#yuya sakaki (sort of)
phecdasolar · 5 months
Thinking about the parallels between Jaden and Yuya again and going insane. I am mentally unwell about them.
Starting out loud, goofy, kind, and careless, thinking you’ll be the hero, you’re the good guy, you’ll face any bad guy to protect your loved ones, but ending up becoming the worst kind of evil they will ever face.
Being changed and warped in such a way that you will never be able to go back to being that same happy-go-lucky, carefree child you once were. Having to live with the fact that you will never be rid of the blood on your hands or the dark stain on your soul. They may smile at you and call you family, but they don’t look at you the same anymore. There’s a wariness in their eyes that wasn’t there before. They love you but they fear you.
Dragons are territorial creatures. Take away the one thing, the one person they love and cherish most in the world and they will cause hell on earth to get them back. Tunnel vision growing so strong, they end up hurting those around them, driving them away little by little. Waking up and realizing you are alone, you’ve been alone for some time now. Loving someone so emphatically and coming out the other side realizing you’ve tainted them and dragged them down with you. It is a pain like no other.
You have so much love to give but your love is poison. Your love is the killing kind, and they know it. They stick with you anyway, in the end. What else can they do? Despite the fear, the smiles that don’t reach their eyes, telling you they trust you but never turning their backs to you.
They stay because they cannot leave no matter how much they want to. You were a Sun, bright and warm, your gravity pulled them to you and you gave them life. Now you have imploded and you are a Black Hole and they cannot escape you. You wish that they could. It would be better for everyone, right?
Jaden Yuki and Yuya Sakaki. I am unw e l l
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
Jaden and Yuya are now my favorite dynamic of all time, and now that I’m being shown the similarities I’m wondering if it’s really just a coincidence GX and Arc-V are my absolute favorites out of all the Yugioh series this is insane 👀
Hehe. Gladly <3
(Uh. This got long so it's going beneath the cut for the sake of people's dashboards)
Well, first off, there's just a lot of similarities between Zarc (the original Zarc, before he split into the Yu-bois) and Jaden. Both can talk to duel spirits, both start out chipper and are driven to the edge by grief, both split into various personas/people (Jaden with himself and the supreme king, Zarc obviously into the Yu-bois), both fuse with their ace monster(s), and both carry the title of "Supreme King". Most interesting, to me at least, is how both shape a lot of their identities around what they think people want from them.
Zarc was content to be an amazing duelist, but felt pressured to put on a good show, to be more brutal. Jaden, more subtly, constructs most of his personality off being easygoing, chill, and carefree, because he internalized that his emotions are dangerous, and people would rather deal with happy Jaden than the emotional disregulation mess that he actually is.
And both of them, when they get overwhelmed, adopt a mentality of "Well, the world might as well burn with me."
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Jaden, rather than feel his grief, locks off his own trauma behind a brick wall and goes on smiling. Yuya, rather than deal with his dads disappearance, does the same.
I'd also like it noted that supreme king Jaden and supreme king Yuya have yellow eyes.
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And some teal/orange eye asymmetry
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Honestly, even dragon form Yuya and the Supreme Kings armor have similar silhouettes.
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Mostly its in the spikes on the shoulders and elbows, and the fact that Zarc Yuya forms a weird chestplate (and that this is the same art team and visual style)
Another thing I get hung up on is that both Jaden and Yuri have super poly. In GX, Jaden had to go through an entire arc of misery to get that card, and Yuri just? Has it?
So my little headcanon, is that in the original timeline, before the dimensions were split, Zarc had the spirit of The Supreme King, able to command duel monsters and wield The Gentle Dark. Unfortunately for everyone, he got a teensy bit traumatized before he could enact his destiny of defeating The Light Of Destruction. Using his powers, he fused with his dragons, nearly destroyed the world, etc, etc. When he split, the Supreme King couldn't just split into four the same way the rest of his soul could, and so while the dimensions split, the past was rewritten to attach the power to a different soul, with a different guardian to boot. Similar to how the timeline got all borked to set everything back to a late nineties world of duel monsters.
