#zink talks
lichtecht · 1 year
if i had a nickel for every time there was a brown haired queer girl with a bob who does acting in a german children's book, i'd have two nickles. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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a-roguish-gambit · 2 months
Incorrect turn of the century quotes 2
Gambit: *reading a history book* did ya'll know Ellis Island used to be a fort where dey executed pirates?
Rogue: that's the immigrant processing center right? Kurt didn't your family go through there when ya passed through New York?
Kurt: Actually-
Kitty: oh my god what if Kurt was possessed by the ghosts of pirates and that's why he likes them so much!
Kurt: I am not possessed! I actually never passed zrough Ellis Island.
Evan: wait what? But you told us you came through new york.
Kurt: Ja but ve didn't go zrough Ellis Island. I always looked like zis guys! You zink ze immigration officials zere vould let someone looking like me zrough? No vay!
Rogue: ok then how DID you pass through immigration?
Kurt: vell my parents vere fairly vell off before people found out vat I vás so že got first class tickets. You do not have to go zrough Ellis Island if you are first class and ze rules are much more lax, like being able to bring animals. Und because I vas small enough zey disguised me as a pet monkey to get me into ze US. No von apparently questioned vhy a monkey vas blue.
Kitty: holy heck that is hilarious!!
Evan: wait, that's immigration fraud.do you even have citizenship Kurt?
Kurt: Vell...
Rogue: it's also technically human trafficking.
Kurt: can ve please stop talking about my parents zis vay? Zey are good people!
Gambit: ok les talk about it dis way: ya parents broke maritime law and stowed away a human aboard a ship, committing a crimes at sea.
Gambit: your parents are pirates, Kurt.
Kurt: *bursts out laughing* oh mein gott...i guess you are right!
Kitty: guess the swashbuckling runs in the family!
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mooncalfe-art · 28 days
It's been a few months since I last asked a TMNT Question for you(been taking a break and started reading IDW Sonic Comics) but I just had a few more questions for you
1. What would happen if the past Alopex(the start of Mutant Town Alopex) talked with the present Alopex? And what would her Reaction be to the events that past Al hasn't been through yet?
2. If Raph and Alopex acted like Mushroom,Zanna and Zink's parents,how would it go?
3. How come Ramon wasn't with the Splinter Clan fighting the Mutanimals in issues 119-122?
4. Out of your Next Gen IDW TMNT Characters,whose your Favorite
5. If you helped with 'The Last Ronin" which Turtle would you make the Last Ronin?
6. If Tang Shen was reincarnated as a Mutant Spider would she remain Tang Shen or be given a Mutant Name like Yoshi being Master Splinter?
7. Saved the Best for last, if IDW asked you to Write and draw a Leo x Koya story set a year after 150, what would the story be?(Besides Raph X Alopex -still hoping they get back together due to too much history- , I find Leo x Koya to be my 2nd favorite Ship, 3rd favorite is Donnie X Mona lol)
It's a lot but again it's been a long and sometimes I think of the TMNT Stories you made(and I'm still hunting for issue 105) so I wanted to ask you some more and I hope to at least save enough money to go to a Convention you're going too so we can meet. Keep on drawing Sophie,we all need your Awesome Art
Past Alopex would go "oh HELL no" and dump Raph immediately after Present Alopex told her what he did.
Probably okay but they'd have a hard time when Zink got to her angsty phase.
He couldn't get off work in time. :(
Hmmm it would depend on if she remembered her past life or not! If she didn't remember, at least at first, she'd take on a new name like Splinter and the Turtles did.
I had an unfinished Leo/Koya pitch from years ago where Koya, in an attempt to destroy Leo (this was back when they were still enemies), messes around with some of Kitsune's dark magic which causes Leo and Dark Leo to split into two separate people. Then of course Leo and Koya have to team up to stop Dark Leo who is stalking them through the wilderness. I still think that's a fun idea and I'd love to bring it back in some way one day.
Thanks for the support and everything as always!! :D
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tzatairovic · 2 months
We've literally seen that Zink is the manager of Zs fashion and beauty ventures and we just saw her with Z in Switzerland. She has repeatedly called her her best friend and the person she confides the most with. So her erasure is weird just because she has private social media. And Z is always talking about how her sisters, nieces and nephews are the people that motivate her the most. Fans that want to erase Zs family just don't even pay attention to Zs most recent interviews like the latest Kimmel one
Yeah, I think we talked about this a few weeks ago
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mask131 · 10 months
Ségurant, the Knight of the Dragon (2/4)
Let us continue down our path along the documentary. Here is the German version of it, by the way, if you are interested.
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So, last time we left with the sad conclusion that the origins of Ségurant were not from Great-Britain: he appears nowhere in England, Scotland or Wales. If there is nothing in British land, the next move is of course towards the land where Ségurant's tale was first found out, and the second main source when it came to Arthuriana: France.
