#yum drama fanfic
itsutatanelol · 1 year
posts twice in a single day oml
pastes this here from my notes for future ref to immortalize this fanfic idea [moderately long post warning]
ok so fanfic idea >:)
the setting is like ancient korea type (doesnt have to be explicitly in korea - it can also be medivial/ancient england, japan, etc or a location isnt even explicitly set or its a fictional place) - whether its scifi/fantasy/etc is optional
we got person a who is like a part of a large ass royal family and is in very high status but is very humble and acts like a poor person
then theres person b who is a servant with the only family they have being one parent/grandparent/sibling/etc or something but they are very arrogant and act like theyre all high and mighty and haughty like royalty
one or both of them may or may not be relatively weak frail and/or ill and are/is prone to dropping dead or just randomly collasping (whether be into a coma or just passing out) at any given time due to this (because we gotta have the tragic drama teehee)
one of them bumps into the other and one falls in love at first sight and slowly begins to follow the other everywhere and try to interact with them more (bonus points if they both fall in love instantly) but because of their status (or bc theyre gay (or both)) they cant openly be in a relationship cus everyone will go apeshit cus omg the royal is dating a dirty lowly servant !! so they either 1. have to go into hiding and secretly date once they realize their feelings or 2. have to stop interacting with each other and break up (more bonus points if one or both of them deny their feelings at first due to their status/gender). BUT !! they might decide either eventually or from the start that they dont give a fuck about what other people think and start to flex their relationship via arrogant pda
this may also turn into a romeo and juliet situation where their family tells them not to see each other for whatever reasons but they are DESPERATELY and STRONGLY YEARNING FOR EACHOTHER !!! also they may or may not eventually get married or move away from another and if its the latter then they may or may not see each other again and if its the latter of that then they may or may not reincarnate and meet somehow
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e-vay · 2 months
What are some things you hope to find in a fanfic?
Oh man, this is a big question and not something I can easily put into words but I'll try my best!
Although I do love a good angsty story that'll make me cry, I tend to favor feel-good pieces. I don't mind if it has a little drama and emotional turmoil but my favs will make you feel all warm and fuzzy after reading them.
I love stories that feature a lot of physical touch. Not necessarily talking spicy things (though that's great too), I mean more like the characters have to constantly be brushing against each other or holding hands or touching in some capacity or if they're not touching then they're feeling the gravity of the pull the other person has on them. I live for it, yum yum yum!
"Comfort" is a favorite theme of mine. Read in to that what you will. Spoiling the person they care about, talking/hyping them up, going out of their way to make them feel happy, being extra attentive to their S/O, or being nurturing when the other is ill/hurt/tired.
I LOVE some spice! 😚 It's not a requirement but boy do I love it when a story has at least some flirty lines or scenes that makes me blush!
KISSING???? HELLO????? If I read a fic and I'm denied a kiss by the end of it I'm devastated! (I know some stories don't lend themselves to that but I'm still always hoping for it heeheee)
Most importantly, the characters have to be mostly true to their character. I'll completely stop reading a fic if someone is acting absurdly out of character. It puts me off.
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virtualcoffeemoon · 2 months
I'm not trying to be mean or rude or yuck your yum or anything but why do you support the dsmp community? Like there is so much drama and bad people in the community, I just can't imagine being in it. But again, it's just a question and I'm not trying to be mean or anything.
Hi anon! Thank you for asking in a polite way and the honest answer is, I don't really support much if any people who were once part of the dsmp.
I do still occasionally watch vods from Aimsey, Niki or Tubbo I don't care much about the cc's ( content creators) I focus on the fanfic part of the community, the characters.
I think the different personality's and the diversity in perspectives is something that I find pretty compelling. Also the dsmp was one of the first communities I joined with first being fnaf but fnaf isn't that fan fic- able lmao.
I hope I answered your question but if there is anything I missed or didn't understand that was apart of your question pls do not hesitate to let me know!
