#zerobaseone hurt/comfort
starshaped-dreamer · 1 year
safe place (k.gv)
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pairing - kim gyuvin x GN! reader
genre - hurt/comfort, angst, fluff
warnings - allusions to depression, anxiety and stress (but lots of comforting gyuvin!)
w/c - 1149
a/n - first zb1 fic! I'm sorry comfort fics are all I know how to write I hope you guys like these kinds of drabbles and are able to seek some sort of comfort from them <3
You'd been struggling for a while lately, and Gyuvin had noticed. Attentive as always, he had noticed these episodes throughout the years you had been dating, and always tried to comfort you as much as he could. But it hadn't really gotten this bad before.
You felt so useless. You had so much you had to get done, assignments to finish, work to do. But it was always such a struggle to find motivation to do it. The vicious cycle of sitting down to do something before deciding it was too much and distracting yourself from it was one you knew far too well. It sent you into a spiral, feeling guilty and helpless, knowing the looming tasks over your head would send you into a fit of panic sometime in the future, even though it was well inside your control to prevent it.
Eventually you shut the world out, everything becoming too overwhelming and hard to handle to think about it anymore. You hadn't texted Gyuvin for quite a few days, and he felt bad he hadn't had the chance to visit due to his packed schedule, especially after you left his calls unanswered. He was becoming worried, your lack of contact a growing cause for concern as the days went by.
The moment he had spare time on his hands he didn't hesitate in driving straight to your apartment, wanting nothing more than to hold you in his arms. He drives over, using the key you gave him to let himself inside.
"Y/N?" The lights were off, unusual for 9pm, but not the most worrying thing. His brow furrows, however, at the mountain of dirty dishes stacked by your sink, and the general disarray your apartment was in. If there was one thing you hated, it was your living space being disorganised.
He walks down the hallway towards your room, gently knocking on your door to alert you of his presence. He hears the quiet rustling of sheets before light flooded the gap beneath your door. Your door opens slightly, your shocked expression peeking through as you see your boyfriend standing there.
"Gyuvin?" He smiles softly, stepping into your room as he takes your hand in his.
You turn your head away from him slightly, and he notices the way you wipe some stray tears from your eyes with your free hand, which were slightly red from crying.
He frowns some more, his hand coming to cup your face to get you to face him. "I'm so sorry I haven't been able to come over sooner. I've missed you so much."
You smile, and although you try your best, you know it doesn't quite reach your eyes. You suppress the tears that attempt to bubble up at his statement, resting your hand on top of his. "It's okay, Binnie. I know you've been busy with practice, and I'm really proud of how dedicated you are."
He couldn't help the adoring smile that crossed his face at your words. "Even when you're upset you're still my biggest supporter."
His thumb strokes your cheek. "I've been worried about you. You haven't been answering my texts-"
You look at the floor. "I'm sorr-"
He lifts your chin gently. "Which is fine, but I can tell something else is going on too. Just- just please don't try to hide it from me. You've gone through so much on your own, please rely on me for a little bit. I want nothing more than to be here for you."
Your lip trembles, the dam you were putting up not holding back the tears any more. You cover your face in embarrassment, apologising frantically as you step back from Gyuvin.
His heart shatters at the way you try to keep your composed façade up for as long as possible. He wanted to be a comfortable space for you to reveal your true feelings to him at all time.
He takes your arm, scanning your face for any sort of discomfort at the touch before pulling you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you tightly. "Please, Y/N. Don't keep it all to yourself. You're allowed to be sad for as long as you need to be around me."
Your body begins to shake with sobs as you clench the material of his hoodie to ground yourself, concentrating on the way Gyuvin slowly rubs your back, allowing you to cry as much as you want. Once you've calmed down a bit, he leads you over to the bed, letting you lay down on his chest as he strokes your hair softly, pressing a kiss to your temple.
"I'm so tired, Binnie." He hums understandingly, listening to every word you say. "It feels like I can't get anything done so I have no reason to be this tired, but I'm exhausted."
"It's okay to be tired, you work so hard."
"But I don't, I put everything off until the last minute and even then I don't put in enough effort. It doesn't feel worth it anymore when there are others who put in so much work and deserve so much more."
He thinks in silence for a moment, before drawing you closer to him, tucking your head under his. "You're too harsh on yourself, Y/N. I wish you could see what I see in you. Even when you're feeling like this, you never fail to get up in the morning. To try and be strong even when you feel everything but. I'm so proud of you, and I'm so grateful you do. But you know, it's okay to not be strong sometimes. Feeling like this, and letting yourself be vulnerable to me at the very least will never be a sign of weakness. The fact you've put these walls up for so long is a sign of strength."
Your heart aches at his words as you feel the tears start again, taking his hand in yours. "Just remember, no matter what, you're Y/N. Nothing could change how talented, kind and brave you are, especially not this."
You meet his eyes, and find nothing but adoration and reassurance in them. Nothing was more comforting than Gyuvin. "I love you, Binnie."
He grins, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. "I love you more. Please call me whenever you're feeling like this and I'm not around. I will never not want to be here for you, and I'm so sorry I've been stuck at practice. I'll try to visit more."
You lean up to press a chaste kiss to his lips. "It's okay. I'm grateful for your visits no matter what."
As he tucked the both of you under a pile of fluffy blankets, putting on your favourite movie after claiming 'schoolwork poisons the mind', you came to one important realisation. Gyuvin really was your safe place, and you wanted to stay in his arms forever.
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matthyeu · 1 year
after a long day ― ot9.
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pairing ⇢ ot9!zb1 x gn!reader 
genre ⇢ hurt/comfort
warnings ⇢ light swearing 
synopsis ⇢ after a long and stressful day, sometimes all you need is your boy.
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angelmatthew · 10 months
₊˚.༄ ginger tea - sung hanbin
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this is very self indulgent because i was sick last week too :(( i can never keep sickfics short and sweet because i'm a sucker for whump, this is very soft whump though ! my writing's still a bit rusty but it's getting better (i hope). also, i'm still not sure about the layout for my posts so i'm trying out different things, i'll stick to one layout eventually!
↬hanbin x gn!reader ↬2054 words ↬fluff, soft angst, one shot ↬tw: mentions of vomit, a little bit whumpy, not proofread
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your muscles were aching, your head pounding like a bass drum and you could barely breathe with your stuffy nose. you had to be in class in an hour but getting out of bed was a daunting mission.
you rolled over, clinging to the warmth of your bed, hoping a few more minutes might work a magic fix. and, before you knew it, you were out like a light.
you’re woken up two hours later by the sound of your phone ringing.
"hey, where are you sweetheart?" you picked up the phone without even checking the caller. once you recognize the familiar voice, you immediately snap into a sitting position, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
"oh my god, bin, i’m so sorry i overslept," you confess. you hear background chatter and figure hanbin is already at the coffee shop for your study date. he promised to help you with your finals, despite his busy schedule.
hanbin's voice carries genuine concern. "it’s okay, your voice sounds tired, are you feeling alright?"
“i’m okay," you hesitantly admit, "just feeling a bit under the weather. i'm so sorry for making you wait."
you downplay your ailment, though you can never fully deceive hanbin; his perceptive nature sees through your attempt to minimize the situation. the guilt starts settles in.
"It’s alright, i'm coming over," he reassures you with his signature comforting tone. there's not a single trace of annoyance in his voice, even though he's been patiently waiting for you for the past thirty minutes.
"no! it's okay. I know you're busy, and you made time for me to help with studying, and—" you start to babble, but hanbin interrupts with a soft chuckle.
"my schedule's never too packed for you. plus, it gives me an excuse to escape practice." he speaks in that sing-songy voice you adore, prompting a genuine smile from you.
