#you're all so kind and i appreciate every single comment you guys leave on my fics whether that's on ao3 or in the tags on tumblr
everybodyshusband · 5 months
it's healthy to go back and reread all the nice comments people have left on your writing i think :3
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n3ptoonz · 8 months
Idk man, I think I’m gonna need to see you write how Raiden, Kenshi, Syzoth, Tomas, and Liu Kang behave when giving and receiving body worship 😏
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oh...oh 😏
first half is bullet points and the second is blurbs bc my brain likes to stop working for some reason
suggestive, fluff elements under the cut, THIS WAS SO HARD TO FORMAT HOLY i'm sorry for taking so long!1!1?3? i hope this isn't ass🗿
When giving body worship:
is nervous at first. so many things he wants to say, so many things he wants to do. you'd have to guide him at first but he quickly takes over as he gets the hang of it
he'd have you facing him because he wants to start from head to toe, taking extra time inspecting your face and kissing all over it
i can see him going as far as kneeling to get into what he likes about your lower body starting at your torso. if you have some type of tummy going on he's gonna sit there and knead at you like a cat (totally not self indulgent 😹)
makes it his mission. i'm referring back to my kenshi fic with this cause there's body worship in it
it don't matter what you look like or how secure/insecure you are in regards to your body, he's having you stand in front of a mirror and will shamelessly glide his soft tatted hands over the exact parts he adores
he praises you the entire time. physicality, personality, the things you do for him, how you've personally helped him and didn't realize, every. single. thing.
gets lost in the moment. i feel like he's a very emotional guy and lover to the point where he would prob almost cry (yall saw how fast he fell to his knees in the story) talking about the things he adores about you
don't even get him started on your body. he doesn't really understand the concept of body image, but he got the idea to worship yours because he found it so unique. like he's genuinely intrigued
expect him to leave bite barks on the places he likes the most, it's how his folks show love. his eyes would be sparkling and everything
whispers sweet nothings. he LOVES giving body worship. he was always the kind of person who admired others quickly, and that especially included you
he's whispering/murmuring all types of cute things in your ear as you rock back in forth in his strong arms (lord god help me) whether you're facing him or not. "...to your lips, oh how i love your lips..." is definitely the cadence he's going for
it's actually pretty funny to think about him innocently talking about your body and innocently touching/grabbing at certain parts and then gets to like your ass and he's like "and this ass of yours...i could never grow tired of it." like 😭 what happened to pretty eyes mister?! (kidding you can say that again 😝)
Liu Kang
knows exactly what to do. If you're lying down, there's no part of your body that goes without a kiss. i mean literally no part of your body
he loves every single part of it, and he makes sure you understand that without a doubt. he'll make comments about almost everything
it surprises you sometimes how he's able to come up with such sentiments for something as simple as a knee or elbow, but it surely gets the job done
When receiving body worship:
Raiden is super shy. Whether you copy what he did or if it was for the first time and you gave him praise the whole time, he's a nervous wreck. It happened while you were straddling him and telling him how impressed you were with the work he put into his body, running your hands down his bare chest and peppering kisses all over him. The deep blush on his cheeks weren't nearly enough to tell you how much he appreciated you and your kind words.
Kenshi went from shy to letting his ego get fed a little bit. He values physical touch and quality time so much, and this was the perfect combination. He obviously wasn't expecting this, so at first he playfully brushed it off. Then once you started to really show and tell what you liked about him, you could see his eyebrow raise and the smirk on his face grow. He'd hold your face or hips while you did it, just to keep himself grounded and in the moment.
Syzoth didn't know what to do. He just...stood there. You could see the visible shock on his face, but clearly this was only because things like this didn't happen in the Zaterran world. Especially when you'd worship literally both forms, this is a newfound concept to him. Normally people are afraid of his natural form. But no, you showing love to all of him brought happy tears to his eyes.
Tomas was also very shy. He's confident in his abilities and clearly took the time to perfectly sculpt his own body for combat, but he never really thought about his own looks. So your intense focus and worship towards his physical appearance had him in awe. To the point of littering hickeys on the parts of his body nobody would be able to see but him made him all giddy and excited in and outside. In fact, he'd ask you to do this more often!
Liu Kang didn't really know how to respond at first. He appreciated your efforts, really. You decided to surprise him after you hadn't seen him in a while. He'd smile down at you using some of his techniques and kissing down his body starting from his forehead. Eventually he gets used to your way of showing affection and you'll physically see him melt under your touch.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 11 months
Blow Your Top Off
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Warnings: angst, being picked on and teased, blowing up and saying something hurtful
Summary: By day, you're a badass Avenger with fire powers. By night, you're a chemistry student just looking to get a degree. Things would go so much smoother if Loki wasn't there to bother you every single time.
Squares Filled: free space (2021) for @lokibingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Another successful mission down and your day isn’t even halfway over yet. Off goes your Avengers clothes and on goes your casual clothes. Your Avengers outfit consists of stretchy spandex, leather knee-high boots, knife holsters, a fire-resistant jacket and fingerless gloves, and cute cat earrings to top it off. Your public attire consists of leggings, boots that scrunch at your ankles, an oversized sweater, and a cute headband with little ducks on them. 
No one would be able to tell that the badass Avenger is now a snuggly college-going woman. You grab the things you need for all of your classes and cram them into what feels like the smallest backpack ever. You grab your laptop bag and head out of your bedroom to join the others in the main room.
Only a few more semesters of this. You can do this.
“I’ll be back at two in the morning. Don’t wait up for me.”
“I don’t know how you do it,” Natasha says. “To work physically then mentally sounds exhausting.”
“It’s not easy but if I want my biochemistry degree, I have to.”
Your love for science and chemistry is almost as big as your love for being an Avenger and helping people.
“Hey,” Bruce says and comes out of his lab, “when you get back, I’ll have the lab unlocked for you.”
“Thanks. I’ll see you guys later.”
A lot of the time, you, Bruce, and Tony would spend time together in the labs to create different chemicals and hone your skills as a scientist. They do their best to push you to the limit which you’re thankful for. There are things you won’t learn in college that Tony and Bruce can teach you. You leave the tower and walk down the street to the nearest subway. You don’t have a car but you like taking public transportation. It helps you calm your mind before a stressful day in school or at work. You don’t have to worry about driving laws or other people because you can sit back and focus on other things.
People pass by you without a second glance because they don’t recognize you without your Avenger gear on. You’re kind of glad that you’re not seen as a celebrity like Tony. You like separating your personal life and work life. You’re not paying much attention to those around you but you do notice when you see familiar black shoes in your vision.
Loki saw you leave the tower and decided to join you on your walk to school. Out of all the Avengers you deal with, Loki has to be the worst one. It started off as a dislike but it’s creeping into annoyance and hatred territory. All he does is play pranks on you, always trying to one-up you on missions, annoys the shit out of you, and generally isn’t a good person when it comes to you. To others, he’s quiet and minds his own business so you don’t know why you’re the outlier.
“Leave me alone, Loki,” you sigh and continue to walk.
“What? It’s good to have a buddy in the city. You never know when someone will come up to you and grab you.”
“If they try that, I’ll burn them,” you smile sarcastically. Not only are you a badass Avenger, but you also have fire powers you know how to use well. You look at Loki with fire in your eyes. “Do you want a demonstration?”
Loki chuckles, completely unaffected by your threat.
“Darling, I’d ice you out before you even got the chance.”
“Don’t call me that,” you glare and walk faster to get away from him.
“Whatever you say, love.”
You two get to the subway and walk onto the same subway car. The bastard even sits next to you even though there are other empty seats around. Since it’s past eight at night on a weekday, the subways have been cleared of everyone bustling to and from their jobs. You put in your headphones to block out Loki’s chatter even though he continues to talk.
You’re not sure why he’s going to the same college as you, or why he’s even going to college in the first place. He claims he wants to try more human things like college but you don’t believe him. He got himself enrolled in the same classes as you as if he’s actually interested in chemistry. You’re here to work hard to further your career while he’s here to mock you. 
He uses magic to cheat for the right answers, which is another reason why you hate him. He can do things effortlessly and nothing bad ever happens to him. The subway ride only takes twenty minutes but being with Loki makes it feel like it’s for longer. 
For the first class you two have, Loki tries to disrupt your train of thought or messes up your notes so you have to start all over. He continues this behavior for your next two classes so much that you’re about ready to burn this entire building down with him inside of it. He’s picking something off your sweater and is talking about something he noticed about the previous Avengers mission and it’s starting to get to you.
You grip the sides of your desk and allow your fire powers to flare angrily. Your powers even burn the edges of the desk to a dark char.
“If you don’t shut the fuck up, I will blow your fucking head off,” you hiss at him.
By the last class, you’re just trying not to cry. Loki is really pressing your buttons and you’re trying to be nice and civil about it. If he continues then he’s not going to like what comes out of you. For someone with fire powers, you’re usually very tame. However, when you get pissed, everyone better stays out of your way because you can be very harsh.
“I’m warning you right now, stop,” you whisper to him.
Loki pokes your side once and that’s enough to make you blow up. You stand up so angrily that you kick your chair back several feet behind you.
“Shut the fuck up!! God, you’re an annoying little prick!” you scream at him. Everyone, including the teacher, stops what they’re doing to look at you. “No one at the tower wants you there, you’re always butting into everyone’s business like it’s yours, and I’m shocked you were ever loved in the first place! Odin should have left you on Jotunheim! No wonder people like Thor better!”
Loki stares at you with his mouth open and hurt written across his features. Yes, he knew this was coming. He knew if he continued to bug you, this would come out and bite him in the ass. He just never knew how much it’ll hurt.
“Y/N! Loki! Please exit my class,” the professor scowls. “Make your way to the Dean’s office.”
You huff in anger and gather your things while Loki sits there dumbfounded. He brought this on himself but he can’t help but feel hurt at your words. You’re the first one out of the classroom with Loki trailing behind you slowly. The Dean didn’t have anything helpful to add since she told you to go talk to the counselor who might help with your anger issues.
You’re not sure why this is necessary but you don’t want to get expelled from this school. You’ve worked too hard to let Loki ruin it all for you, so you go to her office without question. You and Loki have been sitting in her office for the past thirty minutes without saying a word to each other.
“Do you have anything to say to each other?”
You turn away from Loki without looking at him, proving to him that you really don’t want to look at him. It took everything in you not to use your powers on him.
“Okay, we’re going to try something.” She reaches into her desk and produces two pens and two pieces of paper that she passes to you two. “You’re going to write something you like about the other. Just one thing. Can you do that or should I get the Dean in here?”
The fear of getting expelled is enough for you to comply with her silly request. You cross your legs and use your thigh as a base so you can write on the paper. Loki sees you doing this so he decides to do this, too. You peek over at Loki to see something shining on his wrist. He always has the best things to wear since he brings them from Asgard. On his wrist is a shiny gold bracelet that has the stars woven into the sides of it.
It’s pretty, you guess. You can’t think of anything else since you’re still pissed at him so you write that you love his bracelet. Once you’re done, you fold the paper and hand it over to Loki. He’s finished writing and folded his own but only takes yours instead of exchanging it. He opens it, reads it, folds it back up, and pockets it.
“What about my note?”
“I couldn’t think of anything.”
He grabs his bag and leaves the office before you can say anything to him. The counselor sighs and writes something down on her pad.
“Listen, I’ve seen your record. This is your first offense. I only wanted to keep the peace here. Don’t do it again.”
You grab your bag with a huff and leave her office without another word. Prick, you think to yourself. Loki isn’t there when you ride the train back to the Tower. You’re so exhausted that you’re not even going to go into the lab to do some extra work. Your mind is too preoccupied with Loki to care about anything else. What you said was mean and you shouldn’t have said it, but he makes you so fucking pissed.
You walk into your room and dump your bookbag onto your bed so you can put everything away. You get to the last few items when you see a plastic baggie at the bottom of your bag. It wasn’t there when you left the Tower earlier. Inside the baggie is Loki’s bracelet and a note. You open the note and read Loki’s delicate handwriting.
I couldn’t think of just one thing. Everything about you is amazing. I am sorry for bothering you.
If you felt bad before, you feel guilty now. Loki has had a thing for you ever since he came to the tower, but he doesn't know how to deal with these new emotions. Everyone always chose Thor instead of him. He never ended up with the girl so he never got the feeling of liking someone. He messes with you because at least your attention is on him, but he never knew just how bad he was affecting you.
What the hell are you going to do now?
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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musette22 · 2 months
ten questions for writers
Thank you for the tag, my gorgeous, beloved estranged wife @paperstorm 💛
I kinda feel like a fraud doing this since I haven't posted anything in a whiiiile, but I'M WORKING ON IT, so let's do this anyway.
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
79 works
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
864,537 words
3. what fandoms do you write for?
MCU (Stucky), RPF (is that a fandom?) (Evanstan), The Last Shadow Puppets/Arctic Monkeys (Milex)
4. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Of course I do! Always. Sometimes it takes a little while for me to get round to it, but I always reply if I can. I appreciate every single kind comment I get, more than I can say. It's so good to know that something I wrote touched someone in some way, and it's amazing to me that people take time out of their days to not only read my stories, but also leave me comments?? Mind-blowing. Comments truly mean the world, so the least I can do is reply to them!
5. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, thank fuck.
6. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! A few times, it's the most funnest thing if you're working with someone you admire and have a good rapport with. I'd love to do it again sometime!
