#zenith butterfly
probably-unreliable · 2 years
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Some redesign for Sulumor, the Wan Stavrophore.
More (in)famously known as Hellnun~
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dragonfly0808 · 2 months
Snippets of the next chapter…
I’m really excited for the next chapter so, to build up hype and cause I’m just super excited here are snippets of chapter 28:
Roxy’s Interlude: Crossroads of Destiny
Helia smiled gently as he joined her, “What do you think?”
“Somehow… it’s both exactly what I was expecting and not at all what I thought it’d be like.”
He chuckled, “That’s Magix for you. A strange culmination of dozens of different planets and cultures and all that good stuff. You’ll never find anyone who’s straight up ‘from Magix’ you know? Everyone has some planet they or their parents are originally from.”
“I’m straight up from Magix.” Timmy protested from the control panel.
Helia rolled his eyes, “Aren’t your grandparents from Gader?”
“…that doesn’t count.”
“Sure it doesn’t.” Helia made a face at him and Roxy chuckled.
Red Fountain was huge, all red and silver metal and golden stone and falling water.
It was also a floating island. The boys had seemingly forgotten that little detail when telling her about their school. 
“Oh, this is one of my favorite spots.” Naten guided them past a threshold, which guided them to a platform open to the outside air, ancient stone with red runes beneath Roxy’s feet, the jagged ending giving way to the long fall.
“Whoa.” Roxy approached the ledge cautiously, crouching to inspect the old runes with clearly old scratches that did not match the rest of the building, “This… is a lot older than anything else.”
“That’s cause this particular floor,” Alexa said as she tapped her foot on the stone, “is a part of the old Red Fountain.”
“…what do you mean the old Red Fountain?”
The others suddenly paused, trading glances as they clearly realized she didn’t know what they meant.
“Well…” Shirley hesitated clearly unsure of how to explain, “This technically speaking isn’t the first Red Fountain. They had to rebuild.”
Cloud Tower was a bit more like what she’d expected. Despite Shirley’s previous rants about the perception of witches, their school was all fog, shadows, bats, spiders and medieval architecture in shades of blacks, greens and purples.
Shirley, perhaps for the first time since they’d met, blushed lightly, “It’s my middle name. Riven’s is worse though, his is Knox.”
Roxy gently nudged her, “I like Maude. It’s really pretty. Fits you.”
She ignored how, over Shirley’s shoulder, Alexa had opened her backpack just in time for Naten to fake-puke in.
Alfea was somehow more impressive in person, the building was a pale pink with accents in sky blue, whites and creams. Vines growing over certain columns.
She wasn’t quite sure how to describe the aura the building held, but it somehow felt almost ethereal. She could just barely see small motifs all over the walls and arcs, in the stone of the fountain, in the cobblestone of paths, everywhere she looked there seemed to be hidden tiny paintings of wings and butterflies and clovers and bells and pearls and crystals and fungi.
It was really quite something.
“Sure thing, and- oh! Hold up,” Naten suddenly turned around, yelling at the boys to get closer, “After we give Roxy the tour can we take her to a cafe in Magix? She hasn’t seen the actual city.”
Timmy grimaced, clearly disapproving, “I don’t know…”
“Pleaaaaseeee?” Alexa pleaded, “We won’t go far. And we will not split up for even a second.” She finished making puppy eyes at the boys.
“You can go.” Helia told them, “Just update us when you leave and… don’t take the bus, you can call your Windriders.”
Roxy carefully turned the computer on, glancing around. The others were nowhere in sight, she’d left Chimera and Naten looking at a history book on Zenith, Naten telling Chimera stories and myths of his hometown and the villages around.
Alexa had said she’d check if there were any technical books on archery or Earth since she was curious about her brother’s mission. Shirley had gone straight for the potions section.
She was alone, unwatched.
Roxy stared at the search bar for a long moment. A part of her feeling guilty.
But she had to know.
She just had to.
“What is in Lake Roccaluce?”
Chimera blinked, surprised, “What?”
“I was gonna look it up cause Sky was clearly lying or avoiding but… I wasn’t sure how to spell it.”
Chimera sighed, gesturing for her to sit down, carefully adjusting her velvet skirt, “Do you… do you know about Daphne?”
“It was our pleasure, now, we gotta show you the best part, actual Magix city.” Alexa told her as they stopped in front of three of those motorcycle-like machines that didn’t have wheels and hovered in the air.
“Are those… safe?”
“Oh yeah, Windriders are standard for every Specialist.”
Roxy tilted her head in silent question as to why there were three.
Shirley smirked, “My brother is off-planet, someone has to take care of his windrider.”
“And you were kind enough to take on the burden.” Roxy teased.
“Precisely. Now come on, you can ride with me.”
Damn her. What gave her the right to also be a motorcycle girl? Roxy hadn’t even known she apparently had a thing for motorcycles until Shirley casually threw a leg over it to get on, the way she flipped her hair as she did it had to be intentional.
Thankfully, she wasn’t the only one as Chimera was a shade of scarlet as she went to hold on to Naten.
Alexa sighed heavily, “Strike me down now.” She implored the sky above her.
Ogron chuckled in a low tone, Gantlos and Anagan appearing behind him, “Impeccable invisibility spell. Moon fairies are quite rare,” he looked in Chimera’s direction, clearly somehow able to see her despite the spell, starting to reach towards her, “but I’m afraid you have yet to master the art of fully cloaking your very essen-”
Chimera used the staff like a baseball bat, hitting Ogron right across the face, the other Wizards freezing in momentary surprise, “GO!”
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talonabraxas · 19 days
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The Sacrifice of Xolotl Corazon Mexica
This painting portrays a scene from the sacred narrative of the Creation of the Sun. We live in the fifth universe, under the light of a fifth sun. When the previous, fourth sun, was destroyed, the Teteo asked Nanahuatzin, a crippled and misshapen lord, to sacrifice Himself in order to be reborn as the sun. He did so, and on the fourth day rose into the sky as a new sun, Tonatiuh. However, when He had reached the zenith, He ceased to move, and the earth burst into flame. The Teteo asked Him why he did not move, and he responded by saying that He needed the sacred and spiritual strength of Their blood, Their Teyollia, to find the strength to move. The Teteo willingly gathered, and Quetzalcoatl, the Lord of Creation, sacrificed Them, so that Their blood flowed into the heavens and nourished the new born sun.
Yet, Xolotl, the dog-god, became afraid, and He fled the scene of sacrifice. Quetzalcoatl chased Him. To escape, Xolotl transformed Himself into an Axolotl, a type of salamander, shown in the painting emerging from the water. When Quetzalcoatl found Him, He transformed Himself into a corn with two cobs growing from one stem, shown on the offering plate before Them. He was found out again, and transformed Himself into a maguey plant with two flowers growing from one stem.
This time, however, when He was caught, Quetzalcoatl sacrificed Him, spilling His sacred blood. However, Xolotl is the Spirit Animal, the Nahualli, of Quetzalcoatl, therefore, He is a manifestation Quetzalcoatl Himself. He transformed Himself into the double corn and the double maguey flower, to show that He is both two and one, both Xolotl and Quetzalcoatl, the Lord of Twins. To kill His own Spirit Animal is in truth to kill Himself, to be confronted by His own fear, to conquer it, and to sacrifice Himself. This is a story of self-sacrifice, and the conquest of fear. As He slices the throat of His Spirit Animal, He says, “In Imeo, In Intlapall, In Intlazoa,” which means, “Your blood, your color, your sacred substance,” which He releases to feed the Sun. This "sacred substance” takes the form of a butterfly, which flies towards the Sun. Thus, the sacrifice is completed, through which the Teteo give of their own life, blood, and being, in order to set the pattern of the cosmos in motion, and the world which we as human beings inhabit and enjoy.
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Other Events During Solarpunk Aesthetic Week - Event 3 Edition
It may be Solarpunk Aesthetic Week, but we're not gonna just assume we're the only thing going on! So let's highlight a few other things that are happening this week, so they can maybe inspire some of what you do for Solarpunk Aesthetic Week!
Pollinator Week 2023 actually takes place June 17th - 23th just like our event!
"Pollinator Week is an annual celebration in support of pollinator health that was initiated and is managed by Pollinator Partnership. It is a time to raise awareness for pollinators and spread the word about what we can do to protect them. The great thing about Pollinator Week is that you can celebrate and get involved any way you like! Popular events include planting for pollinators, hosting garden tours, participating in online bee and butterfly ID workshops, and so much more."
Feel free to check their site here to learn more! Maybe make some pollinator-inspired art and take some biodiversity-boosting actions to celebrate!
