#you've done it now sof
lydiaas · 2 years
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insp. by @sun-undone
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thegnomelord · 11 months
sof and cute hcs of eldritch reader trying to learn how to people (and maybe some raunchy ones about learning how human "mating" works) hhhhnnnngggh
Imagine Learning To Be Human
CW: SFW and NSFW First TF141 with SFW, then NSFW headcannons, sexting, masturbation, sex toys, morning after (no sex), sexual nudity, nonsexual nudity, implied poly141. GN reader, 500-900 words for each blurb, so somewhere around 5.5k words. Imma be quiet for the next week or so as I prepare for an exam so I'm feeding ya'll :Dd
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Imagine SOAP— It's safe to say you're not the best with expressing what you think, especially not in this hollowed out corpse a tiny fraction of your consciousness inhabits. The more you try, the less human your attempts come out, only remembering that humans don't bend that way or don't do something after you've done it. You find yourself gravitating to Soap because he is the opposite of you, so open and responsive like an open book.
Imagine; observing Soap as he tries to piece together the fragments of a bomb, muttering curses under his breath as if the object had just called football 'soccer'. He's so concentrated he forgets the rest of the world exists, oblivious to you sitting across from him. But that's not a problem as it gives you a chance to watch and try to mimic what his face does; the slight hint of teeth as he nibbles on his lip, the furrow of his brows, the tenseness of his jaw pulling on his throat muscles…
You try to mimic every emotion he goes through as he tries and fails and succeeds and fails again to fit the pieces together like a jigsaw, but the hardest one to do is that smile of his. For some reason you just can't get it right, lips pulling back too far, teeth too much on display and brows too furrowed so you end up looking like an old savage.
Then as if to spite you, Soap looks up at you and immediately snorts. "What're yea doin' there Bonnie?" He coughingly laughs as your facial features return to your statue like state.
"Trying to look like you." You huff; at least you can do that correctly.
"Oh, look strapping don't I?" He snorts, doing what Ghost calls 'fishing for compliments' (though you're unsure how one can fish for abstract ideas).
"No more than the rest." You shrug and see him roll his eyes, though the corners of his lips are still quirked up, a hint of teeth on display and vestiges of dimples framing his mouth. "How do I do that?" You ask and motion to his face.
"Do what? Smile?" You snorts, already beckoning you over like you're a dog. "It's easy."
You lean across the table, tilting your head to indicate confusion but leaving your face a blank canvas. It takes all of your presence of mind not to give an earth shattering purr when his hands cup your jaw, distant stars quivering as his blunt nails scratch at your throat for a blissful second.
"Here," His thumbs settle at both corners of your lips, putting gentle pressure until he pushes the flesh back and up in a way that's natural to the skin suit but not you. "There yea go." He grins and pulls his thumbs away after a few moments, grinning when you hold the expression.
"Now yea're as dashing as me." He chuckles and you two must look like utter buffoons just grinning at one another; you wouldn't have it any other way.
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Imagine GAZ — You're not exactly alive, technically you're the antithesis to life and existence, so to you, simple rules like eating or sleeping are no more than chalk guidelines after a rainstorm. Gaz doesn't subscribe to this idea, he's always trying to get you to indulge in these human comforts and you always allow him, even if it does include eating more things in a week than most of your kin have consumed in a millennia, if that.
Imagine; wandering the halls on a lazy Sunday morning, no drills to run or missions to prep for, and being drawn to the communal kitchen by the sound of boiling water and banding pans. You find Gaz cooking breakfast for the boys; he's the only one who can cook (according to him) seeing as Price seasons his food with hope, Ghost burns everything into coal and Soap's not allowed into the kitchen after he'd tried to make tea in the microwave (which Gaz had later asked you to exorcise).
"Mornin'." Kyle yawns and smiles at you, dressed in shorts and one of your 'lost' shirts. You do your best to replicate his expression. "Help me, yeah?" He asks and nods his head at what he's cooking.
Your expression falls back to neutral. "You'll need to show me how." You admit as you get next to him.
"Not a problem," He chuckles as he shifts behind you, pressing his chest flush with your back with his hands hovering over yours. You feel his warmth when he rests his head on your shoulder, his hands firm and steady as he shows you how to chop tomatoes and sausages, how to hold the knife correctly and pulling your fingers back when the blade draws too close to the flesh, talking you through it until you can do it on your own.
After that he leaves you to your task as he almost dances around the kitchen, stirring a pot here then putting the kettle on there and so many more little things while you remain where you are because you, by nature, are slow; to adapt, to age, to change.
But you do it for him.
"Those look great." He grins when you're done and then herds you in front of the cooking pans, and you're a little apprehensive about the bubbling oil when he dumps what you'd cut up into the pan. But his warmth is at your back again, steady hands guiding you on how to cook the food without burning your skin and leaving you to it when you catch on.
Then you feel a tug on your shirt, his presence once again next to you, but this time he's holding a piece of sausage on the end of a fork, a hand beneath it so it doesn't drop, "Hey, taste this for me."
You contemplate arguing you can't actually taste food the same way he does, but he gives you a look that has you letting him feed you. Though it tastes no different from everything else, from his hand it may as well be sweeter than ambrosia.
"Tastes good." The way he brightens up at your words makes the food only taste sweeter.
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Imagine GHOST —You and him are similar in some ways, you both prefer to stick to what you know, who you know. It's harder for you to contain what you are inside your flesh body when there is so much life around you that every additional heartbeat pulls at the edge of your cold existence. So you stick to close to the people who's warmth has grown so familiar it's indistinguishable from the burning starts making up your real body.
Imagine; attending a celebration held by both TF141 and Los Vaqueros after a mission gone well, loud music and lewd lyrics blaring in your ears as men drink like teenagers at their first frat party. You're in a more secluded part of the bar next to Ghost, both of you nursing drinks while you watch the rest act like fools.
You're a little confused when you see Gaz and Soap move in a strange way, grinding against one another and pressed so close you'd think they're trying to mate, their hands roaming the other's body so roughly you're surprised no pieces of clothing come flying your way.
"Got a free show for my drink." Ghost chuckles next to you.
"What are they doing?" You finally ask when you can't contain your curiosity.
"Dancing." He answers and swallows the last inch of booze in his cup, setting it down on the bar. "For fun." He adds, already expecting the line of questioning, as if that's supposed to make you understand.
"They just look like they're trying to mate." You point out, receiving a long sigh in return.
"How 'bout I just show you." Before you can say anything he nicks the cup of untouched alcohol in your hand and swallows it all down in one go, putting the empty cup next to his before grabbing you by the arm and pulling you outside through the back entrance. You go along with him, but you're confused when you catch Soap's eyes and he wolf whistles at the two of you.
The world outside is calmer than the busy bar, the air much colder; closer to what you are. You turn to him once he lets you go, tilting your head and furrowing your brow to convey confusion. "So…what do I do?"
"Just follow my lead." A gravely chuckle escapes Simon as he closes the distance between you two, his rough hands settling on your waist as he begins to slowly rock both of your bodies along with the music, though his movements are more contained than what you'd seen, a steady push and pull compelling you to follow him.
"Why is this different than what Soap and Gaz were doing?" You ask, clutching his shoulders in return, your forehead almost resting on his chest as you look at your feet so you don't step on his toes.
You feel his chest vibrate as he chuckles, "They set a low bar." He rumbles and his hand moves to your jaw, tilting your head up so you two lock eyes, the intensity in his brown irises drowning out the sounds of the bar. "Eyes on me."
You nod. Your eyes stay firmly on him as you sway together to a tune he hums, finding a common ground in the way your cold and his heat mixes together. Above you millions of your eyes peer down at him, for as vast as you are, for this moment your attention is on him.
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Imagine PRICE — He can tell how tired you are, not physically but mentally; having to communicate and understand people without the use of a mental link, when even the most complex ideas can be conveyed easily, was starting to fray the edges of your control over your human body. He decided to do something about it.
Imagine; Price taking you and the boys fishing to a remote cabin next to a lake. Knowing you don't sleep he pulls you out by the lake at the ass crack of dawn, having you watch as he sits down on the dock, his pants pulled up to his knees so he can dip his feet in the water while he sets up the fishing rods.
"What are we doing?" You ask but follow his example and sit next to him, the cool water of the lake similar enough to the cold abyss your true body resides to calm your nerves, though you're unsure of what to do when he gives you the fishing rod.
"Fishing." He says as he shows you how to cast out the line. "You look like you need it."
You don't argue with him and just try focusing on fishing, letting him teach you how to watch the line to see when something takes the bait and when to reel it in. You’re unsuccessful your first few attempts, and you have half the mind to just jump in and wrangle the fish in the lake with liquid abyss, but he stops you.
"Catching isn't the point." He says as he smokes his cigar while he takes an old boot off your hook. "It's about relaxing, the fish are just a bonus."
You let out a low sound that vibrates the water, but you settle next to him and cast out the line again. You don’t know how long you sit there next to him, your sides touching with the fishing rod sitting loosely in your hands. After some time you manage to yank out your first fish, and you certainly don't gloat when you pull a few more fish out of the lake while he only pulls out seaweed, but the look of pride in his eyes makes it even better.
Any prospects of catching any more fish are dashed when Gaz and Soap wake up and take running jumps into the lake, scaring all the fish with their splashing. "Like school boys." Price remarks as Ghost comes up to you both, offering beers as he sits down on your other side.
"Summer vacation, captain." Ghost says and slips into the water, and you realize this is calming; in the way you haven't felt before, doing something familiar like watching Soap and Gaz trying to dunk each other in the water but feeling like you’re right there with them, laughing alongside them when Ghost scares the shit out of them by lunging out of the water.
“See sweetheart? ‘S not hard.” Price hums, adjusting his hat though his shoulders are already reddened from sunburns. He offers you his cigar and you accept it, breathing in the nicotine and smoke despite not having lungs or a circulatory system to be affected by it, before you give it back. “Taking it easy is good for you.”
You nod your head, content to sit next to him until something tugs on the line of your forgotten fishing rod and you scramble to reel it in. You give a small grunt as whatever is on the hook struggles, "Yank on it." Price tells you and you do, nearly toppling on your back when you finally win the tug of war. You blink as you look at what you've caught.
A Speedo.
"Well would you look at that." Price chuckles.
Judging by the way Johnny's suddenly bare assed and throwing obscenities in Gaelic your way, you assume that it's his.
“Caught a big one there.” Ghost notes, not yet laughing but his shoulders shake with silent laughter as he slaps Soap's cheeks (of his rear).
He yelps, confident enough to be naked in front of all of you, but not shameless enough to where his cheeks (on his face) don't redden from the way Gaz cackles and wheezes with laughter so loudly he nearly drowns. You give Johnny back his trunks before he can drown Gaz but, maybe you should fish any more.
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Imagine SOAP— If anyone ever asks Soap why he would ever send a dick pick to an ancient god, he'll blame anything and everything; on being stood up, on loving himself a little less, on mixing up the numbers, in being black out drunk…
Imagine; him being stone cold sober when the thought invades his mind and he spends the next hour trying to take a good picture: in front of the mirror, on the bed, no clothes, some clothes, the list of positions goes on. He doesn't want to come across like he's compensating by just holding his dick in his hand like some cunt; as silly as it is, he wants the picture to actually tempt you, to make you feel something, though the question of if you even can doesn't cross his mind. He ends up with a picture of him on the bed, the tip of his hard cock peeking out from beneath the band of his boxers.
He won’t admit he holds his breath when he sends the suggestive picture to you alongside a ;) , watching the text bubble appear and disappear multiple times before you just leave him on seen. He deflates and has half the mind to delete the picture and chuck his phone to the other end of his bed but he’s stopped when he gets a message from Price.
‘My office. Now.’
Turns out you were with Price when you saw that photo and without a second thought had shown him it and asked what it meant. Granted Price had seen more than just his dick, but he was less than happy about Johnny sending you unsolicited dick pics.
You quiz Soap for nearly an hour, stone faced and unbothered while he gets redder with every question (what can you send, what not to send, how much to send, etc.) and he gets the impression that's how his ma' felt when she gave him and his sisters 'the talk'. “So, yeah.” He clears his throat, whole face feeling hot. “Don’t do it ‘lest yea’r asked or yea like ‘em.”
Thankfully Price finally lets you go when you’re satisfied with his answers and Soap can’t scamper fast enough out of his office with his whole face in flames.
He deletes the photo soon after but you've already burned it into your memory where it will outlast the stars, and the idea to reciprocate festers in your ageless mind like rot until you find yourself in front of your mirror after a shower. You play with the phone for a long time, snapping a few blurry close up shots of your face while you attempt to change it from the front to the back facing camera.
It takes even longer to figure out what to send as Soap wasn't that clear with his answers. Your siblings give you pointers, and first you attempt to take a picture of your most private part — bones snap as your rib cage splits open into a maw, vines full of eyes wrapping around your ribs like ivy as tendrils of darkness unwind just enough for the anti-light of your very essence sucks up all the light in the room — but the mirror cracks and your phone just shuts off with a pitiful whimper.
After fixing the mirror you end up doing what you do best; you mimic one of the statues you'd seen the Greeks make, the towel wrapped just along the V where your thighs connect to your pelvis, exposed from the waist up with your skin still wet. Your body isn't as demure as the muses that sculptor had used, but you hope Soap will appreciate it as you snap a few more photos and send them to Johnny with the same ;) he'd sent you.
Soap nearly chokes on his spit when he gets the photo, all the blood in his brain flooding south as his eyes rake over every exposed inch of skin, every curve and every dip in the muscles making him drool and cock harden and he's racing to your room before you even have the time to turn your phone off.
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Imagine GAZ — For all of your pitfalls and misunderstandings he likes the little hints of inhumanity in your speech, in your mannerisms, in knowing you could be anywhere and anytime but you choose to be next to him. He couldn't imagine himself being enamored with an ant, yet you hang on his every word like he's revealing secrets you don't know, making him feel special; he feels so bad when his thoughts of you stop being innocent.
Imagine; He tries to keep things respectful, but his imagination runs wild when you do the simplest things. Bend down to tie your shoe? He's checking out your arse from the corner of his eyes. Stand behind him? He's suppressing a shiver just imagining your body draped over his in post-coital bliss. Check his skin for injuries? Gaz has to bite his lip to keep from begging you to touch all of him, to explore his body. Work out? Kyle's lucky if he doesn't start drooling imagining going over and licking the sweat off your skin, of feeling your muscles tense beneath his tongue while you continue to work out with him between your legs.
