#you'll find stuff there that yours truly used to post here
euryvices · 2 days
weird things about my town that lowkey remind me of tma
god, this is going to be a long post.
okay so. i grew up in a town in the middle east (about 200 people), with my bestfriend Whom I Will Not Shut The Fuck Up about apparently, and it was a strikingly different experience to most people who've grown up in the middle east, or in america. it was yk, a rich people town, populated and run mostly by generational wealth owners. as a result, our town was very hush-hush, despite it being in the Crackass Of Nowhere.
i started listening to tmagp about two months back, under the instructions (*cough cough coercion cough cough*) of my lovely moots (im looking at you @forflightlessbirds and @need-a-name-101) i've noticed a few things which may be...off.
the first thing i need to clarify are the rules. we had five of them, that nobody really stuck to, but we all knew of. the rules in and of themselves are normal things any parent tells their child, but weirdly specific. there weren't really any repercussions if we didn't stick to the rules - but most of the time, we didn't like breaking them. they were, as follows :
don't tell strangers your real name, and if you do, run and tell the head of the community center.
if people approach you about 'coming to god' (i.e, christian/muslim/jewish missionaries) tell them god has moved.
do Not enter the junkyard at night. (we broke this one)
always carry a knife. most of us were given jade knives, but my bestfriend got a gold one. ive teased him about it most of our lives, even after we shifted.
take a buddy with you everywhere, and if you can't find one, don't go out.
me and my brother have broken all these rules about once at least, except for the knife one and the junkyard. me and my bestfriend broke the junkyard one though. we shifted together when we were barely teens. first, we lived in the uk, then in the states. we headed back home and barely spoke for a year before he died, at the ripe old age of 17. i miss him, but thats not the point.
it was only after we moved, that we realized how truly Fucked Up our town was. we were living in the middle of war ravaged county, and we had swimming pools, and ipads, and sunset cocktails? obviously i didn't realise it as a kid, as a pre-teen even - but looking at it from the outside feels like a gut punch.
now here's where im going to yap about the similarities between tma and my shitstorm of a childhood and hopefully Will Not Piss Anyone Off. if you're from my town - you'll know exactly what im talking about, and i seriously hope you reach out and/or message me.
the things everyone knows the things. they're just. there. kinda like the bogeyman your mom scares you with when you don't eat lunch except most of us have just accepted that they're real
old man hanna if you've lived here, you know him. he's weird, he's kooky, and he's got a million books and tape recorders and vinyls. he's maybe the only person in that place that doesn't come from money. he hates electronics, says they can't capture things the way old school stuff does
the graves now, our town is mainly christian. uber arab christian. we've got graves, we've got cemeteries. but outside it, on the outskirts, lie a long line of unmarked graves. are they from the arab-israeli war? the gulf war? lord knows
the 2015 blackout this was the creepiest thing that happened here. the blackout, and then the radio stations playing that reading of the bible? my parents shut everything off and rushed me and bulos to the master bedroom
the skydiving institute i have no idea if the government approved this godforsaken place, but it was there. it led to the disappearance of nahren, who was deathly afraid of heights but she said she was ready to face her fears
the church when i shifted to the uk, i saw the proceedings of the greek orthodox church there. and let me tell you - it's so different to our church. for starters, our church doesn't even seem to have any affiliation to the goc, even though it should?? the entire thing is so different
the pond now this is rather controversial. our town's pond was created in the early 70's, but no one knows How or Why. realistically, there shouldn't have been any water supply that far inland. and the water should not be that salty. we don't acknowledge it, and no one drinks from it, even if its really hot. there's a sign outside that asks parents to hold their children tightly when passing by the pond
the soldiers they're mainly american (at least the one i met was), but they rarely enter our town. and when they do, they can only stay in one specific motel - we're not allowed to talk to them. once i did, though. im still...fucked up from it
there's a lot more, but i don't think y'all wanna know about my fucked up town anymore. just writing this is giving me the heebie-jeebies.
we usually aren't allowed to leave our town once we're in it. but my dad got special permission for us to leave, before the divorce. so we did. and then my parents got divorced. which made our family Not Happy, so we weren't exactly welcomed back.
that being said, i don't think there's anything really wrong with my town. it's just a bit...different. and i love it. even if it doesn't seem to love me right now.
god, i think i need to go lay down. i hate remembering all this.
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mac-tirs · 10 days
the usage of different types of english in elden ring
most human/tarnished NPCs we meet, like rogier, ansbach, and nepheli, use late modern english:
"a sorcerer, as you might have guessed. i'm looking for a little something, here in the castle. when i'm not hotfooting it from the troops, that is." - rogier, first meeting "general radahn. a pleasure to see you, after all this time. but those remains do not belong to you." - ansbach, upon summon for PCR
but older demigods like messmer, ranni, and morgott use early modern english:
"thou'rt tarnished, it seemeth. mother, wouldst thou truly lordship sanction, in one so bereft of light? yet… my purpose standeth unchanged." - messmer, pre-battle cutscene "thou needst not indulge them unduly, but they too wish to appraise thy worth. it hath been a passing long time since a newcomer entered my service, after all." - ranni, after agreeing to serve her
then there are the younger demigods, like miquella, malenia, and potentially melina, who use a later variant of modern english, similar to the tarnished NPCs we speak to:
"if we honour our part of the vow, promise me you'll be my consort. i'll make the world a gentler place." - miquella, post-PCR cutscene "the scarlet bloom flowers once more. you will witness true horror. now, rot!" - malenia, phase 2 transition cutscene
finally, the hornsent NPCs like the hornsent, hornsent grandam, and the hornsent spirits such as the one outside the whipping hut, who use late middle english similar to the english found in shakespeare's sonnets:
"fie, another? ... then, as that woman would surely say, we are in our purposes well aligned. but understand. your kind are not forgiven. the erdtree is my people's enemy. by marika long betray'd, set aflame." - hornsent, first meeting "all your resentment lingers yet... the raw stuff from which i shall surely forge a curse. upon the dastard messmer's head. upon marika's children each and all." - scorched ruins hornsent spirit
i find it interesting how different the usage of english is in the game, and i feel that it can be a hint on how to properly date an individual's occupation in the lands between/land of shadow. the hornsent, being a people much older than many in the lands between, use the most archaic version of english, while the tarnished and younger demigods use a form of english more closely related to our own in the current period. older demigods (and marika herself, as heard from melina's recounts of marika's spoken echoes) use a form of english more closely related to the period of transition from middle english to early modern english.
additionally, another interesting thing to me: mohg is almost certainly nearly the same age as morgott (since they're referred to as twins), yet he speaks a little differently compared to morgott:
"tarnished, thou'rt but a fool." - morgott, post-battle dialogue "dearest miquella. you must abide alone a while." - mohg, pre-battle cutscene
this makes me wonder if it's possible that, assuming that miquella's verbiage is indicative of his younger age in comparison to the older demigods (aka the demigods born before the marika/radagon union), miquella's charm altered mohg's perception enough to also alter his manner of speaking and carrying himself in some way. if his pursuit of finery (dressing in embroidered robes and handling himself with poise, juxtaposing his bestial growls and strength) was mainly done in an effort to fit into miquella's ideal of a consort. of course, mohg could just be as vain as he seems to be all on his own accord, but i find that it's interesting to entertain the idea that even his current state of being was due to miquella's charm.
i'd love to hear what others think about this. i'm not very learned when it comes to english (it's not really my first language), but i find this all very cool to think about.
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soulren · 1 year
Go spend some time on male pattern baldness or male(AMAB) balding forums/subreddits and such. I did after realizing it is happening to me and the ammount of people who truly don't realize how BRUTALLY it tanks people's confidence and mental health is insane.
There's no cure to baldness by the way, and it can start at any time and there's no way to predict how fast or slow it will go. The only real working option is a daily pill that usually just halts it, but it can stop working or just slow it down or cause major side effects. To regrow you have to use a daily topical solution, or use a roller to wound your scalp. None of these are surefire by the way, and if you stop them you'll just lose your hair and whatever you regained. It's a daily involved thing that might not work and often at best just retains. The best drug, the one that occasionaly gives regrowth, also causes shedding at the start, and can have side effects from growing breasts to brain fog to EDsyfunction(sorry, censoring cause tumblr). Now, those are INCREDIBLY rare and almost never happen but it weighs heavily on the mind of those already spiraling.
But that's just background. What I'm here to talk about is the pure woe you'll see on those forums. People speak as though their lives are over, as though they've lost every chance of finding a woman(predominantly, there's a running idea in such places that women don't like bald men or like them less) or doing anything. You can read countless stories of people who describe that they no longer go outside, are now filled with anxiety and self-hate, have gone from extroverted to never showing their face. And some of these people are kids who lost their hair in high school or even before, or are holding as best they can to a very receded hairline and feel like there is nothing they can do.
And then there's something touched upon far less in those communities, but is important to bring up here; baldness and masculinity. There's the horror of knowing so much of society sees a bald guy as a very masculine guy, at seeing that the best advice for being hot and bald is "grow and beard and big muscles bro". Imagine now you're AMAB balding and nonbinary, or a trans woman who doesn't want to be on hormones.
Just genuinely take the time to look at those forums no matter who you are. Understand what these people go through, what I am currently going through. It is soul-crushing, spiraling, brutal. I have the dream of one day being like Brennan Lee Mulligan or Matt Mercer and starting to lose my hair made me feel like I could never. I felt like and still feel like I would have to be masculine, have to be a bro-y dude, have to look older than I was(I'm fuckin 22). It was the feeling that I could never dress feminine again, never present as a woman when I wanted to again, that I'd always be viewed as a bald guy before anything else.
This is an incredibly vulnerable post for me, and I hope it reaches you all as well in a kind and understanding mood. There's a tendency online for people to joke about baldness, to make fun of it, to treat it as a playfull silly thing but it fucking ruins lives, and it shouldn't. It happens to half the population's sort of bodies and very often. It should just be a neutral thing. You don't need long hair to be feminine, you don't need hair to be feminine. You don't need hair for anything. I guess I'm just saying in general that everyone should be kinder about balding, more understanding, and view it with as much import as they'd view the pixels between this sentence and the next. None at all, I mean.
And for those like me, very feminine guys who wanna keep that and don't want a beard and are terrified of balding, here's some names and I do hope others that see this will add more; Mr. Bruce (also in The Correspondents(band) Alex Ward in LA By Night Jason Carl in LA By Night Cecil Baldwin of Welcome To Night Vale Bob The Drag Queen RuPaul(in looks alone, I know about the whole fracking stuff but this post is about looks) tananasho on instagram Also your mannerisms and style of dress will convey femininity far more than your hair. Yea sure a front-on neutral shot of you may not and maybe you need makeup and stuff, and hell maybe a lot of people might reject you more but it'll just filter down to the people for you.
And to all you artists and writers and creatives; make more bald characters. Try it out. Feminine ones, masculine ones, all sorts. None of the copout nonhuman sort, just dudes and girls and mates and individuals who are all sorts of things and also bald. It might make a few of the people going through the various vortexes of pain that balding causes feel a bit better.
And to those noticing I did not adress female hair loss much here, that was intentional. I am AMAB and currently a nonbinary guy who goes by any pronouns but often likes to present as fem. I learned I was possibly losing my hair and lost two months of my life, no work or going or anything, to male hair loss forums and research and spiraling. Checking my hair twenty times a day, unable to sleep, unable to eat, unable to think. And my situation was NOT unique, but it also did not give me any experience or understanding of female hair loss and what AFAB people may go through with that, so I don't feel knowledgeable enough to speak on it. Also living with baldness WILL get easier and you will find something that works for it, by virtue of simply living with it. Things get easier with time.
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warthogreporter · 8 days
A third look at the human fucker community on monster tumblr
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🦇EVIL-Empoaroar👑 Follow
I will not seduce the hero's parents. I will not seduce the hero's parents. I will not seduce the hero's parents.
🦇EVIL-Empoaroar👑 Follow
Update: I seduced the hero's parents. Does anyone have advice for bonding with a human stepson?
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💇HumanTamer-BloodRaven Follow
Here are some ways you can keep your human from escaping without outright locking them up. I'm including stuff most of you won't be able to use just for thoroughness and to give ideas, feel free to add to this post with your own contributions.
-Erect a magical barrier your human needs your permission to cross, be sure to ask local wizards and the like for help if you're not used to setting this sort of thing up.
-Use love potions and other methods to speed up the process of removing their desire to escape you or resist your advances.
-Let them try to escape a few times, but set it up so that they fail and are immediately caught. You only need it to work enough times for learned helplessness to set in, so it doesn't need to be sustainable, psychology will do the rest.
-Put the exit somewhere they can't reach without help. Like up high if you can fly, or deep underwater if you're aquatic.
-Get guards. If you're worried about them getting at your humans, pick ones who won't be interested. Like if you only have men, recruit some lesbians for guard duty or vice versa. Bisexuals, call upon the asexuals.
