#you wouldn't have this peace if he hadn't actively been working for it!
xiyao-feels · 10 months
The thing is I do get the, like, instinctive suspicion of JGY? Or—well, no, I think a lot of it is classism. But suspicion is honestly a really reasonable response to JGY's activities under JGS! It's worth it to ask: was he really in danger of his life? And even if he was, having had to do this to survive—what will he be like, when he doesn't have to anymore?
They're fair questions! The problem is they're questions we can answer from the text. He absolutely was in danger of his life. And as to what he'd be like when he didn't have to anymore—
I've talked about the watchtowers a lot because they're such a good example, and the kind of thing that would never have happened without him. But sometimes I want to shake people and say, look at the result of his governance! Look at the world WWX wanders through, post resurrection! Look at the peace, look at the way the juniors really get the chance to be kids!
This isn't something that happens automatically. Or really what I want to say is, it means something about the powers of the cultivation world. You can't just treat it as an interesting background fact to the juniors' characterization, with no depth beyond that! The cultivation world under WRH was the way it was because of WRH; the cultivation world under JGS was the way it was because of JGS; the cultivation world under JGY was the way it was because of JGY, and the way it was was better than any other time we've seen it.
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hyunsvngs · 1 year
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𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐨𝐧 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 - hwang hyunjin x gn!afab reader
wc: 5.3k
rating: 18+. MDNI
cw: casual sex w no strings attached, reader is afab but no gender-specific language/pronouns are used, background reader x minho, smut warnings under the cut.
synopsis: it was well established now that you were fucking your way around the frat. you hadn't intended to make hyunjin your next victim, but when you end up alone together, it seems like the perfect opportunity.
a/n: part four of our fratboy series, hot bitch summer!!! i really hope you all enjoy this bc i'm completely in love with our sweet, sensitive, artsy, pervy fratboy hyunjin <3
sw: swearing, nude painting and photography, mutual masturbation, cumswapping, casual sex, a little bit of bickering, mentions of male x male sexual activity, very poetic descriptions of many types of genitals, hyunjin is a pervy little boy but still very lovely.
You didn't know if you'd ever seen the frat house this quiet. Even with the red solo cups littering the coffee table, hoodies and shirts strewn over furniture, clear remnants of a recent rager, the place was almost peaceful. That was probably because it was mostly empty, though. Minho and Felix were helping out at the dance studio they frequented, Chan and Changbin were at the gym. Jisung was napping, which contributed to most of the peace and quiet. Jeongin was away visiting family, and you had no idea where Seungmin was - that man remained a mystery.
Hyunjin, however, was lounging on the couch in the lounge, sketchbook in his arms. It appeared that he would be your target for tonight. You leaned on the back of the sofa, looking over the boy's shoulder. "What are you drawing?"
Hyunjin yelped, clutching his sketchpad to his chest. "Jesus, Y/N! You scared the life out of me. I didn’t even know you were here tonight."
You couldn't help but laugh at the absolute terror that had flashed in his eyes when he looked back at you. You really hadn't meant to ambush him - honestly - but it had been entertaining nonetheless. "Sorry, Hyunjin," you apologised, not sounding very sorry at all. You reached over his shoulder and tapped his book. "Can I see?" 
"Um. No." He clutched the notebook closer to his chest. “Not this one.”
You rested your forearms on the back of the couch, leaning next to him. "How come? Are you shy?" 
"I'm not shy." He was looking ahead, but you didn't need to see him. You could hear the eye-roll in his voice. 
"Show me then!" you insisted, prodding his shoulder gently.
"This one is private, okay?"
"Private?" You fake-gasped. "Hyunjin, are you drawing dirty things? Are you a porn artist?"
"What? No!" He squirmed at the accusation.
"You're drawing nasty things, aren't you Hyunjin! It's not hentai, is it? Tentacle porn?" In all honesty, you wouldn't have cared, or judged him at all. But it was funny to play with him.
“Obviously not! I’m not Jisung.”
You snorted at his quip. “Okay, well… are there any drawings I can see?”
He pondered for a moment. “I guess so. You really wanna see?”
“Of course.” You knew Hyunjin was studying fine art, and you were aware that he spent the majority of his time in the makeshift art studio he called a bedroom, but you hadn’t really seen much of his work.
When he led you up there, you immediately understood why he’d want to spend his hours here. It was a cosy respite from the chaos that so regularly consumed the rest of the house. Strings of fairy lights came alive at the touch of a button, casting a warm glow on the space. An easel sat in the corner of the room, and most surfaces were lightly cluttered with various art supplies; notebooks, paintbrushes, pencils, as well as a few completed works. There was a vase of what looked like lavender; you breathed in and the scent confirmed it, sweet and gentle. 
“Take a seat,” Hyunjin murmured, before rifling through a pile of books. He tossed one into your lap as you sat on his bed, although you were a bit more preoccupied with watching him move around the room. He did everything so elegantly, despite his extra-long limbs; it wasn’t hard to tell he was a dancer. He sifted through a box of records, his fingers flipping through them deftly, before setting up a pale blue record player. You turned your attention to the book in your lap.
It seemed to be full of off-handed sketches. They were absolutely gorgeous, but you could tell he’d done them absent-mindedly as he observed the world around him. There was one of Felix and Jisung, cuddling on the couch. A sight you’d seen many times before, you had no doubt it had turned to play-fighting before Hyunjin had even finished his drawing. You flipped the page. A sketch of Changbin curling a weight, his bicep bulging - if Hyunjin had followed the man to the gym just to observe and draw him, you truly understood. You couldn’t help but gasp, as you turned the page once more. You and Minho, standing in the kitchen together, his arms wrapped around you as you beamed. You remembered the moment. He’d been attempting to make lunch, but you’d been rather successful at distracting him.
“Hyunjin, these are so beautiful,” you told him honestly, your heart swelling at the charm with which he captured such everyday moments.
He thanked you, looking a little bashful.
You took a break from flipping through his drawings to survey him for a moment.. He was different when he was sober. Most of the time you'd spent with him, he was near-blackout drunk - utterly white-girl wasted. He was the life of the party, really. Loud, giggly, commanding the attention of everyone in the room. Maybe he was just one of those people who took some time to warm up to someone, you considered. You didn't doubt this, but beyond that… 
He just seemed so gentle. So sensitive, so sweet.
"You're… not the typical fratboy, are you?" 
Hyunjin looked over at you from the other side of the room. His eyes were so round, so innocent-looking. "What do you mean?"
You paused, choosing your words carefully. "You're just so lovely, Hyunjin." He blushed, looking away from you and resuming what he was doing - lighting a candle? - but he didn't speak. "Some of the other boys… great guys, don't get me wrong. But they have such fuckboy energy. Not you, though, Hyunjin. You're so sweet."
"Hmm," he hummed, appearing to think on your words. "I guess so. But…" he trailed off.
"But?" you asked. "I don't believe there's a but. Not with you, Hwang Hyunjin." 
His voice was barely above a whisper, hardly louder than the scratching of his pencil. "I'm still a man, Y/N."
You blinked. "Well, I've noticed that." 
Hyunjin shifted uncomfortably. "I'm just saying… men are all the same. Even if some seem nicer."
You placed the book on his bed, your brow furrowed as you tried to figure out what the fuck he was trying to say. "What are you getting at, Hyunjin?" 
"Don't judge a book by its cover, okay? Let's leave it at that." 
You hummed. "I don't want to leave it at that. I feel like you're hiding something now, and I wanna know what it is." Hyunjin stayed quiet, although you saw his jaw tense, noticed his cheeks redden. "So, if I shouldn't judge a book by its cover… does that mean you're not the sweet, kind, artsy boy I thought you were?"
"Well, no. I am those things. I'm just… other things, too."
“Other things?” you asked. You watched him light another candle. The cogs in your brain turned a mile a minute, trying to read the situation. The fairy lights, the candles, the record turning quietly. It all felt so sensual. He wasn’t trying to set the mood, was he? In all fairness, the boys had been constantly joking about how you were fucking your way around the whole frat. And it wasn’t even really a joke. You decided to test the waters. “Hyunjin, do you mean… you’re a little dirty?”
He paused for a moment. “I suppose so.”
“You’re a horrible pervy man? Who brought me up to his room to have his way with me?”
Hyunjin jumped. “What? No! I brought you up here to hang out. And look at my drawings. I’m not trying to take advantage of you!” 
You partly believed him. You chuckled. “What if I like dirty pervy boys, though?”
“Fine,” Hyunjin mumbled. He picked up the book he had been drawing in downstairs, a plain black, very nondescript sketchpad. He brought it to you, dropping it in your lap before going to the chair by his easel, sitting down and looking away from you. You looked at him expectantly, but soon realised you weren’t going to get anything more from him. 
You shrugged and opened up the book.
Oh. He really was a dirty boy.
You'd never in your life seen such a varied array of vulvas. Drawings, paintings, doodles. Shaved, trimmed, hairy. Innies, outies. Small, button-like clits, more enlarged ones. He didn't seem to discriminate at all - the man was pussy-obsessed. You flipped through a few pages, admiring the pussies like a field of flowers. Hyunjin's non-vagina art was beautiful, but he'd clearly found his calling here. 
“So you are a porn artist?”
Hyunjin glared at you. “It’s not porn,” he said scornfully. “It’s art.”
"But, you must watch a ton of porn? For research?" The air quotes you put around research earned you a scathing gaze.
"I don't watch porn at all," Hyunjin stated with a roll of his eyes. "And ninety-nine percent of the time, when guys say that it's a lie. But I'm the one percent, promise. I mainly use erotic photography, for references. Or paint from memory."
"From memory? You must be some kinda pussy expert." 
"Well, you're a dick expert, from what I've heard," Hyunjin murmured, just a little too loud to be under his breath. 
You couldn't help but cackle. "God, you're a bitch." 
Hyunjin smirked, before reassuring you, "I'm not judging, by the way. By all means, keep going."
"Thank you for giving me your permission, Hyunjin."
"Not what I meant and you know it." 
You shrugged, and returned to flipping through the book. "I like this one," you mumbled. The model's legs were parted, dainty fingers spreading their labia. Stretch marks streaked across their inner thighs, pubic hair wild and untamed. These drawings, they were all so real. It made you wonder what you'd look like, through his eyes. How would he draw your lips, what would your clitoris look like sketched out by his hand? How would he look, as he painted your most intimate area? Would he study you closely? Would he lick his lips in concentration, would he peer at you as he tried to envision how you felt, tasted, smelled? Would he touch himself, later, thinking about what's between your legs?
You decided to cut to the chase. 
"Have you ever had a live model before?"
Hyunjin looked like he was about to combust. He looked at you, mouth agape, and you could tell he was trying to determine whether he'd heard you correctly. "I've… I've never had the opportunity." 
You smiled at him sweetly. You loved the way he made you feel as though you were bestowing a blessed opportunity upon him. You had blown his mind with the mere implication that you might let him see you naked. 
"Do you want a live model?"
He nodded, still looking absolutely bewildered that you'd even offer. You didn't know why he was so surprised - you didn't exactly have a representation as a prude. You had openly fucked three of his friends in the last week, and here he was, utterly mystified by the idea of simply looking at your pussy.
You laughed at him, gently. "C'mon then, artist. Get your easel."
"Right - yeah. Let me just - get everything set up." 
Hyunjin turned, and you saw how hurried his actions were as he rooted through drawers, gathering his supplies. You supposed you'd better get yourself ready, too.
"You don't have to do this, you know," he told you, raking through a box of pencils.
"I want to." God, you really did. The rumours were true; you were, in fact, looking to conquer the entire fraternity. 
Hyunjin picked up his easel from the corner of the room, and finally turned back to you. "Oh. You're… naked."
You looked up at him from the bed, where you perched on the edge with your legs crossed. "Well. You're painting my pussy." 
He looked absolutely lost. "I didn't expect to see your… I didn't know you'd take your shirt off." 
You chuckled. "What am I, Winnie the fucking Pooh? Anyways, I didn't think you'd be so surprised by nudity, given the fact you draw genitals as a hobby." 
Hyunjin merely nodded, before setting the canvas on the easel and spreading numerous pencils and what looked like oil pastels on a small table beside it.
"Hey, Hyunjin. Look at me for a second." He did, hesitantly. "Relax a little, okay? It's all fine." 
He nodded again. "I know." He didn't sound sure. He was clearly nervous, which was understandable. But you wondered what it was, exactly, about the situation that was stressing him. Was he overthinking whether this would lead to sex? He wanted it, you could tell. Surely he knew that you wanted it too? Maybe you'd need to make your intentions clearer.
You sat quietly as Hyunjin worked. He brought a small lamp over, positioning it beside the bed. You watched as he tied his hair into a messy bun at the nape of his neck, gathering a few strands that had escaped and tucking them behind his ears. He was so pretty, even when he wasn't all dolled up.
"Okay," Hyunjin breathed. "Ready when you are." 
"Where do you want me?" you asked, and yet again, he looked ready to explode.
"Anywhere's fine. As long as I can see it - you." He cleared his throat. "As long as you're comfortable. That's the most important thing."
You leaned back on your elbows, and slowly spread your legs. Hyunjin looked upon you, mesmerised. His eyes were sparkling. This was how a man would look at a work of art, Michelangelo's David perhaps. This was how a man would gaze out across Nepal, having reached Everest's peak. This was how a man would look upon a real, honest-to-god miracle, a biblically accurate angel come to deliver the news that he is the messiah. That was how Hwang Hyunjin looked at a pussy. God, he really was a perv.
After minutes of scrutiny, during which you'd never felt so fucking visible, he turned to the easel and began his sketch.
He spoke up again, after a few minutes of working. “I don’t mean to overstep, but…”
“You just spent at least three straight minutes staring directly into my vagina,” you stated. “Say whatever you wanna say.”
“What’s actually going on between you and Minho?”
You wished you knew how to answer that. “I guess it’s hard to explain. We haven’t really discussed anything properly.” You thought for a few moments. “I’m sleeping around, obviously, but at the end of each day, I go back to him. That’s all there is to it, really.” 
He peered over at you, curious. “So, it’s true then?”
You looked back at him. “What?”
“You’re sleeping your way around the frat?”
You shrugged. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“And you’re having fun?”
“Well, obviously. You’re all hot as fuck,” you admitted outright. 
Hyunjin nodded. “I get it. We’re a pretty fun group of guys to fuck. You haven’t fucked Seungmin yet, right?”
You blinked at him. “No. Not yet… to be honest, I don’t know if Seungmin’s even interested.”
Hyunjin waved a hand at you, dismissing your concerns. “Seungmin’s just like that, don’t worry. Anyways, look forward to it - that’ll be a fun one.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. That seemed like a strange thing for a man to say about his friend. Unless… “You sound like you’re speaking from experience, Hyunjin.”
“Duh,” Hyunjin said, as if it was obvious. “You said it yourself, we’re all hot as fuck. Most of us fuck around with each other, from time to time. It’d be a wasted opportunity if we didn’t, really.”
You took a moment to absorb this. You couldn’t believe neither Felix nor Jisung had ever mentioned this to you. Traitorous bastards. They’d been fucking around with their stupid hot friends this whole time, and hadn’t even invited you to watch, or join? They were sick in the head, both of them.
You went quiet, letting Hyunjin sketch. 
There were many beautiful things in this world. Sensual, erotic, carnally beautiful things. The curve of an erection, the tightly-wound curls at its base, heavy hanging balls which almost looked like a heart, when caught in the right position. But this? Hyunjin, leaning over his easel, chewing on his lip as he deliberated over the perfect way to capture you on page. This was something else. This was beauty redefined.
It occured to you that it was impossible to hide anything from him. This took wearing your heart on your sleeve to a new level. He was privy to every one of your desires; he'd see liquid arousal drip from your hole, he'd watch as your clit slowly swelled. And if he took a moment to look away from your pussy (although he was so completely entranced that you didn't know if he'd be capable of it) he may even notice your nipples hardening, your pupils blown out with desire. He'd see just how much you wanted, needed him.
Although, by the looks of it, he was starting to get rather needy himself. His sweatpants were tented, though he was clearly trying to hide it, forearm draped over his crotch. You watched intently, trying to gain as much intel as you could from your obscured view. It looked big - that was about all you could gather.
"Maybe you should just take those off," you chanced. 
Hyunjin looked at you, surprised.
"Your trousers. They look like they're getting a little uncomfortable. And maybe it'd be less weird if we were both naked anyways?" 
Hyunjin put his pencil down, giving you an accusatory look. "You just want to see me naked." 
You grinned brazenly. "Obviously."
Hyunjin laughed. "You are so shameless. Fine, have it your way." 
Satisfied, you watched as he pulled off his shirt. Vast planes of tanned skin revealed themselves to you, and you fought not to drool. He was far from the muscular beast Changbin was, but he was surprisingly toned. Curved biceps, lightly defined abs, sweet little pecs with the loveliest pink nipples. So many places to kiss, lick, suck. And that was before he'd even taken his trousers off. 
He stood, and as he tugged down his trousers, you could've sworn that his dick sprung back up with enough force to knock you out. You kind of wanted it to knock you out. It had a beautiful curve to it, not quite as thick as some that you'd seen recently - your mind flitted back to Changbin and his coke-can cock - but it was still undoubtedly long enough to ruin your pussy. And so fucking pretty. Your eyes scanned him slowly; the tip was the prettiest shade of pink, the long smooth shaft, the perfectly round, clean-shaven balls. He was perfect.
"Enjoying the view?" he asked, snapping you out of your staring. He didn't meet your gaze, but you could tell he wasn't too shy. He knew how beautiful he was, and he was used to people staring. 
You simply smirked at him. "Keep drawing, boy." 
You felt your clit begin to throb - you couldn’t help it. You burned under his gaze each time he looked back at you studiously. You knew what Hyunjin was like, with his art. Although you were both clearly desperate, he would continue drawing for hours, putting off the inevitable pleasure that you both craved, in pursuit of his next masterpiece before he let you both indulge. If you wanted his touch, you would have to intervene.
It took him a surprising amount of time to notice that you were stroking your clit. He was peering at the canvas, eyes narrowed. You could tell he took his craft seriously. It was admirable, but incredibly frustrating when you needed him to just turn his head ever so slightly.
There it was.
"What are you doing?" he asked, looking at you with a blank stare. He looked you in the eyes, rather than in the crotch. 
"Enjoying the view," you repeated, inserting a finger and spreading the wetness across your clit.
Hyunjin turned back to the canvas, apparently unperturbed, but you saw his dick twitch. You had him. You continued to circle your clit gently, letting out a soft moan as you did so.
Hyunjin snickered under his breath. "Screw you," he whispered, his hand wrapping around his length gently. Still, though, he didn't stop drawing. You watched as he stroked himself, torturously slow, head slowly disappearing into his fist before reappearing once more, all the while leaning over the easel.
And you'd thought Minho had been a master of restraint. Hyunjin was different, though. He wasn't hiding how much he needed this. He was perfectly happy to show you his rock hard, leaking cock. More than happy to jerk off languidly before you. But he was also making it clear that he wasn't going to rush into anything. He'd sit there and paint all night, if you let him.
Of course you wouldn't let him. 
"Oh, put the fucking pencil down." 
