#you've seen what happens when an idea stays in my brain too long you get the entire past few months where I never shut up about the same fic
musical-chick-13 · 8 months
I see all of these posts about "I write so that I can reread my stuff because it's catered to me!" And I respect the absolute hell out of that, but the only reason I write anything is because I have Ideas(tm) in my brain and if I don't get them OUT of my brain, I will lose my mind. Once they are, in fact, out of my brain, I almost NEVER look at them again.
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heyyyyy idk if you do this sorta thing
if not totally fine but I still wanted to ask
Can I request something like headcannons of how ghost would react if maybe like a German reader met and got along w könig and maybe he would get jealous or possessive or something or just how would that go
take that to mean whatever you want 😈
sorry and thank you again
Jealous Ghost
I'm not one for like toxic possession or toxic jealousy, however there's a good middle ground so I tried.
A little suggestive at the end, jealous!Ghost, probably projecting my own abandonment issues here
It took a while for Ghost to get close with you, but just like Soap you somehow wiggled your way through his walls
You two became friends, sharing a lot of your spare time together
Both of you bonded over your different cultures too but it never really became something that either of you focused on
Soon, Ghost caught feelings and because of that he forced himself to keep them locked up tight no matter how much he wanted you
That was until König showed up
Ghost treated him the same as he always did with others, baseline respect and enough politeness to keep him as a co-worker
Then you met König and things started to change
You talked with him often, bonding over similar cultures and mostly speaking in German to each other
You both brightened up, you started spending time with him too and he couldn't help but think you felt more comfortable around König than Ghost
Ghost started to feel weird whenever he saw you two together, a mixture between sadness and anger, almost betrayal yet he told himself you had no obligation to stay friends with him
He started to pull back from spending time with you, suggesting you should go find König or he was busy
He felt out place when you both hung out and then König showed up
He started to resent König for no other reason than the fact that it felt like he was stealing you from him
Yet, Ghost said nothing to you. If you were happier with König then he had no right to ruin that for you
However, you noticed him pulling back and you were determined to fix whatever happened because you missed him a lot
You finally cornered him after his countless attempt to get you to go away
"What's going on with you?" You demanded as Ghost stared at you.
"I'm busy." He lied and it would've convinced you if you didn't know that he was done with all of his work for the day
"You're avoiding me."
Ghost didn't say anything, knowing that he was caught because you're too smart for him to trick
"Ever since König showed up, you're been acting weird." You said, feeling sad about the fact that your friend was slowly pushing away from you. "Why?"
As much as Ghost wanted to continue to lie to you he had to come to terms with his feelings
"You both have a lot more in common and he makes you happy. Guess I was just letting you both be together." He said and you looked up at him with shock.
Ghost was smart, but you've come to known that he forgets to just use his brain
You liked him too and you had only seen König as a friend
"Idiot." You rolled your eyes and Ghost glared at you. "I like you not him."
"What?" Ghost wasn't sure if he heard right or not until you repeated it. "Oh."
You both stood there for a second, unsure of what to do before you tugged on the sleeve of his jacket
"Are you going to kiss me?" You wondered, hoping he would
He didn't hesitate to and after a long make out session, you broke apart breathless, an idea in your mind
"Make me yours." You whispered in his ear
And he didn't disappoint
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kyletogaz · 19 days
the fall: part two cw: angst, hurt/no comfort, death mention, flashback part one
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you miss kyle. 
you know he shouldn't be on your radar, but it's been almost two months since you've last seen him. sometimes you wonder how he's doing, and if he's safe. cutting off all contact with kyle was the best thing for you and your sanity, but it was also one of the hardest decisions you've ever had to make.
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the next time kyle shows up on your doorstep, it takes you by surprise. you were certain that he would stay away after the verbal lashing you gave him.
your eyes are wide and your voice is tinged with shock when you question him about being at your door. “i thought i told you to-"
"go to hell? yeah, i heard you loud and clear, darling.” kyle will never tell you, but he loves it when you put him in his place. “i just wanted to talk, if you��ll let me.”
you refuse to look him in the eye as you step aside to let him in. you know for a fact that he won’t leave you be, so you’ll just have suck it up and get through this visit with your sanity intact. when kyle is finally inside, you close the door and lock it, then follow him to the living room. he makes himself comfortable on your couch and you have to resist the urge to make him leave. you were already starting to regret letting him in.
pretty brown eyes look at you expectantly, and you know he wants you to take the seat next to him. you don’t. and perhaps it was done out of spite, but you chose another seat instead. kyle frowns at the distance between you two, but he doesn't comment on it. he eyes you for a moment, before he lets out a shaky sigh and opens his mouth to speak.
you beat him to it.
“you left me.” it breaks his heart to hear how small your voice sounds, and how you stare off to the side with an unhappy look on your pretty face. “and the worst thing about all of this, is how i went back on my word because i’m too fucking blinded by love and a pretty face.”
you meet kyle’s gaze head on when he apologizes, as if it would mend your poor fractured heart. “you can’t be too remorseful, if leaving was your first choice. do you have any idea how it made me feel?” you ask, your voice full of fury. “it made me feel like i meant nothing to you, like i was nothing more than a one night stand. is that what you think of me? that i’ll always be good enough for you to fuck, but not good enough for you to love?” you watch him wince at the venom in your tone.
he shakes his head in denial and tells you that he does love you, but all you can do is stare at him in disbelief, as your eyes glisten with tears. "i’m not even sure if i believe you, kyle,” you manage to choke out while you try to regain control over your emotions.
kyle watches you with a heavy heart. he did this, never expecting for you to fall in love with him. but when he realized the exact moment your feelings for him started to change, he never mentioned it to you. it was inconsiderate of him to let it happen when this wasn’t what either of you agreed to. he should have ended it when he first got the chance, but deep down, he wanted you to love him.
“did you know i was in love with you?” the question had been gnawing at your brain for the last couple of days.
you finally get the chance to ask kyle, and he doesn’t bother responding. how can he, when the answer is written all over his face. it shocks you to your core. he’s sitting across from you with tense shoulders and a jaw that’s clenched so tight, you think it might shatter. he won’t even look you in the eye. you’ve been struggling with your feelings for weeks and he knew. it hurt to know that he’s carried your secret around with him for god knows how long, and not once did he ever acknowledge it.
you don’t even bother kicking kyle out. he watches you storm away from him and into your bedroom, the sound of your door slamming traveling to his ears. he runs a hand down his face, before swearing loudly. he knows he fucked up and he’s not even sure if he can fix it. with a sigh, kyle strides down the hallway to your bedroom. he doesn’t knock. he sits on the floor with his back resting against the wall across from your door as he listens to your sobs. he wants so badly to open the door and go to you, but he knows his presence will only make things worse.
kyle’s not sure how long he sits there on your floor with his head in his hands, before you emerge from your room. he straightens up when he hears your door creak open, his face falling when he notices your red eyes and the pained expression on your face. “you’re still here,” you comment softly as you stand in the doorway.
kyle leans against the wall with a sigh. “wouldn’t have been right for me to leave you.”
like you did before, you think to yourself bitterly. you can’t bring yourself to say it out loud. you were already hurting enough as it is. it makes no sense to pour more salt into the wound.
kyle watches you shift from foot to foot, before you sink down to the floor across from him. the look on his face is unreadable and it makes you nervous. you want to know what he’s thinking and how he’s feeling. you want to know if what he said was true.
“what you said before—” you bit your lip nervously. you’re not exactly sure if you want an answer to the question you’re about to ask. you pause for a moment to gather up the courage to just spit it out. “you said you loved me. is that true, or were you just telling me what i wanted to hear?”
kyle has to look away from your imploring eyes when he tells you that he meant what he said. you expect to feel some kind of warmth from his words. It should make you happy that kyle loves you, but it doesn't. your feel your lips tremble, as you suck in a breath to keep your tears at bay. when kyle meets your gaze again, his eyes are wet with tears, and the look on his face is just as bad as the one on yours.
"i don't understand," you whine as you brush your tears away. "why didn't you say anything, kyle?"
"because i'm selfish. i wanted your love even though i never planned to let you have mine. and i hope you'll forgive me for everything i'm about to say." he pauses to take a deep breath. he's not sure how this conversation will end, but he has to get it out, for his sake and yours. "i could have told you months ago that i was in love with you but i decided not to. and as much as it pains me to say this, i thought it would be easier for you to love someone else. i’m a soldier, sweetheart.” he’s got too many enemies lurking and too much blood on his hands. “you deserve someone who won't leave for deployment and come back to you in a casket. i won’t ruin you like that, lovie. i should have broken things off with you as soon as it became too much for me. that was always the plan."
“so you’ve decided for the both of us, then.” you hate the way your voices cracks as you say it. you haven’t fully processed kyle’s answer. it wasn’t something you thought you would ever hear from his mouth.
“i’m sorry.”
the cord keeping you tethered to kyle snaps violently when you tell him it’s over and that you’re done.
it’s for the best, you think over and over again as you watch kyle walk out of your door, and out of your life. this isn’t what you want, but since kyle’s determined to keep you at arm’s length, he’s not giving you much of a choice.
when you no longer see the taillights on his truck, you brace yourself for the flood of tears you’re sure will come. and when they do, you don’t fight them.
damn you, kyle.
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the shrill sound of your phone ringing snaps you out of a daze, the high volume making you flinch a little. when you look down to see who’s calling, you see kyle's name. you don’t even hesitate to answer.
"good evenin’, doll. i'm sorry to be callin' you so late." it's simon. what the hell was he doing with kyle’s phone, and why was he calling you and not kyle himself?
"simon?" you must sound confused because he apologizes again. "it's fine. something must be wrong if you're calling from kyle's phone." when the silence lasts a little too long for your liking, you snap out a firm, “simon, please."
“it’s kyle, he’s hurt.”
