking adorable as hell…” He smiles and blushes harder. “You’re a great guy, Colin.”
He kisses you gently one more time. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
“I do,” you tease. “Now can we go eat?”
Feeling lighter and less nervous, the two of you get out of the car. Colin takes your hand as he meets you on your side of the car. Heading inside, you can’t help but focus on the feeling of his hand in yours. It was solid and warm, just like the rest of him.
You’re seated right away and Colin let’s your hand go so he can hold your chair our for you. The atmosphere is calm and quiet, the low lighting set the right mood. Colin looks even more dashing than he did on your front porch.
The waiter takes your drink orders and you pick up your menu, trying to figure out what to have. Colin does the same.
“This is a nice place,” you comment, glancing around. “I’m not used to going out like this.”
“Stick with me and I’ll take you to all the nice places.”
“What? The backseat of my car isn’t nice enough?”
His ears turn red this time and he chuckles. “I didn’t say that. It has its merits.”
The waiter arrives with your drinks and takes your orders, before leaving once more.
“So, Detective Colin Zabel,” you say, resting your elbows on the table. “What’s a big shot like you doing in a place like Easttown?”
He clears his throat and shifts in his seat. “I’m no big shot,” he says shaking his head. “I’m just a guy trying to do the right thing.”
“It makes you uncomfortable, doesn’t it?” you realize. “Talking about that big case.”
“Can we not talk about that case?” he asks. “I’m not…I’d rather talk about something else.”
“No problem. Sorry I brought it up.”
“It’s okay. What about you? I never asked what it was like for you starting out. You know, after the academy.”
He seems relieved that you are willing drop the subject and as the conversation starts to flow, both of you get more comfortable. Wanting to take his mind off things, you decide to tell him about your more memorable moments as a young trainee.
“Oh, and THEN! Then Mare arrives right as I’m trying to detain this guy,” you say, hands moving wildly as you talk. “And she just gives me that stern, unamused look that she always has…”
“Yup, I know that look.”
“And when I finally get him into the back of the car she goes, ‘Hey, kid, I think you’re forgetting something’.”
“Oh god, no…”
“Yeah, the guy’s dog. He came tearing out of the house and I chased me around the car while Mare just fucking laughed.”
Colin throws his head back and laughs, a sight that makes your own grin widen. You’ve never seen him so jovial, well without alcohol, and you vow to think of more stories that’ll make him laugh that hard.
“Didn’t you go there because of the reports of his dog being loud and aggressive?”
“Sure did. Then promptly forgot when I noticed the stolen merchandise from the theft. Needless to say, I got a little too excited and, whelp, got chased by the dog.”
Colin is still laughing, shaking his head while he does. “Wow. Just…just wow.”
“I am so glad you enjoyed my embarrassment.”
“I absolutely did.”
His face is bright and you want to reach across the table and kiss him.
You wonder why you were even nervous to begin with. Once the food arrives, Colin lifts his wine in a toast. You follow his lead with your drink and you both smile as you clink glasses.
“Any particular plans after dinner?” you ask as you both start to eat.
Colin shakes his head. “Not in particular. What do you have in mind?”
“There’s a soft bed that’s been missing you.”
His pupils dilate and you see his breathing pick up. “I…yeah, that sounds great. I kind of hoped you’d say that but I didn’t want to assume anything.”
Under the table, you run the tip of your shoe up the back of his calf and he jumps in surprise, almost dropping his fork. You smirk as he gets flustered.
“You have my complete permission to assume all you’d like,” you say in a low voice.
The evening takes on a very different energy after that. Heated looks are exchanged as you both eat as quickly as you can while still being polite.
“Are we thinking dessert?” the waiters asks when he gathers your empty plates.
You shoot Colin a raised eyebrow.
“I think just the check will be fine,” Colin says.
The drive back to your place is different than the drive to the restaurant had been. Colin’s hand rests on your knee, and just the pressure of it is enough to get your body going.
He barely puts the car in park before you reach for him, yanking him into a searing kiss. Colin is just as eager, hands fumbling to turn off the car before he can get them on you.
“We should go inside,” he pants between kisses.
“Yes, please.”
You stop just long enough to get out of the car. Coming around to the front, you both meet in the middle, Colin cupping your cheek while snaking his arm around your waist. God the way his mouth slots over yours is just so perfect.
The ringing of his cellphone cuts through the quiet night.
You groan in frustration. “Noooooo.,” you whine.
Colin huffs in annoyance, pulling back. “I’m so sorry,” he says taking the phone out of his pocket. “Shit, it’s Mare. I should take this.”
Sighing but understanding, you motion for him to go ahead.
Colin answers the phone. “Zabel, here. Yeah, hey, Mare…”
You know work has interrupted your date and you probably won’t be getting to the best part anytime soon. Colin’s face is somber as he listens to his partner.
“Okay, I’ll be there in a few minutes,” he says, giving you an apologetic look. “Bye.”
He hangs up.
“Duty calls?” you ask.
“I’m so sorry,” he says. “She wants me to meet her in an hour. There’s a club we need to check out.”
“An hour, huh?” you ask, lips curling into a smile.
“Yeah. It’s across town so it’s going to take me a—what are you doing?”
You push him so his back bumps into the hood of the car. “You have plenty of time to get there. I want to at least make out a little.”
Colin gives you that lopsided smile before pulling you into another heated kiss. You slide your arms around his neck as his go around your waist, crushing you against his chest. It’s filled with promises and silent wants. Neither of you wants him to go, both of you would love to go inside and pick up where you left off the other day.
But work is work, and you won’t make him feel guilty for doing his job.
Your tongue finds his, deepening the kiss as your fingers dig into the collar of his coat. Colin draws back just enough for his nose to brush yours as he lays several pecks on your lips.
“If I’m not done too late, can I come back?” he asks, voice filled with hope.
“You better.”
His smile widens and he gives you one final, sweeping kiss before gently pushing you back so he’s not pressed against the car.
“I’ll text you,” he promises.
“I’ll be waiting.”
Colin watches you walk up to your door but doesn’t get into his car until you’re safely inside. You wave to him from the door, hoping he’ll come back sooner rather than later. In the meantime, you are going to find the sexiest underwear you own and wait.
Series Taglist: @lejardinfleur​ @spidergirlmcu​ @anonymushhy​ @samsassinparvismagna​ @kitwalker64​ @tatestripedsweater​ @xmaximoffic​ @marshmallow--3​ @stellarbound​ @kais-messiahbaby​ @margaretboothsear​ @slightlyvicked​ @nia-s-not-so-secret-diary​ @liandav​ @billyhxrgrove​ @TheOriginalDoll87
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sugurus-slxt · 4 years
are you tired of this? - Iwaizumi
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Type: angst (happy ending)
Warnings: cursing, mentions of mental illness
Note: Y’all are married in this story and um I’m not so if I mess up well I sincerely apologize
Hope you guys enjoy the story
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thursday [11:15 p.m.]
“I just came home a little late what’s the fucking problem?” He shouted at you for the second time tonight. “I didn’t say there was a problem Haji. I just wanted to know what came up,” you spoke softly trying to keep a calm composure. The truth was your insides were shaking, every possible bad thought that you could think of hurtled at you over and over. You were just worried something had happened to him, your anxiety had calmed since he came home but it seems you had made one wrong move and here you were. “And I already told you the boss needed me to do some extra paperwork to take in some new trainees,” he spoke harshly but a bit calmer than before. He pinched his nose bridge between his fingers. “I’m not having an argument with you right now, forget it. I’m going to shower,” he turned to walk away from you but you grabbed his hand.
He turned to face you, “What!” He exclaimed loudly making you nearly jump out of your skin. “The dinner i-its getting cold… umm do you want me to heat it up?” You asked hoping he’d calm down, but it seems tonight was different he just got even angrier. He grabbed your wrist tightly, “What the fuck do you think? Dammit all you do is worry and cry! Now you don’t even have common sense. Sometimes I wonder why …” he stopped, words dying in his throat. Tear welled in your eyes; it didn’t take a genius to figure out what he was going to say. Forgetting the pain of him squeezing your wrist, you shouted at him for the first time tonight, “Say it! Say it Hajime!” He stood mouth hanging open, not one word. You couldn’t hold back the tears that streamed down your face. There wasn’t one emotion but instead too many, everything you’ve bottled tonight had busted like a dam.
You tore away from his grip, every inch of anxiety, depression, panic, all the emotions were pouring out of you in tears, sobs and every word you cried out next. “What! You don’t know why you married me? Huh? Is that it Iwaizumi? Well I’m so sorry I worry about my husband ok? I’m sorry that I can’t control when I get depressed. I’m sorry that every day I pray for you to return home safe. Tell what else you wonder about me! Tell me!” You pushed him as hard as you could. “Do you really wanna know what I think because I don’t think you can handle it,” he asked in a scarily calm tone. You knew you weren’t prepared for what came next but your emotions clouded your judgement. Neither of you meant anything you said, you knew that. Well you hoped because you know you hadn’t meant any of it. Every fiber in your body loved this man but tonight you weren’t backing down even if it meant you’d get hurt. “Go ahead!” You shouted pushing him again.
“Dammit stop pushing me! I’ll tell you but don’t blame me because you asked for it,” he never backed down. He knew that would be best right now but he didn’t care today was hard and he was just mad that you couldn’t get that. “You cry too much. You worry much. You get things wrong all the damn time. Something as simple as cleaning the house can end up in a disaster. I am always fixing you fucking messes. Not to mention you are so childish. For fucks sake grow up. Sometimes I wonder why I married you yeah ok because I’m so sick of this,” he stopped, he wasn’t shouting but his tone was angry as he belted out everything he though was wrong. “Haji- I,” you didn’t know what to say. Everything had gone numb. You thought that he didn’t mean it, but he seems so serious so calm. It was scary, it was as if he knew he wanted to say this for a while. May he was tired of you, tired of this, was he going to leave you. He continued but his voice softened, “Sometimes I just want to scream. I get off all of my steam hitting that punching bag till it breaks but nothing helps like letting it out but I’m not mad. I really am not. I'm frustrated and I’m tired. So tired angel. So fucking tired” He hung is head looking at the ground and you looked at him but you just couldn’t see him clearly, the tears blurring your vision as you asked the scariest question of them all, “Are you tired of this? Tired of us?”
He just gave out a sad chuckle and you caught it somehow, in the moment you caught it, the tear that fell on the ground. You’ve never seen him cry. This was different for Iwa and you just looked at him as he sat leaned against the wall. You tried drying your tears and went and sat cross-legged next to him on the floor, looking at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. The silence was deafening but it didn’t stay like that for long.  “Tired of this? Yes Tired of us? Never,” he said softly. Your head shot up, “So you’re not leaving?” He turned and wiped the remaining tears from your cheek and smiled with his tear stained face,” I could never leave you” He smiled it was warm and genuine.  
“I wouldn’t rather do any of this with anyone else. Even if we are fighting. It's ok to make mistakes. It's ok to cry. It's ok to be sad, to be worried or to feel to not do anything. I know this isn’t easy for you. In fact I wasn’t even mad at you tonight, I was never mad at you to begin with. It’s just… ” He says cupping your check and stroking it with his thumb. Your wide eyes held anticipation, “T-thank y-you for saying that. And thank you for b-being honest with me. Even if you said it didn’t make you mad, I- I still want to try for you but Haji I know there’s more so p-please tell me,” you pleaded stuttering in between.
He moved his hand from your cheek and rested them on his knees as he turned to look straight ahead. “I was mad at myself because I always seem to mess up. I –I promised to make you happy, keep you safe and healthy but it seems like I always cause your despair or make your bad days worse. I make you cry, I don’t spend enough time with you. Babe you’re a trophy wife but I don’t think I’m you’re trophy husband. Hah maybe I should have let shittykawa have you all those years ago. I’m sure he’d always make you smile. Gosh… that beautiful smile. B-baby I-I’m so… so …sorry,” he broke down sobbing into his hands. You couldn’t believe it, all this time you thought that you were hurting him and always messing up but he was thinking the same. You huddled closer to him placing the words together on you head.
“Now you listen to me and let me finish o-ok H-haji,” he raised his head to look at you, tears still spilling out of his eyes, you bent forward and kissed them away and he smiled just a bit. “I love you. Only you are ok. Sure I cry, sure I worry and yes it’s about you but it’s because I love you. I’m going to do that no matter how the day turns out. God dammit you could be with me and I still worry because I never want to lose you. My depression and anxiety are always going to affect me but I always rest happily at night because you wrap me in your strong arms and tell me just what I need to hear. You make me feel like the most special girl in the world. Not a day goes by that there isn’t at least one happy moment for me and that is because of you Haji. And never give me to Oikawa. I will kill you myself if you do,” both of you giggle a bit, “You are the only one for me. The only one can make me happy. You are perfect for me in every way possible. I love you so much,” your cheeks are flushed and eyes puffy but you smile not because he needs it but because even now you’re happy with him. He bends over pulling you into a tight hug, “Thank you. Thank you. Gosh I love you so much. I’m supposed to be making you feel better but still thank you,” he buries his face in your nape. You whisper, “You already did.”
You both sat there for a bit just enjoying each other’s warm embrace. He finally rises up and lifts you along with him. “Let’s go take a warm shower together. We can eat dinner and maybe watch a movie. Maybe cuddle too. No definitely cuddle I think we need that. Ok with you baby?” He looks down at you for a response, “Of course I’d never say no to cuddles but don’t you have work tomorrow?” You ask heart-warmed by his gestures. “Nope. Not anymore. I’m taking a day off. I’m spending it with you. I’m gonna make you smile all day and we can talk about everything but tonight just enjoy each other,” he said kissing your forehead. “If you’re sure. I’m so lucky to have you. I love you so so much,” you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. His lips molded against yours perfectly, moving in sync. You break the kiss, hiding your red cheeks in his chest. “Hmmm. Six years and years with me and you still get flustered. How cute?” he chuckles to himself. “Hey it’s not my fault my husband is practically a Greek god.” He sets you down and pulls you into a hug, “And yes I’m sure. I’m just as lucky to have you, I love you my goddess.” You both spend the night just bathing in each other’s company and love.  
