#you will all be so happy. some of the things i have discovered ....
just-a-ghost00 · 1 day
You got mail 💌
Let’s find out what the person on your mind has to say to you. Pick one of the following emojis and discover your reading.
🌍 🩵 🌄 🤠
Group 1 🌍
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I may not show it to you but I am really happy we met. Everyday with you feels like a new adventure. Though we are worlds apart and so different from each other, I really feel like we match perfectly. You make me feel like I belong. Every moment spent with you is so much fun. It makes me want to jump forward and explore. You are so sweet and generous, so playful that I can’t help but to play along. I feel so lucky being with you. There is so much I want to do with you. I want to hang out with you and get to know you more. Maybe we could have a couple drinks, play in a park, have a little date by the river… if you wish. I feel so boring compared to you. With me, everything is always black and white. But you, my love, are so colorful and bright. I wish we were a family. I wish I could wake up in the morning to find you sitting at the table, eating breakfast with a smile on your face. I wish I could share with you my favorite spots and take you to every place I get to see. I wish I could find a way to express all that you mean to me. I tend to see the glass half empty. But when I’m with you I want to believe everything is possible. You have filled my cup with your love and I am so thankful for that. I can’t find the words to tell you how much I owe to you. You’ve made me a better person and I feel like I could never return the favor.
Group 2 🩵
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I may look like all is well and fine but to tell you the truth I feel hollow. And I could use some fun. I always seem so busy, always the life of the party, making everybody laugh and ensuring they have a good time. But deep inside, it’s getting tough. As the days go by, I feel my energy depleting and my motivation as well. I don’t even know why I do this anymore. I force myself for the sake of keeping appearances but honestly I’m not sure I like it at all. I’m afraid that if you dig deep enough, you wouldn’t like what you find there. I am much more fragile than I seem. Also much more mellow and soft when I get the chance. But lately I’m more of a zombie than anything. I don’t think I could bring you much joy nor comfort. I’m afraid I’ve turned bitter. It’s all about work and making sure the money gets in and less about enjoying what I’m doing. I need to pay the bills. There’s competition around. I can’t afford to lose. Everyone’s counting on me. People look up to me. I sacrificed a lot to get there. I can’t back down now. Who would I be if I did? I can’t disappoint. It’s all a masquerade but it’s for a cause. It might not look great to you but it means a lot to me. So, sorry if I’m acting cold but… it’s all for you baby. Don’t go thinking I found someone better. Believe me I don’t have the time for that.
Group 3 🌄
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Hold on a minute ! I know what you’re gonna think. What the heck is he/she saying? But hey, let me explain you’ll get it ! I may not be the strongest, the wisest or the most impressive of them all but one thing that’s sure about me is that I only have good intentions for you. I am ready to fight for you if that must be done. Thought I’m not good at that. Listen, my point is I really like you. I want to be with you, have fun with you, chat with you. I want us to take our time and get to know each other and hopefully to grow old together but that’s another story. With you I feel like a kid again. Sometimes, I gotta say, the feeling can be irritating. But at the same time it is freeing. I don’t have to chose a side. I don’t have to act a certain way to be accepted by you or understood. And that’s crazy! I’ve never experienced that before. Usually I would try to conform and play nice, show my best side and stick to the plan. But ever since I met you I want to free myself of those restraints. I want to find my home. I want to express my full potential without fearing being rejected or not belonging. I know you’ll never kick me out. Because you are the same aren’t you? The things I’ve seen, what I’ve been through, you’ve been there as well, right? I want to make a promise to you. Whatever comes our way, I swear I won’t run away. Even though it is scary and seems impossible, I will always work hard and do my best to make it. I may not be exactly your type or what you imagined a partner should be, but I am willing to learn. I am willing to tune to your melody and shelter whatever we may build together, not matter how unstable it may seem. I want you to feel comfortable with me. I want you to feel as safe with me as I feel with you. So if you’ll let me, let me fulfill that promise. You won’t regret it.
