#zan responds
zan-the-second · 2 years
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Hi! Your stories are amazing and it's what got me in the fandom! I actually drew one of the scenes of SN&GL: Chapter 2. Hope you like it! 😊Keep up the good work!
Tbh at first I thought this was Scott in the meeting having a flashback about Jimmy then I saw Zeva and my brain went !!!! OH OH THAT SCENE OHHH
I'm very flattered that my work inspired you enough to make art about it!! Honestly, as a writer, people drawing scenes from my fics(looking at you @daydreamdoodles<3) fills me with so much joy. It's surreal ro see other people's interpretation of your work!!!
I'm glad you enjoyed Sn&gl! That fic really has my entire soul in it and it's so cool to see other people interested!
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argumentl · 4 months
2024/05/26 Androgynos talk notes
Toshiya has a long history with Aiji, living very close to each other as kids. 
Toshiya approached Pierrot to ask if he could be their roadie, and helped them out a lot, sometimes stayed at their hangout/Pierrot house(?) 
Toshiya remembers telling Aiji how he was apparently sleeping with Aiji's girlfriend. He actually wasn't, it was a rumour fans had made up due to the crazy fan rivalry. 
Kaoru remembers going to see Pierrot at Namba Rockets, it was a Pierrot/Lareine taiban. Aiji was suprised to hear Kaoru actually bought a ticket and went, instead of being invited. Kaoru says its just cause he was really curious to check out new bands whenever he could, to find out for himself what was up. 
Kaoru remembers meeting Aiji and not liking him at first, because he had responded indifferently when Kaoru tried to greet him.
The first Androgynos was suggested by Dynamite Tommy after he had heard that 'unnamed third parties were trying to do something similar with Pierrot'(?), but Kaoru and Aiji had talked about doing something like this hypothetically a number of times in the past.  
Toshiya was skeptical that Pierrot would want to do it when he first heard the idea. 
Toshiya remembers trying to go and say hi to Kirito on the day of the first Androgynos, but Pierrot's manager wouldn't let him see him (Kirito swears its only because he was asleep at the time)
Joe asks what songs of each others the members want to hear in October. Kirito says Zan, and Aiji says The Devil in Me. Kaoru says there is a high chance they will play new material. Toshiya says he wants to hear Dracula or Mangetsu. Kirito replies that they have recently said on twitter that they won't play Dracula anymore. The others laugh at the coldness of this response. Kaoru is adamant that he wants to hear Sepia, simply because he likes that song. Kirito is surprised that a member of Dir en grey would like such a song. 
They then talk about the sub-title 'Censors kill the word. Hypocrites spread morphine from the stage'. Kaoru says he never considers censorship when he makes anything, if it gets censored, so be it. He gives an example of how a severed head got censored from one of their cd covers once. 
Kirito thinks censorship is actually important so artists can challenge themselves more as they try to counter/get around it. 
Kirito mentioned throughout the broadcast that his butt was hurting (I guess cause the chair was too hard), so Kaoru later tweeted about having Androgynos cushions.
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whumped-by-glitter · 4 months
Chapter 1, Part 2: The Slave Quarters
⚠️CW: Institutionalized slavery, degradation, dehumanization, objectification, emotional whump, blood/licking blood, food whump (starvation/poisoning), sadistic whumper, cold calculating whumper, multiple whumper, sensory deprivation, fantasy whump, Bullying.
As always, a HUGE shout out to my tumblr bestie and beta reader @3-2-whump.
Story under the cut
⏮️ Previous
None of the other slaves were up yet, so the mutt moved silently so as not to wake them.  Quickly, he got dressed in the tattered clothes he was allotted. At least they were a slight improvement against the autumn cold over the thin shorts they were given for sleep. He grabbed a candle from a shelf under the non-glassed window headed to the tiny bathroom to finish getting ready for the day. He lit the candle after closing the door and began straightening himself up for the day. He ran a brush through his unkempt hair, taming it only marginally, then washed his face with cold water.
Everything was always so cold, he tried to summon his dream and imagine the warm hands again, but unfortunately the leftover sensations were fading fast. To be honest so was his hope of feeling them again. That day was almost 5 years ago now, and he’d never felt them since. Realistically they probably had decided they didn’t want him. He wouldn’t blame them. He was stunted- not as strong or as tall as other Drar. His body also held on to injuries. Unlike the others with smooth, perfect skin, his body was marred by every mistake he had ever made, a lattice work of layered scars. He couldn’t possibly be good enough for that warmth.
Once the mutt was reasonably presentable, he settled down at the desk to study until his master unlocked the door to the building they were kept in at night.
He was supposed to study whenever he wasn’t actively being used. His master expected him to memorize everything about the poisons he was forced to consume and there was around a hundred of them in all, so it was a constant process.
After about an hour or so, he other slaves started to wake, some earlier than others.
“Reading again?” one of them scoffed, pulling the book out from under Dog. No surprise, it was Zan, someone Dog had never gotten along with. “Why do you get to know how to read but we don’t? What makes you so special?”
Zan was an owned slave that was brought to Master for training. He was the only one that actually wore brass bands, signifying he was owned by a commoner. The rest that were called brass bands actually wore silver like him, they were being trained for brass roles though and thus referred to as such.
The dog grabbed the book back without a word. Corvius would skin him if any damage came to it. It was very rare and very old, containing information on every known poison in not only Tallis, but all of Devros.
“Oh right, I forgot, you aren’t allowed to talk to the rest of us,” Zan sneered. “You’re too good for us humble brass bands. Better than us.”
Better? Hardly. Dog kept his gaze on the floor. He knew looking the other slave in the eyes would cause punishment from the metal around his neck and limbs. It was true. He was forbidden from speaking, or making any noise really, from evening to morning. The rule was depressing enough without it being rubbed in. He longed for the warmth the rest of them had in the evening, laughing and telling stories. Corvius said he didn’t want the slave distracted and that he needed to spend his time off studying. He took a breath, conjuring the comforting scent of his future master once again. ‘It’s all for them,’ he reminded himself. Even as he told himself this, he knew he should give up on the idea, though.
“Why is it you are so special? Huh? Why do you get to learn to read while the rest of work hard all day?” Zan spat.
Dog didn’t respond, he couldn’t, if he made a sound the silver bands of metal around his neck and limbs would make it feel like electricity ripping through his body. He wanted too, though. He deeply wished he could talk and joke with the rest of them. Being a slave was hard, but being alone was so much harder.
