#you really really really don't know what you're messing with here Michael
Not sure if it's incredibly stupid or incredibly smart to give Wally access to this lab.
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On the one hand? Unspeakable horrors. On the other hand? It's supervised unspeakable horrors.
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o-sachi · 3 months
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My Golden Girl ‧₊˚ ⋅ One Shot (Request)
ଳ Kaiser loves his generous golden girl, but he hates it when people take advantage of her kindness
ଳ character; michael kaiser (bllk)
ଳ tags; afab reader, no y/n, FLOOF, soft mihya
[🐟]: This takes place before the Blue Lock project, so Kaiser should still be in Germany and practicing with Bastard.
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The moon can only shine at night because of the sun.
That's what your relationship is like with Kaiser.
He honestly had no idea where he'd be without you. There were days when he felt like he was slowly losing himself—drowning in the pressure to remain at the top. But as he teeters on the edge, you always come to pull him right back in.
Your sweet words at the end of his day were enough to keep him grounded. As a matter of fact, you barely needed to do much to pacify him. But knowing you—you would go over and beyond for him. Seriously. It puzzles him why someone as pure as you would mess around with someone like him.
But who was he to question you?
"Yo, your girlfriend's been here for like an hour. Have you even seen her already?" Kaiser snaps out of his daydream as the locker room door swings open. It was some guy from his team who he never really bothered to remember the name of. His gaze follows his teammate as he saunters over to his locker.
"Eh... but she's out helping the managers again." That's when his attention was truly caught. "She's what?" "Y'know... handing out bottles and stuff. You should ask her to become a manager too. She'll fit right in." Tsk.
Kaiser shakes his head and grabs the towel off of his head. He aimlessly chucks the piece of fabric to the side and gets up without another word.
His teammate watches—dumbfounded—at the lack of a response. "Hey, Kai-"
But as soon as he spoke, Kaiser was already out of the door.
He wasn't angry or annoyed that you showed up unannounced. Truthfully, he didn't know what he felt. There was a reason why he avoided bringing you or inviting you to his practices.
You were too kind for your own good and the people here aren't shy about taking advantage of you.
Kaiser was stuck between a rock and hard place. One on hand, he loved that you cared enough about him to go out of your way even help the management or even his team. He couldn't bring himself to scold anyone—especially not you. On another, he knew what they were doing to you. They pretended to be all nice and sweet when asking you favors. But don't they have any shame asking so much from you?
Just like what Mr. Forgettable Name said earlier, you were almost like a manager here. But, fuck that. You're supposed to be a guest. You're his girlfriend, so you deserve nothing but the best treatment.
Yet, here he was—watching you as you scurry around, handing water bottles to his... not teammates. What the hell were you even doing giving water to the second string players? Jesus. He wasn't even sure if they were on the second string.
The more he observed, the angrier he became. Someone better hold him back and tell him what he just witnessed wasn't what he thought because one of the players definitely handed you an empty bottle—which, of course, you threw in the trash for him.
Sure, he's probably tired from running all day and yeah, you were closer to the trash bin. But who the fuck does he think he is to ask you of something like that?
He didn't even notice that his legs moved on their own. His body wanted nothing but to walk over to you. Never mind what his heart was telling him.
You spun around, knowing whose voice it was that almost startled you. His bright blue eyes peered down at you and he seemed... a bit pissed.
"Sorry... I know I should've told you that I was coming today, but-" Kaiser sighs heavily, running his tattooed hand through his blonde locks. "Don't apologize. I'm not mad—I just..."
But he was—he was most definitely mad. Just not at you.
It was like the world was testing the limits of his patience today because damn was he not even able to finish his sentence without another person bothering you.
As Kaiser struggled to express himself, one of the managers taps you on your shoulder. She had on the fake smile she always wore whenever she'd ask you a favor.
"Can you go distribute the lunch for the players today? I just have some paperwork to go over. You know how it is... managers get busy~"
Before you could even respond, Kaiser steps forward—putting distance between you and the manager. "And why would she do that? Isn't that your job?"
You grabbed his arm, telling him that it's alright. In a way, his team and the people who manage it have become your friends. You appreciate them for taking care of your boyfriend while you're not there and you're grateful for their warm greetings whenever you walk past any of them.
There wasn't any issue in you helping these people... or so you thought.
The manager smiles nervously at Kaiser, but she doesn't back down. "Well... I mean... if she's willing to do it, right? What's the harm in that?"
Kaiser exhales audibly. This is why he doesn't confront this dynamic. The manager was partially right because his girlfriend was always willing to help no matter what. Now he looked like the bad guy here.
The conversation shifted to an awkward atmosphere. All three of them felt it. But she was the first to break the ice... as usual.
"Mihya, it's alright. I like helping out the team. Consider it as me helping you as well," she says, smiling warmly.
"Baby," he clicks his tongue. "Forgive me, but... how the hell does it help me when you hand out water and food to these third stringers?"
Your eyes widen. "Mihya! Tone it down; they'll hear you."
He scoffs. "So what? Let them hear it."
At this point, the manager had grown quiet, slowly distancing herself from the developing quarrel.
"I've had enough watching people like her," he says, pointing at the manager before she could escape, "take advantage of you."
"It's not your job to hand out lunch boxes to everyone nor is it your responsibility to make sure they're hydrated. Baby—you might as well wipe their sweat for them while you're at it," he adds.
As he released these pent up frustrations, he failed to notice the gradual increase in the volume of his voice. It wasn't just you and the manager hearing it—but everyone else on the field. Even those who were far away, ran over to the commotion.
Kaiser never gave up even a second for you to butt in. "Remember that time they asked you to run to the nearby convenience store to buy God-knows-what? Or that time you had to go with... with... whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is to the hospital?"
"It's Igor," a faint voice reminds him.
"Shut the fuck up!" he retorts. Kaiser sighs deeply, the realization that everyone else was listening finally dawning on him. "What I'm trying to say is that... I'm just tired of seeing you be used like that, especially since I know how pure your heart is and all that," he says, softly.
He wanted the last part to be heard only by you. After all, you were the only one that mattered to him at the moment.
You were... well... staring at him in awe. Speechless. Unmoving. Stunned.
You were clueless to how he felt. Sure, they did ask too much of you. But you didn't think Kaiser was observing you to that degree. Your heart melted at his personal show of affection right in front of everyone.
You felt stupid that you could only mutter his name despite everything he had said. But before you could do anything else, his large hand grabs on to your wrist—pulling you along with him. His strides were purposeful and his grasp was firm. You hurriedly shuffled to keep up with his pace.
After gaining some distance from the group, Kaiser halts and turns to look back at them one last time.
"If I see any of you ask a favor from her again—I'll make sure to deal with you."
A promise and a threat.
He yanks you again and continues walking away. Overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events, you try to stop him despite his strength. "Hey... slow down. Let's talk... please?"
Kaiser blatantly ignores you, only stopping once you were inside of the facility and away from prying eyes. The firm grip that once wrapped around your wrist was replaced by a gentle caress as he brought your hand to his lips.
"Sorry... I got carried away. You know I can't let them do tha-"
"It's okay. I understand. Thank you for standing up for me," you say, cutting him off.
He blinks a couple of times, surprised at how well you took it. "You're not mad?"
"Why would I be mad at my boyfriend protecting me?"
You couldn't help but giggle at him. How silly would it be for you to get angry at him right now? What he did was one of the sweetest things anyone could do for someone; not everyone is brave enough to stand up for their significant other like that.
His look of astonishment was quickly replaced with a small smile. "I guess you're right, baby."
And before you know it, you were already caged in his warm embrace.
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ε( ε ˙³˙)ɜ 。° ⚬ 。 likes and reblogs are appreciated
pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
o-sachi © 2024
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massiveharmonytiger · 7 months
So I was rewatching Saltburn and I had an epiphany!
Farleigh is in love with Oliver.
Like, embarrassingly, stupidly, head over heels.
I mean, I knew he had a thing for Ollie, with the jealously telling Felix about him and Venetia, the Richard III would put in the work line followed by him being completely disarmed when Oliver suggests that he fucks him, and then the actual Oliver seducing him scene, but I only just realized the extent of it and how far back it goes.
First of all, Farleigh notices Oliver before Oliver sees Felix for the first time.
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Yes, I got the script because I'm complete Saltburn trash at this point. So when Farleigh is introduced, the script describes him as beautiful and pansexual, walking among a group of alpha hotties. So in the film, he's with two hotties, a guy and a girl. He has his pick. There's no reason for him to point out Oliver or what he's wearing to them, unless he's trying to impress them, but why would Farleigh Start need to impress them? He's already the centre of that group. Sure the script also describes him as an imp with a cruel streak, but after rewatching I feel like that's a blatant misdirection. I mean, he got expelled for sucking off teachers. Nerdy prep is exactly his type.
He says, "Hey cool jacket," to Oliver. If you interpret that line as being delivered by the beautiful and pansexual Farleigh Start, not the impish and cruel Farleigh Start, it's pretty much a come on. I'm mixed race like Farleigh and it kind of reminds me of those back-handed compliments white people give you when they think you're hot or cute 'for a brown person.' It's kind of hilarious to see it subverted like this, but obviously Oliver is less amused. Why would he interpret it as anything other than more bullying? Which it kind of is, so fair enough. But it's the kind of bullying people do when they get a crush they don't know how to handle. A little boy pulling on a girls pigtails. And it's obviously worked for Farleigh before. Why would he need to try any harder than that?
After Farleigh's comment, Oliver sees Felix for the first time. Farleigh is also there, but Oliver's already smitten and doesn't really notice him beyond, "Oh, it's that jerk from earlier and he's next to Felix, where I should be." Then you get a few other bits that wreck me. Oliver ducking from the window when Felix looks up, Oliver trying to sit at Felix (and Farleigh)'s table at the mess hall, but being unable to, Michael causing the disruption, but it doesn't even interrupt Felix and Farleigh's conversation. (Which ties in nicely to my theory of how the original Oliver wouldn't have gotten Felix's attention even if he screamed, he had to mold himself into what Felix wanted just to get noticed, but one theory at a time).
Next up, we have the tutor session that Farleigh is late for. Before Farleigh gets there, Oliver is humiliated and belittled for completing the reading list, which dooms Farleigh even more when he shows up and the tutor starts fawning over him. Oliver doesn't know Farleigh and Felix are cousins yet. He's just the guy that was snide to Oliver when he first got there. The guy at Felix's side that Oliver keeps measuring himself against. So yeah, Oliver is pissed off before Farleigh gets there and that cute little knee touch isn't going to change anything.
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Yes, Farleigh, I also count the amount of times my crush uses a word in their essay despite still being hungover from last night's party, just so that I have something to talk to him about… Oh wait, no, that's just you.
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The way he looks up at Oliver with those big brown doe eyes when he says, "I counted". The way he keeps looking up to gauge his reaction to all his comments. The way he's looking at him, period.
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And Oliver doesn't fall for his cuteness and charm because he's just convinced that the intent behind his words is malicious. Poor Farleigh. He must have been so confused. People usually fold but here's this guy, meeting him blow for blow. He's never had to "put in the work" like this. What the hell.
The tutor sessions with Oliver and Farleigh (where Farleigh is framed lower than Oliver) actually serve as a nice parallel to a lot of the scenes where Oliver and Felix are together (and Oliver is framed lower than Felix). We don't really see that when Farleigh and Felix are together. They're usually at a similar height in those scenes.
Then we have the scene in the bar where Felix calls Oliver over and Farleigh has that panicked, "Oh shit, my crush is here," look on his face before it settles into resignation as he realizes Oliver is, "another one of Felix's toys". Finally the mystery is solved. This is why Oliver didn't fall for his charms at the tutor sessions.
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So, Oliver prefers Felix to him, huh. That's just fine. He'll deal with the rejection by giving Oliver a hard time about buying the next round. That should push him away from Felix…oh shit, it brings them closer together. And now he looks like the douchebag.
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Then there's this bit where Farleigh is looking at Oliver and Felix (mostly Oliver, the prior shot establishes which side of the room he's on, which happens to be where Farleigh's looking) and his party hat horns mirror the minotaur/how Oliver looked when he confessed his love to Felix later on. Oliver, you need to see how much Farleigh fucking loves you. Look at him, Ollie. Just look at him. (He can't, he's too busy looking at Felix)
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Anything to get Oliver to notice him. Anything.
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Cut to Oliver's arrival at Saltburn, where Oliver joins the rest of them in the library and Farleigh loudly cuts off Elspeth gossiping about Oliver and his parents because hearing, "We were just talking about you" would be better than hearing whatever was going to come out of Elspeth's mouth next. And I mean, he's already the asshole. This is actually so sweet.
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And we all remember this scene. This clearly made his day.
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But then we get the encounter with Venetia and Felix and Farleigh both being equally pissed at the breakfast table. And yeah, everything goes downhill from there. It's the reason Oliver seduces him and gets him thrown out for what's literally just another desperate attempt to drive a wedge between Oliver and Felix.
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No, Oliver, he's not going to behave. God, yes. Don't stop.
Farleigh was down so bad he literally got honeytrapped and framed. Twice.
Between Felix, Oliver and Farleigh, there are really no winners. They really all got wrecked by love, huh.