👑Mr.Demon-King Follow
Also in some areas, like my domain, check for publicly available resources. I've been doing a lot to make humans more accessible for monsters, like free human tamer consultations.
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👺Ascetic-more-like-ass-cetic Follow
At the monastery telling the monks about my magic that enthralls monks while I'm in the process of using it on them (the monks). The monks are enthralled.
🧛Vampy-Vevito Follow
Aren't you the guy who thought humans could breathe underwater?
👺Ascetic-more-like-ass-cetic Follow
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😇Daddy-Angel Follow
Some of you will literally look up mpreg spells before acknowledging the existence of human women
🍆InkEbus Follow
It'd be sexist to only bring in a human woman for baby making when you really only care about the men, women should be with monsters who truly appreciate them
😇Daddy-Angel Follow
My way of appreciating human women is getting them pregnant 🤰🤰
🐉Dragevening Follow
I wish they could lay eggs instead.
👴Nah-Gilfa Follow
Anything is possible with enough praying and mantras, do it long enough and the gods have to give you what you want
⚡️Indra-official✅ Follow
I swear if one of you fuckers calls on me via prayer or mantra for some weird sex thing I'm begging Shiva to end the world.
🪞Tezcatlipoca-official✅ Follow
You didn't seem so mad when Kunti needed you to get her pregnant.
😇Daddy-Angel Follow
What happened to this post?
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🏇No-bell-steve Follow
It's so disappointing when I meet a human into monsters but not centaurs. I know people have their preferences, but it's frustrating how some people will be eager to have octopus like monsters from the abyss wrap their tentacles around them, but fucking a centaur is too much like bestiality.
🔔Goylegar Follow
Don't worry OP, there are plenty of monsterfuckers out there, you'll find your human partner one day. Your frustration is valid too though. It took me centuries to meet my human partner, I hope you don't need to wait as long.
🏇No-bell-steve Follow
Thank you.
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Read the first two entries here (part 1) and here (part2). May end the series here or at least put it on indefinite break, don't want to drag it out.
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lightfeltmemories · 3 months
soft feitan headcanons
note: hey y'all, in my previous post i stated that i was making some soft feitan headcanons, and it's been a while since i've actually made content on here because of writers block. what made me make this post in the first place is that i don't see a lot of posts of a normal feitan relationship, it's like 98% yandere, dark and hard smut, etc. don't get me wrong i get why and i find them pretty entertaining but i feel like a lot of y'all exaggerate his personality and it's lowkey cringe sometimes, so i wanna switch some things up and introduce something new.
tags & warnings: fem imagined reader but i kept it androgynous so anyone can enjoy, some mentions of torture, death, etc because thats stuff he does obviously but it won't be on reader, reader speaks his language.
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feitan would definitely want a normal relationship with you, the staying at home watching movies, cooking dinner for each other, sleeping and waking up next to one another type, he may not be the most romantic such as taking you to fancy restaurants or proposing to you but something to come home to after weeks & months of torturing people for the troupe.
he's not the type to verbalize "i love you," but show you in a multitude of ways, stealing things you talk endless about, trying his best to be there for you in need, taking care of you while you're sick (even if he doesn't know wtf he's doing), and just doing everything he can to make you happy.
the only problem is, he can't allow the troupe to know of you and vice versa, not even a hint of you, not only because he'll be teased about being whipped but if you do know, theres a high chance you might be a threat in some way, most likely a snitch, so if something happens to where you find out about his business, something very bad is going to happen.
and that proves to be the hardest part of the relationship, he knows what chrollo would do to you if you were to ever find out about his work and he is very paranoid about it, especially if you two are out in public for whatever reason.
but, thankfully, he's pretty good at hiding his job even if he thinks he isn't, and the two of you live happily together.
he lets you do his hair, it's naturally curly and very soft, he also secretly uses your shampoo and conditioner, and has may or may not stalked you while you wash it to learn what you do with it.. how he straightened his hair? i dunno.
if you speak his language, it's like you were sent from heaven, he can finally have someone to talk to in his native tongue, he can't even do that with the troupe, but if you don't (which theres a 99% chance you wont) he can teach you, it's a long process but you'll get there.
he's very protective of you, has no problem eliminating anyone who is stupid enough to ever touch you, he might use that free alone time for whenever you're at work to torture this person if he's having a particularly good day, even though his time away from the troupe is his time away from any work, but he does enjoy the act none the less on a one off occasion.
feitan is actually not the jealous type, he's pretty content with you interacting with the opposite sex, as long as he doesn't see any underlying hints of potential romantic attraction everything is all clear.
he may not be the best at showing emotion, but you're the best thing that has ever happened to him, you'll make him feel things he's never truly felt before.
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mcelroyfamilystaff · 6 months
It's MaxFunDrive! If you're already a MaxFun Member, all of this year's Bonus Content should be in your feed already - this year's TAZ BoCo is a one shot of Plato's Rave, with all three boys GMing while Clint is the only PC, and it is ART. The MBMBaM BoCo is a recording of the boys trying to figure out how to run that game, and it's so, so fun - honestly you could listen to either one first and I think it would work well, but imo listening to them plot how they think things will go first is a very fun way to go about it.
Sawbones has another Kid's Q&A this year, with Charlie guest-hosting along Syd and answering questions from young listeners, Shmanners has an episode and video all about emojis, and Wonderful! has a one-off return to Rose Buddies! If you're not a member yet and you wanna listen to all this great stuff, head on over to MaximumFun.org/Join and sign up at $5 or more a month! You'll get access to not just this year's Bonus Content, but all of the Bonus Content from every show, from every year we've done the Drive. There's a TAZ episode DM'ed by Matt Mercer, the Charlieverse episodes, the Prankee Doodle Dandy episode of MBMBaM, truly an abundance of s-tier goofs await!
Also we have so much other stuff planned for the Drive! We're gonna be streaming more or less daily on YouTube, starting with Griffin doing a Fuser DJ stream today at 10am ET, and then Justin and Sydnee streaming watching a buckwild Netflix movie, I Believe in Santa, around 1pm ET.
On top of all of that, we've set our own bonus goals for the Drive, starting with this: At 3,000 new & upgrading members, Fungalore will hear your wishes LIVE. What does that mean? That's such a good question. Only one way to find out! If you wanna see the rest of our goals, you can check 'em out here. If you want to stay up to date on everything we have going on this week, turn on notifications for our Instagram story, that's where we'll be posting all the time-sensitive stuff.
Last but not least, thank you. Truly, from the bottom of all of our hearts. Whether you can afford to join or not, y'all's support is the reason we all get to do this for a living, and it genuinely is a joy to get to spend our days making these goofy things in hopes of bringing a little levity to someone's day. Means the absolute fuckin' world to us. We hope you have an absolute blast during this Drive, you deserve it.
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mononijikayu · 2 months
“dear theodosia” — gojo satoru.
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"I'll be here," he murmured, his voice trembling with emotion. "I won't let you become a story. I'll fight with everything I have to be here, to see you grow, to love you." “Satoru, you’ll live a long and happy life with us, with me,” you said, looking at him tenderly. Worry echoed in your eyes, though. “You and I, we will grow old together. And die on the same day with our grandchildren and great-grandchildren around us.”
GENRE: post hidden - inventory arc (2010s)
WARNING/S: domesticity, fluff, family, comfort, angst, trauma, implied death, violence, romance, hurt/comfort, character death depiction of death, depictions of loss and depression, mention of pregnancy, mention of breastfeeding, mention of postpartum effects, depiction of the aftermath of birth, depiction of parenthood, depiction of blood, depiction of killing, depiction of suffering, depiction of anxiety, mention of death, mention of grief, profanity, family drama;
WORDS: 4.6k words
LISTEN: dear theodosia by lin manuel miranda and leslie odom jr.
NOTE: prepared to be sick of me because this entire time, you'll only be getting musical themed song inspired stuff because the songs have gotten back to me and kicked me into the nostalgia of musicals. anyway, this was so cute to me. i love dad-satoru so much. i hope i can write more of him. enjoy this a lot guys, i love you~ <3
u s and t h e m
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spoilers about shinjuku showdown
GOJO SATORU THINKS HE WAS NEVER BUILT FOR DOMESTIC LIFE. When he was younger, he thought he would live a life of solitary proportions. Sure, the elders would have pushed him to marry one way or another and force him to start a family. But he knew his heart wouldn’t have been in it. He knew that nothing in him would be genuine. And he didn’t want that. If he was being honest, his greatest fear was the lonesomeness that comes with his birth. His power had promised him the world. He knew from the moment he could think that he would not be a man among humanity — no, he would be a god. But it was quite clear that being on top is lonely, being a god is lonely, and he hated it.
He never thought that both of you would end up being together. Let alone that he would willingly settle down with anyone. You never truly seemed to be someone that loved that idea — you were still reeling from heartbreak. And him? He was left behind by the person he thought was his shadow, shattered with nothing. It wasn’t ideal, but he thought that you understood. He thought that you both had enough broken pieces between the two of you to be whole again. That if misery was an enemy, then the two of you would win. He was willing to bet on that.
And so, he took the gamble. He opened up, letting you see the cracks and scars that he had hidden for so long. He exposed his vulnerabilities, hoping you would do the same. It was a tentative beginning, filled with uncertainty and hesitation, but gradually, you both found solace in each other’s presence. 
The nights were the hardest, haunted by the ghosts of past loves and lost dreams. Yet, somehow, those shared moments of silence, the comfort of a warm hand, and the whispered confessions in the dark, made the loneliness bearable. You both learned to navigate the labyrinth of each other’s fears and insecurities, finding strength in the shared understanding that neither of you was alone anymore.
He was surprised by how naturally the pieces fell into place. Your laughter became a balm for his weary soul, and your touch grounded him in a way he never thought possible. Slowly, he started to see a future he had never dared to dream of – a future where he wasn’t isolated at the pinnacle of power, but rather, standing beside you, sharing the burdens and the joys.
He realized that the life he once dreaded, a life intertwined with another’s, was not a cage, but a liberation. The family he had feared would be forced upon him became a chosen haven of love and understanding. The heart he thought was too shattered to feel again began to beat with a new, hopeful rhythm.
In you, he found not just a partner, but a kindred spirit, someone who had been forged in the same fires of pain and loss. Together, you built something beautiful from the ruins, proving that even gods could find grace in the embrace of another’s love. And in that love, he discovered that being on top didn’t have to mean being alone. Instead, it meant having someone to share the view, someone to hold his hand as they looked down at the world together.
Gojo Satoru looked at you now, watching your sleeping form. It had only been a few days since he was released from the prison realm. Throughout that time, he couldn’t help but think about you. Thinking about how you were waiting for him. How your son was going to be waiting for his father to come home. Megumi, Tsumiki, his beloved students. They were all waiting for him. But when he saw you, he didn’t know what came over him. He rushed to you, and your arms opened wide. Just for him.
Time didn’t pass in the prison realm — but for you it did. He could see it. How tired you were. How all of this grief and pain, and suffering had cost you dearly. Your tears felt hot against his shoulders, your cries of relief bellowing through his entire body. He could feel it all; he could never forget it. Even now, he couldn’t. In all of your marriage, he had cost you dearly. You had sacrificed a lot of your life trying to help him achieve his dream for the Jujutsu world. You stood by him no matter what. You made a home for him anywhere and everywhere. You gave him everything.
As he watched you sleep, he marveled at your resilience. The lines on your face told stories of battles fought and won, of nights spent waiting and worrying, of unwavering love and dedication. He reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face, his touch light, as if afraid to wake you from your well-deserved rest. 
In that quiet moment, he made a silent vow. He promised himself that he would make up for all the time lost, for all the pain and sacrifices you endured. He would be the husband and father you deserved, the man who stood beside you as an equal, not just a protector. The burden of his power and his duties had always weighed heavily on him, but he realized now that he didn’t have to carry it alone.
You stirred slightly, a soft sigh escaping your lips, and his heart swelled with an overwhelming love and gratitude. The world outside was filled with uncertainties and dangers, but here, in this moment, everything felt right. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, a promise of better days to come.
“I’m home,” he whispered, his voice barely audible but filled with conviction. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he allowed himself to hope. Hope for a future where the weight of his responsibilities didn’t overshadow the simple joys of life. A future where he could see his son grow up, where he could laugh with his family, where he could find solace in your embrace every night. And with that hope, he drifted into a peaceful sleep beside you, ready to face whatever came next with you by his side.
He couldn’t believe it. How content you had made him — how happy you had made him. And now, he thought you had made him even happier. Even with all that had come to pass, he didn’t think it was a bad thing. He could feel it when he looked at you with his Six Eyes. You probably hadn’t been able to find yourself, being so busy holding everything together in his absence. Yet he could feel it. He could feel the life you had created bubbling in your belly. He could feel it echo with the essence of him and you.
A smile crept onto his face as he gently placed his hand on your stomach, feeling the faint flutter of new life beneath his fingertips. It was as if the universe had given him a second chance, a chance to be there for you and the new life you were bringing into the world. This tiny, growing miracle was a testament to your strength and resilience, a symbol of hope and renewal.
