#you're in a MODERN SETTING
bookshelfdreams · 1 month
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canisalbus · 1 month
i imagine Modern Vasco and Machete quitting their jobs and eventually owning and running a bakery so they could make sweet rolls for each other and cakes like it's their birthday/anniversary everyday
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Whumpril 2024 - Day 5 -Recklessness
Mariano takes calculated risks, (un)fortunately for everyone, he's very good at math
TWs: hospital setting, gunshot wound mention (it's all the aftermath though), self-sacrifice
“What the fuck was that?” Dimitri's voice rang off the pastel hospital room walls as he stormed in. His makeup had long been washed away, likely by whatever shower he'd taken to get Mariano's blood off of him. “What the actual fuck is wrong with you?”
Mariano blinked at him. The painkillers weren't helping the fog of blood loss, which only tangled and tripped up his attempt to process Dimitri's fury even more. “I…what?”
“This! You always wind up here in a hospital bed.” Dimitri stormed forward, grabbing the front of Mariano’s hospital gown. 
“Things happen sometimes–”
Dimitri yanked Mariano up higher, and Mariano gasped as lightning shot through his hip. “Shut the fuck up. You wind up here because you always throw yourself into danger.” Their noses were almost touching.
Mariano snarled back, the fog in his mind parting for the instinctive, defensive anger that flared up bright and venomous. “I do that because it’s my job.” 
Dimitri dropped him, as though suddenly the thin, lavender gown was made of razor wire. Mariano couldn’t quite read his expression: lip curling just so, brown eyebrows scrunched together, eyes piercing but hurt. “What?” He sounded breathless, like Mariano had just punched him.
“What do you mean, what?” Mariano said, agitation still electric in his voice. “I’m the lamb, it’s my job to take the injuries and keep you safe.”
“That–Marito, that hasn’t been your job since we were war mages.” Dimitri shot back. Mariano suddenly realized that that expression was him being appalled. “That hasn’t been–is that why you’ve been so stupid?”
“Why wouldn’t it still be my job? It’s what I was trained for, it's what works. It’s–you would’ve died if I hadn’t taken the bullet. It got me in the hip, but that’s where your head was.“ Mariano’s voice broke. “Why wouldn’t I want to keep you safe from that–any of you?”
Dimitri’s expression softened, and his hands were more careful this time when he cupped Mariano’s face. “No, Marito. We don’t want to see you get hurt like this. We don’t…I thought you knew. We all thought you knew that we don’t expect you to do this sort of thing anymore.”
All the tension drained from Mariano, and he felt something that wasn’t quite grief swell in his chest. “...Oh.” He tried again, tried to say anything. “I…I didn’t think it was mean or anything, that’s just…I mean, it’s what I’m good at–”
“Shh.” Dimitri said, thumbs sliding along Mariano’s cheeks. “You are. You were the best lamb we ever had. You’re good at more than that, though. So don’t do that again, okay?”
Mariano’s hands raised to cover Dimitri’s. He swallowed before speaking again. “I…I can’t promise that. Not when today could happen again.” 
“Then if today happens again, at least let me take care of you afterwards. Now,” He straightened up, going over to the blinds. “Let me close these, you hit your head pretty hard when you fell.”  
@whumperofworlds @inscrutable-shadow @honeybees-125 @lektric-whump @cyberwhumper @bxtterflystxtches
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mastersoftheair · 4 months
love how anthony basically said he doesn't have an iphone face. it's funny because i've seen people describe the mota main cast as dudes who look like they would ghost you on bumble which is funny but i think casting did pretty well (even if they don't look like their real life counterparts), what do you think?
as far as looking like their real-life counterparts, the cast ranges from Very Similar to That's A Whole Different Guy. when it comes to the main cast, raff law as ken lemmons and callum turner as bucky egan are close to the "Very Similar" end of this hbo war spectrum (tho no one's ever gonna be as Dead On as ron livingston's lewis nixon imo). on the other hand, the real life harry crosby was quite fair-haired (probably dark blond/light brunet) while anthony boyle is very much Not That.
also, iphone face is soooo subjective imo. i worked in an archive over the summer, handling old photographs ranging from the 1890s to the 1940s, and you wouldn't Believe how many people back then have that stereotypical "iphone face". to the point where they sometimes look out of place lol. (see: robert deniro as a kid). or, i'd see people who don't necessarily look "out of place", but they looked familiar enough that they'd probably blend right in today. so, to me, a lot of the cast members (barring more obvious outliers) blend in well enough. to me, at least!
anyway, check this guy out! (i nicknamed him 1910s barry keoghan while at the archives):
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captain-rickbond · 8 days
new modern Caphrey/Rickbond drawing (NSFW):
full illustration ► Head (off) BONɆD (modern Caphrey) version
full illustration ► Head (off) Rickbond version
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jaynovz · 7 months
Trying to boil Flint down to a hero or a villain is simply revealing how little nuance you are approaching the story itself with. And also, hilariously, buying in to what civilization is feeding the masses about monsters and monstrous and the other
You're literally gulping down the "stories parents tell their children at night", as referenced in Flint's final monologue like it's the yummiest koolaid
So yeah, I *do* think the text bears sitting with for more than the 38 hours it took to watch it before opening your mouth where everyone can see it
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eenochian · 9 months
it’s very funny how this fandom suddenly cares so much about sensitivity, meanwhile no one was up in arms about folks calling valeria shit like “cartel mommy” and simping for her. and, if you point this out, you get told that it’s “less important” or incomparable. way to tell victims of cartel violence that they don’t matter. y’all can’t preach about sensitivity and mindfulness while doing the exact opposite of that.