Dog would much rather be working with the rest of them than studying what the poisons he was forced to take were doing to his body. The other slaves had friendship and comradery; Dog had nothing. ‘What do you want from me, I don’t even have a name,’ he thought pitifully. His only consolation was the gentle thrumming warmth his bands sent through his body for resisting the impulse to speak. A reward for obeying Corvius’ order of silence. The warmth he always pictured a hug to have. Though he’d never had one, he desperately wanted one, they looked so warm.
Smack! A loud sound echoed off the stone walls. Dog’s head violently whipped to the side with the force of the other Drar’s blow.
Zan laughed loudly, “Not going to do anything about it are you little cur? You never do. You can’t even look me in the eye.”
Dog continued to look at the floor, his face still turned to the side. The other Slave was right, he had no intention of defending himself.
“Pathetic,” Zan spat, “You are an embarrassment.”
Zan’s loudmouth drew attention of other slaves, and Dog could feel eyes on him.
“Zan! Knock it off. He has a hard enough time without you adding to it,” Ruby cut in, scolding her fellow brass band. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready before you’re late anyway?”
“Oh, screw you, as if I need you to tell me what to do,” Zan mumbled in response, walking off.
Ruby gently ruffled Dog’s hair, causing him to involuntarily lean into her soft touch, savoring it. Her voice was gentle, “Please don’t take his words to heart. It's just……” she paused, her voice going soft. “It's just, he’s just afraid of becoming you, we all are to be honest.” He could feel her concerned gaze on him, before she walked off to get ready herself.
The dog kept his usual neutral expression on his face. He didn’t blame them, if he had the choice, he wouldn’t want to be him either. Broken, personality stomped out, body ruined by poison, none of it was wanted.
@whumperofworlds, @skittles-the-whumpee, @whumpsandbumps, @wounds-seen-and-unseen, @generic-whumperz
@emptycalories-splitlip, @pigeonwhumps, @i-eat-worlds
As always, if you would like to be added to my tag list or I forgot to properly flag something, please just let me know!
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
I needs some Russian male reader that owns a ranch and da cod boys (and konig and that Spanish dude forgot his name because of how long his name is 👁👄👁) that came to visit since soap praticly begged male reader to visit his ranch along with the boys and male reader agrees and just fanning over the fact of how big and the ranch is and how many animals he has and that fact he makes Russian food and have allot of dogs, cats, snakes, and other pets that you can think of and is able to ride a horse and has a Buffalo
Like I can't find any Russian male reader on any platform i have 💀💀🥲🥲
Russian Male Reader X 141! Boys + Alejandro and König
Stella (Ball Python)
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Vera (Stallion)
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Alek (Mustang)
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Hello @gamersansblog !!!
I was pretty shocked when I got this request to write a Russian Male Reader (considering I'm American lol) and especially about a ranch!
But I really did enjoy this one a lot so I hope you enjoy it as well!
And some slight Soap X Male Reader at the end too...
When Soap, had asked Y/n to come down to the base for the tenth time, the man couldn't help but sigh and smile as he made his way down to the base.
As a retired soldier, the 141 didn't mind letting the Russian come down and enter their base, seeing him as another friend.
During the 141's lunch break, they were all making small talk with each other about some random topics Y/n didn't particularly pick up on and instead scrolled through his phone. While conversating, Y/n could help but perk up at the word "ranch" leaving someone's lips before responding himself.
"What about a ranch?" He asked looking up from his phone with a curious look in his eye.
Soap looked up towards him with soft eyes.
"Oh nothing in particular, just saw some horses recently on my way here. Couldn't help but wonder what it be like to ride them," his eyes glowing at the thought as he smiled.
"We bet it 'ould buck him off in 3 seconds," Ghost said from behind him, others chuckling as well.
"Oh 'ush! I bet cha' 'ouldn't last any longer than me!" Soap cried making the other laugh more.
"I don't know, Soap, I think Ghost would at least manage to hang on longer. You'd get throw off instantly," Gaz spoke from the other side of the table while sitting next to Price.
"I don't know Hermano... You just might get bucked off," the Colonel voiced while trying to hold in a laugh that he failed at immensely.
"Come on...don't you believe in me König?" The Scottish man turned to the Austrian with glossy eyes nearly shedding a tear.
"I'm sure you zan do zit," König responded softly.
"See! König thinks I can do it!" The Scottish man cheered as smirked at the others.
"Alright then... if you can do it, where are to gonna test it, Sergeant?" Price spoke.
"Ah...well..." he scratched the back of his head.
"I have a ranch... and last time I checked, you've been begging me to go there," Y/n said.
They all turned to him instantly, eyes wide as if he grew a second head. Soap jumped on him immediately with a small grin painting his lips.
"You own a ranch?!" Gaz yelled in surprise.
"Da, I got cow, dog, cat, and horse too Soap," Y/n reassured him as he watched the grown man bounce in his toes in excitement.
"Y/N YOU GOTTA TAKE ME PLEASE!" The Scottish man said, back to being giddy. The man was on his knees as begged the Russian.
"Now hold on, Y/n just said he owned a ranch, Soap, didn't say you could use it," Price intervened.
"It fine, Kapitan, plus it not too far from base. If you'd like to come, feel free," Y/n said, shrugging in the process.
"REALLY?!" Soap squealed.
"да!" ("Yes!") Y/n replied. "Are you all free tomorrow?"
"Last time I check, ye'" Price responded.
"Good, I will meet with you tomorrow, then we can go to ranch," Y/n grinned.
The next day, the 141 waited at the front of their base for Y/n to arrive. When they caught sight of the Russian's truck, Y/n drove over near them and rolled down his window.
"Follow me, comrades," he replied as he watched the others nod and walk to their cars. Meanwhile, Soap and Ghost rode with him. Gaz and König with Price and Alejandro.
They followed him outside the town, a vast array of green plains taking over the landscape. As if time passed instantly, Y/n would end up turning into his ranch.
It was beautiful honest. They were met with the sight of horses, cows, chickens, sheep, some lambs, and even some dogs and cats wandering around. Hell, even a Buffalo too.
The men stared in awe at the mere beauty of the scene. As Y/n turned to park he got out with Soap and Ghost following in tow before waiting for the others to park. When they got out, they couldn't help but stare.
"Ahem," Y/n coughed, "You like, yes?"
Soap was the first to respond.
"Are ya kidding?! It's amazing here, Y/n," the man exclaimed as his eyes sparkled at the sight.
Y/n let a laugh escape him as he motioned for the others to follow him inside to his home.
