#you're a bone doctor you know how bones work and what their limitations are and you have functionning eyes
dkettchen · 1 month
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#meme#homemade memes#cw dysphoria#trans#bones are stupid#cw dysphoria venting#waiting out current phase of transition changes to happen#(cause I got my dose raised again in april & am waiting for my next two surgeries & continuing tryna build muscle 😔)#hoping it'll get to a point eventually where the affirming bits are overpowering enough to ppl's perception#that I can dress the bits I can't change (like hips) in things that suit them#and do the whole embracing looking trans thing without worrying abt the misgendering#but alas I won't believe in my body's ability to do that until I see it#seeing as I still get lady-ed & unquestioningly she/her-ed 5 years into HRT + post two highly visible surgeries#+ fully dressed in men's clothes + sporting the shortest hair I've ever had -.-#cis ppl learn what transmascs look like & what that means for words you use on them challenge 2024- difficulty level: impossible apparently#I've had several ppl in the last few months that I literally TOLD I am trans/'it's he/him'/was clocked as trans by#who then STILL proceeded to misgender me anyway???#like what more can I do than literally straight up tell you????#I told a clinician who was looking at my knee the other month that I was trans (cause they always ask abt all meds n diagnoses)#and he misgendered me as a trans woman on his report like-#sir I am 5'4" and have a flat chest baby face and facial hair#and I was telling you abt how I've been on HRT for years and have had several Transgender Surgeries#you're a bone doctor you know how bones work and what their limitations are and you have functionning eyes#you should be able to put 2 and 2 together abt how this works even if you've never met a trans person holy fuck#(I wrote a complaint and they amended the report and sent me an apology meanwhile but still like- buddy wtf)
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schmergo · 1 year
If I could give one piece of life advice to my fellow humans, it would be this highly specific little chestnut: "If you ever sprain your ankle, get medical care."
One of the most common things I've heard from older people than myself is, "Oh yeah, I twisted my ankle in (insert grade of school here) and it's never been the same." Or, "I have a bad ankle. I can't tell you how many times I've sprained it." And one of the most common things I've heard from younger people is some variation on, "Yeah, I think I just twisted my ankle. I think I have some old crutches from high school at my parents' house. I'll just use those for a few days."
I didn't learn this until after I sprained my ankle last year, but 20% of ankle sprains lead to chronic ankle instability, which was grimly defined by my doctor as, "an unending cycle of ankle sprains."
Another thing I didn't fully understand is that "sprain" is an umbrella term for any of those ligament injuries. Yeah, you could simply stretch the ligament-- twist it. Or you could tear it. Or you could completely sever it, and those are all sprains. If you're not a doctor, it's likely hard to tell what degree of sprain you have. The worse the sprain, the higher the chance of it healing weird and becoming unstable. If you are having trouble putting weight on your ankle and it's not feeling better the next day, please get it checked out!
I know medical care is expensive and many of us don't have health insurance, but it might cost you more in the long run if you don't get care for a hurt ankle. Otherwise you might spend a lifetime of having to get MORE ankle injuries checked out, missing work or social opportunities due to ankle injury, having to limit exercise, surgeries later in life, and more.
When I hurt my ankle and foot last year, I assumed the broken foot bone would be the bigger concern, but my treatment plan was almost entirely centered around the ankle ligament tear. My doctor said that was the more serious injury and the more finicky bit to heal. I worry when I hear a friend mention they sprained their ankle and were just treating it at home, 'trying to stay off it as much as I can.' That usually means a few days, but I had to stay completely off mine for 4 weeks, followed by a walking boot, a brace, and months of physical therapy. It was intense!
Ankles are annoying because they support your entire darn body and you don't realize how much you need them until you hurt one. So that is the one nugget of wisdom I hope to leave all of you with!
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frenchkisstheabyss · 10 days
♱ ₮ⱧɆ ⱧɄ₦₲ɆⱤ: Ø₦Ɇ ♱
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♱ Pairings: boyfriend!yungi x chubby!fem!zombie!reader
♱ Genre: horror/angst/fluff/a micro drop of smut
♱ Summary: On your way back home from a party you and your boyfriends get into a terrible accident. While they walk away nearly unscathed, you don't walk away at all. The next day while mourning their loss your reanimated corpse finds its way back home and sparks their journey down a very bloody road that pushes the limits of what exactly they're willing to do for love.
♱ Word Count: 3.5k-ish
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♱ Warnings: you're dead, babes, sorry. Undead technically. Mentions of a car accident, some grieving, light descriptions of your undead body, technically necrophilia, blood play, blood drinking, a lil smidge of cannibalism if you squint, masochism, Yungi are like really obsessively dedicated to you, kissing, and a handjob to top off this totally normal list of warnings.
♱ A/N: If you're reading this I'm assuming you're also a fellow horror lover so, hello my love. I've been working on creating a lot of horror series lately and this is one of them. I'd consider this like the lightest appetizer, the bread before the meal so to speak. An intro before we head into a world of full blown erotic cannibalism, murder, dismemberment, ya know, fun wholesome things that await in further entries. So if this is too icky for you I beg of you stop here. It'll only get worse.
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The rain hasn’t stopped since. It began the moment you died. Sheets of it pouring down from the weeping and endless night sky. Down to the minute, down to the very second that doctors pronounced you dead. And even now, as the morning sun pries itself through a thick fog of gray clouds, it cascades around the quiet little house you called home. One that's been filled with sorrow because you’re lost. The two men inside seated opposite each other at the kitchen table, picking over a thrown together breakfast, have lost you.
And the rain…it hasn’t stopped since. 
But Mingi doesn’t mind. Everyone who needs to know has been informed and his phone has been on silent since. The rain’s an armor of sorts. Knowing no one can make the drive out to bother them in this weather has bought him the time he needs to accept a reality that doesn’t feel quite real yet. 
“You should eat something” Yunho insists, fork tapping at the edge of his ceramic plate, his own food untouched. He knows it’s nothing special, nothing close to the delicious meals they woke to everyday from you, but he poured everything he had into it.
Mingi raises an eyebrow, swirling the fork an inch or so above his plate before shoving the gleaming silver into the space between the cast on his left arm and his inflamed skin. Every human has two bones in their forearm. The ulna and the radius. Mingi walked away from the car accident having fractured both of them. Yunho, the driver, had gotten lucky with only a few cuts and bruises. A flesh wound to the abdomen. And you, well…
“Can you stop that?” Yunho asks, the sound of the metal back of Mingi’s fork scraping against plaster grating his ears. It isn’t his fault, though his heart aches in a thousand places thinking that it is. Mingi doesn’t blame him. He couldn’t have predicted the oncoming truck would swerve the way it did. No, he blames the world but, isolated between these eerily quiet walls, Yunho is all there is to it.
Mingi scratches faster, deriving some relief from the sting that comes along with it. “I’m sorry, is this bothering you?” 
Yunho breathes in and back out. In and back out again. Deep, full breaths meant to calm his boiling rage at that incessant screeching. Mingi doesn’t mean to do this. He’s just hurting. They both are. “Just ignore it” Yunho tells himself “Ignore him. Ignore the burning in the pit of your stomach. Ignore the tears.”
“Stop it before you hurt yourself!” Yunho shouts, snatching the fork from Mingi’s hand.
Blinking, his eyes dart over to his empty chair and back to a shocked Mingi. Yunho isn’t sure how he got over here. He doesn’t even remember getting up. A tear runs down his cheek, the exhaust from an overheated engine, and he swiftly wipes it away.
Mingi hangs his head, ashamed of his immaturity pushing Yunho a little too far. “I’m sorry” he says, sniffing back tears of his own, “But it hurts so much. It’s not fair. It’s not fucking fair. I just want her back”.
Yunho tosses the fork onto the table, taking Mingi into his arms just as he breaks down into tears, “I know, I want her back too. I’d give anything to see her smile or hear her call my name again.”
Tap. Tap. Tap.
A rattling at the front door lighter than a toddler’s, light enough that it’s nearly lost to the rain. “Yunie! Mingi!” a voice calls sweetly, broken and the faintest bit horse but distinctly yours. The blood in their veins runs ice cold, the color draining from their faces. The men look to each other, desperate for confirmation that they haven’t lost their minds. 
“Did you—” Mingi starts, rising from his chair, careful not to make a sound. 
Yunho nods, moving towards the front door, with Mingi close behind. They tiptoe down the hall, floorboards creaking here and there as they pass framed photos of the three of you together. “Open. Please. Cold. So cold” your voice croaks once more, Yunho’s fingers inches from grasping the doorknob.
Mingi slips off to the side, peeking through one of the curtains, and his heart nearly stops from what he sees. “Open the door! It’s her!” he shouts, pushing Yunho aside to unlock the door. 
Yunho slams it shut, unable to wrap his mind around what’s happening, “What do you mean it’s her? It can’t be her!”
“It’s her! I swear! Open the door!” Mingi begs, gripping the doorknob tightly enough that his hand’s begun to redden, “Yunho, please.” 
There has to be an explanation for this. Some shared hallucination fueled by their grief. They’re only hearing things, they must be, but Mingi seems to need this and Yunho can’t bring himself to deny him of it. “Okay” he sighs, backing away from the door, “Do it.”
Mingi wastes no time tearing it open, rain pouring in as you limp across the threshold. The two towering men shrink at the sight of you, terror freezing one where he stands and making the other retreat into a corner.  
Barefoot and soaking wet, you wear the tattered, blood stained dress you were rushed to the hospital in. In death your skin has paled, broken blood vessels giving your lips a light blue hue. Behind you is a trail of muddy footprints, marking your journey up the front stairs to this place you call home.
It’s a blur. Your death and your return. It’s all a series of broken memories, fragmented pieces of film that make you dizzy each time you attempt to piece them together. You can only recall a party filled with dancing and laughter. Headlights brighter than the sun. Screaming. A dark place. A coldness eating at your bones. Then, like magic, you were here, dragging yourself up to the front door with blistered feet and an unnerving stillness in your chest.
Turning to meet the faces of the men you love, faces that haven’t once failed to light up in your presence, you’re puzzled by their fear. Noticing Mingi’s injured arm, you run your fingers down his cast. 
“Mingi hurt?” you grunt softly. 
His eyes blur with tears and he blinks them away, quickly conjuring up a lie to soothe your worries. “Only a little. I was working on something out back and, well, you know how clumsy I can be, but it’s nothing” he says, smiling through the tears.
You return the comforting gesture with a smile of your own, placing a frozen palm against the warm wetness of his cheek. “Liar. Mingi hurt. And…sad?” 