7. what’s your all-time favourite ship?
STUCKY. Without a doubt. Stucky4eva.
8. what are your writing strengths?
Hmmm... I think humour, fluff & smut? Yeah. I've been told I'm pretty good at building romantic and sexual tension, which I take as a huge compliment because I love that sh*t <3
9. what are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not great at writing angst, simply because I can't deal with hurting my guys too much, which means I always end up making it fluffy again very quickly argh. I also suck at action scenes, so I've kind of given up trying, lol.
10. first fandom you wrote for?
My first ever fic was Evanstan, but I was also working on Stucky at that time. My first and last, those guys <3
Tagging @sparkagrace @voylitscope @dharmasharks @metalbvcky @fandomfluffandfuck @uhbasicallyjustmilex @rillils
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doomhands-jr · 2 months
I'm gonna give you all some tough love and I need you to be good sports about it.
I received a comment on AO3 today asking me to not make the reader wait as long for the next chapter. And that's not the first time I've received a comment like that. I know it's all in good fun, so I'm not even really upset about it, but I do need to drop some truth. I posted chapter 9 on July 12th. I posted chapter 10 on July 22nd.
Bro, that's ten days.
It's not uncommon for writers to take MONTHS to update a single chapter. Some of my favorite authors have made me wait YEARS between chapters, and I do so without complaint because I know just how much effort goes into writing each chapter. I've been pretty consistent about how often I update, and that's a point of pride for me because it took me a long time to build the discipline I needed to work at something long-term this diligently (where my fellow ADHD creatives at?). Writing doesn't just happen. I have to make the choice to sit down and block out all distractions and dedicate consistent time and effort, not just writing each chapter, but editing it and making sure it has a decent emotional payoff and fits in with where I want it the story to go. It's a lot of mental effort. And considering just how much effort it takes, getting a chapter out in ten days is WICKED fast. Now, that being said, I still kind of like when you guys send me comments or messages talking about how impatient you are for the next chapter, especially when the tone is kind of a self-roast for being so impatient. It's actually really cute because I get what it's like to be really excited about a story and want the update RIGHT NOW. I just want to make sure that you also understand that I'm working as fast as I can (and I'm doing this all for free mind you), and I want to feel like that effort is appreciated and acknowledged. Ja feel? I write first and foremost for myself, but I also do it for you guys because I love the community we've built together and I love that people are finding healing through this story. It makes me feel like all the effort is worth it. So I guess, to summarize, go ahead and express how excited and impatient you are for a chapter, just make sure that you're also keeping in mind that writing is hard work, especially multi-chaptered fics, and that I have a life outside of Tumblr that I also need to work towards. And if you ever do get really impatient and need me to post something fast, leaving long, detailed comments about what you liked in the last chapter is the quickest way to jump-start my creativity. Every time I receive one, I get inspired to write more.
Anyways, love you guys. Thanks for being such good sports about everything. Can't wait to show you the next chapter, but it's proving to be a tricky one to get the tone right, so it might be another ten days or so lmao. -River
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allwaswell16 · 2 years
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All the One Direction fics I read and enjoyed in November 2022. You can listen to my podcast to hear me talk about each of these fics (yes I talked about every single one of those trick or treat fest fics lol) as well as an overview of what was posted on ao3 including the fics on this month’s fic roundup which you can find here! Please let the writers know if you liked the fics by leaving kudos and comments! Happy reading!
These High Walls by LarryAlways28
(E, 68k, a/b/o) So... when the older, and wildly attractive Harry Styles offers him a deal in exchange for saving his family's legacy- how could Louis ever refuse that?
All Out of Love by SunTomato / @sun-tomato
(G, 32k, cupid au) While on a mission to match Liam and Zayn, the distraction comes in the shape of Louis Tomlinson – an overworked and underloved man trying way too hard to do everything himself.
Where the World has Come Together by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(M, 26k, fantasy au) For the crime of elven blood running through his veins, Louis Tomlinson spends his days protecting the human kingdom he’s been cast out of. Forcibly tied by magic to the very walls that encircle the city, he and the other guards do what they can to find some semblance of a life.
I Know You Rider (Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone) by @cyantific
(T, 9k, 90s au) The one where Louis hates hippies and roller coasters and Harry tries to fix that with lots of fun facts, terrible puns and perhaps one very life-changing moment in a dark tunnel.
kill my mind by StarryDay13 / @daydreaming-sunflower
(T, 2k, uni au, ficlet as part of series) Kind of a "the extroverted friend adopts the introverted one" scenario except they are in love.
dont let it break your heart by StarryDay13 / @daydreaming-sunflower
(T, 2k, emotional hurt/comfort, ficlet as part of series) Louis is a flirty bartender, and Harry just got dumped.
-Rare Pairs-
enough to make a girl blush by @disgruntledkittenface
(E, 22k, Louis/Niall) When Louis moves from her small hometown to the city, she runs into her childhood friend Niall. Despite her surprise at learning that Niall presented as an alpha, she’s immediately drawn to her. 
over my shoulder by @nouies
(E, 10k, Louis/Sebastian Stan) The media thinks omega singer Louis Tomlinson is dating alpha actor Sebastian Stan because they bump into each other all the time.
Not Sure How To Say This Right by @wabadabadaba
(M, 7k, Louis/Florence Pugh) Louis had resigned herself to be Florence's best friend and watch from the sidelines as Florence gave her all to someone who didn't appreciate her. That was until she came home to Florence in her kitchen with a new hair cut, brownies and newly single.
As long as you're not afraid to feel by wordsnnotes / @quelsentiment
(T, 5k, Louis/Liam) Liam can’t help sounding a bit suspicious as he replies, “You want to co-host Phantom Tales? Do you even believe in ghosts?”
With This Wing, I Thee Wed by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(T, 4k, Louis/Niall) “Nando’s?” Niall crosses his arms and pouts, a little line appearing between his eyebrows. “I want Nandos. I like Nandos.” “And I like my dignity,” Louis mutters.
Next Door by @allwaswell16
(NR, 2k, Louis/Rob Pattinson) When a stray cat starts coming round Louis' garden and bothering his dog, Louis and his best friend set out to capture it.
-Trick or Treat Fest-
(all 666 words)
Accidental Love by Laziam (MItCheLlInE) / @guilty1dlove
An Apple A Day by @lululawrence
Bloody Squid by rainblou / @loubbies
fallin' all in (love with) you by eynap / @panye
Foreshadowing by @neondiamond
Ghost Ship by cherrylarry | @beelou
head all full of stuffin' by Lhhome | @lhhomefics
Holy Guacamole! by bluegreenish | @greenblueish
Hot Pumpkin Guy by downcamethelightning | @sxvedbyastranger
i've been looking for the missing piece by @dragmedown
Meet-Woof by @littleroverlouis
Needle by @nouies
Scare me, baby by TeamLouis / @teamlouis2022
Spellbound by yourlionheartx / @djtommotomlinson
Swallowpeen by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright
Sweet Talk by wordsnnotes / @quelsentiment
the ghost of love keeps haunting me by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
The Rescue by @haztobegood
there’s a house in english bond (somebody planned to stay) by safetyfilm / @larrieblr
What’s cookin’, goodlookin’? by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou
Who wants to snog a ghost? by @fallingdefenceless
You Really Should Keep Driving by @homosociallyyours
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derangedthots · 1 year
Life/Blog(??) Update:
hello again my darlings💕💕
i know it's been a couple weeks since you guys heard from me(i keep doing a disappearing act on you fjsks sorry about that) and i know i've worried a few people. i finally felt like i had enough mental/emotional space to address everyone again - however long or short this period of activity ends up being - so i'm here to say i've been dealing with some stuff in my personal life that's kept me from being present on this blog. my hopes are that i'm coming to the tail end of The Current Life Mess™ but if that doesn't end up happening, i wanted to at least leave some sort of 'official' explanation here.
regarding CTF, i'm still very much working on it so there are no worries on that front. obviously the next chapter/s update is gonna come later than what i'd originally planned (april-may? who was i kidding omggg) but hey, that's life🙃🤷🏻‍♀️ trust me i'm not happy about it either (very cringe behavior from me being this late ugh) but i wanted to be transparent abt the delays bc this community has been nothing but kind and generous and patient and i didn't want to leave you guys hanging dry just completely clueless about everything🥹
in the couple weeks i've been inactive my askbox has filled up again and i'll try to get to answering those very soon. thank you again to everyone for being so patient with me, i appreciate every single question/comment/rant very Very Much😭💕
on a final note, and perhaps the most important thing out of this whole post - there's a good possibility that i'll be privating Fire Made Flesh and Courting the Flame in the next few days. all this stuff around AI/ChatGPT has been making me anxious for a while. the amount of entitlement that's been increasingly pervading creative and/or fandom spaces is very concerning to me and it should be concerning to everyone else if it isn't already. i haven't encountered any problems (that i know of) with my own works or from any one of you lovelies(💕💕) but all the same, i've come to a point where i don't feel comfortable risking it. i know making my fics available to only registered ao3 users doesn't completely prevent this from happening, but i'll take any stopgap i can right now until the OTW does smth about what's happening. i might change my mind in the future and make FMF/CTF publicly available again for a short time (ultimately that is how they can get the most visibility) especially when i update CTF but, for now, that won't be the case. i'm mentioning this for transparency but also bc i know not everyone has an account and i wanted to give you guys the time to take whatever measures you need to have access to the fics, whether that's making an account or just downloading them. i also wanted to mention it bc i know not all of my readers has a tumblr/knows i'm on here so i thought you guys could help spread the word. (i'll be adding a short mention of this to the ending author's note of CTF ch 2 as well don't worry)
wanted to say thank you to everyone again, i love all of you and i hope you're healthy and happy♥️💖 stay amazing my darlings💕
sincerely, your wife😚❤️‍🔥
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lemonadesoda · 8 months
11, 12 16, 19 for your guys! (i just saw the Charater ask post) (‘jackdaw)
Hi jack my head has been empty this whole time i am finally trying to answer these. you also asked some hard questions lol
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
i realize the heart of this question is actually really "what would make them seem ooc?" For Lemel, it would be not appreciating a dad-joke, calling Tevane "Tevane" in any situation less serious than life-or-death, using (derogatory) toward Tev, and not wanting to touch the potentially dangerous new thing. For Tev, it would be not defaulting to formal speech/generally using slang unironically (he mostly uses slang in situations where he can butcher it on purpose to make everyone mad), not picking up after himself or anyone else, literally any form of solo dancing, being very opinionated (when sober).
12. What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
i can't be specific man, that's too specific. Lemel likes dad jokes, as mentioned, as well as similarly goofy pranks like updog. You can usually get Tev by saying something absurd and unexpected (not the same thing as blurting out completely random irrelevant things). The literal only specific example I can think of is a scene where he's having a fairly serious discussion with Lemel but they abruptly make a related innuendo and he corpses instantly. I will not get more specific than this. Also he only busts out laughing like that for good friends, the exact same joke told by like a coworker or smth would just irritate him.
16. What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
Lemel grew up arguing with their older sister. And their teachers. And their classmates. And their mom. They will argue with anyone, for fun even, so you can only imagine what it's like in their imagination. Brennan Lee Mulligan I Will Die On Any Hill dot jpeg. Don't they get tired? Debatable. Extremely debatable. Ranges from critical reviewers on their research to annoying people in the comment section to imaginary Snatcher and Moonjumper about leaving Tevane alone.
Tevane's internal arguments mostly are with himself tbh. It's most frequently Tevane vs Depression Tevane, ngl.
19. What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding?
Depends on the reason for avoidance. If it's an avoidance situation like with Tevane in chapter 14 where they're trying to cut ties on purpose, they just are super fucking awkward while trying to pretend they don't care. If they're avoiding someone because they fucking hate that person, idk man, they will probably start a fight bc they were avoiding that person to stop themself from starting a fight. Lemel's not really an avoidant person per se because if they know there's a problem with someone, they either want to continue having that problem (i.e. they hate you) or they want to stop having the problem (i.e. they like you) and actually can get kind of annoying about trying to figure out how to solve the problem if the other person wants to keep avoiding it. If they are behaving avoidantly, they are in denial about having a problem at all, which I feel is a different nuance.
Similarly, if Tevane is avoiding someone because he hates them, it's like the other person doesn't fucking exist, the man does not need a phone to ghost you. If it's guilty avoidance like with Hat Kid, then he'll cowgirl up and deal with the situation, so honestly, you're more likely to get a heart to heart with him with this tactic.
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russilton · 2 years
Hi, I hope this isn't weird, but as I see this kind of discourse from one of my favourite author I just wanted to check in if that's a kind of thing you're dealing with too. Without any judgement to anyone. Is it really that important to you guys that we leave comments? Aren't kudos enough? And do you agree that writers have to answer to comments?
It’s alright anon I figured I might get a message like this and I do appreciate having the chance to share my piece because I utterly agree with Susi on every part.
Something that’s worth understanding is I do not have a single artist or writer friend who doesn’t face this issue. Every single one one them, without fail, puts their heart on the line to create and share fan work, and all of them, myself included, struggle with a lack of response. Every gif maker, writer, artist, edit crafter, web weaver, all of them live for the positive comments we receive, the praise. I don’t know a creative without a praise kink, frankly.
