#you're all horrible enablers and i love you
NO RIGHT like I was thinking about that the other day too and Surely Jo does not have a particularly rich inner life... I love that scenario with Ichi dearly though!
But while I was going through times I'd mentioned my dreams earlier, I saw I'd once dreamt that Jo was an avid rhythm gamer lmao
I'd pay an inappropriate amount of money to watch Jo fuck it up on DDR PLEASE that sounds like Such A Dream ☠️☠️
#snap chats#please thats just enabling my silly brain...#it does not help that before i went home for the summer i went to an arcade and all /i/ did was play rhythm games...#i can only imagine ichi's spending time at the arcade when he should Probably be on the clock (time doesnt exist in arcades its proven fact#and jo just cant reach him via phone so... he gotta come down in person....#cue aforementioned What Do YOU Do For Fun Then Huh conversation#but now theres a twist brother like. idk HOW we're getting him on the ddr machine but we are#PLEASE ichi just gambles that if jo can get X score he'll swear off the arcade for a month#obvi he doesnt think he can do it but then he sees jo pick Master Mode without much argument and ichis just 👁️👁️????#just kills it first try no fucks ups or anything first try 😭😭#HE COULD FUCK IT UP ON TAIKO what are taiko drums if not arnis sticks. sure. he's trained in western martial arts but we can get creative#i'd lose it if he played project diva.....#scary man's so focused and so serious and its cause he's playing the miku game.....#i know jo can clear through the fire and the flames. child's play. busted fingers and all#NOOO WHAT'S THAAAATT. /FUCK/ I FORGET THE NAME IT'S LIKE AN OPEN FLOOR AND IT JUST TRACKS YOUR FOOT PLACEMENT#like you're supposed to slide and duck accordingly.... yeah he tears that shit up...#i have a horrible love for rhythm games hi..... they are really fun tbf ☠️☠️#but yeah ill accept that. ill take that if not only so i can laugh myself to sleep tonight
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elytrafemme · 2 years
i have a really weird relationship with relationships too, huh. i guess if we’re gonna just talk about shit tonight. like not even that i’m a bad person to be in love with, though i guess that too, but like. in the past i have a history of being really self destructive in relationships, and also (albeit to give myself credit, this would be more reactionary to a feeling of entrapment rather than just straight up) pretty unstable around my partners. which is maybe weird to admit but i feel like relationships are such a core part of my life since i have had like. so many issues with them and related subjects since a really young age. 
but also like, more recently it’s less destructive behaviors because i am actively trying not to do that shit again. but more like. i get really insecure about things when i think about the person i’m in love with, which is odd because i’m not a very insecure person at all. one of my biggest annoyances actually is when people assume i hate myself more than i do, because if i ever do hate myself it’s a very strange fluke of a day and in general i love myself debatably to an unhealthy degree. like my friend the other day said that my ego was too low and i was too shocked to even laugh because she was like so deeply off about that. it really bothers me.
anyway. being in love makes me insecure and has historically made me do weird things. which would be fine if i wasn’t such a fucking hopeless romantic.
#nightmare.personal#i guess it's just honesty night at mare HQ#yeah i don't know i feel like i'm. almost too willing to talk about how i kind of sucked as a girlfriend in the past#i think part of it though is that i am really willing to talk about stuff i did wrong#but i do not want to talk about what my partners did wrong or the situation itelse#itself*. or at least not in like blatant terms#it's one thing to say that i used to have rage episodes in a relationship all the time and another to say like#that i . or. like it's another thing to say that relationship was life and death anyway#or at least that's what my therapist called it i don't know i thought it was fine at the time#well clearly not because i was angry but like it's you know. the way that weird shit happens to teens and you're like#oh this is normal and then you find out its deeply traumatizing#that's kind of how most of my relationships go#maybe i'll amend this post to say i am not an insecure person but i do think i'm a horrible and cursed person to love#which isn't really a direct criticism of myself more just that i don't think i'm structurally built to be a romantic partner#i actually am a really good romantic partner? like i have really good boundary setting skills in general#am pretty good at reading people. respectfully flirty. enable partners to do their own things independent of me etc#i'm just like cursed to also be a really bad romantic partner too#does this make any sense whatsoever#i don't even know why i'm talking about this lol
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valtsv · 6 months
i would love to hear more of your thoughts on michael shelley!!! 🌀🚪✨
you're in luck because i've sat on thoughts about him for years and i finally feel like i can articulate them. because michael shelley is such a well written case of tragic horror in the horror tragedy podcast. and, despite my criticisms of season 5, it really did do an excellent job in concluding his character arc with the gertrude backstory episode. in a podcast where a common in-universe theme is that knowledge, and the pursuit of knowledge, is dangerous, michael is a subversion in that his ignorance of the horrors of the world he lived in not only didn't save him, but was intentionally engineered to make him vulnerable to exploitation and harm (which, on a broader scope, emphasises the futility of the world of the magnus archives - regardless of whether you participate in or turn a blind eye to the systems at play, involved or uninvolved, you are not safe).
furthermore, i really appreciate the subversion of traditional tropes of the sacrifice as a typically female figure taken advantage of by a male father, brother, or lover, whose tragic and horrible death is used to motivate him (whether to greatness or self-destruction), with michael being a son sacrificed by his mother (or grandmother) figure, who never actually loved him and whose 'frail' and 'nurturing' qualities were weaponised incompetence used to gaslight and manipulate him - and who continues to operate successfully (at least in terms of what can be said to be 'success' in a world like the magnus archives) without being haunted by any apparent doubt about the decision she made, or any hesitation to use others in similar ways, following this betrayal. which makes the fact that he's sewn into the fabric of a being that represents lies in their most insidious form, used as a weapon to devour people and destroy their lives, all the more abhorrent in hindsight - he is forced to not only relive his trauma in an endless loop (or spiral, if you will), but to become the mechanism which enables it. michael is taken to the edge of something evil (at least from a human perspective), and pushed over the threshold with no hope of recourse. there's almost a reverse orphic quality to it - he descends into terrifying other world, one which exists side-by-side with but fundamentally seperate from his own, against his will, and looking back will only cause him pain as he's assaulted by memories of a life he will never be able to reach.
i think a lot of people forget to look past the surface with michael, despite there being an entire episode dedicated to doing so. which is understandable, he's a very outwardly expressive character - but this is intentional obfuscation to hide an incredibly damaged victim whose hatred of this part of himself is integral to his entire reason for being, and which the rejection of causes him to be unmade, incapable of existing as this contradictory nightmare any longer. it's a mercy killing, and yet it is violent and painful, because michael cannot and should not exist, and excising that graft used to muzzle the distortion is as agonising as latching it into place was in the first place. when michael-the-distortion says about michael shelley "he was born. he was pointless. and he should have died." there is an implicit longing there, a rage at the way he was used, his decisions made for him and used to imprison something else instead of ever being allowed to exercise any measure of free will. because michael shelley probably would have died for the archivist, given the opportunity, but he never got the choice.
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godbirdart · 4 months
Hey Tobias, aside from your incredible artworks themselves, I also absolutely love the detailed abstract backgrounds you sometimes put on portraits and I've been wanting to try my hand at something in the same vain. I was considering trying Illustrator for those, since I normally use CSP and while I love it, it kinda feels pretty horrible at anything geometrical and shape-y, so I was also wondering what software you use for them if you'd like to share!
oH you mean like the geometric shapes in these?
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that is 1000% Clip Studio Paint. I use it for, quite literally, all of my work. Pixel art, illustrations, animations - it's all Clip.
The upper backgrounds of those pieces are done using the Symmetrical Ruler and Shape tools, as well as maybe a brush or two for flair.
The Symmetrical Ruler is under the Ruler tool:
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it lets you draw symmetrically on the canvas like this [the purple line appears so you know where your mirrors meet]
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note: sometimes your brush needs to have snapping enabled to work with a ruler tool - especially if you're using a fancy custom brush from the assets shop.
you can fix this by going into your brush's settings [clicking the little wrench on your selected brush] and then toggle on Enable Snapping under the Corrections section:
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Regarding the Shapes tool,
It's technically called the Figure tool but I'm calling it the Shapes tool. For those unfamiliar, Clip doesn't come with preset shapes beyond your standard lines, rectangles, and circles; BUT you can easily create your own triangles and hexagons and whatnot with the Polygon subtool.
Change the number of corners to that of the shape you want and tada! SHAPE. The number of corners can go up to 32 - at which point you're essentially just making a vaguely chunky circle so I mean, have fun.
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I'm gonna pause here because this post is already getting a bit long, but if there's somethin specific you want me to elaborate on feel free to ask.
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vegaseatsass · 23 days
Tragic and painful to have to make rushed little text posts before hopping offline and never getting to interact w/ the rest of the fandom butttttttt AH, 4 MINUTES, HOW DO I LOVE THEE? LET ME COUNT THE WAYS
Original timeline Great is my new favorite character (though Tonkla can cage fight him for it next ep when he's back on my screen), and original timeline Great/Tyme is so very very VERY my shit. Orig timeline Great, someone who is used to horrible things happening around him/because of him, being full shrug emoji at horrible things being done TO him - at a hot doctor stalking him, seducing him, and non-consensually filming him and publicly exposing the footage - in fact, learning that Hot Doctor did all this to fuck with Great's stepdad just makes Great want him more - absolute character perfection, to me. The way you can see the raw material for who Great becomes when he has the superpower to make different choices - someone who wants to do good (to lock down that hot doctor who has utterly dickmatized him, mainly, lol but I think he also does just want to be better than his father and family, sincerely), but who is so totally acclimated to bad as his baseline, that it doesn't occur to him until afterwards that he could do anything but witness and enable all the violence around him. Never have I been so compelled by a character getting do-over powers, because never have I met one so human in his cowardice and inertia and instinctual, nurtured, self-loathed selfishness.
And GreatTyme is just so much more delicious to me as a ship in this form. Tyme clocked Great as a Sriwatsombat and a gay mark and immediately ruthlessly tracked him down, tumbled him into bed and made sure to film it. Like he came up with that plan so QUICKLY and so READILY and the only sign of hesitation he really showed was in the actual uploading of footage. All the awkward wincing pick-up line clumsiness we see in the new timeline is missing from original timeline Tyme. He isn't trying to get into Great's heart, just his pants, and there is literally zero hesitation when that's his goal. Being smooth at human kindness: AHHHHH. Being smooth at manipulation, sexual terrorism and ice cold revenge: He's in his element.
Idk I'm just obsessed y'all. Great's FIRST question was "Why haven't you answered my texts?" his SECOND question was "Why didn't you post that on Onlyfans and make some money?" only his THIRD question was "Why did you do that?" and his FOURTH question was "You're fighting with my dad? Wickeddddddddddd"
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balkanradfem · 3 months
The christian side of tumblr found a post where I made a little joke about how religion puts women into servitude and it's going around gathering bible quotes and arguing whether this is about christianity or other religions x_x I never thought this day would come.. I didn't think christians were on here. And even though the majority of people arguing are christians, I never wrote down 'christianity', I meant all abrahamic religions.