Which would make Yuya 1/4 of an alternate universe version of Jaden. And I think there's a lot of fun to be had with that idea :)
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bphantom01 · 8 months
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starmakesart · 2 years
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no I will not give context for this one
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catdracox · 7 months
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So I heard it was Pokemon Day and…well, I decided to dig up an old drawing I did in my sketch book and digitalize it. And here's the result.
Context on how this drawing came to be was a irl friend of mine and I were in a sort of Yugioh hype and we were trying to figure out which Yugioh protag would be who. She mentioned that Yuya Sakaki would be a shiny Bagon, and I work with it and boom! I did it.
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universestreasures · 8 months
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Yuya & Zarc & Odd-Eyes
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Yuya is one out of four reincarnations of Zarc created when the Original Dimension was split into four by Ray Akaba, specifically the one born into the Standard Dimension. Though, his soul is more than just a fraction of Zarc's. Considering Zarc was split into four when he was merged with the four Dimensional Dragons (Odd-Eyes, Dark Rebellion, Clear Wing, and Starving Venom), that means that Yuya is a byproduct of both Zarc's soul as well as Odd-Eyes'. In this sorta way, his soul is sort like a Pendulum Card, half Zarc and half Odd-Eyes.
That does not mean that Yuya isn't his own person because he very much is. He has no memories of Zarc or Odd-Eyes until Zarc's resurrection towards the end of the series. He was born into Standard as a baby and was adopted by Yusho and Yoko Sakaki and raised as their own son. He was not aware he was adopted until Zarc's origins are revealed by Leo Akaba (Ep 126-127).
Yuya represents both Zarc's entertainment spirit as well as Odd-Eyes' extreme loyalty and empathy to it's comrades. He inherited Zarc's original desire to entertain the world and bring smiles to them through his dueling, to dazzle the crowd, opponents, and monsters alike. Out of all of his reincarnations, Yuya is the closest in personality to Zarc prior to his descent into madness. He also shares a strong bond with his dragon, as seen through their many duels together.
Yuya feels bad for Zarc at the end of the day, for he went through similar things throughout the course of his journey. He can see the pain in his eyes, the rage and frustration, and everything in between. He does not condone Zarc's actions, not at all. Taking out his frustrations on humanity and hurting innocents is never okay, but he more than anyone, can see how Zarc became the monster he ended up being and wishes for him to find peace.
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herberd · 1 year
Arc-V Month Day 22: Yuri and Aura
Arc V Month Day 22: Prismatic Rare, Prismatic Pair
Attempt 2 at posting this. Apparently, my first post was straight-up invisible from the tags so apologies if this appears on your feed twice
Joined Tumblr just for this, thanks to everyone that helped beta read this mess. Beware of amateur writing.
Aura Sentia liked to think of herself as any other girl. Normal, common, typical. She liked keeping up on the latest trends, eating desserts, hoping to find her other half… the list of similarities could go on. But it was much to her great displeasure that any other girl likely didn’t think the same about her.
Growing up, her ability to tell fortunes had never been anything less than deadly accurate. This was unfortunately more of a curse than a blessing, for this resulted in alienation from almost everyone around her. From her classmates only being interested in getting their fortunes told instead of actually playing with her, those envious of her powers shunning her, to the bullies calling her an evil witch. These experiences were more unpleasant than landing tails when activating Cup of Ace.
That being said, for all the trouble her ability brought her, Aura could never bring herself to truly resent them. They were an unmistakable aspect of her, and to reject them was to reject herself. And so, she continued to live life using her fortunes as a guiding light. They have never steered her wrong, never failed her. Thus, she had absolute faith in her predictions. They were never wrong and never could be wrong.
Enter Yuya Sakaki, the most frequent subject of Aura's thoughts ever since they first met. Star duelist of the You Show Duel School, pioneer of Pendulum Summons, and possibly the greatest Entertainment Duelist in Miami City. But these qualities were trivial compared to the most important thing about him; he was Aura's fated one and only! Her fortune said so after all! She would have no regrets dropping everything and committing herself to being the best wife she could, just for him.
Even now, as Aura was sitting at her desk doing homework, she found herself distracted by thoughts of her beloved. However, recent events had caused some of those thoughts to turn into doubts. It had been several months since the Dimensional Wars concluded. She couldn't recall all of the details, but apparently Yuya's past life almost caused the end of the world? Never mind the exact situation sounding like a tangled mess, she was still struggling to sort out the ripples it caused in her feelings for Yuya.