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a/n: thank you to @starsofang for the inspiration. ily 💕
don’t jump me, i’m working on part three right now so y’all can get a happy ending.
part three sneak peek
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rustytrident · 2 years
i think the hc that occupies my brain the most is the "demonic nature is kinda like human world animals' instincts" so here is the breakdown no one asked for: why i believe demons are much less scary after you actually get to know them!
so, in case it hasn't been evident in my three posts and some lint i have about obey me on here (sarcasm) i am obsessed with the idea that even the most powerful of demons aren't able to resist their demonic urges. like their brain kind of blacks out?? and they do whatever tf either demon brain or sin brain (or both) tells them to do.
lucifer checks himself out on every. single. reflective. surface. fixing his collar, combing his hair, straightening his sleeves – he absolutely hates when he realises he does it but demon brain goes "oohhh!!! it's me im here!!" and sin brain goes "ihavetolookmybestatalltimespleasetellmeilookgood". every time he catches himself with his hand midway through his hair he sighs and tries to go on with his day (one time satan and belphie pranked him by putting mirrors everywhere) (they didn't know lucifer has memorised the layout of the hol and can walk anywhere with his eyes closed).
mammon is that one kid that touches anything shiny and sparkly. you could be wearing highlighter and just feel a poke on your cheek. turn around. it's your demon boy. his pupils are dilated. finger still on your face. half a toof fang sticking out of his mouth. fucking elated. glittery shiny sparkly holographic things are his demon brain cocomelon. sin brain just hoards any and all glittery shiny sparkly holographic things he can find. whenever he's upset he watches those slime or chalk asmr videos but they have to be the ones where the creators use a whole bag of glitter (or! or! the ones where people flick brushes full of glitter above their cameras in slow motion yknow the ones).
leviathan has to be quirky different not like other girls. he has to be the one with the most marine knowledge in the family, the one with the most ruri knowledge in the family – you get the point. i believe he has a touch of the demon tism so if you think you know anything about his special interests no you don't. he was actually there when it happened so joke's on you. yes he did witness the creation of the first amoeba now move. he's also that younger sibling that sees you get praise for doing something and does the exact same thing to get praise too. sin brain goes "if they get that then i have to have it". you see him wearing your clothes sometimes and when you think back you remember you got a compliment on it about a week ago (week agoo 🕺💃) and like yeah. makes sense (pls tell him he's pretty pls).
satan has chewy toys and wears a retainer pretty frequently because that wrath may be chronic but them teeth won't stay there for long if he keeps baring them!! he buys new ones once a month because he absolutely tears through them and everyone is just used to him popping in his acrylic retainer every time lucifer comes in the room. he isn't even half ashamed of his toys because trust me it's not a cute sight. this man is one of the most imposing beings you have ever encountered creating holes with his teeth in places you believe there weren't any before through what you're guessing used to be something green and made of rubber, but you aren't too sure. you ask him what's wrong and he just stares at you blankly and goes "nothing? why would anything be?". it's just a casual case of both demon and sin brain going "AUURGHHHDHS *chomp*". absolutely feral unicorn man with the straightest teeth you've ever seen.
asmodeus is in the same predicament as lucifer when it comes to checking himself out but instead he embraces the moment. and checks other people out too, as long as what they're wearing catches his attention. he's a very touchy demon so you can find him absentmindedly having his hands on you without even realising he does it: twirling a strand of your hair, playing with your fingers, tracing your jawline. it's just that demon brain goes "ohoho!! my humnan look at my humin go!!" and can't not touch you after that. he also bites. you think it would be mammon or beel but nope it's asmo!! you're just too pretty and he wants to feel close to you!! don't bring it up though he gets embarrassed. you know that meme where person a says "i wonder what i taste like" and person b says "i can help with that" and a imagines a kiss and b imagines biting person a? yeah, inside asmo are two wolves.
beelzebub is the randomest fucking demon in that household idc. he's always so quiet and you never know what he's thinking until one day he brings home a human world ostrich like it's nothing and gives it a "tour of its new home"??? absolutely insane. he also buzzes randomly?? like you'll be hanging out in the common room and all of a sudden you hear "bbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" only for another brother to go "beel. i can't concentrate on my book. please refrain from buzzing inside the house"??? hello??? i think he's got a passion for cleaning too (thousands of years of food and blood stains, crumbs and mould have taught him a couple things) so he is always ready to assist in cleaning his brother's rooms and won't stop until they look brand new. his most demon brain moment is when he lifts things. doesn't matter what or how heavy it is, if he sees something new around him he has to give it a little lift. same thing with the people he's fond of. you have been grabbed by the armpits one too many times to have an impromptu simba moment for three seconds, only for beel to just go on with his day, no explanation. what a demon *sighs dreamily*.
belphegor is the most like his familiars (or at least his habits are most prominent). you see the demon chewing and chewing and chewing like one bite of food and if you dare look at him weird he gives you the cow stare (pls tell me you know what im talking about). you see him in full demon form running headfirst into a wall with his horns (#satan_and_belphie_bonding_activity) and if you dare look at him weird he gives you the cow stare. kinda like his twin, he does random moo or hffphhhmp noises according to his mood without realising ("no belphegor, you can not destroy every wall in this house with your horns" "moOOO"). demon brain goes brrrr with some human world grass and some sunshine. like he absolutely loves being in that mediterranean countryside, twirling some grass between his fingers, eating it, living his life. best brother to go on a picnic with hands down.
fucking dorks *heart eyes*
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lilwifeynextdoor · 2 months
Your blog is amazing!
Imagine: You are a former feminist, a stay at home mom of many kids, and I'm your feminist friend who visits you one day. I am worried about you and ask if this is really what you want even as I rub your belly and smile. You listen to me rant, all the while thinking that what I really need is some cock and a baby or two of my own. That would keep me happy and see, part of me loves rubbing your pregnant belly already. You decide to slowly corrupt me into becoming an antifeminist breeder, friends don't let their friends remain sad. How would you manipulate me?
Thank you so much!! I'm sorry I took so long to respond! I've been a busy mommy and I wanted to find the time to give this a well thought out answer. Short story below:
I freed myself of feminism what feels like so long ago, but to some five years isn't a long time. Five years ago, I had fallen pregnant with my husband's first child. I dropped out of college and became a stay at home mom around my 7th month of my first pregnancy, upon my then boyfriend now husband's request. He didn't have to do too much persuading as I was already considering it due to struggling with fatigue, waddling, and brain fog. He was right, it was only going to get more difficult for me to walk to classes not to mention trying to think once in the classroom.
It was the right decision for us and his growing baby. But, most all my friendships faded now that I wasn't on campus anymore. You were the only one that came and visited me sometimes, we were best friends and we had met in women's history class. You were so inspired in that class, I could see the passion in your eyes when you spoke about feminism. I was inspired by your spirit, and for a long time I held on to the idea that feminism is about a woman's right to choose, and I made the choice to be a stay at home mom.
Our lifestyles are so different, years went by and our friendship faded more and more. Until one day you showed up at my husband's doorstep. It had been a long while since I had seen you, last we met up my husband and I had 2 children and now we have 5 with his 6th on the way.
Of course I invite you in. My husband is at work and my children are all down for a nap except for our current youngest who I am holding and nursing as we sit at the kitchen table.
You had been so worried about me recently, but now that you are here you take pause. The house was lovely and tidy, the tea I served you was comforting and delicious, and on top of that I was absolutely glowing. Then you notice, the bump I'm sporting moves as the baby inside rolls and kicks. Without thinking you start rubbing my belly, like some sort of strange magnetism, your hands were drawn to it. I scoot closer to you to invite you to continue.
"I've been worried about you" the words you've been meaning to say all this time spill out of you.
An incredulous gasp leaves me when I ask you why you've been worried about me.
"I see your posts on social media, I know this is your sixth in just as many years... congratulations by the way" You stumbled through your words. "Is this what you really want?" You look up from my belly to search my eyes for an answer.
"Of course! This is my choice" I gesture to my home. Which is to you: my cushy prison.
"No it's not, you can't tell that lie to me! I was there, I know what really happened!" You stand up, outraged. "He knocked you up and told you to drop out, he's controlling you and has kept you stuffed full of babies ever since so you can't leave! So you can't live your own life!" The passion in your voice was tinged with some kind of hurt, or jealousy?
"well hold on, you're right our first was a surprise to me. But, I am so happy. I really feel like my experiences have shown me this is the way life is meant to be." I try to soothe you, to call you down from the edge you've gotten yourself onto. "So no need to worry for me okay?" I smile to you, hoping you'll smile back.
When you smile and sit back down, I notice how worn thin you are. Your skin and hair is dull, the way you conduct yourself is full of sloppy and tired movements.
"How are you, are you happy? Have you found your calling?" I ask, but already see the answer.
"Well I'm fine. Work is okay but it's not what it was cracked up to be. All the guys at work are losers, and they are always pissing me off. I do wonder if I haven't found my calling, yeah, maybe I majored in the wrong thing." Your sharp defensive tone falls to a nagging grumble as you go on and on.
"it's a little late to start all over like that and go back to school." I point out.
"You think I should keep sticking it out and climb the ladder?" You try to muster some hope into your voice.
"Actually I was thinking the opposite, you should quit that job. Look for something easier and part time. Do you have a partner? Surely he makes more than you and wouldn't mind you leaning on him for support." I ask, thinking surely you can't have stayed single all this time.
"What do you mean surely he makes more than me?! And no I don't have a boyfriend!" You bolt up again, feeling attacked.
You stormed out on me that day with your ego bruised. But you came back around. My words still stung, because I had a point. It gnawed at you and you couldn't help but try taking my advice. You did get that part-time job, and you spent your new found extra free time at my house helping me with my children and to-do list. With working less you were already doing so much better, not near as stressed, cleared skin, and your hair had shine again.
You slowly but surely stepped away from being career focused as I got you more and more comfortable with domesticity. Women belong in the home, so it was naturally very easy for you to fit right in to the lifestyle. My husband took us shopping as I needed bigger maternity clothes and you definitely needed something more becoming of an available young woman.
Then one day, I had you stay over for dinner and my husband brought one of his colleagues home with him to have dinner with us. The match making game had begun. Now that you were completely ready to settle down and assume the natural role of a woman beneath a man, serving him and birthing his children, any man would be so lucky to have you. You've become such an enlightened woman in these modern times where so many silly girls still cling to feminism like you once did.
Today you're absolutely beaming and radiant. You've announced your pregnancy! Your husband's first baby is officially on the way. I'm so happy for you and I hug you best I can with my husband's 7th due any day now. I'm truly proud of the woman you've become and will continue to grow to be.
(I'm so sorry I'm a confrontation person and not a manipulation person, I did my best, it's still something, I hope you enjoy!)
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fornshinoyaz · 11 months
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series masterlist | previous | next chapter
wc: 4.5k
how to lose feelings for a CERTIFIED, government approved idiot. it should be easy right? wrong. you are absolutely, positively, done for. you have no idea why you’re writing the guide book when you can’t even get past the first step! first step, the only important step really: don’t have your best friend be kei tsukishima. then maybe, just maybe, you’d have a chance.
Something changed between you and Kei Tsukishima. You knew life wasn't static. Change was apart of life. The same way grief, pain, and happiness were too. You were constantly growing and becoming a better version of yourself. Growth was normal for you, but not really for him.
He was a rock. Forever steady, there when you needed him. You were lucky enough to see his past beliefs shake and twist, but Tsukishima himself never changed. Even during your first fight. It was so stupid. You both were stubborn middle school students (the same today, but don't tell). That fight should've broken your friendship.
But it didn't.
Your bond was unbreakable.
Things changed when you left high school. He joined university level volleyball. He had less time for things, you included. Things became absolutely fucked when he got a girlfriend who he (spoilers) also didn't have time for.
Change was normal, but not like this.
You didn't hate it. It wasn’t something you needed to fix; it wasn’t a problem. But you weren’t sure what to do about it. Ignore it? Let it happen? But you couldn't help but sit in your bed and wonder why you weren't rushing to do go after the man who had stolen your heart years ago. Was this not what you longed for years ago?
It was. It is.
But maybe you didn't want to change either.
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You don't know what possess you. A demon, a ghost, a space-demon-ghost. You have work tomorrow, and you plan on taking pictures for your photography page. By any metric, you should be asleep right now. It's past midnight. How often was he up past midnight? You tap your fingers together, an anxious habit.
Fuck it.
You call him.
This is silly. This is your best friend of how many years now? Why are you nervous, and sweaty, and oh my god - why is that you can't breathe? Do they make How-To Guides on breathing? Of course they don't. Why would they? You begged your brain to just shut the fuck up.