Juneteenth/Juneteenth National Independence Day is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans, celebrated on the anniversary of an order proclaiming freedom for slaves in Texas on June 19th 1865 (two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued). You may see and hear of public readings, street fairs, cookouts, parades, and more celebrating this event in the US--especially since it was officially declared a federal holiday in 2021, meaning its an official day off from school and work for many people now.
Always, but especially on this day, consider the important role and contributions of African Americans and other Black groups have had and will continue to have on history, punk spaces, and the present and future of Solarpunk!
Summer Solstice is June 20th in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the official beginning of the summer season! This day symbolizes the zenith of the sun's position in the sky, and the longest day of the year.
We're called Solarpunks for a reason! And coinciding with this date was totally purposeful on our parts. Let the sun inspire your works--whether it be thinking up solar panel concepts, painting a sunny meadow scene, or just imbuing your work with the bright and blazing energy of our brightest star, go forth and create!
Winter Solstice is also June 20th in the Southern Hemisphere, marking the official beginning of the winter season! This day symbolizes the death and subsequent rebirth of the sun, and is the shortest day and longest night of the year.
When we visualize Solarpunk, we tend to think of bright and sunny spring and summer days, with lush green growth all around. But what would Solarpunk look like in the fall and winter? Let's start talking about it, changing up our color palettes and creating! And if it's wintertime for you right now, tell us about how you're solarpunking even in the colder months!
June 23rd is the last day of Solarpunk Aesthetic Week this summer, and it's also World Music Day, also known as Fête de la Musique! World Music Day celebrates the universal language of music. This day originated in France in 1982, aiming to encourage both amateur and professional musicians to showcase their talents in public spaces, while also providing free access to concerts and performances for the public. This observance promotes the importance of music in society and celebrates its cultural diversity.
Music often plays a major role in people's lives today, and I see it being no different in a Solarpunk future. Whether you're writing up song lyrics or making chill beats, or listening and contributing to our various collaborative Solarpunk playlists, or anything music related--let's take a moment to consider the power of music to spread messages and hope!
Is there more we're forgetting? Want to share the way you celebrate a particular event? Sound off and let us know--we'd love to hear about other related events and how you celebrate them!
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emeritus-fuckers · 9 months
Hi! Getting this in before requests close, would love some headcanons from all the Papas (and maybe even Jim) for a boyfriend who’s a workaholic and getting him to relax whether by coercion, cuteness, or force
Papas and Father Jim DeFroque with workaholic boyfriend
TW: mentions of drugs and alcohol (Father Jim DeFroque).
He used to be the worst workaholic in the world.
Still somewhat is, with his gardens and his butterflies. But he does understand, and he also worries.
He will gently try to get you to stop working, soft touches and gentle words. He will hug around your shoulders and somehow convince you to get back to bed.
Its a blur, one moment you're at your desk, and the next moment you're stripped down to your boxers and on top of his chest, arms wrapped around you. And Primo is chuckling proud of himself.
Honestly? A worse workaholic then you are.
He will work until he passes out. He's done it before, but, when he started dating you, he tried to keep his workaholic-ness down, after all, who want want to date someone who is always working?
He will bully you until you come to bed. He will pick you up and force you into bed, and hand feed you if he has too. And shove water down your throat.
This man does not know what the word 'work' is.
He only works if he absolutely has too. Refuses to work any time else.
He can and will flirt you out of working.
It's soft touches, gentle words and soft pleas, and then its breathy whimpers and hands trailing down your chest and groping at all the skin he can get too.
And then it's full on whines and whimpers, pressing up close to you, begging you to come to bed and turn his brain off, full on grabbing your crotch and hiccuping into your ear.
And how could you say no?
He gets it. He didn't get to be Papa by sitting on his ass, after all.
But he also knows that is horrible for you, and will use his stupid cuteness to lure you into bed.
Will come over holding his rat, wearing a rat onesie. And he just smiles and invites you to come and play his video game with rigatoni.
If that doesn't work, he frowns and walks over, and just hold rigatoni in front of your face while pouting.
"Amore.. how can you say No?"
And how could you.
Old Nihil
Haha, not allowed.
First, he's way too clingy to let you focus on your job.
Second, he's way too clingy to let you focus on your job.
This man will not let you work in peace like... ever.
Comes up with excuses to get you away from work.
Somehow, the excuses usually end up looking suspiciously like dates.
And on the very rare occasions that he does his job, he needs you to be in the room with him so he can take breaks to stare at you.
Will pout like a kid unless you look at him, too.
Young Nihil
Listen, his reaction to pretty much any stress is like that one song.
Sex, love, rock and roll. As well as various substances.
He will attempt to get you out of the Ministry to have some fun.
It might be something wild if you're up for it, but if not, he'll gladly drive you to your favorite fast food chain or restaurant to get food and then find a secluded area just outside of the city so you can chill out.
You two probably end up sleeping through the night in the car in said secluded area.
Father Jim DeFroque
Haha, "boyfriend".
Let's be realistic here, this bitch doesn't date. You're either a toy or a friend with benefits at most.
Still, if you manage to become his friend, he does somewhat care about you.
His solution is, of course, night-long party.
You get a white powder and white liquid combo. Can't focus on work if you're high, wasted and fucked out, now can you?
Papa I-IV written by Zenith/Jasper.
Papa Nihil & Father Jim DeFroque written by Nosferatu.
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @nuntia @dio-niisio @mamacarlyle @firefirevampire @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @natoncesaid @igodownjustlikeholymary @sirlsplayland @thatoddboy @ouijaboardemo @lightbluuestars @strawberriiblossoms @dark-angel-is-back @choco-meow69 @emo-mess
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whistlebell · 1 year
Encanto Mod List 🪄
Hello everyone! 👋
I did my best to compile all the mods, but I used so much that I'm pretty sure I may have left out a few. Sorry! Let me know what I've missed, and I'll do my best to find the source and add it to the list!
Please note that I own/have made none of these mods. All credits go to the incredible authors and mod makers from Nexus and Naver behind these beautiful mods and retextures!
Script Font, Kitsch Interface, Love of Cooking UI Recolor
Delloti's Flower Retexture, Medieval DNT, OnOff Map Retexture, Seasonal Fences, Seasonal Floorings, Stardew Foliage Redone, Yatho Lee Meteorite, Zenith Farm, Lumisteria Short Flowery Grass, StarDust's Maps Retexture, Better Resources, DaisyNiko's Tilesheets
Overgrown Fairy Buildings, More Overgrown Fairy Buildings, Rocky Junimo Hut, Romantic Greenhouse, Statues as Obelisks, Tanga Forest Gold Clock, v1.4 misc recolour, Fish Ponds by Gweniaczek, Flowery Bin, Glass Jar Mailbox, Medieval Tractor Garage, Hot Air Balloon Retexture
Mi's and eemie's Butterflies, Cuter portrait for MrGinger, Mermaid Replaces Mariner, Cuter Fatter Goats, Solip's Coop Animals, Altaria Horse Replacer, Aquarium Fish Retexture, Pet Hamster Retexture
Zyr's Multipurpose Shed, Cozy Farmhouse Kitchen, Lnh's Barn, Lnh's Coop, Lnh's New Slime Hutch, Ria's Third Farmhouse, Rustic Country Town Interior, Shed is Cafe, Spacious Greenhouse,Yet Another Wallpaper Mod
Yellog's Furniture, Gwen's Medieval Craftables, Modern Floor Lights, Cosy Cafe, Shyzie's String Lights, Greenhouse Furniture, Shyzie's Rugs, Cookie Run Kingdom Lightning Rod,Flower Power Furniture, Ornamental Garden Furniture, Cookie Run Kingdom Ostrich,Who's Happy New Year Furniture, Industrial Furniture Set, Outdoor Decorations (swings, fountains, etc.), Cookie Run Kingdom Furniture, Cookie Run Kingdom Crops, Cookie Run Kingdom Craftables
Better Artisan Goods, Better Crops and Foraging, Better Fishing and Beach Foraging, Better Gems and Minerals, Better Rings, Lux Food Mod, Museum Artifacts Reimagined, MSaturn Floaties, Sprogs Floral Tappers, Aesthetic Garbage
Luo Li's top and skirt26, Do Eun's Female Body, Animals and Mythological Creatures Stuff, H Youn's Hair, Beommung's 140 tops pack, Geulhwa's sleeves, Rago's loose fit sleeve, Rago's overfit sleeve, Jjolipong's Closet
Alex Portrait, Alex Sprite, Adorable Kid Portraits, Toddlers like Parents, Seasonal Aideen Portraits
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magickkate · 6 months
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Hey, lovely witchlings! As the sun reaches its zenith and the earth is in full bloom, we come to Litha, the summer solstice, a time of abundance, vitality, and celebration. This Sabbat marks the longest day of the year and the peak of solar energy, when the sun's power is at its strongest.