"well, in that case, i'm glad i could rescue you from the clutches of boredom."
he laughs, "exactly. I’m bringing some medication, tea and cuddles."
true to his word, a few minutes later, there's a gentle knock on your door. you’re greeted with a bear hug and whisker dimples.
“how are you feeling beautiful ?” you can't help but grimace at the pet name, your hair's a mess, you’re pretty sure there’s a toothpaste stain on your sweatshirt, and the fever's turned you into a bit of a sweat machine.
"i look awful," you grumble, stealing a quick glance at your reflection in the small corridor mirror. hanbin's eyebrows furrow, he's quick to interrupt your self-critique.
"you always look beautiful to me," he adds, a reassuring smile accompanying his words. he then, presses his palm against your forehead, seamlessly slipping into concerned-mom-mode. his eyes pop wide, and his lips pull a total 'o' move – the classic hanbin surprise face.
"you're burning up!" he exclaims, guiding you to the couch with a gentle urgency, concerned that standing might tire you out even more. your dizziness was palpable; even reaching the front door felt like a monumental effort.
"did you eat something since this morning?" hanbin questions while putting the grocery bags on the kitchen island, his focus shifting to the small pharmacy bag.
"no, i felt too nauseous," you admit, your voice laced with a hint of shame.
he pauses, worry etched across his features, but he swiftly transforms it into a warm beam, the last thing he wants is to make you feel bad. "no worries, love. let's get you cozy first,"
he disappears into your room, returning with a fluffy blanket and a pile of cushions. he arranges the cushions, making sure they cradle you just right. the blanket, soft and inviting, is draped over you, and he tucks its edges gently, creating a cozy nest.
you can't help but admire his simple yet caring gestures. there's a warmth in his eyes, a quiet assurance that makes you feel secure.
"better?" he asks, his eyes searching yours for any sign of discomfort.
“yes, thanks bin, you're an angel” you grab his hand, trying to convey your appreciation as best as you can — can’t risk a kiss in your current state. hanbin takes your hand in his, and kisses each of your knuckles softly, you feel like your heart might explode. in moments like these, you wonder how you got this lucky.
“no need to thank me, now, you need to take your medication…" he makes his way to the kitchen and rummages through the grocery bags, revealing an array of medicine.
he hands you a cup of water along with a few pills and another cup filled with a suspiciously white liquid. "i know it looks like a lot, but the pharmacist promised it should work wonders,"
you nod reluctantly, eyeing the medicine-filled cup. you take a sip of the chalky liquid, the taste makes your face scrunch up in immediate disgust.
"ugh, it's gross," you whine, hanbin chuckles at your distaste.
"you did it! now, the water to wash away the icky aftertaste," he hands you the water with an encouraging smile. "bottoms up!”
you manage a small grin, appreciating his encouragement, and with a final gulp, you conquer the medicine ordeal.
"now, about the nausea, how about a little snack, you can’t take more medicine on an empty stomach" hanbin suggests, you manage a weak nod, grateful for his attention. as he heads back to the kitchen, you can't shake the lingering discomfort; the idea of ingesting any food makes you feel even more nauseous but you don’t want to discourage your boyfriend.
he returns with a plate of crackers and slices of apple, “you don’t have to finish it all,” he hands you the fork with an encouraging nod then turns on the TV and puts on your comfort show, in the hopes that having distraction will make it easier for your stomach to handle the meal.
hanbin watches you eat with a mix of hope and concern, his eyes searching for signs of improvement. after a few bites, your stomach rumbles, and you reluctantly set down your fork. he doesn't want to force you to eat but on the other hand that the lack of nutrition might make you feel worse.
"just one more bite, okay?" hanbin insists, his voice soft. instead of waiting for your response, he picks up a piece of apple and brings it to your lips, offering it with a reassuring smile. "small bites. we'll take it slow."
you take a deep breath before taking another miniscule bite, but as hanbin's hopeful gaze meets yours, the nausea suddenly intensifies. without warning, you get up abruptly, rushing to the bathroom as your stomach rebels. your boyfriend follows, concern etched on his face. you wish he didn’t but he holds your hair gently as you vomit, the sound echoing in the small space.
“i'm so sorry," each retch is accompanied by a twinge of shame, intensified by the fact that fever has left you a bit delirious. you can't help but shed a few tears. yet, through it all, hanbin remains unwaveringly calm and gentle, rubbing your back soothingly.
"shh, it's okay” he repeats, his voice a steady anchor in the storm. he stays by your side, offering comfort as you navigate through this less-than-pleasant moment. as you finish, he helps you rinse your mouth, his touch gentle against the fatigue and fever.
guiding you back to the living room, he reassures, "take your time," and tucks you under the blanket. "if you're not up for eating, we can try again later."
you stare at his expression, he looks even more concerned than before, and you're not sure why but an odd inclination to cry takes hold. maybe it's because hanbin is right here, taking care of you, even handling the less glamorous parts without seeming annoyed or bothered in the slighest. your thoughts became a muddled blend of exhaustion, an overwhelming swell of gratitude, and an uneasy undercurrent of guilt,
as you struggled to fend off the fever-induced haze in your mind, you hadn't noticed hanbin quietly settling beside you, extending a glass of water. "small sips,"
you accept the glass, your body still tense from the earlier ordeal. "i'm sorry," you repeat while trying to supress the sob that threatens to escape your lips.
"hey, don't be sorry," he says, wiping away a tear with a tenderness that melts the tension, his thumb gently caressing your cheek. "i'm the one who made you eat when you didn't feel like it. we'll take it one step at a time, okay?" his soothing voice intensifies your emotions, and you find yourself shedding a few more tears, feeling extra awful with your scratchy throat and stuffy nose.
being the empath that he is, hanbin seems on the brink of tears himself, but he doesn't succumb. instead, he gently rubs your back and strokes your hair, humming your favorite songs in an attempt to help you calm down.
"think you need some sleep," he whispers after a few minutes. you nod weakly, and he helps you shift into a more comfortable position, fluffing the pillows and adjusting the blankets.
"anything hurting?" he asks while tucking you in, his fingers gently ensuring the edges of the blankets cocoon you snugly.
"my whole body is aching," you murmur, the exhaustion evident in your voice. moments later, hanbin returns from the kitched with warm heat packs, their comforting weight carefully arranged on your body. as he tends to you, the furrow on his brow and his careful, deliberate movements betray the emotional toll it takes on him to witness you in discomfort. he refrains from asking more questions, not wanting to exhaust you or burden you; he still feels a bit guilty from the ealier nausea ordeal.
before he even gets the chance to check on you again, you've already drifted off to sleep. when you slowly open your eyes two hours later, hanbin is still hovering over you, changing the wet cloth on your forehead with a fresh, cool one.
"hey sleepyhead, feeling better?" he asks, gently stroking your cheek. you nod slowly, his cool hand soothing your warm face.
now that your mind is clearer and the fever has gone down, you feel the shame settle in — you've never been this vulnerable in front of hanbin, you know he doesn't mind taking care of you but you feel sorry nonetheless.
"thank you again, for taking care of me, i was a complete mess earlier," you shyly blurt out.
"it's what i'm here for my love," in response, he graces you with that infectious smile, reminiscent of fluffy clouds and blooming spring flowers.
hanbin leaves your side momentarily but returns with a steaming mug of ginger tea, its comforting aroma filling the room.
"here, this might help you feel even better," he says, handing you the mug. the warmth of the tea and his comforting presence start to chase away the stiffness in your body.
hanbin settles down beside you, wrapping his arms around you in a gentle embrace.
"You know," he starts with a mischievous glint in his eye, "you owe me. i've been exposed to your germs," you chuckle and hanbin's relieved to see you laugh.