There, they saw the kitchen but also other foods stored around the house, each labeled for each product with specific animal feed.
Y/n walked them over to his exhibit that house a very, very, long white snake.
"Comrades, met Stella," he waved a hand to the female ball python before opening the top of the enclosure.
Price and Alejandro stepped back instantly as Y/n took out the 10 foot ball python.
Y/n laughed at their reactions.
"Don't worry, she don't bite. She likes meeting people," Y/n reassured them quickly.
"If you'd like to touch her, stroke her scales slowly please," Y/n advised watching the ball python himself as well.
Soap, Ghost, König and Gaz all moved to touch the snake, running their fingers around the smooth scales softly.
"She's beautiful Y/n," Ghost commented.
"Thank you, Ghost. I take good care of her."
Y/n offered to let the Colonel and Captain touch the reptile but both men refused to leave from their spots and Y/n simply nodded before putting Stella back into her glass enclosure.
"Alright, let us go to the horse now."
Y/n led them to the horse stables outside the house.
There, the were greeted by the equines that resided within.
While Y/n introduced each horse, Soap couldn't take his eyes off one in particular.
Brown with white spots and lovely blue eyes and a beautiful mane that Soap could only imagine running his fingers through.
"Y/n...what's this one's name?" He asked.
"That is Vera, a strong stallion I found a couple week ago. Would you like to ride him?"
Soap turned back to him in awe.
"Can I?"
Y/n nodded before telling the others to wait outside by the gates so he could bring out the horse.
As he walked out Vera into the pin, the men couldn't help but enjoy the sight of Y/n and the horse, how calm they looked together.
Y/n beckoned Soap to come over once he finished putting on the saddle.
"Alright MacTavish, you ready?"
"As I'll ever be..."
Y/n first told him to get up onto the saddle first, laughing a few times as he tried to get up along with Alejandro saying something in Spanish making the others laugh, before making sure the man sat properly and the saddle was strapped to Vera correctly.
While Y/n used one hand to keep Vera in place to not move so much, he grabbed the reins and handed them to Soap.
"Be gentle with the reins, and slowly feel in tune with Vera. Animals feed off our emotions, so do not get nervous, da?"
Soap nodded slowly and looked back down at Vera.
"Go ahead and stroke his neck a little bit to get comfortable," Y/n instructed.
Soap followed and let his hand run along Vera's neck, letting soothing words fall from his lips as he greeted the horse.
Vera leaned in slightly to his touch and MacTavish beamed internally.
Y/n smiled as he noticed the action before turning back to Soap.
"Alright, we will go around the pin, ok?"
Soap nodded slowly.
He let Y/n lead him and Vera around the pin before coming back to a stop.
"Well done Zergeant," König said from the other side of the gate.
"Thanks, König."
"Alright how about this time you guide him?" Y/n suggested and the other let out sounds of approval as well.
"Yeah, MacTavish let's see if you can truly ride a horse!" Ghost said from the gate.
"I'll show ya!" Soap replied back before noticing Vera move at bit when he yelled and immediately apologizing.
"How about I ride alongside you, Soap?"
"Please..." Soap looked him dead in the eye as he pleaded for Y/n to ride with him.
Y/n let a chuckle leave and instructed Soap to get off Vera and stay with him while he went to get his own horse.
Soon enough, Y/n walked out with an all black Mustang he named Alek.
"Meet Alek, my mustang," Y/n said as he rode on top of the horse like it was nothing.
He galloped over to where Soap was before getting off and helping Soap back onto Vera, watching the man struggle a bit to get back up and laughing.
"It funny," Y/n grinned at him as he checked the straps again on Vera.
Once Soap was ready, he got onto Alek and showed Soap how to use the reins this time.
"Alright, you ready, comrade?" Yn asked.
Soap sighed and nodded.
Soap laughed as he gripped onto Vera's reins and looking at Y/n one last time before moving the stallion around the pin slowly.
Thankfully, Vera was easy to work with as she went around slowly and came back around to Y/n and Alek before letting both join on the second loop.
Soap gleamed as he rode Vera and Y/n smiled at him.
"They look good together, eh?" Gaz whispered to the others.
"Yeah, if only MacTavish would ask him out," Ghost commented as he watched the Sergeant enjoy himself on top of the Stallion.
"Now he really looks like a Los Vaquero," Alejandro spoke from beside with a slight chuckle as well.
König smiled under his hood as he watched the pair enjoy themselves on the horses.
"I knew you zould do zit, Sergeant..." he whispered softly.
If you like this work feel free to REBLOG with TAGS !!!
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Thank you for reading!
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desultory-novice · 11 months
Shiver Siblings Takeover - Complete
Bye everyone! We had a great time! It was okay, but yeah...
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Dess here: Thanks to everyone who let me dip my toes into roleplaying (?) this weekend by letting Apologies overrun the blog.
:cough: which seems to happen all the time anyway :cough cough:
Speaking of which, you can continue to send Apologies AU asks (because they're fun) but I'll probably a) not respond as quickly + b) try to bunch them up to avoid spamming everyone!
[Apologies AU Links Below]
-Shiver Star- “Apologies”  “One Sneeze”   “Summer”   “A Walk in the Snow”   “The Swordsman”  “Wonderful Gift”  “Damnation”  “Salvation”  “Unstoppable”  “Brightest Star”
-Dream Land 2 “Sibling Reunion” “Big Brother Instincts” “Unsung Hero”  “The Perfect Vessel” “To Protect” “Matter Over Mind” “Last Will” “Ego”
[Bonus Illust] “Ugly Scarf”   [Bonus Illust] “That’s…Funny…”  [Bonus Illust] “Full Regalia” (DMS “Gijinka”)  [Bonus Illust] “Was I A Good Brother?” [Relevant] “Vestige” (script-only) [Bonus Text] Noir Facts!
[Dark Matter Painter AU]  “It wasn’t supposed to go this way…!”  “You’re a good knight!” “The Body Remembers”
[Shiver Siblings Takeover] (For one weekend, I let Adeleine and Noir "answer" any asks about them. White-Haired Noir shows up too. Somewhat non-canon, but surprisingly connected?!?)
Please Send Positive Thoughts to... Which Kirby Adventure... [w/ Sketch] If You Had a Wish-Granting Clock... Food and Warm Clothes Arrive... [w/ Sketch] A Crystal Ball to See the Future - Noir... [Comic] A Crystal Ball to See the Future - White Noir [Comic] Have You Been to the Forgotten Land... [Comic*] So Zan Roasted Your Sister Online... A Conversation (?) With Marx... [Comic] Thanks for the Fun Weekend... [w/ Sketch]
(*) This comic IS actually AU AU canon.
