#you sir have a trend going on in your career
sacredglitch · 6 months
Prime's Fallout Spoilers below
If I had a coin for everytime Michael Emerson played a disabled character with a Belgian Malinois being hunted by some governmental figure in America, I'd have two coins, which isn't a lot but it's very wild it happened twice.
Can we make it a triple, sir?
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equalseleventhirds · 1 year
I really like and agree with your post on GO s2. I haven't finished it and don't really have any interest in finishing, bc it does feel so different from the story that I've been a fan of since I've read it when I was like, 11. I think it falls into a lot of the traps that other entertainment products have fallen into when they focus in on a sidecharacter (even if those characters have a lot of prominence in the narrative) in that the reason fans gravitate to those characters is bc of their relationship to the rest of the world. You've outlined it very well in your post that humans (not just 'humanity' as a concept, but actual fleshy people doing things) are so central to GO the book. And they are also the background to a lot of the story, it's the world that gives dimension to the characters and the world of book GO is so populated with little human anecdotes that are not plot relevant but are important for the texture, the feel of the story. I think you can really see that Neil Gaiman has no experience with being a showrunner, and without the anchor of the book he falls into a lot of pitfalls re pacing, scope, worldbuilding, that make the central characters fall flat. You can be a good writer but writing for the screen is a specific skillset and running a show even more so, and I think the lack of technical skills in those areas really shines through here and makes the product as a whole not work.
hey anon, thanks for this! I had to wake up properly to read it so it took me a minute but here I am.
i think you're right about those elements of the book missing and how the focus on popular characters to the detriment of the larger world defs does fall flat, yeah.
idk enough about gaiman's tv career to really speak to whether it's an experience problem or not; to be fair, this is very much the sort of story that studios eat up, and, clearly, that audiences LOVE, and providing that is definitely a skill. it's simplified, it's dramatic and satisfying (for nonfans of the book), it's a very consumable and marketable narrative. to be fair.
(this is not to say that it's GOOD that this happens. I think fandom can elevate a work, but there's a trend in the industry towards the easiest marketable work, and that tends to cater towards the most boring aspects of fandom. like I get it but. grumblegrumblegrumble both sides BE BETTER.)
it's that comparison to the book, which for all its flaws (1990, etc) had a very different purpose and message, that kind of makes it go meh. and I'm not sure that's a problem of inexperience; I think it may be a problem of time passing, and gaiman as writer having a different sort of story he wants to tell about it (tv!gomens s1 was a love letter to sir terry pratchett, and I suspect was more about celebrating that friendship than staying true to the book's intentions; my personal feelings abt that choice, or gaiman's obliviousness to the messages so many ppl took from the book, are....... hm.)
......also as a longtime discworld fan, I have my suspicions that the things I miss most were heavily influenced by pratchett writing them. I've read books by both authors, and I think the bits about human people living their human lives being enough to change the universe show up more in pratchett's work. a bit. like I can't say for sure but I Suspect. u kno.
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jabbage · 9 months
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ichaisme · 2 years
Colossal Wonders
[Comes back from the dead with a BATIM fanfic I wrote months ago and only now finished.]
Bertrum Piedmont is at the height of his career, and when Joey Drew wants something made, he seeks out the best. Bertrum, meanwhile, doesn’t know what to make of the wet ray that appears after hours in his office.
AKA I needed to make a fic of how they met. The song ‘The Other Side’ from The Greatest Showman demanded it of me.
The man who had appeared in his office from seemingly nowhere looked disheveled and rain-soaked, clutching a briefcase like his life depended on it. Bertrum raised a brow, calmly glancing around the man towards the exit even as he considered calling the police. His late caller looked towards the carefully pinned charts and diagrams adorning his walls, seeming to (wisely) decide against shaking off the wet and instead choosing to step forward. 
“I know it’s late, but this is important! I have a business proposal!” He exclaimed, holding out the briefcase. “Before you go, I have some great ideas, and I just need another great man of action to help me execute them.”
“Sir,” Bertrum sighed softly, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Joey Drew, Mr. Piedmont.”
“…Mr. Drew. I am a very busy man. I do not have the time nor the patience to field inquiries from every man that hauls themselves out from the gutter. In your case, it seems literally.”
Where Bertrum expected to see offense, Joey replied with an increased determination. “It’s a serious proposal!” He replied, pulling the briefcase back to himself to fumble with the lock. “I had my accountant draw up the numbers, and I have some preliminary sketches, AND reviews from the media to show we’re on an upward trend of popularity. We’re going to be big, and I promise you, the idea I have is sound and profitable. I want to build a park based on my cartoons. A theme park!”
“A theme park.” Bertrum’s flat reply matched the deadpan look on his face as papers were thrust into his hands. Joey just grinned at him.
“Bendyland!” He proudly replied, “Catchy, isn’t it? Just imagine, a theme park based on the comics and cartoons of the little devil darling. There’s already interest because the show is on air, the comics on shelves. Bendy is a hit, and with Bendyland, you could meet him in person! You could partake in rides based on the existing world, take them even further!”
The park designer had to admit, his interest was piqued. He kept it quiet, but when he glanced down at the papers again, he gave them an actual, serious glance. The man had a knack for ideas, and a lot of them. The way Joey spoke, it was like the park already existed and was popular beyond their wildest imaginations. He let him prattle on while he flipped to the numbers drawn up for the proposal by a Mr. Cohen, most likely the aforementioned accountant.
The scoff silenced Joey immediately.
“Mr. Drew, I do admire your vision— you’ll go far with it I’m sure— but I do not work for peanut shells. An animator’s budget may work in your industry, but it does not in mine.” He offered back the papers, watching him flush dark with embarrassment. 
“Well… that was-“ Joey stumbled over his thoughts, only taking back the numbers paper, leaving Bertrum awkwardly holding the sketches. “That was just a preliminary idea. You of course would get better than that!”
The man turned away from him, fumbling with more paper. Bertrum sighed, tapping the back of his fountain pen against the wood of his desk. “If we’re quite done here,” he began again, startling Joey from his search, “I do wish to be home at a reasonable hour.”
An uncomfortable moment of silence passed once more before either of them spoke.
“I get it,” Joey chuckled. When he turned back to face him, the change in expression caught Bertrum off guard. “This is a challenge to take on. Amusement is a hard business to be in, let alone thrive in for as long as you have. You are world-renowned for thriving in it, in fact. You get theme parks all the time. But this? Bendyland? It’s different, I promise you.”
He set down one last sketch in front of him, a potential design for a sign for the park. “Bendyland… is another world entirely. It will entertain children and adults alike, with all the joy that entails. Humor me a moment, Mr. Piedmont. Imagine your youth. Imagine all the little things that seemed larger than life to young eyes and pure hearts. Capture that wonder and put it on a page. Then, tell me what you see.”
Bertrum rolled his eyes, but there was something in the earnest stare directed his way that kept him from bidding another firm goodnight. He obliged him, closing his eyes. 
“Give me one memory. Any memory. One thing that still sticks with you is all I ask. A little bit of magic.” 
The man noted the distinct scratch of pencil on paper, most likely to take notes. 
“...The Chicago World’s Fair,” he quietly replied, letting the rhythmic sounds of the pencil drift turn the clock back decades. “I was 15. It was… beautiful. Art and Architecture, innovation and celebration, all in one place. The river was dotted with ships of all shapes, sizes, and designs. I remember being entranced by the buildings more than anything. Grandiose. Awe-inspiring. Historic elegance melding with the trappings of modernity in breathtaking harmony. I knew then and there that I wanted to be an architect. Turning that ambition to amusement soon followed, but first… it was the love of the buildings.”
When he opened his eyes again, a new sketch replaced the sign, and Joey watched him for his reaction with a soft smile. It was a ride, that much was obvious. Joey had taken the liberty of titling it, ‘rivers of progress’. Buildings lined the waterway, each a different, beautiful style progressing through the ages. A child sat in a small boat, taking in the beauty with wonder in his eyes. How he managed to capture so much in so little time, he could not fathom.
“What is a dream but a loving rendition of a memory, Mr. Piedmont? You’ve captured your wonder with your parks. I’ve captured it with my cartoons. I think together, we could make something truly incredible. A colossal wonder, if you will.”
Under Bertrum’s slightly stunned gaze, Joey gathered his papers. Even with the haphazard way he collected them, there was a strange reverence to the way he put them away.
“But I guess I’ll leave that up to you. Thank you for your time, sir.” With one more nod and smile, he left.
Despite Bertrum’s insistence on leaving not 15 minutes earlier, he slowly sank back in his chair as the door clicked shut. His gaze drifted down to the sketch left behind, lingering on the little added details far longer than he cared to admit. Then, he spotted it. In very small print next to the man’s signature was a series of numbers, presumably the studio’s phone number. He scoffed once more at the cheek, at the assumption that he’d be looking so closely at the sketch that he would even notice that number. Still, he had to admire the brazen confidence the man had in his vision. 
Joey startled from sleep to the sound of ringing from the corner of the room. He pushed away any papers that had stuck to his face (the unfortunate side effect of falling asleep at work), and quickly answered the phone. The voice on the other end offered no greeting and no introduction. 
“...I’ll be over tomorrow for further negotiations.”
Bertrum thankfully did not hear Joey’s celebratory noises when he hung up. 
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careerguide1 · 4 days
Data Analytics: Challenges and How to Overcome Them
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Have you ever wondered how challenging data analytics truly is? If the complexity seems overwhelming, you're not alone. Data analytics may appear daunting, but with the right mindset and tools, anyone can master it. Let's explore the challenges and what makes this field both fascinating and achievable.
The Challenges in Data Analytics
Mastering Technical Skills Learning technical skills is essential for success in data analytics. For those who are less comfortable with math, this might seem like a hurdle. While modern software handles complex calculations, a basic understanding of math remains crucial. As you progress, you’ll need to develop skills in programming languages like Python, working with SQL, understanding data structures, and creating effective data visualizations.
For anyone eager to build these skills, Data Analytics training in Pune offers hands-on learning to tackle these challenges head-on.
Gaining Practical Experience Data analysts go beyond just crunching numbers. They turn raw data into actionable insights that guide business decisions. The job often starts with simplifying large datasets and presenting them in clear, understandable formats for decision-makers.
Data Cleaning One of the most time-consuming tasks in data analytics is data cleaning—preparing raw data, correcting errors, and ensuring consistency. Although overwhelming at first, data cleaning becomes easier with practice and is critical for successful analysis.
Staying Current The field of data analytics is constantly evolving. Keeping up with new tools and trends can be challenging, but it's also an exciting aspect for those who love innovation and continuous learning. Data analysts who stay up-to-date with changes in the industry open themselves to diverse career opportunities.
Tips for Starting Your Data Analytics Journey
Build a Solid Foundation To succeed in data analytics, you need a strong foundation in databases, statistics, mathematics, and technical tools like Python, SQL, and data visualization. Focus on mastering:
Data Structures
Data Cleaning
Invest in Your Skills Industries ranging from healthcare to finance are seeking skilled data analysts. Investing in data analytics training, such as those offered in Pune, can lead to rewarding and well-paying career opportunities.
Gradual Skill Development Learning data analytics is a step-by-step process. Once you've built your foundation, choose an area of focus. Whether it's SQL, Python, or statistics, developing depth in a specific area will help you stand out.
Build a Portfolio A well-curated portfolio showcasing your work is key to landing a job in data analytics. Include personal projects or case studies completed during your training, as these can demonstrate your ability to apply skills in real-world scenarios.
Network and Collaborate Networking is invaluable in data analytics. Join professional communities like Reddit or GitHub to stay informed, connect with peers, and receive feedback on your projects. These platforms are also great for discovering new opportunities.
Ready to Get Started?
With demand for data analysts growing, entering this field has never been more accessible. Whether or not you come from a technical background, dedication and curiosity are all it takes to succeed. Data Analytics training in Pune- by Mayank Sir provides comprehensive courses designed to accommodate learners from all walks of life. Start your journey today and unlock the exciting world of data analytics!
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digiindia-18 · 1 month
Discover the Best Digital Marketing Courses in Indiranagar
In today’s fast-paced digital world, having expertise in digital marketing is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity. Businesses, big and small, are increasingly shifting their focus to online platforms, creating a surge in demand for skilled digital marketers. If you’re in Indiranagar and looking to capitalize on this trend, enrolling in a digital marketing course could be your gateway to a lucrative and fulfilling career. This article will guide you through the best digital marketing courses in Indiranagar, their benefits, and how they can help you become a successful digital marketer.
Why Digital Marketing?
Before diving into the specific courses, it’s essential to understand why digital marketing is a skill worth mastering. The rise of the internet and the proliferation of social media have changed the way businesses interact with their customers. Traditional marketing strategies are being complemented or even replaced by digital marketing tactics. This shift has created a growing need for professionals who understand how to effectively leverage online platforms to drive business growth.
Digital marketing encompasses various strategies such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and paid advertising. Mastering these techniques can help you create and manage successful online campaigns that generate leads, increase brand awareness, and boost sales.
Benefits of Enrolling in a Digital Marketing Course
1. Structured Learning: Digital marketing is a vast field, and trying to learn it on your own can be overwhelming. A well-structured course provides a clear learning path, ensuring that you cover all the essential aspects of digital marketing systematically.
2. Hands-on Experience: Theoretical knowledge is important, but practical experience is crucial. Most digital marketing courses offer hands-on projects and real-world assignments that help you apply what you’ve learned in a practical setting.