The documentary reminds us that the Arthurian crossed the seas and arrived in France in the 12th century. It was first written about in France by a man from Normandy named Wace (who was the one who invented the Round Table), and then it was time for Chrétien de Troyes and his famous romans (first romans in French literary history and the beginning of the romanesque genre) – which became best-sellers, translated, imitated, continued and rewritten throughout all of Europe, becoming the “norm” of the literary culture of Europe at the time (in non-Latin language of course). Chrétien de Troyes’ novel became especially popular among the expanding cities and newly formed bourgeoisies of the time, making Lancelot and Perceval true European heroes, and resulting in thousands of Arthurian manuscripts being sent and created everywhere.
There is a brief intervention of Michel Zink explaining what was so specific about Chrétien’s romans: by the time Chrétien wrote his novels, the legend of king Arthur was well-known and famous enough that the author did not feel the need to remind it or expand about it. As in: Chrétien’s novels all happen at the court of king Arthur, or begin at the court of Arthur, but none of them are about Arthur himself. Arthur and his court are just the “background” of his stories – Chrétien’s heroes are the knights of the Round Table, who were until this point basically secondary characters in Arthur’s own story. And all the novels of Chrétien follow the same basic structure of “education novel”: they are all about a young man who goes on a quest or goes on adventures, and in the process discovers his own identity and/or love and/or his destiny. And they all end with the young man being worthy of sitting at the Round Table ; or if they were already at the Round Table, they are even worthier of sitting at it.
But then the documentary completely ditches the French aspect to move to… Italy. As Arioli explains, as he was investigating the origin of the Prophéties de Merlin manuscript in which Segurant’s story was consigned, he checked an inventory of all the Merlin’s Prophecies manuscripts and thus entered in contact with the one that had made it, Nathalie Koble. And talking with her, she led him to a Merlin’s Prophecy manuscript kept in Italy – more precisely in the Biblioteca Marciana of Venice, one of the greatest collections of medieval manuscripts in the world. The documentary goes through a brief reminder of how in the 13th century the Republic of Venice was one of the greatest sea-powers of Europe, and formed the crossroad between the Orient and the Occident through which all the precious goods travelled (spices, silk… but also books) ; and how in the 14th century Petrarch had the project of making a public library in Venice and offered his own collection of books to the city, leading to what would become a century later the Biblioteca Marciana… And so we reach the manuscript Koble showed Arioli. A very humble manuscript of the Prophéties de Merlin – no illumination, no illustration, a small size, not of the best quality ; but that’s all because it was a mass-produced best-seller at the time in Venice. Koble briefly reminds us of the enormous success of the genre of the Merlin Prophecies ; of how French was spoken in Venice because it was the vernacular language of nobility (hence why this manuscript is in French) ; and of who was Merlin and why his prophecies interested so much (being the son of a human virgin and an incubus devil, he had many powers, such as metamorphosis – transforming himself or others – and seeing both the future and the past, aka “existing beyond temporality and memories” as Koble puts it). And finally she points out the very interesting detail that the Merlin Prophecies are always coded, need to be deciphered… But the process is very easy for anyone who is an informed reader.
Indeed, many of the “prophecies” of Merlin are actually coded and metaphorical descriptions of events part of the Arthurian legend. Koble presents us a specific prophecy: “A leopard named Of the Lake will go to the kingdom of Logres and will open his heart to the crowned snake. But he will sleep with a white snake and remove its virginity, while believing he slept with the crowned snake”. For a fan of Arthuriana, it is clear that the “leopard of the lake” is Lancelot du Lac, while the “crowned snake” is Guinevere.
And then, Koble showed Arioli a prophecy contained in this manuscript that apparently was about Ségurant. “Know that the dragon-hunter will be bewitched at the Winchester tournament. A stone will shine on his tent, projecting a great light outside and inside. When he will be king in the Orient, this stone will be placed onto his crown. When he will cross the sea to visit my grave, he will place the stone within the altar of Our-Lady (Notre-Dame). And thus, the dragon of Babylon will seize it.” The prophecy clearly is about Ségurant. Now, the actual author of this manuscript is unknown – as Koble explains, 13th century romanciers who wrote in prose loved inventing false identities for themselves, many times passing off as Merlin himself. The alias of the author of this specific manuscript is “Richard of Ireland”, but Koble’s personal research found out he was actually a man of Venice. Indeed numerous prophecies in the book describes the landscape surrounding Venice or Venice itself ; and there are many references to the political events of Venice at the end of the 13th century.
So, in conclusion: Ségurant was a great heroic figure in the region of Venice at the time. And so Arioli became convinced that Ségurant’s origins were to be found in Northern Italy, and spread from Venice to the rest of Europe.
Our next move is to the Italian Alps – to the Italian Tyrol, and more specifically to Roncolo Castle. Built in the 13th century, it was then bought in 1385 by the Vintler brothers, Nicolas and Francesco/François. The Vintler brothers were part of a bourgeois family that had recently become part of the nobility, and to play onto this, to “legitimate” their nobility and show they had well “adopted” the lifestyle of the nobility, they commissioned a set of medieval frescos, filled with knights and ladies, bestiary animals (fictional or real). To this day, the frescos of Roncolo Castle still form the greatest cycle of Arthurian wall-paintings in the world. And the most interesting part of those paintings, for Arioli’s investigation, is the “Gallery of the Triads”. A gallery where, as the name says, triads are depicted, representing the ideals of knighthood. There is a triad of the ���greatest kings” – King Arthur, Charlemagne and Godfrey of Bouillon. There is a triad of the “three greatest knights of the Round Table”: Perceval, Gawain and Yvain (the Knight of the Lion). There is the “three most famous couple of lovers”, with Tristan and Isolde at the center. And finally we have the triad of the “Three most famous heroes”. Only two of them are named – one being Theodoric “with his sword”. And the other… Is “Siegfried, with his crown-depicting shield, as he was described in the Song of the Nibelungen”.
