#young k blurb
jazziwritesthings · 19 days
Mooties and non-mooties can you please send the accounts that currently/actively write for DAY6??? I can't seem to get the right tags to see really anything and I NEED IT
Please and Thank you
Also love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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flemingsfreckles · 4 months
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Jessie Fleming x Reader (parent fic)
Synopsis: You and Jessie catch wind that your teenage daughter might have a boyfriend. Jessie loses her mind over it.
Warnings: discussions of sex, bird and the bees type conversation
WC: 1.7k
A/N: literally no one asked for this but I’m struggling to write. This is just another short blurb that got written because I had a single thought about Jessie being a mom to teenagers and having to give her kids the birds and the bees talk.
When your children had gotten home from school that day, you and Jessie were in the office, organizing old documents. The office was just located off the kitchen where your two children had walked through the door.
Your youngest child, Riley was already interrogating at his older sister. “So what is he your boyfriend now, are you guys all gross and in love?” You paused what you were doing, listening further into the conversation.
“Stop Riley.”
“Amelia and Nick sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Your younger one continues to taunt his sister
“Ughhh, shut up!” Your daughter's voice begins to fade, you assume she’s walking out of the room and away from the teasing that’s going on.
“Where are you going? To call your boyfriend?” You hear Riley call after her followed shortly by the slamming of a bedroom door. Normally the door slamming would be immediate grounds for either you or Jessie to go talk with your daughter. However you and your wife both remained frozen in the office.
You hear your son grab something from the fridge and make his way to his own room before closing the door.
When you heard his bedroom door close Jessie started speaking. “Did he just say her boyfriend?”
“I think so? I don’t know?” You shrug at your wife before turning to put more papers away, no longer being distracted by the conversation between your teenagers.
“Why are you fine with this?” Jessie now standing, no longer caring to organize and shred paper. Clearly Jessie was not taking the new information well.
“Fine with what?” You look at Jessie, taking the papers in her hands to finish filing them away.
“Our daughter having a boyfriend.” She says as if it’s the most obvious answer.
“Oh right, I’m sorry, she didn’t turn out gay like us, we tried our best.” You feel the smile creeping across your face. “Maybe we should’ve let her play softball and dressed her in more flannels as a little kid.”
“Can you take something seriously for once?!” Jessie was usually a fan of your humor but it appeared that today was not the day for it. She was clearly upset.
“Jessie, first of all, Riley is 15 he might not actually know what he’s talking about, he might’ve just overheard some school gossip. Second of all, Amelia is 17, not 12, she can have a boyfriend.” You roll your eyes at your wife, seeing and hearing the panic that she was having.
“I thought we had agreed when she was born that she wasn’t allowed to date until she was 25!” Jessie was whispering yelling at you, not wanting to alert your children.
“That was a joke Jessie, I’m not controlling my kid’s romantic life until they’re 25!” You both had jokingly talked that you wouldn’t let anyone near her, she was your little girl, you both overbearing as brand new parents. You had forgotten about that, obviously realizing that she’s a human and will likely date before she’s 25.
“Well she can’t have a boyfriend.” She crosses her arms, staring at you like you’re the bad guy in this situation. You throw your arms out, not sure why Jessie is upset with you.
“She’s 17, it’s fine, we don’t even know if it’s actually a boyfriend.” You tried to reason with your wife but you could practically see the steam coming from her ears.
“She’s too young to have a boyfriend, she’s too young to be having sex!” Jessie whispers the word ‘sex’ as if just saying it was going to cause a teenage pregnancy somewhere in the world. “We cannot have grandkids yet!”
“Oh my god,” you start to laugh. “You’re fully losing it over this aren’t you?” You couldn’t believe Jessie’s dramatic jump from a potential boyfriend to your daughter giving you grandkids in a matter of seconds.
“I don’t know why you’re so okay with our daughter having sex with a boy we’ve never even met!” Jessie is wildly waving her hands, her face has a look of panic on it.
“Alright, sit, take a deep breath.” You push Jessie’s shoulders forcing her to put her weight up against the desk, half sitting on it. She takes a deep breath and you take one with her. You keep your hands on her shoulders, giving them a squeeze as you talk to her.
“We don’t know he’s her boyfriend. Let’s not jump to conclusions here. Amelia is a smart girl, you know that.” You take her hands in yours. “If she’s determined that now is the time she wants to start dating, I think we need to understand that that’s okay. We can talk with her about it. We’ll tell her our expectations, the expectations we have for her and whoever she wants to date. It’ll be fine.”
Jessie takes her hands from yours, crossing her arms over her chest, letting out a small huff. “But it’s not fine, I don’t trust him, I don’t think he has good intentions.”
“You’ve never met the kid, Jessie just because he’s a teenage boy, doesn’t mean he only wants sex from her.” You pause before you continue, knowing your wife would likely not be happy with the next few words you said. “And Jessie,” you grab her face making her look at you. “if she is dating this boy or dating anyone, and she’s curious about the physical intimacy that comes with that, I think that’s okay.”
“No its-” you hold up your hand to stop Jessie’s sentence.
“Let me finish. If she’s curious and has questions, I’d rather she feel comfortable coming to us than to the internet or her friends who don’t know and will give her terrible information. Yes, 17 is young, but she’s practically an adult Jessie. She’ll be off at school in a year, where she won’t have us to help her with these things.” You can practically see the rage building up in your wife’s face. “Now I'm not going to sit here and tell her to go have sex, but I'm not going to let our daughter be taught that sex is a sinful or scary thing, you know that. We’ve raised them to be open and honest about sex so far, we can’t become a sex-negative household now that she’s at that age where it might be a thought. We can talk with her, have an adult conversation. We’ll explain the emotional aspect that comes with it, we’ll make sure she understands all the aspects of what it means to have sex with someone. And that if,” you take a deep breath, “if she’s planning on, or has any interest in having sex, we’ll get her set with birth control or condoms, probably both.”
“She’s too young, putting her on birth control would be like offering to buy them a hotel room to do it.” You couldn’t believe Jessie’s behavior still, you thought your reasoning would’ve helped her opinion at least a little.
When you first learned you were having a girl, Jessie was admient that no one would go near your daughter until she was 30. But the two of you had done your best to raise your kids to be informed, you taught them about consent early, you taught them the anatomy of where babies come from, when your daughter turned 14, you and Jessie sat her down, giving her the full bird and the bees talk. You did most of the talking, Jessie was there but she looked just as mortified as your daughter did. You taught her sex wasn’t bad and sex wasn’t just for babies, it was for intimacy, connection, enjoyment, it was fun, it was a way to connect with another person, but that didn’t make it any less serious. Jessie had been on board before with these discussions, she didn’t always participate fully, but she was always there and you knew your daughter had gone to her to ask her some questions after to get clarification. But now that the reality of your daughter starting this part of her life was real, Jessie had done a 180.
“Jessie, she’s a teenager, teenagers have hormones. If she wants to have sex, it’s going to happen, teenagers find a way whether we like it or not. I’d rather her be having safe, informed, and protected sex, than unsafe sex in a boy’s mom’s car in a sketchy dark parking lot in the middle of nowhere just so they can avoid getting caught.”
You both sit in silence, Jessie looks at the ground and you look at her.
“I hate that you’re right.” She mumbles after a few minutes.
“I know.” You kiss her cheek with a smile. “Jessie” you grab your wife’s hand, your thumb rubbing over where her wedding band and engagement ring sat, “Let’s just go talk to her, that way we’re not sitting here guessing and making up scenarios. For all we know it’s not a boyfriend.”
“I just can’t believe she wouldn’t tell us. She’s our little girl, she used to tell us everything.” You can now see the sadness in Jessie’s eyes.
“I know, but our little girl is growing up, she’s a moody teenager now, she’s not going to want to share everything with us, and that’s okay.” You sit down next to Jessie, resting your head on her shoulder as you both stare at the door of the office.
“I want her to go back to being so little. I used to be able to hold her in one arm.”
“I know, they both used to be so little.” You and Jessie sat together, your head on her shoulder, reminiscing on the 17 years that seemed to have flown by. Thinking about how small their fingers used to be, how small their clothes were, how they’d babble at you, all of that gone, you now had two grown children.
“We did a pretty good job with them I think. They’re good people.”
“Yeah,” Jessie laughs, “just not to each other.”
“Well they’re siblings.” You respond back. You realize you’ll probably have to talk to your son too about his teasing. “Ready to go talk to her?” You ask Jessie.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to watch her grow up but I don’t think I have a choice.” Jessie says pushing herself off the desk. “Let’s go.”
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
I need to... (1)
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1... Get the f*ck out of here
Summary: An awful event leads you to rethink of everything
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader (for now)
Warnings: There are mentions of them being Minors! at some point in their relationship, cursing, cheating, angst, depression, age gap (not for reader), coercion, toxic relationship, drinking alcohol to cope, in some countries it is underage drinking, (reader is 18). might forget some warnings…
Wordcount: 4 k
Notes: This just started like a blurb, and now we are here. AAAHHHH this is going to be soft, romcom sort of thing, but a bit angsty at first… 
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You knew him like the palm of your hand, and that is how you could pinpoint the exact day something went wrong, were perhaps his affair started, you couldn’t be sure 
You wanted to go to Winterfell University, it was far North in the continent, they say it was always winter there, cold, and wild, but you had seen pictures and had been there briefly on vacations with your family and you absolutely loved it, besides, it had a great program on what you wanted to study, you wanted an adventure, you wanted to completely change your surroundings, get out of your comfort zone, fly off the nest. 
But Aemond, your loving boyfriend and highschool sweetheart didn’t think so, you didn’t want to break your relationship, besides, Aemond’s family owned an airline, it would be a four hour journey to meet you there. But he insisted it was too far. You believed that on the one hand that a time apart could be good for you, you would miss him more, and therefore your reunions would be way more intense and hotter, but no.
An that time it made sense, you were drawing your future together, so he convinced you to go to Dragonstone University with him. The university of his dreams. 
It was completely his environment, the university specialized on what he wanted to study, diplomacy and political sciences, so for him it was a perfect fit. 
But not for you
All the alumni were perfect, serious, dressed like they all belonged to old money, just like Aemond, he was like a fish of the same pond, and you? were a fucking Alligator. You felt big, clumsy, unwanted. 
There wasn’t a career in design, like the one you wanted to follow, instead, there was plastic arts and photography, even architecture, so, in your first year, you made sure to take a couple of subjects leading in all of those directions. 
That was your first mistake.
You should have stayed in architecture, maybe, photography even, but instead, you decided to take a course with Professor Alys Rivers. In a plastic arts class
That was your second
Soon you became some sort of friends
She was tall, beautiful, dark long locks, big green eyes, the woman was stunning, young, just started teaching, and soon she became your mentor
You liked her 
She realized you were frustrated, and take special care in you, mentoring you, and keeping you close to her, she told you maybe you would be good at teaching, and maybe she wouldn’t have taken so long in deciding she wanted to teach
She was thirty five years old
But as Aemond was thriving, you were quickly losing yourself
Classes were boring, didn't raise your interest, the people here were strange, you were afraid to say you weren’t making any friends and not for the lack of trying
It got so bad you only went out with Aemond, who was even after a few months, the most popular guy in his class, it was becoming a very unbalanced relationship
You and Aemond had grown up together, you were neighbors with his nephews Jacaerys, Lucerys and joffrey, the first one being your classmate with Aemond
You played together as children, and in eleventh grade he had formerly asked you to date him, to be his girlfriend
Both your families were ecstatic
HIghschool sweethearts, you knew each other forever, you were going to marry and live  a perfect life, Aemond wanted to be a diplomat, and you were catching up to be his beautiful, smart, joyful trophy wife.
You didn’t see it that way then
You wanted to follow a design career, he didn’t take you seriously, but encouraged you
The problem is that Winterfell was too far away, so he convinced you to take architecture courses in his university, the best one in the country for what he wanted, the kind of university that grooms the men and women that were going to take over the world one day. It was huge, a big castle from five thousand years ago, the least you could do was enjoy the architecture. 
He was the perfect man, the perfect boyfriend, the one your parents would adore, and they did, he was chivalrous, patient, kind, generous…
You introduced him to your favorite teacher hen you ran into each other at the campus’ coffee shop
That was your third mistake, to invite Alys to join you both to take a cup of coffee, 
If you only payed attention to the looks they gave each other 
“So she is the teacher you have talked to me about”, Aemond said sheepishly, you only hummed as you kept reading a tome about a tyroshi painter who was the first in drawing the human body in all its forms, he was sort of famous, had lived more than a thousand years ago
“Yes, she is so sweet”, you whispered, “she is an artist, but so down to earth you know?”, you said without even thinking, “you can completely see the process behind her works, she is amazing”
Aemond had the luck (or money), to get single in the dorms, so he slept alone, so you could stay with him anytime you’d like, and you really liked it, your roommate was a bit mean.
And suddenly, Aemond has to study… a lot, you didn’t sleep with him anymore, even though your after class activities were as active as ever.
He was concentrating on his classes, (or that is what you thought), so you were going to start and do the same, and you tried, so so hard
But you were failing
You were already started the last month of the semester, and two of your teachers told you unceremoniously, that you were failing
You barely contained your tears, your lips were quivering and your nose tickled, and you went to the only person who could bring you comfort… one of the two… your professor Alys, whose class you had been getting pure A’s in
You never saw it coming
Her classroom was the last one in one of the towers of the incredible castle, and when you started climbing up the stairs, your stomach sank
It was late, the sun already hiding on the horizon, but you knew she was still in her atelier, and there she was
You could what the moans and whispers before you saw them, your cheeks heated and a sick curiosity made you sneak a peek inside the classroom
Oh how you wish you didn’t
There she was, your thirty five year-old teacher being pounded by your nineteen year old boyfriend 
You’d recognize that silver hair anywhere, everywhere
You wanted to throw up
Alys and Aemond, Aemond was fucking Alys
You just stood there
Your arm moved alone, as you raised your phone and took a picture of them, you could need it for later, but it wasn’t you who made that decision, it certainly wasn’t you
You were crying
You covered your mouth to sob outloud and for them to hear it, and you walked away, it was a miracle you managed to went down those treacherous steps and not smash your head, perhaps you would have preferred it, to smash your head against the stone floors, to turn off your head 
the tears stopped, and your feet moved on your own as they took you out of there, you didn’t want anyone to see you, you didn’t want to give this university more of you, not your tears, not more of your efforts, no nothing
You didn’t go to your room, you couldn’t, you know she was going to be there, Maris Baratheon, and you couldn’t face her, not now, not ever. 
