#you're doing amazing
booksbluegurl · 1 month
Study Tip #2
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How to not be overwhelmed by the vastness of your study syllabus?
I used to look at my one subject and get excited, but then I'd look at the another and another and another. And I'd get so excited to study that I wouldn't even want to study anymore. It felt like something that's too much to be done in the current moment. Or even in the whole day, week, month or year.
The way I fought through this is by sheer willpower. I do not exactly know of a hack. What I've done could be called a hack, because it worked for me perfectly but it takes a lot of will power that, let me tell you, you're definitely capable of.
Few steps that I used to not let myself feel overwhelmed before studying:
1: Let yourself actually feel overwhelmed. Don't get scared of it, don't shy away from it. Accept it. Whatever thoughts come to your mind, accept it. That's why I'm telling you to have some time set aside to analyse the syllabus. All of it. And when you do get overwhelmed, take a break, go for a walk and come back with the decision of doing what's in point 2.
Example:Lets say you have 15 chapters of English, 10 Chapters of Chemistry and 20 chapters of Biology. All of them are a little complex and lengthy. Go through the textbook, or the contents to atleast familiarise yourself with it all.
2: Now that you have good understanding of your syllabus, you must have atleast mentally broken it down into various parts. Now pick a part that you can do.
Example:Lets say you have picked up Cell Cycle from biology or you've picked up learning about particular poem from English or you've picked up Periodic Table from chemistry.
3: Often times we overestimate our boundaries specially if we're doing something for the first time, or after a long time. So, if you're panicking because you weren't able to finish the task you put for yourself (point 2), it's alright. You did great. Even if you have done is thousands times before, it's alright. Give yourself atleast 3-5 tries before judging yourself. That means, wait for the next 3-5 tasks. You'd likely be able to completely atleast 1 of them. How?
Example: Now, you realised that you weren't able to finish studying the whole chapter in a day. You're panicking but hold on, darling, let's take a deep breath, focus and will yourself to stay strong. Now, take one of these, let's say the cell cycle, break it down- 1. Read the contents of the chapter in text book.
2. Look at the diagrams, understand them, make them.
3. Read one topic at a time, let's say, Mitosis.
4. Do the questions of Mitosis.
5. Go to the next thing.
4: This time while setting how big or small that task should be, think about your last boundary: were you able to just scratch the line of the surface or were you far behind? And then set your next goal or task according to that.
One of the very important things to remember is that you shouldn't lose your hope. Everything is do-able. You just need to perhaps look at it for the 2nd or 3rd time. But you can do it.
- Tanishka.
Pictures from pinterest. Credit to the owners.
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aestheticsaddicted · 8 days
fandom wiki what
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the fuck you mean Sandra?????
fandom wiki, and look me in the eyes while i say this, what the fuck are you on?
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fiannalover · 9 months
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Join the Church of Cernunnos and you too can get all this and a bag of chips!
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kedreeva · 2 years
went to petco today to look for some rosies, but apparently there’s a fucking??? rosie??? shortage??? anyway they had a FUCKTON of trumpet snails all over in their tanks and I was like ??? how much for those pests and the dude was like “rabbit snails are $9″ and I was like no those aren’t rabbit snails, and I showed him the rabbit snails and he called a manager and the manager was like “those are pest snails” and I said “Yes I know, how much are they?” and he said “you can have them free, they are *pest* snails. You do know they will breed out of control and get into your filter and-” yes yes, I’m aware!! give me as many as you can reasonably fit into a bag!! those fuckers are like $0.10-$1 anywhere else and my stupid fucking crayfish think they are fine dining. I’ve bought them like 6 times because they like to stir up gravel which is really good for a tank but I can’t keep them alive in a tank because mr. and mrs. snail hoover over here eat them all in short order. Anyway they gave me 100 of them.
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lakuronekobaka · 7 months
as much as it pained me to watch, i'm glad that joe is learning things by experimenting
for context in his most recent episode at this time has him enter an archithect vault... at lvl 8, without adding anything
making an archithect vault is my current quest in my playthrought, and i'm lvl 35 ish
it went as well as you could expect (he was stuck in the first room without anything to do because everything was (vault) bedrock)
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icemankazansky · 2 years
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My Irish friend has been sending me memes and videos and news clippings (including this one) all day, and let me just congratulate the people of Ireland for becoming the roast masters of QE2's last voyage. 🇮🇪
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Good morning.