"i don't mind as long as I get to cuddle you like this," you say, sinking deeper into the embrace.
"even when I'm all sweaty?"
"you did it for me, i don't see why i wouldn't do it for you," you say, your tone light but filled with genuine affection.
hanbin seems a bit taken aback by your response. even though he spends his time taking care of the people around him, accepting the same level of care from others has always been a bit challenging for him. it's as if he fears it might compromise his dependable attitude. however, ever since you started dating, he's been gradually getting used to the idea and the same goes for you — taking care of each other even in the messiest moments felt more natural.
"you've got yourself a deal. just promise you won't judge the sweaty, sickly version of me too harshly."
you playfully roll your eyes, "bring it on, i'm ready for it warts and all,"
with a smirk, he leans in, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead. "i'll hold you to that."
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purerehua · 11 months
im so sorry i could find any kind of a request rules thing anywhere so feel free tk just ignore this if need be but could you write for gunwook where him and reader nearly break up but it has a happy ending💘💘
inlove with a ghost
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pairing ⇆ zb1 park gunwook x reader
genre ⇆ angst ; hurt with comfort ; non-idol au ; near breakup
wc ⇆ 1.3k
cw ⇆ i'm not that good at angst read at own risk, cursing, wook is not rlly a good bf oops, but he could be!!
two hours.
two hours have passed since gunwook promised he was on his way, and fifteen more minutes since you've sent three follow up messages asking where he is. you are currently debating washing your face and changing back into sweatpants as it seems like your boyfriend had no intention of showing up.
the initial plan was for gunwook to pick you up at your place around four, you two would walk around, and decide on a place to eat afterward. and this will be the first time you'd see him in person after two long weeks of his busy schedule taking up most of his time.
that is if he even shows up.
you're giving him another five minutes. another five minutes and you swear if he isnt here by then you're changing into sweats and taking a nap.
a minute goes by, another,, another,,, another,,,,
four minutes should've been enough.
in a huff you dejectedly slip off your nice shoes that you happened to clean just for today, the purse that you literally never wear on a normal occasion, and the hairclips you dug through your accessory drawer to find. you throw all three somewhere around the room hapzardly, not wanting to see the evidence of your efforts to look presentable for the date anymore.
ten minutes have passed since then, and true to the internal promise you made to yourself, there you lay. face first on your bed, softly sobbing into the pillow.
a click alerts you and causes you to sit up, and you find gunwook at the entrance to your room holding your shoes, hairclips, and purse.
you turn away from him, then a beat passes and you feel the bed dip under his weight and the sheets rustle quietly.
"y/n." he tries again, softer this time. and you can basically hear the apology in the way he says your name.
"don't say sorry gunwook, i know you are." you mumble quietly.
gunwook apparently has nothing to say to that as he doesn't respond, and if you weren't so hurt right now you'd get up to get a look at his face. wanting to see what emotions would plague it. would his eyebrows pinch together? would the corners of his lips tremble downwards ever so slightly?
you sigh as you speak the next words. "i think we should call it."
"...what do you mean? call what?"
"this. our relationship."
you finally situate yourself to face him properly, and you were so spot on with his facial expression you scared yourself with how well you knew him.
"what? y/n i—"
a breath. he takes a breath, to calm himself you'd guess.
"y/n. don't say things like that, okay? i'm so so sorry. i'll make it up to you i swear."
"thirteen times, you've done this."
gunwook finally understands and mutters under his breath, cursing at himself and squeezing his eyes shut before groaning.
"shit, y/n. i didn't know."
"thirteen times i've asked to see you and you were either late or bailed on me. gunwook i'm your partner. i shouldn't need to have to make appointments just to see you!"
"y/n, i'm busy... you know that. it's not that you're not important but i try!"
"i know you're busy! and i know you try. but you can't expect me to be okay with all of this nothing you're giving me."
he's taken aback and it shows. nothing? that can't be true. he might not be the best at prioritizing you but he certainly doesn't give you nothing. right?
you shift due to the bed not being occupied by gunwook anymore, and you watch him stand with his hands on his hips like a father about to scold you. you would laugh if you weren't on the verge of bursting into sobs.
"that's not true. no, i can't— why would you say that? i text you every morning, and i try to keep you updated with what i'm doing and you know. i'm trying here okay? please just..."
you stand, directly placing yourself infront of gunwook and taking his hands.
"gunwook, i love you. you know that but, i can't be in a relationship that stands still."
"y/n stop, don't speak like that."
tears sit at the edge of his eyes, threatening to spill and yours start doing the same.
"i know you have alot of things on your plate, okay? i know how badly you want to keep me and all of those things at the same time, but i know you can't manage it."
you squeeze his hands, and gunwook's bleary and tear-soaked eyes find yours again before you continue to speak.
"this is already affecting the both of us, and i know you don't want to choose so i will do it for you. we need to break up."
"no no no y/n, stop."
his eyes flutter shut again and it's your turn to be taken aback when gunwook starts lowering himself to the ground. you grab his arms, anticipating that he would fall but you're mistaken as his knees hit the wooden floor with a thud and his hands release yours in favor of gripping at the sides of your sweats.
"i can't. 'm sorry but i can not let you go. i'll do better i swear just— let me try again. don't do this to us."
his words come out shakey and stuttered, he loses his breath multiple times inbetween words and the mere idea of him hurting like this makes you hold back gasps of your own as hot tears spill down the curve of your cheeks.
you can't, it hurts too much to be with someone who's basically never there. to be inlove with a ghost.
"please." and a tear gathers itself at the corner of his lip.
he's begging, he's placed himself below you physically and emotionally. you can feel his desperation from the grip he has on your sweats. you can't bear to watch it and at the same time you can't look away, unable to shake the conflicting thoughts of what ifs from your head.
"i promise y/n, i promise."
"don't give me empty promises gunwook, you know i hate that."
"they're not empty. i promise, with my whole being i'll be better. just don't leave me."
you continue to stare at him, absentmindedly chewing on your lip anxiously. you were already tired, this was making you even more tired, you just wanted to end things and move on and be done with it and be free from all the feelings you were feeling and—
your thoughts are cut short by a call of your name, and as your eyes come back into focus you realize gunwook has let go of your sweats in order to grab your hand.
he brings your pointer to his lips slowly, and his places a delicate kiss on it, and you melt on the spot. his kisses are so small. if you closed your eyes you could pass it off as breeze passing by, as though he wasn't actually there and it was your mind playing tricks on you. but he was there, with your own two eyes you could see the equal parts of affection and regret he placed on your fingertips. it hurt so bad but you needed it, you needed this. for him to be there, infront of you, loving you.
you could give him another chance as long as he loved you like this again.
"okay?" gunwook squeezes your hand, which lingers just by his chin he lowers it from his lips.
"i'll stay. but we have to talk about this, properly. okay?"
he stands up, startled but hopeful.
"yes, of course. i'm sorry y/n."
"i know."
his lips quirk sadly at that, but atleast he knows this isn't the end for you.
atleast he knows that he's still yours, and he'll strive hard to keep it that way.
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a/n ⇆ this is long overdue i'm afraid :( just been having no motivation also school likes to keep me busy so. anyway here!! i don't know if i'll be posting consistently again but i'll do my best... just like gunwook!!
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ready-for-take-off · 2 months
Hello!! Do you happen to have any sick headcanons for ZB1? Only the members you’re more familiar with if that’s easier do you <3
So guess what... you're actually in luck because I recently started stanning ZB1 so I'm now familiar with all of them haha! Here is some of the stuff I have in my notes, and I tried to add caretaker hcs for each as well-
(Sorry to anyone who is waiting for the other requests I took, I just figured I'd answer ZB1-related-stuff first just because they're at the forefront of my mind currently. On that note, please don't hesitate to submit any ZB1 fic requests as well!)