“No, baby, not sad. I’m just happy to see you. We’re happy to see you, aren’t we?” Mingi looks to Yunho, confident that he feels the same way, but finds instead that he’s alone in his joy. 
Backed so far into a corner that he might as well be a part of the wood paneling, this is nothing short of a nightmare for him. This is unnatural. Far beyond anything that should be possible. You, the real you, is lying on a slab in a morgue somewhere. Whatever’s standing before him is something he can’t bring himself to trust. 
“Yunie hurt too?” you ask, turning your attention to the bruising around his jaw. You hobble over to him, nearly touching his hand before he snatches it away. 
“Don’t touch me.” 
His rejection is so alien to you that you don’t even process it as such, reaching out for him again. “Yun—”
Your fingers skim his, making his skin crawl. “Don’t touch me!” he yells, slinking clear of your grasp. “I don’t know what you are but you’re not her. She is dead. You are dead.”
“Me? Dead?” The word sends more memories racing through your head. The taste of wine. Your favorite. Mingi’s arms around your waist. A high pitched ringing in your ear. The beeping of machines. The visions drown you in an overwhelming sense of sadness that makes you want to crumble into pieces. 
“No! Don’t listen to him!” Mingi says, filling the space between you and Yunho,“You’re not dead, baby. You’re here with us and it’s a gift.” Ignoring the nagging pain of his injury, Mingi lifts you up into his arms, cradling you like a baby as he carries you up the stairs. 
“Now how about we get you cleaned up?”
“Take bath? Bubbles?”
Mingi laughs, smitten with you even in your undead form, “If that’s what you want, of course.” 
Yunho slides down to the floor, growing catatonic as he zones out to the sounds that come from above. The running of bathwater, his best friend’s laughter, and the broken words of some kind of monster. This has to be a nightmare. All he needs to do is wait it out until he wakes up. 
“Wake up” he whispers like Dorothy clicking her heels together three times to escape the land of Oz, “Wake up. Wake up…”
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Two showers, one long bath, and a few hours cuddled under the blankets with Mingi. That’s all it takes for you to begin to look more like yourself. You’re far from what you used to be, signs of your time as a lifeless corpse still showing through, but you’re coming back to yourself and, however long that takes, Mingi’s more than willing to wait it out.
While you’ve refused to eat, despite the grumbling of your empty stomach, he’s managed to keep you happy with movies and games which now litter the bed and the area around it. Much to Mingi’s dismay, beating him at everything is something you picked up on quickly. You’ve only been back to life for a few hours and already you’re kicking his ass again.
“Play again?” you ask, excitedly spreading your winning Uno hand out on the blanket. 
Mingi yawns, the sleep he lost last night beginning to catch up with him, but he shuffles the deck for a new game anyway. He knows he can’t keep this up much longer. His lids are growing heavy and his focus is waning but he can’t, for any reason, allow himself to drift off to sleep. While Yunho may be somewhere in this house terrified by the possibility that this isn’t just a dream, Mingi’s been haunted by the very real possibility that it might be. What if he closes his eyes and you’re gone again? That’d mean losing you twice and his heart can’t survive breaking for you a second time.
As Mingi deals the cards, you glance around your bedroom with fresh excitement. Every new color or scent brings your dulled senses back to you if only briefly. And every item has a memory attached to it. Some vague, some incredibly vivid, but all serve as a suitable feast for a brain hungry to recover what once was. Just as your focus hones in on a pair of fluffy puppy shaped slippers by the door, you catch a tall figure looming in the doorway. 
Halfway obscured by the wall, Yunho watches you the way a scientist would its test subject. Simply observing, waiting for you to do something that proves you’re an imposter. But you only smile at him the way you always have, making him feel strangely welcomed to enter the room.
Coming up here was far from his intention. The rain had let up almost immediately after your arrival and he’d picked up the car keys a half dozen times to leave. Once he got as far as the end of the driveway before he turned back, making it further up the steps each time until finally gaining the courage to face you.
And it is you. Despite the words he spat in fear and anger, he felt your energy all around him when he first heard your voice and that feeling’s grown in intensity every minute since. 
“Are you playing or are you just gonna watch like a pervert?” Mingi teases. 
Yunho steps from behind the wall, arms folded across his chest, “If I recall correctly you’re the one who likes to watch” he shoots back, cautiously entering the bedroom. 
“Ha” you snort, sorting through your hand, “Like with sex and stuff.” 
“Oh, I see you’ve been helping her get her language skills back. Starting with the important words first, huh?”
“Playing or watching? You pick. Quickly” you insist, patting Yunho on the arm, his prior reaction momentarily slipping your mind.
He winces a little, jogging your memory, and you go to pull away but he stops you, taking your hand into his. It’s like holding hands with a block of ice, making sense of the baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants you’re curled up in. What you said on the other side of the door had been true. Cold. So cold. 
Yunho’s thumb traces the blue collapsed veins down the back of your hand, brushing past your knuckles to an empty space on your ring finger. There used to be two gorgeous silver rings there, part of a set of six that he and Mingi had made for all of you. 
“Mingi says we’ll get back, won’t be a problem. Right, Mingi?” Your question’s met with the sound of snoring, a few seconds without stimulation being just what Mingi needed to drift off to sleep. You crawl up the bed to lay down beside him, poking at his cheek. “Mingiiii” you sing, softly flicking at his plush bottom lip. 
Yunho slips in on the other side of you, pulling your fingers away from Mingi’s face. “Maybe we don’t do that” he laughs, “We should let him rest. I think he’s tired.”
“Mingi’s tired and what about you?” you ask, rolling over to face him. The color of your eyes are marbled between the paleness of death and their natural shade. It’s bizarre but beautiful in a way that mesmerizes him. 
“Tell me, have you eat and sleep?” You pet his hair, watching it twirl around your fingertips in bouncy brown wisps. Being touched by you, it’s something he thought he’d never feel again, and the joy of it makes him want to cry almost as much as the fear did. 
“It’s ‘eaten and slept’ but no, I haven’t. I couldn’t” he says, “I’d ask you but…”
Your stomach grumbles, announcing its hunger. You hadn’t eaten before the accident. The party you were headed home from had been overflowing with alcohol but food, at least any you were interested in, was in short supply. 
“I can cook for you. We haven’t been shopping but I’m sure I can whip up something.” 
You shake your head, having already gone through this with Mingi, “Nothing really tastes good but the smells help.”
“The smells? What smells?”
“Mmm” you hum, sniffing the side of Yunho’s neck, “You and him. Your smell makes me warm inside.”
Nuzzling your nose against his neck, you inhale the scent beneath his cologne. The natural oils of his body are more fragrant than anything that comes in a bottle. You rest a hand on his heart, feeling it pound as your lips meet his heated skin like ice against fire.
Yunho can’t help but feel guilty about the way his body responds to you. He can’t manage to fight the instinct to bring you closer, massaging the fullness of your curves through the thick cotton of your clothing. You part your lips, dragging your tongue along veins that rush with hot, fresh blood. As they pulse below the surface of his skin, yours begin to pulse as well, matching the rhythm. 
“I…I’m not sure we should be doing this” Yunho stutters, his hands betraying his words to move under your sweatshirt and reacquaint themselves with the rise of your hips and the hills of your breasts. His lust for you only makes the blood pump through his body faster, worsening your hunger. 
“But I need you to keep me warm inside. Please don’t let me be cold again” you beg, sinking your teeth into his neck. Blood drips from his wounds, coating your tongue, pooling in the bottom of your mouth. It’s the taste of life, draining his to restore yours, and you’re ravenous for it.
Yunho screams out in pain, sacrificing a few shreds of flesh to tear himself free of you. “You bit me! Why would you do that?” he cries, stumbling to his feet, his sleeve pressed to his neck to control the bleeding.
On your hands and knees, you move to the edge of the bed like a lioness prowling for her next meal. Your eyes swell with tears at the pain you’ve inflicted but your mouth salivates at the delectable taste of his blood. The ecstacy of it sliding down your throat makes you feel more alive than you did when you actually were. 
“I’m sorry, Yunho. I didn’t mean to hurt you, really. I think I’m just, mmm, hungrier than I thought” you pout, speaking with perfect clarity for the first time.
“Hungrier? Are you…you’re trying to eat me?”
“Eat you? Of course not. I would never. I only needed a nibble to make me better.” You raise your shirt, stroking your exposed skin as it grows plumper and warmer to the touch. “Come feel me. Touch me.” 
Your voice is like a spell, drawing Yunho back in. Your body sings out to him, whispering how badly it longs for him. He wants you, though he shouldn’t. The searing pain in his neck dulls at the realization. It gets him off seeing that you need him this desperately. Not only for pleasure but to survive. 
Approaching the bed again, Yunho lowers his blood stained sleeve from his neck and caresses your body. The red liquid coating his fingers sticks to you like candy, leaving a trail of red along your belly. You lean into him, sliding a hand up his thigh to palm the growing bulge in his jeans. He lets out a satisfied moan, lightly tugging at your hair so that your head’s tilted back, sparkling eyes gazing up at him. 
“What are you?” he whispers with whatever speck of sanity he has remaining.
His bloody fingers find your mouth and you lazily lick them clean, savoring the taste. All the while your own hand’s undoing his zipper to stroke his length, your thumb circling the moist tip of his cock.
“What am I?” you giggle, “I’m yours, aren’t I?”
Releasing his middle finger from the suction of your soft lips, you push his sweater up to kiss your way across his lower stomach. Every kiss has his cock twitching in your grasp as his fingers tangle deeper into your hair, keeping you in place.
And then you find it. The perfect spot. You aren’t sure how you know but you just do. You suckle at his skin, letting your teeth gently pierce the surface until your tongue’s reintroduced to the taste of his blood. Yunho grits his teeth through pain that only makes the adrenaline rush that follows all the more pleasurable. 
“I’m still yours, aren’t I, Yunie?” you ask, his flesh still filling the space between your teeth.
Yunho pulls your head back and leans down to kiss you, the feeling of your lips against his worth the faint metallic taste that comes along with it.
“Of course you are, baby” he whispers, “You’ll always be mine and I’ll never let anything hurt you again. I promise.”
You lay back on the bed, pulling him on top of you, and wrap your legs around his waist. Yunho tears at your clothes, kissing you ravenously as if he’s the one with the undead hunger that must be fed. He’s ready to rip them off of you and take you right here with no regard at all for the best friend sleeping an inch away from you. But a loud banging at the downstairs door snaps him out of it, stirring Mingi from his sleep in the process. 
Mingi jolts upright in bed, on the verge of a heart attack, “Huh? What? What’s happening?” He glances over just in time to catch Yunho climbing off of you to zip his pants back up, the blood from your second bite already showing through his clothes.
