#your little chibis are making me 🥺
done-with-the-shit · 1 year
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->Relationship Headcanons<-
Chuuya x Reader
This is the first time I write headcanons so it may not be very good.. Also English is not my first language, please keep that in mind while reading! Ty and enjoy♡
Anime: Bungou Stray Dogs
Characters: Chuuya Nakahara
Note: GN!Reader
I imagine that after an eternity of denying his feelings, he angrily confessed to you without even realising he did😃
Like you'd be minding your own business and he just randomly comes to you screaming in your face about how he hates the fact that he loves you or something...
After that he will most likely lock himself in his office and regret his life decisions😕
But you will go to him and also confess your undying obsession love for him so it's all fine!
Anyways as for when you two start actually dating he would be such a lovely boyfriend♡
Very romantic for sure~
Like definitely buys you flowers 'cause why not?
He'd also spoil the hell out of you.
He works for the mafia after all so money isn't a problem for him😉
If you are taller than him please don't tease him!! (my man's only 5'3🤭)
After all he is still growing!
Lots of PDA.. that's all I'm gonna say
He enjoys taking you out to fancy dinners, but he also loves spending nights in, just watching TV and maybe drinking some wine with you~
You are the only person who can wear his hat and coat^-^
He secretly likes to see you in his clothing but you didn't hear that from me~
Chuuya is very good at cooking😌 so if you can't cook he will do it for you... he may even teach you if you want!
He also loves all the affection you give him!!
Even if you just hug or kiss him he will be melting in your hands literally
Being his usual self fucking tsundere he won't admit that he likes cuddling with you, but don't be fooled, he very much enjoys being spooned and loved by you!
Chuuya needs to be the little spoon! My boy deserves all the love you can give him!! (Just don't tell Dazai 'cause he won't stop bothering our chibi about it😔)
He's also secretly scared of hurting you with his ability, so he's super careful around you.
All in all he is such a softy with us🥺
Anyways.. let's get to the interesting stuff~~
Let's be honest this boy is a fucking switch😤
So I imagine him as a soft dom and a braty sub (don't ask why though👀)
And he is definitely open to trying all your kinks you nasty whore😒
But who am I kidding I have no right to judge..
Anyways.. I bet he has a knife and bandage kink
I mean just imagine yourself all tied up with this small man on top of you!!
Or the other way around😏
He enjoy biting you.. (that's all I'm gonna say)
I personally think that he only dom's in two occasions..
First being if you had a rough day and he just wants to make you feel better~
Another reason for you to let him dom is when he is angry at something or someone.. yk to help him relieve stress (if he doesn't ask you to fuck him instead😉)
All the other times?
Oh this boy will be begging you to fuck him while explaining how he is still the one in control denial
I mean as a said earlier he is pretty much a tsundere so..
Because of that you'd have to be someone he really, really trusts for him to let you take control
But once you get his trust? Oh boy you are in for it I'm telling you😩😩
He is going to be such a brat and would love to push you to your limit~
But don't worry he is actually pretty easy to handle
Just pin him beneath you and he will shut up..
And if he doesn't just tug at his choker! What else would he wear it for!?
Oh boy do not forget that beautiful hair of his😍
It's just made for pulling~
Do I really need to say more??
Loud? Yes..
His moans are so incredibly loud like he doesn't hold back😩😫
Edging and overstimulation?
He loves hates it.. And will not tell you otherwise
But his favourite part is the aftercare~
Baby is so tired he needs your help!!
Take him to the bathroom and give him a nice warm bath (he deserves it for being such a good boy for you😖)
Loves it when you give him a lots of kisses and cuddles afterwards~
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sairusboom · 2 months
Your chibi Liu Qingge and your little cat lqg never fail to make my brain produce happy chemicals
I hope you have a great day! 😊
These cats always cheer me up, so I draw them quite often
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Birthday Part 3
"I do not trust" is the theme of this one I guess?
(Long post with screenshots from birthday lines round 2)
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Why, Riddle?! Why you gotta use that smile? I would have been fine with the regular adorable smile, but not this one! I feel like I need to hit the save button before proceeding with this conversation
If I give him head pats, will that spare my life?
