#your kids will sleep safely. Parents don't have to be concerned about their children’s sleep time.
andreabandrea · 10 months
I absolutely don't mean this in a bad way, but I think a lot about how Pokemon is a power fantasy for kids. And I know this is obvious because it's a game for children, but let me ramble.
Think about it: you can go wherever you want, knowing you're safe because your Pokemon will protect you. In the later games, you can dress however you want and express yourself freely. You can connect with nature and communities of friendly kids and adults around you. You can make a meaningful, positive impact on the world. You can stand toe-to-toe with adults who, in real life, would ignore or even belittle you because you're just a kid. (And, of course, you have superpowered pets that love you.)
I think about how in the original games, Brock and Misty are presented as kids/young teens and become friends with Ash. But, Lt. Surge presents a difficulty spike-- if you chose Bulbasaur, you can easily sweep the first two gyms with it, but now you don't have a supereffective match up unless you plan more. I think it's meaningful, then, that Lt. Surge is portrayed a big, scary adult man and military to boot. In the anime, he's presented as being condescending and intimidating toward Ash. But, you as the player are able to overcome this intimidating man through the power of your Pokemon. The same can be said for people like Team Rocket and Giovanni-- Giovanni's original sprite in Red & Blue makes it look like he's looming over you, sneering at you.
It can easily be forgotten by adult fans, but you're seeing this world through the perspective of a child. Giovanni looming over you represents how it feels to be a child, powerless, and face an adult who's cruel to you. But you defeat him at every match up.
Satoshi Tajiri would go on to say that Pokemon was inspired by his childhood, in which he'd go out and collect bugs. Miyamoto would say that the first Zelda game was inspired by his childhood in which he'd explore the local area and caves and so on.
It makes me sad to think that, as the world becomes more modern, more urbanized, and (as parents tend to see it, at least) more unsafe, this childhood that inspired these classic games become further out of reach for kids. When I was growing up, I lived in a suburb full of concrete. I couldn't walk anywhere, and even if I could, my mother was too anxious to let me just go around unsupervised.
This is why getting the bike is such a big moment in Pokemon-- you can go so much farther as a kid on a bike! But, I also could only ride my bike up and down my boring street before running into a major street full of cars going 50 MPH that would have murdered me instantly.
This isn't a doom post. I still believe that we can repair the damage that capitalism and cars have done to the world. But, I think that in times like this, it's more important than ever for kids to have access to these power fantasies, these escapes from a world that they have no ability to fix, but still suffer from regardless.
Ironically, I think that when I play Pokemon now, I play it to feel smaller rather than to feel bigger, the opposite of how I played it as a kid. Now, it's comforting to escape from work and stress into a world in which your only concerns are walking to the next town, catching a new Pokemon, and maybe fighting a gym leader. The same can be said of any piece of media that someone is nostalgic for, but I think Pokemon feeds into it well because its design is so baked in the experience of being a child.
When I'm playing Pokemon, especially when replaying an old game, I still remember things like only saving in Pokemon centers so that my character could sleep there in a nice building, or imagining them setting up camp if I had to save and quit on a route. If I had time, I would feed my Pokemon some Pokeblocks or etc. at my little 'camp' so they wouldn't be hungry (which is why I felt like the cooking and camping systems from SwSh were so real for me, haha).
I don't think that there's a 'wrong' way to play Pokemon-- I know people enjoy competitive Pokemon, and strict challenge runs, and stuff. And I can enjoy that, too! But, for me, Pokemon is about childhood, you know?
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thehollowwriter · 2 months
Warnings: Blood, child abuse, unintentional misgendering/deadnaming, bullying, implied sexual harassment (not to Timo tho) Word count: 3554
Summary: A story about Timo and his life and how he came to work for Silas
(Pls reblog and leave a comment ♥️)
Timo Byun hated empty promises. Words that were just there to fill the air, to provide a sense of comfort and hopefully, get you to leave and drop whatever topic brought up.
Empty words and fake sympathy were a constant in Timo's life. For as long as he could remember, he was given endless assurances and comforts, all of which meant absolutely nothing.
What would you do if you saw a child lost and alone in the streets, wandering aimlessly? Offer your sympathies, whisper your pities? Spare an uncomfortable glance and pretend you don't see him? Give him a glare and wonder what idiot parent lost their noise machine?
Timo was met with all of these in different forms and stages. The sight of a tiny cuttlefish swimming without direction, teary-eyed and hunger stricken, tugged at many a merfolk's heartstrings. But they never did anything, no, that would just be too much effort.
This wasn't a surpise to Timo. He'd been through this song and dance enough times. Most of his early memories were wandering the streets, digging through trashcans or trying to catch fish that swam by, and dealing with strangers ogling him.
"Are you lost?" Asked an elderly lady, her bright purple tail flicking back and forth in concern.
Timo spluttered something incomprehensible and cried harder.
"Oh, poor dear." The lady muttered, then swam away.
A merman talking on his phone drifted past. He locked eyes with Timo and quickly looked away with an uncomfortable expression
A family came swam past, whispering, glancing, sighing.
"Oh, isn't it sad what this city has come to? Children on the street... back in my day, this would never happen."
"Should we help? Give some money or something?"
"I wish we could, dear, but some horrible people send children out to get drug money. It's best we don't risk it."
A couple stared at Timo as he cowered in an alley, one with their phone camera pointed at him.
"Okay, seriously though, should we help her?" Asked one after laughing about how he looked like a scared animal.
"We don't have the time," said the other. "Don't worry, someone else will."
Nobody else did.
"Where's your mama?" A passing stranger asked before taking note of his dirty, hungry appearance and shuffling off before Timo could answer. It didn't really matter. Timo wouldn't know anyway.
It was always the same. Words, words, words, almost nothing done.
Sometimes, people would pity Timo enough to give him food, but it wasn't enough for him to live off of. When he was lucky, he could get his colour changing to work well enough to draw fish to him, but his sequence of flashing colours and lights was quick to fade, and the fish would swim off again.
Sometime bigger, older merfolk would steal his food, threatening Timo with a fate far worse than hunger if he didn't let them. How they kept finding him even when he tried to hide at night, he didn't know.
Neighbourhood kids would try to play with him and give him sweets, only to be dragged away by angry, worried parents giving him dirty looks.
The routine was the same. Wander, scrounge, rest, maybe eat, sleep, repeat.
That changed one day, when Timo woke up and he wasn't in the corner of an alley anymore. He was in a clamshell bed, blankets crafted from seaweed carefully wrapped around him.
"Oh, you're awake." Said a stranger, smiling at him with perfect teeth. "Don't worry, you're safe now. You'll be staying with us at Atlantica's Children's Sanctuary."
Timo was scrubbed clean, and his and dirty, knotted hair was cut short so it could start growing cleaner and healthier.
"It'll grow back," Timo was assured. "Don't worry."
"But I like it short," Timo wanted to say, but he kept his mouth shut.
"What's your name?" A kind lady asked, and Timo couldn't give a true answer. What was his name? Someone called him Byun once, when he was rushing down the street with some food in hand.
"Byun." He said, and she shook her head.
"Oh, that just won't do." She said. "How about I call you Saira? Byun can be your last name. How's that?"
Timo didn't really like that name, but he nodded anyway. He didn't want to risk angering these strangers looking after him.
Once he was cleaned up, he was given a bowl of porridge, which seemed more like slop than anything, and some fish to eat.
The porridge tasted like carboad, and the fish had a tang of crude oil, but he kept quiet. He didn't want it taken away.
"One day, someone's going to adopt you." He was told. "That's what this place is for. You'll have a family."
Empty, useless words.
Timo was introduced to his roommates, the other little kids he would be sharing a tiny room with.
They all looked sad and tired, and muttered a short, disinterested greeting before going back to what they were doing before.
When Timo's hair finally grew long enough, they were done up in pigtails with big pink bows.
"You must catch our customer's attention," He was told. "We can't have you looking scrappy."
His claws were filed down once a month until they were nothing but short nails.
"Nobody wants a feral child," He was told. "If they wanted to be scratched up, they'd buy a pet."
The other children avoided him. They didn't like him because of his mouth. The squirming tentacles that shot out whenever he ate made them cry, made them say he gave them nightmares.
"Scary Saira was in my dreams again!"
"They'll get used to it." He was told. "They'll play with you."
They never did.
Timo's bed was crammed into the back corner of the dorm room, a little further away from the rest. He spent most of his time lying on it, staring blankly at the ceiling.
The others were usually either playing in the playroom or outside. Timo didn't join. He stopped trying a while ago.
"We don't let weirdos in," said Aria, the de facto leader of their dorm room. "Go away."
Possible parents came and went, arriving with happy smiles and high expectations Timo could never live up to.
Only once or twice did anyone express any form of interest in hi. When that happened, an employee would rush to do the usual song of dance of, for lack of a better word, advertising him.
"This is Saira Byun," They would say, smiling. "She's a lovely little girl with a big imagination."
'I'm not a girl,' Timo wanted to say because he was a boy and he was sure of it, but what would the point be? What would they say?
'I'm sure you are." They'll say, and then ignore him because nobody at that god forsaken place cared about what he had to say.
Timo hated that orphanage. He hated it with a passion that burned like the sun.
The building itself was old, very old, and used to house nobility. It was ill-suited for children or, well, anybody.
The stone chipped and cracked, and there was algae blooming in places it shouldn't. It was slowly detoriating, but it was never fixed up.
Due to the historical value of the building and the attention sad little orphans got online, volunteers were often influencers wanting to get some extra views.
They would come in, these people, recording Timo and the others and spouting their sympathies. They weren't so nice when they turned the camera off.
Many were mean, others were creepy. Looking at the Timo and the others weird, talking about how cute they were.
"You know you're very mature for your age," one of them said to a girl not much older than Timo. "It's admirable."
Timo wasn't sure why, but that sentence made his skin crawl.
The staff weren't much better. They seemed to hate the place as much as Timo did, though they also hated their tiny tenants.
"Stop crying." Timo once heard the dorm warden say to a young boy. The "slap" sound was loud and piercing. "If you're going to be a brat, you can leave."
And didn't that just sum up this place perfectly? Be quiet and obey, or you'll either be going to bed with bruises or you won't be enjoying a free bed and food for much longer.
Don't complain, even if the same meal every day for three meals a day is porridge that tasted like cardboard and fish that had clearly been exposed to oil spills. Don't complain, even if you're being recorded by random strangers. Don't complain, even if you think some of the staff are too handsy with you to be comfortable.
It was hell there. Sometimes, Timo even felt that maybe he would be better off on the streets before perishing the thought. He can at least eat food here.
Timo stayed on his behaviour, afraid to get hurt, to get tossed out. He listened and obeyed, did what asked of him, and put on a good show for people looking to adopt.
Timo tried so hard to listen to the staff in the hopes he got adopted. It never mattered, though. Pretty him up with big bows, seashell hairclips, and trendy hairstyles, it. Didn't. Matter.
The potential parent or parents, if they were interested in him at all, eventually lost that interest and moved on to another, better child.
It didn't take long for Timo to realise why. Claws, sharp teeth, creepy mouth tentacles... those weren't desirable. Those weren't cute or good or innocent. It was wrong. It was monstrous.
"What are those?" A person screeched at horror when they saw Timo eating a snack.
"Those are her tentacles. Saira needs them to eat. All cuttlefish merfolk have them."
Then the adults huddled together, whispering amongst themselves and underestimating the sharpness of Timo's hearing.
"Those are just sitting there in her mouth? Are they always so... obvious?"
"When she's eating, yes."
"...Can you not get rid of them? Like, cut them out? Some merfolk do that, you know. Remove unwanted parts."
"No, I don't think so."
Timo was, for once, very glad this couple didn't want him.
As Timo got older, the number of familiar faces dwindled, and new faces came in to replace them until, eventually, Timo was the only one of the original group still there.
"Nobody wants teenagers." An older kid once told him, drumming her fingers against her bedframe. "They want cute little boys and girls, all bright-eyed and easy to control. Teenagers are too old, too set in their ways. Once you hit thirteen, you might as well give up. Nobody will want you, and once you turn eighteen, they'll kick you to the streets because you aren't their problem anymore."
The idea of winding up back on the streets terrified Timo. He would be back at square one, but even worse off than before.