You fully expect the ring to go on and on, until inevitability you hear his voicemail; "Go away, I don't want to talk to you." and then click. He picks up after the second ring. You blink at your phone and re-check the screen. Maybe you were hallucinating -
"Hello?" His voice is scratchy and deep.
You shiver. "Tsukki?"
"Did you call me to just sit in silence?"
"I'm hanging up-"
You jolt upwards in your bed. "Wait, dickhead. I just - didn't know you would pick up."
Now it's his turn to be silent. But you know Tsukki, embarrassment didn't exist to him. He's thinking. You imagine what he looks like. Laying in his bed, or maybe sitting at his desk reading a book. If he's laying down, his glasses are off, maybe his hair is a little messy. You've seen it once or twice, the fluff he wakes up to.
It made you dream of waking up next to him.
"Cool. I picked up. What do you want?"
You swallow. You have no excuse, no reason. You just want to hear him talk.
"Read me a bedtime story?"
"How fucking old are you? Seriously, Y/N. How old."
"You didn't say no."
He sighs on the other line, then shuffles. "I hate you."
He tells you a story. Then another, and then one after that. Your bright screen says two hours the next you look at it. He hates long phone calls.
Yet, he stays.
The bed time stories end, and you might be delirious. It's past two a.m., maybe almost three. What comes out your mouth is no longer your own words, but whatever demons are awake right now.
"Do you believe in the universe?" You ask, voice quiet. A small yawn follows you.
He scoffs, “No, I don’t believe in the fucking universe. Are you high?”
You sigh, and manage to turn in your bed to look up at your ceiling. The low sounds of the city laid outside your windows, but the tall buildings never made seeing the stars easy. So, instead, you put the stars where you could always see them. The stars are there, and in the corner of your eye - the moonlight.
“I think I do. I think that…some things are just, made for you, y’know?”
You shake your head, “you don’t believe in anything.”
“No,” he denied swiftly, “I believe in what’s real. Like you and me.”
Your breath stops. You hope he can’t hear that.
“Yeah, me and you."
It sounds too good to be true.
Something else real? You love breaking your own heart.
You fake a yawn this time, "Wow, it's getting late. I think I gotta cut this short. My fish probably needs a walk or something. It’s suffocating in its tiny bowl, I swear.”
A chuckle crackles through the line, a sound you’d come to recognize well. “You’re such a loser."
“You're a bigger one. Bye Tsukki.” you say, and you move back over to your side. Your eyes trace over his contact photo.
“Bye, Y/N.”
The phone clicks. You call him the next day, and he answers.
"Is this gonna be a habit?"
You're in your living room (sort of? also your bedroom, studio apartment things), flickering through the pictures you had taken today. Only thing left was to edit them and post them to your site.
"You don't wanna hear about my day?" you ask.
"Not particularly."
"Bye then-"
He cuts you off.
"Okay, okay. Tell me."
You smile. You grab onto your phone and bring it closer.
"I thought you'd never ask."
Things were definitely changing. It was more than a phone call or two. At first, it was subtle. A gaze held longer than it needed to be, a touch that he should’ve pulled away from.
The next Saturday night found you in Tsukki’s living room, surrounded by your friends in a life-or-death situation. Monopoly. Everyone in the room knew you were the very best at board games. Especially one involving stealing money from idiots.
The room fills with annoyed laughter and groans. Whoever put you and Tsukki together were begging to lose. You smirk. Oh, the taste of victory. You could taste it. You two were unstoppable (why wouldn’t you be?). Kageyama, the sore loser, mutters something about leaving after you bankrupted him. Hinata tells him to shut up, and per usual they end up yelling at each other. It's up to you to call for order.
It didn't last long. You make the winning move. All their property was yours, and so was the game. The room explodes, game pieces and money go flying. Tsukki's coffee table is almost overturned. Monopoly was serious, even for someone like Tsukki. You both jump up. A hard-fought victory deserved a hug.
You go to wrap your arms around him, but he did it first. He hugs you so tight, that you swear you can't breathe (a fatal symptom when being around Kei Tsukishima), and spins. You laugh so hard it reaches your eyes. Then, he releases, and you think it's over.
But then, he holds onto your face, and kisses your forehead—gently, purposeful, like a tall giant. A shock wave goes through you, but he doesn’t even whisper a lick of an apology.
He locks eyes with you. “You’re amazing.”
Oh. Your breath quickens.
"Thanks, I know.” You do what you do best. Deflect. But your mind can't stop hearing him. His words echo through every corner of your brain.
He was driving you mad, and you weren’t the only one noticing it.
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The clock struck twelve. You should be finishing your paper. Twelve out of sixteen was your current total. It would be the right thing to sit down, lock in, and focus.
But who decides what's right and wrong?
Not you.
Your paper could have been completed, had it not been for Hinata. But he would not stop calling until you answered. If your professor asks, it's all on him.
It started like this; your sitting at your desk, playing around with your ballpoint pen, when (admittedly) you should be looking over your notes. Turns out, Kageyama and Hinata too, had a paper they should be working on, but decided the night was young and they needed to be out!
You at first, say no, like the considerate future-orientated person you pretend you are. That is, until Tsukishima (who happens to be sitting right next to you on your bed) says two magic words. Let’s go.
Now, you walk through the streets of Tokyo with your favorite people. Your eyes are set on the nearest convenience store. It’s a local beauty, dingy with front lights barely work and weird men who try to sell you things they shouldn't. The greatest place on Earth.
The front sign flickers on and off for a moment, before buzzing in a way that could definitely start a whole store-fire. You and Tsukishima are in matching plaid pajama pants, and you even have a Karasuno volleyball hoodie on. You were not on the team. Hinata smirks when he notices, and whispers (badly) to Kageyama about it.
“She was cold.” is Tsukishima’s excuse. Yeah, right. You owned millions of hoodies—couldn’t you have worn your own?
“Mine are better. Hers are ugly.” he continues.
You scoff. He didn't have to go that far. The cold excuse is enough!
“My hoodies are not ugly. You quite literally have no fashion sense.”
“You’re in denial.” he says.
“You’re lecturing me about denial? Mr. ‘It’s just a club’?” it's a burn that makes Hinata double over in laughter.
“Enough arguing,” Kageyama pushes you forward, a step ahead of the two of them with Hinata who giggles. He quickly shifts you away from the side of the cars.
You grumble, and step over your own two feet before picking up your feet. Tsukishima mumbles something about you having two left feet, and it takes everything in you not to spin around and give him a piece of your mind. He smirks, loving the way your shoulders fall and rise in anger.
He loves the way he gets to you.
“So, Kaggy,” he makes a noise of disgust at the nickname you made up on the spot, “you still texting that one girl?” Hinata’s ears perk up, and Tsukishima looks at him, trying to feign indifference. But you knew him, he wnats to hear the tea just as much you guys did.
“Ha! Kageyama? With a woman!” Hinata barks out, a howl coming out of his lips next makes it even more obnoxious. Kageyama’s face scrunches up, and his laughter is just so infectious that Tsukki can’t help but chuckle. You let out a giggle or two.
“Hinata, last time I checked, your name was NOT Kageyama," you say through a giggle.
“What! I’m not wrong!” Hinata pouted, “I’m not entirely convinced this ‘woman’ exists. I’ve never seen Kageyama talk to a woman before. And I see a lot of Kags, more than I'd like."
Your eyebrow raises. Despite his last comment, he wasn’t that far off. Kageyama was a lost cause when it came to women. He always had been. But, things always change. You saw it in real life, and was sitll shocked. Someone came up to him. She offered him her number, and he freaked out over how to message her.
'Do I just say hey? Is hey weird? Do I say hi instead? Y/N STOP LAUGHING AND HELP ME!'
It was cute, until it had been four whole days and he hadn’t even BEGUN to type a letter. At that point, you stole his phone and did the magic for him. As they texted, it got lighter and easier. Occasionally, at friend hangouts you would see him open his phone and smile, or break away for a moment to send a response back. It was cute, you liked it for him.
“We’re just friends, alright? Nothing more.” Kageyama answers finally, breaking his silence. He kicks a stray rock on the ground, anything to distract from the blood flushing to his cheeks.
“So she does exist!” Hinata’s eyes sparkle like lights on Christmas Day.
“Obviously, idiot.”
You four approach the convenience store and step through the sliding doors. Bells jingled above your head. A tired cashier lifts his eyes momentarily, but seeing you all, becomes uninterested and goes back to looking at his phone. The hum of the fridges calls out to you, ice cream. You need to stop, at this point it was an addiction.
It is as if Tsukki can read your thoughts, and looks down at you with a shake of his head.
“Don’t do it.”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” you hiss back.
“Fine, don’t blame me when your shitting all night.”
“I’ll shit in your mouth.”
“Guys, we’re in public,” Kageyama has to remind, but neither of you care much, and the cashier just frowns as he scrolls through his social media.
You mingle around the shelves, going from packaged ramen, to udon, to spicy and sweet chip bags, to candy filled bags. Hinata and Kageyama whisper around about something, but your eyes search for your favorite candy.
Why the hell isn’t it here?
You frown, and circle the aisle once and then twice. You do it a third time, just to make sure you haven't lost your mind. You almost give up, but then you see one package left—but of course, it's at the very top of the shelf, all the way on the back of the shelf. Great. You can't ask for help. You just can't.
But at the same exact moment, Tsukki rounds the corner and sees you in your struggle. Tsukki is made of legs, but he will not get it—not without you begging him for it, and you will not.
You hold your nose up at him and then cross your arms. “Yup, nothing I want here.”
You were a terrible liar.
“Ask me. Nicely. Then I’ll do it.” he says, that stupid smirk.
“I’m fine. I’ll starve.”
He sighs, "Your annoying,” he leans forward, grabs the package, and slaps it into your hand. You lurch forward and grab it before it can fall to the ground.
“If you grew more in fifth grade, you would be able to get it.” Tsukki comments before walking away.
You follow after him with a grumble, “Shut up.”
The four of you reconvene at the center of store. The fluorescent lights flicker above your heads, a cool chill flushes from the vents and you dig deeper inside Tsukki’s hoodie.
Tsukishima has a couple of things in his hands—coffee with a strong bitter smell, his favorite chips (salty like him), banana milk, and a small pack of worm shaped sour gummies. Kageyama and Hinata’s piles looked mostly the same—except that Hinata decides sugar was a great idea at this time of night, and no one can really argue. They all had a paper to finish. Except for Tsukki that is. He finished his two weeks ago.
You hated him.
“Name one girl you’ve spoken to that’s not your mother,” Tsukki says to Kageyama.
You, at the same time, approach the counter. The cashier mumbles a quiet ‘finally’ and begins scanning your items. You bend down at the counter, engrossed by a magazine’s cover. A journalist, one of the best who was an alumni of Karasuno University. You pick it up, and add it to your heap of snacks.
“Your mom.” Kageyama says back to him with a shrug. You and Hinata don’t even try to hide your laughter. The cashier glances to you four in annoyance.
“My mom hates you.” Tsukki mumbles.
You reach into your hoodie pocket, and salvage the coins you had thrown inside. Your fingers flip over the different kinds, before reaching the correct amount. The ritual happens quickly—the cashier takes your change, it��s exact like you hoped, and you tell him to keep the receipt.
“Not as much as she hates you.” Kageyama nips back.