A Briefing on the History: Litha, also known as Midsummer or the Summer Solstice (Northern hemisphere: June 20th or 21st; Southern hemisphere: December 20th or 21st), is a magical time when the sun reaches its zenith in the sky. It’s the longest day of the year, and the sun seems to pause, bathing the earth in its warm glow. Our ancestors celebrated this pivotal moment with fire and water, acknowledging the balance between light and darkness. Stone circles like Stonehenge were oriented to capture the rising sun on this sacred day. Early European traditions included lighting large wheels on fire and rolling them down hills into bodies of water. The Romans honored this time as sacred to Juno, goddess of women and childbirth, giving us the month of June.
Ancient Roots: Litha has ancient origins and has been celebrated by various cultures and civilizations throughout history. It is often associated with sun worship and the celebration of light, fertility, and abundance.
Solar Phenomenon: Litha occurs around June 20th or 21st in the Northern Hemisphere when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, resulting in the longest day and the shortest night of the year.
Symbolism: The Summer Solstice symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness, as well as the peak of growth and vitality in the natural world. It is a time of celebration, joy, and abundance.
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Correspondences: -> Symbolism: Life, fire, rebirth, transformation, power, purity -> Colors: Red, gold, orange, yellow, white, green, blue -> Herbs: St. John’s Wort, lavender, rose, peony, vervain, chamomile, chickweed, chicory, sunflower, lily, thyme, and more -> Crystals: Lapis, diamond, tiger’s eye, emerald, jade, and other green stones -> Animals: Butterflies, wren, horses, stags, robins, cattle, phoenixes, dragons, faeries, satyrs
Here are a few ways to honor the magic of Litha:
Rituals and Activities: - Bonfires: Light a bonfire to honor the sun’s power. - Sunrise/Sunset Greeting: Greet the sun at its highest point in the sky. - Create an Altar: Decorate it with sunflowers, oranges, and yellow candles. - Cleansing Herb Bundle: Make your own bundle for purification. - Sun Tea: Brew tea using sun-infused water. - Burn a Bay Leaf: Write intentions on a bay leaf and burn it - Fertility Ritual: Litha is a time of fertility and growth, and rituals may focus on promoting abundance, creativity, and prosperity. Some practitioners may plant seeds or perform fertility rites to symbolize the fertile energy of the Earth.
Modern Celebrations:
-> Community Gatherings: Many Wiccan and pagan communities host public rituals and gatherings to celebrate Litha, inviting people of all backgrounds to join in the festivities and honor the sun's energy. -> Altar Decorations: Altars are adorned with symbols of the sun, such as gold or yellow candles, sunflowers, citrus fruits, and solar symbols like the sun wheel or the Celtic solar cross. -> Feasting: Traditional foods associated with Litha include fresh fruits, vegetables, honey, bread, dairy products, and grilled meats. These foods celebrate the abundance of the summer harvest and nourish the body and spirit. -> Nature Walks: Taking a nature walk or spending time outdoors is a simple yet meaningful way to connect with the energy of Litha and appreciate the beauty of the natural world during the height of summer.
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Recipes: 1. Mead: A honey wine enjoyed by our Celtic and Norse ancestors and many to this day. It is easier to support local experts in the craft of making this than starting up a whole kit of making mead. Choose wisely. (I included a basic starter recipe for those brave enough to venture into the fermentation game. I'll stick to supporting my local businesses!) 2. Sun Tea: If you are unable to drink alcohol or prefer not to, sun tea is a great alternative or a great addition to your Litha celebration! They are called "sun tea" because it is tea brewed from the warmth of direct sunlight! If the weather is cloudy, sun tea may not be the best recipe to try. Common sense <3! 5. Sunflower Seed Pesto Pasta: Cook pasta (such as penne or fusilli) according to package instructions. In a food processor, combine fresh basil leaves, garlic cloves, sunflower seeds, Parmesan cheese, olive oil, and a squeeze of lemon juice. Blend until smooth. Toss the cooked pasta with the sunflower seed pesto, cherry tomatoes, and sliced summer squash or zucchini. Serve topped with additional Parmesan cheese and fresh basil leaves. 6. Summer Solstice Salad: Mix a variety of fresh greens, such as spinach, arugula, and butter lettuce. Add sliced strawberries, blueberries, and orange segments for a burst of color and sweetness. Sprinkle with toasted almonds or walnuts and crumbled goat cheese or feta cheese. Drizzle with a dressing made from olive oil, balsamic vinegar, honey, and a pinch of salt and pepper. 6. Grilled Vegetable Platter: Slice a selection of summer vegetables, such as bell peppers, eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, and red onions. Brush the vegetables with olive oil and season with salt, pepper, and your choice of herbs (such as rosemary or thyme). Grill the vegetables until tender and lightly charred, then arrange them on a platter. Serve with a dipping sauce made from Greek yogurt, lemon zest, garlic, and fresh herbs. 7. Honey-Lavender Lemonade: In a saucepan, combine water, honey, and dried lavender buds. Heat gently until the honey is dissolved, then remove from heat and let the mixture steep for 15-20 minutes. Strain the lavender-infused honey mixture into a pitcher and discard the lavender buds. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the pitcher and stir to combine. Serve the honey-lavender lemonade over ice, garnished with fresh lavender sprigs and lemon slices. 8. Berry Galette: Prepare a simple pie dough or use store-bought dough for the crust. Roll out the dough and transfer it to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. In a bowl, mix fresh berries (such as strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries) with sugar, cornstarch, and a squeeze of lemon juice. Spoon the berry mixture onto the center of the dough, leaving a border around the edges. Fold the edges of the dough over the berries, pleating as needed. Brush the edges of the dough with milk or beaten egg, then sprinkle with coarse sugar. Bake the galette in a preheated oven until the crust is golden brown and the berries are bubbling. Serve warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.
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Remember, Litha is a celebration of the sun’s abundance and the Earth’s fertility. Embrace the warmth, dance, and honor the cycles of life. Blessed be! 🌻🔥🌿
Note: This post is a brief overview. For more details, explore the rich traditions and make Litha your own! 🌞🌙
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aamaranthiine · 3 months
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( a starter for @ikkaku-of-heart )
The chamber is immense and opulent beyond words, lavish and luxurious from the marble of its floor and pillars to the gilded lined draperies and gleaming ensorcelled lights casting a faux warm glow in shivering haloes. There are men and women in equally expensive finery from the corners of the vast world, gowns and suits to robes and sheer wrappings that was far from the notion of modest.
Music flows in currents throughout and many twirl and sway to its rhythm, couples exchanged at the cresting notes of a melody's zenith. Rarely the same partner twice - which is how the alabaster draped Amalthea finds herself in the hands of Ikkaku for the next rotation of steps. Her gown is lush with silky white feathers and pearls, but then stained with deep, bloodied crimson from around her throat and down over the swell of her chest. Rubies and scarlet threads creating the illusion of a torn, dripping wound that spilled vitae down her front in a beautifully macabre display.
She is equally as pale against the sanguine; lucid flesh and snowlit hair coiled and piled upon her head in an elaborate up do. Her eyes are huge and like the moonless midnight sky, framed by thick frosted lashes. Her red-rose painted lips part to speak; "You arent like the others," quiet as a butterfly's speech, still somehow heard over the throng, "death is in every false breath here, you will be devoured." The warning is emphasized by the squeeze of her hand; she could not see another innocent soul trapped as she was.
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seventh-line · 2 years
How do swtor companions kiss?
Swtor Companions: Kissing (Pub)
Kissing is hot for Kira. It’s a good way to get her turned on, making her more bold than flustered. Her kisses are fervent and have a tendency to roam.
Of course Doc likes kissing. It usually leads to the best part. Which is why he tends to rush through them, sloppily and with a lot of saliva. Why be a tease to good ol’ Doc?
Lord Scourge does not kiss, Scourge sometimes does. His kisses come when he’s angry or passionate, and they reflect that explosive intensity.
For Iresso, the perfect kisses are when you’re together, just content to enjoy each other’s presence. When you sigh into and take the time to enjoy the soft kisses.
Nadia has no idea what she’s doing at first. She’s nervous and awkward with her kisses, but with time and reassurance, they come more often and enthusiastically.
Not one for intimacy, it’s rare to get a kiss from Zenith. He likes it when you have to work for it, usually watching you with a smug little smirk.
Corso is more like to kiss your hands than your lips. He really likes it, and it plays into his whole ‘perfect gentleman’ complex. You can catch him off guard if you’re the one kissing his hands.
Risha’s kisses are sensual. They make you feel sexy. She also isn’t afraid to grab your ass while you’re at it. She knows what she wants, and she knows it’s all hers.