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Why does this also feel like trap? Because it's always that particular smile. Once again, it makes me feel like I gotta be careful and hit that save button
Have some head pats, just don't take my happiness, sir. I just got that tiny crumb back! 🥺
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You mean like a party? 😃
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I don't trust this, but I'm willing hear you out
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Floyd. Floyd, listen. Love ya and would love to take up an offer of a tour of Coral Sea. You're my favorite wild card fishy eel boy and I like your laugh and I love your happy chibi sprite and all that jazz... but I don't trust like that!
I feel like this adventure will involve getting chased by an angry shark (comedic route) and I doubt I would survive that heart attack
Head pats for offering though...
Just... a little... hesitant... head pats...
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Quite confident, are we?
I mean, I'm not about to challenge him about it... Because I would lose... And because he could win with only a pretty shell and that smile...
Head pats for Azul but I mean, look at that smile! How could I not give head pats?!
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Dagnabbit, Azul! Only Ortho (and maybe, maybe Malleus) is allowed to say that out loud! You're supposed to say that part quietly, with the parentheses!
Gonna be taking my head pats back, mister XD
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Tempting, very tempting. However, I prefer more of a "boys being sillies" kind of entertainment
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No! No love! Just sillies! Please, I just want sillies! 🥺
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Was worried for a sec there, but don't worry, folks! Silly boys are back on schedule!
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anonymoosen · 2 months
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“LIEEESSS!” The alien desperately screeched out loud on the top of his lungs (or whatever aliens had). Dib raised an eyebrow in confusion, distracting him from the overwhelming sadness he was trying to hide. “I…uhhh- didn’t say anything…?”
Zimpai blinked and tried to regain his composure. He slowly took a step back and tried to escape. Dib-chan tilted his head, and his hair bone scythe hair cowlick thingy turned into a light bulb as a thought struck him. “C-could it be…”
Just as the big headed boy opened his mouth to let out his undeniably kawaii anime voice, Zim-kun began to run and covered his nonexistent ears.
“Z-Zimpai has…a…a…”
Dib-Chan’s delicate pretty voice suddenly became deep and sounded like he was a macho and buff man. “CRUSHY WUSHY LUSHY USHY BLUSHY CRUSHY ON MEEEE!11!1!1!1!11”
The yell was so loud and ear piercing that the whole ground collapsed while everything around Dib got pushed away by 999999999 kilometers.
This was so powerful that even Gaz became flabberGAZted by this and was more concerned than ever. “TAK- WHY THE ACTUAL HELL DID YOU MAKE THE ANIME BEAM DO THIS???”
Tak, despite her messy hair and being literally yeeted away by an incredibly long distance from a pathetic lover boy, was still smiling smugly and just shrugged. “I had the most tragic villain story from the most stupid defective Irken of destruction demolishing a vending machine. His stupid lover obviously has to be as insane as he is.”
Back with our main character idiots here, Dibby boi realised what he has done and sobbed, “Z-Zimpai my pookie…! I didn’t mean to hurt you like thisss…!!” (he obviously did lolll)
From 999 something kilometers whatever that number I typed earlier (oh wait I can copy and paste but oh well) away, the green space cockroach creechur growled, “GRGRGRRR YOUUU…!! YOUUUU!! WHEN YOU YOUUU!11!1!1 YOUUU MADE ME MAAADDD GRGRGRGRHDIEJDEKJ” (bro this space boi couldn’t hear dib a shmillion times even when he was 1 inch away from him but now he can-)
Instead of apologizing again, Dib got mad at Zim too because it would be too out of character if the boys didn’t fight each other here as it was still an ENEMIES to lovers arc after all.
Deeb Doob Dob Dib’s voice became all buff again as he himself became buff too, electricity surging all around him. He then ascended from the ground, T-posing and let the mysterious anime power carry him towards the alien.
The alien boi zimmediately tried to become as buff as Dibby boi did by casually grabbing a machine that was 69 420 times his size in his PAK and blasted himself with it, causing his scrawny-looking green arms to develop more and more muscles and become as buff as Dib was.
The boys just stared each other down, eyes glowing while T-posing in front of each other.
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Dib-chan then broke the silence that lasted for 10 hours by saying in a small and cute voice while still in that buff state
“…Z-zim-kun I… I… l-love y-you…”
Zim then reverted back to his cutesy smol chibi shape and responded with a little “B-baka!!” even when Dib didn’t finish the sentence.
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Surprised by that, the big headed boy also reverted back into his original pathetic form and giggled, “I love you….your mom!” He laughed even more and smirked. Zim was taken aback and felt his heart— whatever aliens had shatter into smithereens. Was this really how Dib felt…? Was it all just a silly little game…?
