#zora vukovic
orangeispice · 2 years
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Fantastic Four (2018) #33: A summary^
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T'Challa's extremely disturbed look and Namor LOSING IT always crack me up every time i read this comic
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avengerphobic · 2 years
still sorta obsessed with how doom one time was like victorious is the closest thing I have to a daughter when he literally has a daughter. his only biological kid thats like for sure his and he didnt make in his weird god era. it raises so many questions. like does he know about caroline did morgan le Fay just not tell him is he like well I didnt raise her so shes not my kid does he not think that Caroline's his kid did he forget
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elgaberino-mcoc · 2 years
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nevenkebla · 6 months
Afrontad la ira de Doom
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Fantastic Four (2018) #33 Dan Slott (Guionista), R.B. Silva (Dibujante)
— Cardenal: Victor Werner Von Doom, legítimo gobernante y señor de Latveria… ¿Aceptas a esta mujer como tu reina eterna, en esta vida y la próxima? — Doctor Doom: Por la sangre de mis antepasados, así lo juro. Y maldito sea cualquier hombre que ose causarle daño o alejarla de mi lado. — Cardenal: Y tú, Zora Vukovic, dama victoriosa, orgullosa heroína de nuestra madre patria, aceptas… — Zora Vukovic: ALTO. Victor, no debe haber secretos entre nosotros. Es mi deber decirte… que me he liado con uno de tus mayores enemigos. He intimidado… con Johnny Storm.
— Reed Richards: ¡Johnny! — Ben Grimm: Oh… — Johnny Storm: *Hermano.
— Doctor Doom: ¡VILES TRAIDORES! ¡ESTA TRAICIÓN NO DEBE TOLERARSE! ¡AFRONTAD LA IRA DESATADA DE DOOM! — Namor: ¡Ahí quedan sus promesas de paz! Supongo que de todos modos tampoco habrían durado mucho. — Black Panther: Ni durarán nuestros amigos… ¡Si no le atacamos con todo lo que tengamos, Namor! — Ben Grimm: Lo pillo, Vic. ¡Seguro que escuece! Y quizá nos lo merezcamos. ¡Pero lo único que vas a sacar es solo un golpe de traición! ¡Eh! ¡¿Qué pasa?! ¡Algo contiene mi golpazo!
— Namor: ¡N-no solo el tuyo, Thing! ¡No puedo moverme! — Black Panther: ¡Ninguno podemos! ¿Qué brujería es esta? — Reed Richards: ¡Eran esas luces en el altar! ¿Alguna clase de hipnosis masiva? ¡Sabías que todas las miradas estarían posadas en los dos! Pero prometiste… — Doctor Doom: Lo que prometí fue un pacto de no agresión. ¡Y lo he cumplido! ¡Descubriréis que sois incapaces de levantaros en armas contra mí, mis compatriotas o cualquiera de mis fuerzas! De no haber traído esta… deshonra a mi casa, habría cumplido mi parte del acuerdo, pero ahora no me dejáis alternativa. — Zora Vukovic: No sabía que había planeado esto. No… tenía ni idea.
— Doctor Doom: Servoguardias, ejecutad a los invitados. ¡A todos y cada uno de ellos! — Ben Grimm: Reed, antes de que se me olvide, tengo que decirte una cosa. — Reed Richards: ¿Qué? ¿Ahora? — Ben Grimm: Es importante. — Reed Richards: De acuerdo. — Ben Grimm: ¡TE LO DIJE!
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doomrichards · 3 months
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Meet your Doom (In their Triumph, like Fire and Powder)
Updated the Maker-616/Doom-616 fake married fic! Chapter 5 is now live! Featuring honeymoon stop at Atlantis, Namor being Namor, and Reed telling a twist on a classic fable.
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Fantastic Four (Comicverse), Fantastic Four, Marvel (Comics), Marvel 616 Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Reed Richards/Victor von Doom, Reed Richards/Susan Storm, Victor von Doom & Reed Richards (Ultimateverse) Characters: Reed Richards, Victor von Doom, Reed Richards (Ultimateverse), Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Johnny Storm, Ben Grimm, Franklin Richards, Valeria Richards, Peter Parker, Kristoff Vernard (Marvel), Boris Karela, Zora Vukovic (Victorious), Samantha Dunbar (Lancer) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Identity Issues, Identity Porn, Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Domestic Fluff, Fake Marriage, tags to be added regarding graphic violence Series: Part 2 of Meetings Trilogy Summary: Victor von Doom is the Infamous Iron Man no more.
