the-quiver-of-aros · 4 hours
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pride flag butterflies 🌈
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the-quiver-of-aros · 4 hours
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Happy Pride Month! Could I interest you in a snail or two? 🐌🌈
(these are also all available on my Redbubble)
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the-quiver-of-aros · 4 hours
happy pride to all my aspecs and arospecs out there
happy pride to asexuals
happy pride to aromantics
happy pride to aplatonics
happy pride to aroaces
happy pride to alloaces
happy pride to alloaros
happy pride to het aces/aros
happy pride to demi romantics/sexuals
happy pride to grey romantics/sexuals
happy pride to ace/arospecs in platonic, romantic, and/or sexual relationships, or relationships that dont fit into any of those categories
happy pride to ace/arospecs who aren't in relationships and never want to be
happy pride to people who use microlables to describe their ace/arospec identity
we are all valid and we belong in this community no matter what anyone says. we deserve pride too.
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the-quiver-of-aros · 4 hours
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Based on this post:
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the-quiver-of-aros · 4 hours
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Pride Month is upon us again and so it is time to repost my little guy, Hue! I’m wishing everyone a safe, supportive, positive, and enlightening Pride, whether you’re all the way “out” or not!
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the-quiver-of-aros · 4 hours
Hi! I have a question about Alterous Attraction. Does Alterous Attraction fall under the Aromantic spectrum or is it just its own thing? Thank you and have a happy pride month! ^_^
Hello! I’m sorry it took so long to answer
Since alterous attraction is the desire to have a special emotional connection or relationship with someone. It’s neither completely platonic or romantic.
As a personal opinion, it feels like it would be under the aromantic spectrum!
I haven’t done very much research on this kind of attraction though!
I’d love to hear anyone else’s opinion on it as well!
Happy Pride month!!💚
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the-quiver-of-aros · 6 months
Making a poll that caters to one of my overly-specific niches. Had to redo it because I accidentally put "aromantic" instead of "alloromantic" on the first one 😂🤦‍♀️
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the-quiver-of-aros · 6 months
Aroallo joy exists and you deserve to feel it
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the-quiver-of-aros · 10 months
19 16 20
16. do you have any arospec OCs, if so tell us about them?
I do! I have Addie, she is alloaro and a twin to Arthur who is Demiromantic. I started drawing/ writing them when I was around 12, so they grew up with me lol. I love them!
19. Are you allosexual, if so what’s your sexual orientation?
I am, I’m pansexual!
20. if you fall under one of the arospec umbrella labels, which ones do you use and can you define them for us?
I tend to lean toward alloaro, allosexual aromantic, or really just the main term of aromantic. Aro is not experiencing romantic attraction! Alloaro is experiencing sexual attraction without romantic attraction, to me at least!
Thank you for asking!
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the-quiver-of-aros · 10 months
arospec ask game
when did you realize you were arospec?
how did you first learn about the arospec labels?
do you go by strictly aromantic or fall under one of the arospec umbrella labels?
what is something you wish was more well known about being arospec?
are you partnering or non partnering?
do you own any arospec pride merch? if so, can we see?
do you experience any forms of attraction? i.e., romantic, platonic, aesthetic, sensual, sexual, etc.
what are some of your favorite arospec characters? this can include characters from popular media or OCs.
are you allosexual, or do you fall somewhere on the asexual spectrum?
what frustrates you the most about amatonormativity?
what are your thoughts on platonic relationships and have you ever, or would you ever, be in one?
are you romance favorable, positive, neutral, or repulsed? or is your relationship to romance more complex/complicated than these terms can fully explain?
if you feel romantic attraction, what is your romantic orientation?
what are some stereotypes about arospec individuals that annoy you the most?
what are some things you associate with arospec identities? i.e. frogs, arrows, white rings, anything the color green, etc.
do you have any arospec OCs, if so tell us about them?
are you aplatonic? if so, describe what this is like for you.
do you engage in fandom shipping, or do you avoid it? (platonic, romantic, etc, shipping.)
if you are allosexual, what is your sexual orientation?
if you fall under one of the arospec umbrella labels, which ones do you use and can you define them for us?
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the-quiver-of-aros · 10 months
this is a message for everyone who is 22. if you’re 22 please stop worrying. take a deep breath eat a bagel maybe. everything that feels impossible is going to work itself out. have a great day
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the-quiver-of-aros · 1 year
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the-quiver-of-aros · 2 years
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“Tell me more”
I headcanon Mabel as being a walking encyclopedia of all lgbt+ words. 🌈
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the-quiver-of-aros · 2 years
Shout out to gay people who are aromantic. Shout out to trans people who are aromantic. Shout out to asexual aromantics. Shout out to allosexual aromantics. Shout out to lesbain aromantics. Shout out to bisexual aromantics. Shout out to arospecs. Shout out to people who say queer when they mean aromantic because its easier to explain. Shout out to aplatonic aromantics.
Being aromantic is great.
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the-quiver-of-aros · 2 years
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Titanite, adularia with chlorite, Skardu, Pakistan, photo by Antonio Miglioli
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the-quiver-of-aros · 2 years
society: you have to define your sexual attraction
alloaros: no, I’m just allo
society: you have have to use the SAM
non-SAM aros: no, I’m just aro
society: you have to feel some type of love
loveless aros: no, love isn’t universal
society: you have to fit my understanding of an aro person
aros: no, we don’t
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the-quiver-of-aros · 2 years
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Day 7 of my pride drawing challenge from last month
Aro alligator
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