Before Zim could take get out his PAK legs to absolutely destroy and obliterate the human, Dib laughed once more and threw that one love letter to Zim, smacking his face and not the back of his bald head this time.
“Nahhh! Just kidding, and uh- happy birthday, I guess…” Dib looked away quickly as the butterflies returned in his stomach. Dang it— he forgot how cute his crush looked despite how stupid he was…
“Ehhh- birthday?? Invaders don’t NEED pathetic Urth birthdays!”
“Yeah, yeah— but today is still special, y’know? It’s the day you set your little alien foot on this planet!”
Zim tried not to smile at his beloved nemesis remembering AND writing some letter to him for this day. But then…
“WAIT! How did you know it’s today?? We met at the disgusting skool one or two days after I landed on this filthy planet!!”
Dib smiled and responded, “I’m a paranormal investigator! Of COURSE I know the exact day an alien comes here!”
“You were a creepy stalker from the start, Dib-thing… even before becoming those… yhaaan-deers…”
“You’re creepy too, y’know!! And you were so weird too! In fact- everything was so weird earlier… nothing new, I guess!” Dib chuckled.
Zim coughed and shifted his eyes away from Dib, yet getting closer beside him. “…Yeah. Very…strange…”
Dib-ch- I mean DIB noticed this and leaned closer and closer to Zim and….
(Just kidding :3)
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…he affectionately smooched the bug boy’s cheek! This gesture was so sweet that even the usually cold Gaz let out an “awww!” along with every other bystander around them!
The gay boys finally completed their enemies to lovers arc….
…until the cartoon resets again and everyone forgot what happened !
The end uwu
Honestly, I’m gonna miss this story, so maybe I’m still gonna make things for it in the future like doodle comics or more writings but after the reset! Anyway… again thanks so much for reading this if u did and have the bestest day or night! Don’t let the buff boys haunt you XD
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kyouka-supremacy · 6 months
your new banner is so cool.. wow.. I just stared at it for five minutes..
Aawwww thank you 🥺🥺 To say I didn't want to make anything too elaborate, I'm happy with how it came out.
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I like that chapter 51 panel so much, Atsushi and Akutagawa are so cute in that half-chibi style, and sskk having their sskk quarrels is just too dear to me. I think it's a very cute moment in their relationship? It may sign an evolution from addressing their disagreements through physical fighting, to facing them through heated quarrels, to (hopefully) solving them by calm words. It's nice how both Atsushi and Akutagawa grow with and because of each other.
And tbh to me that panel is also a... Wow, Akutagawa is really whipped. Like, there's little to no other person on earth who could say the things Atsushi did to Akutagawa and leave alive. Akutagawa must truly be head over heels to go past all of it like it was nothing. It's really cute. In this panel in particular, he looks uncharacteristically collected. It's crazy how Atsushi has changed him.
I like the first part of cannibalism sskk. It's the most light-hearted sskk can be. It's got funny quarrels and coming to common ground in spite of themselves and involuntarily helping each other and overfocused Akutagawa and “once this is done, I'll teach you some tricks besides killing” and “this riding experience is terrible”. Overall, it's the first time in the manga we see Akutagawa being silly, and it's sweet.
I like how in the end the header resulted with it looking like Akutagawa is looking directly at the blog underneath, ahah. I wonder what sskk would think of it. I don't think Akutagawa would be very pleased with my description of him. Atsushi would probably feel uncomfortably called out ahah. Maybe that's what they're fighting over. It's very amusing for me to imagine.
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missveryvery · 8 months
what are your most recent fengqing headcanons 🥺
actually insane that this is a question i can answer instead of going "most recent, why do you think I've made more".
I think of these as more like "theories" or "this would be so cute ;0;" rather than "headcanons" because I like many different types of interpretations of them!! Like some of my thoughts are like "if you read it like this, you can get to here"and some of it is like "i think this is literally what mxtx means here". And some is "HEAR ME OUT, WHAT IF X? WOULDN'T THAT BE SO CUTE?!"
I don't mention it much, but Iike them being sworn brothers, too, and loving each other in a familial way. Which I think is the canon way they feel about one another. Because the big reveal is "they are friends and go on little adventures together all the time!" and there are a couple examples that refers to the three of them obliquely as brothers. I think that's just as sweet and satisfying as them making out and getting married forever
-I do think if one of them dated someone, the other would go insane, like be extremely protective and climbing in through the window in the middle of the date.