At eighteen, he would no longer have the small advantage of being a cute little kid people could take pity on. He was no longer helpless, no longer "abandoned" or "lost."
No, he would be old enough to be a druggie, a crackhead failure that couldn't get his shit right and ended up on the streets. He would be old enough to be a disappointment, a screw up.
"That's what will happen if you don't work hard and get good grades." They'll say.
"Some people don't realise there are consequences to their laziness." They'll say.
"That's why you shouldn't do drugs." They'll say.
And all Timo would be able to do iss ignore them and bedazzle some fish to get a few scraps of food, and then hope it wouldn't get stolen.
Timo began trying even harder to impress the adults who came to visit. He concentrated hard until his skintone was no longer pink and yellow but instead matching the more human-ish skintone of whoever was looking to adopt.
He couldn't hold it for long, though, and eventually, he would shift back to his original colour and hang his head in shame.
On the rare occasion he was considered, the nightmare that resided within his mouth convinced those people that yes, a normal child would be much easier to deal with.
Not to mention, this child partially mimicking their appearance probably made it worse.
"Aren't just an angel?" And adult cooed to him once. "I promise you'll be coming home with me."
Empty promises. Useless words. Timo found himself very much unadopted years after that conversation.
The staff would comfort him, mostly trying to get him to stop looking so sad and smile for the next volunteer with a camera.
"It's alright, Saira."
"You'll be fine, Saira."
"Someone will love you, I promise."
Talk talk talk.
"You'll need money." That older kid from before told him. "Do chores for pocket money, try get a job when you're old enough. Steal, if you have to."
Timo listened to her. He tried his best, tried to get some madol from the orphanage staff. Some humoured him, giving him the minimum possible amount they could, and others rolled their eyes and scoffed.
"What we give you isn't good enough, is that it?" One hissed. "If you're going to be greedy, you'll never get adopted."
When Timo turned fourteen, he began looking around for small jobs. He applied to as many as he could and was turned down by every single one.
"We'll get back to you."
"I just don't think you're suited for customer service."
"You're far too young. Do some chores for your parents or something."
"Sorry, you don't match our company values."
After yet another rejection, Timo curled up in bed and silently cried through the night, all the way until the faintest slivers of sunlight began streaming through the windows.
He peeled himself out of bed and drifted down to the front entrance, hoping that at least fetching the newspaper would earn him a madol or two.
Timo looked through the newspaper, flipping past advertisements and celebrity drama and political news and then-
And then something caught his eye. In a tiny column at the very back of the newspaper was an advertisement for a business currently hiring.
"Hunter?" Timo mumbled out loud as he read through it. "They accept fourteen and older..."
Timo wasn't much of a hunter. He could put sea creatures in a trance with his colours, sure, but his poor control rendered that ability useless.
He was also clumsy, skittish, and shy, lacking in confidence and prone to crying. That's what the dorm warden told him, at least.
Well, he'd give it a shot anyway. Better than accepting his fate.
Timo soon found himself hovering in front of the dense kelp forest at the edge of the city, feeling more afraid of being rejected than possibly being eaten, like he was warned.
"That man is dangerous, Saira." The warden told him when he told her where he was going. "Have you forgotten all you've learned about those those types? Go, if you really want, but don't act surprised when he clamps his teeth around your throat."
Timo tried not to think about how, besides that brief warning, nobody even bothered to stop him from leaving.
In the end, it didn't matter. Silas Clearcove did not, in fact, try to eat him. Instead, he subjected Timo to one of the strangest job interviews the cuttlefish had ever sat through.
Silas, a frankly terrifying looking man, briefly looked through Timo's CV but didn't seem to actually care about it all that much.
He barely spoke, spending most of their time together staring at Timo. It didn't feel like he was judging him exactly... more like... analysing. In some weird way.
Timo was only asked three or four questions in total. If he was old enough to be hired, how fast he could swim, if he had any knowledge about the butchery business, and if he could handle viscera.
There was no question about Timo's values, no prodding about his work ethic, and nothing at all about his desires for the future or the state of his health.
It was surreal, and yet it was also a breath of fresh air. Though there were still some issues Timo was concerned about.
"I dunno how to hunt, sir," He admitted after a long, awkward bout of silence. The intensity of Silas' gaze made him feel like he was confessing a murder. "Like, catching fish and stuff. And my colours are useless. I can't control 'em."
"I'll teach you." Said Silas after a brief pause, his quiet voice not betraying any emotion. "You don't have to know. You can learn. Come tomorrow if you can."
Timo left in an almost daze, snapping out of it briefly when he bumped into who he would later learn was Silas' husband, Morrigan.
"Aw, did he scare you?" He asked, patting Timo's head. "Silas does that. Don't worry, I'm trying to get him not to freak out his interviewees as much. He's really nice, I promise. Well, sort of."
Timo arrived at home, bewildered at the strange interactions. What an odd pair. But the main thing on his mind was Silas' words.
"I'll teach you." A bold statement. A promise. And for once, they weren't empty. It wasn't a lie.
Silas, Timo soon came to learn, was a man of action, not words. His silence was not some scare tactic to use against Timo, but rather just one of the many facets that made up who he was.
Timo almost couldn't believe it when he returned the next day to find Silas patiently waiting for him, ready to go.
He hadn't lied. He hadn't replaced Timo. He actually did what he said he would.
This was a constant when it came to Silas. He did not ever make false promises. If he said he'd do something, he would do it, no matter how difficult the task seemed to be.
Spending time with him made Timo feel like he was in a fever dream. Someone so scary looking, someone who seemed to have been dragged through hell and back, spoke in a soft but firm voice that gripped Timo's attention like vice, and instructed Timo in a way that oozed nothing but patience.
When Timo made a mistake, he would freeze and expect to be yelled at, to be hit, but Silas simply corrected him and let him try again.
Morrigan would join them from time to time, though he was mostly there to observe and giggle a bit when Timo screwed up.
"It's ok," He said, always more talkative than Silas ever was. "I did that too when I was first learning. You got this."
They were both so.... strange. Especially as a couple. From what Timo knew, romance was going on dates and bringing each other plants and chocolate and kissing.
They were very aggressive with each other. Timo was worried and nearly had a heart attack when he saw them wrestling across the sand one day.
"It's fine," said Silas, wiping blood from his mouth.
"We're not actually trying to kill each other," added Morrigan, sending Timo a bloody smile.
Everything Timo had been taught seemed to tell him to quit, to stay away from these odd people and try somewhere else. But he didn't. He stayed. He liked these two. He liked them a lot, even if he thought they were weird.
They were both good teachers. Silas taught him how to hunt and make traps, and Morrigan assisted him with controlling his colours.
It took a long while, but he eventually found himself able to control them. His body finally began to obey him, shifting to whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. The fish were drawn to him like moths to a flame.
Timo would stay much longer than intended, preferring his time there over even a second in that orphanage.
Once, when it was lunchtime, Silas slid a huge plate of several crustaceans, fish and seaweed towards him, and stared at him with those large amethyst eyes.
"Uh..." Timo stared at it, then at Silas, and blinked. "Huh?"
"You're not eating enough." Silas said. "Eat."
Timo, wondering if maybe he'd gone insane, mumbled an "Okay," and started nervously nibbling on it, bit by bit. It was probably one of the best meals he'd ever had.
By the time he'd turned seventeen, Timo was a full-fledged hunter working for Silas, helping stun prey as well as prep it all.
He got far closer to the two of them than intended over those three years, becoming, as the other staff put it, "Silas' little protégé."
He supposed it wasn't all that incorrect, especially since he began helping Morrigan pick up on the hunting after they decided to have children.
The news came a bit out of nowhere, and Timo didn't ever think they would be parents... but he was happy for them.
He was allowed to stay with them when they learned he couldn't afford an apartment even with his pay. All they wanted was that he kept his space clean and helped them out.
When Timo told Silas and Morrigan that he was a boy and his name was, well, Timo, Silas seemed very confused but accepted it, and Morrigan gave him a thumbs up.
And... they listened. They called him Timo and didn't call him she. And aside from that, they treated him the exact same as before, with just as much compassion.
Timo never said it out loud, but to him, it felt like they were a little family. Silas and Morrigan taught him to hunt and look after himself, taught him important life skills, and how to control his colours. They showed careful care for him, too. They acted like... well, they acted like parents. It was nice to imagine they actually were.
Morrigan was wonderful, but it was Sillas that Timo utterly adored. Silas, who made a promise and kept it. Silas, who was careful and understanding and kind to Timo, even if it was in a bit of a weird way. Silas, who saved Timo from absolute hell.
Silas was the best, and Timo would do whatever he could to make sure he was happy. No matter what, he'd stick by Silas Clearcove.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this juicy bit of Timo lore! Please consider this a sort of PSA as well, as I did research on orphanages for this, and the situation is pretty dire. Orphanage tourism is a thing, along with many other issues. Most of my info came from here. Please check it out. I absolutely accept constructive criticism as, although it isn't the main focus here, Timo is the first trans character I've written a story for. I hope it's OK! Sorry if the ending seems lackluster, I wasn't sure how to end it 😭
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@offorestsongs @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @inotonline
@1dont-really-know @kazumify @minteasketches @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy
@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @tixdixl @poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch
@ramshacklerumble @ghostiidasponk @thegoldencontracts @the-banana-0verlord @cloudcountry
@skriblee-ksk @twstinginthewind @lumdays @theolivetree123 @natsukishinomiyaswife
@authoruio @jewelulu @raguiras @honeynclove @moonyasnow
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
(mafia hoseok, slice of life, fluff, stockholm syndrome, meta stuff, this is a little self-indulgent and very self-referential, a tiny bit smutty at moments but i wouldn't call this nsfw, blood, violence, guns)
i wanna write a story with mafia boss hoseok who adopts his sisters children after they die cuz of mafia reasons along with his fiance. hoseok of course, decimates the rival group who took them away from him, but after the fire and revenge has settled, there is just hoseok, just hoseok and two kids who need him.
it's not that bad, the little boy one is mainly taken care of by his men. hoseok does his best to keep them safe and separated from his criminal empire. gives them everything they could want, trusts only his inner circle of 6 to look after them.
the older one- a plucky 13 year old girl is a little bit more of a handful mostly because she asks too many questions about things hoseok cannot answer without being culpable "why do you have blood on your shoes? what kind of handgun do you carry and can i see it? why do you always talk really softly at home but yell loudly when you're in the basement?"
hoseok- knowing that the basement is a literal torture chamber, sweating, "don't you just want money for shopping or something?"
"no, i wanna become your partner, the way that mom was"
"you are literally 13"
"didn't you start when you where my age?"
"can't i just? get you a new handbag or something?" idk i just love the idea of hoseok- whose tired of his job and pissed off by it on a good day vs. a 13 year old who just wants to be a crime princess so bad.
They but heads near constantly, when she's caught sneaking out from her all girls school to smoke cigarettes, when she buys a moped with the card hoseok got her, when she tries to leave the country to go to fashion week like her mom used too (of course hoseok goes with her- but still- she's not very good at asking for permission vs forgiveness)
Obviously he's like- barely adjusting to being a parent, and grieving the loss of fiance and sister too. he's lonely and struggling with the things in his life that aren't the crime bits, he's not against admitting that, but allowing anyone, woman or man, into his life barely 5 years after they've passed feels like a betrayal.
it goes like that, slice of life, mafia man hoseok and dad hoseok chased togeather. he tries his best to show up for dance recitals (the young beta boy really really likes balet and god forbid hoseok stop anything, even convention, from getting in the way of his pups dreams,) regularly scolds the alpha girl for trying to bring her boyfriends around, "you're too young to have boyfriends" "they're just my friends boyfriends" "still, wait until you're 16- or better yet- 18"
There just isn't a shortage of problems concerning the kids, it's one thing after another. Until one night in his study, hoseok's ledgers spread out in front of him while he reclines on a tufted sette, one of his men comes to the door, an ipad in his hands and a guilty look on his face. Hoseok snaps his fingers without looking up. "we- ugh- caught her reading fanfiction again, not the appropriate sort boss."
Hoseok groans because holy fuck he was no prepared to deal with a teenage girl in his mid 30's. let alone puberty again. But then again, he's a little curious, reads a few lines of the fanfic....
