#your dad is a good judge of character op
swanjiwi · 13 days
Swanjiwi's One Piece re watch journey
(This is not an analysis or a critique. Just me pointing out things I like)
> Episode 30
And he probably did mean to say it to sanji too
Gin please come back
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luffy really meant it, but his body is just a separate entity
and the moment he says he wants so go to the grand line he's back at it again lmao
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it hurts so bad AHHHHHHHHHHH
(and *manga spoilers* but with what's happening in the manga, I'm confused. I really wish the All Blue isn't real only when the world is under water. That would be very sad)
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I don't like scenes where characters lie and try to push someone away for their sake, but I always end up crying when it happens in OP 💀
Sanji are you chasing your dreams now or???? Has he searched for it at all? has he been paying attention or did he just go with them just to end up as the protector of everyone's dreams but his again???
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that ladle is not for you 😭😭
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"We both have foolish dreams" ;;;;;;
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I think this is where I started to appreciate luffy even more than I already did
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(Zeff never was prepared to be a dad, and he never was the best, but comparing that to Judge, it's easy to see why Sanji liked him still even when he was so violent. and also, with him, Sanji became what he is now. I can't imagine what would have been of sanji if Zeff had perished on that rock. Tbh back then i expected Sanji to be even tougher, and when he wasnt i thought maybe is bc of zeff? but that didn’t make sense? and then WCI arrived and it makes sense 🥲)
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(I think the LA made a good job, but this version still impacts me the most (most probably because the whole don krieg fight and all))
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oh he does not fear death, believe me 💀
idk why I'm have so little hope when it comes to the all blue tho. probably bc so much has happened to sanji that I don't know if Oda is planning on making his goal a reality💀
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jelzorz · 5 months
claudiez pov of your choice <3 for the ficlet prompts
It's a dumb thing to be mad about. Ezran doesn't even really know why Callum cares so much: he's seventeen now, more than capable of making his own decisions, to the point now where Opeli won't act in his place anymore, even if he's got other places to be. Ez likes to think he's a pretty good judge of character these days, and Callum's been doing stupider things than this since he was fifteen, so the gall, the audacity his brother has to pull him up on this is—
"He's just worried about you," says Claudia. She's older now too, and so much quieter than the girl he and Callum used to trail after; than the girl who was led into the wilds of Xadia by an elf bent on causing chaos and destruction for the sake of it. Her hair is cropped short and dyed black to hide the most obvious traces of Dark magic left in her body, but the toll it took is still obvious in the lines of her face. She is thinner than she should be, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes are not there because of a youth full of laughter.
Ezran bristles. They are in the medicinal gardens in the south wing of the castle. Claudia's fingernails are dark with soil and she studies the patch of recently dug earth as she counts the plants in her head. She's only been back a couple of years. The others she'd spent wandering from town to town, finding small jobs at clinics and apothecaries to keep herself busy. She's learned a lot from those jobs, and the castle could use some better herbs. "He's a hypocrite," he grumbles, watching the way she tends to the foxgloves.
"With your best interests at heart."
Ez scowls. "Don't defend him," he snaps. "He's just being petty. It's my decision at the end of the day, and he can be mad about it all he wants, but it won't change anything."
Claudia purses her lips patiently and dusts the dirt off her hands. "He's a good big brother," she says after a moment. "You can't blame him. Not after everything I—"
"Everything you've done is irrelevant now, remember?"
Claudia falls silent and looks away at that. That's what all of this is about, after all. Her pardon. The fact that she's allowed in this garden at all without a chain around her ankle. Callum had wanted something less forgiving: imprisonment, exile, maybe even a noose. "You let me off easy, Ez."
"We gave you a trial, and we sentenced you to service here as a medic."
"Which is easy compared to what I should have got." Claudia bows her head, a picture of humility: a servant with dirt on her apron and a far cry from the high born child she used to be. "I tried to kill you," she whispers. "You and Rayla both, and the fact that you would let me off—"
"It's not letting you off," says Ez. "It's choosing forgiveness. It's choosing to end a cycle of violence. And if Callum wants to be just as bad as Aaravos, and Sol Regem, and your dad, that's his choice, but I'm not going to be that kind of king."
Claudia twitches her lips. It's hard to see from the way her head is bowed, but Ez almost thinks there's pride there, and that almost soothes his temper on its own.
"You were always too good for the rest of us," says Claudia quietly.
"The rest of you can choose to be better. You did."
There's a pause. The foxglovea sway in the breeze. Claudia turns away and goes back to tending to them. "You ever think you might have put your faith in the wrong place?"
Ezran scoffs, but he watches her, his eyes stubborn, even if she refuses to face him. "Do you?" he challenges.
Claudia says nothing. The silence feels heavy in the air.
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CFWC Writer of the Month: Jamespotterthefirst
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is @jamespotterthefirst! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
Quick Links:
Tumblr Blog: Jamespotterthefirst Blog Masterlist
1- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 
I started playing back in 2018. I kept seeing this thing called “playchoices” trending as number 1 on Tumblr (lol remember those days?). This would happen, without fail, almost every week! When I clicked on it, the posts were all about the finale of a royal story (The Royal Romance!). People made the most hilarious posts, complete with memes. I had no idea what it was, but I gathered it was an app. I downloaded it, and the rest is history. 
The first book I played was Desire and Decorum. It was absolute torture because it wasn’t completed yet. So I binged the available chapters. Yes, I spent real money on keys and diamonds, telling myself at least I wasn't spending that money on drugs. It was so much fun waiting for a new chapter every week, even if I’m an impatient mess. 
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined the fandom almost immediately after downloading the app. 
As I sat in my living room, tapping my foot and waiting for the new D&D chapter to drop, I went back into the playchoices tag for content. It felt good to find other people who loved the story as much as I did. There were other users out there who were also waiting impatiently for the new chapter, writing fics and discussing theories in the meantime. There were also some of the funniest memes I have ever seen in my life. At first, I would quietly read and reblog. Then, I slowly started posting my own thoughts and theories (which were not very good lol but hey, this is tumblr after all).
3- How did you pick your url name? 
My life is one hyperfixation after another… The one before Choices was Harry Potter. More specifically, the Marauders era. I used to write for the pairing called “Jily”, composed of Harry Potter’s (dead) parents. Kelsey (@takeharryandgo) is a witness of just how much I love James Potter, Harry’s (dead) dad. In fact, our shared love for the pairing and character is one of the things that brought us together. 
In short, this URL is a reference to James Potter the first, Harry’s (dead) dad. Not James Sirius Potter the second, Harry Potter’s (living?) son. 
I saved it as a sideblog, meant only for writing resources for me to use at a later time. One day, I decided I didn’t want the followers on my main page to see all the Choices spam I was posting, so I resurrected the JP blog. 
4- Go back to your archive and tell us about the first post on your Choices blog. 
My first Choices post was a shitty theory about Desire & Decorum: 
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
I’ve been writing fanfiction since I was a literal child. I used to write in a notebook and my friends would read during recess. It was awful but they were into it. One day, I used up the whole notebook and my friend was desperate for the next part of the story. I told her I needed to wait until my mom took me to the store (literal child) to get a new one. My friend got me a new one by the end of the day lol.
TL;DR that puts me at about 20+ years of writing. 
6- What is your favorite Choices book to write about?
Without a doubt, Open Heart! 
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it?
Oh god, the first fanfic I wrote was Lily Evans and James Potter from the Harry Potter universe. I forgot the exact title, but it was named after an Avril Lavigne lyric. Again, I was a child, don’t judge me lol. It’s handwritten in a notebook I still have somewhere, but I will never open it again lest I die of cringe. 
My first Choices fic, on the other hand, was a Desire and Decorum fic called “A Wedding Gift” that only like 5 people read at the time. 
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Oof. This answer changes depending on the day you ask me. I always overthink it and end up saying picking a favorite fic is like picking a favorite child. To avoid being here all day, however, I’m going to say: Fake Husband, She Walks in Beauty, and Lovely.
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but could use a little more love?
Definitely, the fic I didn’t expect to do well at all if my first Open Heart fic: Lovely. 
I was so naive back then, knowing nothing about the Open Heart writing fandom. I had no idea what format or tags to use when posting. I was afraid there would be no readers out there who wanted to read a silly little story about my MC posting a thirst trap. All I knew was that the latest chapter of Open Heart Year 2 inspired an idea that wouldn’t leave me alone until I wrote it. 
I posted it and I was so incredibly lucky to receive so much support. Words cannot explain how special that was. To this day, I cannot verbalize how grateful I am for that. 
There isn’t really a fic I can think of that could use more love. It always amazes me that anyone gives my fics their time. So any feedback my fics get will always be valued and treasured by me. 
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Oh no. 
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If forced to choose, I’d say fluff. 
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Absolutely! While I try to make every MC different, I often pull from experience when I write. My Open Heart MC and I have a lot of things in common (heritage, hometown, astrological sign, etc.) But I also wanted her to be her own character with life choices that are different from mine. Since I'm very boring, it definitely makes for better fiction that way. 
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
It depends on the day. Some days I struggle the most with dialogue. Others, my biggest struggle is descriptions. It's rare when I feel confident in both when I write. 
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
*laughs nervously in unfinished series*
There are a few series I have yet to finish. Once again, I apologize for leaving them untouched for so long! I plan to get my shit together soon! 
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
I don't think I could look anyone in the eye if they read some of the stuff I've written, especially for Choices. 
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing?
I strongly believe that one of the best ways to learn as a writer is reading. As such, I believe I've learned from most pieces I've read, particularly published rom com novels. In the fanfiction world, I admire my lovely friend @takeharryandgo. I've had the absolute joy of following her writing for over a decade. And with every work, I am still amazed by her masterful way with words! And her characterization is always spot-on. I simply love to read her spellbinding work and learn from the master! 
Other writers/creators I admire are:
@heauxplesslydevoted- one of the first OH writers I've ever read! Her smut is top-tier!
@jerzwriter - her stories, dialogue, and characterization are a delight to read. Her angst is painful. Her smut is sizzling hot! 
@liaromancewriter - a true master at romance! Her writing style is magical and synonymous with the best of rom-coms! 
@genevievemd - I bow down because the amount of love and care she puts into every piece truly makes her work special! 
 @lucy-268 - I have always respected the amount of research she puts into every piece. She pours so much care into it so that the narrative flows seamlessly! 
@a-crepusculo - her writing is so vivid and immersive. Reading her work is like listening to the most beautiful of symphonies!
@writer-ish - she is such a master at the craft! Her characterization is so vivid that the reader will fall in love no matter the format. Her text edits are legendary! 
@bex-la-get - such a talented and dedicated writer! She also pours hours of research into her work, ensuring every detail makes sense! 
@potionsprefect - she's such a creative and talented writer. She develops writing ideas like no one else I've ever seen! 
@headoverheelsforramsey- I love her storytelling and characterization! She's created a beautiful, inspiring, and intelligent MC for all of us to adore!
@gryffindordaughterofathena - her writing style is one of the most original I've ever seen. Reading her work feels like reading the loveliest of poetry! 
@coffeeheartaddict2- the dedication she puts into her work blows me away! She's daring when exploring themes in her writing, and she's not afraid to pull from personal experience. 
@lsvdw-blog - the person I'm sending my therapy bill to. Just kidding! Her writing is beautiful, even when it's the most painful angst. 
@trappedinfanfiction - she is such a lovely writer. The amount of detail she's given both of her MC's back stories has my absolute respect! 
@quixoticdreamer16 - I adore her MC and the wholesome, beautiful background she's given her! 
@mysticalgalaxysstuff - Another MC that has stolen my heart. I am so happy she started writing this past year because she's a real talent! 
@peonierose - love her beautiful MC and the beautiful love story she built for her with Bryce! 
@cariantha - a brilliant writer with talent for days! 
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
I would love to see She Walks in Beauty along with its series (1800s AU) in live action. Imagine Ana de Armas and David Gandy in period costumes? That alone would be worth it! 
17- Do you write original stories? 
I've crafted and outlined original stories before but I've never actually written them. One of my biggest goals for the new year is to finally start. Wish me luck! 
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
I love reading, hiking, and dancing! 
Yes, I picked the most “impressive” of my hobbies to seem cool. On most days, you'll catch me cuddling with my dog or bf watching YouTube/TikTok/Hell's Kitchen reruns lol. 
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
I used the orange 🧡 and purple 💜 hearts a lot because they're my favorite colors!
20: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
For the record, I am also contractually obligated to read anything Kelsey writes 😘 
Thank you so much to every single reader who has given my work a chance these past three years!
Thank you to the wonderful mods of CFWC for all you do to support writers in the Fandom! 
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You saw the url. You know what you're in for. Welcome sinners of all denominations, to the Helluva/Hazbin Fuckability polls! A light-hearted romp for the dirty and the silly. The rules are incredibly simple; just vote for whichever character you, personally, want to fuck the most! Or whoever you just find the hottest in general. Twitter had their shot at this, so I thought I could, too!
Additional rules, dates, and match-ups under the cut!
1) No minors obviously
2) Propaganda and anti-propaganda can and will be reblogged! However, please do not get too graphic. Obviously given the subject matter, completely sfw commentary is not the goal, but there's a difference between going "I bet he's got a good dick" and writing a 10k smut fantasy going into vivid detail about personal kinks and stuff. Use your own personal discretion to judge.
3) While it is perfectly acceptable to dislike a character, please do not seriously bash the character, and especially do not bash fans of that character. (Positive example: "if [character] wins I'm blowing up the moon" or "list of reasons why [character] is unfuckable grrr" <- acceptable things. Negative example: "who tf is voting for [character] I just wanna talk and also I am in your walls" "those voting [character] shall taste my blade" <- not cool! Not funny. You will be blocked!)
4) I will do my best to adhere to the schedule set, but please keep in mind that the OP is one person and simply doing this in their spare time for funnies. This is by no means a professional poll. If i'm ever late getting to a piece of propaganda or if the polls are not up on the dot of when they're supposed to be, I apologize profusely.
5) "Why isn't [x background character] here?" bc i didn't wannaaaa okay???? i didn't wanna!!! you can't make me include generic shark henchman #12! i don't wannaaaaa!!!!
6) Characters revived via the redemption round may only come back ONCE! If they lose again, that's it! They're ineligible to return.
7) Have fun and be yourself. :3 May the sexiest character win!
First rounds:
(Day 1)
Blitzø vs. Robo-Fizz Charlie vs. Husker Loona vs. Agent 2 Crim vs. Mammon Emily vs. Glitz & Glam Moxxie vs. Zestial Stolas vs. Andrealphus
(Day 2)
Paimon vs. Blitzø's Dad Cleetus vs. Valentino Verosika vs. Striker Sera vs. Stella Collin vs. Keenie Vaggie vs. Lute Adam vs. Lilith
(Day 3)
Lucifer vs. Fizzarolli Alastor vs. Deerie Niffty vs. Sir Pentious Chaz vs. Millie Loopty-Goopty vs. Lyle Lipton Katie Killjoy vs. Tom Trench Barbie Wire vs. Cherri Bomb
(Day 4)
Carmilla vs. Velvette
Vox vs. Agent 1 Rosie vs. St. Peter Queen Bee vs. Vortex Martha vs. Mrs. Mayberry Mimizy vs. Wally Wackford Asmodeus vs. Angel Dust Sallie May vs. Missi Zilla Lin vs. Joe
Charlie, Striker, Adam, Asmodeus, Fizzarolli, annnnd Velvette
Round 2 began April 15th at 4pm UK standard time
Round 2 matchups!