FX would lose his mind if MQ was seeing someone! Very loudly give his opinion, fucking FORBID it if it's someone he doesn't approve of (mq: wtf do you mean you "forbid it"?!!), freaking out like "mq has never been in a relationship, he'll get his heart broken" and very like "ARE YOU SURE??!! MQ YOUR CULTIVATION?! ;0;". 50000% mom mode.
MQ would also lose his shit if FX was seeing someone. Also "No. I forbid it." (fq: what do you mean you "forbid it"?!) and threatening the person like "if you break his heart I'll kill you. If you want to break up with him, you come to me and we'll do it in the least painful way possible. sign this contract in blood." mad dogging the person like:
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Both very "WHAT ARE YOUR INTENTIONS?!!" and doing background checks. Ready to throw down at a moments notice, both so in the other's business.
(i think xl would be very involved, too. he seems like he'd be chill but he has this zone of like 'actually, i care a lot and will not be chill about this' that I think this situation would fall into. like when he freaks out if QR says something mean to HC? I think he'd choke someone out for those two.)
-mu qing designed fu yao to be elegant and refined. but once he gets in the shell, he's incapable of not making the :3c face and looking like "fufufufu"
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i've never seen a more bitchass expression on a chibi before. he looks so smarmy, such a little shit. He thinks he looks aloof and refined and doesn't realize Fu Yao looks like a gremlin and supremely punchable.
-all that bullshit i said on that post about how they act when scared. I'm thinking about them hugging onto each other tightly when startled/scared a lot. I feel like in the donghua, we MIGHT see that happen during the chase scene...!!! pray for me.
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ennoshitas-princess · 2 months
Good day! I would like to order a cupcake, a strawberry shortcake with caramel and a juice, please, for Daichi and Kuroo 😊
Handcuffed Heart to the Two
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Coming right up!!
Daichi Sawamura x Tetsuro Kuroo x reader
Love triangle, Valentine's Day, fluff, work au
The job: police officers, you are the only woman working in that department
Synopsis: you, Kuroo, and Sawamura are on break after a long persecution
Word Count: 563
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You sat down on the soft couch in the lounge of the police department, exhausted from the long persecution that happened just some minutes ago, ready to end the day.You only forgot that today had something special lingering in the air.
“Ugh! I can't wait for this shift to be over.” You pouted at them, cheeks puffed out.
Daichi and Kuroo gazed at you in adoration, not able to resist how cute you get when your blood boils. How could they not giggle at your antics?
“Now, now Chibi-chan, we have another ten minutes to work, so you must behave and at least try to survive.”
Kuroo poured himself a cup of coffee, the pink mug warm to the touch.
Your face turned into that mug just by the nickname. Why, oh why did this happen to you?
“L/n-san, Kuroo is right. What about if I massage your back?” Daichi held his arms to his head.
“Meanwhile I pour you a nice cup of joy.”
Kuroo grabbed another mug from the cabinet, this time intentionally grabbing one with a red heart.
You closed your eyes shut for a moment. You thought about how this happened.
You were a police officer. The only female in your station. Every cop in it turned their eyes towards you when you came in the first time. From time to time, you would have love notes on your desk. You didn't like any of them. Well, only two stole that little heart of yours.
“Look, Chibi-chan. I wanted to tell you something for sometime now, and I think I am ready to spill it all out.”
Kuroo walked towards you, holding a soft, brown plush in hand.Your face scrunched up in confusion. What is he doing? A confession?
“No, Kuroo-san. I will say what I have to say first!”
The two stared into each other's eyes playful, earning a small giggle to come out of your lips.
“No, no, no. I will do it. I am in love with both of you.” You tackle them.
“Huh?” Both of them stare like little kids being told how babies are made.Yeah, you said it before they said anything.
“You know what, let's just clock out please.” You beg to them.
You entered your apartment you guys shared since you began working, throwing your shoes off to the side without a care in the world.
“So, Kuroo-san, if you are okay with a relationship with each other, it will be fine with me.” Daichi placed the keys on the dish.
“Yes, I am okay with it, Daichi.”
Kuroo grabbed a pillow, and threw it at your face. You screamed in pure cuteness and giggled.
“Kuroo, no.”