Some scientists believe ADHD is caused by the brain processing dopamine inefficiently.
The brain requires chemical homeostasis and if you're processing less dopamine than you need, you are perpetually doing things to help stimulate dopamine production, whether that's impulsiveness, speaking out of turn, making jokes at inappropriate times, picking fights, fidgeting, zoning out, etc.
Worse, when you're asked to do something that's unpleasant and won't allow you to do something rewarding at the same time, like paying a bill or doing math homework, your brain riots because it NEEDS the dopamine and this is actively preventing you from getting what you need. Until you're down to the wire and adrenaline floods your brain, allowing you to Do The Thing on that momentum alone, you're stuck.
You don't get to choose to ignore your brain's need for chemical homeostasis; you have to treat it or work around it somehow.
Stimulant medications address the brain's immediate need for happy chemicals. This is why stimulants calm ADHD people down. Suddenly the brain is no longer screaming for dopamine, and you are actually enabled to do the things, including the boring or difficult things, that you've been wanting to do all along. This is also why caffeine puts a lot of ADHD people to sleep. The brain, finally having what it needs, is calm.
i get why people are scared of stimulant medications but like, when you have ADHD and you're properly dosed, it's not addictive. Because your brain chemistry is different. You're not getting a high, you're actually calming down, for once in your entire life.
It's not like ADHD meds don't come with side effects and downsides. If i could function without them, I'd prefer to, because the side effects are a bummer. I also don't like feeling like i rely on a crutch, especially when shortages, politics, misinformation and ableism make the future of access to them so uncertain; but i feel similarly about my glasses. Kinda wish i didn't need em. You know?
But even with all that said, meds have been a miracle for me. Over the last couple years, my self-confidence has grown. The feeling of fear and failure that's hung over me literally my entire life is lifting, because I'm finding i consistently have the capacity to meet people's expectations and do what's most important. I'm less anxious about unpleasant tasks, because i can be confident in my ability to do them before they pile up. I'm able to be present more often, at work and in the rest of my life. I can show up for my friends. I'm no longer constantly scared that others will Find Out that I'm Faking It, because yeah, I'm a hot mess, but i can get crap done when i need to now usually. I'm actually making significant progress towards goals I've had for years and never been able to start on. I'm discovering that with some strategy, i can have some consistent habits. I'm having more compassion with myself and cutting myself some slack when i do fall short.
Meds haven't fixed everything for me; progress has come slowly with a combination of meds, therapy, getting older, and settling down in life. And i still struggle a lot, with things like keeping my space clean and consistently doing tasks that i don't like or that cause me sensory issues etc. I still struggle with a LOT of shame around my ADHD, every day when i step over that pile of laundry or try to remember where i left my phone. But I'm not constantly scared I'm about to be fired anymore. I'm not ending the workday exhausted from anxiety and spinning my wheels after a long day of under-performing. I'm not so plagued by the feeling that I'm letting everyone down or that I'll never be able to achieve my goals. Compared to a few years ago, i am so happy, calm and confident--i wouldn't have recognized current me.
Meds are a miracle. Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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mesxtozil · 1 year
not to be soppy on main but watching bukayo shine on the big stage makes me so happy
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booksbluegurl · 1 month
Day 4/100 days of Productivity
5th April, 2024
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I did 157 questions of Biological Classification. Out of which were 112 correct and 45 were incorrect. There were 229 questions in total, but I couldn't finish them all.
Finished 2 lectures, 2 hours each of Mechanical Properties of Solids. I also read the notes after every 30 minutes of content to remember all of the formulas and relations.
I did an NCERT based flashcards study of Biodiversity and Conservation. There were around 93 flashcards but I did it twice so that it atleast feels to me that I learnt something.
I made a revision sheet of the points I couldn't remember in Biodiversity and Conservation.
Revised biology revision sheets.
Read short notes module of zoology for my test on Sunday.
I'm planning on making short notes of my chemistry content and just revise it everyday. The biggest struggle isn't solving questions, it's remembering the houseful of information.
I'm unable to bring myself to study Organic Chemistry. It's just sooo lengthy and I'd also need as much time to stamp it on my mind as it does to have and understand the material.