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carmarriage · 8 months
So what is Shade Like? How would you picture them getting together?
by jove being asked about my sonic shipping opinions is the best thing that has happened to me all year. Yippee!!
some context on the sonic chronicles story: the knuckles clan (tikal's tribe from sa1) was at war with the nocturnus clan, which was another more technologically advanced echidna tribe that wanted to Do A Conquest or something along those lines. i think sonic chronicles implies that's the reason for the flashback events of sa1. so the knuckles clan is wiped out by chaos, and shortly afterward the nocturnus clan is thrown into interdimensional space jail (?) by an interdimensional space god (?) and they use the alien technology there to get even more technologically advanced. they manage to find a way back to mobius, but time in the interdimensional space jail flows differently, so though they were only in there for some nebulous few years, 4,000+ years passed in the regular world. it's stupid and it's awesome. i haven't played this game in many years so i had to skim the wiki page for a refresher lol
shade is part of the nocturnus clan, she's like an assassin type warrior lady that works as the big bad's blindly devoted right hand man for the first half of the game, then gets betrayed and swaps sides to join the good guys. she's pretty much what you would expect for that kind of archetype, but since it's one of my favorites (ESPECIALLY when done with female characters <3 women's wrongs etc etc) i like her a lot even if the rest of the game isn't very good. because of the ken penders lawsuit (apparently this game riffs pretty hard on some concepts from the archie comics, but i haven't read those so iunno) none of this is canon anymore and we will never see shade ever again. sadge. (apparently ken penders thinks he owns her now and is making her into nfts. this is the worst timeline)
SO my reasoning for being #1 tikade crusader: technically shade and tikal were born/alive at the same time and it's very likely that at least shade knew of tikal, since she's the daughter of the chief of the clan they're currently at war with. it's got some real good romeo & juliet spice to it. i think the contrasts between their characters (calculating warrior on the cusp of turning into a living weapon vs peaceful pacifist who just wants to live in harmony) is sauurrrr good. narrative foils and all that. and the inherent tragedy of it too!! knowing that tikal is going to seal herself in the master emerald!! and shade is going to slip away thousands of years into the future!! no matter what it'll always end the same way!!
many many years ago i had this fanfic concept in my head where shade is sent to assassinate/kidnap tikal for political reasons, but tikal manages to talk her out of it and the two of them bond and begin to meet in secret, and their romance blossoms from there. this is pretty much still the definitive "how it would happen" scenario for me. i like to think their relationship would help them work through the uncertainty in both of their lives and situations and give them a new perspective on what they want for themselves and what they want their futures to be like. it'd be cute if their attitudes influenced each other, like shade deciding she wants to abandon her life of violence and run away with tikal, while tikal decides she wants to stay and fight (figuratively anyway) their circumstances so they can be together.
once the whole thing with perfect chaos goes down, i don't think shade would've been present so she wouldn't know what tikal had done and where she is, and only thinks she died along with everyone else, which is SUCH good drama. i like to think the grief of losing the woman she loved would've caused shade to regress and further entrenched her into the person she is during sonic chronicles, unflinchingly loyal to ix and the nocturne clan, and she would've tried to forget about her time with tikal and just focus on her mission. yum
i still really like this concept.... i'm not good at writing fic but maybe i'll try to do a little comic about it someday. this is all like 2 steps removed from canon in my brain and i need everyone to see them the way that i do because there's so much potential here...... but ya that's why i like tikade
(hey so while writing this i read through tikal's wiki page and apparently she's ALIVE now?? at the end of sa1?? which is funny because all this time i thought she straight up died. like after she reunited wwith chaos her spirit was at rest or some shit. but that's kinda awesome because at the end of sonic chronicles shade is also back on mobius so they could have a reunion, LOVE WINS!!!!)
thank you for reading my post :)
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iamnotathornbird · 2 years
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#although i don't enjoy sunlight/daytime and am pale and already have fangs and love vampire literature or media
My Top Posts in 2022:
What does Katniss mean when she says: “A kind Peeta Mellark is far more dangerous to me than an unkind one”?
Chapter 4 of The Hunger Games novel.
Thank you 😊
the next line is, "kind people have a way of working their way inside of me and rooting there." i think many (if not most) people have a soft spot for good, kind people, especially if they've been a recipient of that kindess. peeta's kindness saved katniss and her family from starving to death. if peeta was more aloof/neutral or outright cruel, it would be much easier for her to hate him and not have any qualms about beating (killing?) him in the arena.
11 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
let's say you've been put in charge of a new thg adaptation, whether it's a new film series, a miniseries, or a tv show. you get complete creative control. what's one scene you would definitely make sure to include that did NOT make it into the movies?
the scene where katniss and peeta bone, obviously. 😈
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13 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
feeling old AF because i don't understand fandom drama and why the youngins can't just like, let all the ships, be they canon ships or crack ships, just... be.
don't yuck my yum. don't send a random writer hate because you can't just click the back or X button and go on to the next fic you wanna read.
i'm legitimately so annoyed that some of the best fexi fics are being pulled off AO3 because some assholes just can't let people have nice smut fics in peace and instead feel the need to send anonymous fandom hate to people that don't owe them anything.
