#you've got this power inside and it's frightening
difficult to explain the emotions the stupendium's shine through evokes in me but suffice to say. wough💙
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ilikesillythings · 7 months
" To my darling baby; " Vox x reader TWs ;; Yandere themes, Vox in himself is a tw (If you squint enough Al stole Vox's bitch) Requested by ;; @everywherebut
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"Two weeks.", Vox angrily muttered to Valentino, who, clearly wasn't listening as much as the TV-headed demon assumed he was.. or at all. But, in Vox's mind he had every right to be upset at the moment! Not only had you broken his electrical heart - he hadn't seen/heard from or of you in TWO WHOLE WEEKS! It felt like Vox's world had come crashing down!! And he only got even angrier when Val finally spoke up, in a bored, uninterested tone, "Uh.. Voxxy- isn't {Y/N} at that hotel? Y'know.. the one with the Radio demon? Thought I saw her outside it one time on one of your cameras."
This didn't sit right with Vox. His precious {Y/N}, at that shitty hotel? With radio fossil trash? This could not be happening. With quick movements, Vox ran out of the room, straight into the elevator, hands frantically pressing the 'down' button.
You, on the other hand, had been having a great time. Charlie was welcoming, when she had seen you at the doorstep, in your nightly attire, tears filling up your eyes, she had immediately taken pity upon you, ushering you inside. After two long years with Vox, you had grown to hate him. He was arrogant, loud, rude, and never spared you a glance anymore.
Running away was hard enough, as you knew very well he could spy on people through the TV screens he had displayed, the electronics from his brand, and cameras. But the Hazbin hotel was the one place you felt to be safest. Yeah, the Radio demon was there, one of the most dangerous overlords, though his reputation smudged into old tales after his absence, and yes, the princess of Hell, Charlie, ran it, but she seemed like nothing more than a harmless puppy. Alastor, on the other hand, was in fact scary as fuck,
But, he never made an attempt to frighten you, to harm you. Nor did he ever demand information on his 'rival', despite having heard about your past affiliations with the demon. He was a sort of gentleman, to most at least.
Maybe if you were someone else, you'd be eternally paranoid, for good reason, of course. You had broken up with a powerful overlord, who had many souls, and a lot of power at his fingertips. If he wanted to; he could find you. Yet, he hadn't. You were safe at this dingy hotel. Somehow you had managed to be safe.
Or, that's what you had thought up until now. To be completely honest, you had forgotten all about your ex. Until he showed up at the hotel's door.
You could hear him shouting from outside, unluckily for you, it was only you and Nifty at the hotel. "{Y/N}! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! BABY- PLEASE, I'M SORRY!" he screamed, voice sounding strained, which made sense when you realized he had been shouting for about two hours now. Not wanting to talk to him directly, you made your way upstairs, to the balcony, and leaned over the edge, annoyance evident on your face.
His electrical face lit up, digital eyes widening with awe. Perhaps for you, this was an irritating encounter, as you had been hoping to simply relax all day, still dressed in last nights clothing from when you had gone to bed. For Vox?
It was like he was Romeo, and you his Juliet. An angel sent from above to grace this poor, poor sinner. "Oh- baby! There you are!" he exclaimed, relief evident in his strained voice, "C'mon, get down from there, and we can-"
He paused as you raised your hand, "I'm not going home with you, Vox." you sternly stated to the annoyance below you, who in tern, stared at you in shock. Before guffawing, shaking his rectangular head, "You've always been so good at jokes!" he praised earnestly, clapping his hands, "But, now it's time to go home!"
For a moment, you scowled at him, before turning on your heels and walking back inside, ignoring the loud protests from Vox, begging you come out, begging you to come back to him.
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standfucker · 9 months
Finding Out You’re Stronger Than Them - Logia Edition (Crocodile)
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"Cold Blooded"
Characters: Crocodile
Reader: GN
Word Count: 3.2k
CW: smoking, mildly suggestive, reader has body mods
Summary: “Come on, Sir. If you’re so upset about the money, I could give it back. I don’t really need it,” you roll your eyes on the ‘really,’ “but I don’t intend on walking away empty-handed. You understand. Us cold-blooded types get what we want, right?”
-Thanks to @quinloki for beta'ing as my usual beta, @zoros-sheath, got sick. (Love you both, glad you're on the mend, Mama.)
Ao3 Link
Wealth was not Sir Crocodile’s ultimate goal, his burgeoning ambitions far grander than mere riches. But the vast quantity of treasure that had been stolen from him was not something he could ignore. Civil wars needed funding, and with over half of his hoard disappeared overnight–a feat that should be physically impossible–he couldn’t make the payment on the firearms he had shipped out.
He sends a pair of Officer Agents to take care of it, neither of whom report back. In the radio silence, he sends another, stronger duo this time. They also seem to vanish. Fed up, he finally sends his best, Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger.
Instead of hearing back from them, Crocodile finds the six bodies of his strongest Officer Agents dumped unceremoniously outside of his smoking room, beaten to shit and unconscious, but alive.
You're waiting for him inside, an unassuming masked figure picking through his humidors like you own the place. 
"You picked a beautiful country to play with,” you say without looking up, inspecting an expensive cigar. “I just love the landscape of Alabasta...reminds me of home." 
For a minute, he just stares, mentally running through the list of people he knows in the underworld who can both pull off a heist like that and beat his best assassins bloody. Your lavish jewelry suggests affluence, his eye especially drawn to the gold bracelet on your wrist. There’s a huge ruby mounted onto the band that’s jogging his memory in a bad way. You keep talking in the meantime.
"Sorry to invade on your private time. I understand the necessity of a good smoke break, but you wouldn’t grace me with your presence, so I had to take matters into my own hands."
You tuck the cigar behind your ear, take off your mask, and turn to face him. There are some differences from your bounty poster: You’ve changed your hair, and there’s now a gnarled scar stretching diagonally over your face, narrowly missing your eye. But the snakebite piercings are the same, as are the small, transdermal spikes implanted above your eyes, painted gold to represent your namesake.
“You’re the Thief King, Sidewinder,” Crocodile says slowly. Even with the facial scar, you’re beautiful, skin reflecting the moonlight coming through the window.
You smile at his recognition. “In the flesh.”
“It’s rare for you to leave the New World.”
“Seems you've heard a bit about me.” You look surprised at that.
“You’re a Devil Fruit user, but since you prefer to use Haki, little is known about your ability," Crocodile says, and your eyes widen. "Beyond stealing, your motives are a mystery, as you don’t engage in power struggles, nor do you rule any territory. The lack of land means no one knows where you keep your spoils.”
Of course he's heard of you. He knows the shock is an act, too. Sure enough, your expression relaxes into a casual smile. Crocodile bites down harder on his cigar. You’re notorious for targeting powerful people and getting away with it, but he'll be damned if you make a fool of him.
Crocodile takes off his jacket and tosses it onto a lounge chair. Cracking his neck, he starts to approach you. "Here are your options, thief," he says. "You can return what you've stolen willingly. Or, I can peel the nails from your fingers and rip the teeth from your skull, one by one, until you tell me where it is."
“How frightening.” You tilt your head, hands in your pockets as he gets closer. “Whatever will I do?”
He fires his hook at you, left arm becoming sand and extending. You calmly step around it, dodging by a fraction. He withdraws his hook and fires again; you step to the other side. Keeping his arm extended, he sweeps it out to the side to catch you. You duck, bending far back in an impressive show of flexibility, hands never leaving your pockets. He swings the column of sand at your feet, you hop over it. With every dodge, you move closer to him.
“I’m flattered you recognized me despite the differences from my bounty poster,” you say, pausing in your approach. “You, on the other hand, look almost exactly the same as yours. Except…” You look him up and down, seeming impressed. “I must say, Sir, the poster doesn’t do you justice.”
Rage simmers beneath Crocodile’s cool demeanor. He hates how genuine you sound–it feels more like mockery than true admiration to him. Moving faster, he forms a blade of sand with his right hand and hurls it at you.
“Desert Spada!”
You easily match his speed, side-stepping so the blade cuts through the bookshelf behind you instead. It collapses, sending a heap of wood and fine hardbacks to the floor.
“Careful now,” you chide, shining eyes focused on him.
Undeterred, he strikes again, and again, and again. Each time, you dodge effortlessly, moving with a light, fluid grace. It’s almost as if you’re dancing with him–he can see how you earned your nickname. Furniture crumbles behind you as it’s sliced and smashed to pieces. The more he attacks, the more you avoid, the angrier he gets.
Amidst the chaos, Crocodile suddenly realizes you’ve had yet to break eye contact with him, your own eyes slightly narrowed, assessing. There’s a faint smile on your face.
You're playing with him. 
That only pisses him off further. He won’t become another one of your victims–Crocodile races through plans in his head as he unleashes another Desert Spada, keeping you moving as he thinks. He won’t let this end with anything but his own gain. He’ll trap you and torture you until he finds out both where his money is, and where the rest of your hoard is stashed.
You’ll regret having ever made a target out of him.
Crocodile fires off both arms at you, hook aiming for your lower half to force you to jump, while his right arm forms a blanket of sand at the ground. When you inevitably land on it, he’ll be able to grab your leg and hold you still.
As he predicts, you jump over his hook and land on the sand–but somehow, for some reason, your feet do not sink in. It’s as if there’s something solid under your feet, letting you stay at the surface. At first, he’s not certain of how you’re doing it. Crocodile withdraws the sand blanket back toward him, aiming to make you trip, but you don’t so much as lose balance, simply walking forward over the sand like there are hidden stepping stones within it.
Crocodile rapidly withdraws his hook, going to catch your neck. You duck again, even doing a little twirl as you do, as if to hammer home the fact that he can’t destabilize you.
Both Crocodile’s arms revert to their usual shapes, and he stares you down. You’re only a few feet from him now. Whatever you did to avoid slipping, it must be your Devil Fruit.
“You’re making an awful mess,” you say.
“Why did you really come to Alabasta?” Crocodile questions. “It’s a long voyage from the New World–there’s plenty of game for you there.”
“I came to see you.” Again, your words carry nothing but sincerity, and you won’t stop looking into his eyes. Your own are sparkling with mischief.
“You robbed me.”
“That was just to get your attention.”
“Careful what you wish for, thief–” Crocodile fires off a sudden attack now that you’re close. You bend back, not fully dodging it, your shirt getting sliced wide open, “–because you’ve got…it...” His words slow as he sees beneath your shirt: you’re wearing lace underneath your clothes, as well as a leather harness. He frowns, trying to figure out what it all means.
“I’m liking the energy, but will you settle down a sec? You’re destroying your lovely smoking room.”
“You attacked my officers.”
“Your lackeys are lacking.” You grin to yourself at your wordplay. “Aside from that blade guy. Mr. 1, I think it was? He was more fun than the others. Couldn’t go the distance, but entertained me for a few minutes. He wasn’t your strongest goon, was he?”
Crocodile’s face twists up in rage, giving away the answer.
“He was? Goodness… Don’t you wish you had someone stronger?” You grin. “Maybe we could help each other.” 
“I don’t need your help,” he spits.
“Whatever you say,” you chirp. Then your eyes darken. “My turn now.”
You disappear. A split second later, you’ve grabbed his arm and hurled him straight through his door as if he weighed nothing. He bounces once, then catches himself, skidding backwards as he looks up, but you’re already behind him, grabbing and throwing him right back into the room.
Crocodile lets his form break up into sand, re-forming a distance away to give him a moment to spot you. His head whips left and right; you instead come from above, a brutal axe kick to his head that throws him onto his hands and knees. Pain thuds through his skull, and he clenches his teeth. Every time you make contact, there’s a moment he can’t transform. It’s that damned Haki of yours–he needs to become sand in the time you’re away from him. He dissipates once more, moving in a random direction away. You aren’t deterred at all–Observation Haki, too, it must be– as you’re right in front of him when he re-forms.
“Boo!” you hold your hands up like claws, making Crocodile flinch, and you smile, showing pointed canines. “Come on, Sir. I know you can do better than this.”
He can’t even bring his arms up to block before you punch him, black-fisted, directly in the solar plexus. He gasps, nearly dropping his cigar, body locking up for a moment before his knees buckle and hit the ground. There’s a faint smell of smoke that he realizes is coming from burned spots in the floor–from your feet?
Just what was your Devil Fruit power? If he didn’t figure it out, he might actually lose.
