#you won't understand it till chapter 6
apricusapollo · 1 year
paper rings fabian "august" prewett
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hanetea · 4 months
Flowers in the winter
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Summary: 6 months of the year I am technically married to Satoru Gojo; and the other 6 months, well... I still am married to him. Word count: 2.6k CWs: Teen!Gojo, he's a warning in itself..., Timid!reader, Reader!POV Canon compliant till I say so, rom-com, slow-burn, how slow? maybe like 3 chapters slow, fluff, angst, eventual smut, no beta, mildly edited This is part 2 (you can find part one here > part 1 )
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“I’m sorry” I sniffled as I heard nothing but laughter for mistaking the other person at the end of the line for someone other than himself. But who could blame me!
“How can you, married for two years by the way, not even recognize the sound of my voice anymore? Was 2 years not enough for you?” his laughter finally dying down, and all I could do was to swallow how much this man was just enjoying my perfectly understandable reaction. 
“But for us it barely was two years huh” he says sighing, finally able to breathe after laughing. I pinch my arm a little. I mean after all he was right, it was barely 2 years, hell it was probably only just 6 months of us together.
“Heh, why are you quiet? Cat got your tongue?” but it's moments like these that I wish it was less than 6 months.
“Sorry sorry, I’ll stop teasing” he chuckles as if reading my mind. I pout as I bring my knees closer to my chest. Since he called me he should be able to tell me where to go right? Maybe even pick me up at the train station… I could hear a hearty sigh on the other line. “ so, you're coming tomorrow?” He's going to at least give me an address as to where jujutsu high is right?
“Yes” I said, twirling my hair between my index and thumb. ‘Please tell me where to go-’
“Great! I’ll see you then-” “WAIT!” 
There was a pause of silence between us. Me letting my nerves get the best of me, and unintentionally cutting him off mid sentence. Embarrassment creeps into my cheeks as I try to bury myself with a fistful of my hair, bringing it to the front of my face. I should’ve just asked through text or something.
‘Ahhhh I want to diee’
Gojo clears his throat, breaking the silence. “What’s wrong?” he says in a completely oblivious tone, which only made me more nervous on what to say. 
I try to collect myself breathing slowly so that I can get my words across,
“Um, Gojo, so about Jujutsu tech…” I start but my mouth just shuts on its own, 
“Gojo Satoru is not a kind man”
My mothers warning rings in my head, and my palms start getting sweaty by the second. ‘I should be more polite’ I thought, still trying to find the words to say but before I could add more he gives me a big ‘Ah!’ making me jump a little from the sudden noise.
“Yea! The admission wasn't that bad, though you know that the elders were being such a big pain about it.” he gave a loud sigh to exaggerate how much he hated it, which made me smile, this man does not like being bossed around. 
“Yknow what's crazy tho?” his voice suddenly hushed as if trying to not let anybody hear “there's only 3 students in my class” which gains a small gasp from me “i-including you?” I whisper back. In the same hush tone that he was using, “Including me!” he responds back, I can't even begin to imagine a class of 10 people, how much more just 3? With yourself included? And the worst of it is that you’re classmates with Gojo….
‘I feel bad for them…’ A whole year with him… I can't even begin to imagine how that would be, without missing a beat Gojo fills my silence with little stories of his time at jujutsu high.
“The campus is HUGE! It's very traditional in terms of architecture but I think you already know that.” He continues to ramble, Gojo can really carry the conversation with just himself, and honestly it's comforting to know that he won't get mad if I stay quiet. However…
“Um, sorry Gojo but to be honest,” Gojo turns quiet in the other line, I swallow what timidness I had to get my words across, feeling that the man on the other side is also going to listen to me. “I’ve never been to jujutsu high, o-or know where it is” I finally put out. Gojo still stays silent in the other line which makes me hope he didn't take offense. “...you’ve never been there?” he says softly which makes me embarrassed
‘Was I supposed to know?’ I bite my lip
“M-my mom doesn't really tell me about jujutsu society…” with every word that escapes, the quieter it becomes. Growing up I’ve been told that women have no place in jujutsu society. And my mom reaffirms this belief by raising me as a normal girl as much as possible. Since a woman’s role is to be a wife to her husband, I was kept in the dark about anything that revolves around jujutsu. 
‘I only know some things because it involves Gojo…’ but now I’m starting to think I should know a little bit more, just to keep up with his life… He is at the center of it after all…
“Is that so?” his voice rings clear, in a span of a few months, Gojo’s voice changed. I wonder what he looks like now? This is no longer the Gojo Satoru that I knew a year ago. Will he be disappointed that I, his wife, didn't change at all? Will I be tossed aside, the older we get?
“I can pick you up, which station are you going to?” I shook my head trying to rid of my thoughts that was occupying my head 
“M-my ticket is for Asakusa station, but I can catch a train to whichever is more convenient for you-” he giggles at the other end, confusing me as I don't really know what he found funny “no that’s fine I'll pick you up there.” His voice is so gentle, it almost made my heart leap out of my chest. I can't let myself misunderstand, Gojo didn't mean anything about it. 
“Thank you” I say, barely a whisper, twiddling my toes trying to warm them up  “No worries.” he hummed in response. My shoulders relaxed, as I let go of the breath that I didn't know I was holding. Gojo, despite his obvious status, was very different from the other male authorities that I have the displeasure of knowing in Jujutsu society. He wasn't someone to hold his authority above you unless provoked. Even though we aren't the typical couple, where mutual feelings isn't the thing keeping us together, but societal pressure. I'm happy that we are different from a typical jujutsu marriage. It’s comfortable,
“Gojo Satoru is not a kind man”
But I'm okay that it's him that I have to be with.
“Goodnight (y/n), I’ll see you soon” he says one last time before hanging up.
I heave a heavy sigh, dropping my phone to the side, My other hand playing with my hair. I really ended up having a casual conversation with Gojo… ‘Gojo is so easy to talk to… I mustn't be swayed’ I thought. The more comfortable I am, the more I am able to make mistakes. I don't think he’ll be pleasant when that day arrives.  I imagine a cross Gojo, but it seems like it's hard to picture what that looks like. I twiddle my toes more just trying to think. Instead, a picture of an more diabolical Gojo came to mind, ‘No, I think he will just endlessly tease me if I do… ahhhhh’ now scratching my scalp, hating the second option even more, I look back towards the picture frame that I previously dropped.
I don’t want the marriage of a jujutsu sorcerer. Constant avoidance, infested with malice, a bitter marriage that would’ve been better off separated. ‘I don't want that’ But if that was the fate that I was preordained to have…
I pulled the picture off the frame and folded it into my wallet. Giggling as I see his little pout still peaking through.
‘I mustn’t feel anything for Satoru Gojo’
I placed my wallet into my bag, I'm now fully packed, ready for my journey… my 6 month long journey, easing my heart in what lies ahead.
“We have arrived to, Asakusa station” 
I inhale a lungful of air, waiting for the doors to open. As I'm immediately greeted to the warmth and bustling crowds of Tokyo. 
I hold nothing but just one luggage in my hand, and a small backpack for more personal items to be easily accessed. 
This is the station where I'm supposed to meet Gojo. If he were a normal man, I wouldn't exactly be as worried as I am right now,  it's not exactly hard to spot a 6 foot something with unbashful white hair and a pair of intimidating stark black glasses but with the lack thereof and with his track record of tardiness to multiple events. It doesn't take rocket science to deduce that I may be waiting here for a bit.
I heave a heavy sigh, one that often is released during an intense exam season. Feeling an intense load of anxiety suddenly turning at the pit of my stomach.
‘I wanna go homee’ I sob inwardly walking around the area that's within reasonable reach from the waiting deck, so that I can be easily spotted just in case the unreliable clan leader decides to swing by and save me from the predicament that he himself caused.
I find an empty bench to occupy as I wait for the time being. I tug my sleeves a little as I start to feel a chill, what a perfect welcome to the winter season. 
I felt my phone vibrate as I open my phone I saw that I've received a message.
My eyes widen, it was a message from Gojo.
Gojo 10:15am
Sorry, the mission took surprisingly long, I'm 10 minutes away from the station did you just arrive?
I look at the message for a little bit, feeling relieved and a bit embarrassed that I assumed that he was just being leisure With his time when in fact, Gojo was a man who's always short on time with how busy he was.
But regardless he still found the time to help me when I'm in need.
You 10:16am
It’s okay, I've just arrived anyway. Take your time.
Was that too casual? Despite being similar in age I have a hard time talking to Gojo since I was taught to respond formally, but since Gojo hates tradition I was told by him explicitly to ‘ease up’ 
I looked at the notification, it was a reply from Gojo 
Gojo 10:17am
10 seconds
“Eh?” I accidentally said out loud, but before I could ask what he meant he sent another message
Gojo 10:17am
5 seconds
By now I think I was sweating bullets, what do these mean? And why are they so ominous?
I felt a single tap on my shoulder making me to jump in surprise, I turned around and was immediately greeted to a wide grin.
“ It's been a while ” he's still as big as ever, I scramble to my feet feeling my soul leave my body just to race back inside to regain control. Gojo, despite saying he’ll arrived in 10 minutes arrived in less than a minute, and yet not a single hair was out of place or a single sweat roll down his face. Effortlessly he looked pristine and perfect. While a single tap made me look like a rag doll ready to be washed. 
“Did I scare you?” he chuckles as I feel my face with my hand to realize not only am I sweaty, my cheeks were also hot from the shock.
“I- I” stammering finding no words to say as my head was a jumbled mess. Standing in front of me was no Gojo I met from when I was 15
This was a different one, a leaner, taller and older Gojo, if his looks didn't kill me before It will kill me now.
“Wow! You haven't grown an inch!” he says while taking my luggage off my hand. While his eyes continue to inspect me. We stand with a fair distance away from each other but his domineering figure if it were to topple over would bury me whole “You look like you still sleep with a nightlight”
“I-I do not” I defend myself from the embarrassing accusation.
But I still do, every night.
‘ahh this man is too much’ I bring up my hands to fan my warm face, I can tolerate Gojos teasing but I get easily embarrassed and it shows on my face which I believe he has much delight in seeing by getting a rise out of me. I prepare myself for a wheeze or a chuckle from him, a sadistic reaction at least to come out but instead I felt a gentle cool touch my cheek. It was a hand, his hand. 
“Gojo?” I was shocked at the sensation that the name just rolled out of my tongue. 
I looked up to him and saw that he was staring down at me still wearing a smile. But it was different, my breath hitches on my throat. His glasses were still blocking his eyes, but compared to before, his smile was gentler, and his face had completely softened. 
He continues to move his hand to cup my cheek, making me squeeze my eyes shut from the sheer cool of his palm. His cool hand was a stark contrast to my warm skin. Which contributed to the growing embarrassment rising with every touch.
“But you’ve changed…” he said, tracing my lashes with his thumb as I kept my eye shut. “Your eyelashes got longer…” his hand,  never leaving my face caresses my cheek, leaving specks of cool on my skin everywhere he touches. He moves my head gently as if trying to observe every nook and cranny, Not really missing a single area, feeling like he wouldn't be satisfied till he saw everything. He slid his thumb down my nose bridge, outlining it. “Your nose is still the same” he gives a little giggle before sliding it down lower, his thumb now ghosting my lips, I puff a breath on it from the cool that it radiates but it doesn't move. Only keeping a distance, never truly touching me.
“You look good” he says softly, he moves his hand away to push some hair away from my face, and tucking it gently behind my ear before giving my earlobe a little pinch that made me flinch. 
The reaction only making him giggle as he gives my nose a little poke with his finger before shifting the front of his body away from me, while I was left with the sight of his broad back. “let's hurry before we miss our train” he moves with long strides.
I stand there completely frozen, my brain not really understanding what just happened until it starts crashing down to me like a tidal wave. I covered my mouth before a scream exploded out of my body. 
‘What was that? What was that?’ my brain was in a jumbled mess that my knees gave out and I'm left crouching on the ground. 
My heart was doing somersaults with the way it's beating. Being awestruck by how much he changed was one thing, but being caressed was a whole different story! 
“Pardon me~” I felt a strong arm slither around my waist. In an instant, my entire body was hoisted off the ground with much ease. Gojo stands there carrying me like a duffle bag. He looks down at my pitiful state but not really minding it.
“As much as I want to enjoy your reactions, we have 3 more trains and a bus to catch” the silver head beams a wide smile while announcing this, my eyes furrowed in confusion.
‘Why do we need to ride 3 more trains?’ He gives me a toothy grin as if reading my mind.
“How else are we going to reach Jujutsu high! It's all the way on the other side of Tokyo from Asakusa station.” His legs start moving as he carries me in the same awkward position. 
“EXCUSE ME?!” Gojo only laughed in response.
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tabbytabbytabby · 12 days
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag @kinard-buckley!
Soooo I have a lot of docs/WIPs. If I put all of them this would be in the hundreds. So I went with ones that actually have words in them/that I have hope of actually finishing someday to make my life a little easier. I also have to give everything an actual title when I make the doc, even the name might change once it's done 😅
1. Quest for Camelot (Multi-chapter) (Sterek, Thiam, Merthur, Corydia) (Teen Wolf + Merlin crossover)
2. We Belong (Therek) (Multi-chapter)
3. When You're Up In Space (Sterek)
4. Words, Hands, and Hearts (Sterek)
5. Therapy (Thiam)
6. And you better stay clever if you wanna survive (Thiam) (Dark!Liam)
7. Hot Potato (Thiam)
8. Twisted Little Nightmare (Thiam)
9. Find Your Happiness (Thiam) (Teen Wolf + 9-1-1 crossover)
10. You are the best of me (Thiam) (Change Sequel)
11. Your Son Is Gone (Thiam) (Dark!Liam)
12. Say You Won't Forget (Denna, Thiam)
13. Quick As A Knife (Denna + Thiam)
14. Our Happiest Season (Finski, Zanny)
15. Photographs in sepia tones (David/Chris) (MCD)
16. On The Otherside (Berica)
17. When We Were Young (Finski)
18. Believe In Magic (Buddie, Merthur)
19. Now It's Too Late (Buddie, Thiam, TW/9-1-1) (MCD)
20. My Soul Will Find Yours (Buddie)
21. Someone Wake Me Up (Bucktommy) (MCD)
22. Do whatever just to stay alive (Bucktommy)
23. Brand New Day (Bucktommy)
24. Part of the Family (Bucktommy, Tommy & Chimney)
25. Rescue Me (Bucktommy)
26. As we drifted towards the storm (Tarlos) (Prince TK & Knight Carlos)
26. Look A Little Closer (Jevan)
28. You Can Have It (Jevan)
29. The Gift (Jevan)
30. Gotta Hurt Sometimes To Learn To Heal (Halebright) (Teen Wolf + Prodigal Son crossover)
31. I Shut My Eyes At Seventeen (Halebright) (Teen Wolf + Prodigal Son crossover)
32. Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Harkley) (9-1-1 + Stranger Things crossover)
33. Dark Lute (Geraskier)
34. A Helping Hand (Doubleparker)
35. A Whole New World With You (Teen Wolf + Spider-Man crossover)
36. I wanna wake up where you are (Spideymera) (Teen Wolf + Spider-Man crossover)
37. For What It's Worth, I'm Harmless (David/Chris) (Spideymera) (Teen Wolf + Spider-Man crossover)
38. Driving Lessons (Steve & Robin, Steddie)
39. Head Over Heels (Steddie)
40. A Little Understanding (Steddie) (Wayne's POV)
41. The Prank (Steddie) (Nurse Steve)
42. If The Fates Allow (Steddie)
43. Till there is nothing left (Harrinski) (Teen Wolf + Stranger Things)
44. One more spoon of cough syrup now (Creelson)
45. Wait For The Sun (Eddie x Merlin) (Stranger Things + Merlin)
46. Run Away (Jally)
Tagging @lovelylittlegrim @shipperqueen6 @regent-of-rarepairs @queereldritch @inell @hazelestelle @theproblemwithstardust @skylessnights @lightfiretomypaperwings (and anyone else that wants to do this. Consider yourself tagged)
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piffany666 · 6 months
Ok just one more punk progeny won't hurt~
Chapter 6: the double standard
(Trans ftm Bright eyes - he/him pronouns)
TW this Chapter contains an accurate not so positive view of alexis, regardless of your opinion of alexis please don't send death threats to either me or my proofreader.
Bright had been staying in the solaire mansion for a while now, so he wouldn't refer to what he is doing as "moving in", no, more like.....unpacking.
But alas, that's what William called it. Moving in.
He hadn't told anyone else that he'd made his decision, William reassured him that he wouldn't have to and that he was planning on getting everyone together for a "family meeting".
Bright was clambering over the mass amount of boxes he had scattered around the room in an attempt to organise his things.