You open your package of candy and plop a couple in your mouth. The cashier seems to lose more and more of his faith in humanity as the insults go on and on. He just wants to go home. He lets out a sigh of relief when the doors hiss close and you four are back in the midnight cool.
“Seriously, Kageyama. What does she look like? Is she pretty?” Hinata asks, as soon as they're back outside. He never lets go, and it makes you laugh. Once Hinata was curious, there was no way of shutting him down. Eventually you would have to tell him the truth, and the whole one at that.
“He’s not gonna tell you.” Tsukki says. This time, he’s walking beside you, and steals a small candy from your bag.
“Why not?!” Hinata whines.
“You talk too much, I tell you and then suddenly the whole team will know.” Kageyama answers.
You hum, been there done that. “True. Like Tsukki’s ex.”
The words come out quicker than you can realize. Shit. That was a mistake. The four of you go dead quiet, and your eyes quickly flash to the boy next to you. You expect him to shut down, maybe do that sad Tsukki thing with his eyes.
But nope. He just reaches into your bag again, another candy. He’s completely unmoving. It has been almost a whole year, but you know breakups were a touchy subject. You and Tsukki talk about it rarely, but it was in the background of everything. You saw her influence in many things he did.
How he rejects the advances of girls at your school, how his face shifts when he sees Daichi and his girlfriend after practice. It’s a sting from a wasp that just never died. But maybe, just maybe, the pain had become tolerable? You are not often wrong.
“Hinata’s a loud mouth. Always will be.” A classic Tsukki response. You grin. Tolerable. That was better than nothing.
You interject, rejoining the conversation with a playful grin. “Come on, Kageyama, give them a little hint..”
Kageyama crosses his arms defensively. “Weren’t you suppose to be on my side, Y/N?”
Tsukishima shakes his head. “Y/N’s on the side that pays her.”
“Right,” you nod.
Kageyama eyes you both dangerously. You know something slick is going to come out of his mouth. He can't help himself. “Tsukki, you pay her?”
You rub the back of your neck. Ah. Tsukki rolls his eyes.
“Please shut up."
The walk back to your apartment is quiet, a calm against Kageyama and Hinata constant push-and-pull. They leave first, they live on the opposite side of you, closer to campus. You make sure to steal one of Hinata's pretzels before he goes.
It's always you and him. Walking together, past midnight.
Your heart is pulling you towards him; your shoulders brush once, and then twice, and he says nothing. On the third time, he bumps your shoulder back. You smile. You shut your mouth, because it’s late, and you’re tired, and this isn’t the time to be saying anything you'll regret.
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The paper is done. 1/2 of your project. The other half? A presentation. You hate this shit. You push through. You didn't even stutter once. You can see how proud Tsukki is. But now, it's time for closing remarks.
Your eyes dart around the room. From the clock, to your laptop, to your best friend. Tsukki wore a slight smirk on his face. You knew what that meant. But he wouldn't, the presentation is almost over, you are almost in the clear.
As your group mate say their closing remarks, you hear the dreaded phrase. You stiffen when his hand slowly rises. He sucks. You almost want to bark to your groupmate, don’t, but you imagine your teachers angry deducting points from your final grade.
“Yes, Tsukishima?” You have to force out. Suck it up. You can hear a couple of stifles of laughter in the classroom. They knew he was about to waste your time. Your fingers impatiently tap on your skin, something he notices with only a quick glance.
“Uh, yes. I think I’m still a little confused. Can you give a more in-depth example of how you would use aerodynamics in this situation, Ms. Y/N? Sorry, it’s just what you were talking way too fast, I didn't catch it all.”
He was such an ass.
You bare your teeth, and force a nod. “Of course. So, aerodynamics…”
The presentation goes on for a record seven minutes after. You want to ignore him so bad, and at first you do this successfully. You could breathe now, easily.
As class dismisses, you walk straight past his desk, and he follows you down the steps of the building, and onto the main campus. He's like a bed bug that never leaves, even if you set the whole damn building on fire.
But this is Tsukki, he's done way worse, but he knows you were hungry and needed to be in the dining hall as soon as the clock struck 10. Yet, he still chose to be the normal dickhead he is.
“You know you can’t stay mad at me forever,” he says as you round the corner to your dining hall. You turn around to meet his eye and frown, to make it known that you CAN, but then...his stupid smile. You almost crack. A strong almost.
“You wanna bet on that?” you settle for, and quickly turn around before you can change your mind.
Tsukishima sighs. He jumps into your peripheral vision and drops his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer. His smell, woody and fresh, meshes well with the scent of old rain and coffee from the university students around you.
You look up at him. His jaw, his slight smile. This is too comfortable, being like this with him. You would’ve thought just from looking at you two, that you were a couple. The thought makes you want to die. In another universe maybe, or two.
For now, you didn't think about what universe you guys could've gotten together in. Instead, you enjoy the moment.
Your campus is as quiet as it gets. The large buildings, and their large glass panes should suck you both in, but you're in your own world. Several people whisper as you pass, ‘isn’t that Kei?’ they ask. It’s like they are tearing apart every part of you; the way you dress, the way you walk, the way you look. You forget sometimes that he’s ‘popular’ on campus. All of the volleyball guys were. All the eyes on you make you lean closer to him, and Tsukishima’s grip tightens.
He didn't pay any of the eyes on him any mind, he just focuses on you.
“Y/N,” he says in that annoyingly childish way that’s reserved for you. He knew how to tick you off—and if it were legal, you would’ve killed him right there, “Look, I’m sorry, but how could I resist?” he smiles and that ticks you off more, even if he's beautiful.
“I hate you, more than I hate aerodynamics.”
“Stop saying you hate me. You don’t.”
You really do hate him and you would never stop saying it; it's because of how nonchalant he is as you walk through your dining hall. How he ignores every women’s eye; every question that’s flung in his direction. You feel this way because through every bicker, every walk home, every moment he fills your life with so much happiness you know it would never amount to anything. Nothing you could see. Nothing that was real.
You and him? That wasn't real. Not in the way it was for Tsukishima. To him, you are the little girl he met at the sandbox. He would never be yours.
At the end of the night, all you can do is dream. You dream of a world where Tsukki knows, and he loves you as something more than his stupid childhood best friend.
You think about being more than his secret-holder and his unmoving rock. You want to finally know what it means to kiss the soft lips of Tsukki, to have his fingers dance around your waist and squeeze you so tight you couldn’t breathe, to wake up next to him and hug more than your own shoulders.
Fuck Kei Tsukishima.
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Your lungs ache.
Monday morning is spent without him, and so is Tuesday. Then the day after that, and the day after that one. It isn’t something new, this routine. This is how you two were. But not recently. Being around him..was nice. But did you really think it was going to last forever?
The calls go from everyday, to him hearing the sound of your voicemail.
You take a sip of your latte, and try to focus on Yamaguchi’s words that are becoming harder and harder to listen to. For whatever reason, the universe, or whatever was out there likes torturing you. You can't get the guy once, and now you can't get him twice. It was like someone took the fork inside of Yamaguchi’s muffin and stabbed you right in the heart. He’s so blonde, and so stupid, and is sitting on a bench next to a water fountain with someone who looks nothing like you.
That was his type. It burns, much more than the hot coffee flowing down your throat. You down a scary amount of coffee that makes Yamaguchi stop in his tracks.
“You two make me sick. You have to tell him.” he says, and you finally look away from the scene.
“No, I don’t, actually. Can we focus on studying, please?”
You’re a hypocrite. He scoffs. You know it. Like you weren’t just staring down both of them for a solid ten minutes.
“He’s not dating her. You know? Says he doesn’t believe in love anymore.”
It hurts. You pretend it didn't.
“So, why would you tell me to tell him?”
Yamaguchi looks at you. He’s serious. Possibly the most serious you’ve ever seen him.
“You’re different. You can pretend you aren’t, but I know it and you know it. Ever since the sandbox.”
The butterflies in your chest flutter painfully.
“Focus, yeah?”
Yamaguchi sighs. “Yeah. One day, you’ll get sick of this shitty game.”
Then, that one day happens. It’s friday night. A long time ago, you guys made a tradition to spend friday nights together.
But not today, you made up some sort of excuse. Project tomorrow!
He didn’t question you the first three times, but the fourth he didn’t allow. You’re freshly out of a shower. You wipe the steam off the mirror in your bathroom, and double check your phone. A text? No, scratch that. Multiple text messages. At least twenty. Most of them are threats. Your eyes staple on the most important ones.
tsuk tsuk (lol): stop fucking ignoring me
tsuk tsuk (lol): i asked yamaguchi he said u had no project due
tsuk tsuk (lol): be straight up w/me if i did something to offend ur sensitive ass
tsuk tsuk (lol): y/n?
tsuk tsuk (lol): ur always on ur phone so ik ur reading this
tsuk tsuk (lol): did u get u a bf? is that y ur ignoring me?
tsuk tsuk (lol): nvm i don’t care. he can die too.
tsuk tsuk (lol): i’m coming over. unlock the door idiot
What the actual fuck. You’re in shock, and in his hoodie, when he appears at your front door. He’s not amused.
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a/n: a bit of a cliffhanger hehehehehehhe i'm sorry i couldn't help myself :))) i enjoyed writing this even if it took the longest omg. lmk your thoughts on the chapter !!!! also yes the pic change was purposeful, colorful ver now hehe
taglist !!! @kei-tsuki21 @marga-j @xxizuchanxx @horr0rvacu1 @lavenderhotcoco @sami-stable @awkwardaardvarkforever @rorygilmoreclown @rachlubsuu @sixxze @lonelyladyghost @kurenix @nemisimp @doofusthebozo @scarred-keys @yenqa @zenilili @dani-shitting-around @carolineesnell @annonymoose
© fornshinoyaz 2023. please do not steal my work.
145 notes · View notes
promptcontainmentzone · 5 months
FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS SENTENCE STARTERS. warnings for: guns, violence, death, murder.
What in the goddamn…?
Let's keep this in the groove, hey? Smooth moves, like smooth little babies...
Baby, the odds may look long, but that's just because we ain't done rigging them. I won't toss the dice until we are.
Look, I ain't a harbor for illusions. I ain't expecting to get out of this shin-dig alive.
Can you spell detention? I'll tell you how I spell it: DEATHtention.
You are in the LIBRARY. Be quiet here and filled with SHHHHH.
I am lord of this institution. Where once, long ago, I was a student here. Now, I am its OMNIPOTENT GOD-PRINCIPAL.
______, you're about to have your FAVORITE treat - a VISITOR. Won't that be nice? DON'T eat the visitor, boy. Don't. Please.
What YOU ask is of NULL importance! _____ besieges us, there are more important things to worry about than DATA and FACTS!
ENOUGH! Stop filling my precious brain cell units with irrelevant data!
And… I wonder why it didn't hit me before, until I saw that memory in your hands.
How gracious of you. A mannerly killing.
Can't have brains moving around of their own volition.
In short: Brains, a heart, and courage... spine. I think there was a story once where a band of murderous thugs sought these things.
The ghosts aren't real? That changes everything.
Baby, this little reunion of ours? Chalk me up as a no-show.
I'm familiar with the care and handling of explosives.
How hard can it be? Just light them and throw.
I'd love to debate you on this, but there's no time.
No way. I'm not going to torch myself for your amusement.
It would be pretty funny, wouldn't it? Oh, don't look at me that way. I'm sure you'll be fine.
