#you know when you get into the last lap of Mario kart and the music ups like 10x and everything’s going wild around you? that is my mind.
wisteriaiswriting · 8 months
𝕋𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝔻𝕒𝕥𝕖 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Type of date | Location | Are they romantic? | How much money will they spend | What happens after | Blurb
Words: 1679
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She isn’t one for big, fancy dates. So she much prefers staying indoors playing video games.
She’ll drag you along to arcades. Making sure you two have the whole place to yourselves.
Isn’t as romantic as she thinks. It’s always interrupted by her giggling.
No matter how much you spend it won't make a dent in the amount she has. And she’s willing to let you use as much as possible.
She'll likely become tired. So she’ll fall asleep and in turn trapping you in her arms.
“Let’s go!”
“Finally, I thought you would never win.” Your celebrating was mixed with her teasing. You two had been playing Mario Kart for hours, with you just now winning a round.
Tempted as you were to play another round, wanting to show her you weren’t as bad as she said. Pausing when you felt a weight on your shoulder, slowly looking over to see Hana.
She had fallen asleep, in turn falling onto your shoulder. Her sleeping quickly turned into cuddles, taking her place on your lap.
Maybe a nap wouldn’t be too bad.
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He much prefers the fancier things in life, so no surprise when he takes you to a 5 star restaurant.
He’ll reserve a private room for the both of you, making sure you’re getting the best things you deserve.
Is a real romantic and he knows it too.
Money means absolutely nothing to him when compared to you. He can give you his card to buy anything but there's no way you could make a dent in it.
When his romantic mood strikes it lasts for a while. Pulling you into a walt with him, making sure you're laughing and having fun during it.
The night was still young and Akande wasn’t going to waste it. Still in your outfits as he pulled you into his arms, the classical music playing faintly in the background.
It was one he had been practicing since he was a child, ingrained in his memories. And he wanted to make plenty of new ones with you. Pulling you closer as the song finished, letting the next one continue before starting the next dance.
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She already thinks being around her is good enough so you’ll have to convince her to do something, which would be watching her fight and win.
Gonna be around Junkertown, either in the arena watching her from her throne there or in her actual throne room.
Much less romantic and more flirty. She has no clue about romance, absolutely none.
Technically none so don’t go out of Junkertown, but when inside you won’t need any anyways.
If you’re not a junker she’s taking you for a tour, but if so you’re going right up to her room and throne room.
All you could hear is the yelling, shouting and screaming of the Junkers around you. Odessa had won another fight, not that anyone was surprised.
Watching everyone leave, still loudly chattering away. During that time she was making her way back up to the throne, making it clear when he returned.
“How was that?” Her arms opened just to pull you into a hug, picking you up off the ground.
“Another win isn’t new, so predictable!” Suddenly throwing you up into the air, letting you fall into her arms in a bridal carry. A giant smile on her face.
“Let's celebrate!”
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I’m going to be honest here, he can only cook very few foods. He will insist on a cooking date, just supervise him, you’ll need to.
As he’s part of Talon (So are you likely) so the only place you two can safely go to is the base.
Is more on the flirty side rather than romantic, but he can try tone down the flirting but you’ll need to ask him most times.
Normally he wouldn’t care about the price of things, but with you? It doesn’t even pass his mind once.
Even if you two cooked earlier he needs a bit to fill him up, so it’s likely you’ll have to cook again. But if you don’t want to, he'll find someone else for the both of you.
He wanted to give you a surprise breakfast in bed, except for the fact both of you were standing in the kitchen. By now he knew your favourite kind so he was quick to start.
“Mauga, what are you doing?”
“Huh?” Brought back to attention, realizing he had stopped cooking and was staring at you. You learnt when the fire alarm was going off. The food had become burnt, not even you wanted to try it.
“Why don’t we order in?”
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Takes you to a small and simple cafe.
Much prefers to stay at base, but if you want to go somewhere he will take you.
He doesn’t even try cause he has no clue what he’s doing, seeing no use in romance, unless you really want it.
Has plenty of money to spend due to various jobs and resources, and he allows you to spend a lot of it. Will watch what you buy to figure out what you enjoy.
He will return to work but you can stay around if you’d want. Might even let you sit on his lap.
He had no idea what you wanted to do, so he ended up on the internet. Looking up ideas that seemed good, ending up on the idea of a cat cafe. You enjoyed cats and food, well he hoped. While he couldn’t understand all these attachments if it made you happy he’d be fine.
The date started simple, while you ordered food he looked around at the cats. There was a range, from calicos to ragdolls. While he looked he didn’t see the cat walking up to you, a plain black cat.
It nudged you, causing your attention to shift.
“Ram, it looks like you!” Holding it up even as it shifted, only getting comfortable. It was a plain black, short haired adult, sporting a purple collar.
“It does.” Maybe he’d look for one similar to you.
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Enjoys walking around a market, able to spend time with you and buy you things.
Also has fun sitting around at home or the base, able to enjoy your hobbies together.
Has quite a bit of experience due to his age, but is aware of how romantic he is.
Accidentally spends a lot of money on you during the walk, as he won’t look at the prices. Isn’t worried though.
Will hold you while you both enjoy a drink, telling you stories about anything he can think of.
Dropping the bags onto the floor, letting some items fall onto the floor but neither of you minded. He stretched, hearing his back crack.
“You should’ve let me carry the bags.”
“Nonsense by dear,” He picked you up, letting you sit on his shoulder, “You need to relax!” Grabbing himself a beer and your favourite drink before sitting down, dropping you onto his lap.
“Now, did I ever tell you about the crusaders?”
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He’ll take you for a motorbike ride around the outback, won’t go scavenging unless you really want to.
Most times you’d be staying at his and Junkrats makeshift base.
Has little experience, due to being isolated from others.
Due to being a junker he doesn’t have a lot of money, also meaning neither of you need any.
He’ll take you both back to base, wanting to spend time with each other.
The sun was beating down on the land, and on you if Mako wasn’t in the way. Instead you were covered in his shadow, slightly cooler and safer from the heat. With the goggles protecting your eyes from any stray sand or dirt.
While you were looking around this gave Mako the chance to look at you. Taking in all your features. The way the sun revealed everything, everything that he loved about you.
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He’ll cook you both a nice dinner to enjoy away from the others.
He won’t be able to leave the Talon base so thanks to Sombra you’ll be away and inaccessible to others.
As much as he tries he’s always flustered, sometimes laughing in between words.
Due to being at the Talon base neither of you will need any money.
He just wants to hold you close, cuddling while reading some of his favourite books.
You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, pulling you off of your feet so you hung above the ground. Looking behind to see Sigma looking down at you, a hung smile on his face.
“There you are Starlight!” Moving you around so you lay in his arms, floating over to a chair. “How about I read us a story?”
Asking as he pulled a book from one of his many shelves.
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Her first thought would be a gym date, but she knows not everyone would like it. So she goes for a nice and cozy lunch date instead.
She takes you to a small, less popular cafe that she goes to often. It's kinda small yet cozy place.
Unluckily she has no experience, being focused on other things. But she still tries, constantly looking to improve.
Normally won't spend a lot but for you she’ll go over her normal amount, you’ll be able to get most items you want.
Will pull you around to look around the town, stopping by the nearest ice cream of gelato place. Treating you to a flavour of your choice.
Before she even knocked at the door you knew she had arrived, her nervous pacing outside wasn’t the quietest. With fast paced and surprisingly light knocks. Stepping away when you opened the door.
There she stood, a button up shirt and simple black pants. A bouquet of your favourite flowers were held in her hand, reaching for you to take them.
“Dear, you look amazing!” While speaking her voice cracked lightly, face covered in blush. Hold out her arm for you to take. “Ready for today?”
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bisexuallsokka · 6 months
zukka n 22 pls :)
22. a kiss in a rush of adrenaline.
"I know."
"It's just that…if you don’t make it…”
"I know, Zuko."
"Sorry. You can do this. Win for me, yeah?"
Sokka spares a glance at him, seeing how he is worrying his bottom lip. Zuko meets his eyes, as if he can read Sokka's thoughts about Zuko's lips and his hands and his--
"Sokka!" Suki warns.
"Shit," Sokka curses, redirecting his attention to the television and glaring at the banana peel that his kart just ran into. "Sorry, uh, got distracted."
"Sokka just hit a banana peel," Zuko says, continuing his ongoing narration to Toph. "I think it's the one he planted during the last lap."
Toph lets out a cackle that Sokka chooses not to acknowledge, and out of the corner of his eye he sees Katara lean forward more. His palms feel sweaty. He's so close to gaining on her, he can't let Zuko down after Katara beat him in the last race. Funny, the fact that he could lose the pool of money reserved for the champion of their Mario Kart bracket doesn't seem to matter to him anymore.
"Katara is still in the lead but Sokka is catching up, they are approaching the finish line to start the final lap, they both just got a power-up..."
Sokka tunes him out as he crosses the finish line, focusing on the final lap, on beating Katara. He turns a corner, then another, then-
"Fuck," Katara mutters as she just barely misses the shortcut that Sokka takes, then she shouts, "Fuck!" when her position changes to 2nd and Sokka takes 1st. He doesn't dare let it distract him though, tries desperately to not get distracted by Zuko for once as his narration of the game gets louder from his excitement. Sokka just focuses on completing the rest of the track smoothly, dodging a shell that Katara sends his way, then-
"YES!" he and Zuko shout at the same time, Sokka jumping to his feet as Zuko chants, "He won, Sokka won!"
Suki and Aang cheer and Katara gets up to give her brother a firm congratulatory handshake and a smile that makes Sokka fearful of ever trying his luck a second time. He turns back to Zuko, finally letting himself fully bask in his smile and the way his eyes are wide and excited. He's on his feet, throwing his arms around Sokka so strongly that they nearly topple over, then Zuko is pulling back from the hug and Sokka's hands are grabbing his elbows to stop him from getting too far and he's leaning forward and-
Shocked silence falls over the room except for the music from Mario Kart and, after a few moments, Toph saying, "What?"
Zuko and Sokka are staring at each other in shock, Sokka's hands still frozen on Zuko and Zuko seeming unable or unwilling to step away.
"Uh, Sokka just kissed me," Zuko tells her. Toph cackles again.
"I did," Sokka says. It had barely been a kiss, just a peck really, but there was no denying their lips met. And he wanted it to happen again. But also... "Sorry, it was the adrenaline," he starts, but when Zuko's face falls Sokka grips his arms tighter. "Not like that! Like, I definitely wanted to kiss you, but I hadn't planned to do it just now, I was just excited and you were looking so-"
"Sokka, I will double my contribution to the money pool if you have this conversation literally anywhere else," Katara says, already going through the menu to start a new race, sounding way too unenthusiastic for someone who has been telling Sokka to make a move for months. Everyone else is still busy processing what just happened to say anything else; Aang's eyes are darting quickly between Zuko and Sokka, Suki is hiding a smile behind her hand, and Toph is smirking in their direction.
And, well, it's the push that Sokka needs as he grabs Zuko's hand and leads them toward the door to go for a walk and a conversation that has been a long time coming.
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sassykattery · 1 year
So I have an update in regards to "Love, Eternal" returning this week:
So, as some may know that when you're in university, the last month of classes feel like the last lap in Mario Kart except it's Rainbow Road and the music just keeps getting faster and driving you crazier.
With that said, for my sanity, I plan to start uploading LE again starting Sat. April 8th [Sun. April 9th for the eastern hemisphere]. In addition, we will be changing to a one upload a week schedule, and it will only be on Saturdays in April, Wednesdays in May [Sun./Thurs. again, for eastern hemisphere] until I feel ready to bump back up to 2 uploads a week again.
I have a huge test coming up at the end of May that will determine if I go to professional school, and May is going to be a crazy busy month as well. I have a trip planned (which will actually be very exciting). My birthday is coming up along with many of my family members, too. Like I'm busy literally every Saturday in May. It won't be until June that my life calms down again.
I would like to extend my appreciation to everyone for letting me take a break. It was much needed, even though I didn't accomplish what I wanted to during that time. I'm looking forward to what we see next in our story, and I hope everyone enjoys.
-The Royal SK
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Music Themed Game #6 (Mario Kart Wii)
In Mario Kart Wii the music is used uniquely as in game in the first and second race the song plays normally which is what the top YouTube video is but when it reaches the last lap the song speeds up which is what the bottom YouTube video is. (Watch both to compare tempo)
Many players didn't know that over time throughout the race the song sped up. This is unique as it keeps you calm while doing the first 2 laps so you can gain your ground and then it speeds up the song in the last lap so you get put on the edge of your seat as to who will win as the higher tempo creates more excitement so you feel you have to go faster and get 1st place. This is unique as it is a feature you don't realise while playing but the tempos increase makes you feel like you have to go the same speed as it so it makes you get on edge and try to go as fast as possible and catch up to the front if necessary as no one likes losing which gets you to carry on playing if you finish near the top as you think your good at the game.
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jaynosurname · 1 year
(60) Booster Course Pass Wave 5
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Solid selection of tracks. It’s not the best wave, but there are some good ones here.
Athens Dash was a lot of fun. It’s great that there’s a tour course that isn’t just a generic city.
Daisy Cruiser has always been one of my favorites. It's still great here. I love the new rendition of the music.
Moonview Highway is new to me since I never played Mario Kart Wii. It was great, but definitely the worst track in the cup. There have already been plenty of city tracks in the DLC and plenty more that have you avoiding oncoming traffic. I like how the music changes when you reach the city portion of the track.
Squeaky clean sprint is easily the best course in the entire wave. The idea of a race track taking place entirely in a bathroom is so stupid in the best way possible. I also wasn’t expecting just how fun it was to play.
Onto the next cup which starts with Los Angeles Laps. It’s fine. I like the part where you fly over the stadium but that’s about it. Nothing much else to say about this one.
Sunset Wilds is the biggest letdown of the wave. I’m so sad they didn’t keep the dynamic sunset from Super Circuit. It’s the only reason this track is memorable. Without it, it’s just a boring GBA course.
Koopa Cape got such a glow-up. I know Wii introduced the half pipes, but I never really got to try them out until the booster course pass brought them back. The half pipes really shine in this track. It’s so much fun to do tricks with them, especially in the underwater pipe section.
And Vancouver Velocity is the last track in the wave and it’s pretty okay. Not amazing. I've been honestly getting really tired of the tour tracks. I did like the ice rink section and the bridge area in the first lap.
Overall this wave was decent. Not the best one, but it had a few stand-out tracks.
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permanentreverie · 3 years
How am I supposed to live laugh love in these conditions :(
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The Brothers and Side Characters Go on a Road Trip!
So, Diavolo, Lord of the Devildom, wants to go on a road trip for reasons unknown. You know what? Screw it, the reason is because Dia wants to do a fun human thing because MC brought it up during tea time. No one can defy the king, so TIME FOR A ROAD TRIP!
He was going to turn that car around. That’s it, he was going to leave. Someone else drive.
I hope your MC likes staticky traffic updates because that’s what Lucifer constantly had on the radio.
Obviously, some of the brothers complained, so Lucifer put on Beethoven’s Symphony no. 9. HELL YEAH TURN IT UP DJ!
Lol JK no one can car-dance to classical music. Just go back to the staticky traffic updates…
Lucifer would have preferred it if MC or Barbatos were riding shotgun next to him, but Diavolo ended up getting it. Dia is constantly asking Lucifer to stop so he can take pictures of the most mundane shit.
Lucifer stopped stopping after the first fifteen requests.
“I’m not stopping at McDonalds- hang on. Hi McDonald’s employee, one black coffee please.”