sensitivity is something that needed to be brought up a long time ago. people need to be mindful about the content they’re engaging with and producing. COD and its characters are based on very real issues and very real situations, mindfulness is needed for every single character.
seeing this only be brought up in the context of makarov and graves is honestly so, so frustrating. they’re not the only problematic characters that you need to consider when making content. western militaries like the US and UK are incredibly controversial and have devastated vulnerable people and their countries. price, ghost, soap, gaz— any member of the military, especially the special forces, is problematic. they’re not good people and should not be treated like saints, nor should they be idolized for what they do.
that all being said, the concepts of “be mindful and sensitive when making content” and “let people enjoy problematic media” can absolutely, 100%, co-exist. art is not meant to be a paradigm of moral goodness, it has always been a medium for people to explore things that are considered "taboo" in a safe space. there's a reason why "dead dove: do not eat" exists as a genre – with proper warning and precautions put in place, people can explore darker topics. for some, it's morbid interest. for others, it's a way of coping with trauma and experiences they've had in real life.
i want to repeat this just to make it very clear: be mindful and sensitive with the content you're producing. do not romanticize topics that should not be painted in a good light. don't minimize the impact of characters' actions or act like people are in the wrong for being uncomfortable with them. in this fandom especially, people treat atrocities like jokes because we're becoming desensitized to them. it's up to every individual to ensure that they don't forget how impactful a lot of this stuff is in real life. war is not a joke. terrorism is not a joke. people dying is not a joke. do not romanticize any of these things in your content, even if you're exploring the different sides of the people behind these things.
humanize the characters all you want. horrible people are still people, after all. humans are not one-dimensional beings. humanize them, but do not romanticize them.
be kind to victims, be sensitive, and be mindful about what you engage with. no one is perfect, no thing is perfect, but we can always do better. we need to approach every topic through this lens instead of picking and choosing who to support. everyone is deserving of it, everyone is entitled to basic respect. we don't need to compete and argue over who has it worse, we just need to be better across the board. support real victims. don't let media warp your perceptions of reality. be conscious of the content you make and consume.
#call of duty#cod#cod mw2#mw2#modern warfare#putting it in very clear words because i'm scared people may misinterpret what i'm saying:#for the love of god— LISTEN when people tell you that you're doing something wrong.#especially if these are victims or people knowledgeable of the topics you're portraying.#do your research. learn about the things you're writing or reading about.#do not portray bad people or harmful things in a positive light.#it's completely possible to “simp” for villains without disregarding or defending their actions. these characters are fictional.#it's better to get your rocks off to a set of pixels modeled after a normal person than a REAL person that does harm.#but be cognizant of what you're looking at when you do.#if you can support real victims— please do.#donate to ukraine. educate yourself on the war. learn about the harsh reality of cartels. study the impact of colonization and racism.#not only is it good to be informed of things in the real world— but it allows you to better understand these topics in the media.#i'm FAR from perfect. i'm not immune to doing wrong. i'm no exception to this criticism.#also wanted to throw this into the post but i may make another to address this specifically:#it is VERY telling that this fandom only started talking about sensitivity once (predominantly) white folks started being impacted by it.#no one cared about valeria being called “cartel mommy” or the cartel being romanticized.#graves gets criticized for being racist. but even he's often given a “pass” by the fandom.
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waitineedaname · 5 months
“You stole my cat!” she yelled. “Is this your cat?” Al tried to scoop it back into his bag, starting to feel rather frantic. “We were just trying to take it to the v-” Without any warning, the girl’s fist collided with his nose.
Alphonse attempts to aid a stray cat. It doesn't go as planned.
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seshrat · 3 months
something that annoys me about anime translation that follows the vibes of the text rather than the letter of the text is that siblings still call each other shit like "brother/sister" to their faces even when the mouth flaps would match saying their names. 9 times out of 10 the text explains elsewhere that they're siblings so there's literally no reason to stilt your dialogue out of nowhere just in case someone gets buttmad you didn't directly translate "onii-san"
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
underwater you're almost free by yuer (vintageblueskies)
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underwater you're almost free
by yuer (vintageblueskies)
T, 4k, Wangxian
Summary: The text from Wei Ying stares at him accusingly from his lock screen. It’s eight in the morning; he’s been in bed longer than he should have been. Instead of getting up, Lan Wangji sets his phone back on the nightstand and rolls back over to face the wall. Morning sunlight filters into his bedroom, the crisp blue of his curtains throwing the whole room into a soft light. Across the room, his clock ticks—had it always been so loud? Lan Wangji wants to go pull the batteries out. \ Lan Wangji and the mortifying ordeal of being taken care of.