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irishmammonagenda · 7 months
How I Think The Obey Me Boys Would React to The Rumours™️
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Summary: Rumours have been floating around the Devildom. Rumours about a certain Angel and Sorcerer...how will the demon brothers react? Word Count: haha great question Content Warnings: probably just swearing tbh Disclamer: This will probably not make a lot of sense unless you've read this fic here for context, but ykw life doesnt make sense you do you <3
[dateables & co version]
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post dividers by @cafekitsune their post dividers r really cool check them out! (also sorry for the tag!!)
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You had left the Sorcerers' Society feeling quite flustered, but also extremely pleased with yourself. Take that Solomon. You grin. In all the excitement of the following days, you'd forgotten about the rumour you had accidentally spread around the Devildom. Perhaps you shouldn't've pretended to be Archangel Michael to gain entry....
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When Lucifer heard the news from Beel, he was in the student council room, he turnt his D.D.D off and just placed his head in his hands.
Was this some elaborate scheme by Solomon to gain a pact with him?
Lucifer wasn't sure he even wanted to know.
Sighing; he pulled on his coat and traversed to Purgatory Hall where Michael was staying.
"Michael." The Avatar of Pride stood leaning against the kitchen counter, everyone else in Purgatory Hall was at RAD, so the Angel and Demon were alone. "Oh Jesus Christ!" The Angel in question brings a hand to his heart in mock dramatics, "Warn a guy next time Lucikins!" "..." The Silence was palpable. "...Lucikins?" Lucifer gritted out, his eye twitching. "Michael. This is not the time for your games. I am the Avatar of Pride and a Prince of Hell, show me some respect." Michael merely raised an arched eyebrow, a shit-eating grin on his face as he quickly closed the distance between them, pulling the Avatar of Pride into an ironclad headlock, bringing his other arm over with a clenched fist and messing up Lucifer's hair. "I'm sure you are Lucikins, but you're still my adorable little brother." Lucifer pushes his hands out in an attempt to get away, but even he had to admit, Michael had always been stronger than him. "Michael." The younger protests, "I swear to Lord Diavolo if you do not let me go, I will-" Michael interrupts him, pausing his brotherly tormenting to wipe a tear from his ruby red eyes. "-Ahh! You must've missed me so much, poor Wittle Wucifer! Always so heavy on the teenage angst!" Lucifer growled in a way too similar to Satan when he first fell. Like father, like son. "I don't have teenage angst. Now unhand me you bastard!" "Oh please! The amount of times I caught you in the Celestial Realm listening to My Chemical Romance and Panic at the Disco on repeat speaks for itself! And the eyeliner! Just because the others were too young to remember doesn't mean I was baby brother! Don't think I don't remember the wolf-cut!" Lucifer's eye twitches so hard he worries for his socket. He cab't even refute it. "You are two minutes older than me! And besides! I came here to talk about the rumours of you dating Solomon!" "The What." Michael immediately ceases all noogie-ing, his grip loose enough for Lucifer to slip through his arm. He scowls, smoothing the wrinkles from his suit and beginning to fix his hair. He moves a safe distance away from his older (estranged) brother. "The rumours of you showing up during a Sorcerers' Society meeting and making out with Solomon on his lap. Ring a bell?" Michael, for the love of him, just looks confused. "But I've never even-" He blinks slowly a few times. "I am going to kill MC." Lucifer, even with the ego bruising he had just endured, laughs, partly out of sheer relief, he doesn't want to imagine what a Solomon Michael duo could be capable of. But of course it was you. It always was.
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This poor man's confusion is so strong.
He doesn't want to think about Michael's lovelife. Or Solomon's for that matter.
He immediately rushes to tell you.
"Oi! MC!" Mammon shoves his way into your room like he was auditioning for the walking dead, as per usual, he wasn't aware of the marvellous invention of knocking yet. You quickly closed you laptop lid, and placed the device down beside you on the bed, lest he saw the Archangel Michael/King Solomon 100k, Slowburn, Angst with a Happy Ending you were writing on HellO3. “Hi Mams!” Mammon scurries onto your bed like the floor is lava, resting his chin on your thigh and looking up at you with his usual puppy eyes. “Yer not gonna believe this MC.” He says seriously. "What's up?" You tilt your head, bringing a one of your hands to ruffle your First Man's hair, he leans into the touch happily before jumping up and acting like he wasn't. "Well, 'pparently Michael's after starting te date Solomon. Can ye believe it?" Mammon makes a face. "Michael...wi' Solomon...I don' wanna believe it...just...its mingin'..." You laugh nervously, "I don't think Michael's dating Solomon, Mams....someone must've uhh..." You hold in a laugh. "It's probably just a succubi or someone looking for chaos." Mammon nods seriously, laying his head back on your lap. "Yer prolly righ' MC." You pet his hair again, "Wanna watch a movie or something, Mams?" "Pffft- Of course ya would wanna watch a movie wi' the Great Mammon...alrigh' huma-...Angel...I'll allow it...!" He says with his usual bravado, it was almost convincing, if he hadn't nuzzled further into your hand, and he wasn't looking at you like you were the one reason his pulse was still going.
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He finds out after the first chapter to a certain Archangel Michael/King Solomon fanfic was published. Yes he is subscribed to your HellO3 account, and yes! he has emails turnt on.
What kind of person would he be if he didn't read his Henry's fanfics?!
He throws his phone across the room.
When he finally wills himself to get up and retrieve it, he takes a screenshot and starts texting you frantically.
You're lazing about on your bed dong nothing, you'd just posted the first chapter of THE FORBIDDEN FRUITS: A GAY ROMANCE STORY THAT TRANSCENDS REALMS five minutes previous when your DDD began vibrating at such a speed you almost made a very unfunny sex joke. You pick up your DDD and sure enough, its Levi, heh; so he is subscribed to your HellO3 account! Leviachan <3: MC WHAT IS THIS NDVNRO DID YOU WRIT E FNAFICTION AOBOUT MCIAHEL AND SOLOMOMN You grinned. You: Fnaf fiction? Good idea for an AU! Leviachan <3: VFIBNODNORNGVNO MC IM LOOKING ON FORUMS WDYM THERES A RUMOU R ABORUT SOLOMON AND MICHAEL DATING You: In my defense, it was Solomon's fault. There's no response for 10 minutes, until your DDD pings again. Leviachan <3: Why is the fanfic good Leviachan <3: I MEAN OFC ITD BE GOOD, YOU WROTE IT BUT Leviachan <3: ITS SO Leviachan <3: THE CHARACTERS ARE SO COMPELLING AND THE PLOT IS SO GOOD RJRGNVDON Leviachan <3: AND THE TENSION??!! You grinned, you could always count on your Lord of Shadows to hype up your degenerate fanfics. You: thanks <3 satan's helping me write it, wanna help? Leviachan <3: I don't think I could write as good as you guys, im just a stinky smelly worthless otaku :( You: nuhuh. >:( Leviachan <3: But if you wanted... I could maybe beta-read??? You: OFC YOU CAN LEVI TANK YOU <33333 Leviachan <3: Haha tank LMAO ROFL You: I can never mispell anything around anyone in this house You kicked your feet like a catholic school girl holding hands with a boy for the first time in her life, knowing Levi probably was too.
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This man has a web of connections.
He found out almost as soon as the rumour started.
Like Mammon, he immediately finds you to tell you
Unlike Mammon, he actually knocks
granted he knocks for a second before just opening your door so he could've just not knocked and it would've had the same affect.
"Hello MC" "Mornin' Satie...What time's it?" You rub your eyes tiredly, having just woken up from a nap, you sit up and blink at him slowly with sleepy eyes. Satan can't stop himself from cooing, he movies towards your bed and ruffles your hair like you're a cat, you lean into the touch. "Sorry for waking you, dear..." You yawn. "You're fine Satie...what'd you need?" "Have you heard the rumours that Michael and Solomon are secret lovers-" Suddenly you're wide awake. "Oh no. Oh no no no." Satan raises a brow, "What's wrong, MC?" You grin sheepishly, "I maybe might've accidentally not on purpose started that rumour?..." Satan laughs in your face. Handsome bastard. "It's not funny!" "It is a little funny..." You gasp, eyes lighting up mischievously, "We should write a fanfic!" Satan tilts his head, "And why would we do that?" "Because the world deserves a Slowburn Michael x Solomon fic?" "Nope." "Pleaseee Satan! I'll pay you!" "Nope." "It'll annoy Luci?" "Tempting..." "I'll give you a kiss?" "I'm in. Let's write the best Michael x Solomon the Devildom's ever seen." You shake Satan's hand. Maybe you should've been reincarnated as a demon.
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Finds out through one of his gossip circles relatively fast.
He wants to get more details so he can tell you later! <3
By far one of the more supportive brothers
So he finds Solomon, who knows maybe he could give some advice!
Michael was strange, but he was always nice to Asmo growing up in the celestial realm, he might as well make sure one of his best friends is treating his former brother right <3
"Hiya Sol!~" Asmo smiles excitedly, pulling the sorcerer in for a hug, pouting when he pulled away again. "I cant believe you never told me! Ugh~...you must've been scared I wouldn't accept you!~ Poor thing...~" Solomon blinks slowly, his usual shit-eating grin replaced with pure confusion, lost in his own rant, Asmo doesn't notice. "Well! You have my blessing!~" "For what?" "For your relationship with Michael, silly!~" Asmo giggles, Solomon takes a deep breath. "For my what." A pause pauses all sound for a moment, only for a moment, before like all other moments, they begin the cycle of movemnt again. Solomon nods rather calmly, "Maybe I shouldn't have turnt MC into a sheep....or maybe I should do it again as payback...." He says to himself Asmo sighs, so it was just a rumour then....
He does still post a link to your fanfic on his Devilgram story, because he's so supportive! <3
No one tell Michael, or Lucifer pretty please
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Being a member of the Anti-Lucifer League, Satan told Belphie who told Beel after taking a nap.
Beel, being the absolute legend that he is didn't really have any opinions on it. As long as they're happy :)
Belphie sits in on the fanfic plot planning sessions you and Satan host, with Beel sometimes joining and giving surprisingly interesting plot twists.
Belphie cackles when Beel tells Lucifer of the rumours, shortly before the first chapter of Forbidden Fruits is published.
Satan and You stand by the whiteboard in the attic, various spider diagrams and bullet points are written messily upon it, only this time, it's not a plan to 'prank' Lucifer. (Are they really pranks if they never succeed?) The sound of munching can be heard as Beel works away happily on a bag of crisps, offering everyone some as you work. "What if we made Solomon run after Michael in the rain." Belphie drawls out lazily, not even looking up from where he lies beside Beel. You stare at Belphie, "What is with you and the people chasing after people in the rain trope?" Belphie sticks his tongue out at you in response. Beel shakes his head. "That wouldn't be accurate. Michael hates getting his hair wet." Belphie smiles, "Good point Beel." Satan makes a sound of contemplation. "What if...we had Michael chase Solomon in the rain instead? The fact he hates getting his hair wet could show just how much he loves Solomon..." You laugh, imagining the scene in your head. "But why is Michael chasing Solomon?" Belphie smirks, "Because Michael said something bad about humans during a fight, Solomon got upset and ran like a maiden." Beel stops munching on his snacks, looking down approvingly at his twin. "That's really smart Belphie." "Thanks Beel." Belphie grins. "Yeah Belph, your angstiness is really paying off." You tease. "Oh shut up MC." He glares at you, but there's no real weight behind it. "Theyre right you know." Satan smirks. "I heard you blasting Paramore and MCR earlier." "Its good music!"Belphie says definsively. "Besides, it keeps me awake. Goodnight." He mutters, laying his head on his twins lap before closing his eyes. Five minutes of silence later, Beel opens his mouth, "He does wear eyeliner a lot when he's in our room y'know?" "Beel!" You and Satan laugh, Beel just smiles happily at everyone getting along. Belphie devises a plan to make you dream pigeons are going to take over the world tonight as payback.
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im on a Lucifer being bullied by Michael spree rn 🧍‍♂️ also you can't convince me that Satan and Belphie aren't soso similar to Lucifer bc at the end of the day they're all just angsty emo teens &lt;3
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vilebird · 3 months
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a painting of a pale sky and bright blue sea crashing onto dark rocks and foaming. it's oriented the right way. - Day, by Frederick Judd Waugh
"and the man looks me in the eyes and he points to the blue-orange vault over heaven's gates and he says the face of everyone you miss is up there and i know i know i can't see them but i know" - And What Good Will Your Vanity Be When The Rapture Comes, by Hanif Willis-Abdurraqib
"i've cut myself off. i can feel the place / where i used to be attached. it's raw, as when you grate / your finger. it's a shredded mess / of images. it hurts." The Door, by Margaret Atwood
"i found you / i found the door / but when i stepped through / there was no floor" I want you, by Mitski
a still from a video of a bright setting sun against a dark orange sky and dark blue sea, with the caption "don't cry" - The Green Ray (1986)
"i feel dead. / i feel as if i were the residue of a stranger's life" - The Lost Pilot, by James Tate
"the shuddering moan of blood, a song to calm the sacrificial, the loss across the river. the way a dying animal will look at you is seared into me. we tie together and all over again." - i cant remember what this one is sorru
"i am feeling numb. it's a curious feeling, and i get it all the time. my attention to the world around me disappears, and something starts to hum inside my head. far off, voices try to bump up against me, but i repel them. my ears fill up with water and i focus on the humming inside my head. / i am inside my skull. it is a little cave, and i curl up inside it. below it, my body hovers, unattached." - Madness: A Bipolar Life, by Marya Hornbacher.