You needed something else…
So you walked to the only bar near campus, many of your classmates would call it a “slum”, it wasn’t very popular with students, and that’s exactly what you needed.
You sat on a stool on the bar, and waited for the bartender to get to you, didn’t push him, just looked at the 
“looks like you need a drink”, you looked to the side to find a young guy, maybe short twenties, dark born hair, green eyes
“Don’t I?”, you mocked, smiling shyly, he was cute. You couldn’t help but notice his Winterfell University Jersey. He offered you a pint, and you took it gladly, you really needed it, “aren’t you a bit far from”, you pointed at his chest where the varsity letters told you where he was from, he only chuckled 
“They sent me in a… diplomatic mission”, he said with a mystery tone, and wiggling his eyebrows
“Are you recruiting students to go to the far North?”, you said, and if he said yes, you were going to beg him to take you with him
“Oh”, you seemed truly amused so he offered you his hand
“Ben Tallheart”, he whispered, and you shook his hand, giving him your name. “What do you know about the university anyways?”, he asked, taking a sip of his beer
“I wanted to apply there”, you answered, and he looked at you surprised, “I wanted to take the designer degree”
“Why didn’t you?”, he asked
“I decided to follow my boyfriend here, who I just found out is screwing my plastic arts teacher”, he spitted his beer 
“What?”, he asked, not knowing if to laugh or just be horrified
“Yep”, you said, taking a long sip of your own beer
“Uf, that must be tough”, speak of the devil, your phone started ringing, to no surprise, you discovered it was Aemond who was calling you, and fuck it hurt
“I’m gonna need something stronger than this”, you said to him, canceling the call, you just wouldn’t let it ring, you wanted him to realize you had hung up on him. Ben smiled, asking the bartender for two tequila shots
It was to pints later and five tequila shots, that you were laughing your face out, hugging him with one of your arms the shoulders of Ben
“I want to go to Winterfell, fuck this college”
“Yes, fuck it!”, he said, “this college sucks, filled with stuck ups…”
Your phone had ringed so much it vibrated off the table and it was currently missing from your earshot and eye shot 
You didn’t want to know either
“You think they’ll take me?”, you asked him with teary eyes
“Of course they will!”, he laughed
“Half semester?”, you asked 
“Of course!”
“Let’s fucking do it!”, you cheered, and everyone in the bar cheered with you, “I need to get the fuck outta here”, you said, and Ben laughed wholeheartedly.
The rest of the night was a blur, you knew Ben had walked with you back to campus and accompanied you to the door of your room
“My stuck up roommate is probably in”, you told him, and he nodded
“If you meant what you said”, he said, “and you are truly interested in coming to Winterfell University, here”, he passed you his presentation card, “give me a ring tomorrow”, you only nodded
“Thank you”, you whispered, and he only nodded, and left you.
You entered your room and there she was, your roommate, putting innumerable creams in her face 
“Eh, where have you been?”, oh that tone
“What?”, you asked, already coming down from your binge, “what do you care?”
“Ugh, you’re drunk!?”
“A little”, you grumbled, dropping to your bed
“Iu”, she whined, “Aemond was here you know, looking for you”, she told you, “you truly don’t deserve him, he was so concerned”
Oh poor Aemond, he couldn’t find you after he was fucking your plastic arts teacher, i bet that filthy motherfucker didn’t even shower before he came looking for you
“I bet”, you whispered, you then remembered you couldn’t find your phone, probably was still on the floor of that bar… Shit you were going to need it if you truly planned on contacting Ben for that transfer. 
But tonight you couldn’t do anything because you were practically kicked out of that bar, it had to be tomorrow, so, to the horror of your roommate, you just dozed off, dressed in the same clothes, reeking of bar and secondhand smoke. 
The next morning you woke up and thankfully, you were alone, your head hurt, but not as much as your heart.
Gods it hurt
You had burned the image of Aemond and Alys, fucking on top of her desk, and you couldn’t believe it. Aemond, your Aemond.
Your nose started to tickle, knowing you were about to cry you stood up, and searched for a change of clothes, you took your towel, and went straight for the bathroom, to wash your night off of your hair.
That morning you had classes with profes-… with that bitch Alys, so you didn’t even bother showing up. And since most of the college was in classes by now, you found yourself alone in the big bathroom.
You hadn't cried until now, but as you undressed yourself and got under the generous flow of water, something inside you just… unraveled. You started weeping uncontrollably, choking with your tears and the water, you hugged yourself under the falling boiling water seeking for comfort, but you couldn’t find any
Every breath you took hurt, deep within your chest, and you cried and cried until you felt your eyes sore
Your Aemond, your boyfriend, the one that gave you a promise ring… the one you knew since kindergarten, the one who was your first kiss, your first… everything! He was cheating on you with your own professor, Alys, the one that encouraged you and tried to nurture you, and guide you through this uncertainty in this part of your life. The one that you considered to be your only stone here besides your loving boyfriend
What was wrong with them? 
What was wrong with you? What did you do wrong? you chose school because of him, you changed careers, you endured a hell for him, you dressed how he liked it, to arranged your hair the way he liked it, you stopped doing things you enjoyed, stopped watching films that made you laugh because they were “childish”, you stopped listening to upbeat music because it wasn’t “proper”
Everything for him
You loved him with all your heart
You knew Friday morning he had this debate class, very important and he couldn’t miss it, or he would have been throwing your door down, so you took that as a sign, you needed to work fast and sneakily.
You needed to get out of here
You didn’t want to see him ever again
So you ran back to your room, got dressed quickly, and the first thing you did was run back to the bar, where the cleaning lady returned your phone to you.
You turned it on and to no surprise, you found thousands of texts and missed calls from Aemond
“love where are you?”
“Are you alright?”
“I’m coming to your dorm”
“Maris says you were not there, wtf? where are you?”
“You clearly don’t want to speak to me, but I just wanted to know you are ok”
“I don’t understand why you are doing this to me, did I do something wrong? Are you mad?”
“The least you could do is face me like an adult”
You rolled your eyes as you read the messages, he growing angrier, trying to turn this on you
But then he sent a video of a instagram story, of you and Ben hugging and laughing, taking tequila shots, it was uploaded by a classmate of Aemond who had clearly saw you
“I see that you were not alone, I can’t believe you would do this to me”, he wrote, and you chuckled darkly, the audacity of him had no limits whatsoever, “I just wanted to see you, and be with you, I wanted you to help me study for my finals, I know this few months had been hard on you, but I least I thought we had eachother”, but then it got worse, he send you a picture of a flower bouquet and a dark red box, “I wanted to gift you this, to show you how much I love you, and how much I was looking forward to a future with you”, you couldn’t kept walking, you had to sit down in a bench looking down at a cliff, you couldn’t even walk because of how much you were crying.
You couldn’t believe this
Why would he do this to you? you had given him your everything, you had sex almost every day, you complimented each other, you told each other everything, you were what you thought a power couple, only that he had all the power while you were his cheerleader…. 
This fucker, you wiped your tears angrily from your face. 
You were feeling a pain in your chest and you truly believed for a second you were having a heart attack, that you were positively going to die right here in this rusty bench, alone.
Your drunken thoughts from last night came rushing back in, of wanting to transfer to Winterfell University half semester.
It was an insane thought
But you also believe you couldn’t stay here, for what? this isn’t what you wanted, the only thing you thought you had was Aemond, who you just found out fucking YOUR teacher in the classroom. Staying here was insane, you had no friends, now you had no boyfriend, no career 
When you finally calmed down and walked back to your dorm room, Aemond was waiting for you right outside. 
And it's like all your convictions of leaving him and this school faltered just like that, just seeing him like that standing, his furrowed brow looking concerned for you. He was worried bout you, for a second you even believed that this was all a misunderstanding, they he couldn’t possibly do this to you 
Right then and there you just wanted to beg him to stop, to stop his affair and look you in the eye and promise you it was never going to happen again, that he loved you, that you were the one. That he was drunk, or she made him do it. She coerced him into it.
But then he looked at you, and his concern went to annoyance 
“Where have you been?”, he asked, walking towards you, “I was concerned for you!”, he immediately went to himself and what he was feeling, and you didn’t know where you got the strength from, but you looked at him, serious in the eye
“I failed color theory and anatomy drawing class”, you said, looking him in the eye, and the worst part is that you weren’t truly lying. His face softened as he looked at you with pity, “I feel like a massive failure, and I didn’t want to cry to you because you are already in the excellency program”, you whispered, looking at the ground in front of you
“So your solution was to go drink at a bar?”, he asked then, again, annoyed 
“I found this guy that was from Winterfell University, the one I wanted to go, and asked him about the programs…”, he sighed
“We talked about this”, he said, “that college is not even ranking…”
“I don’t care Aemond”, you whispered, “I just need to sleep, please, and you are going to be late”, you whispered, not daring to look him in the eye
You believed you knew his schedule, but apparently not, because when he was supposed to be in study group, he was fucking your teacher… 
“Are you going to be alright?”, he asked, “because I need my study partner”, he said, trying to sound hopeful. Yes you helped him study, you prepared flashcards for him, because you knew he had visual memory so he studied better with colors and images, so you prepared his study material and quizzed him
Maybe a couple of times with stripping quizzes… 
Oh how foolish you had been
“Yes Aem”, you said, managing to smile at him, “I just need some time”
“You have it love”, he whispered, “I love you”
“Love you”, you closed the door gently, leaving him outside, and threw yourself in the bed, hiding your face in the pillow and weeped a bit more.
Perhaps you should face Aemond, hear what he has to say, you wanted to believe it so badly, that there was something else to it, that perhaps…
You were a fool
They were fucking on top her desk… what else is there? he was cheating on you, she was violating hundreds of protocols, so was he
You dozed off to sleep
You woke up when your roommate entered the room
“You still drunk?”, she sneered
“No”, you whispered, “just tired”,  you didn’t even know why you bothered 
You have made a decision…
You were going to leave this place
You were going to leave and not tell a soul, not even Aemond, you were going to disappear from his life, from one hour to the next
You contacted Ben, and he told you everything you need to know, the semester was almost over, but the next one was just around the corner, and you had to do this, not even for spite, but because this is what you wanted from your future
So you did the only thing you could think off
So went to speak with the dean
She was an old family friend, she knew your parents and family since forever, she was very professional and never showed favoritism, but, you knew you were on her good side
“I want to know if I can transfer to another university”, you asked shakily, once she invited you to take a seat in in front of her desk, she looked at you puzzled
“Did something happen? the school year is not even over yet”, she said with her kind eyes, truly worried for you
“I realized I didn’t choose the university for the school path I wanted to take”, you tried to explain, but the sorrow in your face made her believe you were not being truthful, or that you weren’t telling her the truth, “I choose Dragonstone because of love”. you continued, “and now I don’t have that love, and… I want to study a design mayor”
“I see”, now she was more pleased, “Where would you like to go?”, she asked
“Winterfell University”, you said without even thinking about it, she only nodded
“I have a good friend up there”, she said, “so the change wouldn’t be the problem, you have the grades and the Maester exams scores in your favor, but, are you sure this is what you want?”, she asked.
“More than anything”, you said with a smile
Rhaenys Targaryen was the cousin of Aemond’s father, but they didn’t get along very well, it was messy, she was the Headmaster to Dragonstone University
“You will have to start in the middle of the year”, she warned, and you only nodded
“It’s what I want”, you assured her, she looked at you, analyzing you 
“Good, but first, I need you to finish the courses you are in”, your face said it all as it froze in place, looking at the face of that witch is the last thing you wanted to do
“That is expected of me”, you said, and smiled, she smiled back
“I’ll start with the paperwork, I have already received a letter of recommendation from Ben Tallheart, a representative of Winterfell university that is in the grounds this week”
“Yeah, I’ve met him”, you said smiling shyly
“Good luck finishing the rest of the courses”
Luck, you will need.
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After chapter notes: look, if I stopped and wrote all the details of their relationship, this whole fic would be around them, so I narrated what happened instead of making the reader “live it”, get my meaning? This is about healing and seeing that there is something more than “that great love”, so I didn’t stop to focus on the toxic relationship with Aemond, so… One mroe chapter of reader's mess, and we are off to Winterfell! jeje
@mxtokko @princesssterek @thefandomimagines @iamavailablesstuff
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wileys-russo · 2 months
i have LOTS of questions so i decided to write them all at once (hope you don’t mind)😭
1. where do they go to their first vacation? i can imagine eli being okay with it but how do ale, alba, mapi and ingrid react? i can imagine alba and mapi being like all calm and like “ahh just let them be young and have fun” and alexia and ingrid all stressed out thinking about everything that could go wrong😭
2. not a question but kind of a question? (and also this is more for @girlgenius1111 but since she is recovering from surgery and you will have free time i decided to write to you) but, I need a fic with fresa is looking after scout. like is this happening when fresa and sol still don’t know each other (and mapi just asks fresa to look after scout for sol)? like when they met while mapi was giving fresa the car tattoo? and is sol still incredibly shy when handing over scout? like when they first met? or are they friends already? or maybe even girlfriends? i NEED to know the tea!!
3. do you know the olive theory? like the one that hates olives and the other that loves them so they take them? (in the end both hate olives) is this applicable to sol and fresa (maybe with other foods)??
4 what is their absolute favorite thing to watch together? and similarly do they show each other some cliché Tv shows in spanish/norwegian? (in my country we have a tv show called family affairs and tbh it’s the cringiest thing i have ever seen, and if i ever have a girlfriend this is the first thing i am going to show her because she NEEDS to experience the cringe of other cultures)
5. who is the one to wake up super early and who is to one to go to sleep at an ungodly hour?
6. another question that very much involves @girlgenius1111 but let’s suppose that sol makes up with her mom and wants to meet with her, how does fresa react? is she super protective? is she supportive? is she a mix of both? does she freak out? is she ready to take out box gloves and beat everyone?