He met this with less resistance than you expected, and didn't hesitate, even for a moment. "Fine, but I really do want to finish this painting soon." He turned in his seat to face you, fucking into his fist as he watched you.
You shuddered under your own touch, fingers swiping over your bundle of nerves and sending jolts throughout your body. Your pleasure felt so heightened, as you watched the man before you. His hands were gorgeous, veins popping out as he stroked himself, long fingers wrapped around his member. His balls swung gracefully as he did so - how did he do everything with such elegance?
You thought about how he might feel inside you. His dick was so long, you knew he’d hit all the spots you needed him to. You knew he’d be princely and refined, even while fucking you. Even when he reaches his peak, when cum spurts out of that gorgeous pink tip, even if he lost his composure… he’d do it with poise.
You could hardly take it any more. “I need you, Hyunjin.”
“But I’m having so much fun watching,” he said, his voice hoarse - he sounded so fucked out already. 
You groaned. “You’ll have more fun fucking me, and you know it.”
Hyunjin grinned as he shook his head, but showed no resistance. “C’mere, baby,” he murmured, his long, slender fingers gripping you by the hips and dragging you towards the edge of the bed. “You ready for it?”
“More than ready, fuck, please.”
Hyunjin pushed the tip of his dick inside you, ever so slowly. You sighed happily; there was that feeling you craved. Centimetre by centimetre, he entered you deeper, gradually filling you up more and more. Eventually, when his hips ground into yours, when he was fully buried inside you, he let out the sweetest whine you’d ever heard. 
You couldn’t help but grin at the sound. “That feel good, pretty boy?” 
He nodded, eyebrows furrowed as he fixated on the feeling. The slow pace was agonising, the drag of his cock against your g-spot positively electric. He was fucking you as if it was an art form, as if his dick was a paintbrush and you were his canvas. And, fuck, he was a master of his craft.
“Legs up, baby. I need to get deeper.” His voice was low, strained. You did as he instructed, hooking your ankles over his shoulders. “God, that’s good.”
Had anyone ever fucked you this deeply before? You weren’t sure. Although, to be fair, you weren’t certain you knew your own name, at that point. All you could see were stars, and the angel of the man above you. He pulled himself all the way out, until the head of his dick was barely inside you, before plunging back inside, slowly, slowly. Each time, he pressed up against your cervix, and it hurt, but fuck, it felt so good. 
The room was hot, the air heavy. Sweat was dripping from Hyunjin’s forehead and landing on your skin. You were consumed with his scent, lavender and fresh cotton, You were covered in him, you felt his touch on every inch of your body, surrounded by soft moans from both yourself and him.
His hands explored your body as he fucked you. They tasted your thighs, squeezing gently. They caressed your hips, your waist, your hips, your chest. He handled you so gently, treating you with the utmost care. You could picture him so clearly, manoeuvring a delicate statue, arranging flowers in a vase, manipulating clay on a pottery wheel. He treated you with the exact same respect and admiration.
“You’re a fucking masterpiece, babe.” He thrusted hard, but still so slow. “So fucking beautiful.”
Hyunjin looked down to the site where your bodies joined. He was enthralled, eyes fixated on the sight of himself disappearing inside you. 
“Can I - shit -” His hands were shaking slightly, as he caressed your stomach. “Can I get out my camera? Just - fuck - just to take some reference photos. I need to paint you over and over, please-” His words trailed off into a whine.
You nodded. “Of course.” 
He pulled out, and you gasped, feeling a sudden emptiness. 
“Hurry,” you whimpered, as he gathered his equipment. He returned to you, kneeling before you and capturing the sight before him. You felt yourself clenching around nothing, desperate to have him inside you once more. He didn’t leave you waiting too long fortunately, sliding his dick back inside you, snapping more photos as he did so, still moving at that lazy, unhurried tempo. It drove you crazy. It felt amazing, of course. He was hitting all the right places, sending shivers down your spine and spreading butterflies throughout your tummy. But with a dick that perfect, you wanted him to thoroughly destroy you.
“Put your fucking camera away and fuck me properly,” you urged him.
Hyunjin smirked down at you. “Minho wasn’t lying. You really do get bratty and impatient.”
You rolled your eyes. “Fucking rail me before I throw you on this bed and take things into my own hands.”
Hyunjin laughed, shaking his head as he put his camera safely on his desk. “Relax, hon, I’ll fuck you.” He returned to the bed, looming over you with a teasing smile. “Are you sure you’re ready? You sure you can take it?”
“So help me god, Hwang Hyunjin, if you don’t-”
Hyunjin swiftly cut you off, thrusting deep inside you. Your words trailed off into a high-pitched squeak. Sassy as he was, he did as he was told; he fucked you hard, pounding into you powerfully. One of his hands gripped your thigh, holding it close to him, the other tweaking your nipple, sending yet more bliss running through your system. 
“You’re so fucking tight, hon,” Hyunjin rasped. So you’d heard.
“Keep fucking me, Hyunjin - fuck me harder!” You gazed upon his slender frame, tanned skin glistening with sweat. Maybe it was just because he was fucking you so well, but you could’ve sworn he was a real live angel, an almighty being. No person was this beautiful - no human being fucked this well.
“Fuck, I don’t know how long I can last like this,” Hyunjin grunted. He had a dark look in his eye.
“Cum then,” you encouraged him, “Give me your cum, baby.”
He shook his head. “Not until you cum first.” What a gentleman.
His thumb went to your clit, rubbing gentle circles into it, the perfect amount of pressure. It was pushing you over the edge, embarrassingly quickly. You felt your heart rate rise, your skin begin to tingle. Your climax was approaching - you felt it throughout your whole body.
“Hyunjin - Hyunjin!”
“That’s it, baby, let go,” he coaxed you. 
“I’m cumming!” With your announcement, it crashed over you like a wave. It exploded out from your core, white heat shooting through your entire body, coursing through your veins. You distantly heard yourself babbling Hyunjin’s name, although you couldn’t say you were quite lucid enough to be aware of it. All you knew were the fireworks spreading from your pussy, sparks erupting, setting you alight. 
“You’re clenching around me so tight,” Hyunjin whined. “Shit - Y/N!”
He pulled out, gripping his dick at its base, crying out as he painted your pussy, shooting his cum across your folds. You watched intently as the hot white spurts landed on your clit, your lips, dripping down towards your asshole. 
“There we go, baby,” you sighed, catching your breath. 
Hyunjin kneeled before you, also panting with exertion. He leaned in, locking his eyes with yours before licking a gentle stripe across your clit. He hummed. “Tastes good. Wanna taste?” You nodded, wide-eyed. He delved in, licking and sucking, and you moaned at the sensation on your oversensitive parts. He sucked on your clit, swiped his tongue through your folds, spread your cheeks and licked at your asshole. You couldn’t help but squeal.
He stood, leaning over you and gripping your cheeks gently, forcing your mouth open. You stuck out your tongue compliantly, waiting for the salty substance to reach you. He allowed it to dribble from his tongue slowly, landing in your mouth. 
Hyunjin pulled away. “Don’t swallow. Stick out your tongue, let me see.” You complied, and he picked up his camera once more, snapping more shots of you. Your face, this time, rather than your genitals. “Fucking gorgeous,” he whispered.
He put the camera down. “You can swallow now - I know you want to.” He sat on the bed beside you, lounging back, and you cuddled into his side. You watched as he clicked through the photos he’d taken; your dripping wet pussy, his dick teasing your entrance, burying itself inside you. Cum dripping down your clit, decorating you. Your face, eyes hazy, looking beyond fucked-out, tongue coated in the tangy mix of Hyunjin’s cum and spit. 
“We should blow this one up and hang it in the hall,” Hyunjin remarked. 
You snickered weakly, tired as you slumped against the man. “You boys would like that, huh? You’re all obsessed with me.”
“And for good reason. I see what the hype is about.” Hyunjin kissed your forehead softly. It was so tender - this was a no-strings-attached hook-up, nobody was under any illusions here. But it seemed that everything he did, every action he carried out towards anyone, was so filled with love.
“Hype? What do you guys say about me, when I’m not here?”
“That would be telling,” Hyunjin responded slyly. “Let’s just say, you’ve gotten some pretty good reviews.”
You yawned. “That doesn’t surprise me.” 
“Who’s next then, hm?” he asked.
“That would be telling,” you responded with a mocking tone. “I’m tired. You want me to stay here tonight, Hyune?”
“It’s okay, hon. Go crawl into Minho’s bed, he should be home soon.” 
You sat up, kissing Hyunjin’s pretty, plump lips. “Thank you for giving me a good time tonight, Hyunjin.”
He smiled. “Thank you for being my muse.”
When Minho returned home to find you curled up in his bed, you were barely awake, but still hanging on to your consciousness.
“Hey there, sleepy.”
“Hey, Minho.”
He paused, looking at you, eyes narrowed. “I know that smile. Who have you been with tonight, then?”
You gave him a smug grin. “Guess.”
“Not Jisung again?” He got into bed beside you, looking amused as he wrapped his arms around your frame. “You haven’t even showered, babe. I can smell Hyunjin on you.”
“You’re so good at this game,” you said, your voice slurred with tiredness.
Minho pulled you closer, kissing your neck from behind and making you sigh contentedly. He pulled you closer, and you felt his length press into you from behind - was he getting hard, thinking about you and his friend together? Was he imagining fucking you, with the scent of Hyunjin’s sweat still marking your skin?
He whispered in your ear, confirming your suspicions. “Are you too tired for another round?” 
You turned around in his arms, eyes twinkling. “Never.”
taglist: @moasworld @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @queenofthegardengnomes @boomfrogg @hoeinthehouse @msaddictions @sunnyhonie @hizliyuruyen @jyu037 @jouoy @drhsthl @seungincore @jellylver @veedoesntknaur @meloncremesoda @k-poplv @livieloo914 @fekixfmp @fawnpeaks @minnielvr @imastraykidsfan @hanjisung2023 @hoelynecujoh @kyrviu @sxgeofprohets @everydreams-penumbra @chaneomma @kkissreol @phtogravi @secretjj @princelingperfect @personawthai @dirah-h @straykids5star @luvhyux @chuuswifereal @stg110 @cookiesandmilfx @number1seungminstan @skzswife @starsandrqindrops @poody1608 @cutiespaghetti @hwa-0403 @i8rsie @kpopsstuffs @everyonehatesshani @han8ul @velentine143 @vixensss @cuddlehye @sheeshhhhfelixsworld @angeldhd @comicnerd557 @leeknowfz @imwithurmother @hrtsformin @maknae00 @teaholic @ficrecnctskz @tasteskz-sworld @ilychee08 @thehomotron8000 @romynochill @freckleboilix @yunhorights
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My thoughts on the lives and deaths of the House of Usher
Prospero - I almost feel sorry for Perry. His ideas weren't bad and unlike his siblings he was doing them himself. I also found it hilarious when he tried to fuck his brother wife. If nothing else that kid had confidence. Fredrick was dick to both of them anyway and she deserved to have fun. If you remove the blackmail and acid rain and that would have been one hell of a party.If Perry hadn't been planning to blackmail everyone he wouldn't have deserved his death. But his death was EXQUISITE. Everything about that scene was so perfect I can't find words to describe it. Everyone involved in creating that scene deserves an award
Camille - We actually got to know very little about her. Her whole story was about finding dirty on the others and managing crisis for the family. Even her death isn't shown. I think the point was that she never got to just be. She lived and died for others but never connected with anyone.
Napoleon - Leo was to me the closest to likable of any of the siblings. He clearly loved them and that may have been the only love he way capable of. He certainly didn't love his boyfriend or anyone he had/was having sex with. He treated people like objects. His death is tricky to categorize. On one side what he did to Pluto was horrifying and anyone who treats animals that way deserves the same fate. But he never actually did any of those things. It was all hallucinations and illusions first from drugs then Verna. He was stressed and grieving and kept finding dead animals everywhere. I would be ready to smash walls in that situation too. He definitely didn't need to be a pet owner but I think his death should have been less torturous
Victorine - I wrote this one last because it was my favorite Poe story growing up and she played it beautifully. That slow steady decent into madness I should have hated this character most of all. Those poor chimps and who knows what other innocent creatures she killed with experiments she knew wouldn't work. Even with her father constantly pushing for progress she should have stopped. Verna gave her so many chances, she wasn't even there when Vic killed her girlfriend or herself. She could have stopped at any point. Yes she still would have died but it could have been painless and less tragic. T'Nia Miller's performance was so good that I actually felt sad for her in that final scene. At least until I thought of the chimps again.
Tamerlane - Knock off Madeleine. Where her sisters hid and guarded their personalities she never had one. Her entire existence was for appearances (hence the ridiculous amount of mirrors). Even when she tries to show emotion she couldn't look at the person she was talking to. Her death might have seemed the most passive but it was shoot beautifully. It was also the only thing she actively accomplished on her own.
Fredrick - Fuck you Frodrick. When his siblings said he was just like their father they didn't even realize how right they were. He might have been worse. His poor wife deserved so much better. I genuinely enjoyed watching the pendulum swinging towards him as he was paralyzed beneath it. I only wish there was more than one so he could feel more pain. He was so much a piece of shit Verna enjoyed killing him. Everyone else got warnings, chances to walk away and have peaceful deaths But this asshole, she knew he didn't deserve one. He got exactly what he deserved. Lying in a puddle of his own piss waiting to die. Seriously fuck that guy
Lenore - This sweet brave girl was the only good the Ushers ever brought into the world. So pure and good even Verna mourned having to take her. I loved that she got to know how much good she put into the world and how many lives she saved. Even knowing from the beginning she would die, it was still heartbreaking to see. At least it was painless and instant
Madeleine - She was cold and selfish but she was also usually right. I respect that even when making a deal with the devil she still had standards. She at least made sure not to have children incase. There is a bit of irony in the fact she didn't want to spend her life serving a man then chaining her destiny to her brother. Gave of serious twincest vibes that I am glad where not explored. Her death seemed a fair balance for her past and mirroring her mother's death brought everything full circle. She fell with the house of Usher. Also sapphire is a good color for her.
Roderick - Without doubt the worst of them all. He knowingly killed millions with his drug. He destroyed any shred of humanity in his children. Possibly worst of all, he knew the damage he was causing and who would have to pay for it but he didn't even blink. Being mentally tortured by his dead children was not enough. He deserved the worst death of all. I understand the poetry of him dying the same way his father did but I wish he suffered more.
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lucifermonsii · 7 months
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Sick Keegan ☆
Keegan x male reader
Reader is mentioned to be bigger then Keegan
Summary: Keegan becomes sick so reader takes care of him
Genre: Fluff
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The morning was silent, and cold. Probably because you woke up at 5 in the morning to get to training, so that what you did. Wanting to go to the fire range to practice your skills, but having to grab your firearm first. Which you left at Keegan's for going to his room last night for "extra curricular activities"
Upon arriving to his room you knocked softly on his door. Knuckles gently hitting against the hard wood door to gain entrance.
No response.
Normally he would be up by now because he wants to "become better then you". But you know that's never going to happen no matter how confident and cocky he gets. Your eyebrows furrowing as you became a slight bit concern about him. You began to overthink about the things that could have happened.
Suddenly, a soft sniffle breaks you out of your trance, it came from his room. So you called out on him.
"Keegan, you in there?"
You questioned in a slightly concerned tone, voice smooth but monotoned due to it being so damn early in the morning.
"The door isn't locked"
He muffles behind the door, following with the slight sound of sheets shifting.
With a sigh you turned the handle and enterened his room, shutting the door behind you before looking over at Keegan on the bed under the blankets with your e/c eyes.
"I thought you'd be up already"
You said approaching his bed to take a close look at him in the dimly lit room, footsteps soft against the carpeted floor before kneeling down before him. Slightly lifting the blanket off of him to see his face, which was masked. God this man never takes off that balaclava does he?
Slightly half lidded eyes stared into yours as he sniffles, groaning as he furrows his eyebrows on annoyance. Slightly lifting his mask above his nose to wipe it. You raised an eyebrow at him before glancing at the box of tissues at his nightstand, a thermometer there too.
You place your warm calloused hand on his neck, realising that it's warm. A sigh leaves your lips as you remove your hand from his neck.
"How long has it been?"
"Not long, just last night.."
"And you didn't tell me?"
"Thought you wouldn't care"
Then, silence fills the room. You stared at him in disbelief with furrowed eyebrows to what he said, seriously? When did you never care for him? Sure you can be blunt sometimes but you're still caring.
With a sigh you sat down on his bed beside him, placing a warm hand on his side as you caress his torso with your thumb gently.
"I would care Keegs. I always am, Im sorry if i hadn't shown much affection towards you. You know how difficult it is working in a professional workfield"
Keegan stares in return. Looking at you with his blue eyes that stares at you tiredly. The room goes quiet once more, no words exchanged as eyes stares into one another.
There he lies upon his bed as a warm blanket draps over his tired body along with a wet cloth that sat on his forehead. On the bedside was his medicine and balaclava along with a thermometer, you sat on an armchair beside his bed with a book in hand. Eyes staring at his peaceful face as he slept.
Such a cutie..
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in1-nutshell · 9 months
I had a VISION, a EPIPHANY…. Liaison human reader (with any characters, just the Idw continuity though) BUT PLOTWKST: they’re somehow the Allspark!!!!! CUE RHE DRAMA!!!!!!! THERE IS NO PEACE OF MIND, EVER! I WANT PROBLEMS, ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!
This is a funny concept! I took some liberty to create this... Super powerd Buddy if you will. Not too many shenanigans all around, but Buddy is asking the real question here. Now they aren't exactly the Allspark, but that thing certainly made it seem that way!
Hope you enjoy!
Human Buddy and the Allspark
SFW, platonic, slight angst but things turn up in the end
The Lost Light had recently come across a strange artifact while on their travels. The artifact was brought to the lab for further inspection.
Rodimus accidentally activated it when his chassis came close to it. Preceptor and Brainstorm believed it was because he was a holder of the matrix and that's why it opened to him.
A stray blue light came out of the relic and began bouncing around the room before escaping into the halls of the ship.
It didn't make it too far from the lab.
Because it hit Buddy.
Because apparently exciting things happen when they take a break from their work.
They had been on Drift's shoulder when a blue light filled their vision and then they blacked out.
When Buddy regained consciousness they found themselves in the medbay with a group of worried faces.
Ratchet is the one who breaks the news.
That light they saw had somehow cyberformed half of their body and now had levels of energy that rivaled that of the matrix itself.
There was one thing Buddy needed to know at that moment...
"Do I look cool though?"--Buddy
Drift feels like part of this was his fault.
He feels like he should have blocked it or something. Ratchet has to literally knock some sense into him.
He is just as shock as everyone in the room when Buddy's condition is revealed. Even more worried for them when they let their little comment go.
"Buddy, I don't know how to word it. Maybe worrying about how you look isn't your main priority right now."--Drift
"But do I look cool though?"--Buddy
"Yes you do--"--Drift
"Then that's what matters right now."--Buddy
Drift is concerned over the origins of the relic and the energy source.
He has a theory that the power source chose Buddy to use it's power.
That theory however has earned him more dents in the helm via Ratchet.
Drift helps Buddy keep their new power in check with their regular meditation session.
Rodimus feels like this is his fault.