3. Industry-Relevant Skills: Digital marketing trends and tools are constantly evolving. Enrolling in a course helps you stay updated with the latest industry practices, ensuring that your skills remain relevant in a competitive job market.
4. Networking Opportunities: Joining a digital marketing course in Indiranagar also means connecting with like-minded individuals, industry experts, and potential employers. Networking can open doors to job opportunities and collaborations.
5. Certification: Most courses offer a certification upon completion, which can be a valuable addition to your resume. Employers often look for certified professionals when hiring for digital marketing roles.
Top Digital Marketing Courses in Indiranagar
Indiranagar, being one of Bangalore’s bustling hubs, is home to several reputable institutes offering digital marketing courses. Here’s a look at some of the best options available:
1. Aadme
Aadme is a genuine institute to learn digital marketing most recommended especially in a place like indiranagar. Aadme's digital marketing course is Asia's No. 1 AI based digital marketing learning program.
Alok sir is in this field from last 20 years and he is very experienced trainer all over India for digital marketing training.
Aadme's digital marketing program is great for all types of people, whether they are students, job seekers, working professionals, housewives, businessmen etc.
Course Syllabus 
The Aadme Digital Marketing Course is an in-depth program. It has 10 major leadership modules Syllabus which covers all aspects of digital marketing.
Leadership 1: Go-To-Market & Business Fundamental Leadership.
Leadership 2: Brand Building & Advanced Social Media Selling.
Leadership 3: SEO in-Depth For Marketing Leaders.
Leadership 4: E-Commerce Marketing in-depth.
Leadership 5: Paid Advertisement & Marketing Automation Leadership.
Leadership 6: Agency & Entrepreneurship Mastery.
Leadership 7: Business Growth Hacking.
Leadership 8: Webinar Leadership.
Leadership 9: Personal Branding.
Leadership 10: Copy Writing Mastery.
 Course Highlights
Aadme's Digital Marketing course covers everything that a digital marketing aspirant needs to learn. 
Lifetime Mentorship: Once you enroll in this course, you do not need to go anywhere as it is a one-time investment for your career for the rest of your life. You will continue to receive guidance throughout your life.
Guaranteed Internship: During the time you are doing this course, you will also get a chance to do a paid internship for two months, which will help in your career a lot.
Personalized Training: The batches in this course are small, and the live classes allow students to ask doubts one by one to their mentors.
Lifetime Access to LMS: This course also gives you recorded classes in auto-upgradeable mode for a lifetime, so this content never gets outdated. 
2. NIIT Digital Marketing Training
NIIT is a global leader in skills and talent development, and their digital marketing course in Indiranagar is highly regarded. The course is designed to provide a deep understanding of digital marketing concepts, tools, and strategies. It includes modules on SEO, social media marketing, content creation, analytics, and more. NIIT also offers personalized mentoring and placement support.
Course Highlights:
Duration: 6 months
Mode: Classroom
Certification: Yes
Placement Assistance: Yes
3. Web Marketing Academy
Web Marketing Academy in Indiranagar is another excellent choice for those looking to gain expertise in digital marketing. Their courses are designed for beginners as well as professionals looking to enhance their skills. The academy offers hands-on training with live projects and case studies, ensuring that students gain practical experience.
Course Highlights:
Duration: 4-6 months
Mode: Classroom
Certification: Yes
Placement Assistance: Yes
4. UpGrad Digital Marketing Certification
UpGrad is known for its quality online education, and their digital marketing certification is no exception. While not exclusively based in Indiranagar, their online course offers flexibility for working professionals and students alike. The course covers key digital marketing areas, including SEO, SEM, social media, email marketing, and more. UpGrad also provides mentorship and career support services.
Course Highlights:
Duration: 6 months
Mode: Online
Certification: Yes
Placement Assistance: Yes
What to Look for in a Digital Marketing Course
When choosing a digital marketing course in Indiranagar, consider the following factors:
1. Curriculum: Ensure that the course covers all critical aspects of digital marketing, including SEO, social media, content marketing, email marketing, and analytics.
2. Mode of Learning: Decide whether you prefer classroom learning, online learning, or a hybrid model. Each has its advantages, depending on your schedule and learning preferences.
3. Practical Experience: Look for courses that offer hands-on projects, real-world assignments, and case studies. Practical experience is essential for understanding how digital marketing strategies work in real-life scenarios.
4. Certification: A recognized certification can add value to your resume and make you stand out to potential employers.
5. Placement Assistance: If you’re looking to start a career in digital marketing, choose a course that offers placement assistance or career support services.
Enrolling in a digital marketing course in Indiranagar can be a game-changer for your career. With the growing importance of digital marketing in today’s business landscape, having the right skills and knowledge is crucial. Whether you’re a beginner looking to start a new career or a professional aiming to upgrade your skills, the digital marketing courses mentioned in this article can help you achieve your goals.
Choose a course that aligns with your learning style and career objectives, and take the first step towards becoming a successful digital marketer. With dedication and the right training, you can unlock endless opportunities in the digital marketing industry.
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fuwushiguro · 3 years
I'm Bad At Keeping My Emotions Bubbled
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Day Thirty: Hate Fucking + Branding | 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓
Zeke Yeager x f!reader Genre: Smut Notes: “You can't interfere with destiny, that's why it's destiny. And if you try to interfere, the same thing's just going to happen anyway, and you'll just suffer.” - name the movie and u get a prize <3 Warnings: 18+, teacher/student relationships, inappropriate relationships, misogyny, cigarette branding, rough sex, hate sex, bullying mention, sir kink, power dynamics, spitting, degradation. Words: 1.8k
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One of the proudest days in Zeke’s life was when he discovered Eren was on track to becoming a teaching assistant. That is how he began his own illustrious teaching career. He was even happier to discover he’d be working at his institution alongside him. But, alas, Eren’s career ended almost as soon as it began. And that was the fault of you. Of course Zeke scolded his younger brother, after all, how could he be so fucking stupid as to fuck a student? He didn’t think anyone would find out, foolishly. But your mother did. And she didn’t want anything to compromise your future. It’s rare to see a student obsessed with makeup equally as obsessed with her education. Even after being burnt by you, Eren couldn’t compliment your tight snatch enough.
Zeke knew it was unreasonable to believe he’d get long with all of his students.
But he absolutely abhors you.
What bothers Zeke the most is how you came out of the whole scandal absolutely unscathed. No one knows what a slut you are. Nobody knows you pimped your pussy out to a member of staff. You’re just pretty and glamorous, an intelligent virgin to your peers. Eren lost everything, while you were probably destined to become ruler of the world.
Times have changed, he thinks. It’s odd to him that being smart is on trend nowadays. He certainly got his fair share of teasing whilst in education, though he’s sure the glasses didn’t help. You, however, are exceedingly popular. You look the part, too. Glossy lips and expensive perfume. Your mother must have paid for you to have your teeth whitened too, correct? He can’t help but noticed the way you’re biting that pink bejewelled pen between them.
The moment his class ends whenever you’re in them is the happiest moment of his day. You look at him with fuck me eyes, like you’re taunting him. Because you both know what you did to his brother. He hates you, and you know it. He’s just so fun to tease. You stand from your seat and pack your bag as he dismisses everyone. A group of girlfriends and a few boys ask if you’ll be joining them. You shake your head with a smile, you’d love to, but you have something else to do first. His blood curdles when he hears the honeyed words spill from your dewy lips.
You need to discuss something with professor Zeke.
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The classroom empties, and he hates how easily you take control of a room. It isn’t your place to close the door after everyone leaves. And he feels all the more uncomfortable when he hears the door lock. He pulls his glasses from his face, wiping them with a tissue he had tucked in his blazer breast pocket.
“What is it?”
“I just wanted to let you know we’ll be spending a lot of time together, Professor Yeager.” you grin, twirling your hair like a fucking cliché with one finger. He doesn’t speak, clearing his throat as he implores you to continue. “I’m running for student body president, and I’m confident I’ll win.”
It’s a crushing blow for Zeke. And it’s because you’re completely right. Of course you’ll win. You were born, bred and raised to take on the role of student body president. It’s your conniving mother, she smothers you and you let her. You let her, because she knows what’s best. You are the best. And she wants you to be the best you can be. The greatest opportunities will fall at your lap and it’s sickening. You don’t deserve it. Because you are a loathsome little bitch.
Not only that, but you’re right that you’ll be spending a lot of time with Zeke.
He oversees the student government, after all.
You’re a flirt by nature, you can’t help yourself. Zeke can’t blame Eren for falling victim to your charms. Even Zeke is hardening subtly as he stares at your plump lips smiling at him. Do you want him to take things further? Or is this just who you are?
Zeke removes of box of cigarettes from the same pocket he retrieved his tissues, slotting one between his lips. It strikes you as odd that he doesn’t have a lighter. Instead, he has a box of matches in his desk drawer that he pulls out. He strikes one, lighting his cigarette with ease. The orange cherry on the end immediately sparking to life.
“I- I don’t think you are allowed to smoke in here, sir.” you tell him, waving the wafting smoke away from your features. God forbid tar and tobacco sully your perfect pink lungs. The title you give him takes him aback slightly, too, and you do notice. It’s subtle. Subtle enough that you shouldn’t have noticed. But you begin to smile instead. “Did you hear what I said… sir?”
“I don’t like you very much, you know?” he admits, casually. It was abrupt, and it actually damaged your ego. What wasn’t there to like about you? You’re pretty, you’re smart, you’re popular. He should be obsessed with you. A young… supple student eager to learn. “In fact, I’d go as far to say that I despise you.”
You beckon closer to him. Each click of your heel punctuating your step. One foot in front of the other. Your hips sway, and your obscenely short skirt rises with each movement. You’re fingers linger atop your breast. They crawl closer to the opening of the of your shirt, pulling the material open to reveal more of your soft, tender flesh. You mustn’t be wearing a bra. He can see your nipples stiffening beneath your shirt.
“Is it because I got your pathetic, limp dick brother fired?” you ask, fluttering your lashes and running your tongue across the top row of your teeth. He’s flabbergasted. That sweet innocent façade is gone and the bitch who robbed his brother of his future is right before his eyes. He grabs your wrist, pulling you closer to him before forcing your legs against his desk.
“Bend over,” he commands. You jolt when you feel a rough hand slap the swell of your ass. He forces your head down onto the desk with a harsh thud. He’s much different to his younger brother. “how come you didn’t get burnt? Hm? You suffered no consequences at all.” he asks you.
“Because I’m- ah—!” you cry, unable to finish your sentence. Zeke pressed the burning end of his cigarette to your soft ass, making his mark on your untainted skin. “Please, sir!”
“That’s right, I’m in fucking charge here so give me the respect I deserve.” he instructs, relighting the end of his cigarette so he can brand you again. He snickers when he sees tears rolling down your dolled up face. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen you with an imperfection before. Your fist comes down hard, banging on the table as you do your best to withstand the agonizing burning you’re experiencing. Your mascara is smeared down your face. He likes you like this. A stupid, imperfect, mess. You’ll be able to fix your makeup again.
But those little burn marks on you are forever.
Several burns later, and he feels he's had his thrill of marking you as his pathetic property. He slaps your rear, directly on your scorched skin, making you jolt and cry louder.
“Aw, that hurt honey?” he patronisingly inquires. You nod shakily. “I’ll cool it down for you.” he tells you. His lips purse and contort as he does something with his tongue. He’s gathering saliva. He spits it carefully, directly onto your new scars and smears it in. Your wincing in pain, unable to believe someone so sadistic has been allowed to become an educator. You cringe when he slaps your behind again, droplets of his DNA splattering across your cheek.
“Mr Yeager, please.”
He kicks your legs open, revealing your pretty panties to him. They’re cute. Lace. He didn’t expect anything less of you. He can see a little damp patch on the material. What a trooper you are. Did you like getting burnt?
He grasps your hips, digging into the delicate flesh he’s holding. They don’t settle long, yanking down your panties so they rest in a puddle around your ankles. He slaps your unmarked ass cheek, demanding that you step out of your underwear. But he tells you to keep them wrapped around your opposite ankle, that’s his favourite side of you. So beautifully decorated for him, his little whore.
The unmistakable sound of a zipper comes down. Your back arches when you feel him run his cock through your folds. You’re oh so pliant for him. He sees why people like you now. You’re quite the good girl when you aren’t being such an aggravating cunt. Speaking of cunts – he sees what Eren meant about yours.
His cock is practically sucked into you when he prods at your entrance. So, fucking tight. Definitely the tightest little pussy he’s ever had. A moment of clarity hits him, he’s fucking his student. He’s going to get fired just as Eren had. How could he let this happen? Maybe it isn’t too late to stop. He could pull out, and both of you could forget all about—
“Sir, gimme your cock. Wanna cum f’you.”
Manipulative little bitch. You are. How could he not start humping wildly into you when you say something so slutty like that? He feels incredible. You’ve never been fucked like this, like a disgusting animal who doesn’t deserve any love or affection. He’s not attentive, he doesn’t care about you at all. He’s fucking all of his hatred of you right back into your cock-gripping slot.
“S’much better than Eren, sir.” you hum. “Ah—!” you scream again when he slaps your searing ass. You’re moaning uncontrollably as he puts his weight behind each devasting thrust of his hips. All he can think about is cumming inside. Did Eren cum inside? Are you protected? Does he dare risk it? His hand covers your mouth as he begins to feel you spasm around him. You’re close. He can tell by your erratic breaths. How could you get tighter than you already were? Such a slut. Such a nasty little whore.