Still, her fortune told her that she had found her soulmate, and by the Heavens was she determined to follow it to the letter. She continued hanging out with him once everything settled, but he still showed 0 signs of returning her feelings. As the days passed, the doubt and frustration within Aura continued to grow. Yuya was most definitely her soulmate, so why was it taking so long for him to adore her like she did him?
Could it be? Her predicted fortune was… w r o n g?
Perish the thought! They had never failed her, never gave her any reason to doubt them. She put her hands on her head in frustration and ruffled her hair. Bah! Aura had accidentally let her mind wander too much. Homework began to look like a herculean task, only feeding on her disinterest. Far too irritated, her shoulders slumped as she let out a deep sigh. Taking a walk to unwind began to sound like a good idea. Getting up from her chair, Aura set an alarm for finishing her homework on her Duel Disk and headed out.
Feeling her hair blowing in the breeze was definitely doing wonders for her stress. Letting herself get lost in the sensations, Aura paid little mind to which direction she was heading in. Before long, she found herself wandering through Miami Central Park. She quite enjoyed it whenever she passed through the area. The air had always felt cleaner there.
Following the paved stone path, she noticed a large bed of purple flowers planted to the side. She was fairly certain that it wasn't there before. Approaching the flowers, Aura realized that they were pansies. "Ooooh, Pansies!" Aura exclaimed. "Haven't done a fortune with them in a while."
Looking around, she noticed a young man in purple kneeling down and tending to the pansies on the opposite end. His face was obscured by the straw hat sitting on top of his head. It would be rude not to ask him for permission before laying her hands on the flowers. Walking closer to the gardener, she called out to him: "Excuse me!"
"Hm?" the gardener looked up.
"Do you mind if I…" Aura trailed off, finally laying eyes on the gardener's face. It was that of her fated one, Yuya! Just the person she wanted to (not) see!
However, something felt off. Several things, in fact. "Yuya" was wearing a purple jacket and boots, a far cry from his usual wardrobe. His hair also appeared to be slicked back instead of the its usual style. On the whole, this man extrudes a certain vibe that was very unlike the Yuya she was accustomed to.
"Uh…" was… this one of Yuya's lookalikes? Being reminded of Yuya, the irritation from earlier began growing once again as her mind began to race. Should she continue talking to him? What should she say? Why did she want to take a walk again?
"…I suppose I can't help it if I'm that much of a hottie, but are you going to keep gawking, Miss, or do you have some business with me?" The gardener said, finally breaking the silence. He was side-eyeing her, clearly wanting to go back to tending the flowers.
"Oh! Uh…" Noticing how much she was staring at "Yuya", Aura quickly attempted to compose herself and remembered what she wanted to do. Attempted being the key word.
"D-do you mind if I pick a few of those pansies of yours?"
"Well, I'm delighted that these flowers of mine caught your attention. You have rather fine taste. Please, help yourself to a few," he had perked up almost immediately, a smile appearing on his face.
"Thank you!" Aura carefully surveyed the flower bed, contemplating which pansy would first serve as the window to her future. She arbitrarily selected one, bending down to pick it.
"Hmm…" Observing the details of the bloom, Aura counted seven streaks. She racked her brain trying to remember what each number of streaks on pansies meant. She hadn't used this method in ages.
"What are you doing?" asked the gardener.
"I'm trying to use the pansies to tell my fortune…" Aura sighed. "But I can't quite remember how it goes…"
"Ah, fortune telling is it?" His eyes started focusing on the pansy in her hand. "…Seven streaks represent fickleness, are you questioning something in your life, Miss? Perhaps you've never questioned before?"
"…You know what they mean?" Aura was rather surprised. She would've never expected someone outside her duel school to have knowledge on fortunes aside from their daily horoscope, much less from "Yuya".
The gardener smirked. "What can I say? I can't claim to have gardening as a hobby without knowing at least this much. How to tend to them, the language of flowers, flower arrangements, and of course, their uses in fortune telling." Was he bragging or genuinely this enthusiastic about flowers? Aura couldn't place her finger on it. Maybe both?