And here’s the new twist in our investigation. Siegfried… Ségurant… Two dragon-killers with similar names. As it is explained in the documentary, the Tyrol was not a closed land, but rather the junction point between Southern Germany and Northern Italy. As a result, Germanic literature was just as popular here as the Arthurian legend – in fact we have a 13th century manuscript written in the Tyrol that contains the Song of the Nibelungs. And so here is Arioli’s new theory: Siegfried crossed the Tyrol, reached Italy, and there became Segurant, the Knight of the Dragon.
The documentary finally gives us the next part of Ségurant’s story, as Arioli first discovered it in the Arsenal manuscript: New character appears! “La fée Morgane” – dear Morgan le Fay, half-sister of King Arthur. “In her castle, the fairy Morgane invoked a devil from Hell. Devil, what is your name? she asked. I am called Lucifer, and I am called Dragon, because I swallow the souls of the sinners. She answered: I needed someone like you for sure!” (I roughly translate here). But here is the idea: the dragon of the legend is not just any mere or random dragon, it is a devil (in fact THE devil himself), invoked by Morgan and obeying her. As the tale continues, we learn that Morgan sent the dragon to cause chaos and panic at the Winchester tournament. “Suddenly, a wall of fire appeared ; behind the flames was a hideous dragon”. And seeing the monster, Ségurant swore that, if he did not set free the kingdom of Logres from the dragon, he would not live one more day. And so he crossed the wall of fire and “forgot everybody, himself as well as the others, he forgot everything, except for the dragon, his sole obsession”. (You might recall this as being a very common trope among French Arthurian roman, like in Lancelot or the Knight of the Cart, where Lancelot every time he sees Guinevere forgets everyone around him, forgets where he is or what he is supposed to do, forgets even his own name, and has his mind only and solely filled with Guinevere. That’s a typical French Arthurian knight thing part of the whole aesthetic of knighthood at the time – but I might explain more about this later).
And yet another twist in the story… Because the roman says that Ségurant could NOT kill the dragon. Why? Because the dragon was “a pure spirit”. And “a spirit, be it good or evil, never dies”. WHAT A TWIST!
We return to the documentary. Crossing the Alps on the search for Siegfried, Arioli stops next by the castle of Drakenburg in Germany – built in 1882 by a wealthy banker, this Neo-Gothic castle is a great homage to the Nibelungenlied – The Song of the Nibelungs. The documentary also reminds us that, at the end of the 19th century, medieval legends were back into fashion thanks to Wagner’s cycle of operas “The Ring of the Nibelungen”. Now, the Song of the Nibelungs is described as “essentially the story of two great families of heroes, the Burgundian heroes and the Xanten heroes. The Song begins when a great hero from the Xanten “side of the world” arrives in the “Burgundian world” – this great hero is Siegfried. And the story of how Siegfried killed a dragon is… a mere mention. An allusion. The Song is not about it, it does not describe it directly, it is another voice that recalls briefly how Siegfried killed a dragon and bathed in its blood. Thus we see that – similarly to what Chrétien did with Arthur – at the time the Song was written, the author and the audience were supposed to know already very well the Siegfried legend. They knew it well enough that it was seen as unnecessary to recall it, a brief mention is enough.
Now, it is easy to admit that Ségurant le Chevalier au Dragon might be a variation of the same myth to which Siegfried the dragon-hunter belongs – similar names, both killed a dragon AND both are also famous for “crossing a wall of fire”. The myth of Siegfried widespread, existing over a large chunk of territory in Europe – not just Germany, but also France, Italy and the Nordic lands. However, while the stories of Siegfried have appeared in the “heart” of Europe around the 1200s, the myth actually pre-existed in Northern Europe for a much older time – in Sweden, in Norway and in Iceland, before Siegfried appeared, there was his Norse ancestor… Sigurd.
And so, this is the next step in the Ségurant investigation: Sigurd, the hero of the Viking sagas.
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Shipping Questions: Zink
Extremely self-indulgent post but if I can't talk about my OTP on this blog, where can I talk about them? I filled this out a long time ago and figured it might be fun to post it. Just look at it as an excuse to share headcanons about my OTP by answering questions.
SFW Questions
Which one sexts like a straight white boy?
Texting doesn't exist in the time that these characters know each other… but I feel like Pink would be really, really bad at it because it takes him a while to feel comfortable expressing those kinds of feelings, even to Ziggy. Alternately, Ziggy would do it purposefully to annoy Pink. (I feel like that's going to be a recurring theme with these questions, haha.) If he put in the effort, he would actually perfect the art of sexting and it would drive Pink wild.