You reach back to rub Mingi's leg, your view of him inverted, “Mingi, be calm.”
“Be calm?” he shouts, jumping to inspect the blood on your face, “Answer me now. What happened?”
The banging on the front door gets louder and Yunho throws a “Ssh” at Mingi, sneaking to the window to get a peek at the unexpected visitors. 
“Don’t shush me! Why’s there blood and why were you…” 
Yunho turns around slowly, eyes wide and hands trembling, “Mingi, shut up.”
“No, not until one of you tells me what’s going on and who the hell is that?” 
The banging continues, shaking the door so hard the hinges creak. Yunho sits back down on the bed, his brain firing off in a hundred directions at once. He wishes the knocking at the door were another minion of the undead—some corpse you accidentally drug back with you from the trenches of the morgue—but what awaits him this time, what awaits all of you, is something far worse. 
“It’s the fucking cops.”
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bellezaycafe · 6 months
Get Your Shit Together - Chapter 4
genre: 2024 Season AU
pairing: there will be romance but I haven't finalised who yet. platonic! oc x literally the whole grid.
warnings: lots swearing, major car accident, mentions of broken bones, blood and hospitals. A lot of shit happens. Limited knowledge of Silverstone or how the structure of their emergency response on track works.
context: Sadie, a 20 year old university student from Melbourne, decided to take a gap year and volunteer at 2 Formula One races in different countries.
Sadie's Faceclaim: Maia Mitchell (but you can visualise her howver you want :) )
comments: ...prepare for pain. I'm not sorry. I did speak to a doctor friend, and Sadie continuing with her injuries is plausible.
Part 1 | Masterlist
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“Fuck me, it’s a bit cold,” Sadie complained to the middle-aged paramedic beside her.
“Is it too cold for the Australian kid?” Mark laughed.
Sadie turned to him, looked up and frowned. “Not a kid, fuck you.”
Mark laughed again and tried to pat her on the head, which Sadie swatted away.
“Let’s just hope today’s race is dry,” he said after a moment.
Sadie nodded, stray wisps of her dark brown hair loosely flying around her face in the breeze.
Silverstone, in June, was the same temperature as Sadie’s home town in September, just leaving winter into spring.
“This is not summer weather,” she whined.
“You volunteered, kid,” Joe reminded her.
“I know, I know.”
“Where have they placed you?”
“Medics at turn 13. That’s Stowe, right?”
“Yeah. It can be a dangerous one. But you’re with my older brother Keith, so you’ll be fine.”
"How is it in the wet?"
"Worse, but the drivers are in safe hands."
Sadie paced as she watched 18 -Pierre Gasly and Oscar Piastri had sent each other out early in the race- of the best drivers in the world speed past.
“Sadie,” Keith called, “you should sit down.”
“I’m more anxious when I sit,” she replied without taking her eyes off the track. The track that was getting wetter and wetter as the minutes past.
"Mark said to let you pace and I will, but nothing is going to happen," the grey-haired man reassured.
Sadie sent him a kind smile but didn't reply out loud.
It was a good thing she didn’t. They might have missed it.
Two Red Bulls, the McLaren and a Mercedes flew into view. The McLaren, Lando's McLaren, clipped the back wheel of Lewis Hamilton's Mercedes, sending a shower of debris into the misting rain.
Lando's car spun, twice and then slammed into the wall side on. Lewis spun once but managed to pull his car to a spot in the gravel before it could collide with anything.
Sadie was out the door, pulling on her mandatory helmut and grabbing a first aid kit before Keith was out of his chair.
"Go to the McLaren!" Keith shouted to her as he followed with another kit. "I'll take the Merc!"
She didn't acknowledge his order but followed it without hesitation. She jumped the barrier, her gaze locked on the fluro yellow helmet. The helmet that was barely moving.
"Lando," she shouted as she reached the car. "Are you okay?"
"No!" His voice came as a strangled croak, barely loud enough for her to hear him.
She dropped the first aid kit and grabbed the steering wheel he was holding out.
"You will be, we're here." She stated. "Can you get out?"
Sadie didn't breathe as Lando cried out. "My foot!" he wailed. "My ankle!"
"Okay, take a deep breath, Lando. Push yourself up with you arms. You're strong, mate. Push."
She didn't know what she was saying. She was running on instinct and adrenaline. Purely, instinct and adrenaline.
Get them off the track, Mark's voice rang in her head. Get them somewhere safe.
Lando hoisted himself onto the halo and Sadie saw his ankle bent at an unnatural angle. She couldn't let it show on her face.
"Alright, Lando swing to me. Swing around."
He did so, wobbling dangerously.
"Drop onto your right foot, I'm here."
Cars sped past, the flag only yellow.
Lando didn't drop onto his feet, he fell from the car and into Sadie. She was lucky she had braced herself as she caught him.
He screamed in pain as his ankle hit the ground.
"Lando, my name is Sadie. I've got you now, do not put your right foot on the ground. I'm gonna get you to the medical tent."
"Sadie? Melbourne Sadie?" He whimpered. He couldn't stop making small sounds of pain.
She opened his visor, met his watercolour eyes. She knew her helmet had no visor, knew he could see her eyes.
"Yes, Lando, it's Melbourne Sadie. I've got you now, we've got to get you off the track."
She hauled his left arm over her shoulders and wrapped an arm around his waist. "Walk with me Lando. That's it, with your right foot. Good. You're gonna be okay, mate. It's just a scratch."
Sadie still hadn't registered what she was saying, or the fact that Lando was leaning almost all of his weight on her.
Her head snapped up at the sound of approaching cars. With hands firmly on his waist, Sadie slipped out from under his left arm and placed herself under his right.
She put herself between him and the oncoming cars. She didn't know what might happen, hadn't thought about it. She hadn't thought at all.
It was Perez's Red Bull that struck the McLaren or Mercedes debris. More debris flew through the rain, some thing off all three cars. Sadie pulled Lando tighter into her and shielded him as she continued to pull him towards the closest exit.
Pain tore though Sadie's adrenaline. Her right side, both arm and leg. She stumbled, barely, but right herself and Lando cried out in pain again.
She knew two things, do not stop and do not let the pain stop you.
"I've got you Lando, you're going great. Keep going!"
"Sadie," he whimpered. "Fuck. My ankle, Sadie, my car."
"I know, Lando, I know. You're going to be okay. Your car will be fine, you will be okay."
"Fuck," he whimpered again.
"Keep going, pretty boy. Don't put that left foot on the ground. You're gonna be okay, pretty boy."
More hands joined hers and pulled Lando over the barrier. She didn't register who it was, only that he was on the other side and being treated. She heard a lot of swearing, she heard someone call her name.
She looked up to see Lando staring at her leg. He was laying down, on an ambulance stretcher.
"Sadie," he croaked, his eyes rising to hers.
She didn't look down, a part of her knew she didn't want to know. Sadie kept his eye contact as she tried to stand upright. "I'm okay, Lando. I'm okay." She reassured.
Some one stepped into her line of sight and she lost view of his face. They hauled him into the waiting ambulance.
"Fuck, kid." She recognised that voice.
She turned, limped around to face Mark.
"Mark, Lando he's -" He recognised her voice, just as she had his. She was still wearing the medic's helmet.
"Sadie, your leg. You've-" He stepped forwards and pulled a chair with him.
"I don't know," she whispered. She couldn't be louder, she tried to say it louder but it was the same whispered, "I don't know. I haven't looked."
The paramedic rushed to her, placing the chair beneath her as her right leg gave out.
"Don't look," he muttered. "You're gonna be okay, but you can't look."
Someone handed him gauze and bandages. Another handed him saline and scissors.
Lewis stepped into Sadie's quickly narrowing line of sight.
"Oh my god," he exclaimed.
When Sadie saw him, she remembered what she'd done. She thought about what she'd done.
The crash. Catching Lando. Essentially dragging him off the track. Putting herself between him and the cars. Her leg. She didn't know the damage but her leg was on fire.
"Sir," she breathed. "Lewis, my helmet, please."
"Oh my god, kid. They're gonna look after you, okay?" He dropped to his knees next to her, leaving his own helmet in the dust.
"I know," she croaked as he undid the straps at her chin. "It's not that. The media- Lewis, hide me from the media. Please."
That's when Lewis recognised Sadie. Her brown hair was plastered to her pale face. Her brown eyes were wide with fear.
"Oh shit. Okay kid, yeah. They'll never know your name, they'll never see your face. I swear it, kid. I promise."
Someone handed her a green piece of plastic. The green whistle. Pain relief, and a very strong one.
He last words before the high kicked in were, "Lewis, please. No reports, no one can know it was me."
Needless to say, the rest of the day was a blur. She barely remembered the ambulance ride, getting the piece of Formula One car embedded in her thigh taken out or the stitches in her arm and leg.
It was all over the news.
Medic gets stabbed with shrapnel while helping driver Lando Norris.
Norris out of SIlverstone GP: The Medic Who Saved Him.
Two in hospital after dangerous crash at Silverstone.
But Sadie's name was never written. Every reporter was baffled at the disappearance of her identity.
Lewis had gone to Max that evening, before the winner had the chance to go out.
"It was the Melbourne volunteer," he'd told him in his hotel room. "The medic in hospital, it was Sadie."
Max's face snapped towards Lewis. He'd been making Lewis a coffee, but it was abandoned.
"What happened? Is she okay?"
Lewis shrugged, shadows passing over his face. "I don't know, man. I- Her leg was bad."
"Fuck," Max muttered. "How did it happen?"
Lewis rubbed his face with his hands. "I don't know that either. I didn't see it. It's what happens now that I want to talk about. I need your help."
Max froze. Lewis knew why, he'd never asked Max for help before. They were friendly, finally, but they weren't close.
"She begged me, Max, begged me, to keep her name out of the media. So far, so good but I need your influence in the paddock. You still have the unpredictable 'Mad Max' reputation to some people. I need you to use it."
He nodded and there was an understanding between the champions. Sadie had protected their friend, maybe saved his career if some of the initial reports were true, and it was their turn to protect her.
"I don't why she was so desperate. She was begging me. She had a piece of fucking metal sticking out of her goddamn leg and she was begging me to hide her from the media."
"it doesn't matter," Max stated. His eyes were dark as he search his contacts for a name. "It doesn't get out. Her name appears no where."
They would protect her.