Group 4 🤠
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To be honest, at first I didn’t get the best of vibes from you. I was a little intimidated and didn’t want to get to know you. Especially considering what people were saying about you. But I tried to see past your exterior and once I got to know you I found out that you were very chill. Maybe it was because I didn’t know you. Maybe I feared the unknown territory you represented. Maybe I was just afraid of going deep. But curiosity got the best of me. And luckily for both of us I stayed around long enough to make my own opinion. And I have to say that you are quite surprising. I won’t lie, being with you asks a lot of efforts on my part. But every second spent with you is worth it. In your presence, I feel comfortable. Being with you reminds me of my childhood. I think of my mother and my family, of the days we spent together before I moved away and followed the wind where it took me. Every page of our story takes me deeper within. I see sides of myself I never noticed or didn’t want to remember. I remember the innocent days where doing something new weren’t as terrifying and meeting new people sounded like a thrill. Being with you I feel blessed and content. There’s a light heartedness and a warmth in my heart I wouldn’t trade for anything. When I’m alone at home you’re all I think about. When I’m at work also. There isn’t a single moment when you’re not on my mind. When I’m with you I feel hopeful. I think that maybe life isn’t as tough as I thought it would be. That maybe there is more waiting for me. Please, show me more of your different sides. Tell me more about what makes you happy. Let me in and let me see for myself what you are made of. I’m begging you don’t shut me out. I want more of you.
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cheeseceli · 1 day
That must be right
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Pairing: Min Yoongi × Gn!reader
Genre: fluff, f2l, drabble
Request: can i request a yoongi idolbf! x reader and its just like a fluffy date, they're just dating and didnt really actually confess their feeling yet and like at the end of the date he or reader confesses
Warnings: tzuyu (twice) makes a cameo, suga overthinks a bit, y/n was delulu for a second here, not proofread.
A/n: don't you just love when he smiles | daily click
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Yoongi doesn't know what to feel right now.
He should be happy, because oh my God this is happening. But he should also be anxious, because what is he supposed to do now that this is happening? And on top of it, he should be scared, because is this even supposed to be happening?
The way you saved his number as "my love" is a fact that has been spiraling in his head for hours now, since he discovered it. And it is just a silly little detail about your every day life. He wasn't even supposed to know about that. But he does. And now he can't stop thinking about that.
It's also about how you told Tzuyu (who definitely shouldn't have told Suga) you couldn't go out with her since you were having a date with your boyfriend. The boyfriend being Yoongi. And the date being the place you guys should go to in a few hours.
And there's nothing wrong with that, right? Except for the fact that you called him your boyfriend when he is... not your boyfriend. He would love to be, of course! But he is not. Unless he got lost in translation, which he highly doubts, considering how he is always replaying everything you say and do in his mind.
But you called him that. And, in some type of way, you called him your love as well. Never to his face, but you did. And Yoongi has no idea on how much of that he should consider. It could be just a not very funny joke. But you wouldn't joke about it, would you? So maybe he should just behave like nothing happened. Yeah, that's right. He shouldn't even know about those things at all.
So for the rest of the day, he pretends that he didn't discover anything. Everything is exactly as it was. But he can't bring himself to actually forget those. "My boyfriend". "My love". Those sentences were quite harsh to forget about.
You guys are on a date, so why can't you be actually dating? Do you even know that this is a romantic date? Does Yoongi know that? When did the line between friends who are secretly in love and actual lovers blurry itself so hard? It's getting ridiculous at this point. So many questions and very few answers.
He watches as you hold the huge popcorn bucket, trying your best not to drop anything. You were just waiting in line with him, waiting for the movie session to start, but you were so happy. Even when just standing still, your eyes were undeniably full of joy.
Yoongi also didn't miss how you never failed at being close to him. Not on a way to overwhelm him, just to be there. Like you just wanted his company, even if you weren't touching each other. Even if you were in complete silence, even if you didn't even look at each other just yet. You were both there. And that was all that mattered.
Useless to say that he paid absolutely no attention to the movie on the silver screen. He had no idea of who was staring in it, or what it was about. He barely looked at it to be honest. He was looking at you all the time. My boyfriend. My love. You surely acted like there was truth to those words.
For the first time in the past hour or so he looked away from you. He focused his gaze on the movie playing instead, but only because he wanted to reach to hold your hand, and he wouldn't be able to do it if he looked at you while doing so. That was proven particularly correct as he felt you turning your head just to look at him the moment you felt his touch.
He should've looked though. Maybe then he would see how your eyes proved that Yoongi was indeed your love. Maybe just not your boyfriend. Yet. That was soon to be solved, as he was already planning on how to confess the moment the two of you got out of the movie theater.
You were, after all, calling him your boyfriend for a while now. However, now it was time for him to call you his partner. Oh, and he so would do it. It felt right to do so.