"-though we're dry and waiting. part of me died here so another could go on. the body i raised-" - When They Say you Can't Go Home Again What They Mean is You Where Never There, by Marty McConnell
text: "there'll always be a few things / maybe several things/ that you're gonna find / really difficult to forgive" image: a black silhouette of a minotaur sitting on top of a pale pillar rising out of a pale maze, looking out at an orange sunset over an empty desert beyond the walls of its maze. the text is black letters on white pasted in strips over top. - Up the Wolves by the Mountain Goats and Minotauro by Jordi Garriga Mora. collage put together by @scatterghosts
"i know there are things i haven't survived." - Lord of the Butterflies, by Andrea Gibson
"it seems to me that the dead only return for love or for revenge. who did you come back for?" - White is for Witching, by Helen Oyeyemi
a painting of a bright white bird on a background split between dark blue and black - Promised Land (2013), by Michael Creese
"and with or without your support, i will continue / what im trying to say is you never know what you've been through / til you pause and cough it out" - Cough It Out by The Frontbottoms
"painting all the mirrors black / i won't see you staring back / i'm getting lost forever / searching in the broken glass / trying to ignore the past / and put myself together" - Mirrors by 8 Graves
"saint calvin told me not to worry about you / but he's got his own things to deal with / there's really just one thing we have in common: / neither of us will be missed" - Saint Bernard by Lincoln
"so many bright lights to cast a shadow / but can i speak? / well, is it hard understanding / that i'm incomplete?" - Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance
"being in a completely normal nonthreatening scenario & environment and thinking 'i have GOT to get the fuck out of here' with the intensity of some trapped neurotic prey animal" - tumblr post by user @greelin
"but you know me / what can't i conjure into hysteria / and longing? / any place is a funeral as soon as i get there. / of course i'm the disaster / but you're the one foolish enough / to learn my name." - The Next Time We Talk on Facebook, by Clementine von Radics
"if your wounds are still open, trust / they are the doors to an answer, / and walk through." - You Better Be Lightning, by Andrea Gibson
text: "what a tremendous thing to learn from" image: black text on white strips across a blue-orange gradient - i forgot this one too sory
"when the body remembers, it bucks wildly / when we try to heal, the phantom smell returns / while in the shower, you break down / while you wash your body you realise it is not your body / and at the same time, it is the only body you have" - Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head, by Warsan Shire
"that was the thing. you never got used to it, the idea of somebody being gone. just when you think it's reconciled, accepted, someone points it out to you, and it just hits you all over again, that shocking." - The Truth About Forever, by Sarah Dessen
"the spirit is so hurt / it don't know the / body / it / looks in / the mirror / and asks, who is it?" - On/My/Aging, by Carolyn Marie Rodgers
"could we sit together in new bodies, shoulder to tender / shoulder, / the lovely and the thorned, the bitter and the failed, / the grave to the left of us, the sea to the right?" - 8, Always a Rose, by Li-Young Lee
"the fact of the matter is / you survived, / it's what you do. / death and you / walk side by side / all sigh and scythe / you stay alive. / and you have the right / but struggle to believe. / you're still allowed / to be alive. / it feels inappropriate." - It's What You Do, by Lena Oleanderson @lena-oleanderson
a painting of a bright orange sky at sunset, sun nowhere to be seen, over a pale sea crashing onto dark rocks and foaming. it's oriented upside down. - Night, by by Frederick Judd Waugh
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ldrfanatic · 5 months
Slytherin Boys as 1989 Songs
+ bonus! the slytherin boys as romance tropes
I decided to shake this one up a bit and do all happy love songs
here's 1989 (tv ofc); which taylor swift album should i do next?
(mattheo riddle, draco malfoy, theo nott, lorenzo berkshire)
slytherin boys masterlist works
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mattheo riddle as I Know Places
best lyric(s) - "let them say what they want we won't here it" + "love's a fragile little flame it could burn out" + "just grab my hand and don't ever drop it"
trope - enemies to lovers :)
mattheo w a crush - in love, mattheo is somewhere in the middle between being sappy and just straight up insulting you. not like calling you ugly or anything but like "damn i didn't know it was possible to mess up such an easy spell" like kind of teasing. he's one of those guys that will be mean at first and then be like playfully mean and then finally, will start being nice to you but only sometimes. he just thinks you're adorable when you're angry.
mattheo as a boyfriend - now as a boyfriend, mattheo still teases the hell out of you but god forbid literally anyone else does bc he'll kill them. like actually. also the pair of you go through a little bit of a rough patch during the war and he keeps telling you that you have to stay way from him but secretly, he's really happy that you never actually listen to him because he doesn't know what he would do without you. he just kind of ignores all the whispers and hogwarts becomes your guys' like safe little happy love bubble.
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draco malfoy as Out of the Woods
best lyric(s) - "the rest of the world was black and white, but we were in screaming color" + "when you started crying baby i did too, when the sun came up i was looking at you" + "I walked out I said 'i'm setting you free' but the monsters turned out to be just trees"
trope - everyone can see it except for you
draco w a crush - I think draco would be the kind of guy that actively avoided his crush. like if you were sitting in the very front of transfigurations, he was sitting in the absolute furthers corner in the back. If you were going on the hogsmeade trip, he was begging his friends would leave him to simmer in his affections for you. he's just so nervous and so certain you'll dislike him that he'd rather not talk to you at all. when he finally does work up the courage, he's extremely happy and like eternally grateful that you'd give him a chance.
draco as a boyfriend - i do think though that draco is not always the best at communicating just because he always wants everything to be so perfect and he doesn't want there to be anything that he says that could make you resent him so he'd rather not say anything at all. obv, this doesn't work out well for him cause like... communicating w you is so essential. y'all get into arguments fairly regularly but you always end up making up because he's always just creating those demons in his head and it's almost never that serious.
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theodore nott as Suburban Legends
best lyric(s) - "you were so magnetic it was almost obnoxious" + "when you hold me, it holds me together and you kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever" + "you'd be more than a chapter in my old diaries with the pages ripped out"
trope - hopeless romantic
theo w a crush - I think with a crush theo would be the kind of guy that just simps like a mf. like you need someone to carry your books, he's there, why would you even try to carry them yourself? just let him take care of it. or like, when you're not feeling well and you might need to spend a few days in the hospital wing, while you're sleeping theo sneaks in and leaves the notes for the classes you missed as well as your favorite sweets and flowers. (one time when michael corner made you cry, he beat the snot out of him and then the next day left this huge teddy bear outside your door with the note "y/n, that douchebag sucks. -tn")
theo as a boyfriend - theo's simp nature carries over when he's a bf so he's super freaking caring. he does literally everything for you. he'll brush your hair when you get out of the shower if you ask. or if you're like me and you have like thicker ethnic hair, he'll ask you to show him how to do your hair so that he can do it for you. he's also one of those guys that's like casually dominant. like hand on your lower back in a crowd, opening your doors, reaching up and grabbing things from the top shelf for you. naturally protective in the sense of like he always wants to sleep closest to the door in case something happens and like is also always making sure you eat and get enough water.
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lorenzo berkshire as "Slut!"
lyric(s) - "and if i'm gonna be drunk, i might as well be drunk in love" + "and i break down then he's pulling me in. in a world of boys he's a gentleman" + "got love struck went straight to my head"
trope - friends to lovers
enzo w a crush - enzo is the kind of guy who's not afraid to be in love. he actually loves it. he loves having someone to compliment and shower in gifts and win over. where mattheo would tease you, draco would avoid you, and theo would lose himself in you, enzo is the guy who would bring you inexplicable joy and make sure you knew that it was him that was bringing you joy. not to say that he wouldn't do sweet gestures and such but he's the sort of guy that will make you his best friend and then make you fall in love with him.
enzo as a boyfriend - because of this, you and enzo are like those like childhood friends turned lovers type of thing. he just knows you so well and the love between you two comes so easily. he makes it his personal mission to make you smile at least once a day. as your boyfriend, he's just really playful. things like pillow fights and tickle fights. he's also that boyfriend that will do all those little stupid tiktok trends with you but like really energetically and not just like half-assed bc if it's gonna make you smile, he's going all in.
wc 1k
taglist @moonlightreader649 @svt-dk97 @thatdammchickennugget @helendeath @fandom-life-12 @bouquetolegoflowers @maryvibess
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foxynez · 2 years
Halloween Delight
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Pairing: Michael Myers x Female Reader
Summary: Obsessed with Myers, you buy his house and wait for his return...
Warnings: NSFW! SMUT! Tw: blood, Tw: violence.
Notes: If you're not into slashers, then don't read and leave your opinions to yourself.
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It was the morning of Halloween. You woke up in the dawn, darkness still cloaking the room. It was once his room and you could still feel his presence, haunting every board in the house. Stretching your body, you sat up and gasped when you saw a tall shadow in the corner. Once your vision adjusted to the dark, you could see the scarred, white mask illuminate the darkness.
"Michael?" you said breathlessly, your face brightening with a smile. "It's really you. I knew you would come home one day. I've read everything about you. Bought this house so I could be here when you returned home."
Michael tilted his head, his breathing heavy behind his mask as he watched you silently. Then, he charged towards you and wrapped his hand around your throat, his grip tightening around your windpipe as he lifted you up from the bed like you weighed nothing. You choked beneath his hand but to his surprise, you smiled as you looked down at him. He tilted his head to the other side and watched you with that emotionless expression on his mask. It was the first time someone didn’t scream in terror at him, and he didn’t know what to do with that. Eventually, he let you down and you gasped for air as you looked up at his tall figure. You touched your throat with a smirk, knowing there would be a bruise there for days.
"You can live here if you want. You don't have to kill me. I can be useful for you, make you dinner, clean your clothes, service you in bed...you can do anything you want to me, Michael," you said, biting your lip as you glanced up at him, your stomach fluttering nervously as you lifted your t-shirt over your head and drop it on the floor. Bending down, you took off your panties and stood there naked in front of the most powerful killer in the world, and had no idea whether he would kill you or not. And that was part of the excitement, of the thrill that turned you on so much.
Michael stood there in what felt like forever, silently watching your naked body and to your delight, you could see the bulge press against his boiler suit. Then, he was on you, as quickly as a snake snapping his head. He pushed you down onto your stomach on the bed and you cried out when he grabbed your hair and yanked your head back as he pulled down the zipper on his overalls. He slammed inside you in one, swift thrust, held your head with both his hands, his fingers finding their way into your mouth and holding the inside of your lips as leverage as he started to pound into your cunt. You tasted the iron of old, dry blood on his fingers and you were shamelessly wet at his onslaught. Saliva drooled down your chin as he fucked you into a mindless, blubbering mess. He fucked you hard and rough, claimed what was his. His pleasure was your pleasure. He was breathing heavily above you, grunted silently as he spilled his seed inside your tight cunt. The sensation of his semen filling your womb took you over the edge, and you came, screaming his name in ecstasy as your orgasm rocked through your body.
Michael slid his cock out of your pussy, pulled up the zipper on his boiler suit, and left your used body on the bed.
You smiled exhaustedly as you heard him walk down the stairs and the front door closed, knowing he would be back for another round when he was done with another killing spree.
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Taglist: @noodlecupcakes @skvatnavle
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alexxncl · 3 months
masterlist | all lessons| season 2 | season 3 | lesson 40 | lesson 41.2 | lesson 42.1 | lesson 42.2
i missed my boys but i also feel bad for the nb!timeline boys bc they'll never see us again :( i miss them
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HSHGDHDGD they're so stupid 😭 and ik they knew it was mammon's handwriting bc there's no way they didn't
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:((((( i think i mentioned this in my lesson 40 breakdown but this is literally a physical manifestation of the login screen dialogue:
"my love for you transcends time"
if i was mc i'd be BAWLING y'all don't understand
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this bg gives me war flashbacks to lesson 76 🫠 sad times man
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PLEASE where did this come from 😭 everyone was all nostalgic and crying and shit and then he comes and pulls this outta his ass
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but on another note, how does he know the wallet is light if it's levitating ??? like does he feel the heaviness bc he's making it float or is he just bullshitting to piss mammon off 😭
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giggling, kicking my feet, i missed her 🫶🏽 my wife, the loml
yk this would be a great time to have our affinity with her go up 😐 COUGH COUGH 😐 why isnt she dateable yet
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isn't he canonically really good at math ??? like aside from just counting money
even tho it definitely comes from his greed
they're always downplaying his good qualities 🫠 hate it here /j
also side note, him getting assigned geography is a SET UP like 😭 we all know this man can't focus for the life of him. at LEAST give him math so he'd have a chance 💀
mc and mammon are ESPECIALLY cooked bc dia and barb decided to be tryhards and join every part of the competition
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mc better than me bc i'd fight a bitch if he just up and left me after all the stuff that happened in the other timeline 😭 fym you're in the human world while i'm down here struggling
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where did all of his development go ???? the whole season 3 arc where luke, mammon, and mc were on a train (?) together and luke learned to let go of his biases just got erased ig
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or what if it's michael messing with him even though he's fallen ??? the teaser has me paranoid idk
ANYWAYS overall 10/10 comeback lesson (i'm biased and i missed my boys 🫶🏽)
(i feel like the bonus story of the normal lesson needed its own post bc...😭)
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sl-vega · 6 months
Pairing: Michael Kaiser x [FEM!] Reader
Genre: professional figure skater au, rivals to lovers (?), can be platonic if you squint, oneshot/drabble
Synopsis: In which you're stuck sharing the rink with your insufferable rival.