You guys can leave me suggestions or request. I hope you enjoyed it. :)
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shanitani · 3 years
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👩🏽‍💻: lol did y’all miss me? im still on hiatus for maybe a good two weeks until summer srry<\3. but to make up for it I made this chapter hella long.
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“Damn their water pressure is good.” You mumbled softly, turning off the faucet. The boy had a cleaner bathroom than you had expected, in comparison to the ones in America - he was almost cleaner than yourself. You wiped the fog from the glass admiring your damp face for a moment, fully indulging in the fact that you were really in Japan.  
You slipped on your pajamas, the bottoms hugged at the figure well and unfortunately so did the tank top Mitsuki put out for you. You had no problem wearing it around by yourself, but you had to take into account there was a boy you had never met before living there as well. It didn’t help that Midnight never gave you any descriptions about the boy as well, so it was obvious how high alert you were.
You grabbed your belongings, turning the music down to a soft hum in volume before turning off the bathroom light. The cold air hit your damp warm one before clearing your vision to see the teenage boy you had been wondering about the day you got your acceptance email. You both stared in awe, you took in his muscular arms due to training, the light ruffle of his blonde hair, his mouth fixated in a frown, and his piercing red eyes.
It wasn’t as if he wasn’t looking at you either, your skin glistening under harsh light, your hair lightly tied back with a hair tie, the familiar smell he smelt minutes before now more concentrated and easier to name. He dared not to look at your figure-hugging the waistband of the pajamas, trying to rip his glare away fast enough. He grunts, beginning the doorknob, “You better have had left my bathroom the way you saw it.”
You frowned furring your brows, “Duh I did. And hello to you too.” you scoffed looking down at your phone in an attempt to make the situation less awkward. The blonde boy let out a groaned out “hey” before opening his door, and closing it in the same breath. “Rude ass,” you mumbled under your breath before heading downstairs back to your room. 
“You met him?? TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED” Imani squealed putting her elbows on her crisscrossed legs looking in awe behind the screen. You smiled at her eagerness to know the boy, though you didn’t think he was all that. “Well he’s pretty muscular, um tall, he’s blonde and rude as fuck.” You rolled your eyes at your last sentence as you simultaneously put your belongings in your new backpack for tomorrow.
“Okayyy he could work! You gotta fierce Lil attitude too so it’ll work out fine.” Imani flashed you a smirk - knowing you couldn’t hit her from Japan. “Oh shut up Mani! you know if I was there I’d slap your ass right now.” you pointed your middle finger towards the camera, giving her a nice view of your white acrylic nails. “Exactly why ima act out now rather than next year.” She huffed, turning off her led lights looking back at her best friend. “I’m gonna miss you tomorrow, school’s gonna be so boring.” You whined thinking about the worst scenario known to come. If they were anything like Bakugo, well you were going to be entirely fucked. “I will too. But stop making me sad about it! We gone see each other soon.” Mani kissed the phone foreshadowing a kiss to your cheek, you smiled doing the same motions as her before ending the call and rolling over to fall asleep.
“I better like these people, Nah they better like me....” you shut your eyes, anxious for your first day to start.
The next day came, as Mitsuki dropped you and Bakugou off. You expected him to at the least show you to where you needed to be - but instead he slung his backpack to the side , not giving you a glimpse of attention your way. “One day im gone beat his ass up.” you took a breathe trying to find the dorm rooms, only to be met with a man right in front of you.
“Hi, [L/N] nice to finally meet you.” The tired-looking man shook your hand motioning you into the dorms. “As you know we enroll all students into the dorms for their safety because of accidents that have happened in previous years.” you nodded looking at the huge building with high ceilings and pillars inside. The man showed you around to the necessities like the gym, commons room, the classrooms, and finally to your dorm room. “I forgot to mention, but you probably know me. I’m Aizawa, and I’ll be teaching you along with class 1A. Today we just want you to prepare your dorm room so you can sleep easy tomorrow - I won’t lie to you, it won’t be easy.” he shrugged giving you the keys to your dorm.
You thanked the man before opening the room, as said in the description - the rest of your belongings were stacked to the side of your room along with your mattress to the right of it and a desk to the left. “Might as well put on music.” you thought to yourself, scrolling through the millions of playlists before finally reaching the one you wanted. 
“Yeah, this will take a while.”
Putting on the comforter of the bed, and adding the last of your pictures on the wall; you flopped onto your bed feeling a slight headache arrive. You groaned wiping your forehead, looking out the window to see the sun almost come to a set. “How long do these children work? Seems like their school hours are a whole part-time job.” before you could laugh at your inner joke, you heard the loud door creak open before the kids voiced roamed the hallways.
You shifted uncomfortably on your bed, knowing that they knew you arrived. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to meet them. You just didn’t want to do the same cycle of meeting new friends again - it was a hassle and you were fine with the ones you had in America. You took a deep breath trying to regain your thoughts, “They won’t even know I’m here. It’s alright.” you repeated to yourself trying to make the anxiety slowly creep up disappear. 
“Yeah she’s here now stop asking me about her, you wanna talk to her go right there.” you heard the familiar huffed voice described as Bakugous. You could tell he pointed towards your dorm the way a teenage girl laughed, hearing the footsteps come closer and closer towards your room. “Shit.” you jumped off the bed, fixing your hair making sure to make a good impression no matter who it may be. That’s when the footsteps stopped, and a light knock was met at your door.
you opened the door to a girl squealing, “Hi!” a curly haired girl engulfed you into a hug making you step back giggling at her eagerness, “Hey! your hair smells nice.” you hugged her back, finally stepping back to get a look of her. Her hair was the same color as her skin - pink, that you could only assume was the cause of her quirk. However, she did have black features that made you believe she was Blasian. 
“Mina stop harassing the new girl! it’s only her first day. Hello I’m Momo!” A black haired girl came waving her hand at you, she looked beautiful - you were almost intimidated by her stunning features feeling a tad insecure once side by side. 
“Oh no worries!” you giggled sitting on the edge of your bed motioning for them to come in more. “How’s your first day been?” Mina sat at the other edge of your bed looking at you with huge eyes, “Honestly, kind of boring. also confusing since this place is huge. Way bigger than the schools in America” you motioned towards out your door foreshadowing the commons room.
“America? that’s where you’re from?” Momo chimed in walking towards your desk chair to sit down. You nodded, “Mhm, California.” Mina gasped - “California! You’re so lucky!” you laughed at her bubbly attitude that was a bit similar to your bestfriends at home. “Trust me you wouldn’t want to be there, I’m here for a reason aren’t I” you smirked nudging her shoulder slightly.
“ Wow, How long will you be staying?” “One year.” you shrugged looking off in your dorm window. “Well I hope you love it here, hopefully become a pro.” Momo smiled at you genuinely, and you couldn’t help but fall in love with her persona. Before you could speak again you heard a knock on your door and small murmurs behind your door, Momo opened the door slightly, only hearing a faint “Yall better not embarrass me. I’m serious” before she opened the door all the way to the boys.
“Shut the hell up Momo.” one yellow haired boy lightheartedly says before leaning on your wall and catching your eyes. “Hey! I’m sero and this is Denki. Nice to meet you.” Sero extended his hand to yours to shake, “Wassup Sero, Hi Denki.” you smiled at the other boy.
“Damn, so this is why Bakugo didn’t want to show you off huh.” Denki came closer to you, taking in your features. “Or he just don’t like me” you scoffed thinking about his arrogant characteristics from Sunday. “Well that’s good, less people to compete against.” Denki sat next to you on the edge of your bed fully focused onto you. You smiled taking observations to his flirtatious personality.
No matter Denki giving you his full and undivided attention, Sero caught your eye the moment he walked in the door. You looked Sero up and down, his outfit caught your full attention. He wore the UA uniform required yet paired with grey Jordans and a silver chain dangling from his neck, it was no understatement that he was a very attractive boy. “Why you standing there all quiet, Sero? you obviously came up here for something.” you jokingly stated - trying to start some conversation with the boy.
“Tried to see if you were really what all the hype was about.” He shrugged coming up near you to overpower your figure, your heart raced as he looked down upon you smirking, he knows he fine chile. “They were definitely right.” He smirked looking at you with low eyes.
“Y’all are the most flirtatious boys I know. Swear I can’t take yall no where.” Momo grabbed the two boys by their collard shirts making them groan in displeasure earning a laugh from you - only to make them groan in embarrassement. 
“Bye boys.” you wave them off as Momo literally kicked them out your dorm, before closing it in front of them. “I like you” you pointed to her, making her eyes widen, while her cheeks grew into a blush before smiling. “Now how did you make a better impression than me and I came here first.” Mina flopped onto your bed frowning. “Don’t worry girl I like you too.” you slapped her thigh in a friendly manner.
“Alright you two enough talking, get back to your dorms. You all have a long day tomorrow.” Aizawa yelled through the door with his usual tired voice before shuffling off to his room closing the door. “Guess I’ll see you tommorow [Y/N]!” Mina skipped off towards your door “Yes! see you tomorrow” Momo opened the door looking back once more “Bye boo’s!” you called out before the closed your door.
You turned on your led lights in substitute for the harsh lighting in your dorm, shuffling off into your bed. you looked off onto your wall looking at the pictures you stuck to them, “Damn, I miss you Imani” your hand grazed upon the picture of you and Imani sticking up the middle finger to a flashing camera with your phones in one hand and a red cup in the other - a party you both went to knowing damn well you weren’t supposed to be there.
You turned towards the other way of your bed shutting your eyes - anticipating for the long day ahead of you, and meeting the rest of your class tomorrow morning.
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👩🏽‍💻: y’all fw y/n being bisexual orrr? or do y’all want scandals? tell me now😁
Tag list(send me an ask to be apart of it)
@quincywrites, @fandomsgotmefucked , @lokis-teseract , @racistareversa,@ladybakugouu, @melanin-baddie , @oookore , @bnhathotty, @bleach-your-panties , @shikamaruhairline, @dilfhwa ,@winxme
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Hot Mess
Prompt: Hi, so I really flippin love your writing style and I was wondering if you could write a fic of the sides just flirting(mainly Janus because we all know he's the best flirter) with each other, like in (Un)wanted chapter 1 where Janus was flustering Virgil really badly, that sort of thing. Could be DLAMP or DLAMPR I don't mind. You don't have too I was just wondering... Thanks either way!
First off, thank you so much for the prompt! Second...
Listen. Everything is awful and I don’t understand how flirting works. Ever. Actually, you know what, no. No one understands what flirting is. There have been so many fucking tests run and no one can ever tell who is flirting ever. It’s bullshit. Everything is bullshit and I’ve never understood a damn thing in my entire life and I’m sure as hell not about to start now. So.
That being said, here. 
Read on Ao3
Pairings: yes. LAMP, DLAMP, DLAMPR. 
Warnings: sympathetic janus & remus
Word Count: 5884
If you ask anyone whose fault is it that everyone, for some reason, starting flirting with each other, they’ll blame Janus. Even Janus. He knows what he did. It’s his fault.
Anyway, there are a few things that are a given. Everyone flirts with everyone, with the one exception of Roman and Remus. They’re brothers. It doesn’t work. Anything else is fair game. Are they being serious? Who knows. Probably. Maybe. Keeping anything straight around the Mindscape is complicated enough, for obvious reasons.
 Doesn’t mean there can’t be some level of trying to keep track of what’s bound to happen at some point.
 Patton’s flirting is both the least obvious and the most obvious. It’s super cheesy pick up lines delivered completely genuinely and the sweetest pet-names ever. But the problem is that’s not too different from how he normally is. For some reason, the Dad Coaxing Tone™ is the worst and he knows it. He doesn’t flirt nearly as often as some of the others do and he’s surprisingly sweet about it. It normally just makes them kind of giggly and slightly redder than normal. Always comes with hugs, which is never something to complain about. Cheeky comments and cheeky smiles that leave them second-guessing everything that just happened. And, of course, by the time they’re just about finished wrapping their heads around what just happened, he’s back with another line and here they go again.
 Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
 They should have expected this because his job is romance but fucking hell.
 His way of showing love is through poking fun at things so…all the teasing. All of it. Not just verbal teasing, even though that in itself is enough to make everyone melt into puddles, but he gets close. Like, sneak-up-and-hug-you-from-behind kind of close. Or he’ll just stand really close with a smirk as he teases them, waiting for them to give in and run into his arms. Or he’ll crowd them against the wall. Or the counter. Someone probably dared him to do this—or not, because, again, it’s Roman—but he definitely pinned Logan to the wall and didn’t let up until his grip on Logan’s wrists were the only thing keeping him standing. Also, super gushy pet-names. Like, super gushy. Like Patton, very fond of telling them how cute they are, including asking them why they’re hiding such a cute face, come on, he wants to see how adorable they are. With Janus and Logan, he makes his voice lower, taking advantage of how close that lets him get. Dramatic monologues or sneaking up and dipping them are a must. He goes full Disney Prince and doesn’t let up until they can’t even ramble anymore, smiling down at their bright red cheeks. With the others, he makes his voice very sweet, soft, and gentle. He gets right in their faces so they can’t go anywhere and riles them up until they’re a melted squirmy mess. It’s not uncommon to find someone—normally Patton or Virgil— an absolute puddle with Roman beaming, just twisting them round and round his finger. Merciless and shameless flirt. Roman is the actual worst and they all love him.
  Virgil is affectionately known as The Meme Flirter. No prizes for guessing who came up with that. He picks one nickname for each of them and just peppers it into conversation with a wink and a smirk. The master of timing. He doesn’t need to spend ages winding them up, he just picks the right moment and they’re covering their faces and squirming. Also uses the technique of being close but not close enough to touch. Sometimes he’ll team up with Roman or Logan and just be there all ‘you know he’s right’ when they look to him for help, or engage in conversation with whoever else is flirting about how red they’re getting, or how much they’re squirming. Or he’ll engage in flirt competitions. He’s way more confident about it than they ever anticipate and it always catches them off guard. He keeps an eye on them though, because he knows the others (especially Roman) can get carried away. “You don’t wanna break ‘em, do you?”
 (They do sometimes but shh.)