Which one cried during a fucking Disney movie?
Even though Pink is generally the less emotional one, I can see him doing this. Ziggy is sometimes too aware of his own emotions and the excitement of experiencing something that moved him emotionally can supersede the actual emotional reaction.
Who put a goddamned fork in the microwave?
Ziggy did it once just to see what would happen. What happened was a very broken microwave and a very angry Pink, who sent him out to buy a new one. However, Pink later forgot to remove his fork when microwaving a meal, and Ziggy never let him live that down.
Who does the silly hands-over-the-eyes “Guess who” thing?
Ziggy does this to Pink even when they're the only people in the room. He doesn't do it much though, because it freaked Pink out the first time he did it.
Who puts their cold hands/feet on their partner?
Both of them get cold easily, so they both like to cuddle. But Floyd especially likes it.
Who had that embarrassing Reality TV marathon?
Ziggy has an addictive personality and, because of the way his brain works, he only needs to try something once to get hooked on it. So, if it existed at the time, Ziggy would get totally sucked into some MTV crap and binge-watch for days until Pink reminded him to get some sleep. If games like the Sims existed at the time too, Pink would have to keep Ziggy away from it because otherwise he would never see Ziggy again.
You'd think it's Ziggy, because he's physically smaller than Pink, but it's Pink. He just loves being held, what can I say?
Who in your OTP gives the other nicknames ironically, and who uses nicknames seriously?
One day Pink was talking to someone, and he off-handedly referred to Ziggy as "Zigzag." He didn't even realize what he'd said until the other person commented on it, and immediately he was MORTIFIED, although the other person thought it was adorable (and Ziggy found it even more adorable when he heard about it).
Who throws popcorn into the other persons mouth?
Pink and Ziggy have perfected a routine based around this, where Pink will alternate between taking a handful of popcorn for himself and then tossing a handful of popcorn into Ziggy's mouth piece by piece, super nonchalantly. Anyone who witnesses this is torn between finding it cute and weird.
Who falls asleep in the car, and who drives carefully not to wake them?
Pink would usually be the one driving, because Ziggy is a speed demon, but Ziggy can't fall asleep on any moving vehicle because he's very sensitive to the vibrations. So even if Ziggy went to sleep while Pink was driving, it would be for five minutes at most.
Who kisses first? Who wants to be kissed first?
Pink always wants to be kissed first and yet he never kisses first! That's one thing that Ziggy would gradually help him feel comfortable doing after they get together.
Who tells the other person how shitty their jokes really are?
Ziggy and Pink are both great at sarcasm and dry humor, but here's the thing- neither can genuinely tell a joke to save their lives. So if Ziggy makes a pun at Pink, Pink would roll his eyes and not even bother to come up with anything in response because he knows he'd fail. They manage to make each other laugh, though, and that's all that matters.
Who talks about things they like for hours, and who listens, even though they find it so, so boring?
Ziggy is more talkative, so he would do this. Pink could listen to Ziggy talk forever.
Who decides what to watch on TV? Or is it just endless fighting and ripping the remote control out of each others hands?
They wouldn't really watch TV at all, again because Ziggy is too susceptible to getting sucked into it and also because Pink relies on it too much to block out heavy emotions that he wants to avoid. But if they did, I'm sure neither one would care enough to fight over what they watch.
Who sings the Sharpay parts and who sings the Ryan parts while doing High School Musical duets?
Ziggy is gifted with a naturally wide vocal range, so he would be able to do Sharpay's parts with no problems.
NSFW Questions
Who is louder?
Who is more experimental?
Ziggy considers himself open to trying anything. Within reason, of course.
Who takes more risks?
I don't really understand this question, but I feel like Pink might as he grows more confident being with Ziggy.
Who laughs more during sex?
Ziggy laughing during sex is my CRACK. <3
Do they fuck or make love?
Why not both? Different situations call for different approaches.
Lights on or off?
Pink prefers them off, but he's willing to have a lamp turned on so he and Ziggy can still see each other.
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?
I feel like Pink would. And if Ziggy was the one catching him, it would basically be the start of a porno.
Who is more likely to suggest a threesome?
Ziggy, because again, he's willing to try everything (and he enjoys threesomes!), but he wouldn't do it if he and Pink were together because Pink gets jealous and also if they were committed to each other, Ziggy wouldn't care about being with anyone else.
Has either stolen the other’s underwear?
No, but that sounds like a thing Ziggy would do just to be a little shit.
Who comes first?
They usually do all they can to finish at the same time. Ziggy is probably more likely to do it, but he wouldn't want to until he knows Pink is satisfied.
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?
Ziggy prefers it, and yet, Ziggy is better at it.
Who is more submissive?
I'd say they're about the same level of submissive (which is to say they'd be switches if anything, I can't see either of them preferring one over the other).
Who usually initiates things?
Pink. After getting together, Ziggy would be a bit too sensitive to Pink's issues at first and he wouldn't want to make any kind of move because he wouldn't know if Pink would be okay with it. So he'd wait for Pink to initiate their first time, and in general he'd tend to let Pink initiate.
Who is more sensitive?