Now, Doctor Doom embraces his destiny as the villain he was always meant to be. Who better to serve as the Monarch of Latveria’s Prince Consort than the Maker, an alternate, villainous version of his arch-nemesis, Mister Fantastic?
But when Maker wants out of his deal with Doom at the last minute, Mister Fantastic agrees to secretly swap places with him. Can Victor von Doom truly be happily married to a Reed Richards that, unbeknownst to him, is the very one who tried to make him a better man?
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
December 7th - Johnny Storm, The Human Torch
Jonathan Spencer ‘Johnny’ Storm had been a high school student and amateur daredevil when exposure to high levels of strange cosmic radiation bestowed him super human powers.  Johnny was imbued with the ability to transform his body into a fiery, plasma form possessing pyrokinesis.  He can generate and control fire, enabling high speed flight, energy blasts and the capacity to create temporary constructs composed of fire.  In times of great peril, Johnny can also release a huge burst of energy, a nova blast that can decimate anything around him, yet also exhaust all of his power requiring him to rest for a period of time before he can once again flame on.   
Johnny and his older sister, Susan, grew up on Long Island until their mother, Mary Storm, died in an automobile accident. Their father, Franklin Storm, a once acclaimed physician, fell on hard times.  Dr. Storm gambled his family fortune away and ended up incarcerated for the accidental murder of his loanshark.  Thereafter, Johnny and his sister went to live with their aunt who ran a boarding house in the suburban outskirts of New York City.  There, Susan fell in love with one of her aunt's boarders, Reed Richards, who was a doctoral student at Empire State University.  Sue and Reed becoming a couple ultimately led to Johnny joining them and pilot Ben Grimm on the foursome’s fateful mission to outer space.  Their spacecraft passed through the belt of cosmic radiation resulting in each of them being bestowed super powers.  Upon returning to earth, the quartet decided to use these powers to become the team of superhero adventurers known as The Fantastic Four.  Herein, Johnny took on the superhero name of ‘The Human Torch’ (an homage to the hero of the same name who had battled the Axis Forces during World War II).  
Johnny loved being a superhero and basked in the fame and adulation it offered him.  He was a critical member of the team and his quick thinking and bravery has saved the day on countless occasions, although it often seemed that Johnny was more interested in the thrills and action of being a superhero and his status as a celebrity.  
Along with countless adventures alongside the Fantastic Four, The Human Torch has also embarked on numerous solo exploits and team ups with other heroes, especially The Amazing Spider-Man whom Johnny became great friends with.  Johnny would ultimately become a bit more serious in his role as a hero, acting as a member of the Avengers Unity Squad, The Fantastic Force and a close alley to the Inhumans of New Attilan.  
Just as exciting and tumultuous as Johnny’s career as a super hero has been his love life and he has had numerous, torrid affairs.  These relationships have included romances with Prince Crystal of the Inhuman Royal Family,  Lorrie Melton, Frankie Raye, the extraterrestrial Zsaji, Namorita, Zora Vukovic. Queen Medusa, and many others.  At one point, Johnny fell in love with the Skrull agent, Lyja, while she was posing as Alicia Masters.  The two married yet soon there after her secret identity as a Skrull was found out.  Heartbroken, the marriage was annulled but Johnny and Lyja would eventually rekindle their romance for a brief time.   
Johnny Storm,The Human Torch has appeared in a number of cinematic features, portrayed by actors Jay Underwood, Chris Evans and Michael B Jordan.  The hero first appeared in the pages of Fantastic Four Vol. 1 #1 (1961).   
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ragingphantom666 · 6 months
Marvel Worlds project plan: Silver Sable (Vol. 1)
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This series is not an assured project. It is a concept that can still be changed or scrapped.
Symkaria is at war with Latveria. Silver Sable returns to find her homeland in disarray. Doom has come to conquer their country. With a list of contacts, Sable faces off against Doom's greatest allies.
Silvija Sablinova/Silver Sable - An international mercenary and head of Sable International. She loves her country more than anyone.
