#your kids might have forgiven you but i dont!
batcavescolony · 1 year
S5 E17 (first watch through)
Ok it's time to fight Eddie's Dad. Square up, Sir! (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
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t0rturedangel · 2 years
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parental alphabet
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I absolutely love creek it my favorite sp ship! Ive decided to write this out of sheer boredom and my love for creek. I hope you all enjoy !
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A - affection
How affectionate are they to their child?
I feel like, while they absolutely love you, they wont be took affectionate, they'll defiantly give you hugs and stuff but not too much
B - Bullying
How would they react to their child being bullied?
Oh boy, the kid who bullied you better get ready for the biggest ass whooping ever.
I feel like Both Tweek and craig will over dramatic things to make the kids punishment very bad.
After you've told them you were / are bullied, craig will be talking to the headteacher: very clearly pissed while Tweek will be hugging you and comforting you
C - clingy
How clingy are they to their child? And vise versa
Despite them not being too affectionate, Tweek is defiantly clingy to you, having you in his arms practically always, he will never let you go any where by yourself. Rarely, when you're not in Tweeks arms you're by Craigs side
Due to your father's clinginess towards you, you also turn clingy to surprisingly both of your dads
D - Dating
How would they react to their child dating?
They both set the rule of 'No dating until you're 18' but you broke it by having a boyfriend when you were little (around 7 or 8) and while they were upset you broke the rule they found you and your boyfriend's playdates to be so adorable.
You also broke the rule when you were in your teenage years, multiple times.
E - education
How well do they educate their child?
Oh you're very well educated, thats because they sent you to the best school they could, they want you to grow up to be extremely successful
F - Family
Do they want you to meet their families?
Tweek doesn't really want you to meet his, since they might make you drink their coffee, and well we all know what they put in there.
Craig doesnt really mind you meeting his family, you gotta meet at least one of your grandparents right?
G - Goodies
What nice things do they buy their child? (E.G. toys, games)
They'll buy you little goodies when you've done something really good, like get a high score on a test or something.
Usually they get you stuff you've talked about liking before, they always make sure they remember what you said you've liked.
H - hate
How do they react to their child saying they hate them?
The first time you've told them you hated them was most likely during an argument in your teenage years.
You wanted to go to a party that all your friends were going to and they didnt let you, since those friends of yours were 'bad influences' so mid argument you yelled out a 'I hate you both!'
Tweek's heart broke and Craig got angry, sending you to your room. They probably both shed a few tears since they care for you so much.
Later though, you apologized and all was forgiven
I - Internet
How much to they limit their child's access on the internet?
They put on safe search and lock it, also put on parental locks. Though its annoying, they dont want your little head to be ruined with 18+ stuff that a little kid like you shoulnt be watching / reading
J - Jokes
Do they joke around with their kids? How bad are their jokes?
I dont think Tweek jokes a lot but Craig defiantly tells stupid classic dad jokes, that are pretty shit but not even gonna lie you laughed at some of them
K - killjoy
How strict are they? Do they allow their kid to go to things like parties?
They are quite strict, yeah. They wont let you to o to parties that go over 10 pm and will not let you do multiple things you friends' parents would.
L - leaving
How do they react when their child needs to leave? (E.G. move out / die)
If you were to move out and or go to uni, they would be very reluctant to let you go, but will the promise of you visiting as much as you could they let you.
If you died, however, they would be heartbroken beyond belief, Tweek would never be able to get over your death even with his husband's help and support. You mattered the world to him. Craig would never get over your death either but he'll try to move on, whats done is done, you're never coming back, even though he really wants you to come back.
M - motherly
Who's the most 'motherly' to their child?
Oh Tweek is defiantly more motherly to you out of the two.
N - Nicknames
What nicknames do they give thier child? And vise versa
Tweeks nicknames for you are :: Sweetie (very rare that he calls you that though) , kiddo.
Craigs nicknames for you are :: Kid, little shit, mini me.
Your nicknames for the both of them are :: Dad, da, pops, papa (when you want something)
O - Overprotective
How protective are they of their child?
Oh yeah, they're quite overprotective, especially Tweek. Like this man will go mental if you're out of his sight for even a second, what if you get hurt!? what if someone takes you away!? what if-
P - Punishment
How would they punish their child?
They're very classical with their punishments, so you'd be grounded and be in time out for punishments.
Q - quality time
How much time do they spend with their child?
Thye try their best to spend good quality time with you but sometimes they simply dont have the time (which is actually surprising due to Tweeks practical need of being around you to keep you safe and happy and Craigs devoted love for his husband)
R - Rebel
How would they react if their child rebelled against them?
they'd try to catch you in the act of rebelling in whatever way you are and ground you on the spot, no 'buts' no arguments you're grounded go to your room .
S - swears
Do they let their kids swear?
Despite Tweek's thoughts against it, Craig teaches you to flip people off from a young age, thats just a necessity.
You usually get in trouble for flipping people off so much, you're truly Craigs kid
T - talk
How often do they have a meaningful conversation with their child?
again, they both try to have meaningful conversations with you but they (again) dont have the time sometimes
U - Uhmm
What do / did they find awkward when around their child?
The puberty talk and the sex talk.
Without a doubt they'll defiantly feel extremely awkward talking to you about these things
V - violence
Would they be violent to their child?
Absolutely not!
Never in a million years would they be violent to you. Sure they'll accidently hurt you when play fighting or giving you a smack round the head for screaming 'fuck' in public but they'd never hit you on purpose for no reason.
W - word
What was their child's first word
You first word was probably, most likely, ' Tweet '
You were trying your best to say your dad's name since you heard your other dad say it so many times
X - Xaroncharoo
How brilliant do they think their child is?
They know you're a brilliant child and will argue with mums and all that about it.
Y - Yelling
Would they yell at their child?
No, they absolutely refuse to yell at you, even when you're yelling at them for some thing.
Z - Zesty
Would they support their child if they were apart of the LGBTQ community?
I mean, they're part of the LGBTQ community, so it'd be really weird if they didn't support you.
I feel like they'd buy you a cake and have a little celebratory moment with you for coming out
They love you so much and want you to know it.
𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋 - 9/10, very good parents
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zishu-arts · 4 months
1. What's ur fav avm ep? Or generally ava ep
2. What's ur fav short?
3. And favorite character? Why is that your favorite character?
4. Do u kin anyone? Why?
5. What are your thoughts on King Orange? Personally, I do love the character but I wanna see some controversy. He was forgiven too easily. Do you think that he's affected by immense guilt of his actions? Pls go in detail as much as you wish
6. What are your favorite (hc or not) relationships? Doesn't need to be romantic. Do you have thoughts on relationships between characters that haven't interacted? Or some hc on characters that did (example: I love the hc on Purple and Red hanging out so often that Red goes to visit Purple for advice on PRANKS out of all things)
If I think of something more, I'll send it through!!
1). i dont think i can pick a favorite since there's so many but i love rewatching Lush Caves, Ultimate Minecart Race, The Chef, The Ultimate Weapon (and honestly just the entire KO arc lmfao). For AVA its gotta be The Showdown it's just SOOO GOOD the animation, the concepts, the plot, ahhhh
2). hard once again, but Music Lesson is so goddamn funny
3). THE DARK LORD THE DARK LORD THE DARK LORD (red is my second favorite tho). okay so, honestly it's just the amount of potential and trauma i could give him. i love his character and lore like, the idea of the Mission Code. what does it mean that you've been created for the sole purpose to destroy, and what does it mean that the person you're made to destory become your best friend? like, the existance of that code brings up so much potential and you could literally take it in so many ways. and like, just the story of cho and dark being two people who were coded for a purpose and run away. what...happens to that purpose? what are you supposed to do now? it's very "what am i if not a weapon?" "yourself. isn't that a wonderful person to be?" (i also dont remember where this quote is from). and also, i look at this little bastard and i think ah yes, he is a goddamn maniac. absolutely insane. i can make him as unhinged as possible and i think that's amazing.
i also think it's great that it's so easy for me to just do whatever i want with him like he's some dress up doll. i've got a genderbent version of him. i've got him with ADHD. i've got him with autism. i've got him trans. he's depressd. he has anxiety. he's in love. there's no saving him.
i also like that like. he's dead. he might not be dead. who fucking knows? and he's such an interesting character, is he evil, is he nice, does he care, what does he like? i want to know everything about him and i want to squish him like a little ball
(i alos like that he's very easy to self project into)
4). hmmmm honestly? i only ever kinned like one character (yuki from horimiya) so im not too familiar with actually kinning. if i had to pick, probably red, mostly cause i see him as a hyper possibly ADHD guy who's always running head first into situations without a thought and think damn he's jus tlike me fr
5). KO/MANGO TALK LETS GO !! you're def right, he was forigven too soon, but i like to think or hope that they at least had a bit of bonding. okay well first off i want to start off with: i see a lot of content where we view mango as like around 20 years old which i want to immedately have on the table: what do you mean 20 years old. he's got a goddamn kid that seems to be maybe 8-10, he's got to be at least reaching 40 by the time we actually see him in AVM. and no, 40 is not too old, they can still do backflips and fight ppl (as long as mango maintained a healthy lifestyle with daily exercise, healthy diet, and good sleep).
i love the fact that he went evil because he lost his son, and that he got lost in his anger and started hurting everyone around him. although i do think his and purple's relationship could do with A LOTT of work. their trust was broken over and over again (mostly on purple's end) and im not sure mango particularily remembers how to treat a child well. and did mango ever like,,,yk,,,properly grieve for his son? for all we know, he went home the same day he lost gold, punched his wall a lot, then went straight to working on the staff. now that he doesn't have that drive anymore, i think that's all going to catch up to him. he really needs to properly grieve and mourn and recover before he goes about doing anything else.
he can, in fact however, be a good person/father as long as he's got that under the belt. (which you could def see that he was pretty swag when he still had gold). i personally see him as a raspy and gruff guy so he's also a man of very few words. that also means he probably has a buttload of communcation issues that is gonna affect his relationship with other people. he has got A LOT to work on
i also want to mention how i don't particulary enjoy the "overprotective father that trails their child everywhere". i don't think a lot of people view mano this way either, but i just want it on the table that even though mango would definitely be protective of purple, he won't be weird about it
6). ohhhh okay okay if you've read my fics you know i am in love with the "siblings victim & dark" as well as "siblings chosen and second". i feel like vic and dark are both insane and enable the worst, unhinged parts of each other. and then chosen and second are pretty much polar opposites with "doesn't say a word + yapper"
i also love it when CC treat red as like the youngest hyper sibling bc he really does give off that energy. also I AGREE WITH YOU purple and red together were so cute it was so unexpected but i love that
i also really really really want to see dark and purple interact with each other. mostly because they're probably the two most least likely characters to ever see each other. but i like the idea of dark terrorizing purple and it works because purple the whole time is like 'holy fuck this is that terrorist holy fuck shit oml'
i also want to see purple and mango interact with alan. im not sure if they ever did? but id like to imagine one day alan logs onto his computer and sees these two random sticks on his screen and is like who the fuck are you guys
(my guy desperately needs a VPN)
i ADORE blue + yellow. both in a platonic and romantic sense. they're like skater girl + nerd girl to me. they're so goddamn adorable and i'm very obsessed with seeing them. they hold hands. they're polar opposites. they're always together. they're the duo that if you just see one of them it seems wrong. if one of them is missing, you automatically ask the other one where they are, because they no doubt would know. gods they're so entwined with each other
thanks for the ask !!
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fiestylittlebeetle · 12 days
I have musings about how Malware's recovery goes in GC but it's got allot of complex feelings and concepts involved, and although i think the sheer dumbassery of canon would allow it on some level, I know some people might look at this and be like "bro you're literally stupid"
like everything I'm writing for this comes with a asterix that leads to a foot note that says "malware is not forgiven"
more under the cut for your judgement
god how to put this
Ben does not forgive malware for hurting him, or doing anything he did. In fact he doesn't really like malware at all. but as an adult and fighting him in a weakened form. fighting him him felt unfulfilling and kind of pathetic.
he kinda felt like he just beat up someone who could barely defend himself because they dont like eachother. it kinda made him feel like a jerk even if he hates malware
like in AF he straight up took satisfaction in Vilgax needing to ask him for help and even got him a petty little kids meal. so ben is not above helping his enemy even if he acts petty about it
I dont think ben really hates anyone that deeply that he would look at them suffering and go "you should suffer more" thats just not who he is
GC Malware's comeback is messy, and he's not really completely the same malware that Ben took down by force before because he's weak and exhausted and angry but the anger he has is like, trying to use a pilot light to boil a pot of water
After their initial fight Ben does toss Malware in the plumbers holding cells for a while. and Malware does maybe consider trying to escape, but read above as to why he doesn't bother. he just lays in their and hopes either something happens allowing him to get out, or he passes out and doesn't have to think about it.