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-Gets the short end of the stick with pretty much every sickness there is -Sometimes has uncharacteristic emotional breakdowns when sick -I just know he has a collection of comfort objects -Probably gets stomach aches from stress -Has a wide variety of facial expressions and vocalizations whether he's the sickie or caretaker -Cute and fluffy as a caretaker, does everything he can to ensure members' health (including checking on them obsessively)
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-Gets awkward and just spaces out when sick -Would never allow himself to cry from pain but might tear up -Feels a sense of duty towards the members, almost like a dad -Snaps immediately into caring mode whenever he sees someone not feeling well, but respects their boundaries -Like I can see him just patting someone's back quietly while they cry
Zhang Hao -Chronic complainer- being sick annoys him more than anything -Low pain tolerance and tears up from anything -When something hurts his face will look like he's crying out in pain but he doesn't make a sound or makes a choked noise at best (very specific but I do see him make this kind of expression a lot) -Looks pathetic and tiny when throwing up -The members like to touch his tummy a lot because it's soft (as Gyuvin once said) -Which is a good thing because I can see him getting stomach aches often (attracting caretakers) -Preaches the importance of health to other people when they're sick -Insistent and blunt as a caretaker
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-Doesn't get sick too often, but when he does his whole routine gets thrown off (also with injuries) -It's weird when he's super sick because the room gets a lot quieter even if he truly does want to talk -Actively tries to calm down and do positive self-talk when panicking or nauseous (probably knows some breathing exercises) -Very open with issues, doesn't try to hide it -Can see him curling up in Jiwoong's arms whenever he gets a stomach ache -Can sometimes drop the most fire health advice -As a caretaker, he wants nothing more than for the sickie to feel better so he'd say cheesy cute things -(not necessarily a sick hc but) Tries to be a mediator whenever members disagree
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-To be honest, I don't have the tightest grasp on his personality :') -But I know he would be very cute when sick and his normally logical personality would go down -He'd just go into hiding until he feels better -Would just offer physical touch as a caretaker
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-Worries a lot about his image while sick (hates being vulnerable) -Probably won't see him sick often because he keeps to himself -Doesn't like to ask for help, brushes any concerned comments off -Would try to sleep it off -Gets an angry face when he doesn't feel well -Tends to overanalyze situations -(this is just me projecting but) I hc him as a hypochondriac and slight emetophobe (mainly out of fear of contagion) -Probably the most perceptive member- good listener and always knows what someone needs -Would not hesitate to take care of someone out of chivalry
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-If the sickness isn't too severe, he won't really notice or let it interfere with anything (usually the case) -Gets upset if sickness ruins group plans (there's evidence for this: when he missed a showcase he typed a page-long apology after it) -Throwing up always drains him of energy -Self-critical, feels guilty for wasting others' time -Loves to baby his members -Probably the most physically affectionate member (randomly hugs and touches) -Rubs his members' tummies (also evidence for this)
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-He's said himself that he cries a lot -Hates to be alone when sick -Makes a cute pouty face to attract caretakers -Would absolutely love to have his tummy rubbed -Would pretend to be surprised if someone took good care of him but deep down he's not -As a caretaker, he'd be more likely to keep the sickie company than actually help them
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-Shy, doesn't want to be touched -When he gets sick it usually comes on super fast (no one will notice until he finally loses it) -I feel like he would get dizzy easily -Doesn't like throwing up because of other people's reactions (doesn't want to be seen as vulnerable) -Panics often for no reason, which makes him go dead quiet -Would secretly enjoy being the caretaker because it makes him feel mature I feel like with ZB1, theres a clear division in members who fit the sickie role vs the caretaker role just because they all have such prominent personalities. I'd say the sickies are Hao, Taerae, Gunwook, and Yujin, while the caretakers are Hanbin, Jiwoong, Matthew, Ricky, and Gyuvin. Let me know what you guys think about this! <3
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ohdudedhesflirting · 1 year
Question of responsibility
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Pairing : Idol!Hanbin x femreader
Request n*1
Warnings : physical and mental exhaustion, pressure, anxiety, physical injury, quick mention of food (I think that’s it?)
Synopsis : After a long day of training, it all became too much for Leader Hanbin...
Notes : My request are still open as well as my tag list. Dear anon I hope you will like it ! Special mention to venom ( @zerobaseonefics) because I know she has that love/hate relationship with Han Bin.
Panting in the dance studio, leader Sung Han Bin was scrupulously checking the movements of his members.
They had been in that training room for hours now. The choreographer had already left but they had stayed behind. Lacking the sharpness in their movements as well as being synchronised.
Han Bin had just run through them the choreography once again. Doing it at a lower pace he had hoped his members would be able to pick it up.
They were not.
The leader was frustrated at them. It had been hours why couldn't they get it right?
The tiredness and global exhaustion mixed with the pressure of their first comeback since their debut was making them committing mistakes they would have never done otherwise.
As soon as the music stopped all the members fell to their knees or their bums, panting, struggling to breath.
"Why are you guys not getting it ? Its been hours"
Seeing how the leader was becoming more and more frustrated, the trusted eldest, Jiwoong, took one for the team to approach him and tell him that they should stop for the night.
Han Bin only let out a frustrated growl before watching his members that were in a terribly bad state.
Slowly he nodded his head and told them they could get back to the dorm. He would be joining them later, after he did it again a couple of times.
They all agreed and told him to not stay behind for too long. They still had vocal training in the morning.
Once again, Han Bin picked up the choreography from the top. Slowly at first, scrutinising each move, his facial expressions...
As time went by, the pace of the choreography did as well. Doing it at the normal supposed pace, and then quicker. And quicker.
Everything was blurred in Han Bin head. His responsibility. Toward his agency, his members, his family, his girlfriend. All depended on him and if he couldn't do the basic of learning a choreography and perfectly teaching it to his members what was the point ?
As Han Bin kept on going faster, his feet quickly twisted itself, making the tall man fall on the floor. Wincing in pain.
Right at this moment, someone knocked on the door. Slowly lifting himself up from the floor the man went to get the door.
Opening it he was left in front of a figure smaller than him, looking at him with big eyes.
"Yn ?"
Without letting the man realise what was going on, you took him him straight into your embrace.
Leaving his embrace you looked at him and slowly pinched his cheeks. They were so soft it was hard to resist the temptation.
"What brings you here ?"
Slowly smiling you looked at him, taking the situation he was in. Drenched in sweat, his hair up in a ponytail, wearing a tank top.
"I got a call. From the guys. They were worried and you didn't pick up the phone, so I came"
Hanbin was left speechless and just looked at you.
You were a university student, living in your own place, 25 minutes from the studio and you came there in the middle of the night? All while you hated driving in the dark ?
Swiftly you took him by his hand and slowly brought him to the couch. The man had difficulties standing up from the moment you entered the room, so it wasn't a surprise when you saw him limping to the couch.
Making him sit down and without a word you went to fetch the first aid kit.
Han Bin was only watching you. Too exhausted to even process what was happening.
Getting the kit you slowly put yourself down asking him which ankle it was, sitting on the floor you slowly took it on your hand and rested it on your knees to take a better look.
"What happened ?"
Slowly breathing Han Bin took his head between his hand, hiding before them, being shy of the way he felt.
"I don't know I just was rehearsing and all of a sudden it was hurting"
Inhaling, you both knew that it was not the question. Bandaging his ankle up you told him that it was just a sprain and that he would need a couple of days of rest.