"Well? Did I get close?" queried the gardener. Aura opened her mouth to speak before hesitating. She was fairly certain that this wasn't Yuya, and was unsure about how much she could trust him. However, he had been nothing but courteous to her, definitely more so than Yuya had been at times. She also couldn't deny he'd piqued her curiosity when he performed a reading with the pansy…
"…It's true, I've been thinking long and hard about my life up till now lately," she admitted.
"Is that right?"
She nodded. "Ever since I was a kid, my ability to tell fortunes has always been absolute. Whenever I was unsure about something, I'd use it to guide my choices and whatever happened was for the best! But recently… one of the things I predicted hasn't come true."
He remained silent, prompting her to continue.
"And if one of my fortunes were wrong, what other bad choices have I already made and don't even know it?" Aura looked down to the side. "Should I have thought about my choices a little more before? Was I wrong to rely on my ability so much? It's an unpleasant thing to think about."
"I see," replied the gardener. "So perhaps you predicted something wrongly, no one's perfect, y'know. Making a mistake or two doesn't invalidate everything else you've done. What about everything else you've gotten right?"
"That's true… but what if-"
"What ifs, are only what ifs. If you got hung up on every little thing you did, your hair will start greying like a hag before you know it." Aura was rather taken aback. She didn't expect him to be as frank as he was. But yet… it was rather refreshing. Unable to hold back, she. began giggling.
"Something funny?" the gardener quirked a brow.
"No, no, you're quite right. It's just that no one has been that upfront with me before… prrft."
"Really now? Aren't most friends willing to say stuff like that to your face, or have I been hanging with the wrong crowd lately?"
"Well… I don't really have any close friends my age," admitted Aura.
"Any particular reason why a fair miss like you doesn't?"
"All of the other kids in school think of me differently because of my fortunes, and I've never really fit in. They either ask me to do them a favour by reading their fortunes, or they call me names because they think I have evil powers or something," Aura was unsure why she was pouring as much of her heart out as she was. She couldn't bring herself to look at him directly, but unbeknownst to her, the gardener had softened his expression. Perhaps one of sympathy?
"Even now in my current duel school, everyone is super into fortune telling and dueling like I am. But since I'm known for my powers, now they put me on some kind of pedestal. Asking me how they can get abilities like mine, and only really talking to me about the mystical arts. Nothing else. Maybe I shouldn't have focused so much on my fortunes. But because I did, no one really sees Aura, for Aura."
The air grew awkward, and neither of them really knew what to say. Aura wondered if she said too much. However, she never really had anyone willing to listen so intently to what she had to say before. Even if it was weird telling a stranger about all this, she was internally relieved that she could vent all her feelings out to someone.
"…Well, pardon me if I'm overstepping my boundaries, but since you're already pouring your heart out to me, I suppose we're past the point of worrying about small things like that," the gardener said.
Taking a brief pause, he carefully considered what he was about to say. "It's tough to be outcasted, especially when it's for something you have no control over. At the end of the day, for better or worse, it's an undeniable part of yourself. Who are you to deny any part of it? It's all well and good to think about what you could've better and work on your bad aspects, but take a moment to stop and think about the other strengths you have. Be confident in them."
The way he talked with such certainty did enlightening things to Aura. It was as if he knew every facet of her doubts. Did he fully understand what she went through?
"Keep going at it however you think is best, and eventually you'll find people who will see that’ll see you for who you really are. But before any of that, don't lose sight of yourself. The first one to see you for you is yourself."
"Wow, uh… thank you for the advice."
"Think nothing of it, Miss. As someone who's also been around the block, it'd be a shame not to share my wisdom."
"You know I have a name right? I'm Aura, Aura Sentia."
"The name is Yuri."
Was this what it was like to have a close friend? Someone that she can talk with frankly and relate to? "If you don't mind, perhaps we could just chat for a little bit?" Aura asked sheepishly, a blush creeping down her neck.
"I'd love to. It's about time I took a break from fertilizing the soil."
And so they did. They sat down at a bench and talked for some time about whatever they could think of. Dueling, their respective hobbies, school life, even arguing about inane subjects like how many teeth Pot of Greed had. (Yuri had argued that since the pot was a singular ceramic piece, all the "teeth" were joined together and is therefore a singular tooth.)
