#you’d think summer clothes is an easy topic
batfam-nalu-onepiece · 10 months
Teaching in Gotham is hard
Teacher: Ok everyone, what do we wear in the summer?
Kindergartener: *raising hand enthusiastically* Snow pants!
Teacher: no dear. It doesn’t snow in the summer, it’s too hot!
Kid: but..It was snowing this summer for like 4 days!
Teacher: *thinking back how Me.Freeze tried to make an everlasting Winter in Gotham last Summer* well.. that was a special situation.
Another kid: *raising their hand* Gas masks!
Teacher: *Joker Gas and Fear Toxin always a threat and keeps a gas mask in her bag* umm that’s not mainly for summer though. You can have gas masks all year round.
Kid 3: oh! My mommy and daddy have gardening gloves and belts with weed killer stuff on it!
Teacher: Good! Lots of people do gardening in the summer! What do your parents grow?
Kid 3: oh they don’t grow anything. It’s for when those plants come alive and take over the city. There are vines and cool flowers all over the house! Mommy doesn’t like them though. So they need to get their tools to get rid of them
Teacher: *under her breath* god damnit Gotham.
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bellewintersroe · 8 months
Another idea I would love to see you write (and it doesn't have to be NSFW if it makes you uncomfortable) is Malarkey, Babe, Chuck, Shifty, Winters (and anyone else you want to write) reactions to seeing all the various scars you received during the war for the first time. The scars can be wherever on the body you want to put them and the injuries that caused them can be different for each guy if you want; I will leave that to your creativity and discretion. I would just find it interesting to see how you think they'd react bc, while injuries during the war became probably a daily occurrence for the men that they've grown accustomed to, you're technically not a man and how could you have gotten hurt?
ugh I absolutely love this request it’s so creative, thank you sm!! I hope it’s what you were picturing, if not feel free to request another :) i’m comfortable writing NSFW but for this request I haven’t gone too crazy, but there is some mentions of potential smut? I can also understand how the topic of scars should be a TW- but no mentions of any self inflicted scars. Easy Boys reaction to seeing your scars:
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Dick Winters:
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I think he’d probably notice the small, circular scar on the back of your lower hip during seggsy time.
he wouldn’t point it out, seeing as that seemed rude and a bit off putting mid activity- especially seeing as it was one of the first times the two of you sleep together.
it’s afterwards that you’re cuddling when his hand travels down, “how did you get this?”
“oh, that scar?” You’d begin to laugh, leaving him a little confused. “Accidental cigarette burn from a guy I was treating in Normandy.”
Dick is a little confused, you seem so amused so he’s following along with a smile but it’s the most confusing thing ever.
what actually happened is pretty lighthearted, you were treating a wounded guy in the infirmary in Normandy, and well, his eyes were bandaged up and accidentally mistook you for the ash tray?
a pretty funny story, it burnt at the time, but you don’t mind the small scar, in fact it’s even amusing to you. Dick doesn’t notice it often, but when he remembers the story you told him he’d smile every single time he’d see it again.
Babe Heffron:
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In Austria you’re wearing your summer uniform/ clothes, things are more relaxed, and so when your top falls down your collarbone the slightest bit, you don’t think anything of it.
“Wha- hey! How’d you get that?!” That was until a certain Babe Heffron chimed up, sounding overwhelmingly concerned, eyes focused on your upper chest.
“What?” At first you’d cover it up, unconsciously before even realising what he’d seen.
he’d hurry over, taking a peak to sigh with relief when he realised it was an older scar.
“Babe.” You’d grumble, pulling your top further up out of embarrassment.
“Oh, hey- no, don’t be upset, I was just worried thas all. It’s not everyday I see a lady with a scar, y’know.” His hand would smooth down your arm, worried he’d offended you, but he’s so sweet, how could you ever be upset at Babe?
“It’s from Bastogne, right?” Unlike the other men (apart from Gene) Babe would probably recognise where it was from.
“The bombing at the church, yeah.”
“I like it, looks cool.” He’d be so honest and genuine, at first I think you’d be a little shy, but Babe finds it so unique, and well- it makes you you.
the major downfall however is that you obviously got hurt, resulting in this scar. He can’t bare the idea of you hurt, it sends a chill through to his bone.
Chuck Grant:
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Chuck is no stranger to scars especially after the war, so when he notices you’ve got a couple littered around your leg he doesn’t point them out due to knowing how sensitive that topic can be.
theyre white and faded now, only small, but I feel like Chuck would probably recognise they’re from Bastogne- like he’s seen the wounds the splintered trees cause, he figured it would be something like that.
in reality they were a present from Haguenau. An exploded building left your leg semi trapped, luckily not broke, but it hurt like a bitch and left you with the constant reminder of the pain.
You’d tell him one day after a shower, when you caught him looking at them. “I know they’re ugly.” You’d wince, conscious.
“Ugly? No, c’mere, babe.” He’d pull you into his lap, hand on your thigh as he kisses you so tenderly.
“Nothin’ about you could ever be ugly, doll.” Ugh he’d be sooo sweet and kind, reassuring you in the best way possible whilst accidentally seducing you.
Shifty Powers:
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Too cute omg, he wouldn’t even really notice too much, I mean everybody has scars. You’d lay and night and he’d caress your skin, not caring if there was a scar or two littered around your shoulder.
“How’d ya’ get this?” He’d ask softly when the two of you were both falling asleep.
“Nothin’ exciting, I was playing around in the water when we were in Austria and caught my shoulder on the pier gettin’ out the water. I wish it was a better story.”
Shifty would find it so amusing because only you would wish you had a better story to tell about a scar. The rest on your body are from your childhood, Shifty would love hearing the stories that come along with each scar.
Eugene Roe:
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Unlike some of the men I think Gene would’ve actually been there when you got injured.
you’re a woman, part of the medic team, a field nurse really which is attached to easy company, so you’re close to the men, especially Gene, throughout the war.
Gene would still remember vividly the day you got hit, how he failed to protect you, cover you. A sniper came out of nowhere, catching you in the shoulder. Gene can only imagine the bullet was meant for him and not you.
He’s the one that patched you up to the best of his abilities, it’s one thing treating a man, but to be treating a girl? Especially one he liked- well his hands were shaking and he was reassuring you non stop.
the scar left was only small, luckily there was no complications and you got lucky and could get back to work real quick.
Every time Eugene notices the scar it reminds him of what happened to you. At first he wouldn’t talk about it. Then, slowly you get it out of him and he’s so soft with you.
“I just don’t know what I woulda’ done.” He’d sigh, burrowing his face in your neck/ chest pressing kisses to your skin.
“Well you don’t have to think that, cos I’m still here with you now, Gene.”
Don Malarkey:
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Don would actually notice the fresh scar on leg during Haguenau when you were rolling your socks up, he gets a peak at the flesh on your calf.
“Woah, that looks nasty, how’d you get that?” He comes and sits behind you, waiting for you to turn around.
“Fuckin’ tripped and fell, Malark. Out of everything that coulda happened to me I got this from falling over.”
Malark is more concerned about your wellbeing but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t break a smile.
“That’s just your luck.” He’d smile, rubbing your leg gently to check if it hurt. “You’re ok now though? So you don’t need carrying around everywhere?”
“I wouldn’t object to that…”
No but seriously, Don is a massive sweetheart, he probably would carry you around Austria just for the fun of it, he still blames it on your ‘cut leg’ that he needs to do that.
in reality he’s just flirting with you and knows it’s super easy for you to kiss him whilst he’s holding you like that.
Lewis Nixon:
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“What’d you do?” He’d ask as soon as he saw it, running his hand back against your hair, revealing a kinda small scar placed near your hairline.
it’s early in the morning, the two of you are lounging in bed with a cup of tea or coffee, preparing to have a lazy day.
“Oh, it’s from running Currahee, I face-palmed the floor.”
“Ouch, what did Sobel say?”
“thank god he wasn’t there to see it. I got a matching one on my knee too, from the same fall.” You’d pull out your bare leg from the covers and he’d purposefully slide his hand up your thigh, then over the scar on your knee.
“Nice. Battle scars.” He smirked, teasing and pulling your leg over his to give him a cuddle.
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tthatsonme · 1 month
by molly
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_ As summer slowly but surely creeps into fall, you feel nothing but comfort surrounding the topic, you feel completely immune to seasonal affective disorder (depression when the seasons change) because you love seeing the world turn from green to orange to white and blue, life feels more and more comfortable as fall arrives and the summer gets cooler and cooler, your life feels how the songs Roslyn by Bon Iver and St. Vincent, Waste by KxllSwxtch, Cardigan by Taylor Swift, Master of None by Beach House, Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood, and Possibility by Lykke Li sound, your life and world seems to be shifting into your desired lens colour from the movies, the weather changes when it’s fall to always be rainy, darker, and foggier, your life feels extremely nostalgic like the Twilight movies and it almost feels like it’s 2008-2012 again, no matter what or where your life or what your environment is like; life feels nostalgic again and like the Twilight movies have come to life.
_ Now only is your soul beautiful but your physically beautiful too, you’re just like a vampire with the way that you’ll probably never look older physically, and when the time comes where you do start to look older physically you still look as beautiful as you were when you were younger, even when you get wrinkles or grey or white hair you don’t feel the need to get fillers or dye your hair or anything because of how beautiful you’d look naturally, as of right now you think that you’re beautiful or handsome, you have no insecurities when it comes to looks or your body because even if you don’t like it it’s easy for you to change but you still love and accept yourself as is, even though basically everything about you is beautiful/handsome and perfect the most notable thing about your physical appearance is your skin, your skin is like the moon, not in terms of colour but more because of how naturally glowing and alluring your skin is, your skin almost looks sparkly because of how flawless it is, celebrities and rich people can try all they want to get skin like yours with their expensive treatments and serums or whatever but no one can seem to replicate the naturalness of your perfect skin.
_ You don’t even need to say a word and people like you and want to be with you whether it be in a romantic or platonic sense, it seems like you’re never alone because of how much people flock towards you, everyone talks about how beautiful and attractive you are, even if you seem like a “loner” you still have people who talk about you and how much they love you and admire you, even if you do happen to be someone who’s more quiet and uninterested in having an intense social life of partying and trying basically everything you have no problem being social, (unlike Bella lmaoo) you’re not awkward and even if you are people find it interesting rather than immediately judging you for it, no matter what your personality or life is like people still like you, since you have pretty or handsome privilege people are always coddling, pampering, spoiling, praising, and just overall loving you because they find you so cute (ib Aleya ofcc), you just scream Twilight vibes because of your aesthetic and the way that you dress, you’re always finding Twilight-esque clothing (whatever that may be to you).
_ You find a partner/significant other who is just like your desired character from Twilight, regardless of who that is; the quote from Edward to Bella where he says “You’re like my own personal brand of heroin” is exactly how they feel about you, they seem to always be looking out for you + the of the affirmations from my “Can I show my love for you?” subliminal.
Extras I added
_ Manifest people into your life that are like/look like the characters that you want from Twilight
_ When winter comes around, it’s never too cold for you, you’re immune to freezing + you’re always warm even in -50 or colder (I’m Canadian so)
_ If you want to move towns/cities to have this aesthetic, you suddenly have an opportunity to do so
_ You’re never on your phone/social media because of how interesting and adventurous your life has become
_ You can manifest any of the things in this subliminal for other people
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paramouradrift · 2 years
Bloody clothes
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender, Pairing: Zukka Modern AU in which Zuko is the captain of the fencing team.
This fic is burning the evidence of its crimes over on AO3 here.
It happened while they were making out. Sokka was on cloud nine, enjoying the feeling of Zuko’s lips on his, the touch of his tongue scraping the roof of his mouth, when suddenly he tasted blood. He opened his eyes and saw Zuko’s similarly surprised expression. They pulled away from each other, and Sokka noticed that Zuko’s mouth and cheek was covered in blood.
“Sokka, you’re bleeding,” Zuko said, scrambling to grab a tissue.
“What? Oh,” Sokka said, reaching up and touching his nose. His fingers came away red, and then blood began to drip onto his shirt. “Fuck!”
Zuko shoved a tissue in his face, and Sokka pinched his nose with it. Then his phone began to ring: it was his dad. Sokka answered it without thinking while using more tissues to try and mop up his face.
“Hey, dad,” he said when the line connected.
“Hey, Sokka. Woah! What happened there?” Hakoda’s face appeared on Sokka’s phone. Sokka froze, realizing too late he’d answered a video call. He and Zuko were clearly visible.
“Uh, nothing!” Sokka said, grabbing the phone so Zuko could duck out of sight and clean up his face. “Just got a nosebleed. Maybe the air’s a bit dry here?”
“Yikes, it looks pretty bad,” his dad said. “You’ll want to wash that shirt. Use cold water to get the stains out first before they have a chance to set.”
“Ah, yeah, I should go do that. Do you mind calling back in a few minutes?” Sokka said, looking down at the bloodstains on his front. Not very attractive.
“You could just pass the phone to Zuko,” his dad said. “I want to talk to him about the team and properly congratulate him on his win last semester.”
“Right. Sure, hang on,” Sokka said, looking over at Zuko. He tossed a used wet wipe into the trash can and nodded. “Here he is. I’ll be back after…taking care of all this.”
“Remember: cold water!” his dad called after him.
Sokka passed the phone to Zuko, a sinking feeling in his gut that this was it. His dad would suss out the truth from Zuko. They’d been caught red-handed and red-faced. Too much red, really, to easily explain away. Sokka shoved a tissue up his still-dripping nose, removed his shirt, and went to the bathroom to try and get the bloodstains out in the sink.
When he returned from the laundry room, he took the phone back from Zuko. Trying to keep the conversation light was easy enough. His dad let him do most of the talking, and didn’t push him on any topics in particular. It was enough to lure him into a false sense of security, but he should have known better. His dad had merely been waiting for his chance to strike.
“Well, I’ve got some good news,” his dad said later. “I’ve been given some time off this summer. I’ve talked to Katara about it, and I thought it might be nice to plan a family trip somewhere. What do you think?”
“That would be awesome!” Sokka said. “How much time do you have? Oh man, I gotta think about where I want to go.”
“I’ll send you the details later,” his dad said. “Oh, Katara asked if she could bring Aang along, and I said yes, so if you’d like you can bring Zuko with you.”
“Wait, really?” Sokka asked.
“Yeah, I mentioned it to him earlier. I’ll let you two figure it out. Anyway, it’s getting late here. But it was good talking to you.”
“Yeah, you, too, dad,” Sokka said. “Uh. I’ll get back to you about this summer.”
“Sure thing. Bye!”
His dad hung up. Zuko came over and sat on the bed next to Sokka, who just sat there processing what he had just heard.
“He totally knows, doesn’t he?” he asked Zuko.
“Yep,” Zuko said, popping the p. Sokka groaned, leaning into Zuko in mortified embarrassment. Zuko patted him on the shoulder, but he really just wanted to curl up and die.
This was the worst-case scenario. Not only did his dad somehow figure out what was going on—and Zuko would be answering for his part in that later—but he seemed fine with it. More than fine with it. That meant…that meant fatherly ribbing. Dad jokes. Puns. Endless teasing. He would never live this down. The rest of the family would find out. His cousins. His aunts and uncles. Gran-gran would know! She’d knit Zuko a sweater that he’d be forced to wear and if Sokka didn’t take a picture of him in it she’d disinherit him.
This was, of course, better than his dad finding it disgusting. Sokka was relieved, in a way. His dad still loved him, and that meant everything. But his dad still loved him, which meant his life was over.
“Zuko, does our suicide pact still stand?” he asked.
“I’m afraid not,” Zuko said.
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uncpanda · 3 years
The Ties that Bind: ER
Synopsis: Being the older sister of a literal genius? It’s not easy. Raising said genius from childhood on? An act of love. Uprooting your life again when he gets in over his head? A no brainer. Finding a new family and support system for yourself? Well, you suppose that’s just luck.
AN: This is part one of a three part where reader and Aaron finally start dating. I am thrilled about this, and super excited. PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEE Let me know what you think. 
WARNINGS: Talk of cheating, talk of sex (Nothing graphic), dealings with what I would classify as emotional trauma.  The return of Joel. 
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Master List
“So, can I tell you just how happy I am that we’re doing this?” The smile that comes on your face is automatic anytime you’re around Penny. Your friendship with the woman had surprised even you. But in the two months since Haley’s death you had become the point person for the team to check in on Aaron and Jack. From there Penny had started calling you out of the blue just to talk, and after that lunch had become a must, and now you were partaking in the epitome of sealing a friendship: Shopping. 
Even if you absolutely hated shopping, Penny made it fun. She was so upbeat, and shamelessly herself, and you loved it. You loved it so much you were willing to brave shopping near the national mall. 
“You can, but something tells me I’m just as happy. It’s the first time in what feels like weeks I’ve done something frivolous.”
“That’s because it is. You have been working your tush off.” 
“I don’t know about that. I’m not working right now.” Penny rolls her eyes and a new voice says, “Because it’s summer. You deserve a break. And you are working, you’re pretty much taking care of Jack full time.” 
You smile, and open your arms, “Jessica! You made it, I was worried you wouldn’t!” 
“Aaron got home about an hour ago, and pretty much rushed me out the door, and told me to enjoy myself. Reminded me of my dad when I was a teenager. So I kissed Jack goodbye and headed straight over. Now, I just wonder how he knew.” 
All eyes go to you, and you shrug, “He invited me over for movie night, and I told him I had plans with you guys.” 
The girls share a look before Jessica says, “Okay. We’ll come back to this topic. I’ve got a credit card burning a hole in my pocket, and a desire for great food.” 
“We’re waiting on one more.” 
Both of their brows furrow, “Who?” 
“Me. Although how I was talked into this, I’ll never know.” 
You grin as Will’s southern drawl washes over the group, and Penny bounces over to him. Will had become another surprise friend. Mainly because the two of you texted religiously when Aaron, Spencer, and JJ were on cases. More often than not you got the boys together for playdates, or you’d pick up Henry if Will had to stay late at work. And from there friendship had bloomed and you’d become an honorary aunt to Henry. 
JJ and Spencer loved to tease the two of you about it, but Will was like the older brother you’d kind of always wanted; if only so you wouldn’t have had to handle everything on your own. 
“You know you’re happy to be invited.” 
He narrows a look at you, “I was promised Top Golf.” 
“As soon as Penny gets her shopping fix and Jess gets her lunch fix. You brought your car to drive there, right? Cause the rest of us took the metro.” 
He dangles the keys at you and you grin. 
You spend the next two hours going to a bunch of different stores. You don’t buy too much, just a few items here and there. Will is an active participant, and even buys some new shirts for himself and a book for JJ. Jessica buys some new Star Wars cookie cutters that you know she’ll use with Jack. Penny ends up with the most. Her arms are loaded by the end and you wonder exactly how much money the FBI pays. 
Most of the packages are for Henry and Jack. Something that makes you snort because Jack had more than enough toys and clothes. He’d hit a small growth spurt recently, and you and Aaron had taken him shopping. No less than five items had been Star Wars themed. And when they had started discussing random scenes in painstaking detail you had burst out laughing. You’d teased Aaron about being a nerd.  Not that you could talk, you were an English major, something that Aaron knew very well. He’d retaliated with your love for Pride and Prejudice and well, you’d ended up arguing about the merits of both in the middle of the clothing store until Jack had collapsed from laughing so hard. 
And everytime Penny pulls the godmother card in regards to Henry, Will playfully rolls his eyes. 
Lunch is at a rather fancy restaurant that Jessica loves but never gets to go to. She’s a rather large foodie and knows all the best places. The food is absolutely amazing. And while Penny and Jessica are engaged in conversation about something with computers Will leans over and says, “You know, I was an only child. And I always wanted brothers. All my friends had brothers and I was really jealous.” 
You smile, “Speaking from personal experience, brothers can be pretty cool. They can also be a pain in the butt.” 
He snorts at that, “Yeah. Well, I’ve changed my mind. I think I want sisters instead?” 
You smile, “Yeah?” He nods and you lean in, “Well, good news, because I think you’re on your way to getting some. And once you have us, you’re stuck with us. Fair warning.” 
You’re headed out of the restaurant and towards the parking garage, laughing and talking away with your friends, when your foot snags on something. You go down, your ankle twists, and you swear you hear a snap. It’s enough to make you yelp in pain and bring tears to your eyes. And not just small ones, big ones. You’ve never had a high pain tolerance.  
Jessica and Penny converge on you immediately, someone wants to call an ambulance and you put an end to that immediately. Will is the one who remains calm and when he sees the swelling already starting to happen he makes an executive decision: ER now. Once you’re composed enough you lean on Jessica and Will to get to the cars, since Penny’s heels would leave her more unbalanced. 
The wait is a fairly long one. You repeat over and over again that your friends don’t need to stay, you can always call an uber home. Penny is the one who threatens to call Aaron to replace them if you keep saying that. You pale a bit at that because he’d never been good with people he cares about being hurt. He gets rather snarly. You’d seen it when Jessica had pulled a muscle a few weeks ago. You stay quiet after that, and when you’re finally admitted you breathe a sigh of relief. 
An initial ER doctor takes a look before saying he’ll need an Ortho consult. Your stomach flips at that, as your mind flashes to your ex. No one in your group misses the way you scowl. You drum your fingers against your thigh as a bad feeling settles in your stomach, and then your stomach drops when the curtain is pulled back and you see him. There’s no surprise in his eyes. He’d read you chart, he’d known it was you. 
He says your name, and your reaction is immediate, “I want a different doctor.” 
His eyes glance over the people in your group, “I’m the attending on call, and all the others are in surgery.”
“I’ll wait.” 
He takes a step forward and so does Jessica. None of your friends know what’s going on. You don’t talk about Joel. And other than Spencer’s complaints while you and Joel were dating you doubt anyone on the team even knows about him. 
“We’re talking over eight hours, and you’re in pain. I know you hate me, but please let me help.” 
You swallow, because this is hitting you much harder than you would have thought. You suppose that’s to be expected, because you’d never really dealt with it. You’d been so numb in the few months after you’d found out pretending that it hadn’t, pretending that everything was fine, and then you’d had a brief moment of anger, until you’d gotten Spencer’s call for help. After that you’d pushed everything away. Whenever thoughts of Joel came to you, you shut them down. 
And now, staring at the man, you felt a mixture of pain, sadness, and overwhelming anger. “You want to help me?” Your voice is deceptively calm, and he knows it. You give him credit when he doesn’t turn and run. 
“Then you should have stayed on the fucking west coast. I went across the country, left everything behind to get away from your lying, cheating, impregnating your mistress ass. And now, you’re not only on my coast, you’re in my city, a city you knew I lived in.” 
Out of the corner of your eye you can see Penny texting a mile a minute. You’ve drawn more than a few eyes. And then the curtain pulls back again and you nearly foam at the mouth at the woman standing there. She has a look of horror on her face, and she stutters out an apology. You listen as he tells her it’s okay, that he has this, and you snap, “Get out. Get out right now Joel.” 
He says your name again, and steps closer only for Will and Jessica to step in his way,
While Penny takes your hand. Jessica is the one who steps closer, “She’s asked you to leave several times now. You are ignoring the will of a patient, so someone needs to get me your supervisor now!” 
She takes another step closer to him, and Joel finally steps back enough for her to pull the curtain closed again. You can hear all three of them asking you questions, but you can’t process them. You’re mortified. You’d just aired dirty laundry in the middle of an emergency room, and as the pain you never process washes over you, you feel like you’re shattering. And you replay it in your head. 
You’d flown home early after Spencer’s attack by Hankle. He’d pushed you away, which in hindsight had been the dilaudid, and you’d gone home early as a result. You decided to surprise Joel, and that might have been the best or worst mistake of your life. You’d entered the apartment to find clothes scattered about; men’s and women’s. And the women’s clothes weren’t you. Then you’d heard the moans and a female voice calling out Joel’s name. You had hesitated at the bedroom door for a good forty seconds, and knowing you’d try to reason it away if you didn’t see it, you’d opened the door. You’d gotten your confirmation. 
You had cleared your throat and the way they just stopped, and their horrified faces had been something out of a movie. You’d asked one question, “Is this being selfish like you taught me, or just being a bastard.” You had looked at the woman and gave one order, “Get the hell out of my apartment.” You name was on the lease, you had just as much say as Joel. Her eyes had flitted to Joel and then you had repeated yourself, your words like ice. That had gotten her to move. And when you heard the door close, you looked back at Joel, who was staring at you, a look of what you thought was remorse on his face. 
Then you looked at the bed. The bed where the two of you had spent time planning a future, watching movies, snuggling, and you went numb, because you had been betrayed by a man yet again. 
You don’t know how much time has passed but you come to when you hear Spencer’s voice. You blink several times, and find him kneeling in front of you, your hand in his, a look of worry and concern on your face. You choke out the words, “I’m fine.” 
He shakes his head, “No you’re not.” 
“I should be. You shouldn’t have to worry about this.” You give a watery smile.
He looks you in the eyes and very seriously says, “You took care of me my entire life. You have done EVERYTHING for me. Let me take care of you for once.” 
And then the crying starts. You try to keep from making a sound, but when the first sob wracks your body, Spencer  wraps himself around you. You cry into his chest, as his hand strokes your hair. His voice is hushed as he whispers that you’re okay and he’s there. His arms tighten protectively around you when the curtain opens. You peer around him to see Joel standing behind a man in a suit. A very nervous looking man. And that’s when you see him. He’s moving through the emergency room like a man on a mission. People are stepping out of his way, eyes trailing him. And when he locks onto you. 
You feel a flush of embarrassment rush through you. Because the man had lost his wife. He was raising his son alone. Being cheated on and faced by said cheater YEARS later was nothing in comparison. 
He’s over to you in a moment, and the man in the suit tries to stop him, asking him who he is. Big mistake. “I’m her best friend. I’m also her lawyer.” The man pales at that. He steps closer to him, and the few inches of height he has over the man is enough to make the poor guy cower, “Now step back until we ask for you.” 
He steps into the small space where your little group is squeezed into, but not before his eyes float over Joel. He turns to you, “Is that him?” 
Aaron knew the basics about Joel, but he didn’t know the details. He didn’t know how you’d stayed in the apartment for the few months afterwards. How Joel had slept on the couch and you’d simply existed by never really talking to him, or listening to him or touching him, until  he’d uttered the words, “The mistress is pregnant.” Well he’d said her name, but you’d refused to hear it. Hearing her name would have given Joel an out, it would have given you someone to hate other than him. And even in that numbness, you hadn’t wanted that. Joel was to blame. 
Spencer is the one who explains everything, and you can see Aaron’s face get more and more mad. It’s the face that makes suspects crack in seconds. “I can make it out to be stalking. We can get a restraining order and . . .” 
“And you’re reaching.” Your voice is hoarse and a bit muffled from the way Spencer is still protectively curled around you. “No judge would sign off on that, and they shouldn’t. He cheated on me Aaron. He cheated and got her knocked up and he broke every promise he ever made to me. And if I had allowed myself to process it then, we probably wouldn’t all be here but . . .” 
“No. You don’t get to do that. You’d don’t get to take on one ounce of guilt for this. You went away for a few days to help your brother who had been attacked in the line of duty. This is on him. And when you asked for another doctor, he refused. He tried to talk you into it. That’s not okay. And while I may not have specialized in medical or malpractice law I know plenty of people who did.” 
An overwhelming tired sensation washes over you, “I want to go home Aaron. I want to get my foot looked at, do whatever needs to be done, and I want to go home. I’m just tired. I’m so tired.” 
He looks at you for several seconds before he nods and steps outside of the curtain. His voice is calm but firm as he talks to whoever is on the other side. When he opens the curtain again, Joel is blessedly gone, and a new orthopedic surgeon comes by. A wave of anger washes over you when you’re told you don’t even need surgery, it’s a clean break, and you're in a walking boot for the rest of the summer. There had been absolutely no reason for Joel to even come over after having looked at your chart or x-rays. 
You lean heavily on Spencer as you walk out of the ER, with several sets of eyes following you. Aaron is the one who drives you and Spencer to your place. Penny, Jessica, and Will all give comforting words, and you know they’ll be checking in over the next few days. 