Getting up from the floor, you sat next to your boyfriend.
Even if he was taller than you, he automatically placed his head in the crook of your neck. And slowly you stroked his hair.
"Do you wanna talk about it ?"
Han Bin slowly inhaled before starting to explain : the long hours of recordings, the photoshoots, promos, tik tok and interview, concepts pictures, preparing for the music videos, interacting with fans, taking cares of his members..
Everything was fine until that choreography. It was for their title track which would be out in a week. At the last moment, the company said it wasn't good enough and needed to be changed. An entire choreography of 3 minutes without even adding the dance break had to be changed and thaught.
It was a nightmare. No matter the number of hours put into rehearsal it was never good enough, good enough for the company, for the choreographer, for their self esteem, for the expectations..
Now Han Bin was full on sobbing into your shoulder and you listened to him. Finally pouring his heart out.
"But where do your responsibility lay in all of that ?"
"I am the leader. I have to..." Hanbin struggled to find his words.. "I have to take care of everyone, everything, make everything perfect and not disappoint zerose"
Now fully taking Han Bin's face in your hands you forced him to look at you. Fighting the urge and need to tell him he looked adorable.
"All the responsibilities do not lay on you. Your company is responsible for the change and you are all just trying your best. All the members are giving it their all. You are giving it your all. Do not bear everything by yourself. Talk about it. Share it."
"But it's my responsibility as a leader"
"Your responsibility as a leader is to make sure your members are doing alright physically and mentally. That zerose are happy and safe. That you are happy and safe and healthy. You matter Han Bin, as a leader and as a person. Don't take your health lightly"
Slowly stroking his cheeks you left his head fall again on the crook of your shoulder. He started to cry again.
"But their expectations.."
"I know.. I know.. The public is never satisfied enough Han Bin. You can only try to satisfy zerose."
Hanbin was definitely not convinced and kept on sobbing onto your shoulder. With love, you stroked his cheek against yours and slowly massaged his hair. His hands had found their way to your hips, fulling resting onto you.
"You can only try your best Binnie.. Zerose will be happy only seeing you happy. I know people expect a lot but they will always find reasons to give critics. The only thing you can do is care about what you love and take care of yourself."
Hanbin tears slowly died down as you kept on holding him close to you.
"Binnie I love you and I don't want to see you hurt yourself.. If you struggle I beg you, talk to me, talk to the members just please don't push yourself to the point of hurting yourself"
Slowly nodding with his head, Hanbin stayed comfortably against you. In your warmth.
"I know you have a training session tomorrow morning but how about I drive you to the dorms and cook you some creamy pasta ? We could just cuddle afterwards okay ?"
Finally leaving the crook of your neck, Han Bin happily nodded, showing his whiskers again. His nose was red and runny, and his eyes was puffed but you still thought he looked cute as ever.
"Come on, I will give you a piggyback ride to my car"
Getting up from the couch you pointed to your back and rather than getting on it, he only took help by resting his arm on your shoulder to help him walk.
Smiling at him you thought that it was just the right way things should be : helping, loving and supporting Hanbin whenever he needed you by his side.
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ohhmydyosfics · 1 year
(Haobin) too small for his wild heart
Zhang Hao has learned a lot about Hanbin — that he wanted to be a teacher, that he’s been dancing for nearly ten years, that he’s kind and gentle and pretty, oh, so pretty. That they have so much in common, not only in the mirrored facets of their past, but in the way that they think about this competition, their hopes and dreams, the way that they want to live their lives. Zhang Hao learns that Hanbin is just as alluring and wonderful and life-changing as he had thought him to be all those years ago.
But the most important thing that Zhang Hao has learned: Sung Hanbin does not remember him.
(Zhang Hao meets a boy who changes the course of his life. And then he meets him again.)
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rairecs · 3 months
title: the sun prince author: fruitsoda rating: teen wordcount: 125,521 pairing: sung hanbin/zhang hao summary:
After the great war, Zhang Hao is sent away by his mother, the Queen, to study at the royal court of their former enemy kingdom. Finding friends and foes alike, the one constant in Zhang Hao's life turns out to be Sung Hanbin, who's not only the crown prince, but also quickly becomes the bane of Zhang Hao's existence.
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xuhuihuis · 3 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ face fucking with zerobaseone
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➳ Jiwoong
He would have full control over you, holding onto your head with his fingers wrapped in your hair forcing you up and down the length of his cock. Drool was now dripping down from the corners of your mouth and down onto your chin but he couldn't care less. It was such a pretty sight to see you like this.
The feeling of your tight throat around his cock is what would send him over the edge. You held onto the edge of the couch as he painted your throat white. It sounded so dirty, the sounds of you gagging mixed with the deep groans coming from Jiwoong.
➳ Zhanghao
Sub Hao would take some persuading to actually want to do this but he doesn't regret anything when his cock is deep in your throat. The poor boy was trying his best to hide his face with his hands as he thrusted into your mouth. Pretty tears ran down his cheeks as the pleasure was overwhelming that it was getting too much for him.
You have to hold one of your hands when he gets close, tightening his grip of your hand when you hollow your cheeks around him. Hao's whole body started to shake as he came. The moans he let out were so beautiful, choking on his own tears all due to feeling so good. It made everything easier as holding your hand gave him so much comfort.
➳ Hanbin
He would try his best to be gentle with you but the stress of the day just got to him on a deeper level. You sat there on the floor in the practice room so pretty, your doe eyes looking up at him. Hanbin gently held your face as he slowly thrusted in and out of your mouth. You held onto his thighs for some support when the tip of his cock did hit the back of your throat.
It really did hurt him to see you like this, but you looked so pretty gagging over him. You could tell he was getting close by the way he was moaning, trying his best to keep quiet. Hanbin tried his best to try and pull out to finish on your face, but it was too late. Thick white ropes of cum leaked over onto your tongue as you moaned. You will never get sick of the sweet taste of his cum.
➳ Matthew
He would be so rough, using his strength to his advantage. You were drunk on the feeling of his thick cock resting on your tongue. Matthew rushed back from the gym just to use you like a toy, his toy. It didn't take him long to push you down to his knees and now here you are choking on his cock. You were such a mess but it felt so good being used like this by him.
Matthew held your pushed your head down until you took over last inch of his cock. His legs were shaking with pleasure as your throat tightened around him. You felt so full that it was difficult to breathe, you tried to pull away but Matthew was quick to pull your head back down. Your moans were muffled as your eyes rolled back as his warm cum started to pour down your throat. He didn't bother to cover up his deep groans, moaning so loud making sure that you knew how good you made him feel.
➳ Taerae
All of his body weight would be on his elbows as he lays back on the bed, forcing you to take more of his cock. The sound of you choking on him was his favourite thing. Smiling down at your frame as you struggle to take every last inch of his cock. You held onto his knees, digging your nails into his skin trying your best to ignore the feeling at the back of your throat.
You were completely numb by the time he came on your face. Letting your tongue hang out of your mouth as you cry, the tears streaming down your cheeks. As he came, he couldn't take his eyes off of you, finding you too beautiful to ignore.
➳ Ricky
He would spend hours dolling you up with the prettiest makeup just to fuck your face later. Now, you are on your knees looking up at him with the biggest doe eyes as he held onto your pigtails, using them to fuck your face. He wasn't rough at all, it was so intimate that it didn't feel as dirty as it was. Ricky couldn't help himself when it came to praising you, so much that it even gets him off.
Your muffled moans around his cock is the thing that sends him over the edge. Watching as his whole body started to shake before tasting the sweet cum leaking from his cock. Ricky always tasted so good and you thanked him for it. He did feel bad when he heard you choke from being too full but fuck, you looked so pretty with your eyes rolled back into your head.