7. once again the opinion of the queen herself @girlgenius1111 is needed but how does sol react to finding out that the relationship between fresa and alexia/alba is very stranded? obviously sol likes alexia but she doesn’t know her on a personal level super well, what does she do when she finds out that it’s not as perfect as it seems? that they may have more in common that she initially thought? the same goes for fresa finding out about sol’s relationship with ingrid, like it’s different but in some ways very similar. i suppose both feel very abandoned? how do they get through that?
ok i have even more questions but i need to stop now or i may yap till the end of the day. anyway sorry for such a long ask. feel free to not answer (if i were you i would just ignore this tbh) or “not answering, find out later” is just as acceptable. whatever you feel like tbh!!!
anyway i love this story that you and k! have created together, you both are very special writers and i VERY much appreciate what you do and write, anyway take care and lots of love🍓☀️❤️ (if anything i have written doesn’t make sense i had a bottle of wine and my first language isn’t english😭)
idk if it counts as a vacation but early on into knowing one another but not yet quite dating they go to madrid together alone for a concert! you are absolutely correct lmao alba and mapi help them get their train tickets and drive them to the station, meanwhile alexia and ingrid are too busy stressing they're too young to go alone and they'll wind up kidnapped or something dramatic
K and I were talking about this literally yesterday and trying to work out a timeline for all the blurb ideas we have for Sol and Fres + how it all ties into filling the void and family line! but yes fresa looks after scout for a week (he comes to stay with her and Eli) when Sol goes to Norway with Ingrid and Mapi, but thats after they've been dating for awhile. the first time Fresa meets Scout its before she even realises she likes Sol, but Sol is shocked at how much Scout seems to love Fresa (aka dog whisperer putellas)
they actually both like pickles on burgers but pretend not to when they think the other doesn't, so neither of them end up eating the pickles despite actually having a mutual love for them (same goes for olives)
mmm i don't know a whole lot about tv shows outside of where i'm from but i imagine both Sol and Fres have a mutual love of trashy reality tv shows. specifically the kardashians and any sort of dating show like love island, too hot to handle etc. they both spend the entire time complaining about how awful the show is but also, never miss an episode. they also love to binge true crime dramas together, and Fresa loves medical programs but she knows she can't watch them around Sol because Sol faints at even the slightest sign of blood
Fresa is a morning person (Alexia's influence) and Sol is a night owl!
Fresa is very cautious how she speaks about Sol and Ingrids mum, obviously she knows whats happened and it breaks her heart that anyone could treat such a perfect human like that. but she also knows theres parts of Sol that still love her mum and Fresa doesn't want to go too hard on the 'your mum is such a piece of shit for treating you like that' train and upset her girlfriend. so she lets Sol take the lead in conversations about her mum and is careful how she responds!
By the time Sol and Fresa start to properly interact its after everything has gone down between Fresa and her sisters and they're well on track back to being as close as they used to be. But when Sol first opens up to Fresa about how she ended up in Spain living with her sister and the strains of their relationship early on in her stay, Fresa opens up about her own struggles with that and they bond over it. Fresa is a lot more forthcoming with information but Sol doesn't trust as easily so it takes a little longer for Fresa to really understand the extent of the struggles in her life when she lived in Norway thank you for all of these they really made me (and K) think!! i know some people might think its stupid to go so in depth about creating a life for a made up character but it really is a fun escape and i love creating Fresa's little universe, and its nice to write about a wholesome queer teenage relationship because they get done so dirty in tv shows most of the time! 🍓🍓 @girlgenius1111
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
Lavender Haze
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✰ Midnights Masterlist
✰ Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/n
✰ Word Count: 3 K
✰ Warning: Toxic family and sexism (reader's parents), drinking, fluff, smutty themes, protective!Jake
✰ A/n: This was only supposed to be a blurb, but here we are 3000 words later... I don't know what a blurb is apparently. Also, I do not have a taglist, follow my library and turn on notifications for updates!
✰ Library
Staring at the ceiling with you
Oh, you don't ever say too much
And you don't really read into
My melancholia
“You still with me darlin’?”
The question pulls you from your daydream, and you glance back at Jake. His hand gives you a gentle squeeze when he sees the tense smile you force yourself to make, and shifts closer to you automatically. Slightly moving back farther into the settee and pulling your body closer to him, as his arm settles behind your back.
“I just hate coming here, they’re overbearing.”
As you mutter the words, your eyes flitter around the room taking in the spectacle that is your parents. The decor of your parents' house was always rich and elegant, though the added dried lavender was a new addition. Your mother had claimed that given it was spring, lavender could be the theme of the party. Resulting in not only dried lavender everywhere but hints of purple decor, lining the walls. There had been so much lavender added to the house, the smell was overbearing, and mixed with the purple décor, together they were both giving you a migraine.
You were used to the incessant loop of people coming in and out of your house, throughout your childhood a weekly was the usual occurrence.
Though now seeing so many unfamiliar faces, you quietly wondered what your parents must have done to run off those that you grew up with. The current array of your parent’s friends were snobby elites that clearly had too much money, and each of them was as annoying as the next. The constant string of questions and judgmental looks, while they rotate you through the groups like a stab of meat, was something you became accustomed to at a young age. But as you’ve gotten old it only seems to have worsened, and socially acceptable boundaries didn't exist when it came to questions about your life.
It was no easy task being the only daughter of Texas socialites; privacy had become a foreign topic and you could no longer do right in your parent’s eyes. Having left the state quite abruptly, when you decided to follow Jake to California and finish your degree online, was only the tip of your ever-growing list of disappointments. The long list ranged from the fact that you weren't married yet, to how you hadn't given them a grandchild, and so forth.
Coming home hadn’t even been your choice, but Jake was coming home to Austin to visit his family and the decision had been made. You loved Jake’s family and the decision to see them after 9 months was easy.
The visit was supposed to be 2 weeks with his family only, though your plans were quickly demolished when your mother called and heard Jake playing with his nieces. Your plan to play it off as they came to California for a visit would have worked if your mother didn’t have to put her nose in other people’s business.
Though like the wonderful woman she is, she called Jake’s mother almost instantly and found out the truth. You were in no way upset with Liz, she was the sweetest woman that you had ever met, and you hadn’t exactly mentioned that you were avoiding your family. While the Seresin family knew that your family didn't always get along, the drama that accompanied your family name, wasn't something that you wanted to bring them into.
Though the slip-up landed you here, back on your parent’s estate and drinking your sorrows away. The “herbalist” Lavender Champagne was one that your mother learned about in a Martha Stewart cookbook, though she had told everyone that Martha had given it to her personally. Typical behavior from the woman; she’s always been a compulsive liar.
The lavender stems were anything but calming, and more so a frufru additive to the imported drink, subsequently it had helped the 4-hour dinner party move faster. You were on your third glass, while Jake had switched to scotch after dinner and the small buzz was a welcomed distraction.
The home you and Jake found on the highly uncomfortable settee, which was more for show than anything, had been your safe haven. The both of you settled it after you had done one set of rounds and had stayed in it since. Though the luxury fades away as you see your mother heading through the crowd, with a group of women and making a b-line for you and Jake.
“Sweetie, you might want to slip away before the crows can sink their claws into you.”
The group of older women had no sense of personal space when it came to Jake, the constant pawing and flirting was an event that you would only let Jake deal with once tonight. Jake's gaze moves to where your staring and instantly sucks in a harsh breath. He sits the both of you upright, before placing a kiss on your cheek and moving to leave.
“Signal if you need me darlin’.”
“And how should I do that?” the teasing tone in your voice, makes him smile. Glad to see that even with the events of the night, you can still be your chipper, sarcastic self.
“I mean, you could just start yelling mayday like a lunatic, but a subtle ‘excuse me I need a refill’ should suffice.”
The wink that Jake gives you, before slipping past your mother barely avoiding her clutch, has you giggling. Though you’re quick to cover it up when your mother glares at you and takes a seat next to you, motioning the group of ladies to do the same.
All they keep asking me
Is if I'm gonna be your bride
The only kinda girl they see
Is a one-night or a wife
“Y/n, it’s so good to see you. Your mother always has so much to say about you.”
You can’t quite remember the lady's name, the rotation of women your mother kept was highly overwhelming and quite petty. Though you can only nod to the woman, as another interrupts and asks about you and Jake.
The hand your mother had settled on your back tenses slightly, as she jabs one of her nails into your lower back and you fight to hide your wince. Her own voice takes over the question for you, leaving you to glance around the room. You catch sight of Jake over by the liquor cabinet, surrounded by your father’s friends from the country club.
The well-tailored slacks and blazer had had your mouth watering from the moment you saw them on him. The heat of your gaze must alert him to your staring, as his emerald, green eyes flash to you and a teasing smirk crosses his lips.  The cheeky wink he gives you has you looking away quickly and you can’t help but blush knowing that you’ve been caught.
“– isn’t that right Y/n?”
Your attention is quickly back on the group when you hear your mother state your name. A small hum falls from your lips, in hopes that your mother will, willingly repeat what she said.
“You and Jake.” Her harsh tone is followed by another jab to your spine, and you slightly grit your teeth in pain and annoyance.
“Yes, Jake and I are going on our five-year anniversary.”
Your smile is genuine when it crosses your face, and it doesn’t go unnoticed by the surrounding group. You and Jake met when you were only 15 and started dating right after high school. He was the best thing that ever happened to you, and you were thankful that your relationship had stayed so strong through the years.
The topic of marriage had come up many times, though you had expressed that you wanted to finish school before you tied the knot. Knowing that your mother would want a “perfect” wedding that was a grand event; was an added stress that you couldn't have right now alongside your studies.
“And yet there’s no ring?” The statement more so, than a question comes from your Aunt Fran and the harsh tease is hard to miss when the ladies around you silently whisper.
“We’re very happy, with our current status.” The sweet smile you give is anything but, “Unlike some of you, I’m not actively looking for a husband with a formidable amount of money for me to spend.”
This time you can’t hide your wince when your mother jabs at your back, and the once slightly painful action, now has your back bowing away from her hand. If the ladies notice your reaction, no one says anything and the harsh glare from your mother has you tipping the rest of your champagne back.
“I’d be careful darling. You’re almost 25, and well, he’s bound to get bored with you.”
You give your aunt a tight smile, holding your tongue as you glance at the clock on the overhead wall. The comment wasn't one you hadn't heard before, but the delivery of it seemed to get blunter each time she said it. The ticking of the hands is a welcomed sight, as the big hand slowly moves toward the twelve and brings you that much closer to your escape.
They're bringing up my history
But you weren't even listening
The topic of conversation quickly drifted to the current Texas politics and gossip from around town, while you quietly zoned out and enjoy the growing buzz that the champagne fills you with. The ladies’ voices drown together and their high-pitched laughter only adds to your growing migraine. The hand that had been resting in your lap comes to rub your head, and rakes through your hair to push the strands from your face.
Jake had been watching you since the moment he left you, not trusting your mother and what she could bring up. He’d noticed each wince you had tried to hold in; over the years he had become a custom to your actions and could always tell when your mother was behind said actions.
“So, Jake is y/n behaving for you? She’s never been good at listening; I can imagine she only gotten worse with the move.”
Jake had been used to your parents constantly harping on you and putting you down, though it was never easy. Jake had seen you through all of your teenage years, and he knew for a fact that you had never questioned your parents. You had always been the kind sweet girl, that worried about good grades and making sure she never disappointed anyone.
Well, up until you decided to go to university and move to California with Jake. Those two decisions had been the cataclysmic event that pushed the snowball off the hill, leading it into a never-ending roll. Each little problem that your parents found only added to the issues. It had become a compilation of why you were a disappointment and reasons to hate you.
The slight glare that Jake gives your father, has him starting in on another topic without Jake’s reply. Though the new topic had been just as bad, if not worse.
“I’m sure you do agree though, that her going to school is unacceptable. A lady’s place is in the home, taking care of things.”
He follows the statement up with a wink, and Jake is slightly stunned by the comment. The whites of his knuckles now visible, with the tightening grasp he has on the scotch glass. Jake would be afraid of breaking it, though it might be a nice distraction. Given the fact that his anger was only growing and the chances of punching your father were only growing.
“Excuses me.”
“I said –”
“No, I know what you said. I just can’t believe how much of a pretentious sexist asshole you are. Y/n is doing exceptional in school, and I am extremely proud of her.” The slight step that Jake takes closer to your father, is hard to miss and though you couldn’t hear what they were saying, you knew enough, that it wasn’t good.
 “Also, whatever she decides to do with her life, is her decision, not yours. So, I suggest you back the fuck off.”
I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say
No deal
The 1950s shit they want from me
As Jake steps away from your father, you give your mother and the ladies surrounding you a look before getting up and making your way toward him.
“You won't be young forever darling. Why I'd be worried already, how do you know he doesn’t have someone on the side?”
The statement is made towards your back as you pass your aunt Fran, it causes you to stiffen slightly. You knew that Jake would never cheat on you, you both loved each other immensely, but that didn't make hearing their bitter comments any easier. It was something you got quite good at, letting each of their comments roll off your back. Though it seemed to work against you, with comments only getting worse after every party when they couldn't get the desired reaction from you.
Jake had made it to your side, just as your mother and aunt started laughing causing the ladies around them to giggle to your demise. His warm hand wraps around your forearm and pulls you into his chest, placing a delicate kiss on your brow before pulling back. His green eyes silently watch you in question, though you can only shake your head in reply. The sooner you left this monstrous house the better.
You may have grown into a strong, brilliant young lady, but being back in this position felt like your parents still had control over you. It felt like you were still that little girl that worked herself to death, just to please those around her.
“Sweetheart let's go home.”
The words are muttered into your ear, as the warmth of Jake’s breath cascades over you and relaxes you slightly. You nod in return, turning your head so your forehead can rest against his own before placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
A silent thank you.
You leave the crowd in a blur, only consumed in the comfort Jake brings you. Neither of you tell your parents goodbye, and you silently hope that it will upset them enough that you wouldn’t be invited back.
The cool fresh air of the night calms you as you step outside the house, and Jake's arms slip around your waist as he places delicate kisses along your neck. His chin settles on your neck, while is hands tighten around it, almost as if he was afraid, you would slip away.
“You know how proud I am of you right?”
You hum slightly, just enjoying the feeling of being in his arms. The buzz from the champagne fades away, and in its place is Jake.