If he hadn't gone into the room, he wouldn't have activated the relic and then it wouldn't have gotten to Buddy.
That being said, he laughs at Buddy's comment.
"You sure do look cool Buddy!"--Rodimus
Rodimus does take the new conditions seriously though. His friend just had part of their organic body turned into part bot body. He understands that this is a serious situation.
He can get behind Drift theory about Buddy being chosen for this Allspark like power. He has also been the victim of Ratchet's wrenches.
He makes sure to watch over Buddy and tries to help them in whatever way he can.
Feeling suddenly overwhelmed by the crowds?
Rodimus is now driving Buddy away to their room
Buddy getting tired of walking around?
Rodimus has them in his servos walking to the next designation.
He helps Buddy with their new found powers by giving some tips that help him with his flames.
Perceptor is extremely concerned over Buddy's new transformation.
None of this should be possible, in fact they should have been dead from a logical view point.
Not that he's complaining though.
He facepalms at Buddy's comment.
"Buddy, with all due respect, that is not what you should be asking!"--Perceptor
"But do I look cool?"--Buddy
"What-How-you... Nevermind."--Perceptor
He has to stop Brainstorm from wanting to experiment on Buddy immediately.
Don't get him wrong he also wants to study this new found power source but one thing at a time.
Perceptor watches over Buddy from time to time collecting data to study further. He has also joined Ratchet in hitting the others with wrenches as soon as he heard about Drift's theory.
Drift is his friend and all but he has to draw the science line somewhere.
He helps Buddy with their new power source by offering them a place to wind down and sleep.
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jacevelaryonswife · 1 year
I’m hunting you down tonight
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You began to imagine him panting beneath your body, strong hands on your hips as you rode him fiercely. In some daydreams, his image was bloodied after you brutally hit him in the face with a axe.
∴pairing: Ettore x Fem!reader
∴warning and a note: mature content, mentions of murder, porn, smut, carnal activies, indecency and all the synonyms. By the way, I know Ettore is a piece of shit, but is Ewan Mitchell so… boom, fuck that. English isn’t my first language.
The option of being sent into space was not at all attractive. It was an experimental mission, it didn't take a genius in aerospace engineering or any shit like that to figure that out, after all, why would they choose someone like you for a glorious purpose? The account didn’t close. There was no light at the end of the tunnel, just a dense black hole swallowing your hopes of a minimally decent life every day spent on that ship, although you knew that not a single hair of yours deserved peace or happiness after what you did, especially for never to have regretted the harm you caused. It was innate to your nature. Still, you quickly agreed and submitted to the experiment — or were transferred to another prison — when the proposal arrived. Anything to get out of that disgusting hole where your confinement resided. However, the last few days have been too suffocating with the prospect of the future. There wasn't one on earth and there wouldn't be one on another planet, even if at times your optimism lit with a minimum portion of faith. Only to be trampled by the terrifying reality.
That was worse, everything on that ship was worse. Your thoughts turned violent, yearning for an axe to kill every motherfucker who shared the same air as yours, the memory of the blood in your body too vivid to dissipate. Until one day the air was absent from your lungs and a violent crisis took over your body, leading you to unbridled tears. You hated such vulnerability and fear, maybe even a little regret for your past actions, which was almost pathetic to think about, but if there was anything to be gleaned from it, it was the fact that none of your peers saw the situation, which you were mortally grateful. Maybe the extreme condition finally started to get to you, or maybe you were going crazy. Maybe both, but in a moment of awareness you recognized two options: succumb to madness and be soon murdered by some member of the mission, or fight to stay sane.
You've seen fit to walk the threshold between the two.
Over the next few days you developed a hyper focus on trivial activities to try to fend off some of the inner turmoil. The first victim was the floor, which you spent hours compulsively cleaning — and taking out a good deal of your fury. The final feeling was relaxing, although your arms ached from the aggressive scrubbing of the floor. It worked for a good few days, but the euphoria started to rebuild and you suddenly felt more stressed than ever. That night you almost punched your mate, however it seemed less detrimental to your stay to choose to leave the room and wander the aisle to take your anger out elsewhere. That's where you saw him.
Tall, thin, dark blond hair and a few tattoos along his body. You didn't know his name, you hadn't even paid attention to him before, but now he was all you could see. Him and his toned, deliciously exposed arms, his back to you as he masturbated to the disgusting sight of Dr. Dibs. Maybe that was the biggest proof of how reality could affect people, but you didn't care, especially when a low moan was emitted by him, making your pearl vibrate. That was the first time you wanted him, but not the last. For the next few days your focus was entirely on him, or as you recently found out: Ettore.
He had a reputation for not talking much and almost begging for sex from any pussy he saw. He wasn't nice or nice, but then neither were you. Mostly observant, horny and stupidly hot. The heat between your thighs wasn't common, you didn't used to be a sexual person, but then again, the reality lived before is no more, just a black hole about to drive you crazy. You began to imagine him panting beneath your body, strong hands on your hips as you rode him fiercely. In some daydreams, his image was bloodied after you brutally hit him in the face with heavy metal. A truly interesting dichotomy.
But if there's anything to point out, it was almost funny how he hadn't noticed your insistent, scrutinizing gaze. You were like a mouse: fast, good at hiding and could slip through dark places unnoticed. In fact, you were one of the few prisoners who didn't tend to draw attention, which was a plus point in pulling you away from any existing focus on the ship. And as a result, that night, you had reached the limit. It was time to hunt.
You knew he was out most nights to prowl the ship, especially to watch the girls' room like a fucking pervert. He wore only a pair of black shorts to cover his body, walked slowly down the hall until he saw you, his icy blue irises immediately confronted you as you stood sideways against the wall with an almost soft expression and seductive eyes. It wouldn't be that difficult to lure him, you thought, shifting off the wall and strolling back lazily, swaying your hips and turning for one last conscious look. Message given and understood, as he followed you slowly to the small room where the cleaning materials were kept.
Pausing at the entrance, Ettore peered into the room before closing the door, slowly approaching and placing his hands on your waist. Grasping his chin, you brought him closer for a warning:
“If you cum inside me, I'll rip your cock off with my mouth and burn your balls.”
He tried to lean in more, but you stopped him, waiting for the answer.
“I fucking understood.”
You turned against the door and brought him with you, attacking his lips hungrily. He was quick to reciprocate, holding your body impossibly close as he pressed you to the door. There was no romance or shyness, just an insane need for carnal contact burning through your body. He was quick to grope your breasts through your blouse, cupping, kneading and rolling them both in his palm desperately, pulling away from the kiss to remove the fabric and expose your skin to his needy touch. He seemed mesmerized by the naked part of your hot body, rhythmically touching and squeezing every bit possible. It was no different for you as your hands traced every pattern possible on his defined abdomen, leaning down to plant kisses and licks on his deliciously smooth and smooth chest. Immediately he stopped touching your breasts and pulled down his pants to reveal his semi-hard cock, raising your hands above your head and kissing you hard, grinding his cock just above your pelvis. You let go of one of his hands and cupped his jaw, before threading your fingers into the hair at the back of his neck and making him moan softly.
He slipped his tongue into your mouth and cupped your breast again, massaging and pulling between his fingers, reaching down with his other hand to cup your ass. You sighed into the kiss and bit his lower lip, giving him room to pull away and pull down your pants and panties at the same time, fully exposing your body as he knelt in front of you and held your waist, smelling your inner thighs and warm pussy, licking a long swath before sinking fully into your shell like a starving man. A long, high-pitched moan left your throat, tugging at his hair and pushing your back further against the door. The heat of his tongue along with his sharp nose against your clit was pure bliss, and all you did was spur him on by moaning his name like a horny bitch, bringing him to his feet almost immediately after one last sloppy lick all over your pussy and the kisses and bites down your stomach, lashing and sucking on both your breasts. You turned and braced your hands on the wall, spreading your legs and pushing your ass out so he could thrust his warm cock into your wet folds, pushing your ass further so he was fully inside.
“Fuck,” he moaned before he gripped your ass and waist possessively and began to fuck you deliciously. The rhythm he moved in and out of you was deliciously steady, the smallest of thrusts and touches on your body making you tighten around him. “So fucking good,” he smacked your ass, rushing to cup your breast as he brought your back to his chest. Your head fell back against him, closing your eyes to sink fully into the way his cock fucked your soft walls so well and the obscene sounds of wet flesh slamming together filled the room. The hand that was on your chest latched onto your neck and moved up to your jaw, forcing you to look up at him.
“Give me more, Ettore,” you asked.
And just like that, he let go your face and backed you up against the door to smack you like a dog in heat, gripping your hips to thrust harder every second, making it almost impossible not to moan freely as you'd like. Your hips began to move together, chasing the hot delicious length. When your back straightened, providing a more vertical angle, his cock brushed against your sweet spot and had you clenching and shuddering against his cock, moaning in response. He squeezed your ass again, thrusting deeper and more unrestrained before rubbing his palm against your pussy, spreading your wetness and stimulating your clit in time with his movements, buildin your orgasm in such a rush that white light blinded your vision temporarily as the coil burdt, your body vibrating and squeezing his cock as you milked him.
“Fucking hell,” he pulled out of your pussy quickly and began to jerk off close to your ass, coming in with a throaty moan as he spilled his seed onto your skin.
When your breathing normalized, you stifled a satisfied smile, the chill of the door bringing a nice jolt against your breasts. From your position, Ettore grabbed your ass and pulled you close, kissing and smelling your hair and neck, just to ask:
“When will we see again?”
“fucking” reads “fooking” in Ewan Mitchell accent.
@tssf-imagines @arcielee 👀
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instexcamera · 5 months
Use Me as Your Alter
Priest!Tatsumi x GN!reader
Warnings: blasphemy kink, small corruption kink, rough oral sex (male receiving), choking on cock, biting, very small blood mention
Authors note: holy shit I'm finished with my finals so I can finally get back on that grind!! That's crazy. Anyways I forgot where I got the idea for this and I'm hella tired and actually zoned out while writing this but yk what, I'm too lazy to go and fix it, yay! So it's just gonna be stuck how it is
Word count: 3k
18+ under the cut
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"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been four days since my last confession." The reply was immediate, "Yes my child, confess your sins and may the lord help you find peace." It had been difficult to do this. Finding time outside of idol activities and side jobs was basically impossible. But the opportunity arose when a fan meet was canceled at the last minute, so with the free time you finally decided to make the trip to the church. Except the man you'd come here to confess immoral desires about was the priest.
It was common knowledge that Tatsumi Kazehaya was a priest. Except you hadn't known this particular church was his or else you wouldn't have come. Not to mention his unit, Alkaloid, was quite popular so he should have mountains of work. Yet, here he was, standing silently before you in his pure white robes kindly gazing down at you. Struggling to form the words of your confession since the man before you was both the listener and recipient of your loving feelings.
The hard wood of the floor begins to cause an uncomfortable dull pain in your knees from the bow you were in. It was quite an unusual position to be in, yet Tatsumi, for some unknown reason, had requested this. Instead of the normal confessional most use he had wanted you to bow before him when you confessed, claiming the connection with god was stronger. With slight reluctance you agreed not wanting to hurt him.
Now it was awkward. Tatsumi, standing right in front of you, only his waist and below in your vision causing you to keep your head down on the floor. You could feel the sweat forming on your brow the more you bowed there. At first when you realized Tatsumi was the priest you figured you could hurry and get it over with. The unplanned for a new position makes you rethink that decision but you couldn't just get up and leave. Not only would your pride be damaged but Tatsumi's view of you may warp into something horrible.
Staying silent isn't doing anything to help your situation. The longer you withheld the more Tatsumi would think you were confessing something gravely immoral. "I confess to having lustful desires about a man." Speaking it quickly, too quickly you hoped he wouldn't fully understand what you spoke. You didn't dare test a glance up at Tatsumi's face. Afraid it would show an expression of revulsion at your words. Focusing on the dark wood of the floor beneath you, focusing on the pain in your knees while you listen for his response. Tatsumi was taking longer than you wanted, perhaps thinking over what you confessed or repaying in kind from when you were silent.
Instead of a response Tatsumi steps closer to you, light brown leather shoes coming into your vision. You could feel your body starting to subconsciously shake, hands gripping into the hard floor. He was close enough that if you lifted your head even an inch your face would be right in front of his thighs. "Forgive me. This question may seem out of place but could you indulge me? I would like to inquire more about these... desires."
You had expected a reprimand, not questions about explaining further. From your inadequate knowledge about church you thought priests weren't allowed to question confessions further, but maybe you were wrong. It had caught you off guard anyhow, whether it was allowed or not. Tatsumi must be asking since he wants to learn just how depraved you are. Once you explain further you'd have absolutely no chance to form a relationship with him.
Gripping into the wood under you, feeling your nails almost break from the pressure as you question him. "I'm sorry, but do I need to? It's kinda awkward to get into my desires in a place as holy as this." Instead of responding a pale hand slides under your chin. There's no time to process it as Tatsumi forces your chin up, concerned eyes boring into yours. Your immediate response is an attempt to jerk away however you quickly stop, you didn't particularly mind his touch.
"I would prefer it if you told me, getting it out will help soothe your mind. Saying it out loud also puts it out before god too, yes? Confessing everything will help your soul feel more at ease. If you're worried I will find you disgusting I won't, this is something between you and god, I am merely a listener." His words made sense of course. Tatsumi wasn't someone who would go against the rules set out for a priest, right?
It wouldn't hurt to tell your thoughts, no matter how depraved they are he has promised no judgment. The way his purple eyes held no disgust or hate in them certainly helped his claims. You didn't need to confess these thoughts were about him either. The way his thumb was ever so slowly starting to move to the corner of your lips and caress was soothing too. Your shaking had stopped too, the feeling of finally being able to fully relax was overwhelming now that you realized it. Tatsumi was like a soothing balm, something you didn't know you needed.
"Yes Father, I'll confess these damnable thoughts. I dream of touching this man where I shouldn't. I want to become one with this man, I wish to find pleasure from him and for him to find pleasure from me." Your voice echoed throughout the vast space, too holy for these wicked thoughts to be cast aloud in. The nervousness which had consumed you earlier had all but disappeared under Tatsumi's gaze, if you didn't know better you would say it had turned loving. Something akin to a shepherd finding his lost sheep after searching for a long while.
His hand had moved from your chin to your cheek, stroking it gently. You hadn't realized but your other cheek was pressed against his thigh, the silky white robes the only layer preventing you from direct contact with his skin. You wished to feel his skin, to kiss and mark it, claim him as yours but he would never allow that. His eyes had never left yours throughout the whole confession, never changing to anything resembling disgust either.
In an attempt to get closer to him your hands moved from the floor to his leg, grabbing onto it. Taking care to make sure you weren't gripping too hard, you vaguely remember passing comments about how he had sustained an injured leg which never fully healed and you didn't know if the one in your hold was it.
"That was a beautiful confession dear child. Everything was laid out perfectly, nothing was hidden except one crucial detail. Who is this man you speak of? Neither god or myself can help you unless you tell who he is. I will not judge you, I am not in a position to give out judgment, only god can. " A trickle of dread was creeping up on you. Why must Tatsumi know? Shouldn't god already know if he is as all powerful as it is claimed. But, Tatsumi had asked you, he has kept up his promise of no judgment so far and he was so compassionate and caring to you. He wouldn't berate you if you confessed it was him, surely not.
You would tell him, you had not originally planned to when you had come here today but the way he looked at you, the way he was caressing your cheek. You wanted too. Your eyes slide shut for this, not wanting to watch the moment they turned into hate from what you were about to confess.
"Father Tatsumi, the man I've been having these desires about is you. I've had them since I first saw you, we never speak to each other but you're so kind and stunning. You've pulled me down into sin for someone so holy. I know you must hate me after this, and I apologize. But you asked and so I shall answer." He doesn't say anything, nor does his hand stop its gentle caresses on your cheek.
A moment longer and you can't handle his silence, opening your eyes just to be greeted by that smile, that innocent and pure smile. "I'm glad you were truthful. You will surely find favor in the sight of god, not many could outright admit such a thing as this like you. But you must know you are a wretched being, a creature of sin for thinking of something so dishonorable about a man of god." His words stung, like a harsh slap to the face. You knew he was right though, it was wrong to have these thoughts of someone in his position. Yet he was still being so kind to you.
"I know you will want to redeem yourself. Repentance is normally the advice I give to the lost, but you are a special case. I quite like you too, so, to redeem yourself, worship me like your god. Let my holy body redeem you, treat me as an altar to forgive your sins." His words confused you. You didn't entirely get what he meant, not until the soothing hand on your cheek leaves and he goes to shed his pure robes.
Neither of you say anything, you are too shocked to speak. Tatsumi was bareing himself for you, taking off his priestly robes for a sinner in a place of worship. The more of his body that was revealed the more found him gorgeous. He was anything but perfect now that you saw his body but it made him more human in your eyes. The small moles and blemishes which dotted his body, making an invisible star system but just as beautiful. His small pink nipples, just waiting to be sucked and bit on but that wasn't what he wanted. His toned chest from the days he spent working out, slowly rising and falling with each breath he took. Pale stomach twitching when your gaze ran across it.
More of him was revealed as his robes fell into a white crumple at his feet, with his robes off he looked just like a normal human, not any more special than you were. From the robes surrounding his ankles your gaze travels up, stopping at his knees as you see the faint scar on his left knee. It didn't make him look any less appealing than before, if anything it just proved he too, was not perfect. From there you get to his thighs, the skin just as pale and alluring as you imagined. Perhaps he would let you fulfill your sinful desires and mark the skin there.
What really catches your attention is his pale cock, he's already hard, tip a deep red, painful looking as if he had been hard awhile. A large vein ran down the length of it, smaller ones dotting along. He twitches under your gaze and you move up towards the small patch of mint colored hair which sat just above. However Tatsumi sets a hand in your hair, making you turn your gaze back up to his face. Mint colored hair looked more messy than before, framing his face. He had a faint pink dusting on his cheeks now which seemed to be darkening by the second. "Use me as a way to repent. I wish for you too, and I know you want me in this way as well. If you choose to, however, you must take everything I give you as that is the only way you will be purified."
His confirmation was all you needed before your mouth connected with his thigh. You didn't want to start directly where you wanted, teasing him a little. Eyes closed as one of your hands slides up until it's directly beside his cock, but not touching, rubbing at the sensitive skin on his inner thigh. You could hear him let out a shaky gasp above you at the action. You knew it wasn't fair to tease him after what he was letting you do but you'd leave one mark on him and move to where he wanted most.
Biting into the pale skin, tasting a bit of blood. You hadn't meant to break skin but it just aroused you more and with how the grip in your hair tightened Tatsumi seemed to enjoy it too. Licking over the mark, opening your eyes to watch how the skin quickly bruised over. You hoped he would see this later and remember where it came from, maybe even touching himself to the thought, god you hoped he did. Leaving one last kiss on the sore mark before trailing your tongue up his thigh to meet your hand, quickly switching to where you wanted to most.
You didn't immediately take him in your mouth, choosing instead to still be a tease. He was dripping precum now, most likely due to the bite you had left. Sticking out your tongue to lick it up, hearing a suppressed whimper from above. The taste wasn't horrible, actually quite good. A sort of sweet, just a tad bit salty, more on the watery side. He tasted just as delicious as he looked. Giving more kitten licks to the head, wanting to pull more sounds from the holy man.