He marveled at the thought of another child, another chance to build a family filled with love and warmth. The future, which had once seemed so bleak and uncertain, now held promise and joy. He thought of your son, soon to be a big brother, and how they would grow up together, surrounded by the love and support of their parents and siblings.
Satoru's heart swelled with gratitude and love as he kissed your belly softly, whispering words of promise to the life growing within you. "I'm here, little baby." he murmured, his voice tender and filled with conviction. "I'll always be here for you, for all of us."
Satoru then held your belly, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on your skin. You stirred slightly, a sleepy smile tugging at your lips as you murmured groggily, "That tickles."
He chuckled softly, his laughter like a soothing balm. "Sorry," he whispered, not really meaning it but enjoying the sound of your sleepy voice.
You sighed contentedly, your eyes half-opening to meet him. "Do you know?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief and affection. "That you’re pregnant again? I can see the baby growing."
You laughed softly, the sound filling the quiet room. "You didn't see Satoshi last time, you know." you teased.
Satoru pouted playfully, his expression a mix of mock offense and genuine amusement. Even with just the moonlight, his childishness can be seen so clearly too. "Satoshi was already too strong as a baby," he defended himself. "He concealed his presence from his papa."
You giggled, reaching up to touch his cheek. "He is his father's son, after all."
He leaned into your touch, his eyes softening with love. "I guess he is," he admitted, a hint of pride in his voice. "But this time, I won't miss a thing. I'll be here, every step of the way."
You smiled, feeling a wave of warmth and gratitude wash over you. "I know you will, Satoru." you said softly, your heart swelling with love for the man beside you. “You’ve never failed at that before.”
Satoru's hand remained on your belly, his tone blossoming with so much love. "I can't wait to meet our new little one." he whispered, his voice filled with awe and anticipation. “I’ve always wanted to have a big family.”
“I know.” You whispered to him, taking his other hand and holding it close with your own. “You’ve talked about it before.”
“But it was just hard…..with everything.” He hums, laying his back against the bed frame. “Now it’s going to be even harder — everyone knows about Satoshi now. And now….”
You shake your head at him. “We will be fine. As we always have been. It will be okay, Satoru. You will save Megumi, the kids. You will do us proud. And we’ll finally get our happily ever after.”
Silence engulfed Satoru for a moment. He kept thinking about his own father. His father had died when he was too young, so he didn’t remember anything about him. But he heard stories. He was a rough man to all, but his mother remembered him differently. And so she had a different story to tell.
Gojo Satoru didn’t want to voice it out loud, but he was worried. He worried that, just like his father, he would be a story to his child. That he would be nothing but a forgotten memory. He wanted to be there. He wanted to be someone who loved his child. He wanted his child to know him as Satoshi did. But he didn’t know what would happen now. He still had to face Sukuna and Kenjaku. And it wasn't that he lacked confidence, but he worried still. He worried, and it hurt him. He felt his heart be heavy about this, more than ever.
As he stared at your loving face, the weight of his fears pressed down on him. The thought of leaving you and his children behind, of becoming just another story, filled him with a deep, aching sorrow. He wanted to be more than a legend or a distant memory; he wanted to be a father, a husband, a man who was present and involved in the lives of those he loved.
His hand tightened slightly on your belly, as if trying to anchor himself to the present moment, to the promise of the future growing inside you. He leaned down, pressing his forehead gently against your stomach, closing his eyes as he whispered a silent vow to himself and to his unborn child.
"I'll be here," he murmured, his voice trembling with emotion. "I won't let you become a story. I'll fight with everything I have to be here, to see you grow, to love you."
“Satoru, you’ll live a long and happy life with us, with me,” you said, looking at him tenderly. Worry echoed in your eyes, though. “You and I, we will grow old together. And die on the same day with our grandchildren and great-grandchildren around us.”
He looked into your eyes, seeing the determination and love there, and felt a warmth spread through his chest. Your unwavering belief in their future together eased some of his fears, but the worry in your eyes mirrored his own. He didn’t want you to worry, he doesn’t like it. Not especially in your condition. But he thinks that you can’t help it. You love him. And loving him will always have its worst. Love after all is a curse among men.
"I want that," he whispered, his hand caressing your cheek. "I want to grow old with you, to see our children grow up, to be surrounded by family. I want to be there for all of it."
He lifted his head, meeting your concerned gaze. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice thick with unspoken fears. "I just... I want to be here. For you, for Satoshi, for our new baby. I don’t want to be just a memory."
You cupped his face, your eyes searching for him. "You won't be." you assured him, your voice filled with unwavering confidence. "We'll face whatever comes together. You're not alone in all of this, my love.”
Satoru nodded, swallowing hard as he tried to push past the lump in his throat. Your words, your presence, gave him strength. He knew the battles ahead would be daunting, but he also knew he had something worth fighting for, something worth living for. You, Satoshi, this babe, Megumi, his beloved students, his adored friends — you were worth living for. You were worth returning from hell from.
"I love you, darling." he whispered, leaning in to press a tender kiss to your lips. "And I promise, I'll do everything I can to stay with you. To be the father our children deserve."
Your fingers caressed his cheek, your smile a beacon of hope and reassurance. "And we love He smiled, his eyes shimmering with affection. “I know. I love you too.”
You grinned at him and leaned toward him, your lips pressing against his. "And I can't wait to see you as a papa again," you replied, your voice filled with equal parts excitement and tenderness. “You’ll be so beloved by this babe, Satoru. And I know you’ll love our child so much too.”
“I already love them,” he whispered, his smile the epitome of joy itself. “I can imagine it already. They’re moving so powerfully in your belly. I’m pretty sure they’re going to blow us all away.”
You laughed, the sound bright and full of hope. “Can you imagine, Yaga teaching this kid the way Gakuganji has taught me?”
Satoru chuckled, the thought filling him with a mix of amusement and anticipation. "Oh, that would be something to see. Another little powerhouse in the making. But you know, with our combined stubbornness and spirit, I think we’re going to have our hands full.”
"Definitely," you agreed, your eyes sparkling with joy. "But we'll manage. We always do."
He nodded, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. "Yeah, we will. Together."
"You will be," you replied firmly, your hand covering his. "We'll make it through this, Satoru. Together. We'll have the future we've always dreamed of."
He leaned in, resting his forehead against yours, drawing strength from your presence. "Thank you," he whispered. "For believing in me, in us. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You'll never have to find out," you promised, your voice soft but resolute. "Because we're in this together, always. For better or for worse.”
Before Satoru could respond, the door to your bedroom creaked open, the sound slicing through the quiet of the night. A small figure shuffled inside, barely visible in the dim light filtering through the curtains. It was young Gojo Satoshi, his small form barely reaching the edge of the bed. He looked distressed, your little boy. Satoru’s eyes softened at the sight of your darling boy.
Clutching his favorite stuffed animal tightly to his chest, he paused at the foot of the bed, uncertainty etched on his face. You and Satoru turned towards him simultaneously, your hearts melting at the sight of your son standing there, his eyes wide and teary. His pajamas were rumpled, his hair tousled from sleep, and it was evident that something had unsettled him deeply.
"Mama, Papa," Satoshi whispered, his voice barely audible above the soft hum of the room. He took a hesitant step closer, seeking comfort in the warmth of his parents' presence.
Satoru's heart clenched with concern as he reached out a comforting hand towards Satoshi. "Come here, Satoshi." he said gently, his voice a soothing murmur. "What's wrong, my little dawn?"
Satoshi hesitated for a moment, his lower lip trembling as he struggled to find the words to articulate his fear. "I... I had a nightmare," he finally managed to say, his voice wavering with emotion. "There was a big monster... and I couldn't find you and Papa."
You exchanged a knowing glance with Satoru, silently communicating your shared concern for your son's well-being. Without a second thought, Gojo Satoru lifted the covers, creating a welcoming space between the two of you. "It's okay, dearest dawn." he reassured, his voice soft but firm. "You're safe now. Come, lie down with us."
Satoshi blinked back tears, relief flooding his features as he scrambled onto the bed. He nestled himself between you and Satoru, his small body seeking solace in the warmth and familiarity of his parents. Satoru wrapped an arm protectively around him, pulling him close, while you gently smoothed his hair, offering some tender comfort that could never be echoed in words.
"What was the monster like, Satoshi?" you asked softly, your voice a gentle lullaby in the quiet of the room.
Satoshi took a deep breath, his eyes still wide with lingering fear. "It was... big and scary," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I... I wasn’t strong enough, mama. It was too much!”
Satoru's heart twisted with empathy as he listened to his son's words. He tightened his hold around Satoshi, his voice filled with reassurance. "Monsters aren't real, my dearest boy." he said firmly, brushing a gentle kiss on his forehead. "But even if they were, I would never let anything harm you. Papa will always protect you."
Satoshi looked up at Satoru, his eyes searching his father's face for any sign of doubt. Finding none, he nodded slowly, a flicker of relief passing over his features. "Really, Papa?"
"Really," Satoru affirmed, his voice steady and unwavering. "You're safe with us, always."
You leaned over, pressing a kiss to Satoshi's cheek. "We love you so much, sweetheart," you murmured, your voice filled with tenderness. "You're our brave little boy."
Satoshi's shoulders relaxed, the tension melting away as he nestled deeper into the embrace of his parents. "I love you too, Mama and Papa," he whispered, his eyes growing heavy with exhaustion.
"We love you more than anything." Satoru and you said in unison, their voices a gentle promise of unconditional love.
As your son Satoshi drifted off to sleep, his breathing slowing into the steady rhythm of peace, you and Satoru exchanged a soft smile. In that quiet moment, surrounded by the warmth and love of your family, you knew that together, you could weather any storm. And as the night wrapped it's comforting arms around you, you held onto each other, cherishing the precious bond that bound your hearts together.
Gojo Satoru was happiest here, he knew.
Whatever gods there are, he thanks them now.
For you and his children, will be his dearest treasures.
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In the days that followed Gojo Satoshi’s night of nightmares, life settled into a gentle rhythm once more. The worry that had momentarily clouded Satoru’s heart lifted as he watched his son regain his usual spark, chasing after Tsumiki's cat or eagerly helping with simple tasks around the house.
One evening, with the leaves dancing in the breeze outside, you and Satoru decided it was time to share some exciting news with Satoshi. The three of you gathered in the cozy living room, nestled together on the couch as the fire crackled softly in the hearth.
“Satoshi,” you began, your voice warm with anticipation. “Your papa and I have something special to tell you.”
Satoshi looked up from his coloring book, his curiosity piqued. “What is it, Mama?”
Satoru took a deep breath, a smile spreading across his face as he exchanged a meaningful glance with you. “You’re going to be an elder brother, my dearest dawn!” he announced, his voice tinged with joy.
Satoshi blinked, processing the words for a moment before his face lit up in realization. “Wait... really?” he exclaimed, his eyes widening with excitement.
You nodded, your heart swelling with happiness as you watched your son’s reaction. “Yes, really, little one.” you confirmed, reaching out to ruffle his hair affectionately. “You’re going to have a little brother or sister.”
Satoru thinks that your son will always be the morning sun.His name is just perfect. He was truly the dawn that made your lives ever so beautiful. It’s the way his smile will make him undone, it will always make him feel like the world is bigger than it actually was. When Satoshi was born, all he could think about was that he filled what was empty in Gojo Satoru’s life. And that will never change. Not even if there is a new little one coming along.
Satoru worried about telling Satoshi, because in these past four, five years — he was the only son. He had gotten doted upon as a little lordling, the only dawn in his parent’s lives. But Satoru feels glad that your son was happy. That Satoshi already loves his little sibling as much as Satoru loves this little baby in your belly already.
Satoshi’s eyes darted between you and Satoru, a thousand questions bubbling up within him. “When will the baby come?” he asked eagerly. “Will the baby be able to play with me?”
“In a few months, little dawn.” Satoru replied, his voice filled with tenderness. “But you’ll have to wait until the baby’s a bit older and stronger to play with them, hm?”
“It’s okay!” Satoshi beams tenderly. “I can wait. I’ll take care of the baby and make sure that they’ll grow up strong!”
 “You’ll be the best big brother, Satoshi. We know it.” You smiled at your son, kissing the edge of his brow. “You’re already so kind to them.”
Satoshi beamed with pride, a sense of responsibility settling over him as he realized the importance of his new role. You think that you were truly blessed — to have such an endearing little boy who wants to do nothing but good. Who wants to love as much as he can. Who wants to be as kind as he could. You could see all the good, the wonder, the beauty of your husband in your little boy. And you hope that he will grow up to be just like his father. 
“I can’t wait!” he declared, his excitement contagious. “I can’t wait to be a big brother!”
You and Satoru exchanged a glance, delighted by Satoshi's enthusiasm. The room seemed to glow with warmth and anticipation, the air buzzing with the promise of new beginnings. As Satoshi's excitement bubbled over, he jumped up from the couch and threw his arms around both of you in a tight hug, his little face radiant with joy. 