Tank had recently given him a bunch of their old things, clothes, CDs, DVDs, comics all that good shit.
But he only now decided to actually get out the stuff they gave him and place it around his room.
Mabye that was because it wasn't HIS room till recently.
Suddenly, while looking around for a spot to dump one of the empty boxes, there was a knock on his door.
Bright had always lived with other people, granted it was never for very long, but within all his years of living, not one of those people ever knocked before entering.
So Bright was, understandably, more than a little startled when he heard a knock on his door.
"W-whos there?!"
Despite Bright's defensive tone, William responded sweetly.
"It's just me, Bright eyes, may I come in?"
Bright relaxed at the sound of his voice.
"O-oh yeah sure just gimme a sec"
"Of course~"
He continued frantically looking for somewhere to put the box down.
Eventually he chucked it onto the bed and went to open the door.
William slithered into the room and closed the door behind him, but not all the way.
"Good evening Bright eyes, how are you settling in?"
Every time Bright heard William speak his guard went down, his defensive nature was challenged and he felt safe.
At first this scared Bright and while he still hadn't gotten used to it
He didn't mind as much now.
"Yeah, I'm just kinda trying to put my stuff away....I mean....yeah"
Bright sheepishly gestured to the colossal mess he'd made of his room.
Despite Bright's new found comfortiblity with William, he still didn't know exactly how to interact with him.
Bright's almost bashful nature made William smile as he held back a giggle.
"Well that's good"
There was a moment of silence between the two that felt.....awkward.
William coughed.
"Well I'm glad your settling in, but admittedly, I didn't just come in here to check on you"
Bright raised an eyebrow as he waited for him to continue.
"You know that later on tonight I plan on getting the whole clan together for a meeting, and that during that meeting I intend on informing them of....you, but until then I will be out for a meeting with a friend, I'll introduce you tonight, Vincent and his partner will be making preparations for the solstice and Fred, Sam and his mate are staying at their cabin
So what I'm trying to say is-"
"Ill be home alone for the day?"
William gave Bright a smile that looked almost....painful...?
Like he was being stabbed but didn't want to cause a scene.
"Weeelll...not exactly-"
At that moment, the door he had left partially ajar, swung open to reveal somone Bright had only heard cautionary tales of
Alexis was a tall, pale woman. Her hair covered one eye and had a gentle curl. The eye that reminded seen was sharp and silver, not unlike William's, however while his eyes shined with a warm comforting glow, her gase was cold and penetrating, as if looking at her was the equivalent of being stabbed with ice.
Bright felt several chills shoot through him. He felt like he was being tazered.
William sighed as his excruciating smile dropped.
"Bright, this is Alexis, you and her will be the only ones in the Manor tonight"
Bright's head turned towards William as he shot him a look of pleading confusion.
"Alexis, this is Bright eyes"
The eyebrow that was visible raised
"So THIS is Sam's little underling?"
She looked Bright up and down
"Yeah, that tracks"
Alexis didn't know about Bright being taken in by William, that snarky comment alone confirmed that, which did make Bright feel a little smug, but that didn't mean he appreciated the audacity of this b*tch.
He scowled at her
She scowled back
And for a moment the two just stood there unblinking, scowling at each other.
William was glad that no one present could mind read particularly well, as they would both be able to hear him breathe out the words
"Give me strength!...actually no, if whatever cosmic force that is out there gave me strength, these two would be dead......give me patience!"
He breathed in heavily as his smile from before returned to his face.
"Well I better be off! Please have the Manor still standing by the time I get back!"
Before Bright could protest he "woodshed" out the room.
And he was left alone.
With the woman who turned the man who turned the boy who turned him.
A convoluted and yet overly simplistic way to put it
But it wasn't an inaccurate description.
Luckily, Bright had years of experience dealing with snobby older sisters so he took a moment to compose himself after the initial shock of coming face to face with the resident solaire clan's scapegoat.
And simply said.
"Look, I have a lot of unpacking to do and you seem like you have better things to do than babysit me so why don't you get out of my room and go do whatever it is you do when left unsupervised?"
Alexis scoffed and folded her arms as she leaned against the door frame.
"I'm sorry, YOUR room? What? Is Sam's cabin not good enough for you kid?"
Every word she said felt like it was being spat out at Bright.
He smirked.
"Aww well I'm sure you'd love to have an open invitation there~ but I personally can't think of anything worse than being stuck in a cabin in the middle of nowhere with Sam and my maker, so I'm gonna stay here and unpack, thanks"
She looked flabbergasted that this kid she had only just met could muster up the courage to speak to her with such audacity.
But she wasn't about to let Sam's progeny get under her pearl-like skin.
So after what looked like her swallowing her rage, she brushed it off and retreated into the darkness of the hallway.
Bright chuckled softly to himself as he went back to his boxes.
She is certainly in for a suprise later tonight.
So will everyone else but Bright felt more smug about this one.
He didn't know anything about alexis, he could admit that.
All he knew was what she did, not who she was.
That and he knew what everyone thought of her.
Which prompted him to label her as the resident scapegoat.
Exept that's what HE had always been.....in every family he'd ever incorporated himself into, he was the scapegoat.
If he took that away from her when he became William's progeny.....what would she have left?
Or would she continue to play her part despite him?
If that would be the case then....what would he be?
These thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of.....music?
More specifically a piano, exept it was.....off
The tempo was too fast which caused the pianist to constantly slip up and hit the keys all at once in frustration.
While the Manor did give the impression that it was haunted, Bright could safely assume that the culprit for such musical crimes was alexis.
Part of him wanted to go downstairs to shut her up.
There was a lot of the Manor that he still hadn't seen anyway so this could be an opportunity for exploring.
But another part of him reminded him that his curios nature was what got him here in the first place....
Then he said "f*k it, you can't die twice!"
And went searching for the location of the instrument who's screams of pain echoed through the whole Manor.
While searching, he made a note of the decor that dawned the halls of the Manor.
It all looked....tacky but also in its own way decadent, as if the whole building was trying too hard NOT to look like a stereotypical vampire Manor.
Paintings, ornaments and various trinkets were dotted around in no particular order.
It was nice to look at, but it distracted Bright from his goal of finding the piano
And frankly he was getting sick of hearing the damn thing!
Or more accurately he was sick of hearing HER play it.
Eventually he finally found it.
The double doors were wide open, as if she wanted her music to reverberate throughout the whole Manor.
Bright stuck his head through the doorway and saw that not only was there a piano but also various instruments covered with white cloth and dust.
It was safe to assume that this was a music room.
Alexis still hadn't noticed Bright standing there in the doorway, gazing in awe at the room's beauty.
Bright decided to approach her, though she still remained engrossed in her frustrating attempt at playing.
Bright leaned against the piano as somthing dawned on him.
If alexis is supposed to be this big bad vampire then she must be like....SUPER OLD.
So how long had she been playing a song that she simply can't play?
He decided to find an answer to that question.
"How long have you been playing that thing?"
This sudden announcement of his arrival made alexis jump, which caused her to hit the keys with both hands again.
"God f*king damn it! What? What is it!? What do you want?!"
Once again she gave the impression that her words tasted bad and as such she wanted to spit them out.
But Bright was unfazed.
He just put himself back in the mindset of having an older sister.
"Didn't you hear me? I said 'HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN PLAYING THAT THING?"
She hardened her gase.
Before answering, she hesitated.
"More years than you've been alive, kid"
Bright scoffed and did his best to hold back a full belly laugh.
"Damn you've been playing this thing for YEARS and thats the best you can do? How much longer will it take for you to realise that mabye this just...isn't for you?"
Bright felt as if he was poking a bear.
She shot him a look of unbridled fury, the red tint of her eye located around her sharp iris grew as she rose from her chair, causing it to topple over.
"If you think you can do better than be my guest!"
Bright went in front of the piano nonchalantly and began to play the opening to "bat out of hell" a notoriously hard piano solo.
Alexis was flabbergasted and enraged.
Bright turned his head towards her once he had finished playing.
"You know....it really doesn't matter how long you play it for....its about the tempo, the skill and most importantly you have to actually enjoy playing it! I mean arnt you tried of playing this old thing and not getting any better at it? Are you playing it cos you enjoy it or cos you've been playing it for so long that you've forgotten how to play anything else?...."
He got no answer from this.
Consider this bear poked and pissed off.
Bright saw her face go dark and knew that he needed to get out of here as soon as possible.
Once one if his step sisters made the same face at him after he was caught reading her diary.
Bright still has the scar even after death.
"Weeeelll anyway I have some more unpacking to do so I better--!!"
Before he could get away, he was cut off by alexis pulling him back by his hair.
She spun around allowing herself to be infront of him as she pulled him down across the piano
Bright struggled but she was strong, very strong.
She had him pinned, the keys wincing in pain as his body slowly hit them as his head was pulled backwards.
"G-get of me!"
Alexis found herself almost pitting him.
"Shut up. I don't know what your....deal is, but for some reason William has taken a liking to you, despite you being Sam's progeny. I have an idea of what's going on but I really don't want to belive it. Now I sincerely hope that what I think is happening isn't happening. I mean why on earth would William want a washed up, snarky, bratty disrespectful little sh*t when he already has me and Vincent?"
Bright's face dropped into a scowl.
By this point he had stopped struggling.
"But in any case, if you are going to be William's next project then I guess we'll be seeing more of eachother, so tell me.....
What do you think of me? Your Sammy's progeny so I'm sure you've heard all about me hmm? I'm sure you think you've got me all figured out....well? Answer me"
Bright knew when it was his turn to talk.
But he took a moment to look her in the eye
Just to get used to the feeling.
Then he began.
"You know....maybe everything that everyone says about you is right
Mabye you are just a selfish b*tch that couldn't have what she wanted so she decided to take it
By force.
But if all that is true....then....then why dosnt everyone treat Freddy the way they treat you?"
Bright looked down as he said this, as if it actively hurt to say while looking her in the eyes.
Alexis was confused upon hearing this.......then she understood.
Once she did, she loosened her grip on him and backed away, allowing him to get up from the piano.
She studied his face for a moment then her expression hardened.
"Listen to me kid. I did what I did to Sam because I wanted him. It's up to you to decide wether or not the way I get treated around here as a result of that is fair.
But what Freddy did to you wasn't out of malice or selfishness.
It was out of fear.
Because you where, and now will always be, a couple of scared kids who had no idea what they where doing"
Bright couldn't tell if this was supposed to be words of comfort or torment.
Either way he didn't agree with her.
So ge continued to scowl at her.
"I do think the way you're treated is fair. What isn't fair is that if turning without consent is supposed to be this big taboo then why isn't Fred treated the same way you are!?.....what's with the double standard huh?"
Alexis looked bored and fed up with whatever this conversation was.
She had said her piece.
So she left.
Bright was alone in the dusty, dark music room.
He went over to the white sheets and whipped them off, each revealing a new instrument.
One of them was a slightly piano.
It was white as opposed to the burgundy one alexis seemed to obess over.
He smiled softly, then went back over to the piano stool to pick it up.
He dragged it over to the slightly larger white piano and once he was sat down he began to play.
The sound reverberated through the Manor just as it did before.
Exept the music was less harsh and more melancholy and oddly comforting.
Alexis heard it.
Her face sofend for a moment.
Then she shook it off.
Taggs: @darlin-collins @anexistingexistence @you-think-i-care-mate
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nebelihood · 2 years
Heya! I’m not sure if you’ve been asked this before so I’m sorry if this seems repetitive, but I’ve recently gotten into your baffy comics and wanted to try and read them in order. Do you have a master list of them, or could you tell me the order so I can understand the plot better?
(Love your style and hope you’re having a good day!💜💜)
OMGGGG SO EXCITING!!!! AAAAAGHH! OKAY! I Don't:( yet BUT- I can explain it to you (but you'd need to scroll down a lot)
(Edit: I'm adding links to the ones that are connected)
The first part of the ungoing one is Couple's therapy
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And starts with this image. This comic is divided in various chapters but each of them has the name and pt/part with the number so you can't get lost there (they also have the same bg color unless it transitions to something else along the pages) Next-
Break up
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This is the first page and has a color transition to a darker color but promise you won't get lost!
Getting over
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Is the next chapter and transitions to a pink color! I think the firsts two parts have links under them for the following parts but I kinda got lazy (And I'm wating till it's fully posted) with the these.
New Life
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Is the last
Other comics
There's Kitty Visits
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This one is connected (at least the beginnig) with links on the description.
Looney tunes Action! au
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(not connected)
Acting au
There are a bunch or Random one that are meant to be funny little moments but don't have much story so you can just enjoy them as you find them!
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lisaas2418 · 3 months
My thoughts on Chapter 7
I fucking finally managed to fully watch the current chapter 7 translations and oh boy I have many thoughts about it.
(First off I deleted asks related to Chapter 7 but don't worry I will answer their questions here)
-Its an emotional wreck. I thought Chapter 6 regarding Idia and Ortho was already heartwrecking but dammit Silver's breakdown broke **me** down. Especially the part in one of the flashbacks where ChildSilver gifts Lilia an acorn-braclet while saying that it will give him a long life and that they always be together (That sentence broke my heart so much). It made me so sad and so mad that Silver kept saying that Lilia can't love him since he is the son of the enemy, like no my boy ofcourse he loves you like a son you idiot (I felt like Sebek and that means something)
-The Shroud family dynamic is so fucking sweet I can't. The father being more rational and the mother being more emotional, yet both love their sons deeply is so heartwarming (calling humanoid Ortho their son aswell and loving him like they do with the other two made me cry)
-All in all Ortho and later Idia definitly carry the segments in Reality and in Dreamland. Ortho's new gear looks so fucking cool, him outsmarting OverblotMalleus twice was so funny, Idia noticing the signs that everything in his dream is fake at the beginning just shows how really smart he is, the brother drama, fucking PhantomOrtho showing up (didn't expected that), IDIA FUCKING OVERBLOTTING AGAIN (my jaw dropped) and last but not least Idias decleration of war against Malleus for causing all this was soo epic (even though the reason was his mother searching through his files, like what did you there to react that way Idia?)
-Lilia's dream segment was sooo cool. Maybe a bit long but cool nontheless. It made me like Sebek more then I did before, I could definitly understand why people would simp for General Lilia and Baul Zigvolt, Melenaor is very pretty and being a great mother to Egg Malleus while also sometiimes acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum (like mother like son let me tell you), Lilia's backstory is full of injustice, prejeduce and classisim towards him it made me really mad (overall the conflict between humans and fairys), also the Senate can go to Hell and stay there I fucking despise them, the reason why Malleus hatched in the first place was so sad and wholesome at the same time (speaking of Malleus...)
-Look I may will get hate for this, but I have a right to voice my opinion. I understand his story is tragic, I really do. But as the overblot boys before it doesn't excuse shit. Him putting everyone (forcibly) to sleep and make them have happy dreams that aren't even real is just....no, also I'm not sure if that's true but it seems like he has no idea that his magic is expanding to whole Twisted Wonderland (also the moment Ortho said that the bodies may die of not getting their nutrieses by being asleep for so long, I just began to fear Malleus), overall the fact that he doesn't see anything wrong with this action and behaviour is really terrfying more then what the others did (atleast for me). All I'm saying it that at the end of the Chapter I am not sure if I can forgive him for this because all my sympathy that I have him is overshadowed by how reckless his actions and behaviour is (also he tried to kill Ortho, like wtf dude?!)
Now since the chapter isn't complete yet I won't say anything regarding GameYuu yet and I have decided to wait till it's over before I say anything about my Yuusona. I know that I kinda already did this but for that I would like you to forget the information I said about my Yuusona regarding Chapter 7, that would be nice.
Now regarding as to does Maleficent knows about what happend to Malleus mother. Yes she kinda knew what happened. Her opinion is a mix of "she died protecting her kingdom and her son, which is digniful" and "she was a close person to Lilia so I understand why he felt that way". Also if the Senate weren't dead already she would have burned them or stroke them with lightning alive. Yes she is evil but not disgustingly classist like some fairys are (or human in that regard).
Well this was long overdue but I'm finished for now with Chapter 7. Hope you liked reading and see you till my next post ^^
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ronaldofandom · 1 year
A Love Eternal / Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna
Chapter 8 is up guys. After the steamy action in the last chapter, this one is full of fluff and a little bit of comedy :)
Summary: RamBheem have a heart-to-heart talk about Ram's feelings. Then BheemJenny have a heart-to-heart talk about last night & their others firsts. No warnings, this is just feels!!!
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Chapter 8
(Links to Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 9, Ch 10 , Ch 11)
Ram was disgruntled. And miffed with Bheem.
