#zombie yh
heyhoeudoin · 9 days
i want a watcher!grian fic of NOT ANGST like can we stop being depressed for one second and think of the possibilities of a NOT ANGST watcher!grian. he would totally mess with the hermits in many ways.
like imagine watcher!grian opening an eye around mumbo and just messes with him in chat
grian: hey mumbo what are you doing grian: you missed a redstone at (coords) mumbo: how did you know that????? mumbo: YOURE NOT HERE?????
grian could literally confuse xisuma on historical information that grian shouldn't "technically" know. also, grian would totally "fix" up some of xisuma's admin codes... and even leave not-so-secret messages.
"hey x, did you know that food didn't stack back then," grian casually shared to xisuma who slowly turned to him. "oh also, did you know that zombies dropped feathers instead of rotten flesh back then cause it hasn't existed yet." xisuma blinked at him. "how do you know that? grian then pointed at the floating screen. "also, your code there is wrong. it should be—" he pulled out his own screen and started typing down a code, then showed it to xisuma. xisuma read through it, his brows slowly furrowing. "how do you know admin code?" all grian did was shrug. "who knows, exe-eye-zuma-vee-oid, maybe when you wake up tomorrow your code will suddenly fix itself." then give a mischievous grin. the next day, when xisuma checked the codes for his daily check. he saw that everything was rewritten. that caused him a massive panic and spent the next few hours checking who could've gonr through the admin code, but he also realized that his code really did fix itself... like what grian said. he then saw at the end of the script is a message written in the galactic alphabet that he knows for sure is a dead written language. it's a good thing that he's a voidwalker, but even then, he's not that fluent at reading it. "thank you for everything, xisuma, this is my gift to you," is what it said (after a few tries of getting it right).
also also, i love yhs!grian and he would totally just randomly start talking in japanese to etho and etho wouldnt even realize that he started replying in japanese until grian leaves and realizes.
also also also, grian would totally leave messages in galactic all around doc's base because he knows doc can't read any of it. doc would totally lose his mind as well because it. and grian would totally talk to doc using an eye making doc lose is mind once again. "where are you grian?! i know you're here!" and grian is actually not there.
also x4, grian could literally leave an eye with scar, out in the open, not even bother hiding it and scar would just be like "ooo new friend" and let it be, not knowing that it's a watcher thing.
also x5, i can't think of anything else but imagine the possibilities!
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Just a bunch of species headcanons for the hermits! Also they are all either gods/immortal for fun :)
Xisuma (he/void): Voidwalker prince. Knows he's immortal. One of the oldest immortals
Grian (he/parrot/chirp/they): Parrot hybrid, Head/First Watcher. Minor god of chaos. Has lived a thousand lives. Treats YHS as a joke because why not?
Mumbo (he/him): Half Watcher, minor blood god. Does not know he's a god. Eats redstone for fun, scares his friends because of it.
Scar (he/it/vex): Vexling elf (Vex with allay magic). Does not know he's a god. Was born in Riverdale, kidnapped at a young age.
Pearl (she/her): Half-Watcher/moth hybrid. Also knows she's a god, actually likes the Watchers.
Impulse (he/they/yellow): Demon. Very much knows he's immortal, wishing that he isn't because he doesn't want to watch his brothers die. One of the oldest hermits
Tango (he/magma/they): Netherborn avian, Listener hybrid. Party knows he's a god. His Listener traits aren't visible and more of a development from the experience that was his high school to keep him fucking alive
Zed (he/void/wool): Harbinger of the Nether. Knows he's immortal. Looks like a basic sheep hybrid but also has demon wings and black blood!
Gem (she/her): Faun. Thinks she might be a god but it would mean her brothers aren't. Also has magic and can world-hop!
Etho (whatever vibes work for you): Voidling (Voidborn changeling), Watcher. Knows he's a god, could care less. First player turned Watcher. One of the first players
Iskall (they/he/she + some neos): Cyborg (also something else. I don't fucking know anymore). Doesn't care about gods, marked by the God of the Hunt.
Doc (he/it/blast): Creeper/goat/cyborg. Can and will fight the gods, Xisuma hopes that he doesn't find out he is immortal (he knows).