In true father fashion, Lucifer got lost and REFUSED to ask for directions. They were lost for five hours before Diavolo finally asked:
“Lucifer, you can turn on the GPS right?”
“Yes, but I don’t trust it.”
Everyone screamed in frustration and were all fully prepared to abandon Lucifer at the side of the road.
Please… can someone else drive? Anyone else…
Are We There Yeeeet..? (Mammon)
Okay, so, Mammon was one of two ways on that road trip. One: complete ADHD daydream zoned out. Or type Two: AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRREEEEE WEEEEEEEE THEEEEEEEEERRRRRREEEE YEEEEEEET???!
He wanted to stop and go to all the tourist traps, by the end of the road trip Mammon wanted to open his own.
The Avatar of Greed loves driving, problem is, he’s used to driving off into the sunset as a lone bachelor, not with his friends and brothers in the car as well.
He only got to drive once, and it was awful. 0/10 would not recommend. Luke thought MC was driving and called shotgun…
Mammon just turns on the radio for music and hopes something good is on at least ONE channel.
Not all of Mammon’s time driving was bad, the combined powers of Luke and Mammon meant that everyone stopped at a petting zoo at the side of the road. Everyone had a good time, even though when they got back into the car they all smelled like a farm.
Did anyone else hear that oinking in the car-
*Vibes to Music in the Backseat* (Levi)
After being cruelly dragged from his room and placed in this stupid van… he just climbed into the backseat and put on his headphones.
Maybe anime openings could drown out this problem…
Levi only drove for fifteen minutes, it was the most terrifying fifteen minutes of everyone’s lives.
Mario Kart is not a substitute for proper driving school!
Listen- Levi actually saved the entire trip, after stopping at a gas station everyone noticed that Levi never complained about what was on the radio because he was wearing headphones, so everyone bought their own pair and the car trip was so much more pleasant…
No matter how many times Lucifer told Levi to get his feet off the seat, he wouldn’t listen, he was GAMING and they took him away from his gaming chair! HE NEEDED TO SCRUNCH HIMSELF UP LIKE A GOBLIN TO FOCUS DAMMIT!
Whenever the car would stop so everyone could get out and take a picture or look at something, Levi had to be practically dragged out of the car and manually posed for the pictures.
“Is this one of those vans with TVs in them? I brought the first five volumes of TSL on DVD!”
While Satan was driving they stopped at a lake, and Levi burst out of the car and made friends with all the lake fish.
He was still soaking wet when they had to leave.
I’m a Responsible Driver- IS THAT AN OLD BOOKSTORE?! (Satan)
Satan, we believed in you…
Our favourite nerd wanted to stop at any and all historical spots or cool looking bookstores he saw.
When everyone went to buy headphones, he got a pair with cat-ears on them! Because obviously!
Satan’s a responsible driver, and he’s not as prone to road rage as one might think. He has patience, remember in the Jobs event when he worked in customer service? Those kinds of jobs take a godlike amount of self control to do.
Asmo called shotgun and Satan got to have the wonderful experience of having his ear chatted off by his dear brother.
Satan was not about to have fast food for the eighth time in four days, if everyone wanted food, he’d stop at a restaurant.
He was terribly sorry to anyone who needed to use the restroom, but they should have gone at the last rest stop.
When Satan stopped at the lake, he gave everyone a long lecture on the historical significance of the place, then noticed that Levi was being crowned king of the lake and decided he should cut his history lesson short before Levi abandoned his family to chill with the fish forever.
I wanted Satan to be the normal chill one with the radio… I really did… but deep in my subconscious I feel like Satan would put on one of those language learning DVDs so he can learn another language on the go like a total dork.
Road Rage (Asmodeus)
No one saw this coming but- Asmo gets some B A D road rage. Someone cuts him off? “Hi hello dear, WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO SHOVE MY FOOT UP YOUR ASS?!” Someone doesn’t use a turn signal? “YOU BRAIN DEAD MORON! LEARN TO DRIVE!” Someone just pisses him off? “*prolonged horn sound*”
It’s just… the car trip was so taxing on the poor Avatar of Lust… he was crammed into the middle seat for the majority of the trip… he had to give his sleeping mask to Belphie… Beel was getting crumbs all over him and he couldn’t move over… just so tragic…
Solomon called shotgun and it was the greatest couple of hours of his life. He got a front row seat to Lucifer and Barbatos dragging Asmo back into the car because he tried to pick a fight with another driver.
Asmo wasn’t having a good time…
He didn’t want to stop for any gas station food or go through a drive-thru so it was another expensive restaurant trip. Rest In Peace to the gang’s wallets.
When he wasn’t driving, Asmo was loudly talking with MC or talking on the phone. It was a blessing in disguise when they went through an area with bad phone reception and Asmo finally had to shut up.
Oh well… at least he got a few nice pictures for Devilgram.
We all know Beel is massive, right? His head is touching the ceiling and every speed-bump hurt.
He’s the one begging to stop at every gas station or fast food place they pass by.
Beel’s section in the car was covered in empty bags of Doritos by the end of the trip.
When Beel got to drive, Belphie got shotgun! Hell yeah dream team!
Poor Beel, he got distracted and ended up somehow popping a tire. He pulled over next to a farm, changed the tire, then got back in the car and kept driving.
Uh… there was an awful lack of snoring next to Beel- OH FUCK THEY LEFT BELPHIE!
Belphie was found sleeping next to the cows on the farm they had stopped at earlier.
The cows didn’t want to give their sleepy god up so easily…
After that… Beel didn’t want to drive anymore…
“Look, cows.” (Belphie)
I really need to stop with the cow jokes but I CAN’T
Belphie’s crammed between Beel and MC for most of the trip and is probably drooling all over poor MC’s lap or shoulder.
Beware, he jolts up randomly and looks around in a panic before he realizes he’s in a car. This happens every three hours.
Belphie’s not allowed to drive, he’d fall asleep. But when Lucifer takes the wheel and puts on that fucking staticky radio, Belphie forms an idea.
“*ahem* four thousand bottles of beer on the wall, four thousand bottles of beer,”
Mission success, Lucifer wanted to tear his hair out.
Belphie ended up asking to stop when they get to a stretch of road with no streetlights, everyone got out of the and stared at the stars.
…listen, it’s a miracle no one got axe murdered but the stars were gorgeous.
Remember when I said Satan put on those language learning DVDs? Yeah uh…. Belphie woke up from his last nap of the trip almost fully fluent in Spanish. At least one person gained a new skill on this trip…
Oooo, Look at Thaaaaat! (Diavolo)
Even though the side characters were in a different car most of the time, sometimes people would switch to the other car if they met up at a gas station.
By the end of the road trip Dia looked like one of those tourist dads, Hawaiian shirt and all.
Dia can’t drive
He’s absorbing human culture… and human culture involves ordering everything at this random Wendy’s.
Diavolo’s camera roll is so unbelievably full by the end of the trip and he refuses to delete ANY of the pictures.
Most of the pictures are of really weird and boring stuff, like traffic signs and trees, but the picture he ends up printing out and putting in a picture frame is a picture of the whole group at the petting zoo having a grand old time.
He wanted to take home a baby goat but Barbatos said that wasn’t a good idea :(
Help. (Barbatos)
So, it could have been worse for Barbatos, he could have been stuck in the car with the brothers and MC.
Dia always had the seat up front, but when he left the car to go hang out with the dude-squad, Solomon got the passenger seat.
Solomon decided it would be a good idea to pester Barbatos to go faster and take weird shortcuts through (probably not legal) backroads and creepy forest paths.
Good thing Barbatos, Luke, and Simeon had functioning brain cells and knew that’s how horror movies began.
Barbatos stopped for fast food once and only once. It’s not healthy!
He’s the only driver to take suggestions for music, meaning that the side characters’ car was the best one of the two.
He’s just… he’s just trying his best not to vomit…
Simeon thought the car would be a good place to get some writing done while they drove down long stretches of road. Simeon was wrong in that assumption.
With his head down way too much while the car zoomed down the highway, Simeon felt himself getting *very* sick about four hours in.
He was worried he may have accidentally eaten something of Solomon’s… but nope. The angel was carsick.
Luke had the important job of patting Simeon on the back as he leaned over the barf-bag while Solomon dry heaved up front.
Hurry and open the windows before Solomon barfs too!!!!
Other than the car sickness, he had the job of making sure Luke was entertained, there was a good hour of eye-spy until they just got to a stretch of forest.
After that, Simeon realized that he could just give Luke free permission to ramble about whatever he wanted and that would keep the little guy entertained for HOURS.
What do You Mean I Can’t Legally Make This Turn?! (Solomon)
Shifty bastard can drive, problem is, he doesn’t care about the laws of the road.
He ended up getting pulled over after breaking approximately 11 traffic laws in less than ten minutes.
“License and registration.” “Yeah yeah yeah…” “…sir, this license expired in 1989.” “…shit.”
Solomon gunned it and managed to use his magic to hide the car and evade the very confused traffic cop.
Luke was completely aghast at the flagrant law breaking, but Solomon’s excuse was that the 80s were a lawless wasteland and he completely forgot he legally had to update his license.
He’s an equally obnoxious passenger as he is driver, but at least no one in the car is bored.
“You know, back in the day cars didn’t have seatbelts.” “Solomon put your seatbelt back on.”
…Can we keep it? (Luke)
He was against this from the start. A road trip? With those nasty demons? No! Never!
Okay fine… maybe he wanted to see some more of the human world… he agreed to go.
After helping Simeon through his car sickness, he misheard the other car say that MC would be driving, and Luke wanted to hang out with his third parent 🥺
That’s how he ended up riding shotgun next to Mammon. It started out rough, but when the two spotted the petting zoo it was all sunshine and rainbows.
Luke made friends with all the animals! He was like a little Disney Prince. He got especially attached to this one piglet, it was a surprise to Simeon that the goodbye wasn’t tearful.
Luke smuggled that piglet out of the petting zoo and they were all over fifty miles away before anyone noticed.
Of course, everyone was just shocked that Luke had stolen something, but he looked so cute holding the little piggy… awwww…
The bros obviously joked that Luke had gone to the dark side and was totally evil because he had taken the pig, much to the poor kid’s dismay.
Simeon tried to convince Luke that he needed to return the piglet but Luke was adamant that he could totally take good care of it.
Welp, time for Lucifer to fix this.
“Luke, you need to go put the pig back, it’s not yours.”
“No! I’ll take good care of it!”
“That doesn’t matter, you stole it. It’s not your property, do you want to end up a scummy thief like Mammon?”
“No not at all. Let’s go return the pig.”
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delicate - chris evans x plussize!reader
wordcount : 1678
You and Chris had known each other for most of your lives. You had met Scott in elementary school and quickly became a part of the Evans gang. Chris certainly traveled the most for his work, but it was nice to have him filming in Massachusetts. With him being so close for so many upcoming projects, he could hang out with the group again. He was always your favorite to hang out with as you liked the same movies, music, and games. He picked you up a little after five-thirty wanting to be the safe designated driver for you.
Arriving at the Color-Me-Mine you were surprised to see Scott amongst your group of friends already there picking out things to paint.
You quickly ran up and hugged Scott, “Ugh! I’ve missed you so much!”
“I’ve missed you too! You should really come out to LA.” He insisted as he pulled away and shook your shoulders.
“I would but I don’t have enough salary to do all that.”
“I would foot the bill if it meant I had the smallest bit of your sunshine in California…But I’m back for two weeks so we’ll have to get together for a Mario Kart tournament.”
“Oh we definitely need to! Are you staying at Chris’ house?”
“Probably for the last week yeah, this week I’m staying with Vanessa to spend time with Micah.” You looked over at Vanessa. She was picking out paints and chatting with Kelsey. She had just had a baby boy a few months ago and he truly was the cutest little guy. You had always wanted to settle down and have a family, it just never seemed to be in the cards for you. So, with no close friends and no significant other, you threw yourself into your work. Which worked out for the best in the end, you were practically running the library at this point but when you were finally out of your bubble you realized how detached you really were from it all.
You had picked out a basic mug while Chris picked out this big jar claiming that Dodger very much wanted a big treat jar with flames on the side. The night at the studio was full of loud laughter and some generic pop music. You had spent three hours painting, chatting, and drinking until it was finally time for the shop to close. You and Chris had gotten back into his car and he had started to drive before you turned to him. “I’m glad we were able to get Vanessa out of the house, but I fucking hate this mug.” You said with a slight chuckle before continuing, “I can’t wait to toss it.”
“You can’t just toss it! C'mon, Y/N! It’s beautiful.”
You let out a louder laugh before looking down at the blue and green mug in your lap, “Chris it’s a silly monster. It looks like a six year old made it.”
“Well a six year old didn’t make it. My thirty-seven year old best friend made it. You know what, maybe I will keep it in my cupboard and you can drink out of it every time you come over.”
“Is that my punishment for making such a bad mug?”
He reached over and squeezed your thigh gently, “Maybe. C'mon, come back to my place, Dodger would love to see you.”
You let out a dramatic sigh, “I guess, we can go see the amazing fluffy boy.”
The rest of the drive went by quickly, due to Chris and his love for pushing how far over the speed limit he could go before getting pulled over.
When you finally arrived at his house, you both went through the front door and Dodger came running. You handed your mug over to Chris so you could kneel down and pet the excited dog. He looked down at you two with a laugh, “He hasn’t had company besides my family in a while, he’s missed you.”
“I’ve missed him too. Yes, I did! I missed you so much bubba!” You told the dog as he happily licked your face, “Blegh, yuck, Dodge. Let’s go on the couch so I can give you belly rubs!” At the sound of belly rubs Dodger took off in a sprint towards the couch. You stood up with a small laugh before kicking off your shoes and making your way over to the couch.
“Can I make you a drink?” Chris asked from the kitchen.
“To put in my mug?”
He laughed at this before going over to his bar cart, “No, like a genuine cocktail in a glass.”
“Oh, the big shot actor makes drinks now? Playing a bartender soon?”
“Please, I’ve been making drinks forever! Who says I can’t make drinks?”
You stopped rubbing Dodger’s belly to shrug, “Just the way you always drink beer it’s just shocking it would even be in your list of things you can do.”
“I going to make you the fanciest fucking most wicked cocktail you’ve ever had in your life.”
“Yeah sure!” You said with fake reassurance in your voice before turning your attention back to Dodger.
A few minutes later Chris called out for you to join him in the kitchen. With a sigh, you scratched behind Dodger’s ears one last time, “Sorry buddy, your dad has to be a show off.” Walking into the kitchen with your hands on your hips you stood on the other side of the kitchen island, “And this is?” You said looking down at the cup before grabbing it and sliding it over to you.
“A tequila sunrise. Isn’t it obvious?”
“Just an interesting choice for nine at night but yes it’s very pretty.” You raise to his with a clink before you both take a drink.
He slowly lowered the glass from his lips with a smile, “Good right?”
“Not bad, not bad. Orange juice is a little off though.”
He groaned with an eye roll, “I forget that you’re picky about pulp.”
“It’s fine, you’ll have another chance to wow me. I imagine we’re doing the mario kart tournament here.”
“Oh, we can! Dodger would love that, he loves all the attention you girls give him.”
“Just like his daddy.” You said with a smirk before taking a small sip.
Chris placed his glass down on the counter and leaned on it looking you over, “Why have we never…”
You laughed slightly, “I don’t know if I should be offended or not. You have my virginity, Evans.”
He rolled his eyes with a chuckle, “I know I do. I’m trying to ask why we haven't dated.”
“Chris, you’re a world renowned actor and I’m a plus-sized librarian that never made it out of this small town. You know why.”
“Enlighten me.”
