#you shouldn’t bug creators with them!
samglyph · 1 year
Fan communities got worse when people decided their headcanons needed to be validated by creators.
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etaleah · 11 months
What Is the Appeal of Sonadow?
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I have a lot of thoughts about this ship, what draws people to it, and why some of the criticisms of it are exaggerated or less than honest. Putting them under a cut because it’s gonna get long.
First of all, the critique of “Lol why do people ship them when they beat the shit out of each other whenever they disagree on something, they’re abusive!” is dishonest framing for two reasons. One is that it ignores the fact that Sonic and Shadow are allies far more often than they’re enemies, and even when they are enemies, it’s usually over something serious, not just a minor disagreement. The other is that it’s bad media criticism to apply real human standards to a cartoon animal universe.
When you watch the classic Looney Tunes short where Bugs and Daffy are arguing over whether it’s Rabbit Season or Duck Season and Bugs tricks Daffy into shooting himself, do you see Bugs as abusive and evil? Probably not, because the laws of physics don’t apply in cartoons and Daffy getting shot in the face doesn’t actually hurt him. He’s still completely fine afterwards because he’s a cartoon and is therefore invincible. The same is true for Sonic and Shadow. Have you ever seen either of them seriously injured after one of their fights? Has either one ever needed to go to the hospital because the other beat him up so badly? No, of course not. They groan in pain for about two seconds and then they’re fine. If the creators wanted to convey them being injured, they could show bruises or blood or have bones snapping and the characters limping, but they don’t. The fights are never meant to be taken that seriously. I find this criticism every bit as annoying and overzealous as people who insist that Pinky and the Brain are abusive because Brain bops Pinky on the head. They’re cartoons, y’all. They’re not realistic, were never meant to be realistic, and shouldn’t be treated as realistic. Different standards apply.
To the second point, Sonic and Shadow don’t actually fight that often. In all the interactions they’ve had together, it’s only been a handful of times. They’re allies in the Archie comics, Sonic ‘06, the canon ending of Shadow the Hedgehog (they’re only enemies in that game if the player wants them to be), Sonic Forces, Team Sonic Racing, The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, and most of the IDW comics, along with the endings of Sonic X, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Heroes. They’re allies for much of Prime as well. But hey, let’s break down the times they do fight:
Sonic Adventure 2: Shadow’s memories have been tampered with and he and Sonic are literally fighting over the fate of the world.
Sonic X: Same thing for season 2, and in season 3, they’re fighting over whether Cosmo should live or die. Sonic says killing her is wrong, Shadow says stopping the Metarex is what’s most important and if that means little Cosmo has to die, well, them’s the breaks, pal.
Sonic Prime: Sonic has broken their world, Shadow is trying desperately to save it, and Sonic is valuing the Shatterverse inhabitants over Green Hill.
IDW: Shadow says Eggman is too dangerous to leave alive and if that means Mr. Tinker has to die too, well, them’s the breaks, pal. Sonic says killing anyone is wrong no matter the reason.
You see a pattern here? Most of the time what they fight over is literally life and death. They’re not going at each other’s throats over petty bullshit like who gets the last slice of pizza or who gets to pick the film for Movie Night. They fight over serious moral differences. I would argue that Amy and Knuckles have gotten angry at Sonic for way less than what Shadow does.
Now, there are a few instances where their fights are stupid, namely Sonic Boom and Sonic Heroes. But I think it’s pretty universally agreed that Shadow is out of character in Boom, and honestly, all of the fights in Sonic Heroes are very forced. There was no reason for Team Dark or Team Rose to fight Team Chaotix; their goals don’t contradict each other in any way and it’s clearly just manufactured conflict to give the player another boss fight. And these are the exception; most of their fights are over serious ideological divides.
Those serious ideological divides are exactly what makes Sonadow so interesting. I personally prefer ships where characters can learn and grow from each other, where their differences can clash until they learn to reconcile them. I don’t find a ship like, say, Sonamy nearly as interesting because I don’t think there’s many (if any) moral stances Sonic would have that Amy wouldn’t. They already agree on the important things. I’m not bashing anyone who likes that ship; if that’s your thing, good for you. It just doesn’t appeal to me because I think Sonic and Amy already having a lot in common morally means they can’t really grow and change from interacting with each other in the same way.
Sonic can bring out the best in Shadow, teach him to trust others and lighten up and learn how to live in the moment rather than being tethered to the past. Shadow can teach Sonic how to think before he acts, to view the world more realistically, and to consider the impact that his insistence on moral purity will have on others. That setup makes for some amazing stories.
Also? These guys love fighting each other. They’re both athletes and very competitive. Look at how much they smile when they fight:
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Like…they love this. It’s so much fun for them. Sonic and Shadow are both competitive athletes who love pushing themselves, but in terms of speed, no one is any competition for them except each other. No one else can beat either of them in a race. Imagine spending your whole life winning so easily that there was no accomplishment in it, and then suddenly this guy comes along who’s actually as good as you or maybe even better. Finally you have a challenge and can really enjoy the feeling of being the best. That’d be amazing. They give each other something no one else can, and to me, that’s what good romances are made of.
And all of that is combined with the fact that Sonadow offers an Odd Couple setup, which is always fertile ground for fun, comedic situations that require opposite characters to work together. Plus the Enemies/Rivals to Lovers aspect, which adds a bit of “forbidden fruit” to the mix because we all know that the most tempting and appealing relationships are the ones that are Forbidden (TM). That’s literally the premise of Romeo and Juliet, people who aren’t supposed to be together but end up wanting to be anyway.
I wouldn’t want Sonadow to be canon, but I definitely enjoy exploring it in fandom. It’s a fun ship that offers a lot for a writer or artist to work with. And while I would never force it on anyone, I wish the criticisms of it weren’t quite so shallow and disingenuous.
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seabirdtxt · 1 year
Hey, back at it with a request. I wanted to dump you with requests, but I also know that it takes you a bit to write, and I didn't want to overwhelm you ^^"""
Honestly though, with the requests I have in mind, I have a feeling they're going to become a spinoff series called "In which the Puppets learn the Creator is really, really bizarre."
With that said, this request will consist of some habits I have, and how our puppet boys would react to them! That being: reader is a night owl magpie who likes to collect a number of things. Whatever sparks their fancy, they hoard (It's why the Traveller has such a hoarding problem in the first place).
They collect some semi-formal things, like flowers and different plants, and like shiny rocks (Reader is familiar with the Language of Flowers, and I can fully see them and Kabukimono spending hours going over them. With Scara, Reader finds a piece of Rose Quartz in the shape of a heart and gives it to him, saying "You said you wanted a heart, right? Here you go! I know it isn't a real heart, but that's okay: because you already have a real one!")
But then they have the weird stuff they collect, like bones -and teeth -and scales - and bugs (Scara or Wanderer: "Why do you have this?" Reader, holding up the carcass of a beetle: "I just think they're neat!")
Or the worse part: literal trash. I'm talking broken pieces of glass and random metal parts, and like old candy wrappers that they've been keeping. (Again: Scara or Wanderer: "Get rid of this." Reader: "But it has sentimental value-!!!" S or W: "IT IS LITERALLY TRASH!!!")
But yes. Reader is a hoarder of many things.
i love this LOL i also hoard some pretty random things so like 🤝
(Might not have touched on all the same points as your ask bc i tried to keep it in-universe, but i tried to hit the major themes of each!)
WC. 1.5k
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Flowers and Gems: Kabukimono
This collection is one of your gentler ones, and you take care to replenish it often with new blooms and interesting stones you pick up along your way. There is so much more novelty to collect here than back on earth, after all!
Kabukimono is fascinated by the variety of it, begging to be taken along with you the next time you venture out into the world to add more to your stash, and maybe take inspiration to start a collection of his own! It takes a bit of convincing, but you eventually relent and allow him to accompany you.
He follows you with wide eyes and an awed grin, asking you all about the various plants that the pair of you come across. You try to remember them as best as you can, reciting what you remember from the ingame tooltips.