As they talked, Aura was filled with a strange sense of familiarity. She had just met Yuri but it was as if she had known him for all her life. Somewhere deep within some facet of her mind, the thoughts of Yuya took a different turn. A different form. Almost as if-
A sound was heard coming from Aura's bag. Reaching in, she pulled out her Duel Disk. It was displaying an alert labelled "Homework". "GAH, I totally lost track of time! Sorry, but I really gotta go!" Aura hopped off the bench and fixed the skirt of her dress, though part of her felt like growing roots like the pansies and just stay. Explore what was beginning to bloom.
"So it would seem. It's a shame, I was rather enjoying our chat. Take care now, Miss Aura." Yuri raised his hand for a wave and smiled. Looking at it, something warm filled Aura. A sense of ease that made her wish for another meeting.
"See you, Yuri!" Aura waved and immediately ran in the direction from which she came. Her mind wandered by the time she made it home. Homework had been cast elsewhere and instead her thoughts circled the recent journey she had embarked on. The proverbial rock that was her worries had been lifted and for the first time, in what felt like ages, she could breathe deeply without heaviness weighing her down.
And Yuri… ah, she’d love to see him again.
Even as the two went their separate ways, Aura found herself looking forward to their next encounter. She was checking when she could arrange another meeting with him before realizing she had never got his number. Ah well, it would be more exciting for fate to bring the two back together again. She had never felt this excited about meeting someone again, not even Yuya. It was a new feeling for her.
"I should come by the park more often," Aura mused as she sat down by her desk.
As Yuri watched Aura run off as he waved her goodbye, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness. Opportunities to simply sit down with someone and chat their hearts out were few and far between, especially for someone with his history.
Almost everyone who had even a passing knoweldge of him tended to treat him with some level of apprehension when Yuri was present, whether they realized it or not. He realized early on that this kind of reaction was to be expected, and even warranted. Of course, it had stung all the same. He was still human after all. No matter how badly he wanted to, he couldn't take back everything he'd done even if they weren't entirely his fault.
Chatting with Aura had brought him a peace of mind he hadn't felt since he was a mere child. His conversation with Aura had devolved into utter inanity by the end (Pot of Greed clearly had 20 teeth. Obviously. The singular tooth argument was just a way of messing with her). And yet, he had enjoyed every second of it. It had scratched that desire to put down his walls and bond with others that he hadn't realized he'd been holding back so desperately. He couldn't help but want to see her again.
"Miss Aura Sentia…, should fate be kind enough to bring us together again, I hope you would do me the honour of being this lone gardener's friend. May we meet again," he muttered.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
So…for any Yu-Gi-Oh protagonist kins, and especially other yu boys of arc v. Is it bad I never feel anything for yuzu beside sisterly or platonic ?
It feels weird when the fandom ships the yu boys and bracelet girls assuming they all have to be dating of sorts. It’s totally not like boy girl friendships exist in our lord and savior 2023 <sarcasm>
-Yuya Sakaki 🦛🎩🤡
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puzzlevision · 2 years
Deleting few of my alt accounts because I'm not using them for lifetime after I created them (sorted chronologically)
happy-agere-boy (agere!Jaden roleplaying blog)
sunday-noon-summer (official Tumblr account for my cancelled FNF mod concept of the same name)
xxx-yuya (Yuya Sakaki roleplaying blog)
dokiside (DDLC/DDT roleplaying blog, maybe I should make a better DDLC/DDT in the next day)
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What I heard about Arc V’s final 8 episodes prior to starting them: It does something completely different and stupid and gives no closure to the characters! Worst ending of any of the shows, brings the whole thing down for me.
Me: But Yuya rides a hippo riding a dragon though.
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This just feels like him, I don't know. Oh, also
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darkvalkyria · 6 years
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“flying at the speed of light
thoughts were spinning in my head
so many things were left unsaid,
it’s hard to let you go”
’Wᴀɪᴛɪɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ Eɴᴅ’ ʙʏ Lɪɴᴋɪɴ Pᴀʀᴋ
gorgeous fruit babies for you @chromsai ♥  i wish you a happy birthday week since i couldn’t get this finished in time for the special day!