Initially, Akaavi is a little rough. Kissing makes her feel vulnerable, and asserting dominance is her way of feeling safer. But the more she trusts you, the more those kisses become sweet, and almost quieter.
Jorgan kisses like he means it. It’s straight to the point. He knows he’s lucky to have you, and it’s easier to show you than to tell you. His kisses are like fire on your lips.
Quick chaste pecks in public, Dorne saves the heavier kisses for private. Even those are somewhat conservative, being more sweet than spicy. Every kiss she gives makes the butterflies in your stomach flutter.
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amandaoftherosemire · 11 months
Second Sight -- Part Eighteen
Fandom: Marvel Avengers AU/MCU AU
Pairing: Loki Odinson X fem!Reader
Characters: Loki Odinson
Author: @amandaoftherosemire
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 5,718
Format: Series WIP
Warnings: Language, gambling
Summary: Loki takes you on a long overdue honeymoon on a pleasure planet. You can’t take your eyes off the spectacle while Loki can’t take his eyes off you. Neither of you notice the eyes on you both.
A/N: Since I started this fic years ago, I am going to be rebuilding my taglist with this chapter. If anyone would like to be tagged in future updates, or if you’re tagged in this and want to continue to be, please drop me an ask or a message to let me know. If you don’t want to be tagged, don’t do anything. I’m trying to get a gauge of who, if anyone, is still reading this. I haven’t got any feedback in a while, and the notes on this would offend me if I allowed myself to be offended by numbers, and I’m not sure updating this fic is the best use of my time if no one is reading it.
To be fair, I get it. I’m not even mad. 😉 Loki is doing fun stuff in the series and people are reading those fics, not novel length fics from the Infinity Saga. I don’t intend this to be a guilt trip as much as an attempt to gather information. I have multiple projects in progress (thank you, ADHD), including some original fiction, and as much as I hate to leave a fic unfinished, I also recognize the possibility I’m in the middle of a sunk cost fallacy. Know when to fold ‘em, and all that. Thanks!
<<Part Seventeen here
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Second Sight Part Eighteen
Once through the doors and under a short entryway, the room opened into a spectacle that made the lights of the Vegas Strip look understated by comparison. The walls curved away from you to both your left and right, the room an enormous circle made up of multiple tiers. At your feet, a sea of creamy gold-veined stone under a high, high domed ceiling. You stood stunned for a moment, overwhelmed by the size and splendor of everything around you.
You kept your hand tight around Loki’s arm as he escorted you to the middle of the room, the stone stepping gently into a sunken center beneath the soaring ceiling. The top of the dome was three stories above you, where a bright golden light served as the main source of illumination. The golden globe was one of two hung in the sky of an elaborate sea scape mural covering the zenith of the dome.
The other globe was the tumultuous center of a whirling display. Upon closer inspection, the objects that swarmed in streaming patterns in and out of the center of the second sun were some sort of fluttering creature, akin to a butterfly. They fluttered around a core of flapping wings, soaring in swooping streams and waves. However they were incentivized to do so, they followed tight patterns, coalescing into tight clumps before exploding outward like a living pyrotechnic display. Their vibrant colors sent rainbow light scattering and shimmering over the people below.
From that globe came a light snowstorm of some feathery white substance. Though they spun and floated in the air, once they landed on a surface, the tiny flakes disappeared like cotton candy in water. The shimmering light and the light white flurry created a dreamy atmosphere that lifted you up and made you feel euphoric. You looked down at the flakes seeming to seep into your skin.
"A mild intoxicant, my love," Loki said when he saw you examining the little fluffy flecks. He spoke in your ear to be heard over the roar of the crowd and the clangs and bells and beeps and shouts from the tables around you. "As long as you remember that luck is ephemeral, you should be fine."
You grinned at him, taking the warning as it was meant and deliberately tamping down the oddly lucky feeling surging inside you that urged you to take whatever chance looked the most lucrative. To distract yourself, you went back to studying your surroundings, stunned by the pageantry. Loki had shown you opulent when he'd first dragged you into his personal dimensional pocket, but this was lavish walking the edge of gaudy.
Standing in the center of the room, on the burnished old gold carpet so rich and soft it seemed like velvet clover beneath your boots, you examined the enormous pillars of creamy stone that matched the floor. Too big around to fit your arms, they were adorned with more of the fluttering creatures. These glowed golden, their shimmering wings sending the light scattering and making the air itself seem to sparkle.
You were surrounded on all sides by people of all shapes, sizes, colors, limbs, etc. As you took in the spectacular, you tried to come to grips with your boggled mind. A veritable army of beautifully built, violet-skinned, black-haired beauties wearing short black shorts and matching crop tops with tank sleeves wove in and out amongst the tables. As much muscle was on display as possible and each person had plenty of muscle to display. The matching uniforms went with the trays of glasses full of brightly colored liquids, some fizzing, some sparking, some smoking. A frothy pink something with bright green leaves as a garnish caught your eye and sent one of those lucky rushes through you. Once you'd gotten your bearings, you were going to find out what it was and whether it would kill you. The white flakes urged you to go for it.
Looking up, all around you the walls were hung with silk in vibrant jewel tones, contrasting with the old gold of the floors and walls. Each floor above you had its own balcony, like a dress circle in a theatre, but wider and full of more games and people. The entryway you'd come out from under had been the second floor, open to the rest of the room so that each floor could see the dome and its colorful explosions. You wondered what differentiated each floor, though it seemed the main difference was the first floor was much louder than the others.
In every direction you could see boisterous crowds surrounding tables of dice, or spinning wheels and flashing lights, or in one section, a pit of what appeared to be fighting insects, the scantily clad croupier taking bets on which bestingered, hissing monster would kill the other. You deliberately turned away from that part of the casino.
Loki noticed the rejection on your face. "Are you not interested in wagering, my love?" He asked the question in silky tones, hoping that whatever had displeased you could be ignored long enough for him to dazzle you with the delights he'd already planned.
You wrinkled your nose and smiled at him, your back firmly to the hissing insects. You’d concluded that it was best not to see how that particular game ended. Your lips twisted wryly, but the spectacle drew your eyes in a thousand directions at once. "I didn't expect to come down on the side of the terror scorpions." You spoke the words with a wry twist to your lips and your voice, as surprised as anyone to find it to be true. "And I never gamble on games when I don’t know the rules."
Loki glanced at the fighting pits behind you, then laughed along with you. "Never?" He asked it with a skeptical eyebrow raised as he turned to offer you his arm. When you took it with an indulgent eye roll, he led you away from the bugs and toward a table surrounded by a crowd of cheering patrons.
"You are the very rare exception."
Loki lifted your hand from where it rested on his arm and kissed the back lavishly, enjoying you, appreciating your dedication to the evening, no matter the size of the stingers that tried to get in the way. The pits hadn't been here the last time he had, or he might have taken you to a different casino, considering your sensibilities. He didn't understand it, but you had a moral difficulty with blood sports that he would not have forced you to ignore for his sake if he could have helped it. You overlooked so much on his behalf, he hated to add even one more.
"Exactly as I prefer it," he tossed back as he drew you over to a large round fountain, elaborate in both the sprays of water that flashed and sparkled in the golden light, but also in the carving of the statues that sat atop the center plinth. Your eyes widened at the sculpture, both the subject matter and the detail. Like a Bernini, the creatures were so finely carved that the stone flesh seemed to give underneath gripping fingers in an erotic tangle of limbs. 
"I know, dear," you retorted absently, your eyes wide as you watched the lavender water froth and sparkle as golden bubbles popped and fizzed beneath the provocative sculpture. The beauty here was unreasonable, so much so that there were moments you felt dazed by it. Your eyes swept the room, taking in the living light show, the crowded tables, the array of people, and your heart sped until it was pounding and pounding. This wasn't a new experience, a unique kind of panic attack that you experienced at Loki's side. You never knew if your heart was racing in fear or excitement, but his wicked smile always drew you on regardless.
He'd turned that wicked smile on you when he purred, his voice a temptation, "Come, throw some dice." He'd seen your eyes widening and your lips parting and knew the things he'd shared with you had overcome your stunning control. Nothing made him happier than watching your breath speed in response to the wonders he gave to you. "Since it’s a special occasion."
You smiled at him, grateful to have him to focus on. You concentrated on that mischievous grin and took slow, deep breaths. Knowing you were hand in hand with someone like Loki helped you stay calm when the universe was almost too much. Not only was he dangerous under all circumstances, but you also knew how highly he valued you, how careful he really was with you. Aside from the kind of danger that goes hand in hand with adventure, you knew you were safer at his side on an unfamiliar planet than you were when walking alone in an unfamiliar neighborhood in New York.