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14 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
i am like 0% okay these days for many reasons, and one of them happens to be the fact that hades and persephone still haven't reunited. 😭
29 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
are you doing okay? or did you also start reading a 29 chapter long sanrion fic last night at midnight, knowing full well that you had to be up by 7am at the latest.....
39 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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steepedwonders · 3 months
LOL why do people go out of their way to spread lies? The author never stated anywhere that her work is based off of her experiences with Bad Omens. She stated it’s a reflection of her own experiences with individuals within that scene, never stated who and all identities and appearances have been altered to reflect those from a tv show. Why is there a need to stir up unnecessary drama between fandoms to white knight for a band who doesn’t care? Some reactions are truly over the top lmaoo
It's possible the anon misinterpreted it. I think there's a lot of mixed feelings on fanfics, which to an extent is understandable.
But like I said, I'm not going to yuck anyone's yum. It's not my place to judge. Write/read whatever makes you happy. :)
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supercsi4 · 4 years
17x11 In the Wind
First off, I love love love that we are learning more about Nick.  I enjoy finding out more about characters that we have learned to love and are obsessed with seeing week after week.  I was just talking to my husband about the new show FBI: Most Wanted.  In their first episode last night, it was all about drama and suspense and action and absolutely no character development. But I tried to explain to him, that’s what a pilot is for, grabbing the audience, so they come back to watch future episodes.  Character development will happen down the road once you get to know the characters a little.  Now we all know NCIS/CSI takes extra long to develop their characters and give us backstories and love stories, but still, what was my point?  Oh, I can’t wait for more about Nick.  I’m assuming this episode is the start of him snowballing out of control.  He was so determined and pissed and in leather on a motorcycle, yum.
“He’s got a thing about lost kids.” Obviously, Ellie knows what’s going on.
Jimmy has to explain it to Ziva.
“He does seem rather obsessed.”
“I am not surprised.  Nick broke up a child trafficking ring.  It was years ago when he was still undercover, but it really messed with his head.”
“That would explain it.”
“Yeah, he doesn’t like to talk about it.”
I can’t wait to learn more about this.  Or read about it in fanfics.
Ellie punching Victor for Nick at the airport was amazing.  I was happy Ellie was there to calm Nick down, but the bonus was her putting her hands all over Nick and then turning around to punch Victor.  I literally screamed.  Ellie is the Black Widow to Nick’s Hulk.  Ellie of 3 seasons ago would have never punched a suspect in the airport, Nick is rubbing off on her, in a good way.  Need fanfics about this too.
“Tell her how you feel, you wuss.” Ziva said to Nick again.  Nick smiling is something he wouldn’t have done 3 seasons ago, he would have never admitted Ziva was right with just a smile.  And that smile, it was so refreshing, after seeing so much anger on his face the entire episode, one mention of Ellie and he’s over the moon. There’s no way Jimmy didn’t hear Ziva, he was standing right behind her.  Makes you think, I know Jimmy said he didn’t see any chemistry between Nick and Ellie, but if Nick has opened up to Jimmy about his undercover work, makes you wonder if he’s opened up to him about Ellie?  I like how the first time Ziva said it to Nick, it caught him off guard and I think scared him that someone else, who didn’t know him at all, could see how much he loved Ellie.  Now, I think he just smiled, knowing Ziva was right and he’s working on it.  I really wish Ziva had said something to Ellie about admitting her feelings to Nick.  Or Ziva whisper something to Ellie and then they both look at Nick.  That would have been great.  I’m worried about this whole Odette thing, but at least Ziva said it in front of Tim, so at least it won’t be a secret.
There was so much potential fanfic material in this episode, I was up until 4:00 in the morning just brainstorming.  I really want to wait for the episode where Nick is in the hospital, because I think that will lead to even more material for me.
I know a lot of Tiva fans are upset about the ending of this episode and I’m an OG Tiva fan so I was hoping for a Tony/Ziva reunion also, but let’s get real, Michael Weatherly has another show, did we really think he’d come back to NCIS?  I doubt this will be the last time we see Ziva or Tony, so for now, there are fanfics to fill in the holes and then we just wait.  Tiva fans should be used to waiting right?
For now, I’m excited for tomorrow’s part 2 of the Law & Order SVU cliffhanger, because I feel like I’ll have to focus on a Rollisi fanfic first.