Only to find out it's an exact copy of his and his ex's life, down to the things that they've said on their first date. Their first time, even her untimely death down to her last words, words that he hasn't told anyone ever. Hoseok doesn't sleep as he reads through it. The only thing that's different is their names. here, here are memories even hoseok has forgotten. It's impossible, how could someone know all this?
oh, someone knows, and he's going to tear them apart.
Of course he finds the author. using the resources of his criminal empire to track them down. he has his men abduct her. the perfect crime, executed down to the moment she's snatched. he knows the autorities will never find her or even a hint of his orginization. he brings her down into that torture room and decides....not to kill her after talking to her.
hoseok is like something out of a romance novel, the kind of one she publishes irl and not the kind that she writes and posts on the internet. intimidating and beautiful with his crossed legs, red hair, strong jaw and piercing eyes. Of course, she only publishes things as fanfiction when she feels she needs too. other stories that she feels are more polished and less an extension of her own emotions, get the published book treatment. She's already absorbing details of this, the bite of the ropes against her wrists, the damp feeling of a cloth pressed over her mouth, it's a little bit fucked up but she's only thinking "this is gonna make for some good fanfic" and not about her safety.
hoseok has only met two types of peopke, the ones that are smart and scared of him, and the ones that are stupid and unafraid.
so what if she's got a bit of a deathwish, hoseok is a little impressed, having made grown men cry and piss themselves in that very chair, she's not afraid of him whatsoever. that alone, is what keeps him from killing her. maybe it reminds him a little bit of his exfiance, the way she looks at him without fear, like he's not the boss or dad, he's just hobi.
"So you mean i'm going to stay with you, your prisoner, until you figure out how i know what i know?"
"Yes that's the jist of it. Until you confess."
"there's nothing to confess, i just- thought of it on my own, i don't know what to tell you." hoseok looks for any connection, any of the fanfic authors family, if they were connected to his fiance in any way, but truly- there is nothing in her past that connects her to him, she wasn't even living in his city before now.
it's simply a trick perhaps, or just a coincidence. Hoseok doesn't believe in coincidences.
Only, Hoseok isn't cruel enough to keep her downstairs after the first few days when his interrogations turn more...conversations. Maybe he pours over the fanfic's and asks her about specific lines the one, "nothing's broken you yet, so you have no reason to belive this will too" thats been his personal mantra for year. how could she know things that he's never told anyone is beyond him.
The house has plenty of rooms and hoseok has plenty of men to keep an eye on her, he probably puts a tracking anklet on her just incase. and of course he finds her writing on bits of paper because he won't give her a laptop.
and then Hoseok's nice gets her fingers in everything. fucking shit up as she has a talent of doing. maybe hoseok intends it to be casual "this is my friend, she's going to be staying here for the time being, be nice to her and stay out of her hair" why does hoseok feel the need to suggest the kids be nice to her? she's literally a prisoner.
but of course, hoseok's nice looks at her, turns to hoseok and says "🥺 you got me my favorite fanfic author for my birthday uncle hobi?" immediatlly- the jig is up, they talk, the mc is really kinda nice to the kid because she's not an asshole.
Of course hoseok begs her to go along with it because...he really doesn't want his nice to know that everything she read actually happened, and he's got a sweet spot a mile wide for her underneath their bickering. of course also doesn't want to let her know that he did infact almost kidnap and torture this woman. and she agrees to befriend her...in exchange for a laptop.
Things go like that for a while, and for a month, he gets used to someone being there when he wakes up, he gets used to hearing laughter when he walks in, maybe she starts to get close to the kids a little bit- the nice especially, maybe one time hoseok gets a panicked text from the mc, "Minji's boyfriend broke up with her. sos bring ice cream."
The four of them of course leave the compound, go shopping, which then turns into going to the pet store, getting a dog (that his right hand man jungkook eventually takes in because none of them are prepared to actually take care of a dog). The works, maybe they go to one of those destruction rooms and smash some stuff, or go paintballing, the m/c hitting hobi in the chest and grinning "got you." it turns out mafia bosses are generally good shots, but mafia princesses are also really good too." And on the way home, the kids tired and asleep in the back, the m/c also nearing sleep in the passengers side, hoseok looks over at her and realizes that being the kids parents, being here for minji and hanyu has gotten alot easier since she's been around.
It's not that she does any of the child rearing at all, but- adult company is nice. Hoseok's not sure he can call her a friend. when he pulls in home he looks over, and finds that she's staring back at him.
"Are you really like the man i wrote into that story."
"Yes." he admits, they haven't talked about why he's here, in a while. she looks contemplatively at him for a second, then yawns. looking back and minji and hanyu in the backseat, "i'll get him if you get her right?" and they do, they bring the both of them inside and hoseok stays awake all night with a lump in his throat.
life continues like that, blood and domestic bliss in equal measure. a few times has he come home in the middle of the day to her writing in the main recreation room with Hanyu playing with his leggos around her, "i like her, she lets me be quiet without asking me to talk lots" or spinning with him to loud loud music. hanyu really only likes balet for the spinning and twirling.
of course hoseok is curious what she's writing after a while. and is more than a little curious why she doesn't try and leave. she still has to wear the ankle monitor, but hoseok would take it off if she asked.
"honestly i'm getting so much good material from this experience and you have good taste in decor and food gets made for me every morning by seokjin- and he's a fantastic cook and an even better beta reader." Seokjin is also a really good shot, and was in the black berets before i hired him is definitely not what hoseok says. "Why wouldn't i want to stay, i don't have to worry about anything here."
"accept for your bodily autonomy????" she waves her hand flippantly, "yeah, that never mattered to me so much as long as i can write. of course he gets curious of what she's writing, hoping to find more hints of how she can know what she knows. she finds bits and peices of his men in them and writes them off as just fanfic fodder. tells minji not to bother her too much.
he doesn't really like her next project about a heist with 3 lovers who get through it after years of sexual tension only to finally confess after one member gets shot- only, why are they like jimin? tae? and jungkook all close over taehyung's hospital bed. she's gotten close to all of them, but not closer than hoseok is to them and even he didn't realize they were all in love. how have some of his longest gang members, and appart of his inner circle who have been adversaries for the better part of the last 5 years finally getting over their enemies to lovers stick? how did he not notice?
he chalks it up to a coincidence until the next time it happens, because Namjoon and yoongi have been at each other's throats for years. Who would have thought an isolated job in the mountains that lead to them being snowed in with only one bed would...lead to their eventual coupling.
after that, hoseok starts to pay attention to what she writes. he's just in the middle of a deal gone bad when he remembers what she's written the year before, something about a car bomb- he avoids getting into the car until it explodes (a la bily) and comes home a little singed and scarred.
she's in the living room, the kids are asleep upstairs, and when she stands up, hoseok feels that feeling again in his heart, that peircing ache, the same one he gets when he thinks of his dead fiance.
i'm imagining him kneeling before her, taking off her anklet, fingers lingering over her skin a little too long. looking up at her, hoseok has not knealed for many people.
"you're free to go, but before i do, i'd like to offer you a job." it's hard to describe her value to hoseok, even harder to explain it to people who don't understand, she writes, and hoseok reads them, and about 70% of the time, the events she puts down on paper actually happen. he tries to ignore the other little things that don't, she's....a really good writer. and she knows by now that anything she writes he'll tare through. even the more...smutty sections that she tries to hide. he ignores the way that tales of submission make his blood burn, the way she describes touches and hands, hoseok tries to find pleasure in his own but it remains frightfully our of reach (and maybe 3 doors down).
maybe hoseok takes her to one of his functions, the ones that he usually hates with politicians and celebrities, because he wants to treat her, wanting to give things to people isn't a feeling he's felt in a while, i imagine them dancing underneath the stars, him asking her "if you were writing this right now what would happen." "if i were writing this, you'd have already kissed me."
maybe, someone gets wind of it, maybe theres a mole in hoseoks organization that tells tales of hoseok's secret weapon. his weakness. hoseok is not prepared there is nothing in her writing that says where she is or what happens only....that last one, it's tangentially mentioned, maybe minji is the one that finds it, hoseok explains it to her the situation, why the m/c is here and what lead her to their lives, maybe he's loosing it a little and she's the levelheaded one, hanyu is in the doorway crying, maybe when they came to take her she sacrificed herself for him, told him to hide and he did. that alone, that lone would make hoseok go after her, not the living breathing terrified thing in his chest- because this- this is almost exaclty like what happned with his fiance.
minji is 14 now, 14 and smart, smarter than hoseok, "she wrote something- i know she did- here- it was in an ask- here" hoseok scans it, and the gang mobilizes it. maybe hoseok's gang asks him why, why he's willing to go to these lenghts to save her, "it's not about securing a method of income, this has never been about money."
when he finds her, she's tied up, much the same way that he was tied up, and hoseok is soaked with blood, from his red hair down his back, she always did get unnervingly graphic with her murder scenes and it feels the same way that she wrote it, white hot rage that drips down his back in time with the cooling blood. he wonders if the bruises on her face feel the same for her. he unties her and then cups her cheeks, looking down at her while she grabs his wrists. "you came for me." is all she manages to choke out, "i wasn't sure you would."
he kisses the side of his face, "of course i'd never let you go, do you feel and see the blood i'd shed for you? is this enough?" hoseok is a little fucked up, and she knows this, she knows that deep down, beneath the softness that the people he loves cultivates in him, he does not mind the killing. he'd kill again for her in a heartbeat. he's going to kill again for her and he needs to know that if she stays.
hoseok is not convinced that she should.
he takes her home, washes her off. blood dripping down the drain and the two of them pressing hurried kisses against each others mouths, even if they taste like blood a little bit, they want each other too bad, all of this built up just breaking between the two of them. hoseok spends too long listening to her heartbeat. too long but she just washes his hair while he does, a tender geasture. he's not sure that his ex ever washed his hair.
the kids are glad to see her, a little bit scared to find hoseok more hollow than he was when he left. because he knows the last time something like this happened he was too late. and there are more than a few indications that he almost was too late, in the bruises that ring her body, her own blood that he wipes from his hands.
the next day, hoseok meets with minji, hands her her first gun, "you're to report to me, you don't make tough decisions, you let me make them for you, if you have questions or need help, ask. you don't make stupid decisions, and you don't tell anyone about anything you know." She scoffs, "thats a given."
later he ends up wrapped up with the main character, touching her again and again, verifying that she's alright that she's here, and she's just scribbling away at a piece of paper while he drags his lips up and down her arm. "is this still about getting inspiration for you?"
"maybe, but you're the best inspiration i've ever come across."
yeah i wanna write this, but i probably never will~
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the-wolf-of-ares · 2 months
Demigod Parenting Tip: #2
Demigods have extremely vivid dreams. Most of the time those dreams start long before they awake to any powers, or attract anything all that dangerous. However, the dreams themselves aren't often pleasant and can lead to more suffering and trauma for your little ones.
Over my Fifteen years raising my own Demigod children, these are strategies that work for our family. While they might not work for yours, perhaps seeing our strategies will help you come up with some of your own.
- Have an Open Door-No Questions asked policy at night; This means your kiddos can knock, and come inside your room at night to sleep with you. A lot of the time they don't have the energy to talk, let alone explain or verbalise what they need
- Have Emergency Comfort kits - This works like a treat for my kids. In their rooms we have two boxes, one is a standard first aid lot and the other is full of treats like chocolate, and their favourite homemade cookies [ Naturally, you need to maintain these boxes since they have perishable items] , and sensory objects. These are great for giving your little ones a needed boost. I find chocolate works especially well.
- Discuss it with them, at their comfort - Now my family is a very odd one. We aren't burdened by secrecy like many of your families may be, my demigod children know what they are from young ages. Since due to the nature of our family, they're already exposed to magic [ all of my children are a quarter Fae], so this may not be easy for families who still have to keep up the masquerade to keep monsters at bay for the meantime.
However, talking to your child about their nightmares and providing age-aproporiate solutions should still be possibile. For example, my 14 year old had a dream when he was young about being attacked by the nemean lion. And so, my husband read him Heracles' twelve labours. And they discussed ways to make the lion not a threat. And so, we helped our son make "lion traps" around the property which soothed his anxiety.
- Milk; Warm milk, spiced milk, hot chocolate, cold milk. It all works so well for my family. Though, this might be a faerie thing more so than a demigod thing. If my kids can't sleep after a particularly bad dream, then I take them to the conservatory for a nice drink and we can chat or watch a movie until they can sleep.