This has been true for every fandom I’ve been in since I started posting art online in 2011, and fic in 2017, but it is ESPECIALLY present in F1 RPF because the space is so small, and usually people are so used to clinging to anonymity that the space feels even smaller.
Long discussion under the cut, because I wanted to try and honestly explain the mental process behind why authors and artists ask for a comment.
Speaking from my own experience now (that I’d still put money on being a similar experience for others), posting work of any kind online is a bargain. Yes you do it for yourself in part, but if it was just for myself I wouldn’t post it. When you post, you make the mental deal of “am I willing to accept potential hate or disinterest in this, for the chance to receive love and praise on it”. If you’ve been here a while you’ve seen the anons I’ve received at times; transphobic, homophobic, or just plain hateful. Some were too hateful to even post. I have had an Instagram page make a collage of my art just to laugh at it. But I keep posting, because for me, the joy and community I receive from comments and tags on my work make it worth that bargain. There’s some work that isn’t worth the potential backlash to post. That’s why any of the nsfw art I draw never leaves my close mutuals. I’m not willing to share it online when the result of it would pale against the risk.
Creative work is a deeply personal and heart baring process. It cannot be done easily some days. Yes it’s fun and funny and entertaining at times, but most times when I’m writing, I end up stood utterly alone in my own mind with myself. I cant write if I’m too depressed, because that experience of being alone with myself is too painful. Even on a good day it can be hard. So when I choose to go to that place, remain alone to pour my mind into something I write or draw, it is an exhausting labour of love. It takes hours, I’m not a fast worker, some people are faster than me, some are even slower. I’m alone for all of it.
And so when you put that all together. The work, the creative process, the editing, the cleaning, the preparing for posting, the process of tagging and sorting work so it’ll be seen, then self promoting… the least we can ask for in return is a comment?
You have to understand, kudos or likes are great, but it’s a hand sticking out of the void and giving you a thumbs up. It’s silent, faceless, impression-less. Imagine sending your family a deeply personal message and the response you get is just “👍”. Yeah it’s technically a response, but it’s disproportionate to the Labour afforded beforehand. People posting online are seeking a human connection, that little snap of closeness all human beings through history have craved. A kudos doesn’t really satisfy that craving. I would rather get 20 kudos on fic, but every single one has a comment, than 1000 silent ones. It’s just a number, it takes half a second to press that button and move on. It makes you feel like a cheap commodity that’s consumed and spat out, and that doesn’t even speak for the shame of a thousand eyes looking at your work and saying nothing at all.
When you comment or leave a tag, it shows me you took a second to absorb what I’ve showed you. It slowed you down, made you pause or take a breath, it DID something to you, just like it did something to me to make it. That’s a connection, that snap of a bond. Myself and that commenter now share something, and usually it’s a simple act of gratitude that you see all the work I’ve done to give you something, even if the comment is just “I really liked this!thank you for writing it”. It’s a paltry amount of work compared to what happened to get us there. But I feel less alone for just a little while, just like that fic did for you.
I understand that is still hard to do on occasion. You may be tired, you may feel over exposed or sick, but again you have to remember how hard that creative worked to give you something. On tumblr at least you can still reblog without a comment and increase the chance of someone else doing so. Ao3 doesn’t have that. Even when people filter by kudos they still have to be looking to read something with those tags. It doesn’t do much for the author who is sat faced with numbers. Their work made you feel, think, or just escape your own mind, by commenting, you are giving them the chance to have a moment of the same.
I have a screenshot folder full of comments that have made my day. It’s packed with the words that kept me going, when I doubted I could write at all, when I wondered if my art was good enough. They make a meaningful impact on my life the way I hope my work does for others.
And then you have to understand how… ungrateful it seems, to have people go “well you don’t reply fast enough, so I’m not going to comment.” I understand we all want that connection again, of a reply, and that’s why most authors TRY to do so!
But that author or artist has spent hours creating something for you, they have emotionally laboured and worked and bared themselves, asked you just to say something as your payment, and then you have asked to be paid for that honour? That’s like going into a store, paying for something, and then going “because you didn’t give me an extra gift for paying rather than stealing, I shall simply steal it in future”. That’s kind of insane right? Especially when the work you receive was hand made with love by the person sat in front of you.
I don’t know a single creative person on f1blr I haven’t seen go “I don’t know if posting this is worth it”. And that should worry people. If you come online and devour content without return, you are going to see people stop posting and walk away. I’ve seen it happen over and over and over. This isn’t the hungry hungry caterpillar, you aren’t 5, you don’t get to have your cake and eat it too if you don’t pay the baker who made it. In this case nobody in fandom has the incentive of making a living to continue. I can’t buy things for myself with comments. We don’t get paid. Instead they’re just going to stop sharing and return to only giving cake to people who respond. I’ve got art and fic I wrote only for my friends, because I wanted a reaction and giving it to them was a sure fire way to get it, because I trusted them.
If it becomes more effort to post than it does the return, I simply just won’t. I owe nothing to a faceless void, and so said void should try being less faceless. That’s all people are asking for.
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yellowfingcr · 2 years
// It’s so hard to pick, I could write another entirely different answer. Here's what primarily comes to mind: - Paragraph distribution, the variety you employ in structuring your descriptions with a nice balance of precise physical descriptions and striking metaphorical imagery (all very evocative!) as well as the use of certain literary resources to spice it all up (some that stand out are the clever ways in which you use the different types of repetition), it all flows so nicely. - I've also noticed that you tend to have a few points of focus in each of your replies that you revolve around, and that gives it a nice feeling of cohesion, as well as enhance the analogies you use by having them build off each other, or sometimes give a good idea of what's at the forefront of her mind. - I love how you emphasize Heysel’s (and also, Bernita’s) intonation and cadence of speech. Makes a lot of their lines rather memorable and easy to imagine vividly. - And I’m a big fan of the balance you strike between offering new information (that always has me looking back at previous threads and piecing together their puzzle) and leaving some things subtle and ambiguous enough to encourage careful attention and some imagination, making me wonder about those things makes it easy to get into character and feels so rewarding to see develop! - Lastly, I appreciate the attention you give not just your muse but your mutual’s as well in threads- it just feels really nice and cool to see how you imbue my character (and those of other writers) with your style, through her perspective and thoughts, and you make them feel like a million bucks. I can't get enough of your work :]
it's this what do you like about my writing meme
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// CRYING TBH... receiving compliments from you is always such a privilege, you're incredibly kind and generous and every time it means a lot! don't think I'm not putting the comments you leave on my art or drabbles inside heart shaped lockets :'0 thank you so much!! repetition my beloved (my beloved, my beloved) and I'm glad you enjoy the way I write my characters speaking! determining that is potentially the single most important thing to me Ever. when I can't quite grip it I know I'm not going to write a character for long
and I'm happy you like my handling of other's characters through descriptions and such- I try to offer my finest words because they're someone else's special little guys, and they deserve to be treated well!
words do escape me a bit right now (more like always) but man there is much here I would have never expected, so this message really was a surprise and a gift. I'm floored. thank you so much again!! ;--;
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ch4nb4ng · 3 years
Evil Roommate
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pairing: leeknow x afab!reader, roommates enemies to lovers
warnings: softdom!lino, cheating (mentioned), making out, grinding, oral (f receiving), fingering penetration, cum play (?), praise
requested : yes!
word count 6.2k
summary: the new roommate was a handful. lazy, disrespectful, arrogant, and a whole bunch of other negative things. but wow, you were sexually frustrated and he, well, attractive, was an understatement.
“Can you actually like, wash your kitchen utensils when you're done using them?”
The amount of huffing and puffing you have heard from your new roommate in the past two weeks was ridiculous. If you had a dollar for every time he had gone against anything you had politely asked for, you would be rich by now, and definitely stable enough to move out and away from him.
“I will,” he mumbled, mouth stuffed with half of the carrot he was chewing on, very loudly, “can I not enjoy my food first?”
“No,” you replied without hesitation, giving the fakest of smiles in return, “you should do it before you eat.”
Another eye roll from Minho was like water off a duck’s back.
“I'd also appreciate it if you didn’t talk to me with your mouth full of food either.”
“What the fuck is your problem?”
You coughed, turning on your hills to face a very unimpressed roommate. His stare was eye shattering. Yes, he was very, no, extremely good looking. However, every single thing that made up his personality could not be more different to you. Sloppy, messy, lazy. Took no responsibility for any of his actions, especially the high pitch noises (that obviously were not his) you would hear from his room in the early hours of the morning. You would pinch your pillow together, praying extremely hard that the noise would stop, and by the time it did, you would get maybe 2, 3 hours of sleep. College was becoming tiring, not only from staying up to complete assessments, but the lewd noises you could hear from at least 2 people in his room. Your blunt attitude towards Minho’s unhygienic and disrespectful habits were definitely justified.
“What are you talking about?”
“Why do you nitpick everything I do?”
Your jaw dropped, completely dumbfounded.
“Me? Nitpicking you? Please,” you scoffed, “you don't clean up after yourself ever, you leave your dirty clothes everywhere, and don't even get me started on the fact that I barely get any sleep because of your wild sex adventures with other people that occur almost every weeknight, when you know I have to wake up early to go to class next day.”
A combination of frustration and exhaustion could be heard through the harshness of each breath. The smirk that appeared on his face was absolutely punch worthy. What on earth was there to be so cocky of?
“My wild sex adventures,” he paused taking a bite of the dreaded carrot, “please, tell me more about my wild sex adventures.”
His tongue was now obviously pressed against his cheek, a devil coated smile still very apparent on his face. The longer he was looking at you like that, the hotter your cheeks became. Pure anger began to course through you; all he had to do was sit there and look pretty. It was definitely enough for you to get the green light to slap him across the face.
“Shut the fuck up,” you hissed, “I don’t need to explain how I can hear them moaning your name every night, or the banging I hear from wall to-”
“Hmm,” he hummed, “you seem to be listening very well.”
Distracted by your anger for a brief moment, you gasped suddenly, feeling Minho’s fingertips at your sides. You turned around, swatting his hands away, giving him that slap that you felt you had earned across the face.
“Who the fuck said you could touch me?
“Did you just fucking slap me?”
“Yes I fucking did,” you spat, “what do you take me for?”
“You know what you’re right, but you walk around here with a stick up your ass. I hear you on the phone to your friends, complaining about how you don't get any action from anyone.”
You stood there in disbelief. “So you’ve been eavesdropping on my convos as well?”
“Well it’s kind of hard not to hear, you know, the walls in this house are kind of thin.”
Your jaw clenched, his eyebrows furrowed, the conversation was at a stand still.
“Can you get to the point please?”
“I sure can sweetheart,” the name sending a shiver down your spine, “if you're that sexually frustrated, go and do something about it instead of taking it out on me?”
A laugh that you didn't even know you were capable of bellowed from your chest. You stumbled back, grabbing onto stool behind the bench for support.
“Me? Sexually frustrated? Please,” you huffed, “I’m not sexually frustrated, and it definitely has nothing to do with you.”
Another scoff escaped your lips as you shuffled back to your room. Closing the door behind you, a heavy sigh came from your chest as you sat on the edge of your bed. How on earth was he able to read you like that? So well and so accurate? It was all you could think about, not to mention the fact that it was also night time simultaneously.
You let your body fall onto your bed sheets. The feeling of restlessness was consuming your body. As you crawled into bed, you looked straight into the ceiling. Why were you thinking about his words so much? Were you really taking it out on him? You shook your head, mentally slapping yourself for even considering the thought.
Minho was a lazy slob who was extremely inconsiderate of others, especially you. But why was the thought of his fingers on your sides becoming the main source of agitation.? The silence of your thoughts was deafening, but they were easily interrupted as soon as you heard the door open, a high pitched voice followed what felt like the most ludicrous creek you had ever heard. ‘I should really put some oil on the door huh?’ You paused for a couple of seconds, this time physically face palming yourself for the dumb excuse you had made to see who he had decided to bring over to accompany him tonight. Legs completely ignoring your brain, you were out of bed, hand twisting the knob and peeking a look at the poor girl that would be subjected to Minho’s torture tonight. Tip toeing out of the doorway, you kept the weight of a feather on your toes, making yourself as invisible as possible.
Your pink panther stance of attempted deception looked utterly ridiculous and not sly at all was extremely confusing to the two. You quickly relaxed into a normal stance, the fakest of smiles coming across your face as you see who it is he brought home to have his way with.
“Chaeyeon… heyyy,” you lingered, “I didn’t know you were coming over.”
You would have been happy with literally anyone else. But Chaeyeon? Chaeyeon? It’s like she was your number one arch rival. Minho knew how much you hated her, yet he still let her come over. Everything about her you could not stand, not to mention the fact that she home wrecked your last serious relationship. Even though it was a while ago, you can forgive but not forget, her face being a constant reminder of your hurtful past.
“Oh hey Y/N,” she almost signed, her amount of excitement to see you matching yours, “I didn’t know you lived here.”
The arm he had around her waist made you sick.
“There’s a lot of things you don't know about me,” you mumbled, foot swaying back and forth, eyes focused on said foot.
“Okay, so you guys have had a little reunion,” Minho interrupted. Anything would have been better to break the awkward silence than his sarcastic comments, “we’re gonna go to my room now.”
“NO!” you interjected, covering the hallway with every bit of your being, “I mean, what’s the rush huh? Changbin is coming over as well.”
You paused, Minho’s face clearly cussing you out if yelling was inappropriate at this current moment.