Ren (he/pup/they): Wolf-shifter. Knows he's the god of the Hunt. Idk this dude is cool
Bdubs (he/sun/sky): Glare/phantom hybrid, also has a connection to plants. God of the sun and flaunts it. Also is a full blooded Listener
Stress (she/leaf/spring): Nature spirt. Knows that she's immortal. Looks like a cinnamon roll, would kill you.
False (she/wing/they): Avian, with golden eagle wings. Does know she's a god, could care less.
Cleo (she/they/rot): Zombie hybrid. Knows she's immortal. Spites her old friends by getting attached to Joe. Also one of the oldest players
Joe (any pronouns): Angel of life. Known immortal. Just vibing with the soul he was meant to harvest.
Jevin (he/it/slime): Slime hybrid. Doesn't know he's immortal. Honestly idk much about him
Cub (he/it): Allayling (allay with vex magic.). Doesn't know he's a minor god. Claims to be a vex for fun.
TFC (he/ender): Ender dragon hybrid. Knows he's a god. Brothers with Notch and Herobrine.
Beef (he/they/it): Cow hybrid. Doesn't know he's immortal. He is basically just existing. Gotta love it.
Keralis (they/he/black/empty): Watcher!. Knows he's immortal. I also know next to nothing about this dude
Xb (he/river/fish/they/it): Guardian hybrid. Doesn't know he's a god. Idk fish
Hypno (he/they): Fire sprit. Could care less about being immortal.
Wels (he/him): Angel hybrid. Knows he's immortal. Hates being an angel because they are a bunch of stuck up beings.
Bonus (5) Helsmits:
Ex (he/they/void/end): Voidwalker prince, 2/3 Watcher. Yeah knows their immortal
Hels (they/it/he/fire/blaze/hell): Fallen angel/Watcher. Same as Wels tbh. But 10x worse because Wels escaped and Hels suffered.
Badtimes (he/blue/xe/they): Allayling! Also a Listener! Just vibing :D
Xornoth (they/it/red/dark/vine/he): Demonic elf! Demigod and just out there living vines life
Grain/Ariana Griande (she/it/chirp): Watcher! She knows it's immortal! (trans mtf not important to the hybrid sheet but important to me <3)
I went nuts with pronouns the rest of the helsmits have so much more I'm holding myself back bc I'm being forced to bed :( - 🔮🍄
(also i’m so sorry this is from jan 2023)
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sleepy0s · 4 months
Its not called a Knife.
Pearl: Did you just refer to a knife as a “people-opener”?
YHS!Sam: …Should I not have?
I have forcibly sat myself down and forced myself to write. So this might not be the best, I really need a schedule. Writer's block sucks. So does school. 
Hermits + YHS
Taurtis POV
Everyone was in the kitchen area, and by everyone I mean everyone who had weirdly appeared in our house over the weekend. (It is now wednesday. These strangers have been here since Saturday. help.) 
Xisuma, these peoples admin (Whatever an “Admin” is.) was leaning against the counter, on some fancy ipad full of numbers. Some zombie lady, a green guy, and some weirdo with broken wings (Cleo, Doc and Scar.) were all sitting on the sofa. And Grian, Sam and .. Pearl? Apparently it's pearl, not that Taurtis can speak, he's only seen photos of Grians sister, but she looks a lot different than in the photos.. Anyway! Those three are in the Kitchen making sandwiches.
I made my way into the kitchen, sitting on the counter near Xisuma.
“Where’s the ham?” Sam asked, looking through the fridge. That reminds me, we really need to go grocery shopping. “Should be behind the eggs.” Grian responded, not looking at Sam as he cut the cucumber, despite Pearl practically begging him to let her do it instead. Sam reached into the back of the fridge, grabbing out a plastic bag with some slightly soggy, maybe mouldy ham. 
“Ew! What is that?” Cleo gagged, looking over the sofa at the monstrosity in Sam’s hand.
“It's ham.. Obviously.” Sam rolled his eyes. 
Bored, I looked over at Xisuma’s ipad thingy. It was full of some fancy letters and characters, some of it was English, the rest some weird language that looked like Japanese but wasn’t. (Oh! I forgot to mention, Literally none of these people spoke Japanese. Not even Pearl. This wasn’t really an issue for Grian, as he's British. But me and Sam? Its torture! 
Secretly, I think grian is also struggling. We never speak English so I think the sudden change in needing to help translate is taking a toll on him. Poor Grian.)