When he can't think of you without popping a boner he ends up having to compromise before the shame eats him whole. He goes on a random porn site; he usually prefers just using his imagination but when his mind keeps circling back to you he has no other option, and his conscience gnaws on him when he ends up finding a porn star with similar features to yours. It's not wrong if he's wanking off to a different person, right?
Heat's already burning in his stomach when he slouches in his chair, his back to his room and one earbud in his ear. Shame continues to eat at him when he's both delighted and disheartened by the fact the porn star sounds nothing like you, that his bones don't shiver like they do when you talk.
He keeps the volume low and instead focuses on rubbing and squeezing his cock the way the porn star does to a second actor, and he can't help imagining what you'd sound like; high pitched and whiny? Husky and low? Completely silent or animalistic? The idea of pulling sounds of pleasure out of your throat has him leaking. His head lolls back and he moans as he squeezes the base of his cock, his eyes open just enough to blur the fine details on the porn star's face so you two become indistinguishable.
His heart stops when you burst through his door, a random question leaving your lips before your ears pick up the moans and slick sounds coming from his direction. You're next to him in an instant, looming over his chair and caging him in with your eyes stuck to the screen. "What are you watching?"
"Get out!" He yelps and tries to push you away but it's like trying to move a mountain.
"Why does that human look like my vessel?" You persist, "And why are you watching humans mating when you told me it's wrong?" You tilt your head, luckily not seeing his hand on his hard cock, the porn reflecting in the blacks of your eyes.
“It’s on the net it’s different! People upload it for others' pleasure and-” He sputters and cuts himself off when he registers your words, freezing in place and that accidentally gets him to squeeze the head of his cock.
Your pupils widen like a cat’s when you hear the little moan escape his chest, your head automatically dropping down to see where his other hand is. "Oh,” is what comes out of your mouth when you see his hard weeping cock. “Can I?” You ask, making an odd motion with your head.
He thinks you're asking to leave and nods. "Yeah-" Gaz wants the ground to open up and swallow him whole, his cheeks burning red like he's a lobster in a pot. “-can you pl-please leave-”
He wheezes when your cold hand suddenly wraps around his cock, your hold firm and just at the edge of pain but still making him throb. A few more eyes spread across your skin to see him while you watch the video still playing on his computer, giving his cock a small pump and shaking the stars with your purr when he moans.
"What are-" He neck nearly snaps to look at you, a shiver raking his body and another moan escaping him as you squeeze the head of his cock, your skin like ice yet it makes him burn with arousal.
"Watch." You order and turn his head with your free hand so his eyes are back on the screen. You don't know why he's watching a fake 'you' mate when he could just ask you, but you know one thing; the person on the screen is competition, and by the way you roughly stroke his cock until he's whining and leaking like a tap, Gaz can tell— you don't like competition.
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Imagine PRICE — He never imagined he'd need to have 'the talk' with a god; sure, you may understand how sex works, but you're hopeless in understanding the nuances of it all. If someone doesn't directly say 'let's fuck' you assume any touches from them, even groping, is just them being friendly. It makes his blood boil, seeing you be taken advantage of like that.
Imagine; You're in the bar with the boys and Price is a couple of drinks in when he sees being felt up by a stranger and you're oblivious to his advances. A green eyed monster nips at Price's heels and he doesn't notice when he puts himself next to you, 'accidentally' shoving the other guy back with just his bulk. His presence, his demeanor, and the few harsh words spoken in a clipped tone has the other guy scampering off.
He doesn't remember much after that, only the way you'd looked at him — with the intensity of a ravenous void, like he was a bright star you wanted to devour.
What wakes him isn't his clock, but the rays of sunlight gently streaming through the curtains. He groans as he registers the awful ache behind his eyes before he even has a chance to open them. He feels his bed shift and his eyes snap open automatically, he nearly jumps out of his skin when he sees you laying on your side as you stare at him.
"Jesus!" He jumps up, nearly topples over from the sudden vertigo but your steady hand on his shoulder keeps him upright, making him realize he's nude.
"He's not here." You shrug and as you sit up his sheets pool around your waist, making him realize you're naked from the waist up, though he doesn't want to think if you're naked naked. His fists clench when his eyes roam over your exposed body against his will, settling on the various hickeys decorating your shoulders and neck.
His heart sinks. "What…what happened last night?" He asks and doesn't want to know the answer, his stomach churns with shame.
"Oh, uh, you got drunk, I got you home, you started kissing and biting me." You say, tracing the numerous hickeys and indents of his teeth across your human form like they're medals. "Then you pulled me into your bed and wouldn't let me go. Then you passed out." You say as if nothing's wrong, and even if no sex happened it's little consolidation to the fact he took advantage of you.
“Why didn’t you stop me?” He asks as he takes a shaky breath, shoulders hunched up around his ears and eyes downcast, bile burning in his stomach.
"Why would I?" You tilt your head and shift positions to face him fully, the sheets falling away to reveal you are naked naked. "I may not understand you fully, but I would have stopped you if you did something I didn't want."
Price hates himself for how he can't tear his eyes away from your body. "But you let me." He insists and tries to get you to see reason, to be as angry and disgusted with him as he is with himself.
“Yes.” You are growing annoyed as well, silently cursing the frailty of the human mind; things would be easier to explain if you could just use mental communication… “You are less than insects to my kin.” You sigh and move to straddle him before he can get away, pinning him under you. “You are a sun to me.”
Even calling him a sun doesn’t do him justice; suns die out like firecrackers when your immeasurable body passes over them, when you devour them, him, you want to keep, to protect, to wrap in your cold abyss until he’s warm and safe.
He sucks in a breath, the gears in his head turning as he tries to understand. “What?-”
“Can I touch you?” You ask, your hands respectfully on your thighs as if you’re not pinning him in place with your weight. There’s a dark intelligence in your eyes, the same ravenous void staring at him behind the black of your eyes. You are not a child, you are a god.
"Why?" He sucks in a sharp breath as he breathes in your smell, the scent of dying stars and burn ozone tickling his lungs. "You don't have to." He says weakly, because what would anyone, god or not, want with him?
"You left marks on me, I want to do the same." The way you say it makes him think of godhood; not the bleak madness you are, but the type humanity romanticizes. Your lips part as if you're thinking of marking him, bits of oblivion staring back at him from the darkness of your throat when he looks too closely at your mouth.
He submits so fast. "C'mere then," He pulls you close by your head, kissing you like he's trying to steal your ichor, his body burning hot when your hands grip him tight enough to leave moon shaped bruises in his skin — the first of many you intend to give him, until you've marked him as yours and yours alone.
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Imagine GHOST — Ghost prefers to show you rather than spend hours trying to explain things to you, he's more stricter with you when you try to do things you're told not to, both for your and everyone's safety. You never do quite learn.
Imagine; Ghost recently confiscated your phone when you tried to see what humans thought about you, or what they imagined you and your kin to be, on a website called 'Rule34'. Ghost had snatched the phone out of your hands before you could even click the link. After a week he gave you the go ahead to take it back, but got called to run a drill so just said to go find it.
Now, you've been told not to go rooting around other people's belongings, but while searching for your phone you'd fallen back into your old habit and snooped around until you found a small box in the bottom of his dresser. Thinking nothing of it you opened it and found…something. A lot of somethings; handcuffs, rope, weird egg shaped thing, a weird tube with a hole in it that squished like a stress toy but had a cunt molded at one end, but what drew your attention — was the dismembered black cock in the middle of the box.
You and all of your kin scratched your collective heads over the thing you now held in your hand, you'd been under the impression humans didn't carry around body parts anymore so you were stumped why Ghost had a dismembered dick and balls in his dresser. Besides the pitch black color and flat base it looked so realistic and the way it flopped when you turned it in your hand made you feel the same way humans did when seeing you.
So you got up and wen to ask Ghost about it, the thing held out in your hand when you found him with the rest of the boys. "Ghost, why do you a have body part in your closet?"
Your question made them all turn to look at you, Ghost made a strange sound like a strangled dog while Gaz and Soap fell over laughing and Price shielded his eyes with the rim of his hat.
“Fuckin’ ‘ell.” He snarls and before you know it he’s stomping over to you and dragging you by the front of your clothes, “What I tell you about snooping?”
“I couldn’t find my phone,” You try to argue but don’t struggle and just let him drag you somewhere like you're a kitten until you find yourself in his room with the door firmly locked behind him.
"Right." His tone makes it sound like he doesn't believe you, his rough hand pushes you down on his bed and he yanks the thing from your hold. “You want to know what this is for?” He asks and holds the the cock with the head pointed at you like a knife.
You nod your head and try to rise up but he pushes you back down, you're not even sure where he gets the handcuffs from but there's cold steel around your wrists before you can notice it. It's his order to "Sit and watch." that actually keeps you down, and you see the corners of his eyes shift to denote a smirk. "Do what you're good at."
You don't blink as you watch him disrobe until he's only wearing his mask, and your surprise is obvious when he sticks the thing on the floor and it stays up right. "This," He growls and sinks to his knees on the floor, a towel under him, "Is a fuckin' dildo." He reaches over and takes a small tube, squirting viscous liquid on his fingers. "You don't ever take it out of my room. Got it."
He leaves no room to argue and you rapidly nod your head. You find yourself breathless as you watch him reach behind himself and you don’t even notice how a bit of your oblivion leaks from your pores and spreads across the ground like spiderwebs, eyes blooming in the small pools all around him so you can see the way he roughly pushes a finger into himself, your hands clenching as his rim flutters around his large fingers.
"What is it for?" You find your voice, the sound ringing like the inside of a dead star the longer you watch him roughly stretch himself, pushing two then three fingers into his ass.
"Fun," He chuckles and feels so powerful when your eyes have all but turned black with hunger you've yet to notice. "It's a toy, for adults." He pulls his fingers out and squirts more liquid on the dildo, before sinking down on the toy in one fluid move that leaves him hissing at the stretch, his rim fluttering around the thick base.
Something about the way the toy is of a similar color to your real body has you wriggling beneath your human skin, the air vibrating as you groan and try to reach out to him, wanting to cover him in your body and have all of him feel all of you.
"No." Just one word has you sitting back on the bed like a dog, a pitiful sound rumbling across the void as you can do nothing but watch. "This is what you get for snooping." He's so smug with the way he has such control over you without even touching you, his thick thighs tensing as he slowly bounces on the dildo, "Now watch. Maybe if you're good I'll let you touch me."
You'll do whatever he says so long as you get to feel him.
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sopebubbles · 1 year
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Master List
Synopsis: in a world where alphas, betas, and omegas live along side modern humans as second class citizens, you've fallen through the cracks of a society that wants to take everything wonderful from you. Luckily a timely encounter with the boys just might save your life.
Chapter summary: You and Hoseok might be missing each other during his heat, but you get the opportunity to become closer with another pack member.
warnings: mentions of past trauma, fire, death, assault (nothing detailed), tbh aside from some pining, this chapter is pretty fluffy.
wc: 6k
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When you woke up on the fifth day of your heat, you felt almost normal. Your limbs didn't weigh quite so heavy, and the ache between your legs was gone. Yoongi laid beside you in bed, his cheek pillowed cutely on his arm. He looked so peaceful, you couldn't help staying a while to watch him. You had few moments to look at him like this when he wasn't looking back at you. You'd never noticed how lovely the dip above his cupid's bow was, even though you'd spent so long admiring his smile. His black hair was disheveled from sleep, cutting dark black shards against his pristine white cheek. It took every ounce of restraint to not brush his hair back, but you wanted nothing less than to wake him. He'd earned a good sleep after giving you anything and everything you needed for the past five days. 
Jimin was absent from bed already, you noted, and after indulging in several minutes of watching your alpha sleep, you decided it was time to attend to your bladder's needs. You slipped off the bed as gently as you could and quietly opened the door. 
After washing your face and brushing your teeth, you went down stairs, hoping you would run into Hobi, but no one was there, not even Jimin. Maybe your brain wasn't working as well as you'd assumed because you could smell every pack member but Jimin in the house, but there wasn't a person in sight. Coffee hadn't even been made. You shrugged it off, guessing everyone was sleeping in like Yoongi. You wouldn't be going to work since your hormones were still above normal, and it could attract unwanted attention even though you were feeling better. So you looked around for something to occupy you until the others got up or Jimin came home.
You found baskets full of laundry in the room connected to the kitchen and debated for a minute whether it was intrusive to do the pack's laundry for them. Ultimately, you decided that Hobi wouldn't mind and got to work. There were towels left in the dryer from last night and you folded them, looking around for anyone before you indulged in burying your face in a particularly soft and fluffy one. It reminded you of how Jungkook smelled, even though you hadn't been particularly close to him since you moved into the house. You weren't afraid of Jungkook like you were the others, maybe because you'd already been close enough to him when you first met to know he wouldn't hurt you or maybe just because he wasn't an alpha. But you were afraid he was going to arrest you anytime you saw him in uniform, and that feeling would take time to fade.
When the folding was done you decided to have a bowl of cereal to fill your grumbling stomach until everyone else woke up. You had to drag a chair from the kitchen table to the fridge to be able to reach the boxes on top. You didn't realize Jimin was home until you heard him laugh. You froze, your hand still reaching for a box of sugary cereal, and turned your head to look at him. 
"I get it now," he chuckled.
You dropped your hand. "Get what?" 
"Why people always laughed at me for being short. This is objectively funny," he explained as he walked over and grabbed the box you were going for with ease.
"I had it," you mumbled as the box floated past your face, and he set it on the counter. 
"Sure you did. Come here before you hurt yourself." Jimin grabbed your waist and lifted you from the chair, and put your feet on the ground.
"Where were you?" you asked softly.
"Did you miss me?" he teased, and you looked away without responding. "I just went to the grocery store. Can you help me bring stuff in?" he asked, and you eagerly nodded. 
"I didn't know you could drive." Although you normally would have tried to carry several bags at once, your limbs were still a little weak, so Jimin only handed you light things like paper towels and bread.
"I can. There are just so many people in this house who prefer to drive. It's never really been my thing, but I can do it when I need to."
"Isn't grocery shopping usually Taehyung's thing? Why didn't he go with you?" You wondered as you walked back into the kitchen.
"Hobi's in heat," Yoongi said from the bottom of the stairs, his hair wild and his eyes still droopy from sleep.