Physically speaking… probably Ziggy, but both are fairly sensitive.
Who has the most patience?
The bedroom is pretty much the only place that Ziggy is patient.
Which kinks do they share?
I honestly can't think of any kinks they'd indulge in. I don't see Pink as being into that, since he would view sex with Ziggy as a bonding experience rather than being driven by lust for him or wanting to try something new together, and as much as Ziggy enjoys playing around and experimenting, he's obviously not going to force someone to participate in a kink they're not interested in (plus I don't think he'd view Pink in that way anyway).
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Some doodles while I infodump about the shit me and @ohloveyourenotalone got goin about Ziggy Stardust x Pink Floyd. So basically Gerry was into The Wall then David Bowie and we share a braincell so I got into those things then we saw that fic over at @conceptalbummultiverse and went ‘Zink…we need to do that but in our own evil way’. Then we started talking abt it and then we watched The Man Who Fell to Earth and went ‘YEAHHHH’ and added Thomas and Mary and (BOOK) Bryce.
Now like 2 months later we got a little plot going on and we kick our feet in the air and giggle about Pink Floyd and Ziggy Stardust.
So like THE LORE I think is that Ziggy is made by the black hole jumpers to preach about the Starman and all that. They’re inspired by one of the extinct intelligent species that lived on Tommy’s planet, Anthea, but aren’t exactly the same species just very similar and built different. Anyway they go to earth in the year 1975 and they gotta start somewhere. So they go to a Pink Floyd show and start harassing Pink that entire night. Pink wishes they were a hallucination but they’re not. They steal his guitar and run away to the US a few weeks later with Thomas J Newton who they also met that night.
Thomas and her (transfem TJN headcanon giggles) girlfriend/best friend Mary-Lou Mosher act like parents to Ziggy while Ziggy’s got their eye on Pink…
That’s as far as we got cuz I’m really really lazy (Sorry Gerry ily platonically) but maybe I’ll update with more lil drawings when I respond to that RP…
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bongwateriero · 1 year
ways that i made the ls dunes x pinkshift tour happen (REAL)
- myron and paul pointed out my new (frank related) tattoo back in october and we talked about it. they thought it was cool
- wore my lsd shirt to see pinkshift in april
- wore a pinkshift shirt to meet frank at the zink signing
- wanted it really bad
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not-so-rosyyy · 1 year
But how does she knows stuff that is said on twitter if she stopped lurking? Like the pregnancy rumors that one time that got her mad or addressing Timmy as “pretty bestfriend” which is what twitter fans used to say (amongst so many other things). I think she is aware and always updated on what is said there but I’m not sure how. Maybe someone from her circle keeps up like zinc. No way she completely stopped, if you have been a fan of her for years you’d know how she obsess about taking control about anything revolving her. The #freezendaya is not popular enough for her to know the story behind it.
"she's always updated, but i'm not sure how"
my friend, we have this thing called ✨publicist/ PR team✨ whose job* is literally to stay on top of things like rumors and narratives affecting their client's image. part of their duty is to inform clients of what is being said about them in the industry or among the public.
also, the examples you provided (the nasty pregnancy shit, the timmy bestie thing) were all popular talk on twitter at the time. you did not have to be deep into stan twt to know all that.
some of her core team (like darnell, zink) could also be informing her of these things. but all of these just prove my point that she's let go of always lurking on twitter apart from promo time.
*anyway, out of topic and not directed at you, anon, but this is what gets on my nerves when the internet talks about PR this, PR that. most people don't really even know how that job functions and yet still have the audacity to throw that term around like their life depended on it lmao
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triflesandparsnips · 2 years
My gf is doing a research project on sixteenth century recipe books (building a tool to help people read/understand them) and this weekend she was telling me about an ingredient that showed up in one of them that she could not figure out what it was. I have read the soap post (which is SO COOL, btw, I am so excited to see how the wash balls turn out) and I’m wondering if you might know what it actually is.
She first saw it written as venus bolearmonack, but we found several different spellings for it when we both went down internet rabbit holes: bolearmonack, bolarmonack, bolarmonicke. We think it’s maybe some sort of dirt or clay? But it keeps bothering me that we couldn’t figure it out, and reading your post made me wonder if you would know.
From Charas's The Royal Pharmacopœea, we know that:
By Minerals I understand all Metals, Half-metals, and what belongs to Metals. All sorts of Earths, and Bole-Armoniack; all Stones, Marbles, Flints, Porphyries, Jaspers, Chrystals, Jacinths, Emraulds, Saphirs, Granats, Blood-stones, Diamonds, and all sorts of Jewels: Sulphurs, Vitriols, Allums, Sal Gem, Bay-salt, Water, Rain, Snow, Ice, Hail, Thunder-bolts, Dew, Manna of several sorts, Morter, Lime, Brick, Oyl of Naphta Amber-griece white and yellow; Jet, Sea-coal and all Bitumens. Talk, Chalk, Bismuth, Zink, and all Marcasites, the ordinary Earth, Sand, Clay; and in general whatever is drawn out of the Bowels of the Earth, or Sea; or descends from the Air, being without Life.