"Something tells me I shouldn’t give into that line of reasoning," you smirked at him, sliding your arm around his waist and pulling yourself in to burrow into his throat, "or everything will become a ‘special occasion’."
Loki laughed, wrapping his arms around your shoulders to squeeze you, exuberant affection bursting out of him like light. You smiled into his face, the sight of his happiness making your throat ache in joy. You loved making him happy like this, especially as so much melancholy had hung on him since you'd met. Grief had dogged his steps for a long time; seeing him look so glad and free made you feel like your heart was full and overflowing.
"Let me tempt you, darling." His joyous face beamed into yours as he enticed you. "Let me prove I can still persuade you to give in to your vices." His head dipped to yours and he nuzzled your mouth, his teeth scraping your bottom lip and making you moan a little, low in your throat. The sound shot straight to his groin, his body impatient for the last item on the evening's schedule. He fought his lust for you, but his hand slid down your spine to your tailbone, pressing you closer to his body the whole way down. "You know how it thrills me," he whispered against your mouth before taking your mouth in a deep, passionate kiss.
"I do, yes." You whispered the words back as soon as your lips were free again. Loki was in a surprising mood, one you were only vaguely familiar with. He seemed reckless, but young and wild at the same time. You wondered if he realized how stifling he found impersonating his father, if he knew how much happier he was when he was out in the universe, causing trouble. You gave in, happy to allow him to corrupt you, if only because it pleased him so much.
"If it will truly make you happy to talk me into gambling with your money, I will try." You looked around, and decided on a table with rolling dice, hoping the rules would be at least somewhat similar to any dice games from Earth. Loki gave you a wicked and wholly satisfied smile as he offered you several of the gold wafers that appeared to be the currency here. Taking his hand, you walked towards the table with the most exuberant cheering. "What are we doing here?" You directed the question at Loki as you watched the creature at the end of the table take three dice into a hook and toss them down to the other end of the table. "It kinda looks like craps, except are those eight-sided dice?"
Loki was watching you, not the table. He loved that he could see you trying to figure out the game, though the rules were opaque and the symbols incomprehensible to you. You watched the gameplay, seeking the pattern that would tell you enough about how the game was played for you to participate. "Two are eight-sided," he replied, the joy of having you with him in his world making his heart ache, "the third is twelve." You looked at him when you heard the exhilaration in his tone, a soft smile lifting the corner of your mouth, tempting him. "Why do you ask?"
You could see only happiness and excitement sparkling in his smile, so you shrugged and turned your gaze back to the gaming table in front of you. "I'm figuring the odds." Your eyes narrowed as you answered absently. Because your attention was entirely on the table, you gasped in surprise when Loki pulled you close to wrap his arms around you from behind, burying his face in the curve of your throat. He took your skin gently between his teeth and bit down, goaded past endurance by the look of concentration on your face.
"And you don't know how it excites me," he murmured against your skin, his lips soothing the slight prickle of pain his teeth had left behind. Truthfully, he hadn't known how you would excite him, how having you slip into his world like you belonged there would have him already quivering for you. Only his determination to drive you both to the brink of madness before he gave in prevented him from finding somewhere private to slake this thirst.
Though he couldn't see the smile on your face, the sultry expression came through loud and clear in both the way you pressed back against him, your ass brushing the erection straining at leather behind you, and in your amused voice. "I have an idea," you murmured as you snuggled back into his embrace, tilting your head to give him easier access to your throat.
"Excite me more," he growled before taking advantage of that access to close his teeth around the cord of muscle where your neck met your shoulder. Between his arms tight around you and your own motion to press firmly against his body, the iron bar of his cock snugged against you and taunted you with the reminder of his ever-present desire for you.
Loki's appreciation for the oddest things about you was a source of never-ending delight, something that made you feel exceptional. He loved things about you that you'd always assumed to be normal, or even mediocre, and you could not think of yourself as ordinary when he disagreed, and he so clearly was none of those things.
You watched as a large humanoid placed a stack of gold wafers on one of the pictographs on the table before taking the three dice in his giant hand. "As far as I can tell," you replied as the man tossed the dice down to the other end of the table, snarling when none of the upright pictures on the dice matched those under his wager, "they're trying to match certain combinations, based on their likelihoods." Your voice was shaking slightly, giving away both your laughter at Loki’s playful mood and your arousal at his touch.
"Delectable." Loki's breath was coming faster as he started placing light, brushing kisses over your shoulder, up your neck, smiling against your skin. He breathed into your ear as he fought his own cravings, trying to keep his hands somewhat under control. As you were wearing your ring, the people flowing around you didn't even notice Loki wrapped around his dark bride. He knew they wouldn't notice if he brought you to a climax in the middle of the casino floor. That knowledge was a constant temptation, one he'd never imagined when he'd been making the rings, but thanks to his love for violating rules and boundaries, had turned out to be an unexpected advantage.
"Loki…" Your voice was a warning as his arms had loosened so that he could run his hands over the sides of your body, up from your hips to directly beneath your breasts, pausing there an edgy moment before running back down. The firmness of his hands against you, like he was holding himself in careful check, sent a thrill running through you. His strength combined with his wildness sometimes made your heart race in something closer to anxiety than desire, but the tinge of fear only heightened the experience. A wild part of you loved him because he was dangerous, not in spite of it.
Loki swore, quietly and viciously, as his hands stilled on your hips, his grip tight enough to almost be painful, but carefully restrained. You could feel how he wanted you in the way he held you, but you also felt him deliberately rein himself in. His voice calm, but with an undercurrent of threat that made you shudder in desire, he removed his mouth from your skin and returned to the subject at hand. “That is the most basic of the wagering, yes."
You took a deep breath, aware that Loki was in a more dangerous mood than normal. He taunted and tempted you into madness on a regular day. How much higher would you soar at his suggestion? What depths would you plumb with his encouragement? In this mood, what outrageous deeds would you commit at his side, at his provocation? What wouldn't you risk when he was the prize?
You'd already done far more shocking things with Loki than gambling on dice. You could only be grateful that the evening's entertainments had started with something relatively ordinary. “And how much you win is based on how much and when you bet. But more important is when.”
Loki felt like he couldn't bear to not be touching you, and so he hadn't removed his hands from your hips. At your words, his hands tightened again as he leashed himself against the rising desire. There were moments it frightened him, what he'd done for you, what he would do. You had so much power over him, it could be terrifying. You'd inspired him to such heights, brought him to such lows, it was insufferable how much more he'd become in your hands. The only way he could bear it was that you were equally under his spell. You never used that power over him for anything but pleasure.
He may have been caught, trapped in the endless pools of fey eyes, but you were caught in his gravity, tidal locked with those compelling eyes on him and only him. He was content, or as content as he was capable.
Loki couldn't help himself; he leaned forward and closed his teeth around the nape of your neck. He was finally playing on the edges of the galaxy with you. Dazzling you, thrilling you, overwhelming you, was the priority. "You catch on fast, love," he murmured against your skin, pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses to the back of your shoulders as his hands slowly climbed back up your sides. When you pressed back against him and rubbed yourself against him, he growled, "I could eat you alive."
Your face spread in a smile you hadn't had before you met Loki, something wicked and potent. Knowing that something about this trip had him even more unruly than usual, and that unruliness was expressing itself in lust, gave you a feeling of immense power. You grabbed one of the hands about to slide up to cup your breasts and stepped forward, out of Loki's arms.
"Then I'll start there," you said with a cheeky glance back at Loki, whose pale skin was flushed with desire, eyes glittering and smile wide with sexy menace. You felt cold once your body was no longer in contact with his, but you used your hand in his to pull him with you toward the gaming table. You'd been together long enough that you could see that he was planning to make you pay for teasing him. You'd been teasing him long enough that you’d known that when you’d started.
Well used to this part now, thanks to your sojourns on Earth, you tapped on the arm of one of the beings surrounding the table. The man was seven feet if he was an inch, and covered head to toe in what looked like very uncomfortable gray metal armor, giant pauldrons completing the space marine vibe. When you touched him and murmured, "Excuse me," he jumped a foot in the air and shrieked like a little girl.
Too used to this response to your sudden appearance, you smiled blandly at the giant gaping down at you and asked politely, "May I squeeze in here?"
You didn't know it, but Loki had tweaked the spell in your rings to make your appearance more potent and thus more intimidating. Though he didn't want you to draw undue attention, he still wanted the universe at large to know at a glance how significant you were, even if they couldn't put their finger on why.
You leaned forward and waved to get the attention of the croupier so that he would notice your bet as well. His eyes widened, but he was far better than the giant at your side at hiding his astonishment, years of customer service callousing his ability to feel surprise. After a beat, he shouted, "Got a new player!"