You took a big drink from your glass before gently resting it down with a sigh, “You could have anyone you wanted. Why would you settle for a childhood friend from your hometown?”
“Because I love her.”
You were happy you had swallowed because that had you laughing loudly.
His jaw fell into a fake act of being offended before yelling out, “I’m serious! You were my first crush.”
You took a few moments to compose yourself before finishing off your drink and resting it on the counter with a smile, “That’s because I hung out at your house like every day.”
“It’s not just that…Childhood crushes go away, but with you…” He let out an embarrassed huff before continuing, “I sometimes wonder what my life would’ve been like if I just asked you out in high school. If we would be married and have kids by now.”
You studied his face, trying to find a slip up or a smirk, letting you know this was all a joke. “Chris.”
As he closed the space between you, you felt your breath hitch in your chest. A small gasp escaped you as you were surprised how effortlessly he lifted you up onto the island counter. He gently pushed your legs open making room for himself as he spoke, “Do you remember Halloween night junior year?”
You swallowed hard, “When we lost our virginities to each other.”
“And I was so nervous I came before I was even anywhere close to where I needed to be. But you sat there with me until I calmed down enough to try again.” He was now a few inches from your face, his eyes dark and smirk spreading across his face, “And the fourth of July, the year after…”
“When we snuck into the basement of my house because everyone else was busy and we knew the sound from the fireworks would drown us out.
“You were the first one to ever moan my name…I think about it all the time.”
“You-you do?”
He nodded before resting his forehead against yours, “I was so stupid. I should’ve asked you out then…I was so worried that I would mess it up and lose you.”
“You were stupid.” You said quietly with a small smile.
He pulled away, giving you space as he laughed. His hands wandered up your thighs to your back to scoot you closer to the edge of the counter, “I know…And we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
Your legs wrapped around him with a small smirk of your own. His eyes shifted down to look before looking up at you, “Don’t tease me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Evans.”
You both stared each other down until you eventually lost and had to blink causing him to laugh softly, “I’m going to carry you into my room and I’m going to make love to you the way I’ve always meant to. Tomorrow morning, I’m going to make you breakfast in bed and then tomorrow night we will go on a date. How does that sound?”
You rolled your eyes affectionately in response. He always talked too much. Reaching up, you cupped his face in your hands before pulling him in to kiss him.
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Webs |3|
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Webs: Dating Peter Parker is hard when you have a spidey secret of your own (SMUT (Set with themes of Into The Spiderverse comics)
1 | 2 |  …Ongoing
Warnings: Smut
“Nothing is interrupting my night tonight” You stated. Adamant nothing is going to stop you from having a normal house party void of any incidents.
“Why even try and jinx yourself” Caitlin responded rolling her eyes on the edge of your bed.
“I’m not even taking my suit”
Every superhero needs a friend that knows right?.
“Mmmhmm” Caitlin stopped buckling her shoe to give you a look riddled with sass. Her eyes shifted to your arm to the thick silver bangle on your wrist.
“Fine” You conceded, caught in your own lie. Dramatically taking it off and launching it onto your pillow.
“Bet you regret telling me about that suit now don’t you”
“Perhaps, it was only going to be just in case”
“Just in case of what? I doubt anything that dramatic is going to happen at a house party”
“I don’t know, remember Amelia last time”
“Okay no one expected that, but it’s not Spider Woman worthy is it” Caitlin chuckled zipping up the back of your dress.
“This random crime spike is just not sitting well with me, it just seems off”
“And you’re expecting some kinda big bad behind it?” “I mean I don’t know, maybe”
“Well how about tonight you let Spiderman take the hits”
“Well” You asked giving her a twirl. The dress was nothing super special. But it was Peter’s favourite colour on you. Red. A sweetheart neckline body con midi dress hugging to your figure, albeit a bit more tightly after the amount of pizza you and Caitlin had just consumed between the pair of you.
“Damn, Red is definitely a colour for you girl”
“It’s Peter’s too” you added, mischief laced in your words.
“Well when you bail to bang and leave me I forgive you in advance”
“If he doesn’t flake out” you added.
Sambuca scolded your throat, now questioning your life choice to join in a dangerous cards against humanity game. The round winner takes a shot of their choice. There was debate of the losers doing the shots, but no one wanted to get their stomach pumped tonight. You’d just thrown down an hilariously inappropriate combination. The 00’s pop playlist filling the room with nostalgia was at just the right level; No one had to shout at each other to be heard and it was just as easy to vibe with the music. In your circle round the table that beautiful bug of nostalgia was having people lightly swaying while their cards fanned out in their hand. There was 8 of you gathered round the large table, there was about another 7 people playing and watching video games, before you started they were swearing around on Mario Kart.
You were sat on Peter’s lap, his hand firmly just under the boundary of your dress on your thigh. It hadn’t started there. You’d be lying if you said you wasn’t using his choice of not playing against him. Teasing him periodically with miniscule motions of your hips.
“Don’t you think we should get Caitlin home?” Peter whispered. She had way too many black cards and plastic shot glasses piled in front of her.
“As much as I want to say you’re just saying that so you can take me home, you are right. She’s done”
“I don’t know why you’d insinuate such a thing” He quipped, thigh receiving a soft squeeze.
“Okay guys, we are going to love and leave you and tap out. And take this one home before she passes out”
Unanimous groans but acceptance dispersed throughout the table. Caitlin was scowling at you like a petulant child. That is until you promised her you’d make her Nutella and banana on toast before bed. Food always prevails with her.
The taxi journey to her house was interrupted by a couple of near misses but you made it to her house without incurring a vomit fee.
The second her fluffy onesie was on she collapsed into her bed and persisted you fulfil your promise.
“Can you stop it” You chuckled in a sheltered manner, patting Peter away from behind you.
“I can, but I won’t” He countered, wrapping his arms round your waist again, head burying in your neck armed with hot, kisses and gentle nips
“Swear to god Parker” You warned. Your body completely disagreeing with your words and moulding into his.
“Let me finish this will you” You pleaded. Spreading Nutella becoming more of a task than it needed to be.
He finally backed off with a sulked huff.
“Thank yooou” He snatched the Nutella pot from the side and the spoon dramatically from the side. He couldn’t quite stop his grin from appearing through the façade of stroppiness.
You crept up the stairs plate in hand. Waking her housemates up at 3am was not on your agenda. Caitlin had crashed, already snoring through heavy breathes. Her clothes were scattered on the floor and from the looks of managed to scatter her other pyjamas from her draw round the room. Nothing would wake her up at this point. You put the plate down on her bedside table in defeat and silently kicked her bin across the floor to her bedside.
“Well thanks to you holding me up she’s already crashed and I’ll tell her tomorrow when shes cursing through her hangover it’s on you”
“I’ll take it, can we go back to yours now?” his tongue visibly clearing his mouth of Nutella.
“Impatient much?” You took the pot and spoon from him with a gentle shove; he was now backed against the counter. Spoon swirled with the gooey chocolate, spoon in your mouth eyes not breaking from Peter’s.
“Impatient? You’ve been winding me up all god damn night”
“I love it when you get annoyed” You teased, fingers wrapping round the top of his belt.
“Yeah?” Knocking your arms away.
“Yet you don’t like it when I tease you and make YOU wait” You hopped up on the side scissoring your legs cutely.
“Please get my shoes babe” After a look he does so without another word. He had a gentle grip of your ankle as he slid your heels on. His hands do not yield, as his fingertips tiptoed the underside of your leg. Your thighs becoming fast victims of his grip as he pulled your body forward with a quick controlled tug. Your arms flew out in response grappling for the security of his shoulders. Only encouraging the flurry kisses on the inside of your thigh as his head nudged your legs apart.
“Okay that’s enough” The begrudging protest you breathed firmly. His hand wandering to the apex of your thighs threatening to change your mind.
“Peter!” You chuckled sliding yourself of the side.
“Is Evie home tonight?”
“Nope, why do you think I’ve chained the door you dweeb” You smirked, arms out, cradling Peter back into you, back against the modest living room table.
“You won’t be calling me that when you’re bent over this table” He purred into your ear, he earned a small gasp as his fingers tangled in your hair forcing your into the deep whirlwind of his lips. You hoisted yourself up on to the table wrapping your legs around his waist with a strong grip.
“Now where were we at” he cooed, deserting your lips for his new target of inside of your thighs. His eyes captured and held your gaze hostage as he inched closer and closer to where you really wanted. He reached his limit, restricted by your dress.
“Need assistance?”
“Please” he pleaded. You took your time edging the dress zipper lower and lower. It pooled on the floor around your feet as you slid out of your heels. Peter’s eyes danced frantically, taking you all in.
“You are sooo beautiful baby” He cooed. It caused a bright saccharine smile to edge across your lips.
“You are lucky to have me” you responded tugging him back into you.
“Oh believe me I know” he breathed tugging your bra down with his lips latching onto one of your buds. Your head drooped back as your hands glided into his hair, the soft locks tight in your fingers. You grabbed the hand that was digging into your side, teasing his hand to in between your legs. He followed your lead and began circling his fingers.
“Peter, hurry up and make love to me”
“Tell me you love me” he whispered. You both stopped, you took his head in your hands.
“Peter Parker… I love you” the words left your mouth slowly, meaning embossed through every single syllable. His eyes glossed over, a coating of pure contentment. You both paused for a beat nothing but the gazes you were holding over each other, relaxed sweet smiles directed at one another. The moment passed, fleeting. His shirt joined your dress in the pool on the floor, he unbuttoned his jeans under hungry eyes. Your hips tilted into his as he ran himself through you.
“God you feel perfect” He grunted through a relieved moan.
A clinky bang jolted you both to still and sober.
“Y/N! Unchain the door please” A voice called through the gap that had appeared at the door.
“Shit” you whispered in sync, you both fumbled around, regaining the clothes scattered on the floor.
“Coming” You responded loudly with maximum effort to conceal your breathlessness.
You both gave yourself a once over patting down your outfits.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t think you were back tonight” You watched Evie chuck her bag onto the sofa and shed her coat to the rack.
“I wasn’t, hey Peter” He offered an awkward wave with a half-smile. You didn’t say anything more, waiting.
“Me and Darryl had a fight and I wanted to just be in my own bed”
“Oh I’m sorry hun”
“It’s cool, I’m just going to head to bed. Night guys”
With her door clicked shut Peter offered you an amused glanced, his lips turned up.
“Moods kind of gone huh?”
“Mmmhmm” you agreed. He took your hand kissing it like a princess before following you to your bedroom.
“Is it me or is the room still spinning?” Peter asked. Your head was nestling on Peter’s gently undulating chest, his fingers delicately combing through your hair, each stroked more calming than the last.
“The trick is to close your eyes” You responded, hands dancing in small circles on his bare chest.
“Right of course” he chuckled.
You rolled over reaching out, your exhale of disappointment fanned across the empty space next to you.
Again, really?
- Where did you go…again? – 08:45
Noticing the time stamp on your message you jolted up, scrambling around your room and getting yourself dressed. No time for breakfast today. You resigned yourself to being late for your 9am lecture when your locked your door as it was already 08:55.
“Shit” you breathed, dropping your keys as you fished your phone out. Your mood had soured and etched lines at your forehead. Seeing you’d received a reply from Peter only made the lines deeper.
Your second lecture was intense but the deep concentration diffused the mood of the morning. During that time your phone had buzzed a few more times
- I’m so sorry – 09:15
- Babe, I’m sorry – 10:00
- Can we meet for lunch? – 10:01
- Please… - 10:15
You did not respond. Instead, wanting to get a head start on your homework you made yourself scarce in the corner of the concrete quadrant outside. The lunch rush of students had thinned to a low buzz, the staff were clearing up the cups and plates of the aftermath with a rushed nuance. You nursed your hands round a mug of hot chocolate, eyes switching between your laptop screen and the book you had opened up.
“Uh…hey” Peter voice crept in.
“Hey” you responded, no attempt was made to make eye contact.
He sat opposite you
“Y/N I’m so sorry” He pleaded.
“You say sorry but you always do this, where do you even go?” your arms crossed defensively as you lent back in the chair.
“I… uh… forget things ya know and when I remember I just gotta go” His eyes grew wide, concern glistening in his brown pools of sugar.
“It’s not like you just leave early, you leave half way through the night”
“I know, it’s…”
“Do you like not want to wake up with me or something?”
“What? No of course not” He placed his books on the table and searched for your hands to hold.
“Y/N I love you, I’m sorry if I’ve ever made you feel like that. I want to make you feel special not the opposite”
“I just want to be able wake up and curl next to my boyfriend when he sleeps over” you admitted, dropping your shoulders, the knots in your stomach loosening.
“I can do that”
You wasn’t all that convinced.
“Can I come over tonight?”
“Uh, I’m busy tonight I’ve got some work to do and I’m desperate for an early night” You lied.
“Oh okay” His words deflated.
“Maybe tomorrow night? If you bring pizza”
“Consider it a long all night date night” He perked up, almost bouncing in his seat, reaching forward and catching you in a surprise kiss.
“I’ll believe it when I see it Parker, now get lost I’ve got stuff to do”
The sun had surrendered to the moon, coating the city in the perfect cover of darkness. You was easily able to climb up the side of the gymnasium and through the open window. You didn’t always go in the front. You shrugged off your jacket and fished out your hand wraps, you sunk to the mat and began meticulously bandaging your hands already eyeing up the punching bag dangling from its bar. You were itching to go out and do a sweep of the area in your suit but you were conscious your sense had been letting you down at times recently and wanted to train inside for a bit in a hope to sharpen your senses. In this universe you lacked the scientific support of the likes of Mr Fantastic, in this universe you were on your own.
Your hands pummelled away at the bag; evoking perspiration at your temples. You were light on your feet with a stance to match. Each swipe at bag causing the metal chain support to clang throughout the room. Strong breaths out, perfectly timed with each swing.
You turned suddenly your body alerting you…
Glass shattering from above with quiet, deafening shards.
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Gojo Satoru Edition 💙
note: I just want to thank everyone for making this blog hit 500+ followers. Never in my wildest dreams would have thought to have a writing blog and a one that is so supported and loved. I love everyone single of my followers and readers who took the time to read my content. English isn’t my first language so I struggle a lot when writing since I make a lot of typos and I barely have any writing skills. Even though I reread it to check I still manage to find some typos so I’m constantly editing, even my old posts. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how happy each comment or reblogs makes me, I love reading what you guys think. I will continue to work hard for you guys and the jkk community! Please look forward to future updates my lovelies! ❤
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A= Admiration (How do they admire you? What is their thoughts about you? What is their reaction in meeting you for the first time? Do they instantly like you?)
Gojou loves staring at you and he's not afraid if he gets caught.
Even if you're doing chores or you're laughing with the first years. You could of just woken up with messy hair, drool dried on the corner of your mouth and he'll still think you're the most beautiful person in the world.
When he stares at you it's as if the world slows down and everyone goes in slow motion. He'll notice the twinkle in your eyes or how you suddenly shifted to your right. As he's in a trace where his hearts flutters at the sight of you.
His Six Eyes will notice even the tiniest detail about you.
Even in a crowded room his eyes will immediately try to find your form. You're the first person he seeks whenever and wherever.
He likes to boast about you to everyone, especially his students. You're his lover and he's proud to have you.
To him, you're his equal, his safe haven. You're the only person he can truly let his guard down with. You love him not because "he's the strongest shaman" but just as "Satoru" and that's something he thinks about that makes him feel all warm inside.
You're his everything, he wouldn't know what would he do if he ever loses you. If Gojou truly loves you he will fully commit to it.
You and Gojou didn't exactly start off on the right foot.
You thought he was too arrogant and annoying.