You head straight to the bedroom the moment you’re inside. You fall asleep immediately. You sleep for over twelve hours. You wake up to the sounds of children and hobble out to your living room. You smile at what you find there. Spencer, Derek, and Will are on the floor with Henry and Jack playing legos. Dave is in your kitchen with JJ and Jessica. While Penny and Emmily and Hotch are talking in a corner. 
Jack is the first one to see you. He makes a mad dash and adjusts his speed when Aaron yells out for him to be careful. You gladly take the hug, and Henry rushes over to give you one as well. You get hugs from everyone before Penny places a glass of wine in your hand, despite the fact that it’s only noon on a Sunday. 
She sees the question in your eyes and explains, “You need your people right now. And that’s us. We’re your people. And we don’t leave each other alone when we’re in pain.” 
You spend the day allowing yourself to wallow while being surrounded by your people. It’s a therapeutic process, and thanks to it, you’re a bit better by the time the majority of them go home.
Spencer, Aaron, and Jack are the ones who stay after everyone else leaves. Jack gleefully informs you that he brought his sleeping bag for a campout in your living room, and Aaron just shrugs. Spencer fusses over you for the rest of the night, forcing food on you, while Aaron puts on Pride and Prejudice. As expected, the movie doesn’t hold Jack’s attention, and he very quickly falls asleep. And Spencer is quick to follow.
You stare at the two of them sprawled out on the floor with a pile of blankets and pillows and smile before turning towards Aaron who’s studying you. “You can go home if you want. I’ll be okay.” 
“I know you’ll be okay, but I’m not leaving you alone. You didn’t leave me alone when I was the one hurting.” 
“Your wife had just died, Aaron. A person you spent years with. Joel cheated on me nearly three and a half years ago. I’ll be okay. Right as rain tomorrow.” 
“You never felt it. You didn’t let yourself feel it. That’s why you’re in so much pain right now. I was the same when it came to the divorce, right until you kicked my ass. And don’t compare our pain. We can both be hurt, we can both feel things without minimizing what the other feels. 
“So, I’m here. Jack is here. Spencer is here. We took off work for a few days to be here.” 
A fresh wave of tears pricks at your eyes, “You took off work?” 
He smiles and pulls you to him. You snuggle into the hug, “I’m prioritizing what’s important. And that’s my family; Jack, you, Jessica, and Spencer if he wants.” 
“I want.” 
Your eyes go to your brother who’s eyes are still closed, but he says, “Listen to him sis. Let us be there for you for once. You don’t have to carry everything on your own anymore.” His eyes open “We can carry some of it too.” You feel a weight lift, and your soul feels lighter than it has in years, because maybe you don’t have to do everything alone anymore. 
Tag List: 
@hateinthemorning  @nightressposts @bulldozed88 @toastedside  @am3l1a-24  @wintelu @escapingthoughtsandsecrets @moonwarriorx3 @fallen-wolf22 @donttellanyoneireadfanfiction @kathleenjasmine @l-vvne @sekhmet5 @lil-frenchfri77 @prettylittlemoonlight @webreathfandoms @fandomsstolemylife00 @gracesd1ary @eli-side-blog @sleepy-time @bcarolinablr @acoolnight @violet-potter @ssavanessa22 @inlovewithhonestlyeveryone @louisaland @averyhotchner @lostinwonderland314 @prentisswrites @starandbooklover @vxxn128 @csloreen  @srosegarden @zetasaturno99 @greenprisca @rogue-fandoms @fandom-oneshots-etc @elejah88 @cm-chaos @thestarssalign @gspenc @mochionly  @big-galaxy-chaos @princess76179 @unaware-dumbass-here @miahelen @baumarvel @sydbriann @infinite-tides @rexit-mo @belledawnidk @rousethemouse @bluepvnkrocker @evans-dejong @pixietilly1924 @thewannabewriter @livinthesweetlife @simplysophi @crazymar15 @bestillmystuckyheart @jklemps @ghostklnk  @sagittarianwolf @kittengirl998 @dontcallmekittens @eternalharry @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @irrelevant86 @reichelhache @messedupmyfuckinglife @itsnottilly @lieswithoutfairytales @lilli4107 @fandoms4ever97 @amatswimming @honeybug-victoria @shaynapineapple @life-is-insanity @lil-roaster @bloodyxheaven @lunar-wings-rose221 @sbeno22 @woderfulkawaii @infinite-tides @enilledam @oddobsessionbutotay @kuolonsyoja  @enjoymyloves @ash19871962 @jodiereedus22 @mochionly @werewolfbansheelove @futuristictacosalad @romanogersendgame  @soupyamanda @loadedgodcomplex  
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imkylotrash · 3 years
The Noble Kind
Pairing: Sir Gwaine x reader 
Request: She's the queen, married to uther but is just a year or 2 older than Arthur. She has magic. They had an arranged marriage cause her kingdom which is extremely powerful didn't want to go to war with uther as they were taking in refugees to protect and didn't want to inforce the idea that magic is evil. She has an affair with gawain and they run away when she's pregnant. Anonymous
Tagging: @bitchwhytho​ @music-of-melody​ @shadowhuntyi​ 
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“It’s for the greater good,” you mother tells you right before you marry the King of Camelot in an attempt to prevent a war. Uther is a great king for the most part but he is frightened by what he doesn’t understand. Magic is one of the things he knows nothing of - leaving it up to your kingdom to take in the refugees running for their lives. 
“To a strong alliance,” he toasts at the wedding party and you keep a smile plastered on your face through the entire evening even though you hate every second. You’ve always said you’d marry for love but there’s no lost love between you and Uther. He agreed for the alliance and nothing more. You agreed because it was the right thing to do for your people. None of you could afford to go to war with each other. 
“A strong alliance,” you echo lifting the glass of wine placed in front of you. In the crowd, you spot Gwaine looking at you with sorrow in his eyes. He didn’t want to believe it until he saw it with his own eyes. But then something changes, you see the flip switch as he raises his glass to you before downing the whole thing. You should’ve known he wouldn’t take this well. 
“Have I lost your interest already?” Uther asks with a sparkle in his eyes of something you can’t quite figure out. 
“Of course not, dear. I was simply amused by the people dancing.” You’re quick to recover having been taught etiquette and manners your entire life. You know the game well enough and you’ve only gotten better after your mother abdicated and handed the crown over to you. The loss of her king, your father, had been too much. You stepped in knowing you’d had to give up what little life you had acquired. Gwaine was the only thing you refused to let go of. 
“You should join them. Show them they can trust their new queen.” You wonder where Arthur but that question doesn’t go unanswered very long. He comes in by a back entrance quietly sitting down next to Uther.
“As you wish, my king.” You join the common people dancing and they’re quick to welcome you and show you the steps. It’s the most fun you’ve had all night. You don’t see Gwaine in the crowd though which worries you. It won’t do anyone any good if he gets drunk enough to make a scene. 
“He’s in your chamber,” Merlin whispers using his magic to carry the sound to you and only you. He must’ve figured out who you were looking for. 
“Thank you,” you whisper back. Merlin is the only one who knows about you and Gwaine but he’s promised to keep quiet. He doesn’t want to cause problems for neither of you. It’s another hour before you feel it’s appropriate to retreat for the night. Uther doesn’t object when you inform him that you’ll be spending the night in your private chambers and you don’t feel guilty for doing so. The marriage is strategic and you both know it. Besides, there’s something about only being one summer older than Uther’s own son. 
You finally reach your chambers having sent your servants to bed with the promise that you’ll be able to take care of yourself. It’s an excuse to keep them from seeing Gwaine. He’s drunk when you enter, he’s very drunk. 
“Do you ever stay away from trouble?” you ask noticing the split lip and the bruise on his cheekbone. He’s been fighting again. 
“You know, I had the strangest dream,” he starts but you’re too tired to make sense of his metaphors. You want him cleaned up and ready to sleep. 
“Let me,” you whisper carefully wetting a cloth and rinsing the worst of the blood from the cut. 
“You could always do the witchy woo,” he says wiggling his eyebrows and puckering his lips. 
“It’d do you some good to heal naturally. Perhaps you wouldn’t worry me so much,” you reply but the second he mentions the pain you’ve lost all resolve to let him heal on his own. You can’t let him be in pain when you can take it away. 
“Fine,” you whisper placing your hand right about the cut and closing your eyes. In mere seconds, the wound has closed as if he’s been waiting for you here the whole time and not been out looking for trouble. 
“Thank you,” he says this time a little more serious. You feel as though you can finally exhale as you crawl into bed with him. These are your moments of peace, the moments where you can avoid the pressure of your title and the expectations that come with the crown. 
“You know, you did just get married. Normally, there’s something you’d consummate the marriage as well.” He’s drunk and out of his mind, but he’s your crazy drunk and looking into his eyes you feel nothing but love. 
“Sober up and I’ll think about it.” You don’t consummate anything that night but you do the following nights. You get careless and before you know it, you’re late. Gaius confirms your suspicions and congratulates you thinking it belongs to Uther. But Merlin knows the truth though which means he’ll be the only person who can help you. 
“We must leave tonight,” you confide in him. If Uther finds out that you’ve disrespected him in these manners, he’ll have you hung and declare war on your kingdom. If you flee, you’ll be able to have the baby and come up with some sort of plan for your return. It’s the safest option.
“Meet me down here tonight. I’ll get you out of Camelot but then you’re on your own,” Merlin murmurs already concocting a plan for how to distract Gaius as he helps you escape. There’s no time for excitement when you tell Gwaine what has happened but you can tell he’s over the moon. 
“And it’s mine?” he whispers eyes full of affection. He never thought he’d want to become a father but learning the news of your pregnancy has proven him wrong. 
“Of course it’s yours,” you say with as much dignity as you can muster. How could he ever think it wasn’t his? You stop dead in your tracks when Arthur appears around the corner. 
“Sir Gwaine. My Lady.” He kisses your hand from obligation rather than willingness. 
“Could I have a moment with her Highness?” Gwaine knows he can’t say no but the hesitation is enough to raise suspicion. He continues down the hallway as you remain with Arthur. 
“He’s good with a sword but that brainless head of his is going to get him killed one day.” You chuckle having said the exact same thing to Gwaine many times. 
“Perhaps his sword skills will be the thing to save him from the troubles his brainless head creates?” you suggest hoping the talk of Gwaine will distract you from the real question; why are you down here? But it doesn’t and you mention the only thing that will make him run the other way. 
“I have terrible cramps. Gaius promised he had a potion that could help.” The mentions of menstrual cramps is enough to send him running and you hurry on laughing at how easy men can be distracted. Sound travels through these tunnels and you’re close enough to hear both Gwaine and Merlin. 
“I used to think you hated nobles,” Merlin laughs enjoying the company of his best friend one last time. 
“Yeah, well... maybe that one’s worth dying for, eh?” You don’t mention their conversation as you enter but your heart is beating a little faster after hearing his declaration. That night you and Gwaine escape Camelot with help from Merlin. You seek refuge in your own kingdom using magic to distort your features and remain hidden. By the time, Uther realises what has happened, you’ve taken in too many sorcerers for him to launch an attack that will ultimately lead to a war he will lose. Not too long after the birth of your child, you return to the throne with Gwaine by your side and a little heir running around the throne room. 
“Is it wrong for me to miss being on the run?” Gwaine asks you as you walk in the garden surrounding the castle. 
“I miss it too sometimes. But I couldn’t abandon my people.” 
“You just might be the first noble to care for their people,” he smiles. He takes your hand in his and the topic is never brought up again. Gwaine settles into his role with grace leaving behind the tavern fighting instead focusing on little Merlin and you. 
“I’m pretty proud of our little family.” 
“Me too.” 
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aomine-ryo · 4 years
Your last ask was seriously funny! We need more of that. If possible, can I request different scenrios where the s/o of the gom gets asked questions by the s/o of their boyfriend's teammate(s) about their night (because reader has a looot of love marks).... this is so freaking specific, im sorry😂😂 if you cant do it it fine, if you do, then i appreciate you and your writings (i love your blog and im also a simp for Aomine)
Aren’t we all a simp for Aomine 😭💕 I really couldn’t think of anything for Midorima and Murasakibara without it being too repetitive and boring so I unfortunately left them out of this one, so I’m sorry and I hope you don’t mind too much!! xx
Scenario: Kuroko, Kise, Aomine and Akashi’s s/o being questioned about their love marks
It was a rather chilly Wednesday afternoon and you were watching Seirin’s practice as you usually would. While you initially came there to watch your boyfriend play, you actually also ended up becoming quite close with Kagami, Izuki and Mitobe’s significant others who also came to watch quite often.
As you watched over the practice while chatting away with your friends, you began to feel rather warm due to the gym’s heating, so you took off the scarf that you’d wrapped around your neck. Not thinking too much of it, you continued with your conversation, only to notice that your friends had their eyes fixated on your neck. “Why are you guys looking at me like that?” you questioned, trying to decipher the strange smirks and nods they shared with each other.
“Y/N, your neck...” Mitobe’s s/o trailed off, getting caught up in giggles before they could finish.
“What? Is there something on my neck?” you asked, beginning to panic as your hand immediately reached for it in the fear that there was a bug on it.
“I’m guessing you and Kuroko had some fun last night,” Kagami’s s/o giggled, causing you to freeze as you came to a realisation of what they were referring to.
You quickly wrapped the scarf around your neck again to conceal the red marks your boyfriend had left the night before. Filled with embarrassment, your averted your gaze and fixated on the boys’ practice to avoid making eye contact with your friends. Of course, they didn’t let you off the hook that easily.
“I didn’t think Kuroko was the type to leave marks, but damn he really went to town on your neck, huh Y/N?” Kagami’s s/o teased, making your face turn red with embarrassment.
“Shut up,” you grumbled, letting out a nervous chuckle.
“So, was yesterday a special night? Or does he always leave marks like those?” Mitobe’s s/o interrogated.
“It’s always the quiet ones...”
“Oh my God, stop,” you said, unable to hold back the giggles from the ridiculousness of their comments. “It was just a normal night okay?”
The two of them shared a look before hooting a long “oooooh,” making you wish you didn’t say anything at all.
“So it’s a normal thing then?” Kagami’s s/o continued, the grins on their faces growing wider and wider.
“I’m gonna pretend like I can’t hear you,” you said finally, looking everywhere but at them. You didn’t lie when you said that though. They kept teasing you, but you just sat there as though they weren’t talking to you.
Eventually, they got tired of it, but they didn’t hesitate to shoot you knowing glares when practice ended and you hurried over to Kuroko to escape them.
“Is everything okay?” Kuroko asked you, when he noticed how much of a hurry you were in to leave.
“Yeah, they just saw the marks from last night,” you informed him, making him blush at the memory of the previous night’s events. “So can we just leave before they come here and embarrass me even more?”
Not wanting to draw any attention to himself, Kuroko agreed with you after letting out a small chuckle. “Sorry about that, Y/N,” he said sincerely, not knowing how he’d respond to remarks if he were in your position.
You gave his hand a tight squeeze and flashed him a reassuring smile. “It’s alright, I’ll let it slide because last night was really fun,” you beamed, causing his face to flush red before the two of you left the gym after exchanging brisk goodbyes with the team.
It was just another practice day at Kaijo where you were casually chatting with your friends. They weren’t normally people you would hang out with, but you’d gotten quite close during these practices since they were the significant others of your boyfriend, Kise’s teammates. Whilst you considered them friends, they weren’t exactly close enough where you’d feel comfortable sharing personal details about your relationship, so you would often stick to light hearted stuff— which you quite enjoyed because they always gave you a good laugh.
“Y/N, is this the first time you’re wearing a scarf?” Moriyama’s s/o asked you, eyeing the bright blue scarf that Kise lent you this morning.
“Yeah, it is,” you nodded.
“I can tell. It’s really not your usual style— it’s not even wrapped properly,” they continued, giving you a pitiful chuckle as Kasamatsu’s s/o bobbed their head in agreement.
“Yeah, I know. I was trying something new, but I’m not sure I like it,” you sighed, fiddling with the end of it. To be honest, you didn’t even want to wear it. It was only there to cover up the bright red marks Kise left all over your neck the night before. You wanted to cover it up with makeup, but you remembered that morning that you needed to buy a new bottle of foundation because Kise accidentally knocked your old one over while playing around with you and broke it.
“Here let me wrap it properly for you,” Kasamatsu’s s/o offered, shuffling closer to you and taking your scarf off before you had time to protest.
And just like that, you were left bare-necked, with both of their eyes glued onto you in shock as your face flushed red. You immediately snatched the scarf back and wrapped it back out of embarrassment.
“Oh my God Y/N! Your neck was covered in hickeys!” Moriyama’s s/o squealed, making you want to dash out of there.
“So you and Kise got it on last night huh? Go on, give us the details!” Kasamatsu’s s/o urged excitedly as they nudged your shoulder with their elbow.
“Details? It was nothing,” you said nervously, desperately searching your head for a way to change the topic.
“Nothing? Y/N, those marks were plastered all across your neck! He barely left any spots untouched,” Moriyama’s s/o laughed.
“Well, what do you want me to say? We were just messing around,” you shrugged. “Can we please move on—“
“Hey guys,” Kise chimed in, cutting you off with a kiss on your cheek. You looked around in confusion and realised that he was on his water break and began to prepare yourself for what’s to come. “What’re you talking about?”
“Well, Y/N was just showing us those marks on their neck—“
“I wasn’t showing them to you! You saw them against my will,” you corrected as you buried your face in your hands.
“Shhh, seems like you two had fun last night,” Kasamatsu’s s/o giggled.
“Oh those! I kind of got carried away, didn’t I? Sorry, Y/N-cchi,” Kise said sweetly as he wrapped his arms around you apologetically.
“We were trying to get Y/N to spill some details but they’re too embarrassed,” Kasamatsu’s s/o said as you continued to pray that this hell of a conversation would end. You hated how charismatic Kise was sometimes, because it often ended with him slipping into conversations like this so easily and just fuelling the fire.
“Embarrassed? Y/N-cchi, you don’t need to be embarrassed. I left those marks there for a reason— you should be proud of them!” Kise sang as your friends nodded along, a smug look on both of their faces.
“Ryouta please stop,” you whined as he only hugged you tighter.
“But those marks look nice on—“
“Captain! Hasn’t this water break gone on long enough?” You called out to Kasamatsu all of a sudden.
“Oi Kise, get your ass back on the court!” Kasamatsu yelled back in reply, causing Kise to sigh.
“Why’d you do that?” Kise pouted.
“Because I like watching you practice,” you said innocently. “You’re playing a game now aren’t you? Why don’t you go score a cool dunk for me?”
Just like that, Kise immediately lit up. “I’ll score the best dunk you’ve ever seen!” He said cheerily before turning back to your friends. “Take it easy on Y/N-cchi, it’s my fault after all.”
“Yeah yeah, we’re just joking around for the fun of it. It’s not funny if it goes on for too long anyways,” Moriyama’s s/o replied reassuringly.
“Great. Thanks,” Kise grinned. Just as you thought he was going to leave, he suddenly leaned in close to your ear and whispered, “You know, those marks on your neck really do look pretty— I might just make some more later.”
And like it was nothing, Kise strutted off confidently, leaving you with a face that couldn’t be more flustered even if you tried.
It wasn’t unusual for you to have marks all over your neck since everyone had already gotten used to it. The first few times the team and their significant others noticed them, there were a lot of questions and reactions, though they were mainly directed at Aomine so you didn’t mind all too much. Of course, you’d still try to hide them as much as you could, but makeup is expensive and to be spending so much on concealing marks that would just appear again within a week or so seemed quite redundant to you. You also tried to tell Aomine to limit the marks to places that clothes could cover, and while he’d agree beforehand, he’d often end up getting carried away and doing what he wants.
It was the day of an important preliminary match for Touou and you met up with the significant others of Wakamatsu and Imayoshi at the stands of the arena after wishing your boyfriend good luck. Upon greeting them, their eyes were immediately directed to your neck— which you expected. You tried covering the marks up with makeup but they were still quite visible. Furthermore, it was the summer so a scarf or turtleneck was not an option— you weren’t going to suffer for something this trivial.
“Y/N, did you even try to cover that up?” Wakamatsu’s s/o asked with a sigh.
“I did! I think I need to get some better foundation, honestly,” you groaned as you took a seat next to them.
“My God, that Aomine really doesn’t quit huh? Even before a big game?” Imayoshi’s s/o asked.
“Somehow he’s even more riled up before games. I really don’t know how he has the energy,” you sighed.
“Don’t act like you don’t like it,” Imayoshi’s s/o said with a smirk.
“Well, of course I like it. Just let me complain, will you?” you joked.
“Haven’t you tried telling him to take it easy with the marks?” Wakamatsu’s s/o questioned.
“I have— many times. But he never listens.”
“Yeah, I don’t think he’d ever really listen to things like that,” Imayoshi’s s/o said.
“That’s just Daiki for you,” you shrugged.
“Well, was last night fun?” Wakamatsu’s s/o asked suggestively, nudging your arm.
“Yeah it was,” you said, beginning to feel slightly flustered as your mind wandered back to moments from the night before.
“Oooh, go on, give us the details,” Imayoshi’s s/o said excitedly.
“No way. That’s only for me to know,” you said firmly. “Besides, I’m way too tired to be going into details anyway,” you added as you let out an exhausted yawn.
“My God, how long were you up till?” Wakamatsu’s s/o asked.
“I don’t even remember— I think it was 2 a.m.?” you guessed, cursing Aomine and his stamina for keeping you up so late.
“Don’t you think he’d be too tired to play today then?” Wakamatsu’s s/o asked.
“He’s an idiot, but he wouldn’t be up so late unless he knew he could handle it,” you replied.
The topic quickly died out once the game began, and all of you were so consumed with it that all of you’d completely forgotten about the marks. And of course, Touou won with a massive lead— with Aomine scoring almost half of the points. He truly was incredible, you thought.
You were often very good at hiding marks left behind by Akashi, but there was this one morning where you were in such a rush that you had no time to cover them up. So as you headed to the gym to watch Akashi’s practice like you usually would, he seemed to notice the red spots on your neck. As a smile spread across his face, he took his jacket off and handed it to you.
“Sorry for rushing you so much; I don’t like being late. Here, wear this so you can cover those up for the most part,” he said, eyeing your neck with a look that had no traces of regret whatsoever.
You took his jacket and zipped it all the way up so that it would cover your neck. “Shouldn’t you be apologising for leaving the marks instead?”
“I wouldn’t have left them if I thought I’d have to apologise for it. They look quite pretty on your neck if I’m being honest—I’m just saving you from being interrogated,” he explained coolly as you neared the gym.
“Well, I have a feeling that it’s gonna happen whether I like it or not.”
And just as you expected, when you got to the gym and met up with Mayuzumi, Hayama and Nebuya’s s/os, you were greeted with a few strange looks. “What’s up with the jacket, Y/N?” Mayuzumi’s s/o questioned.
“Oh, Sei gave it to me because I was feeling chilly,” you lied with a shrug.
“You don’t usually zip it up all the way though. It looks weird,” Hayama’s s/o pointed out. You didn’t realise that they were this observant until then.
“Y/N’s probably hiding something under there then,” Nebuya’s s/o said jokingly, almost as if they knew exactly what was going on but tried to pass it off as something humorous.
“What could I possibly be hiding?” you played along, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.
“I don’t know, you tell me,” Nebuya’s s/o said suggestively, still clearly joking.
“Could it possibly be hickeys?” Mayuzumi’s s/o guessed, causing the group to break out into a chorus of hoots as you genuinely questioned whether they had psychic abilities.
“What? Why would you say that?” you laughed, still determined not to give it away.
“I want to say that I did some incredible detective work, but there are still marks poking out ever so slightly from your neck that gave it away,” Mayuzumi’s s/o explained, drawing all the attention towards your neck as the other two tried to spot it.
You let out a sigh, “Alright, you got me. I didn’t have time to cover them up this morning.”
“Let us see them!” Hayama’s s/o said a little too excitedly.
“Why do you need to see them?”
“It’s the prize for our investigative abilities,” Nebuya’s s/o said.
Rolling your eyes, you reluctantly unzipped the jacket, revealing the bright red and purple marks spread across your neck and earning a gasp from all three of them.
“Akashi really doesn’t hold back, does he?” Hayama’s s/o giggled.
“Sounds about right— it’s Akashi Seijuro we’re talking about after all,” Mayuzumi’s s/o commented.
“So, did you have fun last night, Y/N?” Nebuya’s s/o grinned.
“Well, yeah,” you mumbled, beginning to feel a little embarrassed as you zipped the jacket back up.
“There are a lot of marks though. Is he really that rough?” Mayuzumi’s s/o asked, a slight hint of concern in their voice.
“Kind of? I don’t know. It feels weird talking about it. But he has his moments,” you answered, not knowing how much you should be sharing with them.
“He just seems so cool and collected that I can’t believe he did that much damage, you know?” Nebuya’s s/o explained.
“Yeah I get what you mean,” Hayama’s s/o nodded along as all of their heads turned to take a look at Akashi, who was instructing his team about something.
“Can we please move on from this topic, it’s weird,” you said quickly, not liking that they were all probably thinking about Akashi in a whole different way now.
They were somehow quite understanding of your request and the conversation quickly moved on to a different subject matter so that whatever happened between you and Akashi remained between the two of you— and you hoped that it would stay that way.
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tastyykpop · 4 years
𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛-ρ† 3
Pairings: enemy, barista, student!jaemin x student, barista!reader. 
<previous next>
Warnings: fluff, angst if you squint real hard
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Anger and frustration was the only way to describe it. Plus the lingering feeling of humiliation when jaemin didn't give a direct answer. Students eyed the two of you, mostly you for your braveness to even confront the boy which was shocking from their point of view, knowing all too well of your history with each other.
For once though, you've seen jaemin hesitate and stutter with an answer. It was quite something really, and you couldn't believe it.
And it wasnt like it was a yes or no answer, he only blurted out, "W-we have tu-tutor sessions...later...." and walked away after a few seconds of looking at you. God, and everyone was whispering among themselves and friends like it was the hottest topic, which in a strange sense it kind of was.
You dragged yourself back to the table where yeri sat and put your head in your arms.
You felt stupid. This wasn't how you thought your day would go, nor did you think jaemin would say something like that. Instead, you thought jaemin would for sure say yes. The things he said, the way he acted, jaemin couldve passed as your boyfriend and you thought maybe now it was possible.
"Y/n are you okay?" Yeri put a hand on your arm and you shook your head, still buried in your arms.
"I hate him." Your voice came out muffled.
Yeri let out a long sigh, "Its going to be okay. There’s plenty of other guys you'll meet who'll be worth your time." She stopped when you lifted your head. The look on your face was melancholy and red, but she didn't know what she could do about it. "What about that taemin guy? He's pretty cute. And from what you told me, he's super nice." Yeri wiggled her eyebrow suggestively making you groan.
"I don’t want to hurt him." You frowned, not being able to imagine using him as a rebound, "I realized I don’t like him like I thought I did."
"I get it. But don't pain yourself over a boy." She shook her head and let out a quiet chuckle, "especially jaemin."
"But jaemins literally what I want. How am I supposed to ignore that?"
Yeri stuck her bottom lip out in a pout, "Its almost impossible to ignore feelings..." There was a short pause until she started again, "So maybe just...ignore him? I don’t know man, I’m not good at this stuff."
"Yeah no shit," You snorted, "but ignoring him is an option. He gets mad when I do things like that, and ignoring him would get his attention, which means," you took a deep breath and grinned, "I’d get my ass destroyed by him whenever he breaks!"
"That’s literally not at all what I meant by ignoring him."
You sat back in your seat, smiling like a maniac to yourself at the devilish plan that would possibly not end well for you.
"But it could work." You pointed out.
"Could doesn't mean would. You know what, talking to you is like talking to a brick wall." As yeri stood up and gathered her trash, you threw your pile along with hers just to annoy her. "This is why I'm your only friend."
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"I thought you were going over jaemins for tutoring?" Jimin asked with a raised brow at your sudden intrusion into the apartment giving him no time to put a shirt on.
"I decided not to go." You shrugged, setting your bag on the floor. In reality, it was just the start of your plan of ignoring jaemin, but you weren't going to tell jimin that.
"Huh?? But you said he was good at trig and you would fail without him." As he tilted his head in confusion, you tried to come up with an excuse.
And not even a second later, an idea popped into your head, "I’m starting to understand it better." It wasn’t far from the truth to be honest, jaemin was doing a very good job at explaining, but in reality, you weren't perfect at all.