Husker v Angel Dust Sera v Mrs. Mayberry Alastor v Zestial Sir Pentious v Loopty Goopty Carmilla v Rosie Millie v Vaggie Valentino v Paimon (TIE?!) Mammon v Keenie Katie Killjoy v Mimzy Sallie May v Lin Loona v Queen Bee Cherri Bomb v Glitz n Glam Lilith v Vox Verosika v Blitzo Lucifer v Stolas
REDEMPTION CRAB BUCKET: Charlie v Velvette Fizz v Ozzie Striker v Adam
ROUND 3 will begin May 2 at 5:00 UK STANDARD TIME
Lucifer v Queen Bee Valentino v Vox Verosika v Paimon Sera v Sir Pentious Sallie May v Cherri Bomb Mimzy v Mammon Vaggie v Angel Dust Carmilla v Zestial
Lucifer v Mammon Sir Pentious v Vox Verosika v Carmilla Vaggie v Sallie May
Angel Dust v Cherri Bomb Stolas v Paimon Sera v Mimzy Blitzo v Zestial Velvette v Valentino Lilith v Bee
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shmaptainwrites · 1 year
[CH. 5] New Doctor on the Block
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Chapter 5: The Truth Always Comes Out
Pairings: Hawkeye Pierce x fem!Reader
Characters: Hawkeye Pierce, B.J. Hunnicutt, Father Mulcahy, Frank Burns
Summary: Reader's secret makes its way around the camp, but it only leads to a newfound friendship
Warnings: gambling, drinking, general tomfoolery, series title reference
Note: sorry for the late post! i’m in a different time zone so my schedule is screwed
Series Masterlist - NDotB Masterlist
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Stepping into the mess sent on Saturday morning you felt like you were right back in your high school cafeteria. 
Everyone was staring at you like you were wearing something funny, or not wearing anything at all. You looked down to make sure your clothes were fine and that wasn’t the issue. 
Slowly, you made your way to the food line, grabbed whatever surplus mush was for breakfast and sat alone at one of the empty tables. 
After a while, Father Mulcahy came in and asked if he could sit next to you. You nodded your head and made a bit more room for him to join you. 
“Do you by any chance know what all of this commotion is about Father?” you asked. “Everyone won’t stop staring at me.”
“I try to avoid gossip,” he said, “but I believe someone may have been informed of your husband.” 
“Oh,” you raised your brows, eyes wide. “Wow, okay so they’re pitiful stares then.” 
The priest didn’t make a comment and you decided that would be the end of the conversation on the subject until B.J. came and sat across from you. 
He looked like he wanted to ask you something, but also didn’t want to cross a boundary. Considering how welcoming he’d been since the beginning of your time with the 4077 you decided you’d save him the moral dilemma. 
“You can ask me,” you said simply. 
He chuckled a little at how you could see right through him but nodded trying to figure out how to word it now. 
“You told me your husband was home with your kids. I just-why would they draft a single mother here?” he asked. 
That wasn’t as bad a question as you were expecting. 
“They didn’t…I lied about that too,” you admitted. “I enlisted to serve as an army doctor so no one would have to endure the pain I felt after losing my husband.” 
“And your kids?” 
“With my dad,” you sighed. 
There was silence as B.J. started to eat and sipped his coffee. 
“You’re not mad at me?” you asked. “For lying to you?” 
“No,” he shook his head. “I can’t imagine the pain you went through. I wouldn’t want to go through that, I wouldn’t want my wife to go through it, or anyone for that matter. Who am I to judge if it brought you a little comfort?” 
You smiled, “Thanks B.J.” 
The next few days were painful, to say the least, but you knew things would fade as soon as the next emergency came up, then it wouldn’t matter anymore. 
As you were walking back to your tent from a shift in post-op you heard your name being called and you looked around trying to see where it was coming from only to see Pierce running towards you. 
You sighed wondering what he was trying to pull this time, but you waited for him anyway. 
“Pierce, what’s up?” you asked, crossing your arms across your chest. 
“I um… I heard about your husband,” 
“Oh so now you think I don’t have any excuse to go to bed with you?” 
Pierce chuckled and shook his head, 
“No, but after all the teasing I can see why you might think that,” he remarked. “I just got back from Seoul and I thought your kids probably missed you a lot and you’d look pretty good if you sent some special gifts from Korea so I got this for Grant, right?” 
You nodded. 
“And this doll for Julia,” 
He pulled out the two gifts, already nicely wrapped, and handed them to you. 
You laughed a little, not having expected this from him. It was strange, to say the least. 
“I-I don’t know what to say. Thanks, Pierce.” 
“You think we can lay off the last name? Makes me sound army and you know-,” 
“How much you hate the army, right,” you chuckled. “Well, there’s no way I’m calling you Hawkeye.” 
“Why not?” he laughed. 
“Well first off what kind of dad gives his kid a nickname from The Last of the Mohicans and second I think I like your first name better,” you shrugged. “I’ll call you Ben.” 
“I can see I’m not going to win this, so you’ve got yourself a deal,” he nodded and held out his hand for you to shake which you did. 
“I’ll see you around…Ben,” 
He bit back a smile and shook his head, “I can tell you for a fact that’s the first time anyone’s called me that.” 
“Not even your mother?” you asked curiously. 
“No, for her it was Hawkeye, or Benjamin Franklin Pierce when she was mad. I only got one of two extremes with her.”
“Alright, well I’m happy to be the first.” 
You waved goodbye and headed back to your tent with the two gifts in hand, a small smile ghosting the corner of your lips. 
“Oh, but I’ve already seen this week’s VD movie. I don't want to go again,” you sighed. “When you’re not operating there really isn’t anything to do here, is there?” 
“You still haven’t come by to the swamp for a drink,” B.J. noted, “maybe we ought to do that tonight.” 
“I’ll make up a special batch, gin and wine,” Hawkeye suggested. 
“And then what, do we drink in silence?” 
“Or play poker,” Radar added.
“It has been a while since we’ve played a game, you know how?” Hawkeye asked. 
“A little,” you bluffed. That was part of your father-daughter bonding time growing up. 
“Great, we’ll get the gang and have some drinks then play some poker.” 
Later that evening, you made your way to the swamp as planned. You wore your regular army pants but paired them with a bright yellow shirt instead of the usual beige. 
“Ah semi-civvies, you got the dress code,” B.J. teased as he opened the door for you to come in. 
“Yeah, looks like we all had the same idea,” you looked around seeing Hawkeye in a touristy-looking shirt and B.J. in a polo. 
“Can I offer you a martini, olives came in today?” Hawkeye asked. 
“Sure, I’ll take a martini,” you held out your hand and he passed you the drink. As soon as it went down your throat you began to cough. “Oh my God, are you trying to poison me?” you asked. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph,”
“You called?” The tent door opened and Father Mulcahy walked inside and the group chuckled. 
“Sorry Father, I think these two have a plot to get rid of me. Maybe I should try the wine instead,” you passed the glass back to Hawkeye and grabbed a bottle with some wine in it and poured you a glass of that instead. 
When you took a sip of that, a similar thing happened as when you drank the martini. 
“Ben, this is the same drink you gave me, just red!” 
“That’s what wine is here, no one told you?” he tossed you a bottle of food colouring and you gave him a playful glare. 
You chatted and waited for the rest of the poker group to show up before sitting down around the table and starting to deal. 
You went easy on the first few hands, knowing you’d have no trouble lulling the men into a false sense of security. You knew exactly the right time to strike, your hand was virtually unbeatable and you’d come to see when some of the others were bluffing. 
“What?! I thought you said you didn’t know how to play poker,” B.J. looked at you in disbelief. 
“Actually I said I’ve played a little poker. I meant to say I played a lot of poker when I was little, but that’s all in the details really, but don’t worry the money will be put to good use, it’s going straight into the kids’ college fund.” 
“Good at poker, responsible with money, man your husband musta loved ya,” the sergeant commented and you smiled. Truthfully your husband hated playing cards with you because you always won, but it kept him humble so in the end he didn’t really mind. 
“Can’t hold her gin though,” Hawkeye teased. 
“That was rat poison, not gin,” you retorted. 
The tent door opened and Frank entered the swamp and looked disgusted at the sight before himself. 
“You degenerates! Gambling is prohibited in this unit, where did you get the idea that you could be playing poker?” 
“Poker, Frank we’re playing go fish,” you lied. “Ben, you got any sevens?” 
“Damn it, got me again,” he shook his head and played along with the bit, tossing you a card while everyone looked up at Frank. 
You thought he had quite a nerve calling you a bunch of degenerates considering a priest was amongst you and he was most definitely committing adultery. You weren’t sure if he knew how many times you’d caught him sneaking in and out of Major Houlihan’s tent when you shared the space and even when you didn’t. You were sure they thought they were being discreet, but it was the least well-kept secret in all of the unit. 
“Well, that’s it for me, I think I’m going to quit while I’m ahead,” you placed your cards face down, happy you’d hidden your winnings in a place Major Burns wouldn’t dare look for them. 
“Can I walk you to your tent?”
“Sure,” you nodded.
You didn’t really pay attention to where the voice was coming from but cursed yourself when you realized it was Hawkeye. Either he’d try to swindle you out of a few bucks or find a way to go to bed with you. Or both. 
Everyone made their way out of the tent sooner or later and you walked side by side with Hawkeye down the compound. 
“I hope you don’t expect a tip for your travels.”
“I do actually, it’s payable in dollars or kisses,” he commented and you rolled your eyes. 
“Don’t you ever get tired of it?” 
“Tired of what? I get tired of a lot of things.” 
“Your antics,” you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“Those, no not really,” he shook his head. “Do you?” 
“Yes,” you answered immediately and he eyed you. “Alright not when I’m at the receiving end.” 
“See I’ve got to have a little something for everyone.” 
“I will say you’ve become slightly more tolerable the longer I’ve been here,” you admitted. “But only slightly.” 
“I’m sure that’s mostly B.J.’s doing,” he nodded as you stood outside your tent. 
“No, I can think of a moment or two when Ben Pierce saved the day. Saved my day,” you said. “I don’t know if I ever really thanked you for that night with the boy. The one who called me mom.” 
“You didn’t need to. We’ve got to have each other’s backs in there, plus you were the selfless one.” 
“I don’t know if I’d call it that,” you shook your head. “But either way you knew I didn’t want to be alone, so thank you.” 
“Anytime,” he nodded. 
You turned to go inside your tent but paused a moment before turning around and standing on your toes and pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
“Your tip, kind sir,” 
He chuckled and leaned in to kiss your other cheek. 
“Your change, madame.” 
“Goodnight, Ben.” 
“Night,” he gave you a three-fingered wave and you retreated into your tent waiting a moment before watching him slowly walk away. 
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Tags: @montyfandomlove
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quizzyisdone · 3 years
Fluffy Headcanons | Reader x David Mason
A/N: Some fluffy headcanons as requested by the lovely @smokeywhalee​ for everyone’s favorite underrated Black Ops hunk, THE David Mason. Enjoy!!
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- If you played Black Ops 2, you’ll know that David Mason is in a close race with Lazar as to who’s the gentlest giant of them all in the COD universe.
- David doesn’t really have this guarded, rough exterior that he puts up to protect himself, like most Black Ops characters. He’s pretty well adjusted, all things considered. (I think we can thank Uncle Woods for that one)
- I can definitely picture picture David as being a MASSIVE cuddler. I wrote once that Alex Mason was pretty big on cuddling, but is reluctant to do so, and I think, to a point, that David would really take after his dad in that regard.
- Except, David is way less guarded in terms of physical affection than his father. No matter how long you’ve been dating, he’ll always be down for some cuddles. 
- He’s a little spoon, 100%. Except the problem is that if you’re anything less than 5′10, you’ll basically be his backpack when cuddling him like that. Canonically, he’s 6′1 and 200 pounds and judging by that boxing cutscene, he’s swole as hell.
- David does that thing that cats do, he’ll stretch his entire body and let out a sigh before going completely limp in your arms. It’s honestly pretty cute when he does that.
- He’s also partial to just putting his head in your lap while you’re sitting down, looking up at you with those hazel eyes while you play with his hair.
- “Is there a reason you’re staring at my chin?” You giggle.
- Knows all of your fast food orders by heart, and will surprise you when he knows you’re feeling upset by bringing you whatever you like the most. The most memorable piece of advice Woods has ever given him is that the best way to anybody’s heart is through food.
- His favorite possession is this little polaroid that he took of you and Woods smoking and talking and laughing together. He doesn't know exactly why that little moment means so much to him, but it make him almost feel like he has a normal family. David loves the fact that Woods treats you like his own child. He keeps it safe in his locker on the USS Obama.
- Not a singer, but he loves to hum! If he's stupid in love, you'll find him humming along to whatever love song he's thinking of wherever. Harper gives him the utmost grief for humming along to Ed Sheeran. (As he should)
- When he’s driving and you’re in the passenger seat, David likes to have a hand either on your thigh or in your hand. Not in a sexual or possessive way, he just likes to know you’re there with him.
- His voice is pretty deep yet melodic -- it's very calming. Laying on his chest while he's humming or talking is enough to put you to sleep.
-Loves to run his hands through your hair if you let him and. Doesn't matter if it's super long or super short, he's game to head scratches. (Also adores when you do the same for him, he melts 🥺)
- If you’re significantly shorter than him, David does that thing where he rests his chin on top of your head just to tease you a bit about your height. Alternatively, if you’re near the same height he is, he likes to wrap his arms around your waist and nuzzle his face in your neck.
- He doesn’t leave notes, but will leave around little knick knacks he’s collected during his travels around the house for you.
- If trouble arises, he’ll put himself between you and whatever danger there is. David is the type that likes to feel like a protector. Will pop a cap in the ass of anyone who even threatens to harm you, despite his otherwise put together, level-headed demeanor.
- David has those kind eyes that seem to just beam whenever he smiles, and the crows feet around them make his eyes that much more endearing.
- Doesn't matter how big or small you are, this man can and will pick you up whenever he gets the chance. He loves to flex on how strong he is. Good luck trying to pry yourself free from his arms.
- This one is angsty but I don’t care. When he’s upset, David has a tendency to just shrink, try to make himself as small as possible as a coping mechanism, we see this in the cutscene in which Woods reveals the true nature of his father’s death. If he’s with you, he’ll do the same, but into your arms.
- I think out of all the Black Ops heroes, David is the most altruistic, kind, gentle giant. Always tries to do the right thing. I trust this man with my life. I might be biased because I practically grew up on Black Ops 2 and have had crush on David Mason since 2012.
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Edit: new link https://archiveofourown.org/works/32099263
ITS DONE!!!!  Finally, the RE8 meets RE7 fic is finished and posted!  so for everyone wondering and if you didn't figure it out already. The image I posted earlier is the seating arrangement of the gang as they play the game.  As always its posted on AO3 and under the cut.  I hope you enjoy @ibest14 I never actually played RE7 but I watched a walkthrough to write this.
It was a normal Saturday afternoon when the Winters family got a very strange package.  It was addressed to the whole family and had no return address.
“What the heck is this?” Rose wondered aloud carrying the small package inside, “Hey mom! Did you order something online?”
“Not that I remember, why?” Mia asked curious why her daughter was asking about the mail, “Who is it addressed to? Maybe your dad ordered something.” She went and stood next to Rose to look at the package.
“Hmm, I think we should wait for dad to get home to open it, I mean it is addressed to all of us.” Mia agreed with her daughter and went to continue making dinner.
Ethan got home a few hours later and was greeted by his daughter with a warm hug, “Haha, hey there kid how was your day?” He asked returning the hug and picking Rose up.
“It was good! We got a weird package in the mail, mom and I decided to wait for you before opening it.” Rose said leading him into the kitchen after he put her down.
“Welcome home, Hon! How was work?” Mia asked kissing Ethan on the cheek.
“Ugh, Williams was an absolute pain again.  He somehow unplugged all of his equipment and disconnected his computer from the ethernet cable again.” Ethan complained sitting down at the dinner table next to Rose. “Chris somehow changed his computer to Arabic and Sal’s computer was changed to have wingdings as the default language and it bricked the whole thing, he said it was an accident, but I think it was one of the dicks that keep harassing him.  I told Chris and he’s looking into it.” Ethan picked up the package and looked at the outside.
“Ugh why can’t these douchebags see that Sal is way better than them.  Probably just jealous of him.” Rose said frustrated at the harassment her uncle was receiving.
“We should invite him over for dinner sometime, lift his spirits some!” Mia suggested placing a glass of juice down for Ethan.  He agreed and thanked her for the juice.
Ethan handed the package back to Rose who tore into the packaging.  Inside was a video game box, “Resident Evil? Isn’t that a game from the nineties?” Rose asked confused.
Ethan leaned over to get a better look, “Yeah it is, I played almost all of them, but I’ve never seen that one.  It looks like its supposed to be the seventh one, but they only made six that I know of.” Ethan became confused taking the box from Rose studying it, it strangely didn’t have a back cover.