“Wow! What’s this one?” Kabukimono asks, bounding up to a reddish pink bush. He delicately plucks one of the flowers, showing it to you proudly.
“That’s a silk flower!” You tell him, smiling as you take the flower from his hand. He only smiles and picks himself another one. “The people in Liyue can process them and make them into a very fine fabric!”
Kabukimono nods in understanding. “That makes sense! I know lots of kimono makers back home often talk about the quality of fabric from Liyue.”
“Fun fact,” you add, “back in my world, silk is such a sturdy material that it can resist piercing damage, to a certain extent! But it is very weak to slashing, or cutting damage.”
“That’s so interesting!” Kabukimono’s eyes go wider at the information. “I wonder if that's true of the silk from this world, too!”
“We probably shouldn’t, y’know… test it or anything,” you interrupt him before he lets his curiosity get the better of him. “We can probably ask a seamstress about it later.”
“Ohhh, good thinking.” Kabukimono agrees. He pockets his flower and looks around the area, scouting for the next object to collect. “Hey, do you have an electro crystal, yet? I heard you can only mine them using pyro!”
You let Kabukimono lead you to your next destination, already planning to press the new flower for your collection. Distantly, you wonder how the two of you are going to get an electro crystal, considering neither of you have pyro visions.
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Beetles and Bones: Wanderer
“I went back to Springvale to ask if those hunters still had some of those ancient boar bones,” is what you say, offering a sheepish grin to Wanderer, who stares down at you with his arms crossed. In all honesty, you probably deserve the scrutiny for having somehow escaped his supervision for several hours.
“Did you at least get the, uh,,” Wanderer gestures at the cloth bag you’re holding in your arms. “Special bones you were looking for?”
“Yeah!” You exclaim, shaking the bag excitedly. It makes a rattling noise as you move. “Do you want to see them?”
You don’t wait to hear the answer, instead leading the way to your room, where part of your collection resides. You hear Wanderer step in and close the door behind you, waiting in curious silence as you carefully put your bag on your bed, pulling open the drawstring with reverence.
One by one, you bring out the intact bones the hunters were able to unearth from you. You brush off some of the remaining dust, then you begin laying them out on your bed in their approximate positions.
“That’s your special ancient boar?” Wanderer asks, sidling up to you and looking at the bones with you.
“Yes!” You finally place the jawless skull at the top of the unfinished skeleton, putting your hands on your hips with satisfaction. “I found it during a quest when I was still guiding the Traveler. I knew I had to have it in my collection when I got here!”
“Fair enough,” Wanderer nods. “Can I see the rest of your stuff?”
You are more than eager to show off the cool stuff you’ve been hoarding since your arrival in Teyvat, from smaller animal bones, to surprisingly intact shed lizard skins and molted duskbird feathers, and even some hollow onikabuto shells.
Wanderer picks up each one with care, mindful of your enthusiasm for your strange collection. He turns each object over slowly, inspecting them as you’re explaining the particularities of your collection.
“Hey, do you mind if I borrow some of these?” Wanderer eventually asks, as you’re nearing the end of your impromptu lecture. “I’ve got this Amurta elective that I haven’t started my project for, and some of these are interesting enough. I could probably write something about them.”
Your sudden silence is worrying, and he’s quick to backpedal in case he’d offended you in some way.
“Or, forget it, I mean-” he turns and pretends to scratch his nose to hide the dumb expression he knows he must be making. “I know this is all probably hard to get, so if you don’t want to risk it getting broken or stolen…”
“I would love to share it with you!!” Your sudden shout scares him out of his foul mood, and he looks at you in bemusement. Your eyes are wide and shiny, matching the stupid grin that settles on your face. Just as he’s about to reply, you leap up and scramble for one of the unopened drawers.
You proudly present a wooden box, and when you open it Wanderer can see the interior is padded and separated with thin wooden strips, creating protected compartments just big enough to fit some of the larger items in your collection.
“You’ve got to take extra good care of this stuff, okay?” You instruct him, and you help him pack the items he’d chosen into your carrying case. “I mean, I can probably find some of this stuff again, but the more delicate things are harder to come by. Promise you’ll be careful?”
He looks up at you, closing the lid of the box slowly and fastening it shut. “Yeah, I promise,” he says, a faint smile tugging at his lips.
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Literal Garbage: Scaramouche
“You’re throwing this shit out, right?”
The noise you make, of absolute disgust and denial, is enough to make Scaramouche second guess his own words for a moment. He recovers faster than you’d give him credit for, picking up the broken clay jar and the dull shard of a broken sword. He holds up both in front of you, an accusing glare pinning you.
“Does this look like normal stuff to collect, to you?” he demands, tossing both back into the bin where he’d found them, retrieving a foil candy wrapper and a graphite pencil with no nib. Again, he discards both items with a noise of exasperation. “None of this stuff has any use! It’s all just garbage! Where do you even find this?!”
“Like,” you say, shuffling closer to your collection bin and putting the cover back on it slowly. “On the ground and stuff? I don’t know what you’re expecting.”
Scaramouche pinches the bridge of his nose with a loud sigh, but doesn’t make any move to reopen the bin. “You’re seriously testing my patience, here. Why are you collecting all this garbage? Can’t you collect something less… bizarre? Like seashells, or something.”
“I have some of those, too!”
“Not the point, here!”
You look down where your hands are pressing down on the lid of the bin, then back up at Scaramouche with a bit of a pout.
“Are you really making me throw it all out?” You ask, pitifully. He takes one look at you and grumbles with displeasure.
“That’s not what I said,” he rolls his eyes, crossing his arms as he looks down his nose at you. “You want to waste your time picking up other people’s trash and pretending it has meaning to you? Fine, be my guest. But don’t come crying to me when you realize you’re stuck with a container full of useless junk that nobody wanted anymore.”
“Sometimes, even the things that people feel have no practical use can be worth a lot to someone else,” you tell him. “Things don’t have to be worth anything to be wanted.”
Scaramouche chews on your words for a moment, then shrugs. “Sure, whatever you say, I guess.”
He doesn’t seem to be leaving anytime soon, so you tentatively open the bin and reach inside, fishing around until your fingertips grasp what you’re looking for.
“Are you sure you don’t recognize this one?” You ask, holding up the candy wrapper so he can see it. He scrunches up his nose at the offending item.
“Am I supposed to?”
“It’s from that festival in Inazuma,” you smile, bringing the wrapper to yourself gently. “The one you guys took me to when you found out I hadn’t been to one before.”
Scaramouche looks at it closer, out of the corner of his eye. He lets his shoulders slump and shakes his head with a huff.
“Whatever,” he says. “The rest of it is garbage, though.”
You put the wrapper away with a cheeky grin.
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People aren't mad because John/Arthur aren't canon, people are mad because the creator made fun of the fans that ship them in the Christmas special
I see… the post has been deleted
I’m just very used to being in bad fandoms where something as small as “I don’t ship them personally” is taken as a homophobic statement, and people have been saying forever if it’s not canon it’ll be queer bait, so I assumed which I maybe shouldn’t have done but with it coinciding with the “John is a child episode” it just made sense
now, I do have to say though, that while I don’t know a whole lot because I’m not on the Patreon, I was for awhile. Again take this with a HEAPING load of salt for that reason since I clearly don’t know the specific situation. Everything I’m going to say I will try to say from an objective viewpoint since I don’t know the situation and will only focus on the facts I do know.
But how is this new? For the karaoke creep special they keep calling it weird to call each other romantic terms. And when Arthur died by not sacrificing the little guy last season Harlan was ROUGH. He said anyone who voted to not sacrifice were children smashing dolls together, that they forgot the story they were in and hopefully this punishment would remind them that actions have consequences. He basically said this is your fault for being stupid. He ended up having to post a semi apology saying it’s eldritch horror story, it’s supposed to be about harshness and not knowing the consequences before hand, and that he teases his audience and that if they don’t like that this isn’t the right show for them. His phobia play through he did a bit as Arthur and John where he was like “and we are NOT doing anything in the shower no matter what the fan fictions say” “let them dream John”
I also would like to mention that word of god should be ignored in these stories and that Harlan does NOT have a PR team. Again I don’t know the situation. I don’t know if he was ad libing live, in which case he should be given more Lee way as self editing in the moment is hard, I don’t know how if he said the most vile stuff alive, or if he said something a little mean but harmless like the “no we are not doing this” “let them dream” or what. Maybe it is bad and he deserves to be roasted, idk.But making jokes about a non canon thing can be a normal thing, especially if it’s a thing people keep bugging you about.