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jantowrites · 7 months
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Hugs & Kisses
♡ Author's note; My very first short fanfiction on this blog, AHHH! Please don't come for me in regards to the audio, I think it fits the vibe heheh.
And please let me know what you think. Given this is the first fic that I have published here, I would LOVE to get feedback on everything, don't be shy!
♡ Content: Fluff, best friends to Lovers, did I mention fluff?
♡ Pairing: Levi Colwill x Fem!reader
♡ Summary: You and Levi visit sea life, where you share a moment.
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The hammering sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella Levi and I promptly walked under was soothing to the ear. It was mid-July, July the 18th to be exact, summer still peeking through the obscure autumn-like weather, with the humid breeze wrapping uncomfortably around the heart of England, London. 
Levi and I scurried up the staircase to the entrance of the sea life aquarium building. The soles of our shoes tapped against the concrete, occasionally splashing water here and there. Closing the umbrella, Levi shook the excess water droplets off it and opened the door for us to enter.
While inside, we exhaled in unison, not realising the air we held hostage for some odd reason. The air conditioning and the overall coolness inside the building forced me into a potent shudder as I felt goosebumps underneath my long-sleeved shirt.
Levi quietly chuckled under his breath before swiftly grabbing the back of his hooded sweatshirt and pulling it over his head. I watched as he allowed it to slightly bunch up in his grip before he extended his arm, motioning for me to take it from him.
‘Very well then, gentleman.’ I mockingly responded to his gesture before eagerly grabbing the soft, grey-colored material from his grip. 
‘Always.’ He replied before shrugging, an amused look plastered on his face.
Sliding the hoodie over my head, the delicate whiff of fresh laundry, combined with his day-to-day perfume, the scent I Loved so much, found its way into my nostrils as I allowed the warmth from the hoodie to engulf me while yet another shiver found its way throughout my body.
‘Bloody hell, look at the map bruv! This place is huge, will deffo get lost in here man,’ Levi proclaimed as he used his index finger to point at the map in front of us that showcased the entirety of the aquarium. Something about his remark made me snicker, mainly because there was a chance we’d get lost inside this building.
Throughout our friendship, Levi and I have had our fair share of ‘dumb and dumber’ moments. Our bond, me and him, was different than any I have. We met in kindergarten and built our friendship into a solid one. Now, here we stand in front of the sea life map.
Making our way to the entrance as we excitedly stepped into the aquarium, the scenery of the water around us, between thick glass, was all but underwhelming.
‘Oh, my gosh, Levi, you see that shark?’ I questioned, as it was the very first animal we spotted. We both hastened our footsteps to get a better view of the sea creature. Out of instinct, our hands almost instantly pressed against the thick, cold glass, watching the humongous fish swim past us. I left my eyes wandering,  following the shark before it disappeared from my peripheral view.
‘Bosh, this is only the beginning of the aquarium as well, you know? We’re gonna be in here for a while…’ I said as I turned to face him, whom I thought was still standing beside me, but the man had already moved to the opposite side, watching another shark swim past. I couldn’t help but laugh, knowing today would be a memorable event.
As we walked throughout the building, each with springs to our steps, the only words that made their way out of us were; ‘OOH!’ and ‘LOOK, LOOK!’ as we pointed at diverse things that caught our attention. Our excitement and giggles eventually became one with the similar noises of the kids in the building. 
After walking for a while, we took a well-needed break, plopping down to the nearest sets of wooden planks labeled as seats. By now, we were halfway through the aquarium. The thought did bring a type of sadness, knowing it would all be over soon. Nonetheless, I was happy that I was finally spending time with Levi. I had to convince myself that I fully understood why things had to change now that he had become a professional football player. But quite frankly, I didn’t understand why. Why our daily hangouts gradually became less prominent.
‘What you thinking ‘bout then, all quiet,’ He interrupted my thought process as he probably noticed that I once again, as usual, decided to live inside of my head for a brief moment.
‘Just-’ I paused, knowing I eventually would have to cough up a word that would convince him I hadn’t been pondering over our less frequent hangouts, ‘happy.’ I replied after the pause, pursing my lips into a thin line and slowly nodding my head in approval of my statement.
I heard him sigh, ‘How many more times do I have to keep telling you this, Y/N. I know you very flippin’ well, I know you’re not being honest right now, just talk to me.’ He nudged my arm with his elbow, pushing me to the side as I dramatically leaned sideways. In return, I was the one to sigh now, knowing I had to tell him how and what I felt.
‘Levi, I am being honest. I am happy. I just miss you a lot. I’ve missed hanging out with you…’ I answered, tapping the pads of my fingers against my pants, seemingly looking over at him through my lashes.
His mouth gradually shaped into the smile I adored so much. Levi swung his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a mixture of a side hug and an embrace. I took in the scent of his perfume that lingered on him, his beard lightly scraping against the very top of my forehead, and the heat that rose to my face. I felt the bliss of being in his presence.
‘I’ve missed hanging out with you too, Y/N. I know, I know we haven’t been able to hang out as we want to, it sucks.’ melancholy ringing in the tone of his voice. Pulling away from the embrace but maintaining a proximity of closeness that made my pulse rise, his eyes met mine.
‘However, I feel like I know a solution for that. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for quite some time now. Platonically, I like you, like a lot,’ he said before pausing, allowing his eyes to wander down at my lips, before quickly gazing into my eyes, ‘But romantically, I like you even more. Y/N..’ 
He paused yet again, scanning my face to try and soothe its puzzled appearance. 
‘Will you be my girlfriend?’
As if time had stopped, the jellyfish around us had stopped swimming, and the air had run out. I felt stuck. Not until the corners of my lips instinctively rose, not until then was I able to utter a simple but prominent; ‘Yes, Levi.’
The fit of laughter we broke into had to be one of the most intimate settings we had endured within our bond. A love like this never felt so sure and was nothing but genuine feelings reciprocated, filled with the rawest form of our emotions expressed. 
Cupping my face with his hands, I felt myself tremble under this touch as he leaned forward, merely inches away from letting our lips touch.
‘Can I kiss you, Y/N?’ he whispered against my lips, his cool breath hitting them.
‘Of course, you can,’ I replied, my stomach dipping right before we closed our eyes as he closed the tiny gap that never stood a chance. I instantly melted into the tender kiss, his lips perfectly set upon mine. It was as if our souls intertwined, morphed into one, and became the union we both had yearned for so long. In a language only he and I spoke, we shared our utmost Love for each other at that sweet moment.