Ben comes back for him after the last post i made about him meeting Malware 23, and considers "What if I help him this time. Azmuth isn't going to do it, and I couldn't do anything when I was 10 or 17. But maybe I could do something for him now" and he's had a good long think about it. what could Help Malware.
and ya'll are gonna treat me like im insane here but, hear me out
he hasn't told his mom about the Feedback incident, or really brought up Malware at all, so she doesn't know shit. and what Malware lacks is people who care about him, but especially familial people who care about him.
so he's plan is to see if his parents will let him let malware crash their. the stipulation for malware being if he does ANYTHING to his parents, ANYTHING sinister, Ben will rain hell down upon him like he's never known before.
Malware considers this and maybe even asks why ben is doing this
bens response can be summarized "cause im a better person then you, and even after it all, even after you HURT ME, I'm going to help you, and you're going to feel better, and you're going to feel guilty about it even when life gets better, and that seems like a reasonable punishment"
Malware doesn't really have much of choice here btw. He is being forced into this situation weather or not he likes it. and you may go "well you cant FORCE someone to recover" and you're right
but malware isn't gonna put up much of a fight cause he knows his limits (right now)
Sandra is open to the idea of letting malware stay in their guest room for a while, Carl is dubious but agrees cause he sees his son doing something kind. Malware is disgruntled, awkward, and uncomfortable (also Ben lies through his teeth about malware being a "friend" to his parents. like actually through actual clenched teeth)
for a while Malware stays holed up in the room, mostly sleeping or considering his deflated anger.
Sandra tries (and succeeds at some point) to get him to come out and be social. Her and Carl maybe even learn a little about him too, mostly just a vague idea of him being abandoned, and not liking other people very much.
i havn't gotten much further into the details, but I think Sandra would at least be the one who, after interacting with Malware a couple times, realizes he's very depressing. And it makes her sad that he seems so allergic to connecting with people. to her, as a mother, he comes off as a kid who hasn't been shown enough love and attention, and she is actually kinda correct.
details aside i had this idea of Sandra and Carl coming back to the house after being out for a day and finding Malware collapsed on the stairs (a spontaneous system shut down)
and they pull him to the closest floor and have him laid out completely, and Sandra has his head in her lap petting him while Carl is on the phone with the plumbers trying to see what kind of help he should get (they're being difficult and Carl already dislikes them so hes having a bad time TM)
anyway Mal eventually starts coming to and upon opening his optic and seeing sandra, and she's like "Oh you're awake!" and realizing what's happening he immediately sits up, almost knocking sandra back, telling her not to touch him, and feeling humiliated.
He's humiliated, but he's also feeling something, anger? no something else, satisfaction? no no something ELSE
ah yes
And before someone asks "couldn't he just run away when no one's there" the answer is yes BUT he has no where else to go and he's not really in any condition to be defending himself against other people/aliens who will most likely have powers or weapons to use against him. Sticking around is the best bet rn
Now, you could bring up Khyber here but at this point Khyber had already been tried (basically Khyber was the first person malware found when he woke up. But remember that fight with Mal and Ben I mentioned? Khyber was also there but realized Mal kinda sucks and is useless now and so ditches him to save his own ass. Don't worry. Khyber will be back later when he's got more resources. But it's cause he knows malware is weak, and also one of a kind rare Mechamorph that's perfect for his trophie shelf.)
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
😇Ben Drowned with Seraphim! Reader😇
Ben Drowned x Seraphim!reader (platonic)
heads up i know next to nothing about angel stuff so im mostly going off of appearance here so uhuhuh! i hope thats okay anon! this might be a little all over the place since i was a little pressed for ideas </3 going to answer this then imma go make some food, maybe draw, then come back and write !!
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very rarely is ben actually in the 'physical' world, usually hes confined to a device... and honestly the idea of a seraphim just carrying a phone or something of the sort around with them at all times is a little funny
like the admin, i dont think ben would be well versed in angel stuff, so i think he would be prone to making assumptions on what you are and what you do... probably teases you for being "nauseously good" or something along the lines... whether or not his words align with your personality is up to you!
not sure if he would be in shock knowing angels exist, i mean hes a trapped ghost i think hes had a feeling that other stuff is probably possible
messes with your wings, usually poking and messing with the features... sometimes ruffles them around if hes feeling particularly annoying that day
if you also have a halo i think it should be known that he WILL try to throw things through it; really anything he can get his hands on and feels confident enough will fit through it
i promise he doesnt mean it to be malicious, hes just an annoying kid who kind of got REALLY bored being trapped in a video game for lord knows how long; i think some of his attempts to get attention and stimulation can be forgiven to a degree
probably hides behind or under your wings if he pissed someone off and needs to run off... if we're tying in other characters into this i can easily see the other being jeff. theyre friends but ben loves pushing the guys buttons... whats he gonna do? kill him? bens already dead!
the idea actually kind of reminds me how some medias have a friendship between an angel and a demon... some ghosts can be considered demons, right? i mean i dont think so but shrugs
same energy regardless
also kind of gives off a kid and babysitter dynamic in a funny way, i mean rowdy kid whos kind of a douche and guardian-type figure keeping an eye on him
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liquidstar · 1 year
How do you think Subaru’s parents would react to learning about how Subaru’s forgiven people who have wronged him in the main timeline. You know like them learning that Subaru is kinda sorta friends with Julius despite him beating the shit out of him and has Meili as a little sister figure of sorts (or is it daughter figure? Could never quite tell what the fan consensus was on that) despite Meili trying to kill him multiple times.
the thing is, subaru's parents are so incredibly supportive of letting their son make his own choices. they want him to be his own person (even if he struggles with that) and they want him to make his own calls and live his own life. i think that if he told them "yeah this person did these terrible things, but by my own judgement i decided theyre worth being friends with" they would still support his choice in the matter. because its not their call to make, its his. he gets to decide who to forgive and who to be friends with.