It’s a beautiful sight when he sees your eyes cross and your head thud against his desk once more. It doesn’t take long for him to feel a tightness in his balls and he emptied himself inside of you. Fuck. You got him. You bitch. You horrid fucking bitch. He hates you.
You feel his dripping desire dribble down your inner thighs, and you’ve never felt so complete. So full. So full of him. And when you turn to face him, you can see that burning hatred still blinding his vision.
Oh yes. You must fuck him again.
It seems like being student body president will be even better than you thought.
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© 2021 fuwushiguro
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 299: No Chains Left
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “and then AFO broke out all of the inmates from six other prisons and took a nap. well anyways, here’s the hospital angst.” Kacchan woke up two days later and was all, “WAIT BUT HOW ARE DEKU AND TODOROKI AND ALL OF THE OTHER CHARACTERS EXCEPT IIDA DOING” and then we cut to Shouto’s room where the other U.A. kids were sitting around being Mutually Traumatized and giving each other moral support and such. Everyone was alll, “...”, and then the rest of the Todofam showed up, INCLUDING POSSIBLY REI?! which, omg. The chapter ended with Kacchan STOMPING THROUGH THE HALLS all “WHADDYA MEAN DEKU HASN’T WOKEN UP YET”, dragging along Satou and Mineta behind him, fueled by the power of ALL OF THE FUCKS HE NOW GIVES. He gives so many fucks now you guys. This boy cares so much he can probably deduct it on his taxes.
Today on BnHA: SPEAKING OF PEOPLE WHO GIVE A LOT OF FUCKS, the story cuts abruptly to Hawks, freshly recovering from his near-death experience, and pondering the threads that have weaved the tapestry of his life and led him to this moment. Basically he grew up in poverty with his Jerk Dad and Jerk Mom until his dad got arrested one day and his mom sent him off to go Find Money Or Something, and so he rescued a busload of people and found himself a new career. Back in the present day, Hawks and Jeanist ride around town in Jeanist’s Jamborghini having awkward encounters with civilians in a country on the brink of social collapse, and visiting Hawks’s mother’s home. Hawks is all “I know from an outsider’s perspective it must look like my life currently sucks, but now that the HPSC is gone, my public image is shot, and my parents are finally out of my life, I’m actually feeling SURPRISINGLY GOOD.” Anyway so he’s gonna go meet up with Endeavor now, and p.s. this chapter was fucking fantastic though, damn.
oh my god?? is this Hawks narration?? something about him growing up watching the heroes on TV and thinking of them as fictional characters
okay I scrolled down a little bit more to see the rest of that “Keigo” panel, and wow
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this is basically a shed. poor boy definitely grew up rough. let me tell you guys, I came in here ready for some BakuDeku shenanigans; I was not prepared for Hawks Flashback Angst. I AM HERE FOR IT, but also wow I gotta brace myself now lol
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BnHA sure does have an array of Jerk Dads, doesn’t it. makes me appreciate characters like Masaru and JirouDad all the more for bucking the trend
anyway. so Horikoshi, you really thought that one itty bitty chapter of hospital catharsis would be enough to calm us all before you went right back to showing us child abuse huh. my god man can we rest
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swear to god this kid can’t be more than five or six, and yet he has this completely blank look on his face even with his dad looming over him being all threatening and shit. like he’s shut down his emotions to protect himself. imagine what has to happen to a child for him to have learned this at such a young age. fuck
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don’t mingle with humans?? not “other” humans, just humans?? what is this implying here?? and also holy shit Hawks definitely didn’t inherit his looks from his dad orz
then again he doesn’t really bear much of a resemblance to his strung-out mom here either
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omg omg omg. and this child is basically trapped here in this environment with these two people. this explains a SHITLOAD about Hawks’s personality though you guys. his ability to completely separate his real thoughts from the face he presents to the outside world. his pragmatic approach to analyzing and solving problems. his layers of emotional walls. turns out almost none of that came from the HPSC training -- that was all learned hands-on in his own personal do-or-die survival nightmare childhood!! oh, boy
and small wonder then that he latched on to Endeavor so strongly if he really is the one who brought down his dad and inadvertently saved him from this. also, just putting this out there, I know people are always talking about him and Dabi being foils, and I think it’s very interesting how Touya grew up in a household where he saw firsthand the dark side of hero society, and so ended up becoming a villain in order to bring it down. whereas young Keigo had almost the exact opposite experience, growing up experiencing the dark side of villain society and becoming a hero in order to bring about a world where no one else has to experience that. just. both of them are so determined not to become their fathers. some interesting parallels there
so Hawks was sort of an accident after his parents had “thanks for helping me not get caught after I killed that guy” sex, and now this little boy is growing up in squalor and being beaten by his father for things like Sitting In The Wrong Out-Of-The-Way Corner Trying Not To Be A Bother To Anybody. holy fuck. this is so rough to read through you guys
wait so does Jerk Dad have a an eyeball manipulation quirk?? because he doesn’t have the wings like his son, but wth are these things??
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this presumably also means that Keigo has never been to school or anything either. he basically doesn’t exist. he thinks heroes are fictional characters, he doesn’t realize that they’re real people. these are people who could help him if he could escape and find them, but he doesn’t know, and they don’t know about him
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how could this child possibly have an anti-fandom when he’s done NOTHING WRONG HIS ENTIRE LIFE. huh. just explain that to me. lol I mean I’m not looking to pick a fight with anyone, but also, MAYBE I AM, idk?? this kid has gotten me all riled up lmao
anyways, Protect Keigo 2021, and thank you Horikoshi for these three very terrible pages. I am pleased to inform you that you’ve effectively gotten your point across and you may now commence saving this kid already
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oh no, Keigo’s dumbass jerk dad tried to steal a car and the popo nabbed his ass and now his mom can’t just sit around neglecting her VERY YOUNG SON all day long, oh horrors. sorry lady my tiny violin is on backorder. just imagine that I’m playing a very sarcastic song on it for you
anyway so what are you gonna do now, abandon him? I can hardly imagine he’d be worse off, if anything it might be a near-instant improvement
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lol what a randomly pivotal moment in his young life. TIME TO GO MAKE THESE MEMES INTO DREAMS YOUNG ONE
anyway so his mom freaked out and grabbed him and they wound up at a train station with her TELLING HIM TO GO GET HER SOME MONEY, oh my god. SURE MOM LEMME JUST WALTZ RIGHT ON DOWN TO THE “JOBS FOR FIVE-YEAR-OLDS” STORE AND TELL THEM I NEED SOME CASH. ffff manifesting someone to come help him in 3... 2...
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SIGH, JUST GO RESCUE THE PEOPLE FROM THE BUS, KEIGO. is this the outfit he was wearing when that happened?? it must be, right?? I can’t imagine them surviving more than a couple days out here unless this starts getting REALLY dark in a way I know that even Horikoshi won’t explore, so yeah. cut to the HPSC now please. never thought we’d be glad to see them. I mean sure, it may be an “out of the frying pan...” case, but good god
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and I guess it was his mom’s eyeball quirk then. anyway, whatever, see you again never, hopefully. lol oh man. thaaaat, was upsetting. need to center myself here for a sec. NAMASTE
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so we cut from Baby Hawks Angst straight to Present Day Hawks Angst, huh. not that this exhausted and traumatized lil lad isn’t still a baby to me too, I’ll have you know
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“WHEW, THOUGHT YOU DIED ON ME FOR A SEC THERE KID.” lmao. Caleb will no doubt ruin this by making his word choice all stiffly formal as usual, so I’m just going to treasure this “WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT, I’M FRESH OUT OF FUCKS” version of Jeanist while I can
look at him, driving his Jeanistmobile
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again, is it any wonder Kacchan was bitching about Endeavor’s dinky little car when he was used to riding around town in style like this. anyone else staring at this panel trying to figure out how this car is somehow secretly made of jeans
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anyway so Jeanist is all “GOOD THING IT’S THE FUTURE AND WE’RE SO GOOD AT MEDICAL SCIENCE” to handwave how Hawks went from one step shy of being a very handsome corpse, to sitting around texting Jeanist in a car all of two days later
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wait a minute. I’m so confused lmfao. soooo, was Hawks all “anyway, here’s Jeanist’s dead body, you can examine it but please don’t look at him too closely and also I’m gonna need that back unharmed.” how tf did you pull that off lmao
(ETA: also isn’t this technically confirmation of the ol’ Noumu Jeanist theory lol. I’m gonna go ahead and say it is.)
NO BUT PLEASE, CONTINUE. I unironically love reading Horikoshi’s overly convoluted “SEE IT’S NOT A PLOT HOLE” explanations
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lkldslfk so wait, you’re telling me Hawks convinced Dabi and the League to put Jeanist’s body in storage, and basically just hoped they wouldn’t use him for any experiments until he could put his plan into action and have the HPSC’s people break in and find and revive him?? WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG. A FOOLPROOF PLAN IF I’VE EVER HEARD ONE
fff this man really asked Jeanist to risk it all to prop up his little cover story, and Jeanist was all “sure why not” omfg. anyways, thanks for recapping all of this out loud for no particular reason in your car conversation you two
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okay no it’s just some random thugs strolling around terrorizing the downtown. fuck ‘em. so Jeanist is making short work of them now
uh oh
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won’t come? not can’t, but won’t?? what???
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well I guess that makes the local heroes A BUNCH OF SHITHEADS now doesn’t it?? jesus
and okay, serious question, if the cops are spread too thin and the heroes have literally walked out on the job, what exactly is stopping everyone from deciding to use their quirks to defend themselves, legal or not? nothing, as far as I can tell. society just got a hell of a lot more chaotic
anyway so this is an interesting panel here
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man, Dabi really did pull it off, didn’t he. well anyway so here’s that better world all of the villains were wanting, you guys! isn’t it so great?? everyone’s terrified and angry and losing hope and society is inches away from collapsing into total anarchy! but hey, at least we exposed the number one hero as a hypocrite
anyway so what are these guys up to
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fucking hell, he’s visiting his mom. I really wasn’t prepared to commit this much emotional energy towards reading this chapter today. BUT VERY WELL, WE PRESS ON
?? wait she’s not there?
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is this supposed to explain how Dabi knew who Hawks really was? except that there’s the little matter of how he even know where to find his mother in the first place. feels like we’re still missing something there, but oh well
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and in all seriousness, I love that identity he chooses -- chooses, because it actually is him making a choice now, possibly for the very first time in his life -- is “guy who helps people”, though. it really is nothing short of miraculous that he held on to that kind of optimism and desire to do good even with everything he’s been through. there were so many times he could have chosen to turn his back on the world in retaliation for the way it treated him. but he didn’t!! and here he is now, finally free, and what he wants to do with the rest of his life now is simply to help others. anyway please excuse me for a moment, I need to go find some sort of basket or a big vase to put all of my fresh new Hawks Feels in, pardonne-moi
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“FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS, MISTER JEANIST, WHERE DID YOU FIND YOUSELF THAT SWEETASS CAR.” hey, all I’m saying is if this boy’s wings really aren’t growing back, he’s gonna need to find himself a new means of transportation y’know?
oh my god you guys it’s a flashback to his mom buying him the Endeavor plushie when he was like two because, and I quote, ALL MIGHT WAS TOO EXPENSIVE
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oh my god oh my god. my boy out here with a new lease on life finding hope in the darkest of times
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wasn’t your throat supposed to be all fucked up lmao. Horikoshi was suddenly all “oh shit the VAs are gonna be pissed at me if I keep this up huh”
“that’s why Bubaigawara was such a great guy” motherfucker IT IS A TERRIBLE DAY FOR RAIN. FORECAST SAID NOTHING ABOUT THIS
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yes ma’am. yes indeed. confirmed, I really will straight up fight some motherfuckers for this child. well not really, but YOU KEEP YOUR DISCOURSE OFF MY LAWN AND OUT OF MY BLOG YOU HEAR. THIS IS A HAWKS-FRIENDLY SPACE. WE RESPECT TAKAMI KEIGO IN THESE STREETS
and he’s saying (or is he thinking?? what a weirdly shaped speech bubble this is) that even if what Dabi said about the Todoroki household is true, “I’m not sure it’s the same now.” which happens to be ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. man this whole chapter really is all about saying “fuck the past” and moving forward and I am living for it
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“the first step is at my beginning” fklkjlk. what an iconic fucking line??
you guys. I came here ready for some BAKUDEKU HOSPITAL ANGST, and I got DIDDLY SHIT of that, and none of my other kids were even in this chapter, but!!! ASK ME IF I CARE LMAO omg. because bird son is hanging with his new best friend, and he’s out here Finding Himself and picking up the pieces and putting them back together stronger than ever because RESILIENCE HAS A NAME, AND IT’S SPELLED H-A-W-K-S, and you guys. profound, my love for this child. holy shit. hey google, play Silence by Marshmello
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newmusickarl · 3 years
Album & EP Recommendations
My word, the music world has well and truly spoiled us this week!
The past seven days has seen a colossal avalanche of new releases, so much so I’ve barely had chance to keep up with it all. Although this is not the full list of everything from the past seven days, here are the 16 (yes, 16!) new releases I’ve enjoyed the most this week.