“You amaze me every day sweetheart, and no matter what anyone says, I will always love you.” The loving statement makes you nuzzle back into Jake and place a kiss on his cheek. Though the seriousness of the moment fades, as Jake teasingly bites along the passage of your neck. You tilt your head to the side and let him have full access to the passage, as small moans emit from your lips.
You turn in Jake’s hold, going to wrap your arms around his neck, and place a slow kiss on his lips. The heat radiates between the two of you and has a steady yearning coming from your core. Both of your lips move in sync, slotting perfectly together with no care for the surrounding world.
Jake's hands grasp at your hips, as the material of your dress rises slightly up your thighs and creates the perfect space for Jake to slot his thigh between your own. The tug on your hips causes your core to brush harshly against the material of Jake's slacks. The jolt sent through your body, has you grasping onto Jake’s hair even tighter and pulling at it.
You only pull back when you have to gasp for a breath, though Jake doesn’t hesitate and goes to work on your jawline. The tip back of your head gives him even more access and your eyes barely opening to see the night sky, as a needy moan tumbles from your lips. Your mind lays in a haze of need and want for Jake, more than willing to have him take you on your parent's front lawn.
You pant slightly as Jake places one last kiss on your lips, before pulling away and resting his forehead against yours, causing your noses barely brush each other. The green of his eyes shines bright in comparison to the house lamps, and you wonder how you got so lucky.
“I love you.”
Jake had never been shy about expressing his love for you and the three words, even after all these years, still made you feel like you were floating on a cloud. The wide smile that breaks out across your lips only stays for a second, as you press a sweet giddy kiss once again against his lips.
“I love you.”
Your smile mirrors one another other, though it's quickly displaced as Jake's hands that had settled on your hips start to tickle you. Laughter erupts from your chest, as you break out of his hold and run. Your heels fall from your feet, landing in the drive, as your dress flares out behind you.
Jake's own laughing seems to be closing in on you and causes you to speed up, while your own laughs grow louder and interrupt the still night. Your mind is abuzz and clouded with a warm haze, that can only be attributed to Jake and as you glance back once more over your shoulder, his hands grasp onto you and spin you around.
Your lips find a home against each other, and you decide then that the haze Jake fills your mind with, is one you wanted to live in forever.
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runnning-outof-time · 3 months
K’s Reading List — JUNE
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Hey there! Thanks for stumbling upon this reading list! I figured that as a way to support the lovely writers within this fandom that I’d compile a reading list of all of the stories I read over each month.
June was a wonderful month filled with incredible stories. Below is the list of stories that I read. I hope you will find some that you like as well!
As always, please make sure you heed to the warnings on each fic!!
No Negotiations - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Improper - Young!Luca Changretta x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Storm - Tommy Shelby x Reader Drabble — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Arthur Shelby Drabble — contains slight 🔞 NSFW themes!
Untitled - Tommy Shelby x Reader
John Shelby Blurb
Nothing Gold Can Stay - Tommy Shelby x Reader, Aberama Gold x Reader
Stolen Kiss - Tommy Shelby x Reader Drabble — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
John’s Return - John Shelby x Reader
A Night At Delux - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader
Mio Amore - Tommy Shelby & Reader , Luca Changretta & Reader
Uptown Girl - Tommy Shelby x Reader (on-going series) — some future chapters may contain 🔞 NSFW themes!
Tommy Shelby x Magic-Time Traveler Reader - moodboad and blurb
The Devil’s Son - Cowboy!Tommy Shelby x Reader AU — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
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fayes-fics · 2 years
Somewhere Only We Know
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, modern AU
Summary: Five hours of snowfall, four miles from the nearest paved road, three weeks before Christmas, two old friends and one bed….
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Warnings: 18+smut, minors DNI, fingering, handjob, vaginal sex, passing mention of oral sex, all sorts of feelings.
Word Count: 7.9 k I'm so sorry...
Build a blurb prompt 1: Benedict 👅 smut 🌲 mutual pining 🛌 only one bed - from @amillcitygirl Build a blurb prompt 2: modern Benedict 👅smut 👥friends to lovers 🌲mutual pining 🛌only one bed - from anon
Authors Note: *beep beep* make way for the trope bus, it’s coming thru!! Is this original? No. Was it fun to write? Hell YES! This thing was supposed to be 1k follower celebration Drabble (HAHAHA) but it grew its own legs and took over my brain for the last week. This is my winter epic and I even listened to the namesake song as I was editing it. I hope you all enjoy. Betaed by the total trooper @makaylan and beautiful artwork above made especially by @bridgertontess thank you 🧡
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“You’ll just have to stay here,” he shrugs, peering out at the falling snow.
You glance at your watch. It’s 5pm and already dark, snowflakes swirling furiously in the glow cast by the window.
This was not your plan. You are booked onto a late flight back to London tonight. You only came out to the beautiful Highlands for a day in nature after your business trip to Glasgow. OK, and a dose of time with the most handsome friend you have, but mainly for the scenery.
He’s rented a tiny cottage for a week as a painting retreat. Why he would do that in early December is a slight mystery. However, the scenery will undoubtedly be even more breathtaking with a blanket of snow tomorrow—an artist's dream.
“Look, the roads here are tiny and treacherous. It’s too risky to attempt the airport drive tonight in the dark in this snowstorm. I will pay for you to fly home tomorrow instead,” Benedict assures, “penance for not checking the forecast before inviting you?” he winces in the hopes of forgiveness.
“But…” you protest weakly, not exactly hating the idea of being trapped in a remote cottage in the mountains with the man who has haunted your dreams for more years than you care to remember.
“This place is warm,” he points to the roaring fireplace. “And well stocked, in more ways than one,” he adds, gesturing to the kitchenette full of supplies and, with a flourish, to the small selection of single malt bottles on a nearby shelf. “There’s even some festive decor,” he argues.
You are entertained that he believes some sprigs of holly, which he has obviously collected on one of his hikes, count as Christmas decorations. Although, to be fair, wrapped around the bookshelves and candles the way it is, it does look lovely.
‘Yes, but… there's also only one bed,” you argue, nodding to the not-exactly sizable double bed at the other end of the room, partially obscured by a room-dividing bookshelf. Even as you mention it, your belly has a warm fizz at the fleeting thought of waking up pressed against him.
“I can sleep on the sofa,” he says hurriedly in a reassuring tone.
“Ben, don't be ridiculous. You are six feet tall, and that thing is barely five. We are not so young we can just sleep anywhere and still be okay anymore,” you remind him.
“Yeah, thanks for that reminder,” he deadpans.
“We are grown-ups; we can share a bed,” trying to keep your tone breezy, but it feels like the reassurance is for yourself as much as him.
You pretend not to see how he swallows thickly at your suggestion, his Adam’s apple bobbing heavily.
“If it makes you more comfortable, I can fashion a barrier with some throw cushions,” you shrug, a short nervous laugh bubbling up as you secretly chastise yourself for suggesting such a thing.
“No, no,” he rushes out very quickly. “What I mean is… it’s not a big bed, so by the time we do that, we would both be clinging to the edges. Let’s just, as you say, be adults about this and share the best we can.”
“Agreed.” You give a business-like nod, wanting to change the topic.
“Besides, the night is young,” he states, clapping and rubbing his hands together as if reading your mind. “What do you say we cook dinner together? Then, well, it’s card games or jigsaw puzzles, I’m afraid,” he skews his mouth with an apologetic twist.
“Sounds delightful on all counts,” you assure and bump him with your shoulder.
The evening seems to fly by, and the snowstorm outside somewhat abates as you make a delicious spaghetti bolognese together. Even though it's a tiny kitchen space, you make it work, moving around each other with an almost balletic fluidity as soft music plays from a Bluetooth speaker. There's no Wi-Fi or even much phone signal out here, but he came prepared with songs loaded onto his laptop. You exchange easy chat about mutual friends and what has been happening since you last saw one another a few weeks before.
As you sit down to eat together, the conversation flow continues. It's one of those meals you sop up the sauce from your plate with the warm bread rolls you serve as a side. Lingering in your chairs long after eating is complete, chatting amiably and animatedly about anything, everything and nothing all at once, with a delicious bottle of scotch.
Later, you take turns in the bathroom, cleaning teeth and changing into pyjama bottoms, and then you drift to the living room area. You watch as Benedict pours you both a nightcap into scotch glasses and glance outside to see the storm has picked up again, large clumps of fluffy snow gather in the corner of the window pane; you feel very cosy in this small but perfectly formed little rustic cottage.
“So, how have you been entertaining yourself all alone here for the last four nights?” you inquire, enjoying the smooth, smoky burn of the single malt.
Benedict is now sprawled across the nearby armchair in the most Benedict way, legs akimbo.
“I’ve read two books, and I’ve slept for nine hours every night,” he confesses, taking a sip of his drink and looking at you over the top of his glass.
The room feels like it's getting warmer regardless of the fire; how much is due to the delightful fog of whisky in your veins versus the handsome man across from you is indecipherable.
“Are you not lonely?” you blurt out.
“I live alone in London. What's the difference?” his brow knitting in confusion.
“Alone in the city is very different to alone out here,” you offer, “you can’t be that lonely when you’re only twenty feet from your neighbour through a wall.”
“Hmm, never thought about it like that,” his mien turns thoughtful, scratching his palm on the shadow of stubble on his chin.
You hear the rasp from where you sit, and you almost squeak in surprise as your treacherous mind supplies a vivid snapshot of that stubble teasing the soft skin of your lower belly as he looks up at you with a seductive smirk. You have to shake your head to get rid of it.
“Fear of murder out here is different,” you offer, trying to reroute your thoughts.
“Morbid,” he shoots back, raising an eyebrow with a bemused expression on his face.
“Out here, no one can hear you scream,” you jest, aping the movie line.
He guffaws into his glass. “Sometimes that can be a good thing.”
“The ability to scream and not be heard,” he clarifies, his tone markedly more languid than before.
“Painting not going well?” you ask with a chuckle.
“It’s going great, but not what I was referring to,” he argues, and you can’t seem to look away from his mouth all of a sudden.
Damn, how much whisky have you had?
“Had a girl here, Bridgerton?” your venture, a flutter in your chest even as you ask.
“Not until now,” he scoffs, but the intensity in his hazy blue stare causes a riot in your stomach.
You have to look down at your feet before you do something stupid, like climb into his lap and suck on his luscious bottom lip.
“Have you been masturbating loudly?” you quip, still looking down, the thought leaving your lips before you can censor it.
There’s a sharp intake of breath, making you look back at him—big mistake. His eyes look stormy, and you can see a vein in his neck pulsing hard. Like you’ve awoken something.
“I’m sorry, that was rude of me,” you stutter even as your mind floods with images of just that—him stroking his cock and panting, preferably your name.
The atmosphere feels a little too thick, and you briefly curl your lip into your mouth and bite it to give yourself something else to focus on.
“More whisky?” you offer, standing up and changing the subject.
“Sure.” He holds out his glass, and you swear his fingers intentionally slot between yours as he passes it to you.
You use the few moments it takes to refill your drinks, with your back turned, to gather your thoughts and slow your breathing. Having served, you sink onto the couch again but intentionally shift to face him more directly. The alcohol makes you bold and intrigued to know where this might go. He seems to do the same, his feet looping over the armchair's edge and almost touching yours.
“Hey, do you remember that summer when we were, l think, maybe twelve and…”
“Excuse me, point of order,” you butt in, “If you were twelve, I was ten. OK? Continue…” you motion with your hands for him to go on.
“Yes, thanks for reminding me I am older,” he snarks and skews his mouth into an affectionate pout.
“You are welcome, old man,” you tease with a slight smirk.
“Well, anyway… do you remember that summer Colin came home with headlice? And Ant’s answer was to shave all of our heads? Mum almost had a heart attack when she walked in on that. She was forever grateful he’d only gotten around to doing us three boys. She might have died if we’d made it down to Daph or El…” he is laughing heartily around his scotch glass at the memory.
“Remember it?!?” you pipe up, “of course I do! Don't you remember you were trying to push me in front of your sisters in Ant’s barber line? You seemed concerned to ensure I either got rid of or never got them in the first place; I don't remember which,” you laugh, an ache of fond nostalgia in your chest at little Benedict.
“Well, of course, I’ve always looked out for you,” he rolls his eyes as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
You smile a genuinely warm smile at him. He's been a wonderful person in your life for as long as you can remember.
“But you’ve always looked out for me too. I remember you brought me a Malteser every day when I was sick with the mumps.”
“I did?!” your voice incredulous; you do not remember doing so.
“Yes, and I've never forgotten it,” he voices sincerely before he takes a draw of his drink. “But then there is so much about you that is unforgettable, isn't there?” he adds, looking at you with an intensity you don't know what to do with.
“Stop it,” you answer bashfully, embarrassed to meet his gaze, staring beyond his shoulder at the snow falling heavily and sticking to the window in fluffy clumps. “And if we’re on this flattery train, what about you? You think I don’t know it’s been you sending me an ‘anonymous’ rose every single Valentine's Day?”
He gapes at you in surprise. “Wait, how did you know it’s from me?’”
“You are the sweetest person I know. It could never be anyone but you, Ben.” You shrug as if the answer is obvious, “and I know it was never out of pity for the times I’m single because you sent one those years I was with Dan, which used to make him so mad, by the way, and when I was with Julian and Paul….”
“Urgh, Dan deserved to be mad,” his tone dismissive, and his face ticked, “I always hated him.”
“You hated everyone I dated, that you met anyway,” you point out, that fact just dawning on your as you speak it.
“But him the most,” he grouses with a sour expression.
“‘Cos he got the closest to marrying you. And I really didn’t want to have to do that whole stand-up in church and object thing. But, by god, I would have.”
His powerful words stun you; you had no idea how deep his feelings on the subject ran.
“Y… you would?” you stutter.
His eyes are so intense now. Even as he takes a swig, he doesn't look away. “He was not worthy of you,” he declares, slow and deliberate, enunciating each word crisply.
“So, who is?” you ask quietly as you take a sip, the question echoing hollowly in your glass.
“I haven't met anyone yet,” he notes with finality.
You had no idea he had judged every single one of your boyfriends and, what’s more, found all of them to be somehow lacking. In hindsight, he was correct, but he never said anything to you at the time, and you can't decide if you want to hold that against him. It might have saved you a lot of heartache and possibly a lot of money.