I'm itching to go argue but I know deep in my heart there is nothing to be gained. These people are eager to mock and personally attack whoever is disagreeing with them and that is not a honest intellectual discussion that I crave. I think if you're religious you just have to avoid thinking things like 'why is that so' and 'isn't that awfully convenient' and 'what if this promised thing fails to materialize' because once you start having those thoughts, the entire thing falls apart.
I remember being 15 and realizing that the christian god has no actual use of us, no point in caring about us whatsoever, and no incentive to pay attention to what we do or don't do, but humans very much have a need to believe in the higher power that works to their personal advantage, and that there's someone 'up there' who will make things alright for them, that they have a higher purpose and that if they follow certain rules it will pay out. And this was enough for me to figure out that god didn't create humans, but humans created god, because humans have a need of a god, while god has no need or use for humans at all.
It was only later when I learned about feminism that I realized it wasn't only that, but that it was specifically made to control, exploit and oppress women, praising them for endless servitude, sacrifice, submission and platitude, all while consistently telling them they're filled with sin and never good enough. It's now ghoulish and bizarre to me that the symbol of their faith is a m*n being brutally tortured, that what we feel is holy is endless suffering and pain and death. We're told to aspire for that. That has nothing to do with spirituality, nothing to do with human nature or healthy and happy human lives. It's a worship of death.
There are promises that religious people make towards women, to make them believe it's a path towards true love, or endless rewards for being 'faithful' and 'pure' or a life where they feel safe from disasters, safe from being abandoned and betrayed. There's nothing in life that can guarantee that. Religion can however, offer certain people a community, it can provide services where you come and listen to stories, and stories come with morals (convenient and confusing morals, but people love engaging with moral-type stories and feeling they've learned something), it provides rituals and celebrations that cultures have integrated in their life (after it destroyed the original rituals and celebrations, but we don't talk about that), and it can provide a common ground of understanding for people (sadly the common ground is that women exist to serve and that this is natural). Sometimes it also provides a feeling of superiority for some people, enabling them to mock, humiliate and patronize others for their 'lack of religion'.
So I understand there are community related reasons a person might feel safer within a religion and having this common ground and community, common beliefs, familiarity and stories, rituals and celebrations, it doesn't come off as a horrible thing, especially when the majority of the culture does it. But other things it brings are painful for women, and often hidden. Encouraging hidden suffering, sacrifice, servitude, centering torture and death, and admiration of torture and death, instead of celebrating nature, life, the world we live in and how we interact with it. Centering males as creators when everyone alive was created by women. Dismissing wars, rape, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, genocides and male brutality, while endlessly shaming women for having feelings and not doing a good enough job pleasing the violent males. And generally making a hell for women when they have any thoughts about sexuality or lust.
I know me writing about it here will not have any effect on people personally attacking me for being ignorant and uneducated, but it feels good to write down the thoughts I've been having all day! Being forbidden from thinking in certain direction, forbidden from questioning my own beliefs, is something that plagued me for a big part of my life, and I will not have it anymore. I can say 'this is awfully convenient' when religions declare that m*n are leaders and women are supposed to follow and serve. I can say that putting up statues of a m*n dying in torture is fucked up and morbid. I can say that making me believe that I would go to hell, for not following every order I've been given, is a horrid thing to do to a female child. And I'm happy and grateful that I can think and say whatever I want, without any threat of damnation ever looming over me.
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2smolbeans · 30 days
Okay yandere thought based on an old fanfic I read on Quotev!!! (I'll tell more abt it in the end)
To sum it up: Yans/your child figuring out if they wanna be like the yan or not.
But okay, imagine in the end the chase is over and they win you over. Whether it's by force, mental gymnastics, or sheer stockholm syndrome, you no longer can go back to the life you once had. You marry them, and eventually, have a family of your own.
At first, you don't know how to feel about the child. You weren't even sure that you wanted to be a parent before you met your stalker. But now, you're a parent- and for once, raising your child is the only way you get to make small choices in life.
What they eat, how they dress, how you feel about them. You were given some grace to have the luxuries of those decisions. You don't know if you should feel humilation or anger that this child was the only thing that you looked forward to nowadays.
But you raise them, regardless if you want to or not- and they grow up. Now in their teen years, you begin to notice concerning things about their behavior. They act too much like your 'beloved' spouse. Uncaring of others, a hoarder of another person's belongings, always in a state of limerence. Your spouse encourages their behavior and enables them, but you find yourself concerned.
Whether you really love your child or not, you're more concerned about the person they have a crush on. You think about so many things... Leaving, confronting your child, killing your partner and child in a fit of rage- or telling your child the truth about your relationship.
Being a decent person you like to think of yourself as, you try to steer them away from those habits- eventually telling them about your miserable marriage and how much you despise your life. Sure, it was a bit brutal and probably caused them a lot of trauma and an existential crisis- but you really had to drive the point home.
Now your child is debating. Should they really trust the other parent? Should they trust you? Oh god did they wish you just told them you were getting a divorce because on God was that a horrible bombshell to drop. It's a overall mess and it's a battle for them. To follow what they really so badly want to do, or to actually seek help and perhaps support you with your decisions.
Heck to be honest, even I don't know how things could end. But all I know is that the scenarios, conflicts, and the types of endings this could have are really interesting..
Okay about the fanfic- I need to find the name.. But it was basically a yan Sim fanfic about realising how she doesn't like Taro but instead Budo and realising her mother was wrong about love. The fanfic is then about her going against her mother and yandere tendencies and having a normal relationship with Budo!
If I remember, it was called "Living in lies" by Shy lemon on Quotev. I could be wrong but yeah!
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keeponquinning · 1 year
You guys are horrible enablers. I love you for that. @quinnsmunson , @choke-me-eddie , @quinnypixie , @live-love-be-unique, @stardancerluv , @feralgeek99 , @harley1608 , @hiscrimsonangel , @etherealglimmer , @hellfiremunsonn
WARNINGS — 18+ for SMUT. P in V, oral ( m receiving ), neck biting, cursing, RPF in general ( don't like it, scroll by or block me i guess?? ), fingering, dirty talk??, slight breeding kink if you squint, but overall smutty and fluffy. no use y/n, baby is used a lot???
What was supposed to be a small little drabble turned into THIS. Hope you all enjoy this!
word count — 9.4k
graphic by @quinnsmunson !!
Joseph Quinn x female reader
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"Why are you not acting normal? Just show it to me already, like, you said it was a good shoot, right?"
"Yes, that's not....." He let out a sigh, "Fuck. I dunno. I'm just....very oddly self conscious all of a sudden." Fiddling with his phone, fingers tapping against it and pacing around the room. "I... I think it's good? But, well, maybe just biased, I dunno. I'm just struck with this almost unnatural desire for you to like it and I'm worried you won't and....my ego will take a hit and...fuck, that's a lot of run on sentences, but.... Yeah, not sure I'd recover from it."
You arched a brow, taking in the words, and of the nervous energy just seeping out of him. "Recover from...me possibly not liking it?"
"Yeah. Insane, isn't it?"
"Well, I mean... Yeah," you responded with a soft smile. "Fucking ridiculous, actually. It's you. Of course I'm gonna like it. Now... Just give me your phone, let me see. Then you won't be nervous and you’ll be normal again."
Joe seemed to relax a bit at that, knowing you were right, he was being silly about the whole thing. Taking a deep breath and handing you his phone, watching as you took it and tapped to play the video. His nerves coming back, the music playing, the queer sound of his own voice introducing himself. It was odd, even now, licking his lips as he watched you, well, watching him.
There was a small smile on your face, seeing your boyfriend on screen, all dressed in purple, a favorite color of yours, the sound of his voice from his phone, the softness endearing, almost soothing. Your smile widened, the little drum solo with the flowers in his hands, not knowing if it was part of the script but it felt so very him. Your brows rose, the video progressing, destroying the bed, the pillows, the—oh god. Your brows are rising higher. Oh, g o d, his neck. You didn't look up at him, instead, played the video again. And again. And again. "Jesus," you let out, dropping the phone onto the bed, looking up at him, to the phone, to him again. ".....good god."
"What? What? What do you—oh god, do you not like it? Oh, don't tell me that, was it cringy? It was, wasn't it? Fucking hell..."
But you shook your head, "Nope, no, not, not cringy, not..." You took a deep breath, looking up at him, eyes raking over him, the video playing over in your head now. Your eyes falling on his neck. "...It's um... I need you to take off your pants."
He burst into a laugh, chocolate colored eyes widened, his face colored in amusement and confusion. "I'm sorry—what?"
"I..." you started, letting out a laugh. "I just... Um... I'm dating a fucking model." He laughed at that, with his whole body, which made you laugh in return. "No, I'm serious! Like... I mean...that video like..... Baby, you're a fucking model! I... That's... Oh my god, do you know how beautiful you are?"
"Oh fuck off—"
"No! No! You fuck off!" you retorted. "That... Dare to be chill, like, oh, fuck you! Fuck you with that! Telling people to chill and then looking like that?! Baby! My love! No one is gonna fucking chill after seeing you like that!"
You're both laughing now, the pair of you, that ball of nerves completely gone from his system, falling into bed with you, wrapping his arms around your waist. His heart feels light, everything does, really, when he's with you. An anchor from the madness around him, preventing him from drifting aimlessly. He held you close, and you wrapped your arms around him, legs entangling together as well. "Fuck, I love you," he muttered before kissing the side of your neck. "You promise you're not just saying that?"
"Oh my god, you models are so needy," you teased, moving on top, draping your body against his, gripping his shoulders as you smile down at him. "Always with the constant need of validation."
He hummed, brushing his fingers through your hair, moving it from your face, letting him see more of you. "You knew what you were getting into. Can't be easy having this pretty face. Gotta put the work in if you want bragging rights."
You chuckled, "Good thing I'm a hard working girl," you uttered before slowly bringing your lips to his in a kiss. Soft. Warm. Starting in gentle little pecks, lips brushing against each other before they pressed on each other more. His fingers tightened along your hair, a soft groan as lips parted and the warmth of your tongues met, a hunger between you both. Tasting one another greedily, humming softly. "I wasn't bullshitting you..." you uttered between kisses. "You looked so great, baby... Hot... Sexy... Beautiful. So god damn beautiful, drives me crazy..."
He groaned at that, one hand remaining in your hair while the other roamed down your back, gripping your bum and pressed the hard bulge of his cock against you, "The feeling's very fucking mutual, darling..."
"Fuck..." your voice a hushed whisper, feeling him, sending a shiver to run though you, an ache forming between your legs, growing wet and needy. "Not fair... The man telling people to chill is so quick to lose his..."
A soft huff of a laugh escaped him, smiling against your jaw. "Yeah, well... Rather difficult when you're calling me beautiful and such. Gets to a guy's head, makes it swell up."