How dare his friend punish him like that for teasing him? Wasn’t that the birthright of a best friend? So what if he said a few things - the idiot didn’t have to make him carry all the training equipment all by himself all the way down to the village. All for a few harmless words.
Well, they weren’t really harmless, and they were said in front of Malli.
He clamped down on his conscience. It could go take a hike for all he cared. Right now, he would stay with irritation.
Ram half carried, half dragged the pile behind him, dropping it unceremoniously when he reached the village, making sure to capture Bheem’s attention. The younger man was playing happily with the kids, swinging them around, which infuriated Ram further.
He huffed and puffed some more, making angry noises, till Bheem finally made his way to him and hugged him from behind.
‘Awww, is my Anna upset?’
Upset? Ram wanted to throw a shoe at him.
‘Shut up. You are insufferable. And you are stinking. Get away from me.’
Ram was lying, of course. He never wanted Bheem to stop hugging him, EVER. Bheem’s hugs could cure cancer; no one could convince Ram otherwise.
Bheem saw through the lie in Ram’s words and hugged him tighter. Ram stopped struggling soon and enjoyed his warmth.
‘You know you deserved it.’
‘Yeah. Whatever.’
Ram shrugged. He wasn’t going to admit that.
Bheem finally let him go. They both had to attend a few important meetings. The informants had come back from their visits. And the supplies needed to be replenished too. There was word from Ram’s village as well - the Britishers were hovering around, looking for him. The tribesmen had blocked the main road leading up to this village, which is why they hadn’t come looking here. Yet.
The men discussed all that needed to be done immediately. And passed on specific instructions to the rest. Ram was always surprised when he saw Bheem in his element - he could be so smart, resourceful, and decisive on his turf. In familiar territory, no one was a match to him.
When the meeting concluded, Ram and Bheem were the last to leave, discussing some final details. It was quite late already, well into the night.
‘Anna, don’t wait for me tomorrow. I won't be around, and I won't come to the training.’
Ram looked at him quizzically.
Bheem shrugged.
‘I am busy.’
‘And what exactly is keeping you busy tomorrow?’
‘I have plans. With Jenny. She was cooped up in the village all these days; I had asked her to not go anywhere far without me. For obvious reasons.’
Ram nodded. He didn’t need to ask him about the reasons, it was self-explanatory to him.’
‘So I promised her I would take her around tomorrow.’
Something about the giddy, love-sick smile on his face hit Ram deeply.
‘How do you do this, Bheem? How do you make all these grand gestures to express your love?’
Bheem looked at him with understanding. He knew expressing his feelings wasn’t a strong suit of his friend. He knew how much he struggled with pouring his heart out to anyone. Bheem had been an exception, yes, but he wished Ram could be more expressive with others too.
‘You don’t need grand gestures in love. You just need to express what you feel in whatever way comes naturally to you.’
What came naturally to him, wondered Ram. Screaming in a room? Punching a wall? Staring endlessly into an abyss? Writing countless letters and never sending them? Burying himself in supposedly urgent things, so he doesn’t have to have an honest conversation with people he was most vulnerable with?
‘It’s not as easy as you make it sound.’
‘Yes it is. You have just spent years convincing yourself that it’s not, so you don’t want to see it now.’
Bheem could sense what this was about, but he wanted Ram to admit it himself.
‘How does all this not overwhelm you? How are you still able to laugh so freely, even after everything that’s happened with you and your people? How do you plot a potentially fatal mission and then rush to the arms of your beloved the next second? HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO DO JUSTICE TO YOUR LOVE SO BEAUTIFULLY?’
And why can’t I do even an iota of that? It was unsaid but well-understood between both of them.
‘Anna - when was the last time you told her that you loved her?’
Ram was flummoxed. He couldn’t think of the last time. He couldn’t think of any time he had said those words. It was an unspoken understanding between them.
Bheem saw through his expression, and his hunch was validated.
‘Can’t remember it, right? Why don’t you try doing it tonight? Just say this to her and see how she reacts. I am not saying everything needs to be said, but sometimes it’s so good to know you are cherished. And loved. And spoken for. By the person who is the center of your universe. For tonight, can you just try living in the moment? I mean, it doesn’t even have to be these words. You both know each other better than any two people in the world. You were destined to be together, almost since childhood. You know her in and out, Anna. You know her heart. Why don’t you do something which would show her what she means to you? Which would make her heart smile. Which would make her feel loved. I am sure you can figure out what it could be. But please, don’t second guess yourself and just do it, will you?
Bheem’s passionate plea did impact him. A lot. He wondered if there were any remnants of the old Ram left in him still, the one who knew how to love? He will have to dig deep to find that person.
‘Now, say the other thing.’
Bheem said nonchalantly. Ram was puzzled again.
‘What other thing?’
‘The one that you are not saying. The one which scares you to bare your heart to her.’
Ram’s hands opened and fisted over and over again. He was not an open book by any measure. And for the life of him, he had no idea how Bheem had figured himself out so well.
‘What if she doesn’t feel the same way anymore? What if I have finally managed to ruin the purest bond in my life?’
Bheem laughed in his face. Out loud. And Ram discovered the one instance where even Bheem’s laugh could be annoying.
‘Sorry sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh. Really.’
Bheem tried to apologize sincerely, reaching for Ram’s shoulders.
‘Anna - you know I love you. So I say this with the best intention and utmost care. You, my friend, are an even bigger fool than I was.’
‘I am sorry, WHAT?’
‘You heard me. And yes you should be sorry - for this monstrous stupidity.’
‘I am so blessed to have you as a friend. Really. What a wonderful way to kick someone when he is down.’
‘Shut up.’
Bheem enveloped him in another bear hug. This time, Ram struggled sincerely to escape it, but he obviously failed.
Bheem turned Ram to look at himself.
‘I am just going to say two things here. One - Sita worships you. She loves you unconditionally and irrevocably. Anyone with eyes can see that. Anyone with a heart can feel that. And two - please don’t assume anything. Please let her decide how she sees you and what she feels for you. Please stop burying yourself in this self-pity of not deserving her love. Let her be the judge of that.’
It wasn’t lost on Ram that Bheem was saying everything Ram had told him when he had convinced Bheem to confess his feelings to Jenny. The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on either man.
‘So - can you do that for me? Can you please just try tonight? Will you promise me that you will at least think about it?’
Ram nodded silently. And Bheem flashed his most gorgeous smile at him, making Ram smile too.
‘I CAN NOT wait to hear how that pans out. Now, off you go, before she goes to sleep. You have a lot of work to do tonight.’
Bheem patted his head as if he were a little child who was being asked to finish his homework, and nodded in the direction of the hut he shared with Sita. Babai had left a few days back, so it was just the two of them in the hut now.
‘Don’t pretend that you don’t want to send me away quickly, so you can just go to her.’
‘Well - a man can have two intentions.’
Bheem smiled sheepishly at him.
‘I think I will take a walk first to clear my head. Then I will go back.’
‘A walk? At this time? Don’t go too far - you don’t know the terrain too well. Do you want me to come with you?’
‘No. I don’t want to keep you away from where you really want to be any longer. I won’t venture too far.’
‘Ok. Come and get me if you need anything. And tomorrow I…’
‘Yes yes, tomorrow you are not around, you have said that loud & clear.’
‘Excellent. Proud of you. Now make me more proud by manning up tonight.’
Bheem patted his head again and walked away cheerfully, leaving Ram staring at his back.
It was going to be a long walk. Ram had a lot to figure out.
Bheem returned to his hut then. Jenny had left the door unlocked and was in the adjoining washroom when he walked in.
‘Kaun hain?’ (Who is it?)
‘Main hoon.’ (It’s me.)
While she was still inside, Bheem changed for the night. He usually liked sleeping without his kurta, and he wondered if he could do that now, after last night. But he didn’t want her to feel he was insinuating anything. So he put on a vest instead. He hated vests with a vengeance since he was a child. Never liked wearing them under kurtas or in any other form. Always cribbing to his mother that they were too tight or too loose or made him feel unnecessarily hot. He found them utterly pointless. But still, he put one on tonight, for both their sakes.
When Jenny came out, changed for the night, Bheem had already settled on the cot and was waiting for her to emerge. Their eyes met, and they both forgot what they were squabbling over during the day. And smiled at each other almost at the same time. Bheem patted the mattress on his side, inviting her to join him. She giggled and went to him instantly, lying next to him. His arm went around her waist and her hand curled on his bicep.
Bheem didn’t make the same mistake that had irritated her during the day - of asking how she was. She seemed physically fine. But he wanted to know about her thoughts, her feelings, her questions, her concerns; anything that was playing on her mind about last night. Sita had hinted that they should talk, and he wanted to do that himself too.
He caressed the side of her waist over the thin fabric of her silk nightgown and gazed into her eyes.
‘Kal raat jo humaare beech hua, kya hum us baare me baat kar sakte hain?’
(Can we talk about what happened between us last night?’)
Jenny nodded nervously. She had relived those moments in her head all day, over and over again, but she wasn’t sure if she could talk to him yet about all that stuff.
‘Agar tumhare mann me kuch hain, jo tum kehna chahti ho, ya poochna chahti ho, toh kaho na, jaan.’
(If there is anything playing in your mind that you want to talk about, or ask about, then please do so, sweetheart.)
Jaan. That word made her heart flutter. She was still getting used to him calling her that. He noticed the little curving of her lips and understood the reason instantly.
‘Socha kayi baar tha, par shayad zubaan pe pehli baar kal aaya ye shabd.’
(I called you this in my heart many times earlier but said it out loud only yesterday.)
He was rewarded with a gorgeous smile, and couldn’t help himself from leaning over to lightly brush his lips over her forehead. He waited patiently then as she tried to find the next words.
She knew exactly what she wanted to ask but would rather have the earth swallow her whole instead of saying that out loud.
‘Tum shuru karo na, please.’
(Can you start instead, please?)
‘Theek hain. Kya tum kal raat se…khush ho ya fir kuch aisa tha jo tumhe laga ki abhi nahi hona chahiye tha?’
(Ok. Are you….happy with last night or is there something you felt shouldn’t have happened this soon?)
Jenny pondered over his question. Was she happy? How was she supposed to tell him she didn’t even know that happiness like this existed. He had treated her like a queen. Well, he always did that, but last night he had fully submerged her in his love and care.
She clasped the shell necklace (she hadn’t taken it off all day, obviously) with her fingers and tried to look up at him.
‘My love - it was perfect. Everything was perfect. YOU were perfect. I couldn’t ask for anything else.’
Bheem understood the essence of it but was stuck on one word. He scratched his beard in confusion.
‘Perfect matlab?’ (What does perfect mean?)
She smiled and caressed his cheek adoringly. He held her hand and kept it there.
‘Matlab - us se achcha, us se behtar kuch nahi ho sakta.’
(It means - nothing can top it, nothing can be better or more beautiful than it.)
He nodded in understanding. Then looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes.
‘Jaise ki tum ho. Perfect.’
(Like you are. Perfect.)
She melted and giggled loudly as he turned slightly to kiss her palm.
‘My my - you are such a charmer, aren’t you?’
They gazed at each other silently for a few seconds, soaking in this moment and the waves of affection coursing through them.
Sensing that she was more relaxed now, Bheem squeezed her hand, urging her to share her feelings with him. She yielded under his unwavering gaze.
A few things were playing on her mind. Some insecurities were gnawing away at her. Some fears that she didn’t want to give life to by saying them out loud. But she couldn’t hold out anymore, not when he asked so sweetly.
‘Kal raat…kya TUM khush ho?’
(Are YOU…happy with last night?)
She somehow choked out these words, hiding her face in the pillow, bracing herself for the worst. It’s not as if she knew what she was supposed to do in such intimate situations. As a matter of fact, she hadn’t done anything. He had done everything, and she had just gone along with it. Had she even satisfied him? Or had he stopped midway since she couldn’t take it anymore and was left unfulfilled? Did he not feel the bliss she did? Did his world not change forever last night, like hers did? She had so many questions, but this was all she could manage to say.
Bheem understood that her question had deeper connotations. In fact, he was half expecting it. She was too far gone last night to properly remember the impact she had had on him. To gauge how his body had reacted to hers. To understand how he had ascended to a heavenly plane while losing himself inside her.
This is what he wanted to address. To make her realize what she had done to his heart, body, and soul last night.
He scooted closer to her, coaxing her eyes away from the pillow and towards his own. He brushed her loose strands and tucked them behind her ear as he gazed into her anxious eyes.
‘Meri baat dhyaan se sun na, Jenny. Kal ki raat meri zindagi ki sabse haseen, sabse yaadgaar raat thi. Main kabhi soch bhi nahi sakta tha ki hum dono is tarah saath ho sakte hain. Har roz tumse thoda aur zyada pyaar ho raha hain, pata nahi kaise. Ye chehra, ye aankhen, ye hoth, ye muskurahat, ye sharam - mere dil aur dimaag pe chap chuki hain. Jab aankhen band karta hoon, toh tumhe dekhta hoon, tumhe mehsoos karta hoon. Meri jaan - kal raat se tum meri ho gayi ho aur main tumhara.’
(Please hear me out carefully, Jenny. Last night was the most beautiful, most memorable night of my life. I could never even imagine that we could be together like this. I am falling in love with you more and more with each passing day, don’t know how. This face, these eyes, these lips, this smile, this beautiful blush - they are imprinted on my heart and mind now. When I close my eyes, I see you, I feel you. My sweetheart, since last night, you have become mine, and I have become yours.)
Jenny heard with rapt attention, in stunned silence. She was moved beyond measure by his heartfelt proclamation of love. She was also deeply relieved that it had been equally special for him. She wanted to respond, but her lips opened and closed like a dumbstruck fool. Voice failed her. Words failed her. So she did the only thing she could think of.
She leaned closer and slowly brushed her lips against his. This was the first time she had initiated a proper kiss between them. He stayed still, letting her take the lead, enjoying her tentative touches. Jenny tried to follow what he had done last night, slowly running her tongue over his luscious full lips, sucking on the bottom lip, biting it gently, and enjoying the resulting groan from him. His mustache and beard scratched her face all the way through, making her giggle. She gained confidence and started moving their lips together, finally coaxing a response from his. They broke apart soon, lest things go out of control, and gazed at each other. Reading the depth of emotion flowing in the deep orbs of their lover, which was kind of their forte from the get-go.
At that moment, Jenny realized how little she really knew about the love of her life. They had spent many nights talking about his childhood, his parents, his early years, and his duties to his people. But he never spoke about his personal life. And she never asked, almost afraid of the response. That was before. But now that they were together, she wanted to know everything about him.
‘Bheem, kya mujhse pehle bhi koi khaas tha tumhari zindagi me?’
(Bheem, was there someone special in your life before me?)
Bheem stopped playing with her hair then and thought about how to articulate a response.
Her heart grew heavy during his pause; she understood there was a story there. She hadn’t been his first love then, while he had been her first everything. Not that she should be surprised - he was very desirable & must have been in great demand. She wondered if he still thought about her. Whether he had been intimate with her. Whether there was just one or more. Whether it was someone from the tribe who he saw every day.
‘Koi tha toh - par shayad utna khaas nahi.’
(There was someone, but maybe not that special.)
She uttered a syllable, waiting for him to continue. Determinedly avoiding his gaze and focusing on his chest instead as her fingers fiddled with the fabric of his vest.
He told her it was many years back when he had been almost the same age as Jenny today. The girl was the daughter of a merchant in a nearby city bazaar. Bheem frequented the merchant’s shop for the tribe’s supplies, and that’s how they met. It was more of an infatuation to begin with, but they ended up going to many local fairs together and developed some feelings. However, she soon realized there was no future with him and moved on to greener pastures.
Jenny was utterly confused. She didn’t understand why the girl called things off, when she liked him too.
Her sweet innocence tugged at his heart. He sighed deeply, reached for her hands, kissed them lovingly and held them close to his chest.
‘Meri jaan, kaise samjhaun tumhe? Har koi tumhare jaisa nahi hota na. Sirf pyaar kaafi nahi hota unke liye. Pyaar ke liye wo apni poori duniya, apne saare sukh chhod ke nahi aa jate, jaise tum aa gayi. Wo sab insaano ko ek tarah nahi samajhte, jaise tum samajhti ho.’
(Sweetheart, how do I explain this? Not everyone is like you. Just love is not enough for them. For love, they don’t want to leave their whole world and their comforts behind, unlike you. They don’t consider all people the same, unlike you.)
Bheem had truly been amazed at how normally she had treated him from the get-go. There was an ocean of differences between them - in race, social stature, language, and beauty. Yet, she always treated him as her equal. Never hesitated to get on his bike or hold his arm or defend him in front of bullies or just dance with him. There was not even an iota of discrimination in her.