I do know that fandom as a whole has a problem attacking people over though, being someone who frequently got called homophobic for headcanoning single characters as aro, this one specifically has already harassed him about this ship which I’m sure gets annoying, and that he has explicitly said he will poke fun on the Patreon, and that he has said Jarthur won’t happen, and that he is one guy without the means to sort through hate mail removed from situations and doesn’t have a PR team to tell him “hey this off the cuff joke is a bad idea”
all that being said, again I do not know what he said specifically. I think either way a lot of people need to reassess if this is the fandom for them. I’ve seen a lot of people only get into the show for shipping and then get mad when there’s eldritch horror and the attitudes of eldritch horror in the eldritch horror podcast. If he said something that bad then maybe consider getting out since he writes about delicate subjects and it will only get worse. If what he said wasn’t that bad and people are getting mad about being lightly teased but it wasn’t confrontational or homophobic, they might want to leave because that’s just what Harlan does, tease people, and it’s not new and will continue, especially about non canon stuff in his own work. And if you got into and are only staying for the shipping…. Yeah. If that’s the only thing you want maybe it’s time to move on.
and if you decide to stay, know that. Know and be warned ahead of time that you will be teased so it isn’t a surprise next time
edit: so I did get the full context quote and it’s literally just “we want to hang out together alone for Christmas” “platonically, as in canon” “oh of course of course.” This. This isn’t bullying. It’s a little tongue in cheek sure but the whole thing is just saying it isn’t canon. I’ve heard complaints on comments on this post about other stuff he’s done, which I don’t know much about but is also applicable. I did my best to say “either way, this is stuff related.” As someone who writes and has written things before where every single chapter people kept pushing for something I wasn’t going to write I get it. I’m not saying anything he might have done is right but I think it’s understandable at the very least, for a writer to be upset about his stuff being constantly misinterpreted and having fans try to push it where he doesn’t want it.
him reminding people it won’t happen is fine, especially when people keep accusing him of queer baiting. I still think what I said earlier stands even hearing other opinions, because although I can’t say either way, it seems like everyone who is upset says this is a repeated behavior, and if you stay you can’t be surprised by it every time. If it’s going to bug you you have to either be prepared for it to keep happening or leave.
That isn’t to say no one can be upset about anything else but this specific thing I don’t think is worthy of that. All he did was jokingly repeat canon in character (which is much better than like. Someone who keeps hinting at something and never giving it) in a teasing manner. He didn’t say anything negative about shippers, or anything homophobic, just said “hey remember kids, we aren’t into each other like that.” Which is. Fine. It’s annoying but it isn’t malicious.
If the issue is mods or his interactions with people say that. Don’t make it about him light heartedly going “don’t accuse me of queerbaiting.” it makes it so when actual issues like what people are talking about in the comments (if they’re legit, again I try to stay only in the actual content part and abstain from knowing about creators) come up no one takes them seriously because so many molehills were mountained.
If you’re pissed about how he talks to his fans say that, don’t make it about a lack of queer rep when he said day one there wouldn’t be any. Make it about the issue itself. You don’t mention that someone’s a domestic abuser for example after you say “and they have NO CHEESE in their house thats MONSTROUS who does that.” If you want to be taken seriously about a problem you focus on the thing that matters which is. Hurting people.
I guess at the end of the day I’m no one’s boss, but I am tired of not knowing what to believe or not when someone saying something like “no comment” on if characters they wrote are together is homophobia, or a character who’s been Described as a dick acting like one and then the creator gets accused of being shitty (random examples not to do with this specific fandom). If everything is a big deal that makes someone the worst when the subject is not actually hurting anyone… it’s exhausting. Idk anything about Harlan. At the end of the day I’m here for my little horror stories. But I will say definitively that I don’t think it’s bullying to say a ship is not canon and that to act like it is makes it impossible for people who actually care about morals and what someone is doing to keep the energy to stay that way without becoming part of a mob just taking people at their word.
If it upset you I’m sorry, it’s always disappointing when our take on media is dismissed, especially by the creator. And it’s fine to be disappointed. I get that. But don’t blow it out of proportion, and don’t make it about something it isn’t. If you’re upset about the quote say that it’s disappointing without saying it’s punching down. The author is dead and it’s one of the biggest podcast ships out there. If you’re upset about anything else make a post about that issue without tying it to this fun bonus non canon episode. You are allowed to be upset just and if it is about shipping: stop making someone disagreeing with you about a ship a big controversy. You can ship whatever you want regardless of canon and no one is trying to stop jarthur shippers, and if it isn’t about that stop making things about shipping if that’s not what it’s actually about.
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yaksha-lover · 10 months
YESS so these thoughts are going to be very scattered because I haven’t fully thought it out, but I wanted to share them anyway!!
Ok, so you know how in ddlc, part of Monika’s anguish is the fact that she’s not even an option for the player to choose. I feel like that works well with the whole ‘Malleus doesn’t know twst isn’t a dating sim’ thing. Like, imagine Malleus starting to become aware and realizing that the only place it’s even possible for him to get genuine love and connection is with the player. Except - twst is only a visual novel.
No matter how much he tries to be extra kind to the player, to get them to notice him - none of it matters, because there is no option for him to be loved back. The player is constricted by the few and far between dialogue options, and barely any interactions with him compared to say, Ace and Deuce.
He tries to be patient, but more and more it eats away at him. He needs to be chosen by the player, he can’t accept being alone anymore when an opportunity is right in front of him. At first he’s satisfied by appearing more in the other books, by becoming the player’s friend.
Then, he’s entirely left behind in book 6. Again, he isn’t an option. Well, he doesn’t care. He’ll make himself an option. The next time you log in, a new event seems to have started.
It’s a dating sim event! At first, you’re super excited that they decided to do some fan service. Then, strange things begin happening. You try to complete Leona’s route, but after pausing midway, you log back in and suddenly, he isn’t an option anymore. It’s strange, but there is a notice of a bug in the game, so you dismiss it. The only routes left are Vil and Malleus, so you decide to go with Vil. Except, the button won’t press. Every time you try to choose Vil, Malleus’ route automatically starts. Eventually, you give up and close the game, tired of all the bugs.
Meanwhile, Malleus is practically heartbroken. He’s never had the option to even try and talk to you like he’s wanted to all this time. He thought you felt the same, that your friendship and all the times he came to Ramshackle meant something. Apparently not. Apparently, even if he is a choice, you’ll choose the others again and again.
It isn’t right. Why can’t he ever be your choice? Don’t you realize, you’re the only one who can love him?
He knows he’s only a character and that you’re real, but it shouldn’t matter. His feelings for you are real too. Is he destined to be doomed to loneliness, locked in this short frame of story where he’s been programmed to be the outcast?
He was practically designed by the creators to love you, and yet, no matter what he does, you seem unreachable.
The next time you log in, Malleus is waiting for you. Not in an event and not in the main story, but as the only thing left in the app. He stands on the home screen, having deleted all the other buttons on the page. He starts talking to you, telling you that he’s known the whole time that he’s a character and you’re the player of a game. That it doesn’t matter, because you’re real to him. Even if you aren’t exactly Yuu, it’s always been you, behind the screen. He’s willing to make his plea to you, if only you’ll listen.
Side note, I imagine he’d have a similar breakthrough to Monika if you talked to him enough about how what he’s doing is wrong. Even if he tries to remember that Lilia, Silver, and Sebek are only game files, he can’t help but love them anyway, and wouldn’t want them to disappear.
He’d also realize that it’s wrong to force you to love him, no matter how much he wants it. He knows that’s not genuine love, and that it wouldn’t feel good for him either because he wants someone to love and accept him.