Suddenly you’re sitting on his shoulders, legs draped over his chest. Before he can move, you grab him by the root of the hair and yank his head back so you’ve forced him to look into your eyes. You have the cigar you stole in your mouth. Holding his head still, you lean forward and touch the tip of your cigar to his, lighting yours with an inhale. Then you exhale in his face.
Enraged, Crocodile grabs you by the neck and slams you into the floor. You grunt. He lifts and slams you again, then lifts you one more time, arm extending fast to harshly slam you into the wall. He follows swiftly, tightening his grip. He can’t kill you yet, not yet.
“I gotta say, Sir,” you say, a little strained, still smiling, “you seem to know exactly what I’m into.”
Crocodile brings his hook to your pretty face. Maybe he’ll give you another scar. Your eyes drop down to the sharp tip of his hook, then back up to his. You open your mouth, letting the cigar fall out. Then, slowly, keeping full eye contact, you lick along the hook.
Oh. You have a body mod there, too–a split tongue, each side curving around the hook and sliding up, their tips scraping the point of it. Caught off guard, Crocodile can only stare, feeling his blood surge and his pulse quicken. You smile knowingly.
“Everyone wants to know what it feels like.”
Another one of your tricks. He won’t fall for it, not when he literally has you in his clutches. Your Haki may be powerful, but you’ve made a mistake letting him make contact with you like this. He’ll simply dehydrate you, drawing out just enough moisture for you to cling to life, and will only grant you water when you tell him what he wants to know.
Crocodile focuses.
Nothing happens.
His brow furrows, gritting his teeth, and he focuses again. You stay utterly whole and perfect.
“Why isn’t it working?” you say. “Why won’t I shrivel up? Is that what you’re thinking? Maybe I just can’t stay dry when you play rough with me like this.”
“Once I have my funds back,” Crocodile hisses, “I’m going to kill you so slowly you’ll beg me for death.”
“Come on, Sir. If you’re so upset about the money, I could give it back. I don’t really need it,” you roll your eyes on the ‘really,’ “but I don’t intend on walking away empty-handed. You understand. Us cold-blooded types get what we want, right?”
“What is it you want, Thief?”
“I want you to think of more constructive ways to vent your frustrations.”
Crocodile’s about to stab your face when his hand starts burning where it’s made contact with your neck. Iron-hot, he can’t hold on and drops you. Thinking quickly, he follows it up by bringing a blade of sand down on you while you’re beneath him.
It all happens in a moment: You catch the sand blade. A searing, scorching heat runs through his arm. The sand instantly becomes glass. 
Your fingers dig into the glass and shatter it one-handed, your predatory gaze reflected in the thousand falling pieces all around him.
He’s stunned. At that moment, you grab him by the shirt collar and pull him down to your level, close to your face.
“You know, baby crocodiles, before they grow into apex predators, are prey for pretty much everything,” you smile. “Birds, fish, wild pigs… Snakes…”
You throw him onto the ground, the rubble digging into his back, and straddle his chest.
“You may be a threat in Paradise,” you continue, “but you’d get eaten alive in the New World. That’s why you left, isn’t it? Couldn’t hold your own among monsters like Whitebeard.”
Whitebeard. Crocodile grimaces at the mention, still feeling the sting of that loss. You shake your head.
“Now now, don’t feel bad,” you say. “He got me too.” You point to your scar. “Crusty geezer almost took my damn eye out, but not before I robbed him. He’s gotten slow.”
Suddenly, he remembers where he’s seen your bracelet, recognizing it as one of Whitebeard’s rings, one he had gotten decked by in the past. You stole the ring right off Whitebeard’s finger. He stares at you, starting to become aware of the difference between the two of you.
“You can’t beat me in strength,” you say simply, “what will you do?”
You’re right–he can’t beat you in strength. But he didn’t become the Desert King by being the strongest one. No, it’s never been about brute force. Crocodile takes in your shining eyes, your harness and lace, the sultry words you’ve been dropping, connecting the dots.
Grabbing you by the harness, Crocodile pulls you down to him for a kiss, crashing his lips into yours. As he suspected, you immediately reciprocate, parting your lips and licking into his mouth. Your split tongue is a potent distraction, as is your little moan, riling him up more than he expects. Behind you, his unsheathed, poison hook is poised to sink into your neck. You smile against his lips.
A second later, you’ve snapped the hook off its base and stabbed it into his shoulder.
“Heh… Did you think I’d fall for that?” you purr, licking your lips.
“What do you really want?” Crocodile growls.
“You’re far too smart not to have picked up on that by now. Or do you need me to spell it out for you?” You pull the hook out of his shoulder and toss it over yours, licking the blood from your finger. “You want motives? I pick strong targets because I'm bored. Everything I do, I do to entertain myself. But stealing doesn’t meet every need... I’m certain a man of your status is not wanting for company. But I’ve found that monsters like us tend to only feel sated when we’re with other monsters. Catch my drift?”
“So you’re thrill-seeking,” Crocodile says slowly.
“Please. ‘Thrill’ implies my life is in danger. It is what I’m offering you, though,” you smile. “Not that you need to worry, Sir. I won’t hurt you…unless you ask me nicely.”
“You rob me, beat up my men, and you expect me to sleep with you?” he says, incredulous.
“Not for free. I have an offer to make.”
He’s insulted you’d consider him no better than a whore, and spits out his next words.
“I don’t negotiate with thieves.”
“Let’s cut the illusion of rank. Becoming king of this land won’t erase your pirate background. You’re every bit the conniving cheat that I am.” You laugh. “I’ll return your treasure regardless. Chump change like that is meaningless to me. After passing a certain point of wealth, you start dealing in favors instead. So here’s my offer to you: Entertain me for the night. Do a good job, and I’ll join your little syndicate for a while. My power at your whim to use. I’ll let you order me around…” you trail a finger down his chest, “and I’ll behave until the end of our contract, at which point, you’re free to try and kill me again.”
A demonstration, Crocodile realizes as you get off of him. That’s what this all was: a demonstration of power, all so you could get what you wanted.
“If you only wanted to sleep with me,” he says, getting to his feet, “you could have just asked.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” you chuckle. “Really, though. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have fought me. This wasn’t going to go anywhere until you understood the gulf that spans between us. Now, you know that when you shove me against a wall, it’s because I let you.”
You dust yourself off and stick your hands back in your pockets like nothing had happened, idly kicking a piece of rubble. Meanwhile, the gears are turning in Crocodile’s head. You defeated Mr. 1 in mere minutes, allegedly. You tossed his own self around like it was nothing, and made him look like a second-rate pirate, much less a king. You have both types of Haki and an unknown Devil Fruit… All in all, an invaluable asset to be under his control. He regards you coolly. You’re waiting patiently for his response.
“So what’ll it be?” you say, sensing he’s made a decision. “I get to have a little fun, you get your most powerful minion yet. We both win.”
“How long would you intend to work for me?” Crocodile asks.
“Depends on your performance,” you shrug. “Let’s start with a few months, and after that, well. If you make it worth sticking around…” your eyes half-lid, letting the implication hang. “Sound like a good deal to you?” You hold out your hand in offering. When Crocodile takes it, you give that predatory smile. “I look forward to working for you, Sir.”
“From now on, you’ll call me Mr. Zero,” he replies, then pauses. “...You can call me Sir in private.”
You grin. “Sorry about your smoking room. Really.”
“Nevermind that. I’ll have someone clean it up. More importantly,” Crocodile says, “what's your Devil Fruit? I’m ordering you to tell me.”
“I can amplify the force of friction,” you respond obediently. “I'm an abrasion human.”
“...You certainly are,” Crocodile says. “It suits you.”
“I think you’ll find, tonight, that it suits you too.” You smile, tugging on your harness lightly. “So, when do we start?”
Crocodile pins you to the wall.
You let him.
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seven4asecret · 7 months
₊✩‧₊˚ Tipping The Scales Pt.1 ˚₊✩‧₊
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Moonknight System x Layla x Gn! (Eventual Avatar) Reader
Content & Warnings: No pronouns, no Y/N, no Smut, descriptions of typical violence, eventual polyamory, & badly written fight scenes
A short fic following the show with a reader sensitive to otherworldly beings. I wrote this because I have beef with the show's Anubis erasure. Apologies for any errors & bad writing.
Ao3 Wattpad Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Chapter 1: A Dusty Ass Bird Man Won't Leave My Neighbor Alone
For as long as you can remember you've been able to see or sense things, whatever they might be. Spirits, guides, or guardians, you thought you had seen them all by now. It had become normal. Especially since beginning at the museum. It was common to see spirits watering around the exhibits. After all, the museum did house remains, and items of all sorts, each with a story. Even during tours, you would spot at least one person with some type of attachment. Perhaps, a deceased family member, a guide, or a protective spirit. So when you met Steven Grant and sensed the entity attached to him, you figured it was something similar.
As you spent time with Steven you were able to get a better feel for the entity, it became more tangible. It felt different, off in a way you hadn't felt before with others. So you waited, maybe time would allow your ability to reveal it. The entity hadn't appeared to be hostile, at least not yet. But you got a distinct feeling that it could be very dangerous if it wished, and it felt
 And it knew! 
It knew you could sense it, and it watched you.
When you were near it you found that it would respond. It would cause small, almost gentle gusts of wind, to brush against you, or the lights to flicker. You got the odd feeling that it was curious about you. Somehow, for some reason, you had caught the attention of something very old and powerful. You weren't quite sure what that meant.
Especially now.
Because it was looking right at you.
Across the museum showroom, it perched on top of a ledge. Whatever had clouded your ability to see it before had dissipated, leaving the entity finally visible. It was frightening, and unlike anything, you had seen before. It was a tall semi-humanoid skeletal bird, wrapped in old bandages, gripping a crescent-topped staff.
It tilted its head to the side, and your stomach dropped. You felt that it was examining you. Your hands shook, and you tightened the grip on your coffee. Your eyes darted to the right, catching a glance inside the nearby gift shop. Steven was there speaking to Donna. You looked back to the entity, only to feel its presence dissipate. Whatever it was, had left you for the time being. You let out a breath.
Donna passed you as she headed out, heels clicking against the tile floor. You took this as your chance. You stepped into the gift shop. Steven was sorting through the array of trinkets at the register, his curly hair a bit disheveled, and dark circles under his lidded eyes. You smiled fondly as you noticed the quirky Hawaiian-like shirt he wore.
You liked to think you knew Steven fairly well, despite you both working in different areas of the museum, yours being the Greco-Roman exhibit. Something about Steven caught your attention when you first saw him at the museum. Maybe it was because of the strange entity that followed him, perhaps it was because you could sense death at one time had a hold on him. Either way, your curiosity got the better of you. Your observations from afar eventually turned into conversations. It was tricky at first with how easily flustered he got, but you found it charming. He was a bit clumsy, often tripping over his own feet, and had a tendency to drift off in odd places. But it quickly became obvious how fond he was of Egyptian lore, you loved how happy and animated Steven would get when he talked about it. You found him enduringly awkward and made a point to speak to him when you could. It didn't take long for a friendship to form.
His face lit up as he saw you approach the register. Your heart skipped a beat at his smile.
"Hiya!" He gave you an adorable half-wave, "What brings you in here? Thought you'd be out touring by now."
You smiled, "I had a tour canceled last minute and made a coffee run. I thought you might want a little something." Steven had told you about his insomnia weeks ago as he walked with you to your shared building. You weren't surprised. You were a bit touched though. He trusted you enough to tell you about just how serious it was. While you couldn't do much to actually help him you tried to make work a little more bearable. And while you hadn't actually ever seen him drink coffee, you knew how he took his tea. He used a sickening amount of sugar and honey and- 
"Oh! You didn't- You didn't have to do that. But I- I appreciate it, really. Thanks." 
You handed him the still-steaming cup of tea. Your fingers brushed. You tried to ignore the sudden heat rising in your face. You hoped that he didn't notice.
"I don't mind. Gives me a chance to visit my favorite gift shop-ist." You caught a sheepish smile from him as he took a sip.
Your eyes scanned the shop, looking for a conversation starter. You spotted a sarcophagus poster behind him, and your smile widened.
His brows furrowed and he lowered his cup as he noticed the shit-eating grin on your face.
"Oh no, don't even think about it, I know exactly what that look means-"
 "What's a mummy's favorite type of coffee?" You paused for dramatic effect. "De-coffin-ated!" You attempted to make finger guns the best you could while holding your coffee.