“Well, if you meet someone that has the Benedict seal of approval, you’ll be sure to send them my way, yeah?” you volley, your voice light.
He breaks into a smile that makes something flutter strong in your ribcage.
“Certainly. I hope you don't mind waiting until possibly your eighties for me to find a worthy suitor,” he jokes.
“Oh god, really?” you groan, “but I can’t not have sex until then,” you lament and kick your legs out as if in a fit of pique.
“Oh, you can have all the sex you want,” he lobbies back, waving his hand dismissively, “you just can’t fall in love,” his eyes twinkle with mischief you’ve always found beguiling.
“Duly noted,” you giggle.
There is a beat where you just look at each other with a shared fondness that makes your heart ache a little—perhaps under different circumstances, he could be the one person worthy of you, as he puts it.
“Well, that is the last log on the fire dying down. I'm not going out in that damn snow to fetch more, so I think the safest thing to do is get under the covers before it gets too cold in here.” he opines.
“Ben, it's 10:30 pm… really?” you whine, “are you really going to bed already, grandpa?” but as you complain, you stifle a yawn.
“Haha, I saw that yawn!” he retorts triumphantly, “and I've got news for you, missy. You are going to bed too.” He grabs both of your hands and easily hauls you off the sofa.
“Why?!?” you scoff but are secretly enthralled when he rounds behind you, his sizable hands landing warm on your hips and propelling you towards the bedroom area.
“Because I’m not having you crawl under the covers later bringing in all that cold air with you, nope, no thank you, not happening,” he chimes over your shoulder.
“So I have to go to bed now?!” you throw your hands up in the air, but he keeps propelling you forward.
“Yup,” he grins, popping the ‘p’ rather obnoxiously.
You capitulate with a weary sigh. “Urghhh, fine. But I will be up reading for a few more hours, so I hope you can sleep with the light on.”
“Fine with me,” he chuckles, herding you towards the bed. “I once slept in your dorm room when your flatmate was having a full-on dance party. I think I can sleep through your reading.”
You collapse onto the bed giggling at that memory, tugging off your shoes and socks but nothing else as he does the same. He pulls the covers back, and you both settle under, still in your fleecy jumpers. Without your socks, however, your feet feel freezing, and with a wicked grin, you cook up a solution.
“Oh my god, what the hell is wrong with your feet?!? Why are they so cold!!” he exclaims as your toes wrap around his exposed ankle.
He twists to try and get away from you, but your feet chase him under the covers, you laughing, him shrieking.
“My hands are cold too,” you chortle, clamping them onto his surprisingly muscular forearm.
He squeals in the most undignified manner, trying to shake your grip, but you just limpet on harder, giggling in that way only tipsy people do.
There is the most delightful resulting tussle, him trying to wrestle your hands and feet away as you try your damndest to keep them on him—the duvet entwining around all of your limbs.
You end up with his weight and warmth partially on top of you, pinning you down, him triumphantly ensnaring your wrists and holding your hands firmly onto the pillow. Your joint heavy breathing and giggles slowly die out as you stare at each other. Your faces have never been so close before. You have no doubt your pupils are as blown as his, and you are certain that he can feel the racing heartbeat at your wrists where he pins you down. His breath is warm on your cheek.
After a few silent moments, his gaze drops to your mouth; he suddenly mutters an apology and starts to pull away.
As if in slow motion, you push up and press your lips to his. You are not thinking at all, just going with your instinct. His lips are warm and plush, and you want more. So much more.
You feel the moment his whole body freezes; he is stunned in the truest sense of the word.
You pull back quickly, sinking into the pillow under him.
“Oh god. I’m so, so sorry,” you whisper, mortified, “please forgive me, I….”
Your words die out as he makes a noise you’ve never heard before. It seems to come from deep inside him, making every hair on your body stand on end.
Then he is on you. Closing the gap between you and capturing your lips with a passion that steals your breath and thoughts. He is kissing so hard, so quickly, you feel lightheaded, pressing you into the mattress under his body. His lips open over yours, his tongue teasing against your lips. He tastes of toothpaste, traces of whiskey and something that is all him, and you flood your underwear; there's also a noise from your throat that doesn’t sound human. He kisses like a storm, hot and electric, and you want to drown in him.
Suddenly his hands are everywhere, and so yours follow suit. It’s a desperate clambering of wanting more. Before you can completely acknowledge it, his hands are questing under your jumper, squeezing your waist, sliding up and over your bra, and tweaking a nipple as his tongue parries with yours.
“Please, please take this off,” he implores passionately into your mouth, tugging at your top. His voice, this close and breathless, is lethal. He is everywhere, surrounding and covering you, and your focus narrows to just him as he sits up to peel off his jumper and t-shirt together, exposing his torso. You freeze. Your arms crossed, halfway through taking off yours.
“Fucking hell,” you exhale before you can stop yourself.
You figured Benedict would be in shape from the feel of his body when you hug, but you haven't seen him shirtless in a long time, and just how much in shape he is, is a revelation. He smiles demurely at your outburst, which makes you want him even more if that were possible.
“Take yours off,” he sounds impatient, and you realise you are still frozen in the same position. You quickly whip yours over your head; his responding noise is your new favourite sound. You feel so grateful you only brought nice underwear on this trip; your lacy bra appears to work for him.
“The knickers match,” you murmur, revelling in the flash in his eye.
You grab his hand and move it to the drawstring on your pyjamas. His long slender fingers pluck the bow tied there; his gaze is on your face the whole time, his kiss-damp lips glowing softly in the low light. You breathe deeply and can’t look away from his captivating face. When the string relents, he winks. Rather than pull them down, his hand quests inside and between your legs.
You gasp and buck up off the pillow as warm, strong fingers press on your clit through the lacy fabric. You know he can feel your heat, just how wet the material is.
“I’ve wanted you for years,” he rumbles low and sinful as his fingers tease a circle over your clit. “Although this seems unreal - I half assume I’m going to wake up in a minute with my hand wrapped around my cock, alone.”
Hearing him say the word cock makes you moan. He licks his lips, and his fingers curl firmer on you.
“Tell me this is real; I’m not dreaming again,” he pleads fervently, pressing his forehead to yours, breathing your air. He is achingly beautiful this close up, his eyes just a thin ring blazing around dark inky pupils staring into your depths. This man has always been able to make you feel seen, but this close, this intense, it feels like he’s peering into your soul.
“You’re not dreaming, Ben,” you reply shakily, trying not to lose all composure at what the word ‘again’ might imply as he gradually tortures you with unhurried, steady movements.
He is watching your face, so closely observing, cataloguing your micro-expressions. His fingers move, spidering along the lace trim before pushing under the fabric this time, sliding down through your trimmed pubic hair and into your naked, soaked folds.
“Ben!” You call out, grasping that strong forearm again, biting your lip and staring into his fiery gaze.
“What do you need?” he questions. It’s the first time anyone has ever asked you that in bed.
“You,” you reply honestly.
“You have me, 110% you have me,” he asserts in a tone that melts something in your chest. “As if you don't know it, you’ve had me for many years,” he admits as his hand slides lower. You cry out as he pushes two fingers just a fraction inside you.
“Fuck, you are on fire,” he exclaims, a shaky exhale across your lips.
“Only for you,” you answer, knowing you’ve never been this turned on before in your life.
He growls, actually growls. And then his lips are back on yours in the most potent kiss yet. You pulse around him and groan into his mouth as he sinks his fingers deeper. When the kiss ends, you glance down your body, seeing the stiff peaks of your nipples poking insistently through the lace and his sinewy forearm buried into your pyjama bottoms.
“Do you like what you see?” his voice a velvety tease.
“I’d like it even more if we were naked,” you respond honestly.
He chuckles at that, and his lips descend, dropping light kisses down your neck as his fingers tease you, surging in and out of your body so achingly slow. His thumb rests on your clit, a little nudge of pressure every time his fingers rock into your channel.
“I need to make you come like I need air,” he confesses, his voice resonant, his warm breath skittering over the sensitive skin of your throat. It’s the hottest thing you've ever heard.
“Please do…” it’s a quiet plea.
You feel the curve of his cheek as he smiles, and the fingers inside you flex.
“I suppose if you’d like to be more naked, then I’d better strip you down first,” he remarks, gently withdrawing his fingers.
Warm hands hook into your underwear, and he scooches away, pulling them down your legs, taking your PJs with them. Suddenly, the image that flashed in your mind earlier becomes a reality, his stubbly chin grazing your belly as he crawls back over you.
“You look amazing,” he sighs over your belly button and leans his forehead on your stomach as he takes a deep breath. “You smell it too.”
He runs his nose and lips over your skin as he surges up and nuzzles your bra, pleading with his eyes for you to remove it as he pulls the straps down over your arms, kissing along the lacy cup edge.
When his lips wrap around one of your nipples, you grab his hair and push up against him, the swoop of sensation in your belly like riding a rollercoaster, the thrill tingling along the back of your scalp.
He moves to lay beside you, and you watch the duvet move as he strips off his bottoms under it. Suddenly there is a thick wave of body heat as he rolls next to you; you feel something sizeable and solid brand your hip.
“Oh, Ben,” slips out on instinct, but he stops your questing hand.
“Not yet,” he shakes his head and smirks at your corresponding pout. “When you have come, preferably screaming, then you can touch my cock. Okay?”
You physically feel the shiver down your spine at that line. Who even says things like that?
He smiles against your temple as he slips his fingers back into you, and you moan at the sensation. He curls his body around you, legs twining around your right one to hold you open. That cock is still rigid on your hip; it feels sizeable and delicious.
“Tell me what you like,” he murmurs, his thumb rubbing a circle over your clit his fingers stroking in a come hither motion.
“This… exactly what you are doing,” you reply breathlessly, “just please don't stop and maybe go a little harder?” you request timidly.
He smirks and pushes his fingers deeper; his motions get stronger and faster. You close your eyes and nod, licking your lips.
“Yes, that oh god Ben, thattttt,” you stumble as his magical fingers spiral you higher.
When they jab a spot inside, a bloom of pleasure hits you, and your eyes fly open, going wide.
“Oh, that’s the spot,” he preens, redoubling his efforts as you start to pant loudly, clinging to his arm and whining his name—the hot and intense pleasure building remarkably fast.
“That’s it come on,” he encourages, whispering into your hairline right above your ear; his tone is both soothing and achingly filthy.
“Ben… I,” your words morph into needy noises, drunk on the sensations rippling through your body, fanning out from his fingers buried inside you.
“Yes, yes,” he hisses, “you’re close now; I can feel it. Look at me,” he orders.
And you do. Mouth hanging open, squirming on his fingers, feeling something primal washing over you. His eyes burn into yours.
“Don’t fight it,” he warns.
It's almost like permission; you feel something inside you give way. You scream loudly as a tide of orgasm washes over you. Blood rushes in your ears, and you feel his leg bear down over the apex of your thigh, holding your pelvis onto the bed as you cry and convulse. Your body fights his fingers, trying to push them out as your whole channel clenches in strong waves.
After a few moments of deep breaths, you open your eyes, and he kisses your cheek, then your lips.
“Wow… that was…. absolutely amazing,” he confides, kissing more. “And it's a damn good thing no one can hear us here. You scream like a horror movie queen, and I mean that with all the very best compliments.”
You laugh a little abashed and bury your face into his armpit, loving the smell of his deodorant and just him.
“Your turn,” you mumble, deciding to be bold and snake a hand down your side to grab his cock at your hip.
It’s large and thick enough your fingers don’t quite meet when you wrap around it. It makes your insides melt at the thought of how it would feel sliding into you. He makes the neediest huffing noises as you twist onto your side to face him and begin an unhurried rhythm, watching that pretty cock twitch in your hand.
You tease him with a gentle twisting motion, squeezing a little as you reach his head, swiping a thumb over the bead of precum that appears, gently massaging his frenulum as he lets out a faint moan. His hand covers yours, stilling your movements.
“This is so wonderful, but I need you to stop if you want sex. Do you want to… have sex?” he asks so demurely your heart clenches.
“Yes, Ben, please,” you whisper.
“I didn't bring any condoms with me,” he says quietly, “I didn't think I’d meet another soul up here, let alone well…” he trails off, pitching forward, so his lips are warm on your cheek.
“I didn't either, but I'm on the Pill,” you shrug. You've never had first-time sex without a condom, but this man isn't a stranger; he's a lifelong friend, and you trust him with your life.
“I know,” he says softly, kissing your nose.
“Wait, how do you know that?” your brow knitting lightly.
“I know everything about you,” he asserts against your skin, staring into your eyes. “How you take your tea - English breakfast before 2pm, Earl Grey after, both with milk and one sugar. I know how the tip of your tongue here,” he softly trails his nose over the corner of your mouth, “sticks out of your mouth when you type on your laptop. I know you always loop your glasses into the neckline of your top,” a finger tracing gently over the swell of your breast, “and somehow always forget they are there and have a ten-second panic every time.” He laughs gently. “I even know how you prefer plain Hobnobs over chocolate; I have no idea why, and you are so wrong on that, by the way,” he shoots you a devastating lopsided grin. “And I know you are on the Pill because I've watched you take them religiously for years; when I stay at yours, and you make coffee in the morning, it’s the first thing you take before your multivitamin.”
His casual recounting of so many little, human things that make you, you, astounds you. This man knows you better than you know yourself, and you get a weird swooping sensation in your chest. Of elation that you've finally figured it out, he might just be the one - your human, but also a crushing regret you haven't done so sooner. You could have been doing this, intimately entwined with this wonderful, thoughtful, sensitive, handsome man, for so many years.
Not wanting to waste any more opportunity and so very desperate to have him inside you, you use all your strength to roll him onto his back and climb on top. Surprised and aroused, he looks up at you devotedly, his pupils blown wide.
Silently and without breaking eye contact, you reach between your bodies, line up his weeping beautiful cock, and sink onto him without another thought. The needy noise he makes is like poetry.
He feels perfect, and you close your eyes to revel in being stretched around him, a solid hot presence filling you up and holding you so open. Just the perfect length and girth for you, almost like his cock was made for you.
Warm hands grasp your hips, and your eyes fly open and look down at him, his expression pleading with you to move. Gradually you rise up, then drop down just once, savouring the sensations as he drags against your walls.