"Liar! You suck at trig!"
Your eye twitched, "I understand it slightly better."
"I still don't believe you." Jimin shrugged, "its only been like 2 days."
"I’m a fast learner." You huffed. Sadly your roommate knew you too well for you to lie. It wasn’t surprising anymore that he could point out just one flaw.
"Another lie. Now run along, I’m watching tv." Jimin shoo'ed you away with a hand motion. It took almost all your patience not to say anything in return, but it was pointless now.
Once in your room, you threw yourself onto the bed, not caring enough to close the door as you started changing from school clothes to regular shorts and a tank top.
Now once looking back at it, today was just a weird day. It was quiet in all the classes like someone just flipped a switch and one thing that threw you off the most was that jaemin didn’t ignore you completely like you thought he would, but instead he still helped with the work you were struggling with. Other than that he never talked to you. And it wasn’t like you wanted him to, you actually didn't want him to because of your little plan.
To be expected, you got multiple texts from him wondering where you were and why you weren't at his house and each text got more and more threatening so you just put your phone on silent and decided to take a nap until work. If this is how jaemin acts when you ignore him for barely a day then it should be easier to break him then you thought.
Rolling over in your bed, you closed your eyes, ignoring the aching feeling of anxiousness in your gut and tried to get some sleep. But sleeping was almost impossible. No matter how sleepy you were, or how heavy your eyes were, sleeping just didn't want to come. And you really didn't want to go on your phone because jaemin was calling you and in a matter of time you would probably answer it because you were just a little afraid of him.
Moving out of the bed and getting ready for work was your last option. Though the amount of black pants and white shirts that were lost from your closet made you realize how much you actually worked. The last time you had a day off was during summer vacation with jimin and a few of his friends plus yeri. Its been a while, and you kind of missed the break but you can't complain too much since you're making such good money.
After throwing on the clothes and lacing up your shoes, you left after saying good bye to jimin. Its still early, but you couldn't bring yourself to pass time until work and going there wasn’t as bad as one may think.
After you got in the car, you left the apartment, driving off to the cafe. You blasted some of your music on the way, singing the lyrics loudly since no one was in the car. You gotta say, driving alone is sometimes more fun since you can do stuff like this without people judging you.
Finally at the cafe, Irene happily greeted you, not giving you time to say hi back and started jumping up and down talking about her promotion to manager. She literally looked like she'd explode any minute from too much happiness.
"I get to boss you around even more than I did before." She grinned and you playfully shoved her to get to your station.
"If that’s possible." A little fist punched your shoulder as you laughed, "I’m kidding, I’m kidding."
"Hey, I'm not that bad! But I could be worse if you’d like." You covered your mouth to stifle the laugh that would come out when she sent you a wink.
There were many orders coming up, food, smoothies, coffee, anything. It kept you, irene, and your coworkers in the back completely occupied and busy. Youd even catch yourself drifting off into space because you were working too fast, almost messing some orders up too.
"I can bring this to the customer, go work on the other orders please." Irene rushed away after you smiled and did what she wanted.
Moments passed and after a few more drinks you saw the familiar black haired man walking into the back where you stood making a drink.
Jaemin didn't look all too happy when he saw you, so you tried your best to ignore him, but its not easy to ignore someone who’s been on your mind the whole day and somehow you're just figuring that out now.
He looked nice too, well he always does, but his black hair looked particularly very good. The way it was parted yet still fell over his face on some ends, and the way some parts stuck out just looked pretty on him.
"You’re here early...again." jaemin spoke while looking up at the orders, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"I was kind of bored at home." You muttered, moving as jaemin reached over you for a cup.
"Should’ve came to my house to study, maybe you wouldn't have been so bored." He lifted an eyebrow in your direction almost tauntingly and expecting a snap back but you stayed quiet, keeping it silent for a bit.
Jaemin was doing his order, and you did yours, though it did feel like time was just dragging you slowly through the day because you were so anxious near him. You felt as if he would break if you stepped out of place even just a bit. But wasn’t that your plan in the first place? 
"Why didn't you answer my texts?" Jaemin began and you looked up from the last drink you put in the tray. He had anticipated your answer as you suspired.
"I was sleeping.."It was obvious that you didn’t want to talk as you tried to walk away with the tray in hand followed by jaemin grabbing your shirt and pulling you back, the tray tipping slightly.
"Sleeping? How could you be sleeping when you read my texts? Now why are you lying to me?" Question after question, you tried wiggling out of his strong grasp and rolled your eyes to show you didn’t care. With only so much patience left, jaemin grabbed your hair, bringing your face closer to his. "I asked you a question so i suggest you answer before I spank your ass in front of everyone."
You stopped and nervously looked around the cafe to see if anyone heard him, but luckily for you everyone was minding their own business or not paying attention but still you couldn’t mask your shyness, "Y-you wouldn't do that. You're bluffing." You huffed.
Though you're not much shorter than jaemin, you felt small under his strong gaze, almost weaker near him too.
"Wanna bet?" He questioned and his sincerity was almost scary. You could feel his hand snake a bit too far down your backside and you pushed him off. "Answer me; why are you lying?"
"I don’t know." He slowly let go of your hair and ran his fingers through it. Nervousness fell over you, thinking he'd grab it again.
"You don’t know, huh." Jaemin said softly. You shook your head hoping he'd believe it.
"I-i don’t.."
Jaemin rolled his eyes, "Don’t lie or ignore me again."
"Yeah yeah whatever-" You cried when he grabbed and tugged on your hair again, making your face contort in pain, "Okay! Fine! I wont do any of that again!"
That being said, jaemin let go after giving you that natural look telling you not to push him today, or any day for that matter. "Little bitch." You mumbled.
"Call me that again, I dare you."
It took almost all of your self control to not flip him off.
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Lee jeno, the infamous frat boy and fuck boy on campus, was jaemins closest friend. He was gorgeous, kind, and smart, but one thing that set you off about him was he could be quite rude. Just one flaw, and it happened to only be towards you. So you wondered; 'why the hell am I asking lee jeno for help when there's a hundred more men in this school?' Because jeno was jaemins closest friend. Plain and simple. The only thing is, your brilliant plan could fail. Either way it was a fifty-fifty chance.
"Lee jeno!" You called and ran up to the boy, confused as to why you looked happy to see him when you and him don't really like each other. "I have a question."
"I might have an answer." Jeno surprisingly smiled, now you see why people were whipped.
"I want to make jaemin jealous."
He stopped in his tracks and nervously laughed, "Why would you want to do that? Of all things?"
You smiled up at him, "I wanna be a pain in his ass so I have an idea and I need your help." Jeno scratched the back of his head, still not sure where you were headed with this conversation.
"Uhh...okay what is it then?" You happily jumped when jeno gave you the go to ask.
"Can you be my fake boyfriend?"
"You’re who-what!?" Jeno choked trying to find a hint that you were joking and just testing him or something, but you were dead serious and that's what made him scared. "So you’re plan to make jaemin jealous is to date me? Damn that’s kinda smart and bit bitchy."
You frowned, "I just like making him regret certain things and testing his patience is all."
"So a bitch," he shrugged, " but how the hell would this whole thing work? You and I don’t have a really good record with each other and hes well aware of that. Jaemins not dumb." Jeno pointed out as you tilted your head in almost a ‘you’re so stupid’ manner.
“Didn’t you take acting lessons?” There was a slight delay but he nodded nonetheless, “Then just act the part, lee. Its not that hard.” you rolled your eyes with a scoff, jeno playfully slapped your shoulder.
“Its not that simple! Its you for gods sake! How am i supposed to pretend to like you?”
“I dont know, you just do it.” Shrugging off the almost annoyed yet smiling boy, you noticed someone out the corner of your eye; the devil himself. Just staring at the two of you. Surprisingly, jeno took notice of that and grabbed your hand while walking close to you, never letting his smile fall, and walked around the school building to a bench.
"That was smooth." You mumbled earning a laugh from jeno. "See, was that so hard?”
The boy rubbed the back of his neck nervously with an eye smile, “I guess not, but do you really think he’ll fall for it?”
That was a good question and if you sat and thought about it more, you probably would’ve said no, but for some reason you pushed out a yes. Jaemins a jealous and possessive boy, there’s no way this shouldn’t work.
“Hell yeah. Have I ever steered you wrong?”
“Don’t answer that.”
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Currently, you and jeno were awkwardly flirting with each other in front of jaemin at the cafe. Light touches and small smiles and giggles was kind of annoying in jaemins eyes. But this was the best plan yet.
After not going to jaemins third tutor session and ignoring multiple other calls because he didn’t bother texting anymore, you were at the cafe on your day off just to piss him off. And for some reason, this was probably the most fun, yet awkward moment in your life.
"Is he still watching?" Jeno whispered as he smiled to make it seem as if he was flirting.
You quickly glanced up and jaemin was indeed still watching, actually glaring, but you couldn't even tell if it was at you or jeno, maybe even both.
"Hes still watching." You turned and grinned at him. "He looks very mad."
"I know something to get him more mad."
"And what would that be?" Raising an eyebrow at him, jeno suddenly grabbed you by your face and kissed your cheek.
"Now look back and tell me if hes still there."
You were shocked but did as he said and sure enough, jaemin was no where to be seen, "Hes gonna kill us..."
"No just you, I’ll be gone by then." He laughed when you sent him a glare. "This was your plan not mine."
"And this will for sure end my life later on," You faced jeno, "When was the last time he was really mad?"
Jeno sat back to think about it and let go of your hand that you forgot he was holding, "He got into a fight with one of our friends just a few months ago. You know donghyuck, right?"
You nodded your head. Of course you knew donghyuck, he was the biggest brat of them all and out of every one of jaemins friends, you got along with him pretty well, turning out to be very good friends. You haven't talked to him in few weeks though, college kind of messed some things up for you guys but you still try to keep in contact as much as possible.
"Well a few months ago jaemin and hyuck got into this huge fight."
"Was it as bad as that time mark and hyuck fought?" You asked and jeno shook his head.
"No it was probably worse. Jaemin was almost in a fist fight with him--actually no I think they did end up physically fighting." Jeno sighed, "Anyways jaemin was super cold to everyone and got into a lot of fights with some other people like me," he giggled at the thought, "It was also around the time he dumped coffee on your head."
Only jeno could bring back that stupid coffee incident and make you remember when you wanted to commit a murder.
"That was one of the worst things hes done to me don’t make me think of that." You whined, throwing your head back, "And hes done a lot of bad things."
Jeno grinned, he was standing next to jaemin at the time laughing at you. In his perspective it was funny, but for you, it was not.
"Not gonna lie it was kind of funny, but I did feel a bit bad."
"Woah. You felt bad for me!? Who the hell are you?" You said dramatically making jeno throw his head back in laughter.
"Someone who actually has remorse," He looked you up and down before starting again, "for some people."
You huffed, "And to think you were becoming nice." Jeno giggled one last time but it quickly faded away when a hand slammed on the table.
Both of you looked up at the boy with jet black hair, he was none too happy with all your laughing and 'flirting', and wanted to interrupt it the best he could.
"Hey jeno," jaemin nodded his head in his friends direction, somehow managing to make his anger dissolve into a real smile.
"Whats up?" Jeno smiled.
You sat back staring at the two, jaemins eyes were locked onto jenos and his hand was still sitting there. They were like statues.
"Oh you know...working and watching you dumbasses flirt." Jaemin painfully grit his teeth, still holding a smile and you tried not to laugh.
Out of all things you found cute, it was jaemins poor attempt at trying not to be angry or jealous. It was like watching a rom-com but in real life.
"Its disgusting." Jaemin mumbled.
He turned towards you, but with no smile like you didn’t deserve one which in this case you was probably true since this was your idea in the first place.
"I've never seen you come here on your day off. Isn't that a bit strange?"
"Jeno wanted something sweet," you lied, "and we have the best sweets. What, can I not come here on my day off?” Man did jaemin find you annoying right now. It was getting to the point that talking to you was becoming a chore. Either he couldn’t talk to you because you ignored him or you started speaking in ways that made his eye twitch.
"You're gonna be in so much trouble later." Jaemin muttered low enough for you to hear. Jeno smirked at jaemins words too, knowing this was working way too well for you. "I should get back to work before irene gets mad and you guys should get going too."
You raised a brow, "And why is that?"
"Jeno always brings his dates home to fuck."
"If you're jealous then just say it." You growled.
Jaemin looked between you and a red faced jeno and snickered, "Im not jealous, I already had my turn." He winked and walked away leaving you and jeno staring at each other with wide eyes.
"I...feel like this didn’t go as we intended.." jeno laughed but with no emotion, almost in a sadistic way.
You puffed out your cheeks, not sure what to do now that jaemin was playing like this too.
"I should bring you back home." He started standing but you grabbed his hand to stop him.
"No wait.” He looked down at you, “Isn't there a party later?"
"Yeah?" jeno tilted his head, wondering why you’re asking this question when you never go to any of the frat party’s.
"Lucas is throwing it right?" Jeno nodded his head and you perked up, "Can we go?"
It was a strange request, you never wanted to go to any parties because you worked and studied whenever you felt the need to, so parties were never on your mind. But right now, you felt that a party is what you need. You've never been but it can't be that bad if you're with someone. And you even know the host so there should be other people you know too. It would be fun anyway.
"If you really want to, but you might lose me at some point."
"That’s okay," your face said otherwise, "I’ll try to find someone I know." It wasn’t likely that you would, but you knew that the main people who were going to go was hyuck and lucas. There was also jaehyun and johnny, the only thing was you didn’t know them as well as hyuck or lucas and ever talked to them a few times. They were nice, but you probably wouldn't go up to them and strike up a conversation.
"Alright then let's go, the party’s gonna start in like two hours. And seeing how long it took you just to get ready for this stupid date, you’re probably gonna need it." Jeno pulled you up by the hand that stopped him before, and you both walked out of the cafe.
You got into jenos car and put on your seat belt waiting patiently for him to drive off. The only problem was that he was busy on his phone, trying to find music to play.
"Don’t look at me like that." Jeno did a double take at your unamused face that clearly stated you wanted to leave so you can get ready for the party.
"Then pick a damn song and let's go." You smacked his thigh repeatedly causing him to groan and put his playlist on shuffle, driving off after hitting play. "See, that wasn’t so hard now was it?"
"Your’e annoying. I cant believe i even said yes to this fake dating thing. Now I see why jaemin didn’t respond."
"Hey that's not very nice," you pouted, "and don't make me think of that for God sake, its depressing."
"Good now shut up and let me drive." And so you did, letting just the music and jenos quiet singing be the only thing playing in your ears.
It was a quick ride anyway from your job to the apartment, jimin was doing his normal thing which was sitting on the couch shirtless and watching dramas. The little up and down he gave jeno wasn't unseen by you either, but you never commented as you walked by with a smirk.
Jeno was close behind you too almost like a lost puppy. He even sat on your bed and watched you apply a bit of make up for the party and lazily lounged about as you picked an outfit, not sure whether to go with an innocent pink flowy skirt, or black ripped jeans.
"I like the skirt better," jeno hoisted himself on the bed, "it gives me better access-"
"Don’t even think about it!" You whipped a pillow straight to his head, he wasn’t quick to dodge as it hit him perfectly where you wanted it to, "I’m about to choose the jeans."
The boy tilted his head as he pouted at the two choices in your hand, Jeno preferred the innocent look on women but this wasn’t for him--in fact it wasn’t for anyone except yourself, but he couldn’t stop from staring at the pretty baby pink skirt.
"How about you try them on and pick which one you think looks better on you." He smiled that eye smile of his after having a little war with himself.
You nodded your head and rushed to the bathroom to throw on one of the bottoms first.
Once you came back, you stood in front of jeno with the jeans on and checked yourself out in the mirror. It hugged your waist sweetly and complimented your legs well, but you didn’t think this was going to be the winner out of the two.
"Okay maybe a skirt would look better." You whispered loud enough for jeno to hear.
"Told you! Skirts suit you better anyways." Jeno sat against the headboard in victory as you went back to change into a skirt. The only thing left was a top, but jeno seemed to already have that covered when he threw a white laced bralette at your face. "This is cute." He made heart eyes at the bralette you held up.
"It is but don't you think it would show too much?" You questioned, though you couldn’t lie that you were a bit tempted to wear it though it did cut a bit low.
"Dude its fine, a lot of other girls wear way worse stuff than what I just gave you."
You decided to trust jenos words, and left to put on the shirt. Unsurprisingly it looked amazing with the skirt and your beautiful skin. So maybe jeno was good at picking clothes out, but you wouldn't tell him that.
After doing any last few touches you had, you and jeno left after saying goodbye to jimin, who was still checking jeno out, and left for the party.
"You’re not gonna change?" You wondered as you sat in the car.
Jeno shrugged and smiled, "I’m a guy so I don't care what I wear."
"Thats cap."
Jeno rolled his eyes and began driving to the destination. Sometime during the ride you snatched his phone to find a good song to play, ignoring the boy who whined as you took it from him.
After finding a song and placing the phone back down, you carelessly started belching the lyrics out to purposely irritate jeno who was struggling to not pull the car over and leave.
"Y/n, who sings this song?"
"Michael Jackson, why?"
"Please keep it that way."
"And we are here!!" Jeno slammed on his breaks and peacefully left the car as if he didn’t just insult your singing. You got out, a bit intimidated by the crowd of people standing outside dancing with drinks in hand while others smoked. Girls all in tight shirts that hugged them perfectly or the shorts that made their ass pop almost literally. Boys being boys by taking shots or chugging their beer in competitions. This was all new to you and somehow you found yourself clinging onto jenos arm like a little girl.
"Is it always this crowded?" You looked up waiting for his answer.
"Yeah but that's because it's lucas' party. He always knows how to bring people in," he looked around at some of the unfamiliar faces that were chilling by the entrance, "c’mon let's go inside."
Jeno dragged you in like you were the lightest thing and passed you a cup once at a table filled with drinks.
"Want something. Maybe a shot?" Jeno winked as you scoffed.
You looked between the variety of drinks, they were all too strong or too bitter for your liking because of your lack of drinking so it only made your face scrunch, "These are all disgusting."
"Oh come on! Don't tell me you're a light weight!" Jeno complained but needless to say he still grabbed your cup, barely filling it with some alcohol and handed it back.
You looked at the somewhat dark liquid and sniffed it. Not the sweetest scent, but it is what it is. Tilting your head back, you drank the small amount that jeno gave you and he watched with wide eyes as you coughed at the intense flavor. Something like a mix of cinnamon.
"...you just drank fireball.." jeno mumbled but you were still focused on the burning sensation in the back of your throat. It definitely isn’t a smooth drink and its fairly strong, something you can't take, but you shook the cup in his face for more, "Are you trying to get wasted?"
"Well we are at a party-"
"Y/NNN!!!!" A voice interrupted the conversation and you both turned to see none other than lucas himself running towards you with wide arms, two cups in hand, and a huge smile on his face. "I haven't seen you in so long!!" Lucas engulfed you in a bear crushing hug making jeno laugh behind you.
"You saw me last week." You said in his chest, still being crushed by the giant.
"That’s a long time for some people, be considerate man." Lucas let go, drinking out of the cup in his right hand. "So what brought you here? You never come to parties."
"I asked jeno-"
Lucas spat out his drink, "Jeno!?" He looked behind you to jeno smiling and waving at him. "I think i drank too much cuz im seeing shit." He stared into his drink.
Jeno chuckled and took the other drink out of lucas' hand, "You aren't seeing things." He started drinking from the cup and Lucas frowned watching the younger. "She just wanted to come with me for some reason."
Lucas looked at you and you nodded back, "Then now that you're here, get drunk so we can play games."
"More fireball?" Jeno lifted the bottle up and Lucas nodded.
"More fireball."
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You shouldn't have taken more than 2 shots of fireball. It was impossible for you to think straight, in fact, you found yourself sitting on jenos lap with him being equally as drunk, well, maybe not as bad but still pretty hammered. 
There were even times where you both would start flirting with no context. From someone else's point of view, it was probably funny, but to you and him, it was like you wanted to get into each others pants.
"Look," jeno lazily pointed over to the entrance where seulgi walked in with jaemin close behind. "I have a plan if you wanna do it."
"Hmm," you frowned at the two, jaemin was smiling at seulgi who was talking his ear off and giving him subtle flirtatious hints while she walked to the drink table, "Sure what is it?"
Smirking, jeno moved his hand lower on your waist, "Promise you won't kill me after this?"
"Depends on what you're gonna do."
Jeno reached to take a sip of beer, knowing that after this night he'd be throwing up from all the drinking, "Ill do it when he looks over."
A drunken pout sat on your face as you were so curious to know what he had in mind, but jeno still grinned at your behavior, rubbing up and down on your waist.
What shocked you the most was when jeno suddenly put his lips on yours. You've figured out by now that this was his plan so you didn't push him off.
Though you couldn't see it, jenos was staring into jaemins eyes as he smirked against your lips. It was like he beat jaemin at something and came up to the top for once. But you were too focused in making out with jeno to even notice the burning eyes in your back, watching as jeno gripped your hips and kissed you back hungrily like a devil. He tasted like alcohol and you couldn't say you were any sweeter, but maybe it was the intoxication that made you start to enjoy this moment a little more than you should’ve.
"W-what the hell...?" Jeno pulled back hesitantly looking behind you. Trying to look back, jeno took you by the face making you look at him, "Please only look at me."
"Whyyyy?" You leaned into his hand and jeno almost softened up but clenched his jaw in return.
"Drink some water." He changed the subject, handing you his bottle of water that he kept with him the entire time for whenever any of you needed it, and right now seemed like the time.
You swatted his hand away, almost spilling the water and started, "But I wanna look."
"Unless you want to see jaemin shoving his tongue down seulgis throat, I suggest you don’t."
"Hes what!??"
Jeno giggled like a little school girl probably from your furious face, "Its what you get, so don't even get mad when you do the same thing."
"But you’re the one who kissed me first, I only went along with it." Your growled and took a heavy chug from the water you pushed away. "I’m mad at you."
"Should’ve pushed me off."
"I figured you did it for a reason."
"Then don’t get mad."
"I- you- I'm gonna be mad!!"
Jeno rubbed his temples like you were the most infuriating thing known to man. He doesn't know how jaemin could put up with you and hes amazed how far he got with your antics. It was ticking him off but he didn't want to just drop you now, it was still somewhat fun.
"We should go dance." You looked towards the many groups of sweaty people grinding on each other, having a good time enjoying the party. You sighed, it would be fun you thought. 
Jeno perked up at your sudden mood change noticing how you weren't in the slightest mad anymore, now registering that you have mood swings when you're drunk or tipsy.
"I don’t dance."
"Don’t lie! You're literally a dancer, c’mon!" You got up off his lap and hoisted him up, bringing him to the dance floor. He placed his hands on your hips as you moved against him, just letting the music flow through you and let your body move on its own.
You didn’t actually care if jaemin saw you grinding on his best friend because right now, you were actually having fun. Maybe it was because you were wasted or maybe it was because of the excitement and happiness here that made you love it so much. Either way, you found joy just dancing with jeno.
"Isn't this fun?" You moved your head to smirk at him, but jeno seemed a bit uncomfortable.
"Maybe if you weren't grinding on me, I'd say yes, but right now it's a hard no."
You knew what he meant and that’s why you pushed back a bit. Stopping when he gripped your hips in a way that hurt a bit.
"Stop it y/n." He whispered in your ear.
You whined and said, "Make me." Jeno stood back, not sure what to do right now. He may be a fuck boy but he has boundaries. Plus you’re drunk and don’t know what you’re saying.
"We should go home."
"But I wanna dance and have fun with you!!" You voice came out slurred and jeno automatically took another step back.
"Not gonna happen, you’re wasted." Grabbing your hand, he walked towards the front door so he could bring you home, but of course this would be the perfect time for jaemin to stop him.
"Whats wrong with her?" His voice was laced with concern seeing your current state; droopy eyes, and a way too happy smile.
"Shes drunk so I’m taking her back home." Jeno tried walking passed but jaemin stopped him again. If jeno wasn’t as drunk or tispy, jaemin probably would’ve let him bring you back, but jaemin couldn’t be so sure and wanted you safe. Plus, he may or may not be a bit mad at jeno.
"No stay, I can bring her back." Jaemin pushed, not because he wanted to show you discipline for the last few days, but because he was genuinely worried for your current state.
"What about seulgi?"
Jaemin looked back at the girl who was now talking with some of her friends, clearly not paying attention or taking notice of his disappearance. "She'll be fine." He brushed it off, "Lemme take y/n."
It took a few seconds for jeno to let go of your hand and stand back for jaemin to take you before you fell over. But he was so gentle with you, and because of that jeno was sure jaemin wouldn’t do anything bad to you.
"Be careful." Jeno said, jaemin nodded back and walked away with you slightly stumbling down the stairs just after he said that.
You started giggling at yourself while jaemin was actually struggling to keep you up. Somehow though, he made it to the car before you tripped and out your seat belt on before climbing in the drivers seat.
"Nana, where are we going?" You slurred.
Jaemin smiled at the little nickname you never used, "To my house if that’s fine with you."
"Your house is nice." Leaning against the window, you rested your head as you started zoning out.
Jaemin didn't mind though, he wanted you to get some rest, at least before he got to his house so he could put you to bed. But it wasn't like you'd sleep for long because the drive was only 5 minutes. 
When jaemin started carrying you out, that was when you started putting up a fight. Not only was jaemin try his best to not get angry, but he also tried to reason with himself when you started whining and pushing him away. Either sweet talk or show who's in charge.
"Y/n please cut it out, I’m just bringing you to my room." Jaemin groaned, struggling to keep you still in his arms.
"But I wanna walk."
"You can barely walk right now."
You didn’t care and continued moving around and kicking his arms away trying to get him to put you down, but just like you--he was stubborn and he carried you the whole way to his bed.
Softly putting you down, he went to grab some clothes for you. When he came back you already discarded your skirt and were about to take your bralette off until jaemin stopped you.
"What are you doing?" He pulled your hand away from the strap.
"I wanna play with you."
Jaemin shook his head at your sad face and pulled your body closer to his so he could start getting you changed, "Its almost 3am and you're drunk." but you whined once he rejected you.
“So what? Im still giving you my consent anyway.” You said, smiling at him as he took your top off, quickly putting a shirt on to cover you up. He wondered how you could wear such a tight top without feeling uncomfortable.
“You're not giving me full consent, y/n. I’m not gonna take advantage of you.” He stepped away after dressing you. Jaemin had only put a shirt on you and just left you in your underwear since it seemed the most comfortable. 
Jaemin changed too, only wearing sweatpants and no shirt because he was most comfortable that way himself, and crawled into bed with you. Somehow you found yourself already snuggled into his chest, breathing in his delicious cologne.
“Goodnight nana.” you mumbled into his chest.
“Goodnight princess,” jaemin hesitated for a second before speaking again, “nana loves you.”
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You woke up to a painful headache and an empty bed. You knew where you were at least, but didn’t know how you got here. The last think you remembered was sitting with lucas, jeno and some other people playing a game of beer pong. That was probably when you got hammered, but why where you at jaemins house?
As much as you wanted to sit up and go find jaemin, your headache is what kept you in bed.
“Jaemin!!” You screamed, the sound of feet came running up the stairs.
“What is it? Are you okay? Do you need water? Medicine?” Question after question and jaemin seemed worried at your distressed state.
“Medicine and water would be nice actually.” You murmured and jaemin was already on his way to get what you needed.
Jaemin handed you two pills and a glass of ice water. You thanked him and took them, swallowing both the pills and the water at the same time.
“Do you need anything else?” His face still held concern and you almost wondered why he wasn’t mad at you like he had been for the past few days. Though you easily brushed it off as a sign that maybe he let you off the hook.
“No I’m good now.” You shook your head causing jaemin to sigh in relief and fall on the bed next to you. He gave you space, letting you cuddle and wrap yourself up in his blankets assuming that you were trying to find ways to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. And as much as he wanted to hold you, he was almost too scared to. It was funny really. Jaemin; the most out-going yet introverted person ever, was too scared to touch you right now.
Maybe it was his feelings getting the best of him or maybe he was too scared to finally fall in love with someone hes afraid of hurting in the end.