- Keep a dream journal; I keep a journal for each of my children. My husband is a Son of Hypnos, and so he's adept at picking out signs and symbolism in dreams. Thus, when our children tell us about their dreams we note down everything, and regularly check the entries. This allows us to note anything concerning. I.e a prophetic vision, an omen or if anythings attempting to get to our children through their dreams.
All in all, just be there for your children. Make them feel safe and supported. Being a Demigod is difficult, so it's on us to make it smoother for our kids.
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artistic-intrxvert · 2 years
Okay so I know your requests are closed but if I don't get this out th eADHD demons will steal it
Moon (FNAF SB) with a child who has hell insomnia, cannot sleep even with a moondrop. Has him lean down, and just fuckin' BANGS THEIR HEAD ON HIS CHEST in hopes of getting a concussion to sleep
it doesn't work
they make a dent in his chest
with no concussion
He'd probably just sit there confused like "Why did this child just slam their head into my chest-"
He would also be hella concerned about your head
Like man's is made out of solid metal and children-safe plastic and you just banged your fucking head into his chest
Once he's made sure you don't have any head injuries you are going to get a mouth full from both him and sun (later when the lights are back on obviously)
He'd just sigh dramatically like a tired mother before wrapping you into a blanket burrito and just fuckin carry you around so you don't end up hurting yourself more
The employees or bots that work in parts and service are going to have so much confusion when they see a dent in the shape of a child's forehead in their chest
I can just imagine that conversation:
"Uhh..how did this happen again?"
"Uh-huh, and what exactly did you fall on?"
"Your dignity."
"Fair enough-"
Both sun and moon will definitely keep an eye on you so that you don't end up hurting yourself
Informs your parent or guardian about this event but won't outright say that you hit your fucking head into his chest in attempt to make yourself pass out
Will probably just say that you hit your head earlier when the lights were on and kids were in the play areas
I enjoyed writing this one fren :>
Have a lovely rest of your day/night and Happy New Year :D
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themilkcrate · 1 year
8 Passengers Arrest
The parents of the 8 Passengers family channel was arrested on Thursday. The parents were hit with six (6) charges of aggravated child abuse. The maximum charge for aggravated child abuse in Utah is 15 years in prison per charge. The children were also reported to be "emaciated, malnourished," and had "open wounds." Aggravated child abuse in Utah is defined as: "having the care or custody of such child, causes or permits another to inflict serious physical injury upon a child. A violation of Subsection (2) is a second degree felony if done intentionally or knowingly."
When Ruby Franke was arrested, she refused to speak to the police when questioned on the treatment of her children. She demanded to speak to lawyer and did not speak with the officers. The child who climbed out of their window, asking neighbors for food and water, reportedly was bound in duck tape.
For years, the police and CPS were contacted by several people including:
Viewers of their videos
Ruby Franke (mother)'s sisters
The family's eldest child
The family's neighbors
Petition signers (Over 17,000 people)
The children's teachers have also showed concern, being described by Ruby Franke as her children's teachers being "uncomfortable."
Videos have been made of them for years. One video by SWOOP was made five (5) months ago.
Police as well as CPS have even been over to the house. Nothing was done. Comments have been removed from their channel (as well as many other family channels). It it common knowledge on YouTube that the comment section of family channels (Colleen Vlogs, for example) as packed full of timecodes, usually when the child(ren) are in "vulnerable positions."
8 Passengers specifically has:
Threatened to cut the head off (one of her) daughter's teddy bear
Bragged about not feeding their children, trying to justify the action of not packing their young children's food for school is that they need to teach their six (6) year old responsibility. Ruby Franke refused to bring lunch, saying "Hopefully no one steps in and no one gets her lunch."
"Took" her son's bedroom away. Her son Chad said in a video, "My bedroom was taken away for seven (7) months and you gave it back a couple weeks ago... I've been sleeping on a beanbag since October...They gave me my room two (2) weeks ago."
"I don't have friends... I don't feel accepted either... I've been made fun of." (Chad)
"I don't have friends either." (One of the daughters)
"I won't have anything to do this summer. No friends, no TV, no nothing." (One of the young boys - not Chad)
Filmed while driving (with a car full of kids)
Approached a driver after the driver was in car crash (and filming)
Telling her kids (after a few divers had crashed) that "they should have been in that crash."
Made homophobic, transphobic, ableist, and racist comments
Relatives of Ruby Franke have said "the arrest was needed." They also said "justice has been served." As well as "the children are safe [with CPS] which is the number one priority."
The camp they sent Chad (for an undisclosed reason) was described in a review like so: "Please, I beg you, don't do this to your children/loved ones."
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
That Hits Me Where I Used to Live...
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We're not talking about some book to be read to children, like Heather Has Two Mommies and One is Black. They have gotten rid of the most recent version of a book that I had when I was learning how to teach preschool. It's a book put out by the National Association for the Education of Young Children - which I was a member of until my broken body got in the way of my simple ambition to teach small humans who need to be carried sometimes. The NAEYC accredits teachers and preschools and sets standards. They have thrown out what is essentially the OSHA handbook of best practices for educating your young children.
And why have they done this?
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...Because it tells teachers to treat kids with queer parents with equality, dignity and worth, and that they should try to keep systemic racism out of the classroom.
Developmentally Appropriate Practice (we just say DAP) has been the foundation of preschool education in the States for almost as long as I've been alive. The deal is that children are not just smaller, dumber adults. Their brains and bodies are growing, so you want to serve them appropriate activities as they change. They're not all going to go at the same pace, but kids of a given age will be about ready for certain concepts - some may need a little more help and some a little less.
This concept should not be political or controversial. They always say they're so goddamn concerned with biology, so you'd think conservatives wouldn't be freaked out by the idea that children grow up.
Young kids have tremendous anxiety about being safe and accepted in school. When they hit preschool, a lot of them have never been away from their caregivers, certainly not all day. Some of 'em get so scared they just stop talking. There will be kids who don't trust you enough to communicate that they need to use the bathroom, and then they will detonate on the floor. They will hide the fact that they're sick with 100+ degree fevers, or in pain, or bleeding. If you don't make your classroom a safe place for young kids, they won't just be miserable, they will be biohazards, okay?
But, oh, my god, the evil book acknowledged the reality that children come from all kinds of families, and systemic bias can hurt them.
Listen, forget marginalized minorities for a sec. BOYS get shitty treatment in preschool, okay? Most of the teachers are women, and when boys roll up with their loud, active, and sometimes aggressive gendered socialization, a person who grew up female can get very confused and impatient with it. They're trying to get more male preschool teachers, so there's someone in the room with context, but the job is low status, low paying and gendered female, so there still aren't that many.
If gender alone can make a teacher treat a kid unfairly, culture and ethnicity can do it too. The book of standards and practices would like your child's teacher to be aware of this, and try to self-police. That's all. And conservatives can't handle it. The book says you have to be respectful of people's differences? BURN IT!
This thing where they're coming after trans people is cover. It's loud and obvious and horrifying, and it makes it harder to see the smaller horrifying things that aren't getting as much media attention. Conservatives do not care whether trans people live or die, they're just a convenient excuse right now. This book isn't a book for keeping trans kids safe, it's a book for keeping all kids safe. Like, minimal standards of safety. And in Alabama, it's gone. All they had to do was say "it's woke." Poof. No more nationally-accepted standards and practices for preschoolers. Like magic.
God fucking damn it. We can't sleep on this. I don't know what to do about it, but it is NOT OKAY. I knew that the best we could do was slow it down and give people more time to get safe. I knew that. Intellectually, I knew that. But they're knocking out the safety rails that make it harder to hurt the smallest kids. What's next?
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sincelastsession · 3 months
Today I took video footage of children unaccompanied by adults at the pool because I heard screaming and it freaked me out and there was no parents sitting outside watching them and I know what apartment they came from so I went to the office with the evidence of all of this and shared the office and deleted everything off of my phone immediately because I don't like to take pictures or videos of children because it's fucking weird However the office had asked me to give them evidence of this.
And then on the way back to my apartment the mother of the children walked past me and called me a fat stupid bitch and threatened to kill me under her breath or something to that effect And I just kept walking without saying anything back to my apartment.
Then I got angry because I was like oh no nobody's gonna fucking threaten me when I've lived here for 5 years and they haven't even been here 6 months yet.
And I go back to the office and the woman is speaking with office people about me and doesn't even realize that I'm there.
And I didn't realize it was her until that moment because I've only seen her sitting down and with different hair.
And for her to call me a fat bitch and all of that she is twice my size quite literally And apparently pregnant.
So I'm not wanting to have any confrontation with this woman so I asked the office after she walks out if we can schedule like a sit down mediation to where we can have like a talk and I can explain that I saw 2 old men down at the pool bothering her kids when she wasn't down there the other day and actually called the courtesy officer because I was very concerned and I heard them screaming and I heard one of the old men try to talk to 1 of the young children.
And I was also gonna let her know the reason that I'm calling voice complaints is that I have PTSD and I have never had a complaint about sound in the 5 years I've lived here and that has literally nothing to do with my PTSD flare or the autism burnout. I thought about that for a long time but it's not that because I know distinctively what that feels like.
And then I got fussed at by the office staff and then I started crying and one of them told me she would walk me back to my apartment and 1 of the children in the pool started laughing and said oh she's so scared she has to have the office staff walk her back to her apartment and it was an 8-year-old child and in that moment I wanted to go unlock the pool gate And insert mean horrible intrusive thoughts here.
But I didn't say anything the office staff lady told me she heard it and I went back up to my apartment and I had a full-blown meltdown PTSD freak out almost lost such of reality my mom had to come over my sister who I haven't spoken to in 6 months and her 3 black guy friends decided that they were just going to come over and that really upset me because I was not ready to see my sister or speak to her however her guy friends looked at the situation and one of them is in the military and the other 2 are more into like punk rock and art But there are people of colors so they surveyed the situation and Quietly talked amongst themselves and then told me what was happening is these people are definitely antagonizing me and they are trashy and it is probably because they think I'm racist or something. They told me it was in my best interest to just not engage with them unless there's a mediator present.
I was gonna get a roommate and I had to tell her I'm sorry I can no longer do that my neighbor has basically threatened me and said some nasty things to me I don't think it's safe for you to move in with me.
I really really really need help finding a good camera and if I have to just have a vent session on Thursday and look at good cameras with you on my laptop and your laptop that would be great.
Because my mother is spending the night tonight sleeping in a chair because she won't sleep in a bed and I'm still wide awake and terrified that they're going to do something even with somebody staying here with me.
And I would say it's on APTSD paranoid level but not lost touch with reality level.
I have been looking at this from all therapeutic angles and I have tried all my coping skills possible and I just very much need to find a safe quiet place to move even if it's just temporary and I understand that my parents are having money issues and I would rather figure out how to financially do this even if I have to take alone because I am worried about my mental and physical health now that I have been threatened.
These are the same people that have vandalized my apartment twice.
My sister should or might be calling to schedule an appointment with me.
I tried to speak with her about what happened and her story is drastically different than mine even though I remember every single detail she was flashed out angry and she was also inebriated On something during that time.
She said she didn't put her hands-on me at all which is very hard for me to believe because I remember it.
Basically she is stoned constantly and I can't help her about that and I can't help her about her drinking or her anger issues it's just not within my circle of control.
And her recount of what happened is absolutely not what happened
And she tried to gas light me to my face that I did things that I did not do.
And I haven't forgotten it because it's a trauma in my brain that replays since it happened.
She's telling me that I put my hands-on her first but she's totally forgetting a chunk of time where she rushed me before I went to pick up the object I threw which was a goddamn candle and I tried to explain to her this evening that if it wasn't the candle it would have been something else the candle was just in my hand and I was fucking pissed off because her and my father were both screaming at me at the same time and I was completely overwhelmed And then they both attacked me after she rushed me and I tried to get the candle and everybody says I pushed her but she was the one hitting me and pushing me and I Way twice as much as her if not more than that and there is no way that I would have tried to hurt her I was trying to keep her from hurting me and move her out of the way and tell her to get off of me.