"That was-" He shook his head, smiling softly, "that was terrible." 
It was. But hey, you put a bunch of effort into researching Egypt-related jokes. It may have only been for Steven, but you were going to use them, even if they were terrible.
"I know, pretty bad. It was just too good to pass up." You take a sip of your coffee, suddenly a bit shy. "I um- I never got a chance to thank you for the book. It was nice of you to do."
A few weeks back you had mentioned to Steven that you had never gotten into Egyptian mythology. You knew barely anything about it, save for your fascination with the mummification process. You couldn't help but notice how fond Steven was of it. He would light up, eyes gleaming and gesturing excitedly as he mentioned historical facts. You loved to listen to him, he made it seem so intriguing. While you hadn't had any interest in Egyptian lore before meeting Steven, you certainly did now. When you told him about your curiosity on the subject he looked at you like you had made his day. And honestly, you probably had. On your next shift, when you opened your locker, you were surprised to find a book. 
'Egyptian Mythology: Gods, Goddesses, and Lore of Ancient Egypt'
It looked well worn, and very much loved. Its pages were a bit yellowed and curved, and its spine had lines. You could easily tell this book had been read many many times. You opened the cover and saw a name scribbled into the top corner. It was Steven's. Steven was letting you borrow his book on Egyptian mythology. You flipped through the pages briefly, a colored tab grabbing your attention. You stopped, and read the note:
 'Have a feeling you'll like this one' An arrow extended from the end of the sentence to the chapter title:
'Anubis: God of Mummification and Guardian of the Dead'
After this, you quickly developed an interest in the afterlife and Anubis. A bit morbid, but both fascinating and fitting.
"O-oh! It was nothing really," He blushed, "just nice to have someone else to talk about it y'know." 
You nodded and began to fidget with your cup. "I was wondering if- you don't have to of course, but maybe you'd like to talk about it over lunch sometime or-"
"Sorry, can you give me a second?" Dylan, another tour guide, asked you. 
 "Oh! Yeah. Sure, of course." You stepped away from the register.
She turned to Steven, "Hello!"
"Hello." Steven looked a bit taken aback at her sudden appearance.
"How's the sugar trade going?" 
 "I don't know what this has to do with Egypt really." You smiled at his exasperated explanation as he fidgeted with an item." They didn't have that back then, did they? No. They liked figs and dates, and-" 
 "My next tour's here but just checking, are we still on for 7:00 tomorrow?" Your eyebrows raised. 
'Oh. ' You glanced at Steven, heart sinking. 
 "7:00 tomorrow?" 
"Best steak in town?" 
"Oh, yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah? Okay." He laughed. "Sorry. But... What? Are you asking me out?"
She laughed, "You're funny. I'll see you then."
"Stevie," Donna suddenly reappeared, "you absolute rascal. I didn't know you had taken a crack."
"I didn't know either." He sounded genuinely shocked, if not a bit confused.
"Steven," you asked," aren't you vegan?" 
"What in the world's a bloody vegan gonna eat in a steak house?" Donna said.
 "I don't know, Donna. Salad? Bread?"
They did have great bread…
 "Yeah, I can see why she went for it. Real catch you are." She rolled her eyes and left. 
"Well, I'm sure you'll have a great time." You smiled softly, ignoring the pit forming in your stomach. You weren't jealous, you told yourself, you weren't. Dylan was nice and super smart, they'd have a nice time. 
 Steven nodded.
You glanced at your watch."I-I got to go, my next tour is probably here. It was nice to catch up."
"Laters!" He gave a small wave, which you returned as you left the shop. As you rounded the corner your eyes widened and you had to muffle a cry. 
It was right there. 
The large bird-man stood against the wall next to you. Your heart hammered against your chest. It turned its head and you could feel his non-existent eyes on you. You should just ignore it. After all, your tour was waiting. Instead, for some reason you greeted it. 
"H-hello." Your voice shook. 
You got the distinct feeling you had surprised it. You had never tried to speak to it before. It said nothing, just nodded its head in acknowledgment. You used this as a sign to continue, walking past it quickly, eyes fixed on the tiled floor below.
 You took a breath in an attempt to settle yourself and walked toward your group. You introduced yourself and apologized for the delay.
"If you would follow me over here," You gestured with a sweeping motion, "you'll see the 'Pitsa pinakes', one the oldest known examples of panel painting in ancient Greece."
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
You walked through the building entrance, carrying a few bags. Your favorite tea brand had been on sale and you may have overindulged. But, in your defense, this particular strawberry tea was horribly tricky to find now. You sighed, pressing the up button. The elevator doors opened, revealing a familiar figure curled up in the corner.
"Steven?" You blinked in surprise.
He moved the hand that had covered his mouth, blinking a few times before giving you a small pitiful wave. 
"H-hello." He muttered a bit dazed as the doors closed. 
"Are you- are you okay? What happened?" His eyes were wide and he was trembling. You wanted to ask him where on earth he had been. Maybe mention the fact that he had missed his shift for two days, had you worried sick, but this obviously wasn't the time.
"Yeah...yeah I'm fine, thanks." He stood slowly, continuing to shake as he tightly gripped something to his chest. You pressed the button for the fifth floor.
"I don't want to bother you...but are you sure you're alright?" You knew Steven to be a bit jumpy, of course, but you had never seen him so terrified before. You hated seeing him this way. "I could walk with you, or just stay with you a for a bit... If you want. It would be no problem really." 
The elevator jerked suddenly, causing Steven to make a sound of surprise as it reached the floor. The doors opened and the lights flickered eerily.
"S-sorry. There was..." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. 
"Hey, its alright. Its okay. You're okay." You attempted to calm him, placing your hand on his arm. 
 "N-No. No I'm not." Steven shook his head. He looked at you, his eyes threatening to spill with tears.
"I'm not okay. I-I lose time and forget things. I go to sleep but only I'm not asleep. And the dreams- I can't tell if I'm dreaming or awake. I-I'm seeing things. And now there's this thing following me. I think- I think I'm losing it. I think I'm broken. I don't know what to do..." His voice broke, " I'm- I'm scared."
"Steven." You started softly, "I can't pretend I understand what you're going through... but you're not broken. You just need a bit of help. How about we go to my place? I'll make you some tea and you can tell me everything there if you want. Okay?"
 He blinked at you confused and a bit surprised, "Y-yeah. That'd be- that would be nice." 
"It's just down here." You adjusted your bags to one arm and took his hand with the other. You walked a few doors down the hall, pulled out your keys, and opened the door to your flat. You dropped his hand.
"Sit anywhere you'd like, tea will be just a moment."
Steven hesitated a moment before moving to the couch. He sat and began to fidget with his sleeve as he waited.
 Meanwhile, you quickly threw a kettle on the stove before sitting beside him. 
"Okay, tell me what happened, what's going on?"
 He took a breath, "I told you about the insomnia right?"
You nodded.
"Well, I- when I do sleep, I have a bit of a problem too. I sleep walk. End up in all sorts of weird places too. Used to be pretty bad but I've...I've had it under control. For a while at least. I had this crazy dream though! It felt so real. So I sit up, I have no idea where I am, and this voice keeps telling me to 'surrender the body'. I got no clue what it keeps going on about so I look around and next thing I know I'm being shot at-" Steven continues to explain this dream. It was definitely odd, and a bit disturbing. You weren't quite sure how much it had to do with him being huddled in an elevator.
The kettle screeched.
"I'm listening, one moment." You grabbed two cups and poured the tea. Three spoons of sugar, and two of honey went into Steven's tea. The man’s sweet tooth was horrid.
"Anyway, I wake up today and Gus, my fish, he's always had only one fin, right? But I wake up and see he's got two! Two! Crazy right? And I'm no expert on fish but I'm pretty sure they don't grow back fins, yeah? So I take him to the shop and I ask the lady about it. And she said that she told me yesterday that all the fish have two fins. Now I know I haven't been in there for weeks. I know I wasn't there yesterday!" Your brows furrowed at this as you stirred the ungodly amount of sugar into his cup.
"Then I look at the clock and it's six already! And that's not right 'cause I just woke up. Then I go meet Dylan and wait, and she never shows so I-"
You handed him his cup.
"Thanks. So I call her, turns out its Sunday. Our....our date was two days ago!" His voice wavers. " I think I've been- I don't know, blacking out? Loosing time? I get back to my flat, give not-Gus a few sprinkles, and drop the chocolates I got. Then I notice drag marks on the floor. And that doesn't make since. I never move that table. So I follow them, and poke around and found a loose board above me. I reach in and find a key and the phone here." He pulled the phone out of his pocket.
"I looked through it, just a bunch of missed calls from the same person. Layla. Then they call. I answer and she calls me Marc. Which is crazy right? Just like the dream! Of course I tell her I'm not him and she hangs up. Then I hear this voice telling me to stop looking, to stay away. I was sure it's was an intruder but I look in the mirror and my- my reflection shakes it's head. On. It's. Own."
He took a breath, "Then the wind started throwing stuff across my flat, and there was this awful looking t-thing chasing me and-"
Your stomach dropped. You knew instantly what he was talking about.
"Wait. Hold on." You set your tea down. In all the time you had sensed the entity you had never felt that it held any sort of aggression towards Steven. This was new, and this could be bad. "The bird-man tried to chase you?" 
 "Y-You've seen it too?" Steven looks at you, pure shock etched onto his face. 
You didn't mean to say that, you didn't want to freak him out more.
You set your cup down and took a breath, cringing as you elaborated. "When I met you I could... sense the entity but couldn't actually see it- until recently. "
"And you've- you've never told me? Its been following me this whole time?" He looked down at his tea, hurt.
You sighed, " I wanted to. But it can be a bit hard to tell someone they have an ancient entity attached to them. It never seemed to have any ill will towards you, in fact I got the feeling it was more protective. If I'd have thought it would have threatened you I would have mentioned it. I'm sorry Steven."
He sighed. "No, its-its okay, just- its a lot. Do you-" he glanced at you, "Do you see... things like that often or..."
You nodded, looking down at your forgotten tea. "Yeah. I have... my entire life."
"So it's a bit like a 'Sixth Sense' thing is it?" He gave you a soft smile, his dark eyes glistening. You almost let out a breath of relief at this. At least he wasn't too upset with you.
"A bit, actually." You chuckled, before becoming serious again. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. Go on."
 "N-No its fine. It just- it chased me into the elevator. When the doors opened and you were there I thought...I thought you might have been it."
You couldn't for the life of you understand what could have happened to make the entity's behavior change so drastically. You had no idea if any protection you could offer would work against something so old.
His voice wavered when he began to speak. "But the mirror...and the dreams...I'm-I'm not sure how much I see is real anymore."
It hurt you to see him like this panicked, and scared, and that you couldn't do anything to help him. His eyes began to tear up again.
"How do I know..." He paused. "Are- are you real?" Your heart broke when he looked up at you, uncertain. You set your cup down and took his hand, beginning to caress the back with your thumb. His eyes widened a bit at your gesture.
"Yeah...yeah, I'm real." You weren't sure what to do. What if he wanted you to prove it? If his dreams or hallucinations were just as vivid as reality, you couldn't. Instead, he released a breath in relief and to your surprise let his head drop to rest on your shoulder. Your heart pounded, and you hesitated a moment before resting your head on top of his. 
You weren't sure how long you stayed like that, tracing your thumb against his hand, and listening to his breathing settle. You weren't sure how else to comfort him, but you wanted to do something. You hoped your company could at least provide him some comfort.
"This was...this was nice, having someone to talk to. Feels safe" He was tired. His voice was softer and slower, and his speech was more slurred so it would have been easy to miss what he said next:
"You make me feel safe." You were a bit surprised at his comment but relieved. You were glad you could do something for him, even if it was just that. Another moment of silence passed between you. 
"I-I should go." He suddenly lifted his head and stood up, suddenly flustered. 
"Are you sure you'll be alright?" You weren't sure if it was a good idea. What if he blacked out? What if the bird-man did something to him?
"Yeah...I'll- I'll be fine." You walked him to the door, as he fidgeted nervously. "Thanks. For the- well, for everything, really."
"I'm happy to help!" You opened the door, and Steven stepped into the hallway.
"Steven, wait." You ducked back into your flat and grabbed a scrap of paper. You quickly scribbled on it. "I-if you need anything, or if something happens again, just text me okay?" You nervously passed him the paper. He took it and glanced at it, eyes widening a bit.