that being said its not like theyre completely hands-off as parents, not at all. i can see them having one of those typical "make sure you know what youre doing, make sure youre not making any mistakes" type chats with them. mostly so they could gauge if hes really making a good choice here. but i think theyd be open minded and just base their reaction off of his responses.
and i also dont necessarily think that they have to love and forgive them right away or anything. but like naoko said, parents watch their kids closer than they realize, so they would be able to see how they act with subaru and probably understand that theyre not a threat, at the very least!
with meili they might be a bit more lenient since she is just a little girl after all, plus she technically didnt kill him (in the main timeline). with julius, i can see naoko being a bit more upset about the ordeal than kenichi, who might just see it as two guys duking out their problems. but julius is also otherwise very polite and chivalrous so i can see him being the type to win mothers over lol
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tell us your favorite everything changes chapters please
so I'll write just the chapters here, in chronological order and then put a longer explanation under a cut so i don't spoil anything. anyways, here's my top 10 (that i can currently think of) everything changes chapters/chapter collections!
Chapters 27/28: Frozen/Melted
Chapter 69: Roll of the Dice (part 2)
Chapter 73: Recognition
Chapters 97-100: Land of the Free, Home of the Brave (parts 1-4)
Chapters 170-173: Reality Oh There Goes Gravity/You Only Get One Shot/White Lines/It's Like A Jungle Sometimes
Chapter 191-193: The warmth of your hand and a cold grey sky/Another New Year/Priorities
Chapter 224-227: Monaco Baby (parts 1-4)
Chapters 322-326: Avanti (Parte Prima - Cinque)
Chapters 434/435: Stars (parts 1&2)
Chapter 509: One
this took me rather long because i obviously read through all of those chapters again
Well, this one is rather obvious. The end of the slow burn. The kiss in the snow. Now that's a New Year. If (when) I print and bind everything changes, this would be where i end the first volume. The first year, the first arc, the first part done. I also deeply love the christmas chapters with sebs family right before, but this one is IT.
Spa in the rain, after the summer break where seb and mark got followed by paps, after so much shit in the press after they came out after monaco, and then that race. Dear god i said it before I'll say it again, georgia_k writes races like no other. I love the chapter before that one too, and i love sebs relationship with dan and lewis here
Honestly this one is just for that one scene in the restaurant, when the owner comes up to them and tells them he won't take their money because Seb will drive for ferrari one day and he can't let a ferrari driver pay. (due to the events after, seb won't remember this happening but i think georgia_k might, and i hope she calls back to it when ferrari seb comes back to monza in the new in-story year. will he remember? will it bring his memory of the accident back? I can't wait to find out but i trust georgia_k)
Sebs return to the track after Parabolica. This entire arc, starting with the crash, through the hospital (honorable mention chapter: La Bella Addormenata, another absolute favorite because damn the pain. reading through it for the first time with georgia pulling no punches. damn.) The part where Seb talks to Niki? goosebumps. I feel like the Parabolica arc starts with the crash and ends with Arabian Nights but this part (and the one where he drives again on track for the first time) is my favorite.
The return to Monza. again, the way lewis and dan are there for seb, again, the racing. Also points for the lyric titles.
Teddy. now these chapters make me ugly cry every time. i don't even want kids but damn. The way seb is finally, finally completely free of heikki, nothing in their way anymore and then kacey happens (please georgia_k how is she. can you give her a little cameo. put her in a flower shop. she deserves happiness.)(fr georgia named henry after the little town next to monaco as explained in the authors notes and then came back to it like 100 chapters later when she had seb smile at the road sign without even mentioning the name. tell me about kacey.) and seb is so dejected and then teddy is there and it's perfect. god i cried buckets.
theres a bit of a pattern of me loving georgia_ks wet races, this one isn't different. I'm just a sucker for the race chapters.
THE MOVE TO FERRARI i can not WAIT, sebs year of parental time is Over (almost, i expect a teddys birthday/new year chapter and then) WE RACE AGAIN honestly, horner at ferrari feels so cursed but if georgia_k gives seb a championship with ferrari all is forgiven. even if not, i know she's a good writer. Just dont forget about restaurant dude.
Sorry to matilda, but the chapters where they get her just don't have the same impact as teddys, they were preparing, seb left early and it hurt a lot but it was worth it. Stars though. I love them growing into their role as parents, I love Teddy as a character (you can tell georgia_k works with kids because she writes him PERFECTLY for his age), i love the domesticity.
We say goodbye to Rachel, who's been such a great character all throughout. Maybe we'll run into her again? This feels like the end of the adoption story era, and the beginning of the ferrari seb era (hopefully. georgia_k do you hear me?) i love how much teddy's grown up, how you can't really see it chapter by chapter but when you skip read through your favorites again, it's so obvious. The kods have gotten so big and I can't wait what happens with them next, I was so fucking scared for them when they were really little because Georgia_k does not hesitate, but now we're ready for the future and if anything happens to the kids i will fight georgia_k.
also, here my favorite quote (chapter 59; Swimming Against The Tide):
As he approached the first of the cars that had gone past him, the forefront of Seb's mind was concentrating on operating the car and calculating what was coming up, but a small part of Sebastian's mind drifted to recall a quote he knew only too well.
“If you no longer go for a gap that exists, you are no longer a racing driver.”
He even heard it in a Brazilian accent in his head.
Sebastian smiled inside his helmet. He could see a gap. He was still a racing driver.