_____ is dead - what a mess you've made!
There will be no repeat of the trouble we had last time, I trust?
Even now? On the brink of battle?
You'll need a disguise, then. Or overwhelming firepower. Whatever works.
You must be, like… a brain in a jar!
Frontal assaults on casinos? Not good for business.
You have an interest in this even if you're too stupid to know it. If you have an interest in breathing, you have an interest in this.
They have no idea what other cards I'm holding. It's a strong hand, believe me - I dealt it to myself.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It'd be like them to keep paperwork.
I don't have friends here.
We'll kill more with two of us.
You only trust strangers?
Besides. I was on break when it happened.
I want you to find something out for me. I don't know if there's anything to find, but I need someone to try.
Gonna be hard covering you when I can't move my legs.
Goddamn it! Don't sneak up on me like that. What do you want?
Let me aim that for you next time.
You're hiding something. Spit it out. You owe me.
You got no right asking me that. Drop it.
It's just something I'm not ready to discuss. With you or anybody.
That part of my life is over now. So is this discussion.
Must've been one hell of a miscommunication.
Yeah, well. That's how they wrote it up in the report.
Life has a way of punishing you for the mistakes you make. Big enough mistake, punishment can take a while.
You're like a switchblade stuck on flick.
Shhhh… we're hunting shitheads.
All this planning won't matter much when the bullets fly, anyway.
No sense trying to hold the past between your fingers when it's nothing but dirt.
That fucking monument outside?
Started? Took to it like a fish to water... well, if you know what a fish is.
What the hell is a fish?
They're like birds, except they stay underwater.
Anyway, I've seen pictures. One guy even had one above his bar in Redding, except it was made of Pre-War plastic.
Greetings, _____. The disappointment you are about to experience delights me.
Can I order room service?
Am I punching too much? I get carried away.
You mean like this melee weapon right here in my hand at this very second?
Are you talking to me, or a future _____ who is not already doing that?
He always does what he feels is right. Usually that's a great quality.
Sure, I left them. But that didn't mean I'd ever be free of them.
We always make enemies, never allies.
Hold on. I see something I want to punch.
But at least I got the chance to try. At least I know for sure that there was nothing I could do.
Wow, _____ is looking for you, huh? What do you think he wants? Bowling partner?
But… you don't have a "this is good news" expression on your face.
Well, welcome, then. I'm _____. I live in a hole in the ground.
Well that shouldn't be a problem for me. I can't afford anything like that.
I've heard they shoot lasers from their eyes.
I just kind of drift from place to place.
I'll be honest. You're the first person I've run across out here that looks like she can really handle herself.
Aw, you really know how to make a girl feel like a stray cat.
He was dead when I got there.
This better not be about the meaning of life.
Damn, son, you look like ten miles of bad road.
Are you following me?
I saved your life so I kinda feel responsible for you is all.
I'll let that slide seeing how you gotta mind full of vengeance for that no-good polecat and all.
Yup, but this is getting a might embarrassing - people are going to start to talk.
That's a puzzle, all right. I'm sure it's nothing.
What in tarnation was you thinkin'?
I'll thank you not to touch my plunder.
Meaner than a rattlesnake, ain't ya?
To the Bone Orchard you go!
Seems they made like a ghost.
Won't help you none to lay low.
The Boss is pretty clear on this. I can't let you in unless you're by your lonesome.
You did a super job wrapping things up! And I'm not just saying that because I have to!
Here's a print-out with some additional information!
What? Did you expect me to applaud your efforts to support a deranged warlord?
That wig is going to haunt my nightmares. Seriously.
That one… had a little kick to it. The poisonous kind of kick.
Ahh, that feels better. I might not die for a while yet.
Am I dead? Is this Heaven? Oh. Hi _____. Guess not.
Will the medical wonders of the post-apocalyptic world never cease?
Back to the tomb, I suppose. If you need me, et cetera.
Strange how dead bodies appear wherever you go.
As the old saying goes, two's company, but three's a small army. Okay, I'm paraphrasing a bit, but you get the idea.
Wait, wait, wait a second. What's going on? Am I playing Vergil to your Dante?
I've woken up worse places. Not many, though.
That's sounding dangerously close to a plan, _____.
Alrighty then, I'll just head out. Alone. By myself. Into the dangerous wastes.
If I buy it out there, I want twelve mariachi bands playing at my funeral. A medal might be nice, too.
I'm not exactly a mercenary, but taking out scumbags of this magnitude wouldn't cause me to lose any sleep.
Why don't you make like Odysseus and get lost?
For as lack of adornment is said to become some women, so will this place, without your presence, bring delight.
I've run out of witty ways to tell you to leave, so why don't you just go?
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blackdevilwhitedemon · 10 months
Mari Lives AU
OwO? What's this? The 25th Mari Lives AU you've seen?
You bet your ass it is. And I got brain rot to air out. Okay, so these are notes straight out of my Google Docs'. I wanna write a couple chapters first before I start posting. I think I wrote my notes too neatly instead of line of consciousness like I usually do that I wanna post them here.
Okay so my idea is that Mari lives, they drag her to bed and she wakes up and gets them to call an ambulance but makes them swear on her version of events. 
She tripped down the stairs while arguing bc she wasn’t paying attention and Basil walked in as she fell down the stairs. She’s so scared that they’re (CPS) gonna take away Sunny if anyone finds out he pushed her. Or that their parents will disown him. 
When the ambulance comes Basil said the same things Mari does and Sunny goes non-verbal from stress and shock. He’s shielding Sunny. 
At the hospital she’s told her ribs and spine took some hits and that she’s going to be wheelchair bound for a while. It’ll take months of phy therapy to regain the ability to walk. She’s not happy about this but at least her family is still together. And since no one but the 3 knew Sunny pushed her the others won’t hate him for this. They all think she fell on her own. 
She just wants everything to stay the same.  
Sunny doesn’t take the news well. He feels and thinks that he’s ruined his sister’s life. He’s convinced she’ll never walk again and that he's taken that away from her. He ends up having a mental breakdown soon after Mari is discharged from the hospital and gouges his right eye out with a spoon. 
Mari is absolutely distraught and terrified over this and won’t leave her brother alone if she can help it after this. 
Has a breakdown while Sunny is sleeping on her lap to Hero. She ends up yelling at him before calming down. Hero brings her away to get her to relax. 
I imagine she has to use a cane after her physical therapy is mostly over and she relearns how to walk. She still has the wheelchair in case she is too tired or her back starts hurting or she pushes herself too much. I think she’d have those low back accessibility wheelchairs. And a foldable metal cane that pairs w/ her wheelchair and a glossy finish wooden one for her normal walking cane.
Above are the notes I initially made at like 2am and below are notes I made days later:
Okay so obv Mari needs her room moved to the first floor since she can’t get up the stairs anymore for a long time so the piano room is now her room (later her old room gets turned into a painting room for Sunny!). Sunny starts sleepwalking after his incident and at first it’s just him walking around in his room or walking to the door of the upstairs bathroom and waking up. One night when Mari was getting a glass of water, she noticed in the dim light that there’s a small figure standing at the top of the stairs. When he doesn’t react to her questions, she realizes he must be sleepwalking again. She starts getting worried and yells for him to wake up which he does alongside their parents who put him back to bed. This unlocks a new anxiety in Mari and one day gets a nightmare that Sunny sleepwalks to the top of the stairs and she’s at the base unable to get up to him and he crumples to the bottom. In the nightmare there’s a horrible sound when this happens and blood pools around him (skull cracked) and she just throws herself out of her wheelchair and screams as she holds him, unable to help. This deeply bothers her for days and she eventually voices this to Hero who suggests she should just ask that Sunny move to room with her like he does w/ Kel. Also the door would have a lock, she can keep an eye on him, and lastly could use the excuse to her parents that it’ll make it easier to have Sunny help her with tasks (she doesn't like how they’ve been making him do so much for her. She hates the infantilizing her parents are putting on her and thinks Sunny shouldn’t be forced to do so many chores rn. He isn’t in the right headspace for that [haha pun]). 
Some small details I must put in are like Sunny having to cope/make up with his new lack of depth perception. At first there were some things he broke or damaged bc he’s having trouble judging the distance between the object he’s putting down and the surface he’s putting it on. So bc of this he kinda gets banned from the kitchen after destroying plates and cups on accident when having to make Mari her meals. 
Also like Mari still trying to do things on her own and constantly trying to reach out to Sunny to like hold his hand or even give him a kiss to the forehead or cheek bc she’s scared for his well being and kinda neglects her own mental health in the process. Which leads that to fall on Hero which does eventually take a toll on him worrying about everyone so much but he pushes his feelings to the back so they can lean on him. He reasons at these tough times he has to be the ‘stable’ one. Like, isn’t that kinda his character? I think most write him like this. 
(The siblings don’t get therapy for their mental health bc their father doesn’t believe in that stuff and would get deeply embarrassed and think it would be shameful if ppl hear they were going to it bc then his kids are ‘crazy’ or ‘smth’s wrong w/ them’. The mother doesn't agree w/ this but dad got the final say on this.) I may or may not be projecting cough cough. Man since I’m in the crowd that headcanons the siblings as Asian-Americans w/ shitty parents (dad is the Asian immigrant parent while mother is white or white-mixed? ) imma project so much baby!
Which leads into the fact I have a cooking scene planned! Mari, Sunny, and Hero try their hand in cooking rendang since Mari has this southeast-asian cookbook she got as a gift (yes im ref-ing the one I have irl. Also shut up, im projecting and it’s like my fav food DON'T TOUCH ME!) and wants to try smth. She picks at random. She gives Sunny very easy tasks to help them. And she notices how slow and controlled Sunny is when put things to the counter and it makes her heart clench that he’s so focused on it and scared to mess things up. She’s more eye level with the counter so she’s doing all the measuring. Just needs to tilt her head to read the numbers ez. Anytime she backs up she makes sure to look behind her so she doesn’t run over the boys. Maybe make a funny and that the end result dish is meh bc they used a bad cheap brand of coconut milk. (idk I never cooked my mother did all that)
Also in this AU, Basil is always hanging at their place bc Sunny only talks verbally by whispering in Basil’s or Mari’s ear. He’s only signs nowadays which makes Mari sad bc he made so much progress over the years with talking verbally to his friends and now it’s back to square one like when they first moved to Faraway Town (w/ the expectation of Basil since he knows). 
Some small things of note are like Basil getting real close w/ Sunny now and Kel kinda feeling left out (they are 12).
Earlier on Sunny has a point where he tries to avoid touching Mari as much as possible which she def notices and shakes Basil down for details bc she knows they’ve been stuck together like pb&j recently. Eventually he conceits that Sunny is scared of hurting her anymore/again and this breaks her heart. She straightens things out by sitting her brother down and talking to him. I want this to be a heart to heart scene. If I'm not sobbing when writing then what’s the point? 
For later chapters I want Sunny to start coping by painting. But hehe, he’s not painting cute things. Spooky things, creepy, scary, gorey, whatever you get the point. It’s like how he gets his emotions and worries and frustrations out. His way of venting (more healthily!). Ofc there are some more ‘normal’ things he takes to painting. Like landscapes and ppl on hills, or ballerinas, just flowy fabric stuff. It’s calming for him. And what he can show to others/family. (Basil gets to see all his art and is kinda off put by it at first but kinda shakes it off for Sunny’s sake. When Mari finds out, Sunny gets upset bc he thinks she’ll react badly bc he knows their parents would but she just kinda brushes it off bc if it makes her brother happy or is therapeutic then she has no qualms. As long as it’s not physically harming him.)