"O-oh." He blinked, "Yeah...yeah I will, thanks... Laters gators!"
"In a while, Crocodile" You smiled fondly at him as he perked up a bit at the saying. He gave you a wave, which you returned, and walked off towards his flat.
Ao3 Wattpad Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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unicyclehippo · 11 months
laudna was staring at her hands.
she had been for a good portion of the evening and imogen wanted to press against her mind, that gentle side of it, just to see what the shape of her thoughts would be. and if laudna's soft skin split open to welcome her in, all the better.
imogen held off.
instead, she ambled over, careless in her approach, and plopped down beside her girlfriend. she was met with an arched brow and a smile playing across dark lips; laudna, it seemed, had not bought her performance.
'hello, darling,' she said. 'just casually dropping by?'
'shut up.' imogen rolled her eyes. laudna laughed, and imogen found a much better place for her eyes--looking at the marble column of laudna's neck as she threw her head back and laughed, the sound shiveringly bold.
'i'm sorry, i couldn't help it, you tried so hard to be casual about it. i do think FCG bought it,' laudna offered.
imogen scowled playfully. 'great. one out of five.'
she laughed at herself, then tried visibly to pull herself together. the drinking had started not long after crepes - not the perfect dinner to keep from getting shit-faced after all, as chetney had insisted, or maybe it was some quirk in gnomish constitution that she couldn't boast - and she hadn't drunk too much but after a lifetime of not drinking ever, the small amounts she'd been indulging in, finally, felt like heavy hitters. it was nice actually. the whole world didn't feel like a storm; it felt like she was floating above the world and each mind was a burning, churning star. still there, still loud and present and burning hot. but she didn't have to go there. she got to just - float.
laudna's mind was one of those double stars, old and cold and slow and forever turning around each other, ready to crash. imogen read about those, back at the starlight - starbright - starpoint academy. conservatory? whatever. stars that died and turned inside out. instead of sending all their burning energy out they sucked it in, everything around them. that's what delilah was trying to do to laudna.
'you're staring, darling.'
'you're beautiful,' imogen replied simply. laudna's lips turned up at the edges. she looked down at her hands. 'can i ask you something?'
'anything. you know that. you ought to, anyway.'
imogen leaned into her. she was pretty sure she was flirting heavily, but maybe orym wouldn't quite be able to tell just from their backs. oh who was she kidding--he saw everything, and anyway, she was as obvious as the bloody moon in the bloody sky when it came to laudna.
'i don't remember much from our chat in the market,' imogen said, voice low, 'not after you said alright,' she drawled. 'i was a bit occupied.'
laudna's eyes brightened. she glanced around, then back to imogen. 'i think i made my point quite clear. as you made yours.'
they were so close imogen could feel her cool breath fanning against her cheek. all she had to do was lean in and--imogen closed her eyes. pulled back.
'wait - sorry, laud, i got carried away. this isn't why i came over. i came to -' she fought with her mind, wrangling it to focus. 'i came to ask you something. serious.' imogen stared at laudna, who nodded for her to continue. 'i noticed you've been a little quiet tonight. and you've been looking at your hands a lot. is everything - okay?'
a cool hand against her wine-warm cheek was heavenly. imogen leaned into the touch.
'yes, darling, nothing's the matter. the very moment that changes, i'll let you know,' laudna vowed. her thumb brushed across imogen's cheek, tender. her voice dripped into imogen's ear, melodious. 'i've been thinking merely of power and capability...and culpability. the incident in the volcano frightened me. i tried to calm the inferno heart of the fire empress with a drop of ice,' she said, and her tone changed in a heartbeat, grew fangs, dripped venom. 'i had nothing to offer - there was nothing i could do - and i would do anything for you,' laudna said. imogen opened her eyes. watched as laudna glanced from their friends, still carousing, and back to her. locked eyes with her. 'anything,' she whispered, 'for you.'
'i know.'
'it seems some cruel trick of the world that one can grasp for power and gain it, more and more, and yet come up against challenges that require still more power. there never does seem to be a limit. there never does seem to be...peace.'
'no,' imogen agreed. she looked down to laudna's hand - the one in her lap. her fingers were long, her skin pale but darkening like gathering smoke, white to grey to black until the ends of her fingers and her nails were the deepest black. a ring encircled one finger, serpents twisting around a red gem. imogen wanted to kiss her hand, her knuckles. wanted to run her tongue over that ring--her ring--sitting so prettily on her finger. she dragged her eyes back up to laudna's face.
'were you talking to her?' she asked.
this time, not even laudna seemed to suspect that she forced her tone casual, intrigued. and it was forced. there was nothing she would like more than to rip delilah out, crush her beneath her boot in the fucking mud where the bitch belonged. but it was laudna's killer, laudna's mind, laudna's choice.
'i was thinking about my other powers.' laudna waved her hand and let shadows pool around them, dark and heavy. imogen wasn't afraid. the power was in laudna's hands; she was safe, she was at home here in laudna's shadow. 'where they came from, how i gained them. i was trying to recall--playing with them as a child. i did, i think. long before - everything that happened. that's why she was intrigued, i think. that's why she thought i had potential. because i did. and i have been wondering, i suppose, if anything of that potential remains.'
the shadows were deep and dark. imogen leaned close and pressed a kiss to laudna's shoulder.
'you wanna research? you wanna go somewhere and find the answers? it'll be like when we first started travellin' together.'
'except it may well be the plane of shadows. not exactly a city on a map.'
'i'll travel to the ends of the world for you and beyond.'
'again,' laudna reminded her softly, eyes glowing in the shadow blacker than the black around them. gorgeous.
sorrow gnawed at her aching wrists like a hungry dog. she remembered carrying laudna, cradling her to her chest. she couldn't forget. her fucking wrists ached. imogen grabbed laudna, dragged her closer. her breathing was harsh like she'd run a mile, or been dropped out of the sky and caught at the last second. landed softly but heart still trying to catch up. she felt for the side of laudna's head, who murmured empty soothing words and moved to help her, and pressed her trembling lips to laudna's eyes, one after the other.
'if it comes to it, i will do it again. as many times as i have to.'
'i know,' laudna said, and tilted imogen's head so she could kiss her gently on the lips. 'but next time, i swear, we walk into the plane of shadows together.'
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ephemeral--dreams · 1 year
take it & put it inside of me (1/2)
Rating: M
Word count: 1042
Warnings: He's so angy and he's taking that out on everyone around him, unhealthy relationships, minor violence. He's in his Fatui era you know what to expect
Notes: Back at it again with another multichapter
( part 2 )
☆ ☾ ☆ ──────────────────
Stupid recruits who don't know how to leave well enough alone or respect those in power - the most annoying kind of person to deal with. Were it up to him, he'd not have any of this. Scaramouche has enough people working under him already, and they're all trouble enough. But here he is having to waste his time punishing someone for their idiocy.
He raises his hand—
You catch his wrist before the blow lands.
The recruit goes running off the moment he gets the chance to, leaving you all alone to deal with the consequences of your intervention. Ungrateful. But Scaramouche doesn't care to pay attention to that right now, as he rips himself out of your grasp. You don't flinch as he turns the full force of his anger on you. If his glare frightens you the way it does everyone else faced with it, you don't show it. 
You're one of the Tsaritsa's attendants, that much he can tell by the uniform. Were you his own subordinate, you'd have been obliterated by now. It's only by his good graces that you're still standing and not begging on your knees like the man you'd just saved. 
"Just what do you think you're doing, getting in my way?"
"You go around attacking anyone who makes the mistake of earning your wrath, hm? I suppose that's why everyone avoids you."
Who do you think you are to speak to him that way? You were on your way to being the next one under attack. "What business is that of yours?"
"Well, for one, it disrupts productivity in the Fatui if people are injured, and also, shouldn't you find another coping method-"
His eyes narrow. In a split-second, lightning-quick, he has you against a wall with a hand around your throat.
"Get to the point. You think you're any safer from me than anyone else?"
Your gaze is steady as it meets his. Your pulse under his touch only increases pace slightly. You're not nearly as afraid as you should be, and it's throwing him off. And then you open your mouth and make it worse.
"All I'm saying is that you've got a lot of anger. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone to take it out on? One person, instead of everyone?"
"You can't possibly be serious. You're telling me you want me to hurt you?"
"Let's just say it'd be mutually beneficial. Yes or no?"
And so it goes. Whenever he feels particularly angry or violent, he seeks you out. You never seem to be far away, nor do you ever protest when he drags you off somewhere, even if you're occupied with something else. It's odd. Everything about this arrangement is odd. 
At first he goes along with it because he's interested in how much it'll take before you back out. He figures it'll be soon. Scaramouche is not known for holding back. He certainly doesn't do so with you. It would be counterproductive. 
But no matter how he beats you, bullies you, even uses his vision… You do not try to tell him to stop. He's not sure if he's fascinated or irritated. You're an enigma to him. He dislikes not being able to figure you out. Especially when you seem to have him all figured out.
Still, he can't say you were wrong. It's nice to have someone entirely under his control whenever he feels like it. It'd be more fun if you'd beg a little, but he'll take what he can get. It does the job. It's almost funny that you can take a beating better than any of his subordinates who were supposed to be trained to be stronger. 
Yes. It's fine, as long as Scaramouche ignores the sense of wrongness he feels when he looks at you. As long as he doesn't question why you let him do this.
Sometimes it's as simple as that. Sometimes it goes further between you. Then again, he's rough no matter whether it's sex or violence, so does it matter on the end?
There's always this empty sort of look in your eyes when he hurts you, like you're not entirely there. It's frustrating - nothing he does ever seems to pull you back to reality. Sure, your body reacts to the pain, but it's not quite satisfying when he doesn't get to see the light leave your eyes in despair. You're a distant creature, too far above it all for anything to cut you too deep. It reminds him of the gods he despises. 
Either you're far too good at hiding your emotions, or you simply don't feel any at all. 
Scaramouche envies you in that regard. He has no heart yet can still feel more than he wants to. You have one yet don't seem to be more than a husk of a human being.
He watches you move to get up, the way your back is covered in bruises, the tired sigh that shifts your frame. "You said this was mutually beneficial. What are you getting out of it?"
You hum, sliding back into your clothes before bothering to answer. "Does it matter?"
"Are you in the habit of answering questions with questions? What, is it that you're a masochist or something? There has to be some reason you let me do this."
You choke on a laugh. He wishes he could see your face, but you haven't once turned back to face him. "Sure, we'll say it's something like that. Goodnight, Balladeer."
It proceeds this way for a couple of years. The arrangement works for you both, even if he never comes to understand it, so there's no need to change anything. You easily shed any questions he tries to ask, keep your heart guarded from his hands, and remain as solitarily distant as ever no matter how much he tries to pull you down to him.
Annoying, horribly so, but useful. At least you're pretty to look at.
It doesn't last much longer. He goes to Inazuma, then it's all a rollercoaster of uphill-downhill from there. You do not go with him, of course. He's hardly going to drag his punching bag on the run with him. And as for when he gets to Sumeru… Well, you're not there either.
Yet as he is wired into his new godly form, he wonders what it would be like to have you as one of his followers.
Scaramouche does not have time to wonder soon after. 
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itsscromp · 9 months
the venom scene with Harry Peter and MJ at the table but with reader replacing Harry with the symbiote😶
Peter Parker x Venom Reader
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OOOH I love a good role reversal, This will be interesting. Thank you for this anon. Word count:943
It was a race against time for Peter to save you, He just managed to get the symbiote off of him, he went back to you and tried to warn you about the dangers of it rebonding with you. But you didn't want to hear any of it, you were more concerned about yourself and fought peter to get the symbiote back.
But when you did, he was horrified by what you became, you became this hulking monster. A more sinister version of what he endured with the symbiote suit. You raided times square and even killed Kraven soon after. What have you become y/n...
Back in Queens, MJ was reading the comments about her latest story from when Peter was under the influence of the symbiote, Considering to delete it now knowing the truth, she was interrupted by a video call from jameson.
"I hate this.." She sighed as she answered the call.
"I love this !!" Jameson greeted her.
"You do ??"
He chuckled "You've hit the nail on the head, FINALLY. Top story, Everybody's talking about it. This is EDITOR material."
"Editor" MJ was a little shocked.
"Congratulations, Your first assignment: write more juicy stuff by tomorrow morning !! Drama, controversy! Just like this"
"Like this..??"