"Oh," you breathed. You should have realized sooner. You couldn't explain why that left you feeling disappointed. 
"He started yesterday. He tried to tell you but you were–"
"Yeah, it always gets deepest at the end."
"How do you feel today?" Yoongi asked. Coming closer, he pushed your hair back to look into your clear eyes. You had to tilt your head back to look up at him.
"I'm fine," you answered as he wrapped his arms around you. You hugged him back, and he hummed happily. "Shouldn't you be with him?" you asked softly.
Yoongi pulled back to look at you. "No, princess. We're yours."
"But…" you huffed air through your nose, trying hard to get a grasp on your own feelings. They should be with him, right? You shouldn't be keeping them from that. Hobi needed and deserved them. "He needs you."
Jimin shook his head. "He doesn't. He has more than enough alphas to get him through it."
Your face scrunched in frustration as you picked at your nails. Yoongi might be able to appreciate how adorable you looked more if he wasn't concerned. "What's on your mind, princess?" He prodded softly. 
"I know you're my pack. But you're his pack, too. And–" you looked at Yoongi and he gave you a nod to go on. "All three of you made my heat better, and I want Hobi to have the best heat, too, so I think you should be with him."
"Sweet thing," Jimin cooed, unable to resist patting your head. 
Yoongi reached for your hand and pulled you close. "It makes me really happy to hear that your heat was better. It's still not over quite yet, so we will stay with you. We want to stay with you. Hobi wants us to as well. So you don't need to feel bad about it. He's just fine."
Your lips still pouted as you mumbled an 'okay.' Yoongi watched you as you tried to blink away the moisture in your eyes, but you had to look away from him. The washing machine sounded like a church bell calling you to service. You turned and wiped the last of the unshed tears from your eyes. 
"Okay. I'll just put in another load of laundry and then I'll make some breakfast, okay?" 
"Baby, you don't have to clean," Yoongi said, but you shook your head at him. 
"Is this my home or isn't it, Yoongi?" You questioned, voice stronger than he expected. 
"Of course it is, but–"
"Then it's my home to clean. It's what I need to do."
He smiled lovingly at you. He couldn't be more proud that your omega instincts were calling you to take care of the house. It was like a special omegan way of claiming ownership, and nothing could have made him happier. "I get it. I only meant you shouldn't overwork yourself. You're still recovering."
"I'll be fine. I like doing housework," you assured him as you pulled away and went to the laundry room. 
By the evening, you had all of the laundry washed, folded and sorted. You'd even been able to iron Yoongi's uniform before he left. He was reluctant to do so, but you assured him that you would be fine with just Jimin for the night. It would feel weird though, to sleep in your nest without Yoongi after so many nights together. But you didn't let it show. 
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After dinner, Jimin convinced you to settle down and watch a movie with him on the couch, so that was how Jungkook and Taehyung found you, cuddled and happy in front of Jimin as you both laid facing the TV. When you saw them, you tried to get up, but Jimin held you down, unwilling to let his personal heater go. 
"Is everything okay?" you asked. 
Jungkook nodded. "We just came to get food."
"I made two trays for you for dinner. I wanted to take them up but Jimin said to wait."
"That's sweet, pup. Thank you. But you don't have to," Jungkook said as he went to the kitchen. 
"You're watching Harry Potter?" Taehyung asked as he came to sit on the edge of the couch near your feet. He wore sweats and a sleeveless shirt, and his blonde hair fluffed around his head, making him look softer than ever. 
Jimin hummed. "The pup has never seen them."
"How is that possible?" Tae chuckled.
"My parents were really strict about us not reading or watching things about magic or anything like that. But I read all the books last year," you explained.
Taehyung nodded his head. "Are you enjoying it?"
You smiled and nodded eagerly before Tae reached out to ruffle your hair. He did it easily as if he'd done it a thousand times before, but it left you wide-eyed with heated cheeks. He didn't seem to notice though. He merely leaned over to kiss Jimin on the cheek, lingering a little to appreciate your scent, and then left to help Jungkook in the kitchen.
"You like Tae Tae, little pup?" Jimin whispered in your ear when he was gone. His teeth nipped at your throat and you wriggled away from him, finally escaping his grasp, but only because he let you.
"I hope this is okay," you said softly as you walked into the kitchen. "Do you need me to make anything else? Jimin said light stuff is better, but I'm not exactly an expert."
"This is great, Y/N. Thank you," Jungkook replied as he gathered water from the fridge.
"What do you like to eat when you're in heat?" Taehyung asked. Lucky for him you didn't seem to notice the intense interest of his inquiry. 
"I don't know. I don't usually eat much," you shrugged. Taehyung frowned, remembering the time two months ago when you passed out from not being taken care of. It was packmates' jobs to take care of an omega in heat, and he felt relieved you'd had a pack to help you this time.
"She'll eat anything as long as Yoongi feeds her by hand," Jimin said loudly from the living room. The two men watched as your face darkened with embarrassment. 
"I-is Hobi okay? Does he need anything?" You asked after you were able to compose yourself again.
"You are a sweet little thing, aren't you?" Taehyung said. There was something in the way you lowered your head, maybe to hide a smile, that he found heart-poundingly endearing.
"Hobi is doing fine. Happy as a clam. We'll take all this up, and he'll be even happier," Jungkook answered. 
Seeing that they were short a few hands with all the bottles of water and other drinks, you quickly grabbed one of the trays and took it upstairs. Your steps halted at the top of the stairs and you waited for Jungkook to open the door. When he did, you couldn't help taking a glance inside, to see if you could get a glimpse of Hobi and know he was okay. But when you did, it suddenly felt intrusive, like you shouldn't be there. Even after the two men entered, you could only bring yourself to the threshold of the door and wait for them to take the tray from you. Once he did, you disappeared back down the stairs before Taehyung could thank you and shut the door.
"How are they?" Hobi asked when Taehyung came back to the bed. He was relatively lucid for the moment. 
"They're good, hyung. Y/N made some food for us," Tae told him, helping him get up into a sitting position to eat. "It looks like she's been keeping busy."
Hoseok whined softly, causing Jin to wrap his arm around his back to comfort him. "I'm sure Jimin would come cuddle you for a bit if you asked."
When Hoseok didn't say anything and merely frowned, Taehyung answered for him. "It isn't Jimin that he wants, hyung." 
Hobi sighed. "I didn't know what it would be like to be with her. I've been with my sisters during heats, but it was different. I miss her scent and the way she fits in my arms," he said, sounding bereft.
"Maybe she could give you a pillow or something," Jungkook suggested. 
Hobi looked to Jin, not knowing how the pack alpha would react to an outsider's scent in the nest. "It's your nest, my love," was his answer to his husband's longing eyes.
He turned to Namjoon, who was still lying on his other side. The alpha shrugged. "It's not like we're not used to her scent now. It's all over the house. And it's nice. I don't mind, especially if I would make you happy, darling." 
Hoseok smiled slightly and turned onto Jin, burying his face in his neck. "We need to eat," Jin reminded him with a kiss to his head.
The remaining days of Hoseok's heat left a lingering weirdness. It felt like just at the point when you were wanting to see more of them, especially Hoseok, but even Taehyung too, everyone was suddenly occupied. Even Yoongi was working a lot, taking extra long shifts with only 8 hours in between to get a little sleep and some food before he went back. You felt guilty, knowing he was trying to make up for all the time he'd taken off with you, but you couldn't say that to anyone. He had to do it, and you were grateful he had, but you hated seeing him suffer for it now, even more than you hated not being able to see him much at all.
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Jimin has been sleeping with you in your nest every night, but you were finding it hard to sleep without Yoongi, especially when you awoke from your nightmares. Jimin didn't wake easily, and you could cuddle into him without causing any disturbance. But tonight, your nightmare had been so upsetting that you didn't want to go back to sleep, so instead of turning in toward Jimin you rolled toward the edge of the bed, sending a quick text to Yoongi to see if he was busy. 
While there were times when he wouldn't be able answer because of an emergency, there were also long stretches of time when he didn't have anything to do at all. He always told you that you could text him anytime while he was working and if he could answer you then he would, but not to worry if he didn't. You'd been lucky a few nights ago when you woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. You'd texted him and since he wasn't busy he texted with you until you got sleepy again. Tonight, you weren't so lucky. A few minutes ticked by while your message sat unread. Finally, you decided to get out of bed since you were feeling awake and didn't want to lay in the darkness, lest your nightmares should catch up with you. 
You descended the stairs, expecting more darkness, but light filtered softly down the hall from one of the rooms at the front of the house. You knew that was Taehyung's studio. Other than the pack's room, it was the only other room that was omitted from your post-heat cleaning frenzy earlier in the week. You'd never been inside of it, but you found yourself walking quietly down the hall to the cracked open door. Low-fi music played softly inside, quiet enough that you couldn't hear it until you were just outside. Within, Taehyung stood behind a canvas propped on an easel. You couldn't see his face, but even if you didn't know it was him, you would know him by his heady scent that even the smell of paint couldn't smother. 
"You can come in," he said loudly enough for you to hear. Without leaning around the large canvas to see you, he had identified you by your apple scent, too.
You crept cautiously around the door to stand just inside. "I didn't mean to bother you."
His head poked around to look at you, smiling. "You're not. You can have a seat," he told you, pointing to the couch against one wall. You sat and curled your knees to your chest, picking at your nails as you took in the room. Odds and ends scattered about, quite the opposite of the rest of the house. "What's keeping you up, sweet little?"
You blushed at the nickname he had begun to call you a few days ago. "It's 'sweet thing,'" you corrected him the first time with Jimin's pet name for you. "Maybe to Jimin, but to me you're a sweet little thing," he'd argued.
"I had bad dreams."
Taehyung nodded with a thoughtful frown. "Me, too." He applied a careful stroke of paint before he looked at you. "Do you want to tell me about it?"
You shook your head. "I don't really remember it. But you can tell me about yours," you prompted. 
Taehyung shrugged. "Mine are pretty similar most nights. I dream about a fire, and the screaming, and when I wake up it feels like minutes before I'm able to move. When I can move, it feels like I have to get up. So I come here."
"When were you in a fire?" you wondered. 
"I wasn't. My birth pack's house caught on fire when I was away at art school. I wasn't there, and they all died," he explained distantly. 
"I'm sorry," you whispered. 
Taehyung looked at you and smiled softly. "Nothing for you to be sorry for."
You wrang your hands together, not sure what to do with the uneasy feeling in your stomach. "You must miss them a lot," you said softly. 
He nodded. "Yeah, I do."
"Is that why you don't like to leave the house much?" you asked before you could stop yourself. You wished you could stuff the words back into your mouth. 
Taehyung huffed and then chuckled. "Yeah, that's part of it. If I go out somewhere for too long, I get worried. Like I won't make it back in time if something goes wrong." He sighed, "I know it's kind of silly. I just–"
"It's not silly," you assured him. "It's good that you have people you loved, who loved you. And now you have more people who love you. Was your birth pack big?"
He shook his head and put down his brush and paint in favor of sitting down with you. "It was just my parents, my mom's sister and her husband. They didn't have any kids, so I was an only child. They spoiled me, but I loved them a lot."
"It's nice you had so many adults to raise you and teach you."
He hummed. "Yeah, but I always wished I had some siblings or cousins to play with. When I first met Jungkook and he introduced me to the others, it really felt like I had gained those brothers I always wanted. It wasn't until almost a year later that I started having deeper feelings for them."
"Jimin told me once that when you joined the pack you were looking for family," you said.
"That was what I needed back then," he agreed.
You fixed your eyes on your knees. "I wish I could have been adopted by a family like yours instead," you said gently. "I could have been your sister."
Taehyung smiled sweetly at you. "That would have been great. But then we wouldn't be together now. And I like you being here now." At his words, you hid your face, but it only endeared him more. "I can be like a brother to you, if that's what you need. But I'd rather–" he cut himself off and shook his head.
You lifted your head just a bit to peek at him. "Rather what?"
He blushed slightly and put on a strange kind of smile. "I would rather be your alpha—one of your alphas. I know you're probably not ready for that, and that's perfectly fine. I'm not like Yoongi or Jin, but I do want to make you comfortable and happy, and I want to protect you as best I can. I know it's not an enticing offer but…" he rambled and you unconsciously put out a hand and touched his arm to soothe him.
"I'm sure you're a great alpha. I…I don't know if I can…one alpha is a lot for me already and Yoongi…I don't know. But I could use an older brother," you admitted. 
Taehyung tried not to show the tinge of disappointment he felt and gave you a boxy smile. It didn't hurt too much though. As long as he got to be around you, he didn't care. As a big brother he could still protect you and help you, and maybe someday, your feelings would open up to something more. The silence stretching between you was broken by a rumbling in your stomach. 
Taehyung's eyebrows rose with a question. "Are you hungry?"
You smiled sheepishly. "Yeah."
He took your hand and pulled you to your feet. "Let's find you something to eat."
He dragged you to the kitchen before you could say a word to stop him. When he opened the refrigerator, he frowned, discovering what you already knew. Supplies were limited. There wasn't even milk for a bowl of cereal.
"There's stuff for breakfast tomorrow," you assured him. "And Yoongi said he would stop by the store on the way home and grab a few things in the morning. We didn't realize how bad things were until we'd finished making dinner. Eight people is a lot of food and–"
"It's okay, sweet little. You don't need to stress about it," he smiled down at you. "But it doesn't exactly help our current situation." By the look in his eyes, you could tell he meant you.
"I'm fine. It's no problem for me to miss a meal or two." You had missed more than that before and been fine. 
His eyes narrowed at you. "Did you skip dinner?"
You shrank from his gaze. "I just wanted to be sure you all had enough. You've been–'
"You don't need to do that for us. Ever. We will always work something out. It's our job to make sure that you are provided for. Not the other way around," he said, an edge of anger in his voice that had you pulling away. 
"You're not my alpha. Yoongi is…"
"And how do you think Yoongi will feel when he finds out?" He continued. 
You grabbed his arms in your hands and shook your head. "Shh. Keep your voice down. You don't have to tell him. It's really not a big deal, Tae."
"How can you say that?"
"Alphas eat first. That's most important," you told him matter-of-factly.
Tae's heart broke, and he took a deep breath before he could respond to you. "The alphas who told you that were wrong. That's not how things work here. You're never going to be last. Do you understand?"