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fckinsupreme · 4 years
it happened one summer - xavier plympton x fem reader
Description: Xavier tries to charm a fellow counselor, but she isn’t falling for it. She wants something serious, and believes that Xavier is after one thing. Can he convince her that he wants more than just a hook-up? 
Word count: 6k 
Warnings: Female reader, AU, loss of virginity, unprotected sex, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, nipple play, handjob, basically the second half of this is nothing but filth. 
A/N: Anonymous requested--Xavier trying to flirt with the new girl who goes to Redwood with his gang. She's a virgin but not stupid. She wants a serious relationship with someone more than just sex. And if this blondie only wants a regular hook up, well she's not the one. So Xavier will tried to convice her that he really wants something more with her. He thinks he's hot, but not because of her body. (Well, a little) But when he sees her zero fuck attitute he feels in love even more.
You groan in defeat as Xavier Plympton claims one of your checkers, eyeing him in wide-eyed desperation. “Do I have to?”
“You know the rules, babe,” he says, gesturing toward your shirt. “Strip checkers denotes losing an article of clothing with every loss of a piece, so pay up!”
You sigh, annoyed with your own carelessness as you unbutton your blouse. A breeze passes through the ajar cabin door, the summer night air hitting your bare skin as your shirt falls to the floor. Your nipples harden inside of your bra, but luckily, the padding keeps it mostly concealed. “I thought checkmate was a chess thing, by the way?”
“Hm, don’t know,” Xavier says, licking his lips as he ogles your shirtless form. “Your turn.”
Your eyes scan the board, trying to decide a good move. The answer stares you in the face for the longest time, and you move one of your red checkers over one of his black ones when you see it. You claim the piece, eyeing his shirt with a satisfied grin. “Your turn.”
“Goddammit,” Xavier says with a chuckle, tugging his teal shirt over his head and throwing it aside.
Your cheeks heat in a hot blush at the sight of his bare torso. You knew he was fit and had a good body, but you didn’t quite realize just how built he had been. Muscles rippled beneath his skin, a slight outline of abs present on his stomach, his chest perfectly defined. Xavier has apparently noticed the color in your cheeks as you stare, a grin forming over his full lips. He laughs and flexes his biceps for you, which finally tears your gaze away with a darker flush. 
“Like what you see, babe?” Xavier asks smugly. 
“I--” you begin, cutting yourself off with a shake of your head as you watch him make a move. Luckily, he doesn’t claim any of your pieces. “Why do you flirt with me so much? It’s all you’ve done since we got here at camp.”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Xavier asks with an amused grin. 
“Not really, no,” you say, making an unsuccessful move. “Enlighten me.”
“It’s because you’re beautiful,” Xavier says, surveying the board and moving his piece. “Seriously, Y/N. You’re stunning, and I don’t think you even realize it. I think you’re totally oblivious to the fact that you’re a fucking knockout, and that makes you even more beautiful.”
“What a line,” you say with a slight eye roll as you move a piece past his. He removes his shorts, and you’re unable to get a good look before he sits down. “Do you say that to all the girls you wanna get in bed with?”
“No,” he says, his tongue poking out as he claims another of your checkers. “Aha!”
You whine, slipping out of your skirt with reluctance. You feel so vulnerable, so exposed, and you aren’t too fond of that feeling. You try to cover your still-covered breasts with one arm, but to no avail. Xavier is trying so hard not to gawk, but he’s unable to help himself. For some odd reason, his staring fills you with a certain degree of rage. He certainly didn’t get angry when you were checking him out, so why be so harsh? You had a hunch as to why, but you weren’t going to vocalize it yet; mostly because it scared you to even entertain. 
“I need to get back to my cabin,” you say, rising to your feet. “This was a mistake.”
“Woah, what?” Xavier asks in surprise, brows knitted as he watches you gather your discarded clothes. “Babe--”
“Please stop calling me that,” you beg as you get dressed. “And please stop flirting with me.”
“But--” he begins, cut off as you walk out of the cabin and into the night.
The next morning, Xavier was at it again.
Not only did he flirt with you first thing, but he was also hitting on Montana, Brooke, and anyone else within range. Apparently it hadn’t been the first time; you’d overheard Montana telling Ray that Xavier was getting more flirtatious with her since their arrival. You felt betrayed, deceived, utterly foolish for believing that a man as beautiful as Xavier Plympton would ever want you. Your heart stung, but you made a promise to yourself not to fall for it again. It was one you intended to keep, no matter how difficult he made it. 
You ate breakfast alone, in silence. Your lone wolf status didn’t last long, however, as Xavier took a seat next to you. You scoot away, but he follows, oblivious to your anger and disappointment. Since moving isn’t working, you choose to ignore him. You eat quietly, not acknowledging his presence until he starts flirting with you once more. This time, his topic had been how the filtering of the sunlight in the cafeteria made you look angelic, and how he would love to show you Heaven sometime. 
“Stop,” you say sternly. “Just stop it, Xavier.”
“What’s wrong?” Xavier asks. 
“You’re what’s fucking wrong,” you say. “I know you’re flirting with literally every single counselor here. I fucking know I’m not the only one.”
“Y/N--” he begins, but you stop him. 
“No, fucking listen to me for once,” you say after taking a bite of bacon, and he falls silent. “I thought I was the only one. I was gonna give you a chance, but after all of that? No thanks; I’ll pass.” 
“I--” he starts, and you cut him off again.
“I’m not done,” you say angrily. “I want something serious. I want a relationship, not something where I have to contend with a man who flirts around and can’t decide who he wants. I want commitment, love, joy. Clearly, none of that is what you can give.”
“I don’t understand why that’s such a big deal,” Xavier says softly. “I--”
“You wanna know?” you ask, your voice raised a little. You lower it as a few counselors turn in your direction, not wanting to attract too much attention. “It’s a huge fucking deal to me, because I’m a virgin. Okay?”
His eyes widen at that admission, and he gapes before finding his voice. “You...what? Really?”
“Really,” you confirm. “I want my first time to be with someone special, so I haven’t experienced it yet. Wanna know why? Because all men I’ve considered always ended up being like you.”
Xavier hangs his head in shame, and when he looks at you again, his expression is remorseful. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I didn’t know; I feel like such a jerk.”
“That’s because you are one,” you say, tossing your napkin onto the tray of your half-eaten meal. “So, if your objective has been trying to get in my pants, then you’re wasting your time. I’m not giving my virginity to you.”
“I do want only you,” he says, and you laugh humorlessly. “Seriously! I only flirted with the others because I thought you didn’t like me.”
“I did like you, until you threw yourself at every piece of ass here,” you spit, getting up from the table. “I’m going to shoot some arrows at the archery station. Please don’t bother following me.”
He didn’t. 
The next few days were quite eventful on the Xavier front. Every time you turned around, it seemed Xavier was right there with another lame tall tale. He was sorry, he would do better, he would stop flirting with others, he would spend more time with you and less with them. You rebuffed him each time, not wanting to hear another word of it. 
But then he actually did stop flirting around, and he was there to lend a sincere helping hand when you needed it. In your mind, you interpreted all of these sudden changes as him wanting to be your first. After all, most men had a secret obsession with virginal women—or not so secret, in some cases. Xavier was a playboy, there was no doubt about that. So, who’s to say that he didn’t possess the same sick need to be the one taking your virginity? You were nothing but a bragging right to him, and your anxiety & temper about it finally boiled over as the two of you swam in the lake. 
“You truly are a pretty girl,” Xavier says as you surface from a dive. “Even when doing the smallest things.”
“Can you not do this?” you beg. “Please. I came out here to cool off, not listen to more of your bullshit.”
He holds his hands up in mock surrender, a wide grin on his lips. “Sorry. I just feel bad for what happened, and I wanted to show you how sorry I really am.” 
“Just don’t flirt with me,” you say. “That’s all you need to do, if you really wanna prove it to me.”
He nods with a sigh, and you float on your back. The sky is a clear, cloudless blue, so mesmerizing and also a bit terrifying. How easy it was to get lost in such an abyss and how simple it was to associate that color blue with Xavier’s eyes...Those beautiful baby blues that seemed so endless, like a vast ocean or sky that would take and take and take--
You stop yourself, taking a deep breath and plunging below the water. You allow it to carry you, swaying you gently to and fro, not sure what doing so will accomplish. Perhaps you wanted to drown the thoughts of him away, or maybe it was as simple as wanting to hide. The anger flashes through your mind again, that comment he’d made minutes earlier churning through your insides. You go up, gulping air into your lungs and pushing some hair from your eyes as you glare daggers at him. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asks curiously. “What have I done now?”
“What you always do,” you say, swimming away from him. “You do realize these half-assed attempts won’t work, right? I know what your angle is.”
“And what is it?” Xavier asks irritably. “Please tell me what you think is going on in MY head.”
“You only want to try and ‘prove’ yourself so I change my mind and let you fuck me,” you spat. “It’s not working, Xavier.”
“Y/N,” Xavier says in frustration. “That’s not why! You aren’t some meaningless piece of ass to me. I know your stance; if I was gonna use you, I would have given up already. It was clear that you wouldn’t change your mind, so it wouldn’t have been worth it to keep trying.”
“I call bullshit,” you say, climbing out of the lake and shaking water from your ears. “I’m sorry, but I don’t believe it.” 
You look back at him as you grab your towel. He’s quiet, but the expression on his face was akin to a man in love. The glint in his eyes, the awestruck look, the dopey grin. You can’t stop the laugh that rips from your chest at the sight, but as you walk away, your heart pangs at the thought of what it may mean.
This wasn’t going to be easy, was it? 
A couple days after the lake incident, the counselors gathered at the dock to enjoy a barbecue and some sunbathing. That is, all the counselors except you; you took up the offer to clean Margaret’s cabin. Anything that kept you away from Xavier was exactly what you needed. It wasn’t that he was bothering you; you were past that point now. In fact, you actually wanted to see him more, after seeing the lovestruck expression on his face days earlier. But you told yourself you wouldn’t get attached or fall for him any harder; it would only end in a heartbreak that you possibly couldn’t recover from.
You begin dusting Margaret’s mantel when you hear Xavier at the front door. “Y/N?”
Your blood runs cold, and you swallow hard past the lump in your throat. “Yeah?” you manage, poking your head into the front room.
“I had to come and see you,” Xavier says, wringing his hands anxiously. “I know you don’t want to hear it, but all I’m asking is that you hear me out. Okay?”
You sigh, sitting behind her desk as you dust your hands off. “You can try, but no promises that I’ll believe you.”
He nods in understanding, taking a deep breath. “Listen, I know you think that I’m only after you for sex. I know you think I’m lying when I say that isn’t true, but I honestly don’t want you just for that reason. I truly think that you’re beautiful and that you’re the best girl I’ve ever met. You’re all I’ve thought about from the moment we met, and as much as I wish you would get out of my head, it won’t happen. I don’t care that you’re a virgin; I like you for you. I flirted with the others, because I didn’t wanna fall deeply for you. I know you’d never go for a guy like me. Why would you? A goddess like you is way out of my league, anyway.”
“Xavier--” you begin, but he cuts you off. 
“I’m not done,” he says, taking another deep breath. “I know I screwed up by being too flirty, but I’m determined to make it up to you. I’ll do whatever it takes to prove to you that I’m telling the truth. I really am sorry, and knowing that I hurt you causes me pain, too. I just...I’m an idiot and I really screwed up. I didn’t know what a good thing I was losing. It’s just something I’m always going to have to live with, and I hope you can forgive me someday.” 
You’re silent, staring at him in astonishment. Xavier, apparently taking this as the worst possible sign, turns to leave. Before he can, though, you rest a hand on his arm to stop him. The realization that he’s telling the truth hits you full force, and you can’t just let him walk away. The efforts he took to find you and come clean, to pour his heart out...If he truly was after sex, it wouldn’t have occured to him to do any of it. He would have kept persisting, but this? It wasn’t the standard, run-of-the-mill player nonsense. It was genuine. 
“Wait,” you whisper, eyes flicking to meet his. “Please don’t go.”
“But--” he begins.
Before he can formulate a complete response, your lips press to his in a soft, chaste kiss. It’s quicker than you intended, but you hope he received the message loud & clear. He melts against your lips, the hint of a smile on his own as you draw back. The faintness of his grin fades quickly, replaced by a frown as he shakes his head. You can still feel the soft plumpness of his lips on yours, an electric tingle charging through them and settling between your legs. You look at him in confusion as he stares at the ground, wondering what’s going through his mind. Finally, he speaks it. 
“Don’t kiss me unless you mean it,” he begs. “Please, Y/N.” 
“I do mean it,” you assure him, brushing your fingers through the hair on the side of his head. “I really do. I know you’re being honest, Xavier. It took a lot of effort and I know you wouldn’t have bothered if you didn’t mean it. It’s too much to put yourself through for a single day of sex, and you know my stance. But you didn’t give up, and that’s how I know you mean it.”
The grin that forms on Xavier’s face threatens to split it in half. His hands land on your waist, coaxing you toward him until your chest is flush to his. He brushes hair from either side of your face with both of his hands, cupping your jaw and caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. He slowly comes in for another kiss, his warm, inviting lips finding yours once more. Your eyes slip closed, and an overwhelming urge to deepen the kiss washes over you. Your tongue trails over his lips after a moment, and you can feel him withdrawing. You whine in protest, but he shakes his head in response.
“Do you really want this?” Xavier asks, nervously chewing on his lower lip. “If you aren’t ready, then we don’t have to. Please don’t feel pressured, okay?”
“I do want it,” you say. “I really do. I wouldn’t be engaging you if I didn’t. I want it, Xavier; I want you.”
“I won’t let you down or break your heart,” Xavier promises. “You have my word on that.”
“I know,” you say, closing the space between you and sealing your lips to his again. 
The kiss immediately deepens, with Xavier’s tongue swiping past yours as he grips the back of your neck. His lips taste of peppermint and a faint hint of citrus, and the combination is dizzying. It makes you crave more of him, and you lick the roof of his mouth as he shivers slightly. He backs you up, drawing away long enough to lead you to Margaret’s bed. He places you on the mattress, lips connecting to yours again. Your hands explore his back and torso, wanting to take in every single inch that’s accessible to you.
“Mmm,” he hums, mouth trailing over your jaw and down your neck. “Is it okay if I start taking your clothes off?”
“Yes,” you say, nuzzling against his scalp. “Go ahead.”
“You’re sure?” Xavier asks, and you chuckle as you give him a playful swat. “Ow!”
“It’s really fine,” you say. “If something is wrong, I’ll tell you. I swear.”
He tugs you up, lifting your shirt over your head and discarding it. He studies you, the way your chest heaves, the way you’re already reaching for him in anticipation, and he kisses you with such passion that it sends electricity throughout your body. You grab his shirt next, and as soon as you fist it, he stops the kiss to remove it. You take in every line of muscle with your fingers, relishing in the way he shudders beneath your touch. His lips attach to your neck again, leaving featherlight kisses all over your skin. You moan loudly as he kisses the area between your neck & shoulder, which prompts him to press his mouth even harder against that same spot.
“Shit, that feels so good,” you gasp, and you can feel him grinning against your neck. 
“You’ll be surprised what feels good, babe,” he breathes, dragging his teeth along your neck and under your jaw. “I’ll show you.”
“Please,” you beg, grabbing his belt and unfastening it clumsily. “I want you to show me everything.”
“I will,” he promises. “I’ll be slow and gentle.”
“I trust you,” you say, gripping his hair as he kisses your collarbones. “Wholeheartedly.”
“What a pleasant turn of events,” Xavier jokes, winking as he coaxes your hips upward. “Lift yourself up, baby.”
You do as you’re told, allowing Xavier to remove your shorts. Xavier kisses you again as he throws them aside, his tongue pressing to yours as he runs a hand from your side to your hip. Your fingers fumble with his zipper, and after what seems to take forever, you get his pants unbuttoned. You shove them down as far as you can manage, and he kicks them to the floor. The two of you make out a little, with your bra & panties coming off along the way. When you remove his boxers, you both sit back to admire each other’s exposed bodies. Xavier’s cock is far bigger than you imagined, and you chew your lip anxiously as you wonder how much it’s going to hurt. Xavier, seemingly picking up on your anxiety, gives you a gentle, reassuring kiss.
“I’ll be cautious and I’ll make sure you’re ready,” he assures. “Can I just say, though...Your body is fucking perfect, Y/N. Perfect tits, perfect pussy, perfect everything.”
You blush a little, and Xavier begins kissing over your breasts. He explores every inch, pulling your nipple between his teeth. He’s very careful, but the sensation is one you’ve never felt before. It’s so good that your eyes flutter closed, a soft mewl falling from your lips as he starts sucking. Your noises grow in volume, your cunt throbbing as fresh arousal pools between your legs. His hand caresses your thigh, a violent shiver rolling down your spine as he touches a particularly sensitive area. He alternates, switching to the opposite nipple and giving it the same treatment as the other. You tug his hair, arching a little against the new, unfamiliar sensations coursing through your body. 
“Xavier,” you mewl, eyes closed as he starts massaging your tits. He presses them together, burying his face in your chest and inhaling your scent. You giggle as he leaves small hickeys between them, the light marks soon darkening as his tongue runs over one nipple again. “It feels so nice.”
“I know something that’s gonna feel even better,” Xavier says, kissing down your stomach. 
“What is it?” you question, sitting up on your elbows to get a good look at him.
“Eating your pussy,” he says, pulling you down a little as he settles between your legs. “You know what that is, don’t you?”
“Duh,” you say with a chuckle, biting back a moan as he kisses the top of your mound. “I’m not totally clueless, but I want you to do it. I want it so fucking much.”
“And you’ll get it,” he tells you, opening your legs a little further to observe your soaked cunt.
You take in the sight, just drinking it up. His pretty blue eyes fixated on your face as he presses the most delicate kisses to your inner thighs. The way his breath fans over your skin. The way his hair tickles your thighs, his earring catching the light as his strong arms grip your legs. It’s an image you never want to lose, and one you wanted burned into your mind forever. If he would ever leave you, God forbid...you wanted to memorize every last detail.
“Are you ready?” Xavier asks, running his tongue slowly along your groin.
“I’ve been ready,” you breathe, whining as he licks the opposite side. “Please, do it.”
Xavier gently opens your legs a bit further, two of his fingers parting your inner lips before running his tongue through them. The sensation that his wet, silky tongue leaves behind is nothing short of incredible, and it’s much better than you ever imagined. He hums as your taste floods his mouth, his eyes slipping closed as he relishes in it. You shiver as his tongue flicks your clit, the touch so soft and light that you almost couldn’t register it. His arms remain around your thighs, his large hands gripping the areas above your knees. As his lips brush over each side of your pussy, his thumbs caress the hollows of your knees as a bit of reassurance, calming your nerves even more.
“How are you doing?” Xavier asks, sucking your left lip. “Good?”
“Very good,” you confirm, playing with the little stray piece of hair on his forehead. “I love it so much. Please don’t stop.”
“I won’t unless you tell me to,” Xavier says, massaging the same area with his tongue as his fingers trail through your slick, messy cunt. “Do you mind if I finger you?”
“No, go ahead,” you say, crying out in pleasure as his finger slowly pushes inside, stopping only when he’s in to the last knuckle. “Xavier...That...It’s amazing.”
“I know, baby,” he coos, working his finger against your sweet spot as he laps ast your clit. “I know.”
You arch instinctively as he curls his finger, and the mixed sensations of that & his tongue send jolts up your spine. His eyes never leave your face, wanting to see your reactions and how your body moves in response, and it occurs to you that he’s doing as you had moments ago. He wants to keep this memory, in case he cannot have it again after today. But you already know that he didn’t need to worry, just as you, unknowingly, didn’t need to worry about it, either. 
“Can I add another finger?” Xavier asks gently, kissing along your outer labia. “Or would that be too much?”
“Try it,” you say. “If it’s too much, I’ll tell you.”
He nods, carefully adding a second finger. It doesn’t hurt, but you feel fuller than before. It isn’t too unpleasant, but it does feel a little odd at first. Every time you touched yourself in the past, it was more clitoral stimulation than fingering, so it was a little weird with someone else doing it for you. Besides, his fingers were longer and thicker than yours, which only added to the foreign sensation they left. You clench instinctively, and he groans lowly against your clit in response.
“You’re so beautiful,” Xavier rasps, his free hand snaking up your side and landing on one of your breasts. “The most beautiful girl in the world.”
You’re so lost in pleasure that you don’t even roll your eyes at his comment, instead feeling a familiar tightness in your lower belly. The way he’s sucking on your clit, pumping his fingers, and playing with your breast are enough to tip you, but you aren’t ready to fall yet. You want to prolong it as much as possible, to savor it. Who knows how long it would be until you could have it again, especially with Margaret and her bullshit “no sex” rules. Knowing Xavier, however, he would find a way.
But would he find a way with you again?
You shake those thoughts from your head, bringing yourself back to present. Xavier’s fingers rub against your G-spot, just as his lips envelop your clit again. He shakes his head rapidly back & forth, applying more pressure with his mouth. He swipes his thumb over your hard nipple, pinching in time with his tongue. You don’t have time to warn him that you’re cumming, your orgasm washing over you and casting you into a pleasurable abyss. You gush all over his fingers, his name spilling from your lips as you close your eyes while the high takes you. You’d given yourself many orgasms over the years, but this was much better by far. There was just something about having someone do it for you that was intoxicating, and you crave more already. You were so sensitive, however, that just the feeling of him dragging his nose through your folds brings pain. 
Xavier pulls his fingers out, drawing his head away as you shove it. “Are you okay, babe?” 
“I’m amazing,” you breathe. “Just a little sensitive, that’s all.”
“Not bad for your first time, huh?” Xavier asks as he slowly climbs up your body.
“Not at all,” you breathe, tugging him down for a hot kiss. You can taste your pussy on his mouth, his lips still slick with your juices before you lick it away. “You’re fucking good at that.”
“You’re just saying that because you have nothing to compare it to,” Xavier teases, his lashes fluttering as you close your hand around his erection. “Oh fuck, baby…”
His cock feels heavy in your hand, and pleasantly warm as you glide your hand up and down. It takes you a second to get a proper rhythm, and Xavier is happy to help you. He places his hand on yours, guiding you, showing you how it’s done. You take in every ridge, every bit of skin, every motion, getting used to how he feels before he fucks you. You’re a little nervous, but at the same time, you can’t wait. You trust Xavier, you know he’s going to be careful, but there’s still part of you that’s scared.
“Fuck,” Xavier hisses, peering at you with a soft smile. “Are you ready?”
You nod, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly to try and calm your nerves. “I am. Just...go slow, okay?”
“I promise I will,” Xavier says, rubbing his cock through your folds to help you adjust to the feel. “On three.”
You count down, and Xavier begins pushing inside. A burning, tearing pain sears through your core, and you wince as you squeeze your eyes shut. The pressure is intense, unpleasant, and you worry that you won’t be able to do this after all. Xavier stops immediately, not going any further yet. You wonder if there’s blood and how much, but the thought is so scary that you push it away quickly. This was supposed to be fun and enjoyable, not something to fear. However, the pain is so great that it takes you away from any other thought. It makes focusing on pleasure a little difficult, but you trust Xavier and the process. 
“Does it hurt too much, baby?” Xavier questions, kissing over your neck in a soothing manner. “Should I stop?”
“No, I’m okay,” you assure him. “It hurts, but I don’t want you to stop.”
He nods, kissing you tenderly before continuing to slowly push inside of you. It’s still painful, so he stops occasionally to give you more time to adjust. But soon, the uncomfortable pressure begins to dissipate, and you can feel every little bit of him. He’s probably in halfway now--or a little over that, but it’s all you can take. He’s massive, and you can’t accommodate all of him right now, but that’s fine with you. What you’re already feeling is nothing short of incredible, and is far from what you imagined in the best way possible. Pain was temporary; your focus was on the present, and it was perfect now. 
“How are you feeling?” Xavier asks as he gazes into your eyes. “Is it still really painful?”
“No, I’m better now,” you say, kissing him hotly before clenching around him. It feels so strange, but it’s a good strange. “Please go deeper; I think I can take it.”
Xavier inches in a bit deeper, getting a little more progress before you stop him. Tears prickle at your eyes as fresh pain rips through your core, and Xavier shakes his head. “That’s enough for now, babe. I’m in far enough, don’t worry.”
You open your mouth to tell him that you’re fine, but he gives that first slow, shallow thrust and you soon forget. A moan slips from your lips, and you cling to him as he sets a careful pace. He keeps the slow rhythm, not daring to speed up in fear of hurting you. He looks into your eyes, not wavering his gaze as his muscular arms flex with every move he makes. One of your hands grips his back, the other holding the base of his neck to pull him down for a kiss. The pain is slowly melting away, replaced by the most overwhelming ecstasy you’ve ever felt. 
“Fuck, I can’t get over how good you feel,” Xavier breathes, pressing tender kisses to your cheeks and jawline. “You’re so tight, so wet.”
“I guess the tightness was to be expected,” you tease, forehead against his as he comes up for another kiss. 
“It was,” he says against your lips, smiling as he begins breathing heavily. He’s still set at a slow, romantic pace, but you’re in no hurry to make him go faster. “Baby…”
“Xavier,” you whine, his lips attaching to your upper chest as he hums lowly. 
“You’re doing so well,” he praises. “You’re taking my cock so well, babe. I knew you could; I think you were really meant for me.”
“Strangely, I do, too,” you say, head falling back with a moan as he hits directly into the spot that makes you see stars. “Shit, do that again.”
Xavier thrusts against that spot once more, and you dig into his back momentarily. He moans softly at the feeling of your nails in his skin, hooking your legs over his waist to hit at a deeper angle. Another burning sensation tears through you, but it isn’t as bad or long-lasting as the first had been. He brings your lips to his in a heated, passionate kiss, conveying all emotion into it. If it hadn’t already been clear how he felt for you, that one kiss would have sealed the deal.
Xavier Plympton was going to be the death of you, wasn’t he?”
“I love how well you’re handling this,” Xavier says. “You’re so fucking good, babe. I’m gonna take even better care of you, okay? I promise.”
You smile, but it’s soon wiped from your face as you turn toward the front door. No one is there, but the fact that Margaret could return at any minute made your blood run cold. You pull Xavier’s face toward yours with a worried expression, but he doesn’t seem to notice your concern.
“Xav, what if Margaret comes back?” you ask anxiously. “We’ve been here for awhile.”
“She won’t,” Xavier assures. “It’s gonna be okay. I overheard her saying that she was going to town for supplies and would be gone all day. She left Trevor and Bertie in charge.”
“I’d be surprised if the camp is still standing when she gets back,” you joke, gripping his back a little tighter as his lips find your nipple. “Mmm…”
Xavier reaches down, rubbing your clit as your body tenses. He takes it as a painful reaction, slowly removing his hand before you grab his wrist to stop him. You shake your head, placing his hand back on your clit and holding it there as he grins. He presses his forehead to yours, gazing into your eyes as you both moan hotly. You nuzzle against him as his thrusts gain speed, and all initial discomfort is soon forgotten. Your head tips back, eyes shut for a moment before they snap open when he growls lowly. 
“Fuck,” he hisses. “I never want this to end.”
“I don’t, either,” you admit. “Even if Margaret does walk in, I don’t want you to stop.”
“She won’t,” Xavier says. “Even if she did, what is she gonna do? Make us clean the whole camp? It would be so worth it!” 
“Please keep doing that,” you beg, pushing against his hand for emphasis. “I’m getting really close.”
“Me too, baby,” Xavier whispers, one hand still working aa he uses the other for balance. “You’re sure it’s okay to cum inside of you?”
“Yes,” you say. “As long as it’s okay with you.”
“You first,” Xavier says, rubbing your clit in harder, faster circles. “Come on, baby. I know you want to.”
You almost roll your eyes, but you’re too lost in your pleasure to care about his comment. One more sharp thrust and a couple more swipes to your clit send the coil loose, tipping you over the edge into bliss. You cum the hardest you ever have before--including earlier--scratching down his back hard enough to draw a little blood. You cry out his name, your orgasm washing over you in a long wave. It feels like you’re drowning, your head spinning, your breath stolen, his sweaty body still pressed to yours.
