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[NEW REVIEW] "Clue" (1985) ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆ . . Rating: PG Genre: Comedy, Drama, Mystery Runtime: 96 minutes . . REVIEW: I really enjoyed this film. I thought it was a very clever and something original. I loved how they based it on the game. And I think they did so very, very well. From start to finish the film aroused much chuckles and sometimes laugh out loud moments. The whole thing was very light-hearted, if not silly. A lot of slapstick and witty comedy. Tim Curry was a great lead. I’m become so used to seeing him dressed up (It, The Rocky Horror Picture Show) that I found it a pleasant change to see him more as himself. He was very funny and many laughs were garnered from his performance. Christopher Lloyd, I found, almost unrecognisable at first. It took me a while to figure out who he was playing. Another brilliant comedy-man. All the cast together were very, very funny. I loved how a variety of different possible endings were offered, as this brought it once again back to the board game on which it is based where there would never be one set ending. I think this added something extra to the film and added to the eccentricities. All in all, a thoroughly entertaining watch. . . #moviereview #movies #movienight #movieday #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #filmreview #review #80s #1980s #timcurry #christopherlloyd #cluedo #boardgame #mystery #suspense #comedy #laugh #funny #slapstick #whodunnit #whodoneit #worthawatch #worthalook #verygood
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[NEW REVIEW] "Revenge of The Nerds" (1984) ⭐⭐⭐☆☆ . Rating: R:15 Genre: Comedy Runtime: 90 minutes . . REVIEW: The tv show, The Goldbergs did an episode based on this film which I watched recently and realised this was a film I’d heard the name of often but had never actually seen. I enjoy The Goldbergs for their 80s movie references and wanting to get the references that had been made in this episode, I decided to watch this film. I found it surprisingly very funny. A bit bonkers. At times a bit crude. It certainly blows the whole college experience out of proportion! But it’s got a nice feel to it. It’s the kind of film that could never have been made in this day and age. I’m not sure how I feel about the whole nerd-genre-typecast. In any case the group we have here are all likable and have a warm side. With the odd laugh out loud moments I enjoyed this film. . . #moviereview #movies #movienight #movieday #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #filmreview #review #80s #1980s #classic #comedy #funny #laugh #college #bullies #revenge #nerds #lol #anthonyedwards #robertcarradine #tedmcginley
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[NEW REVIEW] "Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure" (1989) ⭐⭐⭐☆☆ . . Rating: PG Genre: Action & Adventure, Comedy, Science Fiction & Fantasy Runtime: 105 minutes . . REVIEW: I definitely found this funnier than I probably ought to have. It’s one of those films you know is stupid but there’s something very endearing about it all and you enjoy it in spite of yourself. My initial thought watching Bill and Ted’s relationship and attitude to everything was to liken them to a 3D version of Beavis and Butthead. (Though not as crude) Could these gentlemen have been the 80s equivalent of the cartoon duo? Unlike Beavis And Butthead it would be harder to not like the gormless Bill and Ted. The lift doesn’t reach the top floor most of the time but they get by and they don’t worry about anything. Happy go lucky kind of lads. They have fun, go after what they want, and don’t see any bad in anyone. Book smarts aren’t everything. That being said, Bill demonstrated a hefty vocabulary throughout the film. His chosen words might have been sporadic and slightly inconsistent but it goes to show there are brains in there even if the need for etiquette falls a little short. At first it seemed a little out of character but as the film went on it became an amusing attribute. If you’re a fan of the daftness that is the likes of Dumb and Dumber, this here is a film waiting for your viewing. And in all likeliness, it’s possibly what helped to shape these kinds of movies to what they are today. A thoroughly enjoyable comedy. . . #moviereview #movies #movienight #movieday #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #filmreview #review #80s #timetravel #1980s #comedy #alexwinter #keanureeves #funny #lol #laugh #enjoy #teens #adventure #fantasy #scifi #sciencefiction #telephonebooth #worthawatch #worthalook #verygood #easygoing #lighthearted #happygolucky
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A Happy Birthday to the one and only acting legend that is Robert DeNiro... 👏🎈 . . #movies #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #actor #robertdeniro #robertdeniromovies #robertdenirobirthday #happybirthday #birthday #whataman #goodfellas #taxidriver #thedeerhunter #casino #ragingbull #thegodfather #heat #dirtygrandpa #meetthefockers #littlefockers #theintern #silverliningsplaybook #70s #80s #90s #00s #oscars #oscarwinner