And if it feels right, it must be right.
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: shut me up
Reminder that this is all fiction! This does not represent the members in real life!
Taglist: @yuyubeans @butnotmontana
Dividers by @sweetmelodygraphics | credits for images 1, 2 and 3
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why are law of assumption women on tumblr so defensive and fragile? i wasn't trying to harm you. i just hoped you can say something beautiful and poetic to help me feel like i deserve my desires even tho others worked 20 years for success
Warning: A Rant + plus if you don't like what i said just scroll down buddy:
Well i'll excuse myself if i offended you, cause some anons just Comes at me and sending hateful Asks or don't believe in loa (and please stop saying mean words about everyone, be grateful that i'm answering your ask).
Anyways, many people, no BILLIONS OF PEOPLE around the World don't know the existence of Law of assumption.
So you should consider yourself lucky that you discovered the cheat code to life.
We were taught since we were young that for achieving something or deserving something we need to work hard, so you'll start noticing that many people that discover loa will have difficulties manifesting their desires, why? Because they still have this lingering thought and feelings that they should work hard to deserve it or consider loa too good to be true that it is easy and simple.
Everyone deserve success and a better life, no one deserve horrible circumstances, being poor, being Homeless, having abusive parents and partners.
You deserve every single thing that exist in this entire universe.
We were born to learn, explore, have a better life and many more.
You don't need a degree to be a millionnaire.
You don't need money to have a car.
You don't need to be perfect and pretty to be with your SP.
You don't need to be a good student to get accepted to your desired university/college.
You have this power at the palms of your hand, use it and you'll be the happiest person alive.
Decide your desire+ affirm + persist.
That all you need to do.
Now for the part where you said that people wasted so much time working for 30 years to have what they want, well sadly these people doesn't know the existence of LOA.
This life is not supposed to be a burden, it is supposed to be easy, but sadly the society kept feeding us that WE can't have that and that without working hard for it.
I feel so Bad about those who have commited suicide and they didn't know there was too much to life.
But don't you DARE Say that these people who have Dreams to achieve are pick me or lazy, you don't know them and you don't know what happening to them behind their blogs/account.
If you don't like what i said, you're free to leave.
No one, literally NO ONE is forcing you to believe in loa.
If you think it is unfair well that is your belief and your opinion.
But i'm just here to tell you that you deserve every fucking desire you want to have, that include wealth, happiness and health, even the most illogical things.
I Hope you realize that there's more to life.
Xoxo, Eli
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Where have you been?
Uhhh, France?
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(That’s a Hamilton reference, btw. I have never been to France.)
So! Another Hobbit Day is upon us. On this day last year, I’d promised you all that we would take another trek through LotR, with all new drawings and poems and fanfics. I fully expected to be finished with Book One by now, at least halfway through FotR. What actually happened is that the blog struggled through the first five and a half chapters of the book before suddenly going radio silent.
So what happened?
Well, as you might expect, real life happened. I won't go into the details here—since it has nothing to do with LotR—but I can explain in DMs if anyone is interested.
Basically, a change in my family led to a reexamination of what I thought I knew about my family, which led to a reexamination of what I thought I knew about myself, which kicked off an intense period of self-improvement.
Over the course of this past year, I began to unpack my family's abuse; I learned about boundaries; I started to unlearn my old people-pleasing tendencies; I reconnected relationships that were broken, reevaluated ones that were in the wrong place, and cut off ones that weren't good for me. I discovered there was a little kid in my head who's been waiting years and years for an adult to love her, and to take her needs seriously, and I finally have the chance to be that adult. And I'm happy to say that I've come to a place where I feel safer in my own head than I have ever been.
Probably very little of that is going to show through on this blog. It's all inward stuff; foundational stuff. But one thing that might affect you guys is that I left my (dreadfully overstimulating and stressful) part-time job, and I'm now working full time somewhere else. As much as I love what I do for a living now, working 40 hours a week does mean that I am become Boring Adult who does not have as much time for interneting. With my current schedule, there is no way I'd be able to sustain the intense schedule of "must post one drawing a day" that I had in the early days of this blog; and I don't expect myself to.
But! I would like to—slowly—get this train rolling again.
I find it hilariously apropos that the last piece of art I posted on this blog was of Frodo suddenly disappearing. From Merry's perspective, he completely vanished without explanation or warning. From your perspective, so did I.
