zigmenthotep · 10 months
So I've been a little fixated on horror hosts lately, and here's some interesting things that I've learned.
There are 4 basic types: sexy lady (Vampira), mad scientist (Morgus the Magnificent), spooky uncle/grandpa (Zomboo), and regular uncle/grandpa (Joe Bob Briggs).
There are way more currently active than you'd expect, but a lot of them just aren't very good.
Apparently, an important part of being a horror host is having a website with a layout from the mid-2000s and almost no social media presence.
No seriously, so many of these people are only on Facebook.
There are some preservation efforts being made, but it's very decentralized.
The Vampira Show only lasted for one 50-episode season in 1954–1955, and was broadcast live without being recorded. Meaning that each episode aired only aired once, and only in the Los Angeles area.
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neutralgray · 1 year
Zombie media discourse is wild because it's full of weirdly pedantic assholes that argue about semantics from all angles, rather than any connected themes or anything of actual artistic merit.
Take The Last of Us for example since it's super prominent right now. Wonderful adaptation btw.
But what the fuck is with die hard game fans who insist the "infected are not zombies." Uhhhh, yeah they are. They are a largely mindless horde of apocalyptic monsters that spreads infection through biting, infecting a host, then the host turns to bite others and the cycle goes. The word for that? ZOMBIE. You can argue all day that because they're technically a fungus this makes them different, but thematically they're fucking zombies.
Then there's this weird report from the TLOU writers' room that the word "zombie" wasn't allowed to be said on set because it's "not a zombie show," which is also irritatingly pedantic and shows a significant lack of understanding for what a "zombie show" is??? And I get why they might have this defense, because you have dipshit braindead media analysts like Ben Shapiro going "but if zombie show then why gay people in it so much??? more zomboo pls???," and like-- fuck idiot media analysts like that. But also fuck this pretentious holier-than-thou "our show isn't about the zombies" attitude.
You want to know something? Unless you're dealing with a B movie cheap budget slasher gorefest, then almost NO ZOMBIE SHOW OR MOVIE IS ABOUT THE FUCKING ZOMBIES. Night of the Living Dead is considered the pioneer of the genre and the biggest conflicts in this film (the genre's CONCEPTION) come from mistrust and panic among the survivors who cannot trust one another-- ending with the last survivor being shot down by the rescue party. The Walking Dead may be a really shitty show but it is still one of the most prominent long-term zombie media series ever made, and the real drama comes from human conflict and emotions and loss-- it's never just "fight zombies."
Zombie shows aren't supposed to be about the zombies. They never have been.
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ultrafreakslikeme · 5 years
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Let's get these zomboos!!!!! https://youtu.be/ZwP_9sqP1_Y #winesdaygaming #carnivorwine #manofmedan #zomboos #spoopy #livestream #gamerslife #gamergirl #backinthegame #gaming #gamingconsole #ps4 #geek #nerd #kawaiidesune #lovebeingweird #proudtobeafreak #proudtobeageek #embracetheweirdness #loveyourself #stayawesome #morehashtags #ultrafreako #somacruz666 #zombiecat621 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2A5gAjDIzW/?igshid=15kg134ebdqxn
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lumpypanda13 · 3 years
Zomboo AU
Hi there! This is my first post on tumblr that isn’t a reblog so I hope it’s good! :)
(Edit - This was originally supposed to be a multi-chaptered fic but due to a busy schedule and general lack of inspiration for this particular story I’ve decided to leave it as a one shot. Sorry to anyone who wanted more from this story, however if anyone wants to pick up where I left off feel free :)) All I ask is that you tag me if you do write more so I can read it :D) 
TWS/CWS: Death, blood, gore, mentions of vomiting but nothing graphic or detailed, mentions of intentional misgendering and bullying, swearing, all caps in the last sentence, biting and a description of someone being attacked by/turned into a zombie.
If any of those make you uncomfortable or uneasy please don’t read! The last thing I want is to trigger someone /gen
This is strictly about the characters, not content creators - I will never write about any cc!s and if I accidentally break any of their boundaries (or forget to include/tag a tw/cw) please let me know. Also please don’t send this to any cc!s or mention it in any of their chats.
The idea for this is based off of this tiktok and I use he/they pronouns for Ranboo throughout.
With all of that out of the way, I hope you enjoy!
-Petrichor <3
The apocalypse wasn’t at all how Ranboo had imagined it to be. The hoards were exceedingly slow, fumbled over the simplest of movements and couldn’t work together to literally save their lives.