 For Logan, infodumping is the actual best way of expressing affection and you will not convince him otherwise. He’ll research topics so they can talk about them together if they want but if you think that is it then boy howdy you are wrong. This guy keeps notebooks on the best way to fluster each and every one of the Sides, okay. He knows his shit. He infodumps about them too, phrasing compliments as provable facts. Will pretend to be confused about why they’re getting so flustered, he’s just telling them the truth, why are you so red? It would be convincing if he weren’t purposefully making his voice as low as it can go and smirking. Also a teasy bastard. He will just ask them to do things he knows they can’t help doing when they get flustered, especially with Patton or Janus. He’s asked Janus to squee for him more often than he would like. (Liar.) Or they’ll be protesting and telling them to knock it off and he’ll just point out that ‘no one is holding you. Nor are we blocking any exits. By all means, if you wish to leave, then you may.’ Knowing perfectly well they’re puddles and puddles can’t move. But then ‘oh, you must not want to leave.’ ‘Accidental’ touches make it worse, as well as nonchalantly adding in pet-names. He’s the one who figured out that pet-names make them melt, by the way. Also figured out that firmer touches help ground them, so he offers them a deal sometimes. If they like, they can come and cuddle with him while he flirts. It gives them an excuse to cuddle and a place to hide, but that does mean he’s murmuring right into their ears. It’s a double-edged sword. When he teams up with Roman they are the worst, especially when they agree that it’s necessary to reestablish emotional stability. Or they’re bored, snickering when poor Virgil bolts out of the room from too much blush. Virgil will run away if it gets to be too much, he’s got that built into his whole deal as anxiety, but Janus…forget about it. That team-up definitely has overwhelmed the poor thing multiple times. You can’t freeze with these predators, they’ll eat you alive. They definitely teased and flirted with him until he burst into tears one time, it was…an experience.
 Roman pauses, midway through some dramatic gesture, faltering at the crack in Janus’s voice. Logan glances at him before looking back at Janus, his hands still pressed hard to his face, his shoulders tense. He takes a small step forward and tilts his head.
 He calls his name softly until he lowers his hands, unable to stop the comforting noise when he sees the tears on his cheeks. Beside him, Roman inhales sharply, only to make a noise of protest when he immediately covers his face again.
 “Janus,” he says, dropping the flirty persona immediately, “may I touch you?”
  Please say yes, please.
 He nods. Logan reaches out, gently covering his hands to coax them away, clutching them tightly.
 “Too much?” Janus nods. “My apologies, it was not my intention to overwhelm you.”
 “Nor mine, little snake,” Roman says quietly.
 “I know.”
 “Would you like us to stay,” Logan asks gently, giving his hands a squeeze, “or leave you alone?”
 Janus shuffles, his mouth drawing tight and his hands tensing. Logan is content to wait patiently for him to make up his mind, but Roman seems to have other ideas.
 “Oh dear,” he murmurs, stepping a little closer, “we really overdid it this time, didn’t we, darling?”
 “I said enough,” Janus mumbles.
 “I know, I know, I’m done,” he assures, reaching out to tenderly wipe his cheek, “I promise. Oh, oh you poor thing…”
 “Roman,” Logan chides gently, “I don’t think…”
 He trails off when Janus frees one of his hands, tentatively reaching out for Roman. Roman swoops in, gathering him into a hug so tight his fingers whiten from his grip on him. As Logan watches, Roman tilts his head slightly, beginning to pepper kisses along the side of his face.
 “I don’t understand,” he says quietly, “how…how is this not more overwhelming?”
 “I think you’re going to have to wait to ask him that, Specs,” Roman murmurs, “because I don’t know that either.”
 “Then how did you know it would work?”
 Roman looks up at him, sadness coloring his gaze. “Because a different face told me it would.”
 “I’m right here,” Roman says softly, rocking Janus in his arms, “I’m right here, little snake. I won’t let anything hurt you.”
 Janus all but slumps into Roman’s embrace, his head tucking neatly against his shoulder as he presses more kisses to his face.
 “I have you, alright? I’m not going to hurt you, you know I’m not.” Roman adjusts his grip. “It’s just like we always do, hmm? I rile you up and then you come here and I cuddle you right back down.”
 He pulls back to gently catch another tear with his thumb. “Just pushed a bit too far this time, hmm?”
  I rile you up and cuddle you back down.
  Like we always do.
  I’m not going to hurt you, you know I’m not.
 “I understand,” Logan breathes, “I understand now.”
 “Understand what?”
 “What’s happening.” Logan steps forward, gently resting his hands on the part of Janus’s back not covered by Roman’s arms. “And how I can help.”
 “By all means then,” Roman says, “tell us.”
 “Janus is…not accustomed to receiving compliments,” Logan begins, lightly hushing Janus’s noise of protest.
“It’s true, little snake,” Roman says.
 “Yes, and we will work on that,” Logan promises, “but that does make it easy to blindside or disarm him with comments of that nature. Hence…”
 He motions between the three of them.
 “You’re not used to experiencing affection like this,” he continues softly, “and especially not through flirting or playful teasing, which is why it doesn’t take much effort on our parts to fluster you.”
 Janus makes another noise of protest and he shushes him gently.
 “I’m not trying to tease, Janus, I promise,” he murmurs, “but it doesn’t, does it? It makes you uncomfortable because you don’t understand it, not really, so you don’t know what to expect next. We have not exactly been…forthcoming with affection in the past, have we?”
 Janus nods hesitantly.
 “This, however,” Logan continues, leaning a little more of his weight onto his hands, “is a form of affection you understand very well.”
 He steps a little closer, rubbing firm circles into Janus’s back.
 “You are a very heat-sensitive person,” he says, “and you understand how to give and receive affection in this language, so to speak. When one of us touches you while we are teasing or flirting with you, it heightens the loss of control you feel because it’s something that should be familiar, but it’s being used in an unfamiliar way.”
 “But when it’s like this,” Logan continues, leaning closer, “it’s calming. Grounding. Especially after you’ve just been in a state of higher stress. You know what we mean by it.”
 “When I put my hand on your shoulder or your back,” he murmurs, shifting his weight further onto his hands, “you know it means I’m here, right here, and I’m not going anywhere. When Roman kisses you—“ Logan smiles when Roman uses that as an excuse to press another kiss to Janus’s forehead— “you know it means he cares about you, that he won’t let anything hurt you.”
 “Look at our resident genius over here,” Roman says, leaning over to peck Logan’s cheek too, smirking when it brings a flush to his face, “aww, Logan, feeling left out?”
 “No,” Logan replies stiffly, ignoring the growing smirk on Roman’s face, “and even if I were, we have more pressing matters to deal with.”
 “No, no,” Janus mumbles, “I’m good now, I can leave, it can be Logan’s turn.”
 Roman raises his eyebrows. ‘Are you gonna let that go?’
 Logan will most certainly not.
 “I can assure you,” he rumbles into Janus’s ear, “I am perfectly satisfied with our roles as they currently stand.”
 Roman chuckles when Janus squirms in his grip.
 “After all,” Logan continues, “we have just established that this can be quite the cathartic experience for you, it wouldn’t do at all to interrupt it before it is complete.”
 “Did you just…create a scientific excuse to do this in the name of maintaining emotional stability?”
 Logan smirks. “Perhaps.”
 “You know better than to try and argue with Logan about science,” Roman adds.
 Janus swats at them half-heartedly but doesn’t protest when Roman lets him go a few moments later, pressing one last kiss to his forehead and leaving. Logan taps him gently on the shoulder.
 “Am I correct, Janus?”
 “Yeah,” he mumbles, a little red still on his cheeks, “you’re right.”
 “Good.” Logan reaches out and slides the tissue box closer. “And…thank you.”
 He looks up, confused. “For what?”
 Logan smiles. “For telling us it was too much, and for letting us help.”
 That’s the first time Logan’s able to determine exactly how best to help one of them calm down, especially after one of them is incredibly flustered. The first time he implements it is under…slightly different circumstances.
 He’s not quite sure how Virgil and Roman talked him into playing Truth Or Dare, but here he is, on the couch, Roman sprawled across the floor, Virgil perched on the back. So far he’s had to cover his ears from Roman belting the third Disney medley in an hour and he has several questions for Remus about where his good clipboard is. Then it’s Virgil’s turn again and he picks dare.
 “Are you sure, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance?” Roman asks.
 “Just hit me with it, Princey.”
 Roman taps his fingers against his chin, glancing around. His eyes land on a spot over Logan’s shoulder and he grins. Logan follows his gaze and sees Janus in the kitchen.
 “I dare you,” Roman announced, “to flirt with Patton for two minutes.”
 Virgil snorts. “That’s it?”
 Roman just sweeps his arm dramatically. “Your dare awaits.”
 Virgil shrugs, getting up off the couch and making his way to the kitchen. The instant he’s almost there, Roman scrambles up, jumping onto the couch next to Logan, almost landing on top of him, hooking his chin over the back.
 Logan raises an eyebrow. “Comfortable?”
 “Shush, Pocket Protector,” Roman says, flapping a hand, “and get your timer out.”
 Logan rolls his eyes, checking his watch and watching Virgil lean on the counter, propping his chin on his hand.
 “Hey there, cutie.”
 Patton startles, whirling around to see Virgil. “Hey! Wow, you scared me, uh, yeah, hi there!”
 “Sorry,” Virgil smiles, not sounding the least bit sorry, “can’t help it. You look like a cute little bunny when you’re startled.”
 “Oh, god, not this,” Patton mutters, turning around, his face already starting to flush.
Virgil grins, his tongue between his teeth as Patton tries to go back to what he was doing. “You just make it too easy, cutie.”
 “I do not!”
 The grin turns feral. “Then why don’t you turn around and show me that pretty face?”
 “Nope. No thank you. I’m going to stay over here.”
 “Why, afraid of proving me right?”
 “Then come on, cutie,” Virgil says, tilting his head, “turn around.”
 Patton leans his head back, sighing before turning around and spreading his arms. “Happy?”
 “Mm.” Virgil grins. “You’ve got such pretty eyes, Patton.”
 He stutters, his face already turning red. “Oh my god. Stop!”
 “Can’t help it cutie,” Virgil says, waggling his eyebrows and chuckling when Patton covers his face, “I’ve been dared to do this for two minutes!”
 “Good to know,” Patton squeaks, “that this is only happening because it’s mandatory.”
 “Aw, don’t be like that, cutie, you know I’ll flirt with you anyway.”
 “That is not what I meant!”
 Virgil only laughs harder. “You might wanna pace yourself, cutie, you’ve still got…”
 He trails off, looking at Logan. Logan checks his watch.
 “One minute and twelve seconds.”
 “One minute and twelve seconds left,” Virgil finishes, propping himself back up on the counter, “so…”
 The sight is entertaining, Logan has to admit. Patton goes bright and flushed, his eyes squeezing shut, mumbling little things to himself and trying not to whine every time Virgil opens his mouth.
 “Aw,” Virgil teases when he breaks and tries to bite down on his knuckle, “don’t muffle yourself, cutie.”
 “Goodness, you need to stop.”
 “I want your voice on my playlist, it’s so pretty.”
 “I just said.” Virgil props his chin on his hand again. “It’s so pretty.”
 “No, why are you doing this?”
 Virgil smirks. “Because you’re so pretty.”
 And with that, Patton’s reduced to another blushy panic with plenty of muttered comments and Virgil’s standing there, grinning. It’s refreshing, seeing Virgil so confident, so sure of himself. It looks good on him.
 And, of course, Patton is objectively adorable.
 The scene is so captivating, in fact, that Logan glances down at his watch only to realize the two minutes have expired.
 “Time,” he calls, much to Patton’s relief.
 “Thank goodness.”
 “Aw,” Virgil pouts, “you’ll hurt my feelings, cutie.”
 “Nope. No more.” Patton points a stern finger at him, the effect slightly undone by his pink cheeks and the fact that he’s obviously fighting a smile. “You get out.”
 Virgil just winks and saunters back to the couch.
 “Stellar performance, Dark and Stormy,” Roman declares, giving Virgil a round of applause, “truly excellent.”
 “Well done,” Logan says, “that was quite the display of self-confidence.”
 Virgil just lifts a shoulder and lets it drop. “Eh. Easy dare. My turn now, right?”
 Virgil narrows his eyes, glancing between the two of them. “Princey. Truth or dare?”
 “Dare,” Roman answers immediately, “what kind of prince would I be if I turned down a challenge?”
 Virgil smirks. “Alright, then. You have two minutes to make Patton redder than I did.”
“Virgil,” Logan chides lightly as Roman prances off toward the kitchen.
 “Relax,” Virgil says, settling in to watch, “it’s not like he’s gonna hurt him.”
 “No, he’s just going to fluster him with the end goal of rendering him inarticulate.”
 Virgil smirks. “Exactly. Now shut up and watch.”
 “Oh, Addie,” Roman calls, smirking at the way Patton startles.
 “Oh, um, hey, Roman, um, what do you want?”
 “I just want to talk to you, Patton.”
 “Oh goodness,” Patton mumbles, already covering his face as Roman crowds him against the counter, “don’t say my name like that, that’s really mean!”
 Roman’s eyes gleam. “Dearest, if you wanted me to call you pet names instead, you only had to ask, my sweet, I’m more than happy to oblige.”
 Roman just smirks, bracing his hands on either side of him. “No? Then what should I call you, gorgeous?”
 Any reply is too muffled for Logan to hear. Virgil snickers as Roman sighs dramatically.
 “Fine, I’ll just have to call you by your lovely, lovely name.” He leans forward to try and peer through the gaps in his fingers. “Almost as lovely as you.”
 He chuckles when Patton whines again, spluttering like a fish out of water. “You’re so cute when you’re at a loss for words.”
 “What do you want?”
 “Oh, I was dared to make you redder than Virgil did.”
 “Because you’re absolutely stunning, darling,” Roman answers easily, “and it’s stunningly easy to flirt with you.”
 “It is not!”
 Virgil snorts and Logan raises an eyebrow. Roman’s smirk widens.
 “Of course is it, cutie pie,” he coos, “all I have to do is this.”
 “N-no, don’t do that,” Patton stammers, trying to cover his face with a dish towel, only for Roman to catch his hands and effortlessly pull them out of the way, lacing their fingers together and holding them against the counter.