You knew you wouldn't get away with saying no, so you didn't say anything at all for a moment. "Are you going to tell Yoongi?" you asked softly.
"That depends," he answered vaguely.
"What do you want to eat right now?"
You shrugged. "I'm really okay."
"Tell me what you're craving," he said, but it sounded like a demand.
Sighing, you closed your eyes and thought. A smile tugged at your lips when an idea came to you.
"Name it," he said. His smile grew as yours did. 
"Mcnuggets and fries," you answered. 
"That's it? You can have anything you want!"
"I'm a simple girl, Taehyung!"
He chuckled, enjoying the way you said his name. "Fine. I think we can still have it delivered."
You scoffed. "It's less than a mile away. Let's just go."
"It's late," he mumbled. 
"It won't take long. I promise we'll be back soon," you said, thinking that leaving the pack was the source of his hesitation. 
"It's not that. I…I don't go out at night," he admitted.
You leaned in to whisper to him. "Are you afraid of the dark?"
He pushed you away gently. "It's not that…exactly." You looked at him, waiting for further explanation. He dropped onto a stool and sighed, looking for the words. "You remember how you knew my painting from the one you saw on the building downtown?" You nodded. "Well, I used to do a lot of stuff like that. Street art. And of course the best time to do street art is in the middle of the night. Once I was out alone and I got jumped by a group of saps. Ended up in the emergency room. Since then, I don't like to go out at night, unless I'm with other people."
You frowned. "That sounds really scary," you admitted. "But I'm other people."
He scoffed. "Hardly. I meant other alphas."
"Psh! You think they can protect you better than I can? I bet Jin doesn't even know how to fight, but I do!" You punched him playfully in the chest. With a laugh he stood and put his hand on your head, holding you at arms length so that your punches only hit air. You pouted at him so easily thwarting you. "No fair. But we'll be safe! We can go through the drive thru. We won't even get out of the car." He looked at you doubtfully. "Pleeease. You made me think about food and now I really am hungry," you whined. 
"Fine," he relented, "but you better make sure you text your alpha and let him know. I don't want him finding out later and getting mad."
"Deal." You followed him to the door and pulled out your phone as you both got your shoes on.
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You failed though. 
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You didn't see him or smell him as your shift ended, although perhaps you could have been on your guard for it. He usually came in at this time of day, between school getting out and picking Jimin up from work. But you hadn't seen Namjoon at the library since you moved in several weeks ago. He always made sure to go at a time when you weren't working. You couldn't help seeing him now as you waited outside for the purple minivan that almost always picked you up these days. Namjoon strolled casually out of the library, and you hid yourself behind a pillar as best you could, hoping to escape his notice. 
You hadn't recognized his presence inside, but he had noted yours. He knew you would be there, after all. Although you two hadn't ever spoken directly to each other, Namjoon didn't hate you the way you—or anyone else—thought he did. Most of the time he tried not to think about you too much, one way or another. He felt more secure by now that you weren't going to fundamentally change his relationship with Jin, or with anyone else for that matter. But he also didn't want to dwell on the unwanted thoughts you aroused in him when he least expected it. Wonder if she's warm enough in that sweater, he thought over his morning coffee as you moved around the kitchen with Hobi before work. Wonder if she's doing okay today, he thought one day last week during your heat while standing in the hallway as students passed from one class to another. Isn't Taehyung supposed to pick her up? Omega shouldn't be out here all alone, he thought as he watched you duck out of sight. He could've kept walking and pretend he didn't know you were there when you clearly wanted to avoid him. But then again, it seemed he couldn't.
"Hey, Y/N," he spoke softly, coming out awkward and stilted. 
"Hi," you responded so softly he almost didn't hear it. 
He cleared his throat. "Is Taehyung coming? Do you need a ride home?"
You shook your head vigorously. "He's already on his way. They should be here any second."
As if you summoned him, Tae's car pulled up only a few awkward minutes later. He put the car in park on the curb and hopped out. 
"Hyung, what are you doing here?" Tae asked, an edge to his otherwise friendly tone. Maybe it was an automatic response to the way you curled in on yourself, looking scared and shaking like a leaf.
"Just the usual," Namjoon answered, gesturing to the books in his hand. "I saw Y/N, and I thought I'd wait with her."
Taehyung nodded. "Ah. Sorry I'm late, sweet little. Are you ready to go?"
To answer him, you simply nodded your head and walked toward the car. You climbed into the front passenger seat, where Hoseok would normally be sitting and buckled in before Taehyung had even gotten to his door. 
"Where's Hoseok?" You asked as soon as he got in. 
"He's at home resting. He's pretty worn out, but he's excited to see you when we get home." Tae put the car in drive and pulled smoothly out into the street. "Your alpha is there, too."
"Let's go!" You urged, forgetting your mood from a moment ago.
"We'll be home in a little bit. We need to go grocery shopping first." He couldn't help smiling at your eagerness though. 
"Namjoon meant well, you know," he said after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
You looked at him briefly before turning forward again and sat on your hands to keep from fidgeting with them. "I know," you admitted reluctantly. Whether Namjoon hated you or not, you believed no one in the pack wanted to tempt Yoongi's wrath. "I'm sorry it's taking me so long to adjust."
"Hey. There's no rush. I just wanted to reassure you since you seemed a little shaken up."
"I'm okay," you replied, a little unconvincingly.
In the grocery store, Taehyung let you push the cart while he loaded it with the pack's usual supplies. As he did, he explained which brands Jin preferred (he was picky), what vegetables each member liked and hated, and each member's favorite snack. You made mental notes and hoped you could remember them all. By the time he was finished, the cart was loaded so full, you had to keep a watchful eye for things falling off the top, and you could hardly push it. You'd never seen so much food in your life. But with seven fully grown men, all of this would barely last a week. When the price was tallied up at the register, you could only frown.
"What's that for?" Taehyung asked when he got inside the car, looking down at your outstretched hand and the bills you offered. 
"For the groceries."
He scoffed and ignored your offering as he put on his seatbelt. "Don't be ridiculous."
"I'm not. I don't want to add to your burden. You have enough mouths to feed already," you argued.
"You eat like a bird. Do you think it even makes a dent?"
"Don't be so stubborn!"
He looked down at the money still in your hand. "Do you want me to tell Yoongi about this?"
You groaned, "You can't always use that against me!"
"I can when you're being an idiot," he replied and flicked you in the forehead. You sat back with an astonished look on your face, mouth wide open until it closed into a pout. You stuffed the money back into your pocket. "Wait until I tell Yoongi about you."
"Be my guest," he laughed as he finally backed out of the parking spot.
You walked into the house carrying multiple bags in each hand despite Taehyung's scolding. As soon as you walked in, Yoongi was up off the couch where he had spent the last few hours cuddling with Hoseok.
"Hey, princess," he smiled as he wrapped his arms around you and smelled your head.
"Hi, alpha," you hummed, but you couldn't hug him back since your arms were still weighed down.
He chuckled, "Let me take those before your arms fall off."
"There's more outside," you told him as he pried the bags from your blood deprived fingers.
"I'll get them. You go cuddle with Hobi," he said before you could leave the room.
"It's okay. You can stay. I know you've missed each other."
Yoongi shook his head. "We've had plenty of time. And I think he's missed you more."
The way your eyes lit up and a smile covered your face made his heart swell. You didn't waste any time turning toward Hobi. His hair was a fluffy mess and he looked like he could sleep for another day, but he was waiting for you with open arms. You felt happy and relieved that he still wanted to cuddle with you and it hadn't only been a heat privilege.
"There's my little pup," he grinned lazily as you crawled into his makeshift nest. He was warm when he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his lap.
"I'm stinking from work," you complained, pulling away slightly. 
He stuck his nose in your neck and sniffed deeply. "You smell like pup to me."
You rolled your eyes as he pulled you close again, until your head rested on his shoulder. Taehyung came in carrying grocery bags, followed by Yoongi, but neither of them paid attention to you. "How are you feeling?"
"I feel great, just worn out and a little sore."
You nodded. "That will happen when you have three alphas," you said quietly as the two currently home left the room once again. "I bet you don't get any sleep at all."
Hobi laughed loudly. "Not much, but I love it. I wouldn't have it any other way." You could tell by his smile that he meant it. He looked thoroughly satisfied.
"Then I'm sorry for taking Yoongi from you."
Hoseok clicked his tongue at you. "Never say that to me again," he scolded. "I've got more than I need and I'm happy to share. I know someday we'll be one pack. One way or another."
You know that was what everyone expected to happen, what they hoped for. You wished you weren't making it hard on everyone. If only you could get over your reservations. But you were trying, slowly.
"Taehyung told me he wants to be my alpha last night," you whispered to Hoseok. He already knew this. Tae had told him and Yoongi in the morning after you left.
"Do you want him to be?" Hoseok wondered. You said nothing but turned your face into his neck to hide your heating cheeks. Hopefully Hobi wouldn't notice how hot they were against his own skin. His grin spread ear to ear, and he stroked down your back without forcing an answer out of you. He knew it would come out soon enough. 
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a/n: idk about yall but I made myself so soft with this chapter. What do you think about her relationship with tae? we got a little peak in joonie's mind too. Are things coming together?? I kinda felt unsure about this chapter, but I think it turned out okay overall. Please let me know what you think <3
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Prized Possession
Marc Spector + Steven Grant X f!Reader
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Not Beta Read - Requested By @lonelyisamyw-0love
Kinks - Possessiveness + Double Penetration
Your boyfriends Steven and Marc finally give you something you've wanted to try.
NSFW, the boys are in separate bodies, the boys are not related, poly relationship, double penetration, anal, p in v sex, p in v creampie, anal creampie, squirting, praise kink, soft marc, sex, smut
Word Count: 1,209
You, Steven and Marc had talked about this before, but you hadn’t done it until today. You’d been dating for a while, but you’d never taken them both at once, they usually took turns, and that was always fine with you, but not today. Today, you were on your back, laying against Marc’s chest with Steven in front of you. Steven’s hands were holding the backs of your knees, keeping you spread out for them.
“We got you all good and ready ahead of time baby, so this shouldn’t hurt too much, okay?” Marc said softly in your right ear.
You nodded, “okay.”
“I can feel you shaking love, you sure you’re ready for—”
“She can take it, she’s fine,” Marc cut him off with a forceful tone, “you can take anything right, honey? Just make sure to breathe through it.”
You took a deep breath and nodded again, closing your eyes as Marc pushed through your well prepped, lesser used hole. Your eyes shot open wide, meeting with Steven’s beautiful but concerned gaze. You gave him a gentle but wobbly smile to reassure him that you were fine.
He looked down, seeing Marc’s thick length disappearing into you, stretching your hole out around him. Steven impatiently lined himself up to your cunt, feeling the slick of your arousal coating his girth while he dragged it over your folds. Steven’s grip around the backside of your knees tightened as he slid forward, bottoming himself out inside your wet heat. His entire body trembled as he felt Marc through the thin barrier.
“Oh shit, love.”
The three of you let out a unified and pleasure filled groan into the apartment. They began alternating thrusts, pistoning back and forth into you at a moderate pace, letting you get used to having yourself stuffed with both of them at once. Steven tossed his head back, messy curls falling into his eyes while Marc kissed the side of your neck, just below your earlobe from behind you. You’d never felt so full in all your life, you felt like no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t breathe properly. 
“How’s that feel, honey? How’s it feel being fucked in both of your little holes, hm? I can feel you squeezing so tight around me…fuck.” The breath in his lungs punched out, hot on your cheek.
“I feel so…so full, Marc. So. Full.” You grabbed Steven’s strong biceps for stability while his hands stayed firmly around the back of your thighs, holding you open.
“Shit, you feel that Steven? Baby if you don’t relax I’m not going to l-last.” Marc reached one hand up to squeeze around your breast and the other moved between your legs, fingers rolling over your swollen clit.
You arched into them both, angling in a way that made Steven shudder and glide in deeper, bumping your cervix on the next thrust.
“Oh my—love, you feel so good, look how well you’re taking us. These tight little holes are always so good and ready for us love, they know who they belong to, right? That’s why you drip like a little fountain when we take you, yeah?”
“Y-yeah, yes Steven—ohhh!”
“You’re doing so good, such a good girl for us, honey. Taking us both so well.” His middle finger continued to glide over your hardened clit, moving faster now.
“Can feel you Marc, fuckin’ her so good, can feel it on my—oh I can feel it inside her. Go faster please.” Steven looked at you with lust etched into every pore, “you can take it right love? Been doing great so far, it just feels so…please Marc, fuck—please.”
You whimpered as Marc started fucking you faster at Steven’s command, both cocks punching into you at an unforgiving pace. Marc shushed you, nipping your neck softly and moving his finger over your clit in a more satisfying motion. You felt the unmistakable burning in your core…you were getting close.
Marc could feel Steven too while he thrusted harder and faster into your ass. He knew you’d tell him if it was too much. Your shaky moans and whimpers of pure intoxicated pleasure told him you were doing more than fine. 
“Oh love, your sounds are so pretty, that must feel good, yeah? Having two big cocks fuckin’ both your holes at once? You look so lovely.”
Steven looked down at where you were connected and tilted his head. Your pussy lips were swallowing his girth, while your tight rim did the same for Marc. He could see how your arousal dripped out of your hole, trickling over his cock and leaking down onto Marc’s length. You were wetter than he’d ever seen you. When he looked back into your eyes, you looked like a cock drunk mess…just how they liked you.
“You doing alright, honey? Oh fu—of course you are, can feel you about to—oh there you go, feel that, Steven? There you go baby, let it out.”
You were nearly screaming, body tensing while they continued fucking both of your holes through your orgasm. You threw your head back, feeling Marc latch his lips down over your throat. Your mind stopped working completely.
Steven’s and Marc’s did too. The way your holes squeezed around them, clamping down in waves while they continued alternating their rocking hips. They were close, but not quite there yet. You were completely spent though. Marc didn’t stop rubbing your clit, despite your cries for him to stop.
“Shh, you’re ok baby, I’m almost there, we’re almost there. Come on Steven, keep going. Shhh, honey, I know you can take it. You’re doing so good for us.”
It wasn’t their assault on your holes that made it difficult, it was the way Marc was still toying with your clit. You couldn’t take the over stimulation. It was building inside, and you felt like you were going to…oh no you were about to…
“Steven, Steven move I’m gonna—FUCK!”