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my shoulder hurts and it's making me angry. people aren't responding and it's making me angry. my music doesn't feel right and it's making me angry. people are downstairs and they are talking anf it's making me angry. my breathing is too loud and it's making me angry. people aren't giving me attention and it's making me angry. i'm angry and it's making me angry. this bout to be my make or break. nah kidding. i wouldn't do that to him. this post isn't aimed at anyone i just feel like i'm losing my mind and writing it out always helpes. me. it's like 1 big outlet for all of my feelingss and emotions. just working trough them one by one. im not sure why im so irritated all the flipping time. or at anything. i asked mods in a friend server to yime me out cuase i wasnt sure if id snap. and noe im just venting everthing here in the case that it helps. because i dont want to snap. so instead im leetting it all out in one big text post. i hate what you did to e Pelle. i hte what you fucing didi to me. do you understand how you've ruined my fucking body. do you understand how violated i felt. mom do you understand that you pushed me until i broke and then you kept pushing. you broke me. always expecting more, never letting me get rest. you wanted to do whats right. but it wasnt working. dad you were emotonally absent at best an d downright abusive at worst. pascal. youve ever beliueved in me from the start. always doubting me and telling me my depression was fake and for attention. do you know a couple of the scars on my keg are cause of you. hope you are proud. alex. your great. but you never listen and always talk. im sorry im the only one that listens but doesnt men that you cant or dont have to listen to me. thats not how it works. Noa. fuck you for ruining whatever a friendship was supposed to mean. ive never dared to make friends with anyone or a long time since i met you. i hope you rhink about me with fucking regret for how you treated me. do you understand that ive looked at you wih disdain for ever entering my life. the 1st person to ever show me fucking kindenss and it was out of goddamn oity. fuck you. i wanted to thros and pull you from that fucking bike back when i saw you years ago. Tamara. youre stupid for expecting me to just do everything you say. im not a dog and im not a slave. im sick of people telling me how to live my life, who to interact with. and wwho i need to be. the only one ive truly and wholly forgiven is my qpp. cause he fucking showed compassion evenw hen we were on bad terms. and we repaired it bit by bit. and god i relaise im broken. im a shell of a person but fuck. im alive but i dont know i i'm living you nknow. and who fucking knows. none of this might make sense and i might just be causeing a big ruckus ffor nothing. kinda wanna put thi on on my maina ccount but i wont. anbd lastly. fuck you . yeah. fuck me. becaue i let people wall all over me and convince me of whats right and wrong or months. fuck this. ugh. i think im don ater abusing my keyboard ot a good 12 minutess. that., does oddly feel better actually. nive
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kayoi1234 · 11 months
*still vibrating*
there's people who meta-vote, aka what happened in t1: it's when instead of voting according to forgiveness and personal opinion, you vote according to: - probable outcomes of verdicts - the public opinion going around and how much it is agreed on - what you think will happen to other characters if the current prisoner is judged forgiven/unforgiven
in t1 the reasoning was that by voting her unforgiven, it'd make her realize that shes doing bad things/the cult is wrong or something with "tough love", well guess what!! that only reaffirmed her more!!! because though love is exactly what the cult used on her!!!!!
also that bit about shidou: yeah he wont get shanked Now, but people still worry about her sabotaging his stuff. in the t2 voice drama she get her hands on scissors, hides them in her long sleeves, and tries to attack es (who is by all means untouchable if the intent of the prisoner is to cause harm), and while attacking other prisoners while es is awake is (iirc) impossible, who knows what she'll do between trials when theyre asleep for (probably) months !! she got the fucking scissors from a supply closet !! who knows what else is in there!!! (i havent read minigram but iirc they talk about it there? dont take my word for it)
meta voting Also happened to shidou, who has an interesting dilemma regarding his judgement: while he still thinks he shouldn't be forgiven, he sees how much he's needed in the prison (Triage: "Shall I fulfill your request and elect to live / ... / See, indispensable, I’m indispensable") and directly asks to be forgiven Because, after loosing his family, he has a reason to live again!! (Triage: "I want to be [forgiven], I want to live!" / "That’s right, there are lives that need safeguarding / So hey, prolong my life, I’m indispensable") all of that, regardless of what he actually did, got him a forgiven judgement anyway!!
it also happened to mikoto in t1 to a lesser extent (and i hesitate calling this meta-voting): tiktok people happened to found MeMe, saw the bathroom scenes, "damn he's hot *votes forgiven*". didnt really matter cuz his t1 ration is 31,57% forgiven to 68,43% unforgiven
this post got derailed but i hope you enjoy getting paragraphs from me first thing in the morning *hits send*
One: the beauty of being Australian is that whilst it might be morning for you it is like 7:20PM here so I am at the Exact Right Time to process new information
Two: Meta voting is such a wild concept and yet it is the exact thing that happens in real life when we vote for politicians lmao art imitates life or whatever lol.
But also it’s really funny that people did it the first time round with Amane, found out it didn’t work, and yet there are still people going “well maybe it’ll work a second time?” With the same amount of confidence as the person who planted bamboo in the ground and said “It’s not going to grow everywhere!”
Anyways also Shidou is real interesting because i’m ninety percent sure this isn’t going to do wonders for his mental health lol rip Dr Malpractice maybe you shouldn’t have stolen all those organs.
(Also poor Mikoto man. Wakes up in prison told he’s killed someone yet he can’t remember shit, gets called a murderer when he explicitly remembers Not Doing That, then the ps5 in his brain tells him he’s hot but also a killer and hey there’s another guy in here but no one ever tells him about the other guy in there because no one knows whats gonna happen if they do that all because some kid with twitch chat also in their brain ran a poll on some funky music video they got out of his head and went “Well sorry dude but unforgiven I guess”.
Also maybe there are actually three mikotos which is. You know the depths of the boy surely knows no bounds.)
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oru-tree · 1 month
Dev thoughts
Just thinking about him, to me hes the right amount of messed up and sad little guy, I like the way they show he's being neglected, like this kid has no manners, but its because of the way he's been raised.
Also how easily he flips from being ok to wanting to destroy the world and how it happens in relation with his dad, get tricked into believing he went to visit him to school? Destroy all pizza in the universe, hes paying more attention to ro your friend? Start a downward spiral that culminates in taking over another world, and the same thing happens with him going from evil to ok, your friend is actually ok with you? All is forgiven, your Fairy godparent tells you that he cares about you? Nvm world takeover cancelled
Fun kid
That said I feel like people kinda overestimate hazels friendship with him, imo its kinda onesided? Hazel is devs best friend, but dev isnt hazels, at this point I might not even consider him her friend? And thats ok, I dont think Hazel has to be her friend after everything he did (though she's a very sweet kid and this is a kids show so theyll go back to being friends eventually) but if the show gets more seasons (in plural because this only works if theres more than one more season) I hope they take it slow with this.
Like she knows theres some stuff with his dad but like she doesnt have to patch things up just because she knows he's sad...