“I’ll be the best big brother out there, mama, papa! I swear!”
"You will, my little dawn," you said, squeezing him gently. "And you're going to be amazing at it."
Satoru chuckled warmly, ruffling Satoshi's hair affectionately. "What mama said is correct! You're going to be the best big brother this baby could ask for."
Satoshi grinned from ear to ear, his imagination already racing with thoughts of teaching his new sibling all the things he loved. "I'll teach them how to play jujutsu and how to be brave like Papa! I’m going to be as good as Megumi–oniichan!”
The mention of Megumi was a bit gut-wrenching. Satoru’s eyes dimmed a little, a flicker of sadness passing through them, but he continued to smile, his expression gentle yet tinged with longing. You noticed the shift in his demeanor and pursed your lips, feeling a pang of empathy for the ache he carried.
You could only hope that you and Satoru would be good enough. Good enough to create a home where Megumi would feel welcomed back, where he could find solace and warmth after all he had been through. You hoped that soon enough, Megumi would be by your side again, sharing in the joys and challenges of raising this new baby alongside you both.
Satoru glanced at you, sensing your thoughts, and reached out to gently squeeze your hand, offering silent reassurance and solidarity. He shared your hopes, your dreams of a future where their family would be whole once more. You take his hand and kiss the edge of his hand.
"I want Megumi to be a part of this too," Satoru murmured softly, his voice filled with determination. "I want him to see how much love we have to give, to watch this baby grow as he watched Satoshi grow."
You nodded, feeling a surge of determination and love for the family you were building together. "We'll make it happen," you replied firmly, your voice tinged with quiet resolve. "We'll create a home where Megumi knows he's always welcomed, always loved."
That night was filled with the tender innocence of childhood dreams and the quiet anticipation of parenthood. After tucking Satoshi into bed, his eyes bright with excitement for the sibling yet to come, you and Satoru stood together in the doorway of his room, soaking in the purity of his joy-filled imagination.
Satoshi had whispered animatedly about the adventures he envisioned sharing with the new baby—games in the backyard, secret hideouts in the attic, and bedtime stories where he would be the storyteller, just like Papa. His enthusiasm was infectious, filling the air with a palpable sense of hope and new beginnings.
You and Satoru listened with hearts full of love, cherishing these fleeting moments that held the promise of a growing family. As Satoshi's voice eventually faded into soft snores, you closed his door gently, the sound resonating with the quiet serenity of the night.
Satoru turned to you, his eyes reflecting the soft glow of the hallway light. With a tender smile, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close against his chest. The warmth of his embrace was reassuring, a silent affirmation of the love and unity you shared.
"I can't wait to see where happiness begins." he murmured, his voice a gentle murmur against your hair. His words held a mix of excitement and wonder, as if he was already imagining the new dynamics their family would soon embrace.
"Me too." you whispered back, leaning into his embrace. The softness of his touch, the steady beat of his heart against yours, filled you with a profound sense of gratitude and anticipation for the future.
In that moment, standing in the quiet hallway bathed in moonlight, you knew that together, you and Satoru look at each other. There was no need for anymore words. You just needed each other. You just needed this moment.
You smiled at him, and he smiles back. Just a little bit more, everything will be over. You will finally live in peace. You’ll be happy. You’ll grow old together. You believe it so. And you wish that it would be enough.
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sl-walker · 29 days
Color Cards for sale
Or: Custom nails!
There's now an updated post with more color cards here!
Want some professional looking stick/glue-on nails on a budget for yourself or someone else? Since I am still unemployed and my wife makes these stunning creations as art therapy, we're looking to sell them to keep us afloat and do things like buy food until I have a new job. (She already owned all the nail stuff.) So, if you want a set of truly gorgeous nails, take a look and contact me here or on that one chat app starting with a 'D' where I am also sl_walker.
Nails will be sent in a padded envelope with cardboard to protect them, though I might clip the longer color cards in two for mailing. Shipping is free! Probably you'll also get a handwritten note and maybe even a sketch from me. Several of these nail sets are three hours or more of work! And as you can see, they really are beautiful. Just ignore my very amateur photography, Tumblr's assholish image compression and the occasional cat hair. I promise I won't send any kitty dna with the nails. And you can also contact me and ask me for a set of pics emailed without compression.
As they're sold, I'll update this post by striking those through! And YES! SHE DOES CUSTOMS! If you want a custom color card (or loose nails once you know your sizes! I'll try to write the sizes on the color cards when I can see them), just contact me with a description and we'll let you know if she's able to do it. She can do cat meme nails, no joke. Or like-- fandom themed. So please do feel free to ask after that.
Also, if you request it, I'll throw in a little tube of nail glue, too.
1.) Autumn's Coming - $40
Stunning set of thirty nails, which means that you'll be able to find your exact size, but you might be able to wear a couple different sizes and have nails enough for two sets, too! Amidst the gorgeous fall-themed colors, you have cats eye magnetic metallic nails, plain color, blossom decals and a gorgeous coppery metallic crackle. They're shorter and with a blunt tip; in fact, I'm wearing a set right now, albeit in a different color theme.
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2.) Midcentury Modern - $26 (sold!)
A fun and lively set of thirty nails, including three half-sizes for more granular sizing. These stand out with flat orange and teal meeting beautiful holos in turquoise, navy, red-orange and orange! These have a sharper tip and look elegant as hell, no joke. Great for anyone who really wants to draw people's eyes to their hands or, if you're like me, just stand under bright light and stare at how pretty they are.
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3.) Good Omens - $30
This is a set of thirty nails. My wife's a huge fan of Sir Terry (sorry about the other guy) and so she came up with a Good Omens set! The red is metallic and magnetic cats eye with silver and white decals, while the white nails are themed in gold. I can definitely attest to how pretty these are, since she also made me a set of my own; I'm wearing them as I type (badly because I'm not used to wearing nails) and they're pretty enough for me to learn how to type with nail tips. LOL! She said to warn whoever bought them that she had to glue one back to the card. Sorry about that! It doesn't affect the nail itself.
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4.) Thinking of Spring - $36
Another set of thirty, this time more spring-themed! With some popping magnetic metallic green cats eyes interpersed with some softer pink/orange metallic magnetic starbursts, cats eye and be-dazzled, you also have the lovely decals adorning the white nails, too. This is another beautiful set that reflects a similar quality to the autumn themed nails.
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5.) Dusky - $26
A set of thirty, these are relatively simple by comparison: Done in a dusky metallic magnetic cats eye on one side and a brilliant, eyepopping holo on the other, they're classy and beautiful.
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6.) Better Call Prince - $24
This fun set of twenty-four is absolutely sparkly; with metallic purple on one side and purple holo on the other, all of them also have holographic decals on them! They're busy, but if you're a redneck like me (or just really love sparkly things!) they'll make you oooh when you see them live!
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7.) Pride - $18
This is a set of twenty-four. My wife actually made these for me, but they're too long for me. But boy, they sure are pretty. With the silver cats eye magnetic metallic on one side and the glittery rainbow on the other, this is a great set for you if you want something pretty with a relatively low price-tag!
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8.) The Art of Subtlety - $18
This set of twenty-four is actually more gorgeous the brighter the light. All one set, all the same, these beautiful cats eyes in a sedate blue actually have a subtle holo effect on top of the loveliness that is that magnetic metallic polish; I wasn't able to capture it, but it's there! These are great for business people who like to have pretty nails to tap on a table top as illustration for their annoyance while still having that whimsical underlying hint of color.
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9.) Slightly Better Than Business Casual - $16
This set of twenty-four is what my wife calls 'scratch and dent', not because they aren't pretty, but because there are a few minor flaws in the finish of the tips on the teal side. Despite that, they're a damn pretty set and will feed the cats for a few days!
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10.) Where There's Smoke - $26
The first set of matte nails on offer! This set of thirty (eleven regular, three half-sizes) is three different shades of matte gray, one more silvery/metallic and two more literally smoke-colored. Perfect for someone looking for that bit of elegance, no reflective topcoat necessary!
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polycraftory · 3 months
Getting Started: Junk Journaling
So you want to get started with scrapbooking/junk journaling? This is a craft, like many others, that you can get started on with very little supplies! However, we'll get a little deeper into stuff as well for some additional tips and supplies that might be fun or helpful.
What You Absolutely Need
Scissors / Cutting Implements - If you can, buy a nicer pair of scissors for your own sanity, but any scissors will do starting out! Detail scissors specifically are really helpful. Exacto knives can also be helpful, but you'll also need a cutting mat if you don't already have one. This category is worth investing in because dull scissors are a nightmare.
Adhesive - ZipDry is designed for paper so it doesn't bleed through thin stuff and it dries quick and clear. Double sided tape rolls are also very helpful, especially with large areas or gluing a bunch of stuff quickly. This is an area worth investing in earlier! Thin paper and magazine paper will have bleed through with certain glues.
Notebook/Paper - Use what you have! If you, like me, have a million journals lying around, use that! As you get deeper in, you might find it helpful to specifically look for notebooks that lie flat when opened. You can also use sheets of art paper if you want to go more independent collage style rather than journaling. Watercolor paper/notebooks are nice because they are thicker, but you can use whatever.
Materials to Actually Cut/Glue/Use - Okay, here's where you really can do whatever you want forever and spend as little or as much as you want. You can cut up books and magazines you have on hand. If you have a printer, you can print stuff out! People sell really amazing curated mixed packs of materials (you can support some great shops on etsy doing very cool and niche stuff! If you are really on a budget, amazon sells some bulk packs as well).
Material Tip
If you don't have a husband that works in a mailroom (we are very lucky) and you don't have a lot of magazines on hand, try going to your local post office and dig through the recycling bin! A lot of people will throw out magazines/ads/catalogues there and you might find some gems. You can also get a free trial for some magazines and just cancel once they want to charge you money. Nic finds Vogue and GQ helpful for people. National Geographic can be helpful for backgrounds and animals.
Leveling up details below the cut!
Level Up
Slide Cutter - Make sure you get one with a replaceable blade! Super helpful for bulk cutting out big shapes.
"Okay, but I see people online with fancy stuff and I want to get in on that action!" you may say. Here is some fun stuff to play with!
If you see someone whose junk journaling content you like, you can also just reach out to them! A lot of people are happy to share links to the stuff they use and a lot of junk journalers online run their own shops/have affiliate links to the stuff they use!
Fun Junk Journaling Variety Packs - truly this is where a lot of people spend a lot of money because you can buy all sorts of fun niche packs depending on the vibe/focus you want to go with. You can also buy packs of quotes / letters / sayings. This can be helpful especially when doing character focused stuff. My wife really likes the packs from PengellyCrafts on etsy.
Washi Tape - People really like using washi tape, especially the transparent ones. These can be surprisingly expensive.
Transparent Stickers - These are fun because you can get a lot of detail and layering without intricate cutting. If you are careful with detail cutting you can cut the white border on normal stickers if you can't swing transparent ones.
Stamps - Like transparent stickers, this can add fun depth and layering, though with perhaps slightly less detail. The best part about stamps is that they are infinitely reusable and you can get all sorts of stamp pads. The downside is they are surprisingly expensive. You can even get stamps that help you make backgrounds like stars or wood texture. There are also "container" stamps like jars and bottles that you can put stuff in!
Embossing Powder - You can pair stamps with a glue stamp pad (or get glue markers) to use with embossing powder and a heat gun to create embossed details that add depth and texture. Make sure you are careful about what order you do things in when using heat!
Distress Ink (or Distress Oxide) & Blender/Diffuser - Make things look aged! This is a stamp pad you can use to make any paper or image look older than it is. Make sure you also get the little foam blender they also sell for application since it'll go on too thick if you try to use it directly on the paper.
Wax & Wax Seals - Wax can be fun to play with because it is both an adhesive and also adds dimension. Note: a lot of embossing or wax in a journal can make it hard to close a notebook.
Old Books - You can buy used books or use books that you don't want anymore for backgrounds to cut out words. Things like recipe books and encyclopedias can be especially helpful/vibe-y.
Fun Edges / Frames - You can get scrapbooking scissors or edge punches to add fun details and shapes to paper edge. It just depends on whether you like that look! Something like a simple round edge punch can be helpful.
Have Fun With It
Do you do other crafts, like painting or cricut? You can pair so many different crafts with junk journaling to make a cool multi-media piece. The most important thing to remember is to use what you have and have fun with it! Don't put off starting because you want all the bells and whistles or think you have to spend a bunch of money like the people who create junk journaling internet content! Create joyfully and lean into the chaos.
Please let us know if this guide was helpful and if you'd like a more specific buy list or tutorials on anything! We are here to help make crafting more accessible <3 You got this! Go junk journal!
If you want to see Nic's junk journaling, we are going to queue some in the next few days. Check our pinned post to find our junk journaling tag for inspiration!
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ltleflrt · 2 years
This whole backlash against printing fics irks the fuck out of me, and I got some shit to say about it. Mostly "Fuck You" but here's some nuance:
On the surface, I understand where the naysayers are coming from. It's a legitimate fear that making a profit from fanworks will bring down the C&D Hammer on fandom. I get that. Do not put on the One Ring, or you'll risk the Eye of Sauron.