 “What’s the problem, sweetie?” He gently blows a strand of hair out of Patton’s face. “Is it just that I’m…right here? Talking like this to you? Is that it, honey?”
 “Hmm?” Roman tilts his head. “What’s that, cutie?”
 “It’s not even flirting,” Patton manages, still looking as if he’s trying to sink into the counter.
 “I’m not even saying anything, cutie,” Roman coos, “and there’s nothing I enjoy better than being able to render you speechless like this.”
 Logan has to admit, Roman’s teasing is enough to make him shift on the couch, a slight flush rising unbidden to his face. Judging by the way Virgil starts fiddling with the strings on his hoodie, he’s not immune to it either.
 It really should not be that much of a surprise that Roman is one of the most proficient flirters in the Mindscape. Romance, passion, and desire all fall under his purview. And yet, here they all are, slowly growing more and more flustered.
 “Okay,” Virgil mutters just loud enough for Logan to hear, “Princey’s getting me and he’s not even trying.”
 “I concur.” Logan adjusts his tie and glances at his watch. “Thirty seconds.”
 “Come on.” Roman tugs gently at the towel in Patton’s hands. “You have to show me your cute little face, otherwise I won’t know if the dare’s over yet!”
 He finally manages to get the towel away from him and gasps, quickly reaching out to cup his cheeks before he can cover his face again. “Oh, just look at you, you’re even cuter up close!”
 “Yes, cutie pie?”
 “Let me go!”
 “Go where,” Roman murmurs, pushing Patton gently against the counter, “can you think of anywhere better to be than right here, in my arms, while I tease you silly? Hmm? You’re not even trying to get away, sunshine.”
 Roman chuckles, stepping back, perching his hands on his hips. “What do you think, redder than Virgil’s go?”
 “Hmm,” Virgil hums, leaning over the back of the couch, “dunno. Can’t see his face from here.”
 “I’m mad at you,” Patton mutters, already covering his face.
 “Aw, no,” Roman purrs, “no you aren’t. Come on, gorgeous, if you don’t show us your face, I’ll just have to do it again!”
 “No.” Patton forces his hands down, making Roman chuckle again. Sure enough, his face is beet red, covering his skin with such intensity that for a moment, Logan worries. Then Virgil snorts.
 “Aww, he’s so cute!”
 “I know, isn’t he?”
 “Oh my goodness.”
 “Virgil,” Logan chides lightly.
 “You’re no fun, teach,” Virgil says, waving a hand, but he concedes. “Yeah, alright, Princey. You win.”
 Roman bows, sweeping his hand in a wide arc, before taking one of Patton’s hands and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
 “Thank you, sunshine.” With a wink, he strides back to the couch and sits down triumphantly. “That was fun!”
 His eyes widen when he sees Logan adjust his glasses nervously and Virgil quickly flips up his hood.
 “Don’t tell me that you got flustered too,” he teases, reaching up to poke Logan’s arm.
 “Enough,” Logan says quickly, “your turn to ask.”
 For a moment, he braces himself for Roman to not, indeed, agree, but then Roman simply pouts and tilts his head up.
 “Logan, dare or dare?”
 Logan blinks. “That is not the game, Roman.”
 “Yeah, but you’re the only one who hasn’t done a dare yet, so…” Roman shrugs. “Dare or dare?”
 “It seems pointless for me to choose between two of the same options,” Logan sighs, “but I will select ‘dare.’”
 Roman tilts his head this way and that, considering Logan. Then he grins.
 “I don’t think it’s fair if we leave Logan out,” he says to Virgil, “do you?”
 “Oh, goodness, hasn’t Patton had enough?”
 Virgil narrows his eyes at him. “So you don’t wanna have a turn?”
 Logan fiddles with his watch. “…I didn’t say that.”
 “Marvelous!” Roman claps his hands. “Oh, don’t be so shy, Logan!”
 “We know you’ve got notebooks full of ways to fluster us, L,” Virgil adds, “you’re good at it, okay?”
 Logan is quite proud of his ability to flirt, although how the others know about his research is a worrying question.
 “So,” Roman says cheerfully, “you have two minutes, but you have a harder job than we did.”
 Logan frowns and Roman’s grin widens.
 “You have two minutes to make Patton melt.”
 “Oh, Logan’s screwed,” Virgil chortles, tugging at his hoodie strings, “he’s so wound up right now.”
 Logan gets up, adjusts his tie, and heads for the kitchen, ignoring the way Roman and Virgil scramble up onto the couch to watch.
 Patton’s leaning over the counter, pressing his hand to his forehead. He glances up when Logan enters the kitchen and pauses. Contrary to his previous statement, he doesn’t look upset or angry, simply exhausted.
 “You too, hmm?”
 “I’m afraid so.”
 Patton groans, letting his head drop onto the counter. “Did I do something? Or are you all just bored?”
 “We’re bored,” Virgil shouts, “and you’re cute!”
 “Shh, it’s not your turn anymore!”
 “Shut up, Princey.”
 Logan rolls his eyes fondly, stepping closer. Patton straightens up, waving a hand.
 “Go on. Just get it over with.”
 “And I thought Roman was dramatic,” Logan remarks dryly, “but I am not keeping you here. If you truly wish to leave…”
 He gestures toward the stairs. Patton glances between him and the stairs.
 “By all means,” Logan says, lowering his voice and leaning against the wall to demonstrate he had no intentions of moving, “be my guest.”
 He watches, carefully keeping his face blank, as Patton starts to edge around the counter. He eyes the little bit of space he’s left and he can see the moment he realizes it’s not enough.
 “Okay,” he says, “I’m gonna go now.”
 “I know.” Logan tilts his head and smiles. “I’m not stopping you.”
 He stops out of his reach and stares at the gap again. One more little push, then.
 “You know…” Logan adjusts his glasses and looks Patton up and down. “You do not seem to be particularly…eager to leave, Patton.” He lets the corner of his mouth turn up into a smirk. “Could it be that…you do not wish to leave?”
 Patton takes the bait.
 As soon as Patton gets close enough, Logan hooks his foot around his ankle and blocks his exit, not bothering to hide his smirk this time. “However,” he says quietly, “I do have a task to perform.”
 “You,” Patton mumbles, closing his eyes, “are mean.”
 “Then allow me to make it up to you.” Logan moves, using his weight to push him back into the kitchen. “I have a proposition.”
 Logan smiles, leaning against the counter. “Come here.”
 “That sounds awful.” Logan raises his eyebrows. “…okay, okay, I’m coming.”
 Patton stops in front of him, his arms wrapped protectively around his waist. He does indeed look very cute.
 “Touch can be very grounding for you,” Logan says quietly, careful to keep his voice too low for Roman and Virgil to hear, “so if you like, you may cuddle with me for the duration of the two minutes.”
 “Yes, really.” He holds out one hand, palm up. “Or, you may leave. I won’t stop you this time.”
 He hugs himself tighter, glancing between the stairs and Logan’s hand. He tilts his head.
 “Come here, Patton,” he murmurs.
 He takes his hand.
 He pulls Patton closer, opening his arms and letting him hug him nervously. He hugs him back, creating a little pocket of intimacy apart from the rest of the room.
 “There…” Logan leans down to whisper in his ear. “Isn’t that better? Now you have something to hold onto, something to hide your face, hmm?”
 Patton nods, his face buried in his shoulder.
 The other thing about having Patton in his arms is that he can murmur directly into his ear, which both prevents Roman and Virgil from hearing anything he’s saying and makes flustering him much, much easier. He says as much, smiling when Patton whines and tightens his grip.
 “Do you know what my dare was, Patton?” When he shakes his head, Logan reaches up to gently run his hand through his hair. “It was not, in fact, to fluster you, but to make you melt.”
 “Yes, dear,” Logan smirks when Patton shudders involuntarily. “Do you like the pet names, little one?”
 “Shh,” he murmurs, running his hand through his hair again, “it’s quite alright, dear. Physical affection helps you relax, pet names make you feel cared for. It makes sense.
 “You are a sweetheart. No, no, don’t disagree with me,” he hushes, “you are. You care very much about how you can help other people and you do, sweetheart. It follows that having such affections be returned make you feel good.”
 He tightens his grip, cradling his head against his shoulder. “You feel good right now, don’t you, dear?”
 “Then, truly, how can you blame us for wanting to call you so many?” Logan tilts his head a little more. “You always get so flustered by it.”
 “No, I don’t…”
 “You clearly do,” he purrs, “you’re not hiding it well, dear. I can feel how warm your face is, pressed into me like that.”
 As he speaks, he feels it grow warmer still. He chuckles.
 “Oh, there’s really no need to be so embarrassed, dear,” he murmurs, “it makes complete sense. Hugs have been proven to decrease stress, reduce blood pressure, and increase the production of oxytocin.“ He smirks. “Quite the addictive drug, no?”
 Patton whines and he runs his hand slowly down his spine, pulling his hips against his.
 “You are smaller than me—“
 “—you are, which increases the feeling of protection,” he murmurs, “and safety, and thus you will relax.”
 He draws the word out with deliberate slowness, the end of it turning into a chuckle as he trembles in his hold.
 “That’s it, dear,” he says softly, “relax. Because there’s one more reason you’re going to melt for me.”
 Logan pauses, glancing up to see Roman and Virgil staring at them over the edge of the kitchen counter. He smirks and puts his mouth deliberately close to Patton’s ear.
 “You care for me, don’t you, Patton,” Logan whispers, his breath ghosting over his neck, “you do, don’t you? You care for me.”
 Patton whimpers.
 “Say it, dear,” Logan coaxes, “say you care for me?”
 “…of course I do,” comes the strangled whisper.
 “Of course you do,” he purrs, “of course you do, and here you are…wrapped up in my arms…letting me call you pet names…letting you hide your blush in the crook of  my neck…”
 He shifts one last time, making sure Roman and Virgil can see. Raising his voice slightly, he cups the back of Patton’s head protectively. He glances at his watch.
 “Ready?” He threads his fingers through the baby hairs on the back of Patton’s neck.
 “One…two…three, melt for me, dear.”
 The two minutes run out just as Patton whines and melts into a blushing little puddle in Logan’s arms.
 “Holy shit,” Logan hears Virgil mutter, “he fucking did it.”
 “I’m never underestimating him again.” Roman throws his hands up. “He did it in two minutes.”
 He tightens his grip, his nails scratching the back of his neck. “Good job, dear.”
 And if it makes him shudder and lean into him a little more, well, that’s just something else to add to the notebook.
 It’s cathartic; he can wind them up, make them all flustered, and then open his arms and cuddle them right back down, give them the reassurance of getting all worked up in a safe environment where nothing’s really gonna hurt them. Plus, if they’re too tired to protest when he peppers kisses all over them, that’s just a bonus.
 Janus—the one whose fault this is—is classic spy movie seduction. Textbook. His silver-tongue makes compliments as smooth as his scales and subtle touches that make their heads spin. Pet names, snarky comments, teasing, the lot of it. He knows they have a thing for his voice. All he has to do most of the time is get close and purr and they’re putty in his hands. Sometimes he’ll stay further away where they have nowhere to hide and just watch them squirm. Sometimes he just has to look at them a certain way and they’re gone. He is the embodiment of using the business end of your weapon to homo-erotically tilt up your opponent’s chin. Rivals Roman for how easy it is for him to make them flustered, but unlike Roman, with him, it’s a toss-up. He knows he’s a lot, and odds are, if he’s going to flirt with them, it’s more likely to be for the catharsis reason and less because they’re fun to play with. (Even though they are.) So, if he’s not having a competition with another Side or in a playful mood, he’s much gentler about it than Roman is, he’ll stop a lot sooner or pull them into his lap for cuddles. Or, like Remus, he’ll just touch them, let them hide their face in the crook of his neck, and just run his hands over them. It’s a perfect combination of grounding and flustering. Plus, warmth is good for snakes and there’s nothing warmer than a bright, flushed, flustered face. Totally doesn’t fluster people on purpose to steal their body heat.
 Remus is by far the only side where his approaches are completely different depending on who it is. Virgil is flustered very easily by his innuendos and everything, the more audacious, the better. Sometimes it resorts to the two of them having a flirt-off, the loser hiding their face while the victor cackles. Or Remus will make something that totally isn’t an innuendo into one and Virgil’s gone. For Logan, often he’ll just find him and tackle him onto the nearest surface, flopping down on top of him like a cat and listening as Patton starts verbally vomiting as he gets redder and redder. But overt sexual references make Patton and Janus really really uncomfortable, so it’s the bad kind of flustered. Instead, he’ll just find them and cuddle them and loudly explain how they are in fact the best cuddler. He finds how embarrassed they get very amusing. And if it has the side effect of summoning everyone else to a cuddle pile both because of the outrageous idea that anyone is better at cuddling than them and also free cuddles, well. Oops.
 So yeah. It’s a fucking mess.
 At least it’s a hot mess, right?
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atlafan · 4 years
She Doesn’t Like Him
Hello! This is my entry for @majorharry‘s 20K fic celebration! This was such a fun idea, and I decided to use a few of the prompts to help move the story along. “I know you’re busy, but…can we talk?” “I’m pretty good at minding my own business. You should try it sometime.” “I—I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” “Cover up, please.” and “Well, maybe I don’t want to just be your friend.” I didn’t put any smut in this, for once in my life, I didn’t know who would end up reading this, so I wanted to keep it a little more tame than I usually do. Plus, who doesn’t love fluff, right? Hope you enjoy! This is an office worker!Harry AU. 
Warnings: angst and fluff
Words: 4.4K
Harry got along great with all of his coworkers, well, almost all of them. For some reason or another, he just couldn’t crack Y/N’s code. She was short with him, barely ever looked at him, and if she did, the eye contact was minimal. She’d look at his forehead or nose. He wasn’t sure if did something to piss her off, or what. No one else was bothered by him. Harry was one of those guys that could usually look on the Bright-side, find a silver lining, and everyone appreciated that about him. Once in a while if he said something optimistic in meeting, he would catch Y/N rolling her eyes or shaking her head.