Marc knew what it was you were doing. They’d never made you squirt before, but oh you sounded so beautiful when you did. Steven could tell right away that this was something new, not urine, not cum, but something else entirely, and it was amazing. Your entire body was trembling over them, cunt clenching around him even harder. Steven’s abdomen was covered in this new liquid. It soaked him and trickled down his thighs to the bedding. Marc was…the man was a genius.
“Did you just—? You’re so wet, love, I’m gonna— not gonna make it love. Oh god, oh god —ahhh!”
“Yeah that’s it, Steven, fill her little hole, you feel that, honey? You like getting stuffed full, don’t you? Don’t you? Oh shiiiit— gonna fill you up too baby—shit!”
They were both groaning through their simultaneous orgasms while they fucked their cum deeper into you. You felt numb at the end there, like your body was just a sack of potatoes stuck between them. When they were finished, both going soft inside of you, they each were kissing your cheeks and lips telling you how perfect you were for them, and how well you did. As you all came back to reality, the door to the bedroom opened and the three of you looked over in surprise…Jake.
Moon Knight Masterlist
Melody's 1k Celebration Masterlist
Melody's 1k Celebration Post
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
would looooove to see a plus size reader who is a virgin but like knows how to get herself off, she’s very familiar with her vibrator and dildo. and eddie??? sweet subby (switchy if ur nasty) eddie who is also a virgin and while he is a perv he’s also a blushing FOOL when it comes to pretty girls. and he’s absolutely gobsmacked by how comfortable the reader is talking about sex. they start talking about their experiences and he’s thrown for a loop when she says she’s a virgin. like ?????? he needs her to ride his face right now cause she’s perfect and he neeeeeds her. something about a sort of confident plus size woman bossing eddie around does it for me. maybe it’s because i am a sort of confident plus size woman but that’s neither here nor there tbh!!!!! lol anyway pointless rant over
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a/n | respectfully anon i think you wrote this prompt with me literally in mind because you've described me as a person (y'know, apart from the virgin part) and the perfect soft eddie that i've had engrained in my brain. i hope that i've done it justice and this is everything you imagined!
warnings | sexual content (18+ minors dni), use of sex toys, face sitting, hair pulling, virginity taking (eddie taking readers virginity), unprotected sex (wrap it, guys!), oral (f receiving), dirty talking, sub!eddie, perv!eddie, reader is a bully but in a soft way, plus size!reader.
word count | 2.3k
If you were to ask Eddie how this happened, he'd feign innocence and pretend like it was all a simple, innocent mistake, how he ended up in this situation. He couldn't find it in himself to be nauseated with his actions when his face was buried in your pussy like this.
"What do you mean you're a virgin?" Eddie had asked, shocked and a clear look of bewilderment in his eyes when you had confessed to him your big secret. Virgins in their twenties were few and far between and he couldn't believe that you were one of them.
In his eyes you were the most gorgeous woman he'd ever set eyes on, plump in all the places he liked (which was everywhere, really, he loved how perfectly your soft body fit in his hands), the perfect mixture of cute and hard faced, the way you gave the guys a run for their money at everything because you were just so naturally good at anything you tried a hand at.
"Eddie, c'mon, look at me. Guys aren't lining up around the block to date me, I'm not your typical girl next door, like Nancy Wheeler." You were all matter of fact in your words as you shrugged, it was no big deal, men sucked and were notoriously bad at female anatomy anyway. So, why would you look for sex from men when you were happy with what you could do to yourself and had your box of treasures to look to?
"I know a few guys who like you, sweetheart, you just don't give them a chance." Eddie's heart raced as he spoke to you, because yeah, he does know of a few guys who like you. He sees the way men ogle you up and down when you're turned the other way, he hears them whistle when you walk by. You're oblivious, but he isn't.
"I have Mr. Bunny and a massage wand. Why would I need a man when I have them?" You'd quipped, tilting your head in question. You had made it no secret you were into your own sexual desires and chose to delve into them yourself, you were probably the only sex positive chick Eddie had ever met. Not a priss like most, comfortable enough to know what you liked and chase it.
"I'm not gonna ask what those are." Eddie said, pretending like he had no clue but his palms had began sweating and his cock had kicked up a little at the thought of you using toys to touch yourself with. The conversation had wrapped abruptly after that and you had all but forgotten it once you got home.
So, yeah, screw him for getting a little curious and stopping by when he knew your parents weren't home, claiming he'd left his chain (which never came off, by the way) the last time he'd visited, bouldering up the stairs and coming face to face with you laid out on your bed, surrounded by soft pillows and going to town on yourself with said 'massage wand'.
You were covered over with an oversized Sabbath shirt, though your fingers were rubbing circles around your clothed left nipple with your free hand, chunky thighs spread so he could see everything as your wand buzzed along your clit, causing you to choke out small whimpers and sighs. Your eyes were screwed shut, mouth hung open slightly as the pleasure coursed through you.
He'd stood there quietly for longer than he'd ever admit to, but Eddie couldn't tear his eyes off of you. The way you were out in the open like this, dripping wet cunt on display for anybody to see if they walked in.
"God, oh my God." Your mouth had opened in a broken whine, moans choked as you came, body shuddering through it and a damp patch forming below you on your grey comforter from your release. You'd stayed like that with shut eyes for a moment after, eventually switching the vibrator off and suddenly the silence was deafening.
Eddie was almost backing his way out of the door when you opened your eyes, bugging out slightly for a second but then you'd relaxed not even a moment later, body going soft as you snuggled back down into your pillows, "Enjoy the show then, handsome?" You asked, smirking at Eddie who was standing there like a deer caught in headlights.
"I, uh, I'm really sorry," Eddie's cheeks were flushing a deep shade of red, embarrassment taking over him as he stood there with a clear erection in his tight jeans. You made no move to shut your legs properly, only shuffling a little to let the muscles rest, your glistening pussy still clearly in his frame of sight. It had done nothing to help his problem.
"Are you just gonna stand there and look stupid or do you want some help with that?" You'd motioned towards his cock with your head, never losing the smirk on your face as you'd done it.
Only somehow once Eddie had eventually moved his feet it ended up like this, you hovering over the top of him as he lay flat on his back in the plush pillows on your bed, his face buried so deep in your sweet pussy he could hardly breathe, though he wouldn't be mad if that was the way he was gonna go.
His hands squeeze your thighs tightly, and you have to admit he's so good at this, licking and sucking on your clit like his life depends on it whilst you fist at his hair, wide hips fucking back and forth on his face in tandem with his tongue.
"You're such a little perv," You gasp, shuddering as his tongue breaches your hole and fucks up into you gently, you take the opportunity to get your fingers on your clit and rub it in little circles, "comin' in here to catch a glimpse of me fucking myself. Dirty boy."
Eddie whines into your cunt, gripping your thighs impossibly tighter and you don't miss the feeling of his body lifting off the bed slightly, clearly looking for some sort of relief. He's looking at you with his big, wet eyes, clearly watching to see if you're genuinely enjoying it and not just putting on the noises.
But you'd never felt like this before, every sound leaving your lips was genuine, and suddenly your fingers were being nudged away by his nose, your sensitive clit being assaulted by Eddie's sinful tongue again, this time fast and with purpose, in desperation of helping you chase your orgasm.
Your fingers wrap even tighter in his hair now, mouth falling open into loud and desperate whines, your impending orgasm building in your tummy so rapidly you have no time to think about it before your thighs are squeezing Eddie's head impossibly tight, legs shaking and hips fucking into his face with a cry of his name, "Oh my God, Eddie!"
Once he's sure you're done, Eddie finally comes up for a proper breath of air, though he immediately goes to attacking your thighs, nipping and sucking them hard enough to leave blooming purple bruises, staking his claim to you. All you can do is watch in admiration because you were sure men like this didn't exist outside of movies.
"Was that good for you?" He asks, voice all quiet and timid as he looks up at you through his thick lashes, glossy brown eyes swimming with something, like he's looking for validation that he did a good job.
"It was incredible, Eds," Your voice is all fucked out, "you did so good, can't believe how good it was."
Eddie keens at your praise, cheeks flushing dark and a stupid big grin spreading over his face, "Good, I'm glad your first sexual encounter was a decent experience."
You furrow your brows at him, moving to shuffle off of Eddie and settle next to him on the bed, "Who said it was over yet?" You ask, all orgasm dumb, "I asked you if you needed help and you ended up servicing me, isn't it meant to go that we help each other out?"
"Not necessarily, sweetheart," Eddie chuckles, making to sit up but then your hand comes out to push him back down, black stiletto shaped nails digging into his chest a little, "woah, babe, you don't have to do anything for me."
Your hand ghosts down his chest, stopping at the obvious tent in his jeans and you don't miss the way he hisses, sucking in a sharp breath even from that little movement, "But I want to. Don't you want to fuck me?"
If Eddie hadn't of known you he'd of thought your words were slightly insecure and child-like, but he knows you well enough to know you're putting on a whiney voice because you want him to fuck you without a second thought, like he would any other chick who asked, and not his best friend who hadn't even been touched by a man before.
"Sweetheart, that's a big step and I don't want you to feel like you're having to do this." Eddie rests his hand on top of yours, trying to gently push it away from his cock but you don't let him, batting it out of the way.
"Who else would I trust enough to give it to?" You ask, cocking your head to the side, "I trust you, silly. That's why I want this."
Eddie sucks in a breath, cock clearly kicking up a little in his pants and you gasp when you feel it, palm and fingers squeezing him slightly until he's shuddering.
It all happens in a bit of a blur, but suddenly you're under Eddie as he hovers over you in between your spread legs, your deft fingers unbuckling his belt and popping the button on his jeans. He helps you slide them down his thighs and then he kicks them off, leaving him bare from the waist down the same as you.
Your eyes bug out a little bit at the sight of his cock springing up, unapologetic and big. He's girthy and a lot longer than your rampant rabbit toy, and suddenly you're gulping, nervousness settling in even though you feel your cunt clench around nothing as you look.
Eddie catches this, catching your chin in between his thumb and forefinger, "Hey, we don't have to do this. Just say the word."
"Just fuck me, idiot." You sigh, caught off guard a little when Eddie grabs hold of his cock by the base and lets the tip glide in between your folds, catching and dragging on your clit so nicely that you're gasping.
The initial breach of his cock is a surprise, not necessarily uncomfortable but not good either. You suck in a breath and Eddie looks at you with worried, glassy eyes until you nod to tell him to keep going. He bottoms out eventually, filling up your cunt in a way that has you gasping for air and clenching your tight walls around him.
You don't miss how he hisses, the gorgeous moan that escapes his mouth, face softening a little. He's absolutely beautiful like this, all wanton and soft, submissive looking.
"Y'gonna move or are you worried you'll bust a nut too quick?" You quip, though it doesn't come out as mean as you planned because your voice is all breathy and stuttered from how full you feel.
Eddie chuckles a little, grabbing onto your thick thighs to use for purchase as he pulls back just a few inches, rocking into you slowly, "Is this okay?" He asks through a moan, and you can't believe how stupidly kind he's being.
"Yeah, s'good. You can speed up." You say honestly, enjoying the slight burn that you feel as he shifts. It's not terrible, you think, probably due to already coming twice before even getting this far.
"M'gonna come ridiculously fast," Eddie admits, before he pulls back properly and slides back into you, causing you both to moan in tandem. One of his hands slides under your shirt, roaming your soft tummy whilst the other grips your thigh as he starts a good rhythm.
Soon, you're a whining, moaning mess, "Fuck, Eddie," you cry, squeezing your eyes shut tight, "this feels so good, God."
"I know," Eddie's closer to you now, foreheads basically bumping as he fucks into you, his pace speeding up as he chases his high, "your pussy feels like fuckin' heaven around me."
You clench around his cock at his words, a broken cry escaping you, "Yeah?" You ask, hands reaching up to tangle in his hair tightly and you open your eyes to look into his, "Come, then. Come in me."
Eddie's mouth opens in a quiet moan, as he shoves forward a bit rougher, hips stunted a little as he comes, a feral grunt escaping him as he shoves into you to the hilt, your tight cunt milking him so deliciously he feels like he's died and gone to heaven.
You don't dwell on the fact you didn't come too, so busy looking at Eddie as he collapses onto the swell of your tits that you don't care. You knew it probably wouldn't happen, anyway. That'd happen eventually though, you were sure.
Your hands sooth at Eddie's scalp as you feel his cock soften in you, "Thank you for making my first time so good, handsome." You whisper, heart fluttering as he keens into your touch, "Couldn't of asked for anybody better."
"You're more than welcome, sweetheart." Eddie's voice sounds sleepy, muffled against your breasts, "You just say the word and we can do it again."
You giggle a little at that, "That sounds good. Maybe I can get on top next time."
You ignore the way his spent cock perks up a little at your words, giggling again as you begin to drift off.
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fadedmunson · 1 year
all apologies | o. isaac
pairings ; oscar isaac x gn!reader (no use of y/n)
summary ; you do something that you know you shouldn't have done, now you're facing the consequences
genre ; reader doing something kinda dumb, slightest bit of angst, and then all comfort ^^ kinda established relationship already
notes ; 1 curse word !! im not very good at writing and english is not my first language, thank you for understanding
wc ; 🤷‍♀️, not proofread !!