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shitpostingkats · 8 months
waajfmflfm working on some groupchat au while thinking about Yuya Sakaki Trans because me and another mutual are both rotating it in our minds and I have literally no space for it in my wip but Yusaku being the one to make Yuya finally have Gender Thoughts
Yuya being perfectly comfortable with doing traditionally feminine things, tracking down a xe/xyr criminal whose avatar is a seven foot tall androgynous woman and finding depressed teen who wears flaking nail polish and hasn't buzzed his undercut in weeks. Who's perfectly comfortable flipping between identities like some sort of gender amphibian, because the contradiction means she's not tied down, xe has anonymity. And Yuya who's been clinging so hard to being Yusho Sakaki's son, who's been trying so desperately to fill that space in his life where a father should be, meeting someone who thrives on having no past, on being confusing, and seems to have found a real peace in all his appearances. Like. The performer who's never considered another role and this actor whose found a home in the transient nature of internet forums. The kid clinging so desperately to her parents versus the hacker who has none. Traditional gender roles and the the overlapping queer spaces of theatre and internet culture. Am I making sense. Meeting Yusaku is Yuya's Trans Awakening and I have nowhere to put it in Sakaki Alone 2: Lost In New York but I am THINKING ABOUT IT.
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rangerdew · 6 years
ok im gonna b honest i feel sorta like yuyas nearing mary sue territory
#like. whenever someone makes a heartfelt#speech yuya HAS to be shoehorned in#and legit one of the characters says 'i felt that as long as i protected yuya a miracle would occur'#and even the most stoic of characters who cant be warmed up by anyone ever and need a lot of Tender Luving Care are suddenly just. opened#by yuya's 'entertainment duel' which was cool until it became BULLSHIT#bc like. they dont clearly define what it is#and yuya isnt even that good of a duelist. like its stated that his winloss ratio is pretty shit#but he still does great somehow???#but literally syun was talking to his sister and it was supposed to b a cool moment and syun is like#thanks to my allies - AND SAKAKI YUYA OUR LORD AND SAVIOR AMEN - i was able to understand the Importance of Freindship#and its like. tf???? what does sakaki yuya our lord and savior amen have to do with YOUR GODDAMN POSSESSED SISTER!!!#and i get that jack respects yuya but u dont gotta mention it EVERY time. like#jack: *talks* yes im unaffiliated but i have IMMENSE RESPECT FOR YUYA SAKAKI OUR LORD AND SAVIOR AMEN AND HIS ENTERTAINMENT DUEL#which btw he hated at first bc yuya took after his father and didnt use his own words#and yuyas still p much taking after his father nothings changed#but like. everyones all like omg yuyas perfect n shit like. the world BENDS itself around yuya#reality and rules of the universe are altered to yuyas advantage#and hes like. treated like a sort of . idk. pedestal figure#the entertainment duel guy who spreads smiles like#I DUNNO it just feels Wronge#arc v liveblog#ok rant done
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galaxwrites · 3 years
That time Kaito (accidentally) seduced a dragon
Yugioh writing, this time.
crossposted on my AO3
A mix of Zexal and Arc-V
Ship: ...what's the ship name for Kaito x Shun? that's the one
Dungeons and Dragons AU!
Please, enjoy~
The very way Yuto Sakaki was sitting on the throne radiated power, but... His face looked sorrowful. Kaito had seen plenty of sorrowful kings, but never one this...gloomy. Almost as if in mourning.
He did find it weird how there was no advisor or queen that sat besides him. The last time the pirate was in front of the king, he had the Kurosaki siblings at his side. But now...He was alone.
Yuma's voice snapped the pirate out of his thoughts, as the paladin spoke to the dark-robed king. "Your majesty, I am Yuma Tsukumo, Paladin of Ellipas. And me and my gang have a proposition for you."
The king raised an eyebrow. "What kind of proposition, and what is in it for my people?"
"Well, you may already know about your brothers and their kingdoms. And...The threat that Yuri's kingdom poses." Yuma stated. "We believe it'd be best to reunite the kingdoms into one. We've got King Yuya of the Kingdom of Flames on board. We want to continue with you."