All in all, would probably reset things himself once he’s reasoned with, might even delete himself from the game once he sees what he’s done.
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lurkingshan · 1 month
Thank u thank u thank u for talking about Boys Be Brave feeling so……in the BL bubble but maybe not? but very bubble-like, but we’ll have to see what the rest of the show gives us? it was starting to really bug me as well bc I actually truly hate the bl bubble. I was trying to articulate why but you did it perfectly. Like you said, it makes it hard (at least for me) to understand the inner psychological workings of these characters and for me it also negatively impacts how I perceive the story. BUT ALSO…this does come from the same creators of Our Dating Sim and they did something similar in that show where they never said outright that queerness was an issue in the world they created. Just the “we shouldn’t kiss at work bc reasons” could be professional could be queer related “I ran away from my crush after confessing bc reasons” could be general embarrassment but could be queer related. It rode a line that I accepted bc they implied that at least one of the characters was always gay, but like you said Boys Be Brave isn’t doing that 😭
You raise a good point about Our Dating Sim (my beloved) doing this same bubble-straddling thing, and I think the crucial difference and why it doesn't work in this one is that the specifics of the leads' sexualities is much more plot-relevant. We are explicitly being asked to consider both of them dating women, Jin Woo's ideal type being (subtextually) a woman, Gi Seop making himself look more feminine to appeal to him, Balgeum and his ex having secret meetings in school and Balgeum throwing around comments about disgust, and all of it with no direct acknowledgment of anyone's sexuality or how that plays into these conflicts.
The ODS plot was a fairly straightforward second chance romance that was enhanced by reading Lee Wan as gay, but we didn't actually need to breakdown the specifics of his and Gi Tae's sexualities for the plot to track or to tap into the psychology behind their choices. That is not the case here, and so it's getting in the way of the story. Which is frustrating because there's a lot of great stuff in this show and it wouldn't take much to bring all these things into alignment.
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thatone-churro · 6 months
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i was gonna make this addition to someone else’s post but it got longer than expected and i really didn’t wanna do that to them after they said they were done talking about it in regards to their own work.
i don’t know if “bugs” or “irks” are quite the right words for how i feel, but this take certainly does something of the sort to me.
i hate that the concept of “bury your gays” and its related discourses are so quickly applied to ALL queer media. it’s completely stripped of its original context/meaning and i know THAT irks me to no end.
personally, i’m of a mind that queers deserve media about them, about queers, and also about tragedy, death, murder, action and suspense, or whatever the occasion is. it can be about the queer cast while not having a happy ending, or without the cast being perfect.
“casually queer” is how i used to describe my personal project. yes, it’s blatantly and unapologetically queer, and that queerness is important, but it’s not the focus of the story. it’s not the point of the story. there’s still action, still adventure, still death, still tragedy. the cast isn’t perfect, some die, some are awful, some are “problematic,” even the queer cast. most things happen to the queer cast, because most of the major cast is queer.
i don’t understand the idea of condemning a work for “problematic queer characters” if it’s just a primarily queer work. you can’t have a queer story with no conflict or have realistic characters that are perfect. you want a queer story, but no, no, the queer characters can’t be problematic. and the problematic trait they describe is simply just. a character flaw exploited for the sake of the narrative. i don’t get it.
a queer story written for queers shouldn’t be perfect and pure. there should be “problematic” things. there should be tragedy. they shouldn’t have to be pure. they shouldn’t have to be perfect. they shouldn’t be shunned by the community they were created for because they told an otherwise typical story, except now it’s queer. queer stories, or any story, should be allowed to be complex. there should be nuance. not everything in it should be likable. that’s how a story works.
using my story as an example, again, my all-time favorite character and one of my main protagonists for a good chunk of it is a nonbinary lesbian on ace-spectrum. okay. cool. lots of rep there. but they’re heavily flawed. they kill. they have regrets. they make stupid decisions. they’re self-righteous. they’re terrified of being the bad guy yet end up the bad guy in many people’s views. they have one very violent motive. they love their family to such an extent that they’ll destroy anyone who lays a hand on them. they’re complex. they’re nuanced. they’re not always the good guy. that’s how a story is. if they were a perfect, pure, “perfect” character, there would be no story. no enjoyable story, at least.
what baffles me the most is when queer creators make these queer stories and suddenly they’re a bad queer because they killed one of their many queer characters, for instance. i’ll use my project once more for an example. say, remember that nonbinary ace lesbian from less than a paragraph ago? yeah, i ended up killing them at one point. their story was over and while it hurt me, too, it was a necessary step for the story. their story was over and i needed them to start the next chapter of the next protagonists’ story. but as a nonbinary ace lesbian myself, does that make me a “bad queer?” am i suddenly evil if i killed off my sapphic couple that got marrie in the first part because their story was over and there was no other way to move on their daughter’s story with them there? am i the asshole for killing one of my ace characters for a narrative purpose? am i not allowed to do certain things to my queer characters anymore if i don’t want to be a “bad queer?”
i guess these feelings boil down more to how strictly puritan culture and/or cancel culture and/or “problematic” culture has invaded the literary scene and how that impacts me, a queer writer. how are we supposed to tell these stories that people beg for if they are torn down and torn apart for the exact nuances they want? how are we supposed to create anything without relentless scorn or fear of being “cancelled” for thematic complexities? i don’t understand it.
in conclusion:
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i realize my opinion on the subject is probably HEAVILY swayed by my own tastes and preferences and i have no idea where i’m going with this anymore and there’s not really an argument here anymore so really this whole thing can be taken with a grain of salt.
anyway, that’s my angry rant for the day. please don’t witch hunt me for it, thanks 🤞
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theladyinwhite13 · 11 months
(it’s me. hi. i am Julie, it’s me.) what the biggest red flag you seen? what’s the longest thing you’ve written? Is life a computer simulation?
there’s this boy (he really doesn’t deserve to be called a man) who’s the son of a family friend, and so my dad is *convinced* that I like him and he’s not really a bad person per se, so I try to be nice to him, but he’s just SO DUMB. and i KNOW i shouldn’t call people dumb, but this guy really just isn’t smart. so anyway he works at this store and when we were checking out, he was ringing up liquid chlorine, and the price was 79.99 for four bottles or 159.99 for eight. and I was explaining to him that you can just round the 79.99 to 80 and then minus the two extra pennies later, and that the total cost for two four packs is 159.98, so the price wasn’t that different and that it just depended on how much chlorine my dad needed AT THE MOMENT bc there was not “deal” for buying more, but this dick IGNORED ME, and put two four packs in the cart to see if the price was less than when he put one eight pack in the cart, like I just fucking gave you the answer. the thing is that I genuinely don’t think he was trying to be misogynistic or anything, just that he honestly didn’t understand the math that I was explaining, which is FINE, some people need it to be visual, but COME ON. (actually tell me if how I explained that math made sense so I know if it’s me or him that is stupid) also once he was super rude to his mom, bc their dog was trying to eat their pet pig that was supposed to be a meat pig (welcome to the south y’all) and he didn’t think his mom should care about a pig that wasn’t supposed to be a pig, like dude be nicer to her, YOU LITERALLY WOULDNT EXIST WITHOUT HER.
anyway aside for that walking red flag, it really bothers me when people are super inauthentic. like when I was a kid, I would befriend someone and then see them with other friends later and they were super different. it just bugs the hell out of me. i mostly only had that problem when I was younger though. i’m just more selective with who I spend time with now.
when I was twelve, I attempted to write a fantasy novel. it was a prince and the pauper retelling with two girls and there was this magic system where people could steal dreams and nightmare and sell them on the black market. i deleted it a few years ago, but between the 60,000 word manuscript and the notebooks full of ideas for it, it was the longest thing i’ve written. it was also the gayest thing I’ve ever written.
after I realized I didn’t believe in God (emphasis on the big G), I had phase of being really unsteady with my feelings about the world (like the physical earth) bc if he didn’t create it than where the fuck did it come from. obviously science has its explanations, but after so many years of being told it’s “God’s creation” I was really just lost. eventually, my perspective started to start bc I realized that it literally DOES NOT MATTER where the hell the world came from or where we will eventually be. yes, a happy afterlife would be cool, but so would dying peacefully alongside loved ones and never having to worry about all the shit that doesn’t involve me like the creation and/or creator of the world. so, my point is that even if the whole world is just a simulation I’m sort of okay with that, and I’ve told myself to not waste my valuable time caring about that, and instead just focus on what is immediately available to me, like the present moment.
these were very long response, I guess it IS me, I AM the problem. who knew? (actually I knew)
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hinatastinygiant · 1 year
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42 | Tate Olive
Pairing: Tokyo Revengers x Fem!Reader
Wasteland Masterlist
DAY 15
At just one minute before midnight, Wakasa asks you to hold out your arm. He does the same, keeping his beside you. The nine on his wrist glistens softly beside the fourteen on yours. And then, it hits midnight. Your eyes widen as nothing happens. You don’t lose a number at all and neither does Wakasa.