“Come on, Chibi-chan, don't be so stormy.” He smirked.
“How about if I cuddle you?” Daichi came around and sat down to the left of yours.
You snuggle into his chest, smelling the sandalwood cologne that remained on him. You couldn't believe you could have both at the same time. Obviously, you won't put it out in public, but keep it to yourselves.
“Daichi, Tetsuro, do you guys mind making dinner?” You put puppy eyes.
“How about take out?” Kuroo suggested, holding his phone ready.
“Yes!” You wrapped your arms around his muscular waist.
“Happy Valentine's Day, y/n-chan!” Both of them screamed.
No wonder today felt ever so special.
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I am so sorry if this wasn't what you looked for. I am kinda still new to writing and I at least tried 🥺🥺🥺
Hopefully you can forgive that.
Thank you for coming! Have a beautiful day!!
All rights reserved copyright ©
Please DO NOT repost on any other platform!!
Reblogs are acceptable
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polteashop · 1 year
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WE HIT 100 FOLLOWERS?!? 👀👀👀👀
WAUGHHHH- 🥺 Thank you guys so so much for all the support so far!!! ;u; It makes me so happy that so many people like this silly little blog....all the asks and likes and reblogs just really make my day!!! <3 I hope you all continue to enjoy the teapot's upcoming adventures for many months to come!!
To celebrate, we will be doing a
The winners will get:
1st Place: a full color, fully shaded fullbod!
2nd Place: a full color chibi or full color bust
3rd Place: Monochrome chibi
The raffle winners will be announced on the 15th! To enter, please be subbed to me, and reply or reblog this post saying you're entering, as well as who your favorite character from the blog is so far! ^^
Thanks again for all the support, everyone !! 🥺 Love y'all, and have an amazing day!!! <3
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spilledbeans116 · 1 year
Someone liked my “do you want Vegeta HC” post so NOW YOU ALL GET TO DEAL WITH IT !!!! It’s my selfship ones soooooooo yeah.
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(Chibi art by @snaelrz )
-He doesn’t really like sweet stuff in regards to food. He likes strawberries but only because he associates them with a certain someone (ME !!!!!).
-He says heavy metal is his favorite music genre to be all tough. He’s a liar, his favorite band is ABBA.
-He still has his tail and a lot of times it shows his true emotions and he gets annoyed with it; It’s very expressive.
-He has scars. Why they got rid of his scars after Namek I have no idea I love them ❤️
-He has fangs! I love da chompers!!!!
-He likes to be little spoon (will never admit it).
-He likes Raditz, Goku, and Nappa’s company (he will never admit it).
-He likes everything to be neat and tidy, even when he isn’t. He’ll clean around the house but only when he’s alone. Folds his clothes nicely and everything has its proper spot in his room. Doesn’t care if he isn’t showered though because “I’ll just get dirty again anyway” until I force him to wash up.
-He’s incredibly competitive. Reverse psychology really works on him. If you say he can’t do something, he’ll go out of his way to prove you wrong. The “Goku button” is definitely a thing, don’t press it.
-Gets flustered easily and usually just pretends to be mad so people leave him be.
-Doesn’t really like PDA, holding hands is pushing it for him; he gets shy and over thinks it. He’ll place a hand on the small of my back, rub his tail against mine briefly, bump shoulders with me, etc
-When alone with him, he has a thing for physical touch. Likes running his hands through my hair, down my arms and shoulders, especially loves petting my tail or holding it in his hands *gently* so it doesn’t cause discomfort. He loves being babied after training sessions. Around the full moon he gets REALLY touchy.
-Loves compliments (ego boost 100) especially about how strong he is or handsome or simply how much better he is than Goku.
-He gets jealous of other men pretty easily, especially if he doesn’t know them. He will worm his way between me and someone else if he feels we’re too close. Shows more affection when he’s jealous to get others to back off. A quick kiss will knock me out and he’ll sit there smirking at whoever was talking to me (the only time he’s okay with PDA) (it’s super effective)
-He loves being called “my prince,” “prince Vegeta,” or “your majesty.” Different tones can set the mood for him very quickly. Usually if someone else other than me calls him any of these he gets agitated because he thinks he’s being mocked. My teasing nickname for him is “Veggie.” He says he hates it but he’s a liar, and gets really pissed if someone else calls him it (it’s our thing).