“Weird, maybe they are rebooting the series, but why wouldn’t there be a lot of news about it?” Rose asked.  Ethan’s face lit up at the possibility of a reboot of his favorite childhood series.
“Man, I hope so, I always loved Craig Bluemarsh and Leo C. Harrison.  They were the best!  The whole M.O.O.N.S squad from Badger City.  Special Ops turned paranormal investigators was the twist of the decade! And the whole thing with Egbert Walberk and how he possessed himself with countless demons to become basically a god.” Ethan sighs as he reminisces.
“You clearly have bad taste honey because Julie Easter was the best character in the series.  The ace of the M.O.O.N.S squad, the one that Walberk kidnapped to force demons into her with a mind control amulet.  Oh, and don’t forget Chloe Bluemarsh, college kid turned aid worker for those affected by the demons.” Mia added as she chopped vegetables for dinner.
“Ahh yes, how could I forget! Anyway, this looks like a cheap bootleg or fake.  Probably just a prank from Dani or Angie.”  Ethan said tossing the case further on the table looking upset.
“Aw man…. That’s lame dad.” Rose says dramatically throwing herself over the back of the chair.  “I’m keeping it anyway; the box looks cool.”
A month after the whole package incident, Rose bursts into the house beaming.  “Dad, Uncle Chris just told me that we are having a meeting with the whole gang! We should totally bring that janky game we got and show it off!”
“Whoa, slow down Rose! You’re gonna hurt yourself running around like that.” Ethan says watching his daughter bounce in place.  “Why do you think we should bring that thing anyway? I doubt there will be anytime to just sit around and play a game, if it’s even real.”  Rose rolls her eyes at him.
“Dad, I’m sure Uncle Chris can pull some strings so we can have a little get together.  We never get to see each other all at once!” Rose states, putting on her best puppy dog eyes, “Don’t you want to see the gang, Dad. It would be so much fun.  You know how much I miss them all.” She begs.
Ethan can physically feel his resolve crumbling at his begging daughter, always caving into her once she pulls out the puppy eyes, “Fine, I’ll talk with Chris and we can bring the game with us, but you are responsible for the PlayStation and if it gets damaged or broken you have to buy the new one.” He says in his dad voice, trying to be stern.  Rose squeals and jumps into his arms hugging him.
“You’re the best dad ever!” She says running off to prepare for their long weekend at Blue Umbrella.
“Ok, is everyone comfy, I’m about to start the game!” Rose said excitedly setting up the PS4 in the Blue Umbrella lounge room.  Everyone was present, Rose even convinced Miranda and Elena to join them after Milena was put to bed.
“I am unsure of what we are even doing sweet thing.” Alcina said settling into her chair near Donna.
“Well, I’m gonna play this weird game I got, maybe Dani can take over if I get tired.  We are just gonna check it out, if its good, Great! If not, we can make fun of how bad it is!” Rose explained sitting down on the couch wedged between Daniela, Angie, and Heisenberg with Bela and Cassandra on the floor in front of them.  Alcina wasn’t convinced that it would be fun, but she couldn’t deny Rose’s request considering how excited she looked.  She sighed and pulled out her reading glasses seeing the small text on the screen.
“Psh, what are you a grandma?” Heisenberg teased. Alcina growled at him.
“Oh, please grow up you child.” She replied trying to de-escalate the situation knowing Rose and her daughters hated when they argued.
“I see making your head bigger didn’t help your eyesight.” He continued to tease sensing her anger.
“I grew proportionally you ignoramus, becoming larger would not fix my farsightedness.” She growled out becoming angrier.
“Guys….” Rose said sadly at the two arguing.  Heisenberg immediately stopped his next sentence and turned to give Rose a side hug.
“Sorry kiddo, I forgot you hate it when we fight.  I’ll stop, I promise.”  He says sincerely as Alcina nods looking guilty, Rose smiles accepting their apologies.
“No more sappiness get to the action I’m getting bored!” Angie cried out from Daniela’s lap.  Rose rolls her eyes at the doll’s bratty attitude and begins the game.
The game begins with a very familiar video to Ethan and Mia and the sight of Mia recording her warning message on the ship.
“What the…. How is this happening?  It showed the recording from my eyes, but I never recorded that…” Mia says stunned.
The next scene starts with the sound of a phone ringing and the overhead video of a car driving down a highway.  Ethan begins to speak to and unknown man in the voice over explaining how he was contacted by Mia and that she wants him to come and get her.
“This has to be a sick prank!  How did these people get that phone call!” Ethan shouts getting more and more upset as the clip plays. Mia places a hand on his arm to comfort him.
“Maybe there will be an explanation later.  There has to be….” Mia says trying to calm Ethan.
Rose pauses the game as it shifts to Ethan’s perspective in the car, “We don’t have to keep playing if this is making you guys uncomfortable.” She says to her parents.
Ethan takes a deep breath, “No, no… it’s fine, you were really excited for this.  I was just shocked.  I’m okay to keep going, as long as you are okay too Mia.”  She nods in agreement with her husband clearly rattled but pushing through.  Rose nods continuing the game as she walks Ethan through the thick Louisiana swamp towards the Baker house.
The first obstacle they encounter is a locked gate.  She moves him down a path leading to a trashed car with camera equipment scattered around it.  Looking in they find a scrip proposal for Sewer Gators Ep. 17.
They then come across a broken gate with a sign that says, “Accept Her Gift”, “Oh yeah definitely just walk through that incredibly ominous gate into the disgusting swamp.” Heisenberg says gesturing towards the screen, “I’d just say, ‘sorry lady I’m not that desperate for a wife’ and dip.”
“He has a point dad, I mean really its been three years.  Just move on.” Rose says to her father.
Ethan blushes, “Hey you can’t judge a man in love.  I had to know what happened.”
“Nah man, just accept the death bro.  Totally not worth it.” Daniela says interjecting.
“I’m right her you know.” Mia says scolding them.  Rose giggles and continues on.  They come across the remains of a fire with Mia’s purse laying there.  They then enter the Guest house finding it to be disgusting and in disrepair.
“God, I forgot how gross this place was.” Ethan says wrinkling his nose.
Rose looks around the living room area, finding a hidden chain that opens a hidden room they go through. Exploring further leads them into a flooded basement they are forced to crawl through.
“Oh, please Ethan, I know you are insanely stubborn but the corpse in the flooded basement should have been an indicator to leave immediately.” Alcina says as the dead body floats up in front of them.
“Ok, Ok I get it I’m a crazy person for going on, but can we please stop commenting on it.  I’m aware of the insanity.” Ethan replies as Rose comes up into a basement room with a jail cell containing Mia as well as other information on people who were listed as turned or dead.  They pick up the bolt cutters and break open Mia’s cell.  While they are being reunited Mia acts strangely warning him of the dangers and of Daddy.
“Pft, seriously? Daddy?” Dani snickers at Mia.
“Don’t start.  I was possessed by a child obsessed with family.” Mia says glaring at Dani.
Rose follows Mia through the basement where she and Ethan stop to talk about the last three years.
“Come on! This is a life or death situation, get a move on!” Cassandra yells out at the screen.
Rose continues to creep through the basement following Mia as Ethan learning more about her capture as they walk.  They come across a living room type area where Mia starts to act strangely, talking about family and when Ethan leaves, they hear her crash through the wall revealing a staircase to the house.  They move through the house looking for Mia.  They hear crashing coming from the stairs they came from and return to find Mia on all fours crawling up the stairs.  She attacks Ethan looking monstrous as she throws him back up with superhuman strength. She then attacks him with a knife stabbing him through the hand.  After a struggle she regains control rambling about a strange her as she slams her head against the wall.
“Jesus man, that is hard core…” Heisenberg says in awe. Mia grimaces at the memory.  Rose continues on wandering before they are attacked by Mia once again.  They fight her off with an axe.  “Ethan, my friend, you always have to double check that your enemy is dead.  She is definitely gonna get up again, classic horror trope.” Heisenberg says wisely.
“Karl, this actually happened.  I wasn’t thinking about ‘horror tropes’.  I was focusing on surviving.” Ethan says to him.
“Also, of course I’m going to get up, I’m sitting right here.  I’m clearly not dead.” Mia says exasperated.
Rose moves on with the game ignoring them and answers the phone that had begun to ring.  “Dad why did you answer the phone? Just leave.” She says as Zoe gives her warning to Ethan.  “Oh yeah let’s listen to the random phone lady and not just break a window.” She says rolling her eyes.
They move on solving the puzzle for the stairs catching a glimpse of the not at all dead Mia.  Replacing the fuse, they are jumped by Mia again who attacks him with a screwdriver pinning him to the wall before chopping his had off with a chainsaw.
“My god man! How did you keep going!” Sal exclaims looking at Ethan who just shrugs.
They find a pistol in one of the rooms and use it to take care of the attacking Mia as she rants crazily. Finally taking her down, they are ambushed by Jack Baker who punches him in the face.
“See I told you that you should have moved faster, now ‘Daddy’ caught you.” Cass says as Ethan falls over and is stomped on by Jack.  They see him being dragged and Mia being carried by Jack, the scene changes to Ethan strapped to a chair with Zoe staples his hand back on.  He finally fully awakes to a disgusting family dinner with the whole Baker family.
“Ugh, I miss Momma’s cooking so much.” Mia says reminiscing happily.  Everyone stares at her as they see the disgusting meal on the table in game.  She blushes, “Before she went fully crazy, she was an amazing cook.  Her gumbo was to die for, oh and Daddy’s fried chicken, mmm.”  She explains to them.  No one seems convinced as the scene continues with Lucas throwing food at him and Marguerite tries to get Ethan to eat, and Jack cuts off Lucas’ hand. Jack comes over and forces the rancid food into Ethan’s face as Marguerite rants and leaves angrily, Jack then cuts Ethan’s face before being interrupted by the doorbell.  They escape and flee through the house trying to find an exit. They find a key and are chased by Jack before escaping to the crawlspace.
They explore the house before a police officer tries to ask Ethan questions.
“Man, that officer is kind of a dick…” Heisenberg says realizing how rude and unprofessional the officer is.
“He was a massive dick.” Ethan says frustrated at the memory of their interactions.  They make the way to the garage to meet the rude officer who refuses to take the situation seriously which leads to his death and Ethan’s continued entrapment.  “See, massive dick, we could have escaped, but noooo.” He says.
Rose nods in agreement as she avoids Jack in the garage and tries to defeat him with the car.  The car crashes and catches fire revealing an on fire Jack who is knocked down by the resulting explosion.  They collect the items in the room before climbing up the revealed ladder. Jack stops Ethan and shoots himself in the head with Ethan’s gun.
“I’ll say it again, he ain’t dead.  He’s coming back sooner or later.” Heisenberg says again.
“Yeah, no shit Sherlock. This game’s been full of tropes so far.” Cassandra responds to him rolling her eyes.
Rose continues on solving puzzles and making their way through the labyrinthine house avoiding the obviously not dead Jack and the molded that are scattered around the house. They see Jack mumbling to himself about being “her” and talking about how he is going to kill Ethan.
“God he’s so cool.” Dani says as he leaves the room getting looks from the others, “What? He’s a cool villain.”
The fight with Jack was a bit of a struggle for Rose, but she made it through with Heisenberg, Dani, and Cass cheering her on.
When he finally exploded, both Heisenberg and Dani called out in joy, “Now that’s how you kill a villain!” Heisenberg shouted out with a laugh and high fived Dani over Rose’s head. As they make their way through the house again completing puzzles and finding Grandma in random places.
“She is the one who caused all this.” Alcina says pointing at Grandma.  Ethan and Mia looks shocked.
“How did you know that?” Mia asks. Alcina scoffs as if it is obvious.
“She hasn’t had the focus at all, yet she appears at random seemingly following Ethan, who we know is the next victim in mind.  She is clearly Eveline.”  She says smugly to everyone’s shocked faces.
Rose moved on ignoring the gloating.  She came across a trailer in the yard, exploring it revealed that it was Zoe’s home containing some useful items that she ignored moving to leave as the phone rang. Zoe explained about the mold and how to progress.
“Why are you so trusting of this woman, you don’t know her, and she has admitted that she is a part of the family trying to kill you?” Bela asked turning to face Ethan.  He opened his mouth to answer but nothing came out, he paused thinking and shrugged.  Bela rolled her eyes at him, “Typical man thing.” She mumbled out returning to her original position.
They move on to the old house and Marguerite just as Zoe instructed. Coming across baby dolls strung up from the rafters of the bridge.  “Whoever made those should be killed.” Donna said quietly.  Everyone looked at her confused.  “The look like such poor quality dolls, anyone who cares would never let them fall apart so easily.  Cheap plastic is the worst fate a doll can experience.” She explains confident.
“You aren’t upset at the fact that they are strung up, just that they suck?” Rose asks her.
“Of course, you can do what you like with them, but the craft must be respected.  These cheap factory made ones are a disgrace.”  Donna explains upset at the virtual dolls.  Rose mumbles an ok before moving on into the bug infested old house.  They make their way through the house avoiding mutant bugs and solving puzzles.
“Gotta say girls, these things really remind me of you three.” Heisenberg says as Rose burns her way through the nests of bugs.
“How dare you compare my girls to these disgusting things!  They are clearly superior in every way.” Alcina says angrily defending her girls.
“Thank you, mother, but he has a bit of a point.” Bela says to her mother with Cassandra nodding in agreement.
“Momma has a point though too! We are better than those things!” Dani says beaming at her mother. Cass mumbles suck up under her breath and is smacked by Dani.
Soon after they find Mia in game again, she explains her amnesia and is taken away by Lucas.  Not being able to help they continue on through the house again.  Eventually they are found by Marguerite who begins to stalk them through the house attacking them with her swarm of insects, insane rants, and vulgar obscenities.
“This lady is something else…” Heisenberg says cringing at Marguerite.
“For once we agree on something Karl.” Alcina agrees cringing as well.  The others nod in agreement with them.
They make their way through a secret passageway revealed by the spider shadow puzzle.  The wall space was infested which had everyone cringing at the writhing masses of centipedes.  They collect the crank and the crow key and try to enter Marguerite’s room before she throws him down the stairs and through the floor.  After a short encounter, she falls into the hole and melts into black goo. They collect information on the D series pieces and Zoe calls again, and she mentions they only need the arm piece as she has the D series head.  They return to the hole to see the goo gone and a long spindly arm take the lantern needed to progress.  They follow the monstrosity to well in front of the old house returning to Zoe’s trailer. They return to a new section of the old house where they are attacked by a mutated spider like Marguerite.
They run around the house, avoiding her swarms and attacks while burning her with the flamethrower and peppering her with shotgun shots to the disgusting nest on her lower half.
“I take it back; you girls are way more similar to the bug lady.” Heisenberg says once she finally dies. Alcina slaps the back of his head and growls at him.
“Momma can we mutate like that too!” Dani says excitedly as Bela and Cass cringe.
“Absolutely not.  Do not even think about trying.” Alcina scolds while Heisenberg and Rose chuckle at them.
“Why would anyone want to have a gross bug vagina?”  Cassandra turns around asking her sister.
Dani shrugs, “I don’t know, I just think it would be neat.” Rose shoves the controller into Dani’s hands and takes Angie from her.
“No more bug talk, you play, I’m getting tired.” Rose says stretching.
They find their way into Eveline’s secret room and collect the arm.  They go to meet Zoe in her trailer only to find that no one is there.  They answer a call from Lucas where he tells Ethan that he has both Zoe and Mia, and that Ethan needs to play his game to save them and get the head.  They make their way back to the main house’s dissection room where they pull the snake key out of the dead deputy’s neck hole.  Lucas’ voice come out through a speaker explaining they need to find two keycards so they can meet.
“Ohhh, I love this guy! I’m getting so many ideas for new games, hehehe!” Angie says excitedly bouncing in Rose’s lap.  Donna glares at the doll chastising her through their mental link.  Angie pouts at the scolding.
They make their way through the increasingly molded main house solving Lucas’ puzzles and dodging the molded shambling around.  They find the blue keycard and make their way down into a secret room containing the red keycard.  Lucas calls again at the phone in the main hall, leading Ethan to a party in the barn.