This time you glanced around in surprise when, with a glance from the croupier, the man next to you offered you the dice. You took the dice and looked up in dismay when the croupier then shouted, "Place your bet!"
"I've actually never played before," you said to the shockingly gentle looking man, for all his size and armor. He grinned, revealing a full set of shining silver teeth.
"You'll want to pick a Trieklah,” he replied, pointing at the trios of pictographs matching those on the dice. The giant had a surprisingly warm baritone; if he could carry a tune, he'd have made a fortune on Earth giving Hozier a run for his money. "That's the biggest payout, but the hardest to hit."
"One for each die?" You noticed everyone else around the table betting in threes and wanted to make sure that you needed to do the same. The silver-toothed giant smiled and nodded in encouragement. You played with the stack of wafers in your hands, clicking them together like thin dominoes. You quickly decided on a trio, but as you leaned forward, your necklace swung forward, and a glint of colored light reflected off the center opal. That shimmer directed your eye to a set of three that somehow reminded you of Loki. On impulse, you changed direction and placed your bet on the other rectangle. "Let's see if luck is on my side today."
The giant looked at you, his surprisingly light blue eyes in dark skin piercing. Loki's illusion was complete, and Odof the Merc hadn't survived all these years by being naïve. In addition to Loki’s spells, there was an aura about you that you couldn't hide, an aura that had become more and more apparent the more time you spent with Loki and in the wider universe. Even Loki's illusions couldn't hide what you'd become. "You got lucky eyes," he concluded and added his own bet to yours.
Loki, meanwhile, was standing back, watching you charm a dangerous mercenary with ease, a wide smile on his face. There was something deeply gratifying about the way you moved through the galaxy, with the same smooth ease with which you moved through your own world. He felt validated in his view of your extraordinary gifts, enjoyed seeing the way you gently dominated everything around you.
You cocked your arm back and sent the dice tumbling across the walled table. Luck was with you and the dice rolled onto what looked like purple baize on the three sides you'd picked. With a shocked cheer, you turned and hugged your new friend in the kind of exuberance that comes from an unexpected win.
The sheer, unmitigated pleasure on the giant's face when your arms closed swiftly and awkwardly around his bulky armor made Loki smile in an unfamiliar way. The feeling was sheer, uncomplicated delight, and he wondered that he should so enjoy watching another man go to mush over you. Something about the fierce warrior looking soft and bashful as you grinned and thanked him made Loki happy, though he didn't really understand why.
You collected your winnings, turning your head to laugh back at Loki in delight as you stuffed wafers into your pockets. He grinned wildly back at you, and if the croupier hadn't snagged your attention, you'd have been stunned to see the love he had for you naked on his face.
You turned back and threw three gold wafers on another set of three. Since you'd won last time, you evidently were supposed to retain the dice and roll again, like craps, so you cocked your arm back and sent the dice flying again. This time, however, only one of the dice matched any of the symbols that you'd picked on the board. Two of your wafers were collected by the croupier, but the third was handed back to you to pick another set. This time, the giant explained, you had to pick one that had the symbol that already matched yours, but you would bet again and reroll the remaining two dice.
You grabbed two more wafers and placed your bet on another set that appealed to you, but none of the rectangles of symbols grabbed you as the first wager had. You weren't feeling it, and apparently that showed on your face. The friendly giant set his bet on a different trio with an apologetic look. "No offense, girlie, but I don't think you got it this time."
You rolled again, then cursed when neither of your dice matched your bet. The croupier gave back an eight-sided die and you sent it tumbling, though you could only break even now. As you tossed the last die, you grinned wryly at your new friend and replied, "No offense taken, boyo. I did not have it."
Odof had never had a little thing like you sass him like this. His armor told the world who he was and what he did for a living. Most people gave him a wide berth, but here you were, seemingly harmless, but with the confidence of a goddess. He threw his head back and laughed out loud, certain you had hidden talents.
Boyo, he thought, tickled pink both by the familiarity and the sparkling smile you'd sent him as you'd said it. "I like you!" He shouted the words, then stopped the croupier when he started to pass the dice to the person to your left. "Let her roll again. The luck's back on her." He winked at you, and you grinned back, delighted with your social success in the wider universe. "Bet again, I'll wager with you."
The lady to your left was a shocking gold, with an oddly superior aura, but she handed the dice to you with a smile. Absently toying with your necklace, another flash of light drew your eye to a rectangle that held script-like symbols. They reminded you of the sigils that surrounded the portal from your linen closet to Loki's pocket dimension. You put nine wafers down in a stack and grinned recklessly at the giant.
The giant gave another boisterous roaring laugh, then threw down a matching stack of gold. As you looked back, you caught Loki's eye and winked, grinning cheekily. Loki thought you breathtaking, playing on the edge of chance and making friends with dangerous mercenaries. He saw more clearly than ever why he'd never been able to permanently walk away from you. He'd found his match in you, his mate, and it was the greatest treasure he'd ever found. Staying with you had become his highest priority. His revenge against his father and the petty usurpation of the throne had become his raison d'etre when his mother died. At some point since he'd met you, holding fast to you had overcome that focus, that need.
He could bear to have all the glories of Asgard torn away, as long as he was still at your side when it was over.
You turned back to the table, unaware of the fireworks of emotion that were going off inside of Loki, to match the bursting explosions of color above his head. You took a deep breath, shook your fist and cocked your arm, sending the dice tumbling over the table.
The table erupted into cheers, delighted and surprised to find that you'd done it again, you'd pulled off another Trieklah. Loki came over, a bag in his hand that he'd seemed to pull from nothing. Once you'd piled your winnings into the bag, a considerable amount after two rare hits of luck, you thanked the lady who'd given you the dice. She was delighted, as she'd hit on a side bet and won a decent amount herself.
Turning to the giant, you patted his arm and smiled warmly up into his oddly sweet face. "Thank you for your help!"
He smiled back and patted your hand on his arm, his hand a bear paw in comparison to yours. "My pleasure, little lady."
You enjoyed being called little, and lady, and your smile took on a sweetness you hadn't intended, but the giant found utterly beguiling. If you hadn't had an Asgardian escort at your side, he might have suggested you hang around, let him get to know you better. His face fell, however, at your next words. "Break a leg, friend."
His expression surprised you. Someone who looked like him seemed to be the sort who would enjoy a more violent idiom. You smiled reassuringly and explained, "That's how we wish someone good fortune on my world."
The giant's face relaxed, and he smiled again, thinking this was proof that you were more dangerous than you appeared. "You must live on a brutal world."
With one more squeeze to his forearm, you laughed up at him. Loki had taken your hand when you'd turned to him to walk away from the table and was leading you away as you tossed back. "You have no idea."
Loki drew you away from the table, grinning at your good luck and the warm happiness that animated you. Bubbling over with excitement, you smugly handed back the stake he'd fronted you. He tried to refuse, but you insisted, then taunted him that you didn't even need him now, because you could buy your own drinks.
The two of you explored the rest of the building, but you refused to play any of the other games, certain your luck had run out and uninterested in giving any of your money back to the casino now that you had it in your possession. Loki thought you were adorable, if a bit perverse, but he remained indulgent, especially when you told him you wanted to remember the night as nothing but fun and triumph.
Once he'd shown you the indulgence of greed, the two of you left the casino and wandered freely through the streets. Loki knew where he was going, however, and pulled you through a door in a side street into a small serving room. The two of you sat at one of the few tables beside the long bar and proceeded to eat the best food you'd ever tasted in your life. You couldn't explain why it was so much better than anything you'd had before, but you didn't question it. The why was unimportant when you were plowing through a pastry the likes of which you'd never had before. Perfectly flaky, the filling was creamy and fruity and smooth, and you’d swear your taste buds were in overdrive. By the time you were done, you were in love with Witter, the lovely purple man who'd made and personally served you the dessert that you were crazy about.
Loki pulled you away from the laughing Witter, telling him to ignore you, that you couldn't marry him because you were already married, dammit. Once you were in the alley, he pulled you into a dark alcove to kiss you, to remind you that he could give you so much more than pastry, no matter how delicious. His body shielding yours, he'd taken advantage of your skirt to bring you to a quick but shuddering climax with his fingers. His eyes burned as he watched you put yourself back together and he sucked your flavor from his fingertips. Knowing he had so much more planned for you, instead of easing the clenching in your core, the orgasm had only whetted your appetite for more.
Loki led you on into the night, you'd assumed to a room where he could unleash the sexual tension that had been building all evening. When he pulled you into what looked like a dive bar, you looked around in surprise and confusion. Accompanying Loki had taught you it was best to go along with him, as he usually had a reason for what he did, even if his reason was overemotional or hyperbolic. With a cocky smile, you shrugged and asked what the frothy pink thing was called and whether anything in it would kill you before swaggering up to the bar to get the tentacled bartender's attention.