“You feel perfect,” he groans “please….”
You know what he is asking, begging for - more. Something in you wants to draw this out, go so achingly slow both of you get mindless. Luxuriate in this carnal, sensual meeting.
“Talk to me,” you implore, starting a leisurely pace.
“What about?” you watch him glance down between your bodies, watching his cock disappear into you as you sink down.
“Talk to me, Ben,” you repeat but pointedly, grabbing his chin to look at you and raising an eyebrow.
There's a lightbulb of understanding behind his eyes, and that killer crooked smile spreads across his face.
“You like my voice, don't you?” he says, pitched low, and you bite your lip, grabbing his hands as leverage for your movements.
“Yes,” you admit quietly, gasping as the pleasure grows between your legs just as he says those few words.
“I know,” he smirks, “I’ve known for years.”
You look at him in surprise. “Wait, how?” you breathe, disbelieving.
He grabs your shoulders and pulls you down on top of him: so much heat and warm flesh.
“I have noticed your pupils dilate every time I drop my voice just like this,” he murmurs low and sinful into your ear. “The temptation to say so many dirty things has been so strong. God, I love it when you are aroused, and you think you can hide it. I knew you were getting wet; it would take all my willpower not to grab and kiss you senselessly. Especially those days when you are only in a little floaty skirt, I could actually smell it. Delicious and sweet and so fucking sexy. That little squirm you would do. How you move your body is fucking sinful. And now I get to enjoy it. You riding me like this. Fuck, if this isn't every fantasy I've ever had coming true.”
By the time his filthy soliloquy is done, you are panting hard, not from the exertion as you rock on him but the way he has pushed you so close to orgasm with so little effort - just his voice and words.
“Ben,” you shudder, “I….” words fail as you feel your body flush.
“I can feel you are fluttering. Are you going to come so soon?” he exhales, impressed. “Oh god, please, please do it,” he urges. “I need to feel it.”
You sit up and reach down to touch your clit, and he swears at the sight. You are tipping over the edge, stilling your movement as you sit with him at your hilt and clench around him. He feels impossibly huge inside you, twitching and pulsing.
“Fuckkkkkkkk,” he groans long and loud, clenching his teeth. You know he is also fighting the urge to come, wanting this to last much longer.
Greedy for more, for another stronger climax, you go to move again, but he stops you.
“Please don't move, not yet,” he pleads, grabbing your hips and quelling your movement. “I need… a few moments, please.”
You smile down at him indulgently and link your hands again, bringing the back of his hand to your mouth and kissing it delicately. Then to be a tease, you envelop his middle finger in your mouth, running your tongue over it, tasting his tangy skin. He growls as you add his pointer finger and suck hard, staring down at him heatedly.
“This isn't really helping,” he warns reluctantly with a playful pout.
You let his fingers slip out of your mouth and guide his hand to your breasts, pressing his now-damp fingers against your nipple. He enthusiastically grips your flesh, and you throw your head back and moan as he teases your sensitive buds, pinching them between his fingertips. You gyrate your hips, dragging his tip against your cervix.
There is another growl, and suddenly you are tipped over onto the mattress, him still buried inside you. He grabs your legs and loops his arms under them, pulling your body so open under him.
“Hold onto me… twine your arms around me,” he instructs.
You do, fingers digging into his smooth, muscular torso. Panting in anticipation; at the feel of him holding you down, his pelvis crushed against your engorged clit.
He begins to move, and you can't help but make noises; he just overwhelms all your senses. His kisses, his skin, his arms, your legs held high and wide. He is almost delicate in his motion, but you can tell he is holding back.
“Don't be too gentle, Ben,” you beg, bringing one hand up to cup his jaw and running your thumb over his bottom lip. “Please just fuck me.”
His mouth captures your thumb, and you gasp as he spears into you hard. You hiss your approval as he crowds over you to kiss you fiercely. Then everything is a haze as your mind switches off, and you are rooted in your body, chasing sensation as he takes you hard. He feels so hot and rigid, pounding into you as you lay under him, pinned and almost helpless to this onslaught but wanting nothing more than being right where you are. For a first time together, it’s not awkward or timid; it's exciting and mindblowing but somehow still safe, knowing you can trust him with everything, including your body.
Between kisses, there are whispered encouragements against lips and hands grasping so tight to each other as movements become more frantic and fast. He is hitting your clit on each stroke and panting, so present in the moment, eyes boring into yours. You know he is so close, hanging by a thread when he screws his eyes shut and pleads with you to come with him. A few more strokes and it is happening, your orgasm hitting you hard and breaking over your body in waves, fanning out from your core as you clench around him, making your muscles spasm and your toes curl. You feel him coming hard, too, a warm bloom inside you as he jerks a few heavy thrusts, then stills, mouth open over yours and huffing gulps of air as he twitches.
After a few moments of deep breaths and slumped limbs, he pulls his face up to kiss you tenderly.
“Wow,” he breathes, and you giggle and nod your head. “Why haven't we been doing that for the last god knows how many years?” he shakes his head, his voice a little ragged and rough-edged.
“I don't know, but we should be doing a lot more of it,” you respond brightly, “make up for lost time?”
He laughs warmly and agrees, taking his weight off you and rolling and rearranging your bodies so you are both on your sides, facing each other, hands laced together, noses touching. And that is how you fall asleep.
You awaken to dazzling sunlight streaming in, reflecting off all the snow. You wince against the brightness and clamp your eyes shut, burrowing back into Benedict. You feel surrounded, in the best sense of the word. He is a warm solid presence behind your back, an arm slung around the dip of your waist, a hand curled around your breast, legs entangled, downy hair tickling your calves. And best of all, a hard cock nestles the back of your thighs. You flex your hips and shuffle until his tip is poised right at your entrance. He stirs, and there is a hot exhale on the back of your neck.
“Get inside me, please,” you petition quietly, voice scratchy from sleep.
Wordlessly, he rolls his hips, surging into your body in one swift stroke. You moan so loudly that he huffs a laugh, then stills, buried inside you.
“Now go back to sleep,” he grumbles affectionately, arm pulling you into him tighter, your whole body flush to his, curling his legs up so you are almost in the fetal position.
“Like this?!” your tone incredulous, as his fingernails trace an idle ellipsis around your areola.
“Mmm hmmm,” his hum vibrates into your spine.
“Bennnn…” you protest, clenching around him, so he groans deeply.
“I promise to fuck you so hard you forget your name… later, if you let me sleep just a little more,” he proposes, nuzzling your hair.
What a lovely thought. You lay still in his arms for a few minutes, but his cock holding you open is far too distracting.
“Bennn…” you try again.
“Shhhhh…” he reacts, but you can tell he's not sleepy anymore; there is a smile on the nape of your neck.
“You feel too good; I can’t sleep,” you whine, slightly petulant.
“You’re not even trying,” he chuckles richly.
“You can't do this to me,” you wheedle, your breath hitching triumphantly as he tilts his pelvis and slips a fraction deeper.
“If I fuck you right now, will you stop complaining?” his tone laced with amusement.
“Hmmm, maybe,” you shoot back, twisting to glance at him over your shoulder, seeing his eyes dancing with mirth.
Your lips meet, and it's a breathy passionate kiss, all open mouths and tongues, teasing each other and fighting for dominance.
As your mouths dance, he starts to move at a languid pace, just rocking into your body gently, and it’s the best wake-up you have ever had. You cover his hand on your breast, and he intuits what you are asking, squeezing the swell, your nipple snagged between his middle and pointer finger. You break the kiss, and his teeth gently skim the cord on your neck as he speeds up a little.
“Will you wake me up like this every day, please?” you sigh, not thinking about the implications of your words, just drunk on the sensation.
“Happily,” he rumbles and spears a little stronger, making you call out his name.
“The sound I really want to wake up to though….” his voice teasing and low. “is this one…” and his hand slips from your breast to between your legs.
You moan and writhe in his strong hold, little sparks of pleasure firing where he touches.
“That’s it, that’s the sound,” he encourages as you both move together in sync.
It’s a wonderfully sensual experience, growing in intensity until he rolls you over onto your front, still inside you, fucking into you from behind, covering your entire body with his. His hand is trapped between your body and the mattress while teasing your clit.
“Oh god, Ben,” you cry as he seems to slide deeper than ever, your thigh trapped shut together, his legs bracketing yours, using all his effort to drive into you, the tone shifting from languid to vigorous. You’ve never been taken in this position before, and at this angle, he is hitting all the right spots inside you to make your eyes roll back and bite the pillow.
It hurtles you fast, beginning to pant raggedly, and you urge him on, asking for more and harder, and he obliges, thrusting so strong your whole body rolls and the bed squeaks loudly in protest. Your voice becomes one long moaning sound; you are pushing back onto his cock as much as possible, a chorus of please don't stop as he drives you fast towards a climax. His body is bowed, breathing hot puffs of air across your upper back, with an occasional kiss, his lips soft and wet.
He holds you on a precipice for a moment; you crane to look back at his face pleadingly; his expression is wild and so gorgeous it catches your breath.
“You are magnificent,” he rasps against your skin.
Then the hand not on your clit suddenly spanks your butt cheek while his teeth sink into the top of your trapezius muscle, pushing you over the edge, calling his name as you pulsate hard around him. Him grunting and thrusting deeper, fighting your clenching muscles. Then he stills, and every muscle tenses as he empties into your body, almost shaking from the intensity.
He collapses onto your back, breathing in wracked sounds.
“Fucking hell,” you both say almost in unison, then giggle at your matching assessment of the experience.
He pulls out of you reluctantly and flops down onto the mattress to your left, wrapping an arm around you and manoeuvring so are the little spoon once again.
“That was intense,” he voices, and you make a noise of agreement, lacing your fingers with his and holding your joined hands up, watching his fingers sink between yours and curve over, his fingertips resting on your palm.
“We are awesome at sex,” you opine. Benedict chuckles at that, hooking his chin over your shoulder. “And you know what that means?”
“What?” his tone lilting.
“We just have to keep doing it all the time,” you observe with a mock, burdened sigh.
“What a terrible hardship for us,” he concurs with an ironic laugh, nuzzling your neck with a grin on his face. __
Half an hour later, you have showered together - which proved almost as distracting as morning sex until the hot water tank ran out, and you jumped out squealing as the water turned ice cold - and are now leisurely making brunch. You both only wear towelling robes you stole from your Glasgow hotel room, the fireplace roaring again. You agree to go for a walk in the snow later, neither of you mentioning booking your flight home.
“Wait, why is this sofa so bloody uncomfortable” you bemoan, taking a sip of coffee and flicking idly through a book you took from a shelf. “I don't remember it being this bad last night,” you ponder aloud.
“Well, you had had a couple of whiskeys by then,” Benedict points out as he cooks an amazing-smelling breakfast a few feet away in the kitchenette.
“True, but honestly, what is going on with it?” you grumble, putting the book aside, not yet sufficiently caffeinated.
“Sofa beds tend not to be comfortable. As either a sofa or a bed,” he rattles out, flipping a slice of bacon in the pan.
You grind to a halt in your efforts to get comfy.
“Sofa bed…?” You echo out loud.
He suddenly freezes and realises what he has admitted.
“Benedict bloody Bridgerton!!” you exclaim loudly, standing up, “did you trick me into sharing your bed?!?”
He turns around slowly, knowing he is foiled and pulls a sheepish face.
“Yeahhhh, a lil bit…” he admits as you gape at him, attempting his most winning remorseful smile. “But, in my defence…” he adds, waving the spatula, “you are the one who kissed me first. I just stacked the deck; you drew the first card.”
He expertly swerves the cushion you throw at him before flicking off the stove and pushing aside the pan.
“Right…” he charges at you as you squeal.
He corners you with ease in the compact space and throws you over his shoulder.
“We are using this stupid sofa bed right now,” he instructs and, rather attractively, casually flicks a handle on the side with his foot to open it. He practically throws you onto the (admitted thin, rather uncomfortable) bed and tugs open your robe, snaking his way down your body and throwing your legs over his shoulder, shooting you a molten hot gaze from between your thighs.
You have no arguments with this development. None whatsoever.
You return to that tiny cottage every year for that same week as a ritual—a little private anniversary. Sometimes you stay through New Year, just the two of you ringing in the entire festive season.
He buys it for you as a wedding gift, and you cry at the sentimentality of the man buying you the place you first got together. (One thing you do early on - buy a new, comfortable sofa.)
It becomes a haven for your lives together, even when you have to bring cots and camp beds for your children, all sleeping communally in that one room. (You don’t tell them, but all of your children are named after characters in an obscure old book he finds hidden in the rafters when you are renovating while pregnant with your firstborn.)
Nothing brings you more joy than when you can escape to that little cottage in the Highlands. You never tell anyone besides your children where it is—it’s your escape, your sanctuary. The “somewhere only we know,” as Benedict always called it.
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @wysteria-clad @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
Meet me at the record store - M.H x f!reader
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A/N: based on this request. Scared to death about the man lurking here but i want this blurb out. Hope you like it guys! Healy stay away.
Word count: 0.8 K
She admired his side profile. Matty was wearing his black ray-ban’s, his curls in all display, trying to tell her all the stories that the corners of Manchester roads came to his mind. She was trying hard to follow the stories, but looking at him so excited around his home town took her attention.
Matty took a drag of his cig, stopping in front of a shop located at a lateral road. He turned his body to stare at the shop’s window, admiring the display they had on.
“Oh, I thought this place was gone.” he said, squeezing her hand.
“Love the theme.”
Matty turned to look at her, throwing the cig away, moving his sunglasses to rest on the top of his head, “Do you want to go in?” he offered. “We used to come here all the fuckin’ time.”
“Yeah, let's go.” she took the lead, and drag him through the door.
The shop was small. Tables all around with vinyls, CDs and also cassettes decorated them. There wasn’t a stop on the walls without a poster. The place called you to get lost for hours inside.
A young man greeted them, arranging himself on his chair behind the front desk, “Hello friends, what can I do for you?”
“We’re going to snoop around, mate. Thanks.” Matty spoke, letting him know they’re alright.
“Dope.” the man answered, not bother about them. She watched him going back to rest on the chair, plugging in his headphones and watching the few people walking outside.