“Uh no thanks Y/N-”
“We should all hang out!”
The excitement coming from your voice was so inauthentic, it was hard to miss.
“Yeah! Let’s all hang out,” you walked behind them, placing a hand on each of their backs and you hurried them to the couch, “I’ll get some beers in the fridge.”
“I actually only drink vodka,” Chaeyeon yawns, obnoxiously twirling her hair, her other hand aggravatingly high on his thigh.
“Oh that’s totally fine,” you gritted through tightly clenched teeth, “we have a bottle in the fridge, I’ll grab that for you as well.”
You scuffled back over to the fridge, mentally cursing yourself as you grabbed the necessary beverages. The confusion you were giving yourself about why you were putting in so much effort to spend time with the two people you literally hated more than anything was mind baffling
“So,” you began again, passing a Corona to Minho, a glass to Chaeyeon, “how have you been finding your course so far?”
You sat the Smirnoff and Orange juice on the table. Yes, you were being nice, but not nice enough to pour the drink for this bitch.
“Oh it was so great,” she smiled, “Jisung and I were living together, it was, well, a dream really.”
The feeling of your nails became prominent in your fists as your fingers caved in. The mention of his name was enough to make you see red, let alone the idea of them being happily together. The itch of your eye begging to roll was becoming too prominent, so much that you had to get up and walk away for a second. You stood up abruptly, confusion etched into Minho’s features. You didn’t want to make this a big deal, but the fact that she continued to gloat about it, long after you stopped listening was enough to reach your breaking point.
“I think I heard my phone ringing from my room, it must be Changbin.”
“I don't think I hear anything,” Minho smirked, plastering his lips on the edge of the bottle. The way his lips wrapped around the tip of the warm glass was something you ‘accidentally’ became fixated on. You puffed your cheeks, storming to your room and somewhat aggressively shutting the door behind you. Scrambling for your phone on the bedside table, you panicked, unclear mind as you scrolled through your phone contacts. You paused, an inducing amount of oxygen filling up your lungs. It did little to calm the irritated tingling sensation in your fingers.
Changbin’s name had finally popped up on your phone after what had felt like a lifetime.
His voice was husky, guilt panging your chest as you realsied you had probably woken him up from his not very often deep slumber.
“Changbin,” you gasped, “you know how much I love you right?”
“What do you need me to do?”
You snickered at his words. He had been your friend for too long to know that those words would never be said unless you needed something.
“Can you come over,” you pleaded, “Chaeyeon is here with Minho because he invited her over late at night, and I told them you were coming over?”
“Jesus Y/n,” Changbin sighed, a playful chuckle tickling your cheek, “so you want me to come over and make Minho jealous?”
“Wait no wtf,” you jumbled, “make Minho jealous? I just want you to flirt with me and Chaeyeon so she leaves.”
“Mhm yeah,” he chuckled once more, voice laced with sarcasm as he spoke, “I’ll come over, but if you don't sleep with him by the end of the night, I’m gonna be extremely disappointed.”
“Yeah okay whatever just get your ass over here now.”
And with that you abruptly ended the phone call, Changbin giving you no peace of mind. Were you this easy to read by everybody? A frustrated sigh exploded from your chest. The games your head and your heart were playing with were helping you come to no resolution. You sat on your bed, thoughts were running crazy. Now would be a really great time to just put on Netflix and curl into bed, have some snacks and fall asleep, chip trail on ur chest to be found in the morning.
You were interrupted by the very loud knock on the door. Sprinting like your life depended on it, you were relieved. Seeing Changbin’s face had never before given you so much joy.
“Changbin,” you shouted, wrapping your arms around him in a tight embrace.
“Y/n what are you doing-”
“Shut up and go along with it,” you mumbled into his chest, letting up, but still keeping your body tightly wounded against his. Minho’s jaw became clenched, or were you just imagining things?
Regardless of what it was, your brain quickly shifted to the way Chaeyeon was eyeing Changbin up and down, almost like it was the first time she had ever seen an attractive male. ‘She definitely wasn’t looking at Minho like that when he walked in’ you thought, an unconscious smirk coming to mouth. You bit down on your bottom lip, an extremely poor attempt at masking the satisfaction of your goal being achieved so easily. One step closer to kicking her out, for good, because there was no way you weren’t talking to Minho after this about making an explicit declaration of her abandonment from this house.
“Minho,” he smiled, earning a nod, “Chaeyeon,” he smirked, an almost gag spilling out of your mouth.
“Changbin,” she followed, repeating his smirk, “long time no see.”
She gulped, engulfing a large sip of alcohol into her wicked mouth.
“Let’s play a game!”
“A game,” you questioned, raising an eyebrow, “why would we play-”
“I think that’s a great idea!”
You turned to look at him, a puzzled expression still very apparent on your facial features.
“Get the vodka out from the fridge, and let’s get started.”
Two bottles of vodka down, and what looked like 8 bottles of Corona sitting empty on the table, the games that were being played were becoming more difficult to comprehend. Sound of giggle and laughter constantly filled the room as everyone slowly began to lose their minds to the intoxication.
“O-okay, never have I e-ever, done a sexual act in public.”
Filters of chuckles and laughter filled the room as everyone, but you took a sip.
“What?” she asked, offering you her fake sympathy, “you’ve never done anything like that before?”
“I-I mean,” you stuttered, the look of confusion was evident, “I don’t think I have-”
“Yes you have.”
All eyes were snapped open and pressing into Minho’s skull as he began to converse.
“Pfft, no I have not,” you scoffed, taking another swig. An eye roll left came from Minho, followed by a sound of what seemed to be disgust as he shot gunned his current bottle.
“Yes you have,” he nagged, playfully hitting your shoulder, “I saw you.”
Complete silence fell over the room as he words lingered in the air. You genuinely had no idea what he was talking about.The feeling of the room had suddenly changed. His eyes became soft, fixated on nothing but the way your body slumped against the rough material of the couch.
Your mind began to drift. Thoughts floating into earlier scenes of the night. The closeness of his breath fanning your neck ever so softly, palms spread across your hips. The idea of marks on you swimming into your head. God that would feel so good. Letting him grab you and throw you onto his bed. Climbing up your frame, starting from the bottom of your legs, keeping a tight grip on your inner thighs. The feeling of faint lips stealing every inch of your being, tantalisingly hitting every, single, spot, finally reaching your-
“Y/N? Y/N!”
The feeling of Changbin's shaking your shoulders definitely brought you back to reality. His hands did feel nice, but they weren’t the ones you were longing for. Your head was thrown back, disbelief filling you as your mind continued to fill the gutter.
As you moved closer, you giggled, placing your finger tip across his knee. You let them dance, index fingers tapping away at the skin you so desperately wanted to see in this moment.
“Mr. Lee Minho, when did you see me?”
“I’m not saying it here in front of-”
“Who? Chaeyeon?”
Your prowling continued, bodies even closer as you slowly began to climb him like an inanimate object. This would have been completely awkward sober. Nothing about this was romantic in the slightest. To an outsider, or Changbin and Chaeyeon, you were right there, situated across Minho’s lap. It wasn’t quite a straddle, it was just something. They both stayed quiet, paying little attention to your animalistic act, already focused on feeling each other up. Or so you assumed, seeing as they didn’t say anything. All that was heard was the sound of the front door. You snapped your head for a quick moment, eyes scanning the emptiness the room suddenly felt.
“It was in the car.”
Minho’s words felt heavy, like he had more to say.
“The car?”
You were taken aback, face moving away from the closeness of his. Part of your brain clicked, remembering exactly what he was talking about. With Jisung. The memory of hurt was quickly forgotten as the feeling of Minho’s palms spread across your body was bringing you to life. The adrenaline came all at once. Your mind was telling you to move away, but your body was saying something else, affirming it’s position.
Minho was leaning in, barely any spaces between the two as his fingertips began to spread lower and lower, firmly gripping either side of your ass as he moved you closer. A helpless whimper escaped your lips as you felt your legs tighten, heat running down to your core, quickly. What the fuck was happening right now?
“You were on top of him,” he whispered, pulling your hips against him once more, “just like this.”
“F-fuck,” was all that managed to slip out of your lips. This was becoming difficult. So difficult to say no and move away. You knew it was the right thing to do. Things would just be awkward and you could go back to hating him. No matter how much you tried, how much you wanted to, you were powerless. Every fiber of your being was being given up to him. You leaned in closer, foreheads now touching as you looked at him. His gaze was anything but lacklustre as his jaw became tense. His body began to ache simultaneously with yours. The pressure was becoming too much.
“Do you want this?”
A small whine escaped you at the loss of his tips gripping your body. They quickly made their way to either side of your face. Your body began to rock back and forth on it’s own. You had become desperate for any sort of friction that you could create.
“I said, do you want this?”
“Do you?”
His expression made you nervous. It was hard to read. All you could see was the black substance of his pupils enlarge, increasing in diameter by the second. Almost like a supernatural being was possessing him.
“Fuck,” you grunted, wrapping your hands around his neck to steady yourself on top of him, “you’re making it hard to say no.”
Things were already becoming hazy the longer you stayed. A huff of frustration came from him as he was giving all his effort not to give into the way you were rubbing your dampening heat against him. It was like a drug he could not refuse.
“Kiss me if you want me.”
He huffed, the edge of his lips just barely brushing against the tip of your nose.
“Kiss me, and give me the green light.”
You waited a moment, any part of your brain that wasn't concentrated solely on his palms digging into your sides trying to reason. You looked at him once more. His eyes, nose, lips. His lips.
“Fuck it.”
He was quick to work, pushing you down to lie flat against the couch. A small kiss to your lips was felt as he pulled away, lifting his arms up and throwing his shirt to the floor at Usain Bolt pace. The smirk on your face was too easy for him not to see.
“You like what you fucking see don’t you?”
“Just shut the fuck up and kiss me.”
Of course. Of course he was still that arrogant cocky motherfucker that you could not stand. The one who never cleaned up after himself. Or took too long in the shower for the hot water to run out. All of these evil perceptions you had of your roommate were disappearing as his lips were gently placed onto yours. It was a little too slow for your liking, but it was deep. Boy, was it deep. Each movement of his tongue was made with so much precision as he lowered himself onto you. His thighs were clenched, a soft groan could be heard against his lips as his groin pressed into you. Holy fuck, were you really doing this? It was so wrong. Everything in the world was saying to stop, stop this.
“Mm- wait,” you paused your hands on his chest to push him away, “wait.”
A flash of panic waved over his eyes as he quickly jumped off of you, face palming the floor.
“What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you? Are you-”
“I’m fine,” you interjected, giggling at the never been seen care and caution he had for you, “I just don’t think we should do this.”
“Oh,” was all he could say. You kept your gaze lowered; looking at him would have made you feel so guilty. The feeling of regret started to seep into your bones, but you couldn't tell: was it regret of this ever happening, or was it regret from stopping? Your head was too muddled to even attempt to comprehend what had just appended. The only sound that could be heard was your scuffed footsteps, quickly pacing back to your room and shutting the door, hard. The loudest sigh known to earth could be heard on the opposite side of the room as you let your body collapse. The ache between your legs was growing by the second; and as much as you tried to suppress the feeling of Minho’s lips on yours, fingertips dragging along your sides. No. It was much easier this way. Setting boundaries as roommates seemed to be a better idea for the long run.
But the long run was boring. You would both have to pretend that this never happened. Having other people over for sexual purposes would just be awkward now; the more you thought about it, the realisation, and the jealousy hit that you had already crossed said boundary. And maybe that’s why your feet had dragged you to the front of his bedroom door. How the fuck did you get here? You brought your knuckles to the wooden frame, door becoming slightly ajar as you gently knocked. Minho’s snapped his head around, covering himself quickly as you walked in. You cocked your eyebrow, a face of confusion apparent on your face.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” he huffed, turning back to his previous position, “what do you want?”
You wanted to just walk out. Mind your business and just leave. But it was hard, quite literally. The imprint of what you assumed to be Minho’s naked lower half painfully pressing into the sheer sheets that was covering him. He paid you no more attention, giving you all the power to initiate whatever it is you wanted to initiate. You slowly crept in beside him, nuzzling your head into the back of his neck as he groaned in annoyance.
“Y/n, what the fuck are you doing in my bed?”
“Hmm, I think I changed my mind,” you whispered, reaching around to grab him. A blunt hiss escaped Minho’s lips as your action made him turn around. He was so close to you now. So close that you could feel his breath spreading across your left cheek.
“Are you being serious right now?”
The look on his face was unimpressed to say the least.
“Yeah, I mean,” your voice was calm as your hand began to take flight, sliding down to the base of his shaft, “we’ve already crossed the line, let’s go a little further.”
“Oh yeah?” His voice was dripping with sarcasm. He grabbed you by the wrist that was currently on him, pulling it away and climbing on top of you. Both hands now leaving his side, securely attached onto both wrists as he pinned them down above your head. Nose clumsily tickling yours as he reattached his lips to yours. The feeling of his lips was much softer and calmer than before, almost like he was protecting you. Wanting to keep the moment so delicate, though the way his bare hips involuntarily grinding against your clothed core was far from it. A soft whimper came from your lips, vibrating against his. A soft chuckle was heard from Minho as he pulled away; it made you nervous. To be more specific, the way that arrogant, mischievous smirk that you knew all too well was spread across his face.