They enter the barn to thumping music and glowing paint under a black light.  They come across a room with a television showing Lucas ranting and waving the D series head around, ranting about how he doesn’t want to give up his gift and that they can only get the serum from him before the television explodes.  They make their way through the barn avoiding trip mines and coming up to a locked gate with a passcode.  Lucas makes an appearance taunting Ethan and giving him incorrect passwords before a trap springs and a secret door opens up.
They wind through the barn avoiding the traps and taking out the molded arriving at Lucas’ arena where they fight off a giant molded.  After the fight they find the correct passcode to enter the birthday room.  They solve his puzzles and escape through the hole created by the dynamite.  They see a television with Zoe and Mia, Zoe explains where they are before Lucas cuts the camera to himself ranting about nothing.  They collect the D series head and leave the barn making their way to Zoe and Mia.  They release Zoe and Mia before collecting the completed serum.  Just after they are ambushed by a fully mutated Jack.
“Wait he isn’t dead?! I can’t believe I didn’t call it!” Heisenberg calls out as Dani fights Jack.
After a long grueling fight, taking out Jacks many swollen eyes and using one of the two serums to calcify him at Zoe’s request.  Walking down the pier they are faced with a choice to cure either Zoe or Mia.
“Well clearly we are supposed to cure mom. Its what dad did in real life.” Rose says.
“True, I did.  I did feel bad though, Chris ended up saving Zoe and her uncle, so it all ended up good.” Ethan says.
“Yeah, sure choosing Mia is what really happened but what if we chose Zoe?” Dani asks hovering over Zoe in game.
“No! We can do it later right now we are choosing mom.” Rose says sternly.
“Fiiiiinnnnnee.” Dani whines out giving Mia the serum.  They take the raft down the river listening to Ethan and Mia talk about the situation before they come across the wrecked boat Mia and Eveline arrived on.  They are attacked by the mold, and they switch to Mia’s perspective as they hear Eveline speak to her through their mental connection.
“Well, this is going to be interesting, I’ve never seen this before.” Ethan says as they move into the ship. They find an unconscious Ethan who is taken by the mold deeper into the ship.  They move through the mold infested ship as Mia, getting flashbacks as they move on.  They follow the phantom Eveline to a room containing a television where they watch a video tape that blends into them playing through the situation leading to the crash of the ship and the infection of the Baker family.
They see Mia’s partner Alan who explains he is the reason Eveline escaped he explains that she needs to fix his mess and they begin to track Eveline through the ship.  They finally come across Eveline in the engine room before she runs off again.  They find Alan again in the room next to the one where they started the video tape. As he explains that Eveline is deteriorating, he insults her, and she overtakes him with the mold.  The mold then spreads to Mia infecting her.  They then see Mia recording the warning video from the beginning of the game.  The section ends with Mia being blown off the ship and floating unconscious in the water, before returning to the present with Mia and the Phantom Eveline talking. Making their way to the bridge they use the surveillance cameras to find Ethan trapped in mold in the engine room. On the way there they are impeded by the phantom Eveline and the remaining molded.
As Mia finds Ethan, the perspective swaps back to Ethan’s mind as he speaks to a sane Jack.  He explains that Eveline is the cause of all the murders and kidnappings.  He says that they were infected when He rescued her from the crashed tanker.  Jack also explains that stopping Eveline will stop the mold.  Before Ethan awakens to Eveline and Mia arguing.  Mia rips him free from the mold prison and gives him the tissue sample before locking him out of the engine room urging him to kill Eveline.  They continue through the bayou to a salt mine near the Baker house.  They hear a military broadcast explaining a team was sent in to take down Eveline. They traverse the salt mines finding an underground lab with information on Eveline and the E series mold.  They use Eveline’s tissue samples to make the E- Necrotoxin that is used to kill her permanently. As they exit the mine, Ethan sees flashes of Eveline as she sends the molded to kill him. They exit the mine into the original room Ethan found Mia in where he has a vision of Mia panicking.  He continues to see visions of Mia’s attack on him and Eveline controlling her.  They stab Eveline with the serum, and she reveals her true form as Grandma before melting away and mutating into a large monstrosity.
As Dani fights the massive face of Eveline, Miranda mumbles to herself, “Absolutely fascinating.  How she responds to different stimuli and the delayed injection of the Necrotoxin.” Rose and Dani scream forgetting that Miranda was sitting behind them.
“Jesus Christ! What is wrong with you! You scared the living hell out of us!” Rose yells at her turning to face Miranda who has a notebook open in her lap.  “What are you even doing?”
Miranda blushes at being caught, “I was taking notes on how E-001 reacted and how the family responded to the infection.  It is incredibly fascinating that the whole Baker family mutated without becoming one of the shambling molded.”
“Trust me she was about to run off and work more before I stopped her.” Elena interjects into Miranda’s rambling.  “Don’t worry, I won’t let her work on the Eveline project outside of simply watching videos.” Miranda’s blush deepens and she looks embarrassed at being called out by her lab assistant.
“Good, no more mind control children allowed.” Dani says rudely turning back to the screen continuing the final fight.
Ethan is thrown from the house and sees helicopters arriving at the house as he is attacked by Eveline. He uses an unknown gun to shoot Eveline calcifying and crumbling her finally.  After the battle, Ethan and Mia are rescued by Chris.  The final shots of the game are Ethan speaking over clips of marshlands and the reveal of the Blue Umbrella helicopter.
“Well that certainly was something….” Ethan says as the credits roll.  Mia wide eyed and shocked nods in agreement.
“So, all that actually happened?” Rose asks her parents, they both nod. “Ok well that doesn’t explain how the heck this got made or why we were sent it or by who!” Rose rants.
“Who cares, it was awesome!” Dani exclaims high fiving Angie who cheers with her.
“Can we leave now? My back is beginning to hurt.” Bela complains standing up and stretching.
Rose boos her, “Fine be boring.  What did everyone else think?” She asks everyone left in the room.
“Amazing! Fantastic! Ten out of ten!” Dani exclaims clinging onto Rose.
“It was interesting, very cinematic.  A bit tropey at times but it works in its favor.  Especially since this technically happened.  The villains were enjoyable and empathetic at the same time.” Heisenberg critiques.
“Yeah, whatever it was fine.” Cass says getting up and leaving the room.
“I had quite a nice time, I’m glad you suggested this, Rose.” Alcina says picking up the sleeping Donna. “I’m sure Donna will apologize for falling asleep tomorrow morning.  Have a good night.”  She kisses the top of Rose and Dani’s heads and leave the room.
“It was quite informative, thank you for inviting me, Rose.  I truly appreciate it.  Now I must go and review my notes.” Miranda says looking at her notebook as she slowly leaves the room.
“We are actually going to bed, but thanks for inviting us, Rose.  We’ll have to do it again soon!” Elena says grabbing Miranda’s arm and taking her notebook.
“I think your mom and I have some talking to do, but you guys have a good night sweetie.” Ethan says getting up before kissing Rose on the head.
“Yeah, outside of the horrifying content of this ‘game’ it was fun.  Have a good night honey.” Mia says following her husband to their room.
“Alright seems like the party is dying down and someone has to get Sal to his room.  Seems like he and Donna can’t stay up late like us cool kids.” Heisenberg laughs out shaking Sal awake.  Sal stands up groggily and leans ion Heisenberg as they leave to their respective rooms.
“Lame everyone left. You want to stay up or are you hitting the sack too?” Dani asks Rose.
“I think I’m going to bed too.  I have a lot to think about.” Rose says hugging Dani, “See you in the morning Dan.”  Dani decides to follow Rose and they head to bed.
In his assigned quarters, the Duke watches the group scatter to their rooms for bed, “I’m glad they enjoyed my little gift.  Hopefully, it answers some questions for them.” The Duke says to himself chuckling.
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fandom-sheep · 2 years
Eret 29 JAN 22
Rescuing Michael Part 1/1
I forgot liveblogging was a thing
I was messaging my friend I got in dsmp
Maiming Eret with Techno on my iPad.
They’re going to beat up Eret. Please. If Eret loses a life during this.
“They took your stuff. They took your baby. You got nothing man.” -Techno
Ope Sam joined
Alright Eret’s stream is delayed compared to Techno.
Eret honey please don’t die.
It’s so quiet. We aren’t in VC
“Should we start stabbing or talk to them first?” -Techno
Eret on his throne. We love a queen.
Alright Eret made a bad decision again.
I’m happy Stimming I love Eret lore.
To be fair tubbo is making good points.
So is Eret.
Techno. You keep standing there you’re doing fine honey.
Let’s not stab.
Oh yeah Sam doesn’t live in the prison.
Scuffed. It’s Technos scuffed.
Oh they’re making references to the Discord.
Discord is only a book
Get vengeance. Do it.
I mean yeah. Dad in lots of armor would scare a kiddo.
“A team up of Tubbo and everyone who’s murdered him in the past.” Oh it is.
I understand Tubbo being sus of this event.
Eret’s apologized?
Oh Eret’s skin has a new crown? Sorry I glanced at Technos stream and got distracted.
Trying to take turns apologizing
Wherever Techno comes from they don’t have multiple lives
Someone write that down the one life theorists were correct.
Alrighty good apology.
Anyway off to beat to Sam.
“The uneasy alliance” and tubbo is the ghost.
Oh was Eryn afk??
I glanced down.
Water break? Hydrate.
Oh only Eret prepared to hydrate.
Prime path (and channel members y’all can be here too)
Spooky scary prison.
Eret’s shader pictures of the SMP are the best.
Oh the player Michael.
Oh tnt dupers. Spotted by Tubbo.
And no one else with render distance up.
This trio is my favorite. I can’t wait to learn their trio name.
Bell!!! Hooray!!
Follow/Sub! Do it!
I’m going to get a noise complaint from listening to this where half the people can’t keep a reasonable level of volume.
Bell from god.
Techno standing on the boat. I glanced at the other stream and my audio isn’t caught up yet.
Slowly sail.
3 man boat!
Trident and boat. What a group.
Judging Techno’s Uber etiquette.
Thing in the horizon.
Tubbos stream is render distance. Eret’s stream is shaders. Technos stream is technos stream.
I glance at Technos stream and they’re doing group screenshots?
Oh now conversing.
Eret starting off by calling Sam and bastard.
Sam I can’t hear you kid?
Tubbo got smacked.
Tubbo seems to have a habit of hiding behind Eret at various times.
Techno left and returned.
BLOOPER! Robot stream on Technos end.
Deep voice people. And tubbo.
Gib da Baby.
“Everybody back up!” Everyone steps closer.
Tubbo please don’t die for not having your armor on.
In the corner like a bad kid.
Technos chat is screaming Blood.
Eret’s chat is screaming for him to kill Sam.
The voices and ferrets aren’t happy. I don’t know about Tubbos bees.
And an extra child.
Supervillain poof!
Everyone’s taking turns stabbing.
Sam begging them to stop.
All armor given to everyone.
Wow taking everything. Everyone keeping their watches. I remember Foolish giving those to everyone.
Keep that underwear on Sam.
Someone help me.
I saw a Michael on Technos stream?
There he is! There’s the baby!
Gotta wait for day.
Piston door trapped in a boat. Wow.
Sam’s on his supervillain arc.
Trying to prevent escapes.
This was a messy plan. It’s like the theorists said. He can’t fathom a plan going wrong.
Didn’t want to kill Ranboo? Honey. No.
I swear Eret is here for cinematic shots.
Oh no. Tubbo and Eret have the same idea.
Tubbo? Who the hell are you talking about?
Dad a what’s he called is according to Technos chat.
Prisoning Sam?
Sams options are be killed, or have to let them into the prison to put him in it.
Why is the prison a bad idea?
Technos discord trash.
Blooper filled stream. Our favorites.
Sam I swear to FUCK stop whispering.
I swear I’m impressed that Eret can mine dirt and such in character.
Sam having to swim because he can’t follow Uber etiquette.
Coming back for Michael later. Good.
This is going to take 20 years.
Sams tipping and rating now.
I love jokes like these that are slightly meta.
Uber sponsor the DSMP.
Sam and Techno standing up to face off for a sec.
Oh yeah. Sam’s worldeater.
Built world eater to collect blocks and such?
This isn’t Sam neg. I just think it’s funny they keep calling him a super villian.
Turning technos stream away from me so I can avoid spoilers.
A single raw potato from Eret.
Sam pressed the button. Is everything going to work?
Alright Techno in and stab.
Through the portal.
Whoops. They messed the timing. 2/3 of them have never been in.
Abandoned stuffs.
What? Why free him for giving stuff back?
Eret with TnT to mess up the redstone.
Makes sense.
Sam has armor again too btw
Oh they noticed.
Sam on half a heart. I swear the bloopers.
“No one breath on me for the next several minutes.” -Sam
Stuff missed in the locker.
Oh Ranboo’s “Do Not Read”. But we’re not reading it?
Poking Sam through the prison.
Sam for the love of god speak up.
Sam first.
Tubbo took the access card.
Good heavens this is a mess.
Laggy. Whoops.
Sigh. Techno missed the moment.
Fancy redstone. We love it.
Sam’s not the warden anymore. Tubbo has the card.
Hmm. Wonder who destroyed part of the prison. 😂
c!Eret forgot how to swim for a moment.
Everyone stabbing Sam for going a way they don’t know.
“You can’t drain this Lava” -Sam “I’ve seen it” -Techno
Did Ranboo visit in endet form and sign the book that way??? Lore???
Tubbo and Eret trapped a moment.
Ah finally main cell.
Now to wait for the lava.
Why does the time matter?
Luxury Rolex.
Potatoes and Carrots.
Stab stab.
Royal Retribution taking Sams stuff.
Oh god bell still in prison.
Sam this is sus?
Tubbo why would you go with him????
This isn’t a good idea.
Tubbo doing a cell inspection.
Techno can vet the hole.
Click the bed? Bed clicked.
Sam did die and respawn in the cell.
I swear everyone playing inny minny minny mo.
Redstone scuffed.
Techno pearling over.
Eret sitting there minding his business.
1 hour till Manatreed.
Why is Sam so obsessed with fire res?
Here comes the lava.
No shoving Eret into the lava.
Keycards reset at midnight. They’ll not get the keycard back.
They’re trapped too???
Oh no. That’s why Sam was talking fire res.
I mean. TNT.
Blow your way out.
Just casually breaking all the redstone.
Oh look Manatreed.
Wasn’t expecting that.
TNT Part 2
45 minutes until manatreed matters.
Testing portals.
Eret didn’t not it fast enough.
Oh yeah stasis pearl.
Please let Eret out after this.
Back to looking at Technos stream.
Erets just in case things coming in handy.
Techno stream is yelling at him to get Eret.
Please techno and Tubbo. Stop reminiscing and get the dude.
Eret yoinking the gold. Sigh.
Eret thinking. Everyone else thinking.
They aren’t sure what tower they are going to.
And Eret’s worried she’s been ditched.
Eret your builds are just a pain to navigate.
Hi foolish.
Please release the Eret.
There he is. Back to Eret maining.
Volume down techno stream as I sit and wait.
King and Anarchist who killed a Tubbo teaming with a Tubbo.
Finally a group name.
Revengers that’s the best name I’ve heard so far.
Now Michael time.
Trying to find chargers so my devices have battery to call my friend during the Manatreed stream.
Meh it’s a Sam. It’ll live.
Tubbo has acquired his son. Now everyone hurrying there.
Ahh. Tubbo moving into Ranboo’s Antarctic house. 🥺
“Anarchy is when no house” -Techno
Everyone with silk touch trying to scar a baby.
Michael he’s running!
They’re digging there.
They’re struggling digging there.
Everyone being careful not to be responsible for Michael.
He’s in!
They’re messing up Phil’s mob proofing. 😂
But it’s for Michael.
Ghostboo sounds so tired.
Everyone asking how he’s here? Didn’t Tubbo canonically already meet him?
Are we going to get the kid out of the cold?
Again we’re breaking the mob proofing.
Ghostboo can get child in?
They got him up.
And got him in.
Forgives Techno. But doesn’t fully forgive Eret. Sounds right.
Primes and members!!!
Shaders our beloved.
Noisy pumpkin farm.
Oh the Do Not Read book. Right.
They’re giving it to Ghostboo.
Techno placing back the snow.