Matty went to the back of the shop, even though it was a few feet away from her. She tugged her chin in, searching through all the vinyls. She smirked when a very interesting one showed up.
She turned around, staring at Matty’s back. “Look what I found.” she called him.
The singer returned to her side, rounding her waist with his arm. ABIIOR’s vinyls was presented before them. Matty hid his face on her shoulder, groaning. “Oh, someone is shy now.” she teased him.
“Shut up.”
“I remember the first time I listened to it.” she started recalling, reading the list of songs.
“Do you?”
She shook her head, “I’m not going to stroke your ego any more, Healy.”
“You already do…dating me.” Matty forced her to look at him, placing his hand on his cheek. He was really close, making her stomach flip.
They hadn’t been dating for a few months, but everything was working amazing between them. She felt like they’ve known each other for ages, even though every time he kissed her it felt like the first time.
She sighed, “Impossible.”
Matty let her go, looking how she tugged the vinyl under her arm. His cheeks feeling warmer. She continued admiring all the old records in front of her, choosing one of her favourites Queen’s albums.
“Look…” Matty broke the silence around them. He lifted high an Oasis CD, making her giggle.
“You already have it!” she whined.
“No, I don’t.”
“Yeah, you do.”
Matty opened the case, “But this is special edition.” he tried to justify himself.
“I can keep it for you…in my house.” she offered.
Matty made eye contact, saying suggestively, “I’d have to visit you every day. Y’know, you can't live without listening to Oasis every day…” he moved closer.
“Right, very convincing.” she shielded herself with the vinyls pressed on her chest.
Matty handed the CD to her, “Here.”
“I was kidding, babe.” she titled her head.
“I want you to have it, baby.” he moved it to accentuate he was serious about it.
“You’re so cute.” his girlfriend took it, going to leave a kiss on his cheek.
After they managed to bring the owner back to reality, he started passing the items under the scanner.
“Total is…” the man let them know. Matty was fast to take his wallet out, although she stopped him, placing her hand on his.
“Of course, yes.” he moved his wallet around, offering the man the bills.
“Y/n, drop it.” he said.
She huffed, because he always insisted on buying stuff for her. Matty pinched her cheek sweetly, after putting his wallet away.
“You two make a cute couple.” the man absently says, staring at them.
“Thanks mate.”
“She’s out of your league, though, dude.” she couldn’t help to laugh out loud.
Matty blushed, “I know that.” he said, feeling exposed.
“Okay, here…” the man gave her the bag with her new records. “Good choices, by the way. This one, ‘the 1975’ is from here, old Manny, y’know?” Matty stared at the man, shocked by his words. His girlfriend trying really hard to not laugh and expose him.
“Yes, I’m a big fan.” she managed to speak.
“Amazing!” his eyes opening with excitement. “Thanks for buying!”
The couple walked away from the shop. She really wanted to laugh about the surreal moment, but stopped herself.
“Nice guy.” she mocked him.
“Don’t.” Matty stopped her, grabbing her hand on his.
She pushed her body to his side, laughing and mumbling, “Let’s go for a coffee, star.” stressing the last word.
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shadowsndaisies · 2 years
What about a blurb on how she develop feelings for robin
main masterlist
codename: nightingale series masterlist
i'll probably write more about the event that makes birdy's crush really cement, but for now, here's how i imagine it!
birdy has a crush!
like i said, we knew from day 1 she had a crush. and we see a lot of her development of said crush. but what if we take it back a beat. what if we went back to where it started bc i can guarantee it wasn’t until robin did something to prove himself
but there must've been a day or a mission or a training exercise she did with the other sidekicks after she came back from Atlantis.
(you know, maybe when she came back, she was really tan from being in the sun on the beach?)
But whatever it is, that happens after she comes back, and you know everybody's excited to see her obviously, but she notices things cause it's been almost like a year too since she saw anybody but kaldur.
Both boys have grown. wally’s taller than her now, though Robin’s like not exactly, but getting close.
Maybe he does something that shows her the softer side, sweeter side, something other than the show-off that is the Dark Knight detective’s sidekick protégé and she's just a little in awe.
this acts as the root of her crush...
something kaldur mercilessly teases her for especially given how she was basically a gremlin to him when she realized Kaldur had a crush on tulla
"turnabout is fair game, my friend," he says with a smirk, eyes twinkling in amusement as he watches the young girl stare at the boy in question.
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dc taglist:
@grey-water-colors @batarella @loninctzencarat @fortunatelyoptimisticdeer @escapenightmare
cnng taglist:
@babymango-writes @smile-more19 @bruiscdlikeviolets @truly-dionysus @farfromjustordinary @sometimeseverythingsucks @dweeb-central @lucy-roo @casedoina @cipheress-to-k-pop @anonomano @seninjakitey @explodingwaffle789 @whelmedparker @bigtimesexhaving @officiallydarkgeek @midnxghtblue @unini @blackwhiteandshadesofgradient @dontmesswithbeebo @raggedyoldwitch @amans-te-amo @tinybeantm @unicorn-mya @bouqet-of-gay @duckmylife18 @kendallambrosio @hanbetired @torchbearerkyle @cynthiarose07 @lolsnacks @mono--moonchild @emo-space-tea @notsostraightweeb @cryingnotcrying  @sassyspanishartist @we-flower-fan n @laurcad123 @aces-tattooartist @awkward-youtube-trash @so0bercore @sanovr @feverish-dove @raginghellfire
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ash-and-books · 7 months
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Rating: 5/5
Book Blurb: A girl with dangerous magic makes a risky bargain with a demon to be free of her monstrous power in this young adult fantasy perfect for fans of An Enchantment of Ravens and House of Salt and Sorrows.
Liska knows that magic is monstrous, and its practitioners are monsters. She has done everything possible to suppress her own magic, to disastrous consequences. Desperate to be free of it, Liska flees her small village and delves into the dangerous, demon-inhabited spirit-wood to steal a mythical fern flower. If she plucks it, she can use its one wish to banish her powers. Everyone who has sought the fern flower has fallen prey to unknown horrors, so when Liska is caught by the demon warden of the wood—called The Leszy—a bargain seems better than death: one year of servitude in exchange for the fern flower and its wish.
Whisked away to The Leszy’s crumbling manor, Liska soon makes an unsettling discovery: she is not the first person to strike this bargain, and all her predecessors have mysteriously vanished. If Liska wants to survive the year and return home, she must unravel her taciturn host’s spool of secrets and face the ghosts—figurative and literal—of his past. Because something wakes in the woods, something deadly and without mercy. It frightens even The Leszy…and cannot be defeated unless Liska embraces the monster she’s always feared becoming.
Howl's Moving Castle mixed in with Polish mythology and so much more. This was a gorgeous story filled with magic, romance, dangerous monsters, and deals with demons and old gods. Liska is a girl cursed with uncontrollable magic, every time she lets it out someone ends up hurt... or dead. In an attempt to finally get rid of it she decides to wander into the woods to make a deal with a demon. But deals with demons always comes with a cost... so when she meets the Guardian of the Woods, Leszy, he asks for one year of her servitude in exchange for her magic. For one year she will live in his manor and work under him and to her surprise he even begins to train her as his apprentice. One year should go by right? For a village girl shunned by everyone in town for being a "witch" Liska strangely begins to feel like she has found a home for herself with this strange demon and his sentient house and talking cat. Liska and Leszy are polar opposites, she is sunshine while he is darkness, she is a curious and open while he has so many guarded secrets. Yet Liska finds herself drawn to his secrets and his past, trying to figure out why he wants her magic and what happened to the previous apprentice who lived her as well as why a mysterious ghost dog keeps haunting her at night. Liska discovers more than she could ever imagine about the demon boy she lives with and that beneath his gruff exterior lies a boy who is cursed. Liska discovers that Leszya got his power from a deal with a powerful demon himself and that he gave his heart up... yet if she wants to save the boy she has begun to fall for she'll have to break his curse and save his heart before it's too late. This was an absolutely fantastic and stunning read, I adored this book so much, It's such a perfect read for fans of Howl's Moving Castle and Uprooted, it's got a great world and the relationships between the characters was absolutely perfect. My only thing is I wish there was a bonus chapter or a bit of an extended epilogue so I could see more of Liska and Leszy together again after everything. I just wanted one more happy scene for them after everything they went through so badly because I love them so much. I seriously loved this book and can't wait to recommend it!
*Thanks Netgalley and Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing, Margaret K. McElderry Books for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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redgoldsparks · 11 months
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I've never won National Novel Writing Month, but I am participating for my 7th time (not consecutively) this year. In the past I've always enjoyed receiving the Pep Talks from published authors, which are essentially like letters of encouragement to all of the writers trying to pour out the first draft of a novel in a month. A few of the ones I read, especially in my first year of doing NaNo, really stuck with me so I was very delighted to be asked to contribute one this year. You can read my Pep Talk here on the NaNo site but I will also post the full text below the cut. And to anyone doing NaNo this year-- good luck and keep writing!
instagram / patreon / portfolio / etsy / my book / redbubble
I wanted to be a writer long before I knew I had anything to say. 
I had a childhood immersed in stories. My parents took me to the local library every week, where I checked out stacks of fantasy novels. I would pick up any book with a dragon, elf, sword, castle, wizard, or spaceship on the cover and my heroes were the authors and illustrators of these magical worlds. 
At some point I started to wonder about these writers. Who were they? What were their lives like? I began to pay more attention to author’s notes and was astonished to discover that many authors I loved mentioned each other in their acknowledgements. In The Ladies of Grace Adieu, Susanna Clarke thanked Neil Gaimen, Terri Windling, Ellen Datlow, and Charles Vess. In Stardust, Gaimen thanked Clarke in return, and also Diana Wynne Jones. Ursula K Le Guin and Robin Hobb wrote blurbs for Patrick Rothfuss’ Name of the Wind. In Finder, Emma Bull thanked Terri Windling, Steven Brust, and her husband, Will Shetterly. Tamora Pierce, George RR Martin, Peter S Beagle and Kelly Link all blurbed books by Ellen Kushner, who thanked more people than I have space to name. 
Holy shit, I realized. All of these authors know each other! They’re friends! This was followed by a second thought: If I want to meet them, and especially if I want to be friends with them, maybe I should publish a fantasy novel myself. 
That realization gave me a new goal, but no specific pointers on how to pursue it. I started out as many young authors do: I began writing long fantasy narratives with orphaned protagonists, extremely derivative of the fantasy I’d read as a teen. During multiple successive NaNoWriMos I chipped away at a YA novel about a boy and a dragon. I started drawing a webcomic about a thief who tried to rob a monastery only to be foiled by a witch with the same plan. These stories had characters, settings, and some plot but what they didn’t have was themes. They didn’t ask any questions about what it means to be human, and they didn’t touch on any of the big concerns I was wrestling with in my personal life: gender, sexuality, and identity. 
It took the rather painful experience of a literary agent telling me my fantasy work was unpublishable before I set my early stories aside, stepped back, and changed the direction of my writing towards exploring the big, vulnerable themes I had been shying away from. 
What I discovered is that instead of making writing harder, facing these themes head-on made writing easier. In my earlier work I had frequently hit writing blocks, places in my outlining process where I felt like I was wading through mud. When I didn’t know what I was trying to say on a meta level with my story it was often hard to decide what should happen next at the plot level. I would send my characters from location to location, but I’d be unsure of what they should do there, because I was unclear on how their actions added up to a larger picture. That feeling of being stuck and uncertain over what should come next fell away when I started focusing more clearly on expressing my bigger themes. Suddenly the path forward felt smooth. All it took to follow it was bravery and persistence. 
I also achieved my initial goal in wanting to be a writer. I have now met and befriended many other authors, not the same set that I idolized as a teen, but different writers who are exploring many of the same themes and questions in their work as I do in mine. I have friends, colleagues, co-authors, and writing partners to thank in my acknowledgements– often more than I have space to name. 
During this month, I know many of you are focused solely on pouring out the words. That is very important, but I recommend you take some time to think about the larger themes of your story as well. What message, hope, fear, question, or truth are you trying to communicate to the world through your writing? I promise that clearly articulating your themes will help you tell your story and find the friends and writers who will become your community. 
Good luck, and know that I am writing alongside you, and rooting for you! 
Maia Kobabe, Fall 2023
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redroses07 · 6 months
My Masterlist.
Outer Banks:
JJ Maybank Dating Headcanons
Forgotten Breakfast // JJ Maybank
American Horror Story:
AHS Boys Cuddling Headcanons
Tate Langdon // Enemies to lovers Headcanons
F**k It I Love You // Michael Langdon
How The Evan’s Would Be With A Reader Who Has Panic Attacks
Kit Walker Headcanons
Date Night // Kit Walker
James Patrick March Headcanons
Young Sheldon:
Meeting His Family // Georgie Cooper
The Black Phone:
Real First Date // Vance Hopper
Stranger Things:
Detention // Mike Wheeler
Lazy Summer Days // Mike Wheeler
Nightmares // Mike Wheeler
Finn Wolfhard
The Rock Show
Jake Webber and Johnnie Guilbert:
Heartfirst // Johnnie Guilbert
Heartfirst // Johnnie Guilbert pt. 2
Guitar Lessons // Johnnie Guilbert Blurb
Agents of Shield:
Day Off // Deke Shaw
Promise // Sam Winchester
General Supernatural Headcanons
Teen Wolf
Just Friends // Stiles Stilinski
The Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreeves x Reader S4 Ending Rewrite
Star Wars:
Coming soon!!