CW: swearing, ooc kaiser (?)
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You laced up your skates and stepped into the rink, the cold frigid air was a familiar feeling to you. You glided across the ice, the sound of your skates was music to your ears.
"Oh, it's you."
You heard a voice that was all too familiar to you. A sound that was worse than nails on a chalkboard. You turned around to see a young man step into the rink.
He smiled, sickening and fake. "What are you doing here?" You asked with disgust. Your manager rented it for you, and you alone. Didn't she?
"It's a public rink, schatz." He explained, using the pet name he always opted for whenever he wanted to get under your skin.
"We just happened to schedule at the same time and some fools didn't tell you that it was already booked." He gestured to the exit of the rink.
"So if you'd just make your way out, I'd be ever so grateful." He smirked skating right by you.
You could've left, in all honesty you should've left. But leaving would be admitting defeat to Kaiser, and to you, that was a fate worse than death.
Were you being petty?
Did you care?
You skated in his direction, passing right by him. "No, I'm perfectly fine with staying." You attempted to sound nonchalant.
"Didn't know you were this desperate to have some alone time with me, meine liebe. Obsessive much?"
He smirked, clearly pleased with your reaction. The media had taken a liking to you and Kaiser's rivalry and they adored spinning the story into some rivals to lovers situation-ship.
It didn't help that everyone thought that Kaiser teasing you was some kind of love-language.
"Shut up." You muttered, picking up your pace to match his. The two of you were skating laps around the rink.
"You're not denying anything~"
"Shut up!"
"Make me."
His face was inches away from yours, you could feel his warm breath against your lips. He smirked, pulling away.
"You're gonna have to try harder if you really want me that badly, prinzessin." He teased you again. You swatted his shoulder.
"Well, as much as I love messing with you, don't you need to get some practice in?"
Huh, oddly thoughtful of him, maybe he isn't so bad?
"You really need it." He added, soaking up your agitated expression.
Never mind. Once a bastard, always a bastard.
You sighed making you way to the other side of the ring. Why must I always entertain his antics?
Maybe you have a crush on him~
You recalled your manager's words from a few weeks ago. You quickly dismissed the thought, there was no way you'd have feelings for Michael Kaiser of all people. Right?
You looked back at him, still gliding around his half of the rink.
Well I do need a partner for this routine...
You were probably going to regret this later, but practice was practice, regardless of who it was with.
He looked up at you, and you beckoned for him to come over.
"Yes schatz?"
You held out your hand, making direct eye contact with him. "Practice with me."
He took your hand in his. "Knew you couldn't resist me."
You rolled your eyes.
Maybe being stuck with you isn't the worst thing after all.
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Gift for the lovely @latay7 srry that this is so short but hey, I tried <3
Idea from @eggosforbreakfast on wattpad
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
MC: *has been silent since they've arrived to the Demon Lord's Castle*
Diavolo: *has entered the room*
Diavolo: ...
MC: ...
MC: It's quite noisy outside.
Diavolo: Yes. They want us to surrender you.
MC: You could've done just that. *gets up*
Diavolo: I'm sure you know that I'm still trying to find a way for you to get out of this mess.
MC: *smiles* Yes. But we've been driven into a corner.
MC: *starts to walk towards the door*
Diavolo: *blocking them*
MC: ...
MC: Remember when you said you cannot lose everything?
Diavolo: Yes. And that includes you—
MC: No. I'm the pawn that you need to sacrifice. And you know what's the beauty of it?
MC: I won't be a great loss to you.
Diavolo: ...
Diavolo: You're important to me.
MC: But that doesn't mean I'm necessary.
MC: ...
MC: I'm making it easier for the both of us.
MC: No need to comfort me. *smiles*
MC: I know it's not that of a surprise, but Michael is willing to negotiate with me.
MC: You'll know what have been decided. *about to walk past him*
Diavolo: *grabs their arm*
MC: ...
Diavolo: They want to erase your existence.
MC: Heh. Figures.
Diavolo: ...
Diavolo: Why don't you just stay here? I'll protect you.
MC: Ah, well. That offer sure is tempting. But I'll pass.
MC: I don't want to be seen as a burden.
Diavolo: ...
Diavolo: You were there.
MC: Yes. I wish I wasn't. Maybe if I was only late for a few seconds... I didn't have to hear that.
Diavolo: *talking to Barbatos* *lets out a heavy sigh*
Barbatos: What's the matter, young master?
Diavolo: ...
Diavolo: Bad luck is always following them, Barbatos.
Diavolo: They may be a good person, however...
Diavolo: Isn't this way too much?
MC: I was a little hurt, but... *chuckles* I couldn't really argue with what you had said.
Diavolo: MC—
MC: I'll fight by myself. This is my choice.
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darlingshane · 1 year
Kiss the Cook
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Pairing: Michael Berzatto x F!Reader
Summary: When you wake up, you find Michael cooking breakfast, wearing only the apron that you bought for him.
Content/Warnings: 18+, Explicit, Smut, HJ and BJ (m. receiving), Friends with Benefits, Crack, Pet Names, Crass Phallic Humor.
Word Count: 1,1k
A/N: This is a second part to Afternoon Delight. They can be read separately since there's not much plot.
— You can read below or at AO3.
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Though Michael doesn’t own the most comfortable mattress, when you wake up on his bed, you feel completely rested. You were spent last night when you came here under the premise of decompressing after a long day of work just for a quick fuck, instead you must have ended up falling asleep cause besides your feet being free from your shoes you're still wearing all your clothes. He must have moved you to his bed too cause you don’t actually remember getting into his room at all. The last thing you saw before you drifted to slumber was the glow of the TV.
One shoulder cracks when you stretch your arms before getting out of the tangled mess of the sheets.
Minding your steps, you walk into the bathroom to relieve the pressure on your bladder, and after washing your hands, you rid your mouth of the awful morning breath by using some of his Listerine.
As you head out to the living room, you catch a whiff of something cooking and the next second, you're met with Michael's backside in the kitchen wearing only an apron while he cooks something on the stove top. His cute little bottom is on full display between the edges of the apron. His ass cheeks jiggle a little when he quickly reaches with one hand to grab a spatula that was sitting further away on the counter.
You can’t stop yourself from sneaking on him and giving a small pinch to his butt.
“Morning, tushy,” you laugh as his head promptly turns for just a second.
“Hey, go back to bed, baby, I was going to surprise you with breakfast.”
“Too late. I'm already up,” you link your arms around his waist while he keeps working on an omelette that smells delicious. “Is this the apron that I brought you?”
“It is. Thought you'd like to see me wearing it at least once.”
“I do like it, baby. It looks good on you,” per the fabric’s suggestion of 'kiss the cook' you lean in closer and smooch his jaw.
“How did you sleep, sweetheart?”
“Good, I think. I haven't slept that much since… Forever. Thank you for taking me to your bed.”
“Of course.”
“Though, you should have taken off my clothes.”
“I thought about it, but it felt weird to do so while you were out. And I didn't wanna wake you up.”
“Aww, such a gentleman.”
“That's right,” he glances over his shoulder and kisses your nose before transferring the cooked omelette to a plate. Then, he pours another bowl of whisked eggs into the pan to make a second one. “Do you want anything else, sweetheart?”
“Hmm, I'm in the mood for some sausage.”
“Sorry, I'm out of sausages.”
As you slip your hands under the hem of his apron on both sides, you say, “really? Cause I think you have a perfect sausage ready for consumption right here.”
You curl both palms around his soft dick and jerk him slowly.
“You're literally playing with fire, baby,” he hisses, trying to keep his focus on the pan as he folds the omelette with the spatula.
“I know. That's the fun of it,” you smirk, getting his cock to harden in your hold. “How about some chorizo?”
“Uh-uh, the best I… can do…” he scrambles to get his words out as he grows more solid, “...is ham.”
“No ham. I need something with more sustenance. What was that thing you ordered the other day with the weird ass name?”
“Yeah, that.”
“Don't have any, either.”
“That's too bad. I guess I'll have to settle with this one,” his full erection fills both your fists now, and leaks some precum that you extend along his shaft to ease the motion.
As you grip harder around him, you watch him struggle, promptly putting down the spatula, and bracing his hands on the edge of the counter.
“Sh, sh, sh. Keep cooking for me, baby. Don’t let it burn.”
“You're a fucking menace, girl,” he grumbles, and against his body’s wishes he collects the spatula and finishes that second omelette while you keep toying with him.
“You're the one who decided to wear just an apron to surprise me. We both know what you were up to when you made that decision.”
Despite your best efforts to get him to mess up, he manages to finish that second omelette with flying colors. Then, he turns off the stove and closes his eyes, enjoying the undoing of your eager hands around his hardness.
“Can I have some of this now, please?” you purr and nibble against the curve of his neck.
Michael can't and wouldn't ever deny you a request like that. Especially from you. The way you make him feel is something unexplainable. He becomes putty in your hands every time you come around. This is proof of it. So, as you take a step back and kneel on the floor, he turns around, and watches your teeth sharpen, and mouth water, at the prospect of taking him between your lips. You roll up the hem of that ridiculous apron over his hips to uncover that impressive erection you've proudly baked.
“Wow, you really put the long in longaniza,” you quip, bringing one hand up to hold the underside of his cock.
“You’re so fucking dirty,” he snorts and watches your tongue mischievously flick across your bottom lip before pressing a quick kiss on the blunt head of his dick.
“Don’t complain. I know you like it when I’m dirty,” you place a string of kisses along the shaft without taking your eyes off his.
Michael traps his bottom lip beneath his teeth and watches your lips sensually wrap around him. He places a palm on your jaw and draws with his thumb the hollow of your cheek when you take him shamelessly deeper into your mouth. It's a damn sight better observing you from above, fiercely wanting to please him. More than the act itself, it's the passion you put into it that makes his cock ache and throb. It's something unparalleled to watch how you almost take every inch of him into the depth of your mouth.
Your head bobs faster as you take him closer to the edge, you see his eyes glare behind a layer of gloss and lust. You grip harder at the base, revel in the way he tastes in your mouth, and use your other hand to massage his balls.
“Attagirl, keep going,” he deeply encourages between grunts, grasping your face tighter, with both hands framing your head now, as his hips automatically jerk into your mouth a few times. “You like it when I fuck your dirty mouth like this?”
You hum in response and let him drive into you during that final stretch. You keep your lips tight, your jaw slacked, that hand still holding his scrotum, and let his cock use your mouth until your tongue is covered with every drop of his warm, sticky cum.
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ohhappyday123 · 3 months
The Office - Communication Breakdown
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The usual hustle and bustle of the office fills the air as employees go about their work. The camera pans across the bullpen, capturing snippets of conversations and the clatter of keyboards.
Y/N is seated at her desk, working on some paperwork. Dwight approaches with a stern look on his face.
Dwight: [seriously] Y/N, I need you to tell Jim something for me.
Y/N: [looking up, amused] Sure, Dwight. What's up?
Dwight: [glancing around to make sure Jim isn't nearby] Tell him that his prank was amateur at best and that he will never best me in a battle of wits.
[Y/N chuckles and nods, turning to find Jim.]
Jim's Desk
[Jim is leaning back in his chair, fiddling with a paperclip. Y/N walks over and delivers Dwight's message.]
Y/N: [smiling] Jim, Dwight wants you to know that your prank was amateur at best and that you'll never best him in a battle of wits.
Jim: [grinning] Oh, really? Well, tell Dwight that his sense of humor is as outdated as his haircut.
[She laughs and walks back to Dwight.]
Dwight's Desk
[Dwight is busy organizing his desk meticulously. Y/N approaches and delivers Jim's message.]
Y/N: [trying not to laugh] Jim says your sense of humor is as outdated as your haircut.
Dwight: [fuming] Tell him that I’m shunning him for the rest of the week, effective immediately.
Y/N: [sighing] Dwight, don't you think this is a bit much?
Dwight: [seriously] No. This is a necessary measure.
[Y/N returns to Jim's desk to relay the latest message.]
Jim: [smiling] Ah, shunning. Classic Dwight.
Interview - Dwight
Dwight: [looking serious] Shunning is an ancient Amish tradition. It's a way to show someone that their behavior is unacceptable. Jim needs to learn that pranks have consequences.
Interview - Jim
Jim: [grinning] Dwight shuns me about twice a month. It's kind of our thing. It's annoying, but also, it makes him easier to mess with.
Interview - Y/N
Y/N: [laughing] Being the middleman between Jim and Dwight is like being a referee in a game where only one person knows they're playing. It's exhausting, but it's also kind of hilarious.
[Y/N, Pam, and Jim are having lunch together. Dwight enters the room, looking determined.]
Pam: [whispering to Y/N] What's going on with Dwight today?
Y/N: [whispering back] He's shunning Jim. Again.
[Dwight clears his throat loudly, getting everyone's attention.]
Dwight: Y/N, tell Jim that he needs to stop leaving his dirty dishes in the sink.
Y/N: [sighing] Dwight, he's right here. You can tell him yourself.
Dwight: [stubbornly] No. I will not acknowledge his existence.
Jim: [smiling] Well, Y/N, tell Dwight that I will stop leaving my dishes in the sink when he stops labeling all his food in the fridge. No one wants his beet salad.
Y/N: [laughing] Okay, okay. How about we all just clean up after ourselves?
Pam: [amused] Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.
Dwight: [grudgingly] Fine.