“You’re so responsive to me,” he growled, quickly planting another one on your lips before sliding down to your jaw, then your neck, stopping at your chest. Nothing needed to be said as you quickly discarded your shirt, silently thanking your past self for not wearing any underneath. Minho situated himself in front of your now bare chest, waist sitting against your heart as he took one nipple into his mouth, fingers enclosing around the other. A loud whine left your lips, back arching in reaction to him. He looked up, satisfied filling his body as you weren’t able to return his gaze, head already rolled all the way back as he continued his playful assault.
“It’s so cute,” he mumbled between kisses, “so responsive and I’ve barely done anything.”
His lips travelled down the center of your stomach, dipping dangerously closer to where you wanted him most. His continuous rhythm between kisses was immaculate. Any of the incoherent sounds you made, or the crude remarks he made were left unsaid.
“Fuck,” you hissed, painfully throbbing at the way Minho played with the waistband of your panties.
“Not fun to be teased y/n,’ he paused, making sure you were looking at him, “is it.”
A pang of guilt hit your chest for a moment. I mean, it’s not like you did it on purpose, right?
“Minho I’m-”
“Save it,” he scoffs, “whether you did it on purpose, or not, I’m not gonna let you have it so easily.”
His fingers stopped their performance across your hips, continuing a little lower than before. The smirk came to his lips once more, index finger running down your slit. The friction was fierce, but not fierce enough. You wanted, no, you needed more. All he could do was smile at your mercy.
“So fun to tease darling, but you’re gonna have to be more vocal if you want these panties off.”
“Minho please,” you whined, “for fucks sake.”
You bucked your hips forward, desperate for any more contact from the bare minimum he was giving you.
“That doesn’t sound very nice to me.”
“Minho please, please, please,” you whispered, voice becoming super weak, “fuck me, or finger me, anything please, I need to feel you.”
“Now that’s more like it,” he smiled, finally pulling your panties down. You have never lifted your hips faster in your life. The vulnerability of your naked body was somewhat confronting, but your brain was so fogged out from the immense teasing, you cared little.
“Fuck,” he gasped, spreading you effortlessly with two fingers, “you’re so wet for me, aren't you?”
The heat in your cheeks rose as you became embarrassed at his words. Minho didn’t know this, but feeling humiliated was something that could make you cum on the spot. Words intended for insult went through your ears and straight down to the core, the heat becoming like an intense fire igniting in your body as one of his hands moved along your inner thigh, the other gently beginning to circle around where you needed him most.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, “oh my god Minho please, more.” Your voice was becoming needier by the second, but the longer it went on, the less you seemed to care. His tongue was now a factor coming into play, small kitty licks lapping your clit at a suddenly fast pace. Your legs are already trembling, but Minho does more to appease, hooking his arms under and around your thighs to stop the flustered look on your face. It was confronting how quickly he was getting you to your high.
“Please,” you sighed, eyes hazed as you attempted to look down at the way his tongue was on you. The combination of him sucking on your clit, then pushing it through your entrance almost made you scream. However, the noises that came from your mouth were small, heavy pants, progressively getting louder and louder the tighter the knot in your stomach became.
“Do you wanna cum princess?” His voice was whiny, mocking the tone you had used earlier. You nodded ferociously, knowing any attempt to speak would come out horse or just broken.
“Such a good girl,” he purred, replacing his tongue with two fingers, “but if you want to cum, you’re gonna have to beg for it once more.”
“You’re such a fucking dick,” you groaned, an attempt of grinding your center onto Minho’s fingers failing miserably, “you’re being so unfair.”
“I’m unfair?” he scoffed, beginning his digits back to a bare minimum pace, “you’re the one
who was teasing me all night. I know Changbin is like, your best friend so there was no chance you were bringing him back to fuck him. Then you start to kiss me, hard and fast may I add, AND THEN ! you aren’t sure and you leave me to pretend like nothing happened.”
There was no witty comeback you could say in response because he was right. You were the one who has done the teasing for most of the night.
“You looked so fucked out right now baby,” his tone coming back to a calming medium, “begging for me to make you cum, which I can do right now,” he paused, climbing back to your side, lifting your left leg to continue his easy access to ur clit, “or you can beg even more to have my cock inside of you. The choice is yours.” You swallowed, hard. How could he say something so filthy? Out of all the times you had heard him bring other girls over, he would never talk like this. It was always so nice and calm, full of praise and compassion. Maybe they didn’t act like cock teases and let him just have what he wanted.
“C-cock,” you mumbled, pushing your backside against his now pulsating cock, “please give your cock sir.”
“Ooo sir, I like that one, but you’re gonna have to do more if you want me to fill you up princess.”
Words were becoming extremely hard to not only facilitate in your mind, but put them on your tongue and get out to him. He knew this. He knew your were on the brink of collapsing in cum, but the torture was too entertaining for him nonetheless. Although you're frustrated with him was increasing, you couldn’t lie to yourself that the way he was using you like a sex toy was turning you on. After being up his ass so long with rules around the house and how you wanted things done, it was nice to finally let go. Submit to his rules instead of yours.
“P-please Minho, sir’ you panted, head turning to look at the sadistic face of enjoyment he was having from this, “I’ll do anything, a-anything to have your cock inside of me right now.”
“Okay then tomorrow morning, you have to make me breakfast, AND wash my dishes.”
“Seriously,” you panted, “that’s what you're thinking about right now?”
“You said anything.” He shrugged, suddenly taking his fingers away from your dripping core. A gasp of disappointment came to your lips at the loss of delicious contact. Minho sat up, ducking under your leg, and positioning himself right back to where he was previously. However, this time, he was on his knees. Although you were touching it before, you really hadn't had a chance to look at how big it was: way more than what you expected. He stroked himself a couple of times, making sure not to get carried away with himself before he pushed it between your folds, letting his pre-cum mix with your juices. He slowly descended into you. Jaws dropping simultaneously, you gasped. The way he was stretching you out did burn a little bit, but once he was fully inside, your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Minho waited until the look of slight discomfort faded from your features.
“Are you okay?”
You nodded, biting down on your bottom lip and he slowly pulled himself back out. He kept a consistent, yet slow pace as leaned in closer to you. He was now hovering over, letting his face become buried into the middle of your breasts. The feeling was so immaculate, you were desperate to cling onto something for support.
“Dig them into me,” he groaned, strangling his vocal cords, “dig your nails into my back and scratch me like your life fucking depends on it.”
Perfect. You did as he pleased, a loud moan of his name wrestling from your lips as you felt the red marks appear on his backside. The pressure from before was already building in your stomach again, and he could tell. The way you were super tight for him was one, but the way you were now clenching around him was another. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer if you kept doing that.
“Fuck,” was all you could manage to say, a deep grin plastered on his face.
“You’re close aren't you,” he cooed, attaching his lips to your neck, “talk to me baby, tell me what you're feeling.
“Mhm, yeah, fuck I’m so close baby. H-Harder.”
The pitch of your tone was becoming whinier by the second. To add to that, the way you became confused, as if Minho was a vampire, because the way he was sucking on your neck was kind of painful. Nevertheless, you relished in it, knowing too well that a very, very dark mark would replace his mouth. The idea of him showing his possession of you, knowing that he finally won you over did not make you happy, nonetheless, you were too fucked out to care.
Your legs were now pushed all the way back, pace fastening by the minute, allowing Minho to push even deeper into you. And that was it. Right there, the spot you had never even known was even there.
“Ah fuck!” Your moan was loud this time, completely unable to control anything. The smirk, in combination with the satisfied growl that left his lips was a face of pure ecstasy as he realised that he had finally hit your G-spot.
“Fuck that feels so fucking good,” Minho grumbled, “are you close? Because I think I’m gonna cum.”
It was like your stomach was an orchestra. Minho’s words were the conductor, completely controlling how close you were to your release.
“Y-yes,” you cried, “I’m gonna cum so hard right now.”
“You wanna cum baby?”
“You wanna cum right now?”
“Yes baby,” you pouted, a perplexity of sounds escaping your lips, completely out of your control.
“Cum on my cock princess,” Minho whispered through what sounded to be like pained groans, “be a good girl and cum with me inside of you.”
And there it was, like it was on queue as your body completely flopped, legs shaking and a string of lewd curse words fell from your lips. The way your pussy clenched around him was enough to make him pull out, spilling into the dip of your stomach. A loud breath of what seemed to be exhaustion fell from his lips. Your eyes were previously screwed so shut, it hurt when you opened them again, sensitive to the light.
“Fuck,” you both cursed simultaneously, making one another giggle. Minho fell to your left side, flat on his back as he invited you to scooch over next to him. Face pressed against his chest, fingers playfully dragging up and down his torso. For some reason, he felt so safe and secure at this moment. Almost forgetting how he literally just fucked you into oblivion, your eyelids become heavy. It wasn’t until Minho spoke that you were revived from your alternate state of consciousness once more.
“I didn’t know you had it in you.” His voice sounded genuinely surprised, unsure if you should be offended or not. You looked up at him, quickly pressing a kiss to his cheek. He wasn’t sure how to react, but the dark shade tinting his face right now said enough.
“Please,” you scoffed, “You did me good, but was that the best you can do?”
He ran his tongue across his bottom lip, but down on it after, “Is that a challenge?”
You said nothing, instead sitting up and pushing your legs on either side of his hips. A soft moan escaped his lips as he felt your still dripping heat sitting on the base of him.
“Why don’t you find out and see?”
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
forever is the sweetest con | Chip Taylor x Reader
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Summary: Reader's dad is a carpenter; sometimes he takes on apprentices and sometimes, if they're lucky, they get his daughter's number at the end of their training. Chip Taylor, however, hits the jackpot when her father invites him over for one of her homecooked meals.
Warnings: reader's mom passed away, mentions of parental death, strangers to lovers, random acts of kindness, mutual pining, falling in love, steamy make-outs, oral sex (male and female receiving), fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, dirty talk, sub!chip, food mentions, praise, love confessions.
word count: 6.2k
a/n: thank you @samuel-de-champagne-problems for requesting a chip fic!! i am in love with him and also yes this plot is something that happened to my parents, however, my mom is still alive and my dad does give my Instagram out to the men who subcontract for him lmao!
Her father was a carpenter, and he often took on apprentices. You see, he had to learn everything on his own to make his way in life and support his family, he was willing to help other men do the same thing. And so every night he would come home from work and talk about whatever idiot he was teaching this week.
“His name is Chip,” her father emphasized the p with confusion, “what is that even short for?”
“It’s short for Charles,” she couldn’t help but laugh, “is he at least more competent than that Mason kid?”
“Much!” He rolled his eyes, “although I did have to teach him how to put crown moulding in today, he’s a quick learner and you can tell he’s just following what they teach at the schools but I know the hacks.”
“I know, Dad,” she smiled. “Is he cute? Single?”
She’s been on dates with most of the guys he’s worked with, mainly because they went to her high school back in the day, but also because her father was trying to play matchmaker. Ever since her mother died, she’s been taking care of him and he just wanted her to have some fun outside of the house. She needed a life in his eyes.
She was content working at the diner and serving people food all day just to come home and take care of her father. He worked hard to make sure they stayed afloat after her mom, the least she could do is make him dinner and a sandwich for lunch the next day.
“He is actually,” he shrugged, “he’s a yes man, you’d probably really like him.”
“Why’s that?” She asked, waiting for whatever snide comment he was going to make to jokingly piss her off.
“Your aunt Lisa only married your uncle Jason because he was a yes man and she could wear the pants, and you’ve always been just like her,” he explained it nicer than she expected.
“Give him my number next time you work with him?” She asks nicely, taking his plate from the table and moving it to the sink.
“Good luck chip,” she hears him mumble under his breath.
It makes her laugh, she loves her relationship with her father and the friendly environment they were able to keep after everything that’s happened to their family. They always laughed together, he was always cracking jokes and even when they were shouting obscenities at each other it came from a place of love, “fuck-head” was a term of endearment in their home.
He brings Chip home with him without telling her, she’s been home all day cleaning the house; her hair is a mess and she’s all sweaty, and he really is cute. She made enough food for an army so it wasn’t a problem in her father’s eyes, saying “doesn’t she always look beautiful? It’s fine Y/N.”
“Yeah,” Chip agreed with a small smile and a blush that roared red down his neck. "You're very beautiful."
She cleans up a bit before dinner, brushing her hair and changing into a nice sundress. She adds some perfume and shakes the anxiety out of her body, he was just one of her dad’s friends from work. And he happened to be incredibly adorable.
Returning to find them talking about how he fixed their frozen pipes in the winter with a hairdryer. It was the most basic shit to her and yet Chip was fascinated like he’s never heard any of these things before. He’s holding a beer in his hands with a leg crossed as he leans on the sofa and he’s so cute…
He’s in his work jeans and his shirt is all sweaty, and his hair is curled on the ends from all the hard work. His hands are dirty and he smells like sawdust and home. She’s not listening to a single thing they’re talking about, she’s just staring at the way his face moves when he talks and how sweet his laugh is.
He loves dinner, he’s beyond thankful and even more so for dessert. She made homemade banana bread with the bananas they had, they were going to go bad if she didn’t. It wasn’t anything special but he acted like she made his whole day.
He helps bring all the dishes into the kitchen, standing beside her as she fills the sink with water, “do you have a towel? I could help dry.”
“I know where everything is, how about you wash and I dry?” She compromises with a smile, and he’s more than happy to oblige.