As there is so much to get through the rundowns are (mostly) a bit shorter than normal and there is no single Album of the Week, instead I simply recommend checking out whichever album or track sounds most appealing depending on your preferred taste.
So without further ado then, here’s what’s good:
Californian Soil by London Grammar
It’s been four years since the release of London Grammar’s last record Truth Is A Beautiful Thing - an album that I enjoyed, but I’ll admit also left me feeling somewhat underwhelmed coming off the back of their incredible breakout debut, If You Wait. As it turns out, the band themselves were also having a tough time around that period, with front woman Hannah Reid in particular battling relentless industry sexism, as well as the persistent physical pain caused by her fibromyalgia condition. With this being the case, it is amazing that the young indie-pop trio have made it to their third album at all, let alone delivering what is their best work to date.
Opening on a grand, string-drenched Intro, the record soon morphs into the sun-soaked guitars and soaring orchestration of the album’s glorious title track. It marks an early highlight as Reid catches the audience up with the tribulations of the last few years – “I left my soul on Californian soil.” From there the album doesn’t really let up as the band move through a series of career-defining tracks – the gorgeous contemporary groove of Missing, the dance-influenced How Does It Feel, the chilled-out ambience of the dreamy Baby, It’s You and the sublime, stripped-back closer America.
However, the album’s strongest moment comes when Reid confronts music industry sexism head on with defiant anthem Lord It’s A Feeling. Beginning with some twinkly xylophone, before evolving into an atmospheric synth-laced backdrop where Reid pulls no punches:
“I saw the way you made her feel, like she should be somebody else,
I know you think the stars align for you and not for her as well,
I undеrstand, I can admit that I have felt those things mysеlf”
The cutting lyrics against some blinding quiet rave instrumentation leaves quite the impression, as does this sterling record in general. After a slight misstep, London Grammar have well and truly rediscovered themselves and they have honestly never sounded better – a truly incredible album.
If You Could Have It All Again by Low Island
Oxford electo-pop outfit Low Island are another band that have defied expectations to get to this point. This, their debut album, was not recorded in a professional music studio – in fact, the vocals were recorded in a bedroom cupboard of all places. The band themselves don’t even have a manager or a record label. In every sense of the word, they are a truly independent band. For a self-financed, self-produced effort, If You Could Have It All Again is a quite remarkable first outing.
From melodic, uplifting opener Hey Man, the record quickly jumps into spoken word electro punk banger What Do You Stand For, featuring acid-drenched synths and a dancefloor-ready groove. Fans of FIFA 21 will recall Don’t Let the Light In, with the glitchy pulse of recent single Who’s Having the Greatest Time also standing out. That said, it’s the smooth, infectious sway of I Do It For You that still pulls me in the most.
Having followed the band since their early EPs, I’ve been rooting for Low Island for a while now and this is one debut album I was highly anticipating this year. Safe to say, my expectations have been met – this is a fantastic, accomplished record, which leaves me eager to see where they go next.
The Greatest Mistake Of My Life by Holding Absence
There was a time when the difficult second album used to be a thing, but listening to the sophomore effort from Welsh rock band Holding Absence this week, I’m really not sure that exists anymore. After a dramatic and impressive self-titled debut two years ago, the band have wasted little time taking things up a notch, with this new album cinematic and masterfully produced from beginning to end.
From standout singalong anthems like Afterlife and In Circles, to the album’s epic seven-minute penultimate track Mourning Song, The Greatest Mistake of My Life shows a band pushing themselves and driving forward with ambition at every opportunity. In a year packed with outstanding rock and metal albums already, this is most definitely another one you can add onto that list. Soaring, impressive and demanding of repeat listens.
We Forgot We Were Dreaming by Saint Raymond
It’s been six long years since Nottingham-born singer-songwriter Callum Burrows, AKA Saint Raymond, released his debut album. However it seems the time away has been well spent as this long-awaited follow-up finds Burrows in fine form, with this album packed to the brim with catchy, glossily produced indie-pop anthems.
From the brilliant title track that opens the record, to the bouncy riffs of Right Way Round, Talk and Solid Gold, to more subdued and heartfelt moments like Only You, this album will have you smiling, singing your heart out and dancing your troubles away.
Flu Game by AJ Tracey
AJ Tracey may have only been three years old when Michael Jordan was winning NBA championships with the Chicago Bulls, but that hasn’t stopped him making a record influenced by the legendary icon and his famous 1997 Flu Game. Like many others including myself, grime superstar AJ Tracey spent lockdown watching the brilliant The Last Dance documentary, and this record weirdly works as a fantastic unofficial companion, but also just a great summer rap record.
McCartney III Imagined by Paul McCartney
Even if like me you completely missed Sir Paul McCartney’s 2020 album McCartney III, it’s well worth checking out this reimagining, where he has called on the help of some of his famous musician pals. This is a real who’s who line up of guest features including Beck, Khurangbin, St. Vincent, Blood Orange, Phoebe Bridgers, Damon Albarn, Josh Homme, Anderson .Paak and more, making for quite a fascinating mix of sounds and styles.
Moratorium (Broadcasts from The Interruption) by Enter Shikari
And finally on the albums front this week, genre-benders Enter Shikari have released a brilliant compilation of all their lockdown live performances, headlined by an incredible string-tinged acoustic version of The Dreamer’s Hotel and a beautifully stripped-back “At Home” rendition of Live Outside.
Tracks of the Week
Introvert by Little Simz
Wow, wow and wow again. Still fairly fresh off the back of her masterful, Mercury Prize nominated third album Grey Area, this week British rapper Little Simz released the first taste of her next record in the form of this epic and triumphant opening track. At six minutes in length, this majestic and operatic political anthem aims to grab the listener by the collar and shake them awake. Without a doubt, one of the best songs of the year so far, the powerful video for which you can view above.
Smile by Wolf Alice
The second taste of their forthcoming album Blue Weekend, Smile continues Wolf Alice’s pattern for alternating Loud/Soft releases, with this one featuring buzzy guitars, punky vocals and a hypnotic chorus melody.
Beautiful Beaches by James
Although written off the back of the California wildfires that impacted front man Tim Booth’s local community, the lyrics on the band’s latest anthem purposefully offer a dual meaning, giving hope to those dreaming of a post-lockdown getaway and fresh start.
He Said She Said by CHVRCHES
The Scottish trio made their much-anticipated return this week, with Lauren Mayberry also sharing her experiences of sexism on this arena-ready synth-pop banger.
Matty Healy by Georgia Twinn
Georgia Twinn delivers an infectiously catchy break-up anthem, inspired by an ex-boyfriend, who’s most interesting feature was supposedly looking like the 1975 frontman.
Kill It by Vukovi
Underground Scottish rock outfit Vukovi’s new single is so good, they even managed to get KILL IT trending over the weekend of its release. Masterfully produced with big bold riffs and trancey synths, this one just sounds huge.
Can’t Carry On by Gruff Rhys
The latest solo single from the former Super Furry Animals frontman is a stunning, super-melodic tune with an instant chorus you’ll be singing before the track has even finished its first play.
Ceremony by Deftones
One of the highlights off their last album Ohms, the nu-metal rockers have now delivered a cinematic new video directed by horror legend Leigh Whannell. Check it out!
Chasing Birds by Foo Fighters
And finally this week, Dave Grohl and company released a trippy new animated video for this Medicine At Midnight cut to help celebrate 420 in their own unique way. Again, well worth a watch!
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jzixuans · 4 years
please sir, can I have some tog fic recs?
oh SO many hold on okay (these are all gonna be on ao3)
also under the cut to spare my poor followers
i’ll lay my roots in fertile ground by itsmylifekay (13154 words)
Andy did this on purpose, she’s sure of it. No matter how many excuses about skillsets and plans and 'you’ve been working on your Arabic, it’ll be good practice, Nile'… she knows now it was all a bunch of lies. There can be no other explanation for why she has been here, stuck with Joe in the middle of a hot, Italian summer while Andy has taken Nicky to the northern most part of France. It is a unique and unexpected kind of hell.
(A series of seven stories, snapshots of the first few years of Nile's time with the team. I'm trash for Nile & Nicky & Joe dynamics so there's a lot of that in here, but the others are all part of the craziness as well.)
fluffy slice of life post movie, really funny, really soft, i love how the author built their relationships
though you are alone and not quite beyond loneliness by dialux (26238 words)
“Joe didn’t lie back in that lab,” Booker tells him gently. “I am selfish. I am a liar. But beyond everything else, Nicky, I’m a coward.”
“Really,” says Nicky, looking unimpressed.
[Booker tries to save his family from Quynh. He's rather good at it, if not a little dramatic about the entire process. In the meantime, he learns a little more about himself, his family, and the definitions of bravery, forgiveness and love.]
a study in booker! real in depth, real great long read. (warning for antagonist quỳnh)
even if we win the battle by glitter_lisp (2591 words)
"Our Nile may have missed her calling,” Nicky says with a choked, hoarse laugh. “She should have been an actor. Or a surgeon.”
Then he slumps over in Joe's arms, unconscious, and Nile drops the scalpel, spins around, and throws up on the carpet.
whump but oh so good. focus on nile + nicky after a particularly harrowing mission with some good good nile + joe. (warnings for torture, mentions of throwing up (i mean it’s in the summary), blood, and some leftover trauma)
six summers down by sharkhette (3385 words)
Nile watched the first rays of the sun come filtering through the trees, softly dappling the path in yellow and grey. "Tell me something good?" she asked. "Everything's been such a shitshow since I met you—since even before that. And now, with Booker gone, and Andy…" She swallowed and turned to Nicky, who watched her with big, soft eyes. "Just tell me something I can look forward to in all this."
nile and nicky go for a run. the consequences of immortality catch up to her. some real good nile + nicky plus bonus immortal family at the end (warning for talk of quỳnh’s drowning)
atlas by bestillmyslashyheart (1336 words)
Nile is fine until she isn't. When the weight of her actions catches up to her, she needs someone to talk to.
some more nile + nicky from that time i deep dived the tag. for when you want to imagine nicky scooping you up in a big warm hug
i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be by imadetheline (1070 words)
Nile has a nightmare. Her family is there for her. And for one another.
late night immortal family dance party. makes you feel like everything is right in the world
at the crossings of two heart lines by mayqueen517 (4239 words)
"You understand - you cannot look back until you both stand beneath the sun."
"I do not need to see my love to know he is there. He is the breath in my lungs and the beat of my heart."
"Very well." ---
A Joe/Nicky twist on the Orpheus/Eurydice myth.
if you thought hadestown made you cry, this’ll wrench you more. happy ending though!! (warnings for death (obv), so much despair and hopelessness)
this lifetime and the next by kirasometimes (6662 words)
Shortly after marrying the love of his life, Nicky dies and his husband disappears.
or: Nicky is newly immortal and Joe has no idea.
a super interesting take. it’s still living in my head two weeks later and i Really need to reread it. (warnings for death, blood, stabbings, canon typical violence i guess. lab capture)
#nickyisnotamouse (and other stories from a happy universe) by lydenicokite (6806 words)
It may be a cliché to say this (“I didn’t want to become famous, it just happened!”), but Nicolò’s youtube career started as a joke. Actually, it started with Yusuf, like all the best things in Nicky’s life.
Nicky is a famous Youtuber, even if most of his fans are more interested in Joe, the elusive cameraman who never appears in front of the camera but flirts with Nicky in every video, than in the actual cooking and book reviewing. #RevealTheHusband and #WhereIsJoe are trending on twitter every time Nicky uploads a new video, but Nicky still believes it's important to keep his life with Joe private. It can't be that difficult, right?
hilarious modern youtuber!nicky au with lots of great interactions between the team and also nicky’s adorable (warning for drinking)
this time with knives by arkada (3588 words)
Joe gets into trouble on a mission.
Nicky gets him back.
badass nicky with knives saves his husband. nile + nicky + joe on a mission. not as angsty as it sounds. (warning for canon typical violence, death (joes dies a good handful), lots of described stabbing and slashing, blood)
even oaks must bend by winteryknights (2631 words)
The sidestreets are dead silent compared to the bustle of downtown, letting both ease and worry simmer in Joe’s bones as they pass only occasional pedestrians on their walk to the address Copley had given them. It’s a small apartment, part of a stonework building that’s likely just as old as Booker himself and a part of Joe wonders if he’d chosen it for the familiarity. A bigger part of him finds that it still hurts to care.
Andy doesn't have ninety years, but she does have a plan.
they go get booker early. things are sorted out. nicky and joe’s pain is acknowledged and booker is held accountable
ever have i never by nilmiel (525 words)
“Never have I ever had Joe profess his undying love for me to a bunch of people trying to kill us.” Joe had run out to pick up the takeout they’d ordered, and Nile had decided to teach the remaining group of fossils she now called family a new game for while they waited. And if it was a game she was guaranteed to win? Well. That wasn’t on purpose. — A small fic in which Joe loves his family, and the immortal fam love Joe.
i just really like joe waxing poetic about his family
the devil you know by falseconfidence (2254 words)
In which Nile drives the getaway car for the first time and quickly learns that there's a reason why everyone in this family drinks.
where nicky is your annoying dad in the passenger seat and andy slashes the tires of a dickbag and nile is Very Tired (warning for brief canon typical violence, unsafe car practices)
let our moment linger by indiebitch (1466 words)
there was something so lovely about Yusuf being draped across him like this. The rise and fall of his stomach as a reminder that his love, his heart was still breathing. The happy little sighs Joe would let out every once in a while. It just made Nicky so happy he could weep.
or Nicky loving to watch his husband sleep
soft sleepy husbands fluff
i found peace in your violence by incurableromancer (1387 words)
Nile knows that Joe could take apart and reassemble any make or model of gun you put in front of him while blindfolded and probably handcuffed. She knows that he can competently fly more planes and man more ships than Nile has or will see for many, many years to come. She’s heard stories about him defusing bombs and making it home in time for dinner, and yet. He’s still mildly afraid of microwaves, and doesn’t know how to type with his thumbs. Nile has seen him cry at The Notebook, and then cry again hours later while telling Nicky about it.