Below are snippets from a discord convo I had w/ a friend after I showed her my notes and she helped me bounce some ideas! (Friend-Red) (Me-Orange)
I think Mari’s lack of going out and about should start to slowly ruin Mari and Aubrey’s friendship. Aubrey wants to play with the two but because Sunny is basically mute and Mari is wheelchair bound, they can’t really. And this leads to Aubrey becoming the bad bitch she is when she gets older?
Omg true. Mari can’t go out to play anymore/it’s hard to bc it’s difficult to push her wheelchair in non-concrete areas especially since her arms aren’t used to it yet.
Sunny shuts down for awhile and when he starts to feel better he doesn’t speak to her anymore and maybe bc he still whispers to basil and mari she takes it personally?
Hero and Basil are often at the siblings house, Kel really the only ones that’s sticking around her in her pov
I think maybe Kim should befriend her during these times too and it’ll be a trio of her, Kim, and Kel until the others start joining them again
You planning to keep the Aubrey/Sunny crush thing around or you gonna shift it to her crushing on Kel? 👀 I know Aubrey and kel are fairly popular ship. Enemies to lovers type beat
I didn’t think about that. I was gonna be tagging this fic with Mari/Hero bc I am basic and proud and minor sunflower (basil/Sunny) but it won’t be much besides like implying that basil has a crush on him and Sunny is like kinda codependent? They are 12 so nothing serious XD as for Aubrey,,, maybe
Smth like she feels more betrayed because she had a crush on him and he’s not relying on her? And she knew that he liked her back
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little-tyrant-gortash · 6 months
Pairing: fem!Tav x Enver Gortash, fem!Tav/Astarion
Tags: Emotional Manipulation, Manipulation, Manipulative Relationship, Paladin Tav (Baldur's Gate), Vaginal Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Drunk Sex, Unrequited Love, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Scars, Blood and Injury, Injury, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Torture, Psychological Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture
Word count: 1,504
Ao3 here.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7. ⬇
Chapter 8.
Notes: The flu kicked my ass bad. I wanted to post this days ago. Sorry for the delay! I'm feeling better, so, hopefully, I'll have more energy to write. :3
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Chapter 7: Three Conditions
The expression he donned was indescribable. Tav could detect so many things in the very same moment: regret, rage, boastfulness and then… sadness. Settling on a scowl one mere second later though, Enver shook his head.
"She'd rather gut me than letting me even consider fixing it."
"I'll talk to her."
Gortash stared at her for a long moment.
"On three conditions."
"You've heard me."
Tav fought hard not to roll her eyes. She crossed her arms in front of herself with an expectant look on her face. Three conditions - they weren't much to give in exchange for her friend's life, but if it came to Gortash, who knew what he might ask for… Tav probably wouldn't sell her soul to a devil to save her, but she was willing to give this a try. After all, he couldn't claim her soul, at least, and that was a relief…
What was the worst to happen?
"I'm listening."
"One", Gortash raised his right index finger, then pointed at the Reaper's Embrace, "you're wearing the armour from now on."
Something stirred within her. What did he do to the armour, really? Why was it so important for him? She wondered… what was that dark purple gemstone he put in it's claws right over where one's heart would be?
Given the nature of their meetings Tav was trying to believe he wouldn't pull anything malicious when it came to her. But she couldn't be entirely certain. He'd tricked an innocent bard, after all, offering her gold in exchange for her "voice" – only for her to end up as a brain in a box. Surely, Tav shouldn't let her guards down, because she might find herself without a body, too.
That was the worst to happen.
She shuddered.
Still, she'd need Karlach with her, and perhaps she'd… tolerate Gortash more if he did them all such a favour. He'd ultimately save Karlach's life – of course, after he'd majorly fucked it up for her. In any case, if Tav wanted to really bring the fight to Orin, she needed Karlach. That was non-negotiable.
In short… she had no choice. Try and trust Gortash, or die.
"Fine. I'll wear it."
"Two: you'll visit me every day for dinner." Tav nearly smiled, as it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. She could have the others stay at an inn and she'd sneak out every night without anyone knowing… that should do the trick. Free meals? So far, every meal she'd eaten with him was glorious. She'd be mad to turn that down. "And", he added when he sensed she was looking at it as good news, "we will work on your traumas to toughen you up."
The absurdity of it all!
"You have absolutely no idea what I had to face", she couldn't help it, she snapped. "The things I've seen and done-"
"Exactly", he nodded, "and we need to get those out of the way. You can't feel vulnerable in Bhaal's temple. We can't allow that to happen."
"I can take care of myself. Always did, always will."
"I know that, but will you allow me to do the same for you? You don't have to do this all alone."
She stared at him for a few long seconds, trying to determine how serious he was about this.
"Dinner sounds nice, the other – not."
Gortash knew he'd need to be cruel. This was, really, a small price to pay in the long run. If she could get rid of Orin for him, and brought him the Netherstones… he was willing to sacrifice his free time to work on her, so she could withstand anything she might face.
"You either do this for me, or I'm not fixing Karlach's engine. It's up to you."
She wanted to snarl at him for being so stubborn. He reminded her of Raphael, bringing back an old memory; that how Mol had freedom… to choose 'freely' the only one choice she had. Tav growled lowly.
"Okay. What else do you want to extort from me?"
Gortash smirked at her question.
"A kiss. Not now", he held his right hand up, then motioned between them, "on my own terms. Where I want, when I want."
Tav furrowed her brows, sensing some sort of trick. And, at the same time, she hated everything about him, even the motions he made with his hand when he was talking. Not for long enough, though.
"One single kiss?"
"That's it?"
"Yes", he nodded, and chuckled quietly at her confused expression.
"Fine", she ran a hand in her hair. "Anything else? Or are you finished taking everything from me?"
"My dear, the payments I require are nothing in comparison to what I'm ready to do... for you." He reached out to touch her towel clad waist, and pulled her close to himself before he kissed her deeply. Tav nearly melted at his confidence, in his embrace. She reached up to touch his face, and gently ran her thumb over his scar on his chin. Enver hummed before he pulled away. "It's late, and it's dangerous outside. Stay for the night."
"Do I have a choice?" She asked playfully.
"No", he smirked as his hand slid down on her body and grabbed her ass.
"I'd like to remind you that I do not belong to you", Tav murmured, trying hard to look just as confident as he did, but his closeness and his hands on her body were distracting.
"You needn't remind me. You're not cattle." Cocking a brow, his eyes darkened with something different, something she knew from their previous 'meetings'.
"Glad to hear that", she purred softly.
As a reply, Gortash grabbed the towel at her back and yanked it away from her form before he reached down and picked her up. She gasped as she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck.
"…again?" Enver huffed in her neck, making her giggle when his breath tickled her skin.
"Oh, yes~"
It did not take long for him to relocate them in yet another lavish bedroom, but she didn't even really care where they were. He could've taken her in a bedroll in the middle of nowhere with nothing but their dinner to their names; the way he could make her feel was otherworldly and utterly dangerous.
Later on, she was thinking about that if anyone told her a month ago that she'd be laying comfortably in the arms of the Chosen of Bane, she would've laughed hysterically.
And yet, there she was. Nestled warmly against him. Tucked in, his arms and his blanket around her form. In his bed. In his bedroom. In his bloody palace.
And she'd never felt safer in her entire life.
Tav listened to the way he was breathing; rhythmically, calmly, his last words still hanging in the air when he was dancing between being awake and asleep.
"Together... we will be great."
He'd given her no reason to believe he was lying. So far, everything about him was surprisingly good; from their shared meals to the sheets, Gortash paid a lot of attention to what she liked. She didn't even need to say it out loud, and he knew. As if it was second nature for him. As if it was in his best interests to keep her satisfied and happy.
And it was, in fact, done in his best interests. He was doing this all to make her obey him. To make her submit to his will. To guide her. To prevent her from ever betraying him.
A part of her wanted to give in. She wouldn't need to do much, just follow his lead; let his hand guide her wherever he wanted her to be. Perhaps it'd be best, really; she was growing tired of being the leader, trying to hold her little band of vagabonds together, trying to figure out their next steps, trying to keep peace within the camp. Especially after how Astarion had left them. It'd be so much easier if she could just... lay back and let someone else do the brain work for once.
But she also was aware that Gortash was a Banite; the very Chosen of the God of Darkness, a god who valued people who crushed the weak under their boot.
Did Gortash see her weak? Was she?
Tav's brows twitched as she was questioning herself. From a point of view, she was. Gortash never needed to do much to get under her skin, but that wasn't entirely his fault. She simply couldn't help herself when she saw those dark eyes, messy hair and thick lips of his. And his voice. Gods, his voice. His brilliant, wonderful mind and well put-together plans - the fact he was ready to share everything he earned for himself with her of all people.
She closed her eyes.
I'll worry about my emotions later, she decided, I shouldn't let them distract me now. I'll enjoy this while it lasts.
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Loki Episode 4 Incoherent Thoughts
I know we have two more episodes. I know it's (probably) gonna be fine. But goddamn, guys.
I hope this episode doesn't completely disprove the end of my fic so soon.
Also the word Heart in the title is turning me into more of an absolute Fool
This intro is making me very upset
Welp, already. Before the title card. Damn.
Why does the door stay open at the end of the last episode for Loki and Mobius, but close immediately in this one though?
Wait no Heart is in the title.
Loki being soft and gentle is KILLING ME
You didn't need to give me that long of a shot on that screen. I know the future's approaching.
Fucking hell I love this. I want the end of this so bad to be lokius and Sylvie as my trio but not a throuple.
His number two fan!
OB'S NOT SO SUBTLE LOOK AT SYLVIE WHEN HE SAYS "When someone killed He Who Remains" AND HER RESPONDING LOOK OF PRIDE LIKE 'Thank you, and I'd do it again' AND LOKI LIKE 'Not in front of the variant, please' IS FUCKING SENDING ME
SYLVIE JUMPING INTO THE BICKERING OH NO OH NO (this is an oh no for me, maybe I'll explain what oh no means in reaction posts later, if anything comes of this one. God I hope not)
Loki is a very fast runner
But also please do not come in the way of Casey and OB
Ohhh fuck
I thought she was gonna restore his memories without permission, I really did
[I just paused typing the reactions because I thought of a theory OH MY GOD]
They're for sure gonna go for it AND THEN TURN ON YOU WHEN IT'S TIME
Lord please don't kiss
Loki you're doing great sweetie please don't try to kiss her
Don't you DARE FUCKING kiss her
Oh thank god
MINUTES GO FUCK YOURSELF (Timely's not gonna do it, after all)
This is weird
SO IT MIGHT NOT HAPPEN TILL NEXT WEEK BUT: So they're separated, Sylvie gets up, pries open the elevator doors in time to see past Loki get pruned but thinks it's current Loki. And she's very upset about it. Then current Loki shows up and they reunite and she kisses him for real this time. GOD PLEASE NO I'M GONNA BE NERVOUS FOR THE NEXT SEVENTEEN MINUTES MINUS WHENEVER THAT HAPPENS.