Interview - Pam
Pam: [smiling] Watching Dwight shun Jim is like watching a soap opera. You can't help but get invested in the drama.
Y/N is at her desk when Michael approaches, looking confused.
Michael: Y/N, why is Dwight shunning Jim again?
Y/N: [smiling] Jim pranked him, and now Dwight's using his Amish shunning technique to teach him a lesson.
Michael: [nodding thoughtfully] Ah, classic Dwight. Well, keep up the good work. You're doing great as the office mediator.
Interview - Michael
Michael: [confidently] Y/N is like the glue that holds this office together. Without them, we'd be in chaos. More chaos than usual, I mean.
Everyone is gathered for a meeting. Dwight and Jim are sitting on opposite sides of the table, with the reader between them.
Michael: [excitedly] Okay, team! Today we're going to brainstorm some new ideas for our sales strategy. Y/N, why don't you start us off?
Y/N: [clearing their throat] Sure. I was thinking we could focus on improving our customer service by...
[The camera cuts to Dwight, who leans over to Y/N and whispers something in her ear.]
Dwight: [whispering] Tell Jim that his idea for the new sales strategy is idiotic and will never work.
[Y/N rolls her eyes but obliges, whispering Dwight's message to Jim.]
Jim: [whispering back] Tell Dwight that his idea for the new sales strategy is so outdated that it belongs in a museum.
Y/N: [exasperated] Guys, can we focus on the meeting?
Interview - Dwight
Dwight: [seriously] Communicating through Y/N is actually quite efficient. It ensures that Jim understands the severity of his actions.
Interview - Jim
Jim: [laughing] It’s like we’re in middle school. Dwight thinks he’s making a point, but really, it just gives me more opportunities to mess with him.
As the day continues, the shunning persists. Y/N is caught in the middle of increasingly absurd messages between Jim and Dwight.
Dwight: [smirking] Tell Jim that he should be prepared for a battle of wits tomorrow. I won't go easy on him.
Y/N: [sighing] Dwight, maybe you should just talk to him directly?
Dwight: [firmly] No. This is how it must be.
Jim: [grinning] Tell Dwight that I look forward to it. And that he should bring his A-game.
Y/N shakes her head, amused by the ongoing feud. As she turn back to het work, they catch a glimpse of Stanley watching the whole exchange with a bemused expression.
Interview - Stanley
Stanley: [chuckling] I stay out of their nonsense. But it’s always entertaining to watch. Y/N does a good job keeping the peace.
Y/N is working when Jim walks over, looking slightly sheepish.
Jim: [softly] Hey, sorry for dragging you into all this. I know it’s a lot.
Y/N: [smiling] It's okay. It keeps things interesting.
Jim: [smiling back] How about we get dinner tonight? My treat.
Y/N: [grinning] Sounds like a plan.
[As Jim walks away, Y/N catches Dwight watching them intently.]
Dwight: [seriously] Y/N, remember to relay my message about the battle of wits.
Y/N: [laughing] I will, Dwight. I will.
Interview - Y/N
Y/N: [laughing] It's exhausting, but I wouldn't have it any other way. This place is like a second home, and these people are like family. A very dysfunctional family.
As the day winds down, employees start packing up their things. Jim and Y/N walk out together, exchanging smiles and quiet conversation.
Pam: [smiling as she watches them leave] Those two are perfect for each other.
Michael: [beaming] Y/N and Jim make a great team. They're like the Romeo and Juliet of the office. But, you know, without the tragic ending.
[The camera captures Dwight watching Jim and Y/N with a mix of suspicion and grudging respect.]
Interview - Dwight
Dwight: [seriously] As much as it pains me to admit, Jim and Y/N are a formidable team. But that doesn't mean I won't crush him in our battle of wits.
Interview - Jim
Jim: [smiling] Dwight will never admit it, but he likes having Y/N around as much as the rest of us do. Even if he shows it in the weirdest way possible.
Interview - Y/N
Y/N: [smiling] At the end of the day, we’re all just trying to get through the workday with a little bit of fun. And if that means playing messenger between Jim and Dwight, so be it.
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Danny ends his first month as Bruce Wayne's PA being held at gunpoint.
This is not the first time he's been in this position, and lord knows with his luck it probably won't be the last. But this is the first time he's ever been held at gunpoint by a regular gun. As in one that fires bullets and has gunpowder, as opposed to the ecto-charged weapons back in Amity. The novelty of the situation makes him hesitate for longer than he usually would. An ecto gun would hurt like a bitch, sure, but he knew he was strong enough to tank it. But a bullet between the eyes? He's not sure how that would affect him considering, well, him, and he's really not in any hurry to figure that out.
The guy in the Michael Myers mask holding him hostage— one of six, all wearing horror movie villain masks probably taken from some local Party City—yelled at Danny to put his hands behind his head. "I know you!" Michael Myers said. "You're Wayne's dog aren't'cha?"
Danny rolled his eyes. He shoots Tiffany, one of the front desk clerks, an exasperated look. God forbid people actually call Danny by his job title.
Tiffany shrugs as best as she could from the ground.
"I'm his PA, asshole," Danny snapped.
"Why you—"
"Oh just shut the fuck up!" Scream, well, screams. "He's just some punk kid. The cops will be here any minute, and we still don't know where the fuck Wayne is."
In the most innocent way Danny could manage (and by innocent, he means the most annoyingly straight face he could pull) Danny says, "Do you have an appointment?"
Tiffany face palms. Scream blue-screens. "What."
"Do you have an appointment?" Danny stalled, straining his senses for any sign of the Bat. Really, it shouldn't take Bruce this long to respond. They were literally in his building. "Anyone that wants to see Mr. Wayne needs an appointment."
Michael Myers fumes. "Yeah, I do. It's under do what we say, or I put a bullet in your teeth!"
Danny tilted his head just so. Was that footsteps he heard overhead?
"Interesting name." Danny made a show of pulling out the palm-sized planner he kept in his breast pocket and flipped to today's date. "Is it foreign?"
He made it a habit to keep a physical copy of his boss' agenda as a back-up in case something happened to his work phone. (See: Vlad messing up the work phone he bought Danny after Danny purposefully squeezed in a month's worth of work into one week). If Danny wasn't so sure that Michael "trigger happy" Myers wouldn't shoot Danny's fancy new work phone, he'd have pulled that out instead and called an ambulance for these poor bastards.
"I am going to enjoy hurting you."
The lights overhead flickered.
Danny hissed in mock-disappointment. "Oooh, would you look at that. It looks like Mr. Wayne is fully booked. Guess you can't see him today." He batted his eye lashes, mouth widening in a shit-eating grin. "But luckily for you, it looks like there's an opening with the Batman."
The room was swallowed up by darkness.
The sound of horror villains screaming was music to Danny's ears.
413 notes · View notes
queen-of-deans-booty · 6 months
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Tribrid!Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~5.3k
Warnings: major angst, no humanity!reader, forced turned into a vampire and werewolf, feeling betrayed, heartbreak
Request by anon: Hey Jordan can i request a imagine based on No Humanity Hope Mikaelson? Where the reader is a tribrid and half angel daughter of Michael or Lucifer and is dating Dean and Sam and for someone reason she chose to turn off her humanity and her boyfriends trying to she became herself again?
Summary: You're the first of your kind and the only one of your kind. Michael created you to help create new angels without asking if that's what you want to do. In order to make new angels, you have to fully become a tribrid, and you're only a witch. You don't want to turn but Michael makes it so you don't have a choice.
Square Filled: holy oil (2019) for @heavenandhellbingo
Author’s Note: the anon asked for the reader to be dating both sam and dean, but i just made it for sam!
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Heaven is slowly breaking down and your dad is doing everything he can to prevent it from completely collapsing on itself. After Metatron kicked all the angels out, Michael got out of the cage and took over command. Most of the remaining angels have turned back over to Michael but there have been a handful who want to rebel. He has been tracking every single angel not on his side and getting rid of them.
Michael has one of those angels in Heaven tied up while you’re sitting sideways on your throne with your phone in hand.
“I’m giving you one chance to come clean. All I need are the names of the angels in the rebellion. Do you really want to go down for their mistakes?”
“Michael, please. I don’t know anything. They don’t tell me what they’re doing or who is on their team. I already told you everyone I know.”
“That’s not good enough for me. This is a good teaching moment, Y/N. I’ll show you what happened to angels who don’t deliver.” Michael looks back at you only to see you giggling like a schoolgirl on your phone. “Y/N!”
“What, I’m paying attention,” you say without looking up.
You and Sam Winchester have been dating for a few months and all you want to do is be near him. You’re in the “Honeymoon Phase” of your relationship. If your dad wasn’t such a strict person, you’d be back on Earth with Sam and Dean.
“What?” you gasp and finally look at him.
“You need to start paying attention. This is your legacy. This is who you’re meant to be so stop messing around with that Winchester and do what you were made to do.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
Michael glares at you and turns to the angel who thought he was going to get off scot-free. Michael grabs the holy oil and covers the angel with it. The lower-level angel pleads for his life but Michael has already lit the match. The angel screams as he burns alive, and your dad turns to you with a deadly glare.
“You knew what you were supposed to do the second you were created.”
Don’t you know it. He tells you all about your responsibilities every second he gets, and it’s pissing you off. You were created by his grace so you’re half angel, but he took the DNA of other monsters to create the perfect tribrid: vampire, witch, and werewolf. Both your werewolf and vampire genes are dormant so you’re only a half-witch, half-angel right now. If you were to die or kill someone, you’d activate the other parts of you.
You refuse to let that happen.
Michael created you this way since you’re meant to be so powerful that you can create other angels. If you don’t activate those other two parts of you, you can’t create new angels.
“You never let me forget it,” you sigh and sit upright.
“I am trying to make Heaven what it used to be. We are running on limited angels and if they all perish, Heaven will cease to exist.”
“Yeah, and the smart choice is to kill off more angels. I see where you’re coming from.”
“I am weeding out the bad so that only the good remains. What good is this place if we have rouge angels running amok here?”
You get up and put your phone in your back pocket.
“I am not interested in killing angels only to make new ones. I am not a killer. I am a witch who never wanted this. If you can figure out a way for me to make new angels without activating my other sides, I am all for that. I am not going to be your puppet in this sick game you’re playing. I can’t care if you’re my dad. I am not activating my other sides to become a full tribrid. Frankly, you can’t make me. Even without those sides, I’m still more powerful than you. Don’t let your arrogance be the death of you.”
You storm out of the room before he has a chance to say anything back to you. You don’t want to be here anymore. There is only one person who can make you feel better and he is on Earth. As soon as you land there, you immediately find him at some high school he and his brother were at while on a case.
Seeing Sam after all this time makes your heart flutter and your worries dissolve.
“Sam!” you grin.
“Y/N!” You run into his arms and cling to him for longer than necessary. “What are you doing here?”
“My dad pissed me off. I had to come see you.”
“We just got done with a case. We’re about to call it a night and head home tomorrow. I can get a separate room for us if you want to talk.”
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you smile. “Hi, Dean.
“Hey, kid. Don’t wear out Sammy like last time. I kind of need him,” he jokes.
“It’s not like that. Don’t be so crude.”
Dean found a relatively cheap motel to stay the night in but headed to the bar instead of his room. You and Sam got the conjoining room for yourselves, and you sit on the edge of the bed with a tired sigh.
“What’s going on? What did Michael do now?”
“He’s hell-bent on killing any angel who opposes him. Heaven is already struggling with the amount of angels now. He wants to kill off the bad so I can make more for him.”
“Make more? I thought only God could do that.”
“Michael made me with not only his grace but with the DNA of a witch, vampire, and werewolf. If I were to turn full Tribrid, I’d have enough power to create his angels. He wouldn’t need God.”
“What happened up there?” Sam asks and sits next to you.
“He was killing them. He wants me to activate my vampire and werewolf side. I’m not a killer, Sam. I don’t want this. I’ve never wanted this. Michael never cared about me. He only cares about what I can do for him. I don’t want to do this,” you sniffle.
“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” Sam pulls you closer so that you can cry against his chest. He doesn’t care if your tears stain his shirt. “He can’t force you to turn.”
“I’m afraid he might be able to. All I ever wanted was to be normal. I never wanted to hurt people,” you cry.
“You won’t. Look, Dean and I are really good at hiding from angels. We’re branded. Michael can’t find us. Stay with us for a while.” You pull away from him to look into his beautiful hazel eyes. “He won’t be able to find you.”
You don’t tell him that he would be able to find you. Michael is relentless. He will do anything to get what he wants, and that includes hurting Sam and Dean. Still, you don’t see the harm in staying with Sam for the night. 
Michael is seething with anger over your fight. He doesn’t know how to make you see that you need to do this for the greater good. All he ever wants is to remake Heaven into what it was before. He can’t do that without new angels. You’re the only one besides God who can make new angels, and it’s not like his dad is going to show up anytime soon to help.
The mess of the angel’s death has been cleaned from the room that Michael is pacing in. He doesn’t know how to make you see that turning full Tribrid is a good thing. The door to the throne room opens and Lucifer walks in apprehensively.
“Wow. The entirety of Heaven heard your fight.”
“She’s being a child. She’ll come around.”
“Will she? She was pretty adamant on staying out of this one.”
“We need new angels, Lucifer. Dad’s not winning any ‘Father of the Year’ awards. We can’t rely on him to help us.”
“I agree,” Lucifer shrugs.
“Maybe I’ve been too harsh on her.”