And her feelings were just so hurt because she had tried very hard to find a candle in a scent that I liked and has this weird complex that she thinks that I hate every present that she gives me and I told her before it's not her. I don't like surprises. I don't dislike anything she's giving me. I don't always have a happy excited reaction to anything people give me. My entire life people have gotten mad and confused with me because I don't get super thrilled excited when I get a gift all the time. I'm of course happy about it I just don't always show the emotions correctly that they're looking for.
But she didn't really want to talk about it anymore and I told her we could shelve it and discuss it with you if you fall it necessary
I did want to discuss with her that she doesn't realize that she couldn't really hurt me and dad hurt me and I could have had them arrested for assault but she doesn't remember assaulting me conveniently.
And honestly I would just like to figure out how to communicate with a 22-year-old sister and squash the beef and move forward because the way she works and the way she acts and hermanipulation tactics it's just not worth arguing with her because it becomes exhausting because that's what she does to get her way she just wears people out.
And I don't hate her I love her to pieces and I cried out of stress but also because I didn't think that she and her 3 friends would come over to hang out and check out the situation.
It's really hard to tell that she cares because she seems to have a lot of anger issues and I can't tell if she's telling the truth or lying because she has lying issues as well. And the thing is like she calls me a liar and yeah I do lie once in a while but it's not like constantly like she does. I mean we're both human but she has a real issue with it and she won't admit it and I can't make her so I just don't respond if I think it's bullshit. And it very much bothers her that I think that she's lying most of the time but I kind of think she did that to herself. Because she's been doing it since she was a little kid because she thought it was funny as a little candidate it's just become a habit.
She kind of just bosses around the guys she hangs out with I have 0 idea how she just has a gang of dudes and no female friends but then I thought about it and I'm like oh that's very similar to me oh my fucking God Jesus Christ freak out GIF.
Because it's like watching my myself The kind of dumber version.
Anyway I guess I can work on that and therapy at some point I don't know what you have planned for next session I am so fucking stressed out that I kind of just want a chill session honesthat maybe we can just work on something simple
I mean my mom is sound asleep and I am in my bed freaking out still because the neighbor's kids are sitting with a group of other boys playing loud ass music on their phones on the stairwell right next to my bedroom and I can't do anything about it.
I haven't told my partner every single detail of what's going on I've kind of kept it as short as possible for him because he gets overwhelmed with my stress and vice versa
I feel like I'm taking on a lot more than he is but my life has been a lot more different than his so I am not gonna really compare it 22 much
And I mean most dudes wouldn't stick around this long with me anyway at least that's how I feel and and he's been pretty supportive
I'm really hoping that maybe I can get this place on America street. It's actually kind of perfect I just don't know if the landlord is going to want to accept my ESA cats or ket me keep a foster dog for short periods because I am interested in doing that for my mental health and to make purpose in my life. I'm very very good at dog training despite liking cats and horses more.
I guess like the worst part of today like emotionally was being called a fat bitch and insulted by someone like twice my size who was pregnant who thought I was being a creep at her children but she was not outside watching her children her excuse was she was in the restroom but her chair was not outside and she was never at the fucking pool.
Also The other worst part of my day was sitting on my sofa and scream crying I want to go home while I was in my own residence.
And it was also pretty embarrassing because my apartment is executive dysfunction disaster and my sister and her friends came over and I looked like shit and I was embarrassed as fuck
And everybody seems to think that I'm being dramatic but I'm actually pretty fucking terrified right now and I'm scared to even have my mom sleeping here because what if something happens to my mother while she's here trying to be comforting to me but she's just dead ass asleep like nothing scares her but she's seen so much as an RN I guess nothing does.
And I don't know what to do when I feel like a big dumb idiot because I'm almost 38
I don't know how to handle these sorts of things.
I had to ask my sister's young friends where I should put up a camera and they were like it's just going to get knocked down by your neighbors and I'm like well at least if I get the right kind I'll see who did it on my phone.
But I don't even know what kind of git I've been looking at the ones that rotate and can go up and down that if I mount it in the right spot it will get sunlight and need less replacement of batteries and it has like a solar panel but there's like 60 different ones online and I don't know which one is the best 12 get that's not going to be horribly expensive.
And I shouldn't be getting a camera but I figure I can just bring it with me to wherever I move next but the camera is not going to make me feel any savor other than just knowing what's going on outside without having to look out the curtain.
Like we figured out where to put It where the safest spot would be if I got one but I just don't know which 1 to get and I really need help and nobody I know knows anything about cameras and I don't know who to ask and I don't want to go pay Twice as much Best Buy for something I can get on Amazon that will work the same that's cheaper and I'm so stressed out I don't even know if I can leave my house to go to Best Buy all I can prepare myself for right now is to Go to therapy on Thursday at 2 o'clock like my reminder has told me.
And get hamburger before therapy.
And right now that's pretty much my routine.
Otherwise it's bedrot and go to the Dollar General that I know the layout of and go to the Asian market does not stress me the fuck out like every other grocery store.
And I don't like this Joshua I don't like this at all.
I was not like this a year ago and I was not like I was then a year ago I am only getting worse even though people telling me I'm doing better and that doesn't make sense to me and I am confused.
I mean my mom is finally reading about autism and she gave my dad a print out about autism from the Mayo clinic and it's not exactly the most accurate thing because it's an older article but it's good enough and I'm happy that they're trying
And all I want to do right now is cry and wake up my mom and get a hug but she is going to yell at me if I do that
Like it wish I was a little kid and could just go climbing her lap because I'm just so scared dude
I'm terrified I don't want confrontation or violence or any more stress in my life because I don't know what will happen if I have a bad PTSD episode and lose touch with reality and that almost happened today because of this threatening ass crazy neighbor whose kids whose children under the age of 13 are harassing me now.
I mean literally in front of one of the office workers were like oh my God she had to have 1 of the office workers escort her back to her apartment because she's so scared
Yeah I am because I don't know what they're ratchet as rude mother is going to do to me and I didn't do anything to them
There were fucking creepy pedophile old men bothering her kids and she was nowhere around 1 day and She doesn't know that I saved her kids from to fucking creepy men.
And no they weren't 2 gay men just meeting up to hang out at the pool these where straight men they were older and they were very bizarre and acting very strange towards very young girls and I know that behavior because that shit has happened to me and I've seen it almost happen to my sister and many other young women and have had to get in between those men and other young women and I don't like it and I wish that mother would have understood and I wish I could have gotten a picture of the old man to bring to the office to tell everybody who they were so they wouldn't be around other people's kids.
And understand the other key people's kids are not my business and yes I should just let them swim in the pool and break the rules and drown but I'm not a monster and I have horrible trauma from Katrina.
I have seen children die. I have seen children bleeding injured screaming for people and I was in charge of reading them stories and giving them food and making sure they had water and I was also in charge of bringing things to other people who were being flown in from being in the flood waters for days and days. And it was horrible and I never ever wanted to deal with something like that again.
I'm so scared that I'm gonna have to go to a fucking hospital and I don't want to do that.
I'm so scared that I'm gonna have a heart attack because I've already having legitimate heart issues. And this dress is not helping a today I really thought that I was just gonna hit the floor and that was gonna be it.
And I'm tired of learning lessons and being around bad people and I just want to be in a safe spot away from all this crap.
And right now in my bank account I have enough money to hand to my parents and be like well this help me move any faster?
If I have to live on ramen noodles and ground meat and beans andspice and dollar store vegetables it was in order to move I will do that.
Also I did not eat 41 and a half days and then I ate the other night after I got stoned for my pain
And then today I didn't eat until like 10:30 PM
And it's not my eating disorder it's just pure anxiety
And I'm just scared I'm so fucking scared I do not want these people to bother me anymore.
And I don't have anybody to spend the night with me tomorrow night or the rest of the week
And I'm not gonna be able to have a roommate because it's just not safe.
And I am scared to go to bed and I know I need to.
I just feel like I'm running on nothing but a journal in an super hyper vigilant and my anxiety medicine is completely being overpowered by all of my stress and anxiety and all of that and I mean I haven't even smoked weed tonight I had planned too but I just didn't and I'm so sore and I hurt really bad in my hip and my back and it's probably because I've had all my muscles clinched up all day I'm day since I woke up
And I just don't know what the fuck to do.
I definitely want to do the testing stuff that we had planned or talked about doing like literally any of the testing stuff you want to do or you think might give you some insight on me or give me some sort of inside on my self
But honestly this Thursday all I plan to do is get my burger show app to therapy and I probably just need to cry and talk about things and just be heard that maybe get some help looking at cameras or figuring out what to do because this is bad for me and I'm so stressed out and I don't even know if you can help me with those things but I'm just asking that I don't think it hurts to ask
I just don't understand what people are so mean
I don't feel like a belonging in this world and I don't mean to suicidal away I just feel like I don't fit in anywhere
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katejyublog · 4 months
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The positive aspects of summer camp are numerous and invaluable. Kids independence, problem-solving skills, resiliency, and social adaptability. Even with all the lessons kids learn, one of the best parts about camp is the fun they experience. 
Most kids are so excited about camp, they count the days. Literally Especially for those who have a experienced it. The kids who attend camp at Canyon Creek enjoy it so much, they come back year after year.
But what about the kids who aren't excited about it? The ones who worry about separation anxiety or making new friends? 
Or what if it's the parents who are anxious? Maybe they fear their child will experience homesickness or get sick or injured. 
instead of missing out on an amazing camp experience, get creative in finding ways to overcome anxieties and worries. Once they come home from camp, they will thank you. And you will appreciate how much stronger, more mature, and confident your child has become.
The money you pay for camp is for more than food and crafts. Of course, the kids get lots of great food and have plenty of craft opportunities, but camp is so much more. Canyon Creek employs a host of  counselors and professionals who are committed to the children. They are well-skilled at fostering a fun, safe, and nurturing environment. 
You can rest assured we put in the due diligence it takes to staff our camp with the best people possible. Of course, all our staff have passed a background check, but that is only a small part of our recruitment. We go the extra mile—in fact, many extra miles—to ensure we can handle whatever each child needs while away from home. 
What did you gain from sleepovers as a child? Think back to overnight fun with friends. Playing games, socializing, having fun. Especially if it was a group sleepover. What are your fondest memories of being away from home? How did it feel to spend your wings outside of your parents guidance? 
Did you experience camp? Maybe you went to Church camp, Summer Camp, Day Camp, Sixth-Grade camp, or Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts Camp. Possibly you experienced more than one. What did you enjoy the most? Did you make friends? Learn lessons? Enjoy special activities? Play on a team sport?
Maybe you have been camping. Even if you went with your parents, you experienced sleeping away from home. Nature all around you, a sleeping bag, and maybe an awkward bathroom situation. Did you roast marshmallows and hot dogs over a campfire? Possibly sang songs and told stories?
If you had any negative experiences away from home, how did you handle it ? Did going through this and figuring out a solution help you learn and grow? 
Hopefully, all these memories help you understand the importance of allowing your children to experience some of the same things you enjoyed. 
Tell stories of your away-from-home experiences. Make them interesting and exciting, But don't draw the stories out or embellish. Keep your stories truthful, short, and sweet. 
Share about the fun things you did and the friends you made. Discuss the negative experiences with a positive ending. Talk about how much fun it was to hang out around the campfire while singing songs acting silly.
Look for ways to help your child from the lessons you learned. Maybe you learned not to swim in chlorinated pool without goggles? Or the importance of having your flashlight handy at all times. Maybe the best lesson you learned was to step outside of your comfort zone and make a new friend. 
Help your child see the benefits of being able to make their own decisions and become more independent. 
While you don't need to ignore possible challenges and difficulties, worrying about things you can't change doesn't help. If you dwell on your concerns, it only makes you feel more helpless. Get the facts. Don't expect the unexpected but find out the process if something does happen. It may be scary to send your child away without a cellphone, but there are phones at the camp. Keep emergency numbers handy. And realize we have your number as well. 
If you are anxious, do not let your child know. Children mimic their parents, and if they know you are anxious. They will become anxious. Avoid reassuring your child by saying things like, "Everything will be fine. There is no need to worry." Statements like this only make your child think there is something to worry about. 
Do not set your child up for failure by providing a way out. Setting up a plan for picking up your child if they want to come home early takes away their chance to be independent. It lets them believe they will want to come home early. Instead, encourage them to talk to their counselors if homesick or having a rough time.
Focus on the positives. Let them know how much you look forward to their letters ad seeing pictures. Tell them you can't wait to hear all the stories when they get home.