"Yeah, I'm feeling that against my thigh really well..." You slid off him slightly however, taking a moment to take him in, the version of him in the video lingering in your head as your fingers trail down his body, his shirt riding up, showing off his stomach, the happy trail that certainly made you happy every time you saw it. But you brush past it, right to the bulge straining against his jeans. Your smile widened, trailing over it, hearing his quickened breath and the soft whine from his throat. If you weren't listening for it, you would have missed it, but you loved that little whine of his. Spreading your palm over it and give a gentle squeeze.
He tilted his head back against the pillow, the soft whine a little louder this time, the squeeze a shock to his system. A surge of pleasure running through him, making his cock twitch underneath your hand. "Jesus..." Your eyes weren't on his aroused bulge, however, but at his face—no, his neck. You raised your lips toward it, and he let out a satisfied sigh at the feel of you, of your mouth brushing against the skin. Your hand rubbing against him, slow and steady, you could feel how his breath quickened, from his chest as it rose and fell. Though you felt it with your lips at his neck, as he swallowed hard, a soft little groan as your hand continued rubbing against him.
"You know what I noticed while watching you?" you asked, looking up to meet his eyes, darkened, almost black, his jaw clenched, a brow raised. "Your neck..."
The smile on his face widened, as did his eyes, a laugh wanting to escape but, fuck, he didn't want to stop you. "My neck?" he simply asked, licking his lips at the thought of your mouth on his neck, the bites, the marks, made him feel hot inside. Cock twitch under your hand, his mind going hazy. "Really?"
You smiled, fingers playing with the button of his jeans, an expert in unbuttoning it with a flick of your fingers as you bent down to give a soft, fluttering kiss along the side of his neck. "You have....a really slutty yet beautiful neck, Joseph Quinn... For Dior..." Both snorting at your words, but it died quickly, with amorous intent, his neck and the things you wanted to do to it filling your mind. Letting your lips linger, your tongue gliding along the skin, hot breath escaping as you find his pulse. Feeling it quicken with your actions, his hand gripping the back of your neck. Fingers entangling themselves in your hair as you suck and bite against a particular spot that...as you pull down the zipper of his jeans, your hand sliding inside and you can feel him more better. He's hard, even through his boxers, he's hard, making you squeeze your thighs together. Still needy, still wet, but as your teeth sink into his flesh with a harder bite and he groans, you set that fact aside.
"Fucking Christ..." he muttered under his breath, the sting of your bite claiming his entire body. Shooting straight to his cock, throbbing against your moving hand. His body helpless but to move against your hand, heart beating fast, hissing at your teeth, catching the flesh of his neck, tugging it, making him growl. "Shit... Love..." His free hand goes to the curve of your bum, squeezing it tightly. You let out a soft sigh, making him shiver, your hot breath fanned against the slick flesh. You moved in, though, sucking where you bit him and your hand on his cock stilled. That made him frustrated, moving, grinding against the stilled hand. A move of desperation, he knew, but he couldn't help it. Moving blindly as he closed his eyes, leaving no mercy on his neck, feeling himself start to sweat. "You're gonna....shit...you're gonna leave a mark, darling..."
"Mmm..." you hummed, the wet sounds of your mouth hitting the air, groaning softly as you sucked steadily, the feel of his pulse so defined, so clear and so quickened against your tongue. "Good," you muttered against him, teeth scraping against him, feeling him shudder. "Want everyone to see, baby..."
A soft huff escaped him, his fingers in your hair tightened as he pulled you from his neck. The sight of your lips slick with spit, swollen slightly, it thrilled him, leaning his head to press against yours, breathing deep. "...want everyone to see I'm yours?" You nodded, and he grinned, fingers scratching at your scalp. "...I am yours..." he uttered, and now it was his breath, hot with the light scent of the cigarette he had not too long ago, fanning against your lips. The desire to kiss him floods you instantly, his dark brown eyes on your lips, having the same desire rise up in him. His words soft, "I'm so fucking yours."
Your smile was warm, lips capturing his in a kiss, soft and sweet. A complete contradiction of what your body wanted. But it came out, as you felt Joseph kiss you back, deep and probing, his tongue, god, his tongue... His grip on your hair tightened, pain coming from the action but a moan escaped you, and he swallowed the sweet sound. "Let me..." you started, panting against his lips. "Let me prove it..." He seemed hesitant, though drawn to you, always so damn drawn to you. You smiled softly, giving a gentle kiss along his jaw. "Please, baby?"
The flash of his teeth was shown in his wide grin, letting his head fall back in defeat. "God, I hate how much I fucking love when you call me baby like that..." He chuckled, shaking his head, "It's so adorable. I can't say no." Though he should, he had a photoshoot in the morning, a smug little smile crossing his features. "You're going to give the makeup department hard work trying to cover your handiwork, love..."
"And you'll be grinning away, because secretly, you love it." You heard him hum as your lips went back to his neck, continuing their work. You could feel the slight vibrations as he moaned, a shiver running through you both. "You like how possessive I can be, don't you, baby? How much I want to show the world you're mine?" Your question punctuated with a bite — harsh and unforgiving, feeling him tense and shiver because of it.
"Fuck, yes... I do, I fucking love it..." He pulled on your hair tighter, a soft moan of your own fanning against his neck, he swallowed hard, felt the throb of his cock. "Do your fucking worst, please..."
There was no need to entice you more, your attention to his neck immediate. The feel of vibrations as his moans came one after another with each drag of your teeth against his skin made the wetness between your legs grow. You can't help it, the sound of him moaning was just so pretty, as well as the sound of his panting breath. The way his body tensed then shook, your tongue lapping against the feel of his pulse that steadily grew quicker, moving to bite his skin fully. Teeth catching a bit of skin, letting out a soft growl as you tugged and pulled, feeling his chest rise and fall as you did it. "Jesus fucking Christ..." his words, under his breath and slightly slurred. You weren't the only one getting drunk off this, truly getting intoxicated by each other.
Hands moved, away from your hair, your bum and toward his jeans. Pushing them down, groaning, letting out a soft whimper. You were making him needy and needed to feel you against his throbbing cock. "Love, please..." He pleaded, and you could feel him swallow, body tensing up, the tension of a rubber band about to snap. You hummed softly, sucking along his flesh. There was a flavor to him, something mixed with sweat, something you couldn't get enough of. He was right, you were going to give those poor girls more work while he sat in the makeup chair... But the thought gave you joy. "Baby... Baby, please..." came his needy whine, your saliva coating his neck at this point, kissing your way to his jaw, eyes meeting him as you smiled. Licking your palm, you made it nice and wet before going to his cock, this time not up for teasing him. The sound of his relieved sigh made you smile.
You love his cock, the way it throbs and pulse within your grasp. Making you squeeze your thighs for the littlest bit of relief. Your hand moving slowly from base to tip, his soft groans making your heart feel light, your eyes catching his neck, the faint markings making their presence known against his skin. You smirked at that, feeling powerful, especially as he started to buck his hips against your hand, essentially fucking himself against it. Your thumb brushing along his tip with a chuckle, moving to kiss his lips gently. "This what you needed, baby?"
"God, yes," he let out with a soft laugh, darkened brown eyes looking at you. A louder laugh coming out, the flash of his teeth in a grin. "Oh, you love making me so desperate for you, don't you?"
You couldn't deny it, not with your smile spreading wide as it did, your hand moving a bit firmer, letting out a soft hum. "It is one of my greatest joys, yeah," teasing him with a chuckle, which he returned with a smile. You took a moment, as this was quite the moment. Stroking his cock, feeling powerful as he looked at you with such darkened eyes... A breath released from you, capturing his lips with a kiss. Soft. Warm. You feel him kiss you back. Hungry. Hot. Wet as tongues meet and you tasted each other, feeling him groan, felt the vibrations of it cascade over you. Filling you with a shiver, shocks of arousal hitting you within your cunt, feeling your body start to heat up and a moan of your own pressed into his mouth. The kiss broke, and you were left with a panting breath and closed eyes, heads pressed together and you felt his hands in your hair. Opening your eyes, you swallowed hard, watching him look at you with that pure look of desire and lust. "You're beautiful, you know?"
He smiled lazily, a soft laugh falling from those smiling lips. "That's...very sweet. No, that's...the sweetest thing I've ever heard from someone stroking my cock so well."
"I'm serious," you say, chuckling, pecking at his lips. "You're really...fucking...beautiful... I'm sorry if I didn't say that before... I always thought so, you know, those big brown chocolate eyes and smile..." He chuckled, making you grin, not sure if he's convinced but it felt good to say. "I'm always floored by it... Seeing you in the Gris Dior video just sort of...put it out in full. Joseph... You honestly take my breath away... Every time..."
If he didn't believe you before, he certainly believed you now. His darkened eyes softened, cupping your face with his warm, rough, big hands, thumbs trailing your cheeks. You were making him feel sentimental, taking a deep breath and exhaling shakily. He felt a warmth that wasn't there before, his confidence in himself, while not dwindling before, certainly gained a bit of a boost. His smile widened, his heart beating against his chest a little stronger, shaking his head. "Then you know how I feel... Waking up and looking at you. I'm really fucking lucky. You mean so much and in...such a short fucking time... Thank you. Not... Not just for the words, though, those were fucking amazing," he chuckled as did you. "But for... For everything. Just...everything."
He kissed you then, and while the previous was filled with lust, and, okay, this kiss had a fair bit of that as well, there was something else. Adoration. Love. His teeth finding your lip and biting it, a soft groan pulled from you before you pulled away from his ivory grip and eyes went to his. "Lay down," you said, and his brows rose. As if in question, but also...knowing exactly what you were going to do. "I've never sucked off a model before... And while I've had your cock in my mouth plenty of times... Never as a model."
God, the excitement that filled him, his cock twitching already in your grasp. "...have I told you I love you?"
You gave him a smirk, kissing his lips with a moan. "You'll be telling me that a couple more times before I'm done with you." And he didn't doubt it, not one second as your kisses continued downward. You did away with his shirt, knowing it probably cost more than your wardrobe combined but tossing it to the ground anyway. Leaving his chest exposed, lips dragging across the flesh, when you got to his stomach, you couldn't help but bite him there. Earning a hiss and a groan from him, while you kissed, licked and tugged on the skin. You love his stomach, more than just for the happy trail, sometimes Joseph would be so self conscious about it, only alleviated by your love of it. Your tender care as you gave gentle nips, turning to less than gentle bites, kissing and squeezing with your hands. Hoping to mark him there as well. Every action he gave a soft little sound, whether an exhale or moan, you earned it, before lifting your eyes to his face looking at you, eyes dark, teeth biting his lip.
You know what he wants, because you want it, too.
With one last tug of his skin, you move lower down his body, between his legs, sitting up a moment to lift your shirt over your head, no bra underneath, causing his cock to twitch once again. His eyes on your breasts, licking his lips. You're beautiful to him, you said he was, but in his eyes... There was no one, not one thing, to match you. He had half a mind to ravage you then and there, but it was as if you could sense it and placed your hands at his hips, with that smile. That wicked smile that got him hard within seconds if you were out together. He gave a resigning smile, laying back, watching as you did away with his jeans, leaving him bare, his cock yours for the taking.