But here's the thing. Fuck capitalism. Fuck digital only. We're living in the digital dark ages, and 100 years from now huge swathes of our history, fact and fiction, will be lost to our descendants because there will be no physical copies of our lives for them to find in old libraries and boxes in the attic, etc.
Creators deserve physical copies of their creations, and so do the other people in the world who love them.
I don't want to profit from letting people print my fics. That's why I use Lulu, since they have an option to set zero profit and make the links hidden so only fans in the know can get a copy. Other printing sites I've looked at in the past don't have those options. In fact, the first time I ever even thought about printing one of my stories was when I won NaNo for the first time and one of the prizes was a coupon for 3 free printings of your story. HELL YEAH, that's a copy for me, a copy for my beta, and a copy for the artist who made the cover for me. Perfect! But I ended up not using that coupon, because the site required I set a profit margin, and did not have an option to make it private. Ummm, no thanks. Not worth the risk. And even though the profit margin could be set as low as ten cents, I did not want to make ANY money from my fic, because I know that would be breaking Fair Use rules. I found Lulu instead, and decided to let other people get copies too, because I'm nice. And if I don't, it's not like I can stop them from doing it themselves, no matter how much I'd rather they not do that.
But that's not good enough for the Reporting Trolls. Their argument is that it's not possible for it to be completely profit free, since Lulu makes a profit on the printing costs and the shipping carriers make a profit off the shipping costs. Someone is making a profit, and that's unacceptable, even if that someone is not Me, The Person Who Made The Printing and Shipping Worth Paying For.
I would like anyone who thinks that to delete your accounts where you read fanfiction. AO3, Wattpad, FFNet, LJ, Dreamwidth, hell even Tumblr for the short ficlet stuff that only gets posted here. Because even if the website it self isn't profiting, (AO3 for example), the companies that sold them their server hardware made a profit. Since utilities are privatized, the electric company that runs those servers are making a profit. IF YOU PRINT IT ON YOUR PRINTER AND PUT IT IN A 3 RING BINDER, the paper, printer, and ink manufacturers made a profit from your dinky little print out. The companies that build all the parts for your computer or your smartphone made a profit on your portal to the internet, who profits from your monthly subscription, just like your electric company profits from the power it takes to run your pc or charge your phone battery. IT'S A SLIPPERY FUCKING SLOPE, AND YOU NEED TO LEARN WHEN TO BACK AWAY FROM THE LEDGE.
We live in a Capitalist Hellscape, and if a company could figure out how to charge you to breathe and for every single beat of your heart, they'd fucking do it. So get off your goddamn high horses with this "wELL SoMEonE iS makINg PrOFit" bullshit. Or if you truly believe that, shut off every account you own, turn off your utilities, and go live in the woods and make up your own goddamn stories, which you can only share orally to the local wildlife. They give kudos by biting you and giving you rabies.
(not to mention; these assholes don't go after fanartists who are ABSOLUTELY making a profit off their work. but noooo, Flirty can't format a fic for print and allow other people to pay for the printing service and shipping, while never seeing a penny of that herself, despite all of the GODDAMN WORK I HAVE PUT INTO IT, WRITING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE INCLUDED FUCK YOU VERY MUCH. fuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufucky--)
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azurlily · 4 months
Hey there hope you’re doing well I don’t know if you’re still taking your requests at the moment. But if you are here’s one I would like Some head canon for Azula shocking, I know and Mai Tylee and Suki With an OC who likes to sleep topless If you’re comfortable with that or interested
I'm so sorry! I thought I posted this 3 days ago and I check my account and notice it isn't there. I checked my drafts and saw it🤦🏽‍♀️. The gif of Suki I'm using is the only one with just her(no other characters in the picture), if anyone could find more with just her I'd be so thankful!!
Also does anyone know why when I press my stuff(my posts) tumblr says it doesn't exist. Yet I'll scroll down in my acc and find it. It's confusing and I'm going to have to fix a bunch of stuff because of it.
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Ozai's Angel's + Suki
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When fem!reader sleeps topless.
Y'all ever sent hat shocked pikachu meme? Yeah that's Azula the first time she sees you sleep topless.
I imagine it was your first night sleeping in the same bed, and you just threw your shirt off. No hesitation. Azula turned and just stared are your bare back. You still had pants/shorts on so she assumed you were going to change. Although in front of her? Really? So bold...
Instead when you turn towards the bed to lay down, you hear the loudest little squeak! It's probably one of the only times Azula will ever act like that. It's just so surprising that you'd frivolously in front of her.
"What do you think you're doing?"
You would look over ins surprise and Azula would immediately turn around.
"Something wrong, zula?"
Azula will stomp her foot and turn back towards you, her eyes cast downwards. You didn't see anything wrong with your clothing choice seeing as you distinctly remember mentioning this to Azula multiple times before.
"You have no shirt and nothing to conceal your chest! Just what are you trying to do on our first night...disgusting!"
Of course Azula didn't mean that last part, but she said it anyway.
You just stared at her for a few moments and then laughed, if you're this far in the relationship(and it wasn't forced) you've learned Azula a lot better than most.
"I'm going to lay down, when you're comfortable: come join me?"
Just wait it out and within a few minutes you'll feel shuffling in the bed. Azula wont touch you in anyway, even to wake you up. The next few days will be her getting comfortable with sleeping next to you like this. Within a month(maybe longer if this is something that truly surprised her about you) she'll be spooning you and refusing to explain why. Don't ask either or she will stop.
The most calm about the entire situation. That doesn't mean Mai isn't surprised, she's the complete opposite in fact. Mai just doesn't show her emotions like others.
As you two were getting in bed after a long day of doing everything Azula wanted...and complaining about it when she wasn't listening. You and Mai just wanted to relax together.
It doesn't matter if it was the first time you slept together or if you simply always wore a shirt to make her comfortable. Either way Mai has to ensure she's in the right reality when you- in front of her and with no shame -begin to undress.
Mai is(despite popular belief) very awkward. Especially around the girl she's oh so in love with. Mai has, on multiple occasions, not said a single word to you for an entire day. Simply because you made her too 'flustered' to function and she was afraid that she might say something less than appropriate for the situation.
So Mai doesn't say anything. She stares, though. Her eyes don't leave you body the moment she notices what you're doing. It's already hard for her to look away when you have clothes on, but this?! You must be trying to kill her.
"Mai? Are you okay? I'm sorry should I put my shirt back on?"
That's about the only thing that will get her attention. Mai looks up at your face instead of your chest. It takes her a second to recognize your words. They turn her a slight pink, which she looks away as to not show you.
"No. It's fine. Warn me next time. . .please."
Mai has a tendency to make herself seem cold and distant for fear of hurting you. Unknowingly though, that's what ends up hurting you in the end.
You lay in the bed, turned away from Mai. You hear a slight rustle in the bed before a small voice speaks up. Not something you'd expect from her normally.
"I think you look pretty; I-I love you."
Your heart melts.
Ty Lee
A lil' NSFW
Ty Lee is the one who reacts the sweetest. I fully believe that Ty lee has seen some things from being in the circus and all. She doesn't react coldly like Mai nor is she embarrassed like Azula. Ty lee is simply happy her partner trusts her so much as to be naked around her.
You two had been sore from a long day and after bathing(separately) you headed to your room together. Ty lee sleeps in a loose shirt and shorts, she's very open with her body as long as it's her partner.
Truly, she flirts with others but you're her sun. The only person she would truly share her body with.
You take off your shirt with your back turned to Ty lee. Sometimes she wishes you would look at her when she undresses. It makes her feel better about her body, knowing her partner likes it.
Ty lee turns and sees you with no shirt. She just stares for a moment before turning back around, she assumed you were still changing and just waited a little longer.
"Uhm, are you done changing yet?"
You told her yes and she turned around. Nearly tripping over herself.
"Are you going to sleep without a shirt?!"
Ty lee barks out a bit of laughter with her words. She realized you were as soon as she said it. You smiled and simply nodded while Ty lee got a little closer to you. She enjoys your body, it's the most beautiful thing in the world to her. So it is incredibly hard for her to look away.
"You know I think you should sleep like this every night. You look. . .cute."
Ty lee pulls herself closer to you, your bodies press together. Your chests more specifically. Ty lee presses her lips to yours and you slowly lead eachother to the bed. Before you two find yourselves under the covers you hear her whisper.
"Your body's so beautiful; I'd like to see all of it."
I'm sorry if this isn't as accurate to Suki's character as you'd like!(I'm also sorry Suki's is shorter than the others)
Suki is definitely the most bashful, but in a way the least surprised. I'm more than sure she's seen her fair share of female bodies from the Kyoshi Warriors. The only difference is you're her partner, her one and only.
Suki is a very devoted lover, but(and were going off assumption) you're the first woman she's been with. So she feels safer than she would even wirh her closest friends.
As you two were heading in and getting the first bit of proper rest in a while. You didn't think about your sleeping conditions, you were just tired and uncomfortable in your own skin. As you take your shirt off you hear a loud, strangled cough behind you.
"Oh, I didn't realize you were going to change in front of me."
You laid down in the bed and turn towards Suki who looked away. She wasn't wearing her makeup, but she was still in her uniform.
"You should probably take that off. It'll be uncomfortable to sleep in."
Suki just stares at you dumbfounded, some days she wonders where her love for this idiot came from. Suki undresses, not fully knowing if you're watching or not. Her face reddening.
"Do you feel safe like that with me?"
Suki has been emotionally stunted due to her past. Many days, after meeting you, she felt like you'd find someone more devoted and leave.
That because she was a Kyoshi Warrior she wouldn't be able to fully love you.
You hum quietly, you're too tired to answer. Instead you slowly open your arms up from the bed. Suki gets in bed and snuggles into you. Her head pressing against your neck as she peppers kisses.
"I love you, you surprise me everyday."
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No one in their right mind can tell me all of those girls don't have trauma. So I tried to sprinkle a little bit of that in there.
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soraviie · 2 years
them as boyfriends.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader  ━  masterlist
━ about: fluff  ━  pictures taken from Pinterest
━ previously posted on soraviii
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Conversations! I am extremely chill about it but still insistent
Conversations about stuff!
Doesn't even have to be like here's the top 10 reasons why Auguste Comte was a cunt but like overall
Why do you enjoy doing some things and why are these things his hobbies you know
Why he knows that some of his habits are bad but he can't seem to stop them and so on
I always think that Namjoon is very concerned about doing the Right Thing, you know, being an objectively good person within a subjectively impossible world he probably worries a lot about "oh, was this thing I said perhaps going to rub you off the long way", "is what I'm doing with my influence enough, is it right?" "oh, you said it was okay but could it be that when I did this you wish I didn't and so on"
Wants to do right by the people he loves so open, frequent communication he views as an opportunity to improve and be assured that he's not an ignorant tool
A multifaceted individual so you get to see all sides - cute and cuddly, shy and embarrassed, the hoe side
Does absolutely wake you up in the mornings like "get up, sucker, we're going somewhere, get up"
Often says he's bringing you to a little something and it could be anywhere between a specific tree in a park and a booked-out art gallery during the night
Tries to echolocate you if he's out and forgot to take his glasses
He's insecure that he can't cook so he probably cleans a lot
Probably has read an article about weaponized incompetency and therefore tries to split chores evenly and keep them regularly done
He's actually torn up he can't do most things he would want like - wait for you after work or walk along the river freely
So he puts the extra effort in all he gets - lazy mornings, eating brunch abroad etc.
I can for some reason imagine him slow driving a bike at night and you're walking beside
Why is he not giving you a lift? He's scared he'll crash and you'll be hurt
If you can drive and own a car he will indicate that he wants to be driven not by asking but by sitting in the seat and putting a seat belt on in front of your eyes
When on tour or working late nights sends you short videos of the animals he finds along the way (think of that Instagram video of him harassing a crab on the way home from work)
Deep morning voice! Lord!
Absolutely the one on the list to have sex to relieve pent-up anger
Sleeps shirtless
Just get like ear plugs or straight-up knock yourself out because I just know he snores like a whole ass truck
If he's in love, really, I mean truly in love you're straight up becoming immortalized in the songs
Like he assigns a symbol that he associated to you whether a specific flower or a word or a concept but it's a little thing that keeps mentioned throughout
If it's a private track will ask you to moan for it to be used in a track
On like one day in a year when you convince him to be lazy, for sure, sits and watches TV with like a passive-aggressive frown and munches on chips really loudly
It's not even a bad show it's just how his face looks then
When meeting your friends, has an awkward "smile and wave, boy, smile and wave" stance
Definitely plays up his hotness once in a while - sleazy smiles, and those bedroom eyes, there are two wolves within him, a romantic and a player
If you're walking through an art gallery, for sure talks about every single thing he sees
The way you're on his Instagram is by sharing the photos you take, through them he can see the man you fell in love with and he becomes giddy over it
So hear me out but when Yoongi is crushing he's like a boyfriend, when he's in a relationship he's like a married man with two kids and a mortgage
It's not that the spark is missing (guy can get you hot and bothered in a matter of seconds, you know what I'm saying) but it's literal comfort
Everything about him is comfort
He's like what men think men should be but so much better
E.g. fixes stuff - lamps, chairs, bulbs
Has plans on doing renovation
He never does it but he insists that when he gets the free time-!