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askthedreamyversegang · 5 months
Askblog guidelines
Hello everyone! Shibuya here, and I'm opening up an askblog for my Multi-fandom AU, the Dreamyverse.
Don't spam the askbox, if I don't respond immediately, it might be because of, a. I'm trying to finish up that ask, b. The askbox is quite cluttered, so I might get to you ask later, c. I want to treasure that ask forever, and many other reasons.
If something makes me very uncomfortable I won't answer it, and it would simply be deleted.
If you have anything you want to ask that only the mod would know, ask it over at my main blog, @shibuyatoastedcursor.
Characters I can't draw will only be responding in text, sorry.
Sometimes text only posts will contain characters that I can draw, because either a time crunch or I don't have that much motivation to draw.
Characters available for asks (Color coded for your convenience):
Responding in blue text: Magolor, Gooey, Francisca (Text only), Periwinkle, Kamoro (Design yet to be revealed), Jester Waddle Dee (Design yet to be revealed), Selkie Dee (Design yet to be revealed),​ Midori (Design yet to be revealed).
Responding in pink text: Kirby, Ribbon, Galacta Knight, Susie, Artist Waddle Dee (Design yet to be revealed).
Responding in red text: King Dedede (Text only), Daroach (Text only), Flamberge (Text only), Niru.
Responding in purple text: Meta knight (Text only) Dark Matter Swordsman (Aka. Kuro in this au), Marx, Hyness (Text only), Drawcia, Olly, Magician Waddle Dee (Design yet to be revealed), Kamoro (Design yet to be revealed), Yumemi.
Responding in green text : Adeleine, Taranza, Moss, Kushina (Design yet to be revealed).
Responding in orange text : Zan Partizanne (Text only), Bandana Waddle Dee, Morpho Knight, Olivia, Ginger, Honey Toast Dee, Kitsune Dee (Design yet to be revealed).
Responding in bold black text : Dark Meta Knight (Text only), Shadow Kirby, Dalmo (Design yet to be revealed).
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maeve-on-mustafar · 9 months
Hey, Maeve! I read your stories in AOC and I love them. It's so nice to find a writer that actually writes Anakin as this super competent and kind person he was. You said to tell you if we would like to see a fic based on your prompts. I would really like to see Mace respond to Anakin's training with Soara Antana
Thanks, that’s really kind of you to say, and I really appreciate it!
I’ve actually had Anakin’s various traumas during Jedi Quest on my mind a lot lately, and in particular, that time he was captured and experimented on by Jenna Zan Arbor. I felt like the way Obi-Wan treated Anakin after he realized he’d been drugged during his capture was . . . questionable. At best.
But I’ve also been tossing around a couple of scenarios with Mace responding to Soara’s “efforts” at training Anakin. The first I thought about it, it was just in my “Anakin is Mace’s Padawan” AU where Mace is off on a mission when Soara begins training Anakin, but the one I’ve actually started writing is a sequel to “we find ourselves in each other”. Currently, it’s been a little while since I looked at it, but I’m hoping to get back to it in the New Year!
Thank you so much for your suggestion! I always love hearing what my fellow fans want to see for Anakin (or Mace)! ❤️
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giantchasm · 7 months
Sack’s Random Kirby AUs #1: Perennial Bloom AU
Desperate to bring Sectonia back, Taranza makes a gamble after learning of Morpho Knight’s existence. Taking a bold stand, he travels to the Divine Terminus and summons it in hopes that if he defeats it he can resurrect the person he loves.
And Taranza does prove himself in battle, but Morpho Knight still refuses to grant his wish. It tells him that the cycle of life and death cannot be disturbed and that there’s nothing it can do. He must accept Sectonia’s death.
Taranza won’t, though. In an impulsive, last ditch effort, he makes an proposal that neither he or Morpho knight expected to hear:
“What if I offer up my own life!? You… you said you couldn’t bring her back because that would disturb the cycle of life and death. Could I… take her place? That way, it wouldn’t upset the balance.”
Morpho Knight, intrigued by his offer and impressed by his bravery, ends up presenting an impulsive deal of its own:
“Half of your life. Split your spirit in two and rekindle her soul. Your lifespan will also be cut in twain, but the person you love will return, having stolen much of your future from you.”
Taranza accepts, albeit under one condition:
“Return her as she was,” he pleads.
“I will remove the rot,” it responds. “The corruption will cease, but I can make no promises she’ll still be the person you remember after having experienced what she has. Her heart will return to her, but her memories will remain.”
Taranza’s frightened, but says that’s just fine. That’s… all that matters. That Sectonia is alive again, and that the curse he put on her is lifted.
As such, he willingly sacrifices half of his life. Sectonia returns.
She looks like she once did— like Joronia, that is. As she stares at Taranza, she’s frightened and confused.
She says she doesn’t know what’s going on. What… what happened? The last thing she remembers, she was…- t- there was that pink thing. She was fighting it. It…
“Killed you,” Taranza confirms. But he reassures her it’s alright. She’s back now. He’s been trying to save her for a very long time.
Staring at him, though, she’s even more confused. She remembers attacking him. She remembers hating him. Why?
He explains her corruption— just what the mirror did to her. He describes her becoming a tyrant who not only went on to terrorize Floralia but who treated him with abject cruelty. She remembers everything.
She’s horrified. Horrified, and a little angry. Why… why would Taranza try to bring her back? After being abused— seeing her become a monster? Why would he bring her back, knowing she’d have to remember that? Knowing she’d look like this again?
Fingers stretch. The shape of her eyes shifts. Fuzzy brown skin and orange horns remain, but golden wings burst from her back.
In a voice that isn’t hers, she screams:
“Why would you do something like that!?”
A pause. She freezes up at the sound of her own voice. She stares down at elegant fingers, quivering.
“What- what’s going on!? What did you do to me!?”
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The Mage Sisters and Hyness are surprised when Taranza returns with the person he was hoping to save— they had no hope he’d succeed… and that surprise only grows when they realize he’s carrying her. She’s unconscious, and he’s screaming and crying about something having gone wrong.
Hyness’s hypothesis is that it has something to do with her nature as a parasite. For years she existed as a Frankenstein’s monster— an uncanny yet beautiful monster made of other peoples’ sewn together parts. Now that she’s ‘herself,’ again, her body has no idea what it’s supposed to be.