Sending your child to camp can be one of the hardest yet most rewarding things a parents can do. The most important decision isn't whether or not to send them. The most important decisions is which camp. 
You can trust the  experience of Canyon Creek. We have been doing summer camp for two decades. We have helped thousands of families enjoy a nurturing, positive environment. 
Contact us online or call us at (661) 724-9184 today to discuss your child’s next camp experience. 
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jasonp01 · 6 months
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The positive aspects of summer camp are numerous and invaluable. Kids independence, problem-solving skills, resiliency, and social adaptability. Even with all the lessons kids learn, one of the best parts about camp is the fun they experience. 
Most kids are so excited about camp, they count the days. Literally Especially for those who have a experienced it. The kids who attend camp at Canyon Creek enjoy it so much, they come back year after year.
But what about the kids who aren't excited about it? The ones who worry about separation anxiety or making new friends? 
Or what if it's the parents who are anxious? Maybe they fear their child will experience homesickness or get sick or injured. 
instead of missing out on an amazing camp experience, get creative in finding ways to overcome anxieties and worries. Once they come home from camp, they will thank you. And you will appreciate how much stronger, more mature, and confident your child has become. 
The money you pay for camp is for more than food and crafts. Of course, the kids get lots of great food and have plenty of craft opportunities, but camp is so much more. Canyon Creek employs a host of  counselors and professionals who are committed to the children. They are well-skilled at fostering a fun, safe, and nurturing environment. 
You can rest assured we put in the due diligence it takes to staff our camp with the best people possible. Of course, all our staff have passed a background check, but that is only a small part of our recruitment. We go the extra mile—in fact, many extra miles—to ensure we can handle whatever each child needs while away from home. 
What did you gain from sleepovers as a child? Think back to overnight fun with friends. Playing games, socializing, having fun. Especially if it was a group sleepover. What are your fondest memories of being away from home? How did it feel to spend your wings outside of your parents guidance? 
Did you experience camp? Maybe you went to Church camp, Summer Camp, Day Camp, Sixth-Grade camp, or Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts Camp. Possibly you experienced more than one. What did you enjoy the most? Did you make friends? Learn lessons? Enjoy special activities? Play on a team sport?
Maybe you have been camping. Even if you went with your parents, you experienced sleeping away from home. Nature all around you, a sleeping bag, and maybe an awkward bathroom situation. Did you roast marshmallows and hot dogs over a campfire? Possibly sang songs and told stories?
If you had any negative experiences away from home, how did you handle it ? Did going through this and figuring out a solution help you learn and grow? 
Hopefully, all these memories help you understand the importance of allowing your children to experience some of the same things you enjoyed. 
Tell stories of your away-from-home experiences. Make them interesting and exciting, But don't draw the stories out or embellish. Keep your stories truthful, short, and sweet. 
Share about the fun things you did and the friends you made. Discuss the negative experiences with a positive ending. Talk about how much fun it was to hang out around the campfire while singing songs acting silly.
Look for ways to help your child from the lessons you learned. Maybe you learned not to swim in chlorinated pool without goggles? Or the importance of having your flashlight handy at all times. Maybe the best lesson you learned was to step outside of your comfort zone and make a new friend. 
Help your child see the benefits of being able to make their own decisions and become more independent. 
While you don't need to ignore possible challenges and difficulties, worrying about things you can't change doesn't help. If you dwell on your concerns, it only makes you feel more helpless. Get the facts. Don't expect the unexpected but find out the process if something does happen. It may be scary to send your child away without a cellphone, but there are phones at the camp. Keep emergency numbers handy. And realize we have your number as well. 
If you are anxious, do not let your child know. Children mimic their parents, and if they know you are anxious. They will become anxious. Avoid reassuring your child by saying things like, "Everything will be fine. There is no need to worry." Statements like this only make your child think there is something to worry about. 
Do not set your child up for failure by providing a way out. Setting up a plan for picking up your child if they want to come home early takes away their chance to be independent. It lets them believe they will want to come home early. Instead, encourage them to talk to their counselors if homesick or having a rough time.
Focus on the positives. Let them know how much you look forward to their letters ad seeing pictures. Tell them you can't wait to hear all the stories when they get home.
Sending your child to camp can be one of the hardest yet most rewarding things a parents can do. The most important decision isn't whether or not to send them. The most important decisions is which camp. 
You can trust the  experience of Canyon Creek. We have been doing summer camp for two decades. We have helped thousands of families enjoy a nurturing, positive environment. 
Contact us online or call us at (661) 724-9184 today to discuss your child’s next camp experience. 
0 notes
Top Benefits Of Pediatric Chiropractic Care At Foundations Family Chiropractic
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Welcome to Foundations Family Chiropractic, where we believe in the power of pediatric chiropractic care to enhance children's well-being from infancy to adolescence. If you're a parent searching for a kids chiro near me in Surrey, BC, look no further! Dr. Grewal and our team are here to debunk myths and separate facts from fiction when it comes to pediatric chiropractic care. We understand that as parents, you want the best for your child's health and development. That's why we're dedicated to providing gentle and effective chiropractic adjustments tailored specifically for little ones. So let's dive into the top benefits of pediatric chiropractic care at Foundations Family Chiropractic!
Debunking Myths: Separating Facts From Fiction In Pediatric Chiropractic Care
Are you skeptical about pediatric chiropractic care? You're not alone. Many parents have concerns and misconceptions when it comes to seeking chiropractic treatment for their children. However, it's time to debunk these myths and separate facts from fiction.
Myth #1: Chiropractic Adjustments Are Too Harsh For Kids.
Fact: Pediatric chiropractors use gentle techniques specifically designed for children's developing bodies. These adjustments are safe, effective, and tailored to meet the unique needs of young patients.
Myth #2: Children Don't Need Chiropractic Care Because They Don't Experience Back Pain.
Fact: While back pain may be less common in children, they can still benefit greatly from chiropractic care. Regular adjustments can improve spinal alignment, promote healthy nervous system function, boost immune system response, and enhance overall well-being.
Myth #3: Chiropractors Only Treat Musculoskeletal Issues.
Fact: Pediatric chiropractors do more than just address musculoskeletal problems. They take a holistic approach by focusing on the spine's impact on the entire body's function. This includes improving digestion, sleep patterns, concentration levels, and even behavioral issues.
By separating fact from fiction and understanding the true benefits of pediatric chiropractic care, you can give your child a head start towards optimal health and wellness. So let go of any doubts or apprehensions - our team at Foundations Family Chiropractic is here to provide safe and effective care for your little ones!
Pediatric Chiropractic Care: Enhancing Children's Well-Being From Infancy To Adolescence
From the moment they are born, children experience a multitude of physical changes as they grow and develop. While their bodies are resilient, it is important to ensure that their musculoskeletal system is functioning optimally. This is where pediatric chiropractic care can play a vital role in enhancing children's well-being.
Pediatric chiropractors specialize in providing gentle and safe adjustments for infants, toddlers, and older children. By focusing on the alignment of the spine and nervous system, these skilled professionals help promote proper growth and development while alleviating any discomfort or pain caused by misalignments.
One of the key benefits of pediatric chiropractic care is its ability to support overall health and wellness. By ensuring that the spine is properly aligned, nerve function improves which can positively impact various bodily functions including digestion, sleep patterns, immune function, and even behavior.
Additionally, regular visits to a pediatric chiropractor can address common childhood conditions such as colic, ear infections, asthma, reflux, bedwetting,
and ADHD. Through safe spinal adjustments tailored specifically for young bodies,
chiropractors can alleviate symptoms associated with these conditions naturally without relying solely on medications or invasive procedures.
In Summary,
pediatric chiropractic care offers numerous benefits for children's well-being from infancy all the way through adolescence. By promoting proper alignment of the spine and supporting optimal nerve function,
this specialized form of healthcare helps enhance overall health while addressing specific conditions commonly experienced during childhood years.
If you're searching for top-quality pediatric chiropractic care in Surrey,BC,look no further than Foundations Family Chiropractic. Dr.Grewal has extensive experience working with children of all agesand uses gentle techniques to provide personalized care based on each child's unique needs.Remember,prioritizing your child's spinal health today can set them up for a lifetime of wellness tomorrow.
The Role Of A Prenatal Chiropractor In Promoting A Healthy Pregnancy
During pregnancy, a woman's body goes through numerous changes as it prepares to bring new life into the world. These changes can often lead to discomfort and pain for expectant mothers. This is where a prenatal chiropractor plays a vital role in promoting a healthy pregnancy.
A prenatal chiropractor specializes in providing gentle and safe chiropractic care specifically tailored to meet the needs of pregnant women. They understand the unique challenges that come with carrying a baby and work towards alleviating any discomfort or pain experienced during this time.
One of the primary goals of a prenatal chiropractor is to help maintain proper alignment of the spine and pelvis. As the baby grows, the mother's center of gravity shifts, which can result in postural imbalances and strain on different areas of her body. Through gentle adjustments, a prenatal chiropractor helps ensure optimal alignment and alleviate any pressure on nerves or joints.
Additionally, regular visits to a prenatal chiropractor can aid in reducing common pregnancy symptoms such as back pain, sciatica, headaches, and even nausea. By focusing on spinal health and nervous system function, these specialized healthcare professionals aim to enhance overall well-being throughout pregnancy.
Prenatal chiropractic care also offers benefits for labor preparation. By ensuring proper alignment of the pelvis and spine before birth, it may increase your chances of having an easier delivery process. It has been suggested that regular chiropractic care during pregnancy may decrease labor time by helping reduce tension within pelvic muscles.
Furthermore, seeking care from a prenatal chiropractor provides an opportunity for emotional support during this transformative period in a woman's life. They offer guidance on maintaining good posture while sitting or standing; suggest exercises suitable for pregnant women; provide nutritional advice; recommend relaxation techniques; all with an underlying focus on fostering holistic wellness during this special journey.
In Conclusion
Pregnancy is undoubtedly one of life's most miraculous experiences but it can also present its fair share of challenges along the way. By seeking the care of a prenatal chiropractor, you can enhance your well-being
The Benefits Of Visiting A Prenatal Chiropractor At Foundations Family Chiropractic In Surrey, BC
Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative journey, but it can also come with its fair share of discomforts. From back pain to pelvic misalignment, these physical challenges can take a toll on expectant mothers. That's where prenatal chiropractic care comes in.
At Foundations Family Chiropractic in Surrey, BC, our team understands the unique needs of pregnant women and offers specialized care tailored to their well-being. Our skilled prenatal chiropractor, Dr. Grewal, is trained to address the specific concerns of pregnancy through gentle adjustments and techniques.
One of the key benefits of visiting a prenatal chiropractor is pain relief. As your body undergoes significant changes during pregnancy, your spine may experience misalignments that lead to discomfort or even nerve interference. Through careful adjustments, a prenatal chiropractor can help alleviate these issues and promote overall comfort.
Another advantage of seeking prenatal chiropractic care is improved pelvic alignment. Proper alignment ensures an optimal birthing position for your baby while reducing the risk of complications during delivery. By maintaining pelvic balance throughout pregnancy, you increase your chances of having a smoother labor process.
Additionally, regular visits to a prenatal chiropractor can contribute to overall wellness during this crucial time. Chiropractic adjustments not only target specific areas of concern but also support your body's natural healing abilities by promoting proper nervous system function.
Choosing Foundations Family Chiropractic means placing yourself in the hands (literally!)of highly experienced professionals who prioritize the health and well-being of both you and your baby throughout every stage of pregnancy.
Experience personalized care that focuses on enhancing your comfort levels while preparing you for an optimal birth experience at our clinic in Surrey, BC today!
Searching For A Kids Chiro Near Me In Surrey, BC? Meet With Dr. Grewal At Foundations Family Chiropractic
If you're searching for a Kids Chiro near you in Surrey, BC, look no further than Foundations Family Chiropractic. Dr. Grewal and his team are dedicated to providing exceptional pediatric chiropractic care that enhances children's well-being from infancy to adolescence.
With a focus on debunking myths and separating facts from fiction in pediatric chiropractic care, Foundations Family Chiropractic aims to educate parents about the numerous benefits of this natural and holistic approach. From promoting healthy pregnancies with the help of a prenatal chiropractor to addressing common childhood conditions such as colic and ear infections, their expertise covers it all.