Or: found family, and moments of happiness, peace and healing between the chaos.
nile and joe hang out!!!
hope these are enough to tide you over!! (and lmk if i missed a link or anything)
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passionate-reply · 3 years
In this installment of Great Albums, we’re back to talking about albums nobody’s ever heard of! You might not know who Zaine Griff is, but you’ve probably heard of a guy called Hans Zimmer, and Zimmer is the real mastermind of this record: a masterpiece of New Romantic synth-pop made long before he made his name composing for the big screen! Not to mention contributions from Ultravox’s Warren Cann, YMO’s Yukihiro Takahashi, and even Kate Bush. Find out all about it by watching this video, or reading the full transcript below the break!
Welcome to Passionate Reply, and welcome to Great Albums! Today’s installment is going to feature an album that is most definitely towards the obscure side--but, like most of the more obscure artists and albums I’ve talked about, I think this one is every bit as good as the classics. Zaine Griff’s Figures is not only a forgotten album that I think deserves more acclaim, but also an album that, in many ways, feels like it could have been a huge success in its own time.
Zaine Griff grew up in New Zealand, and moved to Great Britain in the 1970s in the hopes of pursuing a career in music. His debut LP, 1980’s Ashes & Diamonds, would mark him as one of the many artists straddling the musical landscape in the aftermath of glam, in the long shadow of David Bowie. With keen visual panache, a suave way of slurring when he sang, and the requisite killer cheekbones, Griff fit in perfectly with the so-called “New Romantics,” as stylish and sophisticated as Visage, Ultravox, or Japan.
Music: “Ashes & Diamonds”
The real turning point in Griff’s career was his being “discovered,” so to speak, by Hans Zimmer and Warren Cann. Cann had already become a figure of some renown, as the percussionist for the aforementioned Ultravox. Despite his tremendous fame today, Zimmer actually had much less to show for himself at this point, aside from a somewhat dodgy stint in the Buggles. While geniuses in their own ways, neither of them were necessarily natural frontmen, and Zaine Griff seemed like the perfect missing piece to fit into their pop ambitions.
Even setting aside Zimmer and Cann, Figures is actually full of recognizable talent, and I think it may have the single most stacked list of album credits I’ve ever seen in my life! You’ll also hear contributions from Yellow Magic Orchestra’s Yukihiro Takahashi, backing vocals from Linda Jardim, who was also the soprano on the Buggles’ famous “Video Killed the Radio Star,” and a guest appearance by none other than Kate Bush. That’s really a lot of clout going around, which is one of the reasons I’m so surprised this album went nowhere. Anyway, that aside, the most dominant sonic footprint on display here is certainly that of Hans Zimmer. Zimmer is credited with producing the album, and his dynamic, expressive, perhaps “cinematic” work with digital synthesisers is surely the driving force behind Figures’s sound.
Music: “Fahrenheit 451”
It’s easy to imagine “Fahrenheit 451” is the thumping theme to some delightfully 80s adaptation of Ray Bradbury’s classic novel. Its theme of lustful but dangerous romance is a constant throughout the album, most notably on tracks like “Hot” and the haunting closer, “The Beating of Wings.” The song’s tense and dramatic mood is well bolstered by those soaring synths, courtesy of the Fairlight CMI. One of the most distinctive sounds of mid-80s synth-pop, the soft, breathy tones of the Fairlight hadn’t yet reached full saturation when Figures was made--Zimmer was an early adopter of this particular musical revolution. You might be surprised to learn that “Fahrenheit 451” only saw minor distribution as a single, exclusively for the French and Belgian markets. I think that sort of mismanagement on behalf of Polydor really shafted this album. Its lead single was actually its title track.
Music: “Figures”
The title track of Figures isn’t the worst song I’ve ever heard, but I do think it just might be the worst song on this album. With a strident, stabbing synth riff and a somewhat sparse and anemic soundstage, the title track is not particularly exciting, and also not particularly representative of what the rest of the album sounds like, with no indication of the lush and vibrant textures that dominate tracks like “Fahrenheit 451.” It also has less lyrics than the other tracks, and offers Griff little opportunity to demonstrate his pipes. Thematically, though, its imagery of wispy and mysterious personas, flitting in and out of substance in a world where appearance and identity are trifling and ephemeral, is something that resonates strongly with the album as a whole, as one might surmise from its title also being used for the album. “The Vanishing Men,” another song that easily feels like a better single than “Figures,” handles the same sort of subject in a more playful and upbeat manner.
Music: “The Vanishing Men”
The titular “vanishing men” are quite clearly the life of the party here, and in the world of this track, the insignificance of true identity is portrayed as an invitation to experiment and have fun with it--though not without a slight hint of danger as well. Perhaps it’s a good metaphor for the curated aestheticism of the New Romantic movement, decried by some as “style over substance.” New Romanticism really didn’t have much time left by the time *Figures* came out, being so strongly associated with trends in fashion that were on their way out by this point. Even Ultravox would find themselves pivoting towards more of a pop rock-oriented sound for their final classic lineup LP, 1984’s Lament. I can’t help but think that the changing landscape of musical trends is part of the poor reception of Figures, which is such a consummate New Romantic album, which basks in the full flush of the movement’s prior penetration into the mainstream. As stated above, “The Vanishing Men” is all about the glamour of mutable identity, but other tracks on the album seem to assign this theme a bit more weight, as in “The Stranger.”
Music: “The Stranger”
The titular character of “The Stranger” is described as “a stranger to himself,” but also “no stranger to anyone else.” This track seems to be more focused on the negative aspects of fashionable persona-play: losing the dignity and security of a true form, the people around you seeing through your charades, and becoming trapped in an existence defined by arbitrariness and artificiality. I’d also be remiss not to mention this track’s winsome pentatonic synth riff, which helps create a mercurial and ambiguous mood. It might be interpreted as a nod towards the rampant Orientalism of New Romantic music, which ran with the early 80s verve for all things Asian, and wasn’t shy about appropriating “Asiatic” musical motives like pentatonic scales to evoke mystery and wonder. Griff and friends’ use of such here is relatively subtle, though, and perhaps a bit more tactful than how many of their contemporaries approached other musical ideas associated with the East.
The unforgettable cover of Figures is as dramatic and infused with capital-R Romantic sentiment as the music contained within. Above the text relating the artist and title, which uses a V for a U for a touch of the classical, we see Griff splayed dramatically in a pond of lilies. With sharp makeup that emphasizes his lips, and a diaphanous, blousy top that turns translucent in the water, he seems to be the perfect tragic hero of some lost work of Shakespeare’s--complete with another flower stylishly pinned to his chest. As I mentioned before, Figures is an album that rides the wave of New Romanticism particularly hard, and I think its cover is yet another symptom of those sensibilities.
Speaking of Shakespeare, I can’t help but want to compare this image with a famous painting of one of Shakespeare’s best-known characters: Ophelia, by Sir John Everett Millais. Painted in the early 1850s, Millais’s Ophelia depicts the moment where Ophelia, driven mad by Hamlet’s romantic rejection of her, drowns herself in a river. It’s exactly the kind of story of wild, passionate, and doomed love portrayed on tracks like “Fahrenheit 451.” Ophelia is also associated strongly with flowers in the text, and features in a particularly memorable scene where she doles out various symbolic blossoms to members of the royal court. Besides the affinity of subject matter, even the composition of Millais’s work resembles the cover of Figures, contrasting its subject’s pale skin with the dark and murky natural surrounds, and emphasizing the drapery of their wettened attire. Ophelia is often considered the definitive masterpiece of the short-lived art movement, the “Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood,” who, as their name implies, sought to recapture the intuitive, colourful, and emotive power of art created prior to the High Renaissance. Not unlike New Romanticism, the Pre-Raphaelite movement would crumble after only a few years, but not without leaving behind a trail of masterpieces that would continue to inspire future artists and admirers, far removed from their own time.
After the release of Figures, Zaine Griff remained involved with Hans Zimmer and Warren Cann, and, as the supergroup “Helden,” they embarked on an even more ambitious musical opus together: Spies, a sort of synth-pop oratorio about immortal Nazi super-spies falling in love in a futuristic dystopia. Spies is about as out-there as it sounds, and brings the flamboyant musical excess of Figures into a suitably theatrical setting. It’s also got nearly as star-studded of a cast as Figures, featuring not only Zimmer, Cann, and Jardim again, but also Eddie Maelov of Eddie & Sunshine as a mad scientist, and the enigmatic French electro-cabaret chanteuse Ronny, in the role of a super-computer with a sultry female voice. Griff portrays one of the titular immortal spies, known only as “The Stranger”--which, of course, begs comparison to the track of the same name on Figures, and prompts the question, to what extent was Spies already in the works when *Figures* was being written and recorded?
Music: “The Ball”
We all know the rest of the story for Hans Zimmer, who began working with music for film in the mid-1980s, such as the queer cult classic My Beautiful Laundrette. But Zaine Griff obviously never became a household name. Despite being finished in 1983, Spies never got to see an official release, as it was a bit too out there for a label to take a chance on at the time, and it would probably be lost media today if it weren’t for a vinyl bootleg that’s thankfully fairly easy to find online. Griff decided to retire from music shortly after this, and recounts a story of having walked past an extremely talented street musician, and having a sort of epiphany about just how hard it was to make it in music. After all, if a true virtuoso could end up busking on the street, how fair and rewarding could the industry possibly be? Disillusioned with the world of pop, Griff returned to his native New Zealand and got a day job as a golf instructor. More recently, though, he’s also released several new solo albums in the 2010s, surprisingly enough, and attempted to push forward into some very contemporary-sounding pop rock. The world is, of course, a very different place nowadays than it was in the 20th Century, and particularly in the world of music distribution, so perhaps it makes sense that our brave new world has room in it for someone like Zaine Griff to return.
My overall favourite track on Figures is probably “Time Stands Still,” which I think is perhaps the most accessible, pop-friendly track to be had on the album, and the one I would’ve released as the lead single had I worked for Polydor. With a big hook and simple, repetitive lyrics, it’s a true pop song through and through--though, if an artist releases a commercial-sounding album in the woods, and nobody is around to buy it, is it still really “pop?” Anyway, I also love this track’s delightful outro, imitating a skipping record to represent a freeze in the flow of time...though I admit it’s a lot less harrowing to hear when listening digitally! That’s all I have for today--thanks for listening.
Music: “Time Stands Still”
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Title: Division of Labor (2/?)
“The past years, we have noticed a lot of our fresh high school graduates knew nothing about responsibilities the that awaited them outside high school and even college. Many students do not master budgeting, taxes, household planning, loans and we hope to raise a generation who can navigate the adult world without the consequences of bad decisions they are bound to make going in blindly…”
Paradis High school starts a program incorporating adulting into their curriculum and Hange and Levi are paired together.
Note: From request of @a-golden-hearted-snk-fan. See this link for the request
Other Chapters: 1 3
Link to cross-postings: AO3
"This doesn't make any sense."
Jean had always been one of the more vocal ones in the classroom when it came to inconvenient developments. More often than not, people had just brushed off his complaints and banter as an inevitable part of his personality. That was one of the few times everyone else agreed with him.
The rest though just sat silently in the classroom while both Erwin and Shadis went out of the room, to get what was supposed to be their "kids."
Having taken classes on reproduction and health growing up, most if not all the people in the room already knew the amount of money it took to raise a child and the importance of contraception.
Oddly enough though, the number of kids was decided at random, only justified by the fact that they would never know how many dependents they'll have to care of one day.
"Every single one of you will be faced with the prospect of taking care of a dependent one day, maybe for a few years, maybe for decades," Erwin had explained. He had a natural charisma in the way he carried himself and spoke that made everyone in the room aware of their own tendency for altruism. Everyone had somebody in their life, they probably would have dug into their savings to support be it a mother, a sibling or a close friend.
They were all silently doing their own reflections of who that person would have been as Shadis passed around sacks of flour at random.
"Just be lucky you don't have to do this in real life yet. This adult experience is fucking watered down already. If we could simulate the pain of childhood or the stench of a dirty diaper, we would. " Shadis' words were a stark contrast to Erwin's.
Either way, everyone was too distracted by the number they were getting and the whole prospect of having sack babies in the first place to even react to his words.
"We initially thought of using actual eggs or flour but if you're going to be taking care of this for the whole year…” Erwin fell silent for a second. “That would be disgusting."
The sack was definitely much lighter than what Levi had expected. He squeezed it, noting the firmness of the sack. It was stuffed with cotton. They thought some of it through at least.
Erwin turned on his projector, looking undisturbed by the awkward silence in the room. "By the end of this month, these are what I expect from all of you," He started. "An overview of career plans, a meal plan, a house design based on real estate prices around the area and a breakdown of house responsibilities."