His cock always felt so perfect in your hand, though more than a handful, the girth of him always just a bit towards the intimidating side. Your thumb caressing the thick vein that ran along the underside of his cock, and he let out a soft groan, watching as you lowered your lips and ran your tongue from his base, slowly, teasingly towards the swollen head of his cock. "Fuck..." you heard him utter, meeting his eyes as you swirled along his tip, squeezing him gently at his base. There was that flavor to him, that was just so...him. Indescribable but utterly intoxicating. Addicting, as your tongue swiped across his tip, bringing out a shuddering breath from his lips. "Jesus... Love..."
But when you bring your lips to wrap around the tip of his cock, that's when he loses all comprehension. "Oh, God..." When all he can feel is how warm and wet your mouth is, claiming his cock, inch my inch. The vibrations of your moans, the feel of him in your mouth, on his tongue, a pleasant one. The mere thought of that blows his mind a bit. His hand reaching for the back of your head, fingers in your hair as he lets out a hiss, as you're sucking on the tip of him. You could taste the small traces of his pre-cum, spilling on your tongue, just a small taste, a small preview of what you wanted. He's holding onto you tight, his eyes heavily lidded, watching as you lower down, it always surprises him how much of his cock you can take into your sweet mouth... More than most had, more willing than his past girlfriends though they may as well not exist as he rolled his eyes back, feeling the tip of him hit the back of your throat like that. "Oh, that's good... Oh fuck that's good... Jesus."
Every word fills you with pride, making you want to do your best in pleasing him. It was more for you than him, you'll admit. He just... God, he felt so good, making you moan as you take him deep, tightening your mouth around him as you bob your head up and down, hitting the back of your throat. Each time testing your gag reflex, sometimes you do, causing your eyes to water and mouth water. Spit and drool dripping down his length, but the way he panted, muttering your name, it made you squeeze your thighs, slightly rubbing against the mattress. You were wet, heated, needing attention yourself but, again, his cock felt so good.
"God, you're driving me fuckin' insane, baby... Fuck..." He could let you suck his cock for hours, and truthfully, you would. It amazed him how much you loved doing it, then again, he'd do the same to your sweet cunt. "You're my perfect girl, aren't you?" he hissed, closing his eyes, "...god, my perfect, sweet girl... Taking me so... Jesus Christ, you feel so good..." You both feel how pleased his cock is, pulsing, twitching inside your mouth, taking him in and out, over and over until he can't help but start to buck his hips against you. His fingers in your hair pull, keeping you steady as he fucked your mouth like the crazed animal you made him into with your perfect mouth. Making you moan, eyes looking at his face, as he tilted his head back, wanton moans leaving his lips, freely, without abandon, filling your mouth deep. Lost in the way you made him feel.
He looked even more beautiful than before.
Joseph could have easily filled your mouth with a load of his cum, so easily shot down your throat and he knew you would have swallowed so eagerly... But with a growl, he pulled you from his cock, his breath panting, watching with darkened eyes as your lips were swollen and cheeks flushed, wet with tears and spit. "Come here..." he uttered, bringing you toward him, grasping and cupping your face as you two so eagerly kissed. Rolling his tongue into yours, tasting himself off you, both of you moaning, his hands moving down your body, grasping your breasts, pinching your tits a bit, earning a soft cry into his mouth. "You sound so perfect, every god damn sound..." he muttered against your lips, you both sharing a laugh. His hands moving to your hips, gripping them firmly before he rolls you to your back with a soft gasp. Pressing his lips further against your own, moaning into your mouth. Hot and heated, much like he was, you as well.
Your head was swimming, filled with lust with every wet, probing kiss, every roll and feel of his tongue. Every touch he gave onto your skin felt like fire, electricity shooting straight to your core, silently begging for his touch. And he does, because when you're with him like this, it's as if you two share the same mind, his lips kissing yours and his hands slid down your stomach, thick fingers at the waistband of your bottoms, putting to light that of the two, you still had far too many clothes on. A shared grin between you, as his eyes bore into you as he pulled shorts and panties off you, lifting your hips to help him. His eyes flickered from your face to between your legs as your bottoms were tossed away, discarded much like the rest of his clothes.
The smile on his lips smug as you spread your legs for him, and he let out a soft hiss as his hand slid up your thigh, to your slick, wet cunt. Taking in a deep breath, he shook his head in awe. "Fucking hell..." he breathed out, biting his lip as he looked to your face, no hint of a blush, or any sign of embarrassment, just an almost proud smile and that was enough to make him smile. "I've got such a filthy girl, don't I?" he muttered before capturing your lips in a kiss, "Such a pretty," he said between kisses, going to your neck with a groan. "Filthy fucking girl..." Biting into your neck, making you let out a soft cry, the roughness of his fingertips at your clit, rubbing softly.
"Oh, fuck," you let out, the touch of his fingers sending such pleasant waves through your body, not to mention the harsh bites to your neck. Letting out a soft laugh, "Is this payback?"
He smirked, teeth tugging, sucking against your skin. "Just wanna match... If you claim me, I claim you. Just how it works, love." Giving you no time to really accept it, though your smile clearly showed it, his teeth busied themselves, biting into the flesh of your neck. The warmth of his tongue making you pant and moan, your hands gripping his shoulders, his fingers on your clit driving you insane. Normally he would have buried his head between your legs, licked you until you came on his tongue, tasting you for hours... But something about this time made him impatient, and he sensed you felt the same. You were already so wet... Teasing you, tasting you, making you cum first was a need if he had wanted to fill you with his cock. Thicker than your previous boyfriends — something that elated him to no end — but this time, there wasn't quite a need for it. You were ready, and as he sucked at your pulse, he wondered why, and suddenly, it hit him.
You wondered why he chuckled suddenly, hotly against your neck. "God, you're funny," he let out, his voice soft, husky against you. "You're fucking adorable."
Brows furrowed, in the middle of you being hot and bothered, he'd made you confused and you weren't sure if you appreciated that or not. "What're you... I mean... I am, but what are you talk—" And then you felt them, two of his thick fingers sliding inside you. "Fuck..." you breathed, your grip on his shoulders tightened as he bit you harder on your neck, growling, slowly burying those two fingers knuckle deep, curving them just slightly, caressing that spot, that easily sent a shock wave through you, trembling softly and your hand to reach to the back of his neck, just to hold him. "Baby... Baby, right there," though you didn't need to tell him, fingers already pulling in and out of her tight, wet cunt, hitting that perfect spot each time, drawing out a soft moan. "God, yes, that feels so... Shit."
Fuck, he loved the feel of you. Whether with his tongue, fingers, though yes, especially his cock, no matter how much he stretches you with each fuck, you always go back to feeling so tight around him. He could feel that now, the way your walls clench around him, squeezing him and yet moving so fluidly, so easily in and out of your perfect cunt. "You're so fuckin' wet, darling... So fuckin' perfect already... God, you're so ready for me, aren't you, angel? Don't even need a warm up, you’re so ready for my cock." You gave a whimper, you couldn't deny it, he could feel it after all, hear it as he went a little faster, a little harder, making your legs spread further. Making you pant and moan, his cock twitching in the anticipation of having you wrapped around it. Biting your shoulder, affectionately, his eyes like dark fire, kissing his way to your lips, biting them, looking into your eyes. "My darling girl's really that eager to fuck a model, hm? Or have a model fuck her with his hard, fat cock?"
"I..." You closed your eyes, your body involuntarily squirming underneath him, his thumb rubbing against your clit, working with his other fingers as they stilled, deep inside you, rubbing against that part of you, making you lose each thought out of your head, drawing you deeper and closer to that edge already. Him and his hands... Why did he have to be so good with his hands? "Joe..." you said in a whine, feeling absolutely in his mercy. And his fingers. Fuck, his fingers. "Joseph.... I... Yes... Oh my god, yes.. Please...? It feels... Fuck...."
"Should I be jealous?" He asked, his other hand cradling your cheek, his thumb brushing against your lips, slipping between them. "You've never been this wet so fast before you saw this video of me... Do you want a model, instead?"
A groan leaves your lips, though you don't fail to miss the opportunity to take his thumb, biting it lightly before giving it a good suck, eyes melting into his. Watched as he slid it tentatively in and out of your mouth, against your tongue. His fingers in your pussy quickened, making your eyes hazy, squirming underneath him so pathetically. He knew how to touch you, entice you, since the first time you fucked, he was a quick study on your body, a thrill shooting through his body at every moan that left your parted lips. Thumb leaving your mouth, tracing along your lips as he pulled his two fingers from your cunt, sliding to your clit. "Baby..." you let out before a sharp moan with the quickened motions he made on your clit. Causing your hips to twitch, jerk toward them. "Oh, god. Jesus..." You looked so pretty to him, hearing him let out a growl, nipping and biting at your neck as you tilted your head back. "Fuck. Fuck.." His fingers are soft but rough at the same time. You felt like silk underneath his fingertips, his tongue licking over your pulse, sucking deep soon enough. "Oh, fuck, I want you..."
He let out a hum, mirroring your previous actions, biting into the flesh of your neck and tugged on it. Though he did it a bit harder, a sharp pain traveled through you, making him feel the pulse of your clit against his fingers. Kissing tenderly towards your ear, his panting breath felt, making you shiver. "You want to fuck a model, my darling girl? An actor isn't good enough, is it? No, this greedy cunt wants—"
"No," you let out with a soft laugh, prompting him to lift his face from the crook of your neck, chocolate brown eyes staring down at you, confusion clear on his face. "The only model I wanna fuck is you. Only actor I wanna fuck is you. You're the complete fucking package, Joseph. Yeah... I got soaked faster than usual..." You smile, looking over his face. "But only because seeing you in that video? Turned me on. Wanted to suck your cock... Wanna be filled by you... Because you, Joseph Quinn, for Gris Dior..." He snorted at that, though smiled, wide and warm. "You're amazingly hot," you grin as he kisses your lips gently, "...sexy..." another kiss. "Beautiful...everything I want and... I really want you to be inside me right now..."
The way he groaned, biting your bottom lip. "Fuck. There you go again, making my head swell up so much, my darling..." The way he called you that... While affectionate, there was a bit of something else. Of desire, of lust, emitted in a deep rooted growl that made you shudder, yet your eyes were on his, barely registering his hand grasping his cock, at his base, moving until his swollen tip meets against your slick folds. Your wetness coating it, his eyes softening as he let out a soft breath. "Fuck, I love how wet you get for me..." You let out a soft whine, both hands grabbing at the back of his neck, as he teased the head of his cock along the entirety of your pussy. "I know, darling, I know... Be patient, let me just..." He closed his eyes, you writhing beneath him. Groaning as you helped him in what he wanted, to glide the underside of his cock over your folds, rolling in the slickness of it, over your clit. "Jesus I can feel you forever..."
