#you love midam
baiboop · 2 years
i decided to just make this into a separate post rather than a reblog of my other post! (this is just a little ficlet/scenario from much later in my fanfic so enjoy!)
Micheal had never before stopped to observe (and examine with care) the tufts of unruly hair on a humans head. He had never paid any kind of special attention to any human before, especially not to something as insignificant as the way their hair fell to frame their face, or how it stuck up in certain areas (presumably from falling asleep with wet hair).
No, he had never cared, not before Adam.
Adams head of dark sandy locks captivated Micheal for no good reason. A handful of Micheals time with Adam was consumed by every-one of Micheals angelic eyes inspecting Adam. Taking in any discrepancies from the last time he had viewed him, as well as just gathering data about this special human.
A couple of Micheal’s eyes stared at the out of place hair sticking up on the side of Adam’s head. Effectively keeping Micheal’s mind semi-occupied in thought while his beloved rambled on about the time he and his mom had gone to the zoo.
Michael was not ignoring Adam, he wouldn’t dare disrespect him like that. However, he had heard this story twenty-eight times before and hadn’t forgotten a word of it. Even now, preoccupied, he was still listening to the story and noting all the tiny differences from last time Adam had told it.
Some changes include, a time difference, the last time Adam had relayed this story, he claimed they stopped for lunch after the penguins at 12:30pm. In this instance of story telling he claimed it to be 1:00pm.
Micheal, of course, knew Adam was not purposely lying to him, he had been around Adam long enough to understand human perception of time and memories were not exact.
During Adams enthusiastic description of two polar bears Micheal reached out towards Adam. This movement seemed to shock Adam a bit, as he ceased his description and quietly watched Micheals path of motion. When Michael’s hand met the side of Adam’s head he repeated a downward petting motion four times, delicately raking his fingers through the strands and smoothing out the ungoverned hair.
Adam gaped back at him, blue eyes highlighted by the sun. The slightest tinge of a blush crept across Adam’s complexion.
Micheal could feel Adam’s flattery and happiness exuding off of his exquisite soul even before the smile started to appear on Adam’s face.
“Bedhead?” Adam questioned sweetly through his smile.
“Mmm.” Micheal responded in an affirmative hum.
“Thank you, Michael.” Adam beamed.
Micheal watched in awe of the creature in front of him. His eyes tracing the crinkles forming at the corners of Adam’s eyes and the lines that appeared around Adam’s mouth. The signification of happiness proudly displayed on his lovers face was quite wonderful. It even earned a smile from himself in return.
“Of course, Adam.”
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unfavorableangel · 5 months
karma is sam & dean being haunted by their few years in hell while adam came out after a literal millenia happily married and better than ever.
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adammilligans · 7 months
Okay but if you think about it, Michael didn’t really have anything to gain from him and Adam’s agreement like… he literally just wanted a friend. The whole thing with he agreement is that they’d coexist which Michael at first wouldn’t need, he’s an ARCHANGEL who has spent years and years by himself, but no he really just decided to agree to coexist with AND eventually give over control to (at the time) an insignificant human.
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picklesinabottle · 10 months
Michael with everyone else is terrifying and then with adam he's like "babe I know I'm possessing you but I'm putting on a jacket so you don't get chilly while the world ends <3" and "babe you have to watch your cholesterol" and "I'll cure the stomach cancer I just gave you if you pretty please let me possess you" and "you'll be my guide 😍"
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averydedicateduck · 7 months
conversation I had with my brother
Me: I think I'm going to rewatch Supernatural
Him: cool I think I'll do too
Me: the good thing about rewatching is that I can skip what I don't want to see :)
Him: What did you think of Loki's ending?
Me: I loved it, but November 5th really got me,so I've only been watching supernatural stuff in the last few days
Him: I don't want to talk about supernatural, I'm talking about Loki
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seresjn · 19 days
reasons why adam and michael are in love
if i missed anything let me know and i will add it
1. "when we escaped the cage and you chose not to return to heaven, and you stayed with me, is that because you love me?" self explanatory.
2. "in the cage we came to an agreement. we only had each other." dont do this to me bro. a thousand years together, all alone, and you expect them to not be in love? cmon don't be a nonsensical fool
3. when dean removed the handcuffs, michael looked at his/adam's wrists. why? because he cares. he wanted to make sure adam wasn't hurt. not once did michael ever care about the wellbeing of his other vessels, and handcuffs wouldn't hurt him. he made sure adam wasn't hurt
4. michael didn't notice lilith approach them when they were at the diner. he's literally a celestial being who can sense the presence of other celestial beings before they're there. i know what you are, michael.