He moved his tacky pointer towards the line on meal plans. "Every two weeks you and your partner go to the supermarket, assess grocery prices and submit me a list of groceries you would buy and a meal plan based on that for the family you have with you. Remember, you are still limited by your wage and each sack represents an extra mouth to consider when you make the meal plan. I will be sending a more detailed version with the deadlines and a prescribed format through email.”
The class was silent for a time. The only notable sounds coming from that room were the scratching of pencil and paper and a few sighs. Hange was taking notes next to Levi while the latter wondered why she even bothered when Erwin was going to send the rest of the information through email after all.
Erwin spent a good few seconds taking stock of everyone in the room before letting out a subtle sigh of his own. "Don't look too overwhelmed, these assignments will be incorporated into all your other classes anyway. Just don't expect teachers from other subjects to spoon feed you though. As much as possible we want you to learn to work with it independently."
                                         Division of Labor
Regardless of what Erwin said, everyone was left overwhelmed anyway. The prospect of having to deal with that heavy of a workload and having that performance affect their chances at college had people spending their precious one hour of lunch time with their partners.
Despite his generally antisocial personality, Levi was rarely alone for lunch. Most days he spent his breaks with his classmates Petra and Oluo. Sometimes Gunther and Eld from the other section would join in. That was unless he felt particularly compelled to spend a lunch break alone. It was as if everyone silently agreed to use that short hour to discuss and strategize with their partners. Levi did not even have time to protest that trend, as his own friends filed out of their seats with their partners, not even bothering to ask if he would be joining them for lunch.
Or did they even need to ask? Hange was right next to him, already taking out her lunch and looking at him expectantly. “Let’s go?”  
“Wait, who said we were having lunch together?”
Hange gestured subtly at the already empty room, as if to ask him “what else?” Levi cursed himself for even complaining about groupmates who never pulled their weight. At that moment, an overly enthusiastic groupmate seemed more unbearable and Levi almost wished he could have gotten a lazy and uninterested groupmate instead. At least then he’d be able to decide for himself when to start working.  
They sat on one of the picnic tables in the school courtyard, Hange with a boxed lunch and Levi with his homemade sandwich. Their two sack babies were stacked up to the side of the table.
"So what do we name them?" Hange asked.
Levi grabbed one of the sacks from the pile and propped it up on his lunch bag, an attempt to use that empty slate of a sack as a guide to imagining what should be a face.  With that, Levi could pretend they were at least kind of living and maybe they did deserve names.
"Flour," Levi suggested. His attempts to see life in faceless sacks came out fruitless.
"Let's try to be a little more creative Levi."
"Why do we even have to give names to these things? They're not even alive. Like nobody is gonna press charges if I stabbed it right now anyway."
"Because they're grading us,” Hange took out a permanent marker and carefully drew a smiling face one sack. She made sure to add a few lines of what looked to be bangs. As she went for the other sack, Levi could not help but notice the goofy smile that appeared on her face.
Levi narrowed his eyes. "You're enjoying this?”
"We’re here. Might as well enjoy it right?" Hange shrugged." If you're not gonna name them. I will." She propped the one she had just finished drawing on, up on Levi’s lunch bag. “This is Flora.” She continued drawing on the other sack. “And this is Fauna."
The names sounded to Levi like science terms he had learned too long ago and had wanted to forget. They flew into one ear and out the other within seconds and Levi had settled for internally naming the sacks the first thing he thought of when he saw Hange's artwork: “ugly bangs” and “eyelash.”
He made sure not to tell Hange though. She seemed way too enthusiastic about her naming choices.
                                         Division of Labor      
Although Levi did have a natural talent with numbers, this potential remained untapped through most of high school. The most apparent reason for this being the fact that the person teaching them Math, at one of the most important times in their high school life was an utter prick.
That utter prick of a Math teacher during their sophomore year made a comeback as their teacher for their junior year. He did not look too happy about it either. Levi at least shared that same sentiment.  
"So I'm supposed to be teaching you guys about taxes but really, believe me, you won't really use half of this shit, just hire an accountant.” Zeke Yaeger propped his feet on the teacher’s table, not bothering to even explain the table of tax rates he had flashed as a powerpoint slide next to him. “ Or... just get an employer, they’ll calculate it for you anyway.”
“Do you mean get a job sir?” It was Marco who so politely asked the question.
“Get a job, get an employer, same banana.” Zeke answered, in between gulps of coffee.
Somehow everyone knew that getting a job would probably be not as easy as the phrase “get an employer” implied it to be. Zeke was their teacher though and he probably knew much more than they did, given the decades of work experience he had in his belt.
“Don’t we need to know how to calculate our taxes based on the table?” Armin asked. He looked to his partner Annie who seemed to be furiously taking notes.
Zeke looked once again at the board for a few minutes before slamming his cup on the table, spilling out some coffee in the process. “Just remember, if your employer promises you 70,000 dollars a year, don’t be surprised when you end up taking home 50,000 dollars coz of some bullshit about the government needing money, insurance and retirement.” He rolled his eyes. “Not like we all live that long to enjoy that  K410 nonsense anyway.” He added bitterly, adding some venom on that part about that string of numbers in particular.
“If we own a business, how do we file them?” Annie asked.
“No one needs to know how to do this. Besides, you’re all in high school. Don’t stress yourself over this. Like I said before, just get an accountant.”
“What if we can’t afford an accountant?”
“Then don’t own a fucking business.” Zeke rolled his eyes. “Fine… Look, I didn’t prepare for that question, gimme a sec.”
The class watched as he closed the powerpoint, quickly opened an incognito window and went on google.
How to file taxes as business owners?
Zeke stared at the next few pages for what seemed like minutes, before clicking on one particular page.
“So yeah, it looks like you just fill out this form and send the money to the tax office.” He shrugged. “Your generation grew up with ipads glued to your faces. I’m sure you’re way better in googling shit than I am so yeah, just google the rest of what you need. Free period until your next class, now go talk about your fake taxes or your fake house or something.”
                                          Division of Labor
Even with the free period Zeke had so generously given them, no one was able to start anything until they got home. It was eight in the evening when Levi opened his school email to find the information on their next tasks, which was sent only a few minutes ago.
Week 3
Housing plan (Wednesday)
Housing Design (Wednesday)
Daily routine
Meal Plan
Week 4
Breakdown of Responsibilities
*Unless otherwise stated, please submit output by Friday of said week  
Levi did not even have time to finish scanning through the guide to their housing plan task as his computer started to slow down, unable to take the quick scrolling. He soon realized it was not the scrolling that had made the computer so dysfunctional. On the lower right of his screen, he saw the notification.
Hange Zoe
New Message
The badge next to his messaging app, quickly rose from 12 unread messages to 26 to 45. Even the screen looked unable to display the messages properly. Wanting to save his computer from anymore torture, Levi grabbed his phone from his bed side and called his partner.
“If you have a lot of things you need to tell me, call .” Levi said, not even bothering to wait for a hello from Hange.
“Oh great! So you did get the messages! For a while I was wondering if your messenger app was broken.”
Levi looked back at the screen to see that the badge next to his app was already displaying a “99+.” If his application or his laptop was not broken then, it might break when he opens the application.
“What the hell are you sending anyway?” Levi asked, delaying the inevitable of having to open the messaging app.
“Links to houses for the housing plan,” Hange answered matter-of-factly. “Unless you’d rather I just say the links out loud for you to type it in the browser yourself.”
With a part of him so nervous at the possibly of his computer hanging or even breaking, Levi had ended having to slam his finger on his mouse when he opened the messaging app. He looked away not wanting to see how his computer tried to process the 99+ messages.
He lay on his bed opening the file on his phone.
“So, since I’m working freelance, I pretty much have a work from home job so we can live anywhere. We have two kids, so what do you think of a three bedroom house?”
“A ‘house house?” Levi looked around at his own living space which his uncle rented for him. He lived in a studio apartment and the concept of living in a house, even in a simulation seemed too unrealistic. “Like a house, with two floors, and multiple bedrooms?”
“And a garden!” Hange said excitedly. “So Flora and Fauna can run around.”
It took Levi a few seconds to comprehend that Hange was discussing their flour sack babies running around an imaginary garden. Levi was sure Hange was not an idiot though and had decided to at least entertain the expensive option of a fully furnished three bedroom house with a sprawling garden.  “And, how were the prices?” Levi walked back to his computer to see that most of his messages had already loaded.
“Well, I found some for 1500 dollars a month, others for 1800 dollars a month. I earn 3600 dollars a month apparently, so I don’t think spending half of it on rent would be too much right?”
“I mean, it’s your wages right?” Levi replied. In truth, a part of him just did not want to go through all one hundred houses Hange had linked him too on the messaging application just to decide on a house.
Hange sent a picture of a split level house, with a wide front garden. “This is my favorite! It comes with a large backyard. And it only costs 1800 dollars a month!”
Only 1800 dollars a month. Levi almost choked. The words “only” and “1800 dollars a month” just seemed too absurd to his ears that someone saying it so casually had him speechless even if Hange was talking about a three bedroom house with a sprawling garden. He cleared his throat. “You’re the breadwinner.”
“Okay! Let’s design the house! I’ll move to my laptop.”
For some reason, Levi had a bad feeling about the listing Hange had shown him. He quickly brushed it away as it came, attributing it to the fact that he never really grew up with enough money to entertain the idea of spending on luxuries. He lived with less than three hundred dollars a month after all, all funded by his absent uncle.
Hange had seemed confident with her decision though.
I’ll stick to what I know best. In the end, Levi decided to leave the larger purchases to Hange. Hehad confidence only in his ability to manage a household. Maybe he would be able to contribute then.
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
what are your favorite and least favorite tropes in fanfiction regarding dick grayson?
Most of these I feel are probably a given with me given that I am apparently physically incapable of being subtle and am donating my body to science upon my demise so that this phenomenon may be studied. For Science.
(But also like, the funny thing about me is as much as I rant about a few specific topics its only so frequent because there’s actually only a few specific things I gripe about its just that they’re eeeeeeeeeeverywhere.)
Thus, in no particular order, my least favorite Dick Grayson tropes in fanon and in canon because I can’t read apparently OR AT LEAST I CHOOSE NOT TO FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS EXERCISE, JEEZ, LEAVE ME ALONE....
1) Police officer Dick Grayson
2) Dick hated Jason pre-death and/or judges and is incapable of understanding or empathizing with Jason post-his return
3) Police officer Dick Grayson
4) Dick’s loved ones and friends all making jokes and insults out of the nickname he keeps in memory of his parents and Dick being all like lol this is fine, this isn’t debilitating to my self-esteem at all hahaha oh man that was a good one, I AM a Dickface, you nailed it!
5) Police officer Dick Grayson
6) Dick’s loved ones and friends all punching Dick every time he puts a foot out of place and then everyone both in-universe and in-comments being like NO PROBLEMS DETECTED, and also WOW, CHILL OUT DG, TEMPER MUCH?
7) Police officer Dick Grayson
8) Dick fired Tim and callously kicked him out of his home and the city UMM METHINKS THE FUCK NOT
9) Police officer Dick Grayson
10) Only addressing conflicts between Bruce and Dick when using the framing device “when you think about it though isn’t it still like at least half Dick’s fault that Bruce fired him and kicked him out of his home and hit him and guilt-tripped him into doing what he wanted.”
11) Bonus round - sub Dick Grayson. Like, I barely ever read smut in this fandom because I’m like ‘mmm, no thx and also hard pass’ to rape and incest as fetish or porn, and its like....hard enough to find any mature content with Dick that doesn’t overlap with at least one of those so I just kinda stopped looking ages ago, but even just when glancing my eyes past tags while browsing, I just DON’T GET THIS. I tend to be a variety is the spice of life kinda guy and thus usually can make a case for any character going any which way in any number of things, but this is the one character where I’m like, I do not see any angle in which he has a submissive bone in his body. Yeah he has control freak tendencies and there’s that trope about people who spend most of their time in charge wanting to give up control and let go at times, buuuuuut that only actually works with people who don’t fully WANT to be in charge or control to begin with, not people like Dick whose control freak tendencies IMO are directly born of how rarely he gets to be in control of even his own personal life in the first place. Just doesn’t compute for me.
And in no particular order, top ten most favorite Dick Grayson takes in canon and fanon, with these weirdly just being the direct inverse of things I hate because I mentioned the Not Subtle thing and also the Not Actually As Picky As I Often Come Across As, right?
1) Anything other than police officer Dick Grayson
2) Dick and Jason being bros who get along and confide in each other about the stuff they can’t/won’t share with anyone else because they understand each other in ways most others never will, and also also them having Secret History as Brothers BECAUSE THEY ARE BROTHERS WITH HISTORY BUT I FUCKIN’ DIGRESS
3) A Tim who respects and appreciates Dick’s contributions to his life and happiness and the amount of time and effort Dick has put into being there for him often at his own personal expense, even if there have been like one or two times in the grand scheme of thirty years of comic book content when Dick wasn’t able to put Tim first because he felt he had to put someone with directly competing needs to Tim’s first in this particular time and place instead, just like he had so often before put Tim’s needs ahead of others who had competing needs at the time
4) A Bruce who acknowledges his fuck-ups with Dick and actually apologizes instead of just being like ��I am going to look at you solemnly with my Apologetic Eyes but its on you to read the Apology clearly present in my Apologetic Eyes cuz that’s the only one you’ll ever get as I am a genius and a renowned playboy but I do not do the words good except for when I am being genius-y and renowedly playboy-y and not Apologetic.” And who also puts in actual work to actually fix things with Dick when he fucks up in that over-the-top-I GOTTA BE THE BEST THERE EVER WAS, POK-E-MON!! kinda over-achieving way in which he does everything in life.