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arafilez · 6 months
੭୧ ⼂ BOO ... AND A KISS ﹗
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ー☆ㅤㅤ [ kgv x fem!reader ] ㅤ੭𓂃 ㅤfluff 𓏧 should have told your boyfriend you hate horror movies. now you are stuck in between a horror movie and his scary comfort ㅤㅤ warnings kissing crying ㅤ﹢ㅤ1.0k wc ㅤ𓏧ㅤ req
You are fucked. This is your first reaction as you enter the ZeroBaseOne dorm and see the bowl of popcorn and a blanket on the couch. The dorm is quiet, as the other members have left for their work except Taerae and his girlfriend and the latter is staring at you from the kitchen.
You nod and she points towards a room indicating where Gyuvin and Taerae are, before walking towards you, clearly worried, making you sigh. “I will be fine,” you say with negligible surety in your tone and she shrugs, “I told you twenty-one times the whole week just to tell him the truth. That’s three times per day!”
Now, you love your friend, you really do, but sometimes you just want to punch her so hard that she forgets the time she met you in high school. You glare at her and grit out, “And I replied twenty-one times that I can’t do that, he has been excited about this.” She deadpans in your direction and you grimace.
“Plus, I am older now, it probably won’t be that scary. I can’t let him down for a stupid fear that only children have,” you mumble and she shrugs saying, “Whatever lets you sleep at night.” Her words quieten down as Taerae and Gyuvin come towards you both and you grin nervously at your boyfriend who takes you in a bone-crushing hug.
“Have fun you two,” Taerae calls out before the two leave making you take a deep breath. You can do this!
Gyuvin is so excited that he is jumping up and down, only stopping to peck your lips making you giggle at the sweet gesture. Momentarily you get lost as he holds you in his arms and kisses your lips lightly. You kiss back and enjoy the warmth and love from him as your lips move in a light haze.
“I am so excited for tonight, especially since you agreed,” Gyuvin says as soon as you break the kiss, making the melodious record in your head screech to a halt.
“Right yeah,” you grin and do finger guns clicking your tongue before your mind yells “too much” and you stop. Gyuvin eyes you once weirdly before shaking it away and sitting down on the couch. You sigh lightly before plopping down on the couch beside him and he wraps his arms around your shoulder.
You take in his warmth and the scent he has on and get comfortable. Maybe you won’t even get scared, maybe cuddling with him will make your fears dissolve.
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Oh, you absolutely cannot do this! You went through Conjuring fine if fine means albeit screaming at every jump-scare so much that Gyuvin had to skip the second and third parts.
“Sweetheart, let’s stop, why don’t we?” he suggests as you crouch impossibly closer to him and say, “No, I am fine.” Gyuvin deadpans at you making you slightly slap his chest and he shrugs.
“Sure, fine is what I would word it as. You are screaming so much, the neighbours are gonna think I am murdering you,” he replies snorting as you hit him again and push yourself away from him, scowling.
“Okay, let’s start the movie,” he gaslights and you scream “no”, jumping over to him as he easily catches you replying, “That’s what I thought.” You roll your eyes at his smug face but realise your breathing has calmed down a lot. Maybe you can go through the rest now.
“Are you sure you still want to see?” lace concerns his voice as he nuzzles his nose on your head and you hum lightly. You can do this! These are just movies.
Oh how wrong you were for the third time that night because Annabelle creation was a thousand times worse than Annabelle. Why the hell did they make a movie about the creation of a fucking demon doll?
Gyuvin was secretly enjoying holding you close, which is most of the reason he played Conjuring fully but now his heart hurts seeing your state. You scream once more at the stupid doll and bury your head in his neck clutching the shirt he is wearing. Light tears build up in your eyes and you quickly blink back and your breath becomes heavier with every creek of a door you can hear from the movie.
He pauses the movie as soon as he feels a dampness on his collar and closes it. Your head is still buried in his neck, light sniffles rocking through your body and you grimace for the teasing that is about to come. You stay in shock as he lightly threads his hand through your hair, tidying the messy strands.
His hold strengthens along your waist and he hums lightly when he feels you turning your head lightly towards him. “I can do this, huh? I told you let’s stop, I don’t like seeing you like this,’ his voice is a soft murmur as he dabs his palm under your eyes to dry the tears.
You stay quiet, looking at him with glossy eyes and finally speak up, “I thought I would be fine.” Gyuvin grimaces a little before wiping over the remains of the tears under your eyes.
He kisses your forehead, lightly trailing his lips down to your eyes as they flutter close from the contact, press one on your nose and before you can act on instinct his nose brushes along yours and his lips encase into your own. He holds one of your hands, intertwining the fingers while you clutch his shirt lightly.
He giggles lightly when he pulls away finding you chasing that feeling, making you giggle too before a comfortable silence falls over the room.
Well, comfortable silence is overrated to Gyuvin as he says, “How about we play a game? Whenever a scary scene comes, we kiss?” You raise your eyebrow at the innuendo, as he flashes his signature cheeky grin making you laugh. “Sure, okay,” you shrug nonchalantly even if your ears were burning at the mere thought of it.
Needless to say, you didn’t get scared anymore, not that you saw any of it!
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ー☆ㅤㅤ [ ara's notes ] ㅤ੭𓂃 ㅤtysm 🥭 anon for requesting this, i know this is worse than you thought i am so so sorry my mango ㅤ𓏧ㅤ libraryㅤ zb1 shelfㅤ navi
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੭ 𝅄ㅤ ꒰ TAGLIST ꒱ ㅤ⏤ㅤ @orikiys @sxmmerberries ㅤ𓏧ㅤ fill this or comment or ask to be added
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ㅤㅤ(ㅤㅤ© arafilez on tumblrㅤㅤ)
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trsrina · 1 year
zerobaseone reactions to when you cry
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gn reader, fluff, angst idk !! not proofread wc: ~0.99k
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- ppl would usually panic seeing someone cry but bro would be so calm
- he just smoothly comes closer and gently pats your back, asking you what’s wrong while staring through your soul with his beautiful eyes
- and then you just continue to cry your ass off even more like he’s so sweet and he just puts your head on his shoulder and stares at you with a small smile and trying to comfort you (which certainly works like his smile omg)
- he would not care if your tears made his shirt wet bc it’s you 😳 ends up cuddling you for the rest of the day and tries to make you happy again
other members under the cut!
- the moment you start crying he would just freeze
- like meanwhile you’re literally bawling he just sits there and spaces out and you’re like wth aren’t you supposed to comfort me
- don’t blame him tho he just doesn’t know how to react like should he hug you or is that too much or should he just leave you alone yk he’s just scared that he makes the wrong move
- but like he can’t just leave you like this so he just buries your face in the crook of his neck and softly whispers words of comfort in your ear
- hanbin is probably the best at comforting people like when you start crying, his mother tendencies just kick in and like suddenly he has a whole pack of tissues, a blanket, your favourite plushy and your comfort movie on the tv
-wraps you up in a blanket and makes you hug your plushy (but you’d much rather hug him anyway) softly wipes away the tears that fell on your cheek and looks at you with concern like his eyebrows furrowed and the corners of his lips downward
- “don’t waste your tears like this. let’s watch a movie and cuddle, alright? i’ll make you feel better.”
- he would ask so many questions like he’s just so fluffy and cute
- “hey, why are you crying? what’s wrong? are you okay? did you hurt yourself? did someone hurt you? did something bad happen?”