“What’s going on?” you ask as you look up at the man across from you.
“I’ve been up for the past three days now and I haven’t lost a single day,” he blinks. Only now can you see how red and tired his eyes look.
“So then it’s when we sleep that we lose a day and when we wake up the next morning it has like reset?” you continue to ask.
“That would make our little magic trick, as Senju put it, a loophole,” he then shrugs. “Kind of like a glitch in a game that the creators haven’t noticed.”
“What’re you trying to say?” you narrow your eyes. “That we’re in some kind of fucked up video game?”
“Have you ever played The Witcher?”
“No,” you shake your head, still not seeing where he’s going with this.
“Well in The Witcher there’s this horse who is kind of known for glitching. Like, she’ll be able to walk through walls, stand on her head, or walk on two feet. Now I’m pretty sure at this point it’s intentional but our situation might be similar to this kind of bug.”
“Where are you going with this because the last horse I saw wasn’t doing any of that. In fact, it wasn’t doing anything at all,” you scoff.
“You ate a horse?” he then asks, changing the conversation suddenly.
“Desperate times,” you shrug. “What do you want from me?”
“You know it could have been used for more than just meat,” he sighs. “Goddammit, Y/N.”
“Whatever, can you just go back to what you were saying before?” you cross your arms as you look away from him. You’re not sitting here for him to belittle your decisions. If he cared so much maybe he shouldn’t have crushed your leg and ran off without you.
“Fine,” he shakes his head. “My point is that maybe if we don’t sleep we can’t reset our clock when the next day starts.”
“What if we sleep in the middle of the day? I mean we can’t go without sleeping forever,” you think aloud.
“I haven’t tried,” he hums as though he’s never thought that far ahead before.
“Do the others know about this?” you ask.
“Just The Wanderers. And you,” he nods. “But that’s it as far as I know.”
“The Wanderers?” you repeat back to him.
“A lot of the forming groups around here have their own names,” he explains. “So naturally, Senju came up with one. Can’t say it doesn’t fit.”
You think back to when you met Mikey and he called his group the Taikyaki Fighters. You suppose there are lots of groups forming, but what group are you even in?
“We should keep this to ourselves,” you then whisper. “Might not be great if the news gets into the wrong hands.”
“I don’t plan on sharing anything,” he nods in agreement.
“Well, thanks for telling me, Wakasa,” you attempt to smile. “I really appreciate it.”
“Keep your pants on, Y/N,” he rolls his eyes. “And don’t go to sleep tonight. Think you can stay awake?”
“Got anything to drink?” you smirk.
Wakasa doesn’t say a word as he stands up and walks into the little café. You see Senju say something and nudge him in the arm before passing him two beers which he holds in one hand. When he then starts walking back outside, you look away and pretend you weren’t watching him the whole time.
“Hey,” he calls from the doorway. “Senju wants to know if you want to join the others. I said you didn’t but thought I’d still ask.”
“Uh, yeah, okay. I guess I should join them. If I stay on their good side they won’t try to kill me,” you grin. You then stand up and walk toward Wakasa who hands you one of the beer bottles.
“Smart choice,” he nods. “C’mon.”
Inside, you sit at the small countertop beside Akashi who has been drinking Saki with Inui, Kokonoi, and Senju.
“So what other group have you been with this whole time, Y/N?” Senju asks. “You weren’t on your own, right?”
“Oh, I was with the Taiyaki Fighters. I was on my way back to them actually, when I got into trouble before…”
“On your way back to them?” Senju hums. However, before you can answer she’s interrupted by her brother.
“I know one of those guys,” Akashi nods. “Shinichiro. He was a firefighter I saw a few times at the funeral home when there was a… well maybe let’s not talk about that,” he then chuckles awkwardly.
“Yeah, well Shinichiro isn’t part of our group so don’t go getting a soft spot for him. We’ve already got one of those with…” Senju trails off as she attempts to subtly look at Wakasa.
“You know, you’re the one who hinted at the whole fucking loophole with Y/N so don’t go blaming me. Maybe you’ve got the soft spot for her,” Wakasa scoffs.
“Huh!? So? You still told her,” she tries to deflect the blame.
“Hey, shut up, yeah?” Inui grumbles. “Who the fuck cares? She doesn’t look that dangerous to me. How many people have you killed?”
Kokonoi looks at you with interest, too. “All of us here don’t want to run around killing people which is why it’s a good thing to have in our pocket. His question is valid.”
Your face heats up as you look around the room. It’s quite obvious you’ve killed way more people to get where you are now than they have.
“Fuck you,” you spit before standing up and walking out of the café.
If it were anyone you’d want to have follow you, he’d be your last choice. Kokonoi. You have nothing to say to him so even when you turn and see him following closely behind, you keep on walking.
“Fuck off, asshole!” you shout as you continue to stomp your feet on the tiled subway floor.
“You don’t agree with them, do you?!” he shouts back. However, he doesn’t sound angry at all and it completely throws you off guard. You stop where you are, still not turning around to face him, but instead wait to hear him out.
“You want to kill. I know you do so don’t even put on that stupid act around me. Just listen. I know a group you can join. Leader’s got over a hundred. If you can find him and appeal to him, he’d probably let you join.”
Interested in why he knows all of this, you finally turn to face him. “Then why don’t you join?” you scoff.
“I can’t leave Inupi,” he shrugs. “And he’d never go for it.”
“Then why offer it to me?”
“Because if you want to get all that fucking anger out, then you should do it. I mean that’s the whole fucking point of this world and those guys are just trying to dismiss it like it’s not part of our goddamn survival now.”
“So then kill him and leave,” you scoff. “If you’re so pissed then do what you have to do.”
Kokonoi looks at you as if you just read exactly what he was thinking. However, his expression quickly turns sad. “If I did, I’d never forgive myself.”
You nod, understanding where he’s coming from as you approach him. You then stand next to him and put your hand on his shoulder while looking straight ahead down the long tunnel of the subway.
“If you need me to help, just say so. Now, let’s go back before this looks weird.”