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forestwater87 · 5 years
Weird question based on a fanfic in a completely different fandom but do you have any "How they make a PB&J" head canons for Camp Camp? Like does anyone never use enough of either filling/completely overstuff the thing, add weird things to the mix, always cut it into a specific shape or never sit down to eat the sandwich? Stuff like that.
Oh my god, this is adorable. Let’s see . . .
David: Is a champion sandwich-maker. Years of camp counseling and generally being Too Pure For This World (TM) have resulted in a machine of perfect sandwiches. He can make 20 PB&Js in a minute. He could do it asleep, if he ever actually slept. If a robot made sandwiches, they would not be as laser-perfect as David’s.
. . .  Or he’s easily distracted and forgets to, like, put jelly on them sometimes and wanders off halfway through because he has another great idea for a camp activity. It’s one or the other.
Gwen: Is usually reading a magazine or something while making it, accidentally peanut-butters her hand because she isn’t paying attention. (David steps in and cuts it for her because he’s terrified she’ll slice a finger off.)
Max: Refuses to eat them. He insists they’re disgusting, but it’s really just that he has an allergy to gluten and doesn’t realize it. (This in no way stops him from eating pizza and whatnot, by the way. He’s just too young to really make the connection between “this thing has bread in it” and “I wanna die” yet. Poor bean.)
Neil: Despite the complete and potentially disastrous folly of eating at his science workstation, he does all the time. I like what you suggested about never sitting down; that’s Neil in a nutshell. Food is fuel for the science, not something to get weird about shapes or brand names. As long as it’s not obviously dangerous, he’s gonna eat it without thinking.
Nikki: What’s the point of eating a sandwich when you can just eat the peanut butter and jelly by themselves?
Campbell: Ha. No. He is an adult, thank you. He’ll eat a bag of gummy bears and bottle of bourbon like a man.
Quartermaster: Of all the things that go into one of his sandwiches, crunchy peanut butter is the least upsetting of them.
Nerris: No peanut butter. Just white bread (no crusts) and jelly, which she pretends is some sort of fairy/elf food. If she can get her hands on some marshmallows and call the thing ambrosia, she absolutely will.
Ered: Is too cool for sandwiches. (But, if you catch her with one, it absolutely is full of weird shit like pickles. And is toasted. Yum.)
Preston: Overstuffed, just like his soul is loaded with drama and flavor. If you let crunchy peanut butter anywhere near him you will be slain with a cardboard rapier. Cut into the shape of stars, because a) he is a star and b) the more absurd requests he makes the more he feels like a diva.
Harrison: Will eat whatever you put in front of him. He’s a little hoover. (If it isn’t toasted, though, he will absolutely try to do so himself and it will absolutely end in something catching fire that should not be on fire.)
Dolph: I feel like the less is said, the better.
Nurf: Being on his own most of the time, he’s actually probably the most competent sandwich-maker at the camp. If you strong-arm him into helping make lunch though, he will totally sneak things like bugs and chili peppers into the sandwiches of people he does like. (He discovers Nikki is actually thrilled to find bugs in her sandwiches and keeps doing it, while still totally claiming his bully cred.)
Space Kid: Sees Preston’s star-sandwiches and also wants them, but is nowhere near as skilled with a knife and accidentally makes these shredded, lumpy misshapen pentagons. That, or he gets his knife confiscated instantly because the counselors see him holding something sharp and have instant panic attacks.
Jasper: Ghosts don’t eat sandwiches, you fool.
I was gonna do the rest -- you know the Flower Scouts are all-organic and probably gluten-free, and the Wood Scouts don’t use any jelly, just like peanut butter and protein powder or something equally disgusting -- but uhhh . . . I don’t have a whole lot, it turns out, just for sandwiches. 
Oh, Daniel’s is just white bread. Nothing on it, not toasted. Just plain, white bread.
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knivxsanddespair · 5 years
Two in one today
Mon Cherie Tom
“You seem to be lost in thought. What’s on your mind dude?”
That got Tom back to reality as he saw the two ladies staring at him. “Oh nothing important really~”
Chloe giggled a little. “Well Mon amour~ tell us then!”
It has been a few years since Mewni and Earth has been cleaved. Things weren’t so smooth with the humans at first but it got better with the help of Marco and Star, along with Eclipsa and Globgor smoothing things out.
Meanwhile, He was still trying to mend his heart and enjoy the space given to him. Thankfully the drama between him, Marco and Star was resolved and it's not as messy as he seem it would be. But he would leave that aside for now.
“Well, I may be a demon, but I married two of the prettiest angels that fell down from heaven!”