By offering gentle and safe adjustments specifically tailored for children, Dr. Grewal ensures that kids receive personalized care that supports their overall health and development. Whether your child is dealing with sports injuries or simply needs regular wellness check-ups, pediatric chiropractic care can play an integral role in maintaining their optimal health.
So if you're ready to prioritize your child's well-being through the power of chiropractic care, book an appointment with Dr. Grewal at Foundations Family Chiropractic today. Experience firsthand the transformative effects of pediatric chiropractic care on your child's health journey – because every child deserves to thrive!
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pi490 · 1 year
If I Was A Multi-Billionaire: The World Would Be A Better Place(Better Place For This
Child slavery in third-world countries?, homeless kids even in the States even in my own state and my birthstate?, poor parents having no choice but to get rid of their children often in unethical ways?, the fact that the current multi-billionaires could create jobs that pay well and is ethical and safe for adults or at the youngest teens but instead they do the world dirty and makes "jobs" for children and adults that are abysmal?, that would not be the case if I was a multi-billionaire, I would solve the two problems by 1. creating a children's entertainment venue where the forgotten and poor children are taken in and served with food so good that rich kids could only dream of getting,beds that a king would want to sleep on if they could fit, arcade machines that are not money-hogging machines and a school better then the most prestigious private schools without the money that is needed and the whole sell your soul to the 1% thing(meaning kids will be kids not a paycheck and they won't be expected to perform and be fancy). The employees would be put through rigirous background checks and screening to avoid predators working on site like so many current kids entertainment venues are plagued with, a daycare/nightcare for more fortunate kids and a summer camp and a brand that would become synanmous with child care, similar to the movie Baby Geniuses without the unethical child testing and like the FNAF SB PizzaPlex in look except no shady stuff and NO ABSOLUTELY no animatronics and if I do add robots they will NOT have an AI and would be programmed mainly for loving and caring for children. And 2. I would create a brand that employs people from the world with fair pay and nobody works in the factories unless they are 18 and up with extremely safe work environments that the only controversy that it brings will be the places would be TOO safe like the Chuck. E. Cheese recycled pizza thing where their safety protocols made people think the pizzas were recycled. Concerns like overstimulating kids or indulging them, the outside kids will have a food court with all the unhealthy food since they won't come in all the time but the kids under the care of what I coin "Little Miracles Nursery and Arcadeplex" will have a cafeteria AND occasionally the food court, good food that's both healthy and great tasting(*cough*public school making glop healthy but don't make it not you know glop thus making kids not want to eat healthy *cough*)and they can go outside the complex with adult supervision and there will be field trips.
Yeah I thought about this a lot before sleep, partly because I'm mad about how the 1% treats children and partly because I just love kids and hate to see them suffer
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rauthschild · 2 years
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We heard that CPS was charging $6,000 per day per kidnapped sons and daughters, and $9,000 per day if the kid has any kind of disability.  And then we saw the budgets.  
And now we know where they get the Endless Payola to perform this "service" --- from who else? The Fairy Godmother of them all, Bill Clinton.  Just imagine him wearing a tutu. 
The Adoption and Safe Families Act signed in 1997 by the Clinton Administration gives their own State-of-State franchises a million bucks per child seized. 
A million dollars. 
How's that for filthy lucre motivation to go out and steal kids from their own parents under color of law and armed threat?  
Imagine the impact that a million dollars per year would have on a struggling single parent home?  
That parent could afford to hire a housekeeper and a cook and nanny, too.  They could get some sleep and go to school or go to work without a worry and everything would be so much better..... but instead the Vermin kidnap the kids and don't help anyone.  
Instead, they send out people who have never had a child of their own to tell parents what to do and how to do it.  For real.  Social workers straight out of college with all sorts of "ideas" and no practical experience at all, standing there with their little clipboards telling real life parents all about parenting.  
They make crazy unrealistic demands of working parents --- "classes" that last 2-3 hours per class, two times a week, in the middle of the day?  As if these parents don't have jobs and lives and can just magically afford to spend three days a week going to child visitations and classes and taking drug tests and all sorts of other inane bureaucratic bunk --- and if they don't, they are considered a "risk"?  A risk of earning a living for themselves and their children?  
The only people who could ever meet the CPS demands are people who don't work.  Welfare scags, unemployed deadbeats of all kinds could make it to class where they teach parents of four year-olds how to diaper babies. These people are so dumbed down that when they are told that 12 out of a 100 is 40% --- they believe it.  They spread it. It's in their textbook because the idiot who wrote the textbook can't do math either, and together, their "opinion" becomes the "law".  
Are you getting a taste for just how @$#%# bat guano crazy this is?   And what drives it all? Federal kickbacks to their own State-of-State franchise organizations.  They are wallowing in graft so deep the average career bureaucrat is in danger of drowning.  
And now, we know who to thank for this endless barrage of fake "community concern" and the plague of bullies who have been encouraged to breach our constitutional guarantees, break down our doors, invade our homes, and steal our children from us---- all in the name of what? 
Corporate greed.  
The Accusers, who turn someone in as an "unfit" (Margaret Sanger word) parent don't have to come forward and be identified.  Their accusations don't have to be proven. Anybody with an ax to grind -- a disgruntled Ex or angry employee or some dumb sicko on a lark--- can just drop a dime and turn your family life into a nightmare with no evidence at all.  And no accountability. 
None of this would be happening except for the Federal Payola funding all of it.  It's time for CPS to be kicked to the curb along with the State-of-State Administrations and Legislatures belly up to the trough and the Federal Pigs responsible for it, too.
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hurryguruau · 2 years
Here, hurry guru provides the right reasons and importance why your children must sleep in their beds. We also supply a collection of kids trundle beds for sale with utter utility and a special appeal by adding a wooden trundle bed. Just take a glance below to know the benefits of having beds for your children. 
• Get Good Sleep: Most parents find it difficult to make their children sleep every night. Kids need at least 12 hours of sleep every day.  Hurry Guru’s kids race car beds do not contain any Phthalates, BPA, VOC, and Splinters. So, your kids will sleep safely. Parents don't have to be concerned about their children’s sleep time.
• Keeping Your Kid’s Safe: Hurry Guru’s cool and unique kids beds Australia keep your children’s safety during sleeping. Our kids car bed will be comfortable for your children. It is designed with a double wall and seamless construction. Hence, you no longer have to worry about your kids may fall from the bed. 
• Make Your Kid To Be Self-Soothe: Hurry Guru’s beds help your children to be independent. So, your kids will learn how to sleep properly without their parents’ sleep. There are many times when situations occur in which parents cannot be available to sleep with the children. 
• Improves Kids Growth: In most small houses, keeping a separate room for your kid is difficult for parents. It is essential to make your children grow up and motivate the kids to sleep in their beds. So, your kids will learn how to sleep alone.
• Maintain Parents Privacy: Generally, every parent wishes to sleep privacy. Because of the modern lifestyle, most of the parents may come late in the nighttime. It would disturb your children’s sleep. By having this hurry guru kids bed, your kids will never wake up from sleep in the nighttime. 
• Setting up A Firm Routine: The important thing in creating boundaries for your children is to have a systematic regime. The practices develop a structure in which children can stay. So, your kids will know how to sleep, play, and they will learn to obey all the rules. It is mainly necessary for kids who need more framework.  Scheduling a proper bedtime routine makes your kids be well prepared for getting a good night’s sleep. It can also be a perfect time of great bonding for parents and kids.
• Ignore Co-Sleeping Stigma for children: For especially older children, sleeping with parents can be shameful and embarrassing. Little kids don’t have any peers that will embarrass them to sleep with their mother and father. School-aged children are subjected to every sort of ridicule from peers. As they get older, children will get worse and be afraid to sleep alone. So, keeping an individual kids car bed will make your children confident and bold.
• Ignore Crowd: If one kid will become practiced to sleep in the bed, the remaining younger ones will also easily follow. So, your children will never have to suffer in sleepless nights and crowded beds. It makes your kids sleep freely without any disturbance even during the relative's arrival or function time.
• Ensure Your Kids To Gets Adequate Sleep: On one side, it may appear to be that your kid is having an amazing good night’s sleep as you are the activity which covers back from your children or holding your kid's elbows and feet out of your view. On the other angle, parents may think that their kid may be having a hard time getting good sleep, and afterward, your children wake up at midnight to come to the parent's room. Children generally are not getting the best quality or quantity of sleep as your kids want it either. Hurry Guru provides the good kid's race car beds that will keep your children sleep healthy as well as in the same room.
• Creates Play zone: Hurry Guru’s kids race car bed will make your children feel amazed to fall asleep in the bed healthy. Why because, your kids will have more playtime with the toys, and automotive fan in the kids race car bed. All the car bed themes, molded-in, and decals features will entertain your children to play and sleep well.
Hurry Guru is so proud to offer their kids a race car bed that develops new ways to play and get all the kid’s dreams to come true. Moreover, it creates unlimited childhood memories for your kid. Your children will learn to sleep on their own. Don’t miss this amazing chance to give your kid restful sleep. Let’s buy Hurry Guru’s race car bed to keep dreaming, playing, and exploring with your kid.
#Here#hurry guru provides the right reasons and importance why your children must sleep in their beds. We also supply a collection of kids trundl#•#Get Good Sleep: Most parents find it difficult to make their children sleep every night. Kids need at least 12 hours of sleep every day. H#BPA#VOC#and Splinters. So#your kids will sleep safely. Parents don't have to be concerned about their children’s sleep time.#Keeping Your Kid’s Safe: Hurry Guru’s cool and unique kids beds Australia keep your children’s safety during sleeping. Our kids car bed wil#you no longer have to worry about your kids may fall from the bed.#Make Your Kid To Be Self-Soothe: Hurry Guru’s beds help your children to be independent. So#your kids will learn how to sleep properly without their parents’ sleep. There are many times when situations occur in which parents cannot#Improves Kids Growth: In most small houses#keeping a separate room for your kid is difficult for parents. It is essential to make your children grow up and motivate the kids to sleep#your kids will learn how to sleep alone.#Maintain Parents Privacy: Generally#every parent wishes to sleep privacy. Because of the modern lifestyle#most of the parents may come late in the nighttime. It would disturb your children’s sleep. By having this hurry guru kids bed#your kids will never wake up from sleep in the nighttime.#Setting up A Firm Routine: The important thing in creating boundaries for your children is to have a systematic regime. The practices devel#your kids will know how to sleep#play#and they will learn to obey all the rules. It is mainly necessary for kids who need more framework. Scheduling a proper bedtime routine ma#Ignore Co-Sleeping Stigma for children: For especially older children#sleeping with parents can be shameful and embarrassing. Little kids don’t have any peers that will embarrass them to sleep with their mothe#children will get worse and be afraid to sleep alone. So#keeping an individual kids car bed will make your children confident and bold.#Ignore Crowd: If one kid will become practiced to sleep in the bed#the remaining younger ones will also easily follow. So#your children will never have to suffer in sleepless nights and crowded beds. It makes your kids sleep freely without any disturbance even
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switchbladedreamz · 3 years
This feeling I wish to express
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***I, the author, do not consent to stealing, plagiarism, or posting any of my work anywhere unless done so by myself***
Vampire!Yelena Belova x fem!reader
I spent a lot of time on this. A lot of different angles and changes and I finally decided on this. This is one of my favorite tropes, and I really love the Yelena character. Yes she is a vampire but not for plot, she just is cuz why not? Let me know if you'd like a part two!
I roll out of bed, my bare feet hitting the cold and dark hard wood floors. Its 9:30 pm on an August evening. What's that mean? Dusk has set, darkness soon to take its place. My feet carry me to the kitchen, I grab two different bottles of the now-safe-to-drink-and-won't-give-you-vampire- aids-TruBlood. The rare O positive and B negative. The bottles are half full. I grab a coffee mug and pour two parts O positive, emptying the bottle completely and one part B negative, leaving half of that one. Placing the mug in the microwave I nuke it for 30 seconds. Before the microwave can go off after the one second mark, there she is. Yelena Belov. In all of her ethereal vampire glory. The warm The Office mug in her hands. "Thank you my love" "Of course, how did you sleep?" "Like the dead" she stared at me with a goofy grin till I gave, laughing at her pun. "What shall we do tonight?" Yelena hops onto the counter and finished her drink. "I was thinking we could go visit my parents, see how the pigs are doing". I smile and agree, "sounds nice. Just a quick trip to Russia, totally normal." "Totes". Yelena zooms past me, probably grabbing clothes for me to wear. She comes back, skin tight leather caressing her form. "As much of a goddess you look right now, please tell me you grabbed me something warmer." "Yes, I remember what happened last time, and how I had to make it up to you all night" she smirks, bringing our "hut night" as she calls it. We did it in a hut, that's the story.