OH RIGHT YOU NEED TO SEE SYLVIE RIGHT. I forgot you understood this shit better than I do.
There's a guy in another apartment yelling ARGH, and that's a BIG MOOD right now dude lol.
"I promise you this will make sense." You're killing me Loki PLEASE DON'T KISS HER
This man is still yelling and it's been like 3-5 minutes.
Thanks V
wait. Why are there pictures of the episode including the last scene in the files at the TVA? (I know it's the credits but I'm choosing to accept it as canon)
It all comes down to Brad I guess??
I. Need to go like. Stare at a wall for a little bit or something.
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quinloki · 5 months
OKAY BUT IZOU IS 100% PURPOSEFULLY A LITTLE SHIT I can just picture him being amused in the beginning but then losing his patience bc NOTHING is happening the two brothers are content to play the long game and slowly win you over since they don't want to pressure you! and that's no fun to izou
so he works on sending luffy/ace/thatch at convenient times to interrupt and if it was anyone besides sabo/marco they prolly wouldn't catch on but those two are smart and sly on their own so they maybe originally think it's the other one before discussing it. It's not like they're on bad terms they're aware what the other is doing and maybe they've snuck themselves out onto a 'date' the other had but they're both mature adults so there's really no hostility there, just some brotherly competition. so they work out that it's izou somehow, maybe izou is very very subtly flirting on his own where they can see, but you're definitely oblivious bc he's VERY subtle about it
and I can picture them confonting him about it and him being like what? if you don't hurry up someone else will snatch the little flower up and arrange her beautifully
OKAY also agree that they would eavesdrop. my brain said no earlier when I said vent trope but nah, sabo would give zero shits and be at that door. imagine yall had something going on earlier with a few drinkies and you're just a littleeeee tipsy too when ace comes to ask you what's up so you maybe give him way more details than he asked for and they both hear the whole thing (and ace definitely needs another drink after that)
thatch being the oblivious tip offer is so funny bc he means well and it's so cute I can see thatch casually talking marco up to you too and it's not like them going to thatch's bar would be TOTALLYYYYY creepy like they could just play it off as they came to see thatch! no idea you were there!
yes the 'soft around me then scary dangerous around threats' is such a good trope omg I love it like you've seen all of them playfully mad at ribbing between brothers but the actual anger is blowing your mind!!! (and it's kinda hot lolol)
okay but yes to mafia au (and heheheh hotel with marco and sabo >>) but imagine they were kinda in that world to begin with (maybe not mafia but connected enough to know who's who and have strong connections/money) and another reason you're such good friends with ace besides the punch first mantra is that you're both a little dumb like he tried to bring it up at some point, thought you understood, and maybe you said something like 'i don't need to know details' (bc you thought it was something wayyyyy different) and so when you went to move in they asked ace if you were aware of whatever and he was like yes! but she doesn't want details! and they start explaining it after and it's like ????? excuse me WHAT idk just a dumb misunderstanding bc you and ace are just a little dumb together especially and you're sitting there like oh… they have a really big, nice house and oh all have nice cars and wait how did you not notice this before
lmao and imagine the hotel shower looks like the one in your dream so there goes into that train of thought as you're trying to calm down from everything else and man did they look hot when they were mad >>
quin you fed my brain and now it's going in overdrive oh my god I can't get it out of my head help I'm so sorry I typed so much at you T_______T
DO NOT APOLOGIZE - Omfg this was AMAZING to read - you are killing me in the best way. I love it. I want to write it. I want to just line up espresso shots and stay up all night and not sleep and just WRITE THIS because it is just getting more and more amazing the more we talk about it.
Mafia-ish AU - Maybe the Edward Family did start below board. Made some nice money from it now and then transitioned to actual legal activities. Sure there's still some shady connections in there, you can't shake them entirely, debts owed and all that. But legal enough that the marines who harass them aren't going to get any where.
Sabo's a lawyer, part of Dragon's firm, and half his job is dealing with the red tape the Government dogs insist on throwing at the family business, that has truly and honestly gone from Family to family.
Marco's effectively the CEO of the company, Pops stepped down and retired after shifting everything over to a legit business. Thatch had the bar as a front originally, but had effectively shifted it into a lucrative business before the rest of the family business shifted over. (Izou's the CFO, Ace works in the mail room, but he is learning the ropes for the entire business, and will spend 1-2 years in just about every role in the company so he can learn logistics hands on).
The family's not that long removed from things either, maybe five years. Maybe somewhere between 10 and five, like, just enough to be honestly legit, but not so much that they've gone soft by any stretch of the word.
Shanks is still mafia, and I think friends with enough of the Edward Boys that there's some amicable exchange of information between them. He keeps them in the loop, they set up some shell corps for him. There's real animosity with Kaido and Big Mom though, but most of that might not even come into play with the story.
I LOVE the hotel shower being like the one in the dream, and you over-shared details with Ace, so Sabo and Marco both know. Know in that "Oh what an interesting shower, wouldn't you say so?" kind of way.
Oh but man - word gets out, the Edward Boys have a weakness™ - you'd have to be hella dumb to take that risk, or crazy powerful, or just plain crazy.
At some point you learn that the brothers aren't blood related - and that's one of those "I should've known" moments, cause everyone looks so different, and it was a Family™ and not even an adopted family, and gods alive Sabo isn't even Marco's brother, he's Ace's and something about sake, and Luffy, and don't think too hard on it, how did that dream go again?
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sunenjoyswriting · 7 months
Being saved by the person who you despise is more likely then you'd think (especially when they call you savior)!
Possible warnings: Near death experience, Coco being betrayed by the people she trusted.
Writers note: Eh he... This idea has been rotting in my brain for far too long. This is probably one of the longest fics I've wrote as well! About 350 words!! Per usual, this will go up in the morning instead of at 2AM/when I wrote it. (You can guess what I did guys!)
Summary (taken directly from AO3): Coco is on deaths doorstep, having been left behind by the pointed caps...
But, who's to say that's her truly end?
Certainly not Iguin, that's for sure.
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It hurt. It hurt a lot.
Every part of Coco's body had felt like it was on fire, and slowly melting away.
If Coco had known that this is what would happen, she would've never agreed to be a witch.
A bad incident had happened a few minutes ago - leaving quite a few witches injured... Most of the witchs were rushed to safety, but one was left behind to die: Coco. The reason for them leaving Coco behind was unknown, but... 
There's no way any reason could possibly make Coco forgive them. Not one reason could do that.
With the last of her strength, Coco weakly grabbed her ink wand, and started to trace a spell (that she had seen a brimmed cap use to heal someone) on her body - something that's considered forbidden to do... But whether this was forbidden wasn't something Coco cared about right now. She just wanted to stay alive, no matter if it meant she had to betray everything she had learned as a witch.
She had barely managed to complete the spell before her arms gave out. It was small, and shaky, so it didn't do much to help her... But it was her last hope - she just needed anybody to get to her before she completely gave out...
And, it seems her hopes were answered, as she heard a quite familiar voice...
"Ah, Coco, I see you've finally gotten rid of those silly rules about magic in your head~" 
Iguin was who spoke... Iguin was there! Yes, yes...! Maybe she could live after all...!
"Please... S-save me, Iguin..." 
Coco's voice was very weak, but she just needed Iguin to help. Help in any way possible - even if it went against what Coco had learned and stood by so strictly.
Iguin's arms wrapped around Coco's body softly, picking her up. 
"Don't worry, Coco... I won't ever betray you, unlike the pointed cap witches."
Coco ended up losing consciousness only seconds after Iguin had spoken again, but...
Looks like Coco's life is about to change quite a bit, whether that be for better or for worse.
~ The end ~
… or is it?
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echo-bleu · 2 years
The WIP ask. :) For 2 ✍️ and 👷. For 4 💡 and 👀. For 5 🎮 and 👀. Also, have to comment on those numbers on Whitcher fics - AWESOME!! *grin*
So many questions!! Thank you! and thank you, I'm so happy to be inspired again, it feels incredibly good.
2 is Singer Street, one of my original projects. It's about a neurodivergent shared house and the community they build around it. There's a little synopsis here and a presentation of the main characters here for anyone curious.
✍️ How far have you got with it?
Uh not much more than the last time I talked to you about it, or talked about it here actually. I haven't written in two months. So the actual draft is like 8k, most of which is the first 3 scenes. I did open the file yesterday and read the first scene, and I went "yeah I'd read that book" so I guess that's a good thing? I do have a mostly clear plot, all the characters, so most of the work outside of the actual writing is done.
Theoretically, writing it is my priority, but I'm not gonna lie, the Witcher stuff are taking over for as long as the hyperfixation is on, because brain (and because it's fun, too).
👷 How has the creation of the story gone so far? Stressful or fun?
More fun than stress, unless I start thinking about it in terms of a novel I might one day want to publish. Then I get all perfectionist and just end up dropping it. Given that you've picked me back up a bunch of times already, you know that :)
4 is left you behind just standing there, a Witcher fic. I started it a week ago, and it's one of those fics I just plot as I go, so I have no idea about length (it's 11k now). It has a disabled&traumatized Jaskier and a powerless Yennefer running a small inn and raising a little autistic girl named Maja, six years after Jaskier was tortured by Rience, and Ciri finding them there.
💡 What inspired you to want to write it?
It's a mix of things. I came up with Maja as Jaskier and Yennefer's daughter as a crack concept originally (where Jaskier had a kid from one of the many women he slept with and he wasn't raising her, but when Yennefer saves his life in Oxenfurt she claims the law of surprise and the next day the mother dumps Maja into Jaskier's arms. Jaskier isn't going to give her up, thank you very much, so they'll just have to co-parent, won't they?) I might still write that fic, I actually wrote a little stub, but then Maja took a life of her own.
The second thing was that I wanted to explore Jaskier actually going to the coast (as he offered to Geralt) without Geralt and staying there, and the idea of Rience's torture ending in disability and life-altering changes. Those Jaskier/Yennefer scenes in season 2 are what got me hooked to the show, so that was the starting
👀 Can you give us any sneak peaks?
She can see in Julian and Yen’s eyes that they’ve been through as much as she has, if not more. The calm and peace of this place is deliberate, a comfort that they’ve crafted for themselves and their little girl. Maybe that’s why Ciri feels like she can trust it. It’s real, but it’s purposeful.
This is a place made to rest and recuperate.
What happened to them? Why do they need this quiet so much? Julian’s scars look terrible, although Ciri has seen – and acquired – more than her fair share. But it’s more than that. It’s in the way they move around each other, the way they gracefully, almost unnoticeably shy away from contact with anyone other than their family, the compassion in their gazes.
Yen gives hints of being more distant, cold, even, like she wasn’t always so caring. There’s something about her that reminds Ciri of her grandmother, a fierceness, an old anger that hasn’t quite been smothered. Julian, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have a vicious streak in his body. Oh, Ciri has no idea what he’d do if someone tried to harm those he loves, but he’s genuinely as kind as he shows himself, she’s sure of that.
She’s curious about his witcher story, and even more curious about why Yen felt the need to intervene before he could tell it. How would he have met a witcher? Does it have anything to do with where he got those injuries?
Her thoughts drift back to Geralt, and then to his bard, the man she’s here to find. Jaskier. The spell led her here – why? Why would Jaskier be in Enktell of all places?