The really interesting thing was that Y/N was nice to literally every single other person in the office. She was bubbly and personable. Harry just brought out this unpleasant side to her, and she hadn’t even noticed she was acting that way until he finally worked up the courage to bring it up. Harry didn’t want to work in a hostile environment, and he thought it was best to go straight to the source before talking with his supervisor about it. One afternoon he decides to knock on her door.
“Come in!” She says, not looking up from her computer.
“Hey.” He says as he slips inside. “I know you’re busy, but…can we talk?”  
She looks up from her computer with a scowl on her face. She sighs heavily and gestures for him to sit. He does so and looks at her, waiting for her undivided attention.
“Sorry, just let me get this email out.” She says as she types even faster than she was. Once she clicks send, she turns her body so she’s fully facing Harry. “What’s up?”
“I’m just going to be blunt…do you have a problem with me?”
“What? Of course not, why?”
“It’s just…I feel like every time I’m around, you flip a switch. It’s like you don’t like me or something…”
“Oh.” She blushes slightly out of embarrassment.
“In fact, I think this is the most you’ve ever even looked at me.” He frowns. “If I did something…I don’t know what it could have been…but would you tell me?”
“Harry, I’m so sorry…I think I’ve been a bit rude…subconsciously.” She bites her bottom lip and looks away. “I’ve been dealing with a lot lately, and I’ve been taking it out on you, which is wrong, and unprofessional.”
“To be fair, you’ve been like this with me since we’ve both been here. I don’t think you’ve ever even smiled at me.”
“Do I need to smile because I’m a woman, or are you someone that just needs the validation?” Harry’s mouth falls open. “I see you, Harry. You float through this halls, bounce from office to office, cracking jokes. It makes me wonder when you actually ever get any work done.” She leans forward and rests her chin on her palm.
“You’re not like this with everyone…just with me.”
“I apologize if I’ve been cold towards you, really I am. I’ll try not to be, okay?”
“Just like that?”
“Just like that.” She graces him with a weak smile.
“I hope you don’t just think I’m a goof off, I really do work hard.”
“I’m sure in your own way you do.” She sighs and turns her attention back to her computer. “Are we done, I got about fifteen emails alone just from sitting here with you.”
“Um…yeah, we’re done…thanks for the chat.”
“Anytime.” She says without looking at him.
He leaves her office and closes the door behind him. What she said was starting to seep in. Did others see him as lazy or a clown? Harry worked really hard, so what if he would go chat with others when he needed a break? He also wondered what it was she was dealing with. He hoped she wasn’t alone with whatever it was. He was no stranger to therapy. Harry saw someone once a month or more if he needed it. Once he’s back in his own office he sits down and looks out the window. At least she said she would try to be nicer.
Y/N’s version of being nicer, was avoiding Harry at all costs, which he hated. He was a people person, and it killed him when people didn’t like him. He knew it was stupid to think that way, but that’s anxiety. He saw her in the break-room, grabbing her lunch out of the fridge. He decided to spark up a conversation. He thought maybe she would like him more if she got to know him better.
“Hi, Y/N.”
“Hello.” She says, putting her container into the microwave.
“How was your weekend?”
“Fine.” She wasn’t looking at him.
“That’s good.” He stands up and walks over to her. “I went to the movies with one of my best mates, haven’t seen him in a while. Have you seen any good movies lately? I like going when I can. Sometimes a few of us from here go, maybe you could-“
“You know something?” She looks at him now, just as her food is finishing. “I’m pretty good at minding my own business. You should try it sometime.” She snatches her food, and brushes by him as she walks out.
Harry sighs heavily and runs a hand through his hair as he watches her leave. A couple of other colleagues walk in to have their lunches.
“Harry! Haven’t seen you all day.” Lora pouts. “Come sit with us.”
“Think I just lost my appetite.” He frowns.
“What’s wrong?” Amy asks, as she sits down. Harry sits with her and Lora.
“It’s Y/N. She hates me.”
“Y/N?!” They say at the same time.
“Y/N doesn’t hate anyone.” Lora says. “She’s way too nice to hate anyone.”
“Well, apparently she’s nice to everyone but me.”
“Have you tried talking to her?” Amy asks.
“Yeah, we spoke Friday, and she said she’d try to be nicer to me, but…she just snapped at me out of nowhere.”
The women look at each other. They knew Y/N for a while now, they never really noticed her attitude towards Harry, but now that he was bringing it up, things were starting to click.
“Is it because I’m one of the few guys here?”
“No.” Lora squeezes Harry’s forearm. “She likes men plenty. I’m sure things will get better. She really is lovely.”
Harry felt better after speaking with the ladies at lunch. He usually enjoyed gossiping with them as it was, but it was nice to be able to vent a little. He was standing at his desk, rocking out to some music, working on some data when Y/N stormed into his office and slammed the door shut. It startles him, and he pauses his music immediately. She was fuming.
“Y/N, is everything-“
“Stop, just stop!” She charges towards him. “I told you to mind your own business, didn’t I?”
“Y, yeah you did…”
“So what do you do? You run off to Amy and Lora, your little mother hens to tell them I haven’t been all that nice to you. I stay away from you, I keep it professional, I do not to be your best friend.” She crosses her arms.
“I never said we needed to be best friends, I just wanna know why you’re literally nice to everyone here but me.”
“I’m getting divorced!”
“I—I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“Of course you didn’t! Because I didn’t want you or anyone else to know! But now, I just had to explain to them why I’ve been a little pissy towards you. You wanna get to know me, Harry?! Wanna know why we’re getting divorced?! My husband, whom I’ve known for ten years, my best friend in the entire world is gay. He’s just come to terms with his sexuality, and I have to be okay with it and support him! It’s not that I’m not, I’m very happy for him. He’s free and open to live his life as he wants to now, but now I’m left to pick up the pieces. I want to hate him, but I can’t!” Tears were welling up in his eyes. “I almost wish he had just cheated on me or something, but no, he’s gay. And you know what my family had to say about it? All they said was how stupid I was. How could I not have known? Obviously I didn’t know! If I did, I wouldn’t have married him after three years of dating! He feels terrible of course, but he’s been too busy going out and meeting men to notice or care that I’m crumbling from the inside. So you’ll have to excuse me that I’m not jumping at the chance to laugh at one of your stupid fucking jokes!”
Harry stood there stunned as she stood there catching her breath. It was clear she had been bottling all of this up. He felt terrible for her. There was a lot of turmoil going through her. He wanted ask what all of this had to do with him, but maybe he could get to the bottom of that later.
“Let’s get a drink after work.”
“What?! Are you crazy? What makes you think I would possibly want to go anywhere with you?”
“Y/N.” He sighs. “Swallow some pride and let me take you out for a drink after work. You seem like you need to let out some steam, and if I need to be the target, I’d like to have a shot in front of me.”
It was the most adult thing Y/N ever heard Harry say. He was actually being serious.
After work the two decide to meet at a local pub. They sit down at the bar, and Harry orders two shots of Jameson. They clink their glasses and take the shots.
“You know, I actually think I needed this.” She smirks at the empty small glass, and Harry orders two more.
“So…no judgement or anything, but walk me through your marriage.”
“Well, we met when we were freshmen in college, and became fast friends. He was my best immediately. We were always together, and then one day he kissed me. I was actually dating someone else at the time, so he apologized and said it was because he was drunk.” She shrugs. “My boyfriend and I at the time ended up breaking, up and that was when he and I got together. We were together for a few years before we got married. We’ve only been married a year.” She sighs and takes her next shot. “Keep ‘em coming.” She tells the bartender.
“How did he tell you?”
“He made me this really nice dinner.” She smiles and then her eyes well up. “I thought he was going to tell me he was finally ready to start trying for kids, but…I was wrong. He told me that…I basically kept him alive, that I was the only person that could make him smile, but something was missing. He grew up in a really conservative home, and even when he went to college he still had so much repressed. He told me he wanted to be with men. He didn’t cheat on me or anything, he said he’d never hurt me like that, but he works with a few gay men, and he was talking to them more and more. Things sort of clicked for him one day. We just finalized the paperwork over the weekend, and on Friday I have to leave work early to go meet with our lawyers to finalize things.” Her voice cracks. “We have to sell our house, and I haven’t figured out where I’m gonna go yet. It all still doesn’t feel real.”
“I’m so sorry, that’s a really tough situation.”
“It’s been so weird, packing up all our memories. And I honestly couldn’t tell! Whenever we…well…you know…he was always very passionate.” She blushes and wipes a few tears away. “We have a glass of wine each night as we pack things up. Sometimes we laugh and other times it’s just silent. He feels terrible, and I’ve been trying not to make him feel more guilty.”
“Where’s he going?”
“He found some guys to move in with…in a different part of the city.” She sighs. “I suppose it’s better to not have brought a child into it.”
“Can I ask…why you’ve been taking things out on me?”
“You…you’re just like him.” She looks away. “Not physically, but you have the same exact sense of humor. I picked up on it early on, and maybe at first I liked it, but when things started to go wrong you just started to piss me off. That, and you’d always be so cheery. It was annoying…” She takes another shot and so does he. “I’m sorry, Harry. It was a stupid reason not to be nice to you and to be nice to everyone else.”
“You’re going through a lot, I understand.” He puts a hand on her shoulder. “I’m going to tell you something I’ve never told anyone else.” She looks at him. “I see a therapist once a month. I have my own issues. She’s amazing. I could give you her card, you need someone to talk all this through with.”
“I suppose you’re right.” She sighs. “Talking to you has made me feel a little better…guess talking with a stranger is good.”
“Hey, I’m not a total stranger. Despite your bad attitude we do work well together.” He grins.
“Don’t push it.” She smiles and shakes her head. “This was much needed. I didn’t know Jameson could go down so smoothly.” She was starting to slur her words.
“So, you said you weren’t sure where you were going to live?”
“I’ve been looking at some apartment, but I’m bummed. I’ve really liked living in a house. Maybe I could rent a detached condo or something.”
“This may sound a bit forward, but I actually rent a house. It’s a rent to own situation. It’s spacious, and I could honestly use a roommate.”
“Harry, you’re not seriously asking me to move in with you.”
“You’d have your own bathroom. We’d just be sharing the kitchen and laundry…and the living room, oh, and I guess the-“
“Why are you being so nice to me? I’ve been so awful, and-“
“Because I’m a firm believer in treating people with kindness. Plus, I wouldn’t mind my monthly payments going down. You’re used to living with a guy too, shouldn’t be too weird for you.”
“I haven’t agreed to anything yet.”
“Sure you have.” He smiles. “You’re sure as hell not going to move in with anyone else from work. And I can only guess your parents have offered, but that’s not an option for you is it.”
“Dear god.” She pinches the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger.
“Let me know when you can move, I’m more than happy to help.”
Y/N couldn’t believe that she was moving in with Harry, but she really had no other choice. She sure as shit wasn’t going to move in with her parents, and all of her close friends were married with kids. She couldn’t afford to live on her own, nor would she want to. Much like Harry, she was a people person. She’d go crazy if she lived alone.
Harry helped her move and everything. Got her things settled, explained how the washer and dryer worked, as if she didn’t already know, and he explained how he liked things organized in the fridge. She thought it was interesting how particular he was. She even started seeing the therapist he recommended, and she was doing better. She kept in touch with her ex-husband, but she told him they needed some time apart. She needed time to fall out of love with him.
Y/N and Harry were having a ball at work now, and it made him so happy. They had way more in common than she thought, and she loved getting to gossip with him after work in their now shared home. Things weren’t even awkward! She was grateful she had her own bathroom, and they both seemed to be on different laundry schedules. One night she was sitting in her room, watching some TV when she spilled some soda on her shirt.
“Oh, shit.” She groans. She peels the shirt off, and puts on a new one. She puts her robe on and heads down to the laundry room. She stops short when she sees Harry in there, only in a pair of boxers, tight boxers. “Cover up, please.” She says as she turns away.
“Y/N!” He practically shrieks. “I’m so sorry!” He snatches some sweatpants and a t-shirt and puts them on right away. “I’m decent.” She turns back around to look at him. “Sorry about that. You don’t usually do your laundry at this time.”
“I know, I, uh, spilled and, um…”
“Oh, let me take a look at that.” He takes the shirt from her. “I’ve got some stain fighter, I can throw this in with my next load if you want.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m already putting some stuff in, not a problem.”
He smiles at her and sprays some of the stain fighter on the spot before tossing it in with his things. He presses the button and sits up on top of the dryer, grabbing his book.
“Do you always just sit in here? It’s not like you’re in an apartment building.” She smirks.
“Old habit, I suppose. To be honest the sounds of the machines are sort of calming, and it gives me a chance to catch up on my reading.”
“Oh.” She nods.
“Does that need to be hung up or can it go in the dryer?”
“It can just go in the dryer, it’s a bed shirt.”
“You were getting ready for bed?”
“I was just hanging out, watching TV.”
“You should watch TV with me more. We eat dinner together.”
“Yeah, and then I like having time to wind down, just be with myself, you know?”
“Oh, right, yeah.”
“But I like knowing you’re in the house.”
He smiles at her and puts his glasses on, opening his book to where he had dog-eared it. She thanks him again for washing his shirt, and that was that. When she gets back up to her room she tries not to feel flustered when she thinks about the small glimpse she got of his body. He was littered with tattoos, and she had absolutely no idea. Sure, she had seen the ones on his arms, but on his torso? His thigh? Y/N always liked tattoos. She didn’t have any of her own, but she really liked them on men, for some reason.
The next morning, her shirt was folded on top of the dryer. She smiles and brings it up to her room to put away. Sometimes in the morning, Y/N could faintly hear Harry singing in his shower. He sang everything, nothing was off limits. Sometimes it was Gary Pucket and the Union Gap, and other times it was The Backstreet Boys. After living together for a few months, she noticed he would sing certain songs depending on his mood. Lately, they had all been love songs. She wondered if a new woman had come into his life. It made her happy to know Harry was happy.
She was making some scrambled eggs in the frypan when he comes downstairs. He was still humming whatever song he was singing before.
“Want some eggs?” She asks.
“That’d be great, thanks.” He smiles at her. “What’s your Saturday look like?”
“Just hanging out for a bit, and then…well…I don’t know. I’ve been invited to a party tonight, but I’m not sure if I want to go.”