Chloe and Jackie just looked at each other. “He is, how you say. Being cheesy?”
“And you know what we have to do to guys who try to be cheesy~?” Jackie asked while applying her lipstick on.
“Oui~” Chloe nodded while joining in.
He was blessed to meet Jackie and Chloe when they bumped into each other. With the introductions done, the three began finding out more about each other as the days go by. It opened Tom’s heart once again and he make his best efforts for them, going on friendly visits to just watch soap operas and chill, taking skating lessons from them and eventually, a few dates when he had enough courage to ask them. Then of course came along marraige and Katherine was born. He couldn’t be happier than he is right now.
Well..maybe right now because his two wives are leaving lipstick marks all over and calling him by their pet names for him, which was his one weakness.
All is good.
The day was set.
The Queen has all her guests and beloved ones ready and sitted in her large room, comfortable with each having a bowl of nachos and a large bottle of pepsi ready for the reading of Vivienne’s My Chemical Romance fanfic.
“Ladies and Gentlemen.” Chepi chimed. “It is with great honor that I now introduced to you, Miss Vivienne Butterfly who has, at this point of time acquired the title of Miss “Boohoo the Fool of the Underground!”
Thunderous applause was given as she sat down in a stool, right by the side of Chepi. Janna (who has a black eye courtesy of Viv) started laughing but immediately shuts up when she stared daggers at her.
“Now darling, remember the agreement. You stay there until the reading is finished, or Chepi 2.0 will give you yum yums, with ink in your tum tums.”
“Yeah yeah, let’s get on with it.”
“Alright then. We shall go with..oh. Well this isn’t much of a fanfic but more of a review! It’s called, ‘Why MCR should be listened to all.’"
Vivienne was just shuddering hard, hoping this could end soon.
Chepi gave a little cough before starting. "First of all, this is not a phase mom!!!!11111, this is how I truly am! Blacc should be for everyone because the other colors sux. >;'c"
"Wow, poor grammar dear." Eclipsa and Star was trying not to laugh when Chepi showed how it was typed.
"Okay every1, lets get 2 de reel point here! My Chemical Romance are my idols beecos they talk about the problems of the youth right now! Also no het3ro but Gerard is hawt. If he waz a girl I would date her!" Chepi squinted hard at her while she could just sheepishly grin and wave back ar her.
She then flipped back to see if there was anything else. "Huh, this was deliberately short."
"Boo! Zero out of ten!" Janna shouted at the back.
"Come here and said that to my face you-" Vivienne was gonna jump and her and finish the sentence had it not for a tentacle wrapped on her stomach and slammed her down on the floor.
"Be silent, Boohoo the fool! You may have gone past the first test, but we will see if you can passed the second next thursday. Ruberiot is preparing a song for you as we speak."
If there was a hell, Vivienne wants to jump headfirst to it.
(@fuluv Well there you go! It's time we carry this new ship with Tom, Jackie and Chloe! Also as promised, I have also finished another continuation for yours and @kyotemeru-arts's reading pleasure, tho I'm sorry I cant make it better because its currently two in the morning as I'm typing this out! But enjoy all the same!
Chevi belongs to @kyotemeru-arts and Vivienne belonfs to @fuluv )
Till next time!
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sidskywrote · 5 years
What do you do when you feel depressed? I'm sorry if this question makes you feel uncomfortable...
Hi, it’s alright :) But you should know I’ve never been diagnosed with depression (although honestly that may just be because I’ve never been to a therapist) so I’m going to answer this more in the mindset of what my family likes to call “rough patches.” Please bear with me. 
I find that what pulls me out of rough patches typically comes down to varying combinations of socializing, learning, physical health and creating.
Sometimes when I’m feeling dejected or isolated, I’ll realize that I haven’t picked up the phone and talked to my parents, or my non-work friends, for weeks, and in that case I usually feel a bit better once I’ve done that. People need people, and even if I can’t been in the same room with someone I care about, reaching out even just to hear their voice for a few minutes helps me reset. Even texting helps, if I’m worried they might be busy, and not able to talk on the phone. Which happens a lot, because I work afternoons/nights, and most of them are on normal 9-5′s or thereabouts. Any way I can stay in touch helps.
Learning new things has always made me happy. So if I find myself spending all my free time watching Netflix or scrolling social media, I try to switch it up a bit. TED Talks are a great way to get bite-sized bits of information about all sorts of topics, and it’s really cool seeing people talk so passionately about the things they do. 