-He never uses people’s real names, usually goes with nicknames he comes up with to spite them. If he uses your real name, you’re either Yamcha (he thinks it’s funny), in a dire situation, dying (or close to), or being intimate. Calls me “princess” sometimes 🥺. In public though I’m always referred to as “woman.”
-He usually trains alone or with Goku but on certain occasions he’ll ask me to go with him. It’s usually really intense and he can get pretty degrading but knows when to stop. “Pathetic. Try it again.” “What the hell are you doing? Was that supposed to hurt?” He knows what I can and can’t handle. Sometimes I impress him and he gets…. Yeah.
-He likes seeing me goof around with Trunks and finds the motherly aspect attractive. Sometimes refers to me as Trunk’s mom.
He makes me all silly and happy !!!!!!!!
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loveephia · 9 months
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You know it's actually part of a trio chibi art I did for you and Nat 🫶, I wanted to use it for my (under construction) moots list but since you'll be going offline on this acc I thought it would be better to just give it straight up :')
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HERE'S THE SET JUST IN CASE YOU WANNA SEE IT‼️‼️ There's Ririka, Koizumi, and Yuna all holding something associated with them ^^ I'll def give Nat's solo chibi after this so all three of us would have a lil chibi 💞💞💞
There's also ONE last thing I wanna say to you during your time as loveephia :
Thank you so much for reaching out to me in that ask when I followed you 👉👈 IK it's not much but to me it was the realisation that I could make friends and get moots, since at the start I just thought I would've been posting drabbles in silence forever 🥹 But you and Nat were the ones to make me realise that I could and maybe should interact more on this app, and that was the best choice I've made‼️I found more mutuals and ended up getting kind of attached to the ones I know on this app 😅 I know this is cheesy and sappy and whatever but seriously! You are the reason I started to open up more on here and interact more and I'll be forever grateful for that fact 🥺🥺🥺
BTW, if you ever wanna talk abt oc stuff pls hmu 🙋‍♀️ I have a very big brain and love hearing abt ocs and possibly making oc interactions 🙏 I'm just shy so I don't know how to just pop into your dms at anytime 🥹
ALSO, pls send the user of your new acc IF YOU WANT OFC 🙌 if not, we still have insta 🫶
m'literally on the verge of tears rn and i have school in like 3 hours hello.
yuu, i can't even begin to comprehend everything, bro. 🥹 it seriously warmed my heart when you said that me and nat were what made you realize that you could make more friends on this app. it's nothing cheesy, of course. in fact, i'm really happy you told me. ^^ we can definitely text on instagram or on my new tumblr account about our OCs and how they'd interact (m'actually such a geek for making cute lil interactions RIRIKA AND YUNA WOULD BE THE BESTEST OF FRIENDS!!).
thank you so super much yuu for such a long message. i can't even-- h. <(_ _*)>
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paulinawoodpecker · 4 months
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Ramirez told him that he is the best archaeologist in the world because he found Mummy, and the collar of king Midas and the Emerald Tablet and Tad decided to trust Ramirez to make him brave and rescue mummy part 1,2,3,4 and final
Tad: is it me or am I getting skinny?
Ramirez: um probably. Since you throw up in reena's shoes. Now I have to get her new ones...
Tad: um yeah...
Tad: *remembers the day mummy was captured by his vision and his last nightmare*
Part 2:
Ramirez: but what matters is the three of us. We can do this together!
Ramirez: *in anime chibi* ᕙ(*•̀ᗜ•́*)ᕗ we can make it! *holds his two hands* I just know it!
Tad: *tears fall down to her palm*
Tad: 🥺
Ramirez: tad? What is it?
Part 3:
Tad: *voice breaking* this is all my fault
Ramirez: that’s is not true.
Ramirez: you are the best archeologist in the world. You found mummy and paititi, the collar of king Midas and the emerald tablet yourself
Ramirez: trust me.
part 4:
Tad: *still with tears in his eyes*
Ramirez: come here.
Ramirez: *hugs tad as he hugs back and broke down crying*
Tad: *voice breaking* I miss mummy Ramirez. *continues crying
Ramirez: I miss him too tad. I miss him too.
Ramirez: you are going to be fine...
Tad: no I'm not...
Ramirez: trust me. Well get him back.
Tad nodded and wipes his tears and sniffs
Ramirez give him another hug which made him sob silently
Ramirez: it's okay. *hugs him back* It's alright.