“No, don’t give me that sympathy bullshit. She is the only one who can make new angels, right? Force her to turn. Force her to help.”
“She’d hate me.”
“As if she doesn’t already,” Lucifer scoffs. “The way I see it,  you got two options. Force her to turn and help make new angels or kill off the ones who rebel, leaving only a handful of angels to keep Heaven running. One of them gets you what you want.”
Michael stares at his younger brother in thought. You were created for one purpose and one purpose only. He hates to take away your choice but this is more urgent than your precious free will.
“What do I have to do?” Michael asks and Lucifer grins.
Lucifer tells Michael his diabolical plan which the older brother isn’t too fond of but knows it’s necessary.  Both of them go down to Earth to gather what they need. Lucifer gathers two burly humans who want nothing more than to be angels in Heaven while Michael gets two of his most trusted angels.
“What will you have us do, Lucifer?” one of the humans asks.
Lucifer grips the left shoulder of one of the men and the right shoulder of the second man so that their attention is solely on the archangel.
“Stan, you’re going to let Y/N kill you. You’re going to do whatever it takes until she kills you. Elijah, you’re going to kill Y/N and let her feed on you until you die. Only until your missions are completed, you’ll be allowed in Heaven as my brother’s trusted angels.”
Michael doesn’t tell them that he can’t make them into angels. Only you can do that but that’s neither here nor there at this point.
“I won’t let you down,” Stan says.
“I know you won’t.”
“You two,” Michael says to the two angels, “are going to make sure Sam and Dean aren’t going to be in the way. Do what you have to do to make sure they don’t interfere.”
“Yes, sir,” one of the angels nods.
Michael hates it came to this but if this is the only way you’ll have enough power to help, then so be it.
You gave yourself an extra day to be with Sam and Dean before you have to go back to Heaven and face your dad again. You’re hoping this space would have cleared his head a bit. If you work hard, you might come up with a solution that makes you powerful enough to create new angels without activating your other sides.
Sam and Dean stopped at a bar on the way back to the Bunker to hang out and let off steam before channeling through the last portion of the drive. Sam is teaching you how to play pool against Dean who isn’t going easy on you.
“Come on, Dean, can’t you be a bit more easygoing?” Sam asks.
“No, don’t do that. Let him go as hard as he wants. It’ll hurt more when I beat him,” you smirk.
“You got jokes, huh? Alright, bring it on,” Dean smirks and racks the balls.
People come and go from the bar all night until there aren’t a lot of people left. Whoever is still inside are the stragglers who try to get as much alcohol as they can before being kicked out, and those who have nowhere to go.
You two play as much as you can before the manager announces the bar is closing. You three pack up your things and leave the bar, passing by two men who are watching you.
“I told you, Dean. Don’t be too cocky.”
“Yeah, yeah, it won’t happen next time.”
You’re about halfway to the car when you hear someone behind you make a crude comment about you.
“Nice ass, sweetheart.”
You stop and turn to face them.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. Come home with us. We’re much more fun.”
Sam is about to step in when you put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“I got this,” you smile and turn to the men with the same smile. “I think you’re drunk. Turn around, go home, and we’ll forget this ever happened.”
“Now why would I want to do that? Hard to forget someone with an ass like that.”
Sam and Dean are about to step in when two more men show up and grab them. Angels. Your dad must have sent them. Wow, he really doesn’t take no for an answer.
“Okay. I get it. Michael is punking me, right? Testing me to see what I’d do? I’m not doing it. Go home before you get hurt.” You turn to face the angels when Stan grabs your shoulder and yanks you back. You swiftly face Stan and grab his collar in anger. You might be sweet and soft for Sam but you have your dad’s temper. “I said beat it before you get hurt.” You shove Stan off you and turn to the angels with fire in your eyes. “If you knew what was best for you, you’d let go of them.”
Before they have a chance to say anything back, you’re pushed violently to the side. If you didn’t have quick reflexes, you’d be on your ass in seconds. Stan sees the fire in your eyes but doesn’t back down from you.
“What are you going to do about it? A small thing like you is gonna get herself a bruise for talking back like that.”
Okay, now you’re pissed off. You stalk toward him and land a punch to his face, and he goes flying into the side of the nearest car.
“You were saying?”
Stan growls and charges at you, hell-bent on taking complete advantage of you. He’s a much bigger man than you with muscles packed on but he doesn’t have angelic grace running through his veins like you do. You dodge every one of his attempts to hit you, you make sure he doesn’t get a good hit in, all the while you are landing every punch to the side of his face and his stomach.
“I’m warning you now, man, walk away while you still can,” you growl.
“Nah. I’ll have my friends here force your little boyfriend to watch while I take every bit of innocence I know you have swimming in there,” he smirks.
If Michael is behind this, he wants you to get angry but there is something about the disgusting yellow teeth that Stan has that is making you see red. You charge at Stan and slam him into the side of the car as hard as you can, and the sickening crack of his skull is enough to put everyone into silence.
He falls to the ground with blood pooling out of his head, and you stare at him with wide, fearful eyes.
“Let me go!” Sam struggles against the angel.
“No, no, no, no,” you mutter and get on your knees next to Stan. “Don’t be dead. Do not be dead. Please don’t be dead.” Tears are streaming down your face as you check his pulse but it’s clear that Stan is no longer alive. “No! Please wake up!”
Almost immediately, you can feel your body begin changing since your werewolf side is activated. You hunch over Stan’s body and yell out in agonizing pain. It’s not a full moon but your body needs to feel the effects of your werewolf side since your DNA is changing.
“Y/N! Don’t touch her!” Sam cries out.
“You don of a bitch!” Dean struggles.
You look up at Sam with bright yellow eyes that hold so much pain. One little mistake and your entire life is changing. You look back down at the ground and yell out in pain once more, not paying attention to Elijah who is sneaking up on you.
“Y/N! Behind you!”
Sam can barely get the sentence out before Elijah shoves a knife into your back and into your heart. You gasp as the yellow in your eyes dies out. You’re not a vampire but because you had vampire DNA when you were created, you have vampire blood running through your body constantly. If you die with vampire blood in your system, you become one.
Maybe that was the goal all along.
You fall to the ground over Stan’s body. It’s then that the angels let go of Sam and Dean. They’ve fulfilled their mission so they fly out of there as soon as possible so as not to face the Winchester’s wrath. Elijah backs away from your dead body as Sam rushes over to you.
“No, Y/N! What the hell did you do?” Sam yells at Elijah while cradling your body.
“Who the hell are you?” Dean demands to know.
“I’ve fulfilled my mission,” Elijah says in a trance-like state.
“Dean, what do I do? She’s not breathing,” Sam cries and looks up at his older brother with tears in his eyes. 
Dean doesn’t know what to do either. He’s never had to deal with something like this.
“We gotta get her to a hospital. They’ll know what to do. They’ll fix her.”
Sam is about to scoop you into his arms when you wake with a gasp. Elijah walks over to the broken glass from the car that Stan was slammed into and grabs a big piece without no one noticing him.
You moan out in pain and roll onto the street so that you’re the only thing holding yourself up. Your breathing is heavy, your stomach is in knots, and your head is pounding.
“God, I’m so hungry,” you groan.
“What the hell is going on?” Dean mutters.
“You two gotta get out of here.”
“No, we’re not leaving you,” Sam says.
“Sam, I’m not joking.” Stan’s blood is making your head spin fast and you're not sure you can hold back any longer. “Get the hell out of here.”
“No. I want to help you. Tell me what will make this better.”
“This will.” Elijah cuts his neck with the broken glass and you look at him with deadly eyes. Fresh blood is so much different than dead blood. “Come on, kill me. Kill me so I can die and be with Michael.”
You’re already on your feet but pause when you hear your dad’s name.
“What did you say?”
“My mission is to kill you only to die by your hand. Michael will accept me as an angel in Heaven.”
His mission? Michael sent them? You knew that much, but he really forced these men to trigger your vampire and werewolf side? The smell of blood is too strong for you to resist so you rush over to him and sink your teeth into his neck. By drinking human blood, you have completed your transition into a vampire, thus turning yourself into a full Tribrid.
You drink every last drop Elijah has to give you and he drops to the ground, dead.
“Y/N?” Sam asks carefully and stands up.
You turn to the brothers with blood dripping down your face and tears in your eyes.
“He forced me to turn. He forced me to be this monster after I told him I wanted nothing to do with this. I never wanted to be this.”
You sob loudly at the fact that your own father betrayed your trust like this. Your emotions are heightened so when you get pissed, you’re in a vengeful rage. When you get sad, your heart breaks. You smash your fist into the window of a parked car but it doesn’t work to get the frustrations out of you.
You go around smashing windows and denting every car you see but that doesn’t make you feel any better.
“Whoa! Y/N, calm down! We’re here to help you but you need to calm down,” Dean tries.
“Baby, I know you’re feeling hurt right now but you need to calm down. Use us. Let us help you,” Sam begs.
“I can’t handle this!” You fall to your knees and cry loudly. “He betrayed me. He took everything from me.”
“I know. I know you’re feeling hurt but I’m right here to help you. Don’t give up hope now. We’ll get Michael but you need to calm down first,” Sam says.
He wants to bring you into his arms but he doesn't know how you’re going to react to that. So for now, he’ll keep his distance.
“I don’t want to feel this way. Please make it stop,” you cry.
You’re not sure how vampires can manipulate their feelings. You’re not sure how one turns off their humanity. Is it a choice? Is it a thought? Does your body choose for you? Being a vampire is so overwhelming that it hurts. The betrayal you’re feeling from your own father hurts you like you’ve never hurt before. He knew you didn’t want to be a full Tribrid. All he wants is to use you for his own gain and nothing else.
Your body does what it needs to survive and makes the decision for you.
“Just come with us back to the Bunker. It’ll be okay.”
“Yes. It will be.” You look up at Sam and Dean with your vampire face--veins underneath your eyes, yellow eyes, and both sets of fangs out. “You just won’t be part of it.”
You use your vampire speed and run over to Sam before biting into his neck. You don’t want to kill him so you take enough to render him unconscious. Dean is no match for you but he tries to fight you off. You give him the same treatment and watch as both boys are knocked out on the street.
There is only one place you want to be and it’s not on Earth.
If your dad wanted to turn you into a tribrid so bad, you’re going to show him what a mistake that was. You’re going to make him regret it.
You step foot into Heaven and immediately know something is off. Michael knows you’re here. He knows Stan and Elijah died. He knows the mission is complete. He knows you’re a tribrid. So where the hell is he?
“Yoo hoo, anybody home? Big bad vampire out here,” you announce loudly.
You walk the halls until you come to the throne room. You slam the doors open with your magic and see Michael and Lucifer standing in the middle of the room. Both of them see the blood on your face. Both of them know you’re a full Tribrid now.
“Y/N, I didn’t hear you come in,” Michael says.
“Cut the bullshit, Michael,” you growl and walk closer to them. Lucifer does the smart thing and backs away. Luckily, you’re not here for him… yet. “You did this to me. You sent those men after me and forced me to turn full Tribrid. Now you have to pay the consequences. I told you I didn’t want to be this way but you didn’t listen. You want a loyal army of angels? You won’t live to see the next sunrise.”
Michael puts some distance between the two of you and begins to beg for his life.
“I only did this because I needed you this way. You can help follow through with my plans--our plans.”
“I never wanted this!” you yell at him. “You forced me into someone I never wanted to be!” He hides behind the throne but you use your magic and shatter it to pieces. “There is nowhere on Heaven, Earth, and Hell where you can hide that I won’t find you! You never loved me! You never wanted me! You only wanted what I could do for you!”
“No, that’s not true.”
You walk over to Michale and grip his throat tightly. He claws at your hand but he’s not strong enough to get you off him.
“Guess what, Dad, turning me was a big mistake. You’re going to die and never see how I rip Heaven apart one angel at a time until I am the only one standing. I’ll make new angels but ones that will stand for everything you don’t.”
You see Lucifer disappear at a moment’s notice out of the corner of your eye. He’s going into hiding but you’ll find him eventually and drain the life out of him like you’re going to do with Michael.
Your eyes shine bright white and allow your magic to fully encase Michael. You’re not even sure how to use your powers but you let your emotions do the talking for you. You let go of Michael but he falls to his knees when your magic starts pulling his life force from him. Grey and white smoke comes from his body to your mouth as you breathe in his power.
“Y/N, please don’t do this,” Michael begs. “I never wanted this for you. I’m so sorry.”
“You should have thought of that before you sent them to kill me.”
“It was Lucifer’s idea!”
Huh, looks like he’s dying next.
“Thanks for the tip. You’re still dying anyway.”
When the last bit of smoke leaves Michael’s body, he drops to the ground, dead. Lucifer is going to be one hard person to track, especially since you don’t have control over your powers yet, but he’ll die at the hands of you eventually.
You’re not finished yet. You were serious when you told him you were going to make an army of angels all on your own. You have to get rid of the current selection first, starting with the rebellion and ending with Castiel.
“Any news on where she might be?” Sam asks his brother and Castiel.
The wound on his neck hasn’t fully healed from when you bit him. Castiel offered to heal it for him like he did Dean but Sam wants it there as a reminder. He saw the look in your eyes. He saw how betrayed you felt through the pain in your eyes. He doesn’t know much about vampires or their humanity, but he knows when you’ve flipped the switch. 
You're such a loving and caring person that he was shocked to see no hope in your eyes.
“If I had to guess, she’s in Louisiana.”