He wished he could shield her innocence forever. But that wasn’t possible in the brutal realities of this harsh world.
Realization dawned on her then, and she caressed his face softly.
‘Well, I think she is the biggest fool in this universe. Only a blithering fool could ever let you go. It’s entirely her loss. And my gain.’
She kissed his cheeks, bringing a smile to his face. Something was still bothering her though, and she wanted to get it off her chest.
‘Kya tum, ab bhi…us se..’
(Do you….do you still…)
Bheem cut her off midway, understanding where she was going with this.
‘Nahi. Bohot waqt ho gaya uske baare me soche hue bhi. Us waqt laga tha shayad wo pyaar tha, par ab jake samajh aaya pyaar kehte kise hain. Wo rishta kabhi itna kareebi bhi nahi hua, jaise hum hain.’
(No. I haven’t even thought about that in a long while. At that time, I thought it was love. But now I understand what love truly feels like. That was also not an intimate relationship, not like ours.)
Her heart smiled at his words, this was exactly what she had wanted to hear.
There was only one last thing now. She couldn’t shake the thought, so she decided to take the plunge while hiding her face in his chest.
‘Toh fir tumhe….wo sab…kaise aata tha jo kal humne….jo tumne kiya?.’
(Then how did you…know all that…that we did…that you did last night?)
Bheem laughed loudly, and she hid her face further in his chest, flushed with embarrassment. Was her question that silly? Was it a male thing - something that men just knew organically?
He wrapped his arms around her tightly, and kissed the top of her head repeatedly. In all honesty, he had understood this question halfway as well but was very amused & let her struggle through it.
‘Oh Jenny. Jenny.’
He kept repeating this while swaying her lightly in his arms. Her naïveté was to die for. He found it irresistibly endearing. Once the amusement subsided, he whispered in her ear suggestively.
‘Tumhe kal us roop me dekh ke toh kisi murat me bhi jaan aa jati, phir main toh sirf ek insaan hun.’
(The way you looked last night - even a stone statue would have come to life and would have known what to do. I am just a mere hot-blooded man then.)
She smacked his chest lightly at the suggestive flirting but couldn’t help the crimson taking over her cheeks and neck. He held her close and let her ride through this moment.
Bheem also had some questions he wanted to ask. While he knew it was her first time, he was curious about her life before she met him. He was sure she would have had many suitors chasing after her. Who were potentially far better matches for her than he ever could be.
‘Mujhse toh pooch liya, ab apna bhi batao na. Kya koi tha mujhse pehle?’
(You asked me everything, now tell me about yourself no. Was there anyone before me?)
She looked up at him earnestly and shook her head slowly in a no.
‘YOU are my everything, Bheem. My first real crush, my first love, my first….well, everything.’
He felt himself falling for her even deeper. Never wanting to let her out of his arms.
‘Par, tumhe chahne wale toh aur honge na? Tumse toh kisi ko bhi pyaar ho jaega.’
(But, there must be others who fell for you, right? Anyone would fall for you easily.)
‘Yes. There were a few.’
There were quite a few actually, both in India and London. While her family’s wealth and connections had played a part, many wanted her for her too. Many rich, powerful men wanted to claim her for themselves. They had expressed their feelings about her beauty in vivid words - she had to sit through them all and politely decline with some excuse or the other. Her family had been aghast, and the pressure was mounting on her to pick someone.
Well, she had picked someone now, and they would probably get a stroke if they knew who he was.
Bheem’s voice brought her out of her reverie.
‘Aur wo, jo us party me tumhare saath dance karna chahta tha, who bhi na?’
(And that guy who wanted to dance with you at the party, him too?)
Jenny understood he was talking about Jake, and was a little surprised about how perceptive he was. Because yes, it was true. Jake had been the most persistent one, chasing her since she had come to India two years back.
‘Yes. Him too.’
She felt his grip tighten around her waist and immediately reached out to caress his chest, trying to soothe him.
Now, Bheem was not a petty man. Nor was he vindictive. But in this particular instance, he wished for that vile creature to know who she had picked; in whose arms she had chosen to make her home. He dismissed the thought soon enough, snorting at the pointlessness of it.
‘You looked amazing that day in that fitted suit. So handsome. So perfect.’
She said quickly, trying to get his mind away from the unpleasant memory.
He smiled with child-like joy.
‘Tumhe achcha laga? Agar tum kaho toh dobara bhi pehen sakta hoon.’
(Did you like it? If you wish so, I could wear it again.)
She had worn the saree for him. He wanted to reciprocate and do something nice for her too. He could borrow it from Ram.
‘But did you like it? Tumhe achcha laga kya?
She didn’t want him to wear something he didn’t like, something that reminded him of things he had to do just to get by. Things he had to endure in a big city just to be accepted.
‘Matlab - theek hi tha. Thoda alag tha par bura nahi tha.’
(It was ok. Slightly different and strange but not bad.)
‘Waise, wo jo tumne bhi pehna tha us din, wo….’
(Actually, what you were also wearing that day, that…)
‘Dress. Wo dress bhi kafi sundar lag rahi thi tum pe. Aur wo rang bhi.)
(Yes that. Dress. It looked really pretty on you. And the color suited you too.)
The color had highlighted the pink of her cheeks, her cute dimples and the shine in her eyes. He thought she looked like a fairy that day.
It suddenly hit him that her room was full of that colour too - the curtains, the flowers, the blanket, the wall paper, the couch - everything had that colour tone.
‘Wo rang tumhe bohot pasand hain na?’
(You really like that colour, don’t you?)
She nodded in excitement, the said shine returning to her eyes. Bheem made a mental note of it for the next time he would bring her flowers.
‘Waise - ek do dress hain mere paas yahaan. Tum chaho toh main pehen sakti hun tumhare liye.’
(I do have 1-2 dresses with me here. If you want, I could wear it for you one day.)
‘Theek hain. Toh tum dress pehen na aur main suit. Ek hi shaam ko.’
(Yes. Then you wear a dress, and I will wear a suit on the same evening.)
Plans were made for the evening. Sweet, romantic plans. Maybe he would cook for her too or sing for her. Maybe they could dance the way she had taught him - he would figure closer to the date.
This was important to him - he wanted her to have some things from her previous life too. She had left behind everything for him, and he knew he could never do the same for her. He could never leave his world and join her in hers - he didn’t have the heart or the courage for it. But he wanted to help her at least keep her memories alive.
Hours passed talking like this, and neither of them realized. Snuggled in each other’s warmth and comfort, they could do this forever. When the night air started to get a little chilly though, Jenny got up to fetch the blanket.
She cocooned them both inside the cozy blanket and settled her face on his extended arm, between his shoulder and his bicep. Bheem usually liked sleeping on his stomach, but this quickly became his new favorite position. With her leaning on top of him and her leg resting lazily on his waist. The tip of her fingers traced his chest hair. Her ebony tresses caressed his face.
It suddenly hit him that he had completely forgotten to speak to her about his conversations with the tribal council regarding their relationship and also with Malli. Damn, she had a way of making him forget things.
When he told her that he had made their courtship official by taking the council's blessings, she was overwhelmed with love and gratitude. He had done it the right way. He had done right by her, by them. He had done everything possible to bring them together in the ways / traditions of his people. Without her ever telling him that somewhere it had bothered her what people must be thinking about them. He had just understood, and she was infinitely touched by his gesture.
When he told her about Malli’s complaints, though, sudden pangs of guilt hit her. The child had suffered enough - the last thing Jenny wanted was to be the reason for her further misery. She wanted to go to Malli immediately, but Bheem told her it was way past her bedtime. She said she would go first thing in the morning, but Bheem reminded her that tomorrow they were meant to go away together to her favorite places around the area. He had promised her last night, and he was determined to make good on it.
‘Kal sirf tum aur main. Parson chali jana Malli ke paas.’
(Tomorrow it’s gonna be just you and me. You can be with Malli the day after, it’s fine.)
When she didn’t look convinced, Bheem smothered her face with kisses. She was too loving for her own good. But tomorrow, he would keep her for himself selfishly. It was the only day he had to spare, the next few were going to be hectic.
‘Jab tumhe pehli baar dekha tha na, tab hi pata chal gaya tha ki tumse bhi zyada khoobsoorat tumhara ye masoom dil hain.’
(I knew this the day I saw you for the first time - that your kind heart is even more beautiful than your outward appearance.)
She smiled and thought back to the day of their first meeting. Something about his sweet face, his deep eyes, and his overall demeanor made her want to hold on to him. That’s why she had invited him to the party, with the hope of seeing him again.
‘It was god’s plan. It was destiny that made my car puncture in front of you.’
‘God nahi, wo toh Ram ne kiya tha.’
(No no, that wasn’t God, it was Ram who did that.)
They both stilled. Shocked into silence. Bheem only realized what he said after hearing the words himself. And nervously covered his mouth with both hands. She thought she had heard something wrong, or could that really be?
‘What did you just say?
‘Kuch nahi. Raat bohot ho gayi hain, so jana…’
(Nothing. It’s very late, we should probably slee..)
She said sternly. He was panicking hard, unsure of how she would react to the truth. But he couldn’t lie to her.
‘Ram ne…sadak pe…keel pheki thi..’
(Ram had…thrown nails…on the road…)
He couldn’t get himself to look at her, so he had no idea how he was reacting to the information. She didn’t say anything for a few seconds, which made him even more nervous. When she spoke, her words tore through his heart.
‘Did you…do it often then…..to…to pick up women?’
Her voice sounded so faint, so far away, making him feel like the scum of the earth. He knew exactly what she must be thinking about him. And his world came crashing down.
Bheem grabbed her face in desperation, pouring all his love in his touch.
‘Nahi jaan. Aisa nahi hain. Aisa kabhi nahi tha. Sirf tumse baat karne ke liye aisa kiya. Tumhari kasam - aur kabhi nahi kiya hain ye. Please Jenny, mera vishwaas karo. Main aisa nahi hoon. Tum jaanti ho na?’
(No, my love. It’s not like that. It was never like that. I only did it to talk to you. I swear on you, it has never happened before with anyone else. Please Jenny, please believe me. I am not like this. You know that, right?)
She could see the earnestness loud and clear in his eyes, his face, his voice and in the way his whole body was trembling with guilt. Her fears were assuaged immediately, and she kissed his cheeks to comfort him. He was still shaking though, and she cradled his face on her chest, peppering reassuring kisses. It took him a few moments to calm down, and she held him through it, whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
When he did relax though, she laughed in his face, making him conscious.
‘I have to say - this is the most idiotic thing I have heard in a long time. You buffoons couldn’t come up with anything better? I didn’t know you guys were this stupid.’
Bheem didn’t know whether she was laughing with him or at him for his idiocy. But he didn’t push it - she was not mad anymore, and that’s all he cared about.
They were both quite drowsy now - exhausted from the sweet, deep and heavy conversations over many hours. Her eyes turned heavy, and she snuggled into his chest again, finding her favorite spot there.
Before she fell asleep, he whispered a clarification in her ear.
‘Waise, main us din ki baat nahi kar raha tha. Us din se pehle be maine tumhe dekha tha.’
(Listen, I wasn’t referring to that day. I had seen you before that day also.)
She asked lazily, already half asleep.
‘Jab tum ne Jangu ko bachaya tha - un dusht logon se, haveli ke bahar - tab main wahi tha.’
(That day, when you saved Jangu from the beatings of those cruel men outside the palace, I was right there.)
Jenny understood then and hugged him tighter. As if apologizing for the cruelty of those people. Her people.
He hugged her back with equal fervor. And they fell asleep like that. In each other’s arms. While sharing their fears and insecurities. While expressing their infinite love and care. Grateful for being together. Borrowing, rather stealing from the universe, these precious moments of togetherness. Fighting every day to keep their dream alive.
They had every force in the world pulling them apart; the odds were heavily stacked against them from the get-go. Their only solace was their unconditional love for each other. A love that was stronger than all other forces combined. A love that bound them together for eternity. They may not make sense to others. But their love was like that - it didn’t have to make sense to make sense.
Hope you enjoyed these fluffy babies!
As always, would love you know what you thought of the chapter :)
@irisesforyoureyes @rambheem-is-real @thewinchestergirl1208 @eremin0109 @eenadu-varthalu @rorapostsbl @yehsahihai @budugu @maraudersbitchesassemble @juhiiiiii @justmeand-myinsight @rambheemisgoated @rosayounan @jrntrtitties @obsessedtoafault @rambheemlove @jjwolfesworld @alikokinav @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @bromance-minus-the-b @dumdaradumdaradum @lovingperfectionwonderland @annieginny @chaanv @ssabriel @sally-for-sally @milla984 @doodlesofthelastpage @boochhaan @mesimpleone @filesbeorganized @ladydarkey @teddybat24 @fangirlshrewt97 @stanleykubricks @stuckyandlarrystuff @burningsheepcrown @veteran-fanperson @voidsteffy @ronika-writes-stuff @beingmes-blog @yonderghostshistories @nisreenart @chaidrivenwhore @bheemaxrama @carminavulcana @umbrulla @mizutaama @rosefulmadness
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reyl0ct · 6 months
So... I think I'm delving too deeply into this fanfic I'm reading and I need to get my thoughts out 😂
The fic is called "Stargazer" by yuhlena on AO3.
It's a OUIZZY fic (of course bc what else would I be obsessively reading?) It's about a Frenchie is a God and Izzy is some kind of cursed immoral being. SPOILERS? AHEAD READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!
So far the author hasn't quite revealed what kind of curse Izzy has, but there has been some subtle little things that have caught my attention. Here is a list:
1. Frenchie can mimic Izzy's eye color which seems insignificant but it happens a lot and it pisses Izzy off.
2. The only thing that Izzy has revealed in like subtext ? Is that he was once human and a God took interest in him and then he was cursed...
3. His body temp is ice cold and he can no longer feel anything like temperature except when he is near frenchie or the other gods in which case there is a warmth that he absolutely craves.
4. Frenchie and the other gods are keeping Izzy and Ed (who also has the curse) in their domain and Izzy hates it, so sometimes Frenchie will take Izzy back to Earth to look at the stars and watch the sunset. Well in the latest chapter izzy is looking at the stars and it specifically mentions Algol and I looked it up and Algol is the star that represents the gorgon Medusa!?
5. Also Izzy thinks about Athens while he is with Frenchie. He also asks him to break the curse but won't tell him what it is. Izzy gets a little testy when Frenchie is reading a book about Greek gods/mythology.
6. Izzy constantly talks about how his gods abandoned him
..... IS HE MEDUSA? AM I GOING CRAZY LOOKING TOO FAR INTO THIS!? Like if you know the story, and I mean the true story about Medusa maybe you'll understand where I'm drawing my conclusions! Idk it's just my favorite fanfic right now and it's only got like 4 more chapters till it's complete, unless the artist adds more. I'm so curious how it's going to end and I hope it's not tragic 🥹
Anyway sorry for the ramblings, please continue about your day and ignore this post completely or feel free to comment and discuss with me this fic!
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gauloiseblue · 8 months
The Man Who Stood By The Ocean
[Chapter 6]
March, 2001
Bruno wasn't the type of man you would expect to have such intense looks, but he surely does. It was something you've discovered when you first caught him staring at you, and from then on, you always know whenever he's in the mood.
It often happens in unexpected situations, especially when it's just the two of you. Doesn't matter if you're having a date night, or reading a book, or just lounging in the living room, it will always catch you off guard.
But you weren't a fool, you knew sometimes he did it on purpose. He'd do it when he wanted to rile you up in front of his friends, but there's a time when he did it just to end the argument. It wasn't because you were fighting over a silly thing, but rather he refused to answer the question.
You trust him, and you know he'd never lie to you. But there's just a huge void in his past, and he won't give you any clues of what he had been through. Every time you tried to bring them up, he'd always keep his mouth shut.
You hated it when he used it as a way out, because he would leave the question unanswered, and you will be far too exhausted to press him further.
As you lay on his bed, you watch his chest rise and fall with each breath. His face looks so serene—so different when he's asleep, and it makes you frown as you remember how furious he was every time you brought up the past.
He lets out a soft grunt when you caress his cheek, there's a brief movement under his eyelids, but you know he won't wake up anytime soon. It's funny, he told you that he's a light sleeper, but he never once woken up by your touch.
When you look at your lover's face, your heart churns. What has been hiding behind his face? Why won't he tell you anything that's a part of his life? But the things he hides, if someday he tells you about everything, would you be able to handle the truth?
"Why did you like The Sleeping Beauty so much in your nonage?"
The trail of kisses on your neck stopped as he lifted his head to look at you. But your eyes weren't focused on him, instead, they've been wandering to the bookshelf. Scanning over the rows of books, he quickly finds the worn-out cover that has triggered your question. A wanton smirk slowly spread on his lips,
"Haven't I told you the reason before?" He murmured, "Or did you already forget about it, mia cara?"