Yuto rose from his throne, and walked up to the party of four. Kaito noted that his cape was...well, pretty long. "Reuniting the kingdoms would be vital to our survival, but if I am to get on board with this plan...I need something in return." He stopped right in front of Kaito. The pirate gulped. "My advisor and my queen, Kurosaki Shun and Ruri.. They've gone missing and I am assuming it has to do with the two dragons that have shown up at the edge of my territory. I wish for you to find them, and get rid of my little dragon problem."
Ryouga nodded. "Piece of cake."
The king only narrowed his eyes, at Kaito in particular. "You've been in my kingdom before, and caused quite a stir.. I don't trust you, Tenjou."
"I assure you, your highness, I won't cause that sort of trouble again." Kaito replied, having to physically stop himself from shaking by gripping his arm.
Yuto had lead the group to a dark forest he called "Raptor's Hollow". It was thick and twisty and Kaito wondered how any creature could live here.
A distant roar, that steadily grew closer as the group pressed forward, was heard. One of the dragons, maybe.
It took about an hour of walking before the group had reached it-a large, dragon-made clearing. Stumps of wood and full trees were scattered around it. Two dragons sat in the middle, one roaring in pain and the other whimpering while trying to help the other.
The roaring one was much bigger than the other. Its scales a dark green, with a lighter teal underbelly and wings. Its gold eyes shimmered with a sort of familiarity.
The other was a deep purple, with hot pink eyes and pastel purple wings. A small ribbon was tied around its tail.
The bigger one lifted its snout, sniffed the air, and roared, heading straight towards the gang. Yuto and Kaito simply jumped out of the way, with Ryouga and Astral simply running.
But like always, Yuma was an idiot and froze up, getting rammed into a tree. He cried out in pain. "OW-"
"YUMA!!" Astral yelled, obviously concerned. The paladin flashed a thumbs up.
"I'm okay! I think I broke a few ribs but I'm okay!"
Kaito sighed. That's gonna be a Cure Wounds later. For now, he had a plan. A risky one, but when were his plans ever risk free?
He took his lute, and strummed a small tune, letting the spell he had prepared be cast on the dragon. The dragon tilted its head and looked at the bard, listening to the tune. Kaito continued to just...play. Not just for his spell, to to calm himself down as well. Playing music always seemed to help.
As his tune ended, the bard put his lute back, and held a hand out to the dragon. "Hello, there." He said. "Are you hurt?"
The dragon nodded, holding up its tail. A rather large bear trap was secured on it, and dark blood still steeped out of it. Kaito winced. The thing looked painful to even look at. But he nodded and walked over to the dragon's tail. He wasn't a formal healer, but he knew a thing or two about traps and how to get unstuck from them.
He barely even touched the trap when the dragon roared. He held out his hand again. "Easy, there." He said, softly. The dragon layed his head down next to Kaito, softly whimpering. Kaito placed his hand on his head. "Try and stay still."
The smaller dragon tilted its head in confusion as Kaito got to work. With all the strength he could muster, he opened up the bear trap. The dragon roared again and raised its tail, only for Kaito to push it back down. "Let me patch you up, first." He reached into his pack and took out two large rolls of gauze, and started wrapping it around the dragon's tail.
Meanwhile, Yuto turned to Ryouga. "Are your party members always like this?"
Ryouga nodded. "Sadly, yes."
"...I am deeply sorry for you."
The siren shrugged. "Eh, I'm used to it. Though Yuma's idiocy can be a bit much."
"I figured." Yuto said.
As that went on, Kaito finished wrapping the dragon's tail. "There. You should be good for now."
The dragon bowed his head in thanks, and made a sort of friendly growl.
"...I can't understand you, you know." Kaito stated, but he got an idea. "Hang on." With a snap of his fingers, he casted a spell; Speak With Animals. "Try now."
Thank you, kind stranger. The dragon said, in its growly voice. Who are you?
"My name is Kaito Tenjo, I'm the captain of the Starry-Eyed serpent." Kaito replied. "Part time bard. And your name?"
Kurosaki Shun. I was cursed to stay in this form until someone breaks the spell placed on me and my Sister.
Kaito raised an eyebrow. "And how do I do that?"
Shun shrugged. I've no idea myself..
The bard thought for a moment. What breaks curses?
....A kiss? That might work!