“If you had to guess?”
“She’s killing angels off one by one starting from the east coast and making her way to the west coast. I hear them over angel radio. She’s leaving no angel alive.”
“She’s lost hope,” Dean says.
“No, she’s hurt. Michael betrayed her trust and turned her into something she never wanted to be. Her emotions are heightened and she’s letting her pain guide her. She knows Michael wanted nothing more than to rebuild Heaven with new angels. She’ll make new angels but it won’t be for Michael,” Sam comes to your defense.
“That still doesn’t excuse her slaughtering all angels.”
“I’m not saying it does. All I’m saying is don’t give up on her. She’s under all that hurt and pain. It’s the only thing keeping her going right now.”
“How are we going to find her? She can kill hundreds without us knowing and already be moving onto the next state,” Dean asks.
Castiel is about to answer when he gets a splitting headache. He puts both hands to his head and leans over the desk as he waits for this to pass. Sam and Dean look at each other in confusion but allow the angel to gather himself before questioning him.
Angel radio statics in his ear before he hears a deadly calm voice.
“Prepare the Winchesters or don’t, but I’m coming for you next, Castiel. You're the only angel left standing, and I won’t let the Old World conflict with the New World. Michael and Lucifer are dead. Tell those Winchesters if they don’t want to end up like you, they won’t get in my way.”
“Cas, you okay?” Dean asks.
“I don’t think we need to find Y/N, she’s gonna find us. She’s coming for me,” Castiel sighs.
“What? What did she say?”
“Michael and Lucifer are dead. I’m the only angel left. She wants to start over. She’s coming for me.”
“We’ll be prepared,” Dean says.
“Dean, you don’t get it. She killed Michael and Lucifer, two of Heaven’s most powerful angels.  How am I to protect myself against her?”
“You have us,” Sam says. “We’ll get through to her. We’re not going to let you die.”
The Bunker is the safest place on Earth against monsters but it’s no match for you. Sam and Dean are waiting with Castiel as you expected but they’re outside instead of inside. Maybe they don’t want you destroying their home but you don’t care. You’ll kill Castiel tonight.
“I hope you know I’ll kill you two to get to him,” you state.
“Then you’re going to have to kill us,” Sam declares.
You see the wound on Sam’s neck from where you bit him and you pause. No, you can’t think about that, or else your entire world will come crumbling down. You raise your hands and Sam and Dean go flying halfway across the field. Castiel begins running at you; you have to give him credit for his bravery.
He slides an angel blade out of his coat sleeve and swings at you when he gets to you, and you put your hand up to block the attack. The angel blade slices your palm and you hiss in pain. You blast Castiel back from you and fling the angle blade out of his hands so he can’t use it on you. You produce your own with your magic and stalk toward him like he’s your prey and you’re a deadly predator.
You raise the angel blade to bring down on him but Sam jumps into action before you can.
Sam runs to you and fits himself between you and Castiel so that if you were to bring the blade down, it’d strike Sam instead.
“No, Sammy! Don’t do that!” Dean groans.
“Don’t do it, Y/N,” Sam begs. “I know you’re still in there. Where is the woman I love?”
“Get out of my way, Sam, or I will kill you.”
“Then you’re going to have to kill me because I am not moving. This isn’t who you are.” You have a better view of Sam’s neck wound and remember the moment you bit him. You’d never do anything to hurt him. Tears line your eyes and Sam realizes that you didn't turn your humanity off. You’re acting out of hurt and betrayal because you don’t know how to yet control your emotions. “Y/N, look at who you’re about to kill. It’s Cas. He’s family.”
“God, I can’t do this,” you sob and drop the angel blade. “Sam, it hurts. Please make it stop.” Sam immediately brings you into his arms and you collapse onto the ground in a fit of tears. “I can’t do this.”
“You’re not alone, Y/N. I will help you through this. You’re going to be okay.”
“I don’t want to be this person,” you sob.
“I know. You won’t be this person. You’ll do and be better. You’re not alone.”
Sam doesn’t know how to make you feel better in this moment but he does provide a comforting arm around you. Your sobs are heartbreaking and can be heard for miles around you but you know this is the first step in healing.
And that’s all you want to do. Heal.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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lunexrin · 1 year
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𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑬𝑳 𝑲𝑨𝑰𝑺𝑬𝑹 as your partner.
disclaimer: this was a lot harder than it looks (to write about this egoistic monster lol.) i haven't read the manga at all, but based on what i've seen, i think this is how he'll be as a s/o. sorry if this isn't accurate!
a little suggestive towards the end. (i will put a mdni divider, and that's where the suggestive part starts. you can stop reading if you feel uncomfortable!)
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There were only two of how he could be; either leave you in a crying mess every time you caught him in another's bed or he would just be downright worship you. But in this case, it was the latter, fortunately.
Michael rolls around the bed, his hands desperately trying to find his beloved's perfect waist. He reaches it, and pulls himself closer to her. "Mein liebling.." he whines, burying his face into her stomach. "I know that you are mad but.. you won't leave, won't you? "
Michael kissed you, a rough, possessive kiss. Pulling you close, burying your face in his chest. His arms wrapped around your figure tightly and squeezed you further into his being, as to further emphasize his point. "This pretty thing you're hitting on, she's my girl. Right, liebling? " He shifts his gaze towards yours, and grins when you prove his point. Looking back at the guy who was hitting on you, he glared, but that grin never left his face. "Screw off," he said, like the proudest man in the world.
"My goddess.." he whispers, sliding his lips from your wrist and to the very end of your fingers as he got down on one knee. "You're so beautiful.." he whispers again, his rough hands gently caressing your sides— your waist, all the way down to your hips. He loves the fact how gorgeous you look in the black dress he bought for you, to wear at a special event tonight; a celebration party of his team after winning a big match. He couldn't wait to flaunt you off to his teammates. "Here, let me put it on for you." He grabbed the pair of high heels you wanted to wear for the night, lifting up your foot and gently slid them on. He even did the complicated straps delicately, with full care. That just shows how much he loves you, and how much he worships you.
Spoils you rotten. He bought a luxurious car for you on your birthday, a year after you both got together. He took you shopping at the end of the month on the weekends when he is on his day off. He made sure that even if he was not there with you, money wouldn't be a problem if you wanted to spend it on your wants and needs— by giving you his black cards.
He would go nuts if your presence is blinded from his gaze, even for just a minute. He would anxiously search for you with his eyes in the middle of the game— he got it together for sure, but it won't last long. Of course that he won't let this be the reason he slacks off in the middle of the game and makes it the reason he lost the match, but at the same time he couldn't bear the idea of losing you. Really, his teammates had to restrain him from sprinting across the field to the bleachers, to find you row by row. Turns out you paid a quick visit to the toilets, and he could finally relax again, grinning and throwing a wink as he sees you waving at him.
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Randomly grope you out of nowhere. Be it in public or in private. He just can't bear to keep his hands off of you— even for just about 5 minutes while waiting in line trying to get some fucking ice cream. He loves to hear you shriek, and would lean into your ear, whispering cruel things that shouldn't have been said in the moment. "Shush.. don't wanna be a bad example for the kids 'round here right, sugar?" But of course, he wouldn't let anyone see the action. He'd feel as if he betrayed himself and you by giving anyone else's eyes the pleasure of the show displayed— your round, fit bottom.
Aftercare. He would pull you in close, caressing the back of your head while cradling you against his chest like a baby. He knows that he was rough with you, not to mention the whole episode of him degrading the shit out of you earlier. But he wasn't going to let you suffer and in pain even after the passionate night— or day you just shared. He'd make sure to whisper sweet things in your ear, and maybe some snarky, dirty remarks that would make you pinch his arm, and he'll complain of how it hurts. "I had to say, you know how I hated it when you got hurt but.. earlier was a different case— ow!" He claimed, pouting from the pinch you gave him. But then he grins again, chuckling. He placed a gentle kiss on your lips, the grin turned into a small, genuine smile. "Okay, okay.. I love you, l'right? Now, get some sleep, sleeping beauty. The pain will go away soon, hopefully." He laughs when you pinch his arm again, and pulls you closer, further into his warm embrace.
© 2023 lunexrin, do not copy, translate, or repost on any other websites without proper credits.
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Falling For the Devil [Part twelve: "The Week You Tried to Avoid Matt"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're on your period for the first time in your relationship with Matt and you're uncomfortable being around him and don't want him to know.
You drastically overthink Matt's heightened senses and try to repeatedly avoid seeing him for the entirety of your period week.
[Series of one-shots about Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock.]
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains humor, fluff, romance, angst, smut (like...a lot of it later in the series), language, some violence
Word Count: 3.8k
a/n: Another fluffy and comedic installment here, might be the last one I manage to get transferred over from AO3 tonight. You can find all of the installments for this series that are currently on tumblr here!
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You held the paper up in your hands, your eyes glued to the headline reading "Entrepreneur Figueroa Arrested for Trafficking Women Through Hell's Kitchen." Your name was in the byline next to an image of a disgruntled Figureroa being seated into the back of a police car, his hands in cuffs behind his back. A small smile slid across your mouth.
A hand on your shoulder caused you to jump in surprise, your head turning to spot Katy beside you. She was grinning and eyeing today's issue of The Bulletin in your hands.
"Good job," she said. "You outed that asshole."
You were really wishing you could have thanked Matt as Daredevil for uncovering the incriminating evidence in the article. He was the one who had truly made this possible. But he refused to let you even so much as hint at his assistance in the article.
"You should go celebrate with your man tonight, if you know what I mean," Katy suggested, waggling her eyebrows at you. 
You rolled your eyes, setting the newspaper onto your desk. "You are way too invested in me sleeping with my boyfriend than is healthy," you pointed out. 
"Well I can't sleep with him," she said, scooping a spoonful of yogurt into her mouth. "Someone needs to make sure he's being properly maintained."
" Katy ," you hissed, eyes darting around the office. 
"What?" she asked innocently.
"We're at work," you whispered harshly. "You can't be saying stuff like that."
"No one cares," she said with a shrug, pointing her spoon at Sabrina a few cubicles over. "She slept with some guy at a bar the other night. Told me the details about it over coffee this morning. And Michael," she continued, pointing her spoon at him as he worked on his computer, oblivious to Katy calling him out, "had a pretty eventful last Thursday night. Did you know that he–"
"Oh my God, please stop," you cut her off, holding up a hand and blushing. "We are not having sex tonight, I got my damn period yesterday morning."
And like hell if you were going to be anywhere near Matt this week while you were bleeding. With his heightened senses? No . He didn't need to be aware of…all of that. 
Though the thought of having to avoid him for a week every single month sounded awful and exhausting.
"You know," Katy said, pointing her yogurt spoon at you, "if you fuck in the shower there's not much mess."
" Katy !" you hissed again. 
"What?" she asked with a shrug. "Just giving you some friendly, womanly advice. Period sex is pretty great."
You threw a hand over your face, shaking your head as your cheeks burned. At least you had seen Matt Saturday night, just before you'd gotten cursed this week. And Matt had told you he was working late on a case tonight because he had court this week, so you didn't need to try too hard to avoid him today like you had yesterday. 
Small mercies.
Setting your hair brush back onto your dresser, you frowned at yourself in the mirror. One hand reached down and tugged at the too-tight waistband of your dress pants. Period bloat fucking sucked. 
With a sigh you turned towards your bed, slipping on the blazer over your blouse, hoping it helped cover some of the water retention of your stomach. You frowned, glancing down at your abdomen that was twisting with uncomfortable cramps. If only you could stay home from work and curl up on your couch with a heating pad. Why weren't you allotted period days along with sick days?
The sound of your phone ringing on the dresser caught your attention. Heading towards it, you saw Matt's name across the screen. You groaned softly. Normally you loved seeing his name displayed across the screen of your phone whenever he called or texted, but right now you were overly aware of the tampon and thin pad you were wearing. 
"Hey, Matt," you answered the call hesitantly.
"Hey, sweetheart," Matt's cheerful voice came through the line. "I was actually up early this morning and was about to head out and pick up coffee before stopping past the office and heading to the courthouse. I was wondering if you'd like to meet up for a few minutes to grab coffee with me?" he asked, sounding hopeful. "I've missed you since Saturday."
His sweet admission had your heart sinking to your bedroom floor. Why were you cursed with a menstrual cycle and a handsome boyfriend who's sense of smell exceeded that of a German shepherd's?
"I uh, I actually woke up late," you lied, cringing but grateful he couldn't hear your heartbeat over the phone to tell you'd lied. It's not like he'd believe you had a dentist appointment after your first date. "I'm probably going to be sprinting to the office at this rate."
"Oh," he answered softly. "Okay, well, I'll probably be having another late night at the office for this case, but I still want to celebrate with you. For your article on Figueroa. Foggy and I pulled some strings with the DA to fast track his case."
"That's great!" you said. "I can't wait for that asshole to go to prison."
"Me too, sweetheart," he said with a chuckle. "But I'll let you finish getting ready, I don't want to hold you up further. But I do want to celebrate with you this week," he reminded you. 
"Yeah, okay," you answered nervously. "Good luck in court today. Send my luck to Foggy and Karen, too."
"Thanks," he said. "I'll call you later tonight, okay? We can at least chat a bit."
"Sounds good, Matty," you replied.
You both hung up and you groaned loudly. Eyes dropping down to your abdomen, you frowned again. 
"So I'm real grateful you didn’t try to make a baby after the mind-blowing sex the other week," you muttered to your uterus, "but like, fuck you for real."