5. adam is michael's first display of free will. he is god's son, he said, and i quote, "its always been my destiny to serve you." (along with other things, such as: "that would mean that i doubt him. the good son, the favorite, doubts his father." adam- "or- or! you dont know your dad as well as you think you do." "i have known my father for an eternity.", and "god lied to me. i gave everything for him, i loved him. why?") everything he did was for chuck, but he finally got to choose. and he chose adam. adam is his first sign of michael's free will
6. "i have known you for years." don't look at him like that michael 😡😡 they were in the cage together for a thousand years, they have to know everything about each other
7. in the diner scene, his gaze hardly ever left adam. theyre in love trust me bro. he was so focused on his bf
8. also in the diner scene. "you'll be my guide." michael just say you love him its okay we all know youve said it before
9. the church scene. what else must i say?
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sillywillybillywilly · 5 months
(This takes place during the cage when Adam and Micheal were just getting comfortable) What if Adam was crying about his mom right and Micheal was confused so he sat next to him and tried to ask "what bothers you Adam." because that's what humans do for other humans when they're upset right.
And Adam just looks up at Micheal all teary eyed and just completely breaks down and hugs Micheal because he hasn't felt a hug in years and he was really vulnerable and wasn't thinking straight. Micheal didn't understand so he didn't hug back but he didn't push Adam off
Eventually Adam chuckled a little bit and went "this is where you hug back Micheal" (wonder where that's from) and Micheal just silently, not roughly, hugs back. He didn't hug tightly cause he knew Adam was human and wasn't really use to hugs but Adam figured it was a start.
(Edited cause I realize how confusing I made the start)
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rulesofdisorder · 8 months
and another thing that’s fun about supernatural fics as a midam fan is that every time a destiel au fic or something mentions “cas’ dumb mean controlling brother” (michael) i get to headcanon that cas (and dean) simply do not know anything about michael’s love life/life in general and that him and adam are laughing at them being stupid and oblivious
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travellingtribble · 3 months
made an Adam Milligan playlist because I love him
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klayr-de-gall · 2 years
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Day 7 - Yes
Always yes.
Wanna make a bet how often I can draw them kissing in a church?
Aaaaan that’s the last one for Midam week! Thank you so much @midamweek for hosting and organizing this week and providing us with an amazing prompt list! I loved to contribute and see what everyone did come up with! See you next year!
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susanoosama01 · 2 years
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"It’s too late, brother."
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cas---2y5 · 6 months
watching 15x8 and chewing on Midam like a polly pocket
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nalivaa · 1 year
Hi, I'm sorry you're sad right now 🫂 Have you paused recently to consider that you are good and nice and 💓💓💓 friend?
For prompts, more Michael wings maybe? Can never have enough Michael wings. Or a Michael and Adam date on the moon?
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i promise this was meant to be a doodle. i swear when i started to sketch it up i told myself it was gonna be a doodle to cheer myself up. it wasn't a doodle. but it did cheer me up!! so 50/50 ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ so we get more michael wings!! really hope you like it!! (and thank you so much for being so sweet you really did make me feel a lot better that day 💜💜)
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adreamoverlife · 8 months
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W.i.p for my midam fic because its consumed my every waking moment
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effervescent-fool · 2 years
god i am so normal do you understand michael has never known gentleness he has only ever been a soldier a weapon but then he met adam and his whole worldview got shifted all because one nineteen-year-old college student from minnesota looked at him and said "i have to be SO gentle with him" you dont UNDERSTAND because michael then in return got to learn not just what it was like to be loed but to LOVE someone to be TORN APART without them i am so normal about this ARE YOU HEARING ME ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME
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baiboop · 1 year
after the cage adam’s probably so excited to do like a little classic road trip thing with michael-
adam wants to show michael everything.
plus at this point he probably just wants to get michael and himself out there! he’s been cooped up for so long, and adam knows how fast things change on earth, so he really just wants to catch up.
unfortunately michael is not partial to the idea arguing, “adam what would be the advantage to traveling by vehicle? my wings are not damaged, i could fly us anywhere you wanted to go. it would be much faster and much more efficient, would it not?”
to which adam will retort that it’s “just not the same.” and “driving is half the fun.”
10 hours into the road trip adam remembers that being stuck in a car with nothing to do, kind of does suck, and michael was probably -definitely- right that flying would be much better.
however, adam is far to proud to admit that so soon, plus he’s been stuck with nothing to do for longer (1000 years of the cage ring a bell?) so he can make it through this for sure.
4 days and 3 states in, he turns to michael with a sly “i want something from you” smile. “let’s ditch the car.” he says completely nonchalantly, to which michael happily obliges.
quickly jumping on the opportunity and just snapping the entire vehicle out of existence, as well as simultaneously snapping them to their next destination. (which if you must know is cawker city, kansas- the worlds largest ball of twine.)
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