This is Moyse Charas telling us what a shorthand (Minerals) means -- so apparently, Bole-Armoniack (another spelling!) wasn't a shorthand for something else the way, say, "the four greater Cold seeds" are. I also included the full paragraph because that also gives a hint as to what Bole-Armoniack isn't -- or at least, they didn't think it was... which means nope, not clay or dirt.
Later we find out in the same book that it's something you gotta crush the shit outta in a mortar before you can use it, but when you do it'll reduce to an extremely fine powder the way precious stones and amber will.
Lémery's A Course of Chemistry clarifies for a recipe for, ta da, gonorrhea, that:
Litharge, which is a Lead Calcined [a heated lead], Alom, and Bole-Armenick, are so many considerable Astringents, that do no hurt in this composition.
Which is to say, bole-armenick (ANOTHER SPELLING), when powdered, can be heated up to be used in this mix and was added because it was thought to draw together or contract skin tissue. It's also interesting that Lémery bothered to define litharge (which is fairly common in recipes I've seen), but, again, not the bole-armenick.
Finally, on a hunch, I did a search for just "armenick", and hit enough paydirt that I suspect y'all can dig further using it to confirm the results-- Pettus's 1683 glossary supplement to Ercker's Fleta Minor lists the following:
ARMENICK▪ See Armoniack.
ARMONIACK, T. gives it the Latine Name, Bolus Armeni, and we Bole Armoniack, and I find these words of kin, both in their Orthography and Pronuntiation, viz. Amoniack Armenick and Armoniack. The first Pliny tell us, is a Gum which he calls Gumma Amoniaci, of a glutinous nature (like other Gums) and so may be used for Metallick Vessels. The second viz. Armenick; I find the word Sal always joyned with it, and so called Sal Armenicus, and this Salt was antiently accounted a natural Salt, but that being now unknown to us, we use the Armenicus, which is made of the Urine of Elephants or Camels (as 'tis said) boyled to a Lixivium or Salt, and called Sal Armenius or Armeniacus, and this is of great use for purifying and refining of Metals. To the third Armoniacus the word Bole is added, I suppose for distinction sake: Pliny, c. 35. mentions a Stone, which he calls Lapis Armeni, of which he counts several sorts, but the best of those he saith, are of a blew colour, and calls it verd de Azure (being of great price and esteem with Painters, but the common Armoniack he calls Synoper (and we Synople) from a City of that name, where it was plentiful, and 'tis probable this is the same which we call Bole Armoniack, being of a reddish colour, and this is oft used by our Author, and for distinction the word Gum is put to the first, Salt to the other, and Bolus to this: which I write to prevent Errors in Medicines or Metallick Experiments.
So with Pettus's definitions, triangulated with Charas's shorthand notes and Lémery's preparation instructions, we arrive at your "venus bolearmonack" probably being sinople, a "ferruginous quartz that is blood-red or brownish red sometimes with a tinge of yellow" which "occurs in small but very perfect crystals, and in masses that resemble some varieties of jasper."
All that being said, though: always try and get at least one other source to confirm a definition. My beloved Simon Barbe says that benzoin is also myrrh, and that's... that's not right, babe. So double-check, but-- here's a reasonable direction!
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jechristine · 1 year
Z had her core people with her and they’re all black. Now, you have pictures of a black/biracial superstar and her black team in a tabloid being reported that they got turned away from a “classy” restaurant because of a dress code. That whole article reeks of racism, and DM wanted their racist readers to go in on Z. This affects Z, as well as Darnell, Law, and Zink because they were in those pictures as well. Some comments were talking about Darnell’s outfit, too.
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duztys · 9 months
I need more of Zink and Veneer in their childhood age, like what they did and what Zink's parents looked like, and both of their mothers talking to each other ;)
But I plan on fleshing this out more in the future!
But I'll throw a little bit more lore
Velvet and Veneer's growing interest in starting music is what drove Zink to actually publish his writing/ produce one song under his name (which led to his down fall... Not because his writing was bad, but one of his band members had bigger plans....)
Hehe cutting that off here 😇🤞
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theelderhazelnut · 11 months
I have to talk more about Ombra and her comrades.
Sooo M.R.D.O is led by a group of five people (I wrote redacted instead of their names bc i still haven’t figured them out):
Atoosa Aryan aka Ombra, the Chief of the Interrealm Force (iron bender)
[redacted], the General of the Army (cupper bender)
[redacted], the Chief of Naval Operations ( Zink bender)
[redacted], the General of the Air Force (lead bender)
[redacted], the Commissioner of Police (mercury bender)
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tzatairovic · 2 months
On the ON post they Lostwithiel Zinc as her manager. Funny how this conversation turns my stomach, anons talking erasure!!! Shut up.... you don't know these people, hell none of us know Zendaya, we think we do but the plain simple reality is we don't.. anybfan who says they do are kidding themselves
Why do you think that specific conversation is something that bothers you so much?