When you decided the small licks were enough you pressed a gentle kiss to the slit before dragging a long lick down the side of his cock, along the large vein. He must be quite sensitive there because suddenly a loud whimper echoed out, the hand in your hair yanking. You relished in the sting while you continued your ministrations, far from over. Licking around the entirety of his cock, paying special attention to the veins before dragging your tongue back up to his tip. You had teased him long enough.
Giving another kiss to his slit, feeling the precum gathered there wet your lips before enveloping his cock in your warm mouth. Loud whines escape, the sound soothing to hear. You had only just the tip past your lips that was already making him like this. Slowly you take more of him down your throat, the feeling foreign. The more you take the more small choking sounds start to leave your throat, not used to the large intrusion. Tatsumi's hand was gripping your hair hard enough to hurt and tears were forming in the corners of your eyes from both the pain and how deep you were taking him.
Lapping around his cock with your tongue until your nose was pressed right up against the small patch of teal hair on his pelvis. You were freely choking on him now, spit drooling past your lips and down your chin as you swallowed around him. The feeling is too much for him as he keens and shallowly thrusts, making the choking worse, your airflow cutting off as you breathe through your nose. "How shameful you are, having no issues doing this to a holy man such as myself, in a church no less. You must be even more wicked than I first thought, an evil temptress who convinced me to fall into sin." His words barely make it out before being cut off with a loud whimper when you swallow around him again.
The lack of oxygen was starting to get to you as you slowly took your mouth off, lapping at the veins along the way. His precum was coating your throat, the sweet taste on your tongue. Moving your hand to his cock while you take a moment to catch your breath, listening to the dirty sounds it makes as you move it up and down his spit soaked cock. Tatsumi has stopped talking but his hand was still ever present in your hair, tugging you back towards his cock. It wasn't long before you took him down your throat again, choking one again on his size. Except this time, when you attempt to pull back the hand in your hair keeps you firmly in place, right at the base of his cock forcing you to keep deep throating him.
"You can't pull off, a dirty sinner like you shouldn't need to anyways. I'm helping purify you, you know. I don't have to do this but I want to help make you clean." Tatsumi's other hand reaches and slides under your chin, massaging at your throat where his cock was bulging out, causing you to choke around him more intensely. Loud moans once again escape him as he does it again, the intense feeling too much for him. "I'm gonna cum down your sinful throat and purify you, that's what you want isn't it? To be purified by me?"
If you could nod you would have, but you could barely move your head with the grip he had in your hair, forcing you against him. His cock was twitching your throat and you knew he was getting closer, he just needed one more push to the edge. Swallowing once again around him as the hand on your throat slides to your nose, pinching it. You couldn't breathe at all now, panic starting to set in as you try to pull back but unable too.
"You'll be ok, you need to take all of my seed like this, that way no sinful air can ruin it when I purify you." As he says this you feel a rush of warm liquid flow down your throat, the taste of his cum heavy. Tatsumi lets out louder moans as spots start to form at the edges of your vision the longer your oxygen is depraved but when you think you'll finally black out the grip on your hair leaves and the cock in your throat gets pulled out.
Falling back as you cough, Tatsumi's release coating your throat as he pants above you, spent from his orgasm. You feel some of his spend drip down your chin and you know you probably looked like a total mess. Coming to church to confess your filthy desires about a man just to get defiled by that same man.
Tatsumi looks at you, face red and purple eyes kindly staring at you. "You've been purified by me, how do you feel? I promised my body would purify you and it did."
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warping-realities · 1 year
Dalton Academy - Vanity Fair
A good night's sleep without Sanchez mumbling was the thought that first crossed the mind of a relieved Jacob Miller when he woke up on Sunday morning. Until he turned around and saw why, his roommate hadn't slept there.
"Weird." - He murmured to the empty room, wondering if he should worry about what happened. He and Jaime had a peaceful relationship, they weren't really friends, but they got along well enough for him to inform someone responsible if his colleague didn't show up. The problem was precisely that, if he communicated too early and put his colleague in trouble the peaceful existence of the two in that dormitory could be compromised. Jaime already was upset because his colleagues find out about his nightmares.
Damn Gregory and his big mouth. He shouldn't have shared that with his brother and had only done so out of concern and after much deliberation. He would hate if them create a gossip reputation. It was enough that people sometimes saw the two brothers as slow in mind. It didn't help that the two had grown up on a farm, working hard, plus they had that combination of raw muscle and fat that had earned them both the defensive tackle position and also added to that unwanted fame. But that fame was injust. Well in Jacob's case at least.
His brother was a diferent story, Gregory was machine in relation to any physical activity, with an enviable reasoning within the fields but he had depended his whole life on the help of his twin in relation to his studies.
Jacob on the other hand was a good student in all fields, not excellent but adequate, although he didn't have the same level of athletic ability as his brother. Which sometimes irritated him, because people sometimes judged the twins by two measures. They forgave Gregory his academic shortcomings due to his genius at sports while judging Jacob for being average at one and just good at the other. But that was ancient history, while Jaime's disappearance was something that was happening right now.
Jacob got up and decided that if his colleague didn't show up until he finished getting ready before breakfast he would talk to management, but Jaime finally appeared when he was already partially dressed and decided to report his absence.
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"Where have you been man?"
"Why the curiosity Mille? Ready to start another malicious gossip?"
"Fuck off, man! I really worried about you both times."
"You fuck off, Jacob. I have enough problems to deal with without you meddling." - Answered the Latin boy who for some reason looked much more threatening than Jacob remembered. Though he certainly could still give him a good spanking if he wanted to. What he wouldn't. - "Sanchez, if you want a fight you're trying with the wrong person. Calm down and tell me what's going on, you're not acting like yourself." - He replied looking directly at his colleague who for a moment seemed ready to fight back, maybe even physically. But he then sat on the bed with a tired look on his face and let out a sigh.
"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me man. I'm sorry, you're right, I'm not like that."
"Dude, I know we're not best friends or anything, but we share the same room and I promise I won't make the mistake of bringing this up with my brother again." - He said with a characteristic calm tone that always amazed those who heard him for the first time, as if they expected something much more aggressive due to his size. And it was almost always precisely that tone that made him solve his problems without major conflicts and conquer other people's trust. And for a moment it looked like that was what was going to happen once again, as he saw his colleague drop his guard for a moment, only to then close up again.
"I'm sorry Jacob, but it really is better that you don't know. And I appreciate it if you don't mention this to anyone, especially your brother."
"It's fine man, but remember if you need anything I'm here."
"Thanks, there is actually something you can do. Try to stay away from Chadwick Hartfield and his friends."
"Why?" He replied thinking that maybe this was his chance to have an opening with his colleague.
"I can't tell, but promise me that if they try to get close you'll back off."
"Those crow boys never even looked at me man, why would they show any interest now?"
"I think you would be surprised."
"Good morning gentlemen, I suggest you shower and get ready before breakfast, this room reeks of sex. So spare me the sordid details." - Chad said, suddenly entering Eddie's and J.B. bedroom.
"Chad, what the fuck, man?" - Eddie replied while nudging his sleeping friend.
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"I wonder how you two fit in the same bed. - Said a smiling Mike entering the room right behind with a mischievous smile on his face. - And weren't you the one who wouldn't sleep with Eddie at all, J.B.?"
"What can I do if I'm fickle when it comes to pleasure?" - J.B. answered, standing up naked without the slightest ceremony. - But it won't happen again. Or maybe will, it depends on how bored I will be.”
"Well, save your dick your day is about to get interesting. We need to secure Miller today and then Sanchez will come to us and the job will be finished and the Contract validated."
"It's not like you haven't said this a million times before, Chad. - J.B. replied entering the bathroom. - I'll take a bath and then we can start, is everything arranged in the city?"
"If your lover did his job right, yes."
"I'm nobody's lover, J.B. and I just meet our needs, Chad. You should try to do the same sometimes. Before you end up crippled for breaking into other people's rooms without permission." - Eddie replied, still irritated, putting on a pair of shorts and sitting back on the bed.
"Chad won't admit it but he's worried, this is the most important moment and we don't know how Miller's brother will react. They are identical twins, they've shared everything together forever and you can't change one without changing the other."
"I don't know why so much concern, we will probably gain an extra brother."
"Probably. But I prefer certainties. - Chad answered."
"Nothing was completely guaranteed from the start, bro and we're all here according to your plan. You've told us that many times yourself, the board know what they're doing, we must trust and stick to the plan." - Mike intervened.
"So let's put it into practice. The bathroom is all yours Eddie - said J.B. leaving wrapped in a towel - try not to take too long this time, today is the Millers beauty day and not yours. And I can't wait for it ."
Jaime found himself in the principal's office for the second morning in a row. He didn't know if Carmichael would be there, but it was the only way to carry out his plan. Standing in front of the door he thought not for the first time if it wasn't better to give it all up. But he had a plan, a plan he had started to come up with while he was still in the library and which he would continue to work on while she was taking a shower playing with his abs or while arranging her hair in neat curls in front of the mirror or while choosing a shirt that flattered his defined arms. He had done a quick research on King's work and believed he understood what his grandmother had wanted to show him in the last dream.
The problem is that he wasn't sure if the plan would work. The dream could have been just another warning for him to run away from Dalton. And then there was the matter ofthe differences between King's books and the film adaptations. Some of the things that appeared to him came directly from Kubrick's work and not from the author. In King's book after the destruction of the Overlook the place continued to be cursed, while in Mike Flannagan's film, the destruction of the hotel seemed to end the curse, although even there that was not clear.
That's why Jaime thought that maybe it was better to give up and find a way to escape. But then there was the matter of the bones, from the way Chad had said it he deduced that Dalton's spirit had somehow united forces with the thing that inhabited the site before the school was built and he would bet that the fact that the Hartfield ancestor's body had something to do with it.
It was a hunch, but he believed he was right. So if he found out where those bones were and them maybe he could reverse what was done to the others, he didn't remember who they were before but he believed they deserved to live their real lives and not the distorted version that was imposed on them. But for that he needed to get closer to Chad. And in that vision he had heard his colleague talk about a field trip, which meant that he was going to leave Dalton and that if Jaime wanted to get more information he would have to go with him.
That was also a good way for him to get away if he made that decision. Which put him on the principal's door again, as he would need his permission if he wanted to take any of the plans forward.
"Come in - the director's bass voice resounded in the room and Jaime entered at the same time mentally thanking the director for being there and wondering once again if he wasn't making a mistake. He was surprised to see that Carmichael was dressed in a gym outfit that demonstrated every detail of his perfect physique while he looked at him with a serious face.- Good morning, Jaime, if you are here to ask again to leave Dalton I believe I was quite clear."
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"Good morning sir. In fact it's just the opposite. I came to tell you that you were right. I haven't tried hard enough to fit in with my colleagues and that's why I'm here. I would like your permission to visit the city today with some of them."
"I'm glad to hear that, lad. And I sincerely hope this isn't some crazy plan to get out of here. I need to remind you that Dalton is deep in the upstate and the nearest towns are many miles away. It would be unwise of you to try who knows why to try to escape in that way." - admonished the director with a stern look.
"Don't worry sir, I'm not naive enough to try something like that. And as I told you, I no longer have the desire to leave the academy."
"Then you have my permission Jaime. Don't let me down. But tell me who are the colleagues you want to accompany into town?"
Jaime was unsure whether to lie to the director or take the opportunity to see the older man's reaction, in addition to perhaps ensuring an easier rapprochement with the Crows. He chose to speak the truth.
"There's something else I'd like to ask you, sir. Because me and these boys, we're not friends yet, but if you intercede I believe they should agree to take me along."
"I can try Jaime, but we're talking about the other students' personal lives, if they don't accept your company, as much as it disappoints me, I won't be able to force them."
So the principal didn't feel comfortable intruding into the students' personal lives. Jaime smiled charmingly at hearing such hypocrisy and then landed the blow.
"Ah, but they will, you've known one of them since his birth and he respects you too much to deny you such a request, Sir. I'm talking about Chadwick Hartfield and his friends."
Gregory sat eating his breakfast in silence. That was how he liked to spend his time off the football field. Even more so in a place like Dalton where everyone would judge you for the slightest verbal slip. He knew that everyone thought he was slow minded, even his brother. But that wasn't true. On the field Gregory had quick reflexes and absurd agility for his size. But off the court he was careful, when you have his size it's easy to broken things, hurt things, so he weighed everything very carefully before making any decisions. Combined with his academic difficulties, that made him look stupid. He knew that his brother also had to deal with that fame and that he resented it. But while Jacob had a great ability to relate to others in that characteristic calm way, Gregory could not. That's why he kept quiet and when he got really angry he made some threats that he rarely had to carry out. But that had been enough to increase that unwanted fame.
"You're quieter than usual Greg, is there a problem?" - commented Leonardo Reis, his roommate, sitting at the same table.
"Jacob is still pissed at me about that Sanchez thing, if I ever find out who leaked it..."
"I already told you I didn't do it, man. Probably someone heard when you told me and spread it all around."
"I shouldn't have told you in the first place. I only told you because I thought maybe you could talk to the guy and help him out in some way."
"And I already told you that this was a very prejudiced idea on your part. First, because Mexico is much closer to here than to Brazil. Second, because the two countries don't even speak the same language. Third and most important, because Jaime is as native to this country as you are. Which makes the two of you closer than he and I will ever be." - Reis replied with a frown.
"I know man, I understood when you explained all this the first time. It's just that Jacob has been blaming me for something beyond my control. I thought with the game yesterday things would get better. But the truth is, they. They've not been good for a long time."
"So talk to him man, you're brothers, you came into the world together, you've shared everything since forever."
"I've been thinking that maybe that's part of the problem. We're not the same person. And people sometimes forget that." Gregory replied, remembering that this had not always been the case. When they were kids having a twin brother was awesome. Someone exactly like you, with whom to share everything. And indeed they shared everything from toys to clothes to the same upbringing by their parents.
Their parents were simple, hard-working people, raised within the religion and the precepts of love and respect for the homeland for which they could one day die if necessary. And they raised their children the same way.
The problem started when the talents and deficiencies of the twins became apparent and external demands began. It was expected that the two would obtain the same results regardless of their individual abilities. And it frustrated both of them, even though neither of them had talked to each other about it.
Gregory didn't think Leonardo was the right person to understand the problem either. His colleague could understand international politics and all that other stuff, although not as much as he thought. Gregory could, for example, have explained to his colleague that although he and Jaime were from the same country, the differences between the two could be even greater than the differences between Leonardo and Jaime, not that Gregory and his brother were the kind of person who hate immigrants. His parents were firm believers that America was still the land of opportunity it always had been and that there was enough room for truly dedicated people to thrive. Although not all members of their community shared that opinion.
And the fact is that he already realized that Reis avoided talking about what he thought of the values under which Gregory and Jacob had been raised by associating them precisely with the type of people who would have expelled him from the country if he had not been legalized and son of important people. Which proved that Gregory really wasn't as slow as people thought. And precisely because there was this barrier between the two, a complete friendship had not been established. Reis was great for talking about sports or having a few laughs talking about everyday shit, but he didn't feel comfortable talking about more meaningful subjects with his colleague. Which wasn't necessary, because at that moment Jacob sat down next to him, wearing the exact same shirt as his, a mistake they didn't like to make.
"Good morning Leo, good morning brother. Don't worry, I'll change my shirt after breakfast."
"Why? You guys look so cute dressed like that." - Said a sassy Jonathan Roberts sitting down at their table without ceremony and being followed by his bunch of friends in an unusual demonstration of approximation with colleagues outside their group. Which made Leonardo assume an expression of displeasure and the twins exchanged inquisitive glances between themselves.
"To what do we owe the honor of the elite's presence among the common folk?"- Leonardo asked, visibly troubled.
"The grandson of the owner of one of the largest mining companies in South America could hardly be considered common." - Rebutted Eddie Chang. Making Leonardo blush and the twins stare at their colleague with inquisitive looks.
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"Is this true?" - Gregory asked whileLeonardo seemed to consider the answer before answering.
"Yes it is. Thank you very much for that, Chang." - He replied even more irritated.
"You're welcome dear colleague, I found it very interesting to learn that our little defender of the weak and oppressed is as much an imperialist swine as the rest of us."
"Things don't work that way, my grandfather hasn't spoken to my mother for years since she married my father instead of making a more profitable marriage."
"Still there's a small fortune waiting for you in Brazil, it's a lot more than some of us at this table can say." - Answered Mike Jones.
Gregory couldn't understand what all this was about, although it seemed pretty clear that the Crows were looking to pick some kind of fight with Leonardo. He just didn't understand why. He didn't care much that his colleague was a millionaire, almost everyone in that school was and besides Leonardo was always respectful with him. He saw that his brother got ready to intervene and try to calm things down, but he didn't have the patience and was faster.
"Listen here you assholes, if you have a problem with Leonardo you'll have a problem with me and I'm one of the few people in this school bigger than you."
"Wow, calm down there Miller, this is just a friendly conversation between colleagues." - Jonathan Roberts replied.
"Our definition of friendly is very different." Gregory snapped, clenching his fists.
"He's right brother, calm down, we don't want to start a fight in the middle of the cafeteria."
"Certainly you don't want Mister Miller." - Someone commented with a serious and mature voice. And all the boys turned to see the impressive image of Director Carmichael in his gym clothes, accompanied by Jaime Sanchez, at that moment with a small smile playing on his face, as if he knew something that the others did not even suspect. - Mr Hartfield, I'd like to ask you a favor.
"Yes sir. If I can help, count on me." - Chad replied politely, but with an look of astonishment on his normally self-assured face.
"Great, Mr. Sanchez here has asked permission to visit the city today and I would like you and your friends to accompany him." - Said Carmichael apparently not realizing the revolution that caused on the Crows at the table. But neither Jaime, his smile widening, nor Leonardo, still irritated, nor the Millers, failed to notice.
"Si... sir? I don't understand. - Chadwick stammered to the astonishment of everyone at the table, apparently that was a day of firsts.
"I don't find it difficult to understand Mr Hartfield, you are going to go to the city, Mr Sanchez would like to go there and also to get along better with his colleagues, it seems to me an obvious opportunity to achieve both. So I ask you to take him and keep him company. Of course, no one is forcing you to, but I will be personally disappointed if you refuse." - Carmichael ended with a look at Chad that denoted that the director would do much more than just feel disappointed if he refused."
"Of course he can go with us sir." - Chad replied cornered, his face still half incredulous.
"Wonderful! Why don't you sit down and enjoy breakfast with your colleagues before the rideJaime? It seems to me that between Mr. Hartfield's and Mr. Chang's cars everyone at the table can go to the city. - Concluded Carmichael ready to withdraw but being interrupted by Chad.
"Sir, if you don't mind I would like a word with you in private."
"I don't mind, accompany me Mr Hartfield, but be quick, I believe you have no time to lose." - Answered the director looking at Chad and the other Crows. While Jaime sat next to Jacob at the table Chad got up and followed the director, leaving an uncomfortable silence behind. For the first time the ever-confident Crows didn't seem to know what to say. While Jaime seemed to ooze a self-confidence unknown to the rest.