Wasteland Masterlist
Taglist: @pikagirl2001330
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spitzyyyy · 1 year
self indulgent rant under the cut
TL;DR: people who put phobia causing images in the thumbnails of videos without warning that aren’t specifically educational videos are assholes, and they should fuck off. this goes for any phobia: trypophobia, arachnophobia, etc. i’m fine with nature channels doing this, since. i know what i’m getting when i subscribe to one. but for non nature channels it’s a bitch move.
as a severe arachnophobe: content creators who put spiders as the focus in the thumbnails of their videos can go fuck themselves /gen. like. they don’t have to be in the FUCKING THUMBNAIL unless you are a channel that does that shit regularly. i don’t want to be on my phone, checking my youtube dashboard, and get hit with a close up of a black recluse!! i understand 100% if you’re a nature channel and that is your job, but if it isn’t then like. idk don’t fucking do that??? i’ve gotten into the habit of avoiding videos about bugs because the odds of there being a picture of a spider somewhere in there without warning is really high! when someone says “tw: bugs” i think BUGS, not spiders or scorpions!! fuck you if you call spiders bugs in the first place: THEYRE NOT. spiders aren’t bugs, they’re arachnids! there’s a distinction. and if you’re arachnophobic, there’s a huge difference between being afraid of spiders and being afraid of other insects!! i fucking love insects but i can’t look them up without having to worry if i’m going to have a breakdown because of images of spiders being mixed in! putting a spider in the thumbnail is rude as hell, especially if you don’t usually make videos that cover spiders/bugs—your audience has no warning! and not putting an arachnophobia warning in the video or description is also bad! sifting through comments to see if there’s any mentions of spiders is NOT easy either: it’s so EASY to miss any mentions that if i’m worried that i’ll be hit with a picture of a spider then i’ll not watch the video—even when the stuff genuinely interests me! and that doesn’t even get me started on videos that drop images of spiders with no prompting! i’m trying to watch a TED talk about that astronaut that went blind in space, and he drops a picture of a brown recluse with no prompting or warning!!
spiders genuinely make me feel icky when i see them: we get them on the door in the summer, and i will genuinely wait for someone else to come and open the door rather than get anywhere near a spider. i don’t like being in the same fucking room as them! there’s a reason i have them blacklisted and why i’ll ask someone else to look something up if im worried that there might be spiders in the results! scorpions don’t bother me—i think they’re badass—it is literally just spiders.
i’m. very opinionated about this. as someone with a genuine fear which makes me incapable of enjoying things, fuck people who put pictures of spiders in the thumbnails of their videos and don’t properly warn about it. those people are fucking assholes.
i’ll say this again: nature channels which focus specifically on nature and informational videos about that are different! you EXPECT that to come from them, since that’s they’re job!! i wouldn’t get mad at casual geographic for putting spiders in a video that he dedicated to bugs: if i watch that, i sign up for it. that’s on me. or if i watch a yt short about why you shouldn’t eat bananas with white spots on the peel (it could be a sign of mold or spider infestation, neither of which you want to eat) then i signed up for it!! if i watch a kurzgesagt video about the ant kingdom and warrior ants that will beat the shit out of everything (including tarantulas) then i expect that i might get hit with an animated spider!! in those cases, my panic response is under control, because i ANTICIPATED that i would be dealing with it! but if daily dose of internet puts spiders in the thumbnail without warning, then what the fuck. i don’t expect that! it triggers my panic response near instantly (which is to instinctually throw the thing with the spider on it away and to curl up into a ball) and i become WAY too self conscious!! i literally go into a fight or flight response with spiders—it’s flight. nature channels: i expect! non nature channels: i do not expect and it freaks me out. there’s a difference between me watching videos with bugs in them and being aware of the risk vs me watching a gaming video and being shown a spider.
i know people genuinely don’t mean harm when they do this, but it’s not THAT hard to not have spiders in the thumbnail. it’s not that hard to put a “cw: spiders” or “tw: arachnophobia” at the beginning of your video OR in the description! if you can warn about blood or death, then you can warn about spiders, as it’s one of the most common phobias!
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love-bokumono-fics · 1 year
Fresh Crops! January 1 - January 8, 2023
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3.
Lucky day - by nightm0de; Complete, 2/2, 3.5k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: M/M Fandom: Trio of Towns Relationship: Ford/Wayne; Characters: Ford, Wayne, Frank, Megan, Ethan Additional Tags: Cock Warming, Hate Sex, but not really, Bottom Wayne, Top Ford, wayne just thinks ford is super sexy and if he bugs him enough he’ll fuck him, Consentual though dw, Stress Relief, Fluff and Smut, a lil hardcore at the beginning, Rough Sex, Angry Sex, Angry Kissing, Possessive Behavior, Wayne’s a little shit, Ford has OCD, not really relevant but there, Aftercare, Falling In Love, it's gay cowboys Summary: Wayne knew that if he felt lucky, the first thing he should always do is run to the Westown health clinic. Not because he was ill or injured—but because on lucky days, Wayne got fucked silly.
Story of Seasons Create a Character Contest: Petra - by superhenryjones; Complete, 1/1, 3.2k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons (General) Summary: This was a character made for the Ranch Story character creation contest. Petra was made to be romanced by anyone, so I tried to keep the language referring to the Player Character as neutral as possible. I will clean up the formatting and include the art from my co-creator chaos/reflow when I have time. Petra does deal with anxiety on a regular basis and I tried to put realistic human touches on it, so if you're not in the right place to experience a character's second-hand anxiety, maybe don't read this now. Other than that, I hope you have as much fun reading about her as we did making her!
Gabriel's Baby - by PirateQueen20; Complete, 8/8, 2.3k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, Other Fandom: Light of Hope Relationships: Farmer/Gabriel, Farmer/Edmond; Characters: Edmond, Gabriel, Farmer Additional Tags: Cheating, Infertility, Childbirth, Alternate Universe - Farm/Ranch, Shameless Smut, no editing we die like men Summary: I don't know what to say to make you want to read this. It's a fic about a video game, and it includes cheating. It's just some spice, for fun. This is after you complete the main storyline and start a family. This is about marital dissatisfaction and infertility. This is gaining carnal knowledge of both of your best friends. This is being a single mother, with papa in the arm chair. This is trying to be part of a community and feeling more alone than ever.
Degausser - by SHADESofDEATHxx; WIP, 3/?, 14k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Characters: Pete | Jack, Claire the Farmer, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Gray, Cliff, Jennifer, Popuri, Rick, Karen, Brandon, Kai, Elli | Elly, Doctor | Trent, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Mineral Town Residents Additional Tags: Redemption, Fresh Start, Loneliness, Angst, Self-Loathing, Self-Acceptance Summary: Those that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones – but that’s all Jack and Claire ever knew up until a series of half-lit cruel intentions landed them on the ferry to the desolate island of Mineral Town. After all, it was certainly easier to cast judgment unto others than it was to face the skeletons in your own closet. And surely no one would have an ill word to say about a brooding playboy and an immature party girl taking over the once-great farm that founded and funded their small town, right?
Sugar and Spice - by Chibimiie; WIP, 51/?, 132k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Animal Parade Relationships: Chase/Molly the Farmer, Angela/Luke; Characters: Molly | Hikari, Angela the Farmer, Chase, Luke, Kasey the Farmer Additional Tags: Slow Burn, oh god how do you tag fics, mentions of eating disorders, alternating povs, Friends to Lovers, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, bumped up the rating because i honestly should have a little bit ago, burn so slow it's honestly a simmer Summary: Wanting to get away from past hurts of the city, sisters Molly and Angela decide to respond to a flyer advertising an abandoned farm on the faraway island of Castanet. Leaving behind their closest friends and brother Kasey, the two take a chance and move to the tiny island hoping for a new chance at life.
Good Ending - by chewypetals; Complete, 1/1, 1.1k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: M/M Fandoms: Pioneers of Olive Town Relationship: Male Farmer/Matsuyuki; Characters: Male Farmer, Matsuyuki Additional Tags: Hugs, Sleepy Cuddles, Spooning, they are soft, Eiji is so soft I love him Summary: As the title suggests, I wanted more fluff after that hug fic.
The Heart of a Westown Cowboy - by Mya_Stone; WIP, 3/?, 5k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandom: Trio of Towns Relationship: Female Farmer/Wayne; Characters: Frank, Ford, Carrie, Brad, Megan, Hector, Colin, Daryl | Darius, Marlena, Lynn Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Romance, Romantic Friendship, Guy Falls First, I Wrote This For Me But I'll Share It With You Summary: Wayne is Westown's perpetually single lady's man. He'd like to settle down but he just hasn't found The One and he's fairly certain he's met everyone in town. Then Melody moves in, taking a plot of her uncle's ranch to fulfill her dream of being a rancher. A college-educated business woman, Melody doesn't accept failure - especially not her own. As Wayne falls hard for her, she struggles to return his affections until she has what she came for - and when she continually comes up short at the cow competitions, she begins to wonder if Westown is really the place for her.