Paolo/Paladin - An American mercenary who knew Silver Sable's father.
Foxtrot - An Italian mercenary working for Sable International.
Tango - An American mercenary working for Sable International.
Zora Vukovic/Victorious - The head of the Latverian army. She loves him and is incredibly loyal to him
Victor von Doom/Doctor Doom - The ruler of Latveria and a well-known super villain.
Richard Byrne/Codename: Bravo - An international mercenary hired by Victorious. He is an enemy of Nick Fury and Captain America.
Brock Rumlow/Crossbones - A mercenary hired by Victorious. He is an enemy of Captain America.
Christoph Pfeiffer/Iron Monger - A Latverian engineer who was tasked by Victorious to repair Obadiah Stane's Iron Monger armor for combat. He pilots the armor in the war.
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Mišo Kovač "25 Greatest Hits" na vinilu
Croatia Records pokrenula je novu muzičku  ediciju "25 Greatest Hits" isključivo na vinilima. Reč je o muzičkom  projektu koji ima za cilj podsetiti na najznačajnije, najpopularnije i najtiražnije autore, izvođače i pesme. Prvih pet vinila kojim će se predstaviti ova edicija su Mišo Kovač, Tereza Kesovija, Arsen Dedić, Novi fosili i Zdravko Čolić, a na svakom od njih biti će njihovih 25 velikih hitova.
Autori nove edicije "25 Greatest Hits" su muzički zaljubljenici i znalci: Želimir Babogredac, direktor diskografske kuće Croatia Records i Zlatko Turkalj, muzički kritičar, novinar i radijski urednik. 
Prvi objavljen vinil iz edicije je Mišo Kovač. Na dvostrukom vinilnom izdanju prvi put je zaokružena bogata glazbena karijera legendarnog pevača, a među dvadeset i pet mega hitova nalaze se: "Poljubi zemlju", "Ostala si uvijek ista", "Dobra ti večer mati moja", "Noćas ćemo zemlji ko materi reći", "Proplakat će zora", "Svi pjevaju ja ne čujem"…
Oprema ovog luksuznog dvostrukog vinila donosi i intervju u kojem Mišo prvi put otkriva detalje nastanka svojih zimzelenih pesama. "Dvije najbolje pjevačice na području Balkana apsolutno su bile Gabi Novak i Tereza Kesovija. Od pjevača nitko nije znatnije prodavao ploče, ali su svi smatrali da je Vukov najbolji tenor na Balkanu. Dedić je imao veliku potporu medija i novinara. Tako da su njih dvojica bili najbolji. Oliver je bio momak i po! Bio je vrlo skroman, normalan momak koji nikad nije pričao o drugima ili dao da se o njemu govori bez veze. Njega više nema, ali pjesme koje je snimio živjet' će stalno", rekao je između ostalog Mišo u intervjuu.
A što je rekao o sebi? "Mišo Kovač je tip koji ima nešto posebno u sebi, koji ne zbraja i kalkulira što će se dogoditi, koji živi jednim životom koji priznaje svakog čovjeka i svako dostojanstvo. Koji voli, i koji smatra da je prava ljubav ona s dvije duše, kada u svom skladu postaje jedna. To je život".
Dvostruki vinil Mišo Kovač "25 Greatest Hits" od danas možete naći u prodaji u prodavnici Jugoton-Croatia Recordsa (u Nušićevoj) i na webshopu.
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why-i-love-comics · 3 years
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Fantastic Four #33 - "Royal Wedding" (2021)
written by Dan Slott art by R.B. Silva, Luca Maresca, & Jesus Aburtov
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comicwaren · 3 years
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From Darkhold Alpha #001
Art by Cian Tormey and Jesus Aburtov
Written by Steve Orlando
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imperiuswrecked · 3 years
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As your resident local Doom Fucker and President of the “Doom is Sexy, you just have bad taste” Club I just have to say having Doom’s Ex- Fiancé who couldn’t remember who she was when they hooked up and his “I see her as a daughter figure” Ex “Almost got married for political reasons even though we all know it’s because the writer Slott can’t stand anyone using his OC so this was in pure spite” fighting and saying this to each other... Ladies he ain’t worth it. 