"Jacob, if you're not going to eat that omelette, can I? - He said smiling before turning to the still uncharacteristically silent Crows. - So, guys, what are your plans for today?"
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Chad didn't know if he was more scared or irritated by what was happening. But to anyone hearing his voice at that moment, it would be clear that irritation was winning.
"What the fuck was that Carmichael?"
"It's Principal Carmichael or Sir, Chadwick. And don't use bad language with me again."
"Sir, we have a plan and we were sticking to it, we were going to get Reis out of the way and finish the job with Miller and only then meet with Sanchez. What you've done now puts all my work at risk!"
"I know Chad, but it was the only thing to do. He knows."
"I don't know, but somehow he knows, the bastard maneuvered me, which shows he's very close to being one of us, even though he's not yet. But in doing that he showed me that he knows something and has some kind of plan. I could lock him in some room and wait for your work to be done. But he's stronger than any of us thought, Chad. And we gave him weapons, he already thinks and acts like us without actually being one of us yet. I don't know what kind of things he would be able to do if he really wants to utilize what's left of his power. I can't risk it. And he wants to be close to you. I'm sorry about that boy, but right now the safest thing is for him to stay over your eyes, I don't have any power over your contract but you do. Secure Miller as quickly as possible and prepare a contingency to secure Sanchez.
"You don't understand, Miller is already an incognita because of his brother, now the Source comes to us before the right time and I still have to deal with Reis and he is not even connected to our contract."
"Ask your friends to deal with the Millers together, make sure the brother is included. Regarding Reis, it would be best not to mix two different contracts before they are validated. But if you can't get rid of him take him along and keep an eye on him while making sure Sanchez doesn't do anything to get in the way of your plans."
"Sir, do you realize how difficult it is to do what you are asking me, the variables..."
"You've got Dalton's own blood running through your veins Chad if there's ever a true son of this Academy it's you. Put your crafty brain to work and I'm sure you'll find a way to do it. Sorry to let the burden on your shoulders son but if you want what you've worked so hard for to come true it's up to you.”
"I thought you didn't want me around the Crows because they were trouble, Jaime. Then you show up and offer to hang out with them!" - Said Jacob staring at Jaime in the school yard while they waited for Chad's return. After breakfast the strange and disproportionate group formed that morning split up, while the Crows went to get the cars the others were waiting in front of the main school building. Now they were staring at each other from distance as if the thing they least wanted to do was what they were about to do.
"And they're trouble, I really don't think you guys should go." - Jaime replied in a whisper to avoid being heard in what he already knew beforehand would be an unsuccessful attempt.
"If you explain why maybe we won't go but there's no way we're going to miss the chance to go to the city, none of us have expensive cars." - Answered Jacob also whispering.
"I'd rather not go with that bunch of assholes..." - Leonardo started to say in a loud voice making a total effort to be heard, only to be interrupted by Eddie Chang leaning against his Mercedes AMG G 63.
"Then don't come Reis. No one was going to invite you anyway. You're lucky this beauty arrived yesterday, otherwise none of you would have gotten a ride."
"...but I'm never going to let you go without me. Just like Sanchez, I don't trust them either." - concluded Leonardo as if their colleague had not even spoken.
"Are you afraid the big bad wolves will devour your Little Red Riding Hood friend?" - Shouted Mike Jones leaning on Chad's Porsche Panamera and hitting another target unintentionally as a tremor went through Jaime when he heard that mention of wolves.
"Stop this nonsense - said Chad at that moment leaving the school building. - Reis, you are really not welcome so get out. I can't order Sanchez to do the same without offending the principal otherwise I would order him to do the same. The other two are invited if they want to come."
"If Leo doesn't go neither will we." - Gregory answered.
"Fine. If you want to impose this discomfort on yourself and us you can come along Reis. You and Sanchez come with me and Mike and the Millers go with Eddie and J.B."
"I think there's plenty of room in Chang's car for me to go along there." - Leonardo replied.
"Too bad it's not up to you to decide that. You can meet your boyfriends in town. So either you come with me or you all stay and screw what Carmichael thinks."
"Liar." - Jaime whispered in his colleague's ear as he passed by him and headed to his car. Being followed by a sullen Leonardo. While Chad stared at them with an inscrutable expression. That little trip promised to be quite an experience.
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Embarrassing was not enough of a word to describe the mood inside Edward Chang's car at that moment. The Miller brothers were still not on good terms with each other or their hosts. These in turn still hadn't been able to completely absorb the events of breakfast but at same they knew they had a duty to fulfill. Reinforced by a single message sent by Chad - "Stick to the plan, I'll handle Sanchez myself." - And it was thinking about that that J.B. decided to break the ice.
"So once we get to town I thought we'd go down to the county fair, the Academy may be Dalton town's main source of employment but it still has some interesting shops and venues that are going to be open today to welcome students. I am in need of new clothes. Then we'll take the opportunity to solve your problem, boys."
"What problem?" - Gregory asked.
"I could be wrong but I don't think either of you was too keen on the idea of going around looking like your mother still dressed you."
In the confusion that followed after breakfast none of the brothers had remembered to change clothes and at that moment they were looking even more like the mirror image of each other sitting in the back seat of the car.
"Thanks Roberts but we don't have enough money to shop in the same stores as you guys." - Jacob replied.
"Don't worry dear. It's on the house."
"We can't accept it our parents would be furious if they knew"
"So it's just that they don't find out. And call me J.B. is what all my friends call me."
"So now we're friends? I thought you had been forced by the director to bring us..." - Gregory replied.
"Greg come on they didn't have to bring us along. And as for what you said Roberts we weren't raised that way we're not going to break our parents' trust." - pacified Jacob.
"We were going to call you before Carmichael showed up Gregory. We were just prodding that hypocrite Reis a little. And as for your parents, Jacob is simple, consider today your early birthday present." - Eddie replied.
"Why? I would like to know what all the sudden attention is about." - Replied Gregory instead.
"That's easy, we want you to join the Crows." - Answered a smiling Eddie.
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If the mood in the other car was awkward in Chad's car was definitely hostile. There was no one there to break the ice until they reached the city. Each member of the small entourage lost in his own thoughts. Jaime's thoughts varied between guilt for not having been more firm in preventing the Crows from approaching the Millers, justifying to himself that he couldn't actually stop them without looking like a lunatic, the hope that being far away from what he considered to be the power center of his colleagues they were prevented from making any progress and although he refused to admit it a morbid curiosity to know what their next step would be.
Leonardo still irritated with the way he had been treated but realizing that there was some kind of bigger situation that he had no idea what it could be happening around him.
And finally Mike and Chad, their concern hidden behind their arrogant faces. Their plan had been to divide and conquer. So they would have to trust Eddie and J.B. to handle the Millers while they took the hard part controlling Sanchez until he was ready and still managing to handle Reis. Although they didn't show it both were anxious and Sanchez's silence and mysterious smile had only contributed to increase that anxiety. So it was with undisguised relief that Chad parked the car in front of an imposing house.
"We're here. Welcome to Hartfield Manor. Let's go in and have a drink. Since we're going to be forced to spend the day together let have at least something nice." - He said getting out of the car, while Chang's SUV continued down the road.
"Where do the others go?" - Reis asked.
"Eddie and J.B. have an appointment in town they'll meet us when they're done and then we'll decide what to do." - Answered Mike following Chad to the entrance of the house.
"Impera et divide" - commented Jaime following the two. - Good move, I would have done the same."
"Perhaps because you are more like us than you care to admit." - Mike retorted.
"You Wish" - Answered Jaime smiling and entering the house. Demonstrating a confidence he didn't really have.
"Clearly there's something going on here and it turns out I'm the only idiot who doesn't know what it is!" - Exploded Leonardo right behind.
"You intruded where you weren't called now bear with it.” - Mike replied, also entering through the door that Chad held open.
"Actually Reis has a point although he's wrong he's not the only one who doesn't know what's going on. Each of us has a piece of information but none of us know the whole. So why don't we sit down enjoy a nice drink and cleared it all up? I'm really curious to know what you have to tell us Sanchez." - Chad said while closing the door behind him after Leonardo passed by and looking to his colleagues scattered throughout a luxurious room. Mike next to him, Reis and Sanchez further away next to each other.
"And I'm supposed to believe you're going to be honest with me?"
"You tell me what you think you know and I'll tell you what I know."
"That simple?"
"That simple." - Answered Chad. Taking several glasses and filling them with an amber drink. - Sit down have a sip and ask whatever you want."
The twins were surprised to hear that invitation. Jacob as always the fastest recovered from the surprise first.
"Why? What do we have that might interest you?"
"Better change that behavior if you want to join the club Jake. Low self-esteem doesn't sit well with us." - J.B.
"I think what my brother meant is that we don't sit well with you guys." - Gregory commented, more aggressive. But he was dealing with experts.
"And why wouldn't you go down well with us? You have everything the Crows look for, you're strong, competitive, good at sports, have a healthy level of ambition to have come this far despite the kind of prejudice you might face from your humble beginnings. Think about it your story is very similar to Mike's and he is our vice president - Eddie replied.
"And besides, they're delicious." - Added J.B. smiling slyly.
"You see that's precisely why it wouldn't work. This behavior ..." - Jacob began being interrupted by J.B.
"I thought you didn't like being seen as a redneck Jacob. If you want to change that maybe you should drop the homophobia."
"I'm not homophobic man, I think everyone should do what they want with their lives. It's just..."
"You don't want it to be around you. I get it, you know what it's called? Homophobia." - J.B. cut in again with a mocking tone.
"J.B. stop teasing you're not helping bro." - said Eddie irritated.
"We don't have problems with gay people - intervened Gregory. - the problem is these attitudes. It doesn't matter if it's between a man and a woman or not. What matters is that there must be respect. If you two are lovers I think that ... " - Unfortunately he didn't get a chance to say what he thought because at that moment Eddie and J.B. burst out laughing.
"Dude, me and J.B. aren't dating."
"But the way you talk to each other, the flirting between you..."
"The name of it is fun, Greg. You should try it sometime." - J.B. replied still laughing.
"One more reason not to join your club, we don't agree with that, it would never work." - Jacob said.
"Wait a minute, you mean you guys never had fun? Never...my God Eddie, we have two virgins in the car!"
"Do not use the name of the Lord in vain." - Jacob answered without denying or confirming anything.
"J.B. if you don't stop talking shit I'm going to stop this car and put your ass down. - Eddie said angrily before turning to the Miller brothers and continuing. - Guys we understand, you were raised in a Christian home and if you decided to wait we have nothing to do with it. And just to be clear J.B. is teasing you but he will immediately stop it if he likes his front teeth. Mike and Chad are not exactly on the same wavelength as you guys but they also tend to get a little....uncomfortable about certain things and we manage to get along well. So let's work something out. We spend today together, J.B. tries to keep his big mouth shut and if when we get back to school tonight you don't want to have anything to do with us, fine. We're going our separate ways.
"Fine - replied Jacob already knowing what their answer would be, they would never dishonor their upbringing that way. - But I think we just passed the place where Chad parked."
"Yes, Hartfield Manor, we'll be there later but first we need to go into town to sort out a few things, including your clothing problem."
"We already said that..." - began Gregory.
"You know what, I’ve got sore muscles from training and I bet you do too. - Eddie said. parking the car - So while J.B. and Jake sort out the clothing situation why don't you come with me to the massage studio? The comment is that they do magical things there.”
"I didn't poison the drink you can drink it". - Chad said taking a sip of bourbon to prove it.
"I prefer not to share those habits." - Jaime replied sitting on the sofa next to an increasingly confused Leonardo.
"For now. - replied Chad smiling mischievously. So Mr. Jaime Caetano Sanchez first I think I should congratulate you. I believe this is the first time in Dalton's history that the source is aware of what is happening before the end. But that will not change the outcome very soon you will be willingly sharing this drink and many other things."
"Not if I can help it. You know you've been used as much as the others aren't you? When I look at you I can see a shadow of what you were and you all have them including you. You don't want to know what was done to you, who you really are? Tell me where Dalton Hartfield is buried and maybe I can reverse what was done to you."
"Ah so that's your move? Smart. I think we'll get along just fine when you're ready. The big problem is I don't know where Dalton is buried, no one does. And about your offer to help me remember who I was. Very touching of you, but I don't care in the least. I am who I am, who I should always have been, this is the real me." - Chad replied while Mike Jones nodded.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" - asked an irritated Leonardo.
"Be quiet there Reis. You'll understand soon. In your own time. You also have a contract to fulfill. But what's going on here doesn't concern you."
"Contract? What contract? You guys are crazy!"
"No, they're not. Just very twisted. I know it's hard to believe but they weren't always the way they are. The Crows you know are the result of some sort of sorcery or magic. And Dalton made them. There’s something at the academy that turns students into Dalton Hartfield idealized version of what a man should be. So they are a kind of Stepford Jocks. And when Chadwick refers to a contract I believe it is how to refer to the deal someone made with whatever governs the school. Who I believe it is in some way Dalton Hartfield himself. Which means someone wanted you to be here Leonardo. Someone provided the means to make you into someone like them."
"Very good, Sanchez. Really. Very, very good." - Answered Chad.
"You are crazy, all of you." - Leonardo said.
"No we are not. Sanchez is correct, we are what you will soon be. But contrary to what he thinks there is no way to escape. From the moment someone enters Dalton their fate is sealed. No matter where they go.
"What are you talking about?”
"You have correctly deduced some things but not all Sanchez. When Dalton Hartfield entered the clearing where the academy would be built he found himself with something ancient, powerful and...hungry. The natives gave this being various names, Malsum, Wendigo. .. the truth is that the creature and Dalton entered into an understanding. Dalton found the means to feed it and he provided the necessary means for Dalton's ideals to last. His own soul sealed the pact and conducts the contracts. That’s why no one knows where his bones are. They are the guarantee that Dalton's soul will continue to be able to fulfill his part of the bargain. If the bones are removed, the deal is off. But like I said, you won't find them ."
"Not even behind a certain red door in your headquarters?" - Asked Jaime smiling again.
"I don't know what you're talking about Sanchez. Maybe you think that being out of Dalton the contract doesn't reach you. You're wrong the moment you accept to join the academy you insert your name in it, the moment you set foot in Dalton's territory you activate him and ensure that he has power over you, no matter where you are. Things are a little different for The Source, for you. You are what feeds Dalton, you have in abundance what some call precision, illumination, shining... We call it light. We all donate a little of it and in return Dalton shapes us but for significant changes a much bigger battery is needed and you Jaime you were a like a sun. You secured our contract and many others but now you are almost exhausted. Dalton took and took and took more to ensure his sustenance and the fulfillment of the contracts. And every little bit he took left a little bit of him in you, a little bit of us. You're much more like us, like him, than who you were when you got here."
"No, it can't be... I would have known I would have felt something."
"Would you really? None of us felt the change and yet here we are. You say you see a shadow of what we were when you look at us, isn't there a shadow behind you too?"
"No, no... - said Jaime, looking at a mirror on the living room wall and seeing exactly what his colleague had told him, an indistinct shadow behind him, exactly like the others.
"Ah, I see you realize now, tell me Jaime, does it seem interesting to you to cease existing to make way for a version of yourself that you don't even remember being? Not that this current version will last very long, once Eddie and J.B. are done with the Millers Dalton will be done with you too and we'll get to know the real you and there's nothing you can do about it or where you can hide."
"No, no, no! - Jaime shouted, holding his face with his hands. While Chad and Mike looked at each other and Leonardo, divided between running away from that madness or calming his colleague opted for the second option and placed his hands on Jaime shoulders in an attempt to calm him down. Though he regretted it the moment Jaime lifted his head and opened his vacant glassy eyes at the same time he opened his mind in a way he never had before sending out a wave of energy that enveloped them all.
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"Speak the truth Jake, no teasing from me this time. Didn't you and your brother have any kind of action? Ever?"
"It's not like that, I dated for two years with a girl from my town and Gregory also hooked up with some girls. But if you mean sexual relations, no neither of us had that kind of action. Maybe it's hard for you understand that but it is a commitment established between us and God."
"I understand about commitments I just don't understand why God would care where I stick my dick. - J.B. replied, separating a shirt from a rack and adding it to a sizable pile of other clothes. He and Jacob had separated from the other two and gone to a men's clothing store where he sorted out enough clothes to overhaul his and his brothers' entire wardrobes. "Don't get mad, sorry if I was offensive. I really don't understand, but I respect it. It's just...
"Just what?" - Jacob replied staring at the pile of clothes that he would flatly refuse.
"You're young this is the time when you should be doing crazy things, enjoying life. If you leave it for later it might be too late."
"Just as you don't understand my way of thinking I don't understand yours, Jonathan. Don't be offended, but to me those things you said are just vanity."
"Well, a little vanity wouldn't do you any harm. You have all these muscles and you hide them behind an old shirt?"
"My muscles are a result of my work and not because of some desire for attention."
"I imagine your Instagram account is the modern version of a church flyer."
"I don't have an Instagram account. It's futile."
"But your brother does, and he's on Tik Tok too. I've seen it myself." - Asked J.B. adding a stylized jeans with rips that Jacob would not wear even under threat of death.
"For him it's a necessity, he thinks about becoming a professional player and today there's no better showcase than social networks, there's always the possibility of catching the attention of a scout."
"But you play football too, why don't you do the same?"
"Because I have no illusions about it. My chances for the future lie elsewhere not in football."
"Still you never know man, you're a good player and you know your brother like no other. There's always the possibility that a college will take two for one."
"I don't want that kind of proposal. I don't want to be my brother's shadow or be invited to something just because of him."
"Pride is just another form of vanity, Jake. Didn't the reverend of your church teach you that in the Sunday sermon?"
"I, it's not that..."
"Chill out man, now I'm teasing you. Let's go to the dressing room and see how to put that little bit of vanity to work."
"I still can't believe you convinced me to do this Chang." - Said a half-naked Gregory Miller, sitting on the massage table while waiting for the massage therapist.
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"I didn't convince you of anything Miller, what convinced you was the pain in your back that you've had for weeks and didn't want to admit."- Eddie replied, infinitely more comfortable with the current situation, sitting in an armchair, with his feet placed in a basin with warm water and products that exhaled a floral aroma while a young woman was filing his fingernails. - Are you sure you don't want a manicure and pedicure job? I know the damage the field can do in those parts.
"Thanks, but no. The massage is fine, it can help with the pain and improve my work, but the rest? Besides being unnecessary, it's well... a woman's thing."
"Do I look feminine to you in any way, Gregory?"
"Dude, if you like this things that's your problem. But I'm not going to do that." - Gregory snapped.
"Okay, it's your choice. But I think you could get rid of that tension a little bit. - Eddie replied before turning to the small brunette woman working on his nails. - Tatiana let's finish later. My friend Greg is in need of your services."
"Okay Mr. Chang. - She replied heading to where Gregory was waiting. - Mr. Miller, I'm going to need you to lie down on your stomach, let's start from your back which is where your biggest problem is. I'll be right back, I'll just get some essential oils and then we can get started.”
"Are you going to stand there and watch?" - Gregory asked Eddie without following the masseur's instructions.