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[NEW REVIEW] "To The Bone" (2017) ⭐⭐⭐☆☆ . . Rating: R Genre: Drama Runtime: 107 minutes . . REVIEW: I came across this film while browsing through Netflix fairly recently. All the performances were great. Lily Collins is a talented actress and very likable. There is a very likable bunch of characters to lead you through the narrative. Their journey is not an easy one. It’s full of many hard trials and tough moments, both for them and for the audience to watch. But there’s still a positive vibe throughout which helps keep it moving. The film is nicely shot as well. I remember there was one scene where the characters were out of the in-patient house for a few hours and it was raining. While I found the whole sequence a little jarring in relation to the narrative, I do remember thinking how much I liked the way it looked on screen. The rain pouring in the background with just the silhouettes of the characters visible in the foreground. I was impressed by the manner it deals with the subject of anorexia. It took it for what it was, it didn’t glamorise, nor criticise it. There was a balance and neutral ground in its approach. Real people who suffer from anorexia gave their input and experiences when writing the script, so it’s based on these which is great, I think. I have never come across another film yet that deals with anorexia, or at least quite in the same way. I’m glad this was the first one I watched. The only other media I have watched that does, is through Cassie’s character (played by Hannah Murray) on the British TV teen drama “Skins”. While I don’t have much experience in this area I do have a friend who deals with it and I think it’s a step in the right direction that this film was made to help people better understand what people, including my friend, deals with daily. It’s not a nice thing but it’s not something to be looked down upon either just like any mental health issue out there today. Yes, in conclusion I recommend this film. I thought it was very good. Thumbs up. . . #moviereview #movies #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #filmreview #review #anorexia #lilycollins #netflix #drama #movienight #movieday #worthawatch #worthalook
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[NEW REVIEW] "Children of Men" (2006) ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆ . . Rating: R:18 Genre: Drama, Mystery & Suspense, Science Fiction & Fantasy Runtime: 109 minutes . . REVIEW: This is a really good film. But quite stressful to watch. I think the concept is so intriguing though. I sat in silence thinking about it for a while afterwards. This derelict creation of a dystopian 2027 is a scary world, perhaps a bit far-fetched and seems to be used simply for the sake of it, as opposed to offering reason. How did the world end up like this from where we are now? This is not so much a criticism as it is an observation, but the film, at least for me, seemed to nearly raise more questions than it answered. For example, I don’t understand why the world had become so decrepit and violent by the year 2027. If the human race was indeed becoming extinct…why was there a war going on killing off what humans were left, faster? Surely, they’d want to preserve what life was still around? There seemed to be no sign of technology or any modern paraphernalia. Everyone seemed to be poor and more worse off.  It was like stepping backwards. This in itself was all pretty scary and morbid. While I was watching this I had the most morbidly scary thought. There are so many great films in the world that we won’t have seen before we die. Either we just simply don’t know about them, or they’re not even made yet… And then I couldn’t sleep. So, I do not recommend watching this film before going to bed like I did. You have been warned! But on that note, don’t let this film be one of those films. It is well worth a watch even if it’s only ever the once. . . #moviereview #movies #movienight #movieday #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #filmreview #review #michaelcane #juliannemoore #cliveowen #2027 #dystopian #world #future #barren #exitinction #children #humans #drama #scifi #sciencefiction #fantasy #scary #mystery #survival
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[NEW REVIEW] "Before I Wake" (2016) ⭐⭐⭐☆☆ . . Rating: PG-13 Genre: Horror, Mystery & Suspense Runtime: 97 minutes . . REVIEW: This is an interesting take on the Nightmare on Elm Street concept. Dreams becoming real, a being that haunts someone in their sleep. If they fall asleep they, or people they know will die. I guess it’s been done a lot nowadays, but not quite from this perspective which is what makes this film stand out from its crowd. As opposed to focusing on the dreams of the child from the child’s point of view as a way of scaring the audience, this film instead focuses on the parents’ take and their attempt to understand and listen to the child. It’s very family orientated above trying to scare which serves the story well. There’s a lot of heart-warming moments and sentiment. The characters themselves are grounded and believable. Their actions are genuine. Sure, there are many flaws to this film as well, but the good out-weighs the bad for me. . . #moviereview #movies #movienight #movieday #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #filmreview #review #dreams #dreaming #nightmares #horror #thriller #mystery #suspense #drama #family #boy #adopted #butterflies #cancer #netflix #death #grief #bereavement #socialworker #school #kids
