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Lone man.
Lockdown April 2020
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My Facebook Photography page!
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My longest and most loyal companion...
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The ways of Nature truly are amazing her wonders many and her secrets are not few and every day we marvel at her wonders and of her ways we learn something new. We can even learn from the lives of street pigeons if they could speak such stories they could tell of how they love to live on urban buildings and feel at home where noisy people dwell.
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Looking through old archive photos is a pastime of mine and I found this! My first ever Fetish shoot many, many moons ago and with my old Lumix camera (note the graininess). No lights, just tungsten from the overheads, no hair and make up, an art covered wall and my very comfortable model. Love the androgynous vibe!
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Small collection of Street images from my archives circa 2015 
I recently moved to Torry, Aberdeen and looking around its such a vibrant suburb...buzzing with life, art and diversity. I’m looking forward to getting back into my Street photography while I explore Torry further. Along with wildlife and landscape, street photography was my first photographic endeavour before I had models, the use of a studio, props or anything. I love to people watch and capture moments in their day while they are completely unaware that you are there. Some catch me and smile others are oblivious...The quiet Observer. 
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Words are in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it - J.K.Rowling
Always loved my words, I am a full blown logophile!!
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The sky is not my limit... I am.
T.F. Hodge​
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A muslim man in his white Kufi hat and Thobe before preforming the Dohir prayer which was very powerful.
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Finally my boots gave up the ghost! These boots cost me £17, my staple pair of shoes. Location shoots, the walk to work, various adventures with rough terrains and soggy paths, nights out dancing and walks with my pooch. 6 months they lasted, glue everywhere but they were just so comfortable and classic I kept them going till they just came apart on my feet...literally! I thought i’d immortalise them forever with a photography.
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First Image - The violent sharpness and unrelenting nature of her dark surroundings is completely set against her very growth. Like a rose trying to bloom. She has been hurt before, more than once and it causes her to close herself off... hold herself, in order to protect herself from the surroundings that will surely cut her again. I can hear her very being screaming, whilst it is also too tired to utter a word. You want to tear it all away from her. You want to help this tortured soul. 
Second Image - She has the space for her soul to expand, reach out and grow. She can see the light. Her form shows strength as she reaches up, the universe feeding her with all she needs though she is still confined, still limited by exterior forces. It shows the harshness of the world around us while simultaneously showing the almost absurd beauty of the living being and it's struggle against the very world which is set on destroying it. 
Without Darkness their can not be Light! 
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A small collection of Seaside Abstracts.
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Abstracts from the Seaside...
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