While he thought you were weak and boring.
You quickly proved that wrong, and his perception of you changed. He would often tease you and find opportunities to spar with you.
You slowly started to grow on each other from rivals to lovers.
He's still annoying though.
B= Bestie (Do they act like best friends while dating? How comfortable are they with you?)
Why absolutely! You guys are lovers at the same time bestfriends.
Gojou is very comfortable around you. He's pretty confident man already but when he's around you there's no breaks for this man.
He will do the wackiest and craziest things just see you laugh and smile.
You both tell each other everything, such as recent turn of events or even student gossip. He loves to gossip.
You can expect him to wake you up at 2 am just to go to McDonald's while blasting music from the car while you both sing on top of your lungs.
Of course there will be moments where both have arguments or disagreements but they don't last long. They get solved pretty easily.
"Wanna get icecream?"
"Fine, but you're playing."
Gojou can be quite obnoxious at times and you're not afraid to let him know. He doesn't listen and still annoy you anyways.
But now you should be used to his antics and don't take them too seriously.
There is no such thing as a boundary for this man.
He can literally become your safe haven during sad times or hell as he tickles you until you cry.
C= Cuddles (How often do they cuddle? How are they when they cuddle? What cuddle position do they like best? Are they the Big Spoon or Little Spoon?)
If he could, Gojou would always want to be cuddling with you. Whenever and wherever you both are.
He loves the feeling of having you in his arms or him in your arms. His home is where your arms are. It's one of the moments where his Infinity isn't activated.
He wrap his long limps around you and bring you as physically close as possible so he can nuzzle against you or press kisses to you.
Whenever he's in a cuddling mood or he's feeling stressed he'll come to find you and pull you to the nearest chair. He'll have you sit in his lap while he embraces you tightly. He won't go until he's satisfied too!
He usually prefers to be the bigger spoon, he likes the idea that you're safe within his arms. Sometimes he'll just stare at you while you sleep, smiling to himself as he drifts off to sleep.
If you're both in bed you must cuddle! It's a rule he made up.
He doesn't being the little spoon either, he loves the feeling of when you playing with hair. He truly feels comfortable and vulnerable within your arms.
He can't decide with position he likes best, he just likes the feeling of your body close to his.
D= Domestic (Are they willing to settle down with you? Are they willing to do chores? What do you two do at home?)
Gojou never thought he would settle down. That is until he met you!
With his busy and dangerous lifestyle, he thought he would spend the rest of his days alone.
Being with him, is a huge risk. The higher ups or the enemies would use you as a bargaining chip.
After lots of convincing, that you'll promise to be by his side forever. You'll have his heart now and forever.
Gojou when he's at home...he's lazy. He'll be munching on some snacks, lying on the sofa while you hang the laundry.
Somedays he's tired from work, so you let him be but if he really isn't doing anything. Some threats work really well on him.
"If you don't don't do the laundry, you're sleeping on the sofa tonight!"
"Then I'm off to do it!"
Having growing up with servants, he's not used to doing household chores.
But he will try, because he doesn't want you take take on the full workload. Teach him, he's a fast learner!
At home, within your arms is where he feels safest. Majority of the time you two would be in contact with each other one way or another.
You're watching tv? He's sitting you with his arm around your shoulder. If you're cooking, he'll come and unexpectedly hug you from behind. This man craves your touch.
Watching movies or television is something you both do very often, you'll both be snuggled up together, while Gojou throws commentary here and there.
Cooking or baking is another thing you both do. Majority of the time you both rarely get to spend together due to Gojou's work schedule. Who ever arrives home first will have to make dinner. However, you two are both at home you both help each other make a delicious dessert or meal. Nothing like eating a home cooked meal together.
Playing video games together is a must! You're his player number 2. He's very competitive so if he wins, it's non stop boasting but if he loses he demands an immediate rematch. Mario Kart or Super Smash Brothers is some the common ones you both play.
E= Endeavor (Are they supportive in you trying to do something? Will they help you reach for it?)
Gojou Satoru is known to be your literal hype man.
He will be very supportive of you and what you're trying to accomplish. As long as it's not something like becoming a murder. He's gonna have to do a double take on that.
If you're gonna become a piano, he'll have a grand piano delivered straight to your home. If you're gonna become an artist, he will buy you the best art supplies.
As they say "live your life to the fullest" and Gojou completely agrees with that statement.
If you're trying to learn something new, he will be encouraging you. There are times where he can be a little but don't take it to heart. He just wants you to improve and sugarcoating things isn't always the best way to improve.
If you're feeling down but you're trying to achieve, he'll be there to comfort you and motivate you.
"Things won't always go your way, but I promise I'll be there to cheer you on."
If you're trying to learn a new skill, he might have a go at it too. He's a fast learner but if he doesn't or can't do something, he'll just blame it on the fact that if he does it then he's gonna become perfect so he chooses not to. It's just to save his huge ego.
F= Fights (How often do you guys fight? Who apologizes first? How long will the fight last? What is the reason behind the fight?)
You guys argue pretty often but they're mostly about trival issues. Like Gojou forgot to take out the trash or who cooks today.
If you both do fight seriously. It would definitely have to do with "work". Because of Gojou's busy schedule you're not sure when will he be back home or when he will be gone. If you both have very different schedules it would definitely lead to some misunderstandings.
If you realize you did something wrong you'll apologize to him right away. While he spouts things like "I told you so!" but he's only teasing.
If he realizes he did something wrong it'll take him a while for him to admit it. Depending on the seriousness of the situation his apology will differ.
If it's something trivial, he'll just pepper you with kisses while says sorry a hundred times.
If it's serious, he'll fully embrace you and apologize, straight to the point no needless words.
Trivial fights don't last long but serious one may take time. Depending on who's wrong or right.
Gojou is a stubborn person so even if he's wrong it'll take him a while to admit it. Maybe days or a week but no longer than that. After all he can't resist not being around you.
G= Guard (Are they protective of you? How protective are they? Are they willing to risk themselves to save you?)
This depends whether you're a shaman or a civilian.
If you are a civilian, he will be very protective of you. You don't have the ability to see curses so who knows what or when can hurt you.
He'll take sure to put lots of talismans and barriers around your home for safety.
Gojou due to his busy work schedule won't always be home or be around you. During these days he's worried sick about you.
He'll be sure to message or call you whenever he can to check up on you.
If he truly senses you're in danger, no matter what he'll go to you instantly. After that happens he'll more frightened of losing you and might resort to leaving you.
Despite how much he loves you, you're life is more precious than him. He can't risk that by being around you.
If you're a shaman just like him, he won't be as protective over you. He'll understand and trust that you'll be able to defend yourself.
He'll make sure to spar with you so that you won't lose in touch in fighting.
Even though he knows you can take care of yourself, in his heart he still worries for you. So he may or may not pop up randomly during your missions and exorcise the curse immediately.
You may end up getting annoyed or mad at him because you may think he thinks you're weak but that's not the case. He just loves you and worries about you.
Whether you're a civilian or shaman, Gojou will 100% risk his life to save you. He's lost so many people, he can't afford lose you too.
If you're out in public, he'll be sure to be holding your hand or have an arm around your waist. He'll glare at anyone who looks at you funny through his sunglasses.
Gojou has a massive presence so good luck to anyone who tries to approach you. They gotta get through him first.
H= Healing (What is their reaction in you getting hurt? Do they get hurt often? Do they help you patching you up? Or do they not know how to patch you up, and tries their hardest?)
Gojou hates seeing you hurt in anyway. Even if it's a tiny wound. It's kinda like if you're hurt he's hurt too. That's his way of thinking.
If you get injured during a mission, you can bet Gojou will be all over you.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"For the hundred time, yes..."
Despite your assurance that are fine, he'll still insist to take you to Shoko just to be safe.
If it's a trivial wound like you accidentally cut yourself or you stubbed your toe. Gojou will be the one to take care of the wound. He does have basic knowledge on how to treat wounds.
If it's a severe wound, he'll instantly bring you to Shoko. He'll teleport all the way from Hokkaido to Tokyo if he has to.
He doesn't know how to use the Reverse Cursed Technique but at the moment when you're dying in his arms he will try his best to.
He will literally become your human shield if he knows things are dire.
If he sees an enemy wound you, well it's gonna be game over for the enemy. Instant oblivion.
It is known that Gojou has his Infinity activated at all times, so he doesn't ever get hurt whether from missions or trivial issues.
Very rare but when he does turn off his Infinity he can get hurt but it's because he let's it happen.
He still gets sick from time to time because that's something his Infinity can't protect him from.
I= Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do you two often go on dates?)
Gojou as we all know is very affectionate and romantic person.
He's very cheesy and likes to tease you just to see you blush.
He can't keep his hands off of you, he has to be touching you even just by lacing your fingers together. He also likes to stand near you often behind you or right beside you.
Gojou goes all over Japan for his missions and he makes sure to always bring a souvenir home for you whether it's a little trinket or something you'll like. Definitely will buy sweets, he'll share just a little though.
You'll often be surprised with deliveries of bouquets at work addressed to you but not written from who but you know who it is.
This man is extremely rich, so you ever have an eye on something, he'll secretly buy it for you.
When you're cold, he'll give you his jacket or hug you to keep you warm. If you're feeling hot under the sun, use this man as your personal shade. He doesn't mind.
It's rare for the both of you to have day offs at the same time so it's always something special to him.
He'll either take you out shopping or a cafe date.
He loves going around Tokyo with you to different places and secretly takes pictures of you when you're not looking.
If you don't feel like going anywhere he's fine with just cuddling you while watching a movie.
Gojou just has a sense for you if you're feeling down or stressed. He'll instantly know and would try to make you feel better.
He can cook your favorite meal or even give you a massage.
He's not shy to show the world how much he loves you, everyone in the Jujutsu society knows about you two.
J= Jealousy (How often do they get jealous? Do they get easily jealous? How will they react?)
Gojou doesn't get jealous easily. He trusts you and knows the things you do and won't do. However, on rare occasions it does happen but he won't directly voice it out.
"I'm the strongest most handsome shaman ever!" But behind that he still has insecurities. It usually depends on the person you're interacting with. If he sees you getting a little too close to someone, he'll step inーcausally stepping in between the two of you. A hand around your waist around strangers and a full on back hug around people he knows.
If a stranger tries to pick you up, he'll swoop right in towering the poor stranger. He knows he's attractive and he knows show to use it.
"Pay attention to me (Y/N), not Nanami!.
"Satoru, we're talking the recent sighting of a grade 1 cursed spirit."
Afterwards he'll just be very whiny and needy, he wants your full attention on him and him only!
K= Kissing (Do they like kissing you? Are they shy or confident in kissing you?)
Gojou Satoru loves all forms of affection. Kissing being one of them.
Gojou has had experience with kissing so he knows what he's doing. One moment he'll be kissing you sweetly then it turns into a full blown make out session.
He's not embarrassed about kissing you in public. Despite the Japanese culture of being conservative of PDA. He won't be making out with you in front of the entire crosswalk but he'll give you pecks or smooches that last a moment or two.
Whenever he leaves for work, he'll always ask for his goodbye kiss or when he's back home he'll be eagerly waiting for your kiss.
Whenever you both pass by each other whether at home or at school, he'll press a chaste kiss to you.
His tongue is divine, he definitely knows how to use his tongue. You can bet he knows how to tie a cherry into a knot using just his tongue.
You will always taste something sweet lingering on him as you kiss him.
He doesn't have a specific type of kiss he likes, he likes them all as long as they're with you. Forehead kisses, cheek kisses, eskimo kisses you name it!
He will definitely will to try out all forms of kisses with you.
L= Love (Who drops the L-word first? Would they rather say it or do it?)
Love is a complicated feeling, Gojou hasn't felt that before with any of his past relationships.
That was until he met you. That's when he realized that what the feeling was.
You were cuddling in bed together, face to face. There was no talking just silence as the two of you stare deeply into each other's eyes. Only the light of the moonlight peaking through the curtains illuminating the room.
Gojou stares into your eyes with a soft smile on his face as he gently lays his hand on your cheek.
Your eyes held the universe within them, the universe that is you and it's staring back at him with so much love and affection within them. He feels the warmth spread throughout his body. He whispers softly "I love you..." as his own eyes reflect yours.
You gasp with eyes widening, processing the words he spoke. You feel your eyes well up in tears, as your cheeks warm. You place your hand over his and whisper back "I love you too.." smiling brightly at him.
That was the moment when he first told you he loved you, it was so genuine and raw.
Afterwards he'll always voice out that he loves you but of course he shows it as well. He'll call you beautiful while pressing a kiss to your forehead.
M= Marriage (How do they propose to you? What’s their ideal wedding like? Where do you plan it?)
Gojou is a very spontaneous man, I can imagine him doing it during the most mundane and random moments. Such as after you're both walking home from a date or maybe it's late into the night while you're both cuddling.
Maybe moments where you're hurt or if he almost lost you.
"Marry me, (Y/N)..."
It's just a spur of the moment kind of thing, when he's the most vulnerable. When he realizes "ah, I want to spend the rest of my life with this person..."
Gojou is pretty flexible with the kind of wedding he wants. He doesn't really have a dream wedding.
The elders of his clan would definitely bug him for a Traditional one as it is customary.
However, if you want a Western style wedding instead he will definitely go for it.
Mostly likely, you both will have two weddings one traditional and western.
Money is different not an issue with this man. Say the word and you shall receive. It's definitely going to be extravagant.
Whether you want to or not he'll find a way to splurge his money.
If the elders are opposed to your marriage you'll both will just have a private wedding, inviting the people closest to you guys.
Not marrying you because someone said no is not an option for him.
N= Nicknames (What do they call you? Do they call you these in public as well? How often do they call you in nicknames?)
Gojou has a variety of nicknames for you!
Ranging from the typical baby, babe, sweetie, darling and honey.
Or something more sweet such as princess/prince, my love, my dearest.
And there's those really cringey ones such as sugarpie, cupcake, my strawberry cheesecake.
He will literally call you by any dessert name.
"Hey, my kikufuku!" Yup, that's you.
If you're shorter than him you can add shorty, short stuff or munchkin to the list.
When he uses them usually depends on the situation. If he's feeling really affectionate or needy he'll be using the really sweet nicknames.
Sometimes he'll even come up with the most ridiculous ones as much as it embarrasses you.
Usually he'll just call you using the common nicknames. He will only use your real name during serious situations.
He's not shy about proclaiming you as his chocolate cupcake. Not even in front of his students or colleagues.
"Are you referring to (L/N) sensei?" "Bingo!"
You've tried to beg him to stop but the man doesn't listen.
O= Open (How open are they with you? Are they willing to share their secrets and past with you? Do they trust you?)
Gojou despite being a man who loves to talk does not like talking about his private life or his past.
It's very personal information to him and he doesn't want the information to fall into the wrong hands.
If anyone asks about it he'll either ignore the question or answer it very vaguely.
You would have to be someone has spent years by his side to be to attain that level of trust with you.
There are some things in his past that isn't easy to talk about, even though it doesn't bother him now. If you ask he will tell you about it briefly.
If it's information not regarding his secrets or his past, he doesn't sharing those details. If you wanna about his mission or want to check his phone, he will let you. He has nothing to hide except the secret pictures he takes of you.
He in return trusts you as well, but he won't pry into things you don't want to talk about.
If you manage to gain his trust enough for him to reveal personal information about him, don't break it. If you do, you will never be able to gain it back.
P= PDA (Are they into PDA? Do they often do it? Their reaction if you hold their hands or kiss them in public.)
Gojou is into PDA but he doesn't flaunt it as often as you think. He won't be making out with you in the middle of the school hallway but he will press chaste kisses to you.