Xavier cums after, and a new warmth soon spreads inside of you. You can barely register it, but it feels amazing nonetheless as he gently bites your neck. His cock twitches as he finishes, pulling out to collapse next to you. Some of his seed drips from your pussy, gathering onto the bed below. You’re both panting, lying there as you try to collect yourselves. The smell of sex and crisp summer air billow around the room, but neither of you are bothered. You’re too absorbed in the afterglow to care.
After a few moments of silence, Xavier scoops you in his arms. He hugs your sticky, slightly shaky body to his, lips pressing to the top of your head. “I don’t wanna let you go, Y/N.”
“Who says you have to?” you ask, looking up at him with a smile. “You don’t have to, you know.”
“Good,” Xavier says, running a finger down your cheek. “Because I really don’t want to.”
“Thank you so much for making my first time so special,” you say as you kiss his cheek. “I’m really glad that this happened, Xavier. I mean it, and I’m sorry I was so cold before. You were such a gentleman, and I’m sorry I ever doubted that.”
“It’s okay,” Xavier says. “It’ll get better after the first time. It’s never the most pleasant, but it’s smooth sailing after that. So I’ve heard.”
“I thought it went well enough,” you say as you gaze up at him. “But I can’t wait to do it again.”
“We have all summer, babe,” Xavier says joyously. “Beyond that, too!”
You chuckle, rolling him onto his back as you kiss him hungrily. For the first time since arriving at Camp Redwood, you found yourself excited for the remainder of the summer. While the two of you had sex again--this time far more satisfactory than last--you couldn’t help but feel happy for everything ahead. 
@littledemondani, @wroteclassicaly, @leatherduncan @melodylangdon, @lovelylangdonx, @confettucini, @littlegirlsdontplaynice, @dark-mei-rose, @langdonsdad, @blakewaterxx, @xhoneyxbeex, @babyyyodas, @frenchlangdon, @guiltyfiend, @whatcodysaid, @codyfernmorelikedaddyfern, @with-dandelions-in-her-hands, @langdonshellion
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with-love-anu · 4 years
The risk of love
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: Sirius have been bestfriends since forever. Things change when he runs away from home
Warnings: Mentions of bruises and torture
Word Count: 2,798
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Sirius Orion Black was the best and the worst person of your life.
He made it so easy being around him. He was as much a part of your life as the air around you. Even James, your childhood best friend didn’t compare to him. Your face would just brighten up whenever he entered the room. He had a charisma that attracted you to him. And you’d fallen for him. When? How? You didn’t know. Because it happened so slowly you couldn’t even pin point the exact moment. You were in love with every bit of him, even the darkest corners.
When you had first realized it, you did everything. You did everything to convince yourself that you weren’t in love with your best friend. You would beat down the bubbly flutter that emerged in your chest every time he was around. It was stupid. It was really stupid to be nervous around Sirius. Because if someone knew you, it was him. But each time he would touch you, even a simple brush of his hand would stir up something inside you making you go crazy again. You would shield yourself with your hands and legs trying to make these foreign, unwanted feelings go away only to be crushed by his thoughts again. You tried not to hate every person he kissed right in front of your eyes, as your stomach twisted up in dangerous knots and every good thing seemed to fade away. You wiped away the adamant tears that refused not to fall. You held your legs close to yourself deep into the night to stop the unbearable pain Sirius never knew he caused. You came up with every logical explanation to not fall for him, the mind abided, the heart didn’t. Come to think of it, when did the heart ever listen to logic?
Your feelings for him were ironic. You loved him with every speck of your soul and hated him for it. Because if there was one thing you couldn’t have, it was him. You had come terms with it long ago, knowing you’ll always love him and that he’ll never even know. And it was okay even though something crushed and shattered within you, seeing his lips red and swollen and his neck littered with bites every other day. You would gulp and force your lips to turn upwards at his proud smirk. You would hide behind your cup as your ears would pound. Remus knew. James did too. They would look at you with a pitiful expression that made you want to scream. But it was okay, because he was happy. That was all that mattered.
You were sitting in the common room perched over the coffee table, writing an essay. James sat beside you but he hardly looked at you. All he saw was the fiery red headed girl talking to a first year. Remus sat opposite to you reading the book thief yet again. Sirius came in and plopped down next to Remus, chuckling a little at James expression.
“Merlin! I hope I never fall in love!” he commented snatching Remus's book who released a ‘hey!’
“You don’t want to fall in love?” Remus asked him.
“Nope. Can’t end up like him!” he said pointing towards James who narrowed his eyes at him.
“But Sirius, you will fall in love one day.” James said shrugging.
“Nope. Don’t want someone after my necks for dates and all that cheesy romantic stuff!” he huffed rolling his eyes.
“Who said everyone wants all that greasy romantic fluff?” you asked raising your eyebrows.
“Well, don’t you?”
“Well then, what do you want?” Sirius said smirking at you in challenge.
“I would rather have a quiet relationship, knowing my partner loves me and cares for me like no other.” You said simply.
“Aha! But you see I don’t think love is as pretty as you make it to be. Take James, for example! He says he is in love with Lily there, but has got nothing but hurt in response.”
You all felt silent for a while. You could see the smug look on Sirius’s face and all you could think was how wrong he was.
“We don’t choose who we fall in love with, Sirius. It just happens. And it makes us more human. It’s better to get heartbroken than never experience it even once. It’s… it’s like a drug, once you have a taste of it, you keep wanting it more and more.”
“Yes, but why want all that pain? Why take the risk?”
“And you say it as a cocky proud Gryffindor.” You sassed. You sighed. “Because if we never take the risk, we leave out the chance to be the happiest we can. Because love makes us powerful, happy and strong. Would you rather sit on your death bed thinking what would have happened if you chose to give love a chance?”
Something flicked in Sirius’s eyes before he looked down and changed the topic to the next day’s plans.
You were at James house over summer. Your parents had gone abroad and Mrs. Potter was only too happy to take you in. You sat playing exploding snaps in James room late at night when there was a crack at the window. You both looked at it as yet another stone flew right in. James stood up and went to investigate, with you just behind him. You saw a dark silhouette under the dim street lights. Wait. Was that Sirius?
The two of you ran towards the front gate, bolting through the stairs. Your heart stopped as the door opened and you saw Sirius. His face was all bruised and his eye was swollen. You sucked in a breath, taking in his state not knowing how many more scars his torn clothes hid. Your head pounded as you stopped yourself from panicking.
“You said I was welcome at your house if I-“Sirius started but James had already took him in.
“What happened?” James asked quietly as you all went to his room.
“Mother and father were particularly angry tonight, didn’t mind a few crucio’s” your heart stopped as you looked at him. His face was static, hollow. You wanted nothing more than to pull him into your arms but he seemed so fragile that if you did just that, you thought he’d break.
So you walked in a dazed state not knowing when you reached the bed. You went to the washroom where you knew the first aid kit was. James decided to not wake his parents and tell them in the morning and Sirius was too happy to oblige. He didn’t want to talk now. Soaking a rag in cold water, you kneeled in front of Sirius who sat at the edge of the bed. He didn’t quite meet your eyes. You took your trembling hand towards his face only for him to turn it away. Your heart broke a little, seeing him so scarred and broken. You knew he wasn’t scared of you. It was an involuntary reaction. You gulped, placing the rag on his skin as he hissed softly. You cleaned his face and hands while James made sure to change the water very often and bring in some clean clothes.
“You need to remove your shirt.” You whispered pulling back. Sirius obliged, nodding, working like a robot. You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat on seeing him. His chest was red and blue. You knew Sirius would pull away the moment he saw your pitiful gaze, so you worked in silence and schooled your expressions. He gasped and hissed a little at deeper cuts and you whispered apologies to him. You bit back the tears that were threatening to fall.
You had never seen him silent and stoic for so long. Your heart thumped in your chest as you performed healing spells on him along with James. James gave him clothes to change in the washroom. As he went inside, James looped an arm around you and you finally let tears fall. You buried your head in his chest as he rubbed your back.
“He- He-“
“It’s okay. He’s okay.” He shushed you as you tried to calm down. You wiped away your tears as you heard the bathroom door creak.
“You can sleep in the second guest room, come on, I’ll take you.” James said leading him there. You sat on the bed with a thump. James came back moments later and gave you a reassuring smile.
“He’ll be alright. Go to sleep, you need it.” You nodded dragging yourself towards your room. You stopped at the door. You turned around and walked towards Sirius’s room instead. Opening the door slowly; you somehow made out Sirius’s outline.
“Who’s there?” his voice came all rough.
“It’s me” you whispered.
You went around the bed and sneaked under the covers slowly. Sirius tensed immediately feeling your weight on the bed. You came closer to him and spooned his back, looping an arm around his waist. Sirius froze. He felt your warmth radiating into him and gulped. He slowly relaxed as he felt the silence wash over him. He liked it, your arm around him. He felt safe for the first time after running away. He didn’t dare move, should he break the spell that brought you here. He didn’t know when he fell asleep.
Sirius woke up in a daze, taking the unfamiliar surroundings in. The events of last night slowly hit him and he turned to see the side where you lay last night. It was empty. Sirius gulped. Was it a dream? He didn’t want it to. It was one of the best sleeps he ever had and it was because of you. He could still feel your warm hand as you looped it across his waist, your fingers light as feather as you healed him. His eyes stinged with tears and he let them fall for once. His head pounded as he took in the situation he was in. He took in deep breaths calming down and going to wash his face. There was a knock on the door and he called to come in.
He turned to see you in your pajamas holding two bowls.
“I have breakfast!” you said offering one of the bowls to him. He smiled a little taking it. The two of you sat in silence, eating. Sirius had never been a quiet boy. Seeing him like that saddened you but you were ready to provide him any comfort you could.
Sirius didn’t say much all day. You and James made sure to talk about good and happy things. It was rare to see him smile, even rarer to see one that reached his eyes. At night you did the same thing you did the previous night, you slipped in beside him. He didn’t tense up as much as the last time, so you counted that as a win.
You all fell into a rhythm. Sirius woke up with you and James bringing him breakfast. You would go out around the city the whole day, eat, drink, play and come home. You would slip into his room at night, holding him as you both fell asleep.
Sirius was coming to admire you a little more every day. You never did anything that made him feel inadequate or uncomfortable. You didn’t push him to do anything and he’d come to love those peaceful silences the two of you shared. He looked forward to nights because they meant your tight embraces that made him feel warm and safe. He started noticing how you were so beautiful in a very natural and raw way. He found himself smiling involuntarily at your laughs and giggles. He needed you close to him every moment of the day. And you happily gave him that. Come to think of it, you were one of the most constant people in his life and he felt guilty for not being grateful for you before. He wasn’t blind. He noticed how you were genuinely saddened by what happened to him. His heart contracted as he saw you crying into James shirt one day. He waited for the pending look of pity you would give him, but it never came.
Lying on the bed, James had corrected him over and over again to call his, he waited for you. He heard a creak as you came in. He felt a weight on the bed as you slipped in. He sighed at the familiar feeling of your arm around him. He closed his eyes but he didn’t want to sleep. He turned around to face your shining eyes in the dark instead.
“Why do you care so much about me?”
“What are you talking about Sirius? You’re my best friend, of course I care about you!”
“But I am nothing. I would understand if you wouldn’t have seen me like this, at my worst. You see me and yet you care about me so much.”
“Sirius, I don’t care about pretences. I love you. You. All if it. No matter how bad or dark it is.” You whispered.
Sirius didn’t say anything right then. His eyes were glistening and he hoped you wouldn’t see it. You cupped his face, kissing his forehead. He was your best friend and you would be damned if you let anything hurt him. You would always love him, even if he didn’t feel the same.
But Sirius did feel the same. You had stirred something in him. He had started to want all the crazy romantic stuff. He didn’t want to admit it, but if there was someone he would risk falling in love with it was you. And it wasn’t a sudden realization. It took a hundred smirks from James as he looked at you with a loopy smile, a nudge from Mrs. Potter telling him how cute he would look with you, making him stutter for the first time in his life.
Remus visited you three a week later. The four of you goofed around planning all that you would be doing at Hogwarts. As much as Sirius was happy to see Remus again, you spent too much time with him. Sirius’s face had upturned a bit as he saw you run to Remus hugging him tightly when he arrived. He schooled his expression shrugging it off. But now it seemed that the two of you were attached to the hip. Sirius sulked as he saw you and Remus huddled together over a book. He felt jealous of Remus. He didn’t read books that he could talk about with you.
He went and plopped down beside you.
“Hey.” He said as you looked at him with a bright smile.
“Hey!” you said and turned to discuss the book again as Sirius pouted.
“(Y/n) I think you might wanna talk to Sirius over there or he’ll die.” James exaggerated as you turned towards Sirius who looked at James indignantly.
“What?” you poked.
“Nothing.” He grumbled, getting up and out. You frowned as he went away. Telling Remus to wait, you went after Sirius and grabbed his hand.
“Come on, tell me, what is it?” you said as he shook his head. You narrowed your eyes at him, thinking of something. You went forward and started to tickle him.
“(Y/n)!!! Stop!!!” he said as he rolled out laughing. You didn’t stop continuing your torment as he grabbed you and you fell on the top of him, giggling. As you both tried to calm down, Sirius noticed how beautiful you looked so close. Your (Y/e/c) eyes just sparkled with mirth and he couldn’t help it. He raised his head and kissed you. You gasped as his lips met yours. He pulled away as soon as he realized what he was doing.
You blinked slowly, getting up as Sirius did the very same.
“(Y/n) I…”
“Sirius, please tell me you didn’t just kiss me because you don’t have anyone to do it.”
“WHAT?” Sirius asked. “Are you kidding me?!? Don’t you see how much you mean to me? Can’t you see it? You make me smile out of the blue, make me wanna do all that lovey dovey stuff they do in movies and I wanna be your boyfriend. I get it if you reject me, but don’t-“
Sirius stopped as you pressed your lips against his. It was slow and soft. He wanted to feel it, the moment. He tasted your bubblegum chapstick feeling your soft lips against his dry ones. As you pulled back, you smiled at him.
“So what does being your girlfriend entail, again?” you said breathlessly as he pulled in to kiss you again.
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A/N: Let me know what you think!
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mrsren · 4 years
Tom/Hermione Blackmail AU 1
Sharing the first part of this here because I don’t have self-control, but I’m holding back from posting on AO3 until I’m ready to write it steadily. Onto the info/warnings. 
I don’t have a summary, sorry to tell you. But I’ve got tags, which will probably give you a pretty good idea of what this story is about. 
Tags: blackmail, co-workers, D/s elements, dub-con leaning more toward non-con depending how you feel about blackmail, degradation, humiliation. Most of these come out later on, but there’s a blanket warning. 
Now onto the dirty stuff. Admittedly, there is no real smut in the first part, but there is so much sexual tension. It’s about 3k so it’s under the line. It hasn’t been edited, so sorry for the typos. 
I would super love to hear what you think, whether that’s on the post, in my messages, or ask box! 
At approximately ten past one o’clock, the door to her office swung open. Hermione didn’t raise her head when the handle twisted, when the door knocked against the wall a fraction too loud. Instead, she gestured to the corner of her desk, the only free space and not by much. 
“Please leave it in the basket.”
“Do you always speak to the couriers so rudely?” The shadow fell over her desk, and Hermione grimaced before looking up. Tom Riddle peered down at her in the annoyingly irritating way only he had. As though he was sizing her up while simultaneously believing there was nothing to observe. “No need to answer. I’ve sat across from you in enough board meetings to know.”
Placing her quill back into the stand beside a newly opened jar of ink, Hermione folded her arms and gave no reaction. “Ha. How can I help you? Have you gotten lost? Your office is another two floors down, although your desire to be in the DMLE must have brought you here anyway. I hear Harry will be looking for a new secretary soon. Perhaps you’d be a good fit?”
Riddle narrowed his eyes, and his fingers clenched the parcels so roughly that they crinkled in his grip. “The funniest thing happened this morning. Somehow, your mail was delivered to me by mistake. A new courier,” he lamented. “I’m sure you can understand how easy it is to get turned around.” He was enjoying himself entirely too much.
And the slow grin stretching his lips couldn’t mean anything good. Immediately, Hermione’s stomach dropped and her palms grew sweaty. She leaned back in her chair, and rubbed them against her jeans beneath the desk. As she did, she felt his eyes follow the movement.
His lip curled at the sight of her muggle clothes. Riddle had always hated the casual attire that came with Saturdays, when dress code was lax.
“And you’ve come to return it to me, how kind of you.” She reached for them, but he lifted them higher until they would be out of her grasp even if she stood. “Hand over my mail, Riddle. I have work to finish and I’d like to get out of here as soon as possible.”
“I thought you lived at work.” There was an edge to his voice then. “Haven’t you fallen asleep in your office several times now? All Hermione Granger does is eat, sleep, and breathe her work.”
If she ever got her hands on her mail, she was going to smack him with the largest parcel. “Have you been watching me? Perhaps you’re a bit jealous that you were passed over for the position.” That did it.
His eyes sparked, and he slammed a hand down at the edge of her desk. Papers scattered, but she snorted at the vicious glint that had taken over his eyes. “You are undoubtedly the rudest witch to work in the Ministry. What are you rushing to get out of here for, Granger?”
Tom Riddle has called her by her surname since they were first years, and the timeless rivalry between their houses had snapped into place, never wavering. When they were fellow Heads, he had called her by her first name one time, and one time only. There had been liquor involved, and him holding her up while helping her back to the shared common room while hissing that this didn’t make them friends.
She hadn’t needed the reminder. Thing was, this memory was years in the past now and there was no sense in it now. The look on his face reminded her of it though. Crystal clear, as though it had happened last week.
“I’m meeting Harry and Ron.” Hermione waited for him to roll his eyes, but he didn’t. The grin he gave was all the more terrifying. So much that she felt it in her bones, the sense of dread that put her upside down. “We have plans for dinner, and I’d like to get this done. So, if you could just…”
He waved his hand and the door to her office swung shut. The lock turned into place, and the sound of it rattled through the room. “I’m afraid your they’ll have to wait a little longer.” Finally, he hands over a few of the parcels, save for one. His knuckles have turned white from his grip on it. And then Hermione saw that the top of it had been ripped open.
“Did you open my mail?” She shot out of her seat, now regretting that she’d kicked her shoes off the second she got in. Now if she rounded the desk to yell at him from an even closer distance—and it was tempting—he’d only laugh at her. “Riddle, that’s—”
“There was no name on it.” Riddle said slowly, and there was no missing that slow chuckle under his breath. “I had no idea who it was meant for, so of course I opened it. How else would I figure it out?”
“Fine,” slipped through gritted teeth. “Just hand it over and get out.”
Riddle shook his head. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. You see, I don’t think this” –he waves the heavy envelope— “was meant for you. It certainly concerns you, but it seems to me that someone is trying to ruin you.”
Her brows shot up, nearly taking a new home in her hairline. “Spare me the bloody dramatics, and give me my mail.”
He didn’t hand it over, but he pulled the contents from inside and let them fly across her desk.
A knot formed in her stomach, tying itself over and over again. They were all photos of herself in various states of undress—some of them showed her completely nude—and she recognized the hands on her in some as her Viktor’s. He must have kept them after they had broken up. “What the fuck—” Hermione began, but she struggled to take a proper breath. “You’ll hand these over immediately, Riddle.”
He clicked his tongue. “I think I’ll pass, actually.”
“Would you rather be arrested?” Hermione all but snarled it. She’d set them on fire, if it weren’t for the parchment under them. They’d catch fire just as well, but perhaps it would be worth it. A final resort, if Riddle didn’t come to his senses.
Gone was his former irritation, and all there was now was his amusement. He didn’t bother to hide it at all. “Unless you’d like for me to tell them how you blackmailed Cassius Parkinson into voting for your bill last summer…”
Her throat could have closed up with how she couldn’t breathe. I have no idea what you’re talking about. That was what she should have said, but it was nowhere near what fucking came out of her mouth. “How do you know about that?”
The photos were still staring up at her, and he was staring at them too much for her liking. She couldn’t recognize him anymore when he did, or that way his eyes darkened when they lingered. “I have quite a few acquaintances, Granger. His daughter was in our year, you must remember, and when Cassius is pissed, he likes to rant.”
“And I was his most recent topic.”
He shrugged. “A few weeks ago, you were. Now that I have not one, but two things I’m able to hold over that pretty little head of yours, I think you’ll be much more agreeable.”
Voices grew louder as footsteps sounded on the other side of the door, and Riddle came around her desk. Hermione took an involuntary step back, and hated the way he smiled when she did. “Why would you want that?”
He’d foregone his dress robes today, but she wished he hadn’t. The way his trousers fit him were even more distracting, and his sleeves were rolled up, exposing his forearms. Riddle leaned forward, placing a hand on her desk—on the photo, over her bare breasts—and smiled like he knew exactly where his palm had landed. “You’re a quick study, Granger. I think you’ll figure it out.”
She thought she already had with he way he was staring at her. “Please, just let me take the photos. I’ll give you money, or—”
“I don’t want your money.”
Hermione swallowed. “Then what do you want?”
“Right now,” He shifted his stance, and lifted his hand so he could drag his fingertip across the photo. “I want you to tell me why you took these photos and what’s happening in them. You can manage that surely, hmm?”
Her heartbeat was uneven in her chest, to the point that it hurt, and she couldn’t think of a way out of this. “Have you made copies?” The pleading in her voice was very much real, but she knew the answer before he said it.
“Of course.” He lifted his other hand, and brushed her hair over her shoulder. “Now, you know what you’re meant to do, don’t you?”
Hermione would like to snap at him, to yell for the Aurors—which there was no shortage of on this floor. But the truth of what she’s done would be enough to earn her termination, and her achievement of earning deputy department head sooner than anyone else would cease to matter. Not only that, but the legislation it had helped her pass would be called into question.
And he knew it.
“It was for my ex boyfriend’s birthday.” Hermione whispered. “I posed for him on our bed while he photographed me, and charmed the camera when we—”
His finger slid against the base of her throat, warm and coaxing. “Then this was your idea?”
She nodded, and did not lean into him.
She. Did. Not.
“Tell me about this one. And do a good job of it.” The threat was unmistakably clear, and she wished that it didn’t effect her in the way it did.
Fear swirled in the pit of her stomach, sick and vicious, but that wasn’t all. Hermione squeezed her eyes shut, not willing to look at the feeling any closer. “I’m going to get you back for this.” Her voice was ragged, too breathy, and not enough anger.
It didn’t go unnoticed. “I’m sure you will. I’m rather looking forward to it, but I’ve asked you a question. You don’t want to keep me waiting, do you?”
In the photograph he’d pointed out, it was nearly only of her save for the hand on her neck, and the fingers wrapped around her throat. She looked past Viktor’s arm, swallowing, and looked at herself for a moment. “We’re having sex.”
Riddle shook his head.
“He’s fucking me.” Hermione said unevenly. “It was the second time that night.”
“He’s choking you.” Riddle’s voice was low, but not soft, and he curled a finger under her chin to lift her head. When she tried to turn away, his grip tightened and he forced her to look at him. “Was that for him, or for you?”
“For me.” Hermione swallowed tightly, and he watched her. “He never liked it.”
He let go of her jaw, and his fingers drifted lower. Riddle’s knuckles brushed against the front of her throat, and she thought he might try to recreate that photo. “I’m not going to choke you.” His voice softened when she flinched. “Why didn’t he like it?”
Why did he want to know? What difference could it make? From the way this had started and continued on, there was clearly one thing he was after. “If your plan is to blackmail me for sex, you should just get it over with.”
“I can assure you that I have no intentions of simply getting it over with, Granger.”
Of course he would want to drag this out—to savor it for as long as he could. Surely there was something she could find on him so she could turn the tables. It would mean that they would be in a hopefully constant stalemate, but there was no doubt that Tom Riddle was the sort of man that would keep going until he regained the upper hand.
Where would that leave her?
The only option for now was to play along, and to pretend there wasn’t a thrill that came with it.
“Viktor thought it felt like abusing me. He rarely ever choked me.”
“That’s a shame. And what of this one?” He pointed to another photo, but by the time she dragged her eyes back to him, she found that he’d hardly looked away from her.
She was on her back, and it’s a terribly explicit photograph. Hermione’s skin was flush, soft. Her breasts are exposed, and she can see herself in the moment reaching a hand between her thighs.
Her legs were spread, and her head was over the edge of the bed.
“I’m sucking his cock.” Her hands curled into fists.
“It’s impressive.” There were his fingers again, dropping to her shoulder where he nudged her jumper to the side. “You’ve taken him all the way down your throat.”
Under his thumb was a terrifying place to be. “He told me to play with my cunt. Viktor wanted to see me come while I sucked him off.”
He toyed with the hair at the nape of her neck. “Did you come all over your fingers?”
Hermione bit her lip, hard. “I—yes.”
“You’re holding back.” Riddle murmured, and the room grew smaller. There were footsteps on the other side of the door, and anyone could hear them if she weren’t comfortable. If anyone were to unlock the door and come in, the photos— A small sound escaped her when he shifted their stance. He pinned her against her own desk, and he grabbed her by the jaw again. “Tell me.”
“I squirted.”
His breath came out hard, uneven, and she swallowed. For a moment, she hadn’t thought that she should be afraid and yet, she couldn’t drum up an ounce of fear. “Sweet fucking Circe.” Riddle was pressed against her, and she felt him against her lower stomach. “Would you like to know which of these is my favorite?”
No. Absolutely fucking not. You’re a disgusting pervert.
Any of them would have been acceptable. By playing along with this part of his game, she was only being complacent. A dangerous thing to be when he would notice it. Thing was, she desperately wanted to know. Her stomach had turned over on itself, and she knew that she was wet. Hermione did not rub her thighs together, no matter how badly she needed the friction. He would have felt it.
It made her wonder what he would have done if she had.
The grin he gave her was one she’d never seen. He leaned into her, his chest pressing against hers, and picked up a photo from her desk. “It’s this one,” As he said it, Riddle pushed it into her hands.
Out of all of them, she wasn’t sure this was the one she would have guessed to be his favorite. Perhaps the one where she’s spread out across the bed, her head on the pillows with her legs spread. “This one?” Hermione echoed. “Why?”
She was on her knees, still completely bare, and she’d pressed her chest forward. Hermione’s head was tilted up, her lips slightly parted. It’s not a tame photo—nothing she would ever want anyone else to see—but it’s nowhere near as revealing as the others.
“I want you on your knees for me.” Riddle groaned under his breath. “I want you staring up at me just like this.” He cupped her face, and ran his thumb across her lower lip, then slid it forward.
Hermione took his thumb in her mouth, and swirled her tongue around it, hating how she’d done it.
“You’re going to be a perfect little slut for me, aren’t you?”
She whimpered.
“Oh, do you like that as well? Is that another thing he wouldn’t give you?”
It was, and Hermione nodded.
“What a fucking fool.” When he pulled his finger from her mouth, his fingers came to rest against her throat. He didn’t tighten them as he watched her. “I want to see you on your knees for me, wearing a collar while you take my cock down your throat.”
Hermione caved. She rubbed her thighs together, and gripped the edge of the desk until her knuckles turned white. “Riddle—”
“You’ll call me Tom from now on.” He cut her off.
“And if I don’t?” It sounded more like her.
He flexed his fingers. “I’m dying for you to act like a brat so I can punish you, Hermione.” Her name sounded too good on his tongue. “You’re going to be late.”  
Hermione’s head spun. She’d blow off her plans with Harry and Ron. The first thing she needed to do was to get home because she was positively fucking aching.
Riddle gathered the photos, sliding them back into the parcel and left it in the middle of her desk. “I’ll see you soon, Granger.” 
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obscureamor · 4 years
❥ sugawara koushi x fem! reader
❥ TW// nsfw w/ keishin, stalking, blackmail
» request// “hi!! okay so seeing as you know i now love the coach ukai stuff imagine a really creepy scenario (or thirst i don’t mind!) where y/n and ukai are doing their stuff as they do and y/n thinks she sees suga bc he’s stalking her but she doesn’t want to believe it but it keeps happening, and other weird stuff like she comes home to things in her room moved, underwear missing, creepy feeling of being watched- i love you and your work so much!!!💗” — @sugawara-sweetheart
» A/N ahh neems bby <3!! ily!! i feel like i tell you this all the time, but your mind? out of this world dude. also, thank you for having patience with me on this.
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“I think... I think we should try and make more friends this year.”