Because everything that anon mentioned are things z publicly shared throughout her career and zink is someone who is not that rarely seen in background of pics and videos of z, but is not mentioned on here that often as opposed to darnell for example
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she-is-ovarit · 2 years
I have an academic graduate background in biology and work in the field of ecology. I want to tell you the secret as to how to read scientific papers:
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First, don't be afraid of this bullshit. This is just the first page. All this information is giving you is things like the authors and the journal this research article was published from. Don't be intimidated by boring and technical looking pages.
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This is the abstract. This is basically a very tightly condensed paragraph to summarize the paper. Don't just rely on information from the abstract. Or I'll whack you on the nose with a rolled up wet magazine. Go ahead and try to read through this.
Here is the most important advice I can give you regarding reading scientific papers: do a one time glance over of the whole paper and don't try to understand it. Just highlight all words you don't know. "polytypic species", "phylogenetic", "sympatric", etc.
Go onto google and look up these words. You might have to search these terms by adding whatever the field is that you're reading/the authors are using it for. So you would look up, "polytypic species ornithology" or "polytypic species ecology" - etc. This is because some words might be used across different scientific fields and mean different things or are applied in different ways.
Read through your paper again, focusing especially on the Introduction and Results/Discussion portions of the paper with these new words in your mind/defined on paper in front of you. Plug in these words you don't know. This will go slow but you will start to understand the paper.
Regarding the methods, do the same thing. Look up the technology they are using/equipment and how it's used. Look up what a "HOBO logger" is or a "15 meter transect". then go back and reread. For statistical analysis, if you really are hoping to learn more about whether the study you are reading is robust or decent, you can watch some quick youtube videos on the statistics they're talking about and what the terminology means there too. That's probably the most complicated part to learn about, but sometimes learning this part isn't necessary to what you're hoping to extrapolate from the study.
Over time in learning this way and reading other papers, you will start to learn all this vocabulary and won't need to look it up. It's like learning another language. You'll see "polytypic species" pop up in papers about climate change or moths and you'll know what that concept means now. You'll know the tools and survey methods scientists use.
The initial investment in learning how to read scientific papers takes time, but after awhile you won't need to do it as heavily. You're not "too stupid to understand it". Science should be accessible to the broad public. Sometimes research and academic papers are geared toward people who already have all this background knowledge, especially for really niche/complex questions the authors are trying to explore. It's just a matter of learning the language.
[The source I used in my examples is: McKitrick, M. C., & Zink, R. M. (1988). Species concepts in ornithology. The Condor, 90(1), 1-14]
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yesyourstalker · 9 months
Koi: so what are your thoughts on advertising? I'm aware you have social media. Is it verified yet?
Neta: you have one friend who does my advertising on Inkstagram.
Koi: do you have a website?
Neta: uh
Koi: I can make you a website. I can also maybe try to get you a warehouse so you can start doing online orders.
Neta: oh I was thinking of doing that actually I-
Koi: this place is pretty big, very spacious. Do you know what you're going to do with the loft upstairs. You know the layout plan. Do you have any designers in mind
Neta: well I did get some support from the Octav-
Oshi: He already has an interior designer, Sole trevis. He's One of the head designers for zekko and zink.
Koi: ohhhh oshi ..... It's good to see you? You look Good.... How are your kids
Oshi: They're doing great. How about yours?
Koi: just fine
Oshi: hmm
Neta:...................... Anyway uhhh .... I sense a weird tension between you two ....you guys have any thoughts about making a catalog?.... And maybe hiring some fashion designers to help me with it.
Koi: Oh that's not my field Sweetie.
Oshi: It is mine though let's go to a table and talk about this Koi join us. I insist...... Shimi be nice koi's husband while we do business.
Shimi: ..................
Merv:............ [drink]
Shimi: [eating]............
Merv: so I-
Shimi: [leaves]
Merv: ok....... Nice conversation
Ikkan: how are you guys doing?
Ichiya: It's been solid.... My splatcast is actually ending because I just got offered a job at with research lab.
Murasaki: I bought a house
Nami: I'm actually working on a soundtrack for a TV show. How are your classes going
Ikkan: It's going great. I graduated a year I already got offered the job as a music teacher at several schools you need to pick which one I want to go to. My stepdaughter.....cod she's going to be my daughter.. is going to one of them so I might pick-
Noji: ikkan!!! Why have you been ignoring your big brother all night! That's a very rude!
Ikkan: *sigh* You're not my big brother. We're the same age we've twins
Nami: hehehe See you later ikkan Happy Frosty fest!
Ikkan: okay, I'll see you guys.... Tell claim I said hi and I'm still looking for that pedal they wanted.............. Noji what do you want?
Noji: I can't say hi to my brother on on the eve of Frosty fest, is that suddenly a crime?
Ikkan: what do you want?
Noji: I want a meet and greet and sighing for chirpy chicks at rock shock and I want to to sell store exclusive merch with every ticket purchase.
Ikkan: I can make that happen. Just give me your manager's number.
Noji: thank you little brother.... Also, our parents rented an Airbnb and they want you to stay over after the party.
Ikkan: seems a little last minute already all our presents and everything at home and nibbles is going to be alone I have to let her out of the guest room and if I do that then she's going to chew on the presents and
Noji: you can just bring your little snow bunny with us! Come on we have matching pajamas for everyone!!