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[NEW REVIEW] "Home Again" (2017) ⭐⭐⭐☆☆ . . Rating: PG-13 Genre: Comedy Runtime: 97 minutes . . REVIEW: I enjoyed this film. It’s very light-hearted and easy going. It reminded me a lot of The Holiday. It had a similar score and similar atmosphere. No real badness to it at all. That being said, there’s not great umph to it either. It’s easily forgettable plot-wise and in a sense character-wise. Although, they are all likable, they’re also considerably blah on their own. Together they manage to ignite some empathy in us as an audience. The plot is very structured and formulaic which isn’t too bad a thing I think, but it is probably one of the reasons it could have been better than what it ended up being. What I did like about it was the characters’ relationships between one another. The friendships that formed over the course of the film were incredibly sweet and surprisingly endearing in a way that kind of sneaks up on you. Reese Witherspoon is the saving grace of this film. Without her as the lead it would have surely fallen flat on its face. Of course the rest of the cast does its best what its given, but hers is the performance that rightly stands out above all else. If you’re looking for something that will make you smile, something you can unwind with at the end of a long day, and something that will make you feel warm inside, stream this the next time you’re sifting through Netflix. . . #moviereview #movies #movienight #movieday #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #filmreview #review #reesewitherspoon #filmmakers #la #kids #divorce #seperation #unconventional #family #romance #comedy #romcom #easygoing #lighthearted #newstart #netflix
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[NEW REVIEW] "Let The Right One in" (2008) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ . . Rating:  R:15 Genre:  Drama, Horror Runtime: 114 minutes . . REVIEW: This is actually a really beautiful film. I suppose at first glance one could be excused for brandishing it off to the same shelf as Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series with the whole romanticising vampires trend. However, this is very much a darker story. Most of the film takes place around the huge gray and quite oppressive apartment building that seems to just suck the life out of the residents who live there. The horror aspect of it is not necessarily the main focus, but rather, the development of the characters: more specifically, the relationship between Oskar and Eli. It’s fair to say that both are outsiders just trying to fit in somehow, trying to be normal. It’s a sweet romance, really. There’s something hugely innocent about their characters which makes their relationship throughout the movie more special. I didn’t find this scary. Although, that’s not to say there weren’t moments I could have done without seeing! There’s an eeriness plausibly brought to the tale through the never changing weather: everywhere is covered in snow and the sky is almost always dark. The film is Swedish and so has subtitles…but you get over this. As I say, this is a beautiful film and while I can see how it might not appeal to everyone, I would still say it’s worth a watch. . . #moviereview #movies #movienight #movieday #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #filmreview #review #school #growingup #friendship #films #filmreview #review #vampires #horror #thriller #mystery #suspense #drama #romance #gore #mustsee #worthawatch #worthalook
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[NEW REVIEW] "Side Effects" (2013) ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆ . . Rating: R Genre: Drama, Mystery & Suspense Runtime: 106 minutes . . REVIEW: This is quite a gripping thriller with an excellent cast. The film is structured well. Opening with what would turn out to be the pivotal scene of the film where everything changes for everyone but leaving so much to yet be revealed. Having seen a sliver of this moment, we think we can easily guess what’s coming when this scene eventually plays out fully, given what the film details thus far. However, it then throws a whole other spanner in the works that I personally did not see coming at all and was taken by complete surprise. With that shock in play, the film has yet a few more surprises and in store for us later. Never a dull moment, and always keeping us guessing. The cast, including the talents of Jude Law and Rooney Mara at the helms, and Channing Tatum and Catherine Zeta-Jones right behind them, we can be fairly certain from the