#zen legends
zenmom · 1 year
Can’t believe I had this memory of Oswald singing Drift away. The song brings me so many memories….
And this one
Including the betrayal of my once favourite video game character. 😔
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I don’t know who is my favourite in place of that betrayed character. Maybe knight from hollow knight? Look, I’ve played so many games and I’ve no idea which character is my favourite. It’s been a long time since I’ve played video games with a well known character or a fixed character (a character you cannot customise, unlike your avatar) so it’s either Oswald from EM2 or Knight from hollow knight.
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awakeagainstmywill · 6 months
If Lord of the Rings and Dune had a love child. And that child grew up to become its own independent person.
That's Wheel of Time.
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jazzjlan · 5 months
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doodle sheet with a shit ton of games
it's 3 am now and i'm very tired goodnight
(it's not in the tags but upper left corner lady is alice aduraice from mario the music box)
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indeedgoodman · 1 month
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ifangirlalot · 9 months
how about botw link breathe some of that wild into me tf
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bugdna · 2 years
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Hope u all enjoy
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ameribell · 4 months
I wanna write some, but don’t expect daily things!
Anyways, here are my rules:
Things I will not write:
Character x character
Character x oc
Smut (I’m not too good at it lol)
Things I will write:
Any gender reader (I don’t mind writing male, but keep in mind I’m not too good at it)
Fandoms I write for:
Percy Jackson
Fairy Tail
Avatar the Last Airbender
The Legend of Korra
Mystic Messenger
Tears of Themis (I will not be writing for Vyn, I’m sorry lolol)
The OC
(Open for more, just ask and poke around a bit)
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tio-trile · 1 year
I read that Aziraphale enthusiast fan's ask and I gotta say, as a fellow enthusiast I can relate. I will greatly miss the era of book Aziraphale being depicted as a bastard in fanfiction. I love, loveee that characterization of him in the book and in fanworks. I'm just like you in the sense that I want my fanfics to be in-character. I barely even read fanfics anymore in my current fandoms bc of how OOC most works are. In the book omens fandom, what I appreciated was the fact that just from the snippets we got from the book, people could perfectly replicate the sense and feeling of how A/C were written. I think I sent an ask to you many years ago abt Afrai's fic where Azira gets a kid's body and is mischievous to the bullies. I absolutely adore people writing him like that. And it's a big shame to me that all the TV omens fans are ever gonna write about is the side of him that's all pure goodness. Give me my sassy, morally grey man! like that... It's good that the fandom is so big now, more content and all but it really does make you miss the old stuff, huh... I hope all these people watching the show try the book too.
Yeah......after the show came out I honestly stopped reading Good Omens fanfics for the most part (unless I'm just out to look for crack or straight up AUs) because I'm super picky and after running into a bunch of TV centric fanfics with "Crowley's flaming red hair" or scenes with the Bentley playing something other than Queen for no apparent reason, I just stopped. Show!Aziraphale is a goody-two-shoes soft pure little angel......and we just miss our bastard.
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thebunsquad · 1 year
Starfox Adventures is the best game in the franchise. I will die on this hill! 