I look back up at Sam, deciding that this guy’s ipad is hurting my brain. Sam, who was glaring at grian impatiently. “Gree-on! Hurry up! I need the people-opener for the Bread!” He whined, before shutting up as Grian handed it over to him.
“Pardon? Did- Did you just call the knife a people-opener?” Pearl stammered, eyes wide.
It took Sam a second to respond, trying to understand what she said. (see what I mean? Language barriers.) Eventually, Grian whispered it to him in Japanese, laughing.
Sam looked up at Pearl, head tilted at the taller girl. “Should I not call it a people-opener?”
“No!?” Pearl responded immediately.
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mogspawner · 4 months
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Hallo! Tis I, hit user .mogspawner welcoming you to my fanblog!
I mostly plan to repost/post Minecraft content related to S.O.S Smp and smaller, more indie MCYT series I think you should check out, and why !
The plan is to use a platform to show off content creators who I think dont get a lot of attention and who should.
I am an adult! I'm also in a relationship and an unnamed content creator myself. I identify as gender-fluid to protect my identity both irl and online so any pronouns go.
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About Me.
I am your average generic, EVOSmp, YHS, Aphmau, Yogscast raised individual. When it comes to Minecraft servers I am extremely niche, I like pretty much all forms of Minecraft and will give any series a shot. However, I am not very likely to ever join large fandoms I wasn't originally in to start with.
I was into Hermitcraft roughly around season 3-4, starting with Xisuma/Mumbo perspective. My love for the content creators there (Including Bdubs) started in my youth and I'm very proud to have been supported and loved in this community for so long.
The life-series kind of falls in place there too but the biggest thing that was the start of my re-hyperfixation was EmpiresSmp and the introduction of Mythicalsausage. I have been a long since viewer of Lizzie & Joel from their old days on Minecraft and I continue to watch them to this day!
There are also SMP's like Deceit which I will go into in other blogs! So keep an eye out for things you will thank me for!
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For me, saying I kin so and so is basically affiliating myself with them comfortably. Be it social or just a: "Oh my god that's so me." Other time's its a delulu moment where I genuinely think I am that person due to specific trauma which I wont disclose. I'm not one of those people who will say DNI if doubles because at the end of the day, we are chaos incarnate! Take these as the characters in stories, not the actual people please. These only pertain to MCYT related things!
Highkins: * will add on the more I grow comfy sharing. Bdubs // Mogswamp // Goat!Taneesha // Grian // Stressmonster // LDShadowlady // Rendog *
Lowkins: * will add on the more I grow comfy sharing. Appsro // Nukeri // Impulse // Vikingpilot // Keralis *
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Hi please see these tags that I will use at random on my account. May add more as time goes on.
;rb / reblogging art, text-posts etc / ;mogspeaks / speaking about the account / ;kinspeaks / usually a kin posting moment / ;shoutoutsundays / a weekly blog post with an smp or series you've probably never heard of for your viewing pleasure. submissions can be sent in via my message box. / ;mogart / gonna post art eventually! doodles, skribbles, who knows! / ;mogedits / self explanatory, making edits of silly little mc peeps / *
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Shoutout Sundays.
DeceitSmp - no content warnings needed!
UHC Generations - no content warnings needed!
Your Last Days - gun violence, zombies, loud voices & more.
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tybalt-you-saucy-boi · 3 months
With every new year it hurts more and more like real aching in my chest that I am one of so few Mindcrack fans left in a fandom that EXISTS because of Mindcrack.
That with joy I see people discovering moments from Mindcrack that I take for granted, but it's bittersweet because I know that's not really what they're here for. That they haven't watched the videos I have, and that's fine. In turn, I missed most seasons from this fandom.
But a big part of me longs for anyone to understand what Mindcrack really was, for anyone to care because it has inherent value in and of itself and not just in relation to another thing.
Sometimes I catch myself thinking "you would have LOVED the UHCs, or OOGE, or The Building Game, PlayMindcrack, Dwarves Vs Zombies, the Podcast, Race for the Wool, the E-Pranker, their Minecon panels, Team Nancy Drew, the Crackpack..." but there's just too many good moments that people are missing out on, and I don't even know where to begin.
I feel so old when people comment about how jarring it is seeing Bdubs' old skin.
How people don't know anything good about Genny.