But I find myself here again, on another September 22nd, and once again I'm beginning to feel that pull; that pull to read, and draw, and create, and share, and laugh with all of you. Life has calmed down enough for me that I once again have the mental space to think about pursuing my hobbies. There are so many things I want to do—so much to do with the time that is given to me. And I want this blog to be on that list.
My current goal is to post some new book art every other day. If that's too much, I'll adjust it. But if I find my groove and really get into it, who knows? We might return to your regularly scheduled Daily Dose of Frodo-With-Glasses. We shall have to see.
Anyway. If you've read this far, thank you! If you've stuck with this blog since the early days, thank you. And if you are one of that lovely core Fellowship that has had my back and prayed for me all along, I cannot thank you enough.
This past year has been an absolute ride. Not as difficult as a trek to Mordor, maybe, but not easy either. But no matter where I walked, I knew I didn't have to take the journey alone.
Anyway! Enough sappiness. Happy Hobbit Day! I'm excited to see what the next year has in store for us. 💚
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amielot · 3 days
Hi!!! Hope you're doing well!! Just started following you after discovering your Horse girl Au, which is the best thing ever. I just read them all through, I haven't reblogged or commented yet, bc my main goal this past hour has been catch up with the wonderful everything you gave us, but I looooved them all. Also, confession time, I have not read the sandman, and I do not know the characters. It took me an embarrassing long amount of times to realise this was an Au within a fandom and not just fully your OCs. Still, the story is very enjoyable, and I'm eager to read some of the inspired fanfics.
Love, a dedicated new follower 💜
AAAAA first off, thank you!!!!!!! 🥹❤️❤️❤️ I’m always so happy when the comic connects with people.
secondly, oh no worries XD, apparently there’s a couple of people who read the comic who are not in the sandman fandom and I am so delighted and tickled that it’s enjoyable as a stand alone story.
Welcome, welcome! Please! Have a look around and have fun! 🥰
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weirdsht · 2 days
(Un)Attainable - Alberu/Fem! Reader
notes: the og prompt for this was suppose to be super angsty, but I'm not so mean that I would make you guys cry the second I have the time to write. Also I notice a lot of people are using "Alver" now but I just can't, I'm so sorry huhu
tags: female reader, vague novel spoilers, forbidden love(?), lovesick Alberu if you squint
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read pinned)
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Alberu’s first priority will always be the Roan Kingdom and its citizens. He will always put the welfare of his people before his own wants. Alberu is the type of crown prince who is willing to play as the villain just to see his citizens prosper. Even when no one will be able to appreciate his sacrifices. All for the sake of his selfish desire to see his people thrive.
That’s the simple fact the people around Alberu know.
They know that he has no time for love. No time to indulge in such things when he has a kingdom to run. Alberu Crossman has said so himself several times in the past.
But oh, what is this feeling blooming in the crown prince’s heart? Could they be feelings of romantic affection?
Could the prideful prince be eating his own words of not taking in a spouse in the future?
Maybe, or perhaps not.
He does know one thing though…
It’s the fact that he's charting into dangerous territory.
Not only was he dumb enough to fall in love. That wasn’t enough.
No no no
The quarter-dark elf was stupid enough to fall for the one person he couldn’t get.
Adin’s fiance, the soon-to-be crown princess of the Mogoru Empire. The empire of the Sun God Church. The one place where his chances of his dark elf bloodline being discovered is higher.
But can anyone blame him and his beating heart? How could he not fall when she’s so sweet, so ethereal?
So undeserving of that bastard Adin.
She was so good. So kind, so strong, so smart, so compassionate.
And Adin was… a scumbag, for a lack of a better word. Someone undeserving love.
Despite that, Adin was still her fiance. Adin and not Alberu.
“I’ve known him since we were kids. Our engagement had been decided from the moment the emperor found out I was a girl. They said I was the perfect wife for him. That I can strengthen the royal bloodline.”
She had confided one night. Her dignified yet soft voice had a tinge of longing in it. As if longing for the life she could’ve had outside of being Adin’s bethroed. 
“Your Highness [Name] has your time with Prince Adin made you grow some affection for him?”
Alberu hopes that the answer is no. That despite the headstart Adin had, [Name] hadn’t fallen for his charms.
That instead she’d fall for Alberu’s charms.