She learns a little about him, he’s kind and friendly and he seems to crave the feeling of family that being in her home provides. He doesn’t want to stop washing dishes because then he has to go home, and he doesn’t look like he really wants to do that either.
“Do you need a ride home, Chip?” She asks as he lets the sink water out, “I was thinking about going to get some ice cream if you want to join me?”
“I would love to,” he smiles again, “thank you, Y/N.”
She understands everything when she drops him off at his tiny, little, run-down apartment; he’s going to be all alone as soon as he leaves her car and she hates that for him. He was so nice it was hard to believe that he didn’t have a nice partner and a house and kids by now.
“I wouldn’t mind if you came over for dinner after all your shifts with my dad? Just text me before so I make enough dinner?” She offers with butterflies swarming in her stomach.
“You’re too kind to me,” he replies, unable to meet her eyes as she turns to him.
“I just want more time to look at you,” she teases, “you’re really handsome.”
He lights up, “you think so?”
She nods with a small laugh, pushing air through her nose as she leans in more, “and you’re nice and funny, and your voice is cute.”
He’s stunned as his eyes flick back and forth from hers to her lips, his lips are parted as he tries to breathe but fails, he looks like no one has ever told him that before.
“Are you working with my dad tomorrow?” She changes the topic so that he can focus once more.
“I should be,” he replies just soft enough for her to hear.
“Would you like a sandwich for lunch? My dad said often the guys don’t bring that much with them to eat, I wouldn’t mind making you a sandwich too?”
She’s not sure why she feels the need to take him in and care for him but she does. She wants to wrap him up in a hug and make his meals and tuck him in at night. He just has this aura that calls for love and she desperately wants to give it to him.
He leans forward and kisses her, she kisses back instinctively and reaches to hold his face. His cheeks are soft as she runs her thumb along the skin, she pulls back only to press a few more pecks to his lips.
“You're something else,” he whispers against her lips before stealing another kiss.
He’s sweet, he tastes like vanilla ice cream and she just wants more. She kisses him again and again, eventually licking at his bottom lip and desperately whining to make out with him. She hasn’t felt this needy since she was a high schooler, but something in Chip made her feel alive.
She is leaning so far into his space she might as well get into his seat too. She moves to kiss his jaw and down his neck and he’s nothing but hands as he feels all over her back.
“Do you want to come inside?” He whispers, scared but just as desperate as she is.
“I shouldn’t,” she says before continuing her trail of kisses down his neck.
She can’t leave any marks because her father will know, but she also doesn’t care. He’d probably just give him a high five and move on with his day. She wanted to be even closer to him, she wanted to sit in his lap and kiss him for hours just because she could.
“We don’t have to do anything,” he tries to persuade her, “it just might be more comfortable for this?”
He holds her hand on the walk up to his apartment, she likes how much he already feels like hers. He shows her inside and before the door is even closed she’s connecting their lips once again. He moans into her mouth at the feeling of his back colliding with the door and her hands are immediately roaming his shirt.
He’s such a good kisser, he is gentle and soft, he isn’t overly eager and controlling. He lets her explore and slow it down as she presses in closer to him and his hands wander to her hips. She places one of her thighs between his and grinds herself even closer to him.
He’s hard against her hip and the prospect of sleeping with him is so enticing but she knows she can't, at least not yet. It would be too quick, she wants to just appreciate him like this. Her kisses trail from his lips to his ear and he’s still a whining mess, but he’s completely still as she sets the pace of her grinding. He’s not pushing her to do anything or move this along, he’s just letting her explore everywhere… he’s so different.
“I don’t want to have to do laundry tonight,” he whispers with a smirk, moving his hands down to block her from grinding on his erection anymore.
She just undoes his belt and pushes his jeans to the floor before resuming the same position as before, this time she pulls her dress up and rests the clothed tip of his cock in just the right spot under her.
He’s holding her closer again, his arms wrapping almost all the way around her as his big hands grab handfuls of her skin in a desperate attempt to be closer to her. She keeps kissing his neck, they’re more open-mouthed and breathy than she intends but he just feels so good under her.
No one has ever made her feel this desperate before, something about him made her want to devour him whole. His sounds were delicious, his skin even more so, she couldn’t help herself from nipping and sucking at his neck as he made more beautiful noises.
She was so close and she could tell he wasn’t far behind, “let go, Chip,” she whispers in his ear, “cum with me.”
She grinds down hard one final time and he’s a shaking, moaning mess. It’s the feeling of the wet patch in his underwear and the feeling of him shudder that sends her over the edge, panting into his neck as they hold each other close against the door.
He turns them around, taking her by the waist and manhandling her until she’s the one against the door. His lips are on her neck and it’s like his orgasm has only enticed him to go further, “you’re too good to me.”
“You deserve good things Chip,” she whispers as her hand comes up to grip his hair as he continues to kiss her neck.
“Let me say thank you,” he whispers as he drops to his knees and pushes her dress up as she reaches to pull it up for him.
She spreads her legs as he moves her panties to the side and dives in. Spreading her with two fingers he sucks her clit into his mouth first and she tugs on his hair so tight he moans against her. Sending another shockwave through her body as he built another orgasm up.
He’s so good with his mouth, her legs are quaking as she tries to stay standing against the door. She can feel him everywhere but it’s still not enough, she wants him deep inside of her but she knows it’s way too soon to even be doing this. She has never gone this fast with someone before but she couldn’t stop, he felt too amazing.
“Chip,” she chanted his name, tugging on his hair tighter to get him to moan against her and send her over the edge once again.
She ruts against his tongue, fucking his face as she rides it out and he is more than happy to keep going as long as she wants him to and it feels so good she might just stay there. But the twitches get too intense and the whine she makes lets him know she’s done as he kisses back up her body.
Supporting her against the door, he presses his body against her once more. Taller than her, he tilts her chin up so she can look him in the eyes, his chin and nose are glistening with her cum and somehow he’s still cute.
She kisses him on the lips quickly, “when I can feel my legs again, I need to head home.”
When she leaves, she just sits in her car for a few minutes as she settles even more. Then she heads to the grocery store on the way home to get nice things for his sandwich tomorrow, because any man who can make her cum twice in 10 minutes deserves the best sandwich.
Waking up at 6 in the morning to make sandwiches is normally a chore, she sometimes makes them the night before so she doesn’t have to worry and can sleep in, this morning she wants to put all the tender loving care into these lunches. Her dad has noticed, he’s eyeing her down from the living room as he has his morning cereal and she knows he wants to ask.
“I didn’t sleep with him if that’s what you’re wondering.” Her voice is just loud enough for him to shoot her a listening glance.
“Oh, but you’re making him a sandwich?”
“You should see his apartment complex,” her expression drops, “ and after the way he devoured dinner last night, I just knew he hasn’t been taken care of in forever. And he’s so nice?”
He smiles, “your mom did the same thing for me.”
“You’ve never told me the story,” she reminds him.
He gets up and walks over to the kitchen, leaning against the counter so they can look at each other. His expression is soft, he’s an overly kind man and it was the thing she loved most about him.
“Your grandfather and I worked at a company making refrigerators, I was new to the state and had nothing and so he brought me home for dinner,” he smiles at the memory.
“Her parents got divorced soon after and her mom was having trouble with the bills so I moved in and I helped, and every morning your mom woke up and she made me a sandwich as a thank you.”
“Oh,” she smiled at the recollection, they really were having the same little love story. “Well, I’m thinking about making fish for dinner, would you ask Chip if he likes it? I’ve invited him over for dinner after all his shifts with you.”
He laughs in a huff, he’s proud of her— and himself. He finally found a good one for her.
She outdoes herself for dinner. The food is amazing, the table is set, and she’s all dolled up for him. Her dad thinks it’s cute and he doesn’t mind being the third wheel, they all talk to each other like he’s been having dinner with them for years.
He helps clean up after dinner and her dad falls asleep watching Jeopardy in the living room like normal. She wraps her arms around his waist and rests her head on his back while he’s still doing the dishes, he’s still all sweat from work but she doesn’t care, she wants to give him a hug.
“What’s this for?” He whispers, placing a wet hand over hers on his stomach.
“Do I need a reason to hug you?” She counters.
“No,” he turns around in her grip so that he can give her a real hug. Wet hands on her back and everything.
She held him there, leaning against him as he leaned against the sink. His heartbeat was quick and he still smelled like sawdust and hard work, but he was warm and soft and it felt so right to just be there.
“Are you working with my dad tomorrow?”
“I will be for the rest of the month,” he confirms her hopes; he was going to be around often.
“Would it be alright if I asked you to stay the night?” She whispers incredibly soft for only him to hear.
He nods against her before taking her hand and leading her outside to the porch. They close the house door softly and then she’s back in his arms, “are you sure?”
She looks up at him and he’s even more beautiful today than he was yesterday, “I can take you back to your place to get some things? It would be nice to send you off to work in the morning.”
“You’ve decided that I’m yours now, haven’t you?” He teased her with a smile, perfectly fine with that.
She nods again, “you could move in tomorrow if you wanted, I’m not sure what’s possessed me to take you in like this, but I really don’t want to let you go.”
He delicately places his hands on her cheeks and pulls her into a kiss, it’s soft and short and he’s quick to look at her again.
“You can have me,” he whispers, “forever, if you want.”
It makes her laugh, “that's the sweetest con you know, you promise yourself to me forever and yet you have no idea if you can stay that long.”
He nods in agreement, “what if I promise my hardest to stay?”
“Okay,” she smiles again, leaning forward and kissing him again, finally.
The month is coming to an end and he’s slept beside her almost every single night, and even with that, they’re still taking it slow. They go on dates on the weekends, they make out in her car, he drives her to work, she kisses him at the door every morning he stays with them and they’ve done almost everything but have sex together.
They didn’t feel the need to yet, everything that was leading up to it was fun and interesting. She’s enjoyed sneaking around with him to get each other off back and forth, like an adult game of tag.
She’d blow him in the car on the way back to his apartment after dinner, or he’d come and pick her up after a shift at the diner only for them to end up making out in by the back door, and his hand always ended up in her panties. It was an interesting month of getting to know each other, but she wanted more now.
Her dad is going out of town on a fishing trip with his buddies this weekend, she’s booked time off and Chip has no idea what is in store for him. She plans a dinner, she gets all dressed up for him, there are candles and music and it’s perfect.
He’s amazed by the whole thing and she can really tell he’s been mostly alone for his whole life, he looks at a simple home-cooked meal like it was a million dollars and he was beyond grateful for everything. He almost cries he’s so thankful for the time and effort she puts into taking care of him.
He goes to pick up the plates and bring them to the kitchen as soon as their meal is over, “ah, ah, what do you think you’re doing?”
“Cleaning up for you?” Chip answers with a nervous tone that she hasn’t heard before.
“Don’t you want dessert?”
“I can bring it out for you, stay there,” he offers and then frowns when she stands anyway.
“You’re looking at it,” she whispers as she enters his space.
She takes the dishes from his hands and places them on the counter before wrapping her arms around him, “my dad isn’t going to be home until Sunday night.”
“Oh,” he whispers back before his hands reach for her ass and he’s picking her up.
Her legs wrap around his waist and she grips his shoulders for dear life as he hurries them up the stairs and towards her bedroom.
He’s incredibly strong for such a skinny guy, although he was filling out the longer he knew her. He makes it up the stairs and through her door as she gets a head start at kissing his neck until he has her pressed against the door.
“What’s with you and doors?” She teases as he rests her back on her feet, she draws him in closer to her so their chests are pressed together and she can look up into those sweet honey brown eyes.
“I’m just impatient.”
“Too bad, baby,” she teases, “I’m making you take your time with me tonight.”
“Yes ma’am,” he responded with a smirk, “I’m here to please you,” he whispered as he leaned in more.
Attaching his lips to her neck he kissed towards her ear, “to thank you,” he took a fistful of her hair and moved it out of the way before kissing down towards her shoulder. “To show you how much I appreciate everything you do for me.”
She pushed him back enough to get Chip to stop kissing her neck, instead, pressing her lips against his. Kissing him deeply before running her tongue across Chip’s bottom lip as a request to make out with him.
Making out with Chip was something she did often, yet it felt like not enough every time. His plump lips and velvety soft tongue, soft touches and rough stubble rubbing against her chin and cheeks.
He smelled like oak after a storm, it was warm and electric and delicious. She dipped her face into the curve of Chip’s neck and took a whiff before attacking him with open-mouthed kisses.
He giggled, his hands her hips now, the pads of his fingers going up and his nails trailing back down over the fabric of her dress, the perfect motion to make the hair on her body stand up.
She reaches for the hem of his shirt and pulls it up, separating from his neck so she had room to pull it off of him before reconnected their mouths. Kissing him deeply then pushing him onto the bed, watching Chip get comfortable before she crawled on top.
They wasted no time getting back into the groove of things, tongues clashing and hips grinding, soft moans in each other's mouths, hands roaming everywhere. She reached between them to undo his belt and the button of his jeans so his dick wasn’t rubbing against the zipper. Making out like that was some of the most fun she ever had, she could do it for hours on end.
She pulled back, kneeling above Chip, she grabbed his open belt and pulled it through all the loops and chucked it towards the floor. She massaged her hand over the bulge in his pants as she got closer to his crotch, watching as Chip threw his head back to moan.