There are people who don't know SethBling, or who've never heard of Super Hostile.
I understand, but I feel overwhelming sadness thinking about it all. Seeing people who have never watched a Mindcrack video in their life talking about it like it's part of the past when I'm not ready to let go yet.
And then Tango and Impulse will laugh together on stream about a reference I know so vividly because it's been part of my heart for more than half my life, and I remember that they were just like I was, that they still remember fondly, maybe even bittersweet too, everything I do. I can't help seeing myself. They didn't know they would eclipse Mindcrack ten times over. Do they worry about their future too?
Usernames etched into my school binders and sketches scribbled across homework a decade old, created with the fondness and admiration of someone excited for new videos. The same list over and over again.
I'm driving myself sick with nostalgia. Anyone who loved YHS, you know it too. I just never believed it would be so empty someday, and much like YHS it would not be the same for someone new to start watching now. In several ways, those chapters are over. Still there as an echo of that era, but on the thinnest of threads.
Mindcrack, you will always be loved.
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xxshadowcasterxx · 11 months
Grian’s Widow Curse:
I find it incredibly interesting how in almost every iteration of Grian I have wrote and in canon, Grian’s Widow curse is always so prominent.
Like obviously, it’s visible in the Life Series, but then you look at other series’s he’s been in.
For example, in YHS, Grian has some guilt over everything that happened with Taurtis. After all, Grian and Taurtis were in the bus when it crashed, and Grian let Taurtis drive while bleeding out.
And then there’s fan works where it’s also so prominent it’s crazy.
In literally every fanfic I’ve written with Grian, I have unintentionally implemented the Widow Curse.
Wilted Petals: Grian believes he’s hurting his friends so he cuts off from them.
Cover of Night: Grian blames himself for Mumbo’s vampirism getting out of control, which nearly led to the deaths of Scar, Doc, Pearl, and Mumbo himself.
Part of the Show: Again, Grian is so sure that he’s going to hurt Mumbo that he attempts to cut off completely from him.
Zombie Apocalypse AU: Grian’s slow action leads to Mumbo getting attacked and dying in Grian’s arms
Storytime AU: Can’t tell you what happens yet, but trust me *its there.*
HotGuy/CuteGuy AU: Grian is so worried about his being a superhero leading to his friends getting hurt, and it happens repeatedly, so he tries to cut ties with Mumbo to protect him, but then Mumbo ends up sacrificing himself to save Grian anyway.
This whole realization that in seemingly every universe Grian has some version of the Widow Curse, and that no matter what he’s always destined to hurt those around him, has jusy absolutely *broken me.* Especially the HotGuy/CuteGuy AU, which I might do a seperate rant about.
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stiffyck · 1 year
On the topic of TCD!Scar in HC-- I saw the one ask where TCD!Scar has like, popped out of the Rift and has his gun pointed at Grian and everything
And Grian's lived through YHS. He's had guns pointed at him several times. And they never get any less terrifying.
So Grian has to talk down a panicked and traumatized teenager, while reliving his own trauma from when he was a teenager, in a place that that he thought was safe. And as he begins to put together the pieces, realizing that this kid is one of his best friends in the future, he comes to the conclusion that they have extremely similar backstories. And that thought is awful to him. He thought high school and Sam was bad enough, and he found himself occasionally happy that he was the only one to live through something like that. Because his friends don't deserve the kind of childhood Grian had. And yet here's Scar, coming out of a zombie apocalypse where he's the only one alive and so, so lonely. And Scar seemed to be dealing with it just fine, but what if he was like Grian, and just pushing it aside, not processing what had happened in his youth?
No matter what, he decides that he's going to help this kid out. And when he gets their Scar back, they're going to have a long, long talk.
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bluiex · 1 year
asdfghjkl I wasn’t expecting people to actually like the TCD-YHS au so much lol. I’m much more awake this time so here’s some more thoughts.
In the original idea where they meet in the TCD universe instead of season nine after both coming through the rift, I’m picturing Grian being actually quite a bit younger than Scar. Specifically, this would they would have met not long after his parents left him, so Grian is maybe 5 or 6 while Scar is in his early teens. In this version of events Grian is probably too young to have started the gender crisis, so we’ll stick with she/her pronouns for now. Anyway, Scar is out looking for supplies and stuff when he hears crying and even though it sends alarms ringing in his head, he goes to check it out because zombies don’t sound like that. And when he turns the corner and sees this little girl just bawling her eyes out his first reaction is actually that he’s totally lost it and is hallucinating because she just looks so out of place? Like she’s clearly upset, but her hair is brushed back neatly and her dress is still free from the dirt and grime that he’s learned to live with. But he figures that in the off chance that he’s not seeing things that aren’t there, he should really do something because if she keeps crying like this it’s going to attract some unwanted attention.