I'm not sorry. I hope you enjoyed! Feedback in welcome :)
Taglist (never thought I'd write one of these, I'm very happy to):
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happyk44 · 9 months
hermes is on vacation so nico gets some mortal substitute familiar with demigods and the greek pantheon as his doctor and when he calls him up for a visit, dude's like "well hermes didn't really tell me what was up with you because. you know. doctor/patient confidentiality. but he did tell me that if my gut instinct is "you're too young to have that" i should remember that you are apparently over a hundred years old, and if i don't believe that, i should remember he looks like a 25 year old twink but is old enough that he can describe my great grandfather's penis to me in detail. so! what's up with you"
and nico just pulls out this binder from his backpack, slaps it onto the desk and opens it up. the first page is a print out from a powerpoint presentation, the title reading "What Is Wrong With Nico", a subtitle of "aka the old man bones are old man boning", with a smaller subtitle several spaces below reading "current as of: right the fuck now"
the next page is four tables under the title "Ways He Is Broken". the tables depict:
his current diagnosis and the date of diagnosis
his current medications, the amount, and to what problem they correspond
things he's already been tested for that didn't pan out and why he was tested for them
previous medications he was on, the amount and why he was taking them (also includes current meds where the amount was changed)
the next page is titled "How The Fuck Is He Not Dead" and then a bullet pointed list summarizing all his traumas and other minor shit he's been through that has been attached as the cause(s) behind his issues, so like sandwiched between "nearly suffocated to death while trapped in a jar" and "had to shadowtravel across the atlantic ocean with a giant statue and two other people (prior limit was myself going from new york to illinois)" there's a point stating "fell over on the crows nest of a flying boat and dislocated my wrist". next to each bullet point there are coloured dots going to the left. some bullet points only have one, some have two - they are all colour coded to correspond to the ailment(s) in which they apply.
the next page is called "What Is He Up To These Days" and it's just a long list detailing all his diagnosed symptoms - again little circles beside each point to colour code to the corresponding ailment. the column next to it is labelled "new symptoms" and consists of three bullet points: getting dizzy when i stand up, started two months ago once a week, now every time i stand; migraines are back, made me cry in the shower last night, need new meds probably; and, got hit in the rib by a hydra's tail last month, reset my rib myself and eating ambrosia squares, but still hurts really bad, don't think it's healing right
the next page is "What Could Kill Him So Don't Use It*" and it's just a few columns labelled "pet allergies" "food allergies" "drug allergies" "magic allergies" "other allergies" and the only one that has something included is food allergies and it's just the bullet point "garlic intolerant but he's fucking italian so he doesn't care". in the footnotes at the bottom of that page is the asterix relating back to the title saying "Don't fucking give him cigarettes. he is an idiot and he will ask but they do not work and they never worked and he refuses to listen to me when i tell him this. DO NOT LET HIM HAVE CIGARETTES"
it is very clear this page was filled out by Hermes himself
his interim mortal doctor reads carefully each page, glancing once at nico when he gets to Hermes' footnote, before closing the binder. "you're how old?"
"technically 17, chronologically one hundred and something, i dunno i can't do math and i don't remember what my dad put on my cake this year"
"Right. okay." the mortal doctor presses his hands together and to his lips watching nico carefully then lowering his hands to smooth across the desk "have you ever thought about maybe just sitting on a couch and never leaving your house again"
"yeah, i tried that but i get restless, and also i like helping people if they need it and they ask. hermes tells me i should be more selfish then locks me to a chair, but he's also the one who taught me how to pick locks so i can get out pretty easily. honestly don't know why he keeps trying. even if i didn't know how to pick the lock, i'm pretty good at dislocating my joints on purpose too so i can always just get out that way."
the increasingly stressed out doctor just hums quietly. then, "okay! first i'm going to check your rib, and then we're gonna talk about you getting a 24 hour caregiver because you clearly do not understand limits and need someone who does"
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lucianalight · 7 months
Hi! I'm back :) after another long hiatus😅 I have missed all of you❤️
First of all a huge thank you to everyone who were worried and asked about my health and how I was doing. I wasn't doing well tbh. I'm one of those people who had the misfortune of never quite recovering from covid. I already had one chronic illness that was messing up my life and health. Having another on top of that takes a lot of physical, emotional and mental toll and limits my energy greatly. So I needed time to get used to my new reality and condition and learn to how manage it and live with it. It's still a work in progress and doctor appointments are seeming endless but at least some meds are helping. So there's that.
You probably already know the second reason why I wasn't doing well. I've seen terrible things…And you need time to process them. To grieve, to deal with trauma and survivor's guilt, and nurture your anger and keep fighting, keep resisting…
And well, internet connection still sucks so using social media is kind of an ordeal :D
There were a lot of times that I wanted to come back on tumblr but every time some issue would come up and take my motivation and energy. Then two weeks ago, after I couldn't crush the little ray of hope that maybe this time I'm going to see sth I like, I started watching season 2 of Loki. I watched it while promising myself that I'm not going to care anymore if it's bad, reminding myself that I might see sth as bad as season 1. Still I was surprised that I didn't hate it. On the contrary there were moments that were entertaining and even enjoyable. And those moments were more than the ones I dislike. It was better than season 1 and admittedly that's a low bar since I consider S1 one of the worst tv shows I've ever seen, but there were noticeable changes in pace and tone of the narrative and characterization in S2. Some issues in S1 was addressed. Loki was actually the main character of his series and got to do badass magic stuff :D The characters were flesh out and three dimensional and likable(I love OB so much :D). There was no romance. The ending was great.
There were of course things I didn't like. Removing Loki's backstory and his issues with his family from the story is one of them. How some of his moments in past was addressed. The episodes at times got boring or very predictable. There were times that Loki was ooc or comedic moments that weren't delivered well.
It wasn't perfect but at least acceptable. And probably the best Loki content we got since TDW. And I liked the ending a lot. I found myself keep going back to rewatch some scenes. I found myself analyzing the content happily. I had things to say. So here I am :D basically I'm 100% back to my Loki bs and I'm making it everyone's problem :P
Whether you loved the series or hated it, you're welcome on my blog and you're welcome to send me your opinions and engage with me in discussions and metas. I will tag posts accordingly in case you want to avoid certain content(tbh I still don't know what the new tags will be because I haven't written anything yet but I will make a post when I do).
There will be posts of some new fandoms so block their tags if you don't want to see those posts. The new fandoms are Sandman tv show(I haven't finished the comics so plz don't spoil them for me), Wednesday, My Hero Academia, Shadow and Bone, and The Bifrost Incident.
As I mentioned above I'm dealing with multiple chronic illnesses and have a limited energy each day. I will try to answer your messages, comments and asks as soon as I can but it might take a long time. Sry about that.
And finally a warm welcome to all the new followers and thanks to everyone who are still following me❤️
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j0kers-light · 11 months
I have a oneshot request/idea (only if you want to and think it’s a good idea). The the oneshot idea is that Y/n is bored and hesitantly asks joker what life is like in Arkham asylum, what it’s like being on the run, what’s it like to come face to face with Batman. And how he came across her book. Joker eyes her first and make her nervous but answers anyway.
Then she tries to ask about his personal life, before he became who he is but joker shuts it down immediately.
While she thinks this information could be good in her new project but joker doesn’t know that. Kinda like a small dedication/remembrance after he leaves in the future.
His Lighthouse: Probing Questions (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Probing Questions - Oneshot
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Author’s note:  
Hey hi anon!! 🖤✨
I read this email last night and immediately stopped working on the chapter update to fill this request! I know know, counterproductive BUT! I couldn't help myself!!
Naturally I didn't add any spoilers- meaning I didn't fill the request fully in the way you asked. (I already have the dedication page scene written out for J beloved 😝) I edited this while waiting in my doctor's office so if there's any errors, I'm blaming them. 👀
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher
Wanna be included in the His Lighthouse journey? Join the taglist!
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It always rained in Gotham City but tonight it was a terrifying downpour. Thunder shook the Earth and lightning filled the night sky.
Lower parts of Gotham City had active flash flood warnings and your neighborhood in Old Gotham was put on a power outage alert for the next few hours.
The apartment building's backup generators kicked on forty minutes ago with limited power on the top levels. Your penthouse was a dark eerie place and looked near haunted with the vaulted ceilings and windows casting gnarly shapes of the gloomy mess from outside.
It was as if Solomon Grundy's fateful night was happening all over again. The weather outside was that horrid.
Joker wasn't bothered by it and prepared himself for bed but you insisted he join you in the living room under your blanket fort. You couldn't sleep in these conditions and got carried away with the assembly.
He eyed the monstrosity that took up a good portion of the room and approached the 'door.'
He couldn't knock on a sheet but he saw your shadow on the other side and decided to play along.
"Knock knock. May I uh.. come... in?" He shook the bag of food in his hands. "I brought snacksssss."
You peeled back the polka dot sheet for J to enter, smiling wide. He had to bend at the waist to crawl inside but he quickly grew comfortable amongst the nest of pillows and blankets you created. It took you an hour and a half to build the fort and he had to admit, not bad at all. You even strung up some fairy lights that gave the fort a soft cozy vibe that he liked.
You smiled in thanks as Joker passed your favorite snack to you.
"So, you used to errr make blanket forts when the uhh power wentT out as a kid? You're such a dork, Bunny." He teased.
You fixed the 'door' closed before scrambling back inside to nuzzle into Joker's lap. "I don't see you complaining. In fact, someone made themselves right at home."
Alright, you had him there.
This fort of yours was well insulated since the central heat was off and he looked every bit a crowned prince reclined on the ottoman you dragged into the intimate area. You were gonna tease him further when the power went out completely; plunging the entire apartment into darkness.
You squeezed J tight and tried to calm your beating heart when a roll of thunder rattled your bones.
"Awww, my Light is scared of the dark."
You glanced up into Joker's eyes. They were the only source of light left. It was unnatural how they glowed but for once you didn't question it.
So what if you were a little spooked, everyone is scared of something right? "Y-You're not scared?"
Joker scoffed and automatically pulled you closer when another clap of lightning streaked across the sky. His instincts were screaming at him to protect you.
"Nah. What's a uhhh, guy.. like me to be scared of, hmm?"
Good point. But still. Everyone had their fears. Joker was no exception.
You rested your head on Joker's chest to let the soothing sound of his heartbeat calm yours. He was The Joker. People feared him and he survived the toughest prisons and mental institutions the world had to offer. What was a little thunder and lightning to him?
You hated how quiet it was. Surely Joker wouldn't mind talking to pass the time? The severe thunderstorm warning was expected to end around midnight..
"J-J... um. What was Arkham Asylum like?" You knew you hit a nerve when he flickered his gaze down at you and stared for the longest.
He didn't blink and you were unable to look away from the venomous green bewitching your soul. His silence was making you nervous.