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the hot, blistering sun was making your skin all sticky but thank god for this pool
"c'mon dude, just do it!" your friends egged you on
"i mean whats the worst that could happen?" one of them asked
"well, im sooo glad you asked! because i could hurt myself and ruin oscars mural, he just painted it i would never forgive myself." just thinking about it made you shiver
the pool party was a pretty cute and small gathering. only your friends and oscars were at this party and since you shared most of the same friends, it blended together really well
the only problem was how intimate and cozy your shared place could be with more than 10 people in it
"you only live once and it would be really cool! we'll get it on video and everything. the murals kinda far from the pool. I also thought oscar didn't really like the mural all that much. some water wont hurt it." one of your friends comments analytically.
that stupid reasoning is why you were now at the top of this diving board counting down to three
THREE ! god, WHAT am i doing with my life
TWO ! this won't make so much of a mess? right? i thi-
you take a leap of faith and jump right into this pool
you don't know the water goes everywhere but you're pretty content with how steady your position and posture was while diving
you don't see the look on your friends faces that say 'fml' and 'oh... no..'
the mural was still wet and with the amount of water that splashed on it, the whole thing was ruined
and of course, right on time, oscar walks into the backyard
"thought i heard someo- " the smile on his face is immediately fading and being replaced with a blank stare
"oh my god," you don't know what to do in your frantic state "babe im so sorry i had no idea-" you try to talk to him but he pushes away almost too quickly and goes back inside
you just stand there, a cold and anxious feeling waving over you
you breathe in and then out, calm down and give him space, everything will be ok
you grab a towel, dry of a little, and take your sandals to go inside
the party is semi quiet, only being filled with small conversations and music through the speakers
before entering through the door entirely, you move your head to peak outside
"delete that video!" you shout to one of your friends who you know pressed rec.
as you're fluffing and drying off your hair, you try looking for oscar, not knowing he's fully slumped on the couch, just staring into nothingness
you're just worried for what you've done to this poor guy :,(
"oscar, honey, you gotta look at me please." you find and sit next to his motionless state and comb your hand through his hair while the other hand is caressing his face features
he doesn't say anything and doesn't even acknowledge your presence, ouch
"oh baby, im so sorry i did that. i knew it was a bad idea and im not sure why i still did it." you're quick to apologizing and you're now overthinking everything you did tonight
you're severely overwhelmed and have no idea what to say in this situation
all you can do is rest your face into his neck and press the smallest kisses there, making your way up to his jawline, then his cheek, his nose, and his head
you won't stop peppering these tiny kisses and you can see a little smile ghosting his features
you love the way he smells, the strongest smell of his cologne is all you can smell right now.
it's strong, a sandal wood and clean scent, it's so comforting to you right now
"stop you're tickling me now" he begins to lightly giggle and softly push you back a bit
you're both just laughing at each other until the laughter dies down and you fully apologize to him
"if i knew what would've happened, i would have never even step foot on that diving board" you look into his eyes with all the seriousness you could muster up
he just looks at you with softened and sad eyes "y'know, i was starting to like the mural a bit actually."
you're heart shatters into a million pieces (for the second time today) great, you feel like utter shit now
you feel like curling into a ball and crying as of right now, and he can tell, but you're here to console him
you see tears swell up in his eyes and you're quick to kiss his eyes and move onto his lap, your lips just inches away from his
"i don't deserve you, at all. there aren't enough apologies in the world to make up for hurting the most attractive person on earth" you poke at him a bit and just rest your forehead on his
he immediately moves your forehead off and wraps his hands on your waist as he leans in for a sweet, looooong kiss.
its warm, you taste the lukewarm beer he had around an hour ago, but it makes you smile into him
you end the kiss with a little peck on his lips and tilt your head to the side
"forgive me?" you pout a little
"i guess so," he sarcastically says but flips you on your back to trap you in his arms for another kiss
"hey!" you yelp while giggling
"i love you so much." you mumble into the kiss
"mmmmhm," he breathes into you "i love you so much more, mi querida."
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jungle-angel · 10 months
You've Got A Friend In Me: Part 1 (Calvin Evans x Reader)
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Summary: You and Cal have just had your daughter and you can already tell that Six-Thirty is gonna be her partner in crime
Warnings: Mentions of birth, etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse Meggy dahling, this was all I was thinking about all day at work and there's a ton more coming (lol).
Calvin had been blinded by his own excitement, even as jumped up onto the snow covered curb and ran all the way back to Franklin Hall where Dr. Powers had taken over his class for the day. It had only been a couple of hours, but they had been the best hours of his life as far as he was concerned.
Through the doors he went, striding down the hall like a proud general until he came back to his classroom. Dr. Powers was still in the middle of the lecture, but Calvin, ever the gentleman, had no intentions of interrupting.
".........Now remember, this is extremely important and will be on the final exams at the end of the semester," Dr. Powers informed them. "It's important to remember that bases have certain characteristics and properties applied to them. Bases are slippery to the touch, can taste bitter and change the color of pH indicators. Any idea what test can be done for this? Phil?"
"Some can turn red litmus paper to the color blue?" Phil answered, a little uncertain.
"You would be absolutely right," Dr. Powers told him.
Calvin was smiling like an idiot, biting his lip as he waited for the perfect opportunity to catch Dr. Anthony Powers off guard. He knocked rather loudly on the open doorframe, mid-sentence which really put Dr. Powers into a rip-roaring fit.
"Goddamnit D'Nadi!" Dr. Powers thundered. "How many times have I told you that if you ever came around my lab again, I'd have your balls boiled in hydrogen peroxide??!!!!!"
"Oh c'mon Tony, I thought you loved me?" Calvin chuckled.
Dr. Powers groaned in embarrassment but the students gasped excitedly at the sight of their favorite professor. "PROFESSOR EVANS!!!!!" they shouted.
Calvin was soon mobbed with the question he had been anticipating ever since your students and his had found out that you were pregnant.
"Is it a boy or a girl?"
"What'd she have Dr. Evans?"
"Is the Missus ok?"
"Was it a boy or a girl?"
Cal waited for every single one of them to be silent, once again biting his lip as he saw the tension in his students' faces.
"It's a girl," he said.
A huge roar of cheers erupted from the students as well as a huge look of relief on Dr. Powers' face.
"So it was a girl huh?" Powers asked.
"Yep," Calvin answered. "Born not even twenty minutes ago."
"And you witnessed it?"
"First man in this university's history," Calvin said proudly.
He and Powers high-fived each other. "You're a lucky man Calvin Evans," Powers told him. "I would've thought they wouldn't have allowed it."
"Well the stupid doctor tried to kick me out but I threatened to have his medical license revoked if he even tried," Calvin chuckled.
Dr. Powers laughed a little too, knowing how so many medical students were, thinking they were the cat's ass until they picked a fight with the wrong person.
"You get any pictures?" he asked.
"Not many," Cal answered ruefully. "They took the baby to the nursery for her shots as soon as she was all cleaned off but hopefully she's back with (y/n)."
He showed Dr. Powers the polaroids he had taken of your baby daughter all snug in her little hospital bassinet and even a few that the nurses had given you. "Oh God, she's gorgeous," Powers chuckled.
"Thanks Tony," Cal answered.
As soon as they had gotten lunch, Dr. Powers had come back with two Coke bottles, popping the caps with the bottle tab on the end of his keys. Might not have been in a bar, but one way or another, the two men shared a drink for the both of you.
You softly hummed a song to the tiny little girl in your arms, all snug and cozy in the Irish knit blanket that Pat, your mother-in-law, had made for her and her soft pink knit cap. She was such a tiny little peanut, with a full head of dark blonde hair and her daddy's little button nose. You wished that she would open her eyes, but you knew right off the bat they would be that same deep, deep blue as Calvin's.
You sat up just a little bit to see Calvin crossing the street once again, clutching the collar of his jacket as he made his way into the building through the heavily falling snow.
Your daughter, Ellen Patricia, wriggled a little in her blanket as she began to wake up. "Shhhh, Daddy's coming," you whispered. "He just had to run back to work for a minute."
As if those very words had summoned him, Calvin quietly entered your room. "Is she awake?" he whispered.
"She's just waking up," you answered.
Calvin bent and leaned in to kiss you and then Ellen. "How are my girlies?"
"She slept the entire time you were gone," you told him.
"Wonder if she'll sleep her first night at home?" he wondered.
"Sporadically," you chuckled. "Babies rarely ever sleep through the night, especially when they're this small."
Cal hardly worried, even as he kissed Ellen's delicate little head. He knew that either way, when it was time for her to go home, she'd still sleep well.
Ten days was all you had needed in the hospital before the nurses told you that you would be going home. Dr. Kennedy, the female doctor who had delivered Ellen, gave both you and the baby one last look before she gave the final word that all was well.
Calvin led you out to the car and made sure that both you and Ellen were safe before heading home. You couldn't wait for your in-laws, let alone Six-Thirty to finally meet her. It had been a long time coming, but now that the moment was getting closer, you were almost shaking with excitement.
When Calvin finally pulled in the driveway, there was your mother in her black winter coat and boots, shoveling off the front steps. She didn't notice that Cal's car had pulled in the driveway, let alone the fact that you had returned with him.
"Hey Ma! Guess who's home?" Cal called to her.
Pat let out a shriek and dropped her shovel before bounding down the steps to hug her son and help you and Ellen out of the car. "Oh she's home already?!" Pat nearly shrieked.
"Two weeks before Christmas," you told her.
Pat nearly broke down and sobbed when she saw Ellen all bundled up in her little cap, sweater and blanket. "Oh (y/n) she's beautiful," Pat gasped.
"Thank you Pat," you said before she hugged you.
"Here, let's get you both inside before this snowstorm really blows in," Pat said. "Your father should be home soon."
"Where'd he go?" Calvin asked.
"He went to go and shovel out the Levensteins' driveway about a half hour ago," Pat answered, shutting the door behind you and hanging her scarf and coat up on the rack. "Heard that one all the way up The Chain."
Calvin laughed. The Chain was very well known throughout the town, his mother's friends who kept in touch with each other both on the latest gossip and goings-on around town. Those nine women had been like second family to Calvin growing up and anybody that badmouthed them, would surely have gotten a tongue lashing, especially if that someone was one Mrs. Mildred Dillard.
The scritching of nails on the wood floors and the jangling of a collar signaled Six-Thirty coming down the stairs, the curly haired canine happy as ever to see you both after having been away for so long. Calvin took Ellen from you so that you could get a chance to get your coat, scarf and boots off, stooping down to one knee so that he could properly introduce Six-Thirty to Ellen.
"C'mere," he coaxed. "Somebody wants to meet you."
Tentatively, Six-Thirty approached, recognizing right away the faintly familiar scent that he had caught one day when Calvin had come home after visiting you. Of course Six-Thirty was a gentle giant with Lucy, Cal's two and a half year old niece, but he still thought it best to bring home one of Ellen's baby blankets for him to sniff.
Calvin laughed when Six-Thirty began licking poor Ellen's face, but ordered him down when she began to whimper. Funnily enough, the minute she started, he too did, his high pitched whine coming before the bark.
"Oh God Sweetheart," Calvin laughed. "I hate to say it but I think these two are gonna be partners in crime when she's older."
You laughed with him, kissing your husband and then your daughter as Calvin rocked her gently in his arms. Deep down, you could feel it too and only one thought springing into your head......Lord help us when she's older.......
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writingmochi · 10 months
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loading interface...
you have reached year 2
lissie: greetings, visitor! this is your flight director speaking~ welcome to the two-year anniversary of this blog (freaking awesome if you ask me). thank you so much for reading, indulging, and/or interacting with this blog, me, or my works. the sentence before cannot describe the gratitude i'm expressing towards all of you. this is a yearly recap for me and maybe for new visitors who come to know what has happened on this blog for the year.
before we get to it, i'm doing a survey to get to know my audience better (and more research). if you have spare time, do fill in the survey so that i get to know more about the visitors, the works, and the audience on tumblr in general! (average time is around 3 minutes~)
survey link! (survey closed)
all research done (read: works written and released)
troubled pixies | txt's taehyun (2 parts; 52k [novel])
smirch episode 2: jay | enhypen's jay (27.4k [novella])
isobel | txt's soobin (43.3k [novel])
pizzeria run | enhypen's sunoo (17.9k [novella])
total: 4 works (1 two-shots, 3 oneshots) and 140.6k words written
all the navigators connected (read: mutuals i got within the year. check last year's recap if you didn't find yours!)
@it-rains-blue (via @itz-yerin)
yerin! the other biggest bamtori i know here! gosh i hope you're doing well irl and online... hope for the best for your confession cafe >> check it out folks @the-love-cafe
hey jazmine! i notice you haven't posted in a while now. so i'm hoping your doing okay, okay?
@tyunlatte / @wave2tyun
alex! if you are lurking, i hope you're doing so good irl! live your life for the best (edit: alex's back!)
1/6 angels: ilem istg! hi! you've been like one of the constant presence when i check the discord server. hope you treat yourself well!
2/6 angels: whenever i see a heart, it always reminds me of you, angie. i think you're busy currently, so the best i can say is that hope you have a good rest cause you need it and always hydrate ;)
3/6 angels: hey lex! i just saw the band au teaser on your blog and i wanna punch myself for not noticing that sooner! /j hope you have a great time writing that one :D
4/6 angels: sof!! i gotta have to consult you more for street spirit cause just the way you work with the album for angel is just *chef's kiss*
yuan~~ ngl i can't wait to read your kei lovesick series (tho i'm hoping to staying loyal to yixiang) can't wait to see more of your &team fics. check the blog out for &team content, folks!
5/6 angels: saph !! thanks for the tag and hope your hiatus is treating you well~
6/6 angels: lee~ i've just seen that you also like riize like akfjbaieufiw okayyyy i hope you have a good day/night whenever and wherever you are!
hi nida! tbh you have so many side blogs i'm confused in which one you post your writing (so i'm tagging your main account). feel free to consult me if you have any wips you wanna let out lmao >.< n thanks for joining the txt hub server, i won't know you if not from there...
@pyeonghongrie (via @pyeonghongrie-main)
rie! thank you so much for letting me in the cult (mueheheheh) and hope we can interact more here or on the server
welcome to the roster, ada! thanks for letting me join the soobin collab and nice to see you!
director's journal entries (read: all the rants i have thought out the past year. some are genuine, some are sarcastic):
wow… i freaking broke tumblr huh
i shouldn't have been too ambitous fook me
bruh my body's crumbling…
i swear i hate college for not allowing me to write
i broke tumblr twice w/ a txt fic alsnskdams
tumblr can’t handle things :(
is my mind running too fast or is it just harder for people to understand me? annoying much…
i’m literally a step away from going out of the kpop fandom. this kind of fan behavior is sickening
^ and the fact is: i’ll probably survive
kinda wish someone could appreciate my writing just like i do for other people here
is there something wrong with how i write asks? i should have put more tone indicators…
the desire for me to revert back to web 1.0 is crazy. like, me owning a blog? ughh yes pls!
i’m getting freaking frustrated!!!