He, Francisca, and Flamberge take her inside to try and wake her, then calm her down. Zan Partizanne is put in charge of supervising Taranza in the meantime.
The minute they’re alone, she asks him, point blank:
“What did you do?”
Taranza plays dumb, saying he has no idea what she’s talking about, but Zan isn’t going to fall for it. She says that she’s familiar with death, and that there’s clearly more to this story than Taranza is implying. There’s no way Morpho Knight just brought Sectonia back. Taranza made some sort of deal with it, didn’t he?
He says he did no such thing. She tells him if that’s the story he wants to tell, then it’s fine, but she just wants to warn him: miracles don’t come for free.
(Rich, coming from her.)
Eventually, Hyness and the others are able to wake Sectonia, and by the time Taranza’s arrived, she’s calmed slightly. She’s still clearly unnerved, but says they explained everything to her— both what’s likely going on with her and how much he suffered in her absence. She apologizes for ‘lashing out,’ saying the last thing she’d want to do is seem ungrateful.
Taranza, of course, tells her it’s fine. He’s just happy she’s back.
…But is she happy?
Morpho Knight was telling the truth— she’s no longer cruel and self-obsessed, however Sectonia has been changed nevertheless. Traumatized and trapped in a body that’s always seeming to shift between two forms she despises, she’s not only crushed by guilt, but left with no idea of who she is anymore.
She… doesn’t deserve to be ‘Joronia’ after everything she did, does she? Taranza insists she does— that it wasn’t her fault, but it does little to convince her. She can’t stand the idea of being ‘Sectonia,’ either, though.
When he asks her what she’d like to be called, she says he can refer to her as whatever he’d like. She doesn’t care.
For the time being, they settle on simply ‘Nia.’ If she can no longer envision herself as Joronia— ‘beautiful spider,’ but also doesn’t wish to be Sectonia— ‘beautiful wasp,’ then…
Well, that works.
Taranza and ‘Nia’ return to Floralia, but aren’t able to stay long. As soon as the denizens realize the totalitarian queen has returned, they riot. She and Taranza are forced to flee to Popstar— more specifically Castle Dedede, leaving behind the only home they’ve ever known.
From there, they settle into a routine of sorts, with Nia attempting to adjust to being alive again and Taranza trying his best to help. This is easier said than done, though. Not only does Nia have the aforementioned identity issues, atrocities committed, and body dysmorphia to deal with, but she’s volatile and prone to lashing out. One moment she’ll be in a panicked rage, and the next she’s started to weep. She tries to remain stable and come across as content in front of Taranza, not wanting to tarnish his happy ending, but even that’s difficult sometimes. She’s very, very confused, frustrated and afraid.
She begins donning a mask at all times— unable to bear looking at the sight of herself regardless of which face she wears.
…Still, it’s not all bad. She starts to get to know the friends Taranza has made in her absence, and while some of them make her feel envious, she’s grateful for their presence.
She’s grateful for his presence as well, trying her best to make amends as they awkwardly attempt to repair their relationship and figure out what exactly it should be now that the dust has settled. Are… are they allowed to love each other now? Should they?
While initially Taranza’s friends are happy for him, the more of them that find out about the sacrifice he made to make this dream come true, the more he’s criticized. He’s told he’s done something self-sacrificial that he can never take back.
He says he’d never want to take it back in response, but they warn him that if Nia learned what he did, she’d be crushed. And not only that, but with the way he sometimes hears her cry at night…
Even he has to wonder if he actually did this for her or for himself.
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(^ Unfinalized designs for/doodles of some messed up bugs)
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Submissions have CLOSED!
Thanks, everyone, for entering their rarepairs! We've received 50 in total, which is amazing!!
Later today, a new form will go up, containing a list of all the ships that received more than one submission, or that are bordering on the cusp of being less rare. Here, you can vote for which of them YOU would consider a rarepair!
After three days (More if necessary, but I will see what the results look like), I can start making the brackets, and the tournament can begin!
The ships that are getting submitted during this preliminary round are:
Taransusie (3 submissions)
Sailorgala (2 submissions)
Magoranza (2 submissions)
Metalor (2 submissions)
Magochilly (Rarepair status contentional?)
Morphogala (Rarepair status contentional)
This DOES NOT mean that they're out of the tournament! If more people agree that they're rarepairs, they'll be included in the brackets! I understand my views of these ships and my exposure to them may be different to the average Kirby fan, hence allowing for public opinion to decide!
If you disagree with any of these, please drop me an ask! I'll respond best I can, but I am but one teen doing this in his free time, hah!
Rest of the ships submitted under the cut!
Dark Meta Knight x Flamberge
Hyness x Morpho Knight
Kirby x Bandana Dee
Knuckle Joe's Father/Jecra x Meta Knight
Taranza x Dedede
Bandana Dee x Taranza
Chilly x Taranza
Void Termina x Zero
Zan Partizanne x Fecto Elfilis
Taranza x Zan Partizanne
Ribbon x Bun/Tuff
Meta Knight x Escargoon
Twinkle Popopo x Void
Flamberge x Susie
Francisca x Marx
Bandana Dee x Prince Fluff
Francisca × Meta Knight × Susie (Rarepair due to being OT3!)
Shadow Dedede x Parallel Susie
Taranza x Daroach
Axe Knight x Mace Knight
Drawcia x Paint Roller
Bandana Dee x Ribbon
Susie x Sectonia
Hyness x Nightmare
Nightmare x Customer Service/NME Salesman
Hyness x Zero
Shadow Kirby x Prince Fluff
Marx x Adeleine
Daroach x Drawcia
Yin-Yarn x Dark Crafter
Parm/Sir Ebrum x Knuckle Joe's Father/Jecra
Flamberge x Taranza
Ripple Star Queen x Drawcia
Meta Knight x Taranza
Meta Knight x Marx
Birdon x Capsule J2
Wiz x Zero Two/02
Dark Meta Knight x Dark Taranza
Claycia x Elline
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zan-the-second · 2 years
Sooooo,,, Zan I did a thingg
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Okay so I know she isn't like. canonically out and their appearance isn't like. Fully described so I took a lot of reference from Zeva. But yeah. Ariadne <3
Seriously tho, peak character design right here!! Her POSE her EXPRESSION is so in character I actually wanna cry. Like, the slight leaning forward, the timid expression, the FEATHERS DAY THE F E A T H E R S I AM LOSING MY MIND
I am literally at the second end scene of chapter 16 and this might be the final push I need to actually finish it JDHDJSK
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luin-no-koibito · 2 days
🦋, 💌 and 🌟 for the Traffic Light Trio Girls~
(That's what Magolor calls them, at least)
🦋 What are cuddling arrangements like? Do they change frequently? Who's most often the little spoon, middle spoon, and big spoon? Are any of them uncomfortable with that sort of thing?
