theblankcanvas · 2 years
you can add white noise to your Home Screen? And it will play rain or a stream or ocean just like that? I feel like that should be advertised more. Great idea Apple
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theblankcanvas · 2 years
Why do they call it reckless driving if.. they can lead to a wreck?
Shouldn’t it be reckfull driving? Reckmaybe driving
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theblankcanvas · 2 years
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Made this while playing with the new Freeform app that Apple made. I suppose you could say it describes me
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theblankcanvas · 2 years
I haven’t loved the move because of the weather, but I am really digging seeing birds of prey all the time. Or just birds in general really. I’ve never had in interest in birds but lately I’ve been mesmerized every time I see one.
I’ve never seen so many hawks, blue jays, cardinals, eagles, etc before. Every time I see one im like awh man how cool or wow what a big boy
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theblankcanvas · 2 years
Why don’t we eat Turkey eggs?
Update: looked it up, makes sense.
They take so long to lay eggs, economically it makes sense to let them grow into turkeys for slaughter.
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theblankcanvas · 2 years
First, I’m not sure of obsolete is the word I’m trying to use, but we’ll roll with it.
Okay, listen.
If AI can make characters that look just like you, and can make them talk and move, they can use your face to create an actor.
So they can make AI movies, no real actors needed. And they can make them say and do exactly what they want without having to coach an actor.
So eventually they won’t need actors, they will just use someone’s face. Or make their own. And program them to act.
You would basically have to copyright your face.
And if you get too old as an actor, or even die!, they can keep the character alive and keep making shows/movies forever even after you die.
And they can bring back characters and stories that they stopped making. They could continue Friends, make more Robin Williams movies. The Joker, Paul Walker.
They could keep making SpongeBob and Rick and Morty forever.
Unlimited content. No huge production, no 10-year-to-make movies.
Wow. Okay, maybe this is already happening. Maybe I’m late on this. Or maybe I’m just too high.
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theblankcanvas · 2 years
Okay, here me out.
Actors will be obsolete in the near future.
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theblankcanvas · 2 years
tip your dealer every once in awhile. make their day, they’re human, too 🧡
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theblankcanvas · 2 years
finally logged back on today, weird to see what my last post was..
seems like a lifetime ago.
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theblankcanvas · 3 years
I quit my job today. Not sure that there’s much else to say.
10 15 21
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theblankcanvas · 3 years
I went on a run today. Well, for six minutes and eighteen seconds. But I still ran. Well, more like a brisk walk. But I went. And I still felt like dying the whole time. But in that six minutes and eighteen seconds I saw three beautiful blue jays, two when I started and one when I finished. Then I came back in search of fruit, because ya know, health. And I found what I believed to be a peach. I will admit that I had to first Google if you could eat the skin or a peach, and upon eating it had to Google if what I was eating was in fact a peach. I think it was.
October the 12th
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theblankcanvas · 3 years
It’s calming somehow, the noise of the street. The constant white noise of cars driving past the house. It’s a similar feeling to the constant sound of waves outside when staying on the beach. For me, it’s comforting. Maybe because it gives the white noise effect, or maybe because I grew up on a busy street with my window facing the sound of traffic. Or maybe it’s comforting as it is a reminder that you are never truly alone.
Sometimes I think of all of the different missions people are on when they drive by my house. Maybe headed to work, maybe to dinner with friends, maybe to their kid’s soccer game. Thousands of people all on different paths. Thousands of people driving past my house, each and every day.
October the 9th
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theblankcanvas · 3 years
Today is a new day. Well, yes. So will tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that. Because that’s how time works. Great. So why do we use those words to encourage ourselves? Because it allows us to “start fresh”? Because it allows us to move forward from any of the mistakes from the past? Or, is it really just a preemptive excuse that we can fuck up today because we know that tomorrow will also be a new day? So is that self encouragement or self sabotage?
October 8th 2021
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