Ghostboo just accepting the book. Being polite.
Ghostboo accepting living in a 2/1 hole in his own house to Tubbo can move in.
Hes got the waivers.
The ender waivers.
Techno and Phil willing to fight for Michael. Phil being voluntold.
Off goes the king.
Eret guessing how to get back to his castle.
Bye techno.
Eret giving us behind the scenes now.
Hello Techno raiders.
Makes sense this has been planned since November. Techno was short an arm for December or so.
Eret and Sam wrote most of it. 🥺
Alright time to start looking for Manatreed’s stream.
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iamwestiec · 4 years
fic I want to see: five futures Tony/Rhodey/Pepper deserved but never got
Hey there friend! I'm going to take advantage of the @goodintentionswipfest to finally answer this ask by posting what exists of the fic I totally never finished writing you for this prompt before I burned out real hard on writing last year. Hope you get a little bit of fun out of what's here. <3
1 - MIT meet, 100% less drama
Tony meets James-call-me-Rhodey Rhodes at MIT. In other universes, they were on campus at the same time, but the whiz kid playboy tearing up the mech-e department and local bar scene seldom crossed paths with the steady grad student getting a masters in aircraft design courtesy of the Air Force. 
In this one, they are inseparable. 
Rhodey's got a way of following his train of thought that Tony's never encountered, and his intuitive understanding of flying machines outstrips Tony's own. (Tony is determined to catch up, but Rhodey never makes him feel bad for having to. Entirely unlike Howard, he thinks, and feels disloyal for the thought.) They bounce ideas off each other and make each other sharper, better, and it's a feeling of belonging Tony never expected to find. When they build an AI - a Turing-complete AI!! - Tony jokes about them becoming parents without ever going on a date, and the look of wistful fondness on Rhodey's face is all the encouragement he needs to finally ask him on one. 
After graduation, Tony owes years to SI and Rhodey owes years to Uncle Sam, but they keep in close touch, with plans to go into business for themselves one day. Times being what they are, no one asks, and no one tells, but he and Rhodey both know that the much publicized dates with various eligible ladies are for maintaining appearances and nothing that will really come between them.
When Howard and Maria die, Rhodey must cash in every favor he has to get the leave, but he's there for the funeral. Tony is pretty sure his steadfast support is the only reason he could stand to be sober those first couple weeks. Stark men are supposed to be made of iron, but Rhodey's always been the one with a core of steel. 
Rhodey never trusts Obie much, and - continued relationship with Tony notwithstanding - Rhodey is an impeccable judge of character. A few years later, an internal audit proves his instincts right when Stane is caught laundering company assets to sell weapons on the black market. Terrified at the thought of his weapons in the wrong hands, Tony quietly begins to diversify SI's business model - clean energy, healthcare, [THIRD THING] - things that can build the world up instead of tear it down.
Eventually Tony is able to hire Rhodey away from the military to be his chief airframe designer and personal test pilot. They move out to California to oversee the autonomous search-and-rescue drones they're developing, and set up in a preposterous mansion overlooking the ocean in Malibu, with their ever growing family of bots and JARVIS to make the huge place feel full.
Despite having no qualms shout their personal AI butler and robotic lab assistants, Rhodey calls him bougie when Tony brings on a driver, Harold-call-me-Happy Hogan, and a personal assistant, one Ms. Virginia Potts. Happy's a solid driver and a cheerful guy, but Ms. Potts is a downright revelation. She's the second person he's met now who has no trouble keeping up with his mile-a-minute mind, and though her competencies lie along a different line than his or Rhodey's, he quickly realizes they are no less remarkable. He also plain likes her in an easy way he so seldom clicks with people. Tony might be a little bit smitten.
After a while he realizes Ms. Potts-call-me-Pepper (and seriously, did Tony miss a memo on alliterative nicknames?) seems smitten too, though not with him. Rhodey's no longer active duty, but old habits of discretion die hard, so she has no way of knowing when she strikes up a flirtation with the airman that he and her boss are more than just business partners. Rhodey's flustered, and Pepper's embarrassed, but Tony's always had a big heart, and he loves nothing quite so much as making the people he cares about happy. He can see the way his honeybear smiles when she's around, and it's obvious how much she lights up with him, and he's a genius, right, but he doesn't need to be to see that they'd work. So he tells them to go for it, as long as Pepper doesn't mind sharing and Rhodey doesn't mind being shared, and they look at him like he's grown a second head because what they want is all of them together.
They totally work.
They meet when Lt. Rhodes is assigned the Air Force liason to Stark Industries. Warned in advance, Rhodey was expecting brash, crass, and totally out of control, but what he found in Stark, Jr. was someone with a passion for machines and an excitement for invention unlike anyone he's ever met. When they realize they'd been on campus at the same time, Tony (“please, Mr. Stark was my father”) declares them the Brass Rat Pack, which makes him roll his eyes, but doesn't make a Sammy Davis, Jr. joke, which bumps him up a couple more points in Rhodey's estimation.
Rhodey was always going to get a suit. Tony's best friend, the best pilot he knows, AND one of the few people in military he actually still trusts? Of course. He offered Pepper one too, but he seemed to expect her to turn him down, because then he offered her the position of CEO. Insisted, really. 
So Pepper becomes the head of Stark Industries while Tony and Rhodey become Iron Man and War Machine. The military brass doesn't love having one of those suits and all of their secrets in the hands and head, respectively, of such an unpredictable element, but knowing that Colonel Rhodes is liasing most of his activities goes a long way toward quieting the grumbles. The men's joint testimony on just how far off any imitators, foreign or domestic, are from duplicating the technology convinces Congress that Team Iron Man's op-sec, while unorthodox, is effective. 
Rhodey takes some well deserved R&R and joins Tony and Pepper in Monaco. It's new still, this thing between them all, but it's good. 
4 - POST-IM2
Aliens invade New York, and Rhodey is so glad he stole that damn suit. 
5 - POST-IM3
Rogers and Romanoff bring down SHIELD, and Pepper is horrified to realize how close she came to being murdered by the state. After Killian, after Extremis, she knows she could be considered a threat, but seeing her name, and Tony's, and Rhodey's, on the kill list in the data dump is chilling.
+1 - After Everyone Lives
"Meguna Petunia Stark-Potts-Rhodes, out of the lab and inside for dinner!"
Morgan laughed. "Not my name, Dad - and anyway, wouldn't it be Potts-Rhodes-Stark, alphabetically?"
"You know, you'd think that, but your pops actually called dibs on the anchor leg years ago…"
"A relay's got four legs, Dad."
"What did I ever do to deserve a jock for a daughter? Tell you what, find us a Q who doesn't run screaming, and we'll consider it."
"What are we considering, Tony?"
"Morgan thinks our polycule needs to be a quadrilateral, apparently, and I'm blaming the track team. I've told her we're only considering candidates with Q last names; we're so close to a straight."
"Tony, you've never been close to straight in your life."
Mom gestures at the two bickering and pleads, "Just not another guy, please, darling, I'm outnumbered already."
"I dunno, you usually like tha-"
"Tony!" Mom and Pops shoot him identical stern looks.
Family. She wouldn't want it any other way.
If anyone made it this far, thanks for reading! @allofthefeelings I'm sorry the full fic never made its way out of my brain, but thank you for the prompt anyway! And thanks again to the Good Intentions WIP Fest!
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thatnerdwolfnell · 3 years
ok but what if... headcanon request for arcana main 6, lunar chronicles, and marauders all meeting up? Who'd be friends and who's immediately starting a fight?
HEH HEH HEH ohhhh yesssssss. This is the kind of bullshit I live for.
This is long and not well broken up but here goes
Arcana main 6 + Marauders + Rampion crew
Okay so Sirius sees cinder and he's just like "damn muggle technology got WILD"
Julian is losing his shit. He's asking a shit ton of questions that Cinder frankly doesn't have the patience for. But luckily our resident Nerd Genius ™ Cress is happy to oblige.
Sirius and Thorne INSTANTLY hit it off. Something about that raw chaos just sticks them together. That and the wealthy childhood and being estranged from their family.
Now Remus and Wolf can smell the like "wolfishness" on each other but they're both completely socially inept so they just kinda like....stare at each other. Like what are you even supposed to do? Do you say something?
They both also think Muriel is a werewolf or something because he smells like Inanna
So Remus is thinking "what are the chances that there are 3 werewolves in a room together? What the fuck?"
And Wolf is thinking "that is the skinniest special op I've ever seen. Do they not feed this kid?"
And Muriel, (not being a werewolf or a genetically modified super soldier, and therefore having a normal sense of smell), is kinda off to the side confused out of his damn mind because WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING. People don't usually pay him this much attention. Or if they do, they usually SAY something.
Probably Scarlet notices how weirdly still Wolf has gotten and asks what's wrong. And he just kinda quietly explains as discreetly as possible.
So of course she immediately marches up and introduces them, not caring that they could be dangerous because she likes to see what's what before she judges people.
Remus is internally screaming because frankly Scarlet is pretty intimidating despite being like 5'3 or whatever.
Eventually they get it sorted that Remus isn't a special op, and Wolf isn't really a werewolf but upon hearing what a werewolf IS and what that entails, he's about ready to adopt this kid.
He's got the dad instinct ON POINT
And Scarlet turns to Muriel like "okay but of course YOU were a special op, right?" And he's just like "uhhh no...I just have a pet wolf...but she's not really a pet she's like...my best friend." And they're all like "I'm sorry, you what?"
James makes friends with Cinder and Kai very fast. He's a pretty wholesome guy and he just makes friends very easily.
Asra ends up joining up with Sirius and Thorne because he's got enough of a chaos streak that it works, but then him and Sirius start talking about magic and honestly the differences are amazing to them.
Nadia pegs Kai as a fellow diplomat almost immediately and they try to sort out exactly WHY they're here, and negotiating how to get out when they realize neither of them have any idea.
Portia and Lily bond over being amazing redheads
Remus and Nadia bond over tea.
The four of them and Cress talk about starting a book club.
Julian would annoy the SHIT out of Jacin. Jacin doesn't trust him and he frankly doesn't like people enough to deal with him.
Winter starts spouting her crazy shit and Asra is completely unfazed. He's just like "yeah that's a mood." It's not even clear if he realizes she's hallucinating.
Remus immediately HATES Lucio. He's dealt with stuck up pricks before and Lucio's demeaned just instantly rubs him the wrong way.
Cinder reacts basically the same way. He reminds her of a lot of the Lunar Court and half of what he says triggers her lie detector.
Sirius probably wouldn't have minded Lucio too much, he just struck him as hyperactive and dramatic and he could relate to that. But seeing Remus seethe is enough to make him ready for a fight. Remus is usually a pretty good judge of character.
Luckily James is there to de-escalate the situation before it gets out of hand. He's pretty much a pacifist unless someone comes for someone he cares about or he sees injustice.
You know who WOULD start a fight: SCARLET I mean she's usually about 3 seconds away from ripping assholes to shreds on a good day.
She has no patience for Lucio but she can ignore him or talk to someone else.
The person she CAN'T ignore is Julian who heard about a sci-fi werewolf soldier and got curious as hell.
He doesn't mean any harm he just thinks it's the coolest thing ever and his curiosity can make him come across a little insensitive.
Scarlet is immediately defensive. Her boyfriend is NOT a sideshow act.
Wolf calms her down and says it's fine. He knows Julian wasn't trying to be rude but he'd rather not talk about that stuff if he doesn't have to and definitely not to a stranger.
Nadia and Winter actually end up being very good friends. Nadia knows what it's like to not be taken seriously. And also what it's like to be the hottest person in your country/moon.
Iko is AMAZED by Nadia, the purple hair, the eyes. She's sure she's an android and she's surprised when she's not.
Our power bisexual Scarlet is honestly a little attracted to our distinguished bisexual Nadia. (Who isn't attracted to Nadia honestly?) she doesn't actually like her like that she just noticed that Nadia is very beautiful, and then felt kinda bad about it.
Cinder and Muriel actually get along really well. They're both hands on introvert types and they don't mind not talking.
Nadia and Cinder actually both do mechanics and get into a really in depth conversation about machines that NOBODY else can understand.
Nadia doesn't usually relax like this but they're joking and laughing and cinder is someone she can be real with.
Cress fangirls a little over lily and James' relationship, because they're just so cute.
There's no fights here despite the few near misses. They all kind of realize that they're fighting for the same thing, they all just want a free and happy life for the world whether that's from fighting wizard Nazis, or space dictators, or the LITERAL DEVIL their motives are pretty similar and they can kind of relate to each other. They're on the same side despite their differences and that's what matters.
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I absolutely didn’t go back through and edit this at all and hardly any of this is verbatim but I tried to take notes on some of what Mae Catt said during her stream if anyone is interested!
EDIT: Here’s a cleaner post with most of the Q&A.
She says she doesn’t want to yuck anybody’s yums re: ships. She seems Arcee and Grimlock more as friends, but she didn’t say they can’t be in a relationship
They fell in love with Perceptor so they wanted him on the “End of the World fighting the Quintessons” team
They had to dedicate a lot of effort into Dead End b/c it takes time to send in info for modeling a character and deciding on their alt mode
She was pitching Obsidian from Beast Machines really hard. She didn’t know what his personality would be it was just a “Look how cool he is!” sort of thing
Thought it’d be fun to have someone pessimistic like Dead End be on the team
“According to us, Drift did not make it, but I fully endorse whatever you want”
“The brand team had grown up on the toys as we had grown up on the toons, so we just wanted to make the best thing imaginable.” That’s nice 
Rodimus was never considered for the show “it’s been covered to death”, but they were adamant about portraying Hot Rod as someone who wanted to be a leader
Hot Rod is someone who is learning to be a leader
“Please don’t tell JRO I forgot about Whirl” re: talking about why they chose each character for the “Anti-Quintesson” team
Q: Re: Why did Drift try to kill Roddy A: They said they needed a double-agent and they needed someone who would (seemingly) kill Hot Rod
She loves that Optimus is just trying so hard to rebuild Cybertron, I just want society to start rebuilding
Q: Since you mentioned Optimus's death... he didn't seem to have a plinth in "our" Matrix realm. Does that mean the list of Primes works differently? Like are the 13 more of a dynasty, rather than all being a group together?  A: They decided Optimus would be in the Alt! Universe matrix because they wanted to show he was dead. Logical backflips because he needed to be among the 13 to talk to Windblade. 
She says Starscream’s death hurt her most
They didn’t want to kill people off willy-nilly for shock value
"The audience will fall in love with Slipstream so she has to die" LMAO
She almost wanted Starscream to emerge from the Judge heads untouched but she’s ultimately glad that idea got shot down
Dead End’s eyes are white
She’d love to have a MTMTE Magnus / Minimus included. She wished and prayed to have Frenzy and Rumble
They wanted Jazz to be a lady!!!!!!!
These characters are like grown ups (kinda) with their own lives that we don’t see. Lots of stuff happening between episodes
“Rumble and Frenzy are always considered in my heart, but there wasn’t enough time or space or assets to do so”
“Alt Soundwaves also had their own Laserbeaks. I wonder if the scientist would’ve taken them out. He might’ve just gotten rid of them.”
“A lot of intelligent life is inherently mechanical” explaining why so much of the life we saw in the show were robots
She would’ve liked to have the other shows show up (TFP, TFA, G1, Shattered Glass) but they don’t have those assets or budget. “This will quickly become unclear to audiences who aren’t (you people).” They couldn’t have all these references when some of their audience wouldn’t get it
“Why does anyone collect what they collect? That’s a really angry dad who’s got five children and he plays music. Gotta have that” --re: the Scientist and Soundwave
Knock Out was considered but every Transformer under the sun was discussed at some point in the Writer’s room. 
Developing Sky-Byte’s character was simultaneous with Jetfire’s character, "We knew we wanted Sky-Byte to be a poet, and we wanted him and Megatron to be chummy”
From the getgo they didn’t want any humans distracting from the Transformers
Q: Is Megatron dead? A: “In discussions we wanted to kill him. Wanted to do a reverse Optimus death. However, in the final product, I kinda enjoy the ambiguity rather than the final decision. Can’t remember if we were decisive about that in the script.”