"Next weekend."
"Yoon, you said it last weekend."
"Yeah, and eventually I'll do it. Consistency is key."
If he's home and you're there cooks meals 100%
For some reason, I always think he's really into cooking breakfast
It's more likely for him to cook breakfast than dinner because he would oftentimes order it in
Soft lighting in the apartment, no overhead lights
His type of touching is subtle
When you're watching say a movie, he doesn't lean into you wholly but like sits and keeps a hand slumped on your knee
Listen to this - fleeting hand holding
If you're keeping your hand on the table and he's near, he'll stroke your hand for 3 seconds take it away and repeat
Touches your pinky with his - it's like saying "hey"
Now hear me out, gossip
Jimin is for sure the no.1 gossiper but Yoongi is not too far behind himself
You're getting the freshest hottest brew about every single idol and producer he finds repulsive
Not too big of an outdoors guy but he'll do literally anything for you so if you want to go on like a few-day retreat, you sit him down and ask him:
"Is this something you want?"
"Yes -ㅅ-"
"Be honest! Are you really okay with going away this weekend and doing absolutely no work?"
"You'll be happy -ㅅ- yes -ㅅ-"
Hates it but you're happy so he's happy
I think he gets a little bit insecure about his partner not being to be able to do a lot of things so he spoils them a lot - trips and rest days and such
Is a hypocrite though
If you drink a lot of coffee nags the shit out of you only to drink seven cups himself
And here's the hill I'm going to die on - really strict when it comes to eating sweets before proper meals
He might be chill when you say you're not hungry, it sometimes happens you know, but will not! have it! for you to eat candy before dinner!
"What are you - my mom?" you sneer as he shOVES a pack of gummy worms into a deep, dark corner of a pantry where it most likely will never see the light of the sun ever again
"I'll call her," he warns, stirring whatever he was cooking that evening. "Don't test me."
Fights with him are rare and very diplomatic
He treasures you a lot so he takes a logical stance and flat out states "we both could say something hurtful, let's take a breather"
If you're in a foul mood and anNOYED at everything and itching for a fight, he'll cock an eyebrow and just say: "Is that really something you want to be spoken out there?"
Sometimes gets you cute plushies
You once walked in on him reading omegaverse fanfic and no, there is no backstory, nor an explanation given
Holds an incredibly harsh critique of snacks
Tastes a chip, hates it, discARDS the packet with a "d i s g u s t i n g"
You will absolutely hear a fuck ton of "back in my day" and "these are not Korean nuts, these are x nuts, they're no good"
Somehow I think he shits himself more before meeting your friends than parents???
Because he knows how to get along with older people but your friends who are convinced he's going to cheat on you, he's nothing but another over-inflated popstar stroking his ego? not a clue, he's a lost boy
He's so humble and helpful that, of course, he wins them over
Probably has driven your friends somewhere where they need to be, like a reception, probably offered his car for moving purposes (does anyone else help their friends move in and out of places?)
When on long car rides absolutely tries to gaslight you by saying the most impossible shit like:
"Of course, there is."
"There are no rivers in the Gobi desert!"
"But there are! Ancient people, how do you think they managed to travel all that distance? It's because they got to the river and that replenished them halfway."
Actually just wants to talk to you and this is an easy way to do so
dRUNK Yoongi just think about it and enjoy, he's so giggly and smiley and probably calls out for you with annoying frequency
Your nickname is an inside joke, many don't think it's cute at all but you know better and that's what's important
Gets irrationally shy even after dating you after a while, say, you're changing and he walks in, for some reason puts a hand in front of his eyes??
Definitely covers his body if you're checking him out
"Can we please have some respect? Some decorum?" he whines, neck flushing at an alarming speed
Annoys you a lot, he's the annoying boyfriend
Tells the most ridiculous things, like:
"______________, I was in the bathroom and I did this," flicks hair. "And wow, I'm just so handsome. You must be a very strong person indeed to be able to bear it every day."
His confidence is a Schrodinger's cat - half true, half - farce
Somedays he wakes up and doesn't feel it at all and hides away from you saying he's ugly right now
Please assure him a lot during that time
If you work too much he's the best remedy for that
Jin is wise and helps you see how your time is the most important thing, that you don't have to prove your existence to anyone and can occupy space without proving your worth over and over again
Conversations with him don't often delve into deep waters but at the same time you don't feel unheard because he listens very attentively even if he doesn't share these anxieties and concerns
Does, unfortunately, give you secondhand embarrassment quite often
Has and will wear ridiculous outfits that have people turning their heads around
You're trailing with him, hand in hand, head low and Jin's ears too are flaming like gasoline on fire but who is he to prohibit himself from indulging things
Most likely to want morning sex, I will not elaborate
He has a special soft smile for when he feels properly cared for and babied
Appreciates being given flowers, hair tugged behind the ear
He doesn't give a fuck what's a norm, it makes him feel nice, fuck you, he'll continue doing it
If you find fishing boring, sorry you'll have to put up with it
"I guess this will be our thorn, honey, you'll just have to endure this for love"
He takes no shit, not even from you but in return never, ever prohibits you from enjoying things
For example, diving into ice-cold water in a lake is not his idea of a fun time but if you enjoy it, he'll be by the side shivering with a towel and a thermos
Definitely, 100% rehearses meeting your parents and quizzes you on his
It is no surprise at all when you meet that both of you know just the right words, the right gestures
Jin loves his family and to be put in a conflict between you and them is a walking nightmare
So he does his best to avoid that
You often eat at very random places scattered throughout the town and sometimes out of it
One day it's a luxury five-star restaurant in a penthouse, the next you're sitting on a wobbly chair at a marketplace, eating a small vegetable or meat skewer from a plastic cup
But Jin always knows how to bring a good time, so both times are just perfect
Okay so if this makes sense but Hoseok is the type of boyfriend who wants you to improve
So he wouldn't be super clingy or overly protective or madly jealous but he shows his care by reminding you to do self-care
Like skincare routine, morning and night he's there to ask you if you did it
Or whether you ate well, why not, why are you neglecting care in your life
I don't see him as overly romantic like big-ass gestures but really consistent care from the start
Now hear me out and don't tussle, he partially views you as a responsibility and a project
He works hard, correct?
He's a strict teacher and absolutely works himself 100% for maximum improvement
And it's not like he's hovering over you like a helicopter parent, moulding you into a version of his liking I just think he wants you to be the person you really like
So obviously it depends on what your goals are but he's really quietly motivating you to do better for yourself
It may not sound most romantic but at its core he wants you to be happy and I think he realises that it doesn't always just means being loved by a close person
So he wants you to improve, feel better about yourself and feel better about the world in such a way
Because the world is a very dark place, it can't handle even more negativity
Kinky, 0 explanation iykyk
A hype man for sure
If you're ever feeling like you can't do something he'll convince you that at the very least there's not so much loss involved as you think
Handmade jewellery especially if he's been away for a long time
I imagine him sitting at a studio, taking like a 15-minute break and he's tinkering with beads, arranging them and stringing them into a bracelet tailored to your interests
Buys you clothes more than anything else say like a car or a house
He splurges reasonably
Though them triangle bags he had back in the day cost like 300 that's my whole rent homie
It's hard to read what he'd be like as a boyfriend but out of all most likely to feel like a friend with added stuff
Which isn't bad at all
I think he struggles between the view of love in the traditional sense he's been taught and interpreting it his own, more peculiar way
Buys subtly matching clothes
Has a private Instagram and definitely hypes you up there
If he's upset but not overtly mad, he'll lie in the bed and Complain using full VFX of Hobi sound effects
Somehow managed to friendzone you once
As an act of revenge, you did that as well and now has learnt his lesson
100% has inner demons but out of all is the most likely to not share it, above Yoongi, above all
He doesn't struggle with communication per se but struggles with understanding that he himself can have faults and he doesn't have to do everything alone
He holds people he loves in high standard hence why he's so insistent on self-care; on being the best you can be within your own eyes, so it makes complete sense that he holds himself up to the highest standard, cutting himself the least amount of slack
Makes you feel like you're the most hilarious person in the world but doesn't talk much at home
If you feel awkward at an event and pressured will leave immediately, I just have a sense about this
Has a knack for jealousy but the type to end with you being railed the entire night with his jaw clenched
I know we all like his cute side but he can be scary
He can be standoffish and sharp he just mostly chooses to not be
He chooses the high ground though that doesn't always mean he wants to take one
So if you have an ex he particularly loathes he will be near poisonous to that person
But lets it go because it's not about them, it's about you and you deserve his undivided attention
He needs assurance a lot because I think he's convinced himself you'll leave because honestly, it's a hard lifestyle to tolerate in a partner
Touchy but listen to this his favourite is not hugging you but leaning into you
Because it can be so variable
Like cutely leaning onto you whining at you at a full volume or pressing his nose in your cheek with a smirk
I have a feeling he'd enjoy it if you have some temper
He hates fights, absolutely abhors them, and probably has fights because he didn't voice something in the first place because he didn't want to fight
But if you're mad at someone else? If you're angry and getting heated and being bossy?
He just ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But he often has ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he's in tune with his sensual side
Speaking of sensual, reads the most toe-curling, filthy romance books in his free time
I'm talking like casually sipping coffee and calmly listing through like a BDSM orgy
He's the type to try everything once, within reasons
Often when talking has a soft, whiny voice and holds a part of your body rubbing circles there
I can't imagine his flirty nature not getting him in trouble at some point
But he makes his commitment known in very intense ways
Like gripping your jaw, making eye contact and saying something along that he can't even sleep without you, you're in his bloodstream
Kind of corny but manages to make it sexy because it's Park Jimin
He wants to know everything about you - what you're thinking, why you're thinking it, what made you to be who you are now and who you want to be tomorrow
Desires to make eye contact
Steals more of your clothes than you do his
Drunk, kind of out of it dancing to slow, sexy songs is a MUST for him
In a way there are two parts to being loved by him which are very representative of his sides - one is cute and cuddly, wanting you to be happy, like an idealized version of kids being in love and the other one is hungry
He wants you in and out, if you're not his in the understanding that he knows you best, that he can please you physically and please you mentally by giving you comfort, he's not happy
Sentimental, probably secretly keeps tokens of yours from the beginning of the relationship
Has a copy of all your childhood pics, argue with a wall
The one true no. 1 gossiper, he knows everything about everyone like your workplace for example
He knows why exactly that co-worker of yours left for a two-week vacation and the reason is salacious as all hell while you could be sitting there - "I have a coworker by that name?"
If you're out and he sees someone being rude, will viOLATE them
His sense of humour could make a person suicidal fr
But unlike some, he uses his inside voice
Has things that annoy him in your relationship but I don't think he says it unless it's really bad
He lets small grudges pass hoping to preserve the balance
Because only the mere thought of you leaving terrifies him
Once Jimin ties himself to someone, genuinely, he doesn't want to let them go for nothing
If you're away for a long time, let's say going abroad or really busy with work, his emotions get the best of him and he gets quite upset
But he hides it and frankly somewhat succeeds
But you can also tell when you return home that he was missing you like crazy
He needs to be pampered then, reassured that everything's fine
Does everything you want even if it's not what he would usually do
If you feel like driving for a while to stare at the moon, he absolutely would
Seduces you over and over again
Partially I think the reason he changes up his behaviour so much is to make sure he's keeping you on your toes and you wouldn't leave
It's lowkey a phobia of his
It's so obvious he's dating you
You can just see the Love
Also if he would just stop glARING at strangers for bREATHING your direction, that would be great
Reminds you to do a lot of things but also needs those reminders as well
Often so tired he forgets to do basic things so you have to wrangle him to take a shower or brush his teeth before bed because he really works himself very hard :(
If you're on your phone when it's time to sleep will yANK it away like a mOTHER
Love to him means sticking together - always
Oh, you're expecting an explanation?
You're not getting any :)
Very soft
Also very weird
Being his partner means being his interpreter at times
You two have probably developed a language of your consisting chiefly of sounds
Sends you a shit ton of selfies
Mostly stupid and often blurry
He's a blurry sort of guy
Has sent a selfie taken from underneath his nostril
You could be sitting at work and he sends you a wet, shirtless selfie
Cause he's a menace
Big enthusiast of having soft lights as well
It makes the atmosphere feel more intimate
Everything is about intimacy when he's with you
Emotional, spiritual, physical
Where Jimin is in love with love, Taehyung loves romance
So big, classic, romantic gestures are a part of the Kim course
Date nights are unavoidable even let's say you're in two different countries he'll find a way
Sometimes by spontaneously flying out, sometimes by arranging the most ridiculous zoom call known to man
Like the camera placed where you would sit across the table with a restaurant dinner in front
Buys you lingerie, jewellery and fancy clothes
Teases you about loving him
"Ah, ______________ your passion for me makes a guy shy."