"...I have an idea, but I have to ask if it's alright for me to kiss you."
In the background, Ryouga mumbled "Of course he's suggesting that." Yuto facepalmed, and Yuma just weakly cheered Kaito on.
Shun tilted his head. ...Why?
"In some of the old fairy tales I've read, the curse is broken with a kiss." Kaito explained. "It might be the case here."
...Just do it then. I can't take this form any longer,
Kaito nodded, and pressed a kiss to Shun's snout. In a flash of dark magic, the dragon-just the one, the other who Kaito guessed was Ruri was just hugging Yuto at this point-seemed to shift into a young man who was just Kaito's type. Dark hair of green and turquoise, yellow eyes, and dressed almost like a classy vampire.
Needless to say, it was pretty much love at first sight.
"Thank you, Kaito." Shun said, with a smile. His voice was smooth and deep.
Kaito took a bow. "You're welcome, Sir Shun."
After the incident, Yuto joined the alliance, and Shun joined the group. Turns out having a shapeshifting sorcerer as a teammate is a good idea. As night fell, the Starry-Eyed Serpent set sail once more, towards the Kingdom Of Winds. Kaito stood out on the main deck, the wind blowing in his coat. Most of the crew-minus Droite and Gauche- had gone to sleep. But, Kaito never slept. Not like he needed it, anyways.
As the moon and stars rose, Kaito held a hand up to one of the constellations. Gemini.
"Hang on, Gem." He whispered. "I'll find you.."
"What's all this about?" Shun asked, walking up behind Kaito.
The bard turned around, and smiled. "Shun. You need anything?"
The shapeshifter shrugged. "No, just...Couldn't sleep. Why you up?"
"I don't exactly need to sleep." Kaito stated, pointing at his pointy ears. "Just meditation every once in a while. Comes with being a half elf."
"Ah." Shun said. "...May I ask who Gem is?"
"...Gemini is one of my siblings." The bard stated. "Hart isn't my only one. We have ten others, and Gemini's one of them." Kaito explained. "...They'd be 15, today."
"...Did they die?" Shun asked.
Kaito shook his head. "No. Just...Father mistreated them and Virgo. So all of us ran away from him and...we somehow got separated. I'm still searching for them."
"What were they like?"
"Well, Gem's really bright and fun. They loved it when I sang. And Virgo was just really shy, but she got along well with basically everyone." Kaito said. "I miss them..."
"I know the feeling, dude." Shun said. "One time I lost Ruri, and I almost went insane trying to find her."
Kaito chuckled. "I can see it, I suppose."
"Yeah..." Shun gave a small laugh of his own. "One more question?"
"...Your siblings seemed to be named after the zodiacs, but you and Haruto aren't?"
"Oh, that. We chose these names to distance ourselves from our father." Kaito explained. "My real name is Sagittarius."
Shun smiled. "..Kaito fits you a bit better."
"I know, it does. Now I've got two questions of my own." Kaito stated. "One, mind calling me Kite? We're friends, now. You don't need to be so formal."
Shun nodded. "Sure, Kite. ..What's the second?"
Kaito-Kite-smiled. "....Is there anyone out there whom you like?"
The shapeshifter blushed. "..T-there's someone. Not s-sure if he reciprocates."
The pirate raised an eyebrow. "Who?"
"...W-well, it's you.." Shun confessed.
Though Kite kept his cool, he was screaming on the inside. This hottie liked him? WHAT THE HELL?
He took a deep breath, and calmed himself. "What if I said I liked you back?"
Shun's face gained a dusting of red. "...Wait, seriously?"
Kite nodded. "Why wouldn't I? You seem like a nice fellow, and it helps that you look positively handsome."
"I.. I m-mean... Oh fuck it." Shun grabbed Kite by the coat, and pulled him in for a kiss.
Kite blushed heavily, but...well, he kissed back. His arms wrapped around Shun's waist and pulled him close.
It wasn't anything big, it was just a kiss, but Kite, in that moment, felt utterly elated.
When the two had to pull away for air, he smiled. "Look at that. I seduced the dragon."
Shun huffed. "Yeah, yeah. Guess you did.."
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dark-angel-of-muses · 7 years
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Blue Angel Challenge Day 1 Request by @homura-bakura
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