I’ve also been getting back into reading lately. Fun books; not just the classics everybody says you should read even though they’re really racist or misogynistic and you’re just supposed to “ignore” all that and say how “great” the book is. Fun books: fantasy and mystery and drama and comedy and whatever else I feel like reading. And unless it’s a fanfic, I read books in physical paper/hardback form. I spend way too much time in front of a computer screen at work, and while writing my own stories. Sometimes you just need something you can hold in your hands, and physically turn the pages, and has that old/new book smell. It also helps me focus: it’s hard to open a new tab when your laptop’s closed.
I sometimes get into cycles of eating really poorly, or forgetting some other aspect of taking care of my physical needs. If I forget to take my allergy tab when I wake up–especially in the summer, and especially since I’ve moved closer to Chicago–then there’s a good chance I’ll spend the rest of my day with a mild sinus headache, which doesn’t combine well with an office job staring at a computer for eight hours while editors are scrapping page designs and getting me content ten minutes before deadline and still wanting the page out on time. Really adds to the stress, which in turn adds to wanting to numb the stress, which just numbs everything, which goes bad fast.
It’s easy to get into a rough patch when I’m physically not feeling well, so I try to make sure I’m taking my allergy medicine, and eating right, and drinking water. Some days I’ll feel miserable, then realize the last thing I ate was eight hours ago, and I’ve just been drinking black coffee in the interim. That’s when I have to make myself stop what I’m doing, and go get some food, or it’ll just get way worse. My dad is terrible at watching his diet, and he’s had giant sugar swings my whole life, leading to some pretty hurtful comments coming out of his mouth with no apologies once he’s had something to eat. I don’t want that for myself. So that’s an added reason for me to try and keep track of my physical health, even beyond the rougher rough patches.
Last but not least: creating. Writing. Drawing. Sculpting. Painting. Gardening. Photography. You name it. Creating breaks me out of a monotonous loop and gives my brain a chance to play by its own rules, all while producing something that is a physical proof of my efforts. It doesn’t have to be good; in some cases, it doesn’t have to cost more than a ballpoint pen and drawing on my own skin (or a piece of paper if I’m trying and failing at origami); it doesn’t even have to be all that useful. It just has to be something I did. I don’t have people over often in my apartment, so my “dining room table” is constantly covered in projects. Right now I’m gluing popsicle sticks to the back of thrift store picture frames, so that I can have a decent base to attach some command strips to, so I can actually put the photos up on my walls. It’s small, but it’s still creation. And for me, cooking counts too. It’s like a little experiment that’s successful if I can take a bite and go “yum.”
A combination of socializing and creating helped drag me out of the worst rough patch I’ve ever had. It had gotten so bad that I actually needed a kickstart to care about anything, and that kickstart came when the mom of a friend from high school–someone who is now a friend in her own right–asked if I would be willing to assistant-direct a play she was putting on. Which led to also stage managing that play. Which led to working the lights on another play, and set building on another, and spotlighting another, and getting back into acting, and on and on. Working with that theater company’s one of the things I miss most since I’ve moved. I’m honestly not sure where I’d be without them.
And it was during that time that I started working on both Safe, and some original stories. All of which helped bring back my confidence, and make me want to take care of myself again.
So really, it’s a combination of a bunch of things that help me when I’m in a rough patch. And these things might be different for other people, but these are the kinds of things that have worked for me.
I hope this answers your question, and I wish you well.
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creedslove · 5 years
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE VITOR FICS OMG GURL I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! also i'll use this chance to tell you again that I really love this blog and that it's gotten to the point that I check it almost daily to see if any new asks have been answered and what other peeps have to say (also i am really considering watiching Ray Donovan just for Liev tbh) much luv from a stranger
**hugs you so tight**
Thank you so much anon, it means the world to me, honestly! About the fanfics: I really hope you enjoy them! They are my favs and I've read them many times hehehe but you can also find other Victor fics by the same authors 💜💚
Awww thank you so much my sweetheart, I get so happy to know that, since you check my blog so often I'll make sure to post more often whenever I can 💜💚 and well, in case things are too slow, feel free to send me asks in anon or not or if you want to talk through PM I'm also glad 💜💚
Well, I guess you won't regret watching Ray Donovan because Liev is just yum and it is a very good series tbh. In case you don't feel like watching it or you are lazy like me lol, you can always skip the other parts and see only Liev scenes. This is what I do now that I'm rewatching a few episodes, lol. I'm not patient enough to go through all that Mickey/Terry/Bunchy drama all over again, so I just skip their parts and watch Liev's scenes 😂😂😂 there's a lot of juicy content and most of the time Ray is Victor with no claws 😏
Thanks a lot my darling, you made my day so much better, bless you and your beautiful heart 💚💜💛
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bbasmati-rice · 2 years
🌵and 🌹?