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scarlet--wiccan · 3 years
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wadewilson-parker · 3 years
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Fantastic Four #33
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gotham-at-nightfall · 3 years
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The Darkhold Alpha #1
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nevenkebla · 7 months
La fuerza cero
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Fantastic Four (2018) #25
Guionista: Dan Slott Dibujante: R.B. Silva
— Reed Richards: ¡Escúchame! ¡Te lo suplico! ¡No abras el contenedor cero! Busques lo que busques… ¡Te juro que no está dentro! — Helmsman: Ah, ahora tengo que mirar, ¿verdad? Ábrela. — Cormorant: Como desees. — Reed Richards: ¡Sue, haz invisible la caja! ¡Que vea que no es lo que busca! Es nuestra única esperanza. — Susan Storm: ¿Qué nos has estado ocultando, Reed? — Reed Richards: ¡Una fuerza con la que no debería haber jugado! Algo que jamás debería dejarse libre en… ¡Oh, no! Demasiado tarde.
— Susan Storm: ¡¿Qué es eso, Reed?! — Reed Richards: ¡La fuerza cero! — Johnny Storm: ¡¿Qué significa eso?! — Doctor Doom: La fuente de poder preprimordial. Una energía anterior a nuestra mismísima existencia. Y la descubriste… antes que yo. — Cormorant: Tenía razón: no es lo que buscamos. Así, nuestra misión debe proseguir. Adiós. — Ben Grimm: ¡Ya, colega! ¡Más te vale salir echando chispas! ¡Si sabes lo que te conviene!
— Susan Storm: ¿Reed? ¿Doom? ¿Alguno de los dos vais a decirnos a qué nos enfrentamos? — Reed Richards: Es la energía que pone fin a un universo… y da comienzo a otro. En el pasado, cuando no era más que una chispa, pude contenerla, pero ahora… — Doctor Doom: ¡Ahora seguirá propagándose, de forma voraz! Sobrescribirá nuestro universo con otro. Desde esta costa hasta Latveria, y el resto del mundo… ¡Y luego el cosmos! — Zora Vukovic: ¿Qué necesitas que hagamos, mi señor? — Ariana Diamante: ¿Estás loca? ¿Qué podemos hacer nosotros contra eso? — Susan Storm: Mantened la calma. Tenemos a dos de las mentes más brillantes del planeta. — Johnny Storm: Y un mogollón de superpoderes. Ya se les ocurrirá algo. En cualquier momento. — Doctor Doom: Esta energía no es muy distinta de la de los cañones de Big Bang que usé para derrotar a Galactus. — Reed Richards: Correcto. ¿Cómo conseguiste controlar todo aquel poder en bruto? — Doctor Doom: Con años de planificación metódica. — Reed Richards: Ahora no es el momento, Victor. — Doctor Doom: Según la cronorradiación de fondo… has mantenido la fuerza cero contenida durante más de una década. En todo ese tiempo… ¿No has resuelto este problema? — Reed Richards: ¿Qué, el misterio del universo? No, Doom. No lo he resuelto. Pero quién sabe, tenemos 38 segundos antes de que consuma toda Manhattan. Quizá tengamos suerte.
— Valeria Richards: ¡O quizá no sea necesario! — Johnny Storm: ¡Son los niños! — Ben Grimm: ¡Jo! ¡Nick! ¡Val! ¡¿Qué os pensáis que estáis haciendo?! — Jo: ¿Y a ti qué te parece? ¡Salvar a todo el mundo! — Susan Storm: ¡Salid de ahí! — Nicki: ¡Ese es el plan! ¡Saltad! ¡Os tengo! — Doctor Doom: ¿Qué ha hecho tu hija, Richards? ¿Qué es esa máquina? — Reed Richards: ¡Es nuestra telecápsula! ¡La ha embutido en el corazón de la Fuerza Cero! Está reconfigurando… ¡No, es más que eso! Está atrayendo toda la energía hacia ella… ¡Y la usa como fuente de energía!
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thinking-reed · 3 years
Marvel I have a suggestion for you. Put Victor von Doom back as Infamous Iron Man, Kristoff Vernard takes the throne and Zora/Victorious serves as his right-hand woman/regent/possibly love interest-queen. They all meet for brunch every weekend to discuss events and the weather.
Let's pretend everything that has happened since the end of Infamous Iron Man to be a rogue doombot's doing and we can all have world peace.
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