He’s the better choice. He could give her so much more than Adin could ever. Alberu will make sure that she will have the chance to showcase her talent to the world. He will make sure to treat her like the princess she is. This crown prince won’t treat her as if she’s a mere trophy whose sole job is to be bragged around.
[Name] was so much better than that.
She has wits that can help run a kingdom. She has the compassion for her citizens. The heart that screams and begs to aid her people. She has a strong persona that has so much more use than just being shown around to nobles.
Alberu Crossman can see that she’s worth more than Adin displayed her to be— no, in fact in Alberu’s eyes she’s worthless. No system of measurement can gauge her worth.
“No amount of time spent with Adin can make me grow affection for the man. Whether it’s platonic or romantic.”
The quarter-dark elf almost let his shoulders sag. He was so relieved that he nearly conveyed his true feelings. 
He has a chance– Alberu Crossman actually has a chance..!
Alberu was so happy that he nearly didn’t catch [Name]’s next words.
“That man is so awful, hence why no amount of time with him can make me tolerate him. But I’m sure you already know of such things. As a matter of fact, my trusted handmaiden is on her way to make negotiations with your dear commander.”
Roan Kingdom’s rising sun had to double-take, unsure if the words he was hearing were correct.
“I’m not as dumb as the world thinks of me.”
Alberu must have had a stupefied look on his face for the lovely lady in front of him to make such a comment.
“No, no my lady, that’s not what I meant. I am well aware of your wits and capabilities. It’s just that my commander and I had been ready to do everything in our power to turn you over to our side.”
To turn you over so that you’ll be in my arms instead– of course, Alberu said no such thing. Only letting such degenerative thoughts run through his mind.
“My lady is highly intelligent, highly perceptive. You are also close to Adin, you are a core player in taking such a man off his high horse.”
[Name] had an incredulous look on her face. Like Alberu was flattering her too much. However, he wasn’t. The poor prince had only been telling the truth.
“I didn’t think that the future king of the Roan Kingdom was one to… get brownie points.”
“You wound me, my fair lady. I was merely stating the truth. Nonetheless, since we’re on the topic… do you mind people who try to get brownie points?”
Alberu isn’t sure where he got the guts to be so coy. But he was glad he did because [Name]’s expression was better than he’d hoped for.
“Hmm well, I guess I don’t mind. If it’s from a silver-haired prince maybe I wouldn’t entertain it. Luckily, blonde seems to be my type… or was it brown?”
[Name] had a knowing look on her face and oh god can Alberu fall any deeper. He should be scared, should be nervous that another person seems to know his secret. But no, instead, he feels himself falling deeper in love.
“Don’t worry your highness your secret is safe with me. I wouldn’t do my potential lover dirty like that.”
Yeah… safe to say that Alberu’s in too deep now.
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And now another art drawn BEFORE I've read the book of Bill. This is my old headcanon AU of 2021. + catified for convenience. Btw I did guess a few things about him right, tho my less original AU from 2017 was more correct. (And then i say GF spoilers overall + book + lore drop).
I have notes what did I guess in some txt. I can tell from memory - in my AU he also looked at the stars aka other worlds. He used his fire magic to see them through barrier and it fascinated him. And then he wanted to make everyone see it bc he was sick of all restrictions this world had, he never liked them ever since he was born. Also I always headcanoned one of his parents being red (father usually, tho now I think the name Euclid goes better with blue). Also what isn't canon but existed in my AU - he had 2 younger siblings. They weren't lore important, but existed. Also I guessed the fact he carried a piece of his universe with him. In my AU he collected shreds of each single world and creature he destroyed that held importance to him. Once his magic inventory wasn't enough - he created or took a separate world where he made huge pyramids of these shreds and got depression episodes each time he stayed to look at them. And id anyone dared to notice him being depressed - he Thanos snapped them too, bc no one must know that he wasn't as happy as he appeared to be. And I wrote this AU only knowing 2 facts - in one of the worlds similar to Bill's triangles were the lowest class, and this one Axolotl verse.:"Says he's happy - he's a lier, blame the arson fro the fire", "misses home and can't return", etc.
Now about the artwork: Here you can see Bill chatting with his first bestie after he escaped his world. Also he didn't lose one of his eyes yet.