So if the show gets more seasons they should focus on her relationship with her friends first and then leave the dev stuff for later
I mean too bad for dev because shes pretty much all he could have at this point but like.... Not her fault
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reapersynth · 7 months
This is gonna sound awful, but I was hoping they killed them off. Which might make me a bad person, but I'm fine with it.
LMAOOO no ur so right though. the fact that they just kinda shoved them down our throats again in season 6 made my fucking skin crawl 😭😭😭 as if their presence in season 4 wasnt bad enough. plus it pissed me off that it seemed like they were so... easily forgiven? alongside chimney's dad and the whole annoying narrative of "its your responsibility to fix your relationship with your parents that traumatized you so that your kids can have a relationship with their grandparents" like lmao thats not how it works. but ok (i also think eddie's parents got off way too easy too considering the things they've done & said but this show is allergic to ppl not wanting relationships with their parents for valid reasons i guess)
like chimney already has parents that love him. the Lees. or did we forget and decide that the hans must suddenly be absolved of all sins. hello ? i have so many questions about the season 6 writing choices
plus i think an episode where maddie and buck deal w/ their parents deaths and the lack of closure could have been a good arc for them? like a parallel to their relationship in buck begins and the "we always had each other" line or something. WE CAN MAKE IT WORK 👏
but if i have to see margaret and phillip again in s7 i dont know what im gonna do. scream probably. maddie may want them in jee-yun's life but i dont </3
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itsbearyall · 1 year
why is our generation blamed for so much...when it's the ones before us who are trying to carve us wrong? they're the one saying we're sensitive when we speak against racism, homophobia, classism, colorism, inequality, hate crimes...but they get mad at the sight of a box of pads/tampons, men in makeup, and woman breastfeeding because "what if there are kids around?" -> no kid is grossed out about something unless you make them grossed out, kids have been brought up playing with paint and art and only want the worls to be more beautiful, and a child would see a woman feeding her baby -because kids don't sexualize basic science and survival.
we have a group of old, white men in ugly-ass ties telling little, innocent girls that if they were raped, it's their fault for looking like that. Because My Little Pony frocks and flip-flops are just so sexual, especially if she's barely 12. they like em youthful apparently.
if your guy friend wears a skirt, the school won't care. in fact people -even you- might praise them for "breaking gender norms" as if men havent been in kilts and loincloths forever. anyway. he'll be fine. but the second you wear one it's all "are they staring at me?" "oh god I knew this was a bad idea" "shitshitshit those stairs are glass-" and you think you're {or actually will be} getting stares from male teachers, classmates, female administrators who'll mentally write you up thinking they need a uniform -when the uniform would involves us wearing skirts???
why is it that when i search up 'school boy', we get kids, actually studying, but when its 'school girl' you get sex costumes?
they say "why dont you go out enough, you're always on that screen" when they're the ones who don't let us outside the front porch, and they don't trust our friends. when its their generation that has all the killers, rapists, and kidnappers hiding and waiting to grab us whilst we're on our way home from school.
"back in my day we didn't have these phones, we got along just fine"
times change...back in your day you didn't believe people were equal just because their melanin was stronger than yours
"back in my day we actually went out to the movies, shopping, eating, fairs"
back in your day, you didn't have to worry about the outside world
"back in my day we didn't have these gays and trans deformities and whatnot"
oh no, you did, you just had it illegal
"you're just gay/scared/depressed/angry/wantingfreedom/canttakeajoke because all your friends are"
you're just a fucking coward, a judgy fuckpot who's just as bad -if not worse- than how you see us, because all your friends our
we use the internet to an adavntage. they use it to pass the time, and more than us...but why are we shamed for it?
PTSD: if someone was sexually harrased, two years ago, they're told "it happened a while ago, she/he can be forgiven, get over it". if someone served in a war 20 years ago, they're never remotely asked to 'move on?'
anyone can get sexually harrased. Men. Women. Children. Stop drilling it into our heads that's only those who asked for it.
we pledge to shape a future that doesn't resent their pasts. why couldnt you?
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opbackgrounds · 2 years
So if kinda of a long question and I will really appreciate if to hear your take on this , I started watching and reading one piece not that long ago and robin became my fevorite character in the series , because her story and character is so interesting and complex and I do believe that him the final saga she will be one of the most important characters in it, but then I remember that she started as a villain and was working with crocodile to destroy an entire kingdom and she didn’t seem to have a problem with it ,and that was forgiven easily and was not brought up again in the plot, and now I have a problem with liking because it’s hard for me to know that she didn’t care about letting innocent people get hurt despite she has experienced in the past and I feel like until i will not see a redemption arc or at least for her that ties directly with what she did in alabsta , or at least an apology for what she did there to vivi once she will meet her again , I will have a hard time to like and relate to her character again. I know that you also like robin and that she is also your favorite character in the series and that you understand her character better then I ever will , so my point is how does that not bother you to like her character even though what she did in alabsta and that ? Because I dont want that bother me as well because now every time that I see her in the anime or in the manga I am reminded that she Helped to almost ruining a peaceful kingdom and and harming a lot of Innocent people and she didn’t care about it, i know that because of her past she didn’t care about the world but that still bother’s me.
Well, mostly it’s because Alabasta isn’t a real place and the people who suffered don’t exist. There’s nothing wrong with liking a character whose done bad things and don’t regret it —some of my favorite characters in all of fiction are absolute shitbags with no redeeming qualities. Fiction exists as a safe place to engage with scenarios that would be unpleasant or taboo in real life, and to me how the story handles those kinds of subjects is much more important than fretting whether or not they’re problematic or bad in the first place. I wouldn’t like it if the narrative pretended that Robin did nothing wrong, but the story itself does not care. Maybe someday if Vivi reunites with the crew we might get something between her and Robin, but not even she the princess whose country was nearly ruined by Robin’s actions is upset that she’s traveling with the crew. One Piece is not a series that concerns itself with right and wrong. They’re pirates. It literally does not matter.
But for the sake of argument, let’s take a minute to think about what might have driven Robin to that place to begin with. Because she did try to lead a normal life as a kid, even after getting her bounty. And every time she tried, the people around her tried to have her arrested or killed because they were too afraid or too tempted by the price on her head. She had no choice but to turn to a life of of crime, and that life led her to Crocodile.