Cue to you sitting like -_-
Cause by now you're tiRED
I imagine he does get on your nerves a lot but by weaponizing all of that infamous charm at this point you're convinced he could get away with breaching the Geneva conventions
Always looks at you like he's done absolutely NO WRONG
Even if it happened like 3 seconds ago
Gatekeeps you in a way
He wants you all to himself and he's afraid if you don't like his friends, you might end up not liking him as well
Really values your opinion of him
Has gone to a fortune teller to ask how your future would look like
When you're going through a tough time, he "lends" you his angel
Misses you like crazy when you're apart
And sometimes even when you're here
If he's miraculously drunk, you're not getting him off you
Fucking Clingatron 3000 over here practically treats you as a plushie when you go to sleep
If you're the more reserved type, he's simply over the moon trying to make you flustered
And if you're really cuddly, he invites it eagerly and joyously
Jump atop of him and he'll laugh head thrown back onto the bed
Absolutely the type to find you being angry quite cute, with the exception that you're not so mad you're breaking up with him
This is of course really annoying because what if you want to establish dOMINANCE
Well good luck with that
He'll just smooch you to pacifism
Is lowkey always horny
Has kinks but I do not have the strength to think about them
Every week attempts to cook a fancy meal which ends up being an inedible concoction tasting like an armpit sweat
Promises to not do it again but lo and behold next week!
Watches a lot of movies with you
Watches you if you're out
Really zones out when you're ordering or simply waiting for something
If you're both at home plays soft music in the background so he could pull you into dance at any time
Fresh flowers whenever the old ones wilt down :(
Brings you to a lot of hipster cafes late in the evening
Quite often says the most inappropriate shit at absolutely the wrong place and time
For example, you're about to throw the bins out and he casually lets it slide -
"What if we tried for a baby right now?"
Smiles at his phone when texting you
Recalling back to the finding you cute when angry, definitely smiles and chuckles to himself if you're being huffy and complaining about work or what some dumbass did today
Begs you to share food
The type to bump into you playfully when walking
If he's going to bed, you're going to bed (can't sleep without his plushie)
Increasingly ridiculous nicknames - honey, babe, dearest, flower, sweet bean, rice cake, jujubii (warps it to sound more cuter version of jujube)
Eats up every capitalized love celebration ever invented - white day, rose day, his own made - "our first kiss day"
Really sentimental in that way
I think he wants love to feel more like a movie than it necessarily is so tries his hardest to make that dream a reality
It is often and with an honestly worrying frequency that you think there is nothing but mii music behind those eyes
Zones out a lot
Stops mid-sentences
Sometimes forgets to listen when you're ranting
It's because he feels safe with you
He feels that he doesn't have to make perfect sense so his mind wanders a lot because he's very relaxed when with you
The type of guy who holds your legs crossed in his lap, one hand caressing your calf when watching a movie
Speaking of movies, yes, you probably have a whole list of tv shows to watch together
(which he absolutely cheats by squeezing in extra screen time)
But you know what he absolutely does
Plays the most horrible otome games known to man
I'm talking about the horse dating simulator, every and all butler romances in the app store
At first, it's just to make fun of it
But then naturally gets really competitive and complains quite hard if the butler he's supposed to be romancing doesn't like him
"Why are men so hard to please?" he growls, fingers gripping the phone so hard the knuckles are white. "I spent 45 diamonds on this dress and "okay" is all YOU CAN SAY?!"
Though you started the game together, he's the one to finish them because it's just slightly hard to develop a romantic interest in an anime pigeon for you but not for Jungkook
Does as he's told when it comes to chores - washing dishes, cleaning, laundry, does it all eagerly
If you're messy, nags you but doesn't go as hard as, for example, Hoseok
Before you stop by his apartment, 100% tried to make it more "palatable" for you
Meaning, shOVES those 7 mattresses of his lying around into a closet or something
Whilst he's pouring a glass of wine you hear a crash come from somewhere
"What's that??" you ask and he sweats, absolutely shits himself
"Nothing," he replies, voice squeaky
"Didn't sound like nothing..."
"...dON't even worry about it."
If he has to take out the bins and your high-heeled shoes are the only thing available, he'll be strutting down to the garbage like a Victoria's Secret model
Has switched those LED lights to red to try and dance sexily in front of you only to bump his crotch into the corner of a closet
You're 90% of his impulse control so if you're gone, expect to see him with one eyebrow upon returning
Has cried at least once about thinking how much he loves you
Turns up his hotness just to see what happens
Is HIGHKEY ready to go at any given point
Even if he's dead tired, he's like "just a quick, lazy sesh, okay 🥺🥺🥺"
If you're scolding him also does this 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Finds it absolutely hilarious and endearing if you're bossy
Obeys whilst giggling all throughout
Your ass is a source of comfort for him, it's not your ass it's OUR ass once you're with him
If you're close with your family, probably the one most likely to spend a lot of time with them (of course, only with you there cause he cannot handle that tension A L O N E)
When you first brought him to meet the fam, anytime you tried to leave he would look at you with a smile on his lips but wide panicked eyes, hissing:
"do nOT leAVE me"
"I need to go to the bathroom..."
"Hold it! for the love of gOD hOLD iT."
After a while, he's a bit more chill, the type to be brought along to every camping trip and cookout
Is probably used for labour by your relatives
No, does not send you memes, he's breaking the Gen Z stereotype as he's not attached to the hip with his phone
Makes a conscious effort to spend enough time with you
He can be weaponized to kill bugs, shoo away birds, glare threateningly at strangers
Gently wrestles you for fun
Really enjoys it if you take care of him, like put hair oil in his hair, massage his shoulders, cream his hands etc.
Doesn't like spending a lot of time hanging around somewhere so he whines in your ear
"Are you going to be done soon?"
"We just got here. I need to buy a new shirt."
"You have plenty at home and they all look great on you. Let's just go eat. There's online shopping for a reason."
Gets jealous a lot but never gets angry at you and quickly lets it go
Mostly pouts and fusses if he thinks you're being too friendly with someone
Sometimes utilizes you as weights whilst working out
Like makes you lay on top of him when he's doing push-ups
Adores if you try to manhandle him only to then show you how it's really done by taking a hold of your legs and hoisting you around his waist
You have had a talk about whether he'd choose Namjoon over you and the results of that debate were relayed to Namjoon himself who just looks at you both with a frown that says "what the hell are both of you on"
Gets lowkey combative if you have bad habits that impact your health like smoking, too much drinking, or not eating regularly
Health to him is very important in spite of you pointing out the hypocrisy of it
As he often fails to take proper care of himself
But he tries so he wants you to try your best as well
Makes a secret tattoo about you
Like your favourite flower, or a favourite thing
Similar to how Namjoon immortalizes you in a way, but on his flesh
Sings around the house but is too shy to give you concerts
Sneaks you into the studio, however, for you to express your opinion
Sneaks you into a lot of places
Like an afterparty or a press conference
A member will see you and wonder out loud:
"I think I saw _____ walking by."
"You're just getting old, seeing things," Jungkook replies trying not to seem too guilty
You can absolutely tell if he has a surprise planned for you
"Jungkook, are you planning to bring me on a secret date?"
"0.0 no 0.0"
If you're mercilessly destroying him at a game, he threatens to cry
Would get upset at you for something he dreamt
Glares at you over coffee cup:
"You said you liked Yoongi better than me."
"In a dream you Dumbo," you roll your eyes. "I'm literally making you breakfast."
He answers with a vague hum, then turns up his nose, all offended:
"Said you liked his hip thrust more."
Wants to adopt more dogs, so you'll have someone to keep you company when he's on tour :( and so that they could protect you in case of home invasion or stalkers
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© soraviii/soraviie 2022-2023
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luvvictoria · 20 days
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Pussy eater
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( ♡ ) pairing : Soshiro Hoshina x fem!reader
( ♡ ) warning : f!reader, NOT PROOF READ , kinda cringe, sex , explicit content , kinda friends with benefits
( ♡ ) a/n ✏️ : I literally post when I remember that I have this app.
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"Hey, [name], you got a second?" Soshiro Hoshina called out, his voice echoing through the corridor of the Defense Force's living quarters. You looked up from her book, curiosity piquing as you saw Soshiro leaning against your doorframe, his trademark grin playing at the corners of his mouth. "What's up, Soshiro?" you asked, setting your book aside.
"Well," he began, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him, "I've been thinking about our little 'swords and monsters' gig we've got going on here." You raised an eyebrow. "What about it?" Soshiro scratched his head, his eyes shifting to the side as he tried to find the right words. "You know, with all the serious stuff we deal with, I've been wondering if there's something we're missing. Something… I dunno, something more… intimate." You leaned back into your chair, your eyes narrowing slightly. "Intimate?"
"Yeah," he said, his cheeks flushing a bit. "Like, I know you're pretty smart and all, so I was hoping maybe you could, you know, teach me something." Your heart skipped a beat. This was definitely not the conversation you had been expecting. "What do you want to learn " Soshiro took a deep breath. "How to, uh, you know, eat a girl out. I want to be good at it." You felt a blush creep up your neck. "Soshiro, that's…"
"Come on, [nickname] ," he said, using the nickname only a few people knew about. "You know I'm not asking for just anyone. I trust you, and I know you're cool with this kind of stuff."
Your mind raced, trying to decide if you should take this seriously or not. But something in his earnest tone made you realize he truly wanted to know. Plus, you had to admit, the idea was a bit… intriguing. "Okay," you finally said, "but we're just friends, right?" Soshiro nodded vigorously. "Of course, just friends. So, where do we start?"
Your pulse quickened as you slid out of your chair and approached him. "Alright, let's get comfortable," you murmured, guiding him to your bed. You sat down and patted the spot next to you. Soshiro sat down, his eyes wide with anticipation. "What do I do first?"
You took a deep breath, trying to keep your voice steady. "Well, the first thing you want to do is make sure she's relaxed." You leaned back, propping yourself up with your elbows. "Why don't you start by kissing me?"
He nodded, his smile never leaving his face. He leaned in, his eyes closing, and pressed his lips to yours. The kiss was gentle, tentative, but it grew in passion as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
As their kiss deepened, you couldn't help but wonder if this was a mistake. But then you thought about all the battles you'd been through together, the lives you'd saved, and you decided that maybe, just maybe, this was exactly what you both needed.
Soshiro's hands roamed over your body, learning the contours of your curves. You felt his warm breath against your neck as he kissed you softly, his touch sending shivers down your spine. You gasped as he moved down, his mouth leaving a trail of kisses along your collarbone and down to the top of your chest.
"Now, Soshiro," you whispered, your voice trembling, "you have to be gentle. It's all about exploration and pleasure."
He nodded, his eyes still closed, focusing intently on your words. He moved down further, his hands gently parting your legs. "How do I know if I'm doing it right?"
"You'll know," you assured him, your voice growing softer. "Just listen to my body, okay?"
He nodded again, and you felt his mouth on you, tentative at first, but growing bolder as you began to react to his touch. He explored with his tongue, learning the taste and texture of you. You could feel him getting more comfortable, more sure of himself, as you gave him gentle instructions and feedback. Your breath hitched when he found the right spot, and you let out a soft moan.
"You're doing great," you whispered, your hands tangling in his hair. "Just keep doing that."
Soshiro's eyes remained closed, his expression one of intense focus. He listened to your breathing, your words, and the subtle movements of your body, all guiding him in his exploration. He felt a sense of pride swell within him; he was good at this, better than he thought he would be.
The room grew warmer, the tension in the air thick with desire. Your legs began to shake, and you tightened your grip on Soshiro's hair. "Don't stop," you breathed, your voice strained.
Soshiro felt a rush of excitement as he realized he was bringing you closer to climax. He increased his pace, his tongue moving in rhythmic circles. Your body tensed, and you bit your lip to keep from crying out too loudly.
As the moment approached, you reached down and placed your hand on his cheek, your thumb gently stroking the skin beside his mouth. "Open your eyes," you murmured.
Soshiro obeyed, looking up at you. The sight of your face, flushed with pleasure, your eyes closed and your mouth open in a silent scream, was more erotic than he could have ever imagined. It was in that moment that he truly understood the power of intimacy, the connection that went beyond friendship and into something deeper.
Your gazes locked, and you nodded, giving him the final encouragement he needed. He applied more pressure, and your body arched off the bed, your orgasm crashing over you like a wave. You gripped his head tightly, your breath coming in ragged gasps.
When the tremors subsided, Soshiro pulled back, his eyes still on yours. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, a smug smile playing on his lips. "How was that?"
You took a deep breath, your chest heaving. "Perfect," you whispered, a small smile playing on your own lips. "Just perfect."
The air between you was charged, but the mood remained light. Soshiro lay beside you, his head propped up by his hand, his grin never fading. "So, am I a natural?"