How did they meet: Bill was alone in the outer space and was found by the group of universe travelers. They welcomed Bill in their ranks and he was happy to join bc he loved to discover new things. They traveled together and at first Bill was fine. And used his magic to better the lives of others. Until he grew sick of it bc he had no family and no home himself, so instead he would start to destroy everything and would lose his first bestie(s). And would become the canon Bill, as I thought.And wouldrun around and destroy everything that's still whole, pretending to enjoy the scenery.
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antigonesghosts · 2 months
autistic4autistic jazzalil. Send post
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starflungwaddledee · 9 months
which ocs in the fandom do you find the most interesting? also, which ocs do you think have the most aesthetically pleasing designs? finally, which ocs have you only heard of but would like to know more about?
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooo ha haaa noooo i can't possibly answer this because it would be soooo unfair to have favourites wouldn't it's comet knight by @kittenvirus
#sorry it's the colour scheme and the glitter and the fluff. i'm unfortunately so so weak to all these things 😭#even a little bit of pastel rainbow star theming specifically... comet really has everything i'm sorry to say#i think starstruck would faint immediately if she saw him. could they be friends?? i'm not sure i think she'd just be like this: 👁️👁️#he is also one of (if not the very) first designs i saw when i started picking around the kirby community#so i'll always have a soft spot for him no matter who else i discover.#there are also a dozen other OCs that i love and adore but the more that i list the more folks will feel that i didn't list *them*#and i really really don't want to do that! my mutuals have some absolutely banging designs as do some folks who i don't follow!#there are also a lot of REALLY cool designs that are 'semi' oc but are more like redesigns? from folks AUs or comics or so on#many great morpho-esque redesigns out there too i'm always a fan of those!!!#please understand i'm listing only ONE design that hits all these prompts (bc i also don't know the creator well hence 'only heard of')#and one that always stands out to me personally because of the sentimentality i mentioned above#but i love MANY many many. if i started listing them i would never stop!! if you have an oc or a design i probably love them!!#i realise that is a bit of a dodge of the breadth of this question but i just... yknow? haha#i'd be happy to learn more about any ocs really!! i would actually love for starstruck to start having some relationships with others too?#if folks are interested in that!! she has relationships with the dream land four but not so much with ocs; and that might be fun too!!#others ocs#asks
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j0nika · 7 months
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sksjdj this made me laugh!
i didnt know what to put on the mug, i didnt know what might symbolize madoka, so i just drew a little mini kyubey💀
but lets just say its merch, in a timeline where madoka is actually a huge fan of madoka magica. and the mc is...homura!!!!
i think i just made a super cool au
(thanks for more of the super kind words! im glad you like the way i draw! i'm trying my best to stick with the style of madoka magica while still incorporating my own style in there, hope its working)
#aghhh im so grateful#you are super nice#thanks for the motivation for me to draw more mm!!!!#ive been struggling with finding fandoms that i fit into recently#and im finding so many different things that im interested in that its too much for my brain#so i keep feeling overwhelmed that i have to draw EVERYTHING because i want to!!#i just dont have the time energy or motivation#all the while trying to stick to my roots with danganronpa#im slowly forgetting danganronpa and how much i have a passion for it and its stressing me out#as much as i want to grow as a person i genuinely want to keep up with danganronpa and learn more about it!#im just in a stage where im discovering a lot of different things such as madoka magica and its a lot#because i feel the need to create create create everything i see#every scenario i really want to draw!#but theres too much!!!#i didnt even have the motivation to draw danganronpa (my one and only fandom) for a long long time#but now that im starting off strong with mm#i think ill really be able to get some creativity out there#it makes me happy that my art is enjoyable by you and others so#seriously thank you so much for your words and excitement about the things i make bc i need that sometimes!#even if it seems small like im overreacting#it is just really nice to hear a total stranger say that they like the things i make#i know its not just to make me feel better and that its genuine#ive never really had social media or posted the things im passionate about ever#this is honestly super new to me#so yeah#a little means a lot#sorry for ranting i just wanted to say that haha ty for reading
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romance-incubomp3 · 1 month