"Get writing !!" And with that Jameson hung up, Crap this was not was she wanted, to continue to spread lies about Peter. She then picked up her phone and began to face time Peter.
"MJ.." Peter greeted.
"I, uh... didn't get fired from the Bugle, In fact, I think I got a promotion."
"Hey! That's what you wanted, right ??"
"Yeah, I... I thought it was"
Then that's... Great... Hey listen, something's gone... wrong with y/n"
"Wha... What happened ??"
But before Peter could answer fully, she got a knock on the door. "Hang on, someone's at the door."
"It's kinda hard to explain, just... Promise me you'll stay away from them, okay ??"
But when she answered the door, you were there, standing in front of her with a threatening look on your face.
"MJ ??"
You then raised your arm and tendrils emerged, slithering to her as you hung up the call. Shoot, you were there, Peter then swung as fast as he could to the house, he needed to stop you before you hurt MJ.
"Y/n, What the hell ??"
He tried to ring MJ again "Come on MJ, pick up !!"
But it went straight to voicemail. "Hey, it's MJ! You can leave a message, but why would you?? If it's important, just, you know... text"
"Dammit !! Please be ok"
He swung as fast as he could, finally making it to his house and rushing to the door.
Barging inside, he frantically looked for her. "MJ ??!! Where's..."
He then saw her... and you at the dining table... what were you planning.
"Pete, You look tense" You were disturbingly calm, the nerves striking Peter.
"Coffee ??" The tendrils wreathed from your back, reaching the coffee mug and pouring it into the mug, MJ gave Peter a Do what they say look.
"We need to talk" Peter tried to maintain his composure.
"You must get tired of making the world a better place. Every. Single. Day" You interrupted as you stood up. Going over to the counter and picking up a photo of Peter and Aunt May. "But I can help, All you have to do is let me" You turned to him.
"This isn't you..." MJ shook her head.
"Wrong" You turned to her. "This is the real me" You froze for a bit before going back to the conversation at hand. "I finally have the power to realise our vision... Are you... Giving up on me ??"
"Y/n... We need to get that thing off you."
Tendrils emerged from your arm, smashing the dining table, frightening MJ as she moved away.
"Do not... Call us... A thing..."
"We are not y/n"
The symbiote gradually began to consume you, Spreading all over your body, making you taller and muscular. Bringing back the hulking monster that Peter faced earlier... seeing you lose yourself.
"We..." Your voice began to change "Are..." Then... the transformation was complete. "Venom"
They were mortified by what you had become, But they didn't have time to think as you tried to attack Peter, MJ then protected him as they were both pushed into the kitchen, with the fridge falling on Peter as Venom began to drag MJ away. The tendril were consuming her as Venom planted a Symbiote in her.
Peter frantically got the fridge off of him, Rushing over to find MJ now consumed by the symbiote. Peter grew angry seeing this, what you turned her into. "Let her go !!"
But then MJ's symbiote gripped him and tossed him outside, causing everyone to flee in panic about what was happening. Venom soon went outside and saw the two about to fight "Show him what he's missing" Venom then leaped from the house, Beginning his plan.
Peter soon managed to help MJ fight off her symbiote "Am I... I'm OK!!" "You did it !!" The two shared an embrace before MJ realised she had one final task to do, Picking up the phone, she rang a certain someone. "WATSON !!! Where are you with my apple fritters !!! I'm starving and.."
"Jonah... Kiss my ass, I quit !!!"
"WATSO.." She hung up as soon as he could go into a rant.
The two shared a tender moment together before then having to begin to stop you from enacting your plan to 'heal the world' Peter didn't want to lose you too...
Taglist: @callofdudes @fun-k-board
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✨️ Moulin Rouge (2001) Sentence Starters ✨️
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(Feel free to change pronouns & whatnot where need be xo)
" Don't be fooled! Evil! "
" The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love - and be loved in return. "
" The wo/man I loved is...dead. "
" Always this ridiculous obsession with love! "
" I'd never been in love. "
" Luckily, right at that moment, an unconscious Argentinean fell through my roof."
" Oh, stop! Stop that insufferable droning! "
" Don't think a nun would say that about a hill. "
"Above all things, I believe in love. "
" Love is like oxygen. "
" Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love! "
" Got some dark desire. "
" _______ thought we might be able to...do it in private. "
" Yes, you know, a private...poetry reading. "
" You've frightened her/him away! "
" I'm gonna fly away from here. "
" I'll meet you in the red room. "
" A little supper? Maybe some champagne? "
" I'd rather just...get it over and done with. "
" I prefer to do it standing. "
" You don't have to stand - sometimes it's...it's quite long and I'd like for you to be comfortable. "
" It's quite modern, what I do. And, it may feel a little strange...at first, but if you're open, you might enjoy it. "
" There might be some shaking. "
" I'm a little nervous. "
" Sometimes it takes awhile for...inspiration to come. "
" Let mummy help. Does that inspire you? "
" Let's make love! "
" I need your poetry now! "
" It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside. "
" Is this okay? Is this what you want? "
" Yes this is what I want - naughty words. "
" I hope you don't mind that I put down in words how wonderful life is, now you're in the world. "
" You want to make love, don't you? "
" I knew you felt the same way! "
" There's a power in you that scares me. "
" Generally, I like it. "
" You are a beautiful wo/man. "
" I love sex. "
" What more could your love do for me? "
" I saw your light on and I climbed up the-- "
" I'm paid to make wo/men believe what they want to believe. "
" Silly of me, to think you could fall in love with someone like me. "
" I can't fall in love with anyone. "
" I was made for loving you, baby. "
" The only way of loving me, baby, is to pay a lovely fee. "
" Just one night, give me just one night! "
" We should be lovers. "
" You're gonna be bad for business, I can tell. "
" It's not that I'm a jealous wo/man...I just don't like other people touching my things! "
" Thank you for curing me...of my ridiculous obsession with love. "
" But, my dear, I arranged a magnificent supper for us in the gothic tower. "
" He's spending a fortune on you. "
" It's just an infatuation. "
" S/he's confessing! "
" Confessing? What kind of imbecile do you take me for, _______? "
" You don't have to lie to me. "
" We have to end it. "
" Everybody knows. _______ knows. "
" Come what may, I will love you - until the end of time. "
" You promised. You promised me you wouldn't be jealous. "
" You keep your hands off me! "
" Never fall in love with a wo/man who sells herself - it always ends bad! "
" You're free to leave me, but just don't deceive me...and please believe me when I say: I Love You. "
" You made me believe...that you loved me! "
" I didn't want to pretend any more. "
" I don't need you any more! "
" You're dying, _______. "
" I don't expect you to understand. "
" They're trying to kill you! "
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theduskyprincess · 1 year
Cooking with love - A Cassian X reader story
You heard the door open but didn't look away from the pile of papers scattered on the dining room table. You had recently come back from visiting your family in the Summer Court when Rhysand requested your presence at his townhouse. He needed a house to be built. A gift for Feyre. A home that would house his mate and his newborn son Nyx. Hopefully, become a home to any other children they may decide to have together. Those words went unspoken but the both of us heard it loud and clear. That was why you were hunched over the dining table that was pushed up against the window, trying to make Rhysand's dreams into reality.
"An architects dream is an engineers nightmare," you muttered under your breath. "Cauldron Rhysand" you continued, "this is structurally impossible to accomplish. Thank the cauldron you came to your Head Engineer to build you your house. Maybe I can knock some sense into you with a brick whilst I'm at it". You shook your head and let out an exasperated breath.
You heard a deep, rasping chuckle just behind your ear. The sound made your skin prickle and tingle with warmth, but didn't quite curb the irritation you felt towards your High Lord.
"What's Rhysand done now?", Cassian laughed in your ear as he banded his arms around you to hold you against his warm body. His chest pressed up against your back whilst his chin gently rested on the top of your head. He tucked his head in, the tip of his nose grazing your hair to drop a single kiss to your head. He took a deep breath in, your floral scent calming his soul and turned his head to the left to lay his cheek on top of your head.
You hummed and enjoyed the feeling of his secure arms. He was feared and revered by the people of the Night Court. Earning his title of the Lord of Bloodshed whilst he fought battles as a young Illyrian warrior alongside his two brothers. He had become hardened, both mentally and physically, from a young age to withstand all kinds of evil this world harboured. Yet, this fearsome and frightening warrior had a warmth inside him that drew you in. A steady ember that glowed brighter than his Siphons. A glow that was powered by friendship, loyalty and love. You had never believed that glow inside his chest would consume and encompass your heart too, for you loved him with all your soul. You weren't his mate, but, you fell in love with him anyways. He had fallen in love with you too. A friendship that grew into a mature love, rooted in mutual respect.
You pursed your lips. "He's got some pretty solid ideas which in theory should work but," you trailed off with a deep sigh, "it just needs a little bit more thinking from me. I can't seem to figure out how to execute this so that the staircase can actually hold the weight of his big head," you finished your sentence with agitation.
"Well, if there's anyone who can help Rhysand not fall flat on his face in his own home then it's my beautiful, accomplished wife." Cassian stated with determination. You tilted your head back to peer up at him through your lashes. Your eyes, squinted with suspicion, locked onto his honey coloured orbs, "Mhmm and it exactly why are you buttering me up, oh Lord of Bloodshed?"
"No reason", he uttered, "I just love you and know for a fact that you've likely spent your entire day trying to perfect this house for Rhysand and Feyre. I'm also 99.9% sure that you haven't eaten anything today." He was right. You hadn't eaten. Too stressed in trying to design a home for your two friends and their baby boy. They had gone through so much together and had done so much for Prythian that you wanted to create a home where they could feel cherished and loved. A place where they could create new memories together. Memories that one day could heal their broken selves and give them hope for the future.
Cassian stared down at you, a soft smile painted his lips and a glimmer twinkled in his eyes which told you that he knew exactly where your mind had gone. Letting go of your body, he grabbed your hand in his and tugged you away from the table towards the kitchen. "You", he said whilst pushing you down into a seat "sit here whilst I, Chef Cassian, cook you something delicious".
You chuckled watching Cassian flounce around the kitchen. He grabbed an apron from the top drawer to tie around his waist and then placed his hand on his hips, determined to create something delicious for you. You looked at him, eyes glazed with love and thanked the Cauldron for gifting you with a wonderful husband.
"This reminds me of our first date." you spoke, your words dripped in nostalgia.
"Yeah" he murmured back, " I remember it turning out to be a disaster and Rhysand having to put out a fire". You laughed at the memory. You weren't fond of going out and loved to spend most of your days inside your flat. Cassian had finally built-up the courage to ask you out and although you were giddy at the prospect of going out on a date with Cassian, you were still weary that this step may ruin your long lasting friendship. Cassian proposed that he cook for you in your flat, that way you would be somewhere comfortable and could relax. He was always so thoughtful about your feelings and his suggestion only made you feel more secure about going into a romantic relationship with him.
Turns out Cassian had never cooked anything in his life until that moment, always relying on Rhysand or the magic of the Windhaven house to feed him. Thankfully no-one got hurt after that date night fire fisaco, only Cassians pride. It resulted in you both deciding on taking cooking classes together for your dates. Leading to the both of you falling head over heels in love with each other and learning to cook different Court cusuines.
"Well, I loved that date night no matter how much of a disaster it was. It opened my eyes to you and how serious you were about me, about us," you spoke softly, eyes welling up with tears. " I think I started to fall in love with you then. You didn't even know how to cook back then but wanted to do something sweet and romantic just so I didn't feel uncomfortable out in public. And here you are today, feeding me because I forgot".
"You're my love. Looking after you is my privelege and joy" he replied. His words were short and sweet but I could feel every fibre of his love in those words. He plated up the food and placed it in front of me. "Eat up sweetheart", he said, tilting my face up to place a firm kiss on my lips. "Can't have the Night Court's Head Engineer low on fuel. Cauldron knows these houses won't stay up without you," he winked and walked away to wash the dishes. You smiled into your food and thanked the Cauldron one last time.
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! This is my first time writing fanfic. I hope I did a good enough write up and you all like it. I'm so nervous. I'm not a writer by nature so there's probably loads of spelling and grammar mistakea but I just wanted to give it a go and be part of a community that gives joy to readers like meee.
With love,
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strawheart-pirate · 10 months
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Usopp x gn!Reader
December 3rd 2023 Words: 755 CW: SFW / no/pre relationship, fluff, fun and tape
Christmas was just around the corner on the Thousand Sunny and you were about to wrap the presents. With a little help it should be done in no time, right?