He's not afraid to hug you or hold your hand around the faculty or students.
He won't do something inappropriate in public he likes to keep that in private. Through sometimes he will because he likes seeing you embarrassed while you desperately ask him to stop. Trying not to gain the attention of the people around you.
He also likes seeing the reactions of other people when he does display affection towards you but mostly he does it to see your cute reactions.
If you initiate hand holding with him, he will definitely hold your hand back tightly. If you kiss him, he'll be surprised but then he's quick to tease you about it.
"Oya, is my cupcake getting bold~?"
If anyone looks at you two with disgust he will yell out "you got a problem?"
He's not shy to show the world he loves you.
Q= Quirk (Do they find your quirks adorable or odd? Do they tell you or not? Do they have a quirk of their own?)
Nothing escapes his keen eyesight. He'll notice and remember a lot of your quirks even the ones you're unconsciously doing.
He thinks its absolutely adorable, like how you furrow your eyebrows in concentration how you pout when you're deep in thought.
All these little quirks make you who you are and he adores them.
Gojou will tell you about them of course, even if you try to deny it. If you don't believe he'll try to take a picture to show you which ends up making you really embarrassed.
"I can't help it, I don't even know that I'm doing that..." you whisper with a blush on your face.
Gojou has a quirk of fiddling with his blindfold or his sunglasses if he's wearing them.
Definitely a fan of putting his hands in his jacket or hands while he stands or walks. He doesn't like the feeling of his hands being empty.
R= Reliable (Are they loyal? How loyal are they? Are they there for you when you need someone?)
Gojou is a very honest and down to earth kind of guy. Of course, loyalty is something he firmly commits to.
Cheating is something he won't resort to at all costs. No woman or man is tempting enough for him to be swayed.
We all know he is a good looking guy, he's bound to attract suitors anywhere but he'll turn them all down. He already has you, why would he need anyone else?
There are times where you might feel insecure or jealous but Gojou will always be there to assure you not to. He'll do his best to comfort you, until you're smiling again.
"You're the only one I need..."
During these times he'll even share his precious sweets with you. He'll feed you cake while hugging you from behind.
Have faith in him because whenever you need him, he'll make sure to be there.
S= Solace (How do they comfort you? Do they immediately notice you being sad?)
Gojou just has sense whenever you're feeling sad, even though you try your hardest to hide it.
He just sees through your facade. He won't ask if you're okay when he clearly knows you'll try to lie about it.
If you're trying to avoid him, he'll either pin you against the wall or pull you into his embrace.
He'll be silent as he takes off his blindfold to stare deep into your eyes, how could you lie when those eyes are looking straight at you.
He won't ask you about what's bothering you but he will always be there to comfort you.
Gojou would pull you into his lap on his expensive chair and cradle you like child as he gently caresses your hair.
Ligerning forehead kisses is also he does to comfort you.
Gojou would also bring his sweets stash and slowly feed you some while he hugs you from behind. If you want food, he'll be glad to cook up your favorite meal.
He knows a lot of cringy and cheesy jokes, in which ends up with him laughing at his own jokes. His laughter is contagious so wouldn't be able to hold back a smile after that.
T= Turn-off (What do they dislike in people? What is their turn-off?)
Gojou hates the old way of thinking he finds in elders especially the elders of his clan and the jujutsu society.
He doesn't like anything anything serious or boring. If you're too uptight, he'll find a way to break that.
Another thing he hates is when people do something behind his back or say something behind his back. If you have something to say, then say it straight it to him.
Routine is another thing he dislikes, he's very spontaneous and looks for the fun in things.
He dislikes vegetables and anything bitter. He's a lover of sweets afterall!
Prying too much into his personal life, as proud as he isーhe doesn't like going around talking much about his private life or his past.
U= Umbrageous (Do they easily get offended by what you said? How will they react when you get hurt by what they said?)
Now if you mean playful gets offended then the answer would be yes. If you're seriously trying to offend him, he won't. He's not the type to take things like that to heart.
Call him an idiot, a narcissist, he will playful hold his chest in pain and whine to you while he pouts.
He'll even tease you back if he feels like it.
"Sorry, did you say something~?"
Even though he doesn't take insults to heart, if you use his past against him, he will take offense to it. His past is something he doesn't want to bring up so if you or anyone brings it up. That changes things.
He tries to keep the optimism but he's only human with emotions so there will be times you could offend him.
If you managed to offend him, he'll be unusually quiet as he dwells on your words.
He won't resort to anger but that doesn't mean he won't at times. That's when he's firing insults back you, blinded by rage. He will regret it afterwards though.
V= Vision (What do they imagine their future? What is their dream? Do they want to spend it with you?)
If Gojou truly loves you, he'll definitely would want to spend the rest of his life with you by his side. Somewhere where he doesn't have to be on guard and would always welcome him with open arms.
Yet at the same time he is afraid of the dangers that come associated with him. If you're a civilian he'll try to distance himself away from you. He's afraid one day when he's not around, someone might come after you. His world is completely different from that of a normal person's afterall.
If you work in the same field as him. He'll definitely be more reluctant to push you away, because he knows you can handle yourself. It lessens his worries.
Still life as a shaman is still as dangerous, you're putting your lives at risk every time you go on a mission. The thought of losing you scares him to the very core.
Despite that he still loves you and if can't be with you he would like to associated with you someway maybe as acquaintances or friends.
He dreams of a world without cursed spirits, where he can live a peaceful life, settle down and start a family with you.
In a world crowded with darkness he dreams of a single ray of solace that is you.
Someone that will stay by his side no matter how difficult it will be.
W= Wacky (What is their reaction in you doing something crazy? Will they join you or stop you?)
Gojou Satoru is a man child, he does the most ridiculous of things like wearing a skirt of a highschool student.
If you're the type of person who's just as energetic and wild as him, it's going to be chaos.
You both will pull pranks on the students and faculty. Poor Ijichi being one of your primary targets.
If you're the type of person who's more on the serious side then he'll be shocked by your suggestion.
But of course he's willing to join in whatever plot you have.
Gojou already gives the higher ups a headache, if you're added to the mix it's going to end up being a massive headache.
He lost count of the amount of times he got scolded by Principal Yaga.
He can come up with the wildest ideas and sometimes you will have to become his break.
Principal Yaga specifically asked you to keep him in check after all.
X= Xtra (Random Headcannon about them)
Gojou Satoru has a driver's license. In fact he even owns several cars.
Of course, they're all the expensive ones because he thinks they look cool.
Does he use them? Not that often, when you literally have the ability to teleport or have Ijichi to drive you around.
As you expect he's a fast driver, you will literally be griping your seatbelt for dear life. It looks like he's gonna crash but he won't. He just likes to scare you.
Of course there's a stash of candy and extra pairs of sunglasses in the glovebox.
Gojou is surprisingly a great cook. You would think being raised with servants he wouldn't know how to cook but he does.
He studies the recipe very carefully and cooks. It's as if he has a natural talent for cooking.
At first, you were pretty skeptical of his cooking but once you had of bite of his dish. You could feel the literal flavors explode on your tongue.
When it's his turn for him to cook, expect him to be wearing a cute apron while blasting music from his speaker.
He'll be singing and dancing in the kitchen.
Hug him from behind while he cooks and he'll melt right then and there. Trying to hide a blush from you.
Y= Yearning (Do they long for you? Will they find themselves missing you while you’re away? If so, how will they cope with it?)
Even though you haven't seen each other for a day he terribly miss you. Your just gives him warm and when you're not there he feels cold.
He goes on missions very often and they can last days or even weeks depending on the case. He'll try to update you as much as he can on when he could come home.
Even when he's in the middle of fighting cursed spirits, he'll find his mind wondering towards you.
If he's away from you, you'll be getting calls and texts from him quite frequently. He'll make sure to always greet you good morning or good night and ask how you are.
He'll always ask if you've eaten or not and asks you to send a picture of your meal to prove it to him. He needs to know you're being well fed.
If you think he talks too much he texts just as much. He'll even take random selfies of himself or something interesting he wants you to see.
If you send him a selfie or video he'll save that so fast and save that to his folder. So he can look through them whenever he misses you.
If it's a long mission, he might pack one of your shirts which has your scent so he could take a whiff to calm himself or cuddle as he sleeps.
After a mission if he's not tired yet, he'll video call you every now and then.
He'll try to come back as fast as possible because he doesn't feel complete without your presence.
Z= Zzz (Do they fall asleep easily? Do they move around while sleeping? What sleeping position do they like best?)
If we are talking about the past Gojou, maybe around his youth then no. He had difficulty sleeping because sleeping meant he's vulnerable to attacks.
This is why relies mostly on sweets to stimulate his brain because there are days where he can't sleep at all. His powers drain a lot of energy to keep up.
Once he could run Infinity automatically, he doesn't have any trouble sleeping at all. In fact, he passes out instantly once his head hits the pillow.
The man works hard and goes on tons of missions so of course he's bound to be tired when he gets home.
Gojou Satoru is 190 cm tall so of course he has a large king sized bed at home. He likes having a lot of space but he tends to move around a lot unconsciously.
There have been times where he has fallen off the bed as well.
If you're sleeping with him and want to prevent him from taking all the bed space, you both cuddle that way his limbs are locked on you.
His likes to sleep laying on his back while you lay on your chest or embracing you from behind as you both sleep on your sides.
It's very rare from him to snore but that doesn't mean he doesn't and when he does, it's loud.
However sleeping with him has it's benefits, if you wake up before him you'll be graced by the most angelic view. As he breathes softy while his long white eye lashes remain closed.
If he does wake up you will also be graced by his morning voice which is divine.
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woogyu · 3 years
fluffy idol!woozi with 13+30 please~
13. Stop being so cute
30. I'm not jealous! It's just... you're mine!
»»————- ♡ ————-««​
notes; I took this one in a slightly different direction, but hope you enjoy!!
Thank you for requesting!!
wc; 1151
Drabble Game Requests | OPEN | Drabble Prompts; fluff | angst | funny
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Having a world-famous K-pop idol as your best friend wasn’t always easy… actually, it was rarely easy. There were so many different ways that things could go wrong, from dating rumours to drama to really a whole collection of bad situations. That being said, you really wouldn’t change it for the entire world.
When Jihoon started training you feared that you would never get to see him again, your best friend since the two of you were in diapers. You worried that he would change, move on and forget all about you. But that didn’t happen, he was still your best friend and idol on the side.
It was really by chance that you started helping him with songs, offering a comment here or there. Eventually, you started writing them on your own on top of working with him. Sometimes the songs were just for fun, sometimes he would use them in their albums. You loved being able to contribute in any way you could, and the extra time spent with him down in the studio wasn’t half bad either. You spent a lot of your nights down in his studio, either just hanging out or working on music. You loved time with Jihoon because of how calming it was, he made you feel like you were at home. Though, sometimes you did enjoy spending time with his other friends.
It was impossible not to get to know them from the amount of time you spent around Jihoon. While at first, you were a little shy around the new, and loud, pack of boys, you quickly grew to think of them as family.
“Kim Mingyu if you throw that blue shell at me, I’m.” you started, gritting your teeth as you struggled to keep yourself in first place.
“You’ll what?” he challenged, sending the shell flying straight toward you just before the finish line. You went from first to sixth in an instant. You looked over to the tall boy sitting next to you, shoving him as you fixed him with a glare.
“Now that was just cruel.” You mumbled, pouting as you watched his character do a victory lap.
“All is fair in Mario Kart,” he shrugged, hitting a few buttons on the screen to bring it back to the main screen.
“Let’s go-“ you started before the door opened behind you, cutting off your statement to play around round.
“y/n, I thought we were going to work on that new song?” Jihoon’s voice questioned. You looked back at him and checked the time, you hadn’t even realized how late it was.
“Sorry Ji, I totally lost track of time” you admitted, standing up and gathering your things. Before leaving the room, you glared at Mingyu.
“This is not over.” You promised the male, earning only a chuckle and roll of the eyes in response.
“Since when do you and Mingyu hang out?” Jihoon asked as you followed him down into his studio. You weren’t expecting that question, he never seemed to mind when you hung around the others in his group.
“Ever since we argued over who would win in Mario Kart.” You explained, face souring as you thought about him beating you. “We are currently 20-22 and I can’t let him win.” You grumbled, fist-clenching as you slid into the familiar computer chair. He picked at his nails, watching you but didn’t respond.
“Sorry I was late, I got caught up in the game…but why ask about me a Mingyu?” you wondered, pursing your lips as you watched your best friend. You could tell from his stiff body language that there was something bothering him. “Mr. Lee Jihoon isn’t jealous of me hanging out with someone else, are you?” you questioned teasingly, figuring that might force him to tell you what was on his mind. You had known him long enough to know when you had to push him to share his thoughts.
“I’m not jealous!” he exclaimed, his eyes flashing to yours as he grimaced. You raised an eyebrow in question. “It’s just… you’re mine!” he mumbled, looking away as your eyebrows shot up. Well, you were not expecting that.
“You looked like you were having so much fun and I just… I don’t want to lose you…” he whispered. You could tell how hard it was for him to admit that.
“You’re not going to lose me Ji” you reminded him, bumping his shoulder as you gave him a grin. “You’re still my best friend,” you said, watching as his eyes flicked over to yours.
“I know I’m busy most of the time, but I like having you down here.” He said, running a hand back through his hair.
“Sorry… for lashing out like that. It wasn’t your fault, I’ve just been stressed out lately and took it out on you...” he mumbled, sighing as he ran his hands over his eyes. You smiled watching him. Jihoon didn’t open up easily, he didn’t share his feelings if he could help it. You hated when he closed in on himself.
“I’m sorry too, for pushing you to talk about it.” You admitted, he had only lashed out because of your comment.
“It’s just… you’re allowed to talk to me when something is bothering you,” you told him. The last thing you wanted was there to be some invisible wall between the two of you.
“I’ll work on it” he relented, leaning back into his chair as he stared up at the ceiling. “I just don’t want to say the wrong thing and push you away” he admitted, closing his eyes. He was always worrying about something; he had been like that since you were kids. Most people thought he was just quiet and cold, but you knew he just got caught up in his own thoughts a lot of the time.
“Stop being so cute” you grinned, watching as he cracked a smile and turned toward you. “Do you want me to kick you out of here? It is my studio you know” he teased. You huffed and crossed your arms, turning your head away from him. “You’ll have to drag me out” you declared, sinking lower into the chair.
“You’re on a chair that rolls” he deadpanned, watching as you quickly grabbed the edge of the desk. “And what about it?” you shot back, laughing as he used his foot to try and push you toward the door.
“So… we’re okay?” he asked after a few moments, his eyes a little hesitant.
“Lee Jihoon you’ve been stuck with me since we were kids and I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon,” you told him definitively, watching as an amused smile spread over his features.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way” he responded. You knew no matter what life decided to throw at the two of you that you would always have each other.
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pan-fangirl-345 · 4 years
He’s Faking It
Summary: You’re Bakugou’s girlfriend, kind of. You’re his fake girlfriend, or so you think.What happens when your jealousy gets the better of you?
A/N: I promise it’s not as angsty as I’m making it seem. I hope? I don’t know man I wrote this at like, two in the morning. It’s fluffy at the end I promise.
He's faking it.
You had to remind yourself of that as Bakugou took your hand.
"(Y/F/N) is my girlfriend," he said, just as he had for the last three months.
It was a lie though. He was just pretending to be your boyfriend to get the girls off his back.
He's faking it.
As a third year, Bakugou was much more popular than he had been in his first year. There were always girls confessing to him and writing him letters.
It had gotten to the point where he couldn't go anywhere without a girl following him, trying to get him to go out with her.