All four of us curl up in a pile. Simple as that.
💌 How did your polycule confess to one another? Did you get together all at once or separately? Were some relationships established earlier than others?
Francisca and Flamberge had something going between them by the time I joined the trio. I initially told Zan I liked all three but couldn't choose between them, she casually responded, "Well, poly's always an option", and the rest is history.
🌟 What are your favorite nicknames/petnames for each other?
I refer to all of them as "milady" (or if it's just Zan, I call her "Boss"), Zan simply calls me "honey", Flamberge calls me "shithead" (/aff), and Francisca... she just refers to me by name.
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franflam (they are not sisters)
ahahahahaHAHA this is exactly what i was expecting people to send in when i said "controversial ships". no one is ready for one of my signature franflam tangents
under the cut:
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you know the last time i did this ship bingo thing someone asked me about franflam too and i just flat out refused to respond because i didnt want to touch the discourse with a ten foot pole. either me putting my opinions here will get me cancelled or it will summon some people hopefully sane about this discourse. i love gambling
to preface, my honest opinions on the matter are that whatever the hell those two got going on in canon is queerbaiting. i say this as someone who bought star allies on a whim at gamestop as their very first kirb game like two years after it released, not even knowing kirby still made games at that time, and thus played the game with zero biases towards anything but yeah those two were written with a weird attachment to each other and it would be stupid to outright deny that. do i think franflam is canon though?: absolutely not and also i hate everyone who claims that with a passion. you could make a claim with a reasonable amount of evidence for either side of the argument and the fact that its even remotely possible both could be true at once, along with kumazaki himself either refusing to elaborate or confirm, or giving even More support to Either side is absolute bullshit and any sort of grey area here is totally his and the writers faults so hey can we all stop arguing about what the "correct" answer is when there literally isnt really one
anyways with that out of the way, heres all of the reasons i hate franflam without mentioning "potential incest" as a concern even once
their dynamic in canon is stereotypical angry black woman is overprotective of stereotypical dainty elegant white woman. hate that. gives me bad vibes. the whole "to show one character is in love with the other, they talk about their love interest nonstop every half second" trope is absolutely HANDS DOWN my absolute least favorite romance trope EVER. it drives me absolutely insane. thats the #1 way to get me to hate both of the characters and their relationship the fastest. holy shit shut up and focus on the story and whats happening around you instead of shoehorning mention of the other person into your words nonstop. hate that. i also hate the "person a is overprotective of their love interest" trope too, esp when it extends into jealously of the other person hanging out with others (sparkling pupupu world does this, for example). feels gross. can feel infantizing. if people see that as romantic good for you but i can not see it ever. its overly possessive. i think having a trio of mages and having two of them being separated and off fucking around on their own all the time as their "happy ending" is bad writing, especially when it comes to zans character being so heavily affected by her isolation from others and how hyness treated her AND YOU JUST GO AND SEPERATE THEM INTO FRAN+FLAM AND ZAN+HYNESS ALL THE TIME FOR SOME REASON HELLO. JUST MAKE ONE MAGE CHARACTER IN THAT CASE IF TWO OF THE TRIO HAVE NO DEVELOPMENT OR PURPOSE OTHER THAN TO FUCK OFF BY THEMSELVES. and then people who ship franflam also often end up shipping hynzan cause of that EWWWWWW GROSSSSSSS. also fran+flam being more close because the jambacult is a broken family that needs to heal Or them being more close because flam is an overprotective older sibling are INFINITELY more interesting to me as concepts than: "fran+flam are closer to each other and not zan because theyre dating and thus inherently dont care about zan as much because platonic relationships are always secondary to romantic". hate that. and the fandom. oh my God as people might be able to tell by all of the arrows on the bingo sheet i have fucking FEELINGS about this this needs a whole new paragraph
okay so. so 😍. i have this thing i call "red flag ships" where the ships are fine as a concept on paper but for some reason the shippers are just absolutely Rancid and that throws me off from liking the ship in its entirely and i get really sussed out by anyone who ships it. franflam is a red flag ship. i think the shippers have gotten so used to being yelled at by people who think theyre siblings that theyve pavlov'd themselves into being insanely hostile and aggressive to anyone who doesn't ship them. at least thats what i can tell from anyone whos Open and remotely loud about shipping them. istg i am not joking in the slightest when i say 95% of my interactions with people who Happen to be big or even decently into shipping franflam have been godawful. the convos dont even have to be around franflam i just think the ship inherently attracts awful people because its only aggressive toxic people who arent scared about shipping it openly. is that generalizing?: Yeah but thats just my personal experience. i have never met someone loud about liking franflam or who makes content for it that wasnt an awful asshole or yikes person in some way
that said, people who really like the ship but are quiet or lowkey about it usually end up being super chill and cool. its just the goddamn Fandom i have an issue with really. so anyone whos normal about it i am so sorry for you lmao
in a somewhat unrelated manner, i used to be somewhat close with someone who had franflam as their ultimate otp and God they fucking sucked. apart from redirecting every convo ever to be about franflam, they were also insanely nasty to anyone who even remotely saw them as siblings because they inherently saw it as an attack against franflam, so theyd always be making comments like "can you believe anyones stupid enough to see them as siblings" and "kinda misogynistic and lesbiophobic that metadede and marxolor are more popular than franflam when franflam is so blatantly canon" and yadayadayada they would say that shit completely unironically even right in front of me when they knew i hc'd them as siblings. i could complain up enough of a storm about that person and all of the insane things they said and did to fill up another 10 paragraphs but in general they were awful and really awful to me and multiple friends and you know what. i fucking hate the ship because of that too. sue me i cant stand seeing it around and i get grossed out by it.
on another note if i see anyone trying to push franflam as canon i will kick your ass. it might seem like im complaining about a problem that doesnt exist since tumblr is very anti-franflam, but on other sites its the opposite and if i had a nickel for every stupid "franflam is definitely canon and the only canon option and here's why" argument ive ever heard and could Easily debunk i could buy a fucking mansion. how to tell franflam shipppers its Okay if their ship isnt canon challenge: impossible (generalizing ofc, this whole rant is generalizing. take with a grain of salt. man i hate franflam)
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kolajmag · 10 months
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Paper Play
at Outsiders and Others in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada through 25 November 2023. "Paper Play" features artists from both Canada and the US, Zan Ahoy, John Catron, Sarah Grant Duff, Torea Frey, Jack Procter, Evie Osborn, Seema Shah, Chris Short, and Geoff Wonnacott, who responded to a call for artists in May 2023. Even though we live in an age of advanced technology and AI, all the artists featured in this exhibition cut paper and use glue to make their artwork. Read More
Kolaj Magazine, a full color, print magazine, exists to show how the world of collage is rich, layered, and thick with complexity. By remixing history and culture, collage artists forge new thinking. To understand collage is to reshape one's thinking of art history and redefine the canon of visual culture that informs the present.