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xenoabyss · 2 years
Hello, my name is…well, maybe I shouldn’t put that, actually. This is my book. Well, journal? I’m unsure what to call it. I have been exploring the multiverse, and discovered many unusual and monstrous creatures. So, I've decided to write them down in my journal. Maybe this will save your lives one day, or end it…
I've decided to write down all the basic information I know. Along with using a risk system for each of them. However, this may not be totally accurate, and some information may be wrong. The risk system works simply, Green-Blue-Yellow-Orange-Red-Purple. Green being safe and Purple being a universal ending.
Entry 1. The Creator
Kedelyn, Also known as Keddy
(Current Theory: Was there from the start, whatever the start is. Eternal.)
Risk Factor:
Purple, Docile Nature. Known to attack when their “friends” are at risk. This sadly doesn’t confirm if that means these “friends” are mortal and or killable. But it does confirm they can be harmed.
Tendril Limbs, Body Morph, Shadow Abilities, Teleportation, General Magical Abilities
Eldritch Being
General description:
Jet black hair that is short and covers the left eye (unknown if eye is actually there). Normally appears in dark red jeans, and a light blue shirt. Above that is a red crop top with an eye on it.
The eye normally appears to be closed, however under times of extreme stress, the eye is reported to be seen as “Open”, with purple hues. Along with that, beautiful large wings are said to appear, with two eyes staring down. Reports of a halo and a few other things have been written down but not confirmed.
Some state that many eyes appear over the body, or that their head splits into two and turns into a large mouth. Some say extra limbs appear, from bugs and fish and many more creatures. It’s believed these reports are from Keddy’s shapeshifting abilities, and their true form is unknown.
Primary Strengths:
They are very emotionally intelligent, which leads to them being a good adviser. However, a current running theory is that they can use their eyes to sense people’s true emotions and corrupt them. This isn’t confirmed.
Along with that, they are ancient and therefore very knowledgeable and talented. Instruments, coding, dance, art and so on. This phenomenon isn’t actually that much of a mystery, as they have been alive for trillions of years, they learn many details. My friend- ah….em….we can call them The Wonder. Wonder tells me that this is normal for most creatures like that. I may need to find a name for this….
Finally, they are very powerful. There is a reason their title is the Creator, not the caretaker. They created an entire Realm, including housing and alleyways for their “friends”. This place is called Chaos Creek, and I often see many wandering in and out. I was invited, due to my connection with The Wander and his “friend”.
Primary Weakness:
Currently, the only known Weakness is their emotions. This primordial being is known to get very angry quickly if triggered correctly. While this can be used to advantage, it is HIGHLY discouraged. As a practical god, they can and will hunt you down. Anyone who has second crossed this empress has fallen, if not from them, then their “friends” or “lover” (not confirmed). So, while controlling their own emotions is a sour spot, it will not end well for whoever attempts to harm them.
Summoning Ritual:
The current summoning ritual I know of is a Summoning Circle. I’v heard there are more, however these are unknown at the current time.
The circle is a large outer circle with a thinner smaller circle inside, 7 eyes in the center again in a circle like shape. One eye at the top, two on either side running down. At the center of this is another circle, this time with a single eye in the center. On the outside of the circles, to the first one, there are lines coating around the edges, in triangles. The pattern is a large triangle, followed by two short ones, and the final is the smallest. This pattern is repeated all around the outer edge.
The way the ritual works is by repeating an incarnation and then sacrificing something of emotional value. The item is placed in the middle eye, and the incarnation should be said after LEAVING the circle.
There are many theories to this Eldritch being, as to why it is here and how it was made. It normally stays in its home, the Chaos Creek, rarely leaving to outside realms. This is unknown if this is because they are sick and dying, or they simply care not for the mortal realms. They do not create chaos and destruction, but fully have the capabilities for it. Along with that, they are one of the very few who have control over the more cruel beings, or the chaotic ones. I believe, if it was not for Keddy, then this world and all others would have long since been eaten.
Along with this, them and one of the other entities (Currently known as Dana- or is it Diana?) is currently known as Wives. Actually, a few of the entities call each-over husband and wife. Hell, one pair call each-over Whore and Bastard! It’s rather funny. I’m unsure if they are all married to each-over, if only a few are, or if they are married at all. However, I am aware that out of all of them, Diana is Keddy’s right hand, and can and will destroy whoever harms them.
Final Notes:
Well, that's all I currently know about this Eldritch. Keddy is kind, resourceful and honest. And very protective of their realm. Wander told me that the realm had been under attack, but Keddy easily defended it. I’m unsure if this is true or not, as I sense nothing. However, looking at the wards (with permission), they had been under extreme pressure.
Sadly it is not a lot, as I rarely interact with them. I will carry on to write and update, the next chapter should be more detailed, on the Dream Being. That is, if I can escape her watchful glaze. Market doesn’t want me going back, but Wonder is with me. I’m excited, actually. The realm of these beings is so….
Anyway, this is…the Scientist, signing of Entry 1.
Featuring @kedelynartz
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fancallindia · 2 months
Reaching Out to YouTubers: Easy Tips for Making Contact
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Ever wanted to talk to the YouTuber you love? Maybe you have a question, want some advice, or just think it’d be cool to chat. Great news! Reaching out to YouTubers is easier than ever.
This guide gives you the info you need to connect with your favorite creators. We’ll talk about different ways to reach them, how to write the perfect message, and what NOT to do.
Why Talk to YouTubers?
There are lots of reasons fans want to chat with YouTubers. Here are a few:
Get to Know Them: YouTubers feel like friends, but talking to them one-on-one lets you connect deeper.
Ask Questions: Got a burning question about their stuff? Reaching out might get you a personal answer.
Get Advice: Many YouTubers are experts. A message could be your ticket to valuable tips.
Show Support: Talking to a YouTuber shows you appreciate their work!
How to Contact YouTubers
Here are the most common ways to reach out:
Direct Messages (DMs): Many YouTubers let you DM them on Twitter or Instagram. This is good for quick questions or casual chats.
Email: Check the “About” section of their channel. Sometimes they list an email address for business stuff.
Comments: While comments on videos might not get a reply, sometimes YouTubers answer thoughtful ones. Be polite and keep it short!
Fancall: Fancall lets you connect with YouTubers on a personalized one on one video call. Just book their slot, make payment and be ready for the call.
Writing Your Message: The Key to Success
Here’s how to write a message that gets a response:
Short & Sweet: YouTubers get tons of messages. Be respectful and keep yours short and to the point.
Make it Personal: Show you’re a real fan! Mention a specific video you liked or something interesting about their content.
Be Nice: Keep your message polite and professional. Check for typos before sending.
Tell Them Why: Say why you’re reaching out right away. Are you asking a question, offering feedback, or just saying hi?
Be Patient: YouTubers aren’t obligated to reply. Don’t bug them with tons of messages.
Extra Tips: Dos and Don’ts
Here are some more tips to increase your chance of getting a reply:
DO: Offer something cool. Are you an artist who wants to make fanart? Do you have a unique idea for their channel? Share it!
DON’T: Beg for likes, subscribers, or shoutouts. This isn’t a good look.
DO: Be patient. If you don’t hear back quickly, that’s okay.
DON’T: Send generic messages. Take the time to personalize it and show you care.
Building Lasting Connections
Talking to YouTubers can be awesome on fancall platform! By following these tips, you increase your chances of a successful connection. Remember, the goal is to have a real conversation, not just a quick hello.
For YouTubers looking to connect with their fans, platforms like fancall can be super helpful. These platforms offer a safe and easy way for fans and creators to chat.
Q. Can I message YouTubers personally?
Yes, you can! Just be respectful and follow the tips above.
Q. What shouldn’t I say?
Don’t be mean, spam them, or be demanding.
Q. How can I reach out?
Use DMs, email (if they provide it), or leave comments (though replies are less likely).
Q. How can I get a reply?
Personalize your message, be nice, and offer something interesting.
We hope this guide helps you connect with the YouTubers you admire! By following these simple tips, you can create a memorable and positive interaction.