Kay's comments: Chronically depressed Lan Wangji just hits different, OK? And I'm so here for it. Here we have him in a modern AU and in an established relationship with Wei Wuxian, who gets worried when his boyfriend doesn't reply to his texts all morning and comes over to take care of him. It's so sweet!
Excerpt: Wei Ying is coming over. Lan Wangji feels a tacky sort of relief. He doesn’t want Wei Ying to see him like this, doesn’t think he can muster up the energy to be a good host, to assuage Wei Ying’s worries. He can’t even text his boyfriend back. But there’s a part of him that wants Wei Ying to come here, to see what a mess Lan Wangji is, to love him anyway. What a relief, if Wei Ying comes over and sees how weak he is, and helps him feel like a human again. What an idea, to be helped. He closes his eyes against the sunlight creeping up his wall and drifts.
pov lan wangji, established relationship, modern setting, modern no powers, depression, depressed lan wangji, mental health issues, caretaking, hurt/comfort, domestic fluff, light angst
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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wolfstarshipping · 1 year
saccharine (26.447 words) by moonymoment Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
ghost AU, modern AU
And, well. He was twenty-five, and he had not had one single non-work related conversation all day. All week, really. And now - now his fridge was talking to him. His fridge was arranging letters into coherent words and all Remus could seem to think was that he really fancied an iced tea right now, and, well… stranger things have happened.
[or: Remus moves into a new apartment. There is a ghost living in his fridge who insults his ties and tells him when he has missed calls and leaves out his favourite mug on a morning, and he learns to be very, very okay with it.]
This is one of my new absolute favorite fics of all time. I love the premise of Sirius haunting Remus's apartment so much, and I just loved everything about this fic. I'm finding it hard to write a good comment without spoilers so I'll just say: read this fic! <3 and I'll add a longer comment containing spoilers under the read more.
so I fully forgot that it was a chaptered fic and CRIED MY EYES OUT at the end of the first chapter, realizing that I was approaching the end of the text on that page, thinking it was the end of the fic and feeling lied to by the "happy ending" tag, it just BROKE ME (but like, in a good way). And then getting to read about Sirius getting a second chance at life was just as beautiful as the first part of the fic, and I absolutely ADORE the ending. Just ughhhh it's so good, the whole fic is so good, go read it!!!
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ALSO can I be a hater for a second
I watch AFO out of battle chillin in his fuckin ancient iron lung lookin ass set up
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meanwhile my actual ventilator is the most commonly used ventilator in the world and it looks like this
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and to make it portable it comes with a little travel bag like this
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canisalbus · 2 months
My headcanon for Modern!Machete before he encounters (re-encounters?) Vasco is that he works in some high-powered but low-profile position for an influential and well-known multinational. Like a corporate lawyer or accountant for Apple or Volkswagon or Shell. He's very, very good at his job, his assistants and staff think he's a good boss, his boss thinks he's great, but half his colleagues can't stand him because they think he got promoted for sucking up to their boss instead of for his skills (it was for his skills). He's got exactly enough interpersonal skills to recognize the problem and not enough to fix it. He gets paid extremely well, well enough to mostly pretend that he's happy and fulfilled (he still ends up happier in the Modern!AU because his job only sucks a little instead of literally destroying him. Also because modern medicine means his medical situation is much better understood and controlled). Yes this is all just the modern equivalent to what canon!Machete's got going on but it's startling how much carries over with no changes.
Oh that's so well thought out actually, I love that.
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mountmortar · 7 months
i know this is my pokémon blog but i gotta say it. if you use windows i'm so fucking sorry i don't know how you guys deal with it
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tvrningout · 5 months
we turn the page to a new chapter | mutuals meet kaiya ♡
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there's so much red, deliciously glistening in the lamplight, drawing her in with its sweet aroma. there's too much red, hunger clawing at her throat despite her efforts to remain well-fed to avoid this exact situation. kaiya's hands shake and curl into her skirts as she turns her back to poor ciaran and the healers frantically working to stop his bleeding. she feels sick ( with hunger, with disgust, with fear ).
kaiya hastily escapes the room, dashing through the halls of the building until she's able to collapse upon grassy ground. she's gasping for air, burying her hands in the dirt, curling into herself until she's just some mass to be tripped over in the dark; she may truly be sick at this rate, hunger and panic twisting around each other until she can hardly breathe with the intensity of it. gods, what--
a hand upon her back sends a shock to her system, and kaiya stills with a jolt. " go, " she all but begs, sounding as if she might cry. " please, just go. "
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bruhstation · 7 months
i fucking miss timothy and the other ghost engines and. trucks?? but other than that hello senja i havent been updated yet on whats going on but from what I could tell a lot has changed since from what I can remember with your au 😭 /pos
hello, anon! I haven't really changed anything, if anything I'm just adding more content to the story and tying them together, especially via family trees XD I should really draw more of sodor's ghosts though, they ARE part of the aforementioned supernatural forces that plague casa tidmouth
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