Why should someone who had been mistreated their entire life give a flying fuck about the lives of people who would kill her if given half a chance? Because, sure, maybe if Robin ended up at King Cobra’s doorstep as a kid he might have protected her, but probably not. Just like his citizens would have turned over an eight year old to the marines to be executed. It’s simple, bloody arithmetic: kill or be killed. After twenty years, no wonder Robin stopped caring about the people she was hurting to achieve her goals. The entire world literally wanted her dead.
Instead of getting into the morality of what someone in those desperate circumstances might do, One Piece is a story about how you can grow past that with the help of people who truly care about you. That’s just as important as any good vs evil story out there, because there are a lot of people like Robin in the world who deserve just as much empathy and kindness even if they’ve done terrible things in their past.
Even if none of that was true and Robin was just sort of an asshole who didn’t mind the fact that she nearly destroyed a country, it doesn’t matter. She’d probably still be my favorite because I latched onto her as a kid like a baby duck and declared her mine. Sometimes that’s all there is to it, and that’s okay. Bad people can be interesting characters. Maybe I wouldn’t want to go out to get lunch, but reading about them is fun, and at the end of the day reading *should* be fun.
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it’s lee jihye's graduation and her name has just been called. walking up to the stage, it almost doesn't feel real to finally be here, after the battles and the blood and the tears and the end of the goddamn world. she takes a moment, a deep breath, and in another universe she would be stabilized by a hand on her shoulder, a gentle hey crybaby, you gotta get up there, a grin and a you won't trip, i promise. here there is no hand on her shoulder and there is no best friend with a matching graduation cap beside her, but for a moment there is a throat beneath her fingers and jihye’s hands tremble. she climbs up the steps anyways, shakes the dean's hand with a firmness she doesn't feel, and closes her eyes to will away the unbidden tears. words from what feel like a lifetime ago ring in her ears, you killed your friend with your own hands only to die like this? shouted among the sounds of battle and what matters is that you survive and her own fear and pain swirling into i dont want to die. and jihye knows she can never be forgiven for what she’s done, but she is surviving and she is living and she can finally say that she’s glad she is.
her eyes are shut for only a moment when there is raucous cheering from the family section and she opens them again to see kim dokja's company. they’re drawing attention from the entire audience, but they don't care (and never have cared) about who was watching them. lee gilyoung and shin yoosung are out of their chairs and yelling, han sooyoung not far behind. jung heewon and lee hyunsung (sitting on opposite ends of the row) are both cheering at a more acceptable volume but still very enthusiastically. yoo sangah is beaming at her, waving at jihye to get her attention, as if she could have possibly missed their group. even yoo joonghyuk is there, and while her master doesn't cheer or anything, (jihye suspects such a thing would herald the apocalypse. again.) there is a glint to his eyes and a slant to his mouth that could be interpreted as a smile. it was a hassle to get a hold of everyone, separated as they are these days, but they're all here today for her. jihye's eyes brighten and she smiles back at them as she heads off the other end of the stage, another name called in her wake.
when the nebula gathers to take pictures of her in her gown, diploma in hand, jihye lets herself imagine for a moment that there are two more people in the photos, one with a matching grin and diploma, and one with a white jacket and proud eyes, before she drags yoo joonghyuk to the front of the picture, slings her arms around the kids, ducks under someone trying to ruffle her hair, and laughs.
(one quiet afternoon, after their stories and their love and their hope come together into one person, after dokja finally wakes up in the hospital, she shows him the pictures. she doesn't ask but he smiles and says he's proud of her anyways, and he might not be the omniscient reader anymore but jihye is reminded of rock-paper-scissors and of being perceived as she moves in for a hug)
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cummingforkylo · 2 years
Hey man why are you being so mean to yourself saying things like "shut the fuck up" when you're talking about extremely traumatic things. Like bro you immediately apologize for your mom and excuse her over and over and over for treating you like absolute dog shit.
I'm sorry I literally don't give a fuck what her problem was at the time, she BRUTALLY, and I mean **BRUTALLY** abused you. None of that is okay. It's really interesting to me that you make sure the person reading that post knows your mom is like, totally okay now. Who, exactly, are you trying to convince? Us? Or yourself?
Additionally, have you ever gotten therapy? Like. You are blaming yourself, telling yourself how stupid you are, how you can't do xyz, telling yourself shut the fuck up... Bro you're literally suffering from trauma. I'd bet my life savings you have PTSD, if you haven't already been diagnosed. The fact that you couch this extremely horrific tale in "is it abuse?" makes me believe you've never talked about it been validated by this experience ever in your life, or if you have, it's not been often.
(I'd be willing to bet, also, that you're not actually bad at math. I bet, in fact, you're perfectly capable of it. But all of those circumstances surrounding math make it difficult for your brain to parse those signals. It has nothing to do with your capabilities.)
If you haven't talked to someone like a trauma therapist, I'd seriously consider it. A lot of people go through a lot of their lives thinking they have persistent depression and severe anxiety which like, sure, but the root is trauma. Might help to get that looked at.
I'm so sorry you went through those things as a child. It wasn't your fault, and you deserve love and compassion now, especially from yourself.
I’ve gone to therapy and talked about my mom some but i think a lot of it I didnt talk about specifically because i found myself like…constantly defending her to my therapist instead of just talking and it’s probably not because i want to excuse what she did. After years of blaming myself(even more than I already do?) i finally in the last like five years have been able to admit that it was her being abusive and not me being a difficult child. It took my brothers looking at me once and being like, “no, there was a period of our childhood that was straight up…bad.” for me to even recognize that all these times in my memory werent just like…me being a bratty kid and my mom dealing with me. And I think why whenever i talk about that stuff i have to like convince people she’s good now is because i’ve watched her change and i love her and have forgiven her for some of that stuff because i want to have a good relationship with her, and I do. But unfortunately in forgiving her i havent done nearly enough work to heal any of my shit about it.
I’m also constantly scared that even though what I talk about are literally just the memories I have that I have somehow exaggerated everything in my mind and i’m just bullshitting this. Like I KNOW these things happened, i have literal memories of it but even as I write them out I feel like I MUST be exaggerating because i’ve never talked specifics with my brothers and neither of them had it as bad as me.
I wouldnt be surprised if I have PTSD but i’ve never talked to a trauma therapist. My last therapist ghosted me so i’ve been very apprehensive to actually find someone again but you’re probably right. Talking to someone would probably help a lot of things.