"I can't get my feet out of here so I don't disturb Tatiana's good work, besides that you have nothing to worry about I'm not going to attack you. You can rest assured but your brother… He’s going to need a lot of luck to deal with J.B."
"Your friend won't get anything from that one over there, not even if he were the hottest woman in the world."
"You say that as if you don't fully agree with Jacob's way of thinking."
"I believe the same as he does, in God, country, hard work and rewards for those who do not stray from the path. But..."
"Well, if anyone understands, it's you. Sometimes a man has... needs"
"I get it man. So what was it? A blow job after training? No Homo?"
"No man, gross. But I... I already... I had sex with one of the cheerleaders last year, I had been drinking which I also shouldn't have done and... things just happened... and she convinced me that if it was... you know... from behind... it wouldn't be a sin...”
"And you judging me for doing the same thing... Just kidding,man. - Eddie said when he saw his colleague's face sulk. - But it must have been tricky for someone as... straight as you. And speaking of someone rightfullness. What did your brother think of this little detour on the path?"
"I... I didn't tell him... he doesn't know, so..."
"Relax man, your secret is safe with me. But I imagine hiding it from Jacob wasn't easy."
"No, it wasn't easy at all. And with coming to Dalton... well things aren't the same between us anymore. We used to share everything and... it's not my fault that I'm better than him at football but I I think he resents it and I... I'm not the smartest guy in the world either and if it wasn't for him well... I wouldn't get very far in my studies and I'm grateful for that but he doesn't get the recognition due by the others."
"Wow dude I don't think I've ever heard you talk so much, that must be a lot of weight. No wonder your back is fucked. I can't help much with the situation with your brother. But at least I can help you lighten up a bit. Lie there and let Tatiana do her work. When you get up you might have a new perspective."
Jaime was in Dalton, in the lobby. Leonardo beside him, Mike a little further away and Chad almost at the door, looking at the open door with a look of deep disgust.
"What the fuck is this??? How did we end up in Dalton?"
"I think... I think I brought you with me, we're in some sort of dream, or vision. That's how I found out about everything that was going on."
"We are not in a dream." - Chad said still staring at the door.
"How do you know that?" - Asked Mike staring at his friend.
"Because I think we are in a memory. - He replied, still looking at the door where a handsome middle-aged man was entering, so similar to Chad that he could only be a close relative. - That is my father and I believe that the one right behind is... me - he concluded looking with an expression of even greater displeasure to a blond and chubby young man wearing glasses.
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"No way! You were a total loser!" - mocked Jaime although he didn't know where that impulse came from.
"Funny, because apparently mine and your old selves could have been brothers."
"You were a lard pudding, Sanchez. If you want to go back to being that that's your problem but I refuse to become that." - Chad answered following his father and that other version of him with his eyes."
"So what are we looking at?" - Mike asked Chad.
"I don't know, Sanchez dragged us here he should know."
"I have no control over these visions. And besides, this memory is yours."
"I wouldn't be so sure, I think maybe it's a memory about me but not mine. I can't remember that, for me it never happened. I know I was the first of our group to come to Dalton, but I have no recollection of it."
"So it's your chance to find out. I'll follow them. Feel free to come along or fuck off. I don't care." - Jaime said. Making Chad and Mike exchange glances and Leonardo staring at him in astonishment.
"What's going on with you Sanchez?"
"What's going on is I have to save a bunch of suckers who don't even want to be saved and..."
"And risk becoming a miserable obese. We share the sentiment, Sanchez. So why don't you just get this over and take us back?"
"Don't put us in the same basket, Chad. I'm going to do what's right no matter what happens to me. And no, I can't end this. That's not how it works. I have no control over what happens here." So be quiet and enjoy the ride." - Jaime retorted as he followed Chadwick Hartfield III and his son, so different from the one he was talking to now to the entrance of a familiar room.
"Wait here and try not to embarrass me more than you already does. - Said the father before opening the door and entering without being announced. While the boys followed him looking at the boy who had lowered his head in embarrassment.
When they entered the room they were faced with an unusual scene. Chad Senior hugging director Carmichael for whom he showed much more affection than he had shown to his son.
"Trip! You asshole, if it was anyone else walking into my office like that... it's really good to see you, man. I imagine you're coming to talk about your boy's admission, no need to worry it's all right. The Hartfields have a place guaranteed in Dalton."
"Maybe we shouldn't have that privilege if what we have to deliver is someone like my son, Vince." - He said sitting in the chair in front of the director's desk.
"I don't understand the last time I saw the kid a few years ago he was fine, we talked a lot about basketball."
"The problem is it never got past the conversation stage. I don't know where I went wrong with him, Vince. I tried to raise him like my father raised me and his father before him, in the Dalton Hartfield way. But he's... different. Soft, in every way. He walks behind me like a puppy when I need a wolf. And all that weight... my own son disgusts me!"
"Ouch, that must hurt," - scoffed Jaime. What was happening to him? Why was he acting like this? Not that Chad didn't deserve it, but still, that wasn't normal for him.
"How many times do I have to tell you that idiot out there is not me Sanchez. I am what my father wanted and I can assure you I have the best possible memories of our relationship."
"Oh, man, that sucks. You know Dalton will help a little,but there are limits. Without a source..."
"I found a source. Half-Mexican kid almost as fat as my son. The kind you wouldn't look twice at. But his light Vince you won't believe. There's enough in him for several contracts."
"Great, then we bring him here and guarantee..." - Carmichael began before being interrupted by Chad senior.
"No Vince, the kid is out there and I can't take another day. His Contract starts today. And I provide the means to bring the Source here."
"You know it's not up to me."
"I know, but I thought it impolite not to talk to the director first. Will you come with us?"
"You know the way, pass on the way back, regardless of the result."
"There is only one possible outcome, Vince."
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"I can't believe you talked me into this." -Jacob was in a small room with a mirrored wall wearing only the underwear he had put on that morning. Beside him, J.B. separated the clothes he chose for his colleague to try on.
"Relax man trying on some clothes is not going to get you out of your beloved path. - J.B. replied with a mischievous smile. - How about starting with the pants?"
"Fine, but that doesn't mean I'm going to keep any of those things." - Jacob replied picking up the ripped jeans he swore he would never wear. As he was getting ready to put them on he heard a distinct noise and his eyes were hit by a flash of light- Hey, man. Not cool. I'm exposed here."
"Don't worry you're not in the picture. Come on, put those pants on." - J.B. urged causing Jacob to finally put on the garment. He thought he wouldn't be able to pull them up to his waist. But he was wrong, the pants held. Although they were very glued.
"Dude, no way. The pants are too tight."
"But that's how they have to be, Jake. They’re perfect, they model your muscular and defined thighs, your firm ass and especially that pouch in the front."
"You think?"
"Of course, let me take a picture for Instagram."
"I... I don't have Instagram account."
"What are you talking about Jake? Of course you have, you don't go a day without posting."
"Come on man, shirt this time. Your followers are waiting." - And Jacob found himself putting on the shirt J.B. handed him. Invaded by the feeling that something was wrong. But J.B. was right, his followers would be waiting. But which followers? He was no celebrity and he didn't like that term, only the Lord should have followers. Still, he had an Instagram account so someone should follow it, right? That flurry of thoughts is interrupted by another flash.
"Wow, perfect man, look at those arms, and those pecs, you look like you're going to burst your shirt. And you should, all those hours spent training just thinking about having a body worthy of admiration. It's a shame to hide that eight-pack but we can take some shirtless pictures later."
Jacob was confused, J.B.'s words echoed in his mind. He knew it wasn't true, it couldn't be. His muscles were the result of hard work... and anyone who saw him in the gym would know that was just the case. Not to mention the strict diet he followed to get all that definition. It was to be admired. No... the lord... the lord had created man in his image and likeness, so when others admired Jacob's body they were also admiring the lord's work.
“Thanks, bro! I hope you're doing a decent job my followers are picky.”
"If you want something better, hire a professional, you asshole. - J.B. replied but with a smile on his face. - Now the loafers, size 14?"
"Yes. Thank you."
"A shame to hide those feet, I know people who would pay a fortune on onlyfans just for the chance to take a look at them..."
"J.B. It's one thing for me to praise the good work the lord done with my body, it's another thing to explore perverts..." - Jacob began, but being again prevented from continuing by a flash of light. Well, he could understand it, his feet were the epitome of masculinity, massive, powerful, like everything else about him. God really did his best when he drew Jacob. And if there were people willing to pay to see that work maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all.
"What were you going to say Jake?"
"That maybe I'll do just that, the lord good work should bear fruit. So, ready for a picture of the full look?"
"Just one more thing, it won't show up in the picture obviously, but I think it suits you perfectly with that whole mane of red hair. - Said J.B. picking up a bottle of Creed Green Irish Tweed perfume and spraying it on his colleague before taking another picture.
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"Let me see. Perfect, but it's hard to go wrong with material like me."
"You're a bundle of vanity, Jake." - commented J.B. mischievously causing the colleague's mind to conflict again.
Vanity was a sin wasn't it? And what he was doing was vanity. Show himself on social media, compare himself to God? What would his parents say about that? What would Gregory say about that?
It was the first time he thought of his brother since he entered that room.
Things between the two were messed up, but he loved his brother, and the feeling of letting him down, betraying him, betraying his beliefs was too much for him. He imagined the expression of rage that his brother would make when he looked at him, his powerful muscles contracted, his nostrils flaring, his perfect face... Lord, Gregory was perfect! And how could he not be if he was exactly like him?
Looking at himself in that mirror in front of him a new feeling invaded him, desire, pure, primal, he wanted to be desired, he wanted to be admired and that was why he envied his brother and his talent on the field. And that was why he would use his own means to achieve that. He would have more and more followers and his parents and brother would have to live with that. And as for the lord, well he had made Jake that way, so let him deal with that too.
"How about we do those shirtless pictures, dude?"
The boys followed father and son along a path known to most of the group, although only half of them had physically entered it. The Crows Club headquarters was practically the same as the last time Jaime had been there. Chadwick senior who hadn't even looked at his son during the journey stared at the boy for a long time as if he evaluated him one last time and again wasn't pleased with what he saw.
"Sit here and wait for me boy." - He said heading to the back of the room, where a red door was waiting for him. Jaime smiled with satisfaction looking at Chad and Mike, who only exchanged a few glances.
"What is that smell?" -Mike asked as if he wanted to change the subject.
"Cinnamon"- Answered Jaime increasing his smile.
"So this is the headquarters of Dalton's most infamous Club? After all the craziness I've seen and heard I expected something more... macabre." - Leonardo said.
"I think your wish will come true very soon." - Jaime replied seeing Chad father return to his son.
"Chadwick, I know you think I don't love you. That's not true. I love you, though... Son you're a Hartfield and there are certain standards a hartfield needs to meet and the truth is you've failed to live up to them. All of them. But you are my son and I want you to know that everything I have done and will do is for you and our lineage. Come with me, son." - He said with a little more affection this time. Guiding his son to the place he had just left. With Jaime and the others following them. But as soon as father and son entered that place the door closed behind them. Jaime went forward trying to open it but it was completely locked.
"Shit, shit, shit! Why bring me here if you're not going to show me anything relevant?" - Jaime shouted into the void.
"Well, maybe now you think of a way to get us out of here..." - Mike started to say but interrupting himself when the screams behind the door started. Loud, penetrating, reminiscent of the whining of a dog that someone was mistreating.
"What did they do to you, man?" - Leonardo asked Chad.
"I already said that I don't remember any of this. But... The transitions I saw were always painless. I don't know what's going on there." - Chad replied, pale as they had never seen him before.
"Still happy with what was done to you?" - Asked Jaime.
"I'm not going to change my mind, Sanchez. Forget it, if that was the price I had to pay to become who I am, so be it."
"Because it wasn't you who felt it, was it? It was that poor guy inside there who had to die for you to be born. I've been thinking about it since you told me that I changed too. I got pissed, because for me like you said that's me, I've always been like this. But I know enough to know that's not true. And I'm still the real me enough to know that life isn't worth living if I have to taking someone's life. That innocent boy inside didn't deserve to go through what he went through, let alone to turn into a piece of shit like you. And the original Jaime doesn't deserve me to take his place either. That's the difference between the two of us."
"A beautiful speech but it doesn't matter at all, I'm here to stay and whoever comes after you wil be too." - Chad replied at the same time that the screams ceased. Shortly after, the door opened again and out came Chad the father, his eyes full of tears, accompanied by the version of Chad they knew hugging his father who was speaking to him at that moment.
"Remember the names son, Michael Jones, Edward Chang, Jonathan Roberts, Jaco..." - Jaime didn't finish listening, as he started to run and cross the half-open door.
"Holy shit!" - That's what escaped his mouth when he saw where he was.
Gregory lay on his back on the massage therapist's table, while her delicate but firm hands worked on the numerous knots of muscular tension in his developed muscles. With his eyes closed and away from his cell phone he didn't see the notification of a new follower on Instagram nor the multiple notifications that appeared afterwards. The reality is that he was lost between the mix of pain and pleasure caused by those skilled hands. He was lost in his own thoughts too. He loved his parents and he loved Jacob and of course he loved the Lord. But that conversation with Eddie had made him realize that he'd enjoyed the only sexual experience he'd ever had and that he wanted more. He knew what his parents and brother would say to that. But there were very good people who followed the Lord's ways and at the same time were sexually active. So why couldn't he do the same?
"Just a moment Mr. Miller, I'll be right back, I'll have a colleague help me with a particularly tough knot."
"A particularly tough knot in a particularly tough man." -Gregory heard Eddie comment apparently from a great distance, so much so that he preferred not to comment. His mind was too busy with more interesting things.
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What he couldn't ignore however was the strong hands that resumed the massage. Hands much bigger than Tatiana's and pressing with much greater intensity taking that mixture of pain and pleasure to new levels.
"What are you thinking about big guy? - Whispered a familiar voice in his ear. - Is in that sinful cheerleader? In What did you do to her?" How you would like to do that again? - continued Eddie hitting the exact spot, both physically and mentally and making Gregory groan with pleasure.
"Ed...ward. Stop...don't..."
"Ah, Greg, don't worry I won't stop. - Eddie replied feeling his hands work on the musculature below as if it were made of clay and he could mold it to his will. - I will continue until you beg me to I go on. And you want me to go on, don't you? You want me to go to other places. - Eddie continued, running his fingers lightly along his colleague's back. Until he reached the limit between them and the butt. - That's what you want. Do you want it?"
"Me? No... not."
"Fine, I'll stop then."
"No...don't stop!"
"But isn't that wrong? Isn't it sinful?" - Provoked Eddie. And Greg knew that was really sinful, he thought about what his brother would say if he knew. But then, fuck what Jacob thought.
"... it is good..."
"Yes it's good, feeling all that attention isn't it? That's why you like the field so much isn't it? All those eyes on you, all that admiration." - Eddie continued, now kissing those firm and muscular glutes. - Turn sideways Greg." - And Greg turned, thinking about the cheering crowd, the pleasure in being admired, idolized... until his thoughts were interrupted when he felt those firm hands around something that only he had touched for years."
"You're a big guy indeed in every way Greg, but there's room for improvement." - Eddie said while making rithmic movements from top to bottom, and even his giant hand had difficulty holding all that circumference.
"Isn't it big? I disagree, and it's getting bigger. And you still haven't told me what you're thinking about. Is it what you think about when you masturbate?" Eddie asked, as Greg felt his cock grow and engorge, passing the size limits to which he had become accustomed. - I bet you masturbate looking in the mirror admiring yourself, a body like that is not easy to resist. - Continued Eddie watching his colleague's pecs get firmer, harder, while his arms his seemed to shrink in size but gain definition with all the fat sucked out of them, then they got bigger again, he didn't know if that was the result of his work or what J.B. was doing with Jacob and frankly he didn't give a damn, his own dick erect behind the shorts he was wearing and dangerously close to Greg's ass. "How much do we have here, big guy? I thought it was like seven inches, but it's a lot more."
"...that's nine.." - In reality it was six, but the other number came to his mind and it seemed to be very real. After all if anyone should know the size of his dick it was him. Him and Jake. He remembered the two of them jerking off together looking at each other at the most beautiful thing they had ever known, and almost came. But at that moment that strong hand released the pressure taking the pleasure with it.
"What the fuck, man!" - He shouted, full of rage and speaking coherently for the first time.
"Turn around." - Eddie replied. And as soon as Greg turned around he began to kiss him in the groin, just above the cock. But the kisses flowed in the opposite direction, towards his abdomen.
"Don't...do this to me...man!"
"What? Give you more pleasure than you've ever felt." - then kissed him again and in the place where his lips touched a small block of muscle appeared - Give you more pleasure than you thought you deserved - another kiss another block - pleasure that you've been denied your whole life - one more kiss, one more block until there were eight perfect blocks on that abdomen and Eddie's mouth was approaching those dense, wide pecs like two slabs of meat. - "What do you think about kissing another man, Greg? Just one more little detour won't hurt, will it? Or is it that you don't care about the path anymore?" - Eddie teased, their lips now almost touching." - Did you ever truly care?"
Of course he cared, of course he believed... but then he felt his mouth invaded by a hot tongue, violent in explorations and bringing with it a heady taste and heightening pleasure again. He forgot the path, forgot his promises, he just wanted more, more of it. But again what he wanted was denied him because that wonderful mouth was gone and the voice that at that moment he loved and hated with the same intensity returned.
"You know what I think you want? You want everything, to be loved, to be admired, to be worshiped as you think you deserve. You want me to do that, don't you?"
"Did he really want that? It was blasphemy. But he was already far from the path, very far... - Do it...- said Greg, his head a whirlwind of images, his parents' disappointed faces... fuck it. -... do it!"
"What? I didn't hear you right." - Eddie said looking at Greg's face, his eyes closed, the expression between ecstasy and agony."
"Do it..." He thought of his brother. In his chaste brother. In his holy brother... Ha, in front of their parents perhaps, Jake was much worse than he would ever be, that depraved stray and his dirty secret jobs!
"I told you I was going to make you beg."
"No what?"
"I'm not going to beg. You can be the king of the mat and have all the attention you want there, including mine. But here, at this time the one who will be admired the one who will be worshiped is me." - Greg said with a totally firm voice holding Eddie by the hair and leading him to his fully erect cock.
"Only today" - replied Eddie before starting to suck.
"Holy Shit" - said Jaime out loud. He was standing in front of what would one day become Dalton. But that was a very embryonic Dalton, still under construction with the walls still unfinished, cables and scaffolding hanging down. It was like seeing the skeleton of an immense animal. And at sunrise, sitting far away on the other side of the clearing was a silhouette, facing towards him but not looking at him.
"Nice move, dumbass. But apparently it didn't work. Where the hell did you bring us this time?" - Asked Mike Jones behind him and when Jaime turned around he saw that Chad and Leonardo were with him.
"Use your fucking head Jones. We're in the exact same place."
"It seems that we are seeing the beginnings of Dalton. And Dalton himself."- Commented Chad.
"That's Dalton Hartfield? How is that possible? - Leonardo asked looking at the motionless figure.
"How is all this possible? But Chad is right. That is Dalton Hartfield. I've seen a picture of him and..."
"Of course I'm right, I'm a Hartfi..."
"...and as I was saying before being interrupted by an asshole in need of self-affirmation I believe we are seeing the exact moment when it all began."