She fiddled with the waistband, wanting to pull them down, Chip lifted his ass up ever so slightly for her to do so, she pulled his pants and boxers all the way off and threw them to the floor as well. Spreading Chip’s legs and taking him in her hand, finally. She dipped down ever so slightly and licked the tip and he let out a beautiful cry as his hips bucked. She loved his noises, she loved seeing what new ones she could make and he was more than willing to show her.
Chip gasped and reached out to grip her hair, she took that as an invitation to suck his dick, she wrapped her mouth around the tip, slipping her way down as far as she could go before bobbing back up. It was slow and sensual, she made sure to cover all of him; jerking what didn’t fit in her mouth, dipping down even further to kiss his balls and suck one into her mouth.
The people she’s been with before had never been reactive, they either gave her praise or roughly directed her deeper and deeper till she choked. Chip was different though, making soft noises that sounded like ‘yes’ and ‘god’, his little gasps and stutters of breath were the cutest things. It just encouraged her to do it more.
She pulled off, looking up at Chip who was just staring at her softly. If she knew anything about giving a blowjob she knew what her face probably looked like.. eyes blown out in passion and lips swollen bright red. It was a sight he loved to see, his hand slipped down to cup her cheek and then down to his chin where he used his thumb to brush her bottom lip.
“Beautiful,” he whispered.
She crawled back up and sat on his hips, taking the hem of her dress in her hands and pulling it over her head. She was wearing a nice matching underwear set for him, nothing too fancy because she knew it would just end up on the floor anyway.
She leaned back down, attaching their mouths once again, he wrapped his arms around her back and slowly rolled them over safely. Now on top of her, looking up into Chip’s eyes was a blessing. He blinked a few times, making sure it was real and he wasn’t dreaming that the most beautiful girl in the world was looking at him like that.
“What do you want me to do?” He asked gently with pleading eyes that let her know he was desperate to touch her however she pleased.
“Make me yours, Chip.”
“I think you always have been,” he replied.
His beautiful sweaty curls drooping over his eyes, she smiled as she brushed them back. Petting his face softly as she looked at him, he was so beautiful. The light was bouncing off the wall just enough to illuminate him.
“How do you want to do it?” She whispered.
“Let’s just go where the rhythm takes us,” Chip’s voice dropped low as he did, pressing their chests together, close enough to kiss as he rubbed their noses together softly.
She kissed him, wrapping her hands around his neck and pulling him in more. He squeezed his arms between her back and the mattress, wrapping himself around her. he decided to reach into her panties with his free hand.
He took a moment to admire her chest, she had caught him staring before. He constantly used them as a pillow, he wanted to touch them so badly, so she leaned forward and let him unhook her bra. Pulling it from her body and towards the floor.
She could sense his hesitation, taking both his hands off her sides and guiding them to her breasts. He whimpered as he felt them, she closed her eyes at the feeling. A small moan escaping her lips as he groped her. His big hands felt amazing, so strong and gentle, rough and yet soothing. Perfection against her skin.
She leaned back against the bed then, leaving him sitting up on her hips. Her boobs flattening out into a funny shape as she laid back, making her smirk in embarrassment. Only making Chip love them more, diving in and kissing the newly exposed skin.
He dragged his bottom lip over her skin between kisses. Leaving a trail of where he’s been already. She had a hand in his hair, holding it out of his face as she watched him.
Panting as she tried to grind up against him, the arousal in her core was overpowering. She needed to feel more, she wanted all of him. She was addicted to him already, hoping she’ll have forever with him.
She was too hot, feeling the sweat gather behind her knees as she tried to find more friction against him. She didn’t mind all the exploring he was doing, it was a wonderful appetizer, but she was nowhere close to being full.
He pulled back then to sit on his knees between her legs before Chip slowly slipped her underwear off. Raising her hips softly before resting her ass back in his lap and spreading her legs.
Fully on display for him, she played with her nipples slightly. Knowing how much he loved her boobs, watching her with a slack jaw as his hands ran up her legs.
He snapped back into the moment when she pushed her ass down against him, a whimper slipping past his lips as he placed his thumb on her clit, rubbing gentle circles into the bundle of nerves.
With his pointer finger, on the other hand, he traced around her entrance, not pushing in, just exploring the wetness as it dripped out. She tightened up on command, seeing his breath hitch as his finger almost slipped in.
“Please?” She begged, arching her back more so that he could finger her.
“Can we try something?”
“Yeah,” she nodded, resting on her forearms as she leaned forward.
“If I lay back would you, um,” he couldn’t say the words. They felt too filthy leaving his mouth, pointing at his face instead.
She sat up then, pushing him back against the pillows and settling herself over his chest and gripping the headboard for support, Chip wrapped his arms around her hips and guided her forward more.
Her legs were already trembling in anticipation as she hovered over his face, feeling his breath right on her core, Without warning, he sucked her clit into his mouth.
“Fuck,” she gasped as she smacked her forehead against the blocked window behind her bed, hoping to god no one could see through the blinds.
He pushed one finger in as his tongue played with her clit. She couldn’t help rocking her hips against his face, helping him get deeper inside of her. He curled his finger, lightly fucking her with it as he sucked, licked, kissed her pussy.
She was a mess, shaking over top of him as she tried to keep her orgasm in. Not wanting to cum yet, wanting to feel all of him inside of her before she did that. So he added a second finger, making her cry out in pleasure against the window without even trying.
Her orgasm ripped through her as she fucked his face, holding his hair with one hand as the other steadied her on the headboard. She couldn’t believe how intense it was, almost knocking the wind out of her as she road it out on his tongue.
He smiled against her, kissing her clit once more before pulling out and helping her back towards his lap. She wasted no time hovering over his cock as it strained on his stomach.
“Do you want to?” She asked, trying to control her breathing but still looking like a panting mess as she anticipated him.
“I’ll always want you,” he assures her with the sweetest smile.
She wraps her arms around him and rolls them over once more, he adjusts between her legs and drags himself along her overstimulated clit, she shudders at the feeling and then laughs at her own reaction.
“Ready?” He whispered.
She nodded, feeling Chip push in, she reached for his hands where they rested on her hips and interlocked their fingers. He bottomed out and dropped to hover over her, bringing their interlocked hands over her head.
She reached up to kiss him, Chip pushing into the kiss and making her settle into the pillow once again. It honestly felt like a movie scene, a first time between two star-crossed lovers. He pulled out ever so slightly before thrusting in again, she gasped against his mouth.
Chip trusted more while she pushed her hips into it as well, an offbeat rhythm developed in pure ecstasy. She let go of Chip’s hands to snake them around his waist, to run her fingers over the soft and slightly chilled skin of his back. Feeling the bump of his spine as Chip ducked into the crook of her neck, placing kisses along her collarbone.
Chip changed the position of his thrust as he wrapped his arms under her, arching her back ever so slightly to reach the bundle of nerves that left her a quivering mess. Y/N, in response to the added pleasure, ran her sharp nails down Chip’s back and he groaned at the feeling, “do that again.” he requested.
“Like that?” She asked, dragging his nails down him once more.
“Yeah,” Chip moaned, dark and deep.
The feeling of pure bliss overtook her body with each thrust, warm chills ran through him with each brush of his thumb on her clit. Every kiss to her neck and squeeze around her waist made her feel like she was on fire.
The hairs on her arms stood up, goosebumps formed along his forearms. Chip kissed from her neck to her nipple and took the hard nib into his mouth causing her to moan like she never had before.
“Chip,” she panted, pulling Chip’s face back up to his.
His eyes were absolutely blown out in pleasure, those golden wonders he used to stare into were now replaced solely by the pupils. She ran her thumb across Chip’s cheek before reaching to the nape of his neck to pull him into another kiss. Open mouths pressing together, hot air on each other's faces as they panted to the pleasure.
She was in heaven.
Her orgasm bubbled in her stomach, “are you close?” Chip whispered right beside her mouth, kissing her cheek lightly after.
She hummed, unable to speak with the mass amount of pleasure coursing through her body. Chip fucked into her a bit harder, a tiny bit faster, hitting her g-spot dead on each time to the point the nerves in her thighs were quaking uncontrollably.
She was so close, Chip used 3 fingers to quickly rub over her clit before she threw her head back with a shout. Cumming with her eyes pressed shut, pleasure coursed through her body stronger than she’s ever felt it before.
Nothing had ever made her cum that hard, ripping through her like her soul was leaving her body. She dug her nails deep into Chip’s skin holding him close to his body while he kept thrusting.
A high-pitched gasp left his lips, close to her ear as his hips sputtered into her’s one last time.
She still hadn’t opened her eyes, her breath rigid, she felt winded. Chip had stilled as he came inside of her and then collapsed into her, deadweight laying on her.
Chip mustered enough energy to prop himself upon his arm and look at her. Using his free hand he ran his thumb against her bottom lip once more to get her to open her eyes.
“Hi,” he whispered.
“Hi,” she replied with a smile.
“You okay?” he asked.
She nodded, smile growing, “that was amazing.”
“Better than you hoped?”
“I’ve thought of doing this for the last month, I knew it would be amazing but I never imagined it would be that good.” she complimented Chip, “I think I died when I came, no joke.”
He laughed, dropping himself back into the crook of her neck. He kissed her more, up to her ear and across her jaw to her lips. Soft small kissed followed by a long-drawn-out one. Chip pulled their lips apart with a smack.
“Let me clean us up,” he said.
At that moment she realized Chip was still in her, soft and all. He pulled out slowly it was always such a weird feeling to be empty again. He sat up and made his way off the bed, he went to her bathroom.
Coming back still naked, his dick bobbing between his legs, she loved the view. He had a thing of baby wipes with him, knowing exactly where she kept everything in her bathroom by now.
“I can do it,” she suggested, reaching for them.
Chip pulled them back away from her, “I want to.” he said softly.
Running the cold wipe over her soft skin, Chip looked mesmerized. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.
“Thank you,” she replied with a shy smile, “can you come back up here now?”
He tossed the wipes onto her night table and cuddled right back into her naked body, she held onto him tightly so he wouldn’t escape. She knew he wouldn’t, but she loved him so much she never wanted to let go.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispered into her neck. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same yet.”
“Are you kidding?” She laughed, pulling back so she could see his face as he looked up at her. “I think I’ve been in love with you since you walked in and said I was beautiful.”
He reaches for her cheeks and pulls her in for another kiss, “I’m going to love you forever.”
The words used to scare her, but now she looks at him and thinks they might be right for them.
“Forever it is, then.”
taglist: @g0lden-cth @doctorspenceryeet @samuel-de-champagne-problems @reiding-recs @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria@reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor @blanchardsbk @thatsonezesty13
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luveline · 2 years
guys I'm so sorry to have all of this negativity happening again I really appreciate everyone who's left a comment on that wattpad, I think unfortunately I might have to learn to live with these things happening as long as eddie is so popular
anyways, I wanted to also say thank you so much to everyone for being here, for keeping me company, for leaving asks that are more than kind and for every reblog and reply whether I've missed it or managed to respond I appreciate every single one, and I also wanted to say thank you for following!
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you're all probably sick of me saying how grateful i am but I'm far from sick of telling you all! thank you for giving me a space to share my work that is full of so much love and positivity, I know I can't repay all the kindness I've been shown here but I really try my best, I just can't keep up some days! Your asks, well wishes, requests, everything are all so lovely and mean the world to me, you're all the sickest, sweetest babes on this entire planet and I'm just blown away every day by everything. I have a lot of love for you guys and I really hope to keep writing things that we can all enjoy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thank u for 18k!
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yarozu · 3 years
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Here's part 16 of the characters with their s/o series.
Anyways, Enjoy~
Masterlist here
Warnings: - Slight nsfw. Nothing to explicit, just slightly suggestive.
- Shouta Aizawa
• Aizawa is undeniably a homebody. But if you want to go out, he'll go with little to no complaints.
Even though he complains about going out doesn't mean he's sloppy about it. He puts some serious thought into where he's taking you. He always picks places he knows, for a fact, you would like.
• Shouta is definitely one of those secretly soft guys. He doesn't go out of way to hide it or anything. You just wont know he's soft until you've seen him picking up a stray kitty and taking it home. Or when he's with his students.
He takes really good care of the things he cares for. That includes you.
• He is definitely one of those very helpful partners. He would never expect or even want you to do all the house work by yourself.
He knows you can get just as busy as him so you guys share all the house care duties.
• The type to share his love more through actions than words. When he knows that you're tired from work, he'll be cooking. Stares at you with the most love stuck eyes as you get ready for the day. Hugging you randomly during the day. Always telling you what he's up to as to not worry you when he's out on a mission. Makes sure you have your comfort items when you're feeling down.
• Aizawa is a very patient man. We see that in the way he interacts with his students and his coworkers. He's tired, but patient.
He does however not like being provoked. You just /try/ being a brat with him. He may be a tired but he's not the one who will be needing energy when he's putting you in your place.
• Jealous Aizawa is very interesting. I don't see him being a very possessive man, so he won't really get jealous at someone simply hitting on you. He actually feels kind of prideful in knowing that he's dating someone as gorgeous as you. So he just sees it as a given that you'd get hit on now and then.
He is not a big fan of people touching you though. He'll sit on the side, watching over you and the stranger's interaction, making sure you are still alright.
He's not dumb. He notices the guy slowly leaning towards you. But it's only when th guy places him hand on your thigh that he steps in.