You felt J's arms tense around you and knew he wasn't going to answer. Joker was a naturally guarded person and here you were asking personal questions, expecting him to share.
His laughter scared you witless. "Mmmm, my little bunny is very curious tonight. Whaddya want to knooooow?"
You bit your lip. What did you want to know? You weren't expecting an answer but since Joker was open to do so, you would use this opportunity to get some intel out of Joker for your current wip.
It was rare that Joker talked about himself so you would take this little miracle and run with it.
"Like... everyone knows about the asylum but w-what's it like as a patient? How were you treated?" You asked.
Joker exhaled and unknowingly drummed his fingers on your back. It was the same beat to a song you sang yesterday during lunch. And he said he didn't like it. Liar.
How could he answer without giving away too much information? He couldn't think of one.
So he told the truth.
"It's like hell, Bunny. You know it exists— ya don't wanna go, but once you get there... you do everything you can to survive until.." Another loud boom outside made his story ever more haunting, "...you just can't take iT anymore and escape."
Joker held you close, gently rocking you to comfort not just you, but also himself. He didn't know what came over him to talk about his past experiences; the words just tumbled out of his mouth.
"They treated us lower than dirt. You are the scum of society and these walls separate you from the good, upstanding citizens of Gotham, blah blah blah. Garbage is all it is. They drilled that spiel into our brains as they shocked the rest with electricity."
"W-What?" You paled.
"Mhm. Shock therapy Bunny. I got ahh used to it after the first weekly rounds but sometimes.. I-I can feel it. Lit-le tingles every now and then as if they're poking around for somethin' they'll never understand. Y/n, you're shivering. Hmm, should I stoP?"
Of course you were shivering, his account was inhumane! You couldn't imagine the pain Joker went through on a daily basis for years to talk about it so casually. 
No wonder he always escaped...
You didn't realize you said that last sentence out loud until J chuckled. He kissed the crown of your head and hummed. "Yep. That's why."
You twisted in Joker's arms so you sat sideways in his lap. This way you could look up into his neon green orbs and still be held.
"That's awful! So, what's it like being on the run and coming face to face with Batman?" Joker growled and smacked your thigh in anger.
You forgot he didn't like you saying his name in the apartment. Such a jealous man you love. He didn't have to be so heavy handed though.
"Bats and I have a errr, love/hate relationship doll. I love proving his opinion about the world wrong and he hates me in general. It's always... fun running into my bestie. It's addicting since we both know Bat is obsesssssed with me and, heh.. the feeling is mutual. Oh don't pout, baby doll. I only have the hots for you. C'mere."
Joker suddenly attacked you with kisses.
You were caught off guard and screamed as Joker tickled your sides in hopes of distracting you from your inquiry. He didn't mind answering your questions but he knew with your inquisitive mind, there would be no end to them once you began.
J didn't let up his assault and you landed on your back with him kissing and biting down your neck. You knew where this was going, however you had more questions to ask!
"Ah! I-I'm still curious how I have a r-role in all of this.. You seemed to tolerate me from the start, as if you already, ah yess.. l-liked me or something. How did you become a f-fan of my work again, J?"
You really couldn't talk straight when he kissed your body like that.
Just then a flash of lightning struck, illuminating Joker straddling you from above.
His hair was a bird's nest (courtesy of your hands tugging it) and that gorgeous face you grew to love was shining down at you with a level of love that had accumulated much longer than the four months you knew Joker.
You always had the feeling Joker loved you much longer than what he led you on to believe but without proper evidence, what could you do?
Perhaps today you would get some more insight.
J flashed one of his canines at you. God, his handsome smile was to die for. "You had me hooked with Welding the Sun my dear Light. I uhhh, killed someone searchin' for a copy.."
You pushed at his shoulders. "You did WHAT? J, are you serious?"
"I'm always serious bunny. That... That poem of yours... it.. messed.. me uP. I was soo lost back then, it was a uhh sparK that got me thinking differently about my life. It.. your words touched me. What kind of creature in this broken cruel world penned this powerful message? I had to know."
"So! I did a lit-le digging and found you. Perfect, beautiful, sweet little you and I couldn't. Get. Enough! I read every wo~rd ya printed. Watched every interview, consumed every last biT of media with your name attached to it. If it was related to you, I knew about it. You filled a void in me that was empty for soo long.. Imagine my surprise when I bumped into ya in Chinatown all those months ago. A uhh dream come true for mee."
Okay.... so what if Joker fell into the creepy fan category? You reciprocated his feelings so no harm no foul. It was kinda hot being desired with such an intensity.
But what did he mean by lost? Did he mean back when he was still.. normal? Did.. did you inspire J to become The Joker? Your thoughts were a plenty, trying to create a rough timeline of events here.
When did you finish your poetry project in school? When was the first spotting of The Joker recorded?
PAUSE. Was there an age gap between you and Joker?!
This conversation opened up too many doors for you to address at once. For now, you dialed it back and set about prioritizing the most important thing.
You reached a hand up to caress Joker's cheek.
It was soft to the touch thanks to all of the skin products you had him using at night. A shame it would never heal his scars but you loved them and the man they marred. It was another mysterious piece to the puzzle of who Joker was.
Would you ever truly know Joker? You wanted to try.
"I won't even ask how you heard about my poetry project. My part wasn't even published." J kissed your palm and scoffed.
His stare carried the message, I have my ways, and you didn't want to know the details.
"I'd love to read it if ya have the uhh original manuscript."
You rolled your eyes and moved yourself to sit in front of Joker. He was dodging the trauma being shared by changing the subject.
Joker watched as you began to fiddle with his hands in your lap.
They were so large and calloused compared to your dainty, smaller ones. One pair murdered and destroyed whereas the other created and inspired, yet they both found themselves in the other's company.
Such a small, interesting world indeed.
"I do. It's in a composition book in storage. J.. can I ask you another question?"
"Ya just did." You ignored his joke and inhaled a shaky breath.
Something told you he wouldn't like this next question but you knew your intended audience.
Welding the Sun wasn't a light and carefree read. You penned it when you were upset and confused with the world.
"You said my poem touched you.. back then. That was at least ten years ago. (*Longer depending on your age) W-what were you like b-before.. you before you came to be the Joker? I.. I can't help but wonder..."
You leaned forward to cup Joker's face in your shaking hands. His countenance was like stone, eyeing you down.
"Who hurt you so badly to make you change?" You cried.
You watched Joker's eyes swiftly freeze over. Whatever moment the two of you were sharing in this blanket fort was gone.
The severe thunderstorm outside was nothing compared to the storm brewing in Joker's dark jade eyes. Every wall that he originally tore down, was shutting you out once again.
Months of hard work coaxing Joker to open up and let you in was ruined with one sentence.
He stood up, taking the structural integrity of your fort with him as he escaped its comfort. It caved in on itself and trapped you inside.
"Joker! Wait! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to–" You cried out as you scrambled under the layers of bedding, desperately trying to stop Joker from leaving.
By the time you breached the top of the pile, Joker was already out the front door and headed into the howling storm outside.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Hi Hi, I’m not sure if I bother you rn and if I do, forgive me I don’t do it in purpose🙏 just wanted to know if you are ok with making me a headcanon with Law, Hongo and chopper (platonic for him, ofc) with a s/o who have the malady of Lyme. So it’s give to her some pain attacks from times to times? Idk if you write for hongo, if you don’t sorry! And replace him by an other doctor. Like Marco or an other one you like or just do for law and chopper, I won’t be a annoying person by asking many and many details… 😭😭 Though thanks for just reading it. 👌 English isn’t my first language so ignore the mistake please 🫣
Hey, don't worry, you're not bothering me at all. Sorry if this took a while and thank you for being patient. I've (obviously) never written for Hongo so I hope this is okay, I did my best. I assume by malady of Lyme, you mean Lyme disease (the advanced version), so I wrote for that. Even after research, I don't know much about it, so I hope I did okay. and don't worry, you won't be annoying by asking for lots of details... enjoy!
Warnings: Lyme Disease, chronic pain, disease
Word Count: 780
Is actually kind of upset with you.
How could you let it get this bad?
How could you not notice?
Still does everything he can to take care of you.
Despite scolding you, he takes very, very good care of you.
I don’t know the full capabilities of his devil fruit but if he’s able, he’ll totally use his abilities to help make you feel better.
Or if he can, he’ll just remove the problem entirely, I don’t know much about how or why Lyme Disease works.
Even though he scolds you once per attack, he only does it after you’re feeling better enough.
While you’re still in pain, he’s taking very good care of you.
He still seems like his usual stand-offish self, but he’s actually very worried about you.
If it’s just the two of you, he’ll be a little softer with you.
Gently helping you do things, helping with the pain however he can.
Definitely lets you stay in bed and rest. Rest will ease the pain at least.
Makes sure that you’re feeling better before letting you get up and do things.
As much as he talks about the crew needing you and how every crew member is necessary and needs to do their jobs, he actually won’t let you go back to work until he’s certain.
Really wants to just make it all go away like he did with his White Lead. 
If he can’t use his devil fruit to make you feel better, he feels kind of helpless. He hates it.
Refuses to do much drinking or partying while you’re having a pain attack.
How can he party when he’s worried about you?
Still does his usual doctor duties but otherwise takes time off to take care of you.
Will straight up tell Shanks to not bother him unless it’s serious.
If it��s anything less than a broken bone or needs stitches, they can manage without him.
You, however, need his attention right now. 
Thankfully the Red-hair crew understands
Another one that’s kind of upset that the disease progressed this far.
It’s fixable in its early stages, so why did yours advance this far?
Still, he doesn’t say anything about it.
He’s just worried about making you feel better.
Does everything he can for you.
He’s a senior member of a Yonko’s crew, if you need something and it isn’t too insane, he’ll get it for you.
Like, obviously he’s not going to invade Marijoa (Mary Geoise), but he’ll totally steal from marine admirals or other Yonko’s or whatever. 
So long as he knows he won’t get caught, he doesn’t want to cause too much trouble for Shanks.
Like, if it’s for you, he doesn’t mind causing some trouble, but he knows there are limits.
Even if you’re all better, he’ll tell you to continue to take it easy for a few more days just in case.
Will totally party and get super drunk once you’re better though.
You’re not sure if he’s making up for all the missed party time or celebrating that you’re feeling better.
This sweet little puffball.
He’s freaking out at first.
What should he do? How should he treat you?
Legitimately sobbing.
He feels like he’s not a good enough doctor because he can’t magically fix it. 
You have to reassure him that it’s alright, that he’s still a perfectly good doctor.
Absolutely stays by your side, only leaves when necessary.