"Are we going to end up with two hotheads?" - Chad asked Mike, causing Jaime to glare at him. - But Sanchez is right. We are seeing the begining of everything.”
"I don't see him doing anything but just sitting there looking at the... AHHHH! Puta que pariu! What the fuck was that?" - Leonardo shouted when something flew past him. Something huge with black wings that landed on Dalton Hartfield's side.
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"A crow. Of course." - Jaime murmured as Chad and Mike nodded in agreement.
"I didn't understand." - Said Leonardo.
"What you don't understand would fill several books, Reis" - Mike Jones prodded.
"Dalton Hartfield's nickname was The Crow, Leonardo. Now pay attention. He's saying something." - Said Jaime.
"...so we have a deal?" - Dalton Hartfield asked to someone or something they couldn't see.
"... we have a deal?” - Cawed the crow passing to the man's shoulder while another identical bird flew towards the man and pecked his eye, plucking it out, to then settle on his other shoulder.
"What the fuck?!” - Leonardo shouted. But the others didn't even answer him this time, perhaps because they shared his astonishment or because a group of workmen was approaching Dalton Hartfield from the opposite direction.
"Gentlemen, there will be no more disturbances, you can resume your work. - And then seeming to look directly at the boys with a bright eye and an empty hollow from which a trickle of blood was still oozing. - You have a contract to fulfill."
And then the crows took flight right in the direction where the boys were.
Jake was admiring himself in one of the living room mirrors after taking several pictures and making some reels and also videos for Tik Tok. He was well on his way to being a successful fitness influencer. He loved listening to the noise of notifications and reading comments from followers, that kind of attention was what made his day, even more so now that some companies were after him for publicity, usually in conjunction with his brother but he didn't care they were hot together and Greg took his advice when it came to handling social media the same way he followed his brother's directions when it came to football. Their parents did not like that kind of exposure initiall, but with the inflow of money that allowed their father's business to expand and modernize and hire workers do to do de heavy work they were willing to turn a blind eye. Of course if they knew where the money really came from, the twins' successful account on onlyfans, might be too much. But what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.
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"A penny for your thoughts." - Said a completely naked J.B. Roberts lying on the comfortable carpet in the living room, where he still hadn't gotten up after the wild sex that the two had done.
"My fees are usually much higher than that. - Jake replied smiling. - I was just thinking that it's past time for us to meet with Eddie and Greg."
"Wish fulfilled." - Answered someone opening the door of the small room. Jake turned and for a moment it looked like he was staring into another mirror. - Did you miss me, brother?" - Greg asked, entering the room followed by Eddie. Both completely naked.
"How did you get here? And like this?" - Jake asked while admiring his brother's perfection, their perfection.
"Tatiana owns the salon and the clothing store. The two rooms communicate so we thought we'd stop by and see how things were going. And it looked like they were very interesting." - Eddie replied with his gaze wandering between the two colleagues.
"Looks like between you too." - J.B. commented completely at ease in that situation. As Greg approached his brother.
"Hello, Brother" - he said with his lips almost touching Jake's.
"Hello Greg."
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"Sorry to interrupt such a beautiful moment of brotherly love but I think we should get dressed and go to Hartfield Manor." - Eddie said.
"Why the rush?" - Greg asked, looking away from his brother but maintaining the proximity between their bodies.
"To make your joining the Crows Club official of course."
"So we are in?" - Greg asked.
"My dear, if your performance is at the same level as your brother's, you entered with flying colors."
"Great - Jake replied while squeezing his brother's firm butt. - So if we're already in how about a four-way celebration before the official announcement?
While four colleagues were amusing themselves in the most sordid ways on the poor Tatiana's shop four others were slowly waking up from a trance-like state at Hartfield Manor. Chad was first followed by Mike. When the two looked in the direction where the still unconscious Jaime and Leonardo were lying Mike asked amazed:
"What does that mean, bro?"
"That Eddie and J.B. completed the work. - Chad replied looking at Jaime Sanchez's massive body, reminiscent in every way of their own. - And that we have an unforeseen event to deal with." - He concluded looking at an equally massive and modified Leonardo Reis.
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zcorners120 · 1 year
Hello, could you please make a part 3 for the shut up and get in story? I loved part 1 and part 2! Maybe that they walk into the paddock and garage together and that those mechanics are shocked that they are together. But if you come up with something else I will be happy with that as well!
yes ! im v happy to see my arthur fics getting recognition, especially shut up & get in, i put loads of effort into them <3 it's been a while since i wrote them so i had to re read them LMAAAOO
arthur leclerc x reader MASTERLIST PART ONE PART TWO
synopsis; your confusing newfound relationship with Arthur has now started to progress further..
Trapped in his embrace, you began to increasingly panic. Maybe if you just pretended to fall asleep for awhile? Or do you just pull out of his grip?
You took the riskier option, having to pull with every muscle and get out of his strong arms. He stirred slightly, the gentle sunlight gracing his relaxed face as he dozed off.
You changed back into your now dry jeans, keeping his shirt on as you spray some deodorant and perfume on that you had in your bag. Slipping down the stairs and into the kitchen you made some breakfast, humming a tune from a shitty song, mixing the eggs in the pan.
"Something smells good." A deep voice announces, accompanied by the steps that it was taking towards you.
Slightly jumping, forgetting it wasn't just you in this incredible house.
"Oh yeah sorry, thought I'd just make us something." You cringed at the thought of this, you 24 hours ago wouldn't of have believed the situation.
He sat opposite on the kitchen island, rubbing his eyes groggily.
"I don't wanna bring this up, but like, sleeping together? What do we make of that?" Stirring the scrambled eggs before stopping, looking up and being met with Arthur's raised eyebrows.
"At least let me eat the eggs first, damn." Witty attitude straight from the morning.
"Not like that, pervert." You flicked a bit of broken egg shell towards him that you hadn't thrown away yet.
Little did you know, that egg shell was about to start war.
You saw the demeanour on his face turn from playful to something serious behind his eyes, but you were a bit too curious to find out.
Turning around with a smirk plastered on your face, thinking you'd finally won against him. Getting the pancake mix ready, you felt something wet and gooey fall on your head, running down the back of your neck.
"You're game."
Splatters everywhere. Ketchup in places it shouldn't be. Equally soaked in milk and runny yolk dripping.
Sat down on the wet floor opposite each other, absolutely beat by your childish activities. Trying to pretend like Arthur didn't pick you up by the waist, screaming when dropped you in a concoction of blueberries, smashed avocado and strawberry jam. Or closing you into the corner of the kitchen, his hot and heavy breath millimetres away from your plump lips, moment ruined by yoghurt falling and saturating your hair.
As you went to shower, for the second time, in Arthur Leclerc's shower, he posted something on his story.
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Agreeing to a peace treaty, you headed to work in Arthur's car again, wearing another one of his tops and a pair of his joggers since he insisted.
Walking through the double doors to the academy together, huge smiles plastered on your faces was truly a sight that had to be seen with your own eyes.
The other mechanics went quiet, slightly in shock to see the two of you walking in late, giddy, and wearing his clothes.
"I thought they hated each other?" One asked his friend, to which his friend shakes his head and replies.
"They're kids. Who knows at this rate?"
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emeritusemeritus · 10 months
Simple really [Weasley Twins x ftm!Reader]
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This work is based off a request I received from @king-of-the-damned-world and it’s been a pleasure writing this for you, sorry again that it has taken so long!
Unfortunately I am not currently taking requests but I am currently working on a few different pieces that should hopefully be uploaded soon.
Title: Simple really.
Pairing: Weasley Twins x Ftm!Reader {Established Relationship}
Timeline: Set around GOF.
Summary: With the Yule Ball around the corner, you must make a choice that could alter your entire life. Do you stay the same and remain unhappy or risk it all to finally find peace?
Warnings: Reader is trans!male (ftm). Contains a little angst and a lot of self reflection. Pronouns change throughout. A little humour, a little fluff and a lot of heartwarming goodness. Mentions of reader wearing a suit. Mentions of gender stereotypes and conforming.
This is my first time writing non-afab reader so please be gentle.
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The walls of Hogwarts had never seemed so dreary to you or less like home than they felt right now. The corridors felt empty and hollow, even filled with people. It was a mild autumn day but it felt like it was mid-winter in your mind, every fibre of your body feeling bleakness all around you. You wanted to crawl into bed, shut the surrounding curtains and disappear but you knew even that wouldn't bring you comfort.
You'd avoided your boyfriends all day most successfully, most of the week really, which wasn't too hard between their shared detentions and your extra curricular activities. George might have been on to something, being the more sensitive of the two, but you were near certain that Fred hadn't even noticed anything was wrong, your efforts of hiding your true feelings paying off, at least for them.
You thought about going to Hagrid's, sharing a cup of tea or distracting yourself with his newest creature he was caring for but you didn't trust yourself not to unleash your inner monologue on him and quite frankly he wasn't the right person to work through your thoughts with. You didn't know who was, never having much experience on the matter except for your own thoughts.
You could talk to your head of house, or Madame Pomfrey, but that seemed too clinical, too unemotional in a time when you felt you needed it.
You sat on the grass, looking down at Hagrid's hut and the outskirts to the forbidden forest, watching as smoke rose from the chimney of his hut, drifting in the gentle breeze until it disappeared high up into the sky. You sighed, looking down at your legs and the wand in your hand, absently twirling it as you wished this could all be fixed with a single wave of said wand.
Your mind felt plagued, completely consumed by your thoughts, by the realisations you'd made and the intoxicated consequences they would have on your life if you sought to decide on the route to take. You were at a metaphorical crossroads in your life and your two options were to stay exactly as you were, on the path that had been created for you by societal expectations and preconceived notions; or you could create your own path, following your heart and deal with the consequences as they come.
The biggest loss would be your boyfriends Fred and George Weasley, the boys you had loved for years, first as friends and then more as your relationship grew. This new path you were forging would jeopardise the relationship in a way that nothing else ever could but was it worth a life of unhappiness and unfulfilment? It wasn't exactly new for you to be consumed by these thoughts but in the past year they'd grown in strength and reoccurrence until the faint inkling turned into assuredness, certainty and faint hope.
You sighed again, knowing what needed to be done.
You dragged yourself to your common room, another pang of discomfort hitting you as you walked to your pre-selected dormitory and threw yourself on your bed, thankful that no one else was there. You pulled out some parchment and your quill and began to write. There was no need to plan what you were trying to say, no thought of perfecting your words or of your penmanship, it was just honest words straight from your brain onto the quickly filled parchment. A rabid determination washed over you as you began writing, unable to stop or slow as you finally put everything you'd known to be true and denied for years plainly on paper for your loved ones to read.
"Whaaaatya doing?" You suddenly hear from behind you and you let out a scream, your body jolting upright in bed at the sudden and unexpected intrusion. George, who watches on, thinks quickly and salvages the ink pot that had spilled with your actions, not one spot of black ink falling into your crafted parchment or bed.
"Merlin you two!" You said, clutching at your chest as you look upon the grinning twins that had essentially broken into your dorm, not for the first time.
"Sorry sweetheart, couldn't resist," Fred smirks, hopping down onto the bed, followed by George who takes a seat with a hint more decorum than his slightly older brother.
"What you got there?" Fred says, nodding his head to the parchment. You suddenly freeze and clam up, not expecting the letters to be read so soon by the intended recipients.
"Potions homework," you say absently, scrambling to move the letter than you'd previously been so proud of.
"He didn't set us any," Fred says, eying you with suspicion before he turns to George in question, "did he?"
George shakes his head slowly in reply and his gaze flickers up to you, a sadness in his eyes as he realises that you were lying to them. Apparently, from the look he was giving you, you'd not quite hidden your mental and physical absence as well as you thought you had.
"What's going on darling?" He asks, cutting through the bullshit. It's now or never. You take one last look at them, their long gorgeous hair and the freckles, trying to remember them like this, just how you loved them. You took a deep breath and stare at your  slightly shaking hands, suddenly not knowing any way to explain yourself.
"Are you breaking up with us?" Fred asks quickly, his nervousness evident in his voice.
Your eyes shoot up to his quickly, as if offended by the notion and splutter out a reply that really doesn't help your case.
"No! Merlin no, I, maybe? I don't want to."
"Glad we got that cleared up," George says bitterly, though there's no trace of humour in his voice.
"It's not, you, it's," you begin to say, unable to meet their eyes. "I want to be with you both but you won't want me anymore."
"That's ridiculous," they say at the same time, protesting your words almost instantly. You sigh, picking at the blanket beneath you.
"I just, here," you say suddenly, thrusting the barely dried parchment onto George's lap and lingering for only a second before you run off, out of the dormitory and out of the common room.
Somehow, they find you a few hours later, curled up in the astronomy tower, fighting off the cold that you had not anticipated in your hurry. You caught sight of the Marauders map hanging out of Fred’s pocket and realised that they’d either borrowed it from Harry or had momentarily stolen it from him, seeking you out.
"Here he is," Fred says, catching sight of you and gesturing for his twin to join you as he smiles down at your crouched figure. His words make you freeze, shocked at the pronoun he used, so nonchalantly that is blindsides you.
"We read your letter," George says, crouching down beside you, followed only moments later by his twin.
"All of this over a dress?" Fred says, smirking at you as if nothing was wrong.
"Well not really," you mumble, worried that they'd taken everything the wrong way, not taking it seriously enough.
"Well no," Fred admits, reaching out for your hand, "why didn't you just talk to us?"
"Because you wouldn't want me anymore," you said in a quiet voice, your tone blunt as if it was obvious. You were trying so hard not to cry, pushing down every urge as you faced your problems head on.
"Who told you that?" George says, outraged at the notion.
"No one?" You say unconvincingly, even though it was the truth.
"Sweetheart," Fred says, pausing and looking up to you with hesitation, "do you still want to be called that?"
You nod slowly, still unsure of where the conversation was going.
"I know this is a big thing for you, it's a big thing for all of us, and rightly so, but it doesn't change how we feel," he says, a smile tugging at the side of his mouth, as if he's trying to show you that it really is okay.
"Yeah," George says from beside him, "you're still ours, just with a few different pronouns."
You're silent for a moment, shocked as you take in their words until a huff of laughter escapes you.
"You're really okay with it? You still want to be with me?"
They share a look between each other, identical devious smiles on their faces.
"A few questions," Fred says, suddenly rather serious. You nod instantly, having anticipated this.
"Have you had a brain injury in the past 24 hours?"
"Eh?" You ask, suddenly feeling very vulnerable.
"I ask, you answer," he smirks with a shrug. You shake your head. “Not fell off a broom or from a high ledge?” Once again you shake your head, still reeling with confusion.
"Have you been put under the imperius curse? Blink twice for yes," George says, an identical expression on his face. You blink once, with a frown and shake your head.
"Are you really someone else pretending to be our love, using Polyjuice potion to trick us?"
“Prove it, one thing about me and Georgie that no one else would know,” Fred says, egging you on with a grin and a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Uh, George has a freckle on his left rib and you have a mark on your left bumcheek,” you say, squinting up at them, not quite believing that those exact words were tumbling out of your mouth.
"Then that's sorted," George says, as if it's that simple. "We might need reminding sometimes, old habits and all that but nothing will really change, not between us at least."
"We love you, male or female, simple really."
The night of the Yule Ball had finally come and you were a bundle of nerves as you fiddled with the buttons on your suit.
It was ironic really that your whole life had turned upside down but you'd landed exactly the right way up, never happier now that you could be exactly who you'd always been, who you knew you really were inside.
The idea of having to wear a dress, to conform to the social pressures that came along with your birth assigned gender was the catalyst to all of this, the turning point that you couldn't go back from. As you looked in the mirror and saw the man you had always been inside reflected in the mirror, a tear came to your eye.
"You look perfect, love," George says moving to stand behind you. He towers over you as usual and you can't help but think of how devastatingly handsome he looks, the colours of his waistcoat and dress robes contrasting perfectly with his flaming hair.
"You both look so handsome," you say, reaching out for them both as Fred steps closer to you, his suit matching George's and complimenting your own.
"Out the way, three handsome gentlemen coming through!" Fred says, barging past the crowd as he leads you by the hand into the hall, George attached to your other hand as you navigate the crowd together.
“Yeah coming through! He’s all ours, everyone put your eyes back in your head and avert them!” George shouts, shooting you a wink.
Your smile shines brighter than every candle in the hall combined as you make your grand entrance, finally at peace with yourself and the world around you.
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bobbydagen24 · 3 months
going back to my Peppy Dies idea for a Future film what would you think if the movie did legit have Poppy forgive the Villain who killed Peppy? or at least let them off the Hook in the end?
links above if your not caught up lol anyway
I talked before about how in this story idea there would be two ways of resolving the conflict either of which I feel would work in making Poppy's character stronger
either having her finally admit some of her morals and beliefs can't always work and sometimes some people do just need to be stopped with force and can't be redeemed or talked around.
or having her still stick to her ideals even after her dads death and trying to make peace with the villains Despite what they did and
tbh given this is Trolls I could kinda imagine them most likely going with the second option and maybe going all the way with the Forgiveness message
and even if the main villain of a story did legit kill Peppy Poppy would still Decide to forgive them and they'd even be let off the Hook in the end.
not only for her own peace of mind but also maybe just as a choice of her putting the Village first if this villain has their own community that they'd have to fight in order to get to them.
so she'd still actively try and choose the most peaceful option for everyone even if it meant having to let something as big as this go and move on with her life anyway.
and tbh I actually wouldn't mind that my problem with Poppy isn't her character's beliefs my problem is it doesn't really feel like she's had them properly tested and thus feels less admirable for lack of a better word.
her being kind and bubbly and constantly preaching to other people about giving second chances and family being important even if it isn't perfect and violence not being the answer.
are on the surface noble Traits for a character to have but imo its weakened a lot by her not actually having been properly challenged on these ideals.
instead it always seems to be people around her who have to go through the harsh extremes and still decide to maintain these values
like all the people Barb enslaved and who's homes she destroyed having to be cool with her roaming free at the end of the second movie and the Pop Queen buddying up to her.
or Branch having to go through everything he did with his family and despite their crappy behaviour in present day still decide to uphold poppy's values of family always being worth it even if they have major flaws.
Poppy herself preaches about stuff like this while never actually being the one Tested in the films
Viva was meant to be a test for her the writers literally said this but that doesn't really work imo
because frankly it isn't strong enough Viva had problems that were neither of their faults and honestly didn't effect Poppy that much
since she obviously would have just come back for her after they had saved Floyd anyway so their separation was only ever going to be temporary
even if Viva hadn't gotten over her decades long fear to come and help Poppy in the end so that wasn't really a test of Poppy's values at all tbh.
so yeah I feel this or something like this would work well in making Poppy a stronger character even if some people would say it would just be another example of Trolls being too forgiving of villains.
which it would to be fair but at least in this instance it would actually be character focused
unlike with Barb or Crimp getting let off the Hook in the past for no real Thematic or character Driven Reason.
what do you think about this idea? you can be Brutally Honest I Don't mind 😂😂😂😂
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pyrrhicraven · 3 months
The fic ships are walked in on while they’re kissing - who walked in and how do they react?