#I wish I had known about bt when atsushi was still around:( like#getting into them so much has been like a source of happiness and comfort this year#but then I feel kind of bad because the reason I found out about them is because someone died#for a while it was just one of those things that’s like yeah#sometimes an artist dies and that’s how you find out about their stuff#and it’s nice for people to continue discovering and loving someone’s art after they’re gone#but I’ve been feeling more sad about that lately#like I’ve never found a band that’s just felt so much like My thing before#there’s plenty of bands and songs I love but#I’ve never really gotten this obsessed or invested in a specific band#so part of me wishes I had discovered them sooner or heard about them under better circumstances#and not cause I happened to be scrolling through tumblr during work and#saw goth blogs I follow posting memorial stuff#it feels kind of spooky and morbid too because I had been#thinking lately I wanted to find some goth bands from japan#if I had actually gotten around to doing the research I probably would have started listening to them#so it was weird timing#and I was showing my dad the climax together tour and he was kind of#lamenting that he had never heard of them when he was younger because he would have gotten so into their music#like. ah if my dad had any exposure to japanese rock when he was younger#I definitely would have grown up listening to a lot of buck-tick#and der zibet too probably#I was watching dz concert videos late last night#and issay was so cute and lively and full of energy#and then I thought about how he died in some accident and I started feeling upset#especially since one of my favorite movie actors died in a pretty horrific freak accident#it’s like I’d rather just not think about what might’ve happened (since there weren’t really public details)#anyway I’m just kind of like. having complicated feelings about all of it#different than sadness and grief I’ve felt over artists in the pass since it was all postmortem that I knew about them
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sysig · 1 year
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Dying about stick figures rn (Patreon)
#Doodles#AvA#Decided that since all of AvM Season 3 is out and compiled that would be a good thing to watch - and also all of Part V to start on Part VI#Because eating a whole bunch of A Thing at once is totally not a recipe for Things To Happen in my brain lol#Nah I'm happy about it ♪ I keep Meaning to do other things and then- :P Such is the way#Anyway it's been too long since I've drawn them <3 And I realized I have everyone's colours in pencil now! Not just ink!#Makes for some chunky lads at times - Red probably got the worst of it overall lol - but it's decently fun :D#My drawing teeny-tiny was amped up since y'know. They're stick figures - but did not take into account that my pencils are a little wide#Did not change after discovering this either lol you cannot remove me from my love of doodling tiny#Love 'em ♥#I still hold my fondness for The Dark Lord/The Chosen One! Yes I've seen all of Part V I just mentioned that! Lol#They are husbands I'm not in denial you're in denial#And then The King and Purple just kinda completely took over my attention lol ♪ I love them <3#Flawed lads both of them! Puzzle pieces shaped like each other's broken hearts#Nothing kills me faster than adopted kids crossing the touch barrier with their adopted parent and being open and safe with each other I die#I'm quite happy with Purple's hug there ah <3 For that reason but also the way his arms are wrapped around his dad haha#It's cute! :D I'm pleased ♫#I can imagine a lot of these in the animated style and honestly it's got me a little itching to give it a go#There's a reason stick figure animation is so popular! Beginner-friendly haha
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shining-scion · 4 months
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Really needed to hear this myself.
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usertoxicyaoi · 2 years
ughhhh if only discovering new music could be classed as a professional hobby 😔.
#its one of my faaaave hobbies to indulge in if only i could talk about it and make it sound all professional like 'yeah i have an entire#blog dedicated to sounds i love and like and wish to encapsulate and store in one place that then becomes my happy go to place#and says so much about my personality and what i listen to and the energy it gives me and how discovering new music#has made me listen to so much of different cultures and countries and languages#that i couldnt ever do so before and even within my OWN cultures (indian and pakistani) ive LEARNT SO MUCH!!!#such as how sound changes overtime throughout history but some elements stay the same#how good folk music can be if you just pay attention to it and are willing to give it a try#how the east mix elements of the west into their music but still keep it sounding eastern#but v modern too so that its a relatable listen for a westerner but still firm to its eastern roots#how multilingual songs have become! how much that says about an artist trying to express themselves and their identities!#how stories are told how concepts are explored how religion is used as a way to devote something to someone close to you#how much you learn just by opening up yourself to new music and sounds!!!! how you can build entire playlists around fictional media#and characters based on the songs you hear and how you can make the two things crossover and overlap.#how that enhances your experience of consuming media!!! and makes the song and piece of media even more symbolic to you.'#ughhhhhhhh 😔😔😔😔😔.#faiza talks