The crew knows not to bother him unless they have no choice.
Once literally threw Luffy out of his office for bothering him about something that wasn’t your well being.
He’s such a good doctor, please give him head pats.
This isn’t like after Luffy fights a strong enemy or when Zoro is covered in bandages. He knows how to fix that.
He doesn’t know how to fix this, he doesn’t know how to make it better. 
Researches the fuck out of the disease.
Seriously, he’s doing anything to try and cure this.
It’s one of those moments where he’s like “I’m definitely going to cure all diseases!”
Because he wants to cure this. 
If you tell him the reason you got better so quickly is because of his care he’s doing that blushing “I’m not flattered, idiot.” thing.
100% keeps a very close eye on you for both flare ups and if you’re still in pain. 
One of the few times he’ll go against Luffy.
Like, if Luffy wants to play with you or do something stupid or whatever, he’ll totally throw Luffy overboard or something (If Nami doesn’t beat him to it).
Being a reindeer (and therefore an animal), he understands how this can happen.
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justxcountrydoctor · 2 months
Serving on a starship wasn't like any regular job; fire crews and, ironically, ambulance drivers got close, but it wasn't the same thing. In space, everyone's lives could literally depend on jobs being done, and in the enclosed community on board there were limited options for who could. Days off and down-time were nice and sometimes mandated, but there was a balance between that and keeping everyone alive.
No-one wanted to be the person who demanded their time and then something blew up.
And so, "'Overwork' is a bit of a relative term, but I'll remember." As if she would turn her back on what needed to be done if she was the only one who could do it. "Although maybe you should promote someone so you've got back-up." Sighing, she levered herself out of the chair and turned it to face the right way around. "Two weeks, yeah ... as if I could possibly forget our date."
"i might just do that because i need a few good nurses and doctors on staff and working besides me. i do need some time to blow off steam and everything or i can get a little cranky but you already know that don't you?" Leonard looks at her with more than a bit of concern "Overwork is when you think that you can't make another day at work because your mind has gone to mush or if you work until you're exhausted like me. i'm overworked and underpaid but someone has to keep this bunch healthy and no one can do it like i can so i work myself to the bone." He chuckles then cocks an eyebrow
"You make it sound like the only thing i ever let you in here for is physicals or something and that we don't ever just gossip and have fun. i think i'm being called boring and i don't like it one bit." Leonard sends a playful wnk her way as he tilts his head to the side "Would you rather i completely change my bedside manner and not tell you that you have a physical in two weeks? i don't think so young lady! How would you ever know when to get here if i didn't send you at least five messages the day of?"
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blood-mocha-latte · 7 months
unrelated and i totally get if you're not interested in asking questions about your career but how did you become a paramedic? how long was your training? I'm hoping to get EMT certification and maybe up it to paramedic eventually, but idk how much that will really interfere with my current career path.
hi love! don’t worry about career asks, i’m totally fine with whatever anyone wants to talk about (i have Chatty Bitch Disease)
and i’m afraid i misspoke because i’m a huge idiot that doesn’t know how to use words, lol! i’m emt registered and was going to become a paramedic, but ended up going to medical school instead and becoming an emergency medicine (em) doctor, working in an er lol. BUT i’ll still outline most of what i did, just in case. i also included things that my sister-in-law did, since she actually is a paramedic, lmao.
under the cut since this is kind of niche <3
becoming a paramedic:
- got high school diploma/ged (she took classes focused in anatomy and physiology, which isn’t required but can help to get you a foothold in what you want to do. i did this as well and highly recommend it)
- doing emt-basic certification training - for both of us, this took about half a year :) it was mainly just going into things like:
how to take vital signs and offering basic life support (i.e. administering oxygen, doing cpr)
other skills like controlling bleeding, taking care of burns, splinting bones, dealing with spinal injuries, and administering limited medication sets
- getting in-field experience! my sister-in-law did this but i didn’t, which i kind of really regret. even though it’s not required, getting more hands-on experience with emt stuff before applying for a program can help you get ahead and feel less lost :)
- complete a paramedic program - this takes about 1-2 years, typically (it took me about 14 months, and my sister-in-law 12, but we went through different programs). training mostly just looks like:
cardiology, dealing with physical trauma, administering meds, airway procedures, etc
field clinical rotations and ambulance runs are also a part of this, which are pretty fun
- getting certified/licensed (this is what my sister-in-law did, i went the opposite route and ended up getting an md, lol)
all states have differences, but you’ll have to take the nremt, which gains you certification as a paramedic. depending on where you live, there are other state requirements as well that would add on to what you would need to do to receive your license.
okay, that’s about it! some of this may be iffy, since this was a while ago and i don’t know where you are in this process/where you live/some of this is by word of mouth, but i hope this is somewhat helpful!
one thing i WILL say about going into anything healthcare is make sure you have the mental toughness for it. medicine isn’t for everyone, and emergency response/intensive care can be incredibly difficult to go through and maintain parts of who you are. i know people who haven’t been able to do it, and myself have troubles with c-ptsd because of it. hours can be rough (for the majority of this year i worked for 24 hours straight with 48 off, this is what a lot of my paramedic buddies do as well) and it can get in the way of life (i had to cut my honeymoon short by 8 days because the hospital needed extra hands).
i don’t mean to scare anyone off, because i love my job and can’t imagine doing anything else, but it can be a difficult field, so make sure you have a strong support system and know what you’re in for :)
thanks for asking! i hope this is both somewhat coherent and what you were asking, lol <3
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sir-subpar · 2 years
Dr Damus Info/Lore Post
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Below the cut!
I'll start with random facts about our dear doctor!
Dr Damus usually has his right arm behind his back, which you all have already noticed. Though maybe you're wondering why. Well you see, he does a lot of work that requires arm/wrist strength, and unfortunately he has strained his right arm quite a bit. It has caused him to develop a really bad case of carpal tunnel.
For those who don't know, carpal tunnel is a condition that causes numbness, tingling, and/or pain in the hand and forearm (if it's really bad it can reach the shoulder too). It happens when one of the major nerves to the hand (the median nerve is what it's called, I think) is compressed/pinched as it travels through the wrist.
(It can get real bad if not dealt with, even causing permanent nerve damage!)
Dr Damus sometimes puts rose petals in his mask, that way he doesn't have to smell any... Unwanted scents 
He is friendly! He actually likes people, but other people tend to find him unsettling and... legally dubious.
He has a history of grave-robbing. 
Dr Damus is Demisexual (Demi Dr Damus, say that 5x fast lol)
He and Samwell have met before. He's fascinated by the scarecrow man. In this world, it's actually not common for scarecrows to be alive (though not completely unheard of, it's still rare). He really wants to know how Samwell works. How he's alive, his anatomy, why he has bones, does he eat, etc. 
Samwell finds him unsettling.
Ever wondered why Dr Damus has a tinted monocle? Well, fun fact! It's actually loosely based on old lore. Plague doctors wore goggles/tinted lenses because they believed it would reflect curses back to the caster. (So so apparently if you want to be curse-proof just put on some sunglasses)
Though I draw him with a saw often, you'd be surprised how little he actually uses it on patients. He more often than not uses it for more personal projects. He does some commission work on the side
Sinthia and Damis know each other as well. They get along decently, they're not really close enough to be friends, more like friendly acquaintances. But Sinthia sometimes provides the materials that he can use, most specifically Enchanted threads.
As you guys might have noticed, Sinthia does a lot of seamwork/sewing. She has made a specific type of thread that can be used to repair whatever it's stitched into. Dr Damus sometimes buys some of these things from her so that when he gives patients stitches they heal faster! (Kind of like those dissolvable stitches that you get from the dentist/oral surgeon, but faster and more magical)
Few people know his first name. He doesn't really like to share what his first name is unless it's someone he's particularly close to. It's something sort of intimate to him. Is his first name weird? Maybe, maybe not 
If I ever make this into a real dating Sim, I'd want there to be a scene for this. If someone goes the Dr Damus route, they'd eventually get to know his first name
 Damus has a "doctor stick". It's basically a cane that he uses to inspect things without having to actually touch people. He doesn't like to touch sick/injured people with his bare hands (like most doctors, that's why he wears gloves and whatnot)
I'm going to make a height chart at some point for these characters, but just so you know, even though he looks tall in the drawings so far, he's actually the second shortest character in the group (not counting his hat of course, that'd be cheating).
Riahna is one of his patients.
He's somewhere in his early to mid 30's, age-wise (all the love interests are older than 20. The youngest is Samwell, who's 28/29)
He has a bit of an interest in taxidermy as well (are you surprised?)
Gender is kind of a weird thing to him. Though yes, he does go by he/him, (they/them/it/it's  fine too, he doesn't really care). There's a little Easter egg in the picture that kind of indicates more for this :)
Overall he's a fairly patient guy, but he has his limits. 
He tries to have good bedside manner with patients, but sometimes you forget that things that aren't scary to him could be terrifying to other people. 
He treats all sorts of patients, human and otherwise. 
He once had a patient that was a centaur. They didn't tell him that they were extremely afraid of needles, so when he tried to give them a rabies shot, they kicked him. Broke 2 ribs.
He sometimes has "unconventional" practices, but people can actually afford his help (he charges little to none for medical things) so people don't really mind.
When he has children patients, he understands that he can be intimidating, his solution? He actually has multiple masks! Whenever he has a kid come in for an appointment, he puts on one of his spare masks, and lets the kid draw on it.
He sometimes keeps Tools in his hat
His building/office has little to no stairs. He used to work at a medical Center that had only stairs… for the building that provided wheelchairs. It's a major pet peeve for him. He saved up to have his building remodeled with ramps/elevators. Sure, he can use the stairs just fine, but at his old center, he had numerous patients who ended up missing appointments because they couldn't get inside. He vowed not to let that happen again. He feels like it's the bare minimum for a hospital/medical Center to have.
How about we do some Dr Damus x Y/N stuff? He's supposed to be a dating sim character after all!
He's so used to wearing his mask sometimes he forgets it's there. There's a good chance that he'd try to give y/n a kiss, but forget to take the mask off and end up just kind of bonking y/n in the face lol
He can be a bit nosey, but he does mean well. (When I say he's nosey, I mean it in the way that he asks a lot of questions. He doesn't go through people's belongings or anything like that). 
He, as a doctor, has the instinct to treat injuries when he sees them. So if y/n has an illness or wound, he kinda just snaps into doctor mode and feels the need to act accordingly (even if it's just a scrape, he's got disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide, and bandages in a second)
Some of his favorite flowers are Roses and Chrysanthemums.
He's not really flirty until he's in a relationship. So yeah, he's not usually the type to make the first move. 