moment we sit down something good is ahead of us. This would have be my favourite of Rooney Mara’s performances that I’ve seen. Most of the roles I’ve seen her play tend to be dark and moody characters who rarely if ever smile, which she plays well. Whereas her role here seemed to give her more scope for variety. I find Jude Law has a calming presence in whatever role he seems to play. Their characters might not be entirely likable but they’re acted so well this goes almost unnoticed and as the plot unfolds we find ourselves routing for someone. A well shot and well written film all round. I enjoyed it thoroughly. . . #moviereview #movies #movienight #movieday #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #filmreview #review #judelaw #rooneymara #channingtatum #catherinezetajones #thriller #drugs #psychiatry #drama #suspense #twist #worthawatch #worthalook #verygood #sideeffects
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[NEW REVIEW] "P.S. I Love You" (2007) ⭐⭐☆☆☆ . . Rating: PG-13 Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance Runtime: 127 minutes . . REVIEW: I remember I loved this movie when it came out first! And even though it's not really my genre anymore, it's still pretty good. I really loved the book. I have to say I think the book is miles better than the movie, but the movie is good too in its own right. There were a number of changes made in the movie compared to the book, the biggest being the book is set in Ireland, while the film of course had to be set in America on account of having an American cast of actors. But they do go to Ireland during the film which was nice too. Holly’s family is a lot bigger in the book, which I loved. I loved the relationship she had with each of the members. But in the film it’s just Holly and her mother, who is played by Kathy Bates. Kathy Bates is a brilliant actress and I quite liked her in this. Hilary Swank plays Holly, while Gerard Butler plays Gerry. Cecelia Ahern said he was exactly how she imagined Gerry to look. From Ireland myself, I wasn’t gone on his Irish accent (Gerry was from Ireland in the film) but…ok, what are you going to do?! Lisa Kudrow is in this film too, playing one of Holly’s close friends, Denise. I think she was my favourite character and cast member. She’s brilliant. There were some good moments. I like the scene in which Holly and her two friends Sharon and Denise are out on the boat. That was pretty funny. The moment in which Holly is asked to sing at a Karaoke night by Gerry in one of his letters is quite a nice one. Her singing talents are not the most wonderful, but as she is singing she imagines Gerry sitting at one of the tables in the audience, just him on his own, and I always very nearly get a lump in my throat. There are some lovely shots too, particularly in the scenes they come to Ireland. Not too bad a film but the book is streets ahead. . . #moviereview #movies #movienight #movieday #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #filmreview #review #gerardbutler #hilaryswank #lisakudrow #kathybates #ceceliaahern #romance #comedy #book #letter #love #netflix #ireland #funeral #husband #death #cancer #fairytaleofnewyork
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[NEW REVIEW] "Inside I'm Dancing" (2004) ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆ . . Rating: R:15 Genre: Comedy, Drama Runtime: 105 minutes . . REVIEW: One of my favourite movies. I don't think it's possible to not smile while watching it. Ok, there are some sad moments over which I cried excessively, but...the majority is feel good I think. The characters are what really make it. The script is brilliant. The character of Rory O’Shea has to be one of the best fictional characters ever created. He’s one of a kind! Annoying, unbelievably cheeky, and a slight pain in the ass, but extremely witty! He has some of the best lines of dialogue in any movie I've seen. He has a very captivating personality, I think. He goes out and embraces life as much as he can, and no kind of disability is going to stop him. He’s out for a laugh and doesn’t take anything too seriously. James McAvoy’s acting abilities know no bounds. He’s fantastic. And can do a decent Irish accent. It usually annoys me when some actors in some movies make a balls of it because I’m always like “we don’t sound like that‼” But I was impressed with his. Romola Garai, who plays Siobhán, does a good Irish accent too - as we’re on the subject. Steven Robertson is nothing short of amazing. He really is. The character of Michael Connolly is so lovable and so sweet. The characters of Rory and Michael are like polar opposites in a sense. Rory is so outspoken and confident, while Michael is more naive and innocent. I really love their relationship. Rory sort of barges into Michael’s grey-scaled life, if you like, and throughout the film paints it in more luminous colours. – for the sake of including a metopher! He instantly takes it upon himself to look after Michael and take him under his wing. Rory introduces Michael to all the things he was shying away from and shows him life is far more than what’s between the walls of the care-home. If you haven’t seen it yet, you really need to! Immediately! . . #moviereview #movies #movienight #movieday #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #filmreview #review #jamesmcavoy #romance #comedy #drama #laugh #cry #smile #steverobertson #romolagarai #mustsee #disability #roryoshea #feelgood #friendship #younglove