She wanted them to have IDW Tarn in there “OBVIOUSLY (the perfect decepticon) should look like this guy. A faceless mindless Decepticon that only serves Megatron”
Q: Is Dead End a good boyfriend? A: Dead End is a work in progress, but maybe Percy is patient enough to get him there
Q: Is Astrotrain a good boyfriend?” A: “No, no...he’s not a good person, really”
“When I was desperately trying to save Starscream’s life even though I brutally murdered Slipstream--” LMAO She wanted Starscream to have amnesia and she says she wanted to have a redeption arc. She wanted him to have a Windblade shard and have it be kind of like Castaway, where he only talked to it (and the shard only had 5 phrases it could say) and eventually Bee would befriend him Wanted to write Starscream as an abuse victim who expected the worse of the Autobots, but she wanted him to warm up slowly
Wanted a Starscream and Optimus episode where he’s like “you did your best and that’s what counts”
Q: Is Percy a good boyfriend A: “Absolutely--WAIT HOLD ON. He’s very blunt, he doesn’t mince words, if you can handle his bluntness then you’re good. He is what he is and you have to deal with him.”
Q: Is Soundwave a good boyfriend? A: Soundwave is not a good boyfriend. He’s a good casual romance but he’s not a good boyfriend. Soundwave would be a terrible listener. He hears a lot but he’d tune you out.
Percy did permanently take over Mac’s bar
She really wanted Obsidian and Transmutate to be in the show.
If Thunderclash was in the show he and Jetfire would HATE each other. Thunderclash would be a rival reality star (maybe) to Media Fire
Fave Episode was “I Am the AllSpark” b/c of that Megatron and Starscream dialogue Also S2 04 Soundwave and Shockwave
Transmutate would be more like the uprising version (?) but modeled more on the BeastWars version
The Starscream & Megatron beatdown was super severe and they were like “holy frick they’re really going for it” when they saw the boards for it
She likes the Windblade / Slipstream ship
Her favorite VA is Jeremy Levy, he’s a really cool guy
She thinks Starscream and Cheetor could become (not necessarily friends, but connected?) because of their connection to the All Spark 
Describes Starscream as an “Awful gremlin” several times
They say Megatron didn’t actually kill Starscream, just really beat him down hard
“Don’t take things I say as the end all be all”
She doesn’t think Bee would be a Prime, Windblade and Hot Rod would be a better Prime. He wouldn’t want to be a Prime. He’s the #2 to Primes!
With unlimited budget combiners could’ve been included, but it doesn’t seem like they thought about it
Astrotrain and the Insecticons are from Megatron X’s universe
Megatron’s priorities changed when he saw his doppelganger. Realizing he was a horrible tyrant, that scared him enough to return and not kill Optimus and make peace no matter what.
She thinks Cliffjumper and Bee wouldn’t get along, solely because of the IDW2 comic stuff
Got 26 episodes for season 3 because they got the 4-part movies
Megatron cares about his troops but not in a way that we would notice that care
Wasn’t a HUGE die-hard TF fan when she got into the series but she was a bigger GI Joe fan, she reread a bunch of things and did a lot of research
Cut joke: S2 E5 Megatron and OP finds the All Spark Decepticons and Autobots popping all over the world, Soundwave pops into Brazil where there’s a music festival and he’d crash the concert and hang out. He likes EDM the most?
The Titans want to be cities. They want citizens. They want to be lived in, that brings them joy (ouch)
Q: How did the Decepticons learn to stream? A: Because they’re deceptive! He knew he should dedicate some time to winning the hearts and minds of humans. Starscreams’ funeral was not the first time they streamed Optimus would use the official media channels, not a streaming service. Megatron would try to speak more directly to the people.
From the conception, the show wasn’t going to have humans
She thought people would ship Dead End / Percy but it wasn’t until she saw art that she started shipping them
Q: Is Optimus the type of streamer who would take 10 minutes to figure out how to un-mute his microphone A: Optimus is a dad. He has no idea what’s going on re: streaming. Optimus would say embarrassing news while Bee and Hot Rod are in the middle of streaming
Doesn’t ship Bee with anyone, she sees him as a little brother
Randolph put Rack ‘n Ruin in the show.
AcidStorm is genderfluid
Cold Construction doesn’t exist in this show. Maybe there’s one jet mode all the seekers really like
We have Mae Catt to thank for Whirl
Percy didn’t transform because not a good time to turn into a microscope while you’re trying to save your planet from Quintessons
If she were a transformer she’d want to be a stealth bomber. She’s 5′3 so she says she’d probably actually be a motorcycle like Chromia
They killed Prowl because it was Shadow Striker doing the killing and he’s a self-sacrificing lieutenant.
Enjoyed writing Starscream most, Clobber and Hot Rod became a joy, S2 E4 was her first one, it was fun getting into Hot Rod’s voice. She said it was hard doing Optimus’ voice, she’d always pass it off to someone to look at it.
She loves the idea of Wild Wheel robbing Astrotrain in train-mode, totally wild west-style
One of her proudest things was turning Lugnut into a gal
They wanted to include more female characters
They love Cosmos, she has a little toy of him. R2D2 but a transformer! They loved having her in the show
Blurr really was the fastest
Maccadam looking like a buff Rung was just a strange coincidence 
Q: Megop rights?  A: “Oh absolutely, duh”
Says we absolutely SHOULD write fanfic. Fanfiction made her into the writer she is today, she says you should write it
There’s a lot between episodes, people living their lives and characters living on the ship that don’t pop up in the show
She wrote non-stop Matrix fanfic from 12-20 years old, she learned a lot thanks to writing fanfic
Uses “They” pronouns for Rack ‘n Ruin but they both use “he”
Sad that Skywarp didn’t get a speaking line
Re: Starscream’s redemption arc: She wanted Starscream to have amnesia if they went the “he comes out of the ruins of the judge totally fine”. “A redemption arc needs to be facilitated by a character acknowledging that what they did was wrong. He would have a laundry list of excuses for everything, even if there was all that evidence to the contrary, but needs to acknowledge that reasons don’t matter because people got hurt. Needs to intend to do better. Let them try and let them fail, they don’t need to 180, it’s hard work to be a better person.”
Shadow Striker is taller than Optimus or is his height. She loves the gender-neutral designs for a lot of characters
She’s not going to say whether Ratchet finished medical school or not Laughed at the  "i don't believe that man has ever been to medical school" comment
Q: How would you feel about a female Optimus Prime? A: [GAY LAUGHTER] “So do you turn Optimus Prime into a woman, or do you take characters like Elita One and uplift her? I would want to lean more into giving Elita One more oomph, I do love how Optimus doubts himself and if he’s worthy of being a Prime.”
Says Rack ‘n Ruin are probably the Prime in that one weird universe lmao
Loves the idea that Transformers have siblings / families
She doesn’t think Cybertronians celebrate birthdays. “Why would you celebrate being alive for 4 million years that sounds like a nightmare.” She says that people would be celebrating milestones if nothing else
She’d kill to have Perceptor meet the other stunticons
She says she doesn’t post fanfic as much anymore. Sends them to Natalie as love letters (Ghost Busters fics specifically)
In a world where you had unlimited budget it’d be fun if Cybertronians were constantly shape-shifting and changing their forms, they’d like having Transformers who “grew a beard” and decided to “shave it”
Re: Ratchet and Medical school: she wants a “I choose to believe Ratchet has never been to medical school” shirt
Natalie (her GF) said hi 
She doesn’t understand cycles or astrocycles, she doesn’t understand the weird Transformers time stuff. (mood)
Natalie explained how ghost traps work and it was a delight "You're basically making a pocket dimension, that's how you capture ghosts" “The Technology for a ghost trap is like magic and science” 
Maecatt's bringing all her TF toys over to the camera 
Q: Elita prime when? A: All the time, in my heart! 
Q: Why are you so mean to Percy? A: He's so mature and pragmatic that he can take it, and is willing to take one for the team bc he understands that it's what he needs to do. Yes, he’s calmly feral.
Yes to the hurt/comfort Deadceptor fanfic joke answer
She jokingly says she's willing to buy Cyberverse fanart prints
“Arcee was fun to figure out because there’s an extra bit of pressure to develop a female character, there is extra pressure to do it well since it’s representing a different community (not that women are different species) more representation is needed. “What kind of woman can our Arcee be?”” Scared to write her poorly, but they realized she could be a fun dynamic duo with Grimlock, someone who could keep up with him, not a “girl” version of him, but someone who could stand on her own two feet
Collecting Soundwave because Soundwave is COOL. Wouldn’t you collect a single father of 5 who carries them around in his chest?
Shockwave altered his vibes to have maximum bad vibes to destroy the All Spark
Rebooting the franchise: she’d maybe do beast wars or something
Skullcruncher is a lady! She misses Mac but Percy takes good care of her
She loved Beast Wars Inferno, she loved that Inferno called Megatron a Queen. It was played as a joke because the 90s weren’t very socially conscious, but she liked that Megatron never corrected him or beat him down
She wanted to have Lightbright and Nickle in the show 
"Maybe Drift is alive, maybe he's rethinking his decision and he'll come back later" 
She said it's hard talking about writing a show because you're designing the experience and you have to make sometimes what sounds like cold and pragmatic decisions (eg: "we need a cold and spunky female") which sucks, but they need to balance out the show. She says she'd never do that just for the sake of doing it, but it's part of something that they do need to be aware of while working on a show “Starts from a weirdly cold pragmatic place, but we try and put truth in it”
Q: Is Skullcruncher Percy's bouncer now that he's running Maccadam's? A: Oh totally
She felt bad about the writing thing because she says "you could throw a rock in California and you'd hit a writer / director or whatever" but she says she really likes being an authority on things now, even if it’s weird
She said Drift would've been helpful in S3 for sure, maybe he'd come up with Repugnis
Q: If Tarn is the perfect Decepticon who's the perfect Autobot A: Someone with a Firetruck alt mode, Autobot insignia as a face. Nat and her talked about it a lot. She says Optimus SHOULD be a fire truck, it makes the relationship between him and Ratchet a little more fun since Ratchet is an ambulance, and Optimus has an AX. It just makes sense! She agreed that the perfect Autobot would be Thunderclash after the chat said that
“If you put the proverbial budget-gun to my head, I’d keep Unicron in planet-mode because it’s more mysterious, but I want both alt modes”
Her favorite Megatron is Beast Wars Megatron
They didn’t want to go the Unicron route because everyone goes that route
Q:  What sort of documents DID Optimus work on in the archives? A: Probably historical archives and working on all the Primes. Something like the French / American revolution equivalent, which informed his speech writing for Megatron and his own ethics. (NICE)
She doesn’t like Sky Lnxy’s design, it’s creepy. “He talks in the G1 episodes and the voice makes it worse.” She can’t get over his face
“Found” the social awkwardness for Optimus. Optimus depicted as a father figure in S1 because it’s from Bee’s perspective, S2 / S3 they were able to explore more and found the limits and found it was hard to maintain that level of heroic dialogue. Optimus would feel awkward about it too. Randolph did an impression of Optimus’ speech. “He can’t not be in war-mode” :(
Q: Were Optimus and Megatron friends ever, or did they just work together on the speech stuff? A: Oh hell yes, I think [the story] is always enhanced when they’re friends and when Optimus really believes in what Megatron was working on. Optimus’ rejection of Megatron is what pushes him over the edge, his best friend rejecting him pushes him into a place where he becomes a tyrannical person.
Q: Does Maccadam know we love him? A: *puts hand over heart and looks into the distance* Yes
“Who knows where Dead End ended up” then backtracks and says “Wait that sounds flippant”
Soundwave’s favorite Earth song is Despacito
Q:  What's the best selfie Arcee's ever taken A: Mae Catt loves the one with the giraffe. She likes the idea of Arcee having a bunch of human friends
Q: What do the Transformers think of the Florida Man? A: They can’t really tell the difference between humans, they don’t really get it. It just sorta looks like all the normal stuff they see on Earth (or something)
Q: Who's the Florida Man of the Transformers A: Rack ‘n Ruin or Skybyte. But he’s too nice hmmm.
Leaned into the wackiness of Wheeljack because of the VA
Q:  What does Optimus do when he's not giving speeches / being a leader when they were all hanging out on the ARK? A: I think he reads, he seems like a heavy reader. It’d be cute if he read really bad Earth romance novels. He seems like a guy who needs a break from everything.
Q: Does Optimus have hobbies? A: Not to borrow from Rung, but doesn’t it seem like Optimus would make model ships? Very quiet, very focused detail-oriented hobby. Oh duh, he also plays basketball.
“I’d love to see more jets [who aren’t our usual gang] and find out all jets are kinda snobby”. Kaon and Tarn would be fun, it’d be cool to make up places.
(Someone asking if Optimus would read 50 Shades of Gray, someone else saying “They’d take it the wrong way because Transformers turn gray when they die”)
Everyone on the Autobot side are friends with each other.
Q: Does Megatron do anything for fun or is he too angry? A: I want to say he’s too angry, he has fun beating people down but I don’t think he’s had fun for a long time
Q: Were you surprised that Jake Tillman was in his 20s listening to his Optimus the first time? A: Jake Tillman was a vine-r she listened to a ton. She’d heard him when he was in his teens
MaeCatt loves that Shadow Striker saved Windblade’s body and kept her safe
Q: what was most important to you personally to put out in each episode? like humor/characterization/arcs A: Wanted to make sure she didn’t write dialogue that was condescending, wanted to be true about the character. Needs to be true to the characters (and gay) 
Transformers probably don’t know what memes are. They know what they ARE, but they don’t get it. They wanted Hot Rod to be super into Earth culture (winning races and driving off before humans could realize no one was in the car), but they never had time to really get into that.
Wound up in the Cyberverse writer’s room thanks to her agents, says she was the only person who gave a crap about GI Joe stuff, the executives were so sweet and let her chat, and they said she wasn’t a good fit for the current live action project so they sent her to the animation side, they sent her to Michael Howzer and they hit it off talking about GI Joe stuff. She was a post PA, someone who helped editors finish things for TV, got a call with an offer. 
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malfoysqueen54 · 4 years
In The Name Of The Father
Steve Rogers X OFC
Warnings: Character Death, Cussing? Thats it for now
18+ Only PLEASE! Beware my work can end up anywhere in smutville!!
Phil Coulsons daughter was devoted to her father, now in his death she devotes herself to Steve Rogers. In his memory. The girl she never felt he wanted no matter how she tried to be the super solider he dreamed of having as a son. Now as Steve's friend/ partner/ agent, she must deal with her baggage, but that chip on her shoulder is hard to remove. Even with Steve's charms.
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She fell to her knees in front of her commanding officer and he approached to help her up with his lieutenant. Her father was gone—he was dead. She felt as if a huge slab of cement was laying on her chest. She couldn’t breathe. She didn’t know if she ever would again. Her eyes squinted at the bright desert landscape around her. The noise of the encampment was being drowned out by the rushing sound in her ears from her blood pumping so fast.
“You need to pack, Major. You're going home. Your ride is already here.” She looked up at the General, her vision still hazy, and he gestured to the opening of the tent behind her. She knew and got up running to the man who recruited, trained and loved her like a father. Her gaze met Fury’s after a few minutes of silent tears.
“Let’s go, Brooke. I got you.” His hand gently smoothing over her back.
 Everything was a blur…she couldn’t even go to the funeral. The Avengers were there and she saw red because of that. It wasn’t their fault, but she was so angry. Plus, he would be there. The bane of her existence, even if they hadn’t met yet. Brooke couldn’t face that, not yet. Her activities were simple for nearly two months. Drink, barely eat, barely sleep, drink more. So, of course, the reinforcements came.
Fury never knocked and she heard his booming voice first. “Brooke! Where are you?” It made her hangover worse.
“Jesus Christ, Nick, really!” she snapped, pouring more vodka in a glass. It was breakfast; why the hell not. Nat showed up, grabbed the bottle and poured it out. Brooke groaned and rolled her eyes, and Nick took the glass from her.
That one eye of his judging her like it always did. “You look like shit,” he said gently, yet matter-of-factly.
“Well I feel like shit, Fury.” She saluted him with a sarcastic grin, and then leaned on the kitchen counter, holding her head.