He encourages body positivity, but in a different way. He doesn't just say that "you're beautiful just the way you are", to him, that's too vague. He'd more likely say that "your body is good because it works. It does its job." 
Let's say he's talking to someone who's self conscious about… I dunno, their legs or something. Maybe they've got thick thighs, maybe their legs have a lot of scars, whatever. He'd probably say something along the lines of "Your legs carry your body, they allow you to move place to place, what else could you ask them to do?" 
But what if the person's legs don't work? They're unable to walk for whatever reason. "You are adaptive. You have taken what life has given you, for better or for worse. You are alive. You deserve to keep and live that life. You know I am here to help if you need."
Sorry if that was long, but that's the basic gist
He often shows affection through words, but he also likes to give gifts to his s/o. Sharing interests with someone is a big thing for him. 
Imagine him giving someone a skull he found and just being like "Look at how intricate it is! Look at how it works, isn't that amazing? The teeth!" (He's very passionate about what he does, but he has a particular interest in Bones)
Pet names! He does call people "my dear" but he says that to most people, so it's not really romantic to him. But here are some pet names he might use for his s/o:
Little bird
Might come up with more at some point but that's all I got right now
I think that's pretty much it for now. If y'all have any questions, let me know!
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
Hi . I'm a teen and a non binary trans guy I'm not out and really want it be (my mom has guested it multiple times lmao) but I have sever anxiety and also idk now how to and how to descued starting medical stuff if able to (I already somewhat know they're might be some barriers to that cuz of home life situation) and packing and binding with trans tape (got a binder she doesn't know about but I don't bind much anymore cuz I have asthma) any suggestions to all this mess?
Have a great day/night
take care of yourself
hi there! thank you for sending this ask, i appreciate getting asks like this!
if you're a teen, i always try to urge against binding with binders for extended periods of time (more than 1 + 2 hrs uninterrupted maximum) due to the fact that your bones/skeletal structure and musculature are still growing into place and you don't want to influence that. trans tape might be a healthier option for you, especially if you're asthmatic, though i've never used it so i can't speak for how well it works. a well-fitting sports bra with no built-in cups can also help tremendously!
i would say focus on your social and presentation needs first, then worry about what to do about HRT, unless HRT is necessary to ease the dysphoria you have now. i generally say try to focus on figuring out new names, pronouns, what types of clothes you want to wear, how you'd like to present, what types of masculine things give you euphoria, what kind of guy you'd like to be, etc. making sure your friends are referring to you correctly will be very important, limiting misgendering endured will be a lifesaver. you can also work on getting your chest voice prepared for testosterone, by learning how to sing and talk from your chest region if you don't already.
the medical side of things is really important, but you just want to make sure that's absolutely right for you first before jumping into it!
after that, since you are underage, i'm actually not quite sure how the process of getting on hormones and getting set up for surgeries would look like for you. most if not all surgeries would have to wait until you are 18, iirc, for safety reasons. as for hormones i know lots of people who have started HRT in their teens, and i think for you it would ask your primary care doctor if you have one right now if they know the steps to getting you started, or if they can get you a referral for a gender affirmation treatment specialist. if you have a therapist, they may also be able to help you get a recommendation, or refer you to a clinic that specializes in/has queer health care focused providers.
if those don't turn anything up, it would be good to see if there are any LGBT/queer/trans youth resources nearby! a lot of LGBT resources specifically cater toward youth, so try to reach out to see if there's anything like that in your area. the counselor at your school might know some numbers, or your local college may have a gay/straight or LGBT pride group that you can go to for help, or a transgender resource center. you can also google things like "LGBT crisis line" or "LGBT resources in my area".
i hope that was helpful! take care, i hope you're able to get started on your journey safely and at a pace that's comfortable for you! I hope your mom will be supportive as you continue to transition, if you need any more help, feel free to stop by and we'll do what we can to help! you take care of yourself as well, king
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bellezaycafe · 2 months
sunsets and self doubt (and words left unspoken) - 3
Main AO3 tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, 2024 Formula 1 Season
Sadie's Faceclaim: Maia Mitchell (but you can visualise her howver you want :) )
warnings: lots swearing, major car accident, mentions of broken bones, blood and hospitals. A lot of shit happens. Limited knowledge of Silverstone or how the structure of their emergency response on track works.
comments: ...prepare for pain. I'm not sorry. I did speak to a doctor friend, and Sadie continuing with her injuries is plausible.
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“Fuck me, it’s a bit cold,” Sadie complained to the middle-aged paramedic beside her.
“Is it too cold for the Australian kid?” Mark laughed.
Sadie turned to him, looked up and frowned. “Not a kid, fuck you.”
Mark laughed again and tried to pat her on the head, which Sadie swatted away.
“Let’s just hope today’s race is dry,” he said after a moment.
Sadie nodded, stray wisps of her dark brown hair loosely flying around her face in the breeze.
Silverstone, in June, was the same temperature as Sadie’s home town in September, just leaving winter into spring.
“This is not summer weather,” she whined.
“You volunteered, kid,” Mark reminded her.
“I know, I know.”
“Where have they placed you?”
“Medics at turn 13. That’s Stowe, right?”
“Yeah. It can be a dangerous one. But you’re with my older brother Keith, so you’ll be fine.”
"How is it in the wet?"
"Worse, but the drivers are in safe hands."
Sadie paced as she watched 18 -Pierre Gasly and Oscar Piastri had sent each other out early in the race- of the best drivers in the world speed past.
“Sadie,” Keith called, “you should sit down.”
“I’m more anxious when I sit,” she replied without taking her eyes off the track. The track that was getting wetter and wetter as the minutes passed.
"Mark said to let you pace and I will, but nothing is going to happen," the grey-haired man reassured.
Sadie sent him a kind smile but didn't reply out loud.
It was a good thing she didn’t. They might have missed it.
Two Red Bulls, the McLaren and a Mercedes flew into view. The McLaren, Lando Norris' McLaren, clipped the back wheel of Lewis Hamilton's Mercedes, sending a shower of debris into the misting rain.
Lando's car spun twice and then slammed into the wall side on. Lewis spun once but managed to pull his car to a stop in the gravel before it could collide with anything.
Sadie was out the door, pulling on her mandatory helmet and grabbing a first aid kit before Keith was out of his chair.
"Go to the McLaren!" Keith shouted to her as he followed with another kit. "I'll take Hamilton!"
She didn't acknowledge his order but followed it without hesitation. She jumped the barrier, her gaze locked on the fluro-yellow helmet. The helmet that was barely moving.
"Norris," she shouted as she reached the car. "Are you okay?"
"No!" His voice came as a strangled croak, barely loud enough for her to hear him.
She dropped the first aid kit and grabbed the steering wheel he was holding out.
"You will be, we're here." She stated. "Can you get out?"
Sadie didn't breathe as Norris cried out. "My foot!" he wailed. "My ankle!"
"Okay, take a deep breath, Norris. Push yourself up with your arms. You're strong, mate. Push."
She didn't know what she was saying. She was running on instinct and adrenaline. Purely, instinct and adrenaline.
Get them off the track, Mark's voice rang in her head. Get them somewhere safe.
The driver hoisted himself onto the halo and Sadie saw his ankle bent at an unnatural angle. She couldn't let it show on her face.
"Alright, Lando swing to me. Swing around."
He did so, wobbling dangerously.
"Drop onto your right foot, I'm here."
Cars sped past, the flag only yellow.
Lando didn't drop onto his feet, he fell from the car and into Sadie. She was lucky she had braced herself as she caught him.
He screamed in pain as his ankle hit the ground.
"Lando, my name is Sadie. I've got you now, do not put your left foot on the ground. I'm gonna get you to the medical tent."
"Sadie? Melbourne Sadie?" He whimpered. He couldn't stop making small sounds of pain.
She opened his visor, met his watercolour eyes. She knew her helmet had no visor, knew he could see her eyes. 
"Yes, Lando, it's Melbourne Sadie. I've got you now, we've got to get you off the track."
She hauled his left arm over her shoulders and wrapped an arm around his waist. "Walk with me Lando. That's it, with your right foot. Good. You're gonna be okay, mate. It's just a scratch."
Sadie still hadn't registered what she was saying, or the fact that Lando was leaning almost all of his weight on her.
Her head snapped up at the sound of approaching cars. With hands firmly on his waist, Sadie slipped out from under his left arm and placed herself under his right.
She put herself between him and the oncoming cars. She didn't know what might happen, hadn't thought about it. She hadn't thought at all.
It was Yuki Tsunoda’s RB that struck the McLaren or Mercedes debris. More debris flew through the rain, something off all three cars. Sadie pulled Lando tighter into her and shielded him as she continued to pull him towards the closest exit.
Pain tore through Sadie's adrenaline. Her right side, both arm and leg. She stumbled, barely, but right herself and Lando cried out in pain again.
She knew two things and two things alone; do not stop and do not let the pain stop you.
"I've got you Lando, you're going great. Keep going!"
"Sadie," he whimpered. "Fuck. My ankle, Sadie, my car."
"I know, Lando, I know. You're going to be okay. Your car will be fine, you will be okay."
"Fuck," he whimpered again.
"Keep going, pretty boy. Don't put that left foot on the ground. You're gonna be okay."
More hands joined hers and pulled Lando over the barrier. She didn't register who it was, only that he was on the other side and being treated. She heard a lot of swearing, she heard someone call her name.
She looked up to see Lando staring at her leg. He was lying on an ambulance stretcher.
"Sadie," he croaked, his eyes rising to hers.
She didn't look down, a part of her knew she didn't want to know. Sadie kept his eye contact as she tried to stand upright. "I'm okay, Lando. I'm okay." She reassured.
Someone stepped into her line of sight and she lost view of his face. They hauled him into the waiting ambulance.
"Fuck, kid." She recognised that voice.
She turned, limped around to face Mark.
"Mark, Lando he's -" He recognised her voice, just as she had his. She was still wearing the medic's helmet.
"Sadie, your leg. You've-" He stepped forwards and pulled a chair with him.
"I don't know," she whispered. She couldn't be louder, she tried to say it louder but it was the same whispered, "I don't know. I haven't looked."
The paramedic rushed to her, placing the chair beneath her as her right leg gave out.
"Don't look," he muttered. "You're gonna be okay, but you can't look."
Someone handed him gauze and bandages. Another handed him saline and scissors.
Lewis, instantly recognisable in the black suit, stepped into Sadie's quickly narrowing line of sight.
"Oh my god," he exclaimed.
When Sadie saw him, she remembered what she'd done. She thought about what she'd done.