Tad: I decided to trust you.
Ramirez: yeah?
Tad: and to be brave and rescue mummy. It’s what you wanted?
Ramirez: yes! Of course. Thank you.
Ramírez: you feel better?
tad: *sniffs* a little.
tad: but im not so sure if I’ll be fine without him! *sobs*
Ramírez: Okay! Okay. You can stop crying. Though I do respect your wonderful display of vulnerability.
Tad: okay…
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Holy crap where'd you all come from?!
This is insane, I can't believe how quickly this blog has grown! It's so awesome, thank you guys so much for your support and interest! 🥺
I've been a little busy for the past few days or so because I adopted a couple of new kitty fur-babies, so it's been mostly me trying to make sure they get settled into their new home and that they don't get into too much mischief while I'm at work, so haven't been able to do much writing (especially when they started demanding attention and scritchies). 😂
Still, this is really awesome and I'm super excited to see how they grow and develop 🥰
Now, on to what I want to talk to you guys about. Since the last time I hit 200+ followers, I mentioned how I hadn't had anything planned for the milestone. However, I've thought long and hard about it and I decided that--once we reach 400 followers--I will be doing a special:
Art requests! :D
I will be opening a limited amount of slots (as I don't want to overwhelm myself too quickly) for my followers to request their characters with any of the characters in either AU!
Once I hit 400+ followers, I will be making an announcement over the weekend so I can monitor my inbox, as I can't access tumblr during work hours. If I do hit the initial limit, I will be closing the requests--however, once I complete the initial batch, I will see about opening up a few more for those who missed out. If you miss your chance, don't worry, I'll do my best to do this event again in the future!
For context on how the art will look, it will be done in the same art style as I've done the concept designs for the Monster!AU (and soon to be Deity!AU concepts) or chibi style (which I will be doing a design of so you can see what my style will look like). Examples will be posted on the official announcement!
Keep an eye out folks, and I will make sure to create an announcement when I'm ready to launch it! ÒvÓ
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yuu-kumeii · 9 months
You're such a precious human being, saw your message to Phia and girl let me tell you.... You're more than welcomed to reach out without shame, I'll listen to your rambles and I know Phia will do as well <3
Your little chibis are the cutest thing ever I felt my heart physically being squeezed
I PROMISE I'LL TRY TO POP IN LIKE A LITTLE WEASEL INTO BOTH OF YOUR DMS WITH OC RAMBLES BUT REMEMBER I'M ALSO HERE IF YOU WANNA DO THE SAME 🙌🙌🙌 I just love making interconnected oc interactions like it's so much fun to just have your oc interact with your friends???? Like isn't that cool 🥺
And I'm so glad you love the chibis 🙏 I'll send your solo chibi ver in an ask soon 🫰 and I hope to make more once we get to know Koizumi more 🫶🫶🫶
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m-jelly · 1 year
Is it bad that I want to lick Levi's abs due to your fanart Jelly?? 🤤😍
Also a lil' Levi looks sooo cute in his giant tea cup 💘
Happy New Year as Well Jelly 😘
I'm so glad you like both!
I'm so new to digital art so I'm trying a lot of things as I relax a bit before getting back to oneshots and long fics again.
I'm having a lot of fun and I'm thankful to @ladycheesington to teaching me a few things. I pester her so much for help cause I absolutely love her art 🥺 she's been amazing and I'm making a little chibi for her as a thank you 💕
Happy new year to you too!
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
[LOUD EXPLOSION SOUNDS] hi how do i give you my firstborn. your art of nayq seb is INCREDIBLE. THANK YOU SO MUCH? ‼️⁉️ i'm literally shaking like..... what the fuck....... you were inspired enough by my word vomit to create ART??????? actual living legend. i cannot thank you enough ! !
can i add a link to your post in the fic? jumping around the room like i need to show Everybody i've ever known that nayq seb exists visually rn jdknfkjdnfjkgn but also i understand if you don't want to bc of privacy reasons and whatnot!
many many thanks again 🖤🙏
-user mwebber
I'm glad you liked the little Chapter 2 sweater Seb!! That was the last thing I drew, because I couldn't stop thinking about him in Mark's oversized sweater(also conveniently hiding the plaid I didn't wanna draw again), and of course I had to add cat ears 🤭 It's fun to draw the chibis because I scribble that kind of thing every day so I dont have to think too much lolol, I wish I could've drawn more little direct references!