Mood Boards <3
Outer Banks:
Rafe Cameron Dating Aesthetic
Jake and Johnnie:
Johnnie Guilbert Dating Aesthetic
Taylor Swift:
The Last Great American Dynasty
The Archer
Agents of Shield:
Daisy Johnson/Quake Aesthetic
Deke Shaw Dating Aesthetic
American Horror Story
Kit Walker Dating Aesthetic
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kpop masterlist
🍓 = fluff themes
❄️ = angst themes
🚧 = smut themes
🤸‍♀️ = slice of life / bish idek what theme this is
🚀 = crack fic themes
🎩 = dark and/or violent themes
🏩 = genre fic, i.e. mystery, horror, fantasy, etc
🍳 = slow burn
🦕 = personal favorite
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back to main masterlist
Memory | 🍓❄️🦕 Kim Byeongkwan x Reader + Park Junhee x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
Only One | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🦕 CEO!Choi San x Reader
It’s An Act [WBU I] | ❄️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Smoke | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Runaway | 🍓❄️🏩 Mafia!Kim Seokjin (Jin) x Reader (Mafia AU) Preview 1 2 3 4 x
Mah Boyfriend | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🦕 Jung Jungkook x Idol!Reader
Hidden Heart | 🍓🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🚀🍳 Lee Minhyuk (HUTA) x Idol!Reader [Headcanon]
A University Dilemma | 🤸‍♀️ Kang Younghyun (Young-K) x Reader (Univeristy AU)
What A Joke | ❄️ Kang Younghyun (Young K) x Reader + Park Jaehyung x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
So... Haha... I Like You | 🍓🦕 Park Jaehyung x Reader (Fake Dating AU)
Wheel Of Fortune | 🍓🍳🚀 Park Chanyeol x Reader [Headcanon]
Welcome To The Jungle | 🚀🚀🚀🏩 Park Chanyeol & Oh Sehun (Jungle AU)
Maybe We Still Have A Shot [WBU III] | 🍓🍓🏩 CatHybid!Oh Sehun x Reader (University AU)
Unrequited Attraction | 🚧🏩🍳🦕 Mafia!Kim Jongdae (Chen) x Retail Worker!Reader
Color Palette | 🍓 Byun Baekhyun x Reader [Blurb]
Brown Leaves | 🍓 Kim Jongin (Kai) x Reader (University AU)
One Million In One Day | 🍓🍓❄️❄️🍳 Sugar Daddy!Jackson Wang x Reader Preview ~ Alternate Moodboard ~ Moodboard Teaser  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
Car Rides | 🍓 Jackson Wang x Reader [Blurb]
Juice Box | 🍓🚀🏩🦕 Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam x Reader [Blurb] (Pre-Schooler AU)
Somewhere In Between | ❄️❄️Civil Engineer!Park Jinyoung x Reader + Architect!Henry Lau x Reader
Trading Secrets | 🍓🍓 Kim Yugyeom x WangSis!Reader
Winning Losses | ❄️ Kim Jaejoong x Idol!Reader
Monsta X
Introspect | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Jooheon x Reader [Blurb]
Letting Off Steam | 🤸‍♀️ Lee Hoseok (Wonho) x ArtStudent!Reader (University AU)
December Dates | 🍓🚀 bf!Seventeen x Reader [Headcanon]
The Stroke Of Midnight | 🍓❄️🏩🦕 Mafia!Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) x Reader
Here's My Problem: I Can't Get You Out Of My Head | ❄️❄️❄️🎩🎩🎩🏩🍳🦕 Detective!Jeon Wonwoo x Actress!Reader
10 Ways To Get Over Gyu | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🍳🦕 Kim Mingyu x Reader + others (Childhood AU)
Half Of My Heart | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳 Kim Mingyu x Reader + Jeon Wonwoo x Reader (CEO AU)
On A Thread | ❄️❄️ CEO!Joshua Hong (Hong Jisoo) x Nurse!Reader
A Final Offering | 🍓🍓❄️🏩🦕 Deity!Kim Inseong & Child!Reader + Baek Juho (Zuho) x Mom  
What Does It Mean? | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️ Kim Inseong x Reader + Lee Jaeyoon x Reader (University AU) 
16th Floor | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Kim Seokwoo (Rowoon) x Reader (Office AU)
Understand This |❄️ Choi Minho x Reader I Don’t Understand [Understand This II] | ❄️ Choi Minho x Reader
It’s All A Big Joke [WBU II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Th-that’s Not | ❄️❄️🚧🦕 Lee Taemin x Reader Regrets [Th-that’s Not II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Angel Bride | ❄️🚧🏩🦕 Pirate!Lee Taemin x Reader
Noona, You're So Pretty | 🍓 Lee Taemin x Noona!Reader
Stray Kids
Professional Boundaries | 🍓❄️🚧🦕 CEO!Bang Chan x Pre-School Teacher!Reader + CEO!Hwang Hyunjin x Pre-School Teacher!Reader 1 2 3 4 
Bootylicious | 🍓🚀 Bang Chan x Idol!Reader
Super Junior
The Soup | 🍓🍓🚀🚀 SuJu x SuJu Maknae!Reader [Headcanon]
Secrets Of A Maknae | 🍓🚀🚀 Kim Heechul x SuJuMaknae!Reader
The Boyz
Gentle With Me | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Sangyeon x Reader
Pitter-Patter | 🍓 Jung Yunho (U-Know) x Reader (Pre-School Teacher AU)
The Art Of Deception | ❄️🎩🏩 Shim Changmin x Reader (Secret Agent/Spy AU)
Forget About It | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳🦕 Choi Soobin x Reader (University AU)  
I’m Not Playing | 🍓❄️❄️ Gangster!Song Minho (Mino) x Reader 1 2 3 
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blorbobutworse · 1 month
Hello! New Pinned post friends!!
I currently have Two Young Logan AU's, along with my own personal Character Interpretation of him as an adult that I will use for most of my blurbs on this site. Feel free to take a look at those, the tags for this AUs will be...in the tags!!! Feel free to send me questions/ prompts about it, it is currently All I Can Think Of
Multishipper, I think everyone just. Loves him.
Scott/Logan/Jean+Logurt+Oboro/Logan are my mains, though I do end up writing mostly Logurt because its Just So Cute.
Additional fandoms/characters I am Obsessed with:
BATMAN!!!!!!! The Wolverine+ or / Batman is still in the works these other AUs have simply been pumping themselves out in the meantime
Kai(ninjago)((loserloverbrothercore)), Link from BOTW/TOTK, Cole Cassidy from Overwatch (specifically blackwatch/how he came to be there), Saiki K, Sans Undertale (the og not the AUs tho those r good), Conner from DBH(neurotic little guy I Love him), and Finally Sun Wukong, either from LMK or JTTW.
I also have a Ninjago! Become Human AU that I have been working on but it is taking some time because I want to figure out the timeline for the story.
Final note!: please do not message me unsolicited about gofundme campaigns. I do repost and assist on other platforms, but I prefer not to on Tumblr, because I like to do research to ensure it isn't fake/ a scam. I am Also an engineering student, which means that I am Tired when I come on this platform and Do Not want to research. As such, I do not feel comfortable spreading the word about something I personally haven't vetted. I am sorry, but this is my little corner away from my little corners.
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toyhouse-code-hell · 7 months
Screw it- Ask #2 because I'm bored. Can you tell me about your OCs? I like hearing about random people's OCs because alot of people like to rant about them and the excitement and pure effort put into making them makes me feel profuctive too!
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There's so much. There's so so so so much. Nobody that I didn't already know has ever asked me about my ocs. They're all mostly D&D characters, or are in a D&D-esque setting I'll talk about some of my favorites, but there needs to be context.
None of the LORE is on any of their fucking toyhouse pages because I literally work on toyhouse stuff, get so motivated, I work on things for three days. Then I stop everything for six months. This is a continuous cycle. I suffer daily. I also over-explain and over-share A LOT. This is the first time anyone has asked about my ocs on a public platform. IT'S GOING TO BE A LOT. I'M SORRY. (And hell this might be a masterpost for all the little blurbs about my Little Guys?? idk!!) And ofc the art is old-ish.
Hamond :)
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He's an aasimar fiend warlock (1)/ champion fighter (11), son of duke of a small homebrewed country, warlock of Graz'zt. Was sent to handle an owlbear in the woods due to it fucking with locals livestock. Was ambushed by said owlbear, it almost killed him, and this very kind demon lord took the opportunity to offer this young son of a duke a second chance to not be killed. Hamond agreed, got a nice new necklace, and killed the owlbear. He does the little things his patron wants in secret, which are thankfully just small things. His father sent him away due to his country going to war (contingency so royalty stays alive), where he met an astral elf twink who is now his fucked up little boyfriend.
Used him in a Heliana's oneshot before where this happened.
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Next is Vihan! I'll keep it short with him because there is. A lot. (Glitch & Worm idk if you will ever see this, but this is spoilers)
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They're a sentient sword, from a set of 8 weapons that embody schools of magic. Vihan is a shortsword that lets their wielder cast evocation spells for free, given to priest-kings of a long-lots city (of Mezro, the chosen of Ub'Tao are called barae). I gave him to my part at 12th level, since one in the party had made contact with his stupid fuckup son (Ras Nsi, not canon to actual FR lore), but Ub'tao chatted with the wizard like "hey. help me?" and our wizard went "K". I was thinking they would have him be a sword for a majority of the time but nooooo they fell in love with him. >:/ He was also broken when they met, to which I gave wild magic rolls when he cast things iirc (this was in 2021 its hazy). They fixed him up though.
His former wielder was killed in a coup by another one of the chosen, in a plan to kill them all, usurp their god, and bring about an end to the world, but LORD that's another story.
But back to Vihan.
He's a real living person, kidnapped about 4oo years prior to the party getting them, had a bunch of experiments done on him, core implanted, renamed, all that. And given to a firbolg native to Chult who worked hard to be a barae, Epoch, leaving his 2 sons to be raised by his hometown. (and bc he was murdered and nobody was giving them answers, they became closed off from the bigger holy cities) And those kids got older, had communal kids, too, and one of those kids was the barbarian pc. The new barae of evocation was the wizard that said "K" to helping a god.
His name is actually Viktor, had an identical brother named Vacek (both changelings), and he robbed tourists in order for his brother to stay in a care home (their country of origin is corrupted capitalist hellscape island where if you can't produce for society, you have no use aside from being fertilizer, unless you can afford otherwise). When Viktor was kidnapped, Vacek was thrown onto the streets 10 minutes after payment was due, and he managed to climb on a boat as a stowaway during a storm and get the fuck out of there. While he was still chronically ill, getting off of pollution island was very beneficial for his health. He made it to another country and managed to live out his days and even had a family. He never went back to find his brother, assuming his thieving finally got him killed. (Their single mother was also murdered, and retrieving her body cost the two twelve year olds money they didn't have. She was meant to leave the country while pregnant with them, to be with their father who had already left, but port guards robbed her and kicked her back into the city. When her husband came back to make a stink, he was silenced permanently.)
Yes I was VERY into xenoblade 2 when I had this idea.
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Vihan is a little bit fucked up.
I think I'll be done for now. I'll rb with more if I want to later.
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K’s Reading List — AUGUST
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Hey there! Thanks for stumbling upon this reading list! I figured that as a way to support the lovely writers within this fandom that I’d compile a reading list of all of the stories I read over each month.
August was a wonderful month filled with incredible stories. Below is the list of stories that I read. I hope you will find some that you like as well!
As always, please make sure you heed to the warnings on each fic!!
🧡 — denotes story written for my 3.5k celebration
@youtifulsunshinelixfics (was @/acewritesfics)
Prove It - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb **
Serves You Right - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb **
It Led Me To You - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb **
Dirty Dishes - Tommy Shelby x Reader **
**Changed username, so links may not work**
Peaky Caps and Razorblades - Tommy Shelby x Reader — this link works!!
Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Woman Like Me To Have - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains dark themes!
Pinkie Promise - Tommy Shelby x OC (prewar)
Heart, Body and Soul - Tommy Shelby x OC (on- going series)
Too Young To Love You - Tommy Shelby x Reader
A Deal’s A Deal (pt. 2) - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Welcome to Downton, Mr. Shelby - Tommy Shelby x OC (on-going series)
Tommy Shelby Gif Blurb — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Killing Me Softly - Tommy Shelby x Reader (completed series) — contains dark and 🔞 NSFW themes!
Happy Birthday Love - Tommy Shelby x Reader (from Killing Me Softly universe) — contains dark themes!
Blind Date - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader (on-going series) — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
My Sun, My Moon, and All My Stars - Luca Changretta x OC (Aurora) (on-going series) — contains some intense themes!
Pearls from Tommy - Tommy Shelby x Reader headcannons — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Funeral - Tommy Shelby & Sister!Reader
Pretty When You Cry - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Story Time - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Unexpected Friendship - Arthur Shelby x Reader
Protection - Tommy Shelby x Reader (on-going series)
The Face We Hide Behind - Tommy Shelby x OC
Casual - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Only The Wild Ones - Tommy Shelby x Reader (on-going series) — contains dark themes!
Skyfall - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Sunshine - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Hey Bunny - Yandere!Arthur Shelby x Reader — contains dark/mature themes!
Birthday Blurb - Arthur Shelby x Reader
Blurb - Tommy Shelby x Reader
What Did You Say? - Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Task - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb
Love You Goodbye - Arthur Shelby x Reader blurb
Cake On the Dance Floor - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb
Monster - Michael Gray
Bury the Hatchet - Tommy Shelby
A Good Dose of Laughter…Or Lack Thereof - Tommy, John, and Arthur Shelby & Sister!Reader
Blurb - Tommy Shelby & Daughter!Reader
Five Sentence Blurb - Shelby!Reader featuring young Finn Shelby
Gif Blurb - Tommy Shelby & Daughter!Reader
Emergency Call - Tommy Shelby & Alfie Solomons (feat. Cyril)
Just Another Test - Alfie Solomons x OC
“Yes or No?” - John Shelby x Reader — 🧡
The Talk - Tommy Shelby x OC
Mrs. Shelby - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Peaky Blinders Headcannons - several Peaky Blinders characters — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
The Dress, part 2 - Cillian Murphy x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
The Dress, part 3 - Cillian Murphy x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Happy birthday, my love - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
A Minute And Gone - Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Sapphire Ring - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Best Made Plans - Tommy Shelby x Reader (prewar)
Imagine Tommy Coming To You All Bloody After Meeting With Alfie - Tommy Shelby & Sister!Reader (Alfie Solomons x Reader hinted at here)
Control - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
What Was I Made For? - Tommy Shelby x Reader — 🧡
NSFW Alphabet - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Jay Halstead Blurb - Jay Halstead x Reader — from Chicago PD
Welcome To Downton, Mr. Shelby - Tommy Shelby x OC (on-going series)
Are You Laughing At My Brother? - Shelby Brothers & Sister!Reader
Dark Promises - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Let’s Be Alone Together; part 1 -Tommy Shelby x Reader
Let’s Be Alone Together; part 2 - Tommy Shelby x Reader
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