I'll also start doing previous year questions, so that I can just be prepared. I realized that what I need for my exam is an extensive revision of all the content matter in the week before my exam.
[I need to share this: I was doing questions about bacteria and had a question on mycoplasma,if the statement's true or false, and I read "mycoplasma is the smallest and way less living organism" instead of wall less. And its so funny to me🤣🤣]
Non Academia
Watched another Mina Le video about how fashion is often discriminatory towards older women. I think that the more we entertain the idea of being scared of aging, the more we're pushing ourselves into a prison we might not be able to get out of. I mean, is aging scary because you have wrinkles and saggy skin or is aging scary because you're body isn't functioning well enough? Or both? I'm just tired of our looks gaining more attention in the battle against aging.
Watched first half of this video, it's a documentry on Ankor Wat.
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We need to realise, especially when we're entangling ourselves into this web of pursuit of success and academic validation, that our everyday live, our fun, our happiness, our rest, are all important. We need to stop ourselves from almost being on the brink of our limits, from falling down out of hopelessness. We do that by attaching ourselves to the present.
Look at the sun, look at the trees. Feel the cool air of your A.C. or your fan. Sit still, eat with patience. Don't try to run when you're doing something which is non productive enough. To give your best at something, you'd need good rest to have enough energy to do your best.
- Tanishka.
Day 3
Day 5
Pictures from pinterest. Credit to the owners.
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ph-unbalanced · 5 months
28 reasons to live
The feeling of writing with a newly sharpened pencil.
The feeling of the wrm sun in your face.
The feeling of exploring in the woods.
The feeling of talking to your friends early in the morning.
When you wake up at 3 am fully refreshed and have time to yourself.
When you're home alone.
When you drift off to sleep and you know that's what you're doing.
Petting a soft dog when you're out running errands.
The sting of a fresh cut on your body.
The slight pain in your legs and ankles after walking for too long.
Cool water after walking outside.
Going to the pool.
Getting an A on an essay.
Getting an A in math/something you struggle with.
Crying because you're laughing so hard.
Being in pain because you're breathless from laughter.
Your stomach dropping before the roller coaster drops.
Doing your makeup and not caring who judges you.
Screaming at the sky.
Dancing in the rain to the point you're shivering and soaking head to toe.
Getting fancy and just going for a walk.
Getting involved in a book for hours.
Making jewlery.
Having my own special style.
Getting my favorite foods.
Eating at Kimonos.
Chick-fil-A's fries.
Hugging my mom after a long day.
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seaside-writings · 1 year
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artisthedgehog · 10 months
If someone ever tells you "You're too young to know your sexuality", use the words my mom told me when I came out
"I think we all know naturally who we like, honestly. If we were not induced into thinking we should like the opposite gender, everyone would still know who they like. You see so many little girls saying 'I'm gonna marry that boy when I grow up!' and no one thinks anything weird, so if a girl says she wants to marry a girl, what's the big deal? If people didn't tell us who we should like, we would still like who we currently do, and it would probably be even easier to figure that out!"
I think about that daily. My mom is the best and i'm so grateful I have her
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everchased · 1 year
Bro I can't even remember who you are, who are you and why did I fallow you.
yes, it's working. thank god it's working
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aquietgirlsmess · 9 months
Marcos being a sassy little shit to Noiret : we love to see it !
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mollymarymarie · 9 months
hi, anon from the 'changed my life' ask!!!
thank you SO much!!! that was so sweet of you. I really needed to hear the "proud" word right now.
I've been having such a up and down past two years, my dad died, I dropped out of high-school, and I spent a long time so confused about life. I didn't know where I was going or what I was gonna do.
I realized I didn't properly thank you, so thank you for that amazing story!!! it gave me so much joy. your stories literally change lives- that's amazing!! thank you. ❤️
I am so sorry you've had it so rough these last few years, but what an incredible person you are to have gone through all that and come out the other side still kind.
You don't have anything to thank me for. Maybe my story was one right motivator you needed at the time, but your willingness to do good and be kind and carry on was always just you, friend. YOU are amazing. ❤️
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gayboyfiasco · 2 years
for all the editors out there, just a reminder that what you’re making looks great. whether you edit pictures, gifs, presentations, or videos, it’s going to look good. it might not be how you imagined it but there’s only one way to get better. remember that everyone has their own editing style and yours looks amazing. 
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