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jils-things · 9 months
pkmn soulsilver babbles c:
i have reached the tag limit writing my thoughts help. im not even done but ig ill just leave it at that AHAHSHSHSH
#since i collected all johto/kanto badges my next goal is to start grinding extra harder for red +#my decision to try to catch as much legendaries#so the first thing i did was make sure that poliwhirl and misdreavus actually evolved - so i went around to find the stones#along the way i happen to find a dawn stone - i frowned thinking like. man if only i could use this on kirlia > gallade#i went to goldenrod to buy some tms and as i left the city i accidentally walked on grass (speeding up the emulator lmao) and FOUND RALTS#i was so shocked because AYO RALTS? IN JOHTO MF#it was male even so i was so excited to grab it - i did and then later i was like “would be cool if i could get a gardevoir too”#“maybe i can breed the ralts with a ditto'#“but I don't have a ditto :[”#AND THEN I WALKED ON THE GRASS AGAIN TO FIND A DITTO RIGHT AFTER THAT AKSKSJSJSJSJDJSSK#i caught it IMMEDIATELY#i was like. wow this is too good to be true. i kept walking on grass again and then i found a female ralts.#now the ditto wont be necessary anymore but i was happy to get one#my next concern was like - 'aw man they're hella underleveled tho - oh yeah! daycare. where's that dayca-#LITERALLY JUST 3 STEPS AWAY FROM ME. THE DAYCARE. BECAUSE DUH. IM IN GOLDENROD CITY THEY'RE NEXT TO EACH OTHER FLDJFKFLFKDKDK#I WAS JUST MADLY GIGGLIGN TO MYSELF LIKE GIRL DAMN EVERYTHING CAME RIGHT TO ME RGRGDHDH#so yeah my other side quest is to get both gallade and gardevoir. probably super obvious but yes they're my fav lines aksjsjsj#there's also another bit i discovered where once i collected all 16 badges - i have to visit the sound designer in celadon's apartments#he gave me a Gameboy device that plays the entire game out but in the Gameboy ver aka the og games and#idk i just... really appreciate that bit? you can tell so much love was poured into this#i enabled the device for a bit too simulate how it would sound like if i played the gb versions. it's so cool#immediately jumped to pallet town and new bark town's ver - it's so sweet sounding#i really appreciate that small bit! as someone who didn't play the og games this one is just a nice way of giving me a tasteof it#anyway - right now im trying to level the team the best i can + evolved with stones and im also trying to look for the other gym leaders#to get their phone number to rebattle (and level up again)#.... i was flustered to get morty's number first...#at the bellchime tower of all places???!?!?!! damn. damn. in the pretty autumn trees smh morty are you setting me up.. slash ro-#EITHER WAY I GOT A LIIITLE EXCITED OVER THAT SMDNDBDBBDLFLF anduhhhmayhapsfunneideasgrgfgf#hi sarahdontlook at meee HEVDVSVEBSBSBD#i forgot morty pops up there and. WHEW. kinda thankful i forgot my first gameplay its like I'm playing it again weheeh
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likedbyuarmyhope · 1 year
i’ve really been an army for over six years huh. i’ve been an army for almost a third of my life
#i was 15 when i discovered them. jk was fucking 19 and now i’m 21 and hes turning 26 like i’ve actually grown up with them#i’m so excited and impatient for the future with them but im also sad for all the experiences i had as a baby army that i can never get back#my first year as an army was almost entirely on tumblr and the community used to be so big and social and just. so much fun#even my first couple years on army twt feel so nostalgic now. there were bad things of course but also so many great things#i just feel so lucky to have lived through these last few years with them and i never want to lose those feelings#aeron.txt#it’s so cliche but there really are so many things that you just had to be there for#the struggle of joining their fancafe (i definitely gave up after the first few tries)#the first bangtan bomb they added closed captions to (and when they took them away as punishment for spreading an exclusive fancafe video)#(i still hold that video of the tannies taking turns kissing taehyung so very close to my heart)#their first ever bbma. their first performance at the amas#the creation of bt21#the post-concert vlives during tours#bon voyage to look forward to every summer#jimin’s silent twitter videos#we’ve consistently gotten so much from them and i’m so happy for all that we’re continuing to get#i never want to seem like i think the old days were ‘better’ or like i’m not just as grateful for what they give us now#i just get so nostalgic and melancholy when i think of all the things that we don’t get to experience anymore#i was so young and going through some of my most formative years and it’s such a unique feeling to have grown up alongside bts#i’m still growing up with them. so much of what they taught me years ago is only now showing up in the decisions i make about my life#god i love them so much i love them so so so much
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