It’s difficult, all of it, because I hate what happened to me and I’m upset about how challenging it has made some of this stuff in my life but I don’t hate her and I wouldnt want anyone to think less of her? Even if she deserves it in a lot of way. I dont know.
I reaally appreciate your message. It means a lot to reach out and offer real advice and such thoughtful words. I wish I was on here more so it didnt seem like I come to drop depression bombs and then just dip. It’s not what I intended this silly blog for.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
inconvenience (Chisaki fam Au)
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"Im starting to feel like motgers dont get any privileges at all..." you all but whined while resting your head on one of your hands with a pout as your husband arched an eyebrow at your moody state.
"I spend nine months getting nauseaus and wishes of weird food only for Kaito to come as your copy?" You giggled while making your poiting at signalizing at the four year old boy staring down at a book with the same stoic expression Kai normaly wore 24 hours at day.
The man besides you scoffed, dropping his papers down on hos lap only to stare at the child. The little boy noticing tge two pair of eyes staring at him and soon showing his tongue to his father monotously, making you laugh and Kai's eye to twitch.
"This little-"
"What happened?" The boy muttered innocently while closing his book about animals and walking towards you two to climb on and hugging you while exchanging looks "Did I do something?"
"Asides from showing your tongue to your daddy I guess nothing." You giggped while carresing the dark brown looks of your son as he closed his (E/c) eyes with a satisfied sound.
"You've been reading this nonsense for about two weeks now." Your husband spoke while snatvhing the book of the boy's hands and looking at it like it was the most gruelsome thing in the world.
"Hey! Is the only good book I have!" Kaito exclaimed with a pout as you couldn't help but giggled at how similiar those two looked like.
"Nonsense. You have at least kore than ten already you brat."
"And I read all of them." Kaito grumbled while crossing his arms.
"In your age I would read articles when I was bored out of my mind, not keep reading those childish things." You deadpanned at your husband, considering Kaito was still 5 years old, of course he would still read child's books.
"I am a normal kid different from you daddy." Kaito spoke numbly as Kai's eyes sharpened at the audacity of the little five years old boy.
"Why, you little rascal-"
"Ookkaayy!" You interviewed before the two entered on a argument "How about instead of fighting we just go and get a new book for him?" You suggested with a smile as Kaito's eyes widened with a sparkle on them.
"Huh. Doesn't sound so bad. But does he really deserve something after all he done?" He asked sarcasticaply while looking at Kaito whose made puppy eyes at him.
"I made uncle Rappa trip and fall downstairs."
"You WHAT?!" you almost screamed as Kaito only shrugged.
"... Alright. Forgiven. You deserve a treat." You gaspes at your husband words as Kai smiled cheekily.
"I liked this one." Your boy picked a coloured book while he spoke throigh his mask.
"With images?" Your husband arched an eyebrow as Kaito nodded simply while opening to show his fatger the story of the man whose stole from ricb to give to the poor.
"You want mommy to read it to you at night or do it by yourself?" Yoj asked with a smile, crouching down to wait a response from your son as you notices the little smile of glee at your suggestion.
"Both! With daddy too!" You giggled and carresed his hair as your Kai usually shatp and cold stare turned into something more softer... Kaito had indeed developed a liking for listenjbg to his parenta read and help him on qords he couldn't quite pronounce yet. And he did noticed thag besides being a total momma's boy, his son did actually rather have him to read something despite all the little quarels they had with eachothef now at then.
"If you actually behave I might think about it." He answered with a sigh as he walked to pay for the book as Kaito stared at his father for a bit then at you.
"It was a yes from daddy right?" You snorted and nodded, picking your son up as he hugged his new book yet leaning on you. Getting down after he demandes a peck on his forehead as Kai scoffed at the how clingy your son could be when it came to you.
After leaving the little store Kaito tried to open his book to say some words in hopes he could get some praise from his father and you before you three had to stop at the signal and see one of the top 10 heroes pass by along with his partners.
You could fell your husband getting tense and felt his hand coming towards your waist and pulling you to him as he narrowed his amber eyes to the sign of at least five heroes showing off on the streets.
"Such inconvenience." He hissed in disgust as you furrowed your eyebrows at him "Spreading their sickness like that in the wild open. We might as well all have to take a shower and sanatize ourselfs not only due to this stupid virus but by this as well."
"Well," you sighed as Kaito furrowed his eyebrows at one little word at the book and trues to slowly pronounce like his father had taught him "we do live in a society where heroes are almost worshipped. We cant do nothing about but to just... accept it and evict?"
Your husband tsked and started to walk along with you as Kaito gasped poked the word on the book.
"Arruw!" Kai bitted back a chuckle and correct the boy's word for the actual one "Dang it.. a..arrow. Arrow! Do the yakusa have arrows papa?" Kaito pointed at the weapon as Kai sighed and shook his head, about to explain until you stopped at the sign of a young pro hero whose gushed at Kaito.
"Ow your son is such a cutie pie! How many years does he have?" The young woman gushed as Kaito immediately seemed to not be on his happy mood amymore and just clinged onto your leg and gripped your hand tighter as Kai's eyes narrowed at the young hero.
"Thank you. Last month he turned five and couldn't stop talking about it." You answered politely as she crouched down and smiled sweetly at Kaito.
"Hi! Nice to meet you! Im Uravity, what is your name sweety?"
Kaito stared at her with a unreadble expression before he mumbled something through his little mask that left you and your husband with wide eyes.
"My daddy says you heroes are incovenienvent. I dont like it."
Your face burnes in embarrassment as the girl was just a tad but shocked before giggling at your flustered state, mumbling a thousqnds of apologies as for once you gpared at your husband for trying his best to not let out a chuckle at his son's attitude.
"Everything is okay ma'am really!" The young girl giggped as you bpwed to one last time "Every kid can be a bit handfull or just doesn't simpatoze easily with others, we respect that!"
"Im so sorry." You said one last time in utter embarrassment as Kaito inly arched an eyebrow at your state and petting a confused sound when hsi father crouched down to pat his head with a 'thats right son they're all dirt.'
Now the poor little boy was confused. Had he really doen something bad for his mommy to almost scream an apology to that woman or not for gis father only be praising him?
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