You shifted under him to get a better look of him, "I want to hear it again."
He paused as he studied your face, and you raised your brows when he gave you a certain look. But he quickly masks his amusement by brushing the hair that sticks on your forehead aside.
"Because I always wanted to have the love that was destined for me," He begins, "When Aurora finally roused from her sleep, the first thing she saw was the Prince's face. She never met this man before, but she fell in love with him on that very moment, as if they were meant to be." He planted a soft kiss on your bare skin, "At that time, I didn't understand anything about love, but I know one thing for sure."
He stares at you in earnest—and suddenly it brings you back to the distant past, on one evening at the dock, with the sweet-looking boy beside you. "If I could choose my happy end, then I want it to be with you."
You giggled when he said it with utmost adoration, you could never get used to it.
"It's so stupid, isn't it?" He chuckled as he kissed the inner part of your hand.
"No," You pulled him down, until the distance between your lips and his is as thin as hair, "It's beautiful, caro."
For a moment, your chest swells with the overwhelming love. His eyes radiate a deep devotion that takes your breath away, you couldn't remember anyone else ever looking at you in the way he does.
Slowly, he lowers his head till his lips touch yours. Your lids flutter close, and you circle your hands around his neck. His kisses always feel like a magic to you, as he tenderly pours his feelings into the kiss. He never failed to make you feel like you're the only love for him.
"Cara mia." He muttered softly as he pulled away, "Sono pazzo di te." (I'm crazy about you)
When he strokes your cheek, you instinctively lean into his touch. His palm feels warm on top of your cheek, and it feels like the sun had just touched you in the early spring. Then, there it was—the stare with a singular focus that fixates only on you.
His fingers trailed from your shoulder, down to your bare waist. You bit your lip as he looked down to your lower body, where his hips have been resting comfortably between your legs. Both of your bodies have been connected for quite a while, and you lost count on how many times you've moved together in a rhythm, chasing after pleasure.
A mixture of sweat and cum were making a mess around your inner thighs, and he could feel himself hard at the sight of it. The loveseat you both have been occupying has already stained with those fluids, but neither of you cares about it, because it's one of those days where he was terribly insatiable.
You moaned when he began to press himself into you, and you could feel yourself being stretched by his member once again. He hisses when your wall flutters around him, as it tightens from his intrusion. Your hands instantly try to find purchase on his slicked skin, but you end up digging your fingertips into his back. You were still sensitive from before, and the fact that his member grazed the sweet spot inside you didn't help either.
"Bruno." You whimpered when he began to thrust himself into you. The wet sound of sex fills the room as his member easily slips in and out, making you shudder with each thrust. Your back arched at the fullness you feel in your lower region, and you love it.
He lets out a heavy breath as he buries himself up to the hilt, and he stays until your wall squeezed around his member. Your eyes flip open like a doll when he lifts your hips, and places both of your thigh on top of his. The pendant light on the ceiling is no longer in your sight as your lover's body is blocking everything away from your vision. You stare at him in awe, as the lighting cast a warm light over his head like a halo.
There's a tug on the corner of his lips as he watches you with half-lidded eyes, you look so lovely underneath him. His hand gently guides you to rest your leg on top of his shoulder, and your breath hitches when you feel his member rubbed against the spot that makes you see stars. The pleasure that had been subdued before has awakened once more, as he snaps his hips into you. You throw your head to the back as you cried out, you could feel the muscle in your neck stretches painfully, but it's nothing compared to the new waves of pleasure that hit you all at once.
You begin to feel light-headed, as your blood rushes to your head. Even though this wasn't the first time he used this position, you're still unprepared for the immense pleasure it could bring. You gasped when he suddenly lowered his head to latch his mouth onto your neck, leaving another mark for you to show. At this moment, your skin was like a mad man's canvas, as red bruises scatter across your neck.
Every stroke of his member makes your head buzz, and your feet curled as he continues to pound himself into you. When he rests his head in the crook of your neck, you catch a whiff of his perfume and the faint scent of his shampoo under the musky smell of his natural odor. You buried your nose into his hair, and it touches the soft shell of his ear. His body shudders when he hears you moan, and it just fuels his desire to move faster.
Seeing how desperate he chases after pleasure, you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to release. Your breath becomes more shallow as you feel the tips of your feet are beginning to numb. Weak pleas, and uncontrollable moans fell from your lips as the coil in your belly began to heat up. He groaned when you clenched around him, he quickly picked up the pace as he savored the feeling of the pulsating wall around his member.
"Bruno—" You cried in pleasure as he hit the spot just right. The orgasm that has been building up just broke down like a dam, and it's ripping through your body. He groaned in pain as he felt the sharp edges of your nail scratched his back, but it was nothing compared to his swollen member. He could feel himself getting close, but it's still out of his reach and it frustrates him. Finally, after a few more thrusts, He came undone with a loud moan. You suddenly feel something warm begin to spill inside you, pushing the remaining cum out as it overflows. He moved his hips languidly as he rode out of his pleasure, slowly coming down from the orgasm.
You didn't realize you've passed out for a second before you felt like you could move again. He had already laid you down, and you rested your body comfortably. Your eyes slowly flutter open, and all you could see is his face. He kissed your forehead softly before his lips trailed down to your nose, you relaxed under his touch.
"Teroso," You hummed when he called you, "How do you feel?"
"Tired." You murmured against his cheek, a little smile spread on your lips, "But satisfied."
He chuckled before his lips went down to yours, and you accepted his kiss with bated breath. You feel him begin to caress your waist, and slowly he drags his hand up to your arm. His palms are rough against your skin, but they held the same gentleness as the hands of a baker.
You let yourself drown into the kiss as his body flushed against you, and his tongue lapped your lips. A soft moan escaped your mouth when you felt his hardened member pressing against your lower lips.
All of sudden, the bell of your house is ringing, making both of you jump at the sound. You didn't expect anyone coming in this evening, and so you weren't sure if you'd open the door for them. You rarely got a visitor in your house, and if you did, they'd already call you before the visit.
The two of you stayed still and waited for another bell, but it only rang once.
"Maybe it's the mailman." He muttered before he picked up what he had left. His lips return to yours, and you begin to wrap your arms around his neck. But suddenly both of you were rudely interrupted by the bell again, and this time it's even more persistent than before.
"Cazzo!" He curses in annoyance, "Chi è e cosa cazzo vuole ora?" (Who, and what the fuck does he want now?)
He reluctantly leaves your warm body as he slowly climbs down from the loveseat, you sit up as you watch him getting dressed. He carelessly puts his pants on and leaves his shirt unbuttoned, but even with tousled hair and messy clothes, he still looks suave.
He turned his body towards you before he bends to kiss the top of your head, "I'll be back soon, cara." He frowned when he pulled away from you and begrudgingly left the room, leaving you alone. You had a feeling that it wasn't a mailman, but you couldn't guess who.
You get up before picking up the silk robe on the floor, the garment easily slips on your body as you wrap yourself in it. The belt of the robe flails around before you tie them into a knot, and with that, you walk out of the room.
Your body feels sore, but you were surprised that you could still walk. The living room of your home isn't that far from where you stand, and it only takes 15 steps before you arrive at the doorway.
The door to the living room is slightly open, and you could hear a bit of the conversation. You couldn't hear it clearly, but you caught a few words, 'Telephone....' 'Libeccio'.... 'Polpo'....
When you pushed the door open, the conversation ceased. Both Bruno and a pale skinned man snapped their heads towards you, as if they were caught red handed. Bruno looked at you with wide eyes, but the man he just talked to only gave you a snort of displeasure, you instantly recognized him and the permanent frown on his face.
You clear your throat to ease the atmosphere. "Ciao Abbacchio." You greet him as you smile.
"Ciao." He replied coldly, but you knew he wasn't one for small talk.
"We'll talk later." Bruno stated, and his friend gave him a nod as the answer.
"(Y/N)," He spoke as he walks toward your direction, and you raised your brows at him, "I'm going to leave for a bit, I'm sorry."
He kissed your forehead before he turned his head to Abbacchio, telling him that he'll change his clothes first. He left the room without saying much, it's almost as if he's being chased by the time.
"Please, take a seat wherever you want Abbacchio." You said with a smile, but he shook his head.
"I'm good," He crossed his arms, he looked at you from head to toe, and his eyes darted to the copious amount of lovemarks on your neck. "Seems like I came at the wrong time, isn't it?"
"Oh," You blushed at his words, "No, it's fine, really." You hugged yourself as you sat on the lone sofa on the side of the room, "Besides, it looks like you had an urgent matter with him."
He rolled his eyes, "Of course. Because if it's not urgent, he'd rather stay with you at home." He leaned on the doorframe as he spoke, "He hardly visited us at Libeccio nowadays."
"Is that so?" You replied awkwardly when he complained, "I guess I can talk to him about it."
"You don't have to, I don't think he'd listen." He sighed as he looked away, his pale white hair draping over his cheek when he lowered his chin, "...Both of you are just like birds with one wing, inseparable, but you complete each other."
You were surprised when those words fell from his lips, you never thought he could say something like that. "Really?" You asked.
"It's not a compliment." He spoke as he looked at you, "Because if you lose him, you'll die." You could feel your eyes widened at the harsh words, but he just said it like it was nothing. He tilted his head in an uninterested manner, but you sense something else under his stoic visage. A sneer, and strangely... you sense a pity. "...(Y/N), do you really think he'll live forever?"
You stare at him in silence as you try to hide your shock, but he already saw it in your eyes. His words hit you like tons of bricks, but at the same time, you found yourself unable to answer his question. You know no one will live forever, but the way he said it makes you think that Bruno could die at any time, as if he's always in constant danger.
The sound of the door open snapped you out from your thoughts, and you saw your lover enter the room.
"Sorry for the wait," He said as he walked in stride, and you followed him to the door. He smiles as he hugs you and kisses you on the lips, "I'll be back at dinner."
You just nod as you force a smile on your lips, and thankfully this time he was in a rush, that he failed to notice it. He gave you another kiss before he left the house with Abbacchio, you could see the sun is almost set as you stand at the door.
And when you went back inside, the thoughts that you've been pushing inside began to flood your mind. Maybe it's just one of his cruel jokes, as he does have the tendency to say such things. But at the same time, you can't get it out of your head.
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ghoooooooooooooooost · 3 months
ok my opinion now that i finished y8's story (spoilers)
tldr; overall it's a flawed but better end for kiryu than 6 imo. n ichiban is there <3 don't play this as your first yakuza game please don't you will get so much more out of this if you actually know who tf anyone is
it wasn't as awesomesauce as it seemed like it was gonna n it fell into the usual rgg problems - while surprisingly fixing a big one
kiryu's story effected me a lot 🥲 while ichiban's was just mostly "well i get to see ichiban yay". not to say i didn't care at all lmao the hawaii plot definitely still had it's strong moments (especially the scene w chitose after the bryce boss!!!) it just didn't hit the same overall
positive: KIRYU. i honestly loved most of the kiryu stuff. letting him look back outside of traumatic flashbacks.... letting him have a nice time..... giving him all these new friends that won't die on top of reassuring him that his old connections are still alright.... getting his ass punched by akiyama lmao. it really makes you realize how weird of an ending y6 would've been if that was truly kiryu's last game. so nice to finally be able to acknowledge previously tossed out characters/story beats in-game. seeing shinada mentioned… i cheered (i wish he was actually in there tho). on the hawaii side: tomizawa n chitose r sooooo good i didn't even think i'd end up liking chitose but i lov her.... n ichiban is the ichiban as usual
n the main villains don't die this game!? they're expected to live w what they did, even the evil cult leader!?!? kiryu's line abt not being able to change anything if you're dead wow wow wow hearing that after the prev games where a lot of them die even when they were able to change wooooooow. the pre-credits ending was sooooooo strong. I LUV KIRYU :( :) :(
<3 the tweaks to gameplay were nice too + it was a very pretty game
it had to grow on me but i like kiryu's y8 look a whole lot it's very nice n goes well w his softer expressions
negative: not as well optimized for pc (or in general) as y7 it feels like? i already said i liked kiryu's plot more than ichiban's... yeah. pretty mad that hanawa died but whatevar i guess... i understand saeko's conflict w ichiban but don't really like how they wrote her at times it made me kinda frustrated. esp w the joke at the end. really the whole y7 party took a step backwards in some ways (tho they're still great mostly) it's just saeko got it the worst. also i really don't like how long they took to get me to actually like yamai bc his reason for being in hawaii was constantly in the back of my head n then at the very end after all the fun stuff already happened they were like "actually he didn't try to assault her she framed him" fuuuuuuck you at least tell us that way earlier instead of suddenly detouring in the penultimate chapter. "well they had you warm up to him so you'd know something was up! they wouldn't make an sa-er likable!" listen. listen. i love rgg but if you think i trust them w women.... n if you think i forgot y4......... i didn't realize they still had the dating thing from 7 in there either till i saw someone else mention it n i refuse to touch it :/
too many blonde blue eyed white ppl in the substories wtf why do they outnumber the natives
my one gripe abt the kiryu side is that we didn't get to see him actually reunite w haruka n haruto IN GAAAAME BEFORE IT ENDED. LIKE WE KNO HE WILL BUT I WANTED TO SEEEEEEEE ON SCREEEEEEEN
my current ranking:
y0 = y7 > y3 > y5 > y8?? (not entirely sure bc its like. the highs n lows are so drastic) > kiwami 1 = y1 > kiwami 2 (don't get mad at me) > y6 (doooon't get mad at me i started liking it less when 8 was announced) > y4
gaiden not there bc its a short side game but i liked it so i'll mention it. didn't play the og y2 </3
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namboobieslover · 1 year
Kintsugi: the beauty of broken things || MYG
Chapter 5
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Summary: Yoongi and Minnie have been friends for quite some time now, almost... 15 years? 15 years since they ran into each other in that music classroom by an unlucky (or not) mistake. They've grown close, but both of them have strong characters and insecurities that will have to be put aside when Minnie falls into her own lie, risking her job in the process. They have 3 days to feel comfortable and make everyone believe their role as the young engaged couple or she is fucked :[
Pairing: musical producer! Yoongi x lab tech/science nerdy! f reader au; non-idol! BTS members make a brief appearance
Genre: fluff, angst, kinda slow burn (?), best friends to fake couple au, constant unresolved sexual tension, two idiots too proud to openly speak but pinning each other
Warnings: use of bad language, mentions of insecurities/low self-esteem, anxiety, trauma; light use of weed, little smut if you scrutinize, SFW
Masterlist: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // ...
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CHAPTER 5: Future's gonna be okay
Word count: 3776
"Where am I?" That's the first thought that comes to my mind.
My neck hurts like a bitch while one of my arms feels sleepy. What the heck?
I open my eyes to see nothing more than the dim light; I don't have my glasses on. Where are they?
I up my head from whatever comfy pillow I am to realise that it's, in fact, some boobies. Not other than Yoongi’s boobies; this man must have been hitting the gym lately, damn.
-Y'know, my eyes are up here -a raspy and low voice calls me in a tone full of fun.
If I squint, I can see my dear friend lazily rubbing his eyes with a smirk.
-Calm down, Mr Modest; mine still are bigger.
-That's true -he bluntly admits.
I swear, I have to. Hitting him must have become part of my DNA after so many ages.
-How long have you been awake?
-No longer than you. I felt you detaching from my body; you are nothing careful.
-Where are my glasses?
-Here -he turns his body to his side of the sofa and must be to get them- You fell asleep with them on; I thought you would prefer not breaking them unconsciously. It happened once to me.
He is right. Once I have them on, I can see we are still in his dining room.
We call it quits because it's really late, and even if I don't have to work tomorrow due to the ball, he must go to the photoshoot for the new álbum.
We lay side to side in bed, and even with all the alcohol and the time it is, I can't sleep. A lot of thoughts are going at high speed in my mind.
-Yoongi? Are you awake?
-What do you want? -he says in a sleepy voice.
-Do- Do you think this plan is going to work?
-Of course.
-What if not? It would be a matter of time for everyone to know about it, and sooner or later, I would have to find another job. Do you know how hard it will be? My lab has a high reputation to the point that, if they want, I won't find any other job in this country. Maybe neither in others. Trust it's fundamental in this hazardous environment and-
-And if I grow some wings suddenly, that would make airlines useless. Would that mean that they all would demand me cause of unfair competitiveness? Or would I be a victim of some scientist trying to understand how it happened?
-Yoongi, that's impossible.
-Point made -he says proudly- I don't say that you can't feel afraid but don't go so far; you'll never know till the moment comes. Step after step. First, complete the plan, then go to the event. After that, we will see. 