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What an ingenious devil fruit. Robin's powers were perfect for wrapping presents, and when you asked her for help weeks ago, she agreed immediately. Unfortunately, she was sick and bedridden. Chopper even threatened to put sea prism stone handcuffs on her if she didn't stop using her powers to secretly eavesdrop and spy and focus on her recovery. So you found yourself in front of a huge pile of presents for the entire crew, with only two hands to get the job done. Determined to do it yourself, you armed yourself with wrapping paper, tape, and colorful ribbons.
After an hour and only three wrapped presents, you were fed up. The aura of your annoyed mood could be felt by anyone, even without an observation haki. The door opened and you jumped in front of the pile. You tried to hide the unwrapped presents from prying eyes with your body as Usopp entered the room. He had a fancy tool in his hands and was grinning proudly. You exhale and sit down again, knowing that you've already wrapped Usopp's present when he closes the door behind him.
"I am here to end your suffering," he declared proudly. Finally, he had a chance to be a real hero without putting himself in danger. He explained his latest tool, which looked like a gun, but instead of bullets, it shot tape. "It even has two triggers. One for short strips and the other you hold down until the tape is the length you need." You listened to his explanation. The device was impressive, as were most of his inventions, and you secretly admired him for his skill.
"This is so cool, Usopp! Let's get started." You sing happily.
"Alright, just leave it to the great Captain Usopp!" he declared proudly and sat down next to you.
The two of you worked together. You wrapped the paper around the presents while Usopp applied the tape and you took turns with the ribbons. One gift after another was wrapped in no time.
"I need one here." I pointed to the spot.
"Got it." Usopp pulled the trigger and something clicked inside the tape gun. You both looked at the gun, then at each other with question marks on your faces. Usopp was about to pull the trigger again when the tape gun shot the tape uncontrollably over you. You tried to flee, but it was too late. The tape was already all over you, and the tape gun exploded in Usopp's hand.
"Ahh!" You heard his frightened scream and jump scared, which didn't help in this tangled situation. As you lay there completely covered in tape, you took a deep breath and groaned. So much for the helpful gadgets. You looked at Usopp, who was no better off than you. Both of you were covered in tape from head to toe and you couldn't find the end or the beginning of the tape. A smile slowly crept across your face at the comical situation.
"I'm sorry... It shouldn't have done that..." stammered Usopp.
"It's all right. It's been a big help so far." You gave him a smile. "Now let's try to get up."
As you tried to get up, the tape pulled you back and you fell onto Usopp. You groaned as you fell until you realized your position. Your hands were on either side of Usopp as you lay chest to chest. You looked at Usopp's face and saw that he was blushing as much as you were. You felt close to him, much too close, and before you could get any ideas, you had to escape the situation. You cleared your throat and tried to get up, but the tape held you back. You were stuck in this position and the scissors were out of reach.
"Um, maybe we could try..." You were about to suggest a solution when you heard someone open the door. You both looked at the door and saw Zoro with a bandana tied around his head and all three swords drawn.
"I felt your desperation. Let me help you..." He said in a deep voice. A demonic aura emanated from him.
"Ahhh!" You both screamed and jumped to your feet. You stumbled and fell a few times as you both ran out of the room. You were still running, tied tightly to each other, which drew the attention of the crew, but you didn't care about that. Better to be a joke and tangled up together than cut to pieces, right?
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All content unless otherwise stated belongs to: ©Strawheart-pirate. Please do not copy / modify / translate / repost my writing, banners or art on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated! Snowflake banner by ©firefly-graphics
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dailyunstableeve · 11 months
Hobie Brown x witch!Fem!reader
Chapter Two
Hobie Brown's Masterlist
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .
It's another day of your highschool, you're walking down the hallway trying to get to your locker so you can dodge your bullies. Unlucky for you, that tactic never works for you. As much as how much you wanted to use your power to get you out of here but you know you could end up hurting someone you didn't want to, especially Hobie.
"Where are you going Y/N, aren't we gonna have some fun?" That taunting tone belongs to your bullies.
"Please just leave me alone," you mumbled.
"Can't hear youuu~"
"Please just leave me alone!" You bring out the courage inside you and push your bullies away from you.
"You dare to push me?" The bullies are furious, they stomped their way to you but stopped when a tall figure stood in front of you, his back facing you.
"Did you not hear her, leave the lady alone."
Just like that, your bullies walked away, leaving the tall figure turning to you, "are you alright luv?"
Before you could answer, you woke up from the beeping in the background. That's as annoying as your daily morning alarm. You slowly got up, looking at your surroundings, it looked nothing like your room.
"You're awake Miss L/N," a hologram human appeared in front of you which frightened you a little, "my name is Jarvis, nice to meet you. Please don't be afraid of me, I mean no harm to you, please rest while you can, I shall inform everyone that you've woken up," just once Jarvis is done speaking, he disappears.
You told yourself you should flee but your body is too tired to move, even though you've been sleeping for you don't know how long. All you can do is wait for someone to walk in and hope you manage to convince them to let you go.
A few minutes passes, someone finally walks in, a redhead woman in a nurse outfit and you can immediately tell who's that, even if their current outfit is so different from what they usually wear on mission, you can see through her disguises.
"You're Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow, what are you doing in a nurse outfit?" You bluntly asked.
"Huh, so you know things," she smirked, taking off the nurse cap.
"It's quite easy to tell, judging by uh, you," you nervously smiled, a force of habit to hide the fact your powers allow you to see people's aura.
"So tell me, Y/N L/N, how did you end up here?"
"Pretty sure you know why, the purple alien? Spiderman swung me all the way to the war zone and asked me to help you guys."
"Of course I know that, but I'm curious on how you got your powers" she looked at you.
"I'm a mutant, and I know in papers, my parents aren't mutant, I got it from my grams, she's a mutant," you explained, "please tell me killing that purple alien is gonna get me into trouble."
"Maybe a little," since you've seen through her disguise, Natasha has no reason to hide anymore, she sat next to you on the bed, "but you've saved the world by doing that, maybe you'll get off the hook."
"We've checked your background, it seems like you're in need of money, to support your family and may hope you can continue studying," Natasha read out the file that just appeared in thin air, it must be Jarvis, "we can help you with that."
"By how? Joining you guys to save the world?" You asked, and Natasha replied with a nod, "yeah, no, what happened with that purple alien was an accident, I don't want to use my powers."
"Too bad, you're born with it, use it well, I have people who can help you, give it a try, for five months," Natasha smiled.
"I have to think about it, can I go home?"
"Yeah, I'll prepare a ride for you."
Once you got home, your family was worried sick about you. They updated you that there was a man in black showing up at the doorstep informing them that you're at the superheroes compound resting. Your family can't go there so they can only wait at home, worried sick about you.
"I'm alright now mama," you kissed your mom's cheek.
For the next few weeks you ignore as many calls as you can that aren't from your phone contact, any unknown number will go to miss calls. It is understandable that many dreamed to be superheroes, and fought alongside their idol, to you it doesn't work that way. As much as you thank the superheroes who fought for everyone's safety, especially the innocents, joining them is not what you hope to live your life as.
A few knocks from your window caught your attention while you were struggling on your studies, without getting taught by a professional teacher is really hard for you.
"Who's there?" You slowly peek out from your window. What appears in front of you is the one superhero you admired, SpiderMan, or you should say, Hobie Brown, your high school crush, "Hobie? Oh sorry, you're wearing the mask at the moment, SpiderMan."
"Mind I come in?" He gently asked.
"You can but I think it's best we talk at the fire escape, my walls are thin," you whispered and climb out from your room to the fire escape.
"You look alright."
"Do I? 'Cause I was struggling at my studies," you nervously laughed.
This is a wild moment for you, the person who you admire as a hero and your highschool crush is just next to you.
"So, what do I owe the pleasure for SpiderMan to be on the fire escape outside my window?" You looked at him.
"Just wanted to know how are you since you were out of contact for weeks," he took off his mask, the hair of his just puffed out which it's a sight to see. Other than the hair, there's the face of your highschool crush, the guy you crushed on for four years and lost contact with right after graduation. Seeing the face still reminds you of those days how he's the light of your life during highschool, he didn't cling onto you but at least he would look after you when you needed to and say 'hi' every time passed by.
"Thanks for checking up on me," you smiled and sat down on the edge of the fire escape, Hobie joined you too, "judging by how you're a superhero, I guess you standing up at my bullies is just an action of justice."
Hobie just stayed silent.
"I'll take that as a yes since there's no replies, but thank you for everything you did," you continued.
"You're welcome."
You hope you're getting the wrong vibe but he seems more quiet today.
"I'm actually here because the groupies ask me to get you to join them and protect the world," Hobie said.
"I don't think protecting the world is what I can do, I only bring chaos, with the power I grew up with and couldn't control," you stare down at your palms, you always use your power by a wave of your hand but now you just doesn't want to use it at all.
"They can help you, they are experts, especially that baldie, Xavier," Hobie hummed.
"Thanks but no, I don't want to."
"I can be there, since you only know me," Hobie suggested, "figure you might feel safer with someone you trust or know with you."
Thinking about how Hobie just told you if you go, he'll be there for you, tempts you to say yes but you just have to stay stubborn and convince yourself to never use your power. The temptation is too high, as much as you wish to spend more time with the person you care about, Hobie.
"Five months, if I were to still unable to control my power when I use it, I'll leave."
a/n: who could resist their crush 😭 even I can't resist Hobie ;-; I wonder what kinda of story they will ended up.
Chapter One <-
Chapter Three ->
Chapter Four ->
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piko-power · 1 year
Always and Forever
Just a small drabble of Sonic and Amy (you can see it as platonic if ya want) based on the recent news on Super Amy (WHICH I'M STILL FREAKING OUT OVER)
Is this... Real?
That was the only question that came to his racing mind, overflowing will all kinds of emotions.
One moment, he tried to take down Neo Metal Sonic, but he was a lot stronger the last time he fought him.
Too strong.
He thought he can take him out on his own. He thought he can handle Neo Metal even if he doesn't have the emeralds with him this time.
He thought he can win.
He couldn't get up. He couldn't even move his leg trying to stand. Panic was rising in his chest when Neo Metal approached him. He thought that was it for him.
He thought he was going to lose, to Neo Metal Sonic.
He thought he was going to perish.
But the moment he opened his eyes, all he could see...
Was pink and white.
Struggling to get up, all Sonic can do was stare in awe at the familiar figure standing in front of him, protecting him, glowing elegantly with a bright white flashing around her rose pink fur.
Her quills were slightly floating upwards, including her bangs. Her fist clenched tight, Piko Piko Hammer in hand, and her red dress was flowing endlessly.
He couldn't see her face, but he knew that her face had anger written all over it. But also determination.
Sonic was bewildered.
Out of everything to expect in the battle, this would be the bottom of the list. His eyes shrunk, not just from the pink hedgehog's light, but from disbelief.
He doesn't believe any of this.
Am I... Dreaming?
How can Amy gain this power suddenly? When did this happen? Is this even happening at all?
he remained speechless, continuously staring at the now Chaos powered Amy Rose who took on step forward at Neo Metal Sonic, threatening him to back off.
"Well..." Neo Metal began. "This is interesting."
Even he was surprised. Too bad the only priority to him is the blue hedgehog at the moment.
"You've obtain the Emeralds, I assume? Impressive." He lied.
"Though I'm afraid you are not important at the moment."
Then he charged at the pink and white hedgehog and slashed her to the face at full force.
"AMY!" Sonic cried out.
"Really?" Amy chuckled. "Is that the best you got?"
Not a single scratch was made on her face. From a blink of an eye, she used her hammer to shield herself from the attack.
"My turn."
She then shot right up in the sky, the force pushing Sonic back to the ground and Neo Metal nearly losing their balance. He looked up at the cloudy sky to see the white aura getting closer.
Letting out a cry, Amy then slammed her hammer to Metal's face to the ground, causing a shockwave for miles.
A small earthquake occurred around the area and Sonic struggled to try and stand back up, despite the injured knee.
Neo Metal sat up, seeing the now cocky but pissed off Super Amy twirling her hammer, after the smoke cleared. "Impressed now? Thought so." She taunted.
"This isn't happening." Sonic spoke quietly, witnessing the event unfold and unable to process what the heck is going on.