This did, however, make being a zombie all the easier for Ranboo.
It had started like most other days. Ranboo woke up with their alarm, dressed and headed to school all without waking their parents. If he woke them, he’d have hell to pay; they weren’t home often but when they were, they were best left undisturbed. They made their way quickly to school, ignoring the taunts and jeers thrown at them by a group of kids in their classes who had overheard them state their pronouns once and made it their mission to misgender them at every turn. Ranboo had gotten quite good at ignoring certain people who decided to make life hell for him, knowing that one day karma would give them their dues and reward him for putting up with so much bullshit.
He made it to his fourth period of the day, sat in algebra listening to his teacher drone on about how incredibly useful and not-at-all pointless the equations they were doing were, when he happened to look out of the large window to his left and see a girl from his chemistry class sink her teeth into the jugular of a jock he didn’t recognise. Wincing at the PDA, Ranboo quickly turned their attention back to the mind-numbing math – it was better than seeing a couple get way too comfy in public. They continued on until someone in the row in front of them let out a shriek.
“He’s dead! Oh my god someone killed Punz!”
At that Ranboo’s head snapped up. Punz was a well-known student who gained highschool fame by playing on the football team with his little group of jock friends and who had been fairly nice to Ranboo for a while now. Most of that group was nice to them, especially the senior captain Dream who had taken one look at Ranboo and declared them under his protection.
Everyone in the classroom, the teacher included, had rushed to the side of the room, and were pressed against the window. Gasps of shock and terrified exclamations rang out from the group although Ranboo couldn’t see anything past them. One boy rushed away from the group towards the wastepaper bin where he threw up and, while the crowd was temporarily separated, Ranboo used his above average height to his advantage as he slid into the gap and gazed out the window to where the couple had been a minute prior. The girl was nowhere to be seen but the jock, confirmed now to be poor Punz, lay on the pavement in a pool of his own blood, his neck torn open with teeth marks just barely visible around the pulsing wound. His face was turned away from the classroom, but it was obvious that he was dead – nobody could survive an injury as severe as that.
Just as Ranboo felt bile rise up in his throat, Punz twitched. Ranboo’s eyes widened as he stared at the jock’s body, unable to look away from the gore.
Maybe my eyes are just playing tricks on me. Ranboo’s mind helpfully supplied. He has to be dead by now.
Then Punz moved again, his leg twitching every so often.
It was then that Ranboo realised they were the only person still at the window. Some classmates were crowded around the bin, others hugging one another and crying, others screaming at one another in their confused panic. The teacher was ordering everyone to stay calm and return to their seats so the authorities could be called but no one listened. Turning his attention back to the window, Ranboo was met by the horrifying sight of Punz now kneeling on the ground, staring blankly at the pool of his own blood. They let out a scream of terror which drew the attention of their classmates and teacher, all of whom rushed back to the window to see what they had witnessed.
Slowly, Punz lifted one knee and firmly planted his foot on the ground. He swayed for a second as if experiencing vertigo before pushing himself up onto both feet and standing up straight. Blood had stopped gushing from the hole in his neck and now just steadily soaked into his once white hoodie, his golden medallion now seared with red. Then Ranboo felt his own blood turn cold as Punz swirled his head to look at the class behind the window. His once icy blue eyes were now a crimson red with veins of charcoal creeping through them like vines. Similar grey veins slithered up his neck and face, giving his skin the impression of being covered by lichen.
In a moment of unadulterated horror, Punz stumbled rapidly towards to window forcing the entire class, Ranboo included, to yell in fear and shuffle backwards. He collided with the glass and let out an animalistic howl, nails screeching as he clawed at the glass like a tiger in a cage.
Three things then happened.
Ranboo’s classmates and teacher booked it for the door, clambering over schoolbags, tables, and chairs in order to reach safety and get as far away from Punz - or whatever it was that looked like him – as fast as possible.
Punz’s sheer strength and football prowess paid off in his favour as he shattered the window, glass flying everywhere including into Ranboo’s skin. They had turned their body to the right in order to try and run from the hailstorm of shards but didn’t make it a single step before the glass pierced the entire left side of their body. They let out a shout of pain and fell to the floor as blood began to well up in the cuts.
Two strong arms grabbed Ranboo’s shoulders and yanked him towards the gaping window. Punz had crawled through while Ranboo was distracted by the window breaking and made his way over to the petrified seventeen-year-old on the linoleum.