Nat put her hand on Brooke’s arm. “This won’t bring him back. You know he would be pissed.” Nat’s grip getting a little tighter to get her attention
Brooke turned to her friend and glared gently. “I was never enough. He would always be pissed, no matter what I did.” Her retort was dry and sorrowful; she knew how true that was. She had been trained almost since birth. You name it, she did it, including Army Special Forces and S.H.I.E.L.D. Nope, still not good enough.
Nick looked at Natasha and then back to Brooke. “I need a handler/partner/agent for Steve Rogers.” It was to the point.
Brooke sobered like cold water had been thrown on her. She snapped her eyes up to meet his and Natasha’s. “Are you kidding?!” she practically screeched.
“No, and you are the one who knows the most about him. You know stuff we probably don’t.” He gestured between him and Nat.
Brooke pushed off the counter, running her hands into her hair, her blood boiling. “You want me to babysit that little shit!” Her stance turned angrily towards Fury.
“Actually, he is like six foot two, so he only beats you by like two inches. Unless you wear your heels,” the redhead replied.
Brooke snarled. “I know how tall the bastard is.” Brooke took deep breaths, the scenarios running through her head. She owed this to her dad. Steve Rogers was his idol. She closed her eyes. “Fine, but that jerk will not know my personal past. Work related, fine.” Her hands were on her hips, sternly looking at Nick and Natasha.
Fury nodded, folding his arms. “What do you want your cover name to be then?”
She smirked and scoffed a little. “How about Barnes?”
Natasha sucked in a breath through her teeth. “That’s just cold, Brooke.” Fury shook his head.
“Fine, Collins, same thing we have used before.” She rolled her eyes as she waved her hand dismissively, turning to go shower and sober up.
“Your first get together is tonight at S.H.I.E.L.D.” Nat informed her.
“Yippee,” was the only bored reply they got as she closed her bedroom door on them.
The director and agent took their leave. Natasha was nervous, though. It could be a nuclear disaster in the making. “Are you sure we should do this? Put them together like this? Steve can be just as stubborn as she is.”
“If anyone can handle him, it’s her. Plus, she needs this. Her grudge will have to subside. He’s a damn boy scout, for Christ sake,” Fury replied, opening the door of the SUV.
“And she has a personal vendetta,” Natasha said getting into the passenger seat.
Fury sighed, falling back into the driver’s seat. “You have known her for years, trained with her. You know she will do everything to her father’s memory and credit. So, I know she may hate it, but she would die for Captain America. She is a soldier, she is loyal and one of the best damn assets we have.”
Natasha nodded with a knowing smirk. “You're right.” She sighed with a gentle chuckle. “She’s gonna hate it.”
 Steve blew out a breath as he stood before Fury, Nat, Clint and Tony. He still didn’t know why he needed agent backup, or a handler, as they were also known as. Nick just looked at him sitting there and gave a slight smirk to Clint and Nat.
“So- when does his babysitter get here,” Tony asked. Clint and Nat shook their heads while Steve just sighed heavily.
“It’s not a babysitter. You Avengers all have loyal backup and agent help. Captain Rogers is no different,” Nick corrected him, glaring him down with that gaze of his.
Tony shrugged. “Alright, well does this guy have the ability and skill to back up the Capsicle?”  Steve exhaled heavily through his nose, narrowing his eyes at Tony. “Just looking out for you Cap.” The billionaire folded his arms with another small shrug.
Steve hated to admit it, but looked at Fury and wondered the same thing. “He has a point.”
Clint and Natasha glanced at one another, smiling as Nick picked up a file. “Well, Army Special Forces, Green Beret. A Major in the Army. Three tours in Afghanistan.” Nick glanced up and Cap nodded as Tony looked unimpressed and gestured him to go on. “Three black belts, mixed martial arts fighting and winner, mind you. Weapons training, including blades, knifes, Asian weapons, swords and HYDRA weapons, as well as archery. A licensed pilot, a trained spy with undercover ops in Russia, Iran, England and Germany. Fluent in fifteen languages, do I need to keep going on?” He threw the file down on the table.
“How old is this guy? I mean, that’s a lot. Can’t have a lot of life experience. I mean no serum making him young like gramps over here.” Tony jerked his thumb at Steve. Steve shrugged—sounded qualified.
“Agent Collins is thirty-one,” Clint raised his hand. “Why are you here again, Tony?”
“Oh, I was updating tech for S.H.I.E.L.D.,” he replied. “Wanted to look out for Cap here.” He smirked walking slowly over toward where Steve was seated.
“When’s he supposed to be here?” Steve asked ignoring Tony.
Agent Collins is here, Director.
They heard over the com on the desk.
“Show her into the conference room. We will be right there.”
“Her?!” Steve and Tony both exclaimed while Nat and Clint snickered at that.
“Yes. Her. Unlike you, Stark, I can trust Captain Rogers with a female,” Fury stated as Tony put his hand on Steve’s shoulder.
“Sorry, you will be stuck with a real dog.” Tony patted his shoulder as they set to leave the room to meet this agent Collins. Steve really wasn’t happy now. Fury picked up the folder and they all followed him to the conference room.
“Fury, really, a woman, why?” Steve huffed slightly.
“Because she’s the best, next to you guys,” the director replied
“She’s a real old, deadly hag- he means,” Tony chirped in.
“Enough, Tony,” Steve snapped at him.
Fury opened the door and they walked in. Her back was to them, sitting in the chair. Her blonde, or was it strawberry blonde, hair—Steve couldn’t tell in the lighting—was pulled up in a ponytail. She turned in her chair, not getting up, and looked at them.
“Are you kidding me?” Tony looked at Fury, flabbergasted.
Fury nodded as Steve looked at her face. She didn’t look like she was in her thirties. She didn’t look too young, either. He walked over to her. “You’re Agent Collins?” he asked, not too sure he could believe this woman was the one Fury just described.
She looked him up and down, and not in the usual way women did. Steve tensed under her gaze as if he would have to fight. Her eyes held contempt or was it arrogance? Anger—yeah, he was sure he saw that. She turned her chair and stood slowly, and Clint and Nat shook their heads as she met Steve eye to eye.  Yeah, she wore the heels, just to let him know she would match him toe to toe. Steve’s eyes widened slightly as she smirked, and he glanced down over her and back up.
“Yeah, Mr. Rogers. I am Agent Collins.” She folded her arms in front of her smirking defiantly.
Tony’s eyes bugged a little and looked at Fury again. “Really? Are you kidding me? How tall is she? Did you find her at a Victoria's Secret show?”
“Six foot, to be exact, Mr. Stark. I am no model. Just a soldier and agent.” She looked at him blandly, turning to look at him.
“Play nice, Brooke. You know it’s Captain Rogers.” Fury eyed her. Steve kind of stared; this is what the army was churning out now? She couldn’t be that lethal, could she?
Brooke exhaled heavily, looking at him then back to Rogers and held out her hand. “Captain, I am Agent Brooke Collins. Yes, I am thirty-one, and yes, I am highly trained in a lot of things. Not all of us are lucky enough to get super solider serum.” She grinned sarcastically at him.
Steve raised a brow at her. The woman had some bite to her, and she wasn’t overly fond of him. Yet, he trusted Fury. He took her hand and shook it. They were soft, yes, but well worn. She worked with her hands and her grip was firm. “Major Collins,” he said, tilting his head slightly. “From what I hear, you don’t need serum. Now do you?” He felt her arm tense and her hand tighten in his, her eyes narrowed as well.
“Oh, this is going to be fun.” Tony smirked watching the two amused.
“No, it’s going to be work.” Brooke let Steve go and grabbed her file, tossing it at the table. “Clint.” She smiled brightly and hugged him, which he returned.
“Hey lady, you doin’ ok?” he asked without giving away anything. He knew she didn’t want anyone knowing who already didn’t about her dad.
She smiled and nodded.
Steve took her in as she hugged Natasha as well. She had on a simple black jacket and tank top underneath and jeans that hugged her, but were modest and showed the long legs adorned with black heeled boots. The look was unassuming , comfortable and gave her mobility in case of a fight. She wasn’t wearing makeup but then he thought she was pretty without it. She wasn’t superficial or materialistic, it seemed. Her posture was straight, hands placed behind her back. Yeah, she was a soldier. He could almost guarantee she had a weapon hidden somewhere as well.
Fury took in their stance and smirked. “So, can you work together? I need you to be Roger’s partner and back up.”
Steve folded his arms, watching her. “I think we will be fine.”
Fury looked to Brooke. She nodded. “From what I am told, he has no libido. So, I am fine, no worries for me.” She saluted Fury with a wink.
Fury let his head fall and shook it. “Um, question.” Tony raised his hand as Fury left for them all to talk and Tony followed. “Why does he get the snarky Christie Brinkley and I get a computer?” The doors cut off the rest of the conversation.
Steve walked up to her as she spoke to Clint and Natasha. “Have we met before? You seem to not really care for me. That’s odd if we haven’t met.” Clint and Nat glanced at one another before saying goodbye so Brooke and Steve could talk.
Brooke looked him over and took a deep breath. “You're right, I don’t care for you. Be that as it may, you are a huge asset to S.H.I.E.L.D. and America. So, I will do all I can to have your back.” She folded her arms across her chest once again.
Steve narrowed his eyes at her but nodded. “Alright, I trust Fury. Let’s give it a shot.” He nodded as he spoke, agreeing with himself.
@thorne93​ @pegasusdragontiger​ @magellan-88​ @buckysforeverprincess​ @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams​ @emoryhemsworth​ @st-eve-barnes​ @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ @superfanficnatural​
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miraculousfanworks · 4 years
How To Analyze a Character
Have you ever been reading a fic and found the character is not recognizable that causes you to say “I don’t know who that is in that Marinette suit but that’s not Marinette.”
Or when you’re writing there’s that one character you need and you just can’t get inside their head to save your life. 
This essay is going to delve into how to analyze characters and how they work in stories. It will help you both articulate why you do or don’t like a particular character or their interpretation, and help you in your own writing of that character.
Characters, as well as other elements of a narrative, can be broken down into collections of  recognizable elements often called “tropes.” (For the comprehensive taxonomy see tvtropes.org.) These commonly recurring literary and rhetorical devices, motifs or clichés can be combined in unique ways. They exist as recognizable and namable concepts because the same patterns are used over and over again in the creation of stories. We can use named tropes to describe what we are seeing in one story and relate it to other instances of the same phenomenon. 
The advantage of recognizing the tropes that describe a character means that we can import into our understanding of them all of the other instances of that trope we have come across, and then compare and contrast these characters. 
For example, both Chloé and Adrien exhibit the “Well Done, Daughter/Son!” Girl/Guy trope, desperately seeking the approval of a distant and withholding parent. (Faramir in the Lord of The Rings and Shinji Ikari in Neon Genesis Evangelion are also prime examples.) Knowing that they are both participants in this kind of relationship we can see how it plays out differently. 
Gabriel seems like a deliberate ass, but occasionally manifests approval as when he played the duet with Adrien before sending him off to  the Kitty Section concert in Capitan Hardrock.  Audrey is entirely un-reflexive in her horribleness, dismissive rather than demanding and only ever recognizes Chloé’s worst feature as admirable. Kagami is also a “well done daughter!” girl and it informs how she relates to Adrein, Chloé, Marinette and Ladybug, providing both for character connection and thematic contrast.
On the production side, tropes can be used deliberately to construct a character to achieve a particular purpose. Adrien was created using the standard tropes of the fairy tale princesses beauty, musical talent, kindness to all creatures (even Chloe), kept looked up by an unloving parental figure. By creating a stereotypical Disney princess but swapping the gender it causes us to think harder about the assumptions we make about Princesses.
Symbols work the same way. We use symbolic images and language in media because it allows us to reference all the other ways and places that symbol is used. It becomes a shorthand for much bigger units of meaning. Pure originality would be completely unintelligible.
For example, Marinette displays two flower motifs on a regular basis. One is the cherry blossom spray across her shirt. Commonly this is associated with both love and passion, as well as purity and transitory beauty. In China, the last three are more closely associated with the Plum blossoms that decorate her purse, chair, and diary. Along with the additional significance of  perseverance and hope, we can see that her dreams for the future, however heard she works for them, may not turn out as she plans. 
The cherry blossom, in China, is a symbol of passion, strength, and feminine power and sexuality. As Marinette has this symbol peeking out from behind her jaket on the left side of her shirt, it represents how her civilian persona hasn’t fully come into the power she displays as Ladybug. Adrien’s kwami was chosen to be a Black Cat specifically to call up all our associations with them and bad luck as a counterpoint to Ladybug and her Lucky Charm.
Pikachu, I Choose You!: Artistic Decisions
You would think this wouldn’t need to be said but remember, remember, remember: these fictional characters are not real people. Why does that matter? Because everything you see on the screen or on the page is the result of a choice made by the writer or artist. 
Images and dialogue may be selected deliberately, thoughtfully, thematically, instinctually, carelessly, haphazardly, or stupidly, but they are there because the authors and illustrators and creators selected them to be there. 
Remember that the characters only exist to serve the story and everything about them ideally should serve to move the story toward its conclusion.
This is especially pertinent in an animated–and especially a computer animated–show because everything has to be made specifically for the show and they are expensive to make(MLB costs ~$460,000 an episode). That’s why you get only one outfit for most of the characters, except when absolutely necessary.
Saving their production budget for other things is  why Theo Barbot has all of the odd jobs in Paris, there seems to be only one cop, Sabrina’s dad, and Alec and Nadja are the only people on TV. If you take a look in Bubbler, the first episode aired in the US, you can see that the school, the bakery, the hotel, and the Agreste Manor are all within one block of each other.
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CallMeDale posted this to the Miraculous Fanworks Discord. Source unknown. Image originally from Bubbler.
What this production cost means for analyzing a character (or anything else) is that everything we see in a visual medium is important. Everything about a character has been picked for some reason. How they look, how they move–even how they stand says something about who they are as a person, who they are in their relationships, and who they are as an element of the story.
I did a fairly comprehensive essay on Chloé as a character so I want to walk through some of the things I looked at in order to write it.  
Character at First Sight: 
First impressions are vital. Because Marinette is picked to be our eyes as the OP starts (“In the daytime I’m Marinette,”) we know she is supposed to be our heroine and point of view.  Everything that happens after that is to be judged in relation to her. The first time we see Chloé in the show is a whole 5 seconds into the opening, when she and Sabrina walk past a face-planted Marinette. Immediately afterwards, Chloé runs back in to glomp Adrien and push Marinette out of the way. 
From these few brief seconds we know that she is both rich and domineering, Sabrina is walking just behind her with a huge designer purse and bookbag, obviously in a subservient role. Chloé laughs at Marinette, which establishes her as an antagonist to the Heroine. Chloé pushing Marinette out of fram when she comes back shows that she exists in part to block our Heroine from Adrien, our Hero, whose expression shows he really doesn’t appreciate the attention.  
Not even three seconds of screen time and we already know who Chloé is in relation to three people: Marinette, Adrien, and Sabrina.
How much time a character gets in the beginning of a story also sets up how much brainspace  we allocate them and our expectation of their importance. This is one reason I prefer Bubbler as the “first episode’’ (US viewing order) over Stormy Weather (South Korean/International Viewing order). Stormy Weather spends the first few minutes on Aurore, Mirielle, and Alex before getting to  Mari, Tikki, Manon, Alya, and Adrien. Bubbler in the same first minute sets up Marinette, her parents, Adrien, Alya, Chloé, and Nino and all their relationships.
By choosing your descriptions carefully you can get the reader to think of other things without directly mentioning them. Ladybug’s costume, mode of travel and name all callback to Spiderman (she even does the upside down hang in Dark Cupid), and even though the iconic phrase “with great power comes great responsibility,” is never stated its influence is felt in the persistent characterization of Ladybug as ‘all business’ in fic, even though she is more playful in canon. Master Fu is modeled after classic inscrutable mentor Mr. Miyagi from the original Karate Kid movies, it gives him an air of perhaps more wisdom and knowledge than he actually possesses.