“Why not?”
“It’s at Dave’s…”
“You’ve started speaking more?”
“We have.” She nods and scoops some eggs onto a plate for him. “I miss him, he was my best friend. Him and his roommates are having a big party, and he really wants me to come. I just don’t know if I could walk in there alone.”
“Hello!” He waves to her. “I love parties, I’ll go with you.” He sticks his fork into the eggs and takes a bite. “Delicious as always.”
“Thanks, and…you don’t already have plans?”
“Not really.” He shrugs. She doesn’t quite believe him.
“You really wanna go?”
“I do.” He smiles. “It’ll be fun.” He looks down at his chipped nails. “Should probably fix these up.”
Y/N giggles to herself as she watches Harry walk away. He could get frantic when he needed to go somewhere. She found his little quarks to be charming. Whatever woman was now in his life was a lucky lady.
“You look really nice by the way.” He says on the drive there. She was wearing a black dress, nothing special, she thought.
“Thanks.” Her leg was shaking. His large hand reaches for her knee.
“Are you nervous?”
“A little.”
“You can hold my hand the entire time if you want.”
“You’re the best, Harry, thank you.”
Once they get to Dave’s she takes a deep breath, and they go inside.
“Y/N!” He practically says in tears, kissing her on the cheek. “You look wonderful. I’m so glad you came.” He straightens up when he sees Harry. “And who is this?”
“I’m Harry.” He smiles and shakes Dave’s hand. “We live together.”
“Oh?” He smiles and Y/N and gives a wink.
“It’s not what you think.” She chuckles. “Come on.” She loops her arm through his. “I need some wine.”
Dave leads her into the house and introduces her to the new people in his life. After a couple of glasses of wine she felt perfectly fine. Her and Dave were laughing like old times. Harry was mingling with the other people. He would glance over at Y/N to make sure she was alright. The house was packed with people, and he sort of wanted to get her alone. He notices that she’s gone out on the balcony for some air, so he follows her.
“Hey, stranger.” He says to her.
“Sorry, I left you completely alone in there.”
“No problem, found plenty of people to talk to. Although, I have to admit, I really like talking to you.”
“I like talking to you too.” She smiles. “Now that I’ve had some liquid courage, I have to ask, who is it?”
“Who’s who?” He chuckles.
“The girl you’re madly in love with.”
“Wh…what are you talking about?”
“I hear you singing in the mornings, you’re repertoire has been nothing but love songs lately. So, who’s the lucky lady?”
“Oh, Y/N.” Harry shakes his head. “There’s no one new.” She looks at him confused.
“Then why all the love songs?”
“I’m definitely in love, you were right about that, but I haven’t met anyone.” He steps closer to her and takes one if her hands in his. Her heart nearly stopped.
“We’re friends.”
“Well, maybe I don’t want to just be your friend.”
“How…I mean…when did you start feeling this way?”
“A month ago.” He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “We were so in sync when you first moved in, it was great. Then one morning you made extra toast and bacon and eggs. You just…made me breakfast, out of nowhere. It was so nice. I was really happy that you had started being nicer to me, and then I just realized that you in general made me happy.” He uses his free hand, that wasn’t squeezing hers, to tuck some hair behind her ear. “You don’t have to feel the same way, maybe it’s just some silly crush, but I think you’re really special. You’ve been through a lot, and Dave’s really lucky to have your heart. I guess I’m just hoping you’re ready to give it to someone else.”
“Oh, Harry.”
She wraps her arms around him, and he does the same with her. They hold each other close for a little while.
“You have so much love in your own heart, and you really want to give it to me?” She asks.
“I do, if you’ll let me.”
“I think I could be open to it. I’ve been so happy living with you. To think I used to be so mean.” She pouts up at him , and he thinks it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen. “Would you kiss me?”
“You want me to?”
He smiles and leans down. His nose brushes against hers before their lips meet. She tasted like the wine she had been sipping on, and he didn’t mind one bit. Her hands tugged at his hips to pull him closer. His lips were soft, and she wanted more. He cups one of her cheeks to deepen the kiss. His tongue swipes along her bottom lip, and she opens up for him. At first maybe just to take a breath, but when he licks into her mouth, she’s not mad about it. Her tongue meets his, only for a moment, before she pulls away. She smiles up at him, and he’s beaming down at her.
“And to think I didn’t want to come tonight.” She laughs.
“We would have kissed eventually, I’m sure of it.” He grins and she swats a hand at his chest.
“Oh, shut up, and order our uber.”
“You wanna go so soon?”
“Hmm, stay here or go home and make out?” She holds up both of her hands as if she has weights in them. “Seems like the latter wins.”
Harry laughs and kisses her cheek. They both go back inside and say goodbye to everyone. They get into the uber and head home. Y/N felt really lucky. Over the last few months she’s been able to get to know Harry really well. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t like him. She had no idea he had these feelings for her, but she was delighted it was her he was singing about. Even though going through a divorce sucked, and she had to grieve over her long gone relationship with Dave, he was living his best life, and now, so was she. Y/N didn’t know what the future would hold with Harry, but she was starting to believe that everything happened for a reason. As he pulled her closer to his side and kissed the top of her head in the car, she knew that everything in her adult life was leading her to him.
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star-killer-md · 4 years
Actus Reus, Mens Rea
@contesa-lui-alucard asked:
Hey hey happy sleepover my friend!! If it’s alright with you, I have two prompts from the Smut list that I’d love to see you combine for... mob Kylo and lawyer reader! Oh snap!! 15 & 37, if you please. If not, no worries, I still hope you have an awesome sleepover 😁 (“Make it hurt, baby.” + “Lay back and touch yourself. I want to watch.”)
Anon asked:
hello, may i request clingy/possessive kylo,, thank you
Thank you lovlies for your requests and sorry from the bottom of my depressed ass heart that it took me so fucking long. Anyway here ya go, hope you enjoy some mobster Kylo deliciousness. I’m so excited you liked him Contesa, and I hope you’re into it as well too nonny! Sorry it got long, I truly have no control over that. 
And thank you so much to @sacklersdoll for reading over this for me!
Word Count: 4.4k
Warnings: Angst (its me), Smut (its me), mentions of predator/prey dynamic (mostly as metaphor), possessive Kylo Ren, semi-public sex, no pronouns for the reader by they are afab, dominant Kylo Ren, some brat vibes, Kylo Ren is not nice, allusions to guns, some sorta stalking behavior
Ship: Mob Boss!Kylo Ren x Lawyer!Reader
Summary: You’ve started to take on some pro bono clients as a favor to a friend and Kylo Ren is Not A Fan™ of all the attention this guy has been paying you. After a few months of consulting on the side, you’re beginning to wonder if life working for a mob boss is something you’re really cut out for. Though you quickly learn that you very well may have passed the point of no return when Kylo shows up at your office to remind you just who exactly you work for. 
“I really can’t thank you enough.”
You shook the woman’s hands and returned her smile. Her son stayed quiet, looking at the ground, but mumbled his thanks as well. He was a good kid. Just pissed off the wrong neighbor. One of those ‘get off my lawn,’ ‘good ole American dream’ types who thought welfare was a sign of the devil, and had it out for everyone in the lower tax brackets. 
“Really, it’s no problem,” you walked them to the door, leaving her your business card. “I’ll see you both at the courthouse on Monday.” 
Evan was waiting in your office when you returned. His patent leather shoes rested precariously on the corner of your desk and you knocked them off with a huff. 
“See you’ve made yourself at home,” you said, crossing your arms and staring down at him in your chair. 
He shrugged and stood under your scrutiny, moving around to take the seat across from you. Evan Goodman was an old friend from undergrad. You often got the impression he was still that same cocky frat boy in the head. Still flashed the ‘my daddy has more money than you’ smile on occasion when he really wanted to get under your skin. With his slicked back hair, unnervingly straight teeth, and his annoying prosperity despite never putting in much effort it was somewhat shocking the two still spoke. He was simply not the type of person who had ever needed to try. Success came naturally to him, and much to your dismay.
“What can I say? You’re a very gracious host,” he mused and leaned forward on the desk. “So, how did it go?”
You sighed, “They’ll be alright, might get saddled with a fine but the charges aren’t that serious.” 
“Good, Rosa’s an old friend. I would have helped her out myself, but not really my deal ya know?”
“Yeah, Mr. Tax Attorney, I get it.” 
Evan was kind of a dick, but he was also the kind of friend who would sit on the bathroom floor with you, hold your hair back and sing horrendous parody versions of ABBA no matter who heard. So you couldn’t hate him entirely. That also meant that when he came to you with cases like this, a favor for a friend or whatever the situation may be, you had a hard time refusing. 
It was also a convenient front for you not-so-legal legal work you’d been invested in for the past few months.
“Seriously, I know I’ve been asking a lot of you recently,” he flashed you that god awful grin and kicked his feet up again. “You can tell me to fuck off if it’s too much.” 
He had been coming to you for pro bono work with increasing frequency, especially over the past month or so, but again, you didn’t wholly mind it. You went into this kind of work for a reason. Though, you were starting to get the feeling that a certain, brooding, less than lawfully abiding businessman did not feel the same. 
Kylo Ren dealt frequently with the shady, black market underbelly of capitalist society, but you were less accustomed to his world and not completely ready to throw yourself to the hounds just yet.
You had already missed more than a few meetings and canceled on dinner tonight to meet with Rosa. To be fair, it wasn’t as if he’d made any indication this ill-defined whatever-it-was going on between the two of you was anything serious. And you were only his consultant, for now, so this took precedent anyway. At least that’s what you tried to convince yourself of. Definitely not a way to avoid thinking about fucking your boss who also happened to be in with the mob. 
Definitely not.  
“I wouldn’t have agreed to help if I couldn’t manage it,” you yawned softly and stood to collect your things. 
It was late and you were beginning to fantasize about how soft and warm your sheets would be. If you got back in time you could pop them in the dryer and get in an episode or two before bed. 
“Hey, let me at least buy you dinner or something since I kept you out so late,” Evan parked his skinny frame in your path to the doorway. 
“You’re going to apologize for keeping me out late, by keeping me out even later?”
“Do you want free food or not?”
Pursing your lips, you stared at him for a few moments. He really did know all your weaknesses. You had skipped out on meeting with Mr. Ren—or Kylo or sir or whatever the hell you were supposed to call him now—already tonight, however, Evan was sure to take you somewhere nice and it wouldn’t be so morally repugnant if it was just as a ‘thank you….’
“Okay, fine,” you conceded and let him lead you out to the parking garage, locking the office up behind you. 
The next morning you stumbled past reception in a haze. Both from lack of sleep, and the bitingly cold winds battering your building despite the neighboring high rises blocking the brunt of the gale. The young woman at the desk informed you tersely that a Mr. Goodman was already waiting for you in your office and that you should really get here on time if you were expecting clients this early. 
You agreed that, yes you probably should but, you know, “trains and all that mess,” and tried not to judge her too harshly. After all, she was the barrier between you and the hundreds of calls this place received daily. 
Before slipping through the door with your name plate, you hung your coat on the rack and switched your phone on. It’d died on you last night amidst the allure of fancy, late night dinner and your sleep deprivation riddled brain had not cared enough to plug it in before bed. Fuck Amazon, but thank god for its speedy delivery of portable charges. 
You chewed your lip as the lock screen came to life. One missed call and a text. Both, of course from the most anxiety inducing sender, Kylo Ren. Because why would it be anyone else? His name menacing even typed out in standard black font. 
The text read:
Meet me at 8am.
It was very much like him—a command with punctuation and absolutely no details. The message receipt showed it was sent two hours ago, and it was already half past eight. Shit. Your fingers shook as you pulled up his contact and called. Every interaction left you coursing with adrenaline. Even now, miles away listening to the dial tone was nerve-wracking. Your heart pounded, hands slick in their grip on your phone. Maybe it was because you were never sure where you stood with him. Maybe it was because he was handsome and he knew it. Strong and he knew it. Intimidating and mysterious and closer in some ways to a Greek god than a man. He was all encompassing, and filled every available space in any room he occupied. 
Sometimes you thought you might choke on his presence. 
It rang once, twice, three times before cutting out completely. You stared down at the blank screen, biting your lip and shooting off a quick text. You were sorry, something important had come up, you would meet him the second it was convenient. 
Evan slapped you heartily on the back when you came into the room. He was holding a bouquet of flowers, evergreen with small white blossoms. 
“So, how many hours did you manage last night?” he asked, smiling his shit eating smile and seemingly unaffected despite the fact that he had to be running on just as little sleep as you.  
“I’m not even sure at this point,” you groaned as you tossed your bags down behind the little metal desk. “Time ceases to exist when you take trains past midnight.”
“Fair enough. Hey look,” Evan waved the greenery in your face, “courtesy of Rosa’s shop. She insisted I bring you something as thanks. I figured you could put them out in the front or something to brighten things up.” 
“They’re lovely. Please tell me you’re only here as a glorified delivery boy.”
His shoulders slumped at your lack of amusement, but before he could quip back the landline in your office rang. You answered, holding a finger towards Evan and leaning against the edge of the desk. It was the receptionist, Jess was her name? Maybe? You could never remember, someone else always addressed the holiday gift cards anyway. 
“There’s someone here to see you at the front desk,” she clipped, almost more exasperated than before. 
You told her you’d be right there and hung up. Evan grabbed his coat as you headed out, holding the door for you and following into the hall. 
“I’ll leave you to it if you’re busy, but give me a call after Monday and tell me how it goes,” he continued rambling as you came out into the front.
You had a smart comeback prepared, something about how simple the case was, he should have more faith in you, he was the reason you were busy in the first place, etc…but every word turned to ashes on your tongue when you saw him. 
Kylo Ren, standing right there at the desk and glaring at your receptionist. His suit was dark blue and ironed to perfection. Each leg was creased perfectly down the front and the jacket sat flawlessly on his wide set shoulders. He was a wall of unimaginably expensive fabric and what looked concerning like barely contained rage. You could see it in the twitch of his eye, the set of his jaw, and in the way his gaze landed on you the second you walked in. 
The way a predator immediately hones in on its prey. 
You froze just feet from him in the lobby, floundering like a fish on a hook. 