In the rift version of events, where they’re closer to the same age, we could go a few different ways. As a young teenager Grian would probably have started being uncomfortable being treated as a girl, but with all the other trauma going on probably wouldn’t have put two and two together just yet. I like to make things a little spicy by imagining that young Grian and young Scar absolutely do not trust each other at first because of their unique brands of trauma and coping methods. So Scar is used to being the only living person around and anything that moves is a threat, and he feels safer when he has easy access to his gun and can point it at whatever’s scaring him. Grian at this point in life has trauma about guns and as soon as Scar pulls it out he immediately goes on the ‘red alert! Danger!’ list. For extra fun we could imagine that Grian grabs the gun out of his hands and turns it on him and that’s the scene the adult hermits walk in on…
Aww oh my goodness. I adore the idea of Scar finding and helping Grian who's just a kid qoq
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darkaviarymc · 1 year
Hey. Brain. I appreciate the writing motivation, but could you maybe channel that into... idk, the Blackjack AU? ABC? TOWWE? Redstone Room? No? Just Scar TCD angst? With a little sprinkling of Grian YHS angst? Okay. Damn you @stiffyck and that one anon, you know who you are, /lh.
Worthless (Another Tumblr exclusive fic)
Now with Part 2!
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Grian could hear the shouting from all the way up in the air as he flew over Scar's base. Curious and concerned, he swooped down to find the source of the commotion. The source was, as Grian suspected, the unlit interior of a half-finished building where Scar was attempting to light torches while simultaneously fighting off a (quite frankly impressive) number of zombies.
"Get OUT of my BASE!" Scar screamed as he cut down mob after mob with his sword, dodging the ones he could, but still taking a fair few swipes to the face. By the dim torchlight, Grian could see Scar's face twisted into a snarl. There were beads of moisture on Scar's cheeks that could have been sweat or tears, maybe both, but Grian would worry about that later. He quickly set his spawn at a bed that had been haphazardly placed in a random spot outside before drawing his sword and a handful of torches and rushing into the fray to help his friend.
Scar didn't acknowledge Grian, and Grian wasn't sure Scar even noticed he was there. He was just as hyper-focused as Grian was used to seeing him while landscaping or building, but he'd never seen Scar fight with such ferocity. He knew Scar had a history with zombies, but Grian never pressed his friend for any details.
After a few minutes, the two of them had the area bright with torchlight and clear of hostile mobs.
"Hey, Scar," Grian said, slightly out of breath.
Instead if greeting him in return or getting startled like he usually did when Grian appeared out of nowhere, Scar spun around, sword still drawn and dripping with zombie blood, and charged. His expression was manic: lips curled and eyes wide.
"Wow, Scar, calm down mate, it's just me!"
Scar didn't respond. He lunged at Grian and brought his sword down hard.
Grian just narrowly dodged Scar’s blow. "What the... Scar! Stop! It's me, it's Grian!"
"Get out!" Scar growled and struck again, this time his sword cut Grian across the chest.
Grian shouted in pain and staggered back. He tripped on a torch and fell backwards with Scar still rushing him.
"Disgusting!" Scar said, raising his sword. He brought it down swiftly, and Grian rolled out of the way, but still took a slash to his arm. "Ugly, hideous, worthless monsters! I HATE YOU!"
"You're worthless, Grian. No one likes you."
An old voice that Grian thought he'd forgotten echoed in his memory and forced its way to the surface.
"Not now," Grian muttered under his breath. He looked up as Scar, his vision clouding with tears. "Scar, please-"
One final blow and Grian saw red, then black, then... then the outside of the building. He gasped for breath and looked around frantically. He was standing next to the bed outside.
It was quite enough that he could hear his own rushing heartbeat. He took a few moments to catch his breath before going back inside to gather his gear and face Scar.
Scar was kneeling on the ground silent and still, his sword laying next to him, cradling Grian’s helmet in his arms.