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[NEW REVIEW] "All Good Things" (2010) ⭐⭐☆☆☆ . . Rating: R:15 Genre: Drama, Mystery Runtime: 101 minutes . . REVIEW: Hmm…I think this film is good up to a point, and from that point on, unfortunately not all good things can be said about this tragic ensemble. It kind of becomes something mundane, nothing really to get excited about. Then by the final 40 minutes or so it seemed to just turn down the crazy lane a little. I appreciate that the story is based on real events, real people, so as far as the plot, I can’t say much against that. I think it’s possibly the way they portrayed it. I lost my bearings and found all of a sudden, these things were happening and I was like “Hold on a minute, what?” That being said, Kirsten Dunst is always a pleasure to watch in any role she’s in. Ryan Gosling is a fine actor as well. I’m sure many people differ in their opinion but say what you will, both these actors have yet to fall short in a role. They always do a great job no matter what the material. I don’t think it’s particularly that this is a bad film. It’s not. It’s just…easily forgettable which is a shame because it starts out with much more promise than it lived up to. The story is also intriguing on paper. The mystery of unsolved murders and a missing-person; it should have been more engaging, it had the potential, in my opinion. There are more who know more about the real counterparts of this real-life tragedy who wonder why it was made at all. I don’t quite know what went wrong. It’s like baking with all the right ingredients but the finished result doesn’t quite taste the way you envisioned. Still, it has its few moments of drama that at least keep you in the seat until the credits roll. . . #moviereview #movies #movienight #movieday #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #filmreview #review #kirstendunst #ryangosling #mystery #drama #crimestory #truestory #crime disappearance #murder #couple #marraige #upsanddowns #soso #missingperson
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[NEW REVIEW] "Black Swan" (2011) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ . . Rating: R:15 Genre: Drama, Suspense Runtime: 108 minutes . . REVIEW: One word comes to mind – wow. This is a considerably complex but visually beautiful film. It’s hard to know what is really happening and what isn’t. This makes the film quite confusing. Eventually every scene is questioned.  Ballet is shown to be an extremely stressful profession. It’s not as delicate and angelic as it is typically thought of. It is shown to be physically demanding, emotionally draining, competitive and aggressive. A lot of Nina’s particular struggles are likely brought upon circumstance. As she descends deeper and deeper into the role she is trying to play, deeper into psychosis things are not what they seem. She spends much of the film aiming for perfection and suffering terrible paranoia. These are most likely brought on by her controlling mother and sexually aggressive instructor. Having such stress coming at her from all angles it’s bound to get on top of her, and so it does in a big way. Natalie Portman is nothing short of amazing. I was surprised by how disturbing the whole film actually was. It covered some very heavy topics and some of the scenes were almost leaning towards a horror. With so many twists and turns, so many shocks, it’s impossible to look away. The cinematography creates a very disconcerting feel, as much of the time it moves with Nina’s movements, whether she is dancing or walking down the hall in her apartment. It makes the film feel more claustrophobic and we feel the chaos that she is feeling all the more. I loved it. Intense, gruelling, tragic, gripping, surreal. A must see. . . #moviereview #movies #movienight #movieday #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #filmreview #review #ballet #theatre #swan #blackswan #natalieportman #milakunis #vincentcassel #drama #thriller #suspense #worthawatch #worthalook #verygood #demons #stress #mentalhealth #swanlake #mustsee #dance #dancing