Ranboo suddenly felt an immense pain in his right arm and when he looked down, he saw that Punz had sunk his teeth into Ranboo’s skin and was refusing to let go. Ranboo screamed in fear and pain which unfortunately only drew the attention of some more… things. They had been lingering outside the door but now barged in and began assisting Punz.
One bit into Ranboo’s jaw, another onto his torso, two grabbed his right leg and played tug of war with it between their iron grips.
As everything began to fade to black, Ranboo cried for help, hoping that somebody, anybody would save them. In his last moments of life, Ranboo Beloved saw a green-hooded football captain with a broken baseball bat in hand skid into the doorway. He felt nothing but white-hot pain shooting through his body as he heard Dream cry out to him.
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santoycisco · 5 years
Kidrobot Heroes of Burgertown Vinyl Figure - ZOMBOO 2.7" Jon Toy Designer 2008
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invertedmindinc · 4 years
So we have Fuboo (regular sona), Oobuf (anti sona), Furay (Furry sona), Camboo (Camp sona), Fudude (Male sona) and Janitor-Fuboo (Fnaf-sona). I'm kinda surprised you haven't made a SCP sona or something like that yet.
You forgot Fuboob (Booby sona), Zomboo (Zombie sona), District Attorney Fuboo (Markipliervers), and undercover Fuboo, aka The Custodian (Willow Hill Asylum). There’s more, but we’ll stop there.
I was told I should be an SCP Janitor. XD
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lettherebemonsters · 3 years
To Bizarro: "The wedding might be impacted by legalities involving zombies, aliens and clones."
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" Bizarro not want wedding, and Bizarro never gets what he wants. Not stop wedding, even not for zomboos, Allens and clonees. "
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aviculor · 5 years
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Zomboo, Toadsgool, and Pozzombie
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akilleromen · 4 years
I made me in sims form
But do should I add my baby Zomboo??? 😔
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saphosticated · 4 years
Zombie movie part 1
Runs out of meds.
Zombie movie part 2
Bipolar mania rampage it’s going well.
Zombie movie part 3
Zomboo electric boogaloo aka I cry a lot.
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aastrea · 5 years
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a note written inside the cards reads as follows:
my booloved wife,
will you go to prom with me? i love your brains!
- your zomboo
also included:
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wickedarchive · 6 years
my url if you're still accepting them bb?? ;-;
my sweet lil zomboo, how I love you so. I've adored you since the first that Jimbo interacted with your ZSJ and now it's increased like tenfold?? You're so friggin adorable and I want to squish your face. I haven't gotten to experience much outside of your Zacky (and your Jimbo who I shamefully stalk in an attempt to better myself) but I love him sm so I'm p sure I'm gonna love the rest of your characters should I ever be blessed with interacting with them.
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lumpypanda13 · 3 years
Hi! Zomboo AU Chapter 1 is currently in the works but as soon as I posted the prologue school decided to smack me with tests and essays so it kinda... didn't get written. Sorry about that.
I'm going to be on Halloween break in about a week though so (hopefully) I can get Chapter 1 and maybe even 2 written and posted! And thank you for the likes on the Prologue it really made my day <3
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fantrollhoard · 7 years
Jade-blood female, 9.5 sweeps old, 5′5″. Somewhat apathetic view of the world, keeps her emotions pretty closed-off from others. Genuinely cares for the well-being of other trolls, even though she doesn’t tend to show it. She spends a lot her time wandering the desert killing zombies. Part of her face is covered from self-inflicted injuries. Just talking would be a great date, even if she seems uninterested. If the other troll can take care of themself, zombie-hunting may be fun too.
Natasa (i dont have her profile up yet forgive me) would be kinda interested in the zombies, if not your troll itself! would prolly ask them to bring back some samples with her to play with! not sure about quads for this one but i bet they could be good friends
shenzi is always down to do some hunting, just as long as your troll isnt grossed out by her chowin down on a couple zomboos (gross)
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ultrafreakslikeme · 5 years
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Back on the boat with these zomboos!!! https://youtu.be/S8_MGuiOUwg #winesdaygaming #thedreamingtreewine #manofmedan #livestream #gamerslife #gamergirl #backinthegame #gaming #gamingconsole #ps4 #geek #nerd #kawaiidesune #lovebeingweird #proudtobeafreak #proudtobeageek #embracetheweirdness #loveyourself #stayawesome #morehashtags #ultrafreako #somacruz666 #zombiecat621 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2TBcnMJboR/?igshid=127nwk26t2r26
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ellvie · 5 years
@elviecroft: who's elvie croft please refer to me as astrea's zomboo from this point forward
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