-But what if?...
-What if everything goes well?
He sighs.
-Don't worry, Minnie -he says while manhandling me till I'm laying again in his chest, engulfed by his arms- you are crazy, thinking that all this effort we have put in, it’s to be wasted.
-Oh, so your primary motivation is about that and not about your best friend about to be fired?
-No, of course not -he agrees with me as If I were dumb -Of course not -he pats my head with little hits.
I can't help but laugh, and he also does, allowing me to hear him directly through my ear. It has to be one of my favourite things in the world.
-Seriously, let's rest enough to think rightly; the theme of my mixtape ain't about zombies. We can text throughout the day about the final touches of our "love story" -he remarks, using his hands.
-Seems nice. As you know, I'm free tomorrow, meaning I’ll be capable of using my telephone.
-Okay, then. Now. Sleep -sentences while closing my eyelids with soft fingers.
I laugh again, fully knowing that he is putting these jokes to cheer me up. He does too, and between these beautiful sounds and some more little comedic comments, embraced by his warmth and the smell of the perfume I gifted him, I fall into the arms of Morpheus. 
I must have slept very deeply because I wake up feeling rested. I also wake up alone, but not completely: a post-it with Yoongle's handwriting. "I left for work. Make yourself home; you already know where everything is. Idk which time I'll be back, but before the ball for sure. Stay as much as you want to".
Not a single smiley face, "dear" or a goodbye. Very Yoongi-like.
Once I get rid of sleep, I open the windows to get some fresh air. The day is cold, but there isn’t a single cloud in the sky. I march to the kitchen where coffee has been cooked earlier (probably Yoongi leftovers). With my breakfast, I sit on the couch to watch the TV. Something resting there, all alone, calls my attention.
Oh shit, the to-do list.
"Free Minnie"
☆ 2-part plan
Day 1:
✅️ Partying together and pretending to be a couple.
✅️ Wearing clothes the other likes.
✅️ Getting used to holding hands and side hugging.
✅️ Getting comfortable being close to each other.
Day 2:
☑️  Accord lovey-dovey nicknames
☑️  Comfortably hug each other/being near/share the same vital space.
☑️  Practice:
Introducing each other
"Love story"
Pecks (????)  🤮🤮
I search for a green pen, wanting to give a check for everything done.
Nicknames? Yes. 
To be comfortable around each other? It was hard, but we did it.
Introduce each other? The funniest. He couldn't stop jokingly doing it when he said that we should sleep. I remember clear as the day his "Excuse me, mister. My fiancé is sleeping because she's trying to keep herself on my same level of beauty, perfection and intelligence" as his last words before I drowned to sleep.
Love story? Maybe… check in orange? We have almost finished.
Not as long as I know. But not the most relevant one since that would happen in an unfortunate scenario. It would be bad luck, right?
That means that, except for the final touches, we have finished.
"Free Minnie"
☆ 2-part plan
Day 1:
✅️ Partying together and pretending to be a couple.
✅️ Wearing clothes the other likes.
✅️ Getting used to holding hands and side hugging.
✅️ Getting comfortable being close to each other.
Day 2:
✅️  Accord lovey-dovey nicknames
✅️  Comfortably hug each other/being near/share the same vital space.
✅️ Practice
Introducing each other ✅️
"Love story" ✴️
Pecks (????)  🤮🤮  🚫
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-Hello, sleeping beauty.
-Hello, you.
-I have to be honest; this morning, when I woke up, I felt envious of you.
-I understand. I was sleeping so deeply that I didn't notice when you left.
-I’m taking a life-changing nap when I come home, don't worry. Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but what follows it's the… proposal?
-Yeah. Your turn to shine.
He laughs.
-Well, I was thinking about something intimate. Big gestures feel like a no-no to me.
-Yes, please. There's nothing worse than the typical ones where everyone is looking at you, waiting for the answer. If someone creates a flash mob or makes the petition appear on a screen… I'm leaving that person right there.
-ugh, just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.
-Yeah, that's not us. What fits us the most is something unserious and routine type of moment. Do you get what I mean?
-I do. Like getting to bed together and suddenly… bam! The ring ninja.
-Exactly. What would be something that would turn the marriage switch "on" in your brain?
-Mm, that's hard. Let me think.
-Don't worry. I'm entertaining myself by looking through your lyrics' notepads.
The line goes silent. Deadly silent.
-God, Yoongi, I'm obviously kidding. I can't believe you fell for it; I know those books are like your children. "The only thing I ask you to be off-limits in our friendship are my notepads; I want my inner thoughts to be private till I'm ready" is the phrase I have nightmares with.
-Good girl; I have you well trained.
-Keep going with that attitude, and what you'll have well trained is receiving the hit of my hand with your face -I mindlessly sing back while roaming through the apartment.
-That's not ladylike.
-You know what is not wise like? Put Puerto Rico 0-3 Portugal in the World Cup bet. It's crystal clear that you don't have any idea about football -I tiredly answer with said bet in hand- If you had done your research, you would have known that European teams do worst in warm environments as they suffer a lot more flues due to the accumulated tiredness of ending the first round of their leagues weeks before World Cup and the air conditioner in the hotels. This year's favourites are south american countries.
-I heard some NBA players talking about this option being the best and-
-And if Damian Lillard tells you to jump off a bridge, you do, I know, but trust your football player best friend here for once. You didn't even ask me, idiot.
-Yeah, you are right. Damian would have that power over me. No doubt.
-Of course he does. I’m wondering…who would you obey most between him and J. Cole?
-Unfair question I won't answer because you don’t even like them that much.
-But you do, and it is always fun to mess with you; I even watched the last Damian match to screw you hehehe.
The line goes silent.
-Hey, are you there?
-Yes, I am. I was just thinking.
-I imagined. I didn’t want to say anything, but I was impressed with your ability to give me five minutes of uninterrupted attention. Coffee must be hitting real bad your ADHD. Have you at least come up with an answer to why you proposed?
Silence again.
-Pro-pro- what? -he sounds disoriented.
-Proposed Yoongi, the fake proposal. You know, to avoid my dismissal.
-Yeah, right. I'll see at that moment or wait throughout today if I can invent something. 
-C'mon Yoongi. Am I so horrible that you can't imagine one thing you like about me? -it stings a bit.
-No, it's not that.
-Then what? I did not consider this one as the hardest of all tasks we've done.
-I have to hang up; somebody is calling my name. I'll talk to you later, bye.
-Sure -I answer back acidly non intended.
I don't even change into my clothes; I don't have the humour for that (not that Yoongi’s lent clothes seem deteriorated or anything).
I start to walk to the nearer bus stop, Wild Flower from Indigo blasting full-on volume in my earbuds.
Buses have something I can't explain but… travelling in them usually makes me sad. I don't know why, but something like nostalgia invades me, and I can't shake it.
For me, a bus feels like a little window to the world. You can see what's going on, both out and inside the vehicle, with the perception of anonymity. You can see everybody carrying on daily tasks, unaware of your presence.
That makes you feel like your existence isn’t relevant, that if you disappeared from the surface of this earth, everyone would be able to keep going on like nothing. Your existence means nothing.
After 10 minutes, I’ve finally come home. I’m unsure what to do next: should I be showering or relaxing? Perhaps shower, or then I’ll be unable to move due to my lazy ass. Diligently, that’s what I do.
I play some music in the background, as always, something to feel sexy and try to get in a better mood. The chosen option is a playlist I did, composed with songs from Yoongi's close circle of composer friends: Vibe (Taeyang ft Jimin), Smoke sprite (So!YoON! ft RM), Bad Decisions (from some of them ft Benny Blanco and Snoop Dog), Change pt2 (RM), MORE (J-Hope), etc.
Two or three songs play before being interrupted by one I didn’t expect: Golden hour by JVKE. In other situations, that one is a favourite, but now? I don’t know why, but it makes me sad, to the point that tears flow from my eyes. I stay there for the whole duration of the music, crying under the water that wets me from head to toe; its warmth being the only comfort.
The last time I felt this way was long ago, maybe… when I was on the latest exams for my doctorate, trying to access my ongoing job? Likely. They were the darkest years
of my life: no self-confidence, constantly doubting my capacity. I isolated myself from everyone around me till, thanks to Yoongi’s temperament, I was ready to talk about what I was feeling. Maybe that’s why seeing him behaving as he has, hurt me so much.
He has always been supportive and my anchor when I let my head be full of dark thoughts. I feel bad because now he is putting everything in his hand to help me, and here I am, still being childish. Only caring about what he didn’t say or do instead of being grateful for everything he did.
I’m being stupid, and I should be putting aside all my insecure nature to make this plan work. I shake my head physically and mentally.
-Focus, Min Young Mi -I whisper to myself.
I feel so much better, sadness from before slowly disappearing upon the relevance of the stratagem we have between our hands.
I get ready except for dressing the clothes; I still have some informs to write and some chores to do before leaving. One by one, they are done, remaining to finish my makeup and wear the fancy clothes. 
It was hard to choose, but I decided on a light and shiny eyeshadow and products to realt my natural beauty (If there’s some, I’m not sure) and clothing… damn. I don’t usually assist to formal events, so I was unsure about what is considered appropriate and what is not. After researching on work and between my girlfriends, I’ve come up with a long but pompous sleeve incorporated into a tight bodice that contrasts with a loose, long skirt; everything in different shades of white and golden details (imitating the chinese technique of repairing broken ceramics with gold, Kintsugi).
I add some pale colourful butterflies and shining stickers on my hair styled in messy space buns.
The final look I see in the mirror is better than expected. All has come together nicely, highlighting my curves where they should be.
-Girls, you never looked this good -I say to my boobies, well put and round; they don’t seem like the usual ones that make me insecure.
I feel pretty, even… empowered.
A message bleeps in my phone.
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As I’ve been told, I call a taxi that gets me faster than I imagined to the placement where the ball is happening tonight.
It’s an incredible old-styled mansion, decorated for the occasion with flowers and little lightbulbs. But that’s not all; the interior is as beautiful or more, totally my style. Feels like a set from that period series I love to watch; romance and secrets oozing from every square.
I force the chat to be about superficial stuff, trying to avoid the main thing of tonight, but the question appears from one of my workmates ten minutes later while talking in a circle.
-So… where is your soon-to-be husband? We are dying to meet him.
-He had an inconvenience in his work, making him late. He must be about to arrive.
-Once again, what does he work as?
-Producer. He writes and composes music for other artists and himself, but now he is finishing the last touches of his upcoming album, which is also his first one.
-Is he an independent artist or…?
-Oh, no. He works for a prestigious music company, but till now, hadn’t found enough time for his own projects. His schedule is tight, so all the arrangements have to go as planned. These days he’s been busy putting hours and hours into it and making space to come here to meet you all… means a lot to me.
Everyone is glancing at the same place, the entry. Naturally, I follow along, discovering that the cause of all this shock is no other than my best friend.
-Speaking of him… -I whisper unconsciously loud enough for people near me to hear.
-It’s that your man? -a couple of them ask with evident surprise on their faces.
He seems lost, probably searching for me. He also looks stunning, almost unreal.
I salute him from afar, and once he sees me, a big pretty smile appears on that pretty face. When he’s coming my way, I have finally gathered the courage to admit it.
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-Yes, that’s my man.
I’m as surprised as everyone by his beauty, having fallen in his enchantment. He shines through the room charmingly, making it understandable all eyes are on him, but he only seems to see… me? What?
Once he is a couple of metres away, I tell myself to breathe again, too stunned to speak.
-Hi, babe -he greets me encircling my waist with his arm- You look beautiful, as always -he seems to say truthfully, looking into my eyes, finishing the sentence with a quick peck on my lips.
What. The. Fuck. It’s. Going. On.
My brain has forgotten how to work, unable to process surprise after surprise.
-Sorry for being late -he adds upon my silence- today has been crazy, but I don’t wanna bore you with work. We are here to enjoy and raise some funds, aren’t we?
Am I stuttering? What has he done to me?
-Sorry, we haven’t been introduced properly. I’m Yoongi, Young Mi’s fiance.
He greets everyone with a handshake and naturality that I have never seen on him, never leaving my side or peeling his arm around my body, that touch almost burning me. I feel my face getting redder every second that passes.
-Young Mi, are you okay?
-What? Why? -I shyly ask, touching my flushed cheeks.
-You haven’t talked since your boyfriend arrived. Cat got your tongue?
I look at Yoongi, both of us aware of the ongoing joke of him being the human personification of a cat. He gets it because a devilish smirk appears on his face.
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-yeah, something like that -I admit, mortified
-You know how shy she is with personal stuff, let her be -he jokingly says while hugging me tightly and kissing my forehead.
-Honey, behave -I warn him lightly, hitting him in the arm. He’s having way too much fun with this, and it shows off in how his smile doesn’t go away- would you get me a drink, please?
-Of course.
Other partners of my co-workers join him in the task, letting us talk, but especially me and “my man” to fence for ourselves in front of a public that requires answers about our relationship.
Once they near the table with drinks, the season is open. They start to shoot questions without leaving me time to answer them.
-Wow, Young Mi, he is…
-Handsome -other interrupts, making us laugh.
-And he has this aura of a rockstar…
-yeah, and he seems so in love with you. Can’t keep his hands to himself.
-Both of you make an incredible couple, both sophisticated and pretty.
-No, not just pretty. Hot as fuck.
We laugh, but all the compliments make something deep inside me tingle.
I look at him, finding out that he is already looking. He seems surprised at being caught but smiles at me in that beautiful and particular way I’ve only seen him do on counted occasions.
“What?” I mouth at him, not understanding what’s going on.
His only answer is a wink, and I can't put my finger on what it is, but suddenly all this feels new. And exciting. And like butterflies dancing around in my stomach.
This night will surely be going to be one to remember.
A/N: Sorry I've been missing but uni still has me on house arrest with all the finals. Hope you like it and hope you have a good night/evening... Feel free to give some feedback :)
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yoyok-era · 7 months
Look at us, you and I (back at it again) - chapter three
Elliot Stabler x Olivia Benson ♡ Law and Order: SVU ♡ 1.0k ♡ Ao3
[Series Masterlist]
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She asks for Fin to stay with her during the rape kit, and Elliot has to hold back his tears when she mumbles something about Fin being there for the last two.
So he stands in the hallway with Noah, holding his son's head against his chest as the boy sobs, mumbling quiet "I know, I know"s into his mop of hair.
"She's so broken, she's not herself." Noah whimpers, gripping his dad's t-shirt tightly as they stand. "This isn't fair."
Elliot's lips quiver and he blinks hard against the sting in his eyes. "I know. And the sad reality of it all is, she probably won't be herself for a long time. But she has us to help her get there."
Noah sniffles once, rubbing his nose as he looks back up at his father. He wipes furiously at his eyes with the back of his free hand. "Yeah," he hiccups. "Yeah, you're right."
There's silence between them for several moments, Noah's breaths slowing down and his grip on his father loosening until he stops clutching him so tightly. When he pulls back, his eyes are red and puffy, and he looks like he's aged three years.
"Thank you, dad." He smiles sadly up at Elliot, before slipping past him into the bathroom to wash his tear stained face.
Elliot stands for a short while longer, looking around the empty hospital corridor as a fresh wave of tears fill his eyes before he makes his way to the chapel.
The last time he was here was a good 7 years ago, when he'd prayed for Kathy's soul to be safe after she'd died. An overwhelming sense of deja vu overcomes him as he kneels in front of the altar, placing his palms against his closed eyelids and praying silently for Olivia to find peace.
He stays kneeling there, silent prayers flowing through his mind until he feels a hand on his shoulder.
Slowly, Elliot lowers his hands from his eyes, blinking hard as he turns his head towards the source of contact. His eyes go wide when he meets Amanda's.
"Didn't think you'd know where to find me."
"Katie had a suspicion. I told her and Joe to go home. Lizzie's gone too. Noah wouldn't be convinced." Amanda sits down beside Elliot quietly, her hand resting against his shoulder as she stares up at the ceiling.
After a few minutes of silence, Amanda glances at Elliot, raising an eyebrow at the sight of the silent tears streaming down his cheeks. "How is she?"
Elliot's voice cracks when he speaks. "I've never seen her like this. Ever. I know I wasn't there for her in 2014, but this…. this can't even compare to the case files I've read."
Amanda nods understandingly, understanding what he means, despite her having no idea. "She'll be okay, Stabler. We all will."
Her hospital room is quiet. Calm. There's no nurses running around, no doctors barking out orders. Just a peaceful silence, only broken ever once in a while when one of the machine she's hooked up to beeps.
Fin is sitting in a chair next to her bed, one hand stroking her hair while the other holds on to hers. He's talking to her softly, filling her in on the things she's missed. Her son, her squad, everything.