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[NEW REVIEW] "Malefiscent" (2014) ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆ . . Rating: PG Genre: Family, Fantasy Runtime: 97 minutes . . REVIEW: I really enjoyed this film! I thought it was a brilliant take on the infamous Sleeping Beauty tale. We see the evil Maleficent in a whole new light and as is to be expected learning how misunderstood she was. The tables are turning around in this version for everyone involved. Anglina Jolie makes a great Maleficent. She’s great in everything. You can’t go wrong with her leading the cast. The film is action packed, thoroughly engaging and has something for all the family to enjoy. The production design and costumes are wonderful. I enjoyed this side of the film more than any part of it.   In one of the scenes we see a younger Aurora. This was incredibly cute. The little girl playing her was Anglina's own daughter which makes the scene even cuter.  Lorde sings a cover version of the song Once Upon A Dream for this film. I actually really like it. I think the moodiness suits the film perfectly and I would almost go so far as to say I prefer it to the original chirpy version in the Disney film. This doesn’t happen very often for me. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll re-think everything you knew about the sweet Disney original (I had to go back and watch it again afterwards!) – A very entertaining film. Definitely worth a watch. . . #moviereview #movies #movienight #movieday #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #filmreview #review #angelinajolie #lorde #disney #liveaction #sleepingbeauty #princess #queen #goodvsevil #worthalook #worthawatch #family #fantasy #malefiscent
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[NEW REVIEW] "Carrie" (2002) ⭐⭐⭐☆☆ . . Rating: R:15 Genre: Horror Runtime: 132 minutes . . REVIEW: I reviewed the original 1976 Carrie and the 2013 remake around three years ago, not knowing then that there was actually this 2002 remake in existence as well. Having seen both the other two, and having read the book, I think I can confirm that the 2013 one is quite possibly my favourite version. While I like a lot of the original and Sissy Spaceck will always be the best Carrie White, I don’t think it stayed as true to the book as people might be aware of. This 2002 remake is in my opinion the closest they’ve come to visualising the book. Taking the structure of flashbacks to tell its story, we open in a guard station with Sue Snell being questioned and she tells us the story. The film continues to return to the questioning scenes, sometimes including sessions with other survivors. This is the structure that the novel takes and, in my opinion, it served the film well. My only disagreement with these scenes was Sue’s attitude towards the guards. I think that was a bit unnecessary. I also like that in this film it took the time to establish Carrie’s character and her surroundings just a little bit before throwing us into the period scene. Both of the other adaptations open with that scene and as horrifying as it is, again it hits home more because we’ve already established some context. What had to make me smile watching it though was how censored it is compared to the original. Maybe because it was released as a TV Movie. Not just this scene but the whole film is far more cautious in what it shows on screen. I don’t agree with this. It’s a horror film. It was written as a horrifying story meant to shake people. The films shouldn’t have to hold back for the sake of fitting into an age category. People give this film a hard bashing I think that it doesn’t deserve. . . #moviereview #movies #movienight #movieday #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #filmreview #review #school #growingup #horror #thriller #mystery #suspense #drama #carrie #stephenking #tvmovie
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[NEW REVIEW] "Bring It On" (2000) ⭐⭐⭐☆☆ . . Rating: PG-13   Genre: Comedy Runtime: 99 minutes . . REVIEW: I enjoyed this movie. I think I would have loved it in my pre-teen years had I heard of it back then. It’s incredibly light-hearted and surprisingly feel-good. There’s no badness to it whatsoever. For sure something to throw on at the end of a long day you can just have a laugh and smile at. The little romance thrown in there between Kirsten Dunst’s character and brother of the new edition to their cheer leading team, Cliff, is very sweet. There’s no major emphasis put on it which is refreshing compared to many more films like this. It kind of creeps up on the characters as they busy themselves with the cheerleading drama. It comes into play a little later on, but it’s not heavy-handed or overly-clichéd. Well...maybe a little clichéd. But it's so slight, it's easily forgivable. The whole moral of the story is done in a refreshing way. It’s not all about winning; honesty and doing your best and enjoying the route to get to success is more important at the end of the day. A concept that’s possibly done so many times before and after but here is presented in a different way yet again. The pace is quite fast as well, there’s nary a lull in the proceedings and the audience can be thankful for how much more entertaining it is because of this. I can understand why it might not be everybody’s cup of tea, if even a slightly more forgettable teen-flick, but it is very likable and I wouldn’t discourage anyone from giving it a go. . . #moviereview #movies #movienight #movieday #blog #blogger #blogpost #films #filmreview #review #school #teens #cheerleading #chearleader #competition #comedy #romance #kirstendunst #00s #teenmovie #elizadushku #jessebradford
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