🌵 What is your favorite kind of fan fiction to read?
I don't read much fanfics, but when I do I really like angst. I LOVE having fanfics tear my heart out and rip it to pieces its a great expirience
also drama n misunderstandings is fun yum
🌹 What is your favorite kind of fan fiction to write?
As you can see with nearly all of my fanfics, theres a common thing of Something Getting Revealed, whether it be someones romantic feelings (I Had That Same Dream Again) or someones dark secret (You Should've Told Me, and Balcony)
I also enjoy writing angst and studying characters under a microscope (An Unwanted Guest (unposted to the public), and Good For You)
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dramallamadingdang · 6 years
The “Get to Know Me” meme is goin’ around again...
And the lovely and Hungarian @deedee-sims tagged me, so...
Nickname(s): My name is Katrina, so most people IRL call me Kat, except my husband, who calls me Kitten, but he’s the only one who’s allowed to call me that. In Sims Land, I'm known as iCad. Gender: I has girl bits. Most of them don't function anymore, for which I am VERY THANKFUL! Sign: I am a Dragon. (Hey, type of zodiac is not specified, and the Chinese one is slightly less BS-y than the Western one.) Height: Still a hair under 6'0/182cm Time: 10:06AM, US Mountain time, which is UTC-7. Birthday: The 23rd day of April, starting in 1964. Favourite Bands: Queen, The Moody Blues, The Barenaked Ladies, Favourite Solo Artists: Mmmm, well, I suppose Freddie Mercury doesn't count, so I'll go with...Elton John. Or Madonna. Or Barbra Streisand. It all depends on my mood, really. Song stuck in my head: "She Bop," by Cyndi Lauper. I've been listening to 80s music while painting hair textures, and that one always sticks in my head. Last movie I watched: Um...I think it was the Ang Lee Sense & Sensibility. It was a while ago, though. Last show I watched: Stargate Atlantis. Watching it right now, in fact. *laugh* When did I create this blog: In December of 2013. What do I post: Mostly, downloads, gameplay pics when I can be arsed to put posts in the queue, and pics of lots I build in the game. Plus the occasional non-Sims-related thing, mostly silly, including question memes like this one. I keep real life crap off this thing, though, for the most part. What did I last google: Aside from my time zone because I can never remember how far off UTC I am? Digital painting tutorials. And now I can't stop watching them and I'm trying to paint a portrait of my cat. *laugh* Other blogs: Just one for ranting. Which I haven't felt a need to use lately. I've been beating the shit out of my punching bag instead of verbally venting about RL things. It's cathartic, and I get some exercise. Win/win. Do I get asks: Occasionally. Not that often. Maybe 2 or 3 a week, on average. Why did I choose this URL: Because I own llamas (and alpacas), I like snickering at online drama, and it's a play on an old song. Following: 240 Followers: I dunno. *looks* 1909, apparently. Which I'm going to predict will go down to 1906 after I post this because that sort of thing always happens. :) I'd be willing to bet that at least half of them aren't active, but I do at least screen out the pornbots and advertising ones and such. Average hours of sleep: Generally around 6 hours a day, unless I'm not feeling well, in which case I've been known to sleep for 16 hours or more. I'm nocturnal, and I generally go to bed around noon and then wake up in the early evening. Lucky number: 13. Because I'm contrary. Instrument: Technically, all of them, since I went to music school and have Master's in Performance and had to learn them all. :) I wouldn't call myself proficient on all of them by any means, though. The ones I play on a regular basis are piano, cello, and harp. Preferably lever harp, but I can play a pedal harp if I have to. What am I wearing: A t-shirt that's about 3 sizes too large, an also-too-large pair of sweatpants, and a pair of socks. And panties. But no bra because I hate them and have very little in the way of boobage, anyway. Dream job: Being retired, which is pretty much what I am now, mostly because of health issues. Favourite Food: Lately? Pickles. I can't get enough of them. I just ate a whole jar of them and didn't realize it until I pulled the last one out of the jar. Ooops. I also made some "egg" salad -- out of tofu, because vegan -- and used some pickle juice in it instead of the soy sauce I usually put in it. Yum! (And no, I'm not pregnant. *laugh*) 3 favorite fandoms: I used to be way into Star Trek fandom, starting in the 70s, but I kind of stopped being fannish in the mid-90s or so. I still read fanfic and stuff, but I wouldn't say I'm "in the fandom" anymore, so...I dunno. Sims, I guess.  