You couldn't help but laugh. "Maybe you are," you said, your voice still a bit shaky. "But we'll need more practice, of course."
He nodded eagerly. "Any time you're ready to teach me more, you just say the word."
As you laid there, the tension of your earlier conversation dissipated, replaced by a comfortable silence. You felt a warmth spread through you, not just from the pleasure he had given you, but from the bond that had grown between you.
You talked for a while longer, about nothing in particular, just enjoying each other's company. It was a rare moment of peace in a world where you were constantly fighting for their lives. And as the evening grew late, Soshiro finally got up, stretching out his muscles.
"I should get going," he said, a hint of regret in his voice. "We've got that training session tomorrow."
You nodded, feeling a twinge of sadness as he stood. "Thanks for, you know, trusting me with this."
He leaned down and kissed you forehead. "Thank you for teaching me, [nickname]."
With that, he slipped out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. As you lay there, you wondered if your friendship had just changed forever. Or if, perhaps, it had just become stronger. Either way, you knew one thing for sure: you looked forward to the next time you could help Soshiro hone his newfound skills.
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tip me <3
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fohatic · 1 month
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48-hours shy of six months to the day, tumblr has restored my blog to full functionality (no longer classifying it as "explicit") after a lengthy stint in horny jail.
what does this mean? my blog is now searchable, my posts are no longer hidden under tags, my posts can be linked, i get to have a damn icon + customizable blog page... but perhaps most exciting of all:
I NOW HAVE A WORKING ARCHIVE AGAIN, which means that you can also browse my tags! 🙏 i've just updated my featured tags, so these are easily navigable from my archive (see "tag" pull-down menu at the top). feel free to explore these! highlights include:
my fanfic -> all my fic posts/posts that feature my fics
my edit (see also: manip) -> my manip fanart or contributions to others' posts ("manip" also includes other people's manips, FYI)
fic rec -> fics that i recommend/others recommend that i co-rec
stony -> a big mishmash of fun! (see also: tony stark + steve rogers)
stevecore/tonycore/stonycore -> posts that remind me of them ♥
rdj -> (so much pretty) + chris evans -> (♥)
gorgeous fanart -> the tag i collect a ton of fanart under
yes good -> posts that really "get it" (mostly stony stuff)
writing + fanfiction -> meta stuff!
fave -> the best stuff!
about me -> a gratuitous excess of TMI about yours truly! (in tags)
*IMPORTANT: if you do not want to see potentially nsfw adult content from me, please block the following tags:
nsfk -> "not safe for kids" stuff that's iffy (general safety warning)
porny tag -> stuff that's basically porn
(note that i don't tag stuff "nsfw" bc this can negatively impact the op's account or post visibility; tumblr police are all over this tag)
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(gifs via x)
it's been awhile, but it's finally time* to turn up the temperature around here again... 🔥😈
[protip: if you enter the full title of any of my fics in a tag search, you'll likely find some thematically relevant goodness 👌😏]
as always, i'm thrilled whenever anyone goes through and likes/reblogs a bunch of stuff from me -- don't be shy! i'm also open to pretty much any kind of ask (sometimes i don't participate in the chain stuff but it's nothing personal).
one thing i'll ask is that if you do find anything you like on my blog, consider reblogging it from me instead of directly from the op? as a seasoned "blog diver" (🤿🦪💎) who sometimes spends many hours of my actual life scouring the internet for certain posts (which often haven't seen any action in years), i really appreciate when i see even a little spike in my activity feed from these before they start getting circulated again <333
also, i plan to keep using @moon-language-0 as a place to store all my original fanart and fanfic posts for easy access. it's very convenient :)
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aceofwhump · 10 months
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Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog!
I decided to make a new pinned post with all the information that is available on my desktop site but that will be more accessible for mobile users. Plus a few extras 😉
So an introduction.
I'm Ace. I started this blog back in February 2018 after seeing a post that referenced the whump community. I had no idea there was such a large community here on tumblr! As soon as I saw that making a whump blog was an option I immediately made one. And I haven't regretted it since. I love this blog, I love this community, and I'm thrilled to be here three years later! 
Here on this blog you'll see lots of gifsets both reblogged from wonderful creators and gifs made by yours truly. I also write fanfics on occasion. You can check out my work on AO3 under the name "aceofwhump" or you can look under my tag "ace writes stuff". That tag will have some stuff not on AO3 too. I also do whump lists for certain characters, trope lists, video clips of good whump, and fanfic recs.
Click on the read more for even more information and important links to things like gifmaking tutorials, my trope tag list, my show/movie tag list, my fanfic masterlist, and more!!!
My favorite tropes are:
Emotional: panic attacks, nightmares, insecurities, feeling inadequate, fear, grief, flashbacks, flinching, emotional breakdowns full of sobbing, emotional outbursts, scar reveals, anxiety, self hatred
Environmental: accidents, natural disasters like earthquakes or storms, hit by a car, collapsed building, falling through ice, heat exhaustion, hypothermia, falls, burns, infected wounds from lack of medical equipment, sickness, being unable to breathe, drowning
Small moments: limping, feeling weak and seeking support, breathing through the pain, moving wrong in a way that aggravates the pain, and the sudden seizing of his body, shaking hands, pressing the heel of his hand against his temple because of a headache, taking a moment to close his eyes because he’s light headed/exhausted/has such a bad headache
Sci-fi: space illness, oxygen deprivation, isolation, being locked in the brig, hull of the ship getting damaged, alien attacks
Injuries: broken bones, gunshot wounds, hidden injuries, bruises, beaten, concussions, collapsed lung, slings, casts, crutches, knocked unconscious, blood loss
Torture/Captivity: Being strung up by their wrists from the ceiling, drugged, chained up, caged, tied to a chair, handcuffed to a pole, interrogated
Comfort/Caretaking: hugging, “Are you okay?”, “You’re safe now”, “I’ve got you”, hand holding, helping to walk, ice packs, covering someone with a blanket, a cool cloth on their forehead to help with a fever, a fever check, touching their face to offer comfort
Magic: magical healing that causes pain, draining of powers, powers that are painful to use, curses
Stoic or defiant whumpees
Team whump
Long detailed look at how I make my gifs
Gifmaking tutorials:
Gifmaking for Begginers: my ginormous all you need to know tutorial
Another look at how I make a gif
Tips for beginners
Tips on brightening dark scenes
How to get into gifmaking
Photoset dimensions
How to make a layout gifset
Gif speeds
Links from my desktop blog for mobile users:
My gifs
My whump videos
Ace writes stuff
My Writing Masterlist
Trope tag list
Show list
My Whumptober Masterlists
Fanfic Rec Lists
Blog Archive
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This has been a massive, ongoing project of mine for a while now in which I am endeavoring to catalog and categorize every fanfiction I’ve ever bookmarked. I fear this project will never be complete as I'm always reading and bookmarking new fics but I’m going to share it anyway.
Inside, you will find links and summaries to the fanfictions I’ve read over the years on both AO3 and FF.net. Each fic is sorted by the specific whumpee that they center on. So there’s a page for Danny Williams, for Mike Warren, for Lucifer Morningstar, and many many more. The fics are 90% whump with a touch of fluffy ones thrown in too. This list is based on the fics I’ve read and bookmarked so it leans heavily on my favorite whumpees and my favorite tropes. 
I’ve been working on categorizing every fic by its tropes (so theoretically you could search for say seizure fics or sick fics) but that’s taking me a loooong time because I have to reread every fic in order to determine what kind of categories to make and to look for the specific tropes. So for now you’ll have to make do with the fic summaries and using the search function. When it’s done, each whumpee will have their specific trope categories so you won’t necessarily find the same tropes in each category but it should help narrow down the fics better once I’m done. This is an ongoing project for me.
The list gets updated all the time so check back in every now and then. There might be something new.
I do take suggestions of fics to add to this masterlist but please keep in mind that it may not end up on the list. It's nothing personal I promise. I just can't add every single fic in the world.
Here's the link (note that it opens best on desktop browser because it is large):
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mirixmoya · 3 months
(you can find PART ONE here, for anyone interested!)
i. the black dog: 8/10. excellent directly-post-war hayffie song. captures a moment when they haven't quite re-connected yet, but they're both dying without eachother. "my longings stay unspoken, and i may never open up the way i did for you" "six weeks of breathing clean air, i still miss the smoke" is all very them. a really effective illustration of how the world feels like a different place in heartbreak, it's desolate and aching, which is all very very hayffie.
ii. imgonnagetyouback: 9/10. this song is bananas crazy, but so is effie. so it fits. it reeks of the turbulent, on-again-off-again, boundaryless, situationship parts of hayffie. once again, i think this could be a VERY good directly-post-war vibe. "i can tell when somebody still wants me" "you'll find that you were never not mine" "even if it's handcuffed, i'm leaving here with you" are all crazy thought processes which i can 100% imagine effie having.
iii. the albatross: 7/10. i know everyone is really stuck on this being a lucy gray / katniss / snow parallel song, but i see the hayffie vision! i think it would be a good song to juxtapose all of effie's relationships with capitol men against her relationship with haymitch. how is she made to behave by love? how does her fame + position loom over her relationships? effie is mythologized by the men in her life, almost made unreal by their perceptions of her, and it's haymitch who makes her real again. if any of that makes sense.
iv. chloe or sam or sophia or marcus: 8/10. EVERYONE HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE, but i have this vision of really angsty post-canon hayffie where they try to make a proper relationship work, they really do, but they just... can't. but there is an ache to this failure. a regret. they thought that they would always be able to come back to this, to eachother, but they discover that life is actually a series of closed doors. things change over time. they're forced to grieve this past version of their relationship that they simply don't have access to anymore. "you turned me into an idea of sorts, you needed me but you needed drugs (ALCOHOL) more" "could it be enough to just float in your orbit?" "if you want to break my cold, cold heart, say you loved me" ... yeah, the angst potential is endless.
v: how did it end?: 7/10. ONCE AGAIN, excellent bones for an angsty post-canon 'well, it didn't work out' hayffie vibe. good general thg imagery with "lost the game of chance, what are the chances?" + "the empathetic hunger descends" etc etc. "we were blind to unforeseen circumstances" very very them.
vi: so high school: 5/10. i feel like i could twist it to be hayffie if i tried really hard. like maybe a post-canon movie-verse traumaless fluff vibe where everything just falls into place. "no one's ever had me, not like you" is a very good line for hayffie tho.
vii: i hate it here: 8/10. excellent potential for a pre-canon / during-canon hayffie where effie uses their relationship as her refuge from the rest of the world, it's the only place she can truly be herself. the precocious child stuff, the debutant stuff, "i'm lonely but i'm good, i'm bitter but i swear i'm fine", all feels veryyy effie. this song would also be a good framework for effie being incapable of articulating her relationship with haymitch to other people, the magic of it is lost on them, it comes out clunky and awkward. but SHE knows it's real.
viii: thanK you aIMee: 2/10. not a hayffie song. but i feel like i could make it about effie & The Other Escorts if i really tried.
ix: i look in people's windows: 6/10. listen, this album is just an post-canon hayffie gold mine. "i had died the tiniest death" (the war) "i'm afflicted by the not knowing" (her relationship with haymitch) "what if your eyes looked up and met mine, one more time" (they can try again, can't they?). the anxious, almost neurotic ruminating is very effie to me.
x. the prophecy: 10/10. THE HAYFFIE SONG! if you saw the twitter edit before it got taken down, you KNOW. "don't want money, just someone who wants my company" "i'm so afraid i've sealed by fate" ... devastating. i think the illusions to prophecy & fate & this lack of control all play into her role in The Games really well. the idea that she's being punished for her sins by this lack of love. so much of effie is controlled and precise, i think the fact that this one thing (her relationship with haymitch) is sooo out of her control would drive her insane. perhaps insane enough to beg on her knees...
xi. cassandra: 4/10. not really hayffie focused, but good potential for one of my more politically focused fics. maybe the year of the 75th, leading right up to the rebellion. cinna & portia strike me as very cassandra-coded.
xii. peter: 1/10. not hayffie. maybe seneca & effie relationship study, but def not hayffie.
xiii. the bolter: 10/10. PERFECT EFFIE SONG! NO NOTES! SHE IS THE BOLTER! a precocious child with a "quite bewitching face" who is "splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless"??? welcome back effie trinket! the chorus is very hayffie to me. i'm thinking pre-canon early affair vibes. we get all the fun contrast between her relationship with haymitch and her relationship with the capitol "trophy hunters". the bridge could not be more effie if it tried, "hearts are hers for the breaking, there's an escape in escaping". she falls through the ice (the war) but don't worry folks, she comes out alive!
xiv. robin: 0/10. i genuinely have no idea what i could do with this song. sorry.
xv. the manuscript: 3/10. potential for post-canon living-happily-ever-after hayffie but with effie reflecting on her past relationships with capitol men. there's lots of illusions to grooming and the imprint that age-gap relationships leave behind that i think could really work.
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