#your chroma
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Soooooo after the new details that have been revealed about Veilguard, how do we all imagine a Solavellan reunion is going down? Trapped in the fade together? Lighthouse makeout sessions? A very sad mural dedicated to his Vhenan? My brain is infested with new headcanons.
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for nearly the entire campaign, there's been a lot of discussion asserting "being reluctant to get rid of the gods entirely and being content with the current dynamic of Exandria vis-a-vis the gods is refusing to imagine that a better world is possible"
but I'm still, after all this time, constantly asking myself: IS the current general state of affairs and catastrophes of the post-Divergence because of... the gods? if a better world for Exandria is possible, DOES that start with the gods when every large-scale crisis in the past eight centuries (that at least I can think of) has had little-to-no relationship to the gods?
at what point do we take responsibility for ourselves?
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soupy-sez · 1 year
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Hall & Oates, 1981, © Lynn Goldsmith
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chromatasia · 3 months
Isabeau with flowers please [:
“You know there’s meaning in flowers, right?”
The question came without warning, and Isa looked up at Odile from where he lay on the ground. The researcher (or, not-researcher, he supposed) kept her eyes on her notebook. The question didn’t come unprompted; the two currently sat in the fields surrounding Jouvente, and in those fields were, well, flowers. This wasn’t Isa’s first time visiting the fields - he’d grown up here, after all - but it felt… different. More meaningful.
“I know some basic stuff, yeah. Flowers are quite popular in the city!” Odile nodded, humming to herself as she scribbled something in her notebook. “Any reason, madame?”
“Oh, no, not at all.” She covered a smirk with her hand and, oh no there was definitely a reason. “Just curious, since you’ve received quite a few flowers on our journey, is all.”
And she was right! He did! The flowers he’d received from his family lay protected at the bottom of his travel bag, protected by the rest of his items. How poetic, he’d first thought.
“Do you know what the flowers mean?” Isa asked, though he expected the answer.
“If you show me, I’ll probably know,” Odile answered, closing her notebook and placing it on her lap. Isa lifted his head from where it rested on his bag and started digging through it, taking the various items out and spreading them around himself.
“…Flower-ology?” He proposed, causing Odile to laugh. Yeah, there was no secret research, but it was still fun to throw out guesses.
“That’d be botany, Isabeau. And no, I just know quite a bit from my travels.” One day he’d manage to get a story about Odile’s mysterious past, but that wasn’t for now. Isa looked into the bag and - there, wrapped in string, were the flowers. He pulled them out gently, taking care not to loosen any of the pressed petals.
Isa pulled a flower out a random and held it up. “Bonnie gifted me this one, I think. A little bit before we reached Dormont.” Odile leaned forward and nodded.
“Our little Boniface has quite the knack for choosing flowers, then,” Odile said with a small smile. “This is an Edelweiss, said to symbolize courage. That’s quite true for you, I’d say.” Isa gave a small chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I mean, I'm not that courageous, madame. Just doing my job!” It was part of being a Defender, after all.
“Still, Boniface admires you quite a lot, for all their teasing.” Her face dropped minutely, her eyes narrowing as she averted her gaze. “It truly is cruel, how brave they needed to be, in our journey.” Odile sighed and shook her head. “We can’t change the past though.” She leaned back, and looked back at the collection of flowers.
“I see a Zinnia in there, Isabeau. Who was that from?” Isa perked up at that, and the chance to ignore the weight of their journey.
“Oh, Mirabelle gave me that one! She said a villager gave her one as thanks, and thought it’d suit me.” Despite how long it had been since their victory over the King, passing villages often tried to extend their thanks to the saviors, much to Mirabelle’s apparent discomfort. Isa had taken the flower with a smile and given her a tight hug.
“Zinnias represent eternal friendship, supposedly due to how easily they grow in certain regions. Something with the abundant flowers representing how frequently the recipient was in the giver’s thoughts, if I am remembering correctly.” Isa nodded, twirling the flower in between his fingers. He loved his whole family, but being with Mirabelle since the beginning of her journey made their connection… special. He’d been there for her since the start, all the way up until the end of their journey. Had seen how she’d Changed, despite her protests that she was the same old Mirabelle. He smiled at the thought of his friend.
“Yeah,” Isa muttered, smiling to himself, “that fits.” He glanced at the rest of the flowers, and - oh!
“This one was from you, madame!” He held up the slender plant, the large leaves carefully covering the delicate flowers. Odile smiled and nodded.
“Yes, the Laurel. A common sign for victory across multiple countries.” She brought a hand up to her chin as she got lost in thought. “Boniface had asked, once, whether or not it could be used in cooking. It can’t, thank Gems they asked, but I did tell them of its meaning. Then they insisted I gift the ones they collected to the rest of our group, as a good luck charm.” She chuckled to herself. “I suppose not a sign of good luck, but we did succeed, by all odds.”
“Well, thank you for the gift, madame!” Despite the fact that he was sitting, Isa gave an exaggerated bow, and Odile sighed at the gesture as he giggled. “I shall treasure it to the end of time!” She flicked him on the forehead, which only served to send him further into a laughing fit. Isa flopped back, the grass cushioning his fall, and took a deep breath.
“Just one left, I suppose.” Isa held the flower up to the sun, ignoring the way his face grew warm as he looked at it. “This was from Siffrin, not too long ago.”