Anakin flipped out, how dare Count Dooku touch Obi-Wan! He threw himself into the room and darted straight for them, both pushing away from one another as Anakin moved to activate his lightsaber to slash at Dooku.
"Anakin no!" Obi-Wan shouted, reminding him of the terrible day that Dooku cut his arm off. That panicked voice the terror on Obi-Wan's face.
"How kriffing dare you!" Anakin roared but then suddenly he was being pushed away from them, his back colliding painfully with the ground.
"Anakin!" Obi-Wan shouted harshly, standing in front of Dooku who was saying something in a hissing tone, probably trying to turn Obi-Wan against him like he was always trying!
"Why are you protecting him! He's just trying to turn you!" Obi-Wan looked hesitant at that comment, his eyes straying away from Anakin. Dooku placed a hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder, whispering still in his ear. Anakin vibrated ready to attack but far too aware that Obi-Wan was in the way…
"He's not what you think he is Anakin please, trust me if you can't trust him." Trust-he would never in a million years trust Dooku!
💚👻💚👻💚 Vlad/Danny💚👻💚👻💚
Danny's heart lept into his throat as the door was slammed open while he was mid kiss with Vlad who jumped away from him they both turned and found his father Jack staring at them a little confused but then just continued to rant about whatever he was on now, Slinging an arm around Vlad’s shoulders and dragging him out the door to Vlad's protests.
Danny followed, hoping that somehow his father hadn't actually caught them before they were ready to tell his folks… Jack set Vlad on some science thing and strolled up to him with a smile, leading him from the room and into the office his mother had insisted on. Waiting for Danny to settle into the single chair in the room before scaring the daylights out of him with a simple question, his father’s voice was lower than normal, but he didn't sound mad just… Curious? "How long have you and Vlad been seeing each other?" how did he answer that? Because they didn't agree on that themselves.
"I'd say about a month, Vlad says otherwise." Jack sighed and sat on the corner of the desk, eyes roaming over Danny.
"It's completely consensual?" Danny flushed because yeah, Vlad hadn't forced him or anything.
"Yeah? I think so?" They still hadn't told his folks that Vlad was halfa either…They had accepted him as phantom but honestly, he hadn't hurt them or embarrassed them in that form. Vlad was nervous about telling them either thing not that he blamed him, Danny was just as nervous and worried still that this could just be Vlad's obsession still somehow even though it had seemed to change when his did.
"Well good, I would hate to have to bury my old friend." Danny snorted because Vlad would say Jack kind of did already.
💚❤️💚❤️💚 Bowser froze as he noticed something not good, Luigi still oblivious to the fact that his brother and princess Peach had caught them kissing.
"Well now I know how that would work." Peach said dryly and Luigi sprang away from him, face cherry red. He turned and let out a squeak at the sight of his brother and the princess.
"I didn't want to see that. Yuck." Mario said with a nervous laugh, Bowser frowned because that wasn't…Luigi would be devastated by that comment, that Mario wouldn't want them to see each other even though they truly cared for each other. Or was it just the kissing part? Could Mario be okay with a former enemy who had just signed a peace treaty dating his brother? Could Luigi be alright with his brother’s disapproval?
"Mario." Luigi sounded terrified and how could he blame Luigi? This wasn't how either of them had wanted these two to find out.
"Bro what are you doing? I know he's not an enemy anymore but seriously you could do so much better." Bowser snorted at the same time as Peach did, well. That was interesting in his opinion, maybe she'd be better about it or just holding in what she really wanted to say till she could yell at either of them in private.
"I never judged you on any of the people you dated even when I didn't like them." Luigi said in a soft voice, hands clutching the front of his overalls, eyes downcast and Mario frowned at the comment.
"You aren't dating though." They were. They had been for a week, just biding their time when they both weren't busy so they could tell these two. That was out the window now, and honestly, he wasn't sure what was about to happen but given the scent of ozone in the air…Luigi was upset, his lightening reacting to his emotions.
The half glance in his direction gave Bowser a shiver through his shell because that was a determined look on his boyfriend’s face, he gave a small nod. Knowing exactly what Luigi was asking permission for. “We are dating Mario; we have been for a while now-that was the reason I asked you and Peach to come here-I just didn’t expect you to get here so fast.” They had thought they had at least ten more minutes for them to show up-that was their first mistake. The second was that they thought they could get away with a last second kiss. “What did you do to my brother?” Mario said with a glare and Bowser snorted because what did he do?
“I treated him with respect and apologized to him for all the stuff I did to him personally.” Unlike those bastard toads who scoffed and insulted him with every chance they got, basically any time Luigi was without Mario. Didn’t the so-called hero even notice how sad his brother could be some days? How alone Luigi had been surrounded by toads that hated him? The only breath of fresh air for Luigi had been toadette, and they rarely got to see each other.
Mario scoffed at his words, but Bowser was speaking the truth no matter how blind Mario wanted to be about his brother’s life. Peach stepped forward, she looked tranquil, but he knew better. Bowser was more than aware how harsh she could be some days. She moved to Luigi taking his hands in hers, from his angle he couldn’t see much more than her taking his hands from his clothes and holding them, their words too quiet even for his hearing.
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albywritesfiction · 10 months
Ædan Route Thoughts
Honestly, I'm torn on the idea of an Ædan route.
I think he's possibly the most interesting character, for being so obviously flawed and caught up in the snowballing consequences of his own actions (see: the audience practically chomping at the bit to analyse him haha). Like, this wouldn't have happened if teen!Ædan hadn't decided to lie to tween!MC about liking them and keeping up the lie for a decade. But you can see how the dummy got to that point considering his complex around arranged marriages. Also - pathetic pretty boy, y'know?
But I like that Ædan isn't in love with MC. MC could be the most attractive, most talented, perfect fiance ever and Ædan is not obligated to fall in love with MC. Maybe that goes against OI power-fantasy rules, but a drop of realism might make things sweeter? I mean, it seems like when/if Ædan discovers Helene's true nature he might start pining after what could have been with MC anyways, but I want him to stay uninterested in MC for as long as possible.
I'm aro, and sometimes I'm uncomfy with how some anons talk about Ædan. Like, a vibe of "how dare Ædan not be in love with MC. He deserves suffering and heartbreak!" I mention this because I don't think I'd be as sympathetic to Ædan if I weren't aro, and couldn't relate HEAVY to trying to manage other people's feeling for you to keep the peace. Ædan is a shit-bag cuz he's a liar that lead MC on and has chosen to massively destabilise the kingdom for selfish personal reasons, not cuz he won't fall in love with MC! Idk, I feel really defensive about Ædan right to not fall in love (again, Ædan is so compelling for so many different reasons haha)
TL:DR: an Ædan route would fascinate me, i'd eat it up. But I like no-Ædan route cuz sometimes love is unrequited and that's okay
Hello Anon!
I’d just like to start by saying that I really liked your ask, because it has insights that I haven’t received before 😊 Like this part:
But I like that Ædan isn't in love with MC. MC could be the most attractive, most talented, perfect fiance ever and Ædan is not obligated to fall in love with MC. Maybe that goes against OI power-fantasy rules, but a drop of realism might make things sweeter?
I'm aro, and sometimes I'm uncomfy with how some anons talk about Ædan. Like, a vibe of "how dare Ædan not be in love with MC. He deserves suffering and heartbreak!"
Ohh, I’m so sorry if any of my responses to such asks have also made you (and anyone else who feels similarly) uncomfy, I’ll be more mindful of my responses in the future so as to avoid repeating my mistakes 🥺
Ædan is a shit-bag cuz he's a liar that lead MC on and has chosen to massively destabilise the kingdom for selfish personal reasons, not cuz he won't fall in love with MC!
Oh yeah, I 100% agree with this, Anon! It’s why I (to the best of my recollection) didn’t condemn Ædan for his feelings and say that he was a douchebag for not loving MC (because he has the right to love/not love whoever he ends up loving/not loving, as do we all), but he is kind of a douchebag because of how he handled everything, but he’s also kind of an understandable douchebag. Even the whole revenge thing is just in response to what MC views as years of betrayal because Ædan still actively lead them on, even though he knows how much MC loved him and how hard MC worked to become the most perfect consort for him, instead of revealing everything earlier on when he first realized his feelings for Helene.
Like, I’ve personally never wanted to seek revenge on the people I’ve had an unrequited crush on just because they didn’t like me back 😅 (maybe because they’ve all been way too out of my league in my eyes so I’ve always been like, they’re so amazing why would they ever like me 😅)
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
Since you did a James HC post, do you have any Lily headcanons?
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Lilyyyy. Let's get right into it, sorry for the delay loves.
Kind. Incredibly kind. She would help a younger student in need, and always give friends and foes alike the benefit of the doubt. She wanted to see the good in people.
Part of her internal struggle, when she grew up, was grappling with the evils of the world. There are people who are truly evil, who want to see you hurt or dead just because of who you are. This painful realisation ultimately made her steely, stronger.
Short-tempered. She would get irritated, yell, even hex, very quickly, but it would also pass very quickly. She wasn't rancorous.
This is also why she didn't make peace with Severus even after he apologised. If she had just been angry about him calling her a Mudblood, she would have probably forgiven him. No, it was the realization, like we see in that scene outside the Fat Lady's portrait, that they had become fundamentally different people. They didn't share the same values, they didn't see the world in the same way.
And since she was a woman of principle, she couldn't accept being a Death Eater's “exception to the rule”.
She was popular but had few real friends. She didn't have the life-changing friendships James had (better yet, she did in Severus, but we all know how that went), so when they got together, his friends basically became her friends too.
She got on well with the Marauders, Remus most of all.
Still, I find it a bit sad (personally).
She probably had very cordial, even good relationships with the Gryffindor girls in her year, but it was the kind of friendship that dies down after school.
Good grades, but she also studied a lot. She wasn't naturally talented like Sirius or James, she earned every single success (and she had many, academically speaking).
Remus' study buddy in their last few years.
Very good at Potions, which was also her favourite subject. I think she would have grown up to work in the field if she had been given the chance.
Also a skilful duellist.
Idk if Hogwarts had a little student-run newspaper at the time, but if it did, Lily definitely wrote some very pro-Muggle articles in there. It got her more than some harassment from the Slytherins.
She grew up in a lower to middle-class background. She wasn't dirt poor like the Snapes were, but she wasn't by any means rich. She grew up with some of Petunia's hand-me-downs and listened to her parents' relief when they heard they wouldn't have to send her to university. This gave her an appreciation for money that James didn't have.
She wasn't superficial by any means, but as a teenage girl, it must have been wonderful to have a boy buy you gifts (even expensive ones for their age) and take you out on “fancy” dates.
Loved being a witch, used magic even for the most minuscule things, but was very proud of her Muggleborn heritage.
Had she lived, she would have loved Hermione. “Mudblood and proud of it!” is something I can see Lily saying.
Unlike Hermione, she wasn't a SJW-type. I don't see her as someone actively fighting for house-elf rights, for example. I can vividly picture a conversation between her and Hermione that goes a bit like some conversations between young feminist girls and their (still feminist) grandmothers when you try to explain intersectionality or something of the sort.
Bonded with Sirius over their shitty siblings.
James was her one and only boyfriend. She had crushes before, maybe even kissed a couple of guys, but she was one of those girls who just didn't have time for boys.
This being said, her crush on James Potter started way before seventh year. He was charming, popular, good with a snitch, funny. However, her dislike for him was absolutely genuine. She liked him but she would have never given him the time of day hadn't he changed.
She never hated Severus. Even years after they were no longer friends, the thought of him aroused more pain than anger. And I do think that, had she survived Voldemort's attack, she would have eventually forgiven him and patched things up with him (although it is my firm belief that things wouldn't have gone back to what they were).
Not even on her part. She wouldn't have fallen in love with him or anything, but he was one of the few things that was hers before it was her and James'. It was one of the things that connected her to her childhood, that sense of lost youth that we so often seek to find again when we grow up. No, had Lily lived, Severus wouldn't have seen her the way he did in canon. He was directly responsible for her death and spent his life crushed by that guilt. Whether you liked them romantically or platonically, being responsible for another person's murder shifts your whole world. If she had lived, he wouldn't have put her on a pedestal and she likely wouldn't have remained the most important person of his life even years after her death.
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ask-sibverse · 1 year
Prompt: hiking date with Killer (As much fun as explicitly diabetic related situations are, it's nice to do some things where the main focus isn't diabetes. I do have another diabetes focused drabble planned, but for now, fluff! Mostly.) Set in the same version of things as this
TW: violent intrusive thoughts
(Like this? Want more? Send a prompt!)
Cgm, check. Pump set to activity mode (one of the author's favorite damn settings about the Omnipod), check. A boatload of granola bars and other low blood sugar snacks to shove in your inventory, check. Plenty of water? Got it.
"I think I'm ready," you said.
Killer had suddenly texted you that he's taking you on a hike, before immediately backtracking and asking if it was too much with your diabetes. You tried to resist the urge to smack him as you reminded him you swim regularly in the summer and did martial arts several times a week for years. You know how to balance diabetes and exercise.
So here you were now and hour later about to go on a date with Killer. Was it a date? He hadn't called it one. It could just be a friendly, platonic outing. You shouldn't make things weird.
But you were ready to go, either way. You walked out of your room to find Killer on the couch with your cat. Cats are tiny hunters and Killer is, well... Yeah. So it didn't really surprise you that he got along great with your cat. Said cat was currently purring in his lap.
"I'm ready to go."
"I'm trapped, go on without meeeee."
You stared at him. "I don't even know where we're supposed to be hiking."
"Oh yeah. But the caaaaat."
You snorted and scooped up your cat. He meowed in complaint but let you move him off the murder skeleton. "Lets get going, shall we?"
He nodded eagerly. "You ever been to Mount Ebbott?"
"No, I don't think I have."
"Its not too horrible a hike, and the view is great from the entrance to the Underground."
"Okay, let me get my car keys."
"Why bother? You've got someone with you who can teleport."
"I keep forgetting that."
Killer snorted and extended his hand. "Hang on tight."
Shortcuts were sometimes more disorienting than portals. Portals you at least were passing through something to get from point A to point B, shortcuts you were one place and then you blinked and were somewhere else. So to suddenly be in the woods at the base of Mt Ebbott took a moment for your mind to catch up with.
Killer started dragging you up the path as soon as you collected yourself. It was a beautiful, sunny day. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and it was just the two of you on the mountain.
"Is it usually this peaceful?" You asked. "I don't think anyone is up here."
"Depends on the AU, and the time of year," Killer said. "But yeah, no one but us here right now." He paused. It seemed like thoughts were running through his mind. "I could do anything to you, and no one would know."
"I wouldn't, I promise!"
You sighed. "What's going through your head?"
"... That no one would hear you scream. That I could chase you through the woods and kill you, watch my knives make you into a pincushion and no one would find out until it was too late. But I won't do that, promise!"
You put a hand on his shoulder. "Do we need to go back? It sounds like your mind is getting to you."
"No! Ill be fine, I want to show you the view from the top!"
"Alright, I trust you."
So you filled the silence to give him a distraction. Talking about your hobbies and cats, asking what he and the gang had been up to. It seemed to work, at least to distract him if it didn't fix things. You almost didn't notice the entrance to the Underground until you were about to fall in, Killer having to grab you by the collar of your jacket.
"Don't fall in. You're not a Frisk." he snorted. You stuck your tongue out before turning.
The view took your breath away. You could see all of Ebott City from here and the surrounding valley. You could imagine how incredible it must feel to see this for the first time after centuries kept underground.
"This is..."
"Incredible, yeah. I saw it a few times before my human really lost it."
You squeezed his hand gently. "I hope Chara doesn't reset here, I'd hate for everyone to lose this." Especially your friends
"Eh, who knows." He shrugged. "Don't have a high opinion of most of those brats. Or humans in general."
"What about me?"
"You're... Different. Special."
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I wanted to complain about an old guy I meet from time to time in a park but it turned out to be a pretty long story. So if you want to read about how being polite to a stranger led up to me actively changing my routine to avoid him, keep reading.
I started going to a park for my lunch break almost two years ago (that is, when it was nice outside) to eat and listen to a podcast or read. An old guy started wishing me to enjoy my meal and it felt weid - it's not really normal to talk to strangers here - but I thought "oh well, it's an old guy, he probably wants to be nice and doesn't have people to talk to". So I just smiled and thanked. Then after couple of days he started asking me what am I eating and then he started talking to me about other things too. I understood from what he was saying that he is pretty rich - he was recommending me some rice that costs like 10 times what I'm usually paying for rice and he kept talking about how his son went to uni in the US. Usually he talked to me only for a couple minutes but still, I was kind of bothered because I wanted to sit in peace and enjoy my podcast or book, not to talk to a stranger. But I was trying not to be rude to an old person. I was glad when it was cold outside again, that meant I'm staying in my office and can read in peace.
When I started going out the next year, I had a couple of months of peace. But then in the summer I stumbled upon him when I was entering the park. I hadn't seen him for so long that I didn't mind meeting him, I smiled politely and greeted him as I walked by. He started asking me questions and even though I wanted to leave many times, he ended up talking to me my whole lunch break.
And that was when I started getting really uncomfortable talking to him. During that conversation, he: - asked me for my number (saying we could message every day in English to practice) - asked me out for coffee - gave me compliments about my outfit and tell me I'm not dressing like "other women" but in a way he, "an old-school guy" likes it. I told him I very much dress like other women. - "jokingly" suggested I travel with him to Dubai because he's sure I'd appreciate the art gallery there. He complained how hard it is to find people who like art to travel with him and that he meets a lot of gold diggers. He told me he's sure I'm not one. I should note, he knows I have a partner. - told me he studied psychology back in the day, among other things, and that he's sure I'm a very sweet, positive and optimistic, smiling all the time. I told him he couldn't be more wrong. It's funny how he thinks he can see "the real me" when I'm just being polite to an old man I don't know. - walked me back to my place of work (uncomfortable and scary) - told me I shouldn't go out in the sun because I have such a lovely fair skin.
So since that conversation he's been giving me the ick. And I started wishing I wouldn't meet him and actively tried avoiding it. I started going to a different part of the park and just generally switching the places I used to sit at. After a couple of weeks I met him again. I was reading, he interrupted me and said how happy he was to see me and that he's been afraid I've been avoiding him. "Well I'm just sitting where there is a free spot," I said with a polite smile. I lied. I should've been honest but I lied. "I hope I'm not interrupting," he said. I pointed at my book and said "well, I'm reading..." He kept talking to me and at the end of our conversation said I look angry and that he'll let me go on with my reading. Because this time I wasn't smiling politely the whole time.
I don't like talking to him, I never have. But in trying to be polite to a stranger, who is an older person too, I failed to stand for myself and set boundaries. And I know how stupid and just generally bad that is. I shouldn't be forced to change my habits and what I want to do because I'm afraid I'd meet that guy. But I just don't want to confront him. And I don't want to see him. So my best option was to avoid him.
It's february now but I started going to the park again, just to walk around and stretch my legs. Two times now I've seen him from afar before I went into the park and both times I nearly got an heart attack and turned around as fast and I could and just tried to disappear without him seeing me. I suspect he did see me today, but I hope he didn't recognise me. What I'll do in the summer I don't know. Maybe I'll learn to stand up for myself.
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