"You having fun with /my/ partner?" He glares down at the guy. He guy opens his mouth to answer but Aizawa chirps in before he can get a single word out "eh, wrong answer."
In an instant the guy is pinned to the ground and Aizawa is on the phone with the police. Aizawa leans in and whispers to the guy, "that was sexual harassment you fucker. And to make it worse, it was /my/ fucking partner you decided to fuck with."
As soon as the police take the guy away, Aizawa places his coat on your shoulders and leads you out of the building. "Let's go home baby. I'll run us a bath and clean every part of that asshole off of your body." He says placing a feather light kiss on your temple.
Feel free to leave some criticism where you feel needed.
Reblogs and comments really appreciated <3
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pale-silver-comb · 4 years
So I know absolutely nothing about Leverage except what I've been seeing you post lately and I have to admit you're making it look tempting to watch! Can I ask what are some of your favorite things about the show/reasons you would suggest people watch it? And is there really a poly relationship that is canon?
Okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. I am going to do my best not to just “asdfghkjl” at you and answer coherently.
In a nutshell, Leverage is about 5 people. 4 are criminals (Parker, Hardison, Eliot and Sophie) with different and unique skill-sets and 1 is an ex-insurance investigator (Nate) who, at one point or another in his career, has tracked down (or at least attempted to) the other 4. The whole show is essentially: man reluctantly reforms 4 criminals to use their criminal powers for good and 4 criminals move into man’s life and stubbornly refuse to leave because, goddammit, now they have morals. 
I’ve got a lot of favourite things about the show but the main ones are as follows:
1. Found family. And I’m not talking about loners who come together to fight crime and happen to co-exist to the point where they realise they happen to have found themselves a family. I mean, Nate and Sophie are the Drunk Uncle and Wine Aunt who somehow become Mom and Dad to 3 beautiful criminal children. Mom and Dad love their criminal babies and the kids love them (as well as each other, but we’ll come to that in a moment). You get amazing family moments such as: Mom and Dad packing the kids lunch before sending them out to kick corporate greed’s ass; Mom and Dad giving the kids ridiculously expensive and personal Christmas presents causing their most Grumpy Kid to go very very quiet and soft as he runs off to gleefully play with his new murder toy; the kids interrupting Mom and Dad’s big Movie Style Kiss to ask if they can please keep their new underground layer and huffing and puffing when Dad tells them no.
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2. Found family: the OT3 edition. To answer your question, the OT3 is indeed canon, confirmed by the creator. Now, usually, “confirmed by the creator” infuriates me because most of the time it’s a way for a creator to be seen as “progressive” without doing anything to actually be progressive. That isn’t the case here. The OT3 are built up carefully and while it is obvious the creators didn’t originally intend for all 3 of them to become a relationship in the romantic sense, by mid-season 5 we are given a very clear picture of where Parker, Hardison and Eliot are heading in their relationship. There aren’t any kisses at the end to signal this but there are solid marriage vows in not only one but two episodes. (And by marriage vows I mean literal equivalents of marriage vows: “for better or worse” and “’til death do us part”. I’m not even exaggerating). The OT3 also doesn’t need explicit romantic narratives to convey how much they love each other. Their love is laced through the whole show, from the way they teach each other things to the way they respond to each other and work as a unit. The way they fiercely protect and admire each other. Like someone once said, if you need characters to kiss or say I love you to let the audience know they love each other, you are writing them wrong. 
Aside from that, each of the parings in the OT3 are just. Gah. They are so well done, with friendship being the solid basis for them all. The creators never expect the audience to assume anything about them or fill in the gaps. They give us their relationships on screen and reference many things off-screen to show us how these relationships continue to build in between episodes.
Hardison and Parker are a canon couple and date in the show: it’s approached slowly and they are so goddamned sweet. They are basically every fluffy slow-burn trope with a healthy dash of mutual pining in the mix. They are basically that quote “love is patient, love is kind”. (I would like to add their romance never becomes the focus of the show or overrides the importance of any other relationship they have with the other characters, especially Eliot.)
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Hardison and Eliot are the Old Married Couple and from day one are already bickering and looking at each other/making comments that are found in every UST fic ever (not to mention Hardison has a very good knack for making Eliot grin like a little kid, when usually he’s basically an Angry Little Chef Man). They argue, they play, and love each other plain as day. 
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Parker and Eliot are more subtle but every bit as wonderful. They have an unspoken connection and understand each other on a level no-one else can. Parker and Eliot are not good with giving themselves over to affection for different reasons (and Hardison plays a central role in helping them realise it’s okay to want it and have it- that boy has endless patience) but there is something so beautiful in the way the two of them come together on their own and develop their own special bond that works for them. Parker and Eliot are that trope where the characters don’t need to speak to understand each other perfectly. They just do. Their love language is a lot of the time non-verbal but speaks volumes. (Parker also likes to annoy the hell out of Eliot and Eliot....just.....lets...her. Because he’s soft. The softest, grumpiest boy.) 
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I could go into so much depth for each pairing and their dynamics as a 3 but that's for another post.
3. Subverting stereotypes. There is the occasional hiccup in the show regarding stereotypes but ultimately, Leverage gets an A+ when it comes to writing characters and making them 3 dimensional people who are not defined by certain characteristics or events. Nate could so easily fall into the White Man Pain trope where he uses the trauma of losing his kid as a reason as to why he is entitled to act like a dick. Nate is a dick but he doesn’t use his pain to excuse it and I appreciate that. Hardison is a black man who is soft and nurturing. Easily the most empathetic and patient of the group. He’s nerdy, an actual genius, and has the biggest heart of all the characters. Nate is maybe the glue but Hardison is definitely the heart. Media’s usual aggressive, amongst other, racist stereotypes can fuck right off. Parker is canonically autistic (I am sure this was confirmed by one of the creators) and she is not defined by it. It’s not written as some kind of singular personality trait. It’s part of what makes up Parker but it’s only one facet of who she is and not once is her actions, thoughts or feelings treated like a joke. Sometimes people don’t understand why she does and says the things she does but it’s met with patience and fondness over the course of the show. Equally, it’s not met with over-caution. Parker is just Parker. No-one tries to change her. The other nice thing is Hardison, who always makes sure Parker knows she’s amazing because of who she is and not in spite of it. Finally, Sophie is in her 40s. She’s not treated like she’s past her prime. Ever. She’s sexy, smart and never is she pitted against or compared to Parker (who is younger) for anything. Sophie is amazing and there’s never even a conversation of “I may be older but I am still *insert adjective typically associated with younger women here*”. Sophie is possibly the first female character I’ve ever seen who isn’t just unapologetic about her age but has never had to apologise for her age. It’s a non-issue and that’s that. The women on the show are written so well, right down to secondary characters and it’s beyond refreshing.  
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4.) It’s just fun. The show has a “monster of the week” type format. Except instead of a ghoul or a ghost, the monster is some corrupt wealthy and powerful individual or organisation. The show draws on real-life individuals to do this and therefore closely parallels real-life people and events. It addresses important political, economical, social and environmental issues while at the same time remaining fun and light-hearted. The characters constantly get the chance to play dress up and by GOD do they have fun with it. You get to watch Eliot beat up bad guys in the most delightful of ways, usually after a witty non-sequitur and with a weapon you’d never think could be a weapon. The dialogue and back and forth between the characters is everything. And finally - my favourite thing- the team can never resist striking a dramatic pose after they’ve taken down the bad guy, making sure the bad guy sees them. I mean, they COULD just walk away, satisfied they’ve taken the person down, but nope. They gotta be dramatic bitches 24/7 and pose like they are models for every single month of this year’s Criminal Calendar.  
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5.) Competence Porn. So. Much. Competence Porn.  
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Honestly, I could list a thousand reasons for why Leverage is amazing but to list them would to be spoiling so many amazing moments you’d get to discover for the first time on your own if you do choose to watch it. It’s the kind of show you can watch with an eagle-eye and sink your teeth into. But it’s also the kind of show if, you would prefer, put on in the background for something entertaining while you do something else. Each episode is about the job at hand but it’s made up of so many moments between the characters that show how much the creators and writers care about them. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll do whatever it is you do when something Soft and Wonderful happens that makes your heart melt. I am so beyond grateful for Leverage. It’s everything I always wanted in a show. Nearly every show I’ve watched in the past 10 years has disappointed me in some way, usually either because the writers run out of steam or characters who I love are treated poorly or given some kind of unnecessary “shock value” arc. Leverage doesn’t do that. Leverage is what it says on the bottle. Fandom isn’t something I joined because I needed canon fix-its. Fandom only enhances and celebrates an already excellent canon. 
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seishirology · 3 years
yo yo yo guess who's back after- more than 2-ish months!!! Me!! anyways so for today I have rin headcanons!
includes ; rin
A/N ; my opinions only!! I was starting to feel a little too single, therefore I needed to comfort myself 😌😜 also this is quite long because it was my first one, and honestly I don't know if any of the others will be as long
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anyways so first things first, if you want to date THE itoshi rin, you need to interesting. And, the number one rule is that you absolutely, under any circumstances allowed to be lukewarm. Otherwise he'll leave you 😔
But if you happen to bag this man, fear not. He will treat you like everyone else, but just a smidge better. He won't exactly be the nicest, but you can tell through his actions that he appreciates you. And one of those actions is not calling you lukewarm.
Besides that, I highly believe that rin's love language is either words of affirmation or it's quality time. I think he wants to be told that he's loved and that he is indeed a part of your life. But at the same time, spending time with your significant other with zero distractions is the best feeling for both you and him. No isagi, bachira, nagi and the rest of the boys. Just you and him, and sometimes a soccer ball.
Despite the fact that quality time is probably his love language, he can't always give a lot of time to spend with you. Which is why he probably puts effort into the dates you guys have together, always making sure it's enjoyable and isn't something lukewarm.
Speaking of which, I just know rin hates shopping. It's a waste of time, useless, and most of the time it's just browsing and no actual buying. But when it comes to his dear lover, he's willing to put aside his hatred for shopping if you enjoy it. Also, I see him as the type of boyfriend to actually help out when you guys are shopping.
If you guys have movie dates, prepare for a long soccer marathon. Movie dates with rin aren't movie dates, they're soccer match watching dates. But if you get upset over this kind of thing, rin would most likely make a compromise with you.
If you do end up watching movies with him, you'll be sitting on that couch for a long time. He's definitely a picky watcher when it comes to movies. On top of that he'll probably point out any inaccuracies in a movie while watching. But if you really enjoy the movie and live to watch it, he'll refrain from making any comments until after the movie finishes.
When it comes to sharing clothes, rin probably wouldn't care if you wore his clothes. However, if he really wants or needs to wear a shirt or hoodie that you've borrowed, he'll take it from you without a second thought. But in another scenario, if he finds you in his shirt or hoodie, he'll cock an eyebrow before simply sitting down next to you or whatever he was planning on doing.
When you attend his games, which is every game by the way, he doesn't need anything from you. You just have to be there to watch him do his best. If you want to wear his jersey, have a banner for him, or colour coordinate his team colours with your make-up, he'll appreciate the gesture. And will probably shoot you a smile after every goal.
If you're an athlete, rin will definitely stress. But I don't think rin is a bad guy, therefore if you put effort into the relationship, he will as well. If you go to all of his games, he'll go to all of yours. He'll cheer you on with a straight face while enjoying your game or performance. If you're really excited for him to be at your game, he'll pass your expectations. He'll show up in a ridiculous fit just for you, even if he gets weird looks if you like it than he can live with it.
When it comes to skinship, rin probably keeps it to a moderate amount, leaning towards minimal. It's not that he doesn't appreciate you and doesn't want to show you off, he just isn't one to really care for physical touch and stuff like that. But every once in a while he kisses you out of the blue because he loves you.
Kissing rin,,, probably won't happen until you get married or something. I just know itoshi rin is the type of guy to save his first kiss for whoever he marries in the future. But he gives sweet cheek kisses whenever he feels like it.
When rin gets jealous it's too easy to tell. He gets cold and stand-offish. He gives you the silent treatment and refuses to talk to you until you apologize for whatever you did wrong. He doesn't get upset over small things, like greetings, but if you're in a 40 minute conversation with someone he isn't a big fan of, he'll avoid you for a bit.
Angry rin is not a good rin. He disappears for days at a time, reflecting over his own actions and trying to figure out who was at fault. If he realizes he's in the wrong, he'll try to apologize, but rather than saying it out loud he'll start talking to you and do little things that make you really happy. Only when he feels like he's been forgiven will he apologize. He takes a long time to apologize because of his pride, but he doesn't want to be apologizing for being in the right.
However if you guys fight and he was in the right, he'll be very passive aggressive. He doesn't like being accused for the wrong reason, and he'll wait patiently for you apology. He won't ask for it, he'll simply make sure you understand that you were wrong.
When you confide in rin, he has a hard time trying to make you feel better. Of course he puts in effort to make sure you're no longer upset, but when you just want some comforting words he'll just give a solution. If he can't understand the situation, he asks why you're upset. And even if he doesn't understand he'll hold you in his arms while giving you different solutions to your problem.
However, when he confides in you it's a whole different story. First of all, if rin confides in you it means he truly trusts you. He doesn't want sugarcoated words, he just wants someone to hear him out and tell him how things are. Even if he doesn't want to hear the truth, he appreciates that you're there for him when you need him.
Overall dating rin would be a rollercoaster, of emotions? idk 10/10 man though. gotta love him <3
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