Ikkan: is that supposed to convince me?
Noji: yes! We have a lot of expensive gifts at home and mom really wants you to be there. We haven't had a the Frosty fest together in years.
Ikkan:...... Ok
Noji: yay! Can I get a hug?
Ikkan: no
Noji: hug your brother..... Come on you. Hug your brother!. ....hug me..... we're family!........ It's Frosty fest!
Ikkan: get off me! You're annoying...... Now I have to buy more gifts for you and our parents...... The party ends in 2 more hours.....*sigh*...I guess I can go out and get some stuff real quick. Want to come with?
Noji: *gasp* I would be honored to go last minute shopping with you as family. Let's go!
Ikkan: All right, let's head out. I got a text Neta about a change of plans, get the gifts and head to your place after the party
Warabi: look at my boy friend playing his saxyphone....
Mahi: just when I think he's super lame. He just gets even lamer
Warabi::awwww yeah...... About that ummm.... I was wondering maybe we should.......... Move
Mahi: what?
Warabi: move. I think we should move to a bigger apartment with two bedrooms and separate beds
Mahi: why what's wrong with our appointment?
Warabi: nothing. It's a nice apartment If you're living by yourself and you have no one and you're single but I'm not single and you're not single and I feel like we should maybe have our own spaces and............... ....
Warabi:.......*sigh* I want Baja to move in with us... I think it would be a good idea since he's new to this place It seems like a good idea if he lives with someone that he knows and is comfortable with and can help him get used to his environment. He's also my boyfriend and I like him and I feel like you two would also get along uhhhhhhh
Mahi:............ Sure...... He can move in. I guess I mean help with rent....*sip*
Warabi: are you like positive that you want him to be here?
Mahi: Yeah sure he can move in and I guess we can look for a better apartment. I'm being honest. Our apartment fucking sucks heheh........................
Warabi: *sigh* That's great. I don't know why I kind of expected the worst
Mahi: are you kidding me? I like Baja He would be a great roommate!
Warabi: I know right he's such sweetie-
Mahi: I can be mean to him and tell him what to do and he just does it with no hesitation. He'll be a great maid
Warabi:........... Mahi that's-
Mahi: Baja!! Grab some drinks You're a new roommate. Let's celebrate!
Baja: ok!
Warabi: mahi..
Mahi: Yeah
Warabi: ............You're still my best friend and I love you
Mahi: I know... Love you too
[end of the party Everyone is leaving]
Neta: sigh.... That went well surprisingly!
Pearl: night Neta!!! Great party man.
Neta: see ya pearl! Night Marina!
Warabi: yeah you went great!
Candi: I had fun... Do you have fun Bowie?
Candie's son: *sleeping*
Candi: He had fun. night guys also thanks for the gift Neta! [Peck]
Neta: awww It's no big deal. You deserve it....... *sigh*... A lot of phone calls to make... I have at least 30 business cards. At least two pages of phone numbers I have to contact.
Warabi: sounds like a successful business venture
Beika: amazing night man. You got my manager's number right? Hope to see my t-shirts in your store
Neta: so you'll see them. night.
Umishi: It was a nice party. I had fun Mr. Verns
Neta: I'm glad you had fun....... Aren't you that kid mahi gives discounts without my permission?
Umishi: you must be mistaking me for the wrong person.
Neta: No, No I'm not not you can't keep coming to the store- Wait a minute. How did you even get into this party?!
Umishi: I had fun!! Happy Frosty Fest. Byyyyyye!!!!
Neta:..........*sigh* bye
Ryu Chang: awesome night bro
Neta: Yeah it's nice seeing you again Ryu
Ryu: you got our manager's number.... We about to drop some exclusive shit we'd love to put in your store
Neta: we got you man. Don't sweat it.
Lionel: amazing party! I'll email you some more information about our ticket vendor here's my card
Neta: thanks have a good night
Tanguru: AmAziNg paRTy MAN! You'RE the BEST!!?
Neta: Go home tangle, you're drunk.
Mizole: where the hell is mahi?! The golden salmon is going to to go bad if they don't come now.
Warabi: how the hell did you afford a golden salmonoid?
Mizole: unlike you, I actually earned my money and don't mooch off my parents
Warabi: you piece of shit!-
Neta: It's not worth it not on Frosty Fest.
Mahi: I'm here! Sorry Baja was putting one of the wine barrels in the back of the car. Let's go night boss.
Neta: wait!! Hold up you two. I got something for you.... Here
Warabi: what's this?
Neta: Your bonuses. Don't spend it all at once... Happy Frosty fest kids
Neta: holy shit. That's a lot of money..... Thanks Neta happy Frosty fast!!!! We might be able to get a better apartment than we thought
Warabi: night Neta Happy Frosty Fest!!
Neta: good night.....*sigh* ..... Cici? .... Crab cakes??
Cirrina: *sleeping*
Neta: hehehe [picks up]...... Let's go home. Pick up the presents and head over to b&b
Cirrina: Happy Frosty Fest dad
Neta: Happy Frosty Fast sweetie....
Mahi of course belongs to @fish-at-fish-fish-resort and a very special guest umishi belonging to @catastropic
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