Loki wanted you like air, was driving himself mad by waiting to have you alone. You'd blossomed in his life, at his side, as he'd known you would. Still, he’d never known how you’d shine, or how he’d feel about it.
As you'd walked away from the gaming table, however, Odof the Merc had turned back to the game, but for some reason he was seeing flashes of light that he wasn't used to. Like midges on the edges of his vision, the little flashes would draw his eye to particular Trieklahs. When he followed the flashes, his luck seemed better than when he didn't, so he kept following them. When he decided to quit, an hour later, he was up over five thousand credits and was ready to spend it on sex and sauce. Odof was thinking and appreciating that you must have thrown him some luck, whether you intended to or not and he was not certain either way, as he stumbled into the casino's biggest bar, looking for some companionship.
Four guards, each his size and armed, prepared to deal with him if he wanted to make trouble, surrounded him before he made it to the bar. Odof sighed. Luck never stuck around for long.
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Part Nineteen here>>
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xaseta · 10 months
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December 13th, 2023, 9:41PM
The pressure to be perfect. The perfect woman. To rest, to perform, to be soft, to be confident, to give, to receive, to act exactly your age, to speak up but not too loudly, take care of yourself but don’t be selfish, to be thoughtful but don’t overthink, to put care into everything but don’t worry so much, to relax and don’t be uptight, but make sure you don’t forget anything though. If you don’t do it no one will.
I feel eaten alive from it all. The air feels thick. What was once butterflies in my stomach are now worms I think. I feel them move in me even when I sleep. Everyday feels like a brick and I’m mud underneath.
Reflecting on the year as it closes, I just feel put out. Like a pair of shoes with the tread worn down, covered in all the passed days’ filth. Left on the porch in the cold, night and day. Stale. I can only hope that someone will come for me before winter ends.
I’ve been trying to feel like myself again lately. I’ve been trying to award myself the grace I give. The pain and the suffering of being abounds. I’m trying to remember the wonder of it. That this is what it means to be human too.
But I miss real joy. I miss my soul. I’m looking for her again.
2023, you were supposed to be the zenith of good and you were not. You were sharp and hard and heavy and mean. You make me nauseous when I think about you. But if you were a human with a soul, I’d be called to love you anyways. So I will. I will take what you did to my heart and try to cherish it, because I won’t be the next version of myself without it.
Boundless gratitude all the same. It’s time to lay my head a while.
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erzatz3117 · 2 months
all of them give us the rundown 😌
well, since you asked
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My upcoming book, "Dahn Sinkewicz and Total Decay", takes place on Protei, a world with a technological level of the 1970s or so and also widespread usage of magic. It is populated by about 11 sentient races (depending on the way you count), out of whom humans constitute a small plurality. Most of the species living on Protei are divided along ethnic and political boundaries, but some of the most powerful states on the planet have assumed the right to represent their entire species globally. For dwarves, it is Gorna, the oldest state still in existence, for water-affine species it is Salia, for the Collateral Commonwealth it is Olqeserk (this role was prebiously held by Obi-Yud, but that didnt last and the Olken-Obiyudi cold war ended with the former's total victory), for humans it is Pervorodina. Actually, they claim not only diplomatic, but also political and religious dominion over humanity, all of which is de-jure a part of the Human Empire.
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Here are all the species, except for werewolves, since the question of their specieshood is hotly debated
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Here is some more lore in the form of matchbox images - yeah, most of Total Decay lore is organised like this
Actually, the Fourth Zenith was supposed to be a small-scale project, so its world isnt that exciting. Technically, it is alternate history since its timeline diverges from ours in about 1912 with the split of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party. Unlike our universe's Bolsheviks, the Promethean faction is hellbent on rapid modernisation of society (abolition of the state, abolition of money relations, abolition of family and all that), on achieving communism practically overnight. They come to power in Russia after the May Revolution (didnt even wait until October, yeah). Thanks to butterfly effect the german Spartacist uprising also succeeds, very soon spiraling into a worldwide revolution. The global Promethean State (totally just temporary) rapidly advances scientifically, with FTL travel becoming widespread around 2000. A wave of colonisation engulfs the galaxy, and many planets are settled and terraformed (terraforming is actually a major ideological stance of the party at that point, they believe that nature should be transformed to be completely subordinate to human needs). The planet the comics takes place on, Andropov-7, is settled around 2030. It is among the last colonies to be established before Earth's and the Promethean State's sudden and total disintegration. Left completely alone, the 260 million colonists on Andropov-7 struggle to finish terraforming the planet and destroy the giant mountains of alien flesh that attack their convoys and settlements. The only remaining combat machine on the planet, Zenith-4, was built out of the scrap of the original 3 machines, which were all destroyed. Like most complex equipment of the Promethean State, Zenith-4 is operated by 2 people artificially put into what is known as a state of resonance - a fusion of their separate counsciousnesses and experiences into one.
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captainkurosolaire · 2 years
Dreamer of Dreams
 How important are dreams? Chasing things beyond us sometimes grant us strength to surpass limits, to courageously endure for our vision. Over time a Pirate’s own became misconstrued, failures, losses piled up and his grandeur became murky. Losing a partial, vital piece of essence. Children call them dreams, but upon nurture, it was called Ambition! Without having a strong-self interest, he couldn’t relate or jump the hurdle for others, initially sought.  Now rectification came to retrieve what was lost. The First-Stage to Healing.
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By plucking his lost spirit within obscurity, a reversion of his zenith came. That horrendous fog vaporized to magnificent sunlight. Matured figure of the boy-to-be, extended his arm’s out, it was time to go home. In their embrace, unbridled warmth quaked from a reunion of resolve. A wide-spread grin surfaced externally Captain’s injuries stung, ached, nevertheless something swelled within himself, the belief to achieve, in absolution. He sprung a bounce to his soles, kip-up. With finesse, began reassembling his own mind-games against his Skull Brethren, since started off this way, donning his original attire, fetching dual-blade’s of Hingan that were sworn off to prevent incidental death. Black-blood face paint ran across his eyelids, not only repulsing the dead itself; used to aid him in becoming brave that required adversity, now just meant to trigger Sol's distress. Sol took aim to shoot-down Captain’s butterfly who came from the cabin’s keyhole to cause misdirection, the spirit-guide, named Perish, fluttered between his limbs, barely evading swatting and squishing attempts. Soon found himself pulverized by a door that flew off the hinges suddenly as the Seeker sprinted with full on collision from a drop-kick, then surfboarding it, trampling his rib-cage. “Always told ye t’ fix that blimey door!” Giving a befitting punishment to the Shipwright, squished with the cabin’s door on him, Kuro kicked Sol’s silver-wind pistol into the waters, then blitzed towards climbing to the top-mast where their sail-flag awaited. Mistbeard’s mask still onlooking their pirate-battle. The ex-Garlean conscript, struggled temporarily, wind knocked out of him, before angrily following pursuit, spare pistol <Live Free> brought out taking shots at the climbing cat-folk, who intelligibly utilized line-of-sight climbing alongside the mast’s with his heritage-expertise, forcing the gun-wielder to pursue, climbing up to the top with sheer agitation, this would be done in a duel-fashion now.
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Atop the mast, where they’d wage their last-sequence as blood-brothers turned enemies. Sol finally arrives behind in his pursuit, seeing Captain more closely. He was unnerved, a deplorable golden-crest smile was on him, the markings of jolly, complete fulfillment, it always brought him anger. As if a Sun was looking beneath him, nothing he could do would discourage the heat, his traditional means to kill, erase, all left meaningless in pursuit. His brow twitched into a frown. That deviant-rogue staring across him spoke, “Thanks t’ ye mate. I found irreplaceable value in me. I’m afraid… I’ll b’ stealing n’ cucking ye, again of something. Could race to see who reaches ascension firstly or lastly there! Like ol’ times… But I’ve got t’ slay your dark-cloud, it’s cramping my vibes.” Candidly bringing back a memento, it’s like time-flowed back, to not-long-ago, they used to rock-paper-scissors for who rigged, or climbing up on the masts, doing contests to one-up another in brotherly competition. “Also – I’ve decided. I’ll become a King.” Calmness and overwhelming peace said with a matter-of-fact from the Scoundrel’s following words, after the storm-breeze howled.