It was almost pathetic the moan you let out, but the feeling of his cock teasing you like this was too much. Your folds parting for the underside of it, the tip running over your clit sent little shock waves through you, tightening your hold on his hair, pulling it slightly and your body having a mind of its own. Moving without you even being conscious of it. Needing to feel him, wanting him so badly. Feeling his cock slide so effortlessly over you, giving you a taste, small little whimpers finding their way from your throat and out your parted, with panting lips. "Fuck, please..." Your heart skipped a beat when you heard him groan, your eyes were closed, surrendering to the feel of him. They opened now, looking into his dark brown eyes, looking as wild and lustful as you felt. His own lips were parted, ghosting over yours, the most pretty little sounds coming from him with every heavy exhale of his breath. Head swimming, every bit of friction between you two driving you insane with need. "Joseph, baby... You feel so good... Please?"
"G o d..." he breathed out, his lips turning into a smile. "Love it when you beg..." He was teetering on the edge of sanity himself, every slick feel of his cock over you was giving him that same wave of pleasure, his lips grazing along your jaw, kissing, letting you feel the tease of his teeth. "Fuck... You're already so wet, love..." Letting out a groan as he kissed hotly against your neck, feeling the sharp breath you took, his free hand grasping at the pillow above your head, curling fingers around it. "...the way it'd be...so easy for me to just..." he shuddered, "...slip inside you..."
"...p l e a s e. . ."
"Fuck..." the words breathed out hotly against your skin, you shivered, still so desperately squirming underneath him. His cock pulsed, throbbed against your actions. "...you're fucking adorable when you're so desperate for my cock..." You let out a whimper, a soft little whine following soon after. Your eyes finding him, the smile on his face wide as he saw your pout, your eyes pleading. Licking his lips, he captured yours, melting the pout away as you returned his kiss, tasting each other for only a moment as he pressed closer, the tip of his cock rubbing firmly against your clit. "...tell me..." he muttered against your lips. "...tell me how much you want it. My cock inside you..."
He was being unfair, you both knew. The way you squirmed even more, your breath hitched, whining softly against him. God, if you knew how much he loved it right at that moment, this attempt of control quickly dwindled with you underneath him. But you didn't. He was teasing you, that's all you knew. Moving the tip of his cock through your folds, parting for him as his kisses started again, on your lips, tongue rolling forward, sliding so easily inside to taste you. You could feel him, the swollen head just there, so easily could slip in and fill you. Making you pant softly against his mouth, your kiss breaking, dazed words leaving your lips. "...I want it..."
There was a groan, a deep hum from him, pecking against your chin, lips sliding across your jaw. "What do you want, sweetheart?"
"Your cock..."
Biting his lip, he smiled, the desperate plea in your voice stroking his ego nicely, making his body shiver, feeling his tip starting to slide inside you, forcing himself to stop. "...Jesus, so greedy and so eager to suck me in..." Biting kisses along your jaw, "Tell me how bad you want it..."
"Oh, god, Joseph..." You would have cursed him out, but the way you ached for him, you let out a groan, desperation claiming you. "...I want your cock so fucking bad... Okay? I want your thick...fat...cock...filling me so deep I can't even think, talk about anything other than you feeling...so good... I want you to fuck me so hard and deep... I want you, I want you, baby... Please... Stop teasing me..."
He practically melted right on top of you, words driving the last semblance of sanity far away, a growl emitting from his lips as his hips drove forward. A moan wrestled from his lips while you? It came out in a gasp, the swollen tip sliding into your heat with no resistance, "Oh, fuck," he let out in a shaky whisper, his now free hand grasping your hip, aiding in driving his length into you, not stopping until he was buried deep. "...oh, god, oh, fuck, that's it, my good girl... Shit..." You felt so like heaven, his cock pulsed with the way your walls stretched around him. Making him feel how heated, wet and tight you were. So utterly wet, dripping for him, yet still giving him that tight feel he so often loved in fucking you. "Jesus fuck, baby... Oh, is this what you want? Hm? Feeling so full with my cock?"
The girth of him stretches you so good, your hands moving from the back of his head to his shoulders, letting out a strained moan. He did feel good, he always felt good. "...baby...shit..." you hissed, the first push always knocking your breath away. Always amazed how you can suck his cock inside your cunt, feeling so tight around him, he was buried deep within you, making your stomach clench. Muscles tightened. The tip of him reached so far that you started panting, "...Oh, god... So... So deep, baby... I... Oh, god."
"I know, I know, it feels so fucking amazing for me, too..." The way he throbbed, pulsed so deep inside you, groaning as he moved down your neck, biting gently, rocking his hips against you, "...every fucking time..." He could feel your nails digging deep into his skin, the thought of you leaving marks delighting you both, a little smile on his lips at the feel of his cock dragging out of your cunt, squeezing him tight, sucking him as if so desperate to keep him buried so deep. The sound of your whine filling his ears, making him let out a groan each time he pushed himself right back in. Gentle thrusts, breathy moans against your neck, hand gripping at both the pillow above your head while the other gripped at your hip a moment before moving toward your thigh, "...wider..." he breathed, biting your skin, "Spread your legs wider, love... Wanna fuckin' split you open with my cock, alright, my darling?"
How quickly you obeyed his demand could have been seen as shameless, but he only smiled against your skin. His gentle thrusts from before transitioned to something harder... Deeper... The sound of your wet arousal coating his cock hitting the air, heard by the both of you. Soft grunting from him, from the depths of his chest as he moved, fucking the moans out of you. Soft, strained, your hands descending down his body, nails scratching their way toward his hips. "Please... Please..." were all you could manage before tugging his waist. A silent plea for more, making him groan in such a way before he's slamming into you. The sound of skin slapping against one another, his movements not even in the same realm as gentle. Led by desire and lust, there was no control, by either of you, chasing after that euphoric feeling. Of filling you so deep and being filled by him that nothing else mattered. His name falling from your lips in desperate pants and moans, the heat overtaking you, nails digging into his skin that you didn't know his soft little cry was from that or how tight your cunt was gripping him.
"...oh, she loves my cock, doesn't she? Your sweet little cunt..." His voice breathless, not stopping his movements, not even for a second. He swore he felt himself fuck you deeper and deeper, amazed at how well you take him each time. "...so...so fuckin' eager for me... Jesus fuck..."
A soft whimper flows past your lips, trying to have the mind to speak, but his cock is so good, hitting you so deep that it makes you struggle, "...she...oh, fuck, that feels so fucking good...." Getting lost in the feel of him, the tip hitting that special spot, making you pant and moan, the slightest quivering of your thighs, squeezing his waist tight. "...mm...fuck, she get's.... Oh, fuck… Fuck! …jealous....sometimes...."
His lips ascend from your neck to your jaw, biting his way to your lips, your words caught but taking him a moment through physical touch to respond with, "...jealous?"
"Mmhm," you utter out with an exaggerated pout against his lips. "The way you just...spread your legs all over the place..." He let out a snort, eyes looking down at you, smiling softly. "In interviews and photoshoots... Showing everybody a look at your perfect cock..." You shake your head, a smile bright on your lips. "The jealousy is just...awful."
Joseph kissed your lips hard, smiling, laughing along with you. "Oh, we can't have that... I can't have her being angry at me... Not this perfect pussy... Always treating me and my cock so nicely..."
You giggled, loving that even in the heat of the moment, you two could have this. Just…this, together. The teasing, the silliness, the things that made the two of you just right. Letting out a soft groan, “You can’t have her be mad, baby…”
“No,” he said, shaking his head, “No, no, no, we can’t… Mmm-mmm, no, can’t have that…” His lips turned into a full pout, making you laugh. “Not allowed, no. Erm… God, what can I do? What can I do?” The pout was gone, replaced with a wide grin, flash of his teeth showing, all the while not stopping his hips from sliding in and out of you, just a bit slower, as he thought of the next move. Though you felt so fucking good, it was driving him absolutely mad. He wasn’t joking, you cunt was always so fucking good to him, as he nipped along your jaw, he could feel her clenching around him. So tight and wet just for him… Sucking him in, making him growl as he slammed into your hips a bit harder, just for the feel of his cock so deep inside to make you cry out in a whimper. 
Your hands gripping on his shoulders, lifting to bite him there as well, hearing him moan and feeling him twitch inside you. If he kept this up, you would be so close… The feel of him splitting you open too much. So easily you felt lost when he was inside you, only a shred of the person you are, mainly replaced by a needy woman that only wanted to cum for him. For yourself, a bit, but mainly for him. He drove you crazy, transformed you into this ravenous being, hungering, desperate for his cock, his kiss, his words and moans. No one had ever made you feel this way, and you doubt anyone else would. “Baby…” His lips came crashing on yours, his hand grasped around your neck, and he swallowed your moans while meeting some of his own. You felt light, thoughts both flowing and yet emptied themselves from your head. You smell his cologne, feel the wetness between your legs coating his cock, you hear the slap of his hips against your body… Taste his taste on your tongue. All your senses were focused on him and it took you a moment to realize his grasp on your hips, not until he rolled over, pulling you on top. 
Amazingly your lips remained within your kiss, his hands roaming the small of your back as you settled on top of him. Cock still buried inside you, a groan leaving him as his teeth took your bottom lip between his, biting hard, his chest heaving as he gave a little thrust of his hips up into you. You gasped, a shuddering breath following and he hummed. “...I thought what to do…” he explained softly, his hands moving back to your hips, gripping you tightly, guiding you to rock your hips back and forth gently. His hot breath came out against your chest, his lips kissing a soft trail towards your breasts. “I want her to take the lead… Yeah? Mmm… Let her take as much as she wants… Take my cock just how she likes… Isn’t that—” His words stopped as you didn’t hesitate, starting to move your hips faster, taking him by gentle surprise as he let out a soft cry. “—Jesus…. Fuck….” A soft laugh came out, his hands leaving you and took to grip at sheets beneath him. “Oh, fuck… God, that’s it…” You were a fucking goddess to him sometimes, leaning back and looking at you properly. 
It was always a thrill, seeing his cock so taken by your cunt. When you rise and he could see how you made his cock glisten, so warm and wet, the sounds from your lips making him throb as you slammed your hips down on him. Rolling his eyes back as he closed them, knuckles white as he grabbed the sheets. “God, yes... Shit, you’re fucking perfect…” 
“Oh, god… B a b y…” your voice was trembling, lost within your panting breath, driven by the pleasure of bouncing on his cock. Hands desperate to touch him, hold him, grabbing onto the sides of his stomach, nails digging into his flesh, using that to anchor your movements. Faster and faster… Your moans sounding more unhinged, filling his bedroom, the very air around you, hearing his own as well. “You… You feel so good…” Swallowing hard as you feel him start to thrust up against you, a cry ripping from your mouth. “So fucking good…”
“She takes me…” A wave comes over him, his hands leaving the sheets and to your thighs, heavy breath past his lips as his brows furrow. “Jesus… Oh, she takes me so…fucking…good…” He could feel it, how your cunt clenched around him so tight, making him growl. 
