#you're likely on my radar
mollyollypuddingpolly · 4 months
Just watched Lisa Frankenstein in theatres and it was so freaking good.
I've been so excited for it since I first saw the trailer and it did not disappoint!
It really feels in tune with campy 80s movie, drawing from things like Heather's, Rocky Horror, Edward Scissorhands, even had similar vibes to But I'm a Cheerleader in aesthetic.
Truly feels like a cult classic in the making and I'm very glad this movie leaned into it.
Lisa Frankenstein is truly for the Weird Girls ™ and I loved evey second of it.
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visdiefje · 6 months
I'm pretty sure my experiences haven't changed from when I last asserted my identity labels but my view kinda has I guess
#in the sense of. who cares about an orientation label if nothing ever really comes from it yknow.#it's fruitful yearning towards individuals my brain latches onto. that's the extent of it#there's no reciprocated dynamic that allows it to ever get to grow into sexuality#so like yeah I'm demi but 99.9% of the time sexuality just doesn't play into anything at all#and when it does it's brief blips that also don't go anywhere#and I have a pretty good idea of the pool of people I'm theoretically attracted to#but that also just. doesn't matter much once my brain latches onto someone and runs its tiring one sided course#and my gender is still accurate technically but I also have Nothing to say or think about it. it's all whatever#basically all the labels are still accurate it just means very little to me anymore.#it's weird cause it used to be an identity point right. of like hi! I'm [gender] [sexuality] and it's rooted in how you see yourself#and now if I think about how I would introduce myself. well. I wouldn't know but those elements aren't really on the radar to be honest#it comes into play so rarely that like. literally who cares#it's just wild cause people my age who I used to share online spaces with are still strongly debating over what it means to be x or y#and it just. doesn't matter to me anymore. I'm Anders and I like people out of my league generally speaking. hi etc#anyway musing rambling. it's okay if you feel different also#I guess those posts about how definitions matter less when you're older and more in irl spaces were right#bien rambles
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spaciebabie · 11 months
You are being cornered by the mafia. The only way out alive is naming all the fandoms you've been in.
You are handed a microphone.
There's a crowd.
Do you confess?
i actually have a list lmao (i like making lists errmmm autism hello)
in order of the time i joined them (starting when i was 9-10 yrs old)
steven universe
ok ko!
resident evil
demon slayer
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protoctist · 2 years
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M*A*S*H, "Fallen Idol" / Bleed Out - the Mountain Goats
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starred-system · 10 months
M*A*S*H is so great because sometimes it's just great for the soul and sometimes they drag you through hell backwards by your pinky toe
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Excuse the semi-personal post if I bore anyone; it seemed tangentially-related, so make of it what you will:
Yesterday, I discovered that I had somehow devised a formula or a partly unintentional “uniform” for dressing for semi-formal events, on the occasions when I don’t bother wearing a dress. It’s happened thrice so far this year, and I’ve only caught onto the pattern now: item one is some kind of formal, black top (it’s been a different one every time—that could be why I didn’t catch onto to this at the start), item two is usually pale, grey pants, for high contrast and low-effort/thought, and then, there's silver jewelry.
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scarletfasinera · 1 month
I'm always thinking about that one "cortex that makes me rude" comic. The autistic mind is a wonderful and scary place
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le-velo-pour-dru · 1 year
Blegh I feel overlooked sometimes and it's getting me down
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ceilidhtransing · 9 months
I never fail to be staggered by the invisibility of trans men in society. And I'm not talking about invisibility in culture - not having enough representation and whatnot - I'm talking about everyday, real-world society. The fact that it won't even occur to a lot of cis people that the flat-chested, short-haired person in front of them, dressed in clothing from the men's department and introducing themselves with a traditionally male name, MIGHT IN FACT NOT BE A WOMAN is... just stunning. It's not even "I should ask if it's a man or a woman" or "hey you what's your gender", it's "ah yes I will default straight to she/her for this person".
And this isn't one of those "debating whether trans men or trans women have it Worse"-type things - I have no time for that - but it's amazing that were a trans woman to go to the equivalent amount of effort to present as a woman, most people would not interpret her as a cis man. (That doesn't mean that they would be kind, or respectful, or that they would use she/her, and it should be noted that the greater visibility of trans women in UK society is largely down to an incessant barrage of transmisogynistic media coverage - again, this is not a "xyz group of trans people has it better than this other group of trans people" thing - but something would at least ping in their brains to say "this person? probably not a man".) And yet you can present 100% as a man, with a generally men's name - hell, you can even be on testosterone - and so many cis people will still be like "YEAH THIS BOOBLESS LITTLE GREMLIN SEEMS LIKE A SHE/HER TO ME".
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
"oh no, the urge to reblog this random gifset of an actor just because it mentions bach so i could go "Ahh, Bach!" but almost nobody would know WTF i was on about most of them would just think i was really into bach"
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crtastrophic · 9 months
would love it if my brain worked
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witchblade · 11 months
nwjns and xg are the two groups that im actually a little shocked at the people that are completely uncritically and openly hype about them
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poughkeepsies · 1 year
as a fellow avid reader who lost touch with it in high school, i have a couple recs! these are books i couldn't put down which has become increasingly rare tbh. i loved extremely loud and incredibly close by jonathan safran foer cause it's the right amount of heartbreaking and humorous. also very much enjoyed in the dream house by carmen maria machado, which isa memoir and definitely heavier so i'd check the topics and tw before reading. oh also only recently read the six of crows duology (yes i know im late) and it pleasantly surprised me! have a good day love <3
thank uuuuuuuuuuu
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three--rings · 2 years
It absolutely baffles and amuses me when people reblog textposts about fandoms that have no identification except some random character names and then don’t tag it at all and I’m like...
Okay so...I’m gonna go ahead and assume these people are from fiction and not your real life.  Secondly that’s a vaguely fantasy-kinda name and that’s...a name with some chinese-sorta syllables, but that means LITERALLY NOTHING about the source.  So...this could be a book, an anime, some web series, your personal dnd game, the latest netflix cartoon, a chinese novel and or drama, a video game of LITERALLY any sort....
And just, like, it’s WEIRD to me, especially when the post is worded like I’m supposed to know who the fuck its talking about.
And I Just Don’t okay.
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capaldiera · 2 years
i had thoughts last week about how like every character except mulcahy has some established past best friends and like one would assume he has had close friends and just doesn't ever talk about it but well i didn't post those thoughts and i don't have them organised now
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jimkirkachu · 2 years
sometimes I think maybe I would be less of a miserable loser/disaster/grumpus/misfit/pain in the ass if I could play miniature golf every day ⛳️😞
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