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Sol, overtaken by envy, frustratingly growled, “...Y-You can’t just decide that!” Where did this abundance of confidence come from? Teeth grinding and grating together blood rushing into his temple. His concentration was caught lacking and those winds nearly took him off balance, but Miqo'te remained perfectly still…
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Energy shifted in an instantaneous, an explosiveness out-cried from Captain with a thunderous shout of his declaration. A Challenge against ALL of Destiny, Fate, anything in-between was committed, throughout the rumbling tides and passed air. “I’ll become King ov’ th’ LIVING!” A dream so far-above, outlandish, impossible echoed. Jolly laughter tantalizingly followed, against Sol’s ire, a splitting image of their own Founder was reminded. To know, Living is to understand the existence of infinity! There was no-one way to live. This particular Pirate knew this and had connection to everything that resided between the spectrum's, life to death, and was born from a Mother’s Light and Father’s Shadow. Be that as it may, he ambitiously stared at the path of transcendence. Unwavering determination highlighting his visage. Upon his crew and varied people across in adventuring, to most-natural or supernatural, soul’s encountered.  All uplifting and inspiring him to heights leaving their imprints, scars, traces upon his singular vessel, these were the stupendous keepsakes, to preserve! Wanting this stead. Survival was instinctual because this was his perceived ultimate treasure. A challenge traversed the realm, shaking with a bewilderment of unyielding certainty. An individual-cloaked frozen-between-time peered over to the skies and gave halt from galloping.
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They who stood at the highest summit, a GIANT, woke from disruption. Hinted with Captain’s Presence, awakening. Enraged Sol, lashed out in foul spite, fear, quivering and whining jealousy, “Nonsense. Die, Die, Die!” Pulling his trigger, reloading with rapid-fire, pupils went bloodshot from crazed-fury. The amber-eye, determined Seeker, predicted the trajectory of every fired-shot just by familiarizing Sol’s aim, countering by sliding against bullets with his dual-blades shield, deflecting and parrying him, to having them shred against his flesh in minor grazes, fearlessness, continued forth closing distance. Where Sol was useless in. They battled akin to this when pint-sized deckhands, back then using bb-guns or slingshots versus wooden kendo, this entire scene felt like reversed-time. Captain with a blade-rising upwardly in the air, spun his blade with realignment allowing glaring-rays, letting what all others were seeing. Sunlight had broken throughout the canopies of those undesirable clouds, vanquishing them. His steel-reflecting light, brought a blindness causing the Raen to misfire, his last shot in the chamber, the Seeker predicting this response, taking advantage of his discombobulated state, gave a devastating cross-slash against the Raen’s bare-chest, secondary dual-strike following-through with momentum to strike his gun-slinging wrist, forcing a disarming in one flawless-swoop.
♫Undefeatable♫ - Reference - Last Chapter
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teresabeadle5 · 7 months
Don't think of yourself as a simple moth; you're a pretty goth butterfly! by Skye McLeod Fairywren, Blogger Via Flickr: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beautiful by Christine Aguilera: youtu.be/eAfyFTzZDMM?si=yTVNwGeMrpQG2XfK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bento Mesh Head: LeLutka Noel EVO-X Bento Mesh Body: Maitreya LaraX Face: Noel by Velour Body: Ipanema by Velour Hair: Kavya by [Evelyn] Ensemble: Fleur Gown & Wings (Meadow) by Caverna Obscura Angelic Earrings: Loki Nails & Spring Bloom Add-On: Astralia Paradise Eyes: Madame Noir Ear Blushing: VENGE Zenith Eyeshadow & Blooming Blush: CAZIMI Lips: LULU by Heron POSE: Spring Garden 1: :LW: Poses Aether Moth RARE: Astara Backdrop: Elegant Flowering Garden Backdrop by SYNNERGY.TAVIS//
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Other Events During Solarpunk Aesthetic Week
What? You mean to say there's other stuff going on during Solarpunk Aesthetic Week?
Yes! While we didn't want to clash with the usual hosting time for Solarpunk Action Week, it's impossible to host an event without other things also going on! Let's highlight just a few other things that are happening this week, so they can maybe inspire some of what you do for Solarpunk Aesthetic Week!
Pollinator Week 2023 actually takes place June 19th - 25th just like our event!
"Pollinator Week is an annual celebration in support of pollinator health that was initiated and is managed by Pollinator Partnership. It is a time to raise awareness for pollinators and spread the word about what we can do to protect them. The great thing about Pollinator Week is that you can celebrate and get involved any way you like! Popular events include planting for pollinators, hosting garden tours, participating in online bee and butterfly ID workshops, and so much more."
Feel free to check their site here to learn more! Maybe make some pollinator-inspired art and take some biodiversity-boosting actions to celebrate!
Juneteenth/Juneteenth National Independence Day is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans, celebrated on the anniversary of an order proclaiming freedom for slaves in Texas on June 19th 1865 (two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued). You may see and hear of public readings, street fairs, cookouts, parades, and more celebrating this event in the US--especially since it was officially declared a federal holiday in 2021, meaning its an official day off from school and work for many people now.
Always, but especially on this day, consider the important role and contributions of African Americans and other Black groups have had and will continue to have on history, punk spaces, and the present and future of Solarpunk!
Summer Solstice is June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the official beginning of the summer season! This day symbolizes the zenith of the sun's position in the sky, and the longest day of the year.
We're called Solarpunks for a reason! And coinciding with this date was totally purposeful on our parts. Let the sun inspire your works--whether it be thinking up solar panel concepts, painting a sunny meadow scene, or just imbuing your work with the bright and blazing energy of our brightest star, go forth and create!
Winter Solstice is also June 21st in the Southern Hemisphere, marking the official beginning of the winter season! This day symbolizes the death and subsequent rebirth of the sun, and is the shortest day and longest night of the year.
When we visualize Solarpunk, we tend to think of bright and sunny spring and summer days, with lush green growth all around. But what would Solarpunk look like in the fall and winter? Let's start talking about it, changing up our color palettes and creating! And if it's wintertime for you right now, tell us about how you're solarpunking even in the colder months!
World Music Day, also known as Fête de la Musique, takes place on June 23rd and celebrates the universal language of music. This day originated in France in 1982, aiming to encourage both amateur and professional musicians to showcase their talents in public spaces, while also providing free access to concerts and performances for the public. This observance promotes the importance of music in society and celebrates its cultural diversity.
Music often plays a major role in people's lives today, and I see it being no different in a Solarpunk future. Whether you're writing up song lyrics or making chill beats, or listening and contributing to our collaborative Solarpunk playlist, or anything music related--let's take a moment to consider the power of music to spread messages and hope!
June 25th is the last day of Solarpunk Aesthetic Week, and is the Day of the Seafarer! Day of the Seafarer aims to recognize the invaluable contribution of seafarers to the world economy, trade, and well-being of our people. The International Maritime Organization established this day in 2010, and is observed through various activities like ceremonies, celebrations, panel discussions, and workshops.
When it comes to thinking of Solarpunk societies, its important to consider our relationship with the sea and people who traverse it. In addition, the subsect Lunarpunk often has an association with communities living in close ties with the water--consider looking into it as we celebrate Solarpunk Aesthetic Week--there's all kinds of inspiring content out there, and we can always contribute more!
Is there more we're forgetting? Want to share the way you celebrate a particular event? Sound off and let us know--we'd love to hear about other related events and how you celebrate them!
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upismediacenter · 7 months
LITERARY: My Love Mine All Mine
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Our love is an amorphous being. It pulled us together and served as a mold for love to fill in. As days go by, that love turns into the form of lovers. It’s never the other way around.
Falling in love with him was as easy as breathing—it innately made sense. If anything, it all felt familiar.
There were no butterflies or a punch to the stomach. Instead, there was a comfortable warmth, similar to the delicate feeling of cotton caressing one’s ears. On other days, it feels like the soft touch of grass between my toes, as warm as the blood that flushes in my cheeks when it picks up the sincerity of your spiels, or eating sacramental bread priests give out on Sundays.
Most days, it feels like there’s this ethereal presence gently guiding you with an intricate touch and a reminder that you have someone to hold; it doesn’t matter if you fall because someone will catch you; hands clasped together, fingers and souls intertwined.
So, let me rephrase that. There was no “falling” in love with him. It was just walking into the open arms of love. His presence felt like home.
My home, standing in his six-foot-two glory, skin so warm and dazzling, it beats in all the right places your hands have ever touched; clad with stardust, every crisp of the first summer leaf that finally breaks free, every mumble of the dayspring breeze, every sigh of the skies before it bursts into tears—everything that makes sense on earth was easily wrapped around his entire body.
“I love you,” was all he needed to say to ease my hammering chest. As if the rain suddenly pours down, yet the sky decides the sun should take over because it hasn't finished burning to its zenith. As if the clouds had cleared, blinding my eyes with an answer I knew years ago and still do, very much so.
Finally, the warmth endures indefinitely. Love has returned through my doors and intends to remain forever. There is a love that has returned, eager to stay, despite, despite, despite.
Love has come home.
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