"Elliot adopted Noah about 6 months after you went missing. We all thought you were dead, but they didn't declare that officially till about two years later. He's been doing good with the Stablers, he hangs out with me and Phoebe after school on Fridays. He's got a boyfriend now, Vincent. Nice kid, they've been dating about a year," He speaks quietly, her hand giving his a light squeeze every once in a while.
"Muncy decided to come back about a month after you went missing. Decided the DEA task force wasn't for her. She went over your case every second of every day, dedicated herself to following in your footsteps."
He pauses, watches as her face scrunches up in pain, and adjusts the dial on her morphine dosage.
"She and Velasco dated for a while, but they ended up deciding they were better as friends. He's dating Kathleen now, you know, Elliot's daughter? Joe got shot and Katie was the attending nurse. Straight outta one of those romance books you always used to read."
The corners of her mouth twitch upwards in a smile, as Fin continues to speak.
"Let me think… Lizzie opened her own bakery, Dickie and Jet are working on making a video game together. Oh, Amanda and Carisi had their baby. A little girl, her name's Maggie. You're gonna love her, she's a carbon copy of her father."
"And Elliot?" She finally speaks, her voice raspy and dry.
"It's been hard on him, you disappearing and the whole search to find you. He's the one that convinced the brass to keep the case open. They wanted to close it after a year, but he knew you were out there somewhere."
He tells her quietly, watching her nod slowly.
"Knowing him he's gonna be standing over you like he's your bodyguard the minute I leave this room. I gotta say, I don't blame him."
She lets out a soft chuckle, and Fin beams at the sound. She can still laugh. That's good.
He turns his head as he hears the door open, watching Noah and Elliot walk in.
"Speak of the devil." He winks at Olivia. "I'll leave you alone now, babygirl. You did good. Proud of you." He smiles at her, giving her hand one last squeeze before he leaves the room.
The door clicks closed behind him. He watches through the frosted glass as Noah climbs onto the bed and Elliot takes a seat in the chair he just stood up from.
Noah snuggles against Olivia through the thick layer of blankets, and he watches as they both close their eyes, the exhaustion of the day taking over.
After he's sure they're both asleep, Elliot leans forward and rests his head on the edge of the bed as well, his hand staying wrapped around hers the entire time.
Divider by: @saradika
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cinaea · 1 year
Playlist for Concordance
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With the last chapters of Concordance coming up, I'm finally able to share the soundtrack!
These tracks tell the story in song form, from Clint's self-defeating fixation on submission all the way to his happy ending with Phil and a new understanding of his life. I hope you enjoy these songs as well as how they relate to the fic.
Trinity Universe - Condordance on Youtube and Spotify* *thanks to @grumpyarcherkitten for creating the Spotify version!
1. Blood in the Cut by K.Flay All I do is pretend to be okay so my friends / Can't see my heart in the blender
2. Everything to Everyone by Everclear I think you like to be their simple toy / I think you love to play the clown
3. Sugar by The Horrible Crowes I guess you need a little sugar / ‘Cause you always wander around / How would you like a little fancy / Whenever you feel a little inside out
4. Hold Me Down by Halsey Hold me down, hold me down / Throw me in the deep end, watch me drown / Knock me out, knock me out / Saying that I want more, this is what I live for
5. Night Is Young by Empires Someone's got their hands on you / And not the way you want 'em to / But you ain't got a real fight / Oh, living in your eyes
6. Best of You by Foo Fighters Has someone taken your faith? / It's real, the pain you feel / Your trust? You must confess / Is someone getting the best / The best, the best, the best of you?
7. Paper Money by Soulsavers Don't you ever leave me, baby / I believe that you can save me / Heaven, just a taste / Heaven's so far away
8. Peer Pressure (Acoustic) by James Bay feat. Julia Michaels You're dancing around on my mind every second / I'm under control till you're in front of me / Maybe I'm scared, I don't care, I'm addicted / I'm in it
9. Sympathy by The Goo Goo Dolls It's easy to forget, yeah / When you choke on the regrets, yeah / Who the hell did I think I was?
10. I Luv the Valley OH! by Xiu Xiu It's a pill and you've got to take it / I won't rest until you take it
11. The Cave by Mumford & Sons I'll find strength in pain / And I will change my ways / I'll know my name as it's called again
12. Power by Bastille Power, power / I will never understand the way I let you hold it over me
13. Feel Good by Gryffin, ILLENIUM, Daya Take my hand in the middle of a crisis / Pull me close, show me, baby, where the light is
14. Breathless by Caroline Polachek It's like a dream / Although I'm not asleep / I never want to wake up / Don't lose it, don't leave it
15. Body of Work by The Mynabirds Yesterday happened just exactly as it did / You can't go back and undo it / You're not a knot, you're not a dead end / Don't ever forget / You're a living thing
Bonus Track: Good for Me by Above & Beyond To be with you is easy / I know you're good for me / This feeling inside me / Oh, it sends me sky-high
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||Do we have a deal Part 7: Start of the second month, their hidden obsession||
Hi dears, were back with part 7 from the Do we have a deal mini series. We continue on after what happened in the last chapter. If you wish to read the last few chapters, they are under the chapter tag. But this is a gift for my partner and friend.
Part one: Do we have a deal: Sacrifice
Part two: Do we have a deal: Painful acceptance: the tasks
Part 3: Do we have a deal: The first task; spirit hunting, worried demon heirs
Part 4: Do we have a deal: Her training lesson and Jaron's talk
Part 5: Do we have a deal: The protective devil parent, one on one talk
Part 6: Do we have a deal: Progress of her training, new faces arrive
((Your reading part 7 right now))
||Drabble Summary||
The first month has finally passed so it was the second month. Melinda has one more to get through but she figures Sukuna will have her doing some final tasks here before sending her home. However, as she trained, the followers were now growing interested into Melinda. Some wanted to have her as a pet and it leaves to some disturbing things. Wanna know what? Read to find out.
~Marking seen in drabble
~Obsessive like behavior will be seen
||Guests in the Drabble||
Illyius, Vanity and some devils belong to my friend @demon-blood-youths
Melinda Brooks belongs to me
Sukuna ryomen (Demon au) belongs to me but comes from the anime jujutsu kaisen. A few other cursed spirits are some of his followers: Jogo, Mahito, Geto, Dagon, and Hanabi so their guests.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble. It was written for fun so please understand. Thanks for that and hope you like.))
It was finally the second month and the last one for Melinda, who was doing some medication today in the gardens near Sukuna's home. She's been doing better so far and yet she was floating off the ground while having her hands up to show some flaming souls around her. Seems thanks to the sudden power boost, she was able to see and find spirits in the demon realm. Even getting used to using the upgraded power she had.
It was really crazy and yet, she was happy. She got through the first month and with the last one now she can go home soon. While she was doing that, she was being watched by the followers to see them always being curious of her.
Melinda was a young demon at heart but she was growing. She was adorable and cute that she was perfect to be a little pet for one of them. Though, they figure or wonder who already claimed her as theirs. Well, they won't know right now before she stops feeling someone watching her. She looks to see but saw nothing there to make her nervous and confused. The baby Jackal puppy was floating around her but she sees it sit on her head while she smiled to pet it's head.
However, she noticed the followers were...always watching her. Almost like they wanted to learn more about her and maybe the real world as well. So far, each one would go ahead and check on her one by one to see what she was like.
At times Jogo would see her and offer some advice while she was unsure on how to take it. His advice was scary and always resulted in killing another or burning them alive due to her having a fire element. He always spoke of using her gift to torture others but in some case, he would either touch her hair and see how adorable she was if she was wearing something more pretty.
"Such a delicate little flower you are. I see why Lord Sukuna kept you for the two months. Your so adorable." he smirked as he runs his fingers through her black hair. This got Melinda worried but didn't answer.
Mahito was another one, speaking to Melinda to see her medicating near by. He would sometimes use his new fond powers to either play with Melinda's hair or just hug her. She didn't know why he was this grabby till she sees he would bite her at times. He couldn't drink from her since Sukuna was only allowed but he did like seeing her wincing in pain. He even scared her when showing off his Idle Transfiguration and even showing her soul to herself that really startled her.
"Awww don't be afraid. These souls are not that scary. Weak but not scary. I wonder if your able to eat them too....I bet you could.." He said. He even saw her soul that it was so pretty he would have kept it for himself.
Geto was even helping her with training too but he was able to see she was a strong one. He saw that she even was pinned by him only holding her by the throat. "You have such a lean neck but that's fine. I bet you'll look adorable with a collar on you. Or maybe making you bleed to death is better." He laughed but Melinda really was disturbed.
Dagon wasn't too bad in Melinda's case but seeing what he could do still scared her. She tried not to show it seeing him even bring her food but he would even show her other things so he was not too bad.
And Hanabi was asking her to help with some things but he even had her wear something over her eyes but she was still scared seeing him even giving some of the cursed buds to her. She did wince from them biting her to eat some cursed energy. Yeah, she was going to stay clear from them.
So far, Melinda got more and more disturbed seeing how his followers were enjoying her company for the time she was here. But she did her best to ignore them. Sukuna had disturbing followers and she couldn't wait to get out of here.
After a while, she was able to get a visitor or Sukuna took her with him to check on the devils. Right away, Yen-Lo-wang was hugging Melinda tightly as she blinks, not expecting this from the devil god of death till he lets out clearing his throat and trying to hide the blush in his cheeks.
"I'm so happy to see your alright Melinda. Are you hurt anywhere? Are you alright?" he asked checking her as she was looking to him.
"N..No, No I'm alright. Just going through the training from...Sukuna but nothing else." she said to him as Yen looks to sigh but he was happy to see her being alright.
"See? I told you I wouldn't harm the poor thing." He said to Yen glaring at him.
"Even so, I don't trust you or anything you do." He said but Sukuna sighed to cross his arms.
"Well, it's not my fault your 'daughter' is fun to play with. I mean hell, with the training and me eating of course." He smirked but Yen blinks to look confused.
"Eating? What is he talking about Melinda?" he asked but she blinks to sigh, looking down.
"H..He said I was to pay him every two demon night moons so..." She lifts her arm to show him as Yen's eyes widen. Healed bite marks were seen on her arm over her demonic mark and her neck. Wait, did this bastard bite her!?
The other Devils said nothing in shock but looks to Sukuna who was looking proud of what he does. "What? I did say I was going to get some payment for this. And she's doing well in paying. But I'll admit, her blood is pretty delicious-"
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!? YOU DARE MARK MY DAUGHTER!?" He roars out about to attack Sukuna but the other devils held him back trying to calm him down. Melinda blinks but she was speechless hearing him say that.
'Daughter? H..he sees me as his daughter?' she thought shocked as she looks to feel Sukuna grab her arm pulling her back to happily pet her head.
"I did but it was for the payment. I would have asked for something else but.." His hand moves to cup her cheek as he tilts her head back seeing her wincing. "That would be a bit far wouldn't it? It's like me asking her to be my own little pet." he said but Vanity calms Yen down to look at him.
"You know that's not what you agreed to. You said you were to only have her do tasks for the two months. You didn't mention this being part of it." he said.
"Yeah, it must have slipped my mind. I only nibbled her a bit to eat. Even her precious neck. If that jackal wanted to have her he still can if he can mark her better than me." he snickered seeing Yen more furious but he also knew Illyius didn't know that but that was something. He could tell Jaron but he might not like that. Neither would her friends.
"Though, I know the others back in my domain would love to learn more about her. They find her interesting too...you have one lucky daughter Yen.." Sukuna chuckled.
"...I'll kill you. How dare you mark my heir!? My daughter!?"he said but the devils keeps him from doing anything bad as Sukuna laughed still petting Melinda's head. She didn't like seeing him upset but he only remains happy. "But I'm sure she'll be fine. Right silver bud?" he said her nickname.
"Silver bud!?" he growls.
"Yes, Fitting name isn't it? Melinda is such a good little pet. Always willing to get stronger but she was stubborn at first but she's fine now. Even so, we are going to be heading back so I suggest you guys have a bit longer to wait." He smirked.
Yen still felt angry but he only saw Melinda worried. "I'll be alright ummm dad. I'll stay strong till this month passes and get to go home again. I just have to pull through." she said to Yen who looks to her but he did notice she was nervous but she's willing to pull through this. He didn't know what else happened in Sukuna's domain but if she told him he might have lost it.
"I'll be okay...I promise."she said to him but Sukuna grabs her arm to pull her along so they could head back. He only smirked to hold her close before disappearing into a dark blood red smoke to leave the devils alone. Yen was angry true but he was worried about her. They saw he's been feeding from her but they were not expecting that.
However, the devils will let the others back in New York hear the status of Melinda but they get the feeling they will not like it.
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cutedisneygrl · 1 year
Love online
Chapter 4
Sorry it has taken me so long to post this. I will get next chapter up soon.
Warning: There are not many, just a little language in this chapter.
The next few days go by slow. Merida and Chris continue to talk through texts on Instagram. Tiffany still won't believe that it is Chris Evans and keeps telling Merida to be careful. Thursday during nap time Merida posts a picture on Instagram.
Disneydoggrl83❤️ I miss my girl! So much!
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Captaindork- Hey! I just saw your post. Those are good pics. I wish there was something I could say or do to help you through this.
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️Thanks. I will be okay. Its just still hard. It's hard going home knowing she won't be there. I also hate going to sleep at night and not having her beside me.
Captaindork-I know exactly how you feel. Its hard when I am gone for work and I don't have Dodger beside me. Maybe this pic will help.
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Disneydoggrl83 ❤️That's funny :) and true for us.
Captaindork-Yep. So you have plans this weekend?
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️Tiffany is coming over and we are having a girls weekend. She is taking me somewhere tomorrow night.
Captaindork-That sounds fun.
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️Yeah. I don't know what she has planned. With Tiffany who knows. Hope she doesn't embarrass me.
Captaindork-how could she embarrass you?
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️well tomorrow is my birthday and I know she will tell the waitress or waiter.
Captaindork-Oh! Well maybe she won't embarrass you. ☺️
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️Yeah. Well I need to get going. It's time to get my kids up.
Captaindork-Okay. Have fun. Talk to you later.
Merida got her kids up from nap and changed their diapers, gave them snack and played with them in centers for a little while till they went outside. That evening when Merida got home she was tired. She changed into her pjs and after fixing her self a salad she sat on the couch and watched Avengers Endgame. While she was watching she looked at Instagram.
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Dodger lying on Dodger
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Disneydoggrl83 ❤️liked
Awww ☺️
Captaindork-Hey! How was work today?
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️It was good. I'm tired. My kids wore me out.
Captaindork-Aww well at least tomorrow is Friday!
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️Yes. I am glad. I am ready for the weekend.
Captaindork-What time is Tiffany coming over?
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️She said she was picking me up at 6
Captaindork- :) I'm sure you girls will have fun.
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️As long as she doesn't embarrass me!
Captaindork-maybe she won't. Well hate to cut this short, but I need to get to bed. I have a long day tomorrow. I probably wont' be able to message you until later in the day. I will be on set all day!
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️Okay. I understand. Hope you have a great day!
Captaindork-Thanks. You too. ☺️
Merida finished her movie then cleaned up her dishes and after she brushed her teeth, took her contacts out and washed her face then climbed into bed. She had another wonderful dream about Chris. When her alarm whet off the next morning she groaned. She rolled over and saw she had a message.
Captaindork-Good morning Merida! Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day! Have fun tonight!
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Awww, Chris is so sweet. Merida thinks to herself. She saw he had sent it at 4:30 am.
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️Thanks! I love the picture. I will let you know how it goes ☺️
Merida got up and got ready for her day. She got a quick shower, changed and then got herself a bowl of cereal and some coffee. After she finished she quickly washed her dishes and brushed her teeth then left for work. When she got to work she saw someone had decorated her door.
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Merida smiled and walked into her classroom. She started her day. She changed diapers and played with her kids in centers. They painted, built towers and read books. The day seemed to drag. At nap time one of her coworkers brought her a piece of cake they had made. She sat and ate her cake and scrolled through Instagram. She didn't see anything from Chris. She remembered him telling her he would busy on set all day. She didn't hear from him at all. She missed talking to him during nap time. When the end of the day came, she cleaned her room and headed home. She got a quick shower and got dressed. She decided to dress up a little.
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The star necklace was a gift from her father for her last birthday. By the time she finished applying her make up, she was changing her purse when she heard the knock on the door.
   "Hey girl!"
            "Hey! You like nice. I love that dress! I don't think I have ever seen you wear that before."
            "Yeah I got it a while back but never wore it."
            "It looks good on you. Are you ready to go."
            "Yep. Let me just grab my purse. I was in the process of changing purses when you knocked on the door."
Merida left the room and was back a few minutes carrying her purse.