“I can tell, based on your expression.” Isa shot up at that, and Odile snorted at the appalled look on his face. He floundered for words but, well. It was Odile. She’d counter any one of his arguments made that no, this was definitely not from Siffrin, and he always smiled that happily when he looked at gifts from his friends, not just from a certain cloaked rogue.
So, rather than arguing, he simply flopped back down and groaned, covering his likely-dark face with a hand.
“…Is it really that obvious?”
“…Can you tell me what it means, at least-?”
“ZA!! DILE!! WE FINISHED OUR SHOPPING!!” Isa sat up abruptly, trying to school his face into something that didn’t look like a flustered mess, and Odile sighed and waved behind Isa.
Looking back as he stood, Isa saw Bonnie running at top speed, arms behind their back, towards himself and Odile. Jogging behind them was Mira, clutching a couple of books, and Siffrin, who wore an easy smile and their face. Upon looking at Isa, they ducked their head under their collar.
Bonnie proceeded to collide directly into him with a hug, throwing Isa from his thoughts and into hugging back the preteen.
“Sorry if we took too long!” Mira called as she approached, taking a deep breath in as she slowed her pace. “The library was much larger than I expected and-“
“Mira, Mira it’s fine! But only if you rant about them if they’re bad.” She giggled, and that seemed to help her. Siffrin came up behind her with a mischievous look on their face and-
“Besides, Mira, we had the whole day booked.” Mira and Bonnie collectively groaned as Isa laughed, clutching the tulip in his hand close to his chest.
There, in that sprawling Azalea field, he never felt more at home.
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bymiar · 2 months
Drawing your fankids pt5:
Chroma Prower @m3tr0n0m333
Hope you like it!
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yourfavesaysfag · 20 days
viego league of legends. he’s a faggot. to Me.
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Viego Santiarul Molach vol Kalah Heigaari from League of Legends says fag!
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risingsunresistance · 3 months
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idk if i'll be sharing the entire thing or not (if i do it'll be on main and i think i'll clean it up first) so have a sketch of my oldest splatoon oc and self insert getting hit with the aro blast jdhfh
realized it had been so long since i'd drawn him that he didn't even know... poor guy. it'll click don't worry 🙏
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arcadialedger · 2 years
The death toll. It would be so much lower.
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artbyzm · 1 year
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My oc Chroma! She's inspired by a printer, lol
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littleouroboros · 11 months
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BLACK ROSE & The Call of The Keflands!
I thought it would be fun to pulp fantasy-ify the Black Rose for their Halloween outfits! With Modus in the back for good measure :)
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Not sure how much I'm allowed to say on this rn since things are still being finalised but changes have been made and stuff with characters is happening much sooner than first thought which is a yippee moment! A huzzah moment even!
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redactedgoose · 3 months
I think that you should know that every time I see your name come up on my dash, if it's been 6+ weeks since I last reread 'Raise Hell' I am immediately compelled to reread that fic.
i love it so much. (just opened it again heh.)
augh ahdkalsjfjsldhska-
there are no words to describe how happy this makes me!! i'm sure some of that is the sleep deprivation but also just !!!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡ !!!!!
...and also how ashamed because I looked at it recently and had the horrifying realization that it's been nine months since I've updated it what the fu-
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leonardalphachurch · 1 year
the idea that people actually think of us individually enough to have dreams identifying specific system members is. bizarre.
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chromatasia · 6 months
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presenting my magnum opus: ceroba for the tma au!! she was sososososo fun to draw aaaaaa
also a textless version! because i will never get over the fact that i managed to draw this
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faaun · 2 years
green as in nature and green as in decay and rot and green as in freshness are the same. (restart, reclaim, new growth, eating and beginning. old gives way to young.)
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darkestrellar · 1 year
The energy stored in the Shadow Crystal isn't even palatable to Ghost-types anymore. The Shadow Crystal itself has gotten too far developed in its weird state for that. They might be drawn to it, but they aren't able to consume any of that energy for themselves.
Originally in the system as it was in the beginning, all Dark Stone should have been a safe and passive containment for excess negative emotional energy, wicked away from the surface where the majority of it was generated. It was contained so that it couldn't form excess numbers of ghosts or affect the environment; it also provided an easy food source for any Ghost-types who ventured in a place where it formed.
Due to various tragedies in history, that system received a disproportionate influx and grew very close to the surface in places (the primary example beneath/within the Chroma Ruins in Almia).
The Shadow Crystal itself has developed even further, which is why it's as dangerous as it is. It's not exactly an entity in itself, it doesn't have its own consciousness, you can't interact with it, but it has an almost primal subconscious wish to absorb more energy, generate that energy somehow, and as it is the amount of energy concentrated in it is enough that it influences others who are just nearby it.
(Again I think how Blake Hall built the Incredible Machine to amplify the Crystal's power so he could use it, so effective that he could control Darkrai with it, only to put it onto Level Dark for no real reason at all and immediately get sucked into Darkrai's void when it stopped "listening" to him. Who or what was influencing Darkrai's actions then? Because it clearly wasn't Blake and it also wasn't Darkrai itself.)
If a Pokémon like Darkrai is susceptible, then an ordinary Ghost-type would be even more susceptible. They wouldn't have a chance to "eat" its energy; if drawn to it, it would only result in them becoming the Crystal's guard. The Crystal wouldn't want its own energy to be consumed when its one main "desire" is to generate and absorb more energy.
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