"AMY!!" Two voices cried out from the distance. Sonic turns his head to see Tails and Shadow racing towards the battlefield. "Tails! Shadow!" He was relieved to see his brother and rival again, but still freaking out on the inside.
Tails had brought his Miles Electric with him. Probably how they were able to find him, since the Chaos energy was nearby.
"Are you alright?" Shadow asked, making Sonic sit right up while Tails brought out his First Aid to heal Sonic. "Nevermind me!" He shouted. "Would you mind explaining what the HECK is going on here?!"
Tails, while bandaging up his knee, looked up to see Amy, flashing bright pink and white, glaring down at Neo Metal Sonic. He sighed, worried for her safety.
"After hearing word about Hyper Metal Sonic," The young fox began. "We were searching and gathering the Chaos Emeralds. But struggling to find the last one, you ran off to fight him on your own. Which I told you not to." He scolded.
"While you were away, me and Rouge found the last Emerald at Seaside Hill." Shadow began. "We were searching all over Little Planet for you. We split up and searched for both you and Neo Metal Sonic, in case your idiotic butt when into battle without your friends."
"I didn't want you guys to get hurt- OUCH!" Sonic felt the pain in his knee sting. "I'm sorry!" Tails was startled by Sonic sudden cry.
"I wasn't paying attention..." He said, looking back at Amy smacking her hammer at Hyper Metal. "Yeah..." Sonic looked back as well. "I can see why..."
"Amy was beginning to worry about you, and she was running out of patience." Shadow continued. "She wanted to help you. She needed to protect you. Then... The Emeralds..."
Shadow doesn't need to finish his sentence for Sonic to understand. He already understood, placing his head down slightly.
Amy then landed a hard punch to the robot's face to a rock wall. She dropped her hammer, getting ready to fight with her bare hands.
"We gotta go." Shadow said, getting back up on his feet.
"What?! We can't leave her! She never had this power before! What if she hurts herself?!" Sonic began to panic as Tails tries to get him to hold still. "What if she dies?!"
Amy paused, overhearing Sonic's words. She turned to her left to see Sonic, now looking right into her glowing eyes. He was worried. He was scared.
Amy's eyes were soft now, letting her mind off of Metal for a while. She ran over to Sonic, clearly seeing the fear on his face.
Despite finally smiling at him, tears were forming in her eyes.
She cupped her hand on his check. "Hey. Where is all this coming from?" She spoke. "Don't be scared, okay? I'll be fine." Her smile faded away slowly as thought came up. "But... If I'm not-"
"No! Don't say that." Sonic spoke back. "If I'm not okay, then..." She let out a shaky exhale, but smiled once more, looking back into his emerald eyes. "I'll always be in your heart." Her smile was then beginning to quiver.
"I just can't let this beautiful world lose an amazing hero like you." She said, beginning to cry. "It's my turn to return the favor. Let me protect you."
"I am NOT leaving you, Amy Rose!" He raised his voice at her, startling her. He didn't mean to, but he was already overwhelmed from the situation. He just wanted Amy to listen him.
But instead, she smiled. A small tear rippled down her cheek as she gives him possibly one last hug. Knowing what's going to happen next, Sonic's eyes grew in fear.
"You should..." She said, feeling her heart break despite having the biggest smile on her face, wanting Sonic to feel better and keep on running.
"It's what you do best, after all..." She half joked.
Everything in Sonic's mind came to a halt the moment those words were spoken. He felt frozen. He felt like barfing. He couldn't handle what was happening anymore.
No. No. Don't say that. Please. Sonic began to shudder.
Why is she saying all of this? This isn't like her! She wouldn't say this... Right?
He shut his eyes tight, hoping that he would be laying against a tree in a grassy field the moment he opens them back up.
Wake up, Sonic. Please, wake up!
But when he opens them...
Neo Metal Sonic heads straight to Sonic, preparing to attack. But then Amy lands a punch on the robotic clone and came crashing down to the ground briefly.
"Tails! Shadow! Get Sonic back to the workshop!" Amy commanded, summoning her hammer again. "I'll take care of this jerk!" She barked, gritting her teeth.
"Amy! Listen to me for once!" Sonic then grabbed her hand, refusing to let her go. "I know you can fight back, I know you can take care of yourself, but you have never fought with this kind of power before!" He begged. "Having all of this Chaos energy isn't as easy as it sounds! I can't risk you getting yourself hurt because of-"
"Sonic the Hedgehog, who is obtaining the power of the Chaos Emeralds right now? Me! That's who!" Amy turned her head back at him, yelling, tears streaming down her face.
"I am not going to stand by and watch you get hurt all over again anymore! You've done so much for me and this world and I'm gonna repay it all, and I won't let you stop me!"
Sonic was taken aback from the harsh loudness in her voice, but is still not letting go her hand.
"You have no idea how important you are for this world, Sonic! Why can't you see that?!"
"YOU are important too, you know!" Sonic yelled back.
"NO. I'M. NOT!!"
"... ..."
"...! I-I mean..."
"Fine." Metal Sonic spoke, getting back up. "I'll take you on. But your sweetheart is next once I'm done with you."
Amy turns her head back at Neo Metal, glaring at him with the deadliest glare. "I doubt that." She hissed.
"Let go of her, Sonic! Now!" Shadow yanked Sonic's hand away from Amy's and grabs ahold of him. "No! Shadow! LET ME GO, SHADOW!" Sonic tries to break free from Shadow's grasp, but it was no use.
"I'm... I'm sorry..." Amy choked. "And... I love you, Sonic. Always and forever."
With a sonic boom, Amy zooms off to fight Neo Metal Sonic.
"AMY, NO!!!" Sonic screamed. Tails and Shadow kept holding him back. "We're getting out of here. Let's go, Tails."
"Right." Tails hate to leave Amy alone in the fight, but with the power of the Chaos Emeralds on her side, she'll be alright.
Amy and her metallic enemy flew up in the sky through the darkened clouds and began to face each other.
"I've been meaning to beat you into a pulp the moment I laid eyes on you, Metal Sonic." She spat, preparing herself in battle.
She wiped the tears away and smiled, ready to kill. "Let's dance."
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devilsvenom · 1 month
would you resist temptation? sometimes mean is what you are mean is easier than nice maybe this will make you think twice i've got no time to cry you'll be judged on sight don't look at them! i am, like, drunk with power i'm the prettiest poison you've ever seen i don't care who you are i don't care how you feel he ran from me... literally ran from me i'm stupid with love tell me what's wrong with me we both know you're cruel we both know you're right you keep me guessing please don't ignore me we both know one day, they'll be blood on the floor maybe i need to find a better friend this is modern feminism talking i can be who i want to be face it, you used me was i a game to you? i truly cared... was i the fool? people forget i'm human too i thought you had the sense to see through that you chose her over me it's fine, until someone gets hurt your hair looks sexy pushed back it's late, we should go it's a party that ends with someone's entrails on the floor thanks for being such a great best friend i'll wear what i want! you were strong you were brave some people need to grow up got no time for drama you have no impulse control my god, girl, he's just a guy you're going to make a mess i wanted to murder her i'm actually a human being and not a prop why couldn't it just be drugs? is that pot? why didn't you just talk to me? don't tell me to shut up you should have thought it through i should have thought it through you think that everybody is in love with you actually, everybody hates you it's not pretend this is what i get for helping i wanna watch the world burn time to watch your back i won't fake apologise let's just fight then make up i'd rather be me than be with you the monster inside me needs to be released you're going down, slut i will look out for you you shine as bright as day we'll light each other's way don't be frightened like me
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pinkiepiebones · 1 year
Fic idea:
Have you ever thought about how movie!Renfield would interact with Dracula’s “brides,” either when they first met, or if they wound up in modern times?
So this lovely prompt's been sitting in my askbox a while, waiting as I slowly learned more about Dracula lore and Renfield lore. Since Renfield (the movie) is largely based on the 1931 Dracula movie and in that way disregards the book, I was initially hesitant to try and tackle this one. Now I'm not. I hope this is okay!
Robert Montague Renfield was unconscious. The wine had been drugged. It was a precautionary measure taken by the Count; in the rare instances where a meal had enough willpower to overcome Dracula's persuasive power, extra measures needed to be taken to ensure cooperation. As it turned out, Mister Renfield had been incredibly easy for Dracula to read. Mister Renfield was a desperate little lawyer and left his mind unguarded despite the warnings of the country folk he had encountered. Even that vile cross around his neck couldn't fully protect him.
Geraldine, Cornelia, and Dorothy approached the meal slowly. Their husband had been regaling them for weeks with the letters he and Mister Renfield had been exchanging. Mister Renfield sounded delicious- a smart and shy, educated young man, served his country, wife and small child... He wouldn't taste as sweet and pure as, say, a child from a nearby village, but he would still be flavourful, and all three wives could get a good midnight snack out of him.
Dorothy bared her fangs and knelt.
"Wait, no, I've changed my mind."
Dracula materialised before his wives, between them and the unconscious Mister Renfield. Dorothy stood and hissed.
"What do you mean, you've 'changed your mind'?" She demanded.
"You told us he was ours!" Cornelia snarled.
"You never let us have any interesting food, always bringing us frightened kids or idiot teenagers," Geraldine growled.
Dracula glared at each of his wives. "I've been inside his head. He is to live, here, in the castle, as my personal assistant. His blood is off limits."
Geraldine rolled her eyes. "Since when do you need a 'personal assistant,' O Prince of Darkness?"
"He's got a crush on this one," Cornelia said with a wicked grin.
"Keen on taking a husband now, are you?" Dorothy teased.
Dracula faltered slightly. Very, very slightly.
Dorothy sighed and approached her husband. She placed a hand on the side of his face, cold against cold. "If you want him, have him. But I'm not sticking around for the courtship. I saw enough when you brought these two home," she said, gesturing to Geraldine and Cornelia.
Dracula placed a hand to his chest. "You're breaking up with me?" His voice oozed with shallow sorrow.
Geraldine and Cornelia shrugged. Dorothy nodded.
Behind them, Mister Renfield propped himself up on his elbows. "Oof, Romanian wine is powerful st-" His vision was blurry, but he could make out the Count and three women in nightgowns. "Oh, my, terribly sorry," he said quickly, embarrassed, and tried to scramble to his feet, but a wretched throb pounded in his head and he collapsed, apologising again as the ceiling spun above him.
"Oh my god," Geraldine snickered. "He's like a wet cat, so cute and pathetic." She moved and stood beside Dorothy, placing her hand on the other side of Dracula's face. "I get why you wouldn't want this one to die."
Cornelia approached and put her hand on Dracula's shoulder. "Yeah, enjoy your malewife, Prince. Just do try to not be a complete dick to him, eh? Poor fellow looks like a thunderstorm would reduce him to tears."
The wives each removed their wedding rings and Dracula took them and added them to the rings already adorning his fingers. They turned, then, into large, white wolves, and bounded out into the night. Of course, Dracula had the power to command them. To make them return to his side and be silent.
Instead he crouched and lifted poor Mister Renfield into his arms and placed him in the guest room bed.
This newest project would require his full attention.
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gauntletspirit · 2 months
"Never confuse 'I won't' for 'I can't'."
I don't usually share campaign stories, but this one was too good.
I was doing my attempt at RP pacifist Durge on tactician. I built a Very Good Bean who, after their lobotomy, was horrified by their fragments of memory and urges and wanted nothing to do with them. More of a dual personality than a temptation.
I built them as a warlock, pact of the blade, fiend patron; with the headcanon that their patron was Bhaal. I fully intended that if they survived the climactic fight with Orin they would respec from a warlock into another class. Symbolizing that Jergal helped them sever the bond.
So, despite being pact of the blade, the whole campaign Durge did NOT do damage. Their pact weapon was Phalar Aluve (I made them a drow so that was symbolically appropriate and I pretended Eilistraee was helping to guide them on their way.) and all of their spells were focused on defense and buffing party members. With mage armor Durge was actually very tanky and could soak up hits as well. Which fits with the game lore of Durge supposedly having a very high pain tolerance. (Trying to strangle someone with your own intestines is just METAL. Props, Durge!!) Over the course of the campaign the rhythm of fights becomes Durge supporting with Sing/Shriek and warlock spells for AOE and buffs, and two heavy frontline hitters doing melee with a rotating third party for healing or range as needed.