Evan, for his part, seemed not to notice the tension at all and continued to say his long winded goodbyes, placing the flowers in your hands and completely unaware of the slow, measured tightening of Kylo’s massive hands into fists at his side. 
“I’m free on Monday evening so we should—” 
“She’ll be busy.” 
Evan frowned, turning to face the man standing before him, “Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” Kylo’s voice was a dark thing, low and rumbling, “She will be otherwise occupied.” 
His words were punctuated by a step towards you, one paw of a hand easily gripping your entire jaw. Lucky he did too, otherwise it would have dropped straight to the floor when he shot one last cobra strike glare in Evan’s direction, and pressed his mouth to yours. Right there. In the lobby. For everyone to see.  
The absolute bastard.
His lips were pillow plump and softer than the silk lining of his suit—and even through the surge of shock and embarrassment and more than a touch of anger—you felt your heart throb at the way he licked into your mouth. 
The flowers tumbled from your hands onto the floor as everything in you went limp under his touch. This was nowhere near the first time you’d tasted him, but it was like this every time. Like drinking ambrosia. An otherworldly experience. 
But that didn’t stop the sharp pain of his crushing grip on your arm, the way he nearly lifted your feet off the floor when he pulled away to drag along behind him. You could hear Evan spluttering in the hall behind you, the receptionist going back to clacking at her keyboard as if nothing had happened. 
When Kylo opened your office door he just about threw you inside. You tripped as he tipped you in, stumbling and catching yourself on the edge of your desk. The power behind his hand alone was undeniable. You shuddered at the thought of the array of purple fingerprints he would leave behind. It made your mouth dry and your heart sink. Confusing and delicious. 
And left you seething nonetheless. 
“What the fuck was that?!” you were not calm, so you didn’t attempt any semblance of it. 
“You didn’t answer me,” he said, level as he always was. 
The quiet before the storm and all that. 
“About the meeting? I tried to call, my phone died—”
“Because you were out catching trains at all hours of the night, I’m aware.” 
You paused, glaring at the wall of muscle between you and the door, “How did you know that?”
“So you’re not denying it?”
Kylo stalked towards you like a beast in his tailored suit and polished leather shoes like talons. You could hear your heartbeat, hear the blood rushing in your ears. Just like a rabbit in the sightline of a hawk, you were clearly being hunted. 
“Why would I deny something I’m not trying to hide?” your voice came out horse as he caged you between the desk and his chest, arms on either side to block any route of escape. 
“No you are certainly not adept at subtlety,” he said and you couldn’t take your eyes off the way his tongue moved behind his teeth. “This is the fifth time that idiot in the hall has distracted you from work.”
“That’s not an answer,” you tried to spit the words but his eyes were boring into you. The honey of them spilled down your spine and made you shiver. “How did you know? You are not entitled to any information pertaining to my personal life, regardless.” 
“Watch your mouth,” he growled. “Entitlement has no part in this.”
You were entering dangerous territory, though stopping curiously did not occur to you.
“I don’t think you have the right to be throwing out commands right now, not after that display.”
“Have you forgotten who you work for?” Kylo hissed at you, hands wrapped around the metal of your desk so hard you thought it might warp under his fingers. 
“Of course not,” you desperately tried to keep your voice down lest anyone get even more a spectacle. 
“Then what is this?” one hand left the desk and pulled a phone from inside his jacket. 
The screen lit up, and you looked in horror at pictures of yourself. Pictures of yourself from last night. Pictures of yourself from last night at dinner with Evan, interspersed with shots of you crossing the street, waiting on the train platform, and stumbling back into your apartment. Each was clearer than you’d expected, presumably from some insanely expensive surveillance equipment. You had been out for hours, and you had been watched the whole time. 
You narrowed your eyes, flicking back and forth between Kylo’s face—the graceful bridge of his nose pointed down at you—and gaped. 
“You had me followed…” you breathed the words into the slowly shrinking space between your bodies. 
He simply nodded, as if, somehow, you were foolish for not having considered this before. Perhaps you were. Perhaps you had no idea what you had gotten yourself into. Perhaps you had signed on for much more than a paycheck when you agreed to work for Kylo Ren. 
“I can’t have my employees getting distracted.”
Kylo slowly drifted ever closer, shoulders bent so he was eye level with you. He pressed further into the desk, pinning you between his body and the hard surface that bit into your ass. Something long and thick and hard nudged your thigh. 
“I don’t know why you though having me followed was necessary—” 
“You’re an arrogant little slut who needs to be reminded of your priorities,” his hand snatched your leg and wrenched it open so he could stand between them, “ I am not something you do on the side.” 
You could hear the way his teeth grit out the words, the way they formed as a growl deep in his beast’s throat. The hand still settled on the desk, skimmed up your hip and chest, his fingers 
biting into your jaw. 
“Do you understand me?”
Your lips were shut tight in a thin line, eyes wide and staring up like the prey you were. The silence only provoked him more. Snarling, two thick fingers wrenched your mouth open, pressing hard on your tongue and making you gag around them. 
Kylo Ren almost always spoke in commands. Having power did that to people, and rarely did it ever compel you, but his words sunk deep into your bones. Dredged up some dark, instinctual need to obey. To submit to this show of control. 
“Yes,” you mumbled around his fingers in your mouth, drool slipping past your lips when they moved. 
“Yes, what?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
You watched him suck his teeth, grabbing your face tighter and dragging you close so he could spit directly into your open mouth. He slammed your jaw shut, nearly taking off the tip of your tongue and hissed into your ear. 
Again, you did without a thought. And it was disgusting, but invigorating, sent off some spark in your stomach with how easily he bent your body to his will. There was no man like him, you decided. And maybe this was simply because Kylo Ren was not a man. That term alone would never do him justice. 
In one shockingly smooth motion, you found yourself flat on your back, ass hanging off the edge of the desk with his hands on your hips. He ground himself against you, the throbbing of his cock evident even through the layers of clothing. That feeling on its own had you soaked through, thighs sticking with liquid excitement. 
“Remember who you work for,” he growled into your neck, licking a long stripe up your throat and sucking at the exposed skin. 
But it was very clear to you what he really meant. 
Remember who you belong to. 
You slapped a hand over your mouth as he bit down on the skin just above your shoulder, laving his tongue over the stinging flesh. Kylo pulled back, frowning down at you and yanking the hand away from your face. One held both your wrists in a vice lock while the other ripped your panties straight down your legs and left the dripping fabric discarded on the carpet. 
“No, they’re going to hear you,” he grunted, and pulled one of your hands down, pressing it to your slit and running your fingers through your slick. “Go on, touch your fucking pussy and let them know what a little whore you are for me.” 
It was something about his voice. Something in the way it left him, its timbre, its wonder, unquestioning. You could never refuse him. 
So, with a small nod you parted your folds, head resting on a stack of files as you drew slow circles around your clit with a shaky hand. His eyes never left your cunt, tracing the movement of your finger and the trail of wetness that seeped from you to the desktop. Softly, you gasped as the familiar placement of your fingers made you clench and arch up. Kylo’s rubbed small circles into your inner thighs with his thumbs, kneading the flesh there. 
When the spark was there, the lovely pulsing in your nerves alight, you dipped down, teasing and slipping inside, grinding down as best you could on your hand. It wasn’t enough, but nothing ever was since you’d been ripped open on Kylo’s cock. 
Evidently he did not find your work sufficient either. 
Another finger joined yours, stroking your lips and circling your entrance. His touch made you whine, the promise of hands that were not your own never ceasing to illicit a new gush of pleasure. 
“I said,” he murmured, his touch so terribly feather light. “Let them hear you.” 
He was like a gunshot, sudden and forceful and almost instantly had you screaming. Kylo slammed his fingers into you, so full and so deep, curling hard against that lovely spot inside. 
“Kylo, god, please—” you moaned long and low, your face burning with the knowledge that the walls were barely thick enough to keep your phone calls private, much less the shameful noises he pulled from you. 
“What was that?” he panted, adding another finger and pumping them deep into your cunt. “You can do better.” 
Your teeth dug so hard into your lip you thought it might bleed, but you couldn’t take much more. The ledge was approaching—Kylo Ren knew it—and he was determined to push you straight into the fire. 
You choked when his deliciously thick fingers were ripped from you, walls fluttering around the awful emptiness. Your head lolled back as you listened to him work the buckle of his belt and slacks open, and when you did glance down your mouth watered at the sight. Kylo—impossibly long cock throbbing in his hand—stood between your legs, stroking himself from root to tip. You watched little pearls of precum bead at the head while his thumb swiped across to smear them along his length. 
“You are insane,” you hissed through gritted teeth. 
Did you need to keep this position? No, technically you would be more than well off on the salary Mr. Ren so graciously provided. However, you could not mentally deal with being terminated for getting dicked in your office during work hours. 
Kylo smirked, the edge of his perfect cupid’s bow cocked back and aimed straight at your chest. Without warning, he sunk into you, straight to the hilt and threw his head back as you sobbed with the sharp sting of being split in two on his cock. 
“This is what you do,” he growled into your ear, hands on either side of your head as he worked his length back out only to pound into you again. “You work for me and you take my cock and don’t ever fucking forget that.”  
Your legs were wound so tightly around his waist that had he been any other man, his ribs would have cracked under the pressure. His hair, falling in black, satin waves, was gorgeous even in the sterile office lighting. You threaded your fingers into it at the roots and held him while your body rocked against the desk. It’s metal surface pinched at your sink and made your back ache, though that was nothing compared to the burn of Kylo’s thrusts, sliding against your walls. You felt him in your throat. You always did. That was simply the way things were with him. He filled you painfully, thoroughly, took over all of your senses until it was just him. 
And, strangely, it was the most alive you’d ever felt. 
He was unlike anyone you’d ever known.
You couldn’t scream for him, but you could still let him taste the desperation, the willingness in your body to mold against him. So you kissed him, dragged him by the hair to meet your lips and licked past his teeth, gasping and moaning on his tongue as you sucked it hard and cried into his mouth. 
And he drank you down, picking up a punishing rhythm and breaking blood vessels where his hands gripped your hips. One drifted lower, thumb pressing down hard on your clit as your cunt clenched around his length. The desk was lifting off the ground with every thrust, the room filled with the wet sounds of your bodies and you were quickly melting under him. 
Warmth was spreading, growing, building out from your pussy, igniting in your veins. He was right. This is what you did. This is what he did to you. This toe curling, lip biting, bone shattering kind of pleasure. 
Oh you were so royally fucked. 
“I—oh shit—Kylo I’m,” you pulled back just enough to pant out a warning before the wave took you. 
So hot, it washed over your skin and made your legs shake and your hands leave his hair to dig your nails into his chest through the crisp white button down he wore. 
“Feel that?” he grunted as you convulsed and shuddered under him, “Feel how this pussy was made for me.” 
You nodded, buried your face in his neck and held on as he worked you through your climax and straight into his own. Once, twice he ground his cock deep in you, feeling how tight you were around him until he was spent and spilling hot, thick ropes of cum that coated your walls and dripped out around his length. 
He panted, lazily rolling his hips, fucking you slowly until finally, he came to a halt with his softening cock still sheathed inside you. Seconds past, or maybe hours, you couldn’t tell. Kylo tended to have that effect on you. Time slipped away so easily in his presence, like there was never enough of it. 
When he did pull away, you stayed with your back firmly planted amidst the mess of scattered paperwork and manila envelopes. He rose to his full, towering height and tucked himself away, straightening the wrinkles in his suit and eyeing you only once from the side. You admired his profile, you never understood until now what the meaning of the word “regal” truly was. 
Under the dictionary definition, his picture surely would be there, staring at you down the bridge of his marble carved nose. 
You sat up on your elbows as he stalked towards the door. 
“Was that all you came for?”
Kylo paused, broad back still facing you and leaving the room feeling irrevocably empty with just the intention of his absence. 
“We’ll reschedule for five tonight,” he said, filling the door frame completely. “Don’t be late.” 
The door clicked shut behind him and the sound of it made you collapse back onto the desktop. You laid there for a moment, leaking your combined spend and aching. The throb of him settled in your muscles and festered. But the worst part was the other ache, the pain of being without. And maybe you had been a bit avoidant. Maybe this work really was so you didn’t have to see him. Because if you saw him you’d end up fucking him—which was fine, which was good, which was great actually—but then he would leave. And you couldn’t decide which wanting was worse. The wanting before or the wanting after. 
Maybe it didn’t matter. 
You had more important things to think about anyway. Like securing the receptionist an incredibly large holiday bonus, assuming you still had a job here at the end of the day. 
Maybe that didn’t matter either. 
It might be high time you made a commitment to whatever the hell kind of mess you’d stumbled into. Kylo Ren was an enigma in the best kind of way. Maybe you should stop running from it. 
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levi-ish · 3 years
Little Talks | 5
Pairing: Bartender!Levi X Reader
Genre: [+18] Slice of life, drama, romance, fluff, smut
Words: 5k
Warnings: Alcohol, cheating mentions, drugs, cussing
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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“Your taste in tea is shit” Levi scanned through the old teabags you had lingering in your cabinets.
“Sorry if I don’t have enough money to buy those fancy blends you like” you rolled your eyes as you leaned further into the throw pillows you had on top of your old couch.
You turned around and watched the man tumble around with your mugs and you knew that he hated your unmatching sets, always making small comments about them. He then set for the most common ones you had and brought them to you after quickly making your drinks.
It had been a few weeks since the night when Levi comforted you after your ex-beloved’s visit. You two held hands and pretended that it was nothing while watching random cooking shows, then after you fell asleep he left but not before making you another cup of tea that you woke up to find inside your microwave, sitting there waiting for you.
You thanked him in person two days after and exchanged numbers because he claimed that he didn’t ‘trust’ your building’s security. Even when you told him that Zeke only got up because your concierge knew him.
But now things were better than you could expect. Levi would drive you home almost every night and wait for your ‘ok’ text when you took the elevator, to be sure you were safe and sound. He mostly made you tea at 4AM when the bar was closing and you had no classes the day after, and you two hung around at your apartment quite a lot, watching shitty movies and listening to him complain about how you were doing your laundry all wrong.
Whoever saw you two together would think you were a couple of elderlies married.