… will i ever … :")
*queue yoda's voice* you pushing back more wips i see
how the fuck have i made fewer works yet the wc is 20k away from last year's result? (166k for 12 compared to 140k for 5 works)
^ it's quality over quantity now darling
^^ and the fact that the year 3 count will get higher because of the fics you've delayed
notable moments from the past year
established @a-dream-bookmark, a rec blog + kpop writer & reader network
reaching 200!
started writing for ateez!
joining @kflixnet, @k-labels, and @cultofdionysusnet networks
what’s next?
lissie: if you haven't seen it, i'm starting a new big-scale series called terra incognita for enhypen's jake, do check it out if you like cyberpunk, or dystopian fics! also, i an doing the wips that i promised will be released this year (will prioritize evaluation and subterranean homesick alien first)
lissie: once again, thank you so much for following me on this journey! cheers~
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macfrog · 9 months
i started reading SOF when the latest chapter came up on my feed and i literally couldn't do anything else for the next 2 hours. both of your characters are so well written, their motivations and feelings so easy to understand. even when i might not agree with them. you have a real talent for characterisation, not only in this fic but in everything you've shared with us. thank you for doing so xx
aight well now im crying thanks, non
kidding haha this is SO KIND idk what to SAY!!!! you made me blush so hard
i love that you don't always agree with them!!! neither do i!! they are flawed humans and they're both experiencing all this stuff for the very first time. of course they're gonna fuck it up, yano?
characterization is probs one of the most fulfilling parts of writing to me. if i can make you believe a character and see them, hear them, feel what they feel - i reckon i've done a pretty good job. especially when it's joel. that man is too much fun to put into irritating situations. hehe
thanks so much for this lovely message!!!!! love u three times around the world xx
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scramble-crossing · 1 year
your oc is so fucking cool! divorced to minaman i'm guessing? i LOVE the noise form, that'sso clever! the idea of having a tiny lizzer that he has to hide in a big illusion, that's such a clever + fun idea. also, gecko is a cute asf noise form. the fighting using sigils is SO cool btw, i've done a lot with the idea of sigils myself but the whole concept of tearing out pages to fight is awesome. i love her flaws a lot too btw, most people end up not having ocs with enough flaws
also based as fuck being a union leader. the R.E.A.P.E.R. acronym made me laugh out loud, but man, unions are so underrated. good for them!
i would read stuff about him. also her design is cute! i love the implication that they were strangled to death (?) or are those just tattoos/? i wish that the twewy designs had implication sof how they died somehwere on them
do you actually want a lore dump about my oc? i will gladly give it if you want it, just meant that i don't want to sit here going "and now i will infodump about a topic that isn't actually wanted" (no harm if you don't want to btw) otherwise i will send another ask with the oc info! not gonna lie i don't do much with my ocs but i basically turned several canonical characters into ocs with how much i expanded on them lol. but i do have an oc that i can tell you about :)! i just spend more time expanding on the canon characters LOL
Aw jeez ;-; you're too kind!!
Um. Yeah. Minaman divorce 😔 Long story short, they're childhood friends who had a difficult falling out at the end of high school and reunited in the Reaper's Game. Sho is just as vicious and self-centered as he is in canon, and Fable's swept along in his undertow, blaming himself for Sho's actions and feeling a sense of responsibility, as his oldest friend, to put a stop to him. Sho takes this "betrayal" bitterly. He doesn't understand why Fable can't trust him to make things right again, once he's Composer, and everything that's wrong, he can fix. He just needs her to stay out of his way. He will make her if he has to.
I totally agree with you that'd it be cool if twewy designs implied how some characters died! But actually, Fable received their neck scars after they died :)))
Anyways I'm really glad you like the Noise form and the sigil fighting!! The Noise form is kinda close to Megumi's but I'm attached to itty bitty lizard...everyone else got these cool big cat forms and even Higashizawa's sheep Noise form is intimidating, then you've got this little gecko thing that can fit in the palm of your hand. Made to be held gently. Like hotdog.
And yeah I don't think anyone in the Reaper's Game is a very uh. Functioning individual (except maybe Kariya idk) so it's fun to come up with a character's fatal flaws! Fable is a self-depricating doormat who blames themself for things far beyond their control and clings to strict rules of reason to make sense of an unreasonable world and it pairs really well (or really poorly depending on how you see it) with Mina's unpredictable, domineering personally, especially in NEO once they've grown a bit and Mina has to deal with someone who, even in their best of days, really enabled him and let him get away with anything finally put their foot down and tell him to stop being such an insufferable jackass. Wrangling Support Reapers for three years will do that to a person. They're a funny crowd.
Anyways (again) I would totally love to hear about your oc! I haven't seen too many twewy ocs before and I think it's a series that's ripe for making original characters, so I'm really curious to see the kinds of things that other people have come up with :]
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tired-teacher-blog · 3 years
Title: Pay attention to me (Part 2)
Characters: Aizawa Shōta/ fem-reader
Genre/ TW: +18/ NSFW/ Oral (fem receiving)/ Orgasm denial/ Squirting
Please do not read if you're a minor!!
Part 1
No manga spoilers
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Your back hit the sheets and you instinctively spread your legs welcoming your man between them.
He started kissing you hungrily and you could barely keep up with him. You moaned into his mouth and ran your fingers through his hair pulling it slightly.
He literally took your breath away and you found yourself gasping for air.
_" Shōta.. let me breathe.. please." You whined in his ear as you helplessly tried to inhale.
_" Already complaining are we?" He teased before moving down to attack your neck.
You couldn't help the moan escaping your lips and you started taking off his shirt, desperately trying to touch his skin. Seeing you struggle with the task, Aizawa sat up and finished the job for you, but not without making a show of it. All you could do was lay down underneath him spread out and ready for his next move, while he took his sweet time stripping.
Apparently you were gawking at him, because only when he chuckled softly were you brought back to reality. You were embarrassed and your cheeks heated up immediately, so all you could do was hide your face under the pillow and pray you didn't look as stupid as you felt. All of a sudden, a warm hand slipped under your shirt and traveled upwards to reach your perky nipples, while the other moved down your pants pulling it down along with your underwear.
You were completely exposed at that point and you thanked the heavens you still had your pillow glued to your face, because you didn't trust the expressions you were making.
That didn't seem to please Aizawa though: " Babe let me look at your face." He requested.
You simply shook your head in disagreement.
For a moment nothing happened but you knew you should expect some kind of a punishment for defying him. And sure enough, you felt his tongue lapping at your right nipple before biting hard on it eliciting a sharp gasp from you. And that wasn't all, because he moved to the other side and did the same to your left tit. He then proceeded to leave soft kisses on your stomach as if to say he was sorry for what he has done, or so you thought..
A gush of cold air hit your privates and you instantly tried to close your legs. But how could you when Aizawa's strong arms prevented you from doing so? You were finally forced to remove your trusty pillow when you felt your man's hot slick tongue prodding your entrance. You squealed and laced your fingers through his hair.
He kept teasing your pussy, and moved one of his arms down to your butthole. He started swirling his thumb around the rim of your ass while still lapping at your clit. You were almost over the edge and he knew it; your eyes were tightly shut, your back arched and your legs started shaking uncontrollably:" yes.. yes Shōta keep going honey please umm... more.. just a little more.. YES!"
... No, he suddenly halted all movements just when you were about to cum. He sat up, run his fingers through his hair and licked his lips before speaking:" Not so fast kitty, you're not allowed to cum until I say so. In case you've forgotten, this is a punishment." You almost orgasmed hearing his raspy voice and looking at his muscular body on top of you. You felt so weak and had no energy to protest.
_" Get on all fours babe." He demanded seductively staring you down with half lidded eyes. You tried to comply but your shaky legs betrayed you. You looked at him with pleading eyes silently asking for help, so he leaned in sliding his arm under your back and bringing you up with him:" here you go love, now turn around." And as soon as you did, you felt the tip of his dick teasing your clit from behind, you couldn't help the moan that escaped you and you started shaking again:" Shōta, please.."
_" What is it beautiful, tell me clearly what you want me to do." He replied softly.
_" I want.. I want you, please.. just put it in.. I can't take it anymore." You begged shamelessly.
As soon as you uttered those words, Aizawa thrusted his dick inside you to the hilt and your arms gave out. You grabbed the sheets underneath you and kept your face buried there. You didn't want him to see your pathetic state or hear your shaky voice.
He kept ramming fast and deep inside you with no intention of slowing down.
You heard his growls from behind you and felt relieved that he was feeling as good as you were. The moment was cut short when he suddenly smacked your ass. He was driving you insane.
That familiar intense feeling started forming at the tip of your stomach, you were close, and so was he.
He felt you tightening around his dick so he plunged himself as deep as he could inside you and stopped moving..
_" No, no, not again.. Shōta please let me cum.. please.." you were so frustrated and on edge. Tears started forming in the corners of your eyes. He was so mean.
_" Hush kitty, calm down." He replied before leaning in on you until his chest was touching your back. He moved one arm up to cup your face and turn it to the side. You were a whimpering mess at that point, he kissed your cheek and then the corner of your mouth.
You felt his arm travelling down your chest to your stomach. And in one swift move he sat you both up on your knees and kept his arm around your stomach to keep you from falling. His other arm moved to your pussy and his fingers began teasing your clit ever so slowly. He started moving again, gently at first, but gradually picked up the pace. His fingers started moving faster too. His lips were on your neck kissing and nibbling.
You were panting and moaning his name over and over again. The hand on your stomach tightened its grip, and you started feeling weird..
_" No! Shōta don't! Don't press down please.." He never listened though, and kept pressing all the while fucking you mercilessly.
_" It's fine babe, let it go, don't hold back." He whispered in your ear. His pace became quicker, and his fingers kept playing with your clit.
You threw your head back and dug your nails in his arms. You screamed one more time before squirting all over the bed sheets, and his fingers.
Shōta's movements became erratic, your pussy fluttering around him as you rode out your orgasm. He was so close. And with one last thrust, he pulled out and came all over your ass, smearing his seamen on your back.
Your body finally gave out, and you were about to fall on top of the dirty sheets if not for two strong arms preventing the fact and securing you in place.
_" Honey are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" He was genuinely worried.
_" No I'm fine, just a bit drained." You answered with a tired smile.
_" don't worry love,. I'll take care of everything." He kissed your cheek and picked you up straight to the shower:" I'll change the sheets and help you clean up alright?"
You nuzzled his neck and nodded with a smile.
You thank the heavens everyday that this person is yours and you are his.
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submissivekpop · 3 years
Ruin our friendship || kim yugyeom
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Requested: yes
Words: 1000+
Warnings: sub!Yugyeom but not really, first time dom!reader, toys, thigh riding
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It was supposed to be a prank. A stupid prank for your best friend's birthday. He'd open his gift, spare you a shocked look, and then you'd both laugh about it. Nothing could go wrong, right?
Sure, after opening the small box you handed him, Yugyeom did look shocked. For a split second, the reaction you hoped for was right there, and then... it changed into something different. Not bad, just different. One you had trouble reading.
"Should I put it on?" he asked.
You nodded, quite sure he was joking. Quite.
He wasn't.
So here you are, sitting right in front of your best friend, on his birthday, with his dick in your hand. Not exactly the way you pictured the night would go.
He whines, hips bucking into your hand as he desperately tries to get some friction.
"P-Please..." he begs. "It's m-my birthday, please."
Clicking your tongue, you slowly move your hand.
"I know it's your birthday, you're wearing my gift." you retort, pointing at the pink vibrator strapped to his shaft.
A loud groan leaves his lips as soon as you remove your hand from him, his hips desperately thrusting into the air, craving contact more than ever.
He looks pretty, you think. You don't know if it's the look on his face, or the way his body reacts to your touch - or, maybe, it's the way he begs, the way he calls your name when he thinks you're not giving him all of the attention he deserves. Like right now.
"Y/N..." he mewls, and you feel something flutter in your stomach. Butterflies? Perhaps.
"Ride my thigh."
The words leave your mouth before you can stop them. In return, Yugyeom gives you a confused look.
Maybe you've crossed a line. Blushing, you try to explain what you mean, avoiding to look right into his eyes - which is kinda hard, considering that his face is just a few inches away from yours. It's almost funny, how he's the one naked, with a toy on the highest setting sending vibrations all over his body, and yet you're the one who's getting embarrassed.
"You want me to ride your thigh?" he repeats, slowly, and you can't help but notice how dirty he makes it sound.
Nodding, you try to regain the confidence you had a couple of minutes before. Thankfully, Yugyeom seems more intrigued and aroused than concerned. Seems like you didn't ruin your friendship. Yet.
"Alr- ah, alright."
It takes him a couple of seconds to climb on your lap, settling on your right thigh. Instinctively, you spread your legs, allowing him to sit in a more comfortable position.
"Ever done this before?" you ask.
Shaking his head, he moves slowly, trying to find the right angle to get the most friction possible.
"You?" he questions, a curious look painted on his face. Then, as quickly as it appeared, it disappeares, replaced by what seems like pure pleasure.
"Never." you admit, trying your best to hold in a laughter. You'd be lying if you said you didn't find the whole situation almost hilarious, but you somehow manage not to show it.
You never pictured Yugyeom as the loud-in-bed kind of guy - somehow, you imagined his personality was the complete opposite in intimate situations. God, you were wrong.
You're almost sure he'll get a noise complaint from the neighbors in the morning, but right now you couldn't care less, not when he looks like that. Brows furrowed, lips parted and head slightly reclined, glistening pink cheeks, he truly is a sight to behold.
Your hands move to his hips, nails digging into the flesh as you try to control his pace. He huffs, but gives in quite easily. You can tell he's not extremely happy to be slowed down, but he doesn't protest. Maybe, you think, maybe he wants this to last longer as well.
"Good boy." you whisper, earning a soft whine in return.
Panting, Yugyeom hides his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent. Then, you feel his lips on your skin - light as a feather at first. He leaves a trail of soft pecks on your neck, moving closer and closer to your ear. He bites your lobe, causing you to let out a surprised squeak. Delighted by your reaction, he does it again, chuckling right beside your ear. Shivers running all over your spine, you dig your fingers into his skin even harder, trying to pull him closer.
Before he can protest, your hand moves to his shaft, quickly stroking it, eliciting a string of moans from his mouth.
"Feels good?" you ask.
Mouth agape, he can't answer. Instead, he nods, his hands on your shoulders, scratching your skin. Hissing, you try to quicken your pace. At this point, you don't care anymore about making it last, you just want to see him come undone. No, not want. Need.
It doesn't take much time. Actually, it happens so quickly that he can't even warn you. He cums all over your hand, a few drops staining your clothes, sinful moans escaping his lips.
Unfortunately, you don't get to see him. His head is still buried in the crook of your neck, relishing in the sweet smell of your hair.
"T-Turn it off, please." he cries, whining.
Hadn't he mentioned it, you probably would have forgotten about it. As soon as you remove the vibrator, Yugyeom lets out a satisfied groan. Quickly, you turn it off, before putting it down on the couch.