"Scar," Grian said, his voice was small and he was afraid Scar hadn't heard him.
Scar grabbed his sword and jumped up. Grian flinched when Scar turned around, and Scar dropped the sword as soon as he saw Grian.
"Grian I... I'm so sorry! I... I though-"
"Do you really think I'm worthless?" Grian asked quietly, not daring to meet Scar’s eyes.
"WHAT? Grian, no! You... you're my best friend I... did I say that?"
Grian wordlessly collected his gear, never looking directly at Scar.
"Grian, please! I'm sorry. Can we talk? Will you let me explain?"
Grian put his armor and elytra back on, facing away from his friend.
"Good night, Scar." Grian ignored Scar's protests and the tears burning his own eyes and took off towards his own base.
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
!The LOV go trick or treating + what i think their costumes would be!
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Scenario:-what i think the league would wear as costumes on halloween and how i think them trick or treating would be like!
I think he’d go as maybe a zombie?
Could work i think
The whole night he just walks super slow
((Probably has his switch with him too))
Like toga and twice are wayyy ahead of everyone tellin him to SPEED TF UPP
But his excuse ?
‘Zombies are slow.dont you want me to be in character??’
“Yea well last time we checkedd they didnt carry around NINTENDO SWITCHES and play animal crossing WHILE they walked?!”
‘Im not like other zombies💅🏻’
Slay tbh
Frankenstein’s monster
Cheesy ik,a cliche even
But come on it would suit him!
Also he doesn’t really put much effort into it
Just gets(*cough cough* steals) a pair of costume bolts and just keeps em there and calls it a day
After twice and toga beggeddd him he agreed to do the pose
Gives the people in the houses a death stare if they don’t give toga and twice enough candy
The last house ends up giving them their entire stash
Legend says their still thanking him for all the candy he ended up getting them through this tactic!
A detective !
Like he has a fedora,an old timey accent and even a magnifying glass!!
Wears a shirt,pair of pants and mr. Compress’s coat over his regular suit.
Sako literally drills it into him that if his coat gets ruined he’s gonna trap him in a marble till he finds a new one!
He’d be one of the most enthusiastic,alongside toga ofcc
Eats too much candy and gets a sugar rush at the end of the night
Leonardo from the teenage mutant ninja turtles !
Gets two of his swords and a big backpack that looks like a shell
Stores all of twice and togas excess in said bag
After a while he slows down and hangs out with shigaraki at the back
They both play animal crossing
‘Turtles are slow...’
‘Ummmmm...... im a real turtle dressed as a ninja!”
*exasperated twice and toga noises*
The phantom of the opera
Except he uses his whole mask with like a regular half of the face painted on it
He like goes full out when trick or treating
He absolutely INSISTS on doing a lil trick because ‘thats how its supposed to be’
Its not but bestie just wants to be fancy
His tricks do earn em some extra candy tho
OH and he definitely bows and does the dramatic cape turn when he leaves the house!!!!
Slayyy bestiee slayyyy
A ghost
Low effort and easy
Also very fitting
He just gets an old whit sheet from the league’s lair
#Responsible Adult of the night
Makes sure they all get home safely and that they dont get too much of a sugar rush
Fails at that last one tho...
He did however stop dabi from burning a house down for calling his costume tacky
I wanna say a vampire but no
Shed be a detective like twice!
Theyd do a little bit about how they fight crime and catch shady ppl(ironyyy)
Earns em a little extra candy
Shed also flash her fangs and say shes a vampire detective!
A few of the old ladies say “ooohhh how nice dear☺️”
They do indeed give her extra candy when she says thank you
Gets a sugar rush with twice but ends up in a sugar coma after
Theyd do the whole “prepare foe trouble and make it double” bit too
Toga would have a lil meowth plushyy
Twice would hold it during parts of the night
They get a lot of candy
Especially from the people who recognize their costumes and say the bit with them!
please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the mha characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but this story? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
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mochiwrites · 1 year
dude your such a good writer so I’m gonna rant to you about my stupid idea
People do like TCD Scar meeting Grian and going into hermitcraft and i think that’s cool. There’s also YHS Sam going into hermit craft and being insane and that’s also cool. but I feel like I’ve never seen, what if, imagine, hear me out, bear with me, you might know where I’m getting with this maybe
YHS Grian and TCD scar being thrown into hermit craft. Both of them. Or Tokyo ghoul Grian (haven’t watched that though sadly)?