You bring it up absentmindedly on your way to the store. It’s the hottest it’s been all summer, the heat making you say whatever comes to mind. 
If you were looking at him, you’d be able to see the fear in his eyes. Instead, you took to viewing a stray butterfly fluttering about. 
“Yeah, my brother has a lot of friends and it’s cool. What do you say, Koushi?”
“I-I don’t know...” he mutters out. 
“Huh?” you turn to look at him, pouting. “Do you not think it’s cool?”
“No! I just— I think we’re fine with just the two of us.”
“Oh... okay. I think so too.”
You’ve known him since you were kids. 
He was your only friend for years, way before Karasuno, way before volleyball. You’ve become accustomed to each other, learning each other’s quirks and pet peeves. You know what topics to avoid talking about and he knows the same. You remember when you first met him and when you first cried in front of him… everything.
You’ve been there for each other no matter what. Koushi is your confidant and you’re his.
Two peas in a pod, your mother said.
You would always eat lunch together. He would talk about everything and anything while you would talk about how difficult your studies were, but here’s the thing... that hasn’t happened recently. Eating lunch with him isn’t a thing anymore. He always wanted to know what you were doing on your phone and you couldn’t exactly keep your relationship with Keishin a secret if he found out. 
It was days after you stopped seeing him when things started happening. 
It’s outside the gym long after hours when you first see it. There’s a sliver of gray that you catch in the corner of your eye as Keishin fucks you against the wall. You don’t think much of it. You were too fucked out and tears were clouding your vision, is what you say to try and convince yourself.
But it’s been gnawing at you. It can’t be him. It has to be anyone but him. 
Your panties are going missing and you don’t know what to make of it. They disappear only to be back in their respective places, almost like they were never gone. It can’t be Keishin. All the ones you have at his place are the same ones you left there. None are gone like the ones at home.
Keishin tries to be there for you, but what can he do? He’s not much help when he feels as if someone is watching his every move, so he tries to take some tension off the both of you by inviting you over. Keishin made a decent dinner for a man who barely knows how to cook. You both sit at the table talking about anything that comes to mind, though you can’t help but let your mind wander off. 
“Calm down, baby,” his voice brings you back. He can see the visible worry on your face. “Honestly… I think we’re just scaring ourselves at this point.”
“I’m serious!” he sighs out and takes your hand from across the table. “I know you’re scared that we’re going to get caught, but I promise you no one knows. No one suspects a thing, pretty girl.”
The nickname makes your face heat up, causing you to look off to the side bashfully. There’s a grin on Keishin’s face that you can see from the corner of your eye. You stand up, snatching your hand from his as you grumble, “Cut it out.”
He scoffs and gets out his chair, arms coming to wrap around you. He’s speaking right into your ear in that voice he knows you like all too well, “I’m just telling the truth, y/n. You’re my pretty baby… my pretty girl.” You can feel his hand drift down to your ass before he gives it a firm squeeze. “You’re mine.” 
It doesn’t long for you to make it to his bed, clothes astray and scattered along the hall. You can’t help but feel like someone’s watching. It's a feeling you’ve grown all too familiar with recently, but it fades away as Keishin enters you. His prick is being sucked in by your gummy walls and he wastes no time in setting a pace, furiously thrusting into your little cunny. One hand moves to hold yours while the other stays rooted to your hip. 
“No matter what happens— fuck!” he cuts himself off, hitting a deep spot within you that has you mewling. “—we’ll always be together, right?”
Those last words... it felt like deja vu. You’ve heard them before.
“Yes! Yes, Keishin!”
You nod your head adamantly, locking lips with him, spit being swapped and wet smacking making its way through the room. He shoves his face into your neck, sucking deep bruises into the skin as his hand trails down to circle your clit. 
You can’t remember when this started to turn into something entirely new. When did it stop being lust for him? When did you start looking over how this all began? You don’t get too much time to dwell on it as the sensations become overwhelming.
“Has it really been this long? Because— shit!” he groans out.
His grip on your hand tightens as your walls clamp down around him. It’s been so long since you two have done this, your bodies desperate for release. It’s almost sad how soon it ends. 
The pain mixed in with the pleasure makes you scream out, “Cum in me Keishin, please!” 
There’s a string of ‘please’s and ‘I love you’s that leave your mouth as you hold onto him tightly, nails scratching down his back. It feels like you’re bruising with the way he’s slamming into you, making your back arch. He stills not too long after, flooding your insides with his seed. Keishin is panting as he places his forehead on yours. 
“No matter who catches us, I’ll always be with you. No one can take us away from each other, y/n.”
Hearing him say those words made the butterflies go crazy in your stomach. 
“Obviously... we’re meant to be, Keishin,” you whisper against his lips. 
You kiss him once more before falling asleep in each other’s arms. It’s in the early hours of the morning when you wake up, leaving a note for him and then making your way back home. The walk is filled with contemplation. Would you still be in this mess if you never met Keishin? What would have happened if you never agreed to his ultimatum? Would whoever it is that’s doing this still be around?
You enter your room, sighing as you close the door and lean against it. You’re just about to pull off your shirt when you hear something, switching on the lights quickly. You swear you’d rather die. He’s sitting on your bed, a pair of panties that went missing in his hands.
“Sugawara? W-What are you—?” you stammer out only to stop.
It’s him. It’s been him the whole time and you know it. He doesn’t need to say anything. You don’t know if you wish it wasn’t him or if you wish you never caught him. Your head feels like it’s going to explode with how fast it’s running. How long has he been waiting here? Why would he want to do this? What’s the point?
You shake your head in a horrible attempt to stop yourself from crying before speaking out, “Kou—”
“Where have you been?”
The look on his face lets you know he’s far from playing around. Sugawara has always been like this, wanting to know your whereabouts. He was just a worrisome friend is all, but now you think there’s a deeper meaning to it. 
“I was— I was just out with a friend.”
“Really?” he laughs out, a sheepish smile on his face. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were getting your whore hole pounded by the coaches cock.”
He’s never spoken to you like that and the words sink deep coming from someone you’ve known for so long, coming from someone you trust the most. 
Tears are falling as you try and defend yourself, “That’s not true!” 
“Coach Ukai and you are in a relationship.” You open your mouth to try and respond but he cuts you off. “Don’t deny it. I’ve seen it, but I’ve been wondering,” he pauses, looking straight into your eyes. A humorless laugh leaves his mouth before he continues, “Do you just fuck anywhere? Is that how easy you are? You just let guys fuck you out in the open?”
He moves off your bed, walking towards you. You know you should move. You know you should leave, run back to Keishin’s house and tell him. Just something, anything... but you can’t. 
“You don’t get to talk to me like that, not when... not when you’ve been stalking me! Not when you’ve been breaking in and stealing my clothes, Sugawara!”
He stops right in front of you. You’re shaking, voice sounding so meek and small, “Why? Why would you do this?”
He doesn’t say anything. His hands are on your face, forehead resting against yours as he stares deep into your eyes. He’d do this to calm you down when you were kids, panicking over something that happened. The only difference is this time his fingernails are biting into your skin and he’s the one causing the panic to rise within you. 
“If I have to tell everyone about you and the coach just so I can keep you to myself, I will. No one will want you when they find out about how much of a slut you are.”
Your eyes are wide. 
This isn’t your Koushi. 
“I love you, y/n. No one can take us away from each other. Not now, not ever.”
When Koushi says it, the butterflies in your stomach die.
“We’ll always be together, right?” he speaks out into the summer air. 
Both of your legs swing off your backyard porch, not tall enough to reach the bottom yet. You have a blue twin popsicle this time, you fought with him at the store due to you wanting to diverge from your usual red. 
“What do you mean by that?”
“I mean... hm, no one can take us away from each other. No one can come in between us, right y/n?”
You think this has something to do with your talk about making more friends this next school year. The thought disappears as quickly as it came. It made your face heat up, Koushi only wanting to hang out with you.
There’s a big smile on your face.
“Yeah! No one can come between us because we’re meant to be, Koushi!”
The butterfly wings stop fluttering and instead they get caught in intricate spider webs. They’re blind to it. They don’t see it coming, but if they weren’t so careless maybe just maybe they would have survived… if only they paid attention to the signs.
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morningfears · 4 years
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Rating: M | This is smut! No one under 18!
Summary: Calum gets a little handsy while you’re out at a bar with friends. (Fingering in public, basically.)
Word Count: 2.1k
The bar was crowded, typical for the late summer evening, and the sounds of revelry could be heard from the parking lot as you stepped out of Calum’s car. It was the one bar that everyone in your friend group loved - it was also the bar where you and Calum had met - so it was no surprise that you ended up there, ready to spend the night catching up on things you’d missed throughout the week. 
It wasn’t often that you all went out drinking, not anymore, but tour was fast approaching and you were all eager to take advantage of your time together as a group while you still could. There was no telling when you’d be able to do this again, without the added pressure of work, so you and Calum abandoned your plans to spend the night alone together at home.
As you weaved through the rows of parked cars, Calum’s hand found the small of your back. His skin was warm against yours and you breathed a quiet sigh as you climbed the steps to the patio where the rest of your friends were already waiting. He was always glad to spend time with the boys, however, he’d made it clear that he’d had other plans for the night.
Right before he left for tour, Calum got into a mood. He was a little clingier, a little more hands on, and today had been no different. He’d taken every opportunity to wrap his arms around you, to touch you, to kiss you, and you weren’t complaining. The touches were light, loving, and the kinds of touches that you most associated with Calum. However, that changed after you’d gotten dressed for the night out.
The outfit was nothing special, nothing Calum hadn’t seen you in a million times, but the way he’d reacted to seeing you dressed in the black mini skirt you knew he loved never failed to bring heat to your cheeks. He’d - only half seriously - propositioned you to stay home and let him remind you of just how much he loved seeing you in that skirt but the girls were blowing up your group chat. Though it pained you to turn him down, you reminded him - and yourself - that you could always enjoy yourselves when you returned home.
He’d agreed, he knew that you were right, but there was a glint of mischief in his eyes that told you he wasn’t going to relent entirely. Not without a little fun, anyway.
“There you guys are. Thought you’d gotten lost on your way.” Ashton is grinning, happy to see the two of you, and you return his smile in kind as you take the seat in the corner.
“L.A. traffic is a literal nightmare. ‘Sides, we both had to actually put on clothes suitable for leaving the house. We’ve been living in sweats,” you retorted with a laugh as you watched Calum settle into the seat beside you.
“We’re not even late. You guys were just uncharacteristically early,” Calum pointed out as one hand found your thigh while the other reached for the drink menu in the center of the table as if he didn’t already know what he wanted.
The conversation quickly shifted to plans for the future as Michael, the person who’d drawn the short straw and was tasked with grabbing the first round, headed to the bar with Crystal. Sierra, grinning and bright, gestured to Luke’s recently bleached hair before she pointed at Calum’s nearly completely faded pink curls. “How do we convince them to keep these for longer than a few more weeks?”
They’d both dyed their hair for the Wildflower video and you’d fallen head over heels for the pretty pink that Calum had donned. You knew that he was planning on either buzzing it again or bleaching it but you enjoyed the pink tint that remained. Without thinking, you lifted your hand to run your fingers through his curls and Calum leaned into your touch with a glance in your direction and a slight tilt to his lips that hinted at his amusement. He returned your touch with one of his own, a squeeze to your thigh, and that was that.
“I’ve tried everything,” you assured her as you gently tugged at the curls and bit back a grin at the groan Calum released. “But even the puppy dog eyes aren’t working. He’s not budging on the pink. I think I talked him out of the buzzcut for the time being, though.”
“Why do you hate the buzzcut so much? I like it.” He knew why, you’d explained yourself time and time again when his head was between your thighs and you were incapable of doing anything but whine his name and grip his shoulders instead of the curls you wanted to tug, and his grin told you that he just wanted to hear you explain yourself.
You rolled your eyes and tugged at his curls once more, relishing in the increase in volume of his groan. “You’re really annoying. You know that, right?” You weren’t serious, he knew that. It was exactly the answer he was expecting, accompanied by heat rushing to your cheeks when Ashton howled in laughter, and his grin grew as he shot you a wink.
That was one of his favorite things to do - making you flush and either lose your words entirely or retort with a roll of your eyes -  and though you’d whined at first, you loved it more than you’d ever tell him. It was never explicit, usually just him asking you to explain something that sent your mind straight to the gutter instead of letting it remain unspoken, but it was a game that he liked playing and one you had yet to grow tired of.
As always when you were with the group, the conversation never lingered on one subject for too long. It was always chaos, sometimes controlled but usually a complete clusterfuck of tangential comments masquerading as a coherent conversation, but there was no shortage of laughter. As the night wore on, as the patio grew darker and the conversation grew stranger, your sides hurt from laughing and your cheeks hurt from smiling. Your group was in the corner, away from prying eyes and listening ears, and Calum’s hand never left your thigh as you both enjoyed your night out with friends.
As Michael and Luke found themselves in the midst of a playful argument, both men pointing fingers and giggling uncontrollably as the alcohol tinted their cheeks pink and emboldened them, Calum’s hand drifted a little higher up your thigh. You wrote it off as nothing, used to his touch and even leaning into it, however, you were quickly proven wrong as his fingers dipped beneath the hem of your skirt.
When you turned your head, glancing at him questioningly, Calum kept his eyes on Michael and Luke but squeezed your thigh as a warning not to let on that anything was happening. It had been a while since he’d tried anything in public - the last time ended with the pair of you locked in a bar bathroom for a little too long before Ashton, the only sober one in the group, had to drag you out and take you home - and you found yourself a little too excited by the prospect as you shifted a little closer to him.
Calum was always better at feigning nonchalance than you. He was good at keeping the easy grin on his lips and laughing in the right places in the conversation. You, on the other hand, had a hard time concentrating on anything but Calum as his hand drifted higher up your thigh and his fingers brushed the lace of your panties.
You kept your drink in your hand, teeth nipping at your straw, to keep yourself from sighing as he teased you. He knew that he had time, Ashton had just started telling a story that he’d heard a million times but knew the others were pleasantly tipsy enough to want to hear again, so he took his time just brushing his fingers over your heat. He wanted to see you squirm, to watch you struggle to keep quiet, and with the combination of alcohol and the setting, he knew that he would get exactly that.
Every time Calum touched you in public, he had a sort of routine. He would surprise you, slip his hand between your thighs when you least expected it, and then lull you back into a sense of complacency as he took his time working you up. He alternated between brushing your thighs, his fingers warm against your already heading skin, and brushing his fingers over your clothed heat as he felt the material begin to dampen. He waited for your shoulders to relax, for you to return to the conversation and offer a comment or two on the topic at hand - whether you believed Ashton should bleach his hair, too, or leave it dark -, before he brushed the lace aside and let his fingers brush through your wetness.
You gripped your glass a little too hard and thanked your lucky stars that the conversation surrounding you was loud enough to cover the gasp you released as his fingers found your clit. You tried your hardest to keep your face neutral and when that failed, you returned your straw to your mouth and pretended to focus on the drink in your hand. Beside you, Calum hid his grin behind his beer and shifted to get a little closer as your thighs threatened to close around his hand.
You swallowed your desire to close your legs as Calum’s fingers rubbed lazy circles over your clit. He said something, responded to something Ashton said, but it all sounded like white noise as you shifted enough for him to finally slip a finger into your heat. You couldn’t focus on anything but him as he finally gave you what he’d been building up to for far too long.
It was never frantic in situations like this, though you imagined it would be, and you were almost in awe of how slow he seemed to be moving as he took his time with you. Every drag of his fingers, every time the hell of his hand bumped your clit, you wanted to whine at him to hurry but you knew that you couldn’t. You had to sit back, content with what he was giving, and stew in silence lest your friends catch on and tease you about it for the foreseeable future. And that was one of the things he loved. He loved hearing you whine and beg, your lust clouding your patience, but moments like these were his favorite as he was in control of the pace.
When your free hand moved to his knee, your nails digging into his leg through the material of his jeans, he decided to take pity on you. He’d teased you enough, had taken his time, and you’d been patient enough to keep the attention away from what was happening beneath the table. So, when Luke stood to grab the drinks and pouted at Sierra for her to join him, causing everyone to devolve into giggles at his clearly lovesick attitude, Calum took the opportunity to give you what you’d been waiting for.
He moved his fingers as quickly as he could to avoid drawing attention. It was an awkward angle, one that made touching you the way he really wanted to a little difficult, but he did the best he could with the space he had. It was enough to draw soft sighs of pleasure and to have you struggling to keep your eyes open as you barreled toward your end.
He was grateful, just as you were, that it was dark out. Even under the lamps littering the patio, your face was hidden in shadows and only he could see the way your eyes fluttered shut and your mouth opened slightly when you finally fell over the edge. It was a sight reserved for him and him alone, something he would never tire of seeing, and he let his hands linger between your thighs as he drew out your high as long as he could get away with.
When it finally became too much for you, when you nudged at his hand and shifted uncomfortably at the overstimulation, he removed his hand and wiped his fingers on a napkin. Though he wasn’t normally one for public kisses, he couldn’t help himself as he leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. He heard coos from the others and lifted his hand to show them all the finger as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
The haze of your orgasm lingered over you as a summer breeze blew. The night wasn’t exactly what you’d expected but any night with Calum was more than perfect. And you couldn’t wait to return the favor once you made it home.
Author’s Note: Is this good? Not really. But it was fun. And it was inspired by a fantasy I had for this person (and if that person, by some miracle, happens to read this.... sorry). I was reminded of it when I read this fic for Spencer Reid (I know. I’ve been watching CM) and needed to write. The fantasy was..... Different. A little rougher, a little more ending in a broom closet or something but this felt more Cal. I dunno. Anyway. Yes. This was a struggle to write but I desperately needed to write something. I feel so useless being so unproductive when I literally have all the time in the world. Ugh. Okay. Anyway.
Tag List (like this post or message me if you want to be added!) : @toolazymyguy , @irwinkitten , @jamieebabiee , @glittersluke , @spicycal , @lusbaby , @everyscarisahealingplace, @brokenvirtualheartcollector , @if-it-rains-it-pours, @blisshemmings , @calumscalm , @lovemenowseemenever , @ijustreallylovezebras , @rhiannonmichelle, @p0laroidpictures , @tomscuddles , @loverofmineluke , @harrytreatspeoplewithkindnesss , @blueviiolence , @loveroflrh , @empathycth , @luckyduckydoo , @tobefalling , @bandsandbooksaremykink , @watch-how-she-burns , @megz1985, @wokeupinaustralia , @lucidlrh , @canterburyfiction , @cal-is-not-on-branding , @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o , @jaacknaano , @findingliam-o , @mindkaleidoscope​ , @idk-who-i-am-anymore1 , @sammyrenae68 , @flowerthug , @calumsphile , @caitdaniels, @drummerboy794 , @writingfortoomanyfandoms , @x-lover-of-mine-x , @miliefayy , @sunaaii , @canterburyfiction , @sebrox40 , @nati-nn , @opheliaaurora23 , @bitterbethany , @sunnysidesblog​ , @333-xx​
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matchamorphosis · 4 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐞
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𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒄𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒆
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 || ari punishes you for being a brat during your date out at the summer carnival
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 || pure filth, smut with some fluff
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 || modern AU agent!ari levinson × [black//woc]!reader + crossover!ransom drysdale
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 || 4K ⟶ 𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭 || @firefly-graphics
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 || 18+ nsfw daddy!kink, age gape: reader is twenty one and ari is thirty five (don’t like, don’t read), heavy language, dirty talk, punishment: overstimulation, eating out, blowjob + spanking mention, movie crossover! + you might get a cavity just from reading this
𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 || melting by kali uchis ♡ angel by kali uchis ♡ honey baby (SPOILED!) by kali uchis
𝐰. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 || this was initially for @jtargaryen18’s writing challenge #30DaysofChris but i took a long break in the middle of writing it, sorry for the long wait lovely! ♡ this took less time to edit and write than i thought and believed but i hope you guys enjoy it just as much! ♡ reminder : italic means flashback, bold italics means thoughts/exaggerated dialogue, and non-italic/bold means present!
 + p.s || do not repost, republish or plagiarize my work on any other fanfic platform such as: wattpad, ao3, tumblr, etc or steal my work all together. do so and i will rip your spine from your scumy asshole and shove it down your talentless throat. ♡♡♡  
my storybook ღ join my taglist
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when your tongue licks the bittersweet honey glaze of my pussy lips, where my sinfully divine bubblegum dreams collapse with your good boy deeds but you just keep licking my core desperate. ‘cause baby the milk that leaks from the honey hive in between my thighs is like a strawberry cone to you- and your going to lick me up before I melt under your hot gaze.
"Ari," your meek whimper spills but he keeps licking.
as if he's trying to break the dam that'll give him the strawberry milk that will quench his undying thirst. you’re stuck in this pleasurable killing punishment, if only you knew to stop when you were told to. listen to the voice in your head to stop acting like rotten spoiled brat and you’d have the pleasure to grind your honey slicked cunt against his bearded face.
if only you listened...
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"behave," Ari growled into your ear.
the single command is enough for you to roll your eyes and stick your tongue out up at him and so you do. of course Ari is used to seeing this brat but he was sure that with a glare or two you’d clean your act up but you’re still continuing your rotten attitude.
no, you don't want to fucking behave.
subtly walking away from him to the cotton candy vendor, the sound of the man pouring the sugar into the spiraling machine is music to your ears. a glare marks your sharp roseate lined eyes and a pout pulls at your glossed lips, all focused away from Ari but he still sees your rage.
it really wasn’t fair how he expected himself to go on this carnival date with you but not do the one thing that made you want to go. all that adding on that he expects you to behave and not be upset, it wasn’t for and you weren’t planning on calming down.
not even a little tiny bit, cause you want to go into the tunnel of love with him. all the small promises and little compromises made throughout the day as you and him walked and played the colorful tent games did he promise you that you and him would ride.
Ari knew how much this meant to you, you always wanted a special someone to sit besides the romantic boat ride with ever since you were a small girl.
it was his fault that he fell in love with a hopeless romantic, someone yearning to allow themselves be enveloped within the arms of their lover. feel their warmth as the red violet lights start to dim, kiss your lovers lips when you two meet the darkness. giggle when he confesses his sweet darling thoughts of you, you were a romantic for gods sake.
you wanted it so bad, yet every time you seem to mention it Ari deflects the topic with something else. another question or comment or confront your claim in the most abrupt yet sweet way possible.
“not now sweetheart, later maybe-”
“babydoll, do we really have to go in there?”
“it’s to much of a risk for daddy, honey bear!”
he would sweeten those claims up with kisses that would butter your mouth like the popcorn he hand fed you. it was tiring Ari out with your demands to ride The Tunnel of Love but now as he stand there witnessing his precious apple dumpling turn into a rather rotten and bratty apple he may fully turn down the conversation.
on top of that your pink and white gingham sundress displays a bit too much cleavage and leg for Ari’s liking. well he doesn’t like the dress, he loves it but he wouldn’t want you going out displaying it for everyone to see besides him. the nymphet styled cloth you walk so confidently may or may not have half the boys and men eyeing you everywhere you go.
this scene, the boys and grown men undressing you with their list filled hues and eye fucking you with every step your platforms take does make Ari want to snap at them. wonder if their mothers taught them better than to gawk, glare at the silly pubescent boys until they run away shitless. maybe intervene with the lustful stares of the men with a double fist threat.
it doesn’t ease the fire behind his eyes and the clenched fist he has when he’s noticing your smirk- the pounce in your stride that you seem to enjoy the attention.
the very way you bend down near the mirrors of a souvenir cart to re-apply the amber peach lipgloss to your lips is almost intentionally teasing for both Ari and anyone else watching. the way you glance at him through it, lashes batting and your glimmer hint hues screaming fuck me
he now knows this is all part of your game of acting up, you think you can get what you want from disrespecting his order and authority. it was so cute to him how you thought you could get away with your spoiled behavior.
sooner then later Ari is going to bend you over and teach you a lesson on teasing him in public.
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the taste of strawberry cotton candy and buttery popcorn is still fresh and lingering in your mouth but you want to taste your juices on his candy red tongue.
"Ari," you carp, his tongue just keeps lapping up at your labia. unbothered and unfazed as hair spills over his forehead, he doesn’t care for he smiles when your plush thighs cage his face.
the continuous strokes of his talented tongue make your pussy flutter and spine shiver. wishing he’d push a fingers or two, god those thick fingers could undo any orgasm from you in matter of seconds. the thought makes a little drool seep from the corners to your mouth and you hug the large blue raspberry bunny Ari won for you closer to your chest. smelling the fruity scent as you whimpered when he bit at your cunt and kissed it better.
you’ve kept the fluffy berry scented stuffie close when Ari striked your ass cheeks earlier wit the same hands that keep your thighs gaped now. allowed you to have that dear comfort as he took on punishing you with his rough spanks.
the burning hand prints are probably visible now just as the wet tears around your eyes. the same streams that stained your peachy cheeks have dried but it wasn’t just your teasing that brought you up in your well deserved punishment.
no, you were in much deeper trouble than for that…
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after your little tease show Ari figured to let you have your way, for now. it was always best for him to let you have your way since you were generally upset about not riding on the Tunnel of Love.
now, the golden rays of the sun setting radiated your glowing figure, hand with Ari’s the other holds your frosty pink cotton candy as you take the last bites of it. glancing up at Ari, you see the almost finished chocolate sprinkle swirled ice cream cone in his hand being treated with long slow licks.
attention going from the melting cone to his tongue you can’t help but want it.
want his hot tongue on you, in you.
you want it so so bad that you’re caught off guard when he smirks, not looking at you at all but feeling your stare. he feels your needy wants, knows the devious perverted thoughts going on in your pretty head and its all a dead giveaway when you hold his hand tighter before turning your head away from him.
your sudden shyness makes him let out a laugh. finishing the small cone within a few licks and bites. damn you are a contradiction of innocence and dirtiness that only helps his blood pound in devotion and cock harden in desire.
“what did we say about manners princess? it’s rude to stare at people while they’re eating,” Ari’s deep hushed words rattle your thoughts.
“I know daddy, I-” your words almost stumble when you feel the cool chocolate breaths wave upon your ear and his muscled arm wraps around your waist pulling you closer to him.
“is my princess getting needy? politely tell daddy what you want and maybe he’ll give it to you,” Ari whispers with a soft yet quick peck behind your ear, it’s almost enough for you to whine for more.
Ari knows you just can’t have that, it doesn’t even fill in a teaspoon of the battered lust that needs to be soothed. you really weren’t good at telling him what you wanted, sure physical and replaceable things weren’t an issue, clothes, purses, shoes, books. lets make it clear, if you see it, like it and want it- Ari bought it without hesitation.
however in situations like these, it wasn’t as if it was easy or hard to tell him what you want or what you want him to do to you. you just want him to just touch you, to feel his delicious large and warm hands- his gifted mouth on you already without being asked so many teasing questions.
“I want your tongue, daddy,” your words almost stumble out.
eyes to his now, they flutter innocently at him, biting your bottom lip you look down to notice the small tent at his pants and you smirk. given that rather rude action Ari’s hand that’s on your side goes down to grope the curve of your ass, giving it an equally gentle yet painful squeeze.
“you want daddy’s tongue princess? first tell daddy where you want it-” his sentence was interrupted by the loud vibration of his phone.
buzzing in his pocket you scoff at him when he takes it out to look at the pixel name displayed on the small screen. rolling your eyes when he doesn’t put it away you cross your arms, and let out a huff glaring up at him.
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"daddy! mhmm!- daddy no more!" his eyes snap to yours, the sight of you makes him lick his lips.
shiny hair sprawled in all directions, face clouded with lust, the neckline to your pretty dress folded down to reveal your plump tits covered in his love bites. he’s trying his hardest not to give in to the throbbing temptation and smash his mouth against yours, take handfuls of your tits and fuck you till you can only say his name.
but he has much more control than that, he isn’t a needy baby like you. drooling at a few licks to your messy cunt and tits, god Ari knew he was lucky to have landed such a woman like you and you were his to bring as many orgasms as possible.
even if you didn’t want them, you were his little baby and his baby had rules to follow. breaking those rules resulted in punishments and as much as it hurt him to see you cry and whimper it was getting his cock hard to.
“now princess you wanted daddy’s tongue, and now you have it. that’s what you wanted so that’s what you’re going to get.” he muses as you licks your sensitive over-stimulated folds.