5) An extended Batfamily and hero community who actually ACT like Dick is someone they respect and appreciate and are in awe of for his position and accomplishments in the hero community and the fact that he’s been out there risking his life day in and day out for people almost as long as any other hero out there, and who has in fact been doing this for a FAR greater percentage of his lifetime than any other hero, period. Rather than an extended Batfamily and hero community who just SAY that Dick is respected and appreciated by everyone and this is why actually they resent him and think he’s over-rated, with no actual sign or evidence of Respect, Appreciation and/or Awe on display anywhere at any time ever.
6) A Dick Grayson who is allowed by the narrative to be as hyper-competent and intelligent and multi-skilled as any member of the Batfamily, without feeling a need for qualifiers about him being second best or a good acrobat but not as good at the detective stuff as the others, etc, etc. Noooooope. Nerp. Nuh-uh. Someday I will rise from my death-bed amid my death-throes one last time just long enough to gasp out “The Batfamily’s entire high concept is that they are a family of literal Mary Sues and thus all of them are every bit as intelligent and hyper-competent as the plot demands and its stupid to try and rank them and telling when Dick somehow always ends up ranked bottom last despite being the kid whose very existence as a hyper-competent little genius troll boy is what jumpstarted the kid hero trend in universe in the first place, which is the kind of thing that could ONLY happen if he was impressing and making second-guessers of nay-sayers left and right BUT I FUCKING DIGRESS, GOOD NIGHT NEW YORK, AND SCENE!” At which point I will expire, my work here done.
7) A Dick Grayson who is allowed to get mad and yell when people DO FUCKED UP THINGS LIKE HIT HIM AND BLAME HIM FOR SHIT THAT ISN’T HIS FAULT without this being viewed as a “flaw” and him Being Dick Grayson Badly. Extra points for a Dick Grayson who is allowed to stay centered in his own traumas and tragedies without everyone else around him somehow making it out to be that they’re MORE victimized by the things he is most directly the victim of.
8) A Dick Grayson who eats more than just sugary cereal because he was literally raised from birth even pre-Bruce as a world class athlete and show me one single person that description matches who doesn’t know how to actually keep to a nutritious diet. Yes, by all means have him eat the occasional sugary snack as a treat, that’s fine, but when the take is that this is all he exists on or would be the only thing he exists on if not for the intercession of Actual Adults being like eat your veggies, Dickie, like.....mmmm, but whatcha doin’, fic?
9) A Dick Grayson who doesn’t actually even HAVE to get mad and lose his temper when people do fucked up things like hit him and blame him for shit that isn’t his fault or do nothing but mock and insult him and make him feel bad, because there’s actually other friends and family present who make a point to be like WHOA, HOW ABOUT I SHUT THIS SHIT DOWN LIKE AN INTELLECTUAL, BECAUSE THIS SHIT IS NOT OKAY? I’m just saying, how is it that every single fic and their grandma posits the existence of a swear jar because Alfred will not tolerate uncouth language in his domain, but it coooooooompletely flies over everyone’s head that Alfred of all people would be okay with people casually disrespecting his eldest grandson for the sake of a yawn-worthy punchline every single time someone opens their mouth to say “Dickhead” without even any kind of “Swear jar!” follow-up, let alone a “I don’t know who gave you the idea it was alright to disrespect Master Dick’s memories of his parents, young sirs, but I assure you most assuredly...‘TWAS NOT I.”
10) The existence of literally any other plot for Dick Grayson than one involving or relying on brainwashing. Like, just spitballing here but maybe people would have less trouble acknowledging and remembering the hyper-competence and skilled and genius qualities of the first Batkid if he was able to more often put those things on display instead of just running around 24/7 either brainwashed or brandishing pom-poms in enthusiastic commemoration of the hyper-competence and genius of everyone BUT him.
11) Bonus round - literally any other career choice besides being a cop.
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evabellasworld · 3 years
Storm of the Republic
Chapter 8
AO3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Summary:  When Tup murdered General Tiplar during a battle, Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex dispatched Ahsoka, Fives, and Yara to solve the mystery that was plaguing the Clone Army. Meanwhile, Senator Padme Amidala contacted Commander Fox, Commander Tori, Riyo Chuchi, and Dipper to help her continue investigating the death of Palpatine, suspecting that Dooku was behind the evil plot. But when Dooku send an ISB agent to stop them, the team had to race against time to search for the truth, which could alter the course of the galaxy.
Clad in a strawberry pink dress, Tori tightened her brown combat boots as she tied her white ribbon above her curly locks. With permission from Riyo, she applied a darker pink blush to her cheeks and glossy lipsticks, highlighting her beauty.
Throughout her entire career as a clone commander, she never got to dress up nicely, and this mission allowed her to feel what it was like wearing civilian clothes. The strawberry dress originally belonged to Riyo, but thanks to her sewing skills, it fit perfectly well for her height.
She twirled in front of her mirror and played with her hair, smiling at her outfit. I am keeping this outfit after this mission.
“Mama, you look pretty,” Frieda praised her, sitting on the dresser. Tori could only smile as she grabbed a hair ribbon and tied her hair into a small ponytail.
“You’re a pretty girl too,” she complimented her, as she dusted off her matching dress. “Do you want a kiss on the cheeks?”
The little girl shook her head. “No, thank you, mama.”
“Alright then,” Tori respected her boundaries, as she put on a white shoe for her child. “Now come on, Uncle Fox, Uncle Dipper, and Aunt Riyo are waiting for us.”
“Yes, mama,” she said, as Tori walked out of Riyo’s quarters and headed towards another ship, where she found the others in the cockpit, with Commander Fox in the pilot’s seat, dressed in a tuxedo.
“Took you long enough,” he scolded her. “We’ve been waiting for you for almost 20 minutes.”
“Oh, yeah?” Tori rolled her eyes, holding her child in her lap. “Well, try dressing up for two. You know it’s difficult being a mother these days, especially when you’re fighting in the frontline.”
“That’s not an excuse. Every minute we waste, Senator Amidala is closer to danger. Now come on, we should leave right now.”
“Sir, yes, sir,” Dipper said, his eyes glued to his datapad. “By the way, where’s Riyo? It’s been a while since we’ve waited for her.”
“I’m here,” Riyo walked into the cockpit, dressed in her salmon pink beret and blouse. “Sorry I’m late. I had to deal with my period.”
“No worries, dear,” Fox’s lips curled upwards, passing her a heating pad. “Period can be painful and exhausting for women. I hope you pack your menstrual cup though.”
Tori squinted her eyes at her brother with exasperation. A few minutes ago, she was chastised for being late. But when his partner was late, he showed his concern to her. What a sly fox.
“So, shall we get going?”
“Of course, senator,” the Marshal Commander winked, as the ship took off from the Raxus base, heading into space. Frieda felt her ears pop when she was above ground, but then cooed when she saw the enormous amounts of stars surrounding her.
Even though she had followed Tori into battles many times, the little girl never got bored with the colourful galaxy she saw with her eyes. Everything fascinated her, even when it was the same object. “Mama, stars,” she pointed with her fingers.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Tori responded positively, holding her hands. “How many stars can you count right now?”
As the child counted, Fox placed his hands on the gear and was about to jump into hyperspace, but observing Frieda’s curiosity made him delay his actions. He was once like her as well, except he counted raindrops instead of stars.
It was always raining on Kamino, so he never had the same privilege to enjoy the wonders in the sky. But it was fun though. Fox enjoyed watching the raindrops on the window racing against each other, wondering which one would win. Come on, Lenny, you can do it. You can win this race this time.
He wished he could experience something like that again, where everything was simple and less terrifying. “So, how many stars did you count, Frieda?”
“There are 150 stars in the galaxy,” she answered, much to his amazement.
“150 stars? That’s a lot of stars you counted, kiddo.”
“150 is a big number,” Riyo chimed in. “I only reached that amount when I was 8 years old. You’re such a clever girl.”
“What can I say?” Tori shrugged, proud of her daughter’s accomplishments. “Frieda is a smart kid.”
Pulling the gears, their ship jumped into hyperspace, prompting him to turn around and face his crew members. “Alright team, we’re on our way to Coruscant and I’m only going to explain this plan once, so pay close attention.”
Dipper bobbed his head as he put away his datapad, his gaze focused towards his superiors.
“So, when we arrive at Coruscant, we will stand by for inspection by the patrols, along with our chain codes. So make sure we all relax and act naturally, like what normal people do.”
“That’s not so hard for me,” Riyo stated. “I can act as natural as possible.”
“I know you can do it, Riyo, but I’m not sure about those two,” Fox gestured to Tori and Dipper on their outfits. “I mean, you both stick out like a sore thumb.”
“Choerry said that ripped jeans and neon green hair are a trend,” Dipper defended his style choice. “Plus, I look handsome as hell.”
“I like your hair,” Riyo praised him. “I thought you looked like a rockstar.”
“See, she agrees with me. You’re just jealous that you can’t pull off this style.”
Fox shook his head. “We’re going on a stealth mission to help Senator Amidala, and you both look like you’re going to a Moachella instead.”
“That’s the whole point, Foxy,” Tori raised her eyebrows. “We’re dressed like average citizens of Coruscant. But you look overdressed. I mean, who wears a tuxedo on a normal day?”
“First, it’s Fox,” he corrected her. “And second, every secret agent in movies wears a tuxedo, and it makes me look smart too.”
“But you’ll get caught easily,” Dipper gave him a reminder, which irritated him. “I mean, isn’t a tuxedo inconvenient, especially since you’re running and all?”
As much as Fox hates to admit, the ARC Trooper made a good point. But it was too late for him to change clothes, as he’s already in hyperspace. Besides, Riyo was the one who suggested that he wear a tux. She told him it highlights his good looks.
“Whatever, do you remember to bring our chain codes, Dipper?”
“Yes, sir,” he said, as he took out five chain codes from his backpack and passed it around to the others. “These are from General Brinks. She was the one who taught me how to make a fake one.”
“These chain codes looked genuine,” he praised his efforts. “The Empire will easily be fooled. Well done, vod.”
As Tori received two chain codes for her and Frieda, she read the names on the card. Rina and Lara Young, well, that’s a pleasant way to remember Lira and Eva Bella Young. They would have loved to go on a stealth mission as well.
“So what are these for again?” she scratched the side of her head.
Fox turned to her with a scorned look on his face. He couldn’t believe that Tori wasn’t listening. “In case you forgot, the Imperial used these as IDs. Not having one is illegal and could face two years in prison.”
“That’s harsh,” Riyo gasped at what she heard. “But it’s also an efficient way to keep track of their citizens.”
“And outlaws too,” Dipper growled, remembering the plot to one of his favourite novels, where Big Brother was watching everyone’s moves, even if they’re innocent.
“Anyway, so what happens once the Imperials allow us to enter the planet?” Tori asked another question.
“Once we got in, we parked our ship at Level 1312,” Fox continued, explaining his plans. “From there, we’ll have to take a taxi to Senator Amidala’s place.”
“Wait, why can’t we land near her penthouse?” Riyo wondered, seeing that was rather difficult.
“That will make us more suspicious, and that’s the last thing we want.”
“Okay, so what do we do once we make it to the senator?” Dipper raised his hands.
“We’ll help her with the investigation of the Chancellor’s death, and then we get her out of here,” Fox finished his briefing. “Now, do we have questions about this mission?”
Tori, Dipper, and Riyo exchanged a glance of confidence within themselves, determined that their mission will be successful. Things will go just as planned, the Pantoran was sure of herself.
“No questions, Uncle,” Frieda spoke, shaking her head. Her response brightened the cockpit as Fox chuckled and ruffled her hair, when the panels were beeping rapidly, signalling to them they had arrived at Coruscant.