At first he had been letting them down easy, but it had started to get worse the more he turned them down. The more he turned them down the higher the pedestal they put him on got, the more they wanted him.
He had finally had enough three months ago when you had gone out together for groceries and a group of girls had tried to talk him into go to their dorms with them.
Bakugou had walked over to where you were looking at milk, wrapped an arm around your waist and said, "I already have a girlfriend."
You had been so confused, and then you had seen the girls and understood what he had been silently asking you to do.
He's faking it.
"Are these old friends of yours love?" you had asked, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
The girls had left, and the confessions had slowed.
It hadn't even changed things too much other than you spent a little more time being touchy with the ash blond.
He would sometimes pull you into his lap when your friends were hanging out in the common room, he would back hug you more than he normally did, he showed up at your dorm crying when he had nightmares so he could sleep with you.
You had slipped into the role of 'Bakugou's girlfriend' easily, taken the teasing of the rest of the Bakusquad, taken the hurtful comments made by the other girls that you went to school with, and handled the pain of having to pretend to be his girlfriend when you wanted to be the real thing.
He's faking it.
You had been in love with Bakugou since your first year, but you had known it wouldn't go anywhere. You weren't a good fit for him, even if he had thought of you like that.
You had become a member of the Bakusquad because of Mina. She had befriended you and invited you to their game night.
Bakugou hadn't even realized you were there until you won the first, second, third, and fourth rounds of Mario Kart, knocking him down a few pegs.
And here you were now, watching as another girl walked away with tears in her eyes and an unopened letter.
You could sympathize with a lot of them, if you weren't friends with him, you would be one of the girls Bakugou was turning down.
But you were his friend and you had known from the very beginning that he wouldn't accept your confession, so you hadn't bothered.
But sometimes you forgot what your role was.
Times like this.
You and the squad had gone clubbing on one of your rare weekends off.
You had gone to get Bakugou and the others another drink.
When you caught sight of the table, there was a girl in Bakugou's lap.
His hands were on her hips, and he was smiling up at her before he caught sight of you.
"Oh shit, she's pissed," Hanta muttered, following Bakugou's line of sight.
You set the drinks down, turning to the girl.
Now that you saw her up close you realized she was a few years older than you, and much prettier.
"Would you mind getting off my boyfriend's lap?" you inquired softly.
"Oh shit, she's really pissed!" Denki whispered, moving so he was shielded by Eijirou, who was watching with a pale face.
Before Bakugou could say anything you looked him in the eyes and said, "I'm going back to the dorms."
You were hot, had a headache, and had had one too many shots. The pounding music wasn't helping your forming headache, and the constant press of bodies was becoming uncomfortable as you made your way towards the exit.
It wasn't until you were two blocks away from the club and had cleared your lungs and head that you realized what you had done.
"Oh shit," you whispered, tearing a hand through your hair.
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
You had just given yourself away in the worst way possible.
He's faking it.
But you weren't.
"Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no," you whispered, tears starting to sting your eyes as you hurried towards the dorms, regretting the heels you had decided on wearing.
There was no saving this, was there? There was no going back from this.
They were going to know. He was going to tell them and then it would be middle school all over again.
He's faking it.
But he didn't know that you weren't. 
Or he hadn't until just now.
As soon as you stepped foot into the dorm building the heels were off and you were in the elevator heading for your floor.
"(Y/F/N)? Where are-?" Izuku cut himself off when he saw your face. "What's wrong? What happened?"
"I fucked up," you whimpered. "I fucked up so bad. Bakugou- I- he-" 
You stopped, realizing you were blubbering.
You darted for your room, slamming the door shut, locking it.
People were knocking on your door, asking for entry, they were asking what was wrong, but you didn't really hear them.
You had ruined everything tonight.
Luckily, you would just have to wait until graduation, then you could forget everything about it.
The only problem was that it was still months away, and you still had to go to classes with every member of the squad.
A small sob escaped your mouth, which opened the floodgates.
You sobbed as everything from the past three months spilled over the dam that you had built inside yourself.
You hated crying, everyone knew that. Very few people had ever seen you cry.
Izuku and Shouto had seen you break bones without shedding a tear.
You had never cried in front of the Bakusquad, never. You had always waited until you were by yourself, and it had been quick and quiet tears.
"(Y/F/N)! (Y/F/N), open up!" Bakugou snapped, pounding on your door.
"G-Go away Ba-Bakugou!" you shouted, swiping at your face angrily even though you knew that he couldn't see through the doors.
"C'mon baby, let me in, please," Bakugou murmured, tapping on the door this time.
Baby? Why is he pet naming me now?
"What do you want? To mock me?" you snapped, walking over to the door, throwing it open. "Trust me Bakugou, I'm humiliated enough as it is right now."
Bakugou brushed past you into your room and you sighed, letting your lip tremble for a little bit before you attempted to pull yourself together, turning to him.
"Before you say anything," you began when you saw his open mouth, "I need to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I have no right to be jealous. You should've been allowed to go home with her. You were clearly into her and she was into you and I was- am- a scapegoat. I mean, it's not like I'm actually your girlfriend or anything."
"Baby, what are you talking about?" Bakugou asked, reaching for you. "Scapegoat? You had every right to be jealous. Of course you're my girlfriend! Who told you otherwise?"
"You can drop the act," you snapped.
"Have . . . have you been crying? Baby, I am so sorry, I-" Bakugou stopped when he saw the shaking of your shoulders. "Baby?"
You let out a wet laugh, tears streaming down your face as you looked at him.
"Are you really so worried about someone hearing you that you're lying to my face?" you asked, crossing your arms across your chest. "What happened to not lying?"
"Baby, what are you talking about?" Bakugou asked, reaching out again.
You lurched back, away from him.
The hurt look in his eyes made your stomach roil, but you had been feeling like that for three months.
"Stop calling me baby," you snarled. "There is no one else in this fucking room Bakugou! You can drop the act. I'm not your girlfriend. The thing in the store was a lie. I was just a ploy to get the confessions to stop and then we just kept the act up!"
"Baby, are you feeling okay?"
"What did I say about the baby thing?" you snapped, tearing a hand through your hair.
"Baby," now he was just doing it on purpose. "I asked you out."
"What are you talking about?" you asked, brows furrowing.
"After the store incident, I asked you out on a date," Bakugou said.
You blinked at him, swiping at your eyes again.
"Like I said, you just wanted to keep the act up," you whimpered, hating yourself more than him at this point.
"(Y/F/N), we've been together for three months, you know that right?" Bakugou asked, voice soft.
"And those three months were a lie!" you cried, throwing your hands up. "You were using me to keep the confessions away and I let you. God, I'm as pathetic as everyone keeps saying."
"Baby, who's been telling you you're pathetic?" Bakugou asked, getting that dark look in his eyes.
"All those girls, my parents, you."
"Baby, I never meant to hurt you, I never meant to say those things to you," he said, wincing. "And those girls are just jealous. Baby, you are beautiful, and strong, and you have one of the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen. 
"Look, I love you (Y/F/N) and I've been in love with you since I met you. I was drunk tonight, and I thought that girl was you. That's not an excuse but . . . baby, what do you think has been happening for the last three months?"
"You needed to get the confessions to stop so you asked me to pretend to be your girlfriend and we've kept the act up for the last three months until it was safe for you to 'break up' with me after graduation."
"Baby," Bakugou sighed, tearing a hand through his hair. "Is that really what you thought was happening?"
"That's what's been happening. I don't know why you're trying to-"
You don't know when he leaned in, how he got in front of you so fast, but suddenly his lips were on yours and his hands were cupping your face gently and he was blushing as red as Kirishima's hair.
He had kissed you a lot in the last three months, little pecks on the cheek, forehead kisses, kisses to the nape of your neck when he was sleepy, but he had never kissed you like this.
He had never kissed you fully on the mouth like he was now.
It was messy- you were surprised god damnit- and there was way too much teeth, but . . . he was kissing you.
Against every instinct telling you to pull away, against every little voice in your head telling you not to, you wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him back.
He made a small noise of approval, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you closer against him.
When you pulled away to breathe, he followed you.
You giggled, laying your forehead against his.
"There's that smile," he murmured, rubbing his nose against yours.
"So . . . you actually wanted me to be your girlfriend?" you inquired, toying with the hair at the nape of his neck.
"'Course I did," Bakugou told you. Then he grinned, "I can't believe you thought I was asking you to pretend to be my girlfriend. You thought I was pretending to be a complete simp for you for three months!"
"Sh-Shut up!" you moaned, burying your face in his neck, face hot from embarrassment. "I just- I didn't think you'd be interest in me like that."
"Like what baby?"
"Like this. I didn't think you'd ever have room for a woman in your life, let alone someone like me," you answered. "I'm still processing the fact that you kissed me."
“I’m sorry, I should’ve made things clearer,” he murmured, toying with your hair.
“Ya think?” you asked, laughing.
“Can I make it up to you?” Bakugou inquired.
“I mean, knowing I’m not a fake girlfriend is pretty good as is,” you teased.
“Wait, is that why Shitty Deku and Half-and-Half looked like they wanted to murder my ass on the way up here?”
“Probably, I was a mess when I got back,” you confessed, telling him about it as he swayed you back and forth.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, burying his face in your neck. “I should’ve clarified. Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
“Because I thought we were on the same page. I didn’t think it would hurt as much as it did. And pretending to be your girlfriend was good enough since I couldn’t be the real thing.”
“But you were the real thing,” he reminded you.
“I didn’t know that though,” you replied, smiling at him.
“It’s too late for this shit,” he muttered. “Come back to my room with me. We’re kind of drunk, I have a headache, and I want to sleep.”
He wiped at the mascara that had started to run under your eyes.
“Okay, just let me snag some-”
“You can just take something from me,” Bakugou told you, leading you into the hallway.
“Are you sure? I know you can be-”
He gave you a look and you chuckled, biting your lip.
“Alright then, you’re sure,” you murmured.
“I’m really sorry that you went three months thinking that I was just pretending to be in love with you,” Bakugou said when you got to his room.
“Bakugou, it’s okay, I should’ve just asked,” you replied.
“Katsuki,” he muttered.
“Call me Katsuki.”
“Are you sure?”
He gave you another look.
“I just wanted to make sure that you were okay with it,” you murmured, toying with your hair.
“I wouldn’t be telling you to do it if I wasn’t sure,” he told you.
He nodded, wrapping his arms around you again.
“Clingy,” you teased, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I love you,” he declared.
“I love you too.”
“Then shut up and strip.”
He realized what he said as soon as it left his mouth and he flushed bright red.
“If you wanted me to wear your clothes Katsuki, you could’ve just asked,” you replied, smiling at him.
He sputtered a little bit, shaking his head.
“You’re so easy to fluster, Katsuki.”
He sputtered so more before he stormed over to his dresser, tossing some clothes at you.
“Just change,” he hissed, face still red.
“Not with you staring at me,” you hissed, motioning for him to turn around.
He rolled his eyes, but did as he was told, turning around.
“Stupid dress,” you hissed, shimmying out of it, kicking it to the side as you pulled the shirt on over your head, hauling the pants up. “Jesus Katsuki, how long are your legs?”
“Can I turn around?”
“Yeah, you’re good,” you muttered, tying the pants off so they didn’t fall off.
The shirt fell half-way down your thighs, and you had to pull the pants up to just below your bra to get them to stay up.
“They look good on you,” he murmured.
“Drunk Katsuki is a sappy Katsuki I see,” you teased, making him grumble.
“Can’t I appreciate my girlfriend?”
“You can, but you don’t tend to do it so vocally.”
“Let’s just go to bed dumbass,” he muttered.
“Alright Katsuki.”
As soon as you laid down next to him, he had his arms around you, your legs tangled together, and your head against his chest.
“I love you Katsuki.”
“I love you too (Y/F/N).”
A/N: I have no idea where this came from or why it’s so bad, forgive me for putting it out onto the internet.
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tellatennie · 4 years
Shigaraki smut
I wrote this high asf so it'll most likely get deleted soon because when I wake up after publishing this ill regret being born lmo. This is literally my first time writing smut and i did it when i was high. Probably not a good combo.
"OHH THAT'S JUST CHEATING" I shouted at my boyfriend, while smashing the buttons on the switch controller. We were playing Mario Kart and needless to say we were both quite competitive at it. "TOMURA STOP THAT'S CHEATING" I shrieked, he kept poking my side just when I would be getting ahead of him, causing me to lose control of the controller and allowing him to slip by. 
"Its called playing smart!" he smirked at me and crossed the finish line in first. I sighed and rolled my eyes "Next one I'll get you" We were playing rounds of three, three tracks, three games, three chances to win. Now I only have two chances to win, seeing as my boyfriend was a cheater at every game we played. He even cheated during Monopoly by getting Dabi to distract me while he stole money and hotels from the box.
I had a plan though, I knew what to do to throw him off his game.
We started the second race, and we both kept our cars almost directly next to each other the whole time, at this point we knew how the other would react to something and we used that against each other. Crossing the line to start our third and final lap I waited until just the right moment to put my plan into play. I had planned it just carefully enough where he didn't see something was coming, but I was just barely ahead of him. 
Just a little's way away from the final finish line I jumped on him and grabbed his controller and yanked it from him as hard as I could. He let out a yelp of shock and quickly reacted, going for the controller immediately. My premeditated plan work perfectly as I lifted both my feet up with s p e e d. He landed on my feet and groaned in light pain. He rolled his eyes as I passed the finish line in first and he stood up.
"That was so unfair!" I gave him the most innocent smile I could muster. "Its called playing smart babe!" I said in a borderline mocking tone. He snatched his controller back from me, accidentally disintegrating it. I laughed at his now emotionless 'I just died inside' face expression.
"Don't worry baby, I always keep spares just incase." I stood up and walked over to my table, picking up another controller I had set out, whilst picking up a little surprise present I had gotten Tomura. It was put in a cute little box that I had carefully wrapped ribbon around. I walked back over to him where he was sitting on my couch fidgeting his fingers, "I'm sorry (Y/N)". I plopped next to him and handed him the box. turning to face him while watching his expression change from confusion to happiness at the realization that I got him a present. He tugged at the ribbon but to no avail, the ribbon was put on there a bit tight, so he ended up just disintegrating the ribbon off. He lifted the lid off the box to reveal a pair of gloves that cover only two fingers to help him prevent destroying some things with his quirk. He lifted the gloves up and a smile spread across his face.
"Wow.. Thank you baby" He slipped the gloves on and looked at me with a goofy smile. "But I'm still gonna beat you in round 3"
"I'd like to see you try"
We had a deal that neither of us would try to make the other lose. ‘A fair fight’ we called it. It’s obvious no one had the intention to make this a fair fight, we were both glancing at each other and smiling. So yeah, obvious. 
Eventually we had both made our way to first and second place, but I was showing to have the chance of being first. I was quite ahead of him and I just had my fingers crossed for a Bullet Bill power up to seal my win.
I came up on a row of power ups and I drove through one, waiting to see what I got. I got a banana. I huffed in defeat and kept driving, throwing the banana behind me. 
“Ohh whaT THE HELL” Tomura said as he conveniently ran over the banana, causing his car to slow and allowing me to gain more of an advantage against him. "Haaa looks like I'm going to win!" 