You smile, a tremble of a laugh as you squeeze his sides. “She fuckin loves your cock…” His hips snap up hard, making you close your eyes tight and body quiver, a wave of pleasure, white hot flashes through you. “You stretch me so good, Joseph… Get in so deep… Fuck,” you let out, bouncing on his cock harder, gasps leaving your parted mouth. He doesn’t move this time, but he grips at your thighs, letting you ride him, taking complete control and you could hear his moans as he twitches and pulses inside you. Eyes are closed, the sound of your moans, the slap of skin as you move harder and faster, chasing your high, pleasure mounting inside you. “Feel so fucking perfect inside me… So good… Oh god.” The sound of your wetness drowning his length was so crisp and clear to your ears. “So wet for you…”
“I know, I know,” he all but whimpered, squeezing your thighs, “Love it when you’re so wet… Just for me… Jesus fucking Christ, feeling my cock slide in and out of you so easily… But so tight… So warm and perfect, Jesus fuck… Can you feel it… How much my cock loves you… Mmm, love how you make such a mess…” 
God, you could. Every twitch, pulse, throb… Always taking your breath away, but you nodded, only moving faster, harder on him. A seamless motion of your hips, taking him fiercely and you could feel your body growing tense, toes starting to curl and that white hot claiming you bit by bit throughout your body. “....I can feel it… I can fucking feel it… Oh, baby… Joseph, fuck, I… yes… Fuck… Yes, yes—”
“Fuck, I can feel it…” his voice own voice strained, nails digging into your skin as he groans deep. His own muscles feeling tight, the spark in his belly igniting. “My girl is gonna cum, isn’t she? Yeah, she is… Fuckin’ hell, gonna make such a mess on my cock, aren’t you, my love? Yeah? God, tell me…”
“I’m gonna… Gonna make such a mess…” Your thighs trembling, gasping for air, “Joseph, baby…! Shit!”
He was quick, lifting himself to pull you down on him, lips on your neck. His hands keeping your legs spread as he fucked you, hard, fast and steady. “Let go, sweetheart… Darling… Fuck, cum with me… I wanna feel you… Wanna feel so bad, please…” 
“Yes, yes, yes, fuck!” the last words you uttered until you gave him exactly what you both wanted, a primal cry leaving your lips, cunt clenching around him, squeezing him as you buried your face into the crook of his neck, screaming his name as you shook. You heard him groan, kissing and biting your neck with a growl once more. He kept growling, and the realization it was because of you sent you even more over the edge. Wave after wave went through you, feeling your release drench and pour on his cock. Your arms squeezing tightly, clinging onto him as you trembled in his strong arms, trembling, sobbing. Feeling his cock still slamming into your cunt, taking it, the sensitivity making your body rock and twitch on top of him, but not wanting to stop, sending you to that euphoric state of being only Joseph could get you to. None of your partners were ever close. Only him. 
It wasn’t long after until it hit him, cock throbbing, pulsing, his panting and groaning mingled with his such desperate growls. Biting your shoulder, shutting his eyes closed, he savored the feel of you so tight around his cock, and the mess of your release. So wet, he could feel the mess and could only imagine what your pussy looked like. Art, he thought. He was fucking art, a masterpiece, groaning deep as he chased after his own pleasure, feeling the wetness of your mouth and possibly tears against the crook of his neck. You always felt so alive in his arms, making him shudder as he continued. The sound of your cunt sharper than before, driving him mad, absolutely fucking mad. “Fuck, you’re such a good girl, my best…fucking…girl…! Oh, god, so good for me, so…fuckin’.... Jes…Jesus Christ… Oh fuck! Yes… Shit… Oh, my girl, my precious fuckin’ girl, you make…” His chest heaving, feeling it, “...feel so good… You’re gonna take it, yeah? Take every…Jesus fuck…. Oh god, everything… Take fucking everything…” You nodded, prompting him to give your arse a good smack, earning a light yelp from you. “Say it.”
Whimpering softly, “...take it, I’m gonna take it… Take everything… Oh, god, please, give it to me…” 
He groaned, “...good girl… Oh, God…!” A few more strokes of his cock in and out of you, taking your hips and one last thrust, making sure he was deep inside you as he spilled with deep, primal growl. Your hand went to his curls, fingers squeezing tight as you shook and trembled, crying out a moan and he bit into the flesh of your shoulder. Ecstasy filled him, cock pulsing, threads of his cum painting your walls, muttering your name over and over like a prayer. Body trembling with you, the white heat burning him from the inside out, stilling only for a moment until but you both felt so good, both of your bodies starting to move again. Your lips finding each other’s, kissing each other deep, moaning, whimpering into each other’s mouths, the sensitivity sending each other to a place of pleasure and a good sense of hurt, bodies quivering together. He wanted to fuck his cum deeper into you, and a part of you wanted that too. Not stopping him, a warmth cascading over you as his hand smoothed over your stomach. 
After the daze had settled, you reluctantly slid from him, leaving his cock to drop to his stomach, your joined release dripping over him there. An immediate ache settled over you, your body, your cunt mourning the loss of his cock making you feel so full as you settled on your side, curled up to him and resting your cheek to his shoulder, both out of breath. Your clit pulsed, throbbing, and your cunt was still clinging to the feeling of when he came, the feel of his hot cum filled you, so much that he seeped from you even as he was still fucking you. His fingers came to your cheek, causing you to lift your eyes to look at his deep chocolate brown ones, looking at you in that soft sense of afterglow, with such adoration it made your heart sing. Smiling brightly, you raise your lips to kiss him, both humming with a smile on each other’s lips, his hand cupping your cheek, kissing each other deep before pulling away with a hum. 
There was a comforting silence between you for a moment, eyes, hands, lips finding each other. Kissing your fingertips, knuckles, your wrist. You place your chin to his shoulder, tracing his lips, down to his neck—a snort leaving you. “Shit…” you let out, biting your bottom lip as fingers traced over your handiwork. “It’s already a bit purple… God, you bruise easily…” 
He rolled his eyes, “Those poor makeup crew… All because my girl is feral for me.”
“Oh fuck you,” you laughed, settling closer to him, draping a leg between his and arm across his stomach, “You love it.”
Joseph couldn’t deny it, fingers sliding over your arm, “Yeah, I do. Fucking adore it, actually. Makes me feel smug and I’ll wear it with pride.”
You hummed softly, “And not bad that you’ve given me a few marks of your own…”
“Matching set, only fair…”
“True,” you concede, holding him closer as he turned, wrapping an arm around you. A soft, pleased little hum leaving as he kissed your forehead, the feel of his warmth a good comfort to you. 
“So… The video’s good, then? Or…amazing, even? Like we’ve established I’m fuckable in it, clearly, got the mess on my cock to prove it, but—”
“Oh my god,” you let out with a pained laugh, laying on your back as you looked up at him. “You are so lucky I love you, you know that, right?”
A soft little grin settled on his lips, looking at you, that warmth and adoration from earlier only deepened right at that moment. “...I was actually thinking the exact same thing.”
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
There's this fic I read a long time ago while I was obsessed with tcf's fics, where OG!Cale's personality is suspiciously a lot friendly but it turns out that he actually died a while ago and Deruth trapped his soul in there or something. OG!Cale reaches out to Rok Soo, begging on his knees (HE CALLS OUT FOR RON!!), but then his body rebooted and he was back to his sus pleasant personality.
Wouldn't it be so nice if we used that manipulation technology that Bruce used on Jason? But combine it with some time-travel and Bruce uses it on Jason earlier before he debuts as Red Hood?
I want Tim, the person Jason was going to use as a lesson towards Bruce, to find Jason this way. He gets a few days of happiness, being with Jason. But fanon stalker instincts tell Tim that there is a whole lot that wasn't right with the past few days as well.
Although I also want some angst caused by Dick's denial, I think he would instantly believe Tim if he explained that Jason feels off. And that's why, I think Bruce never tells Dick about Jason coming back to life (like he never told Dick about when Jason died) conveniently also still off on some mission.
Tim, who had been (self appointedly) in charge of making Bruce's support group, makes the decision to crush it. By solely starting with Alfred.
He needs verbal confirmation on whether the old man is truly on his side or not.
So he tells him.
And Alfred, sweet old Alfred. The one who gave Tim the Robin suit in the first place. The one who enabled not only Bruce's bad habits but also Tim's own. The one who is either on Bruce's side or none at all.
Alfred weeps. And admits that he's known all this time.
And that's what's horrible.
"Jason admired you," Tim would tell him. "He loved you and followed your advice to heart.
"And you just. Let it all happen? He's probably waiting for you to notice! Because other than Bruce, you're the second person who's been there for him the whole time he stayed here!"
Tim looks at him in disgust.
"How could you?"
Without waiting for a reply, he leaves.
He takes Jason with him.
And then, he goes for the second person part of Bruce's support group who can very much ruin Bruce's life just as easily.
He takes Jason to Babs.
Oof! Time travel angst with the brain altering would be fantastic. Though, is Bruce the one who time travels, then? He, after already deciding to do that to Jason once, goes back in time and writes off the kid (especially if this is before Red Hood debuted and thus Jason would be max 18 years old). No talking to Jason, no effort, just Bruce going to the extreme.
Damn. Let's just keep building this fuckery up, shall we?
So, the symbolism of Tim taking Babs' support from Bruce away is fantastic. Before Tim got involved, Bruce was practically by himself. Babs had her own independence away from Bruce as Oracle and Dick was still fighting with Bruce (for good reasons).
After Tim finds out that Bruce did such fucked up shit? He pulls that man's support from him so fast. Also, Tim, who made his entire Robin career based on needing to pull Bruce from becoming a monster, does he end up feeling like a failure? Does he blame himself? Does he still tediously try to stop and fix Bruce?
Since it's probably before his 16th birthday, I think he wouldn't have the understanding of how cruel Bruce can be. This reveal is such a shock and hurts way more because Tim never thought Bruce could pull that shit against his children.
Despite his complicated feelings, Tim works to reverse the shit Bruce did to Jason's head.
This leads to Jason reverting back to his previous mental state. The man is traumatized by what Bruce did and begrudgingly thankful for Tim's assistant, but he still hates Tim's guts. He despises him.
After the days, weeks, whatever it took for them to reverse it, this is not the reaction Tim was expecting. Jason had been constantly scared, but he was also kind and affectionate to Tim. Seeing Jason become better yet hateful of Tim, especially after Tim had betrayed his mentor to do it? Damn.
Extra angst to be added on would be Bruce, after he realizes that Tim had betrayed him, goes to pick up Damian early. He needs a Robin, afterall, and he can't trust Tim.
This would make Damian max 8 at this age and thus the youngest Robin to hit the streets (I think) (Bruce is a horrible person in this AU, ig. Fuck that guy).
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skumhuu · 1 month
not at all the other anon (and very VERY much proship leaning) but the "proship means you're against harrassment" definition has always seemed flawed to me because... i was an anti once. And from my direct experiences there are so many antis who have horrible opinions of proshippers but are also very firmly against harrassment—they're still antis and still hate us, viscerally even, they just keep it to themselves and to their friend circles. That doesn't make it harrassment and also doesn't make them less of an anti, they still believe awful things about us and would likely be hostile if we ever interacted.
The definition i typically use for myself to determine whether or not someone is a proshipper or not is if they believe someone's taste in fiction has any bearing on their real-life moral compass or not. If you believe it does, you're an anti. if it doesn't, you're proship.