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lilacasia · 4 years
[ voicelines ]
Tumblr media
hello  —  welcome to my clinic  ,  i’m dr. casia vincent  ,  casia is just fine . . . no need for the intimidating title  ,  let’s start off with being friends and get more comfortable with each other.
good morning  —  have you had breakfast  ??  no  ??  let me make you some  ,  come  ,  sit  .  don’t be shy  !!  i like having guests over for a meal  !!
good afternoon  —  have you ever had the pleasure of having afternoon tea in the clearing near here  ??  it’s absolutely blissful  ,  enjoying the scenery with a cup of tea and sweet treats  ,  it really refreshes the mind
good evening  —  the day just flew by  ,  where does the time go  ??  there’s still so much to do  ,  but not enough time to do them  !!  sometimes i wish there were multiples of me  .  i wonder if that’s possible to do
good night  —  beauty sleep is real and it’s important for your skin and your health  !!  it’s no joke  ,  sleeping eight hours will do wonders for your body  !!
chat ( idleness )  —  hmm . . .i wonder if i might be able to make a wound freezing agent . . . maybe if i mix it with slime condensate . . . interesting . . . i need to look into this more
chat ( traveling )  —  it’s hard  ,  but for the sake of gathering materials and finding new resources  ,  it’s worth it in the end . . . plus  ,  i get to see new sights every time  !!
chat ( research )  —  i’m trying to come up with efficient and easy-to-use potions and remedies for people to use . . . ones that people can easily access and even make themselves for times when doctors cannot be reached
when it rains  —  goodness  ,  i guess our plans have to be postponed until a later time . . . as much as i enjoy a good dousing of rain  ,  getting sick is not that fun  .
when the sun is out  —  beautiful  !!  today’s the perfect day to go for a stroll and maybe even a tea break in the forest  .
when it’s windy  —  heavens above  ,  someone must have peeved the lord of wind . . . let us be careful on our way today  ,  it’s hard to tell what sort of things we may come across  .
about casia ( schooling )  —  i was mostly homeschooled until the age of 16 when my vision appeared . . . that was when my parents and i discussed receiving official schooling to learn how to use my vision properly and to further my knowledge  .
about casia ( career )  —  i became a doctor  ,  not only because my parents were  ,  but because i also enjoy helping people . . . i want them to be a better version of themselves  ,  it brings me joy to know that i can help people live to the fullest  .
about casia ( fashion )  —  i always find it so interesting how people dress in different regions . . . i unfortunately have yet to come across those from inazuma and snezhnaya  ,  but i do wish to know how they dress over there  ,  what the current style is like  .  i wonder if it’s like the trends here  .
about us ( potions )  —  here  ,  let me teach you how to make this potion without wasting a lot of resources  ,  you’ll thank me later  .  it’s really simple  ,  come closer  .
about us ( plants  )  —  these plants here are edible  ,  if you’re ever hungry  ,  give them a wash and eat them  .  it’s not much  ,  but it’s better than starving and running out energy . . . don’t put yourself in danger  ,  even if it’s just some plants  ,  it’ll give you a boost until you can find proper food  .
about the vision  —  a gift  ??  i’m not really sure how to explain how i feel  ,  but perhaps it’s a driving factor in wanting to better myself  .  had i not received a vision  ,  i would not have found myself so driven to use my ability for something and explore the world  .
anything to share  —  i know you already have a companion  ,  but if i may be so bold and ask . . . would you mind if i accompanied you on your next trip  ??  i’d be honored if you’d allow me  ,  i promise i won’t be a burden  !!
interesting things  —  if you’re looking for a refreshing tea  ,  take some mint and some sweet flowers  ,  grind them together and steep them in hot water for a few minutes  .  add a bit of honey and voila  ,  you have a sweet and minty tea that’s good for the palate  !!  it tastes good cold as well  !!
about albedo [ @likepyrite​ ]  —  a bold  ,  bold man  !!  he has definitely swayed my heart with his upfront confession  ,  he has me anticipating to hear and see more from him  !!  aside from that  ,  i respect him as a fellow alchemist and scholar  ,  i’m often amazed by the work he’s put out  .
about vlad [ @dayguard​ ]  —  my . . . one night hero  ??  people haven’t had the greatest opinions about the fatui  ,  but they are people with feelings  .  i’m less surprised that a fatui saved me than i am surprised that someone stepped in to help  .  i hope people understand that the people in the fatui aren’t . . . bad  .
about terry [ @spitefulgames​​ ]  —  a sweet and gentle boy  .  whoever hurt him and left him in the forest needs to answer for their crimes  .  he’s been a great help  ,  i just wish he’d stop feeling as if he owes me something . . . i did what i did because i wanted to  ,  not because i was expecting something in return  .  now . . . the other side of him . . . [ nervous laugh ] i’m not quite sure how to feel about him  .
about sucrose [ @naturalisstatera​ ]  —  sucrose is hardworking and dedicated  ,  i can see why sir albedo took her on as an apprentice  .  she’s got a curious nature and is willing to explore  .  i can’t wait to see what sort of research she brings to the table  .
about york [ @warblissed​ ]  —  the only person i’ve met that finds being in an emergency room romantic . . . truly  ,  york needs to find a better definition of romantic  ,  or archons save his soul  ,  he’s going to get dumped . . .
more about casia [ i ]  —  i grew up in a small farming region on the edge of mondstadt  ,  my family has a long history of being physicians and herbologists so we were kind of unofficially dubbed as the local hospital . . . we have many patients from nearby villages come for our help
more about casia [ ii ]  —  hm  ??  why do i keep looking . . . ah . . . you caught me  .  i’m just appreciating that gentleman’s fine physique  ,  it’s quite a beauty to see  .  he’s quite handsome too  !!  what a treat for my tired eyes  ,  i feel absolutely refreshed just by watching him move  !!
more about casia [ iii ]  — why didn’t i go home after i finished school and opened my own clinic instead  ??  well  ,  they have enough help at home already . . . they don’t need me to crowd them  .  plus  ,  my clinic is now closer to the library at the favonius headquarters so i have access to plenty of reading materials  .
hobbies  —  i enjoy making my own makeup and perfume . . . all natural and in very pretty shades  .  it’s a huge trial and error process  ,  but that’s the fun in it  .  some ingredients are harder to acquire  ,  but the result makes it worth it  .
troubles  —  i just can’t seem to find a set of earrings that match this outfit  !!  and even more  ,  now i have to redo my makeup . . . there’s just not enough time to put together a good looking outfit for the day . . . how upsetting  .
favorite foods  —  i prefer balanced meals  ,  nothing too salty nor spicy nor sweet . . . a meal with dessert  !!  i’m not picky about food  !!
least favorite foods  —  not picky at all  ,  i’ll eat anything that is edible and filling  !!
birthday  —  oh darling  !!  it’s your birthday  ??  why didn’t you say so  ??  come  ,  come . . . i’m gonna get you all dressed up then we’ll have a night in town  ,  everything’s on me tonight  !!
feelings about ascension ( intro )  —  wow  ,  i didn’t know i could do even more with my powers
feelings about ascension ( building up )  — now i’m giddy to learn what else i can do  !!  show me more  !!
feelings about ascension ( climax )  — so this is what it means to be a better you . . . amazing  ,  i feel like i’m constantly evolving  !!
feelings about ascension ( conclusion )  — incredible  ,  just when i thought i knew my abilities  ,  you have shown me a whole new world  !!  please  !!  do go on  ,  i wish to learn more  !!
battle and exploration
added to party  —  you won’t regret it  !!  /  i’m excited  !!
elemental skill  —  watch this  !!
elemental burst  —  don’t take your eyes off of me  !!
idle  —  same as chat lines above
dash  —  watch out for the mud  ,  these shoes are new  !!
gliding  —  oh dear  ,  i really hope this doesn’t mess up my hair
damage  —  ugh  !!   how rude  !!
knocked out  —  i was too hasty  /  i hope i have enough potions to heal
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malibvnghts · 3 years
[ voicelines ]
Tumblr media
hello  —  welcome to my clinic  ,  i’m dr. casia vincent  ,  casia is just fine . . . no need for the intimidating title  ,  let’s start off with being friends and get more comfortable with each other.
good morning  —  have you had breakfast  ??  no  ??  let me make you some  ,  come  ,  sit  .  don’t be shy  !!  i like having guests over for a meal  !!
good afternoon  —  have you ever had the pleasure of having afternoon tea in the clearing near here  ??  it’s absolutely blissful  ,  enjoying the scenery with a cup of tea and sweet treats  ,  it really refreshes the mind
good evening  —  the day just flew by  ,  where does the time go  ??  there’s still so much to do  ,  but not enough time to do them  !!  sometimes i wish there were multiples of me  .  i wonder if that’s possible to do
good night  —  beauty sleep is real and it’s important for your skin and your health  !!  it’s no joke  ,  sleeping eight hours will do wonders for your body  !!
chat ( idleness )  —  hmm . . .i wonder if i might be able to make a wound freezing agent . . . maybe if i mix it with slime condensate . . . interesting . . . i need to look into this more
chat ( traveling )  —  it’s hard  ,  but for the sake of gathering materials and finding new resources  ,  it’s worth it in the end . . . plus  ,  i get to see new sights every time  !!
chat ( research )  —  i’m trying to come up with efficient and easy-to-use potions and remedies for people to use . . . ones that people can easily access and even make themselves for times when doctors cannot be reached
when it rains  —  goodness  ,  i guess our plans have to be postponed until a later time . . . as much as i enjoy a good dousing of rain  ,  getting sick is not that fun  .
when the sun is out  —  beautiful  !!  today’s the perfect day to go for a stroll and maybe even a tea break in the forest  .
when it’s windy  —  heavens above  ,  someone must have peeved the lord of wind . . . let us be careful on our way today  ,  it’s hard to tell what sort of things we may come across  .
about casia ( schooling )  —  i was mostly homeschooled until the age of 16 when my vision appeared . . . that was when my parents and i discussed receiving official schooling to learn how to use my vision properly and to further my knowledge  .
about casia ( career )  —  i became a doctor  ,  not only because my parents were  ,  but because i also enjoy helping people . . . i want them to be a better version of themselves  ,  it brings me joy to know that i can help people live to the fullest  .
about casia ( fashion )  —  i always find it so interesting how people dress in different regions . . . i unfortunately have yet to come across those from inazuma and snezhnaya  ,  but i do wish to know how they dress over there  ,  what the current style is like  .  i wonder if it’s like the trends here  .
about us ( potions )  —  here  ,  let me teach you how to make this potion without wasting a lot of resources  ,  you’ll thank me later  .  it’s really simple  ,  come closer  .
about us ( plants  )  —  these plants here are edible  ,  if you’re ever hungry  ,  give them a wash and eat them  .  it’s not much  ,  but it’s better than starving and running out energy . . . don’t put yourself in danger  ,  even if it’s just some plants  ,  it’ll give you a boost until you can find proper food  .
about the vision  —  a gift  ??  i’m not really sure how to explain how i feel  ,  but perhaps it’s a driving factor in wanting to better myself  .  had i not received a vision  ,  i would not have found myself so driven to use my ability for something and explore the world  .
anything to share  —  i know you already have a companion  ,  but if i may be so bold and ask . . . would you mind if i accompanied you on your next trip  ??  i’d be honored if you’d allow me  ,  i promise i won’t be a burden  !!
interesting things  —  if you’re looking for a refreshing tea  ,  take some mint and some sweet flowers  ,  grind them together and steep them in hot water for a few minutes  .  add a bit of honey and voila  ,  you have a sweet and minty tea that’s good for the palate  !!  it tastes good cold as well  !!
about albedo  —   i respect him as a fellow alchemist and scholar  ,  i’m often amazed by the work he’s put out  .  he knows much i can learn about  ,  when i’m stuck  ,  i always seek out his assistance  .
about diluc  —  sir diluc is such an amazing person  ,  he’s shouldered so much  .  i respect him and well  ,  his tavern does have quite the delicious drinks  !!
about sucrose  —  sucrose is hardworking and dedicated  ,  i can see why sir albedo took her on as an apprentice  .  she’s got a curious nature and is willing to explore  .  i can’t wait to see what sort of research she brings to the table  .
more about casia [ i ]  —  i grew up in a small farming region on the edge of mondstadt  ,  my family has a long history of being physicians and herbologists so we were kind of unofficially dubbed as the local hospital . . . we have many patients from nearby villages come for our help
more about casia [ ii ]  —  hm  ??  why do i keep looking . . . ah . . . you caught me  .  i’m just appreciating that gentleman’s fine physique  ,  it’s quite a beauty to see  .  he’s quite handsome too  !!  what a treat for my tired eyes  ,  i feel absolutely refreshed just by watching him move  !!
more about casia [ iii ]  — why didn’t i go home after i finished school and opened my own clinic instead  ??  well  ,  they have enough help at home already . . . they don’t need me to crowd them  .  plus  ,  my clinic is now closer to the library at the favonius headquarters so i have access to plenty of reading materials  .
hobbies  —  i enjoy making my own makeup and perfume . . . all natural and in very pretty shades  .  it’s a huge trial and error process  ,  but that’s the fun in it  .  some ingredients are harder to acquire  ,  but the result makes it worth it  .
troubles  —  i just can’t seem to find a set of earrings that match this outfit  !!  and even more  ,  now i have to redo my makeup . . . there’s just not enough time to put together a good looking outfit for the day . . . how upsetting  .
favorite foods  —  i prefer balanced meals  ,  nothing too salty nor spicy nor sweet . . . a meal with dessert  !!  i’m not picky about food  !!
least favorite foods  —  not picky at all  ,  i’ll eat anything that is edible and filling  !!
birthday  —  oh darling  !!  it’s your birthday  ??  why didn’t you say so  ??  come  ,  come . . . i’m gonna get you all dressed up then we’ll have a night in town  ,  everything’s on me tonight  !!
feelings about ascension ( intro )  —  wow  ,  i didn’t know i could do even more with my powers
feelings about ascension ( building up )  — now i’m giddy to learn what else i can do  !!  show me more  !!
feelings about ascension ( climax )  — so this is what it means to be a better you . . . amazing  ,  i feel like i’m constantly evolving  !!
feelings about ascension ( conclusion )  — incredible  ,  just when i thought i knew my abilities  ,  you have shown me a whole new world  !!  please  !!  do go on  ,  i wish to learn more  !!
battle and exploration
added to party  —  you won’t regret it  !!  /  i’m excited  !!
elemental skill  —  watch this  !!
elemental burst  —  don’t take your eyes off of me  !!
idle  —  same as chat lines above
dash  —  watch out for the mud  ,  these shoes are new  !!
gliding  —  oh dear  ,  i really hope this doesn’t mess up my hair
damage  —  ugh  !!   how rude  !!
knocked out  —  i was too hasty  /  i hope i have enough potions to heal
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