“but daddy you gave me four cummies already!-” you fumble into somewhat of a sob but the cry stops once Ari pinches the meat of your inner thighs making you whine at the sudden pain. “ouchy!” you snap, hating these painful thigh pinches but adoring the slow pussy licks.
“i’m teaching you a lesson princess, you’ve been such a fucking brat today so i’m going to treat you like a fucking brat.”
“but daddy!-”
“but what, princess? Daddy told you to stop but you never listen, you’re such a bad listener.” the tinge of disappointment is heartbreaking. tears swimming in your eyes knowing you have let your daddy down and you only wish at that moment -no matter how overstimulated your pussy- you’d go back in time an hour ago to prevent yourself from acting up.
“i’m sorry daddy-” the little broken sob that slips between your trembling lips makes Ari question himself if he’s punishing you too harshly but he thinks otherwise.
so he just tuts you as if he is scolding a child and your eyes swell up with more tears and you feel your bottom lip trembling in hurt.
“Daddy doesn’t want to hear an apology, daddy wants you to stay still so he’ll bring two more cummies out of you,”
hot tears fall as your throbbing pussy is fluttering with pain and pleasure, honey euphoria taking over you moan as your thighs shake and you release on his rubbing fingers. chest slightly heaving, you sniff as you feel your tears drying on your cheeks and watch Ari bring your creamy essence to his lips.
“princess look at the mess you made on daddy's hand. let daddy clean it up for you,”
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after that rude phone call you were said to be meeting up with a friend of Ari's, well wouldn't want to say ‘friends’ more on the lines of acquaintances.
"I thought today was just us, he's your friend so why are dragging me into this." you mutter, yet when you feel his soft gaze on your eyes ease on your anger.
"be nice for daddy, okay princess?" he murmurs into your ear, snuggling into your neck. your chest lifts as you try to take in a deep breath and all the offensive rude snappy remarks on the tip of your tongue soften.
you hate the effect Ari has on you, your superior diva persona of sharp wit and pettiness strips away at his sweet and considering remarks. you’re his little spontaneous firecracker but when he cups your chin you turn into a kaleidoscope of butterflies. his feisty tiger cub that always calms down with his calming words and even soothing touch.
“fine,” you say and he smiles down at your stuff pout, it’s the best you’re going to give him and for that he pulls you closer to his side in gratitude.
walking side by side through the crowds, Ari adjusts the cap of the baseball hat down his forehead and you tuck in a piece of his hair behind his ear. making a rose heated blush appear on his cheeks which only brings out a wide smile and giggle from you.
“so, where is he? where are we meeting your ‘friend’?” your comment is sharp yet still soft enough to not avert the vex towards Ari.
“he said to meet us at the circus tent, before the clown stunts,”
“you thinking i’m going to meet him is a clown stunt-” you couldn’t help but let it slip out, you were still mad and you can’t help not to express it.
“princess what did we agree to-” Ari heavily sighs, a simple sign your running his patience but you roll your eyes.
“I know what we agreed to but I know nothing about your so called ‘friend’,”
how the hell did Ari expect you to be nice and peachy with a complete stranger when he warns you of them on a constant basis?
“we aren’t friends, we just have business to deal with,”
“yeah and what a professional scene to deal business then in a tent with lions, tigers and bears-” and suddenly a sharp slap hits your bottom and your to stunned to even register it.
oh my, oh my you’re in for a surprise and you sense it when the powder blue egg color of Aris mystic eyes shades darker. that again is a warning, for you to drop the attitude and suck up to this little silly social gathering but the pulling voices of your angry thoughts echoing fuck no are getting the best of you.
you always had your way, always and forever.
you two were surrounded by people and you even thought yourself no matter how pissed he was he wasn’t going to spank you. not pull you over his lap for children and parents to see but looking around you notice the sound of rides, people chattering, and laughing and playful screaming is to loud. everyone minding there own business to even notice his hand gliding up to wrap his fingers around your neck.
“don’t make me loose my patience. you are going to greet him politely, sit with him and-”
“god Ari do you want me to fuck him to?” you grumble and with that Ari grabs your jaw, directing your stare to his.
the grip on your wrist slightly tightened, his soft lips are to the shell of your ear and from afar it may seem like Ari is whispering something kind and dear from the way he’s smiling but you feel the snide in his harshly hushed words.
“is it that hard for you to be nice for my sake for ten decent minutes? I won’t fucking hesitate to pull you over my knee and spank you for the clowns and acrobats to see. I promise princess, if you even step a toe out of line you’re going to pray you haven’t. do you understand me?”
your glare is your only response until you mutter a small I understand daddy through your teeth barely loud for him to hear.
“speak up princess. I said, do you understand me?” Ari says, his words softer now and the grip on your jaw and wrist soften.
pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek he averts her face to meet him. “I promise you’re not going to regret meeting him. i’ve pulled a few strings to get him here but it’s all for you to enjoy,” he says and you quirk a brow at him, a smile finally pulling at your lips easing Ari.
“and who is that?” you say but Ari shakes his head with a small smirk, “I know you’ve been telling me how close you are to publishing your book and I thought why not I bring the finish line to you,” he says, you are still confused.
Ari was right, you are so close to making a publishing deal but you haven’t received any word in months. you yourself are getting anxious but the way you left the establishment shaking hands with the famous Harlan Thrombey himself. how he emphasized being invested in your work tore all those worries and fears away.
although, you were suppose to receive a call months ago, yet deadlines and interruptions of some sort keep on pushing your meeting with Harlan week after week. after that a contract was supposed to be sealed and editor negotiations completed and done for. not three months later you’ve received nothing and here you are wondering if Mr. Thrombey is having second thoughts on your work.
what is Ari planning for you with his friend?
sweat glistening your hairline, your soft whimpers fill the fairy light tent, only causing Ari to grip your inner thighs tighter. all this while his hot cherry tongue slides in and out your slick hole, you throw your head back. this pleasure feels like a fantasy and you’ve been reminiscing it to this point.
trying to move your glossy locks of hair away from your eyes, you hate the way he snapped at you earlier how you weren't allowed to touch him. not touch his soft toffee hair, his thickly bearded cheeks and muscled forearms- not even the comfort of his hand.
cause you’re in trouble and you aren’t allowed to touch him or yourself now or later until he says so. you’re the bad girl and the bad girl doesn’t get what she wants, no matter how much she pouts and cries.
"daddy!" and his eyes snap to yours, the pretty innocent blue now replaced by yearning.
knowing better to call his private title in public but the empty red, blue, and yellow striped carnival tent is the only event to do something like this. the soft music of the carousel in the background fuzzy, one of his hands creep up your bodice.
pulling down the tight neckline of your dress, he grips the soft mound tit in his hand and you erotically whimper as he roughly pinches the hard nipple. your pale pink and white gingham dress crowded your upper hips yet still lengthy enough that it covers Ari’s head. large warm palms caress your frosty cotton thigh highs as long slow licks smooth the folds of your fluttering pussy, aching to be satisfied by the pulse of his dick.
slow circular strokes of his thumb rub along the small slippery nub and your thighs twitch in blissful thrill over each of his shoulders. your feet in pink strap heels bounce and flinch every time Ari shoves his tongue in your hole. pouring out moans from you as you imagine his lips polished and shiny with your sweet pussy milk.
you want to see him, you want to see him eat you up you’re desperate to move the cloth over his head. see him licking and sucking the sinful treat he craves everyday. hating the sight of just his head bobbing up and down and side to side from the cover of your own dress you want to meet his eyes as he loudly moans while eating you out. slipping the small and loud growls and carnal noises release as he as his special treat.
daring to do so, you reach the hem of the dress and pull the fabric off his head, and there you see your handsome candyman. tawny brown hair tasseled and cheekbones red from the heat his eyes twinkle in mystic hunger, his lips soaked in your sensual essense. both his hands softly gripping your thighs, stroking your hips as his tongue still deep in your hole you let out a small whimper as he slips it out.
pupils wide and both the corners of his mouth leak with saliva and your cum and you feel your legs shaking a slight when he licks the corners. more so feel your pussy wetten when he glides his tongue over his top teeth glaring at you. awaiting the degrading scowl he has for you yet your surprised when you doesn’t pinch your thighs or claw at your hips even when he just smiles.
“peek-a-boo angel,” he purrs, eyes back to their cloud heaven blue and you feel your heart melting in your chest although it quickens when you brings his tongue right back to your pussy.
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“so you must be {y/n l/n}, i’ve heard so much about you.” the young man sitting across from you chimes. You and Ari sit side by side on one of the many picnic tables around the humongous red and white circus tent.
“good things I hope, you must be Mr. Drysdale. how are you?” flashing your pearly white smile you rest your hand in the mans extended hand.
“what a doll, i’m doing great and how are you doing on this fine day?”
peachy fucking keen
he sounds like he’s trying his hardest to at least sound interactive and social. blue eyes move from your face to your cleavage and you want to snap at him to fucking pick.
“well today was excellent as a matter fact, a special day. all until you came along, you see Mr. Drysdale-”
“please, call me Ransom. Ari Levinson, long time no see! before we catch up why don’t you buy your lady a soda pop. i’d like to know the writers first before signing them off to my publish house,” the young man remarks, his eyes not to yours at all but to the way your dress tightly hugs your body.
Ari sees this, anger bubbling inside him he bits his tongue. meeting Ransom from his latest cases he was shocked to find out that he hadn’t been convicted for the third degree murder his buddy was investigating that had him wrapped up into it. even more shocked to find out that he had inherited his grandfathers publishing company.
this ‘meeting’ is to ensure you get your book published and live in your glory. so instead of barking at Ransom telling him to stop eye fucking you he instead offers you a kiss to the cheek and a soft stern whisper in your ear.
“behave while i’m gone,” and with that he walks away to the food vendors, knowing full well that it’s going to be you that’s going to drive Ransom crazy and not the other way around.
“I don’t understand, when I spoke to Ari-”
“well sweetheart today’s your lucky day, it’s not like everyday you meet the CEO of the company you dream your work be published in.” his voice smooth he stares down at you with hungry blue eyes.
cursing yourself for wearing such an unprofessional outfit but how were you going to find out that you were going to make a book deal on a date.
“I don’t understand, I was suppose to meet with Mr. Thrombey-”
“oh have you not received any word? Harlan, my grandfather, passed away three months ago,” he says but every word in his voice sounds fabricated, remorseless.
your surprised once you feel a hand on your bare thigh, gripping it firmly and you shift away from Ransom. his tongue slowly licks his bottom lip when his blue irises catch yours, you had to admit they were pretty like Ari’s but they held something else- something darker.
keeping a safe distance away from you and Ransom you don’t move your eyes away from him, not cowering under his gaze but holding a stronger glance to him. you knew guys like this, you grew up surrounded by them and you even dated guys like him but not in a single situation did you let them take advantage of you.
so, besides sitting at the table trying to avoid a conversation you get this “meeting” over with. Verbally deflecting the flirtatious remarks of Mr. Drysdale. dodging the charming maneuvers of him asking you for more face to face meetings and you can sense the anger radiating off him. it only makes you wonder how long it takes just for Ari to get you a damn soda pop.
“i’m not sure if you’re qualified enough for a place at my establishment. you don’t seem to meet my criteria options and your work isn’t up to our standards,” he says looking down at his phone, typing a message to someone as if you weren’t worth his time.
“I don’t seem to meet your criteria options? you mean offering to take me out when you damn well know i’m already in a relationship? what is this? I thought we were talking about my book,” that sharp remark leaves him dropping his eyes back to his phone after he receives a message.
“my question is why are you with a man like Levinson? a sweet little lady like you with a busy man like him can’t treat you well, can’t pamper you well, can’t fuck you well-”
“we’re done here,” you feel your face getting hot with rage, you were wasting your precious vacation days on this. “and what about your book Ms. {y/l/n}?”
you’re up and away front the table yet you turn your head to meet his eyes again. no way in hell were you going to publish your book for a company runned by Mr. Drysdale.
“it seems as though your establishment isn’t up to my standards Mr. Drysdale,”
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"d-daddy, am I sweet?" fluttering your lashes to him, a deep groan shakes against your throbbing cunt and you feel your organism washing over.
the continuous licking from the tip of his tongue tracing your hole and his thick fingers rubbing your puffy folds are removed just for his mouth to suck the sweet essence pooling your rose bud.
his sweet and innocent angel, so naughty and dirty at these times. such a sweet fucking treat, a sickeningly saccharine poison to easily overdose. sporting soft cotton candy thighs he doesn’t mind at all being in between them, licking the sweet sugary sweetness.
y/n l/n is a wish candy girl that’ll rot Ari’s teeth to his graveyard kind of girl and he doesn’t mind it one bit.
"like candy dolly. you're sweet like fucking sugar." you moan at the comment and he won't stop licking. sugar cotton floss, sticky candy apples, rainbow swirled lollies, and buttery caramel popcorn- you’re the whole damn candy bar and his head is so deep in Candyland he can’t think straight.
all he wants is to see is your pie crumble before him as you give him the custard filling. it’s what he’s been craving and the various messages that Ransom sent him whilst in the food line asking him if he could “take you off his hands” only increases the grind of his mouth and tongue on your bountiful mound.
"daddy's on a sugar rush," you giggle completely unaware of the situation Ari has dealt with but otherwise he smiles into your pussy.
god you always had the cutest shit to say when he’s eating your pussy and he fucking loves it, eats it up.
"bad princess, you're going to rot daddy's teeth," trying his hardest to not think about Ransom at a time like this, in his position with his mouth on you.
"mmh!- that’s so sad daddy. I always liked your smile," you moan and sigh, testing his patience once more you begin to lace your fingers through his long hair.
Ari shakes his head disapproving though he seems to occupied licking your saturation from your mound to bother telling you to keep your hands to yourself. keeping your fingers in his hair, his eyes meet yours in anger and with the glimmer of menace he knows so well in your eyes he should prepare for your reckoning.
with that a pretty petty smirk curls your lips as you yank his chocolate locks downward, shoving your dripping cunt as it grinds against his mouth. Ari doesn’t back away but invites it, pulling away slightly to glide his skilled fingers over the soaked folds avoiding your desperate hole.
a whimper slips out when Ari doesn’t give you the pleasure that’s lingering and dripping from your crux but only avoides you; but then again how long can Ari avoid your need for another release. burly arms wrap around your body’s waist as you pulls you onto his lap, letting you saunter your arms around his neck you stuff your face in his chest letting out a whinish sob.
“i’m sorry for misbehaving today Ari,” a bang of regret hits Ari’s chest.
this was all his fault for demanding you meet Ransom to see some opportunities for you when he himself knew it wasn’t the best idea.
“don’t be sorry angel, I went too far and you were right. I shouldn’t have forced you to meet him. shouldn’t have thought of this in the first place,” that little whisper followed with a kiss in between your brows.
he still can’t get the sleazy voice of Ransom offering to take you “off his hands” so you’d get a position at his company. feeling his sugar high blood boiling just remembering Ransom talking about you as if you were nothing but a pawn item for bargaining, right in front of you as if you had no say whatsoever.
“you know how I hate cutting corners, I wanna be successful because I worked hard. not because my boyfriend wanted me to take it easy and let a rich boy take care of it for me,” you whisper, head snuggling in Ari’s neck which he hums.
god, you may be stubborn but you were so loyal to your aspirations and independence. strong when he met you and stronger now, he always has admired that.
“remind me next time whenever I want to introduce you to someone who runs this relationship,” and you giggle at those words.
quickly straddling his lap arms wrapped around his neck you pull him closer till your nose rubs against his and your lips briefly touch his.
“I run this shit,” you cheekily whisper subtly licking his bottom lip and Ari takes your ass in his hands, lifting you up your legs wrap around his waist. “yes, you fucking do.” Ari growls and pulls your lips to his.
he’s all yours, your caring daddy, your carnival carnivore.
truly yours.
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♡♡♡ thank you for reading! ♡♡♡ pretty please like, reblog and/or comment what you think and if you enjoy this follow me to read more of my future works! ♡♡♡
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tricksters-captain · 4 years
Weasley Twins/Cedric Diggory Imagines - Accidental Meeting - Part 6
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AN: Here ya go! Enjoy!
Overall Summary: (Y/n), is a young witch who always kept her head down due to her complicated past; one day she bumps quite literally into one of the most popular boys in Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory, and that’s when (Y/n)’s plan of keeping her head down seems to go up into the air. Things only seem to worsen when two redheaded twins start to take notice too...
This Chapter: It’s the first match of the season! Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff
Pairing(s): Cedric Diggory x Reader, (Eventual) George Weasley x Reader, (Platonic) Fred Weasley x Reader, (Platonic) Oliver Wood x Reader
Word Count: 3,376
Warnings: None
“Wood, you need to get laid, mate.” Fred stared at the older boy as he paced the common room. He was as tense as a wooden plank and stressed about the game plan which he thought ‘just wasn’t perfect yet’. 
“(Y/n), why don’t you take one for the team?” Fred looked across the sofa at you and you rolled your eyes. 
“Or we could use a simple potion on him to relax him or even better knock him out?” You offered a different suggestion looking up at Oliver as he passed you. 
“The match is tomorrow. It’s the first one of the season, we must win. With the team change, there is more competition; Malfoy is no match really for Harry as a seeker but Diggory is different.” Oliver’s accent seem to make his words slur together as his thoughts overflowed from his mouth. 
“Ooooo, pretty boy Diggory. (Y/n)’s new favourite study partner.” Fred smirked, winking at you as he teased. 
“Better watch out, Wood. You’ll lose your only fan at this rate.” George added, smiling along side his brother. 
You threw one of the pillows from under your arm at the twins to shut them up before Oliver finally plodded himself down next to you. 
“Come on, Oli. Just quit thinking about it, you guys don’t need the perfect game plan when you are an actual good team. You need sleep. Energy for tomorrow morning.” You rested your head on Oliver’s shoulder as he leant back. 
“You know I won’t sleep tonight.” Oliver shifted his arm so he could wrap it around you and you scooted closer to the boy, frowning at his statement.
“Alright, get a room.” George’s joke earned a glare from you. The twins knew you and Oliver were like family but it didn’t stop them from commenting on anything you and Oliver did together. 
“We know that the real reason Oliver won’t be sleeping tonight is because of your brothers snoring.” You snarked back at the twins with a smile. 
“Ah yes.” Fred slapped his knee. “Poor ol’ Wood, having to share a room with Percy.”
“Wouldn’t wish it on anybody.” George added which made all of you laugh. 
“It’s fine, only a few more months of it, Wood.” Fred brought up the fact Oliver was leaving this summer and you felt your heart ache. 
“What will (Y/n) do without you?” George asked, 
“Cling onto Diggory, I suppose.” Fred teased, laughing like he couldn’t help it.
“He’ll be better company than you two.” You retorted which made both twins clutch their hands over their hearts dramatically.
“Ouch, (Y/n). Really ouch.” Fred groaned. 
“The better question is what will the quidditch team do when I leave?” Wood smirked, changing the topic slightly to avoid any more Cedric talk. 
“Might actually win some matches.” George quipped. Your jaw dropped into an open smile and you brought your hand up to cover your laughter. 
“You think you’re clever, Weasley––” Wood threw a pillow at the twins which started a pillow war. 
You ducked behind the sofa as protection as the teams formed to be you and Oliver vs the twins. 
You and Oliver continued to lob back any pillows thrown in your direction. You rejoiced each time you got one of the twins on top of their red heads and the twins did the same every time they managed to get you. 
“I give! I give! I give up!” You squealed as all of a sudden the three boys target you, hitting you each with their own pillows repeatedly. 
The blows stopped and the laughter continued as you huffed your hair out of your face. Your cheeks glowing pink from the warmth and excitement of the fight. 
George offered his hand to you to pull you off the floor. 
You took it. 
His large hand was warm against yours and his other hand wrapped around your wrist as he pulled you to your feet. 
“Three against one isn’t exactly fair.” You grumbled as you stood. 
“It’s not like you’d be any match for one of us anyway, love. It’s saving your the embarrassment of losing to just one of us if all three of us get you.” Fred was the one to reply. He couldn’t help but notice George watching you even after letting your hand go.
“Keep telling yourself that.” You decided it was time to head to bed as you dumped the pillows back on the sofas. 
The twins and Oliver bid you goodnight as you walked up the stairs and you did the same. 
When you woke in the morning, the room was dark and dreary, you could see Angelina lacing up her boots on the edge of her bed ready for the match ahead. 
The noise of raindrops smashing against the window made your stomach drop as you realised the first match of the season would be in the worst weather yet. 
“Wrap up warm, (Y/n). It’s not gonna be an easy game today.” Angelina noticed you were awake as she caught you staring at the window. 
“A long one too. I doubt anyone will be seeing, let alone catching, the snitch in this weather.” You internally groaned at the thought. 
You dressed yourself as best as you could to try and stay warm and dry. You wrapped yourself in thick clothes before putting on some boots and a large rain coat. 
You trudged down the stairs to see Oliver in his uniform waiting for you with a muffin. 
“I already went to breakfast. I figured you wouldn’t go at all if I already went.” Oliver handed you the muffin and you smiled. 
“How thoughtful. Perhaps you could’ve waited for me in the first place.” 
“Early bird gets the worm, (Y/n).” Oliver defended himself as he started towards the door to leave.
You followed him out of the common and down the stairs towards the quidditch pitch. 
“Have you heard anything from your uncle?” He asked. 
“Nope, not since I sent off my letter a few days ago.” You shook your head as you tightened the drawstring on your hood. “I don’t expect to hear anything back now until something new happens with him.”
“You know, I’ve known you this long and I still don’t get you and your uncle.” Oliver admitted, sending you a side glance. 
“I mean how can you understand him and everything he’s gone through? He’s not the most loving parental figure I got but he is the only one I have. We keep each other updated on the important things. He doesn’t need to be burdened with my feelings on boys or exams, he’s got too much going on upstairs to care about some teenage girls anxieties.” You gestured to your head and Oliver just chuckled. 
“Guess that’s what I’m here for.” Oliver suggested, 
“You are perfectly correct there, Oli boy.” You opened your umbrella as you and Wood prepared to run to the pitch in the rain. 
You waited in the team tent with Oliver for the team to slowly scatter in. 
“Actually here then, Seyler.” Fred using your surname was something you’d have to get used to but since you were just with the team who rarely judged you because of Oliver, you didn’t say anything about it. 
“I keep my promises.” You said proudly. 
“Yeah right, you’re just here cause of pretty boy Diggory, admit it.” Fred wiggled his eyebrows at you and you flipped him off. 
“I’m heading to get a seat, Oli. Make sure not to fall off your broom today.” You wished the boy luck with a quick hug before climbing the stairs to find somewhere to sit or stand with the Gryffindors.
The rain wasn’t easing up. It came down hard and heavy and with grumbling roars of thunder around it. 
You felt a knot in your stomach as you thought about all the possible ways things could end badly with the weather. 
The first on the pitch were the Hufflepuff team. 
You spotted Cedric as he lead the team out onto the field. He wore goggles and his hair was pushed back, wet from the rain along with his yellow quidditch robes which were darker from already being clearly soaked.  
You couldn’t help but let your lips form a smile as he flew round to your side of the pitch and flew past you, sending one of his own dazzling smiles your way.
The Gryffindor team swiftly followed Hufflepuff and soon the whistle was blown and the game began. 
You tried to watch Oliver but for some reason, your eyes always found themselves back to Cedric. 
Quidditch matches were never quiet. 
You laughed as the surrounding Gryffindors cheered and shouted over the thunder for their team. 
You whooped and whistled whenever Oliver saved a goal and despite the bad weather, you didn’t seem to mind being out there for once. 
You also cheered on for Fred and George as you found yourself paying attention to them too. 
You furrowed your eyebrows as you lost sight of Cedric. 
“They’ve gone up there!” Hermione seemed to have noticed you looking about and she gestured up into the clouds where you knew she was talking about Harry and Cedric. 
Soon after, you saw Cedric racing after the snitch back out of the clouds but Harry wasn’t anywhere to be seen. 
You couldn’t look up for too long as the rain drops attacked your face. 
“HARRY!” Hermione screamed out as she spotted the boy falling fast towards the ground. 
Almost no one had noticed over the Hufflepuffs roars as Cedric snagged the snitch. Hufflepuff won and Harry’s body was spiralling to the bottom of the quidditch match. 
“Arresto momentum!” Dumbledore noticed Harry and cast out a spell to soften the fall. 
Somehow the air got even colder and that’s when you noticed the Dementors above. They must’ve followed Harry down, it would explain why Harry was unconscious. He had fainted after an encounter with a Dementor before. 
Dumbledore was furious, you could see it in his face. 
You rushed through the stadium as Dumbledore sent the Dementors away; you reached the bottom as Harry was being lifted and escorted to the hospital wing. 
Other students rushed past you to see if Harry was okay, you looked up towards the goals to see if Oliver was still there but he must've come to the ground. 
You figured your best chance was to head back to the castle with the majority of the students instead of fighting through them, and you’d probably find Wood with Harry in the hospital. 
As the students all rushed to get out of the rain you heard someone cough beside you ‘Deatheater’ and you rolled your eyes in frustration. Was this shit really gonna start up again? 
You saw glimpses of orange hair and red quidditch robes heading towards the hospital wing ahead of you and you silently thanked the Weasley mother for birthing the tall twins. 
Nudging and weaving your way through wet bodies you finally caught up to them. 
“Is Oliver not with you?” You asked Fred and George as you took hold of their robes for them to notice you were behind them. 
“Last I saw your boyfriend was talking to him.” Fred replied, 
“What?” You were confused and taken back by the word ‘boyfriend’. 
“Diggory pulled him to one side on the quidditch pitch.” George explained. 
“Probably asking his blessing for your hand in marriage.” Fred smirked, you hit him in response. 
“Hey!” Fred pouted as he rubbed arm. 
“How’s Harry?” You peaked past the boys to see Ron, Hermione, Neville and Angelina surrounding Harry’s bed. 
“Not sure yet since you dragged us to a stop to ask about your boyfriends.” Fred was pushing his luck with you but you didn’t feel any real anger at the teasing like you usually would. 
“Harry could be dead and we wouldn’t know because we had to talk to you.” George played along with his twin. 
“I’m terribly sorry. Please, get back to your adopted brother.” The sarcasm dripped off your tongue and the boys couldn’t help but find it amusing. 
You turned on your heels and made your way down a now empty corridor to continue your search for Wood. 
“(Y/n)!” You heard a voice echo as you passed a smaller corridor. Your head spun left and your eyes met a very damp Cedric. 
“Cedric.” You returned his call. 
As the boy neared you, you could see just how soaking he truly was. 
Raindrops were still falling down his forehead, dripping off his brown curls and his pink cheeks were flushed from the warmth the castle held compared to outside. 
Your eyes couldn’t help but notice his lips, almost shinning like lipgloss. Almost inviting. 
“What’s wrong?” Cedric must've noticed your wrinkled expression as his eyebrows knitted together like yours. 
“I’m just looking for Oliver.” You confessed. 
“I just spoke to him on the pitch. I asked him if he would like a rematch since the Dementors attacked Harry but he said that we had won fair and square which I didn’t think was the exact truth but...” Cedric couldn’t help but ramble as he replayed the conversation in his head. “...But Wood insisted it was okay.”
“That’s big of him. Did you say he was still at the pitch or?” 
“No, I don’t know where he went after. Possibly to find Harry’s broom.” Cedric suggested. 
“Possibly.” You agreed. “Congratulations by the way.” 
“Congratulations? I’m surprised you’re congratulating me, Wood is your best friend, I thought he’d have you swearing off talking to the enemy let alone congratulating them.” Cedric clearly found the conversation funny. 
“Honestly, you think Oliver owns me or something?” You rolled your eyes, placing your hands on your hips as you looked up at the boy. 
“I really hope not.” Cedric smiled back down at you which made your heart flutter. 
You felt your lips part as Cedric flirted and you cleared your throat to save the embarrassment of your jaw hanging open. 
“I should probably let you go. You look freezing in those wet clothes.” Cedric helped save you the embarrassment by not commenting on it. 
“You too. Those robes must be heavy now.” You pointed at his quidditch robes which you had to admit looked especially good on the boy. 