Come on Let’s Vogue: How the Look of a Character Informs Us
Now let’s look at what we get from the elements selected for Chloe’s character design. Slender, pale, almost-white blonde hair, sunglasses on the top of her head, lots of blue eyeshadow, yellow jacket over a black and white striped shirt, white capris and black and white flats. All of this says she is the top of the social heap at her school. Combined with her glomping and trying to kiss Adrien and we can guess she is–or at least wants to be seen as–romantically “experienced”. Yellow is a happy color, it’s what makes a printed picture look bright. Often, though not always, it is associated with success and general goodness (i.e. a heart of gold) so she is initially portrayed as a person who doesn’t have any cares. White jeans and shoes point to both her status as someone who doesn’t have to work and a certain level of naivete. 
But she also has this very gothy studded belt around her hips. It is very obviously not holding up her pants. This hints at the darker emotions and experiences at her core. The black and white stripes of her undershirt hint at the way she is held prisoner by her past. 
Because we have been set up to see Chloé as the spoiled,rich bitch with everything she could want, when the facade cracks and we see just how awful her mother is it hits all the harder for us. Chloé’s invulnerable image is destroyed.
“What’s in a Name?”: Tagging as Character creation
Names are also a good starting place for getting into a character. 
Bourgeois comes layered with the connotations of wealth, but not too much, and shallow conformity. Chloé is derived from the Greek Khlóe, or ‘young green shoot’ (of a plant), which can also be interpreted as meaning 'blooming.’ Khlóe is an epithet, or nickname, for Demeter in her aspect of the Lady of Summer. We know the writers know and are thinking of these meanings because of these lines in Sandboy.
Nightmare Adrien: Marinette, for your birthday, I’m going to buy you flowers—
Nightmare Adrien: —hortensias, roses and Chloés. (Marinette shrieks)
Not only does her name sound like that of a Homecoming Queen/Cheerleader/trust fund baby, but it also indicates she is immature but with potential to become something more.
Queen Bee is also laden with meaning as it is a term used to describe girls in their teens who are at the top of their social pecking order (see Queen Bees & WannaBes). It perfectly describes bothe how Chloé acts but also how she perceives herself.
The Things You Do to Me: Character Action
Characters in a story are what they do and more importantly why they do what they do. If Marinette becomes Ladybug for the first time because someone needs saving (first Ivan, then Alya), and Adrien becomes Chat Noir in order to escape the gilded cage that is his house, Chloé dons the Bee miraculous in a desperate (and unsuccessful) bid to catch her mother’s attention. 
Attention seeking is part of every subsequent time that her hero persona appears in the story. Consider the implications of the fact that the signal on her roof is a Bee signal, not a Ladybug signal. The gestursal tic she has of always examining her nails, often with the other arm folded over her chest, is a visual shorthand for both her self-absorption and that her unpleasant personality is a defence mechanism. 
Dialogue clues are also important, especially things that come up more than once. Chloé’s persistent lack of remembrance of the Concierge’s name (Jean-whatever) shows her to be dismissive of the people she believes to be “beneath her” which becomes horribly ironic when we find out her mother doesn’t seem to remember her name. That Marinette is always  Dunain-Cheng, emphasizing her parents status as tradesman and that Marinette is not pure French operates as a persistent put down.
Chloé is a Hero with an F in Good, primed by the writers for the Face–Heel Turn which happens in Miracle Queen. They telegraph this event by the choice to echo her “once a monster always a monster,” line from Stoneheart, in the S3 midseason Stormy Weather 2. There she mocks Aurore with “once a villain always a villain.” Highly ironic given the number of times Chloé has been akumatized and prompted it in others. Her bad heroing serves to show that actions and motives are not always aligned and to highlight the selflessness of the other heroes. 
A great example of showing character through dialogue is Nino’s conversation with Gabriel in Bubbler. Nino was given a very distinctive, persistent, and casual speech pattern (“dude” in English), It’s so distinctive that Alya immediately recognizes that he is Carapace. The fact that he makes an effort to suppress it when he is trying to persuade Gabriel to let Adrien have a birthday party shows how much he cares about giving Adrien this gift. It’s part of what establishes him in our minds as such a great friend for Adrien (King of Bros!). Giving characters individualized vocabularies and speech patterns is one of the best ways to help distinguish them in both your, and the reader’s mind.
All Together Now!
As you read and experience more stories, you will recognize more and more common elements across the characters, places, events and ideas that make up the stories you read. As you recognize these building blocks, and how they can be combined and manipulated, they will help you understand better why certain characters do what they do in the story. You can then deliberately select them as you create your own stories to highlight desired themes, set up conflicts or call cultural resonances to your readers’ minds.  Remember what you write is a conversation between you, your reader, and the world around you. The more of the world you can bring into your writing the deeper it will impact your readers.
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crackinglamb · 4 years
Video Game Questionnaire
Rules: Fill in your answers below and tag some buddies!
Tagged by @bitterotter, thank you!
Tagging @ir0n-angel, @pikapeppa, @modernagesomniari, @wherethefuckismyshoe, @thealexmachina, @the-desert-dancer and @fasterpuddytat.  No pressure!
First game you ever played: Like, for real video game?  Original MYST, way back in 1995 on my dad’s old Mac Performa.
Favorite game: Uh...I’m poly.  I don’t play favorites.  Games I adore and always go back to?  Borderlands 2, Subnautica, DA:I.
Game you’ve played through multiple times: *snort*  All the ones listed above, as well as BL1, ME1 and ME2, Fallout 4, MYST, Minecraft...pretty much all the games I own.
Game you hated at first but now love: Hate is a strong word.  I don’t think I’ve ever played anything I disliked only to change my mind later.  Generally speaking, I will only start playing a game because I’m interested in it.
Game you used to love but now hate: Again, hate is too strong.  But after many hours of Skyrim, I completely and utterly lost interest and never played it again.  If that counts.
Your favorite game atmosphere/setting(s): I love the variety in DA:I, even if some of those maps are too lorge.  But current fave is probably Subnautica.
A game with your favorite ending: Borderlands 2.  Pity they didn’t follow through on the promise.
A game with the WORST ending: Tossup.  FO4′s clunky four way is...clunky and disappointing.  ME3′s equally clunky forced bullshit is...you get the idea.
Best character customization?: FO4.  Still the only game I’ve ever played with a body size/weight slider.
Hero and Companions
Your favorite playable character:  Tough call.  Depends on what I’m in the mood for.  Sheer insanity and violence?  Krieg, BL2.  RPG and emotion?  Inquisitor, DA:I.
The funniest playable character: Clap-trap, BL the Pre-Sequel.  Probably the only good thing about that game other than Mr. Timothy Lawrence.
Your favorite companion(s): ME1, the forever squad is Garrus and Wrex.  ME2, it’s Garrus and Jack.  DA:I, Bull, Dorian and Solas OR Cass, Cole and Solas.  FO4, Hancock, all the way.  (And Dogmeat with mods.)  Yeah...there’s a theme there with the LI’s, don’t judge me.
Companions you could live without: DA:I, Vivienne, Sera.  FO4, Piper, Cait.  ME2, Jacob.
Favorite game friendship(s):  FO4, SoSu and Nick Valentine.  DA:I, Inky and Dorian.  ME, Shepard and Wrex.
Favorite game relationship(s): Anyone who’s ever read any of my work knows this one.  Shakarian forever.  F!SoSu/Hancock.  *sighs in disgust with myself*  Solavellan.
Favorite companion banter:  DA:I, Dorian and Solas.  ME, Wrex and anyone.
A relationship you weren’t sure of but loved: See the aforementioned reluctance towards Solavellan.
A minor character you wish could be a companion: FO4, Edward Deegan.
A character you wish you COULD romance: Varric, dammit!
Shoutout to a random NPC:  Tiny Tina!!!
A game you love watching playthroughs for and want to play: DA2, only by virtue of it being the only game I’ve actually watched playthroughs for.
Love watching playthroughs but won’t ever play: I don’t go out of my way to watch games via playthroughs.  That being said, I enjoyed watching my ex play the Deadpool game knowing I’d probably never play it myself.
Online gaming or solo?:  Solo.  I’ll co-op, but rarely.  No MMO’s plz.  Nuh uh.  Not for me.
Why do you play video games?: Fun, stress relief...fanfic fodder.
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penultimateapogee · 4 years
hey dude for the music challenge u should do ALL OF EM
heh heh heh... such was my plan ALL ALONG. i will now use this ask as the place to do it (here’s the post btw)
1. A song that reminds you of your childhood: anything from Fiddler On The Roof (the original Broadway cast recording)... my dad loves Fiddler On The Roof and he used to play it all the time
2. A song to sleep to: heh, anything at 2am. but really New York And Back by Leanne & Naara
3. A song that your best friend loves: oh god, really? cmon i cant just know that...! ummmm mazie and i had a really in depth running conversation about her favorite music about two years ago but im forgetting it all. im PRETTY SURE Venus Ambassador by Bryan Scary & the Shredding Tears was the inspiration for her OC Stuart who we both love and occasionally develop
4. A song that hypes you the fuck up: HEH ANYTHING....! oh my god this is a haaaaard one because of how many options i have!!! but also: Awaken by Riot Games feat. Valerie Broussard, because WHEN THE DEVIL IS KNOCKINGGGGGGGGG... SO ALL YOU RESTLESS
5. A song you like to daydream to: i can only say “heh anything” so many times!! literally i daydream to basically every single song; its foundational to how i consume music. i’ll bring out the real heavy hitter now and say Follow You Down by Zedd feat. Bright Lights. ive got some REAL good daydreams for that one
6. A song that’s on at least 3 of your playlists: *breath in* no just kidding, i do my best to make sure my playlists arent too similar. the day you stop me from putting I Wanna Get Better by Bleachers on every character playlist is the day i die tho
7. A song that you love from a genre you don’t usually like: this should be easy; lemme just flip through my catalog of “songs i bought independent of their albums because i was building an 8tracks playlist in iTunes”... actually no, Planetary (GO!) by My Chemical Romance! i dont usually like whatever subgenre of rock MCR is all that much but this one GOES (fittingly shjfdis)
8. A song that you liked when you where 10 that still slaps: Der Kommissar by Falco. no fucking hesitation. i can thank my fluent-in-german mom for this one
9. A song that makes you want to go on an adventure: Zero by Imagine Dragons! ive daydreamed some poppin’ space adventures to that one
10. A song you’d want to dance with your partner to ( or future partner ): so, so much... NOT Jenny by Studio Killers because i just wanna make out to that one; maybe I Go Crazy by Paul Davis
11. A song to stomp around and pout to: difficult, because when i pout, i pout like grimbark jade, in that i go “actually im better than everyone and you can all smd.” then again, having made that clear, Roman Holiday by Nikki Minaj (shoutout: @floralmarsupial for killing me with that lyricstuck)
12. A song to listen to whilst you lie in a meadow: Folding Chair by Regina Spektor. TOO EASY
13. A song that reflects your views on love: uhhhhh. huh. polyam moments? no songs about polyamory moments? being polyamorous fundamentally affects my views on love in a way im not sure ive ever heard a song capture moments? Hot Air Balloon by Owl City because i’ll be out of my mind, and you’ll be out of ideas pretty soon, so let’s spend the afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
14. A song to sing to the sun: i feel like its probably not the intended spirit of this question, but Coming Over (feat. James Hersey) by Dillon Francis & Kygo. im usually more of a nighttime girl but honestly? call me xoxo
15. A song you like that sounds like its on the soundtrack to an indie coming of age film: ohhhh my gooooddddd literally any fucking Bastille song. any of them. thats like their whole angle and i LIVE for it. im picking Snakes because snakes are biting at my heels, the worries that refuse to let us go; ive been kicking them away and hoping not to let them take control
16. A song that you like that romanticises being a teenager: i would love to say Teen Idle by MARINA for the irony but i cant bring myself to. (ill still link it tho.) real answer is Centuries by Fall Out Boy, because whether or not it actually romanticises being a teen i just feel it yknow
17. A song that makes you want to grab your friends jump up and down dancing and screaming the lyrics: why did they write a question to which the only answer is Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen? i dont get it. just kidding another acceptable answer is Toxic by Britney Spears (my white is showing im sure)
18. A song that you like that the lyrics are just so beautiful they’re practically poetry: well actually i have such good taste that every song i listen to is poetry. (trying to remember the lyrics i cried to out of nowhere yesterday. oh right it was The Draw by Bastille but most of it doesnt fit the question as much) ANY Hozier song. im linking his fucking artist page because im NOT KIDDING. ANY HOZIER SONG. i toyed with picking a specific song as an “also, it’s this one haha” but no, im dead serious. i cant pick just one
19. A song that you can imagine listening to in an abandoned church ( if it isn’t hozier im judging you, but whatever ): ironic! to pick a specific Hozier song this time (because op is right, he’s the only choice), Talk
20. A song from the soundtrack of a film that you like so much after the film finished you immediately looked for it: hm, i feel like i have done this before, but i cant recall when... well i didnt go “oh fuck bop [blacks out]” but Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin. remember Thor: Ragnarok? that was a good movie
21. A song for when the sun has gone down and you are feeling absolutely buck-wild with exhilaration!: Lost In Japan (Remix) by Shawn Mendes & Zedd, because no song hits my city-hotel aesthetic quite like this one does
22. A song that makes you feel like you’re strolling through Ancient Greece living your best life: ancient Greece...! that throws a fun twist in it; Don’t Leave Me (Ne me quitte pas) by Regina Spektor
23. A song that when you listen to it you’re transported to a liminal space, time is pointless and you must sit and wallow in the void that remains: Shots (Broiler Remix) by Imagine Dragons feat. Broiler. i glanced at this question early on and have been sitting on it the whole time. just LISTEN to it
23. A song to listen to on a long drive when you have the really strong urge to keep driving until you find somewhere to start a new life (preferably a europian city whose language you don’t speak): Evelyn by Kim Tillman & Silent Films. it just called to me here
im a little sad that i couldnt put every song ive ever listened to in here so heres some more good ones that i didnt choose: Citrine by Hayley Kiyoko (this is actually a whole EP), Lone Digger by Caravan Palace, Safe And Sound by Capital Cities, Absentee by Jack Campbell, River Flows In You by Yiruma, Instant Crush by Daft Punk, Link by Jim Yosef, Poke Bowl by Radiant Children, Optimistic by cehryl, Quiet by Lights, Superposition by Young the Giant, Far Too Young To Die by Panic! at the Disco, The Good, the Bad and the Dirty also by P!atD, Whatever It Takes by Hollywood Undead, LUNARIA (instrumental) by Chouchou. i know thats easily enough to make your eyes glaze over but mutuals especially it would mean a lot to me if you listened to at least a few of the songs i linked in this post because music means a lot to me and sharing it with other people is one of my favorite things :]
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botseeksbot · 4 years
daigo and/or akiyama
thank u for enabling my love for my wives
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual babey
Gender Headcanon: trans man [he/him or she/her if youre close]
A ship I have with said character: HANA and Tanimura. he has two hands
A BROTP I have with said character: saejima, shinada, kiryu, and haruka [they sing idol songs together]
A NOTP I have with said character: freak ones like majima or kiryu
A random headcanon: autistic and doesnt emote well so usually looks super casual even if hes stressed [sometimes pisses people off] . worked at the bank pre op/pre t [embarassed hana knew him while he was there but she doesnt judge] . has hana help him with his shots partially bc hes bad with needles and partially bc heh nice
General Opinion over said character: MY WIFE sorry 6 ruined you and sorry sega and fans gave u the majima treatment
Sexuality Headcanon: gay
Gender Headcanon: trans man [he/him]
A ship I have with said character: SHINADA >wails<
A BROTP I have with said character: his baby sister haruka . also saejima and majima . does his dad [kiryu] count
A NOTP I have with said character: mine / ryuji / majima / kiryu bc im normal
A random headcanon: AUTISTIC and terrible TERRIBLE at reading the room . overstimulated easily and has nervous ticks [hair pulling, scratching, bouncing. did it more as a kid]. loves his mom but feels guilty for getting expelled and later arrested . touch repulsed <3 no he isnt <3 yes he is <3 no he isnt <3 yes he is <3 . has a lot of facial piercings but cant wear them to chairman stuff so he wears them when hes not working [rarely] . likes watching over haruka if shes in town . shes the only person who can drag him to karaoke . has called kiryu dad multiple times . really bad at emoting . really bad . hangs out with saejima and majima and they have fun :] . dated mine but it was not good but still has weird residual feelings for him
General Opinion over said character: >wails<
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