(This isn't to step over your opinion at all—just sharing mine! I really apologise if this comes off as disrespectful in any way haha.)
No no you’re fine! 💚
This kinda goes back to the unfortunately widespread idea that proship=pedo/problematic. Because like, those people just sound like they identify with being an anti because all of their friends are antis, they have the wrong info, or are too scared to speak up.
Also please remember that my aggressiveness lately isn’t due to hate, I am more than okay with former antis and people who don’t know better, but at this point I’ve dealt with so much harassment and hurt that I’ve lost my patience.
Aligning oneself with the face eating leopards to stay safe doesn’t mean they’re going out to eat faces themselves, but they are enabling that behavior. Even if they aren’t hurting people, by displaying “proship dni” they’re okay with isolating particular kinds of people out of the fandom. They’re okay with inciting harassment, or standing by while others do it for them. And like, they can say they’re against harassment all they like, but they’re still siding with the face eating leopards, hoping they don’t eat their faces next.
Adding proship to my bio wasn’t what I wanted, but I keep getting people acting betrayed when they discover that I’m proship and attacking me that I felt forced to add it. I simplify proship down to ‘proship means you are against harassment’ because I keep having to have this same song and dance where people show up in my askbox demanding I explain myself, when in reality I’m a random sanscest artist like 😂😂😂 the situation is very nuanced! But y’all I’m just trying to make the skeletons kiss
I keep linking studies, and info about the situation, and the way you explained being proship is exactly what I keep saying over and over but in different words :0 I’m too tired to be sympathetic with the people who call me an unsafe pedophile over fiction, who fill my ship tags with hate/disgust while I’m trying to vibe, and I’m not going to tolerate the people who side with that anymore. Like I don’t care if they aren’t harassing others themselves anymore.
Literally look at the tmnt fandom, they ended up turning on “neutrals” and bullied the ever loving shit out of everyone, even those who didn’t care. If we tolerate that here, eventually it might get that bad too. I refuse to let that happen. I will NOT let the face eating leopards in
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thepersonperson · 3 months
Ngl your post summarises so well why i love sukugo and why im so insane about them
Like of fucking course those two would work together when Sukuna deeply does not care about any social rules to ever exist. Of course they do when Gojo is confronted with someone gay for him and not hiding behind anything. This is not survivable and i love them and care them. I even had written in the notes for my fic about Gojo being the person who generally prefers to keep things as they are but i couldnt actually formulate why i think that. You are so smart your analysis is so wonderful
This is also why I like Sukugo a lot. It's not just that Sukuna matches Gojo's freak, he enables it. Encourages it even. Makes it worse. Sukuna's existence is a twisted opposition to Jujutsu Society. It's very hedonistic, sadistic, and selfish but by golly it is rebellion.
The flattery is also appreciated, but please understand that I am very stupid and am capable of making mistakes. Alternate perspectives like yours are just as valuable. Which is why I'm shoehorning your tags on this post into this ask. (They are great tags and everyone should see them. Also I don't know how to respond to them otherwise.)
#yeah youre right # sorry i got time to think about it #and im kind of writing gojo rhe same but a vit more influenced by sukuna lmao #tbh as the person coming from a post soviet country #i honestly cant like #fully agree with everything due to just #like i understand that what people want from socialism isnt what was in soviet union #but its still very much hard to accept that anyone could want what we went through lol #when i tell you that socialism actually pitted everyone against each other isnt not a joke #but i understand what you lead into and yeah yeah true
#tbf to gojo he really tried even if his method ultimately failed #like he had genuinely tried to do better for the kids that came after him despite the desperate lack of empathy of understanding of others #and himself #like i can appreciate the desperate desire to make change for the better
#and yeah geto was so horribly jealous its insane #of anything really #i also kinda really think geto has the mentality that after toji gojo is different? #that the boy he knew died and this is someone else #and what he does it ultimately for the boy he loved and for the boy who survived through changing #it also may be a bit of a fucked up coping mechanism how to deal with it all and differentiate what gojo was to him and is
#but yeah i was thinkinf about it and talking a lot #they were so badly exploited as children #we know its better with gojo than it was before #but then also if gojo takes on the hardest missions for the students that means he’s not present to teach its a fucked up circle #he doesnt understand enough to be a full leader to make a rebellion but he is trying god damn #but yeah the only way he could articulate what he’s actually feeling is through battle which is sad
#i take the way he stopped looking for exciting battles growing up is him growing up #like sending yuuta for cursed tools. he made his peace that he cant just chase men while he needs to take care of the kids #idk its all deeplt fucked up and im very sad for them
That's a fair criticism and even better commentary. I understand the aversion to some of the words I'm using to describe this. It's just that I don't know how else to effectively communicate what I think is the main issue. I do appreciate you're willing to hear me out on this though! (You're applying Umineko's "Without love, it cannot be seen." which makes me very happy.)
I'm US based which is a hypercapitalist hellscape, so when I talk about socialism it doesn't mean "do exactly what the Soviet Union did" (that would be very bad) but instead some of the ideas behind workers rights are good and desperately needed to curb stomp the type of labor exploitation they're experiencing. (Like unions for better pay, hours, and working conditions.)
Theory is useful because it give you the words to describe exactly what's wrong and the ideas that can guide you towards productive solutions. I can say Jujutsu Society is bad because of labor exploitation from the higher ups and therefore unions would help mitigate their power because I learned about those things.
Gojo and Geto don't have those words or background so they see part of the problem but have no name for it. And because they don't understand why it's happening, their solutions are surface-level treatments that don't address the real source of their suffering.
Toji was a symptom of the problem. Geto saw Toji as the entire problem so he thinks eradicating anything like Toji is the solution. Gojo saw Toji as a symptom and a potential solution to the real problem—Jujutsu Society. He recognized that Toji being strong is what helped him escape this problem so he laser focused on it. If he and his students are strong, they can change things. What things exactly? Gojo doesn't have the knowledge or time to dwell deeper on it. To him strength=revolution. He neglects the need for mutual aid, addressing overwork, and limiting child labor because the words and framework to deal with that are missing.
Gojo can't really do anything other than keep things the sameish because he doesn't know how the better world he's seeking works. (Similar to how you recognized this flaw of his, but couldn't put it into words since you didn't have them.) He both does things better for his students and screws them up in whole new different ways as a result of this. It's very tragic.
And everything wrong with Jujutsu Society is still just a microcosm of Japanese work culture that leads to this exploitation in the first place. Nanami is the only character that makes this connection and he has no idea what to do about it other than work where he feels less bad about it.
It's kind of like knowing a grease fire is dangerous but not knowing how to put it out.
>Gojo throws water on the grease fire trying to put it out and makes it worse before he starts suffocating it with his body instead of a blanket.
>Geto tries to eradicate grease from existence not knowing that other types of fire exist.
>Nanami realizes oxygen and fuel are the source of fires but he has none of the tools to put them out or prevent them.
>Sukuna understands that letting the fire burn everything to ash means there will never be fire again. ...While ignoring this also means there will be nothing left in the aftermath.
If any of these people were taught fire safety (labor theory), their methods of dealing with the fire (labor exploitation) and preventing it in the future would be so much better.
Japan has some of the lowest union memberships and the worst working conditions amongst rich countries. JJK has a lot to say on the topic so I'm being very annoying about it because I don't see others talking about it this way.
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I'll love you like a dog (you'll betray me like a man)
A/N: Not proofread. Rushed this before the gym tbh. Hope y'all guys enjoy. AO3 link
"Why do you need to punish yourself this much?"
Most houses and apartments on Earth-42 rest in darkness, so you glance down the street, eyes straining at the neon of rooftops. It's pouring. Miguel didn't had the chance to put up a fight when you are being this cruel.
The pressure is unbearable, his shoulders tense. You watched him send Gwen back her universe despite the probability of her having to confront homelessness there. You watched Miguel try to hurt a kid, and now you're watching as he sets teams to hunt Miles.
"I need to fix this," he tells you, staring and fists clenched. His voice's flat. It's the same answer everytime. You're used to it.
And you know why, of course. It's the reason why every Spider-Man must suffer.
It's the tenderness of grief. Tender like a bruise.
Miguel suffers and weeps. It's sickening to watch how much pain can make you aggressive.
You're more than aware you're a bad person. Never a hero, never sure why you were accepted among them.
(The truth about the multiverse is that they don't know it enough. The canon theory could be right. It could be wrong. They will never know in their lifetime.
It's cruel and merciless and they will never understand it fully.
You're never fast enough to save a person. You are fast enough to watch them die.
Grief comes in waves. Miguel will never see his daughter grow up.)
"Years dedicated to this job," you lament, voice clear through rain, "It all comes down to letting people die."
In another life, we bump on each other at the grocery store. There, we are meant to a happy ending.
Never this one. Here, Miguel looks at you with dread despite all else.
He stiffens further. And you're on his side, he knows it, because you will always be, loyalty outweighting what you know is wrong.
"I don't need your approval," he says. Miguel looks at you strange, eyes fiery red as if glowing with contained rage.
You inch closer to him. Miguel keeps dooming himself. It always going to end up like this.
"I'm just saying," you start, and there's something horrible inside you, "there's no coming back after this."
It's the awareness that you will let Miguel ruin you. Besides that, you would dissect him to know what's happening in his brain, gut him like a fish.
Grief comes in waves. It outweights reason, born from love. Gabriella's laughter is so loud in his head, right now. Not one day passed that he didn't want to take the his heart out of the chest.
You enable the worst in each other. It's true, you had watched him bite off the neck of a person, blood dripping from his fangs. He had watched you punch someone until your own knuckles scratched open.
"I know," Miguel snarls. Life brimming with sorrow. "But you will be on my side."
Jeff Davis has been dead since the beginning. This can go only one way.
Yet, what were Miles supposed to do? Stay still and watch his father die?
And what were you supposed to do? You'd chose Miguel over anybody else. You were never a good person.
Miguel is, though. Despite everything else, he is trying to do what he finds right. Despite the bitterness, the grief.
Somewhere else, I try harder to stop you. Here, I don't try at all. Here, I will meet you halfway.
It rains. It had been raining. The truth is that you are better a weapon than a person. Never letting go of violence like a mother's hand.
"Always," you say.
"And you understand why," he croaks out, solemnly. Taking a shuddering breath.
You purse your lips. "I do."
Loving Miguel had made you worse. "You will regret this," he waves, leaning closer.
You cannot save. You can only try. In another universe, we grew up together. The grief doesn't end but so does the love.
"Maybe." You smile to him, it's not a happy sight. He doesn't falter. "But you can do anything and I won't leave you."
Miguel is making the wrong decision. It's okay, good people also make bad things.
You stand in front of Miguel, and he loves you too. That's why he allows you to be here. "Just don't go where I can't follow."
Everything's sacrificial– you'll make Miguel's massacre holy until there's nothing else to sacrifice.
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A/N: If you like what I do, please consider supporting me and buying a coffee!