Suddenly he pounced on me, pinning my arms above my head with one hand while taking away my controller with the other. “What happened to no cheating? Did you just get too mad at me?” I mocked. He leaned over and kept my arms pinned with his forearm and used his hands to keep steering his car, not responding to me. I tried wiggling my arms out but to no avail, he’s pretty strong.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and flipped him onto his back in return. I snatched his controller away and made his racer drive off a cliff and tossed the controller onto the ground where he wouldn’t be able to reach it. I looked back at him to see that his face was slowly turning red. I leaned down and rested my head on his chest and smiled at him. I let go of his pinned arms and lowered my hands to trace the scratch marks on his neck. He brought his hands down and ran his fingers through my hair. He sat up and gripped the back of my neck, pulling me in to kiss him. I could feel his other hand start to roam up my thigh when we suddenly heard the Mario Kart finish line music play through the speakers. We broke away from the kiss to see who had won. 
”WALUIGI!?” I yelled, jumping from my spot on the couch. Running up to the tv with my controller. “HOW DID WALUIGI WIN HE FUCKING SUCKS!” I huffed and crossed my arms, mumbling quite rude things directed at the annoying character. I felt Tomuras arms wrap around my waist as he laid his chin on my shoulder. 
“It’s just a game baby, besides, that just means you and I are still tied. So we need to find another way to find the winner” He whispered that last part in my ear. “What other way are we gonna decide who wins then- ohhhh” I felt very very dumb in that moment. Tomura laughed and pulled me back onto the couch. I sat on the couch as he turned off the tv. I patted the cushion next to me to tell him to sit. He gave me a questioning look and sat next to me. 
I flipped my leg around and crawled into his lap, facing him. He rested his hands on my waist and leaned up to kiss me. I put my hands on the sides of his head and deepened our kiss. He licked my bottom lip, asking for my permission. I parted my lips and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. There was no “battle for dominance”. There was him, just this gorgeous man exploring my mouth for the umpteenth time. 
We broke from the kiss and I buried my head in his shoulder, slowly starting to rock my hips against his lap. I took in the scent of his cologne, it was the same cologne I had bought him for his birthday. It was my favorite on him and the fact that he uses it almost everyday makes me feel so many emotions, most of which I had never even grown up with. 
He groaned as I grinded against him faster, I could feel his very obvious hard-on through his pants. He matched my grinding with his and used my hips to direct me the way he wanted. “God I love you” He mumbled into my ear, I tried to giggle but moaned as he put his hands up my shirt and kneaded my breasts. It had been a while since we were this intimate due to him being busy with the league but I was glad I had caught him on a day off. 
He suddenly picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bedroom. He laid me on the bed and stood in between my thighs as I wrapped my legs around him. He slid my shirt over my head and un clipped my bra and started sucking on my sensitive buds. (I’m literally so high rn) I put my hands in his hair and tugged slightly, moaning his name.
”Nngh- T-Tomura, I n-need you” He looked up at me and stood straight, slipping my leggings and underwear off my legs. “Do you baby? Because you seemed to be doing fine earlier” He unbuckled his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers. He aligned with my entrance and I was waiting for the immense pleasure soon to follow but there was nothing. I looked up at him and saw him smirking at me, whilst not moving. 
“W-what the hell. babe come on, pleaseee” I groaned with anticipation, trying to squirm but he quickly put his hands on my thighs, stopping any movement from me. “aghh Tomura I don’t know what you’re trying to do- OH GOD” I was mid sentence when he suddenly trust his member in me as fast as it seemed like he could. He groaned as he thrusted into me again and again “Oh baby you’re so tight” 
Our moans filled the whole apartment as he never showed any sign of slowing down. I gripped the sheets and tried to match his movements but he kept me in his grip. That’s when I knew I was his for tonight, and I loved every second of it. With every deep thrust, his member hit my core just at the right spot where every time I feel like I’m going to burst from pleasure. My eyes rolled back into my head, waiting for my upcoming climax.
He stopped moving. My eyes snapped to him. 
“Get on the bed on all fours for me baby” He said in a low octave that he usually had during our more intimate interactions and I feel like he knows it turns me on. I crawled onto the bed on all fours as instructed. He came up behind me and before I could even say anything snarky he once again thrust his member into me before I could even react. I buried my face in my pillow and matched his pace, pushing my ass into him. 
He rubbed my ass sensually as his pace quickened. “mmm baby I’m close” he groaned. I nodded in my pillow and tried not to make the loudest sound I could. I could feel my climax rounding the corner. 
I gasped and made an almost scream sound as I came around his dick. His pace slowed as he busted in me. He pulled out a few seconds after and I laid on my side, him following suit. 
“I missed you” I mumbled into his chest as he pulled me closer. He rubbed simple shapes on my back and kissed my forehead. 
“I missed you too baby.” I giggled and looked at him, pecking his lips.
”I think it’s safe to say you won the tie”
Ahhhahh i’m so fucking high right noww. I’ll most likely add a note at the top when I get off the high so whatever my sensible self says, listen lmaoooo
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tremmettdixon · 3 years
Mario Kart- Tremmett
hey so i wrote my first fic ever and it’s a tremmett fic and thought i’d post it on here as well as on my ao3 (@tremmettdixon) and it’s not the greatest but i hope yall like it anyway <3 also credits to @travichughestmblr for forcing me to post this :)
“No Travis, you don’t understand” Emmett exclaims, dropping down onto the sofa next to his boyfriend. “I am extremely, and I mean EXTREMELY, bad at Mario Kart”.
Travis and Emmett had just bought a Switch for their apartment. Emmett was into the chill sort of games, like Animal Crossing.
Travis, however, was the complete opposite and was always in the mood for a competition. They both had the day off and decided to spend the day doing different things together.
“Emm you’re gonna do great, I promise I’ll take it easy on you”. That was a lie. Travis pressed the power button and started up the game, becoming all giddy when he heard the music begin to play.
He settled down next to Emmett and handed him the second controller. Although he doesn’t like the game as much, it made Emmett happy seeing how excited Travis was.
“Dibs on Waluigi!” Travis called as soon as the character menu appeared on the screen. “Guess I’ll take Shy Guy”. The two changed their vehicles, chose a random selection of maps and soon enough, the game was beginning. The three second countdown began and the game commenced.
The first game went in Travis’ favour, with him muttering a little “yes” every time he finished a lap, knocked someone off of the track or collected the question mark blocks. He ended up placing first, not that Emmett was surprised, he knew how competitive and how well Travis played.
He couldn’t say the same though. The countdown finished and Emmett’s car wouldn’t move, watching his little Shy Guy stay in the same place as everyone else moved off. During the game he was knocked off the track, hit by fireballs, bullets and shells and ended up in the position second to last.
The next two rounds ended with the exact same result, Travis let out victory cheers, jumping up and down to celebrate his success and Emmett sinking back into the sofa, letting out sighs of defeat.
Travis had been so zoned out and focused on the game that he didn’t take any notice of Emmett, who sat back with a frown and was looking around the room as a distraction before the last round started.
“Oh Emm, are you ok? What’s up?” a concerned Travis asked, feeling bad that he hadn’t noticed it earlier.
“Nothing, it’s stupid, don’t worry about it” Emmett tried to brush it off but Travis knew his boyfriend, he knew he was upset.
He leaned back and turned to him, “Hey please tell me, I know something’s wrong”. Emmett was looking away so he placed his hand under his chin to turn it to face him.
“It just kind of sucks, you know?” He began. “Don’t get me wrong, seeing you get all happy and excited about winning is one of my favourite things in the world but sometimes it’s just not fair. I told you already, I’m terrible at the game and all I want is to win just once”
Travis moved over so he was closer to his boyfriend. “God, I’m such an idiot, I didn’t even realise you were getting upset over that. I’m so sorry” a guilty Trav told his boyfriend, taking his hand in his. “If you’d like, I can teach you all the tips and tricks I’ve learned”
A little smile came over Emmett’s face, “Yeah, I’d like that a lot, thank you Trav.”
For the next 30 minutes, Travis guided Emmett through the game, giving him all the best advice he could give. When he concentrated, Emmett made the cutest facial expressions and every now and again, Travis stopped and took a moment to look at and admire him and see the joy in his eyes when he figured out one of the tricks Travis taught him.
“Ok well now that you know a bit more about what you’re doing, why don’t we set a little competition for ourselves?” Travis asked. Turning to him, Emmett smirked. “What are you suggesting?”
“We play one final round of Mario Kart and whoever wins gets to pick a place for a dinner date tonight but the loser has to pay for the two of us”
Feeling slightly more confident than he had in the last few rounds, Emmett sat up on the edge of the sofa, game face on. “Let’s do this”.
The countdown began and soon the two were off. Thanks to Travis, Emmett now knew how to control the car properly and was flying ahead. In an aim to distract, Emmett started nudging Travis which ended up sending them into a laughing fit.
In the end, all the teaching and learning paid off. Emmett had risen up the leaderboard but just missed out on the top spot. He wasn’t surprised that Travis had managed to win yet again but he was still super happy with the progress he made.
Emmett jumped up off the sofa in celebration and Travis did the same but he didn’t just jump up. He leapt onto Emmett giving him a celebratory hug which Emm wasn’t prepared for. His legs gave in and the two were a laughing mess on the floor of their living room.
“Congratulations Mr. Dixon, you are the winner of the competition” laughed Travis, planting a light kiss on Emmett’s nose.
“Wait what? I- I thought you came first” a confused Emmett questioned. “Shouldn’t I be the one congratulating you?”
“Well I’m a winner every day because I get you as my boyfriend but I feel like you deserve a treat after working so hard and doing so well. I’m so so proud of you.”
“Are you sure? Because I will happily let you-“
“Emmett stop. You deserve it, you really do. Let me do this for you please” Travis explained, brushing his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair.
“Ok fine. But next time I’m paying whether you like it or not” Emmett said, attempting to be serious but failing as soon as he saw the expression on Trav’s face. He wanted nothing more than to kiss his face all over and that’s exactly what he did.
“I’m the luckiest guy in the world. Thank you for teaching me how to play and for paying for my food and for being in my life” Emmett smiled, staring into his boyfriend’s glistening eyes.
“You are pretty lucky, aren’t you?” Travis joked as he planted another kiss on his beautiful partner’s lips.
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violetnotez · 4 years
HC: Being Super Fluffy and Giving Them Lots of Love!
Anonymous: Could I request something for Izuku, Todoroki, Shinso and Bakugo. They're doing their own thing and are super concentrated or something and reader is just so entranced by them and they're so glad to have be able to call them their boyfriend and reader just gently cups their face and gives them and the most love filled, soft kiss cause AGH THEY'RE PRECIOUS TO READER! 😭 You can totally ignore this if you don't wanna 😂😂😂 I just feel so soft rn
Ahhhhh this is adorable anon! Honeslty some days I just wanna give these babies the biggest hugs UGHHHHHH
Also I changed up my layout a little to be more “aesthteic”, so sorry it it looks different! Do you like it? Drop me a comment on this post or inbox about which style you like better (the usualllll vs. this one!)
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Pairings: Izuku x reader, Shoto x reader, Shinso x reader, Bakugo x reader
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
I Z U K U 
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You and Izuku are having another study night, your body sitting next to his
Obviouskyyyyyyyy this boy does nothing but study smh
But you had completely given up- your brain had shut down after an hour and now you were just half listening to Midoirya mumble and half just admiring your adoarble boyfriend
You honestly miss seeing him look so domestic- you always see him in his uniform, his hero suit, and occasionally his All Might PJs on the weekends
But it feels like agessss since you’ve seen him in proper clothing
He looks just so cute in his teal sweatshirt, his scars peeking out of his sleeves as he wrote random equations on his paper
And his mannerisms are just so adorable-his tongue is poking out of his lips as he tried to work through a math problem, his eyes squinted in concentration and freckles dusting his cheeks like stars
How did you get so lucky getting someone so sweet and cute as him?
“If two goes into this fraction then possibly the variable will be isolated once I subtract the four-” hes mumbling under his breath, his voice so comforting against your ears
You lean your head against his shoulder, the scent of him just barely noticeable but so intoxicating- 
“’Zuku?” you asked tiredly, a lovesick smile plastered on your face
The sound of your voice breaks Izuku’s thoughts, his brows softening as he looks down at you
“Yes puppy-oh, are you getting tired? You look pretty sleepy...maybe we should take a break-”
omg why is he so sweetttttt
You just feel so calm, so comforted with Izuku it felt like your chest was just filled to the brim with love for this boy
Without warning, you leaned up to Izuku and kissed him softly on the lips,  your head feeling like it was spinning from butterflies
Once you pull away, Izuku’s cheeks are as bright as cherries and you cant help but smile, cause seriosuly no matter how many times you kiss him he ALWAYS gets flustered
“You know I love you right?” you tell him, butterflies filling your stomach as he looks down at you withe wide, green eyes
“o-of course! I-I-love you too!” he stuttered out, his nerves so intense that his tongue was like lead in his mouth
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It was just one of those crappy
You couldnt sleep, it was too hot, you were uncomfrotable, your ,ind was racing
And once you DID fall you course had a gut wrenching nightmare that left you panting and sweating from fear
So time for some good ol’ Shoto cuddles
And that’s how your now cuddled up into Shoto’s side, his body keeping you nice and cool
This boy was literally the sweetest- even though it was like1 in the morning, he couldnt care less about that and just focused on you
He quickly knew something was wrong when you were waiting in the doorway, his strong arms encasing you in atight hug
“Y/n dear, are you feeling alright? Whats bothering you?”
You just snuggled yourself deeeepppp into that boy cause he felt so comforting, his voice was velvety
also how does he always smell like detergent and expensive ass cologne like yessir thats the scent for meeeee
He quickly ushered you inside his room, his hands gripping your shoulders firmly
Literally all fears from that dream melted away with Shoto- his energy was so unbelievably strong and protective, it felt like nothing bad in the world would ever happen cause Shoto was there, and he wouldnt let anything bad happen to you
Also- seeing him in a plain white tee and black shorts literally could have made you swooned, cause god this boy really looks hot in anything huh?
He didnt judge you in the slightest about the dream, just offering for you to spend the night with him
Your head was cuddled into his firm chest, that intoxicating detergent-cologne-rich boy smell making your insides feel fluffy like cotton as his hands quietly brushed the hairs away from your face
He’s ask you small question, like “Are you comfortable dear?” or “Is that dream still bothering you”, just little things to make you feel more safe and open to talk to him
Shoto never wanted you to feel like you had to hide anything from him, and the effort really showed
You were know getting sleepy but the overwhelming feeling of appreciation and love for Shoto was exploding out of you
At this point you just wanted to show your undying gratitude to your boyfriend for being so unbelievably adorable and sweet
You shifted yourself, propping yourself slightly on his stomach so you could look at his face
damn this boy really got blessed with all the good genes huh?
You ran your fingers lightly against his skin, relishing the slight changes from cool to hot, your hands cupping his cheeks and feeling both sensations course through your body
Once you felt him sigh from content, you took it up a notch, leaving feather light kisses on his sheeks, his brows, his eyes, his scar...any avaliable skin you marked with yours
“Love, may I ask what you’re doing- you should be sleeping right now, its quite late-”
“I wanna show you I love you tho...” you sent the boy a pout, a deep chuckle rumbling through his chest and vibrating throughout your body
“But I already know you love me,” he grinned sheepishly cause god your just so adorable, like a puppy desperate to give their owner attention
“Well-I still want to show you,” you stated, your voice slightly thick from sleep as you continued to kiss the rest of Shoto’s face
All this boy could do was lean into his pillow, his hands finding themselves on your waist cause he knew you were gonna do this until you were tired
He wasnt complaining though- you being cuddly and cute like this literally rocked his world in the best way possible
“You know- your very endearing when your half asleep”
S H I N S O 
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Shinso is probably the most hardcore gamer you know
It was late in the night, and this guy was still going at it, now playing a game of Mario Kart on the TV, the screen bright against his features
You had gotten tired of the video games, just deciding to watch your boyfriend play instead of being the one to play
And god were you happy with THAT decision
He just looked so...adorable, his body clad in a tight black tee and baggy gray sweats, once foot straight and one foot bent as he sat on the floor playing
His hair was unruly as ever, sticking out in every direction
HIs eyes were completely enraptured by the task in front of him, scanning the screen 
He was just so cute, lookking so intense yet so sleep deprived 
it was adorable how badly he wanted to beat the player playing against him
And then he went a licked HIS LIPS
Your face erupted in red cause
You waited unpatiently to the last round, the music picking up pace as he sped to the finish line, hes cart victoriously earning 1st place
The dude didnt even cheer, just the most self absorbed smirk plastered on his face in pride
You quickly plopped yourself gently into his lap, your thighs cradling his sides
“Aww whats the matter kitten, not giving you enough attention?”