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scarlet-moonlight · 9 months
HEARTSTEEL members (+Alune) and the Overwatch characters I think they would main/What type of player they are (I need to cope with the shitty games Ive been getting recently and I’m doing it by combining my two biggest hyperfixiations at the moment), semi serious and not serious at the same time lol, a lot of these are based on my own personal experiences playing this game (Especially Kayn)
(Also I’m using the black/bold for Ksante because tumblr doesn’t have yellow and purple for Alune because while I think pink suits her, Kayn already has it and no member uses purple)
-Kiriko and Moira main. Only picks the female characters because they have the cutest skins. Never actually healing you, and if he is, its only so that he can get ult and then solo DPS the entire team even though it never works out. Still 1v5’ing the enemy team even without his ult because he thinks it can look good on his tiktok montages (Yes he’s one of THOSE TikTok Moira’s) Went absolutely ballistic over the LE SSERAFIM skins and only spams their emote all game
-Junkrat main, loves doing that cool thing that Junk players do where they jump into a group of enemies and ults RIGHT in the middle of them. Loves playing payload maps on defense cause he can spam the attackers spawn gate with mines and traps as soon as the game starts (That little shit) Very toxic in voice chat, will take his time to tbag every player he kills so it can look good on the kill cams, spams the “its snowing” voiceline everywhere (Overwatch players, you know what I’m talking about) will absolutely flame his supports for not healing them when HES THE ONE JUMPING INTO THE ENEMY TEAM IN THE FIRST PLACE (And yet only plays quick play/arcade modes because competitive players scare him lol)
-Ana main because she reminds him of his mama Unlike Ezreal, he actually knows how to heal his team. Occasionally finds himself tossing a nade at nothing accidentally or even worse, pressing Q out of panic and nano boosting the Lucio or smth. Got flamed by his teammates (*ahem* Kayn) and still feels really bad about it. Almost always caught in a 1v1 against the Widow or Ashe he thinks he can win (He does not) Never actually uses his scope and just shoots at people randomly to heal them, cause he’s too lazy to practice his aim.
-Zarya main, fits his vibe for some reason. He actually knows how to defend his team. Started off as a casual player, (isn’t that much of a video game person in general,) but liked how everyone else had fun on this game and wanted to do better for their sake. Got surprisingly good at it too. Very smart with his bubble and grav placements. The only one who actually plays the game normally, I swear.
-An old man who does not have time for video games, only plays because Ezreal and Kayn roped him into it and he couldn’t say no. Super basic, only playing Soldier 76 because that was the first character given to him by the tutorial and he’s too lazy to practice anyone else. Pretty good with his aim and left click but just…does not do anything else besides that. Does not sprint to try and chase people, does not use his Helix Rockets, does not use his biotic field, just..stands there spamming left click cause thats all he knows how to do.
-Casual support enjoyer by day, tryhard Genji and Hanzo main by night. Does the most INSANE Dragonblades with Genji, nano boost or not. Flanking entire back lanes with just his dash alone, deflecting ults like no tomorrow. Knows every map, every shortcut, every health pack location, its TERRIFYING. Even more so when he’s playing Hanzo, WILL one shot you from the most bullshit corners you didn’t even know existed WILL two tap you with storm arrow (Sometimes just one) and WILL somehow get at least a 3k from an extremely well placed Dragonstorm. Its insane. (Also he plays Kiriko as a support but with the way he kills people with her, you think he was playing a sniper. Ezreal could only dream to be like him)
-Mei main. Also just out of vibe. Almost always spending money on her favorite skins and emotes for her (Sprinkles is her personal favorite) Also a casual player. Really good at sniping with her secondary fire though, so watch out. Ults are also super satisfying. Knows the best places to throw them to at least freeze the entire team for its duration. Ice Walls are always perfectly timed to protect you from ults, including several RIP-Tires from Kayn (Much to his rage and anger) Has some scary combos with her ult and Genji blade from Phel.
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zenmom · 1 year
Found this while mom forced me to find that $100 something necklace with tiny genuine gemstones.
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Een looks sooo cute in this (in my own head full of dreams) poster, an illustration for the Art of Eennie-Oog.
It’s kinda old, but man! It’s GOLD!
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eclecticpjf · 1 year
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One of my favorite jokes in Tears of the Kingdom is how BADLY Koltin wants to be a Satori, and it’s one I think a lot of Americans won’t get. Given that Satori is a term from Zen Buddhism referring to enlightenment, he’s going about this the wrong way. I have to find all the caves so I can find out how this ends.
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speffjicoli · 1 year
hey hey
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Comments on Musical King Arthur with Ishikawa Zen
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davidjhiggins · 1 year
Washing the Brush
Last week, after years of playing almost every week, the Legend of the Five Rings campaign I was participating in concluded. Game stories are seldom as exciting for those not involved, so—unless you are curious—I won’t share more detail than we saved the province and went on to live lives shaped by the struggle. However, it did inspire a number of haiku which don’t require game-knowledge; so have…
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