“I can’t believe he didn’t like how she plated it” you pointed at the TV, quite angry at the cooking show passing on. “She even put those fancy herbs.”
“It’s shit”
“Everything is ‘shit’ to you” you rolled your eyes.
“Only the things that are shit” Levi replied as he sipped on his tea.
You rolled eyes once more as you felt the shift on the sofa, not noticing his movements if it weren’t for it. Levi held his phone to his eyes and a sheer of light illuminated his strong features, highlighting that glorious jawline and the thin lips you—
Shaking your head, you quickly got rid of those thoughts, adjusting your own position and making your back fall more comfortably on the cushions. Levi let a small sigh and brought the teacup back to his mouth, drinking slowly.
“Hange again?” You asked, giving him the side of your eye as you stirred your own drink.
“Kirstein this time” Levi replied, letting out his signature ‘tch’. “I should’ve been there. Those idiots can’t do their jobs properly without supervision.”
“Hange forcing people to listen to their theories again?”
“No. Jean broke the sink and is trying to blame it on the weather somehow.”
“No fucking idea.” Levi put his phone back inside his pocket and drank the last of his tea, sighing after. It was a heavenly vision to see, you weren’t gonna lie.
With a small yawn, you stretched your legs and downed the tea in one gulp, earning a side eye from the man who wasn’t pleased you were appreciating one of his fancy blends. The minty taste lingered on your tongue as you licked your lips, and you could smell the hint of cinnamon wandering in the room, mixing with Levi’s cologne that you so much adored.
“I’m bored” you let out, pouting as you rested your face on the pillow closer to his shoulder.
“You wouldn’t be if you stayed quiet and watched the show.”
“Do you hate me or what” you scoffed, pouting even more.
Levi turned to you, watching your expression and that’s when you noticed how close you were to him. His breath fanned over your face and you swore you could see his lips twitching and him inching closer, clearing your throat, you looked down, completely breaking eye contact.
“Do you really wanna know?” He replied and you pushed him. “At least clean your hands before touching me.”
“You wish I was touching you” you bit your lip and rose your brows teasingly.
He turned to your face once more, eyes dead serious focusing on you and he licked his lips slowly, posture completely changing.
He caught you off guard with that comment, making a small shiver go down your spine, but you decided that brushing it off would be better than acknowledging new reasons to make the relationship you two had more uncomfortable. You knew Levi wasn’t very pushy about things and probably would forget about it as soon as you would, without giving it another thought.
Oh well.
“Uh…” you tried to say, licking your lips again after your mouth went full dry “… are you hungry?”
“No” he said, eyes still on you as you tried to get his attention away from you.
“Uhm… then do you wanna do something else or…?”
Levi inched closer now, his nose brushing against yours and breath warming your chin as you rubbed skin together, feeling each other scents and every little movement was big enough to make both bodies swarm under the tension in the room.
“Levi… what…”
But before you could continue, he closed the distance, lips colliding as you felt the dry specs of his chapped skin brushing against yours. Is this really happening? What…? It was, and he was still going, hand now holding your nape to have your face closer to his than before, as if he never wanted to let go. You turned to the side to allow his tongue inside, feeling it dancing with yours in a difficult and shy but intense tango that seemed too familiar but strange at the same time.
It was a sensation you never wanted to end.
But as soon as it started, it stopped; his hand left your neck and went back to his side, and his usually unfazed look now seemed more panicked, as if he was already regretting it.
Please, god, don’t regret it. Please…
You were abruptly cut off by him standing from the couch and grabbing his coat by the rack, quickly opening the door and leaving your apartment, leaving you by yourself and with empty lips but a full heart that felt too heavy for your shallow chest.
Things changed since that.
Levi completely disappeared. Hange and Jean would say that he would leave the key to them and only showed up in the mornings to rearrange things the way he liked them but left very quickly each time. He didn’t text and you didn’t try to, knowing it would be useless since we are talking about him, most emotionally unavailable person to exist. You still went to the bar every night, trying to catch him around and maybe clear things up, but failed miserably.
You didn’t regret it, not at all. In fact, you wished it would last longer, even though it was enough material for your mind to wander around the floor full of eggshells that were your memories from that night. You wanted more, you wanted him, and now you weren’t ashamed of admitting it to yourself.
And you were almost giving up seeing him again, if it weren’t for Sasha, who was livid over how he had reacted and insisted on dragging you back to the bar.
So there you were, Mikasa holding one of your arms and Sasha holding the other, both giving you pep talks on how you should go there and confront him. You knew he was working tonight for sure, that’s because Mikasa told you she’d texted him about it before and learned he was taking some weird shifts and closing on weirder times. Annie was busy with her two-year anniversary with Armin, so she couldn’t come, but she did text you to be brave. The way Annie would, I mean, sending a small “punch him” and a smiley face.
“C’mon (y/n), you look hot and he will regret leaving when you show up” Sasha’s grip on your arm tightened as she tried to drag you inside. “Tell her, Mikasa”
“You look hot” the other woman said, and you knew that she wasn’t putting much effort in because it made you uncomfortable, otherwise you’d have been inside already since Mikasa was stronger than you two combined. “Levi’s an idiot.”
“I don’t wanna go” you said, whining as they let go of you for a moment. “He did what he did and I was pretty much rejected. I don’t wanna push harder.”
“What’s even his problem?!” Sasha crossed her arms, her expression turning into a mad one. “Was he always an idiot, Mikasa?”
“He changed a lot since he was left at the altar.”
“What” you and Sasha said in unison, shocked by the new piece of information.
“Did I never mention it?”
“No?” You frowned, coming closer to her face. “What do you mean by ‘left at the altar’?”
“Exactly that.”
“Mikasa” Sasha pushed her lightly.
“I don’t know exactly, I was 15, but he was getting married to this girl and she left him the day of the wedding.” Mikasa said as if it was nothing. “Everyone was there to see, and he was devastated.”
That left you wondering… a lot. Why’d Levi never tell you about that? You two went into some deep discussions at times, talking about stuff that you never dared to share with others, and he did open up a little about some of his things, but this? You thought that would be something to tell someone you would think of kissing. Unless he wasn’t really thinking those things about you, then it would be a whole other topic that you were too much of a coward to consider.
Did anyone else know? You had so many questions and you really wish you had the answers because of the anxiety now growing in the pit of your stomach.
“You didn’t think that was important information to share?” You questioned and Mikasa shook her head.
“Not really.”
“Okay, we are getting in. You can deal with that later” Sasha pushed you through the door and now you couldn’t say anything else because your feet already touched the wooden floor.
It was a full house, everyone was dancing and singing along with the old jukebox and there were girls leaning on the counter flirting with Jean as your eyes wandered. Hange was mixing drinks and Levi was nowhere to see, what made you feel a lot more comfortable being there. Sasha and Mikasa pushed through the crowd and found you a place on the counter, sitting on stools and leaving you to sit in between them, so you did, and the blonde bartender was the first one to notice you there.
“Ah!” He chirped loudly, leaving the girls behind to come to you. “My favorite girl… and company, hi, hello.”
You noticed he was now flirting with Mikasa, but she just ignored his presence.
“Hot wings!” Sasha punched the counter and grabbed you by side shoulder, pointing at the shelves. “And shots, keep them coming, my friend here needs them.”
“I’m sure she does” Jean kept his gaze on Mikasa, trying to be subtle about it as you rolled your eyes at him. “Our short friend has been pretty hard to deal with lately, so without you around I already knew something went down.”
“They kissed” Mikasa let out.
“ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT LEVI?” Screamed Hange from where they were, coming right away and pushing Jean with their hip. “Also, hi, but answer me!”
“They kissed” Mikasa repeated, and you gave up on trying to stop them.
Hange’s hand fell on your shoulder as they approached the group further, inserting the ponytail-head in the middle and readjusting the glasses above their nose, “You and shorty? Are you kidding me?! Tell me everything!”
“I’ll leave you to deal with Hange now” Jean said as they leaned a little more into Mikasa’s side. “So… are you in college?”
She only gave him a side glance and ignored his question, making the man confused.
“Focus!” Hange slammed their fist, now sitting on your side. “You have to tell me about it!”
“Oh gosh, please let me breath!” You rose your hands and they all moved their attention to you, making you feel a little overwhelmed and guilty — they were simply curious creatures. A deep sigh left your mouth as you put your palms back on the wooden surface of the table, opening your eyes slowly. “We kissed… and he left.”
“Without saying anything?” Jean asked and you nodded. “Damn… he ghosted you.”
“He might just be too busy?” Hange suggested and you gave them the harsh glare. “Maybe not?”
“Can anyone bring me—us some wings?” Sasha pleaded, leaning onto the table.
“You two need to talk” Hange added, bumping onto you jokingly. “Kiss and make up.”
“That’s not happening.”
“C’mon, he’s in the back. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.”
You just lowered your head and that was enough for them to understand.
“Well, I’ll leave you be” they just gave you a slight nod and stood from the booth. “Good luck.”
You felt some warmth crawl into your belly and smiled at them, following by another glance onto the other two in front of you.
“Mikasa is such an exotic name, where did it come from?” Jean leaned further, trying his best to sound smooth but the girl’s reaction was too bothered to be working.
“We’ll leave you be” Hange said as they grabbed Jean by the nape and dragged him back to the bar.
   Sasha was on her third plate of hot wings when caught the first glance of Levi.
He came from the back for a moment to grab the electric kettle from under the counter, turning around quickly as if he already knew you were around and was avoiding any type of contact. Being treated like a disease like that made you feel angry, it wasn’t like you’d done anything wrong, you just kissed him back — he was the one to initiate it! The nerve of him.
You gulped down the rest of your beer and threw yourself back on the cushions of the booth, earning a look from Mikasa, but she decided to ignore it knowing you were procrastinating the inevitable, now focusing on Sasha who was unbuttoning her pants to eat more.
“Hey, you’re (y/n), right?” Someone approached your table, hands filling the pockets of their letterman jacket and blonde hair neatly sitting on top of his head. A thin goatee painted his chin and a gentle look sat around his clear eyes.
“Yea” you shook your head, looking at his face, frowning slightly. “Sorry, I—”
“It’s fine, we have Latin together” you now recognized him as the boy who sat in front of you and occasionally borrowed a pen.
“Oh! Reiner, right? You want some hot wings?” Sasha was not pleased you offered, but you just ignored her growl.
“No, I’m fine, just came to say ‘hi’” he gave you a small smile. “See you around.”
You reciprocated the smile and watched as he left, and your eyes collided with cold, grey ones across the room, behind the wooden counter as you felt your heart rush again, as if it was the first time once more. Levi had his muscular arms crossed as he stared right into your soul, making cold chills run all over your spine, holding your body to make it stop.
He turned around to leave and as if a lightning had just struck in you, your body involuntarily stood from its place and rushed to the counter, running around it and pushing the backdoor open, revealing an annoyed short man holding a cup of tea.
“What the f—”
And before he could even complete his thoughts, you grabbed the cup and placed it on the table right next to you, all that before pining him roughly against the wall, staring quickly into his eyes, searching for the same flame you could see inside you now burning around grey specs. A small smile grew on your lips and you kissed him hard.
He hesitated though, leaning back quickly as if something had snapped in his mind, making him realize what was really happening there. But before you could react again, he turned you around, pining your hands above your head as he kissed you feverously, the other hand feeling the skin of your hips from under your shirt, making the chills go harder around your bloodstream.
Levi moved positions once more, taking the back of your thighs and sitting you on top of the same table, making the teacup fall to the floor, but he seemed unbothered by it. His tongue now made advances on your mouth, playing with yours in soft movements even when his own lips made harsh movements, combining everything like sugar and cinnamon, and the pine scent of his cologne invaded your clothes that were now too hot for your needy skin.
His hands clenched around the fat of your legs, holding it as if his life depended on it and he started to lower his lips to your neck, giving it open-mouthed kisses that made a small moan fall from your throat. Ashamed, you didn’t realize that your grip on his shoulders was a little too hard and he put a hand from under your chin, holding your face as he stared deeply into your soul. A satisfied scoff fell from his own plump lips and he came back to what he was doing.
That was somewhat a dream, something you had fantasized about too many times to count, and now that it was happening, you refused to pinch yourself in fear of waking up alone. But when his slim fingers rose your skirt to your hips, things felt too real for it to be just your mind playing tricks. Small whimpers escaped your mouth as Levi decided to explore around your navel, playing softly with the hem of the lacy panties you were wearing, and you thanked whatever god was up there for not wearing those comfortable ones you almost wore tonight.
He removed your panties and lowered himself now, a small breath fanned over your naked parts, making you shiver slightly, only to be held still by his own hands. He gave you a small glance before you nodded in consent, and it was all it took for him to devour you in the most amazing ways you had never experienced before.
Levi had experience — you could tell — and the passion he exhaled was enough for you to moan without caring about anything in the world. His fingers joined his tongue and played with your entrance, teasing slowly as his mouth did wonders around your sensitive bud, movements going from harsh hands to slow kisses that left you whimpering, needing everything, anything more from him, legs hooping around his shoulders while trying to make him come closer to your heat.
You whimpered, moaned, cried under his spell, and everything felt 1000x more sensitive against his touch. His fingers entered you and played around all the right places, hitting every beat to the song that played muffled inside the bar, making a small giggle fall from you and he noticed it, now fastening his pace as if he wanted to go back to shutting you up with his own mouth.
Repeatedly he hit your most sensitive spot, licking, and tasting all he could as he did his best to make you cum. It didn’t take long for you to feel the heat pooling around your stomach, throwing your head backwards and fisting his hair between your fingers as you felt his rush against your orgasm, taking everything from you simply with his mouth. You moaned loudly as you rode his face quickly, hips moving without your consent and he pulled your lips apart to clean the remnants of your pleasure, not leaving one spot untouched.
Your chest heaved from the rush as your eyes made contact with grey seas that now leveled with your height, watching you under spells of lust while he sucked slowly from his fingers, tasting every last bit of you, like you were mead for his tastebuds, and you could swear you saw his lips curl a little upwards.
“You surely know how to make a mess” he noted, a ‘tch’ leaving his mouth.
@zeickv @thirstyforsometea​​
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