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kobedivision · 3 months
The day was unusually warm, the kind that called for a cold drink and a moment of respite under the shade. Ren Nakashima, known to the world as "Vox," found himself at a local park, guitar in hand, casually strumming tunes that blended seamlessly with the laughter of children and the distant bark of dogs. It was his birthday, and for once, he was not Vox the musician, but Ren the man, enjoying a day without the weight of fame on his shoulders.
As he played, a familiar figure approached. A courier, with a package tucked underarm and a clipboard in hand. Ren signed for the package, a puzzled look crossing his face. It wasn't often that deliveries found him here, in the open air where music felt most free.
The package was an elegant box, and the musician opened it to see what was inside. As he did, his eyes grew wide:
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Inside lay a star, but not just any star. It was... a Hollywood Walk of Fame star with "VOX" etched boldly at the top. It was more than a gift; it was a symbol, an acknowledgment from those who knew the man behind the music. Accompanying the star were notes, each a birthday wish from the members of '86', the band that had shared stages and spotlights with him:
"Happy Birthday, 'Pretty Boy'. You like your gift? Congrats! Your famous, even on the fucking seas now! You better be grateful!"
- Meari "Bloody 'Fucking' Mary" Miracle
"Yeah, what Meari said! Happy birthday and all that shit. And also, tell that drummer to get off his ass and answer my fucking texts about our date! And tell him he better respond soon!"
- Lady Dragon
"Happy Birthday, Ren. Looking forward to seeing you on tour again soon. Let's have another guitar battle at our next concert!"
- Rising Zan
"Nakashima, happy birthday."
- Ren
"Happy birthday, Ren-kun! Make sure you enjoy it! You're only 21 once!"
- Jo Yumiko, a.k.a. "Mad Scientist"
"Happy Birthday, Ren-san. Be sure to enjoy it, okay? If you don't I'll get really sad… but that wouldn't be so bad."
- Homer Kojima, your faithful servant in pain ♡
"Ren-san, a very happy birthday to you. For your contributions to music (and after weeks-long discussion with multiple music industries and the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce), I managed to convince them to award you your own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame."
"Though you didn't start the same time as 86, you have quickly skyrocketed to stardom, something most people couldn't even fathom doing. And for that, you deserve this. However, do not rest on your laurels. Continue to shoot higher and higher to greater achievements. Me and the rest of the music world look forward to seeing what you come up with next. Again, I wish you a happy birthday. I hope you enjoy it well."
- Kaoru Yamashiro, Manager of 86
Ren couldn’t help but laugh in disbelief, lighting grazing his hand over the star, yep, it was real alright, there was no mistaking it. He couldn’t fucking believe it, his name on a Hollywood Star, the ultimate symbol of how far he had come from being some pretty face who would play his guitar at various cafes and bars to now a rockstar legend in his own right, the one thing he wanted more than anything as a kid was now in his hands, quite literally and yet it still didn’t feel real.
He immediately thought about his dad, the man who had the ability to take anything into his hands and turned it into gold, days spent with him and various other people in the studio watching art being made and the two of them nodding their heads and singing along to a hot new song his dad’s client had put out, such a simple time, before his mom took a knife to his throat. He was his inspiration, the reason why he pursued music in the first place and his motivation for when he got turned down again and again and again.
It’s not easy trying to get your music career off the ground while raising two kids and Ren was not ashamed to admit that he had his fair share of breakdowns, what artist didn’t? It came with the experience but he kept going, every time he thought about giving up, he swore he could hear his father telling to “Keep marching on, superstar.” so he kept climbing because he could not fail, he would not fail, it wasn’t just about him, Ayano and Ryōhei, his siblings, the only family he had left, they didn’t deserve to struggle and fight to survive, they’ve already been through so much, Ren had promised them that he’ll give them the life they deserved after he buried his parents.
All of that pain, all of that suffering, all the screaming, crying, pleading those people did, grating on his ears and nerves shut up shUT UP, the constant struggle and hard work, it all payed off now the moment his eyes landed on this star. Of course, he was extremely grateful for the people he met along the way that helped him, Kai Quinlan for taking a chance on him and helped him refined his style, Meari Miracle, Kaoru Yamashiro, and 86 for showing him the ropes and boosting his popularity with all the collaborations they’ve done together, his dear manager who he loves to call “Uncle”, despite his gruff and rough exterior, Ren truly saw him as a father figure and was thankful for keeping him grounded whenever “Vox” got a little too into his ego, and of course, he could never forget his own band, Osiris, chaotic as they were, he couldn’t ask for a better band to share the spoils of rewards fame gifted them with (he snickered at the message Iris left, he and the rest of the band will never let their dear drummer let it down).
He decided to cut his time at the park short and packed up his guitar and his star and started to head home for a quick pit stop, he knows for sure that Max and Kaiji (well, mainly Kaiji, he’ll have to explain what a Hollywood Star is and what it means to Max) will lose their shit once he tells them about this and really, he couldn’t have make it as far without them too so this was just as much their victory as it is his.
Thank you for the gift!
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desultory-novice · 11 months
Hey! Remember on Kirby Twitter Zan Partazanne Refers to Adeleine as the "Big Foreheaded Artist" And Ribbon as the "Gremlin Fairy". She even mocks their ability to hide behind Adeleine's portrait, saying hiding is "Typical for little girls"
So, with all that being said... How would Noir respond to that?
"...I heard you mocked my little sister online. And I'm taking that personally."
"I welcome any challenges, emo siscon."
"Can you even swing that spear without asking Papa Smurf first?"
"...!! At least I can lift my weapon with my own two hands."
"At least my hands don't need to be recharged every 4-6 hours."
"Ha! It will only take minutes to destroy you."
"Same amount of time it takes people to get your name right."
"...NOW it's personal."
I think they would have a polite conversation about courtesy on social media and being respectful of others' appearances.
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