The crash. Catching Lando. Essentially dragging him off the track. Putting herself between him and the cars. Her leg. She didn't know the damage but her leg was on fire.
"Sir," she breathed. "Lewis, my helmet, please."
"Oh my god, kid. They're gonna look after you, okay?" He dropped to his knees next to her, leaving his own helmet in the dust.
"I know," she croaked as he undid the straps at her chin. "It's not that. The media- Lewis, hide me from the media. Please."
That's when Lewis recognised Sadie. Her brown hair was plastered to her pale face. Her dark eyes were wide with fear.
"Oh shit. Okay kid, yeah. They'll never know your name, they'll never see your face. I swear it, Sadie. I promise."
Someone handed her a green piece of plastic. The green whistle. Pain relief, and a very strong one.
Her last words before the high kicked in were, "Lewis, please. No reports, no one can know it was me."
Needless to say, the rest of the day was a blur. She barely remembered the ambulance ride, getting the piece of Formula One car embedded in her thigh taken out or the stitches in her arm and leg.
It was all over the news.
Medic gets stabbed with shrapnel while helping driver Lando Norris.
Norris out of Silverstone GP: The Medic Who Saved Him.
Two in hospital after dangerous crash at Silverstone.
But Sadie's name was never written. Every reporter was baffled at the disappearance of her identity.
Lewis had gone to Max that evening, before the winner had the chance to go out.
"It was the Melbourne volunteer," he'd told him in his hotel room. "The medic in hospital, it was Sadie."
Max's face snapped towards Lewis. He'd been making Lewis a coffee, but it was abandoned.
"What happened? Is she okay?"
Lewis shrugged, shadows passing over his face. "I don't know, man. I- Her leg was bad."
"Fuck," Max muttered. "How did it happen?"
Lewis rubbed his face with his hands. "I don't know that either. I didn't see it. It's what happens now that I want to talk about. I need your help."
Max froze. Lewis knew why, he'd never asked Max for help before. They were friendly, finally, but they weren't close.
"She begged me, Max, begged me, to keep her name out of the media. So far, so good but I need your influence in the paddock. You still have the unpredictable 'Mad Max' reputation to some people. I need you to use it."
He nodded and there was an understanding between the champions. Sadie had protected their friend, maybe saved his career if some of the initial reports were true, and it was their turn to protect her.
"I don't know why she was so desperate. She was begging me. She had a piece of fucking metal sticking out of her goddamn leg and she was begging me to hide her from the media."
"It doesn't matter," Max stated. His eyes were dark as he searched his contacts for a name. "It doesn't get out. Her name appears nowhere."
They would protect her.
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My laptop is being weird with letting me tag people. Let me know if it didn't work and I'll see what I can do :)
credits to saradika-graphics for the banner
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | AO3 link
Taglist: @snubug @cmleitora @izzy-marvel @aquangxl @morenofilm @viennakarma @simpingcorner @randomgirlnumber-13 @leilanixx @spookystitchery @itsjustkhaos
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juminou · 1 year
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Day 1: January 1st 2023
CW: 221.4lbs
BMI: 31.8
GW 1: 180lbs
GW 2: 150lbs
GW 3: 120lbs
GW 4: 100lbs
UGW: 90lbs
Day 2: January 2nd 2023
H: 5' 10"
I don't mind my height. Sometimes I wish I was shorter so I would be cuter and could wear heels without towering over people. I have always thought that short skinny girls were the ideal way to look.
Day 3: January 3rd 2023
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My thinspo. I miss my collarbones and skinny wrists. I want to be able to get my whole body tattooed without shame of how fat and disgusting I am. I love their skinny fingers and defined hip bones.
Day 4: January 4th 2023
My greatest fears about weight loss... I'd have to say hearing what people actually thought of my body before I lost the weight.
Day 5: January 5th 2023
Why am I losing weight? Definitely for me. I hate my fucking body so much, it makes me so upset to look in the mirror. I want to be thin. I want to be dainty, I want to look breakable. Those are things that I could live with when I look in the mirror. I am tired of hearing "oh you should lose weight and that would fix your problems" from doctors and nurses. I'm tired of being grouped as part of the 'big girls' when people are trying to point me out in a crowd. I'm tired of hearing "well, you're not THAT big" from people who comment on my body. So why do I want to lose weight? To find happiness.
Day 6: January 6th 2023
Do I binge? Oh yes. And I hate it. I think I binge when I am sad or angry. When I have a really strong emotion I feel the need to binge. I've really been working on that and I am actively making sure I check in with myself rather than eating to distract myself from the feelings.
Day 7: January 7th 2023
Do my parents know? I'm an adult so what they know is relatively limited. Like, my dad for example is oblivious and I don't think he listens when I talk most of the time. My mother, I haven't spoken to in over 5 years. My chosen mom on the other hand, she does know and she is cheering me on.
Day 8: January 8th 2023
Workout routine? I don't have one. I just work out when I feel disgusting. That usually means hitting my elliptical. I bowl every Thursday for about 3 hours which is active and I also walk my dog lots.
Day 9: January 9th 2023
People made negative comments about my weight all my life. I was always told by family that I was too big and by school mates that I was disgusting.
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jarvin · 6 days
All About Vitamin D: Sunshine, Your Body, 
and Getting Tested 
Vitamin D. You might know it as the "sunshine vitamin," but there's more to this 
essential nutrient than just sun exposure. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in keeping your 
bones strong, your immune system functioning properly, and even your muscles 
working well. If you've been wondering about vitamin D tests, what they measure, and 
why they're important, this blog is for you! 
What is Vitamin D? 
Vitamin D is more like a hormone than a true vitamin. Our bodies can actually produce it 
when our bare skin is exposed to sunlight. We can also get vitamin D from certain foods 
like fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified dairy products. 
Why is Vitamin D Important? 
Vitamin D does a lot of amazing things in our bodies. Here are some of its key 
●Bone Health: Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, which is essential for 
building and maintaining strong bones. Without enough vitamin D, you're at a 
higher risk of developing bone conditions like osteoporosis and rickets in 
●Immune System: Vitamin D helps regulate your immune system, which is your 
body's defense against germs. Adequate vitamin D levels might help protect you 
from getting sick as often. 
●Muscle Function: Vitamin D is important for muscle strength and function. 
Deficiency can lead to muscle weakness and pain. 
●Overall Health: Some research suggests vitamin D may play a role in other 
health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers. However, 
more research is needed to confirm these links. 
Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency 
Many people with vitamin D deficiency don't have any noticeable symptoms. However, 
some common signs can include: 
●Bone pain or weakness 
●Muscle aches 
●Frequent infections 
●Feeling down or depressed (in adults) 
Who Needs a Vitamin D Test? 
If you're concerned about your vitamin D levels, a simple blood test can check them. 
Here are some situations where a doctor might recommend getting your vitamin D 
●Limited sun exposure: People who don't get much sunlight, like those who work 
indoors or live in places with limited sunlight, are at higher risk of deficiency. 
●Darker skin tones: Melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color, can reduce the 
body's ability to produce vitamin D from sunlight. People with darker skin tones 
may be more prone to deficiency. 
●Certain health conditions: Conditions like obesity, Crohn's disease, and celiac 
disease can affect how your body absorbs vitamin D. 
●Taking certain medications: Some medications can interfere with vitamin D 
What is a Vitamin D Test Like? 
amount of blood from your arm. The blood sample is then sent to a lab for analysis. The 
entire process usually takes just a few minutes. javascript:''javascript:''javascript:''
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syn4k · 3 months
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unfortunately the only way to solve not wanting to create things is to not create things until you want to create things again.
"but Six!" i hear you protest over the angry yells of all my followers. "that can't be true! i hate that!"
i hate it too. But listen up you self loathing chucklefucks this is IMPORTANT.
if your brain and body is telling you that you are tired and that you need to take a break, fucking listen to them. Do not ignore them and continue making things anyways.
I do not give a fuck about your making one thing per day streak. I do not give a fuck about your follower count or engagement or statistics or whatever the fuck. I do not fucking care how stubborn you are. This rule is set in the laws of the universe itself just like the laws of physics are.
If you do not schedule time for yourself to recharge, your body will automatically do it for you and it WILL NOT ASK POLITELY.
that's what burnout and writer's block IS! you cant make shit if you're too fucking tired and depressed and busy trying to function as a person and don't have any energy left over for creative work! creating things takes ENERGY and EFFORT even the most self loathing low quality shitpost stick figure youve ever doodled on the back of an napkin. That takes effort too. This is your body realizing that you're going past your own limits despite everything and forcibly shutting you down so that you physically fucking cannot anymore for your own health.
Full stop.
If you take the time that you need to rest and regain energy and use it instead to continue doing things that require energy, your body will force you to allocate that time to rest at some point eventually.
So yeah. Sleep in hard over the weekends. Do nothing. Be unproductive. Fuck capitalism and FUCK the Protestant work ethic. I am being so fucking serious right now. This isn't just me repeating what I've heard, this is me sharing things that I've had to learn the hard way over the span of literal fucking years because my dumb ass kept ignoring it too.
You are allowed to, and encouraged to, politely turn down outings with friends and family if you're too tired.
You are allowed to, and encouraged to, take a day off from school or work if you wake up and know in your bones that you are too tired. (Make sure to let your teachers know beforehand. They'll understand. Skipping a day of work is a whole nother can of radioactive horses that I don't want to open right now but others here may have advice. Check the notes.)
You are allowed to, and encouraged to, do nothing.
You are allowed to, and encouraged to, be "lazy" (if you're not enjoying the forced time off, you're not being lazy).
If you can only do the bare minimum to take care of yourself (i.e making low-effort meals, only using the bathroom twice a day, etc) then that's okay too. The more you rest, the more energy you'll slowly build up to do more things like going to the grocery store so that you don't starve and getting those assignments done and taking an extra two minutes to make yourself a glass of something warm in the mornings so that you don't want to die quite as much. Also, when you can, ask your friends for a script and call your doctor about prescribing you depression medication because I love you and this is not normal and you deserve better.
Living life is not supposed to make you want to die, and surviving is not the same as living.
your body has a built in hierarchy of needs and at the top of the list is creating things, which you can only do once you're at a certain level of energy and wellness. if something's wrong, your drive to create will be the first to go.
it's scary, but you'll be okay
be gentle and kind to yourself. imagine that your brain and body is a horse: kicking it when it's down and yelling at it to move won't help. you have to meet it where it's at and feed it and comfort it until it's ready to move on again. you can't write trail songs if you've got no path to roam
this quickly spiraled out of my hands but i am very passionate about this subject and also i love u. good luck.
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