- probably thinks you somehow hurt yourself or smth and starts inspecting you and trying to find where you hurt yourself
- he would be so worried. if you’re sad, he’s sad. his hands would not leave you and he would keep a protective grip on you for the rest of the day
- would start crying with you like he’s the type to cry whenever someone cries bc he gets emotional, his eyes would start to get slightly teary while he’s wiping away your tears with his hands
- “don’t cry” sniffles “i love you, okay?” sniffles and then it’s your turn to comfort him and trying to make him stop crying but it’s ends up with both of you crying
- hugs you with his chin resting on your shoulder and arms wrapped around your waist and you guys just stay like that for a while
- ends up playing cute little love songs on his guitar to try to cheer you up
- when he’s with you, all his walls just break down like he has this cool facade with other people but with you, he isn’t afraid to show his weak and vulnerable side
- won’t hesitate to immediately pull you in his embrace and constantly tells you that he’s here for you while his hand strokes the back of your head, his lips slightly ghosting over your ear
- “i’m here, okay? cry it all out. you’ll be okay,” makes your heart go crazy
- spoils you for the rest of the day (as if he doesn’t spoil you enough already) would not leave your side and makes you stay in bed all day
- his first reaction is to probably make you smile again and that’s his ultimate goal
- he wouldn’t know what to do and starts scrolling through his phone and you’re like are you serious rn but he’s actually trying to show you cute eumppappa pics to make you smile and it somehow works
- would grab your face and inches closer to you like your foreheads touching and just closes his eyes and stays there for a while and you just stop crying
- probably feels really proud of himself for being able to calm you down and make you happy again
- would panic like why is his baby crying he doesn’t like it when the person he loves feels pain and starts to pout
- “who or what did this to you? what happened? i will fix it for you, okay? don’t worry.” would try to fight whatever made you cry like homework too hard? does it for you. someone wronged you? would not hesitate to fight them but actually though he is too nice to fight anyone he would probably confront them and scare them away though
- forces you to go to bed and makes you sleep like he would wrap you up with your blanket like a burrito and cuddles you with your face literally buried in his chest
- he’s just so incredibly sweet and the way he cares for you just makes you so happy
- would not know how to react pt. 2
- he has no experience in comforting anyone and he just awkwardly pats your back barely your back maybe just like the back of your shoulder
- and then he’s like this isn’t working i should do something else probably tries to poke your cheeks and pinch them trying to make you smile
- but you don’t care whether or not his way of comforting made you feel better or not just the mere sight of him makes you feel butterflies and gives you a serotonin boost
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nichoswag · 2 months
just the two of us, 깊어져 가는 moonstruck
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[ an updated collection of all my works ]
[ key ] 🧸 = fluff. ☁️ = angst. 🩹 = hurt/comfort. 💋 = suggestive. 🫂= full group piece. 📱 = text
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🍓 - &team
stress / k [🧸🩹]
alone / k [🧸☁️🩹]
sweater paws / fuma [🧸]
cigarettes and moonlight / nicholas [🧸]
red roses / nicholas [🧸📱]
cute / nicholas [🧸]
incentive / ej [🧸]
lullaby / yuma [🧸]
swimming with jo [🧸headcannon]
beanstalk / jo [🧸]
safe / jo [🧸]
pocky / jo [🧸]
couch / jo [🧸]
eyes / maki [🧸]
🫂 - &team reaction to you being cold and clinging to them
🫂- &team reaction to you having a nightmare
🫂 - &team reaction to you having insomnia
🫂 - petnames &team call you
🫂 - soft intimate moments with &team
🫂 - cuddling with &team
🫂 - &team reaction to maki having a younger girlfriend
🫂 - k, nicholas & maki as boyfriends
🫂 - &team + age preferences in dating
🫂 - what your contact is saved as in their phone [📱]
🫂 - asking situationship!&team “what are we” [📱]
🍓 - enhypen
flirt / heeseung [🧸]
niki x shy mc reader [🧸]
🫂 - soft intimate moments with enhypen
🫂 - asking enhypen to kill a spider
🍓 - riize
tummy / anton [🧸]
🍓 - zerobaseone
reassurance / hanbin [🧸🩹💋]
sleepy / taerae [🧸]
🫂 - soft intimate moments with zb1
🍓 - tomorrow x together
🫂 - soft intimate moments with txt
🍓 - seventeen
nothing yet!
🍓- stray kids
nothing yet!
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📚 - the shelf
[ archive of works of groups i no longer write for ]
📖 - p1harmony
forever / theo [🧸]
📖 - got7
🫂 - how got7 approaches their crush at a party
🫂 - got7 saying “i love you” for the first time
🫂 - got7 mtl hopeless romantics
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©nichoswag | do not copy my work or repost onto any other platform.
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matthyeu · 1 year
perfect boy ― zh.
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pairing ⇢ zhang hao x ftm!reader 
genre ⇢ hurt/comfort
warnings ⇢ gender dysphoria
word count ⇢ 792
synopsis ⇢ you can always count on zhang hao to cease your worries about your gender.
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hao was not expecting silence upon entering the apartment. usually you were ready to greet him every time he came home from a long day of work. it was unusual for it to be as quiet as it was. if not waiting for him, he would expect you to be immersed in your latest tv show obsession. 
however, it wasn’t completely silent. once he stopped his steps, he could hear some faint sounds coming from inside your shared room. he furrowed his eyebrows, walking towards the door to find out what it was. 
his face shifted immediately from a confused expression to a worried one when he realized this wasn’t any sound. it was you crying. 
without any further hesitation, he pushed open the door to reveal you face down on the bed. the way you held the pillow over your ears probably muffled everything, so you might have not known he had come home. you were like that, always tuning out the outside world in times of despair so you could listen to yourself. whatever happened must have been serious. 
he carefully sat on the bed, the sudden dip pulling you out of your session. you whipped your head around, meeting eyes with your boyfriend. “ah, when did you come home?” you asked, voice breaking halfway through. 
“shhhh it’s okay i just came home. don’t worry about it,” he whispered, trying to keep the calm mood up for you, “what happened?” 
you looked hesitant to tell him, but he would never force it out of you. he wanted you to always be comfortable with him, so he made sure to respect your boundaries. he didn’t expect you to tell him, not to mention what you told him. 
“do i really look like a girl?” 
immediately, you started breaking down again, forcing your head back into the covers. it seemed his answer, well lack thereof, triggered it again. regret came over him. it just caught him by surprise, so it wasn’t his intention to not deny your worries. 
panicked, he placed a hand on your back, trying to console you as much as he could with his touch. you wouldn’t hear him if he started now. he had to wait until you stopped your session again to say anything. 
luckily, it worked, the feeling of his thumb rubbing circles on your back always seemed to bring you some sort of solace. you took a deep breath, trying to suck in all the tears you could. 
“i’m sorry–” he cut you off right there. 
“don’t be sorry dear, i’m sorry for not being able to respond to your worries right away. i was just caught by surprise because in no universe would you look like a girl. you are the most handsome boy i’ve ever seen.” 
“are you sure?” 
“but…” oh here was where he’d get the story of who made his love cry. “it’s just. i felt so comfortable today. i picked out such a great outfit. i looked in the mirror, and for once, i actually felt so comfortable. i looked, and there really was a boy there.” 
“there’s always a boy there,” he corrected, not wanting you to try to downgrade your own gender identity. 
you rolled his eyes at his interruption but felt very happy he did intervene on that day. it made you smile a bit before continuing your story. 
“besides the point. i went to the café, and after taking my order, he said ‘have a nice day ma’am.’ just…what part of me looks like a ma’am? i thought i looked so masc today, but that made it all crash down. i couldn’t even say anything.” 
“well that person’s just stupid,” hao finally responded, not letting you continue. he didn’t want you to relive that experience because it was utter bullshit. 
“you think?” 