I'll answer 5 in a second post, because otherwise this is going to be too long.
From this WIP game
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gubbin-galoshes · 6 months
Everything went strange today so I ended up watching the live-action Bleach.
My car had been making crazy noises. Creaks and squeals and grating. So I'd made an appointment, and this morning I got up super early, my shaking body wrecked by anxiety, and drove up to the dealer. I checked in, explained the creaky crunchy noise, and left my car key with them. So far, according to plan.
I walked across to the mall, where I'd confirmed via four different resources that there was a bus stop. I'd never taken the bus alone before: I've always had horrific motion sickness on buses, and I had nightmares of throwing up five minutes after setting foot on a bus. But today I was determined to support public transit and told myself this fear is stupid.
A girl was there, younger than me, and asked me for some confidence. We compared the bus apps on our phones and confirmed our respective buses were indeed on their way. She got on hers, we waved through the window, and then she was gone.
My bus arrived. I got on and showed the driver the ticket on my phone. He told me to scan it. I have no idea what I'm doing. When I don't know what I'm doing, my brain freezes. So I'm shoving my phone at this thing like a monkey trying to slam a square peg in a round hole and the driver is like no, just- put it on the- no the other way- there you go! And I got it and thanked him. He was very patient with my incompetent ass.
I was the only one on the bus.
I did not throw up. I am delighted to announce that I did not even get motion sick the whole way to work. I successfully requested a stop without making a further ass of myself and walked to work.
The rest of the day I was a wreck. I couldn't think straight. I kept checking my phone for communication about my car and the crazy noises. I have no idea what I said or did. I was twitchy.
4 pm comes around and there's still no communication. I texted the service guy: so uh, hey, is everything ok? I'm imagining that they've accidentally destroyed my car and are scrambling to fix it. Or they're putting off giving me bad news.
4:45, I'm about to call when I get a video in my text. It's of my car. I can't breathe. I play it and turn up the volume, the mechanic is talking.
"So I couldn't replicate the noise and nothing seems to be wrong but it's probably something not serious, I don't recommend a repair"
Another text comes in:
We close at 5 but I'll stay late if you want to pick up tonight
At this point it felt too late. My soul had left my body. I texted back, I'll pick it up tomorrow. And I took the train home.
On the walk back from the train station I picked up a sandwich. I met my neighbor at the door, she asked about the hot water that's still throwing tantrums after the landlord claimed to have fixed it, and prompted me to send a complaint.
I've spent so long figuring out that there's no bus from home to the dealer so I'll have to take the train to work then a bus from work to the dealer then drive back in my car that had nothing wrong with it in the first place.
So I showered (there was, gratefully, some hot water left), unwrapped my sandwich, and turned on the live-action Bleach movie.
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I had seen most of the anime a very long time ago, which was critical to understanding what is even happening. This obviously wasn't going to be amazing, but all I wanted was a distraction.
If you've seen the anime and can therefore follow along, this is a very good movie to have on while you're in your pajamas, eating a hot sandwich from the corner pizzeria, trying to forget what a dumbass you've been all day. They leaned heavy into the anime tropes and sound effects, and most of the scenes were obviously just hey it'd be cool to see these two characters fight in live action. Don't worry about the story. The Hollows were done pretty well though. And I like the continued focus on Ichigo's mom as an anchor for the cobbled plot.
Ichigo worked his ass off and still lost in the end. Sounds familiar.
I feel a little better. I know how to ride the bus now. I know way more about local public transit than I did a week ago. I submitted a map correction to google maps, which had tried to tell me to walk through someone's private yard. I made hot chocolate.
Tomorrow I'm going to get my car back, now that I know how to avoid driving it.
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
hi ryen!! just want to thank you for hard work and efforts that you have put into your works. your blog were one of the things that i always find myself going to these past few weeks and it’s truly one of the things that’s keeping me alive tbh! i absolutely love loveloveee your works. the emotions i go through when reading your works allows me to escape whatever it is that is happening irl. thank you for making your blog a safe space and a place where i personally find comfort in! i also really appreciate all of your replies to my asks. it makes me feel seen and loved and i hope we are able to make you feel loved too!! my sem break is coming to an end in a week which i’m really bummed about. the past few sems wasn’t the nicest to me so i’m really dreading for the week to come… but yeah, this means that i won’t be coming here as often as i wish 😭 but!! i’ll be sure to come by every now and then bc i know i won’t be able to stay away from your blog for long 😅 and like i said, i’m starting to treat your blog like my morning newspaper so i’m pretty sure i’ll camping here when i’m on my way to school. i’ll still be here for 3tan apple bobbing part two though!! so get ready for me to scream about it here 😙 sorry if that went a little bit too personal but i really hope you know how much i appreciate you and the works that you put out. your works feel like a big warm hug! thank you so much for being you <3 love u! - 🪐✨
saturn.. i love you. you couldn't have said this at a better time<3 thank you so much for the love and appreciation! i'm glad you're able to enjoy yourself here and use it as an escape. that's what this blog was always intended for, and i still intend to keep it that way.
of course i love responding to your asks, as well! even if it takes me a bit, it's a pleasure to answer and talk with you. i can feel the energy and wonderment and thoughtfulness in your messages, and stuff like that? amazing to receive as a writer and content creator. you have no idea how many times you've made me smile, too. the love is felt. it truly is. and it's what keeps me going when i have those periods of doubt or times when i think what i'm doing isn't good enough.
best of luck on the new semester! you're gonna crush it and i am already proud of you for all the hard work you're gonna pull through. remember to rest and recharge when your body is telling you that you need it!
part 2 should be up this week, and 3tan9 should also be right around the corner (if my brain allows lmao) i can't wait for y'all to read both bc both are shaping up to be the end of me lol
but truly, thank you so much for this. i am honored to receive such love from you, because wherever you are, i feel it<3 i'm gonna keep trying my best!
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ay0nha · 2 years
Girls Just Want To Have Fundamental Rights | Steve Harrington (I)
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(CHEESY) Summary: She knew him as ‘King Steve’ and he knew her as the Feminist who got kicked out of school. She left Hawkins while he stayed, but what happens when she returns and foggy memories become clear?
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Sinclair!OC (POC)
Word Count: 1.1K
A/N: I had this idea and I needed to write about it. Short little something to get the ball rolling. Enjoy :)
Since you showed interest :))) @timmytime-hufflepuff09 @misaamaneswifey @sailor-peeking @theultimatesleeper
Part II
Steve had never seen her before. To be fair, he didn't notice half of the customers who came into Family Video. Every day felt the same. The same families filtered in to rent the same movies. The same girls came in to rightfully ignore him for the next up-and-coming cult classic they could find.
Maybe that's just the nature of a job, he thought.
Yet, when she walked in and took her time, every minute thoughtfully taken, she chose a movie that deserved to be dusted off.
"Solid choice," Steve couldn't help but fill the silence between the two as she slid the small box across the counter.
While she rummaged through her bag for her movie card, she only gave Steve a nod. As her eyes were cast down, he could see how thin and long her eyeliner was as it only accentuated their natural shape.
When they snapped up to his, he spoke again to cover his lingering eyes, "My mom loves this movie."
He'd never heard of the movie. All About Eve. A black and white film from the 1950s. The cover mentioned that it was an award-winning drama. Something his mother, of all people, would be least likely to touch. So here he was, almost panicking to find more information about the movie in order to just talk, but she finally spoke up.
"Seems like I've lost my card-
"No worries," Steve stepped in quickly, a little too eager for his liking. When people forgot their cards, it always heightened his annoyance, but now he was able to extend their interaction without an excuse, "I can look you up...And, uh, your last name?"
Steve looked at her wide-eyed. He'd seen a lot in the last few years, but never did he think he'd see someone like who was in front of him related to Lucas.
He gave her a quick smile as he slightly cleared his throat to cover his momentary pause.
"I only see a Lucas Sinclair."
"I'm sure he won't mind," She smiled lightly, ready to have the movie in her possession and move on with her day. Steve could only look between the screen and her as if he had a photo of Lucas and he was looking for the resemblance causing her to say, "I don't have to prove I'm related to him, do I?"
"No, no, it's fine," Steve sped up his movement as his initial shock was wearing off, "You've got a week to return this. Enjoy the movie."
"Have a good one," She held up the movie as if saying cheers before leaving the door's ding behind her.
For the rest of the day, Steve felt like he was floating through the motions of work. He kept replaying his interaction over and over again. The more he did, the more he was realizing he knew her from somewhere.
Into his double shift, he was wracking his brain to remember where he'd known her from. It wasn't until Robin came in after class that he asked about her.
"Does Sinclair have a sister?" He asked absentmindedly, toying with whatever was left on the counter from the day.
"Yes, Dingus you've met Eric-
"No, no-I mean another one," Steve corrected himself, "Does he have another one?"
"Not that I know of…Why?" Robin asked through a sigh, knowing whatever her friend would go on about it if she didn’t ask what it was leading to.
Steve hesitated to answer, not even sure of the answer himself. Robin knew something was up especially since he hadn't listed off the woes of his love life the moment she stepped in.
"No, no, nothing," Steve shook his head, tapping rhythmically on the counter. He pushed himself up as if to push the conversation away, but with a click of his teeth, he folded, "A girl came in today used Lucas's card...said she was related to him."
"What'd she look like?"
"She looked my age," Steve started to describe her while Robin gave him a look to be less vague, “I don’t know…She had this nose ring, it was small though, like barely there-
"Wait? Stop. Stop.” Robin repeated to herself a few times, the cogs in her head turning, “Do you mean to tell me the Donna Sinclair was here?"
Donna. He remembered her now. She was Lucas's cousin, the very same that had the rumor she got kicked out of Hawkins high for going on a school strike. There were always floating rumors as to why she'd left Hawkins. Steve always thought it was because she skipped school too much. Others thought it was to get the pervy teacher fired. However, over the years they continually got me elaborate.
Robin was starting to get huffy at Steve's lack of response so she practically yelled her next question about him, "What'd she check out?"
"All About Ava-
"All About Eve?" Robin corrected him, her eyes going slightly wide in awe, "A feminist classic. God- She's so cool. What was she like?"
What he really wanted to tell Robin was how she came in today, sunglasses tinted dark and gait strong.  She held the same rebellious spirit from years ago, who didn't shave and it was more than clear she supported burning all the bras as she bent over to reach for the  Blaxploitation section.
Steve could tell she was unimpressed with their selection going for her final, safe choice before approaching him.
"I barely talked to her," He shrugged. That part was true, but he wouldn't divulge how his nerves set in the closer she had come to the counter.
He regretted not recognizing her the moment she walked in. But she had changed some from the last time he'd seen her. He thought maybe she grew, but maybe it was her confidence that made her posture a little straighter. Her curls were still tight and kinky, but it was much longer than before as they just brushed against her shoulders. She had truly grown into herself and knew it.
Robin understood what Steve's furrowed eyebrow meant, "Please tell me you didn't try and hit on her."
"I didn't," He brushed her off simply, trying to figure out why after all this time she was back in Hawkins.
"Really, I didn't,” He was quick to get defensive.
"Then why are you acting so weird?" She hardly believed him.
"I think," He scrunched his eyebrows together as if to confirm the faint memory, "...I think I kissed her once."
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