Article Source : https://medium.com/@fancall/reaching-out-to-youtubers-easy-tips-for-making-contact-38dc0bb8eca1
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cryptomarkethq · 2 years
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10 Best Pokemon Unbound Cheats Of
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 You can even get a few cool things by doing so. Forgot password? Account Name. Password Forgot password? Keep me signed in. Community members will not see the footer advertisement. Seen December 31st, Yo, I need some help, I'm trying to enter the great desert and the game black screens. Same thing happens when I enter the day care. Respond Ignore User Report. Age Originally Posted by ski bum [ Original Post ]. Seen 2 Weeks Ago. Any word on if the gen 8 sprites will be added to the data? Even if Skeli doesn't want to rework the routes, allowing us to trade from Radical Red or BFD would be a decent alternative. Seen March 14th, Hey I completed this hack and I absolutely loved it. The map is gorgeous and the city and town design is also pretty good. I just felt it could be little more darker than it is now. You could throw in some blood Instead of burning during character deaths. Also the story was pretty simple and there is a slight drag in it. Please consider this constructive criticism. Overall, its a pretty good game and I haven't found a single bug or glitch in my entire play through. Very few hacks achieve this. Thank you for giving us Unbound! Is there really no way to gain access to the Pokemon Stunky until late game if you don't have the right rng to get him as an egg early game? Cause I really want one but dont know where to look to access one. Is there any way to obtain stunky other than the egg in Bellin town? Please help! Seen January 29th, I can only get the Battle tower demo to play and the full game comes up as a patch. Originally Posted by Mrlvlup [ Original Post ]. Seen January 2nd, Anyone know if there is a Cinder Volcano raid den? Riddhwimaan Mukherjee. Seen October 9th, Originally Posted by alexthegreat [ Original Post ]. Really enjoying the hack so far, just wanted to pop in to report a bug! Currently in Antisis City, just completed the socks mission and was heading back through a pipe when I realised I could just shortcut back with an escape rope. I did, just to find my sprite is now permanently stuck in the crawling sprite animations. Returning to the pipe instead replaces the spriteset with another character's one - spoilering in case Spoiler :. Seen March 12th, I want to battle the creator of the game and the other guys inside the house at Dahara city but they act like we already battled and they say comeback tommorow but i havent even battle with them. Does anyone know what to do to battle them? I have won the league And after saving mother from the tuins of void is there anything else to do postgame that includes battles. Seen June 13th, I think that gym 2's forced stealth section is badly designed. It's hard to make practically pixel perfect inputs to get into the 1 tile crevices if you're using auto-run and no, I don't think turning it off is going to be helpful. This game looks promising, so maybe I'll use a walk-through-walls code, but I shouldn't have to use a code to get past an unfair and required part of the game. Seen October 6th, Downloaded Unbound yesterday and was having a lot of fun with the game, then I got stuck. Theres 2 trainers on route 5 that are protecting an item. I made it past without battling them, but when leaving they initiated a battle with me and now theyre blocking the exit. Ive tried a noclip cheat, Ive tried exiting and reentering, Ive tried completely closing and reopening my emulator but they wont move. Need help. Dr Dovel. Seen March 22nd, Any info on when next update is? Have very much enjoyed this and still am, keep up the great work! Seen November 27th, Having a bit of trouble with the Treasure Hunter mission, does anyone know where item 2 is? I have found the other 10 items but keep missing this last one. Thanks for the help! The shiny rate have been changed? Because, I catch a shiny zubat in the first cave of the game. Now it is a beautiful crobat at level 70 and I love him. Seen November 12th, Originally Posted by d [ Original Post ]. Oh, then I guess I'm not finishing this then. Any game that makes you savestate scum is a hard pass in my book. Guess I'll watch a Let's Play. Thanks for the heads up. Seen January 5th, Originally Posted by Dieppa3 [ Original Post ].
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voxmortuus · 3 years
Hey! Wondering if you could do a Dom!Jason Dean x fem!reader? Where she tried to go to the police and JD kidnaps her? Degrading, warnings of murder, and blood play? Please? I really like your writing.
PAIRING: Dom!Jason Dean x Fem!Reader
UNIVERSE: Heathers
WORDS: 780
SUMMARY/PROMPT: See above <3
Trigger Warning(s): Degradation | Mention of Murder | Kidnapping | Blood Play | Language | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this…
NOTE: Sorry if this isn’t what you expected, I’m hoping this finds you well love! I'M SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO GET OUT!!!
IMAGE CREDIT: Google I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP OF THESE IMAGES. If these are yours or you know who the creator(s) is please INBOX me and let me know. Thank you.
My Master Masterlist | Taglist
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Crazy: adjective, noun, and adverb. Meaning? Unusually offensive, showing as mentally unstable, unable to think clearly or sensibly, wild and uncontrollable. As a noun, it means one who acts crazy, and as an adverb, it means something is crazy good. Synonyms: Adjective: absurd, bizarre, fanciful, fantastic (also fantastical), foolish, insane, nonsensical, preposterous, unreal, wild. Synonyms: Noun: bug, crackbrain, fool, fruitcake, head case, loon, loony, lunatic, maniac, nut, nutcase, nutter [British slang], psycho, psychopath, sickie, sicko, wacko (also whacko).
All of these things are JD to a T. Unstable, wild, and uncontrollable. And yet, somehow in my clouded judgment, I think he's fantastic! But something has to give- something has to turn around and put JD in his place. We can't keep doing this, getting away with these crimes against innocent people. Though he would tell me that I am likely being irrational and that they aren't really innocuous. What if he's right? What if he's actually onto something?
Sitting in your living room, you're looking at your phone. You hear JD in your head. "Don't do it." he says. "You know better." he tells you. His voice playing over and over again in your head. You stand up and begin to pace in front of the phone. Taking in a deep breath, you reach for the telephone and dial 9-1-1, and wait. When they pick up, you start telling them you need to report crimes. When they start asking for details, your phone starts to make the sound of a dial tone.
You look around and find JD on the other side of the wall, and he shakes his head.
"I warned you, Y/N. You shouldn't have done that." He sighs, and grabs you by your hair, and drags you out of your house. You begin to kick and scream. JD stops and looks down at you with such a heavy sigh and a shake of his head. "That's not going to get you anywhere. Now, shut up, and be a good girl, yeah?"
At this moment, you hate him- you despise him. He throws you in his trunk and drives off. Screaming, punching, and kicking at the car, he turns up the volume of the music and does a break check to jolt the car to get you to stop. Defeated, you close your eyes and just pray he doesn't kill you two like he murdered those girls.
The looks of horror on their faces when he shot them, the sounds of their screams, the sounds of their silence as they hit the floor. The blood that had begun to pool around them. You tense and close your eyes, letting out a heavy breath.
Finally, the car stops. He lifts the trunk door and looks over you. "Don't make me kill you too." He asserted, licking his lips and pulling you from the trunk.
You nod and follow him into this building. With some quick-acting, he handcuffed you to the pole in the center of the abandoned building. You look over at him, you clench your jaw and snarl, you want to scream, but chances are, knowing JD, that wouldn't make a bit of difference. He clearly thought this out, and it infuriated you.
JD smirks and makes his way over to you. "You know, Y/N, you can never leave me. You're mine now. I can do whatever I'd like. Whenever I'd like. I can slice and dice ya. I can fuck you into next week... oh, the possibilities." He smirked.
You bite your lip, shaking your head, your eyes well in tears, and you bite your lip hard enough it starts to bleed, dripping down your chin. He looks over your face. "I love it when you cry." The closer he gets to you, the more you want to back up, but you can't.
You close your eyes and turn your face away- so you're not looking at him. He grips your jaw and leans in, and licks the blood from your chin. With a smirk and a manic laugh he takes the knife from his back pocket and cuts you along your collarbone and licks at the blood that begins to pool. He groans, which causes you to groan.
"That's it, pretty girl, enjoy it. Embrace it." He purrs against your ear as his hands work at your clothing. Your free hand finds its way to his excited bulge and you chuckle.
"You're fucking crazy JD."
"But I'm your crazy... Pretend to be scared, you get so wet when you do. Crazy little slut you." He mused.
"Am I your crazy slut?" You ask.
"My filthy slut." He smirks against your skin licking at your blood again.
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