            "Alright lets go."
The girls headed to Tiffany's blue camero. As Tiffany was pulling out Merida says, "Oh Chris messaged me this morning and wished me happy birthday. He sent me the cutest picture."
Merida shows Tiffany. Tiffany glanced at it then back to the road.
            "Is it all the Disney characters?"
            "Yep. Most of them."
            "That's cute. Are you still thinking it's really him?"
            Merida didn't answer.
            "Merida, I'm telling you. It's a scammer. They are telling you its them, but they are fooling you. They are good! They know what they are doing. Please don't let them get to you. Don't believe everything they tell you alright?"
Merida didn't say anything back she just nodded her head. It was quiet the rest of the way to the restaurant. Merida didn't know where Tiffany was taking her. When Tiffany pulled into Olive Garden Merida got excited. Olive Garden was her favorite restaurant.
            "Tiffany! Olive Garden! Really?"
            "Yep. I know its your favorite."
The girls get out and head in. It is a little crowded. Tiffany goes up the podium and tells the lady how many.
            "It will be about 15 minutes." She hands Tiffany a buzzer.
The girls sit down and wait.
            "You know I love you right?"
            "Yeah I know."
            "I am only looking out for you. I don't want to see you get hurt."
            "I know."
Before Tiffany can finish what she was going to say the buzzer goes off.
            "Looks like our table is ready," Merida says. Glad the conversation was over. She didn't want to argue with Tiffany and she knew that, that was what was going to happen.
The girls followed the lady to their table.
            "Your waitress will be right with you. Enjoy."
The girls start looking at their menu. Merida knows she wants to order peach tea. She doesn't have tea often, but she always orders it when she comes to Olive Garden. Its her favorite.
            "Get whatever you want. This is on me."
A waiter comes to the table.
            "I'm Ryan and I will be your waiter this evening. What I start you ladies off with to drink?"
Tiffany looks at Merida. "I'll have peach tea."
     "Good choice. And you miss?" he says looking at Tiffany.
            "I'll have just regular sweet tea."
            "Alright. Any appetizers?"
            "No thank you." Tiffany says.
            "Alright. I will be back shortly with your drinks."
Ryan left and the girls were alone.
            "So has Chris posted anything on Instagram recently?"
            "No. He's been busy filming all day."
            "Is that what Captaindork told you?" She said giving her a raised eyebrow
            "Yes that is what he said."
            "Mmm, well I'm sure he is busy. He is still working on his new movie. Which I do want to see by the way."
            "I'm still trying to decide if I want to see it. It's not really mind of movie. It looks rough."
            "But its got Chris Evans. I told you we can go and just drool over him."
Merida laughs. "Right. I'll think about it."
            Ryan comes back with their drinks.
            "A peach tea for you," he says setting it down in front of Merida.
            "And a regular sweet tea for you," he says setting it down in front of Tiffany.
            "Have you ladies decided what you want to order?"
            "Yes, I want to the Chicken Alfrado."
            "Do you want that grilled chicken?"
            "Yes please."
            "Salad or soup?"
            "And you miss?" he asks looking at Tiffany.
            "I want the 5 cheese ziti al forno."
            "Would you like soup or salad?"
            "Alright. I will have your salad and bread sticks out to you soon."
            Ryan left and the girls were alone once again. Just as Tiffany was fixing to speak Merida's phone went off. She pulled it out of her purse and looked.
Captaindork- ☺️hope your bday dinner is going well. And your welcome for the pic. I saw it and had to send it you. Hopefully Tiffany hasn't embarrassed you.
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️Not yet. But the night is still young ☺️ We are at Olive Garden
Captaindork-Nice! Great place! I'll let you enjoy your dinner. Talk to you later ☺️
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️Okay! And yes its my favorite restaurant. Talk to you later. I will let you know how it turns out. ☺️
Captaindork- ☺️👍
     "Who are you talking to? Him?"
            "Yes. He was saying he hoped my dinner was going well."
            "Oh, so you told him where you were going?"
            "Well this morning, I didn't know. But I just now told him where I was."
            "So he knows your not home!"
            "What? Well ya."
            "Merida! Never, ever tell a stranger your not home!"
            "Tiffany, relax. He doesn't know where I live or anything. We have never gotten that pacific."
            "Good! Don't!"
            "Geez, you think I'm stupid, but I'm not that stupid!"
            "I never said you were stupid. Naive at times maybe but not stupid!"
Merida didn't say anything back. Ryan returned with their bread sticks and Salad.
            "Would you like cheese on your salad?"
            Ryan spread cheese on the salad then put it on the table.
            "Your food will be out shortly."
Merida put salad in her bowl and after Tiffany got hers, Tiffany said a prayer thanking them for the food. Merida remained quiet and ate her salad.
            "Merida, I'm sorry."
            "Tiff, its okay."
            "I know your mad at me. I know how much you want to believe its him. But it's not. Actors don't message fans."
            "Tiff, I said I'm fine. It's okay. I know your looking out for me. It's okay."
            "Alright. As long as we are cool and your not mad at me. I can't have my bff mad at me."
            "I'm not mad at you," Merida smiled.
The girls finished their salad and talked a little about their day. Merida told her what her coworkers did for her at work and about her kids. Then Ryan returned with their food. He put cheese on both their bowls.
Ryan leaves and the girls dig in.
            "This looks so good!" Tiffany says.
            "Yes, its been so long since I have had this."
The girls eat and when Ryan comes back to check on them Tiffany says
            "It's her birthday."
            "Oh it is! Well  Happy Birthday! I will bring you a dessert in a few," Ryan says looking at Merida and smiling then leaves.
            "Hey, you get a free dessert!"
            "Yeah but now they are going to sing to me!"
            "So, you get a dessert!"
By the time the girls finish their meal Ryan is back with the rest of the staff and they sing happy birthday to Merida. The rest of the staff leave. Ryan sets the brownie and ice cream down in front of Merida.
            "Happy Birthday! Enjoy," He smiles                        
"Can I get you anything?" He asks looking at Tiffany.
            "No thanks."
            "Alright. Well enjoy. I'll be back with the check." He smiles once again, then leaves.
            Merida looks up and sees Tiffany smiling at her.
            "That waiter was flirting with you."  
            "He was not!"
            "He was!"
            Merida takes a bite of her brownie. "Would you like a bite? Its good."
            "Sure." Tiffany takes a bite. They end up sharing the dessert. Ryan comes back.
            "Can I get you anything else?"
            "Nope, I think we are good thanks." Tiffany says.
            "Alright. Well here is your check. Just let me know when your ready. You girls have a goodnight," He smiles again looking at Merida then walks off.
            "Girl! He is so into you!"
            "He is not!"
            Tiffany opens up the black book where the check is.
            "What! What's wrong?"
            "Look at the bottom of the recit."
            Tiffany shows Merida the check and at the bottom is says.
Have a goodnight ladies. And to the birthday girl! Hope you have a wonderful night. Your beautiful! Call me 828-253-9701
"OMG! He gave me his number!"
            "I told you he was into you."
            "Well I'm not calling him."
            "Why not?"
            Tiffany pulls out her wallet and takes $50.00.
            "Your leaving him all that! How much was the bill?"
            "He was a good waiter!"
The girls stand up. Merida grabs her purse and they head out. As they leave they see Ryan behind the reister and he smiles at them and waves. They get to the car.
            "I think you should call him."
            "No! I am not calling a guy I met at a restaurant!"
            "But you will talk to someone you met online!"
            Merida glares at Tiffany then looks away out the window and keeps quiet.
As Tiffany pulls out of the parking lot she says, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. That was mean. Forgive me."
Tiffany arrives at Merida's house and after Merida unlocks her door the girls head inside.
            "Why don't we go ahead and get into our pjs and watch Disney movies?"
The girls change into their pjs. Merida pops some pop corn while Tiffany finds a movie.
            "Why don't we watch Robin Hood first."
            "Sounds good." Merida says carrying the bowl of popcorn.
Just as the movie starts Merida hears her phone. She looks down and sees it's a video call from Captaindork
            "Chris is video calling me. The last time he did it, he said it was an accident."
            "Answer it. I want to see him for myself."
Merida hits accept.
            "Shit! I did it again. I'm sorry."
            Merida laughs. "It's okay. I wondered if you did it on purpose this time."
            "No, I was fixing to message you and I hit the video by mistake. I am not use to using Instagram this way."
            "It's okay. Tiffany is right beside me just so you know." Merida says turning the screen a little so Chris can see her.
            "Hey Tiffany. So you're the friend I have heard so much about."
            "That would be me."
            "So how was dinner? Did Tiffany embarrass you?"
            "Yes! She told the waiter it was my birthday and then he and the rest of the staff sang to me."
            "But she got free dessert and the waiter has a crush on her."
            "Oh is that so?"
            "Tiffany!" Merida said elbowing her.
            "Yes, he wrote his number for her at the bottom of reciet."
            "Oh did he now?"
            "Tiffany hush!" Merida said elbowing her again.
Chris laughs.
            "So are you calling him?"
            "Why not? Sounds like he might like you."
            "I'm not calling him."
            "Sounds like I have some competition." Chris smiles.
Merida just smiled. She didn't know what to say. Tiffany just shook her head.
            "So what are you girls up to?"
            "Well we are fixing to watch Robin Hood and eat some popcorn."
            "Sounds fun. I'll let you watch your movie. Have fun. I'll talk to you later. Goodnight Merida."
            "Goodnight Chris."
Chris ends the call. Merida looks over at Tiffany.
            "Do you still think it wasn't him?"
            "It certainly looked and sounded like him but I'm telling you they can fool you. They are good."
            "Okay whatever, lets just watch the movie."
            "I did sense a little bit of jealousy though when we told him about the waiter."
            "What! No."
            "Yes. He did say he had some competition."
            "Well he doesn't have to worry. I'm not calling Ryan."
            "Well maybe he will call you."
            "What! How?"
            "I might have written your number at the bottom of the receipt." Tiffany says smiling.
            "You did not!"
Tiffany smiles and starts the movie. When the movie ends the girls decide to find something on tv. Merida sees the movie The Greatest Show Man on.
            "Oh! I love that movie! Lets watch that! I know its your favorite!"
            "Why? I thought you loved that movie."
            "Not anymore."
            "Why not?"
            Tiffany is quiet for a minute.
            "Tiff. What's wrong? Tell me."
            "I don't like Zac Efron anymore."
            "Why not? You use to love him."
            "Used to!"
            "What happened?"
            Tiffany is quiet again for several minutes. She takes a deep breath then says, "I was scammed by someone pretending to be him."
            "What! When?"
            "A year ago."
            "Why did you never tell me?"
            "I was embarrassed. That's why I have been so hard you. The same thing happened to me that is happing to you. He messged me and made me think it was him. He video called me and it looked just like him, sounded just like him, but it wasn't him."
            "How did you find out it wasn't?"
            "Well at first I didn't think anything about it when he told me to send money to meet him. Said he would help me with what he could, but that I had to send a little."
            "You didn't!"
            "I did!"
             "What happened next?"
            "Well he kept on asking for money!"
            "You didn't give him more did you?"
            "I told him I couldn't send anymore."
            "Then what happened?"
            "He kept on asking. Saying he really wanted to meet him and that it was the only way for me to meet him. That he wished he could just come to NC to see me but he couldn't."
            "What did you do?"
            "I told him I wouldn't send anymore money. Then a few days later his profile on Instagram was gone and then there was a message from Zac Efron on his page about being aware of scammers pretending to be him. That he has not messaged any fans."
            "OMG! Girl I'm sorry. Wish you had told me."
            "Yeah. So now you understand why I am so hard on you."
            "Yes I do."
            "So be careful alright."
            "I will, but Chris has not asked for any personal info or money."
            "Yet! Zac didn't at first. We talked for a month before he started asking for it."
            "Oh. Well thanks for telling me."
            "Your welcome. I care about you girl and want the best for you."
            "I know you do. Thanks."
            "Oh and by the way. I do have a gift for you, but I left it at home. I couldn't bring it with me. I didn't want to leave it in the car while we went to eat. I will get it tomorrow."
            "Oh okay. Well you didn't have to get me anything. The dinner was enough."
            Tiffany smiled. "So what do we watch? Oh how about this?"
She asked clicking on The Last Song.
            "Sure, I like that movie."
The girls watch the movie. The whole time Merida is thinking about what Tiffany told her. If all she said was true, which she knew it was, she knew Tiffany wouldn't lie to her, Chris could be fake. But Merida just knew in her heart that it was really Chris Evans she was talking to, but she knew she needed to be careful after what Tiffany told her.
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taegularities · 2 years
hey!! i'm not able to reblog the fic for some reason...? i have no idea what's wrong so I'll just leave my comments here <3
i read it ;)
“But I just want my baby to be comfortable.”
BABYYY!!! pls rid what are u doing to me-
So, as honest as ever, he doesn’t hesitate. He leans back in his seat, exhales and tells you, “Nara’s my ex girlfriend. She and I grew up together, but didn’t get together till freshman year.”
shit... i knew this was coming. i hate u 😤😤
How does a fake girlfriend compete against childhood love?
no!!! please, things like this just makes the oc more insecure 🥺🥺
Pulling his right leg in, he moves a bit, and lets it appear on the other side of your body. He pushes himself forward by a few inches, and presses his torso against your back before soft hands sneak to your tummy.
oh my goddd ahsghfdfd HOW ARE THEY NOT CONFESSING TO EACH OTHER RIGHT FUCKING NOW 😭😭😭 this is too domestic ✋😞
“Oh, come on. You won’t be thinking of me there. You’ll be busy having fun with your family.” You chuckle, eyes still slipped close, and jest, “And staring at resort girls.”
“We don’t have a coupon for starters. Every other shop and brand does,” you say, leaning forwards. “So what if we established a ten percent off coupon for those who become new members of our brand?”
smartass oc indeed 😌
“And if he doesn’t? He doesn’t take care of it, but books an expensive vacation?”
oh my god, this is so sad :(( the mom is such a snake!! why does she even care where he's gonna stay at? this is truly unacceptable... but i stan oc for standing for jk!! and that's how it should be ;)
Jungkook [6:13PM]: i hope you’re doing okay. i’m thinking of you 
awww ❤️❤️
Laughter sounds through the phone, and a few people clap. His relatives know how to have fun, and your heart aches for a bond you haven’t gotten familiar with yet.
i feel bad 😞 wish she would've gone with him too...
“I don’t understand why you wouldn’t choose him.”
??? because she has jungkook! when will the mother stop... I'm so done rid. 😠 thinking that jk won't be able to do anything in future just sounds so disrespectful 😥
“Look outside.”
hahah, i thought he was outside her house for a moment 😂
“I really like your dress.”
akskdksmdk HE'S HERE ISNT HEEE 😭😭😭 ridddd why are you doing this!???
As you dig your fingers into his back, he wraps an arm around your torso; presses you close to him, lips in your hair. A gentle timbre whispers, “Hi.”
oh gawd 🥺🥺 they're so in love... PLS LET THE CONFESSION HAPPEN 😤😭
“I need to talk to you, angel,” he says.
shit no no no, don't tell me something really happened... let them be happy ksksjsjs
ok, the part where jk for drunk and said his pink got hurt, LMFAO that was so adorable!! and when he yawned? this is what came into my mind:
Tumblr media
actually, that whole scene just reminded me of this vlive!!! 🥺 (except the bucket hat)
wait... jin is going to be important again? what the heck do u mean 😀 don't tell me it is what I think... you're the worst i hate u for this. this part screams danger for the next one 🙄🤨
anyway (😤😠) i loved this chapter 💖💖 good job 😘
ahhh yeah, tumblr sometimes doesn't let u reblog long fics from the phone! i can only do it on desktop, too, so if u still wanna reblog or anything, u could try it like that 😭 but this review is still so 🥺🥺🥺
UGHHH the 'you're my baby' to nara whiplash, lmaooo yes i understand ur feelings :') oc really does get insecure about stuff a lot! but i think jk's domestic and sweet behaviour are what calm her a bit, so let's hope things get better for her head. and fck yeah, oc is a badass and smartass, and we stan her but not her mother !!! girl knows what to do at work and defends her man? YUPPPP!
oh god yeah, i can see why it looked like he was outside 🤣 (then again... later, at the end... 🥺). YES YES WE NEED A CONFESSION CMON. tell em !!!
also, u're so so right to be reminded of the vlive! it was exactly what inspired his whole look, the sweater paws and the gentle yawn 🥺 i'm so glad u picked up on that !!! also ha ha, i'm not sure what u think about seokjin but 😀😀 interesting, isn't it–
thank u so much for reading, love. u leave such wonderful and sweet reviews, and they mean more to me than u know 🥺 <333
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