Staring at your computer monitor, your eyes zeroed in on the half-finished sentence, drumming your fingers on your desk. You'd been struggling through figuring out how to word the article you were working on for the next issue of The Bulletin for the past hour. You needed a break. 
Eyes darting down to the corner of your monitor, you noticed it was about time for your lunch break. Maybe that would help. 
You sat back in your chair, sliding it back a bit from your desk and running your hands through your hair in frustration. Katy leaned back in the cubicle beside you. One of her hands rose to her head, making it into a gun and pretending to shoot herself in the head with it. You giggled, nodding in solidarity. She was apparently struggling on her piece, too.
Your phone began ringing on your desk, the noise catching your attention. Sliding your chair back into your little cubicle you were surprised to see Matt's name on the screen. He had court today, why was he calling?
"What's up, Matt?" you asked curiously when you answered. 
"Hey, so apparently we are breaking a bit early for a two hour lunch today," Matt said. "You want to join Foggy, Karen, and I for lunch at that diner near your office?"
You absolutely fucking did. That greasy grilled cheese and fries sounded really damn good right about now. 
But you were still on your period. Which in turn meant you were still trying to avoid Matt–and it was feeling shittier and shittier each time you did.
Closing your eyes and rubbing a hand over your forehead, you internally screamed. 
"Actually I'm pushing to get this article done before the deadline this evening. Struggling with writer's block," you told him, not entirely lying. Though lunch with all of them would have been a helpful and welcome distraction. 
"Okay, well would you like me to grab you something and bring it by?" he asked slowly. "I know how much you love their grilled cheese."
Damn this perfect, thoughtful man for being so perfect and thoughtful. 
“I already ordered something,” you blurted quickly, wincing as the lie left you. “A few minutes ago,” you added with a cringe. “Otherwise I’d have loved to take you up on the offer, Matty.”
He cleared his throat on the line and you frowned. Maybe you should just tell him why you were avoiding him this week? Though the thought of actually saying the words, “Hey, Matt, I’m on my period and bleeding from my lady parts this week, don’t want your bloodhound nose getting a whiff of my bloody tampon so I’ll see you next week” had you wanting to crawl under your desk and die.
“Alright…” he said, voice trailing off. “I guess I’ll…maybe see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, definitely,” you said in a rush. “I’m sure we’ll figure it out tomorrow.”
“Okay, I guess I’ll…talk to you tomorrow then, sweetheart,” he replied, his tone sounding a little unsure. “Good luck finishing your article.”
“Thanks, Matt,” you said. “Good luck finishing up that court case.”
After you both hung up, you screamed into your hands and then opened up your Door Dash app, ordering the grilled cheese you’d rather have sat down and eaten with your friends.
Sitting on your couch, legs crossed on the cushions, you shoveled the fettuccine noodles into your mouth. As a contestant on the episode of Nailed It that you were currently binging on Netflix revealed their cupcake, you lost it on the couch, snorting into your hand and trying not to choke on your mouthful of pasta. The warm bowl resting against your abdomen currently felt like heaven for the cramps that had continued throughout this torturous and terrible week.
You were hoping that by Saturday night your period would have tapered out enough that you could maybe risk seeing Matt. In a public setting. Maybe in an Indian restaurant where the strong and wonderful scent of curry might help mask the scent of period blood. 
So far today you’d yet to hear from Matt other than a few texts telling you their court case was finishing up soon, which had been about a little over an hour ago. You’d carried on making dinner despite the awkward feeling in your gut telling you that you were drastically messing things up.
As you scooped more noodles into your mouth, your phone began ringing on the coffee table. Your eyes immediately darted down to it and then they widened when you saw it was Karen calling you. Curiously, you reached over and grabbed your phone, quickly chewing the mouthful of noodles and pausing the show before answering.
“Hey Karen,” you greeted her cautiously, eyes narrowed and suspicious. 
She said your name excitedly in greeting, your suspicion only increasing.
“So we just got out of the courtroom and we won!” Karen exclaimed.
“That’s great!” you replied. “I know you’ve all been stressing over this case for the past couple of weeks.”
“Yeah,” she agreed. “And we were all going to hit up Josie’s tonight to celebrate. And celebrate you and Daredevil getting Figueroa locked up.”
“Oh,” you answered softly.
“So you are avoiding Matt,” Karen stated flatly at your response. “What the hell is up with that?”
“What?” you countered quickly. “I’m–I’m not avoiding him.”
“Relax,” Karen said. “I’m at the office, Matt was finishing up something at the courthouse. I’m far enough away from his bat ears that he can’t eavesdrop on this call. I told him I’d invite you while he finished up with Foggy, but he seemed to think it was futile to try. You want to tell me why he’d say that?”
“I’m on my period,” you blurted.
There was a long silence over the line after your admission.
“Okay?” Karen asked. “And?”
“And that’s it,” you said. “I’m on my period. And Matt has his super senses so, you know, I’m avoiding him.”
“No,” Karen countered, “you have your anxious brain overthinking a situation that doesn’t need to be overthought. Do you plan to avoid him every month for an entire week?”
“I haven’t thought that far ahead,” you admitted sheepishly.
Karen sighed, the sound long and drawn out. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve had my period around Matt at the office? Or Marci when she’s been around him? Or, hell, I’m sure in the over a year you’ve been friends with him, you’ve had your period before.”
“Sure, true,” you agreed. “But now I’m dating him. Spending time alone with him.”
“You’re being ridiculous,” Karen pointed out.
“Maybe,” you answered.
“So I take it you’re not going to come out tonight?” she asked. “Marci is even coming out.”
“Just…tell Matt I said congrats on the win,” you told her. “Tell him I wasn’t feeling great and went to bed early.”
Karen sighed again, the sound making your heart sink. “You know he’s been bummed all week not seeing you, right? He thinks he did something wrong.”
That hurt to hear.
“Tell him I’ll talk to him tomorrow,” you said softly.
After you’d hung up with Karen and resumed the show, you no longer found it as amusing as you had a few minutes ago. A sinking feeling felt like it was settling in your gut now, right next to the obnoxious cramps and uncomfortable bloat, as you lamely pushed the noodles around in your bowl.
Sprawled out on your couch, your legs thrown over the backrest as your hands held the heating pad to your abdomen, you zoned out to an episode of Gilmore Girls. You’d gotten back from a busy day at The Bulletin tonight and quickly changed out of your dress pants, feeling like your bloated stomach was going to explode if you remained in them any longer. You’d instead replaced them with a pair of unflattering but insanely comfortable sweatpants and an oversized tee-shirt before collapsing onto your couch. You figured you’d worry about dinner in a little bit.
This afternoon you had actually been busy with work, but you’d managed to talk to Matt for a bit during your lunch break. He didn’t push when you’d told him you were too busy to meet up and eat together, but he did seem oddly more cheerful than he had the past couple of days when you’d been blowing him off. And while you’d been happy about that, you were suspicious. But as the day had picked up, you’d been too busy to give it much thought, and by the time you’d gotten back home, you were just glad this week was finally over.
You were so comfortable and focused on the television that you at first didn’t realize someone was knocking on your apartment door. But a moment later someone knocked again and you nearly jumped out of your skin on the couch. Who would be at your door right now?
Hesitantly you paused the show, setting the remote onto the coffee table and reluctantly removing the heating pad from your aching, cramp-ridden body. Rising to your feet, you made your way to the door of your apartment, pausing long enough to glance through the peephole. The moment you saw Matt’s face covered by his dark glasses you jumped back, eyes going wide. There was absolutely no way to avoid him now. A moment later he called your name through the door and you internally cursed. He obviously would know you were standing right there.
Slowly you unlocked the door, sliding it open a bit and hiding halfway behind it, as if somehow that piece of wood would block his senses from your body.
“Hey, Matt,” you said nervously.
Immediately he raised a hand up towards you and you noticed the bag he was holding.
“I brought dinner,” Matt said with a smile. “Tacos from that Taco truck we both like.”
“Matt, I–”
“You’re on your period,” Matt cut you off, your eyes widening in absolute mortification. “Karen told me last night. Said that’s why you’ve been avoiding me and my super senses this week.”
“Oh my fucking God ,” you groaned, forehead slamming to the front door you were still clinging to. “What the hell happened to girl code?” you complained against the wood.
“Well considering I thought I’d done something wrong and ruined things with you,” Matt said, his tone softer than usual which caught your attention, “I’m glad she said something. I honestly thought that you were…thinking this whole thing was a mistake between us.”
“ What ?” you asked, jaw dropping.
He shrugged from his place still just outside of your apartment. “I have a tendency to destroy the good things in my life,” he answered quietly.
Your heart felt like it had fallen onto the floor. 
“Shit, no, Matt,” you said, pulling the door open all the way. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel like that. I was just…” your voice trailed off, trying to search for a reasonable explanation for the way your brain stupidly worked sometimes.
“Overthinking?” Matt supplied.
“Yeah,” you admitted sheepishly. “I’m sorry. I was really shitty to you this week.”
“I mean it wasn’t great,” he said. “But I get it, knowing how you are and all. Though, sweetheart, you can always talk to me. About anything.”
You shot Matt a pointed look as you asked flatly, “I just spent most of the week avoiding you, do you honestly think I’d straight up tell you I was on my period?”
He cracked a little smile in response. “I suppose not, but for the future–and future periods–you can always talk to me. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable and I certainly don’t want you avoiding me for a week again.”
Your gaze awkwardly dropped down to your feet, chewing the inside of your cheek nervously.
“You’re still uncomfortable aren’t you?” he asked. When you nodded he said your name softly before continuing. “I honestly don’t care. I’ve learned to ignore most bodily functions, they barely register with me unless something actually sounds off. You’ve had your period around me many times before–”
“Not helping,” you cut in.
“–and so have many other women,” he continued, grinning at your interruption. “It doesn’t bother me. At all. What does bother me is my girlfriend feeling like shit and not letting me help make her feel better. So…can I come in now?” He raised his other hand, your eyes darting down to the movement. “I brought you chocolate, too. Mint, because you’re insane and I know you like it so much.”
Throwing the door open wide, you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face into his dress shirt. Matt chuckled, awkwardly trying to hug you back with his hands full.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, pulling back and grabbing the items from his hands. “Come in, I’ll try to stop being an idiot.”
“You’re not an idiot,” he said softly, closing and locking your apartment door behind himself and resting his cane against the wall. “But I hope you stop worrying about that now. Because I don’t want you to hibernate on me next month. Not unless I get to join in on the hibernation.”
You couldn’t fight the smile on your face as you set the bag of food onto your coffee table. “You’re too good to me, Matty,” you mumbled.
“Naw,” he said, shooting you a wink as he took his dark glasses off. “There’s no such thing when it comes to you.”
“You…want a beer?” you asked, blushing lightly as he made his way towards your couch.
“Sure, sweetheart,” he answered.
You headed into the kitchen, grabbing two beers from your fridge and opening them. When you turned and headed back to the living room, you paused, taking in the sight of Matt on your couch, pulling to-go containers out of the bag and setting them along the coffee table. His tie was a little undone and the sleeves on his white dress shirt were rolled up to his forearms as they usually were by the time he’d reached the end of the day. Eventually he stopped what he was doing, his gaze landing near you across the room as his head tilted to the side. A little smile spread on his mouth.
“What’re you doing?” he asked curiously.
Blushing further at being caught staring, you couldn’t fight back the smile curling your own lips upwards. “I like seeing you on my couch,” you admitted softly. “Like you belong here.”
His smile grew a bit more and you watched as he placed the container in his hand onto the coffee table before he moved it beside himself, patting the couch cushion lightly.
“And I think you belong next to me,” he said. “So come over here, sweetheart.”
You bit your lip, still smiling as you crossed the distance and sat down beside Matt. He accepted the beer you handed to him and swiftly held it up.
“To getting Figueroa arrested,” Matt said.
“Cheers to that,” you said, lightly tapping your bottle to Matt’s.
You took a drink before getting comfortable on the couch, reaching out and setting your beer on the coffee table. “Thank you for bringing me dinner, by the way,” you told him.
His shoulder bumped yours lightly. “I told you I was going to celebrate with you this week,” he said. “And after dinner, we can cuddle up on your couch with that heating pad. I can give you a backrub and you can continue watching your girly show where they talk way too fast, but I request that you narrate a bit. Because I enjoy listening to you narrate shows.”
You turned, eyeing Matt beside you as he opened one of the to-go containers. As he picked up a taco, your hand reached out and gently pinched his leg through his dress pants. Matt abruptly paused, the taco hovering in his hands above the coffee table as his gaze briefly dropped down to where you’d pinched him and then slowly shifted towards you. One of his brows raised as he fought back a smile.
“What was that for?” he asked.
“Just making sure you actually exist,” you told him. “Because I feel like my mind did an exceptional job making you up.”
Matt instantly cracked up, losing his composure. “Now that was a terrible line, sweetheart,” he teased. 
“Not a line,” you corrected him quickly, raising a finger. “A genuine fear. Pretty sure you’re just going to disappear one of these days into thin air. And I’ll just be like ‘yeah, I knew he was too good to be real’.” 
He leant over towards you, planting a kiss to your cheek. His mouth was beside your ear a moment later, his voice drawing goosebumps over your arms.
“I’m not planning to disappear on you, sweetheart,” he whispered. “I like you too much.”
Your heart may have slammed a little too hard into your chest at his words.
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