Because I just think it’d be real interesting. I don’t really know what YHS Grian would be like at the time because I feel like he’s different in each kind of, big event? But either way YHS Grian is, after he first gets there, is also very insane. He’s maybe not as insane and Sam but he’s definitely nor NORMAL. There’s a lot of chance of cool stuff happening, maybe when he was forced to be Taurtis? Or after that, because there’s also the whole mafia thing which is cool?
Then TCD scar would also have trauma stuff too?? I haven’t seen much of tcd content so I need to get on that but still. He’d probably be very untrusting from a lot of people, not to mention him actually ever seeing a zombie in hc?
(I know there’s more about YHS Grian than TCD Scar but it’s just because I haven’t watched it much so… yeah,, I don’t really know how they’d interact with each other because, well, again, I haven’t seen tcd and don’t know what scar would be like. From what I’ve seen about him though I think the two of them meeting, and the two of them meeting the other hermits would just be. Well. Cool.)
sobs at you????
and also 👀👀 at this??? this isn’t a stupid idea at all!! I think it’s a fun concept for sure 👀 the hermits dealing with not one (1) but two (2) heavily traumatized children (do people even see tcd!scar as a teen???? I have no idea on that one but I feel like I’ve seen a lot with him being a teen so we’ll run with that) oh dear… I’m sure that would. Go over well ;;;;;;
I think the two of them might find comfort in each other. here they both are, probably similar ages and stuff, and Neither of them are very trusting toward the people around them. and there’s a bond that can form from that.
I think scar would have a hard time adjusting to being around other people again, considering he spent a long time alone with no one but zombies. it’d be easy to overstimulate him, 100%. and considering he’s so used to staying up at night and keeping watch, his sleep schedule would be nonexistent.
and grian…. he’s just a fucked up guy I don’t know what else to say about him LMAO
but I think the two of them meeting the other hermits is 👀👀 esp since you have that “wow we knew adult scar and grian were a little messed up but we didn’t know How messed up—”
now the question is are present day scar and grian there 👀
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Non-human/hybrid Hermits :)
Everyone always makes at least some of the Hermits hybrids/non-humans, but so help me, I will make all of them that.
Also the Hermits are gods/immortal but only like, six of them know.
Xisuma: Voidwalker, one of the oldest on the server. Knows he's immortal. Sees his Hermits as a family and knows everyone's secrets and will take them to the grave.
Grian: Parrot hybrid (biologically), Watcher. Knows he's a minor god. Has lived a thousand lives, has some trauma. Treats YHS as a joke because why not?
Mumbo: Half Watcher, minor blood god. Knew he was a god, but forgot after years alone. Eats redstone for fun, scares his friends because of it.
Scar: Vexling elf (Vex with allay magic). Known god, he just ignores it. Was born in Riverdale, kidnapped at a young age.
Pearl: Watcher/moth hybrid. Also knows she's a god, actually likes the Watchers.
Impulse: Demon. Is a god, hoping that he isn't because he doesn't want to watch his brothers die.
Tango: Netherborn avian. Doesn't know he's a god. His wings change from parakeet wings to dragon wings when stressed.
Zed: Sheep/goat hybrid. Has a hunch he's immortal but the others won't let him test it.
Gem: Faun. Thinks she might be a god but it would mean her brothers aren't. Also has magic!
Etho: No one actually knows what he is, but he's not human. Could care less if he's a god or not. He wasn't always a hybrid, but he never wants to explain what he means.
Iskall: Cyborg. Doesn't care about gods.
Doc: Creeper/goat/cybrog. Can and will fight the gods, Xisuma hopes that he doesn't find out he is immortal.
Ren: Wolf-shifter. Could care less about being immortal. Still has his robotic limbs, they just are a lot more realistic.
Bdubs: Glare hybrid, also has a connection to plants. Has no idea that gods exist.
Stress: Nature spirt. Doesn't know that she's a god. Looks like a cinnamon roll, would kill you.
False: Avian, with golden eagle wings. Does not know she's a god, could care less.
Cleo: Zombie hybrid. Knows she's immortal. Spites her old friends by getting attached to Joe.