Nodding, Yugyeom slowly moves away from you, trying his best to get back to his original place.
It takes him a couple of minutes to catch his breath. In the mean time, you get something to drink for him, a dry towel, and head back to the couch. Handing him the glass, you dry the sweat on his forehead, on his neck, his chest, feeling his gaze on you the entire time.
"So... that was a cool birthday gift." he says, a small chuckle caught in his throat, once you put the towel down.
"Yeah?" you ask, tilting your head to the side, ignoring the blush creeping on your face. "Round two, then?"
Somehow, you manage to sound bolder than you really are.
Yugyeom laughs, and then, almost - almost - surprisingly, he nods.
"Wanna tie me up?"
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pink-duda · 3 years
Ahhhhhh, 300 followers!!! I'm so proud of you!! I hope you get many many more <3 And omggg your event is so cute, and I NEED to request haha. So could you please do 💖 for Koby x fem reader? Thank you so much.
Sof!!! Thank you so much, you are so sweet, feel free to ask another if you want!
Sorry for the delay, i hope i wrote well for koby 😅🌷
Words: 451
📌Event Rainbow of Sensations📌
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💖I feel like I've found my true love, and it's you💖
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Pink is the color of emotions, affection, understanding, companionship and romance. It represents feelings connected to the heart, such as true love.
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As Rear Admiral you were sent, against your will by Garp, to help an island that is being commanded by a powerful pirate and with a high amount on his head, and they asked that koby and his fleet go together to help you.
At first you were outraged, you could easily do it yourself, but...having his shy company for 4 weeks and the mission to save the island going well wasn't so bad.
And then more and more Missions were given for the two of you to do together, In the blink of an eye it's been almost a year and a half of you guys basically working together.
This time you would have to find a boat with a smuggled cargo, you, he and your men have been keeping an eye on it night and day, especially now that it has started to rain, nothing to fear but nothing to calm down either.
After giving the commands and seeing if no one else needs you, you go out to rest a little, but halfway you meet koby.
"Oh, hey pink boy!"
"Ah, Rear Admiral!"
He was going to bow, but you take him by the shoulders and the indirect.
"Haha! How many times do I have to tell you? We've known each other for a while, please just call me (Y/N)!"
"O-oh, sorry. Are you okay (Y/N)?"
"Fortunately yes, I was going to rest now, you should too."
You were about to continue walking, but he interrupted you talking.
"W-wait a minute, I...i wanted to tell you something before you go!"
He had been preparing to say this for so long, managing to keep it a secret.
"Hmm? And what would that be?"
"...I feel I've found true love, and it's you."
The shock of the moment overwhelmed you, you didn't expect he would do this well now, but you were so happy, it was like taking a shower after spending the whole day outside.
You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't notice the worried pink haired man in front of you.
"I-I understand if y-you don't feel the sam-"
"No! On the contrary, I feel the same way!"
But before you could continue the conversation, screams started in the ship's convene.
"When we're done with this mess and this mission, we could go on a date, don't you think?"
"It's a wonderful idea."
Koby answered you firmly and determined, with a red face like a cherry with the biggest smile you've ever seen.
And you had to run outside to help, unfortunately you will have to put your relationship aside for later.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Onaholes could be a trap Spike, when you consider how magic might be put on them, portals and all that... Or does that turn you on more???
So, I decided, I'm going full on smutty. Usually I try to keep some semblance of a story when it comes to these things. But well, this one will be porn for porn! With a smidge of plot, so everyone's free game!
"I uhm... well you see..."
Spike's claws clacked together, his body fidgeting as the idea of mating with his cousin passed through his head. "That..." That was a bad idea! Not only was she married, she also had a daughter and... she was his cousin! And it was wrong... yet he couldn't argue against the growing arousal.
"Well Spike..."
Twilight had come up to him, examining another one they'd gotten. This one with a rounder butt that neither had recognized. Of course they wouldn't, they'd never seen sunny butt~, "This one is definitely rigged... I'd advise not to use it."
Twilight was supportive of her little brother, and for once he was getting attention, the good kind. Not the, I'm scared of the dragon kind! And better yet, he hadn't gone on a hormonal raping rampage... which she admitted was something she thought could have happened...
"Thanks Twi!"
"No problem... so... you've grown a bit... huh!"
"What?! I'm still a woman!"
He blushed profusely as he stared at his big sister. "Come on you're a big boy now! Well Drake, it's fine, it's fine..."
Though he'd been embarrassed, he'd noticed the way that his sister had started to fidget.
"And I'm sure that those urges are getting the better of you... but I want you to be careful okay? You're an adult, and you can choose who you have fun with... but remember, Dragon's are incredibly potent. Especially if they take a mare..."
Her caramel skin, seemed to have a potent sheen to it, a gentle glimmer that allured his attention. Had she always been so... deliciously delectable?
"Right... right..."
Twilight wasn't sure where she was going with.
"And who knows whose sending you want... and I know you're really pent up a lot of the time, dragon genes." She used air quotes for the last part.
"So just stay safe..."
"Or... you could help me?"
He wasn't sure where that had come from but... maybe it was the way that a bead of sweat had run down her neck, meeting the curves of her generous bust? Or the way she'd wiggled her hips, pressing them against her and it was a bad idea, this wasn't going to...
"I'll wear a mask?"
FashionPassion: Oh Celestia! Damn it!
Melodystrings: That's unfortunate, she got first dibs...
PrincessofLove: Boo! And I was going to visit soon, oh well~ Let's rrecord this shall we?
The chat had been ablaze with comments, mixture of horny and jealousy, sometimes a little of both at the same time.
Well that was because Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of friendship, and Spike the Dragon the Ambassador of The kingdom, were currently doubled over on one another.; Lips pressed together, Twilights legs pulled up, her back curled slightly inwards. And Spike between her legs, his hips jacking into her, harder faster, stronger than he'd done with the toy!
His claws were firmly dug into her flesh, lodged in refusing to let go as he violated his own sister!
Their hips moved, bodies intertwined together. Neither were even paying attention to the camera.
Despite her decision to wear a mask, it had been slightly shifted upwards the second Spike had been even remotely close to her face. Thick ropes of saliva ran down her cheeks as they practically devoured one another.
Her dark skin rippled, little wave sof flesh bouncing every time he crashed into her.
Her virgin hole had been torn asunder, taken by her younger brother.
Thankfully he'd enough control to extend one of his members, she wouldn't have been able to handle both of them at the same time!
She felt her insides churn as the perfectly ribbed cock scraped against her insides. There was no way a stallions dick could ever compare to a dragon! This was made for breeding! It was made for the purpose of setting off a females intense desire to mate!
She was losing her mind, her muscles tightening as he unleashed a thick load inside of her! Her magic sputtering, but holding enough to keep herself protected! She knew this was dangerous, and the warning wasn't just for the sake of pregnancy either! The feeling of him still throbbing inside, releasing and unloading more globs of white hot cum, was a feeling that was way too addicting! A normal non Alicorn mare would have broken instantly! And she was barely on that edge.
"Oh... oh Celestia that was..."
Spike nuzzled into Twilight, even as her fingers ran through his hair. Again thei kissed, barely ever breaking their pact~
The stream had hit an all time high that one.
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends —Part 3
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a person of color, she's brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy, lots of fucking (eventually)
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally.
SERIES masterlist
Part 1 — Part 2
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3. Cold
“Wear this patriot shirt?” Chris asked Sofia handing her a bag and she downright throws the bag over her head and kept doing the dishes with a smile. 
For the last five months, Chris had been trying to make Sofia a Patriots fan, so far. He was failing mostly because she found it hilarious and kind of endearing that he kept trying. 
“Sofia,” He said with an overly exaggerated whining pouting and his arms hung loose on his sides. “Please?”
“Dude, how old are you again?” She said with a smile splashing water in his face. 
“Look, little girl. You don't start watering me down—” He said putting his finger in the tap and  wet all off her shirt making her take a step back and gasp with a scream. “without some kind of retaliation.”
“Dude, I had a meeting.” She said looking down at her wet clothes. “What the fuck, Chris!” Sofía shocks her head and turns around to keep doing the dishes. 
“Oh, fuck. Shit. I'm so sorry Sof—” He tried to apologize but a glass full of water was thrown at his face interrupting him. Sofia was laughing looking at how Chris's face was dripping with water. 
“Oh my God, I got you. Ah, I got you so fucking good.” She laughed grabbing her stomach and had to crouch on the floor and Chris found the opportunity perfect. 
He grabbed the same glass and pour some ice-cold water from the freezer dispenser and pour it out directly on her lower back going down to her ass. 
Sofía let out a scream and jump up on the air as she runs in circles in the kitchen. 
“It's so fucking cold, on my Goooooooood!” She screamed as Chris couldn't hold it and fall down to the floor, barely holding the laugh until he felt an horrible feeling of thousands of needles perforating his dick. 
“What the Fuuuuuuuck-fuck. My dick!” He said cupping his balls and dick under his wet jeans as he moaned on the floor. “Oh my God.” 
“I can't feel my ass,” Sofía said touching her ass under her pants and her cheeks were ice cold and she kept laughing. 
“I don't feel my balls, I can't honestly feel my balls,” Chris said still on the now wet floor. 
They look at each of her and started laughing hysterically. 
“Luke is going to fucking assassinate us,” Sofía said looking around the kitchen, there was water pretty much all over. 
“We need towels,” Chris said walking to the bathroom and grabbed a few and throw some at Sofia.
They both dried up pretty much everything while they kept laughing on the occasional slip and ended up on their ass on the floor. 
“Oh man, what are we gonna do now? we're supposed to be setting the table.” She said and Chris seems to have an idea. 
“Take off your clothes.” He ordered with a hand and Sofíalooked at him for a hot second and peel off the wet shirt from her body and stood there. “I really didn't expect that you do that.” Chris mumble and Sofíashrugged as he assesses her body. 
Little waist, nice hips, and her tits had a perfect size, Chris was sure his hand fit perfectly around them. is that a nipple piercing? 
“Ah, yes,” Sofía answered what Chris thought was an internal question. “It did hurt if you wanna know.”
“Oh.” He said gulping down and sigh, turning around as he grabbed her shirt. “We could put them in the dryer,” Chris told her making sure she was following h behind. 
“Oh you're actually kind of smart,” Sofía laughed making a face entering the little laundry room in Luke's house. “Beauty and brains, woow.” She said in fake awe.  Chris trow her wet t-shirt making it stuck on her arm. 
“Shut the fuck up and get naked.” He orders her, again and she laughed. They put their clothes in the dryer and stand in front of each other covering themselves with towels. 
“Jeez, dude. Have some decency and cover your man-boobs.” Sofía said adjusting her towel around her underarm and went about to press her palms against Chris's nipples. 
He erupted it laugher like a twelve-year-old and let out a series of giggles covering his nipples with his fingers. 
“What?” She laughs bending over a little. 
Honest to God, this was awkward as fuck for both of them but they were trying to make it okay. For the last months, they have been trying to ignore the obvious unfinished sexual tension they been building up with innocent banter, that pretty much always ended up on some kind of someone touching the other on the name of fun and jokes. 
It never escalated because he had a girlfriend back in LA. A beautiful actress with clear skin as Amanda had told Sofia when they Google her out of curiosity. 
“You're competing against this, you could easily take her out,” Amanda said with a confident nod looking at the computer screen. 
“I'm not competing, jeez. I think we're over the phase ‘Try to fuck Chris’ .” Sofía shrugged looking at the gorgeous brunette with everything staring back at her. “but that clear skin, tho.”
“I don't think he's over his phase ‘try to fuck Sofia’, I've seen the way he looks at you when you're not looking and it's not that I-want-to-bend-her-over—well,” She interrupted herself and make a face. “maybe yes. But there's more.” Amanda explained and Sofia scoff. 
“There's not more than that.” 
“But if he broke put with her girlfriend, you'll fuck him?” 
“If he's up to, yes. Besides, that he's our friend and your boys' friend. Dude, Captain America.” She said making a point. 
“Captain America.” Amanda agreed. 
“Hey, you okay?” Sofía asked, she was sitting on top of the washing machine with her legs crossed and holding her towel on her naked body. Chris was leaning on the opposite wall right in front of her, towel around his waist and his eyes were down.
“Uhm?” He asked looking up. 
“You okay?” 
“Yeah,” He said with a little side smile and look down. “I don't know.” 
Sofía stayed silent waiting for him to tell her what's going on, Chris signed a few times and cross his arms over his chest. 
“We broke up.” He finally said and looked up at her reaction. Sofia’s brows went up and let out an inaudible Oh. 
“Shit. What happen?... Did you guys had a fight or something like that?” Sofía asked with a frown.
“She wanted to take a break,” Chris said shaking his head. “I think she was trying to let me down gently.” 
“Man, that's—”
“Yeah,” He agreed before she could even finish but Chris knew what she was going to say. “It was over since the last time we got back together, I just… I couldn't let her go and I guess she didn't want me to.”
“Do you love her?” Sofía asked almost in a whisper.
“I did,” Chris said looking at her between his eyelashes. “I don't think I'm still in love with her.”
“Fuck.” She sighed. “But you okay?”
“I think I'll be okay, I got you,” Chris said with a wide smile and Sofia awwwwh him and extended her arms for a hug. Chris took the step forward and hug her, pulling her close as she caresses the back of her head slowly. 
“You've got me, you're my dude. You know that, right?” She said with a smile. This wasn't that I want to fuck you talk, this was the actual friendship that they developed these past months.
“I know, I know.” He said nodding against her neck. “Fuck. I'm so glad I meet you.” Chris laughed. 
Sofía couldn't agree more as they smiled, the clothes were done.
Thanks everyones, glad someone it's reading this.
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myherowritings · 4 years
Hey Sof! I just really wanted to thank you for everything. Since I've found your blog, I've been a happier person (I haven't self harmed in 3 months thanks to your blog). The way you interact with your followers is really sweet and I can tell you actually care. You're an angel and I'm really grateful to have you and your blog in my life. Thank you for everything you've done for me and the rest of your followers. We appreciate and love you tremendously! Stay safe and healthy Sof
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AWW HON 🥺😭❤️ i’m so happy you’re in a better place right now and haven’t self-harmed in 3months,, i’m so proud of you!! 🥺❤️ i love u lots and please stay safe and healthy as well !! xx
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