Yours hands fell against the softness of the black shirt and oh thank godddddd its so thin, your digits trailing upward and feeling the slight ridges of his muscles underneath the fabric
“No....its just- its not fair for you to look so cute while playing games and I cant cuddle you....”
“Heh, I look cute?”
This boy really cannot fathom how you find him so endearing, and now you just want to prove it to him
“Mmhmm,” you answer a smile on your lips as you cup his face in your hands
HIs hair is so tickly against the tips of your fingers, his broad chest radiating heat throughout your body
Your start to leave quick kisses on him, starting from his checks and working in towards his mouth, but not quite kissing him square on the lips
The closest you get to kissing him is on the corners of his lips, leaving electric sparks against his skin
The boy is desperate now
You cant just do that to him 
“Aww cmon darling, dont tease me like that” he sends you a cocky grin, his pointer finger gently tilting your chin and pulling you into a deep kiss
Once you pull away, your head is just spinning cause goddddd this boy is just a blessing
“Let me play one more round, and then we’ll head off to bed, alright?” he asks, his free hand now cupping your cheek
You sigh in content, your hands wrapping around his waist and snuggling into his chest, a warm, smoky smell like cedarwood drifitng to your senses and lulling  you to relax
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“Im winning this damn bear for you-”
“Katsuki no you already wasted $15 now lets go-”
You have been standing here for 10 minutes now, Bakugo determinnneddddd to win this gigantic teddy bear for you from a claw machine at an arcade
You feel so bad about it, but honestly, its turned into a personal grudge from him now
While your watching him you cant help it but find him adorable
Hes wearing a plain black tee and jean jacket, something he NEVER wears but looks so good on him?
This boy could be a model fight me on this
His face is the cutest tho-
You can tell he’s absolutely pissed cause he expected to win the animal way sooner than this, his eyebrows pointed downward and his teeth gnawing at his bottom lip
and then
He’s trying his hardest not to start cheering cause he really just did that (after wasting $25 but ya know we’ll overlook that)
Your so happy too and that triumphant look on his face just melts your heart
cause he may be a cocky asshole but hes YOUR cocky asshole
“Ha- see told you I’d win it!”
Whatverrrrrr- you roll your eyes, your hands already snuggling the big bear up to your cheek
Your mind is already thinking of where to put it in your room (names too??) but then you look up at your boyfriend and UGH you could literally melt on the spot
cause he looks SO PROUD and SO SOFT- his hands stuffed into the pocket of his pants as he gives you the smallest, happiest little smirk everrrrr
Your just feeling so grateful for the boy in front of you right now, that you put the teddy bear down and wrap Bakugo into a hug
Bakugo always acts like he doesnt want physical attention, especially in public-
But you know this boy lovessss to be touched, so when he returns the hug and gives your sides a small squeeze your weakkk in the knees
Always like caramel and something rich like firewood
You give him a quick kiss on the back of his neck
Thank god the arcade is dark cause you would totally see his blush (something he will deny)
You pull away a smile on your face as you tell him thank you,
*le sigh
of course he ruins the whole cute moment you two had by saying, “Whatever-your the one who wanted the damn thing even though your too old for that shit-”
Just remind him of the All Might figures he secretly had stashed in his closet and he will combust again
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
Everything Taglist:
@bunnythepipsqueak​ @pasteldaze​  @ionlyspeakinmyheroacademia​     @notadrian​  @hithoeshi​ @sizzlingbarbarianglitter​ @sunnie-nugget​ @shoutosteakettle​ @we-mentally-unstable​ @sm0kingcrack​
Izuku Taglist:
@pyrofanatic​ @askgiggles​ @ask-giggles1303​ @local-space-quexn​ @ihavenolife842​
Shoto taglist:
@teddybear-jelly​ @mishtimitsuri​
Bakugo Taglist:
@pyrofanatic​ @kai-charm​
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tooruluv · 4 years
Kozume Kenma x F!Reader x Tetsurou Kuroo ( part 1 )
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❝ i’m right here, when are you going to realize that i’m your cure, heartbreak girl? ❞
description: kozume kenma didn’t know the exact day in which he realized that he was in love with you. he knew very well that it was sometime after your first “hello”, but the exact moment got whisked away in the many memories that included you. the problem was, though, that you were in love with and in a serious relationship with the boy he claimed as a best friend.
genre: angst, pining, unrequited love, (characters are aged up as the story continues)
word count: 2,373
warnings/notes: hey all! this one doesn’t really have any warnings, just strong language and lots of angst. i changed up my writing style just a bit for this one, and i’m quite proud of it so please leave me as much feedback as possible!! let’s start another journey, this time with kuroo and kenma ;)
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“ i’m right here, when are you going to realize? ”
Kozume Kenma couldn’t pinpoint the exact day in which he realized that he was eminently in love with you. He knew very well that it was sometime after your first “hello”, but the exact moment got whisked away in the many memories that included you.
The problem was, though, that you were eminently in love with and in a serious relationship with the boy he claimed as a best friend.
The first day that Kenma met you, he had to take several seconds to process. You were the only person, the only girl, that made him have to catch his breath at the mere sight. You were brighter than the sun, shined blue like the moon. You were stunning. 
And you had your arm wrapped around Tetsurou Kuroo’s.
“Kenma!” Kuroo had called from across the room, waving at his friend. Kenma complied, phone in hand and moving through the crowds without so much as lifting an eye.
Kenma was dragged to a party with the volleyball team. It isn’t that he hated people, nor was he shy. He just didn’t see the point in pretending to enjoy something that wasn’t his thing. He never understood the desire most teens had in wanting to do stupid things and interact all of the time. It sounded exhausting. 
“Kenma, this is my girlfriend.” Kuroo introduced you. And Kenma looked up to meet your eyes.
“Hello!” You greeted with a smile. You had to talk a bit louder than normal over the party’s music. “I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m glad we finally get to meet!”
“Same.” was Kenma’s reply. Though he wanted to say more. 
As Kuroo continued to talk to the both of you, Kenma couldn’t help but watch you from his peripheral vision. You were, in simple terms, the most beautiful person he had ever met. How you managed to be so utterly taken with Kuroo he would never understand. 
You kept one hand on Kuroo’s arm the entire time. Kenma could only define his feelings as jealousy.
Of course, he pushed those feelings down. Because he couldn’t possibly be in love at first sight. To his best friend’s girlfriend, of all people. No. Absolutely not.
When Kenma retreated to a corner of the house later that night, it was you who found him and sat beside him on the floor. He looked up from his game.
“Don’t stop on my account.” You told him, pulling out your phone. “Not one for parties?”
“Never have been.” He brought his head further down to shield his face with his hair. “I’m always dragged here by the team.”
“Yeah, I’m only here to meet Kuroo’s friends.” You admitted. He didn’t know if it was true or if it was a way to initiate conversation to get on his good side for your boyfriend. Either way, he turned his head to catch your (beautiful) eye. “But he decided that trying to beat Bokuto at the keg is his mission for the night.” 
With that, the both of you became closer. You met up with them at lunch, called him over discord to play games while both of you were at home. And Kenma felt himself falling harder and harder.
Oh, and he became your shoulder to cry on.
Because Tetsurou Kuroo might’ve been an amazing guy, a great team leader and captain, and an incredible friend; but he was a terrible boyfriend.
You were his first girlfriend, so there was room for learning and growth and improvement. But there were also faults in trying to build something that had no foundation.
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A couple of months passed, and the honeymoon stage had come to an end, was the first fight.
The reason behind the fight was long forgotten by now, but it had to do with communication. A joke turned into seriousness that it hadn’t meant to be, and it ended in a heated argument between you both. He had ended up calling you an awful name, so you left. 
Kuroo called after you, instant regret and apologies rushing off of his lips, but you were already gone. 
You ended up at Kenma’s. You knocked on his door with tears in your eyes and on your cheeks. How could he have said no?
With a small voice, you asked, “Can we just play games, please?”
“Of course.” Kenma replied without asking anything else. 
He sat on his bed and you sat in a beanbag as you played a game on his TV. He didn’t say anything when he watched you cry silent tears. Instead, he handed you a juice and bag of chips. 
You accepted, pretending that there weren’t tears streaming down your red face. Because he knew you, and knew that if you didn’t want to talk about it, he wouldn’t pressure you to. 
“Mario Kart?” He offered. 
“Oh, you want to lose?” You quipped. A quirk in the corner of your lips. 
Even a small smile from you made him feel better. And fall harder. 
When you returned home that night, Kuroo stood in the exact spot you had left him in. He immediately sent you a thousand apologies, voice choked. You forgave him before he even spoke 
All relationships are rollercoasters, to say the very least. They have their ups and downs, their fast and slow parts, their beginning and end. Your relationship with Kuroo was definitely one of twists and turns. 
Kenma sat on the sidelines and watched it all with a knot in his stomach. He held it down, further and further with each passing day.
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Immediately after one intense game that they inevitably won, Kenma searched for you. You rushed from the crowd and into your boyfriend’s arms, congratulating him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Kenma wondered if the two of you had kissed at that point, you had been together for a month. He had to stop himself from going down that rabbit hole. 
It was when you turned to him that Kenma’s entire world was put on pause. You were the only thing that could move. 
“Congrats Kenma!” You cheered, bringing him in for a hug. Kuroo chuckled beside you as Kenma just stood with his arms at his sides, completely paralyzed. “You were amazing! What the fuck! That last play…”
Your voice was drowned out. You pulled away to talk more about how great he did during the game. But he couldn’t listen to the praise coming from your tongue. He just couldn’t.
Once you were out of earshot, Kuroo turned to him. With a big dorky smile on his face, Kuroo asked, “She’s the best, isn’t she?”
“Sure.” Kenma replied, but he wanted to go on and on.
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Becoming very good friends with Kozume Kenma resulted in a lot of third wheeling. Not that you would ever intentionally exclude him. In fact, you tried to make sure that he was a part of everything the two of you did. Even if it was just something as little as an invite.
The third wheeling mainly consisted of Kenma’s aching heart as he endured the presence of the two of you. Every time that he would catch a glimpse of your hand in Kuroo’s, or Kuroo’s hand on your thigh, or a quick kiss on the cheek, Kenma couldn’t help but wish that it was him instead.
Kuroo caught him staring, once.
He was dragged to a bonfire with the team, and he dreaded every second of it. He never understood why people would enjoy sitting around a fire and being eaten by bugs. He also didn’t like marshmallows.
You were sitting on Kuroo’s lap on a lawn chair, legs draped over his and your body curved into his side. Kenma couldn’t help but watch as he said something into your hair and you laughed, smacking Kuroo’s chest.
Kuroo found Kenma’s gaze. He sent him an oblivious smile and waved him over, thinking that Kenma was feeling awkward about sitting on the sidelines. Oh, how close he had been to the truth.
“Hey, Pudding Head.” Kuroo teased. “How are you doing?”
“I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” You asked. You looked up from your position on his lap, and Kenma thought of a million things at once.
Kuroo offered the seat beside him, and Kenma accepted. Kuroo knew him better than anyone, this was something that he knew for certain. He wondered if his feelings for you had been obvious. Kuroo never brought it up.
The rest of the night consisted of Kenma pretending to not be affected by your whispering and giggling with his best friend.
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Kozume Kenma remembers one specific moment of his love more vividly than the rest.
You were at his house, hanging out on a day off. There were no tears, no anger or sadness towards your boyfriend. It was just a good time with just the two of you. Kuroo had something with his family, so he wasn’t present.
He didn’t remember exactly how the two of you ended up in this position, but he would not complain.
Your head laid in Kenma’s lap, hair fanned out along his thighs. You were watching him beat this game he just got, eyes focused on the screen. Kenma sat against the wall on his bed, arms on either side of your head with his controller in his hand in his best attempt to not touch you.
“Why don’t you like to touch me?” you asked him.
The question caught him off guard, and he had to hide the surprise on his face. ���Hm?”
“Don’t pretend I haven’t noticed.” You shifted to look up at him. Kenma had to adjust his legs to hide something he didn’t think you wanted to see. “I figured that you might be a germaphobe or something, because you always seem to keep your distance or freeze up when I grab your wrist or hug you. But I don’t think you are one, considering you play volleyball with a bunch of sweaty men.”
“I. Um.” Kenma paused the game and looked down at you. Searching for excuses, racking his brain for any fake plausible answer that he could give you instead of I’m pretty sure that I’m in love with you and every time that the two of us make contact I feel like a firework about to explode (and it goes straight to a different part of me that I do not wish to discuss with literally anyone). Because that would go over well. 
With the little thoughts he could muster, he lied, “I’m not used to girls voluntarily touching me.”
You accepted his answer, nodding with your head still against his thighs. He looked down to see that you were already staring back up at him. “What?”
“I was just wondering why girls weren’t throwing themselves over you.” You sent him a smile. He wanted to die. “You’re a catch. I promise I’ll be more careful if me touching you makes you uncomfortable.”
“It doesn’t.” Kenma quickly added. Maybe a little too quickly. “This,” he gestured to the current position the two of you laid in. “This doesn’t make me uncomfortable. I guess some things just take time.”
You smiled at him again. That stupid, gorgeous smile. “One day you’ll be so comfortable with me that you won’t even notice if I kiss you.”
The world was testing him. The gods were playing a game with him. He returned his attention to the game, hoping he wouldn’t collapse on the spot.
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One night, around half a year into your relationship, Kenma received a call at the asscrack of dawn. Groggily, he answered without looking at the caller.
“Hello?” He asked, voice heavy in sleep. Who would call him at this time? On a school night, no less.
“Kenma.” His ears perked up at your voice. He sat up. “Kenma, please give me some advice.”
It was the first time that you had ever wanted to talk about a fight. True, it was only the third time, but it meant the world to him that you wanted to talk about it. Even if the sun wasn’t even up yet and he had several hours left to sleep.
“What happened?”
A sniff. He was going to kick Kuroo’s head, he decided.
“I just… how do you deal with someone who refuses to talk to you?” You paused, as if you were trying to put together your words. Kenma waited. “Kuroo is great most of the time, but he leaves me hanging so much. I can go the entire weekend without so much as a text. And today something had happened, I knew it the second I saw the look on his face. But he just won’t talk to me. And today,” Another sniff. “Today, I brought it up and he was really dismissive and told me that I didn’t need to be so clingy. Clingy.”
Kenma had to stop himself from saying something like, if you were with me I would love it if you were clingy.
“Kuroo’s an idiot.” Kenma told you. “He doesn’t know how to talk about things that he actually needs to talk about. Next time you talk to him, tell him how his actions make you feel rather than what he needs to change. You’ll get into his brain easier, it’ll click with him.”
You paused again. Taking his words in. “Thank you. Thanks for being a friend.”
“Of course.”
Friend. Because that was all he would be, all that he could be.
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