tarotwise · 1 year
Hi guys check out my video on the mythology of Venus and it’s significations in astrology
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tarotwise · 2 years
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tarotwise · 2 years
Viveka- “the discriminative intelligence”
Viveka is an Sanskrit word which means “separating the real from the unreal”
Sometimes we are so caught up in the facade made by us that we unconsciously overlook the real situation and mould it according to our on perception of that situation for better or worse .
According to the Indian philosophy the ability to see the reality as it is, is the ultimate “Wisdom” .
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tarotwise · 2 years
The root of all the the negativity in humans is “Anger”
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tarotwise · 2 years
Red moon cycle
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It’s is generally observed that the woman menstrual cycle is synchronised with the moon cycle means they tend to bleed on the new moon day and are most fertile during the full moon . However, an opposite is seen in case of few women that is they have their period on the full moon day hence this cycle is called the red moon cycle . Means their personal energies are in counter balance with the energies of the moon . In ancient times these women were known by the prefixes such as enchantress , witches etc and were believed to be involved in all odd jobs such as prostitution , while some of them were regard as healers and supposed to help other women with their cycle . Apart from the red moon cycle and white moon cycle their are other small cycle such as pink moon and purple moon cycle when your period doesn’t synchronise with either of new or full moon
Women are generally inclined to the moon energies and once you find your balance your periods will naturally incline to either red or white moon cycle
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tarotwise · 2 years
The Eternal Consciousness
I was reading a book written by Indian philosopher Adi Shankara when I come across this shloka :
“अहं निर्विकल्पो निराकाररूपो | विभुत्वाच्च सर्वत्र सर्वेन्द्रियाणाम् | न चासङ्गतं नैव मुक्तिर्न मेयः | चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् |”
Which roughly translates to - when all the perceptions of you sheds and mirage of ego disappears , when you aren’t attached to anything or nothing is attached to you . I exists . I can not be defined . I am the eternal consciousness which prevails equally within you and this universe . I can not be isolated. I AM ALL THAT IS.
This eternal consciousness is known “shiva” the Advaita (non-dual)
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tarotwise · 2 years
What meditating actually feels like
Spirituality makes up the significant part of Indian religion and philosophy and many great psychologist, philosophers and other wanderers have come to this country in order to find answers regarding the same , I was reading some old texts from an Indian book which has beautiful explained what meditating feels like so I am writing this post to share it with you
When you meditate , you became highly aware of yourself especially your breath, you would notice the synchronisation between each inhale-exhale almost as if its like a dance , the book called it “hum-Sa” it’s the set vibration that is produced from your breathing .
“Hum-Sa” is an Sanskrit word which translates to “I am this”
It’s the integration of your subconscious, unconscious and conscious mind into one and your transition from duality to non duality and that’s when you become SELF It’s the ultimate state of consciousness .
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tarotwise · 2 years
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tarotwise · 2 years
New beginnings
Just an introductory post for the new blog I started today , where I will be recording my own souls journey , what I have learnt so far the spiritual growth made in the progress .
everyone’s on their chosen path experimenting and exploring the mysteries of this universe at their own pace and the most beautiful thing I believe about spirituality is that their is no wrong path or the right path , no matter what road you choose be it religion, peganisim ,occult sciences or philosophy all leads to the one destiny .
“The Integration Of Mind Body And Spirit” , “ the amalgam of self with the collective consciousness”.
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