And I shall randomly tag...*cracks knuckles*... @simblrkersil @nekosayuri, @vampireacademysims, @serabiet, @yavannah, @simaddicted-sue,  @ajaysims, annnnnnnd my newest follower, @hiding-from-senpai. As always, feel free to completely ignore if this isn't something you're interested in doing.
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real-life-sucks-ass · 6 years
tag game
Rules: Answer questions given to you, write 11 new questions, and tag people to answer those questions!
I was tagged by @spockslash, thanks grandma! <3
1. When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?
Well on the internet, sometimes people ask me for writing advices or to betaread something. And my parents come for my help to move heavy stuff.
2. What would be your first question after waking up in the year 2233, from being cryogenically frozen for 215 years?
“What season of Supernatural is it now?” Haha just joking, I’d probably ask about technology and space travel I guess.
3. What is your ideal way to spend the weekend?
Lots of energy and inspiration: waking up early, writing all morning, finishing a chapter and updating it, getting a bunch of long reviews, drawing some dumb Merlin art and putting it on tumblr, chatting with @geek-trough-time-and-space while watching Netflix, and a shopping trip and/or restaurant with @less-life-and-more-dream :D
4. What is the most heartwarming thing you’ve ever seen?
My friends and my parents. Just looking at them or thinking about them warms my heart.
5. What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation?
Fanfictions, Writing, BBC Merlin, Libraries. Japan.
6. What’s the best thing that happened to you last week?
I took a few days off at my parents’. So I was fed for free and had no dishes to wash! \o/
7. What amazing thing did you do that no one was around to see?
I dunno if that’s amazing, but I only sing and dance when I’m alone.
8. How different was your life one year ago?
Not that different tbh. I had different coworkers, that’s all.
9. Where is the most relaxing place you’ve ever been?
In south Japan, Sakurajima, with my feet in warm water and gazing at the sea, @less-life-and-more-dream by my side and a few stray cats napping. I want to go back there!
10. What are you looking forward to in the coming months?
Lots of stuff! In order: New Year Eve, updating new chapters for my fics and starting a new one, some shopping trips with friends for the sales, eating Galette des rois (yum yum, I’ll try to bake one myself), maybe a new haircut, and travelling in Ireland with @geek-trough-time-and-space! I can’t wait!!
11. Who inspires you to be better?
@geek-trough-time-and-space inspires me to be more kind, patient and open-minded. @less-life-and-more-dream inspires me to be more determined, to learn more stuff about history and art, to plan for my future, and not be such a lazy ass. @dupond-and-dupont inspires me with her creativity, energy and bright positivity. People I never met IRL inspire me too. Like you, @spockslash, you inspire me to take pride in my passions, to never stop enjoying fandoms and writing fanfictions. I’m also in awe with great fanartists like @thefriendlypigeon or @maryluis who make me want to practice to become better at drawing.
And now I’m tagging: @creepywonderland-pony @dupond-and-dupont @geek-trough-time-and-space @kateis-cakeis @less-life-and-more-dream @maryluis @thefriendlypigeon @andersandrew (why can’t I tag you? weird) @calimera62 @mr-and-mr-pendragon @always-keep-writing @istadris (I can’t tag you either! WHY) @littleworldofskad @dixseptdixhuit @amethystsworld @bearwithoutpaws @lett-them-eatt-cake and whoever wants to do it.
My questions are:
1) What would an evil version of you look like? Describe it or draw it.
2) Share your knowledge! Teach us something weird you know :D
3) You find a way to stop the time, as long as you want, as many times as you want. Only you can move, everything else is frozen. While it’s frozen, you don’t age. How do you use that power?
4) Can you cook? If so, please share a recipe with us?
5) If your life was a book, what would the first lines be like? (It can be a serious biography, a funny light book, poetry, drama, romance, or even a comics of child’s book, whatever you want!)
6) How’s your day so far?
7) How many languages can you speak?
8) Rec us one or two good fanfics you’ve read recently!
9) What do your family members and/or partner think about you being into fandoms (and writing fics or drawing fanarts if you do so)? Are they supportive?
10) Your top 3 fav characters ever?
11) Tell us 3 fun facts about yourself.
Of course you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to!
By the way, @dupond-and-dupont , you just lost the game. :D
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