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chillyneon · 3 months
To all selfshippers, if your F/O is voice acted by an actor that did something horrible, you're not an awful person for still liking that character and their voice.
Voices can be a HUGE part of an F/O, but knowing their voices come from terrible people can make one feel self conscious or that they're supporting said person.
You're not a morally bad person, you're not supporting terrible people, you're loving your F/O. That's it.
You can still love your F/O in any way to your hearts content, and it is ok to still adore their voice. Hell I personally have multiple F/Os that have this unfortunate situation, so I get it.
AGAIN. You are a wonderful amazing person, and you're just loving an F/O. You aren't enabling bad people by enjoying a character with their voice.
Your F/O is completely separate from the bullshit behind the scenes irl, they are your F/O and they will always love talking to you with the voice you oh so love.
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slavhew · 7 months
If you're not too busy, would you mind listing some of the things you think count as death flags for Mr. Spender?
There's the obvious fact that he's the "old" mentor to group of young protagonists, but what else do you think would count?
OHH BOY ok so I'd think I'm a crackpot for this but since we're talking about Zack "Foreshadowing" Morrison. I have some thoughts
No harm in leading with the (chronologically) first thing that jumped out at me:
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This one IMMEDIATELY made me antsy whenever I came back to it after my initial read, and considering Zack has referred to it on twitter in the past as one of their favorite jokes it's definitely not been forgotten about.
Second, the sheer amounts of near-misses, jokey or not, of Spender narrowly avoiding specifically lightning
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Again, not much, but it's weird that it happened thrice, latter two of which had real gravitas rather than an one-off joke.
And third, Spender himself. He's repeatedly shown himself to be kind of a self sacrificing idiot, as well as prideful to a fault. Granted, it's both him and Mina trying to take on all the responsibility of saving Mayview and its inhabitants from their fate.. But Spender is exactly that right measure of doesn't-value-himself-enough (chest footprint aftercare or lack thereof), having an obscene amount of power (enables his loner act + pride) and poor judgement that has the capacity to put him at great risk. And it has!
Spender has not only shown low enough self-esteem to view himself as the de-facto scapegoat for the safety of the town, but also prideful enough to make very bad calls that end up in people, often himself, hurt (COUGH FORGE INCIDENT COUGH)
This is all conjecture, but it's definitely enough to make me worried about him :') Even if all this doesn't mean he'll necessarily die he's definitely getting (even more) seriously injured at some point. I love the guy but he's so far doing a horrible job of convincing me he wants to live bad enough to circumvent at least that
#not art#admin answers#paranatural#pnat#richard spender#pts-fic-notes-and-blog#before i continue on with tag ramble i just want to say tysm for leaving an ask!#none of my friends read this so ive been stewing on these thoughts for some months and i loved finally sharing them#this isn't exactly proof but the hijack possession seemingly being the final nail in the coffin for his and isabel's relationship.#idk it feels significant to me. thats one more tether to support kinda gone. someone who knows him well enough to know he's unwell#he seems not exactly content but fr incapable of not burning bridges as he is now. and considering how rashly he acts he REALLY needs those#to not do stupid shit all the god damn time with no buffer other than Lucifer. who for his measured approach to rick's hotheadedness#has honestly shown himself to be pretty lenient and kinda bad at controlling spender's more (self) destructive tendencies? so he dont count#to be clear i love spender to bits but he is dumb as rocks and has all the self preservation of a fruit fly. it needs to be said#also the lightning man... idk its WEIRD like especially on the reread its the thing that most consistently threatens him! it repeats#sure he gets chewed by a bat and banged up by forge but?? he somehow always comes back to lightning. catnine has it out for him#its something i didnt even really put together until i continued reading the flashback chapter AFTER getting this ask and went OHHHGNHF#which the only reason lightning is such a non issue is lucifer's powers. which belong to his sunglasses and not to the spirit in him#so its not like they can't be taken away he's just got a really good excuse for having those on all the time#TAGS GETTING SO LONG. ANYWAYS. i hope this is comprehensible lol
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blackpilljesus · 7 months
I find community discourse incredibly annoying. People are often like "Wheres's the community? We need community! People are so individualistic these days". Individualism gets a lot of criticism but nobody ever questions why this happens. While there are some merits to communities, historically communities have mainly benefitted the priviledged. Most communities evolve into divide-and-rule politics where some are seen as more deserving than others (based on things that cannot be controlled). If you're a marginalised person, more often than not you get bs from communities, not love and protection as advertised.
When you're on the short stick side of the divide-and-rule politics in communities, communities are dangerous for you. It will be seen as acceptable to abuse & put you in horrible conditions simply bc of what you are. Those who abuse tend to be in higher positions in communities so when you call them out people wouldn't care or believe you. You'll be punished when you fight back however. When you're marginalised in a community you receive the worst brunts from people and it's seen as okay to be less deserving of support. You wont be supported in community.
People talk about "safety in numbers" but when the community faces trouble, they will have no problem abandoning or sacrificing the marginalised to save themselves at large. Communities have no problem throwing others away or isolating them once it benefits them. Alot of the time people are used & abused in communities so they're fed up with that, fed up of being treated like second class citizens in communities.
Look at the way communties people reminisce about & yearn for actually turned out. "We had community back in the day" yeah the same ones full of predatory uncles that would abuse women & children and get defended, the same communities full of victim blaming & shaming women + girls for being abused, the same communities where some were implicitly told they were more inferior but if they obeyed those higher up in power they can be forgiven. People talk about a lack of a "third place" bc of the rise of secularism so less are going to places of worship but many people leave those communities (even if their faith is still intact) because of corruption & abuse. The judgements & hypocrisy in these places is a lot (one of the reasons I personally left religion & the community too).
Best believe if you can hold your own down, being in a community is more dangerous than being alone bc like i said when things go south your ass will be on the chopping block first. Hell if people just want to abuse, they'll go for the marginalised first & so much abuse is enabled in communities. They'll ostracise & shun you and the threat of that alone keeps many in line to uphold abusive structures in place in communities.
"But humans are natural social creatures that want to be in groups" is something I hear often & that should make you stop and think of how so many people going against this instinct to survive says a lot about how dangerous alot of communities are. It's our nature to socialise, be in groups yet it's chosen to be independent because of the danger groups actually present when you're not seen as a valued member of them.
At this point people would either say "look inwards" or "find better communities out there" but the problem is that status in communities isnt entirely based on the merit of the way you behave. Finding communities where you're accepted & valued IRL tends to be based on things you cant control. It's not like the internet where you put yourself out there & eventually find your community even if they live all over the world. In reality it's another ballgame, people are more closed off & judgemental if you dont fit certain standards so it's more difficult to find places where you'll fit in. Also, as mentioned the determining factors of the way you'll be treated in communities are based on things you cant control, your characteristics will do more speaking and determination for you. So it's not as easy as just "find a better community". Given the way activism is on the internet, many people forget how conservative & hostile the real world actually is. Things like sexism, colorism, racism, ableism, homophobia, lookism etc; play a big role in most communities irl which is why many people seek alt communities online even though those come with issues of their own but to not stray away from the point this is why many people arent fucking with -irl- community shit anymore.
This discource pisses me off because when you constantly receive crap from communities people blame you for it but when you leave you get badgered for not having or being part of community. Communities benefit the priviledged as they uplift those on top, they get to take more from communities & enrich themselves while those at the bottom get fucked over and it's no wonder so many people get fed up and decide to put things into their own hands than risk being in/trusting communities that wont hesitate to risk or end your life over bs. I know that not all communities out there will be horrible but as mentioned finding communities IRL where you'll be accepted as a marginalised person is difficult. Finding equitable communities where everyone is held accountable for their actions, where people genuienly help each other to get by & survive over divide-and-rule politics is difficult.
People complaining about lack of community but wont address the rampant abuse that happens in them tells me they dont care about community spirit as they claim they just want pools of people to exploit and are disguising it under communal spirit & protection. I dont fw communities & sometimes people will tell me i cant do everything alone, no man is an island -good thing i'm a woman then lol- but fr the people this crap comes from are the type of people that make communities suck & i wouldn't want to be in a community with them anyways bc they're horrible & would just exploit. Individualism is on the rise because so many of us marginalised people who grew up in communities realise we're better off alone & idc what anyone says if they feel they're better off within communitities then bet but a lot of the time others are better off alone. And icl one positive of capitalism is that it gives you a chance to rely on communities less & have a more independent lifestyle. Yes there's still a level of people/community engagement but we're not as tightly bound to a community like a small tribe in a village bc tbh i'd probably be dead by now if i had to live & rely on others that way.
Instead of just criticising individualism & guilt tripping people to join communities, if people actually care do inflection about your "communities". Except this wont happen bc this isnt about community spirit but looking for others to exploit which is why it's being aggresively pushed.
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serenityfails · 1 month
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i have no idea if this is gonna be coherent but here we GO
so straight up, i didn't romance fenris the first time i played and i had a bad time with DA2 the first go around and didn't get close enough with most of the characters to have a strong impression of them (fenris included), but @redredribbon convinced me that fenris was where it's at and that i should give it another go. so i did and now he's got my nuts in a vice
second point, i play mage when i romance him bc i like the added flavor but non mage hawkes are also good. i always friendmance him because i don't really like the rival path with him. and it's extra difficult with a mage hawke but that makes it more worth it to me lol
without getting too deep about it, i was processing a lot of unresolved trauma when i played that game and playing through fenris' storyline in depth made it hard not to over-relate to him, albeit through that fantasy lens. there's a lot of really hard hitting stuff in there about feeling like something horrible that happened to you however many years ago has so irrevocably changed who you are and how you relate to the world that the person you were before might as well be a total stranger, and the bitterness that goes along with having been shaped or even created by something you hate.
but the thing i really, really love about his romance is that his positive growth and change is not dependent on hawke. he is clawing his way out of his bad circumstances and changing his life with or without hawke. hawke can be a positive catalyst for change, a push in the right direction, and a source of joy in his life, but he doesn't need hawke to heal. it's just that the healing is what enables him to allow himself happiness, to choose to be with hawke.
and the moment in the romance i love most, which i guess was controversial with some fans, is the moment in the romance where he leaves you. because trying to be with hawke has triggered him and he recognizes he is not in a place where it is healthy for either of you to continue, he has to put up a really hard boundary. and in the time he spends away, he gets better. he wallows less. he makes friends. he finds out who he is, baggage and all, and makes the decision to live with it and move beyond it.
and you have the choice to wait for him or not, but at the end of it, if you're both still on the same page, he's with you 100%. i thought it was just really beautiful. the absolute antithesis of "my love can heal him". he can heal himself. he can build his life back, not the same as it would have been if he'd never been hurt, but still his. and he wants hawke to be part of that.
aaaaand another reason i love it is because i have a major thing for the characters who are so used to being a tool for someone else's use trying to recalibrate when the person they offer themself to isn't trying to use them or treat them like an object. the whole process of learning to be a person again and expecting people around you to take advantage of you and meeting the person (or people) who just defy every expectation you have. (this is the same reason i go bugfuck over zevran and iron bull, i have a type)
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