“dearest, you are my wonderful boyfriend, the only boy i could ever have eyes for. you do not look the slightest like a girl. i can’t believe people are that blind. maybe they just need extra thick glasses to see past the transphobia. they don’t know anything. please don’t listen to them. you are so much more than what they have to say.” 
when you broke down again, crying into his shoulder, another wave of panic washed over him. had he said something wrong? 
“dear, are you okay? did i say something wrong?” he quickly asked. 
you shook your head quickly before throwing your arms around his neck. “you are just so perfect, the perfect boy. i can’t believe i have someone like you.” 
he laughed, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull yourself close to him. “no, you are the perfect boy, and i don’t want anyone telling you otherwise.”
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canuhearthemsing · 6 months
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things I associate the zerobaseone members with:
jiwoong: old money aesthetic, beach houses, light blue polo button ups, dad jokes that actually make you laugh, futile devices by sufjan stevens, black cats
hao: learning an instrument, acts of service for your loved ones, red pandas, the voice of an old hollywood singer that haunts you in a beautiful way, being confident, smelling good
hanbin: the friends to lovers trope, cafes, babies being comfortable around someone, having your fav food for breakfast, the warmth a fluffy blanket drapes you in on a snowy, cold morning, contagious laughter
matthew: blonde hair, staying up late facetiming your best friend, pistachio ice cream, collecting stuff, the beach, feeling cared for, the urge to kiss a mole on someones face, tattoos
taerae: music majors, pulling all nighters, tight hugs and physical touch, scarfs, laughing till your stomach hurts, flannels, that friend your mom loves so much, trying not to laugh in serious situations
ricky: beach resorts, the color white, texting your friends if they got home safe, paper soldier by brent faiyaz, taking ootd pictures, waking up early to catch the breakfast buffet at a hotel, late night drives with a shared playlist, nick wilde
gyuvin: spending hours playing nintendo switch with your friends, fluffy jackets, the comfort of sleeping next to someone, the color red, minions, chocolate chip cookies, aquarium dates
gunwook: laughing in class with your best friend, the color black, people who are good at everything, doing tiktok trends, first love, holding hands, back hugs, reading your fav persons fav book
yujin: bluey, the extra 10 mins of sleep before getting up, cute aggression, feeling proud of someone, feeling protective of someone, rewatching your fav movie for the 100th time, apple juice
A/n💌: i got this beautiful divider from @muruffin 💓
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foryiujeans · 1 year
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love you twice.
synopsis. after breaking up for him chasing his dreams, he had finally met you for the first time ever.
pairings. ex-lover!kim gyuvin x fem!reader.
warnings. none.
word count. 1.9k
general taglist. @kittenyu
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“get ready everyone!”
the sound of the audience cheering and screaming from inside of the arena made you shakily breathed out a nervous sigh. the amount of groups that were performing with you and your group today made your heart beat fastened.
enhypen, &team, xikers, ateez and more were performing today on the third day.
you didn’t get to perform yesterday due to a photoshoot and event for your ideal brand that was held at namsan tower. taking the plane to japan, the fans crowded you along with reporters from all channels and news.
“y/n-ssi, how is your event that was held in korea and did you see the members performance yesterday??” mc ryujin asked with a smile on her face.
chaewon handed you the microphone, “it was really fun and i did watch the members performance in the plane yesterday, it was so cool.”
the loud cheers of your name made you smile widely, earning proud and happy stares and smiles from your members who were listening to you talk about your event yesterday and how much you practiced to give an outstanding performance.
after your performance, you and the members head backstage to stay hydrated and ready on stage. the members went in the waiting room while you and yunjin head over to the small cafeteria area where you buy snacks and drinks before going up on stage to perform.
“hey, i forgot my phone in the room,” yunjin gestured to the direction of your waiting room, “i’ll get it in a sec.”
you nodded, watching as the blonde walked off to the waiting room to take her cellphone. you were starting to feel your eyelids getting heavy as you sat down on the couch.
the moment you opened your eyes and saw a familiar figure walking towards you, you froze. the brunette’s lips were surprisingly parted in surprise.
“y/n,” kim gyuvin breathes out, “i knew it was you from the moment i saw you perform.”
"you perform too?"
"yes, i just debuted as zerobaseone," the male explained, while you nodded in understanding, causing him to giggle. once he was comfortable in talking with you, he approached you first, crouching beside you. "how’s life?"
you turn to him suddenly appauled. “i have been really great actually, making new idol friends from hybe.”
at that moment the end of your sentence slowly died, avoiding eye contact with gyuvin, feeling a bit shy rather than confident. it’s been a long time since he saw you perform.
"you know," gyuvin interrupts your thoughts. he hasn't taken his eyes off you since the moment he realized you wouldn't see or feel them burning holes into you. "i never thought we’d meet again." he chuckles.
you were so precious, and you weren't even trying. you never tried. everything about you was so effortlessly beautiful. he can't lie - he's a little hurt that you don't seem ecstatic about being trapped in here with him, but what could he say? you weren't his girl; he just wanted you to be. even so, his heart can't but feel drained in his chest-as if it was tired for beating for you.
he had learned a long time ago that he needed to embrace your relationship for what it was instead of mourning what he felt it should be. you were his best friend, and he was yours. the two of you had an uncanny amount of things in common, but even in your differences did you two manage to grow together.
it has to be a bit cold outside with the number of layers you have on. your outfit consists of all black oversized jacket, crop top and black baggy pants, topping it off with your white bag.
"do you wanna hang out with me for lunch then tomorrow? there’s this restaurant l've always wanted to try.”
you blinked blankly at him a few times before glancing at yunjin who's already been looking at the two of you. "what about your members? my members?”
gyuvin glanced at yunjin as well, then smiled and turned back to you. "oh, i’ve had enough of them for now. i wanna catch up with you after a long time as friends,”
you would be lying if you said you weren't taken aback, but you agreed anyway.
you did miss him after a long time.
"great! i’ll just ask my manager later." he said, exchanging numbers with you before bidding her final bow to the blonde girl beside you and walking back to his waiting room, with gunwook tagging along.
you stared at the written piece of paper that was in your hand,
***-***-*** , my number, text u later y/n :)
- k.gv <3
a smile curls up on your lips, knowing how excited you’ll be for tomorrow. seeing yunjin teasingly grin at you, a laugh escapes your lips before folding the paper back into your pocket.
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a/n ! thank you so much for reading and giving me requests. i’m thankful that you guys enjoyed reading it and giving all the notes and support. i do not own any characters, music or pics given, will definitely work harder for the next ones !
signing out, miaaa hihi !
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ready-for-take-off · 2 months
hello! do you have any emeto headcanons for zb1 yujin?
I think I touched the surface in my zb1 sick headcanons post, but I can certainly go into more detail!
Yujin is definitely one of the more panicky sickies. I headcanon that he’s slightly emetophobic, but moreso because of how people will react to it—like he’s probably seen someone panic over throwing up and it got forever ingrained in his head (since he’s an impressionable teen). Thus, he’ll go completely silent whenever he feels the slightest hint of nausea.
I feel like it would also come on really fast for him, like one second he appears fine and the next he’s running for the bathroom. He would be a pretty quiet puker since he’s just quiet in general, so no one would notice unless they saw. Then, when someone finds him, I can see him breaking down sobbing because he just hates feeling so bad.
Unfortunately for Yujin, I also feel he would be susceptible to catching bugs and getting motion sick (still developing body), though he doesn’t necessarily come off as the type to get stomach pain, just the nausea. He would not be the biggest fan of tummy rubs, being very picky with who he allows to touch him—but if it’s the right person and place, he’ll melt into it.
Thank you for putting in this request! Yujin would definitely be an adorable sickie.
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