#you on kazzo
I just realized something......
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k4zz0-s0l0 · 2 years
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did you guys miss me probably not but oh well
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koucholate · 9 months
more dood spam
but is normal Kazuo (and G Kazuo)
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winx au /?
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bonus youthquake Kazuo not really but the protag looks like him
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through-rosey-glasses · 4 months
Allegedly, kazzo is coming in the second ad break. In case you weren't already watching the game.
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radical-sourcecalls · 6 months
Hey, ik this request is a little confusing but im doing a request for two people who are the same character and are in the same body but are two separate people (god i hope that made sense)
Names/the people the request is for: kazzo and maxx
Identity: both max from the sam and max telltale game series, kazzo being transcharacter and maxx being a fictive of him
Age: chrono/bodily 17, intra and internal age wise its somewhere around early 40s
Looking for: mainly sams because we both really miss him, but anyone is welcome as were both literally willing to talk to any people from our source!!
Relationships had/looking for: romantic, platonic and possibly sexual with sam, platonic for everyone else, i may change my mind when it comes to if we become closer, but maxx is committed to sam and will not date/be sexual with anyone else but him
Where/how to contact: main method is asks or dms on our blog kazzos-korner but you can also find us on discord, our user is kazzokreep
Thank you if you end up doing this request, i know it’s complicated and also from a relatively unpopular source but if i can find even one person ill be happy
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rqsourcecalls · 6 months
Hey, im back again, sorry in advance but i have a complex request, basically im requesting for two people who are in the same body and share the same sorce and character, i hope this both made sense and is alllowed, the two people im doing this for are kazzo (myself and the host) and maxx (a headmate)
What is your source? Who are/were you in source?
Were both max fron sam and max
How cannon compliant are/were you in source?
Im fairly canon compliant with my memories but not all my identities and other stuff are going to be compliant or even lore accurate since im my own person on top of being transcharacter, maxx is very compliant in his memories but again his ids and other parts of him may not be compliant or lore accurate
Are you looking for anyone in particular?
Were looking for anyone, literally anyone because this is a relatively small fandom on top of being radqueer based, but if were talking specifics were both really missing sam and would like to interact with any sams
What is your alterbeing type? (System member? Kin? Link?)
Im transcharacter and maxx is a fictive
What is your (chrono and/or intra) age?
Chrono 17, intra and internal wise its around early 40s
Do you have a preference for sourcemate's (chrono and/or intra) age?
Nope, all ages are cool for both of us
Are you looking for a particular type of relationship to a sourcemate?
For sams were both looking for anything and everything, when it comes to others im okay with anything but mostly looking for platonic and familial and for maxx its strictly platonic and familial (maxx is committed to sam, sam is the only person he’ll be sexual or romantic with)
How can (potential) sourcemates contact you?
Our blog kazzos-korner or our discord kazzokreep
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selfshippinglover · 1 year
HAAAAIII CICIII!!!!!! its meee lacey(previously zizel srry i cant rlly decide on a name so call me either kazzo or lacey :/ ) aaand i have a new f/o yipeeee
so ive been reading a manga called pandora hearts its very very good so far, i recommend it!!!! and theres xerxes aaaaaaaAAAAA<333 XERXES BREAK I HAVE FEELINGS FOR U
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WHAT A MAN FR FR!!!!! literally hes so so pretty, such a good character, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH ITS ACTUALLY UNREAL
going insane over him rn
[ @m30w-xd ]
CONGRATS ON THE NEW NAME LACEY!! <3 WE LOVE TO HEAR IT! I want to hear allll about it! What's ur dynamic? How did you meet? Favorite thing about him? I want to know EVERYTHIIING <333
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itsxiao · 1 year
do you know any instruments..? or kazzo is fine too.
I've answered this question before, but to reiterate,
I used to. I don't anymore...
That's a thing of my past now, I don't have the luxury of focusing on an instrument...
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chinateacup · 3 years
You got an ask about bunny ishimondo a while ago and just,,,,this was the only thing I could think of,,,,,
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trainwreckweather · 6 years
Without context, a lot of things said around me are just... Classic shitposts.
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k4zz0-s0l0 · 5 months
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school has been kicking my ass so hard but i wanted to draw a little jane because it's my birthday today
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yourplayersaidwhat · 2 years
I can fly!