After ACT 2 one of those frontliners became Minthara. Because Minthara makes you swear to keep her close when she joins you I put her in my party permanently. Just for kicks, and because Durge got a lot of approval without me trying, when Minthara wanted to start a romance I decided why not? They're great together. And Durge wasn't already in a relationship so... Drow power couple. Cool.
So, with that setup knowledge, humor me a moment where I duck into Minthara POV.
You're heading into the Temple of Bhaal, probably the last place on Faerun you want to be. Waiting within is a nest of assassins and murders, all lead by ORIN. The one person who terrifies you more than anything in the world: more than anything in your long, long life of intrigue and bloodshed.
Ever since you've returned to the city you've found clues and heard witnesses state that your partner is quite possibly the most perfect killing machine alive. But you simply can't see it. They are clever and cunning, tactically minded, adept at navigating the various personalities in the group, and skilled at placing people where they will shine. But you have never seen them get their own hands bloody in combat. Nor are you certain that they even know how to use their longsword. They have no armor, no offensive spellcasting capabilities. They rely on you in combat to shield them. They steadfastly, against all logic and reason, refuse to take advantage of their gifts. The blood of a god runs in their veins, and despite all your urging they will not listen to you and use it. It drives you mad.
You're frightened for yourself, but you are more frightened for them. You've a bond with them that you never expected and will never have again. You've seen their mind, you know beyond a doubt that their love for you is true and that they mean it when they say they will die for you. You will never, not in a thousand years, find anyone like them again. You are determined that whatever happens you will NOT lose them.
Orin is there. And Orin is furious. You have not killed Gortash. But your lover talks her down from killing her captive. Goads her, in fact, using inside knowledge of her family to put her off of her guard. Wound her. Despite yourself you half chuckle. Clever, hopefully it won't provoke her to greater ferocity.
Then Orin becomes The Slayer. You have never seen a more fearsome creature. Worse still, a barrier forms cutting Durge off from the rest of the group.
Murder incarnate, and they must face them alone.
As the slayer roars, you see Durge snap their fingers and darkness spreads across the arena. The Slayer leaps forward into the cloud as you hear Phalar Aluve begin to shriek. This is it. You know that you will never see them alive again.
The most horrible sounds of absolute slaughter come from within the darkness. For several agonizing seconds come the unmistakable noises of something being BRUTALIZED. When the Darkness spell begins to fade you know that your love has died—
Durge is standing, untouched, blade bloody, and Orin is dissolving into viscera at their feet.
Your jaw drops. Your allies' jaws drop. The unholy assassins' jaws drop. Bhaal, when he appears, admits "I expected the other." (I had to laugh at how perfect that scripted line was. I couldn't help it.)
So a quick breakdown of what happened
Orin is missing a chunk of health because I played psychological warfare with her and she lost, lmfao. Durge has devil's sight invocation, because of course they do. Why wouldn't they? Durge uses CHAR as a weapon modifier because pact of the blade. Rocking +5 mod as a damage stat. Minthara gave Durge Elemental Weapon on Phalar Aluve before they entered the fight. (She was worried.) Durge was wearing Amulet of the Harpers for Shield, and already had a hella high AC from robe of supreme defenses/mage armor/bracers of defense. Durge was wearing Caustic Ring and Strange Conduit ring. Durge has an awakened tadpole, Luck of the Far Realms, and Perilous Stakes. Durge won initiative. This ended up being the thing that made it all possible: outspeeding Orin.
Round one: Bonus Action: Drink a potion of speed. Action: Drop Darkness Action: Set Phalar Aluve to Shriek
Orin leaps into Darkness, and MISSES ALL HER ATTACKS. I had to drop Shield from Harper's amulet after about 2 of them but I still couldn't believe I got away with it. Darkness stays up.
Round two: Bonus Action (yay Zaithisk!!): Perilous Stakes, Orin fails her save. She is now vulnerable to EVERYTHING. Cut loose with all 4 attacks at advantage. Phalar Aluve, two handed, 1d10+CHAR(5)+1 Elemental Weapon 1d4 lightning Shriek 1d4 thunder Caustic Band 2 acid Strange Conduit, active from Darkness, 1d4 psychic Luck of the far realms Crit on the first attack. All 4 attacks hit.
Orin went down in 1 turn of damage. Never before have I wanted to be able to record my games so much. I had a plan going in because I knew I'd have to solo Orin, but I didn't think it would work THAT well or I'd roll so lucky!! It fit so perfectly into Durge. "Never confuse 'I won't' for 'I can't'." LMFAO Pretty sure only Jaheira and Minsc weren't shocked.
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corinneecrivaine · 1 year
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Elora: Willow... Graydon's alive. I know it, I feel it. You feel it too, don't you. I must help him.
Willow hesitated before answering: If that were the case, and I doubt it very much, he's no longer the man you knew, infected by The Wyrm. You've seen his effects on Ballantine, Merrick and... Airk, Graydon... He doesn't have the strength to fight.
Elora: That's why I have to help him. If there's even a glimmer of hope, then I've got to do it. We've got to get back to Tir Asleen.
Willow approached the young Empress and took her face in his hands: "You're not ready. Until you accept who you are, you won't be able to master the magic that lives inside you.
Elora begged: "When I looked through the light, believing I'd find Graydon's body, all I saw was an apocalyptic world in flames and ashes. I won't let The Wyrm destroy our world. I've defeated The Crone, I'll defeat The Wyrm. But I need you. I'm begging you.
Mims joined them at that very moment.
Mims: I'll go with you, Elora.
Willow got angry: No, Mims. It's out of the question!
Mims raised her voice: I will, Popa. I'll follow our Empress. She'll need all of us. She can't do it alone. We need to assemble an army to fight alongside her. Whether you like it or not, I'll be part of that army. Tir Asleen needs us. You feel it, as does Elora, The Wyrm is growing in power.
Willow stared at the young Empress, who implored her with her eyes.
Willow: My place is by your side. How can I help you without my magic ?
Elora: Willow, as you've always told me, magic is inside you, you just have to believe in it.
Airk went to the castle library in the hope of finding answers to his questions. All the mysteries his mother had kept from him. Ever since he'd been under the Wyrm's spell, a change had taken place in him. A change that made him want to know the truth about his family and his past. King Hastur's words and Elora's never ceased to torment his mind. Ever since he'd returned home, he'd been haunted by horrible nightmares in which he heard The Crone's voice over and over again, saw Lili's face, the fight with his sister, the king he could have been and all the power that had inhabited him without any sense of fear or weakness. But what oppressed and frightened him most was the vision of that confrontation in which Kit succumbed. He could never see her assailant. He was terrified. Every night he dreaded falling asleep and seeing those horrible images of his sister, inert, dressed all in black, a tunic protected by a cuirass, leather gloves covering her hands up to the elbows, pants over which waders, a hood and a mask enveloping her face. He had refused to tell his mother. As for Willow and Elora, the only one who could possibly help him were no longer at Tir Asleen. He had to save his sister by any means necessary, even if it meant sacrificing his life.
The place was rather gloomy and dusty. It had been many moons since anyone had ventured into this almost forgotten place. Hundreds of books on shelves and others lying loose on a wooden table. The library, reading, was not the young prince's first passion. How was he going to find the grimoire he was looking for?
He faced the bookshelf and sighed : « Come on, Airk, get started ».
He'd been searching for hours, throwing all kinds of manuscripts on the floor: cooking recipes, astronomy, astrology, herbal medicine, naturopathy, but nothing about his family or Tir Asleen.
In a sudden fit of terrible anger, the young prince threw all the books on the table aside with a wave of his hand. He had to get hold of this manuscript at all costs - it might be the only way to save his sister.
Suddenly, he noticed a locked drawer. He tried to pry the lock off with his hand, but to no avail. Examining every nook and cranny of the room, he found nothing. Annoyed, he picked up a paperweight and struck as hard as he could. Mad with rage, he swung the object, which shattered against the wall and released a silver cleaver resembling a key. He grabbed it and opened the drawer.
Inside was a magnificent leather-covered grimoire bearing the symbol of royalty: the Tree of Life within a circle of lilies of peace surrounded by an octagon, entitled: The Secret Oath of Tir Asleen. The manuscript was closed by a lock, which he pushed aside, revealing its buried secrets. Calligraphic gold scrolls recounting the history of the Tanthalos family and Tir Asleen. Airk leafed through the grimoire and plunged into the past.
Tir Asleen was a magnificent, prosperous kingdom of peace and plenty, the most powerful in Andowyne, with rich farmlands and ruled for many moons by benevolent monarchs. Renowned for its hospitality, anyone could find shelter here. Renowned for its rich culture and teachings, many sorcerers studied in the castle's library. It was here that Fin Raziel and Bavmorda learned magic alongside Cherlindrea.
Mikal Tanthalos, son of Tanthalos VIII, was the last king of Tir Asleen. A man of culture, arts and letters, he was renowned for his greatness of spirit, kindness, compassion and generosity. He was a king who always strived to do what was right. But all that changed with the arrival of Bavmorda.
A child prodigy, curious and intelligent, she assimilated magic so incredibly well that she earned the respect of Cherlindrea. Everyone saw her as a child of Heaven, the chosen one who would bring peace to the whole universe. But Bavmorda was destined for an altogether different destiny. When she came into the world, many creatures of the night surrounded her mother and witnessed her birth. This child had been conceived by darkness.
One evening, while she was in the castle library, the Malatrium, a grimoire containing incantations of evil sorcery, appeared to her. She began to study this forbidden magic, and the more she immersed herself in it, the darker her soul and heart became, and the darkness flowed through her veins. Not only did she feed on Malatrium, but this dangerous magic also fed on Bavmorda.
Over the years, she became such a powerful evil witch that she attracted the interest of the nascent Order of the Wyrm, who rallied her to their cause. The day she pledged allegiance to this sect, Bavmorda turned definitively to the dark side. She used her dark magic to destroy the parents of Mikal, sole heir to the throne of Tir Asleen. The young prince, under Bavmorda's spell, eventually married her.
She seized the throne and ushered in an era of violence and bloodshed. When her daughter Sorsha was born, she left Tir Asleen, taking her child with her and trapping her husband and all the inhabitants in blocks of ice. She settled in the volcanic fortress of Nockmaar, from where she continued her reign of terror.
Airk had grown up in a golden bubble in which his family's darkest secrets could never reach him. But today, everything that had been buried and forgotten had been revealed to him. The young prince was discovering a side of his mother he'd never imagined existed. He had been raised and educated by a person with a dark past, acting alongside the most evil witch with the sole aim of destroying the young Elora. The same Elora she was now protecting. It was all lies and deceit. Anger overwhelmed him.
He continued to peruse the grimoire and understood one of the reasons why Tir Asleen was so coveted. The Tree of Life was not only the emblem of the Tanthalos family's royalty, it was the very essence of the magic that shaped Cherlindea's The Wand. Whoever owned Tir Asleen owned magic.
Bavmorda's presence in these parts, fanned by the dark world using magic to fulfill its evil ambitions, blackened the roots of the Tree of Life and awakened the Malatrium awaiting her coming. Her greed and thirst for power fed it a little more with each use.
The Malatrium was a manuscript with a cover made of Satyr skin, containing the incantations of a forgotten magic, too dangerous to be practiced. Anyone who allowed themselves to be seduced by this forbidden magic fell under the spell of the Malatrium, which fueled envy, power, domination and darkness. It was created by the Malevoiy, an ancient people of fairies who revelled in death and cruelty. In those ancient times, the Malevoiy ruled the world until the Daikinis drove them from Nockmaar, but their spirits continued to haunt the place, awaiting their return to restore their glory.
Flipping through this sinister part of his family's grimoire, the pages darkened as did the calligraphy. Airk felt a chill run through his body. The young prince learned that, between them, Willow and Elora had used this forbidden magic to save Graydon.
Airk : Elora, no you didn't.
It's as if the manuscript had woken up and was filling itself with the adventures of his family and all that related to it. From his kidnapping to his release. It was all there. The last empty page slowly took shape before his eyes. What it revealed filled him with terror. The grimoire had just reproduced his abominable nightmare, his sister inert, succumbing to the attacks of her assailant hidden in the shadows.
Airk brutally closed the manuscript to chase away those awful images. His family had a direct link with The Wyrm. Perhaps the magic that ran in his grandmother's veins could also live in him and his sister. Perhaps he simply had to awaken it.
He needed the Malatrium to save his sister.
He had to return to Nockmaar.
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