I couldn't help but have Seb show a little bit of midriff in the Chp 1 drawing, this is incredibly specific but, there's that vid of him from Australia 2011 with the sheep, right? And when he's bending over, his shirt is riding up and the top of his boxers are poking out, and that's been stuck in my head for weeks, so I absolutely had to include that(especially since he always wore such baggy pants) I agree with NAYQ!Mark calling them the ugliest shorts ever, I had a bunch of ref pics of his real-life shorts and I'm just like god...you're so right...who let him wear those so often...
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With that Chp 3 one, I have to say, even though I've now drawn it, I still can't stop envisioning his outfit as this outfit from that one post-2010 press conference:
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I'd hopefully like to draw nayq!Mark at some point? I just haven't drawn men in so long.....but like I said in the tags, it's a lot easier to draw when there's descriptions available!!! Because I tend to deliberate so much over drawing, but your writing inspired me so much!!
Sorry for the huge response AAAHHHH I just wanted to give a little insight to my inspos 🤭 Also of course you can link my post, I would be so honored!!!!! And now I will go back to my cave, and patiently await Martian Monday again hahaha
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;;ask game
i just KNOW there are several asks saying azul (probably?) so uhh ace/crewel
[From here!]
Anon ironically, when you sent this, I received no Azul asks 😂 (it’s ok, there’s around two right now which I’ll be saving for last)
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Yeah, I don’t really have much to say on Ace ngl 😂 In general, it’s a struggle I have with first years. Their characters are compelling, but it’s just that I find the second and third years (especially second years) much more enjoyable.
A lot of my friends are Ace stans and boy, do they all want to chuck him to a wall or something 😂 so admittedly, he’s got that blorbo image to me. I mean, I can’t blame them honestly. Look at this face, he looks punchable as fuck.
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I think a lot of people would remember the Ace betrayal theory that got really popular throughout the fandom. It also created a bunch of other Ace theories as well, like the ‘Ace will overblot’ theory (which I wrote about here) and ‘Ace is leading a double life’. Those were fun things to think about, but canon-wise, it makes little to no sense since there is a lack of evidence. 😂 The theory also started out because some JP fan pointed out that Ace was like the ‘Alice’ of book 1 and from there, they went, “Oh what if Ace will become a traitor?” But by now, we can see that the overblot boys themselves have played the roles of their hero counterparts, so that already nulls the origins of Ace betrayal theory. 😅 But that doesn’t mean it’s not fun to think about! I like the idea of Ace having to have an ulterior reason why he’s in NRC.
But that being said, I actually prefer Ace not being in NRC because he’s a spy/he has to do something that will involve betraying his friends/etc. I like that right now, he’s talented but he’s rather uninspired, dare I say indifferent. There’s beauty in seeing someone who has yet to mature and will become more mature in the present. Ace puts himself on a pedestal for being talented, but just talent won’t get you through high school or real life. I want to see Ace get shaken out of his indifference. He’s always been the guy who gives advice, let him be humbled and receive advice as well for once. 😩 That’s what I want to see from Ace, especially in chapter 7 and future arcs.
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I’d say Crewel is my third favorite staff when it comes to appeal, though he’s the most interesting in terms of how compelling he is as a character among the staff.
I don’t know why, but when I think of pre-release Twst, one of the first things I remember is the revelation of Crewel. Probably because my irl was thirsting a lot for him when he first came out 😂 but yeah, Crewel definitely got so much thirst comments when he came out. It was rather entertaining. Can’t blame anyone really, he is hot 😔
I feel like I’d be scared of Crewel in class at first 😭 “I’m going to drill 100 formulas into your memory” bye I’m out. But later on, I’d grow to respect his intelligence and competence as a teacher (something that I grew to deeply appreciate after encountering countless incompetent profs 😔🫠), so I think I may be motivated to try my hardest in his class. The man also encourages you to live your life, something that I really like about him 🥺 He’d be strict with you, but he won’t stop you from doing fun things in life (as long as it doesn’t hurt you of course).
Obviously, he’s got the staff curse, which is not enough screen time 😔 but hey, at least he’s got a battle chibi 😌 I’m honestly really curious about Crewel’s life outside of classes. Share more about your damn minions, Crewel 👁👄👁 talk about your red sports car, give us stories of your most daring adventures, both past and present (I feel like he’s still pretty daring even as an adult).
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