So a small group of our players got together to follow a quest to save a supplies boy that the barkeep was concerned about. we have a bard Bill, drunkard Geoff (fighter that does better when drunk), and a very tall human fighter Jack (his brother is a hill giant hence why he is tall and very strong)
They came across a camp that had a fire but no other signs of life that they could see
Bill: “Throw me” Jack: “…Come again?” Bill: “You heard me, throw me into the camp”
So they both failed their rolls but got enough to survive so Jack took bill, swung him around his head and then whipped Bill through one of the tents, through the fire, and right onto a goblin (not hurting him or the goblin) Bill got up and tried to be peaceful to the goblin, the goblin however not happy with the fact he was just landed on nearly took off bill’s left foot. Bill has a magic kazzo that bends the fabric of reality though he doesn’t quite know how  to work it so because he was close to death he played it and a pumpkin appeared in between him and the goblin. The pumpkin then shot straight up into the air 300 feet and just stayed there, from that Bill was able to convince the whole goblin camp that he was a deity who flew in and got the goblins to worship him as well as heal him. The party also managed to get the supplies boy from the goblins be calling him Bill’s prophet. 
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k1llang3lz · 2 years
Hello, lovely! I just wanted know if you could do any Kazuichi with a trans male s/o that has social anxiety and always thinks that people are staring at him and making fun of him. Basically, he starts having sort of a quiet panic attack over this and Kazuichi tries his best to calm him down.
I apologize now if you don't wanna do this you can just ignore it! Sorry to be a bother honestly. This is also my first time requesting so please excuse me if I said anything to weird or complicated! Anyway I'm really excited to see what you'll do for this(if you do, that is!) Anyway, sorry for rambling and have a nice day!<3
it's okay love i do the same things 😭😭
omfg so tw i think but i detransitioned from being a trans male a year ago and i so feel this ask, yet i still feel like i'm not girly enough 😁
also how do I give this thing a cut
warning : supa dysphoria
why are you staring ( kazuichi soda x reader)
so paranoid , that's it
you were so paranoid
was your binder on tight enough
did you take you pills
do i look like a.. no you never let that thought deep into your head
you were walking in the mall with your boyfriend kazuichi
and you just stood there
stopped walking
"we can go to zumiez orrr hot topic!! I'll pay ofc cuzz-babe?"
he was so worried
he saw you standing a few stores down
bro walked mad far before realizing
but he ran to you and held your hand all the way to your car
you were still spiraling
was me standing making it worse? what if i cut my hair again. it has to be my face. is it just me
that's all you were thinking about
you kept it inside but on the outside it was just your blank face with tears down your face
you didn't even realize your bf kazu was screaming at you trying to snap you back to earth
im so bad at comfort please i need writing friends to help plz
but he brings you in for a hug
and he affirms to you
or trys his best
he's not the best at comfort but he tries babes
someone get a man like kazzo
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nagito-kissmaeda · 2 years
happy birthday! *blows mini kazzo and throws confetti*
my Komaeda headcanon is that he listens to asmr, or wears pins on his jacket sometimes
*shakes confetti out of my hair* thank you!!
And you’re RIGHT! He probably has a lot of trouble getting to sleep and is a really light sleeper. ASMR would help! Maybe even like, a CD with relaxing music
(Oh wait. No one uses CDS anymore lol. I guess a Spotify playlist?)
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rqsourcecalls · 6 months
What is your source? Who are/were you in source?
Im eridan ampora from homestuck
How cannon compliant are/were you in source?
Im fairly cannon compliant, i wwouldnt say 100% accurate but its there??
Are you looking for anyone in particular?
Im looking for anyone, literally anyone who would like to talk, please
What is your alterbeing type? (System member? Kin? Link?)
Im a tulpa
What is your (chrono and/or intra) age?
17 in both ways
Do you have a preference for sourcemate's (chrono and/or intra) age?
Nope, all ages are cool
Are you looking for a particular type of relationship to a sourcemate?
Pale, black or red romance, in simple terms, anything but familial since idk if im comfy wwith it yet
How can (potential) sourcemates contact you?
Our hosts blog kazzos-korrnet or our discord kazzokreep
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mebbrrr · 3 years
I think annoying people are a essential part of the ecosystem, people do amazing things under the presure of spite. AND THATS WHY FOR JUST 9.99 A MONTH YOU CAN ARM AN ANNOYING PERSON IN YOUR LIFE WITH kazzos! And various instruments of mass chaos
so true so true so true so true so true s
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