“Meet me outside my common room. I’m sure some hot chocolate with marshmallows will help warm you up?” Cedric raised his eyebrows as he made the offer. You could only nod back as an answer. 
Cedric was the one to walk away as you felt suddenly very heavy in your boots. 
“(Y/n)! There you are. Is Harry awake yet?” Oliver followed the same path Cedric had taken and came face to face with you only seconds later. 
“I-I-I don’t know. I was looking for you.” You admitted, you noticed the broken broom wrapped up in his arms. 
“Whomping Willow. That bastard tree.” Oliver cursed as he saw you look at the broom. 
“Looks like your seeker needs a new broom.” You winced, knowing what Oliver was thinking now the fastest broom on the team was now broken.
“At least, hopefully with Madam Pomfrey’s help, I won’t be needing a new seeker.” Oliver was trying to look on the bright side. 
“Go check on him. I’m heading back to the common room to dry off.” You ushered the boy forward before returning to the dorms. 
You peeled out of your wet clothes and towel dried your hair. You pulled on some comfier, warmer clothes and a pair of fluffy socks. It always seems so much colder after you’ve been soaked through by the Scottish rain. 
“You look cute. Off to meet someone?” Angelina sent you a knowing look as she entered the dorm, taking off her own wet robes. 
“What?” You scoffed, “No, of course not. Who would I be meeting?” 
“I don’t know but there have been rumours flying around about a particularly handsome Hufflepuff prefect quidditch captain.” Angie was being way too obvious that she meant Cedric. 
“You should know by now to stop listening to rumours about me, Angelina.” You shook your head as you gathered your dirty laundry off the floor. 
“Okay, have fun not going to meet anyone then...” Angelina giggled to herself as she wiggled her eyebrows. 
You left the dorm, descending the stairs down to the common room where most Gryffindors were sat sourly as we lost and Harry had fallen and broke his broom. 
You couldn’t see the twins or Oliver anywhere so you assumed they were still with Harry. 
You left the common room quietly and made your way down to the kitchen corridor where the Hufflepuff common room was located. 
You had never been near the Hufflepuff common room before. You hadn't really bothered going near any of the other house’s commons room actually. You hadn’t had friends outside Gryffindor before, more specifically outside the Gryffindor quidditch team. 
You scrunched the sleeves of your sweater in the palm of your hands as you tiptoed down the corridor.
“There you are.” Cedric seemed to almost appear out of thin air as he exited the kitchens with two mugs of hot chocolate. 
“How did you?” You gestured at the mugs as you questioned. 
“The house elves are happy to give out food and drinks as long as they are treated well.” Cedric offered you your mug. 
You smiled as you heard quiet humming coming from the cup. 
“My father bought these marshmallows from Denmark. They sing as they melt into your drink.” Cedric smiled as you noticed the soft music. 
The mug had a mound of cream on top with shavings of chocolate and several fluffy singing marshmallows. 
“Thank you.” You held the mug close to you as it warmed your hands. 
Cedric sat down with his back against the corridor wall and you sat beside him. 
“I like your hair. It’s gone all curly.” Cedric complimented you which made you blush.
“Ugh, I hate it. The rain always makes it go really frizzy.” You patted the top of your head and groaned. Cedric just shook his head lightly at your actions. 
“Is Harry okay?” He asked, 
“I think so. Madam Pomfrey is the best healer I’ve ever seen so if anyone can fix him, she can.” You stated, sipping on your hot chocolate. 
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Cedric suddenly started laughing, his bright eyes wincing as his smile grew wide. 
“What?” You smiled at him, the whipped cream now covering your noise. 
Cedric wiped the cream from the tip of your nose, sucking it off his thumb as he continued to laugh. 
You let your own laughter fall quiet as you examined the handsome boys face. 
Your thoughts started to race as the marshmallows started to quietly hum an old love song. 
“Why me?” You asked him. 
“What do you mean?” Cedric questioned you back, looking from your eyes to your lips to your eyes again. 
“Why talk to me this year? You could talk to anyone. We only briefly bumped into each other on that train ride. Why not leave it at that?” 
“Because...” Cedric sat up further against the wall. “...I have never been drawn to anyone the way I was drawn to you after you purposely threw yourself against me.” 
“I did not throw myself against you!” You screeched, defending yourself which only made Cedric laugh wildly again. 
You tried not to laugh with him but your smile couldn't help but break out. 
You both sat there in the quiet for a moment until you started humming along with the marshmallows.
“You know this?” Cedric asked, referring to the tune the sweets were singing. 
“I love this song.” You whispered as you stared down at your mug. 
Cedric suddenly started singing the words to the song but extremely off key. 
“Shut up! You’re ruining it!” You nudged the boys shoulder which only started him up again. “Does your face not hurt, Mr Smiley?” You teased him for it. 
“Come on.” Cedric rose to his feet and offered his hand out to you. 
You took it. 
His hand was warm.
“You hungry?” Cedric led you towards the kitchen entrance. 
@viirgobbyy​ @itsfangirlmendes​ @obsessedunicorn24​ @rye-li​ @thealienplace​ @ziggyspurplehaze​ @cookiecakeslive​​ @joellemoriarty @cherryflavouredlipbalm​​ @big-galaxy-chaos​​ @whotfisdani​ @spn-marvel-nerd​
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raichijin · 4 years
⋆͛♡⋆͛ the hangover; mirio edition.  ❥ a one-shot.
preface; writing this was honestly so painful. a testatment to why i should never 1.) do collabs ever 2.) write long things. i am drained.
word count; 5k words.
starring; mirio, mina, shinsou, denki, unnamed boyfriend.
summary; after your boyfriend forgets about your anniversary, you spend some time with friends to forgive and forget about what happened. then it gets worse.
warnings; reader gets called some nasty names towards the end of the fic. watch out for that.
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you were supposed to be spending this weekend with your boyfriend. at a resort, poolside, on vacation, or on a beach, or where ever he’d fancy peeling off the nice (read: expensive) swimsuit he’d gotten you for your five year anniversary.
he was kind, is kind, but not as committed to your relationship as he was to his job. not even a call as the clock struck midnight, almost an hour past your reservation, but a text the morning after with a short apology, and the sudden announcement that he’d be working late. again. you didn’t cry. wouldn’t, because shedding tears would cause a mess and a headache, and self-doubt is what’s tucking you in at night, telling you that maybe for tonight, tomorrow and the day after your feelings don’t matter.
cause his job is the one keeping you afloat. (your interest in the arts is cute, to him; like a hobby. nothing you could stay afloat with. it’s too risky, he insists, so to you, it became nothing. to others? it became offhand remarks at his high-end office parties. a joke to your in-laws. a breathed sigh of relief from your parents.) so more time is what’s best for the both of you.
that has to be it.
your friends figure out something might be wrong when you go ghost for days, bordering on a week.
you mention how it’s easy to lose track of time when you’re by yourself as you are, but they don’t buy it. say you need to loosen up, take a vacation of your own even when you say you don’t need it because you’re not working, give you sharp glares whenever you object. you don’t know why you thought you had a choice in the matter — especially when mina’s sugar mommy gives her enough money to afford 2 full suites at one of the most expensive hotels in the area.
denki also tags along, just cause, and brings his boyfriend; shinsou, with him.
if they know what’s going on, they never mention it. 
and it’s a little easier to cope that way.
you dip your toes, ease yourself into the night, before you’re being pulled into the deep end and your mind’s been left at the door, but your body is having a field day.
you should’ve blacked out two margaritas ago.
you think you did.
you’re too drunk to recall all of the rash decisions you made, or whether or not you maxed your credit card, but you’ve must’ve gotten separated from your friends somewhere along the way, because when you wake up, you are distinctly not in your bed, not in a tastefully decorated room, not in a hotel.
and mina, shinsou, denki? unless they’re in the adjacent room, they’re not here with you either. you’re still in your clothes from last night. your shirt is missing a button and you don’t have your shoes on, but beyond that, you’re perfectly fine.
a scraggly bed head lies next to you, who is, notably, more nude than you are.
he has no shirt. no shoes. no pants. his blonde hair is unruly and you’re so shocked you actually start to wake up. your eyes widen and you’re sitting up so fast you’re a bit dizzy from the sudden motion.
the room is spinning and you feel sick, the headache behind your eyes making you want to grind your molars into dust. and just as quickly as you sat up, you lay back down; shaking the bed with the force. the guy next to you isn’t as heavy of a sleeper as you hoped, though. he blinks open tired eyes, showing you the most exquisite navy blue, and the little bit of drool dripping down his chin might’ve been cute if he wasn’t a complete stranger.
though you can’t stave off the creeping anxiety, the silence as he comes to his senses doesn’t feel wrong, and you’re more confused than scared.
he rubs his eyes with the heel of his palm, and gives you a criminally bright smile, and though his voice is wrecked when he says “...g’morning, sunshine.”, you doubt yours sounds much better. 
the nickname makes you feel fuzzy, if only for a second.
“i, uh … good morning?” you sound awkward, but the guy manages to find humor in your predicament when he chuckles gently, sitting up without so much as a second thought. you can see more of his body when he does so, and when his hand comes up to ruffle his hair, you can catch the glint of a silver band, resting on his ring finger. 
then everything clicks into place.
did you cheat? was he cheating?
all of the things you’d been beating yourself up over settle thick over top like smoke clouds and a raging fire. you feel like you’re suffocating, and don’t realize you’re freaking out until a strong hand is wrapping around yours, which, in your panic, you squeeze.
you spot a matching ring on your hand, that you know for a fact wasn’t there before,
and you think that’s when you pass out.
you wake up (again) to a room with tacky but charming decor, the smell of breakfast, and considerably less of a headache than what you started with. now more lucid, with the strength in your body to walk and think, your first priority is finding your phone. you tap your pockets, check the bedside drawer and tables, under your pillow, in the cracks of the bed, under the bed.
no cigar. you’re digging through miscellaneous memorabilia, trinkets and clothes that aren’t yours for at least a minute before the guy you were laid up in bed with comes back to just to see you picking through the corners of his bedroom, banana in hand.
he stands in the doorway and clears his throat. he has clothes on this time, pants. “you’re awake? are you feeling any better?”
you startle, straighten your back and stand upright, your arms falling to your sides. “um, kind of. i — have you seen my phone?”
he shakes his head, offers you the banana. “you should have this though! it’ll fix that hangover, i think.”
“i … thanks.” standing and eating a banana in someone else’s bedroom is certainly … a time.
“i made some breakfast,” he says when you’re halfway finished, “if you want some.” he ends with a smile, and you feel those 3 shots of serotonin go straight to your brain.
granted, you shouldn’t be that happy.
he takes the lead and turns around, leading you down a narrow hallway into a quaint kitchenette with a lovely beach view and all the good summer vibes condensed into a single, small room. it makes your heart hurt even more when you realize you have someone home, someone expecting you to come back.
to a hollow apartment, a cold bed, a lukewarm welcome.
you have to force your brain to be quiet to even hear a fraction of what blondie is saying.
“alcohol basically just dehydrates you. the potassium stops that, gets you all your minerals and stuff back. i heard it works with beer, so i was thinking it works for other stuff too!” he sounds so chipper that it brings your mood up just to hear his voice.
so bold and sure, warm and kind.
“but if it doesn’t clear up in 30 minutes, i have some advil i can give you! don’t want you having a headache all day now.” he’s sitting you down at his small table and sliding some pancakes in front of you, some orange juice. eating feels like a chore, but you know you have to, or that you should try at least.
while you push around your food, blondie chatters away, and even if you just met, he has you entranced by the way he speaks. smooth like the butter on his toast as his stories flow effortlessly into one another, how easily he can chat you up is amazing; getting you from gentle chuckles to full blown belly laughter before you can get your first bite in.
there’s lulls in the conversation if you count the moments he takes to actually eat, but he keeps you on your toes with his personal anecdotes, and questions about yourself, forcing you out of your shell, little by little.
the thought of your boyfriend pushed back into the depths of your mind.
until you broach the topic of your friends.
you learn quickly that he’s a good listener, completely silent unless prompted, asking questions or making jokes only when you’re finished speaking. when he asks, you tell him about the ones that got you here, shinsou, denki and mina.
his eyes flash momentarily, a look of recognition, or maybe understanding, passing over him. he hums gently, head swaying as he does so.
“they’re a little rough around the edges but they’re like family, you know?”
“i get what you mean. they were very nice when i met them. especially at our wedding!” he sips his coffee.
“i — are you alright? you’re choking!” that you are. the guilt you felt when you first woke up and the rising panic ram into your gut like a freight train, and suddenly, you don’t want to eat anymore.
"what do you mean we're married?" you rub small circles into your forehead as this idyllic morning goes right back to being cruel hell. 
"yesterday, at the chapel," he twists his wedding ring with warm familiarity that makes your stomach churn. "i can't really believe it myself, like maybe we were meant to be? i know the universe works in strange ways like that."
you're sorry to burst his bubble, but you save the happily ever afters for fairy tales, not real life.
you pinch your forehead and heave an exasperated sigh.
"i have a boyfriend." you wrap your arms around yourself, trying to seek lost comfort. "and we don't know each other to begin with. can't even remember your name, i was so drunk."
you cradle your face in your palms, feel his stare bore into the top of your head.
"togata." you perk up.
“my name. it’s togata. mirio togata.” 
“oh.” you rub your cheeks, pull them back with the heels of your palms.
“that’s a nice name.” an uncomfortable silence washes over you both before someone speaks up. mirio.
“so what do you want to do?”
you answer a little bit too fast in response. “i don’t know. i … i should call my friends. i still need to find my phone—” you stand up, ignore the onslaught of nausea, and look around the kitchen.
“help me look? and then … and then we can figure out all the other details later.” mirio carries both your plates to the sink, and busies himself with dishes for a brief moment, allowing you to find the bathroom nook and reorient yourself. you fix yourself up a bit, straighten out your shirt and fix your hair up. no time to take a shower.
you cup a hand in front of your mouth, breathe and sniff. eugh. 
“hey, uh, togata; got an extra toothbrush?” his heart might’ve lept when you called him by his given name.
“um! yeah!” rushing water obscures his voice a bit, but if he shouts he’s loud enough to hear. “check under the sink? i should have some there.”
you rummage around in his cabinets, and in that time he’s managed to clean up the leftover food and put a shirt on. 
your phone having gotten lost or being stolen becomes more of a possibility the longer you think about it. you doubt you came back to his house to do anything but sleep. how many places could you have dropped it? you come out of the bathroom to mirio sitting back at the kitchenette table, holding his phone in his hand.
“hey togata … do you think you can call me?”
“i mean, sure, but i don’t know if i have your number...”
your anxiety makes you a bit snippy even when you don’t mean to be rude, but you can apologize when you get your phone back.  ”just give it to me then. i’ll do it.”
it rings a few times before someone picks up, which is a step up from going to voicemail, and the situation goes from okay to great when the croaky voice of shinsou answers, worn out and tired, but awake enough to make a greeting.
he says you’re not here to pick up the phone right now, you interrupt and say that this is you, and that you just borrowed togata’s phone to figure out where yours was.
“togata? who?” 
“my, my um. husband.” gingerly said, you can see mirio tense up in the corner of your eye.
“oh,” someone’s snickering away from the mic. denki probably. you can’t help but roll your eyes. “mirio?” you’re upset that he can remember his name but you couldn’t. “how is he?” you shoot mirio a look, he gives you a thumbs up.
“good. so, uh, where are you guys?”
two hours away. they’re two hours away by car and mirio’s pickup truck is exactly what you’d expect from him. it’s big, beat up, it’s blue, and it’s his pride and joy, even if it’s slow to start up. if anything, it feels a bit humbling to hear the low hum of the buzzing engine. brings you back down to reality, out of the lap of luxury.
reminds you of the way mirio laughs with his whole chest. that gentle, rumbling purr.
you’re sinking into the crunchy leather seat with a groan, then a laugh from togata; to which you swat at him. you give him the address so he can set it up with his gps, and get going. he messes it up a bit and then it’s your turn to laugh, much to his displeasure. he blushes from the embarrassment, and you pat his shoulder, still chuckling. it feels natural. waking up together. having breakfast together. unofficial road trip to meet back up with your friends because you got blackout drunk and are 100 miles away.
oh, right. you sigh softly and mirio looks over, thinking to comfort you by turning on the radio, greeted by soft pop and slow guitars.
the silence carries.
fifteen minutes into the drive, he thinks to ask about your boyfriend.
“what’s he like?” togata drums his fingers on the wheel with an air of anxiety almost, though you can’t imagine why he would be — unless he thinks you won’t react well to his question. you don’t mind however, and sate his curiosity without as much as a glance.
“oh, he’s nice,” your statement lacks the enthusiasm you’d expect when someone talks about their significant other. it seems sincere, yet exhausted.
“buys me whatever i want, when i want it, loves his job to death, and … we were supposed to be celebrating our anniversary this week.” dejection is visible in the way you slouch your shoulders, interest waning. mirio can’t help but exercise a little concern, filling in the gaps while he’s at it..
“and you couldn’t, because you came here?” you shake your head.
“what? no. i came here because he was too busy, and my friends thought i could still have some fun on my own. his job is important to him.”
“and your relationship isn’t?” your eyes narrow, glaring at him from the passenger's seat.
“the fuck’s that supposed to mean mirio?” 
“well, an anniversary is supposed to be more important than some job— don’t you think he should just take a day off? it wouldn’t hurt.” you lean against the car door, shoulder propping your head up as you peer out the window.
“i mean, i guess. but he’s keeping us afloat, so i can’t really complain.” togata’s eyebrows shoot up.
his tone is incredulous. “what, you don’t work?”
seeing you cringe away out of the corner of his eye is what makes him back track almost immediately.
“i’m so sorry! i’m — wow, that was completely out of line,” your embarrassment lessens when he apologizes, and you inhale sharply. 
“don’t worry. it’s, it’s fine.” you can’t help the way your fingers dig into the flesh of your arm, gnawing the inside of your cheeks, afraid of getting laughed at. mirio wouldn’t laugh at you, would he? 
“i, i used to make music. i was in a band in highschool, actually.” though mirio’s forced to keep his eyes on the road lest you two crash, you can see the way his smile reaches his ears, the silent ‘wow’ of awe making your cheeks heat up. high brow company doesn’t have much use for your talents unless it’s the violin, or something else that fits their lame-ass agenda. your bass chills in the back of your closet, a relic of the past, but a neat decoration.
you shake your head, too caught up in your own train of thought that you didn’t realize togata was speaking.
“i’m sorry, what’d you say?”
“oh! i was just curious, i asked if you sing?” you snort, then full on laugh, though mirio doesn’t seem to get the joke.
“oh, hell no. i don’t have the voice for it, nor the patience to do vocal training. i just played bass! thought it was easier than guitar because it only had 4 strings. i was wrong. maybe i could … show you sometime? i mean, it’s been a while, but i think i remember a few songs: have you heard of seven nation army?”
you talk with mirio about music at length, and learn that he’s a pretty big enthusiast himself and while he’s never played an instrument, he’s been interested in learning guitar. he brings up your band, and the memories of your senior year come flooding back; mina and denki convincing you to audition, your stage fright, recruitment later in spite of it. 
mirio can see the stars in your eyes when you speak, speaking so animatedly with clear adoration at the topic at hand, and he starts getting a creeping suspicion that back where you’re from, you don’t get to talk about this as nearly as much as you like. he realizes in the same breath that he doesn’t mind indulging you. he participates enough so you don’t feel like you’re chatting his ear off, but quiet enough to hear you fill in the empty space.
the way your hands move as you tell stories is adorable and so is your enthusiasm, he could hear you ramble for hours and never get bored. and he nearly does, it’s been an hour and you’re still talking — but then you take a breath, and apologize for no good reason.
he squints at you, confused.
“what’re you apologizing for?”
“i’ve been talking waaaaay too much. i’ve barely heard a word out of you for the last thirty minutes!”
“i thought you were having fun! i know i liked listening. besides, it looks like that you don’t get to talk enough about the stuff you enjoy. i’m willing to listen, so talk all you want!” the assumption makes you furrow your brow, and you hate that you feel like he’s right. 
your boyfriend either talks about his job, your friends, his parents, or nothing at all. no interest in music. no time for it. your friends enjoy reminiscing on occasion, but you don’t speak enough to them to get all nostalgic.
it’s … nice that he takes your feelings into consideration. you smile to yourself, saying nothing in response.
“we’re getting closer to the hotel — it’s 30 minutes away now.” it gets quiet again, before all the sounds you hear are the other cards and the slow hum of low volume music you’d forgotten about, coming from the radio. you turn towards the window to take in the scenery while mirio catches glimpses of you in his periphery, surprised at how adorable you look, doing even the most mundane of things.
mirio couldn’t remember much from the night before, well, can’t remember anything that wasn’t you. you weren’t completely out of it when you met him, but he could’ve misjudged, considering he wasn’t quite in his right mind either. didn’t know if it was the alcohol that made you so bold, but everything about you was so charming. 
from something as simple as your smile to how easily you chatted him up, despite his tendency to be a tad overbearing, you would take him and his attitude in stride. running around town, dipping in and out of nightclubs with your friends close behind, getting kicked out of said clubs, dancing and laughing together in another—
he huffs, pouting to himself. your boyfriend was so damn lucky.
he steps on the gas and starts going a little faster. you don’t seem to mind.
the rest of the trip was silence, and it wasn’t until he parked and stepped out of the car and said something.
“wow.” he whistles, low and long, until you pinch his arm to stop from attract the stares of passerby. “you guys could afford this? gosh. that’s like, three of my paychecks, maybe.” you chortled as he helped you out, quick to clear up any confusion.
“not me,” you walked in the lobby with him, going straight to the elevators after checking in with the front desk. “i could barely afford it! mina’s … uhm, girlfriend, paid for a room for all of us.” he arches a brow at the emphasis on girlfriend, but if he has any objections, he holds his peace.
“mmh. wonder what it’s like to be rich.” 
you laugh as you’re carried up a few floors, specifically to the more expensive suites, at least 12 floors up. “me too dude! mina is lucky.”
you’re barely knocking on the room door before denki is throwing it open and screeching, ushering you both in. they remember mirio from last night, which is upsetting, considering they don’t remember anything else: not how you got to mirio’s house, not how they got back home. not how they found your phone in the bathroom either, apparently.
“speaking of bathrooms, i’m gonna take a shower. keep mirio company, i guess." 
you have to look through your luggage for a change of clothes, and find your phone on your bed in your room, charging and you don’t think about going through it until after you’re clean.
coming back to nearly forty notifications from your boyfriend wasn’t on the agenda, and quite frankly, might’ve been a sign. some were calls but most were all lower case texts, each more foreboding than the last. holding your towel up with one hand, you scroll through your messages with the other.
 what the fuck is wrong with you?
 who the hell is this guy?
beneath it, a video of you and togata. your pupils dilate, and a deeply rooted sense of dread clutches your heart. it looks like a screen recording off of denki’s instagram account, of you two dancing. not overtly scandalous, but too close for comfort.
have you been cheating on me? 
for how long
how desperate are you? i say i have a business trip and you take it as an excuse to slut it up somewhere else?
you’re fucking pathetic.
heart slowly sinking, threatening to beat out of your chest, you can’t find it in you to scroll through the rest. you barely have pants on before you’re calling him up, frenzied and feeling out of breath. the phone barely rings twice before you’re going to voicemail and hearing the beeping tone. 
fuck. fuck fuck fuck.
you hang up, and try again.
this time, he picks up on the first dial tone.
“baby?” you nearly yell into the microphone, while the other end remains silent.
“what is it.” his voice is hollow, not even asking a question; rather making a statement. you choke on your words, are quiet for a few seconds at most before he’s barking at you. “i don’t have all day. i’m busy.”
“t-that video. it wasn’t, it wasn’t anything—” something slams in the background that makes you flinch, and he takes it as a good opportunity to cut you off.
“so the wedding wasn’t shit either? the way he was holding you, looking at you like that, like some lovesick fucking puppy?”
“w-what? what’re you talking about honey? it’s nothing like that—”
“don’t get fucking cute with me. i’ve seen the photos. that girl mina doesn’t know how to not publicize your life.” you feel like dying. 
“i knew i should’ve never settled for you.”
“you don’t mean that—”
“shut the fuck up.” there’s more shuffling on his end, a deep sigh. you’re too shaken to speak. “i wasted so much on you. gave you a house, a home, just for you to repay the favor by being a two-bit whore, sit on your ass all day and complain, and waste my time with those stupid fucking hobbies of yours.” what’s more terrifying is that his voice doesn’t wane or waver. he means it.
“... honey, please. please just let me explain!” you hadn’t even noticed the tears until you’re wiping them off your cheeks, your sniffling getting louder until you’re full on sobbing.
“there’s nothing left to explain. get your shit out by tuesday. we’re done.”
the line goes dead after that.
you don’t realize how much time has passed since you went to go shower initially, only that it’s been a while, considering how urgently mina starts knocking on the door.
“baby, are you alright? you’ve been in there for half an hour!” you can’t find it in you to respond. all it results in is choking on your own words, coughing and sobbing and tears and this fucking headache.
you don’t want to be seen.
mina announces that she’s coming in, and conversation behind the door quiets down until you can’t hear it anymore. just your own thoughts. she opens it and finds you in the corner, your knees to your chest while you’re just barely dressed, hair soaking wet. crying feebly until she rushes over and asks what happened.
you show her your phone. the texts.
she wraps her arm around your back and helps you up. hands you a towel so you can finish drying yourself off, and picks out some clothes for you to wear. when she turns around, she’s greeted by the concerned faces of your friends. mirio.
her face morphs from a look of concern to pure rage.
“what the fuck!?” she all but snatches your phone away from you, to which you pull your hands back and cradle you legs again. “who the fuck does this asshole think he is?” she looks down at you just then, and sees the red in your eyes, the tear tracks that stain your cheeks and a few drops dripping off your chin. you need your help more than you need her rage and half hearted insults. 
“you yelled.” shinsou states plainly. “is everything alright?” mina approaches them and ushers everyone out, closing the door, presumably to give you some privacy.
you dress slowly, the few minutes feeling like an eternity before you’re reaching for the door handle, clean and feeling like shit, for different reasons other than a hangover.
when you emerge from your room, mirio gives you a hug.
a hug that you melt into. one that you weren’t expecting but squeeze him back just as hard, tears that didn’t quite make it out seeping into the spot where you press into his shirt. his arms are comforting and strong, rubbing and patting your back gently, until the room is silent beyond your heartbeat and your sniffles, your friends milling about in the background.
“he said i have to move out.” your fingers dig into togata’s shirt. “pack up all my stuff and leave but i don’t know where i’m supposed to go—”
there’s a smaller hand patting your back when mina speaks up.
“d-don’t worry.” you can feel her hugging you too, a special warmth blooming in your chest. 
“we’ll figure something out.”
while you’re leaving the hotel, mina makes a call to her girlfriend camie to explain the situation, and by the time you’re back in mirio’s pick up, she said that camie offered to rent you an apartment in her name. the earliest she can get it was by monday, so she offered to let you spend the night for a couple days as well. denki says that he and shinsou could help you with things around the house: shopping, redecorating, etc.
togata is the one who offers to help you get your stuff. you arrange the date for monday, actually exchange phone numbers, and meet up at 8.
it makes sense; his car has enough space in the back, you don’t have much of your own stuff, but you nearly regret accepting the offer in the first place. something about moving out with your … husband in tow doesn’t sit well with you. almost seems like it’s too soon. 
but mirio’s charming enough to make the whole ordeal seem less like a fever dream. you’re beaming at him by the time you’re all done, laughing and smiling and so infectiously happy. by the time you both wind down you’re out of breath, wheezing in the front seats of the car.
he smiles fondly at you.
you can feel your cheeks heat as you return the sentiment.
then both of you are back on the road. the musics louder this time, and you get to show him how shitty you sing; which he insists isn’t so bad after all. it’s after twenty minutes of this that you’re suddenly struck by the irony of it all. 
“i can’t believe our first date with you was me moving out of my exes apartment.” mirio chokes on his spit, cheeks bleeding red as he does a double take, eyes flitting from the road, back to you, back to the road.
“that was our date?”
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𝔱 𝔞 𝔤 𝔩 𝔦 𝔰 𝔱 ;  @mitsusuri​ @okayshin​ @tamasoft
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