Joe: Angel of life. Known immortal. Just vibing with the soul he was meant to harvest.
Jevin: Slime hybrid. Doesn't know he's immortal.
Cub: Allayling (allay with vex magic.). Doesn't know he's a minor god. Claims to be a vex.
TFC: Ender dragon hybrid. Knows he's a god. Brothers with Notch and Herobrine.
Beef: Moobloom hybrid. Doesn't know he's immortal.
Keralis: Some sort of eldritch being, no one questions it. Knows he's immortal.
Xb: Guardian hybrid. Doesn't know he's a god.
Hypno: Fire sprit. Could care less about being immortal.
Wels: Angel hybrid. Knows he's immortal. Hates being an angel because they are a bunch of stuck up beings.
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kodaisaway · 1 year
(this probably isnt correct as i havent watched yhs in a while)
i love the idea of desert duos past endeavors influencin the way they love like they have almost identical lonliness in their past but in two different ways TCD Scar was forced to be alone only having stuff like zombies which he had to kill knowing they used to be human and couldve been potential friends
YHS grian was alone mentally to try and deal with what he was going thru in a toxic enviroment but he was barely alone physically unlike scar
they both cope with this in different ways Scar clings to whoevr he can and does his best to avoid being alone even if its jus thru having a pet (jellie)
grian attempts to be alone mentally by pushing people away but clings physically by seeking out people he loves (mumbo, scar) but does his best to keep them at arms length mentally because of yhs sometimes even abandoning things he loves to keep them 'safe'
they contrast most in double life because grian doesnt have a option to leave scar again and to him it is just like yhs causing him to look for something he could choose
scar lets this happen hes not happy with it by any means and shows it but hes not forceful with grian in order not to chase him away more as he can express his anger to the jellies and grian chooses not to tell people about his anger and just expresses it through pettiness because thats what he learned from yhs
and getting close to scar proved itself fatal in third life fatal to both of them so he does his best to avoid scar more than he normally avoids people mentally but its hard to do that when your bond goes past physical and all the way to mental messing up the way grian has coped
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ateezmystery · 1 year
Hello my zombie friends~ how are you guys?
@model-boyscb Boun
YH: oh! Hello there! We're doing alright, thank you. How are you?
HJ: friends? Do we know you?
WY: Be nice, hyung. They're lovely people.
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stiffyck · 1 year
I think someone said that Grian cannibalized people back due YHS or something, so with the vex, vampire Mumbo and zombie Cleo, it wouldn’t be surprising if everyone on Hermitcraft had eaten a person before.
Nsfjkdks cannibal hermits ajdjdksk
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bluiex · 1 year
So here’s an idea that spawned randomly in my head. It almost feels like something from a crack fic because I really have no clue as to what logical thread of events could lead to it, but crack fics don’t usually involve quite so much childhood trauma, so… call it whatever.
Anyway, I was rotating TCD Scar in my head and thinking about that one AU where traumatized teenage Scar pops out of the Rift. And then I was thinking about the variation on that AU where it’s YHS Grian that comes through the rift. And all of this is pretty standard so far but then I remembered reading somewhere (because I’ve never watched yhs and everything I know about it is second hand information) that yhs Grian was…abandoned? I think? One way or another he was alone at a young age. Which is also traumatic! So what that was the version of him that came through the rift instead? And THEN I thought, hey, isn’t it pretty much accepted as canon that yhs Grian is trans? So at that age he wouldn’t have started his transition yet, right? So picture: Scar, in his teens, in full zombie-fighting gear, meeting this tiny girl in a cute little dress with bows and ribbons in the middle of the apocalyptic wasteland (because I like it better if they meet in the TCD universe instead of on Hermitcraft after both coming through the rift even if that means that now there’s no good explanation for how any of this makes sense) and then some plot happens or something. I’m not sure of a lot of the details but I should have gone to bed hours ago. If this is totally incoherent, that’s why. If I think of anything more once I’m awake and you want to hear it, I’ll let you know :D
Man I love that TCD Scar AU so much, of his teen self coming through the rift.. So good..
But adding yhs Grian into it is so good, just loads of ✨trauma✨ dumped into Grian's cave XD but like tcd!Scar and yhs!Gri meeting in tcd somehow would be cool... No idea how it would work but ykno Crack it up. A rift opened up and spat poor ol yhs!Grian into tcd
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