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After a quick outfit change, she calls our ride service. One of the best thing about dating a spy/assassin is the connections, a quick trip to Russia in a private jet. "Love wait, you're not going to eat Jimmothy Jonas and Matthew Tuck are you?" I asked, feigning concern. Yelena looked at me like I had kicked a puppy, "what the fuck are you talking about?" Her accent coming out thick. "The pigs! Yelena! Think of the pigs!" "Oh fuck, put your seatbelt on. I'm not a Cullen, I don't eat animals. Who are those people anyways?". "Well Jimmothy is a fake name, Jonas from the boy band. And Matthew Tuck is the lead singer of Bullet For My Valentine". "You and your music my love, I swear you love it more than me sometimes.". She leaned her head on my shoulder, "kidding. I know you love me more". "Please, babe. Know your limits." I respond back. She moved to get up but I grabbed her hand and pulled her back down immediately. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding! Don't leave me in this seat alone". She sat down beside me once more. Her opposite hand caressed my cheek, "I'll never leave you, I pinky promise". We interlocked the small digits, we take them seriously in our relationship.
The plane arrived at the makeshift strip in what seemed like no time. Yelena has the ability to do that. Not literally, I just love her and spending time with her. She takes my breath away with her selflessness, her laughing at my corny jokes and puns.
We spend the next few hours drinking and dancing with each other. After we arrived to her mother's home, I squeal. I try to get out of the jeep we transferred to as fast as i can. I watch as Melina waves us down. I stop to give her a hug, "hi! Where are the children?" "The pigs are in the back, (Y/n), where's Yelena-". A gust of wind hit us and Yelena was beside me. She hugs her mom and kisses her cheek. They go inside and I stay out to play with the pigs.
Yelena's P.O.V.
I watch as the love of my life plays in the mud with the pigs. She's so carefree, having fun. "I feel the best of my self when I'm with her." Melina looks to me and smiles, "you love her to your core darling. May the gods bless you.". I turn to her and smile and hug her. "Thank you. Now, how do we do this?". Mum's face is graced with an evil smile.
Hours later after dinner, we put up the christmas tree. None of us practice Christianity but still we celebrate. The ladies have me speed around and put up the lights around the house. It reminds me of Ohio, the photos, the songs. But its not the lights, the tree, the ornaments. It is the love I feel for her. She is my home. A single tear rolls down my cheek, but not in sadness. "Love are you okay?" (Y/n) pulls my hands in to hers and looks at me, analyzing. "Yes, beauty. Never better. I'm going to grab something from upstairs.". I walk, I take my time.
My legs shake, this feeling of nervousness unfamiliar but I chase it. She's worth it. I open my bag and pull out the black velvet box the size of my palm. I place it in my jacket pocket, I squeeze the box. Fear settling in me, for what I do next will change our lives. Hopefully for the better. Theres a slam and sudden commotion down stairs, I rush down and come face to face with Natasha. She hugs me and watch as Red hugs (Y/n). "I'm so glad you could make it, what a surprise!" I laugh gently. Natasha leans to my ear and whispers "I'm so happy for you, she'll say yes, don't worry.". She gives me a thumbs up before turning to Melina. I let them catch up before catching everyone's attention. "I'm glad you're all here. I have something to share with you.". I hold my hand out for (Y/n) to join me.
(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I look around confused but accepted Yelena's offer of her hand. "Why is everyone smiling weirdly at us?". I laugh nervously. I calm as my eyes connect with my lover's. Yelena kneels before me and time stops. She pulls out a small black box, my heart stops next. My breathe is gone after. "My beauty, my blossom, light of my life. You know my life inside and out, I've never had a home. But I am proud to say that you are it, no matter where we are as long as I am with you I'm never without laughter, never without light, you chase away my demons. As im saying this, when I planned this, it's like my heart stopped all over again. I was nervous and fearful, and as i kneel before you, I dont feel it." She opened the box and inside was an extravagant black diamond ring. "I got in Rome, on our first vacation together 5 years ago. I knew then and just like I know now. I love you. (Full name), will you marry me?" I'm crying, a sob escapes me before my answer. I nod. "Yes!". She places the ring on my finger, I kneel down and kiss her. She wraps her arms around me. After we stand up I laugh, and laugh and laugh. "Yelena. You ruined it. I can't believe it. You ruined all of it. I love you so much and this belongs to you". I pull out a similar box, rose gold. I kneel in front of her and open it. "My speech is no where near as grand as yours was. But, funnily enough, I got this on our second trip to Ibiza. The shop owner said it belonged to a duchess who visited the island in the 50s, she lost the ring on the beach and his father found it and kept it, he told me tons of men tried to by it off of his father and him for years but he kept it for the right person. I see you in the ring. I see our life together. Your smile, your strange love of brie. The point is, to end of my life- I will love you and with this ring i make this promise." I place the ring on her finger. We hug and stay in the special coinkidink of a moment that is only ours.
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Yelena's ring for you
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This is your ring for Yelena
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hotkoyo · 3 years
SFW Howie Alphabet Headcanons
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Author's Note: When will my husband come home from war?
Disclaimer: These headcanons are based on how I imagine Howie to be based on the game. You don't have to agree with what I say here as everyone is free to have their own ideas.
𝄥 𝄞 ── 𝄇
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
VERY affectionate. I honestly feel like he grew up surrounded with so much love and now he’s just overflowing with it. Howie is all about showing his love through warm hugs, having his arm around you, swinging your hands as you walk, head pats, you name it. Another one, in my opinion, is words of affirmation. He'd tell you how much you matter to him through words, like quoting lines from his favorite movies and saying "I love you" before you both go to sleep.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Affectionate. Lots of play fighting and cuddling during movie sessions. Singing to Disney songs at the top of your lungs. You guys make friendship bracelets for each other (and he never takes off his). Definitely one of those dudes who drive their best friend everywhere.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
If it’s not apparent already, this dude is a giant golden retriever and he lives for the cuddles. He is born to cuddle, baby. Due to his size, it’s natural that he ends up as a big spoon more often than not but he definitely loves the moments he gets to be the small spoon.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
So domestic, even when you guys just started dating. It’s easy to imagine yourself settling down with someone as warm and comforting as Howie. He would love to settle down and build a home with you and you guys love having conversations about your dream house and how your life would be like in five, ten years. He’s alright at cooking in general but can cook some amazing Chinese dishes that his mom taught him.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It would be hard for him to get out of a relationship, to be completely honest. He’s one of those people who easily gets attachment issues and finds it hard to move on from a relationship. If he really has to be the one to end the relationship, he would want to talk it out with you and try to end your relationship on a good note. I feel like he’s one of those people who really values respect, even when things aren’t working out anymore between you two.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Howie is a hopeless romantic and while he does have his insecurities, I feel like he would really love to commit to someone. In terms of marriage, it really depends on you. I don’t think his career would hinder him much when it comes to popping the question, to be honest. If he feels like he’s comfortable enough with the relationship and sees that you are, too, I think he’d propose to you when he feels like the time is right.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Howie is a textbook example of a gentle giant. He knows he’s strong so physically, he knows when to hold back a bit. Emotionally, it’s canon that he’s a soft and caring boy through and through and he would never hurt you on purpose.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Ugh, he LOVES hugs. It’s canon that the Yan fam is really good with hugs so if you need a pick-me-up, he’s your man. Whenever you guys are alone, he acts like an overgrown koala because he can’t get enough of hugging you. If hot chocolate is a hug, it’s what Howie’s would feel like. Warm, familiar, and comforting.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He knows he loves you when he does but holds back a lot in fear of coming off too strong. If he feels that you feel the same, then he would say it pretty quickly into the relationship or during a spur of a moment. If it seems that you need more time, he would hold back just so that you wouldn't feel uncomfortable.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He’s the type who’s less jealous and more insecure. His jealousy isn’t going to make him act rashly and put you on the spot. It’s slow and creeping and you might not notice at first because of how well he conceals it but it becomes apparent by the way he starts to act distant.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Warm and gentle. His kisses make you feel so safe and loved and he likes to take the time to show you how he feels through the gesture. He loves to kiss you everywhere but his favorite places to kiss you are your nose and temples.
Also, kiss him on the forehead and he’d melt into a puddle. Another one of his hotspots is at the back of his neck. Kiss him there and watch him sputter as he tries to gain back his bearings.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He loves kids, kids love him. He humors the kids a lot and is a great impersonator so prepare yourself for some improvised skits in front of the kiddos. Can’t say no to the kids, though, so you might have to step in from time to time. Kids treat him like a human jungle gym. Which he actually is.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
I definitely see him as a morning person. Also, he’s so fit that you can’t tell me he doesn’t workout every single morning. Probably goes on an early jog and is one of those people who seems so chipper even if it's only seven in the morning.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Have you seen actors with their stage makeup on? There’s no way Howie’s skin stays so smooth and supple without some form of skincare routine. Has his own skincare routine and loves doing it with you together in front of the mirror (while making faces at you). After a good skincare session, he'll sit on the couch or in bed with you cuddled up to him as he reads scripts from his new upcoming projects.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Depending on how much he trusts you, it could be sooner or later. The thing with him is that he keeps things bottled up to himself. It’s hard and it’s tiring and the moment he feels safe with you, the dam breaks and he starts to reveal things about himself.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It’s definitely hard to annoy Howie and even harder to provoke him. He has the patience of a saint and unless something is very wrong, you can always find him just chillin lol.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He’s quite sentimental so he definitely remembers your relationship milestones. He remembers a lot of small things about you; like how you like your cereal and your best friend’s name from high school. Some of the details can be fuzzy at times but he tries!
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Canonically: The moment you said yes when he asked to be your boyfriend at Luca’s "sister's wedding".
Headcanon: The time you both visited his family in Chicago for the holidays. You were walking home from dinner when the snowfall turned into a snowstorm. It was terribly cold and windy but you both kept on laughing at the situation and you looked so gorgeous with snow stuck to your hair under the waning streetlight that he didn’t even care that he's freezing his butt off.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Isn’t too protective in the traditional sense because he knows you can take care of yourself. More protective of how you feel because of his words and actions so he’s careful in what he says and how he says them because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. Highkey loves to be protected tho. Thinks it's kinda hot.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Puts a lot of effort in his career, obviously. Howie is always so passionate and ambitious when it comes to being a top actor. Relationship-wise, he’s a simp. Dates are mostly casual with him but he puts extra time and effort in choosing or making gifts. All the extra and expensive bits goes into your anniversary dates.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
A lot of times, he leaves his wet, sweaty workout shirts at the corner of the room and somehow always forgets no matter how many times you’ve scolded him. Sometimes doesn’t close or tie snack packages properly so when it's your turn to eat them, they’re often stale. A terrible snorer when he’s had a long day on set.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Quite concerned. He likes to highlight the nice parts of his body through the clothes he choose to wear and tries to follow a healthy diet in general. He worked hard for his body and as much as embarrassing as it is to admit, he loves to show off and be admired for it (especially by you).
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
A strong believer that every person is complete and whole on their own. He believes that every person is their own and just because you love someone, it doesn't mean that your life must revolve around that person. Even so, he is a romantic. So even if he knows that he's complete without you, he does prefer to have you by his side.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He can play the piano really well. Aside from dance lessons, his parents put aside a lot of money to sign him up for piano classes when he was younger. Now, he plays them whenever he’s deep in thought and it’s always relaxing to hear him play.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In general, Howie doesn’t like broccoli. Keep those away from him. Please. When it comes to partners, Howie stays away from people who make him feel less. Basically people who put him down for being who he is and liking the things he likes. Narcissists, if you will.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He’s a snuggler and he nuzzles into your side a lot when he sleeps. Whether you get too warm is your problem because this dude is Strong™ and won’t let you push him aside that easily. And, God, I hate to say this but he’s definitely a snorer. Not all the time but when he’s really tired.... let’s just say you won’t be getting a decent sleep.
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